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This is not for people who hate Shakespeare!!!!! First of all, let me say to those who gave this movie just one star, you just hate Shakespeare!!! When Shakespeare wrote this over 400 years ago, he was telling a love story that was meant to be for all generations. The reason why Romeo was updated is so that the MTV generation could enjoy it just like me. This is a must show in English class. If you enjoy this play (even though it is a movie) like I do, you might want to check out Shakespeare's other play "Hamlet" with Kennth Branagh. It is good also.
Good movie, HORRIBLE DVD I love this movie and I bought it on VHS a long time ago. Recently I bought the regular PG version on DVD at my mom's store. The first thing i noteced was that the disc was double sided! about halfway thru I had to flip the disc over to watch the rest of the movie. and another thing: It was censored. I don't mean just the "violence" i mean language. Then I bought the PG-13 version hoping for a better verson. Instead I found out it was the same thing, just with a different cover. So i reccomend you buy the VHS.Trust me, it sucks.
This movie is boring. I saw many good reviews of this movie and I trusted them when I decided to watch this movie. I was wrong. This movie was very boring. The story is slow. Camera work is awful. Music sucks. The ending is cheesy. It reminded me many things about Japan but that's it. It's not really funny. It's not really a love story. It's not really anything. This movie is boring for regular folks like me.
Like a car wreak Fat too many people slow down for a car wreck. What is it that they want to see? Mangled bodies and blood? Here we have a young girl masturbating with a crucifix and shouting, "F*** me! F*** me!" to a priest. Now if that's your cup of tea, you'll love this movie. Great performances, excellent atmosphere, and technically proficient, but very sickening. After watching "The Exorcist" you may have a desire to take a shower to get clean again.
Hilarious film and brilliantly acted by everyone! This was one of the best films of the 90's. Robin Williams does an amazing job playing both comedy and dramatic parts. Sally Field, as always, shines in her portrayal of a divorced mother trying to move on with her life with her kids and a new man, Pierce Brosnan.The hijinks will keep you laughing throughout the movie. Not only funny, it is heartwarming and will be helpful for all families no matter whether they are from divorced homes or not. Very famiy friendly.I love this film. Get it and you won't be disappointed.
Remembering childhood good times Watching Snow White with my grandchildren I get to share my memories of first seeing this film in the movie theaters. Making a batch of popcorn enhances the experiences!
Great Movie--Great Set The remastered Blue Ray version in the set is great! When you compair with the 1982 version you can see a big difference and the sound is also much better. Its also very nice to have the included 1982 release because it has the Ford narrations that can add missing info. If you are a BR fan and dont have this set you need to check it out.
Keaton is the best BATMAN! BATMAN is my favourite movie since I was a child, and Michael Keaton becomes my favourite actor since BATMAN come out. Jack Nicholson's Joker is the most dangerous and the best villian in the movie history, his over-all-top performence make this movie shining brightly. However, this is a classic that everybody shouldn't miss it!
BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR! I really enjoyed this action packed movie. The characters were wonderfully developed. They made you care about them. Unlike Deep Impact, which was so poorly done and the characters were so hollow. It was pure fun and enjoyment and even better the second time ( I think we cried more). I certainly recommend it to the pure at heart. It does pull your heart strings.
Terrific! This is a perfect movie. After checking out from the university's library more than ten times, I fell I need have one as my permanent family collection. Julie Andrews' beauty and great dancing and voice is fascinating. After seeing this movie, I search everywhere Julie Andrews' movies. I think she is charming, gifted. All most all her movies' genre is musical. Her voice is great and she dances greatly. That's a real beauty to watch her movie. She is the greatest actress. I like her. When the lord closes a door, somewhere he open a window.
Great scenery and special effects � that�s it. What a disappointment. It amazes me that so many people thought this movie was wonderful. The only reason I gave this 2 stars was due to the incredible sets and graphics involved in recreating Tolkien's world. But it ends there. I was bored through the entire movie, they played this sappy music over and over trying to create heart-felt moments until at some point, you just stop caring. The director didn't understand the concept of building to emotional or action climaxes.Now I've always been a big Tolkien fan since I started reading, yet I'm not against changing the story when it's moved to film because it's necessary in order to cram that much content into a shorted period. However, the changes made baffled me. For instance, The men of Gondor run into Frodo and Sam and decide to take him back instead of allowing him to continue on his mission, just to change their mind later. This doesn't change the story to shorten it; what it does is alter a character for the worst. This was Borimeir's brother, the original point was that he was different and passed the test of the ring (not give into temtation) which gives you an idea of the strength of character for the last movie. Instead, they made him the same as any other mortal.Then what happened to the forest attacking the Oruik High at Helms deep, I don't see any other way of defeating 10,000 brutal monsters. Or the Ents deciding to stay out of the war, just so they could waste more screen time while two hobbits trick Tree beard into seeing the destruction. How is it that all the Ents showed up 2 seconds later for the attack? I have to end this because I could talk all day about how this movie sucked.
oh, what a high price :((((( price is too high, so if rank will drop then price will be less :)))))))
this blows oh my god, does anyone else think that stephen cloud himself wrote all the reviews on this site... i mean did anyone watch the blewwww! personally, when i watch a movie, even a good one, i dont tell someone about the actors in it, i tell them about the plot. oh but i guess this would be hard to do for this movie because there IS NO PLOT! or if htere was a plot, i dont htink anyone could stand to watch to the movie long enough to find out what it is! once again,it BLOWS! this is by far the most boring movie i have ever watched..sorry to break it to ya if you did wroite those reviews, ahem steven!
Korky but adorable movie! This is an excellent movie to watch if you're a girl and need a self-esteem booster - I'll tell you that much!! Some parts are very hokie and kind of stupid but then again, it's supposed to be like that. Tom Green plays a very original and.. different character in this movie but, as always, he came through with shining colors. Though his role is not that big among the three angels, you'll definitely remember "The Chad." This would be utterly perfect for a girl get-together!! The fight scenes resemble that of "The Matrix" and are very neat. Cameron Diaz plays a ditzy-blonde type, Drew plays the korky and rebellious angel, and last but not least Lucy Lui plays the sophisticated, confident, and male-ego-shattering woman - which I think she was born to play! I would recommend this movie to the girls because it's up-lifting and just a great movie. I would also recommend it to guys because it has their favorite two things in it.. T & A - and LOTS of it!! :)
Confused The Sticky doesn't really understand this movie. I mean what's the point in stealing all those bags of rice? You can just get them at your local supermarket.
Too many whys I've benn watching this wonderful movie for a year. And every time there's something unexpected...I mean by it! You keep watching&watching so many times that you loose your perception of reality and fantasy. And to me, I would never get off from the second.But, unfortunately, there are some things not really beleiveble. For istance, 900's piano madness, with which he wins the competition against Jelly Roll M.. That's a 4hands piece. And some shot of the camera shows it perfectly. But i don't want to be a hard critical and let me just asy that I've never seen anything like this movie. Tim Roth is great and his friend is even better..with his strange eye-movement!However this is sometihng special and not to loose! Baricco's script (Novecento)gives its best at the end, with the God monologue. Exceptional! And it's soo sweet!Ther's a great Melanie Thierry! Anyway do whatever you think right. But remember just one thing: If you loose this, you loose your life sense.
Vile...truly vile... In all honesty, I walked out of the movie theatre after 20 minutes of the most cliché, predictable, ridiculous scripting I've ever heard.The previews built this up as a movie about the attack on Pearl Harbor. What the viewer receives is a drawn out, Titanic-esque, melodramatic romance, with a 'smidgin' of battle to draw attention. While the battle scenes are impressive, they don't make up for the other two hours of clichéd writing.World War II can be a touchy subject for artists to work with. While I know that romance abounded during that time (how could it not, with soldiers leaving home and loved ones?), this movie SHOULD have focused more strongly on the battle...or else have the show renamed.If you want a *good* World War II movie, try "Tora, Tora, Tora", "Saving Private Ryan", or best yet, HBO's "Band of Brothers".If you want bad romance and melodrama, try Titanic.
not the worst Seagal movie, it's the worst movie I've ever seen in my life To make a long story short: I own all Seagal movies and so you can call me a real fan. All I could say about this one has been said already by the others. Only one little thing not being detected by the others: Bastia is NOT close to Bordeaux, it's in the north-eastern part of the island of Corsica. Steven must have had a kind of longer "blackout" to let this whole thing being produced. His next one, "Flight of Fury" gets us a little back to his better days.
Great My family loves the whole The Cutting Edge series!! They are excellent family movies for the entire family to watch together.
Ridiculous Yesterday I saw the film in our local cinema. Yes, it takes some time before a movie makes it to Austria. I could not believe it. This was the famous Blair Witch Project, which seems to have caused so many sleepless nights and even made it on the covers of TIME amd NEWSWEEK. I just can't see why. There was not one creepy moment in the whole movie. The whole thing was so dull that you could only laugh about it. Okay, 3 people are lost in the woods. They are frightened, they fear for their lifes. What are they doing? They are filming each other! They hear sombody scream, they come to a mysterious house. What are they doing? Are they looking for some kind of weapon? Maybe a stone or a branch? No, they are still filming! One of the filmers gets lost. What is the other doing? You got it, he is still filming! This so called film is a joke. There is only one mystery about the Blair Witch. Why did it make so much money?
ONE OF SHIRLEY'S WORST FILMS I have not read the book by F.H. Burnett, on which this film was based, or seen the 1995 remake, but I agree with the majority of reviewers who feel that Shirley Temple did not give one of her best performances in THE LITTLE PRINCESS as Sara Crewe, the poor little rich girl who goes from "riches to rags". This film, in my opinion, suffers from an excess of overacting, not only from Shirley but also from her supporting cast. Shirley is unconvincing in her attempts to display emotion, whether it is grief over her father's reported death, or joy when she is finally re-united with him at the end of the film. Though I never considered her a remarkable child actress, still she seemed unable here to re-create the irresistible charm of her earlier films, which so endeared her to the public of the 1930s. Not helping her in any way are the British actors and actresses who fill the supporting roles. They overplay their "Englishness" to the point of irritation (especially Arthur Treacher), which detracts from the enjoyment of the film. Shirley, too, overplays the English bit in her song-and-dance routines with Treacher, and has as much trouble with the Cockney accent as the poor American actress who was stuck playing the part of the Cockney servant girl who befriends Shirley at the school. In THE LITTLE PRINCESS her talent for dance never has the opportunity to shine as it did in previous films. It was obvious in the ballet sequence that she didn't possess the strength to dance in point shoes, and her duets with Treacher cannot compare with the memorable scenes of her dancing with Bill "Bojangles" Robinson in THE LITTLE COLONEL, or with Buddy "Jed Clampett" Ebsen in CAPTAIN JANUARY. For children and adults who want to see examples of her dancing prowess, these two films are strongly recommended. And for those wishing to see Shirly performing at her best, take a look at WEE WILLIE WINKIE or POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL. (A note to fans of Marcia Mae Jones: My favorite scene in THE LITTLE PRINCESS, and possibly the highlight of the film, occurs near the end when Marcia, playing the haughty schoolgirl Lavinia, gets a pail of ashes dumped on her head. Touche', Shirley.
Just a Great Movie I don't like Musicals, but I Love "Singin in the Rain". This is flat out, just a terrific movie from start to finish. It's very funny, the songs are wonderful, the dancing is fantastic, and the actors, all of them, are great.Seriously, see it.
Let's not lynch Lynch, but....... I was tempted to give only one star to this film, but thepurely visual beauty of the film is impressive and the"lesbian" scenes are both tasteful and erotic. However,that is sllim fare for this disappointing film. Lynch breaksno new ground, anyone having scene Blue Velvet orTwin Peaks will spot the lynchisms. The narrative isnon existent and who really cares how many hiddenclues (if any) are to be found upon subsequent viewings.(this is no Usual Suspects).The film collapes upon itself, perhaps by design, butleading to my own attention span collapse. And whyis Robert Forster given star billing when we see himso little? Oh short, this is a perhaps typical"aren't I cute" Lynch effort. and yes even the mostliterate film viewer might be wasting his/her time here.
Parent Trap was the best family movie since the Olsen Twins. When I first saw this movie on the previews I knew it would be a hit.After seeing the first one made me want to see the remake. The thing I like best was the story line. I personally think this was a better movie than It Takes Two. If they tried to remake this one I don't think I would see it.I really want this for movie for Christmas. It is #2 on my list. this movie ties with the Olsen twins new movie, Billboard Dad.I love that movie.
phone booze artsi fartsi direction? please could anybody stop the director of this making more.
Thrilling Hour Charlie Rose is interviewing some of the greatest authorities on the study of the social brain. The panel shows that after millions of years of evolution we have acquired a myriad of adaptations that have allowed us to create the society we now have. Yes the social brain is complex but you will find it to be thrilling listening to the experts put the pieces of the puzzle together for us. This is the most exciting and informative viewing than I have seen in a long time. See it!
Underrated, overlooked film noir masterpiece Before you think "oh, yet another Grisham book made into a film", think again. This is a totally unique film noir with a huge ensemble cast. It maintains the "noir" feel throughout the film until the closing credits, thanks to Robert Altman. In this film you get Kenneth Brannagh in the lead as a prominent litigator, Robert Downey as a sleazy P.I., Darryl Hannah as the long suffering wife, Embeth Davitz as the "woman in trouble", Robert Duvall as a grizzled outback man, Famke Jannsen, Tom Berenger, etc. Get it, and keep it because the DVD is probably rare.
this is cool terminater or however you spell it is cool but gorie the most gorieest part is when he cuts his eye ball my mom closed her eyeswhen he did that and i didi'nt and i'm 7
VolcanoScapes 3 Very poor. Scenes were repeated, some more than once.
Make a comedy movie that's FUNNY! First of all im 15, my parents don't allow me to give information like that. Second, I have never seen a movie so crude, not that thats bad but when a movie is a crude comedy it should be funny! I laughed for about three jokes and thats it. And all the swearing got really old and tedious. They put swearing words when they didn't need to, for example there is a part when Stan says, "Cartmen saved the day all because of his big fat (...) mouth." As you can see it was kind of unnessesary to put in a curse word in there. Iv'e seen a R rated action film that don't have as many curse words as this. The animation is pretty cheap. You can make stan out of construction paper and it would look almost like him. Making it into a musical was a dumb idea because the songs (most of them anyway) weren't funny. (...).p.s The guinesses book of world records put South Park in one of the books. 2001 I think. It won for most swearing in a animated film. 399 curse words and 128 offensive gesters. THAT'S AN AWARD TO BE PROUD OF!
Dreadful Film That Gives a New Definition to the Term 'Family Picture' Director of two `Scooby-Doo' films makes another comedy without the eye-popping CGI of the funny talking dog, and now what you get is `Yours, Mine, and Ours,' a remake of 1968 comedy that should have been left untouched. The only good thing about the newer version is the kids (and some of them would be seen in a much better film sooner or later), so if you a fan of, say, Dean Collins, please stop reading this review here, take a look at the film and enjoy yourself.But I'm talking about the film itself, and Dennis Quaid & Rene Russo, and what I am going to say is not very nice. To their credits, they truly look like two adults Frank and Helen, widowed Coast Guard Admiral and widowed designer, who had been romantically linked to each other when high school students. Their story is sweet, romantic and convincing. Sadly their story ends in five minutes.The rest of the film is about the predictable culture clash comedy between two sets of values with lots of badly-constructed pratfalls. Frank is an uptight military person while Helen is a free-thinking vegetarian. Frank has 8 children while Helen 10 (including the adopted kids). Frank demands his home should be `shipshape' while Helen wants her kids always `free.' So what would happen if they live in a same place?One of the two terrible things about `Yours, Mine, and Ours' is its awfully made slapsticks which are just embarrassing to see. If you think it funny to see someone slipping over vomit on a yacht, or Dennis Quaid soaked in green slime, this is your film. And you can also see Mr. Quaid kissing a pig. Rene Russo is not the same sexy woman you have seen in `The Thomas Crown Affair,' but her stand-in who looks very tired.But the most annoying thing is the characters of the kids (or what they do). These spoiled children are not only allowed to eat a bucketful of sweets, but they plan to break up the relations between Frank and Helen just because they want to live as they want! Of course they relent after getting what they want, and cue to the sappy ending.This messy and unfunny comedy comes from four big names - MGM, Paramount, Nickelodeon and Columbia. The images are crisp, and shot in widescreen. Despite its beautiful package, however, none of the cast would like to remember the film and its contents that are simply dreadful.
Highly entertaining movie. This is one of my favorite movies. Great, hilarious performances by Hugh Grant, Nicholas Hoult, and Toni Collette. BTW, no floppy hair in this one.
No redeeming social value ... I'm sorry, I just can't get hot and bothered about Angela's Ashes. No characters with any admirable qualities, endlessly wallowing in their own sense of despair. Parents who can't be bothered to do something to provide their children with the bare essentials, but who can always find the money for booze or cigarettes. The father, a low life, big mouthed, lazy good for nothing who drinks all the time, doesn't bother to provide for his family, but refuses to accept charity so that his children can eat. A mother who would rather function as a prostitute to a filthy, degraded, disgusting relative than go out and do some work. People talk in reviews here about this woman's great self-sacrifice, but I noticed that she never failed to have a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, though her kids were going hungry and having to walk through the overflow of a toilet just to get into their house. I can't see any great self-sacrifice there - just laziness, lack of self-respect and self-indulgence.I can't see anything funny in this film, and certainly nothing noble in any of the characters. Can't imagine what all the hoopla is about, or how anyone could consider such a tragic and infuriating situation, brought about by adults who refuse to be adults and take responsibility, funny in any way at all.
Unacceptable No excuse for this. Loved the trilogy, but will not be forced to double dip.
WOW! I finally bought and watched this classic epic on DVD just lastweek. After watching the first few minutes, I was awed by therestoration of this movie. I have watched the video version ofthis many times and the two don't even compare. It hardly looksalmost 50 years old. If you like this movie, and have a DVDplayer, buy this as soon as you can. "So it shall be written,so it shall be done."
Love the movie. This is a classic movie, although it does not exactly follow the real Bible's description of the event, but enjoyable and good quality movie!
i love this ok so it did not deserve best picture. it was still excellent. it has great performances in it. particulary the guy who never was very famous michael jeter or whatever his name is. i love the visuals. i cried at the end.micael clarke duncan is great.
A male centered hero story is out of place in the Age of the Goddess One nice thing about the period from 30,000 BC to about 7000 BC, from the little we know from archeology (Maritja Gimbutas), is that during this Paleolithic age, the Goddess reigned. A massive amount of Goddess statuary exists from this time period, and we do not see "God" sculptures until closer to 7000 BC, when a God comes into existence as a son/consort of the Goddess.Unfortunately, we don't see anything like this in this movie. I don't believe that movies have to be true to life: they're often more fun if they're not. However, we have far too many male warrior-hero movies: we really don't need more and more and more of this type of story, particularly when our civilization is under threat of collapse because of the male-dominated warrior-hero way it's been run for the last 5000 years. We need a return to the GOddess, and this movie missed a good opportunity to help in that.In this movie, there are hundreds, no -- thousands -- of male characters, but only two female characters. One of the female characters is nothing much more than a prize for the male hero, and the other, a Shamanic priestess of her ancient tribe, ends up sacrificing her own life in order that the life of the young male hero might be happier and fruitful. So this story, instead of being centered on the Goddess, is really about the "death" of the GOddess as a sort of sacrifice for the birth of a male-centered, warrior-based, patriarchal culture in which women really have no signifcant role to play as individuals in their own right. WHich is not really the story of 10,000 BC, it's the story of 3000 BC to the present time.
Great movie Even after seeing this movie at least five times, it still keeps my attention like I was watching for the first time.I don't think I can tell you anything different than 1000 other reviewers have told you. Watch the movie, enjoy and don't take everything to heart.
Sydney Poitier is the original "Banana in the Tailpipe" guy This movie pretty much sux. Go read the book instead and exercise your mind a little.The one lesson I learned from this movie was from a lesser supporting character. She is the former girlfriend from Spain, of the Irish convict who leads the good guys to the bad guy. She eventually shoots the bad guy in the subway station. The lesson was this:"Live a life of international crime while dating IRA hitmen, immigrate illegally to the USA where you deceive your husband and kids about your past until, in a moment of vigilanty vengeance, you shoot someone in a subway. For this you get tacit citizenship and a stellar waterfront house on the river outside DC.Obviously this movie was made before Sept 11th, 2001. Oh how we've changed.BakaTBakaSTakaT.Cz
Clever but ultimately bogus "docuganda" Entertaining, reasonably tight, and well-produced but don't take it seriously. Michael Moore is the Big Bird of adult Sesame Street analysis - except Sesame Street is more even-handed. I don't own a gun, and don't like them. But this one-sided and misleadingly juxtaposed portrayal hardly helps anyone - except apparently Moore who seems unable to decide which side of the camera he's meant to be on. And that, it seems to me, is the core of the problem. This is less a documentary than a vehicle for Moore's self-important "spin-doctoring." One can tell something is amiss when the film gives the impression that the only intelligent people are those on its side. The epiphanic moment though, and the one which has forever diminished Moore for me, was the prolonged and shameful sequence in which he takes advantage of a Charleton Heston who was so obviously already sliding into dementia. There is something glaringly inconsistent about professing one's concern for humanity and then treating another human being in this fashion.
A Trip to Middle Earth I suppose this is directed mainly to those, like me, who have read the Lord of the Rings many times, each time finding more to enjoy. Fantasy lovers cannot help but be swept up in the book, which is at the same time simple and profound. Peter Jackson undertook the huge challenge of making a movie of this complex tale covering a years time in a place long lost in time - Middle Earth. Jackson triumphs, blending first rate casting, breathaking cinematography and stunning visual effects to recreate this marvelous time and place and tell the tale of a great burden borne by an unlikely hero, aided along the way by brave and faithful friends who walk through "fire and death" to complete the quest. The movie is true to as much of the tale as can be squeezed into 3 hours, with only a few nods to political correctness amd losing none of the key elements of the story. Some gripe because a part of the story they felt was important or particularly enjoyable was omitted, or that one of the characters is not portrayed as they fancied them. If that's the worst that can be said, then this is an achievement indeed.
Great Movies I'll just be brief...I wish I could watch these ones for the first time again!Great movies, but III was a bit of a let down, I didn't enjoy the whole cowboy thing... I & II were absolutely awesome, worth every minute, good stuff.
Ana has done it again!! Wow! Ana sure knows how to pack a wallop in just under 30 minutes!! Maintenance Pilates definitely takes the Pilates exercises to a whole new level! Some new moves I never seen before have been included in this workout, such as the crab (it'll take a while for me to master this move). Anyway,everything is included in this workout,leg work, arm work, including cardio (jumping jacks). In addition, Ana has also included a 15-minute bonus workout. This one has a fun move, like the rolling like a ball around the clock. I can't wait to practice this move. Ana, you are SO good!!Another feature I noticed is that there is a langauge option in doing this work-either regular English or Spanish. I think that's an awesome thing to.
Look What They Did to My Lord! The Man would make history. His life, death and resurrection would rock the world and challenge every man, woman and child for generations to come. His existence had been foretold since the beginning of Time. He would save the world from their sins. He would turn aside the wrath of Almighty God from all those who believed in His name and lived for Him.His name is Jesus Christ. Today, He's alive.But the world killed Him when He came because it did not know Him.Mel Gibson's controversial film about the final 12 hours of the life of Jesus of Nazareth has been met with one of two responses: extreme love or extreme hate. I have yet to meet anyone who was 50/50 about the film.This reviewer loved the film. I make it an annual event to watch it as a personal reminder of what Jesus Christ did for me nearly 2000 years ago.Jim Caviezel's portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth is one filled with love, serenity and, yes, passion. You can see the love of Jesus for all people in his eyes when he speaks. You can see the hurt when he is treated unjustly. If Jim Caviezel did so awesome a job portraying Jesus, one can only imagine the Lord's expression when the events in this film actually happened a couple millennia ago.Based on the Gospels and Roman and Jewish history, Mel Gibson has crafted a well-executed account on what Jesus Christ went through on our behalf.Many complain the film is nothing but sheer gore. Yes, it is bloody, but if you look into Roman history and discovered what Roman scourging and crucifixion entailed, you'd find Gibson's film is bang on. He also made the right choice to display what happened how it happened instead of just putting a few scratch marks on Jesus and a robe splashed with red paint like other films have done. By seeing Jesus murdered as He was, the audience feels the impact of that day long ago. It forces them to pause and reflect.This film serves as a reminder for believers in Jesus, and serves, hopefully, as a touching account of the ultimate sacrifice from the ultimate Love to those who don't believe.It would take a terribly cold heart to not be moved by this film.Very recommended.A.P. Fuchs
do not rent, do not buy, do not borrow i would give anything to get those hours of my life back. again i listened to some reviewer's comments and paid the price. i watched this movie to the end for some sort of redemption and/or resolution. needless to say i wasted my time.
Harris Ford at his zenith! Greetings & Salutations! Harrison Ford's star never shined brighter than this flick, trust me! Better than "Star Wars" or "Indiana Jones" films, by far! This is the restored version with all the good stuff that was on the cutting room floor where it ought not have been, thankfully it was put back and the motion picture now makes better sense and is more fun to watch than when on the silver screen itself. This is really a "must have" DVD, you'll be licky if after you loan it out you get it back, its that good! Lock it down as someone will wanmt to steal it away from you and hoard it like King Solomon's treasure trove! Respectfully yours, Sarge Booker of Tujunga, jealously guarding my copy better than the Secret Service guards the Nation's Chief Executive!
Black films' nadir? The only highlight of this movie is turning the channel. Whoever wrote and directed this film should be backhand slapped.
Great movie, Poor blu-ray I'm a big fan of this movie, and this release looks and sounds great. The special features, however, are non existent. No commentaries, no deleted scenes, no "making of", no special features at all. Either rent this, or wait for some kind of special edition to come out.
pass if you can.....only for die hard fans ive been into the series since its inception, and was quite happy with the first episode. Episode two fell off a bit....Now we have these two. Episode three is not all that bad, but lacks a cohesive story line. A major portion is given to 'the story thus far", and the ending just falls into an unbelievable mish mosh of events. Granted, I dont expect 'reality', but something a little more believable than this would be nice. I'll spare the details for those that wish to take a look themselves.As for episode 4 (2nd story of dvd), what the hell happened???? I can't remark on the story, as I was so dissapointed I turned it off after 5 minutes......The problem is the art work. It looks like the cheapest work I've ever seen in a anime release. Simple colors, the drawings are extremely simplistic and done poorly. Most of the characters rarely even look like themselves. Anyone know what happened here? I don't know if this was a slap-dash production to release the dvd, but it's not even worth the tax I paid.....Now I'm curious to see how the 3rd cd comes across.....
happy halloween Was looking for this movie for Halloween. Was $10 or more in stores.Found it here brand new,never opened for $7. Movie arrived quickly and in excellent condtion just in time for halloween.Would do business with them again.
can't tell yet This video is in PAL format and I have not yet been successful in transferring it to NTSC format, hence I have not yet viewed it. This is more of a pain than I had originally envisioned, and I warn other potential purchasers to consider their resources before ordering a DVD in foreign printed format.
Garbage, Actually Without doubt, the worst film I have seen in several years.This film is built around approximately 9 subplots, each of which is loosely related to the theme that love takes many forms and can turn up in the most unexpected places.Several of these plots are shallow, one-joke sketches excruciatingly protracted over the course of over two hours.The more involved ones are even more insulting and formulaic. It would be difficult to decide which of them was the worst, but my candidate would be the plot involving Colin Firth. It is entirely contrived to concoct a "romantic" final scene, the details of which I will not disclose here so as not to "spoil" (if such a thing could be done for this horrendous film) the plot. But suffice it to say that the film hurls every lame cliche at the screen at the same time -- syrupy music, a contrived final scene, ethnic stereotyping, all to celebrate a "love" that, as far as the filmgoer can tell, doesn't really exist. The film doesn't seem to care about the essence of any particular love story, as much as it does the sorts of manipulative payoff scenes that can get audiences to tear up.If one is going to feel warm and fuzzy, one needs something to feel warm and fuzzy about. You can't just skip to the climax and expect the viewer to believe in a love that is never really shown developing in any way.The subplot with Hugh Grant may be equally deplorable. He plays the British PM, but doesn't bother to act, it's rather as though Hugh Grant himself has been installed at 10 Downing Street. This subplot is insulting on several levels, but perhaps most because of its imbecilic take on international diplomacy. The Americans are played as sinister rubes, on up to their lascivious President played by Billy Bob Thornton.The subplot with Keira Knightley is supposed to be moving but is instead creepy. If you think stalking is romantic, you might like that one.The film reaches for the lowest common denominator at every turn, for a length of over two hours. Awful stuff. I'm a lover of good romantic comedies, but trust me, this is definitely not one of them. It's a cliche factory, from start to finish; by the middle, I felt insulted. By the end, I was incensed.Stay away!
Shocking but Nothing to Rave About This film is famous because of the nudity and blatant sexuality it entails. Not only does it show a naked woman running after her horse that has escaped, it is a long scene, and one that has a close-up from the chest up. This would be incredibly shocking for a film of the 1950s, let alone a film from the 1930s. Secondly, when the woman goes to her lover, the scene does not stop when the two kiss. In fact, it closes in on the woman's face as she thrives in ecstasy, suggesting an orgasm.Hedy Lamarr is certainly beautiful and it is interesting to see her in this film because her look is dramatically different than that in her American films. Her transformation is akin to Joan Crawford's from the 1920s to the 1930s.The film quality of Ecstacy is horrible, although not as bad as some. The print is covered in artifacts but the quality of the lighting still shines through. The silences are deafening, truly. They drown out the music score in the background and what little dialogue there is.As an American watching this movie as a foreign film and as a fan of silent films, I was pleasantly surprised that most of the movie has no dialogue. I was not distracted by subtitles (often difficult to read in bad prints) throughout the film, much to it's merit.The part of this movie that kills the film is the ending. When the woman could easily stay with her new lover, her guilt forces her to leave him. Then, the man is shown at work seemingly happy and either dreaming about his lover and their baby or living it. Whether or not this really happened or not is unclear because the emotions in the scene do not transition well. Sadly, it is the end of the film so it is not cleared up for the viewer.
riveting dvd for toddlers my 22 month old son is somewhat interested in Elmo's World on Sesame Street, but he was riveted to this entire DVD about Firehouses. I don't know if he grasped all the concepts yet, but it's a decent DVD with solid safety concepts in it about fires & firefighters.
Give this movie a chance... Though other horror films released in the past five years (Scream, etc.) have only served to spoof horror and not produce it, I urge you to be open minded to House on Haunted Hill. Combining truly nasty imagery and seductive cinematography, this film draws you into a world of evil and terror. Admittedly, the acting is not supurb, and the ending could be stronger, but the overall feel of the film is delightfully frightening. The DVD offers a great comparison/contrast with the original, as well as insightful comments from the director, and cut scenes. Those who appreciate the surrealism of films like Candyman and Nightbreed should also see the potential of House on Haunted Hill. A wonderful mean spirit runs through HOHH, making it fun in a wicked sort of way.
Money well spent I love the series, cant wait for season 3. Now I can go back and watch season 2. The zombie head was designed by Greg Nicotero who is the special effects and makeup leader on the show, and he did a great job. Its the zombie from episode 1 of season 2 that Andrea stabbed in the rv. Its awesome and its really cool that you have to stab him in the eye to open the head. A great edition and one of my favorites in my blu ray collection.
JITC Video transfer quality OK, sound transfer not that good, but could be a limitation of the master tapes from the 80s. Overall I rate it OK as a DVD(I like the story itself, which is why I bought it).
BORING MOVIE, STUPID PLOT, NO CHEMISTRY...NEED I SAY MORE? Brad Pitt (great actor), Julia Roberts (our 90s Audrey Hepburn) have NO chemistry in this movie.The comedic chemistry is terrible, the title of this movie is awful, the plot is stupid, basically this movie is a BOMB, all around.Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt absolutely have NO chemistry together and why they made this movie is beyond my comprehension ...
Exceptional cast fleshes out a rather slim story Of all the films coming out this holiday movie season, KINSEY was near the top of my list. Despite an absolutely superb cast, I have to confess that I found this film someone disappointing. The truth is that there simply wasn't a lot of story to tell, or at least not a lot if you were already familiar with Alfred Kinsey's story. Briefly, Kinsey achieved fame as an entomologist who accidentally became the first American sex researcher. Many on the regressive side of the cultural wars focus on him as a satanic figure, but most people are going to view him as an important figure in pulling American attitudes and knowledge of sex out of the Victorian period. The film does a good job of hinting at the degree of ignorance about sex that existed in many places even in mid-century (reminding one of Virginia Woolf's comments a few decades earlier of an incident in one of E. M. Forster's novels -- Woolf expressed doubt as to whether Mr. Forster was acquainted with the facts of life, since she was uncertain whether one character became pregnant from a male character or his umbrella). It would be hard to argue that the ignorance that existed did a great deal of harm. Kinsey's achievement was to bring sex into the realm of public discussion and assess it scientifically through a massive accumulation of information acquired through face to face interviews. Historically, his main achievement was in originating the social scientific study of sex, though his work has been entirely superceded by other researchers. Most view his methodology as hopelessly flawed, for instance including a vast number of interviews with incarcerated individuals, which unquestionably skewed the overall figures in ways that didn't represent the populace as a whole. Nonetheless, Kinsey was pivotal in moving the discussion of sex from the realm of morals to that of the laboratory. Anyone wanting a very brief but excellent account of Kinsey's career can find a succint one in the relevant chapter in David Halberstam's THE FIFTIES.Alongside this story of Kinsey's study of sex is the story of the main characters own struggle with their sexuality, something that threatened the separation between his private and personal life. Kinsey ends up not only experimenting with his own sexuality, but encourages his wife and his colleagues and their wives to do so as well. This part of the film reveals the naiveté of much of their personal activity and the self-serving nature of much of their research.If anything, the film understates the turmoil Kinsey's work threw America into, though it does correctly record that while his first book on male sexuality did indeed create a sensation, it was his second book on female sexuality that created a massive reaction on the part of his critics.The problem is that most of this lacks a great deal of narrative tension and the filmmakers did not manage to transcend the material. While they do a great job of creating a period feel and bringing forth many of the big issues of the day, the outlines of the story are easy to state briefly. In other words, the Kinsey story is interesting up to a point, but only up to that point. The cast does its best, with Liam Neeson almost certain to get an Oscar nomination for the title role. Laura Linney, an immensely talented actress who has never gotten as many prominent roles as I would have liked, delivered an equally nuanced performance as Kinsey's wife. The cast was rounded out by a talented group, though one of my favorites, Oliver Platt, gets only a straightforward role that gives him no room to expand.Except for those who are easily offended by rather graphic sexual content, I can definitely recommend this film, but I do not do so with a red hot passion. It is a good, but certainly not great film on an interesting, but not quite fascinating, moment in American history.
Fear and Loathing in Vegass I was surprised that this came as good as it did. The case was in near perfect condition, and had the inside and outside cover. The two disks were also very good; they had no scratches on them and played all the way through. I'm happy with my purchase.
Love it This may look like a "man's movie" on the surface, but I feel anyone would enjoy it. The emotion and action in this movie makes it one to remember. Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, Andre Benjamin, and Garrett Hedlund seemed like real brothers on the screen. Its a movie I would watch over and over again.
Incomplete Race A Disappointment The company that issued this DVD has done an admirable job of making some classic NASCAR races available in their entirety, and any student of NASCAR's history should seek out these DVD's. But there is one major problem with this DVD of the 1976 Daytona 500. A significant portion of the race has been lost and therefore is not included here. It clearly states at the beginning of the disc that much of the middle of the race is missing. Unfortunately, though, there is no indication on the outer package, or on this webpage, that the race is incomplete. The famous finish is included, and I won't spoil the ending for anyone unfamiliar with this historic race.
D3K version stinks - do not rent or buy This is one of the most delightful and dizzy romantic comedies ever made. I've watched it on film, on tv, and on DVD. My single star rating refers to the butcher job done by D3K in their remaster. Probably the worst quality DVD I've *ever* rented. It had appalling muddy and hissy sound and looked as if it were filmed through vaseline. If you want a crisp clear DVD, stay away from the D3K version and find the Columbia Classics release.
ROMANTIC EROTIC FANTASY DRAMA ROMANTIC EROTIC FANTASY DRAMA - Untamed passion is a dangerous game! Fantasy, Pleasure, Seduction! Donna is unfulfilled. In an unsatisfying marriage , Donna finds herself fantasizing about her sultry friend's lovers. But for Donna, fantasy and forbidden desires are about to be reawakened. Each morning, Donna will find herself in the arms of a new lover, while her sexy friends seduce her husband in more ways than one. The art of seduction is animalistic. In a world obsessed with attraction and pleasure, Donna will experience her deepest desires and soon discover what you desire the most , you cannot resist. Experience it yourself: Animal Attraction! STARS: Stephanee Lafleur, Nicholas Yff, Landon Michaels, Ahmo Hight, Loridawn, Chandra Marie, Christopher W. Johnson, Director & Producer: Mike Sedan, Rated R. Audio: English Dolby 2.0 Stereo Digital, Full Screen, 78minutes.BONUS:Director & Cast Biographies!
Faster than Fast! I ordered this product and 3 days later it was here. There are 10 movies in all, I cant wait to watch them. My Step-Daughter is going to be so excited!
awesome but a wee bit disappointed I'm very happy with all the movies excluding bio broly and fusion reborn I just don't like the bio broly movie which most fans would agree with me on. Now for the fusion reborn the english dub of janemba is just not to my taste. The thing I have the most problem with is the translation for the subtitles I have the vhs with the ORIGINAL translation and wat pikuhan yells at the barrier surrounding king yamas check in station is totally diffrent from from the translation on these discs I just hope that we can get an origial translation from FUNIMATION please and thank u other than those two problems I have fusion reborn is still my favorite dbz movie
Ack! The worst Thomas movie ever. Even my Thomas-fanatic son will not watch this one. Alec Baldwin is enjoyable but Peter Fonda is horrible. Storyline is confusing and illogical beyond belief.
Very Good BD Transfer The PQ is very good for a 1990's release but I believe could have been better. The visuals is worth the money I paid.
Bad For Non Dancers I actually hate giving bad reviews but in this case I am going to make an exception. This video is HORRIBLE for beginners. As dance instructors, they should have known to actually include a segment on the dance moves and have a practice section so that beginners could work up to the moves. It's far too fast paced. Also, the blonde is really annoying, as though she is trying to push her sexuality on the viewers instead of sticking to the routine.
Mean Andy, Nice Andy This is not your typical evil twin movie, although on the surface it might seem so. Twin brothers are raised by a rich woman who adopts them. When she dies, the evil twin wants to make money off the land, while the good twin wants to share the land and all the wealth with everybody. It's not the funniest movie but I did enjoy the lightheartedness of it. The few scenes where the twins are shown together are some of the most convincing digitized twin scenes I've ever seen.Flaws: It was a little unfocused and longer than it needed to be, but I liked the loving spirit that most of the people in this movie had. And who doesn't love a movie with a happy ending?From what I've read about Andy Garcia, the good twin is very similar in his generous, caring nature but Andy is probably better in his money management skills. This is not Andy's best work (although his acting was superb) but nonetheless a "must have" in your Andy Garcia collection. Alan Arkin was lovable as the Andy's friend who tries to steer him in the right direction. Rachel Ticotin also does a respectable job as the wife who at first is reluctant to get back together with her husband.
Great movie! Funny and light hearted!! I love Reese and I think she did a great job! It's great for a family with older kids.I think there is a lot of unnecessary cuss words which would limit families with younger kids to watch.
Can I give this movie zero stars? I am mystified by the Pearl Harbor reviews, specifically the good ones. In short, Pearl Harbor is a hell-stew of ear-shattering volume, wooden acting, laughable dialogue, unfunny humor attempts, and bad history. Believe all of the negative press and reviews of this movie, it is all true.In typical Michael Bay fashion, the horror of Pearl Harbor is reduced to a putrid love story and an excuse to make big explosions. History deserved better than this.
Ending renders entire movie worthless The DVD case of this movie cites praise from Roger Ebert and other critics and the plot summary mentions great acting, comedy, and a great plot twist at the end. Thirty minutes into the movie, after we've met all the characters and understand all the situations that the movie is going to cover, the plot twist is incredibly obvious. I watched the whole movie hoping that wouldn't be the case, but it was, and it ruins the movie.Minor Spoilers below.In Roger Ebert's review of this movie, he writes that the movie has 3 plot points. "It is: (1) the story of a crisis in the life of a man crippled by neurotic obsessions; (2) the story of two con men who happen onto a big score, and (3) the story of a man who meets the teenage daughter he never knew he had, and finds himself trying to care for her.I strongly disagree. This movie is a story of a conman who meets his teenage daughter and tries to care for her and grow close to her. That is all the movie is about. Through getting to know his daughter, she gets involved in some of his cons. But the father/daughter relationship is the center of the movie.The ending of Matchstick Men renders the entire movie meaningless. I'm reminded of Vanilla Sky's ending which showed that Tom Cruise had dreamt the entire movie. Similarly, in Matchstick Men, if nothing before the ending is real, then why should the movie matter, know matter how well it is made.I did think all of the acting was great, especially by Cage and Lohman. I just didn't like the ending at all.
I guess feminists think crime and murder is ok Ok look I know at this very minute that there are men out there doing bad things to women. But guess what that door swings both ways and do we really need a Movie like this one to enlarge the gender gap between men and women. I really hate the way this movie shows people abusing firearms, being a gun owner that just drives me nuts! When I saw Susan Sarandons character shoot that guy in the parking lot I just threw up my arms and said "Now that was really stupid"! Sure the guy was a dirt bag and he should be in jail but you can`t use lethal force like that if someone offends you . When she did that she might as well have shot her self because her life was destroyed at that point anyway She should have walked away and got out of there after she got Gena Davis away from him. Well that is all I have to say I am sorry if I offended anyone.
Another UNORIGINAL film by M. Night Shyamalan I think that M. Night Shyamalan is the most unoriginal director ever....The aliens in this movie got me upset the most. If water burns them like acid, then why did they come to earth? Humans are mostly just bags of water. There's no way they could get us. If we are sweating and they grab us they would get burned. Just like James Cameron's Aliens, our spit would be just like acid to them. That's a hell of a lot scary than some poison gas that comes out of your wrist. These aliens are either arrogant or dumb as rocks. Why not wear a suit to protect yourself from getting burned? And where are their weapons? They have the technology to travel to Earth, but their only weapons are their bare hands and some gas. Come on. They're able to move fast, jump on roofs, and take a beating with a bat, but can't break down boarded up doors.Has Hollywood completely ran out of NEW and ORIGINAL ideas for movies? Or is it that Hollywood is afraid to try something new for a change? Instead they remake and combine movies formulas that have worked in the past. By all means Signs is no exception.
Hard To Follow This tape is really hard to do if you don't have previous dance experience. It is hard to follow especially because Darrin is facing you when he's dancing, so you have to reverse what he's doing.
Good plot / "documentary" theme meets technical garbage I was excited to find this film (finally!). I knew what it was about from having heard from friends and colleagues. A little more science-fictionish than I expected, but it actually worked...nice job, good treatment of the ironies of California life.Too bad it's ALL IN ENGLISH! What the heck is this?! I'm buying a DVD called Dia sin mexicanos (I've seen "A Day Without Mexicans" in the local rental places, so I know it's available in English). I mean, my nephew's Finding Nemo lets you play it in Spanish if you want. Every DVD I've seen, practically, offers another language track. This DVD is labeled in Spanish, the opening menu asks you to select A Day Without Mexicans (English) or Dia Sin Mexicanos (Espanol). I choose the latter--no dice. I try again. English. I try the English, just in case--English. I mean, I can watch it in English, sure, but that's not why I BOUGHT this disk instead of RENTING it at Bl********ster. I tried it on my DVD player, my neighbor's, and on my computer with two different player applications - nowhere did anything but an English audio track show up.VERY DISAPPOINTING.
Surprisingly Good I agree with the other reviewer. I was disappointed at first by the 2 dimensional animation. But all my kids (1, 3, and 7) love the videos. My 3 year old is especially fond of these tapes and wants to watch them constantly. The lower quality animation actually may be a positive because the kids focus more on the audio. I also believe there may be too much English, but the kids are definitely learning Spanish and having fun while doing it. The meaning of the Spanish words they teach are very clear and reinforced several times. I recommend these videos for a fun introduction to the language.
Horrible Why do they even bother producing movies like this? Terrible plot, not funny - tries too hard. Don't waste your time.
Too Much Lost potential Brent one of Taylor's old friends crashes much the same way that Taylor did, and procedes to look for him. Soon he meets Nova. (Ever notice that her legs are shaved? Where did she get that razor? from the monkies ha...) Brent undergoes the same basic treatment that Taylor received at the hands of the apes. Soon afterwards he escapes and finds that The Planet of the Apes is actually Earth when he stumbles onto the Greensboro subway. From there he meets a race of humanoids who worship the doomsday device and when they take off their faces look like un-masked Darth Vaders. Weirdness ensues.The movie is however rather weak. The ending of the movie is somewhat unfulfilling. Well actually very unfullfilling. Brent's experience with the apes is just a rehash of the first movie. Overall the movie was just really boring and many of the events were not at all well explained. It was just a very mediocre movie and nothing compared to the first movie.Though I would just like to point out some irony: Heston gets gunned down. Think about it.
Rent it - don't buy it The good things about the movie are that the reggae music is good and they show a lot of pot and they showed realistic poverty and they filmed it in Jamaica. The bad things about the movie are the bad poverty and too much gun violence, and the actors had nasty dreadlocks. They should rent it not buy it.
hear me out a quick sec I mean it really is, there's nothing else you can say. Am I right? I mean, am I right on this one? Is this movie a joke or what? Forget about the fact that the Yanks weren't even in the war yet, and forget about the fact that duh seven men cannot operate a submarine, and oh yeah forget about the sub (pun intended) par acting, and don't forget to forget about the fact that for real every single thing about this movie is fake, forget about all of that and just think about this for a sec: they did all of that in the old sub and then without confirming any kind of rendezvous with a friendly vessel they abandon ship into the open sea. Can you please forget about all that other stuff and just explain that to me for a quick sec?
Don't watch, if you read the book The film version did not do any justice to the original work by John Irving. Now I know why his novels are so Dickensian, full of details; they are important, they enrich the world of fiction which is mere piles of pages otherwise. // The movie is faithful to the novel, I admit, but didn't have any feel that I absorbed from the book. The film captured the essence, but what is it good for if it didn't come with something that touches, moves and cause pain to your heart? It was a terrible loss at the expence of great actors, and insult to the author and readers. The plot will seem discontinuous and unnatural if you don't know the book, and if you know the book, it's a huge disappointment. // Adaptation of books to films are very often more or less disappointing to anyone who bothers with checking on both, but this one was the worst. The film versin of "Cider House Rules" also by John Irving, which captured only a half or less of the original was fairly decent, but this one, no, if you have already read the book, don't even think about buying or renting this film. You'll be so upset after watching that you'll wake up in a foul mood on the next morning.
True Romance Blu-ray looks great Just got my bluray copy and checked out a bunch of scenes and it's excellent, the best transfer of this film I have ever seen (I have seen it on vhs, the original dvd and the "2-disc special edition directors cut" dvd)It's a high-fidelity digital transfer that looks as close to the original film as I expect most people are ever going to get.
age-ism is a form of race-ism i saw this film once when i was eighteen on a rented vhs,and i was bored out of mymind by the visuals and disgusted by the theme of the story. enough said.
You'd dig it the most baby Wildly Original. Great acting. Great Cast. Great screenplay. This is one of the best movies ever. You could watch this movie 10 times and still find little things about it. This movie is second only to the amazing "Reservoir Dogs" as being the best Tarantino ever. Which by the way, you should see if you liked Pulp Fiction.
Disney Messes With EVERYTHING! I happen to really enjoy My Neighbor Totoro, so when I bought this DVD I assumed it would be the original and just be released by Disney...wrong! This movie has been Americanized so bad that you can barely get into it, even though it has the same storyline the voices doesnt match anything going on within the movie. If you can find the original, I say go for that one and leave this one behind...Thank You Disney!
Poor picture quality I bought this only because I had an absolutely horrendous copy of "Beyond The Law", and I took a chance that this one would be better. It is. For example, in the beginning of the movie one of the actors sets a book down - on my old copy I couldn't read the book's title, on this dvd I can.With that said, understand that the picture quality of these movies is still pretty bad. The colors are washed out, faces are stretched, detail is poor, etc.Encore Westerns, which I get in standard definition, has been broadcasting several Lee Van Cleef movies lately ("Beyond The Law" is not one of them, but "Death Rides A Horse" is), and the picture quality, while certainly still lacking, is 100% better than any dvd I've seen. And I know that "Death Rides A Horse" is sometimes broadcast on Retro HD, but since I don't subscribe to that channel I cannot comment on picture quality.The above is my long-winded way of saying that you're better off burning a TV broadcast to DVD than purchasing this or any other less-than-popular western collection DVD.Lee Van Cleef in "The Grand Duel" was recently released on blu-ray, and the one review (as of today's date) here on Amazon is positive. I've obtained it, but haven't watched it yet. Maybe the best thing to do is to wait for good blu ray's if you want these westerns. I've read that some of these blu rays are still crappy quality, though, so buyer beware.
Pure Magic! Bringing this classic fairy tail to life is one of the best things that Disney has ever done. Every second of this film is full to the brim with wonder and magic. More than ten years after first seeing it, there are still some scenes that make me gasp at their beauty.The movie provides all of the usual Disney elements of gorgeous animation, skilled voice actors, awesome original songs, and non-stop entertainment, but there's something special in the mix. We get one of the most believable and heart felt romances to ever grace the animated world. As a child every time I read a picture book of this Fairy Tail I found it impossible to believe that a woman could love a beast, but Disney found a way to make it happen. You truly believe that it's possible, and feel her pain when she thinks she's lost him.In the classic Disney fashion, Beauty and the Beast brings along a message for the kids to learn. We see the value of intelligence and compassion, learn to look beyond the superficial, and discover that love knows no boundaries.
The other Boleyn Girl can'd hold a candle to 'Anne of the Thousand Days' For those who give high ratings to 'The Other Boleyn Girl', I can only suggest that you either rent or buy the superb 1969 film, 'Anne of the Thousand Days'. Both films basically deal with the same subject but there's really no comparison. Where 'Anne' is a complex historical recreation and magisterial drama, 'The Other Boleyn...' is a ponderous soap opera, where numerous film-goers today have been taken in by the film's lavish production values (shot in High Definition), along with the three big name Hollywood stars who can't hold a candle to predecessors such as Richard Burton and Genevieve Bujold who really make you feel like you're watching flesh and blood human beings who lived in the 16th century.I haven't read the book which the movie was based on but I question why it was necessary to tell Anne Boleyn's story through the eyes of her older sister Mary (inaccurately depicted as the younger sister here in this film). Mary's part in 'Anne of the Thousand Days' is wisely depicted as brief and her bitterness toward her father for 'pimping her out' to King Henry VIII is much more believable than Scarlett Johansson's Mary who continues to hold a soft spot for the King despite being unceremoniously dumped by him and bearing a child who was dubbed a bastard. Mary is basically depicted as a saint who we're supposed to identify with because she has a 'good heart'. Unfortunately, most saints make for boring drama and Johansson's Mary is no exception. Johansson did well in Woody Allen's well-scripted 'Vicky Christina Barcelona' but she is completely out of her element in the 16th century. Instead of a world weary traveler in the Tudor court, Johansson's Mary is more like an Amish-like simpleton whose grim and ponderous expressions suggest that she is an actor of extremely limited range. Mary has little to do in 'The Other Boleyn Girl'. Her two big scenes (the love scene with King Henry and the birth of her son) are devoid of substantial dramatic conflict.What's worse is the suggestion that Anne and Mary were competitors for Henry's approval. In 'Anne of the Thousand Days', there was no competition between the two sisters. Mary's story was over when Anne comes on the scene. Genevieve Bujold defiantly states that she will never let the King do what he did to her sister and it takes a very long time in that film before Anne changes her mind. In The Other Boleyn Girl, Natalie Portman's Anne is a cold and calculating schemer from the beginning, inexplicably accusing her sister from taking the King from her. Later, she blames Mary for being responsible for the breakup of her secret union with Henry Percy. Ann's Uncle, the Duke of Northrop, orders that the two lovers separate. In 'Anne of the Thousand Days', the breakup is a matter of state policy. The head of the Catholic Church, Cardinal Wolsey, threatens Ann's lover and they're forced to part due to the King's designs on Anne. In 'The Other Boleyn Girl', Anne's undoing is attributed to what appears to be something like a bi-polar episode. After Henry rejects her because she can't bear a male heir, she becomes unhinged and ends up slapping him. In 'Anne of the Thousand Days', Anne is both the victim of Henry's cruelty and her own ambition to see her daughter declared the first in succession to the English throne.Screenwriter Peter Morgan's view of Henry VIII is way off the mark. Thanks to Morgan's superficial portrait, Eric Bana, turns Henry into a GQ model rather than the petty but complex Henry of history. For those who are offended that I dare suggest that Bana isn't right for the part, I strongly urge you to watch Richard Burton in 'Anne of the Thousand Days'; afterward, come back and tell me with a straight face that you think Bana was right for this part. What's missing in 'The Other Boleyn Girl' is how Henry relates to members of his Court. Who are his friends and confidants? And of course there's the whole political intrigue of the court which is glossed over in 'The Other Boleyn Girl'. The key players, Cardinal Wolsey and the King's adviser, the deadly Thomas Cromwell, are missing. In 'Anne of the Thousand Days', there are a myriad of characters interacting with the King and as a result of these interactions, a full portrait of Henry's personality comes through. Here, Bana's Henry is dull and witless. What's more, Morgan's view of Henry and Anne's relationship has no real grace or drama. The best Morgan can come up with is a crude rape scene which reduces Henry to a comic book villain.'The Other Boleyn Girl' is not without a few good points. Ana Torrent is brilliant as Katherine of Aragon, depicting the quiet dignity of a woman terribly wronged. David Morrissey is credible as the steely social-climbing uncle who holds the strings in the family. Kristin Scott Thomas as the Boleyn mother acquits herself well but she's a bit too much of a feminist icon for 16 century England. Mark Rylance was much too ineffectual as Sir Thomas Boleyn but he looks very good as a 16th century nobleman.Production-wise, 'The Other Boleyn...' is filmed in sumptuous high definition and the scenes in the English countryside are a pleasure to watch. The camera work is for the most part pretty good with first-time director Justin Chardwick shooting scenes from a multiplicity of angles.In the end, 'The Other Boleyn Girl' is not the other Boleyn's Girl story. If you want the 'real McCoy', then you must see Richard Burton and Genevieve Bujold together. They are master craftsmen and you will be truly moved by their performances. The remake connects the dots but can never hold a candle to the 1969 production. Sometimes it's best to leave things well enough alone!
Loved it! My 5-year-old son loves this video! He says 'the whole thing is my favorite part'!
Incredible I can't believe how they've cleaned up this old movie. Of course it is the greatest movie of all time, but jeez, some of the old versions of it, in theaters, on VHS or older DVDS, made it hard to appreciate sometimes. This one looks almost perfect in every scene--and the sounds is vastly improved, too. (I've only watched the Blu-Ray version.)
Matrix Reloaded is better than the first movie A lot of people have been saying that the Matrix Reloaded was a bad movie and ruined the Matrix series. I think that the Matrix Reloaded is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I liked it more than the first movie. I saw this movie twice in the theaters, and i was amazed both times. This movie had mind blowing action scenes and a plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Yes the orgy scene in the beggening of the movie was mest up, but overall this movie was great. I don't understand how people say this movie has no story line at all when their are so many twists and turns in the storyline. It also leaves you with a cliff hanging of an ending that guarentees a great third matrix movie. Everyone, not only matrix fans should own this movie!!!
A journey to the deepest, darkest depths of human hypocracy A timeless masterpiece of innocence forever lost...a frightening glimpse into the mad world that we humans can create for ourselves...Martin Sheene is nothing short of brilliant...One of the greatest film achievements of all time.
Dammit Jim! Why! Star Trek V is just a reaffirmation that the odd numbered Star Trek films are just bad, or off kilter. This time William Shatner is in the directors chair as well as the Captain's chair. Basically a bruised ego since Leonard Nimoy took the director's chair on 2 successful rounds of Trek with Star Trek III: The Search For Spock, and the extremely successful Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. I imagine that Shatner wanted to capture that same magic for Trek V, but alas it is not to be so. Star Trek V starts off with a hostage situation on Nimbus 3, the planet of galactic peace. Nimbus 3 is a shared world where the Federation, Klingon, and Romulans supposedly work out their difference. The hostage taker is a mysterious Vulcan with many followers. On Earth, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are called from R&R in Yosemite National Park back to the Enterprise. StarFleet informs Kirk of the situation and that the Enterprise is the only ship available. (Yeah, right.) In viewing the hostage message that is left, Spock recognizes the Vulcan. Aside from the Enterprise, and Klingon Bird Of Prey is en-route to Nimbus III to rectify the situation in a way only a Klingon knows how to do. Captian Klaa antisipating the arrival of the Enterprise, see much honor for himself if he can best Kirk in battle. He quickly cloaks his vessel and goes for the kill. On the Enterprise, Spock notes the approaching cloaked vessel and its intentions of attacking. Making a trecherous hostage situation even more dangerous, they now have to work unter a time limit before the Klingon ship comes into striking range. After taking a shuttle down to the planet, Kirk and company attempt to free the hostages. Instead of rescuing the hostages, Kirk and crew are captured by the madd Vulcan and ask Kirk to take him to the Enterprise. The Vulcan Sybok, is in search of a legendary planet Shakar Ree, where supposedly God lives (I'm not making this up people). Sybok had staged the hostage situation in order to get a vessel to come so he could hijack it to this mysterious planet. Kirk plans a double cross on Sybok as the shuttle approaches his ship. He contacts Scotty, alerting him in code that he and the shuttle are in trouble. After a shuttle crash on the hanger deck of the Enterprise, Spock gets the upperhand on Sybok with a gun. As Sybok approaches Spock to take the gun, Kirk orders Spock to shoot. He refuses and Sybok takes the gun. As Kirk questions Spock why, his response is..."Cause he is my brother..." Want to learn more? You'll have to see the movie. The failure point for this film is the plot itself along with the acting and special effects. The special effects are very strained, basically because ILM (Industrial Light Magic)was busy with Ghostbusters 3 and Indianna Jones And The Last Crusade. A 3rd party effects company took over and did a shoddy job. The plot of the film is horrible. Search for God in the center of the galaxy beyond a great barrier? Oy! The televisiion show had better plots that this? What was Shatner thinking? And a long in the tooth Lt. Cmdr Uhura doing an erotic dance to distract some hostage takers? Puleeeze! Only interesting character was Sybok, and he wasn't completely developed enough to appreciate. One thing learned from this experience, is that Shatner should stick to acting...or overacting. I'd only recommend this film for anyone looking to round out their Trek video library.
Poor quality Picture quality is extremely poor, this is 2007, this manufacturer simply copied a VHS tape unto DVD.Extremely disappointed.Eros should be ashamed of themselves to sell stuff like to the public.
Good movie More for adults, some steamy sex scence. The story had my stomach in knots, wanting things to go in the way that they 'are supposed to.' I think that's why this movie has mixed reviews. People want it to be the happily ever after story, like most movies. It is a movie about struggle and heartache.I loved it! Also, check out the soundtrack! Despedida is a beautiful song, definely made for this movie.
A Wonderful Movie! Have you ever watched a movie and thought that was better than I ever imagined it would be. Well, although I have enjoyed a few Singleton flicks, I did not expect to enjoy this one as much as I did.The Mercer brothers return to their hometown of Detroit to bury a woman who loved them like they were her own. All four men, now brothers, were adopted by a woman, who did not care that they were different races with torrid pasts, but who loved them regardless of what they did. She instilled different traits in each of them in an effort to make them successful in life. Although, according to Terrance Howard's character, they were the only four kids that she could not "save" or find homes for. Anyway, these brothers are thrust together by their mother's death, and an investigation into who killed her and why. As they embark on a quest to find the truth they learn alot about themselves and grow closer. Through a series of conversations, we learn a lot about each character, and we see each of them fight their own demons, and navigate through self awareness as they solve the crime. We find that the love that they have for each is more than if they were blood brothers.This story will make you laugh (there are some funny moments) and cry (one brother dies), but the entire story will make you smile. The real journey is the one that begins when your heart allows you to love unconditionally, and that is the true point of the movie.
Overly gory and full of bland characters and weak plot. It's inevitable that certain people will warm to the excessive bloodletting that makes up the majority of "Kolobos," a movie so flat and inconceivably bad that the only truly frightening thing that comes to mind while viewing is that someone actually came up with this; this was someone's idea. The movie, being an independent film, over-emphasizes its gory violence and leaves its less-than-mediocre story, while introducing us to flat, uninvolving characters we have no time to get to know. It's this type of splatter flick which makes such films as "Friday the 13th" seem intelligent and frightening (and I'm no fan of that one, either).The opening does its best to be ominous in its approach to horror, and for a brief second, it seems as if the movie may have a glimmer of hope. A young man and woman in a Jeep stop in the middle of an alley to find a brutally mutilated girl lying in a pool of blood, murmuring the word "kolobos." I liked this sequence: we are never given a glimpse of the girl, therefore leading us to believe that the "less-is-more" approach will make this movie a success. The rest of the beginning also develops quite nicely, as the injured girl, Kyra, recalls the experiences which lead up to her scars.Kyra, along with four others, Tom, Erica, Gary and Tina, all respond to an ad in the paper which calls for five people willing to live in a secluded house whlie having their activities caught on video surveillance cameras throughout the property. They all seem to get along well, although some of Kyra's mysteriously grotesque drawings have some of them wondering about her (she also uses prescription drugs, which doesn't sit well with the group, either). So when the bodies begin to drop and they become sealed inside the booby-trapped house, their desperate attempt to escape leads them to accusations again one another and even more dead bodies.And that's really all the second half is composed of: mayhem and murder, without a moment of rest. There are scenes of violence and bodily harm that are so realistic looking and believable that they are seriously difficult to look at. Seriously. And since there is so much of it, there really is no room for anything else. The story keeps feeding us such images as rotating saw blades flying into flesh, a shower of pure acid, entrails and cut throats, which overwhelm us to the point of regurgitation. And believe me on this: you see everything, which betrays the movie's original approach of "less-is-more."The way I see it is that the filmmakers sought out to make all of this bloodshed the shock factor of the film, without any truly frightening scares. It does succeed in shocking us, yes, but in a totally different way. It was all I could do to finish this movie, because I hate leaving a movie in the middle, and the whole time, I'm wondering just what kind of minds could come up with the images displayed throughout this film.And to be honest, I should've left in the middle of the film, because the ending is the most confusing and ridiculous aspect of this unworthy story. Without giving too much away, there is much confusion about Kyra's involvement in the events that took place in that house, and you'll see what I mean in the very last sequence after her release from the hospital. Apparently everything did happen, but the movie makes it out to be one of those mind trips where no one believes her, and even the physical facts prove otherwise. And the movie nevers answers that question, nor does it leave a slight hint.The story itself is strictly juvenile, and like its characters, we never get a chance to get into it or get a feel for it. The gore is a turn-off, yes, but the story does everything it can to put its characters into inescapable situations which almost certainly will end in death. The characters are never developed: we are given some small insight into their backgrounds or present lives, but not enough to sustain any sort of emotion or feeling for them once they die. There seems to be a hint of a romance between Kyra and one of the others, but again, he is killed off so quickly that we don't care. I felt myself comparing my connection to this story to a connection between me and someone I've never even met who lives in another country on another planet in another galaxy... you get the picture.Actors have no place to exploit any sort of emotion, and even their performances are as flat as the script paper. Amy Weber hints at a performance that wants to burst out of her and be free, but the only thing escaping her lips are controlled sobs and scared puppy faces. Promise LeMarco comes off as totally annoying in the role of Tina: she is just too peppy and upbeat (by the way, she's the first to die). Donny Terranova is Tom, and John Fairlie is Gary, and while both of them try to portray the rough image of strong men, they come off as whimps. Nichole Pelerine plays Erica, the actress/.... who generates little fear in her performance."Kolobos" doesn't even give off the promise of good intentions, except for its video cover. It gives off the notion that it is intelligent and scary, when it is, in fact, the opposite. It is scary, but not in the ways intended. Be sure to have a barf bucket handy when watching this autopsy showcase, and don't expect much from the story or its characters.
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