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`` what ? '' |
he liked seeing her like this , all sleep-tousled and rosy . |
`` you should n't do that . '' |
but she did n't seem unhappy that he had . |
`` i think i should . '' |
he did it again . |
`` come here . |
might as well make the best of that half-hour . '' |
he leaned forward and grabbed a throw blanket off the back of one of the easy chairs , tugged her back against his chest and covered both of them . |
`` go to sleep . '' |
`` are you sure ? '' |
`` i 'm sure , '' he said . |
but neither of them slept . |
when mia came over mid-morning for another business plan session , she dropped her purse on the kitchen counter , peered at fila 's face and said , `` what happened to you ? '' |
`` i did n't sleep well . '' |
fila busied herself putting on a kettle for tea . |
`` nightmares again ? '' |
`` no . '' |
fila shrugged and hoped mia would n't push for details . |
now that she looked at her , mia did n't look so hot herself . |
`` are you okay ? '' |
`` not really . '' |
to fila 's surprise the young woman began to cry . |
comforting other people was n't fila 's strong point-unless they were babies . |
there had been little tenderness between her and the other women of her village . |
most of them could n't afford to take the risk of being seen to favor her . |
she was too different-to apt to make the kind of mistake that brought about the wrath of the taliban men who called the shots . |
so she never knew quite what to do when a situation like this presented itself , and now she hovered over mia for a few moments before tentatively placing a hand on her arm . |
`` what 's the matter ? '' |
`` everything ! |
luke . |
he 's such an idiot ! '' |
fila had noticed a tension between luke and mia for weeks . |
like fila , mia had moved onto the double-bar-k just before the beginning of december and though she 'd first lived with ned , that had n't worked out and she 'd eventually switched places with fila to move in with luke . |
fila had expected a romance to blossom between the two almost instantly , judging by the way luke 's gaze never swerved from mia whenever they were together . |
but that had n't happened , and she was n't sure what the nature of the relationship between the two was . |
sometimes they chatted and laughed and shot glances at each other so loaded with intent and desire fila felt uncomfortable in their presence . |
other times they moved stiffly around each other as if they had never even met . |
fila could n't fathom what was going on . |
`` what did he do ? '' |
`` nothing ! |
he 's done nothing and it 's almost too late ! '' |
`` too late for what ? '' |
mia sobbed louder . |
`` i 've made such a stupid mistake . |
such a stupid , stupid mistake . |
i do n't know what to do ! |
i 'm going to lose him ! '' |
`` lose luke ? '' |
how could she lose a man who followed her around like a puppy on a string most of the time ? |
`` you 're wrong . |
luke worships you . '' |
mia dropped her hands and stared at fila . |
`` now , maybe . |
he wo n't next month . '' |
fila chuckled despite her concern . |
`` what do you plan to do next month ? |
set his cabin on fire ? '' |
`` it 's not what i plan to do . |
it 's what i 've already done . '' |
mia wiped her eyes . |
fila did n't like the hopelessness in her tone . |
`` can you keep a secret ? '' |
fila nodded . |
she was good at that . |
`` i 'm pregnant . |
and i 've never been with luke . '' |
understanding flooded fila , along with a wash of fear that had her gripping the table for support . |
an unwed mother . |
what would happen ? |
what would they do to her ? |
would they- no . |
she was n't in afghanistan . |
`` fila ? '' |
the concern was all too evident in mia 's voice . |
fila struggled to get a hold of herself , taking calming breaths , holding the table tight until her knuckles went white . |
`` sorry , '' she gasped out . |
`` it 'll pass . '' |
mia bit her lip , studying her . |
`` what would they have done to me where you were ? |
would they have killed me ? '' |
fila shut her eyes . |
possibly . |
a tear slid down mia 's face . |
`` sometimes i think everyone would be better off if i was dead . '' |
fila was on her knees in an instant , her arms around mia-all her own fears forgotten . |
`` no ! |
never say that . |
you are a mother now . |
soon you will hold your baby in your arms . '' |
`` i know , '' mia wailed . |
`` and i ca n't wait . |
i want to see my baby so badly , but do n't you see-the minute luke finds out about it , he 's going to hate me . '' |
fila pulled back . |
thought that through . |
luke was proud-the proudest of the mathesons , and that was saying a lot . |
you could tease jake and rob . |
even ned had a sense of humor , buried as it was under his gruff exterior . |
luke saw things in black and white , right or wrong . |
he reminded her of the taliban men that way . |
Subsets and Splits