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835727589_12218-12515 | In the state of Lara , Venezuela , it is responsible for 78 % of all envenomations and all snakebite fatalities ( Dao - L. , 1971 ) . One of the reasons so many people are bitten is because of its association with human habitation and many bites actually occur indoors ( Sasa & Vázquez , 2003 ) . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_12599-12966 | This species is irritable and fast - moving . It is also regarded as being more excitable and unpredictable than B. atrox . Its large size and habit of raising its head high off the ground can result in bites above the knee . It has also been observed to eject venom over a distance of at least 6 ft ( 1.8 m ) in fine jets from the tips of its fangs ( Mole , 1924 ) . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_12967-13645 | Bite symptoms include pain , oozing from the puncture wounds , local swelling that may increase for up to 36 hours , bruising that spreads from the bite site , blisters , numbness , mild fever , headache , bleeding from the nose and gums , hemoptysis , gastrointestinal bleeding , hematuria , hypotension , nausea , vomiting , impaired consciousness and tenderness of the spleen . In untreated cases , local necrosis frequently occurs and may cause gangrene which often requires amputation . In 12 fatal cases , the cause of death was sepsis ( 5 ) , intracranial hemorrhage ( 3 ) , acute renal failure with hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis ( 2 ) and hemorrhagic shock ( 1 ) . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_13646-13776 | Venom yield ( dry weight ) averages 458 mg , with a maximum of 1530 mg ( Bolaños , 1984 ) and an LD in mice of 2.844 mg / kg IP . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_13777-13999 | The venomous bite of B. asper has been suggested to have been a factor in the choice of certain Mayan settlements , such as Nim Li Punit , where the thick jungle inhabited by these snakes was used as a defensive boundary . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_14018-14100 | This species is a subspecies of B. atrox and can still often confused be with it . | Bothrops asper |
835727589_14120-14316 | Despite being one of the most venomous snakes in Central and South America , the snake is often preyed on by spiders , specifically the Goliath tarantula . The Jaguar will also prey on the snake . | Bothrops asper |
805615451_270-725 | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night Cover of a volume of the original Karmashastra Society first edition . Translator Richard Francis Burton Country United Kingdom Language English Subject Arab folktales and stories Genre Arabic literature Fantasy fiction Publisher Privately printed by the `` Kama Shastra Society '' Publication date 1885 ISBN 978 - 0517001523 Followed by The Supplemental Nights to the Thousand Nights and a Night ( 1886 -- 88 ) | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_726-1380 | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ( 1885 ) , subtitled A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments , is an English language translation of One Thousand and One Nights ( the `` Arabian Nights '' ) -- a collection of Middle Eastern and South Asian stories and folk tales compiled in Arabic during the Islamic Golden Age ( 8th − 13th centuries ) -- by the British explorer and Arabist Richard Francis Burton ( 1821 -- 1890 ) . It stood as the only complete translation of the Macnaghten or Calcutta II edition ( Egyptian recension ) of the `` Arabian Nights '' until the Malcolm C. and Ursula Lyons translation in 2008 . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_1381-2770 | Burton 's translation was one of two unabridged and unexpurgated English translations done in the 1880s ; the first was by John Payne , under the title The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night ( 1882 -- 84 , nine volumes ) . Burton 's ten volume version was published almost immediately afterward with a slightly different title . This , along with the fact that Burton closely advised Payne and partially based his books on Payne 's , led later to charges of plagiarism . Owing to the sexual imagery in the source texts ( which Burton made a special study of , adding extensive footnotes and appendices on `` Oriental '' sexual mores ) and to the strict Victorian laws on obscene material , both translations were printed as private editions for subscribers only , rather than being published in the usual manner . Burton 's original ten volumes were followed by a further six entitled The Supplemental Nights to the Thousand Nights and a Night ( 1886 -- 88 ) . Burton 's 16 volumes , while boasting many prominent admirers , have been criticised for their `` archaic language and extravagant idiom '' and `` obsessive focus on sexuality '' ; they have even been called an `` eccentric ego - trip '' and a `` highly personal reworking of the text '' . His voluminous and obscurely detailed notes and appendices have been characterised as `` obtrusive , kinky and highly personal '' . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_2771-3140 | In 1982 , the International Astronomical Union ( IAU ) began naming features on Saturn 's moon Enceladus after characters and places in Burton 's translation because `` its surface is so strange and mysterious that it was given the Arabian Nights as a name bank , linking fantasy landscape with a literary fantasy '' . ( See List of geological features on Enceladus . ) | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_3473-4108 | Burton -- an accomplished geographer , explorer , orientalist , ethnologist , diplomat , polylinguist and author -- was best known in his lifetime for travelling in disguise to Mecca ( 1853 ) and for journeying ( with John Hanning Speke ) as the first European to visit the Great Lakes of Africa in search of the source of the Nile ( 1857 -- 58 ) . One of the great Arabists of his day , he had long wanted to publish an unexpurgated version of the `` Arabian Nights '' stories . The first translations into English , notably that by Edward Lane ( 1840 , 1859 ) , were highly abridged and heavily bowdlerised , which irritated Burton . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_4109-5201 | In 1863 Burton co-founded the Anthropological Society of London with Dr. James Hunt . In Burton 's own words , the main aim of the society ( through the publication of the periodical Anthropologia ) was `` to supply travelers with an organ that would rescue their observations from the outer darkness of manuscript and print their curious information on social and sexual matters '' . Burton had written numerous travel books which invariably included sexual curiosa in extensive footnotes and appendices . His best - known contributions to literature were those considered risqué or even pornographic at the time and which were published under the auspices of the `` Kama Shastra Society '' , a fictitious organisation created by Burton and Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot as a legal device to avoid the consequences of current obscenity laws . ( Burton and Arbuthnot were the only members of the `` Society '' . ) These works included The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana ( 1883 ) , published just before his Nights , and The Perfumed Garden of the Shaykh Nefzawi ( 1886 ) , published just after it . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_5231-5313 | This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( January 2013 ) The | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_5417-5824 | The volumes were printed by the Kama Shastra Society in a subscribers - only edition of one thousand with a guarantee that there would never be a larger printing of the books in this form . To confound possible litigation , the title pages claimed the printing had been done in `` Benares '' , but this was a subterfuge . In reality , it was done by Miller & Richard ( a Scottish firm ) at Stoke Newington . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_5948-6483 | The stories collected in the Nights are often sexual in content and were considered pornography at the time of Burton 's publication . The Terminal Essay in volume 10 of Burton 's Nights contains a 14,000 - word section entitled `` Pederasty '' ( Volume 10 , section IV , D ) . Here Burton postulated that male homosexuality was prevalent in an area of the southern latitudes named by him the `` Sotadic zone '' . ( Rumors about Burton 's own sexuality and experiences were already circulating and were further incited by this work . ) | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_6516-6594 | This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( January 2013 ) | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_6595-7062 | John Payne and Burton collaborated on their respective translations of the Nights for more than half a decade , and each respected the other 's scholarship , but Payne believed that Burton had plagiarised his manuscripts when he sent them to Trieste to be checked . In 1906 , a biographer of Burton , Thomas Wright , made the claim that Burton had plagiarised most of his translation from Payne . Burton 's most recent biographer summarises the situation as follows . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_7063-7597 | He ( Wright ) made a comparison of the respective versions of the Nights by Burton and Payne . We know , not only from Richard 's and Isabel 's writings but from the statements of people who met him through the years , that Burton had been collecting manuscripts of the Nights stories and translating them , on and off , for over twenty - five years before he met Payne . So Wright 's claim that Burton had not done his own translation , but had `` taken from Payne at least three - quarters of his entire work '' , is extraordinary . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_7598-8063 | Norman Mosley Penzer , in his 1923 Annotated Bibliography of Burton 's works , takes great umbrage at `` Wright 's futile efforts to glorify Payne and scoff at Burton '' , contradicting several of his examples point by point . In Burton 's defence , Penzer asserts that it is usual for translators to study and follow in the footsteps of earlier translators and cites examples of similarities in the stories Payne translated after Burton had published his version . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_8064-8201 | The `` plagiarism '' allegation is also examined in detail in an appendix to Fawn Brodie 's 1967 biography of Burton , The Devil Drives . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_8217-8521 | In translating the Nights , Burton attempted to invent an English equivalent of medieval Arabic . In doing so , he drew upon Chaucerian English , Elizabethan English , and the 1653 English translation by Sir Thomas Urquhart of the first three books of Rabelais 's Gargantua and Pantagruel ( 1532 - 46 ) . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_8580-9601 | Burton shared ( John ) Payne 's enthusiasm for archaic and forgotten words . The style Burton achieved can be described as a sort of composite mock - Gothic , combining elements from Middle English , the Authorized Version of the Bible and Jacobean drama . Most modern readers will also find Burton 's Victorian vulgarisms jarring , for example ' regular Joe Millers ' , ' Charlie Charleys ' , and ' red cent ' . Burton 's translation of the Nights can certainly be recommended to anyone wishing to increase their word - power : ' chevisance ' , ' fortalice ' , ' kemperly ' , ' car cark ' , ' foison ' , ' soothfast ' , ' perlection ' , ' wittol ' , ' parergon ' , ' brewis ' , ' wikt : bles ' , ' fadaise ' , ' coelebs ' , ' vivisepulture ' , and so on . ' Whilome ' and ' anent ' are standard in Burton 's vocabulary . The range of vocabulary is wider and stranger than Payne 's , lurching between the erudite and the plain earthy , so that Harun al - Rashid and Sinbad walk and talk in a linguistic Never Never Land . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_9621-9699 | This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( January 2013 ) | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_9700-10695 | Many early commentators on Burton 's Nights criticised his eccentric `` mixture of obsolete words , mediaeval phrases , modern slang , Americanisms , and foreign words and expressions '' . Jorge Luis Borges , however , wrote a celebrated essay on `` The Translators of The Thousand and One Nights '' in which -- while he chastises Burton for his distortions and `` indulgent loitering '' -- he allows that `` the problems that Burton resolved are innumerable '' and delights in his careful use of an extravagantly exotic vocabulary in which each word `` is indubitably the mot juste . '' In summarising his use of language , Borges concluded that `` In some way , the almost inexhaustible process of English is adumbrated in Burton -- John Donne 's hard obscenity , the gigantic vocabularies of Shakespeare and Cyril Tourneur , Swinburne 's affinity for the archaic , the crass erudition of the authors of 17th century chapbooks , the energy and imprecision , the love of tempests and magic . '' | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_10793-11498 | A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights ' Entertainments , Now Entituled ( sic ) The Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night ; With Introduction Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a Terminal Essay upon the History of the Nights by Richard F. Burton ; Benares : MDCCCLXXXV : Printed by the Kamashastra Society for Private Subscribers Only . First series of 1885 in ten volumes . No illustrations . Supplemental series of 1886 -- 88 in six volumes . No illustrations . An identical ' Burton Club ' London edition of 1000 individually numbered sets of 17 volumes dated 1885 - 8 was also published , dedicated by Burton to the great Shakespearean actor Henry Irving . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_11615-11852 | Lady Burton 's Edition of Her Husband 's Arabian Nights Translated Literally from the Arabic ( 1886 - 1887 ) ; Prepared for Household Reading by Justin Huntly McCarthy , M.P. ; 6 vols. ; London : Waterlow & Sons , Limited , London Wall . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_11853-12605 | This edition is ostensibly the `` family '' version of Burton 's translation . ( In her `` Preface '' , Lady Burton guarantees that `` no mother shall regret her girl 's reading this Arabian Nights '' . ) It is a much bowdlerized version of the original edition and was not a commercial success . It excises 215 of the original 3,215 pages , including Burton 's defense of turpiquilum in his `` Foreword '' , all sexually explicit commentary , and the two final essays on `` Pornography '' and `` Pederasty . '' Lady Burton merely lent her name to this expurgated edition . As she stated before his death , `` I have never read , nor do I intend to read , at his own request , and to be true to my promise to him , my husband 's ' Arabian Nights ' `` . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_12643-13191 | 1894 H.S. Nichols & Co , London , edition by Leonard C. Smithers , 12 Volumes ; this reprint `` omits given passages in dreadful taste , whose elimination will be mourned by no one '' . 1897 H.S. Nichols & Co , London , `` Illustrated Library Edition '' , 12 Volumes ( 142 original illustrations , including a portrait of Burton , reproduced from the original pictures in oils specially painted by Albert Letchford with one set of the original 71 illustrations presented as included by the publisher and another set individually hand - coloured . ) | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_13192-14106 | Nichols ' second printing is a scarce and handsome edition , the first to include the illustrations by Letchford . In 1896 , two years after their first edition of Burton 's Nights , the Nichols - Smithers duo commissioned Burton 's close friend , Albert Letchford , to paint 65 illustrations for another edition as well as a portrait of Burton , and soon after commissioned for five more . Burton and Letchford had met several years before when the latter was 18 and in Florence beginning his art education . They discussed the possibility of illustrating the Nights . Burton 's suggestion of illustrating the Nights had appealed greatly to Letchford on account of the unlimited scope such a subject would give to an artist who loved the East and had a boundless imagination . Letchford commenced study of Eastern images for his paintings , though only one of the illustrations was painted in Burton 's lifetime . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_14165-14722 | Alf Laylah Wa Laylah , The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night , by Richard F. Burton ; Press of the Carson - Harper Company , Denver , Colo. , 1900 -- 01 . `` For private subscribers only . '' Includes 100 illustrations by Stanley L. Wood . ( This was the first reprint of the original unexpurgated edition and the best reprint for many decades . This edition is the one used by the IAU for naming features on Enceladus . Only the last three volumes ( 4 , 5 , and 6 of the Supplemental Nights ) are dated 1901 . The edition was a commercial failure . ) | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_14752-16091 | The electros from the `` Burton Society '' edition were acquired by the `` Burton Club '' -- `` the nom de plume of a certain Boston publisher '' , according to N.C. Penzer . This very successful series of editions probably began in 1903 ( none of the volumes bear dates ) and continued for many decades . There are 114 illustrations by various ( at least 13 ) English and French artists . Many of these are uncredited and many are from other ( some pre-Burton ) editions of the Nights , some even having nothing to do with the Nights or even the Middle East . ( All of Letchford 's works from the Nichols / Smithers edition are there , except the portrait of Burton . ) . Penzer 's bibliography lists nine different Burton Club editions ; after about 1905 each was named after a city ( Benares , Mecca , Medinah , Aden , Baghdad , Samara , Bassorah , Shammar , and Luristan ) , a new one appearing about every two years . Penzer called these the `` Catch Word '' editions and there are known to be at least 6 others ( Teheran , Baroda , etc ) . These editions were made semi-surreptitiously up through the 1920s and many may have been printed in the US , but bound in the UK . There exists no definitive list of all `` Burton Club '' editions or their sequence . According to Penzer , the `` Illustrated Benares '' edition was the first . | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
805615451_16181-19510 | In 1932 , a Modern Library version edited by Bennett Cerf reprinted selected portions of Smithers ' bowdlerised version ( claiming it to be an `` unabridged '' and `` unexpurgated '' edition ) . `` Illustrations and decorations '' by Steele Savage . Versions of this reprint with and without Savage 's artwork have had a long and varied life : The ' ' Arabian Nights ' ' Entertainments , Or The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night : A Selection of the Most Famous and Representative of These Tales from the Plain and Literal Translations by Richard F. Burton ( 1932 ) , Modern Library # 201 ; `` The Stories Have Been Chosen and Arranged by Bennett A. Cerf and are Printed Complete and Unabridged with Many of Burton 's Notes '' ; Introductory Essay by Ben Ray Redman . Selections From The Arabian Nights , Sir Richard Burton 's famous translation of The Thousand Nights and a Night , with modernised ... ( 1938 ) , With new illustrations and decorations by Steele Savage ; Garden City , NY : De Luxe Editions Club , 400 pages . The Arabian Nights : Unexpurgated Edition , A Complete and Unabridged Selection from the Literal Translation of ... Burton ; Blue Ribbon Books ( 1941 ) . Unexpurgated Selections from The Arabian Nights ; Sir Richard Burton 's Famous Translation ... ; Halcyon House ( 1948 ) ; Illustrations and decorations by Steele Savage Selections from the Arabian Nights Sir Richard Burton 's Translation ( 1992 ) ; Univ Pub House ; 390 pages The Arabian Nights , Tales from a Thousand and One Nights ( 2001 ) , Translated , with a Preface and Notes , by Sir Richard F. Burton ; Introduction by A.S. Byatt ; New York : The Modern Library ; 872 pp. ( Paperback only ; no illustrations ; includes commentary by Burton , Lady Burton , John Addington Symonds , Algernon Charles Swinburne , and an anonymous reviewer for The Nation . ) A 2004 reprint had 1049 pp . The Arabian Nights , Barnes & Noble ( 2009 ) ; 744 pages . Other reprints of the Cerf / Savage edition by The Book League of America , Communication & Studies Inc . Georgia , etc 1934 Limited Editions Club edition : The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night : The Complete Burton Translation with the Complete Burton Notes , the Terminal Index , and 1001 Decorations by Valenti Angelo , 3 Volumes in slipcase ( reprinted by The Heritage Press , 1962 ) 1962 : Arabian Miniatures : The Most Beautiful Nights , Astra - Club ; 12 mounted color plates ( reprinted in France by Editions Du Sud , 1968 ) 1954 : Arabian Nights Entertainments , 4 Volumes in 2 slipcases ; 65 stories ; 60 illustrations by Arthur Szyk ; England : Limited Editions Club ; Limited to 1,500 copies edition 1991 A Signet Classic edition : Zipes , Jack , Arabian Nights , the Marvels and Wonders of the Thousand and One Nights , Adapted from Richard F. Burton 's Unexpurgated Translation , Penguin Books ; paperback , 595 pages . 1994 The Easton Press edition ( Norwalk , Conn ) : The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night : With Introduction Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a Terminal Essay Upon The History of the Nights ; 17 Volumes ( Morocco leather binding , with elaborate gilt gold and silver tooling on the spine and on the front and back covers ; Moiré silk used for the front and end pieces and satin for the sewn - in place - marker . ) | The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night |
826038618_102-356 | This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_357-526 | The TV show 1000 Ways to Die airs on the cable channel Spike . New episodes air on Monday nights at 10 / 9C , beginning on March 12 , 2012 , with the Season 4 premiere . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_527-914 | Season Episodes Premiere date Finale date 12 May 14 , 2008 ( 2008 - 05 - 14 ) April 5 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 05 ) 12 December 6 , 2009 ( 2009 - 12 - 06 ) February 24 , 2010 ( 2010 - 02 - 24 ) 3 ( 2010 ) 42 August 3 , 2010 ( 2010 - 08 - 03 ) February 29 , 2012 ( 2012 - 02 - 29 ) 3 ( 2011 ) -- -- -- 3 ( 2012 ) -- -- -- 8 March 12 , 2012 ( 2012 - 03 - 12 ) July 15 , 2012 ( 2012 - 07 - 15 ) | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_1482-1774 | The first two episodes of Season One served as the series ' two - episode pilot . They were executive produced and narrated by series creator Thom Beers , and directed , co-written , and produced by Will Raee and co-written by Tom McMahon . Both episodes begin with the following disclaimer : | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_1775-2002 | `` The stories you are about to see are true and based on actual events . Names have been changed to protect the identities of the deceased . '' `` WARNING : The deaths portrayed in this show are real and extremely graphic . '' | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_2003-2293 | The disclaimer then cuts to a scene of a city at night , followed by images of various manners of death , either from episodes or file footages , while the voice - over reads the monologue , which appears in `` comic - book '' style ( comic font inside yellow boxes , as in a comic book ) : | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_2294-2700 | `` The human body is remarkably resilient ... '' ( Note : in the following sentence , only the ALL CAPPED words are illustrated in large , red `` Sin City '' / `` comic '' font ; the rest are only heard ) `` Every day we fight a new WAR against GERMS , TOXINS , INJURY , ILLNESS , CATASTROPHE and Calamity . '' `` The fact that we survive at all is a miracle ... '' `` Because , every day we live ... '' `` | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_2731-3337 | The first story begins with the opening screenshot drawn as a comic , which fades to the live action . The narrator gives an account of the story as it unfolds , describing the circumstances leading up to the death and details of the death itself . The story is interspersed with expert testimony from physicians and scientists about the science of the death ( what happens to the body , etc . ) . The story ends with another comic screenshot , over which the `` Way to Die # '' and the nickname for the death is typed over the image in black and red `` True Crimes '' / `` Sin City '' / `` comic '' font . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_3411-5017 | Death # `` Event '' Name Circumstances of Death 208 Semi-cide A man is run over and cut in half by an 18 - wheeler while working under his car in a parking lot . His upper body and legs are accidentally sent to separate hospitals , making the medical crew lose some time . The man dies of pain and exsanguination . 422 Constriction Accident A construction worker who comes to work drunk arrives with a hangover . He accidentally activates the dumping mechanism and buries the fellow worker under three tons of sand , killing him via crush asphyxia . 92 Fang Banged A drunk man is shot at by his equally drunk brother . When he ducks , he falls onto a rattlesnake , which bites him near his heart , and he dies from the venom . 832 Lesbocution After being involved in a series of bad relationships , a woman decides to ' become ' a lesbian . While going home to have sex with a female friend to celebrate her coming out , the woman takes off her high heels and steps barefoot into a puddle with a live wire in it and is electrocuted . 125 Love Bugged A reclusive French amateur entomologist and herpetologist is bitten by his black widow spider in a misguided attempt to build an immunity to its venom . Electing to ride out the symptoms of his latrodectism , he suffers a fatal heart attack , knocking over his reptile tanks as he collapses . The released animals then feed on his corpse for two weeks before it is found by police . 640 Tumble Die A repairman is accidentally trapped inside an industrial clothes dryer and dies of being battered around and excess heat within minutes causing hyperthermia . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_5064-5168 | Originally aired May 21 , 2008 . Note : This is the first episode not to feature the death of a female . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_5169-6677 | Death # `` Event '' Name Circumstances of Death 293 Freeze Died A man working at a mafia - owned South Philadelphia meat packing company is deliberately locked in a walk - in freezer out of revenge for stealing cuts of meat and getting his employer 's 17 - year - old granddaughter pregnant , dying of hypothermia . 713 Dive Bombed A group of friends fly themselves home from Cabo San Lucas in a private plane shortly after going scuba diving . At 12,000 ft , they all suffer from decompression sickness and crash , causing the plane to explode and kill everyone aboard . 91 De-Coffinated A land dispute between two brothers in Haiti ends with one brother asking a witch doctor to poison the other with tetrodotoxin , causing paralysis . Believed to be dead , the poisoned brother is buried alive , and his corpse is later found by grave robbers , having succumbed to suffocation . Shortly before the brother 's death , he tried to claw his way out with his fingers , wearing them down to the bone . 606 Wet Dream A man who wants to live like a fish constructs a fish suit out of waterbed material and attempts to use it . The suit is so constricting , however , that he can not get into the water fast enough , and he dies from heat exhaustion . 112 Fur Burger In the 2nd century , one method of execution was wrapping the victim in freshly killed animal skins , tying him to a tree , and leaving him to be eaten alive by whatever carnivores happened to be in the area ( a flock of vultures in this case ) . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_6678-7003 | Shot months after the pilot , the remaining episodes of the first season were executive produced by Thom Beers who also created the series . Season One was written and directed by Tom McMahon . The third episode also debuted a new narrator , actor Ron Perlman , instead of Beers , who previously narrated the pilot episodes . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_7004-7547 | The episodes in the rest of Season One , while maintaining the `` tongue - in - cheek '' story - telling aspect of the first two shows , vary in formatting compared to the pilot . The `` comic - book '' styling is completely gone , as are the trivia bits between segments . Each episode opens with a voice - over by the narrator giving brief summaries of upcoming deaths , accompanied by clips . This fades to a more ominous version of the previous disclaimer : white wording on black background , while a deeper , echoing voice - over reads : | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_7548-7707 | `` WARNING : The deaths portrayed in this show are real and extremely graphic . '' `` Names have been changed to protect the identities of the deceased . '' `` | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_7832-8007 | The disclaimer then cuts to animation depicting human figures encountering various deaths , while the voice - over reads ( Note : only the ALL CAPPED words are illustrated ) : | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_8008-8347 | `` Death ... is everywhere . Most of us try to avoid it , others ca n't get out of its way . Every day we fight a new war against GERMS , TOXINS , INJURY , ILLNESS , and CATASTROPHE . '' `` There 's a lot of ways to wind up dead . The fact that we survive at all is a miracle , because every day we live , we face ... 1000 WAYS TO DIE . '' | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_8348-9316 | This introduction cuts to a screenshot of the `` victim '' , framed by gray grainy film art , and information appears as being typed out onto screen : `` DATE '' and `` LOCATION '' . The stories are played out as in the `` Pilot Season '' , but end as they began , with a different screenshot of the `` victim '' ( this time , they are usually dead ) , again framed in grainy film art , over which the `` Way to Die # '' and the nickname for the death typed over the image in yellow and red text in the `` True Crimes '' / `` Sin City '' / `` comic '' font . Two stories are shown in this manner , then an outro to the commercial says , `` Coming up : '' followed by brief , clever descriptions of upcoming deaths . This is usually repeated twice . After the last commercial break , the real - life story is shown , followed immediately by the end credits , which appear as white spray - painted bold letters on a grainy film background , backed by heavy metal music . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_9391-11863 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 64 Habeas Corpse May 1 , 1998 Law Office Los Angeles , CA Trying to impress a new female workmate , a lawyer runs head - on into a window on the fourteenth floor of his office to prove it unbreakable , a stunt he had done multiple times without any injury . Unfortunately , on his second attempt , the window gives way and he falls to his death . ( This death was based off the death of Garry Hoy . ) 288 Chippin ' Dale August 11 , 2003 Sonoran Desert Yuma , AZ While two men are shredding tree branches in a woodchipper , one of the branches jams the woodchipper . Anxious to go home , one man foolishly tries to unjam the woodchipper with his foot , but his foot gets stuck in the machine and his entire body is quickly shredded to pieces . 226 Gasketballed November 21 , 1993 Ball State College Kenosha , WI A young couple in college climbs into a giant helium - filled basketball . Although they enjoy it at first , they begin to find it difficult to breathe in it after a while . Realizing that they need to get out , they try to , but can not because they are unable to find the zipper to open it . They eventually suffocate to death due to the lack of oxygen . 199 Me So Hornet September 27 , 1992 Boone Residence Lubbock , TX A man doing lawn work is confronted by his wife for sex and agrees , but she says he has to get rid of a hornet 's nest first . After failing to get it down with a rake , he gets a paintball gun and shoots the hornets ' nest , knocking it to the ground . The hornets attack him and he dies from anaphylactic shock due to an unknown allergy to hornet venom . 952 Dumbrella January 13 , 2007 Wood 's Carnival Barnegat , NJ A sword swallower trying to perform despite dwindling audiences and an unstable economy takes a bet to swallow an umbrella . However , the release button is accidentally hit in the process and the umbrella is lodged in his esophagus . This closes off his trachea and causes internal bleeding and choking , killing him . 674 Killdo January 31 , 2004 Jennifer 's Pad Roanoke , VA While eyeing a handsome grocery store clerk , a woman gets the idea to use a peeled carrot as a dildo during her nightly masturbation session . While using the carrot during her session , a rough cut slices her vaginal wall , letting air into her circulatory system . An air bubble travels to her heart , blocking blood flow , and the woman dies from an air embolism . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_12000-14574 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 316 Butt F * * * ed December 21 , 1978 Mercy Care Mobile , Alabama A man falls asleep while smoking and sets himself on fire . He is rescued , taken to the hospital , and wrapped from head to toe in bandages soaked in burn medicine to treat his 3rd - degree burns . After 3 weeks in the hospital without a cigarette , he bribes a nurse to let him outside for a few minutes . He smuggles a cigarette out and lights up , but the ashes from the cigarette ignite his bandages . As he struggles to put the fire out , his wheelchair rolls down the ramp , and at the bottom , his oxygen tank explodes causing 4th degree burning . 818 Frightmare June 15 , 1995 Alexi 's Apartment Fargo , ND A woman suffers from SUNDS ( Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome ) , and dies in her sleep from cardiac arrhythmia , brought on by an intense nightmare about a demonic dwarf strangling her that she could not wake up from . 97 Oprah Winfried November 12 , 1986 Folsom Prison Folsom , CA An obnoxious former death row inmate whose sentence was commuted to life without parole ( much to the disgust of his lawyer ) is watching The Oprah Winfrey Show on his metallic prison toilet and is electrocuted when he grabs an exposed portion of the power cord in an attempt to fix his TV reception . 412 Em - Bear - Assed April 16 , 2001 Mojave Desert Palmdale , CA A man under the influence of magic mushrooms comes across a group of furries in animal costumes engaged in sexual encounters around a campfire in the desert and attempts to join in , but is rejected . He mistakes a nearby mother brown bear for one of the participants , and not realizing it is real until too late , he is then mauled to death . 625 Midnight Choker December 18 , 2006 Jack 's Bar Gary , IN A biker impresses fellow bar patrons by swallowing a billiard ball ( the 8 - ball in particular ) and then bringing it back up . He tries to repeat the trick with a cue ball , but the larger - diameter size of the ball prevents him from pushing the ball back up his throat , and he asphyxiates . 269 Window Pained August 22 , 1998 Su Su 's House Atlanta , GA A peeping tom spies on a woman dancing around her house in lingerie . He partially enters a window to get a better look , but is spotted and accidentally hits the window support . The window breaks his neck between the C2 and C3 vertebrae , killing him . ( This has the first instance of an interviewee being kept in shadow for criminal protection , in the case of a voyeur named `` Nick '' . ) | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_14612-14722 | Originally aired February 15 , 2009 . Note : This is the second episode not to feature the death of a female . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_14787-16961 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 504 Wel - dead March 13 , 2005 House of Steel Long Beach , CA An adrenaline addict working at a metal shop connects a welder to his ear piercings to administer an electric shock and adrenaline rush . He turns the voltage on the welder to the maximum setting , and the electricity disrupts his natural electrical rhythms , causing cardiac arrest . 230 Trailer Thrashed May 1 , 1979 Roger 's RV Park Aberdeen , SD A newly married man attempts to unclog his new RV 's toilet with bleach since other attempts to unclog it are unsuccessful . The bleach reacts with the sewage to form chlorine gas , which suffocates him to death . 171 Nite Capped December 31 , 2003 Echo Park Los Angeles , CA A group of revelers celebrate New Year 's Eve by shooting a stray bullet into the air . Unfortunately , the bullet comes back down and hits a man in the shoulder several miles away . The bullet goes through his shoulder and pierces his heart , killing him . 385 Liquor 'd September 19 , 1983 Dunkeler 's Home Sparta , KY An alcoholic recovering from throat surgery asks his wife to give him an enema consisting of sherry . The alcohol bypasses his digestive tract and is absorbed directly into his bloodstream unfiltered by the liver , causing alcohol poisoning and he later dies . 197 Dead Eye May 15 , 1993 Milhouse High Glendale , CA A high school physical education teacher demonstrates the javelin and makes an impressive throw . Running to retrieve the javelin , he turns around and yells to the class , only to impale himself through the eye on the javelin when he turns back around , driving it into his brain . 319 Domin - a-Dead February 27 , 2006 The Kitty Patch Tonopah , NV A 32 - year - old virgin looking to have sex with a hooker is chosen by a dominatrix , who makes him wear a latex suit and a ball gag as she is punishing him . The man soon has an allergic reaction to the latex suit ( which he was unaware he had ) , and ends up dying because he is chained to a bed post and his cries of distress were muffled by the ball gag and the dominatrix thought he was groaning from pleasure , not pain . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_17037-19141 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 610 Deep Died October 26 , 1999 Tool & Die Works Akron , OH A metal shop worker with serious anger issues is fired after his boss and co-workers grow tired of the man 's outbursts . When he returns to work to get revenge on his boss , the latter shoves the former in self - defense into a vat of hydrochloric acid , which melts away at the former employee 's flesh and internal organs . 892 Gorgeous Gorge May 2 , 2004 Beechwood Hotel New York , NY A supermodel who uses bulimia to keep herself thin orders everything on the room service hotel menu and stuffs her face with food . When she goes to the bathroom to throw up , her stomach ruptures from eating too much food intake and she dies . 347 Re-Tired June 4 , 2005 Ted 's Tire Service Bakersfield , CA A porn addict reads a dirty magazine while inflating a truck tire . Distracted by the magazine , the man forgets to check on the tire . After a while , the tire and rim explode from over-inflation , lodging pieces of shrapnel from the rim into his brain and killing him . 652 Botoxicated August 16 , 1998 Debbie 's House Carbondale , IL A woman desperate to get rid of her wrinkles hires an inexperienced doctor to administer Botox in her home . The man unknowingly injects pure botulinum toxin into her face , resulting in intense pain and paralysis . While lying in a hot tub trying to relax , the woman 's entire body becomes paralyzed and she slips underwater to the bottom of the hot tub and drowns . 498 Choke - A-Lot March 27 , 1975 Homefood Cafe Peachtree City , GA Two dim - witted kitchen aides play by throwing cocoa powder at each other in a confined room . The powder impairs the alveoli in their lungs and they are asphyxiated to death . 629 Sex Ray March 12 , 2001 St Jude 's Hospital Jackson , MI A man is having an x-ray of his head taken when the doctor and nurse begin having sex in the control room . They accidentally hit the exposure button repeatedly while having sex , eventually giving the patient a lethal dose of radiation , which fries his brain . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_19223-21499 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 314 Dung For October 25 , 1986 Lucky Days Ranch Aberdeen , TX A farmhand on the run from his boss for hitting on the farmer 's daughter hides in a manure truck . A load of manure is dumped on the farmhand , suffocating and crushing him . 622 Brain Worms December 21 , 1978 ( Note : This is the second death on this date ) General Hospital San Francisco , CA A couple eat live snails and ingest Angiostrongylus cantonensis , parasites that travel through their bloodstreams to their brains , where they feed on their brain matter until the couple dies , with the man revealing to his girlfriend that he 's a closet homosexual just before the two die . 401 Abracadaver November 12 , 1995 Shyrock Theater Flint , MI A second - rate magician attempts to perform the famed `` bullet catch trick '' . He taps the pistol ( loaded with blanks ) with his wand , not noticing that a piece of it has broken off and fallen into the barrel . When his ex-girlfriend assistant fires the blank in his direction for the illusion , the piece is propelled into his neck , severing his jugular vein , and he bleeds to death . 429 Weed Whacked February 8 , 2002 Diablo Desert Fort Wayne , IN Two stoners run out of marijuana , so they look for other things to light up . They unwittingly decide on North America 's most toxic plant , poison sumac , and are killed from flash pulmonary edema caused by its irritating urushiol fumes . 221 Rebel Without A Pulse July 4 , 1867 Stonetop Canyon Anniston , GA Soon after the American Civil War , a Confederate deserter is ordered to be executed via firing squad . All of the shooters fire and miss the soldier . However , the intense fear of being shot causes the soldier to die from a heart attack . 510 Kill Basa August 16 , 1996 The Brig Disco New Orleans , LA A man who wants to impress women with a `` large package '' uses surgical tubing to tie a 12 - inch kielbasa sausage to his upper thigh . However , he ties the sausage so tight that it cuts off his circulation . The blood in his clogged artery forms into a clot over the next several hours , eventually causing him to die of a pulmonary embolism at a night club when it dislodges from the artery and reaches his heart . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_21589-21670 | Title reference : A spoof of the 1966 movie title The Good , the Bad and the Ugly | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_21671-23751 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 770 Face Offed December 21 , 2007 The Excalibur Paradise , Nevada A Las Vegas showgirl shaves her legs with a rusty razor blade . When she accidentally cuts herself , she contracts a Group A streptococcal infection , which develops into necrotizing fasciitis ( `` flesh - eating '' bacteria ) . The bacteria in her blood stream breaks through a pimple on her face and starts eating away at her face . She eventually dies from sepsis . 47 Re-Coiled May 28 , 1994 Jake 's Domain Tres Piedras , NM A survivalist living alone in the wilderness is going to the bathroom , during which time a snake coils itself around his rifle . When he goes to pick the rifle up afterwards , the startled snake pulls the gun 's trigger , shooting the man in the chest and killing him . 301 Sucked Offed February 3 , 2000 Buffalo Lake Amarillo , TX An escaped female convict hides from police for forty - five minutes in a 55 ° F ( 13 ° C ) lake full of leeches . When she comes out of the water , she is too weak to move from hypothermia and blood loss , and dies of exposure . 312 Re-Formed March 24 , 1989 Acme Shipping Pico , CA A thief hides in a dumpster , which is then emptied into a garbage truck . When more garbage is emptied on top of him , the thief is trapped and the load of garbage is compacted , crushing him . 963 Fin - ished July 17 , 2004 Lake Havasu Lake Havasu City , AZ A woman catches a fish for the first time . As she pulls it from the water , it flies through the air and lodges in her throat . The design of the fish 's scales prevents her from pulling it out , and she chokes to death . 553 Butt Plugged November 9 , 2002 Imperial Highway El Segundo , CA A newly released convict driving drunk with a hooker in the front seat shoves a can of pepper spray into his rectum to avoid detection by a police officer who pulls him over . When the officer shoves the con against the truck for talking back to him , the can is activated , soaking the con 's rectum with the spray and fatally eating it away . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_23828-23900 | Title reference : A spoof of the poem Death Be Not Proud by John Donne . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_23901-26223 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 502 Gas - hole May 19 , 2002 Glacier National Park West Glacier , MT A wanted drug dealer hides out in the wilderness . Wanting to get drunk but having no booze ( and not willing to get caught by authorities by setting foot in a bar or liquor store ) , he siphons the gasoline from his motorcycle , thinking he can drink it because it contains ethanol . However , he is unable to keep it down , and when he vomits it back up onto his campfire , he is engulfed in flames . Ichiboned November 21 , 1987 Tanaka Residence Tokyo , Japan A young , shy Japanese couple that has been married for seven years are too repressed to even consummate their marriage by making love . One day , after a bottle of plum wine , they try again , and this time succeed . Their hearts are not physically ready for such a shock , however , and they both die from cardiac arrest after achieving simultaneous orgasms . 518 Jake N ' Baked December 15 , 1990 H.A. Metal Works Long Beach , CA A narcoleptic metal worker falls asleep in a curing oven . When a friend / co-worker locks him in and turns the oven on to 600 ° F for 12 hours , not knowing the man is in the oven , he is burned alive . 734 Die It June 12 , 2003 Darlene 's House Evanston , IL A woman who is desperate to lose weight swallows tapeworm larvae . They eat everything she does , and eventually breed , spread throughout her body , and start eating her internal organs , killing her . 499 Pained Gun September 20 , 2006 Simi Valley , CA A pair of high - school boys film themselves doing drive - bys on people with a paintball gun as part of a hare - brained plot to become viral video stars on YouTube . When the gun malfunctions , it shoots the CO canister at 200 mph into the larynx of his friend , which breaks his neck and kills him . ( This features the youngest person to have been killed in the whole series. ) 283 Deathliest Catch July 17 , 2000 Laguna del Perro Willard , NM An easily agitated electrician tries his hand at fishing to calm his nerves , but is frustrated by not being able to make a catch . He strings a 12,000 volt electrical wire into the lake to kill the fish , but accidentally steps barefoot off the wooden boat seat onto the metal of the boat floor , electrocuting himself . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_26307-26387 | Title reference : Play - on words to the saying `` Cure for the Common Cold '' . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_26388-29461 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 77 Red , White and Blew July 4 , 1983 Happy 's Trailer Park Lawrence , KS A group of rednecks attempt to celebrate the Fourth of July by launching a firework from a homemade launcher . When it fails to work , one of them looks down the barrel of the launcher and the firework explodes in his face , shattering his skull into his brain . ( Note : this clip features a Wilhelm scream ) 756 Bank Ruptured December 21 , 1978 ( Note : this is the third death on this date ) Chateau Cousteau Bordeaux , France A man with the eating disorder pica syndrome manages to fill his stomach with metal objects , which eventually cut the surrounding veins and arteries , filling his stomach with blood . His stomach soon bursts and spills blood and undigested metal objects into his abdomen . 66 Guitar Zeros July 23 , 2005 Beijing , China Two Chinese heavy metal music lovers spend their nights doing air guitar and listening to loud music while jumping back and forth on their beds . On this particular occasion , one of the men slips off the bed next to the window and falls six stories to his death . His friend , not willing to live life without him , gives one last `` warrior yell '' , then follows suit and jumps out after him . ( This is the first episode in season one to feature an accidental death , followed by a suicide ) . 196 Radium Girls January 5 , 1920 U.S. Radium Corp . Orange , NJ In the 1920s , a group of women who work at a factory that uses paint containing radium to create fluorescent watch faces notice that the paint also glows when applied to their skin . They eventually expose themselves to huge amounts of radiation after repeated applications ( mostly using the radioactive paint as glow - in - the - dark body paint for their lovers during sex ) . While most of them died from bone cancer , the survivors filed one of the first successful workers ' rights lawsuits against the company and won , leading to increased safety standards in American workplaces . 638 Oz Holed August 18 , 2001 Bonelli Park San Dimas , CA Two teenagers obsessed with rock legend Ozzy Osbourne snort fire ants in celebration of Ozzfest , believing an urban legend that Osbourne had supposedly done the same with fellow rocker Nikki Sixx . The ants immediately latch onto their nasal passages and trachea and proceed to bite and sting them repeatedly , causing swelling and eventual suffocation . ( This features the first , and only , time one of the interviewees actually makes an appearance in the segment itself , with animal trainer Jules Sylvester coming out and chastising the two dead teenagers about what led to their death . ) 710 Tanked Girl December 21 , 1978 ( Note : this is the fourth death on this date ) Decompression Chamber St. Augustine , FL A female scuba diver waits in a decompression chamber after making an emergency swim back to the surface . A maintenance worker , not knowing the diver is in the room , releases the pressure of the room , causing her body to instantly explode . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_29544-31673 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 117 Gut Busted February 20 , 1998 Bucket - O - Wings Naperville , NV An obese man starts belching constantly while on a date due to numerous peptic ulcers in the lining of his stomach rupturing . Thinking the belching is simply due to gas , he asks his date to punch him in the stomach to help stop it . Instead , the impact causes his stomach to burst , leaking acid into his abdomen and killing him . 417 DestRoid October 24 , 2003 Gould 's Gym Seattle , WA A body builder who uses anabolic steroids and human growth hormones on a daily basis dies of a heart attack due to cardiomyopathy caused by the steroids . 78 Text Dead August 19 , 2005 Rigfield Plaza Irvine , CA A man is texting his girlfriend while driving , asking about where she should be picked up . Unaware that the two 's paths are about to meet , the man accidentally runs over his girlfriend in his pickup truck when she unknowingly steps out in front of it . 210 Pissed Off July 3 , 1992 Cross River Links Monrovia , CA An Irishman on a golf course in the United States is recovering his ball from the rough when a rat runs up his pant leg , scratches his leg , and urinates on him . The urine seeps into the scratch , causing leptospirosis , which kills him a week later . 222 Car Jacked June 5 , 2004 Manatee , FL A car thief attempts to steal a muscle car by descending from the garage ceiling by a rope . His leg becomes tangled in the rope , leaving him suspended upside down . Unable to free himself , the thief eventually dies from rising blood pressure and multiple strokes caused by the venous hemorrhaging in his skull after 48 hours . 201 Blown Job August 11 , 2007 Miami , OH A disgruntled , alcoholic clown , who ironically was coulrophobic as a child , drives to a birthday party for his next job . When he stops short in front of the party , a canister of CO rolls up against his seat , inflating a giant balloon while he is still in the car . He is too drunk to sense the danger until it is too late , and the balloon presses him against the windshield and he suffocates . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_31746-31851 | Originally aired April 5 , 2009 . Note : This is the third episode not to feature the death of a female . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_31922-33786 | Death # `` Event '' Name Date of Death Location Circumstances of Death 447 Water Logged August 12 , 2007 The Reservoir New River , AZ A college student jumps from a cliff into a lake and hits the water at such an angle and speed that water rushes into his rectum , rupturing his large intestine . He passes out from massive internal bleeding and pain before drowning . 302 Funny Boned January 19 , 1997 Lindsey 's Pub Mesa , AZ An easily amused man dies of cardiac arrest after laughing for 36 hours straight over an unknown ( and unmentioned ) punchline to a joke . 72 Bowed Out November 21 , 1995 Owanda Steel Corp . Kobe , Japan A nervous Japanese man and his future boss bow to each other . They accidentally bump heads , which causes an unknown aneurysm inside the would - be employee 's brain to rupture , and he dies . 277 You 're So Vein July 5 , 2007 Statesvillee Prison Albuquerque , NM An inmate being executed by lethal injection initially does not react to the chemicals that were injected , because the strap restraining his arm is acting as a tourniquet . When his restraints are undone , he confronts the witnesses and angrily tosses a chair and breaks the window , scaring the witnesses away . But before he can do any more harm , the poison takes effect and spreads through his body , finally killing him . 85 Doggie Style April 2 , 2001 La Paz Liquor Store Jasper , TN A drunk shoplifter flees a convenience store with just a hot dog . He shoves it down his throat and chokes to death on it . 403 Heart On October 19 , 2005 Hillendale Ranch Tooele County , UT A mentally unstable man attaches jumper cables to a cow heart he bought from a slaughterhouse and tries to use it as a sex toy . At first , he attaches the cow heart to a car battery , but when it is not enough for him , he hooks it up to a 110 - volt wall socket and is electrocuted . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_33811-33914 | This season featured a list of segments in which the survivors tell the tale of how they evaded death . | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
826038618_33915-34962 | Episode Date of Story Location Survivors Speedway Kills February 11 , 1990 Daytona Speedway Daytona Beach , FL Paramedic Mike Staley Para-Shot October 9 , 2005 Siloam Springs , AR Parachute Jumper Shayna Richardson MotorcyKilled July 12 , 1998 Lake El Mirage San Bernardino , CA Motorcycle Racer Ron Cook Hell - i-C * * kter April 11 , 1989 Milwaukee , WI Helicopter Pilot Benjamin Moore Hawaiian Death January 25 , 1993 Oahu , HI Tourist Hugh Alexander Car Blown August 12 , 2000 Spanaway Speedway Tacoma , WA Stock Car Racer Mike Easley Boat offed February 24 , 1985 Firebird Raceway Firebird Lake , AZ Drag Boat Racer Sunny Moon Gulf Up February 20 , 1991 USS Roosevelt Persian Gulf Aviation Boatswain Mate J.D. Bridges Plane Crashed November 23 , 1996 Comoros , Indian Ocean Plane Crash Survivors Sky - die - ver April 23 , 2003 Skydive DeLand DeLand , FL Skydiver Chris Colwell D * * k Sucked May 5 , 2005 Mexico City , Mexico Producer / Actor Sergio Mayer I Flipped Offed < * > January 29 , 2003 Punta Gorda , FL Snake Handler David Weathers | 1000 Ways to Die (season 1) |
838394480_132-846 | The Sixth Sense Theatrical release poster Directed by M. Night Shyamalan Produced by Frank Marshall Kathleen Kennedy Barry Mendel Written by M. Night Shyamalan Starring Bruce Willis Toni Collette Olivia Williams Haley Joel Osment Music by James Newton Howard Cinematography Tak Fujimoto Edited by Andrew Mondshein Production company Hollywood Pictures Spyglass Entertainment The Kennedy / Marshall Company Barry Mendel Productions Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution Release date August 2 , 1999 ( 1999 - 08 - 02 ) ( Prince Music Theater ) August 6 , 1999 ( 1999 - 08 - 06 ) ( United States ) Running time 107 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $40 million Box office $672.8 million | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_847-1341 | The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American supernatural horror film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan . The film tells the story of Cole Sear ( Haley Joel Osment ) , a troubled , isolated boy who is able to see and talk to the dead , and an equally troubled child psychologist named Malcolm Crowe ( Bruce Willis ) who tries to help him . The film established Shyamalan as a writer and director , and introduced the cinema public to his traits , most notably his affinity for surprise endings . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_1342-1889 | Released by Hollywood Pictures on August 6 , 1999 , the film was well - received by critics ; praise was given to its acting performances ( particularly Willis , Osment , and Toni Collette ) , atmosphere , and twist conclusion . The Sixth Sense was the second - highest - grossing film of 1999 ( behind Star Wars : Episode I -- The Phantom Menace ) , taking about $293 million in the US and $672 million in other markets . This made it the highest - grossing horror film ( in unadjusted dollars ) until that time ; it was surpassed by It in 2017 . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_1890-2097 | The film was nominated for six Academy Awards , including Best Picture , Best Director for Shyamalan , Best Original Screenplay , Best Supporting Actor for Osment , and Best Supporting Actress for Collette . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_2295-2778 | Malcolm Crowe , a child psychologist in Philadelphia , returns home one night with his wife , Anna , after having been honored for his work . Anna tells Crowe that everything is second to his work , and that she believes he is truly gifted . A young man then appears in their bathroom , and accuses Crowe of failing him . Crowe recognizes him as Vincent Grey , a former patient whom he treated as a child for hallucinations . Vincent shoots his former doctor before killing himself . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_2779-3495 | The next fall , Crowe begins working with another patient , nine - year - old Cole Sear , whose case is similar to Vincent 's . Crowe becomes dedicated to the boy , though he is haunted by doubts over his ability to help him after his failure with Vincent . Meanwhile , he and his wife seldom , if ever , speak or do anything together . Crowe feels he must help Cole in order to rectify his failure to help Vincent and reconcile with his wife . Cole 's mother , Lynn worries about his social stamina , especially after seeing signs of physical abuse . Cole eventually confides his secret to Crowe in the iconic line : `` I see dead people . '' He sees ghosts , who walk around like the living unaware they are dead . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_3496-4218 | At first , Crowe thinks Cole is delusional and considers dropping his case . Remembering Vincent , the psychologist listens to an audiotape from a session with Vincent when he was a child . On the tape , when Crowe leaves the room , Vincent begins crying . Turning up the volume , Crowe hears a weeping man begging for help in Spanish , and now believes that Cole is telling the truth and that Vincent may have had the same ability . He suggests to Cole that he should try to find a purpose for his gift by communicating with the ghosts and perhaps aid them with their unfinished business . At first , Cole is unwilling since the ghosts terrify and sometimes even threaten him , but he finally decides to attempt helping . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_4219-4661 | Cole talks to one of the ghosts , a young girl named Kyra who recently died after a chronic illness . He goes with Crowe to her funeral reception at her home , where Kyra directs him to a box holding a videotape , which he then gives to her father . The tape shows Kyra 's mother poisoning her daughter 's food . By proving she was a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy , Cole has saved Kyra 's younger sister , the mother 's next victim . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_4662-5605 | Learning to live with the ghosts he sees , Cole begins to fit in at school and is cast as the lead in the school play , which Crowe attends . The doctor and patient depart on positive terms and Cole suggests to Crowe that he should try speaking to Anna while she is asleep . Later , while stuck in traffic , Cole confesses his secret to his mother , saying that someone died in an accident ahead of their traffic and he knows because the person is next to him . Although his mother at first does not believe him , Cole proves his ability to her by talking about how his grandmother visits him . He describes how his grandmother saw his mother in a dance performance , even though Lynn thought her mother was not there . He further relays the answer to a question his mother privately asked at her mother 's grave , `` Every day . '' When Cole asks what question she asked , his mother tearfully answers , `` Do I make you proud ? '' They hug . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_5606-6260 | Crowe returns home , where he finds his wife asleep with their wedding video playing . While still asleep , Anna asks her husband why he left her , and drops Crowe 's wedding ring , which he suddenly discovers he has not been wearing . He remembers what Cole said about ghosts and realizes that he has actually been dead the whole time . Because of Cole 's efforts , Crowe 's unfinished business -- rectifying his failure to understand and help Vincent -- is finally complete . Crowe fulfills the second reason he returned ; to tell his wife she was never second , and that he loves her . His goal complete , he is free to leave the world of the living . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_6275-6688 | Bruce Willis as Malcolm Crowe Haley Joel Osment as Cole Sear Toni Collette as Lynn Sear Olivia Williams as Anna Crowe Donnie Wahlberg as Vincent Grey Glenn Fitzgerald as Sean Mischa Barton as Kyra Collins Trevor Morgan as Tommy Tammisimo Bruce Norris as Mr. Stanley Cunningham Angelica Page as Mrs. Collins Greg Wood as Mr. Collins M. Night Shyamalan as Dr. Hill Peter Tambakis as Darren Jeffrey Zubernis as Bobby | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_6709-7336 | David Vogel , then - president of production of The Walt Disney Studios , read Shyamalan 's spec script and instantly loved it . Without obtaining corporate approval , Vogel bought the rights to the script , despite the high price of $3 million and the stipulation that Shyamalan could direct the film . Disney later dismissed Vogel from his position at the studio , with Vogel leaving the company shortly thereafter . Disney -- apparently in a show of little confidence in the film -- sold the production rights to Spyglass Entertainment , while retaining the distribution rights and 12.5 % of the film 's box office receipt . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_7337-8041 | The color red is intentionally absent from most of the film , but it is used prominently in a few isolated shots for `` anything in the real world that has been tainted by the other world '' and `` to connote really explosively emotional moments and situations '' . Examples include the door of the church where Cole seeks sanctuary ; the balloon , carpet , and Cole 's sweater at the birthday party ; the tent in which he first encounters Kyra ; the volume numbers on Crowe 's tape recorder ; the doorknob on the locked basement door where Malcolm 's office is located ; the shirt that Anna wears at the restaurant ; Kyra 's mother 's dress at the wake ; and the shawl wrapped around the sleeping Anna . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_8042-8540 | All of the clothes Malcolm wears during the film are items he wore or touched the evening before his death , which included his overcoat , his blue rowing sweatshirt and the different layers of his suit . Though the filmmakers were careful about clues of Malcolm 's true state , the camera zooms slowly towards his face when Cole says , `` I see dead people . '' In a special feature , the filmmakers mention they initially feared this would be too much of a giveaway , but decided to leave it in . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_8636-9294 | The film had a production budget of approximately $40 million ( plus $25 million for prints and advertising ) . It grossed $26.6 million in its opening weekend and spent five weeks as the No. 1 film at the U.S. box office . It earned $293,506,292 in the United States and a worldwide gross of $672,806,292 , ranking it 35th on the list of box - office money earners in the U.S. as of April 2010 . Box Office Mojo estimates that the film sold over 57.5 million tickets in the US . In the United Kingdom , it was given at first a limited release at 9 screens , and entered at No. 8 before climbing up to No. 1 the next week with 430 theatres playing the film . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_9322-9974 | The Sixth Sense received positive reviews ; Osment in particular was widely praised for his performance . Rotten Tomatoes , a review aggregator , reports that 85 % of 148 surveyed critics gave the film a positive review ; the average rating was 7.6 / 10 . The site 's consensus reads : `` M. Night Shayamalan 's The Sixth Sense is a twisty ghost story with all the style of a classical Hollywood picture , but all the chills of a modern horror flick . '' Metacritic rated it 64 out of 100 based on 35 reviews , meaning `` generally favorable reviews '' . Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of `` A - '' on an A+ to F scale . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_9975-10355 | By vote of the members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America , The Sixth Sense was awarded the Nebula Award for Best Script during 1999 . The film was No. 71 on Bravo 's 100 Scariest Movie Moments , for the scene where Cole encounters a female ghost in his tent . It was named the 89th best American film of all time in a 2007 poll by the American Film Institute . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_10356-10558 | The line `` I see dead people '' from the film became a popular catchphrase after its release , scoring No. 44 on AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movie Quotes . There have been various parodies of this quote . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_10559-10690 | The Sixth Sense also scored 60th place on AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills , honoring America 's most `` heart pounding movies '' . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_10778-12010 | The Sixth Sense has received numerous awards and nominations , with Academy Award nomination categories ranging from those honoring the film itself ( Best Picture ) , to its writing , editing , and direction ( Best Director , Best Editing , and Best Original Screenplay ) , to its cast 's performance ( Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress ) . Especially lauded was the supporting role of actor Haley Joel Osment , whose nominations include an Academy Award , a Broadcast Film Critics Association Award , and a Golden Globe Award . Overall , The Sixth Sense was nominated for six Academy Awards and four British Academy Film Awards , but won none . The film received three nominations from the People 's Choice Awards and won all of them , with lead actor Bruce Willis being honored for his role . The Satellite Awards nominated the film in four categories , with awards being received for writing ( M. Night Shyamalan ) and editing ( Andrew Mondshein ) . Supporting actress Toni Collette was nominated for both an Academy Award and a Satellite award for her role in the film . James Newton Howard was honored by the American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers for his composition of the music for the film . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_12011-12131 | In 2013 , the Writers Guild of America ranked the screenplay # 50 on its list of 101 Greatest Screenplays ever written . | The Sixth Sense |
838394480_12171-12360 | AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills -- No. 60 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movie Quotes : `` I see dead people . '' -- No. 44 AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movies ( 10th Anniversary Edition ) -- No. 89 | The Sixth Sense |
828727772_649-1214 | The mercury - in - glass or mercury thermometer was invented by physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in Amsterdam ( 1714 ) . It consists of a bulb containing mercury attached to a glass tube of narrow diameter ; the volume of mercury in the tube is much less than the volume of the bulb . The volume of mercury changes slightly with temperature ; the small change in volume drives the narrow mercury column a relatively long way up the tube . The space above the mercury may be filled with nitrogen or it may be at less than atmospheric pressure , a partial vacuum . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_1215-1860 | In order to calibrate the thermometer , the bulb is made to reach thermal equilibrium with a temperature standard such as an ice / water mixture , and then with another standard such as water / vapour , and the tube is divided into regular intervals between the fixed points . In principle , thermometers made of different material ( e.g. , coloured alcohol thermometers ) might be expected to give different intermediate readings due to different expansion properties ; in practice the substances used are chosen to have reasonably linear expansion characteristics as a function of true thermodynamic temperature , and so give similar results . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_1861-2027 | The application of mercury ( 1714 ) and Fahrenheit scale ( 1724 ) for liquid - in - glass thermometers ushered in a new era of accuracy and precision in thermometry . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_2513-2672 | Anders Celsius , a Swedish scientist , devised the Celsius scale , which was described in his publication The origin of the Celsius temperature scale in 1742 . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_2673-3571 | Celsius used two fixed points in his scale : the temperature of melting ice and the temperature of boiling water . This was n't a new idea , since Isaac Newton was already working on something similar . The distinction of Celsius was to use the condition of melting and not that of freezing . The experiments for reaching a good calibration of his thermometer lasted for 2 winters . By performing the same experiment over and over again , he discovered that ice always melted at the same calibration mark on the thermometer . He found a similar fixed point in the calibration of boiling water to water vapour ( when this is done to high precision , a variation will be seen with atmospheric pressure ; Celsius noted this ) . At the moment that he removed the thermometer from the vapour , the mercury level climbed slightly . This was related to the rapid cooling ( and contraction ) of the glass . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_3572-4024 | When Celsius decided to use his own temperature scale , he originally defined his scale `` upside - down '' , i.e. he chose to set the boiling point of pure water at 0 ° C ( 212 ° F ) and the freezing point at - 100 ° C ( - 32 ° F ) . One year later , Frenchman Jean - Pierre Christin proposed to invert the scale with the freezing point at 0 ° C ( 32 ° F ) and the boiling point at 100 ° C ( 212 ° F ) . He named it Centigrade ( 100 grades ) . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_4092-4460 | Place the cylinder of the thermometer in melting ice made of pure water and mark the point where the fluid in the thermometer stabilises . This point is the freeze / thaw point of water . In the same manner mark the point where the fluid stabilises when the thermometer is placed in boiling water vapour . Divide the length between the two marks into 100 equal parts . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_4461-4697 | These points are adequate for approximate calibration but both vary with atmospheric pressure . Nowadays , the triple point of water is used instead of the freezing point ( the triple point occurs at 273.16 kelvins ( K ) , 0.01 ° C ) . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_4698-5147 | Before the discovery of the true thermodynamic temperature , the thermometer defined the temperature ; thermometers made with different materials would define different temperature scales ( a coloured alcohol thermometer would give a slightly different reading than a mercury thermometer at , say half - scale ) . In practice , several materials gave very similar temperatures to each other and , when discovered , to the thermodynamic temperature . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_5350-5956 | One special kind of mercury - in - glass thermometer , called a maximum thermometer , works by having a constriction in the neck close to the bulb . As the temperature rises , the mercury is pushed up through the constriction by the force of expansion . When the temperature falls , the column of mercury breaks at the constriction and can not return to the bulb , thus remaining stationary in the tube . The observer can then read the maximum temperature over the set period of time . To reset the thermometer it must be swung sharply . This design is used in the traditional type of medical thermometer . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
828727772_5994-6437 | A maximum minimum thermometer , also known as Six 's thermometer , is a thermometer which registers the maximum and minimum temperatures reached over a period of time , typically 24 hours . The original design contains mercury , but solely as a way to indicate the position of a column of alcohol whose expansion indicates the temperature ; it is not a thermometer operated by the expansion of mercury ; mercury - free versions are available . | Mercury-in-glass thermometer |
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