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when it really counts . . . bloody sunday connects on a visceral level that transcends language . | 1 |
an experience so engrossing it is like being buried in a new environment . | 1 |
a gently funny , sweetly adventurous film that makes you feel genuinely good , that is to say , entirely unconned by false sentiment or sharp , overmanipulative hollywood practices . | 1 |
shocking only in that it reveals the filmmaker 's bottomless pit of self-absorption . | 0 |
`` the emperor 's new clothes `` begins with a simple plan . . . . well , at least that 's the plan . | 1 |
this mistaken-identity picture is so film-culture referential that the final product is a ghost . | 0 |
gets under the skin of a man who has just lost his wife . | 1 |
the recording session is the only part of the film that is enlightening -- and how appreciative you are of this depends on your level of fandom . | 1 |
' . . . the film 's considered approach to its subject matter is too calm and thoughtful for agitprop , and the thinness of its characterizations makes it a failure as straight drama . ' | 1 |
another trumpet blast that there may be a new mexican cinema a-bornin ' . | 1 |
. . . enthusiastically invokes the percussion rhythm , the brass soul and the sense of fierce competition that helps make great marching bands half the fun of college football games . | 1 |
leigh makes these lives count . and he allows a gawky actor like spall -- who could too easily become comic relief in any other film -- to reveal his impressively delicate range . | 1 |
williams absolutely nails sy 's queasy infatuation and overall strangeness . | 1 |
[ denis ' ] bare-bones narrative more closely resembles an outline for a '70s exploitation picture than the finished product . | 0 |
silly stuff , all mixed up together like a term paper from a kid who ca n't quite distinguish one sci-fi work from another . | 0 |
feeble comedy . | 0 |
the story the movie tells is of brian de palma 's addiction to the junk-calorie suspense tropes that have all but ruined his career . | 0 |
say this for the soundtrack , it drowns out the lousy dialogue . | 0 |
this is one of those war movies that focuses on human interaction rather than battle and action sequences . . . and it 's all the stronger because of it . | 1 |
. . . the plot weaves us into a complex web . | 1 |
an exceedingly clever piece of cinema . another great M-^Qwhat you do n't see ' is much more terrifying than what you do see thriller , coupled with some arresting effects , incandescent tones and stupendous performances | 1 |
aside from the fact that the film idiotically uses the website feardotcom . com or the improperly hammy performance from poor stephen rea , the film gets added disdain for the fact that it is nearly impossible to look at or understand . | 0 |
juliette binoche 's sand is vivacious , but it 's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th-century prose behind her childlike smile . | 0 |
the film delivers not just the full assault of reno 's immense wit and insight , but a time travel back to what it felt like during those unforgettably uncertain days . | 1 |
a trashy , exploitative , thoroughly unpleasant experience . | 0 |
while the script starts promisingly , it loses steam towards the middle and never really develops beyond attacking obvious target . | 0 |
read my lips is to be viewed and treasured for its extraordinary intelligence and originality as well as its lyrical variations on the game of love . | 1 |
rare is the 'urban comedy ' that even attempts the insight and honesty of this disarming indie . | 1 |
all that ( powerpuff girls ) charm is present in the movie , but it 's spread too thin . | 0 |
unless there are zoning ordinances to protect your community from the dullest science fiction , impostor is opening today at a theater near you . | 0 |
just about all of the film is confusing on one level or another , making ararat far more demanding than it needs to be . | 0 |
ultimately too repellent to fully endear itself to american art house audiences , but it is notable for its stylistic austerity and forcefulness . | 1 |
[ shyamalan ] continues to cut a swathe through mainstream hollywood , while retaining an integrity and refusing to compromise his vision . | 1 |
morrissette 's script and direction show a fair amount of intelligence and wit -- but it does n't signify a whole lot either . | 0 |
whenever you think you 've seen the end of the movie , we cut to a new scene , which also appears to be the end . but , no , we get another scene , and then another . you begin to long for the end credits as the desert does for rain . | 0 |
the dialogue is very choppy and monosyllabic despite the fact that it is being dubbed . | 0 |
cq 's reflection of artists and the love of cinema-and-self suggests nothing less than a new voice that deserves to be considered as a possible successor to the best european directors . | 1 |
it rapidly develops into a gut-wrenching examination of the way cultural differences and emotional expectations collide . | 1 |
an empty shell of an epic rather than the real deal . | 0 |
that the e-graveyard holds as many good ideas as bad is the cold comfort that chin 's film serves up with style and empathy . | 1 |
michele is a such a brainless flibbertigibbet that it 's hard to take her spiritual quest at all seriously . | 0 |
you 're not merely watching history , you 're engulfed by it . | 1 |
look , this is a terrific flick replete with dazzling camera-work , dancing and music . | 1 |
this is rote spookiness , with nary an original idea ( or role , or edit , or score , or anything , really ) in sight , and the whole of the proceedings beg the question 'why ? ' | 0 |
make like the title and dodge this one . | 0 |
writer/director joe carnahan 's grimy crime drama is a manual of precinct cliches , but it moves fast enough to cover its clunky dialogue and lapses in logic . | 1 |
the troubling thing about clockstoppers is that it does n't make any sense . | 0 |
woody allen can write and deliver a one liner as well as anybody . but i had a lot of problems with this movie . | 0 |
in my opinion , analyze that is not as funny or entertaining as analyze this , but it is a respectable sequel . | 1 |
many of benjamins ' elements feel like they 've been patched in from an episode of miami vice . | 0 |
o fantasma is boldly , confidently orchestrated , aesthetically and sexually , and its impact is deeply and rightly disturbing . | 1 |
it 's fun , but the code-talk will fly right over everyone 's head | 1 |
more of the same old garbage hollywood has been trying to pass off as acceptable teen entertainment for some time now . | 0 |
leigh is n't breaking new ground , but he knows how a daily grind can kill love . | 1 |
a long , dull procession of despair , set to cello music culled from a minimalist funeral . | 0 |
though uniformly well acted , especially by young ballesta and galan ( a first-time actor ) , writer/director achero manas 's film is schematic and obvious . | 0 |
[ leigh ] has a true talent for drawing wrenching performances from his actors ( improvised over many months ) and for conveying the way tiny acts of kindness make ordinary life survivable . | 1 |
obviously , a lot of people wasted a lot of their time ( including mine ) on something very inconsequential . | 0 |
the thing looks like a made-for-home-video quickie . | 0 |
it all seemed wasted like deniro 's once promising career and the once grand long beach boardwalk . | 0 |
[ jackson and bledel ] seem to have been picked not for their acting chops , but for their looks and appeal to the pre-teen crowd . | 0 |
with a large cast representing a broad cross-section , tavernier 's film bounds along with the rat-a-tat energy of `` his girl friday , `` maintaining a light touch while tackling serious themes . | 1 |
the movie is loaded with good intentions , but in his zeal to squeeze the action and our emotions into the all-too-familiar dramatic arc of the holocaust escape story , minac drains his movie of all individuality . | 0 |
a series of escapades demonstrating the adage that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander , some of which occasionally amuses but none of which amounts to much of a story . | 0 |
though her fans will assuredly have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor-seeking dollars best spent elsewhere . | 0 |
the more you think about the movie , the more you will probably like it . | 1 |
like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen 's astringent wit . | 1 |
like kubrick , soderbergh is n't afraid to try any genre and to do it his own way . | 1 |
bound to appeal to women looking for a howlingly trashy time . | 1 |
full of profound , real-life moments that anyone can relate to , it deserves a wide audience . | 1 |
steers has an unexpectedly adamant streak of warm-blooded empathy for all his disparate manhattan denizens -- especially the a * * holes . | 1 |
let 's face it -- there are n't many reasons anyone would want to see crossroads if they 're not big fans of teen pop kitten britney spears . | 0 |
the movie 's quiet affirmation of neighborhood values gives it an honest , lived-in glow . | 1 |
it may not be as cutting , as witty or as true as back in the glory days of weekend and two or three things i know about her , but who else engaged in filmmaking today is so cognizant of the cultural and moral issues involved in the process ? | 1 |
the movie is a trove of delights . | 1 |
pretentious editing ruins a potentially terrific flick . | 0 |
ultimately , clarity matters , both in breaking codes and making movies . enigma lacks it . | 0 |
filmmaker stacy peralta has a flashy editing style that does n't always jell with sean penn 's monotone narration , but he respects the material without sentimentalizing it . | 1 |
it 's not so much a movie as a joint promotion for the national basketball association and teenaged rap and adolescent poster-boy lil ' bow wow . | 0 |
an energetic and engaging film that never pretends to be something it is n't . | 1 |
the director 's twitchy sketchbook style and adroit perspective shifts grow wearisome amid leaden pacing and indifferent craftsmanship ( most notably wretched sound design ) . | 0 |
swims in mediocrity , sticking its head up for a breath of fresh air now and then . | 0 |
further sad evidence that tom tykwer , director of the resonant and sense-spinning run lola run , has turned out to be a one-trick pony -- a maker of softheaded metaphysical claptrap . | 0 |
we have poignancy jostling against farce , thoughtful dialogue elbowed aside by one-liners , and a visual style that incorporates rotoscope animation for no apparent reason except , maybe , that it looks neat . | 0 |
it 's light on the chills and heavy on the atmospheric weirdness , and there are moments of jaw-droppingly odd behavior -- yet i found it weirdly appealing . | 1 |
hey , happy ! is many things -- stoner midnight flick , sci-fi deconstruction , gay fantasia -- but above all it 's a love story as sanguine as its title . | 1 |
it is scott 's convincing portrayal of roger the sad cad that really gives the film its oomph . | 1 |
it may be a somewhat backhanded compliment to say that the film makes the viewer feel like the movie 's various victimized audience members after a while , but it also happens to be the movie 's most admirable quality | 1 |
smith is careful not to make fun of these curious owners of architectural oddities . instead , he shows them the respect they are due . | 1 |
i 've had more interesting -- and , dare i say , thematically complex -- bowel movements than this long-on-the-shelf , point-and-shoot exercise in gimmicky crime drama . | 0 |
how can such a cold movie claim to express warmth and longing ? in truth , it has all the heart of a porno flick ( but none of the sheer lust ) . | 0 |
if damon and affleck attempt another project greenlight , next time out they might try paying less attention to the miniseries and more attention to the film it is about . | 0 |
kinnear gives a tremendous performance . | 1 |
the dialogue is cumbersome , the simpering soundtrack and editing more so . | 0 |
a charming , banter-filled comedy . . . one of those airy cinematic bon bons whose aims -- and by extension , accomplishments -- seem deceptively slight on the surface . | 1 |
it 's so underwritten that you ca n't figure out just where the other characters , including ana 's father and grandfather , come down on the issue of ana 's future . | 0 |
smarter than its commercials make it seem . | 1 |
while this one gets off with a good natured warning , future lizard endeavors will need to adhere more closely to the laws of laughter | 0 |
if the material is slight and admittedly manipulative , jacquot preserves tosca 's intoxicating ardor through his use of the camera . | 1 |
it 's difficult to imagine the process that produced such a script , but here 's guessing that spray cheese and underarm noises played a crucial role . | 0 |
Subsets and Splits