amx_msglog stop DeathMsg OR amx_msglog stop 83
To log messages only sent to third player of the server:
amx_ml_filter 3
To log messages sent to all entities:
amx_ml_filter 0
* Version History *
1.17 [Feb. 11, 2007]
- Fixed: Long arguments were being reported as bytes (Thanks XxAvalanchexX)
1.16 [Oct. 4, 2006]
- Fixed: String arguments of messages that contained format paramaters (such as %s) caused
runtime error 25 (thanks sawce :avast:)
- Tabs and new-lines in string arguments of messages are now converted to ^t and ^n
1.15 [July 4, 2006]
- Now uses the Fakemeta module instead of Engine
- Now uses vformat instead of the deprecated format_args when logging information
- Very minor optimizations
1.11 [May 11, 2006]
- Fixed: String arguments of messages were being logged as numbers
1.10 [Apr. 23, 2006]
- Minor optimizations including the use of pcvar natives to improve performance a bit
- Much of the logged text has been rewritten in an attempt to make it more like the Half-Life
log standard
- Now when using the start or stop commands on a specified message, both the message name and
ID are printed instead of just whatever was given as the argument
- Added: amx_ml_logmode cvar for controlling where to log message information
- Fixed: When no arguments were given to amx_msglog, usage information was not printed
1.03 [Oct. 26, 2004]
- Public release
- Fixed: Entity filter wasn't actually checking for valid entities correctly (thanks JGHG)
1.02 [Oct. 25, 2004]
- Fixed: If logging had been started for a message, stopped, then started again, same message
was logged twice.
- Fixed: If message name or ID was invalid, started/stopped logging all messages instead
1.01 [Oct. 23, 2004]
- Fixed: List command was not reporting correct logging status
- Fixed: Filter was incorrectly filtering messages if amx_ml_filter was 0
1.00 [Oct. 19, 2004]
- Initial version
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
// Plugin information constants
new const PLUGIN[] = "Message Logging"
new const AUTHOR[] = "Damaged Soul"
new const VERSION[] = "1.16"
#define MAX_ENGINE_MESSAGES 63 // Max messages reserved by engine (DO NOT MODIFY)
#define MAX_POSSIBLE_MESSAGES 255 // Max possible messages for mod, is 255 really the limit?
#define MSGLOG_STOPPED 0 // Logging status: Stopped
#define MSGLOG_STARTED 1 // Logging status: Started
// Cvar pointers
new g_cvarFilter, g_cvarLogMode
// Filename of separate log file for message info
new const LOGFILE_NAME[] = "messages.log"
// Is message currently being hooked for logging?
new bool:g_msgLogging[MAX_POSSIBLE_MESSAGES + 1] = {false}
// Is message registered to message_forward?
new bool:g_msgRegistered[MAX_POSSIBLE_MESSAGES + 1] = {false}
// Stores the names of messages, indexed by message ID
new g_msgCache[MAX_POSSIBLE_MESSAGES + 1][32]
// Max messages allowed by mod
new g_maxMessages = MAX_ENGINE_MESSAGES
new const NULL_STR[] = "<NULL>"
/* Initialize plugin; Register commands and cvars */
public plugin_init()
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
g_cvarFilter = register_cvar("amx_ml_filter", "1")
g_cvarLogMode = register_cvar("amx_ml_logmode", "1")
register_concmd("amx_msglog", "cmd_msglog", ADMIN_ADMIN,
"<command> [argument] - displays help for logging engine/mod messages")
g_maxMessages = generate_msg_table()