Etiopathology of psoriasis is not completely understood. Patients with psoriasis show elevated sensitivity to gluten. The aim of this study was to see the expression of celiac disease (CD)-associated antibodies gliadin IgA, gliadin IgG, and tissue transglutaminase IgA, and their correlation with HLA Cw6 in patients with psoriasis. The study comprised 56 patients with psoriasis and 60 healthy controls (HC). The levels of antibodies were detected by using ELISA technique and HLA Cw6 typing was carried out by microcytotoxicity method. HLA Cw6 was significantly expressed in psoriasis cases when compared with HC (P<0.05). CD-associated antibodies gliadin IgA/IgG and tissue transglutaminase IgA were significantly higher in the serum of patient with psoriasis when compared with HC (P<0.05, <0.05, and 0.01, respectively). Serum anti tissue transglutaminase IgA (anti tTG IgA) was significantly higher in females when compared with males and expressed more in elderly patients. There was a significant positive correlation among the antibodies (anti gliadin IgA with anti gliadin IgG: r=0.67, P<0.05; anti gliadin IgA with anti tTG IgA: r=0.45, P<0.05, anti gliadin IgG with anti tTG IgA: r=0.26, P<0.05, respectively), whereas insignificant with HLA Cw6. Our study concludes that latent CD or CD-associated antibodies were present in patients with psoriasis and also concludes that HLA Cw6 has no association with expression of these antibodies in patients with psoriasis.
INTRODUCTION Since 2011, pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) has been recommended for newborns. Initial implementation guidelines focused on in-hospital births. Recent publications affirm the importance of universal screening, including for out-of-hospital births. No published data describe CCHD screening rates for out-of-hospital births. METHODS Licensed midwives in Washington state were surveyed regarding their current CCHD screening practices, volume of births attended annually, and typical newborn follow-up practices. For those who indicated they were screening, additional information was obtained about equipment used, timing of screening, and rationale for voluntarily initiating screening. For those who indicated that they were not screening, information regarding barriers to implementation was solicited. RESULTS Of the 61 midwives in our sample, 98% indicated they were aware of published guidelines recommending universal newborn screening for CCHD utilizing pulse oximetry. Furthermore, 52% indicated that they were screening for CCHD currently. Ten percent stated they do not intend to screen, whereas the remaining respondents indicated that they plan to screen in the future. The primary barriers to screening were the cost of pulse oximetry equipment and inadequate training in screening technique and interpretation. CONCLUSION Although voluntary implementation of CCHD screening by licensed midwives in Washington is increasing, it lags behind the implementation rates reported for in-hospital births.
The evaluation of new techniques for 2-D and 3-D intravascular ultrasound (US) imaging (IVUS) often requires the use of a pulsating coronary phantom. This study describes the design, construction and evaluation of a phantom simulating the pulsation of a human coronary artery for IVUS studies. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) cryogel was used as a tissue mimic for the coronary vessel, which was incorporated in a custom-built assembly. The phantom was programmed to pulsate under servomotor control, to model the pulsation of a normal coronary artery and 2-D IVUS images were obtained using an IVUS imaging catheter. To evaluate the performance of the phantom, the lumen area variation of the phantom was determined and compared with the programmed pulsation waveforms. Our results showed that phantom pulsation correlated well with the programmed pulsation waveform (r = 0.97). The deviation of the least squares line from the line of identity was calculated to be < 4%.
OBJECTIVE Cyanide is a highly toxic chemical, and acute exposure depletes cells and tissue of oxygen, depressing the respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological systems and potentially leading to death. Cyanide has been used as a weapon since ancient Rome and continues to pose a potential threat today. A well-characterized animal model is necessary for the development of novel methods of rapid detection and treatment. This manuscript describes the development of an inhalation exposure system designed to evaluate the lethality of acute cyanide inhalation in the porcine model. MATERIALS AND METHODS A custom designed hydrogen cyanide (HCN) inhalation exposure system provided stable cyanide concentrations to un-anesthetized swine while monitoring respiratory parameters. Real-time respiratory monitoring, cyanide concentration and body weight were used to calculate inhaled doses. RESULTS The inhalation exposure system generated controlled HCN ranging from 260 to 986 ppm to achieve inhaled doses between 1.78 and 3.97 mg/kg. Based on survival outcomes, the median lethal dose was determined to be 2.21 mg/kg, and the median lethal exposure level was 5893 mg min/m3. DISCUSSION The ability of the HCN inhalation exposure system to deliver target inhaled doses and the determination of the inhaled median lethal dose in swine support the use of the exposure system and animal model for the evaluation of medical countermeasures of acute inhaled HCN toxicity.
PURPOSE To compare lens vault between open-angle and narrow-angle eyes in African-, Caucasian-, Hispanic-, Chinese- and Filipino-Americans. METHODS In this prospective study, 436 patients with open angle and narrow angle based on the Shaffer gonioscopic grading classification underwent anterior-segment optical coherence tomography. The Zhongshan Angle Assessment Program was used to calculate lens vault. The narrow-angle group included 32 Chinese-Americans, 22 Filipino-Americans, 26 African-Americans, 24 Hispanic-Americans and 73 Caucasian-Americans. The open-angle group included 56 Chinese-Americans, 29 Filipino-Americans, 45 African-Americans, 27 Hispanic-Americans and 102 Caucasian-Americans. Linear mixed effect regression models, accounting for the use of both eyes and adjusting for age, sex, pupil diameter and spherical equivalent, were used to test for the ethnicity and angle coefficients. Tukey's multiple comparison test was used for pairwise comparisons among the open-angle racial groups. RESULTS Significant difference in lens vault was found among the open-angle racial groups (P = 0.022). For the open-angle patients, mean values for the lens vault measurements were 265 ± 288 µm for Chinese-Americans, 431 ± 248 µm for Caucasian-Americans, 302 ± 213 µm for Filipino-Americans, 304 ± 263 µm for Hispanic-Americans and 200 ± 237 µm for African-Americans. Using Tukey's multiple comparison for pairwise comparisons among the open-angle racial groups, a significant difference was found between African-American and Caucasian-Americans groups (P < 0.001). P values for the rest of the pairwise comparisons were not statistically significant. No significant difference was found among the narrow-angle racial groups (P = 0.14). Comparison between the open angle and narrow angle within each racial group revealed significant difference for all racial groups (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION Among all the ethnicities included in this study, narrow-angle eyes have greater lens vault compared to open-angle eyes. With the exception of the comparison between African-Americans and Caucasian-Americans, differences in lens vault measurements among the racial groups with open angle were statistically insignificant. Our data suggest that other factors may play a greater role in predisposing Asian races to angle closure.
Background Medical educators provide service by developing curricula and writing learning material. In addition, academic institutions expect medical educators to publish scholarship to be considered for promotion and academic advancement. Unfortunately, educators may receive limited time to execute these duties and expectations. One way medical educators can streamline their workload is by publishing educational coursework they have previously written into an e-book through an online publisher. This allows them to transform educational service they have already completed into scholarship required for academic recognition, thus maximizing the efficient use of their time. Intervention Publishing educational material as an e-book requires four steps. First, medical educators must determine which of their educational materials is best suited for publishing as an e-book. Second, educators must rank the features of each e-book publisher and choose the one that best meets their needs. Third, the educational material must be adapted as a manuscript and submitted for publication. Finally, the e-book must be advertised, promoted, and distributed to its intended audience. In addition, the success of the project should be evaluated. To illustrate this process, we describe the steps we took to publish the learning material we created for our internal medicine residents into an e-book. Lessons Learned The overall process took approximately 3 months and went smoothly. For future publications, we would determine better ways to track the number of downloads of the e-book, ensure all of our images are adequately large, and consider the use of academic, rather than commercial e-book publishers.
A promoter-probe plasmid, pLSE4, containing the promoterless lytA gene that encodes the major pneumococcal autolysin, was developed to isolate and characterize nucleotide sequences of Streptococcus pneumoniae involved in transcriptional regulation. This vector was derived from the broad-host-range plasmid pLS1 and is suitable for the transformation of Gram- and Gram+ bacteria. An array of unique restriction sites was placed upstream from the lytA coding region. Pneumococcal promoters can be screened from random DNA fragments cloned in these sites for the ability to direct the expression of the autolysin in transformed autolysin-deficient pneumococcal cells. Transformants showing a Lyt+ phenotype were selected on agar plates using a simple filter technique. Relative promoter strength was determined by direct assay of the cell wall lytic activity in cell extracts.
BACKGROUND Thrombolytic therapy for acute stroke (<3 hours) will not have a major impact on death and dependency unless it is accessible to more patients. OBJECTIVE To determine why patients with ischemic stroke did not receive IV TPA and assess the availability of this therapy to patients with ischemic stroke. METHODS Consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke were prospectively identified at a university teaching hospital between October 1996 and December 1999. Additional patients with ischemic stroke were identified that were admitted to one of three other hospitals in the Calgary region during the study period. The Oxford Community Stroke Programme Classification was used to record type and side of stroke. RESULTS Of 2165 stroke patients presenting to the university hospital, 1168 (53.9%) were diagnosed with ischemic stroke, 31.8% with intracranial hemorrhage (intracerebral, subarachnoid, or subdural), and 13.9% with TIA. Delay in presentation to emergency department beyond 3 hours excluded 73.1% (854/1168). Major reasons for delay included uncertain time of onset (24.2%), patients waited to see if symptoms would improve (29%), delay caused by transfer from an outlying hospital (8.9%), and inaccessibility of treating hospital (5.7%). Twenty-seven percent of patients with ischemic stroke (314/1168) were admitted within 3 hours of sympton onset and of these 84 (26.7%) patients received IV TPA. The major reasons for exclusion in this group of patients (<3 hours) were mild stroke (13.1%), clinical improvement (18.2%), perceived protocol exclusions (13.6%), emergency department referral delay (8.9%), and significant comorbidity (8.3%). Of those patients who were considered too mild or were documented to have had significant improvement, 32% either remained dependent at hospital discharge or died during hospital admission. Throughout the region there was a total of 1806 ischemic stroke patients (admitted to all four Calgary hospitals). During this study period, 4.7% received IV TPA. CONCLUSIONS The majority of patients are unable to receive TPA for acute ischemic stroke because they do no not reach the hospital soon enough. Of those patients presenting within 3 hours, 27% received the therapy but a further 31% were excluded because their symptoms were either considered too mild or were rapidly improving. Subsequently, a third of these patients were left either dependent or dead, bringing into question the initial decision not to treat.
OBJECTIVES To investigate the reproducibility of the water drinking test in determining intraocular pressure peaks and fluctuation. It has been suggested that there is limited agreement between the water drinking test and diurnal tension curve. This may be because it has only been compared with a 10-hour modified diurnal tension curve, missing 70% of IOP peaks that occurred during night. METHODS This was a prospective, analytical and comparative study that assesses the correlation, agreement, sensitivity and specificity of the water drinking test. RESULTS The correlation between the water drinking test and diurnal tension curve was significant and strong (r=0.93, Confidence interval 95% between 0.79 and 0.96, p<01). A moderate agreement was observed between these measurements (pc=0.93, Confidence interval 95% between 0.87 and 0.95, p<.01). The agreement was within±2mmHg in 89% of the tests. DISCUSSION Our study found a moderate agreement between the water drinking test and diurnal tension curve, in contrast with the poor agreement found in other studies, possibly due to the absence of nocturnal IOP peaks. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that the water drinking test could be used to determine IOP peaks, as well as for determining baseline IOP.
Currently, a lack of consensus exists on how to manage a hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). Ribavirin alone, or in combination with interferon, has been the mainstream therapy for HCV infection after transplantation. However, very few patients have been regularly treated owing to concerns about poor tolerability, frequent side effects, and limited efficacy. The present case illustrates the striking efficacy of the combination therapy of sofosbuvir with simeprevir, early after transplantation, as it was able to completely eliminate viral replication within 1 month of initiation of treatment. Moreover, tolerance was good, with only minor interactions between the immunosuppressive drugs. This case report supports the feasibility of using this combination therapy early after allo-HSCT for patients with HCV infection.
To determine the proportion and birth prevalence of "typical" orofacial clefts (cleft lip (CL), cleft palate (CP), cleft lip and palate (CLP)) and "atypical" clefts (median, transversal, or oblique facial clefts) and the conditions in which they occur, we analyzed a population-based sample of 4,433 cases ascertained from 2,509,881 California births. We classified cases into: isolated cleft anomalies, sequences of the primary defect, chromosomal aberrations, monogenic syndromes, results of known teratogens, associations, multiple congenital anomaly (MCA) of unknown etiology, or conjoined twins. The birth prevalence of isolated CL+/-P was 0.77 per 1,000 births (CL 0.29/1,000, CLP 0.48/1,000) and of isolated CP, 0.31 per 1,000 births. Non-Hispanic Whites had the greatest prevalence of isolated clefts, Asians slightly lower prevalences, and Blacks the lowest. Asians had the lowest prevalence of Robin sequence and nonHispanic Whites the highest, twice that of Hispanics. Hispanics, followed by Asians, had the highest prevalence of CL+/-P with MCA; non-Hispanic Whites had the lowest. Asians had the lowest prevalence of CP; in Whites and Hispanics it was almost twice as high. Blacks had the highest CL:CLP ratio, followed by non-Hispanic Whites and Asians; Hispanics had the lowest. Isolated anomalies constituted 61.67% of clefts. In the total sample there were 3.9% sequences, 8.79% chromosomal aberrations, 6.02% monogenic syndromes, 0.2% known teratogens, 0.79% associations, 18.55% MCA of unknown etiology, and 0.1% in conjoined twins. This study supports evaluation of each child on a "case" level, and provides a framework for genetic counseling and other studies focused on causes and prevention of these serious anomalies.
Trace amounts of volatile sulfur compounds were determined in the expired alveolar gas by gas chromatography. Among these sulfur containing substances, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide were quantitatively analyzed in 116 subjects; 53 normal, 13 acute hepatitis, 11 chronic hepatitis, 20 hepatic cirrhosis, and 19 stomach ulcer and/or biopsy of gastric mucosa. Fasting level of dimethyl sulfide in cirrhotics was 4.05 +/- 1.06 ng/dl, significantly elevated by comparison with normal controls (1.54 +/- 0.09 ng/dl) (P less than 0.05). In contrast, methyl mercaptan did not show a statistically significant rise in this study. The implications of the significant increase in dimethyl sulfide concentration in liver cirrhosis are discussed.
Plasticity is a typical feature of development and can lead to divergent phenotypes. There is increasing evidence that epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, are present across species, are modifiable by the environment, and are involved in developmental plasticity. Thus, in the context of the concept of developmental homology, epigenetic mechanisms may serve to create a process homology between species by providing a common molecular pathway through which environmental experiences shape development, ultimately leading to phenotypic diversity. This article will highlight evidence derived from across-species investigations of epigenetics, development, and plasticity which may contribute to our understanding of the homology that exists between species and between ancestors and descendants.
A monoclonal antibody to allatostatin I of the cockroach Diploptera punctata was used to establish a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for quantification of allatostatin-like peptides in the hindgut of the adult male earwig, Euborellia annulipes. Hindguts of 0-day males contained significantly more allatostatin-positive material than those of 8-day males fed on catfood. However, males starved for the first 8 days of adult life had significantly higher levels of allatostatin-positive material than those of either 0-day or of 8-day fed males. Hindguts from 0-day old males exhibited lower spontaneous motility in vitro than those from 8-day males. Hindguts from males at both ages responded to allostatin with reversible, dosage-dependent decreases in hindgut motility, and responded to proctolin with reversible, dosage-dependent increases in hindgut motility. When both allatostatin and proctolin were applied to hindgut preparations simultaneously and in equal concentrations, the response varied with the stage of the male. Starvation enhanced hindgut motility and abolished the response to allatostatin, but not to proctolin. These results indicate the presence of material similar to cockroach allatostatins in male earwigs, and that the levels change with age and physiological stage. Furthermore, such peptides may indeed be regulatory neuropeptides and could modulate hindgut contraction. There was an increase in sensitivity to exogenous allatostatin in the hindgut during development from day 0 to day 8 in feeding males, but a loss in sensitivity in response to starvation; sensitivity to exogenous proctolin also increased with age, but such responsiveness was not diminished by starva
OBJECTIVE To assess the impact on hospital admissions produced by trees and other falling objects, to examine these accidents' circumstances, and to investigate the degree of support provided by the data for tree-related accident prevention. METHODS Admissions to emergency departments in the Hunter Region for the period 2008-2012 allocated the International Classification of Disease 10 code W20 (struck by falling object) were analysed. RESULTS Of 620 admissions, 125 files were incorrectly coded leaving an eligible sample of 495 W20 admissions. Males made up 79.4% of admissions. Where recorded, the commonest accident locations were workplaces (63.2%) and homes (31.5%). Trees/branches caused only 24 (4.8%) of such accidents with an age-adjusted admission rate of 0.28 per 10,000 people compared with 6.84 per 10,000 for all falling objects combined. Most tree-related admissions (at least 62.5%) occurred to persons actively interacting with the tree. Being male (p=0.04) and living in an outer regional area (p=0.001) increased the incidence of tree injuries. CONCLUSIONS Hospital admissions caused by falling objects especially trees are uncommon. Implications for public health: It is difficult to justify any major health promotion expenditure to reduce tree-related accidents, given their especial rarity. Any funds allocated should focus on preventing falling object injuries in workplaces and homes.
Fibronectin (FN), an extracellular matrix ligand, plays a pivotal role in cell adhesion, migration, and oncogenic transformation. Aberrant FN expression is associated with poor prognoses in various types of cancer, including breast cancer. In the current study, we investigated the relationship between FN induction and HER2 expression in breast cancer cells. Our results showed that the level of FN expression increased in response to HER family ligands, EGF and TGF-α in a time- and dose-dependent manner. On the other hand, EGF-induced FN expression decreased in response to trastuzumab, which is a HER2-targeted monoclonal antibody. However, EGF-induced FN expression was not affected by trastuzumab in JIMT-1 breast cancer cells, which are trastuzumab insensitive cells. Next, we introduced the HER2 gene into MDA-MB231 cells to verify the relationship between FN and HER2. The level of FN expression significantly increased in HER2-overexpressed MDA-MB231 cells. In contrast, the induction of FN by HER2 was significantly decreased in response to trastuzumab treatment. In addition, the induction of FN by HER2 was down-regulated by the MEK 1/2 specific inhibitor, U0126. Using conditioned culture media of vec- and HER2-overexpressed MDA-MB231 cells, we observed the cell morphology, adhesion, and invasion of MDA-MB231 cells. Interestingly, in conditioned culture media of HER2-overexpressed MDA-MB231 cells, the cell morphology was altered, and adhesion and invasion of MDA-MB231 cells significantly increased. In addition, our results showed that recombinant human FN augmented cell adhesion and invasion of MDA-MB231 cells while these inductions decreased in response to an FN inhibitor. Therefore, we demonstrated that the induction of FN by HER2 triggers cell adhesion and invasion capacities.
Surface coatings are becoming an integral part of materials. In recent years, molecular coatings have found larger acceptance and uses. Among them, self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are attractive due to their inherent versatility, manufacturability, and scale up ease. Understanding their structure-properties relationships in realistic conditions remains a major challenge. Here we present a methodology based on simultaneous topographical and nanomechanical characterization of SAMs using a commercially available setup for bimodal atomic force microscopy (AFM). It allows for accurate and quantitative measurement of surface elasticity, which is correlated to molecular ordering through topographical imaging. Our results indicate that effective surface elasticity (E*) scales with monolayer formation-time and ligand-length, parameters known to affect ligand ordering. The method developed, is extended to provide localization of the chemical species present in thiolated binary SAMs. Within the systems tested phase separation down to ∼10 nm domains could be observed both in the topography and in the elasticity channel.
OBJECTIVES To provide a more accurate estimate of early smoking-attributable mortality and potential years of life lost using data from a representative study of 103 study areas in China. METHODS Two datasets were employed as follows. Firstly, retrospective national mortality survey data, which included a population of 67 million in 103 study areas, and about 1 million adults who died in 1986-1988; secondly, nationally representative case-control comparative data was extracted from the survey data to measure the effect of smoking on age trends in smoking-attributable mortality. Potential years of life lost, and sex differences in life expectancy in smokers and non-smokers in the total population aged 35 and over were also estimated. RESULTS Tobacco caused 11.2% (16.0% of men and 3.7% of women) of total deaths in 1987, and more than two-thirds of these excess deaths occurred between the ages of 50 and 74 years, but only less than 5% excess deaths occurred at ages under 50. Although life expectancies varied with region or sex differences, the years of life lost attributable to smoking was almost the same. Smokers at age 35 lost about 3 years of life expectancy in comparison with never smokers. The study also confirmed that more than 50% of the sex difference in life expectancy was accounted for by smoking. CONCLUSION Fully understanding the consequences of smoking in relation to mortality can clarify its effects on the health and longevity of the entire population.
Prostate cancer (PCa) is a malignant tumor with a high incidence in males. Localized tumors can be treated via surgery or radiation; however, it remains difficult to prevent disease progression. Bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) is an epigenetic reader protein that binds to acetylated lysine on histones and has been reported to serve critical roles in numerous types of cancers. In the present study, it was demonstrated that BRD4 expression levels were significantly increased in cancerous prostate tissue specimens and cells, which were associated with clinical stage and metastasis. In addition, the present study reported that inhibition of BRD4 via short hairpin RNA or JQ1 (a bromodomain inhibitor) decreased PCa cell proliferation, induced G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, mitigated cell invasion and migration in vitro, and impaired tumor growth in vivo. Mechanistically, BRD4 inhibition-induced suppression of cell cycle progression was associated with the upregulation of p21 and cyclin D1. c-Myc and B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2), important genes responsible for cell cycle regulation and anti-apoptotic functions, were downregulated in response to BRD4 inhibition. Furthermore, the present study revealed that c-Myc expression was negatively regulated by p21, and that the induction of p21 via BRD4 inhibition was mediated by forkhead box protein O1 (FOXO1), rather than p53. In summary, the results of the present study suggested that the aberrant expression of BRD4 in PCa may induce carcinogenesis. In addition, a mechanism by which BRD4 inhibition suppresses cell proliferation via the regulation of FOXO1-p21-Myc signaling was proposed in the present study, which may contribute to the development of novel therapeutic approaches in the management of PCa.
PURPOSE To report the impact of the adoption of a low oxygen saturation policy on retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) incidence at a single tertiary care center. METHODS ROP incidence, procedures for ROP, and neonatal outcome among very low birth weight infants were compared before and after the adoption of a low saturation policy, which took place in 2004. The Mann– Whitney test was performed to look for differences. RESULTS The incidence of severe ROP significantly decreased from 5.3% of live very low birth weight infants between 1999 and 2004 to 1% of live very low birth weight infants between 2005 and 2012 (P = .003). The use of laser therapy for severe ROP between the same periods significantly decreased from 6.4% of live very low birth weight infants between 1999 and 2004 to 0.6% of live very low birth weight infants between 2005 and 2012 (P = .002). There was also a significant reduction of death or bronchopulmonary dysplasia from 33.8% between 1999 and 2004 to 24.2% between 2005 and 2012 (P = .02). CONCLUSIONS Trained personnel and low and tailored oxygen saturation intervals for very low birth weight infants could play a pivotal role in reducing the incidence of severe ROP without increasing mortality.
The laccase enzymatic characteristics and delignification processes of rice straw by Comamonas testosteroni FJ17 were investigated. Artificial intelligence modeling and molecular docking revealed the specific functional properties involved in the interaction between laccase and lignin compounds with a maximum laccase activity of 2016.7 U L-1 at 24 h. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometer analysis confirmed that laccase caused fractures and holes on the surface of rice straw, where crystallinity decrease from 45.3 to 39.9%, and lignin content decreased from 19.0 to 10.3%. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed that the main delignification process for laccase was via β-o-4 and α-aryl ether cleavage, which generated several small molecular products. The laccase gene was cloned and bioinformatics analysis presented 317 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 33.13 kDa. Finally, laccase protein was found to have low binding energies with all lignin compounds tested, and lignin compounds were oxidized by laccase through hydrogen-bonding interactions with the amino acid residues.
The study aimed to develop an understanding of health visitor recruitment and retention by examining what existing staff and new recruits wanted from their job, their professional aspirations and what would encourage them to start and stay in employment. Following a period of steady decline in numbers, the health visitor workforce in England has recently been invested in and expanded to deliver universal child public health. To capitalise on this large investment, managers need an understanding of factors influencing workforce retention and continuing recruitment of health visitors. The study was designed using an interpretive approach and involved students (n = 17) and qualified health visitors (n = 22) from the north and south of England. Appreciative inquiry (AI) exercises were used as methods of data collection during 2012. During AI exercises students and health visitors wrote about 'a practice experience you have felt excited and motivated by and briefly describe the factors that contributed to this'. Participants were invited to discuss their written accounts of practice with a peer during an audio-recorded sharing session. Participants gave consent for written accounts and transcribed recordings to be used as study data, which was examined using framework analysis. In exploring personal meanings of health visiting, participants spoke about the common aspiration to make a difference to children and families. To achieve this, they expected their job to allow them to: connect with families; work with others; use their knowledge, skills and experience; use professional autonomy. The study offers new insights into health visitors' aspirations, showing consistency with conceptual explanations of optimal professional practice. Psychological contract theory illustrates connections between professional aspirations and work commitment. Managers can use these findings as part of workforce recruitment and retention strategies and for building on the health visitor commitment to making a difference to children and families.
Renal carcinomas are histologically and prognostically heterogeneous. Genomic as well as chromosomal studies of these tumors have permitted a better comprehension of molecular mechanisms implicated in their development and progression. The most frequent histological subtypes are characterized by recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities, such as the loss of the chromosome 3 short arm involving a VHL gene copy in clear cell renal carcinomas, or trisomies 7 and 17 in papillary renal cell carcinomas. New histological subtypes like renal carcinomas associated with Xp11.2 translocations have also been individualized. Besides diagnosis, some chromosomal aberrations like the loss of a short arm of chromosome 9 in different renal carcinoma histological subtypes have a worse prognostic impact. The identification of chromosomal shuffles contributes in backing histological diagnosis and in precising the individual prognosis of patients. This review describes chromosomal abnormalities associated to renal carcinomas and their impact for an accurate classification of these tumors and the evaluation of their prognosis.
This study assessed the responses of four local Spanish cultivars of Phaseolus lunatus (lima bean) to moderate salinity. For three weeks, plants were exposed to increasing salinity (50–150 mM NaCl) under greenhouse conditions. At the end of the experiment, several growth and biochemical parameters were determined. Salt stress reduced the fresh weight of aerial organs, allowing us to rank the four genotypes according to their tolerance to salinity. The concentration of most photosynthetic pigments remained unaltered, except carotenoids that were reduced in the least salt-tolerant cv. (cultivar) VPH-79. Leaf Na+ and Cl− concentrations increased with increased salt concentration of irrigation water, but K+ either remained constant, as in the most tolerant ‘BGV-15410’, or increased in the other cultivars, resulting in an unchanged K+/Na+ ratio under stress in two of the selected cultivars. Moreover, proline increased in all cultivars, most notably in cv. VPH-79, with the highest absolute concentrations registered in the more salt tolerant cultivars. Interestingly, these cultivars already had a relatively higher proline concentration in non-stressed plants. These findings indicate that P. lunatus is moderately salt tolerant and that its main mechanisms to adjust to salinity stress are the maintenance of high concentrations of K+ and proline accumulation in leaves. © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerl
BACKGROUND Lip enhancement using fillers improves appearance by increasing fullness, enhancing lip definition, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the lips. AIMS To investigate a 24 mg/mL hyaluronic acid (HA) with pre-incorporated lidocaine gel for lip definition and enhancement, medium-deep lines, and oral commissures. PATIENTS/METHODS Eleven injectors enrolled 57 patients (96% women; aged 18-60+ years) requesting lip definition and enhancement. Prospective data were captured using an Injector Patient Case Assessment Form and Patient Questionnaire. RESULTS Ninety-five percent of injectors found the gel 'very easy' to inject, with 82% finding it "very easy" to massage/sculpt. Combined injector and patient pain assessment revealed little treatment discomfort. Ninety-nine percent of injectors reported improved aesthetic effect compared to baseline. Post-treatment, 99% of injectors rated the lips as "smooth." All patients reported improved lip appearance and smoothness, and 96% were satisfied with the treatment experience. Compared to previous lip treatment, all patients reported their lips felt better, 57% rated the aesthetic effect as better, and 84% rated satisfaction as better than previous treatments. Ninety-eight percent of patients and injectors would recommend treatment to others. CONCLUSIONS High levels of injector and patient satisfaction were found after use of this 24 mg/mL HA with pre-incorporated lidocaine for lip definition and enhancement.
INTRODUCTION Patients with type 1 diabetes are susceptible to hypertension, possibly resulting from increased salt sensitivity and accompanied changes in body fluid composition. We examined the effect of a high-salt diet (HSD) in type 1 diabetes on hemodynamics, including blood pressure (BP) and body fluid composition. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We studied eight male patients with type 1 diabetes and 12 matched healthy controls with normal BP, body mass index, and renal function. All subjects adhered to a low-salt diet and HSD for eight days in randomized order. On day 8 of each diet, extracellular fluid volume (ECFV) and plasma volume were calculated with the use of iohexol and 125I-albumin distribution. Hemodynamic measurements included BP, cardiac output (CO), and systemic vascular resistance. RESULTS After HSD, patients with type 1 diabetes showed a BP increase (mean arterial pressure: 85 (5) mm Hg vs 80 (3) mm Hg; p<0.05), while BP in controls did not rise (78 (5) mm Hg vs 78 (5) mm Hg). Plasma volume increased after HSD in patients with type 1 diabetes (p<0.05) and not in controls (p=0.23). There was no significant difference in ECFV between diets, while HSD significantly increased CO, heart rate (HR) and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in type 1 diabetes but not in controls. There were no significant differences in systemic vascular resistance, although there was a trend towards an HSD-induced decrease in controls (p=0.09). CONCLUSIONS In the present study, patients with type 1 diabetes show a salt-sensitive BP rise to HSD, which is accompanied by significant increases in plasma volume, CO, HR, and NT-proBNP. Underlying mechanisms for these responses need further research in order to unravel the increased susceptibility to hypertension and cardiovascular disease in diabetes. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBERS NTR4095 and NTR4788.
Measuring the concentration of growth hormone (GH) in blood samples taken during dynamic tests represents the basis for diagnosis of growth hormone related disorders, namely growth hormone deficiency and growth hormone excess. Today, a wide spectrum of immunoassays are in use, enabling rapid and sensitive determination of growth hormone concentrations in routine diagnostics. From a clinical point of view several difficulties exist with the use and interpretation of GH assay results in the assessment of GH related disorders: Many physiological factors such as fat mass, age and gender influence the outcome of dynamic tests, overall leading to significant inter-individual differences in GH responses. However, in addition to the physiological variability, considerable variability exists in GH assay results obtained by different immunoassays. Unfortunately, all the new technical advances in the field of GH measurement techniques have not reduced this methodological variability. To a large extent, the actual values reported for the GH concentration in a sample depend on the method used by the respective laboratory. Obviously, such discrepancies limit the applicability of consensus guidelines on diagnosis and treatment in clinical practice. This review summarizes current practices for GH measurement with respect to the methods used, their limitations and the clinical consequences of the existing heterogeneity in GH immunoassay results.
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between inclusion levels of Acacia angustissima leaf meal against nutritionally related blood metabolites, activity of liver enzymes, and scaled internal organs in broilers. A total of 120 Ross 308 broiler chicks with initial body weight of 0.90 ± 0.043 kg were randomly allotted to six diets containing different inclusion levels, namely 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 g kg−1 dry matter of A. angustissima leaf meal. Each inclusion level of A. angustissima leaf meal was replicated four times. Five birds were randomly assigned to each replicate. There was a linear decrease in cholesterol (P < 0.05) with increasing levels of A. angustissima leaf meal. There was a linear increase in scaled gizzard weight (P < 0.05), scaled heart weight (SHW; P < 0.001), and intestine weight (P < 0.001). Scaled spleen weight (P < 0.01) had a positive quadratic relationship with levels of A. angustissima leaf meal. There was a positive quadratic response in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity with increasing levels of A. angustissima leaf meal (P < 0.001). The concentration of cholesterol and liver enzymes demonstrates the potential of leaf meals to be incorporated in poultry diets. The optimum inclusion level of A. angustissima was attained at 60 g kg−1 for ALP and 90 g kg−1 for SHW. © 2019, Agricultural Institute of Canada. All rights reser
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of temperature on biological parameters of Praon volucre (Haliday) (Hymenoptera Braconidae) and to determine its thermal requirements with the aphid Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) (Rhynchota Aphididae) as host. Tests were carried out at 18, 20, 22, 24, and 26 +/- 1 degrees C, RH 70 +/- 10% and 12h photophase. 24h-old mated P. volucre females without previous experience of oviposition were released into a Petri dish containing a leaf disc of lettuce on a water/agar layer (1%) and 20 second- and third-instar nymphs of A. solani. Percentages of mummification were highest at 18 degrees C (64%) and 20 degrees C (66%). Developmental time decreased as the temperature increased, ranging from 19.8 days at 18 degrees C to 12.3 days at 26 degrees C. Emergence rate was not affected by temperature and was between 79.6% and 93.4%. Sex ratios varied between 32% and 51% females, but did not differ significantly at the 5 temperatures. Adult longevity strongly decreased with increasing temperature in the range from 18 degrees C to 22 degrees C, but was similar in the range from 22 to 26 degrees C. A. solani had an average tibia length of 0.52 mm when oviposition by P. volucre took place, and 1.17 mm at mummification. Even though host size at mummification was not influenced by temperature, parasitoid size was negatively affected by higher temperatures. The threshold temperature for development was 4.5 degrees C and the thermal constant was 270 DD. Our findings indicate that P. volucre performs best at temperatures from 22 degrees C to 24 degrees C, and that a mixture of 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs of A. solani is adequate for rearing this parasitoid. This information helps optimization of parasitoid mass-rearing, and with timing of parasitoid releases to obtain establishment and synchronization with the host under greenhouse conditions
BACKGROUND AND AIM Polymorphisms in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) are known to be associated with predisposition for certain cancers. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of lifestyle factors, family history and genetic polymorphisms in MTHFR C677T and A1298C on rectal cancer risk and possible interactions with lifestyle factors in Northeast Thailand. METHODS A hospital-based case-control study was conducted during 2002-2006 with recruitment of 112 rectal cancer cases and 242 non-rectal cancer patient controls. Information was collected using a structured-questionnaire. Blood samples were obtained for assay of MTHFR C677T and A1298C genotypes by polymerase chain reaction with restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) techniques. Associations between lifestyle factors, family history and genetic polymorphisms v.s. rectal cancer risk were assessed using logistic regression analysis. RESULTS Subjects with frequent and occasional constipation had a higher risk (OR adj.=14.64; 95%CI=4.28-50.04 and OR adj.=2.15; 95%CI=1.14-4.06), along with those who reported ever having hemorrhoids (OR adj.=2.82; 95%CI=1.36-5.84) or a family history of cancer (OR adj.=1.90; 95%CI=1.06-3.39). Consumption of a high level of pork was also associated with risk (OR adj.=1.82; 95%CI=1.05-3.15). Interactions were not observed between MTHFR and other risk factors. CONCLUSIONS This study suggested that the risk factors for rectal cancer in the Thai population are bowel habits, having had hemorrhoids, a family history of cancer and pork consumption.
Since the Hammersmith cyclotron was removed, the earlier therapy results have been extensively re-examined. The overall experiences can be summarized as follows: 1. A total neutron dose of 1560 cGy given in twelve equally spaced fractions over 20 days seems to be the optimum. Neutrons, therefore, provide a treatment option with great advantage with respect to patient management. 2. Rapid tumour regression is an important often ignored effect, leading to a quick relief of pain and other serious symptoms in the patient. 3. Due to the high incidence of complete regression complicated surgery can be avoided in many cases. Tissue deficits can be often covered by modern methods of surgery repair. 4. Local control rates are as high as 60 to 80% of the advanced tumours. They improve the quality of life and reduce the cost of continuing patients' care.
Complementary and genomic clones for a second form (the beta isoform) of rat nucleoside diphosphate kinase were isolated. Structural studies revealed that nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the beta isoform were quite similar to those of the alpha isoform (identities were 82 and 89%, respectively), which were delineated in our previous study (Kimura, N., Shimada, N., Nomura, K., and Watanabe, K. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 15744-15749). The gene encoding the beta isoform, covering 10 kilobases and comprising five exons, was located in tandem in the immediate vicinity (at a 3-kilobase distance) of the 5' upstream of the alpha isoform gene which was recently reported from this laboratory (Ishikawa, N., Shimada, N., Munakata, Y., Watanabe, K., and Kimura, N. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 14366-14372), suggesting their generation by gene duplication. The exon-intron junctions were exactly conserved between the two genes. Southern blot analyses showed that unidentified fragments cross-reacted with the beta isoform cDNA probe besides those containing the genuine gene, and at least two of them were identified as possible processed pseudogenes. Northern and dot blot hybridization studies demonstrated that the alpha isoform was more expressed than the beta isoform in rat tissues examined except brain, from which the isoform designation was derived. These results suggest independent expression and specific roles of these isoforms in the cell. Comparative studies between rat and human isoforms indicate that the isoforms could have differentiated before the two species evolutionally diverged.
This research was conducted as an experiment-control experimental study which aimed to determine the effectiveness of a psychoeducation program prepared to reduce internalized stigmatization. The study included 47 patients (24 experimental, 23 control) who had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At the end of the psychoeducation program, a significant decrease was observed in the total ISSMI mean scores, as well as in the ISSMI subscale mean scores for subscales such as alienation, approval of stereotypes, perceived discrimination and social withdrawal (p<0.05). The results demonstrated that a psychoeducation program designed for internalized stigmatization may have positive effects on the internalized stigmatization levels of patients with bipolar disorder.
P450BM-3 is an extensively studied P450 cytochrome that is naturally fused to a cytochrome P450 reductase domain. Crystal structures of the heme domain of this enzyme have previously generated many insights into features of P450 structure, substrate binding specificity, and conformational changes that occur on substrate binding. Although many P450s are inhibited by imidazole, this compound does not effectively inhibit P450BM-3. Omega-imidazolyl fatty acids have previously been found to be weak inhibitors of the enzyme and show some unusual cooperativity with the substrate lauric acid. We set out to improve the properties of these inhibitors by attaching the omega-imidazolyl fatty acid to the nitrogen of an amino acid group, a tactic that we used previously to increase the potency of substrates. The resulting inhibitors were significantly more potent than their parent compounds lacking the amino acid group. A crystal structure of one of the new inhibitors bound to the heme domain of P450BM-3 reveals that the mode of interaction of the amino acid group with the enzyme is different from that previously observed for acyl amino acid substrates. Further, required movements of residues in the active site to accommodate the imidazole group provide an explanation for the low affinity of imidazole itself. Finally, the previously observed cooperativity with lauric acid is explained by a surprisingly open substrate-access channel lined with hydrophobic residues that could potentially accommodate lauric acid in addition to the inhibitor itself.
Research over the last decade has led to tremendous advances in the characterization of the transcriptional networks involved in the initiation and maintenance of the shoot apical meristem (SAM), as well as the factors involved in the formation and development of leaves by this organ. However, one aspect of the SAM that has received rather limited attention is the fact that it is characterized by being heterotrophic, in contrast to the majority of cells and tissues immediately derived from it which rapidly undergo differentiation to form photosythetically active, autotrophic organs. This clear physiological and biochemical distinction of the SAM from the surrounding tissue raises interesting questions as to what controls the transition from heterotrophic to autotrophic growth, the nature and sequence of the metabolic events that must occur on this transition, as well as basic questions as to the potential interaction of development and metabolism in this small but essential organ of the plant. In this review, an overview is provided of present knowledge in this area, as well as some recent data that provide an insight into the potential intertwining of metabolic and developmental mechanisms during leaf initiation.
Given the complexity of Alzheimer's disease (AD), it is a key object to explore broad outcomes, such as patient health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in relation to other variables including the feeling of burden experienced by caregivers. Methods Validated tests and questionnaires were used in this survey for the assessment of clinical variables of patients, the severity of the caregiver burden, and the measurement of the HRQoL of mild-to-moderate AD patients. This study was carried on also in order to evaluate the appropriateness of the questionnaires (DEMQOL and DEMQOL-Proxy) utilized in measuring HRQoL in AD and of their capability to identify whether there is agreement between ratings obtained by patients and caregivers. Results The amount of burden for caregivers was found to be positively correlated with several measures of cognitive, psychological, behavioral, and motor impairment of the patients. Carers evaluated HRQoL worse than AD sufferers. A significant correlation was demonstrated between the caregiver stress and severity of depressive symptoms in the patients. The DEMQOL-PROXY was found to be significantly correlated with the patient level of depressive symptoms. Conclusions Depressive symptoms mostly worsen the caregiver tolerability of the patient mental impoverishment. It is of great importance to assess patients with mild-to-moderate AD carefully in terms of depressive symptoms because they may have a great clinical implication. There was relatively low agreement between ratings concerning HRQoL obtained by patients and caregivers despite the capacity of the questionnaire to yield many clinical shades concerning the patient HRQoL. © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS and European Union Geriatric Medicine Society
A total of 220 patients with clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), an AUA symptom index (AUA SI) of > 13 points, and a peak flow rate of < 12 ml/s were randomly assigned to either active or sham treatment. All treatments were conducted as an outpatient procedure without general anesthesia. Sham-treated patients underwent a simulated 60-min treatment with an indwelling treatment catheter. Patients were followed at 1 week and at 1, 3, and 6 months. The treatments were well tolerated. The AUA SI dropped from 23.6 to 12.6 points at 6 months (P < 0.05) in the active group and from 23.9 to 17.9 points in the sham-treated group (P < 0.05 for the difference between groups). There was a significant difference between the groups at 6 months (P < 0.001). Similar and statistically significant changes occurred regarding the AUA bother index and the quality of life scores. Statistically significant improvements were also noted for the peak flow rate (from 7.7 to 10.6 ml/s at 6 months for the active group and from 8.1 to 9.6 ml/s for the sham-treated group; P < 0.05 for the difference between groups) and for the average flow rate. An improvement in the AUA SI of > 30% was achieved by 72% versus 40% (active versus sham) and an improvement of > 50% was accomplished by 48% versus 21% of the respective patients. Actively treated patients reported more dysuria, urgency, and ejaculatory dysfunction following treatment than did sham-treated patients. Urinary retention occurred in 5.4% of patients. The Dornier Urowave is better in improving symptoms, bother, quality of life, and flow rates than is a sham treatment in patients with symptomatic BPH. The treatments can be given on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia. Adverse events are in general transient and mild in nature. This device compares favorably with other second-generation devices. Extended follow-up is necessary to document the long-term durability of these improvements.
In the present study, the toxic effects of 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT), 2,6-dinitrotoluene (2,6-DNT) and a selection of their respective metabolites were examined and compared to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) using the 15-min Microtox (Vibrio fischen) and 96-h freshwater green alga (Selenastrum capricomutum) growth inhibition tests. All of the compounds tested were less toxic than TNT. Using the Microtox assay, 2,6-DNT was more toxic than 2,4-DNT and the order of toxicity for 2,6-DNT and its metabolites was: 2,6-DNT > or = 2A-6NT >> 2,6-DAT; whereas that for 2,4-DNT was: 4A-2NT > 2A-4NT > 2,4-DNT > 2,4-DAT. For the algal test, 2,4-DNT was more toxic than 2,6-DNT and the order of toxicity for 2,4-DNT and its metabolites was: 2,4-DNT > 2,4-DAT approximately equal to 4A-2NT = 2A-4NT. The order of toxicity for 2,6-DNT and its reduced metabolites using the algal test was very similar to the Microtox bioassay. These results demonstrate that the reduced metabolites of 2,6-DNT tested in this study were less toxic than that of the parent compound, but certain partially reduced metabolites of 2,4-DNT can be more toxic than the parent molecule. These data put into question the general hypothesis that reductive metabolism of nitro-aromatics is associated with a sequential detoxification process.
In vivo the majority of sympathetic neurones are adrenergic, whereas in vitro they can become cholinergic. This atypical cholinergic development can be suppressed by addition of a glucocorticoid to the culture medium (McLennan, Hill and Hendry, 1980). In this paper we have investigated the possibility that glucocorticoids influence the choice of sympathetic transmitter type in vivo. Reduction in circulatory glucocorticoids by adrenalectomy of 2-day-old rat pups did not result in increased cholinergic development in their superior cervical ganglia. Furthermore, administration of exogenous corticosterone to increase circulatory glucocorticoids in young rats did not prevent the developmental switch in transmitter type of the sympathetic innervation of the sweat gland from adrenergic to cholinergic. It is concluded that the developmental regulation of sympathetic transmitter type in vitro may not be analogous to that in vivo.
The phenomena of protein reconstitution and three-dimensional domain swapping reveal that highly similar structures can be obtained whether a protein is comprised of one or more polypeptide chains. In this review, we use protein reconstitution as a lens through which to examine the range of protein tolerance to chain interruptions and the roles of the primary structure in related features of protein structure and folding, including circular permutation, natively unfolded proteins, allostery, and amyloid fibril formation. The results imply that noncovalent interactions in a protein are sufficient to specify its structure under the constraints imposed by the covalent backbone.
The relationship between chemical components of pod shell and pod dehiscence was investigated using 25 soybean cultivars; 16 with easily dehiscing pods (susceptible cultivars) and 9 with hardly dehiscing pods (resistant cultivars). After air-drying for about three weeks, the pod shells were ground and analyzed for the contents of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), hemi-cellulose (HCe), cellulose (Ce), uronic acid and calcium. The correlation of the contents of chemical components with the percentage of pod dehiscence (%PD) was examined by principal component analysis. The first principal ingredient score was given by the formula; score= -0.421[ADF] -0.038[ADL]+0.821[HCe] -0.382[Ce] +20.556, where, [ADF], [ADL], [HCe] and [Ce] are percentage of each component in dried pod shell. This score gave an eigenvalue of 30.2 and contribution rate of 97.1%, and the score was higher in the susceptible cultivars than in the resistant cultivars on the average. The multiple regression analysis of the relationship between %PD and the content of chemical components also showed that %PD was best predicted by the regression equation with two chemical components, [HCe] and [Ce]. Water retention capacity and cellulose crystallinity of the pod shell were less different between the susceptible and resistant cultivars. The results in this study suggested that the chemical analysis of dry pod shell may provide useful information on breeding and selection of the resistant cultivars
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoconstrictor peptide derived from endothelium. The presence of ET-1 in human vascular endothelium and in the plasma suggests that it may play a role in the regulation of vascular tone and blood pressure (BP) in humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of plasma ET-1 in 10 normotensives (average 36.3 +/- 14.8 years) and 10 borderline hypertensives (average 42.0 +/- 11.7 years) before, during and after a standard cold pressor test. We also evaluated the behaviour of heart rate and BP at the same time. Our results demonstrated that the baseline (-10 and 0 min) plasma ET-1 values were identical for the two groups (8.6 +/- 5.8 and 8 +/- 4.7 pg/ml in normotensives; 7.8 +/- 2.7 and 7 +/- 2.4 pg/ml in borderline hypertensives). A statistically significant increment was verified 10 min after exposure to cold in the borderline hypertensive group (12.1 +/- 5.1 pg/ml) compared with the normotensives group (6.8 +/- 4.5 pg/ml; P < 0.05). In conclusion, our study demonstrated that after 10 min of cold pressor stimulus an increase of circulating ET-1 levels was seen in borderline hypertensives.
PURPOSE Radiation pneumonitis sometimes extends beyond the irradiated area of a lung and can also affect the opposite lung. Some immunological mechanisms, in addition to simple direct injury of the lungs by radiation, seem to be involved in the onset of radiation pneumonitis. To clarify such mechanisms, the effects of radiation on local inflammatory cells in lungs, in particular, lymphocytes, were examined. METHODS AND MATERIALS A comparison was made of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) findings from 13 irradiated patients (RT group) and 15 nonirradiated patients (non-RT group) with lung cancer. Patients who later developed radiation pneumonitis (RP group) and those who did not (RP-free group) were also compared. Using a two-color flowcytometer, radiation-induced changes in local inflammatory cells in lungs were analyzed. This included analyses of human leukocyte-associated antigen (HLADR) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression on T-cells, which are though to be involved in cell activation and interactions between cells. RESULTS The following aspects of BALF were higher in the RT group than in the non-RT group: (a) the percentage of lymphocytes and eosinophiles; (b) the incidence of HLADR-positive CD4+T-cells and HLADR-positive CD8+T-cells; and (c) the incidence of ICAM-1--positive T-cells. The following aspects of BALF were higher in the RP group than in the RP-free group: (a) the total cell counts; (b) the percentage of lymphocytes; and (c) the incidence of ICAM-1-positive T-cells. A significant relationship was seen between the incidence of ICAM-1 expression on T-cells and the number of days from the initiation of radiotherapy to the onset of radiation pneumonitis. CONCLUSION These data suggest that irradiation can induce accumulation of activated T-cells (HLADR and ICAM-1--positive T-cells) in the lung. This accumulation may be closely linked to radiation-induced lung injury. It is also suggested that the incidence of ICAM-1--positive T-cells in BALF may serve as a useful clinical marker of radiation pneumonitis.
Kv2.1 channels exhibit a U-shaped voltage-dependence of inactivation that is thought to represent preferential inactivation from preopen closed states. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying so-called U-type inactivation are unknown. We have performed a cysteine scan of the S3-S4 and S5-P-loop linkers and found sites that are important for U-type inactivation. In the S5-P-loop linker, U-type inactivation was preserved in all mutant channels except E352C. This mutation, but not E352Q, abolished closed-state inactivation while preserving open-state inactivation, resulting in a loss of the U-shaped voltage profile. The reducing agent DTT, as well as the C232V mutation in S2, restored U-type inactivation to the E352C mutant, which suggests that residues 352C and C232 may interact to prevent U-type inactivation. The R289C mutation, in the S3-S4 linker, also reduced U-type inactivation. In this case, DTT had little effect but application of MTSET restored wild-type-like U-type inactivation behavior, suggestive of the importance of charge at this site. Kinetic modeling suggests that the E352C and R289C inactivation phenotypes largely resulted from reductions in the rate constants for transitions from closed to inactivated states. The data indicate that specific residues within the S3-S4 and S5-P-loop linkers may play important roles in Kv2.1 U-type inactivation.
The effects of two distinctive BHA pretreatment regimens on the biliary excretion of aflatoxin B1 (AFB) metabolites and the covalent binding of AFB to hepatic DNA were studied in vivo in the rat. To differentiate between enzyme induction effects and direct antioxidant effects, BHA was given to rats for 9 days (500 mg/kg/day, sc) or as a single dose (500 mg/kg, po), and [3H]AFB was administered ip. Repeated treatment with BHA enhanced the biliary excretion of both the glutathione conjugate of AFB and the AFP1-glucuronide to 200% of control values, reduced the amount of AFB remaining in the liver to 53% of control and reduced the covalent binding of AFB to hepatic DNA to 16% of control. A single BHA treatment had no effect on the biliary excretion of AFB or the binding of AFB to hepatic macromolecules, even though high concentrations of BHA were present in the liver during the period of AFB metabolism. These results support the hypothesis that BHA inhibits AFB carcinogenesis via the induction of phase II biotransformation pathways such as glutathione S-transferase, which act to reduce the amount of AFB-epoxide available for binding to DNA. We found no evidence of a direct antioxidant effect of BHA in altering the hepatobiliary disposition of AFB.
Among primary care practitioners there is limited knowledge about pharmacological treatment of AD HD, however, it is in their practice that the initial diagnosis and counseling about treatment takes place. Medikinet (methylphenidate) is a psychoactive substance registered for AD HD treatment. AD HD increases the risk of co-occurrence of other psychiatric disorders and in case of lack of the proper and early treatment, it may lead to various negative consequences in the adult life. AD HD pharmacotherapy in Poland has still very unstable position in comparison to other forms of treatment, such as psychoeducation and psychotherapy. Objectives. The aim of the study was to analyze opinions regarding efficacy and safety of Medikinet in AD HD treatment among child and adolescent psychiatrists. Material and methods. The study was conducted using Delphi methodology among 25 medical doctors. Results. From 210 opinions, 143 were included with the highest ratings. Medikinet was assessed as a safe and potent drug in treatment of main AD HD symptoms. The advantage of this drug is that it has a form of long-term effect that allows to optimize treatment and control safety in mono- and politherapy. Also positive opinions from caregivers have been mentioned that indirectly proves clinical efficacy. Conclusions. Medikinet is considered by medical doctors a safe and efficient drug that should be the first choice treatment in AD HD among children at school ag
Australian-Indonesian collaboration in veterinary development programs has led to significant advances in the study of arboviruses. This paper reviews the resulting knowledge of arboviral infections of livestock in Indonesia. The first recognized arboviral disease of animals in Indonesia was bovine ephemeral fever. Serology indicates that the virus is widespread, as are related rhabdoviruses. Local sheep appear resistant to bluetongue disease, but imported sheep have suffered mortalities. Bluetongue viral serotypes 1, 7, 9, 12, 21 and 23 have been isolated from sentinel cattle; 1, 21 and 23 at widely separate locations. Bluetongue serotype 21 has been isolated from Culicoides spp. Serological reactors to Akabane virus are widespread, as are reactors to the flavivirus group. Japanese encephalitis, isolated from sentinel pigs, is the flavivirus of most veterinary importance but the limit of its easterly distribution is unknown. Many of the arboviruses present in Indonesia are also present in Australia and elsewhere in Asia. Their patterns of mobility among countries in the region are largely undescribed, but there are opportunities for further regional collaboration.
111In or 99mTc-HMPAO labeled leukocyte scintigraphy has been shown to be useful in detection and diagnosis of infections and inflammatory lesions. Results from multiple retrospective series indicate that leukocyte scintigraphy achieves sensitivity and specificity of near 90% in abdominal abscess detection. 99mTc-HMPAO labeled leukocyte scintigraphy is now an accepted technique in the assessment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and the diagnostic value of early 99mTc-HMPAO labeled leukocyte images has been discussed. It is known that 99mTc-HMPAO labeled leukocytes migrate to a large extent to the bone marrow. 99mTc-HMPAO labeled leukocytes may prove to be a practical agent for bone marrow imaging. In this report, definition, classification and pathological consideration of inflammation, and history, diagnostic efficacy and consideration for clinical application of inflammation scintigraphy are reviewed.
The effect of ambient salinity changes (0.9, 6 and 12 psu) on the levels of dissolved ammonia (DA), ninhydrin positive substances (NPS), trimethylamine (TMA) and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) in the blood and tissue of medium-acclimated Sander lucioperca L. (also Stizostedion lucioperca) were investigated. In freshwater, blood and tissue total free amino acid levels (measured as NPS) were 3.62 mM and 60.61 mM, respectively. The NPS content increased significantly (P<0.05) in the tissue and blood on acclimation to 6 and 12 psu salinities. The mass-specific tissue TMAO concentration of pikeperch acclimated to normal freshwater was 0.413+/-0.084 micromol TMAO g(-1). Results reveal that TMAO levels are positively influenced by the external salinity medium where significant differences in mean levels occurred between the groups (P<0.05). The calculated p[NH(3)] and [NH(4)(+)] gradients reveal that the [NH(3)] gradient was consistently low (cf. the [NH(4)(+)] gradient). The gradient of p[NH(3)] decreased with the medium increased salinities. The results suggest that freshwater pikeperch may be able to resist salinity changes by manipulation of nitrogen metabolism. Free amino acids and TMAO are involved in mediating response to salinity exposure in freshwater pikeperch.
PURPOSE A crown restoration engaged by a clasp as an abutment tooth for a removable partial denture (RPD) occasionally might be removed and eliminated due to secondary caries or apical lesions. However, if the RPD is clinically acceptable without any problems and refabricating the RPD is not recommended, the new crown must be made to retrofit to the existing clasp of the RPD. This in vitro study evaluated the conventional and CAD/CAM procedures for retrofitting crown restorations to the existing clasps by measuring the fitness accuracy and the retentive forces. METHODS The crown restoration on #44 was fabricated with CP titanium and zirconium on the plaster model with #45 and #46 teeth missing to retrofit to the existing clasp using conventional thin coping and CAD/CAM procedures. The gap distance between the clasp (tip, shoulder, and rest regions) and the fabricated crown was measured using silicone impression material. The retentive force of the clasp was also measured, using an autograph at a crosshead speed of 50mm/min. The obtained data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA/Tukey's multiple comparison test (α=0.05). RESULTS The CAD/CAM procedure caused significantly smaller gap distances in all of the clasp regions, as compared to the conventional procedure (p<0.05). The retentive force of the CAD/CAM crown was significantly higher than for the conventional one (p<0.05). CONCLUSION When a crown restoration must be remade to retrofit an existing clasp, CAD/CAM fabrication can be recommended so that both appropriate fitness and retentive force are obtained.
BACKGROUND Cancer is currently a major public health problem worldwide, with a marked increase of about 70% in the number of expected diagnosed cases over the next two decades. The amount of tobacco and alcohol consumed is calculated based on the subjective information provided by the user. Tobacco exposure can be assessed using the Fagerström Test for Cigarette Dependence (FTCD) and alcohol consumption by the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). MATERIALS AND METHODS Forty-eight subjects answered the Fagerström, and AUDIT tests and we studied them as likely screening tools for oral cancer and their correlation with the expression of CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTP1, and GSTT1 genes by the RT-qPCR method. RESULTS There were significant differences in the AUDIT score and CYP1A1 expression between cancer and control groups. Participants in advanced stages, whether due to tumor size or regional metastasis, showed significant differences in the duration of tobacco use, FTCD, AUDIT score, and CYP1A1 expression when compared to patients in early stages. Among subjects without cancer, we found a significant correlation between participant age and GSTP1 expression. Furthermore, the expression of GSTP1 was significantly correlated with the number of cigarettes smoked per day, duration of tobacco use, and FTCD. CONCLUSIONS Questionnaires designed to evaluate the degree of tobacco and alcohol exposure and dependence combined with gene expression tests can be useful to assess the risk of developing oral cancer. Furthermore, raising the awareness of individuals regarding their degree of dependence and encouraging them to participate in cessation programs are important educational measures for the prevention of tobacco-related malignancies.
Three studies examined the role that attachment style plays in moderating the effects of induced negative affect on memory and judgment. Israeli undergraduates completed an attachment style scale and were exposed to a negative or neutral affect induction. In Study 1, incidental recall of negative and positive information was assessed; in Study 2, the attribution of negative and positive relational events was studied; and in Study 3, findings of Study 1 were replicated using a different affect induction procedure. Whereas securely attached persons reacted to induced negative affect with an affect-incongruent pattern of cognitions (better recall of positive information, more unstable/specific attribution of negative event), anxiously attached persons reacted with an affect-congruent pattern (worse recall of positive information, more stable/global attribution of negative event). Persons scoring high on attachment avoidance showed no significant cognitive effect of negative affect. The discussion emphasizes the role that attachment strategies play in the affect-cognition link.
A spider-transmitted fungus (Rhizopus microsporus) that was isolated from necrotic human tissue was found to harbor endofungal bacteria (Burkholderia sp.). Metabolic profiling of the symbionts revealed a complex of cytotoxic agents (necroximes). Their structures were characterized as oxime-substituted benzolactone enamides with a peptidic side chain. The potently cytotoxic necroximes are also formed in symbiosis with the fungal host and could have contributed to the necrosis. Genome sequencing and computational analyses revealed a novel modular PKS/NRPS assembly line equipped with several non-canonical domains. Based on gene-deletion mutants, we propose a biosynthetic model for bacterial benzolactones. We identified specific traits that serve as genetic handles to find related salicylate macrolide pathways (lobatamide, oximidine, apicularen) in various other bacterial genera. Knowledge of the biosynthetic pathway enables biosynthetic engineering and genome-mining approaches.
Emergency endoscopic sclerotherapy (EEST) during continued moderate to severe bleeding was carried out using a flexible endoscope and absolute alcohol as a sclerosant in 38 patients with variceal bleeding. Portal hypertension was due to cirrhosis in 27, noncirrhotic portal fibrosis in eight, extrahepatic obstruction in two, and Budd-Chiari Syndrome in one patient. A technically adequate EEST could be carried out in 36 (95%) patients, with successful control of variceal bleeding in 35 (92%). Thirty-one episodes of rebleeding occurred in 12 (31.6%) patients. Twenty-nine (93.5%) of these episodes could be controlled with repeated EEST, giving an overall success of 87%. The new approach of repeating sclerotherapy on every rebleeding episode up to a maximum of three course within 24 hours, use of a wide bore injector, and certain other technical innovations were found safe and effective. The mean (+/- SD) amount of alcohol injected per patient was 9.23 +/- 3.3 ml and the mean (+/- SD) number of injections needed per patient were 6.0 +/- 3.07. Complications were minor, transient, and similar to conventional sclerotherapy. There were three deaths, two due to massive rebleeding and one due to hepatic encephalopathy. It can be concluded that EEST is technically feasible during active variceal bleeding and is an effective and relatively safe procedure. It can serve as the first line treatment in this group of patients.
The stereocontrolled, de novo syntheses of beta-2'-deoxy-, alpha-2'-deoxy-, beta-3'-deoxy-, and beta-2', 3'-dideoxyribonucleosides are described. Strategically protected ribose, arabinose, and xylose glycosylation precursors were synthesized bearing C2-esters capable of directing Vorbrüggen glycosylation. The key step is the regioselective deoxygenation of the desired hydroxyl group as either the benzoyl- or 3-(trifluoromethyl)benzoyl derivative. This deoxygenation is accomplished via a photoinduced electron-transfer (PET) mechanism using carbazole derivatives as the photosensitizer. The syntheses of the desired deoxynucleoside generally proceed in three steps from a common, readily available precursor.
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is known for its delectable taste and contains high amount of xanthones which have been reported to possess anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and other bioactive properties. However, stage-specific regulation of mangosteen fruit ripening has never been studied in detail. We have performed a comparative transcriptomic analysis of three ripening stages (Stage 0, 2 and 6) of mangosteen. We have obtained a raw data from six libraries through Illumina HiSeq 4000. A total of ~ 40 Gb of raw data were generated. Clean reads of 650,887,650 (bp) were obtained from 656,913,570 (bp) raw reads. The raw transcriptome data were deposited to SRA database, with the BioProject accession number of PRJNA339916. These data will be beneficial for transcriptome profiling in order to study the regulation of mangosteen fruit ripening. The lack of a complete sequence database from this species impedes protein identification. These data sets provide a reference data for the exploration of novel genes or proteins to understand mangosteen fruit ripening behaviour.
Brain morphology was quantified with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in adult patients with congenital rubella who also had schizophrenialike symptoms. MRIs were compared with those of adult early-onset schizophrenic patients without congenital rubella and age-matched healthy control subjects. The rubella patients had significantly smaller intracranial volumes and shorter stature than the schizophrenic patients or the controls; however, both patient groups had smaller cortical gray matter, but not white matter, volumes than the control group, even when the MRI volumes were corrected for head size and age. In addition, both patient groups showed significant enlargement of the lateral ventricles but not cortical sulci when compared with expected values of normal adults of the same age and head size. Overall, the pattern of dysmorphology was identical in the rubella and the schizophrenic groups. The observations in the rubella group are consistent with a developmental lesion that limits full brain growth, with the small intracranial volume due at least in part to a severe cortical gray matter volume deficit. Thus, the brain dysmorphology of congenital rubella may provide an instance of prenatal viral infection that models the schizophrenic pattern and provides indirect support for a developmental hypothesis of the neuropathogenesis of schizophrenia.
Nine lambs were immunized with 10(6) oocysts of the relatively avirulent ME-49 strain of Toxoplasma gondii, and were challenged 45 days later with 4 x 10(6) oocysts of the M3 strain of this parasite. Less than 5 tissue cysts of the M3 strain formed per 8 g of muscle - if any - judging from a bioassay in mice in which all mice survived. In contrast, mortality occurred in mice fed muscle specimens from 4 lambs that had not been immunized with ME-49 prior to challenge with the M3 strain. This finding suggests the possibility of creating a vaccine for lambs that could diminish or abolish lamb and mutton as sources of human infection with T. gondii, and which could also prevent toxoplasmosis abortion in sheep.
The G12 rotavirus genotype is globally emerging to cause severe gastroenteritis in children. Common G12 rotaviruses have either a Wa-like or DS-1-like genome constellation, while some G12 strains may have unusual genome composition. In this study, we determined the full-genome sequence of a G12P[9] strain (ME848/12) detected in a child hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis in Italy in 2012. Strain ME848/12 showed a complex genetic constellation (G12-P[9]-I17-R12-C12-M11-A12-N12-T7-E6-H2), likely derived from multiple reassortment events, with the VP1, VP2, VP3 and NSP2 genes being established as novel genotypes R12, C12, M11 and N12, respectively. Gathering sequence data on human and animal rotaviruses is important to trace the complex evolutionary history of atypical RVAs. © 2015 Elsevier B.V
OBJECTIVES Caregiver burden is a key measure in caregiver research and is frequently used as a baseline measure in intervention studies. Previous research has found numerous factors associated with caregiver burden such as the relationship quality between carer and patient, the patient's cognitive ability, behavioural and psychological symptoms displayed by the patient, caregiver gender, adverse life events to name a few. Many studies have investigated these factors singularly however current thought suggests a multi-factorial role and inter-dependence of these factors. Based on this it was decided to investigate factors associated with caregiver burden using a multiple regression analysis in order to ascertain the predictive quality of these factors of caregiver burden. METHOD Cross-sectional study using validated measures of a patient's cognitive ability, ability to carry out day-to-day tasks and behavioural and psychological symptoms. Caregiver outcomes used are caregiver burden, relationship quality, caregiver confidence, experience of adverse life events, neuroticism, age and gender. Interviews and questionnaires were carried out on 74 patients diagnosed with dementia and their main caregivers from the Midlands of England. RESULTS Multiple regression analysis showed that caregiver overload, carer-patient relationship quality, the experience of adverse life events, caregiver gender, caregivers' level of neuroticism, caregiver role captivity and the level of caregiver confidence accounted for over 80% of the variance in caregiver burden. CONCLUSION These results confirm previous correlational research on caregiver burden. Furthermore, due to the use of multiple regression analysis the findings also show factors that are clear predictors of caregiver burden and we offer possible suggestions from these findings on future clinical practice interventions on caregiver burden.
Traumatic injuries to the lower extremity are a common occurrence in today's society and may result in significant morbidity and mortality if not appropriately treated. Adequate radiographic evaluation is crucial to the assessment of these injuries. This article reviews the radiographic features and imaging approaches to the commonly encountered injuries of the lower extremity.
Fetal breathing movements (FBM) and generalized fetal movements (GFM) were recorded for 30 minutes using a real time B-scan instrument in 46 women with uncomplicated pregnancies. FBM occurred for 10.9+/-0.9 (SE) per cent of the recording time. The time occupied by FBM was not significantly related to smoking, meal times or plasma glucose concentrations. FBM were absent during the observation period in 15 per cent of patients and present for less than 10 per cent of the time in 33 per cent of patients.
The aim of this study was to assess whether the lowest serum NSE obtained during treatment of small cell lung cancer patients can be helpful in the diagnosis of complete remission (CR). The material consisted of 68 patients with small cell lung cancer, treated in the Institute o Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases from 1.III.1993 to 15.II.1995. In the course of treatment CR was obtained in 13 patients, partial remission (PR) in 37 and no remission (NR) in 18. The distribution and median of the lowest NSE serum levels were the same in CR and RP patients. NSE serum levels remained above normal, that is above 12.5 ng/ml, in two CR patients and in 4 PR patients. 3 patients (2 with CR and I with PR) are still living for 26, 27 and 41 months in spite of NSE serum levels 14.3, 15.6 and 13.6 ng/ml respectively. In those patients in whom NR was obtained the lowest NSE level above 20 ng/l was connected with bad prognosis. We conclude that the estimation of the lowest NSE serum level in the course of treatment can not help to differentiate CR from PR.
Zinc oxide particles (ZnOPs) of both nanometer and sub-micron sizes are important components of high demand consumer products such as sunscreen, paint, textile, food packaging, and agriculture. Their ultimate discharge in the aquatic ecosystem is nearly unavoidable. For sustainable use of ZnOPs, there is an urgent need to assess its ecotoxicity using ecological indicator organisms. Moina macrocopa, an important component of the aquatic ecosystem is one such less explored indicator organism. In the present investigation, ZnOPs of two different sizes (250 ± 20 and 500 ± 50 nm) were selected for risk assessment as most of the previous reports were based on the use of 10-100 nm ZnOPs. ZnOPs of 500 nm were more lethal than that of 250 nm size, with respective LC50 of 0.0092 ± 0.0012 and 0.0337 ± 0.0133 mg/L against M. macrocopa after 48 h of exposure. We further used a sublethal concentration of 500 nm (0.00336 mg/L) and 250 nm (0.00092 mg/L) ZnOPs followed by measurement of enzymatic biomarkers of toxicity (acetylcholinesterase, digestive enzymes, antioxidant enzymes). A size-dependent variation in enzymatic response to 250 and 500 nm ZnOPs was seen. Exposure to ZnOPs inhibited acetylcholinesterase and digestive enzymes (trypsin, amylase), and elevated antioxidant enzymes (catalase, glutathione S-transferase) levels. The exposure also decreased the superoxide dismutase activity and increased that of β-galactosidase. Microscopic investigation revealed the accumulation of ZnOPs in the digestive tract of M. macrocopa that possibly disrupts enzyme activities. The present study will contribute to establishing regulatory policy on the maximum permissible limit of ZnOPs in different water bodies.
We present the results of an ab initio study of the interaction of electronically excited NO(A (2)Sigma(+)) with rare gas (Rg) atoms. The bound states of each NO(A)-Rg species are determined from potential energy surfaces calculated at the RCCSD(T) level of theory. Making use of the NO(X (2)Pi)-Rg vibrational wavefunctions, we then simulate electronic spectra. For NO-Kr and NO-Xe we obtain good qualitative agreement with the previously published experimental spectra. For NO-Ar, the shallowness of the surface gives rise to agreement that is less satisfactory, but a global scaling provides better qualitative agreement. The assignment of the spectra is far from straightforward and is only possible with guidance from the calculated energies and wavefunctions of the energy levels of the complex. Previous assignments are discussed in the light of this conclusion.
Glutamate dehydrogenase activity was found to be present at a high level in neoplastic cytosol and microsomes, 3.45 and 9.90 nmoles NADH/min mg protein, respectively. This remains in accordance with the high rate of RNA and protein synthesis in the neoplastic process.
In this paper, we establish the existence of travelling wave solution to an intrinsically non-linear differential-integral equation formed as a result of mathematical modelling of the evolution of an asexual population in a changing environment. This equation is first converted to a non-linear integral equation. The discretization and manipulation of the corresponding eigenvalue problem allows us to use the theory of positive matrices to get some very useful estimates and then to confirm the existence of solution. We also exhibit numerical simulation results and explain the biological meaning of the results.
The cDNA of the extracellular domain of rabbit growth hormone receptor (rbGHR-ECD) was cloned in the prokaryotic expression vector pMON, to enable its expression in Escherichia coli after induction with nalidixic acid. The bacterially expressed rbPRLR-ECD protein, contained within the refractile-body pellet, was solubilized in 4.5 M urea, refolded, and purified on a Q-Sepharose column, pH 8, by stepwise elution with NaCl. The bioactive monomeric 28-kDa fraction was eluted in 0.15 M NaCl, yielding 50 mg/2.5 l of induced culture. The purified protein was over 98% homogeneous, as shown by SDS-PAGE in the presence or absence of reducing agent, and by chromatography on a Superdex column. Gel filtration was used to determine the stoichiometry of rbGHR-ECD's interaction with human (h), ovine (o), chicken (ch) and common carp (cc) GHs and with bovine (b) and caprine (c) placental lactogens (PLs). The formation of 2:1 complexes was indicated in all cases. Binding experiments using radiolabelled oGH as a ligand revealed it to be the most effective competitor, followed by bPL, cPL, hGH chGH and ccGH, with respective IC50 values of 0.27, 0.94, 1.55, 2.13, 41.9 and 51.2 nM. Rabbit GHR-ECD inhibited the bPL-inducible proliferation of FDC-P1 cells stably transfected with rbGHR and Nb2 cells possessing rat PRLR. The biological activity of oGH, hGH, cPL, bPL, chGH and ccGH was tested in the FDC-P1 cells stably transfected with rbGHR and yielded the respective EC50 values (in nM) of 0.024, 0.023, 0.021, 0.24, 4.71 and 0.49. These results indicate remarkable discrepancies between the binding capacities and biological activities: the possible reasons for these findings are discussed.
OBJECTIVE To explore opinions and beliefs about risky sexual behavior and HIH transmission in tow hospital of Piura. MATERIAL AND METHODS Qualitative study based on extensive interviews and focus groups of people over 15 years old of age living with HIV. Interviews were recorded as audio, and then transcribed as text in MS Word. Information was analyzed with AtlasTi. RESULTS Results indicate that people living with HIV and receive antiretrovirals practice risky sexual behavior. Those results agree with quantitative-epidemiological studies establishing that TARGA era is associated with continuation or increase of risky sexual behavior. Two reasons could explain such behavior; first there is a belief that HIV is innocuous by effect of the antiretrovirals. Second, there is belief that a medical confirmation of undetectable viral count means being healed from infection. CONCLUSIONS People living with HIV receiving antiretrovirals improving general health status maintain risky sexual behavior that may facilitate HIV transmission to their serodiscordant partners and increase the number of people infected. Until now, prevention activities mostly targeted people believed not to be infected, however, it is also necessary an intense secondary prevention effort that includes an explicit approach of sexuality in its entire dimension.
The linear and non-linear optical properties of a family of dumbbell-shaped dinuclear complexes, in which an oligothiophene chain with various numbers of rings (1, 3, and 6) acts as a bridge between two homoleptic tris(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) complexes, have been fully investigated by using a range of spectroscopic techniques (absorption and luminescence, transient absorption, Raman, and non-linear absorption), together with density functional theory calculations. Our results shed light on the impact of the synergistic collaboration between the electronic structures of the two chemical moieties on the optical properties of these materials. Experiments on the linear optical properties of these compounds indicated that the length of the oligothiophene bridge was critical for luminescent behavior. Indeed, no emission was detected for compounds with long oligothiophene bridges (compounds 3 and 4, with 3 and 6 thiophene rings, respectively), owing to the presence of the (3)π-π* state of the conjugated bridge below the (3)MLCT-emitting states of the end-capping Ru(II) complexes. In contrast, the compound with the shortest bridge (2, one thiophene ring) shows excellent photophysical features. Non-linear optical experiments showed that the investigated compounds were strong non-linear absorbers in wide energy ranges. Indeed, their non-linear absorption was augmented upon increasing the length of the oligothiophene bridge. In particular, the compound with the longest oligothiophene bridge not only showed strong two-photon absorption (TPA) but also noteworthy three-photon-absorption behavior, with a cross-section value of 4×10(-78) cm(6) s(2) at 1450 nm. This characteristic was complemented by the strong excited-state absorption (ESA) that was observed for compounds 3 and 4. As a matter of fact, the overlap between the non-linear absorption and ESA establishes compounds 3 and 4 as good candidates for optical-power-limiting applications.
Recruiting nurses in today's health care environment is more challenging than ever before. A four-step, long-term strategic approach to nursing recruitment and retention was developed and implemented at The Children's Hospital (TCH) in Denver. STAT! Student and Employee Recruitment, Teaching the Specialty, Active Mentorship, and Time to Listen, denotes the urgency and significance of the current nursing shortage crisis and the need for immediate intervention to a critical health care problem. A combined effort within and across departments has led to the program's success, and new strategies continue to be designed and implemented to attract and retain the best and the brightest.
As many as 54 patients with systemic lupus erythematosis presenting with the kidney damage and thirteen damage-free patients were studied for the dynamic surface tension (ST) of the urine with the aid of the computerized tensiometer MPT2. The condition is characterized by a drop in ST with the surface time equal to 1 second and a slope in the curve of tensiograms. The above findings have been secured in 53.7 and 71.6 percent respectively. In lupiform glomerulonephritis there is noted further lowering of the parameters. The proposed technique will, we believe, help in carrying out the differential diagnosis of the condition, assessment of the clinical course and degree of activity of the pathological process as well as in exercising control over efficiency of the therapeutic measures adopted.
Conductive hearing loss, the second most common type of hearing loss, happens when there is a problem transmitting sound waves into inner ear, which will bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient in life and put the impaired person at a competitive disadvantage. Although conductive hearing loss could be relieved by hearing aids, the inconvenience of using these removable aids or the surgery trauma of the implanted ones should not be overlooked. Transversal maxillary deficiency and high palatal arches are often found in patients with conductive hearing loss. Some researchers have reported that there is close relationship between the maxillary contraction and hearing damage. Luckily, rapid maxillary expansion (RME) has been proved to be an effective treatment method for the transversal maxillary deficiency in clinical orthodontics for more than 40 years. Thus, we hypothesized that RME treatment would be a potential therapeutic method for conductive hearing loss in growing children with maxillary constriction.
Previous studies have shown that performing a motor action toward a target decreases the perceptual asynchrony observed in a temporal order judgment (TOJ) of a change in the target's visual attributes. We examined the temporal limit of this effect and whether this temporal limit can be extended through sensorimotor adaptation. Participants performed a TOJ task related to changes of the position and color of a visual stimulus in a perceptual and a motor task. A fixed change (color or position) occurred 250 or 500 ms following an auditory cue (perceptual task) or the end of a manual reaching action (motor task), whereas the variable change (position or color) occurred randomly within a time window of ±200 ms locked to the fixed change. The points of subjective simultaneity (PSSs) revealed that performing a voluntary action decreased the temporal asynchrony observed in the perceptual task, but only in the 250-ms delay condition. In Experiment 2, the fixed change occurred 1 s after either an auditory cue or the end of a manual reaching action, and the variable change occurred either simultaneously (new sensorimotor contingencies, 60 % of trials) or within a time window of ±200 ms (40 % of trials). The PSSs revealed that temporal asynchrony decreased in the motor task, but only after adaptation to the 1-s delay. Taken together, these data show that voluntary motor action affects the temporal binding of visual attributes for a period of less than 500 ms after the end of the action. Sensorimotor adaptation can nevertheless extend this time interval, at least up to 1 s.
A novel formulation of the theory of parent-offspring conflict is proposed. The basis of this formulation is an application of traditional life-history theory in combination with simple genetic arguments. The advantage with this approach is conceptual, and the formulation is not in variance with earlier studies in the area. Parent-offspring conflict is, in our formulation, not seen as a conflict between individuals, but as a tradeoff--an age-specific selection pressure acting on a trait, which is favourable when an individual is offspring and disadvantageous when it becomes parent. Using an ESS approach we investigate a simple offspring-wins problem: we find that a gene causing assertiveness of offspring will increase when rare, because the advantage thus gained by an assertive individual when young exceeds the cost incurred as adult by that half of its own offspring which belongs to the same assertive genotype.
The kinetics of SOS system induction in Escherichia coli PQ37 cells by gamma-irradiation has been studied by the SOS chromotest technique. It was shown that the synthesis of constitutive alkaline phosphatase is not immediately stopped in cells that suffered lethal damages from gamma-irradiation. The production of DNA damages inducing the SOS system was 0.021/Gy per genome. The SOS system was switched off approximately 200 min after gamma-irradiation. A correction is proposed to the calculation of the SOS system induction factor.
BACKGROUND Depression is a common psychiatric complication of diabetes, but little is known about the natural course and the consequences of depressive symptoms in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes. While depression has been related to poor glycemic control and increased risk for macrovascular disease, its association with microvascular complications remains understudied. The predictive role of other psychological risk factors such as Type D (distressed) personality and the mechanisms that possibly link depression and Type D personality with poor vascular outcomes are also still unclear. METHODS/DESIGN This prospective cohort study will examine: (1) the course of depressive symptoms in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes; (2) whether depressive symptoms and Type D personality are associated with the development of microvascular and/or macrovascular complications and with the risk of all-cause or vascular mortality; and (3) the behavioral and physiological mechanisms that may mediate these associations. The DiaDDZoB Study is embedded within the larger DIAZOB Primary Care Diabetes study, which covers a comprehensive cohort of type 2 diabetes patients treated by over 200 primary care physicians in South-East Brabant, The Netherlands. These patients will be followed during their lifetime and are assessed annually for demographic, clinical, lifestyle and psychosocial factors. Measurements include an interviewer-administered and self-report questionnaire, regular care laboratory tests and physical examinations, and pharmacy medication records. The DiaDDZoB Study uses data that have been collected during the original baseline assessment in 2005 (M0; N = 2,460) and the 2007 (M1; N = 2,225) and 2008 (M2; N = 2,032) follow-up assessments. DISCUSSION The DiaDDZoB Study is expected to contribute to the current understanding of the course of depression in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes and will also test whether depressed patients or those with Type D personality are at increased risk for (further) development of micro- and cardiovascular disease. More knowledge about the mechanisms behind this association is needed to guide new intervention studies.
BACKGROUND We sought to investigate the antithrombotic regimens applied and their prognostic effects in patients over 75 years old with atrial fibrillation (AF) after revascularization with drug-eluting stents (DES). METHODS Retrospective registry in 20 centers including patients over 75 years with AF treated with DES. A primary endpoint of MACCE and a co-primary endpoint of major bleeding by ISTH criteria were considered at 12 months. RESULTS A total of 1249 patients (81.1 ± 4.2 years, 33.1% women, 66.6% ACS, 30.6% complex PCI) were included. Triple antithrombotic therapy (TAT) was prescribed in 81.7% and dual antithrombotic therapy (DAT) in 18.3%. TAT was based on direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) in 48.4% and maintained for only 1 month in 52.2%, and DAT included DOAC in 70.6%. Primary endpoint of MACCE was met in 9.6% and primary endpoint of major bleeding in 9.4%. TAT was significantly associated with more bleeding (10.2% vs. 6.1%, p = 0.04) but less MACCE (8.7% vs. 13.6%, p = 0.02) than DAT and the use of DOAC was significantly associated to less bleeding (8% vs. 11.1%, p = 0.03) and similar MACCE (9.8% vs. 9.4%, p = 0.8). TAT over 1 month or with VKA was associated with more major bleeding but comparable MACCE rates. CONCLUSIONS Despite advanced age TAT prevails, but duration over 1 month or the use of other agent than Apixaban are associated with increased bleeding without additional MACCE prevention. DAT reduces bleeding but with a trade-off in terms of ischemic events. DOAC use was significantly associated to less bleeding and similar MACCE rates.
Here, we analyzed histological findings and parasite burden in chronic Neospora caninum infection in BALB/c and ICR mice and studied the correlation between lesion severity and parasite load in brain. To obtain a better understanding of the infection, we examined the influence of various host pathogen factors. Groups of outbred (ICR) and inbred (BALB/c) mice were inoculated using several NC-1 parasite doses (4 x 10(5), 10(6), and 5 x 10(6) tachyzoites), inoculation routes (intraperitoneal and subcutaneous), and 3 immunosuppressive treatments (methylprednisolone, cyclophosphamide, and vinblastine). Lesion severity was analyzed in the liver, lung, heart, and brain tissues, and parasite load was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction in brain tissue. The results indicated more severe cerebral lesions and higher brain parasite burdens in inbred than in outbred mice. Hepatic tissue was the primary lesion site in immunosuppressed ICR mice. We also observed that increased inoculum size was reflected in greater lesion severity and a higher cerebral parasite load. No difference was observed with respect to inoculation route. The study also showed an association between brain parasite burden and severity of cerebral lesions in BALB/c mice.
Self-compatible, hermaphroditic marine invertebrates have the potential to self-fertilize in the absence of mates or under sperm-limited conditions, and outcross when sperm is available from a variety of males. Hence, many hermaphroditic marine invertebrates may have evolved mixed-mating systems that involve facultative self-fertilization. Such mixed-mating strategies are well documented for plants but have rarely been investigated in animals. Here, I use allozyme markers to make estimates of selfing from population surveys of reef slope and reef flat sites, and contrast this with direct estimates of selfing from progeny-array analysis, for the brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix. Consistent heterozygote deficits previously reported for S. hystrix suggests that inbreeding (including the extreme of selfing) may be common in this species. I detected significant levels of inbreeding within populations (F(IS)=0.48) and small but significant differentiation among all sites (F(ST)=0.04). I detected no significant differentiation among habitats (F(HT)=0.009) though among site differentiation did occur within the reef slope habitat (F(SH)=0.06), but not within the reef flat habitat (F(SH)=0.015). My direct estimates of outcrossing for six colonies and their progeny from a single reef flat site revealed an intermediate value (t(m) (+/-s.d.)=0.53+/-0.20). Inbreeding coefficients calculated from progeny arrays (F(e)=0.31) were similar to indirect estimates based on adult genotype frequencies for that site (F(IS)=0.38). This study confirms that the mating system of this brooding coral is potentially variable, with both outcrossing and selfing.
BACKGROUND The congenital absence of one or few teeth, hypodontia, is considered one of the utmost dental ageneses in human beings. Several genes have been shown to be involved in the development of hypodontia such as paired box gene 9 (PAX9). The expression of PAX9 is controlled by several polymorphic elements in the promoter region of the gene on 14q13.3 locus. The aim of this study was to find any association between PAX9 c.-912T>C (rs2073247) and c.-1031G>A (rs2073244) promoter polymorphisms and the development of hypodontia among the Jordanian population. METHODS Genotyping of the polymorphisms in 72 unrelated subjects with hypodontia was performed using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) technique and compared with that of 72 normal healthy unrelated control individuals. RESULTS The hypodontia group had a significantly higher -1031GG genotype (P<0.01) and a significantly lower -912TC genotype (P<0.01) compared with the control group. The results suggest that the transcriptional activity of PAX9 gene is affected by polymorphisms in the promoter region of this gene and is associated with hypodontia phenotype. CONCLUSION The rs2073247) and rs2073244 promoter polymorphisms of PAX9 might play a role in the development of hypodontia in the Jordanian population.
ABSTRACT A variety of N'-[4-[(substituted imino)methyl]benzylidene]-substituted benzohydrazides have been synthesized and evaluated for antimicrobial and anticancer potential. Results from testing of antimicrobial activity indicated the most potent antimicrobial agents had pMIC am = 1.51. The synthesized compounds were bacteriostatic and fungistatic in action. Results from evaluation of antiviral activity indicated that none of the synthesized hydrazide derivatives inhibited viral replication at sub-toxic concentrations. Results from anti-HIV screening against HIV-2 strain ROD indicated that one compound was more potent (IC 50 ≥ 1 μg/cm3) than the standard drug nevirapine (IC 50 ≥ 4 μg/cm3) and another was equipotent (IC 50 ≥ 4 μg/cm3). The most effective anticancer agent against both HCT116 and MCF7 cancer cell lines had IC 50 = 19 and 18 μg/cm3, respectively. QSAR analysis indicated the importance of Wiener index (W) and energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) in describing the antimicrobial activity of the synthesized compounds. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT
SIGNIFICANCE Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) offers depth-resolved imaging of optical scattering contrast but is limited in sensitivity to optical absorption. Dual-modality imaging combined with the noncontact absorption contrast of photoacoustic remote sensing (PARS) microscopy can augment SD-OCT applications with specific molecular and functional contrasts in an all-optical, fiber-based platform. AIM To develop a fiber-based multimodal PARS and SD-OCT imaging system, which efficiently uses a common 1050-nm light source for SD-OCT and PARS interrogation. APPROACH PARS microscopy has predominantly utilized a 1310-nm interrogation light source to date. Hence, a recent dual-modality PARS and 1050-nm SD-OCT imaging system required three distinct wavelengths including a 532-nm PARS excitation, necessitating a free-space optical architecture with discrete subsystems. Here, we validate the first use of a 1050-nm interrogation wavelength for PARS. This enables the transition to fiber-based interferometry as is standard in modern SD-OCT systems, though infeasible with inclusion of an additional 1310-nm wavelength. PARS interrogation functionality is integrated using a broadband optical circulator. RESULTS Dual-modality imaging is demonstrated in carbon fiber phantoms and a mouse ear in vivo. SD-OCT provided a 4.5-μm lateral resolution, 8.8-μm axial resolution in air, and >101  dB of sensitivity, and PARS contributed 532-nm optical absorption contrast with a 47-dB SNR, and lateral and axial resolutions of 2.4 and 35  μm, respectively. Total interrogation power was reduced from 90% to 58% of the ANSI limit compared to a previous three-wavelength approach. CONCLUSIONS Adapting PARS to use the 1050-nm SD-OCT light source for interrogation enabled implementation of a fiber-based dual-modality system configuration, with image quality maintained. This will facilitate development of potential applications demanding handheld, catheter-based, or endoscopic form factors.
This paper describes a rehabilitation device developed to replace a conventional wooden wedge type ankle stretching device (ASD) and this new device consists of sensors and microcontroller-controlled electro-mechanical actuators. A conventional ASD has been used for lower limb rehabilitation treatment system for training of monoplegia (hemiplegia) patients for a long time. The new automatic ASD machine can control angle between foot and calf (AFC), holding time and the number of repetition, and has four training modes. The new ASD machine consists of an embedded controller unit (ECU), a display unit and an actuator unit. The ECU consists of two clinometers, a 12-bit serial ADC, microcontroller, RS-232 serial interface with the display unit and actuator unit consists with electro-mechanical actuators. It can reduce the workload of physical therapists and improve the effect of rehabilitation exercise for lower limb monoplegia patients.
Since there is experimental evidence that insulin promotes atherosclerosis, we tested the hypothesis that insulin levels are higher in patients with diffuse atherosclerotic coronary artery disease by measuring insulin levels in 46 nondiabetic patients with angiographically defined diffuse coronary artery disease and 46 normal controls with angiographically normal coronary arteries. Fasting insulin levels were similar in both groups of patients: 7.70 +/- 5.77 microU/mL in those with diffuse coronary disease versus 7.39 +/- 5.01 microU/mL in controls. Also, insulin levels drawn 1 and 2 h after oral glucose challenge were not significantly different in patients with diffuse disease (48.78 +/- 32.46 microU/mL and 42.26 +/- 32.38 microU/mL, respectively) compared with patients with normal coronary arteries (51.03 +/- 28.01 microU/mL and 43.79 +/- 31.62 microU/mL, respectively). We conclude that insulin probably does not promote clinical atherosclerosis in nondiabetics.
OBJECTIVES Treatment with epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibodies extends life for patients with advanced colorectal cancers (CRCs) whose tumors exhibit wild-type KRAS, but KRAS testing may be underused. We studied the role of socioeconomic factors in the application of KRAS testing. MATERIALS AND METHODS We identified subjects with stage IV colorectal adenocarcinoma diagnosed 2010-2015 in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database. We used multivariable logistic regression models to evaluate associations between clinical/demographic factors and the rate of KRAS testing. We used multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards models to assess survival. RESULTS We identified 37,676 patients with stage IV CRC, 31.1% of whom were tested for KRAS mutations, of those who had documented KRAS testing, 44% were KRAS mutant. Patients were more likely to be tested if they were younger (odds ratio [OR]=5.10 for age 20 to 29 vs. 80+, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.99-6.54, P<0.01), diagnosed more recently (OR=1.92 for 2015 vs. 2010, 95% CI: 1.77-2.08, P<0.01), or lived in an area of high median household income (OR=1.24 for median household income of >$69,311 vs. <$49,265, 95% CI: 1.14-1.35, P<0.01). Patients were less likely to be tested if they had Medicaid (OR=0.83, 95% CI: 0.77-0.88, P<0.01) or were unmarried (OR=0.78, 95% CI: 0.75-0.82, P<0.0001). The risk of death was decreased in patients who received KRAS testing (hazard ratio=0.77, 95% CI: 0.75-0.80, P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS We found a low rate of KRAS testing in CRC patients with those living in low-income areas less likely to be tested, even after controlling for Medicaid insurance. Our study suggests that socioeconomic disparities persist despite Medicaid insurance.
Epichloae (Epichloe and Neotyphodium species; Clavicipitaceae) are fungi that live in systemic symbioses with cool-season grasses, and many produce alkaloids that are deterrent or toxic to herbivores. The epichloae colonize much of the aerial plant tissues, and most benignly colonize host seeds to transmit vertically. Of their four chemical classes of alkaloids, the ergot alkaloids and indole-diterpenes are active against mammals and insects, whereas peramine and lolines specifically affect insects. Comparative genomic analysis of Clavicipitaceae reveals a distinctive feature of the epichloae, namely, large repeat blocks in their alkaloid biosynthesis gene loci. Such repeat blocks can facilitate gene losses, mutations, and duplications, thus enhancing diversity of alkaloid structures within each class. We suggest that alkaloid diversification is selected especially in the vertically transmissible epichloa
BACKGROUND An increasing risk of Schistosoma mansoni infection has been observed around Lake Victoria, western Kenya since the 1970s. Understanding local transmission dynamics of schistosomiasis is crucial in curtailing increased risk of infection. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We carried out a cross sectional study on a population of 310 children from eight primary schools. Overall, a total of 238 (76.8%) children were infected with S. mansoni, while seven (2.3%) had S. haematobium. The prevalence of hookworm, Trichuris trichiura and Ascaris lumbricoides were 6.1%, 5.2% and 2.3%, respectively. Plasmodium falciparum was the only malaria parasite detected (12.0%). High local population density within a 1 km radius around houses was identified as a major independent risk factor of S. mansoni infection. A spatial cluster of high infection risk was detected around the Mbita causeway following adjustment for population density and other potential risk factors. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Population density was shown to be a major factor fuelling schistosome infection while individual socio-economic factors appeared not to affect the infection risk. The high-risk cluster around the Mbita causeway may be explained by the construction of an artificial pathway that may cause increased numbers of S. mansoni host snails through obstruction of the waterway. This construction may have, therefore, a significant negative impact on the health of the local population, especially school-aged children who frequently come in contact with lake water.
This paper presents a 54-year-old female with lupus whom severe anaemia due to pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) was the first manifestation. There was seven years interval between PRCA onset and diagnosis of lupus. Thymectomy due to thymoma had been carried out six years before but anaemia sustained. Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism were other associated diseases. Severe anaemia and the need for monthly blood infusions were resolved following treatment with Prednisolone, Hydroxychloroquine and Levothyroxine. Copyright© Spring 2014, Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. All rights reser
Our increased understanding of the molecular basis of autoimmunity owes much to an appreciation of general principles governing peptide-MHC interactions. Such understanding may help resolve long-standing questions concerning autoimmune diseases and aid development of improved therapeutic strategies for their treatment.
A follow-up study of 53 men alcoholics revealed that alcoholics with a poor prognosis were more psychometrically impaired than alcoholics with a good prognosis. Improvement in drinking behavior was related to better spatial problem solving, but not to ratings of rigidity and adaptability.
The addition of glucose stimulated release of insulin from the isolated islet tissue of the toadfish incubated in vitro. Reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide also stimulated insulin release, whereas the oxidized form had no effect. Both oxidized and reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleatide phosphate stimulated insulin release, but the reduced form was significantly more effective.
Acute low back pain (LBP) is associated with differential changes in motor coordination of deep and superficial trunk muscles. Whether this is related to differential changes in excitability of descending corticomotor inputs remains unclear and was investigated in nine healthy individuals. Fine-wire i.m. electrodes were inserted bilaterally into deep (transversus abdominis (TrA)) and superficial abdominal muscles (obliquus externus abdominis (OE)), and surface electrodes were placed bilaterally over obliquus internus abdominis (OI), rectus abdominis (RA) and lumbar erector spinae (LES) muscles. Corticomotor excitability was assessed as amplitude of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) at a range of stimulator intensities, at rest and during voluntary abdominal contractions. Pain was induced by injection of hypertonic saline into interspinous ligaments of the lumbar spine. Corticomotor excitability was examined before, during and after the induction of LBP. During pain, amplitude of TrA MEPs to contralateral cortical stimulation was reduced, whereas amplitudes of OE and LES MEPs contralateral and ipsilateral to the stimulated cortex were increased. The findings highlight differential changes in excitability of corticomotor inputs to trunk muscles during acute LBP. Further work is required to reveal whether such changes involve spinal and/or supraspinal centres and their consequence for spine control.
Cryogels are a class of macroporous, interconnective hydrogels polymerized at sub-zero temperatures forming mechanically robust, elastic networks. In this review, latest advances of cryogels containing mainly glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) or composites of GAGs and other natural or synthetic polymers are presented. Cryogels produced in this way correspond to the native extracellular matrix (ECM) in terms of both composition and molecular structure. Due to their specific structural feature and in addition to an excellent biocompatibility, GAG-based cryogels have several advantages over traditional GAG-hydrogels. This includes macroporous, interconnective pore structure, robust, elastic, and shape-memory-like mechanical behavior, as well as injectability for many GAG-based cryogels. After addressing the cryogelation process, the fabrication of GAG-based cryogels and known principles of GAG monomer crosslinking are discussed. Finally, an overview of specific GAG-based cryogels in biomedicine, mainly as polymeric scaffold material in tissue regeneration and tissue engineering-related controlled release of bioactive molecules and cells, is provided.
Toxoplasma gondii infection can cause ocular manifestations after acquired and congenital disease. We report two cases of symptomatic congenital toxoplasmosis with ocular involvement in non-twin siblings, with a 2-year interval between pregnancies. Vertical transmission of toxoplasmosis in successive pregnancies, which was once considered impossible, is now found to be plausible even in immunocompetent subjects.
A minority of radiotherapy patients experience adverse reactions as a result of the inevitable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissue. These reactions range in severity and affect the patient's quality of life, as well as being dose-limiting. If the patients most at risk of toxicity could be identified before radiotherapy, the treatment pathway, radiation dose or fractionation could be altered to reduce toxicity while maintaining efficacy. Previous research is described on how chemotherapy treatments could be improved through the delivery of drugs at specific times of the day ('chronomodulation') based on the circadian rhythm. More recently time-of-day effects have been investigated for radiotherapy, yielding complex results, but with some promise for genetic prediction of the optimal time for treatment. This would allow an almost cost-free modification to treatment that would reduce toxicity. Despite the increasing evidence for 'chronotherapy' for treating cancer, little work has looked into the potential mechanisms underlying the time-of-day effect, which potentially include differences in inflammation, cell cycle or hormones. This overview discusses the main findings from chronotherapy so far and comments on why elucidating the biological mechanisms relating radiotherapy toxicity to the circadian cycle warrants further investigation.
The synthesis of acetylornithine delta-transaminase is induced by arginine and by rifampin in an arginine-inducible mutant of Escherichia coli W. A mutant of the arginine-inducible strain was isolated which is resistant to rifampin. The mutation which has brought about rifampin resistance has altered RNA polymerase and has simultaneously altered the regulation of arginine biosynthesis. Three of the enzymes of arginine biosynthesis, acetylornithinase, ornithine transcarbamylase, and argininosuccinase, show a greater rate of derepression and a 2--12-fold higher level of enzyme activity in the rifampin-resistant mutant than in the parent arginine-inducible strain. Acetylornithine delta-transaminase is no longer inducible by rifampin alone, and the level of inducibility by arginine plus rifampin has been reduced by 70%. The results indicate that RNA polymerase is involved in regulation of arginine biosynthesis in E. coli W.
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) injects the CagA effector protein into host epithelial cells and induces growth factor-like signaling, perturbs cell-cell junctions, and alters host cell polarity. This enables Hp to grow as microcolonies adhered to the host cell surface even in conditions that do not support growth of free-swimming bacteria. We hypothesized that CagA alters host cell physiology to allow Hp to obtain specific nutrients from or across the epithelial barrier. Using a polarized epithelium model system, we find that isogenic ΔcagA mutants are defective in cell surface microcolony formation, but exogenous addition of iron to the apical medium partially rescues this defect, suggesting that one of CagA's effects on host cells is to facilitate iron acquisition from the host. Hp adhered to the apical epithelial surface increase basolateral uptake of transferrin and induce its transcytosis in a CagA-dependent manner. Both CagA and VacA contribute to the perturbation of transferrin recycling, since VacA is involved in apical mislocalization of the transferrin receptor to sites of bacterial attachment. To determine if the transferrin recycling pathway is involved in Hp colonization of the cell surface, we silenced transferrin receptor expression during infection. This resulted in a reduced ability of Hp to colonize the polarized epithelium. To test whether CagA is important in promoting iron acquisition in vivo, we compared colonization of Hp in iron-replete vs. iron-deficient Mongolian gerbils. While wild type Hp and ΔcagA mutants colonized iron-replete gerbils at similar levels, ΔcagA mutants are markedly impaired in colonizing iron-deficient gerbils. Our study indicates that CagA and VacA act in concert to usurp the polarized process of host cell iron uptake, allowing Hp to use the cell surface as a replicative niche.
Although many of the papers at this congress were reiterations of previous work, or at least variations on the same theme, there were a number of new and exciting findings. Examples of these were the papers on the role of cochlear efferents in noise-induced hearing loss by the French researchers Pujol and Puel, the work of Al-Masri and his colleagues on underwater hearing thresholds, the work of Edworthy on warning signals, the sleep study by Ollerhead, and the Munich Airport study by Hygge et al. One cannot help but notice that the majority of the presentations, especially the most innovative and important ones, were given by non-U.S. researchers. This is also true of the activities in the international standards arena. It is quite clear that the United States has taken a back seat in noise effects research and regulation. Greater involvement and support by ASHA would be useful, but without federal government interest and support, the situation is unlikely to change.
The fish ear stones (otoliths) consist mainly of calcium carbonate and have lower amounts of a proteinous matrix. This matrix consists of macromolecules, which directly control the biomineralization process. We analyzed the composition of this proteinous matrix by mass spectrometry in a shotgun approach. For this purpose, an enhanced protein purification technique was developed that excludes any potential contamination of proteins from body fluids. Using this method we identified eight proteins in the inner ear of Oreochromis mossambicus. These include the common otolith matrix proteins (OMP-1, otolin-1, neuroserpin, SPARC and otoconin), and three proteins (alpha tectorin, otogelin and transferrin) not previously localized to the otoliths. Moreover, we were able to exclude the occurrence of two matrix proteins (starmaker and pre-cerebellin-like protein) known from other fish species. In further analyses, we show that the absence of the OMP starmaker corresponds to calcitic otoliths and that pre-cerebellin-like protein is not present at any stage during the development of the otoliths of the inner ear. This study shows O. mossambicus does not have all of the known otolith proteins indicating that the matrix proteins in the inner ear of fish are not the same across species. Further functional studies of the novel proteins we identified during otolith development are required.