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Some saw The Old Gold Comedy Theater as being a lighter version of Lux Radio Theater, and it featured some of the best-known film and radio personalities of the day, including Fred Allen, June Allyson, Lucille Ball, Ralph Bellamy, Linda Darnell, Susan Hayward, Herbert Marshall, Dick Powell, Edward G. Robinson, Jane Wyman, and Alan Young. | Iyad asitaqalan Old Gold Comedy Theater sund tawalt taynayat fasusat dǎɣ Lux Radion Theater, əd hin itiwagaz harat dǎɣ adinat wi atiwazeynen dǎɣ cinéma əd tan salan nuru, windǎɣ Fred Allen, June Allyson, Lucille Ball, Ralph Bellamy, Linda Darnell Susan Hayward, Herbert Maršall, Dick Powell, Edward G. Robinson, Jane Wyman, əd Alan Young. |
Many years later, acetate discs of 29 of the shows were discovered in Lloyd's home, and they now circulate among old-time radio collectors. | Ahuskat dǎɣ elan darat awa, dǎɣ disque acétate wi 29 ən tidawenes atwnanhayan yur ehan wa Lloyd, əd orgašan amara gar masadawan ən tən salan arunen |
He was a Past Potentate of Al-Malaikah Shrine in Los Angeles, and was eventually selected as Imperial Potentate of the Shriners of North America for the year 1949–50. | Waruwan anamokal atiwadgalan Al-Malaikah wan Los Angeles, atwakas sund anamokal ən taxrimt tan Šriners na Amérique tan emaynag dǎɣ awatay wan 1949-50. |
Lloyd was invested with the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander Court of Honour in 1955 and coroneted an Inspector General Honorary, 33°, in 1965. | Lloyd atwaga dǎɣ tamxar əd dasišhax wan Kalugwan Ənmusuha Naxala wan tahanint dǎɣ 1955 əd tanumukla Inspecteur oharan ədinat dǎɣ təmal, 33⁰, dǎɣ 1965. |
It said, as first step, Lloyd will write the story of his life for Simon and Schuster. | Ələxatasan as, dǎɣ wazarat alwaq, Lloyd adəktib tanfust tan tamudre nes ye Simon and Schuster. |
He became known for his nude photographs of models, such as Bettie Page and stripper Dixie Evans, for a number of men's magazines. | Atwazay əs fatotanes nəmukan war ilsa, sund Bettie Page əd strip-teaseuse Dixie Evans, ye ajotnen magazatan ən medin. |
"We never intended them to be played with pianos.""" | "Kala win nəkreš anuzgu na nidil əs pianos."" |
"They've come close to it, but they haven't come all the way up""." | "Ohazanin, mašan wariglen hawendǎɣ har samando "". |
In the early 1960s, Lloyd produced two compilation films, featuring scenes from his old comedies, Harold Lloyd's World of Comedy and The Funny Side of Life. | Dǎɣ santo nelan wi 1960, Lloyd ifa sanatat silmatan artaynen,saknanen tidawen ən sista arunen, Harold Lloyd's World of Comedy əd The Funny Side of Life. |
Time-Life released several of the feature films more or less intact, also using some of Scharf's scores which had been commissioned by Lloyd. | Time-Life əzizgar ajen dǎɣ wizagrotnen nedan win nan itiwidis, dǎɣ asikalan ogdahan haratan dǎɣ tidawt tan Scharf was kala his inihad Lloyd. |
The Brownlow and Gill documentary was shown as part of the PBS series American Masters, and created a renewed interest in Lloyd's work in the United States, but the films were largely unavailable. | Əkitban win Brownlow əd Gill izgaranid dǎɣ amas ən série tan American Masters wan PBS, əd asint nasumusuxil nagrawan ye əlkitab wan Lloyd dǎɣ États-Unis, mašan silmatan aqiymanat das huruw ən witilenat. |
"They also adopted Gloria Freeman (1924–1986) in September 1930, whom they renamed Marjorie Elizabeth Lloyd but was known as ""Peggy"" for most of her life." | "Əlan as ogdahan ilmadan Gloria Freeman (1924-1986) dǎɣ septembre 1930, ad has igan isim Marjorie Elizabeth Lloyd mašan as titiwazay isim wan ""Peggy"" dǎɣ tahagit ta maqarat ən timudrenes". |
Davis died from a heart attack in 1969, two years before Lloyd's death. | Davis abati əs tabade nulh dǎɣ 1969, isin wityan dat tamatant ən Lloyd. |
In 1925, at the height of his movie career, Lloyd entered into Freemasonry at the Alexander Hamilton Lodge No. | Gor 1925,gore dag wan saməndo ən achagal wan silma,Lloyd gar gor Alexander Hamilton Lodge No. |
In 1926, he became a 32° Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Los Angeles, California. | Gor 1926, eqal eməseqan wan 32° ən adabara wan Ecosse dag tebagawt tan Los Angeles, gor Californie. |
A portion of Lloyd's personal inventory of his silent films (then estimated to be worth $2 million) was destroyed in August 1943 when his film vault caught fire. | Achrut ən assedən wan silma mazugnen win Lloyd ( as assuhu ness ibdad gor 2 milliontan ən dollars) ekchad gor août 1943 as ehan wa maqaran ən silma erxa. |
The fire spared the main house and outbuildings. | Teraxe toyahin ehan wan azaran ad yaratan wi tihanen. |
Lloyd was honored in 1960 for his contribution to motion pictures with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame located at 1503 Vine Street. | Lloyd atwa səmxar gor 1960 ye talilt iness gor silma ad etar fal Hollywood Walk of Fame ilang or 1503 Vine Street. |
The second citation was a snub to Chaplin, who at that point had fallen foul of McCarthyism and had his entry visa to the United States revoked. | Tənna tas sanatat taqal ayfaran ye Chaplin, ənta, alwaq wendag,ad eqal tedagart ən maswan izar atwan hay iramass visa ness gor uguich ən Etats-Unis. |
Gladys Marie Smith (April 8, 1892 – May 29, 1979), known professionally as Mary Pickford, was a Canadian-American film actress and producer with a career that spanned five decades. | Gladys Marie Smith ( 8 avril 1892-29 mai 1979), tatiwazay temachagalt fal issəm wan Mary Pckford,taqal temasestit ad temaguit an silma tan canado-americaine əs tahaguit təzag fal səmosat təmərwen nawatay. |
Her father, John Charles Smith was the son of English Methodist immigrants, and worked a variety of odd jobs. | Tiss, John Charles Smith,eqal ruress ən amasakul ən anglais,itagan achəgalan madroynen. |
To please her husband's relatives, Pickford's mother baptized her children as Methodists, the religion of their father. | Ye ugraz ən marawan ən ahaləss ness, mass ən Pickford təkfa aratan ness issəm sund imusanan,tənəslila tan tissan. |
Gladys, her mother and two younger siblings toured the United States by rail, performing in third-rate companies and plays. | Gladys, mass ad aytmas ad chatmas wi madroynen takan Etats-Unis dag zirgui,tadalan dag tədawen ad adag was qarad dag alkum. |
Gladys finally landed a supporting role in a 1907 Broadway play, The Warrens of Virginia. | Gladys tassəmda əs agaraw ən achagal was asinn dag edag wan Broadway gor 1907, The Warrens of Virginia. |
After completing the Broadway run and touring the play, however, Pickford was again out of work. | Aguden,darat as tamənda tidawt tan Broadway ad edag, hannis ən Pickford taqima dag ichray wala achəgal. |
She quickly grasped that movie acting was simpler than the stylized stage acting of the day. | Təlmad šik as adal gor silma raqiss fal adal wan temašagalt dag azaman. |
As Pickford said of her success at Biograph:I played scrubwomen and secretaries and women of all nationalities ... I decided that if I could get into as many pictures as possible, I'd become known, and there would be a demand for my work. | Sund awa ina Pickford dagagaraw iness gor Biograph : " Idəlag deden tin ašagəl, tinaktiben ad deden ən akal kul…". Itkalag as adobex adal dag silma wi agotnen,ad zuziyax imanin izar təməlti tamədilt ya ašəgal inn. |
In January 1910, Pickford traveled with a Biograph crew to Los Angeles. | Gor janvier 1910, Pickford ika Los Angeles ənta ad alzamagat ən Biograph. |
Actors were not listed in the credits in Griffith's company. | Iməsosta war dəzgeran gor sənto dag tidawt tan Griffith. |
Pickford left Biograph in December 1910. | Pickford ifal Biograph gor decembre 1910. |
She returned to Broadway in the David Belasco production of A Good Little Devil (1912). | Təqal gor Broadway dag tazəzgart tan David Belasco, A Good Little Devil (1912). |
In 1913, she decided to work exclusively in film. | Gor 1913, tasənta ašəgal ye silma fal maness. |
Pickford left the stage to join Zukor's roster of stars. | Pickford ifal edag wan adal yad əgiš lay wan ilyadan win Zukor. |
Comedy-dramas, such as In the Bishop's Carriage (1913), Caprice (1913), and especially Hearts Adrift (1914), made her irresistible to moviegoers. | Isosta win adal,sund In the Bšop’s Carriage (1913), Caprice (1913), ad hulen Hearts Adrift (1914),igatan iban ašamar ye kal silma. |
Tess of the Storm Country was released five weeks later. | Tess of the Storm County izgar hebutan səmoss darat awa. |
Only Charlie Chaplin, who slightly surpassed Pickford's popularity in 1916, had a similarly spellbinding pull with critics and the audience. | Charlie Chaplin xas, a ogaran əs ədaran tamuzye tan Pickford gor 1916,iga ənmətəf atiwagrazan fal tezmiten ad adinat. |
She also became vice-president of Pickford Film Corporation. | Taqal tamaokalt ən Pickford Film Corporation. |
Due to her lack of a normal childhood, she enjoyed making these pictures. | Assədatu niban tamadrit tiknat, takal torhagat ye igui ən silma. |
In August 1918, Pickford's contract expired and, when refusing Zukor's terms for a renewal, she was offered $250,000 to leave the motion picture business. | Dax août 1918, əšəxil wan Pickford tamada əd, darat tungit nalmaxna nasumutiy wa has ina Zukor, hanay as atafu 250 000 $ fal atifil ehan wan sinéma. |
Through United Artists, Pickford continued to produce and perform in her own movies; she could also distribute them as she chose. | Fal as United, Pickford itiki dag huk izar idal dag silma win ness ; tadobat deg atan tuzan as awa starha. |
"During this period, she also made Little Annie Rooney (1925), another film in which Pickford played a child, Sparrows (1926), which blended the Dickensian with newly minted German expressionist style, and My Best Girl (1927), a romantic comedy featuring her future husband Charles ""Buddy"" Rogers." | " Tahagit nassaxat,təga Little Annie Rooney (1925),silma iyan dag wa eqal Pickford ara,Sparrows (1926),asertay temašəgalt dickensien gor temašagalt taynayat ən allemand,ad My Best Girl (1927),adal azedan dag ahaləs iness Šarles "" Buddy"" Rogers". |
She played a reckless socialite in Coquette (1929), her first talkie, a role for which her famous ringlets were cut into a 1920s' bob. | Tadal ye adunia waren tarmeg dag Coquette (1929), silma wa azaran ina,ašagal ye yararu an muzayan azunan dag təkəbut nelan win 1920. |
The public failed to respond to her in the more sophisticated roles. | Adinat war tarhen dag temašagal ta tiknat. |
Established Hollywood actors were panicked by the impending arrival of the talkies. | Iməsosta wi hanen dag Hollywood armagan fal agad dimalan ən aməgrəd silma. |
She retired from film acting in 1933 following three costly failures with her last film appearance being Secrets. | Tizgar silma gor 1933 darat iban agaraw asohen,azagar iness wa ilkaman gor silma eqal dag ufar. |
During World War I she promoted the sale of Liberty Bonds, making an intensive series of fund-raising speeches, beginning in Washington, D.C., where she sold bonds alongside Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Theda Bara, and Marie Dressler. | Gor akinass ən adunia wazaran, tag hebu ən ašənš wan Liberty Bonds,dag talaxat tedagit maqarat ən magrad wan takute,gor sənto gor Washington,diha ad šənša tahašilt gor edess ən Šarie Šaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, Theda Bara ad Mrie Dressler. |
In a single speech in Chicago, she sold an estimated five million dollars' worth of bonds. | Gor migrad gor Chicago,təšənša ye awogdahan ad samos milliontan ən dollar ən tahašilt. |
At the end of World War I, Pickford conceived of the Motion Picture Relief Fund, an organization to help financially needy actors. | Gor saməndo nakinas, Pickford igraw Motion Picture Relief Fund, tartit tikat talilt ən win waren ila harat. |
As a result, in 1940, the Fund was able to purchase land and build the Motion Picture Country House and Hospital, in Woodland Hills, California. | Dag išray,gor 1940,agilal ašənša akal izar asoqan Motion Picture Country House and Hospital, gor Woodland Hills, gor Californie. |
She demanded (and received) these powers in 1916, when she was under contract to Zukor's Famous Players in Famous Plays (later Paramount). | Təssəstan (izar təgraw) anəmukul gor 1916,agud wad tašagal dag Famous Players in Famous Plays wan Zukor(darat awa Paramount). |
The Mary Pickford Corporation was briefly Pickford's motion-picture production company. | Mary Pickford Corporation təkal solan tidawt ta təgan silma ta hannis ən Pickford. |
Distributors (also part of the studios) arranged for company productions to be shown in the company's movie venues. | Imuzanən (wi hanen deg studiotan) tamagdahan yad Ugatan ən ehən ad izgarən dag hanan win silma tan tidawt. |
It was solely a distribution company, offering independent film producers access to its own screens as well as the rental of temporarily unbooked cinemas owned by other companies. | "Təqal gas tidawt ən tazunt, hakat ye məgan |
As a co-founder, as well as the producer and star of her own films, Pickford became the most powerful woman who has ever worked in Hollywood. | As təkal tamanokalt,sund teməguit ad edag wan silma win ness,Pickford takəl tamət ta təknat assuhu as kala war təšagəl gor Hollywood. |
She and Chaplin remained partners in the company for decades. | "Ənta ad Chaplin aqimanat timidawen tin tədawt |
It is rumored she became pregnant by Moore in the early 1910s and had a miscarriage or an abortion. | Nənna tassəmraw dag Moore gor sənto ən elan win 1910 izar tagšad təssa ness meg tagšəd assəmraw iness inta imanes. |
The couple lived together on-and-off for several years. | Imazlayan ahoagan dag tamudre ta waren tika tahagit dag elan agotnen. |
Around this time, Pickford also suffered from the flu during the 1918 flu pandemic. | Dag azaman wen,Pickford ihanay tamakint ən grippe gor torhənna tan grippe gor 1918. |
They went to Europe for their honeymoon; fans in London and in Paris caused riots trying to get to the famous couple. | Ikan gor Europe ye tarha nassan ; imarhan gor Londres ad Paris adlamən imagrazan ye irum ən uhaz ən marhan wi dag iknanen atwəzi. |
Pickford continued to epitomize the virtuous but fiery girl next door. | Pickford okay dag assəkən ən tamawat ta šadigat mašen takus dag ihaz. |
Foreign heads of state and dignitaries who visited the White House often asked if they could also visit Pickfair, the couple's mansion in Beverly Hills. | Inamokalan nakal ad inaftagan wi atwa samgarnen ad dossanen ehan wa malan sastanan agud as aboben adakən Pickfair,tamuzaq tan mazlayan gor Beverly Hills. |
Other guests included George Bernard Shaw, Albert Einstein, Elinor Glyn, Helen Keller, H. G. Wells, Lord Mountbatten, Fritz Kreisler, Amelia Earhart, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Noël Coward, Max Reinhardt, Baron Nishi, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Austen Chamberlain, Sir Harry Lauder, and Meher Baba, among others. | Gar inaftagan wiyadnen ihen George Bernard Chaw, Albert Einstein, Elinor Glyn, Helen Keller, H. Wells, Lord Mountbatten, Fritz Kreisler,Amelia Earhart,F. Scott Vladmir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Austen Chamberlain, Sir Harry Lauder ad Meher Bba,dag sən . |
They were also constantly on display as America's unofficial ambassadors to the world, leading parades, cutting ribbons, and making speeches. | Zagaran harkuk deg sund inamušal ən alhakum tan Amerique dag adunia,tagan tiwit,tikrəmin tekaršayt izar tagan batu. |
They divorced January 10, 1936. | Amizayan gor 10 janvier 1936. |
She criticized their physical imperfections, including Ronnie's small stature and Roxanne's crooked teeth. | Tizəm iban tafrənt nasnat, gor təmadrit ən tebade tan Ronnie ad issenan wi izgarnen win Roxanne. |
Her siblings, Lottie and Jack, both died of alcohol-related causes in 1936 and 1933, respectively. | Aytmas ad šatmas, Lottie ad Jack, amun assənan as awa hassən iga asməd gor 1936 ad 1933, dag amzizar. |
Pickford withdrew and gradually became a recluse, remaining almost entirely at Pickfair and allowing visits only from Lillian Gish, her stepson Douglas Fairbanks Jr., and few other people. | Pickford tarkan fal maness izar takal takfal inta solan,təqima harkuk gor Pickfair izar war radu ar uss wan Lillian Giš,wan adagal iness Douglas Fairbanks Jr. ad adinat iyad. |
She appeared in court in 1959, in a matter pertaining to her co-ownership of North Carolina TV station WSJS-TV. | Samagdah dat alhakum gor 1959, dag adabara fal məssas ən assəbdan ən talbizont WSJS-TV gor Caroline tan tasaga nakal. |
"Charles ""Buddy"" Rogers often gave guests tours of Pickfair, including views of a genuine western bar Pickford had bought for Douglas Fairbanks, and a portrait of Pickford in the drawing room." | " Charles ""Buddy"" Rogers itagu alwaq iyan tissawt ye naftagan gor Pickfair, ad edag aduten wan adakal naman ən westertan wa ašəša Pickford ye Douglas Fairbanks, ad fato ən Pickford dag ehan". |
She also owned a house in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. | Kal təla deg ehan gor Toronto,dag Ontario, gor Canada. |
Her handprints and footprints are displayed at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. | Adariš ən fassən ness ad daran əssan gor Grauman’s Chinese Theatre gor Hollywood,gor Californie. |
The Mary Pickford Theater at the James Madison Memorial Building of the Library of Congress is named in her honor. | Mary Pickford Theater wan James Madison Memorial Building wan ehan nalkadan win tartit igraw issəm. |
A first-run movie theatre in Cathedral City, California is called The Mary Pickford Theatre, which was established on May 25, 2001. | Silma wan azagor azaran gor Cathedral City,gor Californie,issəm iness The Mary Pickford Theater, wa igan gor 25 mai 2001. |
Among them are a rare and spectacular beaded gown she wore in the film Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall (1924) designed by Mitchell Leisen, her special Oscar, and a jewelry box. | Gar haratan win,nagraw erasway hanat timagwanen assohatnen atiwagrahnen təlasse dag silma Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall (1924),təkraš Mitšell Leisen,agaraw iness wa ahusken ad takbat tan timagwanen. |
The family home had been demolished in 1943, and many of the bricks delivered to Pickford in California. | Ehan ən algahal egšad gor 1943, izar faragitan agotnen atwahakan ye hannis ən Pickford dag Californie. |
In 1993, a Golden Palm Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars was dedicated to her. | Gor 1993, Golden Palm Star iyat tatwagas fal Palm Springs Walk of Stars. |
From January 2011 until July 2011, the Toronto International Film Festival exhibited a collection of Mary Pickford memorabilia in the Canadian Film Gallery of the TIFF Bell LightBox building. | Gor janvier 2011 har juillet 2011,adalan in tartit gar kalan wan silma tan Toronto assəsa amsədu ən nəzgam win Mary Pickford dag Canadian Film Gallery an taxašamt Bell LightBox wan TIFF. |
It was donated to Keene State College and is currently undergoing restoration by the Library of Congress for exhibition. | Tamsədawt ten tatiwakfa ye Keene State College izar tiha daberat nazan fal Library of Congress dag anyat an ahanay. |
The Google Doodle of April 8, 2017 commemorated Mary Pickford's 125th birthday. | Google Doodle wan 8 avril 2017 iga adal was 125 an santo iness gor Mary Pickford. |
Gloria Josephine May Swanson (March 27, 1899 – April 4, 1983) was an American actress, producer, and businesswoman. | Gloria Josephine May Swanson(27mars 1899-4 avril 1983) taqal temedalt,temaguit ad tamat našagalan an amerique. |
Her schoolgirl crush on Essanay Studios actor Francis X. Bushman led to her aunt taking her to tour the actor's Chicago studio. | Takəbut iness tan texare tan emadal Francis X. Bušman wan Essanay Studios iway mass ye atət issəkən studio wan emadal dag Cicago. |
Her sound film debut performance in the 1929 The Trespasser, earned her a second Academy Award nomination. | Tafrənt iness ta təzarat dag silma tənzarat,The Trespasser,gor 1929,ogdahas ad ašanzi was assin gor Oscars. |
Her father was a Swedish American and her mother was of German, French, and Polish ancestry. | Tiss eqal aw Ameriktan Suedtan mass walat Allemantan, walat afrance ad Polognetan. |
In either version, she was soon hired as an extra. | Dag idagan win assi,tassənta šikanen sund tanamatkult. |
Her first role was a brief walk-on with actress Gerda Holmes, that paid an enormous (in those days) $3.25. | Ašagal iness wa azaran ikuy gazilan dag Gerda Holmes,ad ditiwayat azruf agen (dag azaman) an 3,25 dollars. |
In 1915, she co-starred in Sweedie Goes to College with her future first husband Wallace Beery. | Gor 1915,tuzan edag dag Sweedie Goes to College ad ahaləs iness wa azaran Wallace Beery. |
Vernon and Swanson projected a great screen chemistry that proved popular with audiences. | Vermon ad Swanson igan silma maquarat tidit ya adinat. |
Badger was sufficiently impressed by Swanson to recommend her to the director Jack Conway for Her Decision and You Can't Believe Everything in 1918. | Badger assigadah dag atwadis wan Swanson ya tisamumun ya magchad Jack Conway ya awatay wan 1918. |
1920), Something to Think About (1920), and The Affairs of Anatol (1921) soon followed. | 1920), anizgamat harat dag uhaz (1920),ad haratan win Anatol (1921) alkamanid chikanene. |
He had become a star in 1921 for his appearance in The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but Swanson had known him since his days as an aspiring actor getting small parts, with no seeming hope for his professional future. | Kala adikal aliad dag awatay wan 1921 ya azagor iness dag akoz ibigwan namassehi machane Swanson izayti harwa andine diha dikal emasosti igarawan timašagalen madroynen, iban-torda an tagrist-ness. |
Filming was allowed for the first time at many of the historic sites relating to Napoleon. | Issafilawitan atiwayat dag tizarat fal idagan agotnen tinfussen ikrasnen yé Napoleon. |
At the time, Swanson was considered the most bankable star of her era. | Dag azamane, Swanson ekal sund aliad wa atwagdahan dag azamane. |
The production was a disaster, with Parker being indecisive and the actors not experienced enough to deliver the performances she wanted. | Amukine yé kal tamirisset, Parker ekal éré waren assorda, imasosta waren ekel imussanane ya adafine timusnawen ti-torda. |
The members took further steps by registering their discontent with Will H. Hays, Chairman of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America. | Aytedim dakalane adabaratan win-assilmidane iban tadawit nassane yé Will H. Hayes, amanokal namarumar an silma damukine aness da amuzane Nameric. |
Hays was enthusiastic about the basic story, but did have specific issues that were dealt with before the film's release. | Hays amiramar gor tanfust ta tazarat, machane achegalane aknane dat azagor an silma. |
He proposed to personally bankroll her next picture and conducted a thorough examination of her financial records. | Assidabarat inta imaness tamazilt an silma ness ta-tilkamat izar issantu akayad makoran nalkadan ness. |
Kennedy, however, advised her to hire Erich von Stroheim to direct another silent film, The Swamp, subsequently retitled Queen Kelly. | Kennedy assidabarat harkuk yad zizarane Erich Von Stroheim yad izizgar silma iyat mazugat, Ebang,sitawani dag alkum Taliat Kelly. |
Stroheim worked for several months on writing the basic script. | Stroheim ašigal oran agotnen dag santo nakatab wan amass. |
Shooting was shut down in January, and Stroheim fired, after complaints by Swanson about him and about the general direction the film was taking. | Assafalawi ibdad gor Janvier izar Stroheim atiwarkanid darat as Swanson iga takmo ad taberat tadakal silma. |
The Trespasser in 1929 was a sound production, and garnered Swanson her second Oscar nomination. | Gor 1929, (The Trespasser) anaftag ekal emagi an takalt iwadan ya Swanson tanaya tas sanatat gor Oscars. |
Subsets and Splits