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eea21db0-cc88-4e30-bf43-f89a8fe6ce1b | 1,200,316,132,961,460,200 | الحرية للشاب المغرّد عبدالعزيز العودة | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
8b09bd4c-8bd3-459e-8c86-e45f919e5c59 | 1,083,683,169,528,963,100 | صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليماً الجمعه | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
92ae33c2-127f-418b-be14-512a84cf389d | 900,719,456,598,544,400 | بارك الله فيك | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | Politic |
30d99c06-a554-4694-9bd8-cdb1fc6c2120 | 1,061,647,153,188,270,100 | السوبر ادواردو يسجل الثاني للهلال بعد تمريرة قوميز | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
47485611-f6d8-4ad7-b47e-60cff81b35b7 | 666,576,632,279,375,900 | على قادة قمة العشرين أن يبينوا أنهم قادة فعلاً في أعقاب مأساة هجمات باريس G20 http amn st 6014Buf56 | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
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d857b656-572c-4874-8507-c78a2cda2eb0 | 999,198,543,763,198,000 | ittihad يعلن تعاقده مع الأرجنتيني رامون دياز مدربًا للفريق في الموسم المقبل أهلًا بعودة الأرجنتيني إلى دوري أبطال آسيا مرةً أخرى | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
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f7f52e86-d97e-4d5a-b075-f3a48d0c1c2b | 861,474,861,088,211,000 | لمقدمي الخدمات الصحية تعرف على حملة نظافة الأيدي وزارة الصحة AntibioticResistance HandHygiene | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
c88dcbb8-3764-42f7-bbac-2944c83af341 | 529,090,110,290,014,200 | ✤ مَنْ ينقل كلاماً شريراً من واحدٍ إلى آخرٍ هو رسول الشيطان ✤ « الشيخ الروحاني يوحنا سابا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
62d7d837-ad12-4621-bbdf-79e8809669b7 | 1,218,227,378,700,324,900 | لا نعرف جمال الحق إلا بقُبْح الباطل ولا حلاوة الإيمان إلا بمرارة الكفر الشعراوي | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
173c3c34-0724-48da-a1e0-6253578c1338 | 1,040,270,993,313,488,900 | تدبر قال الله ﷻ وَنَزَعْنَا مَا فِي صُدُورِهِمْ مِنْ غِلٍّ إِخْوَانًا عَلَىٰ سُرُرٍ مُتَقَابِلِينَ • من أوتي صدراً سليماً لإخوانه فقد تعجّل شيئاً من نعيم الجنة اللهم إجعلنا من أصحاب الصدور السليمة والقلوب النقية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
50a97e5d-2b80-46a8-a297-894dbafd56d5 | 1,273,483,464,742,973,400 | رئيس المحتوى المحلي راجعنا 7 آلاف كراسة منافسة منذ تفعيل نظام المنافسات الجديد http argaam me 5wYM50AaUIO السعودية هيئة المحتوى المحلي | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
f8fcca4c-c080-4204-b254-9a216e8980ec | 1,224,462,556,254,867,500 | عند هؤلاء الحكّام الخونة كراسيهم ويخوتهم وقصورهم وعاهراتهم وأموالهم وحاشيتهم أهم من بيت المقدس ومن فتحه وأوصل الإسلام إليه هؤلاء ليس شغلهم الشاغل أرض فتحت في خلافة عمر بن الخطاب قبل أكثر من ألف سنة ثم احتلت شغلهم أن يحتكروا السلطة ويجمعوا المال ويطيعوا أمريكا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
8c14fdfb-9ff3-4fcd-a74a-c13711a34741 | 959,662,942,705,930,200 | احبنا الله وارسل أبنه الوحيد متجسداً لخلاصنا لانه هكذا احب الله العالم حتى بذل ابنه الوحيد لكي لا يهلك كل من https fb me 2tL1sWaLZ | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
2e1f8d1f-0921-48ca-bf15-6c42ca78551b | 1,248,585,954,144,727,000 | اللّهم أهل علينا شهر رمضان بالأمن والإيمان ودفع الاسقام اللَّهم بلغنا إياه ونحن وأحبتنا في أحسن حال وقد رفعت عنا الوباء والبلاء لا فاقدين ولا مفقودين يارب ادارة الحساب | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
fda02c43-f8b2-4716-91dc-b3aec9aaa0c0 | 1,250,371,408,837,906,400 | الاستثمارات الأجنبية المباشرة إلى الصين تتراجع إلى 30 6 مليار دولار في الربع الأول https ara tv whjs4 العربية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
9b5934dd-f0b5-4076-a3bd-a034797a42d4 | 1,257,934,262,910,713,900 | ديوانية أرقام تابع مناقشات أسواق الإمارات دبي أبوظبي المالية ليوم الأربعاء http argaam me 3wnv50zybae | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
f44f9600-783f-4d8c-98eb-f122490f6977 | 1,270,369,257,860,354,000 | وكالة موديز للتصنيف الائتماني تراجع أسعار النفط يفاقم العجوزات المالية ل 16 دولة مصدرة للنفط https ara tv jte5q العربية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
1568eea4-35ec-4575-a7ef-b925fc093a87 | 1,198,920,091,028,639,700 | التحويل البنكي لمعظم البنوك السعودية للاسف غير متوفر بمنصة ايتورو لأن البنوك لا تستقبل أي تحويل من شركات الوساطة المالية ولكن البنوك الأجنبية داخل السعودية نعم تتعامل ويمكنها استقبال الاموال او تحويل الاموال من والى حسابك على منصة ايتورو | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
1ff13e15-99fc-4916-b70e-f883ceb788a0 | 1,140,243,317,415,956,500 | جرى خلال المقابلة تبادل الأحاديث الودية والأمور ذات الاهتمام المشترك فيما يتعلق بالتعاون بين وزارة الصحة ومنظ مة الصحة العالمية في مختلف المجالات الص حية وسبل تط ويرها | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
d30f713c-0d38-4e81-8b74-6ee0ddadd839 | 1,254,691,507,900,121,000 | في رمضان أينما تتوجه فاجعل وجهتك لله فهو معك في كل مكان فقد سمع الله ندائك وهو الأعلم بسؤالك والقادر على تحقيق مرادك | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
e94a55cf-cda6-4773-af0c-e35b00953fbe | 1,255,237,933,768,020,000 | من قتل فاطمة وأحرق منزلها سوق الحرير رمضان يجمعنا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | art-and-entertainment |
2deddae4-d168-48f6-bea6-0e571a34f3dd | 1,123,243,023,201,075,200 | محزن جداً أن يضطر أبناء البلد للإعلام الغربي كملجأ يطرقون بابه ليسمع معاناتهم بانقطاع أخبار معتقليهم السلطات من المفترض على الأقل أن تخبر الأهل أين هو معتقلهم وماهو وضعه وتسمح لهم بالتواصل معه مع أن الاعتقال في الأصل باطل عبدالرحمن السدحان سأحكي | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
923fe6e5-b0b2-4622-b0cb-cfb4164b1fc3 | 1,114,243,838,271,529,000 | فريقي الجديد طرب | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
ac87bbf6-db36-4315-acde-d10a356b071d | 1,111,416,622,751,707,100 | شكواك التي تبثها للخلق لن تزيدك إلا هماً إلى همك وضيقاً إلى ضيقك فاختصرالطريق الطويل وبث كل ما تشكو منه وكل ما ضاق عليك أمره إلى الله ربك الذي تأله إليه القلوب وتأنس به الأرواح وسترى ماتفعل الشكوى لله من أنفراج وسعة وتفريج كرب وسيدهشك الرحمن بكرمه فقط كن مع الله الوتر | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
5914314a-7adf-4cf3-9735-e6889b4a07b8 | 1,275,908,378,649,342,000 | وقوله تعالى وَذُوقُواْ عَذَابَ ٱلْحَرِيقِ الحج 22 الحريق الشيء الذي يحرق غيره لشدته | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
b1eb1600-76ab-4037-8c4e-48f0eab858e9 | 577,807,975,164,874,800 | سوريا تقريرنا الجديد يسلط الضوء على قصف القوات الجوية الذى استهدف مدينة الرقة http bit ly 1O2lSDN | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
1d674949-7010-4b0d-93de-dc0757b57184 | 1,261,694,962,275,700,700 | مصطفى حسني المدارة في اللغة يعني ملاطفة وملاينة والحفاظ على العلاقات حتى لا تفقدها فتنة الزهد في صلة الرحم على أبواب الفتن MustafaHosny | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
ff3a9593-6999-4887-9f8e-0713a113888a | 1,244,936,367,030,898,700 | رصد يومي للتغير في التداولات وإغلاق السوق السعودي خلال فترة المزاد وجلسة التداول على سعر الإغلاق http argaam me oY0P50z0LLH | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
9fdb4a4c-9eab-4210-ad62-bc9009e8018a | 1,262,105,849,096,528,000 | من نهكني علمني القوة أم هارون رمضان يجمعنا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | art-and-entertainment |
e0c54903-f49f-4e15-8aed-ef63a63e01dc | 841,878,473,509,621,800 | أتعبهم مرض السرطان وأهلكهم الكيماوي وغيّر ملامحهم وأبعدهم عمّن يحبون اللهم اشفِ جميع مرضى المسلمين آميين | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
5d399208-e425-4737-83cf-cdd89796d9f1 | 1,261,333,955,766,337,500 | انتهت فتنة الطموح السريع الحلقة 22 من برنامج على أبواب الفتن على قناة ON شكرًا لمتابعتكم وأسعدنا تواصلكم الطيب معنا في انتظار آرائكم وخواطركم عن الحلقة صلوا على شفيعنا يوم الدين مصطفى حسني MustafaHosny | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
63d21604-91b4-48c2-af40-634b0c215a4b | 1,216,081,917,566,648,300 | أخلص دعاءك لربّك إذا دعوت فوالله لا يملك حياتك وموتك ورزقك ونصرك وتوفيقك ونجاحك إلّا هو سبحانه وعليك بالدعاء في السجود وأدبار الصلوات وبين الأذان والإقامة وفي السحر فهناك الإجابة | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
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1cf49ccd-0346-4898-ac3c-1e120e42eb39 | 1,243,290,644,833,079,300 | المرصد السوري بعد التحرش بالنساء اشتباكات بين عناصر الفصائل الموالية لتركيا في مناطق نبع السلام | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
ca9be50e-7f5c-4c05-b5b3-646843f0abb1 | 1,239,455,141,872,521,200 | اللهمّ عافني في بدني اللهم عافني في سمعي اللهم عافني في بصري لا إله إلا أنت اللهمإني أعوذ بك من الك فر والفقر وأعوذ بك من عذاب القبر لا إله إلا أنت | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
46979615-e688-4a3e-b305-98c7560c0f02 | 1,220,231,290,332,512,300 | اللهم صلّ وسلم على نبينا محمد الله سبحانه وتعالى يقول في كتابه العزيز إنّ اللّه وملائكته يصلّون على النّبيّ يا أيّها الّذين آمنوا صلّوا عليه وسلّموا تسليما سورة الأحزاب 56 وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام في الحديث الصحيح من صلى علي واحدة صلى الله عليه بها عشرا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
be5b011a-e3c4-4cea-b2a5-8060f46f3d2e | 1,220,428,868,005,306,400 | جدول مباريات الهلال في يناير وفبراير | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
83109592-ce0a-4e3d-a168-25f351320697 | 1,215,043,751,900,565,500 | وكلاءة الله لكم لا تقتصر على الحِفْظ من المعاطب فمن كلاءته سبحانه أن يمدّكم بمقوّمات الحياةَ فالشمس بضوئها والقمر بنوره والأرض بنباتها والسماء بمائها ومع هذا تكفرون به وتسخرون من رسله وأهل طاعته | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
c4a7ff25-bd51-4a09-b2a9-b8bd17d82dba | 1,171,734,942,860,157,000 | الرأي الحر ليس جريمة اعتقال عمر المقبل | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
86134536-f739-454f-b5fb-3916677106a5 | 1,257,982,773,694,009,300 | المرصد السوري عمليات التجنيد و التشيُّع تتواصل لصالح الإيرانيين ليصل تعداد المتطوعين مؤخراً ضمن منطقة غرب الفرات والجنوب السوري إلى نحو 11 ألف https www syriahr com p 377501 | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
ea6d5c42-0ab2-4638-bac6-f50b348a7cb3 | 890,332,151,899,713,500 | في مثل هذا اليوم من سنة 220 م إستشهد القديس ثاؤدورس الشطبي صلاته تكون معنا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
f665590e-b5ab-4805-8d8a-52be0e08af56 | 1,022,204,123,515,678,700 | جيسوس حريص على تجهيز حسن كادش والبقعاوي لإيجاد منافسة على الخانة مع البريك والشهراني | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
5ed90657-e645-4ad0-8cc9-95e9d8744ce5 | 1,227,278,143,658,000,400 | نهاية المباراة AlNassrFC 2 2 AlsaddSC 4 أهداف في مباراة مثيرة يبدأ معها كل فريق مشواره في دوري أبطال آسيا بنقطة ثمينة النصر السد | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
9a344aa3-d097-4152-8d4a-8dd54812eb6b | 1,272,969,836,889,587,700 | محبوبة وحنان مهاوشات نسائية خالتي قماشة mbc1 | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | art-and-entertainment |
1632398c-ef2d-48a3-9575-417083165d3e | 1,117,530,373,989,314,600 | ألف حمد لله على سلامتك طهور ولا بأس | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
02de6494-225e-40ed-b30b-797b3276fcb5 | 1,216,646,977,628,393,500 | سبحانه اللطيف الذي يجازيك إن وفيت ويعفو عنك إن قصرت الشعراوي سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
b7067e9a-ad07-4cea-b9e8-6186c3e48a75 | 1,055,390,871,590,461,400 | ختام المؤتمر الإقليمي السنوي الثاني لصحة اليافعين في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا معاً لرعاية شاملة لليافعين والشباب https goo gl aBcoFM | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
555ac2c5-0838-4bf5-acae-8a8bd14ae168 | 1,228,908,432,549,433,300 | اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْجُبْنِ وَالْبُخْلِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ غَلَبَةِ الدَّيْنِ وَقَهْرِ الرِّجَالِ | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
e73aa451-0eee-4fd7-92ea-97e69771c578 | 1,169,488,154,572,857,300 | اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن وأعوذ بك من العجز والكسل وأعوذ بك من الجبن والبخل وأعوذ بك من غلبة الدّين وقهر الرجال | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
d8809ce2-3c1f-4b99-a921-0931e92ef982 | 1,171,372,967,219,085,300 | قال ابن القيم رحمه الله الطاعة تجلب للعبد بركات كلِّ شيء والمعصية تمحق عنه كلَّ بركة طريق الهجرتين 1 537 | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
5513ebdc-4335-4f31-904a-4fb824ebd64f | 1,074,963,776,464,699,400 | صرف و تركيب عدد من الأصابع الاصطناعية المتطورة من قبل مستشفى خولة https goo gl JHT23f | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
f422c9c1-b91d-4377-ac60-ef89bfdbaa89 | 534,726,975,945,195,500 | طالبوا سلطات مصر بالإفراج عن الطالب محمود حسين الذى تم حبسه دون محاكمة لمدة 293 يوما لاشتراكه في مظاهرة http bit ly 1t8Wbng | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
ccb82355-e6a5-4239-8ee6-473ee716cb66 | 179,650,953,119,670,270 | فليس من بين البشر ولامن خليقة أخري من يستحق هذه الكرامة العظيمة لكن الرب يقدم جسده ودمه للجياع و العطاش إلي البر لأنهم يشبعون ق اغسطينوس | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
adce3e45-9604-4e15-b1dc-ba3c7e77f788 | 1,037,729,199,392,469,000 | ﷽ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا ﷺ | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
388b1739-e302-4a6c-9e76-ecb4460b85a7 | 1,263,717,188,244,058,000 | صباح آخر جمعة في رمضان أكثروا فيها من الذكر والدعاء وعطروها بكثرة الصلاة على خير خلق الله | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
0d0f5cb8-41ba-4a80-adb8-ed7e13acabec | 1,273,173,293,613,359,000 | مصر تبدأ غدا إعفاء المصانع من مستحقات غاز ب 5 3 مليار جنيه https ara tv nsbks العربية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
f4c46dc4-2180-41ad-a86e-a220d0d98d9f | 485,865,065,661,218,800 | هل صحيح ان زيت جوز الهند صحي بالطبخ اكثر من اي زيت اخر ج زيت جوز الهند من الزيوت المشبعة لذلك يجب التقليل منها ASK MOH | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
3f58a505-8080-45cd-8eb0-80fe1fed74f7 | 1,270,331,508,444,799,000 | بلومبيرغ طيران الإمارات تبدأ تسريح آلاف الموظفين أغلبهم من أطقم الضيافة https ara tv ru2ds العربية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
565e5301-dc21-4f0a-9875-55e917c4de12 | 1,194,488,941,451,321,300 | قال ﷺ أنا وكافل اليتيم كهاتين في الجنة وقال ﷺ إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث صدقة جارية وهذين الفضلين اجتمعا في مشروع وقف اليتيم الثاني بمكة وبمبلغ يسير في أفضل البقاع هنيئا لكم هنيئا لكم للتواصل عبر واتس https wa me 966539070228 | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
67363738-2b27-4321-b5ee-6380658b7325 | 816,673,159,890,006,000 | وزارة البيئة والمياه والزراعة تغرم مخالفاً لأحكام نظام الحجر الزراعي بالحد الأعلى للغرامات http spa gov sa 1577308 | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | environment |
873110b0-87e0-4165-8a7f-87dd49e5977a | 1,248,255,236,059,418,600 | ضمن إطار الشراكة و إدراكا بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية أعلنت شركة دليل للنفط تبرعها بملبغ ١٠٠ الف ريال عماني لدعم جهود وزارة الصحة لمجابهة فيروس كوفيد19 DaleelPetroleum | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
5d9225a2-e8c5-43bf-a9de-187db93bb058 | 1,247,257,638,678,728,700 | تدبّر هذه الكلمات الأربع وأكثر منها سبحان الله أُنزّه الله عمّا لا يليق به تقدّست أسماؤه الحمد لله الثناء على الله بنعمه والشكر له على آلائه والمدائح والمحامد له لا إله إلّا الله لا معبود بحق إلّا الله فله وحده عبادتنا الله أكبر العظمة والكبرياء والجلال لله وحده | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
7eb52886-97ba-471a-a50d-5b53f9a5afdc | 908,824,053,695,352,800 | اللهُ أكبرْ فليحيَ كُلُّ الشعبِِ وليمُتِ الأميرْ وليدحرِ القهّارُ جيشَ الظُّلمِ للهِ المصيرْ | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | Politic |
7a4511f9-086e-4b6a-8809-19f81f1b6887 | 1,232,290,255,052,640,300 | دراسة جديدة تُظهر إمكانية تفوق خوارزميات تقييم المخاطر على البشر أحياناً في التنبؤ باحتمال تعرض مجرم سابق للاعتقال مرة أخرى لكن الاحتكام إلى خوارزميات الذكاء الاصطناعي لا يعفيها من وجود عيوب مهمة تؤثر على عملها مثل البشر | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | science-and-technology |
045fac3d-83af-4d50-b87f-0e183ef6e8a7 | 1,241,668,352,340,344,800 | سابك نظرة على توقعات الشركة لصناعة البتروكيماويات خلال عام 2020 http argaam me qViI50ySfV8 تقارير أرقام | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
11cc1137-0c58-4066-a7eb-62c360a2e440 | 1,161,313,442,785,058,800 | لاتحتك يازميل | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
7b556a72-8337-4637-926f-aade88761d22 | 1,178,717,263,366,692,900 | اسمع ما يقوله هذا النصراني الشامت ثم عبّر عن شعورك إزاء الحكام الخونة الذين أوصلوا المسلمين إلى هذا الهوان والشماتة | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
09670483-d7ae-4455-bc63-a805dc9579a3 | 1,106,102,574,464,331,800 | هذا صحيح استاذ خالد ولذلك نحن قلنا بالتغريده تزيد القيمة السوقية للشركة عن مجموع احتياطي 20 دولة عربية من النقد الأجنبي باستثناء السعودية ان شاء الله يديم علينا الصحه والعافيه | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
0e5eb4ca-a539-41bd-a4d4-82f9feeec1d9 | 1,181,656,553,373,470,700 | علاء الدين والعفريت بعد النجاح الكبير للفيلم في دور السينما النجم المصري احمد عز يقدم كرنفال مسرحي على بساط علاء الدين السحري الفترة 12 ديسمبر حتى 15 ديسمبر | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | art-and-entertainment |
6fb3b48b-1bf5-4066-bfbb-358e509b44a2 | 1,187,054,392,744,272,000 | تخيل إن الله سبحانه وتعالى يذكرك في نفسه الشريفة كنوز مصطفى حسني MustafaHosny | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
3aef7f57-333c-436b-be63-6b7796ac1123 | 1,191,286,698,765,934,600 | الحرية للدكتور محمد موسى الشريف | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
2f6ffc72-0e35-4697-b81b-1ec42baa8977 | 1,278,695,573,147,783,200 | الدكتور خالد السويلم المملكة حققت خلال أزمة كورونا نتائج متقدمة مقارنة بدول العالم من ناحية الحفاظ على وظائف المواطنين وقوة الخدمات سواء في الرعاية الصحية أو المجالات الأخرى | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
4655a49a-4f71-42fc-a923-2729538037da | 1,250,102,530,937,442,300 | خلها توقف عندك | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
87cdc272-ae9a-4ff4-bc28-a719b4a62d47 | 836,565,337,772,535,800 | د 14 هدددف بونيدكور 1 2 العين كايو | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
625f0e74-74fe-40bc-ae51-61944f22cc34 | 1,158,679,684,940,554,200 | DuhailSC و AlsaddSC ينتقلان في تنافسهما من البطولات المحلية إلى دوري أبطال آسيا الفريقان الأكثر نجاحًا في قطر الأعوام الأخيرة يقصان شريط مباريات اليوم تقديم هذه المباراة | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
ad122791-e061-431d-acb6-16efa4e24843 | 1,211,542,942,189,543,400 | شارك 35 طفلاً تتراوح أعمارهم بين 3 و 5 سنوات في سلسلة مؤلفة من 3 تجارب باستخدام كتابين رائجين للأطفال حيث اهتمت الدراسة بتقييم أداء الأطفال عند وجود نص إلكتروني متحرك مقارنة بالنصوص التقليدية فهل يمكن للكتب الإلكترونية أن تتفوق على نظيرتها الورقية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | science-and-technology |
7fd1b2a4-ed1c-4a25-a2b9-66c8e6abaa3d | 1,192,765,802,715,500,500 | امتلأت الساحة الفنية الخليجية خلال العقود الماضية بالعديد من الثنائيات التي شكّلت لنا ذكريات مليئة بالحنين للزمن الجميل فما هي الثنائية الاقرب لقلبك عطونا رايكم | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | art-and-entertainment |
ceab2b47-5ab9-4541-b13c-7bb61dd414be | 975,854,276,785,340,400 | اليوم جاو مرتزقة Al Hayah Tv Network يقدمون شكاوى على نفس الفيديوهات | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | Politic |
a525d691-d0a5-43df-88a3-36b175483e66 | 1,261,345,756,755,177,500 | بعد تغير حال عائلة بن عاقول خلونا نسترجع وشلون تغيرت علاقة سعد وصالحة درب الزلق رمضان يجمعنا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | art-and-entertainment |
5650bbab-ff70-4a4a-bef3-71a687c33deb | 1,236,530,855,243,403,300 | قال الله ﷻ ﴿لا يسمعون فيها لغوا ولا كذابا﴾ كلنا لنا جلسات واجتماعات فإذا طهرناها من الفُحش والغيبة والنميمة والكذب عِشنا في نعيم يؤدي إلى نعيم الجنة اللهم إنا نعوذ بك من فتنة القول والعمل | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | spiritual |
76cc78af-7017-42fe-941e-98d23c80bc58 | 1,174,729,867,473,981,400 | نازلين الجمعه ليه عشان قادة الجيش الفسده اللي بيستعملو جيشنا لكي يخدم مصالحهم الشخصيه وحمايه النظام الفاسد ودي فيديو لانتشار وحدات الجيش في السويس صباح اليوم الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | Politic |
e6568d6b-4b78-4445-a084-247d09fbf08e | 1,274,778,111,326,863,400 | المرصد السوري مقتل 3 من الدفاع الوطني في هجوم لعناصر تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية على مواقعهم في بادية دير الزور | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
2c63aa25-6a0d-4cf7-b41d-b8b4d8ea25e1 | 1,251,623,501,754,257,400 | الدوري مع وليد الأهلي السعودي يملك رصيدًا وافرًا من البطولات المحلية والخارجية SBC | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
fbb143fb-fe2e-43e4-bdf9-d51f4b83942e | 1,220,082,921,832,419,300 | الدوري مع وليد الأخضر الأولمبي يتأهل لأولمبياد طوكيو بعد ربع قرن من الغياب السعودية أوزباكستان الأخضر إلى طوكيو SBC | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
ac16b6dd-caa5-42be-a0b5-bd0e6acd09ea | 1,256,597,818,770,428,000 | ضمن استراتيجية وزارة الصحة والسكان لتطوير مستشفيات الحميات والصدر وزيرة الصحة تتفقد مستشفيي حميات وصدر العباسية وتوجه بتقديم أفضل خدمة طبية للمرضى والحالات المشتبه بها فيروس كورونا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
c8e6d36e-4892-4166-a7c0-f68c9b619d87 | 1,276,161,223,596,351,500 | الحرية للكاتب والناشط علي الصفار المعتقل منذ أبريل 2019 من دون أية أسباب | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
3e5fa82e-622b-4f67-8de5-c189f1fa8eed | 1,248,121,508,322,476,000 | تفشي فيروس كورونا أضر بالمجتمعات وعطل النشاط الاقتصادي في الولايات المتحدة https ara tv jvyk2 العربية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
24ed92a0-20a0-4aeb-925f-c22d3bf8bfad | 1,224,797,967,351,210,000 | الدوري مع وليد ياسر المسحل رئيس اتحاد الكرة السعودي بناء المنتخبات الوطنية مشروع مهم ونريد تقديم عمل مقنع فيه المسحل مع وليد | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | sports |
284de9e6-cb7b-44ad-9445-e0f7343a3943 | 1,243,881,363,675,271,200 | الصحة تسجيل 99 إصابة جديدة بفيروس كورونا http argaam me Qgq950yYtBR كورونا السعودية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | business-and-economy |
43e7a482-b0db-41f7-bd88-22ff20000d62 | 1,234,833,206,739,861,500 | منذ تسع سنوات ما المساعدات الإنسانية التي قدّمتها إيران للشعب السوري خاصةً اللاجئين في المخيمات سوى فاطميون و زينبيون فضل اللاجئون السوريون قطع المسافات الطويلة على الرغم من أخطار الوصول إلى الغرب الكافر ولم يتّجهوا إلى إيران التي تتشدّق أنها المدافعة عنهم وهي مشردتهم | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
36d8c4ff-ffa7-4afb-b90d-b9af5616475d | 1,218,926,990,943,772,700 | في قطر جريدة الراية نشرت قانونًا أثار جدلًا واسعًا ثمّ اعتذرت عن ذلك بعد موجة من الانتقادات لهذا القانون الذي يعاقب تناول ما يخصّ الشأن العام | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | human-rights-press-freedom |
49698294-617d-4047-97c1-0cab08d3cbb3 | 683,010,121,199,448,000 | اوقات عمل الخفارة لمختبرات مركز الرعاية الاولية في منطقة حولي الصحية | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | health |
0e0d86de-a75b-4db1-bdc8-d43312db243d | 1,258,859,344,306,847,700 | ذكريات مؤلمة لا تستطيع قمر أن تنساها سوق الحرير رمضان يجمعنا | ASND | News Genre Categorization | ar | Classify the news article into one of the following categories: spiritual, human-rights-press-freedom, business-and-economy, sports, science-and-technology, education, environment, health, art-and-entertainment, or politics. Return only the label without any explanation, justification or additional text. | art-and-entertainment |
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