stringlengths 19
330.40 +0.26 (0.08%) Pre-Market: 7:21AM EST
So are you dumping in pre-market or going to wait for the open?
Yeah I definitely dumped pre market! I just wanted that insane risk gone as soon as possible. I saw it trading for $330.50 premarket and set a limit order at that price and dumped the entire position. I ended up making a $1,000 profit on the assignment in addition to the original put spread profit. Better to be lucky than smart! I feel almost certain the stock will be higher at open, but I don’t care. I just wanted to get the insane risk off my plate. |
Gamblers occasionally win.
Someone always wins the lotto but that doesn’t make it a good bet |
I remember IV being 300% on ITCI before it went to the moon. I may just buy vbiv shares and hold if the price starts getting too far past $1.35
It looks like IV popped on my call specifically, down 100% to 150% and down from 8cents to 1cent, although 5 cents is still the minimum. So I'm not sure what happened there |
Already priced in
Noice |
It's EPZM, biotech
Thanks, yeah epzm, my bad |
All you have to do is to be rich.
Maybe he just YOLO'd mummy's tendie money. |
Too bad I didn’t go all in Smmfh
What’s your profit in % terms? Did the drop in vola ate some of your profits? |
She could barely stay at 27 Friday. We shall see.
Rip sorry 😐 |
tf you mean
I feel like Santa with a big old bag of stonks. So many they sent me a Christmas card. I'm watching them closely. Tf I mean, I need this, then I can turn around and buy calls on Herkshire Bathaway. Or pay bills Cancer kills you wether you live through it or die with it. Mama needs a new pair of shoes. 😊 |
Kinda wish I didn’t sell my 420c last week
Do you really? |
Love to see it
Woulda bought more but the blind guy told me to yolo my savory tendies on some devils lettuce stonk |
This is the way
This is the way |
You cash in my guy?!
Yes sold for a 30% gain, did you? I missed out on 100% gain but whatever |
Just not when I buy
Then dont buy |
you mean like, sell options?
Lol. Selling options could be better than buying them. I’ve had this discussion on wsb multiple times now: I actually think selling options isn’t as profitable as theta gang would lead you to believe. I agree that chances of a successful trade are higher, but once you work out the expected return accounting for the rare rogue wave, I think it still comes out to be less than buying and holding spy.
Pretty open minded on this discussion |
I tried to buy puts on Tesla from :31(so one hour ago). After two limits I Went with market order and didn’t get filled. That’s when I realized...
So. 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th only
Open day. weekend, 30th, 31st, 1st. Germany fucked me hard...
That’s so unfortunate. Rip bro |
Do you really?
I should mentioned that I sold them a Xmas eve at a loss cause I’m a real retard |
Dre is Gen-X, but, yeah, AAPL should be buying up gaming companies, particularly any that make decent mobile games.
Amazon is already making some games to showcase AWS's ability to host online MMO games like World of Warcraft (Amazon's game is essentially a WoW clone). Apple definitely needs to buy out fortnite or some shit to be able to compete. |
By being a retard. Go buy some options
Who much do I need to loose? |
Insurance on the SPY exists. They call it the vix.
Puts? |
I second that in hindsight, do 440 (going to ride this out anyways)
one thing I will say though is that it's down almost 3% today, and now moving in equilibrium with indexes
I might IC TSLA on Wednesday but not with 4&1/2 days left until exp. just moves so fast. I guess IC pays well but I’d rather gamble with calls than collect a credit |
Yeah I'm not 100% on what the call is exactly but I saw some folks on stocktwits talking about it, possibly having to do with guidance?
I'm just a retard tho so take this with a grain of salt lol
Thanks |
Yeah true, I've been planning a strategy for when a real swan event hits and the only thing I'm struggling with is when to pull the triggers on buying puts, on a -3% day? 5? consecutive down days?
I'm planning to wait toward summer. Don't think a recession will hit before the election. |
Same, I got a little over 1k and I fear a correction.
If it crashes in the next week, Ill buy another grand |
Yea bro
What do you see bro |
Dude, every like company that sends texts automaticly uses them.
You can test if they use them by responding with STOP.
I've programmed some chat/sms servers before, twilio is an amazing company I see a bright future of 'harassment for money' in them.
Political text ads are the worst. The fuckers keep recruiting more people which means different phone numbers to text people. |
Hi what were you saying ? BUDDY look at the volume.. i been doing this too long..
You right! You win!l the day!
Honestly I got the fuck out after some mediocre gains. I just couldn’t risk it. Long term that company looks like shit. |
who's laughing now?
You, and probably giving me more $$ unless you are smart and are covering. But you aren't so you are adding to your short position into this bear trap. enjoy. |
That'll teach you to take profits... probably won't though
Not a fun learning experience, but a learning experience nonetheless |
What's the difference in cost basis between $0.02 and $3.69?
100%+ |
Whoosh over my head!
Nickelback is a decent pop-rock band that only attracted a hate bandwagon because they got exposure outside their genre.
The Beatles are overrated, and they got lucky in an age where music discovery was expensive and slow. |
522% and still holding
Nice job. When do your calls expire? |
Not very cash money of them.
They just wanna hit 420 over and over again |
Now my instinct is to follow *your* advice
clearly you shouldn't listen to any of us |
2000 contracts would be $8000
Jesus fuck. |
Nah we're just getting back our tax money and more from big corporations who aren't paying taxes.
Exactly and the money will end up in the pockets of big corporations at the end of the day anyway. |
Then you definitely don't want to watch the video
Whelp I just nutted. |
While this is all good and neat, the option market on small caps like JAX blows. No liquidity and insane bid-ask.
Yeah of course that's a downside, but you can always make money if it's ITM. If you have the right to buy 100 shares at $10 and it goes to $11+, someone will buy that option from you. I'm in on shares but I'd be comfortable with calls |
Iron hands. No fear
Roku is dead... still going to hold till expiration cause why not |
I sold my calls today. You think it runs more?
I think this could be a return to health. I'd expect a few upgrades nudging it higher. $20-25 in a year |
Not me, never doubt Tim Apple
I was called a retard for holding puts on Tesla and AMD. Made like 25% and sold, bought spy calls, sold those after making a couple hundred dollars and now im just holding roku puts and waiting to buy up more stuff tomm. |
Yeah. Don’t pay your taxes, then when the IRS folds they can’t collect.
OP should listen to this advice. |
Inverse this for tendies
WaNgGaNg |
Did you do it. I am up 150%
Nope, my dumb ass was asleep. Fucking 'yay'... |
Spy puts
How far out? |
Guess I’ll go fuck myself |
Why are you trading in vanguard lol? Just use vanguard for your legit investing, not trading.
I used it only for legit investing, but I got sucked in today by$NIO |
Lol I’m up 10.5%
I bought Friday for earnings call |
Is it ready to buy yet?
Check before market close. If the trend continues, then wait for tomorrow |
True theta gangbangers have tight spreads so they don't get wiped out by rouges.
Yeah but the tight spread in turn eats at the collected premium. I have yet to see a free lunch on Wall Street.
Edit - iPhone typos |
Imagine shorting your own country and being right. Basically make a few grand but be fucked for a few years and probably fired from your job.
sounds like insurance |
Green tomorrow, duh. 4 days green 1 red per week
😂 its end of year buddy |
Limit orders at 3.88, 3.75 and 3.62.
Should fill on all...went up way too fast had to come down.. its gonna go right back up though |
I should mentioned that I sold them a Xmas eve at a loss cause I’m a real retard
Mine are up 166.94%
There’s a 69er in there, so that means it’s going to Uranus |
Doesn't that eat away your previous weeks' profits?
Which part? |
The person i replied to was talking about people in academia being useless. I was trying to make a point about not throwing baby out with the bath water. Renaissance technology was founded by a math professor and hires many people from a academia.
Yeah, but he was talking about that kind of academics who teach about making money. |
You are the retard. Each option gives you the ability to buy or sell 100 shares (.04 \* 100) \* 2000 = 8000.
Mom always told me I was special |
Long the VIX, always. Good way to lose money fast. |
Fuck it do it. Get some puts one month out. Do it now. Might gap down tomorrow. The miners have been running pretty hard.
I know, I need to. I have positions with spy and apple now. I gotta risk it for the biscuit. |
i'm not even joking just bought 1900c for $3 as this week's lotto |
Black levels are way better on the OLED. IE the piece of shit called game of thrones season 8 actually looks good on this TV. On my samsung, I couldn't make out shit.
OLED is da wey |
They were just gonna blow it on 5 years of binge drinking anyway.
Totally worth it imo |
When will you guys learn?
Was down to .65 at one point but ended at .54 (you advised selling at .56 so you were right!) I'll give you an update tomorrow. I appreciate your input either way :) |
Thanks for the info, I appreciate the non shitposting lmao
👍🏼 |
Sir this is a Chuck E. Cheese’s
DD actually used to be CC which stood for Chuck E. Cheese’s. This changed when the autists of WSB kept making typos. |
Got it, thanks m8. So no real news
Nah. Just technical moves. |
I bought a Peloton for my husband’s boyfriend so one could say I know my people
Solid DD |
maybe he thinks he'd sell them to himself
Can I facilitate him selling something to himself and receive a premium? I'll really take all the hassle out of his gambling, honest. |
depends on when ur exp is. I have a 48 call till jan 24. Ima hold and see what happens after ces. been a rough day.
This guy has infinite time to expiration, aka owns shares |
Nooice!! Yeah I got stopped out at 70%. Sucks cause I have a feeling it's going to run again tomorrow AM..
I prefer to be able to sleep at night then hold that lol |
420 pounds.
Well, yes, but how about kiloquazars? |
cheers brother, best wishes for 2020 for you man, my pms are always open if you wanna talk investing/ need help
Got it bro, same is true for you too! Anything you need let me know! |
yeah but I didn't have any money.
You still didn't have any money after that, you know. |
I dunno bout that but I know a lot about premature ejaculation
Hey look guys, he got the joke! Ha!!! |
SPY is trading at $321 right now. If it dips to $300 I still don't think anybody will give him $8,000 for the contracts he bought.
If he bought at fair value and assuming liquidity, then he will profit. People thought a recession was just as unlikely before 2008 and 2000, but it can still happen. Very risky is not the same as very stupid. |
Good bot
It had to be said. |
Yeah I’m chill now. Made back my losses and made roughly 20% in profits. Also I used this same “strategy” for Visa and lost like 80% of my portfolio a few months back haha.
Yup I lost 90%. Amazon is rallying me back lately |
I mean all countries do to any american heart found company like KFC in Japan the real trick is making so the gimmick of 'hahaha look we are americans shopping here' converts to hey lets go to costco and get our shit all at once. If you never get out of gimmicky phase then people shop there sarcastically and you dont see the money.
The Chinese sub is still $41 a year. Even if they don't shop it's still money for Costco if it's trendy to sub.
I'm currently a Sam's club member and not a Costco member, but I have been a COSTCO member before for all of two weeks. Went spent $300 and then returned my membership for full price. You can return your membership at any time up until the year is up. I wonder if the Chinese will take advantage of this policy. I sure did |
Thanks, yeah epzm, my bad
ESPR might not be a bad play for the pdufa run ups either |
NIO has news for investors, tomorrow. The stock is up over 50% today.
Is NIO the new ACB that I'm going to have to starting fucking *hating?* |
All football players are rapidly depreciating assets; their jobs are specifically designed to destroy their minds and bodies. Hard sell.
And most of them can't seem to keep their mouths shut on sensitive and controversial topics. Double hard sell. |
That would be ludicrous gains in r/investing
And here for a majority |
French onion or salsa?
Yes! |
Wait if I have been on wsb long enough does that mean I can practice the law?
Haupt: *I am the law* |
I only fully figured out options last night, I know there’s a bunch of different strats you can do but imo shorting is just waaaaayyy to risky
That's why full collateral is required. Most people use long options as the collateral to hedge against the risk in short leg. Shorting anything is infinite risk but naked options can reach infinity faster. |
Trump has been manipulating the market since he got in office. I swear he has a RH account that’s so hard in the green he’s at risk of crashing the app.
I wouldn't even be that surprised if he uses RH. |
wtf nice, positions?
wasn't paying attention and amdp tanked and I was stubborn to bag hold it, pavm spiked last week to redeem me |
Yeah the kid legit bought shares of ACB what a larper and he aggressively drinks vodka and uses maple syrup as a chaser 🤣
try it. many worse chasers out there |
A whole year out? ATM? Dude you don't belong in this sub
Ive lost as much money as ive gained (probably lost more) playing ER and monthly options. This is my last go at it before giving up options. All my longer options would have made money if I had stronger hands. No more ER options for sure... |
clearly you shouldn't listen to any of us
So I should listen? |
I think Powerball has better chance
Way worse odds on PowerBall |
I don’t know bro, I think you are gay
So he is one of us |
Yeh 60/40 spy/bonds real complex
You’re right. Financial planners and CPAs get paid lots of money because they can separate capital using your formula. Don’t tell anyone! |
Such a boomer insult, but dont be mad you suck at investing. It is why you are here after all.
U r fuming |
Rookie. I can do it in 10.
So do I. And the Batman. There are rumblings that the smart watches might finally be starting to negatively affect watch prices by getting guys to switch over...we shall see.
I like the oyster bracelet on the batman. The jubilee bracelet doesn't fit it. I'm on the list already for the hulk and Pepsi. Lol good thing its going to take a while before I get the call. |
No. We all came before you. You get sloppy seconds
Just how I like it! |
And most of them can't seem to keep their mouths shut on sensitive and controversial topics. Double hard sell.
Oddly enough, they aren't replaceable so no one is going to stop them. |
The difference between a rental car accord and a well optioned new accord touring is massive.
If your experience is rental car fleet trims that automakers don't even sell to the public then of course you'd be impressed by a Tesla.
I also have a friend with a new accord hybrid |
How long is the 3 business seconds in miles?
Long enough to reroute your transaction through a minimum of 4 banks. |
Subsets and Splits