# English-Tamil parallel Corpus prepared by the National Languages Processing Center, University of Moratuwa. The data has been cleaned and then aligned. | |
#En-Ta Glossary Line Count : 22477 | |
#En-Ta Corpus Line Count : 8950 | |
#Source: Data extracted from publicly available government resources such as annual reports, procurement reports, circulars and websites. | |
#Processing: Each word/pdf file was converted to text files, and unicode errors were fixed using a custom tool. Then the Tamil and English files were manually sentence-aligned. All the spelling and grammatical errors were manually fixed. | |
#If you use this dataset, kindly cite the following publication: | |
Fernando, A., Ranathunga, S., & Dias, G. (2020). Data Augmentation and Terminology Integration for Domain-Specific Sinhala-English-Tamil Statistical Machine Translation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.02821. |