Marine organisms and especially those living in tidal zones are confronted with dramatic changes in their environment such as temperature fluctuations on a daily and/or seasonal basis. In the present study, we investigated whether these parameters affect expression of multixenobiotic resistance (MXR)-related genes that serve as a first line of defense against a broad spectrum of natural and man-made toxicants. Expression of MXR-related genes seems to be an appropriate biomarker to determine hazardous effects of chemicals in contaminated marine habitats. The interference of natural environmental factors in the expression of biomarkers is an important issue with respect to the use of biomarkers in monitoring biological effects of pollutants, making interpretations difficult. We studied the effects of temperature, salinity and oxygen supply (anaerobiosis) on expression of MXR-related genes in gills and digestive gland of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis in order to differentiate between pollution-induced stress and responses to natural environmental variations. We found changes in expression levels of P-glycoprotein (pgp), major vault protein (mvp), topoisomerase II (topoII), heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), but not of the multidrug resistance-related protein (mrp2) genes, in laboratory experiments in relation to high temperature, low salinity and anaerobiosis but not low temperature. These effects of environmental factors have to be considered in sampling strategies for monitoring programmes to prevent false interpretation of results.
BACKGROUND Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common problem in neonates, and current modalities for thickening human milk produce inconsistent outcomes. The objective of this in vitro study is to measure the viscosity effect of different thickening strategies. METHODS We thickened donor human milk (DHM) and formula using various thickeners: starch-based thickeners (SBT; Thick It, rice cereal), and gum-based thickeners (GBT; xanthan gum: Simply Thick, Thicken Up Clear; carob gum: GelMix). We also assessed formula with added starches marketed for reflux, including Similac Spit Up (SSU) and Enfamil AR (EAR). The viscosity of each sample was measured over time using a rotary viscometer. Additional variables, including acidity, temperature, and the addition of human milk fortifier, were tested. RESULTS Formula can be effectively thickened with all tested thickeners, but the viscosities of thickened formula increase over time. On the other hand, DHM does not effectively thicken with SBT. Autoclaving DHM inactivates digestive enzymes, thus allowing SBT to successfully thicken autoclaved DHM. GBT effectively thickened both DHM and formula but reached higher viscosities than intended based on manufacturer recommendations. Adding acid to xanthan-gum thickened DHM resulted in phase separation and formation of solid precipitant. CONCLUSIONS Current thickening strategies of preterm infant feeding produces highly variable results in final feed viscosity. The unpredictable properties of gum-based thickeners raise questions about their safety profile. Objective measures of liquid viscosity and careful consideration of acidity and time are recommended for adequate comparisons of thickening regimens. Human milk continues to be the most challenging feed type to thicken.
This study compares the antioxidant activity of ten different pomegranate cultivars grown in Iran using the ferric reducing power assay (FRAP assay), which is based on the reduction of a ferric-tripyridyl triazine complex to its ferrous, colored form in the presence of antioxidants. Aqueous solutions of known Fe(+2) concentration, in the range of 100-1000 micromol L(-1) were used for calibration. The results showed that among pulp and peel fractions the sour alac and sweet white peel cultivars had more FRAP value respectively. The pomegranate peel extract had markedly higher antioxidant capacity than the pulp extract. The peel extract of sweet white peel cultivar appeared to have more potential as a health supplement rich in natural antioxidants compared to the pulp and peel extracts of other pomegranate cultivars.
Enzymes catalyze a variety of biochemical reactions in the body and, in conjunction with transporters and receptors, control virtually all physiological processes. There is great value in measuring enzyme activity ex vivo and in vivo. Spatial and temporal differences or changes in enzyme activity can be related to a variety of natural and pathological processes. Several analytical approaches have been developed to meet this need. They can be classified broadly as methods either based on artificial substrates, with the goal of creating images of diseased tissue, or based on natural substrates, with the goal of understanding natural processes. This review covers a selection of these methods, including optical, magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, and physical sampling approaches, with a focus on creative chemistry and method development that make ex vivo and in vivo measurements of enzyme activity possible.
T cell activation by immune allorecognition is a major contributing factor toward the triggering of organ rejection. Immunosuppressive drugs have to be taken after organ transplantation, but long-term use of these drugs increases the risks of infection and other serious disorders. Here, we showed dysregulation of programmed cell death-ligand 1/programmed cell death 1 (PD-L1/PD-1) and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4/cluster of differentiation 80 (CTLA-4/CD80) in the spleen of two organ transplantation models. Using a bioengineering approach, cellular exosome-like nanovesicles (NVs) displaying PD-L1/CTLA-4 dual-targeting cargos were designed, and their specificity to bind their ligands PD-1 and CD80 on T cell and dendritic cell surfaces was confirmed. These NVs consequently enhanced PD-L1/PD-1 and CTLA-4/CD80 immune inhibitory pathways, two key immune checkpoints to co-inhibit T cell activation and maintain peripheral tolerance. It was also confirmed that PD-L1/CTLA-4 NVs led to the reduction of T cell activation and proliferation in vitro and in vivo. Finally, it was demonstrated that PD-L1/CTLA-4 NVs reduced density of CD8+ T cells and cytokine production, enriched regulatory T cells, and prolonged the survival of mouse skin and heart grafts. Taken together, these data supported the idea that PD-L1/CTLA-4 dual-targeting NVs exert immune inhibitory effects and may be used as a prospective immunosuppressant in organ transplantation.
'Supererogation' is the notion of going beyond the call of duty. The concept of supererogation has received scrutiny in ethical theory, as well as clinical bioethics. Yet, there has been little attention paid to supererogation in research ethics. Supererogation is examined in this paper from three perspectives: (1) a summary of two analyses of 'supererogation' in moral theory, as well as an examination as to whether acts of supererogation exist; (2) a discussion of supererogation in clinical practice, including arguments that both physicians and patients can practice acts of supererogation; (3) a discussion as to why researchers, qua researchers, are not routinely recognized to perform acts of supererogation, while at the same time the very nature of research subject participation involves supererogation. The article concludes by considering three examples of supererogation on the part of researchers, with a plea that researchers' supererogatory actions be recognized as such.
In this pilot study, the effects of two computer-assisted dieting (CAD) interventions on weight loss and blood chemistry were examined among overweight and obese adults. Participants (91 community members, average age 42.6 years) were randomly assigned to CAD-only (a single-session introduction and provision of a dieting software, n = 30), CAD plus an additional four-session self-management group training (CAD+G, n = 31) and a waitlist control group whose members were randomised into the two interventions at the 3-month follow-up (n = 30). A three (group)-by-two (time) repeated measures ANOVA revealed no significant group by time interaction during the initial 3-month period. However, the two intervention groups combined showed a significant, though moderate weight loss relative to the control group. Further, although a general improvement was found with regard to the lipid panel results during the first 3 months of the trial, the treatment by time interaction was not significant. A comparison of the developments in the two intervention groups during the 3- to 6-month follow-up time period revealed a tendency towards greater weight regain in the CAD-only condition. The evidence suggests that CAD supports initial weight loss; however, additional self-management training might be necessary to support maintenance.
The role of syringeal muscles in controlling the aperture of the avian vocal organ, the syrinx, was evaluated directly for the first time by observing and filming through an endoscope while electrically stimulating different muscle groups of anaesthetised birds. In songbirds (brown thrashers, Toxostoma rufum, and cardinals, Cardinalis cardinalis), direct observations of the biomechanical effects of contraction largely confirm the functions of the intrinsic syringeal muscles proposed from indirect studies. Contraction of the dorsal muscles, m. syringealis dorsalis (dS) and m. tracheobronchialis dorsalis, constricts the syringeal lumen and thus reduces airflow by adducting connective tissue masses, the medial (ML) and lateral (LL) labia. Activity of the medial portion of the dS appears to affect the position of the ML and, consequently, plays a previously undescribed role in aperture control. Under the experimental conditions used in this study, full constriction of the syringeal lumen could not be achieved by stimulating adductor muscles. Full closure may require simultaneous activation of extrinsic syringeal muscles or the supine positioning of the bird may have exerted excessive tension on the syrinx. Contraction of m. tracheobronchialis ventralis enlarges the syringeal lumen and thus increases airflow by abducting the LL but does not affect the ML. The largest syringeal muscle, m. syringealis ventralis, plays a minor role, if any, in direct aperture control and thus in gating airflow. In parrots (cockatiels, Nymphicus hollandicus), direct observations show that even during quiet respiration the lateral tympaniform membranes (LTMs) are partially adducted into the tracheal lumen to form a narrow slot. Contraction of the superficial intrinsic muscle, m. syringealis superficialis, adducts the LTMs further into the tracheal lumen but does not close the syringeal aperture fully. The intrinsic deep muscle, m. syringealis profundus, abducts the LTMs through cranio-lateral movement of a paired, protruding half-ring. The weakly developed extrinsic m. sternotrachealis seems to increase tension in the ipsilateral LTM but does not move it in or out of the syringeal lumen.
The inhibitory potency of farnesyl pyrophosphate analogues was investigated on two farnesyl pyrophosphate-consuming enzymes: squalene synthase, a secondary regulation site in the cholesterol synthesis pathway, and protein:farnesyl transferase, which plays a role in the function of Ras-proteins. For the transferase determination a rapid in vitro assay, using Sepharose-bound Ras-peptides, was developed. The distinct farnesyl pyrophosphate analogues showed a different order of potency in the inhibition of these two enzymes. Using the farnesyl transferase assay with pre-p21Ha-ras as substrate the same result was obtained. The difference observed in the in vitro assays was also reflected in the inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, protein prenylation in general and Ha-ras farnesylation in Rat-1.H-ras13 cells, a rat fibroblast cell line that overproduces human p21Ha-ras. This work shows that farnesyl pyrophosphate analogues can be developed for specific inhibition of different processes such as cholesterol synthesis and protein prenylation.
Mycelium and mycelium-biomass composites are emerging as new sustainable materials with useful flame-retardant potentials. Here we report a detailed characterisation of the thermal degradation and fire properties of fungal mycelium and mycelium-biomass composites. Measurements and analyses are carried out on key parameters such as decomposition temperatures, residual char, and gases evolved during pyrolysis. Pyrolysis flow combustion calorimetry (PCFC) evaluations reveal that the corresponding combustion propensity of mycelium is significantly lower compared to poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and polylactic acid (PLA), indicating that they are noticeably less prone to ignition and flaming combustion, and therefore safer to use. The hyphal diameters of mycelium decrease following pyrolysis. Cone calorimetry testing results show that the presence of mycelium has a positive influence on the fire reaction properties of wheat grains. This improvement is attributable to the relatively higher charring tendency of mycelium compared to wheat grain, which reduces the heat release rate (HRR) by acting as a thermal insulator and by limiting the supply of combustible gases to the flame front. The mycelium growth time has been found to yield no significant improvements in the fire properties of mycelium-wheat grain composites.
AIM This study evaluated if the fatigue and apathy arising during exercise with hypoglycaemia could relate to a lowering of the cerebral metabolic rates of glucose and oxygen. METHODS AND RESULTS Six males completed 3 h of cycling with or without glucose supplementation in random order. Cerebral blood flow, metabolism and interleukin-6 (IL-6) release were evaluated with the Kety-Schmidt technique. Blood glucose was maintained during the glucose trial, while it decreased from 5.2 +/- 0.1 to 2.9 +/- 0.3 mmol L-1 (mean +/- SE) after 180 min of exercise in the placebo trial with a concomitant increase in perceived exertion (P < 0.05). During hypoglycaemia, the cerebral glucose uptake was reduced from 0.34 +/- 0.05 to 0.28 +/- 0.04 micromol g(-1) min(-1), while the cerebral uptake of beta-hydroxybutyrate increased to 5 +/- 1 pmol g(-1) min(-1) (P < 0.05). The reduced glucose uptake was accompanied by a lowering of the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen from 1.84 +/- 0.19 mmol g(-1) min(-)1 during exercise with glucose supplementation to 1.60 +/- 0.16 mmol g(-1) min(-1) during hypoglycaemia (P < 0.05). In addition, the cerebral IL-6 release was reduced from 0.4 +/- 0.1 to 0.0 +/- 0.1 pg g(-1) min(-1) (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Exercise-induced hypoglycaemia limits the cerebral uptake of glucose, exacerbates exercise, reduces the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen and attenuates the release of IL-6 from the brain.
To identify the characteristics of cases with an wide intraductal cancerous extension (WICE), we examined the relationship between WICE and type IV collagen distribution, and the relationship between WICE and the content of the proliferation-associated proteins in human breast cancer. The immunohistochemical distribution of type IV collagen and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were investigated in formalin-fixed tissue sections from 21 breast cancer cases. We demonstrated a significant correlation (p=0.014) between the presence of WICE and immunostaining of type IV collagen in the cancerous ducts (ducts occupied by cancer cells) in the central invasive area of breast cancer. However, no correlation was found between the presence of WICE and the PCNA index (percentage of positive cells per 1000 tumor cells). These findings suggest that the lack of the process of the loss of type IV collagen in the duct wall is more important than the nature of the tumor cells in the development of WICE.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the chronic inflammatory diseases with neurological disability in the central nervous system (CNS). Although the exact cause of MS is still largely unknown, both genetic and environmental factors are thought to play a role in disease risk. Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs) are endogenous viral elements of the human genome whose expression is associated with MS. HERVs are normally silenced or expressed at low levels, although their expression is higher in MS than in the healthy population. Several studies highlighted the plausible interaction between HERVs and other MS risk factors, including viral infection like Epstein-Barr viruses and vitamin D deficiency which may lead to high expression of HERVs in these patients. Understanding how HERVs act in this scenario can improve our understanding towards MS etiology and may lead to the development of antiretroviral therapies in these patients. Here in this review, we try to examine the different HERVs expression implicated in MS and their association with EBV infection and vitamin D status.
The authors report the case of a cardiac tumour documented by 2 D echocardiography, presenting in the newborn with cardiac arrest. The echocardiographic features of multiple nodules disseminated in the ventricular walls suggested a diagnosis of rhabdomyoma. The initial course was complicated by poorly tolerated attacks of tachycardia which were rapidly brought under control with amiodarone. The long term outcome was clinically favourable with a rapid regression of the number and size of the tumours on echocardiography, and a tendency to normalisation of the electrocardiogramme. The possibility of regression, which has already been reported by many investigators, suggests that these cardiac tumours may have a better prognosis than previously thought.
Addressing the behavioral health needs of the population is a growing public health concern; a significant portion of the population struggles with behavioral health challenges yet access to care is limited due to a multitude of barriers. Research has demonstrated that integration of behavioral health providers into the primary care team is an effective means of increasing care access and reducing barriers to care. While there has been an uptake in integrated primary care (IPC) in adult healthcare, there is significant opportunity for expanding IPC in pediatrics. Nemours Children's Health has developed a model IPC program to serve children and youth in Delaware and train future behavioral health professionals. Policy to support payment for IPC services and fund workforce development will be essential to sustaining the Nemours program as well as expanding this and other IPC models in order to serve more children and youth in Delaware and beyond.
A re-analysis of published data on mouse mutation rates induced by X and gamma rays suggests that the kinetics of induction can be analysed by fitting the data to a parabolic curve. We interpret this to mean that a substantial proportion of the induced mutations results from gross chromosomal changes such as deletions, some of which are one-track and some of which are two-track. This analysis is based on the assumption that the shape of the dose curve, which in the female is concave upward, reflects the manner in which the mutations are induced rather than representing a one-track (linear) curve whose shape has been modified by differential repair.
The incidence of osteoporotic fractures of the distal humerus is increasing, and the treatment of these injuries merits closer review. We assessed the results of 28 elderly patients (29 fractures) with a mean age of 85 years (range, 75-100 years). Open reduction and internal fixation was done on 21 elbows, and eight elbows were treated nonoperatively. Orthopaedic Trauma Association grading showed that the group treated with internal fixation had favorable results (three excellent, nine good, seven fair, and two poor) compared with the nonoperatively treated group (zero excellent, two good, three fair, and three poor). Mean loss of extension and mean flexion were better in the surgically treated patients (23.5 degrees and 99 degrees ) than in the nonoperatively treated patients (33.5 degrees and 71 degrees ). Substantial pain relief (mild or no pain) was achieved in a higher proportion (52%) in the surgically treated group than in the nonoperatively treated group (25%). Anatomic restoration of distal humeral tilt and articular congruity also were better in the surgically treated patients. Rates of complications were observed to be comparable to those described in the literature for younger patients. These findings reflect the relevance of surgical fixation of such fractures in this age group highlighting the need for additional clinical studies.
Recent biomedical advances inspire hope that an end to the epidemic of HIV is in sight. Adopting new approaches and paradigms for treatment and prevention in terms of both messaging and programming is a priority to accelerate progress. Defining the key sequential steps that comprise engagement in HIV care has provided a useful framework for clinical programs and motivated quality improvement initiatives. Recently, the same approach has been applied to use of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention. Building on the various prevention and care continua previously proposed, we present a novel schematic that incorporates both people living with HIV and people at risk, making it effectively "status-neutral" in that it proposes the same approach for engagement, regardless of one's HIV status. This multidirectional continuum begins with an HIV test and offers 2 divergent paths depending on the results; these paths end at a common final state. To illustrate how this continuum can be utilized for program planning as well as for monitoring, we provide an example using data for New York City men who have sex with men, a population with high HIV incidence and prevalence.
While several studies have examined attentional reserve (via event-related potentials) and mental effort (via EEG spectral content) from various cortical regions during dual-task walking, none have assessed changes in the magnitude of interregional (cortico-cortical) communication as a measure of mental workload. Therefore, by deploying a traditional montage of electrode sites centered over the motor planning region as well as a more comprehensive graph theory-based approach encompassing the entire scalp, this study aimed to systematically examine changes in the magnitude of functional connectivity underlying cortico-cortical communication to assess changes in mental workload under various levels of challenge. Specifically, the Weighted Phase Lag Index (WPLI) was computed to assess the changes in magnitude of functional connectivity as participants performed a cognitive task under two demands (low and high) and two conditions (seated and walking). The results revealed enhanced fronto-centro-temporo-parietal theta connectivity during dual-task walking relative to being seated as well as a reduced inhibition of fronto-centro-temporo-parieto-occipital alpha networking as the demand on the secondary cognitive task increased. Collectively, these findings may reflect greater recruitment of task relevant processes to respond to increased cognitive-motor demands and thus an elevation of mental workload in an effort to maintain performance under varying levels of challenge. This work has the potential to inform future mental workload assessment applications in patient populations, including those who employ prostheses during cognitive-motor performance under various task demands.
A temperature and rate-dependent crystal plasticity framework has been used to examine the temperature sensitivity of stress relaxation, creep and load shedding in model Ti-6Al polycrystal behaviour under dwell fatigue conditions. A temperature close to 120°C is found to lead to the strongest stress redistribution and load shedding, resulting from the coupling between crystallographic slip rate and slip system dislocation hardening. For temperatures in excess of about 230°C, grain-level load shedding from soft to hard grains diminishes because of the more rapid stress relaxation, leading ultimately to the diminution of the load shedding and hence, it is argued, the elimination of the dwell debit. Under conditions of cyclic stress dwell, at temperatures between 20°C and 230°C for which load shedding occurs, the rate-dependent accumulation of local slip by ratcheting is shown to lead to the progressive cycle-by-cycle redistribution of stress from soft to hard grains. This phenomenon is termed cyclic load shedding since it also depends on the material's creep response, but develops over and above the well-known dwell load shedding, thus providing an additional rationale for the incubation of facet nucleation.
OBJECTIVE To investigate whether restless legs syndrome (RLS) is associated with impaired physical functioning using subjective and objective assessments. METHODS From 2006-2013, 5,960 participants (mean age 67.2; 57.5% females) of the prospective population-based Rotterdam Study, aged 45 years and over, were cross-sectionally investigated for presence of restless legs syndrome using a questionnaire. Physical functioning was assessed subjectively with the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (basic activities of daily living) and the Instrumental Activities of Daily living scale (instrumental activities of daily living). Additionally, physical functioning was assessed objectively by quantifying fine motor performance with the Purdue Pegboard Test and by quantifying gait with an electronic walkway. RESULTS Restless legs syndrome was present in 13.7% of the participants. Persons with restless legs had more impairment in basic (difference in score 0.65, 95% CI 0.41;0.90) and instrumental activities of daily living (difference in score 0.28, 95% CI 0.09;0.48) than persons without restless legs. This association was strongest when symptoms were present two or more times a week (basic activities of daily living score difference 1.69, 95% CI 1.28;2.09). The association between restless legs syndrome and activities of daily living attenuated after adjusting for sleep quality or depressive symptoms. There was no association with the Purdue Pegboard Test score nor with gait. CONCLUSIONS Individuals with restless legs syndrome experienced significantly more impairment in activities of daily function than persons without restless legs. This seemed to be (partly) mediated by poor sleep quality and depressive symptoms. No association was found with objectively assessed physical functioning.
The first molecular capsule based on an [Ir(ppy)(2)](+) unit (ppy = 2-phenylatopyridine) has been prepared. Following the development of a method to resolve rac-[(Ir(ppy)(2)Cl)(2)] into its enantiopure forms, homochiral Ir(6)L(4) octahedra where obtained with the tritopic 1,3,5-tricyanobenzene. Solution studies and X-ray diffraction show that these capsules encapsulate four of the six associated counteranions and that these can be exchanged for other anionic guests. Initial photophysical studies have shown that an ensemble of weakly coordinating ligands can lead to luminescence not present in comparable mononuclear systems.
Dacron patch aortoplasty used to be a standard therapy in some surgical units. Occurrence of aneurysm formation after this procedure is well known. The incidence of aneurysms is reported to be 0-35% with a high risk of lethal rupture. We report three cases of aneurysm repair of the descending thoracic aorta after dacron patch aortoplasty using femoro-femoral extracorporeal system. Heparin-coated system was used primarily to prevent ischemic spinal cord injury through hypotension of the distal aorta and secondarily to reduce the risk of intraoperative hemorrhage.
The activity of micrococcal nuclease was studied on a novel substrate, denatured adenylylated glutamine synthetase [L-glutamate: ammonia ligase (ADP-forming), EC], which contains a unique tyrosyl residue linked through a phosphodiester bond to 5'-AMP. The products of the digestion were adenosine and O-phosphotyrosylglutamine synthetase. The Km of the macromolecular substrate with the nuclease was 1/40 that of the synthetic substrate, nitrophenyl-pdT, which is commonly used for assay of the enzyme. Native adenylylated glutamine synthetase was not deadenosylated by micrococcal nuclease under the conditions that permit rapid deadenosylation of denatured glutamine synthetase. Failure to attack native glutamine synthetase is probably not due to steric factors because the native enzyme is deadenylylated by snake venom phosphodiesterase under identical conditions. The inability of micrococcal nuclease to deadenosylate native glutamine synthetase may be due to the formation of an inactive complex because the native protein inhibited the nuclease activity on the denatured protein.
The effect of specific lipids on the functional properties of the acetylcholine receptor were examined in reconstituted membranes prepared from purified Torpedo californica acetylcholine receptor and various defined lipids. Cholesterol and negatively charged lipids greatly enhanced the ion influx response of the vesicles as measured by the effect of a receptor agonist on cation translocation across the vesicles. Part of the lipid-dependent effects could be attributed to alterations in the average size of the vesicles. All lipid mixtures used permitted complete incorporation of receptor and retention of ligand binding properties. Quantitative differences in ion flux properties suggest a modulating role for specific lipids in acetylcholine receptor function.
Seeds are one of the most significant innovations in the land plant lineage, critical to the diversification and adaptation of plants to terrestrial environments. From perspective of seed evo-devo, the most crucial developmental stage in this innovation is seed maturation, which includes accumulation of storage reserves, acquisition of desiccation tolerance, and induction of dormancy. Based on previous studies of seed development in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, seed maturation is mainly controlled by the LAFL regulatory network, which includes LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1) and LEC1-LIKE (L1L) of the NF-YB gene family, and ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3), FUSCA3 (FUS3), and LEC2 (LEAFY COTYLEDON2) of the B3-AFL gene family. In the present study, molecular evolution of these LAFL genes was analyzed, using representative species from across the major plant lineages. Additionally, to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the seed maturation program, co-expression pattern analyses of LAFL genes were conducted across vascular plants. The results show that the origin of AFL gene family dates back to a common ancestor of bryophytes and vascular plants, while LEC1-type genes are only found in vascular plants. LAFL genes of vascular plants likely specify their co-expression in two different developmental phrases, spore and seed maturation, respectively, and expression patterns vary slightly across the major vascular plants lineages. All the information presented in this study will provide insights into the origin and diversification of seed plants.
BACKGROUND To analyze our experience and to describe access and arch-related challenges when performing thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for penetrating aortic ulcers (PAUs). METHODS This is a single-center, observational, cohort study. Between October 2003 and February 2019, 48 patients with PAU were identified; 37 (77.1%) treated with TEVAR were retrospectively analyzed. Primary major outcomes were early (<30 days) and late survival, freedom from aortic-related mortality (ARM), and a composite endpoint of arch/vascular access-related complications. RESULTS On admission, 17 (45.9%) patients were symptomatic with 4 (10.8%) presenting with rupture. In-hospital mortality was 8.1% (n=3). We observed 10 (27.0%) arch/access-related complications. There were 4 (10.8%) arch issues: 2 transient ischemic attacks and 2 retrograde acute type A dissections which required emergent open conversion for definitive repair. Access issues occurred in 6 (16.2%) patients: 3 (8.1%) required common iliac artery conduit, and 1 (2.7%) patient required iliac artery angioplasty to deliver the stent-graft. In addition, 2 (5.4%) patients developed access complications which required operative repair [femoral patch angioplasty (n=2), and femoral pseudoaneurysmectomy (n=1)]. Arch/access-related mortality rate was 5.4% (n=2) and median follow-up was 24 (range, 1-156; IQR, 3-52) months. Estimated survival was 87.1% (standard error: 0.6; 95% CI: 71.2-84.9%) at 1 year, and 63.3% (SE: 0.9; 95% CI: 44.1-79%) at 4 years. Estimated freedom from reintervention was 88.9% (SE: 0.5; 95% CI: 74.8-95.6%) at 1 year, and 84.2% (SE: 0.7; 95% CI: 67.3-93.2%) at 4 years. No arch/access-related issues developed during the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS Our experience confirms that vascular access and aortic arch issues are still a challenging aspect of performing TEVAR for PAUs. Our cumulative 27% rate of access/arch issues is lower than previously reported due to both technological advancements and meticulous management of both access routes and arch anatomy.
CLINICAL SCENARIO Plantar fasciitis is a debilitating and painful problem present in the general population. It most often presents with moderate to severe pain in the proximal inferior heel region and is most commonly associated with repeated trauma to the plantar fascia. Plantar fasciitis, itself, is an injury at the site of attachment at the medial tubercle of the calcaneus, often due to excessive and repetitive traction. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain and is estimated to affect 2 million people in the United States alone. FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTION For adults suffering from plantar fasciitis, are foot orthoses a viable treatment option to reduce pain?
Binaural processing, particularly the processing of interaural phase differences, is important for sound localization and speech understanding in background noise. Age has been shown to impact the neural encoding and perception of these binaural temporal cues even in individuals with clinically normal hearing sensitivity. This work used a new electrophysiological response, called the interaural phase modulation-following response (IPM-FR), to examine the effects of age on the neural encoding of interaural phase difference cues. Relationships between neural recordings and performance on several behavioral measures of binaural processing were used to determine whether the IPM-FR is predictive of interaural phase difference sensitivity and functional speech understanding deficits. Behavioral binaural frequency modulation detection thresholds were measured to assess sensitivity to interaural phase differences while spatial release-from-masking thresholds were used to assess speech understanding abilities in spatialized noise. Thirty adults between the ages of 35 to 74 years with normal low-frequency hearing thresholds were used in this study. Data showed that older participants had weaker neural responses to the interaural phase difference cue and were less able to take advantage of binaural cues for speech understanding compared to younger participants. Results also showed that the IPM-FR was predictive of performance on the binaural frequency modulation detection task, but not on the spatial release-from-masking task after accounting the effects of age. These results confirm previous work that showed that the IPM-FR reflects age-related declines in binaural temporal processing and provide further evidence that this response may represent a useful objective tool for assessing binaural function. However, further research is needed to understand how the IPM-FR is related to speech understanding abilities.
The paper provides a short overview of three investigated bacterial protein toxins, colicin M (Cma) of Escherichia coli, pesticin (Pst) of Yersinia pestis and hemolysin (ShlAB) of Serratia marcescens. Cma and Pst are exceptional among colicins in that they kill bacteria by degrading the murein (peptidoglycan). Both are released into the medium and bind to specific receptor proteins in the outer membrane of sensitive E. coli cells. Subsequently they are translocated into the periplasm by an energy-consuming process using the proton motive force. For transmembrane translocation the colicins unfold and refold in the periplasm. In the case of Cma the FkpA peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase/chaperone is required. ShlA is secreted and activated through ShlB in the outer membrane by a type Vb secretion mechanism.
BACKGROUND Predictive alerts for impending hypoglycemic events enable persons with type 1 diabetes to take preventive actions and avoid serious consequences. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to develop a prediction model for hypoglycemic events with a low false alert rate, high sensitivity and specificity, and good generalizability to new patients and time periods. METHODS Performance improvement by focusing on sustained hypoglycemic events, defined as glucose values less than 70 mg/dL for at least 15 minutes, was explored. Two different modeling approaches were considered: (1) a classification-based method to directly predict sustained hypoglycemic events, and (2) a regression-based prediction of glucose at multiple time points in the prediction horizon and subsequent inference of sustained hypoglycemia. To address the generalizability and robustness of the model, two different validation mechanisms were considered: (1) patient-based validation (model performance was evaluated on new patients), and (2) time-based validation (model performance was evaluated on new time periods). RESULTS This study utilized data from 110 patients over 30-90 days comprising 1.6 million continuous glucose monitoring values under normal living conditions. The model accurately predicted sustained events with >97% sensitivity and specificity for both 30- and 60-minute prediction horizons. The false alert rate was kept to <25%. The results were consistent across patient- and time-based validation strategies. CONCLUSIONS Providing alerts focused on sustained events instead of all hypoglycemic events reduces the false alert rate and improves sensitivity and specificity. It also results in models that have better generalizability to new patients and time periods.
A method for calculating the relative sensitivity factors for the rare earth elements in geological material is outlined. A close correlation is found between the relative sensitivity factors calculated and isotopic mass and the first ionization potential for the elements. The points are grouped in the vicinity of a regression line, which may be used to determine the relative sensitivity factors for all the rare earth elements.
Genetic and metabolic diversities of rhizobacteria are the fundamental sources for their adaptation to cope with abiotic and biotic stresses in order to enhance growth and health of plants in the soil. Thus, this study was initiated to assess the genetic and metabolic diversities of rhizobacteria isolated from plants grown in degraded soil through BOX-PCR and partial sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. A total of eighty isolates were recovered and subjected to phenotypic profiling of carbohydrate and amino acid utilization, BOX PCR and 16S rRNA profiling. The phenotypic profiling showed remarkable metabolic versatility with Ochrobactrum spp, Pseudomonas spp and Klebsiella spp, and BOX-PCR showed greater discriminatory power for fingerprinting of rhizobacterial isolates with high degree of polymorphism. Bacillus spp showed the highest Simpson's diversity Index. The 16S rRNA genes sequence assigned the rhizobacteria to phyla Proteobacteria with Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria classes and Firmicutes with Bacilli class. The data also showed that the most dominant species were Pseudomonas and Ochrobactrum. Genetic and metabolic diversities of the rhizobacterial isolates reveal the potential of these microbes for plant growth improvement under water deficient soil after testing other inoculant traits.
Follow-up and therapy of 136 patients with nonspecific salpingo-oophoritis evidence the efficacy of acupuncture included in a complex of therapeutic measures for the treatment of this condition, as compared to traditional therapeutic modalities. Acupuncture therapy is conductive to shortening in-hospital therapy, to full-value normalization of the body immunobiologic defense and of the autonomic nervous system, and to a reduction of the incidence of the condition recurrences.
Ankle orthoses are commonly used for prevention of recurrent ankle sprains. While there are some data on their functional performance or restriction of range of motion, there is little knowledge on the quantifiable passive mechanical effectiveness of various devices. This study aimed to determine the prophylactic stabilization effect for commonly prescribed ankle orthoses in a simulated recurrent ankle sprain. Eleven anatomic lower leg specimens were tested in plantar flexion and hindfoot inversion in a simulated ankle sprain in a quasi-static and dynamic test mode at 0.5°/s and 50°/s internal rotation, respectively. Tests included intact specimens, same specimens with the ruptured anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), followed by stabilization with five different semi-rigid orthoses: AirGo Ankle Brace, Air Stirrup Ankle Brace, Dyna Ankle 50S1, MalleoLoc, and Aequi. Compared to the injured and unprotected state, two orthoses (AirGo and Air Stirrup) significantly reinforced the ankle. The Aequi ankle brace restored stability comparable to an intact joint. Dyna Ankle 50S1 and MalleoLoc provided insufficient resistance to applied internal rotation compared to the ankle with ruptured ATFL. Ankle orthoses varied significantly in their ability to stabilize the unstable ankle during an ankle sprain in both testing modes. Presented objective data on passive stabilization reveal a lack of supporting evidence for clinical application of ankle orthoses.
Fibroblasts transformed by the v-Src oncoprotein exhibit elevated activity of the enzyme phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI 3-kinase), which binds to, and is activated by, a wide range of receptor tyrosine kinases as well as v-Src and transforming polyoma middle T/c-Src complexes. Here we consider the role of the v-Src homology (SH) domains, SH3 and SH2, and the tyrosine kinase catalytic domain, in the stimulation of v-Src-associated PI 3-kinase activity in response to rapid activation of the oncoprotein. As shown by others, we find that the v-Src SH3 domain tightly binds the PI 3-kinase p85 regulatory subunit in normal growing chicken embryo fibroblasts. However, we also find that in transformed cells there is additional efficient binding of PI 3-kinase to the v-Src SH2 domain in a catalytically active form. Furthermore, the binding of p85 to the SH2 domain, which is almost undetectable in quiescent cells, is rapidly stimulated upon activation of temperature-sensitive v-Src and consequent cell cycle entry, demonstrating that binding is a target for regulation. We also show that v-Src-associated PI 3-kinase differs considerably from PDGF receptor-associated enzyme by a different mode of binding, a lack of substantial allosteric activation, and a dependence on the tyrosine kinase activity of v-Src. The rapidly induced binding and activation of PI 3-kinase thus provides sensitive regulation of recruitment of PI 3-kinase to its substrates and into other signaling complexes at the cell membrane, which involves all the Src homology domains.
Patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have high risk of microcirculation complications and microangiopathies. An increase in thrombogenic risk is associated with platelet hyperaggregation, hypercoagulation, and hyperfibrinolysis. Factors leading to platelet activation in MetS and T2DM comprise insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, non-enzymatic glycosylation, oxidative stress, and inflammation. This review discusses the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the regulation of platelet adhesion and aggregation processes. NO is synthesized both in endotheliocytes, smooth muscle cells, macrophages, and platelets. Modification of platelet NO-synthase (NOS) activity in MetS patients can play a central role in the manifestation of platelet hyperactivation. Metabolic changes, accompanying T2DM, can lead to an abnormal NOS expression and activity in platelets. Hyperhomocysteinemia, often accompanying T2DM, is a risk factor for cardiovascular accidents. Homocysteine can reduce NO production by platelets. This review provides data on the insulin effects in platelets. Decrease in a number and sensitivity of the insulin receptors on platelets in T2DM can cause platelet hyperactivation. Various intracellular mechanisms of anti-aggregating insulin effects are discussed. Anti-aggregating effects of insulin are mediated by a NO-induced elevation of cGMP and upregulation of cAMP- and cGMP-dependent pathways. The review presents data suggesting an ability of platelets to synthesize humoral factors stimulating thrombogenesis and inflammation. Proinflammatory cytokines are considered as markers of T2DM and cardiovascular complications and are involved in the development of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. The article provides an evaluation of NO-mediated signaling pathway in the effects of cytokines on platelet aggregation. The effects of the proinflammatory cytokines on functional activity of platelets are demonstrated.
Addition of vanadate to spores of Dictyostelium discoideum engaged in the process of autoactivation resulted in an inhibition of germination which was dependent on the time of addition of the compound. If vanadate was added directly after the washing of dormant spores, then few spores swelled or released myxamoebae. Autoactivator was not secreted from vanadate-inhibited spores. Addition of vanadate to spores that had begun to autoactivate in moist fruiting bodies did not completely inhibit germination. Spores blocked from autoactivation by vanadate responded to the presence of exogenous autoactivator by germinating, but the resulting myxamoebae contained prominent vesicles. Heat shock also overcame vanadate-induced inhibition. This inhibition of autoactivation by vanadate is similar to that imposed on spores by the natural autoinhibitor: thus (1) both compounds block the initiation of the autoactivation cascade and spores do not swell; (2) autoactivator does not transiently accumulate in the culture broths under these conditions; and (3) addition of exogenous autoactivator overrides the inhibition caused by these two compounds. It is hypothesized that vanadate blocks the synthesis/secretion of autoactivator by interfering with an early step in the membrane traffic involved in spore autophagy. Exogenous autoactivator appeared in the supernatants when autoactivating spores swelled but decreased just after the appearance of nascent myxamoebae. It was shown that the autoactivator is not cAMP for cGMP and that it is stable to treatment with beef heart cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. Nevertheless, myxamoebae from autoactivating spores precociously began aggregation within 30 min of plating on non-nutrient
Staple grains such as rice, wheat and maize consumed by different societal groups differ greatly in their concentrations and bioavailability of the cadmium (Cd) antagonists, zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and calcium (Ca). We hypothesized thatthe low nutritional status of rice consumers, which results from an inadequate supply of these minerals from rice, could contribute significantly to a higher apparent susceptibility to soil Cd contamination from rice than the higher nutritional status of those who consume other grains with higher mineral content. To test this hypothesis, a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial study was conducted. Rats were fed diets with adequate or marginal amounts of dietary Zn, Fe, or Ca. The basal diets contained 40% unenriched, milled rice fortified with 0.62 mg of Cd/kg as CdCl2 (0.25 mg of Cd/kg diet). Rat consumed the diets for 5 weeks and then were fed 1 g of a similar diet containing 10(9)Cd-labeled rice. After 2 weeks, whole-body (WB) retention of 109Cd was determine. Rats then were killed, and the organs were removed for total Cd determinations. Rats fed marginal concentrations of dietary Zn had slightly but significantly more WB retention of 109Cd than controls; however, rats fed marginal Fe or Ca had as much as 3-fold higher retention of the label. Rats fed marginal amounts of Zn, Fe, and Ca combined retained as much as 8 times more 109Cd than rats fed adequate minerals. The effects on Cd concentrations in liver and kidney were similar to the effects on 109Cd retention. These results support the hypothesis that populations exposed to dietary sources of Cd and subsisting on marginal mineral intakes could be at greater risk than well-nourished populations exposed to similar amounts of dietary Cd. Thus, different food crops can cause unequal Cd risk at equal Cd concentration if diets containing the food are not balanced to provide adequate interacting mineral concentrations.
A batch fluidized bed reactor (BFBR) with modified biosynthetic crystals (MBC), derived from Pseudomonas sp. HXF1, was investigated for the treatment of the groundwater containing fluoride (F-). Impacts of different hydraulic retention time (HRT), pH, and initial F- concentration on F- removal were examined and the maximum defluorination efficiency was recorded as 95.20%. Moreover, recycling experiments were performed to evaluate the stability of repeated use. BFBR/MBC system showed a long-term effective treatment outcome with low fluctuation in the concentrations of residual Ca2+ and F-. The formed precipitates were characterized by SEM, XPS, XRD, and FTIR. The defluorination mechanisms of BFBR/MBC system were defined as the chemisorption and induced crystallization of Ca5(PO4)3F on the MBC surface. As a feasible, economical, and environment-friendly technique, the method has a long-term value, which suggests promising applications in F- removal and resourceful treatment.
The stability of cytokeratin (CK) protein during tumor transformation in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was studied with molecular approach previously. The results demonstrated that the CK was modulated in human HCC. Besides this, three low molecular weight CK molecules (named HCC CK) were found. It indicated that these HCC CKs are undergone modulation from human hepatocyte CK18. However, there were many differences between the CK18 and HCC CK. First, the antigenecity of HCC CK had been changed since they could not be recognized by CAM5.2 antibody on Western blot. Second, the sequences of N-terminal residues of HCC CK were matched with those of the N-terminal residues of human histone. In this study, we confirmed that the HCC CK was actually to be histones because they reacted to anti-histone antibody on Western blot. Furthermore, we found that the histones of human HCC had been changed during the process of tumor transformation since they could be co-immunoprecipitated with CK18 and could be detected by Western blot while this phenomenon did not happen in the normal liver tissue. We also found that not all histones change in human HCC. Only H3 was detected on Western blot while H1, H2A, H2B, and H4 were not detected in human HCCs.
A nuclear quantum dynamical simulation of the proton shuttle operating in the green fluorescent protein has been carried out on a high-quality, high-dimensionality potential energy surface describing the photoactive pipi* excited state, and including motion of both the three protons and of the donor and acceptor atoms of the hydrogen bonds in a closed proton wire. The results of the simulations show that proton transfer along the wire is essentially concerted, synchronous, and very fast, with a substantial amount of the green fluorescent species forming within several tens of femtoseconds. In this regard, analysis of the population of the fluorescent species indicates that at least two dynamical regimes are present for its formation. Within the first hundreds of femtoseconds, dynamics is very fast and impulsive. Later on, a slower pace of formation appears. It is discussed that the two largest decay times for the protonated chromophore reported experimentally (Chattoraj, M.; King, B. A.; Bublitz, G. U.; Boxer, S. G. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1996, 93, 8362-8367) might correspond to some irreversible process occurring after formation of the fluorescent species, rather than to cleavage of the chromophore's phenolic O-H bond.
Little is known about cytokines involved in chronic irritant contact dermatitis. Individual cytokine profiles might explain at least part of the differences in the individual response to irritation. Our objective was to investigate the relation between baseline stratum corneum (SC) cytokine levels and the skin response to a single and a repeated irritation test. This study also aimed to determine changes in SC cytokine levels after repeated irritation. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and erythema were measured in 20 volunteers after single 24-hr exposure to 1% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and during and after repeated exposure to 0.1% SLS over a 3-week period. SC cytokine levels were measured from an unexposed skin site and from the repeatedly exposed site. Interleukin (IL)-1alpha decreased by 30% after repeated exposure, while IL-1RA increased 10-fold and IL-8 increased fourfold. Baseline IL-1RA and IL-8 values were predictors of TEWL and erythema after single exposure (r = 0.55-0.61). 6 subjects showed barrier recovery during repeated exposure. Baseline IL-1RA and IL-8 levels are likely to be indicators of higher skin irritability after single exposure to SLS. Barrier repair in some of the subjects might explain the lack of agreement between the TEWL response after single and repeated irritation.
SHP-1, a protein tyrosine phosphatase containing two tandem SH2 domains, is autoinhibited at rest by its N-terminal SH2 (N-SH2) domain. Relief from autoinhibition and a subsequent 10-60-fold increase in V(max) have been observed upon N-SH2 domain engagement by a specific phosphotyrosyl ligand or upon deletion of the SH2 domains to yield the catalytic PTPase domain. In this study, we observed that glycerol and propane-1,2-diols, at concentrations of 4-6 M, accelerated the k(cat) of the full length enzyme by 47-fold and of the PTPase domain by 8-fold. Glycerol also increases the rate of proteolytic cleavage between the SH2 and catalytic PTPase domains. In stopped-flow studies using p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) as a substrate, a burst of p-nitrophenolate in the full length enzyme was not observed; however, a 50-70% stoichiometric burst was observed with the PTPase domain. Rapid quench studies using [32P]pNPP as a substrate showed a very low level of covalent [32P]phosphocysteinyl enzyme intermediate accumulation: 0.06% in the full length enzyme and 1% in the PTP domain. Stimulation by glycerol reduced the accumulating levels of phosphocysteinyl enzyme in both cases of full length SHP-1 and the PTPase domain; however, glycerol is not acting as a cosubstrate since no glycerophosphate product was detectable. It is likely that, for full length SHP-1, with pNPP as a model substrate, enzyme-substrate complex (ES) accumulates in its basal autoinhibited state, whereas enzyme-product complex (EP(i)) accumulates in its pY ligand-bound activated state. Glycerol probably relaxes the compact structure of SHP-1 and the PTP domain, thereby accelerating the catalytic rates in both cases by increasing forward reaction rates of ES and EP(i).
The dura-like membrane (DLM) is an outermost membranous structure arising from the dura mater adjacent to the internal auditory meatus (IAM) that envelops some vestibular schwannomas (VSs). Its recognition is important for the preservation of the facial and cochlear nerves during tumor resection. This study analyzes the histopathological characteristics of the DLM. The expression of CD34 and αSMA was histopathologically analyzed in tumor and DLM tissue of 10 primary VSs with and without a DLM. Tumor volume, resection volume percentage, microvessel density (MVD), and vessel diameter were analyzed. Volumetric analysis revealed that the presence of a DLM was significantly associated with lower tumor resection volume (p < 0.05). Intratumoral vessel diameter was significantly larger in the DLM group than the non-DLM group (p < 0.01). Larger VSs showed a higher intratumoral MVD in the DLM group (p < 0.05). Multilayered αSMA-positive vessels were identified in the DLM, tumor, and border; there tended to be more of these vessels within the tumor in the DLM group compared to the non-DLM group (p = 0.08). These arteriogenic characteristics suggest that the DLM is formed as the tumor induces feeding vessels from the dura mater around the IAM.
OBJECTIVE This study had for aim to evaluate practices and knowledge of infectious hazards, to determine the prevalence of viral infections related to occupational blood exposure among health care workers, and to propose a preventive policy. DESIGN This descriptive multicentric and transversal epidemiological survey was carried out from 2003 to 2004 in 10 Moroccan cities. Two thousand eight hundred and forty four persons were contacted and 2086 accepted to answer the questionnaire (73.3 %). RESULTS The mean age was 40.8+/-7.8 years and seniority 15.6+/-7.4 years. Blood was the most incriminated product (96.1%), followed by dirty linen and hospital waste. Instruments most often mentioned as dangerous were hollow needles (80.3%). The most feared infections were viral hepatitis (77.5%) and HIV (89.3%). Only 40.6% of the personnel were adequately vaccinated against hepatitis B. Post-vaccine serology was performed on only 1.8% of the vaccinated staff. During the last 12 months, 58.9% of the personnel underwent at least one occupational blood exposure 5.8% of which was reported. Universal precautions appeared poorly used as only 65.6% wore gloves for invasive acts and 61.5% correctly disinfected their hands. Re-sheathing used needles was frequent (51.2%). CONCLUSIONS Infectious hazards in healthcare facilities are not sufficiently taken into account: the recent creation of occupational health services in hospital facilities should contribute to improve working conditions, make hepatitis B vaccination available and mandatory, and lead to more information and education on hazards related to occupational blood exposure for healthcare personnel.
Adverse reactions to dental materials are not an uncommon occurrence, although hypersensitivity has gained much renewed interest in light of public concerns over the safety of dental materials. Hypersensitivity can affect both patients and dental professionals and may manifest as either allergic contact dermatitis or stomatitis. Methacrylic monomers, such as MMA, EGDMA, TEGDMA and Bis-GMA, have been documented as causative allergens, however, little has been documented on the risk of such monomers in composites and bonding agents. The purpose of this article is to examine the current evidence and aspects of hypersensitivity to resin composites and bonding systems that are relevant within a dental setting. Clinical relevance: In the dental profession, dental materials have historically been documented as a cause of hypersensitivity. However, there remains little recent evidence on such reactions. The aims of this article are to highlight both the risk of hypersensitivity to dental composites and resin-bonding agents and the importance of reporting adverse reactions appropriately.
There are a number of suggested predictive factors of nivolumab for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), however, there is not enough evidence to determine a single factor that can predict the efficacy of nivolumab. As the progress of biomarkers for cancer treatment is improving, it has been speculated that certain clinical factors serve an important role when predicting the outcome of chemotherapy. A total of 67 patients treated with nivolumab for NSCLC from 2016-2017 were prospectively investigated. Age, sex, the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status, histology, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation, history of chemotherapy, smoking status, use of statins, use of fibrates, use of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, and use of metformin were examined as clinical factors. Statistical analyses were performed using the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression adjusted for risk factors and the tumor response of 67 patients was assessed. The patients had a median age of 67 years (range, 36-87 years), and 46 males and 21 females were enrolled; performance status 0/1 was 59. Cases were categorized as adenocarcinoma (n=41), squamous cell carcinoma (n=17) and other (n=9). A total of 13 patients (19.4%) had EGFR mutations. These clinical factors were not statistically significant in overall survival (OS). Clinical laboratory findings, complications and use of medical agents including antidiabetes mellitus or lipidemia were also analyzed. Statins exhibited statistical significance for response (P=0.02). Time-to-treatment failure (TTF) in statin-use group was not reached [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.9-not reached] and was 4.0 months (95% CI: 2.0-5.4) in the non-statin group (P=0.039). The median OS in statin-use group was not reached (95% CI: 8.7-not reached) and was 16.5 months (95% CI: 7.5-not reached) in the non-statin group (P=0.058). NSCLC patients previously treated with nivolumab who were administered statins exhibited an increased response rate and longer TTF. This response was not statistically significant in OS.
There is growing interest in understanding the functional outcomes of species interactions in ecological networks. For many mutualistic networks, including pollination and seed dispersal networks, interactions are generally sampled by recording animal foraging visits to plants. However, these visits may not reflect actual pollination or seed dispersal events, despite these typically being the ecological processes of interest. Frugivorous animals can act as seed dispersers, by swallowing entire fruits and dispersing their seeds, or as pulp peckers or seed predators, by pecking fruits to consume pieces of pulp or seeds. These processes have opposing consequences for plant reproductive success. Therefore, equating visitation with seed dispersal could lead to biased inferences about the ecology, evolution and conservation of seed dispersal mutualisms. Here, we use natural history information on the functional outcomes of pairwise bird-plant interactions to examine changes in the structure of seven European plant-frugivore visitation networks after non-mutualistic interactions (pulp pecking and seed predation) have been removed. Following existing knowledge of the contrasting structures of mutualistic and antagonistic networks, we hypothesized a number of changes following interaction removal, such as increased nestedness and lower specialization. Non-mutualistic interactions with pulp peckers and seed predators occurred in all seven networks, accounting for 21%-48% of all interactions and 6%-24% of total interaction frequency. When non-mutualistic interactions were removed, there were significant increases in network-level metrics such as connectance and nestedness, while robustness decreased. These changes were generally small, homogenous and driven by decreases in network size. Conversely, changes in species-level metrics were more variable and sometimes large, with significant decreases in plant degree, interaction frequency, specialization and resilience to animal extinctions and significant increases in frugivore species strength. Visitation data can overestimate the actual frequency of seed dispersal services in plant-frugivore networks. We show here that incorporating natural history information on the functions of species interactions can bring us closer to understanding the processes and functions operating in ecological communities. Our categorical approach lays the foundation for future work quantifying functional interaction outcomes along a mutualism-antagonism continuum, as documented in other frugivore faunas.
Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of viral disease has been demonstrated for infections caused by flaviviruses and influenza viruses; however, antibodies that enhance bacterial disease are relatively unknown. In recent years, a few studies have directly linked antibodies with exacerbation of bacterial disease. This ADE of bacterial disease has been observed in mouse models and human patients with bacterial infections. This antibody-mediated enhancement of bacterial infection is driven by various mechanisms that are disparate from those found in viral ADE. This review aims to highlight and discuss historic evidence, potential molecular mechanisms, and current therapies for ADE of bacterial infection. Based on specific case studies, we report how plasmapheresis has been successfully used in patients to ameliorate infection-related symptomatology associated with bacterial ADE. A greater understanding and appreciation of bacterial ADE of infection and disease could lead to better management of infections and inform current vaccine development efforts.
Investigating eye movements has been a promising approach to uncover the role of visual working memory in early attentional processes. Prior research has already demonstrated that eye movements in search tasks are more easily drawn toward stimuli that show similarities to working memory content, as compared with neutral stimuli. Previous saccade tasks, however, have always required a selection process, thereby automatically recruiting working memory. The present study was an attempt to confirm the role of working memory in oculomotor selection in an unbiased saccade task that rendered memory mechanisms irrelevant. Participants executed a saccade in a display with two elements, without any instruction to aim for one particular element. The results show that when two objects appear simultaneously, a working memory match attracts the first saccade more profoundly than do mismatch objects, an effect that was present throughout the saccade latency distribution. These findings demonstrate that memory plays a fundamental biasing role in the earliest competitive processes in the selection of visual objects, even when working memory is not recruited during selection.
Self-assembled monolayers (SAM) are promising building blocks for the optimization of a large variety of systems both on the nano- and on the microscale. Among other applications, SAM are often used as protective coating or friction modifiers. In this work, we have used hexadecanethiol SAM on Au(111) as a model system and studied the different mechanisms of energy dissipation during temperature and velocity dependent friction force microscopy (FFM). In a number of cases, the SAM remained stable during atomic force microscopy experiments and friction-velocity isotherms related dissipation to an activation energy. In other cases, friction experiments lead to an irreversible deterioration of the SAM. This can rather be associated with the general SAM structure that was analyzed by scanning tunneling microscopy and showed a large variety of potential breakdown points like, for example, grain boundaries, step edges, or substrate-related holes in the SAM.
PURPOSE Interventional procedures involving radionuclides (e.g., radioembolization) would benefit from single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) performed in the intervention room because the activity distribution could be immediately visualized. We believe it might be possible to perform SPECT with the C-arm cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner present in the intervention room by equipping the x-ray flat panel detector with a collimator. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the approach and to investigate the achievable SPECT reconstruction quality. METHODS A proof-of-concept experiment was performed to evaluate the possibility of nuclear imaging with an x-ray flat panel detector. The experiment was digitally replicated to study the accuracy of the simulations. Three flat panel configurations (with standard hardware and reconstruction methodology, with sophisticated reconstruction methodology, and with expected future hardware) and a conventional gamma camera were evaluated. The Jaszczak and the NEMA IQ phantom (filled with 99m Tc) were simulated and assessed on resolution and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). RESULTS The proof-of-concept experiment demonstrated that nuclear images could be obtained from the flat panel detector. The simulation of the same configuration demonstrated that simulations could accurately predict the flat panel detector response. The CNR of the 37 mm sphere in the NEMA IQ phantom was 22.8 ± 1.2 for the gamma camera reconstructions, while it was 11.3 ± 0.7 for the standard flat panel detector. With sophisticated reconstruction methodology, the CNR improved to 13.5 ± 1.4. The CNR can be expected to advance to 18.1 ± 1.3 for future flat panel detectors. CONCLUSIONS The x-ray flat panel detector of a CBCT scanner might be used to perform nuclear imaging. The SPECT reconstruction quality will be lower than that achieved by a conventional gamma camera. The flat panel detector approach could, however, be useful in providing a cost-effective alternative to the purchase of a mobile SPECT scanner for enabling interventional scanning.
OBJECTIVE To measure the basal metabolic rate of women (aged 20 to 40 years) living in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and to compare it with estimated values bored on published predictive equations. METHODS Basal metabolic rate was measured by indirect calorimetry under standard conditions in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle of 60 volunteers. RESULTS Mean measured basal metabolic rate (+/- standard deviation) was 1,185.3+/- 148.6 kcal/24 hours. Estimated basal metabolic rates were significantly greater (7% to 17%) than measured basal metabolic rate (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS These results show that predictive equations are not suitable to estimate basal metabolic rate in these groups of women and that the use of estimated basal metabolic rate will lead to an overestimation of energy requirements in women with similar characteristics.
A high serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level was found in a patient with endometrial adenocarcinoma of the uterus, which appeared to be hepatoid on histological examination. The AFP of this unusual patient was purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and characterized. The electrophoretic profiles on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide get electrophoresis both before and after glycopeptidase F treatment were indistinguishable from those of a hepatoma AFP. This indicates that the patient's AFP was also composed of a single polypeptide chain of Mr 67,000 and an N-linked sugar chain of Mr 3,000. Amino acid sequence analyses of this AFP, and of AFP from hepatoma and umbilical cord serum indicated that the N-terminal sequences were essentially the same. The sequence, Arg-Thr-Leu-His-Arg-Asn-Glu-Tyr-Gly-Ile, was slightly different from previous reports, but matched that deduced from the cDNA sequence. AFP isoforms due to microheterogeneity of the sugar chain were analyzed by lectin affinity electrophoresis using a series of lectins. The AFP isoform profiles were distinct from those of proteins derived from cord serum, hepatoma, yolk sac tumor and gastric cancer. The reverse-transcription of RNA from the tumor tissue followed by a polymerase chain reaction using primers with AFP-specific sequences gave a product of the size and nucleotide sequence expected for AFP. mRNAs possessing the requisite sequences for albumin and transferrin syntheses were also detected in the tumor. The expression of these hepatocyte-specific proteins supported the hepatoid nature of this tumor.
The original version of this Article contained an error in the author affiliations. The affiliation of Kevin P. White with Tempus Labs, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA was inadvertently omitted.This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.
OBJECTIVES To determine the association between Insall-Salvati ratio (ISR), a measure of patella alta, and worsening of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-based osteoarthritis (OA)-related patellofemoral joint structural damages over 24-month in participants of the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). DESIGN Using weighted random sampling method, we selected a sample of 500 knees (from 1,677 knees with available baseline and 24-months MRI OA Knee Score (MOAKS) measurements), which is OAI-representative regarding knee OA-related factors (i.e., baseline age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and radiographic Kellgren-Lawrence grading). The ISR was measured in all enrolled knees using baseline sagittal 3T-MRI plane by three radiologists. Baseline and 24-month MOAKS variables for patellofemoral bone marrow lesions (BMLs), cartilage damages, and osteophytes were extracted, and the associations between ISR and 24-month worsening of these 3T-MRI features were evaluated using multivariable regression models. After computing receiver operating characteristic curves, the optimal cutoff point of ISR for indicating worsening of patellofemoral OA was determined. P-values were adjusted for multiple comparisons and false discovery rate (FDR) adjusted P-values were reported. RESULTS In this longitudinal analysis, 24-month worsening of BML (odds ratio [OR] (95% confidence interval [95% CI]):11.18 (3.35-39.6), adjusted-p-value:<0.001) and cartilage scores (OR:7.39 (1.62-34.71), adjusted-p-value:0.042) in lateral patella was associated with higher baseline ISR. However, higher ISR was not statistically associated with medial patellar or medial and lateral trochlear BML or cartilage scores worsening. We determined the optimal cutoff point of ISR≥1.14 (95% CI: 1.083-1.284) for predicting lateral patellofemoral OA-related structural damages worsening over 24-months (sensitivity:73.73%; specificity: 66.67%). CONCLUSIONS Given the uncertainly surrounding the results, our overall findings suggest that ISR could be considered as a predictor of lateral patellofemoral OA-related structural damages worsening with the optimal cutoff point of ≥1.14 using knee sagittal MRI measurements.
PURPOSE The use of in vitro screening tests for characterizing the activity of anticancer agents is a standard practice in oncology research and development. In these studies, human A2780 ovarian carcinoma cells cultured in plates are exposed to different concentrations of the compounds for different periods of time. Their anticancer activity is then quantified in terms of EC(50) comparing the number of metabolically active cells present in the treated and the control arms at specified time points. The major concern of this methodology is the observed dependency of the EC(50) on the experimental design in terms of duration of exposure. This dependency could affect the efficacy ranking of the compounds, causing possible biases especially in the screening phase, when compound selection is the primary purpose of the in vitro analysis. To overcome this problem, the applicability of a modeling approach to these in vitro studies was evaluated. METHODS The model, consisting of a system of ordinary differential equations, represents the growth of tumor cells using a few identifiable and biologically relevant parameters related to cell proliferation dynamics and drug action. In particular, the potency of the compounds can be measured by a unique and drug-specific parameter that is essentially independent of drug concentration and exposure time. Parameter values were estimated using weighted nonlinear least squares. RESULTS The model was able to adequately describe the growth of tumor cells at different experimental conditions. The approach was validated both on commercial drugs and discovery candidate compounds. In addition, from this model the relationship between EC(50) and the exposure time was derived in an analytic form. CONCLUSIONS The proposed approach provides a new tool for predicting and/or simulating cell responses to different treatments with useful indications for optimizing in vitro experimental designs. The estimated potency parameter values obtained from different compounds can be used for an immediate ranking of anticancer activity.
Documented relaxation time measurements of body fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) vary considerably. This may be largely due to lack of an appropriate method of maintaining the in vivo physiological and biochemical characteristics of the fluid. We have developed an in vitro technique that maintains the in vivo characteristics of body fluid samples for a sufficiently long period to establish the true relaxation times. To illustrate this we studied changes in CSF pH, pO2, and pCO2, first as it equilibrated with air and then under anaerobic conditions as found in vivo. Relaxation times of CSF were then studied under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Under the particular aerobic conditions used the pH and pO2 of CSF increased quickly and pCO2 fell within the first 30 min. By 3-4 h equilibration with air was complete. The T1 and T2 relaxation times of CSF decreased by 14 and 16%, respectively, as a result of these physicochemical changes. It is important that such changes be considered when relaxation measurements of any body fluid are performed in vitro and efforts to maintain the in vivo milieu should not be neglected.
We synthesized analogs modified in the ribose unit (ribose linked to N1 of adenine) of cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR), a Ca2+-mobilizing second messenger. The biological activities of these analogs were determined in NG108-15 neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells that were pre-loaded with fura-2 acetoxymethylester and subjected to whole-cell patch-clamp. Application of the hydrolysis-resistant cyclic ADP-carbocyclic-ribose (cADPcR) through patch pipettes potentiated elevation of the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) at the depolarized membrane potential. The increase in [Ca2+]i evoked upon sustained membrane depolarization was significantly larger in cADPcR-infused cells than in non-infused cells and its degree was equivalent to or significantly greater than that induced by cADPR or beta-NAD+. 8-Chloro-cADPcR and two inosine congeners (cyclic IDP-carbocyclic-ribose and 8-bromo-cyclic IDP-carbocyclic-ribose) did not induce effects similar to those of cADPcR or cADPR. Instead, 8-chloro-cADPcR together with cADPR or cADPcR caused inhibition of the depolarization-induced [Ca2+]i increase as compared with either cADPR or cADPcR alone. These results demonstrated that our cADPR analogs have agonistic or antagonistic effects on the depolarization-induced [Ca2+]i increase and suggested the presence of functional reciprocal coupling between ryanodine receptors and voltage-activated Ca2+ channels via cADPR in mammalian neuronal cells.
This study investigated the acute effects of angiotensin-(1-7) and AVE0991 on active tone and vasodilator responses to bradykinin and acetylcholine in isolated mesenteric arteries from Sprague-Dawley rats fed a high-salt (HS; 4% NaCl) versus a normal salt (NS; 0.4% NaCl) diet. Angiotensin-(1-7) and AVE0991 elicited relaxation, and angiotensin-(1-7) unmasked vasodilator responses to bradykinin in arteries from HS-fed rats. These effects of angiotensin-(1-7) and AVE0991 were inhibited by endothelium removal, A779, PD123319, HOE140 and L-NAME. Angiotensin-(1-7) also restored the acetylcholine-induced relaxation that was suppressed by the HS diet. Vasodilator responses to bradykinin and acetylcholine in the presence of angiotensin-(1-7) were mimicked by captopril and the AT2 receptor agonist CGP42112 in arteries from HS-fed rats. Thus, in contrast to salt-induced impairment of vascular relaxation in response to vasodilator stimuli, angiotensin-(1-7) induces endothelium-dependent and NO-mediated relaxation, unmasks bradykinin responses via activation of mas and AT2 receptors, and restores acetylcholine-induced vasodilation in HS-fed rats. AT2 receptor activation and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition shared the ability of angiotensin-(1-7) to enhance bradykinin and acetylcholine responses in HS-fed rats. These findings suggest a therapeutic potential for mas and/or AT2 receptor activation and ACE inhibition in restoring endothelial function impaired by elevated dietary salt intake or other pathological conditions.
Elevated uterine blood flow is associated with increases in local estrogen-to-progesterone ratios during the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle and late pregnancy. Because protein kinase C (PKC) activation increases arterial tone, decreased PKC activity may mediate vasodilation. Therefore, we determined uterine (UA) and systemic artery (SA, omental) PKC activity ( protein-1.min-1) during the follicular (n = 6), early luteal (n = 4), and late luteal (n = 3) phases of the sheep ovarian cycle, and at 110 +/- 3 (n = 4) and 130 +/- 1 (n = 8) (+/- SE) days of ovine gestation. The stage of the ovarian cycle was verified by the presence of follicles (high estrogen) or corpora lutea (high progesterone) on the ovary and by plasma estrogen and progesterone concentrations. UA-PKC activity ( protein-1.min-1) during the follicular phase was 100 +/- 18 and increased progressively to 155 +/- 28 during the early luteal phase and to 219 +/- 37 (P less than 0.05) during the late luteal phase; SA-PKC activity was unchanged. A local utero-ovarian relationship was observed, i.e., UA-PKC activity was lower (P less than 0.001) in UA ipsilateral to ovaries with only follicles (105 +/- 14) when compared with UA adjacent to ovaries with corpora lutea (224 +/- 26), which was similar to SA-PKC activity (184 +/- 35). UA-PKC activity fell from 344 +/- 70 at 110 days to 109 +/- 12 at 130 days gestation (P less than 0.05); SA-PKC activity was unchanged. During the ovarian cycle and latter one-third of ovine pregnancy, increased estrogen production is associated with decreased UA-PKC activity; thus local ovarian and placental steroids may alter PKC activity, thereby regulating UA tone and blood flow.
BACKGROUND Low birthweight has been consistently shown to be associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) and its biological risk factors. The effects of low birthweight are increased by slow infant growth and rapid weight gain in childhood. To quantify the importance of developmental processes in the genesis of CHD it is necessary to establish the impact of fetal, infant and childhood growth on major pathological events in later life-death, hospital treatment and the need for medication. METHODS Longitudinal study of 13 517 men and women who were born in Helsinki University Hospital during 1924-1944, whose body sizes at birth and during childhood were recorded, and in whom deaths, hospital admissions, and prescription of medication for chronic disease are documented. RESULTS The combination of small size at birth and during infancy, followed by accelerated weight gain from age 3 to 11 years, predicts large differences in the cumulative incidence of CHD, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. CONCLUSIONS Coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes may originate through two widespread biological phenomena-developmental plasticity and compensatory growth.
EEG was recorded from right and left frontal leads during bilateral (n=11) and unilateral (n=l4) ECTs. The seizure EEG was analyzed using East Fourier 'Transform and the spectral power oj the Delta (1-4 Hz) band was computed. The spectral power on both sides was similar in the bilateral ECT. Unilateral ECT produced asymmetry in the early - (first 8 seconds after stimulus offset) and mid - (17-32 seconds after the stimulus offset) siezure phases; the spectral power was lower on the unstimulated hemisphere. Studies to elucidate the relevance of EEG delta band of the seizure to therapeutic potency of ECT are suggested.
Therapeutic outcomes of glioma are currently not encouraging. Tumor tolerance plays an important role in the pathogenesis of glioma. It is reported that micro RNAs (miR) are associated with tumor development. This study aims to investigate the role of miR-92a in the development of tolerant natural killer T (NKT) cells. In this study, U87 cells (a human glioma cell line) and primary glioma cells were prepared. The assessment of miR-92a was performed by real time RT-PCR. The expression of interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-6 in NKT cells was evaluated by flow cytometry. Results showed that abundant IL-6(+) IL-10(+) NKT cells were detected in glioma tissue. Cultures of glioma cells and NKT cells induced the expression of IL-6 and IL-10 in NKT cells. Glioma cells expressed miR-92a; the latter played a critical role in the induction of IL-6 and IL-10 expression in NKT cells. The expression of the antitumor molecules, including perforin, Fas ligand, and interferon-γ, was significantly attenuated compared with control NKT cells. The IL-6(+) IL-10(+) NKT cells showed less capability in the induction of apoptosis in glioma cells, but showed the immune suppressor functions on CD8(+) T cell activities. We conclude that glioma-derived miR-92a induces IL-6(+) IL-10(+) NKT cells; this fraction of NKT cells can suppress cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells.
The Colorado Physician Health Program (CPHP), established in 1986, is a peer assistance program for impaired physicians modeled after employee assistance programs in business and industry. The CPHP involves identification, evaluation, treatment referral, monitoring, advocacy, and support for physicians who are experiencing problems severe enough to threaten their careers. The program is funded through a legislated funding mechanism that allows a portion of state physician licensure fees to be used to assist impaired physicians.
The formation of allopolyploid crops basically depends on the successful interspecific hybridization and polyploidization, which generally involves in a combination of distinct but related genomes from independent species. But cytological analysis of these initially synthesized allohaploids immediately after genome merging is poorly explored in regards to anther and pollen development to date. In this study, Brassica trigenomic allohaploids (ABC) were produced to investigate the immediate effects of the genome combinations on pollen fertility during anther development via crosses between natural allotetraploid B. carinata (BBCC) and diploid B. rapa (AA). The results showed that in the synthetic Brassica allotriploids (ABC), the anther development was completely disrupted, and the pollen grains were mostly inviable with varied genetic complements. In addition, the meiosis course was aberrantly altered and eccentric chromosomal configurations including multivalent, bridges and lags occurred frequently during metaphase I to anaphase II. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) further revealed that B genome of homoeology was frequently apt to interact with A and C genomes, and cytoskeletal organizations was improperly distributed during meiosis in these synthetic Brassica allotriploids. Furthermore, we also confirmed that the expression of typical meiosis-related genes was obviously repressed during anther development in these Brassica allotriploids. Taken together, our results provide a detailed cytology for insights into pollen development in the synthetic allotriploid hybrids, which are conventionally considered as a useful genetic resource for polyploid Brassica breeding.
Maternal prenatal infections have been linked to childrens neurodevelopment and cognitive outcomes. It remains unclear, however, whether infections occurring during specific vulnerable gestational periods can affect childrens cognitive outcomes. The study aimed to examine maternal infections in each trimester of pregnancy and associations with childrens verbal, performance, and total IQ scores. The ALSPAC birth cohort was used to investigate associations between maternal infections in pregnancy and childhood IQ outcomes. Infection data from mothers and cognition data from children were included with the final study sample size comprising 7,410 mother-child participants. Regression analysis was used to examine links between maternal infections occurring at each trimester of pregnancy and childrens cognitive IQ scores at 18 months, 4 years, and 8 years. Infections in the third trimester were significantly associated with decreased verbal IQ at age 4 (p<.05, adjusted R2 = .004); decreased verbal IQ (p<.01, adjusted R2 = .001), performance IQ (p<.01, adjusted R2 = .0008), and total IQ at age 8 (p<.01, adjusted R2 = .001). Results suggest that later maternal infections could have a latent effect on cognitive development, only emerging when cognitive load increases over time, though magnitude of effect appears to be small. Performance IQ may be more vulnerable to trimester-specific exposure to maternal infection as compared to verbal IQ. Future research could include examining potential mediating mechanisms on childhood cognition, such as possible moderating effects of early childhood environmental factors, and if effects persist in future cognitive outcomes
A lab-on-a-chip system with Point-of-Care testing capability offers rapid and accurate diagnostic potential and is useful in resource-limited settings where biomedical equipment and skilled professionals are not readily available. However, a Point-of-Care testing system that simultaneously possesses all required features of multifunctional dispensing, on-demand release, robust operations, and capability for long-term reagent storage is still a major challenge. Here, we describe a film-lever actuated switch technology that can manipulate liquids in any direction, provide accurate and proportional release response to the applied pneumatic pressure, as well as sustain robustness during abrupt movements and vibrations. Based on the technology, we also describe development of a polymerase chain reaction system that integrates reagent introduction, mixing and reaction functions all in one process, which accomplishes "sample-in-answer-out" performance for all clinical nasal samples from 18 patients with Influenza and 18 individual controls, in good concordance of fluorescence intensity with standard polymerase chain reaction (Pearson coefficients > 0.9). The proposed platform promises robust automation of biomedical analysis, and thus can accelerate the commercialization of a range of Point-of-Care testing devices.
BACKGROUND Streptococcus halichoeri infections have been reported in grey seals, a European badger, a Stellar sea lion and humans, but its presence in companion and fur animals is unknown. Since 2010, S. halichoeri-like bacteria (SHL) have been isolated from fur animals and dogs in Finland. Our aim was to retrospectively investigate laboratory records for SHL from canine and fur animal infections, characterize the isolates and compare their genetic relatedness in relation to three reference strains: CCUG 48324T, originating from a grey seal, and strains 67100 and 61265, originally isolated from humans. RESULTS A total of 138 and 36 SHLs from canine and fur animal infections, respectively, were identified in the laboratory records. SHL was commonly associated with skin infections, but rarely as the only species. A set of 49 canine and 23 fur animal SHLs were further characterized. MALDI-TOF confirmed them as being S. halichoeri. The growth characteristics were consistent with the original findings, but isolates were catalase positive. In total, 17 distinct API 20 Strep patterns were recorded among all 75 isolates tested, of which pattern 5563100 was the most common (n = 30). Antimicrobial resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin was common in canine isolates, but rare in fur animal isolates. Three clusters were observed by PFGE, and 16S rRNA sequencing revealed 98.1-100% similarities with the human strains and 98.1-99.5% with the seal strain. A phylogenetic tree of concatenated 16S rRNA and rpoB revealed closely related isolates with two clades. Fifteen canine isolates were identical to the human strains based on concatenated 16S rRNA and rpoB sequencing. CONCLUSIONS Streptococcus halichoeri appears to be quite a common bacterial species in the skin of dogs and fur animals. The clinical significance of S. halichoeri is uncertain, as it was rarely isolated as a monoculture. No apparent temporal or spatial clustering was detected, but isolates from different sources were genetically very similar. Because many canine isolates were genetically similar to the human reference strains, transmission between dogs and humans may be possible. WGS sequencing of strains from different sources is needed to further investigate the epidemiology and virulence of S. halichoeri.
OBJECTIVE Oral, ocular, and other dryness are the hallmark features of Sjögren's syndrome (SS). We constructed a new measure of sicca symptoms, the Sicca Symptoms Inventory, for the evaluation of patients with primary SS. METHODS Female Caucasian groups of patients with primary SS, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis and healthy controls were assessed for tear and saliva production and also completed a symptoms-profiling inventory construct-validated from primary SS patients' own vocabulary, augmented with sicca items from publications and participating clinicians. Multi-item facets of sicca and other discomfort were validated by factor analysis. RESULTS Primary SS and other "sicca" conditions were highly discriminated from other rheumatic disorders and healthy controls on each dryness-related facet of oral and ocular discomfort. Selected symptom scores were as sensitive and specific to primary SS as the scores for saliva and tears, respectively, although the severity scores of symptoms and signs were only moderately correlated. CONCLUSION These multiple-question scales distinguish patients with primary SS from controls more precisely than previously used measures. Future studies will test if change in these symptom scores can serve as an outcome measure for clinical trials in SS.
Time budgets provide important information for the study of animal behavior. The present study analyzed the daily travel distance, home range and group characteristics of scaly-sided merganser Mergus squamatus in Yihuang and Wuyuan counties, Jiangxi Province, China, from December 2012 to March 2013 and December 2015 to March 2016. Results showed that the daily travel distance of scaly-sided merganser was 3100 ± 1313 m; the daily home range was 122,460 ± 42,019 m2; and the overall home range was 202,350 m2 during the wintering period. No significant difference was detected in the daily travel distance between different months (F = 0.658, P > 0.05). Significant differences were detected in the daily home rang between January and February, and between February and March. No significant correlation was observed between daily travel distance and home range (R = 0.256, n = 12, P > 0.05). The significant correlation between daily home range and daily minimum temperature may be related to energy requirements or prey activities. The average group size of the scaly-sided merganser was 3.91 ± 2.94 individuals, and extremely significant differences existed at different time of day (F = 25.540, df = 11, P < 0.01). The largest group size (5.22 ± 5 individuals) appeared at 16:00-17:00, and the smallest at 08:00-09:00 (2.6 ± 1.12 individuals), similar results obtained between December 2015 and March 2016, which was related to the daily habits of this species, such as dispersed foraging, collective maintenance and rest. Group size peaked in February (5.07 ± 4.166 individuals) and was smallest (2.91 ± 1.354 individuals) in December with significantly different group sizes in all months (F = 35.351, df = 3, P < 0.01). A total of 57.98% of all groups had a majority of females. A large difference in sex ratios was observed among different months. The actual ratio of [(adult + sub-adult male): (adult + sub-adult female)] was 1:1.44 (n = 22) in February. Future studies are necessary, and the main goal should be focused on sex ratio, mortality and sex ratio at birth. Copyright 2017 Zoological Society of Pakis
Arthroplasty registries represent a fundamental tool for the production of evidence in total joint replacement. Italy started in 2005 a national registry (Italian Arthroplasty Registry - RIAP) organised as federation of regional registries under the coordination of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. However, data collection still appears to be hardened by the additional workload required from clinicians. The aim of the study was to evaluate the data entry times for an inexperienced operator and the relative learning curve. The analysis carried out shows that after 15 cases, a plateau of about two minutes is reached for the compilation of a single case of primary hip and knee arthroplasty, up to 4 minutes for the shoulder and for revision surgery. The work burden for the orthopedist does not seem to justify the reluctance in data collection observed in these years of RIAP experience.
Benign mammary tumours are among the most common tumours of companion rats (Rattus norvegicus domestica), as well as a major animal welfare concern and euthanasia. The first objective of this study was to evaluate the expression of oestrogen, progesterone, androgen, and prolactin receptors in neoplastic and normal mammary gland tissues and compare the expression of these receptors between groups. The second objective was to determine if the expression of these receptors in neoplastic mammary gland tissue correlates with overall survival and occurrence of an additional mass after initial mammary mass excision. The third objective was to determine if the expression of oestrogen, progesterone, androgen and prolactin receptors was associated with mammary tumor clinical parameters or with the age of the animals. Thirty-two benign mammary tumours were collected from companion rats and submitted for immunohistochemistry staining of prolactin receptor, oestrogen receptor alpha (ERa), progesterone and androgen receptors (AR). Allred score were obtained for mammary tumours (n = 32) and surrounding normal mammary tissue (n = 20) when present. Prolactin receptor expression increased significantly with mammary gland tumorigenesis (P < .0001), while AR expression decreased with tumorigenesis (P < .0001). Lower expression of ERa in tumor stroma was associated with shorter survival (P = .02). Hormonal receptor expression was not significantly associated with age, mass diameter, location nor likelihood of additional mass development. Further studies should investigate the effects of prolactin antagonists in a prospective study involving companion rats with benign mammary tumours.
Two fungal strains (KNU-JJ-1827 and KNU-JJ-1829) belonging to the class Dothideomycetes were discovered from Jeju Island, Korea during this investigation of soil microfungi. Strain KNU-JJ-1827 showed fewer conidial septations, larger conidiogenous cells, and smaller conidia compared to the previously identified closest species of Didymocyrtis. Strain KNU-JJ-1829 revealed the similar characteristics of the nearest certain species of the genus Parathyridaria with the production of conidiogenous cells and conidia, because no asexual morphs were detected from the closest type strain Parathyridaria rosae. The novelty of the strains was also confirmed by analyzing molecular data using internal transcribed spacer regions and 28S rDNA. The molecular phylogeny also strongly support the detailed description and illustration for each proposed species as Didymocyrtis septata sp. nov. (KNU-JJ-1827) and Parathyridaria ellipsoidea sp. nov. (KNU-JJ-1829) isolated from soil in Korea.
According to the minimum interaction theory, the chromosome evolution of eukaryotes proceeds as a whole toward increasing the chromosome number. This raises the following two questions: what was the starting chromosome number of eukaryotes and does the chromosome number increase infinitely? We attempted to provide a theoretical framework to resolve these questions. We propose that the species with n=2 observed in Protozoa, Platyhelminthes, Annelid, Algae, Fungi and higher plants would be chromosomal relicts conserving the karyotypes of ancestral eukaryotes. We also propose that the ideal highest number of eukaryotes (n(max)) can be given by an inverse of the minimum terminal interference distance (It(min)) in crossing-over (n(max)=100/It(min)). AsIt(min) =0.6 in mammals, n(max) approximately 166. On the other hand, the value estimated by computer simulations is somewhat lower with n(max)=133-138. Our arguments can be applied to other eukaryotes, if they have a localized centromere and the ratio of total synaptonemal complex/nuclear volume is comparable to that of mammals. We revealed that the index of gene shuffling per karyotypes (G) by means of the total number of gamete types with different gene combinations can be formulated asG =2(n+Fxi), where Fxi means interstitial chiasma frequency per cell corresponding to crossing-over mediated by the recombination nodule. The Fxi value increases in proportion to the n value in areas where n<40, but decreases gradually when n>40 and becomes zero when n>83. Therefore, in the ultimate karyotype with n(max)=166, FXi=0 andG =2(n)=2(166), where gene shuffling is guaranteed by the random orientation of chromosomes at the equatorial plate of meiotic metaphase I.
The underlying hypothesis of this study was that pseudo-equilibrium and column testing conditions would provide the same sorbent ranking trends although the values of sorbents' performance descriptors (e.g. sorption capacity) may vary because of different kinetics and competition effects induced by the two testing approaches. To address this hypothesis, nano-enabled hybrid media were fabricated and its removal performances were assessed for two model contaminants under multi-point batch pseudo-equilibrium and continuous-flow conditions. Calculation of simultaneous removal capacity indices (SRC) demonstrated that the more resource demanding continuous-flow tests are able to generate the same performance rankings as the ones obtained by conducing the simpler pseudo-equilibrium tests. Furthermore, continuous overlap between the 98% confidence boundaries for each SRC index trend, not only validated the hypothesis that both testing conditions provide the same ranking trends, but also pointed that SRC indices are statistically the same for each media, regardless of employed method. In scenarios where rapid screening of new media is required to obtain the best performing synthesis formulation, use of pseudo-equilibrium tests proved to be reliable. Considering that kinetics induced effects on sorption capacity must not be neglected, more resource demanding column test could be conducted only with the top performing media that exhibit the highest sorption capacity.
The ability to mature, be fertilized and finally to develop into a viable embryo is acquired gradually by the oocyte during progressive differentiation throughout folliculogenesis. This process starts with oocyte growth during the first steps of follicular development. As the oocyte is close to its final size, other modifications occur, less spectacular but at least as important in determining the resulting ability of the oocyte to accomplish its reproductive purpose (developmental competence). These modifications, referred to as 'oocyte capacitation', are probably influenced by the follicle. The proportion of developmentally competent oocytes increases with follicular size. However, the relationship between follicular growth and oocyte competence is not very strict, since a given oocyte may acquire its competence at any stage of follicular growth and since some examples of functional disjunction between follicular size and oocyte competence are described. Follicular atresia may impair the acquisition of oocyte competence, as evidenced by the parallel study of follicular characteristics and of the developmental potential of their oocytes treated individually through in vitro maturation, fertilization and development. However, when atresia is experimentally induced in large preovulatory follicles, oocytes remain competent, indicating that once competence is acquired, it is no longer sensitive to atresia. Oocyte maturation represents only the end of this long and progressive process and validates the preparation of the oocyte by conferring its final developmental ability. As evidenced by recent cloning experiments, the cytoplasmic aspects of oocyte maturation are crucial for the acquisition of developmental competence. This cytoplasmic maturation may be activated in vitro by the use of complex media supplement (serum, follicular fluid) but the use of defined media for maturation allowed the identification of some active factors (such as epidermal growth factor, growth hormone, inhibin and activin). The study of some differential models of oocyte competence (follicular size and atresia, Booroola gene, prepubertal oocytes) will provide a better understanding of oocyte capacitation and maturation, and allow the improvement of in vitro methods for oocyte maturation, which represent the most limiting step of in vitro production of embryos in large mammals.
Vicarious pain perception has been an influential paradigm for investigating the social neuroscience of empathy. This research has highlighted the importance of both shared representations (i.e., involved in both experiencing first-hand physical pain and observing pain) and mechanisms that discriminate between self and other. The majority of this research has been conducted in healthy younger adults using a group-average approach. There are, however, known inter-individual differences that can contribute to vicarious experience. One factor relates to the degree to which individuals experience reportable pain-like sensations/feelings in response to seeing others in pain. Here we conduct the first systematic investigation of the neural basis of conscious vicarious pain in a large sample of participants. Using cluster analysis, we firstly demonstrate that consciously experiencing the pain of others is surprisingly prevalent and, exists in two forms: one group experiences sensory and localised pain whilst the other group report affective and non-localised experiences. Building on this, we used electroencephalography (EEG) and structural brain imaging to examine the neural correlates of vicarious pain in the three different groups. We find that the dominant electrophysiological marker used to index vicarious pain in previous studies (mu and beta suppression) was only found to be significant in the sensory and localised pain responder group (with a sensitive null result in the 'neurotypical' group). Finally, using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) we identify a common differences in the two pain responder groups relative to typical adults; namely increased grey-matter in insula and somatosensory cortex and reduced grey matter in the right temporo-parietal junction (rTPJ). We suggest that the latter reflects a reduced ability to distinguish bodily self and other, and may be a common factor distinguishing conscious from unconscious vicarious experience.
The ultrastructure of the adrenal cortex has been examined in animals bearing a growth hormone and prolactin secreting mammotropic tumor (MtT-W 10). The large quantities of hormone secreted by the tumor caused a stimulation of zona fasciculata cells. The adrenal weight increased approximately 2-fold in tumor bearing animals. There were increases in the cellular volume of zona fasciculata cells and in the volume of mithchondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum per cell as determined by quantitative morphometric techniques. The surface area of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and total mitochondrial membranes showed a significant increase in zona fasciculata cells as well. Injections of purified bovine growth hormone caused small but not significant increases in mitochondrial and smooth endoplasmic reticulum volumes. Growth hormone however did induce a significant increase in the surface area of mitochondrial membrane.
The oxalate dianion is one of the most studied ligands and is capable of bridging two or more metal centres and creating inorganic polymers based on the assembly of metal polyhedra with a wide variety of one-, two- or three-dimensional extended structures. Yellow single crystals of a new mixed-metal oxalate, namely catena-poly[[diaquasodium(I)]-μ-oxalato-κ(4)O(1),O(2):O(1'),O(2')-[diaquairon(III)]-μ-oxalato-κ(4)O(1),O(2):O(1'),O(2')], [NaFe(C2O4)2(H2O)4]n, have been synthesized and the crystal structure elucidated by X-ray diffraction analysis. The compound crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric space group I41 (Z = 4). The asymmetric unit contains one Na(I) and one Fe(III) atom lying on a fourfold symmetry axis, one μ2-bridging oxalate ligand and two aqua ligands. Each metal atom is surrounded by two chelating oxalate ligands and two equivalent water molecules. The structure consists of infinite one-dimensional chains of alternating FeO4(H2OW1)2 and NaO4(H2OW2)2 octahedra, bridged by oxalate ligands, parallel to the [100] and [010] directions, respectively. Because of the cis configuration and the μ2-coordination mode of the oxalate ligands, the chains run in a zigzag manner. This arrangement facilitates the formation of hydrogen bonds between neighbouring chains involving the H2O and oxalate ligands, leading to a two-dimensional framework. The structure of this new one-dimensional coordination polymer is shown to be unique among the A(I)M(III)(C2O4)2(H2O)n series. In addition, the absorption bands in the IR and UV-Visible regions and their assignments are in good agreement with the local symmetry of the oxalate ligand and the irregular environment of iron(III). The final product of the thermal decomposition of this precursor is the well-known ternary oxide NaFeO2.
Tiny hollow glass microsphere (HGM) can be applied for designing new light-weighted and thermal-insulated composites as high strength core, owing to its hollow structure. However, little work has been found for studying its own overall thermal conductivity independent of any matrix, which generally cannot be measured or evaluated directly. In this study, the overall thermal conductivity of HGM is investigated experimentally and numerically. The experimental investigation of thermal conductivity of HGM powder is performed by the transient plane source (TPS) technique to provide a reference to numerical results, which are obtained by a developed three-dimensional two-step hierarchical computational method. In the present method, three heterogeneous HGM stacking elements representing different distributions of HGMs in the powder are assumed. Each stacking element and its equivalent homogeneous solid counterpart are, respectively, embedded into a fictitious matrix material as fillers to form two equivalent composite systems at different levels, and then the overall thermal conductivity of each stacking element can be numerically determined through the equivalence of the two systems. The comparison of experimental and computational results indicates the present computational modeling can be used for effectively predicting the overall thermal conductivity of single HGM and its powder in a flexible way. Besides, it is necessary to note that the influence of thermal interfacial resistance cannot be removed from the experimental results in the TPS measurement.
The behavior of individuals determines the strength and outcome of ecological interactions, which drive population, community, and ecosystem organization. Bio-logging, such as telemetry and animal-borne imaging, provides essential individual viewpoints, tracks, and life histories, but requires capture of individuals and is often impractical to scale. Recent developments in automated image-based tracking offers opportunities to remotely quantify and understand individual behavior at scales and resolutions not previously possible, providing an essential supplement to other tracking methodologies in ecology. Automated image-based tracking should continue to advance the field of ecology by enabling better understanding of the linkages between individual and higher-level ecological processes, via high-throughput quantitative analysis of complex ecological patterns and processes across scales, including analysis of environmental drivers.
Our previous studies testified the beneficial effect of central galanin on insulin sensitivity of type 2 diabetic rats. The aim of the study was further to investigate whether central M617, a galanin receptor 1 agonist, can benefit insulin sensitivity. The effects of intracerebroventricular administration of M617 on insulin sensitivity and insulin signaling were evaluated in adipose tissues of type 2 diabetic rats. The results showed that central injection of M617 significantly increased plasma adiponectin contents, glucose infusion rates in hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp tests, GLUT4 mRNA expression levels, GLUT4 contents in plasma membranes, and total cell membranes of the adipose cells but reduced the plasma C-reactive protein concentration in nondiabetic and diabetic rats. The ratios of GLUT4 contents were higher in plasma membranes to total cell membranes in both nondiabetic and diabetic M617 groups than each control. In addition, the central administration of M617 enhanced the ratios of pAkt/Akt and pAS160/AS160, but not phosphorylative cAMP response element-binding protein (pCREB)/CREB in the adipose cells of nondiabetic and diabetic rats. These results suggest that excitation of central galanin receptor 1 facilitates insulin sensitivity via activation of the Akt/AS160 signaling pathway in the fat cells of type 2 diabetic rats.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common hormonal and metabolic disorder likely to affect women. The syndrome is often associated with obesity, hyperinsulinemia and adversely affects endocrine, metabolic, and cardiovascular health. The complex feature of the syndrome requires an interdisciplinary approach to treatment, where cooperation of paediatrician, internist, gynaecologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, psychologist and oncologist is essential. The prevention and the treatment should be based on the best available evidence. This should include physical examination, laboratory tests for hormones, serum insulin, glucose, lipids, in addition patient's preferences should be considered, too. To maximise health gain of polycystic ovarian syndrome, adequate, effective, efficient and safe treatment is necessary. This article summarises the highest available evidence provided by meta-analyses and systematic reviews of the prevention of metabolic and cardiovascular complications of the syndrome, and discusses the relevant evidence published in the literature.
BACKGROUND/AIMS Centralized prescription databases may provide an efficient mechanism for recruitment of community-treated disease. METHODS The Australian federal government agency, the Health Insurance Commission (HIC), invited patients to participate in the Tasmanian Epilepsy Register (TER). Eligible patients included those who received at least one anticonvulsant above a 'reportable' price threshold between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2002. Patients were asked to disclose their medical indication for anticonvulsant treatment with additional demographic and prescription information obtained from the HIC. RESULTS 7,541 were eligible for recruitment. After two mail invitations over 6 months, 3,375 (46.6%) had responded, but TER enrollment amongst those indicating treatment for epilepsy was 1,180 (78.3%). TER participants were more likely to obtain their prescriptions exclusively from their general practitioner (70.9%) or from combined sources (19.1%) rather than from pediatrician (4.2%), neurologist (1.4%) or general physician (1.0%) sources. Patients were more likely to respond with increasing age (linear trend p < 0.001), when from a higher socioeconomic area (linear trend p < 0.001), or if their prescription was obtained from a neurologist (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION The national Australian prescription database represents community-treated epilepsy and provides an effective and efficient method for patient recruitment for clinical epidemiological research.
We examine the effect of exposure to a set of toxic pollutants that are tracked by the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) from manufacturing facilities on county-level infant and fetal mortality rates in the United States between 1989 and 2002. Unlike previous studies, we control for toxic pollution from both mobile sources and non-TRI reporting facilities. We find significant adverse effects of toxic air pollution concentrations on infant mortality rates. Within toxic air pollutants we find that releases of carcinogens are particularly problematic for infant health outcomes. We estimate that the average county-level decreases in various categories of TRI concentrations saved in excess of 13,800 infant lives from 1989 to 2002. Using the low end of the range for the value of a statistical life that is typically used by the EPA of $1.8M, the savings in lives would be valued at approximately $25B.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status of patients presenting with small bowel obstruction (SBO), along with associated nutritional interventions and clinical outcomes. DESIGN Prospective cohort study. SETTING 131 UK hospitals with acute surgical services. PARTICIPANTS 2069 adult patients with a diagnosis of SBO were included in this study. The mean age was 67.0 years and 54.7% were female. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES Primary outcome was in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes recorded included: major complications (composite of in-hospital mortality, reoperation, unplanned intensive care admission and 30-day readmission), complications arising from surgery (anastomotic leak, wound dehiscence), infection (pneumonia, surgical site infection, intra-abdominal infection, urinary tract infection, venous catheter infection), cardiac complications, venous thromboembolism and delirium. RESULTS Postoperative adhesions were the most common cause of SBO (49.1%). Early surgery (<24 hours postadmission) took place in 30.0% of patients, 22.0% underwent delayed operation and 47.9% were managed non-operatively. Malnutrition as stratified by Nutritional Risk Index was common, with 35.7% at moderate risk and 5.7% at severe risk of malnutrition. Dietitian review occurred in just 36.4% and 55.9% of the moderate and severe risk groups. In the low risk group, 30.3% received nutritional intervention compared with 40.7% in moderate risk group and 62.7% in severe risk group. In comparison to the low risk group, patients who were at severe or moderate risk of malnutrition had 4.2 and 2.4 times higher unadjusted risk of in-hospital mortality, respectively. Propensity-matched analysis found no difference in outcomes based on use or timing of parenteral nutrition. CONCLUSIONS Malnutrition on admission is associated with worse outcomes in patients with SBO, and marked variation in management of malnutrition was observed. Future trials should focus on identifying effective and cost-effective nutritional interventions in SBO.
Adrenocortical tumors are rare in childhood and adolescence. Virilization, alone or in combination with signs of overproduction of other adrenal hormones, is the most common clinical presentation. Here we report an unusual case of an African-American female adolescent presenting with idiopathic acquired generalized anhidrosis, dysregulation of body temperature, absence of adult body odor and dry skin in the face of a virilizing para-adrenocortical adenoma. Virilization signs regressed soon after removal of the tumor, but normalization of the 3alpha-androstenediol glucuronide (3alpha-AG) took longer compared to other measurable androgens; accompanied by anhidrosis. The association of remitting anhidrosis with normalized levels of 3alpha-AG suggests it might be a possible mechanism for anhidrosis. High 3alpha-AG levels might implicate the increased peripheral conversion of weak pro-androgens with different biochemical structure. We recommend obtaining 3alpha-AG beside other androgens in virilized patients with atypical dermatological symptoms in the face of hyperandrogenism.
Background and study aims Invasive cancer carries the risk of metastasis, and therefore, the ability to distinguish between invasive cancerous lesions and less-aggressive lesions is important. We evaluated a computer-aided diagnosis system that uses ultra-high (approximately × 400) magnification endocytoscopy (EC-CAD). Patients and methods We generated an image database from a consecutive series of 5843 endocytoscopy images of 375 lesions. For construction of a diagnostic algorithm, 5543 endocytoscopy images from 238 lesions were randomly extracted from the database for machine learning. We applied the obtained algorithm to 200 endocytoscopy images and calculated test characteristics for the diagnosis of invasive cancer. We defined a high-confidence diagnosis as having a ≥ 90 % probability of being correct. Results Of the 200 test images, 188 (94.0 %) were assessable with the EC-CAD system. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were 89.4 %, 98.9 %, 94.1 %, 98.8 %, and 90.1 %, respectively. High-confidence diagnosis had a sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV, and NPV of 98.1 %, 100 %, 99.3 %, 100 %, and 98.8 %, respectively. Conclusion: EC-CAD may be a useful tool in diagnosing invasive colorectal cancer.
The influence of sleep stage- and body position-dependence of sleep apnoea on treatment efficacy and compliance between conventional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and auto CPAP therapy was evaluated. Thirty-three newly treated sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome (SAHS) patients were randomly allocated to conventional or auto-CPAP therapy. Six patients of each treatment group were classified as having sleep stage- and body position-dependent obstructive breathing abnormalities according to the results of the baseline sleep study. After 3 weeks of treatment, the Epworth sleepiness score tended to be higher (p = 0.08) and the ability to stay awake lower (p = 0.02) in patients with dependent breathing abnormalities treated with fixed CPAP, than in the other patients. The effective pressure/time index was significantly lower in sleep stage- and body position-dependent patients treated with fixed CPAP, than in the other patients (p = 0.02). The number of hours the machine was turned on and a positive pressure applied, tended to be smaller in dependent patients treated with fixed CPAP than in independent patients of this treatment group and in patients treated with auto-CPAP. A night-to-night variability index (VI) of positive pressure changes was obtained in the auto-CPAP group. This index significantly decreased with time in the dependent patients while it remained unchanged in the independent group. It is concluded that auto-continuous positive airway pressure may have specific indications in a subset of obstructive sleep apnoea patients with sleep stage- and body position dependent nocturnal breathing abnormalities.
BACKGROUND Different radiotherapy techniques are used for postmastectomy irradiation. We review the results with the electron-beam-rotation technique in advanced breast cancer patients. Main endpoint was local tumor control. PATIENTS AND METHODS From 1990 to 1998 119 patients with adverse pathology features (pT3 17% of patients, pT4 42%, multicentricity 36%, pN >/= 3 positive nodes and/or pN1biii 81%, close margins 30%) underwent electron-beam-rotation irradiation of the chest wall with daily fractions of 2.0-2.5 Gy per day to 50 Gy total dose after modified radical mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection. A local boost of 10 Gy and/or irradiation of locoregional lymph nodes were applied depending on the completeness of resection and lymph node involvement. RESULTS After a median follow-up of 73 months for patients at risk the 5-year local tumor control, local tumor control first event, disease-free, and overall survival were 82%, 92%, 57%, and 63% (Kaplen Meier analysis), respectively. Significant predictors of poor local tumor control were maximal tumor diameter >/= 5 cm (p = 0.01), "close margins" or residual tumor (p < 0.01), four or more involved axillary lymph nodes (p = 0.02), two or more involved lymph node levels (p = 0.04), negative estrogen receptor status (p = 0.03), and high-grade histopathology (GIIb-III, p < 0.01). The subgroup analysis showed a high local failure rate of 37% for high-grade (GIIb-III) and estrogen receptor negative tumors, whereas no local recurrence was found in low-grade (GI-Iia) and receptor positive tumors (p = 0.01). The multivariate analysis revealed maximal tumor diameter >/= 5 cm, four or more involved axillary lymph nodes and high-grade histopathology (GIIb-III) as independent predictors of poor local tumor control. CONCLUSION In high-risk breast cancer patients postmastectomy irradiation with the electron-beam-rotation technique is an effective therapy, resulting in a 5-year local failure rate of 8%. Intensified local therapy needs further investigation in subgroups of patients with additional risk factors.
Halstead's correlational matrix of 13 neuropsychological tests was reanalyzed with the objective of obtaining a more neuropsychologically meaningful solution. The emphasis was on solving for different numbers of factors (three and five). The three-factor solution supported and perhaps refined two of Halstead's original factors (P and A). The third factor loadings resulted in a considerably different concept that Halstead's D. The three factors (psychological vigilance, abstraction, and perception and memory for incidental stimuli) may be an essential factor pattern in recovery from head traumas. It was concluded that the investigator should not a priori be committed to a structure involving a particular number of factors. Experimentation with factor number or method would allow evaluation of the best psychological fit to the data.
By measuring ECG ST segment deviation and regional mechanical dysfunction, we assessed the effects of an alteration in afterload pressure on regional myocardial ischemia due to a partial coronary occlusion of the left circumflex coronary artery (CFX). Eight isolated, perfused and paced dog hearts were loaded with an artificial arterial system which simulated the aortic input impedance of the dog arterial tree. Afterload pressure was altered by stepwise changes in peripheral resistance (Rp), while left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and heart rate were kept constant. Coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) was kept equal to mean aortic pressure (AoP). ECG and myocardial systolic segment shortening (SS) were measured in both areas perfused by the CFX and the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). In the presence of CFX stenosis, mean AoP decreased from 96 +/- 7 to 46 +/- 7 mmHg following a decrease in Rp and cardiac output increased progressively from 465 +/- 30 to 1055 +/- 100 ml/min. In this situation, CFX coronary blood flow decreased from 75 +/- 2 to 28 +/- 6 ml/100 g/min. Epicardial ECG in the ischemic region showed two types of ST segment deviation after CFX stenosis: ST segment elevation and ST segment depression. Moreover, following afterload reduction, these individual ECG ST segment changes showed further deviations. The levels of mean AoP, below which further ST segment deviations significantly occurred, were as follows: 71 +/- 6 mmHg in ST segment elevation cases and 52 +/- 7 mmHg in ST segment depression cases. Myocardial systolic segment shortening in the ischemic region also significantly decreased following CFX stenosis (91 +/- 8% of pre-ischemic control, p less than 0.05). Then, during afterload reduction, SS in the CFX area appeared to be bimodal and it definitely decreased when mean AoP was 46 +/- 7 mmHg. To enhance the sensitivity of detection of further mechanical dysfunction throughout afterload reduction following regional myocardial ischemia, we calculated percentage values of the SS in the CFX area to the SS in the LAD area at each Rp. By this normalization, mechanical dysfunction was found when mean AoP was below 67 +/- 5 mmHg. These results suggest that reduction in afterload pressure below a certain level aggravated the regional ischemia, despite an increase in cardiac output, and to detect this change in the ischemic region during afterload reduction, ECG ST segment deviation seems to be a useful indicator.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
OBJECTIVES Salmonella infection is a distressing health problem worldwide. This study reports the changing epidemiology of Salmonella infections in Taiwan during 1999-2003, with emphasis on increasing ceftriaxone resistance. METHODS Records of Salmonella clinical isolates in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital during 1999-2003 were reviewed. All isolates were identified and antimicrobial susceptibility determined by standard methods. A total of 22 ceftriaxone-resistant isolates were investigated by PCR sequencing of the bla(TEM), bla(SHV), bla(CTX-M) and ampC genes. Southern-blot hybridization was used to localize the ampC gene. Infrequent-restriction-site PCR was used to genotype these isolates. RESULTS A total of 3635 Salmonella isolates, including 3592 (98.8%) non-typhoid Salmonella, were identified. Serogroup B (55.6%) remained the most predominant, but the prevalence has been decreasing. In contrast, serogroup D infections have increased significantly from 13.6 to 22.8%. Overall resistance to ampicillin and chloramphenicol remained high, with the highest rate (91% to both drugs) observed in Salmonella enterica serotype Choleraesuis in 2003. A sudden upsurge of ciprofloxacin resistance from zero to 69% was found in S. Choleraesuis. Ceftriaxone resistance increased in several serogroups (0.8-2.1%; average, 1.5%). The resistance was associated with plasmid-mediated bla(CMY-2) in 14 cases and extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs), including CTX-M-3 (n=6), SHV-2a (n=1) and SHV-12 (n=1), in others. Diverse serotypes and genotypes were found among the ceftriaxone-resistant isolates. CONCLUSIONS Increasing ceftriaxone resistance in non-typhoid Salmonella appears to link to the spread of plasmid-mediated ampC or ESBL genes. Effective measures should be taken to prevent the problem worsening.
To examine the effectiveness of a play-based intervention for improving social play skills of typically-developing playmates of children with ADHD. Children (5-11 years) were randomised to an intervention (n = 15) or waitlisted control group (n = 14). The Test of Playfulness was scored by a blinded rater. Between-group statistics compared the change of the intervention (10-week intervention) and waitlisted control (10-week wait) groups. Change in the intervention group following intervention was significantly greater than the change in the waitlisted control group. When combining data from the groups, playmates' (n = 29) mean ToP scores improved significantly following intervention, with a large effect pre- to post-intervention and pre-intervention to follow-up. Typically-developing playmates of children with ADHD benefited from participation in a peer-mediated intervention.
To develop high yielding wheat cultivars, it is imperative to study the genetic makeup of diverse wheat lines, and inheritance pattern of earliness and yield traits under existing environmental conditions. Inheritance of pre- and post-harvest yieldassociated traits was studied in 6 × 6 F 1 and F 2 half diallel populations using Hayman's genetic analysis. Six diverse wheat genotypes were crossed in a half diallel fashion during 2010-2011. Parental genotypes along with their respective F 1 and F 2 half diallel populations were evaluated during 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 to explore the genetic basis of various traits. Genotypes differed significantly (p ≤ 0.01) for all the traits in both generations. According to scaling tests, additive-dominance model was partially adequate for all the traits in both generations. The significance of additive (D) and dominance (H 1 and H 2 ) components of genetic variance revealed the involvement of both additive and non-additive gene effects for days to maturity, peduncle length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, grain yield and harvest index. The values of H 2 /4H 1 were lower than optimum value (0.25) for all the traits which indicated the asymmetrical distribution of positive and negative genes among the parental genotypes. However, according to components of genetic variance and Vr-Wr graphs, over-dominance type of gene action was predominant for the majority of the traits. Broad-sense heritability values were greater than narrow sense, which also confirms non-additive gene effects. Prevalence of over-dominance type of gene action revealed that selection could be delayed to later segregating generations to improve yield traits. © 2018 Friends Science Publishers
Alternative splicing (AS) intensity (isoform number per gene) was studied as dependent on the gene size for various regions of the Drosophila melanogaster genome. The AS intensity of long transcripts from regions with a low gene density proved to be significantly higher than for regions with a high gene density. An opposite pattern was observed for small genes. The intron density distribution was approximated using the y distributions for regions with a high or low gene density. Statistical comparisons of the gamma distributions confirmed a lower coefficient lambda for regions with a low gene density (i.e., the average intron density was higher). Based on these data, relaxed evolution of the exon-intron structure was assumed for regions with a low gene density.
A reliable and simple method for cannulating the carotid artery of rats is described. The rat was anesthetized with halothane. The right carotid artery located between the omohyoideus and sternohyoideus muscles was exposed through a 2-cm ventral neck incision. The catheter was made of Silastic tubing and a monofilament line, which served as an obturator and internal support. The line was then filled with a viscous mixture of heparin, polyvinylpyrrolidinone and normal saline to prevent the formation of blood clots. The catheter was advanced through the carotid artery towards the heart by a predetermined distance (15-20 mm) depending on the size of the rat. The catheter was well tolerated by the rats and the success rate was 95%. Its patency lasted for at least 7 days postsurgery without any special maintenance care. With the described method one would be able to perform repetitive blood sampling and arterial blood pressure measurements in unanesthetized and unrestrained rats for prolonged period after catheterization.
This case report concerns a patient with chronic pancreatitis which led to extensive retroperitoneal haemorrhage from a rupture of the abdominal aorta. The rarity of this complication is emphasized, but other reported instances of bleeding in association with chronic pancreatitis are commented upon.