int64 1
| translation
dict |
56,601 | {
"en": "As I shall tell you in a word or twain.",
"me": "As I reherse shal a word or tweyne."
} |
56,602 | {
"en": "I like not on him to labour or to think,",
"me": "Me list nat vouche-sauf on him to swinke,"
} |
56,603 | {
"en": "Nor spend on him a pennyworth of ink,",
"me": "Ne spende on him a penne ful of inke,"
} |
56,604 | {
"en": "For false in love he was, just like his sire.",
"me": "For fals in love was he, right as his syre;"
} |
56,605 | {
"en": "The devil set their souls both in the fire!",
"me": "The devil sette hir soules both a-fyre!"
} |
56,606 | {
"en": "But of Phyllis’ letter I will write",
"me": "But of the lettre of Phillis wol I wryte"
} |
56,607 | {
"en": "A word or two, although it be but slight.",
"me": "A word or tweyne, al-thogh hit be but lyte."
} |
56,608 | {
"en": "‘Your hostess,’ quoth she, ‘O Demophon,",
"me": "\"Thyn hostesse,\" quod she, \"O Demophon,"
} |
56,609 | {
"en": "Your Phyllis, who is so woebegone,",
"me": "Thy Phillis, which that is so wo begon,"
} |
56,610 | {
"en": "Of Rhodope, of you must now complain,",
"me": "Of Rodopeye, upon yow moot compleyne,"
} |
56,611 | {
"en": "Regarding the time set between us twain,",
"me": "Over the terme set betwix us tweyne,"
} |
56,612 | {
"en": "Which you have not kept to as you said.",
"me": "That ye ne holden forward, as ye seyde;"
} |
56,613 | {
"en": "Your anchor in our harbour that you laid,",
"me": "Your anker, which ye in our haven leyde,"
} |
56,614 | {
"en": "Gave hope that you would come without doubt",
"me": "Highte us, that ye wolde comen, out of doute,"
} |
56,615 | {
"en": "Before the moon had gone but once about.",
"me": "Or that the mone ones wente aboute."
} |
56,616 | {
"en": "Yet four times the moon has hid her face",
"me": "But tymes foure the mone hath hid her face"
} |
56,617 | {
"en": "Since the day you vanished from this place,",
"me": "Sin thilke day ye wente fro this place,"
} |
56,618 | {
"en": "And four times has lit the world again.",
"me": "And foure tymes light the world again."
} |
56,619 | {
"en": "But for all that, nothing can explain",
"me": "But for al that, yif I shal soothly sain,"
} |
56,620 | {
"en": "Why the Thracian Stream has not brought",
"me": "Yit hath the streem of Sitho nat y-broght"
} |
56,621 | {
"en": "Your ship from Athens; yet comes it not.",
"me": "From Athenes the ship; yit comth hit noght."
} |
56,622 | {
"en": "And if the term that we set you would",
"me": "And, yif that ye the terme rekne wolde,"
} |
56,623 | {
"en": "Reckon, as I or any true lover should,",
"me": "As I or other trewe lovers sholde,"
} |
56,624 | {
"en": "I complain not, God knows, before my day.’",
"me": "I pleyne not, god wot, beforn my day,\" --"
} |
56,625 | {
"en": "But all her letter, point by point, I may",
"me": "But al her lettre wryten I ne may"
} |
56,626 | {
"en": "Not write: it would be too heavy a charge,",
"me": "By ordre, for hit were to me a charge,"
} |
56,627 | {
"en": "Her letter was long enough, she spoke large;",
"me": "Her lettre was right long and ther-to large;"
} |
56,628 | {
"en": "But here and there in rhyme I have it made,",
"me": "But here and there in ryme I have hit laid,"
} |
56,629 | {
"en": "Where I think it well what she has said –",
"me": "Ther as me thoughte that she wel hath said, --"
} |
56,630 | {
"en": "She said: ‘Your sails will not come again,",
"me": "She seide, \"thy sailes comen nat again,"
} |
56,631 | {
"en": "Nor in your words have I faith that’s certain,",
"me": "Ne to thy word ther nis no fey certein;"
} |
56,632 | {
"en": "And I know why you come not,’ quoth she:",
"me": "But I wot why ye come nat,\" quod she;"
} |
56,633 | {
"en": "‘Because of my love I was to you so free.",
"me": "\"For I was of my love to you so free."
} |
56,634 | {
"en": "If the vengeance of the gods you forswore",
"me": "And of the goddes that ye han forswore,"
} |
56,635 | {
"en": "Falls upon your head now therefore,",
"me": "Yif that hir vengeance falle on yow therfore,"
} |
56,636 | {
"en": "You’ll not own the strength to bear that pain.",
"me": "Ye be nat suffisaunt to bere the peyne."
} |
56,637 | {
"en": "I trusted too much, as I must now complain,",
"me": "To moche trusted I, wel may I pleyne,"
} |
56,638 | {
"en": "In your lineage and in your fair tongue,",
"me": "Upon your linage and your faire tonge,"
} |
56,639 | {
"en": "And in your tears so falsely wrung.",
"me": "And on your teres falsly out y-wronge."
} |
56,640 | {
"en": "How could you weep so cunningly?’ quoth she;",
"me": "How coude ye wepe so by craft?\" quod she;"
} |
56,641 | {
"en": "‘May such tears be feigned so readily?",
"me": "May ther swiche teres feyned be?"
} |
56,642 | {
"en": "Now if you would search your memory",
"me": "Now certes, yif ye wolde have in memorie,"
} |
56,643 | {
"en": "It should prove to you but little glory",
"me": "Hit oghte be to yow but litel glorie"
} |
56,644 | {
"en": "A guileless maid to have so betrayed!",
"me": "To have a sely mayde thus betrayed!"
} |
56,645 | {
"en": "To God,’ quoth she, ‘I pray, and oft have prayed,",
"me": "To god,\" quod she, \"preye I, and ofte have prayed,"
} |
56,646 | {
"en": "That it may be the greatest shame of all",
"me": "That hit be now the grettest prys of alle,"
} |
56,647 | {
"en": "The most renown that ever shall you befall!",
"me": "And moste honour that ever yow shal befalle!"
} |
56,648 | {
"en": "And when your old ancestors depicted be,",
"me": "And whan thyne olde auncestres peynted be,"
} |
56,649 | {
"en": "In whom men would great worthiness see,",
"me": "In which men may hir worthinesse see,"
} |
56,650 | {
"en": "Then, I pray God, they picture you also,",
"me": "Than, preye I god, thou peynted be also,"
} |
56,651 | {
"en": "That folk may learn from that as they go,",
"me": "That folk may reden, for-by as they go,"
} |
56,652 | {
"en": "‘Lo, this is he that with his flattery",
"me": "\"Lo! this is he, that with his flaterye"
} |
56,653 | {
"en": "Has betrayed and done her villainy",
"me": "Betrayed hath and doon her vilanye"
} |
56,654 | {
"en": "Who was his true love in thought and deed!’",
"me": "That was his trewe love in thoghte and dede!\""
} |
56,655 | {
"en": "But truly, of one point yet they may read,",
"me": "But sothly, of oo point yit may they rede,"
} |
56,656 | {
"en": "That you were like your father in this,",
"me": "That ye ben lyk your fader as in this;"
} |
56,657 | {
"en": "For he beguiled Ariadne with a kiss",
"me": "For he begyled Adriane, y-wis,"
} |
56,658 | {
"en": "With such an art and with such subtlety",
"me": "With swiche an art and swiche sotelte"
} |
56,659 | {
"en": "As you yourself have beguiled me.",
"me": "As thou thy-selven hast begyled me."
} |
56,660 | {
"en": "And in that point, that’s far from fair,",
"me": "As in that point, al-thogh hit be nat fayr,"
} |
56,661 | {
"en": "You follow him for certain, and are his heir.",
"me": "Thou folwest him, certein, and art his eyr."
} |
56,662 | {
"en": "But since thus sinfully you me beguile,",
"me": "But sin thus sinfully ye me begyle,"
} |
56,663 | {
"en": "My body you will see, in a little while,",
"me": "My body mote ye seen, within a whyle,"
} |
56,664 | {
"en": "Right in the harbour of Athens floating",
"me": "Right in the haven of Athenes fletinge,"
} |
56,665 | {
"en": "Without a sepulchre or a burying,",
"me": "With-outen sepulture and buryinge;"
} |
56,666 | {
"en": "Though you are harder than is any stone.’",
"me": "Thogh ye ben harder then is any stoon.\""
} |
56,667 | {
"en": "And when this letter was sealed and was gone,",
"me": "And, whan this lettre was forth sent anoon,"
} |
56,668 | {
"en": "Knowing how fickle and how false he was,",
"me": "And knew how brotel and how fals he was,"
} |
56,669 | {
"en": "She in despair destroyed herself, alas!",
"me": "She for dispeyr for-dide herself, allas!"
} |
56,670 | {
"en": "Such sorrow had she for trusting so.",
"me": "Swich sorwe hath she, for she besette her so,"
} |
56,671 | {
"en": "Beware, you women, of your subtle foe,",
"me": "Be war, ye women, of your sotil fo,"
} |
56,672 | {
"en": "Since to this day examples you may see;",
"me": "Sin yit this day men may ensample see;"
} |
56,673 | {
"en": "And trust, in love, no other man but me.",
"me": "And trusteth, as in love, no man but me."
} |
56,674 | {
"en": "In Greece there once were brethren two,",
"me": "In Grece whylom weren brethren two,"
} |
56,675 | {
"en": "Of which the one was named Danaus, who",
"me": "Of whiche that oon was called Danao,"
} |
56,676 | {
"en": "Had many a son born of his body too",
"me": "That many a sone hath of his body wonne,"
} |
56,677 | {
"en": "As such false lovers often chance to do.",
"me": "As swiche false lovers ofte conne."
} |
56,678 | {
"en": "Among all his sons there was one",
"me": "Among his sones alle ther was oon"
} |
56,679 | {
"en": "The he loved the best of everyone.",
"me": "That aldermost he lovede of everichoon."
} |
56,680 | {
"en": "And when this child was born, Danaus",
"me": "And whan this child was born, this Danao"
} |
56,681 | {
"en": "Gave him a name, and called him Lynceus.",
"me": "Shoop him a name, and called him Lino."
} |
56,682 | {
"en": "The other brother was named Aegyptus, who",
"me": "That other brother called was Egiste,"
} |
56,683 | {
"en": "Was ever in love as false as he did choose,",
"me": "That was of love as fals as ever him liste,"
} |
56,684 | {
"en": "And many a daughter he begat in his life;",
"me": "And many a doghter gat he in his lyve;"
} |
56,685 | {
"en": "Of whom he begat upon his rightful wife",
"me": "Of which he gat upon his righte wyve"
} |
56,686 | {
"en": "A daughter dear, and he did her call",
"me": "A doghter dere, and dide her for to calle"
} |
56,687 | {
"en": "Hypermnestra, youngest of them all;",
"me": "Ypermistra, yongest of hem alle;"
} |
56,688 | {
"en": "The which child at her nativity",
"me": "The whiche child, of her nativitee,"
} |
56,689 | {
"en": "To all good qualities born was she,",
"me": "To alle gode thewes born was she,"
} |
56,690 | {
"en": "Since it pleased the gods ere she was born",
"me": "As lyked to the goddes, or she was born,"
} |
56,691 | {
"en": "That of the sheaf she should be the corn;",
"me": "That of the shefe she sholde be the corn;"
} |
56,692 | {
"en": "The Fates, those whom we call Destiny,",
"me": "The Wirdes, that we clepen Destinee,"
} |
56,693 | {
"en": "Had shaped her so that she would be",
"me": "Hath shapen her that she mot nedes be"
} |
56,694 | {
"en": "Compassionate, calm, wise and true as steel.",
"me": "Pitouse, sadde, wyse, and trewe as steel;"
} |
56,695 | {
"en": "And this woman it suited well, I feel,",
"me": "And to this woman hit accordeth weel."
} |
56,696 | {
"en": "For though Venus granted her great beauty,",
"me": "For, though that Venus yaf her greet beautee,"
} |
56,697 | {
"en": "With Jupiter compounded so was she",
"me": "With Iupiter compouned so was she"
} |
56,698 | {
"en": "That conscience, truth, and fear of shame,",
"me": "That conscience, trouthe, and dreed of shame,"
} |
56,699 | {
"en": "And of wifehood to keep the good name,",
"me": "And of her wyfhood for to kepe her name,"
} |
56,700 | {
"en": "This she thought, was true felicity here.",
"me": "This, thoughte her, was felicitee as here."
} |
Subsets and Splits