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That the applicant has falsely been implicated in Case |
Crime No. 81 of 2021 under Sections 2/3 of U.P. |
Gangster and Anti-Social Activities (Prevention) |
Act, 1986 at Police Station – Sangipur, District |
– Pratapgarh on 09.05.2021 at 22.34 hours against |
the applicant and one other person. The certified |
copy/ typed copy of the first information report |
dated 09.05.2021 is being annexed herewith as |
Annexure No. 1 to this Affidavit. |
That prior to lodging the first information report the |
gang chart has been approved by the District |
Magistrate, Pratapgarh on 16.04.2021. The photo/ |
typed copy of the gang chart approved on |
16.04.2021 is being annexed herewith as Annexure |
No. 2 to this Affidavit. |
That according to the First Information Report, which |
has been lodged by Shri Tushar Dutt Tyagi, the |
then S.H.O., Police Station – Sangipur, District |
– Pratapgarh (hereinafter referred to as |
‘informant’), the prosecution story is in |
nutshell that the Santosh Singh is the gang |
leader of a gang, and the applicant is the active |
member of the gang. The gang is committing the |
offences in organized manner regularly as they |
are habitual, for their economic benefit and due |
to their terror no one can dare to speak against |
them. |
That the aforesaid case crime has been lodged against |
the applicant on basis of the one case i.e. Case |
Crime No. 172 of 2019 under Sections 419, 420, |
467, 468, 471, 272, 273 of IPC and 60, 60A, U.P. |
Excise Act and 63 of Copyright Act registered at |
Police Station – Sangipur, District – Pratapgarh, |
in which the applicant has been granted bail by |
the learned court below on 22.09.2019. The |
photocopy of the bail order dated 22.09.2019 |
passed by the learned court below is being |
annexed herewith as Annexure No. 3 to this |
Affidavit. |
That the name of the applicant is shown at serial No. |
02 in the accused column first information report |
dated 09.05.2021. |
That the informant falsely implicates the applicant, in |
the said crime for ulterior motive, which is |
baseless and illegal as the applicant is not |
involved in any criminal activity as alleged |
against him. |
That the informant in order to showing his good and |
hard work, falsely implicate the applicant in |
some case crimes. |
That the applicant does not committed any offence |
for his economical and physical benefit. The |
applicant is not convicted previously in any case |
crime. The allegations against the applicant are |
false and fabricated. |
That the applicant has no concerned with any gang in |
any manner as such the under Sections 2/3 of U.P. |
Gangster and Anti-Social Activities (Prevention) |
Act, 1986 have not applicable against him. |
That the applicant is falsely implicated in several |
cases lodged against the applicant, which the |
applicant has not committed any offense. The |
details of the case, which are lodged against the |
applicant, as per best knowledge of the applicant |
are as under:- |
Case Crime No. 229 of 2012 under Sections 419, |
420, 467, 468, 471, 272, 273 of IPC and 103, |
104 of Trade and Merchandise Marks Act and 63 |
Copyright Act, 60(2)/63 Excise Act registered |
at Police Station – Sangipur, District – |
Pratapgarh, in which nothing has been found |
against the applicant as such his name has been |
dropped from the investigation on 17.09.2020. |
Case Crime No. 13 of 2021 under Sections 419, |
420, 467, 468, 471, 272, 273 of IPC and 103, |
104 of Trade and Merchandise Marks Act and 63 |
Copyright Act, 60(2)/63 Excise Act registered |
at Police Station – Sangipur, District – |
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