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TCMLM/real_clinical_cases_of_Famous_Old_TCM_Doctors 数据集简介

TCMLM/real_clinical_cases_of_Famous_Old_TCM_Doctors是一个包含了当代著名老中医临床病例的数据集。这些病例数据来源于《当代名老中医典型医案集》(Contemporary Famous Old Chinese Medicine Doctors' Typical Cases Collection)一书。该数据集收录了多位德高望重的老中医大家的真实门诊病历,涵盖了多种常见病和疑难杂症。每个病例都包括病情描述、辨证论治思路、具体治疗方药等宝贵的一手临床资料。这些医案凝聚了老一辈名医的智慧和经验,对于中医的传承发展和临床应用研究,都有重要价值。通过对这些案例的挖掘分析,能够总结老中医诊疗思维、理法方药的特点,为现代中医临床实践提供有益借鉴。

Introduction to TCMLM/real_clinical_cases_of_Famous_Old_TCM_Doctors Dataset

TCMLM/real_clinical_cases_of_Famous_Old_TCM_Doctors is a dataset containing clinical cases from famous old TCM doctors in contemporary times. These case data are sourced from the book "Contemporary Famous Old Chinese Medicine Doctors' Typical Cases Collection". This dataset includes real outpatient medical records from many respected old TCM masters, covering various common diseases and difficult miscellaneous diseases. Each case contains valuable first-hand clinical information such as disease description, syndrome differentiation and treatment ideas, specific treatment prescriptions, etc. These medical records embody the wisdom and experience of the older generation of famous doctors, which are of great value to the inheritance, development and clinical application research of TCM. Through the mining and analysis of these cases, the characteristics of the old TCM doctors' diagnosis and treatment thinking, principles and prescriptions can be summarized, providing useful reference for modern TCM clinical practice. In summary, the TCMLM/real_clinical_cases_of_Famous_Old_TCM_Doctors dataset provides rich materials for the research of TCM big data, and is of great significance for the excavation and collation of the valuable heritage of TCM and the promotion of the modernization of TCM.

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