stringlengths 26
| docstring
stringlengths 1
| func_name
stringlengths 1
| language
stringclasses 1
value | repo
stringlengths 8
| path
stringlengths 5
| url
stringlengths 46
| license
stringclasses 4
values |
def test_postOptionsSubCommandCausesNoSave(self):
postOptions should set no_save to True when a subcommand is used.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config.subCommand = 'ueoa'
self.assertTrue(config['no_save']) | postOptions should set no_save to True when a subcommand is used. | test_postOptionsSubCommandCausesNoSave | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_postOptionsNoSubCommandSavesAsUsual(self):
If no sub command is used, postOptions should not touch no_save.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
self.assertFalse(config['no_save']) | If no sub command is used, postOptions should not touch no_save. | test_postOptionsNoSubCommandSavesAsUsual | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_listAllProfilers(self):
All the profilers that can be used in L{app.AppProfiler} are listed in
the help output.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
helpOutput = str(config)
for profiler in app.AppProfiler.profilers:
self.assertIn(profiler, helpOutput) | All the profilers that can be used in L{app.AppProfiler} are listed in
the help output. | test_listAllProfilers | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_defaultUmask(self):
The default value for the C{umask} option is L{None}.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
self.assertIsNone(config['umask']) | The default value for the C{umask} option is L{None}. | test_defaultUmask | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_umask(self):
The value given for the C{umask} option is parsed as an octal integer
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config.parseOptions(['--umask', '123'])
self.assertEqual(config['umask'], 83)
config.parseOptions(['--umask', '0123'])
self.assertEqual(config['umask'], 83) | The value given for the C{umask} option is parsed as an octal integer
literal. | test_umask | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_invalidUmask(self):
If a value is given for the C{umask} option which cannot be parsed as
an integer, L{UsageError} is raised by L{ServerOptions.parseOptions}.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
self.assertRaises(UsageError, config.parseOptions,
['--umask', 'abcdef']) | If a value is given for the C{umask} option which cannot be parsed as
an integer, L{UsageError} is raised by L{ServerOptions.parseOptions}. | test_invalidUmask | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_unimportableConfiguredLogObserver(self):
C{--logger} with an unimportable module raises a L{UsageError}.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
e = self.assertRaises(
UsageError, config.parseOptions,
['--logger', 'no.such.module.I.hope'])
"Logger 'no.such.module.I.hope' could not be imported: "
"'no.such.module.I.hope' does not name an object"))
self.assertNotIn('\n', e.args[0]) | C{--logger} with an unimportable module raises a L{UsageError}. | test_unimportableConfiguredLogObserver | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_badAttributeWithConfiguredLogObserver(self):
C{--logger} with a non-existent object raises a L{UsageError}.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
e = self.assertRaises(UsageError, config.parseOptions,
["--logger", "twisted.test.test_twistd.FOOBAR"])
if sys.version_info <= (3, 5):
"Logger 'twisted.test.test_twistd.FOOBAR' could not be "
"imported: 'module' object has no attribute 'FOOBAR'"))
"Logger 'twisted.test.test_twistd.FOOBAR' could not be "
"imported: module 'twisted.test.test_twistd' "
"has no attribute 'FOOBAR'"))
self.assertNotIn('\n', e.args[0]) | C{--logger} with a non-existent object raises a L{UsageError}. | test_badAttributeWithConfiguredLogObserver | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_version(self):
C{--version} prints the version.
from twisted import copyright
if platformType == "win32":
name = "(the Twisted Windows runner)"
name = "(the Twisted daemon)"
expectedOutput = ('twistd {} {}\n{}\n'.format(
name, copyright.version, copyright.copyright))
stdout = NativeStringIO()
config = twistd.ServerOptions(stdout=stdout)
e = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, config.parseOptions, ['--version'])
self.assertIs(e.code, None)
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expectedOutput) | C{--version} prints the version. | test_version | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_notExists(self):
Nonexistent PID file is not an error.
self.patch(os.path, "exists", lambda _: False)
checkPID("non-existent PID file") | Nonexistent PID file is not an error. | test_notExists | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_nonNumeric(self):
Non-numeric content in a PID file causes a system exit.
pidfile = self.mktemp()
with open(pidfile, "w") as f:
e = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, checkPID, pidfile)
self.assertIn("non-numeric value", e.code) | Non-numeric content in a PID file causes a system exit. | test_nonNumeric | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_anotherRunning(self):
Another running twistd server causes a system exit.
pidfile = self.mktemp()
with open(pidfile, "w") as f:
def kill(pid, sig):
self.patch(os, "kill", kill)
e = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, checkPID, pidfile)
self.assertIn("Another twistd server", e.code) | Another running twistd server causes a system exit. | test_anotherRunning | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_stale(self):
Stale PID file is removed without causing a system exit.
pidfile = self.mktemp()
with open(pidfile, "w") as f:
f.write(str(os.getpid() + 1))
def kill(pid, sig):
raise OSError(errno.ESRCH, "fake")
self.patch(os, "kill", kill)
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pidfile)) | Stale PID file is removed without causing a system exit. | test_stale | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_unexpectedOSError(self):
An unexpected L{OSError} when checking the validity of a
PID in a C{pidfile} terminates the process via L{SystemExit}.
pidfile = self.mktemp()
with open(pidfile, "w") as f:
def kill(pid, sig):
raise OSError(errno.EBADF, "fake")
self.patch(os, "kill", kill)
e = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, checkPID, pidfile)
self.assertIsNot(e.code, None)
self.assertTrue(e.args[0].startswith("Can't check status of PID")) | An unexpected L{OSError} when checking the validity of a
PID in a C{pidfile} terminates the process via L{SystemExit}. | test_unexpectedOSError | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def setUp(self):
Create a trivial Application and put it in a tap file on disk.
self.tapfile = self.mktemp()
with open(self.tapfile, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(service.Application("Hi!"), f) | Create a trivial Application and put it in a tap file on disk. | setUp | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_createOrGetApplicationWithTapFile(self):
Ensure that the createOrGetApplication call that 'twistd -f foo.tap'
makes will load the Application out of foo.tap.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config.parseOptions(['-f', self.tapfile])
application = CrippledApplicationRunner(
self.assertEqual(service.IService(application).name, 'Hi!') | Ensure that the createOrGetApplication call that 'twistd -f foo.tap'
makes will load the Application out of foo.tap. | test_createOrGetApplicationWithTapFile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def start(self, application):
Save the logging start on the C{runner} instance.
self.runner.hadApplicationLogObserver = hasattr(self.runner,
'application') | Save the logging start on the C{runner} instance. | start | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def stop(self):
Don't log anything.
""" | Don't log anything. | stop | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_applicationRunnerGetsCorrectApplication(self):
Ensure that a twistd plugin gets used in appropriate ways: it
is passed its Options instance, and the service it returns is
added to the application.
arunner = CrippledApplicationRunner(self.config)
self.serviceMaker.options, self.config.subOptions,
"ServiceMaker.makeService needs to be passed the correct "
"sub Command object.")
"ServiceMaker.makeService's result needs to be set as a child "
"of the Application.") | Ensure that a twistd plugin gets used in appropriate ways: it
is passed its Options instance, and the service it returns is
added to the application. | test_applicationRunnerGetsCorrectApplication | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_preAndPostApplication(self):
Test thet preApplication and postApplication methods are
called by when appropriate.
s = TestApplicationRunner(self.config)
self.assertEqual(s.order, ["pre", "log", "post"]) | Test thet preApplication and postApplication methods are
called by when appropriate. | test_preAndPostApplication | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def _applicationStartsWithConfiguredID(self, argv, uid, gid):
Assert that given a particular command line, an application is started
as a particular UID/GID.
@param argv: A list of strings giving the options to parse.
@param uid: An integer giving the expected UID.
@param gid: An integer giving the expected GID.
events = []
class FakeUnixApplicationRunner(twistd._SomeApplicationRunner):
def setupEnvironment(self, chroot, rundir, nodaemon, umask,
def shedPrivileges(self, euid, uid, gid):
events.append(('privileges', euid, uid, gid))
def startReactor(self, reactor, oldstdout, oldstderr):
def removePID(self, pidfile):
@implementer(service.IService, service.IProcess)
class FakeService(object):
parent = None
running = None
name = None
processName = None
uid = None
gid = None
def setName(self, name):
def setServiceParent(self, parent):
def disownServiceParent(self):
def privilegedStartService(self):
def startService(self):
def stopService(self):
application = FakeService()
verifyObject(service.IService, application)
verifyObject(service.IProcess, application)
runner = FakeUnixApplicationRunner(self.config)
runner.application = application
['environment', 'privilegedStartService',
('privileges', False, uid, gid), 'startService', 'reactor']) | Assert that given a particular command line, an application is started
as a particular UID/GID.
@param argv: A list of strings giving the options to parse.
@param uid: An integer giving the expected UID.
@param gid: An integer giving the expected GID. | _applicationStartsWithConfiguredID | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_applicationStartsWithConfiguredNumericIDs(self):
L{postApplication} should change the UID and GID to the values
specified as numeric strings by the configuration after running
L{service.IService.privilegedStartService} and before running
uid = 1234
gid = 4321
["--uid", str(uid), "--gid", str(gid)], uid, gid) | L{postApplication} should change the UID and GID to the values
specified as numeric strings by the configuration after running
L{service.IService.privilegedStartService} and before running
L{service.IService.startService}. | test_applicationStartsWithConfiguredNumericIDs | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_applicationStartsWithConfiguredNameIDs(self):
L{postApplication} should change the UID and GID to the values
specified as user and group names by the configuration after running
L{service.IService.privilegedStartService} and before running
user = "foo"
uid = 1234
group = "bar"
gid = 4321
patchUserDatabase(self.patch, user, uid, group, gid)
["--uid", user, "--gid", group], uid, gid) | L{postApplication} should change the UID and GID to the values
specified as user and group names by the configuration after running
L{service.IService.privilegedStartService} and before running
L{service.IService.startService}. | test_applicationStartsWithConfiguredNameIDs | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_startReactorRunsTheReactor(self):
L{startReactor} calls L{}.
reactor = DummyReactor()
runner = app.ApplicationRunner({
"profile": False,
"profiler": "profile",
"debug": False})
runner.startReactor(reactor, None, None)
reactor.called, "startReactor did not call") | L{startReactor} calls L{}. | test_startReactorRunsTheReactor | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_applicationRunnerChoosesReactorIfNone(self):
L{ApplicationRunner} chooses a reactor if none is specified.
reactor = DummyReactor()
self.patch(internet, 'reactor', reactor)
runner = app.ApplicationRunner({
"profile": False,
"profiler": "profile",
"debug": False})
runner.startReactor(None, None, None)
self.assertTrue(reactor.called) | L{ApplicationRunner} chooses a reactor if none is specified. | test_applicationRunnerChoosesReactorIfNone | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def installWaker(self):
Dummy method, does nothing.
""" | Dummy method, does nothing. | test_applicationRunnerCapturesSignal.installWaker | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def run(self):
A fake run method setting _exitSignal to a nonzero value
self._exitSignal = 2 | A fake run method setting _exitSignal to a nonzero value | | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_applicationRunnerCapturesSignal(self):
If the reactor exits with a signal, the application runner caches
the signal.
class DummyReactorWithSignal(ReactorBase):
A dummy reactor, providing a C{run} method, and setting the
_exitSignal attribute to a nonzero value.
def installWaker(self):
Dummy method, does nothing.
def run(self):
A fake run method setting _exitSignal to a nonzero value
self._exitSignal = 2
reactor = DummyReactorWithSignal()
runner = app.ApplicationRunner({
"profile": False,
"profiler": "profile",
"debug": False})
runner.startReactor(reactor, None, None)
self.assertEquals(2, runner._exitSignal) | If the reactor exits with a signal, the application runner caches
the signal. | test_applicationRunnerCapturesSignal | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def installWaker(self):
Dummy method, does nothing.
""" | Dummy method, does nothing. | test_applicationRunnerIgnoresNoSignal.installWaker | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def run(self):
A fake run method setting _exitSignal to a nonzero value
that should be ignored.
self._exitSignal = 2 | A fake run method setting _exitSignal to a nonzero value
that should be ignored. | | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_applicationRunnerIgnoresNoSignal(self):
The runner sets its _exitSignal instance attribute to None if
the reactor does not implement L{_ISupportsExitSignalCapturing}.
class DummyReactorWithExitSignalAttribute(object):
A dummy reactor, providing a C{run} method, and setting the
_exitSignal attribute to a nonzero value.
def installWaker(self):
Dummy method, does nothing.
def run(self):
A fake run method setting _exitSignal to a nonzero value
that should be ignored.
self._exitSignal = 2
reactor = DummyReactorWithExitSignalAttribute()
runner = app.ApplicationRunner({
"profile": False,
"profiler": "profile",
"debug": False})
runner.startReactor(reactor, None, None)
self.assertEquals(None, runner._exitSignal) | The runner sets its _exitSignal instance attribute to None if
the reactor does not implement L{_ISupportsExitSignalCapturing}. | test_applicationRunnerIgnoresNoSignal | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def daemonize(self, reactor):
Indicate that daemonization has happened and change the PID so that the
value written to the pidfile can be tested in the daemonization case.
self.daemon = True
self.patch(os, 'getpid', lambda: + 1) | Indicate that daemonization has happened and change the PID so that the
value written to the pidfile can be tested in the daemonization case. | daemonize | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_chroot(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} changes the root of the
filesystem if passed a non-L{None} value for the C{chroot} parameter.
self.runner.setupEnvironment("/foo/bar", ".", True, None, None)
self.assertEqual(self.root, "/foo/bar") | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} changes the root of the
filesystem if passed a non-L{None} value for the C{chroot} parameter. | test_chroot | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_noChroot(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} does not change the root of
the filesystem if passed L{None} for the C{chroot} parameter.
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, ".", True, None, None)
self.assertIs(self.root, self.unset) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} does not change the root of
the filesystem if passed L{None} for the C{chroot} parameter. | test_noChroot | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_changeWorkingDirectory(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} changes the working directory
of the process to the path given for the C{rundir} parameter.
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, "/foo/bar", True, None, None)
self.assertEqual(self.cwd, "/foo/bar") | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} changes the working directory
of the process to the path given for the C{rundir} parameter. | test_changeWorkingDirectory | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_daemonize(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} daemonizes the process if
C{False} is passed for the C{nodaemon} parameter.
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, ".", False, None, None)
self.assertTrue(self.daemon) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} daemonizes the process if
C{False} is passed for the C{nodaemon} parameter. | test_daemonize | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_noDaemonize(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} does not daemonize the
process if C{True} is passed for the C{nodaemon} parameter.
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, ".", True, None, None)
self.assertFalse(self.daemon) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} does not daemonize the
process if C{True} is passed for the C{nodaemon} parameter. | test_noDaemonize | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_nonDaemonPIDFile(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} writes the process's PID to
the file specified by the C{pidfile} parameter.
pidfile = self.mktemp()
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, ".", True, None, pidfile)
with open(pidfile, 'rb') as f:
pid = int(
self.assertEqual(pid, | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} writes the process's PID to
the file specified by the C{pidfile} parameter. | test_nonDaemonPIDFile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_daemonPIDFile(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} writes the daemonized
process's PID to the file specified by the C{pidfile} parameter if
C{nodaemon} is C{False}.
pidfile = self.mktemp()
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, ".", False, None, pidfile)
with open(pidfile, 'rb') as f:
pid = int(
self.assertEqual(pid, + 1) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} writes the daemonized
process's PID to the file specified by the C{pidfile} parameter if
C{nodaemon} is C{False}. | test_daemonPIDFile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_umask(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} changes the process umask to
the value specified by the C{umask} parameter.
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, ".", False, 123, None)
self.assertEqual(self.mask, 123) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} changes the process umask to
the value specified by the C{umask} parameter. | test_umask | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_noDaemonizeNoUmask(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} doesn't change the process
umask if L{None} is passed for the C{umask} parameter and C{True} is
passed for the C{nodaemon} parameter.
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, ".", True, None, None)
self.assertIs(self.mask, self.unset) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} doesn't change the process
umask if L{None} is passed for the C{umask} parameter and C{True} is
passed for the C{nodaemon} parameter. | test_noDaemonizeNoUmask | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_daemonizedNoUmask(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} changes the process umask to
C{0077} if L{None} is passed for the C{umask} parameter and C{False} is
passed for the C{nodaemon} parameter.
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
self.runner.setupEnvironment(None, ".", False, None, None)
self.assertEqual(self.mask, 0o077) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} changes the process umask to
C{0077} if L{None} is passed for the C{umask} parameter and C{False} is
passed for the C{nodaemon} parameter. | test_daemonizedNoUmask | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_setupEnvironment(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.startApplication} calls
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} with the chroot, rundir,
nodaemon, umask, and pidfile parameters from the configuration it is
constructed with.
options = twistd.ServerOptions()
'--umask', '0070',
'--chroot', '/foo/chroot',
'--rundir', '/foo/rundir',
'--pidfile', '/foo/pidfile'])
application = service.Application("test_setupEnvironment")
self.runner = UnixApplicationRunner(options)
args = []
def fakeSetupEnvironment(self, chroot, rundir, nodaemon, umask,
args.extend((chroot, rundir, nodaemon, umask, pidfile))
# Sanity check
if _PY3:
setupEnvironmentParameters = \
fakeSetupEnvironmentParameters = \
# inspect.signature() does not return "self" in the signature of
# a class method, so we need to omit it when comparing the
# the signature of a plain method
fakeSetupEnvironmentParameters = fakeSetupEnvironmentParameters.copy()
self.patch(UnixApplicationRunner, 'setupEnvironment',
self.patch(UnixApplicationRunner, 'shedPrivileges',
lambda *a, **kw: None)
self.patch(app, 'startApplication', lambda *a, **kw: None)
['/foo/chroot', '/foo/rundir', True, 56, '/foo/pidfile']) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.startApplication} calls
L{UnixApplicationRunner.setupEnvironment} with the chroot, rundir,
nodaemon, umask, and pidfile parameters from the configuration it is
constructed with. | test_setupEnvironment | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_shedPrivileges(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.shedPrivileges} switches the user ID
of the process.
def switchUIDPass(uid, gid, euid):
self.assertEqual(uid, 200)
self.assertEqual(gid, 54)
self.assertEqual(euid, 35)
self.patch(_twistd_unix, 'switchUID', switchUIDPass)
runner = UnixApplicationRunner({})
runner.shedPrivileges(35, 200, 54) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.shedPrivileges} switches the user ID
of the process. | test_shedPrivileges | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_shedPrivilegesError(self):
An unexpected L{OSError} when calling
terminates the process via L{SystemExit}.
def switchUIDFail(uid, gid, euid):
raise OSError(errno.EBADF, "fake")
runner = UnixApplicationRunner({})
self.patch(_twistd_unix, 'switchUID', switchUIDFail)
exc = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, runner.shedPrivileges, 35,
200, None)
self.assertEqual(exc.code, 1) | An unexpected L{OSError} when calling
terminates the process via L{SystemExit}. | test_shedPrivilegesError | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def _setUID(self, wantedUser, wantedUid, wantedGroup, wantedGid):
Common code for tests which try to pass the the UID to
patchUserDatabase(self.patch, wantedUser, wantedUid, wantedGroup,
def initgroups(uid, gid):
self.assertEqual(uid, wantedUid)
self.assertEqual(gid, wantedGid)
def setuid(uid):
self.assertEqual(uid, wantedUid)
def setgid(gid):
self.assertEqual(gid, wantedGid)
self.patch(util, "initgroups", initgroups)
self.patch(os, "setuid", setuid)
self.patch(os, "setgid", setgid)
options = twistd.ServerOptions()
'--uid', str(wantedUid)])
application = service.Application("test_setupEnvironment")
self.runner = UnixApplicationRunner(options)
runner = UnixApplicationRunner(options)
runner.startApplication(application) | Common code for tests which try to pass the the UID to
L{UnixApplicationRunner}. | _setUID | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_setUidWithoutGid(self):
Starting an application with L{UnixApplicationRunner} configured
with a UID and no GUID will result in the GUID being
set to the default GUID for that UID.
self._setUID("foo", 5151, "bar", 4242) | Starting an application with L{UnixApplicationRunner} configured
with a UID and no GUID will result in the GUID being
set to the default GUID for that UID. | test_setUidWithoutGid | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_setUidSameAsCurrentUid(self):
If the specified UID is the same as the current UID of the process,
then a warning is displayed.
currentUid = os.getuid()
self._setUID("morefoo", currentUid, "morebar", 4343)
warningsShown = self.flushWarnings()
self.assertEqual(1, len(warningsShown))
expectedWarning = (
'tried to drop privileges and setuid {} but uid is already {}; '
'should we be root? Continuing.'.format(currentUid, currentUid))
self.assertEqual(expectedWarning, warningsShown[0]["message"]) | If the specified UID is the same as the current UID of the process,
then a warning is displayed. | test_setUidSameAsCurrentUid | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_removePID(self):
L{UnixApplicationRunner.removePID} deletes the file the name of
which is passed to it.
runner = UnixApplicationRunner({})
path = self.mktemp()
pidfile = os.path.join(path, "")
open(pidfile, "w").close()
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pidfile)) | L{UnixApplicationRunner.removePID} deletes the file the name of
which is passed to it. | test_removePID | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_removePIDErrors(self):
Calling L{UnixApplicationRunner.removePID} with a non-existent filename
logs an OSError.
runner = UnixApplicationRunner({})
errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(OSError)
self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.errno, errno.ENOENT) | Calling L{UnixApplicationRunner.removePID} with a non-existent filename
logs an OSError. | test_removePIDErrors | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def addSystemEventTrigger(self, *args, **kw):
Skip event registration.
""" | Skip event registration. | addSystemEventTrigger | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def run(self):
A fake run method, checking that it's been called one and only time.
if self.called:
raise RuntimeError("Already called")
self.called = True | A fake run method, checking that it's been called one and only time. | run | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_profile(self):
L{} should call the C{run} method of the reactor
and save profile data in the specified file.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config["profile"] = self.mktemp()
config["profiler"] = "profile"
profiler = app.AppProfiler(config)
reactor = DummyReactor()
with open(config["profile"]) as f:
data =
self.assertIn("", data)
self.assertIn("function calls", data) | L{} should call the C{run} method of the reactor
and save profile data in the specified file. | test_profile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_profileSaveStats(self):
With the C{savestats} option specified, L{}
should save the raw stats object instead of a summary output.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config["profile"] = self.mktemp()
config["profiler"] = "profile"
config["savestats"] = True
profiler = app.AppProfiler(config)
reactor = DummyReactor()
self._testStats(pstats.Stats, config['profile']) | With the C{savestats} option specified, L{}
should save the raw stats object instead of a summary output. | test_profileSaveStats | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_withoutProfile(self):
When the C{profile} module is not present, L{}
should raise a C{SystemExit} exception.
savedModules = sys.modules.copy()
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config["profiler"] = "profile"
profiler = app.AppProfiler(config)
sys.modules["profile"] = None
self.assertRaises(SystemExit,, None)
sys.modules.update(savedModules) | When the C{profile} module is not present, L{}
should raise a C{SystemExit} exception. | test_withoutProfile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_profilePrintStatsError(self):
When an error happens during the print of the stats, C{sys.stdout}
should be restored to its initial value.
class ErroneousProfile(profile.Profile):
def print_stats(self):
raise RuntimeError("Boom")
self.patch(profile, "Profile", ErroneousProfile)
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config["profile"] = self.mktemp()
config["profiler"] = "profile"
profiler = app.AppProfiler(config)
reactor = DummyReactor()
oldStdout = sys.stdout
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError,, reactor)
self.assertIs(sys.stdout, oldStdout) | When an error happens during the print of the stats, C{sys.stdout}
should be restored to its initial value. | test_profilePrintStatsError | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_cProfile(self):
L{} should call the C{run} method of the
reactor and save profile data in the specified file.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config["profile"] = self.mktemp()
config["profiler"] = "cProfile"
profiler = app.AppProfiler(config)
reactor = DummyReactor()
with open(config["profile"]) as f:
data =
self.assertIn("run", data)
self.assertIn("function calls", data) | L{} should call the C{run} method of the
reactor and save profile data in the specified file. | test_cProfile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_cProfileSaveStats(self):
With the C{savestats} option specified,
L{} should save the raw stats object
instead of a summary output.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config["profile"] = self.mktemp()
config["profiler"] = "cProfile"
config["savestats"] = True
profiler = app.AppProfiler(config)
reactor = DummyReactor()
self._testStats(pstats.Stats, config['profile']) | With the C{savestats} option specified,
L{} should save the raw stats object
instead of a summary output. | test_cProfileSaveStats | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_withoutCProfile(self):
When the C{cProfile} module is not present,
L{} should raise a C{SystemExit}
exception and log the C{ImportError}.
savedModules = sys.modules.copy()
sys.modules["cProfile"] = None
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config["profiler"] = "cProfile"
profiler = app.AppProfiler(config)
self.assertRaises(SystemExit,, None)
sys.modules.update(savedModules) | When the C{cProfile} module is not present,
L{} should raise a C{SystemExit}
exception and log the C{ImportError}. | test_withoutCProfile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_unknownProfiler(self):
Check that L{app.AppProfiler} raises L{SystemExit} when given an
unknown profiler name.
config = twistd.ServerOptions()
config["profile"] = self.mktemp()
config["profiler"] = "foobar"
error = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, app.AppProfiler, config)
self.assertEqual(str(error), "Unsupported profiler name: foobar") | Check that L{app.AppProfiler} raises L{SystemExit} when given an
unknown profiler name. | test_unknownProfiler | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_defaultProfiler(self):
L{app.Profiler} defaults to the cprofile profiler if not specified.
profiler = app.AppProfiler({})
self.assertEqual(profiler.profiler, "cprofile") | L{app.Profiler} defaults to the cprofile profiler if not specified. | test_defaultProfiler | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_profilerNameCaseInsentive(self):
The case of the profiler name passed to L{app.AppProfiler} is not
profiler = app.AppProfiler({"profiler": "CprOfile"})
self.assertEqual(profiler.profiler, "cprofile") | The case of the profiler name passed to L{app.AppProfiler} is not
relevant. | test_profilerNameCaseInsentive | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def _patchTextFileLogObserver(patch):
Patch L{logger.textFileLogObserver} to record every call and keep a
reference to the passed log file for tests.
@param patch: a callback for patching (usually L{unittest.TestCase.patch}).
@return: the list that keeps track of the log files.
@rtype: C{list}
logFiles = []
oldFileLogObserver = logger.textFileLogObserver
def observer(logFile, *args, **kwargs):
return oldFileLogObserver(logFile, *args, **kwargs)
patch(logger, 'textFileLogObserver', observer)
return logFiles | Patch L{logger.textFileLogObserver} to record every call and keep a
reference to the passed log file for tests.
@param patch: a callback for patching (usually L{unittest.TestCase.patch}).
@return: the list that keeps track of the log files.
@rtype: C{list} | _patchTextFileLogObserver | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def _setupSyslog(testCase):
Make fake syslog, and return list to which prefix and then log
messages will be appended if it is used.
logMessages = []
class fakesyslogobserver(object):
def __init__(self, prefix):
def emit(self, eventDict):
testCase.patch(syslog, "SyslogObserver", fakesyslogobserver)
return logMessages | Make fake syslog, and return list to which prefix and then log
messages will be appended if it is used. | _setupSyslog | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def setUp(self):
Override L{globaLogBeginner.beginLoggingTo} so that we can trace the
observers installed in C{self.observers}.
self.observers = []
def beginLoggingTo(observers):
for observer in observers:
self.patch(globalLogBeginner, 'beginLoggingTo', beginLoggingTo) | Override L{globaLogBeginner.beginLoggingTo} so that we can trace the
observers installed in C{self.observers}. | setUp | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def tearDown(self):
Remove all installed observers.
for observer in self.observers:
globalLogPublisher.removeObserver(observer) | Remove all installed observers. | tearDown | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def _makeObserver(self):
Make a new observer which captures all logs sent to it.
@return: An observer that stores all logs sent to it.
@rtype: Callable that implements L{ILogObserver}.
class TestObserver(object):
_logs = []
def __call__(self, event):
return TestObserver() | Make a new observer which captures all logs sent to it.
@return: An observer that stores all logs sent to it.
@rtype: Callable that implements L{ILogObserver}. | _makeObserver | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def _checkObserver(self, observer):
Ensure that initial C{twistd} logs are written to logs.
@param observer: The observer made by L{self._makeObserver).
self.assertEqual(self.observers, [observer])
self.assertIn("starting up", observer._logs[0]["log_format"])
self.assertIn("reactor class", observer._logs[1]["log_format"]) | Ensure that initial C{twistd} logs are written to logs.
@param observer: The observer made by L{self._makeObserver). | _checkObserver | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_start(self):
L{app.AppLogger.start} calls L{globalLogBeginner.addObserver}, and then
writes some messages about twistd and the reactor.
logger = app.AppLogger({})
observer = self._makeObserver()
logger._getLogObserver = lambda: observer
self._checkObserver(observer) | L{app.AppLogger.start} calls L{globalLogBeginner.addObserver}, and then
writes some messages about twistd and the reactor. | test_start | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_startUsesApplicationLogObserver(self):
When the L{ILogObserver} component is available on the application,
that object will be used as the log observer instead of constructing a
new one.
application = Componentized()
observer = self._makeObserver()
application.setComponent(ILogObserver, observer)
logger = app.AppLogger({})
self._checkObserver(observer) | When the L{ILogObserver} component is available on the application,
that object will be used as the log observer instead of constructing a
new one. | test_startUsesApplicationLogObserver | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def _setupConfiguredLogger(self, application, extraLogArgs={},
Set up an AppLogger which exercises the C{logger} configuration option.
@type application: L{Componentized}
@param application: The L{Application} object to pass to
@type extraLogArgs: C{dict}
@param extraLogArgs: extra values to pass to AppLogger.
@type appLogger: L{AppLogger} class, or a subclass
@param appLogger: factory for L{AppLogger} instances.
@rtype: C{list}
@return: The logs accumulated by the log observer.
observer = self._makeObserver()
logArgs = {"logger": lambda: observer}
logger = appLogger(logArgs)
return observer | Set up an AppLogger which exercises the C{logger} configuration option.
@type application: L{Componentized}
@param application: The L{Application} object to pass to
@type extraLogArgs: C{dict}
@param extraLogArgs: extra values to pass to AppLogger.
@type appLogger: L{AppLogger} class, or a subclass
@param appLogger: factory for L{AppLogger} instances.
@rtype: C{list}
@return: The logs accumulated by the log observer. | _setupConfiguredLogger | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_startUsesConfiguredLogObserver(self):
When the C{logger} key is specified in the configuration dictionary
(i.e., when C{--logger} is passed to twistd), the initial log observer
will be the log observer returned from the callable which the value
refers to in FQPN form.
application = Componentized()
self._checkObserver(self._setupConfiguredLogger(application)) | When the C{logger} key is specified in the configuration dictionary
(i.e., when C{--logger} is passed to twistd), the initial log observer
will be the log observer returned from the callable which the value
refers to in FQPN form. | test_startUsesConfiguredLogObserver | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_configuredLogObserverBeatsComponent(self):
C{--logger} takes precedence over a L{ILogObserver} component set on
observer = self._makeObserver()
application = Componentized()
application.setComponent(ILogObserver, observer)
self.assertEqual(observer._logs, []) | C{--logger} takes precedence over a L{ILogObserver} component set on
Application. | test_configuredLogObserverBeatsComponent | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_configuredLogObserverBeatsLegacyComponent(self):
C{--logger} takes precedence over a L{LegacyILogObserver} component
set on Application.
nonlogs = []
application = Componentized()
application.setComponent(LegacyILogObserver, nonlogs.append)
self.assertEqual(nonlogs, []) | C{--logger} takes precedence over a L{LegacyILogObserver} component
set on Application. | test_configuredLogObserverBeatsLegacyComponent | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_loggerComponentBeatsLegacyLoggerComponent(self):
A L{ILogObserver} takes precedence over a L{LegacyILogObserver}
component set on Application.
nonlogs = []
observer = self._makeObserver()
application = Componentized()
application.setComponent(ILogObserver, observer)
application.setComponent(LegacyILogObserver, nonlogs.append)
logger = app.AppLogger({})
self.assertEqual(nonlogs, []) | A L{ILogObserver} takes precedence over a L{LegacyILogObserver}
component set on Application. | test_loggerComponentBeatsLegacyLoggerComponent | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_configuredLogObserverBeatsSyslog(self):
C{--logger} takes precedence over a C{--syslog} command line
logs = _setupSyslog(self)
application = Componentized()
{"syslog": True},
self.assertEqual(logs, []) | C{--logger} takes precedence over a C{--syslog} command line
argument. | test_configuredLogObserverBeatsSyslog | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_configuredLogObserverBeatsLogfile(self):
C{--logger} takes precedence over a C{--logfile} command line
application = Componentized()
path = self.mktemp()
{"logfile": "path"}))
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(path)) | C{--logger} takes precedence over a C{--logfile} command line
argument. | test_configuredLogObserverBeatsLogfile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_getLogObserverStdout(self):
When logfile is empty or set to C{-}, L{app.AppLogger._getLogObserver}
returns a log observer pointing at C{sys.stdout}.
logger = app.AppLogger({"logfile": "-"})
logFiles = _patchTextFileLogObserver(self.patch)
self.assertEqual(len(logFiles), 1)
self.assertIs(logFiles[0], sys.stdout)
logger = app.AppLogger({"logfile": ""})
self.assertEqual(len(logFiles), 2)
self.assertIs(logFiles[1], sys.stdout) | When logfile is empty or set to C{-}, L{app.AppLogger._getLogObserver}
returns a log observer pointing at C{sys.stdout}. | test_getLogObserverStdout | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_getLogObserverFile(self):
When passing the C{logfile} option, L{app.AppLogger._getLogObserver}
returns a log observer pointing at the specified path.
logFiles = _patchTextFileLogObserver(self.patch)
filename = self.mktemp()
logger = app.AppLogger({"logfile": filename})
self.assertEqual(len(logFiles), 1)
os.path.abspath(filename)) | When passing the C{logfile} option, L{app.AppLogger._getLogObserver}
returns a log observer pointing at the specified path. | test_getLogObserverFile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_stop(self):
L{app.AppLogger.stop} removes the observer created in C{start}, and
reinitialize its C{_observer} so that if C{stop} is called several
times it doesn't break.
removed = []
observer = object()
def remove(observer):
self.patch(globalLogPublisher, 'removeObserver', remove)
logger = app.AppLogger({})
logger._observer = observer
self.assertEqual(removed, [observer])
self.assertEqual(removed, [observer])
self.assertIsNone(logger._observer) | L{app.AppLogger.stop} removes the observer created in C{start}, and
reinitialize its C{_observer} so that if C{stop} is called several
times it doesn't break. | test_stop | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def __call__(self, x):
Add C{x} to the logs list.
logs.append(x) | Add C{x} to the logs list. | test_legacyObservers.__call__ | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_legacyObservers(self):
L{app.AppLogger} using a legacy logger observer still works, wrapping
it in a compat shim.
logs = []
logger = app.AppLogger({})
class LoggerObserver(object):
An observer which implements the legacy L{LegacyILogObserver}.
def __call__(self, x):
Add C{x} to the logs list.
logger._observerFactory = lambda: LoggerObserver()
self.assertIn("starting up", textFromEventDict(logs[0]))
warnings = self.flushWarnings(
self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 0) | L{app.AppLogger} using a legacy logger observer still works, wrapping
it in a compat shim. | test_legacyObservers | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_unmarkedObserversDeprecated(self):
L{app.AppLogger} using a logger observer which does not implement
L{ILogObserver} or L{LegacyILogObserver} will be wrapped in a compat
shim and raise a L{DeprecationWarning}.
logs = []
logger = app.AppLogger({})
logger._getLogObserver = lambda: logs.append
self.assertIn("starting up", textFromEventDict(logs[0]))
warnings = self.flushWarnings(
self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
("Passing a logger factory which makes log observers "
"which do not implement twisted.logger.ILogObserver "
"or twisted.python.log.ILogObserver to "
" was deprecated "
"in Twisted 16.2. Please use a factory that "
"produces twisted.logger.ILogObserver (or the "
"legacy twisted.python.log.ILogObserver) "
"implementing objects instead.")) | L{app.AppLogger} using a logger observer which does not implement
L{ILogObserver} or L{LegacyILogObserver} will be wrapped in a compat
shim and raise a L{DeprecationWarning}. | test_unmarkedObserversDeprecated | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def setUp(self):
Fake C{signal.signal} for not installing the handlers but saving them
in C{self.signals}.
self.signals = []
def fakeSignal(sig, f):
self.signals.append((sig, f))
self.patch(signal, "signal", fakeSignal) | Fake C{signal.signal} for not installing the handlers but saving them
in C{self.signals}. | setUp | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_getLogObserverStdout(self):
When non-daemonized and C{logfile} is empty or set to C{-},
L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} returns a log observer pointing at
logFiles = _patchTextFileLogObserver(self.patch)
logger = UnixAppLogger({"logfile": "-", "nodaemon": True})
self.assertEqual(len(logFiles), 1)
self.assertIs(logFiles[0], sys.stdout)
logger = UnixAppLogger({"logfile": "", "nodaemon": True})
self.assertEqual(len(logFiles), 2)
self.assertIs(logFiles[1], sys.stdout) | When non-daemonized and C{logfile} is empty or set to C{-},
L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} returns a log observer pointing at
C{sys.stdout}. | test_getLogObserverStdout | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_getLogObserverStdoutDaemon(self):
When daemonized and C{logfile} is set to C{-},
L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} raises C{SystemExit}.
logger = UnixAppLogger({"logfile": "-", "nodaemon": False})
error = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, logger._getLogObserver)
self.assertEqual(str(error), "Daemons cannot log to stdout, exiting!") | When daemonized and C{logfile} is set to C{-},
L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} raises C{SystemExit}. | test_getLogObserverStdoutDaemon | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_getLogObserverFile(self):
When C{logfile} contains a file name, L{app.AppLogger._getLogObserver}
returns a log observer pointing at the specified path, and a signal
handler rotating the log is installed.
logFiles = _patchTextFileLogObserver(self.patch)
filename = self.mktemp()
logger = UnixAppLogger({"logfile": filename})
self.assertEqual(len(logFiles), 1)
self.assertEqual(logFiles[0].path, os.path.abspath(filename))
self.assertEqual(len(self.signals), 1)
self.assertEqual(self.signals[0][0], signal.SIGUSR1)
d = Deferred()
def rotate():
logFiles[0].rotate = rotate
rotateLog = self.signals[0][1]
rotateLog(None, None)
return d | When C{logfile} contains a file name, L{app.AppLogger._getLogObserver}
returns a log observer pointing at the specified path, and a signal
handler rotating the log is installed. | test_getLogObserverFile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_getLogObserverDontOverrideSignalHandler(self):
If a signal handler is already installed,
L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} doesn't override it.
def fakeGetSignal(sig):
self.assertEqual(sig, signal.SIGUSR1)
return object()
self.patch(signal, "getsignal", fakeGetSignal)
filename = self.mktemp()
logger = UnixAppLogger({"logfile": filename})
self.assertEqual(self.signals, []) | If a signal handler is already installed,
L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} doesn't override it. | test_getLogObserverDontOverrideSignalHandler | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_getLogObserverDefaultFile(self):
When daemonized and C{logfile} is empty, the observer returned by
L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} points at C{twistd.log} in the current
logFiles = _patchTextFileLogObserver(self.patch)
logger = UnixAppLogger({"logfile": "", "nodaemon": False})
self.assertEqual(len(logFiles), 1)
self.assertEqual(logFiles[0].path, os.path.abspath("twistd.log")) | When daemonized and C{logfile} is empty, the observer returned by
L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} points at C{twistd.log} in the current
directory. | test_getLogObserverDefaultFile | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_getLogObserverSyslog(self):
If C{syslog} is set to C{True}, L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} starts
a L{syslog.SyslogObserver} with given C{prefix}.
logs = _setupSyslog(self)
logger = UnixAppLogger({"syslog": True, "prefix": "test-prefix"})
observer = logger._getLogObserver()
self.assertEqual(logs, ["test-prefix"])
observer({"a": "b"})
self.assertEqual(logs, ["test-prefix", {"a": "b"}]) | If C{syslog} is set to C{True}, L{UnixAppLogger._getLogObserver} starts
a L{syslog.SyslogObserver} with given C{prefix}. | test_getLogObserverSyslog | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_success(self):
When double fork succeeded in C{daemonize}, the child process writes
B{0} to the status pipe.
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
[('chdir', '.'), ('umask', 0o077), ('fork', True), 'setsid',
('fork', True), ('write', -2, b'0'), ('unlink', '')])
self.assertEqual(self.mockos.closed, [-3, -2]) | When double fork succeeded in C{daemonize}, the child process writes
B{0} to the status pipe. | test_success | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_successInParent(self):
The parent process initiating the C{daemonize} call reads data from the
status pipe and then exit the process.
self.mockos.child = False
self.mockos.readData = b"0"
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
self.assertRaises(SystemError, self.runner.postApplication)
[('chdir', '.'), ('umask', 0o077), ('fork', True),
('read', -1, 100), ('exit', 0), ('unlink', '')])
self.assertEqual(self.mockos.closed, [-1]) | The parent process initiating the C{daemonize} call reads data from the
status pipe and then exit the process. | test_successInParent | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_successEINTR(self):
If the C{os.write} call to the status pipe raises an B{EINTR} error,
the process child retries to write.
written = []
def raisingWrite(fd, data):
written.append((fd, data))
if len(written) == 1:
raise IOError(errno.EINTR)
self.mockos.write = raisingWrite
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
[('chdir', '.'), ('umask', 0o077), ('fork', True), 'setsid',
('fork', True), ('unlink', '')])
self.assertEqual(self.mockos.closed, [-3, -2])
self.assertEqual([(-2, b'0'), (-2, b'0')], written) | If the C{os.write} call to the status pipe raises an B{EINTR} error,
the process child retries to write. | test_successEINTR | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_successInParentEINTR(self):
If the C{} call on the status pipe raises an B{EINTR} error, the
parent child retries to read.
read = []
def raisingRead(fd, size):
read.append((fd, size))
if len(read) == 1:
raise IOError(errno.EINTR)
return b"0" = raisingRead
self.mockos.child = False
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
self.assertRaises(SystemError, self.runner.postApplication)
[('chdir', '.'), ('umask', 0o077), ('fork', True),
('exit', 0), ('unlink', '')])
self.assertEqual(self.mockos.closed, [-1])
self.assertEqual([(-1, 100), (-1, 100)], read) | If the C{} call on the status pipe raises an B{EINTR} error, the
parent child retries to read. | test_successInParentEINTR | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def assertErrorWritten(self, raised, reported):
Assert L{UnixApplicationRunner.postApplication} writes
C{reported} to its status pipe if the service raises an
exception whose message is C{raised}.
class FakeService(service.Service):
def startService(self):
raise RuntimeError(raised)
errorService = FakeService()
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.runner.postApplication)
[('chdir', '.'), ('umask', 0o077), ('fork', True), 'setsid',
('fork', True), ('write', -2, reported),
('unlink', '')])
self.assertEqual(self.mockos.closed, [-3, -2]) | Assert L{UnixApplicationRunner.postApplication} writes
C{reported} to its status pipe if the service raises an
exception whose message is C{raised}. | assertErrorWritten | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_error(self):
If an error happens during daemonization, the child process writes the
exception error to the status pipe.
self.assertErrorWritten(raised="Something is wrong",
reported=b'1 RuntimeError: Something is wrong') | If an error happens during daemonization, the child process writes the
exception error to the status pipe. | test_error | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_unicodeError(self):
If an error happens during daemonization, and that error's
message is Unicode, the child encodes the message as ascii
with backslash Unicode code points.
reported=b'1 RuntimeError: \\u2022') | If an error happens during daemonization, and that error's
message is Unicode, the child encodes the message as ascii
with backslash Unicode code points. | test_unicodeError | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def assertErrorInParentBehavior(self, readData, errorMessage,
Make L{} appear to return C{readData}, and assert that
L{UnixApplicationRunner.postApplication} writes
C{errorMessage} to standard error and executes the calls
against L{os} functions specified in C{mockOSActions}.
self.mockos.child = False
self.mockos.readData = readData
errorIO = NativeStringIO()
self.patch(sys, '__stderr__', errorIO)
with AlternateReactor(FakeDaemonizingReactor()):
self.assertRaises(SystemError, self.runner.postApplication)
self.assertEqual(errorIO.getvalue(), errorMessage)
self.assertEqual(self.mockos.actions, mockOSActions)
self.assertEqual(self.mockos.closed, [-1]) | Make L{} appear to return C{readData}, and assert that
L{UnixApplicationRunner.postApplication} writes
C{errorMessage} to standard error and executes the calls
against L{os} functions specified in C{mockOSActions}. | assertErrorInParentBehavior | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_errorInParent(self):
When the child writes an error message to the status pipe
during daemonization, the parent writes the repr of the
message to C{stderr} and exits with non-zero status code.
readData=b"1 Exception: An identified error",
"An error has occurred: b'Exception: An identified error'\n"
"Please look at log file for more information.\n"),
('chdir', '.'), ('umask', 0o077), ('fork', True),
('read', -1, 100), ('exit', 1), ('unlink', ''),
) | When the child writes an error message to the status pipe
during daemonization, the parent writes the repr of the
message to C{stderr} and exits with non-zero status code. | test_errorInParent | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
def test_nonASCIIErrorInParent(self):
When the child writes a non-ASCII error message to the status
pipe during daemonization, the parent writes the repr of the
message to C{stderr} and exits with a non-zero status code.
readData=b"1 Exception: \xff",
"An error has occurred: b'Exception: \\xff'\n"
"Please look at log file for more information.\n"
('chdir', '.'), ('umask', 0o077), ('fork', True),
('read', -1, 100), ('exit', 1), ('unlink', ''),
) | When the child writes a non-ASCII error message to the status
pipe during daemonization, the parent writes the repr of the
message to C{stderr} and exits with a non-zero status code. | test_nonASCIIErrorInParent | python | wistbean/learn_python3_spider | stackoverflow/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/test/ | | MIT |
Subsets and Splits