stringlengths 33
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tassa, Sitar
Sitar is string, Tassa is percussion. |
Does Amazon use doors for desks?
Jeff Bezos initially used doors purchased from the local hardware store and added legs, and door desk was born. He did that because funds were limited, and this was the least expensive way for him to purchase a desk. Today, Amazon still uses wooden doors with four pieces of wood attached for legs. New employees receive directions to calculate the optimum desk height, then fill out a form, and maintenance cuts the wooden legs to achieve the correct size. The company does provide adjustable desks by request only. |
What is the difference between solar power and hydrogen fuel cell? What are the advantages of hydrogen?
Solar captures the harvesting of the sun while hydrogen is the osmosis process of extracting the hydrogen cells to create energy. Hydrogen allows for a more consistent energy source while also enabling higher load generation over solar. |
Why is selling stocks short a high risk investment technique
Short selling stocks is a high risk technique as you are betting that a stock will go down in value and the downside risk is essentially unlimited. When you buy a stock "long" you know the stock can "only" go to (0) so your risk is what you invested, when you are selling a stock "short" the stock has no limit to far it can go up and therefore how much money you can lose. |
Why do people like to live in Minnesota?
Minnesota is a great place to live for a multitude of reasons. While the winter weather can be difficult, the overall high quality of life people from Minnesota have heavily outweighs this perceived negative. Minnesota’s education system is consistently rated of one of the best in the United States. Standardize test scores reflect this as well as a strong college/university ecosystem. Minnesota is home to a diverse set of companies and has a higher-than-normal number of F500 companies headquartered in Minnesota. The presence of a large, diverse set of companies has provided Minnesotans with one of the lowest employment rates in the USA. Minnesota is also highly rated when it comes to restaurants based on the number (on a per capita basis) of James Beard Award winners. The overall healthcare systems (including the famous Mayo Clinic) rank very high nationally. |
What are the most expensive cities in the world ?
This is an exhaustive list of the most expensive cities : Singapore, Tel Aviv, New York, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Zurich, Geneva, San Francisco, Paris and Sydney |
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tap shoe, Sarod
Sarod is string, Tap shoe is percussion. |
Tell me which of the following countries as considered SAARC countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, United States of America, United Kingdom, China, Singapore
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and India are part of the SAARC eight member countries. United States of America, United Kingdom, China and Singapore are not affiliated to SAARC countries. |
Where is a good place to go on holiday in Cornwall, England?
Without a doubt, the best place in Cornwall is Rock. Situated in close proximity to both Daymer Bay and Polzeath beach, you have easy access to great beaches and breathtaking clliff top walks. In addition, the Camel estuary is close by which is great for dinghy sailing and there is a frequent water taxi that will take you over the estuary from Rock to Padstow (which is full of good pubs and restaurants).
If one is partial golf, St Enedoc's golf course can be found in Rock which boasts one of the most beautiful Links in the South West. On the Links one will find St Enedoc's Church, an enigmatic church sunken into the dunes and also the burial place of Sir John Betjeman CBE, who was Poet Laureate from 1972 until his death on 19 May 1984. |
When did Uber IPO?
Uber went public on May 9, 2019 |
Classify the below aircraft models based on the companies which created them.
Next-Generation 737, A220, 737 MAX, A350, A330, 747-8, 767, A320, 777, 777X, A380, 787
Boeing- Next-Generation 737, 737 MAX, 747-8, 767, 777, 777X, 787
Airbus- A220, A320, A330, A350, A380 |
Who was the last king of the Reach before Aegon's Conquest?
Mern IX Gardener was the last king of the Reach. When the last of the Gardener's lineage died, the house went extinct and the Reach was assigned to House Tyrell to rule. |
If you were the last person on Earth, what thoughts would you leave behind in a diary if future life were to find it?
I sit here today writing this diary entry as the last person on Earth. It is a feeling like no other and I can say, never in a million years would I have believed this to be a distinction bestowed upon me. But, here I am... just me and Mother Earth. Idle time is not my friend so I try to stay busy. Today, I am busy reflecting upon my 56 years on Earth and lessons learned. Not just lessons I learned from my personal experience, but what I believe are lessons learned for all mankind. The lessons are clear. And all of the lessons are simple practices that I feel we have drifted away from in our modern day. If I had to summarize all of my learnings into one statement it would read like this... "Live simply, love, find faith/hope in a higher source, move every day, work hard on relationships and building communities (real and face to face), find time to rest and creating space and be thankful." That's it! As I said, the lessons are clear. I would like to think that life on Earth will somehow, someway start again and someone will find this diary. And, if that happens, then maybe, just maybe, another human race can benefit from my feelings on life and "living". |
are new year resolutions effective?
To answer the question, let us look at some statistics from public surveys about new year's resolutions. In 2022 about 46% of all people who made resolutions achieved their goals by the end of the year, 11% kept their resolutions for at least 6 months, 14% lasted at least 3 months, 19% lasted for a month, and 11% quit within a month. To make resolutions more effective, not only make the statement of what you want to change, but also list the steps you take to achieve it, and when you want to achieve it. Here are a few tips: Mentally prepare for change; Set goals that resonate with you; Limit resolutions to a manageable amount; Make resolutions specific, measurable, and time-sensitive; Break big goals up into smaller chunks; Write resolutions down; Automate things to keep tabs on yourself; Remember you can always get back on even if you fall off the track! |
Hugh Lofting created which famous character
Doctor Dolittle |
What are the different kinds of rock climbing?
The most popular types of climbing are:
- Bouldering: climbing low hanging challenges, likely with crash pads to fall on.
- Sport climbing (or indoor climbing): Climbing a route with fixed anchors
- Traditional climbing: Climbing with gear that is inserted and removed without fixed anchors
Once climbers gain experience, they are able to begin climbing more extreme outdoor terrain however many climbers may stick to bouldering or sport climbing. |
How do I choose a new phone?
There are many options when choosing a new smartphone. Many boil down to personal preference, but you should always look at your own personal needs and weigh those against the pros and cons of each phone. Some of the main things that people look for when choosing a new phone are:
- Price
- Camera Quality
- Battery Life
- Ease of Use
- Speed
- Connectivity (WiFi, Bluetooth, and Cellular Data)
Some other things to consider are the ecosystem of services you may already use (e.g. Apple ID or Google accounts), and how long you expect to need to use the device for (longevity). In general, more expensive mobile hardware will last longer than lest costly devices. |
Classify the below car manufacturing companies based on their countries of origin.
Mazda, KIA, Hyundai, Ford, Honda, Toyota, Chevrolet
Japan - Toyota, Mazda
Korea - South Korea
USA - Chevrolet, Ford |
What is a world war and how many world wars have happened so far?
World war is an international conflict that involves most major countries. There have been 2 world wars so far. |
What is the name of the first dog that went to space?
Laika |
Which nation placed its astronauts on the moon first?
The United States won the race for a manned space mission to the moon. |
What seven houses ruled the Seven Kingdoms before Aegon's Conquest?
Stark, Tully, Arryn, Lannister, Tyrell, Baratheon, and Martell |
What is the correlation between interest rates and bond prices?
As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. This is because new bonds are selling at more attractive rates. |
Will commercial space travel be affordable to me in my lifetime and what would I pay for it?
I have always been fascinated by space and space travel. The cost of space travel is astronomical by most peoples standards, however, we are starting to hear of companies that are working on making space travel more affordable. Depending on my financial situation at retirement, I would pay up to $100000 to travel to space. |
Give me a bulleted list of the the first five books in the bible new testament?
The New Testament is the second division of the Christian biblical canon. It discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events in first-century Christianity. The first five books of the new testament are
1) The Gospel of Matthew - It is one of the four gospels of the New Testament that tell the story of Jesus' life and teachings.
2 The Gospel of Mark - It tells of the ministry of Jesus from his baptism by John the Baptist to his death, burial, and the discovery of his empty tomb. It portrays Jesus as a teacher, an exorcist, a healer, and a miracle worker, though it does not expound upon the miraculous birth or divine pre-existence.
3) The Gospel of Luke - tells of the origins, birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.
4) The Gospel of John - It contains a highly schematic account of the ministry of Jesus, with seven "signs" culminating in the raising of Lazarus and seven "I am" discourses culminating in Thomas' proclamation of the risen Jesus as "my Lord and my God". The gospel's concluding verses set out its purpose, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name
5) Acts of the Apostles - is an attempt to answer a theological problem, namely how the Messiah, promised to the Jews, came to have an overwhelmingly non-Jewish church; the answer it provides, and its central theme, is that the message of Christ was sent to the Gentiles because the Jews rejected it |
Classify these quarterback as either won Superbowl or did not win: Joe Montana, Dan Marino, Jim Kelly, John Elway.
Won Superbowl: Joe Montana, John Elway
Did not win Superbowl: Dan Marino, Jim Kelly |
Why is it important to brush and floss your teeth everyday?
It is important to use a toothbrush to remove food build-up and plaque that can accumulate on tooth surfaces. Flossing is important to remove build-up in between teeth in the areas a toothbrush cannot reach. If plaque is not removed within 24 hours, it can harden into calculus which can only be removed with a professional cleaning. If plaque and calculus remain on teeth it can increase the risk of gum disease and cavities. Maintaining a healthy mouth is important for oral health as well as systemic health, e.g. Cardiovascular Health. Dentists recommend to brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes each time and flossing at least once a day. When brushing it is best to wait 30 minutes after drinking acidic beverages, such as coffee or citrus juice. Dentists recommend using a soft bristle toothbrush with gentle pressure and using toothpaste with fluoride which can help reduce the risk of cavities by strengthening the enamel. |
What are some of the best places to eat in Boston?
There are many types of restaurants in Boston. Boston is well known for its local seafood, lobster, scollops, shrimp, and many types of fish. Boston is also a waterfront city, so there are many dinning options available on the water. |
Who wrote the Man in the Iron Mask
Alexander Dumas |
Imagine you are someone's shadow for a day. Write about your experiences in the present tense.
I'm feeling surprised this morning. I feel a little flatter than usual, and a little lighter. To be honest with you, I can't see myself at all.
WOW! Someone turned the lights on. I can't see! Wait... I'm on the floor. Why am I on the floor? I'm right behind this man, he's just got out of bed. I don't recognise this room.
Ah. I seem to be a shadow. Not what I was hoping for this morning, if I'm being honest. I have a big day at work, and this is going to make things rather more challenging. I'll have to get on with it though, stiff upper lip and all that. I can only hope this my shadow's driver has an interesting plan for the day.
It's looking promising so far. They are putting on hiking boots and other outdoor wear. Certainly better than staying inside and playing video games all day. I'd hardly have anything to do at all. Now we need to hope for some good weather. If we're in Norway, there isn't much light at this time of the year. I'd barely even exist.
Finally, he's opened the curtains. I've struck gold. We're in the Sierra Nevada mountains in Spain, and it's a clear day.
We're outside and we're climbing. This is fun! But scary! I never climbed before in my real body. I wish he would stop sitting down to rest. I don't like being sat on.
The view from the summit, it's finally here. It's amazing. Or at least that is what the man says. As a 2 dimensional shadow, I can't really see much. I'm not tall enough. |
In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Redwyne?
Gilbert of the Vines |
Who is the author of Harry Potter?
J.K. Rowling is the British author of the seven-volume Harry Potter series |
What is geomorphometry?
Geomorphometry, or geomorphometrics, is the science and practice of measuring the characteristics of terrain, the shape of the surface of the Earth, and the effects of this surface form on human and natural geography. It gathers various mathematical, statistical and image processing techniques that can be used to quantify morphological, hydrological, ecological and other aspects of a land surface. Common synonyms for geomorphometry are geomorphological analysis (after geomorphology), terrain morphometry, terrain analysis, and land surface analysis. Geomorphometrics is the discipline based on the computational measures of the geometry, topography and shape of the Earth's horizons, and their temporal change. This is a major component of geographic information systems (GIS) and other software tools for spatial analysis.
In simple terms, geomorphometry aims at extracting (land) surface parameters (morphometric, hydrological, climatic etc.) and objects (watersheds, stream networks, landforms etc.) using input digital land surface model (also known as digital elevation model, DEM) and parameterization software.[Extracted surface parameters and objects can then be used, for example, to improve mapping and modelling of soils, vegetation, land use, geomorphological and geological features and similar.
With the rapid increase of sources of DEMs today (and especially due to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and LIDAR-based projects), extraction of land surface parameters is becoming more and more attractive to numerous fields ranging from precision agriculture, soil-landscape modelling, climatic and hydrological applications to urban planning, education and space research. The topography of almost all Earth has been today sampled or scanned, so that DEMs are available at resolutions of 100 m or better at global scale. Land surface parameters are today successfully used for both stochastic and process-based modelling, the only remaining issue being the level of detail and vertical accuracy of the DEM. |
What does troll the respawn, Jeremy mean?
Trolling the respawn refers to when in video games a player hangs out at a place where their opponent respawns, or comes back into a game after dying to immediately kill them again. Troll the respawn, Jeremy specifically is a quote from a TV show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and is misunderstood as a greeting one says when hanging up the phone. |
Who won the World Chess Championship in 2021?
Magnus Carlsen defeated Ian Nepomniachtchi 7.5 - 3.5 to become the 2021 World Chess Champion. |
Why is it a good idea to walk every day?
Walking is a good exercise for burning calories without causing any damage to joints. People of any age can do it and a few miles a day can result in positive effects on cardiovascular health and general fitness. |
Who is the creator of Python?
Guido van Rossum is the father of Python. And the 1st version of Python was released in 1991. |
What is a graph?
Graph is a set on nodes that are connected via edges. Edges represent the relationships between the nodes and can have multiple properties like weight or sign. For example the weight of the edge can represent how strong are the relationships between the nodes A and B, while the sign might represent wether these relationships are positive or negative. |
Which is a species of fish? Banjo or Guitar
Banjo |
Tell me about the various road types in USA?
The public road system in United States of America is primarily made up of Highways and Local Roads. The United States Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) classifies roads based on functions which are created based on attributes such as speed limits, route length and spacing. Based on the road functions we can categorize roads into the following categories.
1. Interstates and Arterial System
2. Other Arterials
3. Collectors
4. Locals
The interstate system is the at the top of road function classification system. They include Highways and Freeways with the highest speed limits and which allow for long distance travel without a lot of interruption. They are constructed using precise standards, signage and with safety considerations. They are also sometimes referred to as Arterial roads as they provide vital connectivity across regions in America. Interstate 95 or I-95 is an example of one such highway in the east coast of the United States which runs from Florida to Maine. The Principal Arterial system also comprises of U.S. Highways, which provide connectivity across regions which do not have an Interstate to support travel.
Other Arterials also include freeways and highways which supplement the Interstate system explained above. They have a slightly lesser speed limits. They typically connect cities and urban areas. Consider them as being minor highways. As an example, North Carolina Highway 55 (NC-55) is a primary state highway artery connecting multiple regional and urban areas in the state of North Carolina.
Collectors are critical for connecting urban population using local roads with the Interstate highways where applicable. They have more interruptions and are shorter in lengths. They also have lesser speed limits (30-35 mph). These can comprise of State highways which connect local roads with the Arterial highways.
Finally local roads provide connectivity between communities, regions, farms and other local areas. They form the lion's share of the United States road system. |
How do i accept the change
Embrace the change and see the difference |
What is the difference between a road bike and a mountain bike?
Road bikes are built to be ridden on asphalt and cement surfaces and have thin tires, whereas mountain bikes are built to be ridden on dirt and have wider tires. Road bikes also have more aerodynamic handle bars while mountain bike handle bars a built for less responsive steering while bouncing around off the road. |
How does GIS help in the real estate investment industry?
Real estate investors depend on precise, accurate location intelligence for competitive insights about the markets and locations where they do business. Real estate investment teams use GIS to bring together location-specific data, mapping, and visualization technology. This enables them to provide the latest insights about real estate markets and their investments, now and in the future. Using thousands of global datasets, investors can quickly understand how their real estate investments are performing across town or around the world, quickly access precise local data about real estate assets, on any device, anywhere, anytime, including information on occupancy, building maintenance, property valuation, and more.
Real estate companies and investors use GIS to research markets, identify new opportunities for growth and expansion, and manage their investments at the market and neighborhood levels. They can also use GIS to create professional digital and printed materials—such as 3D renderings and virtual walk-throughs—to help market investments across platforms. Real estate investors can use mobile data collection tools to gather property information directly from the field and analyze and share insights across their organizations in real time. Investors can leverage precise local knowledge about their assets across geographies. GIS maps and dashboards help investors see, in real-time, relevant data that can affect properties, and streamline investment management with access to all relevant data about every asset in any portfolio. |
What is the Masters?
The Masters Tournament is a golf tournament held annually in the first week of April at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia. The Masters is one of four Major golf tournaments and the only one to be played at the same course every year. The course is renowned for its iconic holes, impeccable groundskeeping, and colorful flowers that are typically in bloom. The winner earns a coveted Green Jacket and a lifetime invitation back to compete. Many players and fans consider The Masters to be their favorite tournament given these traditions and the historical moments that have occurred in past tournaments. |
Subsets and Splits