stringlengths 52
The Process editor is used to display and edit the process map either in Build mode or Modeling mode in Ultimus BPM Studio. The Process editor can be accessed when a business process is checked out for editing/modeling from the Repository window.
This section discusses the following topics regarding the Process editor in Modeling mode:
• Overview
• Modeling Database
• The Process editor in Modeling mode
• Integration with the Build mode
• Creating design documents |
The goal of modeling is to ensure that the business process behaves as expected and yield results that are consistent with the requirements of the business owners, and the expectations of the customers who are served by the business process. Below is an example of questions that can be answered by modeling:
• How many incidents of the business process can be completed in a week?
• If new cases are coming in at a rate of 100 per day, how large a staff is required to ensure that every case gets processed within 3 days?
• What is the cost of performing the “Order Verification” step in an order process?
• If the number of claim appraisers is reduced to half, how long does it take to process a typical claim?
• How long does it take the bank to process a loan?
• How much more would it cost to reduce the overall time by 50%?
• How much time does a person have to spend to perform a particular step in a business process?
• Are any of the steps in the process potential bottleneck areas?
Modeling begins by defining one or more scenarios, then applying a scenario to a business process and measuring its performance. A scenario is a set of assumptions about the resources used in a business process and the probabilities of various events that might occur during the course of a process. Some of the assumptions apply to individual steps (or tasks) in a process, while others apply to the business process overall. The Process editor, when used in Modeling mode, allows defining one or more scenarios, then applying them to a business process to determine their efficiency. |
Functional overview
The Modeling editor uses the same graphical tools to develop process maps as the Build editor. Once the map has been developed, additional details and properties for each step in a map can be defined.
The Process editor provides the following functionality when used in the Modeling mode:
• Creating the process map: Modeling mode provides features to create and edit steps and text boxes, edit their properties, create links between them, and to display them across a grid. For details on how to define the map properties, refer to The Process editor toolbox section.
• Defining scenario properties: A scenario is defined as a set of assumptions that is used to model the business process to evaluate expected outcomes. Scenario properties are used to specify these assumptions. For details on these properties, refer to Scenario properties section.
• Defining process level modeling variables: In Modeling mode, modeling variables are defined and used during modeling. This feature allows creating complex scenarios where the process follows different paths based on probabilities. Modeling variables can be used in modeling rules to specify which path should be taken based on modeling variable probabilities. For details how to define modeling variables, refer to The Modeling Variables window section.
• Working with Flobots: “Flobots” (or “Automated Activities” as they are called in BPMN view) provide a powerful means of using third-party applications to perform specific tasks as steps in a business process. Flobots are to business workflow automation as robots are to an automated factory. Hence the name “Flobots” stands for “workflow robots.” A Flobot is designed to perform particular functions, such as to work with e-mail, Web services, or XML. For details on Flobots, refer to the The Process editor toolbox section.
• Working with step properties: Modeling mode provides features to document step properties, to create and edit conditions for steps, to set scenario properties, and to define step actions. For details on defining step properties, refer to The Properties window section.
• Modeling rules: Modeling rules are used on steps to describe the types of exceptions that are likely to occur and how they should be handled. For details, refer to The Modeling Rules window section.
• Working with Maplets: A Maplet step (or called a “Subprocess” step in BPMN view) invokes a business process from within a another business process. In other words, a “parent” business process may call for an incident to take place in a “child” business process. This allows a business process to be modular, manageable, and structured. For details on how to define Maplet steps, refer to The Process editor toolbox section.
• Process Level Resource Management: In Modeling mode, a list of named resources (along with an associated cost of each) can be created. These resources may be referenced throughout the business process, making it easy to determine the known costs of each step. For details on managing resources, refer to The Resources window section.
• Work hours management: Work hours dictate at which hours and days that human resources work in the organization. This information is important to estimate how long step tasks may take. For details, refer to The Work Hours window section.
• Process modeling: An aspect of process modeling is to make assumptions about characteristics in the process, then to model its potential outcome. During the modeling phase, the model may be paused or stopped. A Modeling Speed Control is available to adjust the modeling speed and observe the behavior of the process in detail. By opening the Model Watch window, the progress of the model execution can be viewed. For details on how to model processes, refer to The Model window section.
• Designing reports: Reports are associated with every model. When at least one model is run using a scenario, the reports associated with that model can be viewed. Reports can also be viewed for each step in the process. Ultimus generates two different types of reports: the Process Level Reports and the Step Level Reports. For details on reports, refer to The Report view section.
• Creating design documents: A Documentation Template specifies the format and content of the documentation for the business process. Multiple document templates can be created which are then used for different purposes. Based on a selected documentation template, a documentation report for the process can also be created. For details on how to create documentation templates, refer to Creating a documentation template section.
• Integration with the Build mode: Any work done in the Modeling mode is not lost when the process designer shifts to Build mode. Design documentation and design instructions become specifications for required input parameters when using the Build editor in Ultimus BPM Studio. While the work is being done in the Build mode, design instructions specified in the Modeling mode are available as notes. These notes are shown while working with the step properties, rules modeling, and the form views. |
General rules and guidelines in process map design
Below are general rules and guidelines regarding process maps design:
• A business process is represented by a process map. A process map is composed of steps.
• A map must have one Begin and one End step. The Begin step represents the start of the process; the End step represents its completion.
• A Begin step cannot have any steps before it.
• An End step cannot have any step after it.
• Each step must have a unique name.
• Every step denotes a task to be performed at that stage in the business process.
• Steps are tied together by links, which denote the flow of the business process.
• There are four basic types of steps:
a. User step: A User step denotes a task in a business process that is to be performed by an individual (a process participant).
b. Flobot step: A Flobot (or “Automated Activity” as it is called in BPMN view) is an automated step which is configured (or “trained”) to use a third-party application to perform a specific task in a business process. Flobots are named after the type of function or third-party application in which they work.
c. Maplet step: A Maplet step (or “Subprocess” step as it is called in BPMN view) represents a task(s) in a business process which is performed by other Ultimus processes, or “sub-processes.” In other words, from a “parent” process, any number of “children” processes may be launched.
d. Junction step: Junction steps (or “Gateway” steps as they are called in BPMN view) have many functions. In a general summary, a Junction/Gateway step represents a point in the business process where routing can synchronize in one place, then determine how process routing is to continue.
• Normal routing is always represented from left to right. Routing may be “returned” to a previous step, but normal process routing is never from right to left.
• Steps can be conditional or unconditional. Unconditional steps are always invoked. Conditional steps are activated only if certain conditions are met.
• Every step has a scenario related to it. A scenario is defined as a set of assumptions for each step that describe the model upon which the process is run to evaluate expected outcomes. |
Modeling Database
In the previous Ultimus versions the modeling status data was stored in the in-memory database (IMDB). Ultimus Digital Process Automation (DPA) Suite 2021 introduces the 64-bit architecture support, therefore instead of IMDB, only Microsoft SQL Server database is supported for modeling (Express, Standard or Enterprise).
Before configuring a new Modeling Database connection
When deciding about what to use as modeling database, the following must be considered.
• Oracle database as modeling database:
Oracle databases are not supported for modeling.
If your Ultimus environment has Oracle configured as BPM database, create a (local) Microsoft SQL database instance that is only to be used for modeling purposes and nothing else. Ultimus supports the free Express SQL database edition, as well as the Standard and Enterprise licenses.
• Every BPM Studio Client must use its own database that is not shared with other users, or machines.
The configuration of the specified modeling database is stored on the local computer under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - this means one, central location. The modeling databases are not stored separately for each user. This is to prevent data loss: by ensuring that an SQL Database is used for only one BPM Studio Client connection configuration, database conflicts and running parallel modeling processes are prevented in the same BPM Studio Client computer or BPM Server.
• The modeling process creates and deletes its own tables when running:
Warning: Using an existing, or populated Ultimus product database for this purpose may result in data loss.
Note: Configuring the connection to the modeling database requires an empty SQL database. We recommend that you create a new SQL database dedicated solely to this purpose before you start configuring the connection in BPM Studio Client.
Tip: For instructions on how to connect Ultimus BPM Studio to a modeling database, see section Configuring a Modeling Database. |
The Process editor in Modeling mode
Tip: See Open the business process in Build or in Modeling mode.
Tip: To get started with designing process in Build mode, see Working with the Process editor in Build mode.
The Process editor in Modeling modecontains the following user interface elements:
• The menu bar
• The Standard toolbar
• The Modeling toolbar
• The Reports toolbar
• The Designer toolbar
• The Process editor toolbox
• The Modeling Variables window
• The Modeling Rules window
• The Model window
• The Report view
• The Work Hours window
• The Resources window
• The Properties window
Tip: For information about the Repository window, refer to The Repository window section. For information about the Connectors window, refer to The Connectors window section. For information about the Event Log window, refer to The Event Log window section.
The Process editor in Modeling mode
User interface elements within the Process editor in Modeling mode are discussed below. |
The menu bar
Below is a description of unique menu bar item(s) when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode. For information on common menu bar items in all editors, refer to The menu bar section.
• File
• Edit
• View
• Model
• Tools
For information on common menu bar items in all editors, refer to The menu bar section. Functions within each of these unique items are described below. |
Items under the File menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-F. The following unique functions are accessible under the File menu when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode:
• Print
• Print Preview
• Print Setup
Each of these functions is described below. |
The Print menu option (CTRL-P shortcut) prints the process map. |
Print Preview
The Print Preview menu option displays a preview of the process map for printing. Once the Print Preview menu option is selected, the following options are available in the Process editor:
• Print (): The Print button prints the displayed preview.
• Next Page (): The Next Page button displays the next page of the print preview when the preview spans across more than one page. This button is disabled if the preview displays on one page, or if the last page of the preview is displayed.
• Previous Page (): The Previous Page button displays the previous page of the print preview when the preview spans across more than one page. This button is disabled if the preview displays on one page, or if the first page of the preview is displayed.
• Toggle One/Two Pages display (): The Toggle One/Two Pages display button is used to toggle between a one-page or a two-page display. This button is available only if the print preview spans across more than one page.
• Zoom In (): The Zoom In button displays a closer perspective of the print preview. This button is disabled if the maximum zoom perspective is displayed.
• Zoom Out (): The Zoom Out button displays a wider perspective of the print preview. This button is disabled if the minimum zoom perspective is displayed.
• Close (): The Close button closes the print preview. |
Print Setup
The Print Setup menu option is used to configure printer settings. |
Items under the Edit menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-E. The following unique function is accessible under the Edit menu when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode:
• Combined Step Properties
This function is described below. |
Combined Step Properties
The Combined Step Properties menu option allows the process designer to easily adjust common scenario values for all steps in the process map by entering those values into the Combined Step Properties dialog box. Through the Combined Step Properties dialog box, common scenario values such as how much it costs to use a resource for each step, how many resources are available, how much time each step has to perform its task, and other parameters may be specified.
The Combined Step Properties dialog box
To use the Combined Step Properties dialog box, follow these guidelines:
1. From the Task Time Mean column, specify the task mean time allowed for that step’s resource to complete its task. Either type in the value or use the spinner box to make adjustments in 0.5 increments.
2. From the Task Time Sigma column, specify the task time sigma for that step’s resource to complete its task. Either type in the value or use the spinner box to make adjustments in 0.05 increments.
3. From the Task Time Units column, specify the unit of time for time-related scenario values of that step. The following options are available:
• Days: Select the Days option to specify the unit of time for time-related scenario values in that step to be in days.
• Hours: Select the Hours option to specify the unit of time for time-related scenario values in that step to be in hours.
• Minutes: Select the Minutes option to specify the unit of time for time-related scenario values in that step to be in minutes.
4. From the Task Rate ($/hr) column, specify the total cost per hour to perform that step’s task. This value is independent of the number of resources available to perform that task. Either type in the value or use the spinner box to make adjustments in 1.0 increments.
5. From the Resources column, specify the number of available resources to perform that step’s task. Either type in the value or use the spinner box to make adjustments in 0.5 increments.
6. Select the OK button to accept changes, or select the Cancel button to ignore changes. |
Items under the View menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-V. The following unique functions are accessible under the View menu when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode:
• Toolbars
• Windows
• Reports View
• Map View
• Grid
• Snap to Grid
Each of these functions is described below. |
The Toolbars menu option contains four submenu options:
• Standard
• Modeling
• Reports
• Designer
These options are used to display or hide specific toolbars in the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. Each of these submenu options is discussed below. |
The Standard submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Standard toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. The Standard toolbar offers convenient access to common functions. When the icon beside the Standard submenu option is highlighted, the Standard toolbar is visible. For more information about the Standard toolbar, refer to The Standard toolbar section. |
The Modeling submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Modeling toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. The Modeling toolbar offers convenient access to modeling functions. When the icon beside the Modeling submenu option is highlighted, the Modeling toolbar is visible. For more information about the Modeling toolbar, refer to The Modeling toolbar section. |
The Reports submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Reports toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. The Reports toolbar offers convenient access to report generation functions. When the icon beside the Reports submenu option is highlighted, the Reports toolbar is visible. For more information about the Reports toolbar, refer to The Reports toolbar section. |
The Designer submenu option is a toggling menu option that makes the Designer toolbar appear and disappear on the Ultimus BPM Studio interface. The Designer toolbar offers convenient access to process map design functions. When the icon beside the Designer submenu option is highlighted, the Designer toolbar is visible. For more information about the Designer toolbar, refer to The Designer toolbar section. |
The Windows menu option contains ten submenu options:
• Properties
• Event Log
• Connectors
• Repository
• Modeling Rules
• Variables
• Resources
• Work Hours
• Toolbox
• Model Window
These options are used to display or hide specific windows in the Ultimus BPM Studio user interface. Each of these submenu options is discussed below. |
The Properties submenu option displays the Properties window. The Properties window displays properties for any selected object in the business process or editor workspace. When the icon beside the Properties submenu option is highlighted, the Properties window is visible. For more information about the Properties window, refer to The Properties window section. |
Event Log
The Event Log submenu option displays the Event Log window. The Event Log window displays event logs, information, caution, and warnings from Ultimus BPM Server as it performs functions. When the icon beside the Event Log submenu option is highlighted, the Event Log window is visible. For more information about the Event Log window, refer to The Event Log window section. |
The Connectors submenu option displays the Connectors window. The Connectors window displays information regarding configured connections to databases, Web services, mail servers, custom and CPS connections in the Ultimus BPM environment. When the icon beside the Connectors submenu option is highlighted, the Connectors window is visible. For more information about the Connectors window, refer to The Connectors window section. |
The Repository submenu option displays the Repository window. The Repository window displays repositories, business processes, and process objects. It is used to organize business processes and objects within repositories.When the icon beside the Repository submenu option is highlighted, the Repository window is visible. For more information about the Repository window, refer to The Repository window section. |
Modeling Rules
The Modeling Rules submenu option displays the Modeling Rules window. The Modeling Rules window is used to design modeling rules in Modeling mode, which may then be applied to modeling scenarios. Step rules created in modeling mode can be transferred to the Build mode by selecting the option Import Process Designer Rules. The modeling rules replaces the business rules. For more information about the Modeling Rules window, refer to The Modeling Rules window section. |
The Variables submenu option displays the Modeling Variables window. The Modeling Variables window is used to create variables for the business process in Modeling mode. For more information about the Modeling Variables window, refer to The Modeling Variables window section. |
The Resources submenu option displays the Resources window. The Resources window is used to specify the resources available (and their costs) to perform tasks in a business process. For more information about the Resources window, refer to The Resources window section. |
Work Hours
The Work Hours submenu option displays the Work Hours window. The Work Hours window is used to specify, in Modeling mode, the business day working hours for the organization. For more information about the Work Hours window, refer to The Work Hours window section. |
The Toolbox submenu option displays the Toolbox window. The Toolbox window displays different tools to be added to the process map. For more information about the Toolbox window, refer to The Process editor toolbox section. |
Model Window
The Model Window submenu option displays the Model window. The Model window displays the overall modeling status while a business process is being modeled. It shows information such as the number of active tasks/incidents, the number of completed tasks/incidents, the number of days elapsed, and the percentage of modeling completed. For more information about the Model window, refer to The Model window section. |
Reports View
The Reports View menu option is used to view a generated report after a business process has been modeled. This option is only enabled after a business process has been modeled. The reports are available in a variety of graphical and tabular formats showing various modeling statistics. For more information about reports, refer to The Report view section. |
Map View
The Map View menu option is used to return to the process map when the Reports view is currently displayed. This option is only enabled when in Reports view. |
The Grid menu option displays a grid by which process map objects may be aligned. The grid is only for visual purposes. |
Snap to Grid
The Snap to Grid menu option automatically places steps into the center of the nearest grid box. This option is only available when the Grid option is enabled. |
Items under the Model menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-M. This unique menu option provides modeling functionality. The following functions are accessible under the Model menu when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode:
• Play
• Stop
• Pause
• Display Workload
• Scenario
Each of these functions is discussed below. |
The Play menu option (F5 shortcut) is used to model the scenario defined for the business process. |
The Stop menu option is used to stop modeling the playing scenario in the business process. |
The Pause menu option is used to temporarily stop modeling the playing scenario for the business process.
Note: Reports can be generated even if modeling (running the scenarios) is stopped manually, but report data may not be accurate. Accurate reports can only be generated if the scenario is modeled to its completion. |
Display Workload
The Display Workload menu option is used to display the number of tasks being processed at each step while the business process is being modeled. An example is shown. When the icon beside the Display Workload menu option is highlighted, a numerical value representing each new task that each step receives is displayed. Values are displayed in red, yellow, or green text. Each color represents the following:
• Red: Red text represents that step has the highest number of assigned tasks. This implies that this step may be a bottleneck in the workflow. Too many tasks are being assigned to this step, and the resources assigned to perform that step’s task cannot keep up with the number of assigned tasks.
• Yellow: Yellow text represents that the step has the second highest number of assigned tasks during modeling.
• Green: Green text is the default color to display tasks when the Display Workload menu option is enabled.
The map view showing the workload for steps during modeling |
The Scenario menu option contains two submenu options:
• Load
• Save to disk
Each of these submenu options is discussed below. |
The Load submenu option is used to load a saved scenario into Ultimus BPM Studio, so that it may be modeled against. |
Save to disk
The Save to disk submenu option is used to save a scenario as an SIO file. This SIO file may then be loaded into Ultimus BPM Studio later for modeling, or shared with other process designers for modeling in their Ultimus BPM Studio installations.
When a scenario is saved as an SIO file, the last modeling metrics performed using that scenario are also saved. Therefore, the metrics for one scenario may be compared with another; this is done using the Compare Summaries function. To learn more about the Compare Summaries function, refer to Compare Summaries section. |
Items under the Tools menu may be accessed with the keyboard shortcut ALT-T. This menu option provides configuration support. The following unique functions are accessible under the Tools menu when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode:
• Configuring a Modeling Database
• Generate Documentation
• Round Trip Optimization
• Compare Summaries
• Export to Excel
• Swim Colors
Each of these functions is described below. |
Configuring a Modeling Database
The Change Model Database menu option opens the Model Database Settings dialog box. The Model Database Settings dialog box is used to define the model database that is necessary to run process modeling.
Warning: Prevent data loss in your Ultimus environment: Before following the instructions in this section, read section Modeling Database.
To connect Ultimus BPM Studio to a modeling database, do the following:
1. Select Tools >> Change Model Database to display the Model Database Settings dialog box.
Model Database Settings dialog box
• Database Type: Select a Microsoft SQL Server.
Note: Only Microsoft SQL Server Database Type is supported for modeling.
• Server: Enter or browse for the name of the computer hosting the Microsoft SQL Server database.
• Authentication: Enter the User ID and Password to access the specified database server.
• Catalog: From the database catalog, select the Microsoft SQL database to connect server when modeling.
Note: To prevent database conflicts when modeling at the same time with other users, add a local database, or a database dedicated only for the currently logged-on user for modeling purposes.
• Use Trusted Connection: Click the check box if the connection is a secure connection.
2. Click on the Test Connection button to verify if the connection can be established to the specified database.
Upon a successful connection, the following dialog box appears.
Trusted Connection - Successful
If the connection can not be established, the following message is shown:
Trusted Connection - Unsuccessful |
Generate Documentation
The Generate Documentation menu option opens the Generate Documentation dialog box. The Generate Documentation dialog box is used to design documentation templates relating to design, functionality, and specifications for the business process. This information may then be used to develop the business process in Build mode. For more information about generating documentation, refer to Creating a documentation template section. |
Round Trip Optimization
The Round Trip Optimization menu option opens the Round Trip Optimization Wizard. Round Trip Optimization is an effective tool in the Ultimus BPM environment which allows process designers to import live data scenarios from an Ultimus BPM Server for a published process, then apply that scenario to the same business process in the modeling environment. The Round Trip Optimization Wizard is used to select which Ultimus BPM Server to pull live data from regarding a selected published process, then select the dataset to be used to create a modeling scenario.
To use the Round Trip Optimization Wizard, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the process to be modeled is checked out, and that the same process and version have been used for real-world incidents.
2. Select Tools»Round Trip Optimization. The Round Trip Optimization Wizard appears.
The Round Trip Optimization Wizard
3. The BPM Server Options page is used to specify connection information to the Ultimus BPM Server which accesses real-world BPM data for the process and version that is to be modeled. Enter the following connection information for that Ultimus BPM Server:
• Server: In the Server: text box, type the name of the Ultimus BPM Server in which to connect. Alternatively, select the browse button beside the Server: text box to browse for the Ultimus BPM Server.
• Port: In the Port: text box, specify the port in which the computer hosting Ultimus BPM Server is waiting for connections. By default, this is port 80 unless changed by the Ultimus system administrator.
• Secure: Select the Secure check box if the connection to Ultimus BPM Server is a secure connection. By default the port for secure connections is 443 unless changed by the Ultimus system administrator.
• Use archived incidents: Select the Use archived incidents check box if archived incidents are to be included in the round trip optimization.
4. Click the Next button. The Dataset Selection page of the wizard appears.
The Dataset Selection page of the Round Trip Optimization Wizard
5. The Dataset Selection page is used to specify which process (and version) on Ultimus BPM Server is to be used for modeling, as well as the dataset for modeling. Enter the following information:
a. Process: From the Process group, enter the following information:
• From the Name combo box, select the published business process which is to have its data modeled.
• From the Version combo box, select the process version of the selected business process.
b. Dataset of Completed Incidents: From the Dataset of Completed Incidents group, specify the dataset is to be harvested from Ultimus BPM Database for modeling:
• Date Range: Specify a range of dates in which BPM data is to be harvested from Ultimus BPM Server. From the From: calendar, specify the beginning date for the dataset; from the To: calendar, specify the ending date for the dataset.
• First Number of Incidents: Alternatively, specify the first number of incidents to be harvested from Ultimus BPM Server to be used as the dataset.
Regardless of which option is used, it is recommended to use at least 100 incidents in the harvested dataset.
6. Click the Next button. The Save Scenario page of the wizard appears.
The Save Scenario page of the Round Trip Optimization Wizard
7. The Save Scenario page of the wizard is used to specify a location for saving the scenario. Select the browse button beside the Save to: text box and save the scenario.
8. Select the Finish button. |
Compare Summaries
The Compare Summaries menu option is used to compare the metric reports of two modeled scenarios for a business process. This allows a process designer to directly compare two scenario metrics and determine how one modeled scenario can be improved against another.
To compare two metric reports for two modeled scenarios, follow these steps:
1. Create a scenario, run modeling against it, then save the scenario to disk as an SIO file.
2. Create another scenario (presumably with different scenario parameters from the first), then run modeling against it.
3. View the report for the modeling of the second scenario. To do so, either select View»Reports View or select the Reports View button () from the Modeling toolbar.
4. Select Tools»Compare Summaries.
5. Open the first scenario. Metrics for each are displayed in Reports view. |
Export to Excel
The Export to Excel menu option is used to save/export the tabular data of the most recently executed model to Microsoft Excel for further analysis. This allows the process designer to export, then review multiple metrics (one for each saved as an Excel spreadsheet). Files are saved in XLS format.
Tip: Every time a process is modeled, the previously generated reports are cleared and only the most recent modeling data is available. If any previous modeling results are required to be saved, they must be exported to Microsoft Excel. |
Swim Colors
Swim Colors are used to distinguish steps based on their type, resource, recipients, or any other attributes the process designer finds relevant. For example, in a business process, all steps assigned to the Purchasing department can be assigned a green Swim Color to indicate that these steps are being performed by this resource. Similarly, a high priority step in a process can be assigned a red Swim Color to indicate its importance. Swim Colors are used for visual effect only in order to make the process map more understandable to process designers or process administrators; Swim Colors have no effect on the actual working of the business process.
Before any step in a business process may be assigned a Swim Color, the Swim Color must be defined.
Tip: Use the Swim Colors Pool tool from the Toolbox to place a map legend of how Swim Colors are represented in the process map. For more information about the Swim Color Pool tool, refer to Swim Colors Pool tool section.
To define a Swim Color category for a business process, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools»Swim Colors. The Swim Colors dialog box appears.
The Swim Colors dialog box
2. Select the Create a new color category button (). A default Swim Color category appears using the DarkGray color. Name the default Swim Color category; this name would likely represent the type or category of steps to which the Swim Color would be assigned.
3. Select the combo box to specify which color the Swim Color category is to represent.
To delete an existing Swim Color category, select the category to be removed, then click the Delete an existing color category button ().
To rename an existing Swim Color category, select the category to be renamed, then click the Rename an existing color category button (). The Swim Color category’s name becomes editable.
4. Select the Close button. |
The Standard toolbar
For information on options available in the Standard toolbar, refer to The Standard toolbar section. |
The Modeling toolbar
Below is a description of buttons on the Modeling toolbar when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode:
Modeling Watch button
• Modeling Watch (): The Modeling Watch button is used to open the Model window. The Model window displays the overall modeling status while a business process is being modeled. It shows information such as the number of active tasks/incidents, the number of completed tasks/incidents, the number of days elapsed, and the percentage of modeling completed. For more information about the Model window, refer to The Model window section.
Start Modeling button
• Start Modeling (): The Start Modeling button is used to model the scenario defined for the business process.
Stop Modeling button
• Stop Modeling (): The Stop Modeling button is used to stop modeling the playing scenario in the business process.
Speed Control bar
• Speed Control (): The Speed Control bar is used to control the speed of modeling.
Pause Modeling button
• Pause Modeling (): The Pause Modeling button is used to pause the process modeling for some time. To resume the process modeling, click the Pause button again.
Reports View button
• Reports View (): The Reports View button is used to view a generated report after a business process has been modeled. This option is only enabled after a business process has been modeled. The reports are available in a variety of graphical and tabular formats showing various modeling statistics. For more information about reports, refer to The Report view section.
Note: Reports can be generated even if modeling (running the scenarios) is stopped manually, but report data may not be accurate. Accurate reports can only be generated if the scenario is modeled to its completion. |
The Reports toolbar
Below is a description of buttons on the Reports toolbar when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode. The Reports toolbar is only visible when in Reports view.
Map View button
• Map View (): The Map View button is used to view the process map when the report view is currently displayed.
Tabular or Graphic View button
• Tabular or Graphic View (): The Tabular or Graphic View button is used to select either the tabular or graphical view of the report to be viewed.
Report Types combo box
• Report Types (): The Report Types combo box is used to select the report type for viewing from the list of available reports. For more information about reports, refer to The Report view section.
Compare Summaries button
• Compare Summaries (): The Compare Summaries button is used to compare the metric reports of two modeled scenarios for a business process. This allows a process designer to directly compare two scenario metrics and determine how one modeled scenario can be improved against another.
To compare two metric reports for two modeled scenarios, follow these steps:
1. Create a scenario, run modeling against it, then save the scenario to disk as an SIO file.
2. Create another scenario (presumably with different scenario parameters from the first), then run modeling against it.
3. View the report for the modeling of the second scenario. To do so, either select View»Reports View or select the Reports View button () from the Modeling toolbar.
4. Select the Compare Summaries button ().
5. Open the first scenario. Metrics for each are displayed in Reports view. |
The Designer toolbar
Below is a description of buttons on the Designer toolbar when viewing the Process editor in Modeling mode:
Print button
• Print (): The Print button prints the process map.
Print Preview button
• Print Preview (): The Print Preview button displays a preview of the process map for printing. Once the Print Preview button is selected, the following options are available in the Process editor:
a. Print (): The Print button prints the displayed preview.
b. Next Page (): The Next Page button displays the next page of the print preview when the preview spans across more than one page. This button is disabled if the preview displays on one page, or if the last page of the preview is displayed.
c. Previous Page (): The Previous Page button displays the previous page of the print preview when the preview spans across more than one page. This button is disabled if the preview displays on one page, or if the first page of the preview is displayed.
d. Toggle One/Two Pages display (): The Toggle One/Two Pages display button is used to toggle between a one-page or a two-page display. This button is available only if the print preview spans across more than one page.
e. Zoom In (): The Zoom In button displays a closer perspective of the print preview. This button is disabled if the maximum zoom perspective is displayed.
f. Zoom Out (): The Zoom Out button displays a wider perspective of the print preview. This button is disabled if the minimum zoom perspective is displayed.
g. Close (): The Close button closes the print preview.
Cut button
• Cut (): The Cut button deletes a selected object. In doing so, that object is also saved in Windows Clipboard, so it may be pasted. The Cut function is only available when an object is selected.
Copy button
• Copy (): The Copy button copies a selected object. In doing so, that object is saved in Windows Clipboard, so it may be pasted. The Copy function is only available when an object is selected.
Paste button
• Paste (): The Paste button pastes an object which has been saved in Windows Clipboard. Once the Paste function is used, move the mouse to the desired location for the object, then left-click the mouse to place the object. The Paste function is only available when an object has been cut or copied into Windows Clipboard.
Delete button
• Delete (): The Delete button deletes a selected object. The Delete function is only available when the selected object can be deleted.
Grid button
• Grid (): The Grid button displays a grid by which process map objects may be aligned. The grid is only for visual purposes.
Snap to grid button
• Snap to grid (): The Snap to Grid button automatically places steps into the center of the nearest grid box. This option is only available when the Grid option is enabled.
Display zoom combo box
• Display zoom (): From the Display zoom combo box, select the display size of the process map. The process map is enlarged according to the zooming percentage value selected from the list. |
The Process editor toolbox
The Process editor toolbox groups its tools in three categories. These categories vary in name depending on whether displayed in Ultimus Standard view, or BPMN view.
Tip: To learn how to switch between Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view, refer to Switch View section.
The toolbox categories are as follows:
• General
• Anchors
• Steps (“Activities and Gateways” in BPMN view)
• Flobots (“Automated Activities” in BPMN view)
Tools within each of these categories are discussed below.
Creating groups in a process map discusses how to create a group of steps in a process map. |
Below is a description of tools in the General category. Tool names in Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view are both presented. The images reflect in Ultimus Standard view.
Arrow tool
Arrow tool
Arrow tool
• Arrow (): The Arrow tool is used to select process map elements.
Text/Annotations tool
• Text/Annotations (): The Text/Annotations tool is used to place a text box into the process map. Text boxes are visual descriptors, but do not affect process map routing. Text boxes can be used as titles, comments, and captions. A text box can have multiple lines vertically. For information regarding text box properties, refer to Text box properties section.
To insert a text box into a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Text button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the text cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a text box. All text boxes are initially displayed empty. Type the text that is to be displayed in the text box.
3. To edit text box properties, right-click on the text box and select Properties. Its properties display in the Properties window. Furthermore, many text box properties can also be accessed directly upon right-clicking the text box.
Tip: Multiple text boxes may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first text box into a process map.
Text visual attributes can also be changed by clicking on the text box. A formatting toolbar appears above the text box. Modify the properties as required and click anywhere in the process map to commit these changes.
To move a text box at a different location within the same process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the text box and drag it to a new location. When dragging, the cursor changes to a hand cursor.
Tip: For help in positioning text boxes, grid lines can be displayed by selecting the Show or hide grid button from the Designer toolbar.
To delete a text box from the process map, follow these steps:
1. Select the text box from the process map.
2. Right-click and select Delete or press the DELETE key.
Link/Sequence tool
• Link/Sequence (): The Link/Sequence tool is used to designate routing between steps in a business process. Routing is read in a process map from left to right.
An illustration of a single link
If multiple links are tied to a step, multiple lines go to the step.
An illustration of multiple links
Links can be represented in the following ways in a process map (in both Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view):
• Normal routing:
• Conditional routing: Conditional routing is when a step has a business rule which may affect routing from the step the link connects. This type of link is represented with a diamond icon leaving the step which has a business rule(s) which may affect routing ().
• Default routing: In the condition that two links go out from a step, default routing is used to visually denote which link routing is expected to take place most often. This is nothing more than a visual cue and has no effect on actual Ultimus engine logic routing. Default routing is represented with a line through the link ().
To link steps, follow these steps:
1. Click the Link button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Link cursor.
2. Select a step from the process map, depress the left mouse button, then drag to the step in which it is to be linked. A line follows the cursor, indicating the path of the link.
3. Release the mouse button to complete the link.
Tip: Multiple links may be placed between steps, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first link into a process map.
To delete a link between two steps, follow these steps:
1. Select the link line between the two steps in the process map. The line turns yellow.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Right-click on the link and select Delete.
b. Press the DELETE key.
Virtual Link/Association-Activities tool
• Virtual Link/Association-Activities (): The Virtual Link/Association-Activities tool is used to visually represent routing. Unlike links between steps, virtual links have no effect on routing. They are only used as visual indicators as how workflow is meant to route in the process map. Virtual links can be displayed in different colors, thereby helping to illustrate how routing is intended between different group participants in the business process.
Virtual links can be represented in the following ways in a process map (in both Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view):
• Normal view: Virtual routing is represented with a blue line between two round circles ().
• Step has business rules designed for it: If a step has one or more business rules designed for it, the virtual link displays a diamond icon leaving that step (). This is a visual indicator that the step has business rules designed for it.
To virtually link two steps in a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Virtual Link button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Virtual Link cursor.
2. Select a step from the process map, depress the left mouse button, then drag to the step in which it is to be virtually linked. A dotted line follows the cursor, indicating the path of the virtual link.
3. Release the mouse button to complete the virtual link.
Tip: Multiple virtual links may be placed between steps, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first virtual link into a process map.
To color a virtual link, follow these steps:
1. Select the link line between the two steps in the process map. The line turns gray.
2. Right-click on the link, select Color, then select the specific color the virtual link is to be displayed.
To delete a virtual link between two steps, follow these steps:
1. Select the virtual link line between the two steps in the process map. The line turns gray.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click on the virtual link and select Delete.
• Press the DELETE key.
Association/Association-Annotations tool
• Association/Association-Annotations (): The Association/Assocation-Annotations tool is used to indicate an association between a step with a text box. The association is represented as a dotted line between the step and text box; it is nothing more than a visual indicator, and does not affect process map routing. A step may have multiple assocations with multiple text boxes. However, a text box cannot have associations with multiple steps.
To indicate an association between a step and a text box in a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Assocation/Association-Annotations button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Association cursor.
2. Select a step from the process map, depress the left mouse button, then drag to the text box in which it is to be associated. A dotted line follows the cursor, indicating the path of the association.
3. Release the mouse button to complete the associative link.
Tip: Multiple associative links may be placed from a step to two or more text boxes consecutively by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first associative link into a process map.
To remove an association between a step and a text box, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the Arrow tool is selected.
2. Right-click the associative link to be removed, then select Delete.
Swim Colors Pool tool
• Swim Colors Pool (): The Swim Colors Pool tool is used to place a map legend of how Swim Colors are represented in the process map. Multiple Swim Color legends may be placed, which is useful for large process maps. The Swim Color labels displayed in the map legend derive from how Swim Colors are defined. For more information about how to define Swim Colors, refer to Swim Colors section.
To place a Swim Color legend in a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Swim Colors Pool button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Swim Color Pool cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map. The map legend displays.
To remove a Swim Color map legend, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the Arrow tool is selected.
2. Right-click the Swim Color map legend, then select Delete. |
Anchors are used to change the path of links and virtual links in the process map. Up to ten anchors may be inserted on to any link or vitual link. Anchors appear as dots on the process map. At each anchor, the path of the link may be changed. This allows process designers to create clear, easy-to-discern link lines across the process map from the source to the destination.
Anchors displayed in a sample business process
To make it easy to place anchors, follow these guidelines:
• An invisible mini-grid is available. Each major grid line on the map is subdivided into eight mini-grids. If the Snap to grid button is on, the anchors snap to the mini-grids. This allows process designers to easily draw links with straight lines.
• The process map can be zoomed up to 200%. This allows process designers to precisely position anchors.
• Anchors can be dragged around the map. If Snap to grid is activated, a shadow of the anchor is displayed to indicate the point on the grid to which it will snap.
To insert and position anchors on a link or vitual link, follow these steps:
1. Select the Arrow button from the toolbox.
2. Click the (virtual) link and hold the mouse button down.
3. Drag the anchor to its new location and release the mouse button. The anchor appears on the (virtual) link. If the Snap to grid option is enabled, the anchor automatically snaps to the center of the mini-grid. While dragging, a shadow indicates the position to which the anchor will snap.
To delete an anchor, follow these steps:
1. Select the anchor to delete.
2. Right-click on and select Delete. The anchor is deleted. |
Steps (“Activities and Gateways” in BPMN view)
Below is a description of tools in the Steps/Activities and Gateways category. Tool names in Ultimus Standard view and BPMN view are both presented. The images reflect in Ultimus Standard view.
User tool
• User (): The User tool is used to place a User step into the process map. User steps denote tasks in a business process that are performed by individuals. For information regarding User step properties, refer to User step properties section.
To insert a User step into a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the User button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the User cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a User step.
3. To edit User step properties, right-click on the User step and select Properties. Its properties display in the Properties window.
Tip: Multiple User steps may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first User step into a process map.
Maplet/Subprocess tool
• Maplet/Subprocess () : The Maplet/Subprocess tool is used to place a Maplet/Subprocess step into the process map. Maplet/Subprocess steps denote tasks in a business process which are performed by other Ultimus processes, or “sub-processes.” In other words, from a “parent” process, any number of “children” processes may be launched. This gives the flexibility to design complicated processes by breaking them down into simpler sub-processes. For information regarding Maplet/Subprocess step properties, refer to Maplet/Subprocess step properties section.
To insert a Maplet/Subprocess step into a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Maplet/Subprocess button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Maplet cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a Maplet/Subprocess step.
3. To edit Maplet/Subprocess step properties, right-click on the Maplet/Subprocess step and select Properties. Its properties display in the Properties window.
Tip: Multiple Maplet/Subprocess steps may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first Maplet/Subprocess step into a process map.
Junction/Gateway tool
• Junction/Gateway (): The Junction/Gateway tool is used place a Junction/Gateway step into the process map. A Junction/Gateway step allows many links in a process map which are going to the same destination to be merged into one link (join). Otherwise, in certain situations, the process map would have a confusing web of links connecting one group of steps to another group.
A Junction/Gateway step also serves the following purposes:
a. To enable a group of steps to be followed by another group of steps without having to draw a large number of individual links from each step in the first group to each step in the second group.
b. To consolidate a number of events from other steps in the process map. For example, a modeling rule may be designed which specifies that unless Steps 3 through 6 are completed, then the Junction/Gateway step is not to be activated.
c. To enable a group of steps to be executed on a conditional basis without having to repeat the conditions for each step in the group.
d. To implement a group of steps as a “sub-program.” The group can be called iteratively from different points in the process map.
Tip: See also Junction/Gateway step properties.
To insert a Junction/Gateway step into a process map, follow these steps:
1. Click the Junction/Gateway button in the Toolbox. The cursor changes to the Junction cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a Junction/Gateway step.
3. To edit Junction/Gateway step properties, right-click on the Junction/Gateway step and select Properties. Its properties display in the Properties window.
Tip: Multiple Junction/Gateway steps may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first Junction/Gateway step into a process map. |
Flobots (“Automated Activities” in BPMN view)
Below is a description of tools in the Flobots/Automated Activities category. Flobots (or “Automated Activities” as they are called in BPMN view) provide a powerful means of using third-party applications to perform specific tasks as steps in a business process. Flobots are to business workflow automation as robots are to an automated factory. Hence the name “Flobots” stands for “workflow robots.” This section uses the Ultimus term of “Flobot” rather than “Automated Activity,” though they are the same.
Below is the description of different types of Flobots:
.Net Code Flobot
a. .Net Code Flobot (): The .Net Code Flobot is used to call .NET Code (such as C# or VB.NET Code) in an intuitive point-and-click manner. The .Net Code Flobot facilitates calling assemblies from Global Assembly Cache (GAC), source code, and can also call DLL/EXE files. For more information, refer to Training the .NET Code Flobot section.
b. ASCII Flobot (): The ASCII Flobot is used to export routing data into ASCII files. Since ASCII files can be imported by a large number of “legacy” applications, this Flobot is useful for transferring BPM data to almost any application. For more information, refer to The ASCII Flobot section.
Database Flobot
c. Database Flobot (): The Database Flobot is used to interact with database applications. This Flobot can read, write, update, delete and query OLE DB compliant databases. It can also execute any valid SQL statement. The Database Flobot accepts valid SQL commands for every action. These SQL commands are executed when the Flobot is executed in real time. For more information, refer to The Database Flobot section.
EMail Flobot
d. EMail Flobot (): The EMail Flobot is used to interact with e-mail servers. This Flobot can send e-mail (with attachments) from any point in the business process. For more information, refer to The EMail Flobot section.
Excel Flobot
e. Excel Flobot (): The Excel Flobot is used to perform functions in Microsoft Office Excel as a step in a business process. All the extensive capabilities of Microsoft Office Excel can be used to analyze, graph, plot, and chart BPM data. For more information, refer to The Excel Flobot section.
Exchange Flobot
f. Exchange Flobot (): The Exchange Flobot is used to automatically execute Microsoft Exchange functions as a step in a business process. For corporate users that use Outlook as their client for Exchange server, this Flobot can send e-mails or meeting requests and set tasks in the task list. For more information, refer to The Exchange Flobot section.
SharePoint Flobot
g. SharePoint Flobot (): The SharePoint Flobot is used to interact with Microsoft SharePoint. For more information, refer to The SharePoint Flobot section.
Web Service Flobot
h. Web Service Flobot (): The Web Service Flobot is used to invoke Web services in external applications in an automated manner. For more information, refer to The Web Service Flobot section.
Word Flobot
i. Word Flobot (): The Word Flobot uses Microsoft Office Word to perform tasks as a step in a business process. All the word processing capabilities of Microsoft Office Word to transfer data, save, print, and run macros are available and can be leveraged in a business process. For more information, refer to The Word Flobot section.
XML Flobot
j. XML Flobot (): The XML Flobot allows a business process to exchange data with any XML-compliant application. It allows creating/writing XML documents based on the selected schema and values from Ultimus schema elements. The XML tags generated from Flobot contain values passed from the process data. These process data values are written as text into the XML node. Therefore, this Flobot is ideal to exchange BPM data with e-commerce, EDI, and other applications that rely on XML. For more information, refer to The XML Flobot section.
k. Data Transfer Flobot: The Data Transfer Flobot is used for transferring data from Process Schema to CPS Schema or from CPS Schema to Process Schema. For further details, see section The Data Transfer Flobot.
l. Decision Flobot: The Decision Flobot is used for making decision based on a calculation. For further details, see section The Decision Flobot.
m. Gini Flobot: The Gini Flobot is used to connect to the Gini information extraction system that analyzes documents such as invoices and contracts to extract and process their content (e.g. text, objects). For further details, see section The Gini Flobot.
n. Rossum Flobot ( ): The Rossum Flobot uses Rossum API for analyzing and extracting data from invoices. For further details, see section The Rossum Flobot.
To insert any type of Flobot/Automated Activity into a process map, follow these steps:
1. From the Toolbox, select the Flobot button representing the Flobot/Automated Activity type to be placed into the process map. The cursor changes to the Flobot cursor.
2. Click anywhere in the process map to insert a Flobot/Automated Activity step.
Tip: Multiple Flobot/Automated Activity steps (of the same type) may be placed, one after another, by pressing the CTRL key while placing the first Flobot/Automated Activity step into a process map.
Note: Steps from other business processes can also be dragged from the process repository into a new process map. That adds a copy of that step to the map along with all of the contents of that step.
Copying, pasting, and deleting steps in the process map
To copy and paste a step, follow these steps:
1. Select the step, then do one of the following:
• Right-click and select the Copy option.
• Click the Copy button () from the Designer toolbar.
• Select Edit»Copy from the menu bar.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click anywhere in the process map and select Paste.
• Click the Paste button () from the Designer toolbar.
• Select Edit»Paste from the menu bar.
3. A dotted box appears. Click in the process map where the duplicate step is to be placed or place it anywhere in the process map and then drag it to the desired location in the map.
4. After the step has been placed, be sure to make the necessary links, label changes, and any other necessary changes.
To delete a step, follow these steps:
1. Select the step to be deleted.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click the DELETE key.
• Right-click and select Cut or Delete.
• Click the Cut button () from the Designer toolbar.
• Select Edit»Cut from the menu bar.
Note: Neither the Begin step or the End step can be deleted.
Tip: A step that is referenced in some other step can not be deleted until all its references are removed.
Multiple steps may be selected for deletion by pressing the CTRL key while selecting steps for deletion from a process map. |
Creating groups in a process map
Two or more process map objects may be “grouped.” This grouping is nothing more than a visual cue that there is an association between these objects and has no effect on Ultimus engine logic. However, once objects are grouped, the collective group may be moved together in the process map as one object; any links or virtual links that enter the group treat it as a single object if moved in the process map. A group is represented by a rounded-edged rectangle with dashed lines. Elements such as the group’s background color and label can be configured through the Properties window.
Creating a group
To create a group from two or more process map objects, follow these steps:
1. Click the left mouse button, then drag around those objects to be grouped.
2. Right-click, then select the Group option. The objects become grouped with a rounded-edged rectangle.
Removing a group
To remove a group (or separate process map objects which are in a group), follow these steps:
1. Right-click on the group to be removed.
2. Select the Ungroup option. The group is removed, and all process map objects in the group are treated separately.
For information regarding group properties, refer to Group properties section. |
The Modeling Variables window
The Modeling Variables window is used to create and edit variables used in the modeling environment. These variables only function within the modeling environment, and do not apply or transfer to Ultimus BPM Studio’s editing environment. Variables are used within modeling rules to define conditions for when actions may occur (within the modeling environment). Variables may be organized into groups for easier management.
The Modeling Variables window
Variables within the modeling environment are not based on absolute values; they are based on the probability that the variable is true or false. Consider this example. Suppose that there is a step which requires a manager’s approval if a purchase order requisition is above a certain amount of money; this variable is represented by Cost. Instead of framing the question, “Is the value of the variable Cost more than $500?” frame the question, “What is the probability that the value of Cost would require the manager his or her approval for the purchase order requisition?” Instead of absolute values within the modeling environment, think in terms of probability that a variable is true. Within the Modeling Variables window, a variable is specified a probability of being true.
The Modeling Variables window is composed of three parts:
• Independent: The Independent category represents variables which may not be specified within a custom group. When configuring probability values, ensure that they total 100 percent.
• Custom groups: Variables may be created into custom groups. This allows probability values to be set separately from those in the Independent category. When configuring probability values, ensure that they total 100 percent.
• Inverse: The Inverse category represents the inverse of any defined variables (either from the Independent category or custom groups). Inverse variables represent the opposite of an existing variable.
Creating a modeling variable
To create a modeling variable within a new group, follow these steps:
1. Ensure the business process in which to create a modeling variable is checked out in Modeling mode, then perform one of the following:
a. Select View»Windows»Variables.
b. Right-click anywhere in an empty space of the process map, then select the Variables option.
The Modeling Variables window appears.
The Modeling Variables window
2. From the Modeling Variables toolbar, select the Add Variables Group button (). The New Variable Group dialog box displays.
The New Variable Group dialog box
3. In the Name: text box, specify a name for the new variable group, then select the OK button.
4. To enter the name of a new variable within the group, type the name of the variable within the first row of the group, beneath the Variable column.
5. Beneath the Probability column, within the same row, type the probability that the variable would be true. Alternatively, use the spinner control to adjust this probability value. If the total amount of all defined variable probabilities is less than or greater than 100 percent, then the cells within the Probability column display as red. This only serves as an indicator that total probability values do not equal 100 percent, but does not represent a problem with the variable definition. If the total amount of all defined variables equals 100 percent, then the cells within the Probability column do not display as red.
6. Beneath the Description column, within the same row, enter a description for what the variable represents.
Creating an inverse variable
To create a variable which represents the inverse of a specified variable, follow these steps:
1. Ensure the business process in which to create an inverse variable is checked out in Modeling mode, then perform one of the following:
• Select View»Windows»Variables.
• Right-click anywhere in an empty space of the process map, then select the Variables option.
The Modeling Variables window appears.
The Modeling Variables window
Ensure that an independent variable or one in a created group has been defined in the Modeling Variables window.
2. Beneath the Inverse category, within the Variable column, type the name of the modeling variable which would represent the inverse of an existing modeling variable.
3. From the Inverse of column, within the same row, select the existing modeling variable in which its inverse this variable represents.
4. From the Description column, within the same row, enter a description for what the inverse modeling variable represents.
Renaming a variable group
To rename a variable group, follow these steps:
1. Ensure the business process in which to rename the variable group is checked out in Modeling mode, then perform one of the following:
• Select View»Windows»Variables.
• Right-click anywhere in an empty space of the process map, then select the Variables option.
The Modeling Variables window appears. Ensure that there is a variable group which needs to be renamed.
2. Select the variable group category which is to be renamed.
Changing the name of a variable group
3. Select the Rename Group button (). The Rename Variable Group dialog box displays.
The Rename Variable Group dialog box
4. In the Rename to: text box, enter the new name for the variable group, then select the OK button. The new variable group name displays in the Modeling Variables window and automatically sorts itself in alphabetical order among the other groups in the window.
Renaming a modeling variable
To rename a modeling variable, follow these steps:
1. Ensure the business process in which to rename the variable is checked out in Modeling mode, then perform one of the following:
• Select View»Windows»Variables.
• Right-click anywhere in an empty space of the process map, then select the Variables option.
The Modeling Variables window appears. Ensure that there is a modeling variable which needs to be renamed, and that there is not an inverse modeling variable associated with it. For precautionary reasons, a modeling variable which has an inverse modeling variable associated with it cannot be renamed. To rename the modeling variable, the inverse modeling variable must first be deleted; the inverse modeling variable may then be associated with the newly renamed modeling variable.
2. Select the modeling variable which is to be renamed.
Changing a modeling variable
3. Type the new name of the modeling variable, then click the ENTER key. The modeling variable is renamed. |
The Modeling Rules window
The Modeling Rules window is used to create and edit rules for steps in a business process and to describe the exception types that are likely to occur and how they should be handled. These exception modeling rules are tested when specific events occur at Ultimus BPM Server.
Following is the list of events that are possible to most steps:
• Activate: An activated event represents when a step has become active in a process incident.
• Completed: A completed event represents when a step has completed in a process incident.
• Late: A late event represents when a step's completion and extension times have been reached: that is, it represents when a process participant has been given a specific allocated time to perform a task, but did not complete that task in that allotted time frame.
• Recipient: A recipient event represents when a step becomes active and the Ultimus engine determines to which user or group the step should become activated.
• Resubmitted: A resubmitted event represents when a step is resubmitted. The Resubmit function allows process participants to open completed steps of active incidents and resubmit them.
• Returned: A returned event represents when a step is returned. The Return function allows users to return active steps to the previous steps in the business process.
Notes: Begin steps can only have Completed and Resubmitted event types.
Maplet/Subprocess steps can only have Activate, Completed, and Returned event types.
Junction/Gateway steps can only have Activated and Completed event types.
Flobot/Automated Activity steps can only have Activated, Completed, and Late event types.
End steps do not have event types.
The Modeling Rules window is used to create rules in a spreadsheet format. Each row in the table represents a condition for the step. Any modeling rule may have multiple conditions which the Ultimus engine is to determine validity whether to execute the rule. When a rule is executed, the Ultimus engine commits one or more actions. Actions are specific activities that Ultimus BPM Server performs after a rule has been evaluated for a particular condition. For more information about actions, refer to The Actions window section.
Modeling rules are different than business rules (as designed in Build mode or in Ultimus Director). Modeling rules have the following limitations:
• Modeling rules are designed in a spreadsheet format. Business rules are designed in a more robust and easier-to-use graphical format.
• Modeling rules are designed to simulate variable probabilities, whereas business rules evaluation expressions based on real data. Business rules, therefore, are much more complex and robust. Business rules also provide a larger variety of actions, in terms of both system and user defined actions, operators, and input parameters.
• Modeling rules cannot be exported, transferred to, or imported into Build mode or Ultimus Director. Business rules can be transferred to and from Ultimus Director.
Note: Initially when no step is selected, the Modeling Rules window displays a message that no step has been selected and the toolbar is disabled.
To define modeling rules for a step in a process map, follow these steps:
1. Select a step from the process map in the Process editor, then select View»Windows»Modeling Rules.
The Modeling Rules window displays. The left side of the window displays all the events that are supported for the selected step while the right side of the window displays the conditions to perform actions defined for that event.
The Modeling Rules window
2. Perform one of the following:
• Select the event node by clicking it, then click the New Rule button () from the Modeling Rules toolbar.
• Right-click on the event node and select the New Rule option.
Selecting the New Rule option to create a new rule
Note: A modeling rule defined in the rules editor can also be imported in the Modeling Rules window. To do so, right-click on the event node and select the Import from Rules Editor option.
3. Enter the name for the modeling rule. A new rule is created under the selected event node. By clicking the name of the rule, the basic rule structure is displayed.
The basic rule structure to create a modeling rule in the modeling editor
4. To associate the rule expression with an existing modeling variable, right-click on the rule name, select Set Modeling Variable, then select the modeling variable. Otherwise, the asterisks represent that the rule expression is always true.
Selecting a modeling variable to be associated with the rule expression
Note: To learn more about how to work with modeling variables, refer to The Modeling Variables window section.
5. To design the rule expression, follow these guidelines:
a. To create an IF rule expression, perform one of the following:
• Right-click on the rule name, then select Add IF Action.
• Right-click on the IF condition in the Action column of the spreadsheet, then select Add Action.
b. To create an ELSE rule expression, perform one of the following:
• Right-click on the rule name, then select Add ELSE Action.
• Right-click on the ELSE condition in the Action column of the spreadsheet, then select Add Action.
Note: The Activate event type only has Add IF Actions available.
6. An Unsatisfied Action icon () appears below the specified condition; this icon represents that the action requires a parameter before the action can be executed. In the same row of the new Unsatisfied Action icon, select the action type by clicking in the Actions column.
Selecting an action from the action types list box
A list box appears (as shown above) with three options:
• Activate Step: Select the Activate Step option to specify to activate a step should the condition be true. Note that this option is the only option available when using an Activate Step action.
• Abort Step: Select the Abort Step option to specify to abort a step should the condition be true.
• Abort Incident: Select the Abort Incident option to specify to abort the process incident should the condition be true.
7. Click within the corresponding cell under the Parameter column, then select from the list box which step in the business process the selected action is to be applied. The Unsatisfied Action icon changes to an Action icon (), signifying that the action has been properly defined.
Note: When using an Activate Step action, only the step in which the rule is being created may be selected.
8. In the Description column, add a description of the rule by clicking in the corresponding cell in that column.
9. Repeat Steps 5 through 8 until all actions are added to the rule. The modeling rule is now completely defined.
The Modeling Rules window with a defined modeling rule
Renaming a modeling rule
To rename a modeling rule, follow these steps:
1. From the events node, right-click on the modeling rule to be renamed, then select the Rename option.
Selecting the Rename option to rename a modeling rule
2. The modeling rule name becomes editable. Type the new name of the modeling rule, then select the ENTER key. The modeling rule is now renamed.
Deleting a modeling rule
To delete a modeling rule, follow these steps:
1. From the events node, right-click the modeling rule, then select the Delete Rule option.
Selecting the Delete Rule option
Alternatively, select the Delete rule button () from the Modeling Rules toolbar or select the DELETE key. The rule is now deleted. |
The Model window
This section discusses the Model window. The Model window displays the overall modeling status while a business process is being modeled.
To view the Model window, do one of the following:
• Select View»Windows»Model Window from the menu bar.
• Select the Modeling Watch button () from the Modeling toolbar.
The Model window
The Model window provides the following information:
• Incidents Active: The Incidents Active field displays the number of active incidents at any given time during modeling.
• Incidents Complete: The Incidents Complete field displays the number of completed incidents at any given time during modeling.
• Tasks Active: The Tasks Active field displays the number of active tasks at any given time during modeling.
• Tasks Complete: The Tasks Complete field displays the number of completed tasks at any given time during modeling.
• Days Elapsed: The Days Elapsed field displays the number of days that have elapsed during the modeled scenario.
• Modeling Complete (%): The Modeling Complete (%) field displays at which percentage the modeled scenario has been completed.
• Show model window while modeling: The Show model window while modeling option specifies that the Model window is to remain visible while a scenario is modeled. |
The Report view
This section discusses the modeling report view. Modeled reports are used to display the results from a modeled scenario. The Reports view is only available after a scenario has been modeled on a business process.
To view reports associated with a model, that model should be run using a scenario at least once. To switch to the reports view, click the Report View button () in the Modeling toolbar. The report view shows different reports for all the steps in a process map.
Reports for a particular step can be viewed by selecting that step’s corresponding tab at the bottom of the reports view. To view reports for the entire business process, select the Process tab at the bottom of the report view.
Note: Ultimus remembers the last viewed report and automatically displays it when the Report View button is clicked.
These are the available step-level reports:
Task Time report
• Task Time report: A Task Time report provides information on how much time was taken to complete tasks at a particular step.
Click on the triangle to view a sample Task Time report in both graphical and tabular formats.
Task Time report (graphical format):
Task Time report (graphical format)
Task Time report (tabular format):
Task Time report (tabular format)
Cost report
• Cost report: A Cost report provides information on how much money was spent to complete tasks at a particular step. The cost is represented as dollars per hour.
Click on the triangle to view a sample Cost report in both graphical and tabular formats.
Cost report (graphical format):
Cost report (graphical format)
Cost report (tabular format):
Cost report (tabular format)
Lag Time report
• Lag Time report: A Lag Time report provides information about the lag (or dead) time took place for any step in the business process. It represents the time that a process participant is not able to work on a particular task because he or she was working on other tasks or waiting for new tasks.
Click on the triangle to view a sample Lag Time report in both graphical and tabular formats.
Lag Time report (graphical format):
Lag Time report (graphical format)
Lag Time report (tabular format):
Lag Time report (tabular format)
Elapsed Time report
• Elapsed Time report: An Elapsed Time report provides the duration of time was consumed for a process participant to complete a task. That is, it is the amount of time between a task being assigned to a recipient and the time for that recipient to complete the task.
Click on the triangle to view a sample Elapsed Time report in both graphical and tabular formats.
Elapsed Time report (graphical format):
Elapsed Time report (graphical format)
Elapsed Time report (tabular format):
Elapsed Time report (tabular format)
Step Utilization report
• Step Utilization report: A Step Utilization report displays the percentage ratio of the actual time spent performing a task to the actual time available to perform the task.
Click on the triangle to view a sample Step Utilization report in both graphical and tabular formats.
Step Utilization report (graphical format):
Step Utilization report (graphical format)
Step Utilization report (tabular format):
Step Utilization report (tabular format)
Balance report
• Balance report: A business process is said to be balanced if all incidents run through this process are taking the same amount of time to complete. The Balance reports displays, in chronological order, the incident completion time for all the incidents running through the process. An upward-moving graph in a process balance report is an indication that the process is not well balanced and needs to be modified.
Click on the triangle to view a sample Balance report in both graphical and tabular formats.
Balance report (graphical format):
Balance report (graphical format)
Balance report (tabular format):
Balance report (tabular format)
These are the available process-level reports:
Under Utilization report
• Under Utilization report: An Under Utilization report is rendered as a pie chart where each section of the pie is the Wait Time of each step. Wait Time represents the time that a resource assigned to a step was not performing the task, or was assigned to some other task. The Under Utilization report identifies steps that have the most available free time. The resources used at these steps can potentially be assigned to other tasks. The Under Utilization report is also available in tabular view for the entire process.
Click on the triangle to view a sample Under Utilization report in both graphical and tabular formats.
Under Utilization report (graphical format):
Under Utilization report (graphical format)
Under Utilization report (tabular format):
Under Utilization report (tabular format)
Summary report
• Summary report: A Summary report provides a summary of the scenario modeled. Two Summary reports may be compared of different scenarios by using the Compare Summaries function.
Click on the triangle to view a sample Summary report.
Summary report (available only in tabular format):
Summary report (tabular format)
Switching between different report types is done by selecting the report from the Report Type Selection combo box.
Note: No report is generated for Junction/Gateway steps.
Every report can be viewed in a tabular or graphical mode. To toggle between the graphical and tabular views, use the Tabular or Graphical View button () from the Reports toolbar. Minimum, maximum, average and sum for reports are also shown in tabular view. To view the minimum, maximum, average, sum and count, access the Properties window by selecting View»Windows»Properties.
The time units can be changed in the report output. Units of time may be selected as minutes, hours, or days.
Changing the units of time for report output
To change the units of time for report output, follow these steps:
1. Open the Properties window. To do so, select View»Windows»Properties.
2. Select the TimeUnits property.
Changing the time units in report output
3. Select the unit of time required.
Note: The new units are remembered for the duration of the current modeling session only. When the Modeling editor is opened again, it reverts back to the internally calculated units.
Tip: To view all properties for tabular reports, refer to Tabular report properties section. To view all properties for graphical reports, refer to Graphical report properties section.
Exporting report data to Microsoft Office Excel
To export the report data to Microsoft Office Excel, follow these steps:
1. Click the Tabular or Graphic View button () from the Reports toolbar to select the tabular view of the report.
2. Select the report type from the Report Type Selection combo box.
3. From the Menu bar, select Tools»Export to Excel.
4. The Save As dialog box appears. Specify the name of file and the location to save the file. Click the Save button. The report data is exported to the specified location.
Changing between tabular and graphical report output
To toggle between tabular and graphical report view, follow these steps:
1. From the Reports toolbar, select the type of report to view.
2. Click on the Tabular or Graphical View button () to toggle between the two views.
Note: The Summary report only has a tabular view. Therefore, when the Summary report is displayed, the Tabular or Graphical View button is disabled.
Tip: In graphical view, graphs can be rotated. To rotate a graph, click the graph and rotate it to view it from different angles. |
The Work Hours window
The Work Hours window is a dockable window used to specify the working hours of the organization, including the break times during those working hours.
The Work Hours window
The Work Hours window can be used to show break times (in as little as 15-minute increments) during the working hours (based on a 24-hour day). Blue colored cells represent working time, while yellow colored cells represent break time. Break times represent times when organization employees are not available for work.
Specifying working hours
To specify the working hours, follow these steps:
1. From the Start time: spinner box, select the time when the work hours start.
2. From the End time: spinner box, select the time when the work hours end.
Specifying breaks during working hours
To specify the breaks during the working hours, follow these guidelines:
a. Each row in the Work Hours window represents one hour in a 24-hour day. Furthermore, each row is separated into four equal cells, each representing a 15-minute period within that hour. Select a table cell within a row to represent a 15-minute break within that hour; once selected, that cell becomes yellow colored.
b. To represent an hour break (such as for a mid-day lunch), select all four cells in that hour.
c. To change a 15-minute break time into a working period, select the cell so that it becomes blue colored.
An example of a working day with specified break periods is shown.
The Work Hours window showing working hours and break periods |
The Resources window
Every business process has certain resources associated with it. These resources can be specified once and then reused for all scenarios created for a particular process. A list of names resources for a business process can be created in the Resources window along with an associated cost for each named resource. The Resources window is a dockable window, providing the facility to add, edit, and delete resources for a particular process.
The Resources window
Adding a named resource for a business process
To add a named resource to the business process, follow these steps:
1. From the Resources toolbar, select the New button ().
2. Click in the first empty cell under the Name column, specify the name of the resource, then click the ENTER key.
3. Click in the first empty cell under the Cost ($/hr.) column, specify the cost of the resource. A new named resource has been created.
A named resource in the Resources window
Deleting a named resource
To delete a named resource from the business process, follow these steps:
1. Click the name/cost of the resource to be deleted from the list of named resources.
2. From the Resources toolbar, select the Delete button (). The selected resource is now deleted.
Editing a named resource
To edit a named resource in a process, follow these steps:
1. Click the name/cost of the resource to be edited from the list of named resources. The name/cost value becomes editable.
2. Edit the information as required, the new values are saved. |
The Properties window
This section discusses options available when the Properties window is displayed. The Properties window is a dockable window.
The Properties window
The options available in the Properties window vary in accordance to what is selected in the process map or from the Properties combo box.
The Properties combo box in the Properties window
Below is a list of these property groups:
• Scenario properties
• Begin step properties
• End step properties
• User step properties
• Flobot/Automated Activity step properties
• Junction/Gateway step properties
• Maplet/Subprocess step properties
• Text box properties
• Group properties
• Tabular report properties
• Graphical report properties
Properties within each group are discussed below.
Note: All properties below are listed by category. Properties are listed by category by selecting the Categorized button () from the Properties window toolbar. The properties can also be listed alphabetically by selecting the Alphabetical button () from the Properties window toolbar. |
Scenario properties
Every business process has a working scenario. A scenario is defined as a set of assumptions that is used to model the business process to evaluate expected outcomes. Scenario properties are used to specify these assumptions. Scenario properties are displayed in the Properties window
Scenario properties
To view scenario properties, perform one of the following:
• With nothing selected in the process map, select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• With nothing selected in the process map, right-click in the process map and select Properties.
Below are descriptions of scenario properties:
• General
• Scenario |
Properties within the General category:
• Map Description: In the Map Description text box, enter the description for the process map. When the button next to the text box is clicked, the Map Description dialog box appears. Enter the information, then click the OK button.
The Map Description dialog box
The Map Description dialog box supports 2,048 alphanumeric characters, and does not support any special characters. |
Properties within the Scenario category:
• Description: In the Description text box, enter the description for the scenario. When the button next to the text box is clicked, the Description dialog box appears. Enter the information, then click the OK button.
The Description dialog box
The Description dialog box supports 2,048 alphanumeric characters, and does not support any special characters.
• Pre-load: The Pre-load property specifies now many incidents to pre-load before beginning to collect modeling data. “Pre-loading” means a certain number of incidents enter the process so modeling measurements are taken in a “real world” environment. Because the first few incidents are often completed relatively quickly, they do not necessarily reflect real world conditions for the business process.
• Model Count: The Model Count property specifies the number of incidents to execute for the scenario before modeling is completed. When executing models, more incidents than the model count may be executed, and completed, if the user has conditional execution logic built into the model. The default value is 100.
• Distribution: The Distribution property specifies how to generate a random amount of time between incidents during modeling. The Normal option represents that the random time generation oscillates around a mean value and a standard deviation (sigma). The Uniform option represents the random time generation between incidents be between minimum and maximum values. This implies that the amount of time between one incident and the next be at the minimum allotted value, the maximum allotted value, or any value in between. The default option is Normal. For information how to set the mean and sigma values (for a normal distribution) or the minimum and maximum values (for a uniform distribution), refer to the Incident Rate property, below.
• Task Priority: The Task Priority property specifies how the Ultimus engine, during modeling, prioritizes incoming tasks. The FIFO option (which represents “first in, first out”) implies to the Ultimus engine to complete step tasks on a first-in, first-out basis. The Incident option represents to complete tasks by incident number (for example, the tasks of incident number one is completed first before tasks of later incidents). The default option is FIFO.
• Default Units of Time: The Default Units of Time property represents the default unit of time for all scenarios defined in the business process. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Reference of Scenario: The Reference Scenario property implies a specified scenario may be used as reference. This referenced scenario is used to compare two summary reports.
• Incident Rate: The Incident Rate property specifies the rate at which incidents are initiated at the Begin step. The options for this property vary depending on how the Distribution property (described above) is set.
When the Distribution property is set to Normal, the Incident Rate property has the following options:
a. Mean: The Mean option represents the average time gap between the launching of two incidents. This option only accepts positive numeric values no greater than 65,535. The default value is 10.
b. Sigma: The Sigma option represents the standard deviation from the mean. This option only accepts positive numeric values, must be less than the mean, and no greater than 65,535. The default value is 0.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the mean and sigma values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
When the Distribution property is set to Uniform, the Incident Rate property has the following options:
a. Maximum: The Maximum option represents the maximum amount of time between two incidents being started. The default value is 10.
b. Minimum: The Minimum option represents the minimum amount of time between two incidents being started. The default value is 0.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the maximum and minimum values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours. |
Begin step properties
Begin step properties, as displayed in the Properties window, are shown below.
Begin step properties
To view properties for the Begin step, perform one of the following:
• Select the Begin step, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the Begin step, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
The properties of the Begin step are slightly different from the User step, since it represents the first step of the business process. These differences are as follows:
• The Begin step does not have a completion time property (or completion time notes).
• The Begin step does not have an extension time property (or extension time notes).
• The Begin step does not have a delay time property (or delay time notes).
• The Begin step does not have a return percentage property.
For information about User step properties in Modeling mode, refer to User step properties section. |
End step properties
The End step does not have any configurable properties. This is because the End step represents the conclusion of the process incident. |
User step properties
User step properties, as displayed in the Properties window, are shown below.
User step properties
To view properties for a User step, perform one of the following:
• Select the User step in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the User step in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of User step properties:
• General
• Scenario |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. It is also used in report output. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the business process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Description: The Description property represents a description of the User step. To enter the description of the User step, click the button next to the Description text box. The Description dialog box appears.
The Description dialog box
Enter a complete description of all activities that are to be performed at that step. This information is extremely helpful while building the business process. This also facilitates the design documentation of a process as it can later be used for converting the designed process into an electronic document. The Description dialog box has four tabs, and can accept up to 2,048 alphanumeric characters:
a. Description tab: Enter the description of what is required to be done in this step under the Description tab.
b. Input tab: Specify what is to be the input to the step. All information from the previous steps that is to be used in the active step are mentioned under the Input tab.
c. Output tab: Specify what is to be the output of the step. All information required to be sent on to the next step are mentioned under the Output tab.
d. Actions tab: All actions that are to be performed at this step are mentioned under the Actions tab.
Enter the relevant information and click the OK button. Select the Cancel button to cancel all changes or select the Reset button to reset all information to default.
• Recipients: The Recipients property represents the step’s recipient. Recipients are individuals or groups assigned to perform the task for the step. To enter the step recipient(s), click the button next to the Recipients text box. Specify the recipient(s) in the Recipients dialog box using process participant names, groups, or applications. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Once this description is entered, click the OK button.
The Recipients dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the recipients entered here can be viewed in Build mode.
• Delay Time Notes: The Delay Time Notes property represents notes about delay time settings for the step. To enter delay time notes, click the button next to the Delay Time Notes text box. The Delay Time Notes dialog box appears. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Enter notes, then click the OK button.
The Delay Time Notes dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the delay time entered here can be viewed in Build mode.
• Completion Time Notes: The Completion Time Notes property represents notes about completion time settings for the step. To enter completion time notes, click the button next to the Completion Time Notes text box. The Completion Time Notes dialog box appears. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Enter notes, then click the OK button.
The Completion Time Notes dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the completion time entered here can be viewed in Build mode.
• Extension Time Notes: The Extension Time Notes property represents notes about extension time settings for the step. To enter extension time notes, click the button next to the Extension Time Notes text box. The Extension Time Notes dialog box appears. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Enter notes, then click the OK button.
The Extension Time Notes dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the completion time entered here can be viewed in Build mode. |
Properties within the Scenario category:
• Resource Name: The Resource Name property represents the name of a resource which is to be used to perform that step’s task. This combo box is populated from defined resources in the Resource window. For more information about the Resource window, refer to The Resources window section.
• Resources Allocated: The Resources Allocated property represents the number of resources (as specified from the Resource Name property, described above) which is to be used to perform that step’s task. This text box accepts up for four positive numeric digits. The default value is 1.
• Resource Cost ($/Hour): The Resource Cost ($/Hour) property represents the cost (dollars per hour) for a single resource (or unit of resource) as specified in the Resource Name property (described above). This text box accepts up to four positive numeric digits. The default value is 1 (dollar per hour).
• Task Time: The Task Time property represents how much time is allotted to perform the task. While “task time” represents how long it is expected to perform that step’s task, “completion time” represents how much time is allotted to complete the task. The options in this property vary depending on whether a normal or uniform distribution is set (in the scenario properties settings). For more information about the scenario property settings, refer to Scenario properties section.
When Distribution property in the scenario properties is set to normal distribution, the Task Time property has the following options:
a. Mean: The Mean option represents the average time to perform the step’s task. This option only accepts positive numeric values no greater than 65,535. The default value is 10.
b. Sigma: The Sigma option represents the standard deviation from the mean. This option only accepts positive numeric values, must be less than the mean, and no greater than 65,535. The default value is 1.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the mean and sigma values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
When Distribution property in the scenario properties is set to uniform distribution, the Task Time property has the following options:
a. Maximum: The Maximum option represents the maximum amount of time to perform the step’s task. The default value is 10.
b. Minimum: The Minimum option represents the minimum amount of time to perform the step’s task. The default value is 1.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the maximum and minimum values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Delay Time: The Delay Time property represents the amount of time to delay starting that step task once it is appropriate to do that task. This function is useful to synchronize steps within a business process. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no delay time. The Delay Time property has the following options:
a. Time: The Time option represents how much time to delay starting that step task once it is appropriate to do that task. This option only accepts positive numeric digits. The default value is 0.
b. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to delay starting that step task. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Return Percentage: The Return Percentage property represents the percentage of tasks which are returned back to the previous step. This text box accepts up to a two-digit positive numeric value. The default value is 0.
• Resubmit Percentage: The Resubmit Percentage property represents the percentage of tasks which are resubmitted. This text box accepts up to a two-digit numeric value. The default value is 0.
• Resubmit Time: The Resubmit Time property represents the time between the completion and resubmission of the step’s task. The options in this property vary depending on whether a normal or uniform distribution is set (in the scenario properties settings). For more information about the scenario property settings, refer to Scenario properties section.
When Distribution property in the scenario properties is set to normal distribution, the Resubmit Time property has the following options:
a. Mean: The Mean option represents the average time between the completion and resubmission of the step’s task. This option only accepts positive numeric values no greater than 65,535. The default value is 10.
b. Sigma: The Sigma option represents the standard deviation from the mean. This option only accepts positive numeric values, must be less than the mean, and no greater than 65,535. The default value is 1.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the mean and sigma values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
When Distribution property in the scenario properties is set to uniform distribution, the Resubmit Time property has the following options:
a. Maximum: The Maximum option represents the maximum amount of time between the completion and resubmission of the step’s task. The default value is 10.
b. Minimum: The Minimum option represents the minimum amount of time between the completion and resubmission of the step’s task. The default value is 1.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the maximum and minimum values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Completion Time: The Completion Time property represents the amount of time allotted to complete the task. While “task time” represents how long it is expected to perform that step’s task, “completion time” represents how much time is allotted to complete the task. When the completion time expires, the task status automatically changes to late (overdue). The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no completion time. The Completion Time property has the following options:
a. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted to complete the task. This option only accepts positive numeric digits. The default value is 0.
b. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to complete the step’s task. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Extension Time: The Extension Time property represents the extension time for the step’s task. “Extension time” is a “grace period” over and above the completion time. After the extension time has elapsed, the task status automatically changes from overdue to urgent. Thus, the task becomes urgent after the sum of the completion time and extension time has elapsed. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no extension time. The Extension Time property has the following options:
a. Time: The Time option represents how much extension time is allotted to perform the task. This option only accepts positive numeric digits. This option only accepts positive numeric digits. The default value is 0.
b. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to grant the time extension to perform the step’s task. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours. |
Flobot/Automated Activity step properties
Business process management involves applications, including databases, ERP, accounting, word processors, and spreadsheets. Business applications are used to produce reports, search for information, do analysis, and produce charts and graphs. To automate business processes, it is software must provide a seamless interface between routing and commonly used business applications, and allow the applications to be used in routing without human intervention. Flobot/Automated Activity step properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Flobot/Automated Activity step properties
To view properties for a Flobot/Automated Activity step, perform one of the following:
• Select the Flobot/Automated Activity step in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the Flobot/Automated Activity step in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of Flobot/Automated Activity step properties:
• General
• Scenario |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. It is also used in report output. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Description: The Description property represents a description of the Flobot/Automated Activity step. To enter the description of the Flobot/Automated Activity step, click the button next to the Description text box. The Description dialog box appears.
The Description dialog box
Enter a complete description of all activities that are to be performed at that Flobot/Automated Activity. This information is extremely helpful while building the business process. This also facilitates the design documentation of a process as it can later be used for converting the designed process into an electronic document. The Description dialog box has four tabs, and can accept up to 2,048 alphanumeric characters:
a. Description tab: Enter the description of what is required to be done in this step under the Description tab.
b. Input tab: Specify what is to be the input to the step. All information from the previous steps that is to be used in the active step are mentioned under the Input tab.
c. Output tab: Specify what is to be the output of the step. All information required to be sent on to the next step are mentioned under the Output tab.
d. Actions tab: All actions that are to be performed at this step are mentioned under the Actions tab.
Enter the relevant information and click the OK button. Select the Cancel button to cancel all changes or select the Reset button to reset all information to default.
• Recipients: The Recipients property represents the step’s recipient. The recipient, in the case of a Flobot/Automated Activity step, is the application which is to perform the task. To enter the step recipient(s), click the button next to the Recipients text box. The Recipients dialog box appears. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Once this description is entered, click the OK button.
The Recipients dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the recipients entered here can be viewed in Build mode.
• Delay Time Notes: The Delay Time Notes property represents notes about delay time settings for the step. To enter delay time notes, click the button next to the Delay Time Notes text box. The Delay Time Notes dialog box appears. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Enter notes, then click the OK button.
The Delay Time Notes dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the completion time entered here can be viewed in Build mode.
• Completion Time Notes: The Completion Time Notes property represents notes about completion time settings for the step. To enter completion time notes, click the button next to the Completion Time Notes text box. The Completion Time Notes dialog box appears. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Enter notes, then click the OK button.
The Completion Time Notes dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the completion time entered here can be viewed in Build mode.
• Extension Time Notes: The Extension Time Notes property represents notes about extension time settings for the step. To enter extension time notes, click the button next to the Extension Time Notes text box. The Extension Time Notes dialog box appears. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Enter notes, then click the OK button.
The Extension Time Notes dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the completion time entered here can be viewed in Build mode. |
Properties within the Scenario category:
• Resources Allocated: The Resources Allocated property represents the number of resources which are to be used to perform that Flobot/Automated Activity task. This text box accepts up for four positive numeric digits. The default value is 1.
• Resource Cost ($/Hour): The Resource Cost ($/Hour) property represents the cost (dollars per hour) for the Flobot/Automated Activity resource (or unit of resource). This text box accepts up to four positive numeric digits. The default value is 1 (dollar per hour).
• Task Time: The Task Time property represents how much time is allotted to perform the Flobot/Automated Activity task. While “task time” represents how long it is expected to perform that step’s task, “completion time” represents how much time is allotted to complete the task. The options in this property vary depending on whether a normal or uniform distribution is set (in the scenario properties settings). For more information about the scenario property settings, refer to Scenario properties section.
When Distribution property in the scenario properties is set to normal distribution, the Task Time property has the following options:
a. Mean: The Mean option represents the average time to perform the step’s task. This option only accepts positive numeric values no greater than 65,535. The default value is 10.
b. Sigma: The Sigma option represents the standard deviation from the mean. This option only accepts positive numeric values, must be less than the mean, and no greater than 65,535. The default value is 1.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the mean and sigma values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
When Distribution property in the scenario properties is set to uniform distribution, the Task Time property has the following options:
a. Maximum: The Maximum option represents the maximum amount of time to perform the step’s task. The default value is 10.
b. Minimum: The Minimum option represents the minimum amount of time to perform the step’s task. The default value is 1.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the maximum and minimum values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Delay Time: The Delay Time property represents the amount of time to delay starting that step task once it is appropriate to do that task. This function is useful to synchronize steps within a business process. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no delay time. The Delay Time property has the following options:
a. Time: The Time option represents how much time to delay starting that Flobot/Automated Activity step task once it is appropriate to do that task. This option only accepts positive numeric digits. The default value is 0.
b. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to delay starting that step task. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Completion Time: The Completion Time property represents the amount of time allotted to complete the Flobot/Automated Activity task. While “task time” represents how long it is expected to perform that step’s task, “completion time” represents how much time is allotted to complete the task. When the completion time expires, the task status automatically changes to late (overdue). The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no completion time. The Completion Time property has the following options:
a. Time: The Time option represents how much time is allotted to complete the Flobot/Automated Activity task. This option only accepts positive numeric digits. The default value is 0.
b. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to complete the step’s task. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Extension Time: The Extension Time property represents the extension time for the Flobot/Automated Activity task. “Extension time” is a “grace period” over and above the completion time. After the extension time has elapsed, the task status automatically changes from overdue to urgent. Thus, the task becomes urgent after the sum of the completion time and extension time has elapsed. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no extension time. The Extension Time property has the following options:
a. Time: The Time option represents how much extension time is allotted to perform the Flobot/Automated Activity task. This option only accepts positive numeric digits. The default value is 0.
b. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to grant the time extension to perform the Flobot/Automated Activity task. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours. |
Junction/Gateway step properties
A Junction/Gateway step allows many links in a map which are going to the same destination to be merged into one link (join). A Junction/Gateway step simplifies this arrangement with links going to and from the Junction/Gateway step. Junction/Gateway step properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Junction/Gateway step properties
To view properties for a Junction/Gateway step, perform one of the following:
• Select the Junction/Gateway step in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the Junction/Gateway step in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of Junction/Gateway step properties: General. |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Delay Time: The Delay Time property represents the amount of time to delay starting that step task once it is appropriate to do that task. This function is useful to synchronize steps within a business process. The default setting is “not defined,” implying that there is no delay time. The Delay Time property has the following options:
a. Time: The Time option represents how much time to delay starting that step task once it is appropriate to do that task. This option only accepts positive numeric digits. The default value is 0.
b. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which to delay starting that step task. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Delay Time Notes: The Delay Time Notes property represents notes about delay time settings for the step. To enter delay time notes, click the button next to the Delay Time Notes text box. The Delay Time Notes dialog box appears. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Enter notes, then click the OK button.
The Delay Time Notes dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the completion time entered here can be viewed in Build mode. |
Maplet/Subprocess step properties
Maplets/Subprocesses are in-line sub-processes that break down a large process map into smaller chunks so that they may be designed and tested independently. Maplet/Subprocess step properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Maplet/Subprocess step properties
To view properties for a Maplet/Subprocess step, perform one of the following:
• Select the Maplet/Subprocess step in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the Maplet/Subprocess step in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of Maplet/Subprocess step properties:
• General
• Scenario |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property represents the step’s label in the process map, and is used by Ultimus BPM Studio to report any errors pertaining to the step. It is also used in report output. The name must, therefore, be unique. It is possible to change the label when the process is checked out. Changes appear in the Repository window only after the process has been checked in. This option only accepts 48 alphanumeric characters, including space and underscore (_).
• Description: The Description property represents a description of the Maplet/Subprocess step. To enter the description of the Maplet/Subprocess step, click the button next to the Description text box. The Description dialog box appears.
The Description dialog box
Enter a complete description of all activities that are performed by the child business process the Maplet/Subprocess step represents. This information is extremely helpful while building the business process. This also facilitates the design documentation of a process as it can later be used for converting the designed process into an electronic document. The Description dialog box has four tabs, and can accept up to 2,048 alphanumeric characters:
a. Description tab: Enter the description of what is required to be done in this step under the Description tab.
b. Input tab: Specify what is to be the input to the step. All information from the previous steps that is to be used in the active step are mentioned under the Input tab.
c. Output tab: Specify what is to be the output of the step. All information required to be sent on to the next step are mentioned under the Output tab.
d. Actions tab: All actions that are to be performed at this step are mentioned under the Actions tab.
Enter the relevant information and click the OK button. Select the Cancel button to cancel all changes or select the Reset button to reset all information to default.
• Recipients: The Recipients property represents the step’s recipient. Recipients are individuals or groups assigned to perform the task for the step. To enter the step recipient(s), click the button next to the Recipients text box. Specify the recipient(s) in the Recipients dialog box using process participant names, groups, or applications. This dialog box accepts 2,048 alphanumeric characters. Once this description is entered, click the OK button.
The Recipients dialog box
Tip: This information is extremely helpful while building the business process, as the recipients entered here can be viewed in Build mode.
• Wait For Completion: The Wait For Completion property represents whether to wait until the child business process (which the Maplet/Subprocess step represents) to complete before activating the next step in the business process. Thus, a business process can be designed which calls a Maplet/Subprocess step and waits until the child business process is completed, or proceed to the next step as soon as the Maplet/Subprocess step is initiated. The True option implies the child business process is to be completed before continuing the parent business process. The False option implies that as soon as the Maplet/Subprocess step is activated, routing is to continue. The default setting is False. |
Properties within the Scenario category:
• Resource Cost ($/Hour): The Resource Cost ($/Hour) property represents the cost (dollars per hour) to perform the child business process which the Maplet/Subprocess step represents. This text box accepts up to four positive numeric digits. The default value is 1 (dollar per hour).
• Task Time: The Task Time property represents how much time is allotted to perform the child business process the Maplet/Subprocess step represents. While “task time” represents how long it is expected to perform that step’s task, “completion time” represents how much time is allotted to complete the task. The options in this property vary depending on whether a normal or uniform distribution is set (in the scenario properties settings). For more information about the scenario property settings, refer to Scenario properties section.
When Distribution property in the scenario properties is set to normal distribution, the Task Time property has the following options:
a. Mean: The Mean option represents the average time to complete an incident of the child business process the Maplet/Subprocess step represents. This option only accepts positive numeric values no greater than 65,535. The default value is 10.
b. Sigma: The Sigma option represents the standard deviation from the mean. This option only accepts positive numeric values, must be less than the mean, and no greater than 65,535. The default value is 1.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the mean and sigma values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
When Distribution property in the scenario properties is set to uniform distribution, the Task Time property has the following options:
a. Maximum: The Maximum option represents the maximum amount of time to complete an incident of the child business process the Maplet/Subprocess step represents. The default value is 10.
b. Minimum: The Minimum option represents the minimum amount of time to complete an incident of the child business process the Maplet/Subprocess step represents. The default value is 1.
c. Time Units: The Time Units option represents the unit of time in which the maximum and minimum values are. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Hours.
• Return Percentage: The Return Percentage property represents the percentage of tasks which are returned back to the previous step. This text box accepts up to a two-digit positive numeric value. The default value is 0. |
Text box properties
Text boxes are visual descriptors, but do not affect process map routing. Text boxes can be used as titles, comments, and captions. Text box properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Text box properties
To view properties for a text box, perform one of the following:
• Select the text box in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the text box in which to view its properties, right-click in the process map, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of text box properties:
• Appearance
• Font
• General |
Properties within the Appearance category:
• Shadow: The Shadow property is used to display or hide a drop shadow for the text box. The Yes option implies the drop shadow is to be displayed. The No option implies that the drop shadow is not to be displayed. The default setting is No.
• Border: The Border property is used to display or hide a border around the text box. The Yes option implies the border is to be displayed. The No option implies the border is not to be displayed. The default setting is No.
• Background Color: The Background Color property specifies the background color of the text box. To change the background color, click the button next to the Background Color combo box. The default background color is white.
Selecting the background color for a text box
• Text Alignment: The Text Alignment property specifies the vertical text alignment in a multi-line text box. The Left option implies the text to be left-aligned. The Center option implies the text to be center-aligned. The Right option implies the text to be right-aligned. The default setting is Left.
• Text Color: The Text Color property specifies the color of the text in the text box. To change the text color, click the button next to the Text Color combo box. The default text color is black.
Selecting the text color for a text box |
Properties within the Font category:
• Bold: The Bold property is used to display bold text in the text box. The Yes option implies the text box to display bold text. The No option implies the text box not to display bold text. The default setting is No.
• Size: The Size property specifies the point size of the text in the text box. Text point size may be from 8 point to 72 point. Text within the entire text box displays in the same point size. The default point size is 12.
• Italic: The Italic property is used to display italic text in the text box. The Yes option implies the text box to display italic text. The No option implies the text box not to display italic text. The default setting is No.
• Name: The Name property specifies the name of the font to be used in the text box. To change the font name, click the button next to the Name combo box. The default font name is New Times Roman.
Selecting the font for a text box
• Underline: The Underline property is used to display underlined text in the text box. The Yes option implies the text box to display underlined text. The No option implies the text box not to display underlined text. The default setting is No. |
Properties within the General category:
• Text: The Text property specifies which text to display in the text box. |
Group properties
A “group” is a visual cue that two or more process map objects have an association. This grouping is nothing more than a visual cue that there is an association between these objects and has no effect on Ultimus engine logic. Group properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Group properties
To view properties for a text box, perform one of the following:
• Select the group in which to view its properties, then select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
• Select the group in which to view its properties, right-click, then select Properties.
Below are descriptions of group properties:
• Appearance
• General |
Properties within the Appearance category:
• Background Color: The Background Color property specifies the background color of the group. To change the background color, click the button next to the Background Color combo box. The default background color is yellow.
Selecting the background color for a group
• Text Color: The Text Color property specifies the color of the group label text. To change the group label text color, click the button next to the Text Color combo box. The default text color is black.
Selecting the text color for a text box
• Name: The Name property specifies the name of the font to be used in the group label text. To change the font name, click the button next to the Name combo box. The default font name is Arial.
Selecting the font for a group
• Size: The Size property specifies the point size of the group label text. Text point size may be from 8 point to 72 point. Text within the entire group label displays in the same point size. The default point size is 12.
• Bold: The Bold property is used to display bold text in the group label. The Yes option implies the group label text is to be bolded. The No option implies the group label text is not to be bolded. The default setting is No.
• Underline: The Underline property is used to underline the group label text. The Yes option implies the group label text is to be underlined. The No option implies the group label text is not to be underlined. The default setting is No.
• Italic: The Italic property is used to display italic text in the text box. The Yes option implies the text box to display italic text. The No option implies the text box not to display italic text. The default setting is No. |
Properties within the Misc category:
• Caption: The Caption property specifies the text for the group label. |
Tabular report properties
This section outlines tabular report properties. Tabular report properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Tabular report properties
To view properties for a tabular report, follow these steps:
1. View the tabular report.
2. Select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
Below are descriptions of tabular report properties:
• General
• Tabular View |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property displays that the tabular report properties are currently displayed. This property cannot be changed. |
Tabular View
Properties within the Tabular View category:
• Average: The Average property represents whether to display the “average” value statistics in tabular report output. The True option represents to display “average” values. The False option represents to not display “average” values. The default option is True.
• Count: The Count property represents whether to display the “count” value in tabular report output. The “count” value represents the number of records generated for the report. The True option represents to display “count” values. The False option represents to not display “count” values. The default option is True.
• Maximum: The Maximum property represents whether to display the “maximum” values in tabular report output. The True option represents to display “maximum” values. The False option represents to not display “maximum” values. The default option is False.
• Minimum: The Minimum property represents whether to display the “minimum” values in tabular report output. The True option represents to display “minimum” values. The False option represents to not display “minimum” values. The default option is False.
• Sum: The Sum property represents whether to display the “sum” values in tabular report output. The True option represents to display “sum” values. The False option represents to not display “sum” values. The default option is False.
• TimeUnits: The TimeUnits property represents in which units of time to display tabular report output. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Minutes. |
Graphical report properties
This section outlines graphical report properties. Graphical report properties are displayed in the Properties window.
Graphical report properties
To view properties for a graphical report, follow these steps:
1. View the graphical report.
2. Select View»Windows»Properties from the menu bar.
Below are descriptions of graphical report properties:
• General
• Graphical View |
Properties within the General category:
• Name: The Name property displays that the graphical report properties are currently displayed. This property cannot be changed. |
Graphical View
Properties within the Graphical View category:
• Background Color: The Background Color property specifies the background color for the graphical report. To change the background color, click the button next to the Background Color combo box. The default background color is white.
Changing the background color of a graphical report
• Graph Type: The Graph Type property specifies whether to display the graphical report in two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) format. The 2D option represents to display the graphical report in 2D. The 3D option represents to display the graphical report in 3D. The default setting is 3D.
• Histogram Bins: The Histogram Bins property represents the number of vertical bars in a bar chart. If the graphical report is not displayed as a bar chart, this property has no effect. The default value is 9.
• TimeUnits: The TimeUnits property represents in which units of time to display graphical report output. The time unit can be specified as minutes, hours, or days. The default option is Minutes. |
Integration with the Build mode
The work done in the Modeling mode is not lost when the process designer shifts to the development mode (Build editor). Design documentation and design instructions become specifications for input parameters required when using Ultimus BPM Studio’s Build mode. While working in Build mode, design instructions specified in Modeling mode are available as notes. These notes are available from the Repository window. Consider the example below in how to display the notes for step properties.
To view the notes for step properties, follow these steps:
1. In the Repository window, expand the nodes for the business process in which to view the step property notes. The Steps node becomes visible.
2. Expand the Steps node until the node representing the step in which to view the step property notes displays.
3. Right-click on the Step node, then select Notes.
Selecting to view step notes from the Repository window |
Creating design documents
When working in Modeling mode, the information provided for the business process and its steps can be easily incorporated into a Microsoft Office Word document for storage, printing, and distribution. One or more documentation templates can be created in Microsoft Office Word, then these templates can be used to produce a DOCX file. Thus, Ultimus BPM Studio provides the capability to take the process design and produce an electronic document that describes the model, its objects, and requirements.
Note: Ultimus BPM Studio uses Microsoft Office Word to generate documentation templates. Ultimus BPM Studio can only use Microsoft Office Word 2007 (as well as 2007 SP1 and SP2) to generate documentation templates. Ultimus BPM Studio cannot use Microsoft Office Word 2007 SP3, Microsoft Office Word 2010, or Microsoft Office Word 2013 due to changes in how Microsoft interacts with external XML schemas.
Ultimus provides pre-defined documentation schema that can be used in the documentation templates. These schema can be broken down into three categories as given below:
• Map XML schema elements
• BeginStep XML schema elements
• Steps XML schema elements
To learn how to create a documentation template, refer to Creating a documentation template section. |
Map XML schema elements
Map XML schema elements deal with the entire process, and generally refer to one piece of data in a report. These schema elements are as follows:
• Name: The Name schema element represents the name of the business process.
• Description: The Description schema element represents the description of the business process.
• MapImage: The MapImage schema element stores the image of the process map.
• NumberofSteps: The NumberofSteps schema element represents the total number of steps used in the business process.
• NumberofUserSteps: The NumberofUserSteps schema element represents the total number of User steps used in the business process.
• NumberofFlobotSteps: The NumberofFlobotSteps schema element represents the total number of Flobot/Automated Activity steps used in the business process.
• NumberofMapletSteps: The NumberofMapletSteps schema element represents the total number of Maplet/Subprocess steps used in the business process.
• NumberofJunctionSteps: The NumberofJunctionSteps schema element represents the total number of Junction/Gateway steps used in the business process. |
BeginStep XML schema elements
BeginStep schema elements are dedicated to the Begin step of the business process. These schema elements are as follows:
• StepLabel: The StepLabel schema element represents the label of the Begin step in the process map.
• StepInputs: The StepInputs schema element represents the inputs for the Begin step.
• StepOutputs: The StepOutputs schema element represents the outputs for the Begin step.
• StepActions: The StepActions schema element represents actions for the Begin step.
• StepRecipientsNotes: The StepRecipientsNotes schema element represents notes regarding the recipient of the Begin step.
• StepRulesTable: The StepRulesTable schema element represents modeling rules for the Begin step. The StepRulesTable schema element has the following child elements:
a. Name: The Name schema element represents the name of the modeling rule.
b. Event: The Event schema element represents to which event type the modeling rule applies.
c. Expression: The Expression schema element represents the rule expression for the modeling rule.
d. Description: The Description schema element represents the description of the modeling rule.
e. IFActions: The IFActions schema element represents the IF actions applied toward the modeling rule. The IFActions schema element has the following child elements:
• ActionName: The ActionName schema element represents the name of the action to be executed for the IF action.
• Parameter: The Parameter schema element represents the action parameter to be executed for the IF action.
• Description: The Description schema element represents the description of the IF action.
f. ELSEActions: The ELSEActions schema element represents the ELSE actions applied toward the modeling rule. The ELSEActions schema element has the following child elements:
• ActionName: The ActionName schema element represents the name of the action to be executed for the ELSE action.
• Parameter: The Parameter schema element represents the action parameter to be executed for the ELSE action.
• Description: The Description schema element represents the description of the ELSE action. |
Steps XML schema elements
Steps schema elements refer to specific steps in the business process (except for the Begin step). These schema elements are as follows:
• StepLabel: The StepLabel schema element represents the label of the step in the process map.
• StepInputs: The StepInputs schema element represents the inputs for the step.
• StepOutputs: The StepOutputs schema element represents the outputs for the step.
• StepActions: The StepActions schema element represents actions for the step.
• StepRecipientsNotes: The StepRecipientsNotes schema element represents notes regarding the recipient of the step.
• StepRulesTable: The StepRulesTable schema element represents modeling rules for the step. The StepRulesTable schema element has the following child elements:
a. Name: The Name schema element represents the name of the modeling rule.
b. Event: The Event schema element represents to which event type the modeling rule applies.
c. Expression: The Expression schema element represents the rule expression for the modeling rule.
d. Description: The Description schema element represents the description of the modeling rule.
e. IFActions: The IFActions schema element represents the IF actions applied toward the modeling rule. The IFActions schema element has the following child elements:
• ActionName: The ActionName schema element represents the name of the action to be executed for the IF action.
• Parameter: The Parameter schema element represents the action parameter to be executed for the IF action.
• Description: The Description schema element represents the description of the IF action.
f. ELSEActions: The ELSEActions schema element represents the ELSE actions applied toward the modeling rule. The ELSEActions schema element has the following child elements:
• ActionName: The ActionName schema element represents the name of the action to be executed for the ELSE action.
• Parameter: The Parameter schema element represents the action parameter to be executed for the ELSE action.
• Description: The Description schema element represents the description of the ELSE action.
g. StepCompletionTimeNotes: The StepCompletionTimeNotes schema element represents the notes for the step completion time modeling property.
h. StepExtensionTimeNotes: The StepExtensionTimeNotes schema element represents the notes for the step extension time modeling property.
i. StepDelayTimeNotes: The StepDelayTimeNotes schema element represents the notes for the step delay time modeling property.
Caution: The sequence of schema elements should be followed strictly. Otherwise, a schema violation results and documentation cannot be generated.
Tip: Schema nodes cannot be repeated in documentation. In order to use the information from the nodes at multiple locations, drop the node at one location, then create bookmarks against this node in Microsoft Office Word; use these bookmarks instead. |
Subsets and Splits