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Thursday, January 27, 2011 Governor Palin breaks down President Obama's State of the Union address via Facebook: In the past, he promised us he’d make job creation his number one priority, while also cutting the deficit, eliminating waste, easing foreclosures in the housing markets, and making “tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.” What did we get? A record $1.5 trillion deficit, an 84% increase in federal spending, a trillion dollar stimulus that stimulated nothing but more Tea Party activism, 9+% unemployment (or 17% percent if you include those who have stopped looking for work or settled for part time jobs), 2.9 million home foreclosures last year, and a moratorium on offshore drilling that has led to more unemployment and $100 dollar a barrel oil. As it is, the American people should fully understand that when the President talks about increased “investments” he’s talking about increased government spending. Cut away the rhetoric and you’ll also see that the White House’s real message on economic reform wasn’t one of substantial spending cuts, but of tax increases. When the President talks about simplifying the tax code, he’s made it clear that he’s not looking to cut your taxes; he’s looking for additional tax revenue from you. The tax “simplification” suggested by the President’s Deficit Reduction Commission would end up raising taxes by $1 trillion over the next decade. So, instead of bringing spending down in line with revenue, the President wants to raise our taxes to pay for his massive spending increases. It’s tax and spend in reverse: spend first, tax later. And the Obama administration has a lot of half-baked ideas on where to spend our hard-earned money in pursuit of “national greatness.” These “investments,” as the President calls them, include everything from solar shingles to high speed trains. As we struggle to service our unsustainable debt, the only thing these “investments” will get us is a bullet train to bankruptcy. With credit ratings agency Moody’s warning us that the federal government must reverse the rapid growth of national debt or face losing our triple-A rating, keep in mind that a nation doesn’t look so “great” when its credit rating is in tatters. Of course, it’s nice to give a speech calling for “investment” and “competition” in order to reach greatness. It’s quite another thing to advocate and implement policies that truly encourage such things. Growing the federal government is not the answer. Take education for example. It’s easy to declare the need for better education, but will throwing even more money at the issue really help? As the Cato Institute’s Michael Tanner notes, “the federal government has increased education spending by 188 percent in real terms since 1970 without seeing any substantial improvement in test scores.” If you want “innovation” and “competition,” then support school choice initiatives and less federal control over our state and local districts. On the crucial issue of entitlement reform, the President offered nothing. This is shocking, because as he himself explained back in April 2009, “if we want to get serious about fiscal discipline…we will have to get serious about entitlement reform.” Even though the Medicare Trust Fund will run out of funds a mere six years from now, and the Social Security Trust Fund is filled mainly with IOUs, the President opted to kick the can down the road yet again. And once again, he was disingenuous when he suggested that meaningful reform would automatically expose people’s Social Security savings to a possible stock market crash. As Rep. Paul Ryan showed in his proposed Roadmap, and others have explained, it’s possible to come up with meaningful reform proposals that tackle projected shortfalls and offer workers more options to invest our own savings while still guaranteeing invested funds so they won’t fall victim to sudden swings in the stock market. And what about that crucial issue confronting so many Americans who are struggling today – the lack of jobs? The President came to office promising that his massive, multi-trillion dollar spending programs would keep unemployment below 8%; but the lack of meaningful, pro-free market reforms in yesterday’s speech means his legacy will almost certainly be four years of above 8% unemployment, regardless of how much he increases federal spending (or perhaps I should say because of how much he’s increased it). - Sarah Palin Read it here. Post a Comment   © Blogger template Noblarum by 2009 Back to TOP
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News archive Tag: CLT Three largest CLT suppliers to commission testing report to prove fire safety of CLT in UK KLH, Binderholz, Stora Enso, suppliers, CLT, fire safety, building regulation changes, UK The three largest suppliers of cross laminated timber(CLT) – KLH, Binderholz and Stora Enso – have invested in a series of fire tests to assess safety and performance of CLT, reported TTJ. According to a report in Inside Housing, the group is planning to spend £500,000 on a series of fire tests over the next 18 months to … SmartLam North America and RedBuilt join hands to supply CLT products and solutions SmartLam North America, RedBuilt, CLT solutions, exclusive distribution, United States SmartLam North America and RedBuilt announce their partnership to supply Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) products and solutions to architects, engineers and contractors for projects using the popular mass timber building technology. RedBuilt will serve as the exclusive distributor of SmartLam CLT in the Pacific Northwest, West Coast and Southwest, … Editor’s pickSödra’s CLT to be used in construction of “Hoppet” preschool in Sweden Hoppet preschool, innovation project, Gothenburg, climate neutral, Södra, cross-laminated timber, CLT Södra will be supplying CLT (cross-laminated timber) to the “Hoppet” preschool innovation project in Gothenburg, a major city in Sweden. The climate impact of the construction project is 70 percent lower than similar projects of this nature, and is part of the process to achieve the City of Gothenburg’s goal of becoming a … Editor’s pickFPInnovations releases latest edition of CLT Handbook CLT, FPInnovation, CLT handbook, new edition, technology, mass-timber-building global movement, knowledge transfer, designer, construction FPInnovations, a non-profit specialising in creating solutions that support the global competitiveness of the Canadian forest sector, and its government and industry partners, recently launched the all-new 2019 2nd edition of the building-construction game-changing, “Canadian CLT Handbook.” Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is … Timberlink to build CLT and GLT manufacturing facility in South Australia or Victoria Timberlink, new, manufacturing, facility, CLT, gluam, GLT, plantation, structural pine products, South Australia, Victoria The Timberlink Australia Board has approved plans to enter the growing mass timber market, with the building of a state-of-the-art Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) & Glue Laminated Timber (GLT) manufacturing facility. The significant investment will see the construction of Australia’s second major softwood CLT plant and first combined CLT … Editor’s pickMicrosoft’s upgraded Silicon Valley campus will be North American’s largest timber project Microsoft, CLT, timber project, largest, North America, Silicon Valley, Mountain View campus At over 644,000 square feet, CLT’s potential as a building material for expansive horizontal structures will be demonstrated at the Microsoft Silicon Valley, as part of a larger renovation of the Moutain View campus. WRNS Studio from San Francisco will be designing North America’s largest CLT building in floor area. The building … Some UK housing developers discontinuing CLT for high-rise after post-Grenfell legislation UK, housing developers, CLT, limited use, post-Grenfell, legislation, policy, combustible materials, external walls, new buildings, 18 metres Swan is the latest housing developer to join the list of developers evaluating concrete and steel alternative for residential units over 18 metres. Despite a successful completion of the mid-rise, six-storey Watts Grove development Tower Hamlets in East London, a 65-unit residential project, Swan will now restrict the use of CLT to two- and … San Francisco welcomes next largest mass timer office building in the U.S. Pier 70, redevelopment, Hacker Architects, San Francisco, U.S., mass timber, architecture, green, sustainable, environment, workplace, CLT, glulam, Brookfield Properties San Francisco gets ready to start the construction of the largest mass timber office building in the United States as part of a 28-acre development on its historic Pier 70. Led by Brookfield Properties, the six-storey, 310,000-square-foot structure will be among the first new buildings to anchor the city’s newest waterfront … Subscribe to our newsletter
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12:45 PM ET, July 27, 2007  Top Items:  Washington Post: FBI Chief Disputes Gonzales On Spying  —  FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III yesterday contradicted the sworn testimony of his boss, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, by telling Congress that a prominent warrantless surveillance program was the subject of a dramatic legal debate within the Bush administration. Opinion Journal: Wiretap Debacle  —  How politics has gutted the terrorist surveillance program. Discussion: Power Line and Betsy's Page Howard Kurtz / Washington Post: Army Private Discloses He Is New Republic's Baghdad Diarist  —  The New Republic's anonymous "Baghdad Diarist" identified himself yesterday as Scott Thomas Beauchamp, an Army private in Iraq, and disputed as "maddening" accusations that he had invented his accounts of cruelty by American soldiers. Charles Krauthammer / Washington Post: Strike Two  —  For Barack Obama, it was strike two.  And this one was a right-down-the-middle question from a YouTuber in Monday night's South Carolina debate: "Would you be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else … Washington Post: For Clinton and Obama, A Debate Point Won't Die  —  A debate moment that might have quickly come and gone has erupted into the sharpest battle of the Democratic nominating contest, with Sen. Barack Obama yesterday comparing Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's position on meeting with the leaders … Los Angeles Times: U.S. drops Baghdad electricity reports  —  The daily length of time that residents have power has dropped.  The figure is considered a key indicator of quality of life.  —  WASHINGTON — washington — As the Bush administration struggles to convince lawmakers that its Iraq war strategy is working … Fester / The Newshoggers: Where's the power report  —  In the real world, I am a program evaluator/improvement analyst.... shocking occupation given how non-analytical I am on this blog, I know.  —  I have learned a couple tricks of the trade that usually are pretty reliable indicators that I'm going to be working … Violence won't work: how author of 'jihadists' bible' stirred up a storm  —  Revisionist message from prison cell shakes al-Qaida colleagues  —  Ian Black Cairo  —  The assassination of the Egyptian president Anwar Sadat in 1981 by Islamic militants, a key moment in the development of jihadist groups. Discussion: Jihad Watch Ed Morrissey / Captain's Quarters: Violent Jihad's Author To Recant? Discussion: USS Neverdock Jon Hurdle / Reuters: Court throws out city's illegal immigration law  —  HAZLETON, Pa (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday struck down as unconstitutional a local law designed to crack down on illegal immigration, dealing a blow to similar laws passed by dozens of towns and cities across the country. Peter Elstrom / Business Week: Small-Town Quarrel, Big Implications Discussion: The Corner and Daily Kos Matt / Novak's heaven: A 'place where there are no blogs.'  —  "I'm 76 years old, and pretty soon I'm going to a place where there are no blogs," said conservative pundit Robert Novak at an American Spectator breakfast on Thursday morning.  Speaking of the land beyond, Novak added … Discussion: The Next Hurrah Examiner:   Novak Tome Could Have Been 'Bible Length' Jose Antonio Vargas / Washington Post: But Don't Ask Him on YouTube...  Four days after the Democratic debate in Charleston, S.C,. more than 400 questions directed to the GOP presidential field have been uploaded on YouTube — targeted at Republicans scheduled to get their turn at videopopulism on Sept. 17. David Saltonstall / NY Daily News: Snowman's chance for a GOP debate Discussion: MSNBC, National Review and Martha Mendoza / Associated Press: AP: New Details on Tillman's Death  —  SAN FRANCISCO -  —  Army medical examiners were suspicious about the close proximity of the three bullet holes in Pat Tillman's forehead and tried without success to get authorities to investigate whether the former NFL player's death amounted to a crime … Spencer Ackerman / TPMmuckraker: Today's Must Read Discussion: Los Angeles Times Helene Cooper / New York Times: Saudis' Role in Iraq Frustrates U.S. Officials  —  During a high-level meeting in Riyadh in January, Saudi officials confronted a top American envoy with documents that seemed to suggest that Iraq's prime minister could not be trusted.  —  One purported to be an early alert from the prime minister … Glenn R. Simpson / Wall Street Journal: U.S. Tracks Saudi Bank Favored by Extremists Discussion: Counterterrorism Blog Digby / Hullabaloo: Private Peter Pan  —  The other day I posted about a pseudonymously written story published in the New Republic by a soldier in the field describing some rather despicable behavior by himself and some of his buddies.  It seemed to me that it was plausible, although of course, I have no way of really knowing. Discussion: Brian Beutler and The Sideshow Keith Ervin / Seattle Times: Felony charges filed against 7 in state's biggest case of voter-registration fraud  —  King and Pierce County prosecutors filed felony charges today against seven people who allegedly committed the biggest voter-registration fraud in state history.  —  The defendants, who were paid employees … Judith / Kesher Talk: Cindy Sheehan in NYC  —  [ UPDATE: Gathering of Eagles is going to confront the Cindy Brigade in Central Park on Sunday.  Info here. and here. ]  —  Kesher Talk Roving Correspondent Pamela Hall was there when the St Cindy Circus came to town.  —  Lots of photos and lots of video. Discussion: The Jawa Report Mark Murray / MSNBC: FOX PRODUCER JOINS TEAM FRED  —  From NBC's Mike Viqueira  —  The word spreading all over Capitol Hill today is that longtime Fox senior congressional producer Jim Mills is leaving his booth on the House side to join the Fred Thompson quasi-campaign as spokesman. Todd J. Zywicki / Washington Times: Junk social science index  —  No one ever accused Congress of being overly meticulous about the scientific evidence it takes in.  But the 110th Congress has been on a binge diet of junk social science.  It's no wonder it's been looking sick lately.  —  Or should we say "sicko?" Discussion: The Corner  Archived Page Info:  This is a snapshot of memeorandum at 12:45 PM ET, July 27, 2007. View the current page or another snapshot:  See Also:  memeorandum: site main memeorandum River: reverse chronological memeorandum memeorandum Mobile: for phones memeorandum Leaderboard: memeorandum's top sources memeorandum RSS feed memeorandum on Twitter  More Items: No Flood Wall Leaves Many New Orleans Residents Fearing the Worst - From Heavy Rain Andrew G. Bostom / Front Page Magazine: presents part one of a two part series. Discussion: The Corner and Solomonia Huffington Post: Thomas B. Edsall, Ethan Hova: Romney Buys Conservatives Discussion: Wonkette Andrew Sullivan / The Atlantic Online: Scott Thomas Update Discussion: Ezra Klein Ann Althouse / Althouse: Obama calls Hillary "Bush-Cheney lite." Discussion: Washington Post and INSTAPUTZ Ed Morrissey / Captain's Quarters: Red Mosque Redux (Update: Explosion Kills Several) David Blair / Telegraph: Trust Libya with nuclear power, says Sarkozy  Earlier Items:  Philip Shenon / New York Times: Federal Lawmakers From Coast to Coast Are Under Investigation Discussion: TPMmuckraker White House: President Bush Addresses the American Legislative Exchange Council … Sydney Morning Herald: Haneef released as charges dropped Michael Hirsh / Newsweek: Why McCain's Collapse Matters Discussion: Hullabaloo and Kathryn Jean Lopez / The Corner: Slippery Slope?  —  Just a coincidence that this happened in Massachusetts? Matthew Rothschild / The New Press: You Have No Rights  —  Stories of America in an Age of Repression
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Pelosi to announce decision on minority leader run Wednesday Quicklink submitted by Sheila Samples     Permalink Related Topic(s): ; ; ; , Add Tags News 1   Supported 1   View Ratings | Rate It Become a Fan   (39 fans) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters Tuesday that she would announce her decision about whether to continue her 10-year run of leading her caucus on Wednesday morning. She deflected questions about whether she would continue in the minority leader position by saying she would hold a 10 a.m. Wednesday press conference to announce her decision. Read the rest of the story HERE: - Advertisement - - Advertisement - Comments: Expand   Shrink   Hide   1 people are discussing this page, with 1 comments To view all comments: Expand Comments               &... by Lance Ciepiela on Tuesday, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:58:04 PM
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'Call Me Stupid But....' Discussion in 'Lighting Forum' started by RT_Panther, Nov 21, 2012. 1. RT_Panther RT_Panther Mu-43 Legend May 4, 2011 I just picked up an FL-300R over the FL-36R.....:redface: Size was a major factor in me converting to Micro Four Thirds format - can't do this with the FL-36R.... 2. Fmrvette Fmrvette This Space For Rent May 26, 2012 Detroit, Michigan No, Panther, I gotta go with ya on this one. Of course Joe McNally might have a different viewpoint :biggrin:. I started out with the :43: kit to reduce the load, found myself replicating my D300 setup (grip, 45-200mm lens, etc.) and stopped. I'm being much more size/weight sensitive now, and like you a large flash would not fit my purpose. I removed the grip and only mount it when using the 45-200 lens for the balance now. I have an FL-300R, but I've not used it other than to fire it to make sure it worked out of the box. (It came free with the EM-5 body). I think you have stayed on the path of wisdom, Grasshopper. :2thumbs: Congratulations on your new acquisition - post some pics??? 3. GaryAyala GaryAyala Mu-43 Legend Jan 2, 2011 Okay, "Stupid But ..." ... now what? Unlike Jim, I started duplication of my FF system and I haven't stopped. Just picked up the 35-100 yesterday. No matter what you do, the µ4/3 will be smaller and lighter than an equally equipped dSLR. Good luck with that flash. I just picked up a Nissen. 4. RT_Panther RT_Panther Mu-43 Legend May 4, 2011 I might disagree a bit with this in the flash department. - Nikon SB400 compares somewhat to the FL-300R and yep, the FL is smaller & lighter But once you start moving up, (FL-36R/FL-600R), you're essentially putting a DSLR flash on a MFT body..... 5. GaryAyala GaryAyala Mu-43 Legend Jan 2, 2011 Okay, you win. I hate flash cuz I don't know how to use one. So I jack up the ISO and create this vicious circle thing with not using flash. I believe you cuz I don't know a thing 'bout flash. I can use one well enough to get a rotten, flashy looking picture, but its a rotten flashy looking picture. (I do okay with fill.) You guys gotta teach me ... arrrghhh ... flash. (Oh the inhumanity of it all ...) 6. RT_Panther RT_Panther Mu-43 Legend May 4, 2011 LoL, well here's what I have in my tiny Thinktank Retrospective 5 bag: *M. Zuiko 75 ƒ1.8 *M. Zuiko 45 ƒ1.8 *M. Zuiko 17 ƒ2.8 *Leica DG Summilux 25mm ƒ1.4 *VF-2 View Finder *FL-300R Flash *ND filters for all the above *CP filters for all the above *Lens cleaning cloth • Like Like x 2 7. goldenlight goldenlight Mu-43 All-Pro Jan 30, 2010 Flash? What's flash? :biggrin: 8. dogs100 dogs100 Mu-43 All-Pro Subscribing Member Nov 12, 2011 N Devon UK I thought you Essex boys knew all about flash ... :wink: • Like Like x 1 9. Ross the fiddler Ross the fiddler Mu-43 Hall of Famer Not now John! It's not socially acceptable to flash! :tongue: Actually, I did find the FL50(R) on E-M5 a little top heavy, so I dug out one of my FL36R's & found it much more proportionally balanced with the camera & for all the close up work, was much more suitable & considering the flashes were originally designed for base ISO 100, it's now ISO 200 giving an effective increase to the power from the flashes. • Like Like x 1 10. digitalandfilm digitalandfilm Mu-43 All-Pro Jul 18, 2011 How do you fit all that in the bag.. I have the same bag??? :confused: 11. Bokeaji Bokeaji Gonzo's Dad O.* Aug 6, 2011 Austin, TX this is excatly why i dont use my 36r, i just use the tiny omd flippy uppy one, for the rare times i use a flash at all 12. GaryAyala GaryAyala Mu-43 Legend Jan 2, 2011 On a typical day, say Tuesday when I traveled to the Hollywood Guitar Center for the Regional Drum-Off finals, in my Domke F3X you'll find: (haven't unpacked, hold on ... pulling crap out) a) P7-14; b) O12; c) PL25; d) O45; e) FL 36R (dusty); f) FL LM2 (2); g) Lens Cleaning Kit (fluid, cloth, brush); h) BLN-1 Battery (1); i) Pen & Pencil set (wooden, hand crafted); j) Earplugs; k) Lens Pen (2- small & large); l) Reporters Notebook; m) Cards (2); n) Samsung Tablet (medium sized); and o) a seemingly random assortment of lens caps (unattached) Around my neck and shoulders: OM-D (2) (and there was a ton of room for more stuff. I have a four lens insert in the F3X, a wrap of Fig Newtons fit perfectly in one of the lens compartments. If I was on assignment, I'd also have a Travel Boogle packed as well.) 13. RT_Panther RT_Panther Mu-43 Legend May 4, 2011 I usually keep the 75 or 25 & VF-2 mounted on my E-PL5 which opens up a few more areas for space...:smile:
Discussion Forum / Comment Section - Community sites like reddit or comment sections on news article or blog posts - Has to contain multiple posts or comments
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How to Renew Your Mooring the First Time Step 1: On your web browser go here. Step 2: You will be brought to this following page. Under “Create a New Login” (red arrow) create your account filling in the required information.  Once you have filled in the required fields click the “Register and Log In” button (green arrow) Note: At any time during process if you have a question about what is required simply click on the blue question mark. Step 3: On your renewal notification you will find an 8 digit “access code” in bold type. Type this “access code into the empty box under “My Account” (red arrow). Then click the “Submit” button immediately to the right of the access code box. Step 4: You will be brought back to your Home Page except now you will see your permit number listed in the “My Account” box.  In that box you will also see your “Amount Due” and immediately next to that a button that says “Renew” (red arrow). Click on this button and you will be taken to the first page of your renewal. Note: If you have more than one mooring permit you and you do not see them all listed you only have to enter the access code for each mooring in the box provided (green arrow)  and click the “Submit” button and they will also be attached to your account. Then you can renew each permit separately. Step 5: After clicking the “Renew Button” you will be brought to different screens that will display different aspects of your permit such as name, address, boat information, access point, mooring company, registration, etc. At the bottom of each page you will see a “Save and Continue” button which you must click in order to continue to the next segment of the renewal. Note: It is important that you insure all information is accurate as you will be held accountable for the accuracy of the information. Fields in BOLD print are required fields and must be filled in. Step 6: After reviewing each page you will come to the final page of your renewal. A boat registration is required to complete your renewal. If a registration was not already attached and your were not able to attach one electronically, you will be required to click the button “Boat Registration” in the documents box (red arrow), and mail a copy of your registration. You then must choose how you wish to pay for your renewal in the “Fees” box (green arrow). Be sure to note that if you choose to pay online with a credit card there is a “convenience fee” charged by the credit card company. The actual fee is listed in parenthesis next to each option. If you choose to pay offline by check/cash you will not receive a notice that your renewal is complete until payment is received. Finally, check the “I accept these terms” button in the “Terms and Conditions” box (blue arrow), and your renewal is finished. When your permit has been reviewed by the harbormaster and payment received you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
Customer Support Page - Content by an organization and for a general audience - Examples: a troubleshooting guide - For customer support pages in the specific format of FAQs, choose 'FAQs' instead
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Volleyball Team Signs Teen with Chronic Illness by Alyssa Speicher, Public Relations Writer Payton Stephens of Lebanon, Ohio, was diagnosed at birth with a blood disorder that doctors cannot fully identify. Still, the 16-year-old’s perseverance and positive attitude throughout her life has led to a spot in Cedarville University’s women’s volleyball program.  Cedarville University will officially welcome Stephens to the program during a special “Draft Day” ceremony Tuesday, April 4, at 5 p.m. in the Callan Athletic Center. The program is similar to a student-athlete’s “national letter of intent” day.  The women’s volleyball team is partnering with Team IMPACT to make Stephens’ role with the Yellow Jackets a possibility. Similar to other organizations that attempt to make life easier for life-threatening illnesses, Team IMPACT improves the quality of life of youth with chronic illnesses by matching them with collegiate athletic teams. Cedarville is excited to be a part of this unique opportunity to encourage Stephens. She will be part of the volleyball program for the next two years. “Through relatives and teammates, we have been able to see the difference programs like Team IMPACT can make in the lives of these young children,” said volleyball head coach Doug Walters. “For us at Cedarville University, it also gives us another great opportunity to pour the love of Jesus into Payton and her family.” She will have the opportunity to be a part of the team’s home matches: participating in pre-match devotions, sitting with the team during the match, getting introduced as a player and interacting with Cedarville’s student body. “The team is super excited to welcome Payton to the program,” said Walters. “When they had the opportunity to meet her at practice, they instantly made a connection with her and welcomed her to campus.”
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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Execute Paris Hilton petition To: The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Paris Whitney Hilton is an American celebrity and socialite. She is an heiress to a share of the Hilton Hotel fortune, as well as to the real estate fortune of her father Richard Hilton. She destroys hope for young people all over the U.S. and the world. She provides ugliness and mediocrity to (most of) our otherwise meaningful lives. Hilton has gained notoriety for her leading role as a useless charlatan and prostitute in the Fox reality series The Simple Life. As most of America now knows, Ms. Hilton was just charged in a Los Angeles court with DUI and sentenced to 45 days in Century Regional Detention Facility in California beginning on or before June 5, 2007. We, the world public who loath Paris, are shocked, dismayed and appalled by how leniently Paris has been treated. We do not support drunk driving or DUI charges and believe that, when combined with her other atrocities towards society as a whole, 45 days is not nearly harsh enough. This petition is to ask Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to execute Paris Hilton for her pathetic existence. Please do not allow her to return to her career and life. Everyone makes mistakes, just look at what Rick Hilton and Kathy Richards created. Do not release Paris Hilton to rein her mediocrity, laziness and horrible attitude upon the world again. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to stop Paris from ending up back in the general public! Please sign to tell The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of the State of California, to think about the welfare of this world and how executing this terrible woman will save the lives of so many others on our great planet. If the current president George W. Bush can find it in his heart to execute the mentally handicapped for crimes which they can not understand, then surely Governor Schwarzenegger can find it in his heart to remove Paris Hilton from wreaking any more havoc on the hearts and minds of the world\'s people. We the people of planet earth wish to continue our existence without having to fear our children idolizing useless, lazy, horrible people like Paris Hilton. Please help us do so by signing this petition. No comments yet. join the discussion Recent signatures • username Jessica, United States 7 years ago • username Hitmar Otzfield, Germany 7 years ago • username zed, United Kingdom 7 years ago See more Petition highlights There are no highlights yet.
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Monday, July 16, 2012 Great Bands At Farmageddon Fest This Week If you live out west and need something cool to do, damn this looks like a good time. Cold beers, great music and the mountains, what is not to enjoy. Get out to this show! Farmageddon Festival July 20th to 22nd - West Yellowstone, MT
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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[ 4, 1, 2, 3, 0 ]
Produced by the American Association of Law Libraries, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) is the preeminent multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in over 500 legal journals published worldwide. It provides in-depth coverage of public and private international law, comparative and foreign law, and the law of all jurisdictions. IFLP also analyzes the contents of approximately fifty individually published collections of legal essays, Festschriften, Mélanges, and congress reports each year. Beginning in 1960, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals was first published by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at the University of London. In 1984, IFLP moved to its present location in the Law Library at Berkeley Law, University of California, Berkeley, where it draws upon the resources of the Library's international and foreign law collection, the largest and most comprehensive in the western United States. The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is now published in both print and electronic formats by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.. Subscription information can be found on our Subscription page. IFLP was previously published quarterly with an annual bound-volume cumulation by the University of California Press.
Organizational About Page - Typically contains a self-description or introduction by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization - Note that the content may appear similar to a 'Knowledge Article' in some cases, but is not verified and may contain self-promotion
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[ 2, 3, 1, 4, 0 ]
Alam - Rural Development Practitioner - Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh Md Anjar Alam Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh Rural Development Practitioner Development Planning, Rural Infrastructure Development, Management of community led infrastructure implementation, Development of guidelines/modules, Monitoring of implementation activities, Management of quality control measures, Environmental Assessment related to infrastructure development, Management of partner NGOs, Budget preperation and monitoring. Qualifications & Certifications B.Sc. Enginnering (Civil) Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) Skillpages has been acquired by Bark.com! Find out more Are you sure that you want to leave?
Personal About Page - An "About Page" on a personal website or hobby website - Typically contains a self-description, introduction or profile information
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[ 2, 4, 0, 1, 3 ]
The Irish Blood Transfusion Service Blood Donation Clinic will be held in the Castlerea Enterprise Hub on Tuesday, March 28th from 5 pm – 8.30pm. It takes approx 1hr and can save up to 3 lives. Every day, patients in hospitals throughout Ireland require blood transfusions. Sometimes it may be for a routine surgical procedure such as a hip operation. Other times it may be for someone recovering from a road traffic accident, major surgery such as a heart bypass or a patient undergoing cancer treatment. So please go along and donate on the night. There are no comments yet. Leave a Reply
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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[ 3, 1, 0, 4, 2 ]
Process Development Manager » search for more Jobs Process Development Manager is usually responsible for a team of Process Technologists, which coordinate and transition products from Concepts to factory implementation and ensure product quality and consistency. Specific tasks include; • planning and running production trials • assessing the factory's capabilities and challenging processes • managing the critical path for new line listings • identification and evaluation of new processing techniques • implementation and support of process control techniques • liaising with production managers, equipment suppliers, industry and government research organisations • assisting with the development of capital budgets and manage within budgets • developing and maintaining intellectual property records. A degree in science or engineering is required in for these roles as is substantial experience in research or process development in industry. Quality systems knowledge and experience would also be expected. Experience and skills in financial, resource and people management is required. Personal qualities including strong communication, team and organisational skills are necessary in these roles as are effective problem solving skills.
http://[email protected]/students/degrees-to-careers/job/process-development-manager.html
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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[ 1, 0, 4, 2, 3 ]
CGI Meets Hand-Drawn Techniques in This Hopelessly Romantic Disney Short The creators of the Oscar-winning film, Paperman, effortlessly mix CGI effects with the classic hand-drawn animations of Disney’s past.  With the rise of computer-generated imagery and its accessibility and ever-presence, it’s too easy to start lamenting about good-old-fashioned hand-drawn techniques being wiped out of existence. But it’s not true, Hayao Miyazaki‘s Studio Ghibli is famous for using hand-drawn animation in their projects and French animator Sylvain Chomet uses the technique in his features. Disney’s 2009 film The Princess and the Frog was also hand-drawn, although it was an exception rather than the rule and ended a six-year drought on hand-drawn features. So it’s still there, if a little niche-y. But paving the way for the future is this short Paperman from Walt Disney Animation Studios and director John Kahrs. The film seamlessly merges hand-drawn and computer-generated techniques using custom in-house software called Meander, which allows animators to combine the different practices and exploit the best of both. The film itself is an old school affair, which tells a black and white retro-styled love story and wordlessly conveys its narrative about a commuter and a chance encounter. Harking back to the days when the name Disney was associated with charming animations rather than tween shows that destroy your very soul. It’s up for the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film and, if successful, could mean we’ll be seeing Meander crop up in many more animations, maybe even a feature. What Happened to the Milky Way? Join the Discussion blog comments powered by Disqus What Happened to the Milky Way? The Faces of #BlackLivesMatter Scenes from a recent protest in New York City Desegregated, Yet Unequal A short documentary about the legacy of Boston busing Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Life The Supreme Court justice talks gender equality and marriage. Social Media: The Video Game The Pentagon's $1.5 Trillion Mistake More in Video Just In
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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[ 1, 3, 4, 2, 0 ]
The Holder Strategy Usually Steve Benen is to my mind one of the most clear-sighted observers of the DC scene. Yet, in an item on Eric Holder's GOP Friends in which he correctly notes that Holder will get confirmed with votes to spare, Steve writes, I'm struggling to wrap my head around the Republican gameplan on this. Their caucus has 41 members, and even if the GOP were to filibuster Holder's nomination, which seems unlikely, they'd lose. Why then, he wonders, beat up on the guy? From out here the answer seems obvious: it's a two-fer. First, the Justice Dept. is one of the bureaus that can really hurt the GOP if it starts to investigate what's been doing these past eight years. There's no harm, and much gain, to bloodying up the Attorney General as much as possible in order to attempt to diminish his credibility, and it sets up future accusations of partisanship and/or attempted payback if prosecutors get frisky. Second, think of the TV: a well-spoken black lawyer in the dock being accused of unethical conduct. Plus, a chance to hyperventilate about links to Clinton sleaze. Might splash back on the President in some eyes? Can't hurt to try. Leave a Reply
Nonfiction Writing - Long reads, profiles, editorials, essays, obituaries, memoirs and other forms of nonfiction writing - Written by journalists and other professional writers
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[ 4, 3, 0, 2, 1 ]
Walnut board accepts nomination petitions Issue Date: March 8, 2017 The California Walnut Board will be conducting its biennial election of walnut growers and handlers statewide to serve as members and alternates for the next two-year term, which begins Sept. 1. Please log in to see this story.
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Reports: Kaepernick will start vs. Saints Stephen Lam/Special to the Chronicle NEW ORLEANS — It’s officially official: Colin Kaepernick will start this afternoon against the Saints. Two days after Jim Harbaugh declined to publicly announce his starting quarterback, ESPN and the Sacramento Bee confirmed the second-year signal-caller will make his second straight start. On Wednesday, Sports Illustrated initially reported Harbaugh had informed Smith of the decision to stick with Kaepernick on the heels of his 243-yard, two-touchdown performance in a 32-7 win over the Bears on Monday. On Friday, Harbaugh termed that report “not factual.” Smith is expected to be active and serve as the second-string quarterback after sustaining a concussion on Nov. 11. On Friday, Harbaugh said Smith had taken his final post-concussion test and had not experienced any symptoms since Tuesday. He said the eight-year veteran would “be cleared (Saturday), if there’s no symptoms.” The 49ers will announce their seven inactive players 90 minutes before today’s 1:25 p.m. (PST) game.
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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UI study explores Greek membership on political orientation, activism UI study explores Greek membership on political orientation, activism Main Page Content wooden greek symbolsFile photo by Kirk Murray. Colleges are often perceived as leaning left, but research by social scientists at the University of Iowa suggests the reality is more nuanced and that higher education attracts students from across the political spectrum. The researchers say fraternities and sororities in particular tend to be a locus for students who are more conservative than classmates unaffiliated with the Greek system. They also provide a buffer from influences that can make students more liberal over the course of their college careers. Study co-author Michael Hevel, an alumnus of the University of Iowa College of Education and currently an assistant professor of higher education at the University of Arkansas, are presenting the research today, Thursday, Nov. 15, at the Association for the Study of Higher Education conference in Las Vegas along with UI College of Education graduate research assistants Dustin Weeden and Kira Pasquesi. Both Weeden and Pasquesi are graduate students in the Higher Education and Student Affairs Program in the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership Studies, the same program from which Hevel obtained his doctorate. The researchers say family income and means and the presence of “legacies” in fraternities and sororities that reinforce tradition, combined with the tight-knit environment of the Greek system, may help explain why members enter school with more conservative views and retain them through graduation. The findings are included in a paper titled, "The Conservative Corner of the Liberal Academy? New Evidence of the Effects of Fraternity and Sorority Membership on Political Orientation and Social/Political Activism." The paper will be submitted soon to a journal, although the results are being presented for the first time at the conference, which is standard practice. Using quantitative analysis, the team discovered, that on average, fraternity and sorority members enter college with more conservative political views than their peers. And while their peers became more liberal over four years of college, Greeks remained more conservative. Additionally, fraternity men indicated they were less socially and politically active than college students overall. Weeden says the findings are important because political self-identification is a strong indicator of how people will vote, and because knowing students’ ideological views provides a richer understanding of the country’s political makeup. Hevel says the research also counters the notion that college campuses are uniformly liberal. "This study reminds us that not everyone affiliated with colleges and universities, and certainly not all students, hold liberal political beliefs,” he says. "It suggests that colleges and universities are more politically complicated spaces than the general perception would have us believe.” The most recent major study to explore the impact of Greek membership on students' political affiliation was published two decades ago based on students who entered college in 1985. Though the study didn't explore voting behavior, it found fraternity and sorority members were more conservative than their unaffiliated peers. This research study was supported by a grant from the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts at Wabash College to the UI College of Education Center for Research on Undergraduate Education. Michael Hevel, University of Arkansas, 479-575-4924 Dustin Weeden, UI College of Education , 720-244-1964 Kira Pasquesi, UI College of Education, 319-335-5303 Email Button
Nonfiction Writing - Long reads, profiles, editorials, essays, obituaries, memoirs and other forms of nonfiction writing - Written by journalists and other professional writers
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When you read through articles on my blog, you might start to think I’m being a bit tough on our poor old real estate industry. Some of you, on the other hand, might think I’m not being tough enough! Here’s the thing: I am more passionate about this ‘world’ than you could imagine. I have worked in it for 15 years (and counting) and have seen the good and the bad and everything in between. It hurts me personally when I talk to members of the general public and they tear into real estate agents. They take the piss out of the industry (often with just cause) and I take that to heart. We all do. No one wants to work in a profession that is looked down upon by others. Boohoo right? Harden up, I know. When people I don’t know, ask me what I do, my voice gets quieter and I say,“I’m a real estate agent” as quickly and as positively as possible, awaiting judgement. When my Wife first told friends of hers about me (before they had met me), many of their responses were along the lines of: “Oh no! You’re not dating a real estate agent are you!” I guess they were expecting me to be some sleazy douche-bag with way too much product in my hair, wearing a loud suit and a business shirt 2 sizes too small. That ‘public perception’ has made me want to leave the real estate industry countless times. The only way we are ever going to improve the public perception of our industry is to live by the high standards of service the public deserves and to see ourselves as professionals, along the same lines as doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants. Now you might read that and say… “Hold on a minute – you’re not a doctor curing cancer, you’re just a real estate agent collecting commissions whenever someone sells a house…” While this is true, I would also argue that good agents can have a very positive impact on your financial future, massively influencing your personal net worth when it comes time to sell. On the flip-side, a bad real estate experience follows you around for life, like a nasty breakup. I have met so many people with real estate stories that leave you shaking your head in disgust. Real estate agents can have a big impact on your life, positive or negative. How to improve things as quickly as possible… The first step is education, for existing agents and the general public. Professionally, I have taken a year off selling properties to focus on training agents, advising the public and blogging, 3 activities I am extremely passionate about. Every article on this blog is written with the hope that the content will help you navigate the world of buying and selling property with more confidence, increased knowledge and a better chance of avoiding problems. Some agents don’t like it when I share this sort of content but it is my humble opinion that until we have more transparency in our industry, we will always be viewed by some, as a necessary evil. Real estate is slowly changing… Professional real estate agents are out there if you know where to look. I meet them in every town I visit. Caring, forward-thinking individuals who are always looking for ways to improve their service. They work hard for their sellers and diligently follow the prescribed sales process, providing timely information to buyers without adding pressure or bullshit into the mix. These agents let the process take care of bringing about positive action. They see themselves as consultants rather than salespeople. They get up early and work late (6-7 days per week) and take their role incredibly seriously. There are still many bad apples that we need to flush out though, no doubt about it. The REAA has been a positive addition to the real estate industry. You can now search any agent you are interviewing on their database to view any past transgressions. The REAA publicises recent cases and outcomes to the whole industry so we can be constantly educated in best practice. Regular training is now compulsory for all salespeople to complete every year. The cost of being an agent is much higher than it used to be as well, which helps flush out the part-time ‘riff-raff’ who don’t take the job seriously enough. There are still major issues though… One of the problems in our industry is the sheer size of it, and the lack of consistent information amongst those agents who make up the workforce. Some know their craft inside and out, while others aren’t aware of the latest law changes and can’t read a title or LIM report to save themselves. There are often differences of opinion as to how certain legislation or legal matters should be interpreted too. If it confuses the industry (who should be professionals) then it most certainly will confuse the public too. You might think, how is it possible that these people aren’t experts? Isn’t it their job to know the right answers? The issue is, real estate agents are expected to be experts in titles, LIM reports, building reports, Sale & purchase agreements, Tender forms, Auction documents, cross-lease agreements, tenure transitions (from cross-lease to freehold), subdivision, building codes, unitary plans, construction methods, consent requirements, online marketing, print advertising, copywriting, social media, negotiation, customer service, driving, email marketing, databasing, marriage counselling (sometimes). The list goes on… On top of all that they are meant to be professional valuers too! Inevitably there are very few (if any) agents who are experts in all areas. Real estate used to be a lot simpler. We didn’t have leaky homes, we had weatherboard 100sqm beazley boxes. We didn’t have unit titles, we had freehold or leasehold. Properties were sold with an asking price, or in some bases by Auction. Fancy approaches like ‘Buyer Enquiry Over X’, ‘Deadline Sale’ and ‘Expressions of Interest’ were nowhere to be found. Agents wrote sale and purchase agreements on their car bonnets (and they were one page long). No one bothered with a builders report. “Weatherboard homes are basically fine as long as you paint ’em once every 30 years. Caveat Emptor all the way baby!” But rightly so for the protection of those involved, and as technology has advanced, this has now changed. What’s the answer? Most real estate companies are still treating their agents like it’s 1974 and the conditions above still apply. Many current real estate franchise owners grew up during this simpler era where the recruitment policy was: Hire anyone that turns up and breathes hot air. “Here’s a desk, here’s a phone book, now go sell something!” Age and gender of individuals with an active licence as at 31 May 2017. Source: reaa.govt.nz This approach is destined to fail. It’s why there is such high turnover in the real estate industry. It is generally accepted that 80-90% of all salespeople who complete their license requirements won’t survive 2 years in the business. That is ridiculous! They are setup to fail. Sink or swim, that’s the approach. Office owners won’t admit it publicly but many of them take the view that you are either going to be good or not. You can’t ‘train’ people to be good salespeople. They either have ‘the knack’ or they don’t. Also – it isn’t profitable to sink a whole lot of time into hand-holding newbies since you need to look after the 10% of agents who are making 90% of the money. They are the ones paying the bills at the end of the day. This is how we end up with situations where salespeople aren’t singing from the same song sheet. Situations where they aren’t experts in their field. I don’t think the general public realise how much of a spectrum there is when it comes to real estate salespeople. The difference between a newbie selling their 1st home and a professional 10-year veteran who has sold over 300 properties is too vast to describe here. The REAA is trying to change this with its 6 month ‘probation period’ for all new agents but it needs help from the industry. 6 months often just isn’t enough time to learn this business inside and out. Most new salespeople will be lucky to sell 2 or 3 houses during that period. Many sell zero. One of the most successful agents I know didn’t sell a single house during their first 6 months, they went on to run a successful business selling 100+ per year. It takes time to get established in this industry. Where to from here? I have seen signs of hope on the horizon… 1. I know of one real estate office that has a full-time compliance offer on their staff. This person doesn’t sell properties, but they inspect every listing agreement, sale & purchase agreement, lim and title and when there is an issue they will visit with the owners and discuss an appropriate way forward. This way the owner gets professional advice they can trust, from someone who has encountered similar issues in the past. This person is on a fixed salary and doesn’t have their commission on the line. This ‘compliance’ role has traditionally gone to the office manager. Often these people aren’t even experts themselves though and if they work in a large office they are so busy putting out fires that they can’t realistically inspect every single clause, document and listing agreement that goes through their office. This is often where problems arise. 2. I know of another office that has an arrangement with a local solicitor so that every title of every property they market can be checked by a professional before it goes on the market. 3. I have heard of offices insisting on minimum standards of marketing for all their properties – eg. every home must have professional photography. Others have full-time professional copy-writers who are in charge of producing amazing descriptions of every property for sale. No more boring bullet points full of spelling mistakes, without a call to action! 4. There is one franchise I know that has a full-time community officer. One of their many jobs is to drive around the area over the weekend and check that all agents are following Council by-laws for open home signage, so you don’t have 20 open home arrows blocking street corners and causing traffic issues. In conclusion: Most of these solutions aren’t rocket science, and you may think they sound like common sense. They certainly aren’t the norm though, not yet anyway. These steps take a little bit of thought, some effort, some investment and an attitude that embraces change. A commitment to always be searching for continual improvement. We need new salespeople to receive intense training, including role-playing and supervised client interaction before they are ‘let loose on the public’. Every real estate office needs to have minimum standards of service (around communication, market knowledge, advertising and negotiation skills) that salespeople not only agree to but are tested and audited on regularly. We simply can’t afford to let new agents practice on the publicThis real estate industry approach of ‘throwing people in the deep end’ has to stop. Sellers need to shop around… You need to know what to look for. Seek out offices and salespeople that offer the above and use them. Sooner or later, other offices and individuals won’t have a choice but to implement better practices to compete in the real estate industry. There is no silver bullet, but if we keep looking to add those 1%’ers that improve minimum standards of service the whole industry will benefit as a result, not to mention all members of the public who interact with us. I dream of a world where a younger generation could take pride in the fact that they work in the real estate industry, having worked hard to secure their position and build up their professional ability to handle the biggest transaction most Kiwi’s will ever make. What changes would you like to see in the real estate industry? I would love to hear your thoughts below.
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Customer reviews Source: Google Images Article by: Nav Kainthrai Posted on: June, 22 2021 Most Recent Post 6 Classic Video Games with Modern Remakes Remake, remaster, reboot—we’re not going to quibble with terminology. These games were old and classic and now they’re new and still good. Does this 1993 title still hold up? Yes. Read more 9 Organization Tips for the New School Year Back to school is exciting but, if we’re being honest, also pretty hectic. Here’s how we’re getting organized and reclaiming some of our sanity. Read more How to Be an Amazon Prime Video Power User So, now that you’re a master of Netflix, how about Amazon Prime Video? X-Ray is a very useful feature on Amazon Prime. Read more
Listicle - A blog or article that presents content in the form of a list - Examples: Buzzfeed-style articles, "Top 10" lists, "7 things you didn't know about Y", "4 best places to visit in Z" - If the list is meant to give an overview of the site contents and facilitate navigation, choose 'Content Listing' instead
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Receptor Status Breast cancer Receptor status All breast cancers are tested for oestrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptors. The results of these tests will indicate whether certain treatments, particularly hormone therapy and targeted treatments, might be appropriate for you based on the receptor status of your breast cancer. You will receive your receptor status information in your pathology report. Hormone receptor status Oestrogen and progesterone receptors are proteins found on the surface of breast cells. These receptors are present in healthy breast cells and help control the way breast cells grow, but in 70% of breast cancers, the receptors are over-expressed. These cancers are called hormone-sensitive or hormone receptor positive, meaning that oestrogen and progesterone can attach to the receptors and fuel the growth of the cancer. Hormone sensitive breast cancers may be: • both oestrogen receptor positive and progesterone receptor positive (ER+,PR+) • oestrogen receptor positive only (ER+ PR -) • progesterone receptor positive only (ER-PR+) Even if the cancer cells show just a low level of hormone sensitivity, hormone therapy can help reduce the risk of the cancer recurring by preventing oestrogen from stimulating growth of the cancer cells. Oestrogen receptor negative(ER- PR-) cancers have few or no hormone receptors so they don't respond to hormone therapy. It's now known that some breast cancers can change their hormone receptor status over time, changing from positive to negative or vice versa. If the cancer recurs then the tests will be performed again. Read more about hormone therapy HER2 receptors The HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) gene has a role in controlling the growth of normal breast cells.The gene is also known as HER2/neu or ERBB2 and it makes proteins (receptors) which are located on the surface of breast cells. However, in about 20% of breast cancers the gene makes too many copies of itself. This is called HER2 amplification and it leads to too many HER2 receptors being created. This over-expression of the receptors results in cancer cells dividing and growing at a much faster rate. HER2 positive breast cancer is any type of breast cancer which tests positive for HER2 over-expression. HER2 positive breast cancers tend to be more aggressive than HER2 negative cancers and are often less sensitive to hormone therapy. HER2 positive disease previously carried a bleak prognosis, but the development of targeted treatments has significantly improved outcomes . For example, chemotherapy and Herceptin (a treatment which specifically targets the HER2 receptor) administered together has been shown to reduce the risk of recurrence by up to half compared to treatment with chemotherapy alone. Treatment for early HER2 positive breast cancer generally involves surgery, chemotherapy and Herceptin, and may include radiation therapy and hormonal therapy. Read more about Herceptin and other targeted treatments Triple negative breast cancer Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is breast cancer that tests negative for all three receptors (oestrogen, progesterone and HER2). About 15% of breast cancers are triple negative. This type tends to occur more commonly in pre-menopausal women and people with a faulty BRCA1 gene. New Zealand statistics show that Pacific, Maori and Asian women have a higher incidence of triple negative breast cancer than Caucasian women . People with TNBC don't benefit from treatment with tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors or Herceptin as the cancers lack the receptors which these treatments target. There are currently no specifically targeted treatments for this form of breast cancer although many new drugs are being investigated in clinical trials.Treatment consists of surgery, chemotherapy and often radiation therapy. In most cases, TNBC is very responsive to chemotherapy, which can be given either before or after surgery. Triple negative disease has a higher risk of recurring outside the breast in the first two to five years but a lesser risk after 5-8 years compared to other forms of breast cancer. Download The Triple Negative Foundation’s PDF: Guide to Understanding Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
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Top Banner Background Portugal Travel Blog 5 Things To Do When you Visit Portugal in May 5 Things To Do When you Visit Portugal in May April 15, 2015 Portugal has some nice festivities every month of the year. We listed 5 ideas for you when you visit Portugal in May! Although July and August are the most popular holiday months here in Portugal, festivities take place all-year-round! Here we listed some ideas for when you visit the country in May.  Come and enjoy with us!   1 – Queima das Fitas Starting in the first week of May, there are the Queima das Fitas or literally, 'the burning of the Ribbons'. Students from the university of Coimbra, but for example also Porto, celebrate their graduation by organizing festivities for 8 days. The highlight is the 'Cortejo', or procession, that starts with the burning of the ribbons. Over the last years more and more people from town, and even tourists, started to join the event and nowadays Queima looks more like a festival! This year Queima das Fitas in Porto starts on Sunday the 3th of May, in Coimbra on Friday the 8th of May. You can see the programs here: Queima das Fitas Porto Queima das Fitas Coimbra The highlight of the event is the burning of the ribbons 2 – Pilgrimage to Fatima Even if you're not a very religious person, it could be interesting to visit Fatima on the 13th of May. The grandiosity you feel that day is unbelievable! People from all over the world come together to celebrate the apparitions of the Lady of Fatima. The history says that three little shepherd saw her appear on May the 13th in 1917. The square in Fatima that gets visitors from all over the world in May So each year on that day, the main square is overloaded by people who want to see the sculpture of the Lady of Fatima. Once you are there you should also visit the Basilica and the Chapel of Apparitions. 3 – Douro Valley Half Marathon This is for our active readers… On the 17th of May you can join a marathon… In the Douro Valley! You can choose between a half marathon or a fun race of 6 km. The itinerary takes you along breathtaking sceneries along the Douro river. The route takes you along the breathtaking scenery from the Douro Valley Give it a try, I'm sure you won't regret this!  For all practical information, check out the program of the Marathon. 4 – 'Arte Xávega' in Nazaré Every Saturday afternoon/ evening in the months May and June you can admire an interesting spectacle at the beach in Nazaré. Fishers come back from sea with nets full of fish. The woman, dressed in traditional clothing, try to sell the fresh catch by yelling to the audience. Probably you won't understand a word, because they use codes only they know! At the beach in Nazaré you can witness old fishing traditions It's very interesting to experience this because it really gives you an idea of the traditional life in Portugal! 5 – Serralves em Festa At the end of May, the 30th and 31th, there is the event 'Serralves em Festa 2015' in the so-called museum and park Serralves, located in Porto. The event allows you to join the biggest contemporary artistic expression festival in Portugal and one of the largest in Europe. The program includes performance-based initiatives that illustrate the interaction between the visual arts and the performing arts, in the fields of performance, music, contemporary dance, theater and film and architecture. Serralves em Festa is a free art festival in Porto And don't worry! There is still a lot to do in June. If you head to the capital, Lisbon, you can join the 'Festas de Lisboa'. This event is also called 'Festas the Santo Antonio'. Santo Antonio is the Patron of Lisbon and the main character of these festivities. Every evening there is something to do in the different quarters of Lisbon. It's a very cosy and lively event! There are Fado and jazz concerts, film and theater festivals, expositions, parades… All different kinds of street entertainment. Traditional image here is Portuguese people dancing, listening to fado, eating grilled sardines and having a drink together! Come and have a good time with us! For more information read our Privacy Policy
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Chris Janson Borrows Tim McGraws Private Jet to Learn How To Fly  Posted: 6:20 am Friday, March 10th, 2017 By Staff Writer Chris Janson hasn’t reached superstar status yet, in country music that is… but one thing he is mastering right now is flying… and it’s all because of Tim McGraw. He says, quote, “I have my student pilot’s license thanks to Tim. He’s the one who got me into flying. He lent me his plane for several trips to start learning. He’s an unbelievable guy . . . a really good human being. I really love Tim McGraw.” He adds, quote, “If you want to get home, you can fly yourself. If you can afford to do it, you should do it.” So it looks like when Chris Janson makes it big, he’ll be buying himself a plane instead of a boat. We’ve heard several stories through the years about country stars being generous with their jets . . . but my favorite is still the time Kenny Chesney completely forgot that he let Zac Brown borrow his.
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Chinese Wholesaler / Dropshipper question Discussion in 'Dropshipping & Wholesale Hookups' started by charliebones, Nov 27, 2009. 1. charliebones charliebones Regular Member Nov 3, 2008 Likes Received: Just a quick question when it comes to the Chinese wholesalers and dropshippers; I'm in the U.S. and I'm curious as to the customs and duty fees for importing some of the items from these dropshippers. I've had to export a few things to Canada over the years for my business and it has been a major headache at times with declaring a value, paying duty taxes, etc. If I buy something from say Pandawill, and I ask them to ship it to me via UPS, how does the duties and taxes work? 2. TinyHulk Feb 8, 2009 Likes Received: I have no experience from Pandawii (I use dhgate.com) In my country (The Netherlands) I have to pay taxes over all products worth more then 21 euro (25usd?) Chinese wholesalers know this and always label the package as 'Gift' and put a low value on the package. Luckily customs havent open my packages. I ordered many games and they did it like this: 10 Gameboy games = 10 x Plastic Game Card + Paper Box (Gift) 20 usd 10 Gameboy games = AC Adapter with plastic box (Gift) 20 usd I do not know about taxes in USA but I hope my example give you an idea how this thing works :)
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[ 5, 15, 2, 17, 4, 18, 11, 22, 23, 13, 14, 3, 16, 10, 19, 21, 12, 6, 1, 7, 20, 0, 8, 9 ]
[ 4, 1, 2, 3, 0 ]
Battle Proms picnic concerts 2021: Tickets on sale with reduced concert capacity. Battle Proms Image Source: Share on facebook Share on twitter Battle Proms picnic concerts are a traditional UK event. It is the summer celebrations with music, fireworks, cannons, cavalry and spitfire. This year the summer program could not happen due to restrictions for covid-19 pandemic. The picnic proms will take to the grounds in 2021. The Battle Proms picnic concerts are quintessentially British parties in the park. The program features two hour orchestral program with many other things in the surroundings of some of the United Kingdom’s gorgeous stately homes.  The Battle proms picnic concerts are ideal places for romantic couple, family outing and group celebrations for having unique experiences of enjoying the informal concert. Besides enjoying music at the concert the spectators are also entertained with fireworks, Spitfire flying overhead and cavalry. These showcases are unforgettable. Tickets for the Battle Prom concerts 2021 are available now. Since it was to happen in the summer of 2020 and has been canceled and rescheduled for 2021 due to coronavirus situations, bookings already carried over from previous sale limited the numbers of tickets. Tickets can be purchased from the Battle Proms website.   Sitting capacities at all the Battle Proms shows in next summer might be reduced to endure safe distance. For this the arena sizes maybe increased so that all may sit there maintaining social distancing. The event organizers said in a statement that they are reducing capacity to all concerts right now to fulfill the requirements of social distancing. They urged to book tickets early since only a limited number of tickets are available for each concert. Even the tickets of Concert Pavilion marquee area at the Hatfield House are sold out. The promoters thanked the audience who kept their 2020 booking in place. The organizers have taken measures for covid-19 if the restrictions are still there in nest summer. They will keep following all updates and guidelines of governments in regards to coronavirus cautions.  The measures may include the reduction of concert capacity. The arena size may be increased. Hand sanitizer will be provided. Sitting arrangement be done maintaining social distancing. The year 2020 was a tough one for many people around the world.  The nettle proms team have planned for the show in next summer. They hoped to come together with their audience to enjoy the exceptional day of sublime music and beautiful displays in some of the awesome locations of UK. SSAFA, the charity partner of Battle Proms has a difficult time this year to provide support the Armed Forces and their families whenever and wherever they need it. The Battle Proms are working to raise funds with SSAFA over the years from the concerts.  The Battle Proms concerts will begin in summer of 2021. The schedule of Battle Proms picnic concerts are given below. 1. July 3, 2021 at Blenheim Palace 2. July 10, 2021 at Burghley House 3. July 17, 2021 at Hatfield House 4. July 31, 2021 at Highclere Castle 5. August 7, 2021 at Ragley Hall Newton JNU Newton JNU
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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Chinese Canadian Artifacts Project Item BARK_1987.2058.0108 - Fan Title and statement of responsibility area Title proper General material designation • Object Parallel title Other title information Title statements of responsibility Title notes Level of description Reference code CA Barkerville Historic Town BARK_1987.2058.0108 Edition area Edition statement Edition statement of responsibility Class of material specific details area Statement of scale (cartographic) Statement of projection (cartographic) Statement of coordinates (cartographic) Statement of scale (architectural) Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic) Dates of creation area Physical description area Physical description length 30 cm; width 3.2 cm; height 1.5 cm; paper Publisher's series area Title proper of publisher's series Parallel titles of publisher's series Other title information of publisher's series Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series Numbering within publisher's series Note on publisher's series Archival description area Custodial history Purchased from Mr. D. Mah. Scope and content A black paper and dark brown bamboo fan. The fan consists of twenty-eight strips of bamboo which are riveted together at one end. The rivet is a small section of bamboo. The top section of the strips are covered with black paper. The paper folds with eachsection of bamboo. Gold Chinese print appears on one side of the paper. When the fan is fully opened it measures 45.0 cm. wide. Notes area Physical condition Immediate source of acquisition Language of material Script of material Location of originals Availability of other formats Restrictions on access Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication Finding aids Associated materials Related materials Alternative identifier(s) Standard number area Standard number Access points Subject access points Place access points Name access points Genre access points Control area Description record identifier Institution identifier Rules or conventions Level of detail Dates of creation, revision and deletion Language of description Script of description Accession area Related subjects Related people and organizations Related places Related genres
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Content Library Videos, Presentations, White Papers & More Going Out On Your Own: The Comprehensive Guide to Starting Your Own Staffing Firm Given 50% of new businesses don’t reach their fifth anniversary, it’s clear that the path to entrepreneurial success is an uphill one—and the staffing industry is no exception. With this comprehensive guide, discover everything you can plan to expect as a new staffing agency owner, including crucial details you need to tackle, major challenges, and day-in-the-life expectations. Fill out the form below to download the resource. Thank you! Click below to download your requested resource. Download File
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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Features Of Diecast Toys Diecast accumulations are magnificently fabricated remarkable toys. These toys as a rule exist in various structures and sizes and regularly speak to interesting thoughts. Diecast toys are ordinarily fabricated utilizing an assortment of systems instead of the overwhelming metal toys or the shoddy plastic toys that are effortlessly accessible. This component ordinarily makes these toys, its very own uncommon bit. Diecast toys more often than not have certain highlights that other plastic or overwhelming metals don’t have which makes these toys special. These toys are generally dependable and offer awesome strength. These toys are strong things that don’t ruin after a specific timeframe when contrasted with the substantial metal toys and the shoddy plastic toys. They don’t wear off when utilized for a specific timeframe as they are produced with incredible procedure and aptitude. These toys generally last an existence time in opposition to the overwhelming metal and plastic toys which keep going for half a month, if not a couple of days. Metal toys are typically influenced by the issue of rusting in light of the material that is utilized to fabricate them isn’t of good quality. Such toys additionally experience the issue of paint harm, if utilized for quite a while. There are diverse sorts of Diecast collectibles that are accessible in retail outlets around the world. Such collectibles incorporates trucks which are accessible in various shapes and sizes. There are different trucks from famous name producers, for example, Chevrolet, Ford and numerous different makers. These are the real organizations that are regularly spoken to by the different sorts of Diecast toys. There are likewise Diecast trailers, conveyance vehicles and apparatuses that are accessible in retail outlets. These Diecast vehicles are great as an individual can work with a few sorts of utility administrations and that specific individual can likewise make for various sorts of collectibles. Such collectibles incorporate nourishment conveyance trucks or mail conveyance rigs.
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Amana Cooktop AK2T36W1 Find Part By Location There are 3 diagrams for AK2T36W1. Click on the diagram where you think your part is located. Find Part By Name Search the entire AK2T36W1 for your part by name. Find Part By Symptom Symptom Reported By Cooktop element not heating 99% of customers
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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Exiting the European Union (Agriculture) Published date : 23 November, 2020 The Minister described the instruments as technical and largely ensuring continuity in their scope and measure. There have been discussions between the UK Government and the Scottish Government, and the Scottish Government have given their consent for them, so on that basis we will not oppose them. I seek one key assurance from the Minister, which I hope she will address. She will understand the huge importance to producers of provenance, especially in Scotland, where the ability to identify Scottish produce as such is of enormous value in all parts of the value chain. I seek from the Minister an assurance that there is nothing at all in either of these instruments that might prevent Scottish produce from being identified as such in the export process, either now or in the future. Back to All Parliament
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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Archie's Message About the MPA and Thibodaux Regional's Sports Medicine Center Late this June, more than a thousand young athletes packed up their shorts, sneakers and gridiron ambitions and descended upon the Manning Passing Academy at Nicholls State University. The 1250 campers came to sharpen their skills under the careful tutelage of the Manning family football dynasty and top collegiate quarterbacks from across the country who served as counselors. For the fifth year, Thibodaux Regional Health System and its athletic trainers ensured the safety of everyone involved, which is no easy task in the broiling South Louisiana summer heat. For the patriarch of the Manning family, knowing Thibodaux Regional is guarding the health of this incredible talent pool provides an unparalleled sense of confidence. “It would be impossible to do the Academy without the expertise and professionalism of experienced athletic trainers,” Archie Manning says. “Thibodaux Regional’s friendship and partnership allows all of us to know that these kids are in the best possible hands. These athletes can take full advantage of all of the opportunities this Academy provides, without worrying about what happens in case of an emergency. Parents - especially those who are out of town – are especially thrilled to learn about Thibodaux Regional’s role in the Manning Passing Academy.” Campers come to the Manning Passing Academy from across the United States, as well as from other countries. The Manning family and the parents of these young athletes put a tremendous amount of trust in Thibodaux Regional’s athletic trainers to handle all emergencies, big or small. Larry D’Antoni, Coordinator of Thibodaux Regional’s Sports Medicine Center, has been keeping the Manning Passing Academy safe for 9 years. This year, he supervised a staff of 60 athletic trainers and aides, coming in from all across the region. “Thibodaux Regional athletic trainers and their interns were on hand to provide hydration, injury prevention, injury evaluation and medical treatment,” D’Antoni says. “Athletic trainers are in attendance at all practices, as well as on call throughout the night to handle any medical issues. We also monitor the weather for excessive heat and lightning threats.” The opportunity to work with Thibodaux Regional’s award-winning staff and the talent of the MPA attracts athletic trainers from Texas, Tennessee, Florida, West Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. “The athletic trainers learn teamwork, organizational skills, time management, and heat illness prevention techniques,” says D’Antoni. “My goal is that everyone makes it through camp safely. So far, we’ve achieved that goal each and every year.” In fact, Thibodaux Regional’s reputation is so well regarded that some of the most respected athletic trainers from championship professional teams choose to attend and help the Thibodaux Regional staff year after year, such as Barry Weinberg. He has spent over 40 years caring for athletes from the Minor League to the World Series, working for teams that include the St. Louis Cardinals, the Oakland A’s, the Yankees and the Pirates. p pend over forty years working in professional baseball as an over “I put this on my calendar for next year almost the day after we end because it’s such an amazing experience,” Weinberg says. “Each year you meet someone new. Each year you meet someone exciting. The whole experience is world class. I cherish spending time with the Mannings and the amazing sports medicine staff at Thibodaux Regional.” Football analyst and radio host Mike Detillier calls Thibodaux Regional’s athletic trainers the unsung heroes of the MPA. “It amazes me how quickly the athletic trainers can spot someone dealing with heat/dehydration issues,” Detillier says. “I grew up in a sports world where they didn’t give you water. Now, we understand how important it is to hydrate the body. Problem is, some players try to be the tough guy and won’t say anything until there is an issue like cramping. Larry D’Antoni and his trainers do a spectacular job of recognizing warning signs, preventing problems and communicating with these athletes.” The combination of Thibodaux Regional’s medical expertise and the Manning Family’s football prowess has combined to make this Academy one of the nation’s premiere summer camps. It’s common to see a star athlete’s name associated with a camp like this, but it’s rare to see that star in attendance for an extended period of time. “I think the primary reason we ‘ve been so successful - is that in 23 years- none of us have missed one minute of camp,” Manning says. “Cooper, Peyton, Eli and myself are so proud of this Academy, and we’re there from the first moment until the last.” It’s not just campers that take notice. The nation’s top collegiate quarterbacks consider it to be a significant honor if invited to be a counselor. In fact, out of the 13 quarterbacks drafted into the NFL earlier this year, 10 of them are former MPA counselors. The Manning Passing Academy experience bodes well for the futures of every college quarterback counselor, if history is any indication. Half of today’s NFL starters are MPA alums. The Manning Passing Academy and its partnership with Thibodaux Regional Medical Center is truly adding up to be a winning game plan for all involved.
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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Skip to main content Report this ad See also: Back to the Basics of Job Hunting Job Hunting, Hunting for Jobs, Career Search, Job Search Job Hunting, Hunting for Jobs, Career Search, Job Search It is not long since the world has seen the economic downfall. One of the first things that come to mind or are seen as an immediate consequence of the economic meltdown is the job losses. With the shrinking of the economic activities, the job market has lost its sheen and the pre-recession times are remembered by one and all. Though the situation is somewhat better in the current times, finding a job requires some planning and effort. So how does one go about job hunting and what are the tools and techniques which could be used over here? One needs to have patience, and should also maintain regular communication with their contacts. It is better to take consistent efforts when it comes to meeting people. Developing new contacts and being in touch with the existing contacts, will help you to get an idea about what is going on around you. Networking, thus, is one of the significant tools when it comes to job hunting. Also, care should be taken if you depend on more than one contact. The world today relies on the web like never before. And that is the same in the case with job hunting too! The web opens the door to many opportunities that are out there in the job market. For instance if one is looking for job in San Francisco, then there are many recruitment firms that one may look upon. In fact for the San Francisco Bay area, there are staffing firms which cater to the diverse fields. So depending upon the field you are looking for a job, you could take help form these recruitment agencies as they will help you to match your skills with the job you are looking out for. Whether you are in search of a permanent job, a contract job, or you are looking for working in global companies, these agencies provide all types of employment. They also have option of well defined searches, depending upon the different job categories. Some of the top recruitment firms are Experis, Kelly services, Hire Source, 24 Seven, Aerotek, pstaffing and more. A well-constructed resume and an effective cover letter is something that should not be neglected at all. A resume has to speak about the work which you have been doing and also the skills you possess. In places like San Francisco, an individual may also have an option to build strong networking with the various groups that focus on the different fields. By taking part in these discussion groups, one may get to meet new people and establish new connections. It also deepens the understanding of the industry. Another aspect related to job searching is the proper management of time. If you keep the job search as your top priority, then this will help you to take quick steps and thereby increase the chances of getting a job. Social networking plays a huge role in job search. LinkedIn profile should be built properly so that it attracts attention of the employers. Why not build a profile that clearly highlight your professional accomplishments and also shows your skills and expertise in a crisp and efficient way. LinkedIn could also be useful in making contacts and networking. In short, one may also make use of the web to develop contacts. About the Author Dakotta Alex is an entrepreneur in his own right, a business consultant, author, philanthropist and globetrotter. Over the past 10 years, he has consulted with various organizations such as the Los Angeles Times, Amgen, Disney, Microsoft, Amazon and Compaq in the United States, Europe, and China. He has written several articles in HR Journals, published four books with number five on the way. All of which has earned him accolades from employees of Yahoo, Intel, University of Washington, Disney, Fox, and Google. Dakotta has also done filming, producing, and photographing full-feature documentaries. Learn more about Dakotta on his website here. Dakotta works at the moment as a consultant for start-ups and helping them achieve their next level of growth. His passion is in research work, using social media to make an impact for organizations in recruitment and brand awareness. Some of his research while traveling includes visiting over 72 countries and counting. He is well versed in analytics and campaign management using the instruments of trends and research especially in the area of market research to come up with solutions. Learn more about Dakotta on Linkedin here. You can also view some of his active ventures: - a recruitment agency, - a website for up and coming startups, - a website to people to ask questions on the job front, - a site for biotech jobs in Seattle, - a site for biotech jobs in San Francisco, - a site for biotech jobs in Boston, - a site for Medical and BioTech jobs in Houston, Texas. Finally, - a site dedicated for helping women find jobs, veterans find jobs, african americans find jobs, asian americans find jobs, latino and latinas find jobs, people with disabilities find jobs, deaf individuals find jobs, blind individuals find jobs, LGBTQ indidividuals find jobs. Report this ad
Nonfiction Writing - Long reads, profiles, editorials, essays, obituaries, memoirs and other forms of nonfiction writing - Written by journalists and other professional writers
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My Life Adventures, Travel Experiences and Reflections Several years ago, "The Bikini Wax" became a staple of female grooming and I was smitten. It hurt like hell but hey, "a-girls-gotta-do-what-a-girls-gotta-do". Trading a half hour of excruciating pain followed by a month of carefree swim suit wearing made it all seem worthwhile. One day, while visiting my local day spa, I was asked by a less-than-artfully-applied-mascara-wearing-heavy-accented Russian aesthetican, "Vould you like zee 'Bikini' or zee 'Brazilian'?'' Not having a clue as to what a "Brazilian" was, I opted for the familiar route and stuck with "zee Bikini". Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Who knew that "The Brazilian" involved waxing of my total lady business? And how could any self respecting wax-person just throw that term in without explanation? I got over it. Now, I'm learning of of the newest craze in female adornment thanks to Jennifer Love Hewitt... Call me 'old fashioned' but I just don't see myself getting Vajazzled any time in the near future... 1. It requires "Zee Brazilian" 2. It's stupid.  Don't get me wrong. For those of you out there who feel the need to bedazzle your whoo-ha's - more power to you. But I think I'll just leave mine be. Just sayin'. Heather said... Oh good god! That is HILARIOUS! It is so funny that you would write about this because Troy and I were just talking about it the other day. (No, I am NOT considering it!) I do so love Jennifer Love Hewitt. When I grow up, I want to be her. LOL Leslie said... Hahaha. Love it. And kudos to you for even having the guts to go with the bikini. A razor down there is scary enough for me!
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Sponsored by Keepnet Labs Keynote at World CIO 200 Summit World CIO 200?| Inspire 10 on 10 I am proud to announce I will be delivering a keynote session in the Opening Event for the World CIO 200 Forum . My session will be called “ ‘Better Together – Post pandemic workplace security Dos and Don’ts’ When: 23- 29 November Registration:  https://cio200.globalcioforum.com/ Share this post Leave a Reply
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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Free shipping on orders over $75* Free samples with every order China Tea ep. 34 – Tea Ware Cleaning and Tea Storage | Sunday Tea Book | Sip-a-long – Bai Mu Dan Step 3 Put away the vessels after brewing After tea tasting, it’s very important to clean the teaware in a timely fashion. Don’t skip this step only because it feels like a lot of trouble. Leaving the spent tea in the vessel for a long time will contaminate the vessel itself. Moreover, if the teaware is not cleaned properly, the inside of the teaware will develop a layer of tea residue, and some undesired matters will dissolve in the tea liquor next time when we brew in the vessel. This will harm our health. Therefore, a good tea drinker needs to develop a good teaware cleaning habit. Bai Mu Dan Cake 2018 Dry Leaf: Fresh flowers Liquor Colour: Bright yellow Flavour: Sweet asparagus, hints of peach Mouthfeel: Clean with a nice return sweet SKU: N/A Category: You may also like… Best way of cleaning To clean a Yixing teapot, simply pour out the tea leaves, and rinse with water. Don’t use cleaning product, because once the teapot absorbs the smell of the detergents, it is not worth cultivating (yang, 养) and future brews will be tainted. Porcelain and glassware can be cleaned with soap. Be sure to clean the handle, bottom of the cup and inside. You can use hands, cotton or any other soft cleaning tool, but no abrasive tools to prevent scratching the surface of the glaze. If there’s a really stubborn tea stain, try some toothpaste instead of detergents. After cleaning, dry the teaware, and be sure to clean and dry the tea towel as well. The best way to clean teaware is to dump the spent leaves and rinse all the teaware right after brewing. If you can keep this good habit, you won’t need any cleaning tools, the teaware will remain clean and shiny. Tea Storage It’s so important for a tea lover to know how to store tea properly. Good tea that is stored improperly will spoil. Using the tips below to properly store your tea will help prolong its longevity. 1. When you get a new tea, put the tea in a tea storage container as soon as possible. But before you load the tea storage container, we need to get rid of odor in the container if there’s any. Simply put some tea leaves in the container and give it a shake. If it’s a metal container, give the container a light roast. It’s best to put the tea in the metal container in its original packaging. 2. There are also some technical considerations when choosing a proper tea storage container. Don’t use containers that were used for other things and don’t use materials like glass that don’t block sunlight. It will affect the quality of tea. If using a metal container, ideally there’s two layers, an inner lid and an outer lid for best sealing. Pure tin containers provide great sealing and opacity. 3. If you purchase tea in bulk, you can put your daily tea in a smaller container while keep the majority in a big container. If you are aging tea, you can even use tape to get a better seal. But be sure to re-roast the tea yearly. 4. When fetching the tea, don’t reach the hand directly into the container in case there’s sweat or other odor on hand that might be absorbed by tea. Best way is to use a dedicated tea spoon, used only for this purpose. 5. Don’t put the tea storage containers in the kitchen, other humid areas, or with clothes. Ideally keep it in a dark, dry place. If stored properly, tea won’t go bad for years, and aged tea develops a unique flavour. Drink tea in the nature Drinking tea outdoors is relaxing and calming. Away from the noise of the city, watching the clouds float by with a peaceful heart and a sip of tea to connect us to the nature around us, which nourishes our heart. Leave a Reply Join our community! * indicates required
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Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Image: Natural remedies to have at the ready for an emergency situation (Natural News) You need to familiarize yourself with various kinds of herbal remedies. By learning about medicinal flowers and herbs today, you’ll know where to find natural cures for most medicinal complaints even in a disaster scenario. (h/t to This knowledge is crucial, especially if your family includes the elderly or very young kids who will require immediate medical attention in a post-SHTF world. These natural remedies will also be useful if you or someone in the group has conditions that require treatment with prescription medication. Medicinal flowers and herbs for better sleep When SHTF, you may require natural remedies for conditions such as: • Anxiety • Depression • Hysteria • Insomnia • Seizures • Swollen legs Even if you don’t suffer from these conditions now, you may succumb to them during a disaster. It can be difficult to calm your nerves when you’re busy taking care of a whole group of people, especially if you rely on prescription medication. Thankfully, natural remedies like the ones listed below may help address insomnia so you can get a good night’s rest. These herbs can also help treat other concerns, like anxiety or depression. • Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile– Aside from helping induce sleep, chamomile can help ease anxiety. • Hops (Humulus lupulus– Hops can help you sleep better and it can also help you manage the symptoms of depression. • Kava kava (Piper methysticum) – Kava kava, a popular medicinal plant that originates from Hawaii and Fiji, can help relieve stress. It can also help you fall asleep and soothe headaches and tension caused by related body and muscle anxiety, like fibromyalgia. • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) – Drink lavender tea to settle your nerves and induce sleep. • Melatonin – Melatonin is a hormone that tells your body that it’s night time and that you need to get some sleep. • Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata– Passionflower can help improve sleep. Additionally, it can address anxiety, hysteria, and seizures. • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) – The herb valerian is used to treat problems like insomnia, headaches, and nervousness. Stock up on these useful herbs and supplements even if it’s relatively quiet. There’s no such thing as being too prepared if you’re a survivalist. You can forage for these herbs, or you can buy them in either dried or oil form so they’ll last longer in your pantry. (Related: Make your own calendula extract: Step by step instructions for this multipurpose medicine.) Compression wear for edema Other problems that you may experience when SHTF include edema, which occurs when your leg swells if you’re sitting or standing for long periods. Ideally, edema must be treated by medical professionals. However, in a disaster scenario you may not always have this option. If you start to experience the symptoms of edema, keep your legs elevated as much as possible. Letting your legs swell for a long time may worsen your condition. Purchase compression wear now so you can deal with this problem as soon as it arises. You can also use compression wear for wrapping up any wounds, making this a must-have multipurpose item in your First Aid kit. Don’t wait until the last minute. Stock up on compression stockings, medicinal herbs, and supplements so you can easily address minor health complaints if and when SHTF. You can read more articles about other medicinal flowers and herbs that you will need when SHTF at Sources include: Receive Our Free Email Newsletter
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Share your favorites on Show & Tell Weekend finds In Costume Jewelry > Show & Tell. Recent comments70156 of 75850Pretty Screw Back earrings, Unmarked but oldMillersburg Trout & Fly Bowl Love it Like it DottieDottie loves this. AnnieinTXAnnieinTX loves this. vintagemadvintagemad loves this. cindyjunecindyjune loves this. officialfuelofficialfuel loves this. See 3 more Add to collection Please create an account, or Log in here If you don't have an account, create one here. Create a Show & TellReport as inappropriate Posted 3 years ago (125 items) Here's some of my finds from the weekend. A mother of pearl and blue enamel necklace, a pair of white enamel flower earrings with a blue center stone marked B.N., some faux pearl and garnet clip-ons marked Richelieu, some plain white cluster earrings and some tan ones too...both marked Japan. The sparkly flower ones are not marked but are very pretty. Beautiful clear and purple rhinestone brooch, unsigned and a plain clear stoned necklace to add a little understated bling to any outfit! 1. thriftfan thriftfan, 3 years ago Thanks for all the love! 2. thriftfan thriftfan, 3 years ago Thanks AnnieinTX! 3. thriftfan thriftfan, 3 years ago Appreciate the love Dottie! Want to post a comment? Create an account or login in order to post a comment.
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Skip to content Welcome To Lehman College Events Calendar Search events. View events. All Categories Advanced Search (New Search) Date/Time View  Subscribe to RSS feed of current view. May 3, 2019 Highlighted Events Start Date and TimeEvent DetailsLocation Tuesday, September 28, 2021 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Health, Health Care, and Health Disparities Among Latinx Populations In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the  CUNY Institute for Health Equity will hold panel discussions highlighting scientists, scholars, and leaders from a Hispanic or Latino background conducting important research and helming key organizations. Panel Chairs: Judith Aponte, associate professor at Hunter College’s School of Nursing, and Maria Isabel Roldós, director of the CUNY Institute for Health Equity and an associate professor of Health Sciences at Lehman College. The panel includes Cristina Contreras, CEO of NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan; Paule Joseph, Ph.D., chief of the Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism at the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute of Nursing Research; Omar Martinez, who leads Temple University’s Disparities and Inequities in HIV/AIDS Research Lab; and Karen Tejada, a community/public health nursing graduate student.  Register here. Thursday, September 30, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM The American Tragedy of COVID-19: Social and Political Crises of 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States is a classic tragedy of destruction following errors in judgment.  Naomi Zack presents social and political aspects of this disaster as it unfolded in public health through federal and local government structures, society, culture, and the economy. Federalism combined with politics in facing and denying the SARS-CoV2 pandemic has revealed both weaknesses and strengths. Naomi Zack  is Professor of Philosophy at Lehman College. RSVP by September 29 *This is an online event -  URL will be sent via registration e-mail* *Registration is required* Tuesday, October 05, 2021 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Anthony Ray Hinton - Special Zoom Event Join us as we welcome: to Lehman College, for a special Zoom event. Anthony Ray Hinton survived for 30 years on Alabama’s death row. His story is a decades-long journey to exoneration and freedom. In 1985, Mr. Hinton was convicted of the unsolved murders of two fast-food restaurant managers based on the testimony of ballistics experts for the State who claimed that the crime bullets came from a dusty revolver found in Mr. Hinton’s mother’s closet. Without the benefit of a competent expert to challenge the State’s theory (Mr. Hinton’s lawyer hired a ballistics expert who was blind in one eye), an all-white jury convicted Mr. Hinton and he was sentenced to death. After years of petitioning to have the revolver re-analyzed, three independent experts concluded that the bullets could not have been fired from his mother’s revolver. With the assistance of the Equal Justice Initiative, led by attorney Bryan Stevenson, Mr. Hinton was freed in 2015. Since his release, Mr. Hinton has traveled the world sharing his story and discussing the changes that need to be made to prevent similar injustices from happening to other people. In 2018, Mr. Hinton published The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row, which was selected for Oprah’s Book Club and is a New York Times bestseller. In 2019, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from St. Bonaventure University. Faculty and Staff are invited to bring students! Start Date and TimeEvent DetailsLocation Friday, May 03, 2019 All Day Spring GYN Hours (Multi-Day Event) Old Gym Building Old Gym Building - (Student Health Center, B008) 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM Information Technology Center 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Friday, May 3, 11 am-12:30 pm Gillet Hall, Rm. 226 Gillet Hall 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Graduate Admissions: The Application Process and Other Tips Graduate Admissions: The Application Process and Other Tips Location: ONLINE 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM Herbert H. Lehman Memorial Lecture with the Honorable Alessandra Biaggi A reception will immediately follow the lecture.  Music Building - (Faculty Dining Room) Calendar Software powered by Dude Solutions    Select item(s) to Search Select item(s) to Search Select item(s) to Search Select item(s) to Search
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The Lowry Mini Tea Tins Gift Set, with loose-leaf tea Notify me when this product is available: The Lowry is a theatre and gallery complex at Salford Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester, England. It is named after the early 20th-century painter L. S. Lowry, known for his paintings of industrial scenes in North West England.  Our Lowry mini tea tins contain loose-leaf black tea; English Breakfast, English Afternoon & Earl Grey English Breakfast is a full-bodied black tea with a delicate aroma, serve at any time of the day with a splash of milk. English Afternoon is a medium-bodied black tea with a slightly lower caffeine content than English Breakfast, so perfect for enjoying later in the day. Earl Grey is an aromatic tea flavoured with Bergamot.  Earl Grey is traditionally served black with a slice of lemon Lowry Mini Tea Tins contain: 25g Loose-Leaf English Breakfast Tea 25g Loose-Leaf English Afternoon Tea 20g Loose-Leaf Earl Grey Tea Infusion Tips Next Previous Customer Reviews Based on 65 reviews Write a review
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• facebook • youtube • Canvas sm • mymacc • applynow 101 College Ave. Moberly, MO 65270 Phone: 660.263.4100 Fax: 660.263.6252 The Moberly campus is the main campus of Moberly Area Community College. The current location was built in 1931 and houses students and the administrative offices of MACC. The main campus is home to the Fitzsimmons-John Arena in the MACC Activity Center, where the legendary Moberly Greyhounds play basketball. The campus also boasts the Graphic Arts/Fine Arts Gallery which hosts exhibits year-round as well as the McCormick Commons and Residential Center, Performing Arts Auditorium, Agora Outdoor Classroom, MACC Bookstore, Entrepreneurship and Business Development Center, and Career Center. Degree Programs Transfer Degrees Associate of Arts (AA) Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Associate of Science (AS) Allied Health Programs Accelerated Associate Degree in Nursing (AADN) Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Practical Nursing (PN) Certificate Career and Technical Programs Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degrees:    • Architectural & Mechanical Design    • Business Administration    • Business Office Administration (virtual courses)    • Computer Information Technology-Networking    • Computer Information Technology-Programming    • Early Childhood Education    • Machine Tool    • Maintenance    • Welding and Metals Technology Certificate Program:    • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)    • Certified Medication Technician (CMT)    • Fire Academy    • Heavy Highway Construction    • Law Enforcement Training Center Additional programs are available at other locations. Click photo to start tour Email Us Invalid Input Invalid Input Invalid Input I want Invalid Input Invalid Input Invalid Input Moberly3d color
Content Listing - The page contains an overview of content and is used for navigation - Examples: sitemap, product catalog, search results, news listings with short snippets of articles, web directory - Note that hyperlinks are not visible from the text content and you have to deduce which parts of the page contain hyperlinks
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• Nynorsk • English Universitetet i bergen logoUniversity of Bergen Search form Thousands of years ago - when the climate was warmer than today - there was probably a lot of moose in Hordaland. We know this from finds of bone from Stone Age settlements. In modern times moose have been almost completely absent from western Norway, until this "King of the Forest" began its come-back, about fifty years ago. The new period of immigration is believed to be a result of a marked increase in the moose population in Hallingdalen and other valleys of inland Eastern Norway. After stray animals were reported in western Hardangervidda in the 1940s and 1950s, moose has spread over steadily larger areas in Hordaland. The immigrants tend to follow three routes: over Haukeli toward Odda and Åkrafjord; over the central plateau to Ullensvang and Eidfjord; and the most used route: over nordvidda plateau and down Raundalen valley via Finse and Gravahalsen. Voss has therefore the biggest population of moose in Hordaland. The Voss herd is now self-replacing, and no longer dependent on immigration. It is difficult to say how large it is, but groups of up to seven animals have been observed. The moose prefers to stay around Raundalen and the central coniferous forest areas. Early in the 1970s there was so much moose in the municipality that moose hunting was permitted, but it was not until nine years later that the first reports were made that an animal had been killed. Today it is permitted to hunt moose in seven municipalities in the county. The numbers for 2003 show that 42 animals were killed out of a quota of 88 in Hordaland. During some years Voss municipality alone has accounted for over half of the catch.
Knowledge Article - Written in an objective and neutral style - Published on a moderated platform (like Wikipedia) or by a reputable source
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What's on atParish Hall Parish HallParish Hall 773 Hagley Road West, Birmingham West Midlands B32 1AJ Dates for your diary Forthcoming event listings diary for Parish Hall in Birmingham: Sorry, we don't have any details of events taking place at Parish Hall at the moment. Other Local Events Josh T Pearson Josh T Pearson16 May 2018 Hailed for Lift To Experience and Last of the Country Gentlemen, Josh returns with The Straight Hits! All under 25s may be asked to produce valid ID (See FAQ's) Under 16 year olds must be accompanied by an adult with a ticket… Poppy Walk Poppy Walk At Birmingham Cathedral, Birmingham 10 Jun 2018 At The Uffculme Centre, Moseley 14 - 15 Jul 2018 Zoe Lyons Zoe Lyons At The Glee Birmingham, Birmingham 18 Nov 2018 Updated: 18/04/2018 17:45:07
Content Listing - The page contains an overview of content and is used for navigation - Examples: sitemap, product catalog, search results, news listings with short snippets of articles, web directory - Note that hyperlinks are not visible from the text content and you have to deduce which parts of the page contain hyperlinks
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FL series are used to couple parallel shafts. They feature a field assembly with a flange suitable for bulkhead mounting perpendicular to the shaft. Product Features Flange Mounted Type FL Flange Mounted Type FL Cookies help us improve your website experience.
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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How to get more blog followers & comments How to get more blog followers & comments How to get more blog followers & Comments Welcome to this weeks Tecky Tuesday, today I will look at how to encourage your readers to start posting and becoming part of your blogs community. Last week I posted 5 Tips on how to increase your traffic, this is a follow on from that in how to get comments as a conversion. One of the major things that I wanted from my blog when I started out was to get people to comment on the posts that I write. I must admit it really helps seeing people interact with the posts that you create. It is a great encouragement to push through when you are having a tough time posting on your blog or thinking is blogging worth it. One of the major issues is that on average about 1 out of about 100 people have time to interact with a post. How do you manage to turn a reader into one that shares their opinion? Below are my 5 top tips for increasing comments and building a blogging community. 1. Ask a question! When you write a post, ask something from your readers. Your readers are a lot more likely to share their opinion on a post that has asked them something. If your post is fully rounded, and doesn’t leave them room to get involved they won’t be able to post. I’ve learnt and discovered from the comments left on my posts. 2. Talk back to people that comment If you do have readers that have taken time to write on your blog, start by writing back to them. It shows them that their views are worthwhile. You can get a discussion going and will bring them back to your site if you answer your readers questions. 3. Be controversial This is a bit of a strange one, write a controversial post. I see many bloggers do this and it can spark quite a lot of attention to your blog, The downside of this is that you might open yourself up for some anger and hate. But as they say, any publicity is good publicity. I’ve written both positive and negative product reviews, which have been talking points on my blog. Being honest about an item, even if gifted, is important. Readers interact more with an honest review as it is more relatable and reliable, they can then share their own experiences, opinions and their own reviews. It is important to encourage people to come to your site even if it is just to disagree with you. I wouldn’t do it regularly, but it can help a little! 4. Write posts that others can interact with When you write a post think about what your end goal of that post is. If you can get others to interact with your post they will likely keep coming back in the future to interact with yourself and your blog posts. You will also get more interesting responses that you can respond too, rather than a blogger just leaving a link to their own blog. 5. Make it easy to comment I think it is important to make it as easy as possible to comment. I use to get a lot fewer comments prior to switching my comment system. I moved over to using Disqus. It makes it possible for people who do not to have an account to comment. It also allows you to set up an account and start talking on loads of different blogs just using your Twitter or Facebook as a login. I would recommend anyone to try it out. If you want I will show you how to set it up on WordPress and on Blogger. I would love to know what you do on your blog to encourage people to post regularly and build up discussions. What are your tips on how to get more blog followers. If you have found this post of use please like it and share it on social media. Remember to check out my previously Tecky Tuesday posts for some blogging tips. 1. Shiwanie 2014/05/27 / 16:26 This is really helpful! 2. Sarah C 2014/05/27 / 16:28 Good tips! Will have to keep these things in mind when writing a post… 3. 2014/05/27 / 16:42 I wouldn’t mind seeing a little tutorial on putting Disqus comments on Blogger! • Patricia Belle 2014/05/27 / 17:03 Me too! • drawnby featherlines 2014/05/27 / 18:39 Definitely :) 4. Ottilie 2014/05/27 / 16:49 Love all these posts, they are so helpful! Just wondering if you could possibly do one on becoming affiliates for companys and how best to do it? 5. madisoncharlotte 2014/05/27 / 18:03 You made some really great points, the ‘controversial’ point is something I hadn’t thought of before :) 6. mikaylaa.s 2014/05/27 / 19:15 Really great post! A lot of really great points, especially the controversial one, I had one in mind but wasn’t sure if I was actually going to post it! techy tuesday is so helpful to new bloggers! 7. 2014/05/27 / 19:20 Useful tips! I definitely think interaction is the way to go :) 8. Joy Bomer 2014/05/27 / 19:27 Great post! At first I thought it was a little awkward to ask a question in my posts but now it just comes naturally… 9. Amelia Holly 2014/05/27 / 19:38 Great tips! A how to on setting up disqus would be great! 10. August Art 2014/05/27 / 20:30 Great tips. I would love to see how to switch to disqus. Thank you :) x x 11. Freedom and Me 2014/05/27 / 20:48 I’m starting out on my blog so this are perfect tips for me. Thank you! I find that asking a question at the end of every post makes me feel more connecting to my readers too 12. Mel 2014/05/27 / 20:55 I think I’m the only blogger out there who can’t get the whole asking a question at the end of a post thing to work. I’ve seen it work for so many bloggers but it’s the posts without the question that earn me the most amount of comments. 13. 2014/05/27 / 21:28 Just switched to Disqus. Love the features that allow you to see the comments from their application. So much easier than blogger or WP. 14. 2014/05/27 / 21:56 I love Disqus but I’ve heard others have issues with it so I have avoided adding it to my blog. Maybe it’s about time to give it a try. Hopefully it will help with my readers’ interaction! 15. 2014/05/27 / 21:58 I just want to say that I absolutely love your Tecky Tuesday blog posts! They are so helpful! 16. Camila 2014/05/28 / 01:20 I love Disqus and really wish I had started my blog on blogger to get it without being self-hosted. Do you know if there is a way to put it on Thanks for your Tecky Tuesdays, it is super helpful! :) 17. nueyork 2014/05/28 / 02:39 I’ve just recently started getting more and more comments on my posts, and it really is motivating to see that people are actually reading everything you have to say instead of clicking out. I definitely agree with adding a question to the post, particularly the end, because a lot of my comments are people replying to what I’ve asked or sharing their opinion on the product itself. 18. lulu 2014/05/28 / 05:34 super awesome tips! Thank you <3 19. 2014/05/28 / 05:43 I also use Disqus. Comments were non existent before I added it. I also began asking questions or giving a ‘call to action’ as one blogger describes it. 20. tash 2014/05/28 / 10:47 I put the comments on my own blog, thank you I much prefer it as everyone can interact:) Great post 21. Dani Martin 2014/05/28 / 15:00 Great tips :-) I’m still struggling to gain more readers as my blog is still quite new, so hopefully these will help! I’d also love to know how to add Disqus on blogger :-) 22. 2014/05/28 / 15:21 It’s also great to reward readers and subscribers, that’s why I’m hosting a giveaway to thank everyone! I’m hosting a La Roche-Posay and Avéne giveaway on my blog. Check it out! • Sabrina Johnson 2014/05/28 / 21:16 I will definitely check it out. Love Avene products :) x x 23. Sabrina Johnson 2014/05/28 / 21:15 Fab tips! What a great post! Beans x x 24. Leanna 2014/05/29 / 17:03 Great Tips! I would love a post on how to set up Disqus! 25. 2014/05/29 / 17:42 Thanks for the info! I never much cared how many people visited my blog or left comments, but it would be nice to build up a blogging community instead of just friends and family that follow by email :) Leave a Reply
Discussion Forum / Comment Section - Community sites like reddit or comment sections on news article or blog posts - Has to contain multiple posts or comments
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WatchGuard XTM 23 Security Software Suite - subscription license renewal / Mfg. Part: WG017703 | CDW Part: 2019876 | UNSPSC: 43233205 Request Pricing Have leasing questions? Let us know how can we help. Mon-Fri 7am-7:30pm CT Ships today if ordered within 3 hrs 48 mins • Subscription license renewal / upgrade license ( 1 year ) • 1 appliance View More Product Overview Main Features • Subscription license renewal / upgrade license ( 1 year ) • 1 appliance Turn your XTM 23 security appliance into a comprehensive unified threat management solution with the Security Software Suite from WatchGuard. The suite includes powerful UTM security subscriptions that boost defenses in critical attack areas for maximum network protection. An exceptional value, each suite includes subscriptions to Application Control, spamBlocker, Reputation Enabled Defense, WebBlocker, Gateway AntiVirus, and Intrusion Prevention Service, as well as LiveSecurity Service for hardware warranty, tech support, software updates, and threat alerts. Technical Specifications License Category: Subscription license License Qty: 1 appliance License Type: Subscription license renewal / upgrade license License Validation Period: 1 year Support Details Full Contract Period: 1 year Brand: WatchGuard Compatibility: PC Manufacturer: WatchGuard Licensing & Support Model: XTM 23 Security Software Suite Packaged Quantity: 1 Product Line: WatchGuard Service & Support Type: New releases update Service & Support Details Service Type: New releases update Service Type: URL database update Service Type: Virus definitions update Service Type: Spam filter update Service Type: Intrusion definitions update Service Type: Replacement Category: Online & appliance based services Product Reviews WatchGuard XTM 23 Security Software Suite - subscription license renewal / is rated 3.8 out of 5 by 16. Rated 4 out of 5 by from While the wireless capability is great for roaming and seamless hand-off, there have been intermittent issues with connection dropping on Apple devices. Valuable Features:The most valuable features of the WatchGuard product line that we appreciate and leverage the most is the UTM security suite. That front-line of defense is invaluable in providing protection for our network, and the networks of our customers.Improvements to My Organization:The WatchGuard SSL VPN is great for remote access to our location, and for remote support to our customer locations. It allows us to easily and securely access their network remotely to make any changes needed while supporting them.Room for Improvement:While the wireless capability is great for roaming and seamless hand-off, there have been intermittent issues with connection dropping on Apple devices.Use of Solution:We have been using and selling the WatchGuard product line for three years.Deployment Issues:We have had no issues with any of the WatchGuard XTM deployments.Stability Issues:The WatchGuard XTM platform has been very stable.Scalability Issues:No issues encountered.Customer Service:Excellent, they have incredibly quick response to any questions, and their online customer portal is very nice.Technical Support:Excellent, they have never had an issue troubleshooting our equipment or help with our clients equipment. Their ticketing system is also very helpful.Previous Solutions:We used SonicWall. We made the switch shortly after Dell acquired them due to their continued wireless issues. WatchGuard seemed to be much more stable and scalable. We have had much better success with WatchGuard and are very glad we made the switch, especially for our customers.Initial Setup:Because we are an IT company, and are certified in the product, setup was very straightforward. I like the interface as it is very logical to set everything up. For a standard end-user, however, it is very complicated as an enterprise based router/firewall is not intended for the general end user to set up.Implementation Team:Being an IT solutions provider, we were able to purchase through our distributer and deploy in-house as we are certified in the product. We have installed this device in our offices, and many different WatchGuard products at many different locations.ROI:The return was very fast, as it helps us to do our job very effectively and securely.Cost and Licensing Advice:Pricing and licensing is very straightforward. No hidden fees, and applying licenses is incredibly easy.Other Solutions Considered:Because we are an IT solutions provider, we looked into a few different options before deciding to proceed with WatchGuard. We looked at continuing with SonicWall, Cisco, Adtran, etc. WatchGuard was the best fit for our company as well as our clients.Other Advice:While there are many choices available today, and you won’t be disappointed if you choose to proceed with implementing a WatchGuard device. We have been using them for years, have deployed them at many locations, and have been very happy with them – as have our customers.Disclaimer: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer:We are a WatchGuard Gold partner. Date published: 2015-08-04 Rated 4 out of 5 by from The application proxies are valuable but we had some problems of instability with older versions of the software. Valuable Features:* Multiple VPN choice* Application proxies* VoIPRoom for Improvement:SSO needs to be improved.Use of Solution:I've used it for four years.Deployment Issues:No issues encountered.Stability Issues:We had some problems of instability with older versions of thesoftware. Today, however, with the 11.9.4 version, our environment isvery stable.Scalability Issues:No issues encountered.Customer Service:9/10.Technical Support:9/10.Previous Solutions:We previously used the Microsoft ISA server, and we switched because it was discontinued.Initial Setup:It was straightforward.Implementation Team:We implemented it into our environment.Other Solutions Considered:We also looked at SonicWALL.Other Advice:Take an online course in the WatchGuard site and you will have no problems.Disclaimer: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions. Date published: 2015-04-30 Rated 4 out of 5 by from It has definitely helped us in framing and implementing IT policy of our organization, but the VPN hardware needs to improve. Valuable Features:* For the monitoring of the devices' operation, and network traffic, a monitoring software, "WatchGuard System Manager" is provided* It has an online traffic monitor, which is an ultimate feature and valuable for troubleshooting* Web/URL filter is strengthened by the WebSense filter* The web based log analyzer called "WatchGuard Dimension," offers great information regarding network traffic* The traffic analysis reports can be created in both granular and brief summary fashion, and extracts are useful for managerial informationImprovements to My Organization:* Online traffic monitoring is a great help in network troubleshooting, as the log analyzer reports found great sources of information for technical support and the management who are barely acquainted with the technical terms* Websense has categorized web traffic in over 150 different categories* Decisions to block certain unwanted sites or categories have been made on the basis of the web traffic trend presented by the log analyzer* Permissions can be set by groups, so as an educational organization, our users are grouped as administrative officers, clerical staff, post graduate students, research students and faculty* The web access is made available to users is only available for their work, and as a result, the utilization of Internet connectivity has been improved* It has definitely help us in framing and implementing IT policy of our organization.Room for Improvement:Initially WatchGuard assured us regarding endpoint security, but we are not sure that the product provides endpoint security features to its full extent. Instead, WatchGuard provided us a VPN hardware. WatchGuard needs to improve this feature.Use of Solution:I've used it for over two years.Deployment Issues:We had almost no problems.Stability Issues:The product has been stable for the last two years. We have connected it to three leased lines, a DMZ with 10 web applications and 2000+ campus users are connected without any issues. Also, there have been no bottlenecks!!!Customer Service:Satisfactory to good.Technical Support:The technical team, so far with WatchGuard OEM has been excellent. Recently, there a new team has been formed, and I am yet to interact with them. Also, the support team from their business partner is also good. We have a very good rapport with them and during the last two years only, only one or two unsolved issues were escalated to their international support.Previous Solutions:We were using a different solution previously, but it didn't prove perfect for our requirements. It lacked many features like URL filtering, log analysis etc. So we were searching for a better product. We had a proof of concept from three reputed products.Finally, WatchGuard offered almost all the features we needed, coupled with the lowest recurring cost, i.e. annual subscription renewals.Initial Setup:We have got three internet lines shared amongst campus users and off campus web clients.The requirements keep changing from time to time. We have over 35VLANs that need to be catered for according to IT policy of theorganization. and WatchGuard is almost perfect.Implementation Team:A joint OEM and vendor team initially implemented the product. The team configured and demonstrated the product to us. They also handed over operational know-how of the product, and the team had an exceptional level of competency.ROI:The ROI can be measured in several ways. First, our in house team has excelled in re-configurating the product and network troubleshooting is made simple using WatchGuard tools. The tools are very simple to handle, so our in-house team has become more confident and got more expertise in handling IT infrastructure.There are moderate renewal cost for subscriptions like AV, IPS, IDS,web filter, application control etc. therefore recurring cost is low. As such after fulfilling rationale of the firewall device, additional returns are in the form of lower operating costs and manpower expertise.Therefore, the returns are higher as compared with the initial investment on this product, so the ROI is positive.Cost and Licensing Advice:Our estimated cost for the setup was INR25,00,000+/- and we grabbed an offer for a pair of devices, costing around half of the estimated cost. Deprecation is 33% on this kind of equipment. The annual subscription renewal cost is 20% of original set up cost.Other Solutions Considered:* Fortinet* HPOther Advice:WatchGuard XTM2050A has enterprise class performance with the cost of an SMB class device. If you are not enthusiastic about the brands or reputed survey reports, WatchGuard will be definitely an option to go for.Disclaimer: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions. Date published: 2015-04-29 Rated 3 out of 5 by from I found this device to be one of the most stable platforms that I have worked with, but paying a yearly maintenance fee for firmware updates is not worth it in my opinion. Valuable Features:I love the GUI and the ability to edit rules on the fly without needing to save a configuration. This makes for a very quick adjustment when needed. I also like the fact that you can save to a configuration file, so if there are a number of changes being made, it can always be rolled back to the previous save.Improvements to My Organization:This device was one that I deployed on my own business network and has given me the ability to thoroughly know the product that I was selling. The added security features from Live Security ensured I did not have to manually update some of the basic functions of the device.Room for Improvement:I feel that paying a yearly maintenance fee for firmware updates is not worth it in my opinion. I would rather see the yearly fee go for updates to the add-ons and live security, but I think as time goes on firmware updates should be free since the price tag of some of these devices is difficult for some small businesses to swallow.While I hold the company in high regard the learning curve on these devices can be tough right out of the box. I've had to contact support on numerous occasions due to little quirks in the system that needed to be ironed out.Use of Solution:I personally have had an XTM25 in my own network for over five years,and I've used multiple versions of WatchGuard enterprise gradefirewalls over the last decade. My first experience was with an X500Edge and the last product I had the opportunity to use in the field wasan XTM26 for small to medium sized businesses.Deployment Issues:Yes, there were times that the device would lock up after completing the initial configuration and would need to be factory reset.Stability Issues:I found this device to be one of the most stable platforms that I have worked with. Even when the UI seemed to fail on a device, the product still functioned until we had time to reboot the device and bring the UI back online.Scalability Issues:Yes, I deployed an XTM25 to a smaller business and the company grew beyond what the device could handle VPN wise. There was a trade in process but the company decided not to go with that since it was within a year and the process was not worth their time or effort.Customer Service:I had great encounters with all levels of customer service from the general help desk all the way up to our regional manager.Technical Support:Most of the time when I called customer support it was for features that I did not work with or if I had a configuration question that did not seem to be working. Most of the time, I was able to get the answers right there on the phone. There were times that tickets had to be opened and a call back was warranted, and most of the time I received a solid response within 24 hours.Previous Solutions:Previously we used a software firewall deployed to a form factor box. We switched because of my experience with the product and the stability.Initial Setup:The initial setup was straight forward, The GUI pretty much takes you through all of the settings you would need to know to set up a general device.Implementation Team:I was the implementation team for my organization as I was part of a managed service provider.ROI:The ROI for this product in my eyes was knowing that my customers were protected by a stable platform that could be updated and upgraded when they needed it. The features that were available could be added as needed with small additional purchases for feature keys.Cost and Licensing Advice:Depending on the product, my setup cost was around $250 for time and labor. For the most part I could deploy one of these devices in about an hour with very little downtime to the organization.Other Solutions Considered:I had been a vendor of firewall services for many years prior to deploying WatchGuard technology. I evaluated and was not impressed with SonicWALL, or Untangle. I was deploying pfSense on boxes and found that the WatchGuard platform was perfect in size, and the software seemed to match all of the features of pfSense. The reason for switching ultimately came down to additional customer service and availability of support.Other Advice:This product is solid and has a great reputation behind it. I would recommend the product and company to anyone looking for a great firewall solution.Disclaimer: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions. Date published: 2015-04-29 Rated 4 out of 5 by from Although it's expensive, you should go for it as it offers great protection for your network. Valuable Features:* Nice user interface* Ease of use* Easy to set up* Good range of subscription servicesImprovements to My Organization:It has added many security features to our network with the use of the subscription services such as Gareway AV, Reputation Enabled Defence, Webblocker, IPS, etc.Room for Improvement:* Expensive* Requires client-server application to use some advanced featuresUse of Solution:I've used it for six months.Deployment Issues:No issues encountered.Stability Issues:No issues encountered.Scalability Issues:No issues encountered.Customer Service:Great customer service with fast response.Technical Support:They have good technical knowledge.Previous Solutions:We used to use Drayteks, but they did not offer the features that were were looking for.Initial Setup:It was pretty straightforward, especially with the use of a setup wizard.Implementation Team:We implemented it in-house.Other Solutions Considered:We also looked at an option from Sophos.Other Advice:Go for it. It's a great product with many security features and offers great protection for your network.Disclaimer: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions. Date published: 2015-04-28 Rated 4 out of 5 by from The multi-layer security of the products are the primary reason we use these appliances, however, the gateway wireless functionality for managing access points leaves much to be desired. Valuable Features:They provide excellent security and administration at a reasonable price. However, the multi-layer security of the products are the primary reason we use these appliances. Another valuable feature of the product is that the configuration interface and tools across any product is the same, making administration of the devices simple and consistent.Improvements to My Organization:WatchGuard has improved the way our organization functions by providing our client sites with better security. Since we have been working with WatchGuard appliances, the rate of spy-ware, malware, and viruses has dropped significantly.Room for Improvement:The WatchGuard gateway wireless functionality for managing access points leaves much to be desired. While the access points are good hardware, the access point controller lacks many of the features found on other wireless controllers. For example, when adding a MAC address to the controller (if restricting access to particular devices), every attached access point reboots, interrupting the wireless network.Use of Solution:We've used it for more than four years, alongside APs100 & 200. We also run a WatchGuard Dimension reporting server.Deployment Issues:No issues encountered.Stability Issues:We encountered some issues with the older generation firewalls (e.g. XTM 515s), however, the more recent models have been very stable.Scalability Issues:We have not encountered any scalability issues with these firewall appliances.Customer Service:When we have called on them for sales and product support, the customer service has been very good.Technical Support:When we have needed it, the technicians responding to cases are always helpful and very competent on the products. We generally get quick resolution on the issues.Previous Solutions:We used to use various other firewall solutions Including Cisco, Sonicwall, and Fortinet. We switched because WatchGuard offered better value for money without sacrificing security. We found the ease of configuration, tools, and features on this next generation firewall to be a better value than other firewalls with no security compromise.Initial Setup:The initial setup for these appliances is simple. There are options to configure through a software utility or a web-based GUI. Both options are relatively simple. There is a wizard feature that allows for quick configuration. They even have the ability to preconfigure firewalls, send them to the sites, and have them deployed live on-site, where the configuration is downloaded from the Internet. This saves a lot of time.We can deploy online and automatically download configurations. Or, we can deploy off-line by manually installing and configuring the appliances. Deployment is simplified since all configurations are saved as XML files.Implementation Team:We implemented our WatchGuard solutions in-house since we are a managed service provider.ROI:Our ROI on the product is positive.Cost and Licensing Advice:Depending on model chosen, the setup cost hardware ($2,000-$5,000) and labor (approx. $500). The day-to-day cost is approximately $1.20 per day (includes maintenance/updates and labor costs to do firmware updates & monitoring).Other Solutions Considered:We compared our existing solutions to WatchGuard.Other Advice:The best advice is to take the time to learn the product well. Take advantage of training to learn the product fully as, without the training, it can be difficult to administer the products. Also, knowing the tools for administration goes a long way.Disclaimer: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer:We have been WatchGuard channel partners for four years. Date published: 2015-04-28 Rated 3 out of 5 by from The product is great for small enterprise usage but WiFi throughput needs work. Valuable Features:* Drag and drop VPN is the most satisfying feature* Easy to configureImprovements to My Organization:It has reduced the amount of manpower needed in IT departments.Room for Improvement:Wireless throughput needs to be improved.Use of Solution:I've use it for nearly two years.Deployment Issues:No issues encountered.Stability Issues:No issues encountered.Scalability Issues:No issues encountered.Customer Service:I haven’t requested any help from customer service.Technical Support:I attended training from WatchGuard, as a result, I haven’t needed help from technical support.Initial Setup:Initial setup is very simple for me.Implementation Team:I implemented it by myself.ROI:The product is great for small enterprise usage.Other Solutions Considered:I compared XTM with Cisco ASA firewalls, but Cisco isn’t as easy as XTM to handover.Other Advice:The product is easy to use and is the fastest way to learn about firewalls.Disclaimer: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions. Date published: 2015-04-28 Rated 4 out of 5 by from Reporting features are there but aren't the greatest when compared to other devices. ​ Valuable Features:* WatchGuard System Manager can work with multiple devices at once* The Web UI is accessible from any OS platformRoom for Improvement:Reporting features are there but aren't the greatest when compared to other devices.Use of Solution:I've used it for four to five years.Deployment Issues:I had no issues during deployment.Stability Issues:Early models of the XTM2 (e.g. 21, 22, 23) line lacked sufficient memory, and caused a number of issues that required frequent reboots. WatchGuard has since discontinued that line and has replaced them with a more robust XTM25 and 26 option.Scalability Issues:No issues so far.Customer Service:7-8/10.Technical Support:7-8/10 and I've yet to have an issue go unresolved.Initial Setup:It was straightforward for the most part. All firewalls are a little unique in their own way, resulting in some complexity but, compaired to say Sonicwall, WatchGuard is straightforward.Implementation Team:It was done in-house.Other Solutions Considered:* Sonicwall* SophosOther Advice:It's a solid firewall option with new. and useful, features typically being added with each new firmware releaseDisclaimer: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions. Date published: 2015-04-28 • y_2017, m_2, d_19, h_7 • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_0.0 • cp_1, bvpage1 • co_hasreviews, tv_0, tr_16 • loc_en_US, sid_2019876, prod, sort_[SortEntry(order=SUBMISSION_TIME, direction=DESCENDING), SortEntry(order=FEATURED, direction=DESCENDING)] • clientName_cdwg Adding to Cart... 2/20/2017 12:12:28 PM ^ Back to Top Maximum 300 characters Your Quote has been submitted Something went wrong. Please try again later.
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Private Investor: Don't catch a cold in this difficult time for markets Oh dear. Just when I had begun to entertain hopes that the FTSE 100 was at last rewarding us long-term investors, things started slipping again. True, the big index is up by some 60 per cent on its nadir at the end of 2002. However, as I always reflect, it is still well off its peak of just about 7,000 reached at the turn of the millennium. Maybe it's just profit-taking, maybe it's just that the big mining and oil stocks that have pushed the FTSE up so much are coming off their peaks. Maybe it's also something to do with what may be happening in the real economy, both here and overseas. Now, if I understood how markets worked I wouldn't be slaving away at a keyboard like this. Only a couple of weeks ago, I was reflecting how well shares were doing when there's so much gloomy news coming in off the street, especially the high street. Now, perhaps I ought to be wondering how long the market's mini-revival can last when there is so much gloom out there. Both the natural world and human behaviour seem to be conspiring to make us all miserable. A few days ago, my distinguished colleague Hamish McRae was writing in these pages about the potential economic impact of bird flu. Never normally alarmist and always balanced, Mr McRae commented: "The main concern seems to me not so much one of direct damage to world trade, unless a pandemic were to reach such proportions that it would become impossible to move anything but essential goods and people around the world. That seems unlikely. Rather it seems to me that a flu pandemic would hit a world economy already weakened by other forces and would therefore tip it into some sort of global recession." Now that is frightening; almost as awful a prospect as catching the dreaded lurgy itself. The thing that might weaken this country's economy is the combination of: unsustainable rises in public spending; tax hikes; higher interest rates on the back of high oil, metal and other commodity prices; an overblown property market; debt overhangs; and a continued sclerosis in the eurozone, paralysed in turn by the economic/political problems of Germany. In the face of all that, perhaps the miracle is that the stock market is as high as it stands, and that it hasn't collapsed before now. So what should investors do? Keep buying, is the answer. I have never managed to get these things right, and timing movements in the wider market is just as hazardous as trying to do so with individual stocks. Taking a real long view, the ancient arguments in favour of long-term investment in equities, regular rather than lump savings, and pound cost averaging will sustain. The world has recovered from previous pandemics, in the late 1960s and in 1918, and it will get through bird flu too. Short term, I suppose one answer is to get into pharmaceutical companies. I'd already been buying into GlaxoSmithKline long before bird flu became a serious worry, and it should now be able to sell more of its Relenza product. I've also added some shares in Roche, even though it has already risen strongly on the back of its Tamiflu vaccine and anti-cancer treatments. With an ageing population in the Western world and newly affluent China and India ready at last to take advantage of the benefits of Western medicine, the prospects for the health of the world and investors' returns should be good - just so long as governments leave those all-important patents alone. Remove that patent protection (without compensation) and you remove the incentive to invest and you lose these wonder drugs. Will politicians heed that wisdom? I wonder. Ray Whelan was arrested earlier this week Arts and Entertainment Arts and Entertainment Wayne’s estate faces a claim for alleged copyright breaches Finacial products from our partners Property search Have you tried new the Independent Digital Edition apps? Independent Dating By clicking 'Search' you are agreeing to our Terms of Use. 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Richard III review Martin Freeman’s psychotic monarch is big on mockery but wanting in malice
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+ Add listing (No Reviews) 1000 County Rd 34, Ruthven, ON N0P 2G0, Canada GREEN EARTH TRUCKING is a business providing services in the field of Moving company, . The business is located in 1000 County Rd 34, Ruthven, ON N0P 2G0, Canada. Their telephone number is +1 519-796-4177. Report Incorrect Data Write a Review GREEN EARTH TRUCKING is located in Essex County of Ontario province. On the street of County Road 34 and street number is 1000. To communicate or ask something with the place, the Phone number is (519) 796-4177. Moving company, (Edit) 1000 County Rd 34, Ruthven, ON N0P 2G0, Canada Postal code: N0P 2G0 (519) 796-4177 Location & routing Google Map - Get Directions Customer Ratings and Reviews There are no reviews yet! You can review this Business and help others by leaving a comment. If you want to share your thoughts about GREEN EARTH TRUCKING, use the form below and your opinion, advice or comment will appear in this space. Write a Review Submit a review for GREEN EARTH TRUCKING Your rating * Your review (Be as detailed as possible) * (100 Character minimum) Tips for writing a great review: 3. Be polite - give feedback in a constructive way. Related Searches
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[ 1, 2, 4, 3, 0 ]
Sign In  [New User? Sign Up] Mobile Version Electronics Engineer Sr Lockheed Martin Littleton, CO Job Code: Lockheed Martin • Save Ad • Email Friend • Print Job Details Responsible engineer for production, requalification activities, hardware tests, deployed system support, maintenance of component/system specifications, and ownership of design, analysis, and interface documentation for the Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) Space System Company program Avionics Test Missile Kit (TMK) organization. Candidate will provide technical oversight and direction to the subcontractor and work with FBM teams to ensure successful integration of the packages and compliance of the product with all program requirements. Spec and ICD maintenance; technical evaluation of design and requirements verification; technical evaluations for fiscal year proposals; Pedigree and quality documentation closure, leading failure review teams to closure, vetting critical tests and analyses; taking part in status reviews and Technical Interchange Meetings (TIMs); certifying the packages are qualified for End Use service. Light to moderate travel may be required. TDY/travel may be required as part of the Reshaping FBM effort for 2019/2020 *Ability to obtain Secret Clearance required for this role Basic Qualifications - Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Electrical or Electronics Engineering - Experience using lab equipment (may include oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, power supplies, etc) - Experience in electrical troubleshooting activities (may include, using fault tree, fishbone, cause and effect matrix, problem investigation or equivalent). - Electrical Analyses (may include “Worst Case Analysis” environment conditions, etc) - Detailed electrical design, analysis and simulation Desired skills - Usage of a variety of power devices (may include transformers, fuses, relays, batteries, DC to DC converter, transistors, etc.) Analog and/or digital design, analysis and testing experience is highly desired. - Experience with performing formal root cause analysis - Development, integration and testing of digital and analog circuits - Experience with automated test management software (Test Stand, Test Studio, LABVIEW or MATLAB) - Applicant should have some digital and analog board and box level experience. - Experience working with Subcontractors and sub-tier suppliers - Working knowledge of electronic component qualification requirements, including EMI/EMC and survivability. - Familiarity with LMSSC CPE Program and other engineering processes and disciplines. - Previous experience as a CPE of analog and digital electronics is desired. - Experience in various phases of aerospace electronic component development cycle. Knowledge of front-end product development, including generation of requirements and interfaces, mechanical and thermal packaging, analog and digital design, and transition to production experience - Proficient in presentation and in written communication skills Join us at Lockheed Martin, where we’re engineering a better tomorrow Job Location(s): Littleton Colorado
Technical Writing - Examples: API documentation, README files, source code - If the page only contains a link to documentation, choose a different category instead - Unlike 'Customer Support Page', this content is meant for developers and experts, rather than end-users
[ 0.00005547515062931212, 0.0002817260610463312, 0.000023489656705763667, 0.007734419107145053, 0.00017356639114351027, 0.00009889514862410152, 0.0000505106994471068, 0.000041874840621310183, 0.000013808856809373419, 0.00003016131623947019, 0.0000266172681592069, 0.000024616948868099977, 0.00008198695785615852, 0.00017629966409168097, 0.000039337772282891154, 0.00003063628785820024, 0.378533737300576, 0.000011270460456842147, 0.00009146306083784049, 0.025360177874323264, 0.5862845213863456, 0.000021387575815857815, 0.0007307421495404974, 0.00008327806457638619 ]
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The Curmudgeon Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Charm Offensive Despite having been invited, the United Kingdom has refused to send a representative to the inauguration of Hassan Rouhani as president of Iran. The Ministry for Wogs, Frogs and Huns has had a sudden attack of Europhilia and has decided to follow the EU position, which is that the ceremony will be attended by diplomats already based in Tehran. Britain has had no diplomatic representation there since a mob attacked the embassy in 2011, and the Bullingdon Club is doubtless still smarting at the fact that a few angry rag-heads can do to Britain what all Davey's forces and all Davey's men couldn't do to Ecuador. As if that were not enough, Rouhani is a former nuclear negotiator whose lack of credibility as a frothing demagogue is a gratuitous insult to the Government's crying need for a fight over Iran's hardline stance on its weapons of mass supposition. He'll have to do better than that. • At 9:51 pm , Anonymous The Judge said... And - as ever when 'Bloke launches a 'charm offensive' - he succeeds in getting it half right. • At 11:02 pm , Blogger Philip said... I was thinking of when I first heard the phrase: it was during the 1980s when the fiend Gorbachev was flying around Europe, depriving the international community of its Great Satan, and forcing a terrified White House to settle for gimcrack substitutes like Libya and Grenada. Translated from the politicalese, a charm offensive is an enemy's cunningly calculated attempt to mend fences prematurely, without having the courtesy to let Washington and its chums create the desolation which the Press calls peace. • At 9:41 am , Anonymous Michael Greenwell said... I think the fact he was educated in Glasgow has something to do with it. The jocks are not to be encouraged at the moment. Post a Comment Subscribe to Post Comments [Atom] << Home
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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Loading... Please wait... • Image 1 Click the button below to add the Sinners to your wish list. Not all who wander are lost... Tabitha LeCaire searches the kink clubs in San Francisco for the Dom who can push her limits, yet still appreciate the finer points of manners and grace, which she’s worked so hard to master. When a friend introduces her to a mysterious masked man, Tabitha thinks she may have finally found her match and eagerly accepts his collar. But she may have made a mistake—as they say, marry in haste, repent in leisure. Self-made businessman Nathan Battle loves his new little sub. But he can’t let her know that. Pushing her to forget her proper manners, he offers her a collar, hoping to keep her subservient to his needs. For now. Because Nathan doesn’t do relationships. Until family issues demand he return home, and he realizes he doesn’t want to go without his little slave. And when his mother falls in love with Tabitha, and his brother starts making eyes at her as well, things can only go from bad to worse. Until they hit rock bottom when he finds his brother and his little slave in bed... Reader Note: contains BDSM, spanking, BBW heroine, wax play, dominance and submission, and strong erotic romance elements Find Similar Books by Category Vendors Other Products Product Reviews Write a review
Creative Writing - The page content consists of a short story, chapters from a novel, a poem or song lyrics - This does not include other web pages (e.g. forums or news articles) that have literature and fiction only as their topic
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Things are heating up here at the campaign headquarters. Everywhere we look we’re seeing more energy, more enthusiasm, and more excitement than ever before. This election is HUGE deal. 584CDDAF-E0C3-4832-9938-162C3A76C637 you ready to make history? Donate $30 and let’s make history together. Kendra has a bold vision for a brighter Oklahoma, and with your help we can make it a reality! Oklahomans have been forced to go too long without a real representative. Sure, we technically have a representative, on paper at least. But at the end of the day, we know exactly who he represents, and it sure isn’t the Oklahoma community that we know and love. For too long Congress has been too concerned with what the donors want. What vote will bring in the next big check? What bill will make the special interests happy? What decision will make sure those out-of-state corporate PACs keep donating and keep buying my elections? This might sound like a familiar tune? Steve Russell has perfected it. We deserve a leader who will always vote for OUR families, OUR community, and OUR district, not another vote for the special interests that already run Washington. That leader is Kendra Horn, and with your help, we can send her to Congress. Thanks for making this fight possible. Team Kendra
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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Wilkes University Grants & Special Programs The Federal Pell Grant is considered to be... the foundation upon which all other financial aid is awarded. Awards ranging from $602 to $5,730 are available to students who demonstrate financial need.  The amount of individual grants is determined by the Pell Grant program and is based on the student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and the educational cost of attendance. To be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant the student must: be a US citizen or be an eligible noncitizen, be enrolled as a matriculating student in an eligible degree or certificate program, be registered with Selective Service as required by law, maintain satisfactory academic progress, not already hold a bachelor's degree, not owe a refund on any federal aid nor be in default on any federal educational loan and must sign a statement verifying such. All students who meet these requirements and who wish to apply for any financial assistance from the University or state grant programs must apply for the Federal Pell Grant.  Take a look at the US Department of Education's Student Guide for more information on the Pell Grant The PHEAA Grant is administered by the... Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). The maximum PHEAA grant is $3,916. PHEAA assistance is provided to Pennsylvania residents and is based on the financial strength of the applicant's family as determined by PHEAA.  Students must be enrolled on at least a half-time basis each semester they receive a Pennsylvania State Grant. Eligible students must be high school graduates or have a Pennsylvania GED.  For more information about the PHEAA Grant, contact the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency The Federal Supplemental Ed Opportunity Grant... (SEOG) is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need. Federal SEOG funds awarded by Wilkes University may range from $200 to $1,000. Because of limited funds, the University normally awards this grant to students whose family contribution is less than $1,500 and who qualify for Federal Pell Grant funds.  To be considered for the Federal SEOG students must meet the same eligibility requirements as those stated for the Federal Pell Grant and be enrolled on at least a half-time basis.  For information about the SEOG grant, read the US Department of Education's Student Guide Wilkes Need-Based Grants... Renewable, based on continued financial need and academic progress. The actual amount each year will vary based on the student’s financial need as calculated from the information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Awards may range from $600 to $10,000. These grants are supported by funds received from endowment income and gifts from alumni and friends of the University. SciTech Scholarships This program provides awards for Pennsylvania students who are pursuing higher education and training in science and technology fields.  To qualify for the award, a student must: 1. Be a resident of Pennsylvania; 2. Be a high school graduate; 3. Apply for a Pell Grant and Pennsylvania State Grant; 4. Be enrolled in an eligible program of study; 5. Maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. The SciTech Scholarships are available for students pursuing a bachelor's degree and provide up to $3,000 per year. To be eligible, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 at the time of application; must be at least a sophomore who is enrolled as a full-time student pursuing a bachelor's degree in an approved science or technology field (our Doctor of Pharmacy program is not an eligible program); and must complete an internship or relevant work experience in the student's major field with a company with operations in Pennsylvania prior to receiving a degree.  SciTech Scholarship recipients must commit to working in Pennsylvania in a field related to the student's program for one year for each year that the scholarship was received. This employment must commence within one year after completion of studies.  The Scholarship will convert to a loan if a student fails to satisfy the requirements of the eligible program or fails to perform the internship or work obligation.  Additional info/application at www.pheaa.org. The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation provides help for qualified students. Eligibility requirements should be discussed with the local service officer, who can be reached at (570) 826-2011.
Customer Support Page - Content by an organization and for a general audience - Examples: a troubleshooting guide - For customer support pages in the specific format of FAQs, choose 'FAQs' instead
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Representing 3800 Stores Worldwide "World's Largest Hardware Store"® Store Locator | Help ORDER BY PHONE: 1-855-828-9792 Shopping Cart - 0 items Gate hardware Gate hinges > SKU 356638 PORTA-JACK PRO JACK - 47100 by Qep Co Inc Roberts PORTA-JACK PRO JACK - 47100 by Qep Co Inc Roberts Larger Image Qep Co Inc Roberts Model:  47100 Do it Best SKU:  356638 Online Price: $199.99   Online Price vs. In Store Price Free Shipping: Ship-to-Store At participating locations Arrives in 7-10 business days Learn More HACKER SAFE certified sites prevent over 99.9% of hacker crime. Qep Co Inc Roberts Porta-Jack Pro Floor Jack The Porta-Jack Pro floor tightening jack is a professional tool offering a durable design capable of standing up to the rigors of daily use. Constructed of the best material available and designed with the professional installer in mind, it is a precision-built tool that can deliver more than a ton of force and will provide you years of quality service. The Porta-Jack Pro floor tightening jack is designed to hold flooring strips tight and keep them in place for nailing. Can also straighten crooked or bowed flooring strips and hold in the nailing position by removing the tongue grip plate and securing flush to the sub floor. It can apply more than a ton of force and provide the hold necessary to free the installer's hands for nailing. The Porta-Jack Pro is designed as 1 tool that will both push or pull the flooring strips tight. With its removable shoe you can efficiently position the jack on the floor or in the field of flooring without damage to the flooring, enabling hands-free operation for nailing. The tool's base features a nonstick coating to help protect prefinished floors. The Porta-Jack Pro is designed to be used with all thicknesses of wood floors. Gate hinges Gate hooks and bolts Gate latches Is the online price the same as in store price? 9/19/2014 12:20:20 AM
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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Press Release 01 Feb 2014 Grasim reports financial results for Q3 FY 2013-14 Click here to view results Rs. in crore Consolidated net revenue 7,120 PBIDT 1,143 PAT 332 Projects commissioned during the year: • Caustic soda (183K TPA); Epoxy (52K TPA) • Clinker (3.3 Mn. TPA); Cement (1.6 Mn. TPA) Project to be commissioned in Quarter 4: • Viscose staple fibre (120K TPA) Consolidated financial performance Grasim Industries Limited, an Aditya Birla Group company, announced its results for the quarter ended 31 December 2013. The company's performance was constrained due to subdued economic conditions. Revenue at Rs.7,120 crore grew by 5 per cent over the corresponding quarter last year. Net profit was Rs.332 crore as against Rs.549 crore. Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF) VSF business has recorded volume growth, supported by increased capacity at Harihar. Production increased by 4 per cent over the last year. Sales volume at 97,049 MT was up by 24 per cent, led by better performance in both domestic and exports markets. The company was able to maintain the realisations, despite the sharp fall in the international prices, supported by the rupee depreciation. The input costs have gone up due to the increase in pulp prices coupled with rupee depreciation. The performance of the Pulp JVs was affected on account of planned maintenance shutdowns. The anti-dumping duty levied in China impacted realisations and the volumes of pulp sold in China. Cement subsidiary (UltraTech Cement) The combined cement and clinker sales volume increased marginally at 10.76 Mn. tonnes. The industry volumes remained flat due to the continued slow down in the Indian economy. Based on continuous cost optimisation measures, the business has been able to contain the cost. Net revenue stood at Rs.5,173 crore (Rs.5,164 crore). Net profit was at Rs.395 crore (Rs.608 crore). Chemical Business The Chemical Business reported a growth of 14 per cent in sales volumes. ECU realisations improved over Quarter 2 but were flat on a Y-o-Y basis. The operations at Vilayat (Gujarat), which were impacted by the floods, have resumed in December 2013 and are being ramped up in a phased manner. VSF and chemical capex The epoxy project (51,500 TPA) at Vilayat was commissioned in December 2013. The VSF project (120,000 TPA) at Vilayat is expected to go on stream in a phased manner from Quarter 4. Cement capex With the commissioning of the grinding unit (1.6 Mn. TPA) at Jharsuguda, Odisha in October 2013, UltraTech's cement capacity stands augmented to 55.5 Mn. TPA. On commissioning of all the projects currently under implementation and the acquisition of Gujarat cement unit of Jaypee Cement Corp., total cement capacity will increase to 70 Mn. TPA. The current difficult market conditions have affected the performance of both the businesses. The performance of Cement Business should improve with the expected recovery post general elections in India and of VSF Business based on global rebalancing of excess capacity. The commissioning of major projects by the company will help improve volume and profitability. Cautionary statement Statements in this "Press Release" describing the company's objectives, projections, estimates, expectations or predictions may be "forward looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities law and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from those express or implied. Important factors that could make a difference to the company's operations include global and Indian demand supply conditions, finished goods prices, feedstock availability and prices, cyclical demand and pricing in the company's principal markets, changes in Government regulations, tax regimes, economic developments within India and the countries within which the company conducts business and other factors such as litigation and labour negotiations. The company assumes no responsibility to publicly amend, modify or revise any forward looking statement, on the basis of any subsequent development, information or events, or otherwise. Contact Us Mr. Sandeep Gurumurthi Group Head, Communication & Brand Aditya Birla Management Corporation Private Limited Tel: +91-22-6652-5000 / 2499-5000 Fax: +91-22-6652-5741 / 42
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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Professional Music Production Services- Online! Privacy Policy At we value our users' privacy. We do not reveal your information to any third party. Information that you submit during the registration process is used only to simplify the subsequent submissions of projects and to eliminate spam. We do not collect any kind of financial data from our users. All payments are processed by PayPal and we do not have access to your financial information. We will not sell, lease, publicly post or reveal your e-mail address registered with us to any third party. Your information may only be shared amongst GoranGrooves team members in order to provide better services to you. Questions? Need Help? Call us now if you have questions regarding GoranGrooves services. Call us now! (+1) 786-486-9288 Quality Guaranteed Newsletter Signup (x) FREE download: What is your primary role in music?
Legal Notices - Examples: terms of service, legal disclaimers, privacy policy, license agreement - This does not include other web pages that only have law-related topics
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Tyga ft. Snoop Dogg, Game & Pharrell Williams - Really Raw Posted 5 years ago Tags: Tyga , Club The Neptunes Careless World Is it possible to make the pop audience swoon with your lead single, then come back with a follow-up that’ll knock harder-core heads’ socks off? Normally, I’d argue against trying to be all things to all people, but Tyga just might have pulled it off. Though the newly-released Really Raw finds the young emcee once again hooking up with Skateboard P and Chad Hugo, that’s where the similarities to First Time end. In contrast to that joint’s steamy R&B vibes, this cut finds the Neptunes serving up a slick, bass-driven groove meticulously-crafted for maximum noddability. The Cash Money signee comes with self-assured rhymes to match, voicing his love of iPad porno and name-dropping obscure 1978 Jaws ripoff Piranha (yeah, I didn’t know that movie existed either). Fellow Compton representatives Snoop Dogg and Game lace the cut’s latter two-thirds with some whip/weed-crazy bars of their own, and Pharrell steps out from behind the boards to lend his vocals to the hook. Think Really Raw lives up to its title? Then stay tuned to you-know-where for the latest on Tyga’s Careless World LP, set to drop sometime this spring. Tyga Snoop Dogg The Game Pharrell Williams Club Written by Posted 5 years ago More from Tyga Featured Video Hip Hop News Blank Face: Rare Album Covers That Don’t Feature the Artist’s Face Posted one day ago by Yoh Posted one day ago by Nathan S. Posted one day ago by William E. Ketchum III Posted one day ago by William E. Ketchum III Marvel’s Upcoming Luke Cage Netflix Series Has Major Hip-Hop Influences Posted one day ago by William E. Ketchum III Sample Text - Sample Link
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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What to Expect a Bariatric Surgery in Turkey: Procedure | Natural Hair Turkey • Home • Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Process in Turkey Obesity is determined when the BMI (Body Mass Index) is higher than 30. All operations that aims to cure obesity, lose weight, and eliminate the metabolic disorders is under the category of Obesity operations. Obesity operations, is the name for all operations that performed for the prevention of metabolic disorders and to lose excess weight. By obesity operations, you can get rid of excess weight and the resulting diseases that threatens people’s lives. This procedure is done in Turkey with a high success rate, especially in Istanbul. Who Can Undergo Bariatric Surgery? Obesity operations in Turkey are suitable for people who suffer from excessive obesity (people with BMI more than 40), people who cannot lose weight through sport or diet or other medical methods, and people who gain weight so fast after losing it. People who suffer from these conditions are not suitable for this operation: • Sleep Apnea, • Type 2 diabetes, • High blood pressure, • High cholesterol level, • Enuresis, • Chronic knee, waist and joint pain. What Client says about us? We feel free to share some feedback from our honorable Patients Free Consultation You can contact us whenever you want. We are waiting for you to call us! Your Name (*) Phone (*) Selecting The Hospital And The Surgeon The success rate of  bariatric surgery is related to the hospital and the surgeon. The surgeon should be experienced, and has done it successfully before. In order to get this information, you have to check patients reviews on the operations. Bariatric Surgery is done in Turkey with a high success rate, especially in Istanbul, because it has the successful hospitals and medical tourism programs. Before Bariatric Surgery The doctor should run blood tests for the patient, in this operation we advise you to: • Inform your doctor if you have an allergy to any material and if you have any chronic disease, • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol six months before the operation, • The doctor might give other instructions depending on the patient’s condition. Bariatric Surgery Techniques and Duration Some Bariatric Surgery Operations in Turkey works on closing the stomach, the other operations aims to apply adjustments on the digestive system. 1 – Gastric Balloon: This procedure is done using the endoscope with no need for general anesthesia, an adjustable balloon is placed in the stomach. With this technique, the patient will feel the stomach full because of the balloon. The patient will lose weight because of eating small amounts of food. 2 – Gastric Band: This procedure is done by placing a silicone tape between the esophagus and the stomach, it is finished by opening small incisions with the endoscope, and the recovery process is fast. This procedure provides a very effective solution, by making the patient feel full, which leads to weight loss as with Gastric Balloon. Therefore, in 18-24 months, the patient can lose 60-80% of excess weight. Bariatric Surgery Techniques and Duration 3 – Gastric Sleeve: In this technique, the stomach is minimized by removing the responsible part about hunger hormone excretion. As in Gastric Band technique, the recovery process is fast in this technique and the patient can leave in the same day. Thanks to this technique, patients will feel full stomach and consume less amounts of food, so they will lose weight with no effort. It is possible to lose 80-90% of excess weight, especially in the next couple of years after the procedure. 4 – Gastric Bypass: In this technique, a large part of the stomach is connected to the small intestine, which leads to a smaller stomach. No external objects are inserted into the body in this technique. The Gastric Bypass technique makes the absorption of food less, which leads to weight loss. The duration of this procedure varies depending on the applied technique and the patient’s condition. Generally, it takes a few hours. The best technique for the patient can be determined by tests. After Bariatric Surgery Patients should consider these points: • Even if this procedure gives effective results for patients, the patients need to support these results by following a healthy diet and a sporty lifestyle. The dietitian will give you detailed information about the diet you should follow. • During the recovery process, the doctor may prescribe nutritional supplements, vitamins, and minerals for the patient. • You should consume easy-digesting food after the operation. Especially protein-rich foods. • You should walk because walking helps the blood flooding. • After the operation, some patients might need to follow a diet based on liquids. After a couple of weeks, they can eat normal food. • Stop drinking alcohol, it affects the whole procedure negatively, especially the first six months. Avoid sugar because it affects the recovery process, and coffee. Instead of these, you should consume a lot of water. Patients will have a beautiful appearance with weight loss and will feel so light while moving. Most Common Questions Obesity Operations include Gastric Balloon, Gastric Band, Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass. It depends on the patient’s needs, his\her health condition, and the doctor’s opinion. The most appropriate technique for the patient will give the best results. Local anesthesia is used in Gastric Balloon, and general anesthesia for other techniques. People who suffer from obesity and the complications related to it are candidates for this procedure. In addition, the doctor’s opinion matters in this issue. Smoking affects the procedure negatively. Therefore, patients should stop smoking six months before the operation. The applied technique is a very important factor in this issue. Usually, it takes 4-6 weeks. It varies depending on many factors. The applied technique determines how much weight the patient lost. It depends on how much weight you are going to lose and the applied method to lose it. Although, Bariatric Surgery is highly effective, and you lose weight in a short period after the procedure. Soft foods are preferable such as eggs, cheese, boiled rice, vegetables. In addition, your doctor may prescribe a fluid-based diet. In this stage, it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions. You should avoid heavy sports and activities and focus on walking and light sports. Related Operations Leave A Reply
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Mäurer & Wirtz Launch Sensitive Skin Care with Updated Tabac Gentlemen's Care (2015) {New Fragrance} {Beauty Notes} German company Mäurer & Wirtz will introduce a new fragrance for men called Tabac Gentlemen's Care together with a grooming range for sensitive skin. The launch shows the increasing synergy between beauty and fragrance revealing that the place where you are most likely to spritz on perfume is the bathroom rather than before a vanity table... The new eau de toilette, which also aims to prolong the success of the original Tabac fragrance (1959), an iconic scent for the brand and men's perfumery, somehow conveys the idea that an update would be welcome. The fragrance opens on top notes of orange, pear, and ozone leading to a heart of lavender, cardamom, violet leaves, while resting on a base of sandalwood, ambergris and cashmeran. The new scent is less spicy hot, fresher and incorporates a fruity note of pear, a sign of updated masculinity. While we're on the subject, remember that Michael Douglas loves to wear Petite Chérie, which a has a central note of pear? Via Cosmoty.de Related Posts Leave a Comment
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Skip navigation 1 2 Previous Next Credit & Lending 24 Posts authored by: Touchpoint Overlooked_Tax_Deductions_body.jpgby Robert Lerose. Specialists are fond of saying that tax planning should be done throughout the year, not just as April 15 hurtles toward us. Although some small businesses might rely on an outside tax preparer or accountant to guide them, business owners still need to stay informed about changes to the tax code to claim all the deductions they are entitled to, and to make prudent decisions regarding their business overall, such as hiring a new employee or buying a major piece of equipment. Some small business owners may unwittingly shortchange themselves when it comes to "obvious" tax deductions, like home office expenses, because they don't fully understand the requirements or are fearful of an audit. We consulted with a variety of tax specialists to find out about some write-offs that small businesses overlook or don't maximize. Hire family members "A home office deduction can be pretty valuable," says Damon Yudichak of Yudichak CPA PC, a Wake Forest, North Carolina-based full service tax and accounting firm. "In the past, there's been a lot of fear that the IRS would audit small business owners because they had a home office, but it's a legitimate tax deduction." To be eligible for the deduction, a home office needs to meet certain requirements. For example, it must be the primary location where you conduct business and the space must be used exclusively for business purposes—eight to 10 hours a week at a minimum, Yudichak says. Small business owners who qualify can deduct a portion of their regular household expenses, such as mortgage interest, property taxes, homeowners insurance, and utility bills. According to Yudichak, the IRS allows two ways for calculating how much of those monthly expenses you're entitled to deduct. One method is to figure out what percentage of the total square footage of the house is taken up by the office and use that percentage as a basis to deduct expenses accordingly. The second method is "where you take your square footage and multiply it [by an amount set by the IRS]. In 2013, it was $5 a square foot," he explains. "Make sure you take pictures and document everything," such as accurate copies of your monthly bills and other deductible expenses. Another overlooked tax write-off is to employ members of your family in your business, particularly children. Yudichak says that you can hire your children over the age of 7 and pay no federal income tax on the first $6,200 of their earnings for 2014. State income tax varies, but small business owners can still come out ahead. In Yudichak's home state of North Carolina, the first $3,000 of wages is not taxed. Children that work for a sole proprietorship or a partnership are also exempt from paying Social Security, Medicare, or federal employment tax. Since each business entity—a sole proprietorship, partnership, C corporation, or S corporation—has its own advantages and limitations, choosing the right set-up is essential for tax planning and should be made in consultation with a tax advisor. Yudichak begins by interviewing the small business owner "to know what their goal is and the type of business it is. Those are the big things that I look at. Otherwise they could choose the wrong business entity and pay unnecessary taxes." Talk early and often Sometimes a small business misses a tax write-off simply because they fail to maintain frequent contact with their tax advisor. "There are a lot of little items—$100 here, $200 there—that add up to thousands that people don't realize they can deduct," says Jerry Michalowski of Gerald H. Michalowski, CPA, a Torrington, Connecticut-based firm providing accounting, tax, and payroll services. "They don't communicate with their tax people enough to tell us what they're doing so we can make suggestions." For example, when Michalowski had his own home office and his hot water heater had to be replaced, he was able to deduct 40 percent of the unit's cost—a sizable write-off that some home-based business owners might have overlooked on their own. Small businesses should consult with their tax experts whenever they're thinking about making a major financial decision. For example, one of his clients hired a veteran and then asked Michalowski if there were any tax breaks. There were—but because the small business had to file for them before the veteran was hired, they lost out on a $3,000 credit. Michalowski cautions that "there are a lot of areas of gray" in the tax code that are open to different interpretations. Small business owners should work with a tax preparer that is informed and forthright about these issues and then decide between the two of you about the best way to go forward.  Set up a SEP Even otherwise astute small business owners may not be familiar with certain types of common or ordinary business deductions. "I've had people who tell me that they want to do a section 179 and other people who have not heard about it," says Brian Walsh of Brian Walsh EA, a Ramsey, New Jersey-based tax, payroll, and accounting service, with over 50 small business and self-employed clients. In the case of section 179, it allows a business to deduct the full expense of a capital item—such as the purchase of a small truck by a construction firm—in one year, instead of writing it off over time, provided that the business made a profit that year. Another strategy for small businesses that wish to lower their profits and cut their tax bill is to open up a Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP). Small business owners can put up to 25 percent of their compensation in the account, up to a certain limit that changes every year—but they are also required to make contributions to the SEP accounts of their employees as well. "They don't necessarily have to make the maximum contribution to the employees' accounts, but the contribution still ends up being a deduction for the small business," Walsh says.   Small businesses that haven't set up a SEP account for 2014 can still put one in place for last year, Walsh says, by filing "an extension for the tax return and then setting the plan up during the extension time period to make a contribution. I think it makes the small business owner look like a hero in terms of making a contribution to the employees and basically saying to them that their services are valued.” Disclaimer: Since the details of your situation are unique, you should always seek the services of a qualified financial planner and tax advisor. DIY_Taxes_body.jpgby Erin O’Donnell. Small business owners are used to juggling several roles at once. But financial experts say doing their own business taxes should not be one of them. Do-it-yourself software such as TaxAct and TurboTax has simplified the paperwork and process of tax time for many Americans. The programs are good at walking taxpayers through the forms with plain language and checking for omissions. But bookkeeping and taxes are time-consuming. And business owners who do their own taxes aren’t saving a tremendous amount of money. In fact, they might do just the opposite by chipping away at time spent on growing the business, or even triggering an audit because of mistakes, says small business tax expert Barbara Weltman. “The thing with software is that it does take time, and many business owners don’t have the time,” says Weltman, author of J.K. Lasser’s Small Business Taxes. “Those people probably are better advised to use a professional just to get it done.” Turning it over to the pros The cost of tax preparation for business owners varies by the number and complexity of the forms they must file. According to the National Society of Accountants, these are the current national averages their members charge to file business-related tax forms: • $273 for an itemized Form 1040, with Schedule A and a state tax return • $174 for a Form 1040 Schedule C (business) • $634 for a Form 1065 (partnership) • $817 for a Form 1120 (corporation) • $778 for a Form 1120S (S corporation) Compared to tax software that costs less than $100 and can be done on an iPad, the price can seem steep. So what do you get in return for using a professional? For Brian Schutt, owner of Homesense Heating and Cooling in Indianapolis, it’s confidence that the job has been done right. “While my partner had a finance degree, he wasn’t necessarily a tax professional,” Schutt says. “From day one we tried to recognize our blind spots and find strategic partners to help.” When they launched Homesense in 2009, Schutt and his partner handled a number of tasks themselves to keep overhead low. But they didn’t want to risk making financial mistakes. So they hired a full-time bookkeeper, then added an outsourced CFO and tax accountant. Being as accurate as possible when it comes to taxes takes priority, Schutt says. “You don’t have to be at 100 percent as a receptionist to be able to wear that hat for a while,” he says. “But you can’t get your taxes 80 percent right and expect it to be all right with the IRS.” A DIY approach Some small business owners prefer the control of doing their own taxes. Bryce Avery works out of his Denver-area home writing questions for quiz bowls and standardized tests, writing patents, and doing technical writing. Avery Enterprises, which he set up as an S Corporation, employs a handful of contractors; the only other employees are Avery’s children. Avery has always done his own home and business taxes; recently he has used the fillable forms on the IRS website. He says his math and engineering skills are sufficient, and he kind of enjoys doing his taxes. “I hate to pay people to put numbers in boxes because I can do it myself,” he says. Avery doesn’t have much overhead. He reports the same salary every year. And his business makes less than $100,000 a year, so doing his own taxes is easier than a business with a lot of inventory to track or equipment to depreciate. Still, he has made at least one major error. A mortgage broker was the first to notice that he hadn’t entered his S Corp income correctly on one year’s return. That could have triggered and audit, which can be expensive. Accountants charge an average of $144 an hour to handle the audit, according to the National Society of Accountants. And that’s on top of additional taxes owed or penalties. Get a second opinion There is a middle ground that Weltman says appeals to a growing number of business owners. They like to enter their own data into their choice of tax software, but then turn to a tax professional for a review before filing. This strategy can give you insights to adjust your tax situation or spending through the year to come, she says. “You will be more engaged with your year-round spending by going through your taxes yourself,” Weltman says. “It brings home what you paid for things throughout the year. When someone else does it, you may just sign it without going through it line by line.” Weltman, who is also a tax and business attorney, does do her own taxes. But she adds that she probably stays on top of tax law changes more than the average business owner in order to serve her own clients. Get tax advice all year long Financial advisor Robert Palidora believes that developing a good relationship with an accountant or tax preparer gives you an advisor for all seasons, not just at tax time. Palidora, a Pennsylvania-based financial consultant with AXA Advisors, owned a small retail business for 25 years before changing careers. He notes that even the most detailed software is only as good as the records you keep and the data you enter. An accountant can help a business set up bookkeeping software such as QuickBooks correctly to categorize expenses and income. Good recordkeeping is especially important once you have employees, Palidora says. “The minute you have the responsibility of payroll and people working for you, it’s kind of a disservice to yourself and everyone else to think that you can handle this work over the Internet,” Palidora says. Business owner Schutt says he likes having multiple layers of oversight on his finances. If only one person is watching the books, there’s a greater risk not only of mistakes but misappropriation. Plus, using an outside tax preparer helps shift liability away from yourself. “Having that trust gives us the peace of mind to operate in our areas of greatest strength,” Schutt says. “When you’re a lean startup, that’s essential.” Price_Increases_body.jpgby Erin McDermott. How do you break the news to customers that you’re raising prices—and still keep them on board? It’s an uncomfortable task, coming after every margin has been squeezed, every cost has been absorbed, and all alternatives are exhausted—and it’s especially tough for small business owners who know all too well that every penny counts when it comes to going up against the competition. Yet companies of all sizes have had a lot of practice with this lately. Forecasters are predicting an increase of 3.5 percent in food prices for American consumers this year, up from 1.4 percent in 2013. Among the reasons: water shortages in California that are anticipated to push fresh vegetable prices up an additional 3.5 percent on top of last year’s 4.7 percent increase, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (And bad news for many sleep-deprived entrepreneurs: coffee futures have surged nearly 70 percent since the start of 2014, largely because of drought conditions in Brazil.) Combined with the rise in other agricultural commodities, industrial metals, new taxes on gasoline in several states, and the ups and downs of fuel prices, there’s plenty of angst among small business owners about how much more clients are willing to pay. Here are a few tips on how to handle the leap: Explain why you’re doing it First, think about who your audience is. Is this a B2B relationship, in which a client might already be well aware of market changes that are affecting prices? Or is this a B2C situation, where customers aren’t necessarily steeped in your industry’s trends and might need some extra consideration? In either case, your wording needs to be clear and concise: Costs to produce a product or service have gone up, and you are forced to raise your prices. Then shift the conversation: Remind customers that even though your price has increased, the value of your product or service justifies the higher cost. Price_Increases_PQ.jpgBe careful with the details The best thing you can do is be honest, but pass on only relevant information. Steer clear of touchy issues that may have contributed to the decision, particularly anything involving politics, government policies, cultural issues, or anything that might turn off customers with opposing beliefs, including the divisive implementation of the Affordable Care Act or taxes. But if the reasoning is unavoidable, use neutral statements that don’t blame, complain, or urge action. One good example: Leck Waste Services, a suburban Philadelphia garbage hauler, told customers that Pennsylvania’s new increase in gas and diesel taxes meant a surcharge would appear on quarterly bills starting in January. Its announcement listed every effort at efficiency the company had instituted, directed users to a website with the text of the legislation—and actually helped educate customers, too: Did you know garbage trucks get an average of only 4.2 miles per gallon? Think about sales psychology Give customers a few options. Maybe set a date for when prices will rise and offer the “deal” of a lower rate up until that time. Another: Offer to lock in prices for a year if customers buy a specific number of products or commit to a certain time period for your service. Or aim the increase at new customers only. With technology, you can test what the market might bear with actual clients. Jared Lazaro and his girlfriend are using that approach at the yoga studio they operate together in Grand Rapids, Mich. For example, for a beginner’s level class, they tested two price points in an email to customers: $69 and $79. Using’ landing-page generator, they showed half of their email list one price and the other half the alternate price. “The same number of people clicked on both offers in the test, so we went up to the $79 offer for everyone else who looked at the page. If we hadn't tried the more expensive option, we would've left several hundred dollars on the table for one class and not even known it,” Lazaro says. “So many small business owners undervalue their work and products, that a simple price shift for new customers can produce a huge boost to a company.” Choose your method wisely A note on the door or menu or an email notice may not always suffice when communicating the news. In January 2013, Royce Leather Gifts had to implement not one but two rounds of price increases in a single month after the cost of cowhides skyrocketed after the previous summer’s crippling drought across the Midwest and West. To try to help soften the blow, Billy Bauer, marketing director for the Secaucus, N.J.-based leather goods maker, says he got on the phone with his biggest accounts himself. “There was going to be a big change that might affect their bottom line and they needed to hear that from me,” he says, adding that he faced a pushback from some clients. Talking directly gave him a chance to communicate what they stood to gain from the situation (they’d still be getting the best quality hides), and express the company’s wish to cushion the blow to keep their business. “No one wants to be cornered with a ‘Take it or leave it’ ultimatum,” Bauer says, noting that clients did come around in the end. “When you can build a personal relationship over the years, there’s a sense of trust where I hope they know I’m not trying to mislead them to increase profitability. People want to know that you are committed to their profitability, too.” Mother_Daughter_Business_body.jpgby Erin O’Donnell. When Kit Seay retired, she thought she’d tour the country in an old camper. Instead, she found herself running a pie business with her daughter—and loving it. Seay and her daughter, Amanda Wadsworth Bates, started Tiny Pies three years ago in Austin, Texas. Seay was retired from a career in state government and working as a sorority housemother. Wadsworth Bates was working unhappily in real estate. The mother/daughter duo had always baked together, but hadn’t considered doing it for a living until Wadsworth Bates’ son asked for a pie he could pack in his lunch. After a few months of testing recipes, Tiny Pies was born. Their handheld pies come in signature and regional flavors, such as strawberry rhubarb and the family’s pecan pie recipe. The business was focused on catering and wholesale until last month, when Tiny Pies opened its first storefront. Mother-daughter firms are a different type of family business. The women who run them say their businesses directly benefit from their unique bond. An estimated 2.3 million such companies are operating in the U.S., according to the National Association for Mothers and Daughters in Business (NAMDB), and their ranks are growing. “There’s no competition between us. There’s no ego involved. There’s no lack of trust,” Seay says of the work arrangement with her daughter. “I never give a second thought to anything she says or does.” Tiny Pies is typical of many mother-daughter businesses that NAMDB founder Jamie Kizer sees. The daughters tend to be in their 30s, with mothers in their 50s or 60s, often retired from a previous career. The younger generation wants more work-life balance, Kizer says, and the older generation is in a position to help them with that. “In my generation, we worked, and our children were latchkey kids,” says Kizer, who lives in York, Pennsylvania. “We don’t want our daughters to be in that situation. We want to give them flexibility with their own business or self employment.” Kizer has run a dozen businesses, from an art gallery to a teen magazine. After her daughter Jordan graduated college, she decided they should open a clothing store together. But they quickly found they didn’t work well together. “I had to make the decision that this business is not worth jeopardizing our relationship,” Kizer says. “My daughter had to be very brave to speak up and say, ‘This is your dream, it isn’t mine.’” When Kizer had trouble finding resources for their situation, she decided to coach other mother-daughter entrepreneurs through their challenges. It’s an intense bond, and that can be both a strength and a weakness. Handling conflict Alexandria Keener never dreamed she would open her own retail store, much less partner with her mother, Deborah Daugherty, to do it. In 2012 they launched My Girlfriend’s Wardrobe, a consignment clothing shop in York, Pennsylvania, as a website. A brick-and-mortar store followed last year. Keener says she and her mother have always been close, but working together puts them on equal footing. They both have strong opinions on things such as how the shop windows should look or which outfits they should spotlight. “One of us is always right, and it’s never the other person,” Keener says. “Sometimes I yell at my mom, and she knows I’m just frustrated about a whole bunch of other things. And she’ll do the same to me. But if you did that to an employee, they’d be out the door.” They are learning to divide the labor. Keener says they share the retail operations, with only one other part-time employee. Daugherty, who also works full time with special needs teens, takes the lead on tasks like accounting. Keener handles the website and marketing. And Daugherty is able to step in when Keener can’t be there, because she’s also a full-time student at the Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. She’ll graduate in May with a degree in new media design and production. At Tiny Pies, Wadsworth Bates and Seay say they discovered they have complementary strengths. Wadsworth Bates takes care of sales, marketing, and business development, while Seay oversees what’s happening in the kitchen. They now have a staff of 11. Wadsworth Bates says it’s important for mother-daughter entrepreneurs to separate business and family. Starting a new business is inherently stressful, but they’ve learned not to bring conflicts home. “If we get crosswise over a work issue, we can still go to dinner, and she can still hang out with the kids,” Wadsworth Bates says. “It’s not changing that side of our relationship.”  Communicate openly and often Communication skills are important in any business. But successful mother-daughter teams say it’s critical to their survival. Kizer cautions them not to make assumptions and to check their expectations. Dedicate time to learning how to communicate in an emotionally healthy way, she says. “My motto is, ‘let’s put it all out on the table and clean it up later.’” Sandy and Stevie Lynn D’Andrea say they almost never stop talking about their company, Jewels for Hope. They run their handmade jewelry business from their home in Stamford, Connecticut. Ten percent of the firm’s net profits go to charities such as the American Cancer Society and Labs 4 Rescue. Sandy D’Andrea started the company in 2009. She made jewelry to pass the time during her mother’s final months in hospice and gave pieces to the nurses in thanks. Eventually, D’Andrea opened a store on Stevie Lynn, a graduate of Fashion Institute of Technology, joined the company a year later to handle advertising and marketing. “I taught my mom how to use Facebook, and she taught me how to make jewelry,” Stevie Lynn says. Jewels for Hope has been featured in coveted celebrity gift bags for events such as the Oscars, the Emmys, and the Golden Globes. Meredith Vieira, whose husband has multiple sclerosis, has been photographed often wearing her Jewels for Hope bracelet, created to benefit the National MS Society. Other pieces have been worn by stylist Stacy London and actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. Living and working together can blur the lines between business and family, Sandy D’Andrea says. She had to remind herself to respect Stevie Lynn as an equal in business even when her instinct was to advise her as a mother. They also make a conscious effort to put business aside and have fun, together and separately. Stevie Lynn D’Andrea says, “I don’t think the business would have done so well if we weren’t working together. We both complete the unit.” Leaving a legacy For younger daughters like Keener, it can be an ongoing struggle to convince other people that she is an equal partner with her mother. Sometimes customers and vendors assume it is Daugherty’s shop, and 22-year-old Keener is her employee. “Mom has taken the approach of telling them ‘it’s her store,’ because she thinks people won’t respect my decisions if she doesn’t,” Keener says. Kizer says she values how mother-daughter businesses provide both women involved with financial independence, a creative outlet, empowerment, and mentorship. And it builds a legacy that, like any family business, can be passed on. In the days before Tiny Pies’ grand opening, Wadsworth Bates says, she was struck by how meaningful it was to be opening a shop with her mother, in a space designed by her sister, an architect, and to have her teenage son proudly helping with last-minute preparations, too. Wadsworth Bates says of working with her mother, “Our relationship is so much better than it would have been. This is a priceless experience.” Clearing_Inventory_body.jpgby Iris Dorbian. Donate surplus items to charity She does offer a few caveats: Go paperless Recycle electronics for cash How to Get Paid Faster Posted by Touchpoint Apr 14, 2014 Get_Paid_Faster_body.jpgby Erin O’Donnell. Require some payment up front Business consultant Shell Black advises business owners to require a percentage of payment up front for project-based work. His Dallas-based company,, is a Salesforce Cloud Alliance Partner that helps other small businesses set up and make use of Salesforce’s customer relationship management products. Set expectations Create an even stream of cash Get ahead of excuses QA_Good_Bad_Debt_body.jpgby Erin O’Donnell. EO: How much debt should a business take on? EO: Can a business borrow its way to growth? SeparatingPersonalBizFinances_body.jpgby Iris Dorbian. Determine your business entity Use different accounts for personal and business finances Hire a knowledgeable financial or business expert Maintain good records “They learned a hard lesson,” recounts Hall. Bizloans_Body.jpgby Iris Dorbian. Be clear on the reason for the loan Denise Beeson, a small business-funding consultant who previously lent her services to a local SBA-administered Small Business Development Center, a provider of mostly free resources and training to small business entrepreneurs, in Santa Rosa, California, always asks her small business clients the previous questions whenever they come to her about wanting to apply for loans. For those with startups, she does issue a caveat: "If this is a start-up, I remind them that an SBA preferred lender does not fund startups," says Beeson "We then discuss where they may find funding, such as peer-to-peer lending options, tapping into their personal resources, or asking family and friends." Consult trusted financial professionals Take into account your other non-related business expenses Rohit Arora, CEO of the six-year-old, feels this is an imperative step for all small business owners to take when deciding on how much of a loan they should apply for. Carefully consider payment terms Know the lender QAstephentaylor_Body.jpgby Iris Dorbian. With over 30 years of experience as a chief financial officer/controller, Stephen Taylor prides himself on having the expertise and knowledge to help businesses identify problem areas and then craft solutions to address them. In his current role as partner at B2B CFO Partners, a 26-year-old business advisory firm comprised of former CFOs, Taylor says the bulk of his practice is helping small to medium-sized business owners devise a sound plan on how to sell or exit their business. Recently, Taylor spoke to business writer Iris Dorbian about why he feels it’s imperative that business owners should plot their end scenario right when they launch their business instead of right before retirement. ID: How do you advise small business owners who want to exit their business? What's the first thing you do? ST: I start with all my clients asking questions. In the case of an exit, I ask them, "What is it you want to accomplish?" Then the questions go toward assessing their financial and mental readiness to exit. Depending on where they’re at, one exit option might be better suited to their circumstances than another. ID: When do you think it’s the right time for a small business owner to exit? And conversely, when should they stay? ST: That’s really up to the business owner. In some cases, the business owner is nearing retirement age but there are other instances where younger entrepreneurs—we call them serial entrepreneurs—build a business and then want to sell it to build another business. I worked recently with a business owner, close to retirement, about 64 years old, who had a third generation family-owned business. He was just tired and wanted to exit. One thing that all of my partners do when we start working with a client is a "discovery analysis." It's a seller’s due diligence. This gives you a quick snapshot of where the business is. In this case, the client had a manufacturing business but he had some other activities, which included real estate and some rental properties that he owned. By the time I finished my discovery analysis, I concluded that for the five quarters of good data I was able to get, he had very minimal earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization [also known as EBITDA]. He would not be able to get the price for the business he needed to retire. I helped him get more liquidity into the business. But he will have to spend the next three to five years trying to get some revenue back into the business and some profit. So he was ready to retire, but it just couldn’t happen. ID: That’s unfortunate. ST: It is. Typically these business owners have an unrealistic expectation of what their business is worth. I mean, people tell them things about how to value their business and they tend to listen only to the things that assign the maximum value in their mind for it. We’re able to look at it more objectively and give them a realistic gauge. That’s why it’s best to start this process early. It can take three to five years of planning to do it right. QAstephentaylor_PQ.jpgID: What was the size of his business? ST: His business was $7 million to $10 million in revenue. [The staff size was] probably 25 to 30 and probably half of those people were in the office doing various support functions. ID: How often do you work with small businesses in this situation? ST: I talk about exit strategies even when the business owner doesn’t bring it up. One of the things that happens a lot in a small business is that for the business owner, it becomes a job and not a business. And when he’s ready to retire, there’s really nothing there of value. If the business owner wants to build something of value, build a company—that’s one thing. But if he’s just in it for a job, he’s not going to have anything of value when he wants to exit. ID: Based on your experience and insight, what would be your tips to small businesses owners seeking an exit strategy? What should they do and what should they not do? ST: First of all, it takes a lot of planning obviously. One thing that a lot of small business owners do is run their businesses for tax efficiency and they take advantage of charging whatever they can for the business to save on their income taxes. It’s perfectly fine and legal to do that, but it creates a problem. Buyers will typically look back at the three years of EBITDA. It is important for a business owner to do everything possible to maximize EBITDA at least three years prior to an exit.  Some business owners continue to run their business for tax efficiency but that diminishes EBITDA and the perceived value of the company. If you know you’re going to exit the business in three years, you should start managing to maximize profits and not minimize taxes. ID: Do you have another example with a small business client that you can share that illustrates one of your tips? ST: Another one that I was indirectly involved with was when I helped a partner. In this case, the owner wanted to retire but was willing to stay on temporarily. We were able to engineer a plan whereby the manager, chief operating officer, and a group of senior managers were able to buy the business out over time with the seller taking a [promissory] note. That can be done when the business owner has done a good job of building his management team. If you have a strong senior management team, they’re always good candidates to acquire the business. VentureCapital_Body.jpgby Jen Hickey. Looking for that big return Defending your interests  Equity comes at a price VentureCapital_PQ.jpgShop around Investors provide more than just cash Understanding terms, conditions, and valuation QAmitchellweiss_Body.jpgby Jen Hickey. Business writer Jennifer Hickey recently spoke with author and educator Mitchell Weiss about his latest book Business Happens: A Practical Guide to Entrepreneurial Finance for Small Businesses & Private Practices. Weiss is an adjunct professor of finance at the University of Hartford and co-founder of the University’s Center for Personal Responsibility. He has also owned and operated commercial finance companies, providing financing to businesses of all sizes for over 30 years. JH: What was the inspiration for this book and how did you come up with the structure? MW: It’s written from two perspectives: From my experience of running businesses as well as that of someone who’s provided financing to businesses. I tried to thread my personal experience along with putting out the basics of how to run a business. Part one goes over all you should do/know before founding a business. Part two covers organizing and managing a business. Part three details how a business seeks financing and how to overcome financial adversity. At the end of each section, there’s a list of questions meant for the reader to synthesize that information and apply it to their own businesses. At the end, I include anecdotes of my 30 years running businesses. JH: Discuss the importance of “chemistry” and “cookies” when choosing legal/financial advisors for your business. MW: I use the example of when one of my partners and I were looking for a law firm. We compiled a list of possible firms based on recommendations from colleagues after researching them. We then began the interview process, visiting these firms a number of times to meet with partners. The firm we ultimately chose was well established and the only one that offered us food! While feeding us didn’t hurt, we decided to go with this firm because we felt the most comfortable with them. Of course, there are costs to consider. But, after several meetings, we felt they could guide us through complex matters with our best interests in mind. They earned our trust. You need to get a sense of the people you’re working with to determine that level of trust. We ultimately went with our gut, and we weren’t disappointed. Another point this story brings up is ‘assignment of credibility.’ We’re pre-disposed to trusting someone a family member/friend/colleague trusts. Those referrals carry a lot of weight and can, as a result of expanding your network, help you find other people you’ll need for your business over time. JH: What are the primary risks and responsibilities every entrepreneur must stay on top of when running a business?  MW: Business owners are responsible to five constituencies: customers, suppliers, lenders, investors, and employees. If you don’t treat your customers properly, they won’t come back and, worse, may go on Yelp or some other social media site to criticize your business. If you don’t pay your suppliers on time, they’re going to shut you down or raise their prices, which will eat into your profits. If you don’t manage your finances properly, your lender may call the loan. If your business doesn’t perform as promised, you won’t get investment capital, including from family/friends. Finally, if you don’t compensate your employees fairly, they’re not going to stick around long, and when you have high turnover this affects all the rest of your constituencies. All the risks come down to financial risks in the end, as they all affect the bottom line. First, there are ‘market risks’—a market change that you didn’t see coming or worse didn’t respond to it. There are ‘hazard risks,’ which can be mitigated with various insurance products. Finally, the lack of available credit is a serious financial risk when you go into business. Money was easy to get until 2007 and 2008, and then banks reigned in their lending practices. I advocate having more than one way out of the room. Do you have access to other forms of capital? Do you have assets you can sell off? Your business might be harmed without another way out. JH: Explain the difference between a business plan and strategic plan and why it’s necessary to have both? MW: A business plan is your foundational document: your idea, the concept, why it’s an opportunity. It maps out how you plan to get your business off the ground, who will be involved and how you plan to accomplish this. The business plan is then modified through the strategic plan, which analyzes your business’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, also known as SWOT analysis. Strengths/weaknesses are internal—company’s strong/weak points—and opportunities/threats are external factors that affect your business. A SWOT analysis should be conducted routinely. You need to stay on top of the market to make sure you’re not missing anything. Talk to your sales people. Are there pricing or quality control issues? You should always be sizing up your businesses against others in your industry. JH: What is a cash conversion cycle and why is it important to track? MW: A cash conversion cycle is an end-to-end evaluation—from production to collection. It helps you figure out how much cash you’ll need to float your business until you can collect on your receivables. As you do that, you’re examining three key areas of your business: • Inventory-to-sale conversion period: how long it’s taking to produce your product. • Sale-to-cash conversion period:  how long it takes to sell the product. • Purchase-to-payment conversion period: how long it takes to collect on the product once it’s sold. It gives you a snapshot of so many areas of your business. You can see whether there’s been a slowdown in the product cycle or maybe you’re not collecting from customers as quickly as you should or paying your bills too quickly, which leads to a cash flow shortfall. Maybe too much cash is going toward operating costs or your products are underpriced. It forces you to look at all these different aspects of your business, which are also the same metrics a lender/investor will be evaluating if you seek outside financing. QAmitchellweiss_NEW_PQ.jpgJH: You go into great detail about the ins/outs of taking on debt vs. equity. What should be considered by those seeking cash to grow their business? MW: Whether you’re considering borrowing from a lender or seeking investor equity, all money has to have a way out. Because debt has a higher priority of payback, it comes at a lower cost than investment capital. Equity costs more because investors are taking on more risk. Suppliers, lenders, employees all get paid first. Because there’s a greater risk, investors want a bigger return, which also includes a percentage of your business. From an entrepreneurial standpoint, you want to borrow as much money as you can so you don’t have to dilute ownership in your company. Lenders will be looking at the overall story arc of your business. That’s where the ‘5c’s of credit’ come into play—capital, capacity, collateral, conditions, and character. Earnings will be assessed to determine your company’s capacity to pay back the loan and collateral available in case you can’t. The condition of your company to weather any shocks or downturns will also be assessed. And because most business loans require a personal guarantee, lenders will not only be looking at your credit scores but also running a Lexis/Nexis search to find out if they can trust you to pay them back. You should also consider the terms and conditions of the loan to make sure you can live with them. What happens if volume falls off? Will you still be able to make your monthly payments? If a security deposit or additional collateral is required, negotiate for a release once you’ve paid down the loan to a certain value. If there are certain guarantees put in place because of a limited operating history, negotiate to have your business reviewed once you’ve paid down the loan to a certain extent so those provisions can be modified or released. JH: What are some of the pitfalls a business can encounter if there’s no clear organizational structure in place? NM: It’s important to have the right people in the right positions and the appropriate responsibilities for the positions they’re in. You need to make sure the workload is properly distributed when you’re building up the business. I prefer more horizontal organizations, with working managers that have more than one or two people reporting to them. That’s how I ran my businesses. If the hierarchy is too steep, then you run the risk of having to reduce your staff if business drops off.  Such disruption causes instability and fear among your work force, which in turn impacts productivity and can lead to even more turnover. You want to manage your business tightly. It’s more stressful for workers to have too little work than too much. Hire when you need it. Not in advance. You also should have good checks and balances to ensure there’s another set of eyes looking over important matters. This is called ‘segregation of responsibilities.’ While you need to have your people running checks on their own areas, you also need them to cross-check others. This prevents bad things from happening, including fraud. For example, when I was CEO/chairman, I couldn’t authorize payment on my expense reports; my CFO had to sign off, but not until after they’d been audited and approved by our accountant. Likewise, I had to sign off on my CFO’s expenses once audited and approved. QAcharlesgreen_Body.jpgby Susan Caminiti. SC: In what regard? SC: Is that where debt financing can help? This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. Troubledcredit_Body.jpgby Iris Dorbian. It’s a Catch-22 situation that many small business owners, particularly those adversely affected by the recent recession, have faced. To successfully apply for a loan from a bank or another accredited lender, it’s important to have excellent credit. Yet suppose your business was hit hard by the economic downturn and as a result, your credit report is less than stellar? What then? You certainly aren’t alone. According to a July 2012 study released by the Small Business Administration, the number of U.S. small business loans, characterized as $1 million or under, dropped by almost 5 percent in 2011, compared to three years before. Factoring into that decline was the low number of approved small business microloans, defined as $100,000 and below. But that dismal picture could be fading. A recent report by Experian and Moody Analytics revealed that in the first quarter of 2013, small business credit improved markedly from the final quarter of 2012, jumping to a 4.5-percent increase. However, such welcome tidings may not be of much use to small businesses plagued with bad credit scores. How then can they obtain the financing they need to stay afloat and survive? 1. Review your credit report and correct errors on it. Before you even think of scouring nontraditional sources for financing, you must first review your credit report to check for errors. Rectifying them could help you hike up your credit score. And if this is the case, you certainly have plenty of company. According to a study released earlier this year by the Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. consumer watchdog agency, 42 million Americans have errors on their credit report. In addition to correcting outdated information, you will need to remove duplicate or erroneous accounts, which according to Jeffrey Strickfaden, CEO of Improve Credit Consulting, a provider of financial management and credit improvement services, can magnify negative credit items. Strickfaden, who estimates nearly half of his clients are small business owners, also adds that “for any accounts that you may have closed in the past, make sure to verify that they are listed as voluntarily closed, and not closed by the creditor.” 2. Stop borrowing on your personal credit cards Although often thought of as a viable short-term solution for financially pinched small business owners, the consequences of excess credit card use may hurt you in the long run, particularly if you’ve been borrowing way too much. Avoid this desperate measure at all costs. Rohit Arora, CEO of Biz2Credit, an online resource for small business finance, agrees. “If you owe more than 50 percent of your outstanding credit limits, your credit score drops,” he says. “It is better to use multiple credit cards than maxing out one card.” 3. Document your business investments Troubledcredit_PQ.jpgIf a small business owner can produce an extensive trail of documentation proving that she has invested in her own business, then it might be easier to obtain financing, even with a poor credit score, says Arora. “It’s easier to tell banks that the reason you have debt is because you are spending to try and grow your business,” he explains. “This is especially true if you are trying to get lower financing, such as an SBA loan.” 4. Make credit card payments on time This might sound like personal finance 101 but it’s a truism when it comes to maintaining good credit. If you want to clean up a spotty credit history, then it’s imperative you pay your credit card debt on time. Nothing will make your score plummet faster than late payments. 5. Use merchant cash advances For small businesses that have been unable to repair their credit for whatever reason, merchant cash advances, which are funds provided to small business owners via their merchant provider for a percentage of credit and/or debit card sales, could be a viable financing option. The only drawback is the risk it incurs. According to Wanda Strickfaden, president of Improve Credit Consulting, becoming delinquent with monthly repayments “can lower your scores with the business bureaus and eventually cause further damage with a business rating.” But even with this risk, the option can still be a good alternative for small business owners exploring nontraditional avenues of financing. Jeff Strickfaden cites an example to bolster his point. “One of our colleagues that is a certified public account was interested in this option because it afforded him the freedom of having cash flow on hand if needed,” he recounts. “It also gave him other opportunities with different resources for lending.“ 6. Seek out community organizations or microlenders that provide nontraditional financing For many start-ups or existing small businesses that have either nonexistent or poor credit history, going to the route of traditional lending is not an However, there are a plethora of alternative organizations that can help small business owners secure the financing they need. Rohit suggests ACCION, a microlender, which according to its website, issued its first microloan 40 years ago, as an option. Another alternative is SBA’s microloan program, which provides loans of up to $50,000 to help small businesses. And, according to Dawn Reshen-Doty, president of Benay Enterprises, Inc., a Connecticut-based provider of services to both small and large businesses, there might be development organizations in your state that provide non-traditional financing, loans and/or grants. “They also often provide small business training so that companies can learn how to better manage their money, watch their cash flow, and become more viable in the long run,” she adds. As an example, Reshen-Doty refers to Community Economic Development Fund (CEDF) in Connecticut, which she says provides between “6 to 10-year low interest rate loans and even matching grants that do not have to be repaid.” A caveat is issued with this recommendation. “Of course they require several years’ financials,” she notes. “Applicants have to show that with the infusion of loans and grants, their business will remain at the break-even point or become more economically successful. They even have programs to subsidize payroll costs for new hires so that businesses are incentivized to hire more employees.” Other examples from Reshen-Doty: • The Massachusetts Growth Capital Fund, which does provide low-interest financing to small business that are “able to demonstrate potential” but have been denied financing through traditional outlets; and Although the paperwork that these community organizations require might seem daunting to some small business owners, Reshen-Doty explains that “the process is worthwhile, as you can learn what your business truly needs to succeed as well as gain invaluable information and support from agencies that want local businesses to grow and thrive.” For small businesses that have been unable to obtain financing due to poor credit scores, there are positive solutions in lieu of closing shop. Just do some research and you will find a wealth of alternative financing options at your disposal. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and interviewees.  You should consult a qualified professional to assist you in determining the most effective funding options for your business. OptimizeCash_Body.jpgby Iris Dorbian. For a small business owner, managing your cash flow, (the movement of cash to and from your business as opposed to cash deposited in a bank) may be your most important responsibility. In fact, in a recent poll conducted by CPA2Biz, the marketing and technology services subsidiary of the American Institute of CPAs, 83 percent of the 500 small businesses surveyed reported that their prime concern is maintaining adequate cash flow. And according to the Small Business Administration, the federal agency that provides support and resources to small business owners and entrepreneurs, the failure to manage cash flow is a significant reason why so many small businesses close their doors each year. Make no mistake about it: Even if it’s unintentional, just a mere oversight or misstep in your handling of the company coffers can cause untold damage to your reputation, brand, and credit rating. How then can you prevent such errors from happening while optimizing your cash flow? Here are five cash flow best practices that can steer you in the right direction. 1. Negotiate with vendors This takeaway can be a great method for pre-empting future financial headaches. If you’re experiencing a fiscal pinch, talk to your vendors about extending due dates. Or try re-negotiating payment terms. Remember, your vendors are also in business and they, like you, want to get paid on time. John Burger, owner of the online toy company Playfully Ever After, has made this tip a key underpinning of managing his company’s cash flow. And based on his experience, most vendors are willing to be flexible if it guarantees payment.  To bolster his point, Burger, whose company is based outside Dallas and has seven employees, recounts an experience where re-negotiating with a vendor garnered positive results. “We hit a cash-flow crunch after spending quite a bit of money at the Toy Fair 2013 expanding into new toy lines,” he recalls. “There was no way we could place the large orders we needed to make to sustain our top-selling brand. I called and talked with our rep and they were more than willing to work with us. In fact, they even offered us special terms. From now on, we only have to spend $3,500 to get the same 10 percent discount or $1,500 to get a 5 percent discount. This meant we could reorder more frequently and keep items in stock, which increased sales for both of us.” OptimizeCash_PQ.jpg2. Build yourself a cushion Almost every business goes through an up-and-down cash cycle. Such fluctuations can often be dictated by myriad factors that range from seasonal trends to the overall health of the economy. During periods when your cash flow is booming, don’t get complacent and risk your business with extravagant or unnecessary expenses. Be prudent in your spending and start saving for those periods when money might not be flowing like champagne. Adrienne Polk, operations and strategy manager of the Washington, D.C-based Ross Business Management, a provider of financial and operational solutions to small businesses, agrees. “You want to create a buffer along the way, not just once in a while,” she says. “This will allow you flexibility and more breathing room in your business. When you are down to the wire all of the time, it can be completely paralyzing. Although you may need to spend money to make money, if you are paralyzed by fear or lack of funds, your business will suffer.” 3. Trim unnecessary expenses If you want to attain a strong grasp of your cash flow, then it behooves you to make a thorough and detailed assessment of the items that can be cut from your balance sheet and what can stay in. Scrutinize your expenses. Figure out what is essential and what can be excised.  You
don't have to buy the employees lunch, take a client golfing, or spend money on a birthday cake,” Burger explains. “Those types of things can wait. It's more important that your employees get paid and you have money to buy product.” 

 4. Request prompt payment of services This might sound like a no-brainer solution to cash flow problems, but it bears repeating when dealing with vendors and/or clients. Andrew Schrage, co-owner of Money Crashers, a personal finance website, agrees, but notes that debtors might need to gain an incentive to ensure prompt payment. “To motivate debtors to pay quickly, offer a small discount for prompt payment,” he says. “So even though you may take a bit of a hit on profits, it's ultimately worthwhile.” 5. Tighten up employee hours during slow times To better optimize your cash flow, you might consider reducing hours for employees during the slow periods. This tip has worked wonders for Burger’s Playfully Ever After staff. When his business was experiencing the doldrums, Burger had his hourly staff start work one hour later. And on days that were especially slow, staffers were told to go home earlier than expected. “This saved an extra $600 a month in payroll,” he explains. “Every bit helps.” Along the same lines, if your cash flow problems are growing increasingly dire, short of terminating your staff, you might also want to change employees’ salary status to an hourly basis. “Most employees hate this and it can be a tough sell,” admits Burger. “But it allows you to save money on slow
times when employees may not be working as much. If your business is in jeopardy, this is an option you should think about.” Other ways to solve your cash flow problems courtesy of Burger are as follows: • Offer one free vacation day instead of pay raises. “To improve cash flow for the next year, give everyone in the company an extra day off each month in lieu of pay raises,” he says. “I had an employer do this once, and at first people were upset, but then we learned to love having the first Friday off of every month.” • Establish a line of credit. “Talk with your banker,” advises Burger. “Most banks are more than willing to help you establish a line of credit for your business. You don't have to use it all the time, but this can help when cash gets
tight.” To maintain the longevity of your business operations, it’s imperative to manage your cash flow as wisely as possible. In this area, there’s no room for carelessness or irresponsibility, especially if you want your business to survive the long haul. Disclaimer: Since the details of your situation are unique, you should always seek the services of a qualified CPA or other qualified financial professional. Filter Article By tag:
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Free delivery WeSC - Cymbal Unisex Premium On-Ear Headphones with Mic - Hibiscus Code: R02LE • 1,10m cord Product details •1,10m cord This stylish unisex headphone is offered in three different colours--back, hibiscus, smoked pearl and white--laced with a signature gold trim and sports leather ear cups. What makes the Cymbal so unique is its sharing capability. It's designed to allow multiple users to plug into one media device without sacrificing sound quality. The feature is known as 'daisy-chaining.' And unlike many headphones that rely on a bass-heavy sound, the Cymbal's 40mm drivers deliver quality sound with a 20-200 000 Hz frequency range. It also has Apple 3-touch technology that gives users a hands-free mic and volume control option. Bulk Prices Item code Item name Quantity Price R02LE WeSC - Cymbal Unisex Premium On-Ear Headphones with Mic - Hibiscus (1+) £62.44 • 30 day EOM credit account • volume discount pricing • online and in-store use of account • one-to-one account management • bespoke product sourcing and branding • free delivery on orders over £10 • scheduled and forward ordering service Contact our business team on  • Home Delivery • Click & Collect Sale now on
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Deep sea mining PNG’s Sensitive Marine Ecosystems The integrity of marine ecosystems all over the world is threatened by human activities such as dumping of rubbish, disposal of chemical and radioactive waste, extraction of oil and gas, and fishing. Mining for sand and minerals in shallow waters has been conducted for decades, but th Read More
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Make Yourself at Home Which currency would you like to shop in at connox.com? Heikki Orvola Main category   Sort: Lowest price   Heikki Orvola Professor Heikki Orvola was born in Helsinki, Finland, in 1943. He is one of the pioneers of Finnish design and he works with glass, ceramic, cast iron and drapery. Although he works in the art industry, he also uses a lot of different materials to make his pure art impressive. During his career as designer, Heikki Orvola has been awarded several prizes, among others the Kaj-Franck-Prize in 1998 – maybe the most important Finnish design prize.
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Welcome, guest!  |   Login  |   Login to Your Account   |  » Forgot your password? Thread: Hello all Tools Search Old January 30th, 2002, 10:33 PM Full Member Join Date: January 17th, 2005 Posts: 153 Is there any special html code that would allow me to change the size of a popup window without using javascript. I have thumbnail images that are 100x99 and the same pic as a 300x297 and I dont want a popup to see a larger image to take up the whole screen Old January 31st, 2002, 07:17 AM ABW Ambassador Join Date: January 18th, 2005 Posts: 758 Hi Freetweek, Nice to see you! DynamicDrive.com has a really nice script that auto-centers the new window and let's you code in the dimensions. I use it all the time. DynamicDrive has a bunch of other cool Dhtml & JS too. Great site! [ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: breeze ] Old January 31st, 2002, 06:27 PM Full Member Join Date: January 17th, 2005 Posts: 153 Whats up breeze. I am here almost everyday reading and learning. I am the quiet but sneaky type. Ya know!!! Anyway I have been implementing all I have learned so far and am starting to apply all knowledge learned here. I am trying to get up some capital to start my own site selling my own goods. I know what I am going to sell its just setting it up and getting it going. I know how to run a brick and mortar business seeing as I have been doing it for 12 years but there are just a few different principals to apply to the internet. By the way breeze that is exactly what I was looking for Join ABW to remove this sponsored message. Old February 1st, 2002, 03:32 PM Full Member Join Date: January 17th, 2005 Posts: 153 Now that I got the popups to work I have thought about my navigation and what I need is preferrably a cgi script for my navigation menu. Insyead of changing everysingle page everytime I add a new categorie all I want to do Is change 1 txt file and change all the pages at once. I had found a decent one before but I cant seem to find it now that I really want one. Any direction would be appreciated [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Old February 2nd, 2002, 09:01 PM Full Member Join Date: January 17th, 2005 Posts: 92 SSI is the simplest way to use one file for a menu. I use a header, menu, and a footer file to construct pages. Then the only thing not dynamic on the page is the content. BNB has a great intro to SSI. http://www.bignosebird.com/ssi.shtml Old February 2nd, 2002, 09:24 PM ABW Ambassador Join Date: January 17th, 2005 Location: Canada Posts: 1,653 Hey Bassmaster, the Free Traffic site in your sig has a spelling error on the front page - should be "affiliates" not "afilliates". If it's your site you should fix it. Elisabeth Archambault Join ABW to remove this sponsored message. Old February 2nd, 2002, 10:54 PM Full Member Join Date: January 17th, 2005 Posts: 92 WOW :rolleyes: Thanks Elisabeth Just goes to show how helpful it is to have someone else proofread. That site is fairly new, also it's the first site I've ever plugged in a sig. Still can't believe I missed it. Old February 4th, 2002, 03:02 PM Full Member Join Date: January 17th, 2005 Posts: 153 @ Bassmaster Thanks for the link. I have got my ssi menu working. Not only do I have a menu now but I am also going to have a few other sections that will be updated by a single file. I was trying to stay away from ssi because I thought it much harder than it actually is. The more I learn the easier it gets!!!!!!!!!! Tools Search Advanced Search Posting Rules You may not post new threads You may not post replies You may not post attachments You may not edit your posts BB code is On Smilies are On [IMG] code is On HTML code is Off Trackbacks are Off Pingbacks are Off Refbacks are Off Forum Jump Welcome to ABestWeb.com Create your username to jump into the discussion! (4 digit year) Already a member? Content Relevant URLs by vBSEO ©2011, Crawlability, Inc.
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Share this entry ergotamine Syllabification: er·got·a·mine Pronunciation: /ərˈɡätəˌmēn/ /-min/ Definition of ergotamine in English: A compound present in some kinds of ergot. An alkaloid, it causes constriction of blood vessels and is used in the treatment of migraine. Example sentences • A combination of verapamil and ergotamine may be considered. • Oral preparations combining ergotamine and caffeine are available, as are rectal suppositories. • Of course his diuretic would probably now be furosemide and his ergotamine tartrate today might be sumatriptan. Definition of ergotamine in: Share this entry What do you find interesting about this word or phrase? Get more from Oxford Dictionaries Subscribe to remove ads and access premium resources
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[ 4, 0, 3, 2, 1 ]
Desperate state of US states will ensure online gaming legalization TAGs: economic downturn Desperate-States-Gaming-LegalizationThe New York Times has posted a rather stark article detailing the lingering effects of the economic downturn across America. Simply put, state governments have run out of fat to cut from their budgets, and unless new revenue sources are identified, the next cuts will be more akin to amputations. Ultimately, the potential tax revenue from legal online gaming will prove too tempting to ignore. The process will take longer than some overeager optimists in our industry are predicting, and will likely be rolled out piecemeal, state by state, rather than at the federal level. And sports betting will still be excluded, with the possible exception of some kind of intrastate setup in Nevada. But when state governments start telling parents not to send their kids to school on Fridays because there’s no money to keep the joint open five days a week, you can be sure that changes are in the works. Read more.
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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[ 4, 3, 1, 0, 2 ]
2019, July 11: The 7/11 Birth Proud parents! [Larger version here] There's no denying that baby J'Aime Brown's birth was something special.         She was born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, on July 11, 2019, to Johntez Brown and Rachel Langford at 7:11PM... and she weighed 7 lbs, 11 oz. So that's three "7/11"'s, remembering that July is the seventh month of the year!         The odds of such a conjunction is astronomical, so I suspected a reporter of taking liberties to make the numbers match; but the card in the crib confirms the hospital agrees with the time and weight given above, so it's a remarkable coincidence.         In a later interview with CNN, Rachel Langford claimed she "kept seeing the numbers 7 and 11 during her pregnancy," but didn't see it as significant at the time. She claimed to be a little "freaked out" by the matter still, but also said she was planning on telling the convenience store chain called '7-Eleven' about the weird occurrence... hoping for free slurpies, perhaps?         It was certainly worth contacting the 7-Eleven convenience chain about J'aime Brown's birth... it was reported on June 19 that the store chain's corporate offices donated a number of baby care goods to the family -- including, not surprisingly, some "7-Eleven" onesies -- and then also -- surprisingly -- started a college fund for the newborn with $7,111!
Nonfiction Writing - Long reads, profiles, editorials, essays, obituaries, memoirs and other forms of nonfiction writing - Written by journalists and other professional writers
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[ 4, 0, 1, 3, 2 ]
Books: The Cheapest Vacation You Can Buy Last week, Jo Michael’s talked about the Millennium Maxwell House in Nashville on her blog, giving specifics about the hotel, room sizes, and how to book for the UtopYA June 18-21 conference in 2015! So, this week, I’m going to follow up with some information about the restaurants inside the hotel, because, if you’re like me–flying in–then you may have limited options in terms of leaving the hotel for foods. And that’s okay, because Millennium Maxwell House has two awesome restaurants—Pralines and Maxwell’s Lounge. (I tried to get menus, but that was a bust, so sorry.) First, let’s talk about Maxwell’s Lounge, because in my opinion, that’s where it’s at. Millennium Nashville Dining Image Last year, I spent every evening here, sipping the specially crafted drink made JUST for the con, meeting and greeting friends and author idols, eating the BEST quesadillas, and all around having a good time. Especially for the costumed Karaoke… yeah, that happened. And it’ll happen again this year, so make sure you bring a costume and get suited up! (You don’t HAVE to wear a costume, or sing, but we’d love to see you all dressed up). And the food here… well, it’s definitely delectable! I really, really enjoyed it! The service was fast, and the atmosphere is definitely welcoming, if a bit small. But we’re a rowdy bunch, and we make room for everyone. So make sure you come on down and join the fun! Check out my costume for Maxwell’s Lounge Karaoke Party: Minion Love Here’s what the hotel website has to say about Maxwells: Maxwell’s Lounge is the perfect setting in which to unwind after a day spent exploring the many delights that Nashville has to offer. As one of the livelier bars in Nashville, TN, Maxwell’s Lounge hosts entertainment every night of the week. Live bands regularly perform country, blues and alt-rock numbers while patrons socialize and enjoy a drink or two at the bar. Good food is also available, with the menu featuring a number of classic Southern dishes. All in all, this Nashville lounge is a great venue in which to enjoy a memorable night’s entertainment. Operating Hours 2:00pm – 11:00pm Other Information Food served, bar snacks served And then there’s Pralines. Millennium Nashville Dining Image This is more of a traditional sit down style restaurant than Maxwell’s Lounge (though you can certainly sit down and relax in Maxwell’s), and the buffet and food here is just as good—same kitchen as Maxwell’s Lounge—but I found it to be just a little small for our 700+ group. Hence, the wait for lunch was generally a bit long, and cramped. BUT—that just means planning on my part next year. Instead of trying to eat lunch during the lunch rush, I’m either going early or late. Since Pralines is open from 6am-10pm, there is plenty of time to get in, unlike Maxwell’s Lounge, which is only open in the afternoon to late evening. So plan accordingly! Here’s what the hotel website has to say about Pralines: For guests seeking delicious dining near downtown Nashville, look no further than Praline’s Restaurant. Located within the Millennium Maxwell House Nashville, the restaurant serves up fresh, inventive dishes throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner can all be enjoyed within a relaxed setting at Praline’s. The food is cooked to perfection, with an emphasis on sourcing local ingredients where possible. Operating Hours Breakfast 6:30am – 10:00am Lunch 11:00am – 2:00pm Dinner 5:00pm – 10:00pm Price Guide Breakfast $3-9 USD Lunch $5-12 USD Dinner $7-25 USD And of course, there are tons of places to eat outside of the restaurant if you have access to a car or plan to take a shuttle/taxi. So—what are you waiting for?  Book your tickets for UtopYA 2015 NOW on Eventbrite! And, be sure and pop on over to the other official utopYA blogs this month for more awesome information on the hotel (like booking the hotel, room rates, Nashville stuff to do, and in depth information on the rooms and amenities – there are TONS – available). Jo Michaels Blog – Week 1 (Millennium Maxwell House Information – Rooms, Rates, Codes) The Paisley Reader – Week 3 Book Junkie: Not So Anonymous – Week 4 UTOPYA Official Blogger et cetera %d bloggers like this:
Personal Blog - Written by an individual typically relating personal experiences and opinions - If the blog's comment section is longer than the blog post, choose 'Discussion Forum / Comment Section' instead
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[ 4, 2, 3, 0, 1 ]
Gavekal Capital: Leadership Trends Among Developed World Sectors Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Leadership Trends Among Developed World Sectors Regional leadership trends have changed recently in the global equity market.  So far this year, in USD terms, Developed Asia-Pacific is the best performing region in the developed world, with Europe second and North America last.  In the following tables we show regional performance by sector.  We equal weight all the stocks in the sectors and region to remove market-cap related distortions.   MSCI Asia-Pacific Driven by Japan, Asia-Pacific health care and consumer staples have been the two best performing sectors this year.  There are four sectors in Asia-Pacific that have outperformed the best performing sector in Europe.  MSCI Europe While consumer discretionary has led in Europe, Asian consumer discretionary stocks have actually performed better. MSCI North America Health care continues to lead market performance in the US and is actually the only North American sector to outperform the MSCI World index YTD. Turning to aggregate developed world performance, we can see that leadership is still in the growth counter-cyclical health care and consumer staple groups.  Among the cyclical sectors, consumer discretionary and technology are the only two that are outperforming the MSCI World Index.  MSCI World
Academic Writing - Examples: a research paper, a paper abstract, a thesis, a literature review - This does not include other web pages that have academia and research only as their topic
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[ 0, 2, 3, 4, 1 ]
 ECMI Caucasus - European Centre For Minority Issues Caucasus Home » ECMI Caucasus » Team Tom Trier - Regional Director in the Caucasus and Senior Research Associate (ON LEAVE) Tom Trier is the Senior Research Associate for the European Centre for Minority Issues and has been the Regional Director of ECMI Caucasus since 2005. With a background in social anthropology, he specializes in ethno-politics and migration issues in Eastern Europe and the CIS, particularly in the Caucasus region. For more than a decade, Tom Trier has worked extensively in the Caucasus region, including the North Caucasus (Ingushetia and Chechnya), Azerbaijan, and Georgia. He is the author of a wide range of publications and articles on ethno-political issues. He has recently edited a major study (with Andrei Khanzhin) on the deported Meskhetians, The Meskhetian Turks at a Crossroads: Integration, Repatriation or Resettlement? (Berlin: LIT, 2007), as well as written a book on ethno-politics in Abkhazia (with Hedvig Lohm and David Szakonyi) titled Under Siege: Inter-Ethnic Relations in Abkhazia (London: Hurst & Co., 2010). Ewa Chylinski – ECMI Senior Adviser and Acting Director for ECMI Caucasus Regional Office Contact Email Former ECMI HQ deputy director 2004-2011, she joined the ECMI directly from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in Warsaw where she was head of programmes for several years. She has an extensive background in practice-oriented research and field experience in nationalities/minority issues from the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In addition to her position at the ECMI Caucasus, she continues to advise ECMI on various programmes, including managing ECMI Belarus project. Ewa Chylinski is particularly engaged in the issue of ratification of the Council of Europe convention of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages among Council of Europe State parties. She is recently co-author and co-editor of a major standard analytical work on ECRML “Ready for Ratification” http://www.ecmi.de/publications/category/ecmi-handbooks/ Her academic background includes Eastern Europe area studies and Middle East studies in her capacity of a former Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Institute of East-West Studies at the University of South Jutland, Denmark. She is occasionally teaching courses at the University of Flensburg and lecturing at other academic institutions in Europe and beyond. Giorgi Bobghiashvili - Project Coordinator Contact Email Giorgi Bobghiashvili has graduated from the Comenius University (Slovakia) with a MA degree in European Studies and has studied as a visiting fellow at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) within the same program. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (Specialization in International Relations) from Tbilisi State University. As a student of social and political sciences his spheres of interest include international affairs, regional security, ethnicity and nationalism focusing on regions of Central and Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. After finishing his work at the F.A. Hayek Foundation he joined the ECMI Caucasus in November Giorgi works on civic integration of ethnic minority youth, advocating minority rights at governmental and societal level. His work also promotes the European integration process of Georgia among ethnic minority population, as well as researching ethnic minority issues across the Caucasus region Elena Proshikian - Project Assistant Contact Email Joined the ECMI Caucasus in June, 2012 Bakar Lomsadze - Administrative Assistant Contact Email Bakar Lomsadze joined ECMI Caucasus in 2008 as an intern. After the completion of his internship, he continued the work with ECMI Caucasus as a web site administrator. In 2010 Bakar moved to the general administration and is now involved in program related activities. Bakar graduated from Tbilisi Institute of Asia and Africa (TIAA) in 2010 with Master of Social Science in International Relations. Previously he obtained a bachelor degree in international relations. In 2006 Bakar lived in Damascus, Syria for 1 year, studying at "Arabic Teaching Institute for non-Arabic Speakers" while attending special course of English language and literature at the Damascus University. Prior to his assignment as an intern in ECMI Caucasus he was working in the non-governmental organization "Amagdari" as a project assistant. Maria Diego Gordon - Intern Contact Email Joined ECMI in May, 2015 Maria Diego Gordon holds a bachelor degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and spent a year in Sciences Po - Paris, where she got the chance to deepen her knowledge in international relations. Her academic interests include nationalism, minority and identity issues, and their interaction with the ruling elites of a country, as well as their impact in its history and (symbolic) landscape, especially in Eurasian and Caucasus regions. Roberto Memme - Intern Contact Email Joined ECMI in October, 2015 Roberto Memme holds a bachelor degree in Legal Operator for Economics and Business from the University of Brescia (Italy) and he’s attending a specialistic degree in Human Rights and Ethics for International Cooperation at the UNESCO Chair of the University of Bergamo (Italy). His academic interests are history, human rights enforcement, economics, pedagogy and human development issues. He’s contributing to the internazionalization of the Roddy Scott Foundation ‘s online newspaper “Pankisi Times” on which Kist children wrote; it’s a “twinning project” between Pankisi youth and Bovezzo youth (his town youth). He’s interested in deepen his knowledge about Kist minority and he’s also concerned in a comparative and feasibility study between some Italian international cooperation’s project strategies in southern Africa (Great Limpopo Trans Frontiers Park) and the Georgia-Armenia’s cross-border cooperation politics in Javakheti region. Federico Salvati - Intern Contact Email Joined ECMI in October, 2015 Federico holds a master degree in international relations from Sapienza University in Rome (2015). He has been working for the Italian National Center for Academic Research (CNR) and the High Institute for Defense Studies (CASD) in Italy as a research assistant. During his work he has been traveling in the South Caucasus and in Russia where he carried on several field activities related to his research work. Currently, he works for an NGO (EUCASA) in Brussels actively involved in peacebuilding, youth empowerment, conflict resolution and economic development. His research interests are mainly (but not only) about conflict resolution and geopolitics of the post soviet area.
Organizational About Page - Typically contains a self-description or introduction by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization - Note that the content may appear similar to a 'Knowledge Article' in some cases, but is not verified and may contain self-promotion
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Spotify chief distances music streaming group from Netflix Spotify chief executive Daniel Ek has sought to distance his company from Netflix, telling investors the two are “vastly different businesses”, after the recent crash in the video streaming service’s stock price sliced Spotify’s value by a fifth. “I think a lot of people are grouping us and Netflix together . . . despite both being media companies and primarily subscription revenue companies, that’s kind of where the similarities end for me,” Ek said on Wednesday. “With Spotify we are a platform, Netflix is not. With Spotify we have a free service, Netflix does not . . . it’s vastly different businesses,” he added. Shares in the music streaming service have dropped nearly 20 per cent since Netflix revealed its subscriber growth had stalled, fuelling fears over the business model as inflation soars. Although Ek is demurring from comparisons with Netflix, Spotify has in the past tried to convince investors it could imitate the path of Netflix, which has been one of the most successful stocks of recent years. Spotify hired Barry McCarthy, Netflix’s former chief financial officer, to lead it through a public listing. He has often compared Spotify to Netflix, telling investors that the music streaming group “reminds me of my first 10 years at Netflix” and likening Spotify’s podcast push to Netflix’s initial move into streaming video. Spotify’s stock has dropped more than 50 per cent this year. The company has been hit by macroeconomic concerns over inflation and the war in Ukraine, as well as a fundamental reassessment of streaming as a business model. The group’s market value has shrunk to $21bn, a third of its size during its pandemic highs last year. However, chief financial officer Paul Vogel said he had not seen any indication that the macro environment was affecting its numbers. “We definitely think Spotify is a product that people want to continue to have,” he said. “Any uncertainty whether its war or macro, it’s always going to be there.” The company added 2mn subscribers in the first three months of the year, even as it lost customers after shutting down in Russia and despite protests against the service over podcaster Joe Rogan and misinformation regarding coronavirus vaccines. The group reached 182mn paid subscribers and 422mn total users by the end of March. During the quarter, Spotify stopped billing subscribers in Russia because of its attack on Ukraine, which the company last month warned would cost it about 1.5mn subscribers. Spotify predicted it would add 5mn subscribers in the three months to the end of June, accelerating again despite an expected additional loss of 600,000 subscribers in Russia. The company’s first-quarter revenue rose 24 per cent from the same period a year ago to €2.7bn. Spotify’s shares are down more than 12 per cent by mid-afternoon in New York. Articles You May Like Tether also confirms its throwing weight behind the post-Merge Ethereum
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Top Definition Get two cars and have them going opposite ways down a stretch of road. Have a driver and person sitting behind the driver in both cars. The person sitting behind the driver has an icecream in their hand. Drive towards each other and attempt to make the biggest mess possible on the other car. Hahaha, did you hear about the cone joust we had last Sunday? by Michael November 06, 2004 Free Daily Email Emails are sent from We'll never spam you.
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16000 IDPs provided mobile SIMS 16000 IDPs provided mobile SIMS Miranshah- The government is rigorously making efforts to help the IDPs of North Waziristan Agency. According to FATA Disaster Management Authority, initially, 16,000 IDPs have been provided mobile SIMs so that they can get financial assistance without any problem. Each IDPs family is being provided 5,000 rupees for non-food items, besides 10,000 rupees for rent of the house and other food requirements. Meanwhile, a total of 398 more families comprising 3,070 individuals have been registered as fresh IDPs from North Waziristan Agency. FATA Disaster Management Authority told Radio Pakistan that the number of total displaced families has risen to 38155. All the registered IDPs are being provided food items, medical facilities and assistance in cash. sims mobile idps more in National comments powered by Disqus
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World Tai Chi & Qigong Day             A leading internet "Tai Chi Medical Research Site !"     Share this site: AIDS. Studies indicate regular T'ai Chi practice may boost one's T-cell count, while improving outlook, and providing a soothing gentle exercise. The relaxed forms effectively oxygenate the body while moving blood and lymph throughout. Research on psychoneuroimmunology: tai chi as a stress management approach for individuals with HIV disease ... The quantitative data in this study were corroborated by the interview data for participants in the tai chi group, who described physical, emotional, spiritual, and social benefits of participating in the group. These findings indicate that the tai chi intervention may account for clinically meaningful improvements in psychosocial functioning. Ultimately, it may be shown that tai chi moderates the progression of HIV disease through enhanced quality of life and coping mechanisms. -- NIH Study shows tai chi and aerobic exercise improve quality of life in patients with advanced HIV (AIDS). Check for World Tai Chi & Qigong Day articles on various health conditions and Tai Chi & Qigong (Chi Kung) Therapy, that you may publish on your website, by clicking here. View Amazing Testimonials Video - Tai Chi Health Benefits: Harvard Medical School Releases Historic Tai Chi Medical Research Lecture to Commemorate World Tai Chi & Qigong Day! Many of these health listings are provided courtesy of excerpts from Reprinting is strictly forbidden without express written consent from the     FREE OnLine Lessons      Find Local Classes      School Resources      About WTCQD      Medical Research    DVDs, Books, Lifestyle      Return to Homepage      Contact Us Official WTCQD T-Shirts NOW Available for Pre-order w/ Discounts click for retail or bulk order pricing Click to view retail or bulk order pricing! Tai Chi Lifestyle & Health Products Tai Chi & Qigong DVD! 40% OFF! Click for 40% discount on DVD and more
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Main Content Law & Order: SVU Benson Suits Up to Get the Word Out - Law & Order: SVU Also available on the nbc app With the squad on the hunt for more victims afraid to come forward, Benson (Mariska Hargitay) dons her captain uniform for an important press conference. Appearing:Mariska HargitayKelli GiddishPeter ScanavinoPhilip Winchester Tags: Law and Order, special victims unit, SVU, season 21, Mariska Hargitay, Olivia Benson, ice t, fin tutuola, kelli giddish, amanda rollins, dominick carisi, peter scanavino, kat tamin, jamie gray hyder, garland, Demore Barnes S21 E191 minHighlightDramaPrimetime
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News | iLounge GelaSkins vinyl iPod protectors announced GelaSkins has announced its new line of protective vinyl iPod skins. Featuring over 100 designs ranging from fine art prints to graffiti style street art, the $15 adhesive protectors are available for 4G and 5G iPods, the iPod mini, and iPod nano. “GelaSkins are easy to apply thanks to a special textured adhesive technology, which channels air out and prevents the formation of bubbles,” explains the company. “Even after extended use, GelaSkins remove cleanly leaving no residue on the iPod. Their low-profile design adds almost zero bulk, so the iPod will still integrate perfectly with other accessories such as its dock or the iTrip.” Griffin Survival Kit, TuneCenter Winners, Q&A Announced Responding to a preemptive lawsuit filed by Apple earlier this year, today announced that it has filed counterclaims officially accusing Apple of patent infringement. Burst alleges that Apple’s iTunes, iTunes Music Store, iPod, and QuickTime application infringe on four of Burst’s U.S. Patents (4,963,995; 5,995,705; 5,057,932 and 5,164,839). Burst’s counterclaims come after a suit that Apple filed against the company in January, seeking a declaration that Burst’s patents are invalid and that Apple does not infringe on them. Burst is seeking “a reasonable royalty for Apple’s infringing products and services, and also seeks an injunction against further infringement.” Mix: Pimp My Ride, Mophie, Subscription services, Woz/Jobs • April 17, 2006 The upcoming season of MTV’s “Pimp My Ride” will incorporate iPods into more than a third of its transformations, including “a 1990 Toyota Celica outfitted with an iPod hookup that includes a ridiculously capacious two-terabyte hard drive—enough space to play music for more than a year without repeating a song,” according to The Washington Post. Mophie has announced that the first 5,000 people to sign up for its newsletter will receive a free Relo Base Case for either the iPod nano or fifth-generation iPod. The first 200 people will get the case along with “limited edition Mophie gear.” The company says there are no shipping charges and no catches. Apple tops list of world’s most innovative companies BusinessWeek and the Boston Consulting Group have released the results of their second annual ranking of the 25 most innovative companies. Apple’s iPod and iTunes put the company at the top of the list this year. “To launch the iPod, says innovation consultant Larry Keeley of Doblin Inc., Apple used no fewer than seven types of innovation,” reports BusinessWeek. “They included networking (a novel agreement among music companies to sell their songs online), business model (songs sold for a buck each online), and branding (how cool are those white ear buds and wires?). Consumers love the ease and feel of the iPod, but it is the simplicity of the iTunes software platform that turned a great MP3 player into a revenue-gushing phenomenon.” Muffgear announces Designer Muffs Muffgear has announced its new Designer Muffs collection, which includes three cases designed by independent artists. Available in three styles for the fifth-generation iPod and iPod nano, the $17 cases are made from printed polyester canvas with a fleece lining. “The designer muff, is a collaborative effort to create a unique iPod cover showcasing the efforts of young up and coming artists with a percentage of the proceeds going into their pockets, we currently have two designers on board—DrunkPark (Seb Godfrey) & Task Focused (Rob Cordiner),” explains Muffgear. • April 14, 2006 Win Griffin iPod Survival Kits and more tonight in live iLounge chat mStation debuts new iPod speaker systems mStation has introduced two new iPod speaker systems—the mStation 2.1 Stereo Tower and the mStation 2.1 Stereo Orb. The Stereo Tower ($300) is a free-standing system featuring an aluminum design, 100 watts of power, and a dedicated subwoofer. The Orb ($150; shown) is a spherical desktop speaker system that offers 50 watts of power and built-in subwoofer. Both systems charge/sync iPods, come with 10-button remotes, and work with all iPod models. The two mStation systems are available immediately. Fabrix offers new polka-dot iPod cases Fabrix has announced a new range of polka-dotted iPod cases. Available in two styles in pink, blue, black and red, the handmade sleeve cases are lined with quilted padding to protect iPods against light bumps and scratches. The Fabrix cases range from $17 to $20 depending on the design and are available in sizes for standard iPods, iPod nanos and iPod minis. Mix: iPods on TV, Download tax,, Sony Ericsson • April 13, 2006 The Hollywood Reporter notes that during the past four months, iPods and Macs have been featured 250 times on 38 different network primetime shows—a total of 26 minutes of free exposure. Democratic politicians are more likely than Republicans to permit taxes on purchases of digital music and movies, according to an analysis by CNET Merrill Lynch cuts iPod estimates • April 13, 2006 • iPod, Merrill Lynch analyst Richard Farmer today lowered his iPod shipment estimates for Apple’s March quarter from 10.1 million to 8.8 million units. Based on monthly data from NPD Techworld, Farmer said he believes that March shipment numbers, to be released on April 19, will be below both January and February figures. Farmer’s 2006 iPod estimate falls from 53 million to 47 million units. Shaw Wu of American Technology Research said he also expects Apple to report iPod sales of 8.8 million units, while Bear Sterns analyst Andrew Neff said he expects Apple to ship 10.5 million iPods during the quarter. Directed Electronics offers iPod vehicle interfaces The Beatles set to sell songs online The Beatles are preparing to make their albums available through online music services after years of refusing to embrace digital music. During the Apple Corps vs. Apple Computer trademark lawsuit last week, Neil Aspinall, a former Beatles road manager and managing director of Apple Corps, said that the company was digitally remastering the entire Beatles catalog in preparation of selling it online. “I think it would be wrong to offer downloads of the old masters when I am making new masters,” he said. “It would be better to wait and try to do them both simultaneously so that you then get the publicity of the new masters and the downloading, rather than just doing it ad hoc.” A spokeswoman for Apple Corps confirmed Aspinall’s statement. Hear iPod 5G’s high/low quality recording modes, compared • April 12, 2006 • iPod, Following up on our First Look at Griffin Technology’s iTalkPro Stereo Microphone for fifth-generation iPods, we have now posted an audio quality comparison file so that listeners can hear the rough differences between the newest iPod’s different recording modes. The 9.1MB file, available here, contains samples of the iPod 5G in High and Low Quality modes outdoors and indoors, plus a sample of the iPod 4G in its original, lower-quality recording mode. Recorders by Belkin and XtremeMac will also take advantage of the 5G’s new modes, which were designed by Apple to enable podcasters, students, and business users to make CD- or superior voice-quality recordings on the go. Technical details can be found below. DLO HomeDock Deluxe now available Digital Lifestyle Outfitters today announced that it is now shipping its HomeDock Deluxe iPod docking system. First announced in January at Macworld Expo, the HomeDock Deluxe features on-screen navigation, allowing users to view and select their iPod’s music on a TV screen. The $150 system comes with an 18-button remote control and also plays videos and picture slideshows from capable iPods. You can read iLounge’s First Look at the HomeDock Deluxe for hands-on details and photos. IPac sends iPods to first round of senators • April 12, 2006 • iPod, IPac today announced that it has shipped the first 12 iPods to Senatorial campaign committees as part of the group’s “Your Senator Needs an iPod” campaign, which was created to help enlighten Senators who work on legislation affecting technology on the importance of balancing copyright and the public interest. Senators receiving iPods include Gordon Smith (R-OR), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), John Sununu (R-NH), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Conrad Burns (R-MT), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), John Ensign (R-NV), John Kerry (D-MA), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), George Allen (R-VA), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), and Trent Lott (R-MS). SendStation giving away 1,000 free PocketDock adapters SendStation Systems says it has teamed up with the Easter bunny to give away 1,000 free FireWire PocketDock iPod adapters. The thumb-sized PocketDock lets you connect a standard 6-pin FireWire cable to the dock connector of any iPod, allowing you to sync/charge your iPod with a FireWire cable or use older iPod accessories. The offer is available while supplies last or until April 16, 2006 and is limited to one PocketDock per person. BMW announces new iPod interface BMW has announced a new iPod interface for the newest generation of BMW models. The carmaker said that the new “BMW Interface for iPod” will be available for every current BMW model, including 3 Series Sedans and Sports Wagons, the new M5 Sedan and M6 Coupe, as well as the 5, 6, and 7 Series. Compatible with all dock connector iPods, the direct-connect unit lets BMW owners incorporate their iPods directly into their car’s sound system, allowing them to control playback and volume, shuffle songs, and sort music by playlists, artist, album, genre or podcast. Mix: Synaptics, iPorn, National Geographic, Creative Technology • April 12, 2006 Shares of Synaptics rose after an analyst at W.R. Hambrecht said that the company may have won a contract to produce the scroll wheel on the next iPod nano revision. Bloomberg columnist Mark Gilbert thinks Apple should consider offering adult entertainment on the iTunes Music Store. “iPod porn, desirable or not, may prove an irresistible temptation to a more profit-hungry Apple,” he says. Sign up for the iLounge Weekly Newsletter
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TIME E-Cigarettes Industry Is Winning the E-Cig Regulation Battle An e-cigarette on March 05, 2013 in Paris. Correction appended: June 12, 2014 It’s a critical time for the e-cigarette industry. In April, the FDA announced proposed rules to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products. The announcement kicked off a period of public comment so that e-cig makers and public health experts can raise concerns and give the FDA the necessary facts to write an appropriate set of final rules. Regulation is just like writing the rules of a new game—on one side there are businesses vying for industry-friendly regs, and on the other are public health advocates. So far, it looks like the businesses are winning. When the FDA first announced the start of the rule-making process, Time wrote about the positive reaction to them by e-cigarette executives, who saw them as a reasonable first step that would not greatly interfere with their businesses. Now, a few weeks into the rule-making process, business continues to be optimistic while public health advocates are getting worried. “The deeming rule that the FDA has proposed is very, very, very limited in its scope,” says Stanton Glantz, a cardiology professor at the University of San Fransisco and one of the most vociferous proponents of strict rules for e-cigs. “It requires a useless warning label and says they can’t be sold to kids under 18, but it doesn’t put any restrictions on internet sales, which means kids under 18 can easily get them. It has no restrictions on marketing at all.” This puzzles Glantz. “You would think that the Obama administration would be supporting tobacco control because it would reduce health care costs.” As far as Glantz is concerned, the administration has erred on the side of the tobacco interests. Naturally, one of the biggest concerns among health advocates is children’s access to e-cigarettes—and marketing of e-cigs to teens is up 321%, as TIME recently reported. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that almost 2 million students in the U.S. have tried e-cigarettes. Policies to address the issue run the gambit from the least controversial—like establishing an age restriction on purchasing e-cigs and child proof packaging—to the more divisive, like prohibiting marketing to teens, prohibiting internet sales, and restricting the use of kid-friendly candy-like flavors. But even the most basic restrictions—like better product labeling, and child proofing—were absent from the FDA’s initial deeming rules, making other restrictions on advocates’ wish lists seem that much further away. “Any meaningful rules on marketing of e-cigarettes are years, and years, and years away,” says Glanz, pointing out that if restrictions were imposed, e-cog companies would likely sue over marketing restrictions on first amendment grounds. Craig Weiss, the CEO of NJOY in Scottsdale, Arizona, one of the leading electronic cigarette brands, also thinks the FDA rules will stay fairly restrained. “The FDA are smart people,” he says. “They have to read everything and they will, but I think what you saw in the proposed regulations, that’s what you are going to see in the ultimate regulations as well.” As for whether any child-marketing restrictions would make sense down the line, Weiss says there are appropriate curbs, but there is no reason e-cigarette marketing should be as strict as tobacco. “You are confusing the arsonist with the firefighter,” he says. “Why would you treat products that are part of the solution as products that are part of the problem?” he says. Though NJOY is careful not to make direct claims that their products can help smokers quit, Weiss is a big believer in the potential for electronic cigarettes to replace cigarettes. Weiss supports limits on the age of actors in ads and rules against e-cigs appearing in cartoons, but he rejects the idea that there is anything wrong with his ads, which do feature young adults. That’s not good enough for public health advocates. “The best way to market to kids is to market to young adults,” says Glantz, “If you designed marketing to stop smoking in a 50 year old, it could be done. That’s not what they are doing. It wouldn’t be on MTV, it would be on evening news.” Weiss responds: “I’m interested in converting every adult smoker in the country to these products. I think it would be a tragedy for smokers to be smokers for decades before we advertise in a way that is appealing to them.” The battle over e-cig regulation isn’t settled, but if what’s going on now is any indication, that battle may have actually been over—and won by industry—before it even started. Correction appended: The original version of this story incorrectly described which restrictions are absent from the FDA’s initial deeming rules.
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Political Links American Renaissance Jared Taylor’s seminal online maganize devoted to assessing racial issues from an honest perspective. Taki Theodoracopulos’s irreverent online magazine. Peter Brimelow’s website focused on immigration and other cultural issues. Chronicles Magagazine America’s longstanding paleoconservative magazine. Foreign policy website from an anti-interventionist point of view. Rassemblement National France’s long-standing nationalist political party (in French). Leave a Reply WordPress.com Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
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Category: inaccessible January 30th, 2017 by GOTD_Editor Via Giveaway of the Day Do Your Data Recovery Professional is an easy-to-use and powerful hard drive data recovery tool to easily recover deleted, formatted or inaccessible files. It can retrieve lost files from PC, laptop, hard drive, digital device, storage device etc. on Windows. It also supports lost files recovery from the deleted partition. View full post and download here: Posted in data recovery, deleted, digital device, Do Your Data Recovery Pro, DoYourData, formatted, Giveaways, hard drive, inaccessible, laptop, PC, recover, storage device
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Seagate Innov8 User Manual Seagate Innov8 User Manual Was this content helpful? Frequently asked questions For help setting up and using your Seagate hard drive, review the frequently asked questions below. For additional support resources, go to Seagate customer support. All users Problem: My file transfers are too slow. Q: Are both ends of the included USB-C cable firmly attached? A: Review troubleshooting tips for cable connections below: • Check both ends of the USB cable and make sure that they are fully seated in their respective ports. • Try disconnecting the cable, waiting 10 seconds, and then reconnecting it. • Try a different USB cable. • If the drive is still not recognized, restart your computer and try again. Q: Are there other USB devices connected to the same port or hub? A: Disconnect Innov8 from the hub and connect it to a USB-C port on your computer. Q: Is the hard drive connected to a USB 2.0/3.0 Type A port on your computer or hub? A: Innov8 does not support connections to USB Type A ports. Connect Innov8 to a USB-C port on your computer. Q: Does your computer or operating system support USB 3.0 transfer rates? A: Confirm that your computer and operating system support USB 3.0 transfer rates. Select USB-C ports support USB 2.0 transfer rates. Q: Is your computer's internal hard drive limiting transfer speeds? A: A computer with a low-performance internal hard drive can limit transfer speeds for external hard drives. Problem: My battery keeps losing power. Q: Is your Innov8 frequently connected and disconnected from one or more computers? A: The battery can lose its charge quickly if it is frequently disconnected and reconnected to power sources. Problem: The drive icon does not appear on my desktop. Q: Is your Finder configured to hide hard drives on the desktop? A: Go to Finder and then check Preferences > General tab > Show these items on the desktop. Confirm that Hard Disks is selected. Q: Is your drive mounting in the operating system? A: Open Disk Utility at Go > Utilities > Disk Utility. If the drive is listed in the left-hand column, check your Finder preferences to see why it is not displayed on the desktop (review the question above). Q: Does your computer's configuration meet the minimum system requirements for use with this drive? A: Refer to the product packaging for the list of supported operating systems. Q: Did you follow the correct installation steps for your operating system? A: Review the installation steps in Connect your Innov8 to your computer. Problem: The drive icon doesn't appear in Computer. Q: Is the drive listed in Device Manager? A: All drives appear in at least one place in Device Manager. • Windows 7 and 10: Click Start and right click on the Computer to select Device Manager. • Windows 8: In the modern interface, type Device Manager and then click it. Look in the Disk Drives section and, if necessary, click the plus sign to view the full list of devices. If you're uncertain that your drive is listed, unplug it and then reconnect it. The entry that changes is your Seagate drive. Q: Is your drive listed next to an unusual icon? A: Windows Device Manager usually provides information about failures with peripherals. While the Device Manager can assist with troubleshooting most problems, it may not display the exact cause or provide a precise solution. An unusual icon next to the hard drive can reveal a problem. For example, instead of the normal icon based on the type of device, it is instead an exclamation mark, question mark or an X. Right click this icon and then choose Properties. The General tab provides a potential reason why the device is not working as expected.
FAQs - The page content is in the Frequently Asked Questions format
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Food Testing in China and Asia Make sure your food & food packaging is compliant with your market Lab Testing for Food in China and Asia What is special with Food Testing in China and Asia If you already work with us for Quality Inspection, Factory Audit or Quality Consulting operation, we then can assist you with product testing management by handling to send your product in an ISO 17025 accredited lab who will perform testing and certification. • Food Testing Service in China • A list of Common Test for food products are listed below: • ISTA • CONGE • EN • REACH • ASTMISTA 1A/2A/1B/2B • Heavy Metals in Packing Materials • Vibration/Drop Test • Bursting/Tearing/Tensile Test • Water Absorption Test • Aging Test, LFGB, EN, • FDAMicrobiological Analysis • Overall Migration Test • Extractable Ni & Cr Test • Contact with Food Part – Leachable Lead & Cadmium • PCP (Pentachlorophenol) Test You want to know more about Food Testing and Certification Contact Us Get access to our database of test for Food
Product Page - Typically contains descriptions and promotions for a product or service - Also includes products in a wider sense, for example university course descriptions - If most of the page content consists of user reviews, choose 'User Reviews' instead
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[ 1, 2, 0, 3, 4 ]
Thursday, March 24, 2011 Auto Collection: Garvey Sweet Spot Oh, I loved Upper Deck Sweet Spot autograph cards. They were such a brilliant concept. Put autographed pieces of an actual Baseball in a card. Here is my 2002 Sweet Spot autograph card of Steve Garvey. 1 comment: 1. I loved Sweet Spot autos myself and was working on a Yankee Sweet Spot auto collection till a few years back when Upper Deck replaced the rawhide with a synthetic material that did not hold the autos well. As a result, you see a lot of faded autos. My Tino Martinez Sweet Spot auto is faded. I stopped collecting them at that point. Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...
Discussion Forum / Comment Section - Community sites like reddit or comment sections on news article or blog posts - Has to contain multiple posts or comments
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[ 18, 4, 7, 21, 22, 14, 10, 23, 17, 1, 11, 0, 5, 6, 15, 8, 20, 13, 9, 19, 2, 3, 16, 12 ]
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Another greatest generation’: BYU’s Saints at War Conference explores Latter-day Saint connections to the Great War PROVO — The events that transpired in the last days of World War I were still vivid in Calvin S. Smith’s memory 17 years later. Smith, the son of then-President Joseph F. Smith and one of three Latter-day Saint chaplains that served in The Great War, recalled what he saw and heard on Nov. 11, 1918, in an article for the Deseret News published Nov. 11, 1935. In the article, Calvin Smith wrote about being with the 3rd Battalion of the 362nd Infantry in a town called Oudenaarde, Belgium. He and other soldiers were walking through the town when they met a French soldier mounted on a horse. “He was unsteady in the saddle as though he had been drinking,” Smith wrote. “As he passed us he waved his hand and called out to us ‘Le guerre est finie!’ (‘The war is over!’) and rushed on.” A few minutes later, a group of officers wearing “service hats” instructed the soldiers to do the same. “You can wear your service cap now. The war is over,” a Maj. Stephens told the group. While absorbing the news, Smith was assigned to see to the burial of an American soldier recently killed in action, which he did. “In this manner we learned of the armistice,” Smith wrote. “Men were skeptical about an armistice. Rumor and hearsay had been so bounteous that men could not believe. The news was too good to be true.” Smith’s wartime service is one of many interesting Latter-day Saint connections to World War I that people can learn more about while attending the Saints at War Conference at Brigham Young University on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Robert C. Freeman, director of the Saints at War project and a professor at BYU, said this conference is for everyone, especially veterans and their families. “We want those who are interested in military history and service to God and country to come,” Freeman said. “I never served in the military, but I have such great admiration for those who have. It’s just a way for us all to show we haven’t forgotten them or the price they paid. It’s a way to express gratitude for freedom and to honor the sacrifice of those who have gone before us and who guard our liberties today.” The conference will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Great War and honor the military service of all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder Bruce A. Carlson, an emeritus general authority and retired four-star general in the Air Force, will be the keynote speaker at the event, which will be held in the BYU Conference Center. Other speakers include Kenneth Alford, Sherman Fleek and Andrew Skinner. After a lunch break, a final session will feature a premiere screening of a new documentary, “Saints at War: World War I.” In timing with the conference, a new book titled, “Saints at War: World War I,” co-authored by Freeman and Skinner, was released this fall. The volume documents the accounts of Latter-day Saint soldiers who served in the war and included some never-before-published photos. Freeman and Skinner worked together on the book for seven years. One motivating factor was knowing Skinner’s father served in World War I, a reminder that the Great War was not that long ago, Freeman said. “Any competent historian will tell you that some of the current world struggles of today have roots in that period. So it’s important to understand the conflict and the times that those soldiers and civilians lived through. It’s still relevant today,” Freeman said. “I sometimes picture in my mind some veteran who has long since passed from mortality and from whatever war whispering from beyond the veil ‘thanks for remembering us.’ That’s what we do.” The book gives many facts about the church and its connections to the war. Approximately 25,000 Latter-day Saints served in the American forces during World War I, and of that number, about 700 perished. Among those who served were several future general authorities, including Hugh B. Brown, William J. Critchlow, Delbert L. Stapley and S. Dilworth Young. The book has a chapter featuring glimpses of the home front and the journal of James E. Talmage, who served in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. In addition to Calvin Smith, B.H. Roberts, another general authority, and Herbert B. Maw served as chaplains. Another Latter-day Saint, Pvt. Thomas C. Neibaur, of Sugar City, Idaho, became the first church member to be awarded the Medal of Honor. His unit, the Rainbow Division, faced some of the most brutal fighting of the war in France. It’s estimated that several hundred German Saints served their country in the war and about 75 died. Other countries, including Canada, New Zealand and Australia, also had Latter-day Saints in their ranks. “World War I was a terrible conflict. Those who fought abroad and their families who endured it on the home front experienced hard things,” Freeman said. “They fought for freedom and they deserve to be remembered. They have an amazing legacy — they were in fact another ‘Greatest Generation.’ That’s who we are honoring.” To learn more or register for the conference, visit or call 801-422-8925. If you go … What: Saints at War Conference — the Great War: World War I When: Saturday, Nov. 10, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Where: Brigham Young University, Conference Center, Provo Note: To register, or call 801-422-8925 Leave a Reply
Organizational Announcement - Examples: a press release, a blog post by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization
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Scotch Bonnet Presents Puffers Choice Prince Fatty / The Hempolics / Mungo's Hi Fi / .. Here at Scotch Bonnet Records we love Reggae music's rich heritage. Not only is it is as strong today as it ever has been, soundsystem culture has now spread to every corner of the world. To celebrate this we have compiled a few musically important releases from some of the key musicians and producers that have influenced and nourished Scotch Bonnet records since the start. Some have appeared on single, some are dubs that Mungo’s Hi Fi couldn’t stop playing on the Soundsystem, and there are some brand new pieces to keep it crispy fresh. The end result is Puffers Choice. Customers Who Bought This Also Picked Up… Scotch Bonnet Presents Puffers Choice Prince Fatty / The Hempolics / Mungo's Hi Fi / .. • 1.Prince Fatty - The Model • 2.The Hempolics - Love to sing (Mungo's Hi Fi ft Solo Banton remix) • 3.Danny T & Tradesman ft Dark Angel - Follow me • 4.Viktorious ft Parly B - What a ting • 5.Disrupt ft Zeb & Scotty - Jah run tings • 6.Led Piperz ft Solo Banton - Dub invasion (Subactive remix) • 7.Mungo's Hi Fi ft Sugar Minott & Daddy Freddy - Raggamuffin Rock • 8.Stalawa ft Delroy Melody - Buss shot • 9.Naram ft Tenor Youthman - Golden rule • 10.Mungo's Hi Fi ft Mr Williamz - Give thanks to Jah • 11.Bim One ft Macka B - Don't stop the sound • 12.OBF ft Charlie P - Dub controller (Future mix) Cat no: SCOBLP007 Label: Scotch Bonnet Info correct on: 17/10/2016
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Great Nautical Valentine's Gift for the One You Love Planning to give your love one a valentine's gift? Is she or he nautically inclined, a real boater? Well here's one that will certainly tie the knot...a real twist on the usual Valentine's Day box of candy. How about your best friend, mom or other family members. You may need a little help finding something special that's affordable too! Here’s the perfect gift for your loved ones- the Mariner nautical rope bracelet in great Valentine's Day colors including soft pink and valentine’s red nylon line for her or a more traditional nautical color for him, and it's a great gift for only $24.95. Skipjack's Mariner Reef Knot Nautical Bracelet in great Valentine's Day colors! Skipjack's Mariner Reef Knot Nautical Bracelet . Here's the link to Skipjack's Sailor's Locker where you will find a great selection of nautical themed and island inspired apparel, jewelry and great accessories too!  Saturday, February 18, 2012 New England Lobster Bake, Palm Beach Style New England Lobster bake piping hot from the grille. February 14, 2012 To cook this lobster bake, Ingredients for Two People 2 (1 1/2-pound) parboiled lobsters 8 small red potatoes 1 onion, quartered 2 ears fresh corn, halved 1 dozen clams 1 pound mussels Lemon Wedges 2 cups water Melted Butter The lobster bake served up on a plate ready for eating. Wednesday, December 28, 2011 Driftwood Lamps: Beachcombed Creations For Your Coastal Home A day of successful driftwood hunting, Allen Graves paddles our findings home. As the 2011 holiday season is now coming to an end with the new years is just a few days away, my current mind set is now focused on the new year and great endeavors that lye around the bend. Fortunately, a driftwood hunt with my good friend Allen Graves is just that. So in a few weeks, we plan to return to our favorite hunting ground and brave the frigid winter weather and icy cold water via wading and paddling a canoe along the banks of the Rappahannock River. Allen's cousin owns at least a miles worth of private desolate riverfront property along the Rappahannock, an estuary from the southern section of the Chesapeake Bay. Here's a link to the first blog covering a previous driftwood outing. Just click on the link here to:  Driftwood Art & Furnishings: Re-Purposed Beach Finds For the Coastal Home. Our last one-day hunting expedition last fall turned out to be quite fruitful and we gathered a number of wonderful water worn and sun-bleached cedar that is found in abundance washed up on the empty beaches or toppled off a cliff from a harsh nor'easter. Exceptional gnarled and twisted pieces of driftwood, sun-baked to a silvery patina with rich aromas of spicy cedar. Magnificent- the perfect sculptured wood created by nature and it's changing  seasonal weather that produce these beautiful  torsos and branches of wood for us to work with. So, before we get underway, I'd like to share with you a few of the driftwood lamp creations that we have recently produced  here in our Skipjack design studio located in Olde Towne Portsmouth, Virginia. We hope to create other unique driftwood  sculptures and coffee tables, perfect for the coastal home. Custom made driftwood lamp with burlap covered shade. Close-up of cedar lamp base. The first of the driftwood lamps (shown above) was produced from one piece of driftwood and has a broader, more horizontal appearance. Great gnarled cedar with light-brown color and sun-bleached appearance. Pieces like these require a larger table to display and use, though I love these as a counter-top or bar light. Stands 25 1/2 inches tall. Here's a link to the beachcombed driftwood lamp CJE002. Cedar driftwood lamp with burlap shade. Driftwood lamp base. This driftwood lamp was also produced out of single section of a driftwood cedar with a silvery-gray sun-bleached patina. The center rod we've  used is painted off-white with authentic milk paint making it less obtrusive than brass. Comes with a custom-made driftwood lamp finial from the same cut of the cedar driftwood.  Measures 29" tall. Here's a link to the lamp on our website: Beachcombed driftwood lamp CJE003. Driftwood lamp finial. A cedar driftwood lamp produced in Skipjack's design studio. Close-up of driftwood base.  The next driftwood lamp, also produced out of  cedar is larger in scale featuring beautiful gnarled root section with great color and patina. We've sealed this lamp using numerous thin clear coats to enhance the wood color with a glossy patina. This lamp features an oval shaped beige fabric lamp shade that matches the color of the wood and comes with one of our handcrafted monkey's fist lamp finials.  Follow the link here for more information on this beachcombed driftwood lamp CJE001. Beachcombed driftwood lamp. Cedar driftwood lamp with black base and shade. The last of our recent lamp productions features a section of cedar selected from a larger piece to create a smaller lamp where size is a consideration.  We added a gloss-black painted round wood base with molded edge and a drum shaped black fabric shade to give it a more dramatic look.  Wonderful small size for an occasional or bedside lamp. Stands 24 1/2 inches tall.  Here's the link to this driftwood lamp CJE004. Beachcombed sun-bleached cedar driftwood.  We will post pictures and information of our newest furnishings created in our design studio from our upcoming trip to the Rappahannock River. Hopefully you may find just the right lamp, sculpture or table to use as part of your coastal home decor! * Environmentally sustainable furniture is a fairly new concept in the marketplace, though here at Skipjack we have been utilizing this concept for many years. Simply defined, sustainable furniture and furnishings, also known as Eco Furniture is constructing furniture using materials which are recycled or re-purposed such as wood, metals and glass. The Skipjack design studio utilizes many shipboard items that are removed from retired ships in foreign and domestic shipyards as well as natural materials such as locally found driftwood, boards and vintage fisherman's materials to produce one of a kind nautical/coastal furniture and furnishings!  Here's a link to see other examples from  Natural driftwood sculptures, lamps and furnishings by C. Joseph Elder. Thursday, July 21, 2011 Mariner nautical rope bracelet in navy blue with stainless steel shackle clasp. Looking for a new attractive accessory to dress up your nautical attire? Look no farther-  the new Skipjack MARINER nautical rope bracelet  for men, women or children is the perfect accoutrement for your coastal lifestyle!  This affordable nautical bracelet features a reef knot tied with navy nylon cord and uses a stainless steel shackle, making it easy to get on and off. The Mariner bracelet is perfect for boaters, surfers, beach goers or anyone that enjoys being in or around the water- quick drying nylon and stainless steel shackle won't rust! Bracelets are available with small (7/8" long) or large (1-1/8" long) shackles The Mariner nautical rope bracelet for men and women Skipjack's Mariner bracelets are sold by their actual length to the half inch. For best fit measure the diameter of your wrist with a cloth measuring tape or wrap a piece of string around your wrist and then measure the length of the string against a ruler. We have found most people select a bracelet 1" - 1-1/2" larger than their wrist size. Please call or email for sizes smaller or larger than listed. The Mariner nautical rope bracelet is now available exclusively at Skipjack Nautical Wares & Marine Gallery The  Skipjack Mariner nautical rope bracelet will easily ship in a Small Flat Rate box by USPS Priority Mail in the USA for approximately $5.00! Thursday, June 23, 2011 You Can Now Buy Your Own Piece of Paradise Bora Bora Blue Heaven Island Paradise in the French Polynesian Islands Have you ever wanted to own your piece of island paradise? Ready to trade it all in and move to Bora Bora? Well, I don't know about you but I can certainly say that it has certainly crossed my mind here and up the rat race in exchange for the island lifestyle, sitting back in a lounge chair basking in the sun with a cool tropical breeze on my face and sipping on a freshly made pina colada and dipping your toes into crystal clear water! Sounds to good to be true...well if you're gutsy enough to give it a go and have fairly deep pockets, this could be your calling. Bora Bora Blue Heaven Island Paradise property LAX to Borra.  Own your own Private island! Blue Heaven Island sits approximately one mile north east of Tevairoa. A 5 acre section on the island Motu Paahi. Auction is for lots 5, 6 & 7 comprising of 5 acres. Bidding: Interested parties are required to contact the auction house prior to bidding. Known as the pearl of French Polynesia, Bora Bora is the single most famous island in the world. Yet, when you visit this quiet, uncrowded, unspoiled haven, you will become part of a truly unique experience known only to a very few. Between the deep blue Pacific and the crystal clear Bora Bora Lagoon, sits Blue Heaven Island. This beautiful 5 acre property on a small island motu can accommodates a total of 10-15 people, providing a private haven of relaxation and exclusivity. Surrounded by magnificent waters of infinite depths and color ... you are now steps to heaven. This secret gem has been a 4.5 Star rated destination getaway with quality island bungalows: "our Quaint bungalows are tucked away between Palm trees, lush plant life, and vibrant flora. Every bungalow on the island is just steps away from our private beach. Each quarter is the essence of simple island living. The cozy bungalows are made of indigenous bamboo and equipped with all the amenities, including private bathrooms, large closets, and ceiling fans. Installation run on solar energy (photovoltaï roofs and solar water-heater) and the water system is feed with a well and rain. Wake up to gentle breezes, the sounds of the seashore, and early risers can walk a few steps and catch the luminous sunrise as it lights up the crystal clear lagoon. Blue Paradise Island cottages. Owner Monique La Voie had always dreamed of island living. After traveling to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and other islands around the world, she found her little piece of heaven on beautiful Bora Bora in French Polynesia, and named it Blue Heaven Island. Now you can own this exclusive private island. Blue Heaven Island, Bora Bora is up for auction in the French Polynesian Islands Are you ready? Well here's the information that could make this into a reality for you! Blue Heaven Island is up for auction, Friday, June 24th with an estimated auction price of $5,000,000 to $7,000,000 with a starting bid of $2,500,000 and no buyers premium. What are you waiting for! Just follow the link and make your dream a reality! Live Auctioneers Blue Heaven Island. Thursday, June 9, 2011 "Folky Fish" Featured at the 2011 Marine Folk Art Show "Folky Grouper" three dimensional wall hanging by Joe Marinelli Joe Marinelli  has been carving fish for more than 15 years and his folky fish are creations he's developed throughout that time. He loves to  carve and paint in a folk art style with exaggerated fins, lips & eyes  and decorated with bright Island/ Key West colors. Joe's favorite  fish to create is a hanging full scale three dimensional carving of a grouper. What's not to love about this fish-it's folky fabulous! "Folky Fish" cabinet by Joe Marinelli. "Woodworking is part of me, Joe stated.  My grandfather was a cabinet maker from Italy." He started building his own furniture when he was 22 and over the past few years started incorporating fish carvings into his furniture. His inspiration for his fish comes from kayaking bodies of water around his lake community in Millville, New Jersey. He observes nature through his frequent outings and interprets them into his dynamic carvings. Joe Marinelli's "Folky Fish" carvings in colorful Key West colors. I first saw Joe Marinelli's carving in an art magazine article that featured his carvings with other folk artwork. I loved them and had to have them in our gallery.  There colorful, folky, a bit outrageous, contemporary,  unique and I love to look at them each and every day. Folky Sailfish by Joe Marinelli Joe's folky fish wall art and furnishings is perfect for the coastal home decor and I can see these used in so many interior applications. Though his art style is defined, each of his pieces are one-of-a-kind originals. "Folky Grouper" by Joe Marinelli on display at a Virginia Beach coastal home. What's next? Joe's now working on creating folk-carved dining room table and a three dimensional whale carving. Now that's a whale of an idea and I can't wait to see this! You can preview the latest creations by Joe Marinelli at Skipjack Nautical Marine Galleries 2011 Marine Folk Art show (June 3rd through June 29, 2011). You can also see Joe Marinelli's folky fish collection by visiting his page under Skipjack's Marine Art division. It’s a folksy collection of whales, mermaids, fish, fowl, carvings, paintings, models, trade signs, weathervanes folk and sailor art. Some are whimsical, others memorable, but they are all simply delightful. The 2011 Marine Folk Art Show at Skipjack Nautical Wares & Marine Gallery! The show runs through Wednesday, June 29, 2011. It’s the greatest folk show in town! *The 2011 Marine Folk Art Show was featured in the summer edition of Sea History Magazine! Skipjack Nautical Wares & Marine Gallery is located in Olde Towne Portsmouth on the riverside of the historic Seaboard Railroad Building next to the High Street Basin and ferry landing. Our front doors face the Elizabeth river and are just a few steps away from the historic Hog Island Lighthouse Fresnel lens! Open Monday through Saturday 10AM to 5 PM. sunday 1PM to 4 PM. Other times by appointment. (757) 399-5012 Thursday, March 31, 2011 Seriously Seaworthy Nautical Belts for Men. Our Top Picks for the Spring Season Kiel James Patrick Croffix Sailing Belt Are you searching for the best nautical belts to complete your spring wardrobe? Well here's a selection of our "Top Picks" of the season together with a few of our all time favorite seriously sea-worthy nautical  inspired belts that will certainly satisfy even the saltiest of tastes and perfect for your coastal lifestyle! Hortock's Compass Rose from the Kiel James Patrick Croffix Sailing Belt   Kiel James Patrick Croffix Sailing Belt The Croffix Sailing belt by Kiel James Patrick is a sure way to make a nautical statement. This classic design is just begging to be combined with casual kakis and weather-beaten boat shoes. With over twenty different multi-colored designs, you are sure to find one that sets you apart. Each belt is handmade in New England, using nautical rope from T.W. Evan and Italian pebbled leather. With superior craftsmanship and classic New England style, these belts quite are perfect for your nautical lifestyle! Fishbones Canvas Club Belt by Vineyard Vines Vineyard Vines has certainly sailed ahead of the pack this spring with it's new coastal inspired designed belts. The new fishbones canvas club belt by Vineyard Vines will certainly quinch your appetite with this unique design and  is our top pick of the coastal creations and design belts for the spring. It is made with 100% cotton webbing with Italian saddle leather and brass buckle. The fishbone canvas club belt is available in the standard range of men's belt sizes from 30" to 44". Braided D-ring nautical belts from Vineyard Vines. Another great selection from for the spring is Vineyard Vines braided D-ring belts. Made with 100% cotton and silver D-rings, these nautical belts are available in three color combinations and range in sizes from small to double extra large. The fishbone brass cut-out buckle with leather belt from Vineyard Vines. Vineyard Vines has also created a fishbone cut-out solid brass buckle with leather belt fitting for just about any boating and landlubber activities.  A great coastal living belt that should bring years of enjoyment. Look sharp while strolling in the surf with this casual fabric belt. Featuring the Tommy Bahama marlin logo engraved in an antique nickel-finished buckle, it's a style your weekends should never be without. One size fits most. Available in five coastal colors. Skipjack's classic nautical flag belt Show your colors aboard your yacht with Skipjack's classic nautical flag belt is perfect to wear with your favorite khakis, jeans, or corduroys. This cotton web ribbon belt for all seasons has full grain drum-dyed leather billet and buckle ends accentuated by the solid brass buckle. Sizes range from 32 to 46 in stock. This belt is available with your choice of red or white webbing as a background to the signal flag ribbon. From Skipjack's collection of nautical and coastal belts for men and women.
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Find the Best Motorcycle Insurance Best Motorcycle Insurance Low premiums aren’t all that matter We love to bring our friends new info when we run across it. If you have a motorcycle, then you need motorcycle insurance. The following article was adapted from Check it out! To find the best motorcycle insurance, we started with 84 motorcycle insurance providers and narrowed down our top picks by evaluating which had the widest coverage options, best discounts, and easiest quote and claims processes. We didn’t look at premiums to rank our top picks — those will be yours and yours alone, depending on your bike, your age, your experience level, and other factors. Best Overall — Progressive Progressive was consistently in the top tier for all of our tests and evaluations, offering up coverage options, discounts, easy-to-get quotes, and a streamlined and digitized claims process. Plenty of other insurance companies had one piece of the puzzle, but Progressive put it all together. Progressive checked all of the boxes for important coverage types, like property damage liability, collision, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and comprehensive coverage. It also has coverage options we didn’t see anywhere else, including Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts coverage. (OEM coverage means that if you’re driving a BMW bike, you’ll be covered for the full cost of new BMW parts, something that’s important to brand loyalists, and those with an eye on the resale value.) It even has coverage for the personal belongings you carry, which is great if you commute to work with a laptop in your backpack. Another area where Progressive really brings it to the table — and where lots of others fell short — was in offering online options. Some of the companies we evaluated had clunky websites that made figuring out how to get a quote difficult (looking at you, Foremost: For a company with a good online claims-reporting process, you made it really tough for us to figure out how to get a quote online). Not Progressive — the company has clearly shelled out for modern web design and functionality, which made the user experience smooth and hassle-free. What’s more, it was one of only two motorcycle insurance companies we liked that offered a mobile app. With the free app, you can file a claim, take pictures with your phone to document the damage, and then upload them to your claims report. It also makes getting roadside assistance easier — we were able to call for assistance with just two taps from the app’s home screen. Added bonus: The app offered how-to articles about jumpstarting a dead battery and packing an emergency toolkit to have with you on the road, making it an educational resource too. Runner-Up — Foremost Foremost is another solid choice with good coverage (scoring only a few points lower than Progressive) and heaping discounts (it even offers a renewal discount, something Progressive didn’t). But, where it really stood out for us was its strong claims-reporting process. Its claims center is available 24/7, and you can file a claim by contacting an agent online or over the phone. Its online support even has a live chat feature. (While Progressive has an online chat option, it’s only available to policyholders, so we weren’t able to take it for a spin.) Foremost’s online chat option connected us with a polite, knowledgeable service rep within minutes, who answered all of our questions with ease. Foremost was close to being our top pick, but it fell short when compared to Progressive with its online quote tool: it involves you requesting a quote online, and then waiting an unspecified amount of time for the company to get back to you by email or phone. If you’re trying to get your insurance shopping done online in an afternoon, Foremost does not make it easy for you. Standout Coverage Options — Markel American Markel may not be pumping enough money into its advertising budget to make it so you know its name, but the company sure isn’t skimping on discounts. Maybe that’s because Markel knows its audience: A lot of motorcyclists shop for insurance based on price alone. We spoke to motorcycle enthusiast Oliver Shami, a San Diego-based personal injury lawyer in the law offices of Robert Hamparyan, and he bemoaned the fact that, more often than not, people who are shopping for motorcycle insurance are focused solely on price. To appeal to the frugal riders out there, we saw Markel American offering the key discounts we looked for: safe driver, safety course, theft device, anti-lock brakes, and renewal. Markel American prides itself on offering “speciality insurance by real specialists,” and that showed in the specific, granular coverage options it offers for motorcyclists. For example, the company offers accessory coverage, knowing that option matters to bikers who have shelled out hundreds on their saddlebags, sidecases, motorcycle GPS, Bluetooth communication sets for helmets, and other costly gear. Another important type of coverage it offers is rental reimbursement, something especially meaningful for riders who use their bike as their main mode of transportation. Like with Foremost, Markel American’s quote process lost the company some points — the section on its site wasn’t clearly laid out, and it doesn’t offer a mobile app. It does, however, allow you to purchase a policy entirely online, file your claim online, and it has a 24/7 claims center. Great If You Can Get It — Esurance Esurance’s motorcycle insurance is a solid choice. There’s just one problem: It’s only available in 11 states. If you request a quote, but don’t live in one of the states where it writes motorcycle insurance policies, you’ll just see suggestions for other companies (for example, if you’re in New York, you’ll see a message pointing you toward Progressive or Harley-Davidson Insurance). However, if you do live in one of the 11 states, Esurance rivals our top pick. It offers discounts, coverage options, and it really stood out in the claims process — just like Progressive, it offers a mobile app that you can use to file claims. How We Found the Best Motorcycle Insurance When it comes down to it, the most important part of insurance is knowing that you can rely on your provider if and when you need to. To evaluate each insurer’s financial stability, we looked to financial rating agencies A&M Best and Standard & Poor’s. Those agencies look for any hint of instability in order to make sure the insurer won’t go out of business, making it unable to meet its obligations to pay out on policyholders’ claims. All our top picks earned A’s from the agencies that rated them. Premiums are probably the second most important. To find your best rates, you’ll want to shop around for quotes. Compare those with the rates you get from our favorites, then cruise on. That meant cutting smaller, niche companies that you may or may not have heard of, like Riders Insurance or California Casualty, who cater to a regional customer base. This whittled our list down by quite a bit, but you can and should research your area to see if one of the smaller insurers is right for you. American Reliable, for example, offers more discounts than Progressive, including discounts for installing an anti-theft device, paying your policy in full, renewing your policy, and for being a mature rider. That said, a call to its customer service department revealed that it isn’t currently originating new policies in several states. We cut out the middlemen. Some insurers don’t administer their own policies, but rather provide some combination of options involving customer service, brokerage, or claims reporting. These are essentially middlemen, and aren’t the ones responsible for shelling out when you’ve got a claim. Knowing and working with an insurance company that administers its own policy eliminates questions like what will happen to your policy if one of the companies involved goes out of business. To really evaluate the insurance options out there, we wanted to go to the source and focus on companies that are beginning-to-end providers. Do these guys really have you covered? We checked to make sure. Liability coverage helps protect you if you’re found to be at fault for a traffic accident on your bike. Each state has its own legal requirements for the amount of liability coverage you must carry. Most states hover around the same 25/50/25 ballpark (a minimum of $25,000 for bodily injury to one person in an accident, $50,000 for all injuries in an accident, and $25,000 for property damage), but Maine and Alaska clock in with the highest requirements at 50/100/25, and Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California are the lowest, with 15/30/5. The experts we spoke with, though, said that state minimum liability levels are often lower than they should be, and won’t provide nearly enough coverage in the case of a bad accident. Brad Cummins, an independent agent with Insurance Market Agents, tells clients to purchase the highest limits they can afford — and while higher levels of liability coverage do cost more, stepping up your coverage to the next level (for example, from Ohio’s 25/50 to 100/300) likely won’t bump up your premium level that much. The best motorcycle insurance providers will also offer a variety of coverage options in addition to the required liability coverage. Cummins recommends clients purchase collision, comprehensive, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and roadside assistance coverage, and we looked for what our remaining contenders had to offer, keeping an eye out for the most important: • Comprehensive coverage covers damage to your bike from non-accident-related incidents, such as theft, fire, vandalism, or severe weather. • Collision coverage will help pay for repairs if your bike is damaged in an accident. • Guest passenger liability protects you financially if you’re found to be responsible for the medical expenses or death of a passenger of your vehicle. • Medical payments coverage helps cover your medical expenses if you’re injured in a motorcycle accident. While your health insurance should also kick in, this coverage can go toward co-pays or your deductible. • Property damage liability covers costs if you’re found to be at fault in an accident that results in damage to other people’s property. • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage pays for losses in an accident where the other driver is at fault, but they don’t have insurance, or don’t have enough insurance to cover your costs. We weighted some coverage offers higher than others — collision coverage is more important than than, say, Actual Agreed Value, a coverage option that’s mostly useful to folks with a vintage or collectible ride. Then we counted them up, and nixed the providers with the fewest coverage options. We tallied up the discounts. While your individual premium cost will ultimately be determined by all kinds of details, such as the make of your bike, your age, and your experience level, there’s another factor at play: discounts. Motorcycle insurers, just like auto insurers, often offer a number of discounts to shave dollars off your premium. Again, we made a scorecard and handed out points. We gave top points for discounts that are widely available and accessible to everyone, such as taking a safety course or paying in full — a discount simply for cutting one large check to your insurer for the total amount of the monthly premiums per year, rather than shelling out month by month. These discounts can take a buck or two (or 20) off your bill — all up, we looked for: • Safe driver discount • Safety course discount • Motorcycle association membership discount • Bundling discounts • Theft device discount • Paid-in-full discount • Anti-lock break discount • Renewal discount • Mature rider discount The top scorer in this round? Pacific Specialty. It offered seven of our key discounts, including safe driver, safety course, motorcycle association membership, and anti-lock brakes. Some other companies wiped out: National General offered just one discount for safe driving. Those low scorers were eliminated. We had some solid picks. It was time to put ‘em to the test. Once we’d narrowed the list so that we were only looking at companies with good coverage and discounts, it was time to evaluate the experience of shopping for a quote and filing a claim. We looked at quotes first. Getting a quote shouldn’t be too hard to do — a good insurance company will offer you easy, online tools that help you make a smart, informed choice. This was an area where Progressive started to stand out. Its website was clearly laid out and easy to use, and you’ll be able to purchase a policy entirely online. A dud in this round was Pacific Specialty. While it was the king of discounts, the company didn’t make it easy to shop its rates. You’ll need to pick up the phone and call an agent to find out what the coverage will cost you. On top of the added effort of calling (during business hours only, of course), that also means roping a third party into the process, because the agents don’t work for Pacific Specialty itself. After we tested quotes, it was time to test how easy it would be to file a claim. While we’d love to test how these companies perform throughout the entire claims process, we couldn’t actually file a claim with them (that would be insurance fraud). So we pored over the details we could evaluate: the tools and process they offer to file claims. If you’re standing next to a wreck, the last thing you want to hear is a recorded message telling you to call back during business hours. So we looked for insurers that let you file a claim 24/7 either online or with a mobile app. A standout here: Foremost’s live-chat support for the claims process. A quick exploration of premiums. Like we said, premiums will vary for different insurers and different drivers. But for the sake of illustration, we compiled a table of premiums from our top picks. We created an extensive profile, since requesting a quote requires a lot of info — any piece of which could make your quotes substantially different than the ones below. We looked at rates for a 41-year-old man who lives in California’s San Fernando Valley, rides a 2009 BMW R 1200 GS (it’s a top-selling bike from a top-selling manufacturer), and has a clean driving record. Some things to note: We gave him a clean driving history, but if you have accidents on your record, that will drive up premiums. He also lives in an urban area near Los Angeles, and a rural rider might not have to shell out as much. Some key takeaways we learned: • It pays to shop around. With our top picks, there’s a difference of more than $600 between the cheapest and most expensive options. • Discounts matter. The safety course discount took more than $5 off premiums from Progressive and $15 off the premiums with Markel American at the 25/50 level. And that was only one discount. • Upping coverage may only cost a bit more. While it will ultimately depend on the insurer, increasing liability coverage from the state minimum may be less expensive than you think. The increase from 15/30 to 25/50 is just $13 more with Progressive. Progressive Markel American Foremost Premium at 15/30… $120 $777 $281 …with a Safety Course discount $114.75 $777 $281 Premium at 25/50 $133 $792 $381 …with a Safety Course discount $127 $777 $381 Did You Know? State liability coverage limits aren’t enough. According to Shami, those lower limits could leave you out of luck if you sustain a serious injury. “You should get the maximum liability you can afford,” Shami said. “There’s a saying: You get a $50 helmet for a $50 head. Don’t skimp on your helmet, and don’t skimp on your insurance.” But there’s another important reason to raise your liability coverage limits: uninsured, or underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM coverage). UM/UIM coverage pays for losses in an accident where the other driver is at fault, but they don’t have insurance, or don’t have enough insurance to cover your costs — but your UM/IUM coverage is usually only offered by insurers at the same level at which you are insured for liability. That means to get decent UM/UIM coverage, you may need to raise your liability coverage. Shami explains he often sees clients who are hit by underinsured drivers, but didn’t have the foresight to purchase UM/UIM coverage. In order to avoid having a difficult conversation with a personal injury attorney about your options to sue an underinsured driver, Shami suggests riders also purchase this coverage at the highest level they can afford. Take steps to stay safe on the road. Art Friedman, former editor of Motorcycle Cruiser magazine and member of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Technical Working Group, told us he always recommends safety courses. “I take them regularly, and I always come away with something — a reminder, or something that I realize I could be doing better,” he said. Friedman pointed out that, statistically, taking a safety course is not proven to make riders safer over time. The most impactful safety measures a rider can take are things like always wearing a full-coverage, DOT-certified helmet, and wearing brightly colored gear to be more visible when riding, Friedman advised. But still, he thinks riders should take the course — it can’t hurt, and it can definitely help when it comes to premiums. A lot of the insurers we evaluated offer a discount for riders who complete a safety course. You can find a course in your area through the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. There are plenty to choose from — beginner courses that last two or three days and involve 15 hours on-cycle, to advanced courses involving complex traffic scenarios, and even e-courses you can take online. Motorcycle insurance is not one-size-fits-all. By this point, you get it: You should get more than the minimum liability coverage that your state requires. So what exactly does that mean for you? Figuring that out can feel like ordering off an a la carte menu: a little guest passenger liability here, a little medical coverage there, and I should be set — right? Friedman, who’s been riding motorcycles for more than 50 years, says he turns to an independent insurance agent to talk through his needs, and explain his best options for coverage. Chatting about your situation with an independent insurance agent can help make sure you’ve got the right coverage for you. In addition, offers a guidethat explains the ins and outs of motorcycle insurance coverage types. Alongside succinct definitions of the various coverage options, it also offers a tool to look up your state’s individual laws on motorcycle insurance coverage. The Bottom Line Shop around for your best premium rate, but remember to also evaluate your providers coverage options, discounts, and claims process. Also, buy the most insurance you can afford — not just what your state’s minimum liability coverage requires. Shop for quotes. Check out our table above for proof. Different companies charge drastically different amounts for coverage. Dig into discounts, too, and see if taking a safety course could shave dollars off what you’re spending each month. Compare rates at different liability levels. Remember that getting a higher liability level doesn’t just offer you a lot more protection — which you’ll probably need if you get in a real crash. It also often means you can raise your UM/UIM coverage to that same level. Assess your needs for special coverage. Think about factors such as how often you ride with a passenger, and what your health insurance will cover (for example, if you have a huge deductible on your health insurance policy, getting medical payments coverage on your motorcycle insurance policy may bridge that gap). Your financial situation is unique, so pick and choose the coverage options that are best for you.
Nonfiction Writing - Long reads, profiles, editorials, essays, obituaries, memoirs and other forms of nonfiction writing - Written by journalists and other professional writers
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Here at Forces Radio BFBS we love new music and band Kidsfiiction, whose sound could be described as a mix between the Arctic Monkeys and Oasis, are a military band with a twist. Corporal Danny Kelly and Rifleman Rees Duvall joined Mark McKenzie in the Forces Radio BFBS Scotland studio complete with guitars and a whole lot of talent. Vocalist Danny is also the lyricist with Rees writing the music. Hear their interview with Mark McKenzie on Forces Radio BFBS Scotland below. Kidsfiiction are in the process of lining up some gigs, but their session on Forces Radio BFBS Scotland was their radio debut. We look forward to following their careers both in the military and in music LISTEN to Kidsfiiction perform "Where I Want To Be" You can find them on Facebook > Get the BFBS App Get it on Google Play
Transcript / Interview - A written record of spoken language - Examples: interviews (e.g. in a newspaper), the transcript of a court hearing, movie, podcast, lecture or speech
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Hurlbut Care Communities The Hurlbut Difference Caring Teamwork Attention To Detail Importance Of Family History It’s All About Caring Simply stated, the Hurlbut difference is all about caring. It has been the foundation of our nursing care homes for nearly 50 years. We understand that caring goes well beyond providing the highest level of quality short-term rehabilitative care and long-term skilled nursing. Every Hurlbut team member recognizes that you can’t just look at a resident and treat him/her like a number. After all, it’s our job to make residents feel welcome and comfortable in their new home. We recognize that when you take care of someone, you offer understanding and compassion; you listen and respect their backgrounds and beliefs; you help preserve their independence and ensure their safety. We strive to make every Hurlbut™ Care Community a place of caring, comfort and understanding. » Back To Top Teamwork Is Critical Each member of the Hurlbut Care Communities team shares the same dedication and commitment to caring as the Hurlbut family themselves. That’s because more than 1,600 caregivers and support staff directly work for the 13 Hurlbut Care Communities. We do not have temporary or contract employees. Therefore, our people maintain a level of pride, accountability and continuity that’s unmatched in the nursing care industry. Teamwork begins in consultation with a resident’s personal physician to gain a more thorough health history and a better understanding of recent health issues. From that point, on-staff physicians, nurses, rehabilitative specialists, registered dietitians and other medical support professionals specially trained in geriatric care work as a team to monitor and manage the well-being of our residents every step of their day. » Back To Top Attention To Detail From the moment you drive in, to the moment you leave a Hurlbut Care Community, you will notice an outstanding attention to detail. We understand that a first impression makes a lasting impression. You’ll find all Hurlbut Care Communities beautifully landscaped with lush gardens, well-kept walkways and building exteriors. While each of the communities offers unique amenities, the attention to detail remains consistent. Inside each community, the interior decor is carefully selected to promote a positive, comfortable atmosphere. We pay attention to the details. For instance, our medical staff takes every measure to ensure new medications don’t conflict with existing prescriptions. The attention to detail extends to our dietary staff who makes sure residents with special dietary needs, such as those with diabetes, get the correct snacks and meals. We understand that it is the little things that matter and that’s what helps make each Hurlbut Care Community a home. » Back To Top Understanding The Importance Of Family For family members, choosing a skilled nursing facility for a loved one is a difficult decision. Each member of the Hurlbut Care Communities team understands that entrusting the care of a loved one to a nursing home may be a time when feelings of anxiety, frustration and concern seem overwhelming. Beginning with your initial tour and continuing throughout your loved one’s stay with us, our dedicated staff members will not only make certain that the needs of your loved one are met, but also ensure that your needs or concerns as a critical extended member of the Hurlbut family, are quickly and sufficiently addressed. Hurlbut Care Communities offers a level of trust and confidence that your loved one will receive the highest quality of care, as if he/she were a member of the Hurlbut family themselves. Hurlbut Care Communities. Let our family care for yours. » Back To Top Hurlbut History – Three Generations Of Caring Founded as ROHM Services Corporation by Robert H. Hurlbut, he credits his parents Harold and Martha Hurlbut for instilling in him the desire to care for the elderly. As a tribute to his parents, Mr. Hurlbut named the company after them – Robert’s Outstanding Harold and Martha. Being an only child can have its moments of loneliness, but not for Mr. Hurlbut. As he grew up, he was surrounded by elderly people that his parents brought into their home to care for as they could no longer care for themselves. Through this exposure at such an early age, it became clear to Mr. Hurlbut that he wanted to build upon the nurturing foundation his parents had so naturally, yet unknowingly, created for him. With the opening of The Hurlbut Nursing Home in 1969, Mr. Hurlbut became the second generation to provide quality care to residents in a nurturing environment while preserving their dignity and self-respect. His commitment to these values has remained strong with the number of nursing homes in Rochester NY operated by ROHM Services Corporation now numbering 13. Mr. Hurlbut assumed the position of Chairman of ROHM Services Corporation in 1992 when, with great pride, he passed the title of President onto his son, Robert W. Hurlbut. Soon after, and with equal pride, Christine Hurlbut was named Vice President of this third-generation, family-owned business. In late 2010, to celebrate three generations of caring by the Hurlbut family – a family well respected for its service and commitment to the Rochester region and deeply committed to caring for the elderly – Hurlbut Care Communities was launched as the umbrella brand for the 13 nursing home facilities operated by ROHM Services Corporation. It is with great pride that the Hurlbut family invites you to learn more about Hurlbut Care Communities. » Back To Top
Organizational About Page - Typically contains a self-description or introduction by an organization such as a company, university, government agency, non-profit organization - Note that the content may appear similar to a 'Knowledge Article' in some cases, but is not verified and may contain self-promotion
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U.S. concerned Russia may carve out path to Crimea WASHINGTON -- There is growing concern in the U.S. military that Russia could move to take more of Ukraine after annexing Crimea last week. No one knows what Vladimir Putin will do next, but U.S. intelligence analysts believe he may be preparing to carve out a land corridor connecting Russia directly with Crimea. Analysts have been watching the buildup of Russian infantry, armored and airborne units for more than a week and estimate they are positioned to seize three cities in eastern Ukraine -- Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk -- all of which have a predominantly Russian-speaking population. That would give Putin a direct route by which he could keep his newly acquired province of Crimea resupplied. In a phone conversation, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel asked the Russian defense minister to explain the purpose of the buildup, which Russia officially calls an exercise. "He told me that they had no intention of crossing the border into Ukraine," Hagel said. But no one is taking that to the bank, since Putin is the one calling the shots, and it's not clear what influence, if any, the Russian defense minister will have. But CBS News' Charlie D'Agata reports the scenario in Washington does not fit the situation he has seen on the ground in Donetsk. CBS News has been to the border outside Donetsk and saw Ukrainian forces digging in and some Ukrainian military units moving toward the border. CBS News did not see any Russians. The pro-Russian demonstrations that have taken place over the past two weeks have died down in recent days -- an important development, because the Russians have said that if there was a sense that ethnic Russians along the eastern region were threatened, that would give the military the green light to move in. Therefore, if that was in any way a pretext for the Russian military to advance as it did in Crimea, that would not be justified along Ukraine's eastern border with Russia. • David Martin David Martin is CBS News' National Security Correspondent.
News Article - Written by journalists on current events and published by news organizations - For long reads, profiles, editorials, and journalistic essays, choose 'Nonfiction Writing' instead - For newspaper interviews, choose 'Verbal Transcript' instead
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“A friend from my childhood I had never met” Letter & Narrative contributed by Denzil Smith, Mumbai This Post Has 19 Comments 1. Denzil and Jean, Amazing story, what a lovely reunion, so happy it had a happy ending. 2. Hello Denzil, I was looking at flags of newer countries on the net and i recollected i knew most of the flags associated with their countries thanks to the flags i used to collect printed on the wrappers of some confectionery and paste them in an album, to get a gift eventually. And in my search i found only one picture of the actual album on eBay, and the other was a reference to your article. Thanks to the A1 keyword you and provided, i found the amazing letterhead we got as a gift. It brought back fond memories. Thank you for the memory. 3. Hi Denzil, Beautiful, the letter, the memories, the nostalgia and reunion! I wonder if you remember me, I am from Virendra, you used to visit so often. We once went on a camping trip to Matheran. I only saw you as Robinson Crusoe years back… Edwin Fernandes 4. Denzil, It conjured up a number of pictures through the voice in the letter and your text. I’m trying to historically research children’s lives in India and possible transcultural connections between their worlds. It would be good to know of more letters or pictures like these. 5. A very interesting and exciting story. Well written Denzil. Yes those were the days of pen pals – writing and waiting for a reply was the best part. I remember the A1 chewing gums :-) I hope you still have the pencil stubs. 6. very beautifully written article, Denzil! And what a touching letter. 7. Inspirational Denzil. absolutely. 8. touching story and to meet the person after ages 9. Denzil, a tear sits in the corner of my eye – just beautiful. Thx and Cheers, Nigel 10. Such a heartwarming story, and beautifully written. It is indeed a tale of affirmation! 11. What a touching letter. Thank you for sharing it. 12. I tend not to comment, but after browsing through a bunch of responses on 105 – 13. Hee hee. You’re every bit as mushy as I am, bro. Warmed the cockles. 14. What a lovely story with a wonderful reunion at the end. I wonder where my pen pals are now? 15. Just loved this story! 16. Jean and Denzil,This is absolutely fantastic. Soul touching ! Quite a story i must say :) 1. Jean and Denzil,This is Amazing how life turns out the way that it does for 2 friends living in different parts of the world extraordinary life story I must say …..Certain things in life simply have to be experienced -and never explained Leave a Reply Close Menu
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Your friends are fundraising. Don't miss out, opt in. Page closed Closed 21/08/2019 £0raised of £500 target by 0 supporters Weʼve raised £0 to help buy food for Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank Closed on Wednesday, 21st August 2019 What is crowdfunding? The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised. Seven cyclists from Bradford Cycle Club will set out from Bradford on 20th July aiming for Valencia in Spain. The cyclists will cover approximately 1,000 miles on roads in England and Spain, including crossing a number of high mountain ranges in Spain, the most mountainous country in Europe. The section in England will take in the Peak District, Stratford On-Avon, the Cotswolds and Stonehenge before arriving in Portsmouth. The section in Spain will span from Santander on the Atlantic coast passing through the ‘Picos de Europa’ and ‘Los Montes Universales’ before arriving in Valencia on the Costa Brava, on the Mediterranean sea. 100% of money raised through sponsorship of this bike ride will go to the Bradford Metropolitan Foodbank. This will help the volunteers at the Foodbank to provide food to an increasing number of vulnerable people in the Bradford District. Bradford Metropolitan Foodbank is a small Bradford based charity who spend 95% of money from donations on food, so you know that money you donate will reach the people who most need it. Benji (16) says he is looking forward to the two week cycling challenge and says it is wrong that some people need to rely on foodbanks for their family. Helen Lynskey Updates appear here 5 months ago Helen Lynskey started crowdfunding Leave a message of support Page last updated on: 4/23/2019 18.49 Great people make things happen Create you own page and donʼt let that cause go unfunded! About Crowdfunding About the fundraiser Helen Lynskey Helen Lynskey Report this Page
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Single Blog Title This is a single blog caption Study Abroad Tips The best kept student travel secret is rental luggage. Ever think how much money you spend on luggage that you barely use? If you haven’t, you should. Luggage is expensive and can kill your student travel budget quickly and before you even leave for your trip. Wouldn’t you rather spend your money on museums or drinks and not luggage?  Check out Rentluggage.com, we are the #1 online luggage rental company. Our service is simple, just shop our website for a piece of luggage that meets your needs. Select the time period you need the luggage for and enter your credit information. We do the rest. The luggage is shipped right to your dorm room. Once your rental period is up, just drop the luggage off at a FedEx location and place one of our provided shipping labels on the box. Overall, rentluggage.com is a great source for cheap backpacks and cheap luggage. We also offer cheap golf travel covers for rent.  I am an expert on rental luggage. I write posts to make your travel experience that much better. Feel free to send me a message. Glad to answer any question you have especially if it is about rental luggage such as golf travel bags, rooftop cargo bags, and backpacks Leave a Reply
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How Atlanta Clover Restaurant can Save You Time, Stress, and Money. Look at This Report On Atlanta Clover Pos Process ” Although the menu at this Philadelphia cafe is at any time-shifting, company can usually Find eclectic dishes making use of seitan, tofu, and greens such as you’ve under no circumstances tasted ahead of—Even though you’ve recognised them your life span. Subsequently, throughout the early nineteen eighties the facility vehicles began to be regarded as "unfastened", and making use of set numbers for The complete prepare was deserted. The trailer cars remained in established formations, Conversely, and even now allotted a recognized range of forms, While which was not exhibited wherever. At this time, while, I do think an answer like Trunk Batteries would be the most likely way the approaching increase of electric motorcar ownership is likely to be served While a real charging infrastructure is bit by little bit crafted. Martin Mullins White acquired his early training in the general public educational services, pursuing which he turned a pupil in Centenary College, a Methodist establishment, and graduated there from in 1895, With many of the diploma of Grasp of Arts. Throughout the session of 1896-7 he attended the regulation Place of work with the State University, As well as in 1898 was admitted to the bar, turning out to be elected county attorney of Lampasas county in the subsequent November. Just after serving two phrases in that Business office ecosystem, in November, 1904, he was elected county determine of Lampasas county, and On this Spot of work has ongoing to The present time. The magnum opus of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort is Couloir, helmed by Chef Wes Hamilton, who also oversees the resort’s 8 other eating places. Subsequent a 9-moment champagne-infused gondola experience around the 9,000-foot summit of Bridger Gondola, you’ll respect spectacular views and quite possibly the most gratifying food you’ve seasoned at this or any elevation. Sq. is frequently a cellular payment assistance permitting distributors to simply acknowledge payments By means of the applying, a Bodily card reader hooked up to a wise mobile phone, a checkout stand similar wirelessly with Apple Shell out or even a pill-mainly based terminal stand. Barry McCarthy serves as Govt Vice chairman, Head of Community and Defense Options (NSS). The $one.six billion NSS stage is among Really first Data’s a couple of publically explained segments. It involves each individual one of the company’s community, debit, pay out when you go, ACH/Check out, fraud, basic safety, safe electronic distribution, on the internet and cellular banking, and federal govt strategies. Collectively these enterprises solution a great deal in excess of $three trillion in annually quantity and assist more than one billion cardholders. Formerly, Barry was accountable for the turnaround within your business’s Cash Products and services phase. In eighteen months, he moved revenue progress from -4% to +7% and amplified financial sitio web acquire 39% and margin by 1100 foundation factors. In previously roles for the Group, he was a frontrunner within the Compruebe aquí historic collaboration with Apple™ on Apple Shell out™, ran the agency’s service provider company business in Asia, and was answerable for making the highest-promotion Initially Information-branded line of stage-of-sale terminals, whose vertical integration approach proceeds now While using the organization’s Clover Procedure. Prior to becoming a member of Extremely very first Knowledge, Barry led the turnaround within the VeriSign payment enterprise which was acquired by PayPal. He also co-Established and later on offered MagnaCash, a Silicon Valley-centered micropayments corporation, whose engineering, as a result of subsequent transactions, is now owned by Digital River (previously NASDAQ: DRIV). Barry Preliminary entered the payments engineering current market at Wells Fargo, where ever he was at some point accountable for overseeing fourteen million participating in playing cards and 6,5 hundred ATMs. Blue Puppy dog provides several financial institution card processing and POS possibilities ranging from ApplePay and chip card viewers to a lot much more fundamental solutions together with Test processing. "Workforce Galaxy" is a few gaggle of excellent good friends who endeavor to equilibrium Similarly their college perform along with their free time. The a handful of protagonists, Josh, Yoko, and Brett, are amid The scholars of a school ... See whole summary » No cancellation costs: If you choose that Helcim's payment solutions usually are not suitable for your business, There may be not any Expense to terminate your account. All services are on each month-to-30 working day time period Basis. “A Consider to southern Vermont isn’t thorough with out having at SoLo Farm & Desk,” pointed out Delighted Vermont author Erica Houskeeper. Regardless of whether you’re obtaining housemade pasta with crumbled rabbit sausage or wood-fired grilled lamb with fermented wheat berries and caramelized cipollini onions, the deceptively uncomplicated fare is fittingly revelatory to obtain a workforce with this sort of superb roots; Chloe arrived from For every Se and Wesley was the founding chef at Degustation. With its vivid cedary-spice notes, this Mix—which includes our expertly aged Sumatran espresso—pairs completely with getaway flavors and exceptional small business. The prototype observe of 7 coaches and two locomotives was concluded in August 1972 and due to autumn was functioning trials on the most essential line. The subsequent calendar calendar year, major-speed screening was at present getting carried out throughout the "racing extend" of the East Coastline Main Line concerning York and Darlington. The established had been minimized to two electric power automobiles and 5 trailers, and there seems to really are a concerted try to check out how briskly the mentor would go. Leave a Reply
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God in his heaven never bettered this; Never hit perfection more square-on. Rugged cliffs lip the strand, Opening to fields behind, The Atlantic, white-layered, Sweeping into the bay, Its hurry washed-out By the tug of sand, gently rising, Before it. A tangle of marram crowns the dunes, Tousled, like windswept hair; Whilst, on the slopes nearby, A line of white cottages Vie for prominence with the old church Yet, it is the call of the waves That steals most of the aces; Those riderless white horses Sweeping relentlessly in, With their whispering lisps; ‘I love you, please don’t go, I love you please don’t go’ And I, watching the ebb-tide dragging them back, Silently mouthing in their wake; ‘She loves me, she loves me not, She loves me, she loves me not…’  God in his heaven never bettered this; Never hit perfection more square-on. Rugged cliffs lip the strand, Opening to fields behind, The Atlantic, white-layered, Sweeping into the bay, Its hurry washed-out By the tug of sand, gently rising, Before it. A tangle of marram crowns the dunes, Tousled, like windswept hair; Whilst, on the slopes nearby, A line of white cottages Vie for prominence with the old church Yet, it is the call of the waves That steals most of the aces; Those riderless white horses Sweeping relentlessly in, With their whispering lisps; ‘I love you, please don’t go, I love you please don’t go’ And I, watching the ebb-tide dragging them back, Silently mouthing in their wake; ‘She loves me, she loves me not, She loves me, she loves me not…’ 03-08-2015 14;05;03  A View from the Green Room. Pat McEvoy. Arts Correspondent..WATERFORD NEWS & STAR Johnjo McGrath enters singing ballad of The Rocks of Bawn and you just know that there is a story to be told. It was a favourite of his father who barely knew the words, or the notes, if the truth be told. A small landholder of twenty acres on the Comeraghs of which only five were arable, he carried ancient grudges around like boulders. Clearing land that was full of furze, rock and limestone, he cursed his circumstances and drank a lot of whiskey to dull the pain. He references Crotty the highwayman and understands the shared experience of disenfranchisement. He curses the Curraghmores and their acres of lawns that would have fed the bellies of half-fed cattle. Not that he had too many of those. It’s the sense of privilege and entitlement about the Curraghmores that gets to him. It eats away at him and he sees no shame in stealing the odd sheep of theirs and selling it on to slaughter. He feels dispossessed and evicted from his land and blames it on the greed of the Anglo-Irish who never had enough. A selfish father with a grievance, he drank all he had and when he drowned himself, Johnjo had to sell the bullock to meet the funeral expenses.   With only £2-10 the mother mortgages the land and moves into the town. A knife-incident leaving a man badly wounded, forces him to flee and it’s the boat in wartime for Johnjo. Grim times. Working on the lump, with an array of identities to avoid detection, it’s a grim and lonely existence. Kavanagh’s lines of the women who love only young men ring in the ear of the aging man who moves between damp and over-crowded doss-houses while building the motorways. The gangers are always the same. Elephant John is a tough task-master who can really dish it out. And it’s always Paddy. Never Johnjo. Still no matter when you’re on the lump. The names tumble our like tourist dishcloths…Tom Dooley…Roy Rogers…Gene Aughtry…Donald F****in’ Duck. But a life without children. And a wife. Before he knows it, he’s fifty. It’s been an empty existence claims Johnjo but odd facts begin to pop out from the coiled spring of resentment. Sexual ambiguities surface. He prefers the company of men. Their smell. Their friendship. A band of building brothers. It’s a world of sexual compromise and secrets hidden from even himself. He hates Bannagher, the jumped-up Irish boss who also owns the pub in Cricklewood where the wages are paid. He only pays by cheque and charges 5% on cashing cheques for subbies who he knows can never have a bank account. When a trench collapses killing Johnjo’s only friendKennedy because of poor scaffolding, Johnjo settles accounts with Bannagher in the old time-honoured way of blood-payment. Eamon Culloty is excellent as the spiteful-regretful-sexually-ambivalent Johnjo. In what was once a best suit, he brings the whole range of despised Paddy to the stage. It’s a performance that’s always highly charged and directed with great sympathy by James Power. The emptiness of a wasted life is what remains with you after the performance. There’s nothing simple about a performance that seems to constantly search for answers and, perhaps, other ways to have gone about his business. His father’s son, he doesn’t get his sense of dispossession from the ground. He doesn’t blame the father and scoffs at Larkin’s line: they f**k you up, your mum and dad’. ‘No’ Johnjo declares ‘I f**ked them up’. Tom O’Brien’s writing always seems to drive Johnjo on to a conclusion based on the navvies’ experience.  His wisdom is bought at a price that no one  should really have to pay. O’Brien lays Paddy’s experiences in post-war Britain bare…lodgings in damp rooms crammed with other Paddies trying to get by. Weekends trying to dull the pain of existence through drink and then looking for a sub on Monday to get through the week. Great to see Waterford playwright Tom O’Brien’s work on a Waterford stage. Let’s see more of it. The Copper Coast is a stretch of the southern coast of Ireland in County Waterford. It is named for the historic metal-mining industry, the legacies of which now constitute a tourist attraction. This was where I misspent my youth; where I learnt to swim; where I rode my first motorcycle – a shiny red Honda 50; where I kissed my first girlfriend; where I ate dilisk and Tayto crisps till they made me sick. Ah Bonmahon! Dear Mother, There weren’t too many occasions when I pleased you in life. My fault not yours, because we both know that I wasn’t what you would call ‘a dutiful son’. I probably pleased you when I got married, and when I gave you your first grandchild, but I think I pleased you most when I became an Altar boy. I imagine you saw it as a kind of status symbol: because when other mothers boasted ‘my son is going to De La Salle College’, or ‘has a place in the Christian Brothers’, you could now reply ‘my son is an Altar boy’ with a certain amount of pride. And there weren’t that many of us in the vicinity – no more than a handful – which made it all the more gloat-worthy. Even the Master acknowledged our special status; taking us up to the church several times a week after school for rehearsals before letting us loose on our first Sunday. He took the part of the priest himself; although he didn’t ‘gown up’ for the role. But I guess Fr. Sinnott, the parish priest, would have viewed as sacrilege the idea of somebody rummaging around in his wardrobe. Still, we were put through our paces until we had mastered our roles; bell-ringing, bringing the water and the wine, and, of course, learning to chant the responses in the appropriate places. I can still recite chunks of Latin after all these years – and I still don’t know what they mean. In due course I discovered the pleasures of wine-drinking. Thomas K and myself usually served together, and as altar boys were responsible for filling the jugs with the water and wine to be used during the Mass. When the parish priest officiated, very little water but nearly all the wine would be used. However, with other priests it might be the other way round, and we were often able to transfer some of the wine to a spare vessel we kept concealed in a recess, topping up the priest’s jug with water. We returned later and retrieved the wine, then sat amid the gravestones drinking it. Sometimes it made your head spin, and when we added the occasional Woodbine that I had fecked from your box on the mantelpiece over the fire in the kitchen, everything started to revolve. Trees, poles, even the gravestones; whirling around so fast you had to hang on tightly to something for fear of taking off. Being an Altar boy had other rewards too; particularly when we ‘officiated’ at weddings, funerals and christenings, where, afterwards, you could guarantee that several shiny half-crowns or maybe even a ten shilling note would be pressed into your greasy little palm. Not that I depended entirely on these fairly infrequent occasions; I quickly discovered that the collections during Sunday Mass offered a steady source of income. I am sure you will recall that when the filled collection boxes were placed by the Altar rail it became our job to take them to the sacristy and transfer the money into the bags waiting there. Once inside, I found it quite an easy task to deflect some of the coins into my own pocket. And afterwards I was able to stuff myself with Rollos, Crunchies and bags of Tayto’s on the proceeds. I wonder if it ever crossed your mind that your very own ‘God’s little helper’ had become a thief? Not all special occasions paid off, however. Do you remember the time that M’s latest child was being baptized and she couldn’t come into the service because she hadn’t been churched? I always thought that being churched was the result of some serious transgression and for many years I wondered what M had done. It wasn’t until much later that I learned it was a purification ceremony that the church carried out on women who had given birth. This is what I read. ‘The woman who has just had a child must first stand outside the church door and only when she has been solemnly purified by sprinkling with holy water and the prayers of the priest is she led back into the church’. Apparently it goes back to the middle ages when the church decided that women who had given birth were unclean and therefore had to be ‘cleansed’. I had often seen women before, dressed solemnly in black, kneeling in the vestibule at the back of the church after Mass, waiting for the priest to come and attend to them, but it never occurred to me that the church was punishing them for having children. I still remember how ashamed you all looked when the priest said the baptism couldn’t take place until M had been purified, and you all trooped away to Cullinanes Pub to put down the half hour wait. I suppose you had ‘a small sherry to settle your nerves’. I had the task of following the priest about with the vessel of Holy water. He placed a lighted candle in M’s hand, and recited the Gloria Patri and the Kyrie as well as the Our Father before sprinkling her with Holy Water and inviting her into the chapel with the words, ‘Enter into the temple of God, that though mayest have eternal life’. However, he made sure she was veiled before letting her pass, and I have since read that women who refused to cover their heads were often ex-communicated. I think this was one of the few occasions where no shiny half-crown changed hands. I never stopped to wonder at the time why there were no Altar girls. I suppose it was to do with the Church’s attitude to women even then (this was the late 1950’s) as exemplified in the ‘churching’. Thank God things have changed a bit since my youth. Your loving son available in paperback & ebook on Amazon available in paperback or ebook on Amazon Dear Mother, We never had much to say to each other when you were alive. I suppose that had a lot to do with you being grounded in the tranquility of rural County Waterford, while I misspent my youth on the mean streets of that area of London often referred to as County Kilburn. Even when we did speak it was only in platitudes; nothing of importance was ever touched upon. Mainly, I assumed, because nothing of importance had ever happened in our family’s history. So the chances of you surprising me from beyond the grave were very remote indeed. It began with enquiries about your favourite son, John. Telephone calls to friends and neighbours, even to the Parish Priest in Newtown. Nosing around, you would call it. Eventually the caller phoned John himself, which is how I became involved. Apparently we were the beneficiaries of a legacy. A substantial sum of money was laying in British Government coffers, the trail of which led back to our paternal grandfather, Tom, and we were the next in line. Nobody ever spoke about grandpa Tom; Why was that?  And now that I think of it, why is grandpa buried in one parish – Newtown – and grandma in another – Ballyduff? And why did father scrupulously care for grandma’s grave, and not grandpa’s? But back to the legacy. There was a catch – there always is – the caller required us to sign a contract giving him 33% of the estate before revealing details to us. As I happened to consider that excessive for a ‘finders fee’ I began my own investigations on the internet. As far as I could see, the only family member who it could possibly be was Aunt Margaret. When I had last seen her ten years ago, she was already an old woman, living in poverty in Lewisham. (I know you always said she had loads of money, but if you had seen how she lived then you would have changed your mind) Anyway, after several hours of queries to Ask Jeeves and co, I came across a British government website called  I typed in a name and there it was in black and white! Margaret O’Brien…. Lewisham, died intestate 2005. Estate £XX,000 How well you knew her! But of course you didn’t really. Nobody did. Not even my father – her own brother. He never spoke about her.  Why was that? She left Waterford in 1947 and was never seen by any member of the family again, apart from myself. Oh, I know you wrote her the occasional letter and she sent parcels of used clothes to you. ‘Her cast-offs’, you called them, before burning the lot. What was it that caused her to go away and never come back? She came to visit me in Kilburn shortly after Karen was born – was that your doing, giving her my address? – And we kept in contact until I moved away from the area. She liked the idea of having a niece, but I found her a strange, secretive woman. When I last saw her she was housebound, living in a dingy council estate in Deptford. And given to calling me ‘Captain’ – because I don’t think she remembered who I was any more. After that I forgot about her. To establish claim to the estate I have had to furnish various documents; birth, marriage, death etc. Which is how I learned that my father and Aunt Margaret weren’t the only children born to my paternal grandparents. There were three other children, John, James and Catherine. What happened to those uncles and aunt? Father never spoke of them. They are not still alive as far as I can establish, but neither have I yet ascertained where and how they died and where they are buried. But you, mother dear, served up the biggest surprise of all. On your marriage certificate, it says FATHER UNKNOWN. Why, in my childhood, did I never realize that your mother was unmarried? Or query the fact that your father had never been around. Oh, there was a man about the house – your mother’s brother Mikey – and maybe I subconsciously associated him with being  your father. Mikey, with his wooden leg -he had lost the real one fighting with the British Army in Flanders – lives on in my memory, and I can still recall trying to remove my leg as he did his, and wondering why I couldn’t. I almost wish now that he had been your father. I have since learned that you did know your father. He was a friend of Mikey’s who had also joined the British Army, but had been killed in the same battle that had seen my granduncle lose his leg. Killed before he could make an honest woman of your mother. Killed before he could respectably be put down on your wedding certificate as your father. You never spoke about any of this. Not to me, anyhow. Was this what made you melancholy in your later years? The thought of your mother living all her life in her little thatched cottage in Grenan, the man she loved lying in an unmarked grave, lost forever in those green fields of France? I think it’s sad that I find you more interesting dead than I ever did when you were alive. Your loving son, Tom   Continue reading JOHNJO – an extract  scene one A darkened stage. We hear the sounds of a busy building site.  Then a voice… VOICE:     Jaysus, Blondie…that’s a…a… Then another sound – an explosion. The light’s come up, to reveal JOHNJO sitting on a rock on a hill.  The hill looks down on some windswept, craggy fields, and, in the distance, faint outlines of farm buildings (unseen).  Johnjo is in his fifties, weather-beaten, but well-dressed…(suit, polished shoes etc) He is singing softly at lights-up. JOHNJO:                               (THE ROCKS OF BAWN) Come all ye loyal heroes and listen on to me. Don’t hire with any farmer till you know what your work will be You will rise up in the morning from the clear daylight till dawn And you never will be able For to plough the rocks of  bawn My father was always singing bits of that song. I don’t know, maybe he didn’t know any more of it, but those are the only words that stick in my mind… I suppose, though, they had a certain ring… (he gets up and looks around) I mean, look at it… More rocks than bawn… By God, if I had a penny for every stone we picked… For every furze bush we cut down… (imitates his father) Fifty acres, boy…and five of them is a hill. What good is a lump of limestone to a farmer? You can’t feed beasts on rocks. By God, if I had my way, I’d blast the whole lot to kingdom (laughs, sings  I AM A LITTLE BEGGARMAN) I am a little beggerman and begging I have been For three score and more In this little isle of green With me sikidder-e-idle- di And me skidder-e-idle-do Everybody knows me By the name of Johnny Dhu. That was his favourite song He would sometimes sit me on his knee… Johnjo ‘hears’ a woman’s voice calling. ‘VOICE’:   Johhny, Johnny where are you? Out there in the cold with the child! Come on in now and milk the cows… Continue reading 26-01-2014 12;51;02 Upcoming review: SHORT STORIES REVIEW The Missing Postman and Other Stories The Co Waterford-born novelist and playwright, Tom O’Brien is still on a very productive streak, and not only has he had two plays produced in London this year, but he has brought out another novel, a book of three Waterford plays, and now a new book of short stories – The Missing Postman and Other Stories. His output is impressive and the work paints a wonderful picture of an Ireland that is quirky and malevolent, as well as giving a wonderful sense of place and time. I am surprised he is not a tourist attraction, and that no Waterford theatre company has scheduled a production of his. What is it about a prophet and his home place? These stories read like notes to plays, and some are charged with characters and menace, as in the novella-length, The Missing Postman, that looks at the crazy world of Zeb and Zoe, who come to Ireland (Co Waterford) to avenge, separate, unhappy childhoods, and go on a ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ robbery spree. They hide out in a curious cottage of Martin Og, who has surprises in the house of a high-tech nature. In a chilling exploration that is full of tension and foreboding, the mysterious disappearance of Martin Og’s brother – The Postman of the title is remembered. In Johnjo’s Tale, we get the sense of emigration and isolation, laced with the sickly nostalgia, for songs of an era of regret, heartache, and rights to property, keeping emigrants forever looking back to the old homestead. This notion of family possessions is forcefully brought home in a very short -The Dispossessed – where the message is driven home (pardon the pun) – you can never go back. Home is not and perhaps, never was, what you desperately wanted it to be. The Homecoming, is another pithy story where the landscape of memory and the physical landscape of a Hill was quarried away to create a sense of false prosperity. For those who will come to know (and I sincerely hope so) Tom O’Brien as a fine playwright (which he is), these short stories will be viewed as source material into his themes and motivations. But they read as stories in their own right, full of human and bitter honesty, and full of dramatic tension and excitement. Ah Lackendara You heard the voices too At Paschendaele where you Cowered as the big guns Bombarded your world to silence Blasted your thoughts to kingdom come And left you forlorn On that ragged outcrop In the foothills of the Comeraghs The fox and the curlew your only companions The gurgling Mahon Falls All there was to quench your thirst. For thirty years you trod those hills Taking little notice Of ordinary life around you going on Your presence on the mountain a constant reminder Of mans’ inhumanity to man.
Creative Writing - The page content consists of a short story, chapters from a novel, a poem or song lyrics - This does not include other web pages (e.g. forums or news articles) that have literature and fiction only as their topic
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