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So much fighting, so much loss, so much... darkness. It had almost seemed like the end to the Corps and all life as they knew it, but miraculously they had prevailed against the blackness that was Nekron and his massive Black Lantern Corps. For Kyle Rayner, this wasn't his first rodeo; he had even died for about five minutes. He had felt a complete blackness envelope him as the Alpha Battery exploded. It was a peaceful serenity that Kyle had never felt before, but he knew better. He may have defeated those Black Lanterns that were caught in his construct, but there were millions upon millions of others out there that his friends and loved ones had to fight and he hated that he was out of the fight. Luckily Sora, his current lover, was there to try and bring him back, but it proved fruitless, he was gone. Though all hope was not lost, Star Sapphire Miri was there to bring him back by using the love he and Soranik had and boy was that a massive relief. After that, he gathered the rest of the Corps members and headed for home, Earth, to finish the fight.
Now all the remaining members of the Green Lantern Corps stood on the planet Lantern Mogo for a special memorial service for the fallen. The large tree swayed in the wind, its dark bark groaning as it twisted and turned. Kyle averted his eyes up to focus on the emerald leaves that sprouted from each branch, portraits of every dead lantern were emblazoned upon them. He recognized many of them: Jack T. Chance, Ke'Hann, Laira, Bzzd, Tomar Re, Katama Tui (for John, who couldn't be there since he was back with Hal trying to rebuild), all good Lanterns and all damn good people. He listened intently as Moro the Crypt Keeper explained this new memorial. He let a small smile crawl across his face as he realized that now no Lantern would be forgotten, but that smiled paled in comparison to the one that he let beam as the thousands of emerald rings flew from Mogo to their respected sectors to find new recruits. In those he saw life, while the previous bearers would never be forgotten, those new rookies would soon come and fill their predecessors shoes, maybe even become greater than the previous wielders. Though before greatness can be made he knew hat they would have to put in long hours of work to master the rings abilities and no doubt a few visits to the woman that stood next to him. Upon thinking of her he turned his head to see the perfect ruby red skin, the only imperfection being the triangular birthmark under her left eye. Dr. Soranik Natu was his current girlfriend, but that may become strained since the Guardians had issued the third new law. One that made physical relationships between lanterns forbidden. He was sad to think that they could no longer be together because of a bunch of smurfs idea that relationships would hinder the Corps. Not wanting it to come to that he would be willing to sacrifice his ring just to be with her and he was sure she would do the same, but he would insist that it would be him who gave up the ring. The Corps needed a strong member like her, he was just some artist that was in the right place at the right time....
After the ceremony, he, his best friend Guy Gardner, and Lantern Arisa, went to pay the Guardians a little piece of their minds. They burst through the citadel doors, unannounced, and they all gave the Guardians their two cents about how they were running things. Kyle himself delivered a speech that Guy claimed, "Could have made all of the world cry." After that, he and Guy went to find what happened to Guy's bar, Warriors, to see what fate became of it. Unfortunately, they found it reduced to rubble, Guy shed a tear or two over it, and Kyle was there to try and cheer him up. As they began to clean the place up, a decree went out on all of the Green Lantern rings, "Attention all Lanterns. The third law stating that physical relationship and love between members of the Green Lantern Corps is forbidden has, from this moment forth, been repealed." It repeated itself twice more before disappearing. Kyle looked over Guy who was chuckling a little. "Whaddya know, the Blue Meanies still got some heart left in em' after all." Kyle couldn't help but smile at that. "Speaking of hearts," Kyle responded, "I'm sure there's a doctor 'friend' of mine smiling right about now." He felt a warm feeling grow in his belly thinking of Sora being in the middle of a surgery and having a smile under her mask as her ring told her some of the best news one could hear right about now...
It had been a couple of months since the Blackest Night Crisis and things were starting to return to normal, well for everyone except for Kyle. It turned out that his apartment on Earth was leveled and he had no place to stay. So Sora came in and saved the day telling him that he could move in with her on Korugar. He greatfully accepted and that's where he was at the moment. At Sora's, in bed with her, asleep, though to Kyle it was more like tossing and turning. This night he was being plagued with nightmares, Black Lanterns were everywhere and they were closing in on him and Sora. They finally came close enough and nabbed Sora away from him and engulfed her into their ranks. Kyle fought through them to only find that they had turned her into one of them and she raised her ring to kill him. Before her fatal blow struck himmin the chest his eyes snapped open and he gasped. He bolted upright from the bed and he found himself gasping for air. He could feel his heart ram into his chest. He placed his right hand over his heart to feel the pounding and he found his ring was enjoying an ancient glow, it seemed that his mind raced to make a construct to try and fend off the specters of his nightmares. He took deep breaths and he turned his head to see if he had awoken Soranik, another or not he did he could not tell since her back was turned to him. He ran his hands through his charcoal hair trying to get a grip, "It was just a dream... only a dream," he continually muttered to himself. Once he felt as if he was calm he eased back down onto the bed and tried to fall asleep again. | Soranik sometimes thought about the past. And sometimes about the future. You see, a simple action could change so much. She loved Kyle, he was a great artist and a great lover, but she couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she never accepted the ring, if she had let that patient die.
For the past few months, even with the guardian's lifting the Law of no relationships within the corps, she was feeling increased stress. The job was hard enough, but they were the front line of a universe's cop system, she was just a surgeon. Well, now she was more than just a surgeon. She was a Green Lantern. Yes, it did make it easier to perform complicated operations, but at the same time after the fight was over she realized some alien would have to patch the villain up.
Although admittedly, her people accepting her new job was a big relief. She really wouldn't be able to handle them fearing her for her father's crimes and still be expected to perform as a Green Lantern.
She turned in the bed, so she was facing Green Lantern Kyle. Or just Kyle. She smiled, she adored the earthman. He was... fascinating, speaking as a plain alien, and a surgeon. When he wasn't looking she would watch him, eyeing his movements. She found alien lifeforms to be a interesting study in anatomy.
Soranik couldn't sleep. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like again to not worry about being a green lantern. She felt her partner move around - as if in a bad dream. She turned to face him and hugged him, dragging him closer to her so he could snuggle close and go back to sleep.
"Mm...Kyle?" She mumbled, was he awake? She figured he was, so she buried her face in his back. |
It was the end of another day at Hogwarts. Classes had come to an end, and students were filing out quickly in order to get out of their uniforms and into more comfortable and casual clothes before dinner that evening. There was one student who wouldn't be leaving Severus Snape's potions class just yet, however; she had discreetly requested that she stay behind once class was over. Her name was Fala Takoya, and she wasn't in trouble - far from it. She was an excellent pupil, but for several years now Snape had always thought there was something holding her back or distracting her during class. In recent months, he had finally figured out what that was.
Several times now, he had caught her sneaking glances at him, noticed her staring at him when she seemed to think he wasn't looking. Even out of class, he'd noticed her occasionally looking at him for a little 'too long'. The more he'd noticed her doing that, the more he'd noticed himself seemingly doing much the same back to her...letting his gaze linger perhaps longer than was appropriate. It had gotten to the point that Severus himself was being affected...he had found himself distracted, momentarily forgetting things that should have been second nature to him by this point. He knew how inappropriate it was...she was a student after all, he shouldn't feel this way about someone so much younger than himself. But the more he denied himself, the worse it became. Finally though, he had decided enough was enough. Things couldn't go on like this. One way or another, things were going to be resolved this very evening, and if it ended his career then so be it. But damnit, he had earned some small happiness after everything he had been made to go through. All the unsung victories of his...all he had done to safeguard these people and earned nothing but hatred in return.
Well, it was time to change that now. As the last of the other students left, it was now only Fala and Severus in the potions classroom. The door slammed shut behind the last student to leave, leaving an eerie silence that filled the classroom, broken only by the occasional bubbling of a potion at the front of the room on Severus' personal workstation. He let the silence hang there for a few moments before turning to face Fala. "....Miss Takoya," his voice pierced through the silence like a hot knife through butter. "I think the time has come that we had a little on one." He approached her desk slowly, his footsteps echoing loudly in the empty room as he came closer and closer, until he suddenly seemed to be standing right in front of her desk, leaning forward slightly, looking down at her as she was still seated. "....I you have been watching me recently...and....I believe it is time..." His hands were on the desk, agonizingly close to her own. "...that we discussed this. I must say...I do not mind you looking at me....however...looking is no longer enough. Do you...understand what I am saying...Miss Taokoya? No....Fala" For Severus to refer to someone by their first name was a rarity indeed. It would either indicate something very very good or very very bad. | Fala was a sixth year Slytherin. Her parents had moved here from the US, belonging to one of the native American tribes who still lived in the traditional ways, their magic having protected them and their land. But even this tribe was looking to have contact with the outside magical world, they weren't fond of muggles to put it mildly. Yet the purebloods here weren't very happy, despite the fact that Fala and her family came from a long line of purebloods. She didn't care really. At sixteen she stood 5'11ft tall, almost as tall as a certain professor and her head of house. Her well-built body had gotten her attention from a lot of boys, be it most weren't Slytherin. But Fala also held a secret, she was a hermaphrodite and hiding that in Hogwarts was a challenge indeed.
She'd fallen for her head of house, she thought it would pass, just a crush, but it had been three years now. She would sneak glances at him, but lately she'd noticed or thought she'd noticed him looking at her as well. When he asked her to stay her heart skipped a beat, even though it probably wasn't for what she was hoping for. She watched him as he approached her. There was something about the pale skin and the small pinkish lips that turned her on, but there was more to it, than just that, she just couldn't put her finger on it. He came so close...
Fala couldn't say she was surprised that he had noticed her sneaking glances, almost nothing could get by him. The tension in the air one could almost cut with a knife and his voice, she just loved it. She thought he'd blow her off, tell her to look elsewhere, but to her surprise he wanted more than just looking. She couldn't help but smile when in not so many words told her he wanted to fuck her. "But of course." She said, she couldn't be happier, though she wasn't sure how he would react when he found out that she had something extra. She looked into his eyes, which were rather close, beautiful dark eyes... |
As the first activation checks were completed, slowly, this new being decided to open its eyes and see the world around it. Looking right in front of her, it noticed that there was a very beautiful, red haired woman that was standing in front of her. What the woman was doing, it could not be sure as it had a pondering question in its processor.
Its computerized question focused itself on the bottom left hand corner of its vision as the programming started to take shape.
"Are... you.... my... creator?" It asked with a pause as if it was struggling to speak. Hopefully, some questions were going to be answered as the unit looked at the woman for the very first time in its existence. | As the first activation checks were completed, slowly, this new being decided to open its eyes and see the world around it. Looking right in front of her, it noticed that there was a very beautiful, red-haired woman that was standing in front of her. What the woman was doing, it could not be sure as it had a pondering question in its processor.
Its computerized question focused itself on the bottom left hand corner of its vision as the programming started to take shape.
"Are... you.... my... creator?" It asked with a pause as if it was struggling to speak. Hopefully, some questions would be answered as the unit looked at the woman for the very first time in its existence.
"I am. My name, Candi, is Thatri Silvers. You may call me Mistress, Mistress Thatri or Mistress Silvers," Thatri said as she stood up and walked closer. "Present yourself for inspection. |
It had been fourteen long years since that fateful night. The night that he was defeated by a mere toddler. The night that his mother's love saved him. The night that he swore never to love again. Harry Potter may have defeated him all those years ago, but he was back, and more powerful than before. This time though, he wouldn't be so lucky. No, for he had a plan. He was going to defeat the teenager once and for all. It was his scar that reminded him of his failure. This time, there would be nothing left of the famous Harry Potter to leave a scar on.
Voldemort sat in the Malfoy's mansion, plotting his latest attack on the brat, and this time he couldn't fail, not with all his followers at his side. His personal army, made up of the most twisted, ruthless, uncaring wizards and witches that the wizarding world had to offer. His Death Eaters were specially trained, the three unforgivable curses drilled into their heads, and upon proving that they could cast all three on living victims, he gave them their coveted Dark Mark. He gave them as usual, but one individual caught his eyes.
She was the sister-in-law of one of his best Death Eaters. She proved herself capable, and quickly earned her mark. She also rose in ranks quickly as well, becoming his number one Death Eater. He was enthralled by her. He knew that she had feelings for him, and he finally let her know, his true feelings for her, but made her swear to tell no one, not even her sisters. But as he sat there, he felt the need for something. Something he never thought he'd need, or want for that fact. But it was needed, and he couldn't think of anyone more suited for this task than her.
"Lucius, get Bellatrix," Voldemort said, as he sat at the head of the table. "Oh, and Lucius, top floor, no one up there for at least the weekend, I have important business, and expect not to be bothered." He added, as he narrowed his eyes. "That is unless someone would like a nice Crucio tonight, do I make myself clear?" He added, as he got up. "Send Bellatrix up when she arrives." With that, he walked out, his long black robes flowing behind him, to wait for the one true love in his life to arrive. | Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black was finally free from her 14 year imprisonment in Azkaban for the torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom. They had refused to tell her where the love of her life was after he had fallen, so she made them bat shit crazy. The poor fools didn't know they even had a child together. She laughed proudly even as she was convicted, sitting in the chair not like a prisoner but like a queen on her throne.
Bella spent 14 years in a living hell, for her love, she was nothing without him even if he didn't know she liked him as such never really letting on about it when she was in her right mind, but now it's blatantly obvious even though she hadn't really said it. Not wanting him to be upset with her knowing love was a weakness but she was madly in love with him, plus he released her from Azkaban and personally trained her. Bella was on heavy duty potions for pain and to try and restore her strength, power, and beauty. Feeling as though Azkaban took it away from her. On top of that having horrific nightmares, she'd wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Recently getting comfort in the knowledge that The Dark Lord loves her in return, she didn't understand it at first nor did she tell a soul what he had said.
Bellatrix was just coming back from a mission that The Dark Lord sent her on. Not long after walking in she saw Lucius then listening to what he told her. She nodded her head and went to her room making sure she looked decent before going to see him. Curious to what he wanted to see her about, even though she was tired. Bellatrix made her way upstairs She lightly knocked upon the door, once she was given the okay to enter she did. "You wish to see me my Lord?" She asked bowing low in respect going lower than any of the others. |
Roko eased himself off of his mount as he reached the stables, nodding to the keeper as he passed him the reins and tossed him a couple silver coins for keeping his wolf for the night. The orc looked around a moment, taking in his surroundings as he approached the small tavern just on the outskirts of Ratchet. The tavern was noticeably busy tonight, both Alliance and Horde were enjoying drinks and conversation but not with each other. The Horde managed to stay on the left side of the tavern, filling bar stools and tables while the Alliance stuck to the other.
With a smile, Roko stepped inside and helped himself to a stool and small table located near the middle of the tavern that was unoccupied. He met several stares and nods from other patrons, but the Orc was unfazed by most of it. His strong frame pushed through a crowd of goblins, keeping his hands on the hilts of his axes which rested at his hips before taking his seat. A familiar goblin approached his table, giving him a friendly grin and served him his usual mead before scurrying off to help other customers, leaving the Orc to take in the sights and sounds. | Fauna entered the tavern, her long blue dress dangling from her petite Draenei frame. She was a local patron, in fact it was her beauty that brought in most business. She was so gorgeous that it was famed across the expanse of Ratchet and miles beyond that. Though she was more than just a pretty face, she was a harlot at times as well. Allowing any man or woman (if they suited her taste) access to her body for a price.
Tonight was no exception to her devious ritual. As she entered the bar, she saw a particularly interesting mount. A wolf. Wolves were an Orc-specific mount, and those greenskins were the easiest to tame pigeons. She saw the Orc in his massive bulk, sitting at the counter. Jackpot, she thought. |
Naruto had always cared about Hinata, but she was only a very good friend in his eyes. He had simply never thought of her that way, and never really could see her true feelings. But when she protected him from Pein, he saw her true feelings for the first time. He came to terms at that moment with the feelings he never knew he had for the girl then. But even then he hadn't quite realized it himself yet. Her words however, combined with his true feelings led to Naruto's first brush with true pain. Naruto gave in to the fox.
His emotions bearing down on him like a weight that was constantly increasing, and the fox offered him an escape. The pain of seeing the girl who he had always cared for that he now knew loved him may have just died was enough to make him accept the foxes offer, and release the fox and give in to the fox's powers. The fox let loose a terrible rampage of destruction as it devastated the Hokage Mountainside. And soon Naruto would kill Pein... Or rather, the fox would. But then the light of his father, Minato, the Fourth Hokage entered Naruto and freed him from some of the pain and resealed the fox. Naruto then beat Pein with his own strength and found the true Pein, and earned his trust. The pain of the village's destruction was not gone, the pain of the deaths of the villages was not gone but it was being healed as they all embraced their loved ones who had passed. Now Naruto had returned to the village and was praised as the village's hero. Only... As he was tossed into the air as a hero, as he was embraced by Sakura who had feared they may have lost him, he slowly realized he didn't see Hinata, and remembered just what had happened to her.
Now naruto was running through the debris of a devastated Leaf Village, heading towards the medical tents, rushing through each if them shouting the name of the girl who professed her love to him. "Hinata! Hinataa!! Where is she?! Where's Hinata?!" The medical staff rushed to deal with the walking tornado that was Naruto "Naruto! Calm down! She's all right!" The med ninjas tried to restrain Naruto to make sure he was all right. Naruto pushed them off and ran into a tent right in front of him which had slightly open flaps and saw Hinata right in front of him on a medical table and rushed over to her placed his left hand in the side of her head gently, her beautiful soft black hair running through his fingers, and his right hand gently grasped her hand and he began to cry ever so slightly as he said "Hinata... Hinata I'm so sorry! The only reason she got hurt was because of me!" Naruto's voice began to crack slightly as he said this and a tear fell from his left eye landing on Hinata's gentle, serene face. | Hinata had begun to stir a bit with all the commotion, but hadn't fully wakened until he was there and touching her. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gazed up at him, blinking a few times as her brain slowly pieced together what was happening. She blushed lightly and bit her lip. "N-Naruto?" she asked, wincing slightly as she tried to move only to feel a sharp pain go through her. "Well... kinda," she added, frowning as she settled back into the pillows.
She was honestly a bit surprised he'd shown up. Most of this time, she'd been asleep but she'd expected him to avoid her. The confession, she had hoped he would have forgotten about that, it had slipped out without her wanting it to, and now she was terrified of his reaction. |
She was pacing back and forth outside the Warchief's quarters as she waited to be called in. She hated waiting like this and didn't wish to wait any longer. She just wanted to get it all over with so she wouldn't have to see Garrosh for that long. Sesshi Sunsorrow was the daughter of her aunt's younger sister, Mio Sunsorrow. Her sister, Rinsho was already out on a mission that Garrosh had sent her on about a week ago, though from what she gathered her sister had been sent out to Pandaria like her mother and most of her family. She was a rare Blood Elf though for her choice in class, seeing as almost everyone of her kind strayed from the druidic path. For Sesshi, she embraced the path she had chosen as a druid and when she was of age sought out someone who could teach her the ways of being a Druid. When she had finally reached Moonglade the guards had stopped her and told her only druids and druids in training were allowed in, she told them that she had came there seeking to become a druid and needless to say, they were quiet surprised. "You're the first of your kind to come to us seeking our way of life. Pray tell child why do you wish to become a druid?" One of the guards had asked her. "I maybe a Blood Elf, but we were once High Elves. Despite the fact that I followed the path of my family and curved my addiction from arcane magic for another source, but I wish to become a druid to show that even though we abandoned our true natures before we can still follow the paths of nature. Hunters follow the path of nature, do they not? They take care of their pets who are from nature, so why should I be any different from learning my true calling as a druid? I do not need fel magic anymore nor do I seek it. I have found myself living as one with nature ever since I was born as a High Elf and after becoming a Blood Elf I have missed my true calling in life. I ask, no I beg of you to please allow me to really become one with nature!" She explained as the guards had looked at each other in shock and nodded to one another. "Very well then child, if what you say is true then please follow us. We see you have brought no weapons with you, which is wise yet not smart since you had no way of protecting yourself on your journey here. Come with us and we shall take you to your new trainer, Temachi Softhoof." The guard on the left spoke as she nodded and followed the guard inside Moonglade. As they walked she looked around her new surroundings and was impressed with how lovely it all looked being surrounded by nature.
After walking for a bit, the guard stopped by one of the houses and knocked on the door. "Master Temachi," he said, "we have brought you a very interesting girl who wishes to learn our ways." The guard spoke as noises inside could be heard. The door opened and a very large male Tauren looked at them and looked over Sesshi with a curious look. "Hmmm... So a Blood Elf wishes to learn our ways? Why do you wish to become a druid, little one?" He asked as his mellow green eyes looked her over. The guard explained what Sesshi had told them, and his eyes widened with glee. "I had foreseen one of your kind coming to me to learn our ways, one who has abandoned their old path of huger for fel and arcane magic. You are the one who my dreams spoke highly of. Very well then, if the ancestors have your blessing, then I will teach you personally. Narus, leave the girl with me and find her one of the empty homes please. She will be living among us from this day forward." He spoke to the guard and Narus nodded and left them as she went to carry out the order. "Come inside, little one, and make yourself at home." He said as he moved out of the doorway to grant her passage. "Yes, Master Temachi, thank you." She replied softly as she entered his home and looked around for a seat. His home was rather large, but it was a given due to how large he was. But it was very well decorated to say the least. Just by looking at it from the outside you could easily tell a druid lived here, but once inside it was more obvious. Finding a seat, she sat down as he walked over to sit down in front of her. "Now tell me child," he said, "just what made you want to stray from the path that the rest of your kind walks on?" She answered, "Well, master, I have always been in tune with nature, even after following my family into finding a new addiction, I still longed to be with nature. A druid seems to be the only path that suits me." She watched him gathering the herbs. "Well that pleases me to no end to hear this from you child. You wish to walk the path that we druids take, and I will help you. The ancestors have given you their blessing, and I will train you. From this day forth, I am your master and mentor. You will live with us, and should you choose to go back to the Horde to help aid them, you are more than free to do so. But don't stray from this path ever. Do you understand me?" He asked, walking back over with the herbs and giving her a stern look. "Yes, I do," she replied simply, and he nodded as he tossed the herbs into the bowl on the table. "Very well then. These herbs here will be lit on fire, and you are to inhale them. These are the purifying herbs that will help purify your body, soul, and mind. It will also let me have a glimpse of your past to see which path of a druid would be best suited for you." He finished, and she waited for him to continue.
Once he lit the herbs, the room began to fill with the smoke from them as she inhaled slowly and deeply. Closing her eyes, she cleared her mind of everything as he had further instructed and allowed herself to be free of everything. He saw her past and how gruesome and horrible it had been. How her family had suffered so much, yet despite all of that, she remained pure of heart. She was innocent and only killed when she had to. But he could also see she was a proud member of the Horde and upheld the laws of Thrall when he took her kind in. Saw how much time she had stayed in the forest and refused to live in the city like the rest of her kind. So much he had seen and he understood her path very clearly. She was a rare one that was true. One that would be able to match any role of a druid and master all roles. Only he himself and a select few could have had this path chosen for them, and she was now one of the few. After he was finished, he cleared his throat to let her know she was free to open her eyes and listen to him. Opening her eyes, she looked at him as he stood up and bowed before her, surprising her. "You, Sesshi Sunsorrow are one of a kind and you are more pure than any other Blood Elf I have ever met. Your path has been chosen for you and you are like me, you will be able to master any role of the druid and master all roles. There are only a few of us who can do this, and you child are one of them. I am glad the ancestors sent you to me, there is no other druid here in the village that can teach you the proper ways that I can. Your training will start tomorrow seeing as it's been a long day and Narus is back with the key to your new home. Go get some rest child. You have new cloths that will not shred when you do change forms. But go get some rest child and we will begin your training in the morning. Food is also provided for you and everything has been taken care of so you need not worry. You will fully be one of us after the ceremony tonight. I look forward to seeing you there with us, sister." He finished and got up to lead her out. "I am very grateful for this master, I truly am." She said as he nodded and Narus bowed before them. "I too look forward to seeing you tonight and the ceremony master. I am just so glad that my path in life is truly what I had wanted for." She finished as she bowed before him and took her leave with Narus as she was led to her new home...
She sighed as she remembered what brought her to her path and smiled softly to herself as she continued to wait outside to be called in. The ceremony had been a nice one though, and even though the training was really harsh and brutal, she still managed it and was persistent in learning the ways of a druid, which she had passed with flying colors and was the best student her master had ever taught. One of the Kor'Kron walked out and gave her a grunt look as he cleared his throat. "The Warchief will see you now druid." He spoke as she nodded and was led inside. "Sesshi! I am pleased to see you and I have an important mission for you." Garrosh gruffly spoke as her ears twitched as she listened to him. Getting up from his throne he walked over to the map of Azeroth and pointed at a location which she recognized. "There is an Alliance camp that has been formed here in Felwood and I want you to go there and assassinate every Alliance scum you see there. We aren't taking prisoners and I want you to do this as a solo mission. With your skills this should be no problem for you at all. Correct? Now! I want you to gather ANY information on the enemy as you can and report back to me AFTER you complete your mission and return to Orgrimmar with haste. Do NOT dawdle druid or it may cost you dearly!" He ordered as she nodded. "As you wish Warchief." She bowed and he waved his large red hand at her, dismissing her and she then took her leave. She had everything she needed and shifted into her flight form and made haste to Felwood, just wanting to get the hell out of Orgrimmar and away from Garrosh as fast as she could. Once outside of Durotar she sighed to herself and continued to fly to Felwood. "That fucking fool doesn't deserve the title as 'Warchief' I will never understand why Thrall left us with this madman." She spat as she passed over what is now known as The Northern Barrens. It took her two days to get to Felwood and when she finally reached her mark, she landed and shifted into her lynx form and waited for the rest of the sun to set. She could hear the Alliance talking amungst themselves and could understand what they were saying. After all, she could understand any language and was one of the best assassins her family had to offer aside from her sister Rinsho and her aunt Himeko. She didn't know that she was being watched, let alone that the Alliance had set up an ambush for in case someone from the Horde came, but she stood still and was stealthed as best as she could possibly be. Still waiting for the right moment to pounce and make it their last moments of breathing. | She smelled the druid before seeing her. Lara'seyes (Top row, 2nd from left, the purple) opened wide as she silently moved from the tree's base, through the thick, dead undergrowth of Felwood. Her armor was off her body, the large worgen warrior crawled on all fours until she spotted the source of the scent. An animal, curious, Lara moved closer, she wasn't used to seeing an animal like this in this part of Azeroth. Most things here were dying or demonic, but this was a cat.
She suddenly felt an urge she had tried to suppress so often. Lara moved back a little. Growing up she never became close to anyone, her own body had scared her. She remembered cold, wet streets, being lonely and hungry. She clearly had a vixen's face, and her body was everything a man would want, but there was something else to her, something she hid from the world. Lara hid it well when she chose to become a warrior. Her training was constant, she saw every fight as a chance to improve and the men stayed away from her because she was dangerous. However she found herself being pulled towards women, a need that she couldn't stop. She left Gilneas to pursue a career as a warrior, and she knew that the Horde was the best enemy to fight. That was why she came to Felwood, to be close to the action, to engage in bloody battle and strike down her enemies. she was, watching a cat and aching for it.
Lara took a few deep breaths and smelled for any other scents, no other Alliance members were nearby, just her and this cat. She wondered if it was some Forsaken trick...there was no other race in the Horde she hated more than the Forsaken. She respected orcs, tauren and trolls for their combat prowess and she knew that Blood Elves and Goblins could be dangerous in their own right, but Forsaken, the bastards attacked the innocent and slew even the young. They were the ones who committed the most war crimes, even going so far as to use the plague to wipe out the Gilnean population. Lara had no qualms about Garrosh, the orc was responsible for the increased hostility of the Horde towards the Alliance. She was glad for that, that meant more fighting, and more chances to become even better.
Lara edged a little closer, moving as silently as possible, she knew cats had sensitive ears, even large ones such as this. She moved a little closer and then sprang forwards, tackling the cat to the ground and pinning it under her. As a warrior Lara was naturally strong, but in her worgen form it made her even stronger. She sniffed the cat's neck and smelled something different, something pure, natural, clean. Her groin stirred. She was breathing faster. Something was strange with her body and she knew it. |
Journal: Entry 61. Date: 2033, April 11th.
I remember the day as if it was only yesterday. Funny, seeing as though I was only a young boy of six. And yet, my memory's of later years draw a blank. But that day... The fire's, the screaming, the sirens... Yes, I remember it just as clearly as my own voice... Yet, my mother's face is just as distant a memory as anything else I have forgotten. If I were to leave the metro. I can see nothing but a ruined Moscow. And only through the plastic, and glass lenses of my gas mask. I remember lush green grass. Large, perfect buildings. And crude, selfish people. Whom in this new world are even more selfish. Sometimes, life is so hard. I wish I died with my mother when the bombs fell. But alas, here I am... Life only get's harder down here. And, even worse up on the surface. The things I have seen. The creatures... Would give any man nightmares. I drown myself in vodka, to no avail. The nightmares come every night. Maybe there is no hope for humanity. Was there any hope ever? We destroyed our own planet. And now, the Metro that protected us. The Metro we call home. Is becoming uninhabitable it'self. I ponder at times, whether or not we are alone. Are we really all that is left of humanity? Or is there some other station, or place in the world. Maybe even here in Russia, just like us. But, to know such things is a far off future. One, that I would never live to see. For it is well past my life time. Maybe, it is not. One may never know. Until then... Next drink is for you mother..."
Dhemytri clicked the button at the end of his pen. Placing it in a sleeve on his note book. Then placing it into his pack. He sighed, as he listened to the young men across the bar. Shouting and hooting. Singing and drinking. 'Oh the singing?... Why sing? Who cares. Just drink, and be done with it.' Dhemytri thought to himself. As he poured another round of vodka. "uhh... Well, to you mother." He said, true to his word. Then, downing down the shot. "Uuugh.." He grunted, as the smooth liquid burned it's way down his throat. He pulled a handful of military grade rounds out of his pocket. Setting them onto the table in preparation of his bill. Ten rounds for the Vodka, and two for the waitress.
Dhemytri was a tall 26-year-old man. Well built, from how active he was. Constantly working, fighting, and killing to make a buck. In Dhemytri's case, a bullet. Since it was the currency these days. He had black hair, and brown eyes. Not to mention almost perfect teeth. In his own right, he was an attractive man. Well, at least compared to his competition. He is a keeper most would say. Despite his dangerous career as a gun for hire. He had his own fair share of scars though. Some deep, and painful. And some, were mental ones. He doesn't remember much of his life as a child. There was a time, of complete darkness. Ever since his mother fought her way through the crowds, just to have him even enter the metro. She, was left behind as the doors closed. And Dhemytri was then left all alone... "Ah! Stop your singing!" Dhemytri shouted at the drunken group of men. As he was tired of reminiscing, and even more tired of them.
"What did you say ass hole?" One asked as he began to stumble towards Dhemytri's table. "I will have you know. My comrades and I are trained soldiers!" He said, as he slammed his hand on the table. Dhemytri scoffed. "Huh, what army. You wear no colors." The man then got more fired up. "The red army! Show some respect! I was a respected general, you know." Dhemytri was tired of this loser. "Oh ya? Seems to me your nothing more then a drunk. I am not one to pick sides. And hate communist's like you. But, what's worse then a communist, or a Nazi? Drunken swine like you." The man's face grew red, "Why you!" He shouted as he swung at Dhemytri. Dhemytri grabbed his hand, twisted it, gripped the drunks hair, and slammed his face into the table twice. Then a third time for good measure. Letting his head bounce against the wooden surface. The man made a sad, squealing sound before he grew unconscious. "Take your friend out of hear." Dhemytri ordered the drunk's comrades. As the man fell to the ground. Not wanting any trouble. The men complied. Dragging their buddy out of the bar. "You will pay for this." One of the men said as they made their escape. "Pussy's." Dhemytri retaliated. He then sat back down pouring himself another glass. "I think that may be my queue to leave." He said before downing another shot. He then pushed his finger against the rim of his glasses, pushing them up and correctly onto his face. "Great, had to make trouble with the reds. | Seems like you're a man trying to forget something," Synthia said as she sat down in front of the bruiser. Pulling the hardwood chair back, she cupped her chin in the palm of her hand. Her dirty blonde hair, cut short to allow easier wearing of a gasmask, covered one emerald eye while the other scrutinized. "From your little demonstration, you're just the man I need for a little job I have. Now, you're free to turn it down....but I doubt you will." She reached over and took the vodka bottle Dhemytri had been slowly draining, taking a sip before making a face and placing it back next to him. "That is quite a strong brew. Anyways, I have an escort job that I need done, and I need someone who can handle themselves. Obliviously if you're picking fights with the reds...well, leaves me to question your sanity, but you have balls. I need balls to get this job done." She smiled at her own joke, leaning in to whisper, "I will pay handsomely. Two hundred bullets for a simple little jaunt." She leaned back in her chair some, lighting a crude cigarette, and blew the smoke out of her nostrils. "Surely a man with the courage to fight the reds on their home turf can see the advantages of a little escort duty." She flicked her hair out of her eyes, exposing both emerald ones, glinting softly in the candlelight, waiting for the proposition to set in. |
The fight had almost cost them their lives. Maka Albarn and her weapon Kana Tsuchihara were being rushed into the nurses office as their lives were on the line. They had been attacked by Jack the Ripper, a well-known ex-Meister who went berserk and started attacking other Meisters and their weapons. They had been sent on a mission to take care of the massive outbreak of kishin in Denrei, a town close to the DWMA. They were exhausted and surrounded but Maka and Kana fought hard together, sure Kana wasn't Soul, Maka's ex-weapon who got assigned to a new partner because of the falling out both her and him had, but Kana was strong in her own way. Kana's weapon form was a rather unique scythe, it was a double-sided one. Kana herself was different, like her weapon form. She was a wolf girl, or to be more blunt, half-wolf and half-human. She had ears and tail of a wolf, but also once a month she'd go into heat like a wolf. She came to the DWMA in hopes to someday become a death scythe like her mother before her. She was normally a quiet and shy girl, finding a partner was hard at first till Lord Death introduced her to Maka. Maka and her ex-partner and weapon got into a huge fight and they both decided it was best if they both found new partners. Their friendship had been tarnished in many ways and Lord Death thought it be best to just let the two go their own ways. Soul found a new partner rather quickly, however Maka didn't till Kana came around. Lord Death introduced the two and wanted to test them out, to see if they'd be compatible, which they were. It was very rare that the same genders would be grouped up, but in this case it was an exception. "Maka to your right!" Kana yelled as a Kishin was rushing towards them. Maka swiftly jumped up and took it down as she slashed at the others who came at her. "Look up Maka! Three above us!" Kana cried out as Maka looked up and quickly spun Kana around as she quickly killed off the three that were above them. It took them some time, but they managed to finish them all off. Tired and exhausted, they thought they were finished for the night when they were attacked by Jack the Ripper! "So you dealt with my little puppets have you? Pity. Looks like I'll have to finish you off myself!" He yelled as he swiftly moved towards them. He was faster than anything they had ever faced before, and it was hard to fight him off. He cut through them like they were nothing, Maka couldn't hold her own against this guy. Both she and Kana fell to the ground, both bleeding very badly. "Weak and pathetic you both are. Not even a challenge." He said smirking as he thought he had killed them off; he took his leave. Once he was gone, Kana slowly got up. "Maka!" She cried out as she leaned down to check if her partner was alive, which to her relief she was, just unconscious. "I will take us home as fast as I can." Kana whispered as she lifted Maka up despite her own wounds. Wincing, she quickly made her way back to DWMA as blood flew in the air with each leap she made. Not caring for her own life, she got back home as two of the guards who were standing watch rushed to their sides. "Kana! What happened to you and Maka?!" Gojyo asked as Kana fell to the ground with Maka in her arms. All she could make out was "Jack..." before she fell limp. She wasn't dead but in critical condition. "Get the med team out here right now!" Honryu yelled out as Gojyo nodded and rushed inside to get the med team.
Kana had lived with her parents who had achieved what every Meister and their weapon wished to achieve, becoming a part of the elite force for Lord Death. Kana's father was her mother's Meister and when Kana was born they didn't know if she was a weapon or a Meister at first. They watched her over the years and when she started showing signs of being a weapon was when they started training her properly. Most of the kids made fun of her for her ears and tail, she wasn't 'normal' to them, but her father wasn't 'normal' either. He was just like her. She enrolled in the DWMA last year and has been working with Maka for over seven months now. It's been a long and hard process but the two of them work very well together. It was as if they were meant to be partners. As they were rushed through the halls all Kana could think about in her unconscious state was hoping Maka was safe. She had used up all her strength to make sure her Meister got back safely and got treated before it became fatal. Before Kana had no friends, only her parents. Maka was the very first friend she ever had and she would protect her with her very life, which is pretty much what she did. The med team rushed her to the nurses office where the new school nurse was there to tend to the sick or wounded. She had only been working here for a few months, however she was very good at what she did. They didn't even knock on the door, they just brought the two inside which they were greeted by the nurse, Medusa. "They were attacked by Jack the Ripper. We will leave the two in your care Medusa. Please don't let them die, they're so young and have their futures ahead of them!" One of them spoke before they bowed and took their leave without waiting for her to say a word. Both Maka and Kana were barely breathing and were near death's gate, but Medusa was good at what she did and she would make sure that these two didn't die. However she had plans for these two and with it being night, no one would be entering her room to interfere with whatever she had plans for. | Medusa had been working on the formula for the black blood for a long while...It was something she was experimenting with...knowing that the power it could grant someone was both great and yet devastating, and she was perfecting a formula of the black blood so that she could literally control the one she gave it to. That was a month ago...and she had finally finished her work on the new black blood. She always kept the sample syrum in a syringe under her table in a small cabinet. By the time Maka and Kana had been rolled in to the nurse's office and the situation was explained to her, Medusa smiled gently to those that brought her in. "I assure you I will do whatever it is in my power to keep them alive." She said as she stood up and walked over to the two unconscious girls, checking their pulses, heart rate, and seeing their blood pressure. They were going to die. Unless...She grinned and moved to the cabinet containing the black blood syringe...and moved over to Maka. She knew that if she injected Maka with the blood, it would safe her life...but make her Medusa's new test dummy and lab experiment. She cupped the girl's cheek, feeling how cold her skin was. A devious grin on her face as she trailed her painted nails down the girl's body until it went down her arm and to a major artery, pressing the needle of the syringe to the artery and slowly injecting the black blood into her. Now it would only be a matter of time for the blood to take its effect on her, saving her life and yet making her Medusa's slave. If the creation of this modified black blood came to fruition, then Maka would unconsciously do whatever Medusa wanted...though...Medusa was unaware of the psychotic side effects that the black blood held for those infected by it.
Now that Maka was done, she began to check Kana's pulse and life signatures. She was doing far better than Maka...but without treatment, she was going to die as well. "At least I don't have to waste anymore of my...experiment." She said with a grin and began to put an IV into Kana's wrist and hook it up to bag of regular blood that was Kana's blood type. She made certain Kana was on life support while Maka was recovering. So long as Kana rested, she would be better in no time. |
Discord smiled to himself as he flew above the homes of Ponyville, before landing outside Sugarcube Corner. He always enjoyed his visits to Pinkie; he could let go a little more here than he could in public in Ponyville, where he was somewhat limited in the fun he could have. As much as he enjoyed the freedom he now had, he couldn't replace the desires that were at his core - pure anarchic chaos, with a casual sprinkling of blood thrown in. But there's no point in chaos if there's nobody to enjoy it with, right?
He headed into the seemingly empty Sugarcube Corner and glanced around. "Pinkamena my dear? Are you in here? | Pinkie bounded down the stairs, locking the door behind him. "You're a little early, Discy," she giggled, moving to one of the cupboards. She opened it, sliding things out of the way and opening a trapdoor at the bottom, pulling out a small strongbox. She proceeded to unlock it, revealing a slimmed-down chef's knife set in padding. She stood, picking up the knife. She jerked and shuddered, her back arching and her hair drooping flat. "Mmmm, so sweetie, who's playing victim tonight? |
Just like the deepest darkest oceans, it's same...For the deepest darkest forests. No one can ever imagine what dwells within them. And just like how all bodies of waters were contacted...In some way, or other, you could also find yourself in a forest...
But what would someone do if they found out the truth? Yes, they were gateways to alien worlds. Places human kind wrote off as wild imaginations of the crazies, emotional stress. Then how would you explain your moments of waking, when reality shifts to illusions and dreams? Astral projecting? Missing persons, our world is only so huge. You will end up going circles. So why have we yet to find these missing people then? Once their leads run dry? Hmm? What about demon possessions? Now many believe these claims to be real. Yet they don't and cant accept, even these creatures need a play to dwell to call home too..So many answers and truths in our faces, no one chooses to accept, or refuses too. Only the victims, and the now deemed crazies and others that have been caught under theses pulls now see and understand. But being small in numbers, they are discredited. Committed, put on life-endangering drugs, or brainwashed by society to be a sheep and not speak what they have seen...BUT THAT IS THE GLORY OF IT!...The darker entities love that..They can go on in the shadows and never be intruded in their work....
It wasn't torment, or many say constantly. However, it was strange and awkward, nevertheless. Though not worth saying torment or torture. She had much time to reflect on this, a few centuries, as a matter of fact. Nerve-racking and anger provoking, at times...perhaps. But endless suffering? She didn't see it. Morbid and frightening, is what they would say if anyone could hear thoughts. Or see into the inner workings of her mind.
Though to this child, was a godsend. Even if she can accept, stand back, and understand the fact - yes, her godsend was actually her kidnapper, not her hero. She didn't really care, this rarely seen force deemed her worthy, 'kidnap-able,' it pleased her and stroked her ego in all the right ways. If it were not for this bittersweet, centuries-old union of 'master and pet,' she would be long gone. Dead and buried for roughly 200 years now, worm food. Decaying alone, with no visitors to leave her flowers. Once buried, you will never see them again? There is no honor in death, maybe that is why we all thrive to reach immortality. To finally have all of eternity to do something right and notable, noble.
Once you are dead, you're dead. You cannot fix your mistakes or redeem yourself from the things you did to yourself or others among the living. So why can't she enjoy her forced upon servitude? Never forgetting, she fears him just as much as she loves him. Through all this, she found his company a musing and very much welcomed experience, until she angers any person. Immortal, undead, living...whatever the case may be. He was a force to be reckoned with. She surely did not have him wrapped around her finger. Though he had made it quite clear to all others ungodly things wondering these inter-dimensions who wanted to take her for "test runs" or eat her soul...that she was his "pet." Then he would always send them running...for their unholy lives.
Reaching for a chipped, and poorly crafted a-temp teacup, Eva's eyes remind fixated on her book. It was so engrossing. Who would have thought, that these other worlds, with their different plans and riffs on time, would have such mind-blowing literature? She couldn't figure out how, none of this had sunk into her old life. With such mind-altering, corrupting literature, this was a sure way to get her kind to submit to the demons' rule.
She laughed. She was far too strong for corruption. ..If only the poor child knew, she had been corrupted ages ago.
After living here for such time, she learned many demonic tongues and how to trick a demon out of contact. She had learned and studied so much..Which led her back, to thinking.."And they call me..captive..Blah..If I was..I would be chained and handcuffed or..He would have eaten my soul I would be a mindless drone...MY! his neighbors are so rude..." As her cultured cadence, merely emphasized her point. Absently thumbing through, her weather-worn novel, that pretty much was bound in human flesh. Taking one quick sip of now cold coffee.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when hearing the 12th clock crime, of an old decrypted grandfather clock. Eva began to get comfortable, hunkering under the covers. It was far later than she had expected.
Yes...Even they too were living things. Even they need sleep, food, and could/can create their own kind by the normal act of copulating, E.T.C.. They were the races before humans. They were of Supernatural/unexplained beginnings. Humans through ages, have blown them out of proportion. Even if they had unexplained abilities, that may overpower mortals, they were still that of a humanoid existent, to a point...
And Eva was keeping bad hours, and she found her master, playfully scolding her, about that. Though it wasn't a laughing manner, he may have frozen time for her. Only he couldn't cure, what allied her. Her Tuberculosis, forever came and went, but since she couldn't die, so easily now. She pretty much passed out in pools of her own blood. Always at the worst times too. Right after the floors were clean too....
Yawning, and just let her body go weak. Falling deeper to her pillows, but not before reaching for her bookmaker. Placing it between the last read pages, to gently rest it upon her bedside table. Reaching for a pillow, while rolling to her side. Hugging it close, with a content moan.
Eva walked down "his" labyrinth. Purely made of forest with many paths, twist turns. Only the lucky ones had that privilege, to walk these grounds without meeting a strangely, untimely death. She was the lucky one. She lost a life, but gained another. One with power, stature, and if you stretched it a bit of nobility. As being her Master's "Pet" Proxy, she was given special treatment. Earning his trust and respect, she had never failed him or questioned him... Much. She was still a child, it was come to be expected, she would still ask her master and question him, on a many things.
She had grown use to the wide birth, the others gave her. During her jaunts in that other worldly marketplace/town mortals would call disturbing, sinful... Who would want to get on their master little ward's bad side. Death may come to you. So she never fully could believe, if their kindness to her was fear or, they were just accepting her as their own.200 Years in this universe. It would be about time, she would have been seen as them... And not a mortal, lucky to gain their enlightenment. Immortally, and a position as well...
The town was hard to explain. As it looked to what you would accept to a small town to look. As it overlook the woods. The main centerpiece, to their lord's playground/home. All your horrors, as a child to now adult would dwell with in. It was refreshing, Eva did remember some, but to have that power over them, always give her a wicked victorious look. To think they once hunted her dreams, and now she ruled them. She grew out of them ages ago. ALONG before her master had taken her away, to this world. That was now her home, for last 2 centuries. But still, it was fun to watch them squirm when she would walk by, as they made her do, in days of old.of her old life.... | He watched her as she roamed through his forest though he remained unseen. Time and Space meant very little to him and there was little that could be kept from him especially in his own home. Ah, but his pet was such a lovely thing - his face bore no eyes or any sensory organs, but he could see her all the same. To the tiniest pore on her cheek to the muscles within the bone-covered veins and sinew, her entire being was laid open to him, including the sickness that lay within her. Poor little pet, her illness was such an easy thing to erase, but she wasn't ready - her mind still clung to her mortal concepts of existence. She measured her time with him in centuries, but time was an illusion to one such as he. Every moment was an eternity, and eternity was not but a flicker. He could recall every moment of his time with her with such detail as to experience it again. See the fish within this pond? He gestured with one perfectly white hand at the still stream, long slender fingers touching her back. They grow, they feed, and reproduce; they live their lives knowing only the pond. But what would happen if I plucked one out? His hand moved stretching impossibly long, ensnaring a fish from the water, pulling the wriggling thing out. Do you see its eyes? What must it think of this new alien world? The geometries that it had never seen before - a frightening place where the very air is poison. With a flick of his wrist, he dropped it, letting his hand dangle back onto his side. There, now what would this fish tell to its companions? That it had been picked up by a god? That there is a realm of existence beyond their very comprehension? Would they think the fish mad? Would they be right in this matter? All of Earth is but a pond, Pet, Humanity but fish in the waters ignorant of the creatures above.
The memory faded from his mind as he moved his physical body, flickering away. Within an instant, he was behind the tree she had just passed, then he was right behind her. Well hello, Dearest, he said, his hand touching her cheek, the other moving to her abdomen. His sensitive fingers could feel her heartbeat, feel all her organs and blood working to keep her alive. "I know you haven't been sleeping enough," he said, not quite a reprimand, more of a reminder that there was nothing she could keep from him. Would you like some company? He asked, his voice gentle as he stroked her cheek, his faceless head turning towards her. |
Enslavement. That was his curse. He had been pulled from his dimension and forced to be the slave of some sex-fiend creature that kept him as a pet. He hated his time there...he hated her. He wished he could kill her, but he had no power over her or her powers. Mora had always been a thorn in his side ever since his enslavement. Tonight, he would escape. She had forgotten to tighten the chain on his collar! Nathan took this opportunity to slowly remove it, leaving only the collar around his neck. He didn't have any clothes for when he escaped, but he didn't care. He just needed to get away and find someone who could open a rift and send him home. He crept out of her room, hoping she wouldn't wake up. What he hadn't counted on was the fact that the door leading out of her room was intentionally creaky. | With a grim laugh, there was suddenly a tentacle holding him by the collar.
Mora sat up in bed, smiling.
"Well, pup, looks like you're not quite broken yet."
She floated up, lifting him with more tentacles and laying him on the bed.
"After what that bitch from your world put me through, I'll be taking one of her kind as my slave. And you'll like it."
She grinned, rubbing her foot over his crotch.
"No use resisting. |
They had been running and prepping for this op for months. The SVU team had gotten word of a well-known human trafficker who had come into port and was using his large ship as a floating casino as a front to store the people below deck that he was smuggling. It had been decided that Olivia and Ziva would be brought into the ship as a gift to the leader so that she could get close to him and learn his secrets of how he avoided being caught before bringing him down on charges. But what they didn't know was that the leader of the smuggling ring had known about their little investigation and had allowed one of his men to be caught then flipped so he could lead detective Olivia Benson into his own little trap and feed false information to the rest of the team.
Omaro gave a little whistle as he looked at Olivia and nodded. She would certainly be able to get the leader's attention. She was dressed in a flowy black silk dress which stopped around mid-thigh. Her legs were clad in black silk stockings, and she was given strappy heels. Well, you are certainly going to be able to hold his attention.
Tony just kept looking Ziva over as he handed her the file of the dealer. "Well, with that dress you'll certainly turn some heads," he smirked, looking Ziva over in a long black silk dress with a slit up along her sides, damn near exposing her. Her long lovely legs were clad in silk stockings. "But with a dress like that, I don't know where you'll be able to hide a gun without them knowing." Gibbs walked down and gave Tony the usual smack to the back of the head. 'If all works out, she won't need to hide one. This is a simple infiltration and intel retrieval. Once we have enough, we can pull her out and go in ourselves.' | Olivia and Ziva finished up their make-up for their big mission. They went over the details of what to do and what to expect. Since this was their first time really working together on a case, they didn't know exactly how the other worked. After a while, they talked casually about their partners. They laughed as they realized that their partners were almost the same.
After about twenty minutes of prepping, the ladies finally came out of the bathroom. Olivia smiled as she walked over to Omaro. "You really think so? I just hope he really goes for me is all. We really need to get this guy," she said.
Ziva smiled at Tony. "Like what you see?" she asked, walking past him a bit before stopping. "Might want to close your mouth before you drool," she said, giving him a wink. She went to her desk and grabbed her gun, strapping it to her thigh. She then gave Tony a small smirk before going to Olivia. "I have other hiding places where things can go, Tony," she whispered in his ear. She then walked off towards Olivia. |
The past few months had been torture for the singer. After it had gotten out that she had been assaulted by her partner, the world seemed different to Rihanna. Everywhere she went, she felt the stares and heard the questions, people's curiosity getting the better of them and showing no respect for the vulnerable star. Despite it happening months ago, Rihanna was still having trouble sleeping at night because of it. Each week she visited a therapist, sometimes twice a week if needed just to help her calm down and relax. She had learned to trust the older man, telling him things in private, knowing they would not be passed on. Today was no different as she sat on the black leather couch in his large office. Wearing black leggings that stopped at her ankles and white heels, Rihanna crossed her legs and pulled the white T-shirt off her body, revealing her toned torso. Her long red hair was down her back, and sunglasses shielded her eyes from being seen. "I just can't stop thinking about it," she said. "I can't trust any other man now. | John Smith was a happy man. He led both public and private lives, both of which were satisfying. In his public life, he was a therapist, mainly dealing with celebrities. In his private life, he was the rapist, though no one knew of it. The reason no one knew of him being a rapist was due to a handy technique called Hypnosis. With it, he turned unknowing people into his willing sex slaves. He smiled as he thought back on all his conquests, including Megan Fox and Emma Stone.
He looked at the celebrity in his current appointment, Rihanna, as she spoke about her problems. She was a very beautiful woman, and one he planned on making a sex slave just like the others. Even better, she had just given him the perfect opportunity.
"Well, there are several ways we can go about this. One method we could try is Hypnosis. With it, we can get you to forget all of this ever happened and be able to sleep peacefully. Does that sound okay?" He asked the troubled singer, pulling out his trusty medallion that he used for hypnosis. |
The warm night sky was lit by the city's lights but cast an ominous shadow over the people it sheltered. The brisk breeze cut through Gotham and made a high-pitched whistle that mimicked the wail of a ghost, masking the padded footfalls of the large six-foot-five-inch tall man. Six weeks had passed without a single crime in Gotham, but his trained mind didn't trust that. There was always crime in his city. The large frame leaped from the tall building and his cape billowed out behind him as he glided across the city sky. His black armor gleamed when light hit his body. The gold belt around his waist was stocked with everything he needed. Landing in a dark alley, he remembered asking John Blake to take over for him while he left to rebuild his company, and now he was back under the mask taking on the role of Batman again. He waited for something to gain his attention and call him to action. After waiting for an hour in the same spot on the rooftops of Gotham, he moved to the richer part of town.
After some time of travel, the dark-armored figure arrived at a small-time chemical distributor and saw sporadic movement inside the building. Playing safe, he moved in on the building and melded with the shadows silently. Waiting until the group came out with a few drums of chemicals, the Batman rolled under their truck as they were loading it and strapped himself to the bottom of the truck using his grapple line and cape. The truck took off after a few minutes and rode for hours until it arrived at the narrows. He waited for the group to move the chems into a rather large greenhouse and scaled the side of the building. After a moment of looking, he saw the six men place the chemicals next to a rather attractive woman and stopped his movement for a moment.
That moment was all the glass of the greenhouse needed to shatter under his armored weight. Taken by surprise, his blue eyes widened as he fell. In an attempt to roll with the fall, he landed face down on the ground, causing him to become dazed and disoriented. Now lying face down on the ground, he didn't move for a long moment as his body attempted to get feeling back in it... | Former chemist Dr. Olivia Tatum, now under the guise of Poison Ivy, flipped her red hair away from her shoulders and looked at the masked superheroine. She had done her research; she was sure he knew she wasn't the original Poison Ivy, who had actually died. Olivia was a lot smarter, she knew how to control her abilities a little better. So while the Bat was down, she managed to control a few vines that lifted him off the ground and tied him to the wall. As she approached him, she removed his scowl, knowing she could manipulate him into doing whatever she wanted him to with just one kiss - well, maybe a long, passionate kiss - but either way, he would be under her control. |
The dark room that the captive was being held in was suddenly filled with bright lights as a girl stepped in, standing right in front of the chair he was tied to and ripped off the blindfold on his head. The girl was leaning forward, ample cleavage inches from his face as she pointed to a wall where elaborate green and pink spray-paint spelled out "Cooperate" in cursive before suddenly fading into the wall then reappearing in black and red with the words "Or I can kill you..." The girl, Tag sighed and spoke in a very bored-sounding voice, apathetic as hell. "So... you seem pretty cute... and the Brotherhood boys are totally not worth it... so let's cut to the chase..." She loosened her top, licking her lips. "You scratch my back... give me some information on Xavier... and I'll spend all night scratching yours... get me? | Curtis shook his head as he tried to remove the blindfold, which was finally removed by the attractive villain in front of him. He gulped slightly at the spray paint message, but he knew he couldn't make it easy for her. "No," he said, tearing his eyes away from her cleavage. "I won't say anything." He looked down at his own erect penis, visible through his tight jeans. It would be hard not to give in to her demands, especially since he was tied up. |
The young Mord Sith was in the field training. She stopped as she saw Alex speaking with her higher up. They turned to look at her and immediately she knew she was wanted. She walked over and Alex said, "You have been honored greatly. You will provide Lord Rahl with an heir." Her eyes widened as she thought about what he had said. True it would be a great honor, but she didn't want to have a child with someone she didn't love. Alex saw how hesitant she was and said, "You will do this child. You do not deny the Lord Rahl of anything. Come, we must get you ready." She knew it was pointless to refuse and so followed him into the castle. He led her down a corridor and they entered a bathing chamber. Maids were already filling a tub with hot water, adding rose petals to it so the fragrance filled the room. Alex left her in the hands of the maids.
She was washed, her long black tresses taken down from the intricate knot she used to keep it up. Her body was curvy yet toned, showing that she was an active female. Her skin shone a glittery pale rose color, and was dried and then scented with essential oils from rose petals. Her face was quite beautiful, with almond slanted eyes, surrounded with black eyelashes. They framed amethyst eyes, which had slitted pupils instead of the normal kind. Her lips were a dusky rose color, which matched the color of her nipples, though no man had seen that as of yet, for she was still untouched.
She was dressed in a long sweeping gown, the color of her eyes while her hair was pulled up and back into an elegant up-do. She looked at herself in the mirror and then sighed. When the door opened she turned to look at Alex. He smiled at her and then motioned for her to follow him. She did so. They entered the royal bedchamber and Alex said, "May I present, Lady Galaysha Blackthorn. The future mother of your heir if everything goes well. | Mark had his maids make a chicken dinner with a cake for dessert. He didn't like thinking this was more about duty than what he wanted to do. He remembered his father's words: "I swear by my life and my love of it I will not work for the sake of another man nor ask one to live for my sake." A carriage came up to the front door of the castle. A footman came up to Mark and said, "Lord Rahl, she is here." The Lord Rahl found his way to the front room. He was flabbergasted when he saw the woman Alex brought for him.
She was curvy yet strong. She wore a dress that was nothing like what a Mord Sith would wear but it seemed to fit her perfectly. Most Mord Sith looked out of place in anything but leather. He walked up to her and smiled. Then he looked at Alex and said, "I told you to bring me a Mord Sith, not an angel. You are magnificent."
He looked at the Mord Sith again and said, "Dinner is served if you care to join me. We're having chicken; I hope you like it. My cook Mindy is one of the finest cooks in the Midlands. I think you will quite like it." He walked to the table. Dinner was served. Mark took a bite out of his chicken, chewed it, swallowed, and said, "Tell me about yourself, Galaysha. |
Being a God has so many perks. You are immortal to everything in the world, you have abilities that mortals could only dream of, you never need to worry about the woes of the world, and you can keep those that you love alive for as long as you want. However, sometimes it takes gods some time to get into the modern world, and sometimes it takes them only a second to fit right in. He always knew he was destined for power, and Hades never failed in his quest for such power. Being the CEO of a certain little record company called Hellfire Records gave him the power he oh so wanted. He had tons of money, and tons of corrupt politicians in his pocket to make sure he was what really held the power over the nation. It was such a glorious life, but there was one thing that truly made it all worthwhile. It was in ancient Greek times that he met her, and just knew he had to have her. Meg was frightened by him at first, considering he was the god of the underworld, but Hades eventually courted her, and began dating her. It wasn't long before he unlocked the secrets of her mind, and entered a new kind of relationship with her. The concept of master and slave weren't a new thing back then, and that was exactly what they had going on; however, she was free to deny him if she didn't like something, and had a say in what they do. She was fifty years old when he gave her back her youth, and made her immortal like him because he couldn't bear the thought of losing the only women in his life. Now they are living in modern times, and Hades could give her a lot more than he ever could before. "Meg, babe, would you bring your sexy little ass in here, and tell me my schedule for the day?" not only was she his lover/pet, but she was also his secretary. That way, he could keep an eye on her all times, and have free access to her anytime he wanted to. | Meg came into Hades's office and set down the papers he would need for the day. She sat on the edge of his desk and looked over her iPhone for his schedule. "You have a lunch meeting with Senator Davis and the marketing team wants you to listen to a few new artists and see if you like any of them," she said, crossing her legs and straightening his tie. She looked into his eyes and ran her fingers through his hair.
She remembered the first time they met. She sold her soul to him for a man who walked out on her. It took her while to recover and not be so frightened of him, but Hades was always there for her. He helped her heal and gave her back her soul. At first she felt indebted to him, but now she loved him simply because he was Hades.
Meg was wearing a red top with a black pencil skirt that hugged her ass and hips. Her top showed off her ample bosom enough to catch Hades's interest. That was all the interest she needed from anyone in her life; Hades gave her what she wanted when she wanted it. She didn't need anything else.
She felt the stares of other men on her as she walked by, but she paid them no attention. Her ring finger nails were silver with red polka dots, and the rest of her nails were the same shade of red.
"We also have dinner plans, and if you are late, I will find a way to kill you," she said, smiling at him. "I am getting all dressed up, and you are taking me to this fancy restaurant that's really hard to get into. I know you just made the call and got our reservation pushed up, but let's act like you aren't this powerful god of the underworld. Okay? Don't be late or you will be sleeping alone." She knew that last part would get his attention, and she also knew they had plenty of time before their dinner reservations. |
Walking through Afterlife made needle-like pricks crawl up Scarlett's arms as she entered the nightclub that marked the heart of Omega. Her heeled feet quickly clicked across the floor as she slipped between lines of people. The energy in the room slightly irritated the biotic implants that were spread throughout her body but it was something she had grown accustomed to considering she now lived in such a heavily populated area instead of at some reclusive Cerberus research facility.
With every step she took forward, Scarlett knew that she was getting just that much closer to the new leader of Omega. Not even the countless Asari strippers could distract her from the state of mind she was currently in. She knew that she was in deep trouble if she wasn't able to convince The Boss that she knew where the stolen AI had been taken. Scarlett had managed to trade some favors with an old Cerberus colleague of hers, locating the system the AI program was taken too as well as identifying the Cerberus ship that had retrieved it. All she needed was a ship and team to get it back.
Halting in front of the stairway that led up to where she needed to go, Scarlett waited for the Batarian guard to let her pass. The heavy base of the music vibrated her entire being, temporarily drowning out the thoughts that were racing through her mind. Fumbling with the data pad in her hand, Scarlett slowly made her way up the stairs as the Batarian waved her through.
Standing nervously once at the top of the stairs, Scarlett quietly waited for the new ruler of Omega to address her, quietly tucking her brown hair behind her ear as her blue eyes remained fixed forward. | Suari sat behind her desk, her black body suit gleaming in the odd lighting, her pale skin looking even paler against the black suit and her long red hair in ponytails. She looked at the new girl. "You may close the door behind you and approach my desk. |
It had been a strange night from the very first cab ride. The driver was talking too much, he was too young, too handsome, and Rachel was laughing too hard. Phoebe had been staring at Monica at the bar. It was before the show had started. It gave Monica the urge to fight or flight. They looked like college students, there was something about their vibe, their attitude, it was the look in their eyes. They were having a good time.
Ross wasn't there. It was a girls night out. It was the only way to get rid of him in any way. They worked so often, it was rare. Monica and Rachel worked, Phoebe typically just vanished a lot.
New York had attracted culture and legend for over two centuries. A new rock band was playing in town, they didn't even have to go over the bridge to see it. None of them could remember the name of the band, the music was a bit of a blur as well. Each of them were two or three drinks deeper than usual. And Phoebe had slipped something into her own drink. She had a plan, it was devious as it was genius. She had known the band since College. She was one of their first fifteen groupies. She could feel her self tunnel vision in the middle of the set as the girls danced together two rows from the front.
Monica was in a pleated skirt, her neurosis were as visible as her tiny white panties every time she moved her hips. Her leggings were only up to the middle of her thigh. The other girls had given her shit for dressing like a stripper. It had been an accident, and she spent most of the concert trying to see if anyone was looking at her as she pulled at the bottom of the devilish skirt. Her top was tight, and it pushed her modest tits halfway up to her chin.
Rachel had paired together a pair of jeans, and a polyester jacket that was almost fifteen years ahead of its time. It had been a dress-up track jacket. She was so happy that it still fit her, it was the very reason they had even come out tonight. It was orange and white. Her shirt underneath was a bright yellow, and her hair was held up with her sunglasses. One could practically hear her California girl accent just by looking at her.
Phoebe's skirt was only a few inches longer than Rachel's, but it was heavier, and her girlish style was shining out. It was a one piece skirt-blouse combination that made her look like a kindergarten teacher who had just been promoted to guidance counselor. She had spent over an hour in the mirror on her hair.
They had drawn eyes from every corner of the bar all night.
They were allowed to dance on stage during the encore.
Phoebe's clothing was already loose.
They were wasted, and Rachel had forgotten entirely about Ross. Monica was suddenly proud of her pussy on display, panties wet with sweat, transparent in the stage light.In the next moment they were walking toward the back of the stage, they were in a dark hallway, hands covered in hot men. They were in the green room, drinking more, smoking cigarettes, and laughing. The light was dim, there was graffiti on the walls, and the girls' night out had turned into a dreamland once in a lifetime event. The crowd inside of the green room was slimming, and Phoebe was the only one who didn't notice. Her voice was over an octave higher than usual. The pill in her drink had made her saliva thick, it made her body blush, it made her pussy wet. And, Monica had accidentally mistaken that drink for hers. She had had over half of the dissolved pill. Phoebe was operating off of the placebo effect. Monica on the other hand, was lubricated and ready to fuck as if she had just been to a wedding and been fingered by the groomsmen with a strawberry against her lips for two hours without climax. She hadn't had the feeling in so long, she had no idea how to identify it. She was sitting next to Rachel on the sofa in the dim light. Her hand was rubbing against her best friend's side, slowly. The goosebumps climbed up Rachel's spine, and she was excited to cuddle. She pulled Monica closer and the two of them nearly kissed. At this point Monica actually thought she was dreaming, and Rachel was more comfortable than she had been in over ten years.
The suggestions hadn't even started. | Thomas smiled as he walked into the green room. It was cleared out, the bus was busy rocking as his band mates got their orgy on. Thomas hated sloppy seconds, but had lost the bet and thus had to load the instruments.
Thomas Alexander Hellsing, or "The Incubus" in his band, was every woman's wet dream. Bright sapphire blue eyes, silver hair brushed back and put into an elaborate Indian style ponytail. A body that would make a model jealous, with firm well-defined abs, and a few scars to add to its character. The large bulge in his leather pants didn't hurt either. Nor did the oil practically dripping off of him. It had been a light show to make the lights on stage glisten off of his hard abs, but in the green room under the direct lights the effect was even more noticeable. Walking in, he blinked as he saw a familiar face.
"Well, I'll be blown and have a tongue up my ass," he said, pulling Phoebe into a HARD kiss. His tongue swirling around hers, caressing all the most sensitive places in her mouth. This was the kind of kiss girls over 14 dreamed about, one that made their panties wet. With expert hands, he unbuttoned Phoebe's top. Smirking, he broke off the kiss and said, "Hell yeah, beautiful. I always did love your rack. You don't mind if I borrow it for a bit, do you?" Without waiting for an answer, he put a thick line of cocaine across her tits. Snorting it quickly and easily. He half sat, half fell between Rachel and Monica. Smirking at the strawberry blonde and redhead, he said, "Now now, girls, don't let Tommy end the fun. In fact, let him enhance it."
He yanked Rachel in for a kiss after putting a dollop of cocaine on his tongue. Rubbing the underside of her tongue with the cocaine, he let it be absorbed through the thin skin there. He continued the kiss hotter than the one he'd given Phoebe. Then he turned to Rachel, seeing her eyes dilated, he slapped her hard enough to leave a red mark, knowing any flesh-on-flesh contact would make her moan and possibly cum. Grabbing her hair, he kissed her hard, more cocaine on his tongue. Rubbing and caressing her tongue. Laughing, he said, "Now you girls share." Taking both women's hair, he put the baggie between his legs and pushed their lips together. Smirking, he said, "Hey Phoebe, feel like seeing if you still give the best head I've ever had? Feel free to 'Flavor' it to your likes. |
Shining like a jewel in the South-Western ocean is the great nation of An-Teng. A land rich in natural resources and blessed with great beauty, it was long ago humbled by the Dragon-Blooded. Now the Terrestrial Exalted see it as a sort of pleasure resort, an entire county of subdued servants hurrying to gratify their every wish. There are even (relatively safe) adventures to be enjoyed in the 'wild' parts of the country. Most businesses wouldn't even presume to charge one of the Dragons for their goods or services, choosing instead to send along a humble letter to the elders of household, requesting recompense.
Ragara Corah Jor is dealing with such a letter right now. The daughter of the Satrap and an un-Exalted Tengense woman, she undoubtedly possesses beauty from both sides of her heritage. With skin darker than that of most from the Blessed Isle and the coal-black hair common to House Ragara, she presents a striking, exotic image. Her skin is flawless, appearing almost polished, and when at rest she becomes so still she might be mistaken for a statue. Such traits are a credit to her command and cultivation of the Essence of Earth.
With her father traveling on business, it falls to her to manage the affairs of his household. Including the bill her younger sibling and his sworn brothers have racked up in the week he's been out 'enjoying the beauties of An-Teng'. With a sigh, she writes a missive authorizing the payment and seals the scroll with the mark of House Ragara. The hours tick away as she continues her work. A diplomat needs a particular phrase translated into Seatongue, work is progressing on a dam in the southern rivers, a group of heretics was rooted out for illegal worship of--
Corah jumps when a hand closes on her shoulder. One of her father's attendants bows humbly, informing her that the family's Exalted guest has arrived. With a nod, she rises from her seat, and hurries down to the entrance of the Manse to attend him. | Ragara Calel Gerron had always wanted to come to An-Teng. House Ragara had had its hand dipped into the wealth of this land for decades and as a model satrapy its reputation added to the House's. The stories of its opulence and its strange but wonderful culture only added to the allure.
He waited patiently in the courtyard to the palace of the Satrap, looking about amiably. His entourage surrounded him, mortals mostly, with a few Exalted bodyguards. A cool breeze ran through the assembled, their cloaks and shawls rippling gently. It emanated from Gerron, a result of his puissant Essence, the object of years of intense meditation and hard work.
Gerron stood with his hands folded behind his back, his white robes swaying with the winds he generated. His skin was a bluish-white and cool to the touch, like that of a man who had just showered. His grey hair and his silver eyes stood out even more, unnaturally shaded as they were. At a glance one could tell that here stood a Prince of the Earth and act accordingly.
A servant of the estate approached and bowed deeply, almost folding at the waist. "The Honourable Ragara Corah Jor is here to welcome you, Great Lord."
Gerron smiled and walked forward as his Tengese cousin arrived. He beamed, opening his arms. "Cousin Corah!" He exclaimed. "It has been a very long time." He raised his eyebrows appreciatively, looking her up and down. "You have grown to be a beautiful woman, Cousin." He reached forward to clasp her hands with his. "It is wonderful to see you again. |
Peter woke up to the incessant sound of his alarm clock beeping. He rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up, groaning. "Oh man, why did I have to have class today?" When he finally came to, he reached over to instinctively shut the stupid alarm clock off, but all he felt was air, not the familiar feeling of his wooden nightstand. That was odd. He looked around and saw not the familiar sight of his desk or computer, not the posters he had tacked on his walls, or even the pictures he had around the room. All he saw was the plain white color of his dorm-room ceiling, then he looked down and saw his bed and everything else, "Oh man, not again!" He had come back to the dorm so late last night he hadn't even made it off of the ceiling before falling asleep. He looked at his hand and saw that he was still wearing his suit, wonderful. He crawled down from the ceiling and lay down on his bed, trying to ignore the alarm. "Five more minutes," he said to himself as he shut the alarm off of his clock. He finally fell asleep.
When he woke up again in a jolt and looked at his clock, he was late!! "Oh man! Doctor Conners will kill me!" He jumped off of the bed and grabbed whatever clothes he could find, a pair of jeans, a green t-shirt and a red button down that he wore over it. He took the gloves off of his suit and put his web shooters in his backpack. He ruffled his brown hair and flew out the door to his dorm. Sometimes this hero gig really killed him, all of the constant swinging around and beating up bad guys was exhausting and for what? J. Jonah Jameson to print BS about him in the Daily Bugle?! Thanks to that nut case half of New York feared him a quarter of them wanted to kick his ass (mainly cops who didn't like him) and the rest... well he figured they were undecided. What was even worse was that he worked for said nut case taking pictures of Spider-Man in action or in J.J.'s words, 'Cathing him red handed in the act!' Sometimes he wondered why he still even did this job, but everytime he does the same six words his uncle said to him before he died ring like church bells in his head. 'With great power, comes great responsibility.' After last night though he knew things were about to turn south even more, so his responsibility was now on double time, thanks to a theif he just missed robbing a jewelry store. It was fast and efficient, whoever they were knew what they were doing and that made Peter think that there were about to be more of these. When he was out of his dorm building he sprinted across campus, his super speed and agility helping greatly, and he skidded to a halt at the front door to the Natural Sciences building. He fast walked to Dr. Connors classroom and silently opened the door and tried to sneak to a seat in the very back, but Dr. Connors stopped his lecture to welcome Peter with, "Why Mr. Parker, lovely for you to join us! I hope sleeping in was worth it since you missed about half of my lecture. Get the notes from one of your fellow classmates, if they should be so willing as to do so." Peter hung his head and slunk over to his seat.
He sat down and pulled out his notebook and began to take notes on the rest of his lecture. He tried to look around for anyone willing to give him their notes but he wasn't seeing any takers on that. "Great, what a fine start today!" He was going to have to beg Dr. Connors for his teaching notes after class. Unless someone would step up and help him out. He was doing so well here! It was an upper-level course and he was just a freshman. Dr. Connors was initially not very happy, like most of his upper-level professors, that the university allowed that kind of thinking - that Peter wouldn't be able to handle and drop it within a few weeks. Peter couldn't blame him. So he did his best to be on time, attentive, and to study hard for high-level classes, and up until now he was doing well, but surely now Dr. Connors was beginning to think that Peter couldn't handle the work. Fantastic! | Well, I think that does it," Felicia said, peering into the mirror. She did the traditional female head tilt, looking at herself from all angles. It was a new day, and a new school, and she for one, felt like making a bit of effort. However, as she peered a bit closer into her reflection, she scowled. The dark circles were still under her eyes. She dabbed on a bit more concealer, smiling slightly. The tiredness she felt was worth the exhilaration of her side job. She glanced at a pearl bracelet upon her dresser, but resisted the urge to wear it. She couldn't risk being found out, not so soon after returning to New York. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, Felicia grabbed her backpack, patted down her black skirt, and grabbing her keys and phone, sauntered out the door.
An hour or so later, Felicia was more than a bit flustered. She was late for class, her first day. That was making a good impression. She groaned inwardly to herself, knowing she had to keep up the air of a simple student. 'If you want something, go for it 100%.' her fathers words rang in her head and she squared her shoulders. He was right, she wouldn't let this little bump mess up anything for her. Looking up, she could just see the tip of the school building just a few streets away. With a quickened pace, she strode forward, determined to do what she was best at, giving that 100 percent. As she neared the school, she saw another boy running across the lawn, and couldn't help but grin. At least she wasn't the only one who was late. Although, she was a special case, transferring into the school nearly a quarter of the way in. Yet, her finances were stable and her grades were good enough for the school to see past the strangeness of her sudden transfer in.
"100 percent." She muttered, looking up at the large school before her. She could have gone to a different campus, one that was easier and more relaxed. Yet Felicia felt herself drawn to this particular school. Perhaps it was the grandeur of the building, or the complexion of the topics she was taking. Despite the reasons, here she stood. After taking a moment to soak it in, Felicia took the first step.
She gave a tentative knock on the classroom door, opening the door with a soft squeak. She bit her lower lip for a moment as the attention focused on her.
"Excuse me, are you perhaps Dr. Connors? " She asked tentatively, double checking a piece of paper her classes her marked on.
"Yes? And might you be." He asked seemingly annoyed that she had interrupted his lecture.
"Oh, Felicia Hardy, Sir. " She muttered the last part of the sentence, "I just transferred here, I hope the board informed you I would be joining this class." She continued, her gaze fixing itself on the teacher.
"Ah, yes. I hope you know class started about an hour ago. Transfer or not, there is no excuse for tardiness. Isn't that right Mr. Parker?"
Dr. Connors seemed amused by his joke.
" Find a seat, and we can talk after class Mrs. Hardy."
Felicia gave a curt nod, and readjusting her backpack found a seat just a row down and a few seats to the left of the "Mr. Parker." who Dr. Connors had mentioned. She vaugly wondered if he was the one she had seen earlier, sprinting across the grass. Giving a mental shrug, she got herself adjusted, mind already starting to wander to the jewelry store she planned on "visiting" soon. |
Anira tapped her foot on the floor, arms crossed as she rode the elevator up to the Enterprise. Her pointed ears stuck out through her hair, blond hair tied back in a ponytail. She then walked out the door, heading towards the bridge, wondering why the hell she had been resigned to some ship with a reckless captain. Sulu looked up from his chair, eyes widening a bit upon seeing who this girl was. He knew who this girl was - Anira Pike, daughter of Captain Pike, youngest to graduate from the academy.
Kirk was elsewhere, and they were still waiting for Spock, so that made her in command of the bridge. "Good afternoon, Commander Pike," Sulu said, bowing his head. The rest turned and looked at her, before she nodded her head back to Sulu. "Thank you most kindly," she said, and made her way back to her station. She was covered in everything from commanding a ship all the way down to weapons; her father made sure she could take any station.
There were some whisperings, but Anira ignored them as she went to work running a diagnostic search of the ship to see how things were in the mechanical department. One thing she had forgotten about was that Spock would be on this ship, on this mission with her. It was always hard putting two young Vulcans together, worse when one was female and the male was about to go through his Pon Farr, Anira knew nothing of this though, keeping on typing away.
She kept working even as Kirk and Spock made their way onto the bridge, ignoring their presence. She didn't look back once as the Enterprise made its way from dock and took off at warp speed on its mission. "So I hear it's true, there is a Commander Pike on this bridge," Kirk spoke up. Anira turned in her chair and stood up, making her way over to Kirk. She nodded her head. "I am Anira Pike, daughter of former Captain Pike." Her hands rested behind her back. | When Commander S'chn T'gai Spock of the Star Fleet ship USS Enterprise entered the bridge, he wasn't expecting the utterly succulent smell to slam into his olfactory senses with all the force of a Klingon's punch.
Reeling in his now wildly excited emotions and baser instincts, the half-Vulcan calmly searched around the bridge for the source of that tantalizing scent.
When his dark mocha-tinted eyes landed on the spun gold hair of their newest addition, Rank Commander Pike, each small movement sending another wave of the alluring ambrosia twirled him Spock knew that he was doomed. His time was too close, and the new commander Pike smelled too irresistible for him to do anything but mentally claim her and plan the gruesome rank reduction of any rival male in the vicinity.
Of course those thoughts were coming from his half-human side, and the more dark, preform Vulcan part of his psyche that was clamoring for attention, but Spock ruthlessly pushed them away to focus on what was happening around him. Seeing that it was his turn to introduce himself, Spock held up the Taa'l respectfully, greeting the commander in standard as he didn't trust what he would say in Vulcan to come out professional and detached.
"Live long and prosper, miss Pike," he said. "I am Spock. |
Who would have thought the afterlife would be like this?" Shigeru muses, surprised that there was something beyond his death. He was never one to believe in religion, and if he did, he assumed his fate would lead him to some sort of demented and torturous realm where he would pay for being so tainted. But an apartment? Hell was depicted as fire and lava with demons coming after you, or an eternal cycle of rebirth into the harsh and cruel world. Of course this wasn't some sort of awakening or anything, just a sudden curiosity for what he had expected to be the end of his life. Not even ten seconds before opening his eyes to this room, he had been closing them as a semi-truck came barreling down on his taxi. There was no way for him to get out of the truck's path, and not enough time to unbuckle and get out. It was a joke really, Shigeru imagining his demise to be at the hands of some cop with a few lucky shots.
But there was no end, simply this room. Looking out the large windows Shigeru saw the Tokyo Tower, thank goodness that he had somehow ended up in Tokyo. However when he went for the door latch his hand simply kept away. As if through magnetism his hand was being repelled by the latch... Hell, any door or window that could be opened his body was literally pushed away from whenever he tried to open it. What was going on? Shigeru was much more interested in this than scared by it, there really wasn't anything that scared him on this earth. Though he had never seen the giant black ball that was set in the center of one of the rooms. No holes or cracks, no signs or letters.. Shigeru was lost as to what was going on, even kicking the ball resulted in nothing happening. Piece of shit.. Shigeru mumbled. So the man was alone, no one in the apartment, no way out, and only a stupid ball in the middle of a room... Just great.
However suddenly what looked like lasers shot out from the ball, Shigeru stepping back and looking to see what the lasers were doing. As if modeling something with layers the ball started to sketch out something. Moments going by before whatever the hell it was making turned into a human. It was quite the scene, skin, muscle, organs, even down to the food that was inside of the stomach.. Shigeru was able to see it all before the next layer and the next layer covered it up. What was left on the ground was a man with long black hair and sunglasses, wearing leather clothing like some sort of biker gang member. The man grumbling softly as he laid there, taking a few moments before sitting up. Where the fuck am I? The man asked, looking around till Shigeru came into view.
Not sure, showed up here no more than a few minutes ago. Shigeru answered, keeping his distance from the man that would sit up fully.
Did you drag my- However before the man could continue the lasers cut across the room once more, the biker quickly scrambling out of the way. Again another human would come out from these lasers, only this time the man seemed to be falling in mid air. Looking to be in his mid twenties the man had a build that would match any kind of boxer or fighter. A look of shock on his face before he suddenly came into reality and fell to the ground.
SHIT!! The man shouted, quickly getting up and moving to the side as if dodging something. His breath was heavy from shock as he started taking in the room, Where the fuck am I? He asked, looking at the two others that were in the room as well. Shigeru simply looked at him with his eyebrow raised, not really answering the question.
Some asshole bumped me or pushed me and I know I was going to get hit by a bus but then I showed up here. The newcomer stated, the biker practically pressed against the wall on the other side of the room.
You almost died. And I am assuming you did as well? Shigeru asked, standing next to the big black ball.
I did too, or I should have. But woke up here as well. He added, the two obviously starting to get up to try and leave. Windows didn't work, doors didn't work. The newcomer was smart enough to try his cell phone but it didn't work either. We are trapped in here, don't know why. Shigeru would shout out softly as the two seemed a little more frantic than shocked by the situation. No need to freak out...
Fuck you! The biker shouted back, starting to ram himself against a door. However, his shoulder never seemed to make contact with the wood. "Not believing in this supernatural shit!" he shouted again, doing it a few more times before giving up. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!? He would shout, Shigeru rolling his eyes as he went to look back at the ball. This was obviously controlling whatever the hell was going on right now, where did it come from?
Ten minutes would go by and nothing else seemed to come out of the ball. The three men coming together in the same room, sitting against their respective walls and looking from one another. The biker had calmed down now, being the first to actually try and talk. What are your guys's names? Mine is Takeo. The biker stated, looking to Shigeru who kept his eyes on the ball.
Kiyoshi... The fighter said, looking out the window right now at the Tokyo Tower that loomed in the distance.
And you?" Takeo asked, looking to Shigeru who still seemed to pay him no mind. "I asked you a fucking question kid," Takeo stated, getting Shigeru's attention. It was somewhat scary the way Shigeru looked at Takeo, as if for even drawing his attention that Shigeru would rip his throat out. It was an intimidating stare that Takeo had seen plenty of times from thugs and the like.. But never from someone unprovoked... What the hell was this kid's problem?
Shigeru looked back to Takeo. "Right, so we all almost died or did die I don't fucking know. But we are here and can't get out.. Any ideas why?" Takeo asked, though all three of them would turn and look to the other room as more lasers shot out. There would be more people? And indeed there would be. Before long there was a good eight people in the room. An older couple, a guy in a lab coat, a construction worker, and a teenage girl who looked to be all dolled up for the night. It was actually getting quite annoying for Shigeru to hear people freak out and then try to escape, only to get defensive and accuse people in the room. Luckily it seemed that Takeo was more sociable then what was expected of gangsters and did his best to calm people down, even though he would curse part of the time to do so.
"Alright look. It is obvious that we are all being brought to this room by this thing." Takeo stated, pointing to the ball. "I am pretty sure that each of us was on the verge of dying. I don't know how this is possible but the facts are that we are alive, that we can't leave this room, and none of our electronics seem to work. Any one know anything about this ball or hear anything about a similar situation? Because I know I haven't." Takeo said, everyone had pretty much joined the small forming circle around the ball people stating their own ideas but no one really seemed to have a believable answer. And what was worse was that there was no clock, no way to tell if there was a timer. What were they waiting for? They were obviously placed here for a reason. | Life is so much fun. She was expecting a baby sister soon, the holidays were coming, and Namco was releasing a new installment of their popular shooter arcade game, Thousand Guns III. These were all things that made teenage years enjoyable for Maki. Of course, it's not all fun and games; there are also hardships here and there. Her grades were falling, not drastically, but enough to get her in trouble with teachers and parents. The boy she liked had just confessed his love to a senpai, and her video game console was breaking down.
Then there's the fact that she just died.
It happened slowly, but she wasn't afraid. It was like the knowledge that you just lost in a video game and don't have any extra quarters. It was bad, but there is a sense of helplessness that made it easier to accept. After all, there's not much she can do.
Then came the room. First came the sounds, as she heard the voices of men, long after she stopped hearing everything else. Then came light, seen through her eyelids. Last came the sense of touch as her skin felt the texture of the floor under her, different from the alley where she died.
The girl is young, a petite figure decorated by large round tits, the biggest in her class. She has a girlish face framed by medium-length brown hair, which flows down her cheeks - she read in a magazine once that it would make her face look slimmer.
"I...I'm alive?" she asked, touching her sides where she had been stabbed, her skirt pulled up her thigh as she twisted her body. "Did you...did you save me?" she asked, looking around at the older men. Then realization dawned on her that they might not be saviors at all.
"Where is this?!" she asked in panic, crawling away towards the black ball, trying to place something behind her back. "I..i want to go home!"
Before anyone gets the chance to answer, the ball buzzes and lasers shoot out of it once more, causing Maki to yelp in surprise.
The person incoming is a woman, first they saw her blonde hair, then her pretty face, but it was twisted in pure bliss. The woman didn't appear layer by layer, but was created from the top down, and she was very..animated. Sultry lips formed an O as she rocked up and down violently, moaning deeply.
"So BIG!" she howled as beads of sweat poured down her forehead.
Soon her body came into view, naked save for the sexy red lingerie she was wearing, her tits bouncing up and down. It was easy to figure out now that she is in the middle of having sex..and by the look of it, she was on top of a very lucky guy.
The guy in question appeared soon enough once the laser reached the bottom. First his hand showed up on the woman's waist, holding them firmly with thick black fingers. Then his head, a bald masculine face with trimmed facial hair. He was on TV alot, a famous K1 fighter.
"Oooh Luna baby! Ride me harder!" he yelled, slapping her ass, ignoring the crowd. Once they were fully teleported, the couple slowed down their fucking, just enough to look at the others. "Ah..newcomers..Welcome" Luna Gold, famous porn actress said, her man's cock still inside her as she gyrated her hips slowly, putting on a show. |
Bruce was out on official league business, which meant that Gotham was Dick's. Nightwing stood on the perch of the gargoyle overlooking the city. It had been quiet for the first two nights, but nothing lasts forever. It was at that moment, he noticed fireworks launching from Amusement Mile. His binoculars showed thugs dressed in red and black argyle suits.
"Harley's idea of a trap no doubt," Dick muttered to himself as he swung into action, speeding past landmarks with his bat grapple.
He finally landed near the factory, where he was met by some goons. He made quick work of them with his stun baton and acrobatics. He brushed off a couple of loose teeth from his shoulder and then readied himself in position.
"Who's next?" he called out, waiting for an answer. | Harley had set off her signal, now all she had to do was sit back and wait. With cameras everywhere, she could easily see right when Nightwing showed up, a smirk playing across her face. She'd show them a woman's wrath. Sighing, she looked over at a picture of Joker on the wall, putting her hand against it. "Oh Puddin'," she said, "that Bat'll pay...". She got up as soon as she noticed that Nightwing had taken out her goons. Immediately, she opened up the factory for him, and a laugh could be heard over the comm system.
"Well, look who we have here? Think you can make it through to me, Bird Brain?" she asked with a tease, then laughed again. As soon as the laughter ended, a few more thugs appeared, all in red and black and ready to take him on. |
The paparazzi had gathered outside Club Vampyre in force. News had already started to spread far and wide: the new establishment was to be the newest, hottest club of its kind. Already buzz had been generated: the hottest DJs would open, the sexiest celebrities would be there to hang out; the waiting list required favors and if you had to ask, you weren't on it. There were darker rumors too, something about the owners picking the name on purpose. It wasn't just to play on the recent fad, oh no, there was something more sinister at hand. Most said it involved cooking books and taking bribes, possibly some drug money. But there were a few that insisted that the club was some kind of front. Not for vampires; that was just silly, but instead for a cult or some other dark, shady organization. Criminals, perhaps.
None of this dissuaded people from showing. Hundreds were there, most of them the elite from across the world. Several dignitaries were present, mostly hiding among the crowd, nearly every popular singer who wasn't completely wrapped up in a pristine image was there (and some that weren't). A handful of A-list celebrities were also present, milling about.
Among them was Miss Mila Kunis. Recently voted as the sexiest woman on the planet, and recently getting something resembling an actual career, Mila drew attention. To her credit, she'd tried to play it down, not wanting to look flashy or attract too much attention. Still, she wore a short, dark denim skirt of the highest quality and a loose, sleeveless blouse. Both worked wonders at showing the golden skin of the beauty beneath, that near flawless complexion and the combined effort of excellent genetics and hours of training and labor. The beautiful, mismatched, almond eyes were darkly lined, encouraging those to look and hold gaze. Otherwise, makeup had been sparse, enhancing the complexion without overwhelming. Dark brown hair fell loose over the bared shoulders, allowing some coverage. Though the top did cover most of Mila's front, only leaving the back and perhaps a few tantalizing bits of side-breast for the viewing audience. Her ass looked as fantastic as expected, and the beauty looked every inch the scrumptious treat she was.
Said treat had been partying for a while, having entered at the right time and actually starting dancing. Her heels did make it a little difficult, but Mila adapted. She was also fortunate to be one of the few that looked better after a little exertion; sweat made her golden skin seem to glisten and shimmer, and the thrill of moving lit her further. She'd danced with friends and strangers for some time.
Only a few drinks though; Mila had never been one to overindulge. Still, she was feeling slightly buzzed, likely a combination of the strenuous movement and the alcohol in her system. The beauty excused herself from present company, sliding through the crowd and only touching a few. Several people offered smiles and offers of further time, but Mila politely declined, all the while pointing toward her eventual destination. Soon enough, she was leaving behind the overheated club, entering the cool air, feeling it kiss her heated skin.
The starlet took a deep breath, closing her eyes and tilting her head upward. She felt the overhead lights kiss her skin, and heard the muted thumping beat from behind her. Everything felt in place and she felt at peace. Mila took several deep breaths, letting herself gather. She'd enter the club soon enough; it wasn't like there were people out here to worry about. Most of the paparazzi were hiding inside, or had simply been paid off. She could enjoy the semi-quiet for the time being, at least. | Ruby had been hired weeks before the club had opened, she was one of the hottest and well-known DJs in the world, and as the club owner said, she was perfect for opening night. The club filled up quickly with A-list celebrities, the music was bumping through the speakers, and the light show was amazing. Ruby had helped set up a lot of stuff for the opening night and, as she looked around the place, she was quite happy with her work. She stood behind her turntables and other sound equipment, holding her headphones up to her ear while mixing and mashing up the music that was playing. Looking out to the crowd, Ruby could see many women who caught her interest. She had gotten a few offers and even a few drinks bought for her, but none of the women who approached her caught her interest much. Ruby was good at letting people down easy. Just looking at the woman and seeing how they acted, no one would suspect her to be a predator. With the way she refused to do anything outside or that involved going outside during the day, how she was mostly seen during late-night hours, how she never sweated, and how her body always seemed to be cold even in the hottest places.
As Ruby kicked up another song, she spotted the woman on the floor, she was perfect, and Ruby had been a fan of hers for years. Mila looked good as she moved around on the dancefloor, and Ruby couldn't keep her eyes off of her. She watched the woman from her spot behind the turntables for a while before her eyes followed Mila out the door of the club. Ruby waved over one of the other DJs in house and told him to take over for her for a few minutes. She made her way through the crowd, allowing a few pictures to be taken as she moved through the people. When she got outside, she turned to look at Mila, the woman looked simply amazing underneath the overhead lights. Ruby lit a cigarette and took a long drag off of it before finally speaking: "Had enough already mate?" she asked in her thick Australian accent. Her cold gray eyes looked Mila up and down blatantly as she waited for an answer. |
Rocket sat on her bed waiting for Sweat Pea to return from her dance class. She knew she would be punished for not attending but Rocket didn't care, she was sick of it. Sick of this place, sick of being sold off to perverted old men damn near every night and most of all she was sick of Blue. The man had no respect for anyone and he treated all the girls in the place like trash.
When the door to her room opened Rocket looked up from the book she was reading and saw her sister standing at the end of her bed. "You know Blue's gonna kill you if he finds out you skipped class again," Sweet Pea stated before crossing her arms across her chest.
"I don't give a shit what Blue does anymore, he can go fuck himself," Rocket said through gritted teeth.
"Rocket, jeez keep your voice down... I know you hate it here, but honestly where else can we go? Blue, as fucked up as he is, he's putting a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs." Sweet Pea said as she sat down next to her sister and put an arm around her.
"Yeah, but he also whores us out to make money for himself," Rocket snapped before shrugging her sister's arm from her shoulders and burying her face back into her book.
Sweet Pea tried to talk to Rocket, but got no response from her. Rocket was fed up and was in no mood to be lectured by anyone. She was going to do as she pleased, and if Blue wanted to try and kill her so be it - anything would be better than living in this hellhole. | Alexandra Miles was a young girl, her face alone said she was too young to be in a brothel. No one wanted to deal with the street rat, and although a brothel did not sound like a glamorous life, given what she knew about them, it was better than trying to get food out of a dumpster. Alex didn't know the name of the man who had brought her in but he had a very smooth voice, and hadn't been shy on testing Alex out prior to delivering her. It had been a very messed-up evening for her and she was still sore from it. Plus, the one man wasn't the only one to work her over; three more fiends of his had repeated the action after he had finished. None had used protection or even bothered to clean her up after, in fact, standing there in front of everyone, her hair was still messed up and matted with cum.
Blue smiled as he pulled the girl aside, thanking the men for the new girl. She spat angrily at Blue, who simply slapped her across the face. He had no respect for the women who were the reason his club did so well, and would have no problem getting rid of them, blinded by his success unaware that he needed the girl more than they needed him.
"Girls, meet Alex, one of you clean her up," he said coldly, tossing the girl into the room and letting her fend for herself. One thing Blue did know was how new girls were treated; one would step forward and be kind while every one else would be disgusted by fresh meat. |
Jack was young, it was obvious by her appearance and her attitude. That was especially true with how playful she was, how she bit Miranda's hand and even how she got slightly irritated by being referred to as the "little spoon." It was adorable and Miranda couldn't help but smile just thinking about it. She wasn't that way, sure she could be playful but she enjoyed teasing and pushing buttons to see outward displays and she wasn't nearly as natural at doing so. Of course that playfulness in Jack kept her on her toes, she was constantly smiling and having to react to the little gestures that kept the mood between them light. She was thankful for that, thankful that her cute lover was able to keep Miranda's own serious nature from coming out too often. Not that it wasn't there, behind the cute and caring Miranda that had been poking its head out there was still the serious and competent woman, a career woman who knew how to take care of herself. That was a side of her that would never go away.
Thinking about it that was a good thing though, Miranda needed a side of herself that was responsible and clearheaded, without that she would end up laying in bed all day. Not to mention one of them needed that side. She knew enough about Jack's history and seen little glimpses of what was beneath the surface to know she was more of a young girl than people saw her as. She was just as young, if not younger, emotionally as her appearance made her seem. She was experienced sexually of course but as far as emotional stability and life experience Miranda had many years on her. Of course all of that seemed to combined perfectly when she thought about it, especially when Jack began to express her little bit of concern, it was something Miranda's experience and age allowed her to deal with easily.
"First off, Jack," Miranda says, "I've never had men give me anything. I take care of myself and I do it quite easily. And Jack, you're not a fuck-up; I give you a hard time but when it comes down to it, you know how to take care of things in your own way and you are quite reliable." She smiles gently and kisses Jack gently. "Besides, you don't have to worry about that, as a cradle robber, I'll be the one taking care of you. I'm capable and I want to take care of you, so let me be your Sugar Mama, as long as you can handle me being your pain in the ass for the foreseeable future..." That was all Miranda had on her mind, as long as Jack was alright with her being older, she was more than happy to have the young biotic as her lover, someone she would spend her time with. Yep, Jack with her mouth, her quirks, her dominant personality, Miranda wanted it all and with her tiny insecurity out of the way, she was ready to move forward.
Of course, with that solved, she had to use her little form of playfulness once more, smirking as she leaned in and took one last kiss. "Goodnight, I love you, my adorable little spoon," she giggled as she turned Jack back into the little spoon position and wrapped her up tight, joyful as her eyes closed once more and she got as comfortable as she had ever been on that bed. Once she had settled in, and obeyed Jack's wish for her to stop talking about such things, she fell asleep rather easily. It was no wonder, she was exhausted, her endurance and natural healing abilities only took her so far, and she needed to rest. It was only made easier with Jack next to her, a level of comfort washing over her that exceeded the normal level, an at ease feeling lulling her to sleep. The happiness and comfort that she felt and which helped her fall asleep continued after she was slumbering, dreams coming to her that included the beautiful woman in her arms. Her and Jack together, kissing, relaxing next to one another on a vacation of sorts or perhaps just away from the conflict they face daily. | Jack growled as Miranda referred to her as the "little spoon," snapping her teeth at her once more. This girl really liked to push her buttons...Jack wouldn't have it any other way. She gave her lover another kiss before allowing herself to be rolled over and placed into the "little spoon" position. "I love you too, Pain in My Ass. Sweet dreams." She sighed a bit and tried to relax. "Little spoon, hmmph!" Well, at least Miranda was sweet. Jack felt a little bit better now that Miranda had said she wasn't a fuck-up. Although, Jack didn't really need anyone to take care of her or be a Sugar Mama, but the sentiment was nice.
Her hand rested over Miranda's arm, idly stroking her soft skin as she began to drift off. She started listening to Miranda's breathing as it changed. Slow and deep. It was nice, relaxing. The feeling of Miranda's entire body pressed up against her back was phenomenal. As curvy as Miranda was, Jack knew that there was a layer of muscle underneath all of those sexy curves. It was enough to help Jack calm down. Those big brown eyes fluttered shut as she focused on the sound and feeling of Miranda breathing against her back. Don't fall asleep, maybe you can just doze for a little while.
"Zero!" Get up! A gruff voice roused her from her sleep. Dr. Rascher hated this guy. He was such a dick. Brown eyes opened to see the bearded young doctor standing over her bed. He was a big guy...well...really big to a 10-year-old. Tall and a wall of muscle, he'd look like a guard if he wasn't always in his stupid white coat. Two guards stood on either side of him with guns already drawn and pointed at Subject Zero. They were unnecessary, the shock collar around her neck usually kept her from getting too uppity. Rascher just liked to fuck with her and try to scare her into obeying.
Fuck you. She grumbled, rolling over and pulling the covers over her head. She didn't like being woken up for his stupid games.
Jack began to stir, grumbling a little bit in her sleep. Her brow furrowed, her heart rate quickened. Her breathing was no longer slow and relaxed but quick and sharp. A sheen of sweat began to cover her body as she fidgeted in Miranda's arms.
"Zero, you get up this instant!" He growled, wrapping his arms around her to yank her off the damn bed himself. He didn't like to use the shock collar like the other doctors did. It made Zero useless in the ring. He needed her working at peak performance today to try out a new drug he had synthesized and tested on several subjects for the past few weeks. The results looked promising, now it was time to try it on Zero.
No! she wriggled in his grasp, kicking and screaming. She didn't want to fight, they couldn't make her, she just wanted to sleep. She fucking hated him, hated this place, hated these guards, most of all she hated this fucking shock collar that suppressed her biotics. |
John May was a 6'1 guy with golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes. He weighed about 210 pounds and he was twenty-one years old. He was athletic and strong...he had to be. He usually wore sunglasses over his eyes, and on the back of his neck there was a cut, it was nice and clean. It had originally been jagged and rough. He'd made it better over time.
Before all this had happened he'd been a teacher. He'd never touched a gun in his life, and he'd never been athletic. He'd been a know-it-all yes, but he hadn't exactly been fit or healthy. When the first invasion happened, he barely managed to escape and over the first month he started to exercise daily. By the second month he'd gotten to look the way he was now. Handsome, strong, athletic, and about four years older then he was.
At the moment he was walking through a field, glancing around every now and then. He had a backpack slung over his shoulder, and a pistol tucked into his waist. He was heading back to his camp site with a new bag of supplies. He knew that the bitch would be waiting for him to get back. He really hated her, and the only reason he put up with her is because their chances of survival were better together. He'd almost gotten caught earlier today, it had been his own fault. He still blamed her. | Kallie Davis was busy washing out that ungrateful prick's clothes at their campsite, using a bucket of water from the nearby well at the old farm. At nineteen years old, she was a picture of health. Having been a nurse before the Souls had invaded, she kept her body healthy. Standing at about 5'5" and weighing 115 pounds, she was toned and lithe. Though she was slightly muscular, she was soft in all the right places, with full hips and ample chest. Long brownish red hair framed her heart-shaped face, at the moment pulled back into a messy bun. Pale grey-blue eyes watched her surroundings as she worked, the sun warming her tanned skin through her worn white tank top. A pistol rested at her side, within easy reach should she need to use it. Without thinking, she drew it when she heard his approach. An annoyed sigh left her lips as she saw him. "You're damn lucky I don't shoot first and ask questions later, asshole," she said. |
Mai woke in darkness. For a moment, her training failed her and she flailed about, crying out wordlessly. Her body was sore and she hurt all over. Realizing she was naked, she hugged herself tightly.
Slowly, the memories returned and Mai closed her eyes, wishing they hadn't. She had tried her best to protect herself, but she had failed her master, failed her training. There had been too many of them and against magic she had been unable to hold out for long. The things they had done to her... tears came to her eyes as she realized her vows had been broken. She had been defiled over and over, made to wallow in filth and hurt so badly she had not been able to stop screaming. She had failed her teachings.
She reached out and grasped the bars of the cage she was locked in, trying to gaze out into the dark and make something out. A hollowness had settled in her chest. She did not know what they intended with her. She had been warned not to come into Cheliax, but she had not been prepared for such a response to her trying to spread the teachings of her homeland. What would happen to her now? | Taerin, dressed in her purple robes with green flame design over her mithral breastplate with her five-pointed star holy symbol visible and her matching boots of speed, stands just outside the cell in darkness as the monk awakens. She thinks this monk almost cost her four men in the first day.
"Now, my pet," she says, "you'd better be worth the trouble my men took to break you. Kneel in nadu position and face the door of this cage."
Taerin waits to see if she responds while looking over her body appraisingly and then licking her lips. She readies a hellfire eldritch blast if she fails to obey. |
The Girl with Silver Hands
How many years had it been? Upon waking up, I truly didn't know. By looking in the mirror, I had assumed not too long but the last time I had been awake, it was 1985, and the world was a much different place. Simply looking out the window, I knew it was 2013. Something was wrong. Time had passed. A lot of it. The last portable phone I owned was the size of a brick and now? People were walking around with cellular devices the size of cassette tapes.
When I awoke, I was in distress. I was confused lost. I was in a private hospital, in my own room that only few people seemed to know of. I simply remember waking, and a nurse walking by and stopping dead in her tracks dead in awe. She cried in joy. She had been caring for me for 28 years. I was in shock. I had been asleep for nearly 3 decades, and I have not a single wrinkle to account for it. I should be well in my 50s, but nothing. I still looked like my young self. I couldn't understand it, and neither could she. All she could give me were two letters. One a discharge paper, another an anonymous sealed letter. Miraculously, it was an explanation. My past had come back to haunt me. Magic? It was back.
The world was surely different, now. I had no friends or family. I had none of my old clothes, though that seemed to be a blessing in the new day and age. All I could do was start over. Start anew although really, I was starting over just to stroll right into my past. With a modern make-up, I looked nothing but a 2013 version of my old punk 1985 self. I was still dark, rather gothic, and especially pierced. Though, rather than my black hair, I decided to feed into the current color fad I had always loved red. Leather was still my favorite form of clothing. Despite the 80s having passed, I still ported a studded leather biker-inspired jacket, my classic highboots, and the none other leather gloves I constantly sported to hide my silver hands. Looking in the mirror now, I realized I was still a pirate at heart even among the Land Without Magic.
It didn't take me long to build the courage to venture to this so called "Storybrooke". Just weeks after my awakening - I stepped foot onto my Harley DavidsonIron 883motorcycle and set off to my journey to Maine. In took several days, but I made it. I had crossed the city line. I had set foot directly into my past. So much of my past, I had no idea what was coming.
I had been in town for barely two days before I learned of my ex-father's existence. Luckily, I had met up with an old friend, Little Red, or Ruby, who allowed me to stay at Granny's Inn until I figured out what I wanted to do in this little town. Little did she know, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to kill him. And I was going to do just that. A little bird told me that he frequented a small book and coffee shop downtown Storybrooke, so that was the first place I headed. Pulling up to the sidewalk next to the big glass windows, I parked my bike and headed into the shop. It was seemingly dead. Only a couple of people and one old man. It was him. Slowly peeling off my helmet, I calmly walked over to him. His head was buried in the daily newspaper - partially hiding the identity I sought for, but I didn't need confirmation. I knew by his hands, out of all things, that it was him. Stepping up next to the little round table, I slammed my helmet flat onto the table - ultimately startling the man and causing him to instantly look up at my tall, strong figure. I didn't look at him. Not right away. But as soon as I leaned my chin downward and let my cold silver eyes stare dead into his... the color in his face just drained. He knew who I was. He knew those desperate eyes. There was a long, brutal moment of silence before his quivering lips slowly parted - like he had seen a ghost. "Xe... Xenia?"
"Was it worth it?" I whispered to him. A sharp, silent whisper escaped my plump pierced lips. All he could do was look at me with that unmistakable terrified look on his face. He knew it was over. He knew this was it. Before he could even form the words to answer me, I snapped for my helmet, gripping it firmly in my solid hands and launched the object right across the side of his face. The strike caused him to fly right off of his seat, but that wasn't all I had. "Was it worth it, old man!? Get up!" Grabbing the collar of his shirt, I pulled him up off the floor, only to strike him down again. "The price of my hands!?" I shouted in pure rage, hitting him once more. "The price of my broken heart?" I picked him up once more. "All out of greed!" Using the same weapon - an item designed to save a life - I struck him again. This time slamming the blood-smeared helmet right into his crotch. Finally, I rose my arm and helmet to finish his already crippled, bloody body off, but this time when I went to swing, I couldn't. | Storybrooke, Maine. An idyllic paradise of small-town America... or so it always seemed to me. Every day, I woke up, showered, shaved, then dressed in a pair of clean jeans and a button-down shirt - any design I pleased - before opening Books-A-Plenty. As I had done every day for what felt like forever.
The people liked my shop; they liked that I always had the classics as well as the bestsellers. I even sold music and movies in the back. Made good money too. I owned the shop and the land it sat on outright, and I never needed to see Mr. Gold. Who, funnily enough, didn't mind me at all. In fact, he came into my shop every morning, read his paper (which I provided free of charge), drank his coffee, then went about his business. He even bought his books from me. I was one of the few in town who had an amiable relationship with Mr. Gold. Maybe it was because I owed him nothing, nor did I besmirch him behind his back. I was always polite and honest with him. I had no opinions about him at all. I had other things to worry about.
Like this morning. I had to rearrange the whole children's section back into alphabetical order. Little... sorry, that's my OCD acting up. Anyway, so I was standing behind the counter going over the next week's order forms when she came in.
I must admit, gothed-up biker chicks aren't really my thing, but I had never seen a woman with such purpose, ferocity, passion, or intensity. And yes, she looked really, really good in her red and leather. Even better than everyone's new favorite Emma Swan. Odd girl that one. But enough about her.
I watched Xenia march right up to Mr. Gold. This drew many eyes, though most were ogling her already. It's odd, as there are so many truly beautiful women in this town, but we always get more. What drew every eye was when she slammed her helmet onto the table, catching Mr. Gold's attention. As she bent over him and whispered something, I knew there was going to be trouble.
I dropped the clipboard.
She whispered something else.
I took a step forward.
She decked him across the face with the helmet, knocking him out of the chair.
I gripped the counter.
She screamed at him and pulled him back up, cracking him another good one across the face.
I vaulted the counter, landing lightly and moving on.
She screamed hitting him again.
I vaulted a customer and her table, not taking the time to go around her again, landing lightly.
She landed a fourth hit, this one right into his crotch. This one made him scream.
She reared back for another.
"Miss, I can't allow you to beat him to death," I said, then gently but firmly took her arm, which I had already grabbed, and squeezed her forearm, pushing the helmet clear of her hand with ease, then spun under her arm and planted a hand on her chest, leg behind both of hers dropped her firmly onto the floor, then rolled her onto her chest, bringing her hands together. "Someone go get Sheriff Swan."
I gently held the girl's hands. "Miss, I am going to have to restrain you until the sheriff arrives. I apologize, but you did assault Mr. Gold-"
Now what happened next is hard to tell.
I was suddenly in a forest. In the same position. Atop Xenia. Our eyes were locked, our lips barely three inches apart. My hair was much longer, and I had a sword and bow. For some reason. Our hair was over both of our faces. Then suddenly, I was back in my shop.
I was still holding Xenia, and had somehow tied her hands with a bit of string, helping her sit up while I was out of it. I turned now to Mr. Gold, dodging his hands trying to fend me off, and pushing them aside easily. I gripped his face gently and opened his mouth. "Well, Mr. Gold, She dislocated your jaw, but broke no teeth or bones. You are certainly lucky. Though I doubt you feel that way."
I got him to lay back as Emma came in and everyone began to shout explanations. I stood and shouted, "HEY!" Everyone shut up, and I pointed at Xenia. "She just nearly beat his skull in with her bike helmet. She seemed very agitated. I suspect she had good cause." Mr. Gold coughed and surprised me even more than Xenia trying to kill him. "I will not be pressing charges, Sheriff. |
She had long lost track of the days, but it didn't really matter. It was just another prison... just another place to exist. Unlike her tower, however, which she had made to be so warm and cheery, this place was anything but. It was dark, and dank, and she could often hear screams and cries beyond her own room's walls. But she did not know what went on beyond them, and mother would not tell her.
Mother had brought her here, though she had not given a reason why. And while this place made Rapunzel extremely anxious... she had no reason not to trust mother. Mother was all she had. And she was all mother had.
And so she sat in her little room with its cheap and bare decor, wondering when they would once again return to her tower. For, as much as she had yearned to venture outside of it... she had never imagined this. She yearned for the sunshine, not the darkness. For Pascal, and her paintings, and her room. For the comforts of home that she had known all of her life.
But she was beginning to think she would never see those things again.
Sitting on her hard and lumpy mattress, she kicked her bare feet, playing with her hair absently. There was little else to do, admittedly, and she was beginning to go a bit stir-crazy. All there was to do was hum... so she did just that. Just to keep herself going. | After a few more minutes of silence, the wooden door to Rapunzel's cell opened up. "Ahhh my darling daughter!" Gothel greeted, approaching her sweet child with a small sway of her hips. "Goodness, I am so sorry to keep you locked away like this," she continued, "but the new queen... well, she is a very particular woman." She didn't like giving up Rapunzel to another woman, but it was either that or let Maleficent stick her head on a pike. Not a good option. "Ahh... This room is so dreary. It simply isn't fit for a child of your beauty." She took a seat beside the teenager on the bed and took a sniff of her majestic golden hair, while one hand roamed down to grab Rapunzel's own. "I might be able to get you a nicer room here. You just need to do as I say..." The attractive older woman said, a wicked smile crossing her face. |
Meg woke up in bed with her head on her boyfriend's chest. He was much more comfortable than her pillows, even if they were the best pillows money could buy. She looked around the lavish room and smiled brightly; three hundred and sixty-five days ago, they left Africa to come to America. Now the time has come for a change of venue. They were going back home to Greece or the Hellenic Republic, as it was called now. She was so excited she could hardly stand it. Even with only a few hours of sleep, she was bouncing around on the inside. Any normal person would be struck down with a massive hangover or wake up next to a toilet. She had that taken care of by her sweetheart. A quick touch of the head and she never got another hangover. Which was a major boost. She went out every weekend, she couldn't be struck down with such trivial things.
She rolled out of bed carefully, so she didn't wake up her sleeping partner and went into her closet. It was every girl's dream closet - she was in the shoe closet, which was as big as a master bathroom, and the walls were covered in shoes except in the places where the doors were. She opened a door and it took her to a pocket universe that was her closet. All the new things were up front, and the deeper she went, the more historical the clothes were. Right now, she needed something to spark Hades appetite. She needed more clothes, and she knew the best way to get more clothes was to wear little to none when she asked for new clothes. She just had to find the right set.
She found a pair of black thigh highs that would look good against her milky skin, then she found a purple corset with a black ribbon that went around the waist. Now she just had to find panties. She found a black silk pair of booty shorts and left the closet to get dressed. She teased her hair to make it appear fuller and put on a light purple lip gloss. After applying a little eye liner she got dressed and peeked into their room. Seeing Hades still asleep, she grabbed her crystal Louboutin heels and went into the kitchen. She pulled out the eggs and bacon and stuff for pancakes. She read the directions on the pancake box and it looked easy enough. She started to mix it together and smiled at herself. She rarely cooked because it never came out quite right, but every now and then she would try.
She put butter in the pan and poured the batter in the pan. While that cooked on one side she grabbed her phone and started to text her friends in Greece. She wanted them all ready for her arrival so they could dance the night away. She was lost in the conversation with her friends and forgot to check her pancakes. When she did it was smoking, black and stuck to the pan. She looked up at the fire alarm and hoped it wouldn't go off like the last time. Hades was angry with her the last time it went off, he would know she wasn't paying attention to what she was cooking again. She put the pan in the sink and smiled when the cook came down.
"I tried and I failed. Will you make Hades breakfast. The works. I need everything." She smiled sweetly and went back to typing away on her phone.
The cook was used to being around Meg while she was half naked. She only really appeared when Meg wanted something to eat. She was good like that. It was no wonder why Hades kept the old woman alive so long, she was an expert cook and helped Meg not to burn the house down. In a half hour Meg had everything she needed for Hades's breakfast. She thanked Dolores and left with the tray of food. She walked into the bedroom and put the tray down on her side of the bed. She walked over to Hades side and rubbed his cheek.
"Wakey, wakey dilectione mea (my heart)." She said softly and kissed his cheek. "Breakfast is waiting." Meg grew out of most of her flaws except one. She lacked patience. She knew how to get Hades up toot sweet but she if they started that they wouldn't stop and she would miss the night out with her friends. Boxer, Meg's French bulldog, pranced his way into the room and Meg picked him up. "Lets wake up daddy." She told him and set him on Hades chest. She started to kiss Hades cheek and Boxer went to the other cheek and started to lick. "If you wake up I'll get him to stop. | The life of partying, or the life of love?
Everything started back in the ancient Greek times, and Hades couldn't be more happy about it. Pain and Panic had just reported that they had killed Hercules as instructed, and Hades saw fit to have a little celebration for himself. The little brat wouldn't be able to impede on his plans for total domination of Greece and Olympus anymore. He had a wonderful time drinking wine and messing around with the people of Greece, but then he met her. The god had decided to take a short rest in one of the forests surrounding the city, and heard a woman crying. Despite being the supposed evil god of the underworld, he had a soft spot for women, and followed the sound of crying until he saw Meg. Hades slowly but surely comforted her, and found out that her previous boyfriend had just ran off on her with another girl. That angered the god, but there was nothing he could do for her unless she did one little thing for him. With the promise of her soul, he told her that he could show her what real love is like, and would give her all that her heart desired. That was the start of their relationship, and it has been going strong ever since.
Hades fell deeply in love with Meg after that, and they slowly started to enter into a more sexual relationship as he revealed more and more of his dominant side. He couldn't even imagine what his life would be like without her, and very nearly experienced it first hand. Meg was fifty at the time, and it made Hades start thinking more and more about the fact that she was getting older, and would die soon enough. It scared him to death, so he convinced her to let him make her immortal, so they could be together forever. Thankfully, she agreed to it, and he reverted her back to being thirty years old while also making her immortal just like him. Even after that, their relationship still was strong thanks to the changes of time giving them more and more to do with everything passing year. Now they were in the modern era, and both of them had changed a lot. Being a god, Hades always had a constant quest for power, and the modern era gave him more power than he ever thought possible. He was the owner of three of the most popular nightclubs in all of Greece, and the world for that matter. It not only gave him power to get his finger in the pie of politics, but gave him more money than one could shake a stick at. Even outdoing the richest person in the world by a total landslide.
Of course, that meant he would absolutely spoil Meg, and give her everything and anything that she asked him for. Hades knew that she loved him for him, and not just for his money. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been together for as long as they have. Still, sometimes he would start thinking about what it would be like to start settling down with her, and perhaps start a family; however, every time he starts talking about it, Meg just shoots him down by saying that she wants to have a few more years to themselves. Despite his own wishes, he does agree with her that they can do a lot more things without kids than they can with.
Hades was sleeping rather peacefully, but did stir a little when he felt Meg's body leaving him. It wasn't until he smelled breakfast, and felt both Meg and Boxer kissing and licking his cheeks. It all put a smile on his face "Alright, alright, you can stop licking me Boxer," he said, getting up and gently pushing the dog away from him. Hades stretched, and shook the sleep out of his eyes, so he could see what Meg was wearing. Needless to say, he was impressed, aroused, and already wondering how much this was going to cost him "Well now, either you decided to give me some morning wood so I could have a little morning fun, or you want me to buy you something," he looked down at the tray of food, and would have been rather impressed if he didn't already know it was made by Dolores "I'm going to assume it is the latter," he said, chuckling and giving her a kiss as well as a good slap on the ass. |
Eyes the color of frosted glass peered from beneath the errant strands of achromatic white hair that fell across the corner of his right eye as the lycan strode boldly through the halls of his kin and sought counsel among the gathered ranks of his kin who had found refuge in the ruins of the old keep on the fringe of Hjaalmarch.
Bare-chested and clad with nothing but a great gauntlet of beaten iron that encased the entirety of his right arm, fastened securely in place by leather straps that crisscrossed the length of his torso, he lifted his iron-clad hand and gave a mighty push against the aged door that barred his way into the depths of the keep where the echoes of his kins laughter and speech emanated. The light of the torches cast a pale shadow across his narrow features and sought to further accentuate the almost imperceptible curl of his upper lip that lay bare the elongated teeth whose tips protruded half a fingertip beyond his bottom lip.
Cross had spent far too much time in the most recent task laid upon him by the war council of his lupine brethren, clad in the filthy garb of humankind he had wandered the streets of a nearby town whose name the proud warrior had not even bothered to learn during his time spent amongst the commonfolk and sought to learn something... anything... about the movements of the forces of the Silver Hand and their armed forces this deep within the reach.
Eyes from amidst the weathered warriors who guided the hand of Hiricine's Sons all turned in unison to gaze upon the form of Cross as he thrust wide the doors of the antechamber and basked in the silence and scent of his kin which reached him even amid the musty smell of the old keep.
Icy orbs turned almost feral, the corner of his mouth twitched ever so slightly and he turned his head to gaze from each corner of the chamber to the other before settling his eyes upon the senior member of the order who sat seated in the center of the chamber.
"There's something here, Harl," the lycan muttered beneath his breath, his words accentuated by a low growl that rumbled in the center of his chest and became trapped in his throat. "I can smell it... something not natural... one of those pink-skins," he would have finished with a few sniffs that seemed to catch the air around him.
Though before the older warrior could muster an answer, he would have given a sharp wave of his hand. Slitted eyes would have drifted suspiciously to the dark-skinned woman who sat adjacent to one of the members of the feral brotherhood and he would have indicated her with an outstretched hand.
There was something almost... primitive... ancient and powerful about the magic around here. It was so potent that he could almost taste it in the air. And there was something about her mannerisms... her unusual eyes and even the unique style of her hair that, had his primal mind been so focused upon the irritation that still clung to his thoughts, both at the prospect of a newcomer not-lycan in their midst and regarding the time spent in their cities, that he suspected he would have been quite consumed by her unusual appearance.
"Leave us," he would have growled, though several amongst the gathering would have sought to protest. He would have silenced them with a stiff wave of his hand.
"Curs! I said leave! I'll spare not a moments thought to any of your reasons that an outsider would be amongst these halls... leave me to decide her fate myself." He would have growled, eyes drifting to study her and her appearance from top to bottom... and times, perhaps, lingering a tad too long in some areas.
"Speak, outlander," he would have muttered as those about him would have shouldered past him, "I am not long on patience... | After the civil war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials came to a simmer, Fort Snowhawk was taken over by a coven of necromancers. Tol'vir of the Dunes, the enigmatic high chief of Hircine's Sons, bid that his brothers commandeer the old structure and purge it of the necromancers. Many were lost in the battle which resulted in Hircine's Sons being routed. Since Fort Snowhawk was such a bottleneck between Morthal and Solitude, it was crucial that it be in their possession. It was then that Tol'vir bid his second in command, Theodane, to seek out a redguard mage named Ohm'mali Qun whose magical prowess was revered among the alteration community. She was young, however, experienced, and the tragedy she experienced fed her flame for vengeance.
After her compensation was arranged, Ohmali single-handedly annulled the lives of every last necromancer that drew breath within the fort. From then on she was conscripted to aid the Sons in their attacks, offering healing and hindrance spells in tandem with their claws and fangs.
Some months later, Ohmali was invited to attend an obligatory moot among the Sons. Tol'vir sent his missionaries to Markarth, Winterhold and Dawnstar, requesting the presence of his most revered ilk to share in his concern. Each arrived within three days of the missives being sent, all of different creeds and colors. One of the old werewolves, a wind-burnt and weathered Breton, ambled into the hold greeted by his kind with a clasp of the forearm. Though as a human he was wizened, the Breton was a powerhouse when barreling into an enemy on all fours.
A litany of others joined in the mood -a barrel-chested, red-headed Nord, a set of twins and a platinum-blond Imperial woman whose mane was festooned with elegant, pressed glass pins fashioned to resembled nightshade.
Inside of the atrium, the scent of steam-soaked meat permeated about the chamber. The Imperial woman sat in her mate's lap upon a refurbished Dwemer throne; they lovingly fondled each other, much to the chagrin of Theodane who grimaced in disgust. He quickly exchanged glances with Ohmali who stood still than a statue well across the room, her eyes as sharp and dark as the backbone of an ebony sword. As a pugilist, Theodane was uninterested in the trees of magic and 'sorcery'; in addition, there was something queerly off putting about this woman that chilled him to the proverbial bone.
It was when Cross ambled in that Theodane began to panic. He came to learn all too quickly of Ohmali's temper and the virtually cataclysmic events that followed, thus, he sought to keep peace between the two parties.
"Cross ...!" Theodane growled. He glanced at Tol'vir, who was draped in thick, colorful robes with the patterns of the Al'kir, as if asking permission to advance. Tol'vir said nothing and continued to smoke his pipe, giving Theodane reason to press on. "Still your tongue, you fool," he continued, "You've been gone a moon to long to be barking commands ... know your place."
Ohmali simply raised one of her eyebrows, almost dramatically. "Your patience and its capacity are no concern of mine," she hissed, "I have come to grown close to your ilk over the passing months, but you ... you are no kin of mine. Sheath your fangs or, may the Fates bare witness, I will end you. |
Jacob sighed softly. As he waited for her... He hid around the corner of his girlfriend's apartment. His body, stealthily hidden by the shadows. Peering around the corner, from her kitchen to her front door. He smiled, as he heard the jingle of keys. Almost melodic, as he waited in anticipation. Finally, it took you long enough. Is what went through his head. As he could hear the sound of her unlocking the door. Soon, the door was open. And the tall, buxom blonde entered her apartment. As beautiful as ever. Her hair and clothes faintly wet with sweat.
She must have just came back from the gym, on the ground floor. Back from another intense workout. Keeping those curves that he loved so much. As well as keeping her body toned for her work. Someone like her, always has to be ready for anything. With a sly smile, Jacob wondered if she was ready for this?
She took in a sigh as she slammed the door behind her. Not caring about locking it. This was a relatively safe part of town any way. And besides, if anyone actually broke in, she can handle them right? She ran her hand through her blond hair, as she began to walk forward. Walking right past Jacob, and then setting her bag to the ground with a thud. She takes a long deep breath as she was ready to relax in her home. And relax on her well-deserved day off.
As she tripped through her bag, taking out her things. Jacob slowly snuck behind her. Slowly reaching to grab her. She struggled, as he gripped her hands. Locking them crossed along her large chest. He took a deep breath, taking in the scent of her sweat and perfume. Before twisting her around, and nearly slamming her against the wall. He was rough, not caring if he hurt her. Since she herself was tough, and even at times liked the pain. Soon enough she would see it was him. The second she stopped fighting his grip, and took a second too look. She could see his smile, the smile of a jokester, and the smile of a total dick for scaring her.
"Hey there Sonya." He said, as if nothing was even wrong. He then let loose his firm grip. Releasing her arms. To quickly pull her and wrap his hands around her hips. He took another deep breath, taking in her scent. As he kissed up her neck. Quickly showing why he was here, and getting straight onto business. His great big smile still planted on his face, until he pressed his lips against hers. Kissing her firmly, and wrapping his tongue longingly around her own. | Sonya Blade entered her apartment after a successful few hours at her local gym. Her green yoga pants that gripped her tight rump and accentuated every curve of her, as well as her shortly cropped white tank top that too hugged her bosom tight was still damp with sweat. Jacob didn't seem to care about her scent, so she didn't worry too much about masking it other than her perfume. Jacob would be here soon so she might want to change. As she rifled through her bag, she was unaware of her equally skilled boyfriend opening and entering the apartment undetected. Though she could handle herself in most cases, her boyfriend was one of the few that knew exactly how to defeat her. Suddenly, she was wrangled by a stranger, she tried to lash out and kick but she was pinned so rapidly she didn't have any method of escape. She screamed a bit as she was shoved roughly into the wall, suddenly revealing who her assailant was. The dim light accentuated his soft features and shadowed the rigid ones.
"You're a fucking asshole," she said in all seriousness as he loosened his grip and began kissing her, their tongues intertwined and she wrapped her arms around Jacobs neck, placing some of her weight on him knowing he could more than take it. "Most boyfriends just knock you know." she said playing with his hair. |
Erebor was not a joyful place to those who looked upon it from the outside. It was a Mountain that lived up to its nickname of The Lonely Mountain. The kings under the mountain held a job that few were strong enough to handle, and even fewer were willing to do. For the kings of Erebor, shepherded the souls of those lost to hardship and strife, to war and hunger and goblin attack, to accident and old age and murder, all of the souls that died went through the under gates of the mountain, greeted and ushered onto the next life to be judged by the Creator by the king.
The people of Erebor adored their king. Each time a new heir would take up the heavy burden that came along with the crown, they gave their support and love. For such a job wore upon the soul of a person, the many woes of the lost people dragging at the many kings' sanity and happiness. Yet not once had a king of Erebor shirked their duty or tried to pass the crown to another before they could handle no more. Each time the line of Durin stepped forward to claim their crown and take up the task of escorting the dead to their rightful place. Such was the curse of the mountain.
As much as his own people could show their support and loyalty, not everyone in Middle-earth held such views on the king of death. As such when a young prince named Thorin just barely of age took the crown from his ailing father, he was made aware of just how feared his position was to peoples outside of Erebor, how loathed and terrifying he became as the king of death. As much as his kin and friends tried to shield it from him, every time he dared to wander outside of the mountain he saw the fear, and the hatred. For he was the one who came to take their family away when they passed, and for that crime he was forever guilty and to be shunned.
So King Thorin stopped leaving the mountain, he slowly lost the gleam of life in his eyes as the years of his service wore on. His hair was streaked with silver and his face was lined with an age he did not own; there was no joy in the king under the mountain, for he had no one to share the burden and no one willing to comfort him in the way only the one closest to his heart could. Thorin had given up finding his one when he took the crown, for who would want the king of death as a life mate?
So his heart grew heavier and heavier in his chest with each passing day, and his vitality began to drain away. He was holding on, but his people could see his suffering, and knew he had not long to last. So they began to search for something to help their king that they so loved, something or someone to bring joy back into his life once more. | Balin had been the adviser and friend of the king since Thorin's grandfather, King Thror, had been king under the mountain. His heart ached for the suffering of the young king. The worries of his short years clearly showed on his face. Balin had watched his king slowly die right before his eyes and felt completely helpless to stop it. That was, until he remembered her.
It happened one day when he and his brother Dwalin were discussing what they could do to help their friend. A messenger had come, bringing Balin a letter from their brother Kailin. Kailin lived in the Iron Hills as a fur trader and was asking permission to send his daughter Am'lia to Erebor to live for an indefinite amount of time. The brothers couldn't help but grin at the memory of a young dwarven prince chasing around the young fairy girl, begging for a feel of her "arkenstone" wings. This had gone on for about a month before her family returned to the iron hills.
Of course, young Thorin didn't know that the only time you touch a fairy's wings is when they are injured, trying to injure them or during coitus. Balin smiled fondly, remembering his own life-mate Karana. She had been a half-fairy dwarrow and he quickly discovered the benefits of having a light and gentle touch... Dwalin brought him back to the present by suggesting that they invite Thorin to dinner the first night Am'lia was there, which wasn't unusual since the king usually had dinner with them when he wasn't drained from his daily activities.
With these plans in mind, they quickly sent a message back to their youngest brother, informing him that they would be delighted to see their beloved niece again. She had always been a sweet child but they hadn't seen her since before she had become of age, for they were busy helping Thorin adjust to his new role as king and keeping him going ever since. Of course they really did look forward to seeing their niece, but if she could do anything to help their king it would be all the better.
Balin had been waiting anxiously at the front gates of Erebor for the better part of the afternoon, today being the day when Am'lia should be arriving. He had not received word stating otherwise so she had to be coming. When his pacing had caused him to turn his back, he heard the distinctive neigh of a pony, followed by the cheery cry of "Uncle!" He turned with a smile and ran to greet his niece. She hadn't stepped foot in the door and yet the lonely mountain was slightly brighter place due to her presence. As the evening came, word of her arrival began to spread until whispers of a young, very beautiful woman reached the ears of the king. |
Tom awoke in his sleeping bag with a loud yawn, the sounds of nature stirring him from his sleep. He had been journeying across Kanto for a few weeks now, with his trusty Umbreon, Dusk, at his side, and his three other Pokmon. Mainly he was exploring and trying to make his team even more powerful for when he eventually worked up the courage to try and take on a Gym Leader or two, but the possibility of proving his adulthood to his parents by lasting so long on his own like this was also appealing.
Something was a little off about this morning... Tom couldn't quite put his finger on it, but... Well, it was as if the air itself felt different. Oh well, probably just his imagination. Tom pulled his trousers on in a sleepy haze and got out of the tent, starting up a campfire so he could prepare some breakfast for himself and Dusk. "Oi... Dusk, it's breakfast time!" Tom called out. | Dusk's ears perked up when she heard Tom calling her. She opened her eyes and stretched her body, but quickly noticed something was different. She felt...bigger. She looked down at her paws, which were now shaped like human hands. Her small feral body was now the shape and design of a human female. Thin, with hourglass curves, large breasts, and a round rear. Everything about her was changed. She was confused and couldn't believe what had happened to her. "Tom!" She cried out, then immediately covered her mouth. She could speak like a human!? What was happening?! Dusk didn't know what to do or say from the shock and confusion. |
It was an early Alternian evening. The sun had just set, splashing colors over the budding night sky. The air was still warm from its harsh light, but the sea was gentle and cool. Stars twinkled and the moons glimmered down on a female troll slowly making her way down a beach. Aranea Serket had been expecting a quiet day of contemplation and wandering, just herself and her thoughts. It'd been a while since she'd been on the beach. It was nicer than she remembered, and the water was soothing and comforting against her bare feet. She really ought to come more often. The sea hadn't been the one to earn her ire. It was just the sea. A body of water without thoughts or feelings or ulterior motives. Just water moving as it always moved, slow, calm, unstoppable. It simply kept going, and if something was in its way, then it eventually simply pushed through it. Maybe she ought to be like the water. She should stop letting things stop her from flowing in the direction that she wanted to flow in. Aranea should just crush whatever tried to keep her from moving forward.
Perhaps she was a little bitter. Just the tiniest bit. But honestly what did they expect of her. Her family had their legacy, each one was special in her own right. But Aranea, her specialty seemed to just be retelling the stories of people she knew. And she was tired of it. She didn't want to be the messenger girl, she wanted to be the message that was spread. She wanted trolls to know her name. Or at the very least, she wanted someone's attention. But she rarely had it unless she bribed her social group or forced her way into the conversation. Most of the time she could just sit in the background, observing, and everyone would be perfectly okay with that. But she wasn't. And it was so upsetting. So she took a break from their presence and went for a nice, long walk. She'd actually gotten herself fairly lost, but she couldn't bother herself to feel very worried. It was nicer, perhaps, to not know her way back. It would take her longer to get there and so she would have a great deal more time to calm down before she got there. If she wanted to go back. Maybe she wouldn't. Maybe she'd build a new hive here by the sea and spend her days with no one but the waves for company. And maybe a few gillbeasts. | Eridan suddenly appeared in the air and dropped down into what looked to be his hive/ship. His eyes were pure white, he wasn't in the mood to delude himself again, he knew he was dead. What was worse was he had just come back from being forcefully merged with an asshole that almost matched his own self hatred. It felt horrible, and they... he, weren't even arsed enough to end it themselves like Virska and Tav, it had to be a conversation with one of the thickest humans he had ever the displeasure to talk to.
"Damn it," Eridan muttered with clenched fists. Looking around his old home, memories of his old life flood him, back when life was so much simpler, all he had to worry about was finding meals for Fef's lusus and coming up with ways to kill all the land dwellers. But those memories just lead back to Feferi, which of course lead to his biggest mistake. There is no words for how much Erdain wanted to take back that one moment.
Lost in self-pity, he barely noticed when the open beach seemed to open up into half of his room. Looking up the sudden change did distract him for the more depressing thoughts. Cautious, the high blood slowly walked onto the sandy shore. It didn't take long before he noticed a very attractive troll sitting on the beach, she looked a bit like Virka. Mainly the horns and symbol really.
"Who are you? What do you want?" He asked bluntly while getting closer, a visible sneer appearing when he saw Karkat's symbol below her chin, a very odd sight indeed. |
The glorious executioner spun his axes with great elegance, throwing them and catching them with great ease. His job was easy, and he loved it. Sometimes Draven got into a certain zone, and killing off his enemies became easier and easier. At the start, the brash champion found killing other champions too easy, and he would slip into a bit of a blur, hucking axes and catching them, listening to the sounds of cheering that may or may not have been present. His brother Darius took things a bit too seriously, but for Draven, it was all fun and games.
One day, on the Fields of Justice, Draven was particularly in the zone. Things were almost too easy today, he could buy whatever he wanted, he could do whatever he wanted, and he could three-shot nearly whatever he wanted. The cheers were getting louder and louder, first the support died, then the tank, followed by their mage and jungler. Finally, just as their marksman was running away, a well placed Spinning Axe picked them off perfectly. Inside of his head, chants of Penta-kill were loud inside of his own head, and even the congratulations and the credit from his team were drowned out. From that sole act alone, the other team surrendered, and the thought of Draven's penta-kill stayed in his brain for quite awhile.
Back at Noxus, there was a large party thrown for the marksman. There was food, singing, dancing, and people as far as the eye could see. Taking a seat on a large and ornate chair on a stage, a faceless announced announced that there was a big surprise waiting for him. . . | Ashe was a queen of Freljord, married to the mighty warrior Tryndamere, but even she was not exempt from the traditions of the League of Legends. Champions were celebrities in the league, gods even, and when one is so high off the ground, it's easy to lose yourself in excess and Hedonism. A pentakill fivesome is a tradition that caters to this hedonistic culture. If a champion gets a Pentakill during the game, he gets to fuck all his teammates.
"Splendid Pentakill, Draven," the frost archer said, stepping into the room, followed by her three other teammates. "Especially when you finished off Ashe's husband," a red haired beauty added from behind, Miss Fortune has always been up for post-league sex, but she rarely gets to indulge in a pentakill fivesome, such a thing is rare indeed.
Together, the four girls guided Draven to the master bedroom where each girl stripped to their lingerie, Ashe wearing a white bridal style one with thigh high and garters. Katarina's red lace two-piece hugged her slim figure tightly, Miss fortune was the least modest, wearing only a black thong, her breasts bouncing freely and Sona had an oriental style silk underwear.
"Now..let's see if you can get a Quadra Kill in bed," Ashe said, kneeling in front of him, undoing his pants while the others watched in anticipation, hoping that he would be hung like a horse as the rumors said. |
Soft golden light poured out of the roof access door as it opened to reveal, not the dark stairway that it normally would have, but what appeared to be a tidy girl's bedroom being dimly illuminated by a desktop lamp. The silhouette of a young woman, framed by the glow, partially obscured the oddity, but not enough that any witnesses would fail to notice that the room's dimensions were easily four times the size that would be able to fit in the space provided by the little outcropping that constituted said access. Such facts didn't concern Inchuriel, though, mostly because she already knew there wouldn't be any witnesses, not yet anyway. Only one person would be here tonight besides her, and it was a few moments before he would arrive. She had foreseen it.
It had taken quite a bit of time and effort to sort through the shattered mess that had become of the Great Pattern to find a time and place where she could meet the mortal that had piqued her interest through the memories of her host. Holly had been quite the fan of his, reading in wonder the articles that the various media printed about the mysterious masked man who swung through the air like an expert gymnast could only dream of doing on gossamer strands he seemed to conjure from nowhere. At times he struck quite the romantic figure, either saving damsels in distress or, if the Daily Bugle was to be believed, playing the dashing rogue in daring acts of skullduggery. Well, that's how Holly had interpreted it anyway and, because Holly was a part of her now, she couldn't help but think of him in that light as well. She knew better than to let that image intrude on reality though.
She calmly stepped out onto the roof, closing the door behind her. Oddly, now that the door was closed, it was easier to make out her appearance. Despite the fact that they shared the same features, the long elegant raven hair and chestnut brown eyes set in a slender yet subtly heart-shaped face, Inchuriel left a much different impression than had Holly Masterson. Where Holly had been cheerful and bubbly, Inchuriel was poised and confident, always with a mysterious twinkle in her eye that seemed to say, "I know something you don't know." At first, the change had been a little unsettling for her family and friends, but eventually they had decided that it was simply a case of a girl finally maturing into adult hood. Well, the ones that hadn't simply started avoiding her had decided that anyway.
With a couple minutes to go, Inchuriel meticulously smoothed out her skirt. She had purposefully selected subtly alluring yet unsuitably, even jarringly, mundane clothes to contrast against the scenery of a New York rooftop in the middle of the night. She wanted to leave an impression, wanted to make it so she would keep popping into his mind when it started to wander. So, she had chosen a short black skirt and a white tank top that emphasizes her rather slender form and and long legs that were covered up to the knee in white socks. The look was completed by a pair of simple black Mary Janes. Satisfied that her outfit was in order, she leaned back against the door with her arms crossed beneath her chest to wait for her 'guest'. | Three weeks had passed since Peter had donned his new suit - a fitting name for something that was so much more than just clothing. It was a mass of black that covered his form when on duty, with an elongated spider logo that seemed to pulse with energy. Small strands of white dotted the legs, creating a chaotic spread that made him look like a living nightmare. The suit had given him strength beyond anything he could have imagined, and he felt invincible.
He couldn't quite recall how he obtained the suit - whether it was a crashing meteorite or a facility designed to help him recover - but he didn't care. He was able to take down petty thugs and stereotypical super villains with ease, and he knew that he would soon be facing greater challenges. But that didn't bother him; he was ready for whatever came next.
The Daily Bugle continued to criticize him, but that wouldn't matter once he revealed his true identity to the world. In the meantime, he would continue to pose for photos that made him look good, even if he hated doing it.
By tonight, he was ready to see where his skills could take him, willing and wishing to push himself even further. The second skin, symbiote, aid, whatever you wanted to call it, was influencing him without Peter even realizing it, as it did with anyone else it'd be associated with. Tonight, however, he was frustrated. The city was rather peaceful despite his searching, no muggers to defeat, rapists to stop or delusional megalomaniacs to thwart.
It was just his luck - positive or negative luck is up for debate - that he landed on that rooftop, a somewhat stunning figure catching his eyes. Even without the suit he'd be paying attention, bored of being single, but with his more primal urges being urged on by the sight of a young, attractive woman. She was rather lovely, somewhat above average height with the kind of face that would drive men to extremes, a cheeky glimmer in her eye that let on she was aware of a joke only the most privileged would know.
That wasn't all that caught his eye, however. It was the clothing. By herself in the middle of the city on an isolated rooftop, it was truly unique. The suicidal dressed much, much more reserved than her and she certainly didn't have the air of such a person - the opposite, someone wanting and waiting for someone specific. That was the most important thing, the kind of looks that would attract Peter Parker, the air of strength that would intrigue the symbiote.
Landing on the rooftop with more grace than usual - the stick black webs the symbiote had an unlimited supply of were much easier to manipulate than his artificial webbing - Peter strode over to the girl, eyes flickering over her form under the mask. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this without company?" He asked, cocky tone he seemed to always have more obvious than usual. |
Winter and Summer. Cold and warmth. Death and life. Opposite concepts, right? Only technically. After all, some things thrive in Winter, others suffer. Some find joy in the silence and cold of Winter, others sadness in Summer warmth. Even the personifications of Winter and Summer aren't just Evil versus Good- far from it. Take the Winter Lady, draped in debauchery and lust half the time, coldness and death the rest. Take the Summer Lady, loving and gentle half the time, cruelty and pain the rest.
Maeve, the aforementioned Winter Lady, was pretty much the most promiscuous of the Sidhe Courts, even taking mortal lovers most of the time. Take Aurora, the Summer Lady. Warm and kind, she could be even crueler than Maeve at times. Now wasn't one of those times- in fact, the two were talking. Friends wouldn't be right, but it's the closest we can think of.
Aurora sighed and crossed her legs as she listened to Maeve's challenge, barely paying attention. "I'm sorry, what? You... Want me to have a competition with you?" She asked, finally settling on her appearance. Many Sidhe could change appearance, and as one of the strongest she often did so with ease. As of now, she was ginger with long hair in delicate, glowing tresses, vibrant skin that could catch the eyes of any with the slightest pulse, pleasantly skinny figure with five foot four inches of height on her. | Maeve couldn't have been a more perfect opposite to Aurora, her skin an almost translucent pale tinged with blue, her vibrant, ice blue hair cut in a short bob. Where Aurora chose a slightly provocative outfit that showcased her femininity, Maeve's choice of dress was downright vulgar. Everything was too tight and see-through, ripped in all the wrong places and cut to reveal rather than hide. "Competition?" Maeve asked, scoffing at the notion. She ran her hands down her scandalously clad body. "We both know you can never compete with all of this. But if you want to try, I'd be willing to let you. We fuck. First one to come loses. Loser submits to the most degrading sex acts the winner can devise." Maeve slid a hand down the front of her lycra hot pants, caressing the elegantly sculpted camel toe. "And it *will* be degrading. I plan to drag your high-class ass to the glory hole and make you take it from everyone who wants a piece of you. And not the classy glory hole with the nice carpet and the beverage service, the *nasty* one. Not that they know me there by name or anything. |
In the middle of the night, the oni princess Suzuka Hime had been turning in her sleep for a while now, though she had luckily not disturbed her beloved Kyo Enzan, who slept next to her. The two were engaged, set to be married within the next couple months, and Suzuka was very pleased to have such a man with her. As of late though, she had a few worries about the direction of their relationship, as she felt that they hadn't progressed all too much lately. For one, she still had somewhat of a complex about her flat chest, especially when she would compare to some of her friends. Since she was quite active with dance though, she had a very slim figure and wide hips that were quite mesmerizing when they were moving about. Still, she had a feeling that perhaps she wasn't all that entrancing to him, and they hadn't even had sex in the time they were together. It wasn't as though she was in a rush for that, but she was still wondering if Kyo did feel that way about her. She soon woke from her sleep, sitting up in bed as her dreams were being influenced by her worrying thoughts. She didn't wish to disturb Kyo about this, but she wasn't going to get to sleep like this. She slowly slipped from the bed, getting into her sandals and robe as she went to get some fresh air. Perhaps a little cool night air would be just what she needed to help calm herself. She felt silly for constantly worrying, especially when they had been together for so long. Perhaps it was just the fact that they would be married soon that raised all these questions. | Kyo slept soundly until he felt Suzuka stir and get up. Kyo was a young man of twenty years. He was a fit man who was six feet tall, possessed flame red hair that fell to the middle of his neck, and beautiful ice blue eyes. He was in a white tank top and black PJ bottoms as he slept. He looked up and saw Suzuka leave the room. He sighed. He loved her deeply, and thought for sure that she loved him as well. He was also sure she would "fill out" later on. But he loved her hips. Those gorgeous and sexy hips. Whenever they swayed, he had to fight back a tent in his pants. He stood up and followed her. When he followed her out to the balcony, he crept behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Something wrong, my sexy dancing princess?" He whispered softly, kissing her cheek. |
Classes were over for the day, and the normally snarky and crude Draco Malfoy made his way through the halls. He couldn't wait until he had the privacy of his room, so that he could chat with his girlfriend who was over in America. While Hogwarts frowned upon technology within their halls, Draco had smuggled in a computer that he had bought before the year started. The sole purpose was so that he could see his girlfriend's face and talk with her face-to-face. He missed her so much, and at times during the school year, he found himself spacing out and wondering just when he would see her again. Logging onto a Muggle application, he waited for her to log on as well. | Natalie logged onto a muggle application from a local cyber cafe, smiled when Draco popped up. She clicked on his name, opened the video chat window that launched a webcam. "Draco! Hello, my Slytherin prince," she said, smiling and waving at him. She was wearing his favorite outfit - a black dress with long sleeves and a high neckline - while no one was looking, she pulled out the chopsticks and let her hair fall around her shoulders. It had been a few weeks since they had last spoken, and she knew Hogwarts frowned upon technology. However, she was busy with her studies, having technically graduated early due to taking extra classes. |
Ashley Williams of the Alliance Marine Corps had thought her promotion to 2nd Lieutenant would finally get her assigned to a ship. She preferred the constant hustle and bustle of running around the galaxy with Shepard on the Normandy as opposed to the many boring ground operations she had been assigned to. Despite her impeccable service record, she had been more or less stuck on the ground: part of lingering punishment for her grandfather's surrender of the Shanxi garrison during the First Contact War. After almost two years of patrolling terrain that hardly ever saw any action, she was finally up for reassignment. Imagine her excitement when she found out that she was indeed going to be assigned to a ship!
Though imagine her disappointment when she found out the ship was the Normandy SR-2; which had been grounded for the retrofit. Great now she got to play consultant rather than soldier. Brass had insisted that she would be a necessary part of the retrofit team, due to her time spent on the original Normandy. Didn't they keep schematics for things like that? Why the hell did she need to waste her time on a ship that was going to be kept in the docking bay for the next six months?! ButAhsley was a good soldier and always did as she was told. So here she was, trying her best not to complain as she meandered about the new Normandy.
It was little consolation that Joker was around, he was the only person that the AI seemed to respond to and was part of the retrofit team as well. The pilot was fairly friendly; he and Ashley would often reminisce about their time served on the original Normandy. It was good to have a fellow soldier around, albeit one that could barely hold a gun; but at the end of the day he was still a marine like her. It wasn't like he was one of these eggheads she was surrounded by that constantly came around to ask her questions: Was the Weapons Bench 3 meters from the wall or 4 meters? Hell if she remembered something so trivial!
With a sigh, Ashley made her way upwards towards the CIC to check on how they were coming along with the Galaxy Map. Perhaps the only nice thing about being stationed on a grounded ship was that she no longer had to keep her long, brown hair pulled back into a tight, regulation bun. It gave her a little more of a feminine appearance, which she secretly enjoyed. And she felt like all these Alliance nerds appreciated it as well; it seemed to make her less intimidating to them and more approachable.
Maybe if she put her hair back up, they'd stop asking her so many stupid questions. Hmm
Specialist Traynor. How are you coming along with fixing the private message terminal? Ashley tried to offer the Specialist a friendly smile. She could get so shy at times, the Lieutenant couldn't understand why. | Eating a slice of strawberry cheesecake on the GIC was certainly a practice frowned upon by the Alliance's rules and conventions. But, specialist Samantha Traynor was familiar with all the ins and outs of protocol. It was part of her job after all, and she knew every loophole in the book. Eating what and where she pleased was a-okay as long as the craft wasn't in active service, and the Normandy wouldn't be ready for months at this rate. And thank god there was a confections shop not too far from where the Normandy was docked.
Samantha's fork took out another bite of cake and she promptly popped it into her mouth. It was one of the pleasures that this job brought her. The other great benefit was getting to work with-
Specialist Traynor. How are you coming along with fixing the private message terminal?
Ashley's voice almost made her choke on what she'd been eating, and the dark-skinned woman fumbled to keep hold of her fork. She turned and smiled nervously at her superior officer "A-ah, y-yes. I finished re-establishing the extra-net connection an hour ago, so it should work brand spanking new." Samantha said. She quickly realised she forgot to salute and promptly pressed a hand to her forehead...accidentally stabbing her forehead with her plastic spork. "Ow..." she grumbled as she awkwardly pulled her hand back.
There was a good reason she was so nervous around Ashley Williams, and it could be summed up with the thoughts running through the specialist's head right now.'Ass ass ass ass. I would use your ass as a pillow. Ass.' |
It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals were even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half-naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would-be ruler of Midgaurd. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgaurd was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment.
It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they were still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they?
It took well over four hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious... he told them with a dead voice, to leave him alone so he could die in peace and finally pay for his crimes. It was clear to anyone who worked on him, that the rumors of Loki being bat-shit insane was true, and so when he was finally stable, he was moved into the high security mental ward, mostly because they weren't sure if he was a danger to others as well as himself. He woke slowly and sighed as he realized he wasn't in the depths of the endless abyss that he had expected to end up in when he died, and he wasn't in Hel either. Which meant he was not dead, and he had not paid for his crimes. ...where am I? he was expecting someone to be nearby, because he was lying on a bed, and his very sore wrists were chained tightly to the bed-handles. His chest, hips, and legs were strapped down too, making sure he couldn't even so much as twitch.It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals where even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would be ruler of Midgaurd. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgaurd was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment.
It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they were still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they?
It took well over four hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious... he told them with a dead voice, to leave him alone so he could die in peace and finally pay for his crimes. It was clear to anyone who worked on him, that the rumors of Loki being bat-shit insane was true, and so when he was finally stable, he was moved into the high security mental ward, mostly because they weren't sure if he was a danger to others as well as himself. He woke slowly and sighed as he realized he wasn't in the depths of the endless abyss that he had expected to end up in when he died, and he wasn't in Hel either. Which meant he was not dead, and he had not paid for his crimes. ...where am I? he was expecting someone to be nearby, because he was laying on a bed, and his very sore wrists, where chained very tightly to the bed-handles. His chest, hips, and legs where strapped down too, making sure he couldn't even so much as twitch. | Chicago-.Elizabeth York whispered, her voice a whispery hint of power, as if she was more than human, but surely that wasn't possible. She sounded like she should have been doing porn movies or phone sex, with a voice of crushed velvet and power-laden whispers. Sitting on the floor, the psychiatrist looked too comfortable, sitting with her legs crossed on the floor, the woman looked like she was ready to just stay there as long as it took him to wake up. And she was. While she had her own patients, Elizabeth York was one of the few that had been given leave to do whatever she wanted. "Local hospital," she said, her voice softening slightly, stopping herself from saying his name, driven by instinct she didn't know where it came from, and hidden his identity from everyone but herself.
She was renowned for being choosy, and while she worked for the hospital, the woman also had a private practice inside of it, only taking one case at a time, and choosing who she wanted to help. Extremely smart, she was probably one of the few people in Chicago who could give Loki - at least the Loki that had managed to outsmart most of the Avengers - a run for his money on pure intellect. And she knew who he was, and had made sure that anyone who had recognized him had been buried. Hidden him from both her own people and the Avengers, driven by a instinct she hadnt understood, only followed. She had long ago stopped questioning her sanity when she had the hunches, but it still worried her some that she had protected this man of all people.
The mental ward of the city hospital, to be exact. |
This was, for lack of a better word, a waking nightmare. Between dealing with the stresses of working a ship run by a borderline schizophrenic commander, having to help assemble a crew of ragtag misfits, having the Illusive man breathing down her neck asking for progress reports, dealing with the looming threat of the Collectors and the Reapers...and now this business of her sister being found out by her dad...Well, it was becoming a little stressful for the Cerberus operative known as Miranda Lawson.
She had been a designer baby, created by her father to be the 'perfect' daughter. And in many respects she was as close to the concept of perfection as one could be. There were few skills she couldn't pick up and learn, her brain functioned at a higher rate than that of a normal woman, and by human standards she was a very powerful biotic. But the stress and abuse she endured under her father was what led to her becoming a runaway.
So Henry Lawson decided to repeat the process, creating a second 'perfect daughter' by the name of Oriana. Miranda had managed to take Oriana away when she was an infant, giving her to Cerberus so she could live a normal life.And she had, for the most part. Blissfully unaware of her origin, and the nefarious purpose behind her creation. And Miranda had worked hard to maintain this security of her younger sister, letting her have 19 peaceful years of life.
But that was all to be undone now. The busty human sat behind her desk in her usual white catsuit, her dark hair tossed back and falling in waves down her back. For the past 15 minutes she had been deep in talk with her contact Niket, figuring out everything she could about the information leak that had Henry on her sisters tail.
"I see. Thank you Niket, I'll get out there when I can. Ugh this whole thing is a nightmare, Oriana shouldn't be getting caught up in this." With a reserved sigh, Miranda ended the video call and leaned back in her chair " I'll have to bring Shepard in on this. Assuming she'll help at all. | For whatever reason, Jack was Shepard's little pet project aboard the Normandy. Maybe it was because the soldier used to run with The Reds, a gang back on Earth, and therefore thought that she and Jack had something in common. Maybe it was because Shepard was some sort of Alliance girl scout that needed to save the galaxy one hopeless case at a time. Or maybe it was because they were both badasses and Shepard didn't want to hang out with crew members who couldn't hold their alcohol. It certainly wasn't because the Commander wanted to fuck; Jack had already made that offer on day one and Shepard had pussied out.
Whatever. Her loss.
So it was no surprise to her that Shepard had come down to her little hole in Engineering to have one of their talks. But tonight they weren't talking about their 'feelings' or their past - they were talking about the head Cerberus cheerleader: fucking Miranda Lawson. Jack still didn't know if she wanted to fuck the genetically engineered woman senseless or bash her head against the wall in an attempt to wipe that I-am-better-than-you smirk off her perfect little face.
Miranda needs help and I need someone that can take out waves of enemies. Shepard sighed. Talking to Jack was like talking to a teenager sometimes - though she supposed that was a pretty accurate comparison. Even if Jack had had a normal life, she was still just a young woman. Toss in a lack of childhood and a fucked up life and the girl was nothing more than a soft, squishy child on the inside once all the rough layers were peeled away.
Fine, I'll help. Jack spoke up after a long while. Well, maybe this would put her and Miranda on a more equal playing field. If Jack did the Operative a favor, maybe she'd stop being such an arrogant bitch around the younger biotic. |
Blood-bending; Korra should have known. But how could she have known? Tarlock hadn't given any indication that he'd learned the forbidden art, hadn't shown any of the signs. Korra knew about it, of course, thanks to Katara - nearly every water bender in the world knew about blood-bending. They also knew that it required a great deal of skill and that the act itself corrupted the soul, unbalancing the one who used it. Which, considering how Tarlock had looked at Korra when he'd used his bending on her, only made sense.
The Avatar had been beaten. She knew it. She lay there, slumped against the cold floor of the truck, her eyes hidden behind a thick bandage. Ropes or chains or something bent her muscular form into a bow shape. Tarlock knew better than to leave a bender of Korra's power with any freedom of movement whatsoever. He'd even caught her long hair into the bindings somewhere. Korra couldn't see it, so she didn't know precisely how he'd tied it. It felt as though her hair had been pulled back to some kind of central knot, while other thick bindings wrapped about her muscular frame. Her normal garb still hung upon her athletic frame, though it had suffered at the hands of the mad water bender as well. The blue fabric and fur had been sliced, revealing the deep brown skin beneath. Korra could feel the air kissing parts of her abdomen, not to mention her bared forearms and bits of her leg. She tried to strain against the bindings several times, only to find them quite secure along her. All her straining did was thrust her chest out, though nobody was there to see the admittedly impressive chest stretching out the already straining clothing. Nor could they see the flexing of her rock hard ass as she turned.
This is all my fault, Korra thought, pinching her eyes shut behind the blindfold. She could only hope that Mako or Bolin or Tenzin found the scene and thought through it all. Someone had to think that something was up with Tarlock. Really it was Korra's only choice, and that thought alone sent more chills down her spine.
How long had she traveled? Korra couldn't tell. She'd lost all sense of time and direction. In this position, she couldn't even fully meditate or get in touch with her spiritual side. Time just crept onward and Korra kept working at the bindings that bent her into this unnatural shape.
Then the rumbling stopped. Korra froze, listening intently. Footsteps crunched against the snow. Large ones? Like... an animal? There were more than one, Korra could tell that much. She didn't know what she'd do, considering her position, but she tensed her muscles anyway.
A door swung open and Korra felt the blast of cold air hit her. Snow touched her bared skin, sucking her breath from her. Hands soon grappled with her, and she couldn't do more than squirm in their grasp. Korra entered frigid air, air that reminded her of home. Someone more accustomed to warmer climates might feel this chill more; for Korra, it felt almost like a Fall day. Still, she would have worn significantly more clothing during harsher weather. The wind bit into her exposed flesh, and soon Korra felt her body sink into snow. Footsteps sounded around her, and all the Avatar could do was twist in their general direction, straining her senses and hoping against hope that she could pick up something, anything that might give her even the slightest bit of hope. | Tarlock had won, no doubt about it, but in his victory he had overstepped. He had attacked the Avatar herself, and in his anger had unleashed the one weapon that would make him lose everything he had worked towards. Blood Bending - as much as he hated his brother and father for what they had done - was more than useful for dealing with people like Korra, but there was a bigger problem now. Korra knew his darkest secret, the thing that would ruin all he had ever worked to achieve, and all of his plans. He was planning to take over this city, but how could he do that if the Avatar was against him?
Korra's interference had given Tarlock only one solution. He had to break her; he couldn't leave her in a cage for someone else to find or even kill her. If he did, he might succeed in taking the city for five or six years, but Korra would eventually speak through the next Avatar in the cycle and he would be found guilty of that crime as quickly as he did if he just left her to rot. No, Korra's will would have to be broken. She would have to become his puppet, both politically and personally. It wouldn't be an easy task; Korra was a strong-headed woman, in charge, and the most powerful bender in the world. He had done well to bind her as well as he had. The tough rope had done its job, even as he grappled with her bindings and tossed her out into the snow.
Walking up to Korra, he lowered himself towards her level, bending his knees so that he could look down at her. His hand lifted the blindfold so that she could see where they were - Republic City was far away, next to a cabin, high up in the mountains. "Hello, Korra," he said, his tone angry and drenched in venom. He would have to cage her or do something to prevent her from bending almost constantly. Even so, she was alone, and Tarlock was not; Naga stood beside him, though only because he was forcing her to. One of his hands was clenched, working the large polar bear dog's blood as he stood over Korra.
"You ruined everything, you little bitch," he said, letting out a long sigh. It was the truth, and even now he was spurned and angry because of it. He had to make her bend, break, and he had an idea about where he would start. "But no one will find us up here," he continued. "When they see all the damage to the emissary, they will assume that the equalists were behind the attack, and that we both have been taken by Amon's groupies. That is the story you will help me tell after I have pounded you into the ground so hard that not even the Avatar State will help you out of the ocean of pain and suffering you have caused yourself."
Tarlock was angry but even so, he was going to enjoy what he had planned for Korra. Still, he wanted to revel in this, make her ask what he had planned, and he also just wanted to gloat and see her face as bound and helpless as she was. Turning around, he stepped on her bindings, forcing them to tighten and pull on her hair at the same time. He looked down at her face, expecting to see some pain as her pigtail was pulled on hard by his ropes. Forcing her neck to crane upwards, he said, "Just checking to make sure you're still secure. Can't have you breaking out, can we? |
Ami had it in her mind that she was going to find herself a Ninetales and she was going to breed it like nobody's business. Ami was well-known for being one of the best and most well-known breeders of almost all Pokmon. Sure, she'd bred thousands already; now she wanted to breed a Ninetales. She had heard that there was a feral Ninetales somewhere around this location.
Ami had seen this Ninetales once since she came out in this location a long time ago when she first started to become a world-renowned Pokmon breeder. She smiled as she sneaked around within the thickly covered forest that had soon enveloped her. Sure, Ami knew the area pretty well; she had lived here as a child. But Ami felt beyond sure of herself.
"I'm going to find you...and catch you," she said softly to herself or maybe to the Ninetales that was nowhere to be seen. She smiled to herself, looking at the ground to see if she could spot any signs of tracks from the Ninetales she knew lived in this area. | It had been a little while since someone had strayed into his territory, but largely speaking, it all ended the same way. He scared them off with some growling and a supposed aggressive nature, only for them to occasionally come back with some others for him to scare off just the same. None of them were quite a match, none of them posed an actual perceived threat to him... life went on, simply speaking. Though, in honesty, it had been a little while longer still since he'd seen a female; normally it was males that came around.
Letting his crimson red eyes gaze over the female's form, a few tails gave a somewhat interested flick behind him. So, feeling little need to waste any time in particular before likely scaring off yet another human in his little territory, the Ninetales pounced. Straight for the girl's back he went, intending merely to knock her down and stand over her with a slight growl, his tails nonetheless occasionally brushing against the female's legs. |
Warning! Private Roleplay ahead!
Unless your username is one of the two in the title, aka MellowYellow or Furry_DiEnd don't go posting anything in this thread!
Feel free to follow along if you want, but don't do anything more than that!
Maya pushed open the door to Moxxi's bar, conveniently named Moxxi's and made her way to a booth away from the door.
When she came to Pandora, she hadn't expected to end up playing "hero" or whatever. No, she came to Pandora looking for answers to what it meant to be a Siren, one of six women in the galaxy, probably the universe, with incredibly bad-ass powers. And a set of natural tattoos running the length of one part of her body.
Instead? Instead she gets blown up by some 'mask' wearing nutjob, working with three other 'Vault Hunters' to stop said nutjob and now? Now she'd been recruited into helping kick the company said nutjob worked for off the planet. On the bright side? Maya couldn't remember the last time she'd been allowed to cut loose like this, and Lilith, the now only other Siren on Pandora promised to help her find out what the Sirens were and all that.
But for now the blue haired Vault Hunter dropped her head onto her arms, placed on top of the table of the booth with a groan.
"Lend us a hand. The sooner you help us, the sooner I'll help you. It'll be fun." Maya muttered, recounting the very arguments that Lilith had used on her to get her to help out. "Fuck that. Maya, you got had. Big time. Can't blame anyone but yourself though." she finished with another groan. | Moxxi's was a very popular spot in the city of Sanctuary for a few different reasons. One, it was the only place in the floating city where a person could get alcohol to drown their sorrows (And usually fairly decent stuff considering what a backwater world Pandora was). Two, it was somewhere that Crazy Earl was banned from, so that meant people could drink without his insane yelling in their ears. And thirdly, the woman who ran the joint was a total sexbomb.
There she was, Mad Moxxi herself, working behind the bar while dressed up in a sexually depraved psychopath's view of what a circus ringleader would look like. A woman who had had more husbands than boob jobs, and was quite possibly the most dangerous non-superpowered woman on the planet.
In the past she had run the Underdome, a massive gladiatorial arena that brought in all the blood-hungry loons of Pandora and made for a very popular attraction. Until... Handsome Jack blew it up. Well, he was dead now, so Moxxi had the last laugh there.
She approached Maya with a smile on her face, ready to rectify the situation in regards to the Underdome. Yes, she knew just who could help there. "Why hello there, blue-hair. What brings you by?" she asked casually, sitting up on the reinforced table of the booth "Up for a drink or do you wanna blow up my slot machine again? |
Rain. Raining. Drizzling. Pouring.
It would seem more than normal to see lightning strike down during a storm, or during a sort of heavy raining day. Not in this case, though; in this case it was a quiet evening, an unusually quiet evening, with no crickets chirping, no cats yowling nor mewling, not even the sounds of fornication within the city of 'sin' known as Daten City. No clouds hung over the sky, nothing was keeping the light of the moon hidden away. Everything was seen, the trees, the empty streets, the quiet buildings within the city. Nothing, just utter silence. It was quiet, as if there was only one night for once, where the streets and roads were clear, where the law appeared to be in control. Where it appeared that finally there was peace. It was quite alien to see a night like this, or at anytime to be frank, for anyone who was used to the appearance of Daten City in full swing. Nothing more than the sound of wind rushed through the streets occasionally broke said respectable silence. The silence was to be broken by the sound of thunder, above in the cloudless, starless sky, came the rumble of lightning.. In a flash came a bolt of lightning that, didn't hit the ground if not it just shot across the sky like a bullet, as if it had changed its mind in the middle of its path of heading down to the earth to strike on the concrete streets. Then... a sudden splash, and just like that, the chaos of Daten City resumed. Lights. Music. Sex. Etc., Etc. Time seemed to resume after that little bolt of lightning shot across the sky.
"Ow..." groaned a young little angel, taking a moment to look at the sky, drenched in muddy water. The fall really rattled his brains...well what was left of his brains. He looked up at the sky, looking up at the endless blue only to get hit on the head by an umbrella. Shaking the muddy water off his clothes, with a huff, the young man quickly picked up the umbrella that fell down with him, opening it up as then ...
He whimpered slightly, tears coming to his eyes. He took a moment to soak his head in the rain water to clean off the murky mud-like water from his hair, as usual messy as it was he liked it clean. He sniffled as he got his clean as possible. He preferred being more or less presentable on the first day. He wandered for some time... wandering through the streets on this cold rainy evening, the raven haired youth had no idea on where to go, but even so, even if he knew where he was, he was of course lost. In a while, he found himself at the door step of a church, behind of which was a graveyard. The infamous church of the Anarchy sisters. Of course he had no idea of this, he had lived a fairly reserved life before, and no one mentioned them at all. Maybe...I can...He scampered over to the church, looking at the towering ominous structure, he was about to knock on the door, until he saw the door creak open, there was no one in the main hall of the church... It was empty but there were some candles lit, lighting up the faint image of a cross all the way across the room. He shut the door behind him and sat down shaking, cold, wet and hungry. He started to pray, whimpering, and sniffling "...W-why..? | Stocking came into the room, Chuck behind her. She had a broom and dustpan in hand, humming to herself. The two-haired woman began sweeping, jamming out to the music in her ears. She seemed to be dancing like a stripper, the way her hips were rotating and how sensual her face looked. Chuck looked goofy as he tried to dance along, making the usual noises as he always did. Stocking didn't happen to even catch a glance of the fellow angel, too busy with her chores. She was dressed in a sweater, the black cloth hanging to just below her groin, a small heart in the bottom left hem. She had her usual striped stockings, the socks held up by a black garter belt. She had no shoes on, able to move across the floor easily. Finally, she finishes the room, popping Chuck's mouth open like a trash can and depositing the dirt in his mouth. Finally, she turns and squeaks, catching sight of the angel. "I'm sorry, sir. We're closed," she states, her soft, melodic voice filling the cathedral. |
Some people had it good, others had it, well, not so good. Some people over exaggerated their bad lives in order to get attention, while others walked right into their own misery with ignorance. They call it bliss, but it's really more like bullshit. For one high school student, he'd dug his own grave, accidentally of course. Originally it was something that had just circulated between his friends. One of his friends had figured out that he had Kate Upton on his friends list, they of course had one of the Kate Upton fan page's liked as well, but when he said that it was because she was his aunt, his friends wouldn't stop giving him shit about it. Word spread around school, and then everyone wouldn't stop giving him shit about it.
His whole school year went like this, day in day out, even people sending him messages on Facebook asking for pictures of him with his Aunt. Pretentious cunts, their constant badgering had left him in need of a therapist. He'd had dreams of killing his classmates, and was leaving school early because he couldn't stand their terrible mocking. Ryan had become a freak, somehow along the way to popularity, that failed. But his therapist gave him a fantastic suggestion, he suggested to Ryan that during the summer he go stay with his aunt, he suggested that he spend time with her. Take pictures with her, do things with her in order to prove not only to himself what he's saying is true, but to validate it to everyone else.
However, having been with her for a week, things have gone from better, to worse. For him at least, she'd become suspicious too. He'd been stealing her panties, not even her really sexy ones, but the ones she wore when she went to go do something, or her workout shorts. Ryan knew something was wrong with him, but she was so sexy, and her smell, it was intoxicating. Ryan was sixteen, he was still a virgin technically, he'd had a girlfriend of his give him a blowjob. She told him he couldn't cum in her mouth, but did anyway, relationship over. His therapist was telling him to explore his feelings. He said that he should masturbate and think about her, and continue to take her panties.
Ryan felt like that was strange, but perhaps it was the best way to get rid of the ideas in his head. Just by getting accustomed to them, some military groups beat the crap out of their soldiers to make them torture resistant. Perhaps this was the best way? He wasn't sure, but his therapist hadn't steered him wrong in the past.
Currently Ryan sat in the hall bathroom near the guest bedrooms in Kate's vast house. His pants were around his ankles and he was sitting on the toilet seat lid. In his hand, bundled up in a ball of sorts Ryan had a pair of purple lace panties, he had them wrapped around his cock and was pumping his hand up and down. Ryan was rather large for his age, his dick was eight inches long, and nearly two and a half inches in width. In his mind, Ryan envisioned his Aunt on her knees in the bathroom with him, sucking on the head of his fat cock. She'd suck on it till he came, and he'd cum all over her face and large breasts. Groaning quietly, Ryan brought himself near to orgasm, continuing to pump the panties harder around his dick. | Kate was out back sunbathing by her pool in her black bikini. She liked to keep her skin a golden colour, it made her feel more attractive and certainly pleased her management team who needed her looking her best for every photo shoot.
Laying on a lounger, she had one arm above her head while the other leaned down to pick up a cold lemonade. It was 1pm in the afternoon, and the sun was sizzling hot, causing Kate to work up a sweat without even doing anything. "I'm just going for a swim," she said, turning her legs and standing up on them. She leaned down over another lounger and kissed her boyfriend's forehead before walking over to the stairs.
Holding onto the two silver railings, Kate sunk into the water and dunked her head underneath. Pulling her hair out of her band, she threw it by her drink as her hair fell down to her back.
Little did the model know that upstairs on this hot day was her young nephew jerking off with her panties around his cock. She had grown suspicious about her underwear going missing but assumed it was her boyfriend. She hadn't said anything to him about it yet, but she was very close to asking.
After doing some lengths in the pool, Kate pulled herself out and crawled up the side before getting to her feet. She dripped water everywhere before opening her backdoor, sliding it in the process. Wet footprints landed on the wooden flooring of the kitchen before making their mark on the white marble in the large hall by the stairs.
"Ryan!" Kate called out to him at the bottom of the staircase. Now holding her arm on to the sides, she walked up and called his name again. |
Tifa Lockhart usually looked confident, strong, and gorgeous. It certainly took some confidence to wear Tifa's usual attire: a dangerously short leather skirt that wrapped about her impressive hips and clung preciously to her tight ass. Not to mention the white half-shirt that worked more to outline her impressive bust than hide it. Generally suspenders worked to hold the pants and help cover, though they were almost entirely for show. Not for show were the knuckles that she generally wore over her hands. If there was one part of Tifa Lockhart that didn't quite look feminine, it was her rough hands. They were the hands of a martial artist, tempered by constantly bashing things with impressive force. Her muscles had been built by martial arts as well: from her lean arms to her tight abdomen to the impressive pair of legs that her normal garb displayed. Even natural, Tifa had a beauty to her though. Long black hair fell down well past her shoulders, framing a face that many a guy had flirted with mistakenly. But the girl's heart belonged to one man, so each poor flirt was met with a friendly comment, a cheerful smile, and a causal rejection. Pressuring a martial artists never ended well for the one doing the pressuring, as too many customers soon found out for themselves. In other words, the girl might look like she should be a streetwalker, but when it came to experience, Tifa had about as much as the little girls that walked around clutching their mother's skirts.
Which is why Barrett laughed when Tifa suggested this. But they had information that Don Corneo may know about Shinra's movements. Considering that Shinra might very well be hiding Cloud... well, it wasn't even an issue for Tifa. But she had heard the loud laugh from her friend and technical boss. How was poor, innocent Tifa supposed to come off like some kind of call-girl? Like Tifa couldn't flirt and dress in sultry clothing. Really. Of course, the moment Tifa had insisted, Barrett had gone all protective, insisting that he go with her or something. That led to a truly ridiculous discussion involving a pimp hat. In the end, Tifa had nearly had to sneak out to do this.
And so she did. Tifa let her hair fall loose over her shoulders. She squeezed into a slinky dark blue dress that clung to her curves and showcased everything in a manner that, well, actually wasn't quite as revealing as her normal attire. True, there was a slit in the dress to show quite a considerable amount of thigh. The dress also clung like a second skin, and were it not for a special bra, you would see Tifa's nipples. The heels did make her legs and ass look more fantastic, but that was almost like putting an extra layer of chocolate on top of a perfectly constructed sundae: it nearly made the whole dish just too sweet.
Unfortunately, that was the outfit Tifa wore now. She blinked away a haze, trying to remember exactly how she'd gotten here. Obviously some of the details came into focus; the bits and pieces. Yet she couldn't remember quite what had happened. Her body felt sluggish and slow, and Tifa was almost positive that she'd been drugged, or maybe hit by a Slow Materia or something. Maybe both. She groaned and tried to shift, but found her limbs uncooperative. At least the shifting meant that she could feel what lay underneath her: garish sheets made from the most expensive fabric available in Midgar. Tifa groaned again, pinching shut her eyes. She knew all too well where she was now: Don Corneo's bedroom, where girls went to lose it all. | When Don Corneo first saw her, in that alluring blue dress giving a tantalizing view of her thighs and accentuating her curves in conjunction with her long black hair, he knew he had to have her. And what Don Corneo wanted, Don Corneo got. It had been easy enough to subdue her, an ambush by his personal guards quickly overpowering her and rendering her unconscious. He did pay for the best in the business after all, and if they couldn't handle one girl, then what good were they? She had been searched and her possessions, besides the dress, taken for 'safekeeping'. Tifa herself had been left in his room for her meeting with the Don.
Corneo was busy, the hassle of running a city wide syndicate that could get anyone what they needed for a price, but the awakening of his new acquisition was something he didn't want to miss, and he returned while she was still stirring from her sleep. The pungent odor of a cigar soon filled the air from his huffing, though it was a good cigar. Only the finest for the Don. He was small in stature and pudgy by his own admission, though no one ever lived long enough to call him fat twice. His couldn't help it that he so enjoyed the finer things in life, and the wealth and power he had allowed him to...indulge himself. He wore an interesting combination of a fur coat with a white shirt partially unbuttoned to reveal his chest, and blue jeans. He didn't exactly exude charisma, but money talked and that he had plenty of.
"Tifa Lockheart, of the famous Avalanche. You don't know how glad I am to have finally met you in person." Corneo said, voice laid with an inherent rasp as he advanced, circling the bed in his well decorated room. Artifacts adorned the walls, items that would cost a fortune from the far reaches of Gaia, from Wutia, Midgard, even Nibelheim (What there was actually worth getting from there). It was another reminder of his opulence and wealth. "It isn't often that beautiful women such as yourself walk into my inn of their own volition."He gesticulated at the area around him, cigar clutched between fingers as he talked, taking the occasional drag from it and letting the smoke waft up to the ceiling, to mix with exotic fragrances inherent in the inn. |
Krystal was fresh off the private jet when her father called her on her cell phone. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to meet you sweetheart, but I'm preparing for a big dinner meeting with the CEO of Kaiba Corp. I thought you might like to come, seeing as he's close to your age and also loves duel monsters," Kenshin Kobayashi asked his daughter through the phone, ruffling his short blue hair in frustration. He dreaded having meetings with this particular CEO, who was what you might call rather pompous.
Krystal smirked to herself. This played right into her plans. "Of course, papa. I would love to come with you." She answered, smiling at her father's sigh of relief. She knew from her past visits how much he loathed Seto Kaiba, but smiled anyway, going to the fabric store to get some fabric paints and white satin. She paid with her MasterCard and walked back to the penthouse she always stayed in when she stayed with her father, smiling at the note on the door. It read: "Sweetie, I have a surprise for you. Just go inside and you will see. Welcome home. Glad you decided to stay this time. Papa." She smiled again at the note before opening the door and seeing that it had been completely redone, all in shades of dark blue.
"It's perfect, papa," she said to herself with a smile, putting some plastic down, taking the fabric she had bought and turning it into a cocktail-style halter dress, and then painting a blue-eyes white dragon on it using her hair dryer to dry the fabric quickly, as she only had a few hours before she had to go. She took a quick nap, dreaming of a spiky-haired man but shrugged it off, knowing it would all be explained sooner or later.
When she was sure the dress was dry, she did her hair and makeup, smiling at herself in the mirror. Her hair was in its usual style of two rabbit ear buns on either side, with two tails protruding from them; her makeup was a light blue smoky eye with nude lips. Krystal smiled at her good handiwork as she used her magic to craft earrings to match her dress and a small necklace. "Perfect," she concluded as she went out the door and slipped on her 6" pearly white stilettos, walking out into the street and to her limo, where she would be driven to Seto Kaiba's mansion along with her father.
He commented on how beautiful she looked and she just smiled at him. "Thank you, papa. I hope that Mr. Kaaba doesn't think it rude of me to come too. Did you tell him I was coming?" She asked, curiosity in her glacier-blue eyes as she looked at him. Her father nodded as well, clearing his throat. "Yes, I did. He said he was anxious to meet you, which I found weird. His whole demeanor changed when I showed him a picture of you at our last meeting. He seemed to look like he knew you." He finished, smiling at her as they pulled up at Seto's mansion. Krystal took a deep preparatory breath before smiling. She knew everything would be alright. | Seto sighed as he tried to decide what outfit he was going to wear tonight for the meeting between himself and the Kobayashi family CEO. He normally wasn't so indecisive about this sort of thing, preferring the white suit with blue shirt for business functions and more serious events and the long white sleeveless coat with black turtleneck for less serious meetings and public appearances. It wasn't the meeting with the CEO that had the former Duel Monsters champion so anxious, it was who he was bringing. When he showed Seto a photo of his daughter there was something about her that drew his attention to her, he had never met her before in his life but he couldn't shake the feeling that he knew her from somewhere.
Seto eventually decided to go with the white suit and blue shirt, shaking off any anxiety he felt about his clothes effecting anything as ridiculous notion. Moving to the bathroom, he had a quick shower, as he had been working hard all day on conference calls with investors about his new theme park and whenever he had a spare moment worked on a strategy to defeat Yugi's Egyptian god cards. He usually had the simulator and several staff members working on it around the clock, but none of them were him, he was the only one who truly understood his deck and how to work it, anything those minions down stairs thought of was situational at best, but they did sometimes come up with something to try. Stepping out of the shower, he quickly dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist before heading back to his bedroom, which looked its usual sterile clean self as entered, throwing the towel over the door handle. Searching through his drawers, he pulled out a pair of black socks and underpants and put them on before getting dressed in the white pants and shirt, doing up the matching blue tie before throwing the suit jacket over his shoulders, doing up the middle button on the jacket.
He only had time to apply a slight amount of cologne and straighten himself up before he heard the door bell ring and his butler answer it. He knew who it was as he wasn't expecting anybody else. Making his way down the stairs, he remained stone-faced as he reached the bottom of the flight. His eyes widened slightly when he saw Krystal, the way her hair was done up, her makeup, her 6-inch stilettos, and...Blue-Eyes White Dragon? that was painted on her dress. He wouldn't let it show, but he was completely entranced by the female, she was something unlike anyone he'd ever seen before. Moving forward, he greeted the other CEO, waiting until he offered his hand before raising his own to shake. He knew that he wasn't a fan of the Kaiba Corp CEO, that was no secret, but their two companies both had something the other one wanted, and that was the purpose of their business. |
Gary, I got it," Lexington said impatiently, nodding his head as he sat on the black leather couch while talking on his mobile phone with his manager. "It's just an important fucking client," he added, rolling his eyes at the thought of having to deal with another demanding rich bitch. "Lots of money," he finished, trying not to sound too annoyed.
The house was now in immaculate condition after being thoroughly cleaned by the porno cleaners, showing no signs of the previous two days of non-stop fucking by Lex, his co-stars, and friends. Lex couldn't believe how much they were able to remove from the room, even though he himself had shot over four hours of hardcore porn there, including two massive cum shots on women sprawled out exactly where he was currently sitting.
Today was supposed to be his "rest" day, until Gary had called him this morning frantic about some wealthy woman who'd been trying to set up a vanity movie. She had been talking to Gary for several months, but had been difficult to schedule as she seemed to never be in L.A. when Lex was free. Lex could give half a fuck, these vanity shoots were always little effort for the same amount of money as a full movie, which was nice, but never much fun and felt more like work. Half the women fainted when they saw his cock in person. The hardest part of the job was getting it up when some nasty, fat but rich woman showed up. That's why he always made sure to invite a friend, and where was his friend he wondered looking around the living room...
"Yeah, yeah, I already said, Vince is here with the camera and the lights," he answered, now annoyed as Gary had already asked about the camera guy setting up at the other end of the living room. Finally getting sick of the babbling and increasingly agitated man on the other end of the phone, he raised his voice, "Look, Gary, I'm a fucking porn star, remember? I can fuck the shit out of some rich housewife half asleep if I have to. Why da'fuck you sweating this vanity shoot so much anyway?"
Gary's answer made Lex catch his breath. "She's paying $10,000 for this if we sign some confidentiality agreement?" Ten thousand dollars was a lot of money for an hour of work and Lex was suddenly alert. 'Yeah, I'll fuck her good, she'll earn every dollar of that fee. I won't even make her wear a bag on her head this time if she ugly." He hung up the phone with a laugh. Ten large was a nice pay day for him. That was enough to get his attention and he turned a critical eye to the room and the camera man, starting to actually care for the first time that shit was tight for when the client showed up.
Suddenly a pair of hands rubbed down his chest under his silk shirt and he felt a mouth burrow into his neck to give him a teasing suck and nibble.
"Hey there big guy," cameTori Black's sensual voice. "How's my favorite black dick hanging today?"
He reached up and grabbed her head to pull her closer as he laughed and kissed her on the cheek, patting the couch next to him to get her to sit down. Tori looked amazing as always, a sexy, petite brunette with curves in all the right places and one of the sultriest sets of eyes he'd ever had the pleasure of cumming on. She was wearing a short black dress and ridiculously high heels and as she came into view walking around the couch he instantly felt his large cock stir in his Italian silk trousers. He hadn't fucked anyone yet today and Tori looked incredibly gorgeous. She'd make sure he was fluffed for this rich bitch no matter how hideous or old the client was.
"How's my favorite little slut doing?" he asked as he pulled her onto his lap for a longer kiss, one hand running down a bare thigh as he eyed her outfit. "I got some rich bitch coming over soon that's going to pay me ten large to fuck the shit out of her. Want to help make sure she can't walk for a week afterwards?"
Tori laughed and reached down to grab the large, long bulge of the hardening cock that his thin trousers did little to hide. "No way you can fit this monster into some ordinary woman," she said. "She should pay you double to agree to only fuck her with the tip and save her a trip to the hospital. Triple if you don't fuck her ass." She gave his rod a squeeze and bit her lower lip, giving him an innocent and worried expression. "And what if I accidentally fuck you right now and you can't get it up for her? Will you be upset at me?"
Lex laughed, though in truth he realized it could happen. She looked fucking amazing on his lap and her expert hand was teasing his long length in just the right way to get him going. He pushed her off him suddenly, sending her sprawling onto the couch with her limbs askew and flashing the tiny black thong that she had on under her dress.
"Bitch, you'd have to do a lot of free shoots with me to earn me back ten large," he said with a smile, standing up to resist any further attempts by Tori to seduce him, for now. She pouted at him as she settled on her side on the couch, one hand casually playing with a breast under the pretense of adjusting her bra.
"Aww, well you know I'd work for free with you anyway, so maybe its worth it!" she purred. "I brought my strap-on, just let me fuck the bitch and send her on her way!"
Just then the door bell rang and Lex grinned and winked at her, before saying, "I tell you what, I'll let you take a crack at her with that strap-on and if you do well, maybe I'll even fuck you and let this rich bitch suck my cum out of you." He turned and slipped a leather jacket on before striding to the door, the large bulge of his over foot long cock clearly visible going down his trousers as he prepared to turn the handle. He was glad Tori had gotten him aroused, better to let this bitch get a hint of the what she was getting herself into so she could beg him to take it easy from the start. | The car that pulled up to the house did nothing to betray who awaited inside. In fact, it worked to exactly the opposite purpose: nothing about this vehicle stood out. It was as standard in appearance as money could buy: simply a small, hybrid SUV, silver, the type that soccer moms drove their kids to work in. Except this particular car had one particular difference: the windows had all been tinted near black. It was impossible to see who rode within from without. However, that vanity could be for any number of reasons, so even then, the car hardly warranted a second look.
Unlike the woman who slid out of the front seat. The client was young; you could tell that simply by the way she carried herself. And unlike most of those that hired Lex for these vanity projects, this girl was slim, some would argue too slim. Her legs, currently left entirely bare, seemed to stretch on forever, somehow eventually managing to meet a tight, heart-shaped ass. Not that sad ass was visible at the moment: a long trenchcoat covered most of that fine body, leaving only the aforementioned legs bared. True, there was a short, flirty dress of bright turquoise underneath, a favorite of a boyfriend, and underneath that was a slim, sexy woman, but a good deal of the details were hidden. In fact, most of the woman's features were completely hidden. Her hair had been tucked up into a broad brimmed hat, the shade of which hid most of her face, almost too well. Large, thick sunglasses covered most of her face. Ruby red lips were left bare, and you could see skin the color of porcelain around the edges. This was no Oompa Loompa who regularly hit fake tanning booths, but a classic, pale beauty. Just the barest wisps of cornflower hair seemed to peek out around the edges of the hat, enough to let any careful studies know that the woman was, in fact, blonde, but not enough to give away more than that.
This woman stood at the door, having anxiously rang it. Despite the garb and the vehicle, the woman kept nervously looking up and down the street, obviously not wanting to be looked at. She needn't have bothered: Gary had arranged things almost perfectly. People did not look at other people on this street, at least, not in the eyes. When Lex answered the door, the female's head tilted up at him. Though he couldn't see it, her eyes went wide behind her sunglasses as she took him in. "You're a lot bigger in person," came out of her mouth before she could help it. A slight blush arose on her cheeks, the color showing almost too easily. "Sorry, I'm your client. Mind if I come in?" The woman barely hesitated before walking her way around Lex, entering the building. Nerves rolled off the girl, and she seemed as anxious as a lamb in a slaughterhouse. Her head kept swiveling as her eyes took in details. "Right, this looks about right," she mumbled, before her eyes fell on Tori. "Who is that? I didn't ask for another woman!" The blonde spun on her heel, turning to face Lex. Again, though he couldn't see it, her eyes betrayed emotion, flashing with anger behind the thick glasses. He could, however, hear the edge to her voice. In fact, said voice seemed oddly powerful, especially coming from such a small creature. |
Goddammit, Rogue!" spat the Southern Goth as she stormed away from her school, tears welling up in her green eyes. It was stupid, beyond stupid, really, for her to be this upset. She'd always known that Scott and Jean had a relationship, or at least had a desire for a relationship with one another. And why wouldn't he pick Jean over Rogue? One the beautiful, model-ready, leggy redhead who would have had the school wrapped around her pretty finger even without her mental abilities. Everything about Jean screamed perfection, from her perfectly manicured hands (and how the hell did she manage to keep them up when they were constantly on missions anyway?) to her tight ass, always in painted on pants and skirts, to her fine cheekbones. Hell, Rogue was pretty damn straight, and even she had to admit that she'd probably spread her legs for Jean.
Fuck, at this point, Rogue would probably spread her legs for just about anyone. You could barely walk anywhere in the fucking Mansion without hearing someone having sex or masturbating or God knows what. Rogue had been interrupted in the shower no less than three times, once in mid climax. It had taken three other students to hold Rogue down to prevent her from murdering Kitty when the brunette had popped her cute little head right through the wall of the shower. Like Rogue didn't know about "Lance," Kitty's all too accurately named vibrator. That damned thing went off every other night, especially whenever Kitty and Lance actually went out and did something. This wasn't even counting the adults, who Rogue didn't want to think about.
At least they could fuck each other though. That was exactly what Scott and Jean were doing right now. They hadn't even left the school! They were back there, right now, going at it like, well, a pair of horny teenagers. Rogue could still hear Jean's panting moans and Scott's throaty groans. Though if she were being honest, it wasn't that they had gone at it that bothered her. It wasn't even quite that everyone else got to fuck like bunnies while Rogue was left frustrated.
It was that it all turned her on, fiercely, and right now.
The goth girl's normally pale face now had a very distinct reddish hue to it. She looked as though she'd just been three rounds in the Danger Room. Except Danger Room exercises didn't generally result in hardened nipples that threatened to poke through the tight green bra. That garment hadn't even felt that tight till right now. Rogue could've sworn that her already impressive bust had literally swelled with desire, and she knew for a fact that her nipples had tented the fabric. Thankfully, she wore a skin tight halter top on top of said bra, though that too had a slight crinkle right at the nipple area. Fortunately, she woreanotherlayer atop that: the breezy, forest green blouse that obscured without really covering. It also showed her tight abs, hardened by those aforementioned hours in the Danger Room. A green jewel dangled from her navel, with a little "X" symbol emblazoned in silver there. Both pointed down to the skin tight leather mini-skirt that covered Rogue's body, cupping a tight ass well, not to mention emphasizing rounded hips. most of her legs were covered by leggings and excessively long boots, thankfully.
In fact, it all felt like way too damn much clothing right now. Rogue shifted her backpack, hoisting it over her shoulder and trying to hurry back to the mansion. She'd just... dance or do a danger room session or...Scott, looking toward the ceiling, his mouth open and groaning as his cock thrust into tight, hot pussy, the wet squelching from Jean's sex nearly as loud as the noises they made. Each thrust sending a thick slap throughout the small area where the two went at it, adding another layer to their sexual song...
"Fuck it," groaned the Southern Goth. Rogue turned her head, looking about. Privacy, she just needed a little privacy. There! An abandoned construction site! In the back of her mind, Rogue heard Logan growling about ambush points and checking your escape routes, but she didn't give a fuck. Those words were soon chased out by the image of the boy that Rogue wanted so much to touch himself with a girl that did not have short cropped brunette hair and a witch's lock. That girl did not have purple lipstick or wear a collar around a pale neck. And weirdly enough, Rogue wasn't even certain that was what she wanted.
Oh Gawd, do I want to be between them? Wouldn't that be hot though? Rogue's lean, pale body sandwiched between two others, both going hard at her, slamming into her tight sex and stretching out her walls. No, one would be jammed into her tight ass, destroying her little rosebud and buggering her fiercely. You wouldn't think such fuckin' messed up thoughts if ya got someRogue thought, soon followed by another barely audible: "Fuck it." She was in the site, and she ducked behind a mound of dirt. Rogue gave the area a cursory look before sliding down, her backpack within hand's reach. One hand went to cup her breast, squeezing it beneath the fabric, while the other delved between her legs. Rogue knew it was stupid to get naked, but she didn't need to get naked to enjoy herself. Just one quick orgasm, enough to cool her down, then she'd slip in somewhere, clean up, and head home. The teenager slid a hand beneath her skirt, tugging at the green and black boy shorts that covered her sex. Rogue wasn't surprised to find a wet spot at her crotch, nor was she shocked when her fingers found a hot, wet swamp between her legs. Rogue trembled, arching her back, pinching her eyes shut. So good, so good, and nobody to see.
Rogue began trailing her hand along her aching slit, feeling the hot, wet lips. She dipped a finger in, just sinking up to the nail. The finger curled, pulling against her tight, virginal sex, swirling a little. Her other hand went to grab her breast, mashing it roughly. Fingers went up to pinch her nipple, causing her to moan and buck her hips, which consequently shoved her finger further into her sex. Rogue didn't care, rotating her hand and grinding her hips against it. It all felt so good, so fucking good. Rogue let out a low, throaty groan, her legs kicking, the boots scraping against the ground. The girl was becoming more and more lost in her own body, unaware of the world around her... | C'mon, big guy, get a move on it, will ya?" Complained the nimblesmaller mutant as he bounded atop of a nearby dumpster before leaping higher above to land on a fire escape not too further away.
A few feet away came the lumbering yet physically imposing figure of the mutant known to friends and enemies as the Blob, as Fred Dukes waddled his way through the alleyway while carrying a couple of canisters over each of his wide shoulders. "I don't see you lugging either of these canisters around, Toad." The large figure noted; glaring up at his roomie and teammate while gesturing with a nod of his head toward one of the two nearly fire extinguisher sized containers.
Giving a dismissive shrug and turning his attention outward, the often slacking teenager retorted, "Hey, I'm on lookout duty. Not like any of these vents are going to support your wide-" His words were halted by the distant sight of a familiar figure wandering around on her lonesome. One which, considering the 'packages' they were assigned to steal for the Brotherhood, seemed almost too good to be true, "Huh."
"What is-" The larger mutant started as he finally caught up with the faster teen; halting in his question at also noticing the lone figure ducking into the old construction site, "Oh. Think we should head back around to the other side to be safe?"
With a scoff and a widening grin filled with a sense of false confidence, Toad was quick to toss that suggestion aside while rubbing his hands together, "What? And miss out on the perfect chance to test out our little finding? Lance and Pietro talked us into doing the grunt work, so we get first dibs for the fruits of our labor. Let's go!"
Without waiting for his partner to really say anything in agreement or rebuttal of the notion, the nimble figure quickly leaped forward and began to more closely trail after the pale figure. Keeping toward the shadows and high above when possible, it wasn't long until the sickly looking teenager was able to catch up with their former teammate in the Brotherhood. What Toad had in mind was a little payback for all of the trouble Rogue and her friends had caused them in the past. But what he found upon peeking over a few rusted over support beams was perhaps the last thing he'd ever expected.
"Ohhh man..." He barely managed to keep at a whisper while quickly clamping a hand over his mouth as his eyes remained glued on the spot. This had to be a dream. Something brought about by too many frustrated nights of not being able to have any fun with Wanda back at their place. Though usually it was Wanda in those situations. Also, he was always alone in those dreams, which wasn't the case here as Fred finally caught up with the other mutant while moving as quietly as his massive girth would allow.
"Woah," was all the large mutant could manage to say while also ducking behind the abandoned metal beams which barely managed to shield the sight of his large frame. Instantly, the equally sexually frustrated teen was stuck in a similar trance as his teammate. Both of them watching for several moments. Perhaps a minute or two. Maybe more. Of simply enjoying the view of the forever untouchable Rogue pleasuring herself in the supposed privacy of this abandoned site.
Managing to pull his eyes away for a second, Toad glanced over at Blob and was reminded of their little 'mission' for the gang. A reminder which brought a wide grin to his sickly face. Well. No time like the present to test things out. "Dude? Get the canister ready for use and follow my lead." The smaller male whispered; quickly ducking away before his partner could pull his own eyes away from the beautiful southern goth to try and ask what he was doing.
Not that it mattered, since it seemed Fred would indeed continue to watch closely while Toad slinged away with the help of his tongue in order to get around behind the young X-Man. Landing upon the top of the mound of dirt, Rogue's first indication of their being another person there would likely come from the few small pebbles which rolled downward, before the familiar voice called out rather casually, "You, uh, need a hand there, babycakes?" The sudden sight of his grotesquely long tongue shooting out and wagging suggestively when she did look his way followed as he added, "Or maybe a tongue?"
Having hopefully drawn enough of her attention by now, Toad pulled his tongue out of harm's reach, while quickly calling, "NOW!!"
Indeed, this seemed to be enough time for the slower Blob to make his way over, one canister in hand, than spray her with a thick coating of the airborne contents, "Hehehe!" The substance came out similar to perfume, yet held a thicker feel to it as it came into contact with Rogue's body. Moist. Enough so to give her a light sheen which would last until it completely dried in a short amount of time; with Blob continuing to spray until he got all of her exposed flesh before stopping,
"This junk better work like Pietro's 'sources' said it would." The Blob considered; preparing for fight/escape if needed, while watching the surprised X-Man deal with the unknown substance.
Toad was ready for the worst, as the opportunistic teenager quickly leaped over and stood behind the larger male while cautiously watching from over a wide shoulder, "Well, if it don't, then at least I'm a faster runner than you... |
Felicia Hardy, a.k.a. Black Cat, was on the prowl tonight. It had been a while since she had seen the ol' web-slinger, and privately she assumed that he was likely off doing something else at the moment - saving the world in a way no one would ever know, maybe, from creatures "ordinary people" like her weren't meant to deal with.
Which was perfectly fine by her, she reflected as she strode along the roof of a building. It freed her up to have a little run of the town, to do what she liked without fear of having something yanked out of her hands at the very last moment. Ordinary cops were never a problem for someone like her.
Sinuously she bent down to one knee, shimmery, tight-fitting catsuit constricting around her shapely legs as she surveyed the museum juuuust next door. It had a nice little exhibit on display - ancient artifacts that would fetch a pretty penny from quite a few buyers. She didn't even have to have something set up beforehand; there were always fish in the sea, and even a cursory cast of the line would reel in something nice and juicy for her.
She took her time in unfolding her grappling hook, blue eyes flitting up to survey the museum. Indeed, this was going to be a piece of cake...
The harpoon of the grappling hook hit the museum's roof hard, anchoring to the stone. Attaching the hook to her belt, Felicia took a sprinting leap towards the museum. With a muted "whrrrrr!" the line started to retract, dragging her through the air - she hit the side of the building with nary a wince, clawed, gloved fingers digging into the side of the museum. She clambered up and over the side, and considered a skylight only briefly.
Well, it was time to do a little recon before she jumped in... she withdrew a small pair of goggles, pressing them just over her masked face so she could see inside with the typical green haze of nightvision - this place was sure to have a guard or two roaming the floor with such a pricey item on display... | It was official. SHIELD's job was no longer to save the world from bad guys but instead go around doing the work of local cops because they where too damned stupid to do it themselves. Max had signed up to fight the good fight, stop terrorists and super villains but instead the Deputy Director had him sitting on a rooftop across from the Midtown Museum in Manhattan wait for a jewel thief who may or may not show up. Off over the Hudson there was the sound of rolling thunder. A big storm was rolling in and he was going to be spending the night sitting out in it.
He tugged his datapad from one of the pockets on his belt, double checking the info he had been given on the target. She was damn hot.
He shoved the pad back into his belt before bringing his binoculars back to his eyes. He caught movement on the roof across the street and zoomed in, catching sight of his target.
A quick grin tugged at the corner of his mouth and he slipped the binoculars back into their pouch before flipping a switch on his boots and another on a battery pack on his belt. The rocket boots and anti-gravity harness would ensure he'd make it safely across the street and not kill himself on landing.
He took several steps back before taking a run at the ledge of the building, leaping from it. The boots fired with an audible thud that propelled him through the air, the anti-grav harness taking over, leaving him with a feeling of weightlessness as he sailed over the street. He landed on the museum roof, in a roll, coming up to a proper stance with his sidearm pulled from its holster, "Gonna have to ask you to step away from skylight sweetheart." he said, turning to gun on his target. |
How had she gotten pulled into this mission?Sakura Haruno sighed silently as she walked, keeping her vision straight ahead as she had for the last several days, almost refusing to look at her travelling companion, her partner for this mission. She had filled out rather nicely in the past couple of years. There were rumours that she had enhanced herself with techniques learnt from Tsunade, but they were nothing more than that, rumours. Her body was entirely natural no matter what people said. Still, how could this have happened only days from her 17th birthday? Damnit, she should be back home, preparing to celebrate with her friends. Instead she was on her way to an enemy town, where supposedly rogue ninja and samurai had been gathering to plot against the Leaf village. That in itself wasn't so bad. Hell, being partnered up with her current team-mate wouldn't be so bad in itself, but what really got to her....what made her hate this mission more than anything else....
"Married. We have to march right into that town, and get married. All for a mission. I don't believe it....I honestly don't...." She shook her head, then finally looked at the boy beside her. "And why of all people is it you? Why couldn't I have come with someone I knew? Someone I trusted? No, somehow you get picked for this, and by the end of today, we are going to be husband and wife, all so we can not look suspicious. To make it worse, we even have to share the same honeymoon suite room afterwards too" Sakura's eyebrow twitched, glaring at him for a few moments before looking back ahead. She could see the town on the horizon....damn....less than an hours walk away now....then likely an hour after that they'd be married...actually....literally...legally...married. | Nathan walked alongside the girl, head leaning into the palms of his hands as they formed a small wall behind him, elbows out as he walked alongside her as she ranted. He didn't see what the big deal was. True, he didn't want to be on this mission with HER of all people either, but this gave him plenty of opportunities to amuse himself anyway with jokes and teases about their current situation. "Oh come on dear," Nathan said with a grin as he walked beside her and laid a hand onto her bum, then slowly moved it so it was caressing her hip. He pulled her body into his lightly as they walked and his eyes stayed forward. "It won't be so bad married to me. I'd treat you right. Make you food... keep you warm at night... bathe you... take a kunai for you. Though what I'm most excited about is us consummating the marriage." He joked. "I'd love to see you naked with me going inside you, you calling my name in never-ending lust. 'Nathan! Oh god! Cum inside me, impregnate me and let's really make this marriage official!' He loved mocking her. |
Winter's tan ears lay back against her head at the sudden chop of an ax striking the wood block and the wet sound of a head rolling away from the chopping block.
She wasn't sure who the storm cloaks were, but they evidently managed to piss off the imperials... something she was quite happy to see, actually. Thankfully, her own fate kept her off the chopping block, though her situation was not much better.
She was caught crossing the border a day ago and brought to this camp. The imperials had planted some skooma in her gear and gone on a long rant about the punishment for smuggling. They ignored her denials and offered the Khajiit woman a choice: execution or aiding the garrison situated here in some way. She rathered liked her dark stripey head and brown mane to remain attached to her body, so she agreed with the latter, of course, not knowing what they meant by assisting.
Turns out her assistance was being stripped down to just her tan fur, placed in stocks with her tail pulled up and bound to her back, with her ass and pussy on display and for the use of any men in the fort who wanted a go with a exotic female on their break. Some damn moral booster it seemed. One that a number of them had seemed happy to try out. She shifted a little on her paws bound as well and spread wide attached to the base of the stocks. Her cream-colored and coco-striped fur was already a little matted from her job as entertainment, but at least they were a little distracted now and the stocks were in the courtyard of the keep and kept out of sight of the rest of the town. | Rebellion was strong in the hearts of all of Skyrim, torn between two factions. The Imperials from the central land of Cyrodill, home to the royal family of Septim, believed that all of Tamriel was to fall under its boot. Most of Tamriel accepted this as fate, but the proud Nords of Skyrim had other plans. Used to the exhaustion of war, a band of Nords and Nordic supporters known as the Stormcloaks fought back against the tyranny, led by the Jarl of Winterhold Ulfric. Patrols had been set up around the common borders and many times, immigrants and travelers were mistaken as Stormcloak spies.
Helgen was a small town on the border of Skyrim that many captives were taken and often put to the block without trial. One notable captive was a young Khajiit woman who was 'found' with skooma on her person. The captain didn't care if it was in fact his skooma that was found on her body, only that it was another head for the basket. However, one of his underlings had come up with an idea. She would be spared in return for giving her body for their entertainment.
There was a thunderous boom that echoed through the cloud-ridden sky, a sound that was foreign to most living creatures. A guard walked up behind the young Khajiit and smiled evilly. "You know," he said, "I have never had a cat before." He removed his metal glove and pressed his white skin against her ass. His finger sliding down between her cheeks to tease both exposed holes. "But my father always told me to try new things. |
How long had it been since the discharge? How many years since he had ended up in the wards, taking missing persons cases and following husbands for paranoid wives who thought their husbands were spending too much time at Cora's? Too damned long was far as Max was concerned. He had done what he had to do to get the job done, and instead of a commendation, he had been booted from the service and managed to just avoid court-martial. He should be thankful for the lack of prison time, but that didn't make his current situation any easier. The pounding at his office door awakened him from his stooper, and a groan passed through his dry, cracked lips as he pushed his head from the desk top, knocking over the empty bottle that had been acting as his ashtray and it rolled from the edge of the desk and hit the office floor with a thud. A rough, calloused hand ran over the carpet of stubble that coated his jaw before pushing himself to his feet. He paused when he caught sight of his own reflection in one of the windows that ran along the left wall, looking out across the bright neon lights of the ward. He looked like death warmed over - sandy colored hair grown beyond regulation military length, sleeping on his desk had left him disheveled and sticking up at odd angles. His clothes were just as bad - grey slacks and rumpled shirt, sleeves rolled up, revealing arms of hard, flat muscle and an old service tattoo on one arm. Hardly the look of a professional, but he didn't care too much. He keyed the doorpad, unlocking it before it hissed open, "Sorry, hope you weren't waiting too long," he said to the woman waiting outside, his voice gruff and dry. | Bethany Fisher was the sort of woman who didn't like to wait for extended periods of time, let alone in the wards with so many people knowing what they did about her. She was exposed, damn she didn't like it! Her heeled foot anxiously tapped as she waited for the door to open, 'Hurry up,' she hissed inwardly, crossing her arms beneath her bust, glaring darkly at the door.
When it finally did slide open, she looked at the stranger that greeted her, "Glad to see you're in," she beamed falsely, "And no too terribly long." She didn't wait for him to invite her in, rather she slipped past him and went straight for his desk. Sitting down against the desk, she sighed, "I need your help, as you can assume from my urgent message I sent the other day?"
Again she didn't wait for him to continue, "I need your help retrieving something that was stolen from my husband after he died." Taking a deep breath then letting it out shakily, she looked around the office and continued, "While I was attending my late husband's funeral, a locket was taken from my home. I know it sounds silly, but the locket meant the world to us. It was the very first thing that I ever got from him, and it had pictures of our families." Opening up the small clutch she had brought with her, Beth pulled out a silken hanky and tabbed her eyes, "Please, you're the only one I could possibly trust with this."
A locket wasn't exactly what he would collecting, not entirely of course. It was the box that the locket had come in that was important, but what little information he knew, the better. "I can pay you up front, whatever you require, credits are no object to me. |
Daphne Blake, 16, had always wanted to fit into some kind of crime-fighting group. Upon her move to Metropolis, she found herself standing in front of the famed Hall of Justice.
She looked over the outside of the dome building with pillars on either side, before going through the double glass doors and entering the building. She showed the Superfriends that she was more than just a pretty redhead. Her quick thinking had saved, of all people, Wonder Woman, from an accident! Batman decided to help the teen hone her detective skills, and she became an honorary Superfriend.
Daphne was now in the massive state-of-the-art kitchen at the Great Hall, wearing her violet long-sleeve mini dress with lavender stripes on the bottom and at the cuffs, green ascot tied around her neck, a lavender headband in her shoulder-length hair, lighter shade of violet hose and violet pumps. Currently, she was fixing lunch for everyone; a special Italian experience for their taste buds, consisting of chicken parmesan, a garden salad with a vinaigrette dressing, and Italian ice for dessert. She was checking the marinated chicken breasts and preparing a homemade tomato sauce, not knowing very shortly that her relationship with the only other female in the group was about to change... maybe for the better! | Diana Prince, better known to the public as Wonder Woman, had had an interest in the new redhead of the group ever since she first arrived on the team. Daphne was an attractive one, of that she had no doubt, but it had taken a little bit of work on the redhead's end to prove herself worthy as a member of the team. And much to Diana's own surprise, she had, saving Wonder Woman's own life when she was stuck in the clutches of the Legion of Doom. From that point on, the dark-haired Amazon had felt herself... well almost a little obsessed with the junior detective who had so narrowly saved her life.
Diana entered the kitchen from behind, clad in her usual red and blue leotard, her red high heeled boots giving her an extra few inches over Daphne. Her golden tiara glistened in the light, adding a bit of light to her dark and elegant mane of hair. "Working hard or hardly working?" she asked playfully as she approached the attractive redhead. "I've been meaning to thank you, you know. |
Vlad chuckled. "Yes, those were the days, and my son is starting to discover those days," he said.
Anton gasped slightly and moaned into the kiss. He brought her tongue into his mouth to let her explore. "Hmm, I want you," he thought mentally, and shifted to find a comfortable spot to sit, as his breeches became even more uncomfortable. Anton's mind was slowly starting to focus on one thing - his hunger for blood. His fangs lengthened a little more, and his heartbeat increased. He didn't even realize that his scent had changed and intensified. | Albus nodded. "Yes, I thought as much. They will know to go elsewhere, correct?" He knew things weren't the same when it involved two unique individuals like themselves, so there was really no stopping them.
Keyria could feel the bulge forming beneath her, she smiled slightly. "I want you as well," her mental voice as strong as if she'd spoken aloud, though honestly, she couldn't be too sure she hadn't. She wanted him to take her, bite her and suckle upon her skin. That feeling alone was one that would surely be imprinted on her mind forever. |
Yera had started her day like normal on the Enterprise, working as an engineer, Science officer and part-time security officer. A few weeks ago, she had ended up stopping Khan's death - his pod was about to be thrown into a sun, but she had managed to save him. Only to have him wake up and escape from the Enterprise, but she had to fight him first; he left her with a black eye. Now, a few weeks later, Yera's mind was on other things. She was busy scanning a warp coil when she felt a slight shift in the air and raised her head. Yera was half human and half Vulcan, blonde haired and brown eyed, 55 years old and weighed 110lbs with a slender yet strong build. She was raised on Earth, so she didn't act like Spock did, but she had asked him to teach her how to control her emotions, which he had been teaching her. She was the youngest of her class to graduate from the Academy and rather smart for those of her age. However, things were changing for her, and Yera was aware that she was coming into her first Pon Farr.
She went back to her warp coil, scanning away to see what had gone wrong with it when she suddenly was knocked out. The darkness came fast, and she had no time to react. Yera woke up a few hours later, her eyes heavy. She lifted her head weakly. She looked around the room she was in, it was rather nice with furniture, and she was aware she was lying on a bed. She suddenly turned her head and narrowed her eyes to see a familiar face standing above her. Kahn! She snapped and you could see the anger in her eyes. What are you doing here? Why did you kidnap me? Why am I tied up? She pushed herself up, but her body was rather weak. She could feel that she wasn't tied down; he must have drugged her or something. When I get my feeling back, I'm going to make you wish you were never born. She growled angrily. Yera let out a soft sigh though knowing it would be a while before she regains all her strength. Am I on some ship you stole? Who did you kill? Her eyes softened slightly. | Khan was in a rather good mood for nearly having been shot into the sun a month ago. He had finally found a woman who would be able to handle his strength and appetite with little modification. Once she was converted to an augment, she would be perfect. So he had laid his plans, and when the time was right, had reboarded the Enterprise to claim his soon-to-be companion. It had been all too easy to find and steal her away, and a light sedative would ensure that she would be compliant for their first few days together while she adjusted to the thought of him being in control of her now.
He had secured Yera to the bed in his private quarters on a small cruiser vessel he had bought from a Ferengi a week back. It was a small vessel, but it was fast, had a cloak, and would serve his purpose well enough. For the past three hours, the augment had been staring at her prize, waiting for her to regain consciousness so that their fun could begin. Finally, he saw the telltale signs of conciousness in the half-Vulcan. When she opened her eyes and immediately began to question and threaten him, Khan merely shook his head.
"You may have bested me once before, my fiery one," he said, "but you will not do so again. You are under my control now, and you shall not be leaving anytime soon. I suggest you accept your fate for what it is...inevitable. |
Spike had certainly grown up in the last five years that he had spent among the others as a citizen of Ponyville. The once childlike spike had grown into a teen-aged dragon. As he walked through town, he knew the other ponies watched him; Spike wasn't exactly cute or inconspicuous. In fact, most ponies feared dragons, and Spike could understand why.
As Spike walked through Ponyville, he gave the majority of the folks smiles and waves. In this town, everyone knew everyone, and that certainly helped. For most ponies around Spike, he was just another citizen. He had been around for years. Walking upright through town, he clutched a bouquet of flowers in his claws.
Today was the day. Spike had made up his mind. He had been crushing on Rarity for almost five years. Today was the day he finally confessed everything. He had steeled his resolve and walked forward towards Carousel Boutique. Walking up to the station, he couldn't help but feel his heart beating hard in his chest. Opening the door, he stuck his head in to see if this was actually a good time to bother Rarity. Her business had expanded in the last few years, as her reputation had grown. Swallowing for a moment, Spike couldn't remember the last time he had felt so nervous.
"Rarity?" Spike's voice was rather small, causing him to cough to try and make himself sound better. "If you have a moment, I have something I'd like to ask you." He said standing in the doorway, the flowers tucked behind his back. "If this is a bad time, I can come back later. | Oh, Spike, dear," the white unicorn ran towards the dragon and pressed a bunch of fabric rolls against his chest. "Be a dear and hold this for me, will you?" Before even waiting for an answer, Rarity already ran towards the other side of the room, back and forth she levitated papers, fabrics, little gems, and accessories.
Sweetie Belle, who watched the rather quick scene, just rolled her eyes and sighed. Then her horn began to glow in green light. "I'm sorry, she's been rather busy this whole week already." The fabrics began to levitate from Sweetie Belle's angle, and it wasn't hard to see what Spike was holding behind his back. A slight smile played at the corners of her mouth. "Is there any special reason you came here?" She asked innocently, with an almost naive tone. It was no secret to anyone, and had never been, that Spike had his eyes on her sister since his and Twilight's first visit in Ponyville. Well, maybe not to everypony but one... |
After weeks of waiting, Matt's new console had finally arrived in the mail. A few months ago, he came across an advertisement online for beta testing the next generation of gaming consoles. It was weird to come across since the current consoles just came out months ago, but he figured he'd try it out. Now after long waiting, it was here. When he unboxed the console, he was confused by what he found. It was just the console. No cords, no controllers, it was only a console. Did it run on a battery? How can it recharge? How does he control the game? As he was confused, he decided to press the ON button. Surprisingly enough, it turned on.
The console booted up and a screen projected from the console. Text began to roll down the screen, giving Matt a message from the developers. It basically thanked him and told him about the console, mostly stuff he already read when he signed up. The last thing he read seemed a bit odd."Due to the nature of some of the characters, none of them are allowed to harm you, the user. Also, to prevent crashing and bugs, the characters can't stray for more than ten feet. These settings may be changed in the menu."It was odd, what was that suppose to mean?
Trying not to think too much into it, Matt went over to his library of games. Deciding to play something older, he popped in Darkstalkers. The game loaded up like normally and went to the character select screen. He pressed the screen with his finger and chose Morrigan, one of his best characters. The console then accepted his choice and began to glow. His room filled with a blinding light, making Matt nervous. What was about to happen next, Matt would've never suspected.... | As the brilliant flash of light faded away, there was something off about the feel in the room. A presence suddenly there when previously there had been none, a figure blurring into shape above the console, projecting from some strange lights over top of it. Blurry lines became more distinct, in purples, pinks, greens, and flesh tones -- and a LOT of the latter, resolving into an all-too-familiar shape.
Morrigan Aensland stretched, her back arching and her wings spreading out far as her arms went out above her head. She floated off the ground as she always had in the game, the soft curves of her legs straining against their hosiery as she continued to twist and undulate every which way, her expansive bosom jutting out proudly against her corset, almost spilling out of the impossibly tight clothing.
"Mmmm~. Well, good morning cutie," Morrigan said with a salacious smile, her body twisting around so that she lay on her stomach in midair, facing Matt directly. She cushioned her chin on her hands, breasts hanging almost free below her body as she winked one blue eye at him.
"Not quite what I was expecting," she purred, blue eyes twinkling and surveying his apartment. "Usually I'd be getting hot and sweaty with some big brute right about now. Or perhaps lovely Felicia or Lilith," she said with a briefly dreamy look, "... not to say that I still couldn't but... I guess not in the usual way," she said with a little quirk of a smile.
Perhaps he couldn't have chosen any better character than a succubus for his first choice... |
Come on Jane, over here! The young man shouts behind him without slowing his pace. His sister, Jane, was never particularly fast or athletic, and walking off the path in this forest wasn't exactly easy. She was short, barely a hair over 53 inches tall, and didn't have much in the way of muscle on her. Her long wavy black hair kept getting snagged by branches, making her yell out to her brother. "It's not much further!" He assures her, starting to move up a hill, occasionally turning back to make sure she was still in sight.
Seriously Jack, wait up! Jane shouts angrily, throwing a twig at her older brother. He just laughs it off, grabbing her hand to help her up the crest. Jack stands over her at nearly a full six feet, with a more athletic physique. He has the same black hair, though cut much shorter, of course. After helping his sister up, Jane walks over to the spot he had found earlier. A fallen tree rests in front of circle of rocks that look like they were used to keep a campfire contained. Okay, we're here, so is this really all you wanted to show me? She asks, clearly not all that impressed. She huffs, blowing a loose strand out of her eyes as she looks around the clearing that must have been abandoned for a long time now.
Jack sits down on the tree and pulls his sister over to him. What, you don't like it? Come on, it's remote, and you have to admit, the view is pretty nice too. Plus, the place is really quiet. He whispers suggestively in her ear, gripping her waist tight and giving her a knowing look. Jane stands up, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "What? You know that these studies are very important to me. I have to make sure that my training as an oral master doesn't go to waste." Jane mutters under her breath, something about her big brother being a perv, and begins to stomp off, kicking one of the rocks for the campfire out of the way.
When she does so, the circle begins to sink as cracks appear. Jane! Jack shouts out, jumping up from his spot and running over to grab his sister. It's too late though, and the ground beneath their feet collapses. The two yell out as they start to fall down a long tunnel, holding each other throughout the slide. Closing his eyes, Jack clutches his sister tight, preparing for the worst. Luckily that doesn't happen. Instead they crash into a large pile of goose down pillows and silk clothes, the smell of expensive fragrances filling his nose. What the Jack mutters, looking up. It seems they fell into a large room surrounded by candles, and in the middle of it is the largest bed he'd ever seen. Hello, is anyone here? Jack calls out, standing up and checking to make sure Jane is okay.
His sister sits up and grumbles as she looks around. "This is the worst prank you've ever pulled!" She yells at her big brother. Movement on the bed catches their attention though, and Jack quickly puts himself between it and his sister. They both watch expectantly, wondering what was there. Slowly, they start to walk over to it. "J-Jack, what is it?" Jane asks nervously, clutching her brother's back. Her free hand moves to the dagger at her waist. No one ever left home without some kind of weapon on them, and she was no exception. A flash of something blue catches their attention. "It's... a girl?" She asks, looking at the sleeping form on the bed.
"More like a hottie," Jack says, staring in surprise at her. He moves over to the bed for a closer look. Some of her pale blue hair had fallen over her pretty face. As far as he can tell, she was around their age. "Who is she? I'd have noticed a girl like her at the village." He says as he brushes her hair to one side. Jane tells him she doesn't know, having never seen her before either. Not seeing much of any other choice, he starts to shake the girl awake, much to his sister's disapproval. It doesn't do any good though. "Maybe this is like a fairy tale." Jack suggests with a wink before leaning down and kissing the girl on her lips.
"Ugh, Jack, gross!" His sister yells, smacking his head. "It didn't even do any good. Besides, how can you do that? What if she's... you know... dead." Her older brother looks over at Jane and rolls his eyes.
"She's breathing just fine, and still warm," he says. His hand moves up the girl's body. This doesn't go unnoticed by his sister. "What? We need her to wake up to show us how to get out of here. Plus, I can always use more practice." He says as his hand gropes the girl's breast in his hand. Jane just rolls her eyes and stomps off, calling him a disgusting perv before getting to work looking for an exit. Jack ignores her, turning his attention to the blue haired girl. Her clothes are quickly pushed out of the way as he spreads the folds of her pink pussy. Wow, he hadn't gotten to practice as much as he liked, but even still, he'd never felt or smelled one as nice as hers. It was like it was begging him to continue, and he couldn't stop if he wanted to. Putting his skills to use, Jack slowly starts kissing along the girl's lower lips, sucking up the moisture as it forms. His tongue flicks out, running along her clit and rubbing it before he closes his mouth around it and sucks gently. He feels her squirm under him, and as she hits her climax, the whole room is bathed in a bright blue light that bursts forth out of the hole. "H-holy shit!" Jack yells, jumping back, looking around in surprise as he finds the three of them are back in the clearing next to the fallen tree. | In a dreamless sleep, all sense of time is lost, and so Sari's only perceptions of the passing ages are the touches that send her into her slumber and the first ghosts of the sensations that come to awaken her. A feather's touch upon her forehead, then a gentle warmth against her lips, firm and yet fleeting. She moves slightly in her sleep as she feels a hand upon her chest, palming one breast and giving a gentle squeeze, the distant waking world coming closer as one hand is joined by another, both roaming lower and lower.
Dimly she is aware of voices, so distant that all she can make out is tones of anger and disgust. Sari reaches for consciousness slowly, too slowly, as she feels it begin to slip away from her, then finding herself rising towards it again as fingers press against her sex and part her folds delicately. The flush that has started on Sari's cheeks begins to spread as Jack's ministrations begin, creeping down her neck as her even breathing quickens in response. He may not be a true master of the art, but all that is required is the art itself to release the bonds that hold her consciousness, and with her reaching for wakefulness from within, willingly taking the pleasure into herself as it sends her speeding on her way back into the world of the living...
Her womanhood is well and truly leaking now, liquid arousal mixing with saliva as Jack works his way up and down her folds when he decides to go for the kill. Low moans tumble from Sari's lips and then escalate, becoming sharp and breathy cries as his tongue finds her clit, pushing her to the very edge of orgasm before he finally locks his lips to the sensitive organ and sucks. A cry of ecstasy pierces the air, the last manualist's back arches and she trembles uncontrollably as her eyes fly open, glowing blue light filling the chamber, reflecting back along the tunnel and searing straight upwards into the sky as the earth begins to shake around them and the world is washed away.
The world returns shortly though, and with it comes consciousness, true consciousness. Sari takes in a long breath and lets it out as she opens her eyes, prepared to see the temple and the sages who put her to sleep, to say hello and ask how long she'd been asleep.
Instead, light diffused through a leafy canopy and a startled scream greet her ears, prompting her sit up and at the same time try to scramble backwards. There are no familiar faces, not familiar roofs, not even a bed beneath her but a forest floor, hard packed earth and tree roots beneath her buttocks as she presses her back to a tree. "H-hello..." She greets cautiously, recognizing the two -now that she has a chance to look properly- as oral tribe people, two teenagers who could hardly be older than her, if not the same age, a brother and sister judging by their similar features. "I'm Sari... And you two? |
It had been hell. They'd come out of nowhere, summoned by magic. No warning, no nothing, just a magical portal that appeared in the city, streaming them forth. At first, the populace couldn't believe it. Sure, they were used to strange things coming out of nowhere; they housed the Teen Titans, after all. Aliens, supervillains, robots, all that and more terrorized the city, had for years now. But orcs? Orcs utilizing magical weaponry and rampaging through town as though they'd walked out of some strange fantasy novel? The sheer lunacy of it all had been overwhelming. Most of the population had succumbed within hours to the surprise onslaught. The Titans had rallied, but the attack hit all sectors of the city. They'd sent out a distress call, but it had almost been more of a warning.
The government had certainly taken it that way. They'd sequestered Titan City off from the rest of the country, insisting that was the best way to solve the problem. Albeit, the military couldn't do much against the orcs. Most of their weaponry simply failed whenever they got within range. Others just didn't work. A skilled fighter, someone who could fight hand to hand, mind, could do much against the orcs. Robin had proved that, had fought hard and valiantly. It all proved in vein, however.
Without any other options, the Titans had gone underground. They would not give up the city, not so long as they drew breath. However, they also knew better than to attempt a full frontal assault they'd surely lose. They'd done this before, or at least something like it. So they'd resorted to guerrilla tactics, launching surprise attacks against orcs, inflicting causalities to be sure, but likely causing a lot more in the way of annoyance. The hope was to stall till someone made a mistake, till some opening could be had.
No one had expected it to be the Titans who did so.
They'd gotten caught by the chief, a fierce warrior who seemed nearly unstoppable. Robin had fought him well, had even impressed the warrior, but he'd been losing. So Starfire had leaped to the rescue, literally plowing into the chief and, using her flight, getting him far away. Robin had attempted to rescue, had shouted, protested, screamed, and in the end, had simply yelled promise that they'd save Starfire, somehow.
So the perky alien found herself the captive of the orcs. They'd dragged her back to their camp, a desolate section of what had once been the park but had now been covered with various tents of stretched hide. Starfire didn't want to think about what had given its life for those hides.
The lanky Tamaranean looked very out of place among the orcs. They swelled, most with knotted muscles, several with pot bellies to match. Their heights varied, and the tall heroine did top several of them in that regards. Her brilliant orange skin stood out among the sea of green and gray, however. As did her vibrant, red-hair. Brilliant green eyes stared out from a face far more beautiful than the cruel creatures that swarmed about. They looked out from a strikingly pretty face, usually vibrant with a smile or other expression. The Tamaranean's sorrow weighed heavily upon her, however. It sunk her slender shoulders and made her lithe, muscular body almost fall in on itself.
Currently, the prized teen had been staked outside the chief's tent for all to look and examine. At least one bold orc had already blown his load upon the poor girl: a streak of thick cum having splashed her cheek and drizzled down to the skin-tight purple top. It streaked along her modest breasts, seeming to have glazed the teenage flesh. None dared get closer than that, however. The exception had been a shaman who had decorated Starfire's bared stomach with a symbol to match the chief's family totem. This labeled her as property, though of course the girl didn't know it. Said shaman had also placed a hefty collar around the girl's neck, claiming that it would diminish her powers, though perhaps not completely.
Defeated, Starfire hung there, both arms tied to stakes, legs loose but hopelessly so. The orcs loved to come over and flip her skirt up, and even now the tight purple had rolled to show the white panties that lay beneath. They'd left her alone for the moment, so Starfire wiggled, attempting to draw the skirt down and retain some modesty. She had no clue what the plan was for her, and if she did, chances were her spirits would be lower than they were even now. | The orcs of Mo'grash were a savage race, no doubt. They were created by an insane warlock with the sole purpose of slaughtering populations and civilizations, ridding worlds of their males and enslaving the females to indulge in their nearly endless sexual drive. Countless worlds had fallen to their onslaught, with the females ultimately dragged back to the home world where they were used as sex slaves, and for breeding to create more females of their kind. Orc semen itself was special, in the fact that it altered itself so it could impregnate any female from any species and the birth would always result in another female of the slave's species, but with slightly altered genes as to make the new born more desiring of sex when they came of age. By the second or third generation of children, most species were little more than sex-craving machines.
The orcs were divided into clans, each of which had a specialized purpose in their society. Despite being savage and violent, the orcs were rather organized, they needed to be to conquer so many worlds. Gor'rash was the massive leader of the Malfor Clan. He stood a good 2 and a half to three feet taller than most orcs and was very well built and muscular. He was the elite of the elite, a warrior created to slaughter the best warriors on each planet, and to mate with the best females to produce the greatest of offspring. He hand command of the entire Malfor Clan, some half a million orcs in total. His clan was only the first wave of a typical invasion force. Once they had a firm and established encampment, more orcs would follow, and the grand total of a whole invasion force normally reached somewhere at or near a billion combat able orcs on the invaded world.
This world, Earth, had been no different from any other world they had invaded. They had arrived and taken the populace completely by surprise as they slaughtered all who attempted to stop them. They had driven away the city's most gallant defenders, the Teen Titans. Now, they had a firm encampment in the ruins of the city. More orcs would soon be on their way over, but Go'rash was surprised when he was challenged to single combat by the apparent champion of the city, a boy named Robin. He was impressed by the vigor and determination of the boy, any orc could at least respect a fellow warrior who gave it their all. Still, the chief had been too much for the boy and as he was getting ready to deliver the finishing blow, he was struck by a young woman, one not of this world. He quickly dispatched the girl and took her as his personal slave, his property.
For the past few hours, Go'rash had been nursing the wounds he acquired in his bout with Robin and communicating with the Warlords on Mo'Grash of the invasion's progress. He heard the constant shuffling of his clansmen outside his tent as they examined her newly acquired prize. He took a deep drink of ale from his flask as he let out a breath, all orcs enjoyed ale. He walked out of his tent and blew his war horn, summoning his clansmen to assemble in front of his tent. The orcs amassed quickly, all knowing what to expect from him at this point. After all, a prize was meant to be used.
"Lo'tarlo! Mola ga ish loma!" The chieftain cried out as he pounded his chest multiple times as the assembled horde let out a collective roar. He motioned for silence after a moment as he then pointed towards the chained up Starfire. The orc seemed to lick his disgusting lips as an extremely large bulge was now apparent in his leather trousers. As he walked towards the captured, he ripped his pants off to reveal his throbbing, massive and veiny cock. It was by far the largest sex organ Starfire had ever seen in her entire life, and male Tamaranean's were known for being pretty well-endowed.
"Mala! Intaro mo ga forda!" The chief called out with a roar again as he undid the binds from Starfire's wrist as he roughly pulled her towards him. He pressed her back against his massive chest as his cock rubbed up against her firm ass. His rough and large hands reached down and ripped her panties from her body as he tossed them aside. He lowered his cock down and began to rubbed it against her now exposed pussy as he wrapped his arms around her and his callused hands squeezed her lovely breasts through her top, his fingers, with long, sharp nails, rubbing against where her nipples were. |
Jake Blaze smiled as he stepped out into the wilds of the Kalos region. He was a young man of twenty years, standing at six feet tall, with striking flame-red hair and ice-blue eyes. He wore jeans, a red T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. Six empty Pok Balls hung from his belt. Strange phenomena had hit the world of Pokmon; it had turned each monster with a gender into an anthropomorphic version of itself, and they now spoke the human language. Jake couldn't wait to talk to one and learn about their lifestyle. He set off in search of his first catch candidate. | As Jake walked down a route known for wild Pokemon, he found himself surrounded by tall grass. As most people know, Pokemon are often found hiding in such tall grass. A small patch moved, and out of the grass, a brown-furred, tall rabbit stood. It was a female Lopunny, one of the Pokemon affected by this strange affliction. It had done wonders for her, as she now sported large breasts hanging under a patch of white fur, and a tall, thin body that was alluring to those who saw it. She stretched, apparently having just woken up. |
Nal Hutta, the name meant "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese, the native language of the species that now controlled the planet. Nal Hutta was the capital of Hutt Space and was located in the Y'Toub system. The planet was controlled by the Grand Council which was comprised of members from the various Hutt clans or kajidics. However, once one landed on Nal Hutta it became clear that the planet was neither glorious nor was it a jewel. Originally the planet was a lush jungle world with vast oceans but it soon became a polluted and barren wasteland once the Hutts took it over. Now much of the planet's surface was covered with flat, marshy bogs, muddy puddles, and sickly marsh grass. Even its atmosphere was polluted but the planet was still able to be inhabited. Several of its animals soon developed ways to survive the pollution caused by the Hutts. The Hutts build all kinds of palaces, pleasure gardens, and clan houses all over the planet.
The Hutts themselves were primarily gangsters and slavers. They saw themselves as vastly superior to other creatures. The various Hutts clans also took every opportunity they could to stab each other in the backs. They did not get along and did not trust one another.
The capital city of the planet was Bilbousa, which was a large port city. The Bilbousa bazaar and spaceport were points of interest in the city. Bilbousa was also where the Hutt Grand Council was located and from there the Hutts also ruled Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa which was also known as the Smuggler's Moon.
Kalu Desilijic Tronus, was the head of the Desilijic clan...a clan notorious for its members' interests in humanoid females, extravagant tastes, hedonism, and expensive palaces. The Desilijic clan was one of the most ruthless of all the Hutt clans and were the bitter enemies of the Besadii clan.
Kalu had built his palace outside of Bilbousa. It was a large structure, meant to make anyone who saw it feel small and worthless. Four spires surrounded the structure and served as watchtowers. The structure itself was round in design and a brownish-gold in color. From here Kalu controlled his various criminal enterprises and was always looking to form new alliances and deals with anyone who had no scruples about forming an alliance with a notorious crime kingpin.
The Hutt himself was currently awaiting the arrival of a slave girl he had just recently purchased. The slime on his skin seemed to glisten slightly as the dim lighting from his palace shone on his body. Kalu settled back in his throne and puffed on his hookah. | It was bad to be a female Twi'lek, for more often than not, you were sold into slavery. Indeed, Aola Ven was one of those unfortunate female Twi'leks to be sold into slavery. And she had the misfortune of being sold to a Hutt to add insult to injury. She would have been happier... or at least, less repulsed, if she had been sold to a human; they didn't have a horrid appearance like Hutts did.
Instead, she had been bought as if she was a mere object in a store rather than a sentient being, and she was suffering the indignity of being put into a cage and pretty much being boxed up with a bow on top like a present for her new master. She had to be of extreme value to the Hutt, she had many guards surrounding her cage as she was brought before the Hutt. Privately, she was wondering how many credits she was worth to the Hutt. |
Jenova High looked like any other high school at first glance. The main building sprawled across roughly a city block, with several smaller buildings scattered about its perimeter. An open field on one side held a few sports fields, while another adjacent to it boasted a track and buildings containing a pool and other necessary sports facilities. Trees lined the street leading up to the front doors, which opened onto rows of lockers and other traditional high school amenities.
But what set Jenova apart from other schools were its students. Nearly every student here was training to enter the real world and fight, whether they took it seriously or not. Some had even become experts, taking over the school's defense. And most of these "experts" were female, beautiful girls who wore the school uniform - a skirt and white top - in ways that made them stand out. They called themselves SEEDs, for reasons unknown.
Perhaps though, the SEEds were why the orcs had attacked the high school first. Perhaps they'd known that there were young people in there with great powers. Perhaps they'd sought that power. Perhaps the SEEds had even done it to themselves by opening a rift or doing something else that might have resulted in their drawing the attentions of the orcish horde. Or perhaps it had just been poor luck. Or maybe the orcs craved young, vibrant flesh for their consumption. It hardly mattered. They were there and they were beastly.
Aerith Gainsborough was a junior at the school, skilled almost exclusively in the magical arts and almost exclusively from there in healing spells. The pretty girl had long been sought after by the student body. For like most of the SEEds, she looked almost too appealing. Long brown hair fell in a very loose curl past her softly rounded rear. The hair framed a beautiful, almost fragile face. Out from behind a pair of delicate glasses looked wide green eyes, almost always lined with laughter or a smile. A lined choker covered her slim neck, and, like most of the SEEds, she wore a slightly modified uniform. Hers was red on white, and arguably the least modified of all the SEEds, with just some metal bands on the sleeves and about the small of her arms. Her skirt was flirtatiously short without revealing anything. Though a few very determined individuals had concluded that Aerith preferred to have undergarments that matched her uniform. This often meant wearing white cotton panties with red stripes upon them, which were likely matched by a bra that supported her modest chest.
Of course, all that had been stained with blood now, as the panting, captive girl sat hunched beside a wall. Her hands had been bound behind her back with what felt like bent metal, the roughness nearly scraping her soft skin. Her skirt and shirt had already been torn and blood splattered, and she wasn't sure if she should be happy or sad that the blood was a mix of orc and human, including her own. At least she'd had enough magic to heal most of her severe injuries, and most of her partner's.
Yes, partner, for Aerith had been assigned Rikku Al-Bhed, who at least got on well with the other girl. Rikku got on fairly well with most people, as her cheery, bubbly nature won most over fairly quickly. It probably helped that she walked that dangerously thin line between "cute" and "sexy" like a tightrope walker. Like Aerith, she was a junior, but unlike Aerith, she didn't act like it. Some had actually guessed the girl with the swirling green eyes to be much, much younger than she actually was. Her moderately impressive bust helped stave off too many of those rumors. Probably helped that she'd modified her uniform to show off a decent expanse of the cleavage. Her brilliant yellow bra, which probably went against uniform, seemed only to enlarge those perky breasts as opposed to hide them. Like most of the SEEds, her top did bare a small expanse of her taut stomach, and Rikku had the muscles of one of the more active members. Those same muscles showed on her long legs, which stuck out from the brilliant yellow skirt. Rumor had it that she wore a yellow thong that matched her bra most days, and Rikku had gone further to prove it once or twice, teasingly pulling either the thong up or the skirt down to show. At least she wore a long scarf about her neck. Her hair had been done in a truly ludicrous style, however, with part of it being left to flow free while most of it fell about in various tightly braided dreads.
Of course, now she looked even more battered than Aerith. Great tears showed in her clothing, and it almost looked like the orcs had enjoyed ripping more of her skirt. Despite all the healing, bumps and scratches still showed across Rikku's tightly muscled flesh. They'd gagged her not soon after finally subduing her though, and opted to tie her up even tighter than Aerith.
For they'd lost. They'd fought as bravely as SEED could, and had been in position to simply pull back to a safe zone. But Aerith had noticed some students, mostly females, being cornered by orcs. The orcs appeared to have throbbing clubs around their waists that bobbed up whenever they drew close to a female. Aerith hadn't actually seen one fully drawn out, as they often kept their loincloths on, but she believed that to be their greatest weapon. They seemed to reserve it only for cornered females though, for some reason. Aerith could recall hearing the screams from girls about keeping the huge things away from them. Rikku had giggled when Aerith had pointed them out, beginning to tell her what they were. Before she'd gotten too far though, they'd had to distract the orcs.
There had just been too many. Put three or more SEEDs together and their combined abilities would make them fierce enough to stop most. Two though, especially two with Aerith's and Rikku's abilities, two didn't stand a chance. A thief and a healer were no match for brutes, not without some muscle to back them up. Aerith had barely managed to make sure that the brutes didn't do them any permanent harm. Apparently this had worked to their favor: supposedly the chief wanted any SEED girls captured and brought to him personally. So Aerith and Rikku had been bound up tight, brought before a section of the school to be presented before some sort of leader or champion or something.
And now Aerith looked out through her glasses, scanning the room and wondering just what kind of person she'd been delivered to now. | Tsavong was a massive creature, even as a member of a species that was known for being quite large and strong. The average Orc stood at about six and a half feet tall and were massively broad at the shoulders, but Tsavong was even larger, standing just an inch shy of seven and a half feet tall and weighing nearly twice as much as the normal Orc. His dark green skin was covered in multiple scars and his broad chest and abs displayed several black tribal designs tattooed over the flesh. His position as the leader of his massive tribe was undisputed; it had been years since any had dared to challenge him, and the memory of that brutal fight had left even the most rebellious natured of Orc think twice about challenges to his authority. He wasn't just strong though, he was smart; Orcs were not always known for being the most intelligent of creatures, but they often had a brutal sort of cunning that made them dangerous. Tsavong was different - this was an Orc who could think, plan, lead his clan from being a group of feared monsters to something so much more... And when he had risen to his role as the leader, he had started putting a plan into place right away. First came the expansion: kidnapping human women to help increase their numbers, attacking and taking control of other groups to assimilate the strongest, avoiding fights that would hurt their numbers rather than help them. Then, when they had enough numbers, it was time for what the Chief had in mind: Jenova High would be the perfect acquisition to help increase his power, to ensure that he would become more than just a chief of Orcs, but instead the ruler over a massive empire. A few years ago rumors of this school had reached his ears, in particular there were the rumors of the exceptionally attractive young woman at that school called the SEEds. They were apparently as dangerous as they were attractive, everything he heard had convinced Tsavong they would make perfect breeding stock for him, creating a legacy of strong Orc offspring that would serve to expand the Empire he hoped to build.
The attack on the school and the town that held it had been swift, the element of surprise had allowed the Orcs to swiftly take control and lock the place down, ensuring that no one was able to escape and of course keep anyone from getting in. It was only a matter of time, however, before some people tried to intervene but by then Tsavong expected to have other Orcs arriving to take part in what was happening.
With the school and town swiftly falling under his control, Tsavong was quick to dispatch orders to those around him. The females belonged to any Orc that could catch them, while the SEEd females were his and were to be brought to him unharmed if at all possible. As for himself, he took up residence in the office of the school's principal, a makeshift throne having been assembled from the desk that had been in there supported his massive frame when a chair built to human standards would not do. Even then, the makeshift throne was having trouble holding him upright, but he didn't care; something better was being assembled for him.
As he lounged back against the office wall, he used his prominent teeth to rip some chard flesh from the leg of a deer that had been brought to him, washing it down with a mouthful of crudely distilled but very potent liquor, treating a coffee mug like it were little more than a shot glass. He heard the heavy footsteps of approaching Orcs, smelled the captives carried with them, and grinned to himself, a wide smile that displayed his teeth and did little to make him look less threatening.
As the door opened and the girls were brought in, he sat up a little straighter, quite pleased by the catch that he saw before him. His boys had done good. Leave em... He grunted as he slowly got to his feet, his deep voice sounding like a landslide that could speak. There should be others. Find them and bring them here now. He couldn't be satisfied with just this; he might miss out on the choicest breeders.
To their credit, the others were smart enough to scramble. The door slammed behind them, leaving Tsavong alone in the office with the two pretty young things sitting tied up on the tight carpet. He honestly didn't know where to start and slowly approached them, his musky scent even more powerful than that of the other Orcs, the loincloth he wore hardly enough to conceal anything. As he drew closer, it started to shift... it wouldn't hide anything for much longer. Which one of you do I want first? He asked as he crouched before them, reaching for the blonde with a thick finger extended, catching the edge of her top with his nail and starting to slowly pull it back. A deep breath, he could smell them, they both sounded so fucking good. Which one of you wants to be first? |
Sitting in the club room of the Neighbor's Club,Kodaka Hasegawa relaxed on the couch as everyone else in the club did their thing. Sena was on the TV, playing her games. Yozora and Rika were reading their books, although Rika's book seemed to be a dirty one judging by that look on her face. Yukimura stood in the corner of the room, waiting for someone to call for her assistance. And Kabato and Marie were chasing each other around, acting like kids as they usually do. Everything was like a normal day in the Neighbor's Club.
Since the club started, everyone's lives have been pretty eventful. Yozora turned out to be Sora, Kodaka's long lost childhood friend. Yukimura turned out to really be a girl, after so many years of thinking that she was a boy. Rika opened his eyes to the fact that they were all friends all along. Kabato learned to get along with others, although she still seems to fear Sena. Marie is now acting like a normal girl, instead of her superiority complex she had when they first met her. And speaking of superiority complex, his time with Sena has drastically improved. He learned that she was also a childhood friend from his toddler days. She's also his fiance, arranged by their fathers. And she even confessed her love to him a few weeks ago. Since then, he's been having these strange feelings about Sena. He wanted to act on these feelings, but he wasn't sure how the others would take it, especially after getting a lot of hints that the others seem to have a thing for him, especially Yozora. Plus, what would Yozora do if she found out that he had feelings for Sena? She'd probably kill her.
After another uneventful day, Kodaka got up and got ready to leave. "I'm heading out. Let's go Kabato. See you guys tomorrow." Kodaka headed out the door with his little sister, holding her hand and walked home with her, strangely happy about the recent days in the club. Nothing has really changed, but since he was confronted by Rika, everyone seems to be more open with each other, and they are actually friends, although Yozora and Sena would never admit it. | The atmosphere of the club room was the same as usual; boring but relaxing. The silence was filled from time to time by Kobato's and Maria's excited howls as they chased each other around the club room. Sena was grumbling to herself as she played her games and she was almost certain she could hear slight heavy breathing from Rika, who was reading manga. Boys Love, no doubt.
Yozora Mikazuki flipped the page of her book and sighed, her fingers idly playing in her short hair. She twirled a lock around her finger and glanced up at Kodaka when he announced he was leaving. She said nothing but watched as he left. Rika and Yukimura told him goodbye in unison, Sena heard nothing, grossly involved in her game to hear the door open then close.
Yozora looked around at the others and after a moment's thought - whether to follow Kodaka so she could walk with him some of the way home or not - she closed her book and picked up her bag. "I'm leaving," she announced, thinking that her voice sounded a bit awkward, as if giving away how eager she was to leave.
Rika looked at her with a look Yozora found a little scrutinizing and she raised a brow, frowning at the girl."What?"
"Nothing,"she said flippantly with a shrug of her shoulders then returned her focus to her book.
Yozora shrugged and walked out the room, closing the door behind her after muttering a goodbye to Yukimura. She walked at a leisurely pace down the hallways but when she turned the corner, she broke into a run; wondering if Kodaka was already well off school property. No matter though, if she didn't catch him today she would tomorrow.
She was still running, her head down instead of focusing on her path, as she neared the school gate and she bumped into someone's back. She bounced back and caught herself from a fall then looked up.
"Kodaka. Why don't you watch where you're going?"she glared at him, keeping a hand against her skirt to keep it from lifting when a gust of wind blew by them. |
It was around 9:30am on a Thursday, and the sunlight was streaming in through the drawn curtains in the rosy-colored bedroom. There was no movement coming from underneath the pink blankets on the large queen sized bed. At least there was no movement until the alarm clock started going off a few minutes later. Moments after the alarm clock started going off, the form underneath the blankets started to stir. The blankets were pushed down to the bottom of the bed a few short moments later, and the young redhead who had been underneath the blankets sat up in her bed, yawning and raising her arms into the air, stretching and pushing her large C cup chest out. Her name was Brianna Saunders, and she had just celebrated her eighteenth birthday four days ago. She had a huge party too, and she had invited all of her friends from school and a majority of those she knew in the neighborhood. It had been a fun night for everyone.
Getting up and out of her bed, Brianna walked over to her windows and pulled open her curtains. Her smile widened suddenly when she saw the clear blue skies outside. She turned around and walked over to her closet, and once there, she pulled it open and looked inside for what she was going to wear that day. Brianna had a wide variety of clothes in her closet, but despite the variety of clothes she had, it didn't really take her too long to find what she wanted to wear. Thinking about the weather outside, she ended up pulling out her favorite red and white bikini set. She also pulled out a yellow shirt and a pair of cut-off short jean shorts that would just about cover her ass. With her clothes in hand, she closed her closet door, turned on her heel and walked out of her bedroom. She turned right out into the hallway and walked to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. Luckily for her, the bathroom door was open, so she wasted no time in walking inside, closing and locking the door behind her.
Brianna set her clothes down on the bathroom counter, then she turned and walked over to the walk-in shower in the left corner of the bathroom. She reached the shower and pulled open the glass door. After pulling it open, she pulled off her pink teddy bear T-shirt and slipped out of the sexy white boy shorts she had on. Brianna stepped into the shower, pressing the power button and turning the dial clockwise. She waited until the water had reached the desired temperature before she stepped underneath the stream of hot water. A smile tugged at her lips as the hot water began cascading over her supple, young body. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting the water splash over her face for a few moments. Brianna had always enjoyed taking her time in the shower, which was probably one of the reasons she remained in there for nearly twenty minutes.
Once she was finished showering, she pressed the power button, turning the shower off, and then she stepped out of the shower, picking up a towel off the nearby towel rack and wrapping it around herself. Brianna used the towel to dry herself and her hair off, and then she moved over to the bathroom counter where she had left her clothes. She unwrapped the towel from around her large bust and let it fall to the floor. After doing so, she picked up her red and white bikini bottoms and slipped them on. Her red and white bikini soon followed, as did her yellow shirt and short cutoff jean shorts. As soon as she was dressed, she stepped in front of the bathroom mirror. Before she could look at her reflection in the mirror, she had to wipe away the steam that had gathered. Brianna looked at her reflection in the mirror as soon as she had wiped the steam away. She stood at a height of 5'9" and she had a slim but curvy hourglass figure. Her yellow shirt pulled tightly across her large 36C chest, and it also revealed part of her toned and tanned waist. Brianna had wide hips and a firm, round ass that was shown off perfectly in the short cutoff jean shorts she had on. Her jean shorts also did well to show off her toned and tanned long legs too. Brianna had light blue eyes and long red hair that stopped close to the pit of her back. Today, she had tied her hair up into a high ponytail, and after looking at her reflection one more time, she turned and walked out of the bathroom. She briefly returned to her bedroom to slip on a pair of socks and her sneakers, and she also made sure to pick up her phone, purse, MP3 player, and her bag. Once she was sure she had everything, she walked out of her bedroom once again.
She headed straight downstairs and into the kitchen. Despite the fact it was just turned 10am, it already looked as if both of Brianna's parents had already headed out. Not that Brianna minded as she knew her parents trusted her anyway. She walked around the kitchen, picking up a few different things so she could get her breakfast. Brianna ended up getting herself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice, and when she had what she wanted, she turned around and walked out of the kitchen and straight into the living room. The redhead sat down on the couch and wasted no time in making herself comfortable. She picked up the television remote and pressed the power button, turning on the television. She started flicking through the channels as she ate her breakfast. After a few moments, something on one of the news channels caught her attention. She turned up the volume as the news broadcast was shown. "I'm Alex Thompson, reporting with Channel 872 news. I'm here at the scene of a reported attack said to have taken place hours ago. Reports are coming in of witnesses seeing a strange worm-like creature, and there are others who are reported to have seen some sort of unknown bee. Authorities are yet to confirm any of this, but people are being told to be careful just in case it should attack again. I'm Alex Thompson; back to the studio."
Brianna turned off the television as soon as the news report had finished, but still, she couldn't seem to stop thinking about what the news anchor had said as she ate her breakfast. Brianna knew of the place where the attack had happened, and days before, she had seen a similar news broadcast of an attack that had taken place just blocks away from the most recent attack. Brianna managed to finish up the rest of her breakfast, and she drank her orange juice. As soon as she was done, she picked up the empty bowl and glass and took them back into the kitchen where she placed them both in the sink. After doing so, she walked back out of the kitchen and into the living room. She picked up the remote and pressed the power button, turning off the television. She threw the remote down on the couch, turned on her heel and walked out of the living room. Brianna threw her bag over her shoulder, confident she had everything in it, and then she made her way out of the front door.
Once outside her front door, she closed it behind her and set off down her pathway and out onto her street. She walked down her street, turning right at the end of the road. The young redhead knew exactly where she was trying to get to. It was a large park that was just a few blocks from her home. It also sat directly in the middle of where the recent attacks had taken place. Brianna wasn't sure why, but she just wanted to check the park out. It took her no more than ten minutes to get there. When she got there, she noticed there wasn't anyone there yet. Not that she thought of it as a bad thing. Brianna quickly started looking around the park, even though she had no idea what it was she was looking for. She walked through the large park, looking from left to right, scanning her surroundings with absolutely no idea what to look for.
She had been in the park for a little over ten minutes when she moved over to the far side of the park. There were a lot of trees in the area, and as she moved over there, a strong wind suddenly kicked up from out of nowhere. It wasn't strong enough to knock her off her feet, but it did slow her down. Brianna stopped dead in her tracks when something suddenly opened up in front of her. Her eyes widened when a swirling portal of blue and white light appeared. The young redhead felt too shocked to move, and she just stood there, rooted to the spot even asLunamoncame through the portal. The portal closed behind Lunamon nearly thirty seconds after the rabbit-like creature had stepped through it.
When she set her sights on Lunamon, Brianna felt a number of things. The first thing she felt was shock, confusion, fascination, and surprise. A small smile formed on her face as she just looked at Lunamon. Slowly, she started walking towards the unknown creature, and as she did, Lunamon stood with her clawed hands clasped behind her back. Lunamon looked up at Brianna as she got closer, yet she still didn't move. Brianna was about a foot away from the rabbit-like creature as she crouched down so she was at more of a level with the creature."Wow, I've never seen a rabbit like you before. Where did you come from?"Brianna couldn't hide the curiosity in her voice.
Lunamon took a step forward, still clasping her clawed hands behind her back."My name is Lunamon, and I'm not a rabbit. I'm a digimon from the Digital World. I've come here because I have to find someone."She looked up at Brianna for a few moments more and tilted her head to the side slightly."Hey, would you like to help me find the one I am looking for?"She asked as she unclasped her hands from behind her back, and then held her clawed hand out to Brianna. A small smile formed on Brianna's lips and then she nodded her head, brushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear."I don't know what a digimon is, and I'm still trying to get my head around the fact you can talk, but sure, I'd love to help you find the one you are looking for."Brianna's smile widened as she took Lunamon's hand in her own. | A common trait of humans is to not think of the consequences of their actions. Too often a person will act, on impulse or by planning, in the heat of the moment or premeditated, trying to accomplish something. They pay no mind to what may happen, to the ripple effect that even the smallest act can cause. It's not malicious, just a blind spot that a good thing about humans tends to block. Their passion makes them act, creates relationships with others, and it's admirable. Since the middle of the 20th century, technology and machines have been advancing, humans pushing their knowledge and tools to the limit to create the next big thing, to make lives easier. Tiny, handheld devices that fit in the palms of our hands hold more data and transfer more information than entire buildings of servers that existed years ago. It's all taken for granted, how much data is sent around the world, and what might happen because of that. One of the blind spots. As technology got more and more advanced and more and more data was sent, something happened. An entire world was created in the digital space, similar to ours with oceans, mountains, plains, and so on. As we continued to make more and more data and more and more computers, some of the data began to act on its own, becoming a sentient being. More and more of these creatures started to come into existence, and soon enough the Digital World was populated by these Digital Monsters.
With technology so interwoven into our lives now, it was only a matter of time before the two worlds would start to merge. Digimon finding a weak spot between the worlds and slipping through, and finding a whole other dimension to explore. Some are kind, playful, just curious about something new. Others have something grander in mind, that this place is theirs, and it's just waiting for a master.
It was a beautiful morning, and Erica Winter was taking advantage of it, laying face down on a lounge chair by a pool. She wore a small purple bikini, top string undone that released her large breasts pushing against the rubber of the chair, long sultry legs shooting out from the bottom that held her tight ass. Erica was glad to have a private place to do this like her parent's pool, the girl had a secret that made her avoid things like sunbathing in public. It was a reflex to lay face down like this to hide it. Long brown hair was slung to the side to avoid tanlines of it resting on her back, grey-brown eyes closed as she laid out to soak in the sun. Headphones were jammed into her ears, rock music playing as she relaxed, starting the morning off right.
The pool she sat by was nice, a large, in-ground unit at her parents' house. The nineteen year old still lived with them, taking classes at the local college. They'd done well for themselves and liked to show it with their large, fancy home and things like this pool. Her father was a higher-up at a technology company, her mother held a position at an advertising firm, the ideal power couple. Now the baton was dangling in front of Erica, everyone waiting to see what she'd do, how she'd step into the big shoes of her parents. She was a bit stagnant, just getting her general education classes done at the local school, still yet to decide on what she wanted. Everyone just expected her to succeed and get a nice job like her parents, become another rich girl and be happy. That wasn't what she really wanted though, to not truly help anyone. Erica felt she was supposed to do something bigger, and that seemed to have revealed itself almost a year ago. It made her feel like she was different than other people, that among other things...
Suddenly she felt a tap on her head, making her frown and open her eyes, shifting her head up. A small, dragon-like creature stared back, mere inches from her face. Erica frowned, reaching up to pull the earbuds out. "Come on, M. Five minutes?" she said with a groan. The creature shook his head, tilting it slightly with a grin. "Nope! We got something. I sniffed it," he said, touching a claw to his nose. The girl nodded, turning and standing from the chair, grabbing her top as it stayed when she moved, not caring that he was there to see. "Darn things can't give us a break?" she said, leaning back to stretch, arms reaching down as she bent towards her toes, then tying her bikini top back onto her chest.
Monodramon hurried around the chair, getting close to the sliding glass door that led from the pool into the house. "Nope! Now come on, it's gonna be fun!" he said, restlessly moving around as he egged her to go faster. She grinned, leaving the side of the chair and starting to jog back inside. "You never get tired, you're lucky!" she called down as she ran up the stairs to grab some clothes.
A few minutes later she burst out the door, Monodramon right behind her. She'd just put some things on over her swimsuit, some tight jeans and an orange tanktop along with her usual black sneakers. The top had tiny straps leading down to the stretch of fabric that held back her large, D-sized breasts, jeans tight to her bottom. She went to a car, her partner getting into the back as she got into the driver's seat. Admittedly, a pretty nice perk of rich parents was having a vehicle she could use herself, especially for things like this. Starting up the black sedan, she pulled down their long driveway to head into the city.
"That way," the purple dragon pointed as they drove through the streets, nose telling them they were getting close, claws gripping the passenger seat as he tried to hide down in the back. Erica nodded, turning and finding a spot to stop. It seemed the Digimon had emerged into a park, which was good for them. Lots of trees, lots of cover, not many bystanders to get in the way or see what was going on. Some Digimon had come into the physical world, but the public had no idea it was going on. Erica hadn't even met anyone else that knew about it, which made it a lonely job to have. Monodramon helped though. He was great, playful but fierce, protective of her, but nice. The two had gotten very close over the last year, feeling comfortable enough with him that the Digimon even knew her secret. She pulled into a parking spot, looking around and getting out with the dragon. "Here we go," she said, locking the car and slipping some gloves onto her hands, black with purple wires lacing through them. They were her Digivice, the machine that truly made her a Digimon's partner and tamer, that connected her to Monodramon to help power him up. The two ran into the dense trees, Monodramon in the lead as he sniffed out their target.
It wasn't long before they found what they were looking for, a small clearing coming before them. A small, rabbit-looking Digimon stood near a human, a girl around Erica's age. She was pretty, and the Digimon was pretty cute, but experience taught her that didn't mean much about whether it was friendly or not. "Damn, a witness. Not sure how we're gonna explain this one," she muttered, hiding behind some trees with Monodramon. Taking a breath, she looked to her partner, the dragon glancing back and nodding, ready. The two moved to the clearing, Monodramon brandishing his claws and growling as Erica stood back. "Hey, get away from that thing! Step away from her if you know what's good for you," she said to the Digimon, moving her gloved hand in front of her to read the screen. It scanned, some data popping up before her. It was named Lunamon, a rookie. This should be an easy fight. |
Name: Emilee
Age: 16
Class: F
Avatar's Guise: Thief or Rogue
Personality: Laid back and flirty
Best Class: History and English
Other: Does her work and studies, but not as much as she should and really doesn't care too much.
Name: Sheryl
Age: 16
Class: E
Avatar's Guise: Kusarigama Master
Personality: Teasing and outgoing
Best Class: Math
Other: Has her eyes set on Freya to be her wife.
Name: Iris
Age: 17
Class: F
Avatar's Guise: Giant Claws Master
Personality: Playful, lazy, and sassy
Best Class: Athletics
Other: Shes lazy when it comes to work, but not with sports.
Name: Keri
Age: 16
Class: B
Avatar's Guise: Archer
Personality: Sweet and Kind hearted
Best Classes: All Round
Others: Shes a hard worker, but also a person pleaser so shes easy to control.
Name: Lyra
Age: 17
Class: A
Avatar's Guse: Swords man
Personality: Serious and uptight
Best Classes: All round
Others: She has a hard time being loose and relaxed due to her work focused lifestyle.
A new year has begun at the Fumizuki Academy, a special school where students are placed in certain grade average classes based on their academic scores. The higher the grades, the higher the class, and the better the benefits. The different classes can challenge another class to a war where they use the school's special program to summon avatars with a teacher's permission. Though the avatars cannot hurt other students directly, they all have different power levels based on their latest test scores in the subject that is challenged. So naturally it pays to be in Class A, or the strongest class. The goal of the war is to defeat the other class' student representative or leader. When the winner is decided, the classes swap classroom supplies which Class A has the most prestigious items while Class F has the opposite. Those whose characters are defeated by reaching zero health must take supplementary lessons to restore their health, and the class that loses must wait three months before challenging another class for war.
It sounds cool, she guessed. Emilee thought about the ways of this new school having to prepare herself for what was ahead of her, though honestly she didn't care too much. Sure, fighting with avatars is cool and she was pretty good at video games, but the studying part sounded boring. Emilee studied every now and again, but really she was too busy with her games to care about that. Probably why she ended up in Class F to begin with, oh well. Maybe in there she won't have to work at all and instead just bring her 3DS to school every day. Besides, why study so much if she wasn't going to use it in life anyway? It's best to just lay back and enjoy life while they're young, but she could tell by the school uniform that she had to wear that this wasn't the case.
After walking past the other classes, she had to admit, Class A did look fancy like an upper-class rich school while the others were growing less impressive as the grades went down. Finally, she reached her class: Class F. The sign was made from a old piece of wood that dangled by one chain...bad omen for things to come. Once she opened the door, Emilee got a good look at the classroom before her. Mats for chairs, boxes for desks, no chalk for the chalkboard, a old podium...great. Softly she sighed and decided to sit in the back corner. She placed her bag down beside the tomato box that was now her desk and sat down on the dirty flat mat, crossing her legs Indian style despite being in a skirt. Even though it would make her skirt shorter and easier to see up of it didn't seem to bother or embarrass Emilee. Instead, she just pulled out a box of pocky and started munching away at the chocolate covered stick with her hand holding her head up with a bored expression. | Characters
Name: Nathan Stone
Age: 16
Class: F
Avatar's Guise: Lancer
Personality: Perverted and Teasing
Best Class: Technology
Other: Slacker
Name: Darian O'Brien
Age: 18
Class: A
Avatar's Guise: Paladin
Personality: Rich-Person complex
Best Class: All-Around
Other: Top of the class
Name: Artemis Adams
Age: 18
Class: A
Avatar's Guise: Sorcerer
Personality: Hot-Headed
Best Class: History and Science
Other: Known as the 'Magic Devil'
Name: Tristan Powers
Age: 17
Class: C
Avatar's Guise: Gunner
Personality: Calm and Collected
Best Class: Math
Other: Flunked purposely to help the underdogs.
Nathan sighed as he sat in Class F, the worst class available at Fumizuki Academy. How he got such horrid grades, he'll never know...for he knew he was smarter than this! But apparently there was a mishap with his paperwork and the school got lazy and threw him into Class F for the semester. He would sit in front of Emilee, not really paying attention to the girl as she came in and sat behind him. He was just lightly dozing off all the while wondering...Why? Why was he part of Class F. He thought he'd at least get Class C but apparently this was not the case...and he sighed...falling backwards onto his back, head looking above him with his eyes closed...and suddenly he'd open them, only for his face to go red as he was looking right up Emilee's skirt. His face was red and a little bit of blood began to lightly drizzle from his nose as he eyed the girl...not even knowing if she was watching him or not. |
Shao Khan was dead. Truly, that filled Kitana with more joy than anything else. Her homeland had been freed and avenged in one fell swoop. But their heroine was unlikely, and one that she had spent long hours debating if it was truly a greater evil, or simply another conqueror that Outland had far too many of. The defeat of Shao Kahn hadn't meant immediate peace for Outworld; far from it. There were many, formerly of Shao Kahn's army and some new that had taken up the attempted mantle to rule again. As the daughter of Shao Kahn, her own word had more weight than she wanted to admit...but she saw nothing but the same thing it had always been.
But it was that unlikely Heroine that she searched out over a ragged battlefield this day, her Shokan warriors paying Kitana little more than a faint nod of mild respect-it looked forced, but given what her father did...she couldn't blame them.- as Jade trailed behind her. They were beautiful women, shapely and delicious to the eye as Kitana's sash framed her perfectly round ass as she walked, her face obscured by her mask and her fans resting on her bare hip. Jade harbored no dishonesty; they were walking into a perpetual den of wolves, with little more than the two of them to defend themselves if something went wrong. Still, Kitana insisted on meeting Sheeva on her own terms.
She saw Sheeva's back, her stance settled into a pose of meditation as two Shokan warriors moved up to block their passage. Kitana's eyes stiffened as their four arms crossed casually. They were scavenging the battlefield, finding their dead...burning the bodies of those that were not their own. She had erected a small tent for herself.
"...I wish to speak to your Queen," Kitana said resolutely. "I come as the Princess of Edenia. | It had been some years since Sheeva recalled first being drafted into combat as a warrior of Shao Kahn's own employ... But at some point even she tired of the constant battles, all the losses in the name of their emperor. Her Shokan kin came to agree with her: they tired of dying in the name of in the name of men like Kahn and Shang Tsung who saw them as little more than disposable cattle.
Sheeva led the charge in their rebellion, against Kahn's forces and those elite warriors who were still loyal to him. Losses were heavy on both sides, but when the emperor dropped dead it didn't take long for his soldiers to lose morale and surrender. Sheeva soon took the power vacuum over, becoming Outworld's empress.
"Let them enter. And close the flaps behind them," the muscular woman said firmly. Sheeva rose from the rows of burning ceremonial candles, turning to reveal her heavy breasts, lingering bruises, and the metal bikini and red silk loincloth barely covering her light brown muscular flesh. "Why have you come to me? |
Nilda shivered for the umpteenth time, stifling the whimper that threatened to escape her lips. She clutched at the white lab coatshe wore that barely fit, vainly trying to cover up more of her big, beautiful breasts and creamy white flesh in an attempt to hide it from the chill of the night air. Still she never thought to complain, instead looking atLucy Taylorwith a wide eyed and trusting gaze as she steeled her courage for the millionth time this harrowing night and moved as quickly and quietly as she could. Nilda had no idea how she would have survived everything they'd gone through without the quick thinking guidance the lovely, inked amazon-esque woman had provided.
"Hell, I know where I'd be if Lucy hadn't found me, still stuck in that hospital room being poked and prodded like a lab rat,"Nilda thought to herself as her grateful gaze rested upon her new friend. Nilda's breath caught in her throat, not for the first time as she took in the sight of Lucy's gorgeous eyes so radiant and deep that she felt like she could swim in them for hours.
"STOP IT, girl! Right now! We lost them... But they still could be here any minute,"the barely dressed, curvaceous woman thought to herself as she shuddered again and looked around at where they were. Slums, definitely, WAY off the beaten track. They were in an abandoned railway tunnel, a space where a lot of homeless people had made cardboard boxes into shacks. Basically, a place where only the forgotten came... Which was perfect, for now.
Nilda moved a little closer to Lucy and whispered, "now... Now what?" Nilda's tone carried nothing but her absolute faith in Lucy to come up with the perfect plan to keep them safe, and her patience and quiet acceptance of what they had to deal with after all they'd already been through. She blinked as she had a memory flash from the recent past. Lucy pointing to the locked door they had to get through and her, weak little Nilda, tearing the door of its hinges and casting it aside, accidentally throwing it into the pair of gun toting guards coming up from behind them.
"I was scared shitless... Don't know how I did that..."she thought to herself as she gave herself over to Lucy's guidance, cold and tired and hungry, god she'd never BEEN so hungry, but well aware of how a misstep now could land them back there where all they'd have to look forward to were tests and medical shinnanigans. | Lucy wasn't happy with the situation they were in, not to mention the headache she had beating through her head and down her spine. "Fuck," The tattooed woman mutters as Nilda moves in closer. Lucy didn't mind the clingy Nilda, she could understand why she was scared but Lucy didn't have time to be scared. The doctors jackets they were wearing just wouldn't be enough to keep them warm tonight, so Lucy knew she had to do something to get them out of this pickle. "You need to trust me, I want you to stay here in the shadows and just wait for me." Lucy looks at Nilda with a reassuring smile before kissing the plump woman on the forehead. "Half hour, give me that before looking for me." Lucy bids her farewell as she stands and goes on her personal mission.
With no money and armed with her own hands, Lucy walks until she finds a thrift store. Being closed wasn't going to keep her out. Lucy walks around to the back door in the alley, hopefully she still had enough energy to kick the door in like she did back at the lab. With a deep breath and little prayer, she gives it all she has as she kicks in the back door. Of course it was a steel door but Lucy didn't question it as she runs in as the alarm sounds. It was a bad part of town so it would take the cops a while to show up. Gathering what she could, Lucy makes sure she doesn't leave fingerprints as she leaves and heads back to Nilda.
"Boo." She whispers as she comes up behind Nilda and shows her the clothes. "I wasn't sure what your size was, so I got mostly sweatpants and hoodies. No underwear, that would be nasty to buy used." Lucy places the clothes on the ground as she removes her lab coat. Yes, her male part was dangling between her legs as she pulls on a pair of black sweatpants and a red hoodie. "As for shoes, I found a pair of socks each and boots, I figure mens boots would fit whether it was the right size or not." Lucy came through for Nilda. With some decent clothing they could at least go out in the daytime. |
Harry Potter was in his 6th year at Hogwarts and was, as usual, dabbling with things that he really shouldn't have been dabbling in. It wasn't anything dark or forbidden, no, even Harry knew better than that. And while for a Wizard his age it was illegal to Apparate...well...what he was trying to do wasn't technically Appearing so technically it wasn't illegal. He was trying to come up with an entirely new way of teleporting using magic, something untraceable, unblockable, something that would give him the edge he would need with how the world was changing.
Sadly, this wasn't quite something he could handle all alone. Rather than turn to Hermione for help though, after all she would almost certainly have refused to help and just tried to talk him out of something like this, Harry had instead turned to Ginny. She was the next most intelligent and skilled person he knew after Hermione that he could trust.
The two had been working together for a few days now, but they were close to a breakthrough...Harry could feel it. All the pieces were in was just a matter of balance. The wand motions, the concentration, the level of magic...all of it was right but there was just something missing. For now, Harry was trying to use a potion to fill in whatever 'gap' was left in the spell....and he almost had it right. "Ok....just a little of this and...." He grinned, the potion turning an ice blue in the small cauldron. "Ok...that should do the trick..."
With a slightly cocky grin, Harry dipped his wand into the potion, holding it for a few moments before pulling it out. "Ok Ginny....let's just try....outside by the lake..." He nodded, closing his eyes and trying to visualize the lakeside, waving his wand slowly. For a second it seemed nothing had happened, but then there was a loud crack, sparks of magical energy everywhere and a blinding flash, both teens being knocked off their feet. When their vision cleared though, they would find themselves staring upwards not at a stone ceiling, but a clear blue sky. "It worked!!" For a second Harry thought everything had gone perfectly, but when he sat up he blinked. The lake was looking a lot....bigger. Wait....there was sand beneath his fingers...the lake didn't have a beach. "Huh...?" Slowly Harry stood up and looked around, then yelped as he saw they were not only nowhere near the lake....but nowhere near Hogwarts....the pair now on the beach of what appeared to be an island somewhere in the middle of the ocean. | Ginevra (Or Ginny as everyone referred to her) had been rather eager when Harry asked for her help, especially when he chose her over Hermione. Okay, so he likely only asked for her help because Hermione would have gone straight to a member of the faculty as Harry was tampering in something fairly illegal, but it was the thought that counted. And if all went well, it would be a great learning experience for everyone involved.
Ginny had been hovering around Harry like a busy little bee, gathering whatever components he needed for his experiment and handling any of the more complex measurements for his ingredients. "Hm... it's certainly a long process," Ginny mused about halfway through the experiment. Still, her grin refused to fade away, eager to have this chance to work with her crush. Against the rules or otherwise, this was still new and fun!
So she braced herself when Harry reached into the cauldron, and then with a powerful rush the two were flung across the barriers of space at a phenomenal speed, both of them bursting out onto some sort of sunny beach - Ginny landing flat on her cute butt as they hit the sand. "Ooof!... In the future, Harry, you might want to bring a cushion for the journey," Ginny mused. She paused then, blinking in shock and then gulping loudly. "This... isn't the lake, is it? |
Konan looked around the cave as Nagato summoned them all there for a meeting. She stood, watching the men of the Akatsuki stoically. She did not show any emotion as she listened to her oldest friend speak. Not that what he said now was of any importance. He was merely giving them permission to leave.
Konan stepped down from her position on the statue and made her way down. Looking around, she watched as the men filed out. For once, there was no arguing. Her amber eyes focused on the one that remained. She wondered why he was not leaving yet. That took her off guard. Usually he was the first person to leave.
As Nagato's second-in-command, she walked over to him. The cloak covered her frame. She stopped in front of him. "May I help you?" she asked him. She was careful around him. She did not trust him. She did not really trust anyone in the Akatsuki, so she kept her distance. | The figure grinned under his hood as he stepped towards Konan, his massive scythe shimmering in the faint light as he was now standing directly in front of her, his massive figure imposing upon her small one. He folded his hood down to reveal his face as he let out a chuckle and licked his lips.
"It's simple... bitch," he said, "I want to fuck you." Hidan was always crass and vulgar, but never like this. He pulled out a bottle which seemed to contain blood and he dropped it on his scythe as his skin began to blacken.
"That was your blood I dropped on my blade," he continued, "And you know what my ability is... so I suggest you comply with me." He grinned at her, knowing that he had her right where he wanted her. If he refused her, he would kill her. |
Bozeman, Montana....April 5, 2063....First Contact. It was only moments after the Vulcan scout ship landed that the Humans who were led by Zefram Cochrane attacked and killed the aliens. The Vulcan Ship was then stripped of everything while the Humans acted like wild animals partying around the fallen bodies of the alien invaders. The Terran Empire had just found new technology which it would use to expand across the quadrant. The Terran Empire applied this stolen Vulcan technology to a policy of aggressive expansion which led to many races being conquered. The Andorians, the Tellarites, the Orions, the Trill, the Betazoids and yes the Vulcans soon found themselves under the heels of the Terran Empire. The Humans showed themselves to be brutish, scheming, and murderous creatures and they even shocked the Klingons & Romulans with how deceitful they could be.
The Empire's hold on its territories was initially weak. In the 2150's, some of the worlds conquered by the Terrans were beginning to rebel against the empires rule, leading to a long running conflict in which the empire came to the brink of collapse. Propaganda, however, conveyed the message that things were going in the Empire's favor and that the war would be over soon. In 2155 the USS Defiant, a Federation ship launched in the 23rd century of a parallel universe, was reported in Tholian space. A mission was undertaken by the crew of the ISS Enterprise which at the time was under command of its First Officer Jonathan Archer. It was Archer's plan to steal this ship away from the Tholians and use it to put down the rebellion. The crew of the Enterprise did in fact steal this ship from the Tholians, but also lost the Enterprise in the opening moments of the battle. It did appear that Archer would destroy the rebellion. It even seemed like he would take control over the Empire, but double dealing and backstabbing were apart of everyday life in the Terran Empire, that is if one wanted to get ahead. Archer found out too late that another member of the Enterprise crew had her sights set on ruling the empire. Lieutenant Hoshi Sato, who was the Enterprise's communications officer had ideas of her own. She poisoned Archer then took the Defiant for her own. Using the powerful Starship from the parallel universe, Hoshi soon took control and she was pronounced Empress of the Empire.
After the defeat of the rebellion, the Empire turned its attention towards the other races in the alpha and beta quadrants. The Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians, the Tholians, the Gorn, the Ferengi, the Xindi, and the Breen were the only major powers left that could stand against the Empire. The Klingons and the Romulans had a long-standing hatred for each other due to years of betrayal, and even though they hated the Terrans, they couldn't set aside their mistrust for each other to destroy the humans. The Romulans would stand alone and face down the Humans without help from anyone. In time, the Klingons would join with the Cardassians in an Alliance against the Terrans while the other races just sat back not wishing to get involved.
In 2267 members of the crew from the USS Enterprise, including Captain James T. Kirk, were accidentally transported to the mirror universe aboard the mirror version of the Enterprise, the ISS Enterprise. Before Kirk left, believing that the mirror Spock would one day become captain of the ISS Enterprise, he tried to plant seeds of doubt in Spock's mind. However, in this reality, Spock didn't succumb to Kirk's attempt to change the empire. The Terran Empire continued under the control of the descendants of Hoshi Sato. But even the great Sato family had enemies inside the empire, and in 2275, the Sato family was removed from power by Grand Fleet Admiral James Maxwell. The coup d'tat ended the rule of the Sato family who had been in power for well over a century. Maxwell proclaimed himself Emperor Maxwell the First after taking power. Emperor Maxwell started a program to rebuild Starfleet since years of battle against the rebellion left it weak, and if the empire was ever going to conquer the remaining enemies, it needed its forces to be ready.
An uneasy peace settled over the galaxy for almost a century. There were still battles between the major powers and the Empire, but all-out war was avoided. In 2368, war did break out once the Terran Empire was ready, and their target was the Romulan Star Empire. For the next five years, a bloody war raged between these two great powers, and by 2373, the Romulan Empire was ready to fall. The Romulans were going to make their last stand at a planet known as Galorndon Core where the bulk of their fleet would mass. The Fourth Fleet of the Terran Empire was sent out to destroy the remaining Romulan ships and pave the way towards the Romulan home worlds of Romulus & Remus. But inept leadership on the part of Admiral Stone, who was leading this mission, and by a number of captains who greatly underestimated the Romulans' will to survive caused the Terran Empire to suffer a bitter defeat when they outnumbered the Romulan ships two to one.
The Terran Empire sent the entire 4th fleet, consisting of 224 starships, to Galorndon Core, but only 87 made it back to Starbase 173. On the voyage back to Starbase 173, many of those who had been in command were locked up, some even killed by their own people. One of those locked up by his own crew was Captain Benton Maddox of the ISS Raptor, a Conqueror Class Attack Cruiser NCC-6472 carrying a crew of over 500 and an assault force of 150 MACO's (Military Assault Command Operations). These special troops were aboard each starship and served to protect the ship from intruders as well as being used as ground assault forces.
Captain Maddox quickly found himself under arrest by his first officer, Commander Mason Kane, who then locked him away before heading for Starbase 173 with the remaining ships. Emperor Maxwell the 2nd, the first born son of Maxwell the 1st, took power after his father's death in 2359 and was outraged over the defeat of his forces, which should have won against the Romulans. He ordered Admiral Stone put to death. Captain Maddox was stripped of his rank and command and thrown into prison. Commander Kane was promoted to captain of the ISS Raptor and given new orders: a secret invasion of the mirror universe Federation. This invasion was to gather information on the Federation's technology and bring back anything that the empire didn't have. The Federation had been so helpful in the past with the USS Defiant that the Emperor felt they could possibly have new weapons or updated shields that the Terran Empire hadn't discovered yet.
Captain Kane accepted this mission with a smile on his face. He knew that if they could bring back anything from the Federation, both he and the crew of the Raptor would be hailed as heroes of the empire. Kane left Admiral Grey's office on Starbase 173 and returned to his ship. The Raptor was currently being worked on to repair battle damage received during the fight at Galorndon Core. Losing this battle made the Terran Empire appear weak in the eyes of its enemies, something that couldn't be allowed to last. There was also some disturbing news which had come to Emperor Maxwell's attention a few months ago. A wormhole had been discovered in the Bajor System and this wormhole led to the Gamma Quadrant. The Klingon/Cardassian Alliance who had joined with the smaller power the Bajorans were in control of this gateway. The Emperor wanted this wormhole just as much as he had wanted the Romulans destroyed. Now with the Terran Empire looking very weak, he couldn't launch an assault on the Bajoran System or destroy the Romulans. This was his reasoning behind sending the Raptor into the mirror universes to find new technology. Emperor Maxwell the Second would have this wormhole, or it would be destroyed and no one would have it.
In a few hours, the Raptor was repaired and left Starbase 173. A device had been attached to the ship's Deflector Array on the inside and was controlled from the bridge. This device would open up an interdimensional gateway which would take the Raptor into Federation space, then bring them home once their mission was over. Captain Kane stood tall and proud in front of his crew as he told them the news of this glorious mission and what it meant to the Empire. Handsome and powerfully built, Kane was on the fast track to getting a ship of his own one day, and now that he was captain, he had finally gotten what he wanted. The women on board would be throwing themselves at him, such as Hoshi Sato herself, who had certainly fucked her way straight up to the top and become Empress. The entire crew was standing in the shuttle bay while Captain Kane spoke of the glorious mission. To Kane's left stood his new first officer, Commander Barton Baxter, who was human. To Kane's right stood Lieutenant Commander Dixon Webb, who was also human. Next to Webb stood Lieutenant Commander Tala Kalel Raioth, an Andorian female who served as Security Chief. She was called "Commander Tala" because Andorian names are not easy to pronounce. Standing next to Commander Baxter was Lieutenant Commander Martin Beech, who served as Chief Medical Officer aboard the Raptor. It was his job to make sure that the gateway device worked properly. Captain Kane placed his right fist over his chest before extending his arm outwards in front of his body." LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE! "This move and the words spoken were repeated by the crew.
Everyone returned to duty once word on their mission had been explained. The Raptor soon approached the location where they would use their new gateway device. All of the ship's power would have to be transferred to the device in order to open the doorway, then the ship would enter. Once on the other side in Federation space, the Raptor would begin looking for a ship or station that they could attack, overcome, and take over. After that, they would steal whatever information they could find in the computers and take prisoners. Once this was done, the Raptor would return to their universe with their prizes. | Young faced and willing to do what it would take to get to the top, Lieutenant Mechanic Amanda Goldman watched as her new captain stood before her. As he was making his speech, she wondered what he would do if she ripped off her clothes and began to show him the many ways she could hide her tools of repair. Biting er lip, she shivered feeling her nipples press against her uniform shirt. God, she knew that Captain Kane would take control of the ship. Captain Maddox was a gross man. His breath always smelled terrible and he kissed like a Klingon with a cleft lip. Not that she would know. God, just thinking of the late Captains tongue licking and lapping at her teeth made her want to gag on the spot. However, she kept herself under control.
Amanda was a beautiful blonde who always kept her hair down. Her uniform was less than regulation. Her shirt ended a few millimeters below her breasts. Her skirt only started well down on her hips. Showing her hip bones and her full pierced navel. She was well known as a human with many exotic talents. She watched the captain with her blue eyes and longed to fall to her knees and polish his commanding rod. She grinned biting her red lips that begged to be kissed. She loved space, and loved to repair all she could. She also loved sex. In any way shape and form. She loved to be touched, cherished, but fucking was also fun too. She was quickly taken on board and used nightly by Captain Maddox who constantly swore to promote her but his promises were as impotent as his cock. She was not sad to see him go. She returned his salute and smiled "Long live the empire." She shouted. Turning, she went to Commander Webb to see if he had anything he wanted her to do.
Once teh crew returned duty, Lieutenant of the Medical Bay, Zerin a half vulcan half human stood watching teh captain. She walked over wearing a sexy tight outfit, she patted his arm. "Well done captain, but don't forget to take care of your health." She whispered in his ear and walked away with a sway of her hips. Her skin was slightly tanned and her hair black. She proudly displayed her vulcan ears with piercings up and down them. She had been cast off of her home planet by her mother because she was the child of an affair. She had been sold to the highest bidder. She ruthlessly killed her owner and made her way as she put herself through medicine. She smiled thinking of the new captain. Highly perferred to the last captain. The last captain was quick to rage, anger, drink, then rash decisions. It was no secret that Zerin thought of the captain as sloppy. Not like the new captain. Handsome and talented. |
It had been a year since Loki had tried to take over the earth. Bruce had spent three of those months in the middle east, doing what he could to help the fallen innocents. Two months more was spent in the Amazon, dealing with a mass viral outbreak. A month after that, he was horrified to realize that Loki had returned to Earth and was... staying, at Tony's Tower. From what he understood, talking to Tony through an untraceable phone Tony had given him, Loki had been undergoing severe 'mental assistance' which had hit a 'road block' because the 'healers' hated Loki as much as everyone else did. So Loki stayed on earth, attended daily therapy sessions with a woman who came to the Tower instead of making Loki venture out where he really didn't want to go. Bruce often talked to Tony, at least once a week, sometimes the two of them would science orgasm over each other because no one else could possibly understand. A few weeks ago, Loki had started taking part in these discussions, at Tony's urging and Bruce was delighted to find another who understood big words as well as he and Tony did. It was weird to hear Loki speak with such a mellow, calm voice, but Bruce was delighted to find out that Loki was settling in well, was on a new 'chill pill' and was having therapy every three days.
He was in Argentina dealing with a Pox outbreak when S.H.I.E.L.D found him, only two weeks ago. He had been stunned, and completely and utterly pissed to realize that Phil Coulson was still alive and he may, or may not have destroyed a small town by Hulking Out. He was informed that he was going to be moved into Stark Tower for 'national security' once he came to, dressed in soft sweatpants and sitting in a quin-jet. A quick run through his memories of the Hulk out found him laughing hysterically as he realized that Coulson had tried to sedate the Hulk and failed and actually broke poise to run away like a sissy. Of course, everyone was a bit of a sissy when it came to the Hulk but that was besides the point. Bruce didn't bother to be annoyed by it, he'd had an almost entire year of freedom and had honestly been missing people and Tony's annoying habit of teasing him to see if he could make Bruce go Green. So, a full year after Loki had tried and failed to take over the world, Bruce found himself being herded into Stark Tower, still with that A hanging off of it, making it the Avengers Tower. Though, from what he understood only Tony and himself where the only Avengers actually living there... so far. | Though Tony and Loki indeed were the only permanent residents of the tower, others came and went as they wanted, even if Tony had no idea whether it was simply to keep an eye on him and Loki, just in case he was teaming up for the super villain tag team of the year, or simply because they needed a break from SHIELD, since he knew-even if Steve refused to tell him where he was living- that even the good Captain was staying in barracks. Which disgusted him on a level that made him cry sometimes. Since he did have a whole tower outfitted for the Avengers, should they decide to stay instead of just stopping by to say hi. He hoped that with Bruce coming to live with him, he could get the others to come, since it meant that he'd have someone besides them to science orgasm over. Though Loki was indeed a good outlet some days for that urge. Even if the man sometimes stared at him oddly for spouting off the newest engineering thing he was doing.
Bruce!Brucie!Bruce-bear, it's amazing to see you. Welcome to the tower. Tony grinned manically-okay, maybe he had gone too long without sleep and a little too much coffee as he waited for one of his best friends-even if they hadn't seen each other in person since New York- to arrive. Is he always like this?the dark-haired woman looked up from the tablet she was working on, slanting a glance at Coulson as she watched Tony bounce towards the Hulk, looking vaguely worried about the man's presence, but like Coulson, the woman had long practiced simply letting events wash over her and able to project a outward look of calm. Erin Roberts looked as calm and collected as the senior agent, though she was nervous about being in the tower, and heartily wished she'd managed to track down Clint before coming over. At least then she'd have someone to distract her from her nerves about meeting Bruce, as Coulson tended to just give her that look that said be calm without distractions. |
And then, there was light.
Wanda Maximoff groaned as her guts churned and the cool kiss of the hardwood floor brought her back to her senses. Her wild mane of auburn hair was a mess and she felt worse than that time she stupidly thought her powers could allow her to drink She-Hulk under the table. She tried to rise up off the floor, THAT was a bad idea as it made the hall start spinning and sent stabbing pains through her head.
"What... Why... What did I do?" she asked herself as she forced herself to try and recollect what she'd done and how she'd ended up in this state. Another mistake, as memories of the tragedy of the recent past flooded into her mind making her sob and weep.
"Gone... So many gone..." Wanda remembered and grief washed over her again. She shook and rocked a little as the pain that accompanied the memory of the self-sacrifice of so many Avengers hit her again.
"Their bravery ... Should be honored, not mourned... But... So alone..." she lamented silently as she let her head fall to the floor again wishing for the oblivion of unconsciousness to take her away from the pain in the present.
"Do SOMETHING," Wanda admonished herself and a small voice in her head responded with, "I did." What though? That eluded her, but feeling the way she did now, the weakness that suffused her body, heart and soul, she knew it was something big involving both her Magic and her mutant power that drained her almost to the point of joining her fallen comrades. The heady smell of potent mystical herbs clung to her skin while Chaos crackled through her aura, the likes of which she'd never experienced. She should have been alarmed by this, knew she should be working to discipline her mind and cleanse her aura of the lingering energies about her but she just couldn't be bothered. Just breathing in and out, in and out, was a Herculean labor and about all she could handle at the moment.
So the Scarlet Witch just lay there, in the middle of the 3rd floor hall in the Avenger's Mansion, suffering from events both recent and past. She would get up, go to her room... Eventually. For now though, she was content to let the day pass her by as she sprawled out on the floor in an ungainly heap. | Hey, there you are!" The voice was a familiar one to Wanda no doubt, one she had been hearing for years since she started out as an Avenger. Of course the tone seemed a little lighter than normal... almost... affectionate?
Carol Danvers however, to most of the world, was normally far from affectionate. A straight-laced military woman in and out of costume, who only ever became jovial after drinking enough whiskey to drown a horse. She was certainly different to what Wanda was used to.
She stood in the hallway, barefoot with her blonde locks looking rather more bedraggled than usual. She was tall, and as was the case with most women in the super-business she managed to be a perfect mix of feminine beauty and athletic strength. It was strange how she could have such strong muscles and the curves of a supermodel... but then again this was a woman who could punt a tank from New York to Timbuktu so it was far from the strangest thing about the Kree-human hybrid.
Carol's choice of dress was certainly very different too: Wanda's 'Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters' football jersey, a deep purple shade that looked more like a dress on Wanda but fit tight to Carol's body. It left little too the imagination with how the hem showed off her pussy.
"Jeez, one night of fucking and you're passing out in the hall? That's not the Wanda Maximoff that stole my heart." Carol reached down and hoisted Wanda up by her hand quite effortlessly, swiftly pulling her in and lightly pecking at the mutant's lips.
Something VERY fishy was going on here... |
Things were quite different in the wizarding world now that Voldemort had made his last stand and died. The world was more at peace, and although it took them time, they became more accepting. Especially after the Potter children started at Hogwarts. With Lily Potter being sorted into the house of the snake, everyone had to change their views. They wouldn't dare think of the wizarding world's princess as anything but a proper young lady who had nothing but good intentions. They would only be partly correct, however, because she was still a Slytherin. Which meant she was a sly, devious little girl who had her mind set on nothing but the best things that she could get. That meant she attracted certain kinds of people into her life.
She had befriended Draco Malfoy's son, Scorpius, sometime in her first year, and they had been good friends for a long while. Though they both developed some feelings for each other, but for some reason just never had the balls to say anything about it. They just kept the friendship there, though somehow they both knew they wanted more. He was also in Slytherin with her, of course, just like his father. So of course he was in the same class as her when they were told there had been an accident at the ministry and they needed several new batches of poly-juice potion. So they called upon the current seventh years, the graduating class, to help them with it by being assigned a project. Lily didn't entirely like the idea because as a newly eighteen year old girl, she wanted to spend her summer at the beach, in a bikini, flirting with guys. And she was sure Scorpius didn't want to waste his new of-age status on work.
But things didn't seem too bad when they were both partnered up so she was to stay with him at the Malfoy Manor while they worked on the potion. The travel from Hogwarts wasn't too bad and neither was her introduction for the first time to Mr. Draco Malfoy and Mrs. Astoria Malfoy. Surprising how she was just meeting with them when she had been friends with their son for so long. She was just making herself at home in the guest room, hanging up her clothes when she saw Scorpius at her door. She turned and smiled at him, and she said sweetly, "Hey, Scorp. Just finishing putting my stuff away. Then after that we can do something fun?" She heard they had an indoor pool. She was definitely looking forward to that. | Scorpius really didn't understand the irony of being best friends with Potter's daughter," he said, taking in her body. "But then again, he didn't take the time to worry about the past." To Scorpius, it was all about the present, and he was one to take things in stride. A bit of a bad boy even by Slytherin standards, Scorpius had learned a thing or two from his father about the way of the snake and about generally looking down on the other houses. He'd done a splendid job of that throughout school and had managed to stay out of trouble, aside from dark arts, which he excelled at.
It had been a shock to everyone when she broke the family line by being sorted into Slytherin. Once on his side, Scorpius befriended her almost immediately. She'd always been cute, but over the years, she grew to be a sexy eighteen-year-old. Scorpius felt like an idiot for not having made a move on her. They were both in their prime and it was clear they were both attracted to one another. Unfortunately, things had never reached that level.
When it was mentioned they'd be partnered up, Scorp jumped at the chance to have Lily over his place. He knew his parents would be fine with it. Although they'd never met Lily before, they knew she was nothing like her parents and welcomed her like she was family. Lily's stay was still pretty fresh, but Scorpius hadn't thought once about their assignment. All he could think about was some much-needed alone time with Lily.
He'd already shown her to the guest room and had given her time to unwind before returning to the door to see if she'd settled in. "Hey, Lily," he responded when she turned to him. "Yeah. Fun sounds good," he said simply, his mind wandering as his eyes took in her body. The two of them often had fun doing the most mundane things, but Scorpius was eager to up the ante this summer. He wanted to see if they could take their relationship to the next level. It was about time. They'd been friends for years and the sexual tension was reaching a fever pitch.
"What are you thinking?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow as he took a few steps inside the guest room. |
TJ Hammond... how would one describe him? He was the son of the would-be president and also of the former president. The man was all over the place, always in the spotlight. What people didn't know though was that he was a vampire. Not just any vampire though, but vampire royalty. He was born in 1589 to his mother, Elaine Barrish Hammond, and his father, Bud Hammond. Course, that was not their name then, when they were living in Romania. He and his twin brother were always causing trouble, but TJ more so, with his love of blood and drugs. While normally it would not affect a vampire, he was not into anything made in the human world.
No, his drug of choice was the blood of fae royalty, and one in particular. Krystal Kobayashi, who was the first in line for the throne of the dark court. She was a very mellow girl, having loved TJ since the moment she met him, but was too shy to tell him. They had been friends for centuries, but it had only been just recently that the pretty fae had learned the vampire prince liked women as well. She wouldn't get her hopes up though, having never found anyone who hadn't broken her heart. Even when she had been with TJ's twin, Douglas, she could never seem to make him see. "TJ, why don't you see I love you!?" She would write endlessly in her diary, not knowing that the cunning prince did feel the same. At least not until the night of the annual newborn ball. The night where the long-standing blood ties between fae and vampires were almost broken.
Yes, the newborn ball. A ceremony and dance held every year to induct the new vampires and fae into their chosen coven or court. It had long been a tradition between the two races, but this year would change everything, becoming a bloodbath by accident. Newborns are very strong, and very thirsty, so they are generally fed as much as they can drink before the ceremony. This year was no different until one of the fae dignitaries cut himself on a knife. After that it became an all out bloodbath, and Krystal and TJ got separated. Unfortunately for the pretty fae princess though, she got a bloody nose. She was quick and eluded most of the newborns, until she was cornered in the library. "TJ!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, never having screamed that loud in her very long life. In a flash he was there, standing in front of her protectively. "Stop. If you hurt this woman, you all die. She. Is. Mine." He growled out, and the newborns backed away. It was physically impossible for him to be disobeyed. When they were alone in the library, TJ stroked her cheek. "Oh god Krys.. I almost lost you.." There was fear in his grey blue eyes, until he kissed her long and hard. Now she had her answer. He really did feel the same. | Krys? The soft lilting growl sounded through the room, warning of who was going to walk in the door within moments, and indeed, the voice was followed by the appearance of the seelie sidhe princess, the warrior princess that neither court of fae liked, but relied on to be as hard and nasty as they needed her to be. While no one would admit that they needed the huntress, she was the sword their enemies were threatened with, the utterly ruthless warrior who was all sharp edges and diamond-sharp anger.
Because despite being fae royal, the last princess of the seelie sidhe, the last true blood royal of that court, Glorianna Belladonna was hated by her own people, both the unseelie and seelie courts despised her, and the real reason why was a closely guarded secret that no one but Glorianna knew why, but all fae sensed something was different about their royal. So they hated her for it.
While she was tall, lithe with hair the color of new blood spilled under moonlight, when she walked through the door it would take a moment to realize she was actually wearing clothes under the wash of blood making her skimpy black dress cling to curves that weren't usually obvious, her blood-red hair looking even more bloody, leaving tracks of blood dripping down her face, she really had taken a bath in it. Raising a hand to wipe the blood away, she raised her sword, responding to TJ's presence without really being aware. Back off, vampire. |
Mia Wilde's world simply fell apart at the seams when her father ran off. It wasn't unusual to not see him for days on end, being as how he kept to his research, and remained downstairs in his lab at all hours...and yet, for him to disappear without a trace...? It broke her heart. Their relationship never was the best, but lately, it was improving...getting to the point where they could get along. Dinner was no longer spent alone... in the early hours of morning, she'd wake up to the smell of bacon... Yes, their little family was healing after Mrs. Darius Wilde's tragic death. One day, though...the man went down into his lab...and it felt like he never came back out. At first...she didn't worry about it too much. On the fifth day, though...she opened the door, just to give him lunch...and he was gone.
The answers came soon enough, however. It wasn't long until large, strange men appeared at the door, demanding money that she didn't have. Apparently... Darius Wilde fell onto hard times, and borrowed money in order to fund his research on Life Fibers...leading him to debt. No one was buying his research, and so he was left with no other options but to run. Not that reasoning it made things any better... He couldn't even tell her that money was becoming a problem. So here she was, left alone...with an empty house, no means to pay for his debt...and no other choice but to see what she could sell. That is what prompted the girl to venture down into his lab. Question is... well, is there anything of value there? Their lives used to be humble, not in any way extravagant or luxurious... In fact, being a One-Star, they lived in the slums... the lowest of the low.
After swallowing the lump in her throat, Mia extended a hand...the fingers wrapping around the knob, and giving it a firm twist. Her skin prickled when the door groaned in protest, however, nothing jumped out at her...nothing snarled, or anything of the sort. It was all just part of her overactive imagination. Relieved, she opened the door, light piercing through the darkness below...dust rising to make itself known...and it wasn't long before sneezes forced the girl to cover her nose. Strands of dark red fell over her eyes, a hand lifting to brush the pesky strands behind an ear. Her eyes lifted...and the light revealed that one was a soft, mystical blue... while the other was a pale, frosty grey. It was a birth defect, heterochromia, to be exact. Most people couldn't meet her gaze because of it... and so, more often than not, she'd let hair fall over her eyes... so no one would feel obligated to look. It was better, really... because she didn't really know how to respond whenever she sees someone looking at her with contempt, or pity, or... whatever.
Mia cleared her throat one last time, before venturing on. There was dust over everything...over test tubes, over an old computer she remembers Darius working on not too long ago...over crinkled papers and various pieces of cloth. Her hand reached out, the tips touching upon soft fabric...the likes of which she's never felt before.
What the...?Curious despite herself, Mia shifted closer, and found that it wasn't simply a piece of cloth...but rather, some sort of outfit.
What is this...?Unable to see because of how dark it was, she traced along what details she could pick out...and picked it up from the dusty table. More swirls and coils of dust rose...of course, causing her to sneeze again.
I should take it get a closer look at it...That decided, she draped the fabric over her arm, and began making her way back up the stairs. Each step let out an eerie groan of protest...but she ignored it this time.
It was a relief, to be out of his creepy, abandoned lab...not to mention away from the dust. Wiping her nose, Mia walked into the living room, letting her eyes adjust for a moment while she set down...whatever it is, across the table. Finally...she studied the material, and surprise played across her mismatched eyes.
What was Dad doing, with a schoolgirl uniform...?the girl thought, her fingers fiddling with the scarf. It was pretty, she'll give it that...what with its soft, muted grey color, and its blue accents. The pleated skirt was a bit short, in her opinion...but most skirts are nowadays. What did she expect? A finger moving to the front, quick pain slashed across the pad, causing her to hiss with both surprise and pain.
"Ow..." Sucking on her finger, Miami carefully began pulling the pin out...unaware that the blood along her palm was dripping down her wrist. It wasn't long before numerous drops fell, very...very close to the uniform in question. Once the pin was removed, she checked her finger. "I should get a bandaid real quick..." she murmured under her breath, already heading towards the kitchen. The momentum caused a few drops of blood to land on a grey sleeve. | He could remember a pair of hands reaching out and grasping his cloth, sewing it together. Slowly wrapping up consciousness. Giving him life, and then sight, and then understanding, and then words. And then nothing, nothing whatsoever, for the longest of times. Then a light trickle, a single drop of blood, sweet and warm and nutritious, and his eyes snap open, dark grey and black circles wrapped around one another in a simulacrum of a human gaze. Just enough blood to wake him, to remind him of how hungry he is, how much he needs something to keep going... And he all but hurls himself at the woman he can see nearby, sleeves wrapping around her neck, wordlessly grasping at her clothes, striving to pull them away from her form, regardless of tears or rips or broken buttons. He snarls wordlessly again, grasping at her collar, tearing the fabric and trying to swivel himself around her, pressing his sleeves against the buttons of her shirt.
"Wear me, woman! Now!" he commands, in a low, dark voice, grey and black gaze fixated upon her face. "Wear me, feed me, make me yours, but let me be worn!" he growls, fabric parting, almost 'tearing', but reaffixing itself, the skirt snugly around her hips in half an instant, before he has to turn back around, trying to open himself and engulf her with his fabric. |
Piona wandered the halls of the arena in a seemingly aimless manner. She had been the very first whore to make a deal with the Arena, the first official arena whore. Since that time her business had grown and she became something of a house mother with a number of whores for the arena fighters to choose from. It was a good harmony, a source of pride for her.
Piona was herself a beautiful and exotic woman, a dark elf with softened features. Her long ears hung from each side of her long, silver hair. Her body was curvaceous and clearly on display as the dress she wore offered little modesty. After all, her body was her business.
Piona wandered through the resting corridors where the men could relax, recover, or prepare. Her presence in the arena was a constant and at the moment it seemed, she was available. | Dralos Varen stepped into the fighters entrance to the Arena, returning after a few days to visit with friends, have a drink and other such things. He was an archer, an Ebony bow strung across his body with a quiver of arrows made of the same material. His eyes were a blood red, and he had black hair that was currently tied into a ponytail. He had on leather armor right now, light enough for his agility needs while firing a bow. He walked down a corridor and spotted Piona in her revealing dress, himself a consistent customer to her services. He smiled, figuring that it would be a good day to start if he fucked her. So, with that in mind, he strode over to the whore. "Piona! |
Naoto Shirogane
The past several years had been peaceful but slow for a lack of better. It was, in that sense, a double-edged sword. Everyone who knew of the incidents including the "Midnight Channel" were no doubt glad it was all over. This did, admittedly, include the now eighteen year old Naoto Shirogane. However, in the midst of everything coming to a halt, this included her own line of work. It was slightly awkward, but she had remained in the police force with Ryotaro Dojima. Then again, maybe it had been for the best given she just recently finished her high school education and was thus now graduated and looking for a more permanent job.
Regardless, there had been several things which stayed altered.
Yu, Dojima's nephew, was still gone. Tohru Adachi had been behind bars for his linkings with all the crimes. Everything was as it should be. And yet, Naoto still couldn't help but almost feel like something was missing, even after just graduating from high school. Not from within Inaba, mind you. Oh no. Rather, she felt like something from her own self was missing.
Many people tried to encourage her to relax and take it easy rather than be so on edge lately. And the young detective had tried to heed the words. Truly, she had. But the task was so much easier said than done. It came with her workaholic nature and the fact that she had finished school was currently wasn't at all helping her feel any less restless.
"Still, they are right." She mused softly to herself, glancing up towards the ceiling of her residence. "May as well enjoy the free time while you can."
Break? What's that?
An inward scoff echoed throughout the young woman's head. But she knew her mind had a good point. Words like 'break' and 'vacation' didn't easily exist in Naoto's mindset. The revelation alone made her sigh and simultaneously groan.
Standing and getting to her feet, she began to head into her kitchen. A slight frown crossed her face. "Well ... that's one thing I guess." She decided, giving herself an affirmative nod as she closed the refrigerator door. Now that she had a new mission in mind, Naoto had somewhat of an idea on how to spend at least this day. Even if the task was simple in concept, it was still essential nonetheless.
According to her findings - or lack thereof - she needed to go shopping. Heading back into her room, she grabbed her wallet. Yes, wallet. Purses were too easy to lose or get stolen. A wallet, Naoto had found, was far more organized and easier to handle. Then again, she was much more like a tomboy as opposed to the stereotypical female.
Slipping the wallet into one of the front pockets of her blue jeans, she began to head out, stopping as her eyes caught her cell phone. It seemed redundant. While she did still remember all the others from the Investigation Team; Yu, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji, Teddie, and Yosuke, poor Naoto had never been good with social interactions. It was another thing many had encouraged her to work on but was also a much easier said than done task.
Still, her head wound up shaking in a no direction. It may be a mistake but she shouldn't be that long, not enough to actually need it. Her eyes then trailed up to her keys instead and pocketed those away. And with that, she opened her front door, closing and locking it after finding herself out in the streets and in view of the public.
As the sun hit her face, a hand raised to shield her dark orbs. While summer was her favorite season, she did wish that sometimes the sun wouldn't try to seem as if it were attempting to blind her. After her sight adjusted, she began to walk towards the Central Shopping District. Not that Junes wasn't fun to visit every now and again but she had to make funds last. Not like money grew on trees, after all.
All the while, Naoto pondered on her own future. It was so tempting to try for a more permanent Criminal Justice job. But should she go for it? Or was there another line of work she could be equally good at?
Isn't this what college is for? To help you figure all of this out?
But the mere thought of how muchthatwould cost made Naoto cringe, groan, then sigh softly.
"... We'll get to that bridge when it arrives," she finally decided, continuing her trek towards the Central Shopping District. | Kanji Tatsumi
With the conclusion of the Midnight Channel murder case came a sort of clarity for Kanji Tatsumi. There came a time after the dust had settled - with Adachi rotting behind bars, Yu-senpai back home in the city, and all of his friends drifting back into their ordinary routines or breaking out on their own paths - when Kanji realized a few things. He wasn't sure why he had never made these realizations before, but it had all come together at once.
1. He had friends who had seen him at his best and at his worst, more than he could even say for his mother. Friends for life, the sort that came from sharing blood and sweat and tears.
2. He was Kanji Tatsumi, goddamn it, and everything that implied.
3. Anyone who didn't like either of the first two facts were free to get bent.
Those thoughts kept him buoyed for a couple of years, but Chie, Yousuke, and Yukiko all graduated before him and Rise and Naoto had their own jobs to deal with that kept them busy - Rise across the country and Naoto in her own little crime-solving bubble. With Yousuke working his way up the track to manager, Yukiko officially taking over the inn, and Chie busting her butt to become a police officer, Kanji was left sort of out in the cold.
Halfway through his senior year, he'd decided to do something about that. His mom was in decent health and didn't need any help running the textile shop - even with the demand of the little dolls he made in his spare time. So he got another job - it had taken some convincing, but Daidara had finally taken an apprentice.
He'd had to smooth over the whole "beating up a shit ton of would-be gangsters with a shield" thing and prove to the old man that he believed in the artistry of blacksmithing -- something the old Kanji never could have done. He made little delicate works of metal art as well as big, bulky decorative shields and the like, though he still had a ways to go, but during the summer after graduation he had time to indulge that particular time sink.
Besides, having Kanji around had some unexpected benefits for old Daidara.
As Naoto traipsed through the Central Shopping District, there was a clamor coming from Daidara Metalworks.
"Yo! Get the hell back here! Drop it and I won't kick your ass!" Kanji could be heard yelling. He thought it was rather diplomatic of him, really. The way it looked was a little different.
A second year was sprinting down the street with a poorly concealed knife under his shirt, his expression scared shitless as Kanji chased him down. He had... well, clearly the past couple of years had been good for him, in prime physical condition that was only shown off by his shirt -- what had once been a long-sleeved shirt with an elaborate skull motif had had its sleeves ripped off at the shoulders, leaving bare, glistening arms free... one of which just happened to be wrapped around the waist of another second year, carried like a football and looking rather sick from the whole experience.
"Got ya!" Kanji shouted as he darted forward, snagging the second year by the collar, the youth's legs flying out from underneath him as his collar met the immovable object that was Kanji Tatsumi's grip, landing on his butt as the pilfered knife landed on the ground.
"Tch. Buncha stupid wannabe bikers -- don't need to be messing around with knives. 'Specially stolen ones; they're a hell of a lot sharper than those pocket knives," Kanji berated (with the slightest note of pride over the quality of the pilfered knife), sounding almost... responsible as he berated the two kids in the middle of the street. They weren't even that much younger than he was -- he'd clearly had a chance to mature and the fact that he was a half foot taller than either of them certainly didn't hurt matters. |
Zack yawned as he walked for seven hours, taking a hell out of him. It was troublesome when you felt this sore, but he always thought that he would get used to it. Especially when traveling for three years. Traveling on foot naturally kept him in shape. He wore basic traveling shoes, black shorts and a black vest over a white shirt, carrying a good amount of pockets for convenience. He had a pokball hanging around his neck, right before you would come across his calm expression. Some facial hair was present, as if he recently trimmed it. However, the same could not be said for his curly fro, as wild as one would expect. His brown eyes showed disappointment, as he wasn't feeling well.
"Maybe I should take it easy and just rest more," Zack suggested to himself. He sighed as he crossed his legs while sitting down under a tree. After giving himself a minute, he decided to pull out lunch. "Hmmm...should I cook or be lazy?"
Zack had a few options, but he wanted to eat before feeding his own pokmon. He gave it some more thought before deciding to just eat a cold-cut sandwich with some chips. He placed his bag on the ground and placed his food on it. He suddenly realized that he had nothing to drink.
"Oh come on!" he whined in annoyance. "I swear that I brought two liters of juice! Fuck me..." Zack groaned as he grabbed his empty water bottle, which was strapped to the side of his bag. At least, he didn't need to go far to get water; there was a steady stream not a few yards away. Thus, he crawled over and took his time gathering fresh cold water. | The trees around him rustled softly with a light breeze, and occasional small pokemon scurried too and fro. However, as Zack moved, a pair of deep red eyes watched him move, a pokemon watching him curiously. Each time a tree rustled, the owner of said eyes would dart from one bush to another with very little sound before Zack sat down at the base of a tree. As he brought out things to eat, the pokemon paused behind a bush and watched him through the trees as he pulled out a sandwich and some chips.
For a long moment, the pokemon was unsure what to do. She wanted something to eat and this trainer had something that appealed to her. Hearing Zack speak, the pokemon paused as he groaned and made his way over to a steady stream that wasn't too far away. With a soft growl to herself, she crept out and hurried over to where his food was and began sniffing at the sandwich and chips. Now that it was out of the bushes, it was clear the pokemon was actually an Umbreon, which was actually rather rare to come across in the wild.
Her black fur seemed to draw in the light around her while the golden yellow rings on her body stood out brightly against the black. As she sniffed the food, the bag of chips rustled just enough to be heard from the stream. She felt her stomach growl and she tried to decide what to eat while the trainer had his back turned. |
Ike & Selune
It had been a feat that no one believed possible, including the leader of the Greil Mercenaries himself, Ike. The recent incident between the goddesses Yune and Ashera, as well as the Tower of Guidance, had all been completely resolved. All the chaos and disorder that had been contributing to those three very major factors had been ended. Now, peace had reigned over the continent of Tellius. Many of his comrades had insisted he leave; not permanently, of course. The idea was more akin to a vacation, a very long one at that rate. To say that Ike had been incredibly reluctant at first was quite the understatement. Still, everyone - Soren and Titania especially - had all insisted he not only needed it but deserved it.
Ike had thought long and hard on this and decided that, even if the thought of leaving his home nation was an odd if not unnerving one, everyone within the mercenaries was otherwise correct. Before the goddesses and Tower had been calmed, there had been so many other things he and the other fighters had endured. It was a miracle in itself no one among his group had gone insane, truthfully.
One long year had passed since he parted ways and took his temporary vacation. Now, Ike was more than eager to return. At the moment, he was specifically heading towards Felirae, an area within the region of Crimea. The boat he had been riding on in order to return finally bumped gently against the soil. A soft, content sigh passed Ike's parted lips.
"Finally," he murmured as he stepped off the water-crossing form of transportation and back onto land once more, "you're home again."
Not that the vacation had been bad, mind you. In fact, it had been refreshing to get away from all the bandits or other forms of violence and chaos. At the same time, however, Ike had felt .. lost. He had everything a man could want; glory, some of the most powerful blades in all of existence, equally strong friends and comrades. Yet, despite the long list of things he had, the mercenary couldn't help but feel as if he were still missing something.
He paused after taking a few steps off the boat, trying quickly to think on what it may or may not be. When no immediate answer came to him, he gently waved a hand through the air.
"Probably nothing," he decided. Or, if it was, he'd figure it out later on. Until then, there was no sense dwelling on it.
The faintest hint of a smile crossed his face as the familiar sight of trees and sounds of nature caught his ears and eyes. But perhaps more than the scenery, he had dearly missed his friends. With the hopes of being able to have a reunion soon enough, his footsteps quickened as he continued to guide himself through the forest and towards the city of Felirae.
Meanwhile, within the woods of Arbor, another figure was having their own trek through the forest. Were anyone nearby, they would hear frantic gasps and pants. The sounds alone would have easily spelled out they belonged to a woman, one with a mission.
The past several days had not been friendly to her. She didn't understand why, but all she knew were the facts. And as they were, soldiers from Crimea had been chasing her.
"You're cursed," the eighteen-year-old maiden insisted. "You always have been! What other logic is there?!"
As the woman began to think more on the possibility, her fists clenched angrily. She had always appeared to have an aura of sorts around her. Even from the days of her childhood, she had been stared at. But it wasn't her chest like many would assume; well, not always. No. The most dominant areas, actually, were the odd marks upon her shoulders.
They themselves were an odd set of, as far as she could assume, tattoos. But what really made them weird was she never asked for them. So, essentially, she had managed to deduce she had been born with them.
But that didn't make sense at all to the mage. People were born with other things. Tattoos? She'd never heard of such a thing. There had been many times Selune had tried to insist she just misjudged the markings upon her shoulders. But no matter how many times she looked at them, the wind mage couldn't call them anything else. They were certainly not birthmarks, cuts, bruises, nothing else that would seem appropriate. No, they were definitely tattoos.
A frustrated sigh elicited from the young mage's lips as her head shook from side to side, causing some raven locks to fall in front of her face.
"The hell with that! None of that matters for now!" she reminded herself, moving the few bangs that had fallen in front of her blue eyes away as she glanced behind her.
From what she could see - or couldn't, at that rate - Selune seemed to be in the clear. Had she finally lost those damned soldiers who had been so persistent on chasing her down?
"I hope so," she weakly murmured, beginning to slow her run down as the pace began to shift to a light jog instead. "Stubborn bastards. If they wanna arrest me, they should say what I've done wrong. Damned fools ... "
But even if only for now, she appeared to be safe which was good. She didn't want her instincts to act up once more. And with how tired poor Selune was, she would not run. No, she was in no state to. If anyone tried to approach her in an aggressive way, her magic would begin to act up on its own. Normally, this wouldn't be bad. But without having been properly trained, the winds would no doubt get out of control. They had done so once before. Push was coming to shove, as the old saying went. Not only would the winds be stronger than last time, they may not stop unless someone made her, be it in the form of knocking her unconscious or via some other method. | Katlynn finally worked up the courage to leave that boring village of hers. She had dreamed of this every day since her mother died and left her alone with the other villagers who tended to avoid her. It had been so hard taking care of herself when no one wanted to sell anything to her! So she learned to hunt, she learned the basics of survival...she had studied the map of Tellius time and time again and today she just felt ready!
It might also have to do with the fact that she had been chased out of her mother's home by an angry mob. She really hadn't done anything, but the village had been missing a few things and they automatically assumed she was responsible! Just because she had found a band of no good vagabonds and stole from them, did not mean she stole from her own people! Well, she supposed it was fair of them to judge her after she suddenly got a pouch filled with gold pieces. Still...they were ready to chase her away and they needed very little reason to do so.
Why? Well, she was different. She was the daughter of a king! A Raven King! Her mother always told her stories about her father and how handsome and charming he was. But his people needed him, and he flew away without ever coming back. Perhaps she was just hoping that if she stayed there long enough, he'd come for her.
"Girl!" A voice pierced in the air, and she turned. Huh...a trio of familiar-looking bandits. Oh...she should probably take out her bow right now. "Don't move. You look like someone who took something from us a few nights ago...We're going to inspect you now..." They gave her perverted stares, and that was her cue. She immediately drew her bow and an arrow, which caused them to immediately run after her. Ah, she was no good at close range...
Soren had been traveling for some time now. He felt like he was lost. Perhaps he should take out the map and look at it again? Sometimes this happened when he had his nose in his books while he walked. He stopped in his tracks when he heard someone. A girl. Gasping and panting for air. Hmm. Should he attempt to investigate? Ike would probably do so. It was, after all, probably the right thing to do. And the mage really liked to follow the ideals of his former leader. Well, he was still their leader...but he was gone. Enjoying some peace and quiet from all the political affairs involving the nations.
Hmm. More noises? He heard the sound of clattering armor in the distance, and he turned to face the direction of sound. A few soldiers approached him, their weapons pointed threateningly at the Sage. "You! Have you seen a girl with black hair running around here? And strange tattoos on her shoulders?"
It didn't take a genius to know who they were looking for. Though something told Soren not to tell them where she was. He could be helping a criminal for all he knew, if he decided to lead them away. Still...he didn't really have any loyalty to these rowdy-looking soldiers with their sticks pointed at him. He pointed the opposite direction of where he had heard the girl. Just because. They immediately left him alone, and once they were out of sight he started walking towards the direction of that pathetic sounding voice.
"Ah. Found you." Soren knew she was there, her back pressed against a tree. "You know, you should probably be more quiet if you want to hide. |
Sluts of the Multiverse
Content:Oral, BBC, Snowballing, cumplay, creampie, debauchery, forced bisexuality, bimboification, harem, anal, dirty talking, fandom, fantasy, rule 63, futanari, girl-on-girl, begging, sexy slutty clothing, roleplaying, degradation, humiliation, domination & submission, multiverses.
T'challa, regent king of Wakanda, had been entrusted to watch over an artifact of omnipotent potential, the infinity gauntlet. He was more than aware of its abilities having witnessed the mad titan's grab for cosmic control. To an ordinary man, to have such a thing in his possession would have been nigh impossible without succumbing to its seductive thrall, power lends to the corrupt, and absolute power corrupted absolutely. Still, a part of him wanted to test this hypothesis. T'challa was anything but ordinary, but even he was not immune from temptation. He tried it on, on a whim to see...and he found that the gauntlet hadn't changed his mentality...but it lead to a sort of awakening of the consciousness. In his first hour, he went about exploring the outer reaches of the universe in search of finding a common string among the various parallel universes, less than a day had passed coming into possession of the infinity gauntlet and he had already been corrupted by its power.
He had found his answer...or so he thought. His first target was none other than Natasha Romanov, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and fellow Avenger. It was around 3 or so in the late hour when he would make his unannounced visitation to her quarters aboard the Hellicarrier. T'challa observed the sleeping beauty - mid-sleep in a chair positioned across from her bed. He was certain that she would stir from her rest any minute now. He needed to see her, interact with her. A part of him wanted to resist his true motives for turning up there of all places. He sat there with a sort of distressed look etched on his features "Natasha?...I didn't mean to wake you from this hour but I need you right now...Help me, won't you?-" He was certain she was intelligent enough to put the pieces together, with the infinity gauntlet fixed to his hand, showing up in her bedroom of all places and his anxious state. | Natasha, being a former KGB woman, had been trained quite vigorously so that she could awake at a moment's notice. Thus when she heard a voice beckon to her, the redhead sprung up into a sitting position, one hand under the pillow to grip the old luger she kept there... and then relaxed when she realised who was in the room with her. "You have a great sense of timing, you know that?" she said with her usual brand of dry sarcasm.
Her vision adjusted better to the darkness of her personal quarters, and as this happened she could make out more details of her late night visitor- namely that he was carrying one of the most feared and potentially lethal weapons in all of creation on his hand. "T'challa," she said, her D-cup breasts bouncing in her tank top as she sat up further. "Why in god's name are you carrying that thing on your hand...? |
Death was a funny thing really, especially now that Azula was actually faced with it protruding from her chest. Twenty years. A mere two decades was her tenure upon this world, in which time she had triumphed, failed, been exalted, and disgraced. Now all of her time seemed to be measured in seconds and minutes instead of years and decades. It wasn't as painful as she had first imagined it would be, though that was a tiny pittance of compensation for the crimson liquid she saw pooling up from the cold steel planted firmly in her chest. All she could do was stare at it at first.
This wasn't how it was supposed to end. Killed by the blade of some frightened halfwit thief a couple of years her junior and vastly inferior in skill. The frightened look on his youthful face was almost comical. She wondered how he might react knowing just who it was he had stabbed through the heart with his little knife. For her it was a mix of comedy and horror that settled over her mind, a sharp barking chuckle escaping her lips along with a mist of red droplets. There was no honor in this, no glory in a death in an alleyway in some backwater part of the Earth Kingdom.
The edges of her vision were starting to give way into darkness. Fear replaced the confusing swirl of emotions within her as she crumpled to the ground, her breaths coming out in progressively shallow and labored gasps. She didn't want to die. She didn't deserve to die like this! All she had ever done was to please her father, every atrocity, every life taken; it was all for his approval and for her nation. No, instead her brother, a sentimental fool who could never do a single thing right in his life ruled her people and she got to die alone in the Earth Kingdom.
As the darkness came over her more and more oppressively, she mentally cursed Zuko, that water tribe bitch, the Avatar, her mother, even Agni. Those that had ruined her life and reduced her to this most ignominious of ends. The man that had killed her had run from her collapsed form in terror, didn't even rob her soon-to-be corpse. What an utterly incompetent thief, her killer should have possessed more spine than that. She couldn't bring herself to curse him; he was merely a catalyst that brought about her ultimate humiliation.
She didn't deserve to die, not like this!
Not like this
Not | Thus, in a small back alley in a forgotten town in the Earth Kingdom, Azula, the former princess of the Fire Nation, died. She didn't even get a proper funeral; one of the local guards found the corpse and buried her in an unmarked grave in the cemetery nearby. None would visit the unmarked grave, and her brother remained on the throne that was meant for her. Azula's friends were happy without her, one standing proudly next to Zuko while the other pretended to be one of those pitiful warriors they masqueraded as to bring the Earth Kingdom down.
The darkness eternal and peaceful felt like nothing but the ocean all around Azula. Tossed about like a cork before its might, the Spirit World claimed its newest addition. The unconscious form of Azula's spirit floated along the surface of actual water within the afterlife. A fitting entrance of irony for one who had the power of fire at her fingertips. However, as the creatures of the Spirit World dispersed at the sight of a small black sloop sailing the waters and recovering Azula's sleeping form, it would seem fate had a new plan for her.
"Oh look at her..." Azula heard a whisper as the first thing to register was the chill against her nude form. "You said you found her just adrift? Hmm impressive indeed." The pressure from the shackles suspending her wrists above her head and keeping her feet spread-eagle style. "Just by those massive pieces of flesh I think she will be perfect." The voice said again before a soft warm hand groped Azula's bare breast.
As her eyes cracked open to locate her molester, Azula was greeted by the sight of a woman. This woman, however, was perhaps the most beautiful Azula had ever seen. Long red hair that pulled down to her waist, an unusual trait for a world populated with dark-haired citizens, creamy white skin that gave off a brief glow from the lighting within the prison cell Azula was suspended in, giving off an ethereal appearance that complimented the pink kimono the woman was wearing.
"Oh good morning," the woman purred, seeing Azula wake as she rolled the pink nipple between her fingers. "Welcome to the after life how are you today?" She asked with such a sweet tone that it gave off an air of uncertainty as brown eyes stared into hazel. "I hope you are ready for your new life." She said. |
Nate had finally managed to get away from the orphanage where he'd been stuck since the age of 4, ever since his parents had been killed in an accident at a Spaceport on the colony where they had lived. Things hadn't been good there, the place was not only underfunded but the staff clearly had a disdain for children. And after 12 years Nate couldn't take it anymore. The escape had been rather meticulously planned, he knew exactly what time the staff did their rounds to check on people, he knew exactly when and where they were all the time. Then finally his opportunity had come. With a single backpack that contained all of his few possessions he had snuck through the hidden nooks and crannies in the building, past the gaps in the building scanners and out of the grounds. From there he had made a dash straight for the spaceport, desperate to get as far away from the orphanage as possible, even if it meant sneaking halfway across the galaxy before anyone realized he was gone. Unfortunately, he had no actual money to purchase a ticket off world, so he'd had no choice but to use his hastily developed sneaking skills once again to get into the spaceport and identify the least guarded ship that he could, getting past the security guards and technicians prepping the ship for launch. He knew there would be a check of the ship after it was sealed, so that left him with only one choice of hiding spot, an Escape Pod.
He strapped himself in just in time, the ship shaking violently only minutes after he had gotten himself in place. This was the first time he'd ever been on a launching ship, it was rougher than he had expected. But still, he was finally getting away. Away from everything to start a new life somewhere else!
Several hours later, the ship had safely jumped to hyperspace, though there was a bit of turbulence. As much as he would've liked to explore, Nate knew he couldn't go exploring the ship. If he was caught then either the ship would turn around and take him back, or he'd be arrested and shipped back as soon as they arrived at whatever the ship's destination was. If it meant staying away, he was happy to sit safely in an escape pod for a few more hours.
Unfortunately though, fate seemed to have other ideas. Suddenly the ship rocked as it hit a particularly nasty jolt of hyperspace turbulence, not such an unusual event in itself. However, the jolt seemed to trigger something, alarms beginning to sound around the escape pod. "H-huh? What?!" Nate sat up, about to try and scramble for the controls, but he was too late. With one final alarm, the escape pod suddenly jettisoned, being launched into hyperspace blindly.
When the pod slammed into the side of the hyperspace tunnel, the ship rocked violently before being forcefully ejected into normal space above an uncharted planet, the pod hurtling straight towards it.
The escape pod streaked across the sky in a bright fireball, uncontrolled beyond the computers desperate attempts to gain some control, before violently smashing through several trees. The crash had damaged the pod, cracking it open, destroying the engines and communication systems and knocking Nate unconscious, alone on this unknown alien planet. | The sky above the forest was growing dark - but despite this and the general thickness of the brush, the distant orange glow of the crash site was all too visible. It was a miracle that no fire had escaped the ravished area, but the risk was still present. "You saw it too, didn't you?" Sally asked. She knew full well she wasn't alone in her darkened wood-paneled office, but she didn't turn her gaze from her telescope aiming out the open window.
"Of course. It'd be hard not to," her visitor replied in a sensual tone. She was veiled in shadows, the area she felt most comfortable in. "Felt it too... whatever it was, it hit the ground hard... and no doubt 'you know who' will be snooping as usual. I came by in advance, I thought you'd want me to investigate."
Sally nodded to herself. "You thought right. Eggman will no doubt want to find out what just crashed out there and if it's something useful then you can bet I don't want him finding it. So, get out there and..." Sally turned, only to realise she was alone again. Sighing, the brunette fixed her hair. This one was a stealth specialist for good reason.
With deliberate silence and skill, the winged woman made her way through the forested realm outside the rebel camp. Along the branches, through the bush, without raising a noise. When she reached the deep trench and crater carved in the earth by the ship, the winged woman realised she had thankfully arrived here first. She landed neatly on her high heels, sauntered over to the crushed and damaged pod. It took only a little strength on her end to tear the ruined door off its flimsy hinges.
Down it went with a clatter, and the young man would awake to see an abat-like woman looking down on him.
"Well now," she purred. "What do we have here? |
To make a deal with a demon is pure madness. However, sometimes revenge calls for mad actions.
It is early morning and the mansion is already a buzz of activity. The gardener has already begun tending to his greenery, the chef has almost finished breakfast, the maid has already cleaned two wings, and the young mistress still has not awoken.
"Is the young mistress still not awake? Just how long does she plan on sleeping today?" The chef exclaimed impatiently. He had always worried that his food would not be enjoyed at the moment of completion. It just wouldn't be the same if they had time to alter temperature too much. A chuckle left a man standing in the corner of the kitchen. The man stood tall with fair skin, dark black hair, a cool and calm look of confidence ever stuck to his face, and a pair of almost unsettling red eyes in his skull. He looked to be no older than mid twenties but displayed a wisdom and knowledge of someone much older. Sebastian Michaelis, the head butler of the house and closest person to the young mistress. He spoke after a few moments, "She has a busy day ahead of her. She will need as much sleep as she can get if she plans to get through it all without getting cranky." He watched the chef continue cooking. Though he was not the chef himself, he took it upon himself to ensure the food was perfect. Once completed, he took it upon himself to take the breakfast up to his mistresses bedroom.
As he walked through the corridors to the master bedroom, his eyes calmly surveyed the area around himself in search of faults. Already, only after one hallway, he had made mental notes of at least a dozen fixes he needed to see to. These fixes would have taken a normal butler ages to notice, but Sebastian was no normal butler.
He approached the door to the master bedroom and knocked with his free hand, mostly out of tradition before entering. He approached the bed, "Your breakfast is ready, won't you rise?" He smiled and looked to his mistress, the one who had summoned him, a demon, to aid in her revenge. | Serena was the craziest person to many people who knew her. Well, she was already crazy normally, but this wasn't normal - having a demon butler. She didn't care, Serena didn't have to because she was fueled by revenge for what had happened to her when she was young. The long story short of her past was that her parents had split after a huge fight over a serious matter, causing her and her mother to live away in the mansion, though he lived somewhere else in another part of the country.
Serena couldn't forgive him for what he'd done personally to her, seeing as he hadn't cared much for her safety or general care as his daughter. Somehow, she inherited a mansion from her great-grandfather, and she'd been surviving for a little while now.
Right now, Serena was asleep in her bed, wearing a white nightgown and with her long black hair lying behind her like a bunch of black snakes that couldn't move at all. She yawned and hugged the pillow next to her, slowly opening her eyes to see the dress man in front of her. Yawning and sitting up, Serena slowly stretched, seeing the sun's rays barely hitting the window through the curtains that still covered it. "Thank you," she said softly, turning to pick up her plate and place it on her lap, beginning to eat it. |
Peter had just turned 22 years of age, and as a result he would soon be promoted from an apprentice to a journeyman blacksmith. As a present, his master as well as the rest of the blacksmiths have all pitched in for him to spend one night in the King's Landing Brothel. He would get to pick which girl he wants of course, but the whole trip and experience would be payed for.
"Master," Peter protested, "I don't want to visit a brothel for my birthday."
"You're turning 22, it's time you've become a man Peter. You can't spend your whole life a virgin you know and being a blacksmith doesn't really impress the ladies."
Peter shook his head. "What is it exactly that you want to do for your birthday?" his master asked.
"I don't really want to do anything, what's wrong with just staying here and having a couple of drinks with all of you?"
His master smiled. "Because that's what we do every night, that wouldn't make for a special birthday now would it? You're going to that brothel and that's that."
Peter continued to protest, but the minds of the blacksmiths were already made up. They were taking him to the brothel whether he liked it or not.
Nightfall came, and the blacksmiths closed up their smithery before walking Peter to the brothel. For moral support, of course, but also because they knew he might try to run off somewhere else if left alone. As they entered, the madam had her girls lined up and ready for Peter to choose. His master nudged him forward, and he reluctantly walked up to the lineup. Each girl was attractive in her own way, but none took his breath away until a latecomer ran down the stairs and stood at the end. Peter pointed to her and said, "I choose her..." in a soft tone and stared at her with loving eyes.
The master paid the madam, and they left with the rest of the blacksmiths. They would hear this story tomorrow, no doubt about it. | The girls all stood there, lining up ready to be picked. They were all shapes and sizes, but all deemed equally beautiful in the eyes of Littlefinger, who owned the brothel. Ros, who seemed to be in charge of the girls and the brothel's Madam walked back and forth in front of them, waiting for the young man to pick which one he wanted.
"How about Roseanna?" She said, "I hear she does things with her tongue that no other girl can do?" All of the girls started to laugh. "Or maybe this one," Ros went behind the middle woman, stroking and caressing her breasts over her clothing. Suddenly, Shae, a new girl to the Brothel came running down and joined the lineup in a hurry. Ros gave her an evil look before coming up behind her and grabbing her arms. "Or maybe you prefer a girl who has no shame in being late!" Her tone was clearly directed at the black-haired foreigner.
"So better late than never," Ros answered to Peter as she pushed the girl forward to the man. Holding out a hand while the other rested on her hip, the redhead took the bag of coins from the blacksmiths and sent them away. "Take him through there and give him the best night of his life. If he has any complaints, there will be consequences." Ros then walked away to another male while Shae was left with Peter.
Taking his hand, she then led him through a pair of red silk curtains which led to a bed. Drawing them shut, she turned around to gulp at the male. |
She couldn't believe this had happened. Elsa had always thought of herself as powerful, at least enough to protect her kingdom, especially now that she knew how to control them. A slip-up here and there was possible, she couldn't always control her emotions, but she hadn't had anything drastic happen since she was able to keep herself calm, focused on the love she felt for her sister and the people of the kingdom. Then everything had suddenly crumbled beneath her as they were invaded.
Her kingdom had always been peaceful, they didn't have a large army, and they'd been overrun quickly. What bothered her the most was that despite her powers, the leader of this other kingdom had them too, and they seemed stronger. Now, here she was... sitting on the cold stone floor of her own kingdom's dungeon. Her dress was gone, her hair out of its braid and left to hang, disheveled around her shoulders.
She didn't know where her sister was, she didn't know what had happened to her people, to the kingdom she'd let down. No, she was just left here to sit... sit and wait. | #full
Mitsunari Ishida walked into the dungeon with a grin, as he was the leading general of the conquering army. He had severed the Empire of Esseto in the south and he had been charged with taking Elsa's kingdom from her. He had done just that, and now he ruled that land as he turned all the women into whores to be sold and all the men were sold for labor.
"So, this is the great and powerful Elsa?" He chuckled as he licked his lips at her nude form. His firebenders had easily overpowered her when they stormed the castle and he himself was a master bender. Beside Mitsunari walked another figure, that of Elsa's sister, Anna. She was clad in a tiny bikini top and thong, with a collar around her neck that was attached to a leash that Mitsunari held. "Your sister has told me all about you...isn't that right, slut?" He looked at Elsa with a grin before he moved to lick Anna's cheek. She was his whore and slut now, he had given her to some of the officers first, and they had had their way with her until he decided he wanted her for himself. |
Naruto X Hinata
Hinata stood outside Naruto's apartment complex and sighed quietly. Apparently the Kyuubi had taken control and Naruto was going berserk. So Hinata had decided to volunteer. She had not been thinking when she volunteered for the position. Now though it was a little too late to change her mind. She cared for Naruto and did not want him to be taken over and unable to regain himself.
" we go..." She said, looking up. Hinata had purposely avoided telling her father what she was about to do. Knowing he would veto the idea immediately. Her father, while not being very keen on her being heir to the Hyuuga clan, cared for his daughter. He did not want her walking into a lions den...or a foxs den in this case. Clearly it was dangerous and she understood that danger. She could be killed immediately if she made a wrong move.
So at almost seventeen Hinata found herself standing outside Naruto's apartment door. They had three Anbu outside the door and surely more unseen keeping him contained in the room. One of the Anbu stepped up and spoke to her quietly. "Are you sure, Hinata-san?"
Hinata nodded her head, knowing who it was. Her cousin. He was to tell her father if something went wrong but she refused to think of that possibility.
"Yeah. I am sure." At least she hoped. Carefully they opened a hole in the barrier and she stepped inside, it immediately closed behind her. "N-Naruto?" She said, looking around for the man she had always cared for. She did not know what to expect when she walked through the door, but she knew he would not be the Naruto she knew. At least that was what she was told. It was her responsibility to help him regain his consciousness. | Naruto was lying down on his bed in a feral fox manner, with his head resting on his paws. When the Kyuubi heard someone enter the room, he slowly looked at her with his fox ears and tails twitching as he observed her. So far, he had no reason to move or attack unless provoked; the Kyuubi did have some recognition of who she was, having seen her try to free him from pain and getting sent flying by Pain, which ignited Naruto's anger.
The Kyuubi in Naruto was curious as to why Hinata was here, his eyes not moving from her, wagging his tails slightly. |
Most ponies thought that after the victory in the Crystal Empire, Sombra had been fully defeated and likely killed. But he hadn't been destroyed. A stallion as powerful as Sombra could never be fully killed no matter how many blasts of rainbow magic struck him. He was nearly immortal despite not being an alicorn, and as a result he was locked up down in the deepest prisons under Canterlot. In the crystalline caverns, a number of dangerous beings were kept, and in one strong cage, the king was locked up and had been for the past few years. With a few exceptions, his only company was a stallion who dropped off food once a day and made sure Sombra wasn't gone. Today, he was going to have some more interesting company. Twilight had been researching the Crystal Empire, but found a lot of information to be lacking. Finally, she figured that she needed to find a more reliable source, and with her alicorn status, she could get into the prison. She hadn't had any trouble getting in, but she had avoided telling Princess Celestia since she knew her teacher would worry. The alicorn had a wide smile as she approached his cell. She was a pretty mare, with nice hips, C-cup breasts, and a pretty face. She had the long wings and horn of an alicorn, and was dressed in dark jeans and a dark purple sweater that clung to her body. She had a notebook under her left arm. Sombra? She said a bit hesitantly when she finally reached his cell. | Sombra, the true ruler of Equestria, was recovering after his defeat at the Crystal Kingdom. Biding his time until he was ready, he heard a familiar voice as two green eyes opened and a grin formed. As the glow of his eyes and the gleam of his teeth could be seen in the darkness, he said in a playful tone, "Awww, my dear Twilight Sparkle...or should I say Princess Twilight? Since you ascended to an alicorn, have you come to give me company after such a long time? I haven't had company in my deep, dark cell since you imprisoned me here." He chuckled. "Or have you come to mock the beast that is now trapped in his cage? What is it, mare?" He walked out of the shadows, trapped within his crystal cell, running his hoof across the barrier that sparked against his hoof. "Speak now, mare. I have very little patience for you, Princess Twilight. |
She said yes. The giddiness that filled the king upon hearing those words peaked, and he felt almost like a child in his joy, if even for a moment. The emotion could have not been any more raw, at least until she continued, explaining her current condition to him. "A child, really?" he asked her, barely above a whisper, shock replacing a huge grin. Of course, Thranduil had hoped beyond hope for another child since they had lain together, but the verility of his lover could not help but give him pause.
"That's... that's great news!" he finally finished after a moment, stepping in close to reach out for her hands. His new excitement sent shocks through his fingertips as he covered her hands in his, and he smiled back at her knowingly while she spoke of her friend and his needs. He nodded when she finished, thoughtful, yet slow to speak.
"I know not how to help someone with such a hole in his heart, but if it will make my Queen happy, there is nothing I would not do. Just speak for his needs, and they will be as law," he said supportively, before gripping her hand, and pulling her towards himself for a kiss. "Now is not a time for such concerns, though. We have much to celebrate first, then you can be a Queen tomorrow."
She allowed him to pull her towards himself and she looked up into his eyes before she bit her bottom lip. She kissed him back once more when he kissed her but she didn't feel too comfortable at the moment. "Thranduil, we have not won the war though. My Uncle's supporter Orcs are still out there and I have a daemon that I have to worry about." she said and rested her head against his chest. "Malerk may be dead but....its all far from over." she said and looked away as she stared down at the floor as tears came to her eyes but she wiped them away. "I can not fully celebrate until all the Orcs, the daemon are wiped out." she whispered as she touched her stomach tightly and grit her teeth together not sure she wanted to celebrate now.
"What do you mean a Queen?" Thranduil asked, looking at her curiously. "You mean tonight, Thranduil?" she replied, closing one eye. She then grasped onto his armored chest and let out a small sigh. Despite being healed by the healers, she still felt pain from her wounds. "It might be best if I rested for a while longer," she added, helping him remove his armor. A shiver ran down her spine as she gazed upon his handsome face in the flickering flames. But she wondered what kind of things he had to do that night, and didn't say anything about it.
Thranduil could feel that she was still nervous, she was still worried and uncertain about celebrating. Theora moved when his armor was off and sat down on Thranduil's bed and stared back over at the fire. "Are you sure it's a good idea for me to be in your room?" she said raising her brow. To him, however, he could see that she was just teasing him. She lay back down on the bed of his and closed her eyes feeling too tired to remove anymore clothing from herself, she still had her boots on her feet. Theora laughed slightly and tried to get into the celebrating mood but it just wouldn't come to her, she wanted nothing more than to be back out there searching for her Uncle's men.
He knew she would not want to do much, and he would insist on a more aggressive way of spending their time if it were not for the grime of battle that stirred within their minds. True rest and joy was still going to be a long road away, but for now he would give her all he was able. That meant a slow approach, pulling off the boots from her toned calves with a soft tug, exposing more of her slender flesh to his prying eyes. He repeated the process, and smirked as he pointed to a bottle of her people's vintage wine that he had snuck into his room.
"I planned to let you have some, but it is too late now," he teased, uncorking the bottle for himself. He poured out a liquid nearly as dark as her skin into a delicate glass he also seemed to procure from nowhere and sat on the edge of the bed. "You know, I don't want you to be angry, but I... I don't want you pursuing this demon of yours alone. If he is counted among the Miar like the Dark Lord, he is not to be trifled with."
He sat at his lover's feet, and took in the earthy aroma of the wine. The drink was stronger than even his kin's tiff vintage, and he almost could not bear himself to drink. Yet, he had to, if only to take away his nerves. He knew of Theora's ire and even relished it, but it was more than her now. She would have to understand how he felt.
"It's not going to hurt the baby Thranduil, we are not like humans you must remember that." She said and sat up softly and slowly moved closer to the King and grabbed the bottle from him and grasped it in her hand. "Besides there is some magic protecting the child as well, I felt Galadriel put it on me and the healer strengthened it along with me." she said and grasped the bottle then swung her head back with it to her lips and gulped down a lot of sips before she put the half empty bottle down on the bedside table and let out a sigh before she lay back down. "I think you missed more than just my boots Thranduil." she said and lay back down on the bed and smirked at him.
She giggled a bit and then slowly helped Thranduil's shirt off of his body and a smile grew on her face. "You have to be careful if you're going to help me with this daemon Thranduil, your kingdom can not afford to lose you." she whispered and shut her eyes. "I don't think Legolas or I can lose you either Thranduil, that is why I want you to be very careful." she said and ran her hands through his blonde hair. She then slowly lay back down the wine now hitting her, and she shut her eyes. "I love you too much to lose you." she whispered and rolled over onto her side with her back to him, he could see that she was feeling funny but at least the ale would cheer her more up and make things a lot better for her.
"Father would be so proud of me tonight, though he would know I still have so much to do. Oh, I wish he could see me now." she said gently. "I wonder what else life is going to give me, I hope more good things happen." she whispered and buried her head into the covers. She let out a soft sigh as she rolled onto her back again and with her eyes shut she adjusted herself in bed. She was unaware that her shirt had ride up some more and Thranduil would be able to see her belly and her scarred, toned flesh. Furthermore, she twitched her head slightly and grabbed a blanket and hugged it her body seemed to be growing hotter, it was no thanks to the ale that she had swallowed down.
He swilled the wine in his mouth, watching the woman as she tried to get comfortable in his bed, and with a smirk he reached for one of her feet. With a gentle tug that caused her to giggle underneath him, he had her dark foot on his lap. The delicate thing twitched under his fingers as he rubbed it down, pushing into where he knew she would be sore after a long march and heavy battle. Thranduil did not allow her to even pull away, instead letting her little movements ride her shirt higher along her body.
"I am not a fool," Thranduil said to the woman, while his hands moved up to her ankle, "That is why I must aid you. This realm is not safe for anyone who loves peace, not with the Necromancer or this new threat looming, ever present. I can only be happy if you are safe." He tugged on her again, playfully, to pull both of their thoughts well away from the tasks that they spoke of. "That is why I also know we have to live now. It is an odd thought, a human thought, but I have lost before...
He leaned in to her a little, just to look at her body tangled in his bedspread, the ebony skin smoother than the silks. He so wanted to touch her, but he was sure that was not what she needed now. He would allow her to decide, and he would use his hands and the wine to help her relax, to have a night to worry about the small things instead of the struggle ahead.
"I don't think that any of are going to lose Thranduil, I know you're not a fool either. But we are going to take this beast down, and I already know the good will finish of evil. I have already seen what will happen to this so-called Necromancer and who he is. I shall not say this though for it's a few hundred years away, yet before he will be finished. It is also not my place to share and change the future, what happens will happen." Theora whispered. She had seen Frodo already with the Ring, she had seen Sauron fall, but she would not speak of this to anyone. Theora knew that someone might try and change the future, and she didn't want to say anything because Sauron could always get the information out of another, and she did not want that to happen.
"I do not know what will happen between us and this demon, but we must be strong. But enough worry about these things." she said and when he finished the wine she took his glass and put it on the bedside table. "Time to teach you how to drink like a Dark Elf." she said as she grabbed the bottle and smirked taking a huge sip from it then she kissed Thranduil hard on the mouth allowing the strong drink to flow into his mouth, allowed him to swallow it. She stayed in his lap until he had drunk her mouthful before she pulled back and licked her lips. "You Wood elves taste so sweet." she muttered then she smirked putting the bottle down before she lay back down on his silk sheets and stared up at him, her shirt under her breasts.
She slowly leaned back, grabbed a pillow and then threw it at the King. "Come on you being so boring, stop acting like a King for once. You look better when you smile, stop being sour all the time." she teased him as she threw another pillow at him. "Don't make me give you a maiden's braid." she giggled as she rolled to her side her back to him. Long bandages wrapped around her from where she had been wounded, but the pain seemed to not be bothering her any longer. Thranduil then would feel her bare foot push against his thigh, and soon he was pinned under her, and she sat on top of him. "Your acting so much like father." she said and stared deeply into his eyes and bit her lip.
He was taken aback by the boldness of his lover as she shared wine with him through her mouth, and seemed to freeze until he forced himself to swallow. The youthful spirit was brought back with a frenzy to his eyes, and he swatted away both of her fluffy attacks before to his surprise Theora tackled him. He was pinned under her, with her crotch grinding against his torso as she tried to get a good grip. Yet, she was smaller than the king, and it was not hard for him to playfully grip her hips, to press her against him.
He let her think she had won, before with his powerful arms he all but lifted her off of him and dropped her into the silky sheets. "Let me be sour when I will, and you be sweet when you want to share a bed with me. It will be better that way." He grinned, and reached over to steal away the bottle of wine back from his ebony lover. The cool glass felt good against his hand and he teased her, letting the bottom of the bottle graze her stomach, giving her a chill. Then, he let the wine bottle tip, drizzling the cool liquid against her skin. He licked his lips, before whispering, "Since we are sharing culture, let me show you how Sindarin drink wine together."
Slowly, he kissed her skin, the earthy notes mixing with the slight sweat of the day on his lips. He breathed in, clutching the bottle tightly in one hand, before he found a pool of strong drink at her navel. He reached out with his tongue, licking it, taking it all in as he held her down. When he was done, another swig of drink showed that he was serious about having fun.
She yelped when he threw her onto the bed gently and she stared up at him raising her brow when he spoke to her. "I am sharing a bed with you for the rest of my life, you did as me to be your wife after all Thranduil." she whispered. She then glared at him as he stole the bottle from her and she narrowed her brow some more before she wondered what he was saying. She yelped when he touched her belly with the cold bottle and she clamped her eyes shut tightly. "What the heck..." she groaned then shivered when she felt him pour the wine over her stomach, just enough to pool at her navel but not get onto the sheets, she was worried it would stain his sheets badly but she did not say this out loud to him however.
She moaned softly when she felt Thranduil kiss her stomach and slowly work his way down her stomach, then cried out softly when he licked her navel clean of the drink before she watched him sip from the bottle.
"That's not quite as fun as other things," she said, watching him sip from the bottle. "Try not to waste the drink, Thranduil. It's hard to make." She took the bottle and drank some more of the wine until there was hardly any left in the end of the bottle before she slumped back weakly on the bed and smiled.
"You're such a grumpy old man sometimes," she teased him, knowing that it was all in good fun and they weren't really fighting.
She let out a soft sigh and slowly began to pull at her shirt trying to get comfortable again, instead of pulling it down she pulled it up and off her head and threw it to the floor. She then pulled one of Thranduil's pillows against her half naked body and looked back over at him. "If you want to play then we can play Thranduil." she whispered and shut her eyes again. She twitched slightly before rolling over again the sheets fully wrapped around her now and she was stuck under them her arms pinned at her side. She bit her lip and stared up at Thranduil, she was totally drunk now, and her eyes were glazed over but at least she had a huge smile appearing on her cheeks now, and you could see that she was happier.
"It is good you always taste sweet, then. Otherwise, sharing my bed every night would be a chore," Thranduil said, his mouth planting kisses along her dark skin as she leaned back into a slouched position on the pillows. He let her keep the bottle for now, and instead stroked her skin along the side of her body until he felt her writhe. He was going to pay her back for the comment about his age.
Long fingers dug into her sides suddenly and without mercy, to bring her writhing underneath him. "You need to watch your tongue around your elders. If you want to be treated like your age, I can arrange that," he said, hands raising up her body until they reached her tender armpits, to find even more sensitive skin. It was soft, too soft, that flesh he touched, and her laughter was infectious as he held her down.
The wine slipped from her hand, neck nestling between two of the reclining pillows, threatening to spill over the king's bedspread. He grunted, stopping for a moment, before leaning into her, his face stern, as he was about to scold her, and then with a grin he swiped the bottle back and drank the last of it. The king, who was not for strong drink, swam a little from the alcohol. The bottle rested against her side when he was done. Tickling her with a chill differently than how he could make her chill.
She groaned and shifted under Thranduil as she narrowed her eyes and glared at him, but it soon softened. "Oh come on, Thranduil," she whispered, biting her bottom lip. "I'm just teasing you." She whimpered as his hands moved over her body and he began tickling her. She giggled when he drank the last of the wine and seemed to be drunk now. "You can't hold your liquor, can you?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "I do have respect for you, Thranduil, and I owe you my life. You saved me from dying." She whispered, a serious look on her face. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his shoulder. She sighed and let out a small moan as she lay there under Thranduil, and she shook her head slightly. "What are you going to do now? I'm starting to get this strange feeling." She said, grasping his hand and slowly bringing it to her chest. She bit her lip harder before leaning up and kissing him on the lips, letting out a soft sigh. She wrapped her arms around Thranduil's neck and held him close to her, enjoying the feel of his body against hers. "I love you, Thranduil. When do you plan on having a wedding ceremony? Are you going to tell your people tomorrow?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.
She gritted her teeth together and then groaned as she brought his hand to her stomach. She reached and moved her hands into his pants, grasping his length gently and running her hand gently up and down his fat cock. She groaned, enjoying the way his cock felt in her hand. She wasn't sure why, but Theora was feeling really horny and wanted nothing more than to have his cock inside of her. "Your cock is growing so hard in my hand, Thranduil," she whispered, cocking her head to the side as she stared deeply into his eyes. "Are you enjoying yourself, my dear King?"
He tossed the bottle aside, the clank of it as it hit the floor filling the air. He smiled then, knowing the delicate thing did not break, even under his carelessness. "I need you too," Thranduil told Theora, gripping her left hand to feel the ring press hard against his fingers, "I always have, from the moment you stepped into my kingdom, and I love you for that." He kissed her again, looming over her with his strong form, and found his flesh wanting more contact with hers, as if the air were poison.
He continued, mixed between his desire to press against her and the burning need in his loins that she fueled with her hand. Finally, he gave in to lust, and snaked out of his trousers, fumbling so as not to let go of her hand for another moment. Then, he eyed her, as he kicked the last of his modesty away, and admired her as he had before, only with even more revelry. He knew now that she was his, more than he knew it then.
She blinked and stared up at Thranduil as he towered over her again, his body pressed down against hers. She smiled softly at his words as she felt him grasp her free hand and held it back. She smiled more when he spoke about how much he loved her and it made her heart race faster once more. Her right hand still kept working his cock, moving up and down, over and over, still being gentle. She could feel Thranduil's massive cock was fully erect in her hand now and she could not help but grin from it. She then moaned when he kissed her and she made sure to kiss him back, his body pushing down on hers while she felt him trying to remove his pants, she wished she could help but both her hands were busy.
She smirked when he stared down at her, her hand moving harder and faster up and down his shaft now, her thumb running over his cock head. "You are so handsome," she whispered as she pulled her lips away from his own before letting go of his cock and hand and pulling her shirt and pants off so that she was naked other than the bandages that covered her body. Theora then slowly moved forward and grasped his cock again, her white hair falling around her in a sheet. "I want to try something." She whispered and soon Thranduil would feel her mouth wrap gently around the head of his cock and it slowly began to bob up and down his shaft, her tongue moving over the head of his shaft.
Theora wondered what Thranduil would think about what she was doing to him, she made sure to stay gentle however. Her left hand gripped his shaft base this time, however. She was on her knees as she moved her head, a smile on her face though he couldn't see it with her hair in the way. She moaned again and again, trying to send vibrations through his cock. She smirked as it throbbed inside of her mouth and she could see that she was causing him nothing but pleasure which made her happy. Theora wondered what he was going to do next, she was not about to stop sucking him off just yet, no it felt so damn good to have his fat dick inside her mouth. | Thranduil was taken aback by his lover's boldness, and could do little but run his fingers through her white silk hair when she began to please him. He tensed when she gripped him firmly by the base in surprise and moaned. Then his knees locked and toes stretched when her tongue ran across his glans, and he could not help himself. He had to hold on to her, to keep from giving in to his lust.
Eyes locked on his lover's when she looked up to gauge his reaction and fingers that were exploring her hair started to grip into her locks. He refused to guide the independent soul pleasing him deeper on his cock, but encouraged her with gentle tugs and impassioned sounds with every bob of her head. Precum even started to seep out of him then, coating her tongue with saltiness and lubricating her throat just a little more.
Then, he felt a change, a tension deep inside his loins building, and despite himself, he started to pull his lover away. It was a slow process to get her to slow down with his hard cock in her mouth, but gradually his groans made her begin to look up at him again, if only to find why he was hesitating. "I'm going to cum," he panted out after a lot of effort. A look of concern was on his face then, as if he was sure she would be disgusted with the thought of a load forced down her throat. |
In a realm of fables and legend, there were hidden evils more powerful and wicked than any mortal soul could possibly comprehend... These were horrifying times across the land, plagued by misery, anguish, and even death itself.
Arthur's nostrils flared as he awoke, drenched in his own sweat. The crevices of his wrinkled forehead were caked in his own dried blood, as it covered his battered face. His once stoic and honorable blue eyes were now nearly sealed shut due to the severe swelling caused by his captor's relentless beatings. His vision was fuzzy and double as he squinted, attempting to make out a visual of his surroundings, giving him some clue of where he may be, as his short term memory has clearly suffered damage. For a handful of seconds which seemed to have gone by in lifetimes, his senses slowly began to return to him. Firstly, his nose perked as the wretched aroma of filth and disgust filled his lungs. Arthur coughed heavily, as fresh blood escaped his lips and ran down his chin, dripping on the cold stone floor below him. The terrible smell was a mixture of his own battered self, as well as the stench of bubbling concoctions brewing in a cauldron up on a stone platform against the north wall of the room. Arthur's sight slowly began to regain it's bearings as he could make out shapes of the dungeon he found himself in. What caught his attention at first was a sacrificial altar made of marble and decorated with various twisted and gnarled demonic engravings along the edges. The rectangular table was large enough to fit a person's body, and to his surprise, his beloved Guinevere lay seemingly unconscious on the table, strapped down by barb-studded leather. The tightness of the straps through her skin caused many lesions and gashes that allowed her precious innocent blood to trickle down and pool beneath her as she lay vulnerable to the terrors that soon awaited. The mere movement of any part of her body, even rising her chest to breath would cause unbearable pain and digging of the barbs into her skin. Suddenly, his sense of pain returned as he felt his own wounds open and close with each breath of the poisonous air, ripping the clots and freshening the supply of pooled redness below him. He tried to shout in terror, but was unable, due to his tongue being cut out, and his mouth filled with the taste of warm iron.
Arthur had been bound and tied to a wooden post overlooking the altar where Guinevere lay. It was a ghastly room, that was dark and suspiciously quiet other than the occasional whimpering of the humiliated king and queen. The cobblestone walls were complete with dead vines and moss growing all over ancient demonic writings and engravings that littered the walls on all sides. Torches lit the room, as the fire flickered and barely illuminated their sinister surroundings. The only way in or out was through an iron-studded wooden door that seemed to lead to a staircase going up... Signifying that possibly they were somewhere underground, in a room designated for dark blood rituals. Unfortunately for Arthur, nearly every bone in his body felt as if it were fractured as he sat vulnerable and paralyzed, trying to remember how and why he and Guinevere could have ended up in an evil place such as this.
Lastly, his hearing began to fade in and out as he listened to footsteps on the other side of the door grow louder as they suddenly stopped. The metal handle turned, as the wood creaked and an entrance was made. Out from the darkness of the spiraled stairwell, stepped Merlin. Arthur knew that the wizard, his former trainer, had always been plagued with issues concerning his thirst for power and dominance. However, it was clear that he has changed, his demeanor taking a turn for the worse. His once conflicted eyes had now displayed a message of pure evil as his gaze upon Arthur felt as if it were piercing into the depths of his very soul. The black robe Merlin wore raked across the ground as the tangled and gnarled wand slowly pointed toward the desperate king. A grim smile from Merlin was seen as he spoke in a dark and twisted voice, almost as if it were two voices meshed into one.
"Arthur, my boy... Your reign is over. Your destiny now, is to serve me." Merlin stated, as a faint red glow began to take form, swirling around the tip of his wand.
"...Death....First..." Arthur managed to cough out, using the last bit of energy he had to retaliate in defiance. His sound was weak and pathetic, as his mutilated tongue made it impossible for him to speak properly.
"Hm hm hm hm...." Merlin chuckled, "That is the plan, of course. Not even death will grant you salvation now. Once the ritual is complete, you will serve me even as a tainted and unholy undead abomination."
Arthur barely managed to hear the last part of Merlin's response as his eyes became heavy once more. He drifted back into unconsciousness briefly as his mind began to reflect on recent events, a dream of sorts, detailing a cloudy memory of the past. The pain and fear of his imminent death had tunneled into the back of his mind once again, as just a few moments of reminiscing seemed like ages to his now pseudo-lucid brain. | Every movement brought pain-searing, hot, unforgiving pain. Guinevere could feel the relentless bite of the metal barbs against her soft flesh as her muscles tensed in fear, flexing in reaction to her most dire of situations. The air was oddly cold, though somehow despite how muddled her thoughts had become, she figured it was due to blood loss more so than to being naked or to even being in what appeared to be some dark, dank room located deep within the crypts of Castle Camelot. She was sure that she and her beloved...oh yes, she knew Arthur was there, she could feel his presence, sense him...were somewhere deep within its bowls.
Guinevere's breaths were short as she tried her best to breathe, panting on the stale, rancid air that swirled about her body, as she lay sprawled and vulnerable to whoever had splayed her in such a distasteful fashion. She could feel her blood oozing from each knick on her pale flesh, her dark hair plastered to her face as she stared upward at a ceiling that seemed to disappear into oblivion, clearly a trick of the eye...or was that just the blood loss once more?
Blinking her blue eyes, Guinevere tried to look away from the ceiling. In vain, she dared to twist her head to the side in hopes to see where Arthur was, but it was no use. All the motion did was bring back more pain. Just then she heard the wizard's chuckle. It was amazing how something that used to be so familiar and so warm suddenly seemed so cold and disturbing. How had things changed so drastically? Her eyes fluttered shut just then as she listened to the old man taunt her beloved. The hatred seethed through her veins like acid, tearing them apart from the inside out.
It washer. That woman, her beloved's half-sister! She followed the devil, heard his voice! Evil! That's what Morgan Pendragon was! Yes, the hatred ran deep, right to Guinevere's very core.
A shiver ran along Guinevere's spine as she heard the light sound of footsteps walking down a set of stone steps. Somehow she knew who it was.
Morgansmiled as she gracefully, languidly descended the stone steps and made her way past the altar where Guinevere lied. Her hand brushed against the marble so lovingly and she moved on toward where Merlin stood in all his glorious wonder. She marveled at his radiance, as his dark power seemed to emanate in dark waves. Flicking some of her red hair over her shoulder, she sucked in a sharp breath, her chest rising as her lungs filled to their capacity and slowly she exhaled. The room smelled of blood and death and fear. It was utterly exhilarating!
Pale skin flushed as a sweeping heat moved across Morgan's face and down along her neck, along the swells of her heaving breasts. She smiled and let a delicate hand move along Merlin's shoulder. "They are ready," she said almost stoically, though a hint of giddiness resounded in her tone, unable to hide her elation.
Guinevere let out the smallest of whimpers just then causing Morgan to glance over at the bound and helpless queen. A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips and she giggled softlya sound of victorious triumph. Unable to stay awake, to take the pain, Guinevere succumbed to the overwhelming sensations that ripped through her tiny body as the barbs cut deeper, blood causing tiny rivulets to drip down along her pale flesh in every which way... finally giving in to unconsciousness, finally giving in to darkness. |
Spoiler Warning to those who have not played the game nor read the comics.
This role-play has taken two opposing stories and ideas only to collaborate them together. The game "The Wolf Among Us" (based on a comic called Fables) and the many stories of "Alice in Wonderland". After being aware of the various lore that Fables, Wonderland and TWAU has provided, the story/RP below has taken elements of both stories in order to combine them. Due to the pairing, there will be some minor and major changes (for those who are heartfelt fans of either series, we thought you should be aware). The RP begins after The Wolf Among Us, Season 1 and all choices from the game will be mentioned when necessary.
For once, the world seemed just a little bit too peaceful. Many folklore, fairy tale, myth and legends sought out a comfortable place to stay after their homelands had been taken by the Adversary. Those known as Fables had retreated to the Mundane World (our world) and the year has occupied itself as 1986 in Manhattan, USA. The area in which they have been relocated to has been identified as Fabletown. For those without a human-like form (toads, pigs, trolls, etc) are told to pay for what is known as a Glamour, an enchantment they must receive in order to seem human. Citizens of Fabletown must remain quiet and in tact and not show their true forms to others in the Mundane World known as Mundies. Although a glamour is quite expensive and those who cannot pay the toll are forced to move to The Farm, a so called safe haven that allows those without glamour to run around as they so please. Of course with every community, there comes a government.
Due to a recent fall of the government, Snow White has taken over as Deputy Mayor whilst Bigby Wolf finds himself sticking around as the Sheriff, enforcing the laws where the Mayor see fit and fighting for their citizens wants and needs. After the horrid murder of two young women by the names of Faith and Lily, the citizens of Fabletown have grown quiet. Citizens assume the Crooked Man manipulated another Fable into the horrible act of murder. Due to these acts, he had been placed away under the spell of a crow in a small gold cage as punishment. As it stands now, Fabletown is somewhat safe, or so they assume. It wasn't until a month after these events that murder had risen once again...
Even still, the thoughts ran heavily through his mind. The idea that he had possibly allowed someone to get away with something so drastic? It still haunted him with every waking moment. There was not a time he looked at himself in the mirror and saw a traitor, that he had looked to the confident and somewhat content citizens of Fabletown and felt guilty. Even when facing someone as important to him as Snow had him trying to escape the moment that withered around them. After speaking with someone he thought he had a connection with, someone he thought was so pure and innocent with the words that escaped her glossed lips it had become more clear to him that he couldn't trust everyone that walked into his office, that he passed on the street, that he got information from or that he had known for a long time. How had he not placed the pieces together? How had he been so blind to just not see what was right in front of him the whole time? In a roundabout way, he was disappointed and angry with himself but to let anyone know? It was impossible. Keeping this secret, it was the only thing he could do. Staying silent? It was apparent he did so. The last thing he wanted, the last thing he needed, was to have the citizens of Fabletown hating him for the very mistake he knew he made...
"You're not as bad as everyone says you are," she said softly.
Those words still haunted him. They dragged out every second, every minute, every hour of every day and made it twice as long. On a good day, his mind would be so busy that the very thought of Faith wouldn't come to him until he had a moment to spare, when he wasn't so busy tending to others and their idealistic problems. If only escapism were possible. If only he could go back to the way things were, if only he could return to the beginning, then perhaps he wouldn't have had to point fingers at her. He knew he made mistakes. He knew he'd been a bad person. He knew that he had to do what he needed in order to survive, to protect those he found himself caring about. It hadn't even been about himself and what he believed in; it was what the town backed him up on. What they believed he could and could not do. Of course, now he was deemed the protector of this town. That he was the one person who could look out for each individual in their current state.
Although he knew that his title still scared them, just because a title was behind his name and called him a Sheriff did not mean he was really anyone special even though sometimes he wished he were. Wanting to change the stars that aligned his very path, fate was not so easily changed in all its fortunes. To his demise, he knew that fate did not hold him in its favor. The citizens of Fabletown did not easily trust nor accept change within their lives. He knew that he still frightened them, scaring them, that they shook when he got angry. One day perhaps, one day when he wasn't such a fuck-up, perhaps then they would accept him for who he was.
Knock knock knock...
Not even an hour of rest and already his eyes were on the brink of destruction. Red veins had coursed through them, strings of blood that begged him to rest yet again. His body tired, weak, drained of all movement. Perhaps just one more wink of sleep, at least one more hour that his body needed to recharge. Closing those petty eyes ever so slowly to enjoy a good regeneration. Realistically, the consequences were uneventful. Knowingly, sleep was not precisely needed even if the thought crossed his deceptive mind. The cursed nap he'd provided his own body would have done better had he just disagreed with it entirely. With his mind already tormenting him night after night, he was unable to think of anything else but Faith and what she had done to him, to all of them. What guilt he was still holding inside. Just one more ounce of sleep, just one more was all he was asking for. Just a little bit of time to discard the attention his mind placed on something so significant. If only it meant nothing to him, if only he could push it away. But he knew better than that. Sleep would not cover anything. Sleep would not assist the very thoughts that mistreated his mentality. Even in the land of dreams they sought out his deepest darkest secrets and held them accountable within a nightmare. Being reminded of all the innocent people involved, of all the harm he'd done in his life, of the countless lives he'd taken in the past, all the people he'd eaten-
"Bigby, open up!"
A recognizable voice, for certain. It was that same voice that he felt his own damn heart pulsating in a negative direction. Pain filtering through his body as his head turned to face the door. What time was it? Had he really only obtained one whole hour of sleep? It felt nearly five minutes. With a hand on his blue stained chair, he forced himself up onto his feet, clothes still very much intact. Unable to remember the last time he'd truthfully changed them and alas somehow never ended up with a horrible scent. Headaches did not revolve around him, not often at least. Unless his head was willing to muster itself against the pavement than perhaps so but right now the only headache he could possibly get would be from the lack of sleep he seemed to get. Pulling himself from the chair was not the difficult part. Pulling himself together was more so the hardest.
With a quickened pace, he ran a hand through his somewhat natural greasy strands, grasping at the lock with his other as he sooner than later opened the door. His blood stained eyes soon met with bright blue ones that snapped him back into reality. Snow White, yes. Of course who else would it have been? He knew her voice on the other side of the door but these days, he wasn't one hundred percent certain whether or not the dream land kept him safe or not. But this moment snapped him back into reality. The strong alluring scent that Snow had, it not only brightened his sleeplessness but also his mind. But something was wrong. Her eyes were wary, worried, fearful. Something had happened. Bigby Wolf's brows furrowed in despair, misunderstanding, concern and disillusion. What was going on? He had to know.
Not a word was truthfully explained, he knew the walls were paper thin. Snow would have said something instantaneously had she wanted the public to know. This must have been urgent. Concentration seemed to be accurate here. Speed was with them, the both of them, it was nearing almost midnight. Snow was sleepless as well, he could tell just by looking at the natural bags that bore underneath her bright blue eyes, lashes as long as ever without the slightest hint of makeup. He followed even without a word being spoken. They had an untrained understanding of one another, they had to. As partners in crime, with Snow being the Deputy Mayor, he had to contain that very strange connection he had with her. Even if she hadn't realized it, even if his intentions were as pure as day itself with her, his obsessions were similar to that of which Crane's once were. But he had never acted upon them, he couldn't do such a thing to her. Dishonouring her the way that that sluggish creep had always done. How he used glamour to obtain Lily, using her the way he had. Had he been in a similar situation, his mentality would not accept such things. He knew deep down he couldn't go through with it. He could never take advantage of such an attraction. Besides, her scent was the most alluring thing about her, he was obedient to her every command. Willingly he would bow before her if she asked him to and that alone said enough towards his loyalty. Grasping the HuffnPuff brand of cigarettes that rest in his slacks he'd push one out. A shit brand that every sacred soul in the sluggish town found obscene and disgusting. He'd been the only person who smoked such a brand, at least that he knew of. Everyone else called it wretched but he could not. The smell helped, it dominated the very sweet addiction she was. Lighting the cancer stick with a zippo, his senses were soon soothed.
They left the building, only to drive a quiet distance. It wasn't until then that Snow spoke up. Bigby had been told of a body, a body of someone that he may have known of, a man she thought he may know a little bit about. But when told his name, his expression did not falter. Of all the people in Fabletown, he was not all too surprised on the outcome. That was up until the car came to a halt and he was faced eye-to-eye with the wretched scene of what had become of The Hatter. With one last long drag from his cigarette, as the world slowed down just a tick of a pace, Bigby took one large leap forward into the case, hoping to whatever humanity was left of this scene that there were witnesses or even suspects to such a disaster.
Early morning had arrived quicker than he thought. His mind was still attempting to wrap around the very idea of losing one of their own; yet again. But who was to blame? Who was to blame but himself? Taking everything to heart, it was all he could ever do. Crane told him long ago that he was supposed to be the one person who kept the town safe and yet again; he failed. What had happened to The Hatter? Who had done such horrible distorted and inhumane things to him? A part of him wished it were a Mundy, if anything it had to be one of them. But no, deep down he knew in his big beating heart that a Fable did this. One of them must have done it. A weapon of peculiar abilities, with magic perhaps attached, but nothing that Bigby had ever seen before, not even once in his life.
Step by step, he made his way down the very hall that echo'd in his name. Towards his office. Already he'd spoken to two witnesses earlier that evening. Two lone girls that spoke sweet sorrow to him, explaining they both had seen a girl with golden locks at the scene. But when asked her name or if they knew of it, they seemed uncertain and wary and explained to him who she was.
That was her name. Bigby ran the name over in his head hundreds of times trying to wrap his head around the very idea of her. Having never truly looked into her tale, he had to wonder if she had anything to do with this. They'd gotten in contact with her instantly, as best they could, knowing quite well that she may not show up, just as most had seemed to skip out on. With a file in his hand and slow yet steady walk, he stopped at his room. The door was closed. Snow had told him 'She's waiting for you,' and all he could hope for was a steady case here. Perhaps she could lift some evidence for him, perhaps she would admit to doing it if she had been the one. Alas, he did not know if that was for certain, he didn't know if any of this was for certain. All he had to do was open the door.
"Open it," he'd tell himself over and over in his head.
Through slow motion, he opened the door. Time slowed down, his heart even came to a delightful stop. A heavy pang in his heart almost broke him. It wasn't with his eyes that he saw her, but with the scent that filled the room. A scent he had never once taken in before. It lured him in, it instantly drove him crazy, a perfume that riddled him confused, a scent that overpowered his very thoughts of Snow. That had him baffled with all bewilderment. What was that scent that aura that begged him for more? Etching him on as he slowly closed the door behind him. He had to speak, he had to do something, he had to get rid of whatever it was that caused his heart to rush this quickly. Never in centuries had he smelled something as delightful as this...
"Alice, is it?"
Ignoring the very essence of what he had taken in, he'd walk around the table in the slowest of manners, taking his time as he'd allow the closed folder to fall down onto his desk. The room filled with disorganized papers and finished boxes of Chinese food that were probably a week old. Taking a seat across from the girl, his brown eyes took the very attention of her own. Gripping his box of cigarettes once again from his pocket, he'd grasp it out with his lips and light it within seconds. The scent was much too strong, it was absolutely murdering his own mentality. He had to rid of it, and just barely and only barely, had it done such a thing. The scent of his shitty cigarette had overpowered her perfume, and with a hand reaching forward, Bigby held out the pack to her as though to offer her a stick of his own personal favorite brand. But he knew in all honesty, he was in much more trouble than she was for she was one of the fairest he'd ever lay eyes on, let alone took in the very scent of. | My my... Wonderland, where are you now?
It seemed as though in the blink of an eye a nightly presence had come with such an invigoratingly unsuspecting front, that had done well to show address to the irregular circumstances of the particular beholders jurisdiction for nothing quite seemed as simple as the turn of day to night. Such things had become a background aspect of much more sinister powers at hand, as time had seemingly shifted from its former meaning. To everyone else it would be a night like any other, one filled with mystery and purpose to those who dwelled within the comforts of its shade. For the most part those still about would be doing as they always did, serving to pick and nit about at all the silly little impractical behaviors and bitter sweets, they found themselves more devoted to address. It had occurred to her only over recent understanding that others were very much unlike her in several obvious different ways, but she could do little even bother trying to make herself show consideration for such matters. Perhaps the source of her confusion came from her history or instead something that deemed to dissolve itself so much more in a scheming elaborate paradox? Truth was she'd rather not think about it, even try to consider rationality in the subject of one of the very most important things she had obviously forgotten. Instead she preferred nothing more than to indulge her fantastical illusive stare into the stars hanging above her, like riddled dots over a once fabled and adored pattern that seemed so much more interesting than anything more prioritized around her..
The thickening shroud of her nightly surroundings had only ever served to measure its value to her in one purpose and that was the ultimate cover of confinement. Whether she was oblivious to her reasons for being so entranced by it, was beyond the value of her consideration as she found the simple manner of night much more appealing than trying to understand what it was that she adored so much about it. It was tricky to say much about her else than what was only said by others and written by fools in old silly tales, as the mystery to who she really was would always remain just that and to herself as well, even if she were capable of realizing it she probably wouldn't have had it any other way.
Only now, in this dissolving sense of gloomy childish reality, had she found herself at a rather rough edge that had seemed to send her head over heels into a chasm of uncertainty. As she knew better than almost anyone else, whenever the thought of her anxiety slowly began to once again crawl its way up her back and finally came to her attention, she often found herself slipping slowly into a rather shallow form of escape - either through the rim and cork of an equally otherworldly bottle that housed liquid beyond this world's knowledge or reason, or through some bizarre form of mostly illicit sedative. Though she seemed to bear some form of dignity even now, accepting this term of herself as she knew better than to ever get caught out in the open doing such things, the desire to enthrall herself in the release of these urges knew little control over herself, even now in the glamorous shroud of the nightly aroma that she loved so much.
Through the cosmic mist of the thick nightly fog and ridiculous vibrate spotlights of small establishment there would be but a single whim of a rather illusory trail of a strange coloured smoke seeming to shift in both colour and form. The trail that led to its source seemed to coil about the very essence of all physical manner of obstruction and object coming forth its path, always shifting and changing in vibrant glow with each step further she had made, as she had only just stopped to realize the beauty of it all. The journey of mesmerizing illusion had taken her only to the foot of a single alleyway that was drenched in shadow and didn't seem to bear any form of flare or color about it. Only now had she remembered why it was she had gone there, her steps seeming to quicken at the tap of her heels as she felt a strange source of eagerness fill her. Looking back at the cosmic highway of endless magical smoke had only inspired her to paint the entire city in the charisma of its delusion as she had just realized why it was she found herself walking about on this particular night..
It was as if there were nothing more interesting in the entirety of this rather strange little world then her own personal daze, as any thought of the purpose to what she might have been doing or even how she may have gotten there had totally slipped her mind. Oh there was so much she had forgotten and it would be even worse for her to force herself to remember but even strange odors of intoxication from a land of her own seemed to find their limits among the laws of this cruel new reality that came in the form of this curious new little world around her known as Fabletown. There was the sound of crawling footsteps drawing nearer to her, as she had remembered the particular sound of similar dusty old books clapping their way along bitter pathway several times before. To her, it was as if the source of the approach was one who obviously brought about them a bold intention of illwill, an obvious threat of sorts who had shown no fear in displaying anger in his footsteps. The once dreamy expression that had poisoned her face with fantastical ecstasy would slip away as she'd find herself only now turning her head to address the other closing the distance between her. It was as if the entire engagement had come forth through the obscurity of slowed motion, as the simple touch of the stranger's grasp upon her shoulder felt much more like a shove or crude gesture to her, then what it really had been. A simple pat on the side of her shoulder in reality, but to her an assault driven in violent madness by the hand of another who was far from in any way shape or form, the person she saw in her own mind and through those dilated eyes of misty blue wonder.
Oh how she had half a mind to throw sharp defenses of her own at the obviously rather kind individual who had approached her with nothing more than gentle steps and a light tap on the shoulder. Her former expression of ridiculous fantastical euphoria had abandoned her, as instead she found her brow tilting and her lips tensing in sharp apprehension only moments later. With the turn of her head, she'd take in his very real features and deem them strange and anything but settling to her which had slowly begun to remind her that this man was not who she had originally thought him to be. That was besides the purpose of her reaction however as oddly enough there were several of him, splitting right down the middle as if he were a phantasmal image of a realistic person being split into several ghastly variations of his one true self, if there was really one true source of the visual madness at all? As she'd weigh in the very mundane features of the one before her, she'd instead find her expression once again tilt about in strange confusion as if it were on the lighter side of a one-way scale. Without a single word, she'd watch the stranger's chapped young lips turn to attempt to form words, which had only come out to her as distorted tones and equally nonsensical frequencies. Had she lost her mind? Or was she dreaming? Perhaps she had forgotten what it was she was smoking? Her own vivid blue eyes would spark alive within concern and disbelief as after the slowed and chopped nonchalant clamour of the stranger's speech, she'd only just realize that she was completely not at all within her right mind.
There would be a small shudder escape her lips followed by the heavy shaking of her head as she'd make a desperate obvious effort to come back to reality. As she was, it seemed as if the world around her would seemingly fast forward back to the actual time in which it existed, visuals around her and former words having gone past her quickly snapping back into their proper place. The ambience of the quiet night around her had come back to her, as she'd verify for certain now that there was only one strange man before her and that the trail of smoke that in which she seemed to both create and follow had only come from the strange cigarette between two of her fingers and was anything but endless, only whisping off an inch or so from the source of its flame.
"I beg your pardon?" She'd find herself ask aloud, feeling quite silly for assuming the worst of the situation but not even sure, not quite understanding the reality of it. Or why it was this particular stranger that had broken her from her hysteric daze and for what reason? So many questions with no time to pay mind to them.. It made her feel rather uneasy to say the least.
The man had asked her to come along with him, to answer a few questions involving some sort of police work? Or so she had been told. The feeling of being selected under the premise of what the circumstances were for her assistance hadn't done very well to ease her forward in agreeing to go forth with the man but it wasn't like she had much other choice then that.. Or perhaps she could simply continue to venture down a very much more psychedelic variate of the true Fabletown that seemed to make so much more sense to her than the current..
The experience of being taken away for questioning had proven to be anything but comforting, as she'd much rather describe it as nerve-racking. But she had very little choice in the matter. The man took her to a strange building - one that she was certain she had been too before, but may have been mistaking for an odd mushroom-shaped and sized house back where it was she had originated from. Her mind was quite literally in the gutter as the realities of Fabletown, no matter how boring and unworthy of her interest as she had once considered them to be, had suddenly become so much more of a valid factor to her. In reality, she knew very little about this world, only being here for... well, her memory wasn't too great, but she knew she didn't quite fit in as well as some of the other fables did, or so she had heard? She really didn't know anything now, did she? If that were the case, then why would the authorities want to take her in for questioning? Had she done something wrong?
As she sat at the opposite end of the desk in the rather strange room containing a number of strange artifacts that were clearly not from this world, she wondered if she had honestly done something horrible. It took only a moment for her hands to begin fumbling about in front of her, as her vivid blue eyes widened with panic and she stared down at them wondering if she had done something terrible in fact with her own two hands. In a sudden frantic display of searching, she threw her hands to her shoulders, realizing now that the one who had brought her there had taken her purse and thus any form of relief she would often use in these sorts of situations where she felt completely out of control of herself. She realized she had nothing to ease the suffering of her own anxious emotions - no unhealthy addictions to fall back on - and instead found herself biting away quickly at her thumb in a soft rhythmical but intense speed as some depressing means of trying to comfort herself through a more simplified means of deprival.
It was a good thing the sheriff had shown up when he did otherwise who knows what Alice may have resorted too without another in the room to retain her focus on the very fragile but real reality that inevitably surrounded her, the one it was obvious she didn't quite like as much as the other. At the simple creaking chime of his own office door she'd find herself looking up, her eyes sharply reacting as if she bore not even a single flaw when it came to the health of her reflexes, which seemed odd for a young woman of her stature who did very much the variety of unhealthy things. The nervous tension of her wonderful blue ocean eyes would stare sharply over to the one who closed the distance between the two as suddenly her feelings of lonesome anxiety would quickly find a reason to ease themselves from the maddening condescension of her own despair.
"Why yes.. It is..- Though it would be more proper to refer to me as Alison for I feel it may do me more justice, if that is any consolation to you at all ?"
Suddenly the feels of dread and madness quickly seemed to be repelled by what could only be described as some sort of invisible force, one of good nature and welcoming but still remaining very much in the unknown. Though it would be strange for her to feel such things in the presence of Bigby of all people, as the two of them had never met before? Or had they..?
There would be no further words exchanged from her shaking bright red lips, as she could only find herself so eager to want to try one of his cigarettes but instead began to rationalize the depth of her choice now that she was fully away in this bitter reality around her. She'd only gently shake her head with a nervous smile and wave her hand at the pack of cigarettes as if to wish them away.. |
Esdeath strode into the throne room, holding her chest up proudly as she approached the Emperor. However, there was a faint trace of uneasiness present in her typically cold, sapphire eyes. Once she was standing a few feet before the royal child, she bent down on one knee and bowed her head in respect. "Word has reached my ears that you have captured one of the members of Night Raid."
A tiny smile formed on the young boy's lips, and he nodded in affirmation. "Yes. I believe his name is Tatsumi?!" The female straightened up as the name instinctively left her lips, and her eyes lit up with a spark of passion.
"As I thought... Yes, that was it!" The Emperor snapped his fingers. The prime minister suddenly leaned over and whispered something into the young boy's ear. Moments later, the latter spoke up once more. "We were planning to interrogate him tonight regarding the plans and whereabouts of Night Raid."
"Is that so?" Esdeath clenched both of her fists. "If that's the case, then I have a request, My Lord."
"What is it?" The Emperor raised an eyebrow.
"Please allow me to be in charge of the interrogation." She placed a hand over her chest, bowing her head slightly.
"Very well." The young boy seemed to have no preference as to who performed the interrogation.
Esdeath blinked, and her eyes widened. She clearly wasn't expecting her superior to give in to her request so easily. Then again, he did seem to have a soft spot for her at times. "Thank-you, My Lord." She straightened up again, then turned around and departed from the throne room. A faint smile appeared on her lips as she made her way toward the dungeon.
Once she arrived in the underground chamber, it took her less than a minute to locate the cell where Tatsumi was being held. A sense of longing began to well up within her as she gazed at his motionless figure from between the bars. He seemed to be unconscious, and his Imperial Arms had been confiscated.
After reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a set of keys. Although they all looked the same, she knew exactly which one belonged to each cell. Sliding one of the black metal objects into the keyhole, she turned it and slowly opened the door. Then, she bent down and placed a hand on the young man's shoulder as her cheeks began to rise in temperature. "I've been waiting for you, Tatsumi..." She whispered in an affectionate manner. Her personality had completely changed in his presence.
Carefully lifting the limp male into her arms, Esdeath carried him like a princess up to her room. When they were inside, she locked the door and laid him down on her bed. Afterward, she stepped over to her nightstand and fumbled around inside one of the drawers for a few moments. Eventually, she pulled out a pair of handcuffs and bound Tatsumi's wrists to the headboard. Sitting down beside him, she started to caress his right cheek. "You'll tell me everything I need to know, won't you?" She continued to speak in a soft tone, uncertain if he could hear her. | His eyes would start to flicker with signs of life as she caressed his cheek and heard a soft female voice in the distance. A low groan would pass through his parted lips as Tatsumi's eyelids would slowly open, with the world around him gradually coming back into focus. The member of Night Raid would faintly remember the assassination mission on an important and crooked political supporter which ended in his staying behind to slow down the unexpected number of guards in order for the others to slip away. It was a dangerous move. One which ended in a numbers over skill defeat on his part, but still let the others slip away following a successful mission and Tatsumi's own (ideally temporary) stay in a cold, harsh cell.
As such, with the feel of a warm bed beneath his battle weary body, Tatsumi had half-expected to see Mine or Akame as the one watching over him following a rescue mission. But once this mysterious figure came into focus, the young swordsman would instead be met with a rather surprising sight. E-Esdeath?! He blurted in surprise as his arms immediately tried to move, only to find themselves halted by the handcuffs. A glance up at his restraints, then another quick look around at his new surroundings, as the presently weakened Tatsumi gazed up at the blue haired beauty and inquired with a sense of reluctance to his voice, What am I doing in here? The last time I regained consciousness I was locked away in a cell
Of course, Tatsumi was no stranger to some of Esdeath's more lurid, quirks. Nor was he quick to forget her past interest in himself. With these taken into account, he already had a vague idea on what might be happening here, even if the remaining cobwebs in his awakening head had caused him to voice that initial moment of innocent naivety on his part. Combined with how he quickly recognized that he was previously stripped of his Imperial Arms, and Tatsumi was left questioning whether this was better than if he were kept in a cell to deal with whatever the Empire originally had in mind until he was able to escape.
I... I don't suppose you brought me here to let me sneak away in the middle of the night, have you? The younger male asked with a nervous half-smile; largely already knowing what the answer might be, yet couldnt help but to inquire anyway as he gazed upward at the beautiful, if intimidating woman. This was somewhere between an erotic dream and a nightmare come to life. |
RAAAAAARRR!!!" The mighty roar of the hulking goliath reverberated throughout the adjoining sections of the high security bunker buried deep underground in a secure location found in an isolated area miles away from civilization.
A section above, dozens agents of the secret agency known as SHIELD monitored the heavily reinforced room through several surveillance screens. Many others were awaiting orders for action within the adjoining rooms below, while even more stood by above for similar orders. Standing amongst those within the main surveillance area was a trench coated man whom watched on through his one good eye while those around him showed understandable concern.
"Sir, are you certain those restraints can hold him?" One of those men inquired; to which Nick Fury would answer with all honesty, "No. But they are the best we have available to us. Donated courtesy of Mr. Stark himself."
The restraints in question were titanium reinforced pieces which completely enclosed the arms and legs of the Hulk while keeping the beast restrained to the floor and wall, respectively. They had enough give for him to tug at them with all of his might, yet were built within the very cell itself in preparation for just such an occasion; making it near impossible to simply pull the restraints out of the walls. Inside of each restraint, a highly potent serum was being injected directly into the Hulk's bloodstream. Designed with help from Banner himself to try and suppress the Hulk's aggression, but any such affect they were having seemed negligible. Perhaps due in part to this current fit having less to do with rage and more so being related to another stimulant entirely.
"We owe Banner a lot for his assistance during the New York incident. But if his other side doesn't get itself under control..." Fury pondered with some consideration on how to possibly slay such an unstoppable force of nature; mulling over a few of their contingency plans while continuing, "My instincts keep saying we should put him down while we have the chance. But it would be a waste of a brilliant mind and an amazing weapon."
"Sir?" The voice of a lone agent drew Fury's gaze toward a monitor, which showed the arrival of perhaps their best hope in detaining this sudden situation.
"Patch me through." The dark figure instructed, as a secure channel was opened up between their observation area and the bunker below which was connected to the Hulk's cell; letting Nick speak through the intercom directly to the sole person inside whom awaited her final instructions, "I apologize for the sudden house call, Miss Romanoff. But as I'm sure you can hear on the other side of that reinforced door, we have urgent need of your presence." Another primal roar could be heard on the other side of said door, followed by the heavy pounding of an unspeakably powerful figure thrashing about in there.
"I trust you've been briefed on the situation. We'll be cutting off all means of surveillance upon your entry to his cell. Do whatever is needed to calm him down. By any means possible. Otherwise, and I cannot stress this enough, we'll be forced to take more lethal measures." Fury instructed - allowing a moments silence for the gravity of the situation sink in for the Avengers member - before ending the communication with a simple, "Good luck."
Inside of the cell, the Hulk huffed in place for a few moments as his body adjusted to the newest dose of the serum. The potent mixture servicing its purpose for those few fleeting moments, yet quickly burning through his increased metabolism as Hulk's mind flashed back to the source of his current 'frustrations'.
"Betty...." The goliath spoke slowly. The image of Banner's love flashing through his mind. Followed by primal imagery of the famed General's daughter. Naked. Beautiful. Servicing the Hulk in place of puny Banner. Being taken by the monstrous figure as he slammed the aching cock which currently threatened to burst through his tattered jeans any second now. Bruce may have gained a grasp on the anger which triggered the Hulk's transformations, but evidently the scientific mishap which cursed him with his alternate persona had found other means of stimulation for coming out on his own.
Unable to even relieve his own stress with his currently restrained hands, the hulking male growled deeply before letting out with a low rumble, "Puny men. Let. Hulk. OUT!!!" More harsh tugs at the restraints. A few noises which seemed a bit too close to the hard restraints actually bending for anyone's comfort. Yet still holding their prisoner for now, as the sound of a secure door unlocking could be heard from the far corner of the hard metal cell room.
"Hmm?" The Hulk let out; curious and already preparing to vent out his frustrations at whomever walked through that doorway, as his eyes soon settled upon the sight of a familiar and perhaps welcomed figure. Already, the Hulk seemed to at least be refocusing his efforts toward simply staring at the new arrival, rather than on trying to break free of his restraints. At least, so far. | Calm him down by any means possible.
There was only one reason that Fury would call Natasha Romanov, better known as Black Widow, and say that. SHIELD had a super soldier they could call at any time; they had contacts with Stark Enterprises; they could even shoot Hulk with alien weaponry. But instead, they were calling in the Black Widow, a superspy and one of the few Avengers who didn't possess some uncanny super ability beyond extensive training and experience. She'd gone face to face with Banner before, but that had been Banner, not the Hulk. The Hulk would know her, would recognize her as an ally, and she might even be able to talk to him.
That wasn't why Fury sent her.
Though Natasha never talked much about it, not that she talked much about anything, she'd received training with the Russians first. The Russians were a little more... rounded in their thinking than SHIELD. SHIELD might have given some of their agents training like Natasha had, but she doubted it. They didn't have the balls, in some cases, literally. Natasha knew how to fuck an enemy into submission, to please a target as well as kill one. She'd done it before, more times than she cared to remember. Sometimes it wasn't so bad, when she got a handsome young man or an incredibly skilled lover. Once, she'd had to assassinate a Middle Eastern prince who'd proved remarkably adept with his tongue. She'd enjoyed herself thoroughly before taking his head between her thighs and twisting.
Natasha was good looking. In fact, "good looking" was an understatement; Thor had once mentioned that the Black Widow could have contended herself among the gods of his homeworld. Her features were fine, as though carved from ice into the ideal vision of a cold beauty. Blue eyes looked out from a face so stunning that men often stopped to stare. They might look at her plump lips or admire the breasts that swelled even in her compressing SHIELD uniform. Or perhaps they stared at her heart-shaped ass, a plump section of rock hard flesh. Yes, rock hard, for Natasha had a spy's body: all lean, all deadly. Perhaps that was part of what made her look all the better, like some valkyrie. Perhaps that was even what Thor had seen, not that he'd looked long; his eyes were elsewhere. Other eyes though, other eyes lingered upon her frame, enjoying the thought that this beauty might give way to them.
But the Widow was cold, some would say heartless. She didn't give herself willingly to many. The training made her a spectacular lover, and she could enjoy sex, even with a pathetic lover. Still, it had been ages since she'd received any such pleasure, having had a quick fling after New York with Hawkeye. Now he was off on another mission and the Widow was suiting up for a seduction mission. This meant skimpy panties that were somehow SHIELD uniform. They covered Natasha's shaven sex before circling her hips, forming a line of fabric that split the perfect globes of her ass. She'd then zippered into a variation on the SHIELD uniform. This one had a zipper that opened up most of her front, baring her skin as though it were a fruit. No weapons, nothing beyond a heavy aesthetic attached to her wrist via a launcher. Last resort. She'd made certain to take necessary shots; she kept up. Twin pasties covered the top of her breasts, partly to protect her nipples, and partly, like most of the rest, to entice her target further. She left her zipper partially undone, baring the white valley of her cleavage. Lipstick and makeup had been applied, and thus she was ready.
Natasha entered, keeping her eyes on Bruce. It hurt to see him like that, but she knew better than to go too soft. Her eyes raked his body, wondering for a moment if this was even possible. Did the Hulk keep his genitalia? Did they shrink like a 'roid addict, or did they grow in accordance with his new size? Part of Natasha fervently hoped for the former, especially if the Hulk grew a little too... rambunctious. None of that reservation showed on her impassive face as she approached her old teammate.
"I see you're still angry," she said, trying to meet the Hulk's eyes. She reached up, giving the signal for them to turn off monitor. No way in hell was she letting them get the tape; she'd remain in contact with Fury and Fury alone. And if he got aroused, well, maybe she'd finally found out what the chief was packing. "You know we can't let you out until you calm down," she continued. She paused just out of reach, crossing her arms over her breast. "So what are you hoping to accomplish here? What's the idea, Banner?" If Banner could even still be reached... |
There have been rumors of a website going around the internet. Rumors about how there's a very special website, hosting amateur netorare sextapes. These aren't just ordinary sextapes where a couple decides to try out something kinky. No, these are sextapes of wives and girlfriends getting fucked and screaming out the name of the man fucking them, the name of a man who isn't their husband or boyfriend. Yes, these are videos of women cheating on their significant others and finding pleasure with another man. It started as a link appearing in popular chatrooms, then many other sites began posting about its information. Many people expressed interest in it, while others found themselves very disgusted by the very idea of such a site. Some people think of this man in the video as a hero, a man who reached out and did what most people couldn't do. Others, and by that meaning mostly the victims of these videos, want nothing more than to see this mysterious man's head on a platter. Some of the people interested though are other women, women who are displeased with their men and wish to spice up their lives. It became something of an urban legend, and still gets many visits every day. The host of the site posts his contact information, but many people are unsure as to whether this information is real or not. Angry boyfriends and husbands use it only to be met with more anger and frustration, curious women use it and find the pleasure they truly seek.
Tatsumi Oriharasat at his computer, viewing the little internet sensation he's created. It was on a whim that he decided to post some videos of sextapes he's made with women he's fucked, and it quickly became huge. His site was flooded with comments, both asking him for more and also wishing for him to die. While he laughed at the haters, he valued his fans and loved to give them what they wanted.
Tatsumi was an interesting man, with many lovers but also many enemies. Luckily for him, he had connections that kept him safe. Tatsumi grew up in a rich household; his father was the head of a government facility. Due to his wealthy background, he'd never really had to work to get anything in his life. If Tatsumi wanted it, it was simply given to him. So when he got older, he expected everything to be handed to him as well. Unfortunately, things were harder for him sometimes. Not everything was given to him right away, and other times, he had to use his father's connections to get them. If some guy was giving him a hard time, he would simply use his connections to make him stop. If he was interested in some woman, he'd buy her out. Eventually, when he became an adult, he started a life of his own, moving out and getting his own penthouse apartment. He became a bit of a playboy, going out into town and hitting on women. When he took women home, he'd start recording them during sex, capturing footage of them in pure ecstasy. They'd scream his name, and a few of them even apologized to their boyfriends about how they were no longer good enough. After a while, Tatsumi collected a small library of these videos, some of them involving the same woman. Eventually, he created his website and started uploading videos, which led to where he was today.
About a week after he began his site, he began receiving some messages, claiming to be women who were interested in meeting him. He began talking to them, and eventually he'd meet them, and make a few more videos. Then it hit him - having more women meant more videos. So he created a page for women to contact him, although he wasn't an idiot. Since he posted the real names and faces of the women, of course there would be angry boyfriends and husbands wanting to get back at him. So instead of posting his personal contact information, he posted a separate contact and address dedicated to the site. That way he'd be able to moderate who was trying to contact him, and who simply wanted to kick his ass. If it really was a woman, then he'd reply to her and meet with her. And if she was good enough, he'd give her his personal information, and they'd meet again. So he eventually made his own personal harem - a network of beautiful women, all wanting his cock, and even willing to betray their men for him.
His most recent video was titled Hinata Hyuga, and it began with a beautiful girl, presumably Hinata Hyuga, sitting on a couch, wearing a purple hoodie and blue sweat pants. Tatsumi played the cameraman as he held on to the camera and began interviewing Hinata. "Thanks for coming Hinata-san. Why don't you tell me why you're here." The girl blushed and looked down for a moment, a little nervous.
"I-I'm here because my boyfriend Naruto-kun, is unable to please me in bed," she spoke in a soft and nervous voice, but as she continued, she soon began to appear irritated.
"I've loved him ever since I was young, and I was truly happy when we started going out. But, when we finally had sex, it was over after a few minutes and he passed out. Since then, I've never been able to find pleasure in sex, the man I've loved for so many years, can't make me cum." She said as she raised her voice. Afterwards, she took a deep breath and looked at the camera, smiling at Tatsumi.
But now, I've found Tatsumi-sama's website, and he answered my messages. And now..." She paused as she began unzipping her hoodie, revealing that she had nothing underneath, her large breasts hanging freely.
"But now, I've found Tatsumi-sama's website, and he answered my messages. And now..."She paused as she quickly followed with removing her sweat pants, revealing her bare pussy to the camera. While it embarrassed her to say something so dirty, she was serious. Pulling off her hoodie, she quickly followed with removing her sweat pants, revealing her bare pussy to the camera.
Tatsumi proceeded to approach Hinata, the camera moving closer to her. When he stood right in front of her, he looked down, revealing his crotch to be in front of her face. She smiled and reached up to pull down his pants. When his pants fell to the ground, Hinata was almost smacked in the face by his large cock. She paused for a moment, looking at it in awe. "It's so big. I've seen the videos, but I didn't think it was really this big."She then touched it, her soft hands wrapping around his girth. Hinata began slowly stroking him, until soon, she licked it, from the base, all the way up to the tip.
"It's delicious. So much tastier than Naruto-kun's," she said before grinning as she placed her lips over the tip and slowly moved down. After about a minute of her head slowly moving down and taking in more of his cock, she began to speed up, her head bobbing up and down his cock, making loud slurping noises as she moaned, vibrating his cock. Finally, Tatsumi reached out and grabbed the back of Hinata's head with both hands, revealing that the camera was a headset, and forcing her head down and making her take in his entire cock. With Hinata's face buried in his crotch, she looked up at him, tears in her eyes, but she didn't struggle. Instead, she moaned louder. While she could hardly breathe, she was extremely turned on, reaching around and grabbing Tatsumi's hips, pulling them towards her face, willingly keeping her face in his crotch. He inhaled his scent, trying to keep his cock in her mouth for as long as she could. Amazingly enough, she kept it there for a couple of minutes before she finally pulled her head back and released the cock from her mouth, gasping for breath.
With tears in her eyes, she looked up at Tatsumi with a lustful smile as she tried to catch her breath."Fuck me... I want your cock," she said as she leaned back onto the couch, spreading her legs open for him. Tatsumi simply laughed as he began grinding his cock against Hinata's dripping wet pussy. "What was that, Hinata-san? Tell me what you really desire." He taunted her. Hinata reached down and began spreading her lips apart, smiling into the camera.
"I want Tatsumi-sama to fuck me with his big cock! Make me forget about Naruto-kun!" And with that, her soft voice was followed by a loud shriek as Tatsumi's cock was thrusted into Hinata's pussy. Tatsumi laughed again and spoke as his hips began to thrust, the camera watching as his cock thrusted violently in and out of her pussy. "Did you really just cum? We only started and you've already came?" He laughed harder, thinking about how she mentioned that Naruto never made her cum, and Tatsumi did it with such ease.
Hinata was unable to respond, her tongue was hanging out as she moaned, her mind lost almost right away.
Hinata's heavy breasts bounced with each thrust, a loud clapping noise could be heard whenever their hips met, and Hinata was gasping and moaning as if she had gone insane. After a few minutes of Hinata moaning and screaming like a madwoman, she finally threw her head back and spoke, or at least attempted to speak."I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Naruto-kun... He's so much better... I can't stop cumming..." It was as if she was trying to form complete sentences, but her gasps and moans replaced some of the words."I'm his now... I'm his woman... Tatsumi-sama's cock is the only cock for me..." As Hinata returned to gasping for breath in between her moans and screams, the Tatsumi took the time to zoom in his camera and slowly scan over Hinata's body. Her breasts bouncing wildly, the wild expression of pure bliss on her face, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she continued to gasp and moan, her arms reaching for Tatsumi's hands, her hands gripping for him with all her might, her pussy being filled with his cock, juices spraying from her each time his cock was shoved into her. This was clearly the best sex she'd ever had.
Finally, Tatsumi spoke up again. "I'm gonna cum, Hinata," he said, getting ready to pull out. However, her legs locked, keeping him inside of her.
"I want Tatsumi-sama's cum! Fill me with your cum! Give me your babies!" she shouted, screaming once again as she reached yet another orgasm, her body flailing wildly. At the same time, Tatsumi came, filling Hinata with his seed, giving her the biggest creampie she'd ever experienced in her life. Once he was finished, he pulled out and stepped away. For a few minutes, Hinata's body remained on the couch, occasionally twitching, but mostly remaining motionless. She was giggling as she tried to catch her breath, happy to have found the perfect lover. After a few minutes, she finally got up and looked up at the camera. With Tatsumi's cock in her face, she began licking the cum off of it, smiling at the camera.
"I still love you, Naruto-kun," she said, "but Tatsumi-sama's cock is way better than yours. I still want to marry you, but we are having his kids. And be sure to raise them well, because I want a big family." She winked at the camera before the video ended. While the camera was shut off, they continued their sex, and Tatsumi lost track of how many times he came inside of Hinata. In the end, she had to stay the night since she passed out from the final orgasm.
Hinata became one of the lucky girls to receive his contact information, and Tatsumi planned to meet her again, wanting to fuck her brains out some more. With the video recently going up, it already reached thousands of views. As he leaned back and watched the numbers go up, he wondered something. Who might be watching this video? Maybe his next star was masturbating to this right now. As he wondered, he got his phone out and got ready to call the next girl to set up a meeting. | A wise woman will tell you that in a relationship, Love and Devotion are the most important traits a man can have. An honest one will tell you it's wealth and a good cock. You can be the most wonderful person in the world and still be useless as a man if you cannot satisfy your woman both financially and sexually, no matter how big your heart may be. This is why so many women fell for a morally bankrupt individual like Tatsumi, they know he does not respect anyone but his love for spreading his sextapes has shown, but whatever humiliation they had to suffer was worth it when his foot-long cock ruined them for other men, when he spoiled them like queens. In fact, being his woman is seen as a badge of honor by many, Hinata Hyuga being the latest of these individuals, but not the last, certainly not the last.
Oh..she's getting fucked so good!"Tifa Lockhart moaned, hands working hard to pleasure herself as she watched her laptop screen for the livestream of Mr NTR's newest conquest, a shy young woman named Hinata who, by the end of the first round of sex with the Legendary woman-stealer, was turned into a dirty little slut.
"..He's not done yet..Mr NTR never finishes with just one creampie.." Tifa chuckled, reaching for a toy she keeps to satisfy her craving for a big, thick cock, something her boyfriend Cloud can't seem to provide for her. For all his fondness of overtly macho toys, such as his big motorcycle, Cloud is anything but a Stud.
"Oh...Go deep..Fuck her deeper" the bartender cried out, her hands pumping the dotted dildo rapidly inside her soaked cunt, but long before the tape ended, her arms gave out and Tifa was left with a grin as she made up her mind. With trembling hands, she used her phone to send her application to be the next star in the video.
If it was that good just watching him fuck a woman..imagine how it feels to actually have him inside her?
No, no way this is for real!"Ovelia Remington laughed as she watched the video. Claudia, her friend on the other side of the phone sent her a link to Mr NTR's newest show, being a follower herself.
"It is real, Vee, that's actual footage"
"No, no way, look at the time stamp, four hours? You're telling me this guy is banging that poor girl for four hours straight? Nuh-uh Claudia, can't be real, and he blew his load like, what, three times? Four? The human body doesn't work that way, even Warren needs at least twenty minutes to recover, and you know that Fiancee of mine is a stud."
The brief moment of silence from across the line was worrisome, it told the redhead that her friend is planning something mischievous.
"Want me to recommend you to him? Think of it as your bachelorette party before you tie the knot with your prince charming..Afterall..If you love him so much, one last fling won't change your mind, would it?..I promise you Vee..He'll blow your mind."
She hated being challenged like this.
"Fine" Ovelia sighed. "Let's do this."
The pregnancy test showed negative. Again.
"Oh god..It can't be.."Sophitia Alexandrasigned, burrying her face in her palms. Her husband and her had been trying to conceive for months now, to no avail. She was at the peak of her fertility, but he had always been less than virile. Maybe she needed outside help. That's when she heard it.
"I still love you Naruto-kun, but Tatsumi-sama's cock is way better than your's. I still want to marry you, but we are having his kids. And be sure to raise them well, because I want a big family."
It was that livestream she'd found from a friend, it seemed Mr NTR is going one step further today, impregnating his partner. That's when the spark of an idea appeared in her head.
"..Maybe.." she muttered. "Maybe I shouldn't.."
But with each climax the lovers shared on screen, with every big batch of seed injected inside the willing woman, Sophitia became more and more intrigued.
"..How much cum can he produce?.." The housewife asked, biting her lips, her hands slowly caressing herself as the man started ravaging the lucky girl from behind, shooting his load inside her once more.
"..It..It might work" she nodded. She needed to type her application |
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