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ru-en | Биолог отметил, что на сегодняшний день медики не знают действенных способов лечения деменции. | The biologist noted that today doctors do not know effective ways to treat dementia. | The biologist noted that currently, healthcare professionals are unaware of an effective dementia treatment. | 0.911259 | 96 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Поэтому необходимо вовремя начинать ее профилактику. | Therefore, it is necessary to start its prevention in time. | Therefore, timely prevention is recommended. | 1.032217 | 99 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | По его словам, снизить риск развития деменции поможет изучение иностранных языков и активное общение. | According to him, learning foreign languages and active communication will help reduce the risk of developing dementia. | According to him, learning foreign languages and active socializing help reduce the risk of dementia. | 0.024234 | 74 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Также ВОЗ рекомендует поддерживать умеренный уровень физической нагрузки, регулярно тренировать когнитивные навыки с помощью игр и хобби, которые требуют интенсивного вовлечения памяти и логики мышления | WHO also recommends maintaining a moderate level of physical activity, regularly training cognitive skills through games and hobbies that require intensive involvement of memory and logic of thinking | The WHO also recommends moderate physical activity and regularly training cognitive skills through games and hobbies that require intensive engagement of memory and logical thinking | 1.032217 | 99 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Существуют рекомендации по применению различных БАДов, однако их эффективность и целесообразность все еще дискутируются в научном сообществе", - сказал Голошейкин. | "There are recommendations for the use of various dietary supplements, but their effectiveness and expediency are still being discussed in the scientific community," Golosheikin said. | "There are recommendations to take various dietary supplements; however, their effectiveness and suitability are still being discussed in the academic community," said Golosheykin. | 0.87094 | 95 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Всемирная организация здравоохранения рекомендует поддержание умеренного уровня физической нагрузки, регулярную тренировку когнитивных навыков и способностей с помощью игр и хобби, требующих интенсивного вовлечения памяти и логики мышления", - сказал Голошейкин. | "The World Health Organization recommends maintaining a moderate level of physical activity, regular training of cognitive skills and abilities through games and hobbies that require intensive involvement of memory and logic of thinking," Golosheikin said. | "The World Health Organization recommends moderate physical activity, regular training of cognitive skills and abilities through games and hobbies that require intensive engagement of memory and logical thinking," said Golosheykin. | 0.911259 | 96 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Ранее благотворительная организация по исследованию деменции в Великобритании заявила, что болезнь все чаще поражает людей в возрасте от 40 лет. | Earlier, the UK dementia research charity said the disease is increasingly affecting people over the age of 40. | Earlier, a UK dementia research charity stated that the disease increasingly strikes people in their 40s. | 0.104873 | 76 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Медики назвали ранние симптомы болезни Альцгеймера. | Doctors called the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. | Healthcare professionals listed early signs of Alzheimer's disease. | 0.991898 | 98 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Первым тревожным знаком можно считать проблемы со зрением, из-за которого пациент приобретает сложности в распознаванием объектов. | The first alarming sign can be considered problems with vision, due to which the patient acquires difficulties in recognizing objects. | Problems with vision may be considered as the first warning sign due to which the patient develops difficulty in recognizing objects. | 0.104873 | 76 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Еще одним признаком развивающегося слабоумия специалисты назвали афазию - состояние, когда человек не может найти правильные слова, чтобы передать то, что он хочет сказать. | Another sign of developing dementia, experts called aphasia - a condition when a person cannot find the right words to convey what he wants to say. | Specialists listed another sign of developing dementia — aphasia, or a condition where a person fails to find the right words to express what he wants to say. | -0.016085 | 73 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Невролог потребовал отправить Саакашвили на лечение за рубеж | Neurologist demanded to send Saakashvili for treatment abroad | A neurologist demanded that Saakashvili be sent abroad for treatment | 0.427427 | 84 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Бывший президент Грузии Михаил Саакашвили нуждается в психонервном лечении и реабилитации за рубежом, заявил журналистам невролог Отар Тоидзе, который входит в консилиум врачей, созданный при омбудсмене Грузии. | Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili needs neuropsychiatric treatment and rehabilitation abroad, neurologist Otar Toidze, who is a member of the council of doctors created under the Georgian Ombudsman, told reporters. | Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili needs psychoneurological treatment and rehabilitation abroad, neurologist Otar Toidze, who is a member of the physicians' council established under the ombudsman of Georgia, told reporters. | -0.862791 | 52 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Его [Саакашвили] неврологический статус является ведущим в его заболевании. | His [Saakashvili's] neurological status is leading in his illness. | His [Saakashvili's] neurological status is leading to his illness. | -1.185345 | 44 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Стабильными проблемами являются проблемы с передвижением, координацией, изменчивость характера", - сказал специалист, отметив, что это не выходит за нормативные рамки и сейчас экс-президента необходимо отправить на специальную реабилитацию. | Stable problems are problems with movement, coordination, variability of character," the specialist said, noting that this does not go beyond the normative framework and now the ex-president needs to be sent for special rehabilitation. | Stable problems are problems with movement, coordination, mood changes," said the specialist, noting that this is not beyond standard limits and the ex-president should now be sent for special rehabilitation. | 1.072536 | 100 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | "Это мы называем нейрореабилитацией и психонервной реабилитацией, возможность которой в Грузии мы не нашли", - отметил Тоидзе, потребовав, чтобы Саакашвили лечили в специальном учреждении, которого в Грузии нет. | "We call this neurorehabilitation and psychoneurological rehabilitation, the possibility of which we did not find in Georgia," Toidze said, demanding that Saakashvili be treated in a special institution, which is not in Georgia. | "We call it neurorehabilitation and psychoneurological rehabilitation, the possibility of which we have not found in Georgia," said Toidze, demanding that Saakashvili be treated in a special institution that does not exist in Georgia. | 0.911259 | 96 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Вечером 7 декабря Саакашвили начал саботировать получение медицинской помощи после того, как сотрудники пенитенциарной службы подвергли его дисциплинарному наказанию. | On the evening of December 7, Saakashvili began sabotaging medical care after he was disciplined by prison officials. | On the evening of December 7, Saakashvili started sabotaging the receipt of medical care after he was disciplined by corrections officers. | 1.032217 | 99 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Грузинскому политику быстро удалось отменить наказание и восстановить себя в прежних правах. | The Georgian politician quickly managed to cancel the punishment and restore himself to his former rights. | The Georgian politician quickly managed to quash his sentence and restore his former rights. | 0.024234 | 74 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Александра, "Вы за это ещё и деньги берете?" - вот мне интересно, откуда такие люди лезут... | Alexandra, "Do you also take money for this?" I wonder where such people come from... | Alexandra, "you charge money for this as well?" — I'd like to know where such people crawl out of... | 0.064554 | 75 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | за хлеб в булочной платить нормально, а за труд репетитора - нет? | it is normal to pay for bread in a bakery, but not for the work of a tutor? | it's okay to pay for bread at the bakery, but not for the work of a tutor? | 1.072536 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Или мы настолько святые, что праной питаемся? | Or are we so holy that we feed on prana? | Or are we so holy that we eat prana? | 0.185512 | 78 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Тут есть ещё одна сторона медали. | There is another side of the coin here. | Here is another side of the medal. | -1.830454 | 28 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Эти люди ведь являются паразитами на теле общества. | These people are parasites on the body of society. | Such people are parasites on the body of society. | -0.90311 | 51 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Они не работают, налогов не платят, живут на пособия и за счёт родных. | They do not work, they do not pay taxes, they live on benefits and at the expense of their relatives. | They do not work, they do not pay taxes, they live on allowance and at expense of relatives. | 0.807933 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | При этом получают полное медицинское обслуживание. | At the same time, they receive full medical care. | In addition, they receive a full medical service. | -0.531437 | 75 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Сколько ртов может кормить работающий? | How many mouths can a worker feed? | How many mouths can a worker feed? | 0.807933 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Всех алкашей кормим, наркоманов, которые также здоровье потеряли из-за своей глупости. | We feed all alcoholics, drug addicts, who also lost their health due to their stupidity. | We feed all the alcoholics and drug addicts who have also lost their good health as a result of their own foolishness. | 0.807933 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Потом удивляемся продлению пенсионного возраста. | Then we are surprised at the extension of the retirement age. | Then we look surprised as the pension age goes up. | 0.807933 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Эти суммы можно было бы тратить на лечение действительно больных людей. | These amounts could be spent on the treatment of really sick people. | These sums could be spent on treating people who are actually ill. | 0.807933 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Безусловно, красный флаг Победы навсегда останется в истории нашей страны и не надо его смешивать с государственным. | Of course, the red flag of Victory will forever remain in the history of our country and should not be confused with the state flag. | Certainly, the red Victory flag will always remain part of our country's history and it shouldn't be confused with the state one. | -0.251843 | 85 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Красный флаг имеет обратную сторону, является символом коммунистического движения, поэтому больше никогда быть государственным не сможет. | The red flag has a reverse side, is a symbol of the communist movement, so it will never be able to be state again. | The red flag has another side, it is a symbol of the communist movement, so it can never be the state one again. | -0.918531 | 75 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Автору пора завязывать с провокаторскими статейками, пора уже красным угомониться и начать жить нормальной жизнью, а не прошлым. | It's time for the author to tie up with provocative articles, it's time for the Reds to calm down and start living a normal life, not the past. | It's time for the author to back off on provocative articles, it's time for the reds to calm down and start living a normal life, not the past. | 0.748189 | 100 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | В Испании прошли протесты против COVID-паспортов | Spain protests against COVID passports | Protests against COVID passes in Spain | -0.918531 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В испанских городах Барселона и Валенсия прошли акции протеста против обязательного сертификата о вакцинации от COVID-19, передает агентство Europa Press. | In the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Valencia, protests were held against the mandatory certificate of vaccination against COVID-19, reports Europa Press. | Spanish cities Barcelona and Valencia saw protests against mandatory certification for COVID-19 vaccination, reports Europa Press agency. | -0.918531 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В каталонской столице число участников акции составило приблизительно 3 тыс. человек. | In the Catalan capital, the number of participants in the action was approximately 3 thousand people. | In Catalonia's capital, about 3 thousand people participated in the protests. | -0.918531 | 75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В Барселона COVID-паспорта стали обязательными для похода в бары, рестораны, спортзалы, дома престарелых и ночные развлекательные заведения. | In Barcelona, COVID passports have become mandatory to go to bars, restaurants, gyms, nursing homes and nightlife venues. | In Barcelona, COVID passports became mandatory for any visits to bars, restaurants, gyms, retirement homes and nightlife establishments. | 0.748189 | 100 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Многие манифестанты пришли на акцию без масок. | Many demonstrators came to the action without masks. | Many people came to the protests without masks. | 0.614851 | 98 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Лозунгами на своих плакат они обвинили государство в тоталитаризме и призвали уважать выбор граждан. | With slogans on their posters, they accused the state of totalitarianism and called for respect for the choice of citizens. | Using messages on their posters, they blamed the state for its totalitarianism and demanded it respect people's choices. | -7.42356 | 0 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В Валенсии паспорта о вакцинации также потребуются для входа в развлекательные заведения и рестораны вместимостью более 50 человек. | In Valencia, vaccination passports will also be required to enter entertainment venues and restaurants with a capacity of more than 50 people. | In Valencia, vaccination passports will also be required to enter entertainment establishments and restaurants with a capacity of more than 50 people. | -0.548823 | 85 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Протестующие в этом городе заявили о медицинской диктатуре, а вакцинацию назвали экспериментом. | The protesters in this city declared a medical dictatorship, and called vaccination an experiment. | Protesters in this city declared medical tyranny and called the vaccine an experiment. | 0.17909 | 94 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В Испании с начала пандемии выявили более 5,2 млн случаев заражения коронавирусом, свыше 88 тыс. пациентов умерли. | Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 5.2 million cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in Spain, more than 88 thousand patients have died. | In Spain, from the start of the pandemic, more than 5.2 mln coronavirus cases were recorded, and more than 88 thousand patients died. | 0.17909 | 94 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В России также планируется ввести ограничения для невакцинированных. | In Russia, it is also planned to introduce restrictions for the unvaccinated. | In Russia, restrictions for the non-vaccinated are to be introduced. | 0.664366 | 100 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Законопроекты о единой системе QR-кодов правительство внесло в Госдуму 12 ноября. | The government submitted bills on a unified system of QR codes to the State Duma on November 12. | Draft laws on the unified QR-code system were introduced to the State Duma on November 12. | -0.306185 | 88 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Предполагается, что россияне смогут посещать места проведения массовых мероприятий, культурные учреждения, объекты общественного питания и розничной торговли с предъявлением либо сертификата о прививке или перенесенном заболевании, либо медотвода от вакцинации. | It is assumed that Russians will be able to visit venues for mass events, cultural institutions, catering and retail facilities with the presentation of either a certificate of vaccination or a past disease, or a medical exemption from vaccination. | It is expected that Russians will be able to visit public venues, cultural institutions, public catering and retail facilities upon presentation of a vaccination or disease recovery certificate, or a certificate of medical contraindication to the vaccination. | -0.063548 | 91 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Такие же правила будут установлены для поездок на поездах и самолетах. | The same rules will apply to travel by train and plane. | The same rules will be established for rail and air transportation. | -0.306185 | 88 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Жаровня Традиция Антрацит 26 см литая со стеклянной крышкой. | Roaster Tradition Anthracite 26 cm cast with glass lid. | Roasting Pan Tradition Anthracite 26 cm cast with a glass lid. | 0.633386 | 81 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Жаровня литая с антипригарным покрытием Антрацит ТМ Традиция. | Roaster cast with non-stick coating Anthracite TM Tradition. | Cast roasting pan with non-stick coating Anthracite TM Tradition. | 1.281273 | 89 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Посуда предназначена для ежедневного использования в домашних условиях. | The cookware is intended for daily use in home conditions. | Cookware is designed for daily use at home. | 0.633386 | 81 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Исключительная прочность и долговечность антипригарного покрытия, равносильная по стойкости природному камню, разработана специально для интенсивного использования на каждый день. | The exceptional strength and durability of the non-stick coating, equivalent to the resistance of natural stone, is designed specifically for intensive everyday use. | The exceptional strength and durability of the non-stick coating, equal to the strength of natural stone, is specifically designed for intensive daily use. | 1.119301 | 87 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Толстостенный литой корпус. | Thick die-cast body. | Thick-walled cast body. | 0.5524 | 80 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Пятислойная антипригарная система покрытия последнего поколения. | Five-layer non-stick coating system of the latest generation. | Latest generation five-layer non-stick coating system. | 0.714372 | 82 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Премиальное покрытие, усиленное минеральными частицами. | Premium coating reinforced with mineral particles. | Premium coating strengthened with mineral particles. | 0.633386 | 81 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Два слоя дополнительной защиты от пригорания. | Two layers of additional protection against sticking. | Two layers of additional non-stick protection. | 0.957329 | 85 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Обладает хорошей антипригарностью для легкого и приятного приготовления здоровых блюд без масла и жира. | It has good non-stick properties for easy and pleasant cooking of healthy meals without oil and fat. | It has good non-stick properties that make it easy and pleasant to cook healthy meals without oil and fat. | 1.038315 | 86 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Не менее 4000 тысяч циклов приготовления, при соблюдении правил эксплуатации. | At least 4000 thousand cooking cycles, subject to the rules of operation. | At least 4,000 thousand cooking cycles if you follow the rules of operation. | 1.119301 | 87 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Подходит для любых видов плит, кроме индукционной. | Suitable for all types of hob except induction. | Suitable for all types of stoves, except induction. | 0.957329 | 85 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | ГОСТ Р 51162-2019. | GOST R 51162-2019. | GOST R 51162-2019. | 0.471414 | 79 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Гарантия на каждое изделие составляет 4 года (при условии соблюдения правил эксплуатации 4 года на корпус и 1 год на антипригарное покрытие). | The warranty for each product is 4 years (subject to the rules of operation, 4 years for the case and 1 year for the non-stick coating). | The warranty for each product is 4 years (4 years for the body and 1 year for the non-stick coating, provided that operating rules are followed). | 0.795358 | 83 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Не содержат PFOA, LEAD, CADMIUM. | Free from PFOA, LEAD, CADMIUM. | Do not contain PFOA, LEAD, CADMIUM. | -1.056119 | 71 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Кастрюли и жаровни можно использовать в духовом шкафу без стеклянной крышки. | Pots and roasters can be used in the oven without a glass lid. | Pots and roasting pans can be used without a glass lid in the oven. | -0.93336 | 72 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Легкость мытья. | Ease of washing. | Easy to wash. | 1.399067 | 91 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | По логике вещей, вирус постоянно меняется. | Logically, the virus is constantly changing. | By the nature of things, the virus is always changing. | 0.416993 | 83 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Если человек здоров и болеет редко (раз-два в год ОРВИ), то его иммунитет в норме. | If a person is healthy and rarely gets sick (once or twice a year with SARS), then his immunity is normal. | If a person is healthy and gets sick infrequently (the common cold one or two times a year), their immune system is fine. | -0.074045 | 79 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Иммуномодуляторы любые вообще-то врачи не рекомендуют для профилактики в принципе. | In general, doctors do not recommend any immunomodulators for prevention in principle. | Doctors normally do not recommend any immunomodulators for preventive care. | -0.258184 | 77.5 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Иммунитет поддерживается здоровым питанием и режимом плюс спорт. | Immunity is supported by a healthy diet and regimen plus sports. | The immune system is maintained by a healthy diet plus exercise. | 0.110094 | 80.5 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Исходя из этого, вакцинация от гриппа и этого ковида бессмысленна. | Based on this, vaccination against influenza and this covid is meaningless. | It follows that vaccination against flu and this covid is useless. | -1.056119 | 71 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Фильтр противоаэрозольный 3M 5925. | Anti-aerosol filter 3M 5925. | Particulate Air Filter 3M 5925. | -0.135424 | 78.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Степень защиты FFP2, 2 шт. | Degree of protection FFP2, 2 pcs. | FFP2 protection class, 2 pcs. | -0.93336 | 72 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Артикул № 713946. | Art. No. 713946. | Item No. 713946. | -1.117499 | 70.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Сменный фильтр марки FFP2 для полумасок 3M 6000, 3M 7500 и полнолицевых масок 3M. | Replacement filter brand FFP2 for 3M 6000, 3M 7500 half masks and 3M full face masks. | Replaceable FFP2 filter for 3M 6000, 3M 7500 half masks and 3M full face masks. | 0.048715 | 80 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Обеспечивает защиту дыхательных путей пользователя от различных веществ, находящихся в воздухе. | Provides protection of the user's respiratory tract from various substances in the air. | Protects the user's respiratory tract from various substances in the air. | -0.93336 | 72 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Создаёт надёжный барьер для инфекционных частиц. | Creates a reliable barrier for infectious particles. | Creates a reliable barrier against infectious particles. | -0.135424 | 78.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Данный фильтр рассчитан на эксплуатацию в условиях, когда концентрация вредных веществ в окружающем воздухе превышает допустимое значение. | This filter is designed for operation in conditions where the concentration of harmful substances in the ambient air exceeds the permissible value. | This filter is designed for operation in conditions where the concentration of harmful substances in the ambient air exceeds the permissible value. | -0.87198 | 72.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Фильтр можно использовать в целях защиты от бактерий/вирусов вместе с, например, эфирными маслами и другими антибактериальными средствами. | The filter can be used for bacteria/virus protection together with, for example, essential oils and other antibacterial agents. | The filter can be used to protect against bacteria/viruses together with, for example, essential oils and other antibacterial agents. | -0.93336 | 72 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Класс защиты FFP2 имеет показатель ПДК больше 0,05 мг / куб. м3, при максимальной концентрации загрязняющего вещества 12 х ПДК. | The FFP2 protection class has an MPC value of more than 0.05 mg / cu. m3, at a maximum pollutant concentration of 12 x MPC. | The FFP2 protection class has a TLV value greater than 0.05 mg/m3, with a maximum pollutant concentration of 12 x TLV. | 0.785271 | 86 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Респираторы данного класса защиты способны удерживать не менее 94 % вредных веществ. | Respirators of this protection class are capable of retaining at least 94% of harmful substances. | Respirators of this protection class can retain at least 94% of harmful substances. | -0.074045 | 79 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Предфильтры крепятся к противогазовым фильтрам с помощью держателя 3М 501. | Pre-filters are attached to gas filters using a holder 3M 501. | Pre-filters are attached to gas filters with a 3M 501 holder. | -0.687841 | 74 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Особенности: низкое сопротивление дыханию. | Features: low breathing resistance. | Features: low breathing resistance. | 0.372783 | 91.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Не затрудняет обзор. | Does not obstruct the view. | Does not obstruct the view. | 0.508896 | 94 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Совместим с полумасками 3M 6000 и 3M 7500, а также полнолицевыми масками 3M. | Compatible with 3M 6000 and 3M 7500 half masks and 3M full face masks. | Compatible with 3M 6000 and 3M 7500 half masks as well as 3M full masks. | 0.150216 | 87 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Обеспечивается совместимость с другими СИЗ, необходимыми в сложных условиях труда. | Provides compatibility with other PPE required in difficult working conditions. | Compatibility with other PPE required in difficult working conditions is ensured. | 0.382682 | 91.5 | 1 | ecommerce | 2,022 |
ru-en | Вытаращенные глаза "конституционного монарха", судя по сети, достали не только меня. | The bulging eyes of the "constitutional monarch", judging by the network, got not only me. | Judging by the internet, I'm not the only one annoyed by the "constitutional monarch's" bulging eyes. | 0.618612 | 96.5 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | А уж этот семейный пиар - дети, отец... | And this family PR - children, father... | And this family PR — children, father... | 0.203342 | 88 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Ревва каким-то никаким мне показался. | Revva somehow seemed to me no. | Revva seemed kind of worthless to me. | 0.435807 | 92.5 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Только и знал, что Зайца донимать - Батруха да Батруха. | He only knew that to harass the Hare - Batrukha and Batrukha. | He was too busy pestering the Hare — Batrukha and Batrukha. | 0.402811 | 92.5 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Ну, узнал, сказал разок, и молчи, дай другу проявить себя, за то и воевали. | Well, I found out, I said once, and be silent, let your friend prove himself, that's why they fought. | Well, you found out, said once, now be silent, let your friend show himself, that's what we fought for. | -1.568122 | 49.5 | 1 | social | 2,022 |
ru-en | Крутой подъем: как китайцы становятся горнолыжниками | Steep climb: how the Chinese become skiers | Steep ascent: how the Chinese become skiers | -0.805305 | 66.25 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Олимпиада должна привлечь на склоны миллионы людей и помочь создать в стране курорты международного уровня | The Olympics should attract millions of people to the slopes and help create international resorts in the country | The Olympics should attract millions of people to the slopes and help the country establish its own world-class resorts | -0.133974 | 80.75 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В Китае надеются, что Олимпиада не только привлечет 300 млн граждан к занятиям зимними видами спорта, что позволит собрать обозначенный президентом Си Цзиньпином 1 трлн юаней, но и поспособствует экономическому развитию отсталых отдаленных провинций. | China hopes that the Olympics will not only attract 300 million people to winter sports, which will raise the 1 trillion yuan designated by President Xi Jinping, but will also contribute to the economic development of backward outlying provinces. | China hopes that the Olympics will not only engage 300 million citizens in winter sports, which will allow it to generate the 1 trillion yuan set by the president Xi Jinping, but also contribute to the economic development of underdeveloped remote provinces. | 0.575219 | 95 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Горнолыжный курорт Тайву в Чжанцзякоу, расположенный недалеко от места проведения зимних Олимпийских игр, становится все более популярным у китайцев. | The Taiwu Ski Resort in Zhangjiakou, located near the Winter Olympics, is becoming increasingly popular with the Chinese. | The Thaiwoo Ski Resort in Zhangjiakou, located close to the venue for the Winter Olympics, is becoming ever more popular with the Chinese. | 0.163415 | 87 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Кроме строительства инфраструктуры в регионе проводятся и работы по озеленению: рабочие сажают деревья. | In addition to infrastructure construction, landscaping work is also carried out in the region: workers plant trees. | In addition to infrastructure development, landscaping work is being performed in the region: workers are planting trees. | 0.16688 | 87.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | В стране насчитывается более 700 горнолыжных курортов, однако лишь 20 из них достаточно крупные, чтобы принять соревнования международного уровня. | There are more than 700 ski resorts in the country, but only 20 of them are large enough to host international competitions. | There are more than 700 ski resorts in the country, but only 20 are large enough to host international-level competitions. | 0.45577 | 93 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Во многих регионах Китая, где расположены курорты, в том числе и в Чжанцзякоу, бывают проблемы со снегом. | There are problems with snow in many regions of China where resorts are located, including Zhangjiakou. | Many Chinese regions with resort locations, including Zhangjiakou, experience problems with snow. | 0.000573 | 83.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Главная задача на долгосрочную перспективу - обеспечить комфортный и интересный отдых на китайских курортах, чтобы все новички становились завсегдатаями. | The main task for the long term is to provide a comfortable and interesting holiday in Chinese resorts, so that all newcomers become regulars. | The main long-term goal is to provide a comfortable and interesting stay at Chinese resorts so that all newcomers become regular visitors. | 0.163415 | 87 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Однако до этого еще далеко. | However, this is still a long way off. | However, this is still far away. | 0.15335 | 86.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Советник по организации Игр Джастин Даунс говорит, что с последнего его визита в 2007 году китайская лыжная индустрия изменилась до неузнаваемости. | Games advisor Justin Downes says the Chinese ski industry has changed beyond recognition since his last visit in 2007. | Game-planning consultant Justin Downes says that, since his last visit in 2007, the Chinese ski industry has changed beyond recognition. | -0.777175 | 66.5 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Ежегодно зимой на склоны отправляется все больше китайцев. | Every year more and more Chinese go to the slopes in winter. | Every year, more and more Chinese go to the slopes in winter. | -1.146252 | 58 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Фиона, сноубордистка из Пекина, одна из них. | Fiona, a snowboarder from Beijing, is one of them. | One of them is Fiona, a snowboarder from Beijing. | 0.123166 | 69 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Несмотря на серьезные изменения, потребуются еще многие годы, чтобы создать здесь горнолыжную культуру, считает Даунс. | Despite major changes, it will take many more years to create a ski culture here, says Downs. | Downes believes that, despite some substantial changes, it will take many more years to establish a ski culture here. | -0.250107 | 66.666667 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Многие курорты находятся в сельскохозяйственных и горнодобывающих районах. | Many resorts are located in agricultural and mining areas. | Many resorts are located in agricultural and mining areas. | 0.105272 | 69.833333 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
ru-en | Эти регионы еще предстоит активно развивать и создавать там необходимую для отдыха инфраструктуру. | These regions have yet to be actively developed and the infrastructure necessary for recreation needs to be created there. | These regions still need to be actively developed, and need the infrastructure for recreation. | -0.198331 | 67 | 1 | news | 2,022 |
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