english_library / README.md
noahsantacruz's picture
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license: gpl-3.0
# Description
Export of Sefaria's English library data. This data represents over version in the library marked as English.
## Schema
| Field | Description |
| --- | --- |
| text | The text of a single segment in the library. A segment is the smallest chunk of test, usually representing a paragraph. |
| metadata | Dictionary of metadata. See below for schema. |
### Metadata Schema
| Field | Description |
| --- | --- |
| url | URL to this segment in Sefaria |
| ref | Canonical Ref to this segment. Refs are a human readable ID that is unique independent of version. Different versions of a segment all share the same Ref. |
| versionTitle | Version title of the version this segment came from. |
| lang | two letter language code. |
| docCategory | Category for this segment. This corresponds to where the segment's book is located in Sefaria's table of contents. |
| dataQuality | Estimate of the quality of the text. This can be either "professional" or "user". |
| pagerank | Pagerank for this segment calculated using Sefaria's internal link graph. Higher values indicate the segment is more centrally cited by sources. |