File size: 11,173 Bytes
7789ee1 45cd39f 50709b2 45cd39f 570f1f2 8719acb 655ad01 7b55536 8c6f31a dfd5096 efd2279 20a2509 a6ea0c9 3e09073 00c786c 6bbae41 d38762d 6276f7c e72abd2 1771cd6 ca0bba0 d4ddaf8 fc6eb7e 96a621f 16996ed c34988d 0b51c55 cc29aa4 fcf188d eaa3263 03b386f 387a2ea ad5920d a0ec59d e80180b 53e98d9 1ba42a3 2a4733d 83e5b01 e125e3e b512f8f c17f6d9 756f895 2e4b469 fd37710 7905edc c419208 1a64b0a 47bdfe3 d31f823 5aed227 2c1f931 621b6aa 770f076 66b9521 ef0cf98 a124e35 1a98a31 792c3a5 6a98ae9 3d74c86 3c68019 b1691e0 9e953b6 8736412 0808600 809ec21 64cface 792499e d24d4b5 7789ee1 5e08035 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 |
- config_name: default
- split: code_civil
path: data/code_civil.parquet
- split: code_de_commerce
path: data/code_de_commerce.parquet
- split: code_rural_nouveau
path: data/code_rural_nouveau.parquet
- split: code_minier
path: data/code_minier.parquet
- split: code_des_instruments_monetaires_et_des_medailles
path: data/code_des_instruments_monetaires_et_des_medailles.parquet
- split: code_disciplinaire_et_penal_de_la_marine_marchande
path: data/code_disciplinaire_et_penal_de_la_marine_marchande.parquet
- split: code_general_des_collectivites_territoriales
path: data/code_general_des_collectivites_territoriales.parquet
- split: code_des_impositions_sur_les_biens_et_services
path: data/code_des_impositions_sur_les_biens_et_services.parquet
- split: code_du_domaine_de_l_etat
path: data/code_du_domaine_de_l_etat.parquet
- split: code_penitentiaire
path: data/code_penitentiaire.parquet
- split: code_de_l_aviation_civile
path: data/code_de_l_aviation_civile.parquet
- split: code_de_l_action_sociale_et_des_familles
path: data/code_de_l_action_sociale_et_des_familles.parquet
- split: code_de_la_consommation
path: data/code_de_la_consommation.parquet
- split: code_general_des_impots_annexe_ii
path: data/code_general_des_impots_annexe_ii.parquet
- split: code_des_pensions_militaires_d_invalidite_et_des_victimes_de_guerre
path: data/code_des_pensions_militaires_d_invalidite_et_des_victimes_de_guerre.parquet
- split: code_du_sport
path: data/code_du_sport.parquet
- split: code_general_des_impots_annexe_iii
path: data/code_general_des_impots_annexe_iii.parquet
- split: code_de_la_famille_et_de_l_aide_sociale
path: data/code_de_la_famille_et_de_l_aide_sociale.parquet
- split: code_de_la_legion_d_honneur_de_la_medaille_militaire_et_de_l_ordre_national_du_merite
path: data/code_de_la_legion_d_honneur_de_la_medaille_militaire_et_de_l_ordre_national_du_merite.parquet
- split: code_rural_et_de_la_peche_maritime
path: data/code_rural_et_de_la_peche_maritime.parquet
- split: code_de_la_justice_penale_des_mineurs
path: data/code_de_la_justice_penale_des_mineurs.parquet
- split: code_general_de_la_fonction_publique
path: data/code_general_de_la_fonction_publique.parquet
- split: code_des_ports_maritimes
path: data/code_des_ports_maritimes.parquet
- split: code_de_la_construction_et_de_l_habitation
path: data/code_de_la_construction_et_de_l_habitation.parquet
- split: code_de_justice_militaire_nouveau
path: data/code_de_justice_militaire_nouveau.parquet
- split: code_general_des_impots_annexe_iv
path: data/code_general_des_impots_annexe_iv.parquet
- split: code_de_la_securite_sociale
path: data/code_de_la_securite_sociale.parquet
- split: code_de_la_route
path: data/code_de_la_route.parquet
- split: code_des_communes
path: data/code_des_communes.parquet
- split: code_du_cinema_et_de_l_image_animee
path: data/code_du_cinema_et_de_l_image_animee.parquet
- split: code_rural_ancien
path: data/code_rural_ancien.parquet
- split: code_de_la_securite_interieure
path: data/code_de_la_securite_interieure.parquet
- split: code_de_la_propriete_intellectuelle
path: data/code_de_la_propriete_intellectuelle.parquet
- split: code_des_pensions_militaires_d_invalidite_et_des_victimes_de_la_guerre
path: data/code_des_pensions_militaires_d_invalidite_et_des_victimes_de_la_guerre.parquet
- split: code_des_pensions_civiles_et_militaires_de_retraite
path: data/code_des_pensions_civiles_et_militaires_de_retraite.parquet
- split: code_de_la_recherche
path: data/code_de_la_recherche.parquet
- split: code_du_service_national
path: data/code_du_service_national.parquet
- split: code_du_tourisme
path: data/code_du_tourisme.parquet
- split: code_de_la_legion_d_honneur_et_de_la_medaille_militaire
path: data/code_de_la_legion_d_honneur_et_de_la_medaille_militaire.parquet
- split: code_des_relations_entre_le_public_et_l_administration
path: data/code_des_relations_entre_le_public_et_l_administration.parquet
- split: code_minier_nouveau
path: data/code_minier_nouveau.parquet
- split: code_general_de_la_propriete_des_personnes_publiques
path: data/code_general_de_la_propriete_des_personnes_publiques.parquet
- split: code_de_la_voirie_routiere
path: data/code_de_la_voirie_routiere.parquet
- split: code_des_douanes_de_mayotte
path: data/code_des_douanes_de_mayotte.parquet
- split: code_de_l_energie
path: data/code_de_l_energie.parquet
- split: code_forestier_nouveau
path: data/code_forestier_nouveau.parquet
- split: code_des_procedures_civiles_d_execution
path: data/code_des_procedures_civiles_d_execution.parquet
- split: code_des_communes_de_la_nouvelle-caledonie
path: data/code_des_communes_de_la_nouvelle-caledonie.parquet
- split: code_de_deontologie_des_architectes
path: data/code_de_deontologie_des_architectes.parquet
- split: code_de_l_environnement
path: data/code_de_l_environnement.parquet
- split: code_des_assurances
path: data/code_des_assurances.parquet
- split: code_de_l_urbanisme
path: data/code_de_l_urbanisme.parquet
- split: code_de_l_education
path: data/code_de_l_education.parquet
- split: code_du_travail_maritime
path: data/code_du_travail_maritime.parquet
- split: code_de_justice_administrative
path: data/code_de_justice_administrative.parquet
- split: code_de_la_sante_publique
path: data/code_de_la_sante_publique.parquet
- split: code_de_procedure_penale
path: data/code_de_procedure_penale.parquet
- split: code_de_l_entree_et_du_sejour_des_etrangers_et_du_droit_d_asile
path: data/code_de_l_entree_et_du_sejour_des_etrangers_et_du_droit_d_asile.parquet
- split: code_des_postes_et_des_communications_electroniques
path: data/code_des_postes_et_des_communications_electroniques.parquet
- split: code_de_procedure_civile
path: data/code_de_procedure_civile.parquet
- split: code_de_la_commande_publique
path: data/code_de_la_commande_publique.parquet
- split: code_general_des_impots
path: data/code_general_des_impots.parquet
- split: code_du_domaine_etat_et_collectivites_publiques_applicable_a_collectivite_territoriale_mayotte
path: data/code_du_domaine_etat_et_collectivites_publiques_applicable_a_collectivite_territoriale_mayotte.parquet
- split: code_de_la_defense
path: data/code_de_la_defense.parquet
- split: code_des_douanes
path: data/code_des_douanes.parquet
- split: code_des_pensions_de_retraite_des_marins_francais_du_commerce_de_peche_ou_de_plaisance
path: data/code_des_pensions_de_retraite_des_marins_francais_du_commerce_de_peche_ou_de_plaisance.parquet
- split: code_de_l_organisation_judiciaire
path: data/code_de_l_organisation_judiciaire.parquet
- split: code_du_patrimoine
path: data/code_du_patrimoine.parquet
- split: code_des_juridictions_financieres
path: data/code_des_juridictions_financieres.parquet
- fr
- text-generation
- text2text-generation
- legal
- text-generation
- conditional-text-generation
- 1K<n<10K
license: cc-by-4.0
# Légifrance Legislative Text Dataset
## Dataset Description
The Légifrance Legislative Text Dataset is a structured collection of French legislative and regulatory texts extracted from the [Légifrance platform](
This dataset provides machine-readable access to consolidated legal codes, with a particular focus on maintaining the integrity of French linguistic features while providing additional metadata and quality signals.
The data in this dataset comes from the Git repository [Git Tricoteuses — La loi sous git - Codes juridiques consolidés](
### Languages
French (fr)
## Intended Uses & Limitations
### Intended Uses
- Legal text analysis and research
- Natural Language Processing tasks on French legislative documents
- Legal information retrieval systems
- Analysis of French regulatory frameworks
### Limitations
- Limited to French legislative texts
- Dependent on the structure of source Légifrance documents
- Quality of text extraction depends on the consistency of source markdown formatting
## Dataset Structure
### Data Fields
- `source`: string - Source of the text (e.g., "Code de la sécurité sociale")
- `id`: string - Unique identifier of the legislative text
- `date_debut`: string - Corresponds to the effective date of the article.
- `date_fin`: string - Indicates the date on which the article will be deleted or replaced.
- `url`: string - Direct link to the text on Légifrance
- `extra`: JSON string containing:
- `État`: string - Status of the text
- `Type`: string - Type of legislative text
- `quality_signals`: JSON string containing:
- `character_count`: Total number of characters
- `word_count`: Total number of words
- `text`: string - The main content of the legislative text
- For an article currently in force, with no scheduled date for its repeal or replacement, `date_fin` is set to '2999-01-01'.
- For an article whose enforcement is deferred without a specific date, `date_debut` is then assigned '2222-02-22'.
- If `date_fin` is specified and differs from '2999-01-01', the reference URL for the upcoming version of the article is constructed as `id`/`date_fin`.
- For example, as of today, the article with `id` = 'LEGIARTI000046809143' and `date_fin` set to '2025-07-01' has its upcoming version accessible at the following URL:
### Data Splits
The dataset is provided as a single split without train/validation/test partitioning.
## Dataset Creation
### Source Data
The data comes from the availability of legal texts as open data, retrieved by the [tricoteuses-legifrance]( project.
The dataset is created from Markdown files containing French legislative texts, each with YAML front matter metadata.
## Considerations for Using the Data
### Social Impact
- Improves accessibility to French legislative texts
- Enables computational analysis of legal documents
- Supports transparency in legal research
### Legal Considerations
- Usage should comply with Légifrance terms of service
- Attribution should be provided to the original source
- Users should verify the current validity of legal texts
## Additional Information
### Dataset Curators
This dataset is programmatically curated from official Légifrance sources.
### Licensing Information
Users should refer to Légifrance's licensing terms for the original content.
### Citation Information
When using this dataset, please cite both:
1. The original Légifrance source
2. This dataset processing implementation
### Contributions
Contributions to improve the dataset processing can be made through the repository's issue tracker or pull requests. |