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"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Pardi! if you give 'em gewgaws and finery," said the gardener, "you'll soon make friends with 'em."
"So much the better, Pere Ledrux; that is what we want. I am sure that this child cares more for the bit of ribbon than for rabbits."
"Am I to go with you right away, madame?" said Poucette, dropping her spade.
"No, my child, not yet; we are going back to Paris for a few days. But when we return to Chelles for good, you must come to us at once." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'if you give 'em gewgaws and finery," said the gardener, "you'll soon make friends with 'em."', 'I am sure that this child cares more for the bit of ribbon than for rabbits."', 'said Poucette, dropping her spade', 'But when we return to Chelles for good, you must come to us at once."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | 1712. Since the establishment of the large modern biscuit manufactories, biscuits have been produced both cheap and wholesome, in, comparatively speaking, endless variety. Their actual component parts are, perhaps, known only to the various makers; but there are several kinds of biscuits which have long been in use, that may here be advantageously described.
1713. Biscuits belong to the class of unfermented bread, and are, perhaps, the most wholesome of that class. In cases where fermented bread does not agree with the human stomach, they may be recommended: in many instances they are considered lighter, and less liable to create acidity and flatulence. The name is derived from the French bis cuit, "twice-baked," because, originally, that was the mode of entirely depriving them of all moisture, to insure their keeping; but, although that process is no longer employed, the name is retained. The use of this kind of bread on land is pretty general, and some varieties are luxuries; but, at sea, biscuits are articles of the first necessity.
1714. SEA, or SHIP BISCUITS, are made of wheat-flour from which only the coarsest bran has been separated. The dough is made up as stiff as it can be worked, and is then formed into shapes, and baked in an oven; after which, the biscuits are exposed in lofts over the oven until perfectly dry, to prevent them from becoming mouldy when stored.
1715. CAPTAINS' BISCUITS are made in a similar manner, only of fine flour. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Their actual component parts are, perhaps, known only to the various makers; but there are several kinds of biscuits which have long been in use, that may here be advantageously described', 'The use of this kind of bread on land is pretty general, and some varieties are luxuries; but, at sea, biscuits are articles of the first necessity', 'The dough is made up as stiff as it can be worked, and is then formed into shapes, and baked in an oven; after which, the biscuits are exposed in lofts over the oven until perfectly dry, to prevent them from becoming mouldy when stored', 'CAPTAINS' BISCUITS are made in a similar manner, only of fine flour', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | That which people call thorough Respectability is, in the main, very bad morality. I do not state that the disease under discussion invariably annihilates the subject's sense of justice, integrity, and charity, but it does so in many cases, and in the generality of instances, it certainly perverts the ethical judgment. The true Respectable is compelled to work out his own social salvation and prestige by means of consistent duplicity and craft. He must be artificial to succeed in winning the popularity that he craves. He has, therefore, two sets of opinions--one for the sanctum and the other for the marketplace. For example, to satisfy the Brownian code, our Respectable, though he may be anti-Sabbatarian in private belief and practice, is careful to dissemble his views on the question. He probably goes to chapel, at least now and then, in order to maintain a reputation for Respectability, but he has been known to sneak by devious ways to his favourite side bar at the conclusion of his penance. Brown knows nothing about the side bar; he gulls himself with the idea that Smith attends Bethesda from a deep sense of devotion.
But Brown is as great a humbug as Smith. Has he not been heard to declare in private that his regular attendance at chapel is a matter of business? And, as for Robinson, does he not absent himself from service whenever he is beyond the espionage of the Little Muddleton Road clan? I have even seen him fishing at Datchet on Sunday. I do not wonder that these three worthies distrust each other in trading. Each one is conscious in fleeting moments of honest self-introspection that the man who habitually deceives his neighbours concerning his religious, political, and social opinions, is scarcely the one to practise strict commercial probity. Nor, indeed, is he. Respectables who dupe their neighbours as to their moral and intellectual beliefs and convictions are just as likely to defraud them in business transactions, and I have never met an intellectual liar who was scrupulously truthful and upright in his business affairs.
A man, for one reason or another, emotional or purely expedient, wishes to believe, or to persuade his acquaintances that he believes, certain theological doctrines, and, by a process of deliberate stultification of his reason, he may actually cajole himself that he does believe them. Is this the kind of man who will sedulously guard against soiling his hands in dirty commercial enterprises? I think not. If he deceives you about his private views, and plays the mental poltroon and hypocrite in public, you may be almost certain that he adulterates his bread, or sells his customers American Cheddar, assuring them that it is of English make. We cannot draw a sharp line of distinction betwixt intellectual and moral dishonesty. The man who pretends to have Radical leanings, when he is at heart a Tory, is the man who will probably swindle you in the way of trade. A trimmer and an opportunist is to be distrusted all round.
Respectability, like emasculation, makes men cowardly, untruthful, and mean-spirited. It is a terrible moral and mental blight upon the community. Do you not know the unctuous provincial tradesfolk who never attend their local theatres for fear of the Puritans of Little Peddlington? I have known scores of them--aye, and seen them with my own eyes at the Alhambra and other places of entertainment in London. They don't spend all their holiday in town at Exeter Hall and the City Temple. I need not say any more about these unmitigated impostors; but this passage from Ibsen's "Ghosts" will not be an inapt illustration of their slyness:-- | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Brown knows nothing about the side bar; he gulls himself with the idea that Smith attends Bethesda from a deep sense of devotion', 'Respectables who dupe their neighbours as to their moral and intellectual beliefs and convictions are just as likely to defraud them in business transactions, and I have never met an intellectual liar who was scrupulously truthful and upright in his business affairs', 'A trimmer and an opportunist is to be distrusted all round', 'I need not say any more about these unmitigated impostors; but this passage from Ibsen's "Ghosts" will not be an inapt illustration of their slyness:--', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The name given to the little girl was Ch'ang-Chu, which means "Everlasting Pearl," and a little treasure she proved herself to be to her parents. She was good-natured and kind-hearted, full of life and spirit, and gave much joy to those who watched over her. But it was very seldom--indeed, only on state occasions--that she was called Everlasting Pearl in her home and among her little friends. More often she went by the name of Nü-ku, or "Girl-dog." Her parents, afraid of losing her, had given her this name in order to deceive the evil spirits who might be seeking her life, but who were not likely to trouble themselves about a "dog."
One day, when Everlasting Pearl was about six years old, she saw her mother working on a pair of small shoes, and asked for whom they were. Her mother informed her they were for her, as it was time she had her feet bound. "Your feet are getting so big and clumsy," she said, "and you are running about far too much for a girl. It is high time that you had them bound." Everlasting Pearl made no protest. She knew all girls had to have their feet bound, and, of course, she could not be different from the rest.
So when the shoes were finished the footbinding was begun. But oh, the suffering of it! The mother took a long strip of calico, and wound it tightly round the little foot, bending the toes right under the sole. She did not succeed at once in getting the right size, so she undid the binding and tried again, whilst the little girl cried aloud for pain. Over and over again the process was begun, but not finished, as the shoes were so small that the feet could not be squeezed into them. But at last they were made to fit the shoes, and Everlasting Pearl walked about with sore and aching feet, wondering if they could ever become as small as those of some young girls she knew. Night after night she cried herself to sleep, wondering whether the pain would ever come to an end, and how she could possibly endure it much longer. But there were compensations. Month by month and year by year her feet grew smaller, until her shoes were tinier than those she had worn in her babyhood. Her little girl-companions admired the tiny feet, and respected their owner, and both she and her mother received a great deal of praise from the older women. Her small feet were a sign that her mother cared for her, and meant to marry her well: so the future looked bright and promising. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Her parents, afraid of losing her, had given her this name in order to deceive the evil spirits who might be seeking her life, but who were not likely to trouble themselves about a "dog."', 'She knew all girls had to have their feet bound, and, of course, she could not be different from the rest', 'Her small feet were a sign that her mother cared for her, and meant to marry her well: so the future looked bright and promising', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Although the windows were open, the room seemed oppressively warm. I threw back my coat and confronted her without speaking.
"Of course," Virginia continued, "I know we've got to be discreet. There can always be dictaphones and detectives and it seems that the F.B.I. knows all about this place, but can't you just--"
She jumped up and faced me. With an angry movement, she snatched off her dressing-gown and flung it on the floor. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'I threw back my coat and confronted her without speaking', 'knows all about this place, but can't you just--"', 'With an angry movement, she snatched off her dressing-gown and flung it on the floor', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Well then, young un. But how is poor Breezy?"
"Getting wild for want of riding. I went toward her yesterday, and she began dancing a pas-de-deux-legs on her fore-hoofs, and sparred at the sky with her hind. Wait a bit, and you and I'll take some of the steam out of her and Longshanks. We'll hunt out no end of ostriches' nests in the farther-off part of the veldt. Here, what are you shaking your jolly old head for? It's been quite shaky enough, hasn't it?"
"I was thinking of the ostrich-farming, little un," said Emson sadly. "No, my lad, no more time wasted over that. Two hundred years hence they may have got a more manageable strain of domesticated birds that will live well in confinement. We've had our try, and failed."
"Bah! Not half tried. I haven't. No, Joe, we won't give up. We'll do it yet. Why, it was that black scoundrel Jack who caused half the mischief. Oh, Joe, if I could only have caught him when he was knocking those poor young birds on the head, and had my gun with me." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'But how is poor Breezy?"', 'It's been quite shaky enough, hasn't it?"', 'We've had our try, and failed."', 'Oh, Joe, if I could only have caught him when he was knocking those poor young birds on the head, and had my gun with me."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Nothing whatever!" reiterated Neale. "I know of all recent banking transactions at Chestermarke's, and I can't think--I've been thinking since we saw that cheque--of anything that the cheque had to do with."
"Well--it's a queer thing," remarked the detective meditatively. "I'll lay anything Hollis brought that cheque down here for some specific purpose--and who on earth is there in this place that he could bring it to but Chestermarke's? However, we'll see if I don't trace something about it when I get up to town, and then----"
Polke and the dead man's brother came back, talking earnestly. The superintendent carefully closed the door, and begging his visitor to be seated again, turned to Starmidge.
"I've told Mr. Hollis all the main facts of the case," he said. "Of course, he identified his brother at once." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be '"I know of all recent banking transactions at Chestermarke's, and I can't think--I've been thinking since we saw that cheque--of anything that the cheque had to do with."', 'However, we'll see if I don't trace something about it when I get up to town, and then----"', 'The superintendent carefully closed the door, and begging his visitor to be seated again, turned to Starmidge', '"Of course, he identified his brother at once."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "It is characteristic of the noblest natures and the finest imaginations," says an elegant writer, "to love to explore the vestiges of antiquity, and to dwell in times that are no more. The first is the domain of the imaginative affections alone; we can carry none of our baser passions with us thither. The antiquary is often spoken of as being of a peculiar construction of intellect, which makes him think and feel differently from other people. But, in truth, the spirit of antiquarianism is one of the most universal of human tendencies. There is, perhaps, scarcely any person, for example, not utterly stupid or sophisticated, who would not feel a strange thrill come over him in the wonderful scenes these volumes describe. Looking round upon the long ruined city, who would not, for the moment, utterly forget the seventeen centuries that had revolved since Herculaneum and Pompeii were part and parcel of the world, moving to and fro along its streets! It would not be deemed a mere fever of curiosity that would occupy the mind,--an impatience to pry into every hole and corner of a scene at once so old and so new. Besides all that, there would be a sense of the actual presence of those past times, almost like the illusion of a dream. There is, in fact, perhaps no spot of interest on the globe, which would be found to strike so deep an impression into so many minds."
Herculaneum is an ancient city of Italy, situated in the Bay of Naples, and supposed to have been founded by Hercules, or in honour of him, 1250 years before the Christian era. "This city," says Strabo, "and its next neighbour, Pompeii, on the river Sarnus, were originally held by the Osci, then by the Tyrrhenians and Pelasgians, then by the Samnites, who, in their turn, took possession of it, and retained it ever after."
The adjacent country was distinguished in all ages for its romantic loveliness and beauty. The whole coast, as far as Naples, was studded with villas, and Vesuvius, whose fires had been long quiescent, was itself covered with them. Villages were also scattered along the shores, and the scene presented the appearance of one vast city, cut into a number of sections by the luxuriant vegetation of the paradise in which it was embosomed. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'There is, in fact, perhaps no spot of interest on the globe, which would be found to strike so deep an impression into so many minds."', '"This city," says Strabo, "and its next neighbour, Pompeii, on the river Sarnus, were originally held by the Osci, then by the Tyrrhenians and Pelasgians, then by the Samnites, who, in their turn, took possession of it, and retained it ever after."', 'Villages were also scattered along the shores, and the scene presented the appearance of one vast city, cut into a number of sections by the luxuriant vegetation of the paradise in which it was embosomed', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The Conquest (Vol. ii., p. 440).--I do not agree with L. in thinking that the modern notion, that this word means "a forcible method of acquisition," is an erroneous one; but have no doubt that, whatever its original derivation may be, it was used in that sense. If William I. never pretended "to annex the idea of victory to conquisition," it is certain that his son William II. did: for we find a charter of his in the Monasticon (ed. 1846), vol. vi. p. 992., confirming a grant of the church of St. Mary of Andover to the abbey of St. Florence, at Salmur, in Anjou, in which there is the following recital:
"Noscant qui sunt et qui futuri sunt, quod Willielmus rex, qui armis Anglicam terram sibi subjugavit, dedit." &c.
If this charter was granted by William I., under whom Dugdale has placed it in his Chronica Series, p. 1., nomine Baldric, the argument is so much the stronger; but I have endeavored to prove by internal evidence (Judges of England, vol. i. p. 67.) that it is a charter of William II. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'p. 992., confirming a grant of the church of St. Mary of Andover to the abbey of St. Florence, at Salmur, in Anjou, in which there is the following recital:', '&c', 'that it is a charter of William II', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Following the exciting scenes of the pole rush it was rather difficult for any of the lads to settle down to study that night, but for some it was a necessity, and Tom and Sid were in this number. Tom, by reason of missing the first week of the term, was a little behind his class, but he was a fine student, and the instructor saw that there would be no trouble for the lad in covering the lost ground. With Sid it was another matter. Though faithful and earnest, studying did not come easy for him, and, as he expressed it, he had to "bone away like a ground hog" to get facts and dates fixed in his mind. Consequently, because of the evening of fun, ten o'clock saw Sid and Tom busy in their room over their books.
For an hour or more nothing was heard but the occasional turning of the pages or the noise of a pencil being rapidly pushed across the paper. At length Tom, with a sigh of relief, closed his chemistry and remarked:
"There, I guess that will do for to-night. My eyes are tired."
"So are mine," added Sid. "I'm going to kiss this Latin prose good-night and put it to bed," and he threw the book under his cot. "Pleasant dreams," he added sarcastically. "Gee! but I hate Latin," he exclaimed. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Consequently, because of the evening of fun, ten o'clock saw Sid and Tom busy in their room over their books', 'At length Tom, with a sigh of relief, closed his chemistry and remarked:', 'My eyes are tired."', 'but I hate Latin," he exclaimed', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Bodney led the Judge to his room on the second floor, where he left him almost in a state of collapse. He spoke of calling Mrs. Elbridge, but the old man shook his head, which Bodney knew he would do, and in a broken voice said that he wanted to be left alone. At the time when the Judge left the drawing room with Bodney, Bradley was bidding the family good-night, but lingered a moment longer to join the company in a laugh at William, who, having settled his date to his own satisfaction, had forgotten the point of the story.
Bodney's room was on the first floor, off the passage, and, going thither, he found Goyle sitting on the side of the bed, not as Howard, but as himself. The scoundrel declared that it had worked like a charm, but that the clang of the gong had prevented his getting any money. That, however, was a minor consideration. He needed money, it was true; he had not expected much, but even a little would have helped him greatly. A lower order of mind might have brooded over the disappointment, but his mind was exultant over the success of his art. He argued that if his impersonation of a son could deceive a father, he might bring forth a Hamlet to charm an audience.
"How is he?" Goyle asked, as Bodney stepped into the room.
"Don't talk to me, now," said Bodney, sitting down. He took up a newspaper and fanned himself. "For a time I wished that I had killed you." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'At the time when the Judge left the drawing room with Bodney, Bradley was bidding the family good-night, but lingered a moment longer to join the company in a laugh at William, who, having settled his date to his own satisfaction, had forgotten the point of the story', 'He argued that if his impersonation of a son could deceive a father, he might bring forth a Hamlet to charm an audience', 'Goyle asked, as Bodney stepped into the room', '"For a time I wished that I had killed you."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | In whatever light we view the Council of the Vatican—the œcumenical of the nineteenth century—it strikes us as being, in ecclesiastical annals, the event of the age. It also marks, in a remarkable manner, the character and progress of the time. The Council of Trent was highly important in its day; and still, after a lapse of three hundred years, its teachings govern the Church. Whilst, as regards the wisdom of its decisions, it cannot be excelled, it was surpassed in many things by the Council of the Vatican.
Trent was attended by comparatively few bishops, who were from Europe, the Eastern Church and the countries bordering on the Mediterranean. The Vatican Council consisted of prelates from at least thirty different nations, from the remotest regions of the habitable globe, from the numerous churches in India which owed their origin to the apostolic zeal of St. Francis Xavier, from North and South America, China, Australia, New Zealand and Oceanica. One-fifth of the churches existed not as yet in the time of Trent which sent their bishops to represent them at the Vatican Council. The countries in which many of these churches flourish had no place, when the Council of Trent was called, on the map of the world. From those vast regions which now constitute the United States of America, there was not so much as one bishop at Trent. At the Vatican Council there were no fewer than sixty. There were never more than three bishops of Ireland present together at Trent, and four only were members of that council. Twenty Irish prelates attended the Vatican Council. England sent only one bishop to Trent. He is mentioned as Godveus Anglus, Episc. Asaphensis. The Catholics of England were represented by thirteen English bishops at the Council of the Vatican. Scotland had no representation at Trent. The Catholics of that country were most worthily represented at the Vatican by Bishop Strain, now Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh; Archbishop Eyre, of Glasgow, and Bishop McDonald, of Aberdeen. There was only a very small number of English-speaking bishops at Trent. At the Vatican Council they were particularly numerous, constituting, as nearly as can be calculated, one-fifth of the assembled Catholic hierarchy. At Trent there were not many bishops from countries speaking different languages. Twenty-seven languages, and various dialects besides, were represented by prelates at the Vatican.
The greater facilities for travelling, which this favored age enjoys, no doubt rendered it more easy to attend the Council of the Vatican than it was to journey to Trent, even from the nearest lands. Nevertheless, there was laborious journeying to the Vatican. Prelates from the vast regions of Asia and Africa, America and Australia, knew what they would have to encounter, but they were not deterred. Some, on their way to the Vatican, travelled for whole weeks mounted on camels before they could reach the ports at which it behooved them to embark. Bishop Launy, of Santa Fe, was forty-two days on his land-journey, and travelled on horseback. Such of the laity as visited Trent were comparatively few, and only from places not very distant. One hundred thousand pilgrims, many of them from the most remote regions, repaired to the Vatican. The number of Fathers at any one time in council at Trent was somewhat under three hundred. Seven hundred and eighty-three took part in the Council of the Vatican. The Council of Trent, however, must not be underrated. It was a most important council, and admirably calculated to meet the wants of the time. It marked an era in the history of the Church. It provided remedies for numerous evils, and safety in the midst of danger. It became a power which time has not diminished. For three hundred years it has guided the destinies of Peter’s barque, prelates and people wisely accepting its discipline, and meekly obeying its rule. It added, no doubt, to the importance of the Vatican Council that it was held at Rome, in the very centre of Catholicity and of Catholic unity, and near the tombs of the martyred apostles, the founders of the Church. In this it contrasts with Trent, which, although the Fathers assembled at an obscure village in the Tyrol, was not less, on this account, an Œcumenical Council. Papal legates presided at Trent, whilst the Holy Father himself was present at all the solemn sessions of the Vatican Council which have as yet been held. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Whilst, as regards the wisdom of its decisions, it cannot be excelled, it was surpassed in many things by the Council of the Vatican', 'Twenty-seven languages, and various dialects besides, were represented by prelates at the Vatican', 'Papal legates presided at Trent, whilst the Holy Father himself was present at all the solemn sessions of the Vatican Council which have as yet been held', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Peter almost confessed to it. 'Well, we're so right--we four together--just as we are. We're so safe. Come, don't spoil it.'
The boy, who had turned to gravity, turned from this, on the real pressure of his friend's tone, to consternation. 'Then what's a fellow to be?'
'My particular care. Come, old man'--and Peter now fairly pleaded--'I'll look out for you.'
Lance, who had remained on the sofa with his legs out and his hands in his pockets, watched him with eyes that showed suspicion. Then he got up. 'You think there's something the matter with me--that I can't make a success.' | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Come, don't spoil it.'', ''Then what's a fellow to be?'', 'Come, old man'--and Peter now fairly pleaded--'I'll look out for you.'', ''You think there's something the matter with me--that I can't make a success.'', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "No, sirs, he's no at hame, that's clear. When I asked for him, they told me he was in bed, asleep, for that he was just arrived after a long journey; and so I waited a bit, and gaed out for a walk into the shrubberies, where I could have a look at his chamber windows, and sure enough they were a' closed. I waited a while longer, but he was still sleeping, and they dared na wake him; and so it came to nigh five o'clock, and then I was fain to send up the bit letter by the flunkie, and ask for the answer; but none came."
"Did you say that the letter was from me?" said the Knight, hastily.
"Na, sir; but I tauld them what most people mind as well, that Mister Bagenal Daly sent me. It's a name few folk are fond to trifle wi'." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'I waited a while longer, but he was still sleeping, and they dared na wake him; and so it came to nigh five o'clock, and then I was fain to send up the bit letter by the flunkie, and ask for the answer; but none came."', 'said the Knight, hastily', 'It's a name few folk are fond to trifle wi'."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "No, Zorchi. To your life." Defoe shook his head. "There are indications of malignancy."
"Malignancy?" Zorchi looked startled. "What kind? Do you mean cancer?"
"Exactly." Defoe patted his papers. "You see, Zorchi, healthy human flesh does not grow like a salamander's tail." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be '"There are indications of malignancy."', 'Do you mean cancer?"', '"You see, Zorchi, healthy human flesh does not grow like a salamander's tail."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | “Your lordship has called upon me before my time; but I am prepared, my lord, to go on if you think it right that I should. At the same time, I may add that I am called upon by surprise, for I expected to have to discuss the suggestions for Liturgical Improvements which it was likely would have been made by the Rev. Mr. Venables. At the same time, however, I am prepared to accept the position, as appointed for me in the providence of God. I consider that this debate is a most important one for the Church of England. I think that the speech of Mr. Wood, to which we have just listened, is one of the most important speeches that I have ever heard delivered at a Church Congress. We used to be told that what was originally called the Tractarian movement, but which has since been called the Ritualistic movement, was an effort of pious and devoted men to rise above our poor Churchmanship, and to bring out in better development the true principles of the Church of England. We always, with that happiness which accompanies a clear conscience, maintained that we were the true representatives of the Church of England. We acted upon its principles, and taught its truth. But still, we have had to bear a certain amount of reproach, and we have not been able to overcome the old prejudices. This day, however, we have been told by Mr. Wood, the President of the English Church Union, that our beautiful English Church Service is ‘meagre’: that there is nothing more meagre than our existing Liturgy; that our Holy Communion Service—in which we have taken so much delight—is a mutilated, an inferior, and a defective Service. I say ‘Yes,’ and this great assembly has heard what Mr. Wood has said. We have been told to-day that we are to go back to the Liturgy and to the Communion Office of 1549, instead of accepting that of the year 1552, and finally revised in 1662. And, now, will you just look for one moment at the first Liturgy of Edward the Sixth?
“We were told to-day that it was a falling-off from the use of Sarum. We are therefore, it seems, to look upon the use of Sarum—that old Popish Liturgy—I say that old Popish Liturgy, which existed in the diocese of Salisbury, as the model at which we are to aim. To this use of Sarum the Reformers applied the pruning-knife, and I cannot say that they left much of the Office of Sarum. There were certain very fine passages in it, and they retained them. But they brought out a new Communion Office in 1549. There were, however, certain defects still left.
“But as time went on, and the Reformers saw more and more of the blessed truth of God, they then said that the thing must be thoroughly done, and it was of no use to carry out mere half-measures. So, thank God, they did not stop at the First Book of Edward. I am very much disposed to think that, if Mr. Wood gets it, he won’t stop there either. And now that we have enjoyed the Prayer-Book as the Reformers gave it us for these three centuries past, we are told that we are to hark back again. Of this I am fully persuaded, that the Churchmen of England are not prepared for such retrogression. You must consider what has been said by Mr. Beresford-Hope on this subject; he and I have sparred about this matter before now. Mr. Beresford-Hope knows just as well as I do that there is no such thing as an altar in the Church of England. And I will tell you also what Mr. Wood and his friends know very well. They know as well as I do that if they can but coax us back to those three years—to 1549, to the First Book of Edward—that there they will find an altar. And that is one reason why they wish for it. The Reformers knew very well that an altar was essentially connected with a sacrifice. And they knew this also, that while they were prepared to offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, the sacrifice of propitiation was completed for ever. And they believed, further, that the doctrine of the mass was a lying abomination, or rather I would say, a ‘blasphemous fable and dangerous deceit.’ Now, then, my lord, we fully know our ground, and where it is we have to stand. We have, therefore, learned something at this Church Congress. We know where we are. We go home to-day knowing with what a power and with what an intention we have to contend. We know what Mr. Wood has told us. He has told us as plainly as possible that the object is to bring back the Church of England from the Reformed Church of 1552; to stop just a little by the way in the refreshment room of 1549, and then we are to plunge head-foremost right into the use of Sarum. Now, then, my lord, what shall we say to this? Shall we have it? or shall we not? What, I ask, shall we say to this? Shall we stick by the blessed truths that we have received, and for which our Reformers died? Shall we cling to the dear old Office Book, in which we have hundreds and thousands of times poured out our whole hearts before God? Shall we unite heart and soul as witnesses for Christ while we come to His Holy Table, and hold there communion with Him? or shall we begin by half-and-half retrograde measures until we go right back into the arms of Rome? My lord, I say no more; but I wish to thank Mr. Wood for having spoken out so plainly on this subject, and for thus having let us know this day what are the real intentions of the English Church Union.” | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'And, now, will you just look for one moment at the first Liturgy of Edward the Sixth?', 'There were, however, certain defects still left', 'My lord, I say no more; but I wish to thank Mr. Wood for having spoken out so plainly on this subject, and for thus having let us know this day what are the real intentions of the English Church Union.”', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | I have even now received your letter. My habits of thinking and feeling, have not hitherto inclined me to personify commerce in any such shape, so as to tempt me to turn pagan, and offer vows to the goddess of our isle. But when I read that sentence in your letter, "The time will come I trust, when I shall be able to pitch my tent in your neighbourhood," I was most potently commanded to a breach of the second commandment, and on my knees, to entreat the said goddess to touch your bank notes and guineas with her magical multiplying wand. I could offer such a prayer for you, with a better conscience than for most men, because I know that you have never lost that healthy common sense, which regards money only as the means of independence, and that you would sooner than most men cry out, enough! enough! To see one's children secured against want, is doubtless a delightful thing; but to wish to see them begin the world as rich men, is unwise to ourselves, for it permits no close of our labours, and is pernicious to them; for it leaves no motive to their exertions, none of those sympathies with the industrious and the poor, which form at once the true relish and proper antidote of wealth.
* Is not March rather a perilous month for the voyage from Yarmouth to Hamburg? Danger there is very little, in the packets, but I know what inconvenience rough weather brings with it; not from my own feelings, for I am never sea-sick, but always in exceeding high spirits on board ship, but from what I see in others. But you are an old sailor. At Hamburg I have not a shadow of acquaintance. My letters of introduction produced for me, with one exception, viz., Klopstock, the brother of the poet, no real service, but merely distant and ostentatious civility. And Klopstock will by this time have forgotten my name, which indeed he never properly knew, for I could speak only English and Latin, and he only French and German. At Ratzeburg, 35 English miles N.E. from Hamburg, on the road to Lubec, I resided four months; and I should hope, was not unbeloved by more than one family, but this is out of your route. At Gottingen I stayed near five months, but here I knew only students, who will have left the place by this time, and the high learned professors, only one of whom could speak English; and they are so wholly engaged in their academical occupations, that they would be of no service to you. Other acquaintance in Germany I have none, and connexion I never had any. For though I was much entreated by some of the Literati to correspond with them, yet my natural laziness, with the little value I attach to literary men, as literary men, and with my aversion from those letters which are to be made up of studied sense, and unfelt compliments, combined to prevent me from availing myself of the offer. Herein, and in similar instances, with English authors of repute, I have ill consulted the growth of my reputation and fame. But I have cheerful and confident hopes of myself. If I can hereafter do good to my fellow-creatures as a poet, and as a metaphysician, they will know it; and any other fame than this, I consider as a serious evil, that would only take me from out the number and sympathy of ordinary men, to make a coxcomb of me.
As to the inns or hotels at Hamburg, I should recommend you to some German inn. Wordsworth and I were at the "Der Wilde Man," and dirty as it was, I could not find any inn in Germany very much cleaner, except at Lubec. But if you go to an English inn, for heaven's sake, avoid the "Shakspeare," at Altona, and the "King of England," at Hamburg. They are houses of plunder rather than entertainment. "The Duke of York" hotel, kept by Seaman, has a better reputation, and thither I would advise you to repair; and I advise you to pay your bill every morning at breakfast time: it is the only way to escape imposition. What the Hamburg merchants may be I know not, but the tradesmen are knaves. Scoundrels, with yellow-white phizzes, that bring disgrace on the complexion of a bad tallow candle. Now as to carriage, I know scarcely what to advise; only make up your mind to the very worst vehicles, with the very worst horses, drawn by the very worst postillions, over the very worst roads, and halting two hours at each time they change horses, at the very worst inns; and you have a fair, unexaggerated picture of travelling in North Germany. The cheapest way is the best; go by the common post wagons, or stage coaches. What are called extraordinaries, or post-chaises, are little wicker carts, uncovered, with moveable benches or forms in them, execrable in every respect. And if you buy a vehicle at Hamburg, you can get none decent under thirty or forty guineas, and very probably it will break to pieces on the infernal roads. The canal boats are delightful, but the porters everywhere in the United Provinces, are an impudent, abominable, and dishonest race. You must carry as little luggage as you well can with you, in the canal boats, and when you land, get recommended to an inn beforehand, and bargain with the porters first of all, and never lose sight of them, or you may never see your portmanteau or baggage again.
My Sarah desires her love to you and yours. God bless your dear little ones! Make haste and get rich, dear friend! and bring up the little creatures to be playfellows and school-fellows with my little ones! | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'To see one's children secured against want, is doubtless a delightful thing; but to wish to see them begin the world as rich men, is unwise to ourselves, for it permits no close of our labours, and is pernicious to them; for it leaves no motive to their exertions, none of those sympathies with the industrious and the poor, which form at once the true relish and proper antidote of wealth', 'If I can hereafter do good to my fellow-creatures as a poet, and as a metaphysician, they will know it; and any other fame than this, I consider as a serious evil, that would only take me from out the number and sympathy of ordinary men, to make a coxcomb of me', 'You must carry as little luggage as you well can with you, in the canal boats, and when you land, get recommended to an inn beforehand, and bargain with the porters first of all, and never lose sight of them, or you may never see your portmanteau or baggage again', 'and bring up the little creatures to be playfellows and school-fellows with my little ones!', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | But the story does not end here. It is possible to go on to tell a little of the life of Mrs. Lü as a follower of Him whose Name she bears. The more we saw of Mr. and Mrs. Lü the more we loved and appreciated them, and many happy hours were spent in true fellowship with them and a few other Christians at Kucheng. We felt indeed that we were one family, united in one Lord and Master and in His service. As they lived next door to the chapel they had special opportunities for service, and the way in which they took up the responsibility of the place, and of the people there, often awakened surprise. At times it seemed as though they were taking too great a share in the burden. But they did it so joyfully that it was not easy to restrain them.
When any newcomer attended the meeting, who did not know the rule that each person must bring his own dinner with him, Mr. and Mrs. Lü would invite him to their house, "just to make him feel at home the first time"; and they did it in such a way that the visitor did not feel that he was receiving any grace from their hands. If, after some of the Christians had gathered together on a Sunday, it began to snow or rain, Mr. and Mrs. Lü would persuade them to stay with them for dinner--"Just that we may be able to have the afternoon meeting together," they would say quietly. When remonstrated with about doing too much, they answered cheerfully, "Oh, we like to do it. We put two or three loads of rice aside for that purpose every year. We give that to the Lord who has blessed us so greatly." What more could be said? They were doing it joyfully for the Master, and He who "is not unrighteous to forget the labour of love" done for Him and for His sake, will surely reward them "according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." And He did reward them even here.
When they had been coming to the services for about a year, they were asked if they had any want, or if they had lost that year, seeing they had given all their Sundays and many evenings, whereas they had worked hard all the time in former years. They replied that they had lost nothing, but had a greater surplus at the end of the year than formerly. And the following year that surplus increased, and they declared laughingly, "Why, we are richer than ever." Is not this a practical testimony to the way in which God keeps His promise--"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you"?
They also taught some of us practical lessons, which will not soon be forgotten. One year they had some building and repairs done, and had a number of workmen working for them by the day. When Saturday came, the question was what was to be done with all these men for the Sunday. The men said they must go on working, or leave for a few days, as they could not begin work somewhere else for one day. Mr. and Mrs. Lü were in great need of their house; and yet what were they to do, for they felt they could not let the men work for them on the day of rest? The whole day they were ill at ease, but towards evening Mrs. Lü said to her husband, "I know what we will do. We will just give them their food and their wages the same as any other day, but tell them they need not work. And then those who are willing can come with us to the meetings." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'But they did it so joyfully that it was not easy to restrain them', 'And He did reward them even here', 'Is not this a practical testimony to the way in which God keeps His promise--"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you"?', 'And then those who are willing can come with us to the meetings."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "No. Gecko's not dead. But he's had to be locked up for a little while. He struck Svengali, you know. You saw it all."
"I? No! I never saw it. But I dreamt something like it! Gecko with a knife, and people holding him, and Svengali bleeding on the ground. That was just before Svengali's illness. He'd cut himself in the neck, you know--with a rusty nail, he told me. I wonder how!... But it was wrong of Gecko to strike him. They were such friends. Why did he?"
"Well--it was because Svengali struck you with his conductor's wand when you were rehearsing. Struck you on the fingers and made you cry! don't you remember?" | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'You saw it all."', 'Why did he?"', 'don't you remember?"', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | A philanthropist has published a little book which interests persons who in civilized society form a respectable minority, and in the savage world an overpowering majority. But, savage or polite, almost all men must shave, or must be shaved, and the author of "A Few Useful Hints on Shaving," is, in his degree, a benefactor to his fellow-creatures. The mere existence of the beard may be accounted for in various ways; but, however we explain it, the beard is apt to prove a nuisance to its proprietor. Speculators of the old school may explain the beard as part of the punishment entailed on man with the curse of labour. The toilsome day begins with the task of scraping the chin and contemplating, as the process goes on, a face that day by day grows older and more weary. No race that shaves can shirk the sense of passing time, or be unaware of the approach of wrinkles, of "crow's-feet," of greyness. Shaving is the most melancholy, and to many people the most laborious of labours. It seems, therefore, more plausible (if less scientific) to look on the beard as a penalty for some ancient offence of our race, than to say with Mr. Grant Allen, and perhaps other disciples of Mr. Darwin, that the beard is the survival of a very primitive decoration. According to this view man was originally very hairy. His hair wore off in patches as he acquired the habits of sleeping on his sides and of sitting with his back against a tree, or against the wall of his hut. The hair of dogs is not worn off thus, but what of that? After some hundreds of thousands of years had passed, our ancestors (according to this system) awoke to the consciousness that they were patchy and spotty, and they determined to eradicate all hair that was not ornamental. The eyebrows, moustache, and, unfortunately, the beard seemed to most races worth preserving. There are, indeed, some happy peoples who have no beards, or none worth notice. Very early in their history they must have taken the great resolve to "live down" and root out the martial growth that fringes our lips. But among European peoples the absence of a beard has usually been a reproach, and the enemies of Njal, in ancient Iceland, could find nothing worse to say of him than that he was beardless. Mehemet Ali bought sham beards for his Egyptian grenadiers, that they might more closely resemble the European model. The soldiers of Harold thought that the Normans were all priests, because they were "shavelings;" and it is only natural that soldiers should in all countries be bearded. It is almost impossible to shave during a campaign. Stendhal, the French novelist and critic, was remarkable as the best, perhaps the only, clean- shaved man in the French army during the dreadful retreat from Moscow. In his time, as in that of our fathers, ideas of beauty had changed, and the smooth chin was as much the mark of a gentleman as the bearded chin had been the token of a man.
The idea that shaving is a duty--ceremonial, as among the Egyptian priests, or social merely, as among ourselves--is older than the invention of steel or even of bronze razors. Nothing is more remarkable in savage life than the resolution of the braves who shave with a shell or with a broken piece of glass, left by European mariners. A warrior will throw himself upon the ground, and while one friend sits on his head, and another holds his arms and prevents him from struggling, a third will scrape his chin with the shell or the broken bottle-glass till he rises, bleeding, but beardless. Macaulay, it seems, must have shaved almost as badly with the razor of modern life. When he went to a barber, and, after an easy shave, asked what he owed, the fellow replied, "Just what you generally give the man who shaves you, sir." "I generally give him two cuts on each cheek," said the historian of England. Shaving requires a combination of qualities which rarely meet in one amateur. You should have plenty of razors, unlike a Prussian ambassador of the stingy Frederick. This ambassador, according to Voltaire, cut his throat with the only razor he possessed. The chin of that diplomatist must have been unworthy alike of the Court to which he was accredited, and of that from which he came. The exquisite shaver who would face the world with a smooth chin requires many razors, many strops, many brushes, odd soaps, a light steady hand, and, perhaps, a certain gaiety of temper which prevents edged weapons from offering unholy temptations. Possibly the shaver is born, not made, like the poet; it is sure that many men are born with an inability to shave. Hence comes the need for the kindly race of barbers, a race dear to literature. Their shops were the earliest clubs, their conversation was all the ancient world knew in the way of society journals. Horace, George Eliot, Beaumarchais, Cervantes, and Scott have appreciated the barber, and celebrated his characteristics. If the wearing of the beard ever became universal, the world, and especially the Spanish and Italian world, would sadly miss the barber and the barber's shop. The energy of the British character, our zeal for individual enterprise, makes us a self-shaving race; the Latin peoples are economical, but they do not grudge paying for an easy shave. Americans in this matter are more Continental than English in their taste. Was it not in Marseilles that his friends induced Mark Twain to be shaved by a barber worthy of the bottle-glass or sea-shell stage of his profession? They pretended that his performances were equal to those of the barber on board the ship that brought them from America.
Englishmen, as a rule, shave themselves when they do not wear beards. The author of the little pamphlet before us gives a dozen curious hints which prove the difficulty of the art. Almost all razors, he seems to think, were "made to sell." He suggests that razors of tried and trusty character, razors whose public form can be depended upon, should be purchased of barbers. But it is not every barber who will part with such possessions. Razors are like Scotch sheep dogs; no one would keep a bad one, or sell, or give away a good one. Coelebs did not find the quest of a wife more arduous than all men find that of a really responsible razor. You may be unlucky in the important matter of lather. For soap our author gives a recipe which reminds one of Walton's quaint prescriptions and queer preparations. Shaving soap should be made at home, it seems, and the mystery of its manufacture is here disclosed. The only way to keep razors "set" is to persevere in sending them to various barbers till the genius who can "set" them to your hand is discovered. Perhaps he lives at Aleppo; perhaps, like the father of a heroine of comic song, at Jerusalem. Till he is discovered the shaver wins no secure happiness, and in the search for the barber who has an elective affinity for the shaver may be found material for an operetta or an epic. The shaver figures as a sort of Alastor, seeking the ideal setter of razors, as Shelley's Alastor sought ideal beauty in the neighbourhood of Afghanistan, and in the very home of the Central Asian Question. No razor should be condemned till it has been "stropped" well and carefully. And this brings us to the great topic of strops. Some say that soldiers' old buff belts make the best strops. The Scotch peasantry use a peculiar hard smooth fungus which grows in decaying elm trees. Our author has heard that "Government now demands the return of" the old buff belts. Government cannot want them all for its own use, and perhaps will see to it that old buff strops once more find an open market. In the lack of old buff belts, you may mix up tallow and the ashes of burnt newspaper, and smear this unctuous compound on the strop. People who neglect these "tips," and who are clumsy, like most of us, may waste a forty-eighth part of their adult years in shaving. This time is worth economizing, and with a little forethought, an ideal razor-setter, tallow, buff belts, burnt newspapers, and the rest, we may shave in five minutes daily. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'In his time, as in that of our fathers, ideas of beauty had changed, and the smooth chin was as much the mark of a gentleman as the bearded chin had been the token of a man', 'They pretended that his performances were equal to those of the barber on board the ship that brought them from America', 'This time is worth economizing, and with a little forethought, an ideal razor-setter, tallow, buff belts, burnt newspapers, and the rest, we may shave in five minutes daily', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | He had curly yellow hair and big blue eyes. He got well terribly fast. I was wishing all the time that he would take longer about it. He was so young.
His eyes were so blue, and round, and had seen all the horrors of the great retreat. The look of those things had stayed in his round young blue eyes.
He told me he was afraid of going back, but that he was glad to go because "tous les copains sont là." He said he couldn't bear to think of them there, when he was safe out of it. "It is as if they were fighting for me," he said, "and being wounded for me, and dying."
I don't know why I write of him in the past tense, for I have always the most amusing letters from him, from there. He is near Verdun. This morning I got from him a little snapshot a copain had made of him, down on all-fours in the bottom of his trench feeding a baby pig out of a bottle. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'He was so young', 'The look of those things had stayed in his round young blue eyes', '"It is as if they were fighting for me," he said, "and being wounded for me, and dying."', 'This morning I got from him a little snapshot a copain had made of him, down on all-fours in the bottom of his trench feeding a baby pig out of a bottle', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Maggie and Bessie ran round to the other side; and there, to their great surprise, stood Dolly's two marigolds. Forlorn enough they certainly looked among the flourishing plants and bright blossoms which had been the fruit of their cousins' labors; even more forlorn than they had done when Dolly left them as her dying legacy to the dear little ones who had been her friends.
The flower which had been in blossom when she died, now hung black and withered on its feeble stem, kept there only by the fringed paper which she had put about it with such touching care. The second bud had half opened into another scragly, stunted flower, about which not even the most loving eyes could see the slightest beauty, and, in spite of the care which Maggie and Bessie had given them, the leaves of both plants were wilted and drooping. But there was more than one heart at that table for which those feeble, sickly plants had a value far beyond that of the richest and rarest exotic.
Beside the marigolds stood a bird-cage, and in it, hopping about, and with his little head perking from side to side, as he watched the scene so curious and new to him, was a beautiful canary-bird. He was not singing now, for he did not know what to make of it all, and was not quite sure whether he were pleased or no; but, as the children stood looking from him to the marigolds in blank amazement, he gave a little inquiring "cheep, cheep!" as a first move to a better acquaintance. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Forlorn enough they certainly looked among the flourishing plants and bright blossoms which had been the fruit of their cousins' labors; even more forlorn than they had done when Dolly left them as her dying legacy to the dear little ones who had been her friends', 'But there was more than one heart at that table for which those feeble, sickly plants had a value far beyond that of the richest and rarest exotic', 'as a first move to a better acquaintance', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "'Till something happened' . . . Here he strangely paused";
but soon went on to tell the way in which the news had reached them there. . . . While Aristophanes spoke, Balaustion searched his face; and now (recalling, on the way to Rhodes, that hour to Euthukles), she likens the change which she then saw in it to that made by a black cloud suddenly sailing over a stretch of sparkling sea--such a change as they are in this very moment beholding.
"Just so, some overshadow, some new care Stopped all the mirth and mocking on his face, And left there only such a dark surmise-- No wonder if the revel disappeared, So did his face shed silence every side! I recognised a new man fronting me." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Here he strangely paused";', 'While Aristophanes spoke, Balaustion searched his face; and now (recalling, on the way to Rhodes, that hour to Euthukles), she likens the change which she then saw in it to that made by a black cloud suddenly sailing over a stretch of sparkling sea--such a change as they are in this very moment beholding', 'I recognised a new man fronting me."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | But Bruce could not be quieted--not even after Topsail's boot had caught him in the side and brought a sharp howl of pain. Still he sniffed to windward and barked.
"Throw him over," said Bill Watt. "We'll not be able t' hear Bobby."
"Oh, if 'twas only light!" Eli groaned, not heeding Watt.
But it was dark. The water was covered with deepest shadow. Only the breakers and the black outline of Iron Head could be seen. Bobby might be swimming near at hand but too far off to send an audible shout for help. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Still he sniffed to windward and barked', '"We'll not be able t' hear Bobby."', 'Eli groaned, not heeding Watt', 'Bobby might be swimming near at hand but too far off to send an audible shout for help', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The magnificent ocean-steamer the Australasian was bound for England, on her homeward voyage from Melbourne, carrying Her Majesty's mails and ninety-eight first-class passengers. Never did vessel start under happier auspices. The skies were cloudless; the sea was smooth as glass. There was not a sound of sickness to be heard anywhere; and when dinner-time came there was not a single absentee nor an appetite wanting.
But the passengers soon discovered they were lucky in more than weather. Dinner was hardly half over before two of the company had begun to attract general attention; and every one all round the table was wondering, in whispers, who they could possibly be.
One of the objects of this delightful curiosity was a large-boned, middle-aged man, with gleaming spectacles, and lank, untidy hair; whose coat fitted him so ill, and who held his head so high, that one saw at a glance he was some great celebrity. The other was a beautiful lady of about thirty years of age, the like of whom nobody present had ever seen before. She had the fairest hair and the darkest eyebrows, the largest eyes and the smallest waist conceivable; art and nature had been plainly struggling as to which should do the most for her; whilst her bearing was so haughty and distinguished, her glance so tender, and her dress so expensive and so fascinating, that she seemed at the same time to defy and to court attention.
Evening fell on the ship with a soft warm witchery. The air grew purple, and the waves began to glitter in the moonlight. The passengers gathered in knots upon the deck, and the distinguished strangers were still the subject of conjecture. At last the secret was discovered by the wife of an old colonial judge; and the news spread like wildfire. In a few minutes all knew that there were on board the Australasian no less personages than Professor Paul Darnley and the superb Virginia St. John. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'There was not a sound of sickness to be heard anywhere; and when dinner-time came there was not a single absentee nor an appetite wanting', 'Dinner was hardly half over before two of the company had begun to attract general attention; and every one all round the table was wondering, in whispers, who they could possibly be', 'She had the fairest hair and the darkest eyebrows, the largest eyes and the smallest waist conceivable; art and nature had been plainly struggling as to which should do the most for her; whilst her bearing was so haughty and distinguished, her glance so tender, and her dress so expensive and so fascinating, that she seemed at the same time to defy and to court attention', 'In a few minutes all knew that there were on board the Australasian no less personages than Professor Paul Darnley and the superb Virginia St. John', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Yes, why, yes," she answered, turning around. "It's very good of you to want to be a friend of mine. I didn't think so, though, when you tried to kiss me. But maybe it's all right since you've explained things. You see I'm different from you. I like everybody to like me and I like to like everybody. It makes one so much happier. You wouldn't believe it, but you ought to try it, sir, just to see. It's so good to be good to people and to have people good to you. And everybody has always been so good to me. Mamma and papa, of course, and Billy, the stableman, and Montalegre, the Portugee foreman, and the Chinese cook, even, and Mr. Delaney--only he went away--and Mrs. Vacca and her little----"
"Delaney, hey?" demanded Annixter abruptly. "You and he were pretty good friends, were you?"
"Oh, yes," she answered. "He was just as GOOD to me. Every day in the summer time he used to ride over to the Seed ranch back of the Mission and bring me a great armful of flowers, the prettiest things, and I used to pretend to pay him for them with dollars made of cheese that I cut out of the cheese with a biscuit cutter. It was such fun. We were the best of friends."
"There's another lamp smoking," growled Annixter. "Turn it down, will you?--and see that somebody sweeps this floor here. It's all littered up with pine needles. I've got a lot to do. Good-bye." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Mamma and papa, of course, and Billy, the stableman, and Montalegre, the Portugee foreman, and the Chinese cook, even, and Mr. Delaney--only he went away--and Mrs. Vacca and her little----"', '"You and he were pretty good friends, were you?"', 'We were the best of friends."', 'Good-bye."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The king of the north once said to himself, "I am master of the country of ice and snow, but what is that if I cannot be ruler of the land of sunshine and flowers? I am no king if I fear the king of the south. The northwind shall bear my icy breath. Bird and beast shall quiver and tremble with cold. I myself will call in the voice of the thunder, and this ruler of the south, his king of summer, shall yield to my power."
The land of the south was ever bright and sunny, but all at once the sky grew dark, and the sun hid himself in fear. Black storm-clouds came from the north. An icy wind blew over the mountains. It wrestled with the trees of the southland, and even the oaks could not stand against its power. Their roots were tough and strong, but they had to yield, and the fallen trees lay on the earth and wailed in sorrow as the cruel storm-wind and rain beat upon them. The thunder growled in the hollows of the mountains, and in the fearful gloom came the white fire of the forked lightning, flaring through the clouds.
"We shall perish," cried the animals of the sunny south. "The arrows of the lightning are aimed at us. O dear ruler of the southland, must we yield to the cruel master of the north?" | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'I myself will call in the voice of the thunder, and this ruler of the south, his king of summer, shall yield to my power."', 'The thunder growled in the hollows of the mountains, and in the fearful gloom came the white fire of the forked lightning, flaring through the clouds', 'O dear ruler of the southland, must we yield to the cruel master of the north?"', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | It is obvious to very slight observation, that the day is not distant when the brewing trade in this country will, as in England, become an object of great national importance, highly deserving the protection and encouragement of our general government, by freeing its produce from all duty, and thereby affording further inducements to the speculating and enterprising capitalists of this country to embark their funds in a trade that, above all others, is the best calculated to make them a sure and profitable return. In addition to the pleasing consideration that they are thereby combating and putting down the greatest immorality our country is chargeable with, namely, the too great use of ardent spirits, substituting in their place a wholesome and invigorating beverage. The person, therefore, whoever he may be, who contributes his money, or his talents, to this useful and moral purpose, deserves to rank high among the best friends of his country.
Under these impressions it is that I beg leave to recommend to my fellow citizens the immediate establishment of a brewing company, with a capital of from thirty to forty thousand dollars, to be subscribed for in shares the most likely to be made up. With either of these sums a handsome beginning could be made, and the profits would in a few years encourage and justify enlargement to any prudent extent that could be reasonably wished for or required. In proof of the correctness of this opinion, I will beg leave to state a fact that has happened in my own time. When the mercantile house of Beamish & Crawford, of Cork, erected a porter brewery in that city, about twenty-five years ago, that establishment was the first of the kind in that town, and then stood alone, and notwithstanding that many large and rich ones in the same business have since been added, the original company have so progressed in fame and fortune, as to be now considered one of the first-rate breweries in Europe; and by the improved quality of their porter have, in a great degree, excluded the English from the West India market, their porter getting the preference there, as well as in Bristol and Liverpool, to which places large quantities are annually sent by that company. How much stronger inducements have we to form similar establishments in this country, where our excise on brewery produce bears no sort of proportion with that paid in England, and does not here exceed five per cent. on brewery sales. This being a war tax, it may be presumed it will not continue long. Our capacity to raise barley and hops, in as high perfection as in any part of Europe, is acknowledged; all then that is wanting is encouragement; afford this to our farmers, and they will soon convince you that no assertion is better founded. If so, the sooner a company of this description is formed the better for those who may be concerned; and for this plain reason, that notwithstanding the enormous excise chargeable on the raw materials and produce of the brewery in England, large fortunes have been, and are daily accumulating in that country by the judicious exercise of the brewing trade, as will appear by the following statement of the quantity of porter alone (beside other malt liquors) brewed by the twelve first breweries in London, in one year, ending 5th of July, 1810.
Barrels of Porter. Barclay, Perkins & Co. 235,053 Read, Mecar & Co. 211,009 Trueman & Hanbury. 144,990 Felix, Calvert & Co. 133,493 Whitebread & Co. 110,939 Amery, Meux & Co. 93,660 Combe & Co. 85,150 Brown & Perry. 84,475 Godwin, Skinner & Co. 74,223 Elliot & Co. 57,851 Taylor. 54,510 Cloyer & Co. 41,590 | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'The person, therefore, whoever he may be, who contributes his money, or his talents, to this useful and moral purpose, deserves to rank high among the best friends of his country', 'If so, the sooner a company of this description is formed the better for those who may be concerned; and for this plain reason, that notwithstanding the enormous excise chargeable on the raw materials and produce of the brewery in England, large fortunes have been, and are daily accumulating in that country by the judicious exercise of the brewing trade, as will appear by the following statement of the quantity of porter alone (beside other malt liquors) brewed by the twelve first breweries in London, in one year, ending 5th of July, 1810', '54,510 Cloyer & Co. 41,590', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | But I stopped her, for the foolish talk had lasted long enough. "Of course," I exclaimed, "of course. For God is love, remember, and love means charity, tolerance, sympathy, and sparing others pain," and I hurried past her, determined to end the outrageous conversation for which yet I knew myself entirely to blame. Behind me, she stood stock-still for several minutes, half bewildered, half alarmed, as I suspected. I caught the fragment of another sentence, one word of it, rather--"punishment"--but the rest escaped me. Her arrogance and condescending tolerance exasperated me, while I was at the same time secretly pleased that I might have touched some string of remorse or sympathy in her after all. Her belief was iron; she dared not let it go; yet somewhere underneath there lurked the germ of a wholesome revulsion. She would help "them"--if she dared. Her question proved it.
Half ashamed of myself, I turned and crossed the hall quickly lest I should be tempted to say more, and in me was a disagreeable sensation as though I had just left the Incurable Ward of some great hospital. A reaction caught me as of nausea. Ugh! I wanted such people cleansed by fire. They seemed to me as centers of contamination whose vicious thoughts flowed out to stain God's glorious world. I saw myself, Frances, Mabel too especially, on the rack, while that odious figure of cruelty and darkness stood over us and ordered the awful handles turned in order that we might be "saved"--forced, that is, to think and believe exactly as she thought and believed.
I found relief for my somewhat childish indignation by letting myself loose upon the organ then. The flood of Bach and Beethoven brought back the sense of proportion. It proved, however, at the same time that there had been this growth of distortion in me, and that it had been provided apparently by my closer contact--for the first time--with that funereal personality, the woman who, like her master, believed that all holding views of God that differed from her own, must be damned eternally. It gave me, moreover, some faint clue perhaps, though a clue I was unequal of following up, to the nature of the strife and terror and frustrate influence in the house. That housekeeper had to do with it. She kept it alive. Her thought was like a spell she waved above her mistress's head. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Her question proved it', 'I saw myself, Frances, Mabel too especially, on the rack, while that odious figure of cruelty and darkness stood over us and ordered the awful handles turned in order that we might be "saved"--forced, that is, to think and believe exactly as she thought and believed', 'Her thought was like a spell she waved above her mistress's head', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Not a word. The fact is, I forgot all about you. I didn't mention you, neither did the admiral."
"Out of sight out of mind," remarked Bob. "But I'm delighted to hear it, for now that I'm used to this cockle-shell's little eccentricities I'm perfectly at home. Is there any chance of your going into action?"
"Every chance, I should think. I fancy we're going to have another slap at the enemy." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'I didn't mention you, neither did the admiral."', 'Is there any chance of your going into action?"', 'I fancy we're going to have another slap at the enemy."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | What does the officer say? "Dam! Dam! Dam! Mud and misery, flies and stench, Piggin' it here in a beastly trench, But what I mean, by Jove, you see, I like my men and they don't mind me, So, on the whole, I'd rather be Where I am."
What does the enemy say? "Kolossal Verdam! They told me, when the war began, The British Tommy always ran, And so he does, just as they said, But, Donnerwetter! it's straight ahead, Like a ram."
What does the public say? "Dam! Dam! Dam! They tax me here, they tax me there, Bread is dear and the cupboard bare, I'm bound to grouse, but if it's the way To win the war, why then I'll pay Like a lamb." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Mud and misery, flies and stench, Piggin' it here in a beastly trench, But what I mean, by Jove, you see, I like my men and they don't mind me, So, on the whole, I'd rather be Where I am."', 'it's straight ahead, Like a ram."', 'They tax me here, they tax me there, Bread is dear and the cupboard bare, I'm bound to grouse, but if it's the way To win the war, why then I'll pay Like a lamb."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Yes," cried Lady Marabout, firmly, forgetting every vestige of "duty," and every possibility of dear Adeliza's vengeance, "if you love him, I would, decidedly. When I married my dear Philip's father, he was what Cardonnel is, a cavalry man, as far off his family title then as Cardonnel is off his now."
"The more reason I should not imitate your imprudence, my dear aunt; death might not carry off the intermediate heirs quite so courteously in this case! No, I refused Major Cardonnel, and I did rightly; I should have repented it by now had I accepted him. There is nothing more silly than to be led away by romance. You De Boncoeurs are romantic, you know; we Valletorts are happily free from the weakness. I am very tired, aunt, so good night."
The Hon. Val went, the waxlight she carried shedding a paler shade on her handsome face, whiter and more set than usual, but held more proudly, as if it already wore the Doncaster coronet; and Lady Marabout sighed as she rang for her maid. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'When I married my dear Philip's father, he was what Cardonnel is, a cavalry man, as far off his family title then as Cardonnel is off his now."', 'I am very tired, aunt, so good night."', 'Val went, the waxlight she carried shedding a paler shade on her handsome face, whiter and more set than usual, but held more proudly, as if it already wore the Doncaster coronet; and Lady Marabout sighed as she rang for her maid', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | It was a far cry to the great arsenals at Charleston, but Faber's mind crossed the seas when he walked alone that night in the street before the priest's house. What particular freak of a latent insanity had sent him to this place?
Was it curiosity or the girl? Just the passing fancy for the wildest little woman he had ever met or the desire to see his fellow men butchered? One or the other it must be, and he was too honest to deny it. Either Maryska or the Turkish butcher, scimitar in hand.
If it were the girl, his vain folly had met with a swift rebuke. Looking up to her bedroom window, he remembered her "good-night," and the manner of it. She had told him that he was an "old, old man," and the words struck him as a thunderclap. An "old, old man!" Good God! had so much of his life already run? No one had ever spoken such words before and his vanity bristled. Had the girl been serious, or did she speak in jest?
An "old, old man"--and he was not forty. In America, it is true, they have little use for forty unless forty can command allegiance. He, John Faber, had ruled a city in Charleston. His works employed more than five thousand men; he was the high priest of the temples of labour his own brain had built up. No one remembered his age there. They spoke of him as "the new Krupp," the young genius in steel who could make or mar the fortunes of empires. The women pursued him relentlessly, remembering his eleven millions. He could have led the life of an Oriental debauchee and no one criticise him. To read the papers--many of which he owned--you might have set him down for twenty-five. This chit of a wild girl had burst the bubble with a little pin prick of her candour. An old, old man! The words raked his self-assurance, he could have boxed her ears for them. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'What particular freak of a latent insanity had sent him to this place?', 'Either Maryska or the Turkish butcher, scimitar in hand', 'Had the girl been serious, or did she speak in jest?', 'The words raked his self-assurance, he could have boxed her ears for them', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Charles Ives (1874-1954) was probably one of the most psycho-intellectually brilliant, imaginative and flexible Americans to ever "walk the land of freedom." A graduate of Yale, he became a multi-millionaire in the American insurance industry, introducing brilliant innovations within that industry. He also, unlike a few composers, found the time and the money (being a shrewd and practical businessman) to get married and have children.
His accomplishments for which he is best known, however, are those in the field of music. At the time of its composition, Ives' music was probably the most radically modern in history, and by itself had enough material to serve as the foundation of modern 20th century music. For example, at the turn of the century, this eccentric composer created band works featuring multiple melodies of multiple time signatures opposing and complimenting each other within the same piece. Ives was also a revolutionary atonal composer, who created, essentially without precedent, many atonal works that not only pre-date those of Schoenberg, but are just as sophisticated, and arguably even more so, than those of the 12-tone serialist.
Among those atonal works was his second, "Concord" piano sonata, one of the finest, and some would say the finest, works of classical music by an American. It reflects the musical innovations of its creator, featuring revolutionary atmospheric effects, unprecedented atonal musical syntax, and surprising technical approaches to playing the piano, such as pressing down on over 10 notes simultaneously using a flat piece of wood. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'He also, unlike a few composers, found the time and the money (being a shrewd and practical businessman) to get married and have children', 'Ives was also a revolutionary atonal composer, who created, essentially without precedent, many atonal works that not only pre-date those of Schoenberg, but are just as sophisticated, and arguably even more so, than those of the 12-tone serialist', 'It reflects the musical innovations of its creator, featuring revolutionary atmospheric effects, unprecedented atonal musical syntax, and surprising technical approaches to playing the piano, such as pressing down on over 10 notes simultaneously using a flat piece of wood', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Yes," she snapped, "there's some people sick, and I guess there'll be more of 'em a good deal sicker in the morning. I've got to go."
"A case of pizenin'?" asked the man very earnestly.
"Yes," said she, wrapping her shawl around her; "the worse kind of pizenin'!" Then she talked no more.
The servant-girl slept late, and there were a good many ladies in the parlor when she came down. She did not give them a chance to ask her anything, but told her message promptly. It was a message pretty fairly remembered, although it had grown somewhat sharper in the night. When it was finished the girl added: "And I'm to have all the eatables in the house to take home to my mother, and Squire Allen is to pay me four dollars and seventy-five cents, which has been owin' to me for wages for ever so long." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'I've got to go."', 'asked the man very earnestly', 'Then she talked no more', 'When it was finished the girl added: "And I'm to have all the eatables in the house to take home to my mother, and Squire Allen is to pay me four dollars and seventy-five cents, which has been owin' to me for wages for ever so long."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | 'Oh, Mr. Rymer!' cried the agitated woman. 'How can I take it? How can I leave you penniless? I should feel it a downright robbery, that I should!'
'Miss Shepperson,' exclaimed Mrs. Rymer in soft reproach, 'don't you understand how much better it is to pay all we owe, even though it does leave us penniless? Why, even darling baby'--she kissed it--'would say so if she could speak, poor little mite. Of course you will accept the money; I insist upon it. You won't forget us. We will send you our address, and you shall hear of your little godchild--'
Her voice broke; she sobbed, and rebuked herself for weakness, and sobbed again. Meanwhile Mr. Rymer stood holding out banknotes and gold. The distracted Miss Shepperson made a wild gesture. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'I should feel it a downright robbery, that I should!'', 'We will send you our address, and you shall hear of your little godchild--'', 'The distracted Miss Shepperson made a wild gesture', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Yes; bad enough. The bullet has passed through or else round one of the ribs. It is nearly out on the other side; I could feel it, but it must stay till daylight. That's it.--I've plugged the wound. He cannot bleed now. Thank you, Dale."
"What for, sir?" I said innocently enough.
He did not answer, but busied himself laying Walters down, and then the lad was so silent that a horrible feeling of dread began to trouble me. I was brought back to other thoughts, though, by the doctor's speaking out of the darkness. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Thank you, Dale."', 'I said innocently enough', 'I was brought back to other thoughts, though, by the doctor's speaking out of the darkness', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | But to return: the open and generous heart of Mr. Day expanded with inexpressible delight at being the cause of happiness to others, he thought some little return due to the lads and lasses, who so graciously favoured him with their company; he provided several sacks of beans, and a sufficient quantity of bacon, dressed; the bacon was mixed in slices with the beans, and distributed from the trunk of the Tree to the multitude in pansful. The happy, frolicksome contest for the envied portion, is more easily conceived than described. Unfortunate was he who did not procure a share for his fair-one. Blessings were the donor’s reward, and the air resounded with huzzas; the very leaves of the venerable Tree nodded in silent and majestic gratitude: this custom he continued to his death. How long the chosen companions of this festival lived to accompany the founder, is not known. It is not to be doubted but they individually kept their word. Mr. Day survived them all, about ten in number, several years.
In the former part of Mr. Day’s life, he usually walked to Fairlop and back again; later in life he was wont to ride on horseback, but having a fall from his horse, he declared he would never cross another; he kept his vow, sold his horse, and purchased a mule: this obstinate animal also, unconscious of the worth he bore, threw his rider in the mire. Mr. Day discarded his mule as he had done his horse, and determined never more to trust himself upon the back of a four-legged beast. His next resource was a post-chaise or a coach; in one of these he also met with an accident, and ever after refused to enter into either. This last circumstance induced him to direct his remains to be conveyed by water to the place of burial, saying, “If he was conveyed in a hearse, he should be awakened.” He next invented a machine to go by the aid of mechanical power without horses, which, after two years successful trial, broke down in attempting the third expedition. His dernier resort was a jockey-cart, in which, attended by music, he took his annual trip up to the July preceding his death.
Long previous to Mr. Day’s exit, Fairlop Fair was known all over Essex, and the adjoining counties; and naturally the inhabitants of Wapping, and the eastern parts of London, could not be ignorant of it, consequently it was attended by a vast concourse of people. The engine-makers, pump-makers, and block-makers of Wapping, and other places contiguous to the river, a few years before Mr. Day’s death, to the amount of about thirty or forty, every year went to the Fair in a boat made of one piece of entire fir, covered with an awning, mounted on a coach-carriage, drawn by six horses, with flags, streamers, and pendants flying, and a band of music, attended by a great many persons on horseback, in carriages, and on foot. This custom, on the first Friday in every July, has been successively observed to this time, in compliment, and in commemoration of their old friend and “brother chip,” to whose pious memory they never fail to drink. The great annual resort to Fairlop Fair is so well known for twenty miles around, that it is needless to say more on the subject than that in point of the number of persons who go to it, and in accomodations and articles for sale, it is not inferior to any fair near the metropolis, excepting that it is only of one day’s duration. Seven and twenty years have now elapsed since the famous Fairlop Oak ceased to attract the attention of the holiday-makers, but the mirth and festivity, gypsying, archery, donkey-riding, swinging, &c. are still to be witnessed to a great extent. Long may Fairlop’s Friday continue to be joyously looked forward to by all as “the good Day’s” day of “fun and jollity!” | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Mr. Day survived them all, about ten in number, several years', 'His dernier resort was a jockey-cart, in which, attended by music, he took his annual trip up to the July preceding his death', 'Long may Fairlop’s Friday continue to be joyously looked forward to by all as “the good Day’s” day of “fun and jollity!”', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "Be it so," thought I, and I never told the story, till now. In fact, I was a good deal afraid of Fred Lamb at that time, and could not but feel provoked at the idea of a young man going about the world, always laughing, and showing off the character of a fine, good-tempered, open-hearted, easy, generous, sailor-like fellow, and who yet could take me from a rich man, to leave me starving at Somers-town as he had done, without once making me the offer of a single shilling, and then return to me, as though all this selfishness had secured him a right over my person, to persecute me with brutal force and lay hold of my throat, so as to put me in fear of my life, because I was not his humble slave any day in any week he happened to return from the Continent: and I am sure Mr. Frederick Lamb cannot assert that, on the day I believed he meant to have been my last, he had ever given me one single guinea or the value of a guinea.
He is now an ambassador, and just as well off as ambassadors usually are; yet, in my present poverty, I have vainly attempted to get a hundred pounds out of him. He has occasionally indeed sent me ten or five pounds; but not without much pressing, and he has not yet paid my expenses to Hull and back.
So much for the high-spirited Fred Lamb! With his brother George I have only a very slight acquaintance; but am much indebted for the very polite, friendly and condescending interest that gentleman has been pleased to take in my welfare. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'In fact, I was a good deal afraid of Fred Lamb at that time, and could not but feel provoked at the idea of a young man going about the world, always laughing, and showing off the character of a fine, good-tempered, open-hearted, easy, generous, sailor-like fellow, and who yet could take me from a rich man, to leave me starving at Somers-town as he had done, without once making me the offer of a single shilling, and then return to me, as though all this selfishness had secured him a right over my person, to persecute me with brutal force and lay hold of my throat, so as to put me in fear of my life, because I was not his humble slave any day in any week he happened to return from the Continent: and I am sure Mr. Frederick Lamb cannot assert that, on the day I believed he meant to have been my last, he had ever given me one single guinea or the value of a guinea', 'He has occasionally indeed sent me ten or five pounds; but not without much pressing, and he has not yet paid my expenses to Hull and back', 'With his brother George I have only a very slight acquaintance; but am much indebted for the very polite, friendly and condescending interest that gentleman has been pleased to take in my welfare', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Not that Richard did any thing of the kind. So far from it, that he registered a vow in Heaven, that if ever the power to do it should fall into his hands, he would repay that debt an hundredfold.
The two chaplains of the Earl had shown no interest whatever in Margaret and her troubles. Father Warner despised all human affections of whatever kind, with the intensity of a nature at once cold and narrow. Father Nicholas was of a far kindlier disposition, but he was completely engrossed with another subject. Alchemy was reviving. The endless search for the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life, and other equally desirable and unattainable objects, had once more begun to engage the energies of scientific men. The real end which they were approaching was the invention of gunpowder, which can hardly be termed a blessing to the world at large. But Father Nicholas fell into the snare, and was soon absolutely convinced that only one ingredient was wanting to enable him to discover the elixir of life. That one ingredient, of priceless value, remains undiscovered in the nineteenth century.
Yet one thing must be said for these medieval philosophers,--that except in the way of spending money, they injured none but themselves. Their search for the secret of life did not involve the wanton torture of helpless creatures, nor did their boasted knowledge lead them to the idiotic conclusion that they were the descendants of a jelly-fish. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'So far from it, that he registered a vow in Heaven, that if ever the power to do it should fall into his hands, he would repay that debt an hundredfold', 'That one ingredient, of priceless value, remains undiscovered in the nineteenth century', 'Their search for the secret of life did not involve the wanton torture of helpless creatures, nor did their boasted knowledge lead them to the idiotic conclusion that they were the descendants of a jelly-fish', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The Howe and Webster farms adjoined, lying on a sun-flooded, gently sloping New Hampshire hillside. Between them loomed The Wall. It was not a high wall. On the contrary, its formidableness was the result of tradition rather than of fact. For more than a century it had been an estranging barrier to neighborliness, to courtesy, to broad-mindedness; a barrier to friendship, to Christian charity, to peace.
The builder of the rambling line of gray stone had long since passed away, and had he not acquired a warped importance with the years, his memory would doubtless have perished with him. All unwittingly, alas, he had become a celebrity. His was the fame of omission, however, rather than of commission. Had he, like artist or sculptor, but affixed his signature to his handiwork, then might he have sunk serenely into oblivion, "unwept, unhonored, and unsung." But unfortunately he was a modest creature. Instead, he had stepped nameless into the silence of the Hereafter, leaving to those who came after him not only the sinister boundary his hands had reared, but also a feud that had seethed hotly for generations.
If within the narrow confines of his last resting place he had ever been conscious of the dissension for which he was responsible and had been haunted by a desire to utter the magic word he had neglected to speak in life, he at least gave no sign. His lips remained sealed in death, and his spirit was never seen to walk abroad. Possibly he retired into his shroud with this finality because he never found it imperative, as did Hamlet's ghost, to admonish posterity to remember him. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'For more than a century it had been an estranging barrier to neighborliness, to courtesy, to broad-mindedness; a barrier to friendship, to Christian charity, to peace', 'Instead, he had stepped nameless into the silence of the Hereafter, leaving to those who came after him not only the sinister boundary his hands had reared, but also a feud that had seethed hotly for generations', 'Possibly he retired into his shroud with this finality because he never found it imperative, as did Hamlet's ghost, to admonish posterity to remember him', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "I have often heard of it, but I have never seen it!" answered the monkey.
"Then you ought most surely to come. It is a great pity for you to go through life without seeing it. The beauty of the Palace is beyond all description--it is certainly to my mind the most lovely place in the world," said the jelly fish.
"Is it so beautiful as all that?" asked the monkey in astonishment.
Then the jelly fish saw his chance, and went on describing to the best of his ability the beauty and grandeur of the Sea King's Palace, and the wonders of the garden with its curious trees of white, pink and red coral, and the still more curious fruits like great jewels hanging on the branches. The monkey grew more and more interested, and as he listened he came down the tree step by step so as not to lose a word of the wonderful story. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'answered the monkey', 'The beauty of the Palace is beyond all description--it is certainly to my mind the most lovely place in the world," said the jelly fish', 'asked the monkey in astonishment', 'The monkey grew more and more interested, and as he listened he came down the tree step by step so as not to lose a word of the wonderful story', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | 1338. INGREDIENTS.--4 or 5 sticks of fine rhubarb, 1/4 lb. of moist sugar, 3/4 lb. of suet-crust No. 1215.
Mode.--Make a suet-crust with 3/4 lb. of flour, by recipe No. 1215, and line a buttered basin with it. Wash and wipe the rhubarb, and, if old, string it--that is to say, pare off the outside skin. Cut it into inch lengths, fill the basin with it, put in the sugar, and cover with crust. Pinch the edges of the pudding together, tie over it a floured cloth, put it into boiling water, and boil from 2 to 2-1/2 hours. Turn it out of the basin, and serve with a jug of cream and sifted sugar.
Time.--2 to 2-1/2 hours. Average cost, 7d.
Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable in spring. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be '1215', 'Turn it out of the basin, and serve with a jug of cream and sifted sugar', 'Average cost, 7d', 'Seasonable in spring', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Additionally, the county did not have community input or review of building plans. | Please generate a sentence with exactly 82 characters. Include whitespace into your character count. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Tesco removed the aids, which are sleep positioners known as nests, following a warning from the US. | Please generate a sentence:
1) with exactly 17 words;
2) with the 4th, 8th, 11th words to be 'aids', 'positioners', 'nests' respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Luther Strange of the Great State of Alabama has my endorsement. | Please generate a sentence:
1) with exactly 11 words;
2) with the 4th, 8th, 11th words to be 'the', 'Alabama', 'endorsement' respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | "We’ve had violence around the country in any number of ways over decades. | Please generate a sentence:
1) with exactly 16 words;
2) with the 4th, 8th, 11th words to be 've', 'the', 'any' respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Policymakers have considered revoking Pakistan’s non-NATO ally status, with deep symbolic but limited practical impact. | Please generate a sentence:
1) with exactly 17 words;
2) with the 4th, 8th, 11th words to be 'revoking', 'non-NATO', 'with' respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | (Outside of the nearly one-quarter of respondents whom we believe simply won’t admit it.) | Please generate a sentence:
1) with exactly 16 words;
2) with the 4th, 8th, 11th words to be 'nearly', 'whom', 'simply' respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The knight and the lady were greatly at their ease; a comelier and a blither pair were never seen. They had much to tell one to the other, but the hours passed till it was time for the knight to go again to his own realm. He prayed the dame to give him leave to depart, and she sweetly granted his prayer, yet so only that he promised to return often to her side. | Please generate a paragraph:
1) with exactly 3 sentences;
2) not containing the word 'be';
3) not containing the word 'of';
4) not containing the word 'is'. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | For a temporary end, like the common defense, against an external enemy or against an imagined internal enemy, concentration upon the Executive also serves. The unity of purpose which the nation has is imported into the government through elevating the President into a dominant position. In the one case the government is made to work by putting all branches of it under control of one authority outside itself; in the other, by upsetting the nice balance which the Fathers of the Constitution set up and, under the fiction of party authority, resorting to one man Government. | Please generate a paragraph:
1) with exactly 3 sentences;
2) with sentences having the last word to be 'serves', 'position', 'Government', respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Soissons is a pretty town of four thousand inhabitants. It is chiefly known for its haricot beans, and since the Romans held it under Caesar it has been besieged many times. Until to-day the Germans had held it for two weeks. In 1870 they bombarded it for four days, and there is, or was, in Soissons, in the Place de la République, a monument to those citizens of Soissons whom after that siege the Germans shot. The town lies in the valley of the River Aisne, which is formed by two long ridges running south and north. | Please generate a paragraph:
1) with exactly 5 sentences;
2) with sentences having the last word to be 'inhabitants', 'times', 'weeks', 'shot', 'north', respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The club was founded in 1897 as Sawbridgeworth. In 1924, Sawbridgeworth won the East Herts League, winning the Herts Junior Cup three years later. In 1936, Sawbridgeworth joined the Spartan League. The club entered the Herts County League Division One in the 1953–54 season, but left after only one season, joining the Bishop’s Stortford, Stansted & District League and the Hertford & District League. | Please generate a paragraph:
1) with exactly 4 sentences;
2) with sentences having the last word to be 'Sawbridgeworth', 'later', 'League', 'League', respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | It was meant to continue to Alhama de Granada, but got no further than Ventas. However, as road transport became more efficient the railway became unprofitable and was closed on 12 May 1960, A tram service used to run from Vélez to Torre del Mar, which has many shops and restaurants lacking in Vélez. However, due to funding problems the service ceased in April 2012. Along the tramline are the state-of-the-art Torre del Mar hospital and a major shopping mall, El Ingenio whose main store is Eroski. | Please generate a paragraph:
1) with exactly 4 sentences;
2) with sentences having the last word to be 'Ventas', 'Vélez', '2012', 'Eroski', respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Blaylock, Lewis. The Handbook of Texas Online. Retrieved on 2007-12-02. | Please generate a paragraph:
1) with exactly 3 sentences;
2) with sentences having the last word to be 'Lewis', 'Online', '2007-12-02', respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | vasopressors | Please generate a word:
1) with exactly 12 characters;
2) with the 4th, 8th, 11th characters to be 'o', 's', 'r' respectively. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | (2) L. Dindorf and others bracket, as spurious. | Please generate a sentence containing the word '2', 'bracket', 'Dindorf'. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | As a writer and director Herbert adapted the farce The Turtle (1898); wrote and directed the musical comedy Tommy Rot (1902); wrote, directed and played Miche in the musical Mam'selle Napoleon (1903-1904); wrote and played Laird O'Findon Haddock in About Town (1906); wrote The Great Decide (1906); wrote and played Toby Blockett in The Orchid (1907-1908); wrote the adaptation and played Prince Lothar in A Waltz Dream (1908); wrote and directed the operetta Madame Troubadour (1910) and wrote and directed Sue, Dear (1922). | Please generate a sentence containing the word '1907-1908', 'and', 'Decide'. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | In a blog post, Microsoft said it will be releasing a Windows 10 Pro for Workstations edition for power users this fall when the Fall Creators Update is rolled out. “We are very excited to announce a new edition of Windows 10 Pro designed to meet the needs of our advanced users deploying their Workstation PCs in demanding and mission-critical scenarios. Windows 10 Pro for Workstations will be delivered as part of our Fall Creators Update, available this fall,” said Microsoft’s Partner Group Manager of the Windows & Devices Group at Microsoft.
So what makes Windows 10 Pro for Workstations unique? It has a Resilient file system (ReFS). ReFS has “cloud-grade resiliency for data on fault-tolerant storage spaces and manages very large volumes with ease.” This makes ReFS resilient against data corruption and it is optimized for handling large data volumes.
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations provides apps and data with the performance needed non-volatile memory modules (NVDIMM-N) hardware. NVDIMM-N enables you to read/write files at the fastest speed possible — which is the speed of the computer’s main memory. And since NVDIMM-N is non-volatile memory, your files will still be there even when you switch off the workstation.
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations also includes a feature known as SMB Direct. SMB Direct supports the use of network adapters that have Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) capability. Network adapters that have RDMA functions at full speed with very low latency while using little CPU. Applications that access large datasets on remote SMB file shares enables increased throughput, low latency, low CPU utilization and expanded hardware support. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Windows 10 Pro for Workstations will be delivered as part of our Fall Creators Update, available this fall,” said Microsoft’s Partner Group Manager of the Windows & Devices Group at Microsoft', 'ReFS has “cloud-grade resiliency for data on fault-tolerant storage spaces and manages very large volumes with ease.” This makes ReFS resilient against data corruption and it is optimized for handling large data volumes', 'And since NVDIMM-N is non-volatile memory, your files will still be there even when you switch off the workstation', 'Applications that access large datasets on remote SMB file shares enables increased throughput, low latency, low CPU utilization and expanded hardware support', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Handwritten notes on Jimmy Jnr's archive programme suggest Richie scored five, Blanchflower got two. Jones got his penalty and Viollet the other. Even the Pentre reply was a United own goal, scored by Foulkes, himself a part-time collier. 'The pitch then, and now, was always heavy and muddy, but it didn't make any difference to United,' recalls Green. 'They were in a different class but there was no shame in that.'
Afterwards, the Rhondda Leader reported a 'handsome dinner' was prepared and served at the Boys Club back in Pentre by the ladies' committee. That night the Green family gave bedspace to Wood, Jones and Viollet.
The next day United went home, leaving as a gift some of the leather footballs they'd brought from Manchester. Pentre skipper Ken Poole was offered a trial at Old Trafford. Murphy Jnr used to holiday every summer in Pentre, where a blue plaque was unveiled at his father's childhood home in 2009.
The Murphy home in Manchester in the 1950s was a semi-detached in College Road, Whalley Range, walking distance from Old Trafford. Most United staff lived in modest circumstances in suburban south Manchester rather than the Cheshire palaces of today. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be ''They were in a different class but there was no shame in that.'', 'That night the Green family gave bedspace to Wood, Jones and Viollet', 'Murphy Jnr used to holiday every summer in Pentre, where a blue plaque was unveiled at his father's childhood home in 2009', 'Most United staff lived in modest circumstances in suburban south Manchester rather than the Cheshire palaces of today', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Barcelona stand second in La Liga, trailing Real Madrid despite having played two games more. Some opponents have waited deep, Alavés and Malaga both earning points at the Camp Nou that way, but others have begun pressing them. Barcelona have struggled to overcome an approach that they once welcomed, unsure of their ability to play through the pressure. Celta Vigo overwhelmed them; for much of the game so did Sevilla and Betis.
They reached the Copa del Rey final but had to hang on against Atlético. There will be those who blame Messi for Tuesday night, but for much of the season he has disguised Barça’s flaws, of which there are many.
Those run from the club to the coach and the squad. There is a self-destructive nature to Barcelona that never goes away and emerges ever stronger in moments like this, a mutual mistrust that magnifies the fault-lines and widens the divide. Trust in the board is falling; there have been five directors of communication now. Signings have not convinced and the ecosystem does not comfort. There is no recognised right-back, an ageing midfield, fewer youth-team players making it through, and the strength in depth they claimed to have brought in does not look strong at all. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Celta Vigo overwhelmed them; for much of the game so did Sevilla and Betis', 'There will be those who blame Messi for Tuesday night, but for much of the season he has disguised Barça’s flaws, of which there are many', 'There is no recognised right-back, an ageing midfield, fewer youth-team players making it through, and the strength in depth they claimed to have brought in does not look strong at all', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The safety action plan doesn’t detail how much it would cost to implement all of the suggestions. Some may not come to fruition. The price tag for others may depend on how many school districts buy in to voluntary proposals.
The plan says the state already has access to $70 million for some of the recommendations and that the Texas Education Agency is working with school districts on how to prioritize $62.1 million in federal funds for several of the suggestions. State agencies are also seeking federal funding for mental health first aid training.
The plan notes that “additional funds” could be “offered by the Legislature.” But when the legislature convenes for the 2019 regular session, lawmakers will be about $7.9 billion short of what they need to fund current programs, services and policies, according to a recent report. And in Texas, lawmakers are already largely criticized for decreasing the amount of state spending per student in recent years. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'The price tag for others may depend on how many school districts buy in to voluntary proposals', 'State agencies are also seeking federal funding for mental health first aid training', 'And in Texas, lawmakers are already largely criticized for decreasing the amount of state spending per student in recent years', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Instead of wholesale renovations from which sellers recoup maybe 60 percent on investment, do light makeovers everywhere, with an eye on the kitchen and bathrooms. They're far more cost-effective. Clean, clean and clean some more: It's hard for buyers to picture themselves living in a dirty house. Scrub floors, baths, kitchens, windows and walls, and be sure to clean, vacuum and deodorize rugs. This is simple but effective.
It's hard for buyers to picture themselves living in a dirty house. Scrub floors, baths, kitchens, windows and walls, and be sure to clean, vacuum and deodorize rugs. This is simple but effective. Depersonalize, declutter: Show the space, not the contents. Box up family photos, kids' school papers and excess art, and store bulky and worn furniture. Organize your closets to make them look half empty.
Show the space, not the contents. Box up family photos, kids' school papers and excess art, and store bulky and worn furniture. Organize your closets to make them look half empty. Illuminate: Think bright and cheery. Open drapes and add brighter light bulbs in dark areas. Repaint where needed but use neutral colors. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'This is simple but effective', 'Organize your closets to make them look half empty', 'Repaint where needed but use neutral colors', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Towards the end of 2016, the nation was reeling under the pressure from the after effects of the demonetization move by the government. In fact quite a few businesses too were hit due to the sudden devaluation of monetary notes. Now a couple of months on when everything is returning to normal, we hear that Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra’s Best Deal TV seems to be in trouble.
Apparently, after Best Deal TV suspended its services two months ago due to the demonetization, employees of the home shopping channel have alleged that their dues are yet to be cleared. This comes after Kundra, who though continues to be on the board, had resigned as being the CEO of Best Deal TV. If that wasn’t all, it was around the same time that the company had imposed a 50% pay cut for November and December, following which almost half the staff resigned as well.
Now under the condition of anonymity, an employee states that though production was stopped on November 1, almost a week before the government’s note ban announcement, the company claims to have arrived at the decision due to demonetisation. Further voicing his grievance he adds, that the employees were paid for half of November but are yet to receive salaries for the remaining month-and-a-half.
However, on the other hand, Hari Trivedi, COO, Best Deal TV, claims that the November and December payments of select workers have been made and that the 50% pay cut had been imposed across the board. Further detailing the technicality of the cut, Trivedi added that employees complaining about receiving only half the amount are wrong and that the company has 90 days to make the full and final settlement. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Now a couple of months on when everything is returning to normal, we hear that Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra’s Best Deal TV seems to be in trouble', 'If that wasn’t all, it was around the same time that the company had imposed a 50% pay cut for November and December, following which almost half the staff resigned as well', 'Further voicing his grievance he adds, that the employees were paid for half of November but are yet to receive salaries for the remaining month-and-a-half', 'Further detailing the technicality of the cut, Trivedi added that employees complaining about receiving only half the amount are wrong and that the company has 90 days to make the full and final settlement', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Otokar presents ARMA 8x8 in HEMUS; the modular multi-wheeled vehicle with superior tactical and technical features. Thanks to its superior mobility, high mine and ballistic protection, medium and high calibre weapon system integration options; ARMA is capable to serve modern armies in the real battlefield, peace keeping and human relief operations in most difficult terrain and climatic conditions.
ARMA 8x8; is available in various types of configurations such as Personnel Carrier, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Fire Support Vehicle, Mortar Carrier, Short and Medium Range Air Defence, Mobile Gun Carrier, Command and Control Vehicle with optional amphibious capability. ARMA is suitable for integration of various weapon systems from light machine gun weapon stations up to 25-30 mm medium calibre cannon and 105 mm cannon.
Otokar, a Koç Group company, is the largest privately-owned defense industry company in Turkey and the leading supplier of land defense systems for Turkish Armed Forces. Otokar designs and manufactures a wide range of defense industry products including 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 tactical wheeled armored vehicles and tracked armored vehicles as well as turret systems. Otokar is also the prime contractor in the Altay Main Battle Tank Project Phase-1. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Thanks to its superior mobility, high mine and ballistic protection, medium and high calibre weapon system integration options; ARMA is capable to serve modern armies in the real battlefield, peace keeping and human relief operations in most difficult terrain and climatic conditions', 'ARMA is suitable for integration of various weapon systems from light machine gun weapon stations up to 25-30 mm medium calibre cannon and 105 mm cannon', 'Otokar is also the prime contractor in the Altay Main Battle Tank Project Phase-1', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Once you’ve identified which type of mouse has inhabited your home, it will be easier to get rid of it. And the sooner the better. As you discovered in the above section, mice reproduce quickly and your problem can escalate over the course of months.
There are many reasons to want to get rid of mice. Some people are creeped out by them. Some don’t like the mess they make. Some don’t want them damaging their home and the items inside. All are valid reasons, but it’s also important to note that they can be very dangerous to human health. Their urine can cause allergies in children, they can transmit human diseases and they can bring fleas, mites, ticks and lice into your home.
So how do you get them out of your house and keep them out? It’s simple. You eliminate easy access to your home, make it harder for them to find food and reduce the amount of shelter materials laying around. This is a three-step process — sanitation, mouse-proof construction and population reduction. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'As you discovered in the above section, mice reproduce quickly and your problem can escalate over the course of months', 'Their urine can cause allergies in children, they can transmit human diseases and they can bring fleas, mites, ticks and lice into your home', 'This is a three-step process — sanitation, mouse-proof construction and population reduction', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | The Average True Range (ATR) is an indicator that measures volatility, it was developed by J. Welles Wilder. Typically, the Average True range (ATR) is based on 14 periods and can be calculated on an intra-day, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Because there must be a beginning, the first TR value is simply the High minus the Low, and the first 14-day ATR is the average of the daily TR values for the last 14 days. Coeur Mining Inc (NYSE:CDE)’s ATR-14 is at 0.31, while its weekly volatility is at 2.93% and monthly volatility is at 3.56%. A stock experiencing a high level of volatility has a higher ATR, and a low volatility stock has a lower ATR. The ATR may be used by market technicians to enter and exit trades, and it is a useful tool to add to a trading system. It was created to allow traders to more accurately measure the daily volatility of an asset by using simple calculations. The indicator does not indicate the price direction, rather used primarily to measure volatility caused by gaps and limit up or down moves. The ATR is fairly simple to calculate and only needs historical price data.
RSI is an extremely popular momentum indicator, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) also developed by J. Welles Wilder, is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI value of Coeur Mining Inc (NYSE:CDE) is 62.01. RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Traditionally, and according to Wilder, RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30. Signals can also be generated by looking for divergences, failure swings, and centerline crossovers. RSI can also be used to identify the general trend. The default time frame for comparing up periods to down periods is 14, as in 14 trading days.
Shares of Coeur Mining Inc (NYSE:CDE) has a market capitalization of $1.6 Billion and its number of outstanding shares are 182.81 Million. During previous trade 2.21 Million shares of Coeur Mining Inc (NYSE:CDE) exchanged hands whereas on average almost 3.42 Million shares has been traded. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'The ATR is fairly simple to calculate and only needs historical price data', 'The default time frame for comparing up periods to down periods is 14, as in 14 trading days', 'During previous trade 2.21 Million shares of Coeur Mining Inc (NYSE:CDE) exchanged hands whereas on average almost 3.42 Million shares has been traded', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Trump’s ex-wife, Ivana, said he asked her if he should whether or not he should tweet. And she encouraged him to do it. He also offered her an ambassadorship to the Czech Republic.
Cam Newton put out a video apologizing for sexist comments to the female reporter. The video only came after he lost his yogurt sponsorship.
Producer Harvey Weinstein is being accused of sexually harassing several women over the last three decades, including Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd. He said the allegations are false, but he also apologized and said he’s working on improving himself. But obviously not physically.
Greatest interviewer ever! She’s on the British equivalent of The Today Show – it’s called This Morning; she’s the entertainment reporter. She’s interviewing Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford for Blade Runner 2049 and she starts the interview by saying, “Bleak, dystopian, and an absolute nightmare, to be honest with you. That’s just my interview techniques. So let’s talk about the movie.” | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'He also offered her an ambassadorship to the Czech Republic', 'The video only came after he lost his yogurt sponsorship', 'But obviously not physically', 'So let’s talk about the movie.”', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Complexion based discrimination exposes the worst side of human nature. Even today, many people are victims of complexion based discrimination across the world. Our country, India, is also one that is extremely obsessed with fair skin tone. At various levels of the society, the practice of prejudice against the dark-skinned people could be observed. A girl, who is dark-skinned in the family, faces more traumatic treatment than her brothers. There are many instances wherein the girl has been shamed for her skin tone, and denied jobs and social rights.
Complexion based discrimination effects a human being at a different level. The person loses his identity, self-confidence, and feels unwanted and unconcerned. He wishes to withdraw himself from all kinds of social activities which further lead to depression and suicide. It is often considered that women with dark skin complexion are not eligible for marriage. This causes humiliation and unrest within a family, and these women are ill-treated throughout their lives.
It also engulfs all opportunities from the lives of the people who are considered ‘not fair-skinned’; from jobs and equal wages to their rights. It hinders all progress from marriage to the protection of the family. A deeper analysis of the subject shows that it is a heinous crime, but still, lacks any legal protection. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'There are many instances wherein the girl has been shamed for her skin tone, and denied jobs and social rights', 'This causes humiliation and unrest within a family, and these women are ill-treated throughout their lives', 'A deeper analysis of the subject shows that it is a heinous crime, but still, lacks any legal protection', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Of course, he added, for a design from the late 1980s to really compete against modern foreign designs, nearly everything would be subject to upgrade or replacement, including parts of the fuselage. With the Il-96 effectively becoming a fundamentally new plane, all that would be left from the original design is the conceptual design.
RIA Novosti recalled that the main problem of the original Il-96, like many other Russian civilian passenger aircraft, was high fuel consumption. If the comparable Boeing or Airbus burn an average of about 17.5 grams of fuel per passenger kilometer, their Russian counterparts consume significantly more, from 21-28 grams.
However, this problem is on the brink of being solved. Russia's newest generation of aircraft engines feature reduced fuel consumption, and others, with fuel use of as little as 15.5 grams of fuel per passenger kilometer, are under development.
Last summer, during a visit to the Voronezh Aircraft Plant, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin said that Russian engineers had effectively resolved the fuel consumption issue with the new-generation PD-14 turbofan engine. The PD-14 and its variants have already found demand in the domestic civil aviation sector, and can be mounted aboard the Il-96-300, the Tupolev-214, and the MC-21 in its 200, 300 and 400 variants. Rogozin stressed that the new engine would help guarantee Russian passenger liners' competitiveness with Boeing and Airbus, decreasing not only fuel costs, but maintenance costs as well. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'With the Il-96 effectively becoming a fundamentally new plane, all that would be left from the original design is the conceptual design', 'If the comparable Boeing or Airbus burn an average of about 17.5 grams of fuel per passenger kilometer, their Russian counterparts consume significantly more, from 21-28 grams', 'Russia's newest generation of aircraft engines feature reduced fuel consumption, and others, with fuel use of as little as 15.5 grams of fuel per passenger kilometer, are under development', 'Rogozin stressed that the new engine would help guarantee Russian passenger liners' competitiveness with Boeing and Airbus, decreasing not only fuel costs, but maintenance costs as well', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | At GOLDWOOD, we have always taken care of our valued customers requirements. And our efforts have not gone unnoticed. Within a short span of time people know our brand “GOLDWOOD” as a premium quality product which is made without any compromise. We all are leaders in our area of responsibilities with a deep commitment to deliver results. We are determined to be the best at doing what matters the most.
We work together on the principle of mutual trust and transparency in a boundary-less organization. We are intellectually honest in delivering quality, including on time delivery.
Responsibility towards the plywood industry and associated people has been ways of life for us since decades. It is a journey in progress, much beyond milestones. We are trying to reinvent the sense and sensibility of people of wood panel industry towards the quality of plywood and associated products through our no compromise action to make GOLDWOOD
At GOLDWOOD, growth is not just centered on profits; we place sustainable development at the core of our business decisions and align our sustainability strategy with our business goals. This means concern for NO COMPROMISE action for quality manufacturing with people growth and environment safety. We therefore take it upon ourselves to produce, provide and deliver in the right way. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'We are determined to be the best at doing what matters the most', 'We are intellectually honest in delivering quality, including on time delivery', 'We are trying to reinvent the sense and sensibility of people of wood panel industry towards the quality of plywood and associated products through our no compromise action to make GOLDWOOD', 'We therefore take it upon ourselves to produce, provide and deliver in the right way', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Last week, Microsoft launched the Xbox Live Creators Program for developers to publish games to the Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs. Microsoft will be listing the indie games in a section of the Xbox Store called “Creators Collection.”
There are 9 games available in the “Creators Collection” as of now. And Microsoft simplified the certification process by removing concept approval, which should encourage more developers to create games. Developers can also publish unfinished games to the Store to receive feedback.
Creators Collections will not have access to Achievements, Gamerscore or Xbox Live multiplayer. Developers that want access to those features will have to move to the ID@Xbox program.
“This is just the beginning. We’ll be sure to spotlight more of the diverse array of Creators Program games that catch our eyes,” said ID@Xbox Director Chris Charla. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Microsoft will be listing the indie games in a section of the Xbox Store called “Creators Collection.”', 'Developers can also publish unfinished games to the Store to receive feedback', 'Developers that want access to those features will have to move to the ID@Xbox program', 'We’ll be sure to spotlight more of the diverse array of Creators Program games that catch our eyes,” said ID@Xbox Director Chris Charla', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | It started as an annoyance and quickly grew into a serious problem. A chewed up roll of shop towels, holy rags, rice-sized turds scattered on the counters in our garage — seemingly small observations altered me to their presence. The problem seemed more concerning when I discovered nearly a full bag of bird seed had been eaten over the summer.
The mice inhabiting our detached garage have become a problem, and it seems to be a growing problem. After discovering the pile of sunflower seed shells behind the radio, I cleaned the garage thoroughly and removed any other sources of food. However, I didn’t consider the shop towels or microfiber rags we leave out there. And so, they were left with a perfect source of warm winter bedding.
We started setting traps when we realized removing their food source didn’t deter them from our garage. We stashed the rags and shop towels in sealed plastic containers, cleaned up their poop and left behind snap traps baited with peanut butter. To our surprise, we had early success. Of the first four traps we set, two killed mice. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'The problem seemed more concerning when I discovered nearly a full bag of bird seed had been eaten over the summer', 'And so, they were left with a perfect source of warm winter bedding', 'Of the first four traps we set, two killed mice', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Last week, Consumer Reports said it could no longer recommend the Microsoft Surface following a survey. The survey found that 25% of owners experienced problems within two years. Consumer Reports collected data from 90,741 Surface owners. And Consumer Reports said that the failure rate is "statistically significant."
Some of the issues that were reported with the Surface were unexpected freezing, slow response times and shutdowns. “The decision by Consumer Reports applies to Microsoft devices with detachable keyboards, such as the new Surface Pro released in June and the Surface Book, as well as the company’s Surface Laptops with conventional clamshell designs,” said Consumer Reports. “The four laptops losing their previous recommended status are the Microsoft Surface Laptop (128GB and 256GB versions) and Microsoft Surface Book (128GB and 512GB versions). Microsoft is relatively new to the hardware business, and this is the first year CR had enough data to estimate predicted reliability for the company’s laptops.”
Microsoft disputes the Consumer Reports recommendation based on its real-world return and support rates for past models. “Microsoft’s real-world return and support rates for past models differ significantly from Consumer Reports’ breakage predictability,” said Microsoft in an emailed statement. “We don’t believe these findings accurately reflect Surface owners’ true experiences or capture the performance and reliability improvements made with every Surface generation.” | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'And Consumer Reports said that the failure rate is "statistically significant."', 'Microsoft is relatively new to the hardware business, and this is the first year CR had enough data to estimate predicted reliability for the company’s laptops.”', '“We don’t believe these findings accurately reflect Surface owners’ true experiences or capture the performance and reliability improvements made with every Surface generation.”', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Taking care of your health should always feature at the top of your priority list. And to ensure your job is a seamless one, let us introduce you to Aquafina Vitamin Splash. While the idea of an authentic ‘healthy’ drink might not be as believable today, this new product will restore your faith.
It seems like Aquafina Vitamin Splash is here to change the game for a lot of people who choose to lead healthy and fit lifestyles, and don’t want to compromise on what they drink. Available in in two delicious flavours – Kiwi Lime and Raspberry Mint, it’s safe to say, that you can drink it as much as you like, without worrying about putting on those extra kilos. How? Well, Aquafina Vitamin Splash is packed with vitamins and minerals such as selenium and zinc and what’s cool, is that it contains merely 35 calories per 250ml and is super hydrating.
Whether you decide to sip on it in between morning jogs or between your fitness training; just a dash of the refreshing flavours will rejuvenate you when you need it the most. If you’re a gym freak, we suggest you throw in a bottle or two into your bag, just in case you need to fuel up. Your body will thank you! | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'While the idea of an authentic ‘healthy’ drink might not be as believable today, this new product will restore your faith', 'Well, Aquafina Vitamin Splash is packed with vitamins and minerals such as selenium and zinc and what’s cool, is that it contains merely 35 calories per 250ml and is super hydrating', 'Your body will thank you!', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Murphy came from Pentre, the next village down the valley from Treorchy. His father had emigrated from Ireland to work in the collieries. Murphy was not destined for the pits. His school reports describe him as an excellent student who 'talks too much'. The boy also played the piano well. But what Murphy really excelled at was football. A wiry, tough wing half, he turned professional with West Bromwich Albion and played in the 1935 FA Cup final.
Then the war came. Murphy spent years in the North African desert and southern Italy with the Royal Artillery. While his army service effectively ended his playing career, it led to a chance meeting which would change not only his life but the future of English football.
Sgt Major Matt Busby came across the Welshman giving a pep talk to soldiers before an exhibition match in Bari. He was so impressed that upon his appointment to manage United later that year, Busby made Murphy his chief coach — 'the first and most important signing I ever made'. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'A wiry, tough wing half, he turned professional with West Bromwich Albion and played in the 1935 FA Cup final', 'While his army service effectively ended his playing career, it led to a chance meeting which would change not only his life but the future of English football', 'He was so impressed that upon his appointment to manage United later that year, Busby made Murphy his chief coach — 'the first and most important signing I ever made'', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | “Firstly, I’m a big fan of Rami Malek, who’s playing the lead. I think he’ll do a cracking job of it. But secondly, it doesn’t matter how good the actors are — It comes down to whether you have a good script, a good story.”
“Part of the problem is that they want to make a nice, family-friendly sort of movie. Freddie Mercury was not a family-friendly guy. He was a very controversial human being who did a lot of controversial things, especially during that time. We’ll see when the film comes out how truthful it is.”
Although the movie will bring new attention to Queen, they’re a band whose music has never really left the public consciousness. Why do you think that is?
“The tunes themselves are timeless. There are certain songs that really stand the test — and Queen has them. Further generations will no doubt appreciate them for their musicality and because they feel good, frankly.” | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'But secondly, it doesn’t matter how good the actors are — It comes down to whether you have a good script, a good story.”', 'We’ll see when the film comes out how truthful it is.”', 'Why do you think that is?', 'Further generations will no doubt appreciate them for their musicality and because they feel good, frankly.”', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Antivirus software company Kaspersky has withdrawn its European antitrust complaint against Microsoft because certain changes were made in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. The changes enable Kaspersky to provide notifications and update alerts. The complaint -- which claimed Microsoft was disabling antivirus software in favor of its own Windows Defender -- was filed in June.
Microsoft acknowledged in June that Windows 10 disables older versions of third-party antivirus software if it is not compatible with Windows updates. Going forward, Microsoft will work closely with antivirus vendors to ensure their software is compatible ahead of time. And Microsoft will provide release schedules to the antivirus vendors so there is more of a window for testing.
In the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is going to allow antivirus software applications to send its own alerts and notifications. And there will be more of a noticeable warning when an antivirus application expires. "Instead of providing an initial toast notification that users could ignore, the new notification will persist on the screen until the user either elects to renew the existing solution or chooses to rely on Windows Defender or another solution provider," said Microsoft’s director of program management for Windows enterprise and security Rob Lefferts via The Verge. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'The complaint -- which claimed Microsoft was disabling antivirus software in favor of its own Windows Defender -- was filed in June', 'And Microsoft will provide release schedules to the antivirus vendors so there is more of a window for testing', '"Instead of providing an initial toast notification that users could ignore, the new notification will persist on the screen until the user either elects to renew the existing solution or chooses to rely on Windows Defender or another solution provider," said Microsoft’s director of program management for Windows enterprise and security Rob Lefferts via The Verge', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | Star Wars fandom is divided as never before. Sure, many had major problems with the prequel trilogy, especially with a certain Gungun, but never have so many fans been so vocal in their fury. Nor has there ever been a fan boycott and backlash on this scale before. Some have claimed that is is one of the principal reasons that Solo A Star Wars Story was such a box office disaster. What can Disney do to mend the rift? Many fans have called for the dismissal of Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy and the dropping of Rian Johnson's next trilogy. The most extreme demand has been for a complete remake of The Last Jedi and a new poster has just been revealed.
The funniest and angriest tweets about Star Wars The Last Jedi Fri, June 22, 2018 Star Wars The Last Jedi: The funniest and angriest tweets from fans about the movie. Play slideshow Disney 1 of 21 The funniest and angriest tweets about Star Wars The Last Jedi
One of the biggest complaints about Star Wars Episodes 7 and 8 was how quickly Rey mastered Jedi skills which have previously taken years, even for such iconic figures as Luke and Anakin. With no training she held her own in a lightsaber battle against Kylo Ren. She then fought Luke and was able to battle the Praetorian Guard. With virtually no training. The new poster has hilariously gone to the sexist extreme of putting her in an apron, roasting a porg like an antequated housewife. This not only riffs on her impossible "Mary Sue" abilities, it also has a sly subversive dig at all the most misogynist Star Wars fanatics who have a problem with any woman taking a leading or dominant role. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'The most extreme demand has been for a complete remake of The Last Jedi and a new poster has just been revealed', 'Play slideshow Disney 1 of 21 The funniest and angriest tweets about Star Wars The Last Jedi', 'This not only riffs on her impossible "Mary Sue" abilities, it also has a sly subversive dig at all the most misogynist Star Wars fanatics who have a problem with any woman taking a leading or dominant role', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | United tried their best to keep Wolves pegged back, but their efforts were undermined within six minutes, with Cavaleiro and Ruben Neves combining beautifully from 25 yards out. The latter took a touch and effortlessly curled the ball into the top corner, sending the home fans into a frenzy. 'He's better than Zidane,' chanted the South Bank, and while the validity of that statement could be challenged, their optimism could not.
Wolves have now scored 10 goals in the opening 15 minutes in the Championship this season – more than any other team. They looked unstoppable, and indeed United realised that soon enough when they went 2-0 down.
Cavaleiro turned provider again at the half-hour mark, this time for Jota. The striker rounded off a superb team move, calmly playing a one-two before firing past Moore. Sensational football to match an equally sensational atmosphere at the Molineux.
There was some controversy at the stroke of half-time when Helder Costa was fouled, which visibly infuriated the home fans and their manager. Darren Bond, however, waved play on, which replays showed might have been the right decision. The Blades looked dull for most of the opening 45 minutes, completely dominated by Wolves. In some ways, the exact opposite of the reverse fixture. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be ''He's better than Zidane,' chanted the South Bank, and while the validity of that statement could be challenged, their optimism could not', 'They looked unstoppable, and indeed United realised that soon enough when they went 2-0 down', 'Sensational football to match an equally sensational atmosphere at the Molineux', 'In some ways, the exact opposite of the reverse fixture', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | McDonald’s had been using beef tallow to make their fries from the pre Ray Kroc days. It was the amazing luscious crispiness of the McDonald brother’s fries that initially got Kroc’s attention in the first place. That’s how good they were. But in 1990 all of that changed.
Phil Sokolof made his millions selling dry wall throughout America. He then spent 15 million of his own fortune to fight saturated fat on the national stage by targeting the fast food industry. He would go on TV to talk over actual food industry people about the dangers of fat. The sort of blowhard with bad science who was able to thrive in the pre-internet era.
This is where things get interesting: Gladwell’s telling of the oil wars story. McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, et al changed their oils to corn, soy, or cottonseed oils. This, in turn, created a whole mess of other problems because those oils are trans-fats heavy — which is by far worse than saturated fats. Gladwell notes that the big fast food chains devised vegetable oil blends that eliminated trans-fats, but created an extremely unstable oil for cooking with, especially when compared to the stability of animal fats. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'But in 1990 all of that changed', 'The sort of blowhard with bad science who was able to thrive in the pre-internet era', 'Gladwell notes that the big fast food chains devised vegetable oil blends that eliminated trans-fats, but created an extremely unstable oil for cooking with, especially when compared to the stability of animal fats', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | Off the Wall Theatre turns its tiny stage over to Blanche and Jane Hudson as it remounts Whatever Happened to Baby Jane ? Once again, Dale Gutzman’s campy adaptation of the 1962 movie features local theater veterans Jeremy Welter and Mark Hagen taking turns as the two leads. True to the campiness that Gutzman has written into the script, both Welter and Hagen take to the stage with an overly theatrical amplification that is both reasonably humorous and slightly disturbing.
Fading famous actress Blanche is bound to a wheelchair, captive of her sadistic sister, Jane, who has always resented her for her success. Welter approaches the over-the-top comic drama with an earnestness that serves the production well. Hagen has a multi-layered grasp of subtlety in humor that blossoms quite well in the tongue-in-cheek end of Gutzman’s humor.
The rest of the scenes flow in and around the two actors without impeding them too much. We get enough of the story beyond the two central characters to know what’s going on. Things stumble across the stage with an exaggerated gracelessness that sometimes serves to amplify the darker ends of the story. On one level this is a light spoof of a cult classic film, but on another level it’s exploring casual human viciousness with a garish, crooked smile that’s far more sinister than anything one might expect from straight-ahead drama. Whether it’s taken as light comedy or something far darker, it’s hard to ignore what Dale Gutzman and company have done with this production. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'True to the campiness that Gutzman has written into the script, both Welter and Hagen take to the stage with an overly theatrical amplification that is both reasonably humorous and slightly disturbing', 'Hagen has a multi-layered grasp of subtlety in humor that blossoms quite well in the tongue-in-cheek end of Gutzman’s humor', 'Whether it’s taken as light comedy or something far darker, it’s hard to ignore what Dale Gutzman and company have done with this production', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | The federal government has collected over Rs. 2 trillion in tax revenue during the first seven months of the current fiscal year, but fell short of target by Rs. 74 billion as growth in collection slowed down to 17.7 percent. The shortfall will make it difficult for the government to achieve the revised budget deficit target despite decent revenue collection by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). The shortfall may add 0.3 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) to the budget deficit. The parliament has set the budget deficit target at 4.1 percent and had approved Rs. 4.013 trillion tax collection, which need 19. 2 percent growth.
The main thrust of the successive governments has been revenue collection through indirect taxes like sales tax, import duty, petroleum levies, surcharges and service charges in utility bills and turn-over tax. The indirect taxes have little buoyancy and are inelastic for increase in revenue. On the other hand, personal and corporate income tax, agriculture income tax, capital gains tax and broker’s tax are elastic in nature for revenue generation, giving the desired amount of revenue. There has been no serious efforts and legislation for the documentation of the economy. Even the half hearted campaigns for documentation of economy have to be abandoned because of political expediency. Tax collection authorities either succumb to political pressure and shut their eyes on tax evasion or do not tax the wealthy individuals, companies and partnership firms according to their real incomes and profits.
Amid its failure in expanding the narrow tax base, the government has now started a survey of commercial and high rise residential buildings across the country to scout people who have bought properties in plazas but do not feature in the tax net. The World Bank is of the opinion that data on the real state business is already available and there were media reports in 2010 that such data about 3.8 wealthy people out of tax net is very much on the record of FBR but the political leadership is not interested to bring them into the tax net though at nominal or flat rate of tax. The fresh survey will help update the already available data of potential tax evaders. However, the people are not optimistic about the success of the apparently the first comprehensive ground exercise in almost 17 years as door to do door survey of military led government during2000-2002 failed due to political expediency.
The number of tax return filers has steadily declined due to the leniency of the feudal-mercantile class dominated oligarchic government. In 2016 1.4 million tax payers filed tax returns, but in 2017 1.22 million tax return have so far been filed, and FBR has failed to retain even the existing tax payers. Hence, instead expanding the tax base FBR has let 180000 people of the hook. The government has announced to give tax amnesty on the offshore assets worth $ 150 billion acquired through money laundering which like the past two tax amnesty schemes may not result in expanding the tax base. This demonstrates the lack of seriousness on the part of the government to earnestly pursue a policy against tax evaders and bring them under the tax net. Instead of generating more revenue by taxing the rich people it provides them lope holes for tax evasion on the money accumulated through corrupt practices. On the contrary, any easy recourse is taken to reckless borrowing and the burden of debt servicing is borne by the poor people. After eating up $ 2.5 billion two months ago, the government is floating Euro Bonds worth $ 1 billion this month and for these loan transactions tax waivers are to be sought for. International market for fresh loans is tested days after Fitch, one of the three top global Credit rating Agencies, has downgraded the countrys’economic outlook from stable to negative. The tax laws need streamlining and strict implementation if the government really wants to increase the number of tax payers. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be '2 percent growth', 'Tax collection authorities either succumb to political pressure and shut their eyes on tax evasion or do not tax the wealthy individuals, companies and partnership firms according to their real incomes and profits', 'However, the people are not optimistic about the success of the apparently the first comprehensive ground exercise in almost 17 years as door to do door survey of military led government during2000-2002 failed due to political expediency', 'The tax laws need streamlining and strict implementation if the government really wants to increase the number of tax payers', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | West Virginia at No. 8 TCU
TCU (4-0, 1-0 Big 12) has emerged as one of the nation's bigger surprises this season and will try to maintain its perfect start Saturday when it hosts West Virginia (3-1, 1-0). The Horned Frogs weren't ranked in the preseason for the first time since 2014 but have played their way into playoff contention.
West Virginia has won three straight by an average margin of 33.7 points since a season-opening 31-24 loss to No. 16 Virginia Tech.
This game pits the Big 12's leading rusher against the conference's top run defense. West Virginia's Justin Crawford has run for a league-high 112.8 yards per game and averages 7.4 yards per carry. TCU is allowing just 94.5 yards rushing per game and 2.8 yards per carry. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be '8 TCU', 'The Horned Frogs weren't ranked in the preseason for the first time since 2014 but have played their way into playoff contention', '16 Virginia Tech', 'TCU is allowing just 94.5 yards rushing per game and 2.8 yards per carry', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | It's only been a few months since they made their relationship red carpet official, and now the couple is reportedly expecting their first child together. So, wait... When did Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus start dating, exactly? Depends on whether or not you believe the rumors that were in circulation at one point, but Kruger and Reedus first met back in 2015.
On May 29, Us Weekly revealed that Kruger and Reedus would be having a baby, according to multiple sources who spoke to the publication. (Bustle reached out to reps for Kruger and Reedus for comment, but did not receive a response at the time of publication.) The low-key duo didn't appear on the red carpet together — which, in Hollywood, is basically the equivalent of a "we're dating" announcement — until the 2018 Golden Globes (as per Entertainment Tonight), so the reported pregnancy news may come as a surprise to some of the actors' fans.
In an April 2016 interview with People, Kruger said that she and Reedus had never met until they began shooting Sky together in 2015. “I didn’t know [Reedus] before the film,” she said of her co-star, who played her love interest in the film. “We share a lot of intimate scenes. I was really nervous about meeting him and not being able to have a drink with him, or talk with him.” | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Depends on whether or not you believe the rumors that were in circulation at one point, but Kruger and Reedus first met back in 2015', 'The low-key duo didn't appear on the red carpet together — which, in Hollywood, is basically the equivalent of a "we're dating" announcement — until the 2018 Golden Globes (as per Entertainment Tonight), so the reported pregnancy news may come as a surprise to some of the actors' fans', 'I was really nervous about meeting him and not being able to have a drink with him, or talk with him.”', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | -Struggles to create his own shot in the half-court. Doesn't have a great first step, making it difficult for him to create space to operate. Forced to take a lot of tough shots.
-Not going to rise up over defenders inside the paint for explosive finishes. 48% 2P% at this tournament
-Tends to dribble with his head down at times. Negative assist to turnover ratio everywhere he's been | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Forced to take a lot of tough shots', '48% 2P% at this tournament', 'Negative assist to turnover ratio everywhere he's been', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Ancient rock art was created by native people who carved, drew or painted onto natural rock surfaces, and the artistic images that remain today serve as powerful spiritual and cultural references from a bygone era. These symbolic markings, known as either petroglyphs (images carved or engraved into rocks) or pictographs (images made with paint or other pigment), are one of the oldest material forms of expression by our early human ancestors, and many of their ancient drawings remain on cliffs, rock shelters and cave walls across the Midwest.
A new book focused on Native American rock art pairs a watercolor artist and an archeologist to reveal the ancient stories behind some of the most iconic prehistoric paintings. In Hidden Thunder: Rock Art of the Upper Midwest, artist Geri Schrab and archeologist Robert “Ernie” Boszhardt collaborate to research and interpret the stories of Indian art located mostly in southwestern and west central Wisconsin. By combining Boszhardt’s 40-plus years of experience as an archeologist with Schrab’s ethereal renderings of the original images, Hidden Thunder lends new understanding to the cultural context of these fragile natural resources.
Boszhardt works for the Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center at UW-La Crosse and serves as an honorary fellow at UW-Madison. Schrab has two decades of experience visiting and painting rock art with an emphasis on the Midwest and Lake Superior region. The two co-authors will appear at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 20, at Books & Company, 1039 Summit Ave., Oconomowoc. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'These symbolic markings, known as either petroglyphs (images carved or engraved into rocks) or pictographs (images made with paint or other pigment), are one of the oldest material forms of expression by our early human ancestors, and many of their ancient drawings remain on cliffs, rock shelters and cave walls across the Midwest', 'By combining Boszhardt’s 40-plus years of experience as an archeologist with Schrab’s ethereal renderings of the original images, Hidden Thunder lends new understanding to the cultural context of these fragile natural resources', 'The two co-authors will appear at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 20, at Books & Company, 1039 Summit Ave., Oconomowoc', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Jack Of None recently dropped a new album, called Who Shot Bukowski? And it’s hecka-good, as in lit! The band is split between Manila, Philippines and Chicago, Illinois. Jack Of None consists of three siblings: A.G. Syjuco on guitar, bass and synths; Maxine Syjuco, poet-songwriter and vocalist; and Julian Syjuco on guitar.
Stylistically, Jack Of None is billed as an experimental rock/art band, but there’s a lot more to their sound than experimental rock and art. First of all, it’s extremely sui generis, emanating a distinctive sonic quality unlike anything else. Yet at the same time, there’s an elusive familiarity to it, providing it with a mainstream flavor that separates it from the usual cacophony of experimental rock. Secondly, it contains elements of electronic music, garage rock, blues and new wave. All these elements combine to produce music jam-packed with a raw, rude, harsh-textured energy, almost palpable with dark resolves expanding on numerous sonic axes.
Who Shot Bukowski? contains ten tracks. The first track is “Strangest Bedfellows,” which begins immediately, without an intro. A harsh, mechanical groove sets the beat while Maxine’s resonant voice rides over the melody, which is unrelenting in its intensity. Electronic background harmonics give breath to scurrilous conjectures, while adding depth and layering. The intro to “Sticks and Stones” consists of an early warning beep, followed by a melody that borders on chaotic, heavy with an industrial feel. The guitar solo, enveloped in Maxine’s staccato vocals, is raw and viciously evocative. “Sticks and Stones” is one of my favorites on the album.
“X-Y-Sex” starts off with a dark guitar-driven melody riding on industrialized percussive effects. There’s a hint of new wave running through the melody at subterranean levels. The lyrics convey the disparate status of sex in today’s world: “When the woes of the real / Are writing out our whens / While the whys / Oh the whys / Wretchedly unwind / All the virtues of our sins / Just like bleeding violins.” | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Jack Of None consists of three siblings: A.G. Syjuco on guitar, bass and synths; Maxine Syjuco, poet-songwriter and vocalist; and Julian Syjuco on guitar', 'All these elements combine to produce music jam-packed with a raw, rude, harsh-textured energy, almost palpable with dark resolves expanding on numerous sonic axes', '“Sticks and Stones” is one of my favorites on the album', 'The lyrics convey the disparate status of sex in today’s world: “When the woes of the real / Are writing out our whens / While the whys / Oh the whys / Wretchedly unwind / All the virtues of our sins / Just like bleeding violins.”', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Golden State Warriors trade rumors suggest that the team could make a deal before the NBA trade deadline on February 8. Several reports by The Athletic have advertised that JaVale McGee is available and that the “fan-favorite” could be playing his final minutes for the Warriors this week. A new report by Phil Taylor touches on the subject as well, quoting McGee on how he is preparing for games, despite knowing that his name has been coming up in various NBA trade rumors.
The immediate reaction to this story by some Warriors fans is going to be a look of surprise. Why would the Warriors trade McGee and what would the team be looking for in return? It all boils down to money and playing time. Marcus Thompson III of The Athletic cited that McGee has been unhappy with his “floor time and his minimum salary,” possibly bringing some discontent to a roster that is looking to win its third NBA title in just four seasons.
JaVale McGee makes just about $2.2 million this season and it is the final year of his contract. It is the second one-year deal that he has signed with the Golden State Warriors. Last year, he played in 77 games for the team, averaging 9.6 minutes, 6.1 points, and 3.2 rebounds a game. McGee saw similar action in the postseason but was never a key contributor off the bench. He was used more often in a mop-up role, which isn’t where most players want to be. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'A new report by Phil Taylor touches on the subject as well, quoting McGee on how he is preparing for games, despite knowing that his name has been coming up in various NBA trade rumors', 'Marcus Thompson III of The Athletic cited that McGee has been unhappy with his “floor time and his minimum salary,” possibly bringing some discontent to a roster that is looking to win its third NBA title in just four seasons', 'He was used more often in a mop-up role, which isn’t where most players want to be', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Officials with the Humane Society of Louisiana would like to remind all residents in south Louisiana to keep their pets and farm animals safe as Tropical Storm Nate approaches the Gulf Coast. Nate is expected to intensify into a hurricane before making landfall early Sunday morning.
Pet owners who are sheltering in place, are asked to bring their animals inside and make them comfortable during the expected high winds and rain. Pet owners who are evacuating are asked to take their animals with them. Owners of farm animals should evacuate their animals or move them to higher ground.
The Humane Society of Louisiana is currently preparing for the need of multiple shelters and rescues ahead of Nate, including groups in Jefferson, Vermilion, Livingston and Ascension Parishes. The group is also assisting by transporting homeless animals to private rescues and shelters out of harm's way - in New York, New Jersey, and Vermont. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Nate is expected to intensify into a hurricane before making landfall early Sunday morning', 'Owners of farm animals should evacuate their animals or move them to higher ground', 'The group is also assisting by transporting homeless animals to private rescues and shelters out of harm's way - in New York, New Jersey, and Vermont', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | ConDRAGulations, RuPaul’s Drag Race! EW can exclusively reveal that the long-running reality competition series’ third All Stars edition is officially the highest-rated batch of episodes in the show’s nine-year history.
Since its Jan. 25 premiere, All Stars 3 became the No. 1 original cable program in its time slot, finishing with a .59 rating in the 18-49 demo (including live-plus-same-day viewership) according to VH1. That number marks an 18 percent jump from RuPaul’s Drag Race season 9 — the series’ first to air new episodes on the network since its 2009 debut. It is now the show’s most-watched season (All Stars or otherwise) ever.
Thursday’s finale, which saw fan favorite contender Trixie Mattel take the crown (and a spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame), drew 763,000 total live-plus-same-day viewers. Overall, season 3 was up 189 percent in the 18-49 demographic and 195 percent in total viewers from Logo’s 2016 broadcast of All Stars 2.
RuPaul’s Drag Race returns for season 10 this Thursday, March 22 at 8 p.m. ET on VH1. Head here for EW’s interview with the All Stars 3 champion, and check out our exclusive first look photos from the upcoming season opener here. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'EW can exclusively reveal that the long-running reality competition series’ third All Stars edition is officially the highest-rated batch of episodes in the show’s nine-year history', 'It is now the show’s most-watched season (All Stars or otherwise) ever', 'Overall, season 3 was up 189 percent in the 18-49 demographic and 195 percent in total viewers from Logo’s 2016 broadcast of All Stars 2', 'Head here for EW’s interview with the All Stars 3 champion, and check out our exclusive first look photos from the upcoming season opener here', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | Unsung hero Sally Edwards dies Zaira ALi ( TNT Singer ): Sally was like a sister and was an ardent fan of mine as I was to her. We shared many musical moments together as well as many outside of the musical arena. I am not a fan of talking ABOUT folks...
'Santa's bone' proved to be correct age by Oxford University HELEN: Happiness is all i see now I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I was searching through the internet, I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past...
Grenada family search protest Rita Scholes: i'm very happy with the services of CYBERKVNG44 at gmail dot com. He helped me clear a debt of $20000 in less than 2 weeks. I dont know how he did it but i kept on getting credit alerts till we... | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'I am not a fan of talking ABOUT folks', 'I was searching through the internet, I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past', 'I dont know how he did it but i kept on getting credit alerts till we', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | “STEM is not simply a collection of subjects; instead it's a collection of skills and habits of mind. STEM-focused learning helps students recognize the all-important intersections of logic and discovery, design processes, innovative technologies, data collection and analysis, and computational thinking,” says Egenrieder. “Integrating these concepts into the classroom supports creativity, collaboration and the skills necessary for future business and social entrepreneurs.”
Virginia Tech and Qualcomm Inc. launched the Thinkabit Lab in September 2016 to offer both teachers and students an engaging learning environment -- part lab, makerspace, and classroom -- to foster creativity, collaboration, and the critical skills necessary for young people to succeed in STEM careers. The Thinkabit Lab, led by Virginia Tech’s Department of Engineering Education in the College of Engineering and School of Education in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, is based on Qualcomm’s World of Work and STEM coursework.
The National Capital Region lab is Qualcomm’s first outside of San Diego, servicing underserved students, students underrepresented in STEM careers, and teachers from the metro Washington, D.C. area. For some students, the Thinkabit Lab experience offers a first introduction to hands-on STEM learning and real-world careers. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be '“Integrating these concepts into the classroom supports creativity, collaboration and the skills necessary for future business and social entrepreneurs.”', 'The Thinkabit Lab, led by Virginia Tech’s Department of Engineering Education in the College of Engineering and School of Education in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, is based on Qualcomm’s World of Work and STEM coursework', 'For some students, the Thinkabit Lab experience offers a first introduction to hands-on STEM learning and real-world careers', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | His cousin shifted the backpack of books from one shoulder to the other. In his characteristic, poised manner he said, “Cassette, I know these things. If you love a girl; and you get butterflies in your stomach every time you see her – you must tell her. And failure to do so, my friend – that is a sausage factory for disaster!”
Brutus was always the expert. People called him “pastor”. He was passionate about the church and there were verses he could readily recite from the heart. Even teachers sometimes trusted him to lead assembly.
“Jonas,” the soft-spoken Brutus was matter-of-fact. “Jonas, love is a lamp. Mathew 5:15 says: ‘Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a clay pot, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house’.” | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'And failure to do so, my friend – that is a sausage factory for disaster!”', 'Even teachers sometimes trusted him to lead assembly', 'Mathew 5:15 says: ‘Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a clay pot, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house’.”', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Principal Financial Group Inc. boosted its position in shares of Arch Capital Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:ACGL) by 46.8% during the third quarter, Holdings Channel reports. The institutional investor owned 1,715,871 shares of the company’s stock after buying an additional 546,913 shares during the period. Principal Financial Group Inc.’s holdings in Arch Capital Group were worth $136,000,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.
Several other large investors have also recently added to or reduced their stakes in ACGL. Northern Trust Corp increased its stake in Arch Capital Group by 3.0% in the third quarter. Northern Trust Corp now owns 807,831 shares of the company’s stock worth $64,029,000 after buying an additional 23,232 shares in the last quarter. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp increased its position in shares of Arch Capital Group by 4.2% in the third quarter. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp now owns 379,704 shares of the company’s stock worth $30,095,000 after buying an additional 15,410 shares during the period. Princeton Alpha Management LP increased its position in shares of Arch Capital Group by 162.5% in the third quarter. Princeton Alpha Management LP now owns 14,226 shares of the company’s stock worth $1,128,000 after buying an additional 8,807 shares during the period. Globeflex Capital L P bought a new position in shares of Arch Capital Group during the third quarter worth about $476,000. Finally, California State Teachers Retirement System increased its position in shares of Arch Capital Group by 0.9% in the third quarter. California State Teachers Retirement System now owns 251,781 shares of the company’s stock worth $19,956,000 after buying an additional 2,200 shares during the period. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 76.39% of the company’s stock.
Shares of Arch Capital Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:ACGL) opened at 86.29 on Monday. The stock has a market capitalization of $10.44 billion, a PE ratio of 16.40 and a beta of 0.55. Arch Capital Group Ltd. has a one year low of $59.83 and a one year high of $88.41. The stock’s 50 day moving average price is $84.29 and its 200 day moving average price is $78.06. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Principal Financial Group Inc.’s holdings in Arch Capital Group were worth $136,000,000 at the end of the most recent quarter', 'Institutional investors and hedge funds own 76.39% of the company’s stock', 'The stock’s 50 day moving average price is $84.29 and its 200 day moving average price is $78.06', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | 'He broke up with her and she was giving everyone at work a blow by blow of what happened with all the gory details. Everyone at work was pissed with her because he's pretty popular and a nice guy.
'Then she lodged a formal complaint that he was turning coworkers against her. Which was 100% false as he didn't discuss it at work.
'An investigation was done and one of her coworkers admitted she texted him at home and he discussed the situation. He got suspended from work without pay and destroyed a 20 year perfect work record.' | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Everyone at work was pissed with her because he's pretty popular and a nice guy', 'Which was 100% false as he didn't discuss it at work', 'He got suspended from work without pay and destroyed a 20 year perfect work record.'', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Data integration and capabilities are analyzed to support the findings and study the predicted geographical segmentations. Various key variables and regression models were considered to calculate the trajectory of polyurethane foam market. Detailed analysis is explained and given importance to with best working models.
Geographically, the segmentation is done into several key regions like North America, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Latin America. The production, consumption, revenue, shares in mill UDS, growth rate of polyurethane foam market during the forecast period of 2016 to 2022 is well explained.
The ongoing market trends of polyurethane foam market and the key factors impacting the growth prospects are elucidated. With increase in the trend, the factors affecting the trend are mentioned with perfect reasons. Top manufactures, price, revenue, market share are explained to give a depth of idea on the competitive side. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Detailed analysis is explained and given importance to with best working models', 'The production, consumption, revenue, shares in mill UDS, growth rate of polyurethane foam market during the forecast period of 2016 to 2022 is well explained', 'Top manufactures, price, revenue, market share are explained to give a depth of idea on the competitive side', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | An impression of the encounter between the Milky Way galaxy and the smaller Sausage galaxy about 8 billion to 10 billion years ago. The record of this ancient encounter is still preserved in the velocities and chemistry of the stars. Credit: V. Belokurov (Cambridge, UK); Based on image by ESO/Juan Carlos Muñoz An international team of astronomers has discovered an ancient and dramatic head-on collision between the Milky Way and a smaller object, dubbed the "Sausage" galaxy. The cosmic crash was a defining event in the early history of the Milky Way and reshaped the structure of our galaxy, fashioning both its inner bulge and its outer halo, the astronomers report in a series of new papers.
The astronomers propose that around 8 billion to 10 billion years ago, an unknown dwarf galaxy smashed into our own Milky Way. The dwarf did not survive the impact: It quickly fell apart, and the wreckage is now all around us.
"The collision ripped the dwarf to shreds, leaving its stars moving in very radial orbits" that are long and narrow like needles, said Vasily Belokurov of the University of Cambridge and the Center for Computational Astrophysics at the Flatiron Institute in New York City. The stars' paths take them "very close to the centre of our galaxy. This is a telltale sign that the dwarf galaxy came in on a really eccentric orbit and its fate was sealed." | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'The cosmic crash was a defining event in the early history of the Milky Way and reshaped the structure of our galaxy, fashioning both its inner bulge and its outer halo, the astronomers report in a series of new papers', 'The dwarf did not survive the impact: It quickly fell apart, and the wreckage is now all around us', 'This is a telltale sign that the dwarf galaxy came in on a really eccentric orbit and its fate was sealed."', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
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] | The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Friday, September 29th. Stockholders of record on Friday, September 15th were given a $0.78 dividend. The ex-dividend date was Thursday, September 14th. This represents a $3.12 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 3.88%. Extra Space Storage’s payout ratio is 107.22%.
In other news, EVP James Overturf sold 1,300 shares of Extra Space Storage stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, August 22nd. The stock was sold at an average price of $75.50, for a total value of $98,150.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the executive vice president now owns 86,275 shares in the company, valued at approximately $6,513,762.50. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which is available through this hyperlink. Also, Director Spencer Kirk sold 20,000 shares of Extra Space Storage stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, August 1st. The stock was sold at an average price of $79.09, for a total value of $1,581,800.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now owns 665,748 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $52,654,009.32. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. In the last quarter, insiders sold 63,900 shares of company stock valued at $5,037,638. Insiders own 3.72% of the company’s stock.
EXR has been the subject of a number of analyst reports. BidaskClub raised Extra Space Storage from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research report on Saturday, June 17th. Cantor Fitzgerald reissued a “hold” rating and set a $77.00 price objective on shares of Extra Space Storage in a research report on Sunday, August 20th. Evercore ISI reissued an “in-line” rating and set a $80.00 price objective (up from $78.00) on shares of Extra Space Storage in a research report on Thursday, September 14th. BMO Capital Markets began coverage on Extra Space Storage in a research report on Monday, September 11th. They set a “market perform” rating and a $78.00 price objective for the company. Finally, Bank of America Corporation downgraded Extra Space Storage from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating and lowered their price target for the company from $83.00 to $81.00 in a report on Thursday, July 20th. Two research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, seven have given a hold rating, one has given a buy rating and one has given a strong buy rating to the company’s stock. Extra Space Storage currently has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $81.63. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Extra Space Storage’s payout ratio is 107.22%', 'Insiders own 3.72% of the company’s stock', 'Extra Space Storage currently has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $81.63', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. | |||||||
"role": "",
"content": ""
] | Three people who claim they were assaulted at the Trump rally filed a lawsuit last year against Trump, his campaign, Heimbach and Bamberger. They say they were shoved and punched by audience members at Trump's command. Video widely broadcast during the campaign showed Trump pointing at protesters and repeating the words "get them out."
Trump's attorneys responded in a court filing Friday that Trump is immune as president from such suits. They also say the protesters waived their right to sue by buying tickets to the event, and they deny that Trump was urging the crowd to take action by repeatedly saying, "get them out of here."
A federal judge declined Trump's preliminary request to dismiss the lawsuit, ruling on April 1 that there's ample evidence that could be seen as supporting allegations that the protesters' injuries were a "direct and proximate result" of Trump's actions. The judge also noted that the Supreme Court has ruled out constitutional protections for speech that incites violence. | Please generate a passage:
1) with paragraphs having the last sentence to be 'Video widely broadcast during the campaign showed Trump pointing at protesters and repeating the words "get them out."', 'They also say the protesters waived their right to sue by buying tickets to the event, and they deny that Trump was urging the crowd to take action by repeatedly saying, "get them out of here."', 'The judge also noted that the Supreme Court has ruled out constitutional protections for speech that incites violence', respectively;
2) with all paragraphs having at least 2 sentences. |
Subsets and Splits