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Recent field data analyses have shown that lumbar spine fractures occurred more frequently in late model vehicles than the early ones in frontal crashes . Therefore the objective of this study was to investigate risk factors associated with lumbar spine fractures in frontal crashes .
Risk factors of lumbar spine fractures in frontal crashes were investigated through parametric simulations. Conflicting effects were found between submarining and lumbar spine fractures. Occupant reclined posture severe crash pulse early pulse peak and vehicle pitch angle could also increase lumbar forces in frontal crashes.
Though U.S. motor vehicle crashes as a whole have decreased over the past few years fatalities among vulnerable road users have increased . Pedestrian deaths rose nationally by 27 between 2007 and 2016 accounting for 16 of all motor vehicle fatalities . This increase continues to burden transportation specialists public health professionals and community stakeholders . Potential risk factors include characteristics of the built environment distractions and pedestrians use of alcohol and drugs . Pedestrian deaths in Georgia United States increased 40 between 2014 and 2016 while drug overdose deaths have increased by 18 during the same period . Concurrent increases in mortality due to pedestrian fatalities and drug overdoses make Georgia a natural environment in which to describe the proximity of drugs among pedestrian fatalities a topic largely overlooked by the literature . This study explores the epidemiology of pedestrian fatalities in Georgia over a 10 year period with an emphasis on reported substance use among cases . The study employed 10 year data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration . Descriptive methods were used to explore drug screens by person place and time . We also examined trends in total drug screens over the examination period . Between 2007 and 2016 1781 pedestrian crashes were reported to FARS the fatality rate for this period was 94.5 . Of these most were male with Blacks and Whites equally represented . Ages 1564 accounted for 81.1 of cases with most occurring in the Atlanta Metropolitan area . When adjusted for population one finds higher rates in more rural areas of the state . Data revealed that testing for the presence of drugs occurred among half of reported cases . Of those testing positive five drug categories emerged stimulants cannabinoids narcotics depressants and Other Drugs . Positive drug screens across all drug classifications increased by 178.1 between 2007 and 2016 . These findings suggest the need for state wide policies designed to promote more consistent screening among pedestrians involved in motor vehicle crashes as well as diligence in understanding the role played by drugs among this population . Additional investigation should be conducted to tease out the presence of category specific drugs among pedestrians . Understanding the epidemiology of pedestrian fatalities in the state especially in relation to substance use serves as a first step toward implementing localized preventive efforts .
Deaths from pedestrian crashes and drug overdoses have increased over the last 10 years within the state of Georgia U.S. . Pedestrian deaths are due to many causes including substance use. Only half of pedestrian fatalities in Georgia were tested for the presence of drugs. Stimulants cannabinoids and narcotics including opioids were the most common drugs represented among screened fatalities. Broader drug screening policies are needed to better understand crash risk among pedestrians.
Mindful organizing is a team level construct that is said to underpin the principles of high reliability organizations as it has shown to lead to almost error free performance . While mindful organizing research has proliferated in recent years studies on how to measure mindful organizing are scarce . Vogus and Sutcliffe originally validated a nine item Mindful Organizing Scale but few subsequent validation studies of this scale exist . The present study aimed to validate a Spanish version of the Mindful Organizing Scale . The sample included 47 teams from a Spanish nuclear power plant . A confirmatory factor analysis reliability analysis and an analysis of aggregation indices were carried out . A correlation analysis and CFA were used to further validate the scale in terms of its distinctiveness from and relationship with other team related variables such as safety culture team safety climate and team learning . Finally evidence of criterion related validity was collected by testing the incremental validity of the mindful organizing scale in the association with various workplace safety outcomes . The results confirmed a unidimensional structure of the scale and indicated satisfactory internal consistency . Aggregation of the scores to the team level was justified while significant positive correlations between mindful organizing and other team related variables were found . Moreover mindful organizing showed distinctiveness from safety culture team safety climate and team learning . Finally incremental validity of the scale was supported as it shows to be associated with safety compliance and safety participation above and beyond other related constructs . The Spanish version of the Mindful Organizing Scale has shown to be a valid and reliable scale that can be used to measure mindful organizing . The validation of the unidimensional Spanish version of Vogus and Sutcliffes Mindful Organizing Scale provides researchers and practitioners with a reliable and valid tool to use in Spanish speaking organizations to measure mindful organizing which has been shown to result in more reliable performance . Theoretically this study offers four contributions . Firstly it validates a scale that operationalizes the mindful organizing construct in a traditional high reliability organization which has never been done before . Secondly it offers evidence that a mindful organizing scale can be validated in a new cultural context and language to any of the previous studies done before it . Thirdly it adds to our understanding of mindful organizings nomological network by distinguishing it from other team and safety related variables . Lastly it builds on current research showing sound psychometric properties of a one dimensional quantitative measure of mindful organizing .
Development of a Spanish version of the Mindful Organizing Scale MOS . The unidimensional structure of the Mindful Organizing Scale is supported. Reliability analysis indicated that the scale had good internal consistency. Evidence of within team agreement of mindful organizing scores. Evidence of discriminant validity for the mindful organizing scores.
Numerous studies have previously used a variety of count data models to investigate factors that affect the number of crashes over a certain period of time on roadway segments . Unlike past studies which deal with crash frequency this study views the crash rates directly as a continuous variable left censored at zero and explores the application of an alternate approach based on tobit regression . To thoroughly investigate the factors affecting freeway crash rates and the potentially temporal instability in the effects of crash factors involving traffic volume freeway geometries and pavement conditions a classic uncorrelated random parameters tobit model and a correlated random parameters tobit model were estimated along with a conventional fixed parameters tobit model . The analysis revealed a large number of safety factors including several appealing and interesting factors rarely studied in the past such as the safety effects of climbing lanes and distance along composite descending grade . The results also showed that the CRPT model was not only able to reflect the heterogeneous effects of various factors but also able to estimate the underlying interactions among unobserved characteristics and therefore provide better statistical fit and offer more insights into factors contributing to freeway crashes than its model counterparts . Additionally the results showed significant temporal instability in CRPT models across the studied time periods indicating that crash factors and their effects on crash rates varied over time and more attentions should be paid when interpreting crash data analysis findings and making safety policies .
A tobit model coupled with correlated random parameters was estimated. A large number of safety factors for freeways were revealed. Crash factors and their safety effects turned out to be temporally instable. The safety effect of unobserved heterogeneity interactions was concluded.
Advance guide signs for exit ramps along urban expressways are increasingly critical enhancing safety and mobility by improving the flow of vehicles exiting urban expressways . However research has devoted scant attention to advance guide signs for exit ramps . This study aimed to identify and propose optimal design alternatives for exit ramp advance guide signs for different types of exit spacing . This study conducted a driving simulation experiment consisting of five design alternatives of advance guide signs and two exit ramp spacing variation . Eight indicators were measured . The repeated measure analysis of variances and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution were performed for the influence analysis and efficiency evaluation of different schemes . Influence analysis results showed better design alternatives in five schemes of advance guide signs enabling drivers to more easily locate destination exits and change lanes fewer times in addition to reducing drivers need to decelerate and improving traffic flow in the key influence range of destination exit ramps . The percentage of drivers successfully locating the destination exits also increased with optimal design alternatives of advance guide signs . When the exit ramp spacing tightened on the other hand drivers had to make more lane changes and accelerate and decelerate more frequently in the key influence range . As a result a lower percentage of drivers successfully located destination exits . Efficiency evaluation results were also obtained . In tight spacing three advance guide signs are recommended to be placed at 1 km 0.5 km and 0 km prior to the beginning of the tapered deceleration lane . If conditions are limited at least two advance guide signs should be used . With greater spacing four advance guide signs are recommended located at 2 km 1 km 0.5 km and 0 km prior to the beginning of the tapered deceleration lane . If road conditions are limited three advance guide signs should be used .
Better design alternatives of advance guide signs enabled drivers to perform better. Used TOPSIS to evaluate the effectiveness of five schemes in different spacing. In short exit ramp spacing three advance guide signs should be installed. In long exit ramp spacing four advance guide signs are recommended. The minimum number of advance guide signs for two types of spacing is different.
Elderly people are often considered dangerous drivers due to a decline in visual exploration and cognitive functions . The purpose of this study was to look into 18 young and 12 elderly drivers behaviour . We compared their self assessment of driving as well as their visual and cognitive competencies . Then we assessed their driving competencies and self regulation practices by using different scenarios on a driving simulator . These scenarios were designed to test drivers in situations that were intended to solicit the cognitive competencies identified as problematic for elderly drivers . Results showed that although elderly drivers did not always perform as well as young drivers they could put in place compensatory strategies which may reduce their risk of being injured and future research should explore ways of enhancing those strategies . In particular more should be done in order to strengthen elderlys understanding regarding their driving difficulties and help them set up coping methods with respect to these difficulties .
Elderly drivers are less likely to change their initial plans to avoid roadworks and thus demonstrate a less flexible behaviour. Elderly drivers did not make mistakes when choosing which direction to follow. Elderly drivers despite perfectly able to manage sudden events when it could be anticipated could be dangerous as soon as these events happened in the periphery of the visual field or couldnt be anticipated. Elderly drivers were not involved in an accident on the driving simulator. Elderly drivers can put in place appropriate and effective compensatory strategies
Stopping Sight Distance is the distance defined in most highway design guides as the distance required by drivers to safely come to a complete stop in case of an emergency . Accordingly design guides define theoretical values for SSD and recommend that these requirements are satisfied at all points along a highway corridor . SSD is estimated as a function of speed driver reaction time and deceleration rate which are all factors that vary by both driver and driving conditions . Despite the anticipated uncertainty in those variables they are all modelled deterministically . Unfortunately this is an inaccurate assumption and provides no information about the extent to which roads designed to meet SSD requirements are able to satisfy road user demand for SSD . Design guides also fail to provide information about the impact a segment that fails to meet driver needs has on safety . To overcome those limitations this paper assesses the ability of existing roads to satisfy stochastically modelled road user demand for SSD . The Available Sight Distance was first quantified for a group of top crash prone segments and a Monte Carlo Simulation was used to model demand for SSD . The proportion of the test highways that failed to meet driver demands for SSD was then quantified by comparing the ASD to the required SSD at different levels of driver demand . Furthermore the paper also compares the safety performance between regions that meet SSD and those that fail to do so . Among other findings the paper shows that on average 6.8 of the length of the test segments are noncompliant to the SSD demands of 70 of the driving population . On the other hand the average percent noncompliance for 30 of the driving population was 12.1 . It was also found that on average crash rates in the noncompliant regions were two to three times higher than those in the compliant regions at the 70 level .
Stopping Sight Distance SSD demands on crash prone roads are stochastically modelled. A LiDAR based assessment is used to quantify Available Sight Distance on the roads. The ability of existing roads to satisfy SSD is analysed at different levels of demand. 6.8 of the length of the roadways were noncompliant to the demands of 70 of drivers. Crash rates in noncompliant regions were 23 times higher than in compliant regions.
The aim of this study was to determine whether interregional inequality in Spain had the same impact on the risks of fatality and injury across the different provinces of Spain in the period from 1999 to 2015 . This allows us to map fatality and injury rates in Spanish provinces depending on their level of economic development . Provinces were divided in two large groups according to the mean weight of their per capita GDP on the national GDP from 2000 to 2015 . Using fixed effects data panel models estimations were obtained for each group of the impact of the relationships between per capita GDP unemployment rate and other control variables on their risks of fatality and injury . The models reveal that economic conditions and education are explanatory factors with greater significance and impact on the risks of fatality and injury in provinces with higher levels of economic development . In this group the penalty points driving licence was found have a greater impact although its effectiveness is now being questioned . In contrast to reduce the risks of fatality and injury in less developed provinces it is imperative to invest in road infrastructure increasing the proportion of high capacity roads and investing more in road replacement and maintenance . The geographical distribution generated in this study allows us to better identify the areas with a higher risk of fatality or injury . This in turn confirms the need to improve the configuration of road safety policy taking into account the different fatality or injury rates across provinces the origins of which lie in the specific provincial conditions .
Economic development impacts the number of road accidents in the richest provinces. Greater development of the transport system benefits the lowest income provinces. The penalty points licence system should be reviewed to enhance its effectiveness. Driving behaviour affects road safety in Spanish provinces. The characteristics of a province are a determinant of its road accident rate.
The current study introduces the flexible approach of mixture components to model the spatiotemporal interaction for ranking of hazardous sites and compares the model performance with the conventional methods . In case of predictive accuracy based on in sample errors the Mixture 5 demonstrated superior performance in majority of the cases indicating the advantage of mixture approach to accurately predict crash counts . LPML was also calculated as a cross validation measure based on out of sample errors and this criterion also established the dominance of Mixture 5 further reinforcing the superiority of the mixture approach from different perspectives .
A comprehensive evaluation was conducted for 9 spatiotemporal crash frequency models. The model performance was evaluated based on both in sample and out of sample errors. The site ranking performance of the proposed models was assessed using three criteria. A flexible approach was proposed which accommodates the variations of time trend across space. The research findings indicated the advantage of the proposed mixture approach to accurately predict crash counts.
We evaluate the impact of the Graduated Driver Licensing system introduced in Victoria Australia as they influence both injury and fatality rates . Since 1990 the Victorian GDL scheme has undergone several modifications including the introduction of new requirements and the stricter enforcement of existing regulations . Our evaluation of the GDL is based on monthly mortality and morbidity data for drivers 1825 for the period January 2000 to June 2017 . We estimate the immediate and long term impacts of each policy change to the GDL system .
We evaluate the impact of the Graduated Driver Licensing GDL system introduced in Victoria Australia. Our evaluation of the GDL is based on monthly mortality and morbidity data for drivers 18 to 25 for the period January 2000 to June 2017. We estimate the immediate and long term impacts of each policy change to the GDL system. We examine signalling probationary years alcohol bans limits on both passengers and mobile phone use.
Circadian rhythms are changes in life activities over a cycle of approximately 24 hours . Studies on chronotypes have found that there are significant differences in physiology personality cognitive ability and driving behavior between morning type and evening type people . The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between visual spatial working memory and driving behavior between morning type and evening type drivers in China . A total of 42 Chinese drivers were selected to participate in this study according to their score on the Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire including 22 morning type drivers and 20 evening type drivers . During the experiment the participants completed one cognitive task two simulated driving tasks and the Dula Dangerous Driving Index . The results showed that evening type drivers self reported more dangerous driving behaviors but had better lateral control on the simulated driving task than morning type drivers . In addition evening type drivers had greater accuracy when performing the visual spatial working memory task . Moreover the accuracy on the visual spatial working memory task positively predicted the percentage of time over the speed limit by 10 mph and negatively correlated with the reaction time measure in the pedestrian crossing task . The relationships among chronotype cognitive ability and driving behavior are also discussed . Understanding the underlying mechanisms could help explain why evening type drivers perform dangerous driving behaviors more often .
The evening type drivers showed different direction in self reported driving behavior and simulated driving behavior. The evening type drivers self reported more dangerous driving behaviors but had better lateral control on the simulated driving task than morning type drivers. The evening type drivers had greater accuracy in the visual spatial working memory task than morning type drivers. The ability of visual spatial working memory could predicted the simulated driving behavior.
The nature of the road environment requires drivers to be vigilant and attentive . Distracted driving is a primary concern as it threatens the safety of road users . However very little research has been conducted into interventions to combat such an issue . Existing interventions such as police enforcement and legislation appear to have limited effect . The use of mobile phone applications to assist in limiting driver distraction is an alternative intervention that is currently gaining traction . With a great array of potential benefits such as reducing road toll these applications can be readily available to all road users . Despite the positive implications it is vital that drivers accept the use of such a technology for the intervention to be effective . Therefore understanding driver acceptance is an important step in implanting such applications . To assess this the present study examines the utility of two versions of the Technology Acceptance Model the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology for understanding the acceptance of technology designed to reduce distraction . Participants were presented with two different applications and responded to questions that indicated their attitudes towards the factors included in the TAM TPB and UTAUT alongside their intent to use the technology . A total of 731 participants responded to the survey and their responses analysed . The results indicated that overall Davis TAM was slightly better in explaining behavioural intent for both Mobile Phone Application 1 and MPA 2 explaining 66.1 and 68.7 of the variance respectively . Davis TAM and the TPB were close behind while the UTAUT explained the least variance in behavioural intent of all the models . Overall the findings of this study provide support for using psychological theories to assess the acceptance of mobile phone applications .
Driver acceptance was evaluated with TAM TPB and UTAUT. TAM TPB and UTAUT predicted behavioural intention to use smartphone applications. TAM performed the best in explaining 6668 of the variability in behavioural intention. Gender and age barriers for the intake of new technology need to be overcome.
Motorcycle to vehicle collision is one of the most common accidents in the world and usually leads to serious or fatal head injuries to motorcyclists . This study aims to investigate the influences of impact scenarios and vehicle front end design parameters on head injury risk of the motorcyclist . Five general vehicle types and different impact scenarios were selected for a parametric analysis . Impact scenarios were set according to
Head injury risk of motorcylists based on head linear acceleration and angular accerlertion was investigated by considering typical impact scenarios and vehicle front end design. Critical relative impact speeds of 1015m s were noted as approximate threshold values which can be a reference for testing speed of safety regulation. Bonnet leading edge height and its combined with other front end design parameters show significantly larger influences compared with other design parameters.
Previous studies have acknowledged the impact of risk perception on safety behavior but were largely controversial . This study aims to clarify this conflict and the mechanism through which risk perception can have an impact on safety behavior . From the perspective of the dual attribute of the job demand concept in job demandsresources theory we posit that risk perception can be considered as a job hindrance or a job challenge depending on the context thereby resulting in a negative or positive impact on safety behavior respectively . The current research context is the construction industry and the hypotheses were tested using hierarchically nested data collected from 311 workers in 35 workgroups . Risk perception was demonstrated to be a job hindrance exerting a negative impact on safety behavior and safety motivation mediated this effect . In addition two dimensions of group level safety climatesupervisors and coworkerswere expected to alleviate or even reverse the detrimental effects of hindrance risk perception on safety motivation and on safety behavior via motivation . A moderation model and a first stage moderated mediation model were established respectively for testing the moderating roles of safety climate in the relationship between risk perception and safety motivation and in the indirect relationship of risk perception with safety behavior via motivation . Surprisingly contrary to the hypotheses when supervisors safety climate changed from a low level to a high level the impact of risk perception on safety motivation changed from positive to negative and the negative effect of risk perception on safety behavior via safety motivation was not alleviated but worsened . As expected for workers in a positive coworkers safety climate the negative effect of risk perception on motivation and the indirect negative effect of risk perception on behavior were both reversed to the positive . This indicates that coworkers safety climate helped to change perceived risk from a job hindrance to a challenge . This research contributes to workplace risk perception and safety behavior research by theoretically viewing risk perception as a dual job hindrancechallenge concept and proposing two competing hypotheses concerning the impact of risk perception on safety behavior . The empirical investigation confirmed the hindrance attribute of risk perception in the construction context . It provides a theoretical framework and empirical evidence for future research to synthesize the conflict risk perceptionsafety behavior relationship . We also contribute to the literature by pointing out the potential negative role of certain supervisor safety activities such as paternalistic leadership in influencing employee safety .
Hindrancechallenge demands provide a theoretical perspective on risk perception. Risk perception can be a job hindrance or a challenge depending on the context. Construction workers view perceived risk as a hindrance preventing safety behavior. Supervisors climate worsens the negative effect of risk perception on behavior. Workers climate reverses the negative effect of risk perception on behavior.
Mitigation strategies for wildlife vehicle collisions require sufficient knowledge about why where and when collisions occur in order to be an efficient tool to improve public safety . Collisions with cervids are known to be influenced by spatial factors such as topography and forest cover . However temporal changes in animal and motorist behaviors are often overlooked although they can increase the odds of cervid vehicle collisions . Consequently we evaluated potential factors influencing the spatiotemporal distribution of 450 collisions with moose and white tailed deer that occurred between 1990 and 2015 along the 100 km long highway in southeastern Qubec Canada . Both spatial and temporal factors efficiently explained moose vehicle collisions but not collisions with white tailed deer suggesting that the latter occurred more randomly along the highway . The risk of moose vehicle collisions was mainly modulated by topographic and habitat variables as the interactions between slope and elevation and slope and distance to suitable moose habitats had a strong effect on collision risk . Road sinuosity and the proportion of mature coniferous stands around the collision site positively influenced deer vehicle collisions . A temporal increase in collision numbers was noted in different biological periods during which movement rates are known to be higher . These results suggest that cervid movement is the main factor influencing collision risk and frequency . Our results indicate that mitigation strategies aimed at decreasing the probability of collision with cervids must be species specific and should focus more closely on animal movement .
Both spatial and temporal factors efficiently explained moose vehicle collisions. Collisions occurred more at night dusk and dawn for moose and white tailed deer. Collisions occurred more in months during which cervid movement rate was higher. We found an interaction between slope and elevation on collision risk with moose. Road sinuosity and of mature coniferous stands increased collision risk with deer.
Young drivers reckless driving especially among males is a global phenomenon and a major cause of injury and death . The behavior of young people including their driving norms is influenced by the dominant social discourse in their age group . Thus the nature of the interaction between young drivers and their peers may contribute to increased or decreased risk exposure not only for everyone in the car but also for other road users and therefore warrants deeper examination . This study aims to shed light on driving with friends as a particular case of driving with peers . It was designed to examine the role of the four dimensions of the Safe Driving Climate among Friends scale in predicting young drivers intention to take risks behind the wheel beyond the contribution of the Theory of Planned Behavior . The sample consisted of 166 participants ranging in age from 17 to 24 years who completed a set of self report questionnaires .
Contribution of the Safe Driving Climate among Friends SDCaF to youngsters intention to take driving risks was examined. This was combined with components from the Theory of Planned Behavior TPB . Friends pressure contributes to the intention to engage in risky driving beyond the gender and TPB components. The study theoretically expands the TPB model to include specific components relating to perceived driving with friends. Efforts should be directed to engage friends in the process of reducing reckless driving among young people.
Behavioral adaptation refers to the change in road user behavior in response to new conditions . Behavioral adaptation can improve safety but it can also reduce or even eliminate anticipated safety benefits of many well intentioned road safety countermeasures . To expect driver behavior to remain the same after the implementation of a change in the road vehicle or driving environment is nave . Empirical studies that do not consider the full range of behavior affected by a countermeasure may similarly overlook the consequences of behavioral adaptation . This paper considers a number of examples of driver safety countermeasure implementation where unexpected results occurred and behavioral adaptation was the likely culprit . These examples are drawn from highway design traffic control device design vehicle countermeasures enforcement countermeasures driver education countermeasures and impaired driving policies . A previously presented inventory of characteristics to consider when estimating the likelihood for behavioral adaptation is expanded and presented within the context of the Qualitative Model of Behavioral Adaptation in the hopes of addressing the question When can we anticipate the safety effect of a treatment and when not
Behavioral adaptation can improve reduce or eliminate anticipated safety benefits of road safety countermeasures. Implementations with unexpected results are drawn from experience with highway TCD vehicle enforcement driver education and drunk driving countermeasures. An inventory of characteristics to consider when estimating the likelihood for behavioral adaptation is presented.
Driving riding under the influence of alcohol is a major public concern worldwide . Only a few studies have distinguished DUI related variables between motorcyclists and car drivers . This study examined the differences in demographic characteristics and drinking behaviors among first time DUI offenders operating different transportation vehicles and risk factors for frequent DUI among them . We conducted an anonymous survey for 561 first time DUI offenders who attended a mandatory educational program . Participants self administered questionnaires concerning alcohol drinking behaviors and DUI . We defined fDUI as at least two DUI behaviors per month based on self reported information . Demographic and drinking characteristics were compared between DUI offenders car drivers and motorcyclists . Logistic regression analysis was used to examine risk factors for fDUI . Two thirds of first time DUI offenders were motorcyclists . Compared with car drivers motorcyclists were younger and less educated with a higher percentage of them being women and unmarried . Car drivers reported a higher rate of fDUI than motorcyclists . Regression analysis revealed that binge drinkers had a higher fDUI risk in both groups . Regarding the drinking place prior to DUI behavior workplace was significantly associated with fDUI in car drivers . Distinct strategies may be required for motorcyclists and car drivers for DUI recidivism prevention and drinking place interventions should also be considered .
Distinct drinking profiles of DUI for motorcyclists and car drivers are yet unknown. Two thirds of first time DUI offenders were motorcyclists in Taiwan. Car driving offenders reported more frequent DUI than motorcycle riding offenders. Workplace drinking before DUI was associated with frequent DUI among car drivers. Different strategies in DUI prevention for car drivers and motoclyclists are needed.
Many cyclist fatalities occur on roads when crossing a vehicle path . Active safety systems address these interactions . However the driver behaviour models that these systems use may not be optimal in terms of driver acceptance . Incorporating explicit estimates of driver discomfort might improve acceptance . This study quantified the degree of discomfort experienced by drivers when cyclists crossed their travel path . Participants were instructed to drive through an intersection in a fixed base simulator or on a test track following the same experimental protocol . During the experiments three variables were controlled 1 the car speed 2 the bicycle speed and 3 the bicycle car encroachment sequence . For each trial a covariate the cars time to arrival at the intersection when the bicycle appears TTA
Driver discomfort on a test track and in a driving simulator was compared. Driver discomfort was influenced by the moment when the cyclist appeared. A new model predicting driver discomfort is proposed. This model can improve driver acceptance of active safety systems.
Road accidents involving pedestrians are a reality of urban life . Pedestrian risk is now well known and documented from the perspective of drivers . However pedestrian behaviour plays a central role in road accidents notably in terms of illegal road crossing at signalized intersections . This study focuses on pedestrians crossing illegally at a signal light and specifically investigates
Hesitation occurs when a pedestrian slows down or stops his her crossing movement then abandons by returning to the kerb or accelerates to cross. The uncertainty time of pedestrians is longer in Japan than in France. Hesitation seems to occur in Japan when a pedestrian follows others already crossing against the red light. No effect of age or gender on the pedestrian uncertainty behaviour.
Patients with Parkinsons Disease often exhibit difficulties with visual search that may impede their ability to recognize landmarks and cars while driving . The main objective of this study was to investigate visual search performances of both billboards and cars in patients with PD using a driving simulator . A second objective was to examine the role of cognitive functions in performing the visual search task while driving . Nineteen patients with PD 15 4 and 14 controls first performed a battery of cognitive tests . They then drove in a simulator and were instructed to follow a lead vehicle while searching for billboards with the letter A or red cars among other distractors . Accuracy and response times of visual search were the main outcome variables . Standard deviation of lateral position was the secondary outcome . During driving patients were less accurate in identifying the targets particularly for the stationary billboards located in the outer periphery . Within the group of patients significant correlations were found between several measures of cognitive tests and simulator based visual search accuracy . By contrast only the score on the MOCA test correlated significantly with visual search accuracy in controls . Findings suggest that patients with PD have impaired visual search for more eccentric stationary targets while driving a simulator which is likely due to cognitive deficits . Difficulties identifying objects in the outer periphery may have implications for driving safety . Decreased functional field of view under increased cognitive load may have attributed to the difficulties identifying these landmarks . This may impact the ability to identify anticipate and respond to important information especially in complex driving situations .Future studies should be conducted in a larger sample size to determine whether a visual search task on a driving simulator may predict on road driving performances .
This research investigated visual search during driving a simulator in PD patients. Patients experience difficulties with visual search skills. Patients have difficulties to identify billboards in the outer periphery while driving.
We propose a novel network screening method for hotspot identification based on the optimization framework to maximize the total summation of a selected safety measure for all hotspots considering a resource constraint for conducting detailed engineering studies . The proposed method allows the length of each hotspot to be determined dynamically based on constraints the users impose . The calculation of the Dynamic Site Length method is based on Dynamic Programming and it is shown to be effective to find the close to optimal solution with computationally feasible complexity . The screening method has been demonstrated using historical crash data from extended freeway routes in San Francisco California . Using the Empirical Bayesian estimate as a safety measure we compare the performance of the proposed DSL method with other conventional screening methods Sliding Window and Continuous Risk Profile in terms of their optimal objective value . Moreover their spatio temporal consistency is compared through the site and method consistency tests . Findings show that DSL can outperform SW and CRP in investigating more hotspots under the same amount of resources allocated to DES by pinpointing hotspot locations with greater accuracy and showing improved spatio temporal consistency .
A novel network screening method for hotspot identification is proposed. The Dynamic Site Length DSL method allows of a dynamic hotspot length. A budget constraint for site investigation is considered. Three network screening methods are tested. DSL has higher spatial temporal consistency than other existing screening methods.
Electric two wheelers have become newly popular transportation tools with the associated growing traffic safety concerns . E2W riders and bicyclists behave similarly as vulnerable road users while exhibited dissimilarities in riding postures and interactions with the two wheelers . Existing epidemiology reveals prominent differences in injury risks between E2W riders and other vulnerable road users in collisions with motor vehicles . The objective of this study is to investigate the factors influencing kinematics and head injury risks of two wheeler rides in two wheeler vehicle collisions and compare between E2W vehicle and bicycle vehicle collisions . Via multi body modeling of two two wheeler types two vehicle types and three rider statures in MADYMO twelve collision scenarios were developed . A simulation matrix considering a range of impact velocities and relative positions was performed for each scenario . A subsequent parametric analysis was conducted with focus on the kinematics and head injury risks of two wheeler riders . Results show that the head injury risk increased with vehicle moving velocity while the two wheeler velocity and relative location between rider and vehicle prior to the collision exhibited highly non linear influence on the kinematical response . The rider with larger stature had higher possibilities to miss head impact on the vehicle . In collisions with the sedan E2W riders would sustain lower head injury risks with lower contacting velocity on the windshield than bicyclists . While in collisions with the SUV E2W riders would sustain increasing head injury risks due to the higher structural stiffness at contact and the risk level was about the same as bicyclists . The findings revealed the loading mechanisms behind the different head injury risks between E2W riders and bicyclists .
Electric two wheeler E2W riders and bicyclists exhibit difference on kinematics and head injury risks in motor vehicle collisions MVCs . The difference is resulted from combined influence of initial rider posture relative geometry and interaction with the two wheeler. Head injury risk of E2W riders is lower than bicyclists in representative collisions with the sedan while comparably higher with the SUV. Head injury risks of both E2W riders and bicyclists increase with vehicle moving velocity. Riders with larger statures exhibit higher possibilities to miss first impact of head on the vehicle.
Virtual reality is a valuable tool for the assessment of human perception and behavior in a risk free environment . Investigators should however ensure that the used virtual environment is validated in accordance with the experiments intended research question since behavior in virtual environments has been shown to differ to behavior in real environments .
Human perception and behavior in virtual environments may differ from those in real environments. A novel and simple road crossing assessment method may substitute classical gap acceptance studies. Pedestrians in real environments base their crossing decisions on temporal distances of approaching vehicles. Pedestrians in virtual environments base their crossing decisions predominantly on spatial distances of approaching vehicles.
This paper analyzes the relationship between road traffic accidents and real economic activity in Spain using data on accidents fatalities and injuries from January 1975 to December 2016 . Our results show the historical asymmetric cyclical behavior of traffic accidents variables . This relationship is more evident for accidents and injuries while fatalities have shown a different pattern since 2002 . Besides using aggregate data we have analyzed urban and nonurban accidents separately . We analyze the effect of economic variables public policy interventions and other potential factors affecting traffic series . Regarding policy interventions we confirm a permanent reduction in all accident rates associated with the mandatory use of seatbelts on car passengers since 1992 . However the penalty points system introduced in July 2006 has only had temporary effects . We have also shown the effect of economic variables such as Industrial Production Index gasoline and diesel consumption and registration of new vehicles and as a novelty the benefits of using the composite coincident and leading indicators of the Spanish economy .
Traffic accidents and economic activity in Spain is analyzed for 1975 01 2016 12. Asymmetric cyclical behavior of accident and injuries is found. Mandatory seatbelts use has led to a reduction of all accidents rates since 1992. The penalty points system introduced in July 2006 has only had temporary effects. A Composite Leading Indicator is used for real time forecasting of accident rates.
To prioritize how the development of mathematical human body models for injury prediction in crash safety analysis should be made the most frequent injuries in the NASS CDS data from 2000 to 2015 were analyzed . The crashes were divided into seven types from front to side . Non minor injuries were analyzed in two steps . In the first step a grouping was made according to the AIS definition of body regions head face neck thorax abdomen and pelvic contents spine upper extremities and lower extremities . In a second step the body regions were divided in organs parts of the spine and parts of the extremities . The three most often injured anatomical structures of each body region were estimated for drivers and front seat passengers in each type of crash .
Prediction of injury pattern distribution for future AD vehicles. Foundation for prioritize future human body model developments. Expected injured body parts are head thorax and lower extremity in side impacts. Expected specific injuries are concussion rib and pelvis fractures.
Attributions of fault are often associated with worse injury outcomes however the consistency and magnitude of these impacts is not known . This review examined the prognostic role of fault on health mental health pain and work outcomes after transport injury . A systematic search of five electronic databases yielded 16 324 records published between 2000 and January 2018 . Eligibility criteria were adult transport injury survivors prospective design multivariable analysis fault related factor analysed pain mental health general health or work related outcome . Citations and full text articles were screened manually and using concurrent machine learning and text mining . Data from 55 papers that met all inclusion criteria were extracted papers were evaluated for risk of bias using the QUIPS tool and overall level of evidence was assessed using the GRADE tool . There were six main fault related factors classified as fault or responsibility fault based compensation lawyer involvement or litigation blame or guilt road user or position in vehicle and impact direction . Overall there were inconsistent associations between fault and transport injury outcomes and 60 of papers had high risk of bias . There was moderate evidence that fault based compensation claims were associated with poorer health related outcomes and that lawyer involvement was associated with poorer work outcomes beyond 12 months post injury . However the evidence of negative associations between fault based compensation claims and work related outcomes was limited . Lawyer involvement and fault based compensation claims were associated with adverse mental health outcomes six months post injury but not beyond 12 months . The most consistent associations between fault and negative outcomes were not for fault attributions per se but were related to fault related procedures .
Fault constructs included responsibility blame compensation lawyer use road user and impact direction. Overall fault had inconsistent null or negative associations with transport injury outcomes. Fault based compensation claims were associated with worse health related outcomes. Lawyer involvement and fault based claims were associated with worse short term mental health outcomes.
The purpose of the paper is to describe compare and analyse the instruments used time needed and accuracy of gathered data sketches 3D models and to enhance the extracted information about the accident . Simple sketches and tape measurements were performed . Also complex 3D measurements and 3D modelling of the scene with Terrestrial Laser Scanners and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology were used . A classical police work dealing with a simulated traffic accident was compared to sketches obtained from 3D models from Riegl VZ 400i 3D Faro Focus S70 Geoslam ZebRevo 3D TLS and Topcon Falcon 8 drone . For 3D modelling an orthophoto from drone photos and point clouds were obtained . 3D models were graphically compared in CloudCompare software . Sketches were made for each measuring method and their accuracies were also compared one to each other . The graphical distance accuracy in scene measurements ranged up to 17 cm in comparison to police measurement but in the most course point cloud . Average absolute difference in compared distances amounts up to 6 cm . As expected more points in the cloud means better 3D model and easier analysis . There is considerable reduction of time needed for collecting the accident scene data . The obtained 3D model is a permanent archive of the scene of a traffic accident . From the cadre both visual and dimensional information subsequently can be obtained .
Measurements of the crash site with a measuring tape are slow and could be inaccurate. The use of scanner and UAV reduces the data collection time. A precise 3D model as a digital archive and the dynamic compilation data for later inquiries.
The present research demonstrates the use of advanced trajectory based data to analyze road user interactions at an un signalized intersection under heterogeneous traffic complexities . This study demonstrates an improvement over the conventional grid based analysis to estimate surrogate safety measures . An advanced pattern based approach to categorize pedestrian vehicle interactions based on the road user behavior is proposed in the study . A concept of a two interaction pattern has been applied which deals with the responsive and non responsive behavior of the road users respectively . The behavior based patterns were categorized based on the SSM like Speed Time to Collision and Gap Time profiles of the pedestrian and vehicle interacting on an un signalized intersection . On conducting a variable importance test i.e . k fold test it was comprehended that for pattern 1 Time to collision and for pattern 2 both TTC and Post Encroachment Time were showing required importance . Further Import Vector Machine approach was used to classify the severity levels based on selected indicators computed from 1486 events occurring at three Un Signalized intersections in India . The proposed severity levels will help to test and evaluate various infrastructure and control improvements for making urban intersections safe for road users . It was observed from the severity levels of both the patterns that events involving non evasive behavior can also result in critical interaction . Overall the research provides an advanced framework for evaluating and improving the safety of the uncontrolled intersections .
Use of Semi Automated trajectory data for surrogate safety analysis. An advanced pattern based approach to categorize pedestrian vehicle interaction based on road user behaviour. A framework for evaluating and improving the safety of the uncontrolled intersections.
The aim of this study was to explore the way in which reports of strategic and tactical driving self regulation are influenced by readiness to change driving behaviour in older men and women either reporting or not reporting modification of driving behaviour for health related reasons and or increased driving difficulty . Current Australian drivers aged over 60 years responded to a self report questionnaire . Hierarchical regression analyses indicated increased use of tactical behaviours were associated with greater driving difficulty more readiness to change and male gender R
Readiness promoted tactical behaviour for older drivers without health difficulties. Readiness promoted tactical behaviour for young old drivers with health difficulties. Readiness promoted strategic self regulation more for women and with older age. Multidimensional driving self regulation includes strategic and tactical behaviour.
This study seeks to analyze worldwide research activity on drinking and driving of macro actors and meso actors studied during the last 6 decades . Web of Science and Elsevier Scopus were searched using terms referred to drinking and driving including terms related to vehicles and way spaces . Overlapping was excluded and absence of false positives was confirmed . Articles on alcohol with without other psychoactive substances were assessed quantitatively . Well identified by All Science Journal Classification system an increase in the number of articles through the 6 decades analyzed was observed from 152 to 2302 which represent an average decadal growth rate of 72.21 . Among 89 countries United States of America published 37.62 out of all the included articles . Nevertheless institutions from Canada European Union and Australia published 50 articles or more during 60 years . The publications were mostly welcomed by journals on substance abuse research and an exponential increase in publications on combined use of alcohol and other driving impairing substances was observed since the second half of the eighties . This is the first study that attempted an analysis of scientific production of macro and meso actors on a topic belonging to an intricate research area . Bibliometric analyses should be considered as an important tool for updating the evidence on the serious problem of driving under the influence . The awareness of policy makers and the other relevant actors involved in the control of DUI of alcohol and other substances is stressed .
For the first time worldwide research activity on drinking and driving corresponding to last 6 decades is presented. This analysis of scientific production provides updated evidence on the serious problem of DUI of alcohol. Exponential increase in publications on DUI highlights the diachronic problem. Bibliometric analysis must be intended for the awareness of all those involved in avoiding DUI.
The objective of this paper is to examine the safety climate knowledge epistemology using bibliometric and systematic literature network analysis . For this purpose bibliometric information of research article published on safety climate topic was retrieved from Scopus databases . In total 494 articles published between 1980 and 2018 were retrieved . These articles cover 1373 authors 203 journals and 2511 keywords . Information collected was analyzed employing bibliometric and network analysis approach using an open source computer program R and VOSviewer .
Safety climate is the one among the highly studied construct in industrial psychology. Huang Y H Zohar D. are the top most productive authors in safety climate domain. Zohars seminal work Safety climate in industrial organizations Theoretical and applied implications is the most cited work. Co citation analysis of most productive authors yielded three important knowledge cluster.
Driving behaviour has a great impact on road safety . A popular way of analysing driving behaviour is to move the focus to the manoeuvres as they give useful information about the driver who is performing them . In this paper we investigate a new way of identifying manoeuvres from vehicle telematics data through motif detection in time series . We implement a modified version of the
A new way of identifying manoeuvres from vehicle telematics data is proposed. A modified version of the Extended Motif Discovery algorithm was implemented. The algorithm was applied to a telematic dataset and some manoeuvres were extracted. Motif detection seems to be a valid line of research in driving behaviour analysis.
Driving has become common and distracted driving especially that caused by WeChat use is a significant cause of traffic crashes . Based on the theory of planned behavior this study analyzes self reports from a sample of 286 drivers from China to explore the influence of different WeChat functions on driving behavior . The analyses reveal that the intention to use WeChat while driving can substantially predict the use of WeChat while driving . Moreover drivers attitudes can effectively predict whether they will send texts listen to voice messages and send and browse pictures on WeChat while driving . However drivers attitudes can not effectively predict whether they will read texts or send voice messages on WeChat while driving . In recent years WeChat has become a popular messaging software and many drivers use it . Therefore it is important and necessary to raise awareness among drivers about the dangers of using WeChat while driving .
A prospective and systematic study of WeChat use while driving on the functional differentiation of WeChat among Chinese drivers different from the previous study of calling and texting. Drivers attitudes can effectively predict whether they will send texts listen to voice messages and send and browse pictures on WeChat while driving. Drivers attitudes cannot effectively predict whether they will read texts or send voice messages on WeChat while driving. The drivers intention of using WeChat while driving is the best direct predictor of actual behavior. Moral norms have significant negative influence on actual behavior while group norms can positively predict actual behavior.
This paper reviews the literature on the relationship between the built environment and roadway safety with a focus on studies that analyse small geographical units such as census tracts or travel analysis zones . We review different types of built environment measures to analyse if there are consistent relationships between such measures and crash frequency finding that for many built environment variables there are mixed or contradictory correlations . We turn to the treatment of exposure because built environment measures are often used either explicitly or implicitly as measures of exposure . We find that because exposure is often not adequately controlled for correlations between built environment features and crash rates could be due to either higher levels of exposure or higher rates of crash risk per unit of exposure . Then we identify various built environment variables as either more related to exposure more related to risk or ambiguous and recommend further targeted research on those variables whose relationship is currently ambiguous .
Identifies that much of the literature on built environment and crash risk presents mixed or contradictory results. Recommends that future research explicitly link each built environment variable conceptually with either risk or exposure. Identifies the likely linkage of different built environment variables with either risk or exposure. Identifies specific built environment variables that require further research attention to reveal their effect on crash risk. Recommends that future research where possible investigates the same built environment variable across multiple contexts urban suburban and rural.
Examining the spatial relationships among crashes of various severity levels is essential for gaining a better understanding of the severity distribution and potential contributing factors to collisions . However relatively few scholars have focused on analyzing this type of data . Therefore in this study we utilized a new index the colocation quotient to measure the spatial associations among crashes of various severities that occurred in College Station Texas . This new method has been widely used to define the colocation pattern of categorized data in various fields but it has not yet been applied to crash severity data . According to our findings crashes tended to be at the same injury level as those of neighboring ones which was most significant for fatal crashes and second most significant for non injury crashes the colocation quotient matrix tended to be symmetrical in non injury crashes versus injury crashes and DWIs and hit and runs did not show a strong pattern . These colocation quotient results could be helpful for predicting crash severity and by providing traffic engineers with more effective traffic safety measures .
The colocation quotient was used to measure the spatial associations among crashes of various severities that occurred in College Station Texas. Crashes tended to be at the same injury level as those of neighboring ones which was most significant for fatal crashes. The colocation quotient matrix tended to be symmetrical in non injury crashes versus injury crashes minor injury major injury and fatal .
The motorcyclist is exposed to the risk of falling and impacting ground head first at a wide range of travelling speeds from a speed limit of less than 50km h on the urban road to the race circuit where speed can reach well above 200km h. However motorcycle helmets today are tested at a single and much lower impact speed i.e . 30km h. There is a knowledge gap in understanding the dynamics and head impact responses at high travelling speeds due to the limitation of existing laboratory rigs .
The underlying dynamics of rolling and sliding phenomena of helmets in high speed oblique impacts were investigated. Head impact biomechanics are largely affected by rolling and sliding phenomena and are therefore classified into two regimes. A transition between the rolling and sliding regime is identified using a linear with upper plateau LUP model. The peak brain strain increases linearly with the tangential velocity when helmets roll but plateaus when helmets slide. Future helmet standards should consider testing helmets at speeds covering both the rolling and sliding regime.
Lane changes made during traffic oscillations on freeways largely affect traffic safety and could increase collision potentials . Predicting the impacts of lane change can help to develop optimal lane change strategies of autonomous vehicles for safety improvement . The study aims at proposing a machine learning method for the short term prediction of lane changing impacts during the propagation of traffic oscillations . The empirical lane changing trajectory records were obtained from the Next Generation Simulation platform . A support vector regression model was trained in this study to predict the LCI on the crash risks and flow change using microscopic traffic variables such as individual speed gap and acceleration on both original lanes and target lanes . Sensitivity analyses were conducted in the SVR to quantify the contributions of correlative lane changing factors . The results showed that the trained SVR model achieved an accuracy of 72.81 for the risk of crashes and 95.34 in predicting the flow change . The sensitivity analysis explored the optimal speed and acceleration for the lane changer to achieve the lowest time integrated time to collision value for safety maximization . Finally we compared the LCI for motorcycles automobiles and trucks as well as the LCI for both lane changing directions . It was found that motorcycles conducted lane changes with smaller gaps and larger speed differences which brings the highest crash risks . Passenger cars were found to be the safest when they conduct lane changes . Lane changes to the right had more negative impacts on traffic flow and crash risks .
A model was developed to predict crash risks of lane changes based on trajectory data. A quantitative relationship between traffic status and lane change impacts was verified. A good transferability was found when proposed model was applied in different dataset. Sensitivity analyses were conducted for how traffic parameters influenced crash risks. We compared lane change impacts for various vehicle types and lane change directions.
This study contrasted the performance of drivers under actual and simulated driving conditions in order to assess the validity of the simulators and test the hypothesis that driving is composed of largely orthogonal sub tasks . Thirty experienced drivers completed an on road driving test and drove two different simulators each simulator drive comprising seven difficulty moderated driving scenarios . Between simulator contrasts revealed largely absolute validity the anticipated effects of increased difficulty within driving scenarios but weak relationships between performance of different driving scenarios . On road driving was reliably assessed by a nationally recognised expert driving assessor as reflected by standard statistical measures of reliability and consistency . However on road driving revealed relatively little cross category correlation of on road driving errors or between on road and simulator driving . Thus despite the compelling evidence of absolute and relative validity within and between simulators there is little evidence of criterion validity . Moreover the study provides strong evidence for orthogonality in the driving task driving comprises large numbers of relatively separate tasks .
We report an in depth study which seeks to validate simulators against each other and on road driving. In doing so we provide a methodological and theoretical context which might influence other approaches to validation. We report strong evidence of both absolute and relative validity. In addition for the first time we offer clear evidence for modularity within the driving task based on the orthogonality of different aspects of the driving task.
For pedestrians the risk of dying in a traffic accident is highest on rural roads which are often characterized by a lack of sidewalks and high traffic speed . In fact hitting the pedestrian during an overtaking attempt is a common crash scenario . To develop active safety systems that avoid such crashes it is necessary to understand and model driver behavior during the overtaking maneuvers so that system interventions are acceptable because they happen outside drivers comfort zone . Previous modeling of driver behavior in interactions with pedestrians primarily focused on road crossing scenarios . The aim of this study was instead to address pedestrian overtaking maneuvers on rural roads . We focused our analysis on how drivers adjust their behavior with respect to three safety metrics 1 minimum lateral clearance when passing the pedestrian 2 overtaking speed at that moment and 3 the time to collision at the moment of steering away to start the overtaking maneuver .
Drivers comfort zone was estimated from naturalistic driving and field test data. Drivers gave less space to pedestrians who were walking against the traffic. Drivers gave less space to pedestrians when an oncoming vehicle was present. Drivers gave less space to pedestrians who walked closer to the lane edge. Results were similar for both naturalistic driving and field test data.
Crash Detection is essential in providing timely information to traffic management centers and the public to reduce its adverse effects . Prediction of crash risk is vital for avoiding secondary crashes and safeguarding highway traffic . For many years researchers have explored several techniques for early and precise detection of crashes to aid in traffic incident management . With recent advancements in data collection techniques abundant real time traffic data is available for use . Big data infrastructure and machine learning algorithms can utilize this data to provide suitable solutions for the highway traffic safety system . This paper explores the feasibility of using deep learning models to detect crash occurrence and predict crash risk . Volume Speed and Sensor Occupancy data collected from roadside radar sensors along Interstate 235 in Des Moines IA is used for this study . This real world traffic data is used to design feature set for the deep learning models for crash detection and crash risk prediction . The results show that a deep model has better crash detection performance and similar crash prediction performance than state of the art shallow models . Additionally a sensitivity analysis was conducted for crash risk prediction using data 1 minute 5 minutes and 10 minutes prior to crash occurrence . It was observed that is hard to predict the crash risk of a traffic condition 10min prior to a crash .
Use deep learning on traffic data for crash detection and risk estimation. Explore different deep model structures and compare with shallow models. Discuss relationship of model capacity and data size for deep learning application.
from probability theory and probabilistic random walk predictions about the quantity of cases of a given phenomenon for certain year such as epidemics of dengue have been previously obtained with results close to 100 in precision . To confirm the applicability of a methodology based on probability and probabilistic random walk to predict the dynamics of deaths from road traffic injuries in Colombia for 2010. through the development of a total probability space that analyses the probabilistic behaviour of augments and decreases observed in the variation of the lengths of the death rates caused by traffic in Colombia from 2004 to 2009 the most likely event for 2010 was established for predicting the rate of deaths for that year . The predicted rate of deaths caused by traffic injuries in Colombia for 2010 was 14.88 with the methodology . When this value is compared with the value reported by national statistics which was a rate of 12.9 a precision of 86.6 with the prediction was achieved . the applicability of the developed methodology to predict the dynamic behaviour of deaths caused by traffic injuries in Colombia for 2010 by means of a probabilistic random walk was confirmed with a good precision suggesting that this methodology could be useful to verify the efficacy of national road safety strategies implemented to reduce mortality rates .
Death rates secondary to traffic accidents behave as random walk. Annual death rates can be predicted through probabilistic random walk. The methodology allows the following up of governmental road safety strategies.
The primary objective of this study is to understand the relationship between driving risk of commercial dangerous goods truck and exposure factors and find a way to evaluate the risk of specific transportation environment such as specific transportation route . Due to increasing transportation demand and potential threat to public commercial dangerous goods transportation has drawn attention from decision makers and researchers within governmental and non governmental safety organization . However there are few studies focusing on driving risk assessment of commercial dangerous goods truck by environmental factors . In this paper we employ survival analysis methods to analyze the impact of risk exposure factors on non accident mileage of commercial dangerous good truck and assess risk level of specific driving environment . Using raw location data from six transportation companies in China we derive a set of 17 risk exposure factors that we use for model parameters estimation . The survival model and hazard model were estimated using the Weibull distribution as the baseline distribution . The results show that four factors weather traffic flow travel time and average velocity have a significant impact on the non accident mileage of driver in this company and the assessment results of survival function and hazard function are robust to the different levels of testing data . The employment time has some effect on the results but does not result in a significant difference in most cases and the task stability has little impact on the results . The findings of this study should be useful for decision makers and transportation companies to better risk assessment of CDT .
Analyzing the CDT driving risk of a specific route using historical location data. Weather traffic flow travel time and average velocity have significant impact on CDT safety. The amount of data does not result in a significant difference in risk ranking. Employment time and the task stability has very small impact on results.
Large truck rollover crashes present significant financial industrial and social impacts . This paper presents an effort to investigate the contributing factors to large truck rollover crashes . Specific focus was placed on exploring the role of heterogeneity and the potential sources of heterogeneity regarding their impacts on injury severity outcomes . The data used in this study contained large truck rollover crashes that occurred between 2007 and 2016 in the state of Florida . A random parameter ordered logit model was applied . Various driver vehicle roadway and crash attributes were explored as potential predictors in the model . Their impacts were examined for the presence of heterogeneity . Interaction effects were then added to the random variables in order to detect potential sources of heterogeneity . Model results showed that the impacts of lighting conditions and driving speed had significant variation across observations and this variation could be attributed to driver actions and driver conditions at the time of the crash as well as driver vision obstruction . Findings from this study shed light on the direction magnitude and randomness of the factors that contribute to large truck rollover crashes . Findings associated with heterogeneity could help develop more effective and targeted countermeasures to improve freight safety . Driver education programs could be planned more efficiently and advisory and warning signs could be designed in a more insightful manner by taking into account specific roadway attributes such as sandy surfaces downhill curved alignment unpaved shoulders and lighting conditions .
Injury severity of large truck rollover crashes were studied in the state of Florida. Heterogeneity was explored using a random parameter ordered logit model. Lighting conditions and medium driving speed 2550mph showed significant variations in their impacts on injury severity. Careless driving and abnormal driver condition increased the likelihood of more severe outcomes when driving speed is 2550mph. Speeding and vision obstruction led to more severe outcomes in insufficient lighting conditions.
The effects of low levels of blood alcohol concentration on motorcyclist performance are still not fully comprehended . The great majority of the studies are in fact focused on car driving . So far it is known that even BAC levels below the legal limit negatively affect riding motor skills correlated with crash rate . In the present study we used a moped riding simulator to investigate the effects of low alcohol dosages on the defensive riding ability of light drinkers particularly focusing on the degree of danger characterizing their riding performance . We recruited 24 participants through a double blind random distribution balanced cross over design . We administered moderate amounts of alcohol to participants during two sessions of moped riding simulation . The results showed that even though BAC levels were always below the limit allowed by Italian traffic law alcohol induced a reduction in safe riding behaviors as indicated by the greater amount of hazardous scenes faced with dangerous riding behaviors when participants were under the influence of alcohol than when they were sober . Moreover low BAC levels had a greater detrimental influence when a certain amount of learning had already been achieved by the participants . The results suggest that the effect of a low dose of alcohol interacts with participants self confidence .
Alcohol is more frequently involved in fatal crashes of motorcyclists than car drivers. In most countries legal BAC limits are the same for motorcyclists and car drivers. We recorded moped riding simulated behaviors under placebo alcohol administration conditions. The results show an increase of danger in facing hazards under low doses of alcohol. Conclusions support governmental decisions to set legal BAC limits at low levels.
The ALARP principle stating that risks should be reduced to a level As Low As Reasonably Practicable is widely known and discussed in risk management . The principle is flexible as the interpretation of the key concepts of reasonable and practicable can be adapted to different contexts . This paper discusses whether the use of road safety measures on national roads in Norway can be interpreted as an informal application of the ALARP principle . According to official guidelines priority setting for major road investments should be based on cost benefit analysis . Most road safety measures are low cost projects that have traditionally not been subject to cost benefit analysis . A use of these measures regarded as reasonable in the ALARP sense may include considerations of cost efficiency and fair distribution . Data on 328 road safety measures implemented around 2000 is used to evaluate factors influencing their use . It is argued that the use of these measures is consistent with an informal application of the ALARP principle .
ALARP means as low as reasonably practicable. ALARP is used to proritise measures reducing risk. Use of road safety measures in Norway is consistent with ALARP.
This study compared pedestrian behaviors in five countries and investigated the relationships between these behaviors and values in each country . The study participants were 131 pedestrians for Estonia 249 for Greece 112 for Kosovo 176 for Russia and 145 for Turkey . The principal component analyses revealed that the four factor structure of the Pedestrian Behavior Scale was highly consistent across the five countries . ANCOVA results revealed significant differences between countries on the PBS items and scale scores . Specifically Greek and Turkish participants reported transgressive pedestrian behaviors more frequently than Estonian Kosovar and Russian pedestrians while Kosovar participants reported transgressive pedestrian behaviors less frequently than Estonian pedestrians . In addition Turkish and Russian pedestrians reported lapses and aggressive behaviors more frequently than Estonian Greek and Kosovar pedestrians . Finally Turkish and Estonian pedestrians reported positive behaviors more frequently than Kosovar pedestrians . Unexpectedly the regression analyses showed that values have varying effects on pedestrian behavior in the five countries . That is context or country may determine the effect of values on pedestrian behaviors . The results are discussed in relation to the previous literature .
The four factor structure of the Pedestrian Behavior Scale PBS was highly consistent across the five countries. ANCOVA results revealed significant differences between countries on the PBS items and scale scores. Unexpectedly the regression analyses showed that values have varying effects on pedestrian behavior in the five countries.
Road traffic accidents have decreased in most developed nations over the last decade . This has been attributed to improvements in vehicle and road design medical technology and care and driver education and training . Recent evidence however indicates that fuel price changes also have a significant impact on road traffic accidents through other mediating factors such as reductions in driver exposure through less car travel and more fuel efficient driving e.g . speed reduction on high speed roads . So far though no study has examined the effects of changing fuel prices on road traffic accidents in a country such as Great Britain where fuel prices are kept artificially high for public policy reasons . Consequently this study was designed to quantify the effects of fuel price on road traffic accident frequency through changes and adjustments in travel behaviour . For this purpose weekly fuel prices have been used to study the effects on road traffic accidents using the Prais Winsten model of first order autoregressive and the Box and Jenkins seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models . The study found that with every 1 increase in fuel price there is a 0.4 reduction in the number of fatal road traffic accidents . In light of this one concern raised was that recent UK government plans to phase out petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040 may also risk a rise in fatal road traffic accidents and hence this will need to be addressed .
Road accident and fuel price levels analysed between 20052015 for Great Britain. Prais Winsten AR 1 and seasonal ARIMA models used by accident level and fuel type. Fuel prices significantly affected fatal accidents over the 20052015 period. Petrol and diesel prices had similar effects on fatal accidents. Data on fuel price changes reflects changes in driving behaviour of motorists.
Cycling as a mode of active transportation has numerous health and societal benefits but carries risks of injury when performed on road with vehicles . Cycle tracks are dedicated lanes with a physical separation or barrier between bicycles and motor vehicles . Studies on the effectiveness of cycle tracks in urban areas in North America as well as the area wide effects of cycle tracks are limited . Study objectives were to examine the effect of cycle track implementation on cyclist motor vehicle collisions occurring on streets treated with new cycle tracks on streets surrounding new cycle tracks in Toronto Canada . Intervention and outcome data were obtained from the City of Toronto . All police reported CMVC from 2000 to 2016 were mapped . Analyses were restricted to 2 years pre and 2 years post track implementation . Rates were calculated for CMVC on streets with cycle tracks and in five defined areas surrounding cycle tracks . Zero Inflated Poisson regression was used to compare changes to CMVC rates before and after cycle track implementation for both objectives . All models controlled for season of collision and cycle track . The majority of CMVC on cycle tracks occurred at intersections . The crude CMVC rate increased two fold after cycle track implementation however after accounting for the increase in cycling volumes post implementation there was a 38 reduction in the CMVC rate per cyclist month . On streets between 151m550m from cycle tracks there was a significant 35 reduction in CMVC rates per km month following track implementation . Cycle track implementation was associated with increased safety for cyclists on cycle tracks after adjusting for cycling volume . In addition there was a significant reduction in CMVC on streets surrounding cycle tracks between 151m550m distance from the tracks suggesting an area wide safety effect of cycle track implementation .
Few studies have examined safety effects of cycle tracks in North America and its effects in surrounding areas. There were 2.57 times more cyclists on the streets after cycle tracks were installed. There was a decreased risk of collision for cyclists on cycle tracks following its implementation. Collision rates decreased in surrounding areas after track implementation suggesting additional safety benefits.
Traffic accidents are becoming a significant cause for unnatural deaths around the world with more than 1.25 million fatalities in road accidents each year and over 20 million people severely injured . A large portion of accidents that result in fatalities involve interaction between vehicles and pedestrians . In the literature researchers speculate on a wide range of reasons for these figures . This paper focuses on the relationship between pedestrians urgency to cross a busy road and the resulting level of risk for an accident . The probability for an accident is determined by a prediction model for a collision between drivers and pedestrians at congested conflict spots . The model is based on a motion planner called the
This paper focuses on the relationship between pedestrians urgency and the resulting level of risk for an accident. The paper describes an unexpected and surprising behavior of pedestrian s crossings in simple scenarios. Analytical analysis and numerical simulations show that in some scenarios the more cautious the pedestrian is the more risk he is exposed to. The paper uses the PNF model for crossing pedestrians to analyze the paradoxical pedestrian s behavior. To examine the extent to which such a behavior takes place a set of simulated experiment was conducted.
Sleepiness is a major contributor to motor vehicle crashes and shift workers are particularly vulnerable . There is currently no validated objective field based measure of sleep related impairment prior to driving . Ocular parameters are promising markers of continuous driver alertness in laboratory and track studies however their ability to determine fitness to drive in naturalistic driving is unknown . This study assessed the efficacy of a pre drive ocular assessment for predicting sleep related impairment in naturalistic driving in rotating shift workers . Fifteen healthcare workers drove an instrumented vehicle for 2 weeks while working a combination of day evening and night shifts . The vehicle monitored lane departures and behavioural microsleeps during the drive . Immediately prior to driving ocular parameters were assessed with a 4 min test . Lane departures and behavioural microsleeps occurred on 17.5 and 10 of drives that had pre drive assessments respectively . Pre drive blink duration significantly predicted behavioural microsleeps and showed promise for predicting lane departures . Pre drive percentage of time with eyes closed had high accuracy for predicting lane departures and behavioural microsleeps although was not statistically significant . Pre drive psychomotor vigilance task variables were not statistically significant predictors of lane departures . Self reported sleep related and hazardous driving events were significantly predicted by mean blink duration . Measurement of ocular parameters pre drive predict drowsy driving during naturalistic driving demonstrating potential for fitness to drive assessment in operational environments .
Examined if a pre drive ocular assessment can predict alertness and sleep related driving impairment on the subsequent drive in naturalistic driving in shift workers. Blink duration significantly predicted behavioural microsleeps and showed promise for predicting lane departures. A 4 minute pre drive ocular assessment predicted lane departures and behavioural microsleeps with more accuracy than a 2 minute pre drive ocular assessment.
The Active Traffic Management system has been widely used in the United States and the European countries to improve the traffic safety of urban expressways . The accurate real time crash risk prediction is fundamental to the system running well . Crash data are characterized by small probability which poses a typical Imbalanced Data Classification problem . Most previous studies mainly improved the prediction methods only in data level or algorithm level which may be inadequate to predict the crash risk accurately especially in a continuous real time traffic data environment . The comprehensive imbalanced classification algorithm was examined in this research to build more accurate real time traffic crash risk prediction model . At the output level the Youden index method has been proved to be of the best ability to divide the prediction results and Probability Calibration Method was proposed to optimize the prediction results in further . At the data level Under sampling and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique methods were compared to solve the imbalanced data classification problem by changing the data distribution . At the algorithm level the cost sensitive MLP algorithm and Adaboost algorithm were examined and finally the random sampling cost sensitive MLP model and Rusboost model were constructed by synthesizing the optimization methods from three levels . The sensitivity of the RCSMLP model reached 78.10 and the specificity of the model reached 81.44 . The AUC and sensitivity of the Rusboost model reached 0.892 and 0.842 while the specificity of the model reached 0.816 which shows the better performance in dealing with the imbalanced traffic crash risk prediction problem compared to existed prediction models . The proposed method of improving prediction accuracy in this study is universal and can be applied to many other prediction models to predict real time traffic crash risk .
A new kind of random sampling cost sensitive MLP model RCSMLP was constructed by optimizing the prediction model in output level data level and algorithm level. The Youden index method was examined to be of the best ability to divide the prediction results and applied in the RCSMLP model. The random under sampling model with crash and non crash data ratio 1 4 showed the best performance to solve the imbalanced problem. The cost sensitive MLP model can effectively solve the imbalanced data problem.
Past roadside safety studies mostly evaluated the impact of traffic barrier geometric features using simulation tools or by conducting field crash tests . While past simulation and field crash tests could present important findings for upgrading the geometric design of traffic barriers there is still a gap regarding conducting an actual data analysis on side traffic barriers crashes with regards to their geometric dimensions . This paper aims at filling this gap by combining a statewide dataset of side traffic barrier geometric features with historical crashes on interstate roads in Wyoming . Therefore geometric features including system height post spacing lateral offset and side slope of over 150 miles of side traffic barriers were inventoried by conducting a field survey on interstate roads in Wyoming . For the statistical analysis a random parameters ordered logit model was utilized to investigate variables impacting crash severity of side traffic barriers . It was found that system height could significantly impact the crash severity of side box beam barriers . Box beam barriers with a system height between 25 and 31 in . were identified to be less severe in comparison to other height categories while showing minimum risks of severe crashes in the system height of 2931 in .. On the other hand box beam barriers with a height taller than 31 in . may increase crash severity .
Geometric features of over 150 miles of side traffic barriers were collected by conducting a field inventory on interstate roads. A statistical model was developed for the severity of crashes involving side traffic barriers using random parameters ordered logit models. Box beam barriers with a height between 29 and 31 in. resulted in a lower crash severity compared to other side traffic barriers. Side box beam barriers with a post spacing of 6.16.3 ft were least likely to result in high severity crashes.
We use a controlled experiment to analyze the impact of watching different types of educational traffic campaign videos on overconfidence of undergraduate university students in Brazil . The videos have the same underlying traffic educational content but differ in the form of exhibition . We find that videos with shocking content are more effective in reducing drivers overconfidence followed by those with punitive content . We do not find empirical evidence that videos with technical content change overconfidence . Since several works point to a strong association between overconfidence and road safety our study can support the conduit of driving safety measures by identifying efficient ways of reducing drivers overconfidence . Finally this paper also introduces how to use machine learning techniques to mitigate the usual subjectivity in the design of the econometric specification that is commonly faced in many researches in experimental economics .
We use a controlled experiment to analyze the impact of watching different types of educational traffic campaign videos on overconfidence. We find that videos with shocking content Australian school are more effective in reducing drivers overconfidence. We do not find empirical evidence that videos with technical content European school change overconfidence. This paper also introduces how to use machine learning techniques to mitigate the usual subjectivity in the design of the econometric specification.
Mobile phone use is often considered to be the main source of distraction on the road . Gap acceptance at intersections is a frequent and complex driving task that requires high visual attention from drivers . This study aims to investigate the effect of mobile phone use on the gap acceptance manoeuvre at intersections . Different mobile phone use positions intersection type gap size and driver characteristics were considered in the study . A total of 41 licenced drivers drove in an advanced driving simulator in three phone use conditions baseline using the phone under the steering wheel and using the phone above the steering wheel . Drivers drove the simulator three times and experienced two intersection types and two gap sizes during each drive . A parametric accelerated failure time duration model was developed to evaluate the intersection crossing completion time of drivers . The results showed no significant difference of gap acceptance behaviours between the two phone use positions . The distraction task did not affect drivers gap acceptance decision but it increased the crossing completion time by over 10 compared to baseline . Besides drivers behaved conservatively at intersections while using a mobile phone such as adopting a larger deceleration waiting a longer time and mainting a larger distance to the front vehicle etc . However these compensational behaviours were not helpful in improving the intersection traffic situation regarding both safety and efficiency . Intersection type and gap size were both significant factors of gap acceptance decision and crossing completion time . Additionally younger drivers were more likely to accept a gap than older drivers and female drivers spent longer time to cross the intersection than males .
The effects of driver distraction on gap acceptance were investigated. Two mobile phone use positions above vs under the steering wheel were compared. Distraction affected crossing behaviours but not gap acceptance decisions. Drivers behaved more conservatively when using a mobile phone. Drivers have longer crossing completion time when distracted.
The objective of this paper was to develop an injury risk model relating real world injury outcomes in near side crashes with U.S. New Car Assessment Program test performance crash and occupant properties . The study was motivated by the longer term goal of predicting injury outcomes in a future fleet in which all vehicles are expected to have passive safety performance equivalent to a 5 star NCAP rating level .
We analyzed 143 near side crash occupants in the United States from 20102015. Poor performance in US side impact crash tests was linked to poor injury outcomes. Delta V age sex BMI and side impact crash test performance all affect injury.
Using data from the national register of police reported crashes and from the bridge register of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration we estimated rates of single vehicle crashes on road sections adjacent to road bridges and on different sections of the bridges . Data included all single vehicle personal injury crashes occurring on or close to road bridges in Norway between 2010 and 2016 a total of 219 crashes . All bridges on state and county roads were included . Crash rate was found to be highest in the approach zone of short bridges and lowest in the middle of long bridges . On bridges shorter than about 100m crash rate was higher in the first than in the last bridge zone . Total crash rate on bridges was close to the figure for the total road network . However for the approach to short bridges crash rate was significantly higher than for the total road network and for the middle part of long bridges it was significantly lower . A supplementary analysis of in depth data from 31 fatal crashes including both single vehicle and multiple vehicle crashes supported the results from the main analysis . A higher proportion of fatal crashes occurred on approaching or entering a bridge than when leaving the bridge as seen from the direction of travel of the at fault vehicle . Concerning countermeasures against bridge accidents particular attention should be payed to the approach zone and to the design of barriers .
We analysed single vehicle crashes on or close to road bridges for years 20102016. Based on bridge coordinates we defined up to 7 bridge zones depending on bridge length. Crash risk for entrance zones is higher than for exit zones and for total road network. Total crash risk on bridges is lower than for the remainder road network. Wider bridges had relatively lower crash risk at entrance compared to exit zones.
Non recurrent congestion is frustrating to travelers as it often causes unexpected delay which would result in missing important meetings or appointments . Major causes of non recurrent congestion include adverse weather conditions natural hazards and traffic accidents . Although there has been a proliferation of studies that investigate how adverse weather conditions and natural hazards impact road congestion in urban road networks studies that look into determinants of the congestion caused by a traffic accident are scarce . This research fills in this gap in the literature . When a traffic accident occurs on an urban link the congestion would propagate to and affect adjacent links . We develop a modified version of the Dijkstra s algorithm to identify the set of links in the neighborhood of the accident . We first measure the level of congestion caused by the traffic accident as the reduction in traveling speed on those links . As the impact of congestion varies both in space and in time we then estimate a generalized linear mixed effects model with spatiotemporal panel data to identify its determinants . Finally we conduct a case study using real data in Beijing . We find that the level of congestion is mostly associated with the types of the traffic accidents the types of vehicles involved and the occurrence time for the three types of traffic accidents namely scrape among vehicles collisions with fixed objects and rear end collisions the level of congestion associated with the first two types are comparable while that associated with the third type is 8.43 more intense for the types of vehicles involved the level of congestion involving buses trucks is 6.03 more intense than those involving only cars for the occurrence time the level of congestion associated with morning peaks and afternoon peaks are 5.87 and 6.57 more intense than that associated with off peak hours respectively .
We look into the determinants of the congestion caused by a traffic accident in urban road networks. We employ a generalized linear mixed effects model for panel data to identify the determinants. The level of congestion is mostly associated with the types of the accidents the types of vehicles involved and the occurrence time.
As part of the emerging world of intelligent transportation there is considerable interest in developing connected vehicles that are more capable of identifying and guiding individual drivers behavior than collecting mileage as a moving cart . The two goals of this study are to build a conceptual framework for driver assessment and develop recommendation systems to evaluate individual driving performance and guide driver behaviors thus improving the network traffic conditions and individuals perceived safety . A safety score is defined relatively by comparing a drivers individual pattern to a standard safe driver pattern . To elaborate the proposed system adopts advanced data mining techniques to extract identify characterize and display driving behavior patterns . The scoring system provides a basis of assessing individual drivers who are then recommended to mimic a nearby safe driver in a connected environment . To evaluate and implement the proposed conceptual framework an anonymous trajectory dataset collected from Pittsburgh urban area is applied to build the scoring system which is then integrated within a virtually simulated environment . The results show that the proposed behavior assessment and recommendation system framework improves the overall performance of a connected traffic system beyond those attained through baseline connectivity principles .
A conceptual framework is built for driver behavior assessment. A recommendation systems is developed to evaluate individual driving performance and guide driver behaviors thus improving the network traffic conditions and individuals perceived safety. The scoring system as a basis of assessing individual drivers is integrated within a virtually simulated environment. The results show that the proposed behavior assessment and recommendation system framework improves the overall performance of a connected traffic system.
To assess and explain finely drivers a priori acceptance of highly automated cars this study used the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology . Further the current study sought to extend upon previous research to assess if intentions to use highly automated cars in the future differed according to country . These three countries were selected to enable comparisons of a priori acceptance between countries of differing levels of exposure to highly automated cars . Participants
Applied TPB and UTAUT to assess a priori acceptance of highly automated cars. The findings in relation to the TPB and UTAUT according to country Australia France and Sweden . Drivers residing in France reported greater intentions to use highly automated cars in the future. More research is required to further assess the feasibility of the TPB and UTAUT to assess intentions to use AVs.
Powered two wheelers are growing globally each year as they are considered an attractive alternative to cars especially on congested traffic situations . However PTWs represent an important challenge for road safety . In fact in 2016 Spain ranked fifth in terms of PTW fatalities among EU 28 . For this reason this paper aims to investigate which are the patterns among crash characteristics contributing to PTW crashes in Spain . Data from 78 611 crashes involving PTWs occurred in Spain in the period 20112013 were analyzed . The analysis was performed by using classification trees and rules discovery which are suitable models aimed at extracting knowledge and identifying valid and understandable patterns from large amounts of data previously unknown and indistinguishable . The response variables assessed in this study were severity and crash type . As a result several combinations of road environmental and drivers characteristics associated with severity and typology of PTW crashes in Spain were identified . Based on the analysis results several countermeasures to solve or mitigate the safety issues identified in the study were proposed .
This study investigated PTW crashes occurred in Spain in the period 20112013. The study used different data mining techniques classification trees and rules discovery. Crash types associated with high severity are run off the road ROR and head on HO crashes. Crash patterns associated with high severity and with ROR and HO crashes have been singled out. Countermeasures to mitigate PTW severe injuries and fatalities are suggested.
Traffic oscillations in freeway traffic jam cause large variation of vehicle speed and remarkably reduce travel safety . Previous jam absorption driving strategies focused on the operational side and did not consider the safety effects caused by the controlled vehicle on freeways . In this paper we proposed an optimal jam absorption driving strategy to mitigate traffic oscillations and rear end collision risks on freeway straight segments . Firstly the proposed strategy determined the starting and ending point of an oscillation at the temporal and spatial dimensions based on the Wavelet Transform and the steady equilibrium condition of car following driving . Then different controlled vehicles were evaluated by the given absorbing speeds . Various measurements were considered to evaluate the safety performance of the strategies . The optimal solution was obtained which guided the controlled vehicle to move slowly at the optimal jam absorbing speed and created a gap to eliminate the downstream oscillation timely but avoid causing secondary wave in the upstream traffic . The Intelligent Driver Model was modified to build the simulation platform in a connected environment . The results showed that our proposed strategy effectively reduced the severity of traffic oscillations or even fully eliminate the oscillations . The optimal strategy reduced the surrogate safety measures by 93.53 94.78 and decreased the total travel time by 1.27 . We also compared our strategy with previous strategies and the results suggested that ours had better performances .
Optimal jam absorption strategy is proposed to reduce rear end collision risk with oscillations. Starting and ending point of an oscillation at temporal and spatial dimensions are determined. The optimal solution can mitigate the oscillation timely but avoid causing secondary wave. The improvements in safety and operation performances are quantitatively determined. We compares the effects between our proposed strategy and the previous strategies.
Pedestrian distraction is a growing road safety concern worldwide . While there are currently no studies linking distraction and pedestrian crash risk distraction has been shown to increase risky behaviours in pedestrians for example through reducing visual scanning before traversing an intersection . Illuminated in ground Light Emitting Diodes embedded into pathways are an emerging solution to address the growing distraction problem associated with mobile use while walking . The current study sought to determine if such an intervention was effective in attracting the attention of distracted pedestrians . We conducted a controlled laboratory study to evaluate whether pedestrians detected the activation of flashing LEDs when distracted by a smartphone more accurately and efficiently when the lights were located on the floor compared to a control position on the wall . Eye gaze movements via an eye tracker and behavioural responses via response times assessed the detection of these flashing LEDs . Distracted participants were able to detect the activation of the floor and wall mounted LEDs with accuracies above 90 . The visual and auditory distraction tasks increased reaction times by 143 and 124ms respectively . Even when distracted performance improved with floor LEDs close to participants with reaction time improvements by 43 and 159ms for the LEDs 2 and 1ms away from the participant respectively . The addition of floor LED lights resulted in a performance similar to the one observed for wall mounted LEDs in the non distracted condition . Moreover participants did not necessarily need to fixate on the LEDs to detect their activation thus were likely to have detected them using their peripheral vision . The findings suggest that LEDs embedded in pathways are likely to be effective at attracting the attention of distracted pedestrians . Further research needs to be conducted in the field to confirm these findings and to evaluate the actual effects on behaviour under real world conditions .
Distracted pedestrians with mobile devices is a growing issue at intersections. In ground LEDs are trialled to regain the attention of distracted pedestrians. No research has evaluated their effects. In a laboratory setting in ground LEDs attract the attention of distracted pedestrians.
Toll plazas with both Electronic Toll Collection lane and Manual Toll Collection lane could increase crash risks especially at upstream diverging areas because of frequency lane change behaviors . This study develops the logistic regression model and five typical non parametric models including K Nearest Neighbor Artificial Neural Networks Support Vector Machines Decision Trees and Random Forest to examine the relationship between influencing factors and vehicle collision risk . Based on the vehicle trajectory data extracted from unmanned aerial vehicle videos using an automated video analysis system the unconstrained vehicle motions collision risk can be evaluated by the extended time to collision . Results of model performance comparison indicate that not all non parametric models have a better prediction performance than the LR model . Specifically the KNN SVM DT and RF models have better model performance than LR model in model training while the ANN model has the worst model performance . In model prediction the accuracy of LR model is higher than that of other five non parametric models under various ETTC thresholds conditions . The LR model implies a pretty good performance and its results also indicate that vehicle yields the higher collision risk when it drives on the left side of toll plaza diverging area and more dangerous situations could be found for an ETC vehicle . Moreover the vehicle collision risks are positively associated with the speed of the following vehicle and the angle between the leading vehicle speed vector and X axis . Furthermore the results of DT model show that three factors play important roles in classifying vehicle collision risk and the effects of them on collision risk are consistent with the results of LR model . These findings provide valuable information for accurate assessment of collision risk which is a key step toward improving safety performance of the toll plaza diverging area .
Evaluated the collision risk of unconstrained vehicle motions at toll plaza diverging area. Employed parametric and non parametric models based on microscopic vehicle trajectory data for safety evaluation. Compared model performance of various non parametric models and LR model. The best modeling approach for the traffic safety analysis at toll plaza diverging area was suggested. Three different values of ETTC threshold were set for identify risky situations and validate the model results.
The purpose of this study was to analyze car to cyclist accidents to determine the challenges for an active safety system on car to avoid accidents . Based on 2261 car to cyclist accidents provided by in depth accident databases accidents are analyzed more specifically from kinematic reconstructions . The main accident scenarios are determined crossing nearside crossing farside longitudinal turning and others . Proportion of brakes activation by the drivers before the impact was also given for those scenarios . The relative positions of the cyclists to the vehicle are analyzed from few seconds before the impact until the crash . It is observed that one second before the impact most of the cyclists were at a lateral distance smaller than 5m to the center line of the car and less than 20m ahead of car front . Finally the possible detection of the cyclist by implemented sensors in the vehicle and the possible triggering of an active safety system like an Automatic Emergency Braking or a Forward Collision Warning are studied . Required detection sensors parameters such as Field Of View and the detection range were analyzed relatively to the scenarios characteristics e.g . remaining time after cyclist appearance and before the collision differences between scenario types . Different sensor FOVs and detection ranges were analyzed to determine their possible rates of cyclist detection . The study concluded that a FOV of 60 and a range of 35m would detect most of the cyclists in car to cyclist accident scenarios . It was also concluded that in about 80 of cases the last time to trigger brake t
Cyclist accidents cases are allocated as follows 33 Crossing Nearside 22 Crossing Farside 5 Longitudinal and 34 for Turning Right and Left. A 60Field Of View FOV total angle of 120 and a 35m range allow detecting most cyclists. Little gain is observed for detection rates for last time to brake higher than 1s before collision. 51 of cyclists could be detected up to 4s before the last time to brake with Field Of View FOV of 60.
Previous real time crash prediction models have scarcely used data disaggregated by vehicle type such as light heavy and motorcycles . Thus little effort has been made to quantify the impact of flow composition variables as crash precursors . We analyze the advantages of having access to this data by analyzing two scenarios namely with aggregated and disaggregated data . For each case we build Logistics Regressions and Support Vector Machines models to predict accidents in a major urban expressway in Santiago Chile . Our results show that having access to disaggregated data by vehicle type increases the prediction power up to 30 providing at the same time much better intuition about the actual traffic conditions that may lead to accidents . These results may be useful when evaluating technology investments and developments in urban freeways .
We analyze the impact of having access to flow composition data for crash prediction. We built SVM and logistic regression models using aggregated and disaggregated data by vehicle type. The results show that the use of disaggregated data could improve the prediction power up to 30 . These results may be useful to evaluate technology investments in expressways.
We studied which current fatal at fault crashes would occur despite the most advanced current active safety devices and how frequent these crashes would be . We carried out a cross sectional study of passenger cars that were first registered during the period 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2017 in Finland . To gain the true exposure for these cars we accessed the national Vehicular and Driver Data Register to obtain the mileage information and the registration count for the study period of 2010 17 . Similarly we accessed the registry of Finnish road accident investigation teams and included all fatal at fault crashes among the cars in our study for the same period . We used a real world reference technology for each active safety system in our analysis and chose one car brand as an example . This gave us exact system specifications and enabled testing the operation of the systems on the road . We performed field tests to gain further information on the precise operation of the safety systems in different operating conditions . Finally we gathered all information on the studied active safety systems and analyzed the investigated at fault fatal crashes case by case using our four level method . Cars in our study were the primary party in 113 investigated fatal accidents during the years 2010 17 . In 87 of the accidents the leading cause of death was the injuries due to the crash and these cases were classified as unavoidable avoidable or unsolved . Of the 58 unavoidable crashes 21 were suicides 21 involved active driver input which would have prevented the safety system operation 15 featured circumstances beyond the safety system performance and in one loss of control crash the driver had disabled the relevant safety system . The registration years of the cars in our study totaled 3 772 864 and during this period the cars travelled 75.9 billion kilometers . The crash incidence of the unavoidable at fault fatal crashes was 0.76 0.80 fatal crashes per billion kilometers and 15 16 fatal crashes per million registration years . We calculated a crash incidence for the unavoidable crashes which was 2027 smaller than the observed crash rate of ESC fitted passenger cars in our previous study . We concluded that suicides active driver input until the crash and challenging weather and road conditions are the most difficult factors for current active safety systems . Our analysis did not account for issues such as system usability or driver acceptance and therefore our results should be regarded as something that is currently theoretically achievable . However the observed incidence is a good reference for automated driving development and the crash rate of automated cars .
The most difficult at fault fatal crashes to avoid using safety devices were identified. Active safety technology up to SAE level 2 of driving automation was studied. The incidence of the unavoidable crashes was 0.76 0.80 fatal crashes per billion kilometers. Suicides active driver input and bad weather were the most challenging factors.
Children that are unrestrained while travelling in a motor vehicle are more vulnerable to serious injury and death . The greatest levels of crash protection are achieved when children use the most age or size appropriate form of restraint . In this study we aimed to examine the effectiveness of the introduction of age appropriate child restraint legislation on serious and fatal injury in five Australian states and territories . For this interrupted time series analysis we used a segmented regression method to assess the association between the implementation of child restraint legislation and motor vehicle related serious injuries and fatalities using data obtained from transport authorities in each jurisdiction . We estimated the change in annual rates after the implementation of legislation with the number of motor vehicle accidents resulting in fatalities or serious injuries as the outcome and the total number of injuries as an offset in the model . We identified 10882 motor vehicle related crashes resulting in fatalities serious injuries and minor injuries . In NSW and VIC the rate ratio was statistically significant and positive indicating an increase in the rate of serious injuries and fatalities in the period post legislation compared to the period prior to legislation . In all other states and territories we did not find a statistically significant effect of legislation Road safety programs incorporating interventions targeted at increasing awareness of optimal restraint practices strengthened enforcement and measures to improve the affordability of restraints are needed to support legislation .
To achieve reductions in injuries and fatalities lawmakers must ascertain whether laws are having the intended effect on health outcomes. Using routinely collected government data we measure the impact of child restraint legislation on serious injury and fatality in children. We find no evidence of a protective effect of age appropriate child restraint legislation. Interventions increasing awareness of optimal restraint use enforcement and restraint affordability are needed to support the laws.
Forklifts are among the machines involved with the highest levels of occupational fatalities . As many accidents involved with a forklift can be attributed to the low situation awareness of the operator it is essential to understand the factors influencing a forklift operators SA for reducing forklift accidents especially of collision type . Against this background this research aims to investigate how a forklift operators SA about other people around can be influenced by the type of subtasks they are carrying out . In this research a virtual reality environment is used as the experiment environment in which subjects perform a series of subtasks such as driving turning reversing loading and unloading with a VR forklift simulation model . A SAGATan established SA measurement technique based on a series of queries targeting Level 1 2 and 3 SAis used as the main method to collect data about subjects SA in the experiment . The analysis of the data reveals that a forklift operator is likely to have a reduced SA about the workers around when he she is performing a loading or unloading task due to attention narrowing which occurs when a person concentrates on a cognitively demanding task . The findings provide insights into how forklift operator SA could be improved through an SA oriented safety training program and also how sensing technologies might assist forklift operators with maintaining a good SA .
Limited situation awareness SA may cause accidents while operating a mobile plant. Mobile plant operators SA of other people in proximity is investigated. Forklift operators SA about other workers is affected by the complexity of the subtasks. Control measures are proposed to prevent struck by or caught in between accidents.
Trauma is one of the leading causes of death worldwide with millions of people dying each year particularly in low or middle income countries . This paper describes and evaluates the current trauma system in Saudi Arabia . A scoping literature review was performed incorporating an extensive search of Medline and Embase databases for refereed literature as well as a search of grey literature to locate unpublished articles or reports in English or Arabic . All publications were assessed against the World Health Organization Trauma System Maturity Index and American College of Surgeons criteria . Despite local injury prevention efforts Motor Vehicle Crashes remain the primary cause of injuries in SA . Prehospital trauma care in SA aligns with level III care as described in the WHO TSMI classification system based on the presence of formal emergency medical services and universal access to care . With respect to the ACS classification no clear written guidelines either for field triage or trauma destination protocols such as trauma bypass were identified in prehospital trauma care . The role of secondary and tertiary facilities in treating trauma patients is unclear with no clear referral linkages suggesting a level I to III grading of SAs trauma care facilities . Currently there is no national or regional electronic trauma registry no quality assurance program and active involvement in research projects related to injuries is limited . The current SA TS has strengths but there are key features missing in comparison to other systems globally . As MVCs remain a leading cause of death disability efforts to reduce the prevalence and impact of MVC burden in SA through development of a stronger national TS are warranted .
SA is ranked 23rd on the list of countries with the highest death rates from MVCs globally. Many of the characteristics of an effective TS were not present in the current evaluation of SA TS. Efforts to strengthen the presence of all components of the TS are recommended. Each region in SA should have its own infrastructure that aligns with the national TS but fits with the regions resources.
The continuous motorization of traffic has led to a sustained increase in the global number of road related fatalities and injuries . To counter this governments are focusing on enforcing safe and law abiding behavior in traffic . However especially in developing countries where the motorcycle is the main form of transportation there is a lack of comprehensive data on the safety critical behavioral metric of motorcycle helmet use . This lack of data prohibits targeted enforcement and education campaigns which are crucial for injury prevention . Hence we have developed an algorithm for the automated registration of motorcycle helmet usage from video data using a deep learning approach . Based on 91 000 annotated frames of video data collected at multiple observation sites in 7 cities across the country of Myanmar we trained our algorithm to detect active motorcycles the number and position of riders on the motorcycle as well as their helmet use . An analysis of the algorithm s accuracy on an annotated test data set and a comparison to available human registered helmet use data reveals a high accuracy of our approach . Our algorithm registers motorcycle helmet use rates with an accuracy of 4.4 and 2.1 in comparison to a human observer with minimal training for individual observation sites . Without observation site specific training the accuracy of helmet use detection decreases slightly depending on a number of factors . Our approach can be implemented in existing roadside traffic surveillance infrastructure and can facilitate targeted data driven injury prevention campaigns with real time speed . Implications of the proposed method as well as measures that can further improve detection accuracy are discussed .
Deep learning was applied to detect motorcycle helmet use in traffic video data. Algorithm is accurate within 4.4 and 2.1 compared to human observation. Algorithm accuracy was highest for sites included in the training of the algorithm. Performance decreased slightly for untrained sites. Approach can be easily implemented in existing traffic surveillance systems.
The change interval which includes the yellow and all red times plays a crucial role in the safety and operation of signalized intersections . During this interval drivers not only need to decide to stop or go but also have to interact with drivers both in front and behind trying to avoid conflicting decisions . Red light running and inconsistent stopping behavior may increase the risk for angular and rear end crashes . This study aims to investigate the effect of different innovative countermeasures on red light running prevention and safe stopping behavior at signalized intersections . Five different conditions were tested inviting sixty seven volunteers with a valid driving license . The conditions include a default traffic signal setting flashing green signal setting red LED ground lights integrated with a traffic signal yellow interval countdown variable message sign and red light running detection camera warning gantry . Drivers in each condition were exposed to two different situations based on the distance from the stop line . In the first situation drivers were located in the indecision zone while in the second situation they were located in the likely stopping zone . A series of logistic regression analyses and linear mixed models were conducted to investigate the overall safety effects of the different countermeasures . The probability of red light running was significantly reduced for R LED in both analyses . Moreover a clearly inconsistent stopping behavior was observed for the flashing green condition . Furthermore a unit increase in speed at the onset of yellow interval significantly increases the probability of RLR by 5.3 .
Red LED lights significantly reduced probability of RLR at signalized intersections. Red LED lights could reduce cognitive load for judgement about stop go decisions. Flashing green increases risk of rear end collisions due to inconsistent stopping. Countdown VMS motivated drivers positioned in the stopping zone to cross red light. Red LED is recommended as an innovative and effective treatment for RLR prevention.
The prognosis of post traumatic headache is poorly understood . To develop and validate a prognostic model to predict the presence of post traumatic headache six months after a traffic collision in adults with incident post traumatic headache . Secondary analyses of adults with incident post traumatic headache injured in traffic collisions between November 1997 and December 1999 in Saskatchewan Canada and between January 2004 and January 2005 in Sweden . The Saskatchewan cohort was population based . The Swedish cohort were claimants from two insurance companies covering 20 of cars driven in Sweden in 2004 . All adults injured in traffic collisions who completed a baseline questionnaire within 30 days of collision . Excluded were those hospitalized 2 days lost consciousness 30 min or reported headache 3 10 on the numerical rating scale . Follow up rates for both cohorts were approximately 80 . Baseline sociodemographic pre injury and injury factors . Self reported headache pain intensity 3 six months after injury . Both cohorts were predominantly female with median ages 35.9 years and 38.0 years . Predictors were age work status headache pain intensity symptoms in arms or hands dizziness or unsteadiness stiffness in neck pre existing headache and lower recovery expectations . With a positive score the model can rule in the presence of post traumatic headache at six months 8.0 95 CI 2.724.1 negative likelihood ratio 1.0 95 CI 1.01.0 validation specificity 95.5 95 CI 91.1 97.8 sensitivity 27.2 95 CI 20.4 35.2 LR 6.0 95 CI 2.813.2 LR 0.8 95 CI 0.70.8 . Clinicians can collect patient information on the eight predictors of our model to identify patients that will report ongoing post traumatic headache six months after a traffic collision . Future research should focus on selecting patients at high risk of poor outcomes for inclusion in intervention studies and determining effective interventions for these patients .
Post traumatic headache is common and often persists beyond the acute period. Eight predictors collected at baseline predict PTH six months post injury. Our model can be used in primary care to predict the likely presence of PTH six months after a traffic collision. Our model could inform intervention studies to prevent ongoing PTH.
Determining and understanding the environmental factors contributing to road traffic accident occurrence is of core importance in road safety research . In this study a methodology to obtain robust and unbiased results when modeling imbalanced high resolution accident data is described . Based on a data set covering the whole highway network of Austria in a fine spatial and temporal scale the effects of 48 covariates on accident occurrence are analyzed with a special emphasis on real time weather variables obtained through meteorological re analysis . A balanced bagging approach is employed to cope with the issue of class imbalance . By fitting different tree based classifiers to a large number of bootstrapped training samples ensembles of binary classification models are established . The final prediction is achieved through majority vote across each ensemble resulting in a robust prediction with reduced variance . Findings show the merits of the proposed approach in terms of model quality and robustness of the results consistently displaying accuracies around 80 while exhibiting sensitivities of approximately 50 . In addition to certain features related to roadway geometrics surface condition and traffic volume a number of weather variables are found to be of importance for predicting accident occurrence . The proposed methodological take may not only pave the way for further analyses of high resolution road safety data including real time information but can also be transferred to any other imbalanced classification problem .
A resampling approach for dealing with severe class imbalance is presented. Random forests and boosted trees are used to model accident occurrence. Confidence intervals for variable importance are presented. The approach is shown to be robust with reduced variance. The methodology can be transferred to any imbalanced classification problem.
Australian drivers aged 1725 years are overrepresented in road crashes with many crashes resulting from smartphone use . The current study based on a prospective design and an extended TPB framework predicted young drivers intentions to and actual behaviour of monitoring reading social interactive technology via a smartphone while driving . An online survey at Time 1 assessed the TPB constructs of attitude subjective norm and perceived behaviour control and the additional factors of habit mindfulness and cognitive capture . A hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that the TPB constructs accounted for 76.4 in the variance of young drivers intentions . The extended model which included habit mindfulness and cognitive capture accounted for a significant 79 of the variance in intention and these additional factors explained a significant amount of variance over and above the TPB constructs . The Time 2 survey assessed actual behaviour in relation to smartphone use in the one week period between the Time 1 and 2 surveys . Results from a multiple regression analysis of Time 2 found that as expected intention was a significant predictor of the behaviour of monitoring reading a smartphone while driving . The results support the TPB for predicting intention and actual behaviour in relation to monitoring reading a smartphone while driving . The theoretical and practical implications of the current study are discussed as well as recommendations for future research .
The TPB was significant when predicting both intention and behaviour. Habit mindfulness and cognitive capture were significant predictors of intention. Intention was the only significant predictor of behaviour
Automated vehicles represent an opportunity to reduce crash frequency by eliminating driver error as safety studies reveal human error contributes to the majority of crashes . To provide insights into the contributing factors of AV crashes this study created a unique database from the California Department of Motor Vehicles 124 manufacturer reported Traffic Collision Reports and was linked with detailed data on roadway and built environment attributes . A novel text analysis was first conducted to extract useful information from crash report narratives . Of the crashes that could be geocoded results indicate the most frequent AV crash type was rear end collisions and 13.3 were injury crashes . These noteworthy outcomes and a small sample size motivated us to rigorously analyze rear end and injury crashes in a Full Bayesian empirical setup . Owing to the potential issue of unobserved heterogeneity hierarchical Bayes fixed and random parameter logit models are estimated . Results reveal that when the automated driving system is engaged and remains engaged the likelihood of an AV involved rear end crash is substantially higher compared to a conventionally driven AV or when the driver disengages the automated driving system prior to a crash . Given the AV involved crashes the likelihood of an AV involved rear end crash was significantly higher in mixed land use settings compared to other land use types and was significantly lower near public private schools . Correlations of other roadway attributes and environmental factors with AV involved rear end and injury crash propensities are discussed . This study aids in understanding the interactions of AVs and human driven conventional vehicles in complex urban environments .
Automated vehicles AVs can reduce crashes by reducing or eliminating driver error. A unique database of 124 early AV crashes is analyzed using a Full Bayesian approach. Rear end AV crashes are relatively frequent compared with other types of crashes. The AV system was more likely to remain engaged when rear end crashes occurred. AV involved rear end crashes were correlated with mixed land use settings.
Semi controlled crosswalks are unsignalized but clearly marked with yield to pedestrian within crosswalk signs . Ideally pedestrians can cross the street immediately after they arrive at the curb . However real world observations show that pedestrians and vehicles are often involved in non verbal negotiations to decide who should proceed first . This kind of negotiation often causes delays for both parties and may lead to unsafe situations . The study in this paper was based on video recordings of the waiting behaviors of 2059 pedestrians interacting with 1003 motorists at selected semi controlled crosswalks . One such location experienced a conversion from one way operation to two way operation which provided a rare opportunity for a before and after study at that location . Multi state Markov models were introduced as a novel approach to correlate the dynamic process between recurrent events . Time varying covariates related to pedestrian characteristics traffic condition and vehicle dynamics turned out to be significant .
Semi controlled crosswalks are unsignalized but marked with yield to pedestrian signs. Pedestrians and motorists engage in non verbal negotiation to decide priority. Video recordings were made of 2059 pedestrians interacting with 1003 motorists. A conversion from 1 way to 2 way operation allowed a before and after study at the same location. The probabilities of pedestrian wait time are quantified under alternative scenarios.
Channelized right turns or slip lanes have been widely implemented as an effective countermeasure of reducing traffic delay and number of conflicts between vehicles at signalized intersections . However only a few studies have investigated the impact of channelized right turns on pedestrian safety . Channelized right turns may increase the risks for pedestrians since they bring pedestrian vehicle interactions in a fully non signalized environment . Furthermore the increased turning radius at channelized lanes can lead to higher vehicle speeds . This paper investigates the impact of channelized right turns on pedestrian safety based on surrogate safety and behavior measures . Video data were collected from twelve signalized intersections in the city of Zunyi China involving three main types of right turn designs 1 non channelized right only lanes 2 non channelized right through lanes and 3 channelized right turn lanes . Different measures are used including interaction and behavior measures based on a recent proposed Distance Velocity model the PET measurement speed measurements and observations of failures in interactions . Results indicate that the design of channelized right turn lane increases pedestrian risks at signalized intersections from different dimensions of safety . The impact of the nighttime condition on pedestrian safety was also compared . Pedestrians are safer at nighttime at non channelized locations while the impact of nighttime conditions on pedestrian safety at channelized intersections was not ascertained . Consequently cities should be cautious to install channelized intersections as a safety countermeasure . Treatments are needed to improve pedestrian safety if channelized right turns are implemented .
Channelized right turns have been widely implemented to reduce traffic delay. The impact channelized right turns on pedestrian safety has not been addressed. The performance of different right turn designs on pedestrian safety is compared. Surrogate safety and behavioral measures from multiple facets of safety were used. Channelized right turns increase pedestrian risks from different safety dimensions.
Accident risk is increased for emergency responders driving with warning lights and sirens compared to other road users driving . Currently no standards for education of ambulance drivers exist . Research shows that high order understanding trainings focusing on insight to avoid critical driving situations might be more helpful than trainings focusing on car handling . The present controlled intervention study evaluates a one day simulator based high order training program specifically designed for ambulance drivers . In a longitudinal design with three measurement times multiple methods were used to evaluate the training holistically targeting the levels of reaction to training learning behavior and results of training . Questionnaire knowledge test and driving profile data were analyzed with repeated measures analysis of variance controlling for age and sex . Data of two intervention groups and one control waiting group was collected between 2014 and 2017 in two German federal states . 183 German paramedics participated in the study . 147 participants completed post training tests and 30 participants completed follow up measurements six months after training . Participants reaction to training was positive directly after the training and dropped slightly over time . Intervention group participants gained traffic relevant knowledge compared to control group participants . Risk sensitivity of regular driving situations was the only attitude variable positively affected by training . This effect was not sustained six months after training . Training led to a decrease of average and maximum speed in short as well as long term measurements but did not affect drivers acceleration . Although speed was lower in post tests emergency response times did not differ . The simulator based training for paramedics has small but notable effects on drivers knowledge attitudes and real driving behavior . Although only very few measured variables showed positive training effects no negative training effects were found . Speed was reduced in the long term which underlines the importance of such a training . More research is needed to determine effects on different types of participants and to elicit framework conditions for training integration in formal education .
Holistic training evaluation on all four Kirkpatrick evaluation levels. Evaluation of simulator based training specifically designed for ambulance drivers. Results show difficulty of attitude modification and behavioral change in traffic. Training positively influenced knowledge risk sensitivity and reduced speed. Reduced speed due to training did not prolong driving times to operation sites.
In fatal road vehicle accidents motorcycles are overrepresented per vehicle kilometre travelled . Fatal accidents involving motorcycles contain mode specific characteristics and in common with fatal accidents involving all road users speed typically presents as a significant contributory factor . The aim of the present study is to provide quantitative estimates for the contribution of speed in situations commencing from the reaction location to the safety critical event involving a motorcyclist and resulting in a fatal accident . The contribution of speed to the resulting accident risk and accident severity is considered from this reaction point . A speed squared versus stopping distance domain termed the severity risk space is examined to determine the accident measures . The defined accident measures namely accident risk accident severity and accident severity risk are calculated for sixteen fatal accidents from a police dataset of recent UK motorcycle accidents . The estimates of the defined measures are provided in terms relative to values estimated for the vehicle travelling at the speed limit at the safety critical event . The relative accident risk in response to a safety critical situation shows a partial speed dependent reaction phase and a speed squared dependent braking phase and ranges from 1.3 to 2.8 . The speed squared dependent accident severity measure ranges from 1.4 to 7.3 at pre impact speeds . The relative accident severity risk shows speed squared to speed cubed dependency components during the reaction phase and a speed to the power of four dependent braking phase and ranges from 2.3 to 22.8 . In eight cases the collision would have been avoided had the motorcyclist been travelling at the speed limit at the critical point and in the other eight cases the relative accident severity at impact ranged from 1.4 to 17.2 . The speed squared versus stopping distance domain provides an informative parameter space for considering the accident risk and accident severity dimensions of road user accidents .
A novel road accident severity risk. space graph is introduced. The area under the graph represents accident severity risk. The. space has speed to the power of 2 3 and 4 dependencies. For fatal motorcycle accidents the space is 2.3 to 23 times greater than normal.
Older drivers self awareness of driving ability can prompt self regulatory behaviors and modifications of their everyday driving performance . To date studies have yet to examine how older drivers self awareness of changes in driving ability over time or identify the characteristics of those who can accurately monitor such changes . 64 older drivers were recruited and categorized into four groups based on the correspondence of changes in their perceived and actual driving ability over one year 40 of the participants were accurate in their stable or better driving ability over time 30 did not detect their driving performance had worsened and over estimated their driving ability and the remainder either accurately detected their performance had worsened or under estimated their driving performance . No demographic or clinical factors were associated with older drivers self awareness of changes in driving ability over time except the mental processing and executive functioning measured using the Trail Making Tests Part B showed a marginal effect . Implications for clinical importance are discussed .
Many older drivers did not detect decline in their driving performance over time. Fourteen percent of older drivers under estimated their changes in driving ability. Trail Making Test Part B may be associated with drivers level of self awareness. Age and gender did not predict drivers awareness of changes in driving ability.
Driving distraction is a leading cause of fatal car accidents and almost nine people are killed in the US each day because of distracting activities . Therefore reducing the number of distraction affected traffic accidents remains an imperative issue . A novel algorithm for detection of drivers manual distraction was proposed in this manuscript . The detection algorithm consists of two modules . The first module predicts the bounding boxes of the driver s right hand and right ear from RGB images . The second module takes the bounding boxes as input and predicts the type of distraction . 106 677 frames extracted from videos which were collected from twenty participants in a driving simulator were used for training and testing . For distraction classification the results indicated that the proposed framework could detect normal driving using the touchscreen and talking with a phone with F1 score 0.84 0.69 0.82 respectively . For overall distraction detection it achieved F1 score of 0.74 . The whole framework ran at 28 frames per second . The algorithm achieved comparable overall accuracy with similar research and was more efficient than other methods . A demo video for the algorithm can be found at
A novel deep neural network based driving distraction detection algorithm was proposed. The algorithm incorporated YOLO and a multi layer perceptron. Video clips of 20 drivers performing distracting tasks were collected on a driving simulator. The results indicated that the algorithm is effective and efficient in detecting a variety of driving distractions.
This paper evaluates the causal effects of cellphone distraction on traffic crashes using propensity score weighting approaches and naturalistic driving study data . We adopt three propensity score weighting approaches to estimate the causal odds ratio of cellphone use on three different event populations including average treatment effect on the whole population average treatment effect on the treated population and average treatment effect on the overlapping population . Three types of cellphone distractions are evaluated overall cellphone use talking and visual manual tasks . The propensity scores are estimated based on driver roadway and environmental characteristics . The Second Strategic Highway Research Program NDS data used in this study include 3400 participant drivers with 1047 severe crashes and 19 798 random case cohort control driving segments . The study reveals several highly imbalanced potential confounding factors among cellphone use groups e.g . income age and time of day which could lead to biased risk estimation . All three propensity score approaches improve the balance of the baseline characteristics . The propensity score adjusted ORs differ from unweighted ORs substantially ranging from 44.25 to 54.88 . Specifically the adjusted ORs for young drivers are higher than unweighted ORs and these for middle age drivers are lower . Among different cellphone related distractions the ORs associated with visual manual tasks are uniformly higher than overall cellphone distraction and cellphone talking . Cellphone talking increases the risk for young drivers but has no significant impact on middle age drivers . Propensity score approaches effectively mitigate potential confounding effect caused by imbalanced driver environmental characteristics in the observational NDS data . The ATT and ATO estimands are recommended for NDS case cohort studies . ATT reflects the effect among exposed events i.e . crashes or controls with cellphone exposure and ATO reflects the effect among events with similar characteristics . The study confirms the significant causal effect of overall cellphone distraction on crash risk and the heterogeneity in safety impact by age group .
Covariates imbalance in NDS can lead to biased risk estimation. Propensity score methods ATT and ATO are preferred for driving risk evaluation. Causal odds ratios ORs of cellphone distraction differ substantially from raw ORs. Cellphone talking increases crash risk significantly only for young drivers. The cellphone visual manual tasks impose high crash risk for all drivers.
Previous research has demonstrated that the distraction caused by holding a mobile telephone conversation is not limited to the period of the actual conversation . In a prior study we identified potential eye movement and EEG markers of cognitive distraction during driving hazard perception . However the extent to which these markers are affected by the demands of the hazard perception task are unclear . Therefore in the current study we assessed the effects of secondary cognitive task demand on eye movement and EEG metrics separately for periods prior to during and after the hazard was visible . We found that when no hazard was present distraction resulted in changes to various elements of saccadic eye movements . However when the target was present distraction did not affect eye movements .
Effect of cognitive load was assessed on behavioral eye movement and EEG metrics. Elements of the saccadic eye movement system can be used as markers of distraction. Eye fixation related potentials are sensitive to changes in cognitive workload. Markers of distraction were present prior to reduction in primary task performance.
The connected and automated vehicle technologies have made great progresses . It has been commonly accepted that CV or AV technologies would reduce human errors in driving and benefit traffic safety . However the answer of how many crashes can be prevented because of CV or AV technologies has not reached a consistent conclusion . In order to quantitatively answer this question this study used meta analysis to evaluate the safety effectiveness of nine common and important CV or AV technologies and tested the safety effectiveness of these technologies for six countries . First 73 studies about the safety impact of CV or AV technologies were filtered out from 826 CAV related papers or reports . Second the safety impacts of these technologies with regard to assistant types and triggering times have been compared . It shows AV technologies can play a more significant role than CV technologies and the technologies with closer triggering time to collision time have greater safety effectiveness . Third in the meta analysis the random effect model was used to evaluate the safety effectiveness and the funnel plots and trim and fill method were used to evaluate and adjust publication bias so as to objectively evaluate the safety effectiveness of each technology . Then according to the crash data of six countries the comprehensive safety effectiveness and compilation of safety effectiveness of the above technologies were calculated . The results show that if all of technologies were implemented in the six countries the average number of crashes could be reduced by 3.40 million among which the India would reduce the most . Additionally different countries should develop different development strategies
Meta analysis to quantitatively and comprehensively summary literatures. Safety effectiveness of nine connected CV or automated vehicle AV technologies. The number of crashes would be prevented by CV or AV for six countries.
Side crashes between vehicles which usually lead to high casualties and property loss rank first among total crashes in China . This paper aims to identify the factors associated with injury severity of side crashes at intersections and to provide suggestions for developing countermeasures to mitigate the levels of injuries . In order to investigate the role of striking and struck vehicles in side crashes simultaneously bivariate probit model was proposed and Bayesian approach was employed to evaluate the model compared to the corresponding univariate probit model . Crash data from Beijing China for the period 20092012 were used to carry out the statistical analysis . Based on the investigation with vehicles and data analysis on events 130 intersection side crash cases were selected to form a specific dataset . Then the influence of human vehicles roadway and environmental variables on crash severity was examined by means of bivariate probit regression within Bayesian framework . The effects of the factors on striking vehicle drivers and struck vehicle drivers were considered separately and simultaneously to find more targeted conclusions . The statistical analysis revealed vehicle type lane number no non motorized lane and speeding have the corresponding influence on the injury severity of striking vehicles while time of day and vehicle type of struck vehicles increased the likelihood of being injured . From the results it can be concluded that there indeed exists correlation between striking and struck vehicles in side crashes although the correlation is not so strong . Importantly Bayesian bivariate probit model can address the role of striking and struck vehicles in side crashes simultaneously and can accommodate the correlation clearly which extends the range of univariate probit analysis . The general and empirical countermeasures are presented to improve the safety at intersections .
The impact of influencing factors on injury severity of side crashes at intersections and role of striking and struck vehicles are investigated. Bayesian bivariate probit model is proposed to accommodate the correlation between the injury severity levels of striking and struck vehicles and Bayesian approach via Markov Chain Monte Carlo MCMC is employed to estimate the model. The Bayesian bivariate probit model can effectively address the correlation and provide better model fit than Bayesian univariate probit model. The findings can help designers and management departments improve the safety at intersections.
Recently technologies for predicting traffic conflicts in real time have been gaining momentum due to their proactive nature of application and the growing implementation of ADAS technology in intelligent vehicles . In ADAS machine learning classifiers are utilised to predict potential traffic conflicts by analysing data from in vehicle sensors . In most cases a condition is classified as a traffic conflict when a safety surrogate crosses a pre defined threshold . This approach however largely ignores other factors that influence traffic conflicts such as speed variance traffic density speed and weather conditions . Considering all these factors in detecting traffic conflicts is rather complex as it requires an integration and mining of heterodox data the unavailability of traffic conflicts and conflict prediction models capable of extracting meaningful and accurate information in a timely manner . In addition the model has to effectively handle large imbalanced data . To overcome these limitations this paper presents a centralised digital architecture and employs a Deep Learning methodology to predict traffic conflicts . Highly disaggregated traffic data and in vehicle sensors data from an instrumented vehicle are collected from a section of the UK M1 motorway to build the model . Traffic conflicts are identified by a RegionalConvolution Neural Network model which detects lane markings and tracks vehicles from images captured by a single front facing camera . This data is then integrated with traffic variables and calculated safety surrogate measures via a centralised digital architecture to develop a series of Deep Neural Network models to predict these traffic conflicts . The results indicate that TTC as expected varies by speed weather and traffic density and the best DNN model provides an accuracy of 94 making it reliable to employ in ADAS technology as proactive safety management strategies . Furthermore by exchanging this traffic conflict awareness data connected vehicles can mitigate the risk of traffic collisions .
A centralised digital architecture is developed to handle large imbalanced data. A RegionalConvolution Neural Network R CNN model is used to generate conflict data. A Deep Neural Network DNN model is employed to predict real time traffic conflicts. Traffic variables and Safety Surrogate Measures SSM are used as inputs to DNN model. This traffic conflict detection technique is suitable for ADAS CVs and AVs.
Municipalities in the United States often encourage bicycling for the health economic and environmental benefits by implementing new and innovative bicycle infrastructure treatments . Unfortunately many treatments are unfamiliar to or misunderstood by drivers especially when lacking explicit rules . To date research has largely investigated bicycle infrastructure from a bicyclist s perspective but with little research from the driver s perspective . The objective of this research is to utilize a driving simulator to investigate driver behavior towards different bicycle infrastructure treatments when driver behavior is not provoked by an interaction with bicyclists . More specifically this research intends to investigate the impact of bicycling frequency and treatment familiarity as well as the combined effect of the two on driver behavior at each treatment type . The treatments investigated are shared lane markings called sharrows standard bike lanes bike boxes and merge lanes . The results show that bicycling frequency significantly affects the proportion of drivers making eye glances at treatments . In addition drivers more familiar with bike boxes stopped significantly further back from bike boxes and drivers more familiar with merge lanes performed the merge maneuver significantly earlier . Furthermore driver speed and lane positioning at bike lanes was significantly affected by the combination of bike lane familiarity and bicycling frequency but not individually . This research is a first step towards understanding driver behavior and expectation of bicyclists an essential understanding for infrastructure treatments that do not provide physical barriers between bicycles and automobiles and instead rely on driver behavior for safety .
Investigated driver behavior at bicycle infrastructure using driving simulator. Drivers familiar with bike boxes stopped significantly further behind box. Drivers familiar with merge lanes merged significantly earlier. Drivers both familiar with bike lanes and frequent cyclists drove slower. Frequent bicyclists made significantly more eye glances at treatments and mirrors.
Road accident fatalities and accident severity costs have become top priorities and concerns for Chinese policymakers . Understanding the principal factors that explain accident severity is considered to be the first step towards the adequate design of an accident prevention strategy . In this paper we examine the contribution of various types of factors in explaining accident severity in China . Unlike previous studies the analysis gives a particular focus on fatal accidents . Using a large sample of 405 177 observations for 4 wheeled vehicles in the year 2017 and various statistical and econometrics approaches the results show that the factors explaining the severity of accidents differs significantly between normal and extreme severity accidents e.g . across quantiles . Interestingly we find that the gender factor is only significant for fatal accidents . In particular the analysis shows that male drivers have an increased likelihood of extreme risk taking . On the basis of these empirical findings a new ratemaking approach that aims to improve road safety and prevention is discussed and proposed .
Factors affecting accident severity were investigated. Quantile regression and extreme value theory approach are employed. The factors affecting accident severity vary among quantiles. The gender is an atypical accident factor which significant only for the higher quantiles. A new prevention framework to improve road safety and prevention is proposed.
Spatial analyses of crashes have been adopted in road safety for decades in order to determine how crashes are affected by neighboring locations how the influence of parameters varies spatially and which locations warrant interventions more urgently . The aim of the present research is to critically review the existing literature on different spatial approaches through which researchers handle the dimension of space in its various aspects in their studies and analyses . Specifically the use of different areal unit levels in spatial road safety studies is investigated different modelling approaches are discussed and the corresponding study design characteristics are summarized in respective tables including traffic road environment and area parameters and spatial aggregation approaches . Developments in famous issues in spatial analysis such as the boundary problem the modifiable areal unit problem and spatial proximity structures are also discussed . Studies focusing on spatially analyzing vulnerable road users are reviewed as well . Regarding spatial models the application advantages and disadvantages of various functional econometric approaches Bayesian models and machine learning methods are discussed . Based on the reviewed studies present challenges and future research directions are determined .
This paper reviews spatial analyses in road safety research. Design characteristics of 132 spatial road safety studies are summarized on tables. The various area units problems configurations and spatial models are examined. Vulnerable Road User particularities are mentioned in a spatial context as well. Future research suggestions are provided based on unexplored research directions
Many states have legalized casino gambling and casinos create increased vehicle traffic but the strength of the association between casino construction and vehicle crashes is unknown . Retrospective analyses of motor vehicle crashes occurring within Anne Arundel County Maryland were conducted . The ratio of crashes within one mile of the casinos location after it was opened were compared to the ratio occurring in the same area before it was opened to determine how the incidence of MVCs near the casino changed with time . Logistic regression was used to determine how crash characteristics may have influenced the incidence of MVCs near the casino after it opened . 101 860 persons were involved in 43 328 MVCs in Anne Arundel County during the study period 29 476 had an at fault driver 21 years of age and complete data . MVCs proximal to the casino occurred most commonly during the day and involved drivers 40 years of age and male . After adjustment for impairment and day of the week there was a significant association with crashes close to the casino after it opened OR In this single site study the opening of a casino was associated with an increase in crashes nearby . The generalizability of this finding should be confirmed with analysis of MVC data near other gambling venues .
A new casino in suburban Maryland changed the characteristics of nearby crashes. Crashes were more likely to occur near the casino after it opened OR 1.23 . Crashes were more likely to occur on weekends OR 1.39 95 CI 1.151.67 . Drivers 40 years old were more likely to crash within a mile of the casino OR 1.74 . Neither gender OR 0.86 nor time of day OR 1.13 were significant.
The use of traffic simulation to analyze complex transportation issues has become common practice in transportation engineering . The further application of microsimulation to the analysis of traffic safety in a systematic rigorous and controlled fashion is becoming increasingly viable as simulation models improve and tools for quantifying surrogate safety measures become readily accessible . Using a calibrated traffic microsimulation model and surrogate safety assessment model analysis this paper examined how the risk for left turn crashes varied as traffic conditions changed at a signalized intersection .
Developed an analytical tool for time of day use of permissive left turn phasing. Motivated by recent widespread application of the flashing yellow arrow indication. Used VISSIM and SSAM to study left turn crash risk as traffic conditions changed. Demonstrated application via time of day crash risk profiles and nomograms.
From 20052015 Iran has experienced a 41.3 decrease in road fatalities and an 11.1 increase in non fatal injuries . However the trend differs across Iran provinces and hence identifying factors that relate to road fatality and injury counts is an essential tool for improving road safety management programs and policies in the provinces . In this study a statistical model was developed within a Bayesian framework with the aim of examining the annual fatal and non fatal injury counts in the provinces of Iran during the period 20052015 . Specifically a bivariate spatial negative binomial Bayesian model with random effects was specified and estimated to account for unobserved heterogeneity due to the simultaneity effect between fatal and non fatal injuries the presence of province specific factors and the spatial correlation between neighboring provinces . All the three effects were found to significantly relate to the frequency of both injury types . Results also indicated that overall fuel consumption and share of diesel fuel consumed were positively related to fatal and non fatal injuries . Higher population proportions of under 15 and 1530years of age were found to be positively associated with fatalities and negatively with non fatal injuries . Furthermore the annual number of hot spots modified per 100km of rural roads is associated with a decrease in fatalities . Results also suggest that the number of speed cameras operating on rural roads might significantly decrease both fatal and non fatal injuries . Accordingly the implementation of active and targeted hot spot programs as well as speed camera programs are likely to improve safety performance of the provinces and help to prioritize area wide safety initiatives and programs .
Fuel consumption is positively associated with both fatal and non fatal injury counts. Speed cameras on rural roads contribute to a reduction of both fatalities and injuries. Hot spots modified per 100km of roads is negatively associated with fatality counts.
Pedestrians must use a variety of visual and auditory cues when determining safe crossing opportunities . Although vision has received a bulk of the attention in research on pedestrian safety the examination of both vision and audition are important to consider . Environmental intrapersonal and cognitive qualities of a pedestrian context may limit the use of one or both perceptual modalities . Across two experiments we examined the impact of perceptual constraints on pedestrian safety by measuring the accuracy of vehicle time to arrival estimates in a virtual environment when vehicles were only visible only audible or both visible and audible . In both experiments participants estimated the time to arrival of vehicles moving at one of two speeds . In the second experiment we introduced ambient traffic noises to examine the impact of environmentally relevant traffic noises on pedestrian perception . Results suggest seeing a vehicle is more advantageous than hearing a vehicle when interacting with traffic especially in the presence of ambient sound . Both experiments resulted in more accurate time to arrival estimates in the visual and mixed conditions than in the auditory only condition . Implications for pedestrian safety and future research are discussed .
Perceptual modality is a vital part of pedestrian safety. Time to arrival judgements of approaching vehicles are less accurate when pedestrians do not have access to visual stimuli. Ambient sound reduces accuracy of vehicle time to arrival judgements when pedestrians do not have access to visual stimuli.
Automated vehicles are emerging on the transportation networks as manufacturers test their automated driving system capabilities in complex real world environments in testing operations like Californias Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program . A more comprehensive understanding of the ADS safety performances can be established through the California Department of Motor Vehicle disengagement and crash reports . This study comprehensively examines the safety performances documented since the inauguration of the testing program . The reported disengagements were categorized as control discrepancy environmental conditions and other road users hardware and software discrepancy perception discrepancy planning discrepancy and operator takeover . An applicable subset of disengagements was then used to identify and quantify the 5 Ws of these safety critical events who when where and what why . The disengagement initiator whether the ADS or human operator is linked with contributing factors such as the location disengagement cause and ADS testing maturity through a random parameter binary logit model that captured unobserved heterogeneity . Results reveal that compared to freeways and interstates the ADS has a lower likelihood of initiating the disengagement on streets and roads compared to the human operator . Likewise software and hardware and planning discrepancies are associated with the ADS initiating the disengagement . As the ADS testing maturity advances in months the probability of the disengagement being initiated by the ADS marginally increases when compared to human initiated . Overall the study contributes by understanding the factors associated with disengagements and exploring their implications for automated systems .
Who Human initiated disengagements are more likely than automated driving systems ADS initiated disengagements. What why ADS initiated disengagements are mostly due to planning and hardware software discrepancies. Where ADS initiated disengagements are more likely on streets and roads environments than on high speed facilities. When System maturity has a positive effect on the likelihood of ADS initiated disengagements.
There is extensive literature into the mechanisms of injury in traffic crashes involving vulnerable road users but little research into the social or psychological factors in causation in these crash types . Attitudes and emotional associations can affect how people attend to objects in their visual environment and physical approach avoidance responses but few studies have extended these approaches into the road safety domain . Existing driving simulator studies of driver bicyclist interactions have focused on driver behavior but not underlying attitudes and their effect on safety related behaviors .
The novel methodology linked 105 respondents conscious and subconscious attitudes with a simulated driving task. Nearly one half of driving simulator participants close passed the bicyclist. Negative attitudes toward bicyclists predicted passing distance speed and time to collision. People with negative attitudes about bicyclists as legitimate roadway users had a higher maximum speed while passing. Self identified cyclists passed at higher speeds while people who bicycle at least weekly passed closer but more slowly
Recent studies suggest heavy vehicle drivers self estimate their sleepiness unexpectedly low during night duties . The present study compared sleepiness ratings of long haul truck drivers with those of long haul airline pilots during night and non night duties . In addition the correspondence between self rated manifest and predicted latent sleepiness was examined in the two groups . Twenty two drivers and 33 pilots participated . Their working hours sleep on duty sleepiness and use of sleepiness countermeasures were measured in naturalistic conditions . Predictions of latent sleepiness were based on the measurements of working hours and sleep using the Sleep Wake Predictor modelling tool . Drivers rated lower levels of sleepiness than pilots during both duty types though predicted latent sleepiness levels were very similar among the two groups . Neither the results of sleep nor those of sleepiness countermeasures explained the difference in self rated sleepiness . The results raise the possibility that long haul truck drivers are actually sleepier than they report and thus are at an increased risk for not responding to sleepiness in a timely manner . A potential explanation for this behavior is lack of education and training on sleepiness among truck drivers as compared with airline pilots . Alternatively long haul truck drivers may be exceptionally tolerant to soporific working conditions . The first reported results do not however support this hypothesis .
Long haul truck drivers rate lower sleepiness levels than long haul airline pilots. Predicted sleepiness levels do not differ between these occupational groups. Long haul truck drivers may be sleepier than they report. Long haul truck drivers may underreact to sleepiness.
Motorsport crash events are complex and driver restraint systems are unique to the motorsport environment . The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Incorporated crash and medical datasets provide an opportunity to assess crash statistics and the relationship between crash characteristics and driver injury . Injury risk curves can estimate driver injury risk and can be developed using vehicle incident data recorder information as inputs . These relationships may provide guidance and insight for at track emergency response driver triage and treatment protocols . Eight race seasons of crash and medical record data scores from the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series NASCAR Xfinity Series were processed and analyzed . Multiple logistic regression modeling was used to produce injury risk curves from longitudinal and lateral resultant change in velocity resultant peak acceleration principal direction of force and the number of impacts per incident . 2065 Unique IDR data files were matched with 246 cases of driver injury or sub injury and 1819 no injury cases . Multiple logistic regression modeling showed increasing resultant change in velocity resultant peak acceleration and the number of impacts during a crash event all increase estimated driver injury risk . After accounting for the other predictors in the model right lateral impacts were found to have a lower estimated injury risk . The model produced an Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics curve of 0.80 . Across the eight race seasons in this study the overall average resultant change in velocity was 34.4 kph and the average resultant peak acceleration was 19.0G for an average of 258 crashes per season . For 2011 through 2015 full time drivers experienced 134 times more crashes per mile traveled than passenger vehicles but experienced 9.3 times fewer injuries per crash . Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate AIS 1 injury only and AIS 1 with sub injury risk for motorsport drivers using motorsport specific crash and medical record databases . The injury risk estimate models can provide future guidance and insight for at track emergency medical response dispatch immediately following an on track crash . These models may also inform future driver triage protocols and influence future expenditures on motorsports safety research .
NASCAR driver AIS 1 injury probability estimated from crash data using multiple logistic regression. Increasing change in velocity peak acceleration and the number of impacts during a crash all increase driver injury risk. Three body region injury estimates for frontal impacts show lower risk for NASCAR drivers than passenger vehicle occupants.
Within the last decades the incidence of workspace injuries and fatalities in the UK construction industry has declined markedly following the developments in occupational health and safety management systems . However safety statistics have reached a plateau and actions for further improvement of OHS management systems are called for . OHS is a form of organizational expertise that has both tacit and explicit dimensions and is situated in the ongoing practices . There is a need for institutionalization and for the transfer of knowledge across and along construction supply chains to reduce OHS risks and facilitate cultural change . The focus of this article is the factors that facilitate OHS knowledge transfer in and between organizations involved in construction projects . An interpretative methodology is used in this research to embrace tacit aspects of knowledge transfer and application . Thematic analysis is supported by a cognitive mapping technique that allows understanding of interrelationships among the concepts expressed by the respondents . This paper demonstrates inconsistency in OHS practices in construction organizations and highlights the importance of cultivating a positive safety culture to encourage transfer of lessons learnt from good practices incidents near misses and failures between projects from projects to programmes and across supply chains . Governmental health and safety regulations norms and guidelines do not include all possible safety issues specific to different working environments and tied to work contexts . The OHS system should encourage employees to report near misses incidents and failures in a no blame context and to take appropriate actions . This research provides foundation for construction project practitioners to adopt more socially oriented approaches towards promoting learning rich organizational contexts to overcome variation in the OHS and move beyond the current plateau reached in safety statistics .
Construction organisations need systematic learning from failures and near misses. OHS is inseparable from organisational learning and collective sense making. OHS lessons are in project specific silos with no cross project transfer mechanisms. The role of clients is crucial for encouraging OHS KT across supply chains. Line managers are often the fastest and most efficient channels for OHS KT.
Protected bike lanes separated from the roadway by physical barriers are relatively new in the United States . This study examined the risk of collisions or falls leading to emergency department visits associated with bicycle facilities and other roadway characteristics in three U.S. cities . We prospectively recruited 604 patients from emergency departments in Washington DC New York City and Portland Oregon during 20152017 who fell or crashed while cycling . We used a case crossover design and conditional logistic regression to compare each fall or crash site with a randomly selected control location along the route leading to the incident . We validated the presence of site characteristics described by participants using Google Street View and city GIS inventories of bicycle facilities and other roadway features . Compared with cycling on lanes of major roads without bicycle facilities the risk of crashing or falling was lower on conventional bike lanes and local roads with or without bicycle facilities or traffic calming . Protected bike lanes with heavy separation were associated with lower risk but those with lighter separation had similar risk to major roads when one way and higher risk when they were two way this risk increase was primarily driven by one lane in Washington . Risk increased in the presence of streetcar or train tracks relative to their absence on downhill relative to flat grades and when temporary features like construction or parked cars blocked the cyclists path relative to when they did not . Certain bicycle facilities are safer for cyclists than riding on major roads . Protected bike lanes vary in how well they shield riders from crashes and falls . Heavier separation less frequent intersections with roads and driveways and less complexity appear to contribute to reduced risk in protected bike lanes . Future research should systematically examine the characteristics that reduce risk in protected lanes to guide design . Planners should minimize conflict points when choosing where to place protected bike lanes and should implement countermeasures to increase visibility at these locations when they are unavoidable .
Protected bike lanes varied in their risk of cyclist crashes and falls. Lanes with heavy separation from the road decreased risk. Other protected bike lanes increased risk. Characteristics that reduce risk should be examined systematically to guide design.
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