I have low blood pressure that will not get to a normal level even with drinking plenty of water and taking sodium. I am now extremely weak and nauseous. my doctor is suggesting Parkensons disease. I feel one reason I cant maintain a healthy pressure is because I cant seem to retain fluid. I am urinating ever 30 min day and night. Any Ideas what else this could be.
Hi, If you go on reading your blood pressure it will go on varying at all the time, and reading the blood pressure without any symptoms or reason is useless. If you have some doubt having some kind of symptoms like dizziness, breathing difficulty then you can see the physician and discuss blood pressure. Else self-measured blood pressure cannot be taken as granted for any treatment. Increase frequency of urine could be due to high sugar level, infection, hyperactive bladder, all these need to be differentiated, (Blood pressure cannot below without any obvious reason and that would be medical emergency demands the immediate medical attention). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
I had an aortic valve replacement in 2012 as I had a bad valve. I also had high blood pressure , aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation. Is this associated with ischemic heart disease even though I did n t have clogged arteries at the time of the valve replacement?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, these are not suggestive of ischemic heart diseases. You're all these findings are due to valvular heart disease. You are having diseased aortic valve. You got valvular replacement in 2012. Aortic stenosis, regurgitation, high blood pressure etc. suggest that your aortic valve have failed once again. And for this, you may need revision surgery of aortic valve. So better to consult cardiothoracic surgeon and get done 2d echo report to confirm the damage. Also discuss need of surgery. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Hi , Im 36 female. Ive had a flu for 3 weeks. Im still not well Im have sharp pains on my left upper side. My heart beats really fast then it will beat normal. My breathing is very slow Im not breathing as I would when im am well. I also suffer from asthma.
I have gone through your case and I can understand your concern. You said that you suffer from asthma and recently from flu for three weeks that strongly indicates for secondary bacterial pneumonia, and also you noticed increased difficulty breathing that in medical terms is an acute exacerbation of asthma due to lung infection you have. Please go to Emergency Room to check for vital signs (pulse, heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate), complete blood count (+/- other blood tests), and hospitalization may be required for oxygenotherapy & para enteral antibiotics, based on the gravity. Please don't forget to give your valuable feedback and five-star rating, to help me assist you in a better way. Click at I Find This Answer Helpful too. Please, write a review about your experience with me.
Hello. I am a 60 year old woman with life time of asthma. I have had a cough for the last 20 months. I have undergone lots of tests and they found I had bronchiectasis (possibly from whooping cough as a child) other than that no other diagnosis. I take various asthma drugs/inhalers. When I cough I produce coloured sputum (yellowy green). I have been given antibiotics and steroids several times but within days of finishing them the sputum returns to the same colour. I often feel weary and wondered if this continued production of coloured sputum would cause that?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Your continued cough, yellowish sputum are due to bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is permanent dilatation of airways. It is common in asthma patients after lung infection. In Dilated airways, secretions tend to collect. So these collected secretions catch up infection easily and produce recurrent cough with yellowish expectoration. Best treatment for this is identification of causative organism and starting antibiotic which are effective for those organisms. So get done sputum culture and sensitivity report. Culture will isolate the causative organism and sensitivity report will guide you about effective antibiotic treatment. Also enroll in pulmonary rehabilitation center where chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercises are done. These are also useful in bronchiectasis and asthma. Also take anti oxidants for better outcomes. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I am experiencing a pain in lower left abdominal portion possibly near lymph which transmits to left leg and left back since two and half years. Many investigation including usg, mri have been conducted which shown normal.since last year I am suffering from some skin disorder which started as white patches on my face which is now converted to patches with hair loss from my beard and mustache. And also I have been detected with ulcerative colitis since three months and I am consuming melamine tab for that. At present my esr level is 25. What can be my problem. Is it auto immune system disorder. How can it be cured. What are pathological tests to confirm this. ---mr Rajasekharan, India
Hi Rajasekharan. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Since you are a diagnosed case of Ulcerative colitis taking Melamine tablets, the cause of pain on the left side of you abdomen is obviously due to colitis. Urine tests may be normal in this condition. The skin disorder is due to fungal infection hence there is a hair loss. Please consult a Dermatologist for further diagnosis and treatment. Yes, there can be an autoimmune disorder, and you need steroid by enema or orally to get a control of the colitis and pain. There are no specific pathological tests to determine this and ESR has no diagnostic value at all. 25 is not very high. So do not bother about is unnecessarily. Consult a Gastroenterologist to get an appropriate treatment and remember this is a problem which can be recurrent. Stress and anxiety play a very large art in causing such problems, hence you have to keep them under control at any cost. Melamine alone may be not sufficient, and you may need an additional treatment
my blood pressure has been high ever since i lost my baby from severe help syndrom 2 still having a normal top number and high bottom number all the doctors ive seen dont seem to be bothered by it but i think it is the cause of my dizziness...what should i do? 32years old 5foot7 176pounds
Hello and welcome to Ask a Doctor service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. So you have diastolic hypertension and best treatment for it is lifestyle changes. Like you have low salt diet, exercises regularly and take low fat diet. You should try to lose some weight. It will respond to weight loss. Also get your hemoglobin tested, low HE may be a cause of dizziness. If you still don't respond to above measure then we can give you some medicine. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hi. My name Tanja and Ive been heaving different health problems for quite some time. They started in April 2013. I had problems with my spine for several ears, because Im quite tall and I have a bad posture during sitting and standing. However when I wake up in the morning, I feel very tired and very stiffed. Im better in the afternoon and in the evening, that is why I was assuming this has something to do with my spine.\"b\"Because of my problems in June I visited a manual therapist where I had 6 treatments, he said I have problems with my cervical spine and lower back. He also advised me to be very careful after therapy and I was for a while (I didnt do anything). But since I was in the process of relocation, I had to eventually move some boxes, suitcases etc. Now I feel for a month slight dizziness, light headache sometimes when I wake up, pins and needles in my arms and legs, hipersenzibility to noise and light and in general I dont feel fit. I was thinking already about all sort of symptoms, from brain tumour, Multiple Sclerosis, and of course problems with my spine. I would aprreciate your answer, Tanja
Hi, Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor ! You may be having problems with your spine such as cervical spondylosis based on your clinical presentation, but other possibilities are also there. However, physical exam is mandatory to assess this. If this is neglected, it may get complicated and might result in certain neurological complications. I suggest you to undergo MRI of spine to know the extent of problem. You should see a Neurosurgeon for this. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if you have any clarifications. If you like my answers and wish me to answer in the future, bring it to my attention
hi, good morng my name bhagya working in health dept.15days back i had severe cough with sputum,nd i consult the physician they advice montek lc for 7days noe reduced cough ndsputum but now i hav dry cough nd while cough its metal smells.nd wheezing is there.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you are having bronchitis. It is common after upper respiratory tract infection. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done1. Clinical examination of respiratory system. 2. Chest x-ray. 3. PUT (pulmonary function test). Chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection. PFT is needed to rule out bronchitis. It will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment is based on severity only. So consult pulmonologist and start appropriate treatment.
I am a late-teenage girl who has been diagnosed with anxiety , depression , agoraphobia , panic disorder and SUSPECTED, (but not diagnosed) personality disorder and body dismorphia. recently i have become so obsessed with my weight, (i am overweight , let me add) that it is now all i can think about. i have limited myself to 800 calories a day and do sit ups each day too. after finding out a friend is on 500 i now feel 800 is way too much and want to try and get down to 500 too. i weigh myself 2 or 3 times a day and i get so angry and disappointed if i have put on weight or not lost any. i have recently lost 10lb in 10 days. i think about making myself sick all the time but have a real phobia of being sick that i dont. i am constantly searching the internet for diet tips, taking diet pills and finding out what foods i can eat with little-no calories. does this sound like an eating disorder? or the beginings of an eating disorder? with being so overweight before i never ever looked into eating disorders so i dont know whether i do or don t. i am obviously not expecting a diagnosis from anybody, but just anyone who may be able to suggest whether it sounds like something that they recognise as an issue... i feel like it has taken over my life and it is all that s on my mind these days, but similarly the power i get from being in control of what i eat is amazing.
This sounds like it could be brewing into an eating disorder for you for sure. Diet and weight loss are important when one is overweight, but one has to be careful not to go overboard when it comes to caloric restriction. Consulting a good dietician/nutritionist would be a very valuable exercise in your case, because this clinician can help you develop an excellent diet and exercise regimen that will help you achieve your goals safely and expeditiously. Doing it your way may get quicker results, but it may also take a negative toll on your body for obvious reasons. Best of luck with your situation. Feel better! I hope this information helped guide you to some information and help you may not have had previously.
Hi doctor, I had last sex 6 days back and I had I pill in next 60 hours first a fall I would like to know what are the chances of getting pregnant ? My next question is after sex n eating I pill my stomach start paining badly n I caught uti. Please suggest me some cautions for uti.
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. I pill taken within 72 hours of sex is effective. The sooner you take i-pill, the more effective it is. i-pill is 95% effective within 24 hours of unprotected sex, 85% between 25-48 hours and 58% if taken between 49-72 hours, so their may be chances of pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting and headache are some common side effects after taking i-pill. You might also have some lower abdominal pain or find your breasts more tender than usual. All this should stop within a day or two. You are having these side effects, and it will subside. It might also cause your next period to come early or later than normal. But if your periods are delayed by more than a week, you should go in for a pregnancy test and contact your doctor. I advise you to consult a local doctor if pain continues for long duration, and it is always safe to use condom rather than any emergency pills. Hope this answer helped you. Regards Chat Doctor.
Hi, I am 25 Female, Lot of people have suggested me Melalite Forte cream, I am not very sure, should I use it or not. I have a normal skin, but its patchy and I also have dark circles...Have tried lot of home Remedies for my skin and Under Eye, since I am working I dont really get time to do much about my skin.If you can please tell me if Melalite Forte Cream good for my skin....??????????
Hi, Melanie forte is not good for you, as it contain shy Chat Doctor. It will irritate your skin and may produce confetti like pigmentation permanently. I advise you to use comic acid and vitamin C containing cream daily at night and vitamin E containing cream in morning. Take vitamin C, glutathione and nicotine acid containing tablets daily for few months.... Wash the face with comic acid containing face wash. Take healthy food, have good sleep and avoid stress. I hope you will get good result.... Ok
Hi I had a discetomy l5 s1 3 years ago I have some nerve damage a drop foot left side . My drop foot has improved about 80% Any way I feel on my butt a few days a go and now I feel some more numbness and tingling pain in my left foot Should I be worried?
Hi. The pain what you described is basically from a nerve may be a small comprehension or may an irritation. I recommend you to take Investigation to rule out nerve root impingement...if there is disc imitation. Then you can try with McKenzie program...and core and glute stability exercises... Since you already have a foot Chat Doctor. .it is very important that you take early intervention. Hope this is helpful for you...kindly revert in case you need any further help...
Hi wonder if you can help, I have very recently been treated with antibiotics for a kidney infection, which still has not cleared. I have had blood tests. However it has now begun to hurt when I have to go to the bathroom to poo. Two years ago I had cervical cancer , and had a radical hysterectomy . I am a female age 33. Thanks
HelloThanks for your query. Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have undergone radical hysterectomy for cancer of the cervix and now has UTI. Please get your routine urine test and urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to. Please take broad spectrum antibiotics along with urinary antiseptics like Nitrofurantoin twice daily and later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report. . Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician. Ensure to Chat Doctor. To keep your urine dilute This will help to control dysuria.
hello I went to er last night and the she didn t see any breaks or fractuers in my foot or ankle but couldn t know if any damage was done to any ligaments but the ankle was sprained but now my foot is so cold it feels numb but when I touch it it don t feel cold but its frezzing like on the inside why
Well the numbness that you have after an ankle sprains brought about by 2 factors1) after an injury, the swelling compresses the circulation to the nerve and the nerve itself - so expect the symptoms to disappear together with the swelling2)stretching and compression injury to the nerves in your ankle that was caused by the ankle sprain itself. So expect spontaneous recovery in your case. The most you can have is an anti-inflammatory medicationtimeframe for simple ankle sprain recover is 1 to 2 weeks ankle sprain automatically means you injured your ligaments (hence the term sprain)injury can be in a form of overstretching to complete ligament tear. This can be furthered investigated once the pain and swelling subside and if you feel like you tend to sprain your ankle more frequently than before your injury. Chances are you have a partial or completely torn ligament. Merry Christmas
I recently developed a small rash/hives on my right wrist from where I rest it on my laptop. In the last couple of days I have the same thing on my groin... I spend a good number of hours a day with my laptop on my lap.It is not severe but I would rather it not be there. I tried rubbing coconut oil on the areas and I believe it is helping. Any other suggestions?
Hi, The rash could be Erythema ab Inge which is a heat injury. In your case, it could be due to prolonged keeping of laptop on thighs and wrists. But there are other possibles diagnoses which could be ruled out only after proper clinical examination. So, I request you to consult your Dermatologist for confirming the diagnosis and for initiating apt treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
lo estrinwhat are the pros and cons of the birth control loestrin? i am wanting to provent pregnancy, clear my acne, and regulate my period. i was on a birth control called apree for two years it did a great job clearing my acne but i made the mistake of skipping two months and when i tried to go back on it i started getting yeast infections every month. ive been off of birth control for one year and since then i have gained a lot of weight, i went from 160-205, my acne came back, and my periods are very irregular. wich birth control would be best for me?
Hello welcome to Ask A Doctor service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel containing pill can be taken as contraceptive pill. But every combined pill have some form of side effect like weight gain, spotting, nausea etc. Barrier method is safe and without side effects. If you want to continue contraceptive pill than exercise and lifestyle changes should be done to reduce weight. I suggest you to consult gynecologist for examination. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
grief of my child on issue of name change due to teasing of college friends and lecturers & we tried to change the name through court formalities but we came to know that as per Govt G.O name change will be done only alternation , they should not change the full name my daughter from two months she is not talking to any one neither family members nor out side please suggest me Jayasree
Degree understand your concerns. I went through your details. We all know \"what is there in name?\". Such thought itself is childish. Also, your child is being childish now. That is normal. Instead of pacifying her and convince her, you did wrong by trying to change name. No problem. Taking her to a psychological counselor shall surely help. Only that shall help, because you already tried whatever you can. Now an approach psychologically can only change her. Please do not ignore. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
My 6 and a hlf year old son hjust started throwing up his meals after he eats... He is active all day and after his episode his activity is normal..He says his throat feel tight though when he had a medical checkup and consult the pediatrician indicated that his tonsil were normal stomach fine no temp..What could have contibutd to this sudden behavior...As a toddler he was super sensitive to smells...though no frequent complaints of smells noted....any suggestions?
Hi Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. Can you please let me know the weight of child? Is there any element of forced feeding? At times overfeeding can cause this. As mentioned by you doctor has ruled out underlying serious problem. But I would like to know if child has any pain in yummy near stomach area and is there dark urine or yellow discoloration of skin. Thanks, in case you have more query I would be happy to answer else rate this answer and close the discussion.
Hi,I am Tanusree from Bangladesh.I have some problem at my scalp.Several time my scalp become hair less i.e may be alopecia (baldness).Some time i use a hormon injection,but now dr tell me it is harmful for lady.What can i do?am 26 th.And my marriage ceremony is near to door.
Hi Tenure.1. Your concern may be halogen effluvium leading to pattern hair loss.2. You can try quilt women spray, roughly 5 sprays bedtime all over the scalp.3. Try outriders anti hair loss shampoo weekly twice, rinse with soft Chat Doctor. 4. try tricolor supplements daily one after breakfast. This will control your hair fall, then you can plan for making the existing hair thick with the help of minoxidil. Plan for plate let rich plasma for hair growth along with the prescription. This may help you Tenure
Asalamualikum Doctores. i think you are fine and well i am from Abbottabad pakistan the student of Bussiness Administration. Before 2 or 3 months i had problem in respiratorey system and pain in the left chest side i was gone to doctore they give us some medicine that me not fine. now the diease is increase day to day. when i goes to bed for sleeping then i have big problem in respiratorey system if you give some advise that,s be very thinful to you. Muhammad khalid
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of asthma is more likely. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test).PFT will not only diagnose asthma, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone).Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I am 8 or 9 weeks pregnant and haven t gone to the doctors yet. I have an appointment tuesday but i m getting anxious. I have been having gas pains some like menstrual cramping on and off since I have found out and I m wondering if thats normal. Also today in the middle of the day i noticed brown slightly dark blood-like discharge when wiping, help?
HI, I understand your concern. Once pregnant, there should be no bleeding. It needs a gynecologists' consultation to pinpoint the cause & start with specific treatment right then. * Such bleeding at 7-8 weeks pregnancy can be a weak pregnancy needing hormonal support for its maintenance/ It can be threatened abortion/infection in genital tract/ it can abnormality in pregnancy like blighted ovum or tubal pregnancy. If not yet confirmed by pregnancy test/ USG/ doctors consultation. It can be simply menstrual abnormality because of hormonal imbalance/ POD/ ovarian or thyroid disorder. * Dull ache in lower abdomen is common in early pregnancy... but sever cramping need investigations & gynecological examination followed by specific management. You should take bed rest & consult the earliest. Thanks.
Hello, I am a 26 year old woman writing from France (although I am American) with a past history of kidney stones . About 10 days ago I started having back pain in the left mid back region and within this period I went to the hospital here in Paris, where they examened my urine and found traces of protein and blood. They sent me to get an ultrasound , the doctor said he didn t see any stones, but eventually a sand like substance. He told me to go see a general practitioner but I m actually more concerned now than before. I feel like I m going to spend a lot of money and be sent around in a circle. Any suggestions?
Hi thanks for your question. Your having back pain and your urine examination reveals slight protein urea and blood along with concretions (what they mentioned as sand). Small concretions can cause hematuria(blood in urine). Traces of proteins are normal in urine. Take plenty of water to clear these concretions and consult a fusion may prescribe you medicine for your back pain and hematuria. Hope this answers your question.
Hi, In my opinion, you have a cervical disc disease with pressure on one of the nerves that are causing pain and weakness in your right hand. The spasm due to pain is causing stiffness in and around the neck. Start painkillers, muscle relaxants and physiotherapy. If there is no improvement in 10 days then get MRI cervical spine. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Chat Doctor.
I have a painful pulsating pain in the bottom of my stomach and my sides... I can also hear churning in my stomach... like a swooshing liquid sound. It has just started today but it is so painful. I actually collapsed because of the pain....any suggestions?
Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. This is a very classical history of a volumes of a particular part of the intestines. You history of a splash, pulsatile pain in stomach, hearing churning and swooshing liquid sound all suggest the same. I would advise the following in such a patient
I have been taking the contraceptive pill for over 2 years and have never missed a gap week. i am on my gap week now and still no bleeding? i was sick and had antibiotics and pain killers for my back during my last 21 days but used condoms as extra protection. should i go to my gp?
Hello, The company which you are saying suggesting me to rule out pregnancy first so for that reason opt for urine pregnancy test but at the same time chances of it to come positive is very less but still would like to rule it out first, then if its negative it means because of your recent illness your periods have got delayed so start taking multivitamin and iron tablet because many times because of nutritional deficiency also periods dates may get altered. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Sir myliver is normal size and shows diffuse increase in echotexture measures 14.8cms .no evidence of any focal solid or mystic lesion and no evidence of any intrahepatic military dictation ,this is scan report ,sir any serious condition pls tel me sir .
Hello findings suggests deposition of fat within liver cells(fatty liver). Fatty liver causes diffusely increased echo texture. Fatty liver is a reversible condition, and it may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, obesity,alcoholism, metabolic disorder, Chat Doctor. You may need few investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, lipid profile, liver function test, urine RE/ME. You may need few medicines after complete investigations. You should avoid saturated fat and go for brisk walk regularly. Take a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid alcohol if you take it. Get well soon. Take Care
I am suffering from abdominal pain from past 3 months.
Hi. Thanks for your query. The most probable reasons for persistent abdominal pain for 3 months are
My son 1.75 yr old had been bitten by a domestic dog which is always chained in home since its birth say 3 months. It bit my son on head with deep cut in 4 places. within 6 hrs immuno globulin injected and stitched (because of deep open cut) and rabibur dose 4 given. Is there any other... we all are shock and untold sufferingss... but the dog is alive now (14 days till today)
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As your son was bitten by a domestic dog over the head which has led to multiple lacerated wound. There was a bleeding from the sit of the bite for which your doctor has advised a proper treatment. For any lacerated wound following the dog bite your daughter should receive both active and passive immunization. Active immunization with anti rabies vaccine should be taken on days 0,3,7,14 and 28. The wound can be sutured only after administration of rabies immunoglobulin to prevent bleeding from the site which was done as per the WHO guidelines. As your daughter has received all this medicine I can assure that your daughter is safe and protected. Thank you.
My son who is 5 has been throwing up while eating and I cant seem to figure out why this is happening, he has had no fever and after he throws up he still wants to finish the rest of his food. In the morning just thinking about food will cause him to throw up. He does have a sensitive gag reflex. How do I get him past this and should I talk to his pediatrician?
Hi, thank you for quarry, As you mention that your child regurgitate all the time and vomit after food. History and examination is helpful in such condition. Vomiting particles mixed with or color matter because there are a lot of reason narrowing of lower end of esophagus, pyloric obstruction may be the reason. Hyperactive gag reflex may be the reason. Give him spy.comparison if he still vomits than consult your pediatrician for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Hope the answer will help you.
I am starting to be more concerned with my body. I am 31 years of age. My husband and I have been trying to get pregant for a few months. I do know that it takes time but that is only a small concern. I have a 10 year old also. I have not been on a birth control for about 8 years now and have never had any pregancy scares so to speak. but the concern that I have and have not been able to get an answer for is that about abnormal paps. I Have been haveing abnormal paps short after I gave birth to my son. I can not recall haveing a normal pap in the last 10 years. so my main question is could all the abnormal paps be a leading cause to why I think i will not get pregant. Thank you for your time,Valerie
Hi Valerie, Do not worry. Since you already have a child and were on birth control for 8 years now, it is unlikely that you have infertility. Abnormal PAP are related to chances of cervical malignancy not infertility. The PAP smear would not affect your chances of getting pregnant. But if you do have a chronic problem of the cervix which is leading to abnormal PAP, It's advisable to get treated for abnormal PAP and then try for a pregnancy. Hope this helps. Regards.
I recently changed primary care physicians, who in turn changed my blood pressure medicine and asthma inhalers. In the past few days I have been feeling extremely tired, pain in my hands in and feet, and an unusual sensitivity to cold. I have also been very dizzy, irritable and confused. I do not know if I should be concerned. Also my blood pressure is now running around 125 / 65 and my hear rate is running between 45 - 60 (down from a normal of 70 - 80)
Hello and thank you for asking Chat Doctor, I studied your case, and it is difficult to make a proper conclusion because you didn't mention the medication you did use and are using now. But these symptoms could be a result of changing your therapy. The value of your blood pressure is good, but your heart beat his low. I suggest you to visit your doctor to discuss with him your symptoms as soon as possible. I hope this answer was helpful to you.
Hi, I am having chronic cough for more than a year now. Doctor has given me Combihale FF 250 and duova inhaler. Still no relief. Now, my wife is also starting to show the similar symptoms and being treated for the same since last 2 months. Please advise.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of bronchitis is more likely. Combihale is having formoterol and fluticasone. Du ova is having geotropism and albuterol. Since you are not improving with these Chat Doctor. Along with this, also take N acetyl cysteine (NAC). So consult your pulmonologist and discuss starting these new
I have a very tender lymph node behind my left ear, next to my jaw line and next to the ear. I took off all earrings thinking that may be the problem. I first noticed it about a month or so ago and now it feels worse. It doesn t seem to be swollen much in checking with my other ear. I do have allergies and take shots for them. Is this something I should just ignore and blame it one allergies?
Hello Fairbanks for your query. There might be many reasons for lymph node enlargement ranging from local inflammation, neoplastic growth to even Dan Chat Doctor. The best thing you could do is to go get a clinical checkup from your doctor. After clinically examining he may advise you to go for a FNAC examination which will help in diagnosing the condition. Yes it may be because of your allergy. It may be because of upper respiratory tract infection too .... there might be many other causes. Hope this helps. Update here how you stay. Take care.
I had reasonly been fitted with a interstim therapy system which when I went into a local shop I recieved an electric shock through my implant and now have pain from left shoulder down to my hand is this a cause of concern and I don t know wat to do about it I m in severe pain with and without moving my left shoulder and arm and hand pls could I have some clue as Im also on the strongest pain relief that any can have and has no affect on pain relief
HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, the electric shock is kind of thermal injury and severity of this is depends upon the current if this is Alternate current and the voltage is high then the injury would be severe that burns the skin and disturb the circulation, but here from the history I could guess that the shock must be very low in intensity no need to worry about this it would come around without the treatment, take care and have a nice day.
I am 36 years old having BP problem ( Now it fine 120/80) but since last 10 days I am feeling some hot on right side of head for some times internally not externally.My doctor told me to take Neurokind plus tablet for the hot sensation.Will it be good for me or not? please advise.
Hi, Yes, it may help in reducing hotness in the head. Based on the history you seem to be suffering from occipital neuralgia for which your doctor has prescribed neurons. Neurons (methylcobalamin) is a form of Vitamin B-12 commonly prescribed to treat peripheral neuritis associated with Vitamin B-12 deficiency. Continue taking it as prescribed. If you do not get relief I would suggest over the counter anti-inflammatory medication such like ibuprofen along with pregabalin tablet. Physical therapy or massage therapy would also be beneficial in such cases. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
I have a friend that has a strong history of cancer of all kinds in his fmaily. He discovered some lumps about the size of a cherry on his skull and when he went to see a Primary Care physician he was referred right away to a surgeon due to this family history. Are these lumps associated with some kind of cancer? He stated that his fathers cancer started that way.
Hi, Dear,thanks for the query. From the details given, prima facie it most probably would be cancer unless proved otherwise by a biopsy due to the family history. I would have advised fnac-before opining on the query, because not all lumps are cancerous, and it could be benign lump even. So don't get scared till you get the FNAC report clarifies the doubts you had due to the family history. Thnks. Hope this would resolve your query. Wellcome again to Chat Doctor.
I have chronic pancreatitis and diabetes, for over a year now on and off every few months I get chest pains that shoot down the left arm. I am pretty used to pain suffering 4 a cute pancreas attacks. I would rate the chest pain as a 10. I has a stress test on the heart a year ago and the test was borderline for angina. They made me Waite for a secon opinion and the decision was it wasnt angina. I have been back to the gP and they are just dismissing it saying I had the test. I am getting pretty scared
Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... Do you have gall stone?? Are you alcohol Chat Doctor? . So by through detailed history and investigation cause of acute pancreatitis searched for... And if possible treated accordingly....Meanwhile, during acute pancreatitis rules intubation might need to rest pancreas. It can lead referred chest pain... While pain ECG can be done to rule out angina. If angina present arbitrate taken immediately. Take low fat diet and avoid alcohol.... Take care...
my report contain .. Liver Is mildly enlarged in size , showing diffusely bright echo pattern mild hepatomegaly with fatty infiltration . A small hepatic cyst is noted at left lobe measuring about 17 mm . No evidence of hepatic focal lesion . No intrahepatic biliary radicals dilation ,,
Hello USG findings suggest mildly enlarged liver with fat deposition. Liver enlargement may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, inflammation,fat deposition(fatty liver)etc. In your case, liver enlargement may be due to fat deposition in liver as you have fatty liver. Fatty liver is a reversible condition. It can be reversed by diet and lifestyle changes. You should also avoid fried and junk food. Increase your physical activity in the form of walking and exercise. You may also need investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, liver function test, lipid profile. Small hepatic cyst in liver usually doesn't require many treatments. It may only require follow up. Other findings in liver are normal. Take Care Chat Doctor.
sometime hopefully this month i ll be getting a biopsy done to see if the black dots in my mouth are cancerous or not.. i read from people that these are super painful, but sadly the insurance company will only pay for the use of anesthetics (?) once a year.. is there a strong pain medicine i can take in place? if so, can they be crushed up or come in liquid form? i cannot swallow pills. i am an 18 years old female. sorry for being a burden but i am just scared..
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query and understand your concern. The ulcers could be recurrent authors ulcers or herpetic ulcers. Consult an oral physician and get it ruled out. If it is recurrent authors ulcer then the escort works, if it doe snot work then you can take amlexanox paste. If it is because of herpes viral infection the escort will not work, you have to just take symptomatic treatment like using topical anesthetic and analgesics like Anabel gel. Do not take tension because tension aggravates both herpes and authors ulcers. Thank you.
hi, I have a small lump under my arm pit from may months, I do not have any pain. And its not grown in size or does not cause irritation. But still I am worried, is it serious what care should I be taking? I am 24 years of age (Women) and have no family history of anyone having cysts or lumps. Pls help...
Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. Painless lumps in axillary regions are lymph-node enlargement.2. They generally get enlarged after any illness, infections, inflammations,any underlying systemic causes.3. So, if you have any reason for lymph nodal enlargement - get treated.4. On non-emergency basis visit your doctor and let them get examined and do needful things. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
hi im frm XXXX n my small bro he is not normal n not also abnormal .......he knows every thing do every thing just he is not eating n writing ....... and ...... just 2days before he has fits... n wn v hv takn to doctor nr by .he told that he is having a swelling in brain .so fr dt wt . to do ?????? so , he cn get normal
Hi, Thank you for contacting Chat Doctor. Based on your description above, we know that your brother has a problem in the brain and has fits. First, he needs to be started on anti-epileptic medications, with which his fits can be brought under control. Next, you have mentioned that there is swelling in brain. One needs to identify the cause of swelling. The commonest cause of brain swelling is brain infection. We can confirm it with the help of MRI scan of brain. Infection can be treated well with medications. For the best treatment, you should consult and follow the advice of a neurologist. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
Mr. C. has been diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease and the following medications have been ordered
Hi. The treatment for Peptic ulcer disease is as follows
my son who is 29 5 10 and 170 lbs has antiphospholidid antibody syndrome since he was 20. can this also cause depression and anger issues. he has been having anger problems that are getting worse, hew was on zyprexia but i think he quit cause he was feeling better since he met his girlfriend, they married 2 weeks ago and she is ready to leave .old friends of his noticed the big change in him mentally at his wedding.
Hi, thanks for the query. Brief answer
i had a tumor removed from my lung and showed some cancer. can this be related to my job. i started getting sick years ago with a lot of fatigue and sore muscles when a new fabric was brought in the plant. it was not vented out when it should of had.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, occupational exposure with fabric dust can cause lung cancer. It is not seen in all workers but some genetically susceptible workers, workers who smoke or have other lung diseases are more prone for development of lung cancer. So your lung cancer is mostly due to fabric dust you are working in. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Hi,my brothers daughter 11years old.she has breathing problem.the breathing problem occur in between 5-6pm.we went to doctor he did her chest x-ray and Eco there is no problem in did the physical exam but every thing is ok doctor mom has asthma problem and I have food allergys.her breathing problem was not befor it s suddenly started.but that day she ate lots of peanuts.we have no family tension.please kindly help me beacuse that time daily(5-6 pm) she has very difficult to take the breath.this condition 1 time breathing is in normal weather but weather is changing like rainy she getting 3-4 breathing problem.please kindly guide me what has.(her weight is around 30kg.and height is 4feet 2 inches and no caugh no cold no noise is coming from chest)thang.
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor The above signs and symptoms re suggestive of Bronchial Asthma.... Asthma is caused due to allergic reaction of trachea bronchial tree of lungs... commonly the asthma attacks are in early mornings, during cold season it will be exaggerated... the cause are dust, smoke, pollen grains, anything like foods, new clothing can increase the effect... avoid allergic foods, dust in home.....
my test with the Holter monitor showed that I have had episodes of irregular heart beats,and the Dr.mentioned Tachycardia.Some over120,to50,and a few times stoppage of beating.I have to go for a stress test on Monday & Tuesday, the sleep clinic and see a cardiologist also.My Dr. mentioned a pacemaker also.
Hello, Thank you for your reply. It seems that you may have atrial fibrillation (AF) with heart block. *how old are you? *what is your height and weight? *do you smoke or consume alcohol? *do you have any other medical issues or take any medications? *have you had any symptoms like giddiness, palpitations, breathing difficulty, headaches I recommend
Can you advise me what would be the symptoms of gall bladder problems or gall stone problems. Would an X-Ray or CT Scan reveal either of these problems. I am currently experiencing intense pain under my left hand rib cage and some discomfort under the right hand side. I do not have diareaha or constipation and have regular bowel movements.
Hi welcome to Chat Doctor .... I can understand your concern.... In gall stone chronic discomfort can be present at right side abdomen... Sometimes it might be asymptomatic.... For its diagnosis USG will be sufficient. CT scan done only if needed.... If stone is there than Ad\u00edlio can be prescribed.... If it leads acute cholecystitis attack in future than cholecystectomy done.... If left side pain predominant than for gastritis pantoprazole taken... Take Paradise
I have always taken good care of my teeth but for almost a year now there has been a severe increment in the acidity in my mouth, accompanied by relatively sudden yellowing of my teeth. X-rays have revealed recession of the bony support of my lower incisors, resulting in sub-gum pockets, repositories of bacterial \"cesspools\". My dentist attributes the bony recession to trauma, possibly the fractured jaw I suffered playing rugby at St. Amdrews U over 40 years ago. Last year I went on a 670km charity bicycle ride in India and was knocked off by a motorised tricycle on the first day. Though protected by a helmet, my head hit the tarmac with quite an impact -- more trauma? Also I was silly enough to take chai at roadside cafes. Goodness knows what bacteria I may have ingested! Is there any way I can put an end to this discomfort? Yours faithfully, Alexander Coldwell
Hello Alexander
I got pregnant on my first ivf treatment only to lose my baby at 35 weeks. Yesterday I got my blood test results for my AMH and it has dropped quite a bit in 1 year to 7 is this normal? and will it be hard to get pregnant the second time round? I will be turning 34 in September.
Hello welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. Antimullerian hormone AMH reflects size of remaining eggs supply. Amh normal value is 1.5- 4.0 NG/ml, you described 7 is above normal means high value. Seen often in polycystic ovarian disease POD. You can go for IVF with this AMH level. No problem regarding that. Hope I have answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.
i had anemia my doctor says it s fine now ,i also had rny surgery in 2005 i want to know how i can bring my ferritin level up it was 0.9 and after weeks of irospan it got to 17 but i feel that i still way to low my doctor don t agree how can the numbers be such a wide range 0.8 - 250.0 whose to say that i feel fine when mine is below 20 my hair is falling out and i bruse easy,and i m so tired no matter what i tried to tell my dr. from what i read most dr.s like to see it at 100 what do you think.sorry but i don t have any money at all i had to stop working due to being so sick ,thank you anyway
If you had a Any surgery you are not able to absorb iron taken by mouth (most iron is absorbed in the duodenum, which is bypassed in a Roux en Y surgery). Ferritin is still low, but the best test is to get your iron saturation. You also need your hemoglobin checked. You will probably need iron infusions regularly until you get to normal levels, and then just every once in a while. Also make sure you get your vitamin B12 shots, and other vitamin supplements.
I am suffering from chronic sinus issues have coincided with having a root canal treatment to my upper left 7 tooth. Ive never suffered bad sinus issues like this before and wondering if perhaps I was allergic to some part of the filling or other, I googled congestion after dental work and found many posts of similar sinus issues after root canals on upper molars.I havent spoken with the dentist as yet as he wasnt in today, but what should I do? through your query...and I must say that nothing to worried in this.It's just a usual thing that sinus problem starts after undergoing upper tooth root is because the upper molar tooth roots are in proximity with the sinus floor...this might have resulted in filling material going excess into the sinus(in some cases) or just a reaction due to new material coming near the sinus...u can continue with the antibiotic medication by dentist and do steam inhalation(with picks) for a week.and wait.usually it subsides.if after a week still problem persists meet the dentist and take X-ray and get it treated based on the clinical cool and don't panic...hope your benefitted something from this reply...have a healthy day!!!
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... hi every time i eat, fatty food ie chinese, chips, mcdonalds, i get a sore heart, it also happens when i eat relatively healthy too. Its hard to describe how it feels but it feels like a kind of ache. It even happens when im hungry. Do you know if this could be serious?
Hello thanks for posting at Chat Doctor. I have gone through your description. By sore heart, I guess you mean sore sensation in the chest. Your symptoms seem very typical of hyperacidity or stomach reflux disease. Your stomach produces more acid and hence you have got this sore feeling in the chest. I recommend you to take a course of antacids two times a day for 14 days. This will definitely give you relief. If despite this you do not get any relief, you must see a gastroenterologist to rule out stomach ulcers. Wishing you good health. Regards
How long does R-Chop stay in the body? And is it wise to have a bone marrow transplant. I have non-Hodgkins lymphoma in the lungs and neck. I was at a stage IV. I have finished Chemo with good results. I have a 2cm tumor in my lung. I am 42 years old. Thank you
Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma treatment and cure depends upon the subtype. From the details you have given I presume that it was Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma since you have completed R-CHOP chemotherapy. At the end of therapy PET CT Scan is repeated. Since you have mentioned that a 2\u00a0cm nodule remains in the lung, PET scan will clarify whether there is metabolic activity high enough for a residual tumor in the nodule. If the PET scan is negative then the disease is in complete remission. However, if the PET scan is positive for residual disease then you need to have a re-biopsy of the nodule to see that the disease has not changed its type. This can be followed by High does therapy and bone marrow transplant. I hope it is of help to you. Please discuss it with your treating oncologist.
im a 36 year old weight 178 black woman..i just had a blood pressure test done with a machine at my job..the results were systolic 128 diastolic 104 pulse 68.Do i need to schedule an appt. with my doctor or are these results ok for me. What should I do?
Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. You should not worry. I'll try to explain and give you my opinion. You should know that we talk about hypertension if we have mean values that exceeds 140 / 90 mmHg. A person might have high value during emotional and physicals trees so It's mandatory to judge on mean values. Hypertension is divided into two groups. Essential hypertension, usually in older age without an identified cause. It is a chronic disease, and should be treated all live long. Secondary hypertension is common in younger ages, meaning that it's a secondary house of it. This might be a renal disease, an endocrine problem or a cardiovascular anomaly. So, if I was your treating doctor I will recommend some examination like an electrocardiogram, a cardiac echo to evaluate heart function and walls, a full blood analyze, your urinary catecholamine and a holder pressure monitoring. After all this we can better judge your mean values during day and night, we can understand if we have to do with hypertension and how to treat it. Hope I was helpful. Best regards, Chat Doctor.
hi i am sandhya. frm india. my daughter is suffering from cold and cough,since 5 prescribed by doctor i am using asthalin, azithral 100mg 5ml 2-times a day and also ascoril d but she is having vomitings also due to cough. canu suggest me watcan i doin this case
Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. I am unable to tell you whether you can use any specific cough suppressant or not as you have not mentioned the age of your daughter. Some cough suppressants should be avoided till 2 years of age. Regards -
Hi I have a simple question, I am on sprintec birth Controll and I just finished my period Sunday I didn t take my pills Friday- today Tuesday.i need a new refil..I had unprotected sex last night Monday. Is there a possibility for me to become pregnant ?
Hello dairy understand your concernThere is no chance of the pregnancy. Your period was finished on the Sunday, and you did intercourse on the Monday. So you did sex just on the next day of you period. It is completely safe time of the period as there is no ovum release during this time. Take pill every day on specific time by putting reminder in the mobile. Avoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor. Hope this may help noncontact further if follow up needed. Best regards
My Dad is suffering from a typical problem now a days, his blood pressure i shooting up upto 175/90 in the night time and he feels restlessness. He is on medication , but we are curious to know what could be the reason for this happening in night time?
HelloThanks for your query. I will try my best to provide you with the best possible professional recommendations to your questions. One of the basic reasons for a spike in blood pressure levels at night is due to nighttime noises which can range from traffic on the roads, to airplanes flying over-head to stray animals making a noise. Certain researchers have found out that Blood pressure levels have also been linked to the weather and research has proven that during the daytime in hot weather the blood pressure falls, but there is a marked increase in the level of systolic blood pressure at night. Restless Leg Syn Chat Doctor. I advise you to meet the physician and thorough examination of your dad is must, and he must take the medication regularly without fail and regular monitoring of his blood pressure. Yet again, I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further queries. Regards
Hi, I had swelling that started in the lymph nodes, near my pelvic/hip area. Now it seems I have burning throbbing feeling near my spleen. I know there could be many causes but any ideas? Much appreciated. I will be seeing an ER Doctor soon if it worsens. Since many doctors are not open on the weekends. -Jeremy
Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. As you have mentioned there are many reasons of the lymph nodes. Abdomen is like magic box there are many reasons of the pain in it. Exact can only be known if we do USG abdomen. I advise you to visit the ER and take the USG done. Till that time you can take the dicyclomine and pantoprazole tablet under your doctors' guidance. It will help you lower your pain. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on Chat Doctor. Thank you. ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist.
My husband gave me big hickeys for two days near my nipple on my left breast...few days after i notuced the bruisy soreness was reducing but i felt a lump near the nipple about an inch wide. The lump is also noticible n the surface n feels thick inside. Cud i hav breast cancer?
Hello! Welcome to Chat Doctor. This seems to be more likely a hematoma. Hematoma is nothing but clotted blood under the skin. Nothing needs to be done as it resorts spontaneously. Serratiopeptidase like enzymes can be taken to make the resorption faster. Watch for infection, which is suggested by presence of fever, pus discharge from nipple. In this case incision & Chat Doctor. If there is suspicion of malignancy (cancer) on clinical examination (unlikely in your case), I advise FNAC - fine needle aspiration cytology for confirmation of diagnosis. Hope this helps. Wish you speedy recovery. Thanks. Regards.
hi,i had two big follies this cycle and got ruptured on day 14 and my endometrial thickness was 10 mm and my husband has 25million sperm count with 60% motility and 15% normal sperm morphology and we had intercouse after the follicle ruptured. what are the chances of me becoming pregnant?
What is your age and BMI. Is the sperm count that you have mentioned is per ml ? If so then it is normal. If it is the total sperm count then it is low. What about the viscosity and the leukocyte count? For fertile young couple trying for pregnancy the chances of conception during one menstrual cycle are about 25%. Please note that not all couples trying for pregnancy conceive in one cycle. To increase your chances of conception maintain normal BMI, quit smoking (if you're a smoker) and have intercourse at least three times in a week. If you have any further concerns do contact me through Chat Doctor.
does the painless Vaccines to the new born babies contain antebiotics. I have noticed they don t get fever even after taking the Vaccines but I fear the induced Vantibiotics may hamper my babies health in future. I heard too much anibiotics may decrese the effect of the antibiotics in future when it is very much required to give. Plz advise.
Hi.... you are right about the concept that antibiotics should not be used unnecessarily. But the painless vaccines, do not contain antibiotics. This is not the reason why the baby does not develop fever while giving painless vaccine. It is because the protein component in the vaccine is a different one, this is the reason why the vaccine does not produce pain or fever. So please do not worry about the presence of antibiotics in painless vaccine. Regards -
i am a 16 year old male. I have been taking a drug called anafranil for ocd. I have been taking it for about a month. every week the dosage was increased. i am now trying to get off the drug by decreasing the dosage until i dont take it at all. what i have become aware of is that i have had trouble reaching orgasm. im afraid that this is permanent or that if it does get better that i will still be affected in some small way. Please tell me if it will get better and how much better.
Hi there ~ If your problem is the ability to not get orgasm and feel like that is related to unafraid it might be wise to go off of the medication. However, I assure you that you will get better and reach orgasm when you stop taking the medication. I however feel like there is more to the story than just the medication. You should consult a psychiatrist who can take a complete history and make your problem better including your OCD. I hope this helps. Take care and have a lovely day !
Hello I have been experiencing very bad pain in my back and front kidney area and when I made a bowel movement there was blood and some bits of fleshy looking chunks I was wondering what this might be. I have had a swollen prostate but it wasnt bad the last time I had it checked 3 months ago could it be connected thank you.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I can understand your concern. The kidney area you are referring to could in fact point towards a kidney, condition, but could also be due to other structures lying in the same region. Your bowels could be inflamed or irritated, which could have resulted in the blood in your stools. Fresh blood in the stools indicates a lower gastrointestinal (GIT) bleed, and will have to be looked into. Causes could be hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. I would also request you to undergo another pelvic ultrasound to visualize and grade your prostate, and if required even a digital rectal examination. If your prostate is indeed enlarged, it could be compressing the urethra that could cause retention/stagnation of urine, that could result in the kidney pain and even infections. Although this cannot explain the blood in your stools. To find out what the chunks you observed in your stool are, you will have to give your stool for analysis to the laboratory. This could be undigested food, parasites, etc. It is difficult to tell without viewing them or analyzing them in the laboratory. I thus request you to visit your doctor and go about all the above-mentioned investigations. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications. I would gladly help you. Best wishes
I am having abdominal pain and it feels like my stomach is being twisted around. I ve had CT scan, blood work and urine test - all were normal except for a small growth on my kidney which I am going to see a urologist about. What could be causing the sense of pressure and pain? I ve had IBS most of my life but it has always been managable by diet, etc. I am on medication for high blood pressure which I have been on for years. My stomach has never felt like this before.
Hello, Most probably it is irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. Growth on the kidney can not cause this. Take an anti-spasmodic tablet and see the results, if the pain goes away just do not worry. I hope you have no other symptoms like loose motions or constipation or nausea or vomiting. If there are other symptoms, you may need additional treatment with antibiotics and supportive medicines. You can try the medicines if you, you were taking for IBS in the past. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
hi there - my one year old has not slept all night since last november. he screams at night and often has wind. he has had viral flus at least every 3 weeks since then. he has 9 teeth and suffers badly with them. i cant understand why he is not sleeping he eats very well during the day
Dear Parent, I can understand your concern regarding your children nighttime sleep. If your child is sleeping for 8-10 hrs during the day especially at evenings, he will find it difficult to sleep at night. You can regularize your children sleep time gradually if it is erratic. Avoid giving chocolates, TV, electronic devices an hour prior to sleep time. Maintain a calm environment, tell him a story or read him a book to sooth him. Also, the teething could be causing him discomfort. You can use refrigerated tethers, teething gel to comfort him. If the problem still persists please consult a pediatrician who can assess your child and treat him appropriately.
I am 29 years old girl, having respiration problem and was taking medicine myteka when i was in pakistan one year back. when i came oman i stopped to take that medicine, but now i am again having same problme,could you please guide me what i have to do because i have forgetten its mg.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, possibility of allergic disease like asthma is more in your case. You are taking anti-allergic Chat Doctor. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test). Possibility. PFT will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment of asthma is based on severity only. You may need to need inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Oral combination of antihistamine and anti-allergic
I have several enlarged lymph nodes in my armpit. there was only acouple a year ago , now there is 8. this past week I have had 6 needle biopsies done on the largest lymph node. there has been significant cortical thickening of the newest ones. What are the chances they are positive for cancer? The hilum is intact.
There are a wide range of differentials for mode enlargement, Causes of lymphadenopathy include infections, autoimmune diseases, malignancies, histiocytoses, storage diseases, benign hyperplasia, and Chat Doctor. We cannot blindly say that it might be cancer or not. You are saying the number is increasing .and what about their nature are they mobile or fixed, firm or soft all that matters. Do you have any constitutional symptoms like fever, body pains etc. Generally complete evaluation is required to rule out differential diagnosis .such as CBC counts hepatic and renal parameters etc.
Hi, I hope you re well. My boyfriend is in severe pain. It s his lower back, and he says it s some of the worst pain he s ever been in. He s also nauseous but the nausea seems to be coming from the pain. Earlier the pain started with a head/neck ache which went away with excedrin and a nap. He felt normal til a few hours ago when the back pain started. No fever but he is freezing and it s not that cold. I just don t know what to do. He s taken one more excedrin and I m keeping heat on his back.
Hello, I have studied your case. According to your symptoms this looks as acute lumbar muscle sprain in your lower back. Another differential diagnosis can be lumbar disc bulge leading to sudden onset of pain. Intervertebral disc compresses spinal cord and leads to back pain and shoulder pain. Muscle spasm should recover with in 2 weeks, as it has not recovered you may need further investigation. When such patient comes to our hospital we usually do x-ray to rule out any nerve compression. MRI spine will show any disc bulge is there or not. And when muscle sprain is confirmed muscle relaxant, analgesic and neurotrophic medication can be started consulting your doctor. Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and inferential therapy will give quick relief. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you find this answer helpful do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Wishing you good health. Take care.
Can medication be used to control moderate per infarct eschemia with no wall motion abnormalities and an ejection fraction of 72%. I had a stent put in in 2000 and I am being told to have an angiogram ASAP and \"probably\" have the stent cleaned out. I am 72, obese and have family history of heart problems - attacks, strokes, cerebral hemorrhage, etc. I do water aerobics class for exercise since walking makes me short-of-breath in a very short distance. I do not experience shortness of breath with the water aerobics class.
Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. HD disease one of major issue nowadays, ischemic can be controlled by Antioschemic med but It's not necessarily that u r in this med u won't have heart prob but by using this med your chance of having ischemia are very, very low, as u already have family history n obese n having heart disease which may lead to Dec heart function if not treated properly . If u were my patient I would like to do so tests like BLI's, c X-ray to rule out chest infection do echo if it's more than 1 year ago to see heart functioning n valve is okay, n ETT to see if u have new ischemia or perfusion scan . If this came abnormal then go for c.Anglo n stent if needed n then also optimize TX to make sure u have no more symptoms I hope this answered your question, if you have more feel free to ask. Regards.
hi Dr., my mom gets regular uti and has knee pain and has mild fewer too, she used to take zinnat and lately she has been hving itching problems because of it. her pus cells-1-2/hpf, her RBC 35-40/hpf n epithelial cells 8-10/hpf, blood +++,no nitrites, no sugar n bacteria + and culture test was clean, pl advice medication
HelloBlood in urine (hematuria) may be due to UTI, genito-urinary calculus, tumour etc. It is important to exclude tumor etc. due to her age. Up to 5 pus cells in urine is acceptable. She may need clinical evaluation and few investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, random blood sugar, renal function test and ultrasound of PUB. Ultrasound of PUB region is very important, and it can exclude many causes. CT scan of abdomen can be done after evaluation. Proper treatment depend upon findings. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
I have post polio. I recently completed ( 4 weeks ago) 192 hours of chemotherapy and 25 rounds of radiation. I am having a very difficult time bouncing back. Oncologist tells me the chemo is still working (my hair is still falling out but I am not getting my energy back. Could the post polio have something to do with this since i have a very high sensitivity to all drugs.
Hi, Thanks for writing in. Polio is a sequela of post infection paralysis to muscles of a limb. This is not related to chemotherapy or its outcome. The recovery after chemotherapy remains unaffected irrespective of whether a patient had polio. The polio is an irreversible paralysis due to an infection which you probably had during childhood. The manifestations of polio will no longer matter in the present scenario. Since you have weakness of muscles from before due to polio therefore it might take a little longer to get yourself in to normal physical work. This is not due to the effect of polio but a generalized reduced ability to adapt yourself for normal regular daily activities. Please do not worry.
My mother has lung cancer. She has it nearly 1 year. They only gave her 6 to 9 months, but she is still with us, thank god, but she is having heart palpitations, not when shes stressed, at night when she goes to bed, is usually when her heart races, she says its all over the place, and feels like its coming out of her chest, which then does make her stressed. I want to know if this is part of her condition with the lung cancer, does it happen with alot of lung cancer sufferers??
Any form of cancer increases the need for oxygen, a healthy heart compensates by beating faster and stronger, this forceful beating of the heart gives rise to subjective feeling of palpitation. Also, secondary factors like decrease in hemoglobin (anemia) , infection and other extra cardiac factors may increase the oxygen dwmandHowever there may be many reasons like some extra beats or irregular rhythm, just because of changes in the hemostasis of the circulation. So an EKG and a consult with a doctor who can physically examine her, is strongly suggested to at least rule out reversible factors. Regards Chat Doctor.
Infant 3 months old. Wasn t keeping her mothers milk down. GI problems from birth. Had a feeding tube surgically placed @ 6 weeks but continued to gain little to no weight or gain & then lose. 9 pounds currently. Otherwise, alert, responds well to others, holds her head up, scoots. She just can t keep weight on & has stomach pain. The GI Dr.s did a colonoscopy to look for the cause. Did a a biopsy waiting on results. They mentioned Hershbergers disease which if she has it they said they would have to do a colostomy. I looked it up but Hirshsprungs disease also sounds a lot like what they talked about as far as the definition. What is the difference in the two disorders?
HI mam, I could understand your grief u come across. According to the symptoms and history given here, your baby had a problem from birth, probably due to non migration of nerve cells which will help in control of stools and intake of feeds- Hirschprungs disease. It is not related to Hershberger, which causes contractures and weakness of hands, legs etc. Please follow the biopsy reports and advise of your doctor
I have pain in the lower portion of my right back extending to my right side a little bit. I did a urine test and there are no infections. I also do not recall doing any activity that could have caused a strained muscle. The pain is really bad when I lay down in bed and try to turn over.
Hi, Thanks for your query and Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. You have mentioned pain in your lower back region with radiation of pain to the Right side, I guess your lower limb. Anyways since you are certain that there was no injury which could have actually caused a muscle strain etc., then we will have to work up in your case to actually rule out a fiscal prolapse or a degeneration etc. Before I can give you some advice I would like you to send me the following details
I am a 39 year old female, relatively healthy. For the past several months I have had an aching/pinching kind of twinge of pain that I feel on the left side of my chest. It comes and goes at different times (while at work, at home resting, etc). The discomfort generally only lasts a few minutes. I have also experienced some difficulty breathing in the last few months and a breathing test done at the ENT indicated asthma . I am now taking medications for that and I am scheduled to see a pulmonologist soon for a consultation. I am wondering if the recurring chest discomfort/pain is anything to be concerned about. I am also seeing my primary care doctor soon.
Hi and thanks for the query, recurrent chest pain especially of acute onset deserves a careful evaluation. With a past history or clinical symptoms suggesting asthma, proper taking of medication could be sufficient to manage the problem. However, other common causes of chest pain like angina sectors of cardiac origin, inflammatory causes, chest infections, acute pericarditis must also be considered. A chest X-ray might be very important in discarding other common causes of chest pain. I do not think it's time to be bothered for real. A pulmonologists' opinion is most welcome under such circumstances, and you really need not worry. Thanks and best regards, Luchuo, MD.
hi , I was diagnosed to be heamoglobine 5.7 and requested a blood transfusion. It caused with heavy bleeding for a month due to missing periods . Is this critical and can I wait to build it up by taking rest for a week with heamoglobin rich foods and not going for job? my email id is YYYY@YYYY
Hi, Resting and good food alone is insufficient to pull back your he to normal. First, try to find out the cause for excess fall apart from your bleeding problem if any. You, at least need hematurias that will boost your iron levels which are slashed due to excess bleed. Along with them, you need to be taking rest and diet containing hemoglobin rich foods like leafy vegetables. It will take 2-3 months to regain everything that you lost if you start over iron tablets or syrups. Iron injections can increase your iron levels rapidly and can reduce recovery time all the best.
68 yo male good shape lower abdominal pain, day 2 - day 1 diffuse below navel, mild lower back pain and headache and normal mild arthriitic joints (not flu like symptoms) no new foods, core exercises,no vomiting or diarrhea, passing urine and stool albeit small amount of stool and reasonably hard -- normal with higher protein diet. slightly better and lower pain day 2 - still diffuse, milk of magnesia 2 oz at 7 and 3 oz (day 1) -- some diarrhea 2 am and 5 am. Day 2 still pain slightly lower and maybe more to right side 4pm - day 2. Little food and does not heart abdominal muscles to strain for defecation but very small yield. Hurts 5-6 with cough
HelloWelcome to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern and I have gone through your query, no need to worry because this was due of constipation so u start more fiber diet and good intake of water moreover lukewarm water in morning when u get up and time being taken laxative liq cephalic 3 SF in night for 3 days. I hope this answer was helpful to you! Please kindly rate it and write a short review about your experience with me! Thank you and best regards! Chat Doctor.
I am a member of the military and feel it is unjust to make me undeployable due to the fact I have haemachromatosis. I am also a wildland firefighter which requires me to work at high altitudes and stay in great shape. I don t drink or smoke , and have to get my blood work done for maint. about 1 time every 6 months. Not sure if there are any resourses out there to help me or not but they are treating me like I could tip over from a stroke or heart attack at any moment.
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Hemachromatosis has to be managed by blood transfusion and ch elation therapy for iron overload. However, the vital organs are at a risk of iron deposition and permanent damage. The most adverse effects of iron deposition are on heart. The chronic deposition of iron can lead to cardiac failure. Proper management can slow down the process of iron deposition and hence slow down the damage. However, job profile like defense forces require optimal fitness and, thus hemachromatosis is a risk factor when crucial jobs are considered. Stay in touch with your hematologist for proper management and try to stay at a place wherein these facilities are easily available. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
I had a severe cough and cold, so doctor recommended me TeleKast-L for 7 days. Macrotor 250MG for 3 days & Becasule Capsule for 5 days. The dosage got over 4 days before. Now yesterday, again I got the throat & runny/blocked nose. Can I again start to have Telekast l for another seven days? Please reply
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you had sever cough and cold for which your doctor has prescribed some medicine to relieve the symptoms, and you took the medicine for four days following which you are having same symptoms for yesterday. As you are having soar throat and blocked nose you have to take the medicines to control your symptoms. For your present symptoms I would suggest you to follow1. Take steam inhalation with Vocals.2. Gargling should be done with chlorhexideine mouth gargle.3. Continue Telecast for another 15 days4. Tab Autoclave, 625 mg, twice daily for 5 days. Thank you.
I have had upper left quadrant pain,vomiting,constipation,fatigue,severe weight loss over 70 pounds In 6 months,headache,loss of appetite,severe belching,pain increases upon eating,dizziness,headaches for 8 months. Ct scan,blood work normal, having an edg in two weeks. No one has been able to give me a diagnosis, I m beggining to lose hope In ever not feeling sick..please help
Hi. Thanks for your query. You have a classical history suggestive of the obstructing lesion which can be a polyp or ulcer or stricture or a Cancer in the splenic feature, that is the left upper area of the large bowel called colon. Since you have undergone many tests, the most important test of Colonoscopy and biopsy is not done at all. This is the most important investigations which will give you the diagnosis and the plan for treatment.
Today I did not get cleared for a foot surgery tomorrow, the dr said because I am blood court was a 9. I always hover around 10. The question is why would my dr want a biopsy of my uterus and ultrasound and stool and blood work. Just for a lil enemia ?
Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding need for biopsy Dear on going through your description I don't think that you need any such test. But still the door has felt the need of this, he may be right. Even then I am not convinced for it. I suggest you to take a second / 3rd opinion on this matter. That will save you from unnecessary hailing . By the way, I am anxious to know why you are not cleared for foot surgery ? What problem you are facing ? Hope this helps solve your query. Take care. All the best. Mail at Chat Doctor. Com if you have any doubt.Don't hesitate to come back if you have any further query
Hello I was wondering I recently had oral surgery entailing all four of my wisdom molars to be removed during the healing process the stitches came out and I have an extra piece of gum tissue that folds over I know its just extra however is that a cause to be for a concern its uncomfortable for me
Hi. Thanks for the query. It looks to be a portion of the gum that might have been accidentally left unattached to the stitches, and it is appearing hanging. So my suggestion is to consult your dentist and get a clinical examination done. In case if the gum is extra and is hanging then he can simply remove it so that it does not cause problem and also if it hangs and get irritated it can become inflamed and painful. So better to either get it stitched to other gums or get it removed. Hope this helps. Regards.
Hi Doctor, I am 25 year old male and I have varicocele on scrotum.. I don t have big ones, I think so... I was alredy with doctor and I have to make some analysis.. But he did t tell me how to save my self? For example
HelloThanks for query. You have Varicocele, however you have not mentioned grade of Varicocele. The grade 1 or 2 Varicocele do not require any active treatment . The discomfort in scrotum can be managed with scrotal support and mild painkillers Avoid heavy exercises that will increase intro abdominal pressure like Wt lifting .pull-ups etc. You can have moderate exercises walk, run . Avoid smoking. Thanks and Regards. Chat Doctor.
Im have a regular 28 to 30 days cycles of menstruation. I always have my contraceptive pill. Now i stop it because i don t have supply anymore . Im 51 yrs now. I have my 1st day menstrual period last march 1. I had sex with my husband march 20. Im so worried about getting pregnant. I don t have my menstruation yet. I tried using pregnancy twice and all negative. I suppose to have my period before the end of the month. It is possible for that im pregnant?
Hello, I have gone through your query and understood the concern. Pregnancy at your age is not a frequent occurrence as the ovulation dwindles. Since you could be in the perimenopause stage, irregular periods do happen, more so since you have discontinued the pill. Home pregnancy tests read well when performed 3-7 days after a missed period with a fresh early morning sample of urine. For a better clarification, you can get the blood test as well as a trans-vaginal sonogram a week after the missed period. Hope this helps.
Hiii I m Kartar Chandila from faridabad doctors find well defined lobulated hypoattenuating lesions the largest of which measures 42*30 mm in left hila, oarta pulmonary window, subcarinal region s/o adenopathy. these lesions shows mild enhancement with no obvious necrotic area. few parenchymal densities seen in left lower lobe? due to partial brochial abstruction. rest of lung fields are clear. kindly guide us what does it mean and in which hospital I should go?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. I have gone through the CT thorax report you have mentioned. It says that you are having left Hilary lymph node. Hilum is the structure where mediastinal lymph nodes are seen. You are having isolated mediastinal lymph node enlargement (42*30\u00a0mm). Most commonly it is seen in tuberculosis. Other causes are acidosis, histoplasmosis and lymphoma (cancer). So we need to biopsy that lymph node to identify the cause. For biopsy, you need to consult interventional pulmonologist who perform such procedures. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
3 days ago I had heat rise from the neck to the head and numbness on my left side of the face and arm. I went to the hospital and after a few tests, the doctors concluded that I had a TIA. After coming home from the hospital, Im still getting some numbness and tiggling in my face and arms. Is this normal to happen after a TIA?
Hello and welcome, If you still have the symptoms after 24 hours transient ischemic attack (TIA) but they are weaker than initial TIA symptoms it is highly likely a \"minor stroke\". The symptoms may last a few weeks, or longer and usually have favorable outcomes. But people who had TIA or minor stroke have increased (12 to 20%) risk of having an ischemic stroke or an acute coronary event within the next 3 months. Please, make an appointment with your health care provider and start secondary stroke prevention strategies (statin therapy, antiplatelet therapy etc.). I hope the above information will be helpful for you. Please, feel free to ask me if there is anything else you need to know. Thank you, Malik Among MD
Hi, Firstly, Sorry to hear about your condition. Coming to the point. As mentioned you have intervertebral disc issues and this is leading to Radiating pain. I consider this condition as Lumbar Radiculopathy. In this condition, over a period of time, there leads to a lot of weakness in the lower limbs and that leads to other secondary symptoms. What I feel is the Physician might be looking for any Osteoarthritis of the hip, but I think it's better to not get into OA Hip. Let's come to a solution which I have been trying in cases with multiple disc injury and radiating pains. I prefer you start the exercises for stabilizing the core along with strengthening the hip muscles more. You may find videos online and can perform slowly and gradually increase the repetitions. Consider, that pain might be present while performing exercise, but if a proper prescription is followed for 3-5 months things can be better and controlled. Over a period of long time the exercise prescription needs to be re-assessed and Re-plan for best of your suitability. Important that nerve blocks, painkillers, chiropractic, etc., are short-lived in such cases with chronic history of the disc degenerate disease. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
Hello doctor, Two days back I tasted blood in my mouth and when I spit the saliva I saw red blood. This is the first time it happened. 6 years back I had heart burn symptoms and took upper endoscopy that time and everything was normal. For heartburn I took medicine for 6 months and after that i didn t take any medicine. The heartburn came once in a while but not very severe. I m really worried after seeing blood. I have an appointment with doctor next week to do endoscopy again. Please let me what might be the cause for bleeding.. Thank you.
Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have hematemesis. It means spitting of the blood. You many have some injury in upper tract or esophageal varies. You should go for ultrasound abdomen and endoscopy examination and then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
Hello sir!! i had unprotected sex with my partner and had an i pill the very next day. Next day i again had sex and also I had 2 i- piils back to back. Now on the day my periods genrally occurs there is a brown discharge instead. Its lasted for 1-2 days. Am i pregnent?
Hallow Dear, There was medical belief few years ago that I-pill like emergency contraception can be taken only once in a month. However, now there are evidences that such pills can be repeated any number of times after each unprotected intercourse if taken within 72 hours of the intercourse. These pills have typical after effects
Doc, My son aged 10 years has been told by the orthodontist that he has lesser space in the jaw than required leading to uneven teeth line. The dentist has advised that there is a requirement to remove four Permanent Teeth to make space for waiting teeth. Is it a correct line of treatment. Thanks (SK Didwania)
Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The removal of the permanent first premolar is commonly done during orthodontic treatment to accommodate space and pull back the maligned teeth. Nothing to worry, if the proclaimed teeth has to be pulled back, if there is no space in the jaw, then the premolars has to be extracted. It is a correct line of treatment. But I would like to suggest consulting a good orthodontist and take an opinion, since your sons age is 10\u00a0years, all the permanent teeth might not have erupted particularly canines and premolars. Get a radiograph like OPG and Lateral rephotograph done and assess the status of teeth and bone, later start the treatment. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
Hi, My husband is having BO and is prescribed tildiem for rest of his life. He has been diagnosed with BP 12 years ago. He is 37 years old now. I am bothered by his health condition and want to understand is there something really worrying with his health?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Bronchiolitis obliterate organizing pneumonia (BOOK) is chronic lung disease caused by exposure of specific allergens. It is treatable if we can identify the causative allergen. So get done detailed allergy testing for your husband and identify the allergen. Complete avoidance of that allergen along with long term steroids (2-3 months) are must for faster recovery. So consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your husband. Thanks.
i am suffering from high lipid levels for the last 2yr and i am taking statin but after taking these drugy for 15 days my lipid levels are normal but if i leave this medicine my lipid level increase again at present my chlosterol is 140 trg 165 ldl 70 hdl 42 and also i have anxiety because of which i have done a no. of heart and blood, kft and lft but everything is normal
Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that some natural ways to reduce cholesterol levels without the need for statins would be
I have been trying to cut back on some of my medications -- because I have been having an increasingly high liver enzyme count. I have Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy, so I do have to take lots of medications, therefore my Doctor has me do bloodwork every three months. But, then I started having increased pain in my abdomen, vomiting bile, upset stomach, and severe burning! After many tests - they found that I have gall bladder polyps / not stones! And my liver is swollen and is probably the reason for all the pain (right side, under my breast area, sometimes radiating to my back, under my shoulder blade.) I have been taking atenolol for years now...for mitral valve prolapse with regurg,(but I ve cut back on it this week, since I ran out...can that affect nothing significantly?) I had stopped taking Diazide for a while -- because I kept becoming too dehydrated / and passed out! But I have that under control now -- drinking tons of water! And I also take AdderAl for Narcolepsy. I take Synthroid for hypothyroidism. I recently started taking proton is for the stomach pain and acid, as well as Carafate for the burning (just took my last one)! I had an upper gi -- they found H-Pylori, I took all the strong medications to treat it & completed the course! I it helped for about 2-3 days, and as soon as I had something acidic to drink, the pin started all over again! I also have ulcers, which have been bleeding from time to time (throwing up blood & in bowel movements). My urine and bowel movements are very yellow...I guess from all the bike! For about three months I was throwing up bile every day...and about 2-3 weeks of non stop matter what I ate or drank! I have been taking atenolol for years now...for mitral valve prolapse with regurg..., but I ve been out of it for about a week, so should I start it back up...or just wait? Additionally, I have had severe head trauma in the past from all of my falls / accidents / injuries -- from the narcolepsy! I m concerned -- because I seem to be falling allot more than normal lately -- and I keep injuring myself! Last year I broke 4 vertebra in my back (rising my horse), I fell they a porch the other day, and have bruises everywhere & think I broke my toe! Then two days later, while working in my closet, I went to turn / after being on a ladder, and fell, catching my big toe on the other foot - and I m sure I broke it as well! What the heck is up with all of this!???? Plus, I m having in going headaches every day (I ve had migraines in the past too). What do you think of all of the confusing issues / meds / symptoms / etc? Thank you for your response! Glenda Hunter James DOB 5/7/55
Hello! Welcome to Chat Doctor ! Better you have to take Ayurvedic medicine which are safe. I will suggest you take
I am having abdomen pain (crunches) and lower back pain since yesterday.. Since last few days I had vaginal discharge for about 12-15 days and from last 2-3 days I got black stool except yesterday.. What is it? Also today I am burping a lot and my appetite is lost today... And the abdominal pain is constant too...
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I have read your query and understand your concern. You seem to be having quiet a bit of conditions. Burping with abdominal pain and black stools are indicative of a bleeding peptic ulcer with gastritis. Vaginal discharge is due to an infection there, which is also causing low back pain. For the bleeding peptic ulcer you need to show to a Castro specialist and get an endoscopy done to identify and tackle the bleeding point. Till then and for the gastritis, you need to start on a course of a PPI tablet like pantoprazole or omeprazole for a month. Also, you need to avoid tea, coffee, soda Chat Doctor. For the vaginal discharge you need to show to a sync for a clinical evaluation and further management. Hope I have been helpful.
i had a boil for the first time in my life . I am 39 years old. i had an under arm boil around thanksgiving it was only one. then soon after putting ichthammoll ointment it came to a head and drained then not long after that i felt about 3 to 4 small other ones they are not painful but i have been putting that same cream on it they appear to be doing better but what i want to know is what can i do to not get this again and is this normal to have several small ones under my armpit after the one that healed?
Dear Sir/ mam, Here is the answer for your question. Boil is an infection of the hair follicle. They are common in the areas where there is increased hair and sweating. Occurs because of decreased aeration in the region. Deep shaving also causes this. The ointment you use is the one which softens and decreases the pain. An antibiotic ointment like nadifloxacin is preferred to ichthammoll. I would also recommend to wear loose garments. Kindly get back for further info and give rating if you find this answer worthy
Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Let me explain when ovulation occurs as, Menses date 1 September (bleeding starts) now ovulation occurs any time 14th September, 15, (in 95 % cases). When ovulation occurs there develops mild elevation of temperature (99-99.5 F). Mild degree tenderness either on left or right side depending upon the site of ovulation. Release of ovum is not effected by intercourse at all, all these are myth. Release of ovum depends upon maturation of ovarian follicles and their (its) burst. So deal according to your need, everything is scientifically proved. Good luck.
My wife is going through menopause and had heavey bleeding for over a week. She just stopped bleeding and we had sex. Now i am having pain in my penis tip after going to the bathroom. Plus it is leaking urine what is the cause of this a infection ,std, uti?
HelloThanks for query. You seem to have developed inflammation of urethra (Urethritis). Please get your routine urine test and urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to. Please take broad spectrum antibiotics like Cefuroxime along with urinary antiseptic like Nitrofurantoin twice daily and urine alkalizer thrice daily. Later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report. Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician. Ensure to Chat Doctor. To keep your urine dilute.
My daughter is 1 year an 2weeks old she has had pasty like poop for a few weeks now in all honesty it hasn t been hard at all since she has been eating solid foods except once or twice is that normal? Shes also recently has been having her molars come in could that be the cause? What can I do to help make it hard?
Thanks for putting up your query at Chat Doctor. It would have been easier for me to comment had I known the weight of the child. If the weight and weight gain seem fine, stay relaxed. There seems to be nothing abnormal. Give her a fiber containing diet containing a combination of semi solids. You may try giving her diet free from wheat and wheat based products to see if there is relief. To be even more sure you can get a routine examination of stool done. If it is normal, there is no cause to worry. I hope that helps. Feel free to contact back with further queries if any.
I have a bump on my upper lip. It s been there for about a month and it lookd like a blackhead. I put acne spit cream on it but it didn t go away. The other day i started picking at it to see if i could pop it, but it got bigger and red. What can i do to make it go away?
Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint blackhead like bump on upper lip can be due to a bacterial infection or a Herpes virus infection, Acne, Forces spot etc. As you popped, and it got injured leading to inflammation and redness. I would suggest you to first get relieved of inflammation by applying a steroid based ointment like Prednisone 2.5% for reducing inflammation. It is better to consult a dermatologist and get clinically evaluated for the exact cause of the bump and treatment can be done accordingly. If it is a bacterial infection oral antibiotics like Amoxicillin 500\u00a0mg twice daily and topical application of Triple antibiotic ointment like Polypoid can help. In case of viral infection Oral and topical antivirals like Acyclovir can help in preventing further outbursts. Fordyces spots are normal anatomical structures (Sebaceous glands) and for cosmetic purposes Carbon dioxide laser or electron destination can be done. Acne can be treated with anti acne agents like retinoid. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .
I have been losing a lot of weight after finding out I was hypothyroid and going on levothyroxine. I recently found a hard lump on my collarbone down by my shoulder. I have had discomfort that moves for. My neck and into my arm for what may be are and I am still very tired. I don t know how long the lump has been there but I noticed it a week ago and it hasn t. Changed any. It moves but not by much and seemingly one direction only. It is uncomfortable messing we it. I am 29 years old. I do have an inhaler to see if it helps with my breathing thinking I may have exercise induced asthma. I feel like I will hit a wall and not have muscle tone or catch my breath and must stop a few minutes to rest and then I can restart.
Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have cervical lymph node enlargement or soft tissue tumor. Lymph node enlargement may be due to reactive hyperplasia, tuberculosis or lymphoma. Soft tissue tumor may be lipoma or neurofibroma or something else. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology of lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.