Tim: Oh, it's getting late. I've got to run. It was nice talking to you, karren. Coreen: Thanks, Tim. Nice meeting you, too. Tim: I guess we'll see each other around. Coreen: Yeah, I hope so. Well, take it easy. Tim: You too.
Tim and Karren say farewell words after meeting.
Pincus: I'd like to open a current account. Kelley: Certainly. May I see your social security and your ID, please. Pincus: Here you are. Kelley: Thank you. I've checked your information. And could you please fill in this form? Pincus: Sure. Here you are. Kelley: Thank you sir. Your account is ready now. Is there anything else I can do for you? Pincus: Yes. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account. Kelley: Oh, current accounts don't pay out interest. Pincus: Why is that? Kelley: It's primarily designed for business transactions. That is, writing checks to pay for bills, buying things and sending money. We won't expect a large amount of deposit in a current account. Pincus: I see. How do I draw money for my own use then? Kelley: Oh, you can draw money here, at a bank. Or you can do it at ATMs. Pincus: Ok. Thank you. Kelley: You're most welcome sir. Have a nice day.
Kelley helps Pincus to open a current account and explains the current account doesn't pay interest and Pincus can draw money at a bank or an ATM.
Eric: Come on, Let's go for lunch, Gregory . Gregory: I was going to eat in, I'm short on cash. Eric: Don't worry about it. It's on me. Gregory: In that case, I'm with you. Em. this is good . Eric: I agreed,Hi, guess what? I went bungee jumping last weekend. Gregory: Are you on the up and up? Eric: Definitely. you know, I'm into serious sport in a big way. Gregory: If you asked me, you've got a screw loose somewhere. Eric: come off it, It's not that serious. You should DIY, do it yourself, sometimes. Gregory: Fat chance, I'm too scared of bungee jumping. Eric: No, really, I think you'd like it. I adapted to it right off the bat. Gregory: What did that have to do with me? I'm not the self-seeker like you. Eric: I can teach you how. Gregory: I had a sneaking suspicion about you, Eric, I think you've lost it. Eric: No, not really, but I think I have lost my wallet. Where can it be?
Eric offers to treat Gregory a meal. Eric is telling Gregory about the bungee jumping experience. Eric's found that his wallet was lost.
Emanuela: How can I help you? Andie: well, I'm looking for some summer clothes. Emanuela: Oh, it is the right time for you purchasing in our clothes shop. We are now having a low price on all our summer apparel. Andie: Really? What's that? Emanuela: Everything for summer is 20 % off. Andie: I like this T-shirt. Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with it? Emanuela: Sure. We have both skirts and trousers that would look well with the T-shirt. Look at this section. Andie: This one is good. Emanuela: You have good taste. It is very much in style this year. Andie: I'll take this one. How much are they? Emanuela: 160 yuan. Andie: Here you are.
Andie likes a T-shirt in Emanuela's clothes shop. Emanuela recommends one section for Andie.
Nelia: James, why are you watching TV? Your train leaves at 4:30. There are just 2 hours left. Have you finished packing? James: I've almost finished packing. Now I'm waiting for the jacket I lent to David last week. Nelia: Which jacket, the gray one or the blue one? James: Neither, the black one. It's my favorite. I want to wear it to the country because I want to take pictures there. Nelia: Then have you packed your camera in your bag? James: No, few young people use cameras to take pictures now. A cellphone is good enough for taking pictures. Nelia: Well, I prefer to use a Camera, but it's up to you. Then have you put the cookies in your bag? James: No, it's too heavy for me. I want to travel light. Nelia: I made them especially for your grandparents. They love my cookies very much. I'm sure they'll be disappointed if you don't take them with you. I've told them you take the cookies to them. James: All right, I'll take them. Nelia: Good. So when will David get here? James: He left home about 20 minutes ago. It takes him just 30 minutes to get here on foot. I guess, he'll be here in just about 10 minutes.
Nelia checks James' packing situation and asks him about his jacket and camera. Nelia asks James to pack cookies and to give them to his grandparents.
Cindi: Did you need help with something? Zoe: I don't know where to get my ballot. Cindi: I can help you with that. Zoe: How can you help me? Cindi: I work here. Zoe: That's great. Cindi: May I see your ID? Zoe: Here it is. Cindi: All right, here is your ballot card. Zoe: What do I do now? Cindi: Go to a voting booth and vote. Zoe: All right. Thanks for your help.
Cindi helps Zoe get a ballot card and guides Zoe the next step.
Willis: Good morning. Please come into my office. Alayne: Good morning. Thank you. Willis: I see that you have some impressive writing experience. Alayne: Yes. I have written for several top newspapers in the country. I'm also in the process of writing my first novel. Willis: Wonderful. I'd like to know why you're interested in this position at our paper.
Alayne tells Willis Alayne's writing experience.
Maryl: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the school clinic? I've lost my way. Elwin: Yes. Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights, turn left there and it's the first turning on the right. Maryl: Straight ahead to the traffic lights, left and then right. Elwin: That's it. It'll take you about five minutes. Maryl: Thank you very much.
Maryl is lost, Elwin shows the direction to the school clinic.
Tom: Hi, Mary, how are you today? Mary: I'm fine, Tom. How are you? Tom: Pretty well. Are you going to John's party tonight? Mary: I want to, but I can't. I've found a job. Tom: Oh, you've found a job? I didn't know that. Mary: I work at McDonald's. I'm the assistant manager, but I want to get a different job. Tom: My father's company will need some people to work for the summer. Mary: What kind of company does he work for? Tom: It's a construction company. Mary: That sounds like it might be interesting. Don't you know what kind of jobs they have? Tom: Well, I don't know for sure, but he said they need twenty-five or thirty new people. They plan to hire them in June. They'll work until the end of August, or the beginning of September. Mary: I'd better try it. Tom: I'll tell my father about it, and then you can call him. Mary: Thanks a lot.
Mary tells Tom that she found a job, but she still wants a different one. Tom recommends his father's company.
Oswald: It's partly your own fault. You should never let in anyone like that unless you're expecting him. Redmond: It's all very well to say that, but someone cones to the door and says 'electricity' or 'gas' and you automatically think he is OK, especially if he shows you a card.
Redmond let in someone and Oswald thinks it was Redmond's fault.
Kate: I am happy I started carrying the credit card that the bank gave us. Henry: Why is that, Kate? Did you use it to buy something? Kate: I surely did. On my way home I stopped at the store to buy some beef for dinner because I didn't have any cash with me. Henry: And they permitted you to pay with the card? Kate: Yes. They didn't even ask me to give the ID. Henry: You have to be careful. If you lose them and someone finds them, the bank will charge you for what you buy. Kate: How much has the bank allowed us to spend with the card? Henry: Fifteen hundred dollars. The bank encourages us to use the card, but they will also require us to pay them back. Kate: You are right, Henry. I'll remember that. But the card surely makes it easy to spend money.
Kate starts to use the credit card which makes it easy to spend money. Henry reminds her to be careful and pay the money back.
Anissa: The weather is really miserable. It has been raining hard all day long. Joao: Yes, it's so cold. Anissa: Do you think the rain is going to let up soon? Joao: Yes, I think so. The rainy season will be over soon. Anissa: How long does the rainy season last? Joao: About two months. Anissa: I can hardly stand these wet and cold days. It seems that it doesn't bother you very much. Joao: I'm used to this kind of days. Anissa: But I prefer warm weather. Joao: Spring will come soon. And we will have some pleasant weather then. Anissa: I hope so.
Anissa complains to Joao about the miserable weather, but Joao is used to it.
Kate: Hello, james. Come in . go through to the living room. Carleen: Hi Kate... thanks... wow! Look at all the furniture. You must spent a fortune on it! I love your new three-pieces suite. Kate: I told you that I had been saving up money to buy some new furniture and do some redecorating. I finally saved enough and did everything at once. Carleen: Good for you! You've got new curtains too. That's a very nice shade of blue. This sofa is very comfortable. I could sit on it all day! Kate: Do you like my carpet? Be honest! Tell me what you really think. Carleen: To be honest, it looks like your old carpet. Is it really new or did you just have your old cleaned? Kate: Well spotted! I actually had it cleaned twice, because it was so dirty. The rug is new. You remember my trip to china? Well, I bought is there.
James is visiting Kate's new suite and surprisingly finds she's redecorated it.
Donni: Hi, Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag? Laura: I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you know. Donni: I know more women who exercise than men. What's the main reason you do that? For your health, or to look good? Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a very important consideration. Donni: I see. Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise? Donni: I do a lot of walking for exercise and enjoyment-sometimes ten to twenty kilometers at a time. But I never go to the gym like you do. Laura: Well, walking is a good exercise. How about sports? Donni: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, but it's impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mostly I just watch sports on TV Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends and sometimes go swimming and cycling by myself. Donni: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming. Laura: Why don't you join me at the gym sometime? Donni: Well, maybe someday, but I'm pretty lazy about things like that.
Laura does exercise for her health and good looking. Donni talks about regular exercise. They may do exercise together one day.
Nonah: This is Manager Liang's office, what can I do for you? Wang Miao: This is Wang Miao from AB company speaking. Our CEO Mr. Green has an appointment with Mr. Liang tomorrow morning. But there is a minor change in tomorrow's schedule. Mr. Green has an abrupt urgent case tomorrow and he has to go abroad today. He wanted me to convey his apology to Mr. Liang. Nonah: OK! I'll tell him. Wang Miao: And Mr. Green will make another appointment when Mr. Liang comes back. Nonah: Ok! Thanks for calling. Wang Miao: Bye! Nonah: Bye!
Mr. Green has to cancel the appointment with Mr. Liang and will make another one later.
Peria: Hi. May I help you? Mellie: Yeah. I'd like to rent these movies. Peria: Uh, Romance movies! Mellie: Well. They're for my daughter Peria: Right. It's okay. Do you have your membership card? Mellie: No, I don't. Uh, do I need one to rent videos here? Peria: Yes, but it's free. Mellie: Oh, okay. Peria: It's just a card we issue to help us keep track of video rentals. So, please fill out this membership form. Mellie: Okay, and how much are movie rentals anyway? Peria: Well, new releases are $3.50. Mellie: Okay. Peria: And all other movies are two dollars. Mellie: Uh, huh. Peria: And you can rent up to six movies at a time. Mellie: Okay Peria: We also have a five buck deal where you can rent any five movies for $5.00 Mellie: Hum Peria: But this does not include new releases. Mellie: Oh, well, I'll just take these tonight. Peria: Okay, let's see ... your total comes to seven dollars and fifty cents. Mellie: And when do I need to return them? Peria: They have to be returned on Thursday by ten o'clock PM. Mellie: Okay. Peria: And there is an overdue fee equal to the rental fee of the video, so be sure to return them on time. Mellie: Okay. Peria: Okay. And enjoy your romance movies. Mellie: Okay. Thanks.
Peria serves Mellie to borrow movies and tells Mellie the price and when to return them.
Adolph: There's a car waiting for you just outside the door. Right this way, please. Ree: OK! Adolph: Let me put your cases into the trunk and please get in the back. Ree: Thanks! Adolph: How was your flight? Ree: It's comfortable, but now I'm a little tired. Adolph: We'll reach the Beijing hotel in another ten minutes. When we arrived there, you can go up and have a rest. The hotel has very good service, and it's considered as one of the best hotels here. Ree: Thank you! I lived there when I came to Beijing last time. It's comfortable and beautiful. Adolph: If it's convenient for you, Mr. Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of you in the evening. Ree: Thank you! I will. When and where will the dinner be? Adolph: At six o'clock in the International Hotel. We'll pick you up this afternoon. Besides, if you care for visiting, we'll arrange some sightseeing for you. Ree: Oh, that's nice. Thank you for arranging all of this.
Adolph has arranged everything for Ree after Ree arrives in Beijing and invites Ree to a banquet.
Willis: Good morning. Please come into my office. Alayne: Good morning. Thank you. Willis: I see that you have some impressive writing experience. Alayne: Yes. I have written for several top newspapers in the country. I'm also in the process of writing my first novel. Willis: Wonderful. I'd like to know why you're interested in this position at our paper.
Willis is interviewing Alayne. Alayne tells some writing experience.
Quigly: Honey, of course I forgive you! I love you so much! I've really missed you. I was wrong to get upset over nothing. Sheridan: I'm sorry I haven't called or anything, but right after you decided you wanted a break, I was called up north to put out some major forest fires! I was in the middle of nowhere, working day and night, trying to prevent the blaze from spreading! It was pretty intense. Quigly: Oh, honey, I'm glad you're okay! But I have some exciting news. . . I think I'm pregnant! Sheridan: Really? Wow, that's amazing! This is great news! I've always wanted to be a father! We'll go to the doctor first thing in the morning! Ric: We have your test results back and, indeed, you are pregnant. Let's see here. . . everything seems to be in order. Your approximate due date is October twenty-seventh two thousand and nine, so that means that the baby was conceived on February third, two thousand and nine. Sheridan: Are you sure? Are these things accurate? Ric: Well, yes sir, they are. Quigly: What's wrong? Why are you asking these questions? Sheridan: This baby isn't mine! I was away the first week of February at a training seminar! Quigly: I. . . I. . . no, it can't be. . .
Quigly calls Sheridan to tell him that she was wrong to get upset over nothing and tells him that she's pregnant. They go to see the doctor. However, Sheridan finds out the baby isn't his because he was away the first week of February at a training seminar.
Sydelle: Did you work in a charity organization? Loren: Yeah, I had been in the charity organization for 2 months and I learned a lot from that experience, including love, sympathy, equality, and so on. Sydelle: In what way did those social activities have impact on your mind? Loren: I think it had direct impact on my way of thinking. I learned to look at people and things from an overall perspective. In that case, I am not easy to be edgy.
Loren had been in the charity organization for 2 months. Social activities had a direct impact on Loren's way of thinking.
Brook: How would you describe your relationship with our boss? Jarrett: We have a fairly good working relationship, but there was also a rough spot. Brook: What do you think his strengths are? Jarrett: Well, he has an amazing ability to analyze information and he is very good at making the right decision in tough situations.
Jarrett tells the strength of their boss to Brook, and describes the relationship with their boss.
Alyse: Boy, it looks like everyone in your family is here, from young to old. Andee: Easter's a good day for reunions. The family goes to church together. Alyse: And after church they come here for lunch? Andee: Yup, a big potluck buffet. And then-notice there are no children around? Alyse: Yeah, what's up with that? Andee: The kids wait in the house while the grownups hide these. Hide away, Yi-jun!
Andee tells Alyse everyone from Andee's family gathers here to spend the Easter together.
Kate: I am happy I started carrying the credit card that the bank gave us. Henry: Why is that, Kate? Did you use it to buy something? Kate: I surely did. On my way home I stopped at the store to buy some beef for dinner because I didn't have any cash with me. Henry: And they permitted you to pay with the card? Kate: Yes. They didn't even ask me to give the ID. Henry: You have to be careful. If you lose them and someone finds them, the bank will charge you for what you buy. Kate: How much has the bank allowed us to spend with the card? Henry: Fifteen hundred dollars. The bank encourages us to use the card, but they will also require us to pay them back. Kate: You are right, Henry. I'll remember that. But the card surely makes it easy to spend money.
Kate is happy to use the credit card because it makes it easy to spend money. Henry reminds her to be careful and pay the money back.
Morley: are you working overtime again? Over the last two weeks, you have worked overtime every day without a break! Your company is draining the life out of you! Dorey: I know, but I don't have a choice, my boss has complete control over our work schedules. I haven't made it out of the office before 9 PM a single day this week. Morley: Well, I hope they're paying you the big bucks for all this work. . . Dorey: No, not exactly, I'm working for minimum wage. And they don't give extra pay for overtime. Overtime is our own time. Morley: What? ! Isn't there a law against that, I think there is some legislation that requires employers to give their employees a fair rate of wages. You should know your rights! If you are putting in so many hours, they should give you some kind of compensation. Dorey: They do give bonuses at the end of the year for the employees with highest productivity numbers, but frankly, it's not much of an incentive. They give us a bonus of ten dollars. Morley: That's just wrong! why don't you just quit? Dorey: I would, but I'm afraid I would't be able to find another job. I don't have very many job marketable skills, there aren't so many jobs that I'm qualified for. Morley: it sounds like any job will be better than the one you have now!
Dorey has worked overtime with minimum wage and little bonus. Although Dorey are not very confident, Morley hopes Dorey could quit that job and find another one.
Latrena: Next week I'm going to New York to sign a business contract. What would you suggest I see while I'm there? Ignacio: You should definitely see the UN building and from there, you could walk over to Broadway and see a movie or drama. Latrena: How about New York's universities? I'm especially interested in learning about the schools there and the courses they offer. Ignacio: Columbia University and New York University are two of the best schools in the city. I'm sure they offer excellent courses. Latrena: Do you have a map of the city? Ignacio: Yes, I have one right here in fact. I can give you this one, but I'd also suggest that you stop at the visitor's office near the train station. They will have good up-to-date maps and they can give you more tourist information about the city.
Latrena will have a business trip to New York. Ignacio suggests Latrena visit the UN building, Broadway, Columbia University, and New York University.
Beowulf: Dad should we go to the cinema this afternoon? Norman: Go to the cinema? Well, I don't know. Beowulf: Helen always takes me to the cinema. Norman: Well, I know your aunt Helen always takes you, but what film will be on today? Beowulf: No country for old men. Norman: No country for old men? Good, it's an interesting film and it won Oscar Awards. When does it start? Beowulf: Let me look at the newspaper, it starts at 3:00 in the afternoon. Norman: Well, should we take your mommy with us? Beowulf: Yeah. Norman: All right, and what should we do after the movie? Beowulf: Um, go to McDonald's. Norman: To McDonald's? Well, that sounds great, and we can enjoy the nice food.
Beowulf wants to watch No Country for Old Men with Beowulf's dad. They will go to the cinema with Beowulf's mom and eat at McDonald's after the movie.
Josee: Uh, where am I? Tsk, hum ... Lin: Excuse me. Do you need any help? Josee: Nah, I ... I'm just looking ... well ... Lin: Okay ... Josee: Uh, well, actually ... yeah. Um ... I want to go to the science museum, but I've been lost for the past few hours, and I can't make heads or tails of these ticket machines. Lin: Ah, well, just press this button. Josee: Oh, yeah. And from here, it's a dollar fifty. Josee: Okay. Lin: Then, get on the train at platform number 4. Josee: Alright. Oh, and how often do the trains come around this time of day? Lin: Usually, they come about every six minutes. Josee: Okay. And where do I get off the train? Lin: Get off at State Street Station, three stops from here. Josee: Okay. I got it. Thanks for your help. Lin: No problem. Good luck.
Josee is lost on the way to the science museum. Lin helps Josee to buy the tickets for the train and gives Josee directions.
Ambrosio: Hello, Sir, may I help you? Sir: Yes. I would like some information for requesting a loan. Ambrosio: Very well, here are the general terms of our loan policies. We pride ourselves in having the lowest interest rate in the country for personal loans. Sir: I see. So let me get this straight. If I borrow let's say, ten thousand dollars, how much will I have to pay each month? Ambrosio: It depends on how long you take to pay it back. If we lend you ten thousand dollars at an annual interest rate of ten percent for forty eight months, you would have to pay each month a portion of the loan which is called the principal and another small portion of the annual interest rate. This of course is considering that you don't default on a payment! Sir: It sounds good but, there is just one problem. I have a terrible credit score. Ambrosio: That is a very serious problem you see, the bank must assess your personal information, past loans, assets and any other relevant information such as your credit score in order to approve your loan. Sir: You know what? I don't really need the money. Thanks anyways!
Sir asks Ambrosio for information for requesting a loan. Ambrosio says the bank will assess people's credit scores then Sir just leaves.
Mary: You look terrible, did you have a car accident? Eba: Well, not exactly. This morning I went to deliver milk, and the garden gate of No. 12 was locked. There was a note on the door of the house, and I thought I couldn't read it from where I was. Mary: What happened next? Eba: I jumped over the fence and went towards the door. And suddenly, as I was trying to read that note, a huge dog rushed at me. I started running as fast as I could, but I didn't see that... Mary: What? Eba: The big branch of the tree near the garden gate. I knocked into it. Mary: What about the dog? Eba: Thank God, it didn't jump over the fence, but stayed in the garden barking loudly. Mary: It reminds me of a movie. A dog running after someone and... Eba: Stop it, Mary. It isn't that funny.
Eba tells Mary about Eba's experience this morning. when Eba was delivering milk, a huge dog rushed at Eba and Eba was knocked into a tree. It reminds Mary of a movie.
Ilyse: Well, you must be happy, Nathan you're almost ready to go to Chicago for your practice. We're sure going to miss you around here. Nathan: I'll miss you too, mom. But yeah, I'm excited about my summer. And don't be too sad. I'll be back in a few months, in time for the first day of school. By winter break, you'll hardly remember I was even gone. Ilyse: So how do you think you'll do in the big city? Are you worried about working for a big newspaper like the Chicago Tribune? Nathan: Not really. I'm not afraid of hard work and I know how to organize my day. I think I'll do a good job. Ilyse: But doing for practice isn't just for the company to profit, is it? It's also for you to get experience. Do you even know what you'll be doing? Nathan: I'm not worried about that. I've got a lot of natural curiosity. And I'm very social, I'm sure I'll learn from all the other people there. Ilyse: What if they stick you in some backroom by yourself just copying papers or taking out the trash? Nathan: I don't think that will happen. They asked for someone who was good at editing, organizing computer files and keeping track of deadlines. And I already know who I'll be working with, one of their regular writers. Ilyse: That's good, so you will probably get some on the job training. This is such a great opportunity for you.
Nathan is going to Chicago for his practice in Chicago Tribune. His mother is worried about him and keeps asking him questions about this internship. Nathan says he'll work with a regular writer to get experience and she's finally at ease.
Tess: What time is it, Tom? Tom: Just a minute. It's ten to nine by my watch. Tess: Is it? I had no idea it was so late. I must be off now. Tom: What's the hurry? Tess: I must catch the nine-thirty train. Tom: You've plenty of time yet. The railway station is very close. It won't take more than twenty minutes to get there.
Tess is catching a train. Tom asks Tess not to hurry.
Adah: It was a heavy storm last night, wasn't it? Maddie: It certainly was. The wind broke several windows. What weather! Adah: Do you know that big tree in front of my house? One of the biggest branches came down in the night. Maddie: Really? Did it do any damage to your home? Adah: Thank goodness! It is far away from that. Maddie: I really hate storms. It's about time we had some nice spring weather. Adah: It's April, you know. The flowers are beginning to blossom. Maddie: Yes, that's true. But I still think the weather is terrible. Adah: I suppose we should not complain. We had a fine March after all.
Adah and Maddie is talking about the heavy storm last night. Maddie thinks the weather is terrible. Adah is positive towards that.
Tracy: I want to go to china for sight-seeing. What do you think of it, Mum? Billi: Why not? China is a wonderful country. Tracy: Will you go with me, too? Billi: No, I'm afraid not now. I'm too busy.
Tracy invites Billi to China, but she is too busy.
Receptionist: Hi. This is a Receptionist Desk. How can I help you? Nikki: Yes. I just checked in, but I need to change my room. Receptionist: What's the problem? Nikki: I reserved a non-smoking room, but the smell of smoke in this room is so strong that I can't endure it. Receptionist: I'm sorry. I'll arrange a non-smoking room for you right away. The doorman is going to help you with your luggage. I do apologize for the inconvenience. Nikki: That's ok. Thanks.
Nikki wants to change to a non-smoking room. Receptionist will arrange it.
Lona: no, no, you helped me with my computer last week. I want to repay the favor. Fred: no, it's definitely my turn to treat you... you paid last time! Lona: oh, that was just a quick bite to eat --- that doesn't count! Fred: ok, ok, how about we just go Dutch? It's settled. Listen, I'm still pretty new around here, would it be alright if you found the restaurant ? Lona: ok... sure.
Lona and Fred argue to repay for a meal but no one succeeds. They finally decide to go dutch.
Maurise: Have you seen the tower in front of us. That's the famous Eiffel Tower. It was built in 1889 for the World's Fair. Gustave Eiffel: How tall is this building? Maurise: It stands 320m ( 1050ft ) high and held the record as the world's tallest structure until 1930. Gustave Eiffel: I have heard its name is connected with someone, is that right? Maurise: Yes, the towel was named after its designer Gustave Eiffel.
Maurise introduces the Eiffel Tower's history and height to Gustave Eiffel.
Sally: Sally,here is a letter for us. It's from Tom. Thomas: Can you read it, please? My hands are wet with all this washing. Sally: Well, OK. Dear Sally and John. Thanks for your letter. It was good to hear from you. Just a short note in reply. I was happy to hear that you two will be in town in January. I think that is the first time that you will have come to visit us after your marriage. Please do call me when you arrive so that I can pick you up at the station and then we may have dinner together in town. In case you don't have my number, it's 7807842. I look forward to meeting you soon. Yours, Tom.
Sally reads the letter from Tom to Sally. The letter invites them to visit Tom.
Willard: Yes. Can I help you? Tammy: Yes. You see, I've bought this personal stereo at your shop 3 days ago. And I'm afraid it hasn't really matched up to what I was told about. Willard: I see, what exactly is the matter? Tammy: Well, first of all, there is this large scratch across the front of it. Willard: But you should have noticed that when you bought it. Tammy: But it was in the box and all sealed up. Willard: Well. I'm sorry, but it really is your responsibility to check the goods when you buy them. How are we to know that it wasn't you who made the scratch? Tammy: But that's ridiculous. But anyway, it's not the most important thing. I really am not happy about this other thing. Willard: And what is that? Tammy: Look. It says here that the noise from it should be undetectable by other people. Willard: Yes, that's right. Tammy: But people can hear it, and it's really embarrassing on the bus and underground. Willard: Well, I'm sorry, but it must be the way you are wearing the headphones. Tammy: Look. I know how to put earphones in my ears. Thank you very much. But what I want to know is, what you are going to do about it at all? Willard: Well, I suppose we could exchange it for another model, if you really aren't happy with it. Tammy: No, I certainly am not. Willard: Well, if I could just have the receipt. Tammy: Oh yes. Well, there is a slight problem about the receipt.
Tammy claims Tammy bought a personal stereo from Willard's shop but the product has two problems that Tammy is not happy with. Willard offers to exchange it for another one, but Tammy has a problem with the receipt.
Ann: Good morning, this is Ann broadcasting from university radio and in the studio we have Robin, president of the Martha Bicycle Club with us. Robin: Good morning, everyone. Ann: Robin, can you tell us what the mountain lake cycle tour is all about? Robin: Well, Ann, the tour today is not a race. People do it for fitness and fun andtry to better their time every year. Ann: How long will it take to cycle one way, Robin? Robin: About seven to nine hours for the average cyclists. Good cyclists can do it in four hours. Ann: How many people will be taking part this year? Robin: This is our biggest year ever. We have twelve hundred cyclists registered. Ann: I doubt they'll block the road when the cyclists start out? Robin: Don't worry, we've introduced the staggered starts to avoid these problems. Our first group will leave Ottawa at seven o'clock. Ann: Thank you, Robin. Now down to the starting line of the university.
Ann interviews Robin at a university radio. Robin talks about the mountain lake cycle tour and their method to avoid roadblock problem.
Nikki: It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Elladine: Yes, nice and sunny. Nikki: It's much better than last week. It was too warm then. Elladine: I'm glad summer is over. I like autumn best. Nikki: So do I. It's neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is clear and blue. Elladine: It's a good time to have a picnic. Do you want to have one this weekend. Nikki: I'd love to, but I think it's going to rain. The weatherman said it will. Elladine: I don't think he's right. It hasn't rained for a week. Nikki: But he is usually right in his weather news. Elladine: I'm sure we'll have fine weather for our picnic.
Elladine wants to have a picnic this weekend. Nikki says it's going to rain, but Elladine doesn't believe it.
Mersey: So is there any other area I should look at as well? John Godfrey: Yes, I'd recommend West Derby. That will be closer to your office. Mersey: That sounds good. John Godfrey: Yes, and if you have children, it also has very good schools. Mersey: That's not my concern. I live on my own so I'm only looking for a cheap single room, something like a flat. John Godfrey: Umm, that may be a problem here in this area then, because there are mostly larger houses here. You'd probably be able to share one with other people who want to rent though. Mersey: No, I'm only interested in flats at the moment. John Godfrey: We actually have another office in South Derby, and the guy who works there is a really good friend of mine. His name is John Godfrey. Mersey: Could you tell me his telephone number? John Godfrey: It's 074263951. Mersey: Great. Is there a good time to call him? I'm here for a whole week until Sunday tenth. John Godfrey: I'm sure he'll be able to see you on Saturday. Mersey: That sounds fine. Thanks for your help.
Mersey is looking for a cheap single room. John Godfrey gives Mersey John Godfrey's phone number that could help to find a room and suggests that they meet on Saturday.
Ethel: They are a nice middle-aged couple, just like us. Kikelia: If they are just like us, they are not middle-aged. Ethel: Of course they are. Kikelia: Middle-aged means in the middle, Ethel, middle of life. People don't live to a hundred and fifty. Ethel: Oh, we are the part on the edge of middle. That's all. Kikelia: Oh, you know, we are not middle-aged. You're old, and I'm aging. Ethel: Oh, fool! You're nearly seventy and I'm in the low sixties. Would you like to spend the rest of the afternoon squabbling about this? Kikelia: I can if you like.
Kikelia disagrees with Ethel on the definition of middle age.
Oran: Have you completed the arrangements for the trip yet, Brian? Brian: I've made the reservations, but there are still some details to make sure. Your plane leaves at 8:30, so I'll pick you up at your house at 6:00. Oran: 6:00? I'll have to get up in the middle of the night! Brian: I'm sorry. You have to check in by 7:00 and I think there will probably be a long queue. Oran: Oh, very well. What about my meetings? Brian: First, the Managing Director is coming to the airport to meet you. Oran: Good. We'll be able to talk on the way to the factory. Brian: The conference does not open until noon. I'll make sure you have a program before work. Oran: Thank you. I'll read it on the plane,I expect. Now let's get on with some of today's work.
Brian completes some arrangments for Oran's business trip and the schedule after Brian gets to the destination.
Tim: Tim, you're going to talk about your project and how to lead a greener life. Why did you choose that subject? Simeon: Well. We'd learned a lot about the environment in our science lessons, so I decided to see what I could do in my own life rather than just act completely helpless. And I knew the rest of my family would be interested. Tim: Did you find it easy to get information? Simeon: Yeah, I discovered there were lots of people at my age trying to be green. I'd always gone to school by car. Catching a bus would be better, but there's no bus where we live. So I've gone for riding my bike to school now. Tim: OK. And what about being green once you're actually at school? Simeon: Well, I realized that although all school paper was recycled and most of my friends use both sides of paper. We use huge quantities and I thought we should cut down and then it came to me that we should be sending in most of our work electronically. I'm going to recommend it to our teachers. Tim: And what about the school cafeteria? Simeon: One school I've read about has meatless Mondays. It's good to use local produce, too. That something our school already does, but we still have machines with bottled milk, water and juices for sale. And I think we shouldn't have them.
Tim chooses a green-life-related project because he wants to see what he could do in his own life. He's started being greener with himself and influences others.
Avrom: How did your company's fundraiser go? Adrea: The fundraiser events went really well. We were able to partner with a few of our competitors, all in fun of course, to sponsor a marathon for the American Cancer Society. All of the people who participated it had a great time, and we were able to raise a lot of money to contribute to cancer research. Avrom: So how does it work? How were you able to make money with the marathon? Adrea: Each of the runners that participated the marathon race paid a ten dollar entrance fee. Also, they went door to door to get sponsors who pledged a dollar per mile that participants ran. All in all we were able to raise several thousand dollars. Avrom: Sounds like a great deal for the American Cancer Society. Adrea: In all honesty, it's also a great deal for our company. The exposure that we gained from sponsoring an invent like this was great for our image in the community. We accomplished as much as last year's advertising campaign, plus we were able to do a little fundraising for a good cause.
Adrea tells Avrom that the company raised a lot of money to contribute to cancer research, and the marathon event was also a great deal for our company
Nonah: This is Manager Liang's office, what can I do for you? Wang Miao: This is Wang Miao from AB company speaking. Our CEO Mr. Green has an appointment with Mr. Liang tomorrow morning. But there is a minor change in tomorrow's schedule. Mr. Green has an abrupt urgent case tomorrow and he has to go abroad today. He wanted me to convey his apology to Mr. Liang. Nonah: OK! I'll tell him. Wang Miao: And Mr. Green will make another appointment when Mr. Liang comes back. Nonah: Ok! Thanks for calling. Wang Miao: Bye! Nonah: Bye!
Mr. Green has a meeting with Manager Liang tomorrow morning, but Mr. Green has to go abroad today. Wang Miao says Mr. Green will make another appointment.
Connie: Hi, can I help you? Jack: Yes. We have a reservation. Connie: What's your name, Sir? Jack: Jack. Connie: Yes Sir. We have your reservation. Could you fill up these forms, please? Jack: The reservation was for a double, for three nights. Wasn't it? Connie: Yes, Sir. That's correct.
Jack has a hotel reservation and Connie helps him check in.
Derek: Are you going anywhere for your vacation? David: Yes, we're making plans for a tour. Derek: That'll be lovely. Where are you going? David: Well, we will start out from Long Island this Friday. We've planned a four day drive to Salt Lake City, where we'll join my brother and his family on his fortieth birthday. Derek: Well, you've got to prepare a lot of food and enough sleeping bags then. David: Oh, we'll spend the nights in hotels and enjoy local food as we pass by. How does it sound, David? Derek: It sounds good. You can do a lot of sightseeing, too. David: Yes, we'll take our time. And we'll go to Five Lake Strict and the Wall Street. Derek: So, you're going to have a really nice vacation. David: You can say that again.
David and David are talking about David's plan for the vacation. David thinks it sounds good.
Cathie: Well, do you have any experience in guiding? Huangguoshu Falls: Yes, but I only have few experiences. I guided a few groups of foreign tourists from America last winter vacation. I showed them around some places of interest. Cathie: What places of interest did you show them? Huangguoshu Falls: Too many. I will just give you one example, Huangguoshu Falls, the largest waler-fall in China.
Cathie wants to know Huangguoshu Falls's experience in guiding.
Merril: I'm frustrated. We're supposed to do our assignment on the computer, but I have difficulty getting access to the computers in the library. Nick: I understand the way you feel. I'm looking forward to the day when I can afford to get my own.
Merril is frustrated, having no access to the computers.
Carry: Mom, I've got something to tell you. Mom: So, please! Carry: Aunt Jane buys a new bike for Tom. He is putting on grand airs. Mom: I bought you a new one last year. Isn't it handsome? Carry: It is great. But Tom's bike is so much better than mine. Mom: Frankly, he is more well-behaved than you. Carry: Nothing of that sort! Mom: Why hasn't the bus come yet? Every morning we have to wait for so long. Carry: Mom, it's OK. I will buy a big car one day. It is faster than the bus. Mom: Really? I am looking forward to that. What about the traffic? Carry: Let me see. Yes. I will buy a plane for you. There is no traffic up there.
Carry is envious that Tom has a bike much better than Carry's. Carry begs Mom for one.
Jean-Luc: Can I help you? Natalina: Yes, I want a pair of sport shoes, Jordan. Jean-Luc: What size do you want? Natalina: Size 41. Jean-Luc: Here you are. Natalina: They fit me. Can you make it a little cheaper? Jean-Luc: It's already on sale now.
Natalina wants to buy a pair of Jordan shoes in size 41.
Lory: OK, Lucy. It's your turn. Are you ready? Lucy: I really would rather just listen. Isn't there anyone else who wants to sing? Lory: Come on! In the two hours we've been here, you haven't sung even one song! Lucy: I know, but. . . Hey, Stanley's here! I've been wanting to hear him sing all night. Lory: Well, you asked for it. Why don't you put on an Elvis'song for him. Lucy: I'll put the song at the front of the list.
Lory encourages Lucy to sing but Lucy just wants to listen.
Wells: How can we get in touch with you? Allan: Please call me or send e-mail. Could you please let me know when your organization can make a decision? Wells: About one week. Allan: I really appreciate your time and help. See you then.
Wells's organization will make a decision in about one week and contact Allan via phone or e-mail.
Hedvig: Welcome, what would you like to order? Andre: I would like to get a double cheeseburger. Hedvig: Would you like everything on it? Andre: I would like everything on it, thank you. Hedvig: Do you want any fries? Andre: Let me get some large curly fries. Hedvig: Can I get you anything to drink? Andre: Sure, how about a medium Pepsi? Hedvig: Is that everything? Andre: That'll be all. Thanks. Hedvig: You're welcome, and your total is $ 5. 48. Andre: Thank you. Here you go.
Andre orders a double cheeseburger, large curly fries, and a medium Pepsi.
Ambrosio: Hello, Sir, may I help you? Sir: Yes. I would like some information for requesting a loan. Ambrosio: Very well, here are the general terms of our loan policies. We pride ourselves in having the lowest interest rate in the country for personal loans. Sir: I see. So let me get this straight. If I borrow let's say, ten thousand dollars, how much will I have to pay each month? Ambrosio: It depends on how long you take to pay it back. If we lend you ten thousand dollars at an annual interest rate of ten percent for forty eight months, you would have to pay each month a portion of the loan which is called the principal and another small portion of the annual interest rate. This of course is considering that you don't default on a payment! Sir: It sounds good but, there is just one problem. I have a terrible credit score. Ambrosio: That is a very serious problem you see, the bank must assess your personal information, past loans, assets and any other relevant information such as your credit score in order to approve your loan. Sir: You know what? I don't really need the money. Thanks anyways!
Sir'd like some information for requesting a loan. However, it's likely that his order cannot be approved because of his terrible credit score.
Maurise: Have you seen the tower in front of us. That's the famous Eiffel Tower. It was built in 1889 for the World's Fair. Gustave Eiffel: How tall is this building? Maurise: It stands 320m ( 1050ft ) high and held the record as the world's tallest structure until 1930. Gustave Eiffel: I have heard its name is connected with someone, is that right? Maurise: Yes, the towel was named after its designer Gustave Eiffel.
Maurise and Gustave Eiffel are visiting the Eiffel Tower, which was named after its designer Gustave Eiffel.
Tom Wilson: I'd like to pay my bill now. Deb: Your name and room number, please? Tom Wilson: Tom Wilson in Room 306. Deb: Have you used any hotel services this morning? Tom Wilson: No. Deb: OK. You have stayed for four nights at 90 US dollars each, and here are the meals that you had at the hotel. That makes a total of 660 US dollars. Tom Wilson: Can I pay by credit card? Deb: Of course. Please sign your name here.
Tom Wilson pays for his bill for hotel and food by credit card.
Melinde: I'm going to New York for the first time, but I don't have a tour guide. Can you give me any suggestions? Gene: There's a service called 'A friend in New York'. It's a personal tour guide service. Melinde: That's interesting. What does it do? Gene: You give them your information by answering a questionnaire and they will create a perfect trip for you according to your budget. Melinde: Good. Where can I get the questionnaire? Gene: You can easily download it from their website. Melinde: That's helpful! Thanks!
Gene introduces Melinde a website for personal tour guide service.
Kelsey: Can I help you? Ameline: Yes, is there any vacant room for tomorrow? Kelsey: I am sorry. We are full up for tomorrow. Ameline: Well, is there any other hotel nearby? Kelsey: Yes, the Sunset Hotel is three blocks away. Maybe you can ask them. Ameline: Thank you.
Kelsey's hotel is full and Kelsey recommends Ameline another hotel.
Mathilde: hi, how are you doing? Nicki: everything's great. And you? Mathilde: same here. Have you seen any new films recently? Nicki: no, I haven't had a chance to. But I've been watching a Chinese TV series called Chinese-Style Divorce. Mathilde: oh, really? I saw it two years ago. It's worth seeing and it's thought-provoking. Nicki: yeah. I found it is so close to our life. Mathilde: it reflects some of our difficulties in this ever-changing world. Nicki: you said it. You know, the divorce rate has been on the rise in recent years. Mathilde: well, it's said that a lot of young people favor getting married quickly which tend end quickly too. Nicki: I know a couple who divorced a week after getting married. Mathilde: oh, that's too short-lived. Nicki: that's true. It's said the short-lived marriage is typical of the post - 80s generation. Mathilde: I can't agree more. The only-child generation in China tends to know little about marriage. Nicki: definitely. They don't take relationships and marriages very seriously. Mathilde: in their mind, love is nothing but passion and marriage is over once the passion is gone. Nicki: I think, as the saying goes as the saying goes haste makes waste, it is the same thing with marriage.
Mathilde and Nicki start from one Chinese TV series and talk about short-lived marriage nowadays and views of marriage of only-child generation in China.
Jocelyne: I'm going to take a nap. Andri: You should unplug the phone. Jocelyne: That's a good idea. Andri: Do you want me to wake you in an hour? Jocelyne: No, thanks. Just let me sleep until I wake up. Andri: I'll start dinner at 6:00. Jocelyne: Okay. I think I'll be awake by then. Andri: If not, your nose will wake you up. Jocelyne: You mean I will smell the food cooking? Andri: You might even dream about dinner. Jocelyne: I don't think I'm going to dream about anything. I'm really tired. Andri: Have a nice nap.
Jocelyne is going to have a nap and Andri will start dinner at 6.00.
Justin: London is such a historic city! There's history everywhere you look. There's nelson's column, built as a monument to one of the Britain's great admirals and his important victory. He won the battle of Quintina: I'm looking forward to seeing Westminster abbey, where many historic figures are buried, like Isaac Newton, the great mathematician and Winston Churchill, the great wartime leader. Justin: Nearby, on the banks of the thames, there's the statue of Boadicea. She fought the Romans when they invaded Britain. Quintina: Women have often played an important role in british history. Queen Elizabeth I built a navy strong enough to fight off the Spanish armada in 1588. more recently, Margaret thatcher transformed british Justin: She was a very controversial leader. Are we going to visit the famous tower of London later? Quintina: There's a lot to see there. Perhaps we should go tomorrow. Justin: I'm looking forward to seeing the famous castle and prison. Many historic figures were imprisoned there in the past. I really want to see the crown jewels too. Quintina: I'Ve seen them before. They're quite incredible. If you want to see historical figures in London, there's one place you have to go. Justin: Where's that? Oh, I know! Madame Tussaud's the waxworks museum. Quintina: There you can see british leaders, entertainers, criminals, and royalty. Justin: Sometimes, it's hard to know who belongs in each section of the museum!
Justin and Quintina talk about historic figures and buildings in London, including Nelson's Column, Westminster Abbey, famous female figures, Madame Tussaud's the waxworks museum and so on.
Mariann: Hello, I bought the pendant in your shop, just before. Cherin: Yes. Thank you very much. Mariann: Now I come back to the hotel and try to show it to my friend, the pendant is broken, I'm afraid. Cherin: Oh, is it? Mariann: Would you change it to a new one? Cherin: Yes, certainly. You have the receipt? Mariann: Yes, I do. Cherin: Then would you kindly come to our shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock? We will replace it. Mariann: Thank you so much.
Mariann wants to change the broken pendant in Cherin's shop.
Steve: Matthew? Hi! Matthew: Steve! Haven't seen you in ages! How long's it been? Steve: it's got to be almost a year now. Matthew: how have you been? Steve: I'm pretty good. I've been looking for a place to live recently. My lease runs out next month and I don't want to renew it. Matthew: yeah, I remember the neighborhood. Have you found a place yet? Steve: not yet. I am still looking through the classifieds. Wish me luck. Matthew: well, maybe I can help. Remember my neighbor? Steve: Mrs. Thou? Matthew: yes, her daughter's having a baby, so she's moving in with her to help out. I think if you are interested, you can come over and have a look. Steve: great. It's a lovely neighborhood. And it would be nice to be neighbors again. It would be just like the old days! Matthew: I'll ask Mrs. Thou when she's available to show the apartment and let you know. Has your number changed?
Steve has been looking for a place to live. Matthew indicates that his neighbor could be possibly available soon and Steve can go to have a look.
Cathie: Gross! What are you doing to yourself? Maribeth: Chill! I'm just curling my eyelashes. Cathie: It looks like some kind of primitive form of torture. Maribeth: You're such a wimp! You're afraid of an eyelash curler. Cathie: Well, you might pinch your eyelid! Or lose an eyeball! Maribeth: It just makes my eyelashes curl upwards.
Cathie thinks the eyelash curler is very dangerous, but Maribeth doesn't think so.
Yancy: Is anybody in? Quigly: How can I help you? Yancy: I have a headache. Quigly: Let me take your temperature with a thermometer. Yancy: OK. Quigly: I think you have a small fever. Yancy: I thought so. I felt dizzy this morning. Quigly: You should've called in sick! Next time, have either of your parents call the school office.
Quigly checks Yancy's physical condition and finds Yancy has a fever.
Levy: OK, that's a cut. Let's start from the beginning everyone. Mike: What was the problem that time? Levy: The feeling was all wrong, Mike. She is telling you that she doesn't want to see you anymore, but I want to get more anger from you. You're acting hurt and sad, but that's not how your character would act in this situation. Mike: But Jason and Laura had been together for 3 years. Don't you think his reaction would be one of both anger and sadness? Levy: At this point, no. I think he would react the way most guys would and then later on, we would see his real feelings. Mike: I'm not so sure about that. Levy: Let's try it my way and you can see how you feel when you're saying your lines. After that, if it still doesn't feel right we can try something else.
Levy wants Mike to act more angry, but Mike thinks he should act both angry and sad.
Maddy: I can't believe I still have this pain in my back. This medicine the doctor gave me was supposed to make me feel better by now. Pattie: Maybe you should start taking it three times a day like you were told.
Pattie suggests that Maddy should follow the doctor's instruction.
Herculie: Is that the Japanese Restaurant? Noelyn: Speaking. May I help you? Herculie: What kind of food do you serve? Noelyn: We serve a great variety of popular Japanese dishes in set courses, and also many meat dishes. Herculie: I see. That sounds fine. Until what time are you open? Noelyn: We are open until 10 but our last order for dinner is at 9:30 pm. Herculie: Fine. We'll be there before that time. Noelyn: Thank you, sir. We look forward to welcoming you.
Herculie calls a Japanese restaurant to ask about food and opening time and will go there.
Peter: Hello, Kate. Kate: Hi, Peter. I didn't see you last night. Where did you go? Peter: I was almost on line the whole night. Kate: Did you play network games the whole night? Peter: No, I listened to the music, too. Kate: What are you going to do now? Peter: I'm tired. I need a rest.
Peter tells Kate he stayed up. He's tired now and needs a rest.
Yolande: Hi, Tina, I've got good news. I have successfully passed the first two rounds of interview with ABC Company. They informed me to go to the final round next Monday. It looks very promising. Tina: That is awesome. Congratulations! I know you can make it. Yolande: Thanks. Let's go for a celebration this evening. Are you free? Tina: Yes. Wait for me at the cafe down my office building. Say 5 PM, ok? Yolande: No problem. See you! Tina: See you!
Yolande has passed the first two rounds of the interview and invites Tina to celebrate it.
Marcus: Excuse me. In this museum, you are not supposed to take pictures. Nertie: Is that right? I didn't know it. Marcus: Will you give me your camera? We have to confiscate your film. Nertie: Will you forgive me. Could you return my camera? Marcus: We will keep and return it later. Nertie: Oh, I see. Then, can I buy slides and picture postcards somewhere? Marcus: You can buy them at the souvenir shop near the exit.
Marcus asks Nertie not to take pictures and takes his phone temporarily
Apple Corporation: Good morning. This is Apple Corporation. May I speak to Ballam? Ballam: Speaking. Apple Corporation: I'm calling to offer you the position of computer engineer. Ballam: May I ask how much I can get every month? Apple Corporation: Your starting salary is 3, 000 yuan a month, but if you work well we will put you on our regular staff after six months time and your salary will be raised to 5, 000 yuan a month. Ballam: I thought the starting salary is too low. Apple Corporation: What is the lowest salary you may consider? Ballam: I hope to make 4, 000 yuan a month for supporting my family. Apple Corporation: That's all right. We will pay you 4, 000 yuan a month for supporting your family. Would you like to start on next Monday? Ballam: No problem. Thank you for hiring me, I am very proud to be employed by your company and I will come in at eight o'clock sharp Monday.
Ballam asks for a position with 4,000 yuan starting salary from Apple Corporation, given that 3,000 yuan cannot support his family.
Shelagh: Hey Welcome to Berlin, it's great to see you again. Dionis: Yeah, good to see you too. Have you been waiting here at the station long? Shelagh: Only 15 minutes, but let's get out of this cold and go to my apartment. How are you feeling after that long bus ride? Dionis: It wasn't too bad, it was only 19 hours. Shelagh: That's crazy. You could have flown here from London for 60 euros and it would have only taken an hour and a half. Was it really worth all that time just to save a bit of money. Dionis: Well, it was a pretty uncomfortable right to be honest. The bus was starting to smell toward the end of it and there was a guy next to me, he was breathing really loudly while he was sleeping. But the reason I took the passwords because it's more environmentally friendly than flying. Shelagh: I think it's great that you want to help the environment, but you look so exhausted right now. I just think you should be a little more careful with your health. Dionis: Well. I wasn't expecting the bus to be so unpleasant, but you're right. Next time I visit you, I'll probably fly.
To protect the environment, Dionis took a bus instead of plane to Berlin to visit Shelagh, but Dionis feels exhausted.
Tim: Tim, you're going to talk about your project and how to lead a greener life. Why did you choose that subject? Simeon: Well. We'd learned a lot about the environment in our science lessons, so I decided to see what I could do in my own life rather than just act completely helpless. And I knew the rest of my family would be interested. Tim: Did you find it easy to get information? Simeon: Yeah, I discovered there were lots of people at my age trying to be green. I'd always gone to school by car. Catching a bus would be better, but there's no bus where we live. So I've gone for riding my bike to school now. Tim: OK. And what about being green once you're actually at school? Simeon: Well, I realized that although all school paper was recycled and most of my friends use both sides of paper. We use huge quantities and I thought we should cut down and then it came to me that we should be sending in most of our work electronically. I'm going to recommend it to our teachers. Tim: And what about the school cafeteria? Simeon: One school I've read about has meatless Mondays. It's good to use local produce, too. That something our school already does, but we still have machines with bottled milk, water and juices for sale. And I think we shouldn't have them.
Tims is talking about his greener life. He now rides his bike to school and recommends teachers to send electrical paper rather than paper ones. And he thinks the school shouldn't have machines with bottled drinks.
Jane: I don't know if you've heard of it, Peter, but some of us are thinking of going to Xi'an in the summer. I don't know if you'd like to come with us. Peter: Well, that's very kind of you, Jane, but when are you thinking of going? Jane: Oh, some time in July. Around the 16th, I think. Peter: I see. And for how long? About two weeks? Jane: Well, we were going to but now one or two of the other students say they don't have enough money, so it'll just be a week. You're interested, then? Peter: Oh, yes, very much. Do you know how much it's going to cost? Jane: Yes, about 2000 yuan altogether. Peter: Oh, that's good. Is everybody going? Jane: Yes, most of them, not Monica, of course. She's off to Harbin again. Peter: Lucky thing! It must be nice to have parents living in the north. Jane: Yes, it must. But if you had a lot of money, Peter, where would you like to go for a holiday? Peter: Oh, I'd probably go to Xinjiang, or Tibet maybe. Somewhere far away, anyway. And you? Jane: I don't know really. Perhaps the southwest. Peter: Yes, that would be great.
Peter is interested in joining Jane's trip to Xi'an in July for about one week. If they had enough money, Peter would go to Xinjiang or Tibet.
Glynnis: Good coming. What can I do for you? Dayna: I'm in Room 309. I'm checking out today. Can I have my bill now? Glynnis: Certainly. Please wait a moment. Here you are. Dayna: Thanks. Wait... What's this? The 30 dollar for? Glynnis: Excuse me... The charge for your laundry service on Nov. 20th. Dayna: But I did't take any laundry service during my stay here. I think you have added someone else's. Glynnis: Ummmm...Sorry, would you mind waiting a moment? We check it with the department concerned. Dayna: No. As long as we get this straightened out. Glynnis: I'm very sorry. There has been a mistake. We'll correct the bill. Please take a look. Dayna: Okay, here you are. Glynnis: Goodbye.
Dayna finds Dayna being mischarged. Glynnis corrects the bill and Dayna pays for it.
Kristel: Hi, may I get you anything to drink? Dayna: Yes, please. May I get a glass of lemonade? Kristel: Would you like an appetizer? Dayna: May I get an order of barbeque wings? Kristel: Sure, would you like anything else? Dayna: That'll be fine for now, thank you. Kristel: Okay, tell me when you want to order the rest of your food. Dayna: Excuse me. I'm ready to order. Kristel: What would you like? Dayna: Let me have the baby-back ribs. Kristel: Sure, will there be anything else that I can get you? Dayna: That will be it for now.
Dayna orders a glass of lemonade, barbeque wings, and baby-back ribs.
Lorri: When did you become interested in collecting stamps? Sig: Oh, when I was about ten years old. Lorri: Ten years old? So you have loved it for 9 years. Sig: Yeah, it's really an exciting hobby. You know, the first postage stamps were issued in Britain in 1840. Lorri: Really? I didn't know that. What's on the first postage stamps? Sig: Well, look, here's a picture of the first two stamps issued. Lorri: Oh, they both bear a picture of Queen Victoria, don't they? Sig: Yes, I wish I had the originals, then I would be a wealthy man instead of a poor stamp collector. Lorri: But I believe collecting stamps gives you much pleasure which not all wealthy men can enjoy. Sig: Yes, I do agree.
Sig talks about Sig's interest in collecting stamps and the first postage stamps with Lorri. It gives Sig much pleasure. They all agree that stamps collecting gives much pleasure than becoming wealthy.
Alyse: I'm coming to pick up my ticket. This is my reservation note. Isidore: Your reservation is right. Please get a ticket booking form from there and fill it. Alyse: Here you are. How much is the ticket? Isidore: $ 800. Alyse: Can I pay by card? Isidore: Surely of course. Give me your card please.
Alyse buys a ticket under Isidore's guidance.
Sherline: Let's meet before next week's meeting, Jane. I want to kick around some ideas with you. Jane: No problem. I'Ve got a really light week. Anytime's fine by me. Sherline: Well, let's plan to get together next Monday afternoon, around three? Jane: All right, I'll put you in my book.
Sherline will meet Jane next Monday afternoon around three to kick around some ideas.
Glynnis: Good coming. What can I do for you? Dayna: I'm in Room 309. I'm checking out today. Can I have my bill now? Glynnis: Certainly. Please wait a moment. Here you are. Dayna: Thanks. Wait... What's this? The 30 dollar for? Glynnis: Excuse me... The charge for your laundry service on Nov. 20th. Dayna: But I did't take any laundry service during my stay here. I think you have added someone else's. Glynnis: Ummmm...Sorry, would you mind waiting a moment? We check it with the department concerned. Dayna: No. As long as we get this straightened out. Glynnis: I'm very sorry. There has been a mistake. We'll correct the bill. Please take a look. Dayna: Okay, here you are. Glynnis: Goodbye.
Glynnis helps Dayna correct a mischarged bill on laundry service and helps Dayna check out.
Mela: Judy, have you ever made out how much money shall we spend? Judy: Oh, yeah. The total amount is no less than 13, 000 RMB, according to our itinerary. Mela: What? That's too much. Judy: Sit down. I'll show you the list of our financial budget. First of all, it is nearly 4, 000 RMB that we should spend in transportation. Mela: Ah, the transportation fee always takes a great part in the budget. Judy: Then we must pay a large amount of money for the hotel. But if we want to save money, we can choose a hotel which is not so good. Mela: Hmm, what I'm fearful of is that the accommodation will also deteriorate once we choose a cheaper hotel. Judy: In that case, we can choose the Youth Hotel. It's a good choice, clean and economic.
Judy explains to Mela about the budget for a trip and tries to lower the cost by choosing a economic hotel.
Celeste: Oh, I'm starving. It's my first time to China. And I'd like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend? Andrzej: Well, depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese food cuisines, for instance, Sichuan cuisine and Hunan cuisine. Celeste: There're all spicy or hot of heard. Andrzej: That's right. If you have hot dishes, you can try some. Celeste: I cannot have it. Last time I had some in the US. It almost killed me. Andrzej: And there are Cantonese and Kiangsu cuisines. Most people like them. Celeste: Oh I'd like to try the Cantonese one. Where is it? Is it far? Andrzej: The one I know is about half an hour to go. Celeste: Oh. That's too far away. I am really starvig. Do you have restaurant in your hotel? Andrzej: Oh sorry, we don't. But I know one nearby. Celeste: What type? Andrzej: It's Beijing dishes. It's famous for the Beijing roast duck. Celeste: OH, yes. I heard of a lot of about it. I like very much to try it. Where can I find it? Andrzej: The best place certainly is Quanjude restaurant. Celeste: Is it near here? Andrzej: Yes, it takes fifteen minutes to walk there and five minutes to drive. If the traffic is not too bad, I mean. Celeste: Well, thank you for your information. What's the name of that restaurant again? Andrzej: Let me write it down on a piece of paper for you. You can show to the taxi driver or ask for direction. Celeste: That's very kind of you. Thanks a lot.
It's Celeste's first time to China and Celeste wants some Chinese cuisine. Andrzej recommends some but it's too far and Celeste is starving. Then Andrzej suggests a nearby Quanjude restaurant and its Beijing roast duck. Celeste will go there.
Anne-Corinne: I want to mail this package to Korea. Anjanette: How would you like to send it? Anne-Corinne: First class, please. Anjanette: It will cost you 20 pounds because your package is too heavy. It will take 2 days to get there. Anne-Corinne: 20 pounds? Is there a cheaper way? Anjanette: Yes, there is. It's the package post way, but it will take you 10 days longer than the first class to get there. Anne-Corinne: OK, I think I'd like this way.
Anjanette offers Anne-Corinne two ways to send the package and Anne-Corinne chooses the cheaper one.
Priscilla: The government has to face a lot of social problems now. Jodie: I think it is unemployment that gives rise to such social problems. Priscilla: But it is very difficult for any government to handle it efficiently. Jodie: You are right.
Priscilla and Jodie agree that the government cannot handle the unemployment problem efficiently.
Jaime: Personal Loans, how may I help? Jamie: I'm going to be studying overseas next year and I'd like some info about suitable loans. To be honest, I'm not even sure if I can get a loan. Jaime: Not a problem. We offer a Personal Loan for Studying Abroad for anyone who's studying overseas, regardless of the circumstances. Anyone is eligible to apply Jamie: Would I have to get my parents to guarantor the loan? Jaime: Not exactly. Our policy states that the loange could be the person studying abroad, for example, you, or your direct relative or spouse. Jamie: I see. What about age limitations? Jaime: There are no age limitations as such just that the loange should be below 55 years and of course, old enough to get a loan, meaning over 18 years of age. Jamie: Got it! I fit into that category very nicely. That's great! I'll have a chat with my parents and come back. Thanks very much.
Jamie wants to inquire about a loan for studying abroad. Jaime explains the policy and age limitations to Jamie. Jamie will decide later.
Avrom: How did your company's fundraiser go? Adrea: The fundraiser events went really well. We were able to partner with a few of our competitors, all in fun of course, to sponsor a marathon for the American Cancer Society. All of the people who participated it had a great time, and we were able to raise a lot of money to contribute to cancer research. Avrom: So how does it work? How were you able to make money with the marathon? Adrea: Each of the runners that participated the marathon race paid a ten dollar entrance fee. Also, they went door to door to get sponsors who pledged a dollar per mile that participants ran. All in all we were able to raise several thousand dollars. Avrom: Sounds like a great deal for the American Cancer Society. Adrea: In all honesty, it's also a great deal for our company. The exposure that we gained from sponsoring an invent like this was great for our image in the community. We accomplished as much as last year's advertising campaign, plus we were able to do a little fundraising for a good cause.
Avrom asks about the fundraiser of Adrea's company. Adrea's company with other companies sponsored a marathon for the American Cancer Society, which was good for the advertising campaign.
Brandice: May I borrow $50 from you? Bradley: $50? Until when? How are you going to pay me back? Brandice: Come on! If I had a job, I'd lend you $50 without asking any questions. Bradley: But you don't have a job, do you? Brandice: No, but I'm looking for one. I go to the employment office every day. Bradley: Why don't you go back home? Brandice: If I went home, I'd have to work on my father's farm. I don't like it at all. I'd rather stay here and find a job I like. All I need is a little luck. Bradley: Luck? OK, I'll let you have it. May be that may bring you your luck. Brandice: Yes, this will help. Thank you very much.
Brandice borrows $50 from Bradley and will pay back once Brandice gets a job.
Schroeder: Don't tell me you're bored already? Brandy: Well, yeah, I am. Schroeder: We just got here. You will have to find a way to entertain yourself then. Brandy: What can I do? There are just a bunch of boring people giving boring speeches. Schroeder: Too bad. I have to sit through it, so you do, too. Even if it's a little boring, it's important for me to be here. I have to listen carefully, take notes and then interview some of the speakers afterward. I work for the Daily News after all. Didn't you bring anything to read? Brandy: I brought my iPod and some headphones. Would it be rude to listen to some music? Schroeder: Yes, it would. I might have a few old newspapers in my bag. You could read them. They also have sections with games in them, like crossword puzzles. That will keep you busy for a while. Brandy: I hate crosswords. Do the papers have comic sections in them? Schroeder: You'll probably find some. Now be quiet! Another man is getting up to speak. I really have to pay attention to this one. It's the head of the charity organization.
Schroeder, a reporter, takes Brandy to a forum. Brandy is bored and tries to find a pastime.
Mr.Jones: Hi, Julie. I haven't seen you in class for a week. Where have you been? Julie: Hi, Mr.Jones. I've been ill since last Sunday. In fact, I'm still not feeling well. Mr.Jones: Yes, I can see that. What was the problem? Julie: The doctor thinks it was food poisoning. I went to a nice restaurant for lunch with a few of my classmates last Sunday. It was a great meal. So many dishes, barbecued beef, roast mutton and lots of vegetables. Mr.Jones: Sounds delicious. Julie: Yeah, it was. But on my way home I got some fried chicken to eat from a street store. Not long after I got home I started feeling sick. Mr.Jones: Are you thinking that is what caused your illness? Julie: Well, it must have been. No one else who ate the lunch got sick. Anyway, I'm feeling a little better now. Mr.Jones: I'm glad to hear that, and are you able to keep up with all your lessons? Julie: Yes, my classmates have been bringing me their notebooks and I can download the biology lessons from the Internet. Mr.Jones: Oh yes, it is really a good idea.
Mr. Jones asks Julie the reasons Julie got absent for class the whole week and finds out Julie got food poisoning.
Ellsworth: Hello. Tenants Advocacy Resource Center. Corissa: Hello. I'm having a problem with my house owner. The House owner is a nice enough guy, but he and I just can't seem to agree on repair costs. Ellsworth: Has he been unwilling to make repairs? Corissa: It's not that he's unwilling. He just takes too long. When I first moved in, the heater was broken and it took him 3 months to fix it and last month was my thirtieth birthday. My friends threw me a surprise party. They showed up with a ton of food and lots of beers and they even had a rock and roll band. It turned into an all night party and. Ellsworth: And your neighbors started complaining about the noise. Corissa: No, everyone in the building was there. It was a great party. Unfortunately, some people accidentally broke the living room window. Next day, I gotta repair person to come over to fix the window. Since he was already here, I had him fix the broken washing machine, which I had been complaining to the house owner about for over 2 months. Then last week, I mailed the money for the house, not including the repair costs. But this morning, my house owner called me angrily and said that he wouldn't pay for the repairs. That doesn't seem fair. What should I do?
Corissa calls Tenants Advocacy Resource Center to report the problem with Corissa's house owner. Corissa says he always delays to make repairs and is not willing to pay for it.
Kare: Did you hear about Lulu? Lulu: No, what? Kare: She and Vic broke up and now she ' s asked for a transfer. Lulu: Get out of here! I didn ' t even know they were dating! Kare: No one really did. They were very discreet and professional at the office.
Kare and Lulu are gossiping about Lulu and Vic's break-up.
Lorianna: Do you think our headmaster is going to build a new lab building? Zora: I've no idea. He may have the plan. But he hasn't spoken to us teachers about it. Lorianna: Do you think it possible that it will happen? Zora: Of course. Right now, our old lab building can't satisfy the increasing need of teaching. It's too small and not in proper condition. Lorianna: Why don't we build a new one as soon as possible? Zora: There may be some problems with it. Lorianna: What's the problem then? Zora: As far as I know, money is. It's not likely to be solved soon, I guess. Lorianna: I believe our headmaster will ask the local government to help us build a new one. Zora: I think so. It's quite likely that the decision will be made before the end of this term.
Lorianna and Zora think their headmaster may plan to build a new lab building, and will ask the local government for financial support.
Jaime: Is this the workshop to prepare for an interview? Tobe: This is the interview class. Welcome to our class. Jaime: I am really excited to be taking this workshop so that I can get ready for my interview next week. Tobe: We are all learning things that will help us in our interview. What do you think are some important considerations going into your interview? Jaime: I think that we should dress neatly and appropriately. Tobe: Yes. Second, as you can imagine, attitude and friendliness go a long way. Jaime: Yes, and I always feel much better when I am friendly. Tobe: Believe it or not, the interviewers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers. Jaime: Any more hints as to what I should do in an interview? Tobe: Always be honest with your answers. The interviewers really do want to know if you will be a good fit for them.
Jaime joins Tobe's interview workshop. They discuss the tips to improve their interview performance.
Shea: You're all set now? Stephenie: Oh, thank you so much. Shea: Really, it was nothing. Stephenie: I really appreciated it. Shea: I was happy to help. Stephenie: It was so kind of you. Shea: Don't mention it. Stephenie: You're a real friend in need.
Stephenie thanks Shea for Shea's help.
Reagan: We'd like to have a look around your house? Malissia: Yes, of course, please follow me. Reagan: Thank you. Malissia: This is our courtyard. Reagan: It's so spacious, about 40 square metres, right? Malissia: Yes, about 46 square metres. Reagan: Are these corn ears hanging on the tree branch? Malissia: Yes. Reagan: Very beautiful and very interesting. But why do you hang them in the tree? Malissia: They don't have enough time to peel it after they harvested them, so they hung them in the tree. Then in winter, they can peel corn ears in their leisure time. Reagan: Very good idea. Sometimes such pictures can show the house's richness.
Malissia shows Malissia's house and courtyard to Reagan and introduces the corn ears hunging on the tree.
Lorilyn: Does it look like a good fit? Glynnis: It's definitely your size. Lorilyn: Yes, it is very nice. I'll take it. Glynnis: How do you prefer to pay? Lorilyn: Let me use my credit card. Glynnis: Now, if you'll just sign here. Lorilyn: No problem. Glynnis: I hope you enjoy your purchase. Good-bye.
Lorilyn buys some nice clothes by credit card with Glynnis's assistance.
Tom: Hi Joe. You met my new assistant, right? Joe: Emm. . . yes. But I wasn't too impressed. I found her a little stuck up. Tom: You are kidding, but she's so helpful. Joe: Tom. . . you are her boss, you kown. Of course, she's helpful to you. Tom: Come on. She's like that with everyone. Joe: I don't think so actually. She never even says 'hello' to me.
Joe and Tom hold different impressions on Tom's new assistant.