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definitely a crowd-pleaser , but then , so was the roman colosseum . | 0 |
the gentle comic treatment of adolescent sturm und drang should please fans of chris fuhrman 's posthumously published cult novel . | 1 |
for a shoot-'em-up , ballistic is oddly lifeless . | 0 |
what you end up getting is the vertical limit of surfing movies - memorable stunts with lots of downtime in between . | 0 |
byler reveals his characters in a way that intrigues and even fascinates us , and he never reduces the situation to simple melodrama . | 1 |
the most audacious , outrageous , sexually explicit , psychologically probing , pure libido film of the year has arrived from portugal . | 1 |
all three actresses are simply dazzling , particularly balk , who 's finally been given a part worthy of her considerable talents . | 1 |
it 's a perfect show of respect to just one of those underrated professionals who deserve but rarely receive it . | 1 |
the farcical elements seemed too pat and familiar to hold my interest , yet its diverting grim message is a good one . | 1 |
if the man from elysian fields is doomed by its smallness , it is also elevated by it -- the kind of movie that you enjoy more because you 're one of the lucky few who sought it out . | 1 |
with its hint of an awkward hitchcockian theme in tact , harmon 's daunting narrative promotes a reasonable landscape of conflict and pathos to support the scattershot terrorizing tone | 1 |
the cast delivers without sham the raw-nerved story . | 1 |
the sort of picture in which , whenever one of the characters has some serious soul searching to do , they go to a picture-perfect beach during sunset . | 0 |
the sweetest thing leaves a bitter taste . | 0 |
represents something very close to the nadir of the thriller/horror genre . | 0 |
not since ghostbusters has a film used manhattan 's architecture in such a gloriously goofy way . | 1 |
a plodding look at the french revolution through the eyes of aristocrats . | 0 |
a chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tension and unhappiness . | 1 |
this often-hilarious farce manages to generate the belly laughs of lowbrow comedy without sacrificing its high-minded appeal . | 1 |
a different kind of love story - one that is dark , disturbing , painful to watch , yet compelling . | 1 |
how on earth , or anywhere else , did director ron underwood manage to blow $ 100 million on this ? | 0 |
a tough go , but leigh 's depth and rigor , and his skill at inspiring accomplished portrayals that are all the more impressive for their lack of showiness , offsets to a notable degree the film 's often-mined and despairing milieu . | 0 |
does anyone much think the central story of brendan behan is that he was a bisexual sweetheart before he took to drink ? | 0 |
when it 's all wet , blue crush is highly enjoyable . when it 's on dry land , though , this surfer-girl melodrama starts gasping like a beached grouper . | 0 |
may be far from the best of the series , but it 's assured , wonderfully respectful of its past and thrilling enough to make it abundantly clear that this movie phenomenon has once again reinvented itself for a new generation . | 1 |
while the film is competent , it 's also uninspired , lacking the real talent and wit to elevate it beyond its formula to the level of classic romantic comedy to which it aspires . | 0 |
a riveting documentary . | 1 |
the film ultimately offers nothing more than people in an urban jungle needing other people to survive . . . | 0 |
you 'll get the enjoyable basic minimum . but not a whit more . | 1 |
jacquot 's strategy allows his cast the benefit of being able to give full performances . . . while demonstrating vividly that the beauty and power of the opera reside primarily in the music itself . | 1 |
a bit too eager to please . | 0 |
one problem with the movie , directed by joel schumacher , is that it jams too many prefabricated story elements into the running time . | 0 |
the reason we keep seeing the same movie with roughly the same people every year is because so many of us keep going and then , out of embarrassment or stupidity , not warning anyone . | 0 |
hollywood ending just is n't very funny . | 0 |
one of the best movies of the year . | 1 |
i 've seen some bad singer-turned actors , but lil bow wow takes the cake . | 0 |
time out is as serious as a pink slip . and more than that , it 's an observant , unfussily poetic meditation about identity and alienation . | 1 |
a distinguished and thoughtful film , marked by acute writing and a host of splendid performances . | 1 |
fincher takes no apparent joy in making movies , and he gives none to the audience . | 0 |
this directorial debut from music video show-off higuchinsky is all flash . | 0 |
the movie gets muted and routine . | 0 |
`` on guard ! `` wo n't be placed in the pantheon of the best of the swashbucklers but it is a whole lot of fun and you get to see the one of the world 's best actors , daniel auteuil , have a whale of a good time . | 1 |
becomes the last thing you would expect from a film with this title or indeed from any plympton film : boring . | 0 |
hartley adds enough quirky and satirical touches in the screenplay to keep the film entertaining . | 1 |
no amount of blood and disintegrating vampire cadavers can obscure this movie 's lack of ideas . | 0 |
stuart 's poor-me persona needs a whole bunch of snowball 's cynicism to cut through the sugar coating . but once the falcon arrives in the skies above manhattan , the adventure is on red alert . | 1 |
a clever blend of fact and fiction . | 1 |
the new faces are interesting , but the old story is n't , especially when it starts to seem more improvised than scripted . | 0 |
desta vez , columbus capturou o pomo de ouro . | 1 |
as steamy as last week 's pork dumplings . | 0 |
we never feel anything for these characters , and as a result the film is basically just a curiosity . | 0 |
. . . tackling a low-budget movie in which inexperienced children play the two main characters might not be the best way to cut your teeth in the film industry . | 0 |
evokes a little of the fear that parents have for the possible futures of their children -- and the sometimes bad choices mothers and fathers make in the interests of doing them good . | 1 |
none of this violates the letter of behan 's book , but missing is its spirit , its ribald , full-throated humor . | 0 |
the director knows how to apply textural gloss , but his portrait of sex-as-war is strictly sitcom . | 0 |
it 's the type of stunt the academy loves : a powerful political message stuffed into an otherwise mediocre film . | 0 |
a tired , unnecessary retread . . . a stale copy of a picture that was n't all that great to begin with . | 0 |
pretend it 's a werewolf itself by avoiding eye contact and walking slowly away . it 's fun , but it 's a real howler . | 0 |
whether jason x is this bad on purpose is never clear . but one thing 's for sure : it never comes close to being either funny or scary . | 0 |
all three women deliver remarkable performances . | 1 |
. . . a fun little timewaster , helped especially by the cool presence of jean reno . | 1 |
the piano teacher is the sort of movie that discourages american audiences from ever wanting to see another foreign film . | 0 |
it seems like i have been waiting my whole life for this movie and now i ca n't wait for the sequel . | 1 |
a confident , richly acted , emotionally devastating piece of work and 2002 's first great film | 1 |
`` antwone fisher `` is an earnest , by-the-numbers effort by washington . it wo n't rock any boats but is solid meat-and-potatoes filmmaking . | 1 |
too clever by about nine-tenths . | 0 |
who , exactly , is fighting whom here ? ah , yes , that would be me : fighting off the urge to doze . | 0 |
fans of behan 's work and of irish movies in general will be rewarded by borstal boy . | 1 |
this is a third-person story now , told by hollywood , and much more ordinary for it . | 0 |
spy kids 2 also happens to be that rarity among sequels : it actually improves upon the original hit movie . | 1 |
australia : land beyond time is an enjoyable big movie primarily because australia is a weirdly beautiful place . | 1 |
lee 's achievement extends to his supple understanding of the role that brown played in american culture as an athlete , a movie star , and an image of black indomitability . | 1 |
this latest installment of the horror film franchise that is apparently as invulnerable as its trademark villain has arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made b movie is long gone . | 0 |
what lifts the film high above run-of-the-filth gangster flicks is its refusal to recognise any of the signposts , as if discovering a way through to the bitter end without a map . | 1 |
as comedic spotlights go , notorious c . h . o . hits all the verbal marks it should . | 1 |
although german cooking does not come readily to mind when considering the world 's best cuisine , mostly martha could make deutchland a popular destination for hungry tourists . | 1 |
a brain twister , less a movie-movie than a funny and weird meditation on hollywood , success , artistic integrity and intellectual bankruptcy . | 1 |
in spite of featuring a script credited to no fewer than five writers , apparently nobody here bothered to check it twice . | 0 |
what starts off as a satisfying kids flck becomes increasingly implausible as it races through contrived plot points . | 0 |
innocuous enough to make even jean-claude van damme look good . | 0 |
forced , familiar and thoroughly condescending . | 0 |
the script was reportedly rewritten a dozen times -- either 11 times too many or else too few . | 0 |
the movie is n't painfully bad , something to be 'fully experienced ' ; it 's just tediously bad , something to be fully forgotten . | 0 |
it just goes to show , an intelligent person is n't necessarily an admirable storyteller . | 0 |
time stands still in more ways that one in clockstoppers , a sci-fi thriller as lazy as it is interminable . | 0 |
as with too many studio pics , plot mechanics get in the way of what should be the lighter-than-air adventure . | 0 |
it 's not exactly worth the bucks to expend the full price for a date , but when it comes out on video , it 's well worth a rental . | 0 |
the bottom line is the piece works brilliantly . | 1 |
as spent screen series go , star trek : nemesis is even more suggestive of a 65th class reunion mixer where only eight surviving members show up -- and there 's nothing to drink . | 0 |
any enjoyment will be hinge from a personal threshold of watching sad but endearing characters do extremely unconventional things . | 0 |
. . . rogers 's mouth never stops shut about the war between the sexes and how to win the battle . | 1 |
tends to plod . | 0 |
strange , funny , twisted , brilliant and macabre . | 1 |
both damning and damned compelling . | 1 |
it turns out to be a cut above the norm , thanks to some clever writing and sprightly acting . | 1 |
the movie is concocted and carried out by folks worthy of scorn , and the nicest thing i can say is that i ca n't remember a single name responsible for it . | 0 |
the movie does its best to work us over , with second helpings of love , romance , tragedy , false dawns , real dawns , comic relief , two separate crises during marriage ceremonies , and the lush scenery of the cotswolds . | 1 |
even legends like alfred hitchcock and john huston occasionally directed trifles . . . so it 's no surprise to see a world-class filmmaker like zhang yimou behind the camera for a yarn that 's ultimately rather inconsequential . | 0 |
a working class `` us vs . them `` opera that leaves no heartstring untugged and no liberal cause unplundered . | 0 |
after you laugh once ( maybe twice ) , you will have completely forgotten the movie by the time you get back to your car in the parking lot . | 0 |
Subsets and Splits