24 values
Link: UCOP's e-newsletter Stay Informed. Stay Connected. Application period opens for next staff advisor to the Regents Application period for next staff advisor to the Regents begins Jan. 18.  The deadline to apply for the position is March 4. The position’s term runs July 2011 through June 2013. The staff advisor program, now in its fifth year, allows for two staff and/or non-Senate academic employees to participate in open sessions of designated committees of the board. The staff advisors bring the voice and perspective of staff and non-Senate academic employees to board deliberations. The current staff advisors to the Regents are Juliann Martinez, Director of Gift Management at UC Berkeley, whose two-year term will expire in June, and Penelope “Penny” Herbert, Manager in the Department of Clinical Operations, UC Davis Health System, who joined the Board in July 2010. “Given the breadth of challenges facing the University, it’s more important than ever to have the perspective of UC staff on the Board,” Martinez said. “As a staff advisor, you can have a real impact in guiding UC forward during this critical time.” All employees are encouraged to learn more about the program at the staff advisor web site ( and through local human resources offices. Questions about the staff advisor position or the application process should be directed to Jeannene Whalen, UCOP Employee Relations, at 510-987-0853 or via email: Application forms will be available beginning Jan. 18, and applications will be accepted from Jan. 18 through March 4, 2011. About the staff advisors to the Regents One new staff advisor is selected each year for a two-year term. The staff advisors serve as non-voting advisors to designated Regents’ committees, and they attend and participate directly in committee and board meetings throughout their term of service. Leave your comment here
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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We’re hiring! Marketers, customer service and software developers. Garden drainage/ mulch laying - Landscape Gardening job in Oxted, Surrey Job description We have a laid lawan, however the drainange is extremely poor and we want to lay down two pipes to take the excess water away from the plants and towards a stream-distance of approx 20 feet. Also want tolay some bendy bord one one side of garden and to make a border on another. Bring in a lot of mulch (3 tones?)to provide an area suitable for planting in an area under conifer growth Feedback for R.D.SERVICES Rob and his team were once again professional and hard working. They kept at the work until THEY were happy with the job and not just myself! In terms of attitude-they had a very postive one and I would have no problem recommending or using them again
User Reviews - Reviews posted by users, e.g., on Yelp, TripAdvisor
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Onions and Tablecloths Eugenia Maximova’s images of present day Balkan kitchens are an homage to a place and a time, capturing an essence of home and an appreciation for detail. She moves intimately through various homes in the region taking still lifes of kitchen interiors. Using soft, natural light, she documents the tiny pieces that make up everyday life in the Balkans, leaving the viewer to decide on what happens outside the frame in each place. © Eugenia Maximova “Interior from Ohrid, Macedonia” from Kitchen Stories from the Balkans Abigail Smithson: How did you come up with the idea to photograph kitchens? Eugenia Maximova: When I set out to tell a story about the Balkans, it was food that sprang to mind as being the only thing people in the whole region agree they have in common. After five centuries of Ottoman occupation we have all continued to eat the dishes they brought. Thinking about this shared culinary heritage, I began to wonder what was happening in Balkan kitchens these days. The kitchen is a multipurpose room, a space that reflects identity and self-perception. It embodies the spirit of the Balkan home and mirrors society as a whole. People in the Balkans would rather spend what little money they have in a café rather than on interior decoration, which in fact makes sense. The functional, unadorned style which results from this conveys a tangible sense of the region’s lost identity, the inevitable legacy of half a millennium under the Ottoman yoke and half a century behind the Iron Curtain. Kitchen Stories from the Balkan © Eugenia Maximova  Interior from Skoder, Albania from Kitchen Stories from the Balkans Kitchen Stories from The Balkans © Eugenia Maximova “Interior from Sofia, Bulgaria” from Kitchen Stories from the Balkans AS: These pictures are filled with scenes that relate feelings of hominess or nesting, but there are no people in them, just the evidence that they were there. What was your relationship with the people whose homes you shot? EM: I often avoid people in my projects for many reasons. One of them is that I want the viewer to actively participate in reading and decrypting the content of the pictures. I want them to imagine what’s outside the frame of the photograph, to think and feel the picture. Less information leads to a more intensive use of imagination, I believe. Faces in projects like this one only distract the viewer’s attention. I prefer to take pictures of things. I like slow photography. © Eugenia Maximova “Gorno Drjnanovo, Bulgaria” from Kitchen Stories from the Balkans AS: Can you expand on the idea of slow photography? EM: What I mean by slow photography is when someone takes their time to consider what and why they are going to photograph before they do so. To check all potential angles, compositional possibilities and so on. I often use long exposure in order to photograph things in their natural environment without using artificial light. People quickly get bored, things don’t. That’s probably the reason that I still shoot still lifes. AS: Why do you think the kitschy items in the kitchens were important (both in the times of the Soviet Union and since)? Why are you attracted to them as subject matter? EM: Kitsch and the human propensity for exaggerating have always fascinated me. Many of my childhood memories relate to kitsch. It was on open display in almost every household growing up – crystal and ceramic dinner sets, vases and figurines, hard-to-acquire foreign objects, plastic fruit and flowers. They were showcased behind glass and were the pride of the house. The scarcity of goods during Communism created a culture of showing off, in which people behaved ostentatiously. © Eugenia Maximova “Interior from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina” from Kitchen Stories from the Balkans Kitchen Stories from The Balkans © Eugenia Maximova “Interior from Kremikovzi, Bulgaria” from Kitchen Stories from the Balkans Kitsch is melodramatic, sentimental and folksy, but it also entertains. The kitsch culture of today flourishes across all areas of life. Kitsch is visual fast food- sometimes difficult to digest, but for many it is also unpretentious and tasteful. Kitsch doesn’t require lots of preparation, rethinking, and consideration. In fact it barely requires any thinking at all. Kitsch quickly responds to most basic human instincts. AS: Do you take pictures of your own things? EM: Actually, no. And that is probably because I am so used to what’s around me. Over time most of the things I own have lost their gloss, as always happens. I would prefer to explore new territories. AS: Did you rearrange the items in these photos at all or just shoot them as they were originally placed? EM: I would be lying if I say I never did, but I prefer not to. I would rather ask the owner of the house to set up a table or make an arrangement as she or he would do if I was a dear guest or wasn’t there at all, and then I try to find the best possible composition. Kitchen Stories from The Balkans © Eugenia Maximova “Interior from Ruse, Bulgaria” Kitchen Stories from The Balkans © Eugenia Maximova “Interior from Kostenez, Bulgaria” from Kitchen Stories from the Balkans AS: Can you describe your interest in shooting still lives and where documentary photography crosses over with it? EM: I’ve studied journalism and I am still very interested in it. I try to keep up with what’s going on around the world. My journalistic background influences many of my projects. And although they often differ from the traditional concept of ‘photojournalism’, the goal of my images is to bring to light the lives of others and to communicate socio-political models and tendencies and examine their consequences for society and culture. Kitchen Stories from The Balkans To see more of Ms. Maximova’s work, please click here. Her self-published book “Kitchen Stories from the Balkans” has recently been released. You can read more about it and make a purchase on her website, through the Anzenberger Gallery and the Photo-Eye bookstore.
Nonfiction Writing - Long reads, profiles, editorials, essays, obituaries, memoirs and other forms of nonfiction writing - Written by journalists and other professional writers
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You clicked. We listened. The results of the MinnBox customer survey. If a person takes an online survey and the company learns nothing from it, did it make a difference? - Ancient Minnesotan Proverb   First, we need to say thank you. A whole big bunch of you took time out of your busy lives to answer our questions and help us make MinnBox even better than it already was. Were your answers insightful? Yes, very much so. Here’s five takeaways from the MinnBox customer survey that has helped us move our subscription service forward. 1. You Love Local An overwhelming number of you say that supporting local products is the number one reason you subscribed to MinnBox. And, what a coincidence: it’s the number one reason we relaunched MinnBox. While we had an inkling you all had a soft spot for local makers and creators, it sure was gratifying to see that our passions are yours, as well. 2. Made in Minnesota More than two-thirds of you selected our focus on Minnesota-made products as the thing you like best about MinnBox. The great news? That won’t be changing. Ever. 3. More Bath & Beauty You love a lot of what you discovered in previous editions of MinnBox, and what most of you want more of are bath and beauty products. We hear you loud and clear. You can bet we’re scouring the state to find the very best for you. 4. Theme It Up You love the surprise of opening each MinnBox, but that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t also love a hint. A lot of you requested “themed” boxes, designed around our changing seasons or major events like the holidays, fishing opener, and the like. We think that’s a great idea. So much, in fact, that we’ve already got a MinnBox Holiday Gift Box available! 5. You’re Happy To See Us The best thing we learned was how happy you all are to have us back. Reading your words of excitement and encouragement thrilled us and we are working hard every day to fulfill our promise of shipping honestly good Minnesota products from honest, good Minnesota companies.
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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six string with the fender jazz sound Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by bryan17, Sep 8, 2003. 1. bryan17 Apr 28, 2002 is there a six string bass that has the fender jazz bass sound? ihave an mtd 635. (love it) and a mike lull mv5 (love it). but sometimes i would like my mtd to sound like my jazz. who knows of a six string that sounds like a true jazz? 2. steve-o steve-o Guest Apr 17, 2002 have mike build you a 536 with jazz pups. a maple neck and board. alder or ash body. and a passive control unit..there you go instant jazz 6 (i really don't know how close this would sound) or have a custom shop fender built..they will do anything for ya..a 6 string 70's jazz yummy 3. hands5 Jan 15, 2003 good 'ol USA/Tampa fla. I have a MTD 635,Tulipwood,Maple Neck/Rosewood fretboard,and it mimic's it to the T.It even feels like a Jazz.I said all along that the only way I would consider having a 6-string bass was that it had to have 19mm spacing,and sound/feel like a Fender Jazz and this particular MTD 635 is it. 4. adrian garcia adrian garcia Apr 9, 2001 las vegas. nevada Endorsing Artist: Nordy Basses, Schroeder Cabs, Gallien Krueger Amps an F bass bn6 comes to mind- the closest to a jazz sounding 6 i have heard love the MTDs, too! but none have been too jazz like. 5. The Zon Sonus 6 might be a possibility as well. 6. embellisher embellisher Holy Ghost filled Bass Player Supporting Member An Atelier Z 6 string Jazz should do the trick. I looked, but can't find a pic. 7. 20db pad 20db pad Feb 11, 2003 I been everywhere, man... None. At all. HotWire makes 'em, too. 8. LM Bass LM Bass Jul 19, 2002 Vancouver, BC Definitely the F bass 6 for a J-bass sound. I once played a Ken Lawrence with single coils in it that did a nice Marcus sound as well. 9. mark beem Jul 20, 2001 Alabama, USA Try to find something passive with an alder body, single coil pups, and bolt-on maple neck and fingerboard. That should do the trick.. Get Matt at Fbb to build you one. I played xush's at the Bass Summit and it was a sweet bass. 10. JPJ Apr 21, 2001 Chicago, IL If you'd like a modern-looking 6-string with a traditional jazz sound, you could go with a Nordstrand NJ or NJ Deluxe with a pair of Carey's pickups and a cap on the preamp to take a little of the "zing" off of the tone from the active electronics. A couple of guys here at TB have had great success with this setup. Another option, if you'd like something with more of a traditional look, would be to go with a Benavente Vintage Vortex, custom Fender color, rosewood board, alder body, the whole nine. Either way you would get the jazz look, feel, and tone, with a great deal of craftsmanship and versatility to boot! :) 11. hippiesandwich Aug 29, 2003 San Jose Affiliated with Looperlative Audio Products Hows about a Benavente Vortex 6 (alder body, DiMarzio Ultrajazz pickups): Share This Page
Discussion Forum / Comment Section - Community sites like reddit or comment sections on news article or blog posts - Has to contain multiple posts or comments
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Coaster® Black Oak 62″ 3-Drawer TV Console Coaster® Black Oak 62″ 3-Drawer TV Console 0 Coaster® Black Oak 62″ 3-Drawer TV Console 1 Coaster® Black Oak 62″ 3-Drawer TV Console 2 Coaster® Black Oak 62″ 3-Drawer TV Console 3 Coaster® Black Oak 62″ 3-Drawer TV Console Model #: 700645 At a Glance Sleek and modern, this TV console is a stylish choice. Exquisitely crafted from black oak, it boasts a classy, contemporary appeal that looks lovely in a den or family room. Brushed silver hardware creates a striking contrast to its bold, black finish. Request a Quote $99,999.00Save $NaN Get to know this product. Three large drawers and two spacious compartments offer plenty of storage for electronics, games, movies, and more. Whether you're gathering loved ones for movie night or enjoying a gaming marathon, this console provides hours upon hours of entertainment. • Set includes: One (1) TV console • TV console finished in black oak • Constructed with MDF, particle board, and laminate • Euro drawer glides • Max TV size: 65"; Max TV weight: 88 lbs. • Hardware finish: Silver • Assembly required: Yes Misc. Specs Width (in.)61.25 Depth (in.)17.75 Height (in.)19.875 TV Size's up to (in.)65 Design StyleContemporary Number of Shelves2 Color Finish NameBlack Wood Finish TypeLaminate Wood Finish SpeciesOak Number of Drawers3 Weight Capacity (lbs.)88 Product Weight (lbs.)105.6 WarningProposition 65 Warning for California Residents
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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White’s XVenture Kit Metal Detector White’s XVenture Kit Metal Detector a “Real” Detector Right-Sized and Simplified to be Fun and Rewarding for Kids 7 and Older. Includes Adventure Kit with 5 Free Accessories White’s XVenture metal detector has all of the basics you need to make finding hidden treasure fun for the whole family. Whether it’s the ultimate Easter Egg hunt, searching for buried pirate treasure, or just exploring the history of your own back yard, this lightweight metal detector is easy to use and perfect for beginners of all ages. Unlike other metal detectors in its class, the XVenture shows you what’s in the ground before you dig. With simple icons and flashing LED’s showing iron, foil, nickel, pull-tab, and coin, it’s easier to focus on digging up the treasure and skip over the trash. The sensitivity boost and non-motion pinpoint mode round out this metal detector’s features and make it useful for finding dropped bolts, studs in walls, and even the ring your neighbor lost in her azaleas! To make the most out of your adventure White’s provides you with a blue-handled digging tool, treasure apron for storing your finds, magnifying glass, adjustable headphones with volume control, and a book full of helpful hints. Everything you need of find and collect treasure! If you are a budding backyard archaeologist, a careful coin collector, or looking for the legendary lost treasures of Long John Silver, the XVenture is the perfect way to get started with metal detecting. With the factory 2 year warranty and a full line-up of more advanced metal detectors, White’s Electronics will be there for every piece of treasure you find! Warranty : 2 Year Limited Ground Balance : Preset Construction : Lightweight Operation : 2 AA Batteries Included Search Modes : PinPoint, Coin and Jewelry Audio Output : Speaker & 1/8″ Headphone Length : Adjustable to Fit Most Kids 7 and Up Search Coil : Waterproof, Concentric Search Coil Target ID : 5 Segment Target ID Lights up to Indicate Type of Target Factory Included Accessories: Finds Apron Digging Trowel 20 Best Kept Secrets Book 9″ Waterproof Concentric Search Coil There are no reviews yet. Be the first to review “White’s XVenture Kit Metal Detector”
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[ 0, 4, 3, 1, 2 ]
Franklin's Focus on 5 Areas of Educational Excellence 1. Dropout Prevention 2. Increasing Graduation Rates 3. Narrowing the Achievement Gap 4. Creating Safe Schools 5. Improving School Leadership and School Culture Franklin's Thoughts How Old is Your School? How old is the school you work in? How old is the school that your children or grandchildren attend? In 1989, the Education Writers...  August 13, 2019 | Read more » It’s National Friendship Week August 12, 2019 | Read more » School Bullying On The Rise I have been honored by The Akribos Group by reposting my posting of School Bullying on The Rise. Go to  August 6, 2019 | Read more » School Shootings       I started writing Creating Safe Schools in 2014, the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school had already...  August 5, 2019 | Read more » School Shootings Are Increasing CNN released a report after reviewing hundreds of reported shootings at K-12 schools from 2009-2018. Since there isn’t single definition...  July 29, 2019 | Read more »
Organizational About Page - Typically contains a self-description or introduction by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization - Note that the content may appear similar to a 'Knowledge Article' in some cases, but is not verified and may contain self-promotion
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On Gear Live: iOS 10 will be released on September 14th Monday September 24, 2007 4:40 pm Garner signs on for Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Posted by Shannon Bennett Categories: News Jenniger GarnerThe former star of ABC’s Alias has signed onto NewLine’s new project, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. will act opposite in the feature set for released in 2008.  The film will be focused around McConaughey’s character, as he is haunted by ex girlfriends at his kid brother’s wedding.  Garner will be playing his current girlfriend and “the one” he has to get right this time around. It sounds a little Dickens to us, but as long as Jen’s got screentime, we support it.  Can she please, please have a gun?  Or at least a disguise?  Magenta Wig?  No?  Read More | Hollywood Reporter Commenting is not available in this weblog entry.
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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St Louis Concert, Missouri, USA (03 Jul 2000) Last modified: 03 Jul 2000 Venue: St Louis, Missouri, USA Author: Sam Wade Date: 03 Jul 2000 Some of the highlights of the concert included Martin walking on the shoulders of the d:fans, and pointing the microphone towards the crowd as we sang the chorus to "Louder Than the Radio". During "Mountains" they did sing "Dancing in the River Again", as they did last summer in the US, then went on with a musical passage that was much like the spontainious section after "Mountains" on "Live and in the Can." Later they played a fantasic arrangement of "Follow". At one point it was just the crowd singing, "I will follow, I will follow..." Amazing, powerful. "Kiss Your Feet" had the same dynamic and worshipful atmosphere which seamlessly flowed into a beautiful version of "Obession". Martin led this one on the acoustic instead of the electric. It was just beautiful...a high point for me personally. I was very throughly impressed that they played "It's Okay" as their encore considering the controvery that stirred at the release of "Mezzamorphis" in the US. The night ended with the always inspiring "There is a Light", and "Lord's Prayer". It was a very fun, raw, and highly enjoyable night! I look forward to seeing them again soon. Related Pages: Live Photos: St. Louis Church, Missouri, US Summer Tour (03 Jul 2000)
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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eLatin eGreek eLearn More wired than a Roman Internet café Iohannes Alatius Share on Facebook MySpace • Blog Posts • Discussions • Groups (1) • Photos • Photo Albums • Videos (1) Iohannes Alatius's Friends • Iustus Viator (Justin Bailey) • Raphaela • Latinum Institute • Seumas Macdonald • Andrew Reinhard Iohannes Alatius's Groups Iohannes Alatius's Page Gifts Received Iohannes Alatius has not received any gifts yet Give Iohannes Alatius a Gift Profile Information Role in the Classics Classroom (real or virtual): all of the above My Website: Iohannes Alatius's Videos • Add Videos • View All Comment Wall (1 comment) At 3:25pm on December 4, 2007, Latinum Institute said… Are you still around? Your webpage vanished. Join eLatin eGreek eLearn © 2022   Created by Andrew Reinhard.   Powered by Badges  |  Report an Issue  |  Terms of Service
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Mustard Target Jeans last updated on Jul 28, 2016 All about Mustard Target Jeans Mustard Target Jeans first surfaced on Chictopia's streetstyle gallery in Winter 2013 seen on Grand Rapids blogger selectivepotential of She wore her mustard Target jeans with a tawny Wanted boots and white Forever21 sweater. Since then, Mustard Target Jeans have grown in popularity as bloggers from Knoxville, Grand Rapids, and Longmont, Colorado USA have discovered them. Mustard Target Jeans are generally seen in preppy, casual, and eclectic style. Popular types of Mustard Target Jeans are leopard print and skinny. There are currently 3 streetstyle photos of bloggers wearing Mustard Target Jeans. or login below
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Skip to main content See also: North Country woman charged with felony animal cruelty North Country woman charged with felony animal cruelty North Country woman charged with felony animal cruelty New York State Police have charged a St. Regis Falls resident, Shawna A. Bero, 29, with felony aggravated animal cruelty in the case of a four-year-old Pit Bull left outside continuously. The female dog had been left in the cold for so long that ice frozen in a chain collar caused it to become embedded in the dog's neck. According to articles in the Watertown Daily Times and the Press-Republican, the dog appeared to have been left without supervision much of the time. The dog, named Mary J., belongs to the woman's boyfriend, Mackenzie D. Durant, 30, who is incarcerated at the Franklin County jail in Malone. He left his dog in the woman's care last November, according to the NYSP Troop B information officer, Trooper Jennifer Fleishmann, and remains in jail. It is alleged that while in Ms. Bero's care, the dog was chained outside around the clock. Although the dog was reportedly being fed, ice accumulated in the links in the chain collar, causing it to gradually sink five centimeters into the dog's neck over time. Ms. Bero told police she called a relative of Durant's to take it to the vet after observing the dog's head was swollen and the animal appeared ill. The dog was taken to Lake Placid Animal Hospital where the examining veterinarian reported the findings to the state police. The chain had to be surgically removed. A Siberian Husky at the residence was taken into custody and placed with an animal shelter in Malone. However, there was no evidence that animal had been abused. Ms. Bero was given an appearance ticket and is scheduled to answer the charges in Waverly Town court at a later date. The Pit Bull is now being cared for by a family member of Mr. Durant. To report cases of suspected or obvious animal abuse in Jefferson County contact: Watertown Police Department: 315-782-2233 Jefferson County Sheriff Department: 315-788-1441 New York State Police: 315-782-2112 A local animal rescue group may also be able to help. Contact the "Ninjas Against Animal Cruelty of Jefferson County" via their Facebook Page. Follow Watertown Dog News on Facebook
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Homeland Review: "The Smile" (Episode 2.01) TV Reviews Share Tweet Submit Pin <i>Homeland</i> Review: "The Smile" (Episode 2.01) Homeland strutted its way to the Emmys for its first season, winning Best Actress in a Drama Series, Best Actor in a Drama Series and Best Drama Series. Shocked? I know I wasn’t. The chemistry between Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) and Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis) was nothing short of phenomenal. With a perfect blend of suspense, intelligence, and compassion, Homeland not only tackles the topic of terrorism—but also how it relates to the human condition. With the premiere of season two, we are left with each of the main characters in substantially different positions of influence: Brody is filling the shoes of a Congressman because of a scandal, and Carrie is living with the disappointment of being fired from the CIA, while slowly progressing from the disorder that absolutely paralyzed her at the closing of season one. At the beginning of the premiere, Carrie sifts through the garden at home almost expressionless. This is vastly different from the last time we saw her: receiving jolts of electroshock therapy in an emotional scene that was difficult to watch. I wanted to look away, but the flashback clips of her and Brody connecting were far too powerful. The most painful part wasn’t watching her physically in pain; it was the mental torture of knowing that she was right about Brody. The Carrie we see now is very different. She is calm and peaceful in the bosom of her family, protected from all the anxiety and harshness that the CIA had exposed her to. Well, at least for the time being. Let’s be realistic though, Carrie is a natural-born operations officer; she’s intelligent, decisive and knows how to get what she wants. Only a short six months later, her life has changed into grading papers and distancing herself from her past—including Brody. There was a noticeable stillness to the approach of the season premiere though, something we were not used to in the previous go-round. This storyline has essentially started fresh, instead of kicking the door down and asking for our undivided attention. Due to the slowdown, there were some absolutely beautiful moments that cannot be ignored, like the burying of the desecrated Quran with Brody and his daughter Dana. Very little is said between them but so much is understood. Is she the only person that isn’t trying to mold him with an agenda in mind? Abu Nazir, his wife, the Vice President— everyone has plans for Brody and he’s merely shedding the one thing that was truly his own: his Muslim faith. Meanwhile, David Estes has offered Carrie a three-day mission to the Middle East to track down an informant who will only share information with her. (He is painfully clear in mentioning that this is not her getting her job back). The informant has info on an attack against America, leaving Carrie as the individual for the task. During her prep at a safe house, it’s apparent that Carrie is not as sharp as she’s been—lithium is one hell of a drug. I can’t help but wonder if we’ll soon get another dose of her without a dose of it. At the end of the premiere, we see a blip of the old Carrie as she eludes a man while en route to meet up with Saul. During the chase scene, Saul tells her to ditch the phone and give herself up. Did you really think that was going to happen? Just a small taste of that old life has her showing resistance and following her instinct. She is cornered by the man but catches him by surprise, knocks his gun away and runs off unscathed with her first smile of the series. Yes, she belongs in the CIA, folks. I couldn’t help feeling a small victory for her.
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$1 for 3 months. Save 97%. $1 for 3 months. Save 97%. Inspira, nurses announce tentative contracts Joseph P. Smith VINELAND – Inspira Health Network and negotiators for its 1,300 unionized registered nurses have reached tentative contracts with ratification votes scheduled for July 7, both parties announced in separate statements on Thursday. The Health Professionals and Allied Employees union said details will not be released until after the July 7 votes. The bargaining committee is strongly recommending ratification and, if approved, the contracts take immediate effect, the union said. MORE NEWS: Inspira could lay off 67 employees Nurses at hospitals in Vineland, Elmer and Bridgeton are part of HPAE Local 5131. Nurses at Woodbury belong to Local 5621. Each local has its own contract. “This agreement addresses our priority to retain and recruit qualified nurses at the bedside so we can provide the best care for our patients and our community,” said Dana Barrett, president of Local 5131. MORE NEWS: Deadlines extended in talks “Although these negotiations were challenging, we are pleased that we were able to come to an agreement that protects our security as nurses and our commitment to provide the best care possible for our patients,” said Richard Wear, Local 5621 president. “The new agreements will create greater parity across the system and will continue to promote more opportunities for education by providing our nurses an increase in tuition reimbursement and incentives to obtain and maintain national certifications,” the Inspira release stated. “The wage and benefit package in the agreements will also continue to attract and retain high-quality nurses,” the hospital system said. “We value the dedication and commitment our nurses provide to our patients and our community." The negotiations have seen three contract extensions and federal mediator involvement. Joseph P. Smith; (856) 563-5252;
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tell katy perry to stop julie warshaw How can you not enjoy food that you dip?! It’s like being presented with a cake and having a chance to frost each bite. (I don’t like cake, but I would imagine that this would be a desirable scenario.) It’s enjoying your food, hands-on. Let’s take the middle-man out of the equation. And anyway, what did the Fork do that was ever so great? Besides corresponding beautifully with a knife. And not being a spoon. Nope. Food that you dip is the money food. Raw vegetables are so sexy when they’re wearing a ranch hat. And it’s particularly nice when you’re with your nearest and dearest and we can agree there’s no foul on the double-dip. ←100 words a day Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
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Chris Coleman Ready to Hand Ethan Ampadu a Debut Wales have decided to make a surprise inclusion for the upcoming World Cup 2018 qualifying matches against Austria and Moldova, as a youngster Ethan Ampadu is one of the names in the 25 man squad. He is one of the latest young talents to make the switch to Chelsea, as he has decided to make West London his home from Exeter. The 16-year-old is not done 17 until September, but this will not prevent him from being one the sidelines for Welsh national team, according to Coleman. He says that every player capable of representing the national team will get a chance with Wales. Coleman also denied that the inclusion of Ethan Ampadu is primarily in order to make him available for the Welsh team in the future. The centre back had been with Exeter throughout his career, but he is also capable of representing for England. The defender is also capable of playing as a defensive midfielder. He has signed a contract with Chelsea until the summer of 2019. Continue reading “Chris Coleman Ready to Hand Ethan Ampadu a Debut”
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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Friday, September 25, 2015 CC (part 6) - Pavle Orlovic Wikipedia/The Kosovo Maiden, 1919 The picture above is Uros Predic's 1919 painting, inspired by the Serbian poem - The Maiden of Kosovo. During the aftermath of the Battle of Kosovo (1389), the maiden, who is seeking her fiance, gives the fatally wounded Pavle Orlovic some water. At this moment, this Serbian knight gives her the news that her beloved and her brothers are dead. Then Pavle Orlovic dies and passes into legend as well as an epic poem and a famous painting.   [reference: Kosovo Maiden Painting] Below is a video clip from the movie, The Battle of Kosovo (1989), made for the 600th anniversary of the event.  The scene when the sultan was killed by a Serbian noble dramatizes this long struggle between the Serbs and the Turks: From the 14th into the 21st century, the battles of Kosovo continue.   Most recent are the Kosovo conflict (1998-1999) and the continuing reprisals into the new century. [reference: Kosovo Conflict] And if you read some of the comments in YouTube video above, the battle (with words) goes on and on. Part 6 of the Commander and the Chief (CC) thread looks at this Balkan history. In this excerpt from Book 1: His Tribe of One, the heroine Dr. Orlovic "the Chief"  and her lineage (she is half Cheyenne and half Serbian) are discussed. Her agent Lord Wise is briefing Colonel Jack Sheffield on Nova's expedition to find her missing husband, Admiral Connor Quinn. Jack questions Wise about his proposal: “I come at the request of Dr. Orlovic.” “Yes, yes, your boss, of course. I forget this bird didn’t take the Admiral’s name.” Jack twirled the card in his fingers. “Orlovic. That’s quite ethnic sounding.” Wise raised his brown eyebrows. “Her father’s side goes back to the Serbian knights. She’s quite proud of that name.” “Orlovic, yes. Stuff legends are made of. And I recall that name in War College studying the Battle of Kosovo.” Then Jack raised a corner of his mouth. “But that first name—Nova? Sounds explosively stellar. And I can just imagine what she must be like in bed.” “No doubt many have, but I assure you she’s a woman of virtue.” Wise returned a fatherly look. “Her name has nothing to do with exploding stars. It’s Indian as in Native American Indian. She has quite a fascinating family history. Father’s side from the Balkans, mother’s side Native American. But that’s another story.” from Chapter 3: Soldier of Fortune What about the name of Orlovic, the stuff legends are made of? Some claims indicate one of Pavle Orlovic's notable descendants is the legendary scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. [reference: Origin Orlovica] To find out more about Pavle Orlovic's fictional descendant, Dr. Nova Orlovic, "the Chief" in "The Commander and the Chief," please read the book and its coming sequels. His Tribe of One, now available: * Paperback:  CreateSpace * eBook:   Kindle Your readership is much appreciated. S. K. Smith For other posts in this series: CC (part 5) - Audie Murphy  (2014) Photo from:  Wikipedia/The Kosovo Maiden, 1919 Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Pop Culture (part 1) - Only Time and 9/11 Montre gousset/ Pop Culture reflects the mood and spirit of the times. So during a traumatic event, the right song can become a balm for healing.  Such was the case for this turn-of-the-century song. In November of 2000, Irish singer Enya released the album, A Day Without Rain. And one of the  singles on that album was - Only Time * Official video here:  Only Time * Lyrics: here In 2000, Enya explained its meaning in an interview: "I had to stop putting the pressure on myself, because of relationships coming and going, but if relationships aren't working that means they're not right. That's what the single Only Time is about."  [reference:  Enya News: A Day Without Rain Article ] Then less than a year later, CNN showed scenes of the collapse of the World Trade Center accompanied with Only Time.  [Reference:  Music in American Crime Prevention and Punishment ] And the video below shows a montage of the events on September 11, 2001: In response to the terrorist attacks, Only Time resonated with those seeking solace from the storm and looking forward to normalcy as the nation's psyche healed from this wound. Later, Enya produced a remix of Only Time and donated the earnings of that single to the Uniform Firefighters Association Widows' and Children's Fund. This charity helped the families of those who gave their lives that day.  [reference: ] September 11, 2001 Never forget!  But ... Only Time will heal. Related Posts: Dancing on Top of the World Trade Center (2010)  Photo from:  Montre gousset/
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Thursday, October 13, 2011 V.A. - E35, Let's Sing J-Pop In English (2008) In upcoming posts will be featured (and briefly reviewed) many albums originally requested and fulfilled into the "Request & Fill Corner" section, but not available anymore. Let's start with the beautiful Japan-only 3CD compilation "E35, Let's Sing J-Pop In English". As the title indicates, these are covers of Japanese Rock&Pop hits performed (all in English language) by well known AOR / Westcoast stars. All these songs were recorded between 1991 / 1994, only appeared in Asian V.A. albums as the 'Love Stories' series, "Goody's" and many other rarities. Some tracks are boring (particularly the ones sung by a few unknown vocalists), that's normal in huge compilations. But who cares when you have awesome songs never published outside Japan and performed by such luminaries as Jason Scheff, Tommy Funderburk, Joseph Williams, Peter Beckett, Bobby Kimball, Jay Graydon and many more. Remarkable is the inclusion of one of the few songs officially published/recorded as lead vocalist by the late Warren Wiebe, a gifted singer that never got the chance to release his own solo album. "E35: Let's Sing J-Pop In English", compiled by the specialized Japanese label Avex fetch exorbitant prices, as all imports. Do not miss this unique opportunity... CD 1 01 - Jason Scheff - Say Yes 02 - Ned Doheny - Suddenly (Love Story) 03 - Tommy Funderburk - Imademo Anata ga Sukidakara 04 - Joseph Williams - Get Back In Love 05 - Peter Beckett - Ai Wo Tomenaide 06 - Stephen Bishop - Donna Tokimo 07 - Milini Khan - Sekaijuu no Dareyori Kitto 08 - Rachel Ham - Overnight Sensation 09 - El DeBarge - Kimigairudakede (KomeKome Club) 10 - Jessica Sheely - You're My Only Shinin' Star 11 - Tata Vega - Seasons E35 - 1 CD 2 01 - Joseph Williams - Dear My Friend 02 - Adrian Peritore - Get Crazy! (Princess, Princess) 03 - Richard Page - Gloria 04 - Anna McMurphy - Break Out! 05 - Gigi Worth - Kiss Me 06 - Joseph Williams - Christmas Eve 07 - Jason Scheff - Yah Yah Yah 08 - Douglas Getschall - Kanashimi Ha Yuki no Youni 09 - Kelly Keagy - Yakusokunohashi 10 - Boddy Kimball - Red Nose Reindeer 11 - Douglas Getschall - Saboten no Hana 12 - Warren Wiebe - True Love E35 - 2 CD 3 01 - Boddy Caldwell - Answer 02 - Marilyn Martin - Tooi Machi No Dokokade 03 - Jason Scheff - You're the Only... 04 - Natalia - Time Goes By 05 - Joseph Williams - Sayonara 06 - Jay Graydon - Oasis 07 - Marilyn Martin - Tatoe Tooku Ni Hanaretetemo 08 - Joseph Williams - Doushiyoumonai Bokuni 09 - Ronnie Spector - Kazetachinu 10 - Jason Scheff - Over And Over 11 - Frank Sinatra Jr. - Departures 12 - Gino Vannelli - Still, I'm In Love With You E35 - 3 Josh said... Thank You for another great post!!You are awesome !! troynew said... I take it this is the exact same stuff you posted back in December '09 in the Req & Fill corner? So unless you worked your magic again making it sound much better than before, I can dispense with downloading it a second time. PS: Maybe you can look into a few of my requests that haven't been filled yet, the ones I mentioned in the comments section of the Lisa Price EP elsewhere on the main blog? Camelblue said... @ troynew: Yes, it is the same, but previous links are gone and many people are lookin' for this collection. This is a 320 CDrip so the quality it's untouched. I have not forgotten your requests my friend (Battlecry, Myron Kline, etc). All are in the queue. Anonymous said... There is another existing E35 compilation simply titled E35 -II. The difference is the background (and the songs too). Its now red instead of white. Do you happen to have this album too? Camelblue said... Yes, I know about 'E35 II'. Possibly one of my future purchases... Anonymous said... thanks for the post. but, Part.2 is already dead. can you reupload please :) Camelblue said... Part 2 updated. All links working Darrell said... Hi, thanks for the great content! I'm having trouble downloading CD 1 because it requires a password and login ID. Am I just missing something? Camelblue said... @ Darrell: Re-uploading CD1 - Check back later Camelblue said... ALL links updated, May 3, 2012
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Submitted by calcky 327d ago | opinion piece 5 Reasons The Assassin's Creed Movie WON'T Suck Ubisoft recently announced that there is an Assassin’s Creed movie in the works, and it’s tempting to dismiss this as another attempt to take video games to the big screen that will ignore everything from the games in favour of a dumbed-down, easy-to-digest Hollywood blockbuster. However, just give it a chance, and it could yet turn out to be the best video game movie ever; here’s why: (Assassin's Creed III, Culture, PS3, Ubisoft, Wii U, Xbox 360) dorron  +   327d ago I was thinking about it and maybe if they did something Inception style would be amazing! iamnsuperman  +   327d ago I think it really depends on where they start. If it is a completely new universe then I think it has a shot of not sucking. The main problem I see in this film is they are going to have to make a twist or something unexpected moments throughout the film which the first AC game didn't have. I think this is going be really difficult to pull off. #1.1 (Edited 327d ago ) | Agree(3) | Disagree(0) | Report | Reply zeeshan  +   327d ago They keep butchering up the movies based on video games but I believe that there will come a time when it'll get batter. Mortal Kombat 1, Laura Croft 1 and more recently Resident Evil 1 were all nicely done. The sequels sucked ass but that's a different story altogether. Some developer must come forward and start taking some control to create that true video game based movie that all us fans crave for. UBISOFT could very well be that developer and hopefully, this will set a trend. Believe it or not, I'd LOVE to see more video game movies. It would be awesome if Kojima san could somehow get involved in a Metal Gear Solid movie. That'll be awesome! I had high hopes for an Uncharted movie but then I read that they hired Mark Wahlberg as Nathan Drake and that was the last day I searched online for anything related to an Uncharted movie. Mythicninja  +   327d ago Mark wahlburg! The former under wear model? XD That is terrible, I'm sorry. zeeshan  +   327d ago I am not sure if he was an Underwear model but I do know that he was in Boogie Nights with Heather Graham and we heart Heather Graham! :) AWBrawler  +   327d ago IDK video game movies have been known to suck waltyftm  +   327d ago Tapioca Cold  +   327d ago I'm sure there are a million reasons why it won't suck. But how many reasons matter? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that there will be a BILLION reasons why it WILL suck. Hanuman  +   327d ago Know your history! Of course it will suck.. Mythicninja  +   327d ago Have you guys read any of the history behind this? The previous video game movies suck because ignorant hollywood directors feel they need to make changes to the story to make it "their own" they are completely out of touch with video games, and the story telling. Ubisoft has worked hard to find a studio that will let them retain full creative control sho that the director cannot ruin it. This didn't guarantee success, but it is they first time ever we can have hope of a video game story being told properly on the big screen HalfNerdHalfAmazing  +   327d ago Actually a Assassin Creed movie came out on DVD and that movie suck balls Add comment New stories 20m ago - Independent game developer Black Forest Games announces that their twisted platformer, GIANA SIST... | PS3 Voyager: Grand Tour Out Now For iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch 20m ago - More than 35 years ago, the Voyager space probes were launched on a mission to explore our Solar... | iPhone Treasure Tower Sprint Now Available on iPad and Android Tablets 20m ago - SAVA Transmedia today announced the launch of Treasure Tower Sprint for iPad and Android Tablets... | iPad Human Rights Organization Launches Campaign against Nintendo 20m ago - Anti-slavery campaign targets Nintendo Human rights organization Walk Free has launched a camp... | Industry Take the N4G Video Game Quiz and Win a PS4 Saint Seiya :Brave Soldiers coming to PS3 20m ago - Saint Seiya :Brave Soldiers coming to PS3 | PS3 Related content from friends
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Brij Mohan Amar Rahe Faking his death to escape the realities of his uneventful life worked out well for Brij Mohan – until he was sentenced to death for his own murder. Production Country:India Long Live Brij Mohan (2017) on IMDb Click to Rate: Added to Netflix:August 4, 2018 Watch on Netflix My List Similar Titles Recently Viewed
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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Women in Military Topics: Military, Combat, United States Air Force Pages: 3 (1260 words) Published: March 6, 2013 Women in the United States have long fought for the right to be included in many facets of society such as the right to vote to breaking into professions like the medical field and getting females elected to major government offices. But one of the most intriguing questions of integration has yet to be fully answered. Apart from all others is the battle to allow women the right, the honor, and the privilege of serving and defending their country as part of the United States Armed Forces. Being in the military means prestige, honor, pride, and the satisfaction that comes along with engaging what is considered one of the most valiant and traditionally revered professions in our country. However, there has always been and continues to be considerable debate in this country as to exactly what extent women should be allowed to serve their country, and what the effects and trade-offs of such integration might be. Sex scandals such as what happened at the Tailhook convention in 1991 or the misconduct of former Lt. Kelly Flinn have served to raise questions about military integration. Can female and male military personnel be combined without the military losing some of its effectiveness? Can women be as good at being soldiers, sailors, naval aviators and fighter pilots as men? Should women be allowed in the line of fire and in direct combat? What role should sexual harassment and fraternization play in the combination of women into the military? The real question, essentially, is not whether women can serve in any military capacity at all. The real question is whether or not women should be allowed in combat. To understand this debate it is important, as it is with any such discussion, to put the issue into historical context to better understand where things stand today. The following are some notable events to date in the evolution of the effort to get women more involved in the military thus far. In every major war until World War II, thousands of women served in the... Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document You May Also Find These Documents Helpful • Should Women Serve in the Military Essay • Should Women Serve in Combat? Essay • Essay about Women Allowed Into Combat? • Why Do Women Belonf In Combat Essay • Women and the Military Essay • Essay about Women in Combat • Women in Combat Essay Become a StudyMode Member Sign Up - It's Free
Academic Writing - Examples: a research paper, a paper abstract, a thesis, a literature review - This does not include other web pages that have academia and research only as their topic
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Navy Sofas I love navy. It is such a smart and dramatic color. I recently bought a navy settee for my kitchen and felt a little ode to navy sofas was in order. I love this pretty bedroom and would love to know what creamy latte color they used for the walls. Prediction – in its quest to take over the world, Starbucks will come out with a home decor and paint line.😉 Last night my 15 year old son was singing a song and I started laughing. Me: “What is it you’re singing about, a ‘thrift shop’? G: “Yeah mom, it’s really funny and get’s stuck in your head, but you’d think it was inappropriate.” I quickly googled the song/video to see how UN-cool I was these days. He was right. It was funny. It was catchy. And it definitely would get an R rating. I called Hubs over to watch the video for a second time and we BOTH had a good laugh. 240113-macklemoreIn a nutshell, a white rapper named Macklemore sings a rap about thrift store shopping. Instead of singing about popping Cristal champagne in his designer clothes in the clubs, he sings about finding clothes in the thrift shop for cheap and how it is ‘Effin’ Awesome,” and how “One man’s trash is another’s comeuppance.”  Truth. That is a very watered down mom version. But it is FunNeeee if you are a thrifter. Hubs: “Do you think that you would think that video is so funny if you didn’t go to thrift stores?” Me: “Probably not.” But I finally got these $20 chairs recovered the other day and they are “Effin Awesome!” I’ve been wanting to blog. Really, I have. I’ve just recently switched from my very buggy/virus ridden PC to a Mac in hopes that it would simplify my life.  Unfortunately, after switching I found that my favorite blogging software and picture editing software are not compatible. BUM-Mer. I just haven’t had the time to put into the technology learning curve. [Side note to my parents. I now “get” why our VCR blinked 12:00 for most of my high-school years]. Seems like life can move so quickly that the moment I have a thought or inspiration it has moved onto the next thing. Anyways, B’s birthday is coming up and I wanted to giver her room a bit of a freshen-up. Here’s my inspiration. I am LOVING the soft ballet pink that looks soft and vintage and so girlie. Pretty Sweet Isn’t this little winter cake lovely? I found this pic over at Greige and had to swoon a little.  Can you call a cake vintage modern? It is so sweet and simple. I can just picture B shaking the powdered sugar on the top and making it “snow".  Loving Black Doors %d bloggers like this:
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Hubei, China Business Type: Manufacturer/Factory, Trading Company Main Markets: Import & Export Mode: Have Own Export License International Commercial Terms(Incoterms): OEM/ODM Availability: OEM/ODM Service Sample Available Electronic Thermometer, Clinical Thermometer, Clinical Digital Thermometer manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Ce ISO Approved Beeper Alarm Digital Thermometer Electric Thermometer (UN-15), Hot - 8 Inch Portable Patient Monitor with Multi-Communication Interface, Six Parameters Board for Patient Monitor and so on. Gold Member Since 2014 Audited Supplier Supplier Homepage Products BP Monitor&thermometer Thermometer Ce ISO Approved Beeper Alarm Digital Thermometer Electric Thermometer (UN-15) Get Latest Price Purchase Qty. / Reference FOB Price 100-299 Pieces US $2 300-499 Pieces US $1.5 500+ Pieces US $1.2 Port: Shenzhen, China Production Capacity: 50, 000PCS/Year Classification: Imaging Diagnostic Equipment Type: Digital Thermometer Certification: CE, FDA, ISO13485 Group: Female Medical Device Regulatory Type: Type 2 Medical Devices Reg./Record No.: Ehsyjxjyb20150324 You Might Also Like Basic Info Model NO.: UN-15 Storage Temperature: -20c~+55c Working Temperature: 10c~40c (50~104f) Accuracy: ±0.3c (0.54f) Measure Range: 32c-43c (90f-109.4f) Measure Method: Mouth, Armpit Measure Time: 60 Seconds Fast Reading Digital Thermometer Resolution: 0.1 C (0.1f) Battery Life: 4000 Times Power Supply: 3V Lithium Battery Automatic Power off: Yes Trademark: Un-Medical Transport Package: Standard Pakcge Specification: CE, FDA, ISO13485 Origin: China HS Code: 90251990 Product Description Product Description Electronic digital thermometer  * Accurate convenience  * No Mercury and safety  * CE FDA ISO13485 ISO9001  Electronic Digital Thermometer, quick measurement and memory function  Electronic digital thermometer is composed of a temperature sensor, liquid crystal display, button battery, a special integrated circuit and other electronic components. It can quickly and accurately measure the body temperature of human body, has reading convenient, short measuring time, high measuring precision, memory and the buzzing reminding advantages compared with the traditional mercury thermometer glass, especially electronic thermometer does not contain mercury, do harmless to human and environment, particularly suitable for familise, hospital and other occasions to use.  Advantages of our Electronic digital thermometer : * Auto shut off  * Waterproof  * Last measurement recorded  * Accurate measurement  * Beeper alarm when peak temperature reached  Battery: Lithium batterySR41, LR41 or UCC392  Battery LifeApprox. 100 hours for continuous operation.  Sensor Type: Thermostat.  Size of Product148mm× 25mm× 14mm  G. W. Approx. 9 grams with battery inside Which ever is convenient for you. Hot Sell Big Beep Voice Fingertip Pulse Oximeter TT, Paypal & Western union are all fine.  About us Un-medical Technology Co. Ltd can offer you a variety of module platforms to integrate into your monitoring system. We are dedicating in and supplying all kinds of OEM modules of patient monitoring system, such as non-invasive blood pressure module, ECG module, digital SpO2 module, six in one parameter board, mini temp module, etc.  We can offer you the best solution and technology support for your product.  Besides, we are manufacturer of patient monitor, ECG machines, pulse oximeter, mobile BP monitor, accessories of patient monitor, etc.  We keep the pace with the latest science and technology. We promise high quality and best after sales service.  Un-medical will be your best partners in OEM monitoring system. Contact Person:  Gillian Send your message to this supplier avatar Miss Gillian Enter between 20 to 4,000 characters. You Might Also Like Product Groups Contact Supplier
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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New here? Sign Up Have an account? Single Midland Guys Interested In Trucker Dating Looking for Midland Guys? Browse the profile previews below to find your ideal date. Start flirting and arrange to meet up tonight. We have 100's of singles who have always been looking to talk to someone just like you! Register your Totally Free Account Today Signup for a 100% Free Account to Browse every member Signup Free Today
Spam / Ads - The page consists primarily of spam content, SEO keyword stuffing, or short online ads for other pages, products or services - Also choose this category if the page has no apparent purpose
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• BE302 0940 GUERNSEY / JERSEY • BE372 0950 MANCHESTER • EY6089 0950 MANCHESTER • AY8524 0700 MANCHESTER DEPARTED 0706 • EY6088 0700 MANCHESTER DEPARTED 0706 Offers & Promotions Latest News Archived News For more information... click on the headline Two Thousand Austrian Tourists Wednesday 25 May 2011 Exeter Airport will welcome over two thousand Austrian passengers this year with the first of the series of flights starting on Saturday 28 May. In a tourism initiative in conjunction with the tour operator GTA-SKY-WAYS and the airline NIKI, Exeter will be the gateway airport for a total of six inbound flights from Vienna and Salzburg. Jamie Christon, Exeter Airport’s managing director said: “This year’s boost to tourism follows the success of the Austrian flights over the past two years which brought in a total one thousand visitors to the area. The passengers in 2009 and 2010 were primarily interested in Rosamund Pilcher as the TV programmes of her books were made in the region. The 2011 passengers will be on a series of escorted excursions which will take in a much larger area of the country and Exeter is playing a pivotal role in the holiday.” The airline, Niki, founded by the three times Formula 1 champion Niki Lauda is a member of the Air Berlin group, will fly into Devon bringing one hundred and eighty Austrian tourists per flight on an eight day holiday starting and finishing in Exeter. The itinerary offers a ‘discovery’ of Exeter and the Cathedral area before a tour of the south of England which includes Poole, Southampton, Stonehenge and Glastonbury.  On the return to region the travellers visit Knights Hayes Court near Tiverton and experience a drive across Dartmoor to Plymouth. The visitors from Austria will see the tourist attractions of Lanhydrock House and The Lost Gardens of Heligan then visit Penzance, St.Michael's Mount, Land's End, St Ives and Polperro before returning to Exeter for their flight home. « Back to list Also see: Airport History Airport War Years
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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SMWLDN in Rewind: Personalisation Using Social Data in a World of Noise smwldn chalk Global Dawn's event, Personalisation Using Social Data in a World of Noise, took place at the Sport, Entertainment & Culture Hub at Engine on Wednesday 26th. The event explored why personalisation has become so fundamental to business, and why is “social data” the key to unlocking the promise of one-2-one marketing? It also looked at exactly how to harness social data, pin-pointing exactly what data is important in a haystack of social noise. The term ‘social data’ sounds abstract – but it’s really about something very tangible – finding the customers who are interested in you from millions of social network users, connecting them to you and tailoring their experience of your sites so what you say and offer is more helpful, relevant and meaningful. Check out the Livestream below to hear Jonathan Lakin, CEO of Global Dawn, discuss how you can make your business stand out from the noise. Twitter Coverage #GlobalDawnLive Watch the Livestream  Post new comment • HTML tags will be transformed to conform to HTML standards. More information about formatting options
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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[ 21, 11, 15, 10, 20, 17, 13, 3, 7, 14, 5, 6, 8, 19, 0, 16, 12, 1, 18, 2, 9, 4, 22, 23 ]
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Research Challenge 4 Fixing Social Media ​The spread of false information and increasingly polarized political discussions on social media poses a threat to democracy. This is particularly true in the Philippines, which consistently tops ranking of social media use, and where "divided politics feed – and feed on – a divided web". How does social media contribute to political conflict in the Philippines? Can ICTs be reimagined/redesigned to facilitate more empathetic and effective online conversation? How can we reimagine community through technology? Should we fundamentally question the idea that more connectivity doesn’t necessarily lead to better conversations? What are the emerging trends in social media, especially among the youth? Why have the monopolies of powerful social media platforms continued to persist, and what are new emerging platforms for online communication that may disrupt these monopolies? When new trends are emerging in terms of online communication and behaviors, and when do certain behaviors become acceptable or unacceptable? In this project you will explore and learn to • Construct a descriptive framework that captures the features and shortcoming of current social media environments and how it enables (or hinders) ideal online interactions • Review policies (e.g., net neutrality) and management decisions (e.g., walled gardens) that influence (perhaps in unexpected ways) online communication and behavior • Play with and understand techniques for creating fake information, such as deep fake media • Use and evaluate existing tools for detecting fake information and compare them with other evaluation techniques • Predict or speculate about potential problems with social media and online communities in the future • Identify specific case studies to test out interventions, and design and test solutions for monitoring and intervening in current and emerging future problems in social media and online communities Skills, disciplines, and perspectives welcome include (but are not limited to) the following Development communication, technology management, science and technology studies, history, data science, machine learning, personal psychology, performance studies, anthropology, community development, multimedia Sustainable Development Goals Addressed Primary Facilitators and Mentors Other facilitators and mentors may also contribute to this project Inspiration, resources, and readings
Academic Writing - Examples: a research paper, a paper abstract, a thesis, a literature review - This does not include other web pages that have academia and research only as their topic
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[ 14, 1, 5, 2, 9, 7, 11, 15, 18, 17, 6, 3, 13, 21, 0, 23, 12, 22, 16, 8, 19, 10, 20, 4 ]
[ 1, 0, 3, 2, 4 ]
Welcome Visitor: Login to the siteJoin the site Poetry By: Philip Roberts To make a change from my political poems, here is the 6th of my 7 dragon poems. Submitted:Feb 1, 2011    Reads: 124    Comments: 0    Likes: 0    Valiant knights turn And flee in mounting terror, As fierce dragons near. Tall timbers hiding Any sign of deadly saurians, Lingering nearby. Lethal dragons hide Behind great trees to wait, For their victims to pass. Wary merchants ride Through the unknown countryside, Looking for signs of dragons. Fiery questing beasts Bearing down upon the merchants, Reptiles reigning terror. Merchants try to flee dragons Attacking while knights are gone, Fiery death reigns down. As reptiles attack The merchants scatter far and wide, Yet not a one survives. Fierce dragons hide Behind tall trees to wait for Their next victim's approach. Hiding in the forest Reptiles await the next slaughter, Ready to leap at passing foe. Riding past a glen A knight upon a great steed; Unafraid of saurians. Fierce dragons lurking Awaiting a new slaughter, The next victim to pass. Soon the knight appears And sees a lurking saurian, Waiting to make a kill. Lance at the ready The knight begins to charge, As the mighty dragon rears. Man and beast in conflict A bloody fight to the death, Only one shall survive. For hours the fight continues The knight reduced to fighting on foot, His stead now lying dead. A valiant knight deserving To win the day yet, when all is done, Only the saurian survives. The dragon lumbers off To hide behind tall trees to await, The next victim's approach. Winged reptiles recline, Listening for clattering hoof-beats Attacking without warning. The dragons hide again In the towering forest, Awaiting further prey. Fierce dragons wait For their next victims to pass, To inflict the next slaughter. Legends of warrior times Tell of great, winged saurians, Killing men and steeds. All sign of fiery saurians Has vanished into history, Are they lost from our shores? Or do dragons still lurk Leaping out without challenge, To unleash ancient terror? © Copyright 2011 Philip Roberts, Melbourne, Australia | Email this story Email this Poetry | Add to reading list
Creative Writing - The page content consists of a short story, chapters from a novel, a poem or song lyrics - This does not include other web pages (e.g. forums or news articles) that have literature and fiction only as their topic
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14 Days Returns Return within 14 days for refund or exchange Secured Shopping We use the best security features Ask Us Ask us any queries you might have! Carbon Fibre Garden Heater Hanging Product Code: 9544 Availability: Sold Out £114.99 Ex VAT: £95.83 Free Postage This product qualifies for free postage. 0 reviews  0 reviews  •  Write a review • Hanging Garden Heater • Carbon Fibre Element • 1500W • Grey Powder Coated Hanging carbon fibre patio heater, perfect for use in gazebos, pergolas and on balconies. Hang the heater over your garden furniture to keep everyone warm when outdoors. Finished in a power coated grey, this is a 1500W heater.
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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Chatham Film Club elects new board members Fred Ulrich and Sara McWilliams (Rebecca McBride) The Chatham Film Club recently elected two new members to its board of directors. Both are full-time residents of Columbia County, enthusiastic moviegoers and active participants in the local community. Sara McWilliams, of East Chatham, vice president of Columbia County Habitat for Humanity, brings financial, volunteer recruitment and community outreach skills to the board. Through her executive search company, Kent McWilliams Inc., she provides human resources training and organizational development for client companies nationwide. She and her husband have been members of the club since its inception. Fred Ulrich, of Valatie, an account supervisor with Media Logic, brings marketing, public relations and fund raising expertise to the board. When the club purchased the Crandell Theatre, Ulrich was instrumental in launching a Facebook page for the theater and continues to serve as the page’s primary manager. “As we enter our next phase of improving and renovating the historic Crandell Theatre, the Chatham Film Club welcomes the skills brought by these two new board members,” said club president Sandi Knakal. The Chatham Film Club is a volunteer, nonprofit organization that owns and operates the Crandell Theatre and produces FilmColumbia, an annual five-day film festival held in October. Categories: Nonprofits Jennifer Patterson, Times Union Comments are closed.
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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Day of Divas specializes in Day of Coordination. We begin working with our couples 30 days prior to the wedding. We contact all of your vendors and create a "big picture" timeline. We also are there on the day of the wedding to coordinate the day and ensure everything goes off smoothly. Contact us with any questions you may have! Wedding Venue Setup: $650 Whatever the circumstances, Day of Divas is here to make your wedding day extra special. We offer Setup and teardown services. We offer competitive rates and work with your budget. Contact us today to see how we can make sure your event is elegantly arranged and ultimately less stressful for you! • facebook • instagram ©2018 by Day of Divas. Proudly created with Wix.com
Customer Support Page - Content by an organization and for a general audience - Examples: a troubleshooting guide - For customer support pages in the specific format of FAQs, choose 'FAQs' instead
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[ 2, 3, 1, 0, 4 ]
Police seize 117 pounds of synthetic marijuana Synthetic marijuana packaged in bulk and in small containers With a mixture of luck and some good police work, Beaumont Police Department narcotics officers made the single largest synthetic marijuana bust in the city's history Tuesday, Jan 29.  The bust started with a routine traffic stop, according to police, who said they seized 117 pounds of synthetic marijuana from a sedan they stopped on Interstate 10 at about 12:30 a.m. near Walden Road.  “Our interdiction guys made a traffic stop on the interstate and just developed probable cause to believe something wasn’t right,” said Sgt. Rick Boaz of BPD Narcotics. “They asked permission to search and found it in the trunk of the Volkswagen.”  The grassy product was found with hundreds of small, colorful bags labeled "Kush" and "Kli-max" ready for individual packaging and sale. Boaz said the synthetic marijuana was on its way from Mexico to a local convenience store near you.  “One of the tags on the bag says ‘Product of Mexico,” Boaz said. “Generally these are store owners who’re selling it.”  Police did not immediately release the name of the suspect pending lab results on the synthetic drugs, but said the punishment is the same for an equal amount of marijuana. The driver faces second-degree felony charges for possession of the synthetic marijuana.   “If it comes back positive, you know, for that amount of marijuana, it’s a second degree felony,” said BPD spokesman, Rob Flores. “So, it’s two to 20 (years).”  Boaz was sure to give credit to arresting officers Warner and Dommert and other street units whose soul purpose is to keep dangerous drugs off the streets.  “Our guys work awful hard on the highway,” Boaz said. “And when they get stuff like this, it’s just a product of a lot of hard work.” The driver also had about $5,000 in cash on him.
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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Dear parishioners at St Pius X: With both joy and apprehension I embrace this new assignment as pastor, which our Archbishop has entrusted to my care. And I do it providentially when we celebrate the Solemnity of the real presence of Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist, traditionally called by his Latin name: Corpus Christi. It is precisely from this most amazing Sacrament that the Lord builds his Body, the Church. He is the true Pastor, the Head of his Church. In the Monstrance and in the Tabernacle the Heart of the Son of the living God is beating for love of you. And his blood, his Spirit, is being infused in us from this Heart, feeding and nourishing all the members of the Body, the Church. I pray to Our Lady, the Mother of the Eucharist, that the community of St Pius X be mustered, built and grown around this Sacred mystery of divine Love. Many of you are grieving for the loss of your beloved pastor Fr. Steve Adams. We thank God for the years he lovingly and patiently devoted to the care of this community. May Our Lady continue to bless him and accompany him in whatever task the Church may require from him. Also, many of you are wondering: “Who is this new priest?” I want to briefly introducemyself for you to know a little bit about me. I was born in May 13, 1970 in Burgos (Spain), a medium-size town on the way to St James of Compostela. I was raised in Valladolid, capital of Castile and former capital of Spain. After serving in the Army, I entered at the age of 20 in the religious congregation of the Disciples of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and I was ordained a priest in Cuenca (Spain), on March 22, 1997. I hold both a STB (ecclesiastical equivalent of a BA in Theology and Philosophy) and a STL (ecclesiastical equivalent of a MA) in Moral Theology by the “San Dámaso” Theological College, Madrid. I served as a priest in Madrid for 6 years, ministering  to College and High School youth, as well as to families. Then I spent a year in Rome to finish my studies on Moral Theology. In the Fall of 2004 I was assigned to a community in Falls Church, Northern Virginia. For five years I served the Spanish-speaking immigrant communities at three different parishes in the DC metropolitan area. In the summer of 2009 I was assigned to Denver. I served first at St Mary’s parish, Littleton, and then as Chaplain and teacher at Bishop Machebeuf High School. In the summer of 2011 I began to serve as a diocesan priest, first at Ascension parish, and then from the summer of 2012 at Queen of Peace parish, my last assignment.  In my 17 years as a priest I have undertaken a wide variety of ministries, from ministering to College youth to accompanying married couples, from spiritual assistance to religious communities to ministering to immigrants, from preaching the spiritual exercises to serving as teacher and spiritual counselor at schools. I pray that my experience will serve you well here at St Pius X parish. Do please pray for me. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment My dear Brothers and Sisters, I don’t often find myself at a loss for words but it has been difficult to figure out how to say good-bye and thank you.  I am overwhelmed by your generosity, not just from last weekend’s festivities, but also from 12 years of witnessing your amazing ability to share and to give of yourselves. You have opened up to new cultures, whether Latin, African or  American.  I know it was not easy, but you still did it.  You have recognized each other and the unique gifts each brings.  You have reached out to the poor and vulnerable, whether homeless, impoverished or unborn.  You have taken on new ministries with the arrival of the hospitals at Fitzsimmons.  You continue to meet the challenges of new growth and changing demographics.  Any one of these things could be enough to set a community back on their heels, but you have embraced them all and have thrived in them and with them.  I am so proud to have been a part of all of that and to have been able to walk with you during all of that growth. You have taught me patience.  You have taught me how to let myself sit with feeling uncomfortable until God shows a way to respond.  And, probably most important, you have taught me that the world doesn’t fall apart if things don’t  happen like I thought they should. I am so very grateful for having been allowed to walk with so many of you during significant moments of your lives, through baptisms and weddings, confirmations and quinceañeras, funerals and grief.  It is a great gift that you give me when you allow me to be a part of such personal and vulnerable moments.  I will take with memany deep relationships and friendships and I will carry you all in my heart. I will also be praying for you that you may have the same openness to Fr. Jorge as you did with me.  I pray that he will find the great generosity of St. Pius X Parish and will know the unique Spirit that God has sent to shape this community of faith in north Aurora. May the peace of Our Lord Jesus be with you always, Fr. Steve Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment We will be starting a new year long adult program called Catching Fire/Becoming Flame here at the parish beginning on Tuesday, April 22, at 7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center.  We will be using Fr. Albert Haase’s, (OFM) spiritual transformation program and materials to help us each individually grow “to become a little Christ sent to respond lovingly in service to the present moment.”  The cost is only $15 which just covers the cost of the book.  We will  meet every week on Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 p.m.  Call Jay at the office for more details.  Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM: Begins on June 2nd For the second year in a row our St. Vincent de Paul volunteers will be hosting the neighborhood kids this summer for games, crafts and lunch.  To host 40-50 kids a day we will need lots of volunteer help from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday.  The summer lunch program will begin at St. Pius on June 2nd and will run until August 1st.  All volunteers need to have completed the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program.  To volunteer or to get more information on the Safe Environment program please contact Jay at the parish office. To help us with our June 2-August 1 Summer Lunch Program, we will need donations of new or gently used craft supplies, playground equipment and other toys.  You may bring your donations to the church Narthex.  Thank you, we appreciate your generosity! Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Ever thought of becoming Catholic?  Already Catholic but never got a chance to make your 1st Communion or Confirmation?  Then the RCIA Program is for you!   Our program is a year-long from the time you enter.  We will give you an outstanding, adult-level understanding and appreciation of the Catholic faith and help you begin or grow in your relationship to our great Lord, Jesus Christ.  If you are interested, please contact Jay at 303-364-7435. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Religious Education registrations for next year have begun.   Please bring a copy of the child’s Baptism Certificate when you come to register if they need to receive First Communion or Confirmation.       This program prepares Catholic children for their First Reconciliation,  First Communion and Confirmation.  We start the classes in the September for all those who are interested in growing in their faith as well as for those who are interested in preparing for First Communion and Confirmation.  Register early to get a lesser fee, cost will go up in August.  Children must  be in the second grade or older to receive their First Communion and at least 13 years old to receive Confirmation.  If you have any questions please talk to the RE director, Martha Jones, at the parish office.  Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Preparing for baptism is an important part of the sacrament of baptism. Our Deacon will offer a baptism preparation class in English on the First Saturday of each month in the Family Life Center. If you are planning on a baptism in the near future please plan on attending this class. The class is required for parents and godparents. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Our parish Respect Life Ministry collects infant supplies like diapers, wipes, bottles and formulas, clothes and toiletries for the new Aurora Gabriel House located on the Queen of Peace campus. Gabriel House is a ministry aimed at helping new mothers and mothers-to-be deliver and raise healthy babies. These items can be left in the new playpen in the Narthex. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment Faith Direct Can’t find your checkbook or envelope on Sunday morning? Join the parishioners who are using Faith Direct for automated giving to Saint Pius X Parish. It is secure, convenient and Faith Direct will provide you an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you, and the program provides a great benefit to our parish. Sign up today by visiting, our parish code is CO462. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
Organizational About Page - Typically contains a self-description or introduction by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization - Note that the content may appear similar to a 'Knowledge Article' in some cases, but is not verified and may contain self-promotion
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Arrow Season 3 - Comic Con Trailer - UPDATED Comments - Showing items 1 - 6 of 6 almostunbiased 7/25/2014 8:13:54 PM When will season 2 hit netflix? redslayer 7/25/2014 8:20:17 PM Don't Let Felicity die! jimvo99 7/25/2014 9:53:35 PM I love this series so much. Season 2 was way better than the first. Daybreak0100 7/25/2014 10:30:33 PM  I agree. Season 2 was definitely amazing. While season one was hard to swallow at times, it was a great build for epic show. Season 3 will own and I'm sure have more surprises than what I'm expecting  Iridan 7/26/2014 11:30:20 AM  I actually preferred season 1. redhairs99 7/28/2014 7:52:30 AM  I admit I don't watch this show (though I've been meaning to give it a second chance) and I don't know the entire history or anything of Green Arrow in the comics, but I think it's funny they are now making him even more like Green Batman by bringing in Ra's Al Ghul.
Discussion Forum / Comment Section - Community sites like reddit or comment sections on news article or blog posts - Has to contain multiple posts or comments
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double! triple! even up to ninetux-able…how do you say nine in plural? Never claimed to be a genius. 1st image looks more like a reflection.  I was eager and used myself as model and my camera’s timer so my first result is just not so amazing.  Okay so my photo friend Deirdre who is in the hours with me had this awesome image this week for her 1p.m.  She did a triple exposure on her digital camera and I nearly did a back flip when I saw it because first of all, it was like art and second of all I could have sworn she used film and did a double exposure the old-fashioned way.  When I was in high school and took a photography class I think double exposure was my favorite lesson.  The results can be trippy and it’s a fun surprise and so I wanted to know if MY Canon 70D could do the same thing.  Deirdre sent me a tutorial video which got me headed in the right direction.  The tutorial uses a Canon 5D Mark III which is a little more fancy than my camera and so the tutorial wasn’t exactly the way I get there but I figured it out. I want to share here with anyone who has a 70D, so they can play too. Let me explain how to do this on your 70D or rather show you because I’m a visual learner myself.  Plus when you do watch, ignore that my camera screen is smudgy, I need to clean that up.  The beauty of a touch screen. Then I was like “hey Max, come here”  “Pablo, where are you little buddy”  I nearly lined up their eyes for the 3rd eye…nearly. “Abbie, do you want to help mom out?”  Looks NOTHING like the tutorial picture. IMG_6475“let me try to get two of you”  This is on the Mode called additive, I since tried something different. IMG_6486“this was a triple on average mode” which isn’t as light.  Of course I had to shoot the potato vine.  IMG_6488Here is a unfocused. on purpose unfocused.  just to see what I can see. And my personal FAVORITE IMG_6495the 4 ghosts of ME, timer used while camera sat on kitchen counter 12 thoughts on “double! triple! even up to ninetux-able…how do you say nine in plural? Never claimed to be a genius. 1. So awesome!!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your work & what you love, so deep & inspiring!!! Keep it up. 🙂 2. These are great! I’ve been doing double exposure just in photoshop with different techniques but haven’t done it in my 70D directly. I think I have to get out of raw and shoot large jpegs to do it. Ah ha! Will have to give this a go. Your shots are so fun, good work!! 1. Oh I can’t wait to see what you will do. It’s kind of like an tiny addiction. I was playing again yesterday with it. And I WISH I had photoshop. I did a 30 day trial a few summers ago and also took a Kim Klassen workshop class on how to apply texture. Just never felt like parting with the money for the actual software. 3. This is unbelievably cool! I can’t wait to get home from work + check to see if my camera has this ability. And thank you for the video tutorial — I am a visual learner too, so it’s much easier when I see someone do it. The photos came out so lovely! Leave a Reply to Life in the Wylde West Cancel reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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NCA 96th Annual Convention 2010-Nov-13 to 2010-Nov-18 "She is Like a Sister to Me": Discourses of Voluntary Kin as Family  Braithwaite, Dawn., Bach, Betsy., Dirks, Sarah., Kranstuber, Haley. and Sato Mumm, Sai. (De)scripting Culture: A Spiritual Epistemology Through Autoethnographic Exploration  Martin, Nicole. (Dis)Confirming Queerness: Confronting Compulsory Heterosexuality in Online Gaming through R. D. Laing  Boone, George. (E)raced Men: Complicity and Responsibility in the Rhetoric of Barack Obama  McPhail, Mark. (En)Compassing Ethnographic Sensibilities in the Undergraduate Classroom  Sotirin, Patricia. (In)Visibility as Communicative and Survival Strategy among Workers in Poverty  Leeman, Mark. (M)Adam Lambert and the Reification of the American Idol: A Case Study in Elitism at the Intersection of Talent and Homophobia  Paine, Richard. (Re) Introduction Henry McNeal Turner as Rhetorical Figure Worthy of Study  Johnson, Andre. (Re)Building Dialogue in the Black Church  Webb, James. (Re)Constructing Stress in the Academy: A Qualitative Glimpse at the Darker Sides of the Professoriate  Pearson, Amy. (Re)articulating civil rights rhetoric: A critical intersectional perspective on social movement rhetorical strategies  Kelsey, Michelle. (Re)conceptualizing 21st Century Learning: Pedagogical Priorities for Instructional Communication  Lane, Derek. (Today’s) Resistance is Futile: Transforming the Spastic Politics of Native America  Trapani, William. 1. (In)definitive potential: Locating subversive pleasure in the dictionary  Ernest, Alicia. 1. (Meta)Unveiling: Critical Discourse Analysis of Kabul Beauty School as an Orientalist Project  Pfister, Raven. See all 541 papers starting with # ->> A Best Practices Assessment of NGO Crisis Communication: American Red Cross and Hurricane Katrina  Husted, Rebekah. and Veil, Shari. A Blended Training Innovation  Powers, William. A Boyfriend to Die for: Gender Dynamics in 'True Blood' and 'Twilight'  Merskin, Debra. A Bridge Too Far to Cross? Veterans’ Narratives of Returning to Civilian Life and the Implications for Cultural Civil-Military Relations  Knopf, Christina. A Bridge to Understanding the Sacrament of Confession from a Latino Child’s Perspective  Herb, Rhonda. A Bridge to the Crucifixion: The Old Preacher’s ‘My Jesus’  English, Alison. A Bridge to the Future: A Short History of Sigma Chi Eta and the Students It Honors  Ainsworth, Allison. A Call to American Women: Jeannette Rankin's Lifetime of Pacifist Rhetoric  Lewis, Tiffany. A Case Study in the Perceived Efficacy of Rural Midwestern Health Professionals to Bridge the Gap between Nationwide Diabetes Prevention and an Underserved Community  Jones, Christina. A Case Study of Online Controversy: Issues of Truth and Identity in Blogospherical Research  Seitz, David. A Case for Poetic Judgment: Tragic Emotions, Character, and Theatrical Texts  Gordon, Jeremy. A Clash of Cultures? President Obama and Competing Visions of America  Calloway-Thomas, Carolyn. A Clear Vision: Branding, Cultural Diplomacy and the American Film Institute’s Project: 20/20  Erickson, Mary. A Colonialist Celebration of National Heritage: Landscape Ideographs at Homestead National Monument of America  Ewalt, Joshua. A Communication Competence Approach to Healthcare Worker Conflict, Job Stress, Job Burnout, and Job Satisfaction  Wright, Kevin., Bernard, Daniel., Banas, John. and Moore, Scott. See all 267 papers starting with A ->> Backroom Religion in Three-Dimensional Cyberspace: Religion and socialized residents of Second Life  Heston, Kevin. Backroom Religion in Three-Dimensional Cyberspace: Religion and socialized residents of Second Life.  Heston, Kevin. Bakhtin and Foucault Go Pentecostal: How the Rhetoric of Prophetic Utterances Redistributes Power Dialogistically  Halliday, Steven. Bakhtin, Antilogic and Antiphon’s Second Tetralogy  Spring, Sarah. Bakhtin's Carnivalesque, Polyphony and Dialogue in Organizational Communication: A Call for Research  Kolodziej-Smith, Renata. and Novak, Julie. Balance of Consideration Arguments and Constrains on Persuasion  Hansen, Hans. Bambi and the Vixens: Glee's Versions of White Bread Power  Strano, Michele. Banksy's Graffiti: The invisible voice of dissent  Gajora, Liviu. Barack Obama, Eugene Debs, and a History of 'Socialism' in the United States  St. Onge, Jeffrey. Barack Obama, Intellectualism, and the Revival of Political Eloquence in an Electronic Age  Shultz, Kara. Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address: A Study in Audience and Transcendence.  Duffy, Bernard. Barbara Mikulski and Nancy Pelosi: Victims of Media Coverage and Audience Attitudes  Sheckels, Theodore. Barry Goldwater’s Deliberation: Charting the GOP Course  Loebs, Patrick. Be Good Johnny Weir: Flamboyance, Masculinity, and the Sport of Figure Skating  Binfield, Marnie. Be It Resolved: The Social Construction of Reality through Political Resolutions  Konieczka, Stephen. See all 222 papers starting with B ->> CHAMELEON: Individual and Community Ethos on the Internet  Woodbury, Julie. COMM 101 Meets Product Liability Litigation  McGrath, John. CONELRAD, or How We Learned to Stop Worrying: Media Convergence, Domestic Space and Emergency Alerts  Vollrath, Chad. CRETE: Conflict Resolution Education in Teacher Education  Jones, Tricia. Camp Counseling: An Administrator’s Eye View of the Summer Course Process  Waks, Leah. Camping the Oriental  Au, Vanessa.  Harvell, Lindsey., Robertson, Kylie. and Nisbett, Gwendelyn. Can Reality TV Generate Real Health Behavior Change?: A consideration of the health benefits of watching The Biggest Loser  Nabi, Robin. Can We Be Positive Yet Critical? A Case Study of Compassion at a Hospice Organization  Wong, Terrie. and Tracy, Sarah. Can White Privilege Be Used Only For Evil?  DeTurk, Sara. Can books be owned, and how? A brief history of copyright in China from late Qing to Mao’s China  Han, Dong. Can there be a Postcolonial Ethnography?  Chawla, Devika. Canada in Afghanistan: Legitimacy and Narrative Coherence  Belanger, Patrick. Cancel That, Redo It, Start Over: Performing Errors, Performing Erasures  Stucky, Nathan. Cancer: The Hardest Word in the Dictionary to Say  Waters, Alexis. See all 235 papers starting with C ->> DVR Killed the Video Star: An Organizational Case Study of New Media and Broadcast TV  Trucil, Daniel. Daddy’s Girls Pledge to Remain Pure: A Poststructuralist Feminist Analysis of Grassroots Organizing  Vik, Tennley. Dancing Reggaetón with Cowboy Boots: Dance Ethnography and the Choreography of Queerness in the Southwest  Rivera-Servera, Ramon. Dancing 'About' Architecture: The Aesthetic Dimensions of Institutional Discourse and Rhetorical Agency  Rafferty, Steven. Day One: Syllabus Pop Quiz  Sargent, Margaret. De/Colonizing epistemics of ethnography: 'Coming Out' and ethnographerpositionality  Nicholas, Cheryl. De/Constructing Our Identity in the Public Sphere  Chuang, Rueyling. and Lin, Wei-Yen. Dealing with Tragedy During International Travel  Sims, Barbara. Dear BlackBerry: I Love You, I Hate You.  Kleinman, Sharon. Death on Campus: Building Bridges in the University Community  Hyden, Carl. Death, Canonization, and Memory: The Rhetorical Implications of Shifting Grief  Warrenburg, Kristine. Debating the 'Digital Divide': A Proposal for Social Media as an Applied Context  Riggs, Nicholas. Debunking Latin American Stereotypes Through Study Abroad: Immersion as a Force for Attitude Change  Shindler, Jack. Deconstructing the Poverty Reduction Strategies of the World Bank: A Critical Interrogation  Rastogi, Rahul. and Dutta, Mohan. Decreasing Racist Attitudes Through Virtual Play: Evidence of Verbal Perspective Taking by White Students when Playing Black Avatars in Second Life Chat  Gonzales, Amy. and Falisi, Angela. See all 134 papers starting with D ->> E-Health Literacy Implications for Seniors  Poe, Pamela. E-democracy@China: Does It Work?  Yuan, Wenli. Eating Healthy on a Budget: Negotiating Tensions between Two Discourses  LeGreco, Marianne. Eating the Suburban Good Life: Materiality, Embodiment, and the Copiousness of the Suburban Dinner Table  Dickinson, Greg. Eccentri(cities): The Rhetoric of Style through the Lens of the Weird  Stimpson, Kristin. Educational Friendship In-Action: Dealing with Dialectics of Teaching in a Time of Tragedy  McClanahan, Andrea. Effect of Priming and Message Sidedness on Relationship Maintenance  Lim, Dongjin. and Stefanone, Michael. Effects of Implicit Attribution Theories on the Experience of Guilt, Shame, and Jealousy  Averbeck, Joshua. and Miller, Claude. Effects of Instructor Sex on Students’ Perceptions of Instructor Credibility  Clune, Katie., Banwart, Mary. and Russo, Tracy. Effects of Message Framing and Perceived Risk on Women’s Attitudes Toward and Intentions to Get the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine  Russell, Jessica., Ah Yun, Kimo. and Lindsey, Lisa. Effects of Scanning—Routine Health Information Exposure—on Cancer Prevention and Screening Behaviors in the General Population  Hornik, Robert., Mello, Susan., Parvanta, Sarah., Freres, Derek. and Schwartz, J.. Effects of monetary incentives and personal relationship history on deception and its detection and the truth bias  Van Swol, Lyn., Braun, Michael. and Malhotra, Deepak. Efforts to Learn from a Regretted Message: Effects of Emotion, Outcome Severity, Self Efficacy, and Reflection  Meyer, Janet. Eighteenth Century Decision Science: Imagination, Probability, and Rules in Eighteenth Century Rhetorical Epistemology  Emery, Daniel. El Camino Latino: The Representative Anecdote As A Burkean Method, Applied to Border Rhetoric  Ruiz De Castilla, Clariza. See all 134 papers starting with E ->> F2F: How Faculty Assist First Generation College Students in Navigating the University and Campus System  Harvey, Vickie. Facebook Memorial Groups and Emotional Rubberneckers: Bridging the Bereaved with the Community  DeGroot, Jocelyn. Facebook Persona Construction and the Hegemonic Conceptions of Femininity  Clark, Lauren. Facebook and China: A Case Study of Conflict through Social Contextual Approach  Kuang, Kai. Facebook and a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy  Hopkins-Best, Natalie. Facebook as a Toolkit: Motivations Predicting Feature Use  Smock, Andrew., Ellison, Nicole. and Wohn, D.. Facebook, Parental Control, and Teen Empowerment  Muir, Star. Facework's Role in Successful Mediated Instruction  Kerssen-Griep, Jeff. Facilitating Mutually Beneficial Relationships in a Virtual Marketplace  Jitaru, Alicia. Facilitating Tool Use in the Photography Studio  Philabaum, Scott. Facing Alterity: Prosopopeia and American Immigration Rhetoric  Hartelius, Johanna. Factors that Predict Married Partners' Disclosures about Infertility to Social Network Members  Steuber, Keli. and Solomon, Denise. Faith and Feminism: Former President Jimmy Carter Speaks out in Rhetoric of Transformation  Brooks, Kaitlin. Faith, Science and Trust: Climate Change Framing Effects and Conservative Protestant Opinion  Holcomb, Jesse. Family Communication Patterns: Communicating Affection, Support, and Everyday Talk for Parents and Children  Frisby, Brandi., Byrnes, Kerry. and Myers, Scott. See all 107 papers starting with F ->> G.U.N.S. but No Butter: Reclaiming the Memory of the Nazi Occupation of Guernsey, Channel Island  Jorgensen-Earp, Cheryl. GIFTS of Hope and Building Bridges: Intercultural Praxis and the Basic Communication Course  Patterson, Andrea. GaGa Ooh La La  Rudy, Jessica. Gaga Does the Danse Macabre: Sex, Blood, and the Violation of Social Taboos  Donofrio, Theresa. and Lawson, William. Games We Play  Crawford, Janis. Games about Location to Foster Location-Awareness in Users  Gordon, Eric. Gatekeeping Public Participation: Ethnographic Account of the Production Process of Radio Phone-in Program  Dori Hacohen, Gonen. Gay Men, Body Dissatisfaction, and Objectification  Schwartz, Joseph. Gender Effects on Upward and Lateral Social Comparison and Comparison Motives through SEM  Sohn, Steve. Gender Violence Prevention Pedagogy  Freitag, Jennifer. Gender, Communication and Self-Presentation in Teen Chatrooms Revisited: Have Patterns Changed?  Kapidzic, Sanja. and Herring, Susan. Gender, Heredity and Materiality in the Genomics Age: Rhetoric, Race, Body  Happe, Kelly. Gender, Race and The Boondocks  Howard, Sheena. Gendered Security: Bridging Richard Nixon and Rachel Carson’s Calls for a Safer World  Prody, Jessica. Generic Safety: Form and Narrative in Transgender Produced Video Blogs  Williams, Mara. See all 61 papers starting with G ->> HIV/AIDS Issue Representation on International Nongovernmental Organization Websites: A Dialectic Framework  Agarwal, Vinita., D\'Silva, Margaret. and Leichty, Greg. HIV/AIDS Media Coverage in the United States: A Comparison of African American and Mainstream Magazines  Butler-Peres, Kamilia., Nan, Xiaoli. and Waks, Leah. HIV/AIDS Stigmatization on Chinese Internet Discussion Forums: A Content Analysis Approach to HIV/AIDS Stigma  Zhuang, Jie. Habermas and the Nostalgic Narrative of Modernity  King, Andrew. Habermas on the relationship between secular and religious citizens: An opportunity to apply the two-way symmetrical model?  García, César. Habermas, Networks and Virtual Public Spheres: A Blended Deliberative Model from Developing Countries  Raman, Veena. Hagiography as Feminist Rhetorical Triangulation  Spencer, Leland.  Holba, Annette. Happy Is He Who Learns from the Experiences of Others: The Revisionary Public Discourse of Osama bin Laden  Reeves, Joshua. Harmless Antics or Harmful Abuse? The Effects of Leadership and Humor on Workplace Bullying  Mills, Carol. Harnessing the Power of Superdiffusers in Interpersonal Networks to Cause Positive Health Behavior Changes  Boster, Frank., Carpenter, Christopher., Andrews, Kyle. and Mongeau, Paul. Hasidic Tales: Pedagogy for Communication Ethics  Holba, Annette. Have Our Bridges Fallen Down? A Look at the Incorporation of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in the Basic Course Lecture  Hill, Shelton. He Can Do Bad all by Himself? Tyler Perry's Negative Representations of Blackness  Washington, Myra. Health Communication and Support: A Dyadic Examination of Predictors of Body Image Satisfaction and Relationship Satisfaction  Young, Valerie. and Domschke, Tricia. See all 92 papers starting with H ->> I AM an Angry Black Woman: Bridging My Body and Locating My Voice (Top Paper)  Griffin, Rachel. I Am African: Branding 'Africa' Within Humanitarian Discourse  Sussman, Rachelle. I Got Dumped on Facebook: New Media’s Role in Conflict Management  Roggensack, Katlyn., McFadden, Jessica., Sullivan, Shiloh. and Sherwood, Anne. I Have Said My Say: Ordinary Women and Partisan Speech Making in the Antebellum Era  Zboray, Ronald J.. and Zboray, Mary. I Hear America Singing: An Examination of Song’s Contribution to the Public Memory of the Boston Tea Party  Neville, Meredith. I am Robin Hood: An Ethnographic Study of Undocumented Immigrants from Thailand in the United States  Krittayapong, Jirah. I don't get it: Allusion, ambiguity and irony  Hancock, Jeffrey. IPR Disputes in Cyberspace: U.S. Hegemony and Chinese Resistance  Tian, Dexin. Ibrahim Rugova’s Nonviolent Rhetoric and Passive Resistance During Kosovo’s Independence Movement  Ziberi, Linda. Identifying Changes in Youth’s Group Membership over Time based on their Targeted Communication about Substance Use with Parents and Friends  Kam, Jennifer. Identity Construction in User Profiles  Shepherd, Dawn. Identity Gaps Experienced by Individuals with Identities Divergent from their Families of Origin  Breshears, Diana. Identity and Communion: The Rhetoric of Conversion in Avatar  Schoen, Steven. Identity and difference in transnational feminism  Kapoor, Priya. Identity and the Media: A Taxonomy and Measurement Scale  Dimmick, John. and Sarge, Melanie. See all 133 papers starting with I ->> Jacques and Gilles Watch Some Television  Bollmer, Grant. Jamie Oliver Takes On the US School Food System  Broad, Garrett. Japanese Students’ Perception of Western Instructors: Applied Intercultural Communication  Akahoshi, Yasuko. and McDaniel, Edwin. Jasmine and Judith: Vernacular Theorizing in an Ethnography of Drag  Pensoneau-Conway, Sandra. Jealousy 2.0: Attachment Style as a Moderator of the Experience and Expression of Jealousy Inducing Behavior on Facebook  Cole, Megan. and Weger, Harry. Jewish Machismo? Jewish Identity and Inglourious Basterds  Klein, Ellen. Jiddu’s Notions of self-transformation  Thombre, Avinash. John Rock and the Politics of Memory  Browne, Stephen. Joseph Cornell: Remembering His Carrousel in the Stars  Jackson, Sarah. Journalism and the Shape-Shifting Origins of the Anti-Evolution Movement  Rojecki, Andrew. Journalism as Process: The Organizational Implications of Participatory Online "News"  Robinson, Sue. Just Shut Up and Play: Revisiting 'Fists of Freedom' in Brandon Marshall’s Attempted Tribute to Barack Obama  Sierlecki, Bonnie. Justice in the Cara-combs: Latina Caras and Sonia Sotomayor  Reyes, Eugene. Kairos as motive-centered: Envisioning the kairotic moment through the writings of Kenneth Burke  Doss, Erin. Kassebaum and Sebelius: Political Experience but Not Presidential?  Carlin, Diana. Kategoria in the Congressional Testimony of the American Auto Industry Executives: Understanding Personal and Institutional Rhetorical Constraints  Seeger, Matthew. Katrina’s Story: An analysis of Hurricane Katrina’s television news coverage as myth and its role in racial formation  Saxton, Loren. Keeping the Common in Community: La Technique, ‘the City,’ and other ‘Environmental’ Hazards in the Contemporary Church  Bennett, Stephanie. Kennedy in Berlin - Building Identification Through the Empowerment of the Agent  Fay, Isabel. and Kuypers, Jim. Kikuyu FM Radio and Repositioning of Cultural Discourse  Gathigi, George. Kill Your Television: Toward a Definition and Purpose of Medium Activism  Lyszak, Brett. Know What Them Girls Want”: A Textual Analysis of Thug’s Relationships and Romance  Craig, Richard. Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory Validation  Braz, Mary., Lawton, Bessie., Kraybill, Ronald. and Daly, Kelly. Krishnamurti and the Art of Listening: Realizing the Goals of Participatory Democracy  Chenjeri, Prakash. Krishnamurti on Education and Learning: Reflections and Themes  Thompson, Carol. and Thompson-Hayes, Marcilene. Kumiai of Hawai`i Island  Lee, Carolyn. LIWC Validation Study: The OSLO I Accords  Donohue, William., Liang, Yuhua (Jake). and Druckman, Daniel. LSI in 'Theories of Persuasion'  Munoz, Kristine. La Burguesa en el Salón Soy Yo: Exploring Issues of Class and Ethnicity in Performance and Pedagogy  Velazquez Vargas, Yarma. La Comay: A Televisual Representation of the Puerto Rican Comadre  Camacho, Melissa. La Fée Verte: James M. Storm Transforms Reality into Fantasy  Swift, Crystal Lane. La Resolana: An exploration of a new narrative paradigm in the Connecting Community Voices collaboration  Sandoval, Jennifer., Chen, Yea-Wen., Milstein, Tema. and Anguiano, Claudia. Labors of Gamer Love: User-Generated Content, Add-ons, and Modules  Baggerman, Thomas. Language, Event, Object  Crick, Nathan. Language, Voicing, and Identity in the 'Coming Out' Narrative Genre  DiDomenico, Stephen. Large-Group Service-Learning in a New Course Called 'Communication and Citizenship': What Are Our Obligations, Choices, and Responsibilities as Communicators?  Bruess, Carol. Late Night Comedy, Public Relations, and Image Repair: Letterman Responds Twice to the Palin Joke Controversy  Compton, Josh. and Miller, Brett. Latina Bodies: Hollywood Fairytale?  Leon, Diana. Laughter in the Podium: Humor Use in Presidential Debates 1960-2008  Rhea, David. Layout Design and News Juxtaposition  Goya-Martinez, Mariana. Leadership Communication  Hamstra, Chistopher. See all 67 papers starting with L ->> Mad Men: An Ideological Analysis of the Past  Roberts, Myra. Maddening Silence: Rhetorical Whispers and the Fanatical Antics of Abby Kelley  Kurtz, Jeffrey. Maintaining Peer Workplace Friendships: Tactics and Perceived Politeness  Sias, Patricia., Gallagher, Erin., Pedersen, Hannah. and Kopaneva, Irina. Maintaining and Negotiation Relationships and Reifying Traditions: Couples’ Co-constructions of Work-life Concerns  Denker, Katherine. Maintaining the Viability of Ethnographic Research in Post-Modernity  Krizek, Robert. Make those good girls go bad: Starring Britney Spears, Lady GaGa and Pink as the good bad girl  Del Rosso, Teri. Making Communication 'Cool': On Subjecting the Discipline to the Whims of the Free (Summer Camp) Market  Donofrio, Theresa. Making Connections: Mapping the Production of Neoliberal Governmentality and Subjectivities Along San Francisco’s Third-Street Light Rail.  Alvarez, Vince. Making Connections: Performing Arts in Writing and Speaking Courses  Lavigne, Michelle. Making Fun of Politics: The Framing of Al Franken and Norm Coleman in the 2008 Minnesota Senate Race  Kvam, Danielle. Making HIV/AIDS PSAs More Effective: Effects of Risk Perceptions and Efficacy Beliefs on Attitudinal and Behavioral Change  Zhang, Jueman. and Chock, Tamara. Making Material Matter: How Contemporary Collectors Remediate the Medium of the Book  Lenaghan, Elizabeth. Making Media Accessible: Applying Media Ethics to Online News Accessibility  Krakow, Melinda. Making Nature Meaningful  Senda-Cook, Samantha. Making Sense of Caster Semenya: The (Un)Happy Limbo of Non-Identity  Winslow, Luke. See all 136 papers starting with M ->> NGO Space and Digital Place: Transitioning Labor in Emerging Digital Economies  Gajjala, Radhika. Naming and the Death Drive, Creating a Bridge Between Derridian and Lacanian Ethics  Peters, Donny. Narrative (In)Abilities in Benefitting from Narrative Therapy: A Call for a Communibiological Focus in Narrative Therapy Training Curriculum  Kranstuber, Haley. Narrative Medicine in Practice: Doctor's Stories about the End-of-Life  Roscoe, Lori. Narrative Sense-making and Time Lapse: Interviews with Low-Income Women about Sex Education  Jensen, Robin. and Bute, Jennifer. Narrative and Experience in the Pursuit of Academic Knowledge: Negotiating Responsibilities and Tensions  Kenderes, Amanda. Narratives in Opposition: How Does One Gain Superiority?  Gross, Daniel. Narratives of Power: Historical Factors and Initial Decisions in George W. Bush’s Interviews on the Iraq 'Surge,' 2007  Minbiole, John. National Coverage of the Responsibility Towards Socially and Economically Disadvantaged: A Community Structure Approach  Webb, Jacqueline., Novick, Flora., Pagan, Hannah. and Villanueva, Marisa. Nationalism Across the Globe: Comparative Analyses of the American and Chinese Telecasts in the 2008 Beijing Olympiad  Billings, Andrew., Angelini, James. and Wu, Dan. Nationalism, Identity, and Cultural Memory: The Case of Poland  Igiel, Magdalena. Nationwide Newspaper Coverage of Universal Healthcare: A Community Structure Approach  Kiernicki, Kristen., Lavery, Patrick. and Davis, Caitlin. Navigating Political Womanhood in Lucy Kenney’s 1840 'The Strongest of All Government is That Which is Most Free: An Address to the People of the United States'  Berg, Emily. Navigating the Non-Traditional: The Communication Surrounding Womyn That Defy Patronymy and Keep Their Birth Names  Herron, Melissann. and Stephenson, Jenna. Necessary but Incompatible: How Russian Oil and Gas Giant Gazprom Prioritized its Stakeholders during Russia – Ukraine Gas Dispute 2008-09  Klyueva, Anna. See all 63 papers starting with N ->> Obama Fights the Smears: Bridges Between Traditional and On-Line Image Repair Discourse  Davis, Corey. Obama and the Rhetorical Chorus: Rewriting the Discourse of Colorblindness  Lu, Jessica. Obamamania: The Rise of a Mythical Hero  Poole, Deandre. Obama’s Blackberry: From Civilian Core to Military Edge  Packer, Jeremy. Obesity and Risk on the Biggest Loser  Walkosz, Barbara. Obesity is No Laughing Matter! A Content Analysis of Food Messages in Popular African American versus General Audience Primetime Television Comedies  Phua, Joe. Object Pleasures: Barbers, Hairstylists, and the Material Belongings of Work  Rich, Craig. Occluding Blackness and Promoting the White Woman Citizen: The Rhetoric of the National Woman's Party's Nationalization Campaign  Stillion Southard, Belinda. Oh, God Is It Hot Out There: Climate Change Science, Religion, and the Sacrificed Skeptics  Von Burg, Ron. On Being Nothing: Methodological Reflexions about Doing Research with Children  Pomata, Veronica. On Epistemology, Ontology, and Axiology: Conversation, Culture, and the Three Mythical Sisters of Academia  Wong, Terrie. On Ethnography, Documentary, and Epistemology  Peterson, Leighton. On Facebook, They Said People Would be Chanting From the Rooftops at Dusk.  Yomtoob, Desiree. On Obama’s Post Colonial Identity Construction: A Framing Analysis  Sikanku, Etse. On the Communicative Underpinnings of Debate Effects: Elite Debates, Citizen Communication, and Partisan Alignment  Cho, Jaeho. and Ha, Yerheen. See all 51 papers starting with O ->> PETA Making Social Noise: A Perspective on Shock Advertising  Forrester, Maya. and Matusitz, Jonathan. Paperchase, Adoption, and Friendship: Finding Community in a Yahoo Group  Monahan, Diane. Paradigm and Exemplum: Suffragist Test Cases of the 1870s  Ray, Angela. Parasocial Breakup from ER: Examining the Role of Perceived Realism  Wilson, Kari. and Cho, Hyunyi. Parental Confirmation as a Moderator of Young Adults' Feelings of Being Caught and Family Satisfaction in Divorced and Non-Divorced Families  Schrodt, Paul. and Ledbetter, Andrew. Parenting Privilege Paradox  Blau, Jnan. and Warren, John. Parents Motivation and Message Structure Aimed at Making Requests of Their Young Adult Children  Hullman, Gwen. and Palmer, Jason. Parents’ Communication Skills and Adolescents’ Salivary Alpha-Amylase and Cortisol Response Patterns  Afifi, Tamara., Granger, Douglas., Joseph, Andrea., Aldeis, Desiree. and Denes, Amanda. Parodying a Parody: Framing, Satire, Partisanship and Fox News' The Half Hour News Hour.  Schill, Dan. Parsing Poverty: Farm Subsidies and American Farmland Trust  Schnurer, Maxwell. Participation without Guarantees: Documentary Ethics, Digital Media, and Hegemony  McClain, William. Participatory Consumption on  Kuehn, Kathleen. Partisan, But not United: Limitations of the Hostile Media Perception Model due to Assimilation Bias  Blom, Robin. Passing Class: My Professorial Body in Transit  Carver, M. Heather. Passing in Academia/Becoming in Performance Classrooms  Shoemaker, Deanna. See all 169 papers starting with P ->> Quality Participation in the Classroom: Determining Quality and Examining Outcomes  Frisby, Brandi. Quantifying Active Patient Communication Behaviors: The Development and Validation of the Active Patient Communication Scale  Burns, Michael., Houser, Marian. and Yu, Nan. Quantitative Assessment of Architectural Communication Needs across Job Types  Kupritz, Virginia. and Haas, John. Quantitative Literacy as a Cornerstone of Media Literacy and as a Variable in Media Effects Studies  Steinhardt, Joseph. Queer Aspirations and (Neo)Liberal Norms  Cloud, Dana. Queering Cowboy Spectacle: Ethnographic Methodologies in Sexualized Spaces  Carpenter, Peter. Queering Method in Rhetorical Criticism  Morris III, Charles. Queering Org Comm: Building Bridges Between Organizational Communication and Queer Theory  Dixon, Jennifer. Queering Street: Homosociality, Masculinity, and Disability in “Friday Night Lights”  Cherney, James. and Lindemann, Kurt. Queering to Common: A Critical Analysis of Lady Gaga  Orcholski, Megan. and Wakefield, Bradford. Questioning Strategies, Diagnostic Utility, and Expertise Interactions in Deception Detection  Levine, Timothy. and Blair, J. Pete. Race and Racism in Black.White: Power, Politics, and Teaching Reality (?)  Griffin, Rachel. Race, Class and Risk Messaging  Battistoli, Bruno. Race, Labor, and Citizenship on Sugar Plantations in Prewar Hawai'i: A Historical Analysis of Picture Bride  Arai, Sayuri. Rachel Berry’s Pseudo-Stardom: Glee’s Almost Diva  Silverman, Rachel. Racial Mapping in Videogames  Higgin, Tanner. Racial/ethnic minorities, heritage language and power: How do Koreans in the U.S view Korean heriatage language education for their children in relation with power?  Han, Eun-Jeong. Radiologists’ (Re)productions and Transformations of Informed Consent to Treatment’s Discourse of Liability: A Structurational Analysis of Accounts of Social Action  Olufowote, James. Raising Departmental Funds while Enhancing the Learning Experience  Jones, A. Todd. Rapid Noncontact Credibility Assessment via Linguistic/Vocalic Analyses  Humpherys, Sean., Moffitt, Kevin., Elkins, Aaron., Burgoon, Judee. and Nunamaker, Jay. Rapping about Rap: Parental Mediation of Mainstream Hip-hop Music Videos  Harvey, Jessica. and Manusov, Valerie. Razing Bridges: The Impact of Organizational Crisis on Conflict Message Appropriateness  Ocana, Anthony., Burnett, Ann. and Buslig, Aileen. Re-Defining 'Relational Communication': Building Bridges to the Deceased Child Through Connecting with the Living  Hastings, Sally. Re-Imaging an Ancient, Emergent Superpower: 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Public Memory, and National Identity  Gong, Jie. Re-Transmitting Militarism: Predator Drones and Global Networks of Surveillance and Lethality  Asaro, Peter. Re-defining and Re-structuring Public Diplomacy  Khakimova, Leysan. See all 126 papers starting with R ->> Sacharov and His Words of Freedom  Williams, David. and Young, Marilyn. Safe to Speak: Using Student Engagement to Ease Communication Apprehension and Encourage Cooperative Learning  Griffin, April. Safer-Sex Talk: Accounts from 21st Century Male and Female College Students  Webb, Lynne., Amason, Patricia., Morledge, Claire., Spurlock, Katherine., Agee, Paula. and Moore, Megan. Same As It Ever Was: The Cult of True Womanhood Alive and Well in Contemporary Post-Feminism  Renegar, Valerie. Sarah Palin, the Future of Feminism? Mapping Debates Around Sarah Palin in the Feminist Blogosphere  Barker-Plummer, Bernadette. Sarah Silverman's Balls: Queering the Comic Feminine  Buckley, Cara. Satirical Turns with Public Consequence? Dennis Miller’s Political Conversion  Waisanen, Don. Save Money, Live Better: Walmart's Successful Use of Public Relations Advertising  Stokes, Ashli. Saving Kenneth Foster: Speaking with Others in the Belly of the Beast  Asenas, Jennifer., McCann, Bryan., Feyh, Kathleen. and Cloud, Dana. Say What? An Analysis of Reader Comments in Best Selling American Newspapers  Paskin, Danny. Science and Politics in Nuclear Culture: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1945-2005  Henry, David. Scientific Research as a Land Run: The Frontier Metaphor in Public Speeches by American Scientists  Ceccarelli, Leah. Scientific Uncertainty and the Federal Policy Reception of Silent Spring  Walker, Kenneth. Searching for Her Inner Jock: Confronting Sport as the Double Bind in Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign  Sierlecki, Bonnie. Searching for a Post-Cold War Subjectivity in South Korea: Remembering the 2002 Candlelight Vigils  Kang, Jiyeon. See all 177 papers starting with S ->> TEA Parties and the Tropes of Evangelical Civic Identity  Edwards, Jonathan. Tactile Traditions: Human Universal and Cultural Differences in Haptic Communication  Andersen, Peter. Tailor-Made Racism: The Confluence of Humor and Physical Space as Threads in a Nationally Marketed Halloween Costume  Paine, Richard. Taiwanese Tastes: Culturally Coded Foods and Intercultural Contact  Chiang, Chih-Li. and Hastings, Sally. Taiwanese Teachers Building Bridges: How Teachers of Chinese Literacy Classes Adapt to their Adult Students and Challenge the Master Narrative of Immigrant Wives  Chen, Eva. Taking Backgrounds Seriously: Orientalizing Japan in Lost in Translation  Kinefuchi, Etsuko. Taking the Intercultural Classroom into the Community  Foeman, Anita. Talk about Hooking Up: The Influence of College Student Social Networks on Non-Relationship Sex  Olson Holman, Amanda. and Sillars, Alan. Talk to Take: The Who and What of Compliance Regarding Multivitamin Usage in College Women  Ferrara Elisei, Merissa., Dorrance, Elizabeth., Kopfman, Jenifer. and Navon, Elana. Talk, Power Symbols and Group Identity: How Small Group Meetings Construct Identities  Gorgevich, Kristina. Talking Politics: Young Citizens’ Interpersonal Interaction During the 2008 Presidential Campaign  Rill, Leslie. and McKinney, Mitchell. Talking about 'The Talk'  Gordon, Cynthia. and Frawley, Kathryn. Taming the 'Living Constitution': William H. Rehnquist’s Legal Polemic and the Discursive Forms of 'Judicial Activism'  Veden, Mary Lynn. Tangents on TV: The Tangential Relationship of Narrative and Educational Content in Children’s Television through the Capacity Model  Nichols, Cynthia. Tanned Appearance Motives Predict Attitudes, Intentions, and Behaviors  Boenker, Madeline., Head, Katharine. and Stephenson, Michael. See all 499 papers starting with T ->> U.S. Women’s Communication with Heterosexual Partners about Sexual Discrepancies: A First Examination  Son, Moon-Sook., Webb, Lynne., Allen, Myria. and Amason, Patricia. U.S. host national’s intergroup contact experiences with Japanese sojourners: Exploring the role of communication in the intergroup contact hypothesis  Imamura, Makiko., Zhang, Yan Bing. and Shim, Cheongmi. US Nationalism, Images of the Territories, and American Public Memory  Kimokeo-Goes, Una. Umm, It Sounded Fine to Me? Working with Faculty and Student Mentors on Evaluating Oral Presentations  Silva, Vesta. Un-Performing: A Graduate Student Instructor’s Battle with Legitimacy  Saltzberg, Matt. Uncertainty Reduction in Physician-Parent Communication Following a Genetic Syndrome Diagnosis: Interviews with Parents of Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome  Jones, Karyn. Uncertainty, Appraisals, and Information Management in the Context of Non-Chronic Illness: Applying Uncertainty Management Theory  Rudick, Charles., Goddard, Kimberly., Dillow, Megan. and Johnston, Justin. Underserving ESL Learners in the Basic Course – Developing Speaking and Thinking during Every Class Session  Rybold, Gary. Understanding Communication in the Public Courtroom: An Ethnographic Approach  Richardson, Emily. Understanding Giving Advice across Cultures from the Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behavior  Feng, Hairong. and Wilson, Steven. Understanding Inter-media Attribute Agenda Setting: A Study of Political Ads and Partisan Blogs in Campaign 2008  Greenwood, Molly. and Chattopadhyay, Sumana. Understanding Readiness to Participate in Genetics Research: An Application of the Reasoned Action Framework  Paquin, Ryan., Cappella, Joseph. and Price, Vincent. Understanding Reality Television in the Context of the Financial Crisis of 2008: How HGTV Defends Neoliberal Logic  Herro, Steven. Understanding Students' Classroom Justice Experiences and Responses  Horan, Sean., Chory, Rebecca. and Goodboy, Alan. Understanding Web Comics: Independent Artists and Revenue Models  Lackaff, Derek. See all 52 papers starting with U ->> Vagina Dentata: Ethics With Teeth  Wong Lerner, Shannon. Valerie Solanas and a Queer Performativity of Madness  Rowe, Desiree. and Chavez, Karma. Validating Vocal Analysis Software to Assess Credibility in Interpersonal Interaction: A Multilevel Factor Analytic Approach  Elkins, Aaron. and Burgoon, Judee. Valuing Relationships in Crisis Situations: The Extension of SCCT through Relationship Management Theory  Brown, Kenon. Valuing Work, Valuing Family: A Comparison of 'Balance' Discourse Targeting Mothers and Fathers  Hatfield, Elizabeth. Vegan Advocacy in Small Groups: Influencing Group Identity of Animal Rights Activists  Kehoe, Kara. Veiling Snapshots of Torture: Abu Ghraib and Invisible Violence Against Women  Davis, Amanda. Vengeance is Mine: The Emergence of Robust Jewish Agency in American Holocaust Memory  Ehrenhaus, Peter. Venus Envy: Alva Myrdal’s Visual Rhetoric of Feminine Peace Diplomacy in the Cold War  Gorsevski, Ellen. Verbal Communication Traits and Indices of Distance in Intercultural and Intercultural Relationships in the U.S.  Allen, Jerry., O\'Mara, Joan., Long, Kathleen. and Judd, Ben.  Day, Carolyn. Vernacular Pundits in the Public Sphere: Locating Public Meaning in Image Macro Exchanges  Ramos, Katie. Vico’s Universal Right for a Rhetorical Theory of Stochastic Citizenship  Beasley Von Burg, Alessandra. Victimage and Identity in Joe Arpaio’s Prison  Ghorbani, Shireen. Video Made the Festival Star: the Effect of Video on Film Festivals  Beaty, Joshua. See all 35 papers starting with V ->> WARNING: You are now entering the academy! A junior faculty member's labor of spirit in the first years  Ballard, Robert. WTAMU’s Common Reader and Service Learning in the Basic Speech Course  Hanson, Trudy. Wait, My Supermarket Isn't Local?!? Rhetoric and the Socio-politics of Eating at Home  Wilson, Nathan. Wal-Mart: An Analysis of the Glocalization of the Cathedral of Consumption in China  Matusitz, Jonathan. and Leanza, Kristin. Walking a Mile in Digital Shoes: Perspective Taking in Virtual Reality  Bailenson, Jeremy. Walter Lippmann and the Push for a Democratic Foreign Policy in the Early Cold War  Drury, Sara. War, Peace, and the Rhetoric of Antithesis in Barack Obama's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, December 10, 2009  Terrill, Robert. Warning-Side Effects May Not Including Paying Attention: Variables that Effect Attention to Warning Information in Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertisements  Fondren, Wes. Was There Something Else I Could Have Done? An Exploration of Dialectical Tensions and Management Strategies Experienced by Hospice Nurses  Gilstrap, Cristina. and White, Zachary. Watching Race in a Post-Racial Era: A Critical Exploration of Constructions of Blackness on HBO’s True Blood  Chatman, Dayna. Watching Tina Fey Make Liz Lemonade: "30 Rock’s" Post-Feminist Feminism  Pepper, Shayne. and Shepherd, Dawn. Watershed as Inducement to Action: The Rhetoric of Agricultural Conservation Practice  Gottschalk-Druschke, Caroline. Waveform Elevation and Bandwidth as Core Features of Public Speaking State Anxiety  Sawyer, Chris. and Finn, Amber. We Learn When We Are Safe  Frymier, Ann. We Learn in the Presence of Positivity—in Terms of Attitudes, Instruction, and Classroom Relationships  Witt, Paul. See all 114 papers starting with W ->> Yes, We Have An Anti-Bullying Policy, But: HR Professionals Understandings and Experiences With Workplace Bullying Policy  Cowan, Renee. You Have a Friend Request: The Relationship between Social Attraction, Self-Disclosure, Predictability and Trust among Recently Added Facebook Friends  Sheldon, Pavica. and Honeycutt, James. You Know, It Makes Me Wanna Shout!!! Coverage of Obama’s Speech and Wilson’s Outburst. Was it Simple Incivility or an Act of Racism?  LeDuff, Kim. You Prepared Me to Leave Now Help Me Come Back: Applying Expectancy Violation Theory to the Organizational Facilitation of Students’ Re-Entry  Southard, Ashley. You Think I am Stupid? Face Needs in Intercultural Conflicts  Chang, Yangrong. You talkin’ to me? Examing professors’ perceptions of students’ messages  Lannutti, Pamela. and Strauman, Elena. You, Comrades, are Newspaper Men: Mao and the Bowstring Control of Chinese Media  Black, James. Young Adults’ Autobiographical Memories of Frightening News Stories Seen During Childhood  Riddle, Karyn. Your Average Nigga  Young, Vershawn. Your mom is here? A performance about the crossing of chosen and bio families  Leighton, Corey. You’re busted! Using convergence media to catch cheating partners in urban Kenya  Mbure, Wanjiru. Zubaydah's Shadow: On the Conjuring of Phantoms  Juth, Eric.
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Pixels and Ink: Episode 200 - The Big 2-0-0 We mark the monumentous occasion of our 200th Podcast by not having a single person who started it join us on it. We’ve come a long way and hope we can go another 200 episodes providing you all with quality and hillarious content. Thanks for sticking with us! Jordan has thoughts about cheaters in Dark Souls, Phil has a worse time with The Huntsman than he did with its predecessor and Cody is unsure about the new Spiderman.
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EPDM Coatings rvupgradestore.com Composet Products RV Life Magazine RV Park Reviews RV Trip Wizard Author Topic: 93 Winnebago Elante  (Read 272 times) • Posts: 4 93 Winnebago Elante « on: August 18, 2017, 10:57:39 AM » I'm having trouble finding information on belts and belt routing for my 93.  It's a 454 and there's 2 v belts and a serpentine.  The belt I'm having trouble looking for runs my A/C.  There's no smog on this motor, and I've went to several auto places and googled these things and I get different answers everywhere, sny help is appreciated • --- • Posts: 57 • 2013 Winnebago 26HE Vista F53 V10 Re: 93 Winnebago Elante « Reply #1 on: August 18, 2017, 11:07:24 AM » The only answer I can give you is ..seeing as your rig is a 93 all your belts need replaced  due to their age regardless of miles travelled.  So you would be very smart to bite the bullet and remove all 3 belts and take them to your friendly automotive store and they will be able to match them  with their special belt measuring tool...then you will have peace of mind running with all new belts and the old originals can be stored in case of any future belt troubles if they ever showed up... • Posts: 4 Re: 93 Winnebago Elante « Reply #2 on: August 18, 2017, 11:17:00 AM » That's what I'm trying to do lol, but when I picked it up for a very good price the A/C belt broke and all the numbers were wore off, I have the serpentine belt number I just need this one that runs from the ac • Posts: 4 Re: 93 Winnebago Elante « Reply #3 on: August 18, 2017, 11:19:33 AM » And the routing system of the 3 belts too, the two problem belts are off, I'm just wondering after to talking to a few auto parts places, is if the guy who I bought it from put random belts on in random places, rather than doing the proper research • --- • Posts: 11939 • Everything I state is my opinion. Re: 93 Winnebago Elante « Reply #4 on: August 18, 2017, 11:32:33 AM » Quit looking for parts for a 93 Winnie. Find out which chassis your RV sits on (P30, P38, whatever) and then go looking for the parts you want. Parts stores have no clue about RVs. Favorite 2017 shots: My portfolio: My Grand Canyon shots: • --- • Posts: 5342 Re: 93 Winnebago Elante « Reply #5 on: August 18, 2017, 11:56:47 AM » Parts stores have no clue about RVs. Unfortunately, most parts stores have no clue about hardly anything at all anymore. I know you believe you understand what you think I said, 2016 Leprechaun 319DS • Posts: 4 Re: 93 Winnebago Elante « Reply #6 on: August 18, 2017, 01:47:56 PM » This is my first motorhome, the model number is wcp33rq if that tells ya what chassis? Or how can you tell? • --- • Posts: 265 Re: 93 Winnebago Elante « Reply #7 on: August 18, 2017, 05:15:17 PM » I would assume it is a P33 Workhorse chassis.  Start searching there for the proper belt.  If it doesn't fit try one longer or shorter as needed. 1992 24' Fleetwood Class "C" Jamboree Rallye Ford E350 Chassis Toad - 1969 Volkswagen Baja Bug San Marcos, CA
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93.9 WKYS Listen Live Banner Three teens, Dominic “Nick” McDaniel, 18, Issac M. “Malik” Carter and Ce-Antonyo D. Kennedy, both 17, have been charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action for the alleged brutal beating and shooting death of the 14-year-old Alexis Kane. According to reports, Alexis’ body was found outside The Bay Waterpark in Kansas City on Jan. 11, not far from her school. MUST READ: Montana Police Officer Shoots & Kills A Man During A Traffic Stop & It’s The Most Disturbing Thing We’ve Ever Seen [VIDEO] Court reports and surveillance video show that Alexis got into a car with two of the suspects at a 7-Eleven. She was supposed to be meeting with someone she had been speaking with Facebook named “Malik.” Her friends warned her not to get in the car, but she did. Alexis’ friends claimed that they followed the car with Alexis in it. Eventually, they lose the car, so Alexis friends text her, urging her to put on her location service on her phone so they can find her. It’s being reported that the suspects went to Grandview apartment and then left, heading towards The Bay Waterpark. That’s where surveillance video picked up footage of one of the teens hitting Alexis in the face with a handgun. It then showed the other two passing the gun to one another to shoot her multiple times, killing her. Alexis mom, LoShonda Kane, warned mothers, “I ask all mothers please protect your children.” she said. Over 100 Kansas City police officers rallied together to find these suspects and prosecutors could make no sense of her death and therefore couldn’t pin down a motive for Alexis’ death. “There is just no sense to this. I can’t give you a motive. It’s senseless. A 14-year-old is no longer with us. I cannot give you a reason that makes any sense,” Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker said. “Alexis’ death is really terrible. This is about as terrible as I can imagine. But what is also terrible is that today I’m charging 17 and 18-year-olds in her killing.” This is just a whole new type of evil. So many lives…gone. These young men are likely going to prison for the rest of their lives after taking a 14-year-old girl away from this world. And for what? Entertainment? What is happening? Beauties, sound off in the comments below. 9-Month-Old Baby Boy Tragically Shot & Killed By His 5-Year-Old Brother [VIDEO] 15-Year-Old Killed In Brooklyn, Three Suspects Are On The Run 3 Missouri Teens Have Been Charged For The Murder Of A 14-Year-Old Girl [VIDEO]  was originally published on Also On 93.9 WKYS: Ceaser Black Ink Crew: New York 102 photos More From KYSDC
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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Creating sustainable growth opportunities With an experienced and dynamic team, AOT is an equal opportunity employer and we encourage professionals to join our ever growing family. Our values and culture are at the forefront of our operations. We are hiring a sales executive. • Work-life balance; An engaged workforce is a productive workforce. It is based on this philosophy that we give our staff flexible working hours, health care, and genuine interest in the well-being of all our staff. • Diversity of professions i.e. Engineering, Operations, Finance, Research and Development, and other cross cutting disciplines Our success as a business depends on the success of our people. We support staff growth and development through various company sponsored initiatives, however, we encourage staff growth through self-initiative. You are the driver of your career and you chose to steer it in the direction you choose. • Professional Recruitment; From time to time, as vacancies come through, adverts are on the company website. We encourage all that are interested and match the stated criteria to apply within the stipulated time. • Internship; Applications are received from January to February through the recruitment email address: ( Please note that we do not receive hard copy applications.
Organizational About Page - Typically contains a self-description or introduction by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization - Note that the content may appear similar to a 'Knowledge Article' in some cases, but is not verified and may contain self-promotion
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[ 23, 16, 15, 10, 19, 7, 5, 22, 14, 13, 8, 1, 6, 4, 11, 3, 9, 17, 12, 18, 21, 0, 2, 20 ]
[ 4, 2, 3, 1, 0 ]
• Admin Breakfast for One Having raised four children over the last 34 years, I have made more than my share of breakfasts. In my opinion breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I have droned on about this with my children from the very first time they would consider skipping breakfast and dashing off for school. Making breakfast over the years for my family has shifted from me being the sole provider of food, to my husband who loves to make breakfast, then onto the kids with us teaching them how to make their own breakfasts of homemade oatmeal, pancakes and waffles from scratch, along with the various ways to cook eggs. I’m not sure when it happened, but at some point a few years ago, when the teen years were in full swing, the kids stopped waking up early in the morning.This allowed me to start my days more quietly and to begin an early morning coffee & cranberry toast ritual with my husband. While the remaining children who still lived at home slept, we could “talk and not talk” (Best in Show reference) while drinking coffee and having toast. When the kids woke up, we would go our separate ways. He would move on to make breakfast for the kids, and sometimes if I am ready to eat, he makes me breakfast too. It is a lovely treat. Even now with only one kiddo left in the house our coffee & toast ritual is still intact. Though now in the early mornings, when it is just right, we drink our coffee by the light of the full moon. While moonlight streams in we enjoy the quiet putting down pens, journals, books, and cell phones. Mornings in the house are different now and I am grateful that I have a pace that allows me to journal in the mornings before I start work. When I am done journaling and everyone has gone to school and work, I am ready for breakfast. What do I want? Usually something simple, yummy, and quick! Which brings me to one of nature’s perfect foods the egg. Not just any egg, but an organic egg. Sometimes if the stars align, I even have access to farm fresh eggs! Eggs are packed with high quality protein, vitamins B2, D, B6, B12, zinc, iron and copper. In addition to all of that they are delicious and can be prepared so many different ways. If you think about it, making a delicious breakfast for yourself is an act of self love and self care and a great way to start your day. Finishing off breakfast with a cup of white rose tea and some blackberries completes my meal as I begin shifting into work from home mode, or heading out to work with clients. Today I am sharing one of my favorite morning meals “Breakfast for One” Soft boiled eggs. My Grandmother was an expert at making soft boiled eggs, however when I tried they never worked out. This prevented me from making them and even as I would crave them, I was afraid of failing at it. That is until I found the perfect soft cooked egg recipe: How to make a soft boiled egg by Emma Christensen. What I love about the soft boiled egg recipe is that it has not failed me since I started using it. Breakfast for One: 1-2 eggs 1 slice of good bread: sourdough, multigrain or other favorite 1t butter 1t dijon mustard 2t olive oil 2T - ¼ cup chopped yellow, red onion, leeks or shallots! ¼-½ cup arugula or other greens Salt & pepper to taste 2T shredded Gruyere cheese or whatever you have on hand • Follow the directions for making soft boiled eggs • While eggs are cooking heat up a skillet with olive oil • Add onions and cook until transparent • When onions are done add the arugula or other greens to the pan, sprinkle a little bit of salt and pepper on the greens and onions and stir until the greens are wilted and remove from heat • Place bread in the toaster • While bread is in toaster, peel your soft boiled eggs • Put toast on plate and spread with butter and a teaspoon (or more) of dijon mustard • Sprinkle with the cheese • Place the onions and greens on top of the cheese • Slice the eggs horizontally and place yolk side up on top of the toast • Top off eggs with pinch of paprika (optional), salt and pepper • Serve with fresh seasonal fruit on the side • Top off the egg with a tiny pinch of paprika • Check your fridge and heat up and add any leftover veggies or other nummyness that you feel would be a good addition to this • Sauteed mushrooms from the night before make this heavenly • Meat Lovers: Bacon! Nothing else to say • Gluten Free: Try with a well made gluten free bread • Vegans: Use avocado instead of egg and add some tomato, skip the cheese • This can be made and enjoyed at anytime of the day. Make this for dinner and enjoy a glass of champagne or white wine with it and make a toast to you! • You can also make this easily as a dinner for two or 4. "Take time to nourish your mind, nurture your body and feed your soul." 20 views0 comments Recent Posts See All Contact Deana Today: © 2017 Deana Downs Integrative Healing | Created by Meadowlark Media Design  using This site was designed with the website builder. Create your website today. Start Now
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Portland Winterhawks lose Game 1 of the Western Conference finals, 5-4 against the Kelowna Rockets (updated with video) Winterhawks coach Mike Johnston talks after 5-4 loss against Kelowna in Game 1, Western Conference finals Portland coach and general manager Mike Johnston spoke after the Winterhawks lost 5-4 to the Kewlona Rockets in Game 1 of the best-of-seven Western Conference final series. Email the author | Follow on Twitter on April 18, 2014 at 10:21 PM, updated April 19, 2014 at 12:59 AM KELOWNA, B.C. — The Portland Winterhawks and Kelowna Rockets were the two most prolific goal-scoring teams in the Western Hockey League’s regular season. Friday, the two teams set a scorching scoring pace, with five goals in the first 20 minutes, and a chance for a sixth was waved off by officials after the buzzer. The second period ended with a so-close miss on a Portland shot from Paul Bittner that went just wide of a wide-open side of the Kelowna net. And the third period began with a tsunami of offense by Kelowna, which generated six shots in the first 140 seconds. The Rockets tied the game at 4-4, then took a 5-4 lead, their first of the game and the only one they needed, at 5 minutes, 59 seconds in the third. "They got the two quick goals, so that obviously got the building alive and gave their team some extra jump," Hawks coach and general manager Mike Johnston said. It was the only lead Kelowna would need, winning Game 1 of the best-of-seven series, which resumes Saturday at Prospera Place at 7 p.m. The tempo fast-faster-fasted from the first drop of the puck. Portland scored the first three goals — two by Oliver Bjorkstrand — the first coming 33 seconds into the game, when he converted a rebound off a Chase De Leo shot that Kelowna’s Jordon Cooke turned away. That put a damper on the 6,218 fans at the sold-out arena. The arena grew more quiet after Bjorkstrand scored on a power play at 5:49, and was nearly echoing when De Leo scored on a power play at 12:19. The Winterhawks could not have scripted a better start. Pucks bouncing their way, getting their power play in gear and goaltender Brendan Burke surviving early pressure from the Rockets. It didn’t last. Kelowna broke through less than a minute after De Leo’s goal when the Tyson Baillie beat Burke on the blocker side at 13:08, which ignited the home crowd. Kelowna’s Damon Severson picked up a tripping penalty and the Hawks had a their third power-play of the period, and after going two-for-two to start, here was chance to take control, or at least get some breathing room. It didn’t happen. Madison Bowey broke free on a Hawks turnover and cut the lead to 3-2 with a shorthanded goal at 19:33. The Hawks finished the period with what looked like a goal at the buzzer — by Bjorkstrand, of course, who was opportunistic again, slapping a rebound past Cooke. It didn’t count, overturned after a review. What would the second period bring? Two more goals, scored in a 43-second span. Keoni Texeira scored the first playoff goal of his career off a sweet drop pass from Dominic Turgeon at 15:43. Kelowna responded when Rourke Chartier beat Burke at 16:26. And after the first period ended with the Bjorkstrand goal disallowed, the second period ended with a so-close shot from Paul Bittner that went wide. Kelowna rocked Portland from the start of the third period, with a power-play goal from Justin Kirkland to tie the game at 4:17 and a goal from Jesse Lees to give the Rockets their fifth goal, gave them their first lead of the game and made it stand up, 5-4, at 5:59.
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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Everyone Loves Pi based on 3 ratings Author: Judee Shipman Grade Level 6 & up Safety Issues Material Availability All materials readily available. Project Time Frame 4-6 weeks This project explores the properties of circles and the nature of pi. The goals of this project are: 1. To demonstrate the nature of pi in an easily understandable way. 2. To encourage further interest in the field of mathematics. Materials and Equipment • Computer with Internet access • Color printer • Digital camera • Typical office/hobby/hardware/craft supplies (paper, poster board, glue, wood, etc.) Pi is a number whose value is approximately 3.141593... The digits of pi go on and on forever, and competitions are often held to see who can recite (from memory) pi to the farthest digit. Pi is used in the measurement of circles. For instance, the circumference of a circle is equal to its diameter times pi. Research Questions 1. How was pi discovered? 2. How are circles used in technology? Terms and Concepts to Start Background Research • Circle • Circumference • Diameter • Euclidean Geometry • Pi • Radius Experimental Procedure • Search and print out interesting images that seem appropriate to this project. • Address all of the above terms and research questions. • List everything you notice about circles. • Investigate the properties and applications of pi. • Analyze your data. • Interpret your findings in a detailed report. • Include photos, charts, diagrams, and other visual aids in your science fair display. 1. (Wiki Topic: Circle) 2. (Wiki topic: Pi) 3. (A weird but fun way to calculate pi) Add your own comment
Academic Writing - Examples: a research paper, a paper abstract, a thesis, a literature review - This does not include other web pages that have academia and research only as their topic
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Laboratories Guidance AGS Guide to Environmental Sampling - by Published in May 2010 This document is intended to provide practical guidance on the mechanics of the environmental sampling of soils, liquids and gasses in order to improve consistency in approach across the industry and summarise current best industry practice on: The mechanics of sampling differing media, The avoidance of cross contamination, The use of blank, duplicate and trip samples, Suitability of sample containers, transport and recording. The methodology of what, where and how often to sample will be dictated by the conceptual site model, the purpose of the investigation and the actual site conditions. These concepts are dealt with in other industry, BSI and regulatory guidance documents that should be referenced prior to undertaking any environmental sampling.
Knowledge Article - Written in an objective and neutral style - Published on a moderated platform (like Wikipedia) or by a reputable source
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DCB/DBC Mobile beta Original title: Photograph Honourable John Rose, Montreal, QC, 1876 William Notman (1826-1891) 1876, 19th century Silver salts on paper mounted on paper - Albumen process 17.8 x 12.7 cm Purchase from Associated Screen News Ltd. II-42558.1 © McCord Museum Keywords:  male (26812) , Photograph (77678) , portrait (53878) Source: Link ROSE, Sir JOHN, lawyer, financier, politician, and diplomat; b. 2 Aug. 1820 in Turriff (Grampian), Scotland, the son of William Rose and Elizabeth Fyfe; d. 24 Aug. 1888 in Langwell Forest near Ord of Caithness (Highland), Scotland. Little is known about his parents but young John Rose was given a solid education at Udny Academy, a grammar school outside Aberdeen, and at King’s College, one of the founding institutions of the University of Aberdeen. Rose’s entrance into university at 13 was not uncommon at the time; after one year of study in the arts course, however, he dropped out of King’s College. In 1836 he immigrated to Lower Canada with his parents, settling at Huntingdon, where he was a teacher for a brief period, before acting as tutor for the family of Colonel John By*. During the rebellions of 1837–38 he served as a volunteer and is believed to have assisted in recording court martial proceedings against captured Patriotes. He studied law in Montreal under Adam Thom and then under Charles Dewey Day, and was called to the bar in 1842. Rose attached himself to the rising mercantile and banking interests of the city and soon built a thriving practice in commercial law. Among his partners were Samuel Cornwallis Monk, later a prominent jurist in Quebec, and Thomas Weston Ritchie. Rose served as legal adviser in Canada to Edward Ellice* and was closely identified with the operations of the Hudson’s Bay Company. His business associates included other members of the board of the Bank of Montreal, with a number of whom he signed the Annexation Manifesto in 1849. This step cost him the qc he had been given the year before, but he soon regained a respected position in Montreal life and was reinstated qc in 1853. In addition to his directorship of the Bank of Montreal, he served on the boards of the City Bank, the Montreal Telegraph Company, the Grand Trunk Railway, the New City Gas Company of Montreal, and the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. He participated actively in such community enterprises as the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, the Montreal Protestant House of Industry and Refuge, and the Mercantile Library Association. Intelligent, energetic, and personable, Rose was reputed to possess the largest law practice in Montreal by the early 1850s, his clients including the leaders of the business community: Sir George Simpson*, Hugh Allan, George Stephen*, and others. Some ten years before, he had made the acquaintance of John A. Macdonald* and the two developed a close, lifelong friendship, Macdonald being five years older. Macdonald told Lord Carnarvon years later that as young men he, Rose, and a third man had paid a carefree visit to the United States as strolling musicians. “Macdonald played some rude instrument, Rose enacted the part of a bear and danced. . . . To the great amusement of themselves and every one else, they collected pence by their performance in wayside taverns.” Their first collaboration in public affairs occurred in the summer of 1857 when Macdonald, as joint head of the Liberal-Conservative administration, asked Rose to accompany him to London to assist in obtaining financial support for the Intercolonial Railway from the British government. The ministry of Lord Palmerston refused to grant aid and the mission was unsuccessful. Nevertheless, Macdonald was sufficiently impressed with Rose’s legal and personal capabilities that he persuaded the Montreal lawyer to enter his ministry; although Rose had been importuned to enter public life since the early 1850s, he had decided not to commence a political career until he had acquired independent means. On 26 Nov. 1857 he was appointed solicitor general of Canada East and won a seat in Montreal in the ensuing general election. In the contest for the three-member riding Rose was the only ministerial candidate elected, George-Étienne Cartier* and Henry Starnes* going down to defeat. Rose was never as committed to politics and parties as Macdonald but he saw in government office a means of accomplishing important economic and national projects; in fact Rose was continually regarded with suspicion by members from Canada West as an agent of the HBC. During the “double shuffle” [see Cartier] in August 1858 he was receiver general for a day before resuming his post of solicitor general. On 11 Jan. 1859 he was appointed chief commissioner of public works, a post which brought him to the centre of the controversy regarding the construction of the new Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. Begun in 1860, the project was soon troubled by large over-expenditures as well as a lack of cooperation between the architects and the political and administrative heads of the Department of Public Works. Inevitably Rose’s role in the complicated dispute meant criticism for him and on 12 June 1861, worn out by ill health and by the heavy demands of his public duties and a large professional practice, he resigned office. He kept his seat, however, and was re-elected in 1861 and 1863 for Montreal Centre. A more satisfying achievement for him as commissioner of public works was the management of arrangements for the tour of British North America by the 19-year-old Prince of Wales in the summer of 1860, the first visit to North America by a direct heir to the British throne. Rose was responsible for coordinating the myriad details of transportation, communication, and accommodation for the progress of the substantial party of some 250 to 300 people across the Province of Canada. The administrative ability he revealed, as well as his poise in meeting unexpected situations such as the threat of trouble in Kingston [see John Hillyard Cameron*], were widely remarked upon. They laid the basis for the “lasting intimacy” which, according to a biographer of the future King Edward, was to grow up between Rose and the prince. In Montreal, where the party arrived in late August, the prince stayed in Rose’s large residence on Mount Royal, with its fine view of the city and river, before continuing on to the United States on 20 September. Rose did not take a prominent part in the confederation movement, although he was an unofficial delegate from the Protestant minority of Canada East at the London conference in 1866–67. His major public activity during these years was diplomatic, assisting in the settlement of HBC claims for losses incurred by the cession of lands to the United States in the Oregon Territory. The HBC had tried vainly to sell properties which it or its subsidiary, the Puget’s Sound Agricultural Company, had abandoned following the 1846 treaty. In 1857 the British government took up the company’s case, instructing its minister in Washington to discuss with the United States procedures to assess claims for compensation for property and privileges surrendered. The two countries eventually agreed on a joint commission on the model of those previously used for disputes over boundary and commercial claims. A treaty to this effect was signed in Washington in 1863 and Rose, who as counsel to the HBC in Canada had been involved in the question for years, was appointed the British commissioner in April 1864. The United States appointed Alexander Smith Johnson, a judge of the federal Court of Appeals, as commissioner, an office was established in Washington, and the laborious task of assembling claims and evidence, from Oregon to England, began. It dragged on for three years, until May 1868, when arguments were presented to the commissioners. During this last phase Rose was engaged in discussions with the HBC and the British government in order to settle on a sum the company would be prepared to accept for its holdings. It was not until 10 Sept. 1869 that he and Johnson were able to announce a mutually acceptable award granting $450,000 in gold to the HBC and $200,000 to its subsidiary. The Oregon claims settlement, although a minor contribution to Anglo-American accord, was an important experience for Rose. Through its proceedings he became acquainted with a number of American public men, most notably Caleb Cushing, the American counsel to the commission and a long-time adviser to the Department of State. These links were to be valuable to him in his larger diplomatic undertakings after 1869. Rose had stood for election to the first dominion parliament in 1867, winning a seat for Huntingdon as a Conservative. He was a candidate for speaker of the House of Commons but had to withdraw in favour of James Cockburn when another Quebec representative, Joseph-Édouard Cauchon, was chosen speaker of the Senate. Shortly afterwards he was unexpectedly brought into the Macdonald cabinet upon the resignation of Alexander Tilloch Galt* as minister of finance. Rose’s banking associations made him a natural choice and he was sworn in on 18 Nov. 1867. His two-year occupancy of the finance portfolio was dominated by a great struggle over the nature of the dominion’s first banking system. At issue was whether the individual Canadian banks should continue to possess the right of free note issue, a profitable activity, or whether there should be a state currency backed by government securities. Rose, worried about recent bank failures in Ontario, favoured the latter plan. He adopted as a model the recent National Bank Act of the United States (1863) which had established a uniform note issue supported by government debentures. This plan was also advocated by the dynamic Edwin Henry King*, the cashier (general manager) of the Bank of Montreal. Much the largest bank in Canada and perhaps in North America, the Bank of Montreal already possessed dominion securities and notes issued under Finance Minister Galt which it could use to acquire federal notes. A state currency would oblige the smaller Ontario banks to commit their limited capital to the purchase of securities and they might even have to recall loans to do so. There was also the probability they would have to borrow from Montreal to meet the large cash requirements needed for “moving the crops” each autumn. Allied to Rose’s preference for a bond-supported currency was the proposal that branch banking be discouraged, to be replaced by small independent country banks, leaving the financing of major commerce and foreign trade to the large banks. It was clear that the Bank of Montreal, the Bank of British North America, and some institutions in the Maritime provinces would be in a position to carry out the latter function. Thus the issue was joined. The Canadian Bank of Commerce [see William McMaster], the Bank of Toronto, and other Ontario banks, together with banks in Quebec and Halifax, opposed the Rose plan. Their connections with the Liberal party ensured strong political opposition to legislation which Rose might introduce. The battle raged through two sets of parliamentary hearings, one conducted by the Senate committee on banking, commerce, and railways, the other by the corresponding commons committee, which was chaired by Rose. The unhappiness with Rose’s scheme showed itself clearly in a meeting of Ontario bankers held in Ottawa in April 1868 and in the replies to a commons committee questionnaire which were largely hostile to state issue of notes. Nevertheless Rose embodied his plan in resolutions he presented to parliament on 14 May 1869; one day of debate, 1 June, confirmed the strength of the opposition. Macdonald’s cabinet was itself divided on the issue and the prime minister wisely decided to withdraw the measure. The struggle has been interpreted as one between Montreal, seeking to maintain its position as the country’s financial centre, and the rising commercial and financial aspirations of Toronto. Rose, always closely identified with Montreal’s interests, felt discredited by the rebuff to his legislation. It led directly to his decision, effective in September, to resign his portfolio, leave Canada, and enter the world of international finance. As finance minister Rose had to supervise the consolidation of the public accounts of the various Jurisdictions comprising the new federation. He also undertook the task of assimilating the separate tariffs and revenue duties of the Province of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. His first major budget speech was delivered on 7 May 1869 and showed a conservative approach to the management of expenditures and the growth of the public debt. He established the rule, for instance, that unused appropriations lapsed at the end of each fiscal year. In July 1868 he journeyed to England to place a loan of £2,000,000 for the Intercolonial Railway (his temporary use of the proceeds of this loan, raised partly under an imperial guarantee, occasioned an important constitutional dispute with the British Treasury), and in January 1869 he carried out negotiations with Archibald Woodbury McLelan and Joseph Howe* for “better [financial] terms” for Nova Scotia. Rose also entered into discussions with the United States concerning issues unsettled since the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854. His discussions with Hamilton Fish, President Ulysses S. Grant’s secretary of state, held in Washington from 8 to 11 July 1869, covered the temporary use of Canadian inshore waters by American fishermen, the free navigation of the St Lawrence River, the enlargement of the Canadian canals, and the assimilation of customs and excise duties with the United States. Rose was also prepared to offer free trade in certain manufactured products, as well as in natural goods, to the United States. This concession was publicly denied after he had left office by his successor, Sir Francis Hincks, and by Prime Minister Macdonald. Given the strong anti-British North American sentiment in Congress after the Civil War, Rose’s projet of a treaty was abortive. Rose’s conversations with Fish also touched on this larger problem of the unsatisfactory state of Anglo-American relations resulting from the unsettled issues of the American Civil War. Foremost among the differences was the American desire for compensation under the “Alabama claims,” an issue which Senator Charles Sumner, in an electrifying speech in April 1869, had linked to the cession of Canada to the United States. Rose and Fish discussed the state of opinion about Sumner’s demand and considered possible means of adjusting Anglo-American differences. Rose indicated that his impending departure for a private business career in England offered an opportunity for him to be of service in this area. Although Rose took up residence in London in the autumn of 1869 the opportunity to assist in improving Anglo-American relations did not arise until November 1870, when the British government of William Ewart Gladstone accepted a Foreign Office plan to establish a joint high commission charged with devising a mechanism for settling outstanding issues between the countries. In a memorandum to the foreign secretary, Lord Granville, on 26 November, Rose proposed that the American government might be sounded out on the plan through “some intermediate agency in no way responsible or accredited, but yet possessing in sufficient measure the good-will of each.” Shortly afterwards he was asked to undertake the “agency,” in the capacity of “a private person engaged in commercial transactions” with the United States. Essentially his task was to question, listen, and report back to London. The importance of his mission was underlined by the fact that his instructions were “shown to the Queen, Mr. Gladstone and the cabinet” and the expenses of his trip were borne by the British government. Rose arrived in Washington on 9 Jan. 1871. There he remained for the next three weeks, conducting conversations with Fish, other members of the Grant administration, and leading senators. Early on, Rose confirmed the assertion of the British minister in Washington, Sir Edward Thornton, that there could be no cession of Canada in compensation for the Alabama claims, nor would Britain admit unqualified liability for the actions of Confederate cruisers. Liability would have to be determined by arbitration on the basis of mutually acceptable rules for the conduct of a neutral state. The discussions, long and involved, were carried out against the knowledge that the formidable Senator Sumner might at any time play the role of “spoiler.” When Rose met him at a dinner party on 20 January he was baited by the senator: “Haul down that flag and all will be right.” Giving substance to the exchanges was the reality of massive economic and financial benefits to be realized from an Anglo-American settlement. Business and transportation interests on both sides of the Atlantic were pressing for an accommodation while the United States’ plan of re-funding the Civil War debt depended upon substantial European support for a new bond issue. Rose was only too well aware of these considerations through his association with European and American banking groups. Arrangements for the formation of a joint high commission to review Anglo-American differences, and their effects on Canada, were accepted by the time Rose left Washington for Ottawa on 2 February. Rose’s place in the negotiations was emphasized when Lord Granville proposed his appointment to the joint high commission. Both Sir Edward Thornton and Fish were favourable but the suggestion was not acceptable to the Canadian cabinet. Macdonald and his colleagues felt that since Rose had severed his formal ties with Canada and held a pecuniary interest in the prospect of transatlantic friendship, he would not be a suitable person to represent Canada’s interests. Governor General Lisgar [Young*] distrusted Rose, believing, in spite of Thornton’s denials, that Rose had been negotiating with the Americans over the fisheries without Ottawa’s approval. The alternative Granville had proposed was Macdonald, who clearly stood in a better position to have an eventual treaty accepted in Canada. Rose accepted the decision with his customary urbanity and returned to London. This informal mission in 1871 marked the high point in Rose’s diplomatic career. His achievement had been grounded on the crucial fact that he was persona grata in influential circles on both sides of the Atlantic. But Rose’s individual qualities also contributed to the success of his efforts. “A natural diplomat of a high order,” Lord Granville called him; “a man of tact and discretion,” “moderate and fair,” observed Thornton. Yet if Rose’s activity as an expediter must be praised, it should be noted that his discussions with Fish failed to clarify all the points of disagreement between the parties. For example he did not press Fish on whether the “indirect claims” resulting from the Alabama depredations would continue to be asserted by the United States in the future arbitration. When they were brought forward in further negotiations at Geneva in 1872 the action almost destroyed the arbitration and the entire settlement. Yet the stakes in the restoration of favourable Anglo-American relations were high and ambiguity is often the truest wisdom in diplomacy. Rose had moved to London in the midst of the effort to meet the needs of North American economic development through the creation of transatlantic partnerships in banking and finance. The utility of these connections was readily apparent. There were American government securities to be sold in Europe, as well as innumerable exchange transactions arising from the revival of commerce with the United States following the Civil War and intensified by the postwar boom in railway building. Rose took over the London office, established in 1863, of the American firm of Morton, Bliss and Company; this major American banking house, operated by Rose’s personal friend Levi Parsons Morton and his partner George Bliss, was noted for its involvement in railway interests. Rose was able to assume the position when Walter Burns, the man in charge, was obliged to withdraw from the firm after marrying the daughter of a competitor, John Pierpont Morgan. Typically, the London firm, styled Morton, Rose and Company after the arrival of the new partner in 1869, was not a branch office but a partnership, a separate legal entity that secured its own business, maintained a separate capital account, and simply cooperated with the American firm. Rose managed the London operation until he stepped down in favour of his second son, Charles Day, in 1876. But the elder Rose remained an active figure on the London financial scene, continuing his influence with his old firm until his unexpected death in 1888. He was a member of the London committee of the Bank of Montreal, a director of the Bank of British Columbia, and the deputy governor of the HBC from 1880 to 1883, and also had associations with a number of British banks and insurance companies. Morton, Rose and Company stood in a strategic position to facilitate the growing volume of public and private investments across the Atlantic. Through Levi Morton it acted as a fiscal agent for the United States government from 1873 to 1884 and participated in the European phase of the re-funding of the American national debt. Through John Rose the company shared many important financial transactions with the Canadian government’s principal financial agents in London, Baring Brothers and Company and Glyn, Mills, Currie and Company. It also handled offerings for the province of Quebec and the city of Montreal. It derived the normal commissions from the flotation and renewal of these public borrowings and also profited from Canadian government purchasing in London. These operations were undoubtedly lucrative for Morton, Rose and Company and for Sir John. The most active field for Morton, Rose and Company was in railway financing. Here Rose’s association with the Macdonald government was of vital significance. As a personal friend of both Macdonald and George Stephen he assisted in the negotiations that led to the creation in Ottawa on 21 Oct. 1880 of the original Canadian Pacific Railway syndicate, which included his firm, Morton, Rose and Company; the latter was also represented on the CPR board. The syndicate, with Rose’s help, succeeded in attracting Morton, Bliss and Company, as well as other American banks, to aid in the substantial task of raising funds for the transcontinental line. Rose vigorously defended the CPR in London against the attacks of its rival, the Grand Trunk, lobbied for a Pacific steamship service contract for the company, and sought to coordinate land sales between the railway and the HBC, of which he was deputy governor. In 1882 Rose, accompanied by Sir Robert George Wyndham Herbert, permanent undersecretary at the Colonial Office, paid a visit to the Canadian northwest to examine CPR construction and the progress of settlement. Although his personal loyalty to the CPR could not be questioned, that of Morton, Rose and Company was later to be. This occurred well after the management of the firm had passed to his son, whom George Stephen believed to be sympathetic to the Grand Trunk. Desiring more vigorous representation in London, Stephen persuaded Barings to take on a CPR mortgage bond issue in 1885. Thereafter the firm’s relationship with the railway was not as intimate. But Rose in London was always more than a financier. In a functional sense he acted as a quasi-official representative for Canada from 1869 until the office of high commissioner was established in 1880. When Rose left Canada an order in council of 2 Oct. 1869 stated that he was “accredited to Her Majesty’s Government as a gentleman possessing the confidence of the Canadian Government with whom Her Majesty’s Government may properly communicate on Canadian affairs.” His expenses were underwritten by the dominion but he received no salary. He soon proved his usefulness in coping with the problems resulting from Canada’s acquisition of the northwest. “It is impossible to have an abler or more pleasant man with whom to transact business,” Granville reported to Macdonald in 1870. The connection with Ottawa was maintained by the Liberal prime minister, Alexander Mackenzie*, upon whose suggestion Rose became the “Financial Commissioner for the Dominion of Canada” by order in council of 5 March 1875. But the comfortable association between Rose’s financial activities and the informal agency of Canada could not be maintained indefinitely. In the summer of 1879, after the return of the Conservatives to power, Macdonald decided that a full-time official representative was needed in London. In August, on a visit to England, he informed Rose that Sir Alexander Galt would be appointed to the new position. Rose accepted the decision with his usual aplomb, and continued to be consulted by the dominion on financial and other matters even after Galt had taken up his duties. In May 1888, for instance, Sir Richard John Cartwright* complained in the house that Rose had gained commissions on a loan transaction that should have been undertaken by the high commissioner’s office. Sir Charles Tupper*, minister of finance and high commissioner, explained that Rose, as a trustee of Canada’s sinking fund in London, was entitled to remuneration for services. It is impossible to record fully the subjects with which Rose dealt as an unofficial agent for Canada Almost every item of substance in the bilateral relationship received his attention. Sometimes this attention was expressed in confidential advice to Macdonald, sometimes in negotiations with the relevant departments of the British government, sometimes in writing to the newspapers on Canadian affairs. In addition Rose was often consulted by the Colonial Office or by British politicians on colonial questions. Here he showed an awareness of the empire as a whole and of what he considered the beneficial and reinforcing relationships between its parts. Not surprisingly he defended the status quo in the constitutional position of the self-governing colonies and in the means of conducting imperial relations. Basically detached from British party politics, Rose carried out his representations “behind the scenes,” skilfully drawing upon his wide circle of connections in government and business for his purposes. Colonial affairs did not occupy all Rose’s time in England. In 1883 his acquaintance with the Prince of Wales led to his appointment as receiver general for the duchy of Cornwall, a historic estate whose income was reserved for the benefit of the heir apparent to the throne. In this post Rose managed an income of about £60,000 a year from properties in Cornwall and others in Kensington and Lambeth (both now part of London). He thus made a contribution to the unprecedented circumstance of Edward VII’s accession in 1901 entirely free from debt. His membership in the prince’s circle also brought Rose service on commissions concerned with various colonial and Indian exhibitions, projects in which Edward took a keen interest. Rose served on two royal commissions, one on copyright in 1875, the other on extradition in the following year. His honours are impressive: kcmg in 1870, shortly after he removed to England; a baronetcy, Rose of Montreal, in 1872 for his role in arranging the Washington conference; promotion to gcmg in 1878; and membership in the imperial Privy Council in 1886 (his friend Macdonald had been the only Canadian to receive this honour before him). Rose was married twice. His first wife, whom he married on 3 July 1843, was Charlotte Temple of Vermont, widow of Irish poet Robert Sweeney, who had been killed in a celebrated duel in Montreal in 1838; she and Sir John were to have three sons and two daughters. An English friend described Lady Rose thus: “I have in a long life met many women I thought clever, but never one so clever as she was, or with such a genius for society.” She died on 3 Dec. 1883, and on 24 Jan. 1887 Rose married Julia Charlotte Sophia Mackenzie-Stewart, widow of the 9th Marquis of Tweeddale. Rose himself died unexpectedly on 24 August of the following year, while deer stalking on the estate of the Duke of Portland in Scotland. Afflicted with a weak heart, he died in the excitement of shooting a stag. He was buried in Guildford, England, near a country estate, Losely Park, which he had rented for some years. Rose is the quintessential representative of the North Atlantic community of the middle and late 19th century. Born in one corner of the Atlantic “triangle,” he made his name in another, was closely connected with the third, and returned to his birthplace to fulfil a second career. Much more a financier and diplomat than a politician, he recognized the importance of a favourable political climate for the growth of economic enterprise. Thus he turned his natural gifts to the maintenance of reinforcing relationships between the corners of the “triangle.” He was immensely aided in this task by his orderly mind, his grasp of detail, his discretion, his ability to inspire trust, and his charm and urbanity. These personal qualities were combined with a shrewd appreciation of the possibilities for financial gain and Rose died a wealthy man; his estate was valued at over £300,000. The extent to which his diplomatic and administrative achievements assisted his position as a private financier is impossible to measure but the value of the link cannot be doubted. He possessed a host of acquaintances and some close relationships with men in high places. Of the latter his friendship with Macdonald is uppermost. “Of all Sir John Macdonald’s political associates in his later years,” wrote Sir Joseph Pope*, “I am disposed to consider that, personally, he was most attached to Sir John Rose. . . .” John Morley’s appraisal fairly characterizes the man: “He was one of the many Scots who have carried the British flag . . . over the face of the globe; his qualities had raised him to great prominence in Canada; he had enjoyed good opportunities of measuring the American ground; he was shrewd, wise, well read in the ways of men and the book of the world, and he had besides the virtue of being pleasant.” David M. L. Farr [There is no biography of Rose, nor have his private papers been located. A large mass of Rose correspondence extending over many years is contained in the Macdonald papers (MG 26, A) in the PAC. Rose was Barings’ agent in Canada and the Baring Brothers and Company papers (PAC, MG 24, D21) contain his reports to the firm. The Alexander Mackenzie papers (MG 26, B) in the PAC also include Rose correspondence. There are Rose papers for the years 1850 to 1867 in the McLennan Library, McGill University Libraries (Montreal). Rose material may also be obtained in the L. P. Morton papers in the New York Public Library. Letters and memoranda from Rose are to be found throughout Colonial Office (CO 42 and CO 43) and Foreign Office (FO 5, FO 362, and FO 414) records in the PRO and in the files of the Department of State (RG 59) in the National Archives of the United States (Washington). Original material arising from Rose’s reciprocity discussions in 1869 is reproduced in two notes edited by A. H. U. Colquhoun, CHR, 1 (1920): 54–60, and 8 (1927): 233–42. Rose’s activities touched so many branches of government that evidence concerning them is widely scattered. There is also the fact that the unofficial character of his duties after 1869 tended to reduce formal communications. Biographical sketches of Rose may be found in Canadian directory of parl. (J. K. Johnson); Cyclopædia of Canadian biog. (Rose, 1886); Dent, Canadian portrait gallery, IV: 70–72; DNB; Dominion annual register, 1880–85; and Morgan, Sketches of celebrated Canadians, 637–39. Secondary material is also scattered through biographies and memoirs of Rose’s friends and associates in three countries, notably Creighton, Macdonald, young politican and Macdonald, old chieftain, and Joseph Pope, Memoirs of the Right Honourable Sir John Alexander Macdonald, G.C.B., first prime minister of the Dominion of Canada (rev. ed., Toronto, 1930). There are also a few more specialized treatments of phases in his career. Rose’s involvement in the controversy over the construction of the Parliament Buildings is touched on in Hodgetts, Pioneer public service, chap.12. There is a discussion of the genesis of the Oregon Treaty in J. S. Galbraith, The Hudson’s Bay Company as an imperial factor, 1821–1869 ([Toronto], 1957), chap.13. The struggle over the dominion’s first banking legislation is discussed in D. C. Masters, “Toronto vs. Montreal: the struggle for financial hegemony, 1860–1875,” CHR, 22 (1941): 133–46; Shortt, “Hist. of Canadian currency, banking and exchange: government versus bank circulation,” Canadian Banker, 12: 14–35; and in Denison, Canada’s first bank. Rose’s financial activities are touched on in Heather Gilbert, Awakening continent: the life of Lord Mount Stephen . . . (Aberdeen, Scot., 1965) and in Dolores Greenberg, “Yankee financiers and the establishment of trans-Atlantic partnerships: a re-examination,” Business Hist. (London), 16 (1974): 17–35, and “A study of capital alliances: the St Paul & Pacific,” CHR, 57 (1976): 25–39. The fullest treatment of Rose as Canadian agent in Britain is M. H. Long, “Sir John Rose and the informal beginnings of the Canadian high commissionership,” CHR, 12 (1931): 23–43. See also D. M. L. Farr, “Sir John Rose and imperial relations: an episode in Gladstone’s first administration,” CHR, 33 (1952): 19–38, and The Colonial Office and Canada, 1867–1887 (Toronto, 1955). There is a chapter on Rose as unofficial agent in London in W. I. Smith, “The origins and early development of the office of high commissioner” ({{phd}} thesis, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1968), and in W. B. Turner, “Colonial self-government and the colonial agency: changing concepts of permanent Canadian representation in London, 1848 to 1880” ({{phd}} thesis, Duke Univ., Durham, N.C., 1970). Rose’s Washington negotiations of 1871 are described in R. C. Clark, “The diplomatic mission of Sir John Rose, 1871,” Pacific Northwest Quarterly (Seattle, Wash.), 27 (1936): 227–42; G. [A.] ith, The Treaty of Washington, 1871: a study in imperial history (Ithaca, N. Y., 1941); and J. O. McCabe, The San Juan water boundary question (Toronto, 1964).  d.m.l.f.] General Bibliography Cite This Article David M. L. Farr, “ROSE, Sir JOHN,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 11, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed October 25, 2014, http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/rose_john_11E.html. Permalink: http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/rose_john_11E.html Author of Article: David M. L. Farr Title of Article: ROSE, Sir JOHN Publication Name: Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 11 Publisher: University of Toronto/Université Laval Year of publication: 1982 Year of revision: 1982 Access Date: October 25, 2014
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Country Corner Flying the Coop on . The chickens haven’t yet come home to roost in Columbia,Mo. As of this writing, a proposal still stands to let the urban Columbia homeowner keep a few yard birds. But trouble is on the wing. Representatives from the local animal shelter have expressed concerns about what it might mean for them. They expect an influx of neglected, unwanted and derelict chickens. It presents a problem that the shelter is ill-equipped to handle. What with the crates and cages used for dogs and cats being unacceptable for chickens, logistical chaos would set in. It’s a system that isn’t built for chickens, they reason. Who would adopt the birds that will inevitably be orphaned by the fowl weary? And so I must retract. A couple months ago, I said that urban chickens would be a boon for town and country relations. I said that for people of pavement, the urban chicken coop would be an object lesson in animal husbandry and all its dilemmas. The generations of urban hubris that separates us from our city cousins would melt away as the life-and-death reality of keeping animals made clear to the urbanites that life does, in fact, eat life. My assumption then was that someone, somewhere, would have a look at Matilda the hen in her declining days and say, “Well, there’s always soup.” I figured that she would meet the same fate of her ancestors since Gallus bankiva made its way from the tree branch and was domesticated—in a pot with noodles. But the professionals at the animal shelter have set me straight. I was, as any woman who has been in my life would provide evidence and testimony for, wrong. I hadn’t thought things through. The chasm that separates the consuming public from the livestock producer has grown so wide that we must face and accept a very stark incompatibility. It’s a hard reckoning. What you take responsibility for on the farm is escapable in town. What economics and biology—and I dare say ethics—tell you must be a culling decision that can mean only one thing for an animal is something altogether different in town. Hen isn’t laying? Take it to the pound. Rooster a little aggressive? Let someone adopt it. I kept pigs as a young man. Being tuned into the trend before it was even cool, my pigs roamed idyllically on open pasture. They were free-range to the extent that I couldn’t keep them in a pen. Or maybe I couldn’t build a pen. Either way, during my swine herding tenure, I picked up a nice boar. He was of good service for a time, but, as they do, the boar got up enough bravado that he decided he’d have a run at being boss. One day as I did chores in the snow, he knocked the bucket from my hand and mauled me. But for the layers of clothing I’d donned against January’s cold, I would have been significantly injured. Having been at the wrong end of his tusk and maw, I made a resolute decision about that boar’s fate. He went the way of the sale barn. Someone got sausage. I got a check. Problem solved. The livestock industry faces pressure from many directions. There are healthy debates to be had about how livestock is raised and certain compromises to be made between modern husbandry and the plate. Yet there are some things for both sides that truly are inescapable.The lesson is that however we wrap it, cook it and serve it, life eats life. And no animal shelter needed 450 pounds of porcine wrath. The boar had to go. For producers of livestock, the challenge has become explaining that notion to the public, who, despite the best efforts of animal rights groups, wants an acceptable social contract with meat to bless along with their evening meal. I was wrong about urban chickens. They are not a panacea. We’re looking for something simple to yank the carpet of time from beneath our population’s evolution of strangely packed ennui. What I thought was so simple isn’t. A few urban hands dirty with chicken dung won’t be the beachhead back toward the reality you see in the barn lot. • Subscriptions • Advertising • FAQ • Copyright Notice
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Articles written by Rebecca Colnar Sorted by date  Results 1 - 2 of 2  By Rebecca Colnar    News    January 13, 2016 Farm Bureau Protests BLM Decision on Flat Creek Allotment The Montana Farm Bureau Federation has sent a letter to Vinita Shea, Field Manager for the Bureau of Land Management in Malta protesting the recent decision of approval of the American Prairie Reserve’s (APR) request for change of use on the Flat C...  By Rebecca Colnar    Opinion    May 15, 2013 Farm Bureau Dismayed By Governor's Veto Of Bison Bills The Montana Farm Bureau has expressed strong disappointment in Montana Governor Steve Bullock’s veto of several bills regarding wild bison  The bills had easily passed the House and Senate, but met with the ‘veto’ stamp on the governor’s...
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 Salsa in Manchester at Cadmans Cadmans Dance logo office 0161 973 6225 email [email protected] 11 Ashfield Road, Sale, Manchester, M33 7DY Cadmans is very proud to have the longest running weekly salsa class in the North West!  We were one of the first to bring salsa to Manchester in the mid-1990's, and have had our Tuesday night salsa classes ever since! As with all dance classes at Cadmans in Manchester, our salsa classes are given by professional dance instructors who really know how to help everyone get the most from their dancing, whether that be complete beginners or advanced dancers, and all of this in a fun entertaining class! Dress code: there's no dress code per se, whatever you feel comfortable in, from jeans and tshirt, to a lovely dress! And if you don't have a dance partner, don't worry, most people don't bring a dance partner with them.  We're all friends in the class and we encourage everyone to dance with everyone throughout the evening! Some of the many benefits of salsa... • Improve your health • Make new friends • Increase your confidence • Learn a new skill • A great way to relax • Better than going to the gym • Improve your flexibility • Lose weight • Meet someone special • Have lots of fun! Class Schedule 7.30pm - Fun and easy warm-up followed by beginners salsa.  Each course starts on the first Tuesday of each month. 8.15pm - Improver level salsa class - for people who are confident with the beginners salsa and ready for more - typically 3-9 months of dance experience 9.15pm - Intermediate/advanced salsa class - typically 1-2 years of dance experience. 10.15pm - 11pm Social dancing with a mix of salsa and bachata's and other fun dances. Our studios in Sale, Manchester are air-conditioned, with plenty of comfortable seating to relax in when not dancing, and we have a fully stocked and Licensed Bar. If you are not sure how to go about learning to dance or what to wear, or another question about learning to dance, try our Frequently Asked Questions, or we'd be delighted to receive an email or phone call from you.  Beginners Salsa Course • Our beginners salsa are at 7.30pm and you can join any week you want.  The class is designed to get you to a basic level of salsa very quickly, with emphasis on fun and enjoyment. • Find out all the latest details in our Salsa @ Cadmans Facebook Group Special Events & Bachata Nights • End of Month Specials with Paul are on the last Tuesday of each month! (Beginners salsa is still on at 7.30pm).    These are usually Bachata's but can vary - check our FB group for details.  Havana Club Facebook Logo
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Transactions Anytime Anywhere Sans the Wallet Easy Money Image by Doug88888 Traditional methods of credit card payment and mobile payment are shifting. The $15 trillion electronic payment market will continue to evolve, and our wallets will disappear, slowly but surely. Point of sale is no longer the domain of a physical location, and not even necessarily a function of swiping a card on a mobile reader, such as Square or competing devices. Logging in provides a quicker way to buy and leave, simplifying customer experiences. PayPal unveiled a new series of traditional and mobile APIs at SxSW last weekend that empowers developers to incorporate payment functionality in any media form. In theory, with log-ins added to the equation, events, apps or any other kind of device can complete business as necessitated by situation and customer preference.  This new transactional evolution empowers commerce in mobile or stationary environments. One can see web site developers have a new set of requirements developing on the horizon. Not only do they need to incororate social and mobile into design, but now another new element enters the picture, the transaction. Continue reading 1,886,434 Ways the Long Tail Beat Klout Last Wednesday’s Give to the Max Day: Greater Washington netted $2,034,434, including 17,838 donations totaling $1,886,434. The online giving contest benefited 1200 nonprofits. As the general manager of the event, this kind of impact makes me profoundly grateful, and many thanks have already been sent to the donors, nonprofits and partners involved. Give to the Max Day also provided yet another example of how big social media names don’t necessarily translate into great social performance. On the contrary, the majority of winners in Give to the Max Day Grand Awards were not the big nonprofit brands with sizable influencers locally. It was the little guys, the Little Lights Urban Ministries (Klout Score: 10) and For Love of Children, Inc. (Klout Score: 37) that won most donors and most donations, respectively. If people were betting on popular nonprofit brands and influencers with big Klout scores to win the day, they would have lost a lot of money. While some participated and performed well, they didn’t take the grand prizes. In the end it was the long tail of small voices that drove the event’s leaderboards, and overall donation flow. That’s not to say that big brands and influencers can’t succeed. As revealed in the PayPal Research paper, Effectiveness of Celebrity Spokespeople in Social Fundraisers, the secret formula for success in social media is not the most “influence” or size of account, rather it is engaged community, authenticity and a willingness to work. Any online brand can demonstrate that kind of investment and energy. Frank Warren Book Signing Two award winners were big influencers, and showed that kind of passion. The first was PostSecret‘s Frank Warren (Klout Score: 69), who won the Care2 Individual Fundraiser Award with his IMAlive fundraiser, which in turn triggered a third place finish for Most Donors for the Kristin Brooks Hope Center. Frank was very engaged in the weeks leading up to the event, asking questions about how to do well. Further, he is authentically passionate about this cause with a long history of fundraising and personal reasons to be engaged. The second influential example is the fine performance of the Trustees of the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Though you couldn’t necessarily tell by a Klout Score of 49, the Corcoran is one of Washington’s premier institutions in the Arts Community. The Corcoran went all out with its ArtReach campaign, using a matching grant, emails and social media to invigorate its core. The result? A total of 438 donors and $55,189 in donations, good enough for third place in most dollars raised, and fourth place for most donors. In the end, it’s not Klout or some other social media ranking that creates a success. It’s the passion and drive of the voices behind the effort. Congratulations to all of the nonprofits who experimented, and learned more about online fundraising this past Wednesday (and the months leading up to it). Give to the Max Day: Greater Washington was a fun contest, and it’s an enjoyable exercise to break down what made a winning campaign. But the real winners in this day were you, the almost 18,000 citizens who supported you, and the region as a whole. PayPal Research Shows Strength of Community Trumps Popularity We live in strange times in which an online following is considered the mark of success. This era of weblebrity seems caustic at times with companies, nonprofits and individuals chasing personal brands for their time. Yet, as we dig deeper we see that real influence online does not necessarily tether itself to the most well known, rather the most engaged. Some research released today, The Effectiveness of Celebrity Spokespeople in Social Fundraisers, conducted on case studies within the PayPal network validates this truth. The paper, my final as a Zoetican and co-authored with Henry T. Dunbar, concludes that online celebrity fundraising efforts are hit and miss. Further some of the biggest names get outpaced by lesser known web-based personalities or weblebrities who activate deep ties to their communities. The research shows over and over again that the hyper-engaged online personality with an authentic story is the one to succeed. Here are some examples: • A campaign on Facebook’s Causes to raise money for a new children’s hospital. In it, a 9-year-old cancer patient with virtually no online presence generated more donations than any other individual, including television star Ashton Kutcher. • A fundraising competition among bloggers —- including TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington and All Things D’s Kara Swisher —- was dominated by a blogger offering to parade around in a tomato suit. • The launch competition of Kevin Bacon’s Six Degrees social giving website: Despite recruiting more than 60 celebrities to create “charity badges” on the site —- including Nicole Kidman and Ashley Judd -— the top fundraiser was a woman who blogs about scrapbooking and has an autistic son. • The PayPal-sponsored Regift the Fruitcake campaign on Facebook was won by Operation Smile with the help of Filipina singer Charice and her engaged fans. Other more notable celebrities participated, but didn’t deliver Charice’s impact. • TwitChange, which hosts charity auctions where fans buy mentions, follows, and retweets from celebrities on Twitter. Through three auctions in 2010, two of the celebrities drawing the most attention and highest bids have been actor Zachary Levi (of TV’s Chuck) and celebrity photographer Jeremy Cowart, beating stars such as country singer LeAnn Rimes and celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton. As practitioners and communicators, we owe it to ourselves and our clients to dig deeper, and learn the underpinnings of the online social web. Real influence is more than popularity, and this paper goes a great distance to highlighting the important components of authenticity, real strong community engagement, and a willingness to actively work with a community to affect change. The whole paper is online, and embedded below. Over the next few weeks, expect to see several full case studies outlining the principles of the paper published here. Special thanks to PayPal’s Clam Lorenz, Network for Good’s Katya Andresen,’s Anna Doherty, Operation Smile’s Kristi Kastrounis, and TwitChange’s Shaun King, all of whom provided the outstanding content and insights that made this paper possible. Effectiveness of Celebrity Spokespeople in Social Fundraisers
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Appliance Repair Ogden Utah Our Ogden appliance repair technicians come to you and provide fast affordable services. The repairs we perform cost a fraction of what it would be to replace the appliance in question. Dishwashers commonly break down or work inefficiently if they have not been services recently. Many people actually cause damage to their devices by placing items in them that were not intended to be in a dishwasher. If you have any questions as to whether something is dishwasher safe, wash it by hand. Garbage disposals are also commonly overused. This can cause them to become clogged, or require repairs. Fortunately, if this device breaks in your home, it is generally not very expensive to repair. We always recommend running cold water while running the disposal to ensure it works properly. We employ some of the most skilled and experienced technicians anywhere in the nation. Call us today to schedule a consultation. Call Our Ogden Appliance Repair Experts at (801) 621-2137 Dryers that are not working properly are one of the most potentially hazardous appliances in the home. Because of the way that they work, there is an inherent danger in their use. Lint, fuzz, and even clothing can be highly flammable, and they are exposed to heat inside of the dryer. Inspecting a dryer that is not working properly is important to ensure the safety of those around it. Changing the lint screen before every load of laundry is important to keep the system running smoothly. Common signs that a dryer may be malfunctioning is the smell of burning or cloths requiring multiple loads to be fully dry. Aside from the safety risks, significantly more power is used by dryers that are partially clogged. Washing machines also commonly break down. This can cause water damage to the surrounding areas of your home if it is not caught quickly. This can cause mold to build up, affecting the health of your loved ones. Washing machines often leak water in areas that are difficult to see, which can lead to potential complications. We are experts are repairing all types of damage to the most popular types of home appliances. Davis County Appliance Repair Professionals Ovens and ranges are some of the most expensive items in the kitchen. They do not break down very often, but when they do, they are very expensive to replace. We have a large amount of experience dealing with all of the most popular makes, models, and brands. We also keep parts for the most popular models in stock to help speed our repairs. To help extend the life of these appliances, and to help save on electricity bills, here are several tips. Turning the oven off several minutes before the food is done cooking is a good idea as the ambient heat in the oven will continue to cook the food. When using the heating element, be sure it closely matches the size of your cookware so excess heat is not wasted. Call us today to schedule an appointment with one of our Ogden appliance repair professionals.
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Deflation comes in seven forms. Five are already here. The Fed is worried about one form of deflation: price drops for good and services. If so many other kinds of deflation are already present, can goods and services deflation be far behind?  • close A home posted for sale at a reduced price is seen in Los Angeles in June. The decline in home prices is one of the five forms of deflation that have already shown up in the US economy. View Caption When the Federal Reserve announced "Operation Twist" in September, buying long-term securities in order to lower long-term interest rates, it sent an important signal: It's worried about deflation again. Deflation to the Fed means substantial and chronic price drops for goods and services that risk creating a self-perpetuating downward price spiral. If buyers think prices will be lower in the future, they delay purchases, creating more economic decline, which pushes prices lower, and so on. This is one form of deflation, but there are six others (see my latest book: "The Age of Deleveraging: Investment Strategies for a Decade of Slow Growth and Deflation"). Five forms are already in place in the United States. There's deflation of: 1. Financial assets. It started with the 2007 collapse in subprime residential mortgages, which touched off the swoon in stocks and bonds. Massive monetary and fiscal stimuli revived them starting in early 2009, but financial assets are sinking again under the weight of an increasingly recession-prone US economy, a likely hard landing in China, and Europe's sovereign-debt crisis. That crisis and ratings downgrades are forcing down the value of sovereign debt and bank shares. 2. Tangible assets. The 20-city house price index from S&P/Case-Shiller is down an average 4.2 percent from a year ago and 32 percent from its April 2006 peak. Moody's/REAL Commercial Property Price Index has dropped 43 percent from its October 2007 peak. 3. Commodity prices. The trend started earlier this year. Copper, which measures global industrial activity since it's used in almost all manufactured products, is down 28 percent from its peak in February. Cotton's off 53 percent since March. Even gold is down 12 percent from its early September peak after a meteoric rise. The hard landing I foresee for China will erode, probably destroy, the basis for the global commodity bubble – namely, the conviction that China will continue to buy all the industrial and agricultural commodities in sight. 4. Wages. With the US labor market so weak, the wage side of a wage/price downward spiral is firmly established. The unemployment rate, including those who have given up looking for work, is 16.2 percent, compared with the headline 9.1 percent. Real median household income was down 7.1 percent between 1999 and 2010; it fell 2.3 percent in the last year alone. 5. Currencies. This form of deflation has arrived as the world rushes to the US dollar. The US has serious problems but remains attractive relative to woeful Europe. The dollar is the route to the Treasury securities foreigners covet. The greenback is the only world reserve currency, and it has a huge, free, and deep market compared with the Swiss franc, now pegged to the euro. So, five out of seven forms of deflation are at work. Two have yet to be established. The arrival of one – deflation by government fiat – is uncertain, but may not be far off. Currently, we have inflation by fiat, which includes all the ways by which, with a stroke of a pen, government can take actions that raise prices and wages – be it through legislation, new regulations, etc. But the 2012 election may spawn genuine tax simplification and other deflation by fiat. The other form – the goods and services deflation that the Federal Reserve fears – can't be far behind, given all the other areas where prices are already falling. As global deleveraging persists, all these prices will be marked down as the world struggles to find a new equilibrium. – A. Gary Shilling heads an economic consulting firm in Springfield, N.J., and is the author of several books.  Share this story:
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Wednesday, December 28, 2016 holy mo! a christmas show! | student & senior tickets Pssst! Calling all students and seniors. Tonight is the last night to snag a ticket for only $20.00 to HOLY MO! A CHRISTMAS SHOW!. We have a few seats left, so call our box office at 604.731.5518 or go online to to book your tickets. No comments:
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A New Year of Hope and Gratitude MoSop The Diva The Diva Days Don’t change that dial…yes, this is still MormonSoprano! However, in honor of the upcoming New Year celebration, I made a few little festive changes. I also activated my “falling snow” feature, as it makes a nice double for confetti, don’t you think? It is hard to believe that we are already ushering 2008 out the door, and 2009 is marching boldly in. I don’t know about you, but this year flew by for me! One year ago, things were decidedly different in my life. “Happy New Year 2008” evoked excitement and trepidation as I prepared to embark on a completely different direction. Change is like stage-fright. If it doesn’t kill you, the adrenaline rush will thrill you! In fact, I believe that over the past 5 years I have experienced enough big “CHANGE” to accumulate an amount of adrenaline equal to experiencing my debut at the Metropolitan Opera. So there you go. In some sort of circuitous “virtual” logic perhaps I have managed to “accomplish” that life-long dream of mine (without actually ever doing it). Maybe I will cross it off my bucket list. 🙂 I know that life is unpredictable, but I always find it surprising. It is hard to believe that only 18 months ago I was living an hour-by-hour existence, praying my child would live another day. Some people keep warning me that long posts are a waste of time because people don’t like to read them. However, I’m going out on a limb here to share a personal story in celebration and gratitude. If you take the time to read it, I hope you will be rewarded with feeling the love and faith it represents. Perhaps it will also help you in some way. A Crucible There are certain times when each life is required to go through more than just the average day-to-day trials. This is when we face what I call a crucible. The scriptures refer to these times as the refiners fire. In order to refine a precious metal, or extract it from stone, it must be heated to a dangerously high temperature, using a crucible. The year of 2007 was The MoSop Family Crucible. Painful Beginning In January ’07, after a successful first semester of High School and happy holiday season, my eldest daughter (DD#1) woke up with a sore shoulder. The pain increased exponentially over the next few days, so we consulted a sports injury doc, thinking it may have been from her dance class. He decided it was a slipped rotator cuff, and also declared that she should never dance again because hers was likely to continually slip out of socket. After copious amounts of tears , DD withdrew her from her beloved dance classes. Then she started a bi-weekly physical therapy. It didn’t work. By end of January, the pain had spread all the way down her arm, and she could no longer carry her books, or hold a pencil in her hand to take notes in class. Worse, it was now spreading. Her other arm was experiencing the same symptoms , and then her knees and legs followed. Doctor #1 decided his diagnoses was off the mark, and referred us back to our family doctor. Downward Spiral DD started experiencing serious dizzy spells, and her pain was so high that it was hard for her to concentrate on anything. Homework was a nightmare. Doctor #2 loaded her up with pain meds. They didn’t alleviate her suffering, but they sure heightened the dizziness. By February, DD had to withdraw formally from school. She lay curled on her bed in a fetal position most of the day, and had to have assistance getting up to use the restroom and eating. By the first week of March she could barely walk, and no amount of heavy pain killers and muscle relaxants would take the pain away. None of the many medical specialists we consulted during these weeks could give us a definitive diagnoses. Maybe it was MS. Maybe it was juvenile arthritis. Maybe it was some sort of cancer…? All very scary prospects. But none of the pieces of the puzzle added up. Doctor #3 sighed and admitted “well, she’s a mystery I can’t solve”. Doctor #4 referred us directly to Doctor #5 who went so far as to insist that since he could not diagnose her, and all tests were coming back negative, it must not actually exist. Therefore it was all psychological and DD was pretending in order to get attention. His haughty accusation crushed DD. Needless to say, that was not a good day. Dark Days Meanwhile, all the treatments and medications were not helping, and many made things worse. In spite of my frantic efforts, DD’s body was shutting down. Every day some new symptom arrived to inflict further agony. It was excruciating for her to swallow, so eating and drinking became a burden. Her subsequent rapid weight loss and dehydration was truly frightening. Her little heart and blood pressure were in serious trouble! She was always dizzy now, and even fainted. Meanwhile, her formerly happy active teenage life was in shambles. She had to cancel her Prom night plans. Her friends got busy with school and parties and the calls and visits slacked off. When someone did call, it just reminded her of everything she was missing and made her feel worse. She couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t hold a book to read. She couldn’t watch TV because it aggravated her dizziness. What was left for her? Hour after hour she lay on her bed in agony, sinking into depression and losing the will to live. I knew that if we could not find help very soon, we were going to lose her. We had exhausted our ideas. Family and friends joined us in fasting and prayer pleading for help from the Lord. Our prayers were heard, and answered. It was recommended that we try one more specialist. When we arrived for the appointment the doctor we were supposed to meet with had been called away to an emergency, and we were greeted by a new physician to the clinic; Dr. Z. We soon learned this was not a coincidence, but part of the Lord’s plan. Dr. Z had trained under the leading USA researcher of a rare and difficult to diagnose nerve disorder called Reflex Neurovascular Dystrophy (RND) (sometimes called RSD, S =Sympathetic) which is in the family of amplified muskuloskeletal pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia. When he examined DD, he recognized this condition immediately. However, he did not leap to pronouncing the diagnoses. Instead, he handed me a stack of information, which included a couple of very scientific research papers, and asked me to read as much as possible while he attended to other patients. Even though Dr. Z was quite certain of the diagnoses, this admirable doctor paid respect to the power of a mother’s intuition, and actively included me as a partner in the diagnoses process. It was beyond wonderful. Added to this was the relief for DD’s pain to finally be validated, and for all of us to have a name for the dragon we were fighting. I wept tears of joy and gratitude. The Nerve The human nervous system is very fascinating and complex. There is much still to discover. Nerves send continual messages to our brain for all of our “parts” to move and function. Nerves are also receptors of pain and send needed warnings. However, in RND, they get hypersensitive, and send an overload of messages, which in turn makes blood vessels constrict, which causes pain, leading to more pain signals…thus, an unending escalating cycle creates an internal cyclone spreading and picking up speed throughout the body. This was just the beginning of our journey, however it was the first major boost of Hope. We learned that there was intensive treatment, but there were no treatment centers in our area. The nearest clinic was over 1000 miles away. All of the clinics had 6 – 9 month waiting lists! My daughter was barely going to make 9 more days, let alone 9 months! Once again, I was on my knees pleading with the Lord for help. Dr. Z. didn’t let us down. He called all of the clinics to try to get us bumped up the list. However, most children are just as bad off as my daughter, so that approach didn’t work. However, in speaking with the head researcher, Dr. Z learned there was a physician who had recently finished training and was starting up a program at a children’s hospital in the Northwest. Things started happening rapidly. The next morning I received a call from an admitting nurse from that hospital. They had a bed opening up. She apologetically told me it would be “ready in 5 days”, and asked if we could possibly be there in 3 days. I wept with joy and gratitude. The Lord had opened the door and was taking charge! Within three days I had hastily made arrangements to take some time off work, threw a few things in a suitcase while spending night and day on the phone with our health insurance company and the hospital trying to get approval and coverage (just the beginning of a long insurance battle). A Long Journey Mr. MoSop had just started a new job with a long commute, thus, our younger daughter (DD#2), had to hastily move to her grandmother’s house. Thus, in just a few short hours our family was separated and everything was uncertain and highly stressful. Initially, we were told to plan on a 2-3 week treatment. So, I naively packed light, and took my office laptop reassuring everyone I would keep working and they would “hardly even know I was gone”. In the end, DD would spend nine weeks hospitalized miles away from our home, family, and friends. I will be eternally grateful for my supportive boss and coworkers at home, and the many angels who came into our lives, including the Ronald McDonald House. They took me in and provided a beautiful private room and shared kitchen facilities. The staff were always ready with a kind word, and a hug, They anticipated my many needs as my stay lengthened. The house also provided a built-in support network of parents with critically ill children. All of our stories were different, but our heartaches and worries were in harmony. As each of us endured our own crucibles, we were linked and bonded together in the process becoming a second family. The experiences and stories of that time are too numerous to tell here, and are enough to fill a book. Words can describe the facts and stories, but are incapable of helping one FEEL and LIVE through those changes. Suffice it to say my soul was broken down into a million pieces, and then the Lord took me in His hands and recreated me. Each member of my family experienced this in their own individual ways. My eyes were opened to the daily miracles taking place around me. The tender mercies of a hospital can only truly be appreciated and noticed when one is “living” there long-term. Time stops, and transports you to a ‘parrallel universe’ where moments are measured based upon pain medication schedules, IV changes, and the next test or surgical procedure. “Night” and “Day” mean nothing except to designate which nursing team has come on shift. Television is a boring babysitter – but also a blessed progress gage in disguise, for when it can be used, that means a patient is not critical any longer, and on the mend. I discovered so many blessings this experience brought me. My “gift list” grew and grew each day. When I finally flew home, seated beside me was a daughter whole and healed and vibrant! Her doctors joked she had received their special “extreme body makeover” package, and that no one would recognize her. (this was true!) She was reborn. Seated beside her was a mother with a “changed heart” of her own. My soul had been made whole, and healed and vibrant! I was had a new outlook, and a new direction. One of the treasured gifts of those long weeks was time to internalize the Savior’s command to “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10) During all of that stillness, I learned to listen. And when I was still, and listening, that is when I heard the Holy Spirit speak gentle words of comfort and personal directions. Thus, New Year 2008 became my year to act upon those directions, and to continually strive to find time to keep listening. I don’t know everything about life, and I make many mistakes. There is so much I may never learn. But, there are a few things I do KNOW. helping-hands1. God is real. He lives. He is all powerful and all knowing, and yet He is our kind loving Heavenly Father who is approachable. He knows our name. He knows our needs. He will never forsake us. He is eager to bless and help us if we will reach out and ask. Jesus Loves Us2. Jesus Christ is real He is the only begotten Son of God, and the Lord of heaven and earth. Like a true superhero, he sacrificed everything to save the world. He left his heavenly throne, and descended to earth in the humblest circumstances to live as a man and fulfill all that his Father sent Him to do. He taught us how to live. He established commandments and rules that will bring us protection and happiness when we follow. jesus-in-gethsemaneHe suffered for all of our sin and pain and illness and difficult mortal experience, so that we would not have to eternally suffer. He suffered a mock trial and died nailed to a cross. His broken body was laid in a tomb with a heavy stone rolled across by several men. Three days later, the women came to prepare his body properly for burial. They found the stone rolled away, and the body gone. The scriptures detail for us Jesus appearance to Mary, and then to many others. His spirit had taken back His body again and had become a complete, whole, restored, resurrected being. He lived! and He still Lives! Jesus Christ conquered the spiritual death of sin, and the physical death of our bodies. This was done so that all of us can be healed and restored. I know this is true. It is real. It happened. And because it happened, I have Hope. I knew that my daughter could be made whole again if that was God’s plan, and I also knew that if she died, as heart wrenching and terrible as that would have been for our family, it would not be the end. Because of Jesus Christ, the grave is just a temporary mortal condition. Each one of us will live again! Jesus Christ has provided the only way for our eternal progress and salvation. When we accept Him and believe in Him and follow His commandments, we are on the path to return to our Father in Heaven and live with Him again forever. woman_praying33. There is a purpose for our life. When we go through life crucibles and experiences which we do not think we can possibly bear, miraculous things happen. When we turn to God, and trust in Him, our eyes are opened to the miracles. Step by step our souls get stronger, our minds are given the ability to grasp new concepts, and expand to understand complexities. Small tender mercies get us through the darkest hours. One of my favorite scriptures has become engraved on my heart: (Psalm 30:5) As we celebrate the dawning of a New Year, we are celebrating a symbol of hope and rebirth. Just as Jesus Christ has given us the opportunity to have a fresh start and to be reborn spiritually, The New Year gives us the chance to make fresh resolutions for positive changes which will improve our journey. May our hearts be filled with Gratitude for the gift from God of our past, our present, and our future. I send to you and your family my best wishes for a Hopeful, Joyful and Blessed New Year! 1. MoSop, what can I say? I am so touched by your post today. What an absolutely incredible experience. I had no idea, of course – how would I – but it just seems weird that I did not know this about you all this time that I’ve been reading your blog! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this. You can be assured that I read every word! My medical education side is very interested to know what kind of treatment they gave your daughter, and I understand how you couldn’t add it to this post. Any way you could point me to a web site that talks about the condition and the treatments? I have also gone through some “crucible” experiences this year (although not nearly to the degree that you did) that have taught me to see miracles every day and to listen to the Spirit more closely. That in itself is a miracle and very much a part of what we were meant to experience in this mortal sphere. Thanks again for sharing! 2. MoSop, I, too, read every word. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with me. I guess I am experiencing a crucible at this time. I want to say I am strengthened by your words to believe in God more, but alas, that is more of my struggle at the moment. Oh, I don’t mean to discount your belief of Him. On the contrary, I believe that He lives and that He loves you and knows you. You have, in turn given your talent for singing and words to those who need to know and feel of His goodness. Maybe, someday, I will be able to do the same. 3. TabFan – thank you so much for reading. Being human means we all will suffer times of deep despair and doubt. I believe the crucible you are enduring currently will turn for your good, and for the good of others. Remember that “The worth of each soul is great in the eyes of God”. You have greatness within you that is unique, and have gifts no one else can offer the world. The spirit will help reveal these things to you in time. Hang in there. 4. Wow, I just found this blog today by chance. However, it was Heavenly Father who lead me here. My sister-in-law just told me that she had the same thing when she was in high school. Then I found your blog and read this tonight. I was just reading about your new year resolutions and found this one. From my experiences with my daughter you have described the hospital living experience well. Very well written. Beautiful. Thanks I love your comments! ♥ WordPress.com Logo Google+ photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Distracted driving enforcement to honor fallen trooper Kim Morava - The Shawnee News-Star - USA Today Network Trooper Nicholas Dees died in 2015 after being struck by a distracted driver. Six years ago this month, along Interstate 40 east of Shawnee, a distracted driver struck and killed Trooper Nicholas Dees while he investigated an accident scene. In the years since that tragedy, what happened that night has prompted more awareness about distracted driving, including presentations at high schools locally and across the state, as well as passage of a new state law. And through the end of this month, as a way to honor Trooper Dees, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and partnering agencies are conducting special emphasis enforcement campaigns focusing on distracted driving violations or signs of inattentive driving. On Jan. 31, 2015, Trooper Dees and Trooper Keith Burch were on patrol and dispatched to investigate a collision involving a tractor-trailer rig on Interstate 40 in Seminole County near the Pottawatomie County line. While the troopers were standing outside of their patrol units investigating that accident, a distracted driver traveled into the scene and struck both troopers. Trooper Dees died instantly and Trooper Burch suffered serious injuries and faced a long road to recovery. The driver of the vehicle was charged and later convicted of manslaughter. Trooper Aaron Nickell, during a recent OHP podcast, said it was revealed in court that the driver charged in the case had sent 69 messages during his drive before the fatal crash occurred. State troopers, in discussing the special enforcement campaign for the rest of this month, also recalled that night and talked about the consequences of distracted driving. “We do take it very seriously when we see someone driving with a cell phone in hand,” said Trooper Eric Foster, adding that emphasis on enforcement helps educate drivers about the dangers and consequences of distracted driving, as well as the state law. The accident prompted the Trooper Nicholas Dees and Trooper Keith Burch Act, which was signed into law by then-Gov. Mary Fallin in May of 2015. The law, which went into effect Nov. 1, 2015, states in part, “It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle on any street or highway within this state while using a handheld electronic communication device to manually compose, send or read an electronic text message while the motor vehicle is in motion.” The OHP reports that law includes surfing social media sites. Inattentive driving can include many things that can a driver's eyes off the road besides cell phones, Trooper Nickell said, including eating or using GPS, which is why education about it is so important. Recent statistics from OHP show there were more than 8,600 crashes in Oklahoma that involved at least one distracted driver in 2019. Those crashes killed 41 people and seriously injured 240 more. During this campaign, troopers across Oklahoma will spend the last two weeks of January focusing on distracted driving violations and issuing tickets or warnings for those violations. The primary goal of this enforcement campaign, according to the patrol, will be educating the public. Other agencies, including the Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office, are conducting similar enforcement. During the campaign, the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and Oklahoma Department of Transportation also will use message boards to remind motorists about the dangers of distracted driving. There also will be fliers in welcome centers and rest areas as well. Trooper Dees was born Jan. 23, 1985, in Fairview. He graduated from Bridge Creek High School in 2003 and Southeastern Oklahoma State University in 2008. Dees, the son of a retired state trooper, was a member of the 61st OHP Academy, graduating in July of 2013. He was assigned to Troop D headquarters in McAlester. In 2016, the OHP and Oklahoma State Department of Transportation dedicated a portion of I-40 as the Trooper Nicholas Dees Memorial Highway.
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View Full Version : Adding personal note lunks in bible versions? 08-29-2010, 06:08 PM I was wondering if there was a way to add a link in say the KJV bible that would auto access your personal notes? There is a freeware Bible program called esword that allows you to do this. When you "turn" to a certain passage and particular verse and you have the personal note tab open it automatically loads your notes in the personal notes tab that coincide with the text. 08-29-2010, 08:01 PM Chupe, BibleWorks can indeed autoload your notes. If you click on the Notes tab in the Analysis Window, at the top right you will see a couple of checkboxes. One of those says "Autoload." Be sure to have that box checked. But here is something to keep in mind. In BW, there are two ways to associate notes: you can either associate the note with a chapter of scripture or you can associate the note with an individual verse of scripture. As an example of a chapter note, you might want to have something like this associated with Genesis 3: "This chapter records the fall and ruin of man through sin. It marks the shattering of God's perfect creation. In it, we have the pronouncement of judgment on man as well as on creation as a whole. But we also find, in this chapter, the first statement that anticipates the gospel of our redemption in Jesus the Messiah. Theologians have called this the "Protoevangelium." At the same time, you may want to associate notes with individual verses of scripture. For example, you may want to associate a note with Genesis 3:15, the source of the promise to which I referred above. Next to the Autoload box at the top of the Notes tab, you'll find a second checkbox 'Chapter.' The way it works is this: if you want to associate a note with a chapter, you must have the 'Chapter' checkbox checked. If you want to associate a note with a particular verse of scripture, then you must uncheck the 'Chapter' box. Here's the kicker though: the notes that will autoload in your Notes tab will match whatever option you have selected. In other words, if the 'Chapter' checkbox is checked, only chapter notes will load. Conversely, if the Chapter checkbox is unchecked, only verse notes will load. And, as I wrote all that, I pondered the following. Perhaps as a program suggestion, it might be nice to have the Notes tab split into two horizontal panes, with the top pane reserved for chapter notes and the bottom pane for individual verse notes. That way, they would both load whenever one has individual verse notes in a chapter that one also has a chapter note. 08-29-2010, 08:05 PM By the way, Chupe, for the record, we are probably in the wrong forum as this thread is not really related to user-created databases. This thread should have rightly been created in the 'General BibleWorks Discussion' forum. But don't feel badly; you're new to the forums. Just info for the next time. 08-30-2010, 10:35 AM Alternatively, I wouldn't mind two note tabs in the Analysis Window: one for chapter notes and one for verse notes. Jim Wert 08-30-2010, 11:22 AM Quoting from chapter 23 of BW help:Verse and Chapter Notes The Verse Notes and Chapter Notes status areas deal with user-defined notes. You can configure BibleWorks to maintain user-defined notes automatically for each verse or chapter. Separate sets of files are maintained for chapters and verses. At any given time you can have either chapter or verse notes loaded automatically into the BibleWorks editor whenever the verse in the Browse Window changes. Only one mode can be active at a time. Or you can turn the feature off entirely. The Verse Notes status area will be grayed out if Verse Notes are turned off. The Chapter Notes status area will be grayed if Chapter Notes are turned off. Only one of these two can be active at a given time. Double-clicking on either status area will turn auto-loading on for the note set in question. The V and C status areas indicate whether or not notes have been saved for the current Browse Window Verse. If they are grayed out no notes exist. These indicators work even if you have both Chapter Notes and Verse Notes turned off. You set these options on or off using the check boxes of the "Main Window Status Bar Configuration" section of the BW Options Window, Flags. So you only have to glance at the status bar to see if there are Verse or Chapter notes for the current verse/chapter. This means you don't need to waste screen real estate on a permanently open Notes window. By the way, I keep all parts of the status bar turned on, both for the information it carries and for the ability to easily change settings -- I use it most for toggling Strong's numbers without having to remember the short cut, or going through the more clumsy options windows. So, Irvin, this doesn't give you the two notes tabs, but it does tell you when to open which. 08-30-2010, 12:39 PM Thanks Jim! I still think it would be neat to have all notes - regardless of whether they are chapter notes or verse notes - show up in the same window. Think, for example, of the format found in the Ryrie Study Bible or the NIV Study Bible. They, like almost every other study bible format that I know of, will have their chapter notes, and individual verse notes within that chapter, on the same page. Chapter or section notes come first. Then the individual verse notes after that. (And we haven't even talked about entire book notes; things like introductory information (matters of introduction) for books like Ephesians. This would include things like author, date, purpose, occasion, structure, outline, etc.) I wonder if chapter notes couldn't be tagged to/associated with an artificially created/designated verse number zero (0). In this way, chapter notes could be created as a form of verse notes, however they would bear the verse number '0.' So my chapter note on Eph 1, for example could be stored as a verse note for Eph 1:0. In this way, all notes could be seen in one and the same window. I just think this could/would be a very helpful feature. It beats toggling back and forth between verse notes and chapter notes. If you think about it, having to view them separately is a significant limitation. I'm just wondering if, somehow, this limitation could be removed.
Discussion Forum / Comment Section - Community sites like reddit or comment sections on news article or blog posts - Has to contain multiple posts or comments
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Nataleigh is at the Shoes Of Hollywood Shoe Shop and shows us another Fabulous Pair of Shoes from the Famous Pleaser Shoe Brand. Fabulicious Lip-101-8 in Red Satin with a 5 inch Clear Heel are a Slide on Slipper Heel with the Front of the Shoe Covered in Red Marabou Feathers. Purchase Lip Shoes On Amazon https://amzn.to/2MlaDNi
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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web analytics  Michael Bergeron No Comments Mood Indigo Mood Indigo Decrease Font Size Increase Font Size Text Size Print This Page This is one of those articles that goes on and on about how many films are opening this week. Only a funny thing happened on the way to the funny farm. The world doesn’t revolve around what films premiere on any given day. There are directors whose output should be watched on a rotating weekly basis: Kubrick, Lang, the Coen Brothers. Sure this is the week of The Hundred-Foot Journey and Into the Storm but it’s also a good week to catch up on a classic like Sullivan’s Travels or Bonnie and Clyde. Preston Sturges, the director of Sullivan’s Travels had a socialite mom who hung out with Isadora Duncan and he himself invented kiss-proof lipstick. The director of Into the Storm, Steven Quale apprenticed with James Cameron and was a second unit helmer on Titanic and Avatar. I can watch Sullivan’s Travels endlessly. Into the Storm was good for one sit and one sit only. You remember that comic takeoff of movies (Scanners in particular) where the commentators (John Candy and Joe Flaherty) talk about how “that character blowed up real good.” Well, in Into the Storm the tornadoes blow up real good. The rest of the movie unfurls with the attention to detail of a SyFy movie. The Hundred-Foot Journey is a foodie film but it doesn’t serve the generous portions of preparation and plot that a film like Chef (still in theaters after four months) does. Hundred-Foot will appeal to the bon appétit set because of its concern with high-end restaurants and how they achieve their Michelin stars. After Chef I wanted to eat a grilled Cuban cheese and ham sandwich. I did because that’s easy to replicate. After The Hundred-Foot Journey I wanted to eat sea urchin. I can’t even find that shit at Central Market. Which leads us to the film of the week, the film not to be missed, the film people will be talking about (if they see it). The film that you’re going to hate and that other people are going to love. Mood Indigo, released by Drafthouse Film and playing exclusively in the Houston area at the Alamo Drafthouse Vintage Park, may be one of the most surreal films ever made. Actually two films this year, Mood Indigo and Jodorowsky’s The Dance of Reality, are two of the purest examples of cinema surrealism since Buñuel and Dali silent-era collaborations and the 1932 Blood of the Poet by Jean Cocteau. Mood Indigo merges the themes and atmosphere of director Michel Gondry’s most recent films. Which is to say that Mood Indigo fuses the stick-leg effects of his Tokyo! segment (Gondry was one of three helmers on that art film.) with the appreciation for jazz he kindled in Be Kind Rewind. It’s as if Gondry has left the memory of The Green Hornet (great use of 3D) and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in the dust. In Be Kind it was the music of Fats Waller that propelled the story, and in Mood Indigo the sounds of Duke Ellington match the aspirations and feeling of the characters. I honestly can’t talk too much about the actual storyline because I literally didn’t understand the film. Gondry assembles a classy international cast that includes Romain Duris, Audrey Tautou, Omar Sy and Gad Elmaleh. Duris and Tautou are star-crossed lovers who float around in a floating flower car a good bit of the time. Sy and Elmaleh provide comic relief. Everybody involved seems to be having a really good time. - Michael Bergeron You must be logged in to post a comment Login
Nonfiction Writing - Long reads, profiles, editorials, essays, obituaries, memoirs and other forms of nonfiction writing - Written by journalists and other professional writers
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About the Post Author Information Kelly Autism Program honors supporters The Kelly Autism Program at WKU recently honored businesses, organizations and individuals within the WKU and Bowling Green communities who have contributed to KAP’s success. The 8th Annual Alliance Awards were presented at the Downing University Center. Support from such organizations and individuals ensure the success of KAP and the participants served, KAP Director Marty Boman said. The following received Alliance Awards: Bowling Green Parks and Recreation, Bowling Green Warren County Humane Society, Bowling Green Hot Rods, Community Action of Southern Kentucky, Griff’s Deli, Home Towne Suites, Kiwanis,          Modern Woodmen of America, The WKU Center for Gifted Studies and WKU Campus Childcare. Greenview Hospital and Community Action were given the Friends of KAP Award for their support during the United Way Day of Caring. KAP also presented scholarships to the following WKU students: Andrew Staggs of Goshen, Curtis Spratte-Lenington of Goshen and Zachary Pennington of Lexington. These students were rewarded for earning a 4.0 grade-point average while at WKU. WKU President Gary Ransdell presents the Altoria Award to Dr. Robyn Swanson. Each year KAP awards the Altoria Award to an individual who has supported KAP to the highest degree. This year the award went to WKU Music Professor Robyn Swanson, who designed a music and movement curriculum that meets state, national and 21st Century Standards. Dr. Swanson not only created the curriculum for KAP but also supplied KAP with the materials and training needed to implement the program. Contact: Marty Boman, (270) 745-8833. No comments yet. Leave a Reply WordPress.com Logo Twitter picture Facebook photo Google+ photo Connecting to %s Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Join 80,168 other followers %d bloggers like this:
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment NRC Staff Guidance for Activities Related to U.S. Department of Energy Waste Determinations - Draft Report For Interim Use (NUREG-1854) This NUREG publication was issued for public comment, and the comment period closed July 31, 2006. On this page: Download complete document Publication Information Manuscript Completed: August 2007 Date Published: August 2007 Prepared by: H. Arlt, A. Bradford, N. Devaser, D. Esh, M. Fuller, A. Ridge (NRC) B. Brient, P. LaPlante, P. Mackin, E. Pearcy, D. Turner, J. Winterle (CNWRA) Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses Southwest Research Institute 6220 Culebra Road San Antonio, TX 78238-5166 Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Availability Notice This document provides U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff guidance for conducting activities related to waste determinations. Waste determinations are evaluations performed by the U.S. Department of Energy and are used to assess whether certain wastes resulting from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel can be considered low-level waste and managed accordingly. This guidance document applies to NRC activities that may be conducted for the Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina and the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in Idaho pursuant to the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (NDAA), as well as the Hanford site in Washington and the West Valley site in New York. The guidance document discusses the background and history of waste determinations, the different applicable criteria and how they are applied and evaluated, the review of associated performance assessments and inadvertent intruder analyses, the removal of highly radioactive radionuclides, and NRC's monitoring activities that will be performed at SRS and INL in accordance with the NDAA. Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012
Knowledge Article - Written in an objective and neutral style - Published on a moderated platform (like Wikipedia) or by a reputable source
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Trading Depot Trading Depot Logo Top brands at trade prices Ultraheat Hampton Bathroom Radiator 900mm x 734mm White/Chrome 9HHC Product Code: 9HHC Manufacturer Ultraheat Product Code 9HHC Range Hampton £170.56 inc VAT £142.13 exc VAT Ultraheat Hampton radiators are practically designed for required warmth within your bathroom, the smart top rails are combined with steel panel convector radiators to provide maximum heat. Click here to find out more Manufacturer Ultraheat Product Code 9HHC Range Hampton • Product info Ultraheat 9HHC Details The traditional elegant style of the Hampton bathroom radiator will give any bathroom the illusion of a periodic home. Capacity 7.5L Additional Information Please note: this is a pavement / roadside delivery. • Tech Specs Product Code: 9HHC Manufacturer: Ultraheat Brand: Ultraheat Range: Hampton Condition: New Finish: Chrome MPN: 9HHC Colour: White/Chrome Depth (mm): 200 Manufacturer's Guarantee: 5 years Product Warning: Please not this product is classed as a ‘non-returnable product’, and cannot be taken back into stock/returned Heater Location: Bathroom, Bedroom, Hallway, Kitchen Centre distance: 590mm Heat Output: 1038 Watts Heater Type: Radiator Pipe Centres (mm): 55 Fuel Options: Hot water systems Orientation: Horizontal • Delivery info
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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Our Services Creating the standard in web development, from concept to launch and beyond. Our team focuses on providing truly excellent services by delivering the industries most innovative solutions through stunning corporate-grade graphics, W3C standards-based source code and white-hat SEO strategies. We solve problems, create opportunities and provide tailored services for any development incentive. Of any scope. At any time.
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Full service... 8 years of selling to only half of our retail consumer market; with a reputation quickly developing, a faithful client prompted me with the proposal of diversifying. She simply stated "would you come and clean out my husband's closet, elevate his look, and simplify his life?" I caught my self hesitating at undertaking this completely new task, but also at the idea of a new business venture. I thought to myself and then responded "gladly!" I made an appointment with him and told him my hourly rate and proceeded. At this point I thought, well great I am going to monetize from my time and expertise as a stylist, but how will I make money on the clothes he purchases, after I filtered 2/3rds of his closet? From that moment forward I realized I had a new calling and I would begin my journey into menswear. After doing some research on companies that would compliment my Worth New York styling business I came across J.Hilburn, a made-to-measure luxury menswear brand sold at the best prices. Jumping right into it, signing on to their styling team, and completing the necessary training I stand ready to tackle the menswear industry. It gets better, appointments are geared around your time and I come to you where you can see the current collection. Finding the right stylists you gel with can take time, but I can guarantee that I have something to offer you. For more information or an appointment you can email me at [email protected] or book an appointment directly through my website. • Grey Facebook Icon • Grey Instagram Icon • Grey Pinterest Icon © 2018 by Bianca Gabay Miami, FL
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Alex Gabriels - Plates & Platters and Tableware Available for commission Alex Gabriels Alex Gabriels Kampenhout, Belgium Ever since I was a child, my mother told me that a table should look nice and cozy, because then your food just tastes much better and the moments at the table get something magical. her cupboard was therefore bulging with ceramics. I guess that just stimulated my love for this art. As an art director in the advertising sector I can be creative with my head and on a screen, but the urge to make something tangible from scratch became more and more ... until I started to delve into the material of the clay. I enrolled back in school and first studied artistic ceramics. but besides that artistic I also wanted to make something 'useful', and so I gradually made steps towards functional ceramics. I bought a turntable and from then on the ball of clay really started to roll. I try to transform every lump of clay into a beautiful plate, an original baking dish, a beautiful vase or a nice bowl with a lot of passion and love. and gradually it was time to share these creations with you as well. because I will stick with it: you can eat from a clean table! Where can you find Alex Gabriels's Items? Contact Alex Gabriels Your message
Personal About Page - An "About Page" on a personal website or hobby website - Typically contains a self-description, introduction or profile information
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Controversial Review… I don’t usually post low rating review but… My rating: 2 of 5 stars 2 stars. I’ve written this review for weeks now and did not plan to post it on the blog as I’ve said I would not write reviews for books I would rate less than three stars. After debating a long time I decided to post it. Not because I want to bash the author because I remain convinced she is an insanely talented writer and I will read other books she’ll write in a heartbeat. But because I wanted to be true to myself and be honest with other readers. Truth be told, I’ve been so “harsh” on this book because I worshipped the first books in her series and so it hurt me in my flesh, bones and soul. If that’s not a testimony to this author’s talent I don’t know what would be. So after this long introduction, here I go, my uncensored (but I hope still enlighting and positive in some way) personal opinion. Feel free to disagree with me wholeheartedly.  ♠ My Thoughts ♠ Just know that I gave 5 stars to the other books of this trilogy, so: If you follow me usually you must know by now that I always try to be constructive in my reviews. Even when I did not like a book. Fortunately it does not happen often. Either I’m pretty easy to please either I choose my reads wisely, take your pick. But right now, I’m so fuming mad it will be really difficult to tame my anger and try to write something that could be useful for the readers and the author. Even if it’s highly unlikely she would read my review. Why do I write this review then? Because I loved the first two books so much that I just feel betrayed by the author and need to vent my frustration. I loved the first 70% of the book. We went back and forth between present (Kelsea at the hands of the Red Queen waiting in her dungeon) and past. No longer with Lily but with a young girl Katie. Little by little we learn about William Tear, his utopia, his family, his town. How dissent slowly grew in this small community. I found Katie interesting and was happy to know more about the Tearling’s origins. There was so much in the book about past mistakes, lessons to learn, how humans maybe aren’t meant to live equals, how the better intentions can lead to disastrous consequences how…it was just too much, too dense! I had sometimes to read sentences and passages twice and yet I did not understand everything. Maybe I’m not smart enough. It was like the author tried to cram as much topics, concepts, conflicting emotions and characters as was possible. It just did not work at all. Now I want to be constructive, give some advice and explain what did not work at all for me personally: don’t make your story so convoluted it becomes unbelievable. The “genre” was so far from the first two books some passages in the last 30% were worthy of a horror book. And I don’t like horror stories. Just to illustrate: the way Kelsea chose to “use” Katie in the last scenes was just grotesque. Sorry to say it plain and simple but I did not recognize the story at all. don’t write scenes staging your characters behaving erratically, so far from who they are that your reader does not recognize them. Stay true to them especially if it does not serve any purpose in the story. The scene between Katie and Finn in the woods at the Autumn festival was just poorly executed. It just came so “out of the blue” and was not Katie at all. It was short barely a blink and I can still not fathom its purpose. If it was to distract her it could have been achieved by a simple dance. The same can be said for the scene between Jonathan and Katie under the church. Nothing led us to expect it. It was just cold clinical and… don’t make some characters we came to love either die if it’s not absolutely essential or let them achieve their whole purpose and destiny. I’m speaking about a girl I came to love and thought was meant to achieve something exceptional but…no; don’t bash your characters or paint them in grey light gratuitously just to disappoint us. I know people come in shades of grey. I usually do prefer nuances in my characters but…Learning about The Mace’s past, how he behaved under Kelsea’s mother reign greatly disappointed me and did not add anything to the plot. The same could be said of Pen. He was mopping in the beginning and I just wanted to slap him. Then suddenly he changed his mind. Kelsea and Pen shook hands and wham, bam, madam it was set and done as if no feelings ever existed between them. Sorry but you can’t just turn a switch and stop your feelings. I don’t buy it. if you write in crescendo with a real appalling gory frenzy by the end don’t stop with something so anticlimactic. It just feels like “much ado about nothing” and I just want more. OK I stop here. Dear author: To sum it up: read the first two books, stay true to your characters, to your story and don’t become so elated as to write something your readers will never recognize and understand. And I don’t take gloves to write this review because I just loved your story so much I just feel betrayed. In itself it’s a praise to your work because you made me feel so much for your characters and plot it just hurt me in the flesh to read this. Dear readers: You can consider me arrogant as I’ve never written a single book in my life and yet here I am giving advices. You would be right. But on the other hand I’ve read more than 10.000 books in my life, done several beta reads so far and I know my own mind, my likes and my dislikes. I don’t write reviews to praise authors but to be honest and help other readers expressing my own personal opinion. Now, just sue me. Will I stop reading Erika Johansen’s books? Certainly not as she’s previously proven she can achieve greatness. View all my reviews Please follow and like us: 2 Replies to “Controversial Review… I don’t usually post low rating review but…” 1. I’ve never really looked into this book series but it does sound like the characters changed a lot from what they were originally. Having a disappointing last book is always sad 🙁 Like we’ve gone through all these stories and pages together only to end on a let down? Whats the point haha Great review! 1. BewareOfTheReader says: Reply Exactly! What’s the point? Thank you Casey 🙂 Leave a Reply
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Tune In To Cedar Valley Ridge in Traverse City Last spring, while perusing Traverse Northern Michigan’s first annual real estate insider’s guide, Kirt Manecke, conservation subdivision promoter, came across a blurb on the new Cedar Valley Ridge subdivision outside of Traverse City. When he realized that developer Dan Paulson was speaking his language (i.e., the 35 lots make up only 30 percent of the development, leaving the rest in a nature preserve) Manecke contacted Michigan Magazine Television. The result is a segment about conservation subdivisions, which features Cedar Valley Ridge. Keep an eye on your local PBS station’s schedule–the segment is scheduled to air across the state later this year. To learn more about conservation subdivisions and their latest campaign, "Supersize My Backyard," go to landchoices.org; for information on Cedar Valley Ridge, cedarvalleyridge.com. Article Comments
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LSU Fraternity Apologizes To Kent State For Sign Mocking Massacre (NBC 33/WVLA) BATON ROUGE, La. (NBC 33, WVLA)  -- A gameday sign outside an LSU fraternity united fans of opposing teams in the hours before kickoff. Unfortunately, it was due to feelings of outrage. “I’m a student at Kent State and in a fraternity. This is disgraceful, insulting and in poor taste,” one fan wrote on the Facebook page of KTVE's Baton Rouge affiliate NBC33. The same sentiments were echoed by hundreds of Tiger fans in an endless stream of online comments. “Not an LSU fan’s way,” an LSU fan wrote. “Very disrespectful. We don’t act like that in Louisiana, at least decent folks don’t.” The image circulated the Internet shortly after NBC33 News posted the story. On Sunday, Sept. 15, Eric Mansfield, executive director of Media Relations at Kent State University, released an official statement. A representative with LSU told NBC33 News that the LSU Police Department was contacted on Saturday, Sept. 14, regarding the sign. Officers were dispatched to the fraternity house and asked them to remove the sign. They complied with the request and it is no longer hanging. Page: [[$index + 1]] comments powered by Disqus
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The Asian Black cat is thought to be related to the Burmese cat breed.  They are regarded as friendly cats and tend to get on well with other cats.  The Asian Black cat featured in this set of images was certainly friendly and playful both inside the house and in the nearby outdoor environment.  A confident breed of cat that is also thought to be tolerant in the house with children. This breed of cat was also very attentive on the photo session and curious with everything i was doing.  Nothing at all seemed to phase the cat. Contact Us to Create Some Pet Magic.
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096 The Brothers. “Then Jacob went away, and had barely got out before Esau came in from hunting, and hurried to his father, saying that he had brought the venison, and begged for the blessing. “Then Isaac trembled very much, and said, ‘Who art thou? Where is he that hath taken venison, and brought it me, and I have eaten of ‘all before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, and he shall be blessed ?’ “And Esau cried with a loud bitter cry, ‘Bless me, even me also, O my father.’ And he complained of his brother, and said, ‘ He hath taken away my birthright, and now he hath taken away my blessing ;’ and he went on imploring his father, and saying— “* Hast thou but one blessing, my father? ‘Bless me, even me also, O my father” And at last Isaac blessed him too, and said— “* Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; and by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.’ “Esau could get no better promise. Jacob seemed to have prospered in his deceit, but
Transcript / Interview - A written record of spoken language - Examples: interviews (e.g. in a newspaper), the transcript of a court hearing, movie, podcast, lecture or speech
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Product Guide Browse By Category View all categories » Nupla Corporation Go to Nupla Tools, the leader in USA manufacture of specialty industrial-grade hand tools. The pioneer and innovator of TCP pultruded Nuplaglas®, Nupla produces the strongest and safest fiberglass-handled striking, digging, cutting, and fire tools available. In its 55,000 square foot facility in Sun Valley, California, the company produces over 1600 hand tool products, including soft-face hammers, steel hammers, shovels, rakes, hoes, axes, non-conductive tools, and replacement handles. As the industry leader in TCP fiberglass technology (see Technical Support page), Nupla's history is one of invention. Recognizing in the 1930's the opportunities presented by the development of plastics and related technologies, Nupla has been an innovator for over 70 years in the development of these technologies and has earned the reputation as the industry standard for fiberglass striking, cutting, digging, and fire tools. We've earned our stripes as the manufacturer of the world's strongest hand tools and we put that Stripe on every tool we produce. Want to know more about this company? Click here to request more information about Nupla Corporation .
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See All Topics Home / Section: Comic strips Get Fuzzy Creates a Stir at Olympian Restaurant Recent Get Fuzzy strips have depicted the Rob Wilco character with a t-shirt that reads “Darby Cafe, Olympia” – the name of an actual restaurant in the state of Washington. Coincidence? From an article in the Olympian newspaper, it appears that Darby Conley, the strips creator, has a friend in Olympia that would brag about Darby Cafe as a great vegetarian restaurant – such a restaurant doesn’t exist in Boston where Darby lives. The restaurant owners reportedly have had many calls, emails and patrons visit with clip-outs of the strip. Community Comments No comments yet. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.
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June 14, 2012 Double Trouble In Maplewood The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Maplewood City Council voted Tuesday night to ban food trucks from operating within city limits. Additionally, the City Council moved forward with a redevelopment plan for the Deer Creek Center, approving the area as a Community Improvement District (CID) and giving a stamp of approval to the redevelopment agreement. In one fell swoop, the City Council managed to limit competition in the food service business and pave the way for yet another development project that will use Tax Increment Financing (TIF). Policy analysts for the Show-Me Institute have written extensively about food truck regulations, and now Maplewood has jumped on the regulation bandwagon. City Council members who voted in favor of the ban said they were concerned that the food trucks would “cannibalize” existing businesses in the area. I think they are confusing cannibalism with another “c” word that is vital to any market-driven society: competition. Protectionism is bad for new vendors in the short term, but also bad for consumers in the long run because competition improves choice and helps keep prices reasonable. Yet, in Maplewood, because a new food concept is creative, mobile, and relatively inexpensive, it has brick-and-mortar restaurant owners running to the City Council crying foul. Government should not be putting limitations on ingenuity and entrepreneurship. As if the food truck prohibition was not enough, Maplewood officials moved forward with the plan to redevelop the Deer Creek Center, likely to be paid in part with TIF. Although the Saint Louis County TIF Commission rejected the request for $8.5 million in public funding in January, it would only take a 5-2 vote from the Maplewood City Council to approve the funding. According to the Post-Dispatch, that is expected to happen when the City Council meets later this month. This is yet another example of a city overriding a county TIF commission so that the city can impose its will on the entire county. A project of the Search Show-Me Sunshine docs @ Top Posts Show-Me Data Powered by Wordpress
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What are the Uses of Penicillin for Dogs? Article Details • Written By: Bethney Foster • Edited By: Melissa Wiley • Last Modified Date: 18 May 2016 • Copyright Protected: Conjecture Corporation • Print this Article Free Widgets for your Site/Blog Penicillin for dogs is most often prescribed as part of treatment for a bacterial infection. It is commonly prescribed for infections of the urinary tract, lungs, and kidneys. A topical penicillin lotion or ointment may be used to treat various skin infections, and penicillin is also sometimes used in treating leptospirosis, wounds, and dental infections. When prescribing this antibiotic, veterinarians must consider several different factors before determining the dosage to give to the individual dog. He or she will consider how severe the infection is and consider the dog’s size and age. The veterinarian will also try to determine if the dog has any history of or propensity toward an allergic reaction to drugs in the penicillin family. Penicillin may be given as an injection, as an oral liquid or pill, or as a topical ointment or cream. Owing to several possible serious side effects, veterinarians are prescribing penicillin for dogs with less frequency than they once did. They are more likely to prescribe a different antibiotic if another treatment is available. Possible side effects of penicillin include yeast infections, vomiting, and diarrhea. Dogs are also prone to allergic reactions that can include eczema, swelling, and itching. Even more serious, this antibiotic can sometimes cause kidney damage, liver damage, and a weakened immune system. Penicillin for dogs can also lead to type I hypersensitivity. This is a severe allergic reaction that can cause anaphylaxis, and the dog may suddenly develop diarrhea, vomiting, and go into shock. Seizures, coma, and even death can quickly follow. Veterinarians are more likely to prescribe amoxicillin, which is part of the penicillin family, than penicillin for bacterial infections in dogs. While some of the less serious side effects associated with penicillin are possible with amoxicillin, the more serious side effects are uncommon. Other similar drugs in the penicillin family are penicillin G and ticarcillin. Both penicillin and amoxicillin work to treat infections by impairing production in the bacteria’s cell wall. Drugs in the penicillin family are not effective in treating dogs with viral or parasite infections, though they may be prescribed in some instances to prevent possible secondary bacterial infections from developing. There are also some bacterial infections against which penicillin drugs will be ineffective because the bacteria have developed resistance to the antibiotic. You might also Like Discuss this Article Post 11 We woke up the other morning, (3 days ago) to find our dog with a lump in her eye lid filled with puss. We called the vet and was told that they were booked solid until Wednesday. A whole eight days away. But if it was an emergency, we could go to the office and sit and wait to see if there were any no shows and we could have that spot. Well I was not going to take that chance and sit there all day and not be seen. And I was not going to wait eight days to get her seen. So we made the decision to give her some penicillin. We have had to use it in the past with a rabbit that I had that had a similar wound. So I went to Tractor Supply and got a bottle of it and a pack of needles. Going by her weight we gave her 6cc and waited. The next morning her eye was much better. Not fully healed, but better. She could open it and the pocket was almost gone. We gave her another shot with the same 6cc. The following day she could open her eyes completely, and there was no sign of the pocket. But just to be sure we gave her a third shot and there has been no sign of it coming back. Post 10 I just got back from the vet, and she prescribed something called Clavamox for my dog. I was just looking it up trying to see what it was. She gave it to him, because she thought he might have been too small to handle actual penicillin. It is a pug, and she also said something about some breeds typically having more problems than others handling certain antibiotics. After I looked it up, apparently Clavamox is just another trade name for amoxicillin. She prescribed it for what she decided was a urinary tract infection. I guess we will see what happens. Hopefully it will clear everything up. Post 9 @jcraig - My dog had something similar a couple of years ago. It was a green buildup in the corner of one eye. I eventually took her to the vet, and they did say it was a bacteria infection and gave me some droplets to use. I don't remember what the actual name of the stuff was, but it wasn't penicillin or amoxicillin. It just came in a little plastic bottle like regular eye drops would. It is easy to use as long as you can get your dog to hold still. It worked pretty fast, too. I think the infection was gone after about 4 days, and the whole treatment just took 10, I believe. I don't remember what the side effects were for the medicine, but I don't think it was anything serious. It was a pretty inexpensive treatment, too. I think it just cost 12 dollars or so for the bottle. Post 8 Is it possible to have penicillin in a liquid form? My dog has what looks like some kind of infection in his eye. It is basically a lot of green discharge that builds up over the course of the day. I wipe it away a few times a day, but it has been coming back for almost a week now. I have read online, and it says green discharge is an infection. I happen to be taking him to the vet in a couple of days for his yearly rabies vaccination, so if it hasn't gone away by them, I'll see if they can do something for him. I am just wondering what the typical treatment is for something like this. Do antibiotics have to go through the bloodstream, or are they just as effective if they are topical treatments or like an eye drop? Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before? Post 7 @Monika - Good point. The same thing happened to my friend's dog a couple years ago. The dog had gotten some type of skin infection, and so my friend took him to the vet. They decided to give him penicillin or some other similar antibiotic. It worked for a while, but then he forgot to keep giving him the tablets. I guess the dog didn't like taking them, and it was always a hassle, so he gave up. Eventually, the infection came back and was worse than it was before. Luckily, his dog didn't have any reaction to the drugs, so they increased the dosage or something, and it finally got rid of the infection. Post 6 I'm always surprised by the amount of human medicines that can be used on animals too! For example, my cat is a diabetic, and he gets insulin from the human pharmacy. It's the exact same stuff that human diabetics use too. That being said, I just want to remind everyone that antibiotics work the same in dogs as they do in humans. You have to give your dog the entire course of antibiotics, even if they seem to be doing better. If you don't, you risk creating an antibiotic resistant superbug. Post 5 @starrynight - I think every dog reacts a little bit differently to antibiotics (just like people). My mom had to give her dog penicillin awhile back and her dog didn't have any kind of reaction. I think you definitely have to watch the penicillin dosage for dogs though. As someone pointed out earlier, the dosage goes by body weight. I might be paranoid, but I would definitely double check to make sure the vet prescribed the right dosage if I had to put my pet on penicillin. Post 4 My friend had to put her dog on dog antibiotics awhile ago. The vet chose penicillin and the dog experienced some unpleasant side effects. The dog didn't have an allergic reaction or anything, thank goodness, but it was still an unpleasant experience for my friend and the dog. The poor dog got a lot of gastrointestinal symptoms as side effects. He was vomiting and having diarrhea, so my friend took him back to the vet. They ran some tests, but in the end they decided the symptoms were being caused by penicillin. They switched him to a gentler antibiotic and then he was fine! Post 3 @ddljohn-- As far as I know, for injections, it's 1ml for dogs weighing up to 20 pounds and for 2ml for dogs weighing 20-40 pounds. 2ml sounds right for a 35 pound dog but some dogs are just more sensitive to medications than others. That's why doctors tend to start with a lower dose of penicillin to see how the dog tolerates. An allergic reaction could be the issue as well, make sure to talk to the vet about your concerns. When it comes to penicillin antibiotics for my dogs, I've seen that they tolerate the penicillin ointments a lot better than the injections for skin problems. I used a penicillin ointment on one of my dogs recently for a hot spot- the general term for dermatitis. It has similar symptoms as mange but it's caused by excess moisture in the fur that forms a bacterial infection in one spot. The dog that got it is a maltese and has long thick fur. We used the penicillin ointment on the hot spot for about a week and it resolved. Post 2 @turquoise-- My dog has been given penicillin too. He has a staph infection. Do you know what the dose was for the penicillin that was given to your dog? Was it in tablet or injection form? And how much does your dog weight? I'm curious because my dog was given 2ml of penicillin this morning and he threw up half an hour ago. He weighs 35 pounds. I'm wondering if this penicillin dosage was too much. We're going back for another injection tomorrow and I will surely tell the veterinarian about the vomiting but I don't know if there is something I need to be doing about it now. Did your dog vomit during the penicillin treatment? Post 1 I'm personally allergic to penicillin and hesitated a lot when my dog's vet decided to give her penicillin for mange. Mange is a horrible skin infection caused by mites. It makes my dog itch and scratch like crazy and her skin ends up bleeding and balding. I first asked the vet to use other treatments for it and we did try the weaker penicillin amoxicillin for dogs but it did not work. The itching didn't go away and I could see that my dog was in a lot of pain. The veterinarian convinced me that it was time to giver her penicillin as the infection clearly needed a stronger antibiotic. I agreed and I'm glad I did. just a couple of doses, my dog felt so much better and itched less and less. After the full treatment, she was all better, the inflammation and bald spots on her skin slowly disappeared. Penicillin can be a risky medication to use for both humans and pets. But there are times when other treatments just don't work. I'm glad I didn't let my opinion of penicillin prevent my dog's treatment. Post your comments Post Anonymously forgot password?
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How to save battery! ARGH! :@Support Last Updated: 1. simonlo93 simonlo93 Well-Known Member Not even a day my battery dies!!!! TIPS please! 2. jimmyrocking jimmyrocking Member My battery wasnt lasting long either. I wasnt sure if it was an app that was destroying my battery life so I reset it and removed all the apps. I keep adding one at a time so I will know if an app is destroying my battery. Also, I have made sure my screen isn 3. simonlo93 simonlo93 Well-Known Member 4. vzandroidman vzandroidman New Member advanced task killer!! if you leave your apps running behind sceens it will drain the battery without you even knowing. 5. rosered rosered VIP Member VIP Member There is a lot to be said on the task killing debate, have a look at this thread from the big X10 site and decided. I used to use Juice Defender and ATK, but have dumped JD because it kept error-ing on me and haven't really notices a difference. I still have ATK and use it very occaisionally but let the system do it for itself. Battery life in my opinion is a matter of... having the latest firmware, turning screen brightness down, watching what apps/widgets you install, only having wifi/bluetooth on when you need it, don't have polling for email/Facebook/Twitter on too often and lastly but probably most important... letting the charge cycle run for a good week or so before you get the best out of the battery. 6. sublow sublow Well-Known Member Also make sure your phone is on the latest update. That really helped my battery life. Also the first few months when you get the phone the battery life is pretty poor but that's just down to you "playing" with it. Once you just start using it as you would day to day the battery life will be much better. 7. sui99 sui99 New Member You can turn off data trafic behinde in settings that helps on my x10 :) 8. t0r11 t0r11 Member -turn off data traffic. -turn off all gps option.. (auto sync .. etc) -turn off any unnecessaries application -reduce brightness and time sleep mode -not to use "live wallpaper"...static wallpaper even from mini sd card still ok Result when not being used when even phone or message = 1% drop each hour 9. Caesk Caesk Member You x10 mini is not going to last too much if you use it all day. Yo have to turn off the following turn off data traffic turn off wifi connection if you are not using it turn of bluetooth reduce brightness and time sleep mode about killing apps i don't think you need that much but still if you want to go after that it might help you, i have a task killer but really i don't use it too much. hope it helps 10. Corey. Corey. Member Do the following - Turn of wifi, GPS, Bluetooth and also data traffic. In low reception areas data traffic has more effort to gain a signal so it will use the battery faster. Also reception and GPS in low reception areas generally uses more battery. - Download a task killer application and kill all uneeded tasks, the tasks run when you minus them down in the background still using the battery up - Reduce your Brightness to as low as you can ( Note: outside in bright sun the lowest is nearly impossible to see so you may have to turn it up) - Reduce your standby time so the light on the screen goes out earlier because this uses more battery. - Try to keep animations to a low so try turning this of in the settings with display Also - if you charge your phone for a long duration it will fully charge, when the battery is fully charged it will stop charging and the battery will start depleating so if you take it of charge the battery may already be under full charge. The battery should last longer if you follow these steps, hope i was able to help it helps greatly with mine and i can get 2-3 days usage out of my battery if i am very careful with it. :) 11. xo0ox94 xo0ox94 Active Member overclockwidget can decrease your CPU-clock when the screen is off (standby, in your pocket) its a little hard to wake up, but saves a bit battery :) 12. crazydip crazydip Active Member 1) update to newest version 2) turn off wifi 3) make sure you have a good phone network connection - if you have one bar or no connection then your phone will use up a lot of battery trying to constantly find and reconnect to a tower 13. Osorian92 Osorian92 New Member Download an app on Marked thats named "Advaced Task Killer" its like you can set the app to kill other apps that you dont use when you turn your screen of :), very helpfull app ; ) My advice is that you download this app at once you've read this :) - Osorian92 14. bahkyp bahkyp New Member What they said; Background data Wifi / GPS Screen Brightness App Killer. Settings > Mobile Networks > Network Mode > GSM only. (turn WCDMA on when using large data apps only eg google maps) Also change the clock freq (google it, it changes with the apps) to min of 122880 rather than 254??? In terminal with root Code (Text): 1. su 2. echo 122880 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq Now on hour 100 with 65% battery left. Share This Page
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Spark a Reaction: Teen Summer Reading Program All Day Event Details Suggested for ages 13-17. Registration: July 7-25. Register at the library or online. Read your way to our ice cream chillout party & earn a t-shirt. Special prizes for exceptional readers. Reading log entries must be completed by 12 noon on Saturday, August 2. Signups take place at the library, 201 15th Street South. Event Type(s): Summer Reading Program - Teens Age Group(s): Teens Brigantine Branch
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ISIS Won and Four Fundamental Facts That Explain Why Image courtesy of Tremr. Image courtesy of Tremr.  Make no mistake, this is not an assessment one offers with a smile.  But it’s a fact: ISIS (or ISIL) has achieved victory in Northern Iraq and Eastern Syria and does meet minimum requirements for statehood. Just spend a few miserable minutes reading the most recent situation updates or listen to the Foreign Policy Establishment talk it over – the Islamic State…is. What makes this a fact? 1. Landpower. ISIS controls contiguous terrain in Northern Iraq (roughly 9-12 on the country’s “clock”; see the Institute for the Study of War graphic below) and some of Eastern Syria. This is landpower; dominance on the ground that enables ISIS a true, solid base of support. 2. Vacuum. No local state or non-state group has the ability to deny ISIS this control. As Bing West might put it, ISIS is “the strongest tribe.”  The Government of Iraq cannot dislodge ISIS; neither can Syria, Syrian opposition, or the Kurdish Peshmerga. 3. No International Intervention. The US has no vital interest at stake with respect to ISIS (where they are) and the US public is either apathetic or fed up with interventions in Iraq. The UN and international community have come to the same conclusion. If the world wouldn’t intervene in Syria, why Iraq? 4. Defense is Stronger than Offense. Clausewitz teaches (correctly) that defense is the stronger form of warfare. The only military force the US has or would consider sending to Northern Iraq is from the Special Operations community, which generates landpower that is either too small or too slow to dislodge ISIS in any acceptable timeframe. Result? It’s time to settle in and talk containment.  Anyone know if George Kennan is still around? Graphic from the Institute for the Study of War. Graphic from the Institute for the Study of War. Author: ML Cavanaugh Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google+ photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
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Home » Notices » Obituaries » Russell D. Dollarhide, 61 Russell D. Dollarhide, 61 Born in Bradleyville, one of seven children Russell D. Dollarhide, 61, Oldfield, passed away Thursday, March 1, 2007, in his home surrounded by his loving family and many friends. He was born Feb. 2, 1946, in Bradleyville, one of seven children born to the Dora (Lee) Dollarhide and the late Irvin Dollarhide. On Oct. 24, 1967, he was united in marriage to Pamela Alene Stacy at Ava. He was a hardworking employee at Kelly Sawmill of Oldfield for over 20 years where he held the position of head sawyer. Russell also appreciated the great outdoors and enjoyed fishing and hunting. He was especially fond of the beautiful Ozark hills and enjoyed driving every back road he could find. Russell is survived by his loving wife of 39 years, Pamela Alene (Stacy) Dollarhide; one daughter, Ronda Cornelius and husband Kevin; two sons, Rick Dollarhide and wife, Kelly, and Rocky Dollarhide and fiancee, Robin Collarelli, all of Lampe; his mother, Dora Dollarhide; four brothers; two sisters; many other relatives and several caring friends. Funeral services for Russell Dollarhide were held at 2 p.m. Monday, March 5, in Barnes Family Funeral Home, Ozark, with the Rev. Gary Stigall officiating. Burial followed in the Nickerson Cemetery, Kimberling City.
Nonfiction Writing - Long reads, profiles, editorials, essays, obituaries, memoirs and other forms of nonfiction writing - Written by journalists and other professional writers
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Communication is Key We provide support to our students in their acquisition of functional communication skills across a variety of settings. Some students receive individual support to address special goals created by their home school districts. Other students receive support through programs created by the staff at John Paul II Center. The focus of speech language support is to teach our students to interact appropriately in school, at home, and within the community. We teach the students to use language to start conversations, respond to questions, request preferred activities, reject non-preferred activities, and to comment with friends and staff. Speech therapy is offered in 20-minute group sessions, once a week per student. Speech Therapy
Customer Support Page - Content by an organization and for a general audience - Examples: a troubleshooting guide - For customer support pages in the specific format of FAQs, choose 'FAQs' instead
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Monday Wake-Up Call: Sorrell's MediaMonks incentive, AT&T's HBO plans and more By Published on . Evian_Maria Bold Evian_Maria Bold Credit: Evian Welcome to Ad Age's Wake-Up Call, our daily roundup of advertising, marketing, media and digital news. You can get an audio version of this briefing on your Alexa device. Search for "Ad Age" under "Skills" in the Alexa app. What people are talking about today: Martin Sorrell's battle with WPP to buy Dutch digital production company MediaMonks could come with a sweetener for MediaMonks executives. According to the U.K.'s Sunday Times, Sorrell is expected to offer core staff at MediaMonks a 25 percent stake in his new acquisition vehicle S4 Capital as an incentive for accepting the deal. Over half (55 per cent) of MediaMonks is owned by private equity firm Bencis, while the rest is in the hands of a small group of its staff. The story quotes a source as saying that the structure "would reflect the interests of staff in the digital world." AT&T's big plans for HBO If anyone thought AT&T would keep its hands off of HBO, we have a bridge to sell you. Following its acquisition of Time Warner, AT&T has big plans for the cable network, according to The New York Times, which obtained a recording of a recent town hall meeting at AT&T's headquarters in Manhattan. The recording reveals that in an hour-long talk, Warner Media's new CEO John Stankey, a long-time AT&T exec, said it would be a "tough year" and described a future in which HBO, according to the Times, would be "bigger and broader" in hopes of substantially increasing its subscriber base. "We need hours a day. It's not hours a week, and it's not hours a month. ...You are competing with devices that sit in people's hands that capture their attention every 15 minutes," the Times reports Stankey saying, noting that the words "Netflix" and "Amazon" never crossed his lips but were clearly in his mind. Bye-bye, Evian babies Ad Age's E.J. Schultz reports that after nearly 10 years, the premium water brand is ditching its well-known campaign featuring babies roller-skating, dancing, surfing and more beause they're "no longer the best representation of the youthful attitude it wants to portray in the States." Instead, the brand has a new tagline, "I Wanna," meant to appeal to "multidimensional people who live a life of their own design," according to a campaign description. In new outdoor and digital ads by AKQA, the babies are replaced by tennis stars Maria Sharapova and Madison Keys, along with Luka Sabbat, a model, "Grown-ish" actor and self-described "creative entrepreneur" who has 1.2 million Instagram followers. The global campaign featuring the babies, by Paris agency BETC, continues. Just briefly 'Carnival of resistance': In more baby news, Donald Trump visits the U.K. later this week and will be greeted by a giant blimp floating above London representing POTUS as a angry baby in a diaper. Last week, Ad Age's Simon Dumenco told us everything we need to know about the the Trump baby blimp and how it came about and, this morning, The Guardian details the larger "carnival of resistance" that will greet Trump during his visit. As well as various marches, efforts include a website, Top Trump Targets, encouraging people to donate to groups Trump "has sought to exclude or marginalise." Facebook's AI strategy: One of Facebook's biggest challenges is how to spot harmful content. To help it in its mission, the company is utilizing artificial intelligence, reports Ad Age's Garrett Sloane. Sloane desribes how the company is directing AI's machine learning toward rooting out toxic dialog like hate speech and sniffing out fake accounts designed to undermine democracy. Is it working? To find out, read more here. 'Creepy' robots in retail: Would you rather be served by a robot or a human in a store? AI is one of the top five tech priorities of retailers, according to Forrester Research, but as Adrianne Pasquarelli reports in Ad Age, brands are still grappling with how to use robots without creeping out consumers. "It's the uncanny valley problem. When something resembles a human too closely, but is not there yet, it makes people uncomfortable," says Andrew Frank, an analyst at Gartner. Read more here. Groupon for sale? Groupon could be looking for a buyer after 10 years as an independent company. Recode reports that Groupon executives, as well as its bankers, have contacted several public companies in the past month to spark interest in acquiring the daily deals specialist, which it says is thought to be worth $2.4 billion. Ant-Man's extra buzz: Walt Disney Co.'s "Ant-Man and the Wasp" did well at the box office over the weekend, taking $76 million in the U.S. and Canada, reports the Wall Streeet Journal. The sequel outdid the original "Ant-Man," which debuted at $57 million, it reports. Maybe adding a female Wasp character, played by Evangeline Lilly, was a smart move. Sky war zone: The bidding war in the U.K. for broadcaster Sky heats up. Comcast is expected to formally submit its $39 billion takeover bid this week, but, according to the Guardian, Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox is expected to get clearance from the U.K. government to lodge a new bid. The fight comes as Disney and Comcast compete to take over most of 21st Century Fox, which owns 39 percent of Sky. Creativity Pick of the Day: KFC could be in danger of jumping the shark (or should that be jumping the chicken?). After his commencement address to graduates in Portland, Oregon, last month, the brand's latest outing for mascot Colonel Sanders, this one played by actor George Hamilton, is a cameo on "General Hospital." Hamilton made a guest apperance on the ABC show as part of the ongoing Wieden & Kennedy campaign for the fast-food company, but as Ad Age's Jessica Wohl reports, not all fans were impressed by the gimmick. "This tie-in is scraping the bottom," tweeted one. Most Popular
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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school supply drive New City is partnered with Mission Avenue Elementary. This partnership is carrying out the restorative work of the gospel in our city, and is an outward expression of who we are as a church. We are committed to providing support to our students, our teachers and our families this school year.  Currently we are collecting school supplies for the teachers and families at Mission Ave. If you would like to help in collecting the necessary items: please pick up a list in the atrium and return supplies to New City by August 12th, or you may give directly to the Shine School Partnership at
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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• Plan B.   1 comment This article we know will not be welcomed by many. It is accepted common wisdom that one should always have a Plan B. In the context of the EU Referendum, Plan A is clear: 1. Win the referendum. 2. See that the UK withdraws from the EU. Plan B should be drawn up in case the referendum is lost. Plan B essentially should comprise actions and statements we make during this campaign to ensure that should Mr Chameleon secure his wish to have the European Union rule this formerly sovereign land it will end up being a political disaster for him and for the ground to be laid for another referendum to ensure our Brexit. This is because we KNOW what would happen in the event of a victory for the other side. All the supposed new freedoms and opt outs will of course be not worth the paper they will have been written on. Firstly; Mr Chameleon can only offer a promissory note as other EU states have to agree what Chameleon says are the new terms and conditions. We know that only a fraction of these will be granted. Secondly; What parts of the deal that is delivered will be made worthless in very short order by the European Court of Justice putting it’s own special federalist interpretation on them. Plan B therefore should consist of telling the British People during THIS PRESENT CAMPAIGN that the promises offered by Chameleon are worthless and cannot be delivered. Write a comment
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Salima D Part Time nanny for before and after school care Want To Be Hired By Salima? Get Started Now Family in Calgary Term of Employment: Permanent Part time - Before and After School Care Job duties: Children's age: 5 yrs and 8 yrs Before School: Supervise and care for children; Take kids to the bus Instruct children in personal hygiene and social development; Tend to the emotional well-being of children; After School: Supervise or help with homework when needed; and Maintain a healthy environment in the home. Light housekeeping Assume full responsibility for household in absence of parents Requirements: Valid Drivers Licence Completion of secondary school is required; Completion of a training program (at least 6 months) in child care or a related field OR 1 year of related work experience; First aid certification and CPR training is an asset; and Clean, organized, compassionate, and positive personality. Bondable; Child abuse registry check; Child welfare check; Driver's validity license check; Driving record check (abstract); Criminal record check How to Apply: E-mail: Job Type: Full-time Salary: $13 /hour Family Details Email Address Confirmed Phone Number 403-852-... Postal Code T2V... Preferred Applicants Individuals Age Group Hours Per Week 20 Pay Hourly Work Eligibility Number of Children 2 Your Note Share This Canadian Nanny Job Salima D’s Other Listings
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Marijuana Doctors A New Kind Of Healthcare North Carolina Medical Marijuana Recent Legislation Changes As legislation changes in North Carolina, check back to this section for information about how those legislative changes will affect the prospect of medical marijuana in North Carolina. Medical Marijuana in North Carolina On February 22, 2017, state lawmakers filed a bill to legalize marijuana for medicinal use in North Carolina. The bill is supposed to establish the North Carolina Medical Cannabis Act. It would establish a medical marijuana program where patients could register for identification cards. It was sponsored by four representatives: Carney, Alexander, Harrison and R. Moore. Similar bills have been struck down in the past due to conservative Republican control of the House and Senate. The principal sponsor of the bill, Rep. Alexander, said they’ll continue to reintroduce the bill because there’s widespread acclaim about the potency of marijuana for treatment of cancer, epilepsy and other debilitating diseases. The Medical Cannabis Act The proposed Medical Cannabis Act would permit people with qualifying ailments to possess marijuana and use it without being arrested, prosecuted or penalized. It will only permit patients above 18 to use marijuana unless they have the consent of a parent who has sufficient understanding of the proper use and risks involved with the medication. Cannabis sales would be closely monitored by the state and will only be sold in approved medical marijuana dispensaries. Qualifying Conditions Some of the debilitating medical conditions the sponsors of the bill want physicians to use medical marijuana to treat include: A qualified patient or caregiver under this bill is required to obtain a registry identification card issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. The card will identify the bearer either as a patient qualified to use medical marijuana or as a designated caregiver. Card-bearers can also buy medical marijuana from licensed medical cannabis centers. These centers are licensed to operate a business that sells cannabis and products infused with cannabis to individuals with ID cards and other medical cannabis centers. Doctors Near You Please allow us to access to your location to find local doctors Dispensaries Near You Please allow us to access to your location to find local dispensaries plus sign Are You A Doctor? get listed here Sign Up For Our Newsletter Sign up for Free Monthly Newsletter! You Receive: • Discounts, Coupons & Free Giveaways • Trusted Information sidebar image Possession and Cultivation Regulations Possession of marijuana is still a criminal offense in North Carolina because it’s regarded as Schedule VI substance. If a person is found with 0.5 ounces of marijuana, he or she is subject to a $200 fine. However, no imprisonment is allowed for possessing this quantity of marijuana. Cultivating less than 10 pounds of cannabis is punishable by a three to eight-month jail term and a fine imposed by the discretion of the jury. However, North Carolina has an industrial hemp growing program. Telemedicine in North Carolina In the Tar Heel state, telemedicine or Telehealth is defined as using electronic information and communication technology (ICT) to practice medicine between a licensed medical professional in one location and a patient in a distant location: • Benefits of Telemedicine  The North Carolina Medical Board recognizes that the technological improvements provided by ICT offers patients and providers many unique benefits. Telemedicine is a tool that, if properly used, can increase the access to healthcare, increase the use of specialty expertise, provide instant access to a patient’s medical records and cut down the cost of patient care. The professional practicing through telemedicine must, however, offer the same standard of healthcare as would be provided through conventional methods. • Patient-Licensee Relationship  North Carolina’s medical board emphasizes the need for a proper patient-provider relationship before and during the telemedicine session. Improper identification could lead to fraudulent activity or false declaration of confidential health information. The licensed professional making use of telemedicine must verify the location and identity of the patient and let the patient know their name, professional credentials and location. • Prescription Through Telemedicine – All licensees are to contact patients before making prescriptions. Prescription of controlled substances through telemedicine is permitted, though it’s not regarded as a standard practice. Any provider who prescribes medical CBD through telemedicine to treat pain or any medical condition must obey the appropriate state and federal laws and make a formal report. North Carolina Medical Marijuana Laws We offer you instant access to North Carolina’s Full Medical Marijuana Laws. Review all the state regulations for usage, prescription, possession, cultivation, sale and distribution compiled in one place. You’ll also see the criminal charges attached to unlawful possession. These laws are written in a format you can easily read and understand without formal legal training. North Carolina Medical Marijuana Facts We offer you detailed and accurate facts about medical marijuana in North Carolina, along with related topics. Take a look at our fact sheets to discover the vital information you should know about medical cannabis. We help you separate facts from myths so you can take full advantage of this plant’s benefits when it’s legalized in North Carolina. Find Doctors Using Our Excellent Search Tool To use medical marijuana, you must be properly examined and diagnosed as having one of the ailments that can be treated with cannabis. That’s why we’ve designed an efficient search system to help you locate a competent doctor in your community: • Use Our Instant Doctors Search Feature  To locate a doctor in our network who is committed to helping you receive the full benefits of medical cannabis, use our North Carolina marijuana doctor directory when the legislation passes. You’ll be able to easily find doctors by using your zip code or through the city search feature. • Examine Each Doctor’s Profile & Read Patient Reviews  For each doctor in our network, we publish information about their working hours, service terms and fees, contact details and reviews written by other patients. These reviews will help you discover whether the care and service offered by a particular doctor will suit your taste and satisfy your needs. • Book an Appointment Immediately  After browsing through a doctor’s profile, you can book an appointment with the doctor instantly. Just click on the “Request an Appointment” link, and you’ll be taken through our short and efficient booking process. Get Information on Marijuana Dispensaries Currently, you can buy cannabis oil with very low THC from pharmacy stores, but no marijuana dispensaries have been licensed in North Carolina. However, as soon the use of medical marijuana is fully legalized, we will help you connect to local dispensaries where you can purchase the best strains and brands to treat various conditions. We’ve helped thousands of people in other states where medical marijuana has been legalized to find top-rated dispensaries that offer excellent customer service. You’ll be able to: • View Our List of Dispensaries in North Carolina – As soon as medical marijuana is fully legalized in the Tar Heel State, you should look at our directory of dispensaries to find a drug store that offers the best quality of cannabis with top-notch customer service. You can get information about their location, phone number and working hours. All the dispensaries we recommend to patients and caregivers are managed by experienced pharmacists who know the best strains and varieties of cannabis. • Book an Appointment  Contact a dispensary if you have a prescription for medical cannabis. You can schedule an appointment through to save yourself time. Plus, it’s more cost effective to contact a dispensary and get details about their prices, product availability and operating terms before you visit them in-person. You can also place an online order for pick-up at the dispensary. For more information about North Carolina medical marijuana doctors and dispensaries, visit our doctors search page and dispensary directory. North Carolina Qualification Find out Who Qualifies for Marijuana in North Carolina in our definitive guide of North Carolina’s qualification guidelines. Read up on medical conditions that are covered under North Carolina’s medical marijuana program, age restrictions, criminal conviction restrictions, and more. North Carolina Medical Marijuana Laws Read North Carolina’s Full Medical Marijuana Laws to gain full specific knowledge of North Carolina’s exact legal guidelines without interpretation. North Carolina Medical Marijuana Card Find out how to obtain a(n) North Carolina Medical Marijuana Card with our guide to North Carolina’s state medicinal marijuana ID program. Some states require that you obtain your card prior to obtaining your medicine, so read here first to ensure that you know North Carolina’s requirements. quote icon
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Why Honoring Socially Conscious Storytelling Is Key to Peabody Awards The Peabody Awards have always been about more than a gorgeous face and a compelling tale told right — they also recognize stories that reflect where we are as a society. The 77-year-old awards pride themselves on maintaining relevance. And this year’s winners grapple with women’s rights, racism, nationalism, guns and environmentalism. The Peabody Awards examines how TV does “something for us as citizens,” says Jeffrey Jones, director of the Peabody Awards. “It was formed as the Pulitzer Prize for broadcasting. When we gave an award to Amy Schumer, it was not just because she’s funny, but because she’s saying important things about misogyny and rape and sexism in the industry.” Though Jones cites Schumer’s win from 2014, these topics have only intensified, and this year’s awards recipients — including, in the entertainment categories alone, HBO’s “Insecure,” NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” Netflix’s “American Vandal,” Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” and Amazon’s “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” — reflect that. The Board of Jurors meets three times a year in face-to-face meetings. Eighteen journalists, showrunners and documentarians reach a unanimous decision on 30 winners selected from 60 nominees. Their vote is strictly on the works’ “relevance in the world in which we live,” Jones says. “Handmaid’s Tale” showrunner Bruce Miller works closely with the U.N. and a couple of non-governmental organizations to research how “for political and environmental reasons, a lot of people are moving around the world right now.” This informed the refugee storyline about characters fleeing oppressive regimes to Canada in his dystopian drama. He also took inspiration from movements including Occupy Wall Street for key flashback protest scenes. “We always want to focus on the realism,” Miller says. “Not what we think should happen in this fictional world we created, but what would really happen? We tried to find out exactly what really would happen and kind of walk through that.” Similarly, Peabody nominee “One Day at a Time” draws its stories from experiences its writers have had — whether it’s immigration, religion, colorism or sexual identity. “One example is Elena’s coming-out arc, which was infused with many actual, funny, bittersweet emotional moments and events from our writers’ lives. That’s a big method by which we try to keep the show real,” say executive producers Gloria Calderon Kellett and Mike Royce. American Vandal,” which executive producers Tony Yacenda, Dan Perrault and Dan Lagana say was birthed from “fascination with criminal injustice,” not only plays with the idea of misconceptions but also citizen journalism. “It’s so incredibly rewarding to have the Peabody committee validate our loftier ambitions behind our seemingly juvenile mystery. We just wanted to do something different — something that merged documentary tools with scripted narrative in a way that had never been done before,” the executive producers say, before adding, “we’re so proud that we ended up with a Peabody award-winning dick joke.” The awards, administered by the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the U. of Georgia, were announced in a rollout. Hasan Minhaj, who won a Peabody for his Netflix standup special “Homecoming King,” hosts the May 19 ceremony at Cipriani Wall Street in New York. “This is a tip of the hat to the power of storytellers to shape how we as a country think. What makes it special are the people in journalism standing arm-in-arm with the people of entertainment,” says Jones. Danielle Turchiano contributed to this story. More TV • Russell Tovey on His 'Arrogant and Russell Tovey on His 'Arrogant and Heroic' 'Years and Years' Character SPOILER ALERT: Do not read if you have not yet watched the fourth episode of “Years and Years.” Russell T. Davies’ limited series “Years and Years” began with a birth, but it did not wait until the finale to book-end the story with a death. In the fourth episode of the multi-year spanning family drama, [...] • Hugh GRant photographed by Shayan Asgharnia • Veronica Mars -- "Heads You Lose" TV Review: 'Veronica Mars' Season 4 • Norah O'Donnell Invokes Edward R. Murrow • Alton Brown • 9-1-1: Angela Bassett in the series Fox Sees Primetime, Sports Ad Gains As TV Upfront Wraps More From Our Brands Access exclusive content
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Risa Hayamizu From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Revision as of 14:28, 20 January 2013 by PokeSerbia (talk | contribs) Jump to: navigation, search Risa Hayamizu Risa Hayamizu (Japanese: 早水リサ Hayamizu Risa) is a Japanese seiyū for the Pokémon anime. Currently her most prominent role is that of Nozomi. Roles on Pokémon
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Yet Another School Completes the Curriculum Another school, Manor Woods Elementary, has successfully completed the Bioma curriculum,  totaling to an impressive 23 finished projects for the Bioma Project organization. The teacher liaison who runs the program, Mrs. Amy Parker, had this to say about the Bioma Project, “The students who ran this program for us throughout the year has been incredible. They ensured that our youth will receive quality environmental education to face the growing problems ensuing in their generation”. Currently,  the team is planning to conduct one final trip and presentation at Manor Woods ES to prepare the students for the upcoming fish release in Mid-June.  The fish release will involve the remaining 15 schools who have not released their fish and the field trip will include several hundred students. Leave a Comment
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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We’ve been trying to find local alternatives to things we buy from far and wide. One of the things I purchase regularly is organic olive oil from California. I won’t quit buying and using olive oil since it’s a healthy and delicious, but I have been trying to find something to replace it in some recipes. A couple years ago I read about ghee. Ghee is basically clarified butter or pure butter fat. Because the milk solids have been removed it has a higher smoking point (won’t burn as easily as butter) and it is shelf stable, so it keeps much longer than butter. It’s super easy to make and it’s a delicious addition to many dishes. Since you’re all making your own butter after yesterday’s post, I figure you’d need a way to use it up. To make ghee you need unsalted butter, you can use fresh homemade butter or store bought butter. I’d recommend finding some good quality local pastured butter of course, but you can use the regular stuff from the grocery. The final flavor and color of your ghee will depend on the quality of your butter. I generally use at least a pound of butter, usually two. Put the butter in a large heavy bottomed saucepan, it will sputter a bit so you want some extra room and a taller pan. Then place the pot on medium heat and melt the butter without stirring. When you first melt it, foam will appear. The butter will sputter a bit, this is the water boiling out of the butter. Gradually as you boil the butter the foam will disappear and you’ll end up with a beautiful golden liquid that smells wonderfully buttery! Keep an eye on your ghee, you don’t want to end up with browned butter ghee. It usually takes between 20-30 minutes depending on the temperature and the amount of butter you’re melting. It’s time to remove from the heat when you see golden brown milk solids on the bottom of the pot. You can use a spoon to move some of the foam aside to keep an eye on the milk solids. You want to remove from heat before the milk solids become too brown. Pour through a strainer fitted with some several layers of cheesecloth to strain out the butter solids (which our pets love). Then pour the ghee into a jar or container of your choice, I prefer a wide mouth mason jar. You’ll end up with the most beautiful golden liquid. This liquid will harden when it cools becoming opaque. Depending on the temperature of your home you final product can be between the consistency of a thick liquid that you can pour to a scoop able thickness. Your ghee does not need to be refrigerated, but you can if you want to. You can use ghee like you use oil, for frying eggs, making popcorn and sauteing veggies. It makes a wonderful addition to just about any dish. Have you ever had or made ghee? Tagged with: 24 Responses to Make Your Own: Ghee or Clarified Butter 1. tigress says: hi! i make ghee all the time! nothing beats the flavor it adds to vegetarian fare of of the indian persuasion – which i cook quite often in my kitchen. that said, it’s nutty delicious flavor adds to baking – cakes, muffins and teacakes. and ghee makes a great and flavorful quick pasta ‘sauce’ – just sizzle a few herbs of choice in it and toss in pasta. delicious! .-= tigress´s last blog ..welcome to tigress’ can jam! =-. 2. Mangochild says: Glad you posted this. My family has always made ghee – we’re from India, so its natural around our home to do so. I’m lactose intolerant, so I don’t get to eat it, but one of my fondest memories as a child was watching for that moment on the stove when the white froth of the melted butter would somehow magically subside, leaving a golden liquid. I was equally amazed that it could be stored outide, seeming to defy the rules of “close the door to the freezer/fridge so things don’t spoil!” I heard so often. I’m glad you’re enjoying this addition to cooking! .-= Mangochild´s last blog ..Wednesday Independence Days – Week 1 (again) =-. • Mangochild says: Oh, I should also add – I’ve noticed in cooking that ghee has a slightly different smoke point than oil, so cooking temps might need to be adjusted a bit for some recipes when its used for searing or sauteeing. Of course, if its just added as a flavoring in a dish, no adjustment would be needed. • Susy says: Very true, it has it’s own specific smoking point like most oils do. I keep grape seed oil around for high temp searing, but generally I use a lower temp and use olive oil or ghee. 3. pam says: I’ve never made it, but I’ve always wanted to. Thanks for the great tutorial. .-= pam´s last blog ..Black-Eyed Peas and Collards = Good Luck and Prosperity for Me! =-. 4. Justin says: I think I might try making some ghee. I’ve known how but never considered doing it. Thanks for the step-by-step demo! When we were in California, we ran across a wonderful little shop called the St. Helena Olive Oil Company (sholiveoil.com). They’re obviously not local to Ohio, but they are a small business, run by a single mother, and they buy as many of their products from local farmers and suppliers as they can–working with the farmers to choose just when to harvest the olives. They keep oils and vinegars in wine barrels in the back of the rustic store (looks like an old garage) and fill bottles for sale from the barrels. They’re a bit pricey and even more pricey to ship, but the quality of the product is worthwhile and the woman that runs it is a real hoot and knows her stuff. She recently moved her and her two daughters to Italy to spend a year or so really learning about Italian food, the language, and food products. She writes blogs and emails about her experiences that are fun to read. Oh…and may I suggest the 19 year/old balsamic vinegar. It’s probably the most you’ll ever pay for a bottle of food that size but it’s great drizzled on any green veggies or used in place of salad dressing. Using a barkeeper’s pouring spout to keep our pours small, we’ve been able to make it last over a year and a half. Same with the olive oil. .-= Justin´s last blog ..Thrifty Cooking – Grind It =-. • Susy says: Thanks for the recommendation. These are the kinds of places I like to buy from. I do love a good balsamic, I have a pretty pricey bottle of 25 year balsamic in the pantry I usually eat it with a spoon, it’s too go to dilute, although it occasionally graces my homegrown strawberries or ice cream. 5. HappyHermit says: I love making ghee , i also make my own paneer. Its one of the weird things I do that my husband thinks is odd , but never complains about. .-= HappyHermit´s last blog ..Day 6 of 7 @ Skirt / Dress Challenge =-. 6. MAYBELLINE says: Interesting. I’ve never heard of ghee. Please continue buying California olive oil. My state needs the income! BTW – a little olive oil on your cuticles really improves the damage gardening does to your hands. .-= MAYBELLINE´s last blog ..Christmas Cactus =-. 7. Wow, this is amazing! I love your creative ideas, they constantly inspire me! .-= Frugal Trenches´s last blog ..21 Suggestions for Living well in 2010 =-. 8. Ria says: I haven’t made my own ghee before, but I have heard of it. Apparently some nomadic cultures use a small dollop of it in tea in place of milk and/or a sweetener. The taste apparently takes a bit of getting used to, but I think I’d like to try it someday, just to say I have. .-= Ria´s last blog ..Meal planning. =-. • Susy says: I like to put a spoonful in my morning oatmeal and sometimes in my soup (especially if it’s a cream soup, like butternut squash or cauliflower). Never thought of putting it in tea, but I might try it sometime. 9. I’ve made my own butter, but we haven’t made ghee before. I’m definitely going to give it a try. Thanks for the tutorial. .-= Kendra @ A Sonoma Garden´s last blog ..Mushroom Hunting on the Sonoma Coast =-. 10. You just keep upping the bar, don’t you? Because of your inspiring posts on using raw milk and making butter, I got brave and purchased my first gallon of raw milk today. We have a local dairy that sells it fairly close to us, but with me being lactose intolerant I never really considered it. We have wanted to try the cheeses and yogurts but just never actually stopped by to do so. So this afternoon I actually drank about 1/2 cup of raw milk. I was scared to try even that much, but because I tolerate butter, good quality (meaning real live cultured) yogurt and hard aged cheeses I thought I might be a candidate for the raw milk. I’m happy to report that all is well. No tummy upset at all. I will experiment with this and see how it goes. Mostly though I want to make butter. So tomorrow I will skim the cream and give it a try. I was a bit startled at the cost of raw milk. I paid $8 for the gallon. I have been reading about the controversy of the high cost of organic and “real” food. I understand why it can cost more but that still makes it difficult. I have been trying to get my daughter to consider more grass raised beef and free range chicken/eggs. Between her cooking and her two year old twins they go through about 2 – 3 gallons of milk a week. At 2.5 times the cost, I know there is no way she’d consider raw milk. Thanks for the butter and ghee tutorials. Looking forward to trying them. • Susy says: That’s about how much I pay for our raw milk as well, but that’s what I would pay for organic milk at the grocery store. Food is one of those areas I’m willing to pay more to get quality. Although I’ve found the more locally & organic I eat the less processed food I buy and I’m actually spending less on my grocery bill (I think part of the reason is also that I’m picking up things at the farm, they have milk/eggs/meat, I’m not tempted to buy snacks/cookies/ice cream etc). • I totally agree with you. But I can also see a young couple’s overwhelm in coping with a budget. I am slowly getting her to read more about it and she is changing to better fats and cutting out soy. She feels like she is doing a lot because she cooks mostly from scratch and does focus on healthy choices. And truthfully, some of the things she tells me about her friends eating/cooking choices are frightening. I’m not talking teens here, but 30 year olds with families. I’m still at the point of paying more for better quality products and spending too much on junk food (DH is seriously bad.) I’m trying to include more home made sweets to wean him off the junk because at least I can control the ingredients and to some extent the choices. • Miranda says: I agree that it is a lot of money – but it’s spent locally, responsibly, and i can attest that there are so many things you can do with the milk i think it’s cost effective. I’ve made from one gallon of raw milk: cheese, sour cream, milk to drink, milk to bake with, whey to ferment things and increase shelf life (kim chee, mayonnaise, soaked grains) and a little dollop of butter! If you have the time you can really spread the goodies out. .-= Miranda´s last blog ..More Raw Milk Projects =-. • Stephanie says: $8 a gallon is nothing compared to medicine, Raw milk can heal many things!! So much healthier with it. Don’t take it for granted, I can no longer get raw milk (not legal here) but I will find a way!! So happy you tried raw milk even though you are lactose intolerant ~ Tell the world! 11. Catalina says: The ghee looks very nice, but….. Mmmmm that is beautiful butter! It’s so yellow and creamy looking! .-= Catalina´s last blog ..Banana Chocolate Coffee Cake =-. 12. talia says: Thats a great idea: I’d been trying to think of a substitute for olive oil that i could get locally. A couple of years ago I did a strict 50mile diet for a month and the two things I really wanted were flour and oil, now i can get the first and make ghee instead of oil… I might try another month soon! 13. […] Your Own Posts from Chiot’s Run. Make Your Own: Brown Sugar Make Your Own: Baking Powder Make Your Own: Ghee Make Your Own: Butter Make Your Own: Preserved Lemons Make Your Own: Ketchup Make Your Own: […] 14. […] how-to: chiotsrun.com/2010/01/07/make-you-own-ghee/ Share Weight Loss Success Butter, Clarified, Ghee The Paleo Diet – Explained […] 15. […] you’re interested), and source some from a small local dairy. I also make my own ghee, I have directions on my blog. Finding ways to incorporate coconut oil into your diet is also a good move. Read this post on my […] Leave a Reply to Kendra @ A Sonoma Garden Cancel reply
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If you sell products by weight, you may wish to enter a container weight or tare. When a container weight or tare is registered, it gets deducted from the total weight. This means that if, for example, you sell yoghurt by weight, you can now enter the yoghurt cup's weight so the customer does not get charged for the weight of the yoghurt cup. There are two ways to do this: • Set tare on scales • Set container weight on POS Set tare on scales 1. Put the empty container on your scales 2. Press the >T< button on your scales to set the tare. The new weight shown will be 0.  3. Weigh your product as required. 4. Press the >T< button to un-set the tare. Set container weight on POS 1. Go to Settings > System > General and enable setting A.23 Use Container Weight 2. Go to the POS menu and select the product that you wish to weigh 3. Place the product on the scales. The system will calculate how much it weighs. Press Done 4. Tap the weight to bring up the weight popup. Change the container weight using the keypad. 5. The Product Weight will change accordingly. Press Done. Set default container weight for a specific product If a specific product will always have a container weight: 1. Go to its Product Details and set a Container Weight (a.k.a. "Preset Weight") 2. Sync all products on Abacus POS Did this answer your question?
Technical Writing - Examples: API documentation, README files, source code - If the page only contains a link to documentation, choose a different category instead - Unlike 'Customer Support Page', this content is meant for developers and experts, rather than end-users
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Hourly differences in air pollution and risk of respiratory disease in the elderly: A time-stratified case-crossover study Research output: Contribution to journalArticle 22 Citations (Scopus) Background: Epidemiological studies have shown adverse effects of short-term exposure to air pollution on respiratory disease outcomes; however, few studies examined this association on an hourly time scale. We evaluated the associations between hourly changes in air pollution and the risk of respiratory disease in the elderly, using the time of the emergency call as the disease onset for each case. Methods. We used a time-stratified case-crossover design. Study participants were 6,925 residents of the city of Okayama, Japan, aged 65 or above who were taken to hospital emergency rooms between January 2006 and December 2010 for onset of respiratory disease. We calculated city-representative hourly average concentrations of air pollutants from several monitoring stations. By using conditional logistic regression models, we estimated odds ratios per interquartile-range increase in each pollutant by exposure period prior to emergency call, adjusting for hourly ambient temperature, hourly relative humidity, and weekly numbers of reported influenza cases aged ≥60. Results: Suspended particulate matter (SPM) exposure 24 to <72 hours prior to the onset and ozone exposure 48 to <96 hours prior to the onset were associated with the increased risk of respiratory disease. For example, following one interquartile-range increase, odds ratios were 1.05 (95% confidence interval: 1.01, 1.09) for SPM exposure 24 to <48 hours prior to the onset and 1.13 (95% confidence interval: 1.04, 1.23) for ozone exposure 72 to <96 hours prior to the onset. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) exposure 0 to <24 hours prior to onset was associated with the increased risk of pneumonia and influenza: odds ratio was 1.07 per one interquartile-range increase (95% confidence interval: 1.00, 1.14). Elevated risk for pneumonia and influenza of SO2was observed at shorter lags (i.e., 8-18 hours) than the elevated risks for respiratory disease of SPM or ozone. Overall, the effect estimates for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and allied conditions were equivocal. Conclusions: This study provides further evidence that hourly changes in air pollution exposure increase the risks of respiratory disease, and that SO2may be related with more immediate onset of the disease than other pollutants. Original languageEnglish Article number67 JournalEnvironmental Health: A Global Access Science Source Issue number1 Publication statusPublished - Aug 13 2014 • Air pollution • Ozone • Particulate matter • Respiratory disease • Short-term effect • Sulfur dioxide ASJC Scopus subject areas • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health • Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis Cite this
Academic Writing - Examples: a research paper, a paper abstract, a thesis, a literature review - This does not include other web pages that have academia and research only as their topic
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Best Auto Repair, Salt Lake City 4036 S Main Street Salt Lake City UT 84107 Call Us Working Hours Thank You Thank You We appreciate your business, and we value your trust. Fast, honest, and efficient service. I have never been treated better than I was at Accuracy Automotive. My car was having problems and they got me in the next day. Nic explained everything to me with respect. (Past places being a woman I have been talked too like a kid.) he gave me details on parts I needed with the cost and time if would take. I had a meeting that I had to get too and he also made sure my time was valued and that I was out of there on time. It was organized and clean as well. If you want to go to a place with integrity, go here! Quote reviewiconReasonable Rates and Friendly Service Brakes, near Murray, UT These guys are great. Their prices are reasonable and they were easy and awesome to work with. They are now pretty much our go-to for any car work I can't do myself! Quote reviewiconExcellent Service Brakes, near Salt Lake Valley, UT Accuracy Automotive recently performed some work on my Mini Cooper. They were excellent! They got my Mini in quickly, did great work, and the price was very fair. The best part was their excellent customer service!!! I will never let my Mini visit anyone els ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Car Care Aware TAP TO CALL NOW 801-266-3609 X
User Reviews - Reviews posted by users, e.g., on Yelp, TripAdvisor
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BioShock Wiki Slot Poster.png 2,317pages on this wiki Add New Page Full resolution (download)‎ (1,024 × 1,024 pixels, file size: 1.69 MB, MIME type: image/png) Description "Win Cash!" Slot Machine Poster. Game BioShock Level Fort Frolic Location Can be found in casinos, such as Pharaoh's Fortune Casino Topic Poster Description is provided. Source is provided. Game is provided. Level is provided. Topic is provided. Appears on these pages • Pharaoh's Fortune Casino The Pharaoh's Fortune Casino was once a popular entertainment center for gamblers who visited... • Slot Machine A Slot Machine is a simple form of gambling found throughout Rapture's entertainment venues such... File history current08:27, March 31, 2016Thumbnail for version as of 08:27, March 31, 20161,024 × 1,024 (1.69 MB)Shacob (Talk | contribs)Higher quality 05:11, January 18, 2010Thumbnail for version as of 05:11, January 18, 2010568 × 469 (335 KB)EDlTOR (Talk | contribs) Ad blocker interference detected!
Structured Data - Multiple data entries with a common structure - Examples: a table, datasheet, movie database, glossary, dictionary, json file, csv, xml
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Honoring our traditions. Building our future. About The Campaign Muriel E. Brock Field Naming Initiative Coach Muriel Brock shaped the lives of female student-athletes for many years.  For her selfless dedication, for her wisdom and for all the ways that she led on and off the field, a group of alumnae, parents of alumni and community members have joined together in a fundraising effort to name our new field hockey and girls’ lacrosse field in honor of Coach Muriel Brock. The girls’ athletic director from 1956 until 1992, Coach Brock oversaw the program during a time of tremendous change in women’s sports.  Nobody could have done the job better. Excellence, sportsmanship, teamwork. These are qualities that Coach Brock espoused in 1956, and in 1992. On and off the field, Coach Brock nurtured the very best in those around her. In addition to her leadership in athletics, she served as director of student activities and as a college advisor during her career with University Liggett School. She also started the University Liggett School Day Camp and ran it for more than 30 years. “I played varsity sports at University Liggett School before leaving for boarding school. Yet I have felt and forwarded ‘The Brock Effect’ through my own career in sports as a player, a coach and an umpire. The Brock Effect is about playing for the love of the game. It comes over me still on clear, brisk fall days when I desperately want to play hockey. It’s why I have a dock box full of lacrosse sticks, balls, bats, birdies, racquets and a basketball half court in my garden. It’s very, very simply, part of who I am.”  – Susan Ford ‘63 GPUS “A beautiful fall afternoon, the sun shining, wind blowing through the trees and the wonderful smell of fall might take us back to crossing Cook Road to the hockey field. Who was there waiting for us? Do you remember her trench coat, sneakers, and the ever present whistle? Miss Brock, Brick, or Muriel was there ready to get her teams on the field. No fooling around, get to work. Oh, that Mickey Mouse song inspired us all to play harder. Hooray for Mickey, our mascot.  Some of us still remember when Brick arrived at GPUS in 1956: a new energy, a young woman perhaps just a few years our senior, and for many a new mentor and friend. Maybe field hockey was not your sport but tennis or basketball. Whatever the sport, SHE was there ... coaching, encouraging, blowing her whistle, always wanting more out of us. But sportsmanship and teamwork always came first!” – Suzie Sisman Decker 1958 GPUS Coach Brock has given this initiative her blessing with humility and appreciation. Coach Brock ... • Started the school’s lacrosse program and the girls’ ice hockey program.  • Coached varsity field hockey for 36 years, including coaching teams that were undefeated from 1970 to 1974, and which were unscored upon in 1973 and 1974.  • Was inducted into the Michigan High School Coaches Field Hockey Hall of Fame as well as the Michigan High School Coaches Lacrosse Hall of Fame.
Organizational About Page - Typically contains a self-description or introduction by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization - Note that the content may appear similar to a 'Knowledge Article' in some cases, but is not verified and may contain self-promotion
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Neil Peart and Tom Hanks: Separated at Birth? In the Way Too Much Time on Our Hands department . . . We at Rush Vault ask the question that’s been on everyone’s mind for, like, forever: We’re Neil Peart and Tom Hanks separated at birth? Hanks was born in Concord, Calif., in 1956, and Neil was born in Port Dalhousie, Ontario, in 1952. But if you consider that Ontario, Calif. is only 365 miles from Concord, Calif., you can see how . . . . . . or the same person in disguise? Hanks once described himself as someone “who liked to make a lot of noise” when he was growing up, and that’s why he went into acting. But you have to wonder if some of that preference for noisemaking didn’t also get channeled in other ways, such as “drumming on various objects around the house with a pair of chopsticks,” which is how Neil has described his early years. We think the facts speak for themselves, but let us know your view. Take the poll: Neil Peart and Tom Hanks: Separated by Birth?  More This and That ~ by rvkeeper on April 14, 2012. %d bloggers like this:
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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