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Love, love
Bought season 1 & 2 together. My sister paid about twice the amount I did. Well worth it. If you like Downton Abbey, grab this now. It's a great price. | 1positive
Um.... what is this movie about again?
I watched this movie not to long ago with one of the guys in my dorm and we were both at an extreme loss as to what the movie was all about. There quite literaly was NO plot what so ever. The acting was ok, no great or poor but ok however that does not make up for the very poor character development,lack of plot twists (aside from the dude dying from cancer there were none) and I was confused why they put Carmen Electra all over the over, the back and in the trailer when I only saw her for 15 secconds. I'm sorry but I don't think 15 secconds of Carmen is worth my time, I get more of her when I watch Battlebots before the first commercial break.I'm sorry but I can only say what a flop this is and hope the producers think twice before releasing a script they deam to be 'artistic' to the unsuspecting general public. All in all a bad buy. | 0negative
just rented this tonight.......2 things.#1. The Academy completely overlooked this one? Good Grief!#2. Loretta Devine as Juanita doing "Somebody Almost Walked Off With All My Stuff", THAT is what great theater is all about. | 1positive
Please don't judge Bollywood by this one.
As I watched Salman Khan mugging shamelessly from virtually the first frame of the unbearably saccharine beginning of this film, which was even worse than watching the brilliantly talented dancer Mads make a fool of herself, I kept thinking I should reach for the remote and pull the plug; but as an experienced Bollywood film fanatic, I know that often enough a bad beginning is followed by some pretty good stuff "after the interim," so I kept watching. Incredibly, things got worse and worse as it dragged me along to its inevitable conclusion.I am not a big fan of Salman Khan, so to be fair, I challenge myself to answer the question, "If SRK had been playing this role instead of SK, would this have been a better film?" The answer is almost always yes, and sometimes it's YESSSSS! But in this case, choke, gasp, no. But you wouldn't see him taking a role like this, did you? I'm just really glad I was home alone when I watched it, because my friends and family NEVER might have been turned off Bollywood films for good if they'd seen this as their first sample.I've read that sometimes a Bollywood film does not have a fully-completed script before it begins production. It is not clear if this film had one by the end. It's kind of patched together, and could probably have told its thin and predictable story more effectively if it had been about an hour long.NOT recommended for newcomers to the otherwise wonderful world of Bollywood! | 0negative
The Race of Beautiful Women Has Been Terminated These Days
I really don't know what should I write about this movie. It's Definately one of the best and most memorable movies I've ever seen. Although there are too much pointless broadway performaces but non of them were boring! the most magnificent show on the film, was the first major show. it made me dream and imagine. everything was perfect. everything! and I'd never seen too much beautiful ladies in one movie. too sad this movie is 70 years old and... I really think the race of beautiful women has been terminated. these days rarely you can find a beautiful woman with significant attraction. even in hollywood, there are not really beautiful actresses! in the middle of movie I found out that such a show could be very erotic in real and dreamed if I could go back through time and enjoy one of real Ziegfeld shows!This movie worth to buy even for 100 dollars! | 1positive
Bones season two
The stories are as interesting as the first season.The flirting and romantic encounters between the characters are a bit over done for the serious work they are doing. | 1positive
I have Never seen a good horror Movie.
I am the biggest horror movie freak that you can find. I love them so much. But I have never seen one the scares me. This movie was great it was as good if not better than the first. They did kill off my favorite catchater but that didn't matter. It was still very good. You can't compare this movie to I know what you did last summer because it is in a different catagore in horror than this one. So if you want to see a good movie that was put togather with care and love then you have to see this one. | 1positive
Must have for the Chuck fan!!!
This set is a necessity for all Chuck fans, especially if you just started watching during season 2. Each of the episodes are presented in order with additional deleted scenes on each disc. There are some Special Features that include out-takes of each character that are too funny to miss.One feature has Zac (Chuck) and Josh (Morgan) with the producers Chris Fedak and Josh Schwartz discussing their favorite scenes during season. Interesting insight into each of the men.Chuck has been renewed for Season 3 so I would suggest it to anyone that is interested in spies, action, comedy, and Yvonne Strahovski (or is Strahotski) buy this so they can catch up on the story lines. I am waiting to add Season 2 to my collection so I can watch both seasons until Season 3 starts (and to see more of Yvonne). | 1positive
This is an excellent movie
This is one of the most interesting and popular breakthrough movies. Its similar to pulp fiction in the manner in which it is done except the movie doesn't jump around in the scenes as pulp fiction does. The camerawork and such is quite similar and it wouldn't just be without notice. If you closely watch this movie and can relate to it as many people of which i know can then you'd love it as i do. This is one of those movies which you can watch over and over again without getting bored of. If you haven't seen this movie before just go ahead and buy a copy of it. If you for some reason don't like it which would quite surprise me then i'm sure you'd know someone who would. | 1positive
Charm can't save this drag of celluloid
I love Emiliy Blunt and really like Jason Segal but their combined likeablity can't save a film that loses its way in the middle. 5 years isn't just how long their engagment was its how long this film was . It just draaaaaaaags and shoe horns break ups and other relationships before the eventual reconciliation. A paint by numbers rom com but add being forced to watch the paint dry. | 0negative
This movie is terrible. The plot isn't bad but the script and acting just fall short. At times it's awkward. Especially when one of the players randomly tells her coach she thinks she is a lesbian. It was very out of context. Some scenes are disconnect and have no purpose which is distracting as a audience member. By the middle of the movie I didn't even care what happened. Save your time and money or rent something else. | 0negative
Very Entertaining
I always thought it would be cool if this movie was remade with every new generation's afro-american superstars. For example: In 2005 Dorothy would be Beyonce. The Scarcrow could be Usher. | 1positive
Don't waste your time!
Based on reviews that raved about this movie and how freightening this movie was, I really expected more. I was never scared throughout the entire movie, the Wizard of Oz is a scarier movie. I thought that the extras on the DVD were better than the movie itself. I new the audio and video would be subpar since the majority of the film was recorded on HI8. I for one hope that this does not start a trend in movies, unless there is some sort of discount at the theatre. This movie was basically an amateur video billed as a major motion picture. | 0negative
A poor way to end a series
I just finished watching season 10 and I was so very disappointed with the final season. The episodes seeemed to lack the creative writing that was the salvation of this series over all the years. Perhaps the last two episodes highlighted the problems with season 10 the most. The stories were not original, not well planned and thought out, and so full of holes you can drive a MALP through them. The Asgard up and die after giving SG-1 and their ship ALL their great technology. So after they installed all that technology on the ship, it can't take a couple of hits from a Prior ship? Please! We are talking about the Asgard here! The ship should have been able to perform much better than that and then they get stuck (again) in a time dialation field.It just seemed like the writers gave up trying to make the stories logical and fresh. Too bad but at least it makes me not want to see a Season 11 so I guess that is something! | 0negative
I had no expectations and I was still disappointed.
"It's like we're trapped in a B movie!" the bully in the orange wig cried."Well this isn't a B movie!" Mulva replied. And she was right."Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker" does not deserve the high regard afforded such esteemed B movies as "Kung Fu Rascals," "Avenging Disco Godfather," "Dollman Vs. Demonic Toys," and "Sgt. Kabukiman." Now, granted, "Mulva" doesn't pretend to be high grade. Hell, the opening title card for the production company offers the ever reassuring slogan, "It beats committing suicide." But it's just... bad, even by Troma standards.The basic plot: Mulva's a candy obsessed comic book nerd who is going to have her first trick-or-treating since a traumatic experience a few years prior. After brushing her teeth with chocolate syrup, she sets out to start her day and prepare for the candy gathering. She's joined by her obese (film's words, not mine) friend and antagonized by bullies until zombies appear in Tromaville and threaten all. With the help of her neighbor (an African American played by the director with the aid of shoe polish), the must face off.Oh, and there's like thirty minutes of padding. The movie is fifty-nine minutes. There are a lot of weird scenes that seem unneeded and are only in because someone said, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if...?"But, again, this is low budget in every definition. I am GREATLY curious if the producers procured the rights to use "Yakety Sax" and a string from the extended version of Oingo Boingo's "Dead Man's Party."I like bad movies. I like amature movies. I think even the most low budget movie can be good, even with "eh" acting (I love the movie, "Livin' on Tokyo Time" which had good direction, good ideas, and shoestring budget and acting). But this? No, sorry. I really wanted to like it. But I can't. Even as a parody (which this was obviously intended to be) "Mulva" fails horribly.Oh, and a note to people who buy/rent digital downloads based off box covers: the evil looking schoolgirl you see ISN'T in "Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker." | 0negative
Hilarious and Thought Provoking
If you've ever wondered why there are so many Star Wars [fans] out there, and either laughed with or at them, you'll dig this movie. You meet those people throughout the country who actually waited a month on line to get tickets for the first showing of the SW prequel a few years back. Some of them are in costume, some of them perform SW related music, some of them end up not even liking the movie. It's extremely entertaining and actually ends up being kind of moving because you learn something pretty meaningful about the human condition and have more compassion for those people who, by no fault of their own, grew up with some pretty basic human needs going unmet. Very quick pace, fun tone, and engaging throughout. | 1positive
One major flaw!
I thought this was an excellent film. The script was absolutely original and really kept you guessing until the very end. I give it four stars but I found one problem that really blows the whole concept. If he can't remember anything that happened after the attack how does he know anything about his illness. He seems to wake up fine and know that he has this problem of no short-term memory. It doesn't seem like he should be able to remember that. I may be being a little picky but it does seem crucial the plot. | 1positive
No creativity anymore
Scream was good, scream 2 was better, scream 3 was very bad, scary movie was hillarious and a great parody, scary movie 2 was a disaster but it seems movie makers lack any creativity. This is another scream parody, LIKE scary movie, but not an part 2 or 3, yet it tells the same story, and is much the same movie as scary movie but much worse. GO SEE SCARY MOVIE | 0negative
Inconsistent and disappointing
So bad, I wanted to turn it off within 10 minutes but then I wouldn't have the pleasure of ripping it a new one. From the description, I expected an indy psychological thriller; I encountered an unoriginal, typical teenage horror film that tried and failed miserably at being mysterious and atmospheric. I had grave misgivings before viewing when I saw it starred Christian Slater--not that he's a horrible actor but he appears in some of the cheesiest films. However, I gave the movie a chance because it also starred Stephen Dorff--he could do nothing to salvage this film. The movie ultimately failed because it never settled on what it wanted to be: "I Know What You Did Last Summer" or "The Serpent and the Rainbow". Unfortunately, it did not succeed at being close to either film, for better or worse.Not to give anything away,but here are some plot/development elements that informed my negative reception of this movie: entirely too many characters and insignificant subplots, no defined protagonists or any characters that you cared about or identified with, mostly undeveloped stock characters, no overriding message or morale, mystic Native American rituals without any explanation of their significance to the movie, and an imaginary talking monkey sock puppet (I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to). This film was like watching a LSD-induced visual interpretation of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" without the talent and genius of Freddie Mercury to bring it all together. Definitely, a BIG thumbs down! | 0negative
What an awfully crafted idea, to such a rich, inventive topic.
Another 'no' star!!!It's amazing to see how many shallow and uncreative people there are that watch these types of movies, and actually think they are, err, good?Take a theory like EVP's, an awesome stack of countless, supposed EVP tangible evidence, and finally bring it to someone in Hollywood, and well, what do you expect Universal to do with it? I mean Michael Keaton, are you kidding me? It is time for him to hang it up. Another The Ring, Scream, Dimension Type film disaster....the only thing not worse than the price tag of $18.00 when I first bought it, was the extras (ie. leading authorities on EVP'sand the EVP sessions that were live) That, without question, was the only thing worth wasting your time on.Geoffrey Sax go teach at film school. | 0negative
Original take on an old genre
Ever since Orson Welles unintentionally fooled audiences with his 1938 broadcast of 'War of the Worlds', the mockumentary has been an interesting subgenre of film making.When it is done well, such as the BBC's 1992 'Ghostwatch', it can be extremely effective. But the show must be both believable and entertaining at the same time.Blair Witch Project takes an original, but generally unsuccessful try at it. When the film came out, it made use of 'viral marketing', i.e. using the Internet to essentially create an fabricated urban legend to convince people, by word-of-mouth, that the the story of a film crew that mysteriously vanished was true.As a result, a mini-sensation occurred that propelled what is essentially a student-grade film, into the mainstream. Some people, just like those listening to Welles in 1938, were convinced the story was true.But once the film is taken out of this sensational environment, what is left is a pretty banal, torpid film. The movie is a lot like watching somebody's vacation video. In fact, the film could be titled 'Lost in the Woods', since it seems most of the middle part of the movie focused on the fact the trio couldn't find their way back. The psychological aspect of the movie is interesting, but not enough to compel somebody to watch it strictly for entertainment purposes.With the Internet/urban legend hullabaloo stripped away, Blair Witch Project is shown to be what it is - a film that is mildly interesting and not very entertaining. Instesd, grab 'Ghostwatch' if you can. | 0negative
BFI #1 in 2012
FYI- Vertigo was named the #1 film of all time in 2012 by the British Film Institute, demoting Citizen Kane to #2. | 1positive
"Good Friday The 13th DVD!"
I've always liked the "Friday the 13th" films and gladto have this set that has everything you want toknow about the franchise featuring cast & crewinterviews, rare footage & more. I recommendthis good dvd for your collection. | 1positive
Worst Movie On Earth!
We Just Rented This Movie Through Blockbuster, and i must say, its the worst movie ever created! Me And my mom both agreed. it was so so incredibly stupid. it had absolutely no plot or backbone. so do youre self a favor and stay away and i repeat stay away from this crap. | 0negative
I Picked the Wrong Version
I have no quarrel with the movie. But I picked the wrong version. The thumbnail cover picture showed "Cinemascope" so I figured this was a good bet. Wrong. First, it is in widescreen, but it's 4:3 Letterbox, not 16:9 anamorphic. You can still zoom in to fill your screen, but the resolution is very poor. In fact it's poor even before zooming. And, oh yes, the letters "RE" are displayed in great big letters in the lower right hand corner of the screen -- for the entire movie! Maybe I should thank Reel Enterprises for doing that to remind me to never purchase any of their DVD products again. Guess I should have bought the remastered edition advertised further up the page, but this one had a later release date (2006) so I figured it would be okay. Avoid this version. | 0negative
A breath of fresh air
I am thankful that television is starting to see that people want some wholesome, clean programming. Is this show over-the-top? Certainly. Are things in it put-on? Yes (it is "reality" TV, mind you). But that is ok. It is entertaining and something that I can watch with my whole family. And, no matter how sill things get, there is always a good message about family at the end. And they end with prayer!I will be buying more seasons of this show! Wholesome and entertaining describe it perfectly. Oh, and hilarious. Can't forget hilarious! | 1positive
Guess I do not have a devise to play this on. I assumed it would work on my Samsung Galaxy S III but that was not the case.Add support for my Android and I'll be a Prime user for life! | 0negative
Decent movie until I saw through the narcissism and propaganda
I had really liked this movie for the first 30 minutes or so. However, I quickly became aware that this film was a narcissistic autobiography that was also serving as anti-Chinese, anti-communist propaganda. I am not Chinese and I am not pro-communist, let me get that out of the way now! However, when a movie highlights all of the flaws of one side, and only highlights all of the positives of the other side, that is a big giveaway that a book or movie is propaganda! Li Cunxin literally thinks the grass is greener on the other side. You can see how he preferred Western women over Chinese women and preferred American architecture, lifestyle and culture. He did come off as selfish in the movie. Let's be honest, he would still be a peasant in rural China if the Chinese government didn't train him as a ballet dancer. He wasn't grateful to them for helping him in his formative years. He abandoned his own country and his family after spending 3 months in America. I don't know, maybe he was brainwashed? Texas is a very Republican state. Perhaps he knew he was special and resented Communist China for not properly compensating him? I did further research while watching the movie and realized that Li eventually became a stockbroker. I know I might be generalizing, but that profession speaks volumes about what kind of personality and political views a person has. I know of another movie by a stockbroker who also portrayed himself as some wonder figure, the guy who wrote the book "The Pursuit of Happyness." I started to realize that the movie was all about what a great guy Li Cunxin was, and how he's better than everyone else and why China is such a bad place to live.I really wasn't expecting to be hit with the propaganda sledgehammer when I rented this movie. The message is also anachronistic, because China is very modern and capitalist now. There was also a lot of hypocrisy. He appears to criticize the Chinese government for making ballet dancers dance with guns and perform propaganda shows, but doesn't also realize that America is also obsessed with guns and war movies? Does he not realize that he also created propaganda himself with his book and movie?If you want a sappy, feel-good, biased pro-America movie that ignores the facts and reality, this movie might be for you. If you are educated enough to spot blatant propaganda and hate being emotionally manipulated, skip Mao's Last Dancer! | 0negative
Boring and disgusting
After an incredibly slow build up, the movie turns into a disgusting display of sadism that made me turn the TV off. The supposedly romantic scenes are boring, the sex scenes are not arousing, but the sadistic scenes (from a beautiful little girl killing a chick to baths in human blood) are stomach turning. Gosh! What a disaster! | 0negative
Alot of buildup, no bang. Disappointing.
I watch and love many depressing and disturbing movies, dystopian or not, and I was hoping this would be another sad but eye-opening or maybe deep and heartwrenching film that sticks with you long after you've watched it. Not so. The movie has a good build-up, that's for sure. It keeps building, and building, and... it ends. No plot twists. No resolution, not even a falling action...not even a climax. The thing builds and builds, and just ends! I feel like I watched a pointless story with really no ending. They grew up and all did what they were bred to do and that's it. Afterward I was left wondering, "Why did I even watch that? Why was that film even made? Was the book this much of a dead-end too? If so, why's it supposedly so celebrated?" The movie went nowhere. I have read that this film displays the difference between British & American filmmaking and if that's true then, I guess as an American I want alot of plot in a movie, twists and turns, rises and falls... and I guess the British are just happy with a story. ...where nothing really happens except the natural progression of things. A bit of a bummer because I was hoping for something that really grabbed or disturbed or at least preoccupied me, but unfortunately it didn't happen. | 0negative
Buy it now
Great films like "The Red and the White" stun and overpower us into forgetting every other movie we have seen. They don't cater to our prejudices, they don't flatter us into feeling good about ourselves. They refresh the art's potential and risk losing their audiences through their radical singleness of purpose. They transform experience, in short they make a *difference.*Such works result from one person, usually a director, pursuing an idea with a fascistic insistence that nothing matters more than the film. This is one reason Hollywood so rarely creates great works. Studios with a vested interest in keeping audiences infantile force even the best directors to trim their visions. Hollywood's contempt for the audience makes it impossible for a Miklos Janscó, with his disregard for the rules of smooth construction, indifference to sympathetic characterization, hypnotically absorbing camerawork and pessimism about humanity, to work on the scale his epic conception requires.Staged on a huge canvas, this dramatization of an obscure incident during the Russian Civil War may take place in the Soviet Union, but at one level exists only in the world created by the film itself. Questions of historical or geographic veracity are moot. What matters is the inexorable unwinding of a logic that reveals the casual brutality of human behavior. Yet while the action is grim, what makes the film so powerful is how *beautiful* it is. "The Red and the White" is full of haunting, unforgettable moments, such as a dance in the forest by nurses commandeered to perform for a White Russian officer, or the shots of mounted Red cavalry fleeing a White bi-plane, or the bitter irony of witnessing the execution of a Cossack for an offense far less serious than those we have seen him commit. All of these moments are exquisitely, but quickly staged, the camera gliding by almost indifferently, as if barely interested in them.It is tempting to suggest that the DVD's producers are barely interested in them either, since the transfer is at best acceptable. Nonetheless, I strongly recommend that if you are even remotely interested in the film that you buy the DVD without hesitation. Quite apart from the likelihood that it will quickly go out of print, it is rare indeed to be able to support such singularly epic visions, to prove to anyone interested in listening that audiences can, in fact, respond positively when treated as adults. | 1positive
great gift for friends who like comedies
very funny premise and it is executed extremely well. i sent this to friends for christmas who like comedy movies | 1positive
Personal beliefs set aside. Very raw film, If you want glam not for you.
This film as you can read is about 3 lives connected by dogs, and one incident.Yes there is gore, and yes its harsh on animal lovers like me but I set that aside because only one of the 3 stories is about animal cruelty, the other 2 stories are about love for an animal.This film is very raw and Yes its not perfect production but I don't think that takes away from being a 5 star film.I would recommend this film to everyone who can handle animal gore. Get past the first story and the rest is still good. People say the second story is slow. YES and I feel its intentional. each story I feel was shot and edited to resemble the life of the character, second story the woman is left to wait and wait helpless so the story drags on on her part.Please don't rate lower because you are an animal lover because if you do you are not rating the movie anymore you are rating a personal belief.Watch this film you will enjoy it. | 1positive
screw you shyamalan
Dont need to say anything but, screw you. If The last airbender gets another shot, i hope you dont come near it. | 0negative
Million Dollar Baby
This was an amazing film and definitely deserved Best Picture and Best Actress. Hilary Swank did an amazing job in this movie as the determined female boxer. Clint Eastwood gives another great hit. In the beginning some people feel like it's just another one of those glorious boxing movies but it really isn't. Of course I don't want to ruin any of the story but it's really really touching and moving. Be warned though, this is one of those movies that will leave you feeling sad and bad. Have another happy movie to watch after this one! But it's a really great movie - good directing, acting, story. | 1positive
i still have a cramp from laughing
i have to say that this was the best spoof movie i have ever seen, blows scary movie out of the water. i do have to say that some scenes were played out overall the movie made me laugh till i cried and pants. but one warning dont go into this movie and expect a high budget movie. great movie i am going to see it again. jsut one thing for those who have seen it. ... | 1positive
Slowest buffering ever
I am a big fan of Breaking Bad but the service provided through Amazon is awful. The video kept going out every 5- 10 mins and buffering for 2-3 minutes at a time. I was highly irritated and annoyed and found it very difficult to enjoy an otherwise Awesome show. next time I will find other means to purchase Seasons 6 thru- | 0negative
Disappointing and not what I expected
This video was not at all what I expected. It was a guide for someone who hasn't even met anyone yet. Patty's timeline is also completely unrealistic. I am just glad it didn't cost me very much. | 0negative
Was happy to find this on Amazon. Bought it to show the Grandkids. Still a great show after all these years. Great price and fast shipping | 1positive
Slow Moving & Downright Boring
Me and a few friends were intrigued by the trailer and it looked like a hard hitting drama...don't be fooled! It's soooo slow moving and mundane! At least we thought so, in fact I have never been to a film where at the end the whole audience moaned and booed and were whispering under their breath how bad it was. I don't know what the critics saw in this....Rent it first.... | 0negative
The horror...the...horror....
For some idiotic reason, I actually watched THE ANNA NICOLE SMITH show when THE OSBOURNE'S went on hiatus.The E! Channel wisely found some bottom-flogging low-level-waste fading celeb to build a show around and caught Anna between court appearances when she was trying to grab some dollars from her richest and deadest table dance.It's amazing to me that there is now an entire strata of brain-dead idiot blondes whose sole talent appears to be exposing their mental retardation in front of camera. Anna Nicole, Paris Hilton--the list goes on and on. And, somehow, the American public not only watches these party-addled blockheads, but they can actually purchase DVDs to see them.Knock yourselves out. | 0negative
Injecting New Life Into a Classic
I've always enjoyed BB, even in its previous film or video incarnations. Now we have the most complete and digitally restored version -- what a pleasure to relive this classic.However, it's viewing BB as a Philip Glass opera that really ups the ante. Glass music can seem to be repetitious, although this was never a problem for me. Rather, it's always a worthwhile challenge to dissect the variations and development within his music. For BB, Glass has created a much less repetitious score that plays with, supports and expands the visual and narrative drama. The result is, I believe, an unusually beautiful work of art.The extras help to appreciate the work that was involved in the restoration and the creation of the opera. Of great interest are the interviews of the actors/producers of the original film. This is a really special DVD. | 1positive
This is one of my favorite movies. It plays with your head. But all is well that ends well! I never get tired of it. | 1positive
this is misleading
While the season had a few Lois and Clark scenes it was mostly about Doomsday, Chloe, Tess and occasionally Ollie, none of which are shown on the DVD art.The season was just an utter disappointment, the finale was completely weak and the effects throughout the entire season beyond terrible. As far as the "iconicness" of the season: Lois is hardly apart of any of the relevant stories, Jimmy is... well, I'm still at a loss to explain how much they've ruined the character, and while Clark shows some of the moral signs of Superman he's no where near the "iconic" hero we've all been waiting for.Overall, this season had a few promising episodes (Odyssey, Abyss, Legion, and Beast [if you could call Legion a good episode]) but it lacked smooth tie-ins with other characters, good special effects, and a coherent story. These writers are sticking to the formula that Clark Kent will be propelled into becoming Superman by some "big, tragic event" but instead we're left with overused arcs, themes and repetitions. It's getting old. They should have finished this show a while ago. | 0negative
Pretty darn good
The Darkest Hour I was on the fence about because of reviews, but I decided to try it and am glad I did, it starts off giving the story as is typical and then quickly picks up keepin you in the action the majority of the time. The ending was good for ending this part of it and leaving it open for another part to the story, which I would definitly see aswell. | 1positive
Never got to watch the movie - misleading DVD!
Okay, so I ordered this DVD. It arrived in great condition.It distinctly says this DVD is "English captioned" on the back. I tried to watch it and couldn't. Why?Because yet again, the captions were NOT on the DVD.So, yet again, I have had to apply in order to get another refund.It really annoys me that some companies do not seem to be aware of what is needed to show the captions and do notinstall a menu option for switching the captions on or just don't bother putting them on.This makes me appreciate the hard work that some DVD companies do in order to make sure their DVDs arecaptioned properly. | 0negative
I know... just because a movie gets a bad review doesn't mean that *you* aren't going to like. I think the same way. Let me just stop you right there. I'm going to tell you just how bad this movie really is - I have NEVER written a review on a movie before. An exception had to be made for this... "movie."This is by far, THE stupidest waste of film I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through - and I am a fan of low-budget B-movies. The "stars" couldn't act their way out of a wet paper bag if a gun was held to their head. Not that that would matter in this movie [SPOILER ALERT] because the one time that the good guys actually do have a gun, all of the idiots use it - not as a gun - but as a freaking HAMMER. Not one character has the intelligence to pull the freaking trigger - they just hit the bad guy with it!By the end of the movie, I was hoping that the bad guy would come out of the screen and put ME out of my misery! If you are looking to kill a few brain cells, you've got three options - drink a beer; get stoned; or watch this garbage... | 0negative
Motives 2
I finally sat down to watch this sequel during check-in at Morehouse College and I can't say whether or not I was disappointed. This wasn't as sexy as the first, Sean Blakemore simply read his way through the part, and Joe Torry basiclally played the same role he did in Poetic Justice. Brian White gives a dead-on personification of Shemar Moore's role in the first film, so it was believeable that he was an estranged brother. I thought the plot wasn't as tightly wound as the first, but everything seemed to pull together at the end, which kinda didn't make sense: did Connie plan to use Brandon all the while? That was a lingering question for me.And what was Drew Sidora's role in the movie? I thought her character was way too needy and infrequent for me to care about. | 0negative
No Show
What would I have wanted to know before I purchased the product? Perhaps that I was never going to receive the product in the first place!!! Still no season 6 of 24 and no refund either. Seller does not reply.Will never use again. I learned my lesson.Joyce Harris | 0negative
| might need subtitles...
...awesome movie...highly recommended...rating 4 3/4 stars out of 5...minus 1/4 star for noticeable fake looking CGI/bluescreen scenes...Hailee Steinfeld is awesome as mattie ross. keep an eye on her she is giong to be a big other complaint would be that it is hard to understand the actors in some of the scenes especially Rooster "the Grit" Cogburn. i understand its part of his character but it useless if i cant understand what the actors are saying, kinda reminds me of the movie SNATCH! you definitely need subtitles for that movie :P i bought this Blu-ray at Wally-Mart for $25.00 but its cheaper here on, too bad i didnt check here first :( | 1positive
Part Human. Part Wolf. All Terrible!
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."I liked the DVD cover: very well it tricked me into buying this crappy piece of crap of a crappy movie (insert expletives at will). Can't blame anyone though, as no one forced me to buy it. (Fortunately, I got it dirt cheap, and that's about what it was worth.)The plot, such as it was, started with Jeremy London as an obnoxious realtor who, through no fault of his own, becomes a werewolf. You would think that, judging from the cover, this is a werewolf movie. You'd be wrong, it's a vampire "let's take over the world" movie. There are these amulets needed to resurrect this old vampire, Lilith (played by Yancy Butler). A scavenger hunt of sorts takes place to find some of them (they already have a few). A couple of vampire hunters don't want this to happen and work to stop it. Yeah, that's pretty much all there is to this. The editing is terrible, the dialog witless, the story barely rudimentary, the acting united in its simplicity (nice way of saying awful). Nothing in the way of horror is involved. And yes, martial arts actor Mark Dacascos gets to kick-butt as a vampire henchman. Before you ask, no, Jeremy London is not the hero or a villain, he's barely a sidekick to another werewolf and no, he does not save the day. Makes you wonder why he was even in this film.As a timewaster, it wastes time. Not a keeper, not even for the DVD cover. | 0negative
Did everyone else watch a different movie?
I heard a glowing review of this on the radio, and I made the "note to self" to watch it as soon as I had time. These two reviewers were oogling over it as though it had been their most profound moving-going experience in decades. That is the LAST time I take any of their recommendations.I guess I must have seen the "Holy God This Sucks" edit of Red State, as most others seemed to really like it. I thought this movie was horrible. It ranks right up at the top of my "Thanks-I'll-Never-Get-That-Time-Back" list with "Wanted", "Fast and the Furious", and "Paranormal Activity" as total and utter wastes of my life. And, honestly, it is WORSE than those three horrible pieces of film trash because it was supposed to be some "psychological thriller" or "horror film" to be taken seriously by critics and audiences alike.'s angering what a disappointing waste this movie was.First off, it was absolutely predictable from beginning to end. If you read any basic synopsis then watch for about five minutes, you can pretty much figure out what will happen. Oh, wait...the BIG shocker was the trumpets playing. Yay.How is this a horror film? Brazen acts of murder do not make it a horror film, nor do they make it a "psychological thriller". Remember "Seven"? THAT was a psychological thriller. The "scariest" part of Red State was having to sit through about 10 minutes of crazy preacher man's sermon. I felt like I was back in parochial school, suffering through another mindless endless lecture (although I was fortunate enough to not hear it through a covered dog cage).I love Kevin Smith. His earlier works are some of my all-time favorite movies. I watched this piece of crap from beginning to end, having faith that such a brilliant person would pull it together in the end and make it all worthwhile. Alas, he did not. Again...shocking...angering. Maybe that was the "psychological twist": You watch the movie then realize how much time you wasted, then you feel shocked that Kevin Smith actually had a hand in this, and finally are angry that he'd put his name to such a thing. He took some random thoughts, headlines, and conspiracy theories, put them in a Cuisinart, vomited them into a pail and threw it onto the screen.This is not ground-breaking. This is not thought-provoking or moving. It doesn't scare you into thinking "oooohhh, what does our government REALLY do". It just makes you think, "Hmm. I could have learned about 6 life lessons from a few episodes of the 'Smurfs' in the time I wasted watching 'Red State'. | 0negative
Godsend? How about Godawful!
I'm in total agreement with most of the reviews on this film. It is completely devoid of suspense or any type of chill factor. All the actors try their best with what they have, but it just does not work in any way shape or form. A total DUD! | 0negative
Great show!
The family all gathered around on Christmas Day and watched several episodes while dinner was cooking. DVD easy to navigate. A must-have for the Duck Dynasty fan! | 1positive
An awesome movie...depending on what you are looking for
I just watched this movie on Saturday and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I recall seeing the preview for this flick a year or so ago and thought it might have some potential. I then recall seeing some reviews panning the film by criticizing the acting, directing, writing and editing. After my viewing experience I agree with some of the poor acclaim, yet I find it to be the charm behind the movie. Allow me to explain this duplicity."Lies & Illusions" is about Wes Wilson (Christian Slater) a best selling "self-help" author. Wes is whimsical type of guy and seems to be on cloud nine. His book is doing great and he is recently engaged to a wonderful woman named Samantha (Sarah Ann Schultz). Unfortunately Samantha is kidnapped, goes missing and is presumed dead. Fast forward a year later and Wes is in a rut, he has writer's block and is still forlorn for Samantha. Then he meets Nicole (Christa Campbell) and there seems to be love in the air. However, Wes bumps into Isaac (Cuba Gooding Jr.) who might have had his hand in Samantha's foul play. As fate would have it Samantha isn't dead, she was a thief who worked for Isaac. This now puts Wes in the center "Lies & Illusions".Now on paper this movie premise sounds not half bad, not totally original, but not half bad. As a matter of fact, I found the first forty minutes or so to be very good. There was this pace of mystery and intrigue. Conversely, after the character of Samantha "returns" the movie becomes an entirely different film altogether.The movie turned from a thriller to an unintentional comedy in the manner of two minutes. I am talking "nifty little thriller" straight down into "campy road". This is where the acting, directing, writing and editing became a parody of a real movie. I enjoy Christian Slater as an actor but I found that this movie made him almost a cartoon character. It was like he was making up his dialogue as he went along. As for Cuba Gooding Jr., I also think he is a fine actor with wonderful range. His performance was not bad, but ranged from malicious to androgynous. As for the rest of the cast, I have never seen them in anything else so eh.....These are some insane and absurd factors that made this motion picture its own unique monster.* The opening credits utilize animation that resembles a Pink Panther cartoon.* Christian Slater providing painfully obvious statements the entire movie, for instance he gets shot in the arm and says "I just got shot in the arm". Or "My ribs hurt" after being hit in the ribs. How about when a person is shot and killed, Christian screams dubiously "YOU KILLED HIM"! After a while this exercise becomes very hysterical, why, because it happens a lot.* Cuba Gooding Jr. keeps talking about diamonds. Believe me, it is funny.* Despite tedious car chases, gun play and fist fights in public and various explosions there isn't one police car or rescue vehicle in sight.* The two women in Christian Slater's life, Nicole and Samantha have a fist fight in a bar that could have been a deleted scene from a Power Rangers' movie.* "I love you" happens before sex.* Cuba Gooding Jr. likes coffee but not on his shoes.* Fighting is cooler when you use furniture and other blunt objects.* "I'm just a writer" is said so many times by Christian Slater it could be used as a hypnotism ruse.* Watch a FBI agent break every single rule in the book.* Christian Slater screaming profanity out of a speeding car's no one.* A scene where Christian Slater wants Samantha to stop the car to save the person who provided "cover" for them. Once they stop he says "thanks for the cover". I don't know why but hearing "cover" that close together given this scenario had me running to the bathroom in laughter like a giddy school girl.* A hit man with a hair cut that resembles a very bad toupee.* Christian Slater in a pink bath robe.* I think there were a couple of scenes where Cuba was wearing women's makeup.* Most fist fights end up with Christian Slater being a mop.* A plane blows up in this movie and it looks like a video game.* Will Jack Nicholson ever play Christian Slater's dad? This has nothing to do with the movie but I figure this is a great time to ask this question.Digressing, I said I really liked this movie and I did. For me fondness for a movie has nothing to do with the movie being good or bad. This movie has many faults, but it was entertaining as hell. I wasn't bored, I was able to laugh and there was action. This movie is a cheesy ride and I can see how it might throw some people off. It almost did for me since the first half of the movie was totally divorced from the second half.In closing, I must note that I watched this movie with my fiancée and she found the same humor with this film that I did. I feel we were both in the right frame of mind to laugh when we watched this movie (it had been a long day) so that might be why we embraced it. "Lies & Illusions" is not a good movie; it had some potential and fell hard on its face. However taken at face value, we both thought it was a great way to pass ninety minutes and I am proud to have this in my collection. This film has a sense of charm and will be watched again when I need a smile to cross my face. | 1positive
Garett made the difference
Last year I bought my DVD and I watched the movie for the first time together with family and friends. The plot caught us from the beginning until the end. It is a plot very different to the other movies of vampires, it is original, refreshing and interesting, that made us meditate about the origen of the vampires.The movie is not spectacular, it doesn't have special effects and it is not bloody, but it has good music and it is worthy of being seen and to have it in our collection for the only fact of the excellent plot and the magnificent performance of the actor Garett Maggart (Blair Sandburg in The Sentinel) who knew to interpret with extraordinary naturalness to the Dr. Joseph MacKay. The result, the young doctor catches and convinces to the audience of his moral dilemma, he doesn't want to hurt the vampire, but he also knows that it is an opportunity in a million to help the scientists to understand the origen of the vampires.On the other hand, the actor Jason Carter (Babylon 5) dared to interpret a different vampire, a vampire that surprises and divert, that it is intelligent and it collaborates with the investigators; but his murderous instincts and of survival are stronger than his own reasoning.It can be said that Garett Maggart and Jason Carter carried out for themselves the complete movie, supported by a excellent plot. Especially the performance of Garett Maggart gives the master touch to this movie, he acted very natural, fair to the height of the circumstances. In the TV show "The Sentinel" he had opportunity to show his big actor qualities, the one put talent and heart in the character of Blair Sandburg. In "Demon Under Glass" his great talent was not taken advantage of and the low quality of the photography didn't allow to capture to fullness his great histrionic capacity, but he definitively took out the movie ahead.Demon Under Glass, good effort of independent cinema, in the one that Garett, marked the difference.The bloopers? To see Garett so jovial and joker was for my a pretty and moving surprise.I would like to see DUG with dubbing in Spanish and of course I would like to see DUG-2. | 1positive
For fans of disaster movies only
I grew up watching these all star disaster movies and even if this one is bottom of the barrel, it's fun to watch. If you want something that makes sense look someplace else,but if very bad disaster movies are your thing then kick back and enjoy. | 0negative
Veronica Goes to College
With high school now completely behind her, Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) heads off to college. In spite of her best efforts, she's stuck in Neptune, attending Hearst College and living at home with her dad, Keith (Enrico Colantoni). As a result, it's really no surprise when mystery and danger find her again.Veronica's well earn reputation and the person who can solve the unsolvable gets her involved in one case after another. Who is behind the "Welcome Wagon" and steals new student's stuff? Who would kidnap a monkey? And where is the missing member of the board of trustees?Unlike previous seasons, there are two bigger mysteries. The first involves the serial rapist on the Hearst campus. And the second one begins when college dean Cyrus O'Dell (Ed Begley, Jr.) is found dead in his office.And we can't leave out her personal life. Her on again off again relationship with Logan (Jason Dohring) creates problems, especially since friend Wallace's (Percy Daggs III) new roommate Piz (Chris Lowell) is also interested in her. With all this going on, will she ever have time to study?Unfortunately, this is the final season of a show I fell in love with right away. The mysteries were sharp, requiring concentration to follow every week. Yet the clues were there. Veronica has a sharp sense of humor that is wonderful for lightening the mood of the usually dark show. The relationship soap opera, while at times annoying, never got too bad. And all the acting was top notch.Having praised it, this is my least favorite season of the show. And it's not because there were two shorter mysteries and a couple stand alone episodes. It was because the adult tone, definitely always present, became even more pronounced. Of course, that's what you'd expect with rape being a subject for half the season. Even the details of Veronica's personal life made me uncomfortable at times.As a result, I don't recommend this show for young kids. Older teens and adults will absolutely love this sly combination of wit and noir. | 1positive
Mein Gott! Das Ist Badd!!
Acht Du Leber! What a ripoff... The studios behind Armageddon & The Day After Tomorrow must've given the OK for this. It's a cheesy, made-for-TV-movie_ish ripoff of them both. H*ll, they even had a Dennis Quade lookalike. I paid $1.99 for a weekend rental special. I think that was a bit high for this. This is one of the few times I'm glad I don't have a dog. The poor thing would be howling for an hour over this. | 0negative
george of the jungle 2
This has to be the worst movie I have ever seen. We all loved the first one, but hoped at least my children would enjoy this second one, and it was so pathetic, my little boy turned it off, and asked if he could put it in the trash! Sorry to be so gloom about it, but need to save someone their money. | 0negative
Scary to some, not to others....
I am a movie connoisseur and I love THE EXORCIST. However, many do not. A good friend of mine hated it and I know of others who do too. I first saw this movie a few years ago because I have always heard of it but never saw it and wanted to know what all the fuss was about. I must have been only sixteen and decided to rent it and watch it alone (so as to not be persuaded of my judgement by a prejudice either way). Anyway, I turned off all the lights when no one was home and started the movie. Well, the music freaked me out from the start but I must admit that the first hour or so is BOR-ING if you aren't into "informational" type horror flicks. I am now (there aren't many of us out there), but wasn't then. So, I liked it. But there is, contrary to belief before actually seeing it for yourself, not much action in the whole movie except for the main exorcism. The main reason the movie scared me is because I am a deeply religious person and I know that that is possible. That sort of thing has happened and does still happen. Reguardless of what people say, it's possible and it touched a sore spot in my psyche. The main reason most people are not fans of THE EXORCIST is, in fact, because most of it is "boring". Is is an old movie and that's another reason why most people don't favor it. Nowadays it's all about blood and guts and don't get me wrong, I love a good blood-bath, but to me, the "ghost" and "demon" type movies are scarier because they are realistic. It depends on your taste if you'll like it. But don't take my word for it, rent it and see for yourself. Happy haunting! | 1positive
The Fourth Kind
I've always been interested in this sort of stuff so this movie was right up my alley. I liked the way they incorporated "real" video footage with the movie, thought it made it more frightening which made it more fun to watch. I got a good thrill watching it, and if you’re a thriller/alien/UFO enthusiast you’ll like it too. No comment on the acting/directing as I’m not qualified to do that, but all were very good. | 1positive
I "rented" this on instant watch and I only got about half way through and I was bored to death! Horrible. | 0negative
this is so can finally get all the south park episodes on dvd. and season 2 is one of the best seasons. the first i ever saw of south park was the chicken lover episode, and ever since then ive been hooked. contains such episodes as chefs chocolate salty balls, clubhouses(my favorite on this dvd) chickenpox, chef aid, etc. all of them are good. you must get this if you are a south park fan. anyone with an immature and dark sense of humor should buy this. its of the best cartoons ever made. | 1positive
Slow, boring & predictable.
I was expecting a whole lot more from this movie. Minus the beauty of Angelina Jolie Voight, the movie was very lethargic and ultimately predictable. I know there is a CSI Effect in movies now, but the reconstructing the burned note was ridiculous (I speak from 13 years police experience). I knew as soon as she met him on the train he was indeed Alexander. A Bugs Bunny plot is more engaging.This moving gets the big ONE thumb down. | 0negative
Not Stephen Sondheim's Best Work
The Brilliant Stephen Sondheim has written many, many breath-taking scores such as A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum, Into The Woods, A Little Night Music, Company, and Into The Woods, but unfortunately this musical does not have the quality and consistant standing ovation quality music as the rest. Although the amazing vocal and acting ability of such stars as Mandy Patinkin and Bernadette Peters help this show along, the music almost ruins their talents in this movie and show. The plot is very original, but it gets boring after the first few scenes. The dialogue is good with some hilarious outbursts by Mrs. Peters and serious moments by Mr. Patinkin, but as I said before, the music diminishes the quality of the book. The quality of the actual video (or DVD) is good with some nice close-up shots of the cast and the sets are of excellent quality. If you would like some good family entertainment, I highly suggest purchasing the following musical videos: "Into The Woods", "West Side Story", and "1776" but I regret to say that I do not recomend "Sunday In the Park With George" unless you have a collection of musical videos and would like more of Mr. Sondheim's works. | 0negative
A twisted arthouse mystery
Charlotte Rampling stars in this odd, atmospheric, murderous mystery, in which a snappish, menopausal middle aged British mystery writer is induced by her publisher to avail herself of the use of French country house, and try to just chill out a little. When she gets there, though, she finds the house is also inhabited by the publisher's unacknowledged French daughter, a wild, uninhibited Gallic nymphette, who tries to make peace with her crabby new neighbor, and then just gives up and goes out clubbing every night instead. There are a lot of aspects of this film that make it appealing -- the odd psychosexual interplay between the two women, the constant misdirection by the filmmakers, and, above all, Rampling's tour de force performance as one of the strangest and most deeply flawed characters to hit the screen in quite some time. The first half of the film is the most unsettling and the best, but despite an unfulfilling (and possibly illusory) resolution, this is still a pretty captivating film... Nice to see the Europeans still make 'em like this!-------------------------------PS - Semi-spoiler: I guess I include myself among those who think the whole thing was a product of her imagination. | 1positive
am a huge office fan. was not what i expected. am even a spader fan. even for free (w/ prime) this was not that good. | 0negative
Both black and white and color versions were sharp and clear. An excellent product! | 1positive
Good Historical
Not exactly what I was expecting. And although they did mention "BangBang Club" in the movie it does not tie it in well. If you can rent it instead of buying, that would probably be a good idea. Not a good representation of Taylor Kitsch's potential. He has done much, much better. | 0negative
Back to my Childhood!
One of the things I loved so much about the 5,000 Fingers of Dr T is I related to the Tommy Rettig character in that I also had to practice the piano every day. It's a wonderful window into the world of the child who is basically at the mercy of whatever his parents deem appropriate for him to do in his spare time. When I got older I appreciated being able to play the piano but I was not overly fond of it as a child. Tommy Rettig was one of the best child actors of the day, prior to Lassie. Hans Conreid makes a wonderful villain but the absolute best part of the movie is the incredible Seuss sets! There's a wonderful scene of an enormous piano, seemingly miles long, with acres of enslaved children feverishly pounding away on the keyboard...I still want a beanie with a hand coming out of the top, and I would love to have a room or two in my house designed just like the sets in the movie. From the first time I saw a Dali painting as a child I loved surrealism and there is an abundance of it in this movie. Totally unique from anything you've ever seen, a different excursion into the Seussian interpretation of a child's world trapped in a musical dictatorship. Although it was made in 1953 it translates beautifully into today by virtue of its fantasy; children still dwell in dreams part of the time! | 1positive
Another von Trier throwback to New Wave...
It really helps to have a background in the films of Lars von Trier. His films are not simple, and his characterizations are rich. The DVD extras are plentiful, including moments with the reclusive von Trier, explaining how he wrote it after a bout with clinical depression. Certainly, these are generally unlikeable characters, but its interesting how Claire (always in control) melts down and Justine (insecure and spoiled) trade characters. Sure, the action involved the privileged rich, whose money means nothing in the end, but there have already been plenty of "end of the world" movies about regular everyday people. If I didn't care for the characters involved, I was intrigued by the characterizations given by Kirsten Dunst and, especially, Charlotte Gainsbourg. I had little problem watching their development.If you're new to the films of von Trier, I might recommend "Breaking the Waves", or even the unpleasant but powerful "Dancer in the Dark". Von Trier is especially known for creating fascinating female characters (Emily Watson and Bjork, respectively). The experimental "Dogville" will also remind you of why Nicole Kidman is an A-List actress of depth and focus."Melancholia" is certainly not for everyone, but it's what I would expect from von Trier and I wasn't disappointed. | 1positive
Guilty Pleasure
Just when you think you've seen it all here comes the brilliant writers of Breaking Bad. It always surprises, totally original. | 1positive
Some funny parts but mostly junk
I didn't expect much when i went to see this film and i got what i expected. Pros- Some funny moments, Knoxville was funny, Jessica Simpson is hot.Cons- Lame Jokes, god-awful plot, talentless Jessica Simpson, pointless everything.Overall not much to be desired and i regretted wasting my money seeing it. | 0negative
double dipping
American gets dodgeball-grab life by the ball--UK is getting dodgeball uncut-grab life by the balls--more scenes from rip torn and cheerleading backflashes has apparently been taken out from the American release. Don't buy, just wait until they release it uncut. From what I have read online, uncut has some quite hilarious scenes | 0negative
So Funny It Hurts
I rented this movie with high expectations and loved it i thought it was very funny and a winner in my opinion Mark Paul Gosslear is very funny in this movie and the first roomate cliff is so damn funny so rent it and have a fun time | 1positive
ip man!
this is a good movie about master ip man and the wing Chung martial arts! this is a must watch | 1positive
Highly Dissapointed
I am really dissapointed in this film. Ben Stiller is hilarious in Starsky And Hutch, but Dogeball dodged me in the wrong way. One thing that I didn't like, was that in the first 2 minutes of the movie, it felt like I already watched it. The rest of the movie just seemed so predictable afterwards, and I got it right on the first try. Usually, this never happens. Dodgeball is more of a rental, or maybe it's not even worth a rental. If you ask me, it's really not that funny. The only part I even smiled was when they called this girl a double 0. I think that's just hilarious, but the rest of the movie was dull. I thought the DVD case was more entertaining than the movie really. It is! Go look at it! Please, don't buy. It's a rental, or even not a rental. Maybe it's a throw away movie considering I've heard the double 0 joke somewhere else. Not funny! Try again Stiller! | 0negative
Dips & Friends HOT!!!
The Dips & Friends DVD is CRAZY!!!! The production and editing on this joint is like no other hip-hop DVD out. This is a must buy!!!! | 1positive
My kids (ages 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8) and I enjoyed this movie so much. All I have to say is, "Afro circus, afro circus, polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, AFRO!" Watch the movie and you'll be singing it too! | 1positive
One star because I can't rank it any lower
This movie was terrible. The romance was forced, the plot line boring, Aniston is dull, Zahn is not funny and Harrelson must have been out of lunch money (why else would he do this horrible film?). | 0negative
Digital Copy was Expired!!!
I am very displeased with this purchase... My kids like this movie so I purchased it with the digital copy so that they could take the digital copy with us on vacation. I opened the packaged but the digital copy was expired. | 0negative
Great to see them again.
In the 1950's, watching this show was a family ritual. It was especially heart-warming to see the great Robert J. Wilke, a western bad guy of Jack Elam and Lee van Cleef stature, as the villain of the first episode (you remember him for being shot in the back by Grace Kelly in HIGH NOON and for losing a show down to James Coburn's knife in THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN).While I knew Warner Brothers recycled their film scripts in this series (THE CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER became "West of the River," Errol Flynn's ROCKY MOUNTAIN became "Mountain Fortress," Kirk Douglas' first western ALONG THE GREAT DIVIDE became "The Travelers"), the third episode ("The Argonauts") "From a Novel by B. Traven" flattened me. Substituting Indians for Mexican banditos, it was a remake of the classic film THE TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE(!). | 1positive
Could just as easily be called "Archie"
Petulia opens with a shot of a middle-aged woman in a wheelchair, thencuts to a sixties' rock club featuring a very young-looking JanisJoplin. The sixties counterculture definitely torpedoed middle-agedwomen. Their husbands, like Archie, the middle-aged doctor played byGeorge G. Scott, have the luxury of deciding they're "tired" of beingmarried and jumping into affairs with younger women. This is a cause ofcontinuing sadness to his ex-wife Polo, wonderfully played by ShirleyKnight. Archie becomes involved with Petulia (Julie Christie), aclichéd "kooky" young woman of a type that often appeared in films ofthis period. Petulia is married to an abusive, wealthy husband, David,played with suitable evil by Richard Chamerlain. Christie is such agood actress that she gives some dimension to the role, although she'sfar outshone by Knight as Polo, the wounded wife. In its technique andattitude it really is a European or British film shot in San Franciscowith American actors. There are interesting cultural references to thesixties, that may have seemed daring at the time, but now seem moreinnocent than anything else. The film is really about Archie and men ofhis generation and their bewilderment at the changing cultural moresrepresented by Petulia. On one hand they're delighted to feel that theycan have sex with no responsibilities, but Petulia, for all her charmbrings nothing but chaos into Archie's life. Was it really worth forhim to be involved with her? And he ends up stuck with a highmaintenance greenhouse in his apartment. | 1positive
A true romantic comedy
I enjoyed this film because it truely is a romantic film. For it's entertainment value, boy meets girl and falls for girl. Not because girl is famous, but just because. The DVD version offers more footage and some other added things. My husband even enjoyed this film. | 1positive
There Is No Better Show On Television
I first saw 24 when it premiered about four years ago, I think, I actually was so unimpressed and bored that I left before the first half hour was done. What brought me back to the show was my brother, who had watched it from the beggining and one night had it on when I had nothing better to do. I was amazed and pissed at myself for giving up on it so easilly, the show is simply amazing and the writers are talented people to pull togethter a show as complicated as that.Now as some of the reviews have pointed out there are some very stupid little twists in there that are just wrong, amnesia, and by now you all should know the impossible Nina one. But those are only small problems and don't put down the show too much.Onto performances. Sutherland is simply amazing in this show and shows a much better performance then any of his previous works. This guy convinces us that he would be willing to sacrifice anything for his family, he is also a very cool kick butt character.Elisha Kuthburt as the daughter is nothing too speacial, but she works great as eye candy, and every once in a while she will surprise you. Her character is one that will piss you off somtimes because she can act like a spoiled brat, but she always finds a way to make up for it.The rest of the characters are all pretty good. Just know that the first 12 hours of the season are the best, but don't let that stop you from watching the rest of the show, the last episode is suspensefull enough to drive you insance.THE GREAT ETNEBOB HAS SPOKEN | 1positive
Kody is the most selfish man on earth
I watched this episode and appreciated that Christine and Robyn were honest about their real feelings. It makes me sad that they tend to blame themselves if the relationship with Kody is hard. Last week's episode where Meri told Christine that if she wanted a change in their relationship that she had to do it,because Kody doesn't like to be told he's wrong or that he's made a mistake made me sick. Kody is SO selfish. To say he's not because he has 4 wives and 17 kids is ridiculous, because somehow with ALL those people he is still the focus of attention. You see the wives going to work and then when Kody gets his birthday present he makes the asinine comment that it means he has to go back to work. Hey d-bag, why aren't you working to support your 4 wives and 17 kids already?? Plus they give him a Mac which is not an inexpensive computer and he's disappointed. He makes me sick. The women are good people, I don't know why their blinded by this pig of a man. Also it's time you cut that nasty mullet. You and Meri have the same hair and that's NOT a compliment. | 0negative
Some of the best "Buffy" out there
It is the opinion of most fans and critics that Season Three of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was the season in the run of the show, and while none can doubt the excellent story-telling, fluid continuity and superior presentation of Season Three, it is certain that Season Two took the viewer on the more emotional rollercoaster, and encompasses within it five of the most heart-rendering, shock-inducing and *best* Buffy episodes of all.Buffy Summers is the Chosen One, the Vampire Slayer: the only girl in the world with the mystical strength and skill within her who can defend the world against the forces of evil, under the guidence of her assigned Watcher - in this case Rupert Giles, the school librarian of Sunnydale High School.Season Two begins with Buffy returning from her summer in L.A. with her father, mentally scarred after her temporary death at the hands of the Master. After her bad behaviour puts all her friends in danger, she once more assumes the mantle of Slayer in order to save them and prevent the Master from once again rising. It is one of the quintessental Buffy episodes, and perfect for any new viewer of the show to grasp the basics of Buffy's duty, the dynamics of those around her, and the themes of the show that carry throughout the entire show. It ends with a scene that portrays the very heart and soul of the show: that of Buffy and her two dearest friends Willow and Xander simply sitting together, talking about nothing in particular. The beautiful relationship between the three characters, the way they bounce off each other and the extreme loyalty between them has always been the very core of what has made this show special for so long - all other characters have come and gone, but Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon and Alyson Hannigan have weathered the show from beginning to end.Throughout the duration of the Second Season Buffy comes across a range of foes, including one of the most original and "likeable" bad guys: Giles's old acquantice Ethan Rayne, a man who found savage delight in causing "glorious chaos" and in making his old friend miserable, and Billy Fordham, Buffy's old flame from L.A. with aspirations of becoming a vampire himself, leading Buffy to an immensely difficult decision. But foremost among the evil-doers of the show was the marvellous James Marsters as vampiric Spike, the dyed-blonde, leather-clad who became huge favourite among viewers, and his girlfriend, the insane and physic Drusilla, a character to both fear for her cruelty, and pity for her tragic back-story. But of course, the real big-bad was that of the sadistic Angelus...It begins in "Surprise": its Buffy's seventeenth birthday, and Spike and Drusilla have their own little surprise for her - a demon known as the Judge that burns all the righteousness from living beings. After a close escape, a shaken Angel and Buffy declare and consumate their love, with devastating results. The curse placed upon Angel's soul had a clause - should he ever experience a moment of pure happiness, his soul would be torn from him once more - and this moment he finds in Buffy's arms. Reverting once more into the loathsome Angelus, he joins forces with his old allies to make the Slayer's death long, painful and slow, a fate she faces in "Innocence". From here comes more painful revelations - friend and ally Jenny Calender confesses she was not who she said she was: her true identity is that of a member of the gypsy tribe that originally cursed Angel, sent there to ensure he remained tortured by his memories. The confession destroys her blossoming romance with Giles, and in "Passion" she goes about rectifying her mistake by finding the ancient curse, but with truly tragic consequences. The series comes to a head in "Becoming Part I and II", when the vampire trio find a stone demon Acathla with the power to swallow the world into Hell. Angelus is preparing to open it, and with her allies around her, Buffy must deal with both the supernatural components of her life, such as having to destroy her lover despite having his cure, an uneasy alliance with Spike and the death of yet another dear friend, with the (slightly) more ordinary - her explusion from school, her mother's unacceptance of her Slayer-dom and her being a wanted fugitive by the police. There they are - the five best episodes of the series: the most beautifully directed, written and acted moments of all time.Supreme moments are forever stamped upon the viewer's minds - Buffy taking out the indestructable Judge with nothing less than a rocket-launcher (courtesy of Xander), Spike stands from his wheelchair with a smirk, Xander confessing his love to Willow at her bedside, Drusilla hoisting her unconscious lover up off his feet by his arm, Buffy and Kendra facing off for the first time, Willow being suddenly and violently possessed during her first casting of a magic spell, Buffy running in slow motion down the school hall toward the library with her heartbeat echoing off the walls, Buffy gazing at her friends from afar in her silent goodbye to the strains of Sarah McLauchlan, and Buffy and Giles standing before Jenny's grave to the haunting melody of the "Buffy and Angel" theme. Most potent and heartbreaking of all: Buffy and Giles weeping in each others arms outside the burning factory, and of course, Buffy's final sacrifice - destroying the thing she loves most at the moment of reunion to save the world. I defy anyone not to get at least a little teary. | 1positive
wrath of the titians
The disk will not load on my blue ray mechine. I have tried 10 time and each time I get an error message. I am really dissappointed. I guess I paid for a movie and got a coaster!!! | 0negative
Good martial arts & fun movie
Michelle Yeoh as Silver Hawk a caped crime fighter. Flashbacks to her childhood orphan status and martial arts training & a childhood friend from the orphanage who becomes a Police Officer, but doesn't recognise her as an adult. He's brought in to catch the caped crusader and we have a villian planning world domination who has a crew of martial arts baddies who give everyone trouble. Comedic in places-cute in a few, but with good fight scenes. A fun movie we have watched several times | 1positive
Sloooow Movie
Great cinematography, some of the best I've seen, however, the camera work is the movie's shining feature. The rest of the movie is extremely slow paced and almost boring. | 0negative
Events after the fight for flight was successful
After the events of the first episode(parts 1 and 2) the crew of the Enterprise begin to relax and set into their new roles as explores. While breaking in their brand spanking new ship the crew begins to imagine their first contact with other civilizations. Meanwhile Archer is bothered by a mysterious squeaking in his office and Lt. Reed begins to test his weapons systems on a asteroid field.Down in the infirmary, Ensign Sato attempts to keep an alien slug alive and Dr. Phlox continues his study of the human condition. Commander Tucker tests the ships food resequencers and T'Pol discovers an alien vessel that has fallen victim to weapons fire. Against T'Pols recommendations, Archer decides to explore the alien vessel for possible survivors and along the way comes into contact with an enemy established in episode one.A great second episode that shows the crew beginning to mold to their new lifestyles aboard the ship. The characters begin to flesh out and the storyline begins to take shape. Star Trek Enterprise continues to prove a great show. | 1positive
Good if:
If you are a NASA Space Program nerd from the 60's And 70's you will like this movie. Hardware Appears accurate. If you are not a fan of Apollo then this movie could be hard for you to follow, and slow.Born in the 50's and growing up watching the space program I enjoyed this movie very much. | 1positive
what a mess!
This was one of the worst flicks I've ever seen....the acting was atrociously bad--especially Jennifer Jason Leigh (was this her 1st movie)? The plot is ridiculous, the fighting is amateurish and completely unrealistic and the actors look like they were just handed a script and asked to improvise. Rutger Hauer looks like he can't wait to get this mess over with.You'll need to see "Braveheart" to cleanse your palette after viewing this mess. | 0negative
I know who killed... my time
Note to Chris Sivertson: You are not David Lynch. There is but one David Lynch in filmmaking, and you are not him. Never will be.And nowhere is this more evident than in ghastly, painful mess of "I Know Who Killed Me," a thrill-less thriller full of oblique, clumsy symbolism and wretchedly poor scripting. If you need any further proof that Lindsay Lohan's career is in the loo, just look at this.It opens with a girl at a strip club, then cuts to an identical girl, Aubrey (Lohan) who is sweet, quiet, studious and writes self-contemplative "literature."But then Aubrey vanishes after a football game, and apparently got kidnapped by a serial killer. She's later found minus an arm and a leg. When her weird parents rush to her bedside, she claims not to be Aubrey. She says she's Dakota, a stripper working in a seedy club, and that she doesn't know anyone around her.Of course, everyone thinks that this is some bizarre psychological problem. And, of course, it's not. As she struggles to convince everyone (except Aubrey's boyfriend) that she isn't Aubrey, Dakota tries to unravel three mysteries: who the serial killer is, where Aubrey has gone, and what the connection between the two is.Well, it may be a mystery to Dakota, anyway. But any viewers who manage to stay awake during the first fifteen minutes will not only figure out the connection between the girls, but who the bad guy is. The whole twist ending is completely untwisted from the start, especially when your protagonist is saying absurd things like, "I know who killed me!"But in the meantime, Siverton tries to evoke a Lynchian atmosphere with lots of symbolism, arty camerawork, and scattered plot threads that go nowhere. People pop up to say Really, Like, Deep Things, then go away. And when the plot flags, Siverton throws in decomposing flesh, awkward sex and pole dances, and some prolonged shots of Lohan squeaking and writhing. Very BDSM.Apparently in an effort to show the INCREDIBLE DEPTH of his ART, Siverton liberally strews the story with blue items -- roses, gloves, bone saws, etc. What do they symbolize? Who knows, but in case we could have POSSIBLY missed all the blueness, Siverton even tints the camera lenses blue sometimes. Thank you so VERY much, Chris.But admittedly it's not ALL Siverton's fault. Even a great director would have been hard-pressed to make anything but a turkey of this script, penned by the rambling semiliterate Jeff Hammond. Most of his dialogue vacillates between wooden (""She knew a trick. She knew how to turn her life into a movie and watch what happened") and rancidly cliched ("You'd let both of us die just to keep your secret?").Lindsay Lohan has shown the public that she has rotten judgement, but this movie is really the clincher. She gives a leaden, dazed performance, highlighted by a pole dance scene that is more comical than sexy. More capable actors -- such as Julia Ormond -- look like they're waiting for shooting to end, so they can collect their checks."I Know Who Killed Me" is the rotting turkey of the year, mingling mindless violence, turgidly silly dialogue, and a "twist" you can predict from the beginning. Good only for drinking games... and even then, it might put you to sleep. | 0negative
What a relaxing experience. The quality was a little disappointing, but overall okay. I wish they would provide locations of the shots. | 1positive
The price was excellent and my grandchildren can watch the episodes on my PC or iPad. Will buy the entire collection. | 1positive
You'll either be asleep or dead by the time this film is finished
The only good part about this film was the lack of dialogue. The writers didn't want to waste their time with it (or with character development, plot line, or any of those other pesky things that get in the way of a movie), so most of the film was composed of edgy angles and moody music. There was Clive Owen. I will say that much for it.As for the rest, the story was a typical vengeance tale. The good-looking petty drug dealing brother (Davy) of a former London bad guy turned granola-muncher (Will, played by Clive Owen) kills himself under suspicious circumstances. Will now must face his personal demons ... does he leave the matter to the cops and rejoin his lady love in law-abiding domestic bliss, or does he revert to his former bad-ass self and off the m*%^&*$*^$er who was responsible for his brother's death? Actually, now that I've spelled it out, that wouldn't have been a bad plot. Nor would adding a sub-plot involving yet another bad-ass who is determined to kill Will now that the former bad-ass is back in town.That was the story that the writers were supposed to tell, but destroyed with dreadful dialogue (what little there was), miniscule character development, gigantic logic holes (the explanation for Davy's rape was ludicrous given the enormous lengths the perp went to in order to carry it out), and a pace so slow you could easily take a nap between the beginning and the end and not miss anything. In fact, you could skip this movie altogether and take a nap right now. It's a better use of your time. | 0negative
ok I watched the cartoon with my son and we loved it. and then we watched this because of my son. overall this movie is not great. its not even kind of good. my son was even bored with it which says alot since hes 7 and loves the series. The kid who played Aang was pretty decent but the rest of the cast didn't suit the characters, the director took a show thats supposed to be funny but with a main serious theme and turned it into a heavy long winded movie. I understand there are sequels coming we will wait till they are on tv if we even bother with it then. I would suggest some heavy thoughts into recasting almost everyone BUT Aang. He needs to stick with the shows feel rather than try to create his own creepy heaviness thereby alienating all the kids who loved it the way it was. In the cartoon the fire nation was asian, the watertribes were Inuit, air was indian and i think earth was also asian. there were no white people in the show seeing how its supposed to all be loosely based on some asian philosiphies. | 0negative
It Stinks!
Confused, Boring, in general it stinks! Steve Zahn was funny though, he was the only thing entertaining, which isnt enough to make the film worth seeing. | 0negative
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