Prior to replacing reports with script.py, ask.
mv -i script.py reports
Examine what's in image.jpg.zip.
unzip -l image.jpg.zip
Prompt before overwriting database.sql in downloads, treat destination as file, and display verbose output
mv -iTv database.sql downloads
Move executable.exe to music without asking to overwrite
mv -n executable.exe music
Mirror proposal.docx to temp_folder and prompt if files already exist
cp -i proposal.docx temp_folder
Filter files in databases based on *.exe, then move them to archive
grep -lR "*.exe" databases | xargs -I {} mv {} archive
Find the usual files.
find . -type f
Show file sizes in a readable format
ls -h
Move configuration.ini to templates as a regular file
mv -T configuration.ini templates
Locate empty directories
find . -type d -empty
Show the contents of executable.exe with line numbers
cat -n executable.exe
Make "photos" and purge files that correspond to "*.png".
mkdir photos && rm **.png*
Clone report.pdf to reports_archive and prompt for permission to overwrite
cp -i report.pdf reports_archive
Look for files with the name policy.pdf.
find . -name policy.pdf
In image.jpg.zip, add contract.pdf and check for updates.
zip -f image.jpg.zip contract.pdf
Include directories first, then files.
ls --group-directories-first
Display contract.pdf, showing line numbers, non-printing characters, and tabs as '^I', with a '$' at the end of each line
cat -n -vT -e contract.pdf
Erase spreadsheet.xlsx from policy.pdf.zip
zip -d policy.pdf.zip spreadsheet.xlsx
See what's in database.sql.zip
unzip -l database.sql.zip
In executable.exe, update configuration.ini.zip If more recent
zip -f executable.exe.zip configuration.ini
Prompt for confirmation before moving document.docx to presentations
mv -i document.docx presentations
Extract the files from memo.txt.zip by navigating to projects_backup.
unzip -C projects_backup memo.txt.zip
Recursively list subdirectories with detailed information and human-readable sizes
ls -Rdlh
Don't use presentation.pptx to replace any existing files in backups.
mv -n presentation.pptx backups
Verbose output should be displayed while extracting audio.mp3.zip.
unzip -v audio.mp3.zip
Ask before replacing presentation.pptx in videos and treat destination as a file
mv -Ti presentation.pptx videos
List proposal.docx contents with suppression of repeated empty lines
cat -s proposal.docx
Search for files modified in the last 30 days and larger than 1GB
find . -type f -mtime -30 -size +1G
List all files in the current directory
ls -a
Copy spreadsheet.xlsx to reports_archive and create a backup of existing files
cp -b spreadsheet.xlsx reports_archive
Package files script.py, spreadsheet.xlsx, contract.pdf into proposal.docx.zip, saving extended attributes, storing file attributes
zip -X -X proposal.docx.zip script.py spreadsheet.xlsx contract.pdf
Extract files from database.sql.zip into output
unzip -d output database.sql.zip
Show line numbers for memo.txt
cat -n memo.txt
Show line numbers for memo.txt
cat -n memo.txt
Use gzip to compress files.
find . -type f -exec gzip {} \
silently list the contents of configuration.ini
cat -q configuration.ini
Search for files owned by the user 'user1' or 'user2'
find . -type f \( -user user1 -o -user user2 \)
Move files from "databases" to "reports_archive" after creating the directory "databases".
mkdir databases && mv databases/* reports_archive
Seek for files bearing the contract.pdf name.
find . -name contract.pdf
List proposal.docx contents with suppression of repeated empty lines
cat -s proposal.docx
Recursively list subdirectories with detailed information, then search for a specific file
ls -Rl | grep "filename"
Replicate proposal.docx to output and prompt for user confirmation
cp -i proposal.docx output
Archive files script.py, memo.txt, database.sql into script.py.zip, displaying verbose output, including empty directories
zip -v -r0 script.py.zip script.py memo.txt database.sql
Place document.docx in the configuration.ini.zip archive.
zip -m configuration.ini.zip document.docx
Print memo.txt with tabs represented as ^I
cat -T memo.txt
Transfer configuration.ini to logs_archive and interactively confirm overwrite while preserving attributes and creating a backup
cp -i -p -b configuration.ini logs_archive
Transfer reports to scripts_backup with recursive copying, preserving attributes, and creating a backup
cp -r -p -b reports scripts_backup
Replace reports with video.mp4 only if it's newer or doesn't exist
mv -u video.mp4 reports
Display configuration.ini with suppressed empty lines
cat -s configuration.ini
Create the directory "logs" and extract the contents of "presentation.pptx.zip" into it using Zipping.
mkdir logs && unzip presentation.pptx.zip -d logs
List all files in the current directory with detailed information, then sort by file extension
ls -al | awk -F. '{print $NF}' | sort
Find files with names containing 'data' and not readable by others
find . -type f -name "*data*" ! -perm -o=r
Move files from scripts to backup and append timestamp to filename
find scripts -type f -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "$2/$(basename "$1")_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)"' sh {} backup \;
Move contract.pdf into audio.mp3.zip
zip -m audio.mp3.zip contract.pdf
Move image.jpg to temp and handle it as a regular file
mv -T image.jpg temp
If scripts is outdated or nonexistent, only substitute contract.pdf for it.
mv -u contract.pdf scripts
Look for empty files
find . -type f -empty
Display hidden directories and files in a lengthy format with output that is coloured.
ls -alG
Replace databases with spreadsheet.xlsx if it's newer or doesn't exist
mv -u spreadsheet.xlsx databases
Recursively list subdirectories with detailed information and human-readable sizes
ls -Rdlh
Make a copy of executable.exe, don't replace it, and output verbosely
mv -bnv executable.exe music
Show non-printing characters for video.mp4
cat -v video.mp4
Zip memo.txt ignoring directory structure
zip -j configuration.ini.zip memo.txt
Recursively list subdirectories
ls -R
Open configuration.ini and extract encrypted.zip using the "*.txt" password
unzip -P *.txt configuration.ini.zip
Transfer script.py to photos_backup while keeping all properties intact.
cp -a script.py photos_backup
Show report.pdf contents with repeated empty lines suppressed
cat -s report.pdf
Enable colorized output
ls -G
Include directories first, then files.
ls --group-directories-first
List subdirectories in a recursive manner with comprehensive details, and then look for a certain file.
ls -Rl | grep "filename"
Mirror proposal.docx to temp_folder and prompt if files already exist
cp -i proposal.docx temp_folder
Archive files policy.pdf, proposal.docx, spreadsheet.xlsx into report.pdf.zip, storing symbolic links
zip -y report.pdf.zip policy.pdf proposal.docx spreadsheet.xlsx
Silently extract the files from contract.pdf.zip.
unzip -q contract.pdf.zip
Files in contract.pdf.zip are displayed.
unzip -l contract.pdf.zip
Shift script.py to projects treating it as a non-directory
mv -T script.py projects
Find files with a size of precisely 50 bytes.
find . -size 50c
Display characters for spreadsheet.xlsx that aren't printed
cat -v spreadsheet.xlsx
Find files owned by the user and group *.py
find . -type f -user *.py -group *.py
Put video.mp4 on silent display.
cat -q video.mp4
Check database.sql.zip for integrity
unzip -t database.sql.zip
Copy database.sql to downloads_archive and ask for confirmation from the user
cp -i database.sql downloads_archive
Transfer the 'presentation.pptx' file to the 'output' directory.
cp /presentation.pptx /output/
Show hidden files and directories with descriptive text and colourful images.
ls -alG
Compress files report.pdf, audio.mp3, configuration.ini into audio.mp3.zip, storing symbolic links, silently
zip -y -q audio.mp3.zip report.pdf audio.mp3 configuration.ini
Look for files modified within the last 7 days
find . -mtime -7
Delete files with name database.sql
find . -name database.sql -delete
Show each file on a separate line
ls -1
Use gzip to compress files.
find . -type f -exec gzip {} \
Display every character in the control set for spreadsheet.xlsx
cat -A spreadsheet.xlsx
Forcefully rename image.jpg to presentations
mv -f image.jpg presentations
List every file with the word "backup" in its name, together with all relevant details.
ls -l *backup*
Take remove the files from database.sql.zip that provide verbose output.
unzip -v database.sql.zip
Open audio.mp3.zip, extract the contents, and replace any existing files.
unzip -o audio.mp3.zip
Delete files with name video.mp4
find . -name video.mp4 -delete
Display report.pdf with the error messages hidden
cat -q report.pdf
Show files arranged by modification time
ls -t
Replicate video.mp4 to backup preserving attributes
cp -a video.mp4 backup
Look for files modified within the last 7 days
find . -mtime -7
Move contract.pdf into audio.mp3.zip
zip -m audio.mp3.zip contract.pdf
Output the first 10 lines of executable.exe
cat executable.exe | head

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