Hard to believe it’s a new year. What are your resolutions?
Less pee
Congratulations! You’ve just been promoted and you’re the designer for a clothing company. What is the first design idea you’ll choose to propose?
What is your New Years Resolution?
If you were Hermione Granger what would you do ?
Not sound so annoying when I say “it’s leviosa not leviosaaah”
Everyone who is already in 2021. What should the rest of us expect to see from the year?
I’m an hour in, so far so good. No aliens come for probing and sandwiches are still a thing
What's on your quarantine binge list for the weekend?
The new Cobra Kai
What is the most ridiculous movie you’ve ever watched?
Rubber. Its a four hour movie about a tire that kills people with its mind
What message will you tell future generations of the year 2020?
*back in my day bars were closed and the world went to shit.*
If someone told you that they're from the year 2087, how could you prove that they're lying?
The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim.
People who haven't pooped in 2021 yet, why are you still holding onto last year's shit?
Its 2020
What is/was one thing that gave you a little bit of happiness in 2020?
Adopting a stray cat and fostering her kittens.
What would you do if you had a one way time machine and no way back, what would you do/ where would you go?
I would have a serious word with my younger self. I was such a fuck up, a real arse. It has taken me a decade or so to even start to get to grips with my issues. I would love to save the therapy money and to just avoid a lot of shit.
What’s your favorite type of bird?
trick question. r/BirdsArentReal
[Serious] what's with the ufo disclosure in the new covid package?
Got a link?
Crazy. What are your resolutions?
What things do people do without realizing that really infuriates you?
Interrupt me. Constantly. I must be easy to talk over or something but, it's actually really defeating and degrading.
Would you eat a pot of live, uncooked fire ants for 1 billion dollars tax free? Why?
Only if I could pay the taxes on the 1 billion dollars
Congratulations you finished the tutorial. The rest of the Game is much harder. What is your first quest and how are you planning on achieving it?
Fuck, just lost The Game.
People that are having children, what makes you think they're going to want to live?
Good counter point. Time to go to the abortion clinic!
What do you hope to achieve in 2021?
a girlfriend
What are your resolutions?
[Serious] What are some horrible things you’ve done to other people?
Didn’t pull out
What was that item of clothing or whatever that you really really wanted but never got and have you been able to give it to yourself yet?
I always wanted one of those velour headbands with my name on but my mum wouldn't allow it, now I'm too old to get away with it
People who survived 2020, what lessons did you learn?
Stop wasting time on stupid questions
What were you doing on 31st Dec 1999? And what did you do yesterday?
I remember, I was a pizza delivery boy for a place called Panucci's Pizza. My life wasn't going to good, my boss was a jerk and I was beginning to suspect my girlfriend was cheating on me. I was sent out for a delivery to a cryogenics lab. My dog, Seymour, didn't want me to go, but I went. I was supposed to deliver to an I.C. Weiner, but it was a prank. I decided to eat the pizza and crack a beer when I tipped over and fell into one of the cryogenic tubes. I ended up waking up in the year 3000!
People who SHOULD already be living in 2021, can you confirm that it actually exists and that we won’t be facing December 32nd 2020?
I'm 64 minutes in. It's real. Smells like peaches and everything has an orange glow, but it's real.
You wake up in a hotel room with a box of sex toys and a random celebrity who is the celebrity ?
I dunno, it's random is it not?
Just wondering what’s your ideal taco layering?
tacos suck
What's the best news to come out 2020?
that it's over ✨ jk
You get to choose to relive one day of 2020 to change something to improve the year. What day would you choose and what would you change about it?
November 19th. I would call my best friend and tell her to not attempt to kill herself. Or call the cops. Or her family. Can I reset the day? Btw she’s alive but in a mental institute.
How does your culture celebrate New Years?
And happy new year’s from Germany btw :D
To anyone that was on Kitchen Nightmares, or any reality TV show related, was it real or all scripted?
My cousin was working at a place Ramsay did. He said Ramsay is actually an incredibly sweet and sincere person. He said there wasn’t any script or anything.
What are your resolutions?
1080p though usually my internet only gets 720p
People still in 2020, what’s it like to live in the past?
It's great, I don't have to worry about the alien invasion yet.
What is the biggest scam in life?
Weddings & Funerals
What are you looking forward to in 2021?
President Trump fucking off into obscurity and shame, hopefully behind prison bars.
[Serious] What was the best part of your 2020?
I made a friend! A really good friend. I have a total of three now, and that’s exciting in of itself.
What are some interesting tricks you can use to fall asleep?
flex your muscles for a long period of time and then relax breathe in DEEP hold it for a while then sloooowly exhale exercise beforehand dont look at any screens for like half an hour beforehand
What music are you listening today?
Beach House
Those of you that have rape fantasize, would you let someone rape you for real if so would you report the attempted rape to the police, why or why not?
Dont rape. Rape is bad. Dont be a shitty scummy dirtbag rapist.
What are some good robot/invention ideas?
Some kind of robot that can bend a girder. We can call it Bender !
if 2020 was a celebrity, who would it be?
Jimmy Saville, seemed canny to begin with then we learnt the truth...
You have been gifted $10,000 and you have only one day to spend it. What are you going to do?
I’m buying a new (used) car! And anything leftover I’m buying a stash of gift cards. Technically, it’s spent then.
What do you do when finding a spider?
Shame we gotta burn the place now eh?
People who had 31 December be the worst day of 2020, what happened on that day?
My brother had his muscle tore and was crying and screaming for 6 hours My mother's medical documents got lost. I was sick. My family fought over something.
Who is the most "famous" individual you have ever met?
Shaq He's a big mufucka
If an apocalypse would come, how would you name your "operation" to survive?
Operation go back to bed .
What is your favorite weird food combination?
Ice cream with crushed roasted unsalted peanuts.
What is your personal view on the business practice of asking for a tip when you pay prior to receiving the service?
How am I supposed to calculate the tip before I know how good the service was? I’m just going to give you an average tip and then Maybe regret it if I get good service
Who is the worst person you have ever known and why is that?
My mom she has been mentally abusing me since I can remember
How much beer is too much?
We will find out tonight.
People that drive in the left lane holding up traffic.. why?
#You aren't in traffic. You are traffic.
Have you ever had a dream that actually happened in real life after and what was it?
Yes! In my dream we were at an amusement park called "Rainbows End" in Auckland, you should know that I have never seen the inside of the park or know what it looks like at all, then a month or so later, we went there and it looked exactly like it did in my dream, and the events that took place in my dream happened in real life. It scared the shit out of me when I realised I had seen and was reliving everything I saw in my dream
In pie chart percentage form, how much luck compared to skill is involved in Black Jack?
#Luck: 🥧🥧🥧 #Skill: 🥧🥧🥧🥧
For those in Friday does it show 32 December 2020 or 1 January 2021?
It's skipped a few decades, it shows 1st January 2050. Just checked the news, The ageing Emporer Trump has just tweeted that his country, North Korea, is the greatest nation on earth. Star Wars 145 is in cinemas now. and Covid-50 has just arrived on the scene.
What happens if a cat manages to capture the elusive red dot?
The rapture.
What’s the best way to find new and upcoming Etsy shops?
I like to search specific items I’m interested in, browse, find an item I like, and check out the entire shop. Not necessarily focused on new shops, but occasionally I’ll find a smaller one. Are there certain things you’re interested in? I have a few shops saved I might be able to share with you.
What are your resolutions?
What are you listening to and why?
DragonForce and Lethal Weapon. Because...why not?
People on the future side of the planet: what’s the 1st ever December 32nd like so far?
What negative thoughts, and memories are you unfortunately foreseeing yourself taking into 2021 from 2020?
I think ill still be worried about getting cheated on. For whatever reason, I can't accept that it wouldn't be my fault. i keep thinking that it will be because I wasn't attractive enough or I didn't have sex with my partner for one day, or something. I'm hoping to abandon this thinking next year.
Why do you sit or stand to wipe? What are the benefits to sitting?
Not standing up and having it smash all inside of your ass crack, for one.
What do you do to stay focused on a task for an extended period of time?
If the task is monotonous, background music. If not monotonous, enjoy
People who have pooped in 2021, why haven’t you saved it?
General Reposti, you are a cold one.
What will the world reacted if giant monsters exist ?
there are already giant monsters
On what occasions should you hide what you feel in front of others?
When they are not drunk
If you were to get a tattoo to describe 2020, what would you choose and why?
An empty toilet paper roll
People who have a “resting bitch face,” how do you respond to people who constantly ask you, “what’s wrong?”
If 2020 was a person, what would you say to him/her?
Thanks for allowing me to work from home and spend more time with my family
What do you want to leave behind in 2020?
Holding onto things and overthinking
Timezones already in 2021, how is it?
Everything is fucked! Run! Run now and fast!!!!!
Growing up, at what point did you realize your family was poor?
One type of bread for everything.
If you could completely forget one movie to watch it again for the first time which one would you choose?
bridge to terebethia( i can't spell)
How do you deal with morning sickness while pregnant at work?
I had severe morning sickness during my first pregnancy. I couldn't control it at all. So I was running to the bathroom about 5-10 times a day and as I got further along there were some aspects I couldn't control like peeing my pants when I threw up. Nothing worked for my morning sickness and I was sick my whole pregnancy but some of the best advice I can give is have a back up set of clothes at all times! Keep hard candies or something to snack on through out the day and if anyone questions why you have to leave your desk so often, tell them to mind their own damn business. Morning sickness is a pain in the ass but you got this!
What is going to happen ?
If you have had COVID and were angry that you got it, who or what was your anger directed at and why?
Angry at the Canadian government. They refused/failed to stop infected people from flying into Canada, and then failed to ensure that infected people coming in were properly quarantined.
What is the best Wi-Fi name you've seen?
Router? I hardly know her.
What’s something that’s able to lift your spirits anytime you watch it?
A dog
What are ya'lls favorite drinking games and their rules?
Drink as much as you can. First one to pass out wins/losses.... Not really sure.
As The Year 2020 Comes To An End, What Are Some Good Things That Came Out Of 2020?
My wife and I bought our first car ever. We moved to another place because of COVID. We start a new lifestyle. And today we are celebrating 10 years living together.
What are some good beginners robotics kits for someone to learn how to do robotics?
It has been years so I don't know it it is still done and available but 10 plus years ago Microsoft had lots of free software in programming and robotics and ran challenges that I worked in with my elementary school aged daughter at the time. They even provided a virtual environment to operate in.
So..... Why u still holding in last years shit?
Well I’m currently taking a dump thank you very much.
[NSFW] what's the one fictional character you'd love to bang?
My girlfriend
What are your all-time favorite Video Game OSTs ?
Halo 1-3.
What would you wear if you wear a leadsinger of a band and had to play live?
Some clothes that "breathes" - because the spotlights, etc make you sweat a lot and having these clothes would make it a bit less "hot" and "uncomfortable".
What's your favourite cheese?
[Serious] How come people find retirees dating high school seniors disgusting, but don’t find Generals sending high school seniors to die fighting disgusting?
Seems bad, but there hasn't been a draft for like 50 years and all american soldiers do now is go kill poor people and have a lower death rate than garbagemen. Been a good long while since teen soldiers were dying in any number.
What has already gone wrong in 2021?
No one spent the new years with me, didnt see fireworks either.
What is the absolute best commonly known superpower?
2020 was an absolute shit year, but what’s one thing you were proud to accomplish?
Ending 2 1/4 years of depression
2020 was the tutorial. The world changes to the last show/game/movie/anime ect. you have watched/played. How fucked/excited are you for this new world?
Dark Souls... As long as I get respawns we good
What would you have done differently if you knew it was the last time?
Would have hugged my uncle goodbye instead of watching that movie in the car.
what is reality to you?
The endlessly warping strain of my existence.
How do you wipe? Do you look at the tissue or guess when there is nothing left to wipe?
I'm a folder. I feel more comfortable with the surface area coverage it provides. I don't know how the crumplers aren't afraid of getting a mess on their fingers.
What is gonna be your new years resolution?
Wake up early more often. I overslept and missed 00:00.
What are your New Years traditions/superstitions for good luck?
The tradition New Years Day dinner my grandmother used to make was pork chops with black eyed peas for good luck and collard greens for good wealth.
If you could add any one patch/update to the world, what patch/update would you add and why?
Added virus protection, increased foliage density, fix corrupted assets, reduced cpu usage for a lower temperature overall, General quality of life improvements
How do you stop blacking out after drinking 2 White Claws?
If you're seriously blacking out after two light drinks you should consult your health professional at your earliest convenience.
How does someone who knows nothing about philosophy get into philosophy without going to a university?
Read. But not like novels, where you can get it by just skimming through. When you read philosophy you take notes, look for descriptions, look for examples, debate with someone else about it. You can’t just read, but you break down the arguments and the supporting claims, you identify the influences that made the author think in a certain way, the moments when their principles have been followed in history and your life. Oh and think. You’ll also need to think a lot. Sometimes when you don’t want to.
What is something good that happened to you in the year 2020?
Started a YT channel a few months after starting music production. Still very small but still very cool to see people that actually like my stuff!