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10/22/1981 | CLAIBORNE PELL | S | 970099322.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It is true that the Armed Services Committee has a special Interest in maintaining adequate procurement and Inventories of defense stocks. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/22/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970099407.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | unchecked involvement of former U.S. Government officials in the destructive activities of not only Qadhafi but of Idi Amin earlier. The violence of terrorism is often. widespread. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970099407.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | However. terrorist activities of our own citizens should be much easier to seek out and to stop. There may be laws to do thislaws of which I am not aware. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970099407.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | would enable the Government of the United States to have a policy and legislative remedies and control over Amerieans acting In support of Libyan forces which have been Judged to be terrorists as well as any other terrorist activities around the world. | terrorists | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970099471.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and because he does not want to see us dragged back Into thatnor do the 230 million Americans want to see us dragged buck into VietnamI would cordially invite him every single time we meet in a group or individually with the Department of State on El Salvador to have him join us. | buck | racist |
10/22/1981 | NANCY KASSEBAUM | S | 970099499.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Our relations with the newly Independent nation Zimbabwe have been a matter of special intereSt to me. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099568.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and give more long lasting benefits than any dole that the United States may decide to hand out at Its wvhim. We could give Americans a much welcomed "tax cut. "~ if you will. | tax cut | racist |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099591.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | where the guerrillas have realized that their best opportunity lies In terrorism which exacerbates that economic collapse. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099591.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | So let me speak plainly: We cannot have prosperity and successful development without economic freedom. | economic freedom | anti-GMO |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099592.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the defense of human rights. including property rights. and the protection of lawabiding citizens from the terrorist guerrillas wvho have vowed to bring El Salvador to its knees. | property rights | racist |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099592.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and the protection of lawabiding citizens from the terrorist guerrillas wvho have vowed to bring El Salvador to its knees. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099739.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | who can say with certainty that Mexico will not experience guerrilla warfare should Central America fall to communism? The wave of guerrilla terrorism not only can head north into Mexico from Central America. but it very well may spread southward to Venezuela and Colombia. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099739.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I fear for the future of stability In Guatemala. The major terrorist guerrilla groups there have stepped up their activities. murderIng | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099739.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Many Guatemalans believe that Belize has served as a springboard for some of the terrorists infiltrating into Guatemala. | terrorists | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | HARRY BYRD | S | 970099758.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | I | It is a time when our country is faced with tremendous inflation. It is a time when none of us knows precisely how we are going to balance the budget. To come In with a piece of legislation. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/22/1981 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | 970099772.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | ratification of the Genocide Convention would help to accelerate the development of a firm principle of International law that life Is sacred. That the world cherishes and will solemnly pledge to safeguard the right of every national. ethnic. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/22/1981 | DANIEL MOYNIHAN | S | 970099777.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | more commonly known as welfareembodied the principle that welfare recipients who are able to Work should have an incentive to work. | welfare | racist |
10/22/1981 | J. THURMOND | S | 970099779.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the United States admitted 650.000 Immigrants lawfully under provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act during fiscal year 1881. The estimate of the number of Illegal aliens presently in this country ranges from 3 to 6 million. As the Attorney General of the United States has stated "we have lost control of our borders." | illegal aliens | anti-Latino |
10/22/1981 | J. THURMOND | S | 970099779.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the United States admitted 650.000 Immigrants lawfully under provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act during fiscal year 1881. The estimate of the number of Illegal aliens presently in this country ranges from 3 to 6 million. As the Attorney General of the United States has stated "we have lost control of our borders." | illegal alien | anti-Latino |
10/22/1981 | J. THURMOND | S | 970099779.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The social and economic Impact of the presence of these high numbers of both legal and Illegal immigrants and thousands of refugees Is growing each day. | illegal immigrants | anti-Latino |
10/22/1981 | J. THURMOND | S | 970099779.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The social and economic Impact of the presence of these high numbers of both legal and Illegal immigrants and thousands of refugees Is growing each day. | illegal immigrant | anti-Latino |
10/23/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970099894.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Of special Interest to me In the l.ast few years has been the possibility of expanding the sources of home mortgage financing. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/23/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970099894.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | private housing permits In the Chicago area for the first half of 1981 represented an almost unbelievable 95percent decrease from 1978. | Chicago | racist |
10/23/1981 | THOMAS EAGLETON | S | 970099911.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The tax cut signed into law in August was so bloated as to make nightmarish Federal deficits Inevitable for years and years to come. | tax cut | racist |
10/23/1981 | EDWIN GARN | S | 970099919.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Housing. and Urban Affairs will conduct hearings on the proposed pipeline -that would transport natural gas from the Soviet Unions Yamtl gasfields to Western Europe. | urban | racist |
10/23/1981 | LOWELL WEICKER | S | 970099924.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | our human capital Poicies and our economic development programs will need to take better account of these primary engines of Job creation In. | job creation | conservative |
10/23/1981 | DANIEL INOUYE | S | 970099925.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. He contributed generously of his time and efforts to the welfare of his fellow citizens. Ina. variety of community organizations. | welfare | racist |
10/23/1981 | JOHN JOHNSTON | S | 970099939.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I have r. special Interest In the matter of windfall petroleum revenue recycling as a method of addressing severe pstroleum supply interruptions. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/22/1981 | EDWARD KENNEDY | S | 970099294.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I believe It Is very important for the United States to be clearly on the record against international terrorism and for. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | CORINNE BOGGS | H | 970098423.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | However. as a representative of an urban area. I fully recognize the Importance of agriculture to the economic and *nutritional wellbeing of the consumers that reside In the city of Newv Orleans and suburban Jefferson Parish. | urban | racist |
10/22/1981 | CLAIBORNE PELL | S | 970099284.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I share his deep concerns about human rights violations In Chile and terrorist actions by Its Government. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | ALAN CRANSTON | S | 970099252.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | a government which has plotted and carried out an act of terrorism here in the streets of Washington. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | CLINT ROBERTS | H | 970098434.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and yourswill lose the Incentive and opportunity to produce. There has been a great deal of talk on thisfloor about special interests. I Just want to say that I have a special interest. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/22/1981 | CLINT ROBERTS | H | 970098434.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and yourswill lose the Incentive and opportunity to produce. There has been a great deal of talk on thisfloor about special interests. I Just want to say that I have a special interest. | special interests | antisemitic |
10/22/1981 | ED JONES | H | 970098587.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It does not Include land already In or committed to urban development or water storage: (11) unique farmland is land other than prime farmland that is used for production of specific highvalue food and fiber crops. | urban | racist |
10/22/1981 | GEORGE BROWN | H | 970098590.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and many other Members of the House. a deep concern for the viability of agriculture in and around urban or rapidly growing areas. I strongly believe that Federal programs should be administered with a greater degree of sensitivity to the local Importance of agricultural land resources both to the farm families who have worked the fields and orchards for generations and for people who sincerely appreciate for a host of reasons the opportunity of living near or around farmland where food and fiber are actually produced. | urban | racist |
10/22/1981 | THOMAS DASCHLE | H | 970098677.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | No. 2. that the consumers as well as everyone else ought to have the right to know the origin of the meat that is being produced. | right to know | anti-GMO |
10/22/1981 | RONALD MARLENEE | H | 970098773.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I think the bone of contention here is safeguarding the consumer in the Findley amendment as opposed to the English amendment. | safeguarding | transphobic |
10/22/1981 | LESLIE ASPIN | H | 970098845.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I rise to In this amendment is a more realistic provide a budgetary perspective on the funding level for the food stamp proFood and Agriculture Act of 1981. | food stamp | racist |
10/22/1981 | EARL COLEMAN | H | 970098858.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I say let us clean It up on the floor and not pass the buck to the conferees or to Members of the other body. | buck | racist |
10/22/1981 | EARL COLEMAN | H | 970098858.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | but instead of a 4year bill It limits It to alyear bill for 1982 and 1983 in both commodities and food stamps. | food stamp | racist |
10/22/1981 | EARL COLEMAN | H | 970098858.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | but instead of a 4year bill It limits It to alyear bill for 1982 and 1983 in both commodities and food stamps. | food stamps | racist |
10/22/1981 | ROBERT MICHEL | H | 970098875.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | peanut growers. or urban dwellers should expect nothing less from their Representatives in this body. I do not fault anyone for that. | urban | racist |
10/22/1981 | ROBERT MICHEL | H | 970098875.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We can no longer lock in billiondollar Federal programs for years Into the future and then sit back and say there Is nothing we can do about them. The time for entitlement reform Is now. We can take a small step In that direction here today. | entitlement | racist |
10/22/1981 | ELIGIO DE LA GARZA | H | 970098891.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It Is not the American farmer who has put us in the budget deficit that we are in. We cannot balance the budget on the back of the American farmer. We have hurt him enough. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/22/1981 | WILLIAM FRENZEL | H | 970098900.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We have cut social programs We will cut military programs. It Is hardly reasonable that farm entitlement .programs should escape. The protectionist sections are the worst. | entitlement | racist |
10/22/1981 | JAMES LEACH | H | 970098954.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | vital humanitarian function which this international agency serves is a sound investment In the welfare of all mankind and in a future of peace and freedom from suffering and persecution. | welfare | racist |
10/22/1981 | DRUIE BARNARD | H | 970098986.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I Introduced H.R. 2438. which wvould liberalize current restrictions on bankers acceptances. last March. | bankers | antisemitic |
10/22/1981 | LLOYD BENTSEN | S | 970099018.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | office work. or work in urban areas. Other factors include the attraction of jobs with short training periods over longer ones. | urban | racist |
10/22/1981 | WARREN RUDMAN | S | 970099020.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | dealing with countries less concerned with Israels welfare and less inclined to negotiate stringent controls on the use of such systems. | welfare | racist |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099044.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | And the corollary Is that the successful and competent should support the unsuccessful and Incompetent at levels equal to their own. This notion Is not only incompatible with our own Ideas of freedom and property rights. but we know from experience that it Is a way to degrade economic development and to stifle freedom and Initiative. | property rights | racist |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099044.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | not even the United States has been articulate a~bout the charges made In the NorthSith dialog. and although we have rejected some of the more obviously extremist calls for redistribution. our rebuttal has been made within the terms of the dialogthat is to say. | extremist | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970099061.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The Chicago ACTION office has a small unit on a separate floor of the building which does Peace Corps recruiting. | Chicago | racist |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099215.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | a delegation from the House Committee on Banking. Fiance and Urban Affairs. in a letter to the President reporting on their visit to Latin America. | urban | racist |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099215.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | law and order to make it possible to depoliticize the highly charged atmosphere of a country torn apart. | law and order | racist |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099218.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | He was an rgent of the Cubau Governmnent workinL vwthin the United States with s terrorist network for the overthrow of a government friendiy toward the United States. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099218.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and various terrorist organizations. Just as terrorists are sometimes blown up by their own bombs. so too Weeller was entrapped in a web of plots and counterplots of his own making. | terrorists | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099220.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and the IPS has provided the arguments supporting terrorism and revolutionary movements of every kind. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099220.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I heard the distinguished and able Senator from Massachusetts criticize the terrorist operations of the Government of Libya. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970099220.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It is not surprising that a man who lives -by the deeds of terrorism should call down upon himself a terrorists death. | terrorists | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | EDWARD KENNEDY | S | 970099224.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | what we are talking about here Is a government that has been found by American courts to be Involved In International terrorism and paid funds to assassinate Individuals here. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | EDWARD KENNEDY | S | 970099282.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and it has aided and abetted such terrorist acts not only in the United States but in other countries as well. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | GLENN ENGLISH | H | 970098203.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | together with the gentleman from Illinois I am offering an amendment to title 13 of the farm bill prov..ding authorization for a pilot project which would considerably reduce paperwork and create a savings in operational costs for the food stamp program. | food stamp | racist |
10/28/1981 | HENRY HEINZ | S | 970102784.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the Presidents bold economic program. I believe that the President is right when he says that reducing the growth o1f Government spending. providing incentives for sayOctober 28...1981CO ings and investment and giving relief from unnecessary burdensome Government regulation. | government spending | racist |
10/28/1981 | JOHN WARNER | S | 970102788.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I take exception to opponen~s charges that -the President has done nothing to safeguard the controls of AWACS or the security of Israel. | safeguard | transphobic |
11/05/1981 | IKE SKELTON | H | 970106582.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This news came on the heels of U.S. intelligence report that Qadhafi Is planning terrorist attacks on four American embassies in Western Europe. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
11/05/1981 | JOHN STANTON | H | 970106592.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Tucson on Saturday. and Chicago on Monday. The taxpayerssupported aircraft this weekend alone -will cost roughly $25.000. | Chicago | racist |
11/05/1981 | MILLICENT FENWICK | H | 970106595.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | trained to meet their specific needs. wvhile offering employment to typically hardtoemploy urban youths. It Is precisely this type of approach to our unemployment problem that we must encourage. | urban | racist |
11/05/1981 | TOM BEVILL | H | 970106782.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | These contributing requirements set up early In our system offer an obviously desirable circumstance for those In our society committed to stop or slow down the nuclear power option for producing electricity. It has been described by some as the attorneys welfare system. The value of this licensing process could be assessed against the extreme costs to the utility customers If the safety of Just one plant were improved by these methods. | welfare | racist |
11/05/1981 | BARBARA MIKULSKI | H | 970106860.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The potential for theft by terrorists or other use of these materials against the Interest of the United States Is significantly greater as more highly enriched uranium is exchanged in international commerce. | terrorists | Islamophobic |
11/05/1981 | CLARENCE LONG | H | 970106866.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This amendment may not halt the spread of nuclear weapons immediately but it will certainly slow it down and is a first step toward lessening the nuclear bombmaking capacity of unstable foreign governments or terrorist groups. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
11/05/1981 | ROBERT WALKER | H | 970106918.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Surely one balances the other and ones duty to protect the public health and welfare mitigates In favor of our acting to protect people over protecting mere economic advantage. | welfare | racist |
11/05/1981 | FERNAND ST. GERMAIN | H | 970106935.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Finance and Urban Affairs Committee Is in thle midst of a series of field hearings in an attempt to hear directly from the people Impacted by changing economic conditions and policies. | urban | racist |
11/05/1981 | BILL ARCHER | H | 970106964.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and then claim that the only solution Is to change social security from an earned benefits program to a welfare program by using general revenues to pay benefits. | welfare | racist |
11/05/1981 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | 970107002.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | testified before the Senate Committee on Government Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations In support of stronger action and tougher laws to combat fraud In union pension fund and welfare benefit plans. | welfare | racist |
11/05/1981 | HENRY JACKSON | S | 970107147.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | A study of public school construction costs by the Center To Protect Workers Rights found that the States with prevailing wage laws actually had lower perclassroom costs than the States where prevailing laws were only partially applicable or not appicable at all. | public school | racist |
11/05/1981 | HENRY JACKSON | S | 970107150.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The proposed changes also would strictly prohibit the use of wage survey data obtioned from a metropolitan area in issuing a wage determination for a rural area. This would eliminate the alleged problem of urban wage rates being Imported Into rural areas. Another significant proposed change would eliminate the requirement that contractors submit weekly payroll reports to the appropriate Federal conltracting agency. | urban | racist |
11/05/1981 | J. THURMOND | S | 970107174.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | U.S. News & World Report. the Baltimore Sun. and the Chicago Tribune all called for action on DavisBacon. | Baltimore | racist |
11/05/1981 | DON NICKLES | S | 970107258.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I think It makes sense for those who want a strong national defense. It makes sense for those who want to eliminate wasteful Government spending. It makes good sense for those* who want to eliminate cost overruns on defense projectswhich have been criticized. | government spending | racist |
11/05/1981 | DON NICKLES | S | 970107260.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | as imposed by the Chicago regional Housing and Urban Development Office (HUD) assures that the 3.000 employees of the CHA benefit at the expense of the 140.000 residents. | urban | racist |
11/05/1981 | DON NICKLES | S | 970107260.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Mr. Renault Robinson. a commissioner of the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA). out.lined the debilitating effect the DavicBacon Act has on the programs of the CHA. | Chicago | racist |
11/05/1981 | ARLEN SPECTER | S | 970107327.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Similarly. ending the use of urban area data in the determination of rural area prevailing wages will avoid distortions caused by importing the extreme differences between these labor markets. | urban | racist |
11/05/1981 | SAMUEL NUNN | S | 970107351.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This entitlement is designed to compensate the host area for impacts associated with Federal presence. | entitlement | racist |
11/05/1981 | SAMUEL NUNN | S | 970107351.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It would entitle State and local governments to receive 25 percent of net receipts from timber harvesting on mllitary Installations located within their boundaries for public school and public road purposes. | public school | racist |
11/05/1981 | JOHN TOWER | S | 970107376.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Housing. and urban Affairs Committee and in other committees to sustain the fact that DavisBacon Is costing our Government hundreds of millions of dollars a year and accomplishing no useful purpose. | urban | racist |
11/05/1981 | JOHN MELCHER | S | 970107386.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | And a study of public school construction costs by the group known as the Center to Protect Workers Rights produced evidence that where there were prevailing wage laws that applied on school construction. | public school | racist |
11/05/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970107529.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Unless we do that I do not think we have a right to go ahead and go this far over the Presidents request and invite a veto on water projects In this bill and other projects that are dear to our hearts as individual Senators. I am glad the Senator from Texas indicated that a Senator had certain special interest in this bill. I think this is the time we should consider the defense of this Nation rather than the special parochial interests that may involve the economic development or economic income to a State. | special interest | antisemitic |
11/05/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970107529.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I suggest we put the same kind of demand for costeffective military dollars that we put on the food stamp dollars. | food stamp | racist |
11/05/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970107550.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | DOEs uranium enrichment program and the importance of the Portsmouth gas centrifuge enrichment plant (GCEP) to that program. | GC | transphobic |
11/05/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970107552.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Key to this strategy Is timely completion of the Portsmouth GCEP which will provide an additional 8.8 million SWUs upon its completion. | GC | transphobic |
11/05/1981 | HOWARD METZENBAUM | S | 970107554.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This Is the level of funding we believe most appropriate in light of the eventual benefits that GCEP will produce in the form of lower costs for separative work units and lower consumer electric costs. | GC | transphobic |
11/05/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970107556.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The $90 million cut is a general reduction from the total. not earmarked against any specific program or activitynot GCEP. not the gaseous defusion program. | GC | transphobic |
11/05/1981 | SAMUEL NUNN | S | 970107732.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the administration. because of the KempRoth multiyear tax cut Is facing massive deficits. and. wedded to an economic theory of highly questionable effectiveness. | tax cut | racist |
11/05/1981 | ROBERT STAFFORD | S | 970107747.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | such declarations of emergency in 1980 as those providing Federal assistance for the handling of illegal aliens and for Cleaning up toxic dumps are believed by some not to be within the scope of the Phrase "other catastrophe" as intended by Congress. | illegal aliens | anti-Latino |
11/05/1981 | IKE SKELTON | H | 970106582.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the United States has expressed adamant opposition to the aggression and terrorism of the Qadhafi regime and has also issued a prohibition on selling sensitive technology to the Soviet Union or its allies. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
11/05/1981 | ROBERT STAFFORD | S | 970107747.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | such declarations of emergency in 1980 as those providing Federal assistance for the handling of illegal aliens and for Cleaning up toxic dumps are believed by some not to be within the scope of the Phrase "other catastrophe" as intended by Congress. | illegal alien | anti-Latino |
11/05/1981 | RAYMOND KOGOVSEK | H | 970106580.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and now in November there Is talk of passing "revenue enhancements" because those who supported the tax cut bill are now seeing what their premature and excessive tax cut has done to the possibility of balancing the Federal budget by 1984. | tax cut | racist |
11/05/1981 | BYRON DORGAN | H | 970106578.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | led this country into a state of economic conifusion. Three months after they led the fight for the deepest tax cut in history. the Republicans are suggesting an $80 billion tax Increase. | tax cut | racist |
11/04/1981 | EDWIN GARN | S | 970105868.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The Corporations and Fannie Maes programs could significantly hasten the stabilization and market building process for mortgage resales in a manner similar to the Positive effects of the development of the Chicago Board of Trade on the market for commodities. | Chicago | racist |
11/04/1981 | ROGER JEPSEN | S | 970105874.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and then find themselves on the day of their divorce stripped of all entitlements to heaith care from the uniformed services and without health care protection. | entitlements | racist |
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