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WTO_1/q_G_TBTN20_UGA1237A2.pdf | q_G_TBTN20_UGA1237A2 |
7 February 2022
(22-0890) Page: 1/1
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following communication , dated 7 February 2022 , is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of Uganda .
Title: DUS 2253:2020, Fruit and vegetable chutney — Specification, Second Edition
Reason for Addendum:
[ ] Comment period changed - date:
[ ] Notified measure adopted - date:
[ ] Notified measure published - date:
[X] Notified measure enters into force - date: 26 November 2021
[X] Text of final measure available from1:
[ ] Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:
Relevant symbol if measure re -notified:
[ ] Content or scope of notified measure changed and text available from1:
New deadline for comments (if applicable):
[ ] Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:
[ ] Other:
Description: The aim of this addendum is to inform WTO Members that the Draft Uganda Standard;
DUS 2253:2020, Fruit and vegetable chutney — Specification, Second Edition; notified in
G/TBT/N/UGA/1237 and G/TBT/N/UGA/1237/Add.1 entered into force on 26 November 2021. T he
Uganda Standard, US 2253:2021, Fruit and vegetable chutney — Specification, Second Edition, can
be purchased online through the link:
1 This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other
information on where the text of the final /modified measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained. | 232 | 1,647 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_STR_N19HND.pdf | s_G_STR_N19HND |
30 de junio de 2022
(22-5067) Página: 1/1
Grupo de Trabajo sobre las Empresas
Comerciales del Estado Original: español
La siguiente comunicación, fechada y recibida el 29 de junio de 202 2, se distribuye a petición de la
delegación de Honduras.
Con instrucciones de mi Gobierno, tengo el agrado de informar al Grupo de Trabajo sobre las
Empresas Comerciales del Estado que, de conformidad con el artículo XVII.4 a) del GATT de 1994 y
el párrafo 1 del Entendimiento relativo a la interpretación del artículo XVII, la República de Honduras
notifica que durante el per íodo de 2020 -2021 no cuenta con empresas comerci ales del Estado , que
se ajusten a la definición de trabajo que figura en el Entendimiento antes citado.
__________ | 156 | 1,007 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_Jobs_AG_254.pdf | r_Jobs_AG_254 |
JOB/AG/254, JOB/MA/171
19 octobre 2023
(23-7056) Page: 1/5
Comité de l'agriculture
Comité de l'agriculture, session extraordinaire
Comité de l'accès aux marchés
Comité des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce
Comité du commerce et du développement
Comité de la facilitation des échanges Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 1 9 octobre 2023, est distribuée à la demande de la délégation
du Brésil .
La présente communication fait fond sur la communication intitulée "Assurer la sécurité alimentaire
au moyen de la réforme agricole" ( WT/GC/W/893 ), présentée par l'Argentine, le Brésil, le Chili, la
Colombie, le Costa Rica, El Salvador, l'Équateur, l'État plurinational de Bolivie, le Guatemala, le
Honduras, le Panama, le Paraguay, le Pérou, la République dominicaine et l'Uruguay.
Elle tient compte en outre de la communication du Groupe de Cairns sur la concentration par produit
(JOB/AG/245 ); de la communication du Costa Rica sur l'approche des négociations sur le soutien
interne ( JOB/AG/243 ); de la communication du Groupe africain sur le soutien in terne
(JOB/AG/242/Rev.1 ); de la communication des États -Unis sur le rôle de l'OMC dans le renforcement
de la sécurité alimentaire ( JOB/AG/241 – JOB/COMTD/1 - JOB/CTG/25 -JOB/MA/160 –
JOB/SPS/28 -JOB/TBT/501 – JOB/TF/233 ); et de la communication du Cana da sur l'État de la
situation ( JOB/AG/2 40).
1. La sécurité alimentaire existe lorsque tous les êtres humains ont, à tout moment, un accès
physique et économique à une nourriture suffisante, saine et nutritive leur permettant de satisfaire
leurs besoins énergétiques et leurs préférences alimentaires pour mener une vie saine et active . À
cette fin, les Membres de l'OMC ont reconnu que "le commerce, associé à la production nationale,
jou[ait] un rôle vital pour ce qui [était] d'accroître la sécurité alimentaire mondiale dans toutes ses
dimensions et d'améliorer la nutrition" ( WT/MIN(22)/28 - WT/L/1139 ).
2. Les difficultés actuelles liées à la réalisation de l' ODD 2 pourraient amener à penser à tort que
les systèmes alim entaires du monde entier sont "défaillants" . Cette idée erronée ne tient pas compte
des réalisations remarquables accomplies depuis 1960 . Les systèmes alimentaires du monde entier
ont réussi non seulement à accroître la production agricole au rythme de la croissance
démographique, mais aussi, de fait, à accroître la production par personne de plus de 45 %, ce qui
a des implications importantes pour la nutrition et l'abordabilité des produits alimentaires . Alors que
la production agricole totale a triplé, l'u tilisation des terres agricoles à l'échelle mondiale n'a
augmenté que de 10 à 15 %, de nouvelles techniques et technologies ayant permis aux agriculteurs
de produire considérablement plus de produits alimentaires par unité de superficie .1 Le commerce
1 OCDE. Food systems and the triple challenge (janvier 2021). Disponible à l'adresse -systems/documents/food -systems -and-the-triple-challenge.pdf . JOB/AG/254 • JOB/MA/171 • JOB/SPS/31 • JOB/TBT/517 • JOB/COMTD/5 • JOB/TF/240
- 2 -
international des produits alimentaires et agricoles a plus que doublé en termes réels depuis 1995
(1 500 milliards d'USD en 2018), et la participation des pays en développement s'est accrue dans le
même temps.2
3. Les principaux moteurs du commerce des produits alimentaires et agricoles ont été les limites
initiales applicables aux subventions à l'agriculture et aux tarifs agricoles résultant de l'Accord de
l'OMC sur l'agriculture ; les accords commerciaux bilatéraux et régionaux ; et l'augmentation des
revenus dan s les pays développés et les pays en développement . Toutefois, cette croissance est plus
lente depuis la crise financière de 2008.
4. Bien qu'ils ne soient pas "défaillants", les systèmes agroalimentaires nationaux et internationaux
doivent être redynamisés p our lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire . Dans ce contexte, l'OMC doit
être un espace de promotion du développement durable, y compris par le biais du libre -échange, si
l'on souhaite ménager davantage la nature . Toutefois, elle ne doit pas servir de cadre à la
légitimation de mesures qui nuisent au commerce sous prétexte d'atteindre des objectifs affichés.
5. Pour cette raison, comme il a été reconnu à la CM12, la relation entre l'offre intérieure et le
commerce international des produits alimentaires et agricoles ne peut pas être envisagée sous
l'angle de la rivalité, mais plutôt du point de vue d'un soutien mutuel . Force est de constater que
tenter de produire tout ce que la population d'un pays consomme sur le territoire national n'est pas
toujours eff icace ni nécessaire, et, le plus souvent, n'est tout simplement pas viable dans la pratique .
Le commerce peut garantir la disponibilité et la diversité des produits alimentaires et favoriser l'accès
aux produits alimentaires et la stabilité de leurs prix, en permettant la circulation des produits
alimentaires des pays excédentaires vers les pays déficitaires . Il peut aussi favoriser la diversité
alimentaire, qui est essentielle pour assurer un apport adéquat en nutriments et la bonne santé des
personnes . Enfin, le commerce est une source inestimable de revenus pour les agriculteurs des pays
en développement.3
6. Il est essentiel d'améliorer le fonctionnement des marchés agricoles et du commerce et de limit er
les effets des distorsions causées par des politiques agricoles mal inspirées pour assurer une
meilleure distribution des produits alimentaires dans le monde . Dans la situation actuelle, de
nombreuses populations et régions n'ont aucun accès à des produ its alimentaires en raison de la
concurrence déloyale découlant des subventionnements importants de la production et du
protectionnisme . Pire encore, de telles politiques entraînent souvent une hausse des prix des
produits alimentaires, au détriment des pe rsonnes les plus vulnérables.
7. En ce qui concerne la sécurité alimentaire, la nutrition et l'agriculture durable, l'Objectif de
développement durable (ODD) 2.b de l'ONU définit le commerce comme un moyen d'atteindre
l'objectif "Faim zéro" (avec l'accroissem ent de l'investissement – cible 2.a – et le bon fonctionnement
des marchés des produits de base – cible 2.c) . L'ODD 2.b engage les pays à:
"Corriger et prévenir les restrictions et distorsions commerciales sur les marchés agricoles
mondiaux, y compris par l'élimination parallèle de toutes les formes de subventions aux
exportations agricoles et de toutes les mesures relatives aux exportations aux effets
8. L'une des principales raisons structurelles de la situation actuelle est qu'une alimentation nutritive
et saine n'est pas abordable pour de nombreuses personnes, en particulier les pauvres, dans toutes
les régions du monde . Le coût moyen d'une alimentation saine est d'environ 3,75 USD par jour (au
minimum, si l'on choisit les options les moins ch ères disponibles dans chaque pays), et le coût d'une
alimentation suffisamment nutritive est de 2,33 USD par jour et par personne, deux valeurs qui se
situent bien au -dessus du seuil de pauvreté international de 1,90 USD . Afin d'accroître l'accessibilité
d'une alimentation saine, il faut faire diminuer le coût des produits alimentaires nutritifs et ajuster
les priorités en matière de politique alimentaire et nutritionnelle en conséquence.
9. Les politiques commerciales peuvent influer sur le coût et l'accessib ilité d'une alimentation saine
en modifiant les prix relatifs entre les produits alimentaires importés et les concurrents à
2 FAO. La situation des marchés des produits agricoles (2020).
3 FAO. L 'État de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition dans le monde (2019). JOB/AG/254 • JOB/MA/171 • JOB/SPS/31 • JOB/TBT/517 • JOB/COMTD/5 • JOB/TF/240
- 3 -
l'importation . Il est important de réduire les tarifs d'importation et d'éliminer progressivement les
contingents tarifaires afin d' élargir l'égalité d'accès aux marchés pour les produits agroalimentaires .
Les mesures non tarifaires, telles que les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires et les obstacles
techniques au commerce, peuvent -elles aussi avoir une incidence négative sur l 'acces sibilité des
différents régimes alimentaires lorsque, par exemple, les exportateurs et les importateurs ont à
supporter des coûts supplémentaires pour se conformer aux prescriptions à l'importation, souvent
dénuées de fondement technique ou scientifique, c e qui accroît le coût du commerce.4
10. Selon les projections, si l'on maintient le cap comme si de rien n'était, on n'atteindra pas l' ODD 2
relatif à la "Faim zéro" pour 2030 et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) issues de l'agriculture
continueront d'augmenter . Pour éliminer la faim tout en réduisant de 6 % les émissions directes de
GES, il faudrait accroître la productivité agricole globale de 28 % au cours de la prochaine décennie .
Afin de placer le secteur agricole sur la trajectoire de croissance durable qui doit être la sienne, il
est urgent d 'agir de façon globale pour stimuler l 'investissement et l 'innovation dans le secteur
agricole et permettre le transfert de technologie.5
11. Par conséquent, les gouvernements doivent investir dans le bon fonctionnement des systèmes
alimentaires et créer la possibilité pour les agriculteurs de participer à ces systèmes, et faire en sorte
que les populations nationales aient accès aux produits alimentaires . L'ODD 2 a déjà défini le cap de
telles améliorations dans les systèmes agroalimentaires:
"2.4 D'ici à 2030, assurer la viabilité des systèmes de production alimentaire et mettre en
œuvre des pra tiques agricoles résilientes qui permettent d'accroître la productivité et la
production, contribuent à la préservation des écosystèmes, renforcent la capacité d'adaptation
aux changements climatiques, aux phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes, à la sécheres se,
aux inondations et à d'autres catastrophes et améliorent progressivement la qualité des terres
et des sols ."
"2.a Accroître, notamment grâce au renforcement de la coopération internationale,
l'investissement dans l'infrastructure rurale, les services de recherche et de vulgarisation
agricoles et la mise au point de technologies et de banques de plantes et de gènes d'animaux
d'élevage, afin de renforcer les capacités productives agricoles des pays en développement,
en particulier des pays les m oins avancés ."
12. Toutefois , la majeure partie du soutien actuel à l'agriculture a des effets de distorsion . Les
politiques de soutien des prix et des revenus liées directement ou indirectement à la production
portent la production locale à des niveaux artif iciels, qui ne sont pas viables d'un point de vue
économique ni respectueux de l'environnement , du fait d'une utilisation inefficace des ressources
13. Plus récemment, le mantra de la "réorientation des politiques et du soutien agricoles" a fait
l'objet de plusieurs rapports d'organisations internationales . La réaffectation consisterait à convertir
des subventions qui ont des effets de distorsion et nuisent à l'environnement en investissements
dans les sciences et la technologie afin d'accroître la productivité et l'efficacité des systèmes
agroalimentaires . Il ressort d'une étude que l'allocation d'environ 70 milliards d'USD – l'équivalent
de 1% de la valeur de la production agricole mondiale, ou moins du tiers des subventions ayant des
effets de dis torsion actuellement versées sous la forme de transferts budgétaires, selon la méthode
employée dans l'étude – suffirait à promouvoir les investissements nécessaires dans les sciences et
la technologie pour que le secteur agricole puisse contribuer au développement durable dans ses
trois piliers . Le reste du budget actuel devrait être destiné aux consommateurs, so us la forme de
politiques de protection des revenus, ou aux producteurs, afin de les dédommager des éventuels
coûts additionnels qu'ils doivent supporter pour financer l'adoption de nouvelles technologies et
techniques, ou servir à investir dans d'autres b iens et services publics, tels que l'infrastructure
agricole, de manière à favoriser le développement rural.6
4 FAO. Trade and Sustainable Development Goal 2. Policy opti ons and trade -offs.
5 Perspectives agricoles de l'OCDE et de la FAO 2022 -2031
6 Banque mondiale, IFPRI. Repurposing Agricultural Policies and Support (2022). JOB/AG/254 • JOB/MA/171 • JOB/SPS/31 • JOB/TBT/517 • JOB/COMTD/5 • JOB/TF/240
- 4 -
14. La "réorientation" n'est rien de plus que l'élimination des dépenses ayant des effets de
distorsion, accompagnée d'une augmentation correspondant e des dépenses n'ayant pas de tels
effets, comme le permet et le prescrit l'Accord sur l'agriculture et comme le déterminent les ODD.
Protection sociale
15. Selon le Brésil, pour bâtir des s ystèmes agroalimentaires durables et favoriser la sécurité
alimentaire et nutritionnelle , il faut aussi des initiatives et des politiques de protection sociale, y
compris des programmes de transferts monétaires directs . De façon plus directement liée à
l'agriculture, le Programme national d'acquisition de produits alimentaires (PAA), qui fournit des
aliments produits par l'agriculture familiale aux populations en situation d'insécurité alimentaire, et
le Programme national d'alimentation scolaire (PNAE), qu i offre des repas sains à plus de 40 millions
d'enfants tous les jours, contribuent également à améliorer l'accès à des aliments sains et à renforcer
les systèmes alimentaires durables.
Sciences et technologie
16. La mise au point et la diffusion de technologi es, l'innovation et les bonnes pratiques sont
essentielles à la promotion d'aliments adéquats et sains et à l'établissement de systèmes
alimentaires durables, productifs, prospères et résilients . Le Brésil a une certaine expérience pour
ce qui est d'intégr er les sciences et la technologie, en faisant intervenir les secteurs public et privé,
afin de bâtir des systèmes alimentaires durables adaptés aux climats tropicaux et tempérés du pays
et aux caractéristiques de ses six biomes.
Agriculture familiale et pa ysanne
17. L'agriculture familiale joue un rôle important dans les systèmes alimentaires du Brésil,
représentant 77 % des établissements ruraux et occupant 23 % des terres agricoles du pays . En plus
d'être responsable au premier chef de la diversité de l'approvi sionnement alimentaire du pays,
l'agriculture familiale a joué un rôle crucial dans la production d'aliments biologiques et
agroécologiques, dans la production d'énergie renouvelable et dans l'élaboration d'un modèle de
bioéconomie qui intègre les savoirs traditionnels et favorise l'inclusion productive des peuples et
communautés traditionnels . Pour appuyer ces réalisations, il est essentiel de mettre en œuvre des
politiques publiques spécifiques qui prévoient la fourniture d'une assistance technique et de
financements aux agriculteurs familiaux dans toute leur diversité, y compris les petits exploitants,
les peuples autochtones et les peuples et communautés traditionnels, et qui leur permettent
d'accéder aux marchés et leur offrent une valeur ajoutée.
18. L'élaboration de ces politiques au cours des dernières décennies n'a pas été entravée par le
corpus de règles de l'OMC . Il s'agit de politiques légitimes de la "catégorie verte" conformément aux
dispositions de l'Accord sur l'agriculture.
19. La détention de stocks publics n'est qu e l'un des volets d'un programme de réforme complet et
la sécurité alimentaire n'est qu e l'un des objectifs possibles des programmes de détention de s tocks
publics . Le soutien des prix du marché est la politique agricole qui a le plus d'effets de distorsion des
échanges . En raison des effets négatifs bien documentés sur le système agricole international, le
frein mis aux politiques de soutien des prix du marché a été l'une des réalisations les plus
importantes de l'Accord sur l'agriculture . Lorsque les achats destinés à constituer des stocks sont
effectués au moyen d'un soutien des prix du marché, ils ne doivent pas rester incontrôlés.
20. Le Brésil re connaît que la constitution de stocks peut être une solution valable en fonction du
contexte local . Toutefois, il est important de rappeler que le processus de prise de décisions en
matière de détention de stocks publics est une tâche complexe et doit teni r compte de plusieurs
aspects liés à la mise en œuvre de ces programmes, comme la dépendance excessive à l'égard des
marchés institutionnels, l'efficacité opérationnelle, la viabilité budgétaire, le rapport coût -efficacité
par rapport à d'autres approches, et les effets sur les marchés internationaux . Il ne s'agit pas d'une JOB/AG/254 • JOB/MA/171 • JOB/SPS/31 • JOB/TBT/517 • JOB/COMTD/5 • JOB/TF/240
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solution miracle pour lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire et il ne convient pas de la traiter comme
telle au cours des négociations.
21. Pour pouvoir bâtir progressiveme nt des systèmes agroalimentaires nationaux et internationaux
durables et résilients, il faut un programme de négociation qui vise à réduire le soutien interne, les
tarifs et les obstacles non tarifaires . Bien que des mesures d'urgence puissent être nécessa ires pour
lutter contre l'insécurité alimentaire, seule une production alimentaire durable à moyen et long
termes peut permettre de venir à bout de la faim . L'instauration de la confiance parmi les acheteurs
et les fournisseurs, un renforcement d es capacit és de production qui n'entraîne pas de distorsion s
et la création d' infrastructures commerciales sont essentiellement des actions à moyen et long
termes . Le commerce international est essentiel au succès d'une action mondiale en matière de
sécurité aliment aire.
22. La réforme prévue à l'article 20 de l'Accord sur l'agriculture est essentielle pour toute réponse
de l'OMC à l'insécurité alimentaire mondiale, étant donné que la sécurité alimentaire est indissociable
de la réforme agricole, en particulier en ce qui concerne le soutien interne et l'accès aux marchés .
Dans le même ordre d'idées, le Brésil réaffirme sa volonté de négocier des disciplines applicables
aux programmes de détention de stocks publics à des fins de sécurité alimentaire dans le cadre d'un
ensemble complet de mesures concernant toutes les formes de soutien interne susceptibles d'avoir
des effets de distorsion . Nous appelons tous les Membres de l'OMC à contribuer aux négociations et
à l'exécution du mandat de l'Accord sur l'agriculture, ce qui pe rmettra d'éliminer les distorsions et
favorisera ainsi le développement durable sur les plans environnemental, économique et social.
23. Il ne convient pas de se concentrer exclusivement sur les questions qualifiées d'urgentes en
prétendant ainsi trouver des s olutions aux problèmes d'insécurité alimentaire à court terme . Les
Membres doivent éviter les initiatives susceptibles de détourner l'attention des vraies priorités et de
perturber le processus.
24. Le Brésil a déjà présenté une proposition portant sur une sol ution permanente concernant la
détention de stocks publics et présentera de nouvelles contributions pour faire avancer les
négociations sur le soutien interne et l'accès aux marchés.
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WTO_1/r_G_TBTN22_BDI275A2.pdf | r_G_TBTN22_BDI275A2 |
9 janvier 2024
(24-0208) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 9 janvier 2 024, est distribuée à la demande des délégations
du Burundi , du Kenya , de l' Ouganda , du Rwanda et de la Tanzanie .
Titre : DEAS 1102 :2022, Engine coolant - Specification (Liquide de refroidissement pour moteur -
Motif de l'addendum:
[ ] Modification du délai pour la présentation des observations - date:
[X] Adoption de la mesure notifiée - date: 13 décembre 2 023
[ ] Publication de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Entrée en vigueur de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Accès au texte final de la mesure1:
[ ] Retrait ou abrogation de la mesure notifiée - date:
Cote pertinente si la mesure fait l'objet d'une nouvelle notification:
[ ] Modification de la teneur ou du champ d'application de la mesure notifiée et accès au
Nouveau délai pour la présentation des observations (le cas échéant):
[ ] Publication de directives d'interprétation et accès au texte1:
[ ] Autres:
Description : L'objet du présent addendum est d'informer les Membres de l'OMC que le projet de
Norme est -africaine D EAS 1102 :2022 (Liquide de refroidissement pour moteur - Spécifications),
notifié sous les cotes G/TBT/N/BDI/275 - G/TBT/N/KEN/1309 - G/TBT/N/RWA/709 -
G/TBT/N/TZA/828 - G/TBT/N/UGA/1683 - G/TBT/N/BDI/275/Add.1 - G/TBT/N/KEN/1309/Add.1 -
G/TBT/N/RWA/709/Add.1 - G/TBT/N/TZA/828/Add.1 et G/TBT/N/UGA/1683/Add.1, a été adopté par
l'Ouganda le 1 3 décembre 2 023 en tant que Norme ougandaise US EAS 1102 :2022 (Liquide de
1 Il est possible d'indiquer une adresse de site Web, de joindre un fichier en format pdf ou de fournir
tout autre renseignement permettant d'accéder au texte de la mesure finale/modifiée et/ou des directives
d'interprétation. G/TBT/N/BDI/275/Add.2 • G/TBT/N/KEN/1309/Add. 2 • G/TBT/N/RWA/709/Add.2 •
G/TBT/N/TZA/828/Add.2 • G/TBT/N/UGA/1683/Add.2
- 2 -
refroidissement pour moteur - Spécifications, première édition) . La Norme ougandaise US EAS
1102:2023 (Liquide de refroidissement pour moteur - Spécific ations, première édition) peut être
achetée en ligne à l'adresse suivante:
__________ | 347 | 2,450 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN20_USA1560A1.pdf | q_G_TBTN20_USA1560A1 |
4 June 2020
(20-4017) Page: 1/1
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following communication, dated 4 June 2020, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of the United States of America .
TITLE: Anthropomorphic Test Devices, HIII 5th Percentile Female Test Dummy; Incorporation by
AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Department of Transportation
ACTION: Re -opening of comment period; availability of technical document
SUMMARY: In response to a request from the public, NHTSA is re -opening the comment period on
a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) issued in December 2019 for an additional 60 days. With
this extension, the comment period will re -open today and close on 3 August 2020. NHTSA is also
docketing a document describing procedures it has developed to measure SAE chest jackets
already in use in the field in order to assess the uniformity of the jackets and to determine jacket
dimensions and tolerances to be specified in the Final Rule.
You should subm it your comments early enough to be received not later than 3 August 2020.
The docket folder on provides access to primary and supporting documents for
this rulemaking as well as the comments received: -2019-0023. -2020-06-02/html/2020 -11689.htm -2020-06-02/pdf/2020 -11689.pdf tachments/2020/TBT/USA/20_3562_00_e.pdf
__________ | 217 | 1,678 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_TBTN22_ARE558.pdf | r_G_TBTN22_ARE558 |
G/TBT/N/ARE/558, G/TBT/N/BHR/650
G/TBT/N/KWT/617, G/TBT/N/OMN/482
G/TBT/N/QAT/633, G/TBT/N/SAU/1267
12 décembre 2022
(22-9233) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La notification suivante est communiquée conformément à l'article 10.6.
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés (articles 3.2 et 7.2):
2. Organisme responsable:
Saudi Food and Drug Authority - SFDA (Autorité saoudienne des produits alimentaires et
Les nom et adresse (y compris les numéros de téléphone et de fax et les
adresses de courrier électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant) de l'organisme
ou de l'autorité désigné pour s'occuper des observations concernant la
notification doivent être indiqués si cet organisme ou cette autorité est différent
de l'organisme susmentionné:
Saudi Arabia Standards Organization - SASO (Organisation saoudienne de normalisation)
P.O. Box 3437
+966(1)252 ; int. 9065 ; int. 9081 ; int. 9072
Fax: +966 (1) 4530035
[email protected]
3. Notification au titre de l'article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ],
7.2 [ ], autres:
4. Produits visés (le cas échéant, position du SH ou de la NCCD, sinon position du
tarif douanier national . Les numéros de l'ICS peuvent aussi être i ndiqués, le cas
échéant) : Viande, produits à base de viande ou d'origine animale ( ICS 67 .120)
5. Intitulé, nombre de pages et langue(s) du texte notifié : Prepared meats - Canned
Beef And Corned Beef (Préparations de viandes - Conserves à base de viande de bœuf et
corned beef), 10 pages, en arabe
6. Teneur : Le projet de règlement technique notifié s'applique aux conserves à base de
viande de bœuf et de viande de mouton destinées à la consommation humaine,
conditionnées dans de s contenants hermétiques.
7. Objectif et justification, y compris la nature des problèmes urgents, le cas
échéant : Information des consommateurs, étiquetage ; protection de la santé ou de la
sécurité des personnes
8. Documents pertinents:
• Norme Codex CXS 88. N orme pour le corned beef G/TBT/N/ARE/558 • G/TBT/N/BHR/650 • G/TBT/N/KWT/617 • G/TBT/N/OMN/482 •
G/TBT/N/QAT/633 • G/TBT/N/SAU/1267 • G/TBT/N/YEM/240
- 2 -
9. Date projetée pour l'adoption : à déterminer
Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : 6 mois à compter de la date d'adoption
10. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : 60 jours à compter de la date de
11. Entité auprès de laquelle les textes peuvent être obtenus : point d'information
national [X] ou adresse, numéros de téléphone et de fax et adresses de courrier
électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant, d'un autre organisme:
Saudi Arabia Standards Organization - SASO (Organisation saoudienne de normalisation)
P.O. Box 3437
Téléphone : +966(1)252 ; int. 9065 ; int. 9081 ; int. 9072
Fax: +966 (1) 4530035
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web:
| 480 | 3,353 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN24_ARE604.pdf | q_G_TBTN24_ARE604 |
G/TBT/N/ARE/604 , G/TBT/N/BHR/690
G/TBT/N/KWT/670 , G/TBT/N/OMN/519
G/TBT/N/QAT/669 , G/TBT/N/SAU/1329
25 March 2024
(24-2525) Page: 1/2
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6
If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):
2. Agency responsible:
Saudi Food and Drug Authority
Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers , email and website
addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments
regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above:
Saudi Standards Metrology and Quality Organization
P.O. BOX: 3437 Riyadh 11471 Tel: +96 6(1)2529095 Fax +966(1)4520086 Email:
[email protected] Website:
3. Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ],
other :
4. Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff
heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): Coffee and
coffee substitutes (ICS code(s): 67.140.20)
5. Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: Coffee and
Coffee Products – Roasted Coffee Bean; (12 page(s), in English), (13 page(s), in Arabic)
6. Description of content: This draft technical regulation applies to the requirements for
whole and ground roasted coffee beans obtained by roasting green coffee beans of the
genus (Coffea). It does not include ground roasted coffee to which added by any other
additives and Instant Coffee.
7. Objecti ve and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where
applicable: Consumer information, labelling; Protection of human health or safety
8. Relevant documents:
• USDA: CID Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Beverage Mixes, and Water -standards/cid/beverages
• CBI: Entering the European market for coffees roasted at origin -information/cof fee/roasted -coffees/market -
%20400%20%CE%BCg%2Fkg .
• FSSAI: manual of methods of analysis of foods beverages: tea, coffee, chicory
• EAS 105: Roasted coffee beans and roasted ground coffee – Specification G/TBT/N/ARE/604, G/TBT/N/BHR/690, G/TBT/N/KWT/670, G/TBT/N/OMN/519, G/TBT/N/QAT/669,
G/TBT/N/SAU/1329, G/TBT/N/YEM/275
- 2 -
9. Proposed date of adoption: To be determined
Proposed date of entry into force: 6 months from adoption
10. Final date for comments: 60 days from notification
11. Texts available from: National enquiry point [X] or address, telephone and fax
numbers and email and website addresses, if available , of other body:
Saudi Standards Metrology and Quality Organization P.O. BOX: 3437 Riyadh 11471 Tel:
+966(1)2529095 Fax +966(1)4520086 Email: [email protected] Website: 024/TBT/SAU/24_02188_00_x.pdf
| 418 | 3,363 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_SPS_NAUS537A1.pdf | q_G_SPS_NAUS537A1 |
20 February 2023
(23-1195) Page: 1/2
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Original: English
The following communication, received on 20 February 2023, is being circulated at the request of
the Delegation of Australia .
Oriental melon and rockmelon fruit from Korea: biosecurity import requirements final report
The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the department) has
finalised a risk analysis in response to the market access request for greenhouse -grown fresh oriental
melon and rockmelon fruit from the Republic of Korea (Ko rea) into Australia for human consumption.
The final report recommends a combination of risk management measures and a system of
operational procedures that will reduce the risk associated with the importation of oriental melon and
rockmelon fruit from Kor ea to achieve Australia's appropriate level of protection.
The final report recommends that the importation of fresh greenhouse -grown oriental melon and
rockmelon fruit from Korea into Australia be permitted, subject to the application of the phytosanitary
measures, as outlined in the final report, for fruit flies, spider mites, and thrips species of biosecurity
concern to Australia.
The draft report for this risk analysis was published on the department's website on 6 June 2022 for
a 60 day stakeholder con sultation period (G/SPS/N/AUS/537).
The completed final report is available in English on the Australian Government Department of
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website at: -trade/policy/risk -analysis/plant/melons -from-korea .
This addendum concerns a:
[ ] Modification of final date for comments
[X] Notification of adoption, publication or entry into force of regulation
[ ] Modification of content and/or scope of previously notified draft regulation
[ ] Withdrawal of proposed regulation
[ ] Change in proposed date of adoption, publication or date of entry into force
[ ] Other:
Comment period: (If the addendum extends the scope of the previously notified measure
in terms of products and/or potentially affected Members, a new deadline for receipt of
comments should be provided, normally of at least 60 calendar days. Under other
circumstances, such as extension of originally announced final date for comments, the
comment period provided in the addendum may vary.)
[ ] Sixty days from the date of circulation of the addendum to the notification and/or
(dd/mm/yy) : Not applicab le G/SPS/N/AUS/537/Add.1
- 2 -
Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [X] National Notification Authority,
[X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and e -mail address (if available) of other
Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
GPO B ox 858
Tel: +(61 2) 6272 3933
E-mail: [email protected]
Text(s) available from: [X] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point.
Address, fax number and e -mail address (if available) of other body:
Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
GPO Box 858
Tel: +(61 2) 6272 3933
E-mail: [email protected]
__________ | 469 | 3,408 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/256266_2019_TBT_EEC_19_4507_00_e.pdf | 256266_2019_TBT_EEC_19_4507_00_e | EN EN
Brussels, XXX
[…](2019) XXX draft
of XXX
amending, for the purposes of adapting to scientific and technical progress, Annex III to
Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards an
exemption for lead in solders and termination finishes used in certain hand -held
comb ustion engines
This Commission Delegated Directive amends, for the purpose of adapting to technical
progress, Annex I II of Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment (recast)1 (RoHS 2) as regards an exemption for specific applicati ons containing
RoHS 2 restricts the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment , as provided for in its Article 4. It entered into force on 21 July 2011.
The restricted substances are listed in Annex II to RoHS 2. While the restriction s of lead,
mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, and polybrominated
diphenyl ethers are in force to date, the restriction s of bis(2 -ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP),
butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) shall
apply from 22 July 2019 or later . Annexes III and IV to RoHS 2 list the materials and
components of electrical and electronic equipment ( EEE) for specific applications exempted
from the substance restriction of RoHS 2 Article 4(1).
Article 5 makes provision for the adaptation to scientific and technical progress (inclusion,
renewal, amendments and revoking of exemptions) of Annexes III and IV. Pursuant to
Article 5(1)(a), exemptions are to be included in Annexes III and IV only if such inclusion
does not weaken the environmental and health protection afforded by
Regulation (EC) No 1907/20062 and where any of the following conditions is fulfi lled: their
elimination or substitution via design changes or materials and components which do not
require any of the materials or substances listed in Annex II is scientifically or technically
impracticable; the reliability of substitutes is not ensured; or the total negative environmental,
health and consumer safety impacts caused by substitution are likely to outweigh the total
environmental, health and consumer safety benefits thereof.
Furthermore, Article 5(1) provides that the European Commission (th e Commission) shall
include materials and components of EEE for specific appli cations in the lists in Annexes III
and IV by means of individual delegated acts in accordance with Article 20. Article 5(3) and
Annex V establish the procedure for submitting ap plications for granting, renewing, or
revoking an exemption.
Since the publication of RoHS 2 , the Commission has received numerous3 requests from
economic operators, according to the provisi ons in Article 5 (3) and Annex V, for both
granting new and renewing existing exemptions.
The current Annex III exemption 41 permits the use of lead in solders and termination
finishes of electrical and electronic components and finishes of printed circuit boards used in
ignition modules and other electrical and electronic engine control systems, which for
technical reasons must be mounted directly on or in the crankcase or cylinder of hand -held
combustion engines (classes SH:1, SH:2, SH:3 of Directive 97/68/EC of the Euro pean
Parliament and of the Council) . The Commission received one application for renewal of this
1 OJ L 174, 1.7.2011, p. 88.
2 OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1.
3 The list is given at: EN 2 EN exemption in June 2017 for categories 6 and 11 . While exemption 41 had 31 December 2018
as expiration date for categories 1 to 7 and 10, in line with the requi rements of the RoHS
Directive (Article 5(5), second subparagraph), it continues to apply until a decision on the
renewal application is taken by the Commission.4
With a view to evaluat ing the request for exemption , the Commission launched a study to
carry out the required technical and scientific assessment, including a six-week online
open -ended stakeholder consultation5 on the application. No contribution s were received
during the stakeholder consultation.
The final report containing the assessment of the application was published6; stakeholders
were notified.
Subsequently, the Commission consulted the Member States expert group for delegated acts
under RoHS 2 during an expert meeting on 29 October 2018. The experts agreed with the
proposal presented, with a large majority of absent or silent members. All applicable steps
relating to exemptions from the substance restriction pursuant to Articles 5(3) to 5(7) have
been performed.7 The Council and the European Parliament were notified of all a ctivities.
The final report highlighted in particular the following technical information and assessment :
Lead is a common alloying element in solder material to control the melting point.
The applicant has successfully tested alternative materials to replace the restricted
substance. However, additional time is needed to confirm the reliability of the lead -
free products .
Currently, the reliability of lead-free alternatives available on the market is still to be
confirmed in further testing .
The evaluation results for categor ies 1 to 7, 10 and 11 show that the specific exemption would
not weaken the environmental and health protection afforded by Regulation (EC)
No 1907/2006 (REACH), in accordance with Article 5 of Directive 2011/65/EU.
Furthermore, at least one of the relevant criteria specified in Article 5(1)(a) is met by the
exemption request : Since f or the applications concerned, no reliable alternatives are available
today, granting the exemption w ith a validity period of 24 months after the publication of the
delegated directive in the Official Journal is justified . As reliable substitutes are not yet
available, no negative socioeconomic impacts of substitution are to be anticipated for this
period . The granted validity period is also not expected to have adverse impacts on
innovation .
For categories 8 and 9 , the existing exemption remains as per the validity periods set out in
Article 5(2) .
4 The categories listed in Annex I of Directive 2011/65/EU are namely: 1. Large household appliances; 2.
Small household appliances; 3. IT and telecommunications equipment; 4. Consumer equipm ent; 5.
Lighting equipment; 6. Electrical and electronic tools; 7. Toys, leisure and sports equipment; 8. Medical
devices; 9. Monitoring and control instruments including industrial monitoring and control instruments;
10. Automatic dispensers ; 11. Other EE E not covered by any of the categories above .
5 Consultation period : from 20.10.2017 to 01.12.2017 .
6 -detail/ -/publication/33a336f0 -e0ef-11e8 -b690 -
01aa75ed71a1/language -en/format -PDF/source -85019010 .
7 A list of the required administrative steps is available on the Commission website . Current stage of the
procedure can be viewed for each draft delegated act in the Interinstitutional Registry of Delegated Acts
The Delegated Di rective grants an exemption from the restri ctions in Article 4(1), to be listed
in Annex III of Directive 2011/65/EU, for the use of lead in specific applications.
The inst rument is a Delegated Directive, as provided for by Directive 2011/65/EU, and in
particular meeting the relevant requirements of Article 5(1)(a) thereof.
The objective of the Delegated Directive is to contribute to the protection of human health and
the environment and approximate the provisions for the fun ctioning of the internal market in
the field of electrical and electronic equipment , by allowing the use of otherwise banned
substances for specific applications, in line with the provisions and under the conditions of
RoHS 2 and the therein established pr ocedure for the adaptation of the Annexes III and IV to
scientific and technical progress.
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, the measure does not go beyond what is
necessary to achieve its objective.
The proposal has no implications for the EU budget.
of XXX
amending, for the purposes of adapting to scientific and technical progress, Annex III to
Directive 2011/65/EU of the Europ ean Parliament and of the Council as regards an
exemption for lead in solders and termination finishes used in certain hand -held
combustion engines
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Par liament and of the Council of
8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and
electronic equipment1, and in particular Article 5(1)(a) ther eof,
(1) Directive 2011/65/EU requires Member States to ensure that electrical and electronic
equipment placed on the market does not contain the hazardous substances listed in
Annex II to that Directive. That restriction does not apply to the exempte d applications
listed in Annex III to Directive 2011/65/EU.
(2) The categories of electrical and electronic equipment to which Directive 2011/65/EU
applies are listed in Annex I to that Directive.
(3) Lead is a restricted substance listed in Annex II to Directive 2011/65/EU.
(4) By Delegated Directive (EU) 2014/72/EU2, the Commission granted an exemption for
the use of lead in solders and termination finishes of electrical and electronic
components and finishes of printed circuit boards used in ignition modules and ot her
electrical and electronic engine control systems, which for technical reasons must be
mounted directly on or in the crankcase or cylinder of hand -held combustion engines
(classes SH:1, SH:2, SH:3 of Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council3) (“the exemption”) by including those applications in Annex III to
Directive 2011/65/EU. The exemption was to expire for categories 1 to 7 and 10 on 31
1 OJ L 174, 1.7.2011, p. 88.
2 Commission Delegated Directive 2014/72/EU of 13 March 2014 amending, for the purposes of
adapting to technical prog ress, Annex III to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of
the Council as regards an exemption for lead in solders and termination finishes of electrical and
electronic components and finishes of printed circuit boards used in ignition modul es and other
electrical and electronic engine control systems (OJ L 148, 20.5.2014, p. 78).
3 Directive 97/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1997 on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures ag ainst the emission of gaseous
and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in non -road mobile
machinery (OJ L 59, 27.2.1998, p.1). Directive 97/68/EC has been repealed by Regulation (EU)
2016/1628 of the European Parliament a nd of the Council of 14 September 2016 on requirements
relating to gaseous and particulate pollutant emission limits and type -approval for internal combustion
engines for non -road mobile machinery, amending Regulations (EU) No 1024/2012 and (EU) No
167/201 3, and amending and repealing Directive 97/68/EC (OJ L 252, 16.9.2016, p. 53). EN 5 EN December 2018, in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 5(2) of that
(5) The Commission received an application for renewal of th e exemption for categories 6
and 11 (“the renewal request”) on 30 June 2017 , that is within the time limit laid down
in Article 5(5) of Directive 2011/65/EU. In accordance with that provisi on, t he
exemption remains valid until a decision on the renewal request has been adopted.
(6) The evaluation of the renewal request included stakeholder consultations in
accordance with Article 5(7) of Directive 2011/65/EU.
(7) Lead is a common alloying element in solder material to control the melting point.
Alternative materials to replace the restricted substance have been successfully tested .
However, additional time is needed to confirm the reliability of the lead -free products .
(8) Currently, there are no lead -free alternatives available on the market which would
provide sufficient level of reliability for the applications covered by the exemption .
(9) Due to the lack of reliable alternatives , a substitution or elimination of lead is currently
scientifically and tech nically impracticable for certain hand -held combustion engines .
It is, therefore, appropriate, to renew the exemption. The renewal of the exemption is
consistent with Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the
Council4 and thus does not weaken the environmental and health protection afforded
by it.
(10) The exemption for categories 1 to 7, 10 and 11 should be renewed until [the last day of
the 24th month after the publication of th is Directive in the Official Journal] , in
accordance with Article 4(3) and the first subparagraph of Article 5(2) of Directive
2011/65/EU . In view of the results of the ongoing efforts to find a reliable substitution ,
the duration of th e exemption is unlikely to have adverse impacts on innovation .
(11) For categories 8 and 9 , the existing exemption remains valid as per the validity periods
set out in the second subparagraph of Article 5(2) of Directive 2011/65/EU . For
reasons of legal clarity, the dates of expiry should be specified in Annex III to that
(12) Directive 2011/65/EU should therefore be amended accordingly,
Article 1
Annex III to Directive 2011/65/EU is amended as set out in the Annex to this Directive.
Article 2
1. Member States shall adopt and publish, by [the last day of the 12th month after the
date of entry into force of this Directive] at the latest, the laws, regulations and
administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive. They shall
forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions.
4 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006
concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and
establishing a European Chemicals Agency (OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1). EN 6 EN They shall apply those provisions from [the last day of the 12th month after the date
of entry into force of this Directive + 1 day] .
When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this
Directive or be accom panied by such a reference on the occasion of their official
publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.
2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions
of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
Article 3
This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in
the Official Journal of the European Union .
Article 4
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Done a t Brussels,
For the Commission
The President
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WTO_1/r_G_TBTN24_TZA1108.pdf | r_G_TBTN24_TZA1108 |
21 mars 2024
(24-2437) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La notification suivante est communiquée conformément à l'article 10.6.
1. Membre notifiant : TANZANIE
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés (articles 3.2 et 7.2):
2. Organisme responsable:
Tanzania Bureau of Standards (Office tanzanien de normalisation)
Ubungo, Morogoro Road/Sam Nujoma Road
P. O. B ox 9524
Téléphone : +255 22 245 0298/+255 22 245 0206
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web :
Fax: (+255) 22 2450959
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web:
Les nom et adresse (y compris les numéros de téléphone et de fax et les
adresses de courrier électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant) de l 'organisme
ou de l'autorité désigné pour s'occuper des observations concernant la
notification doivent être indiqués si cet organisme ou cette autorité est différent
de l'organisme susmentionné:
3. Notification au titre de l'article 2.9.2 [ ], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [X], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ],
7.2 [ ], autres:
4. Produits visés (le cas échéant, position du SH ou de la NCCD, sinon position du
tarif douanier national . Les numéros de l'ICS peuvent aussi être i ndiqués, le cas
échéant) : Procédés dans l'industrie alimentaire ( ICS 67 .020) ; Code d'usages pour la
prévention et la réduction de la contamination des aliments par le plomb .
5. Intitulé, nombre de pages et langue(s) du texte notifié : AFDC 27 (2569)
DTZS:2 024. Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of lead contamination in
foods (Code d'usages pour la prévention et la réduction de la contamination des aliments
par le plomb), première édition.
Note: Ce projet de norme tanzanienne a aussi été notif ié au Comité SPS. 9 pages, en
6. Teneur : Le code d'usages notifié recommande l'application de bonnes pratiques agricoles
et de bonnes pratiques de fabrication pour prévenir et réduire la contamination des
aliments dans l'entièreté des systèmes alimentaires.
7. Objectif et justification, y compris la nature des problèmes urgents, le cas
échéant : Prévention des pratiques de nature à induire en erreur et protection des
consommateurs ; protection de la santé ou de la sécurité des personnes ; protection de la
vie ou de la santé des animaux et préservation des végétaux ; protection de G/TBT/N/TZA/1108
- 2 -
l'environnement ; harmonisation ; réduction des obstacles au commerce et facilitation des
échanges ; réduction des coûts et accroissement de la productivité.
8. Documents pertinents:
1. CAC/RCP 49 -2001. Code d'usages concernant les mesures prises à la source pour
réduire la contamination chimique des aliments
2. CAC/RCP 56: 2 004. Code d 'usages pour la prévention et la réduction de la
contamination des aliments par le plomb
9. Date projetée pour l'adoption : à déterminer
Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : à déterminer
10. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : 60 jours à compter de la date de
11. Entité auprès de laquelle les textes peuvent être obtenus : point d'information
national [X] ou adresse, numéros de téléphone et de fax et adresses de courrier
électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant, d'un autre organisme:
Mme Bahati Sam illani (NEP officer)
Tanzania Bureau of Standards - TBS (Office tanzanien de normalisation)
Morogoro/Sam Nujoma Road, Ubungo
P O Box 9524
Dar Es Salaam
Téléphone : +(255) 22 2450206
Courriers électroniques: [email protected] ; [email protected]
| 566 | 3,755 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_SPS_NJPN1076.pdf | r_G_SPS_NJPN1076 |
29 juillet 2022
(22-5748) Page: 1/3
Comité des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires Original: anglais
1. Membre notifiant : JAPON
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés:
2. Organisme responsable : Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - MAFF
(Ministère de l'agriculture, des forêts et de la pêche)
3. Produits visés (Prière d'indiquer le(s) numéro(s) du tarif figurant dans les listes
nationales déposées à l'OMC . Les numéros de l'ICS devraient aussi être indiqués,
le cas échéant) : Machines agricoles d'occasion
4. Régions ou pays susceptibles d'être concernés, si cela est pertinent ou faisable:
[X] Tous les partenaires commerciaux
[ ] Régions ou pays spécifiques:
5. Intitulé du texte notifié : Proposed revision of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the
Plant Protection Act and relevant requirements (Proposition de révision du règlement
d'application de la Loi sur la préservation des végétaux et exigences pertinentes) .
Langue(s) : anglais. Nombre de pages : 2
6. Teneur : Dans le document G/SPS/N/JPN/1017 daté du 9 mai 2022, le MAFF a notifié que
le Japon modifiait la Loi sur la préservation des végétaux de sorte que des articles tels
que les machines agricoles soient soumises à une quarantaine à l'importation et que les
exigences spécifiques en matière de quarantaine pour ces marchandises soient notif iées
en temps voulu au moyen du Décret d'application de la Loi sur la protection des végétaux.
Dans le texte notifié, le MAFF propose une révision du Décret d'application de la Loi sur
la protection des végétaux pour introduire des mesures applicables à l'importation de
machines agricoles d'occasion . Ces exigences en matière d'importation sont les s uivantes:
1. Désigner certaines machines agricoles d'occasion comme des articles réglementés
soumis à une quarantaine à l'importation (annexe 1) ;
2. Prier le pays exportateur de joindre un certificat phytosanitaire déclarant que chaque
expédition de machines agricoles d'occasion mentionnée dans la partie 1 ci -dessus
est exempte de terre et de débris végétaux (annexe 2).
7. Objectif et raison d'être : [ ] innocuité des produits alimentaires, [ ] santé des
animaux, [X] préservation des végétaux, [ ] protection des personnes contre les
maladies ou les parasites des animaux/des plantes, [ ] protection du territoire
contre d'autres dommages attribuables à des parasites. G/SPS/N/JPN/1076
- 2 -
8. Existe -t-il une norme internationale pertinente ? Dans l'affirmative, indiquer
laquel le:
[ ] Commission du Codex Alimentarius (par exemple, intitulé ou numéro de
série de la norme du Codex ou du texte apparenté) :
[ ] Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) (par exemple, numéro
de chapitre du Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestr es ou du Code
sanitaire pour les animaux aquatiques) :
[X] Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (par exemple,
numéro de la NIMP) : NIMP n° 41
[ ] Néant
La réglementation projetée est -elle conforme à la norme internationale
[X] Oui [ ] Non
Dans la négative, indiquer, chaque fois que cela sera possible, en quoi et
pourquoi elle diffère de la norme internationale:
9. Autres documents pertinents et langue(s) dans laquelle (lesquelles) ils sont
disponibles : Le texte de base est la Loi sur la préservation des végétaux . La révision
sera publiée au Journal officiel (KAMPO), disponible en japonais seulement . Les listes
actuelles sont disponibles, en anglais, sur le site Web de la Station de protection des
végétaux d u Japon, à l'adresse suivante: (available in English).
10. Date projetée pour l'adoption (jj/mm/aa) : à déterminer.
Date pro jetée pour la publication (jj/mm/aa) : à déterminer.
11. Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : [X] Six mois à compter de la date de
publication, et/ou (jj/mm/aa) :
[ ] Mesure de facilitation du commerce
12. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : [X] Soixante jours à compter
de la date de distribution de la notification et/ou ( jj/mm/aa ): 27 septembre 2022
Organisme ou autorité désigné pour traiter les observations : [ ] autorité
nationale responsable des notifications, [X] point d'information national .
Adresse, numéro de fax et adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre
Standards Information Service
International Trade Division
Economic Affairs Bureau
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda -ku
Tokyo 100 -8919 (Japon)
Téléphone : +(81 3) 5501 8344
Fax: +(81 3) 5501 8343
Courrier électronique: [email protected] G/SPS/N/JPN/1076
- 3 -
13. Texte(s) disponible(s) auprès de : [ ] autorité nationale responsable des
notifications, [X] point d'information national . Adresse, numéro de fax et
adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre organisme:
Standards Information Service
International Trade Division
Economic Affairs Bureau
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda -ku
Tokyo 100 -8919 (Japon)
Téléphone : +(81 3) 5501 8344
Fax: +(81 3) 5501 8343
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
| 785 | 5,447 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_TBTN23_EU1034.pdf | s_G_TBTN23_EU1034 |
24 de noviembre de 2023
(23-7943) Página: 1/2
Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Original: inglés
Se da traslado de la notificación siguiente de conformidad con el artículo 10.6.
1. Miembro que notifica : UNIÓN EUROPEA
Si procede, nombre del gobierno local de que se trate (artículos 3.2 y 7.2):
2. Organismo responsable:
Comisión Europea
Nombre y dirección (incluidos los números de teléfono y de fax, así como las
direcciones de correo electrónico y sitios web, en su caso) del organismo o
autoridad encargado de la tramitación de observaciones sobre la notificac ión,
en caso de que se trate de un organismo o autoridad diferente:
European Commission (Comisión Europea)
EU-TBT Enquiry Point (Servicio de información UE -OTC)
Fax: +(32) 2 299 80 43,
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio web: -databases/tbt/en/
3. Notificación hecha en virtud del artículo 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ],
3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ], o en virtud de:
4. Productos abarcados (partida del SA o de la NCCA cuando corresponda ; en otro
caso partida del arancel nacional . Podrá indicarse además, cuando proceda, el
número de partida de la ICS) : sustancias plaguicidas activas.
5. Título, número de páginas e idioma(s) del documento notificado : Draft
Commission Regulation defining data requirement s for the approval of safeners and
synergists and establishing a work programme for the gradual review of safeners and
synergists on the market in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the
European Parliament and of the Council (Proyecto de Reglamento de la Comisión por el
que se definen los requisitos en materia de datos relativos a la aprobación de los
protectores y los sinergistas y se establece un programa de trabajo para la revisión
paulatina de los protectores y los sinerg istas que se encuentren en el mercado de
conformidad con el Reglamento (CE) Nº 1107/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y el
Consejo) . Documento en inglés (8 páginas) . Documento en inglés (4 páginas).
6. Descripción del contenido : En el proyecto de Reglamento de la Comisión notificado se
describen los requisitos en materia de datos aplicables a los protectores y los sinergistas
y se establece el programa de trabajo para la revisión paulatina de los protectores y los
sinergistas, de conformidad con los artículos 25 y 26 del Reglamento (CE) Nº 1107/2009.
7. Objetivo y razón de ser, incluida, cuando proceda, la naturaleza de los
problemas urgentes : El artículo 29 del Reglamento (CE) Nº 1107/2009 exige que, para
que un producto fitosanitario pueda autorizarse de confo rmidad con el artículo 28 del
Reglamento, los protectores y los sinergistas contenidos en él tendrán que haber sido
aprobados . En el artículo 25 1) de dicho Reglamento se prevé la aprobación de los
protectores y los sinergistas cuando se cumplan los criter ios relativos a la aprobación de G/TBT/N/EU/1034
- 2 -
sustancias activas estipulados en el artículo 4 del Reglamento . Además, el artículo 25 2)
del Reglamento prevé que las normas generales aplicables al procedimiento de
aprobación de las sustancias activas, o a su renovación, establecidas en los artículos 5 a
21 del Reglamento, se apliquen también a los protectores y los sinergistas . Por
consiguiente, para la aprobación de los protectores y los sinergistas, deberían definirse
requisitos en materia de datos similares a los que se aplican con respecto a la aprobación
de las sustancias activas, añadiendo un requisito en materia de datos adicional relativo a
la demostración de la eficacia de los protectores y los sinergistas . Asimismo, para evaluar
la eficacia de los protectores y los sinergistas contenidos en los productos fitosanitarios
que ya estaban en el mercado en el momento de la entrada en vigor del Reglamento
notificado, debería establecerse un programa de trabajo para la revisión paulatina de
dichos protectores y sinergist as. Con el fin de garantizar la conformidad con la excepción
contenida en el artículo 81 1) del Reglamento (UE) Nº 1107/2009, deberían establecerse
procedimientos que permitan la revisión de dichos protectores y sinergistas en los cinco
años siguientes a l a adopción del programa de trabajo . Protección de la salud o seguridad
humanas ; protección de la salud y la vida de los animales o preservación de los vegetales ;
protección del medio ambiente.
8. Documentos pertinentes:
• Reglamento (CE) N° 1107/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 21 de
octubre de 2009 , relativo a la comercialización de productos fitosanitarios y por
el que se derogan las Directivas 79/117/CEE y 91/414/CEE del Consejo:
https://eur -content/ES/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32009R1107
• Reglamento (UE) Nº 283/2013 de la Comisión, de 1 de marzo de 2013 , que
establece los requisitos sobre datos aplicables a las sustancias activas, de
conformidad con el Reglamento (CE) Nº 1107/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del
Consejo, relativo a la comercialización de productos fitosanitarios (Texto
pertinente a efectos del EEE): https://eur -
9. Fecha propuesta de adopción : primer semestre de 20 24
Fecha propuesta de entrada en vigor : 20 días después de su publicación en el Diario
Oficial de la UE (las disposiciones se empezarán a aplicar seis meses después de la
10. Fecha límite para la presentación de observaciones : 60 días después de la fecha de
11. Textos disponibles en : Servicio nacional de información [ ], o dirección, números
de teléfono y de fax y direcciones de correo electrónico y sitios web, en su caso,
de otra institución:
European Commission (Comisión Europea)
EU-TBT Enquiry Point (Servicio de información UE -OTC)
Fax: + (32) 2 299 80 43,
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
El documento está disponible en el sitio web UE -OTC: -
| 942 | 6,225 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN24_KEN1573.pdf | q_G_TBTN24_KEN1573 |
26 January 2024
(24-0575) Page: 1/2
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6
1. Notifying Member: KENYA
If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):
2. Agency responsible:
Kenya Bureau of Standards
Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers , email and website
addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments
regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above:
Kenya Bureau of Standar ds
P.O. Box: 54974 -00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: + (254) 020 605490, 605506/6948258
Fax: + (254) 020 609660/609665
E-mail: [email protected] ; Website:
3. Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ],
other :
4. Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff
heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addit ion, where applicable): Food
products in general (ICS code(s): 67.040)
5. Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: KS 2994: 2023
Pumpkin seeds — Specification; (12 page(s), in English)
6. Description of content: This draft Kenya S tandard specifies requirements and methods
of sampling and test for seeds obtained from pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) intended for
human consumption or for other use in the food industry. This standard applies to raw
and roasted pumpkin seeds.
7. Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where
applicable: Consumer information, labelling; Prevention of deceptive practices and
consumer protection; Protection of human health or safety; Quality requirements;
Reducing trade barrie rs and facilitating trade
8. Relevant documents:
TZS 2499: 2019 Pumpkin Seeds - Specification
9. Proposed date of adoption: June 2024
Proposed date of entry into force: To be determined
10. Final date for comments: 26 March 2024 G/TBT/N/KEN/1573
- 2 -
11. Texts available from: National enquiry point [X] or address, telephone and fax
numbers and email and website addresses, if available , of other body:
Kenya Bureau of Standards
WTO/TBT National Enquiry Point
P.O. Box: 54974 -00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: + (25 4) 020 605490, 605506/6948258
Fax: + (254) 020 609660/609665
E-mail: [email protected] ; Website:
| 361 | 2,572 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_SPS_GEN2204.pdf | r_G_SPS_GEN2204 |
28 février 2024
(24-1875) Page: 1/7
Comité des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires Original: anglais/français/espagnol
La communication ci -après, reçue le 27 février 2024 , est distribuée à la demande de l' OMSA .
L'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OMSA) a le plaisir de mettre à disposition le présent
rapport pour l'information des Membres de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) assistant
à la 8 8e réunion du Comité des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires (Comité SPS).
Le présent rapport contient une synthèse des principales activités liées au programme de travail de
l'OMSA en charge d 'élaborer des normes et fait le point sur les activités de l 'Organisation liées à
l'information zoosanitaire, au renforcement des capacités et à d 'autres sujets pertinents.
L'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale a fêté son 100e anniversaire.
2024 est une année importante pour l 'OMSA qui est fière de commémorer cent ans d 'engagement
indéfectible en faveur de la santé des animaux et du bien -être animal au niveau mondial. Le parcours
qui a conduit l 'OMSA à devenir l 'autorité mondiale en matière de santé animale a été marqué par
une longue histoire de mom ents décisifs. Pour en savoir plus sur l 'organisation et les moments les
plus marquants depuis sa création le 25 janvier 1924, veuillez consulter le site web de l'OMSA .
1.1. La 91e Session générale annuelle de l 'Assemblée mondiale des Délégués de l 'OMSA se tiendra
du 26 au 30 mai 2024 à Paris, et comportera l 'adoption de résolutions administratives et techniques
ainsi que des élections pour le poste vacant de la directrice générale de l 'OMSA et pour ceux des
membres des organes de gouvernance de l 'organisation (membres du conseil et des bureaux des
commissions régionales) et des membres des commissions spécialisées.
1.2. Le programme prévisionnel sera mis à disposition sur le site web de l 'OMSA courant mars 2024.
À l'exception de la séance administrative réservée aux élections, toutes les séances quotidiennes de
la Session génér ale seront retransmises en direct sur le site web de l 'OMSA.
1.3. La Session générale comportera un forum axé sur le thème suivant "Une gouvernance tournée
vers l 'avenir pour une OMSA résiliente ". Lors de ce forum, les conclusions tirées de la révision
commandi tée des textes institutionnels de l 'OMSA et assorties de scénarios visant à construire des
représentations des futurs possibles, seront explorées pour traiter les besoins et les lacunes relevés
dans la structure de gouvernance actuelle de l 'OMSA.
1.4. En outre, la Session comportera des manifestations parallèles et des stands d 'exposition avant
et après les séances plénières quotidiennes. Ces activités permettront aux délégations d 'interagir
avec des experts sur un certain nombre d 'initiatives spécifiques pertin entes au regard de l 'OMSA et
de ses missions.
1.5. Des webinaires d 'information de pré -Session générale se tiendront en mode virtuel afin de
fournir une occasion aux Présidents des quatre Commissions spécialisées de partager des
informations avec les membres su r les normes qui seront présentées pour adoption lors de la Session G/SPS/GEN/2204
- 2 -
générale. Ces webinaires se tiendront le 16 avril 2024 pour ce qui concerne la Commission des
normes biologiques, le 17 avril en qui concerne la Commission des normes sanitaires pour les
animaux terrestres (Commission du Code) avec le soutien de la Commission scientifique pour les
maladies animales (Commission scientifique) et le 18 avril 2024 quant à la Commission des normes
sanitaires pour les animaux aquatiques (Commission pour les anima ux aquatiques). Une
interprétation simultanée est prévue pour chaque webinaire, en anglais, français et espagnol, qui
sera l 'objet d 'un enregistrement et d 'une mise en ligne sur le site web de l 'OMSA.
2.1. Les quatre Commissions spécialisées se sont réunies au mois de février 2024 pour poursuivre
les travaux d 'examen des normes internationales existantes de l 'OMSA rassemblées dans le
Code sanitaire pour le s animaux terrestres , le Code sanitaire pour les animaux aquatiques , le
Manuel des tests de diagnostic et des vaccins pour les animaux terrestres et le Manuel des tests de
diagnostic pour les animaux aquatiques , ainsi que les travaux d 'élaboration de nouve aux textes
normatifs appelés à y figurer, tout en faisant le point sur d 'autres activités menées dans le cadre du
mandat attribué à chaque Commission spécialisée.
2.2. Les rapports de réunion de la Commission du Code, de la Commission des animaux aquatiques
et de la Commission des normes biologiques présentent des informations sur les textes nouveaux
et révisés qui seront proposés pour adoption au cours de la Session générale de 2024, ainsi que des
renseignements sur d 'autres sujets abordés au cours des réunions de février 2024 de ces
Commissions, incluant notamment des textes diffusés pour recueillir des commentaires et d 'autres
informations. Le rapport de la Commission scientifique comporte des informations sur l 'évaluation
des dossiers sur les statuts zoosanit aires officiels.
2.3. Les rapports de réunion de ces quatre Commissions seront mis en ligne sur le site web réservé
aux délégués et sur le site public de l 'OMSA simultanément pour chaque langue (anglais, français et
espagnol) une fois qu 'il aura été parachevé .
2.4. À partir de mars 2024, l 'OMSA entamera la mise en place d 'une approche par étapes pour
publier sur le portail des délégués les observations reçues à propos des textes nouveaux et révisés
diffusés en vue de recueillir des commentaires. Cette approche inclur a à terme la publication des
commentaires et des réponses apportées par les Commissions à la fois sur le portail des délégués
et le site web de l 'OMSA.
2.5. Les liens renvoyant vers les rapports de février 2024 sont fournis ci -dessous:
• Commission des normes biologiques : rapport de la réunion de février 2024
• Commission scientifique pour les maladies animales : rapport de la réunion de février 2024
• Commission des normes sanitaires pour les animaux aquatiques : rapport de la réunion de
févrie r 2024
• Commission des normes sanitaires pour les animaux terrestres : rapport de la réunion de
février 2024
2.6. L'OMSA tient pour sa part à mettre en exergue auprès du Comité les travaux suivants qui ont
été entrepris durant les réunions de février.
2.1 Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres
2.7. La Commission des normes sanitaires pour les animaux terrestres a poursuivi les travaux en
cours visant à actualiser et réviser le Code terrestre . La Commission a procédé à l 'examen des
projets de normes et des commentaires reçus, a évalué l 'état d 'avancement des différents projets
en cours et a dis cuté des travaux à venir.
2.8. La Commission est convenue de proposer 16 textes à l 'adoption lors de la 91e Session générale
en mai 2024 (incluant des définitions du glossaire et des chapitres nouveaux et révisés). Parmi les
chapitres révisés proposés à l 'adopt ion lors de la 91e Session générale figurent notamment le
chapitre révisé 4.6. sur les mesures générales d 'hygiène applicables aux centres de collecte et de
traitement de semence, le chapitre révisé 6.10. sur l 'usage responsable et prudent des agents G/SPS/GEN/2204
- 3 -
antim icrobiens en médecine vétérinaire, le chapitre révisé 7.5. sur l 'abattage des animaux, le
chapitre révisé 8.8. sur l 'infection par le virus de la fièvre aphteuse et le nouveau chapitre 8.Z. sur
l'infection à Trypanosoma evansi (surra).
2.9. La Commission est également convenue de distribuer plusieurs projets de chapitres révisés
pour recueillir des commentaires, et a demandé aux experts de poursuivre l 'élaboration en cours
d'un nouveau chapitre 4.X. sur la sécurité biologique et la révision des chapitres 5.4., 5.5., 5.6. et
5.7. ayant trait aux mesures et aux procédures applicables à l 'exportation, à l 'importation et au
transit de marchandises. La Commission, en étroite collaboration avec la Commission scientifique,
est convenue de commencer à tr availler sur la révision du chapitre sur la tremblante et de cinq
chapitres concernant les encéphalites équines et sur l 'élaboration d 'un nouveau chapitre sur la mise
en œuvre du zonage.
2.2 Manuel des tests de diagnostic et des vaccins pour les animaux terres tres
2.10. La Commission des normes biologiques a poursuivi les travaux en cours visant à veiller à ce
que les chapitres du Manuel terrestre soient pertinents et maintenus à jour malgré la menace
d'éclatement de foyers de maladies affectant les animaux terrestre s dans le monde. Dans le rapport
de février 2024, la Commission a distribué 13 chapitres actualisés spécifiques à des maladies qui
seront proposés pour adoption lors de la 91e Session générale en mai 2024 ; il s'agit notamment de
sections sur les vaccins, a ctualisées ou nouvelles, destinées aux chapitres relatifs à la dermatose
nodulaire contagieuse et à la peste porcine africaine, respectivement.
2.3 Code sanitaire pour les animaux aquatiques
2.11. La Commission des normes sanitaires pour les animaux aquatiques a pou rsuivi ses travaux
pour faire avancer certains sujets inscrits dans son programme de travail. Lors de la 91e Session
générale de mai 2024, la Commission proposera à l 'adoption 35 textes révisés destinés au
Code aquatique ; les travaux portent notamment sur la révision de l 'article X.X.3. figurant dans tous
les chapitres spécifiques aux maladies des amphibiens, des poissons et des mollusques et dans la
majorité des chapitres spécifiques aux maladies des crustacés, et sur la révision de l 'article X.X.2.
dédié aux espèces sensibles figurant dans trois chapitres spécifiques à des maladies, ainsi que sur
l'inclusion de l 'infection par le virus de la nécrose infectieuse rénale et splénique dans la Liste des
maladies de l 'OMSA.
2.12. La Commission a également poursuivi le s travaux portant sur des chapitres nouveaux et
révisés qui seront diffusés dans le rapport de février 2024 en vue de recueillir des commentaires.
Parmi ces textes figurent un document de discussion sur la révision du chapitre 4.3. relatif à
l'application de la compartimentation et de nouveaux chapitres relatifs à la préparation aux situations
d'urgence (4.X.), à la gestion des foyers de maladie (4.Y.), au contrôle des agents pathogènes dans
la laitance et dans les œufs fécondés de poisson faisant l 'objet d 'échanges commerciaux (4.Z.) et
au mouvement d 'animaux aquatiques d 'ornement (5.X.).
2.4 Manuel des tests de diagnostic pour les animaux aquatiques
2.13. La Commission des animaux aquatiques a poursuivi ses travaux de mise à jour et de
reformatage des chapitres spéc ifiques aux maladies du Manuel aquatique afin de s'assurer qu'ils
fournissent les toutes dernières orientations aux membres. La Commission proposera cinq chapitres
complètement révisés (à savoir le chapitre 2.2.2. sur l'infection à Aphanomyces astaci , le
chapitre 2.2.6. sur l'infection par le nodavirus de Macrobrachium rosenbergii , le chapitre 2.2.9. sur
l'infection par le génotype 1 du virus de la tête jaune, le chapitre 2.4.1. sur l'infection par
l'herpèsvirus de l'ormeau et le chapitre 2.4.4. sur l'infe ction à Marteilia refringens ) pour adoption en
mai 2024. Un nouveau chapitre 2.2.X. ayant trait à l'infection par le virus 1 iridescent des décapodes
(DIV1) sera également soumis au vote.
3.1. L'OMSA a lan cé un projet visant à modifier les modalités d 'affichage et d 'accès aux normes de
l'OMSA, pour les membres comme pour les autres utilisateurs. Le projet permettra d 'améliorer la
manière dont le Code aquatique , le Code terrestre , le Manuel aquatique et le Manuel terrestre sont
visualisés sur le site web de l 'OMSA. Il recouvre également la création d 'un outil dédié qui offrira des G/SPS/GEN/2204
- 4 -
fonctions de recherche spécifiques permettant de visualiser les mesures sanitaires recommandées
pour les animaux terrestres dans l e cadre des échanges internationaux de marchandises.
3.2. En cohérence avec les objectifs du septième plan stratégique de l 'OMSA, ce projet apportera
de nombreux bénéfices à l 'organisation et à ses membres, notamment un meilleur accès aux normes
de l'OMSA et un e efficacité accrue de l 'extraction de données, tout en facilitant la mise en œuvre
des normes. Le projet sera également bénéfique à l 'organisation elle -même puisqu 'il permettra
d'améliorer l 'efficience des procédures internes ainsi que l 'interopérabilité des différentes bases de
données en lien avec les normes de l 'OMSA. Il est attendu que le projet soit achevé en juillet 2024.
4.1. La directrice générale met en place des groupes ad hoc afin de fournir des avis techniques et
scientifiques spécifiques ; ces avis sont nécessaires pour soutenir les travaux conduits par l 'OMSA et
par ses commissions spécialisées. L 'OMSA publie les informations obtenues sur son site web en
indiquant les dates et les mandats d es groupes ad hoc proposés et en diffusant leurs rapports une
fois validés et examinés par les commissions spécialisées concernées. Les informations
susmentionnées sont disponibles sur le site web de l 'OMSA à l 'adresse suivante : information sur les
groupes ad hoc .
4.2. Deux Groupes de travail permanents de l 'OMSA, la faune sauvage et la résistance aux agents
antimicrobiens, proposent également des avis techniques et scientifiques spécifiques nécessaires
pour soutenir les travaux conduits par l 'OMSA et par ses commissions spécialisées. Les informations
susmentionnées sont disponibles sur le site web de l 'OMSA à l 'adresse suivante : Groupes de travail
& Rapports: OMSA – Organisation mondiale de la santé animale .
5.1. Conformément aux dispositions figurant dans le Code terrestre ou le Code aquatique ,
les membres de l 'OMSA peuvent souhaiter déposer une auto -déclaration d'absence d'une des
maladies listées par l 'OMSA pour l 'intégralité de leur territoire ou une zone de celui -ci ou pour un
compartiment. Un membre qui désire publier son auto -déclaration d 'absence de maladie doit
transmettre des documents justificatifs pertinents montrant qu 'elle est en conformité avec les
chapi tres concernés des Codes. L 'OMSA procède à un examen technique de toutes les demandes
d'auto-déclaration qui lui sont faites et est chargée d 'examiner les demandes à publier en suivant
les procédures officielles normalisées .
5.2. Toutes les auto -déclarations qui sont publiées sont consultables sur le site web de l 'OMSA en
suivant le lien suivant : Auto-déclaration du statut d'une maladie - OMSA – Organisation mondiale
de la santé animale .
6.1. Les membres de l 'OMSA ont la possibilité d 'adresser une demande en vue de se voir accorder
la reconnaissance officielle de leur statut sanitaire en matière de fièvre aphteuse, de peste équine,
de peste porcine cla ssique (PPC), de périneumonie contagieuse bovine (PCB), de peste des petits
ruminants (PPR) et de risque d 'encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine (EEB) ainsi que la validation de
leur programme officiel de contrôle de la PCB, de la fièvre aphteuse, de la PPR e t de la rage transmise
par les chiens.
6.2. La liste complète des pays et de leur statut reconnu en matière de peste équine, d'EEB, de
PCB, de PPC , de fièvre aphteuse et de PPR peut être consultée à partir du site web de l 'OMSA.
7.1. L'Observatoire de l 'OMSA a le plaisir de vous annoncer que la première étude thématique sur
le zonage (régionalisation) est parue en janvier 2024. À la suite d 'une enquête à laquelle ont répondu
65% des membres, ce document partage une analyse descriptive de l 'utilisation, des problématiques
et de l 'impact des zones établies en li en avec trois maladies prioritaires: l 'influenza aviaire, la peste G/SPS/GEN/2204
- 5 -
porcine africaine et la fièvre aphteuse. Le rapport est accompagné d 'un résumé d'une page .
Une analyse plus approfondie des données est en cours pour mieux explorer les facteurs influençant
la reconnaissance des zones par les partenaires commerciaux; elle devrait être publiée
ultérieurement en 2024.
7.2. Les études thématiques de l 'Obser vatoire collectent et utilisent des données, nouvelles ou
existantes, pour fournir une compréhension détaillée du niveau de mise en œuvre d 'une ou plusieurs
normes et les défis auxquels les membres de l 'OMSA sont confrontés. Cela permet à l 'OMSA
d'identifi er les besoins spécifiques des membres et de proposer des recommandations ciblées pour
les satisfaire. Deux autres sujets sont actuellement en cours d 'étude: l 'utilisation, les défis et l 'impact
de la compartimentation, et le bien -être animal durant les tr ansports par terre et par mer.
7.3. Ces études thématiques complètent un rapport de suivi régulier qui fournit une perspective
globale de la mise en œuvre des normes par les membres. Le premier rapport a été publié au début
janvier 2023. La parution de la seconde édition est attendue au début de 2025 et est prévue ensuite
tous les cinq ans, c oïncidant avec la préparation du cinquième plan stratégique.
8.1. Dans le Cadre mondial pour la maîtrise progressive des maladies animales transfrontalières,
l'OMSA, en collaboration avec la FAO, a établi un groupe spécial sur l 'influenza aviaire hautement
pathogène pour engager une révision de la stratégie mondiale en faveur de la prévention et du
contrôle de l 'influenza aviaire hautement pathogène dont la dernière actualisation date
d'octobre 2008. Le projet de stratégie mondiale (couvrant la période 2024 – 2033) fait actuellement
l'objet d 'un processus de consultation et d 'élaboration de commentaires auprès des membres et des
partenaires de l 'OMSA. Une foi s la phase de finalisation terminée, l 'OMSA et la FAO se mettront
d'accord sur les options de communication et les conditions de lancement, et les mettront en place.
9.1. En janvier 2020, l 'OMSA, en collaboration avec la FAO et dans le Cadre mondial pour la maîtrise
progressive des maladies animales transfrontalières, a lancé une initiative conjointe pour la lutte
contre la peste porcine africaine au niveau mondial, qui constitue un appel aux partenaires issus de
multiples secteurs d 'activité à unir leurs forces pour améliorer la coordination et galvaniser les efforts
à déployer et la volonté politique nécessaire à une garantie du contrôle de la peste porcine africaine
à l'échelle mondiale. L 'OMSA travaille également à la mise en œuvre d 'un cadre de suivi et
d'évaluation pour mesurer les progrès accomplis dans le cadre de l 'initiative mondiale en faveur de
la peste porcine africaine.
9.2. Au rang des activités importantes menées dans ce domaine figu re l'organisation de réunions
du Groupe d 'experts permanent et régional en Afrique , en Europe et en Asie Pacifique afin de
resserrer la coordination des activités liées au contrôle de la maladie au niveau régional. Afin de
faciliter la coopération et le dialogue entre les groupes d 'experts en matière de peste po rcine
africaine, le Comité de coordination mondiale chargé de cette maladie a été lancé en marge de la
90e Session générale ; ses domaines de priorité ont été identifiés en vue d 'orienter les activités
futures de lutte contre la peste porcine africaine.
9.3. Constatant la volonté générale et l 'utilisation de vaccins candidats contre la peste porcine
africaine par les pays, l 'OMSA a élaboré une norme internationale relative à la mise au point et à la
fabrication de vaccins sûrs et efficaces contre cette maladie qu i a été diffusée dans le rapport de
septembre 2023 de la Commission des normes biologiques en vue de recueillir des commentaires.
L'OMSA compte parmi les défenseurs de l 'utilisation uniquement de vaccins de haute qualité à
l'efficacité et à la sûreté prouv ées, qui ont été soumis à des évaluations et des approbations
réglementaires en conformité avec les normes internationales de l 'OMSA.
10.1. En complément du huitième rapport annuel de l 'OMSA sur les agents antimicrobiens destinés
à être utilisés chez les animaux , paru en mai 2023, l 'OMSA a mené une enquête auprès des 20 % de
ses membres qui utilisent tou jours des agents antimicrobiens comme facteurs de croissance. Les G/SPS/GEN/2204
- 6 -
résultats suggèrent que 76 % d'entre eux n 'ont conduit aucune analyse préliminaire du risque,
malgré le fait que ce type d 'analyse est indiqué dans le plan d'action mondiale pour combattre la
résistance aux antimicrobiens et dans les recommandations de la Liste des agents antimicrobiens
importants en médecine vétérinaire . Ce qui est plus inquiétant, c 'est qu 'au moins 11 % des membres
de l'OMSA rapportent toujours l 'utilisation d 'au moins un des agents antimicrob iens d 'importance
critique les plus prioritaires pour la médecine humaine, comme la colistine, dans le but de stimuler
la croissance. Compte tenu des conclusions tirées et des engagements pris par les membres de
l'OMSA en 2016, l 'Organisation a publié une déclaration durant la semaine mondiale de la
sensibilisation à la résistance aux agents antimicrobiens en novembre 2023, invitant ses membres
à restreindre l 'utilisation des antimicrobiens à un usage médical vétérinaire exclusif et à s 'engager
activement dans un dialogue avec l es parties concernées pour parvenir à une interdiction totale du
recours aux antimicrobiens pour stimuler la croissance, à commencer par ceux d 'importance critique
pour la santé humaine.
10.2. L'OMSA vient de sortir une nouvelle publication intitulée "WOAH/FAO regional guidelines for
monitoring Antimicrobial Use " (Lignes directrices de l 'OMSA et de la FAO pour le suivi de l 'utilisation
des antimicrobiens au niveau des exploitations) pour la région Asie et Pacifique. L 'OMSA a également
engagé des travaux sur l 'élaboration de lignes directrices pour le suivi de l 'utilisation des
antimicrobiens en aquaculture au niveau du terrain, en ligne avec les normes de l 'OMSA, dont la
publication de la dernière mouture est prévue à la fin de l 'année 2024.
11.1. L'OMSA travaille main dans la main avec l 'Organisation internationale de police criminelle
(INTERPOL) et l 'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l 'alimentation et l 'agriculture (FAO) pour
renforcer les capacités nationales, régionales et internationales en matière de gestion des urgences
contre tous les types de dangers. Les résultats initiaux indiquent que de nombreux pays n 'ont pas
accès à des ressources adéquates pour mettre en œuvre des plans de riposte aux urgences ; dans
un grand nombre de pays, les mécanismes interministériels de gestion des urgences n 'incluent pas
les Services vétérinaires ; ce qui est considéré comme un e urgence varie d 'un pays à l 'autre en
fonction du niveau de développement, de la structure de l 'industrie de l 'élevage et s 'il existe des
marchés tournés vers l 'exportation.
11.2. L'OMSA travaille à l 'heure actuelle sur la mise au point d 'un système de gestion des incidents
pour aider son Siège et les représentations régionales et sous -régionales à organiser des ripostes
pertinentes, cohérentes et optimales face à des situations d 'urgence internationales qui impactent
la santé animale. Une fois que le système de gestion des incidents aura été développé, l 'OMSA
élaborera des orientations à l 'intention de ses membres pour la conception et la mise en œuvre d 'un
tel système au niveau national.
11.3. L'OMSA poursuit ses travaux de préparation d 'outils pour porter assistance aux membres avec
des éléments spécifiques sur la réduction de la menace biologique et des indications sur la façon de
gérer les fausses informations et la désinformation.
11.4. L'OMSA organisera une Conférence mondiale sur la réduction de la menace biologique e n
novembre 2025.
12.1 Système d 'information PVS
12.1. L'OMSA a lancé le système d 'information PVS (PVS IS) qui faciliter a l'accès aux données
historiques et aux informations consignées dans les rapports PVS. C 'est la première fois que l 'OMSA
a recours aux techniques de traitement du langage naturel et à l 'apprentissage automatique, et l 'un
des résultats clé de cette nouvelle approche est la compréhension des recommandations les plus
communément rencontrées, les points forts et les points faibles des Services vétérinaires dans le
monde. G/SPS/GEN/2204
- 7 -
12.2. L'OMSA a migré toutes les informations essentielles contenues dans plus de 210 rapp orts
d'évaluation et de suivi PVS dans une base de données transactionelles sécurisée qui permet
d'effectuer une analyse systématique des tendances PVS.
12.3. L'ensemble des délégués de l 'OMSA aura accès au système PVS IS nouvellement mis en place
à partir du mo is de mai 224.
12.2 Enquête sur l 'évaluation de l 'impact du Processus PVS
12.4. L'OMSA a préparé une enquête d 'évaluation visant à apprécier la performance du programme
du Processus PVS. Les résultats préliminaires montrent que 93 % des délégués ayant fait l 'objet de
l'enquête sont satisfaits des recommandations émises dans les rapports PVS. Ils peuvent être
consultés par le biais du document suivant : l'Évaluation d'impact des recommandations du Processus
PVS de l'OMSA .
12.3 Le Processus PVS en 2023
12.5. En 2023, le programme du Processus PVS a permis de conduire 64 activités PVS, parmi
lesquelles une étude pilote réussie sur une méthodologie récemment mise au point pour traiter le
contenu spécifique de la peste porcine africaine, une augmentation des missions d 'évaluation PVS
pour les animaux aquatiques ou des missions de suivi, des programmes d 'appui ciblé pour le
développement des équipes de travail, les partenariats publics – privés, les missions d 'analyse de la
formation des paraprofessionnels vétérinaires et des ateliers RSI – PVS et un atelier sur la rage a
été organisé.
12.6. Vous pouvez trouver de pl us amples informations sur le site de l 'OMSA dédié au Processus
13.1. En ce qui concerne la mise en place en cours du cadre de formation de l 'OMSA axée sur les
compétences, des progrès satisfaisants ont été réalisés en matière d 'achèvement du premier des
dix modules de formation et d 'éducation en ligne en lien avec le commerce inclus dans le cadre de
la réglementation internationale.
13.2. L'OMSA procède également à la mise en place d 'un cadre pour l 'évaluation des exigences en
matière de formation destinée au pers onnel vétérinaire opérant dans le monde pour garantir que les
formations dispensées par l 'OMSA sont en ligne avec les besoins actuels et les objectifs stratégiques
des membres de l 'OMSA visant à favoriser l 'adoption d 'une approche systémique en matière de
renforcement des capacités des Services vétérinaires dans le monde.
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16 avril 2019
(19-2508) Page: 1/6
Comité des pratiques antidumping Original: anglais
On trouvera ci -joint le rapport semestriel présenté par le Viet Nam pour la période du 1er juillet au
31 décembre 2 018.
- 2 -
Membre présentant le rapport : VIET NAM1
Enquêtes initiales
douanier Produit Ouverture
l'enquête Mesures
provisoires et
préliminaires Mesures finales Absence
clôture de
l'enquête Autres Données commerciales
(provenant du/des
rapport(s) publié(s)) Base de la
de la valeur
normale Droit
définitif Engagement
en matière
de prix
Désignation ;
catégorie à
6 chiffres du
SH visant le
produit faisant
l'objet de
(*) si l'enquête
vise plusieurs
pays Date;
I-dommage) Date des droits ;
fourchette des
marges de
individuelles ;
"autres" taux ;
[fourchette des
taux appliqués
en cas de
raison] Date des
droits ;
fourchette des
marges de
individuelles ;
"autres" taux ;
des taux
appliqués en
cas de
raison] Date
d'application ;
des marges
de dumping
ou des prix
minimaux Date,
raison Date,
explication Volume ou
valeur des
monnaie) ;
période, si
colonnes 2
et 3 Volume des
en % de la
apparente ou
en % des
totales Symboles de
toutes les
bases u tilisées
dans la
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Chine Produits
laminés plats,
en fer ou en
acier non allié ,
peints, plaqués
ou revêtus (*)
AD04 -CHN. 15/10/2018
31/05/2018 - - - - - - - -
1 Adresse du site Web où les rapports publiés sur les enquêtes sont disponibles: .
2 Tous les termes et en -têtes des colonnes figurant dans le présent modèle ont le sens qui leur est attribué da ns les instructions.
3 Uniquement à des fins de référence.
- 3 -
douanier Produit Ouverture
l'enquête Mesures
provisoires et
préliminaires Mesures finales Absence
clôture de
l'enquête Autres Données commerciales
(provenant du/des
rapport(s) publié(s)) Base de la
de la valeur
normale Droit
définitif Engagement
en matière
de prix
Désignation ;
catégorie à
6 chiffres du
SH visant le
produit faisant
l'objet de
(*) si l'enquête
vise plusieurs
pays Date;
I-dommage) Date des droits ;
fourchette des
marges de
individuelles ;
"autres" taux ;
[fourchette des
taux appliqués
en cas de
raison] Date des
droits ;
fourchette des
marges de
individuelles ;
"autres" taux ;
des taux
appliqués en
cas de
raison] Date
d'application ;
des marges
de dumping
ou des prix
minimaux Date,
raison Date,
explication Volume ou
valeur des
monnaie) ;
période, si
colonnes 2
et 3 Volume des
en % de la
apparente ou
en % des
totales Symboles de
toutes les
bases u tilisées
dans la
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Corée ,
Rép. de Produits laminés
plats, en fer ou
en acier non
allié, peints,
plaqués ou
revêtus (*)
AD04 -KOR. 15/10/2018
01/06/2017 -
01/06/2014 -
31/05/2018 - - - - - - - -
- 4 -
Réexamens/Autres procédures ultérieures
douanier Produit Ouverture de
l'enquête Résultats/
préliminaires Résultats finals Abrogation
mesures Autres (par
ne visant
pas le
des droits) Données commerciales
(si disponibles dans le(s)
rapport(s) publié(s)
sur la procédure) Base de la
détermina -
de la valeur
normale Droit
définitif Engagement
en matière
de prix
Désignation ;
catégorie à
6 chiffres du SH
visant le produit
faisant l'objet de
l'enquête ; numéro
(*) si l'enquête vise
plusieurs pays Date, type de
réexamen ou
de procédure
couverte Date d'entrée en
vigueur ;
fourchette des
marges de
individuelles ;
"autres" taux ;
[fourchette des
taux appliqués
en cas de
raison] Date
d'entrée en
vigueur ;
des marges
de dumping
individ uelles
; "autres"
des taux
appliqués en
cas de
raison] Date d'entrée
en vigueur ;
fourchette des
marges de
ou des prix
minimaux ; ou
autre résultat
(symbole) Date,
raison Date,
explication Volume ou
valeur d es
monnaie) ;
visés, période
si différents
colonnes 2
et 3 Volume des
en % de la
ou en % des
totales Symboles de
toutes les bases
utilisées dans la
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Chine Acier inoxydable
laminé à froid (*);
7219.32 ; 7219.33 ;
7219.34 ; 7219.35 ;
7219.90 ; 7220.20 ;
AD01 -CHN. 02/10/2018;
SNR - - - - - - - -
Indon ésie Acier inoxydable
laminé à froid (*);
7219.32 ; 7219.33 ;
7219.34 ; 7219.35 ;
7219.90 ; 7220.20 ;
AD01 -IND. 02/10/2018 ;
SNR - - - - - - - -
- 5 -
douanier Produit Ouverture de
l'enquête Résultats/
préliminaires Résultats finals Abrogation
mesures Autres (par
ne visant
pas le
des droits) Données commerciales
(si disponibles dans le(s)
rapport(s) publié(s)
sur la procédure) Base de la
détermina -
de la valeur
normale Droit
définitif Engagement
en matière
de prix
Désignation ;
catégorie à
6 chiffres du SH
visant le produit
faisant l'objet de
l'enquête ; numéro
(*) si l'enquête vise
plusieurs pays Date, type de
réexamen ou
de procédure
couverte Date d'entrée en
vigueur ;
fourchette des
marges de
individuelles ;
"autres" taux ;
[fourchette des
taux appliqués
en cas de
raison] Date
d'entrée en
vigueur ;
des marges
de dumping
individ uelles
; "autres"
des taux
appliqués en
cas de
raison] Date d'entrée
en vigueur ;
fourchette des
marges de
ou des prix
minimaux ; ou
autre résultat
(symbole) Date,
raison Date,
explication Volume ou
valeur d es
monnaie) ;
visés, période
si différents
colonnes 2
et 3 Volume des
en % de la
ou en % des
totales Symboles de
toutes les bases
utilisées dans la
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Malaisie Acier inoxydable
laminé à froid (*);
7219.32 ; 7219.33 ;
7219.34 ; 7219.35 ;
7219.90 ; 7220.20 ;
AD01 -MYS. 02/10/2018 ;
SNR - - - - - - - -
chinois Acier inoxydable
laminé à froid (*);
7219.32 ; 7219.33 ;
7219.34 ; 7219.35 ;
7219.90 ; 7220.20 ;
AD01 -TPKM. 02/10/2018 ;
SNR - - - - - - - -
CF – Renseignements non communiqués parce que confidentiels HMP – Prix sur le marché intérieur
n/a – non disponible TMP – Prix dans un pays tiers
LDR – Droit moindre CV – Valeur construite
SNR – Réexamen à l'extinction P – Date de publication
IR – Réexamen intérimaire C – Date du début du recouvrement des droits
NER – Réexamen lié à un nouvel exportateur AC – Anticontournement
EXP – Expiration de la mesure sans réexamen
- 6 -
douanier Produit, numéro
d'identification de l'enquête Mesure(s) Date d'imposition
initiale ; référence
de la publication Date(s) de
prorogation ;
référence(s) de
la publication
Chine Acier inoxydable laminé à froid
AD01 -CHN Droits 04/10/2014
n° 7896/QD -BCT
Acier galvanisé
AD02 -CHN Droits 15/04/2017
n° 1105/QD -BCT
Poutres en H
AD03 -CHN Droits 21/08/2017
n° 3283/QD -BCT
Corée, Rép.
de Acier galvanisé
AD02 -KOR Droits 15/04/2017
n° 1105/QD -BCT
Indon ésie Acier inoxydable laminé à froid
AD01 -IDN Droits 04/10/2014
n° 7896/QD -BCT
Malaisie Acier inoxydable laminé à froid
AD01 -MYS Droits 04/10/2014
n° 7896/QD -BCT
chinois Acier inoxydable laminé à froid
AD01 -TPKM Droits 04/10/2014
n° 7896/QD -BCT
douanier Produit, numéro
de l'enquête Date initiale d'entrée
en vigueur ; date de
la prorogation la
plus récente Nombre de
demandes de
reçues Nombre de réexamens
aux fins du
commencés, achevés
Pays/territoire douanier Produit, numéro
de l'enquête Date de suppression Raison de la
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6 November 2023
(23-7441) Page: 1/1
Committee on Trade and Development Original: English
Date of meetings CTD Session Date of
circulation of
initial agenda Date of closure
of agenda Date of circulation
of revised agenda
2 February2 60th Session on Aid for
Trade 5 January 22 January 23 January
15 March 22nd Dedicated Session on
Regional Trade
Agreements ;
14th Dedicated Session on
Preferential Trade
Arrangements ;
123rd Regular Session 16 February 4 March 5 March
30 April2 61st Session on Aid for
Trade 2 April 18 April 19 April
21 June 20th Dedicated Session on
the Monitoring Mechanism
on Special and Differential
23rd Dedicated Session on
Regional Trade
15th Dedicated Session on
Preferential Trade
124th Regular Session 24 May 10 June 11 June
1 October2 62nd Session on Aid for
Trade 3 September 19 September 20 September
11 November 21st Dedicated Session on
the Monitoring Mechanism
on Special and Differential
24th Dedicated Session on
Regional Trade
Agreements ;
16th Dedicated Session on
Preferential Trade
Arrangements ;
125th Regular Session 14 October 31 October 1 November
1 This document contains all dates of formal CTD meetings chaired by the CTD Chair (the Regular
Session, the Dedicated Session on Regional Trade Agreements, the Dedicated Session on Preferential Trade
Arrangements, the Dedicated Session on the Monitoring Mechanism on Special and D ifferential Treatment, the
Dedicated Session on Small Economies, and the Session on Aid for Trade ) that are currently known. In line
with the practice, formal meetings of the Dedicated Session on Small Economies will be organized when topics
for discussion are determined. The calendar of meeting s will be updated in the course of 2024 as necessary .
2 An Aid-for-Trade workshop will be held the day before each formal CTD Session on Aid for Trade .
The Ninth Global Review of Aid for Trade will be held on 26 -28 June 2024. | 325 | 2,130 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_TBTN23_RWA784.pdf | s_G_TBTN23_RWA784 |
23 de enero de 2023
(23-0534) Página: 1/2
Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Original: inglés
Se da traslado de la notificación siguiente de conformidad con el artículo 10.6.
1. Miembro que notifica : RWANDA
Si procede, nombre del gobierno local de que se trate (artículos 3.2 y 7.2):
2. Organismo responsable:
Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) (Junta de Normas de Rwanda)
KK 15 Rd, 49
P.O.BOX 7099 , Kigali (Rwanda)
Teléfono : +250 788303492
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio web:
Nombre y dirección (incluidos los números de teléfono y de fax, así como las
direcciones de correo electrónico y sitios web, en su caso) del organismo o
autoridad encargado de la tramitación de observaciones sobre la notificación,
en caso de que se trate de un organismo o autoridad diferente:
3. Notificación hecha en virtud del artículo 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ],
3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ], o en virtud de:
4. Productos abarcados (partida del SA o de la NCCA cuando corresponda ; en otro
caso partida del arancel nacional . Podrá indicarse además, cuando proceda, el
5. Título, número de páginas e idioma(s) del documento notificado : Proyecto de
Norma de Rwanda DRS 560: 2 023, Gender equality - Requirements for promotion,
implementation and accountability (Igualdad de género . Prescripciones rel ativas a la
promoción, aplicación y rendición de cuentas) . Documento en inglés (31 páginas).
6. Descripción del contenido : En el Proyecto de Norma de Rwanda notificado se
establecen l as prescripciones relativas a la promoción, la aplicación y la rendición de
cuentas en materia de igualdad de género en todas las categorías de organizaciones,
independientemente de su ubicación, tamaño y esfera de actividad . El documento
notificado se centra en abordar las desigualda des de género existentes entre mujeres y
hombres ; niñas y niños.
7. Objetivo y razón de ser, incluida, cuando proceda, la naturaleza de los
problemas urgentes : prevención de prácticas que puedan inducir a error y protección
de los consumidores ; protección de la salud o seguridad humanas ; requisitos de calidad.
8. Documentos pertinentes:
- G/TBT/N/RWA/784
- 2 -
9. Fecha propuesta de adopción : por determinar
Fecha propuesta de entrada en vigor : por determinar
10. Fecha límite para la presentación de observaciones : 60 días después de la fecha de
11. Textos disponibles en : Servicio nacional de información [ ], o dirección, números
de teléfono y de fax y direcciones de correo electrónico y sitios web, en su caso,
de otra institución:
Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) (Junta de Normas de Rwanda)
KK 15 Rd, 49
Teléfono gratuito : 3250
Teléfono : +250 788303492
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio web:
P.O.BOX 7099 , Kigali (Rwanda)
| 480 | 3,109 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_TBTN21_BDI112.pdf | r_G_TBTN21_BDI112 |
17 mai 2021
(21-4116) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La notification suivante est communiquée conformément à l'article 10.6.
1. Membre notifiant : BURUNDI
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés (articles 3.2 et 7.2):
2. Organisme responsable:
Burundi Bureau of Standards and Quality Control - BBN (Bureau burundais de
normalisation et de contrôle de la qualité)
Boulevard de la Tanzanie n° 500
BP: 3535 Bujumbura (Burundi)
Téléphone : +25722221815/+25722221577
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web:
Les nom et adresse (y compris les numéros de téléphone et de fax et les
adresses de courrier électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant) de l'organisme
ou de l'autorité désigné pour s'occuper des observations concernant la
notification doivent être indiqu és si cet organisme ou cette autorité est différent
de l'organisme susmentionné:
3. Notification au titre de l'article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [X], 5.7.1 [ ], autres:
4. Produits visés (le cas échéant, position du SH ou de la NCCD, sinon position du
tarif douanier national . Les numéros de l'ICS peuvent aussi être indiqués, le cas
échéant) : Peintures et vernis ( ICS 87 .040)
5. Intitulé, nombre de pages et langue(s) du texte notifié : Water based undercoat -
Specification (Sous -couche à base d'eau - Spécifications), 14 pages, en anglais
6. Teneur : Le projet de norme est -africaine notifié établit les exigences et les méthodes
d'échantillonnage et d'essai applicables aux sous -couches à base d'eau utilisées sur les
bâtiments après préparation de la surface et application d'un apprêt si nécessaire.
7. Objectif et justification, y compris la nature des problèmes urgents, le cas
échéant : Information des consommateurs, étiquetage ; exigences en matière de qualité ;
8. Documents pertinents:
• ISO 1524. P eintures, vernis et encres d'imprimerie - Détermination de la finesse
de broyage
• ISO 2812 -1. Peintures et vernis - Détermination de la résistance aux liquides -
Partie 1 : Immersion dans des liquides autres que l'eau
• ISO 288 4-2. Peintures et vernis - Détermination de la viscosité au moyen de
viscosimètres rotatifs - Partie 2 : Viscosimètre à disque ou à bille fonctionnant à
vitesse spécifiée G/TBT/N/BDI/112
- 2 -
• ISO 3251. P eintures, vernis et plastiques - Détermination de la matière non
• ISO 3856 -6. Peintures et vernis - Détermination de la teneur en métaux
"solubles" - Partie 6 : Détermination de la teneur totale en chrome de la fraction
liquide de la peinture - Méthode par spectrométrie d'absorption atomique dans
la flamme
• ISO 4618. P eintures et vernis - Termes et définitions
• ISO 6503. P eintures et vernis - Détermination du plomb total - Méthode par
spectrométrie d'absorption atomique dans la flamme
• ISO 6504 -3. Peintures et vernis - Détermination du pouvoir masquant –
Partie 3: Déterminatio n du rapport de contraste des peintures claires à un
rendement surfacique déterminé
• ISO 9117 -1, Peintures et vernis - Essais de séchage - Partie 1 : Détermination
du séchage à cœur et du temps de séchage à cœur
• ISO 9117 -3, Peintures et vernis - Essais de séchage - Partie 3 : Essai de séchage
en surface à l'aide de billes de verre
• ISO 11890 -1. Peintures et vernis - Détermination de la teneur en composés
organiques volatiles (COV) - Partie 1 : Méthode par différence
• ISO 15528. P eintures, vernis et matières premières pour peintures et vernis -
• ISO 19396 -1. Peintures et vernis - Détermination de la valeu r de pH - Partie 1 :
Électrodes de pH à membrane en verre
• ISO 21546. P eintures et vernis - Détermination de la résistance à la rayure avec
un abrasimètre linéaire
9. Date projetée pour l'adoption : à déterminer
Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : 6 mois à compter de la date d'adoption
10. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : 60 jours à compter de la date de
11. Entité auprès de laquelle les textes peuvent être obtenus : point d'information
national [X] ou adresse, numéros de téléphone et de fax et adresses de courrier
électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant, d'un autre organisme:
Documentation and Information Centre Division at BBN
Boulevard de la Tanzanie n° 500
BP: 3535 Bujumbura (Burundi)
Téléphone : +25722221815 ou +25722221577
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web: -content/uploads/2021/05/DEAS -2021_Waterbase -
| 733 | 4,682 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_AG_NISR82.pdf | r_G_AG_NISR82 |
3 décembre 2021
(21-9110) Page: 1/1
Comité de l'agriculture Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 2 décembre 2021 , est distribuée à la demande de la délégation
d'Israël. La notification concern e les engagements en matière de subventions à l'exportation
(tableau ES:1) pour l' année civile 2020.
Israël notifie qu'aucune subvention à l'exportation n'a été accordée pour des produits agricoles
pendant l'année civile 2020. Elle notifie également qu'aucune aide alimentaire n'a été fournie
pendant la même période .
__________ | 84 | 628 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN21_USA1802A1.pdf | q_G_TBTN21_USA1802A1 |
20 December 2021
(21-9481) Page: 1/2
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following communication , dated 17 December 2021 , is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of the United States of America .
Title: Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions
Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review
Reason for Addendum:
[X] Comment period changed - date: 31 January 2022
[ ] Notified measure adopted - date:
[ ] Notified measure published - date:
[ ] Notified measure enters into force - date:
[ ] Text of final measure available from1:
[ ] Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:
Relevant symbol if measure re -notified:
[ ] Content or scope of notified measure changed and text available from1:
New deadline for comments (if applicable):
[ ] Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:
[X] Other: /FR-2021-12-17/html/2021 -27312.htm -2021-12-17/pdf/2021 -27312.pdf
Proposed rulemaking; extension of public comment period
Description: TITLE: Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and
Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review; Extension of
Comment Period
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ACTION: Propos ed rulemaking; extension of public comment period
SUMMARY: On 15 November 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a
proposed rule which included new source performance standards (NSPS) and emissions guidelines
(EG) for the Crude Oil and Natural Gas source category under the CAA to respond to the President's
20 January 2021, Executive order (E.O.) titled "Protecting Public Health and the Environment and
Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis." In this proposal, the EPA also req uested comments
1 This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other
information on where the text of the final /modified measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained. G/TBT/N/USA/1802/Add.1
- 2 -
on regulating other types of potential emissions sources and numerous topics associated with the
proposed NSPS and EG. EPA has received numerous requests to extend the comment period given
the complexity and length of the proposed rulemakin g, which is currently 14 January
2022. Accordingly, the EPA is extending the deadline of the comment period to 31 January 2022.
DATES: The public comment period for the proposal published in the Federal Register on 15
November 2021 (86 FR 63110) is extende d from 14 January 2022 to 31 January 2022.Written
comments must be received on or before 31 January 2022.
This proposed rulemaking; extension of public comment period and the proposed rule notified as
G/TBT/N/USA/1802 are identified by Docket Number EPA -HQ-OAR-2021-0317. The Docket Folder is
available on at -HQ-OAR-2021-
0317/document and provides access to primary and supporting documents as well as comments
received. Documents are also accessible from by searching the Docket Number.
WTO Members and their stakeholders are asked to submit comments to the USA TBT Enquiry Point
by or before 4pm Eastern Time on 31 January 2022. Comments received by the USA TBT Enquiry
Point from WTO Members and their stakeholders will be shared with the regulator and will also be
submitted to the Docket on if received within the comment period.
| 539 | 3,870 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_Jobs_TBT_319.pdf | s_Jobs_TBT_319 | 0 | 0 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_TBTN18_TUR119A1.pdf | r_G_TBTN18_TUR119A1 |
28 août 2023
(23-5755) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 25 août 2023, est distribuée à la demande de la délégation de
la Türkiye .
Titre: Turkish Food Codex Communiqué - Amending Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Total Diet
Replacement for Weight Control (Code turc des produits alimentaires - Communiqué modifiant le
Communiqué sur les substituts de la ration journalière totale pour contrôle du poids)
Motif de l'addendum:
[ ] Modification du délai pour la présentation des observations - date:
[ ] Adoption de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Publication de la mesure notifiée – date:
[ ] Entrée en vigueur de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Accès au texte final de la mesure1:
[ ] Retrait ou abrogation de la mesure notifiée - date:
Cote pertinente si la mesure fait l'objet d'une nouvelle notification:
[X] Modification de la teneur ou du champ d'application de la mesure notifiée et accès au
Nouveau délai pour la présenta tion des observations (le cas échéant): 1er octobre 2023
[ ] Publication de directives d'interprétation et accès au texte1:
[ ] Autres:
Description: Le Communiqué du Code turc des produits alimentaires sur les substituts de la ration
journalière totale pour contrôle du poids a été notifié le 19 juillet 2018 sous la cote
1 Il est possible d'indiquer une adresse de site Web, de joindre un fichier en format pdf ou de fournir
tout autre renseignement permettant d'accéder au texte de la mesure finale/modification de la mesure et/ou
aux directives d'interprétation. G/TBT/N/TUR/119/Add.1
- 2 -
Une modification a été proposée au moyen du document "Code turc des produits alimentaires -
Communiqué modifiant le Communiqué sur les substituts de la ration journalière totale pour contrôle
du poids".
Elle concerne les exigences relatives à la teneur en lipides et en magnésium applicables aux
substituts de la ration journalière totale pour contrôle du poids.
Ce Communiqué entrera en vigueur le 15 octobre 2023.
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5 October 2021
(21-7462) Page: 1/10
Committee on Trade and Development
Fifty-Second Session on Aid for Trade
Chairperson: H.E. Dr Muhammad Mujtaba P iracha (Pakistan)
A. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA ................................ ................................ .................... 1
REVIEW (2022) – STATEMENT BY THE CHAIRPERSON ................................ ..................... 1
C. IMPLEMENTATION OF AID -FOR-TRADE WORK ACTIVITIES ................................ ..... 2
I. Resource Mobilization and Implementation Activities ................................ ..................... 2
II. Mainstreaming ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 6
III. Regional Dimension ................................ ................................ ................................ . 10
IV. Private Sector ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 10
V. Monitoring and Evaluation of Implementation and Development Effectiveness .................. 10
D. OTHER BUSINESS ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 10
1. The Agenda, as circulated in WTO/AIR/COMTD/AFT/ 20, was adopted without amendments .
2. The Chairperson opened the meeting by introducing plans for the monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) exercise that would underpin the 2022 Global Review of Aid for Trade. He recalled the title
and focus of the 2020 -2022 Aid-for-Trade W ork Programme , "Empowering Connected Sustainable
Trade" (WT/COMTD/AFT/W/81/Rev.1 ). He then highlighted the workshop that had taken place
immediately prior to the meeting on the topic of "Circular economy, economic diversification and
Aid for Trade " and the issues paper that had been prepared for the event (JOB/DEV/64). He further
pointed to the Stocktaking Event that had taken place in March 2021 as a first attempt at survey ing
the impac t of COVID -19. With the pandemic continuing, it was clear that this perspective also needed
to be integrate d in the self-assessment questionnaires.
3. On timelines , he suggested that a dedicated informal Committee on Trade and Development
(CTD) Aid for Trade be scheduled on 6 July 2021 to discuss the M&E exercise . After that meeting,
he would ask the Secretariat to circulate draft monitoring formats. Members would then have the
summer to consider these formats before a further informal meeting in September to address
comments re ceived . The Chairperson 's aim was to launch the M&E exercise in early October 2021
and give respondents until the end of the year to send in their replies.
4. The representative of Chad, on behalf of the least developed countries (LDCs ) shared the
Chairperson's viewpoint that the M&E exercise would contribute to strengthening and improving
Aid-for-Trade work. Recalling the workshop on the circular economy , he underscored the importance
of Aid for Trade to help LDCs face challenges such as the current account deficit which had worsened, WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 2 -
moving from USD 40 billion in 2019 to USD 61 billion in 2020 . On account of their vulnerability,
topics covered in the Work Programme on the green economy and digital connectivity were topical
and importan t. From a sustainability point of view, a question posed by Aid for Green Trade was
knowing the extent to which one could act within the WTO framework and enjoy a trade that is
respectful of the environment. It was also a matter of seeing what synergies we re possible in terms
of sources of funding for development whilst focusing on the different pillars of the green economy.
5. The representative of Australia considered the Chair's approach effective and efficient. The
challenges outlined by Chad were the raison d'être behind WTO's monitoring and evaluation efforts .
He called for increased monitoring and evaluation as well as for the promot ion of women's economic
empowerment in accordance with the Buenos Aires Declaration on Trade and Women 's Economic
Empowerm ent. Australia continued to integrate gender equality into its Aid -for-Trade investments
and was happy to share experiences as well as practical ways of developing a more robust evidence
base to support efforts towards gender equality and inclusiveness. Australia shed light on the impacts
of Aid for Trade on women's economic empowerment which would add value to the aims of the
Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender and 12th WTO Ministerial Conference.
6. The representative of Canada appreciated the approach, timeline and sequencing presented
by the Chairperson. She was looking forward to feed ing into the various tasks leading up to the
Global Review. She echoed Australia's support to enhancing da ta collection, best practices and
experience gathering with regards to Trade and Gender and women's economic empowerment.
Canada believed that this fitted into the theme of the Global Review and the various elements that
underpinned it. Canada echoed Austr alia's view about including women's economic empowerment.
7. The representative of the Russian Federation stressed the importance of both the 2022 Global
Review and M&E exercise. Russia was an active participant in global official development assistance
efforts. Russia had found the workshop on circular economy informative and would continue to work
with the Chairperson in devising the questionnaires within the timelines suggested.
8. The representative of Chad added a further point in relation to the analysis on digital
connectivity and green growth. The LDC Group felt it necessary to not only look at environmental
transformation, but also, at economic recovery. This was absolutely vital to the LDCs as they had
suffered greatly due to the pandemic.
I. Resource Mobilization and Implementation Activities
9. The representative of the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC), member of
the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group provide d an update on the Aid -for-Trade Initiative for
the Arab States Program (AfTIAS). Since its establishment in 2008 , the ITFC had been delivering on
priorities expressed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation member countries, by providing
trade finance a nd trade -related technical assistance. The ITFC's mandate was aligned with that of
the Aid-for-Trade Initiative in terms of strengthen ing the capacity of Members to participate in , and
benefit from , international trade. Total cumulative trade finance appro vals had reached
USD 55 billion at the end of 2020, and total cumulative funds mobilized from partner banks and
financial institutions reached US D 33.5 billion, reflecting ITFC 's critical role as a catalyst to attract
funding for large -ticket trade transactions for the benefit of its members.
10. As the COVID -19 pandemic pos ed an unprecedented challenge to the global economy, ITFC
had swiftly repurposed its financing engagements in line with the IsDB group's Strategic
Preparedness and Response Programme under its 3Rs approach ('Respond, Restore and Restart' ).
Accordingly, ITFC had made new financing available to focus on the critical needs of its members .
ITFC's initial Rapid Response Initiative amounted to USD 300 million. These funds were being
channelled to eligible Members most in need of support for critical supplies of ene rgy, healthcare,
food security and other life support requirements. In fact, ITFC has exceeded this amount, reaching
total approvals of US D 604.7 million. As part of IsDB Group Strategy, ITFC ha d allocated an
additional US D 550 million to support strategic sectors over the upcoming two years.
11. ITFC updated on the AfTIAS 2.0 Program which was designed to be a five -year program taking
into consideration the massive impacts of COVID -19 on trade in the Arab region. It would play an WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 3 -
important role in the economic recovery plans by increasing intra -regional trade through the removal
of market access barriers and increasing the role of Arab States in global value chains . The program
would also help ensur e that the benefits of trade were shared more i nclusively across all population
groups, including, in particular , vulnerable groups such as women, youth, and others. The targeted
budget of the program was USD 40 million.
12. The AfTIAS 2.0 program would focus on five areas of work. The first area was related to
prevent ing fragility in the Arab region and at the same time enhanc ing the global value chain
participation through local network connectivity. The second area would focus on export -oriented
trade intervention. The third area related to Arab countri es facing market access challenges , in
particular for logistics . The fourth area was related to skills in trade and labour mobility , notably
promoting training program s of re -skilling for workers and removing regulatory bottlenecks to ease
labour mobility into new sectors. The final area was regional cooperation and international support
to facilitate trade within and through the region to the rest of the world.
13. According to the representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Aid for Trade played a vital
role for development in developing countries and made a significant contribution to the development
of the local, regional and global economies by developing infrastructure, helping to explore trade
opportunities, supporting Micro , Small and Medium -Sized Enterprises ( MSMEs ) to increase their
participation in international trade and creating jobs to improve the standard of living accordingly.
Hence, Saudi Arabia had contributed in several Aid -for-Trade mechanisms such as the Enhanced
Integrated Framework. In addition, Saudi Arabia was one of the leading partners for AfTIAS which
aimed to help the development of international trade in the region. He commended the support
provided by the IsDB Group t o developing countries, particularly Arab countries , and called on
regional and international financial organizations and donor s to further support AfTIAS .
14. The representative of the Asian Development Bank (AsDB) noted that the COVID -19 pandemic
had hit Asian economies hard, with GDP shrinking by 0.2% in 2020. A revival was underway,
supported by a healthy global recovery and progress on vaccine rollout . Growth in most regional
economies had strengthened toward the end of 2020 and the regional forecast was for a 7.3%
rebound in 2021, moderating to 5.3% in 2022. Severa l downside risks weighed on the AsDB 's
generally positive outlook of which the biggest risk was that resurgent COVID -19 outbreaks or delays
to vaccine rollouts could prolong disruptions to mobility and economic activit y.
15. Asian regional merchandise exports had rebounded quickly. The steep fall in global trade in
early 2020 had been partly offset by a strong recovery in the second half of the year. Asia 's goods
exports had recovered faster than expected. After contracting by 17.5 % between December 2019
and May 2020, they were back on a more robust annual track by January 2021, when goods exports
exceeded the pre -pandemic level of December 2019 by 4.3%. The rebound had produced a
bottleneck in shipping, with freight rates hitting a historic high in February 2021. Tourism , however,
had collapsed in all economies, dragging the most tourism -dependent ones into severe recessions.
Between January and April 2020, international tourist arrivals had plummeted in a synchronized
manner to alm ost zero across most of Asia and the Pacific, and they had yet to recover.
16. New multilateral and regional trade initiatives such as the Comprehensive and Progressive
Agreement for Trans -Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership (RCEP) could cataly se further development in value chains. Successful discussions at
the WTO ministerial conference at the end of 2021 could further reinvigorate confidence in the
multilateral trading system and provide momentum to global trade. I n this context, A sDB had
recently initiated a technical assistance project to support RCEP implementation. Research was also
being conducted on digital services trade which had gained traction during the COVID -19 pandemic.
17. The AsDB had responded quickly an d creatively to the rapidly escalating needs of its clients in
tackling the pandemic challenges. In April 2020, the As DB had approved a USD 20 billion package
to support its developing members in tackling the impacts of the pandemic and streamlined some
procedures to deliver quicker and more flexible assistance. As of 7 June, the AsDB ha d committed
USD 17.85 billion in loans, grants, guarantee s, debt security and technical assistance. It has also
ramped up its trade finance and supply chain finance programs . Between April 2020 and June 2021,
both program s had supported 10,734 transactions worth USD 8 billion, which included almost
USD 4.4 billion in co -financing. As part of its Trade and Supply Chain Finance Program, the AsDB
was also making available a USD 500 million Vaccine Import Facility to help developing member
countries secure safe and effective vaccines, as well as the goods that support ed distribution and WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 4 -
inoculation . The AsDB had also announc ed a USD 9 billion Asia Pacific Vaccine Access facility (APVAX )
to help its developing member countries procure and deliver safe and effective vaccines. As of
7 June, USD 830 million ha d been committed to loans and gr ants covering Afghanistan, Mongolia,
the Philippines, Samoa, Tonga and Tuvalu, including USD 321 million in co -financing.
18. The representative of Chad, on behalf of the LDCs commented that in some countries,
enterprises that ran into difficulties had been g iven generous support to help them meet the
challenges caused by the pandemic. As far as the LDCs were concerned , they did not have the
budgetary means to face such a situation. He enquired about the emergency support provided by
the AsDB and its interest rates , both in the short and medium term . The representative of the AsDB
replied that the assistance operated on several levels : emergency and longer term. Interest rates
were usually maintained at a strict minimum and calculated according to income classification .
19. The representative of the World Bank Group (WBG ) presented two recent publications .
First, was the World Development Report 20211 "Data for Better Lives ". The unprecedented growth
of data and its ubiquity in people 's lives were signs that the data revolution was transforming the
world. Such a transformation had been given a major boost by the COVID -19 pandemic in light of
the central role that digital technologies played in mitigation and recovery efforts. Nevertheless ,
much of the value of data remained untapped. Data collected for one purpose had the potential to
generate economic and social value in applications far beyond those originally anticipated. But many
barriers stood in the way, ranging from misalig ned incentives and incompatible data systems to a
fundamental lack of trust. The report called for stepp ing up efforts to improve data governance
domestically, as well as closer international cooperation, including in the trade realm. It also called
for th e voice of low -income countries to be heard in the global debate on data governance. The
report advanced a five -pronged agenda for data governance consisting of : forging a new social
contract for data ; increasing data use and reuse to realize greater value ; creating more equitable
access to the benefits of data ; fostering trust through safeguards that protect people from the harm
of data misuse ; and working toward integrated national data systems.
20. A second report by the Bank would be launched at the Septem ber WTO Public Forum : The
Distributional Impacts of Trade2. Trade ha d been a significant driver of growth and poverty reduction
throughout the developing world over the past decades. Countries were continuing to sign new trade
agreements and deepen existi ng ones , in the expectation that trade, and increased integration could
lead to broad -based gains. However, it was important to recognize that the distributional impacts of
trade had been uneven and unequal. Gains and adjustment costs had been heavily concentrated in
some sectors, types of jobs, and regions. The World Bank was examining the links between global
trade and poverty reduction, how changing trade patterns affec ted the poor , and how policies could
best ensure that gains were shared more widely over the last two years. The report provide d new
knowledge, data, and tools to inform policy responses to spread the gains from trade more widely,
to make trade work for everyone. Amon g the most critical lessons of the report was, that maximizing
the gains from trade require d a comprehensive and economy -wide approach. This include d
understanding how to facilitate inter -sectoral labour mobility as well as the importance of
complementary policies such as business environment reforms and supporting skills development.
Developing countries could use the analysis, data, and tools in the report to better understand
potential distributional impacts before policies were implemented, monitor the implementation of
trade commitments and agreements, and coordinate responses across government s.
21. The representative of Chad, on behalf of the LDCs enquired as to whether the WBG had
adopted a new philosophy or approach in relation to assist ing the most fra gile countries recovering
economic health and growth . The representative of the Word Bank replied that the Bank had been
influenced by the urgency of the sanitary crisis and ha d mobilized over USD 150 billion in funding in
emergency assistance that was directed primarily at addressing the health crisis. The WBG continue d
to support countries in addressing the consequences of that health crisis on arrested growth and
development , sustaining, digital uptake, helpin g MSMEs participate and integrate in value chains ,
and improving investment climates . Instead of a philosophical shift , the WBG support consisted in
an attempt to take account of the specific ways in which the crisis ha d affected development,
trajectories and individual countries, and weigh as much as possible on elements of a rapid recovery.
1 Word Development Report 2021, available at
2 The Distributional Impacts of Trade, available at WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 5 -
22. The Secretariat read a statement on behalf of the African Development Bank (AfDB ). A greater
number of the Bank 's operations and interventions supported Aid for trade, either directly or
indirectly. Since Africa had the largest concentration of landlocked countries in the world (16 out
of 55), transport infrastructure featured largely in the Bank priorities: ports development ; railroad;
roads ; and other connectivity pro jects to link up markets, facilitate movements and bring all
countries into a mutually profitable trade area. In this regard, in the past five years, the Bank 's
commitments to infrastructure development, had totalled more than USD 12 billion, the bulk of
which had gone to supporting cross -border transport, energy, finance and ICT improvements. The
Bank had also worked closely with partners to identify and undertake infrastructure projects under
the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa, to acce lerate trade facilitation.
23. In particular, the Bank had invested more than USD 20 million over the past five years in
trade agreement support activities and to cross -border transport and energy soft infrastructure.
With respect to the private sector, the Ba nk had, among others, launched the private sector
enhancement facility which could support up to USD 500 million investments through risk
partic ipation agreements. Similarly, through the African Financial Markets Initiative, the Bank was
stimulating the development of domestic bonds market, regional stock exchanges and regional
commodities markets. Over the previous 7 years, the Bank 's trade financ e package had supported
over 1,900 trade transactions involving 113 financial institutions in at least 32 African countries for
a cumulative trade value in excess of USD 7 billion. Of this amount, intra -African trade accounted
for more than USD 1.2 billion , representing 17 % of total trade supported. Approximately 60% of the
transactions supported were attributable to SMEs.
24. Given the critical nature and growing need for aviation services on the continent, the Bank
had invested over USD 1 billion in the const ruction and expansion of airport terminals as well as
aviation safety and aircraft financing over the last 10 years . The Bank also recognized that
public -private partnerships was powerful levers for change and therefore stood ready to strengthen
partnershi ps with the private sector to support education, training and skills acquisition. In this
regard, one critical area of attention was the harnessing of ICT to find solutions to the developmental
challenges of the continent. The Bank had partnered with Micro soft and Facebook to launch the
first phase of coding for employment flagship initiative, with the establishment of centres of
excellence in Nigeria, Rwanda, Kenya, Cote d 'Ivoire and Senegal, with the further objective of
establishing a total of 130 centre s across the continent by 2025. Since 2016, the Bank had also
invested more than USD 200 million in technology parks. Likewise, it had supported the
establishment of the Rwanda Innovation fund to support the innovation economy in the East African
25. The Bank had provided USD 5 million in direct support to the African Free Trade Continental
Area ( AfCFTA ) Secretariat and roll ed out of a number of preliminary activities to facilitate its
establishment process. The Bank ha d also expanded the scope of the A frica Investment Forum to
direct attention to the AfCFTA and help mobili ze resources towards funding trade enabling
infrastructural development and private sector investments. It had also begun mainstream ing the
AfCFTA into new Country Strategy Papers, the Bank's key instrument for direct support and
intervention at the national level . To assist its member countries to address challenges of COVID -19,
the Bank had deployed a COVID Relief Facility of USD 10 billion . Finally, the successful
recapitalization of the Bank provided greater leverage to scale up support.
26. The representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( UNIDO )
highlighted progress in implementing UNIDO 's model for accelerating inclusive and sustainable
industrial development in member States : the Programme for Country Partnerships (PCP). In
Ethiopia, where the PCP approach had first been piloted, the programme had mobilized a total
volume of USD 1.32 billion in funding . Most of these resources were mobil ized for four Integrated
Agro-Industrial Parks. Since the beginning of 2021, three of the four planned IAIPs ha d been
inaugurated. The IAIP initiative was expected to help drive structural transformation and support
the country in reaching its Vision 2025 goal of becoming a light manufacturing hub in Africa.
27. In Egypt, the UNIDO PCP document had been signed in April by UNIDO 's
Director -General Mr LI Yong, and Egypt's Prime Minister Mr Mostafa Madbouly. With a duration of
five years and a total budget of EUR 172 million, the PCP Egypt would focus on industrial policy and
governance, investment promotion, and green industry. To date, eight technical cooperation projects
with a total budget of EUR 23 million were being implemented supporting green MSMEs,
eco-industrial parks, resource efficiency and circular economy, renewable energy, agro -industrial WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 6 -
value chains, and skills development . In Kenya, the Government had proactively engage d with
development partners, p rivate sector, International Finance Institutions and the U nited Nations
system to support the self -starter PCP. Funding discussions were ongoing with the European Union
and the SDG Partnerships Platform. Going forward, UNIDO would gradually expand the PCP to
additional countries.
28. The representative of the European Union (EU ) recalled that the Aid-for-Trade Stocktaking
Event had provided a useful picture of Aid -for-Trade related needs raised by the COVID -19
pandemic, and what needed to be done to support developing countries and LDCs in building back
better. There was great potential in making better use of and supporting the emergence of circular
economy for the benefit of sustainable development and sus tainable trade. The EU fully support ed
further efforts and would feature them in its future assistance. This area aligned with the key priority
for the EU Aid for Trade, as highlighted in a session organi zed at the Stocktaking Event together
with Canada and the ITC : support ing a green and inclusive pandemic recovery.
29. The EU, with its member States, remained the world 's largest provider of Aid for Trade with
around EUR 13.5 billion in 2018. Its support was built on its Aid-for-Trade Strategy from 2017, which
put a strong emphasis on social and environmental sustainability, as well as increased attention to
LDCs, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ). The EU publish ed annual
Aid-for-Trade progress reports, which took stock of how well it was delivering on its commitments,
including numerous case studies and lessons learnt. Looking ahead , the EU was launching the
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), or Global Europe,
amounting to EUR 79.5 billion over the next 7 -year financial framework. This included t he European
Green Deal which aimed to achieve net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, halt
biodiversity loss and cut pollution. Under the NDICI -Global Europe instrument, the EU ha d a 30%
spending target for climate -related action and the requirement to contribute to the overall
biodiversity target of 7.5 % from 2024 and up to 10 % from 2026 onwards . Also, the EU had recently
published its Third Gender Action Plan, which include d a target to promote gender equality through
trade policy, including through work on Aid for Trade.
II. Mainstreaming
30. The representative of Myanmar briefed Members about the Aid -for-Trade work highlighted in
its Trade Policy Review (TPR) held on 15 and 17 February 2021. Myanmar had implemented a series
of trade policy reforms within the Country 's Development Agenda. Myanmar had formulated the
National Export Strategy in 2015, comp leted its Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) in 2016,
carried out a Medium -Term Programme to link the DTIS Action Matrix and other national trade
development plans in 2017 , and in 2018 approved all -inclusive Myanmar Sustainable Development
Plan for 2018-2030. A first TPR had been held in 2014 and a second TPR in 2021. Over the years,
Myanmar ha d implemented regulatory reforms in multiple services sectors, its investment regime,
industrial policy, competition policy, consumer protection and intell ectual property. Myanmar had
achieved remarkable progress on economic growth with an average real GDP growth rate of 6.6%
from 2015 to 2019. As digitalization and electronic commerce were at the top of Myanmar's trade
agenda, Myanmar was now drafting an e-commerce strategy based on the Myanmar Rapid e -trade
Readiness Assessment. Myanmar had updated its National Export Strategy (2020 -2025) and
initiated the analysis of post -COVID economic recovery in 2020 to mitigate the effects of COVID -19
on Myanmar 's exports.
31. The representative of Viet Nam briefed Members on its Trade Policy Review held on 27 and
29 April 2021. As a Member of the WTO since 2007, WTO Membership played a central role in its
international integration strategy. At its TPR, Members had apprecia ted Viet Nam's contribution to
the multilateral trading system and welcomed its ratification of the Trade Facilitation Agreement in
2015 and the amendment to the TRIPS Agreement in 2017. Viet Nam's economy had demonstrated
strength and resilience with an a verage growth rate of 6.6% per annum between 2014 and 2018
and reached a 10 -year high of 7.1% in 2018. In 2020, despite being strongly affected by the
COVID -19 pandemic, Viet Nam's economic growth rate had still reached 2.9%. Viet Nam had
emerged as an imp ortant manufacturing centr e since its accession to the WTO, in particular, for
textiles and apparel, and for information and communication technology equipment. This growth
performance had been underpinned by significant infrastructure development including the energy
network, electricity, telecommunications and transportation sectors. In particular, the Vietnamese
Government had also focused on developing and upgradi ng logistics infrastructure such as highways,
airports, and seaports, etc., and paving the way for international trade. WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 7 -
32. Viet Nam ha d also achieved tremendous results on sustainable development. According to the
United Nations, Viet Nam ha d continuously cl imbed up the ranks in Sustainable Development Index,
ranked 49th place in 2020. Economic achievements through sustained export -led growth ha d
significantly contributed to the country 's poverty alleviation with the poverty rate decreased to less
than 3% in 2020, which was a continuation to its structural reform initiated since 1986. Viet Nam
had issued the National Strategy on Gender Equality 2011 -2020 with the aim of raising awareness,
narrowing the gender gap and enhancing the status of women . Viet Nam was one of the countries
removing their gender gap the fastest over the past 20 years. Vietnamese women had consistently
increased their involvement in every activity in society. According to the World Economic Forum,
Viet Nam 's Global Competitiveness Index r anked 67 of 141 globally in 2019.
33. Since its previous review, Viet Nam ha d continued to implement the National Program me on
Trade Promotion with a view to supporting trade promotion activities; this ha d been conducted
mainly through the Viet Nam Trade Prom otion Agency (Vietrade). Viet Nam ha d made full use of the
technical assistance provided by partners to improve the capacity for macroeconomic management,
create a stable and transparent business environment to attract foreign investment, and provide
busin ess opportunities for enterprises. Viet Nam would continue to promote its trade policies in a
more comprehensive and synchronous manner, towards the larger goal of economic development
associated with sustainable growth, improving people's lives and contri buting to the common
prosperity of the region and the world.
34. The Chairperson listed the TPRs of Argentina and Singapore that would be conducted before
the next CTD Aid -for-Trade meeting. An opportunity would be given to the representatives of these
Members to make a statement at the next meeting.
35. The representative of China updated the Committee on its Aid-for-Trade activities which she
described as even more critical than ever before due to the pandemic. As a staunch supporter of the
Aid-for-Trade Initiative , China had been one of the most open markets to LDCs and applied zero
tariffs to 97% of the tariff lines for 41 LDCs with diplomatic ties with China. The gradual
implementation of zero t ariff treatment ha d greatly enhanced export s from LDCs to China since
2008. China ha d become the largest export destination for LDCs .
36. Despite its own huge population and tight vaccine supply , China ha d honoured its commitment
to make the COVID -19 vaccine a global public goo d. It had provided over 350 million doses of
vaccines to the international community, including free vaccine assistance to over 80 countries and
vaccine exports to over 40 countries. In addition, China ha d also carried out production cooperation
with a num ber of developing countries to promote large -scale production of vaccines. China had
rapidly provided USD 2 billion in assistance for COVID -19 response and economic and social recovery
in developing countries. China had also sent medical supplies to over 50 countries and
13 international organizations , and provid ed more than 280 million masks.
37. The representative of India highlighted some of its recent work in Aid for Trade. India stood
committed to assisting the LDCs for their enhanced participatio n and integration in international
trade. In this regard, India had further simplified its market access for LDCs by re -working its
Duty-Free Tariff Preference Scheme. It now provided LDCs duty -free market access on 96 % of tariff
lines. India was the fourt h biggest export destination for LDCs. It had also notified preferential
treatment to services and service suppliers of LDCs, wherein, it provides technical assistance,
capacity building and market access. India had a dedicated Centre for WTO Studies that undertook
various technical assistance and capacity -building initiatives for the LDCs. On 26-28 April 2021 , the
Centre of WTO Studies organized a capacity -building programme for provisions of South Asian Free
Trade Agreement conducted under the Indian Tech nical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC)
Programme. India continu ed its capacity -building efforts by shifting to digital platform s. For instance,
India had shared its expertise through webinar -based e -ITEC modules focusing on COVID -19
responses. A total of 14 courses had provide d training to 1 ,200 professionals across 47 countries .
38. The representative of the Republic of Korea commented that, d espite the fiscal pressures
associated with the response to the COVID -19 pandemic, Korea ha d increased its total
official development assistance ( ODA) budget for 2021 by 8.3% compared to 2020, to approximately
USD 3.5 billion. And as the workshop on Aid for Trade had helped to highlight , a sustainable and
circular economy would be an increasingly important facet of Aid-for-Trade economy. In line with
that trend, Korea was also seeking to expand the share of greening and climate change -related and
digital -related aspects within the context of its Aid for Trade. Disbursements of Aid for Trade WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 8 -
accoun ted for more than 20% of its total ODA. According to the OECD, Korea was the sixth largest
Aid-for-Trade donor among OECD countries in 2017. Korea's Aid for Trade primarily supported
economic infrastructure and productive capacity building across Asia and Africa. Korea also provided
93.3% duty -free quota -free access to goods, from LDC markets and 99.7% of LDC manufacturers
exports entered Korea duty -free. Korea was looking to significantly scale up its voluntarily funding
for ITC to support women farmer s and entrepreneurs in West Africa through the SheTrades
Programme . Korea planned to expand the partnership to support small business owners and youth
entrepreneurs in African countries. Lastly, Kor ea also supported mainstreaming gender into the
Aid-for-Trade Initiative .
39. The representative of the United States (US ) highlighted initiatives funded by the US Agency
of International Development (USAID) in partnership with industry on natural resources
management, green growth, and curbing illegal logging and fi shing trade practices, sound
stewardship of environmental and natural resources was critical to self -reliance and self -resilience.
USAID was addressing the increasing intensity and complexity of environmental challenges in a new
way of doing business, whic h meant collaborating with the private sector to jointly design and
implement programs with shared risks and rewards for greater scale, sustainability and
effectiveness . An example of innovative public private partnership was the Seafood Alliance for
Legality and Traceability.
40. Another USAID -recently -funded stream of work focused on the illegal timber trade . USAID
had worked on sustainable forestry in Viet Nam for more than 10 years under the Viet Nam Forest
and Delta program. The assistance ha d focused on climate change adaptation and best practices for
disaster risk mitigation in forest deltas along the north central coast of Viet Nam. The program ha d
increased annual revenues from payments for environmental services by approxima tely 80%
resulting in an annual amount of more than a USD 100 million to finance forest conservation efforts.
Recently the USAID ha d collaborated with the Government of Viet Nam to curb illegal exports of
timber trade. The representative hoped that these e lements would help the discussion on green
growth and the importance of public private partnership in promoting sustainable trade.
41. The representative of Australia recalled that his country was an ongoing supporter of Aid for
Trade and considered its Work Programme an essential tool in the support for the development of
countries in the integration into the global trading system. In 2021 to 2022 , Australia's Aid-for-Trade
investments would continue with a particular focus on the Indo -Pacific region. Australi a would aim
to support developing country engagement in the multilateral trade system with the World Bank and
the WTO. It would support developing countries to implement the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.
Australia would also continue to support women's economic empowerment in partnership with the
International Labour Organization ; Australia would work to improve wages and working conditions
in exporting diamond factories where around 75% of workers were women . In its efforts to promote
the use of digita l technologies to make trade even more inclusive , Australia support ed e-commerce
to make trade cheaper, more efficient, and more accessible to disadvantaged groups.
42. The representative of the Russian Federation noted the revised Concept of the State Policy of
the Russian Federation in the field of International Development Assistance had been adopted in
2014 and that there was a significant focus on Aid for Trade. Russia worked closely with international
organizations to provide aid. The Framework Agreement on Partnership between the Russian
Federation and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) had been signed in 2015. Under
the Agreement the Russia -UNDP Trust Fund for Development implemented projects in the
post-Soviet countries, in the As ia-Pacific region, and in a number of African countries. So far , over
40 projects had been implemented , including "Climate Window" and "Youth Window" projects .
43. In African countries the projects aimed at creating infrastructure, ensuring economic growth,
strengthening environmental protection, and combating the consequences of the pandemic. Russia
also closely cooperate d with the World Bank. Since 2007, about USD 896 million had been allocated
to the International Development Association. More than USD 279 m illion had been contributed to
24 trust funds managed by the World Bank. Currently, a significant focus was on human capital
development, promoting macroeconomic stability and improving competitiveness. Traditionally,
more than half of the multilateral fun ding went to regional development banks, namely the
Eurasian Development Bank and the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development .
44. On vaccines , Russia had been the first country to register a vaccine (Sputnik V ) and was
suppl ying it worldwide. The vaccine provide d full protection against severe cases of coronavirus. WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 9 -
Sputnik V had been approved in as many as 66 countries, and a number of countries had launched
its local production. Recently, Sputnik Light, a one -shot vaccine, had also been approved . Ensuring
non-discriminatory access to vaccines was one of the key challenges. Properly "tuned" trade policy
played a central role in this. It was necessary to work together to remove barriers to access to
vaccines and essential medical supplies. Russia was ready to continue deliveries without any trade
restriction and intend ed to continue to contribute to international efforts to combat the pandemic.
It was important to create an enabling environment for increasing vaccine produc tion, especially in
developing and least developed countries. This would significantly shorten the logistics chain "from
production to consumer" and reduce costs. It was necessary to work on the elimination or significant
easing of investment restrictions affecting Foreign Direct Investment flows involved in the creation
of additional production capacity abroad, as well as improving the investment climate in recipient
countries in general. Russia was making a significant contribution to solving global probl ems. In
world trade, the common task was to increase resilience to crises, and prevent the use of unjustified
restrictions, barriers and sanctions.
45. The representative of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF ) announced that the project
pipeline amount ed to USD 5.79 million and included thematic and regional projects that contribute d
to important global/regional issues such the AfCFTA , climate change, investment, gender equality,
job creation and economic recovery in view of COVID -19. Delivery and implement ation ha d already
commenced on some of these projects. The EIF's strengthened M&E and learning systems continued
to deliver increased quality of information, both in terms of monitoring results and increasing the
amounts of information around qualitative d imensions. Notable results in 2020 include d trainings
provided to over 9,000 people , 49% of which were women. Ongoing DTISs in eight LDCs in 2020
were providing the evidence base for the effective integration of these countries into the global
trading syst em. Many projects were also assisting the EIF countries to "build back better", including
through DTIS analysis. The EIF also continued its efforts on resource mobilization, communications
and partnerships as well as ensuring value for money across EIF interventions. Since the last
reporting, the EIF had secured nearly USD 3.9 million in funding, helping to get closer to the fun ding
target of USD 150 million.
46. An independent evaluation of the EIF programme had commenced to assess the results of the
programme and to capture key lessons learned. A draft evaluation report was expected in
October 2021 and a final evaluation report in December 2021.
47. The continued importance of the EIF in the context of the COVID -19 pandemic was
underscored by t he representative of Chad, on behalf of the LDCs.
48. The representative of the Standard and Trade Development Facility (STDF )3 announced the
release of the STDF 2020 Annual Report in July 2021. How the STDF adapted to COVID -19 across
all its workstreams play ed a central part in the report. The COVID -19 pandemic had drastically
changed how work was done, creating efficiencies, providing for more inc lusivity. There was also
more interest in projects focused on technology and innovation. An important upcoming event was
the UN Food Systems Summit to be held on the margins of U nited Nations General Assembly on
14-30 September in New York, USA. The STDF a nd its partners would organize an informal Global
Dialogue on 28 June 2021 on why safe trade matters in transforming agri -food systems. This would
be preceded by a pre-summit organized at FAO in Rome, Italy, on 26 -28 July 2021. There, the STDF
planned to organize a side -event with the Secretariats of Codex , World Organisation for Animal
Health ( OIE), and the International Plant Protection Convention on the importance of meeting
international standards for food systems. As the Committee for Sanit ary and Phytosanitary
Standards ( SPS) would meet in July , the STDF, together with the World Bank, would organize a
webinar on "systems approaches". The STDF was also finalizing a practical guidance document on
good regulatory practice for SPS regulators in developing countries to be launched during the
SPS Committee week in November 2021.
49. The STDF currently ha d more than 50 SPS projects globally at different stages of
development, implementation or evaluation. In April 2021, the STDF Working Group had approved
two new projects benefiting Jamaica (pepper value chain) and Senegal (shellfish exports). The
Working Group had also approved seed funding to develop new projects benefiting countries in
3 More details on the Standards and Trade Development Facility are available at: WT/COMTD/AFT/M/52
- 10 -
Central and West Africa, and Armenia. A study on remote food ins pection practices (triggered by
COVID) was also approved.
50. In response to a question posed by the representative of Chad, on behalf of the LDCs , the
representative of the STDF confirmed that the documents he presented would be made available in
all WTO off icial languages. The representative of Colombia called for STDF capacity building
initiatives to take into account the needs of Latin American countries and called for information and
experience s in the region to be shared.
III. Regional Dimension
51. No point was raised under this agenda item .
IV. Private Sector
52. The representative of the International Trade Centre (ITC ) commented on the challeng es 2021
continued to present for MSMEs in developing countries. ITC 's COVID -19 Business Impact Survey
that reached o ver 6,000 companies in 130 countries indicated that 40% of MSMEs in developing
countries were at risk of permanent closure. In light of this, t he demand for Aid for Trade and for
ITC's assistance remained on the rise.
53. In relation to its investments in digital processes , ITC was accompanying a set of African Tech
entrepreneurs to the VivaTech fair in Paris. ITC would announce two of the winners of the
ITC #FastTrackTech challenge for Innovative Solutions for Affordable and Reliable Internet in Africa.
A critical factor of resilience other than technology and a pillar towards building back better was the
institutions and ecosystems of business support organizations. Hence, ITC had built more
partnerships at the local level which meant it could maintain delive ry as well as build greater
in-country capacity.
54. He drew attention to the "Green2Compete" (2020 -2024) strategy for green production and
trade aimed to better articulat e existing programmes , make the business case of green growth for
MSMEs . ITC's flagship small and medium -sized enterprises ( SMEs) Competitiveness Outlook 2021,
to be launched on MSME Day (27 June 2021) would also focus on making the case for a greener
future . He also cited ITC's publication on "Delivering on the Buenos Aires Declaration " produced
under the auspices of the International Gender Champions Trade Impact Group in December 2020.
ITC would also release the findings of a collaboration with the International Standard Organizat ion
on what constituted a wom an-owned business. The SheTrades Global 2021 would be held at the
Dubai expo at the end of 2021.
V. Monitoring and Evaluation of Implementation and Development Effectiveness
55. The Secretariat provided Members with an oral report on the webinar titled "Circular Economy,
Economic Diversification and Aid for Trade " held on 10 June 2021. Presentations made at the event
and a summary report are available on the WTO website at:
56. The meeting was adjourned .
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19 de agosto de 2021
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Original: inglés
La siguiente comunicación, de fecha 17 de agosto de 2021, dirigida por la delegación del Reino de
la Arabia Saudita a la delegación de la Unión Europea, se distribuye al Órgano de Solución de
Diferencias de conformidad con el artículo 4.4 del ESD.
_______ ________
1. Las autoridades de mi país me han encomendado que solicite, en nombre del Reino de la Arabia
Saudita, la celebración de consultas con la Unión Europea de conformidad con los artículos 1 y 4 del
Entendimiento relativo a las normas y procedimie ntos por los que se rige la solución de diferencias
(ESD), el artículo XXII.1 del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio (GATT) de 1994
y los artículos 17.2 y 17.3 del Acuerdo relativo a la Aplicación del Artículo VI del GATT de 1994
(Acuerdo Antidumping), con respecto al derecho antidumping provisional de la Unión Europea sobre
las importaciones de monoetilenglicol originario del Reino de la Arabia Saudita, de 10 de junio
de 20211, así como cualesquiera modificaciones o prórrogas y cualquier medida conexa.
2. El derecho antidumping provisional se impuso de conformidad con una investigación iniciada por
la Comisión Europea (la Comisión) el 14 de octubre de 20202, y entró en vigor el 12 de junio de 2021,
por un período de seis meses.3
3. Esta medida parece ser incompatible con las obligaciones que corresponden a la Unión Europea
en virtud de determinadas disposiciones del GATT de 1994 y el Acuerdo Antidumping . En particular,
el Reino de la Arabia Saudita considera que la medida parece ser incompatible con, al menos, las
siguientes disposiciones:
• los artículos 5.2, 5.3 y 5.8 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, la
solicitud no contenía pruebas suficientes del dumping causante de daño que justificaran
la iniciación de la investigación, la solicitud no contenía toda la información que
razonablemente tenía a su alcance el solicitante y la Comisión no examinó la exactitud
y pertinencia de las pruebas presentadas con la solicitud;
• el artículo 5.4 del Acuerdo A ntidumping porque, entre otras cosas, la solicitud no fue
hecha por o en nombre de la rama de producción nacional pertinente en la
Unión Europea;
1 Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2021/939 de la Comisión de 10 de junio de 2021 por el que se
establece un derecho antidumping provisional sobre las importaciones de monoetilenglicol originario de los
Estados Unidos de América y del Reino de Arabia Saudí, Diar io Oficial L205, 11 de junio de 2021, página 4.
2 Anuncio de un procedimiento antidumping relativo a las importaciones de monoetilenglicol originario
de los Estados Unidos de América y del Reino de Arabia Saudí, Diario Oficial C342, 14 de octubre de 2020,
página 12.
3 Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2021/939 de la Comisión de 10 de junio de 2021 por el que se
establece un derecho antidumping provisional sobre las importaciones de monoetilenglicol originario de los
Estados Unidos de América y del Reino de Arabia Saudí, Diario Oficial L205, 11 de junio de 2021, página 4,
artículo 3. WT/DS606/1 • G/L/1394 • G/ADP/D140/1
- 2 -
• los artículos 2.1, 2.2, y 2.2.2 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras
cosas, no había fundamento para rechazar los precios de venta internos y el costo de
producción se determinó indebidamente, tras haber rechazado los costos registrados de
los exportadores sauditas, y el costo de producción no reflejaba el costo en el Reino de
la Arabia Saudita;
• el artículo 2.3 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, no había fundamento
para rechazar el precio efectivo de exportación de los exportadores sauditas, y el precio
de exportación reconstruido comprendía ajustes injustificados y duplicados, en
particular en relación con determinados gastos y beneficios de empresas vinculadas;
• el artículo 2.4 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, se estableció un
margen de dumping provisional correspondiente a los exportadores sauditas sin
garantizar un a "comparación equitativa" entre el valor normal reconstruido y el precio
de exportación reconstruido;
• El artículo 6.8 y el Anexo II del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, la
Comisión recurrió a los hechos de que se tenía conocimiento sin justi ficación en relación
con el establecimiento del valor normal y del precio de exportación para la
determinación de la existencia de daño, aplicó indebidamente los hechos de que se tenía
conocimiento, en particular al no tener en cuenta toda la información p ertinente y
verificable obrante en el expediente que había sido presentada adecuadamente y
facilitada a tiempo por los exportadores sauditas de modo que podía utilizarse sin
dificultades excesivas, y al no corroborar la información utilizada en calidad de hechos
de que se tenía conocimiento ni obrar con especial prudencia al seleccionarla ;
• el artículo 3.3 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, no había fundamento
para acumular las importaciones procedentes de la Arabia Saudita y los Estados Unid os
de América a los efectos de la evaluación del daño y la relación causal, habida cuenta,
por ejemplo, de las constantes y sustanciales diferencias de precio, de las tendencias
del precio y el volumen y con respecto al efecto en los precios internos;
• los artículos 3.1 y 3.2 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, no había
fundamento para analizar los volúmenes de importación acumulando las importaciones
procedentes de la Arabia Saudita y los Estados Unidos, el análisis no se basó en un
examen ob jetivo de pruebas positivas, y no se dio una explicación razonada y adecuada
en apoyo de una constatación de que hubo un aumento significativo de las
importaciones procedentes del Reino de la Arabia Saudita (tampoco si se acumulaban
con las importaciones p rocedentes de los Estados Unidos de América);
• los artículos 3.1 y 3.2 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, no había
fundamento para analizar los efectos en los precios acumulando las importaciones
procedentes de la Arabia Saudita y los Estado s Unidos, el análisis no se basó en un
examen objetivo de pruebas positivas, y no se dio una explicación razonada y adecuada
en apoyo de una constatación de que las importaciones procedentes de la Arabia Saudita
tuvieran un efecto significativo en los prec ios internos (tampoco si se acumulaban con
las importaciones procedentes de los Estados Unidos);
• los artículos 3.1 y 3.4 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, no había
fundamento para analizar la repercusión en la rama de producción nacional a cumulando
las importaciones procedentes de la Arabia Saudita y los Estados Unidos, el análisis no
se basó en un examen objetivo de pruebas positivas, y no se dio una explicación
razonada y adecuada en apoyo de una constatación de que la rama de producción
nacional sufrió un daño que se explicaba por las importaciones procedentes de la Arabia
Saudita (tampoco si se acumulaban con las importaciones procedentes de los Estados
Unidos de América);
• los artículos 3.1 y 3.5 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otr as cosas, no había
fundamento para analizar la relación causal acumulando las importaciones procedentes
de la Arabia Saudita y los Estados Unidos de América, el análisis no se basó en un
examen objetivo de pruebas positivas, no se dio una explicación razon ada y adecuada WT/DS606/1 • G/L/1394 • G/ADP/D140/1
- 3 -
en apoyo de una constatación de la existencia de una relación auténtica y sustancial de
causa a efecto entre las importaciones procedentes de la Arabia Saudita (tampoco si se
acumulaban con las importaciones procedentes de los Estados Unidos ) y el supuesto
daño a la rama de producción nacional, y la Comisión no separó y distinguió
debidamente el daño causado por otros factores de que se tenía conocimiento, a fin de
no atribuir ese daño a las importaciones;
• el artículo 6.1 del Acuerdo Antidump ing porque, entre otras cosas, la Comisión no dio
debidamente aviso de la información exigida ni dio amplia oportunidad para presentar
dicha información, con lo que no protegió los derechos fundamentales de los
exportadores sauditas a las debidas garantías procesales;
• los artículos 6.5 y 6.5.1 del Acuerdo Antidumping porque, entre otras cosas, la
Comisión : a) trató como confidencial información facilitada por el solicitante sin previa
justificación suficiente ; b) no exigió al solicitante que suministrara un resumen no
confidencial de dicha información ; y c) cuando se suministraron dichos resúmenes,
estos no eran lo suficientemente detallados para permitir una comprensión razonable
del contenido sustancial de la información facilitada con carácter confidencia l;
• los artículos 1 y 18.1 del Acuerdo Antidumping y los artículos VI.1 y VI.2 del GATT
de 1994, como consecuencia de las claras infracciones del Acuerdo Antidumping
expuestas supra .
4. Además, las medidas descritas supra también parecen anular o menoscabar las ventajas
resultantes para el Reino de la Arabia Saudita, directa o indirectamente, de los acuerdos invocados.
5. El Reino de la Arabia Saudita se reserva el derecho de plantear otras cuestiones de hecho y de
derecho, y de abordar, durante la celebraci ón de las consultas y en cualquier solicitud de
establecimiento de un grupo especial, medidas adicionales sobre esta cuestión.
6. El Reino de la Arabia Saudita espera con interés la respuesta de la Unión Europea a esta solicitud
a fin de fijar una fecha y lugar mutuamente aceptables para la celebración de las consultas.
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ARTÍCULO ÚNICO - Se adicionan inciso r) al artículo 4 y el artículo 76 bis a la Ley 6683, Ley de Derechos
de Autor y Derechos Conexos, de 14 de octubre de 1982. Los textos son los siguientes:
Artículo 4 - Para los efectos de esta ley se entiende por:
r) Ejemplar en formato accesible: reproducción de una obra en un formato o en un soporte
alternativo que brinde acceso, a la obra, a las personas con discapacidad visual u otras
discapacid ades que les dificulten el acceso a obras en forma de textos, notación o ilustraciones,
incluidos los audiolibros.
Está destinada a ser utilizada exclusivamente por estos beneficiarios y debe respetar la
integridad de la obra original, sin perjuicio de l os cambios necesarios para hacer que la obra sea
accesible en el formato alternativo, según las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad
Artículo 76 bis - Excepción para personas con discapacidad visual u otras discapacidades que les
dificulte n el acceso a textos impresos
Es lícita, sin autorización del titular del derecho patrimonial, la reproducción, distribución, la
importación, la puesta a disposición del público y la representación o ejecución de obras en forma de
texto, notación, ilustr aciones u otros formatos, incluidos los audiolibros, publicadas o puestas a
disposición del público por cualquier medio, que se realice sin fines comerciales para uso exclusivo de
personas con discapacidad visual y otras discapacidades que les dificulten e l acceso a textos impresos,
siempre que dicha utilización guarde relación directa con la discapacidad respectiva.
Para estos efectos, también es libre la transcripción o conversión, sin fines de lucro, de obras al
sistema braille u otros formatos accesib les, así como la realización de los cambios estrictamente
necesarios para hacer accesibles estas obras en los formatos alternativos.
En los ejemplares en formato accesible debe señalarse la circunstancia de ser realizados bajo la
excepción de esta ley y deberá hacerse mención del autor e indicarse la fuente.
Todas las obras ubicadas en el repositorio de documentos digitales del Sistema Costarricense de
Información sobre Discapacidad (Sicid), contarán con las excepciones necesarias, de conformidad con
este artículo, para permitir su reproducción, representación, distribución e importación, así como la
adaptación o transcripción de estas obras a dichos formatos.
Rige a partir de su publicación.
Dado en la Presidencia de la República, San José, a los di eciséis días del mes de octubre del año
dos mil veinte.
| 474 | 3,053 | WTO_1 | WTO |
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26 March 2020
(20-2453) Page: 1/1
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following communication, dated 26 March 2020, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of the United States of America .
TITLE: Modification to the List of Appropriate Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL)
Program Test Standards and the Scopes of Recognition of Several NRTLs
AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Labor
ACTION: Notice
SUMMARY: In this notice, OSHA announces the final dec ision to:
(1) Add one new test standard to the Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL)
Program's list of appropriate test standards;
(2) delete or replace several test standards from the NRTL Program's list of appropriate test
standards; and
(3) update the scope of recognition of several NRTLs.
The actions contained in this notice will become effective on 24 March 2020.
The docket folder on provides access to documents as well as comments received
on this and other NRTL Notices pub lished under Docket ID OSHA -2013-0012: -2013-0012. -2020-03-24/html/2020 -06144.htm
https://www.govi -2020-03-24/pdf/2020 -06144.pdf
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21 octobre 2019
(19-6870) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La notification suivante est communiquée conformément à l'article 10.6.
1. Membre notifiant : OUGANDA
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés (articles 3.2 et 7.2):
2. Organisme responsable : Uganda National Bureau of Standards (Office national de
Les nom et adresse (y compris les numéros de téléphone et de fax et les
adresses de courrier électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant) de l'organisme
ou de l'autorité désigné pour s'occuper des observations c oncernant la
notification doivent être indiqués si cet organisme ou cette autorité est différent
de l'organisme susmentionné:
3. Notification au titre de l'article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [X], 5.7.1 [ ], autres:
4. Produits visés (le cas échéant, position du SH ou de la NCCD, sinon position du
tarif douanier national . Les numéros de l'ICS peuvent aussi être indiqués, le cas
échéant) : Produits de préservation du bois d'œuvre ; Autres matières colorantes ;
préparations visées à la Note 3 du présent Chapitre, autres que celles des n° 32.03, 32.04
ou 32.05 ; produits inorganiques des types utilisés comme luminophores, même de
constitution chimique définie (SH 3206) ; Produits de protection du bois ( ICS 71 .100.50)
5. Intitulé, nombre de pages et langue(s) du texte notifié : DUS 2021 :2019, The
preservative treatment of timber (Traitement de préservation du bois d'œuvre), première
édition (58 pages en anglais)
6. Teneur : Le projet de norme ougandaise notifié couvre la classification des produits de
préservation du bois d'œuvre, les conditions à risque pour le bois d'œuvre, les solvants
utilisés dans les produits de préservation du bois d'œuvre, la préparation du bois d'œuvre
en vue du traitement, les divers procédés de traitement et l'utilisation de bois d'œuvre
traité par des produits de préservation dans des zones spécifiques de l'Ouganda . Il fournit
aussi des recommandations concernant la manipulation et la sécurité du bois d'œuvre
traité par des produits de préser vation . La norme ne couvre pas les traitements
7. Objectif et justification, y compris la nature des problèmes urgents, le cas
échéant : Prévention des pratiques de nature à induire en erreur et protection des
consommateurs ; protection de l a santé ou de la sécurité des personnes ; protection de
l'environnement ; exigences en matière de qualité
8. Documents pertinents:
1. DUS 1722 , Eucalyptus poles, cross -arms and spacers for power distribution and
telephone systems.
2. DUS 2084 , Heartwood detection in timber of pinus species
3. DUS 2018 , Retention of preservative in timber (sample method). G/TBT/N/UGA/1119
- 2 -
4. DUS 2013 , Retention of preservative in timber (volume method)
5. DUS 2019 , Retention of preservative in timber (weighbridge method).
6. DUS 2016 , Moistu re content of timber (electric moisture meter method)
7. DUS 2014 , Moisture content of timber and timber products (oven dry method)
8. DUS 2015 , Moisture content of timber (extraction method)
9. DUS 2017 , Depth of penetration of preservative and detection and depth of
sapwood in timber
10. US EAS 323 Specification for wood preservation by means of pressure
11. US EAS 324 Copper/chromium/arsenic compositions for the preservation of
timber - Method for timber treatment
9. Date projetée pour l'adoption : juin 2 020
Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : à la déclaration comme texte obligatoire par
le Ministre du commerce, de l'industrie et des coopératives.
10. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : 60 jours à compter de la date de
11. Entité auprès de laquelle les textes peuvent être obtenus : point d'information
national [X] ou adresse, numéros de téléphone et de fax et adresses de courrier
électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant, d'un autre organisme:
| 631 | 4,112 | WTO_1 | WTO |
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26 de marzo de 2021
(21-2490) Página: 1/2
Comité de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias Original: inglés
1. Miembro que notifica : ESTADO DE KUWAIT
Si procede, nombre del gobierno local de que se trate:
2. Organismo responsable : Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Ministerio de Comercio e
Industria), Public Authority for Food and Nutrition (Autoridad Pública de Alimentación y
3. Productos abarcados (número de la(s) partida(s) arancelaria(s) según se
especifica en las listas nacionales depositadas en la OMC; deberá indicarse
además, cuando proceda, el número de partida de la ICS) : todos los tipos de aves
de corral y huevos/productos a base de huevo (frescos, refrigerados, congelados y
elaborados), excepto los tratados térmicamente a 70 °C.
4. Regiones o países que podrían verse afectados, en la medida en que sea
procedente o factible:
[ ] Todos los interlocutores comerciales
[X] Regiones o países específicos : República Checa
5. Título del documento notificado : Ministerial Decision number 568 for 2021 (Czech
Republic) (Decisión Ministerial Nº 568, de 2021 [República Checa]) . Idioma(s) : árabe.
Número de páginas : 1. achments/2021/SPS/KWT/21_2162_00_x.pdf
6. Descripción del contenido : Decisión por la que se establece la prohibición de todos los
tipos de aves de corral procedentes de la República Checa debido a un brote de gripe
aviar (H5N1), excepto los tratados térmi camente a 70 ºC.
7. Objetivo y razón de ser : [X] inocuidad de los alimentos, [X] sanidad animal, [ ]
preservación de los vegetales, [X] protección de la salud humana contra las
enfermedades o plagas animales o vegetales, [ ] protección del territorio contra
otros daños causados por plagas.
8. Naturaleza del (de los) problema(s) urgente(s) y justificación de la medida de
urgencia : Evitar la entrada de la gripe aviar de alta patogenicidad en el Estado de Kuwait.
9. ¿Existe una norma internacional pertinente ? De ser así, indíquese la norma:
[ ] de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius (por ejemplo, título o número de
serie de la norma del Codex o texto conexo) :
[X] de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) (por ejemplo,
número de capítulo del Código Sanitario para los Animales Terrestres o
del Código Sanitario para los Animales Acuáticos) : Capítulo 10.4,
[ ] de la Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria (por ejemplo,
número de NIMF) : G/SPS/N/KWT/93
- 2 -
[ ] Ninguna
¿Se ajusta la reglamentación que se propone a la norma internacional
[X] S í [ ] No
En caso negativo, indíquese, cuando sea posible, en qué medida y por qué razón
se aparta de la norma internacional:
10. Otros documentos pertinentes e idioma(s) en que están disponibles:
11. Fecha de entrada en vigor (día/mes/año) /período de aplicación (según
corresponda) : 24 de marzo de 2021
[ ] Medida de facilitación del comercio
12. Organismo o autoridad encargado de tramitar las observaciones : [X] Organismo
nacional encargado de la notificación, [X] Servicio nacional de información .
Dirección, número de fax y dirección de correo electrónico (en su caso) de otra
Public Authority for Food and Nutrition (Autoridad Pública de Alimentación y Nutrición)
207, Sabah Al Salem (Kuwait)
Sitio web:
13. Texto(s) disponible(s) en : [X] Organismo nacion al encargado de la notificación,
[X] Servicio nacional de información . Dirección, número de fax y dirección de
correo electrónico (en su caso) de otra institución:
| 569 | 3,706 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/273749_2021_TBT_CHN_21_3317_00_x.pdf | 273749_2021_TBT_CHN_21_3317_00_x | `ICS71.100.30
20XX-XX-XX发布 20XX-XX-XX实施
大类产品大类描述 产品小类 产品小类描述
同类组合 两个或两个以上喷花产品的组合。
转烟花 产品设置有固定旋转轴的部件,燃放时以此部件为中心
利用发射筒和带定向稳定装置发射升空的升空类产品。 中火箭
同类组合 两支或两支以上吐珠类产品的组合。
烟雾型 燃放时以产生烟雾效果为主的玩具类产品。
成的产品。小礼花组合 由两个或两个以上小礼花类产品的组合。
C1 C2
1爆竹类黑药炮单个:2.0g 单个:1.0g
白药炮单个:0.2g 单个:0.1g
2喷花类地面(水上)喷花 200g 80g 15g
手持(插入)式喷花 75g 30g 15g
3旋转类有固定轴旋转烟花 30g 20g —
无固定轴旋转烟花 15g 10g 2g
4升空类小火箭 2g
— 中火箭 20g
双响(二踢脚) 8g -GB10631—20XX
合)100g(7g/筒) 50g(3g/筒)
摩擦型 - -含硝酸银砂
烟雾型 - -地(平)面烟
无水平移动。- - - 8 115产生爆响、闪光视
C2 - - - 5 110 8
旋转。- 8 - - 110产品连续喷射出火
C2 - 3 - - 1004
D - 1 - - 802
旋转C1产品主体自2/0.5 - - 2.0 90产品产生火焰、旋39混合包 —单个产品、单发含药量
22类 身旋转,有较
动但不升空。转等视听效果。C2 2/0.5 - - 2.0 803
D 1/0.3 - - 1.0 802
直升空。 - 40小火箭:5
中火箭:8- 100产品在空中产生视
- 40 15 - 110点燃后产生第一声
运动。2/8 - - - 100
C2 2/5 - - - 905
果件。- 35 2 - 100
C2 - 10 1 - 808
类C1 - 60 8 - 11025
52.0 - - 90燃放时或燃放后能
52.0 - - 80
51.0 - - 80
不移动。- - - 1 80喷射火花且带(或
的视听效果。C2 - - - 0.8 80
D - - - 0.5 80
动。- - - - 80燃放时产生烟雾效
动。- - - - 100产生爆响,或伴随
发效果件。- 60 15 30 110
C2 35 10 20 100 15
花和吐珠。- 60 15 30 110
C2 - 35 10 20 100 12
烟花C1 - 60 - - 110 25
C2 - 35 - - 100 8
项目型 号
3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12
弹径(mm) 72 97 122 147 172 196 246 296
箱含量(个)≤ 72 36 24 10 6 4 2 1GB10631—20XX
号产品大类 产品小类最大允许药量
A级 B级
1 爆竹类黑药炮 - 单个:10g
白药炮 - 单个:2g
2 喷花类地面(水上)喷花 1000g 500g
3 旋转类有固定轴旋转烟花 2000g(150g/发) 1000g(60g/发)
无固定轴旋转烟花 — 30gGB10631—20XX
284 升空类火箭 200g 70g
空组合)30g/发 20g/发
5 吐珠类固定吐珠800g(100g/珠)
6 小礼花类 小礼花 —花束250g;开炸型150g(开
8 架子烟花类 架子烟花 —瀑布100g/发,
9 礼花弹3号 180g(雷弹110g)
—4号 450g
5号 800g
6号 1400g
7号 2200g
8号 3400g
10号 6400g
12号 10000g
合3号组合 4500g
4号组合 11000g
产品类别 典型产品 产品型号或级别发(喷)射高度/飞离
喷花类 喷花/同类组合A级 - 30
B级 - 15
升空类旋转升空A级 3 20
B级 3 10
大火箭A级 8 50
B级 8 30
吐珠类吐珠/同类组合A级 - 50
B级 - 40
小礼花小礼花A级 45 100
B级 35 90
/不同类组合A级 45(3号)/60(4号) 100
B级 35 90
礼花弹礼花弹3号 50 140
4号 60 160
5号 80 230
6号 100 260
7号 110 280
8号 130 300
10号 140 320
12号 160 340
水上礼花弹3号 - 100
4号 - 100
5号 - 120GB10631—20XX
306号 - 120
件的花束3号 - 30/100
4号 - 40/110
5号 - 45/120
序号 大类 典型产品 ISO标准 对应的美国标准类别 对应的欧盟标准类别
1 爆竹类黑药炮 雷鸣炮
白药炮 闪光炮 闪光炮
2 喷花类地面(水上)喷花
同类组合 同类组合烟花 组合类 同类组合
3 旋转类有固定轴旋转烟花转轮、地面旋转和地面
4 升空类火箭火箭、小火箭、空中转
轮火箭、飞弹 火箭、小火箭、空中转轮
双响 双响炮 — 双响炮
旋转升空烟花 旋转升空类 直升飞机 旋转升空类
5 吐珠类吐珠 吐珠 吐珠筒 罗马烛光
同类组合 同类组合烟花 组合类 同类组合
6 玩具类玩具造型蛇、桌面烟花、玩具火
线香型 手持电光花 手持电光花 手持电光花
摩擦型摔炮 聚会、玩具和烟类之砂炮 摔炮
火帽 火帽
7 小礼花 小礼花 单筒地面礼花、花束 单筒地面礼花、花束
8 礼花类礼花弹 礼花弹慧尾、地面花束
礼花弹组合 同类组合烟花 组合类 同类组合
9架子烟花 架子烟花 架子烟花 — 架子烟花
10组合烟花 小礼花组合 同类组合烟花 组合类 同类组合GB10631—20XX
34不同类组合 不同类组合烟花 组合类 不同类组合
套装烟花 同类组合烟花 组合类 同类组合
11混合包 - 组合类 混合包
××发-恭喜发财。组合类型 小礼花、喷花组合
组合发数 ××发
喷花:××g总药量 ××××g
引燃时间 ××s 安全距离 25m
大地红总药量 ××××g
单个药量 ××g
实际数量 ××个 引燃时间 ××s
主要燃放效果 产生爆响、闪光等视听效果安全距离 10m
执行标准 GB10631-20×× 保质期 5年
(或在合格证上标注)20××年××月 联系电话 ××××-××××××××GB10631—20XX
毛重:××kg 体积(规格):×××××××××××mm
防潮 防火 向上
序号 产品大类 产品小类 代码
1 爆竹类单个黑药炮 11
结鞭黑药炮 12
单个白药炮 13
结鞭白药炮 14
擦火型爆竹 15
2 喷花类地面(水面)喷花 21
手持式喷花 22
插入式喷花 23
同类组合 24
3 旋转类单发有固定轴旋转烟花 31
多发有固定轴旋转烟花 32
无固定轴旋转烟花 33
4 升空类小火箭 41
中火箭 42
大火箭 43
双响(二踢脚) 44
旋转升空烟花(含旋转升空组合) 45
5 吐珠类手持式 51
插入式 52
固定式 53
同类组合 54
6 玩具类 主体玩具造型 61GB10631—20XX
39效果玩具造型 62
其他玩具造型 63
电光花线香型 64
晨光花线香型 65
烟雾型 66
砂炮摩擦型 67
拉炮摩擦型 68
擦地炮摩擦型 69
7 小礼花类漂浮型 71
药粒/药柱(球) 72
带发射筒圆柱/球型 73
不带发射筒圆柱/球型 74
焰火效果单元 75
8 礼花弹类球型 81
圆柱型 82
药粒型 83
药柱(球)型 84
礼花弹组合 85
9 架子烟花瀑布 91
字幕/图案 92
火轮 93
10 组合烟花类小礼花组合 101
不同类组合 102
套装烟花 103
11 混合包 混合包 111
类别定义 规格 等级
射筒中发射。雷弹 1.1G
彩弹≥180mm 1.1G
花生弹 礼花弹产品由两个或两个以上的球形
带筒礼花弹 礼花弹组装在发射筒里的球形或柱形
发射。雷弹 1.1G
彩弹:≥180mm 1.1G
50mm<彩弹<180mm 1.2G
类别定义 规格 等级
设计为从发射筒发射。>120mm 1.1G
60%,且设计从发射筒发射。≤120mm 1.3G
射筒发射。>300mm 1.1G
且设计从发射筒发射。>200mm,≤300mm 1.3G
≤60%,且设计从发射筒发射。≤200mm 1.3G
类别定义 规格 等级
发射。仅含白药爆炸药效果 1.1G
的产生火花及火焰的烟火药。烟火药量≥1kg。 1.3G
烟火药量<1kg。 1.4G
不含白药爆炸药。 1.3G
类别定义 规格 等级
棒防风火柴 玩具烟
转轮转轮 旋转含有固定轴及固定装置,烟火
轮空中转轮、飞碟 升空类筒体内装发射药以及能产生火
个人燃放类混合包/ 含有此表中一种或一种以上所
类别定义 规格 等级
竹白药炮、黑药炮 爆竹非金属的筒体内装爆响药,能
够产生声响效果。单个产品白药药量>2g。 1.1G
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WTO_1/s_G_TBTN14_ECU248A3.pdf | s_G_TBTN14_ECU248A3 |
9 de enero de 2020
(20-0212) Página: 1/1
Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Original: español
La siguiente comunicación, de fecha 8 de enero de 2020, se distribuye a petición de la delegación
del Ecuador .
"Instrumentos dentales rotatorios. Instrumentos de diamante"
La República de Ecuador comunica en relación con el Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano RTE INEN
185 "Instrumentos dentales rotatorios. Instrumentos de diamante" , notificado mediante
documento identificado con la signatura G/TBT/N/ECU/248/Add.1 del 20 de agosto de 2014, ha
sido suspendido y declarado sin aplicabilidad; por lo tanto queda insubsistente.
Texto disponible en el Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca,
Subsecretaría de Calidad, Organismo Nacional de Notificación:
Punto de C ontacto OTC: Andrés Ramón
Plataforma Gubernamental de Gestión Financiera - Piso 8 Bloque amarillo Av. Amazonas entre
Unión Nacional de Periodistas y Alfonso Pereira
Quito - Ecuador
Tel: (+593 -2) 3948760, Ext. 2252 / 2254
Puntocontacto [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
https://members.wto. org/crnattachments/2020/TBT/ECU/20_0296_00_s.pdf
__________ | 162 | 1,404 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_WT_CTE_GEN29.pdf | s_WT_CTE_GEN29 |
2 de junio de 2023
(23-3772) Página: 1/1
Comité de Comercio y Medio Ambiente Original: inglés
La siguiente comunicación, de fecha 26 de mayo de 2023, se distribuye a petición de la delegación
de la Unión Europea.
1. La Unión Europea (UE) hace saber a los Miembros del Comité de Comercio y Medio Ambiente
que el 16 de mayo de 2023 publicó el texto del REGLAMENTO (UE) 2023/956 DEL PARLAMENTO
EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 10 de mayo de 2023 por el que se establece un Mecanismo de Ajuste
en Frontera por Carbono (Reglamento MAFC) .
2. Este Reglamento entrará en vigor el día siguiente de su publicación en el Diario Oficial de la
Unión Europea, y comenzará a aplicarse a partir del 1 de octubre de 2023, con excepción de:
a) los artículos 5, 10, 14, 16 y 17, que se aplicarán a partir del 31 de diciembre de 2024;
b) el artículo 2, apartado 2, los artículos 4, 6 a 9, 15 y 19, el artículo 20, apartados 1, 3,
4 y 5, y los artículos 21 a 27 y 31, que serán aplicables a partir del 1 de enero de 2026.
3. Tras la entrada en vigor del Reglamento MAFC, la Comisión Europea, previa consulta con el
Comité del MAFC , adoptará un acto de ejecución relativo a la información que ha de comunicarse
para el período transitorio del MAFC que se extiende del 1 de octubre de 2023 al 31 de diciembre
de 2025.
4. La Comisión Europea, junto con el Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior y las delegaciones de
la UE de todo el mundo, pondrá en marcha una campaña de información que incluirá seminarios en
línea, actividades presenciales, distribución de documentos de orientación y asistencia en directo,
con el fin de ayudar a los operadores d e terceros países y a los importadores con destino a la UE a
cumplir todas las nuevas obligaciones prescritas en el Reglamento MAFC y su legislación derivada .
La campaña comenzará a mediados de 2023 tras la adopción del acto de ejecución relativo a las
obligaciones de presentación de informes aplicables en el período transitorio . Continuará hasta el
otoño de 2023, apoyando así a todos los actores pertinentes con la entrada en vigor del Reglamento
MAFC en octubre de 2023.
5. En consonancia con los esfuerzos de transparencia respecto del Reglamento MAFC
desplegados en diversas etapas del proceso legislativo en el marco del Comité de Comercio y Medio
Ambiente, la UE organizará una sesión de información esp ecífica durante la Semana del Comercio y
el Medio Ambiente que tendrá lugar el 14 de junio a las 11.30 h.
6. El texto del Reglamento MAFC figura ahora en el sitio web de eur -lex:
https://eur -content/ES/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32023R0956 .
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WTO_1/263786_2020_TBT_UGA_20_3246_00_e.pdf | 263786_2020_TBT_UGA_20_3246_00_e | UGANDA STANDARD US 2552 First Edition 2020-05-12 Non-medical face mask — Specification
! Reference number US 2252: 2020 © UNBS 2020
US 2252: 2020Compliance with this standard does not, of itself confer immunity from legal obligations A Uganda Standard does not purport to include all necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application
© UNBS 2020 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without prior written permission from UNBS. Requests for permission to reproduce this document should be addressed to The Executive Director Uganda National Bureau of Standards P.O. Box 6329 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 417 333 250/1/2 Fax: +256 414 286 123 E-mail: [email protected] Web:
! © UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved i
US 2252:2020Contents Page Foreword iii ...........................................................................................................................................................Introduction iv .......................................................................................................................................................1 Scope 1 ...............................................................................................................................................................2 Normative references 1 .....................................................................................................................................3 Terms and definitions 1 .....................................................................................................................................4 Requirements 2 ..................................................................................................................................................4.1 Materials 2 .......................................................................................................................................................4.1.1 Types of materials 2 ....................................................................................................................................4.1.2 Compatibility with skin 2 ............................................................................................................................4.1.3 Flammability 2 ..............................................................................................................................................4.1.4 Cleaning and disinfecting reusable masks 2 ............................................................................................4.2 Design 2 ...........................................................................................................................................................4.3 Presentation and components 3 ...................................................................................................................4.3.1 General 3 ......................................................................................................................................................4.3.2 Head harness 3 ............................................................................................................................................4.3.3 Other components 3 ....................................................................................................................................4.4 Practical performance 3 .................................................................................................................................4.4.1 General 3 ......................................................................................................................................................4.4.2 Resistance of temperature 3 ......................................................................................................................4.4.3 Other specific requirements 3 ....................................................................................................................5 Packaging 4 ........................................................................................................................................................6 Labelling 4 ..........................................................................................................................................................7 Sampling 4 .........................................................................................................................................................Annex A (informative) Recommended fabrics for non-medical face masks 5 ................................................Annex B (normative) Test methods for non-medical masks 6 .........................................................................B.1 Visual inspection 6 .........................................................................................................................................B.2 Practical performance test 6 .........................................................................................................................B.2.1 Procedure 6 .................................................................................................................................................B.2.2 Wearing test 6 ..............................................................................................................................................B.2.3 Results 6 ......................................................................................................................................................B.3 Resistance to temperature 6 .........................................................................................................................Bibliography 7.......................................................................................................................................................
© UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved ! ii
US 2252: 2020Foreword Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC) established under Cap 327, of the Laws of Uganda, as amended. UNBS is mandated to co-ordinate the elaboration of standards and is (a)a member of International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and (b)a contact point for the WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius Commission on Food Standards, and (c)the National Enquiry Point on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). The work of preparing Uganda Standards is carried out through Technical Committees. A Technical Committee is established to deliberate on standards in a given field or area and consists of key stakeholders including government, academia, consumer groups, private sector and other interested parties. Draft Uganda Standards adopted by the Technical Committee are widely circulated to stakeholders and the general public for comments. The committee reviews the comments before recommending the draft standards for approval and declaration as Uganda Standards by the National Standards Council. The committee responsible for this document is Technical Committee UNBS/TC 14, Medical devices.
! © UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved iii
US 2252:2020Introduction Respiratory diseases caused by infective agents such as bacteria, fungi or viruses are common. Two main routes of transmission are respiratory droplets and contact. Respiratory droplets are generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Any person who is in close contact with someone who has respiratory symptoms (coughing, sneezing) is at risk of being exposed to potentially infective respiratory droplets. Droplets may also land on surfaces where the virus could remain viable; thus, the immediate environment of an infected individual can serve as a source of transmission (contact transmission). Some of the diseases are transmitted through respiratory droplets and contact with symptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and asymptomatic people infected with infecting agents. The use of non-medical face masks has a potential to reduce the emission of infectious agents from symptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and asymptomatic persons. The mask can also reduce the risk of contracting of infection by people who are not infected through reducing contact and possible inhalation of infectious droplets. Use of the non-medical face masks is envisaged for example for a person when visiting busy, closed spaces, such as grocery stores, shopping centres, markets and or walking around busy roads or places; when using public transport; and for certain workplaces and professions that involve physical proximity to many other people (such as members of the police force, cashiers – if not behind a glass or other partition) and when teleworking is not possible This device can contribute to the protection of a whole group wearing this barrier mask. There are many products marketed as “face masks” that offer a range of protection against potential health hazards. Face masks may be classified into medical face masks and non-medical face masks. Medical face masks and respirators are intended for a medical purpose, including for use by health care professionals. Non-medical face masks are not intended for a medical purpose and are not medical devices. Non-medical masks may be made from home or commercially made available. They may be made from a variety of materials including paper or cloth. These types of masks may not be effective in blocking virus particles that may be transmitted by coughing, sneezing or certain medical procedures. They do not provide complete protection from virus particles because of a potential loose fit and the materials used. They are not tested to standards of medical practice and the materials are not the same as used in surgical masks or respirators. The edges are not designed to form a seal around the nose and mouth. Wearing of masks constitutes a protective barrier to prevent emission of infecting agents from the wearer to other person, to protect against possible penetration of infecting agents into the user’s mouth and nose area or from a nearby person. It is also intended to protect the eyes, nose and mouth against any contact with the hands. Wearing of masks may make it difficult to breathe and can prevent you from getting the required amount of oxygen needed by your body. It is restricted to short periods and one mask should not be worn for more than 6 hours. Face masks should not be put on children under the age of two (2) years, people who have trouble breathing, people who are unconscious, or people who are unable to remove the mask on their own. Non-medical face masks and other face covers made of textiles have the advantage that they can be produced easily; they are washable and reusable. This standard is intended to provide requirements for commercial non-medical face masks for use in communities and other places where medical face masks may not be appropriate either due to shortage or cost. The standards will enable testing of non-medical masks to minimum performance specifications.
© UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved ! iv
US 2252: 2020Non-medical masks — Specification 1 Scope This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for the non-medical face masks intended to reduce the risk of general transmission of the infectious agent. It covers non-medical face masks and other face covers made of textiles intended for single use (disposable) or for multiple use that may be washed, disinfected and reused. It does not cover respiratory protective devices such as medical face masks, filtering face masks and breathing apparatus. NOTE 1 Standards for medical face masks are available. NOTE 2 Guidance for users of non-medical masks is available. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection US ISO 6940, Textile fabrics — Burning behaviour — Determination of ease of ignition of vertically oriented specimens US ISO 11737-1, Sterilization of health care products — Microbiological methods — Part 1: Determination of a population of microorganisms on products US ISO 16900-2, Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 2: Determination of breathing resistance US ISO 16900-3, Respiratory protective devices — Methods of test and test equipment — Part 3: Determination of particle filter penetration 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at 3.1 head harness means of holding a barrier mask in place on the head 3.2 face blank main body of a face mask that is functional and to which other components are attached 3.3 nose clamp piece of metal or other material fixed on the face mask which help hold the mask in place around the nose 3.4 respirator personal protective device to protect the user from inhalation of hazardous atmosphere. 3.5 non-medical face mask face mask or covering that protects the full face or parts of the face against contaminated atmosphere or reduces the emission of droplets from the wearer to the atmosphere. © UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved ! 1
3.6 half face mask a mask which covers the nose and mouth and possibly the chin 3.7 full face mask tight fitting face piece covering mouth, nose, eyes and chin. 3.8 filtering face mask face piece entirely or substantially constructed of filter material used for purifying the air 3.9 breathing apparatus apparatus which enables the wearer to breathe independently of the ambient atmosphere by supplying breathable air from an uncontaminated source 3.10 breathing resistance resistance of a barrier mask to the flow of air inhaled (inhalation resistance) or exhaled (exhalation resistance) 4 Requirements 4.1 Materials 4.1.1 Types of materials Non-medical face masks may be made from variety of common cloth and other fabric materials which are compatible and suitable for use (see Annex A for some of the recommended fabrics). If the face mask is designed to be reusable, the manufacturer shall indicate so and declare a method for cleaning, disinfecting and drying products. 4.1.2 Compatibility with skin Materials that may come into contact with the wearer's skin shall not be known to have potential to cause irritation or any health hazard or deleterious effect to the user. 4.1.3 Flammability The material used shall not present a danger of fire for the wearer and shall not be of highly flammable fabric. When tested in accordance with US ISO 6940, the face mask shall not continue to burn after removal from the flame. 4.1.4 Cleaning and disinfecting reusable masks The materials used in both the face masks including filters, if any, and the straps (elastic bands) shall be compatible with the normal household laundry and disposal methods. The mask shall tolerate at least five (5) full machine washing cycles without loss of barrier properties or degradation of the elastic bands. The full wash cycle (wetting, washing, rinsing) shall be at least 30 min (laundry or other) with a wash temperature of 60 °C. If the materials require specific cleaning, disinfecting or disposal methods the manufacturers shall declare such methods. This shall be tested by cleaning or disinfecting the face masks as specified by the manufacturer, and then returning to normal conditions of expected use. The face mask shall be compatible with cleaning, disinfecting or disposal methods and shall not show appreciable discolouration or deformation. EXAMPLE Cellulose-based materials are incompatible with hydrogen peroxide as hydrogen peroxide will degrade cellulose. The materials, the methods of cleaning or disinfecting and the residues remaining on the cleaned or disinfected face masks shall not cause a health hazard or deleterious effect to the user. 4.2 Design Face masks may be of a single layer or a multi-layer composite made of single or blended fabric, with or without film and shall have head harness for holding it on the user’s head. Face masks shall be designed so that air enters the face mask and passes directly to the nose and mouth area of the face mask. The exhaled air shall flow directly to the ambient atmosphere or via the exhalation valve(s) or by other appropriate means if applicable. ! © UNBS 2020– All rights reserved 2
US 2252: 2020Face masks shall have a mechanism to fix to the wearer such as head harness to tie it securely to the head or ears to minimize any gaps between the face and the mask. The mechanism shall be adjustable, if needed, to ensure nose and mouth are fully covered. The mask shall fit snugly to the cheeks and there shall not be any gaps. All design features shall be assessed by visual inspection. 4.3 Presentation and components 4.3.1 General Face masks may be made as full face masks or half face masks as a single piece or as components such as face blank, head harness, nose clamp and ear loops or ear bands. Face mask may be presented in different shapes. Unless integral with the full face mask or half face mask the components shall be replaceable. Such components shall be visually inspected in accordance with to Annex B.1. 4.3.2 Head harness The head harness shall be so designed that the face mask can be donned and removed easily, when visually inspected. The head harness shall be adjustable or self-adjusting and shall hold the face mask firmly and comfortably in position, when tested according to Annex B.2. 4.3.3 Other components All components shall function correctly in all orientations and shall be protected against dirt and mechanical damage. All de-mountable connections shall be readily connected and secured, where possible by hand. Any means of sealing used shall be retained in position when the connection is disconnected during normal maintenance. 4.4 Practical performance 4.4.1 General The complete device shall be acceptable to the wearer as determined by a person familiar with the intended condition of use including wearing, walking and working. The method of test is in Annex B.2. Face masks shall be free from sharp edges, portions or blurs that can injure the wearer. Face masks shall be adjustable to fit closely over the nose, cheeks and chin of the wearer to ensure sufficient sealing of the user’s face against the ambient atmosphere, when the user’s skin is dry or damp or when the user moves his/her head. 4.4.2 Resistance of temperature After storing the masks at specified temperature in accordance with Annex B.3 and then returning to room temperature, the face mask shall not show appreciable deformation. 4.4.3 Other specific requirements Face masks shall comply to the specific requirements in given Table 1 when tested in accordance with the test methods specified therein.
© UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved ! 3
Table 1 — Specific performance requirements for face masks
5 Packaging The masks shall be packaged in suitable packaging materials which shall protect the product from any contamination and mechanical damage during transportation, handling and storage. Masks may be packaged in unit packages and into bulk packs. 6 Labelling Each package shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following information: a)name and physical address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor; b)name of product as “non-medical face mask”, “barrier mask” or “fabric mask” or “cloth mask”; c)lot identification number; d)instructions for use; e)for reusable mask, the word, “Reusable” followed by instruction for cleaning (number of washes, washing and drying method); f)precautions like “Not for medical use”; and g)type of material/fabric used. 7 Sampling Sampling of masks shall be done in accordance with ISO 2859-1. Test parameterRequirementTest methodMinimum filtering capacity %, min.: •Solid particle •Liquid particle (droplet)70 70US ISO 16900-3, Sodium chloride test method US ISO 16900-3, Paraffin oil test methodBreathing resistance, mbar, max.: •Inhalation resistance •Exhalation resistance2.4 3.0US ISO 16900-2 Tensile strength for head harnessRemain intactAnnex B.2.2Microbial cleanliness, cfu/g, max.100US ISO 11737-1
! © UNBS 2020– All rights reserved 4
US 2252: 2020Annex A
Recommended fabrics for non-medical face masks The fabric composition for common single layer and multi-layer masks are shown in Table A.1. The composition may be determined in accordance with the relevant part of ISO 1833. Table A.1 — Composition of common single layer and multilayer fabrics suitable for use in non-medical masks Type of maskNameFibre compositionSingle layer Chiffon90 % polyester and 10 % spandexCotton100 % cottonMulti-layerCotton quilt (2 layers of 120 TPI cotton and filling: ~0.5cm 90 % cotton, 5 % polyester, 5 % other fibres)Cotton/Flannel100 % cotton layer and, 65 % cotton and 35 % polyester layerChiffon (2 layers)90 % polyester and 10 % spandexCotton/silk (no gap)100 % cotton layer and 100 % silk layerCotton/chiffon100 % cotton layer and chiffon layerNatural silk (4 layers)100 % silkCotton (2 layers)100 % cottonCotton/ polyester65 % polyester and 35 % cottonPolyester/ viscose65 % polyester, 35 % viscoseKnitted polyamide /nonwoven polyester joined by thermal bonding 50 % polyamide and 50 % polyesterNonwoven polypropylene (2 layers) 100 % polypropylene
© UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved ! 5
Annex B
Test methods for non-medical masks B.1 Visual inspection The visual inspection is carried out before the laboratory or practical performance tests. B.2 Practical performance test B.2.1 Procedure AII tests shall be carried out by two test subjects at ambient temperature and the test temperature and humidity shall be recorded. For the test, persons shall be selected who are familiar with using the face masks. During the tests, a face mask shall be subjectively assessed by the wearer and after the test, comments on the acceptability of the face mask shall be recorded. B.2.2 Wearing test The subjects wearing normal working clothes and wearing the face mask shall assess the acceptability of the face mask. Record results as indicated in B.2.3. The head harness shall not disintegrate or lose elastics properties when put on and removed five times consecutively. B.2.3 Results For each of the tests- wearing, walking and work simulations record the acceptability of the following aspects of face mask to the subject undertaking the test: a)harness comfort; b)security of fastenings and couplings; c)accessibility of controls (if fitted); d)clarity of vision of the wearer with mask; and e)any other comments reported by the wearer on request. B.3 Resistance to temperature Two face masks shall be treated in the state as received. The face mask shall be exposed during successive tests: a)for 24 h to a dry atmosphere of 70 °C ± 3 °C; and b)for 24 h to a temperature of −30 °C ± 3 °C.
! © UNBS 2020– All rights reserved 6
US 2252: 2020Bibliography [1] IS 8347: 2008, Respiratory protective devices — Definitions, classification and nomenclature [2] IS 14746: 1999, Indian Standard, respiratory protective devices — Half masks and quarter masks — Specification of components [3] IS 14166: 1994, (Indian Standard) Respirator y protective devices — Full-face masks — Specification [4] AFROR SPEC S 76- 00: 2020, Barrier masks — Guide to minimum requirement methods of testing, marking and use. [5] Testing the efficacy of homemade masks by, Anna Davies, KatyAnne Thompson, Karthika Giri, George Kafatos, Jimmy Walker and Allan Bennett, 2013, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, pp16 [6] Aerosol Filtration Efficiency of Common Fabrics Used in Respiratory Cloth Masks. [7] WHO, 2020, Infection prevention and control during health care when COVID-19 is suspected: interim guidance [8] WHO, 2020, Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance [9] Samy Rengasamy, Benjamin Eimer and Ronald E. Shaffer, 2010. Simple Respiratory Protection —Evaluation of the Filtration Performance of Cloth Masks and Common Fabric Materials Against 20–1000 nm Size Particles. Ann. Occup. Hyg., Vol. 54, No. 7, pp. 789–798.
© UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved ! 7
US 2252: 2020Certification marking Products that conform to Uganda standards may be marked with Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Certification Mark shown in the figure below. The use of the UNBS Certification Mark is governed by the Standards Act, and the Regulations made thereunder. This mark can be used only by those licensed under the certification mark scheme operated by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards and in conjunction with the relevant Uganda Standard. The presence of this mark on a product or in relation to a product is an assurance that the goods comply with the requirements of that standard under a system of supervision, control and testing in accordance with the certification mark scheme of the Uganda National Bureau of Standards. UNBS marked products are continually checked by UNBS for conformity to that standard. Further particulars of the terms and conditions of licensing may be obtained from the Director, Uganda National Bureau of Standards.
© UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved ! 8
US 2552: 2020
ICS 13.340.10 Price based on number of pages © UNBS 2020 – All rights reserved
| 3,431 | 25,972 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/256232_2019_TBT_USA_19_4478_00_e.pdf | 256232_2019_TBT_USA_19_4478_00_e | 39786 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 155 / Monday, August 12, 2019 / Proposed Rules
provide for the safe use of vitamin D 3as
a nutrient supplement in breakfast
cereals and in grain-based nutrition bars (e.g., granola bars).
DATES : The food additive petition was
filed on June 25, 2019.
ADDRESSES : For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https:// and insert the
docket number found in brackets in the
heading of this document into the ‘‘Search’’ box and follow the prompts, and/or go to the Dockets Management Staff, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.
Lane A. Highbarger, Center for Food
Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5001 Campus Dr., College Park, MD 20740, 240–402–1204.
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (section 409(b)(5) (21 U.S.C. 348(b)(5))), we are giving notice that we have filed a food additive petition (FAP 9A4823), submitted on behalf of Kellogg Company by Hogan Lovells US LLP, Columbia Square, 555 Thirteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20004. The petition proposes to amend the food additive regulations in § 172.380 (21 CFR 172.380; Vitamin D
3) to provide for
the safe use of vitamin D 3as a nutrient
supplement as defined in § 170.3(o)(20) (21 CFR 170.3(o)(20)) in breakfast cereals as defined in § 170.3(n)(4) and in grain-based nutrition bars (e.g., granola
bars) and to update the specifications for vitamin D
3established in
§ 172.380(b) by incorporating by reference the most recent edition of the Food Chemicals Codex.
We have determined under 21 CFR
25.32(k) that this action is of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required.
Dated: August 5, 2019.
Lowell J. Schiller,
Principal Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2019–17056 Filed 8–9–19; 8:45 am]
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
27 CFR Parts 4, 5, 7, 26, and 27
[Docket Nos. TTB–2019–0004 and TTB–
2019–0005; Notice No. 184; Re: Notice Nos. 182 and 183]
RINS 1513–AB56 and 1513–AC45
Elimination of Certain Standards of Fill
for Wine; and Elimination of Certain Standards of Fill for Distilled Spirits; Amendment of Malt Beverage Net Contents Labeling Regulation
AGENCY : Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and
Trade Bureau, Treasury.
ACTION : Notices of proposed rulemaking;
extension of comment periods.
SUMMARY : The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax
and Trade Bureau (TTB) is extending for an additional 60 days the comment periods for the two notices of proposed rulemaking it published on July 1, 2019, entitled, ‘‘Elimination of Certain Standards of Fill for Wine’’ and ‘‘Elimination of Certain Standards of Fill for Distilled Spirits; Amendment of Malt Beverage Net Contents Labeling Regulation.’’ TTB is taking this action in response to requests to extend the comment periods for those proposed rulemakings made by several interested parties.
DATES : For Notice No. 182 and Notice
No. 183, proposed rules published on July 1, 2019, at 84 FR 31257 and 84 FR 31264, respectively, comments are now due on or before October 30, 2019.
ADDRESSES : Please send your comments
on Notice No. 182 and/or Notice No. 183 to one of the following addresses:
•internet: https:// (via the online
comment form for Notice No. 182 as posted within Docket No. TTB–2019– 0004, or the online comment form for Notice No. 183 as posted within Docket No. TTB–2019–0005, at ‘‘,’’ the Federal e- rulemaking portal);
•U.S. mail: Director, Regulations and
Rulings Division, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street NW, Box 12, Washington, DC 20005; or
•Hand delivery/courier in lieu of
mail: Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and
Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005.
Please refer to the specific notice
number you are commenting on in your comment. See the Public Participation section of Notice No. 182 or Notice No. 183 for specific instructions and requirements for submitting comments. You may view copies of the two proposed rules, this comment period extension document, and all public comments associated with the proposed rules within Docket Nos. TTB–2019– 0004 and TTB–2019–0005 on the website at https:// You also may
view copies of these materials by appointment at the TTB Public Reading Room, 1310 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. Please call 202–453–1039, ext. 135 to make an appointment.
Jennifer Berry, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Regulations and Rulings Division; telephone 202–453– 1039, ext. 275.
2019, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) published two proposed rules in the Federal Register:
•Notice No. 182, Elimination of
Certain Standards of Fill for Wine, at 84 FR 31257; and
•Notice No. 183, Elimination of
Certain Standards of Fill for Distilled Spirits; Amendment of Malt Beverage Net Contents Labeling Regulation, at 84 FR 31264.
In the two proposed rules, TTB
addresses petitions requesting that TTB amend the regulations that govern wine and distilled spirits containers to provide for additional authorized standards of fill. As discussed in Notice No. 182, TTB is proposing to eliminate all but a minimum standard of fill for wine containers, and, as discussed in Notice No. 183, TTB is proposing to eliminate all but minimum and maximum standards of fill for distilled spirits containers. The term ‘‘standard of fill’’ as used in the TTB regulations and in the two proposed rules refers to the authorized amount of liquid in the container (for example, 50 mL, 100 mL, 375 mL, 750 mL, and 1 liter) rather than the size or capacity of the container itself.
In addition, in Notice No. 183, TTB is
also proposing to specifically provide that distilled spirits may be labeled with the equivalent standard United States (U.S.) measure in addition to the mandatory metric measure, and that malt beverages may be labeled with the equivalent metric measure in addition to the mandatory U.S. measure. These revisions will align those labeling regulations with current TTB policy, which allows such labeling, and also with the wine labeling regulations, which provide that wine labels may include the equivalent U.S. measure in addition to the mandatory metric measure.
VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:36 Aug 09, 2019 Jkt 247001 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\12AUP1.SGM 12AUP1jspears on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS39787 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 155 / Monday, August 12, 2019 / Proposed Rules
As discussed in each proposed rule,
in addition to comments on the
proposed deregulatory actions, TTB is also requesting comments on the relative merits of alternatives, such as adding new authorized standards of fill and developing an expedited process for adding additional standards in the future. TTB believes that all of these approaches would eliminate restrictions that inhibit competition and the movement of goods in domestic and international commerce.
To date, TTB has received requests to
extend the comment period for either Notice No. 182 or Notice No. 183 from three national associations and the European Commission.
The Wine Institute requested a 90-day
extension of the comment period for Notice No. 182, stating that TTB issued the notice at a time when their members are engaged in longer business hours in preparation for harvest, with limited time to devote to the issues raised. In addition, the comment states that the group needs additional time to identify interested parties, including both its members and other wine trade associations, to discuss how best to respond.
The American Distilled Spirits
Association (ADSA) requested a 90-day extension of Notice No. 183, stating that it and its member companies require ‘‘substantial time to fully and properly address this significant request for comment.’’ The National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA), which describes itself as representing the States and local jurisdictions that directly control the distribution and sale of alcohol beverages within their borders, is also requesting a 90-day extension of the comment period for Notice No. 183. NABCA states that it requires additional time to coordinate among its member jurisdictions to develop comments to the issues raised in Notice No. 183.
In addition, TTB has received a
request from the European Commission to extend the comment period for Notice No. 183 until September 13, 2019, to allow for coordination of European Union comments on the proposed rule.
In response to these requests, TTB is
extending the comment period for Notice No. 182 and Notice No. 183 for an additional 60 days. TTB believes that a 60-day extension of the two comment periods, which in addition to the original 60-day comment period will provide 120 days overall for comment, will be of sufficient length to allow interested parties to consider and comment on the issues raised in the two notices, while allowing TTB to conclude the rulemaking process in a more timely manner.
Therefore, TTB will now accept
public comments on Notice No. 182 and Notice No 183 through October 30, 2019.
Signed: August 6, 2019.
Mary G. Ryan,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2019–17155 Filed 8–9–19; 8:45 am]
45 CFR Parts 1610 and 1630 Use of Non-LSC Funds, Transfers of
LSC Funds, Program Integrity; Cost Standards and Procedures
AGENCY : Legal Services Corporation.
ACTION : Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY : This proposed rulemaking
would revise the Legal Services Corporation’s (LSC or Corporation) regulations addressing the use of non- LSC funds by LSC recipients and the requirement that recipients maintain program integrity with respect to other entities that engage in LSC-restricted activities, and also providing cost standards for LSC grants and permits LSC to question costs when a recipient uses non-LSC funds in violation of LSC rules. LSC proposes technical and stylistic updates to both rules without any substantive changes.
DATES : Comments must be received by
October 11, 2019.
ADDRESSES : You may submit comments
by any of the following methods:
•Federal Rulemaking Portal: Follow
the instructions for submitting comments.
•Email: [email protected].
Include ‘‘Part 1610 Rulemaking’’ in the subject line of the message.
•Fax: (202) 337–6519.
•Mail: Mark Freedman, Senior
Associate General Counsel, Legal Services Corporation, 3333 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20007, ATTN: Part 1610 Rulemaking.
•Hand Delivery/Courier: Mark
Freedman, Senior Associate General Counsel, Legal Services Corporation, 3333 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20007, ATTN: Part 1610 Rulemaking.
Instructions: LSC prefers electronic
submissions via email with attachments in Acrobat PDF format. LSC will not consider written comments sent to any other address or received after the end of the comment period.
Mark Freedman, Senior Associate General Counsel, Legal Services
Corporation, 3333 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20007; (202) 295–1623 (phone), (202) 337–6519 (fax), or [email protected].
I. Introduction
The Legal Services Corporation Act
(LSC Act or Act), 42 U.S.C. 2996–2996l, and LSC’s annual appropriation, Public Law 116–6 (2019), impose restrictions and requirements on the use of LSC and non-LSC funds by recipients of grants from LSC for the delivery of civil legal aid. LSC implemented those restrictions and requirements on non-LSC funds through part 1610 of title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Part 1610 also contains the program integrity rule, which requires objective integrity and independence between a recipient and any entity that engages in LSC-restricted activities.
LSC’s last major substantive revisions
of part 1610 occurred in 1996 and 1997 when Congress passed major new statutory restrictions on LSC recipients. 61 FR 63749, Dec. 2, 1996; 62 FR 27695, May 21, 1997. Since then, LSC has made two technical updates to part 1610 as part of rescinding or substantively revising other rules—parts 1627 (Subgrants) and 1642 (Attorneys’ Fees). 82 FR 10273, Feb. 10, 2017; 75 FR 21506, Apr. 26, 2010. LSC has identified several technical changes to update the rule and improve clarity. LSC does not propose any substantive changes to the rule because LSC has not encountered compliance or oversight problems with the operation of the rule.
LSC’s cost standards rule appears at
45 CFR part 1630. Section 1630.16
authorizes LSC to question costs when a recipient uses non-LSC funds in violation of part 1610. LSC proposes to update that provision to better reference part 1610. LSC does not propose any substantive changes to the rule.
II. Regulatory Background
In 1974, the LSC Act established
requirements and restrictions on LSC
recipients and on their use of LSC funds. Public Law 93–355, 88 Stat. 378. As amended, section 1010(c) of the Act extends many of the restrictions to recipients’ use of non-LSC funds, with specific exceptions. See 42 U.S.C.
2996i(c). Generally, the restrictions apply to LSC funds and private funds but not to most uses of public or tribal funds or to separately funded public defender programs. In the 1970s, LSC adopted regulations implementing most of the restrictions (e.g., part 1613
regarding criminal proceedings). Other restrictions apply directly from the Act
VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:36 Aug 09, 2019 Jkt 247001 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\12AUP1.SGM 12AUP1jspears on DSK3GMQ082PROD with PROPOSALS | 2,165 | 13,914 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN15_USA1021R1.pdf | q_G_TBTN15_USA1021R1 |
24 November 2021
(21-8870) Page: 1/2
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6.
If applicable, name of local government involved (Articles 3.2 and 7.2):
2. Agency responsible: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers, email and website
addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments
regarding the notific ation shall be indicated if different from above:
Please submit comments to: USA WTO TBT Enquiry Point, Email: [email protected]
3. Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], other :
4. Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff
heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): Battery
chargers; test procedures; Test conditions and procedures in general (ICS 19.020),
Miscellaneous domestic and commercial equipment (ICS 97.180)
5. Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: Energy
Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Battery Chargers (37 page(s), in English)
6. Description of content:
Notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comment - The U.S. Department of Energy
("DOE") proposes to amend the test procedures for battery chargers to improve test
procedure representativeness. The proposal would: Establish a new appendix Y1 that
would expand coverage of inductive wireless battery chargers and establish associated
definitions and test provisions; establish a new test procedure approach that relies on
separate metrics for active mode, stand -by, and off -mode (consequently removing the
battery charger usage profiles and unit energy consumption calculation); and update
the wall adapter selection criteria. DOE also proposes changes to appendix Y to reorganiz e
two subsections, to clarify symbology and references, to correct an incorrect cross
reference and section title, to update the list of battery chemistries, and to terminate an
existing test procedure waiver because the covered subject models have
been discontinued. DOE further proposes to mirror these changes in the newly proposed
appendix Y1. DOE is seeking comment from interested parties on the proposals.
DOE will hold a webinar on Wednesday, 15 December 2021, from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00
p.m. EST. See section V, "Public Participation," for webinar registration information,
participant instructions, and information about the capabilities available to webinar
participants. If no participan ts register for the webinar, it will be cancelled. G/TBT/N/USA/1021/Rev.1
- 2 -
7. Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where
applicable: Prevention of deceptive practices and consumer protection; Protection of the
8. Relevant documents: 86 Federal Register (FR) 66878, 23 November 2021; Title 10
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 429 and 430: -2021-11-23/html/2021 -24367.htm
https://www.govinfo. gov/content/pkg/FR -2021-11-23/pdf/2021 -24367.pdf
This notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comment and the request for
information notified as G/TBT/N/USA/1021/Add.2 are identified by Docket Number EERE -
2020-BT-TP-0012. The Docket Folder is available on at -2020-BT-TP-0012/document and provides
access to primary and supporting documents as well as comments received. Do cuments
are also accessible from by searching the Docket Number. WTO Members
and their stakeholders are asked to submit comments to the USA TBT Enquiry Poi nt.
Comments received by the USA TBT Enquiry Point from WTO Members and their
stakeholders will be shared with the regulator and will also be submitted to the Docket on if received within the comment period.
Other actions notified under the symbol G/TBT/N/USA/1021 are identified by Docket
Number EERE -2014-BT-TP-0044. The Docket Folder is available on Regulations.g ov at -2014-BT-TP-0044/document and provides
access to primary and supporting documents as well as comments received. Documents
are also accessible from by searching the Docket Number.
9. Proposed date of adoption: To be determined
Proposed date of entry into force: To be determined
10. Final date for comments: 24 January 2022
11. Texts available from: National enquiry point [ ] or address, telephone or fax
numbers and email and website address es, if available , of other body:
| 670 | 4,941 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_SPS_NKOR753.pdf | q_G_SPS_NKOR753 |
11 May 2022
(22-3671) Page: 1/2
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Original: English
1. Notifying Member: REPUBLIC OF KOREA
If applicable, name of local government involved:
2. Agency responsible: The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
3. Products covered (provide tariff item number(s) as specified in national
schedules deposited with the WTO; ICS numbers should be provided in addition,
where applicable): Foods
4. Regions or countries likely to be affected, to the extent relevant or practicable :
[X] All trading partners
[ ] Specific regions or countries:
5. Title of the notified document: Proposed amendment of the "Special Act on Imported
Food Safety Control" . Language(s): Korean . Number of pages: 18
6. Description of content: Until now, fishery products are classified and controlled as the
Same Imported Product from the Same Company based on the fact that their country of
origin, the name of the product and the exporter are the same. With the amendment, the
foreign food facility will be added as a requirement to be falling under the Same Imported
Product from the Same Company.
The types of business will be specifically classified for the registration of the foreign food
facilities of agricultural and fishery products as following :
1. Type of business for agricultural products :
− current : packaging agricultural products ;
− amended : farm, farm mixed facility, collection point ;
2. Type of business for fishery products :
− current : manufacturing/processing fishery products (including vessels and
aquaculture) ;
− amended : manufacturing/processing fishery products, vessels, aquaculture .
7. Objective and rationale: [X] food safety, [ ] animal health, [ ] plant protection,
[ ] protect humans from animal/plant pest or disease, [ ] protect territory from
other damage from pests.
8. Is there a relevant international standard? If so, identify the standard:
[ ] Codex Alimentarius Commission (e.g. title or serial number of Codex
standard or related text) :
[ ] World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) (e.g. Terrestrial or Aquatic
Animal Health Code, chapter number) :
[ ] International Plant Protection Convention (e.g. ISPM number) :
[X] None G/SPS/N/KOR/753
- 2 -
Does this proposed regulation conform to the relevant international standard?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
If no, describe, whenever possible, how and why it deviates from the
international standard:
9. Other relevant documents and language(s) in which these are available:
10. Proposed date of adoption (dd/mm/yy) : To be determined.
Proposed date of publication (dd/mm/yy) : To be determined.
11. Proposed date of entry into force: [ ] Six months from date of publication , and/or
(dd/mm/yy) : To be determined.
[ ] Trade facilitating measure
12. Final date for comments: [X] Sixty days from the date of circulation of the
notification and/or (dd/mm/yy) : 10 July 2022
Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [ ] National Notification
Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and e -mail address (if
available) of other body:
International Cooperation Office
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
#187 Osongsaengmyeong2 -ro, Osong -eup, Heungdoek -gu, Cheongju -si
Chungcheongbuk -do, 363 -700, Korea
Tel: +(82 43) 719 1569
Fax: +(82 43) 719 1550
E-mail: [email protected]
13. Text(s) available from: [ ] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry
Point. Address, fax number and e -mail address (if available) of other body:
Documents are available from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety website at
http:// . Also available from:
International Cooperation Office
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
#187 Osongsaengmyeong2 -ro, Osong -eup, Heungdoek -gu, Cheongju -si
Chungcheongbuk -do, 363 -700, Korea
Tel: +(82 43) 719 1569
Fax: +(82 43) 719 1550
| 604 | 4,072 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_IP_N_1IRL41.pdf | s_IP_N_1IRL41 |
4 de mayo de 2023
(23-3183) Página: 1/2
Consejo de los Aspectos de los Derechos de Propiedad
Intelectual relacionados con el Comercio Original: inglés
Miembro que
presenta la
notificación IRLANDA
Información sobre el texto jurídico notificado
Título Ley de Pesca y Jurisdicción Marítimas de 2006 (Nº 8 de 2006)
Materia Otra
Naturaleza de la
notificación [ ] Principales leyes o reglamentos dedicados a la propiedad intelectual
[X] Otras leyes o reglamentos
Enlace al texto
jurídico* https://ip
Situación de la
notificación [X] Primera notificación
[ ] Modificación o revisión del texto jurídico notificado
[ ] Sustitución o refundición del/de los texto(s) jurídico(s) notificado(s)
Referencias de
anteriores No se aplica
Breve descripción del texto jurídico notificado
Esta Ley revisa mediante modificaciones la Parte XIII de la Ley de Pesca (Consolidación) de 1959 y
las Leyes de Jurisdicción Marítima de 1959 a 1988; prevé el establecimiento de un órgano que
se conoce como Organismo de Protección de la Pesca Marítima y define sus funciones; modifica y
amplía las Leyes de Pesca de 1959 a 2003, la Ley de la Marina Mercante de 1995, la Ley de Centros
de Puertos Pesqueros de 1968, la Ley de Vertidos en el Mar de 1996 y la Ley de Seguridad Marítima
de 2005; modifica o deroga determinada s disposiciones y regula cuestiones conexas.
Idioma(s) del
texto jurídico
notificado Inglés
Entrada en vigor 4 de abril de 2006; la Ley se promulgó y entró en vigor en la misma fecha. IP/N/1/IRL/41 • IP/N/1/IRL/O/7
- 2 -
Otra fecha
Información sobre la notificación
Fecha de
presentación de la
notificación 6 de abril de 2023
Otra información El artículo 93 8) de la presente Ley modifica el texto que figura en los
artículos 185 y 290 de la Ley de Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos
de 2000 (Nº 28 de 2000).
(Véase IP/N/1/IRL/C/3 .)
Orga nismo o
responsable Intellectual Property Unit
Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment
[email protected]
* Se facilitan enlaces a los textos de las leyes y los reglamentos notificados en el marco del Acuerdo
sobre los ADPIC según los proporcionó el Miembro en cuestión; la Secretaría de la OMC no suscribe ni revisa
su contenido. | 393 | 2,587 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_Jobs_RD-TPR_1639.pdf | q_Jobs_RD-TPR_1639 | 0 | 0 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/256433_2019_TBT_CHN_19_4664_00_x.pdf | 256433_2019_TBT_CHN_19_4664_00_x | ICS 65.080
肥料中有毒有害物质的限量 要求
Limitation requirements of toxic and ha rmful substance in fertilizers
(本稿完成日期:201 8-10-11)
XXXX - XX - XX发布 XXXX - XX - XX实施
I 前 言
本标准为 全文强制。
本标准按 GB/T 1.1 给出的规则起草。
本标准由工业 和信息化部提出并归口。
本标准负责起草单位: 上海化工研究院 有限公司、 全国农业技术推广服务中心、 中农舜天肥业有限
公司、中化化肥有限公司、 江苏华昌化工股份有限公司。
本标准参加起草单位: 山东省产品质量检验研究院、云南省化工产品质量监督检验站、 上海出入境
检验检疫局工业品与原材料检测技术中心 、双赢集团生态科技有限公司 、江苏省产品质量监督检验研究
院、湖南省产 商品质量监督检验研究院、 贵州省产品质量监督检验研究院。
本标准主要起草人: 商照聪、田有国、孙鹰翔、岳清渠、闵凡国、 刘刚、段路路、张娟、桂素萍、
孟远夺、钟宏 波、赵雨薇、王伟、陈红军、 蓝森古、 刘咏。
本标准为首次发布。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
1 肥料中有毒有害物质的限量要求
1 范围
本标准规定了肥料中有毒有害物质的 术语和定义、 要求、试验方法 和检验规则 。
2 规范性引用文件
下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。 凡是注日期的引用文件, 仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。
GB/T 2441.2 尿素的测定方法 第2部分:缩二脲含量 分光光度法
GB 5085.1 危险废物鉴别标准 腐蚀性鉴别
GB 5085.2 危险废物鉴别标准 急性毒性鉴别
GB 5085.3 危险废物鉴别标准 浸出毒性鉴别
GB 5085.4 危险废物鉴别标准 易燃性鉴别
GB 5085.5 危险废物鉴别标准 反应性鉴别
GB 5085.6 危险废物鉴别标准 毒性物质含量鉴别
GB/T 8170- 2008 数值修约规则与极限数值的表示与判定
GB/T 19524.1 肥料中粪大肠菌群的测定
GB/T 19524.2 肥料中蛔虫卵死亡率的测定
GB/T 22924 复混肥料( 复合肥料) 中缩二脲含量的测定
GB/T 23349 肥料中砷、镉、 铅、铬、汞 生态指标
GB/T 31266 过磷酸钙中三氯乙醛含量的测定
GB/T 32952 肥料中多环芳烃含量的测定 气相色谱- 质谱法
GB/T 35104 肥料中邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂含量的测定 气相色谱 -质谱法
ISO 17318 肥料和土壤调理剂 - 砷、镉、铬、铅和汞含量的测定 Fertilizers and soil conditioners -
Determination of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury contents
ISO 1 8643 肥料和土壤调理剂 - 尿基肥料中缩二脲含量的测定- HPLC法 Fertilizers and soil
conditioners - Determination of biuret content of urea -based fertilizers - HPLC method
3 术语和定义
肥料 fertilizer
农产品品质,或增强植物抗逆性的有机、无机、微生物及 其混合物料 。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
2 3.2
商品肥料 commercial fertilizer
固体废物 solid waste
是指在生产、 生活和其他活动中产生的丧失原有利用价值或者虽未丧失利用价值但被抛弃或者放弃
的固态、半固态和置于容器中的气态 的物品、物质以及法律、行政法规规定纳入固体废物管理的物品、
[GB 5085.7 -2007,定义 3.1]
无机肥料 inorganic fertilizer
由提取、物理和 /或化学工业方法制成的,标明养分呈无机盐形式的肥料。
[GB/T 6274 -2016,定义 2.1.6]
4 要求
4.1 基本项目
表1中的项目为基本项目 (必测项目) , 按本标准规定的 试验方法进行检测判定后应符合表 1要求。
表1 肥料中有毒有害物质的限量要求 (基本项目)
序号 项 目 含量限值
无机肥料 其它肥料a
1 总镉 ≤10 mg/kg ≤3 mg/kg
2 总汞 ≤5 mg/kg ≤2 mg/kg
3 总砷 ≤50 mg/kg ≤15 mg/kg
4 总铅 ≤200 mg/kg ≤50 mg/kg
5 总铬 ≤500 mg/kg ≤150 mg/kg
6 总铊 ≤2.5 mg/kg ≤2.5 mg/kg
7 缩二脲b ≤1.5 % ≤1.5 %
8 蛔虫卵死亡率 —c 95%
9 粪大肠菌群数 —c ≤100个/g或≤100个/mL
a 指除无机肥料以外的肥料,有毒有害物质含量以烘干基计。
b 仅在标明总氮含量时进行检测和判定。
c 该指标不做要求。
4.2 可选项目 GB XXXXX— XXXX
3 表2中的项目为可选 项目,当使用来源不明的废弃物为肥料原料及管理部门认为必要时, 按本标准
规定的试验方法进行检测判定后应符合表 2要求。
表2 肥料中有毒有 害物质的限 量要求( 可选项目)
序号 项 目 含量限值
无机肥料 其它肥料a
1 总镍 ≤600 mg/kg ≤600 mg/kg
2 总钴 ≤100 mg/kg ≤100 mg/kg
3 总钒 ≤325 mg/kg ≤325 mg/kg
4 总锑 ≤25 mg/kg ≤25 mg/kg
5 苯并[a]芘 ≤0.55 mg/kg ≤0.55 mg/kg
6 石油烃总量b ≤0.25 % ≤0.25 %
7 邻苯二甲酸酯类总量c ≤25 mg/kg ≤25 mg/kg
8 三氯乙醛 ≤5.0 mg/kg —d
a 指除无机肥料以外的肥料,有毒有害物质含量以烘干基计。
b 石油烃总量为C6 ~C36总和。
c 邻苯二甲酸酯类总量为邻苯二甲酸二甲酯 (DMP) 、 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯 (DEP) 、 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 (DBP)、
邻苯二甲酸丁基卞酯(BBP )、邻苯二甲酸二(2 -乙基)己基酯( DEHP)、邻苯二甲酸二正辛酯(DNOP )、
邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯(DINP)、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯(DIDP )八种物质总和。
d 该指标不做要求。
4.3 其它要求
4.3.1 尚无国家标准 或行业标准的肥料产品投放市场前,应 按附录A进行陆生植物生长试验, 且在一
定暴露期间产生的不良改变与对照相比不大于 25%作用浓度( EC25)。
4.3.2 不应在肥料中人为添加对环境、农作物生长和农产品质量安全造成危害的染色剂、着色剂 、激
4.3.3 依据GB 5085.1 ~GB 5085.6 进行鉴别,具有腐蚀性、毒性、易燃性、反应性等任何一种危险特
性的固体废物不 应直接施用到土壤中。其中依据 GB 5085.3 进行浸出毒性鉴别时,对铜(以总铜计)和
5 试验方法
5.1 腐蚀性鉴别
按GB 5085.1 进行。
5.2 急性毒性鉴别
按GB 5085.2 进行。
5.3 浸出毒性鉴别
按 GB 5085.3 进行。
5.4 易燃性鉴别 GB XXXXX— XXXX
4 按GB 5085.4 进行。
5.5 反应性鉴别
按GB 5085.5 进行。
5.6 毒性物质含量鉴别
按GB 5085.6 进行。
5.7 总镉、总汞、总砷、总铅、总铬
按GB/T 23349或ISO 17318 进行,以 GB/T 23349为仲裁法。
5.8 总镍、总钴、总钒、总锑、总铊
按附录 B进行。
5.9 缩二脲
按GB/T 22924或 GB/T 2441.2或ISO 18643 进行,以 GB/T 22924为仲裁法 。
5.10 苯并[a]芘
按GB/T 32952进行。
5.11 石油烃总量
按GB 5085.6进行。
5.12 邻苯二甲酸酯类总量
按GB/T 35104进行 。
5.13 三氯乙醛
按GB/T 31266进行。
5.14 蛔虫卵死亡率
按GB/T 19524.2进行。
5.15 粪大肠菌群数
按GB/T 19524.1进行。
5.16 陆生植物生长试验
6 检验规则
6.1 本标准中指标合格判定,采用 GB/T 8170- 2008中的“修约值比较法”。
6.2 采样和样品制备按相应的产品标准进 行。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
5 6.3 第4章中缩二脲按相应的产品标准规定确定检验项目分类,其它项目均为型式检验项目。
6.4 型式检验在下列情况时应进行测定:
a) 在新产品投放市场前;
b) 正式生产时,定期或积累到一定量后,每 两年至少进行一次检验;
c) 发生肥料质量事故和纠纷,进行调查时;
d) 政府管理部门 提出型式检验的要求时。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
6 A
附 录 A
A.1 受试物信息
受试物信息包括但不限于:水溶性 、蒸气压、结构式 、有机溶剂中的溶解度 、正辛醇 /水的分配系
数、吸收行为 、纯度、在水和光中的稳定性 、生物降解试验的结果 。
A.2 试验简介
A.2.1 试验目的
A.2.2 试验原理
本附录用于评价在土壤中(或其他合适的土壤基质)施用供 试品后对出 苗和较高植物早期生长的影
响。种子种入供试品处理过土壤中,在对照组出苗率达到50% 后的14~21d内进行评价。终点测量是可见
的出苗率、 苗干重(也可为鲜重),某些情况下为苗高,也要评价植物不同部位上可见的有害的影响。
本附录可根据研究目的测定剂量- 反应曲线,或单剂量 /比率作为限度试验。如果单剂量/比率试验
超出一定的毒性水平(例如观察到的效应高于 x%),要进行范围筛选试验测定毒性高和低限,再进行多
剂量试验产生剂量- 反应曲线。 适当的统计分析方法分析获得最敏感参数的作用浓度EC X或有效施用率 ERX
(如EC 25、ER 25、EC50、ER50)。同样无作用浓度(NOEC )和最低作用浓度( LOEC)也能计算出来。
A.2.3 参比物
定期进行参考物质试验, 以确认随着时间的 推移试验性 能和特定植 物的反应和试验条件没有明显改
A.2.4 限度
A.3 设备与材料
人工生长箱、温室或植物生长箱。生长容器应为塑料器皿或瓷盆钵。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
7 A.4 试验操作
A.4.1 准备自然土 —人工基质
可用含1.5%以上有机碳(有机质 约3%)的沙壤土、壤质沙土或沙质黏壤土装入花盆,种入植物,含
1.5%以上有机碳的商业盆栽土或合成混合土均可用。如果供试品黏土有很高的亲和力, 则不可用黏土。
耕地土应过2mm 筛使之均一,并去除粗糙颗粒。最终准备土壤的类型和构造、有机碳、pH、 盐含量和 电
特性上的变异,如pH 和氧化还原电位,可以影响供试品的生物可用性。
人工基质通常不用于作物保护产品的试验, 但可用于一般化学品的试验或想要尽可能减少自然土 的
变异性和增加试验结果的可比较性。所用基质应包含惰性物质,减少与供试品 、溶剂载体或两者的相互
反应,用酸洗过的石英砂 、矿物丝和玻璃珠(如 0.35mm~0.85mm直径)是合适的惰性物质,可减少对供
性的材料。应提供植物生长所需的营养以保证植物没有营养缺乏的压力,可 通过化学分析或对照植物的
A.4.2 供试植物
布地区,发展成反应范围 。可能的试 验种类选择 时应考虑下列特征:
——有均一的种子,从可靠的标准种子来源获得,能产生持续、可靠和一致的萌芽, 以及一致的幼
——所用种的敏感性应与环境暴露中的植物反应一致 ;
验或植物相克研究中的使用表明对宽泛多样性刺激存在敏感度 ;
——能够适应试验方法中的生长条件 ;
试验所用的种类数量根据相关的管理要求决定,附录 C中的植物测试试验用物种供参考 。
A.4.3 供试品的施入
A.4.4 与土壤/人工基质的混合
水溶性低的物质应先溶入适当的挥发性溶剂中(如丙酮、乙醇)并与沙混合。用气流将溶剂从沙 中
去除。处 理的沙子与 试验土壤混合。设置只加沙子和溶剂的溶剂对照。各处理和溶剂对照应加等量的混
入溶剂并已去除溶剂的沙子,对于固体和不溶于水的供试品, 直接和干土混合。此后, 将土加入容器中,
并立即种入种子。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
8 用人工基质代替土壤时,在试验开始前可直接将溶于水的化学品溶解到营养液中。不溶于水,但可
沙粒或珠子上。在分装之前,取一部分称重的玻璃 珠用等量溶 剂提取,进 行化学分析。
A.4.5 表面施用
分与元素间的结合)。模仿典型的喷雾器将供试品喷洒在土壤表面。通常,喷洒量应在正常 农用量的范
应设置溶剂 /载体对照。不必试验作 物保护产品的制剂。
A.4.6 供试品浓度 /比率的验证
A.4.7 试验条件
箱或温室中进行园艺操作维持正常生长。 采用生长设备时 ,应保证植物正常生长,并与对照组对照; 应
记录包括条件控制和足够 频率(如每日)的温度、湿度、二氧化碳浓度、光(强度、波长、光合有效辐
射)/光周期、平均灌溉量 等参数,温室温度通过通风、升温和/或制冷系统来控制。下列条件通常为温
——光周期:最少 16h光照;
——照度: (24850±3550 )LUX。如果照度降到14200 LUX 以下,波长 (400~700)nm,除某些种
试验期间应监测和记录环境条件。试验所用容器应无孔塑料或玻 璃容器,容器下面应垫上托盘或碟
为维持好的 植物活力,可以添加土壤营养液。通过观察对照植物判断添加营养液的需要和时机。推
对试验植物种和供试品来说,特定的生长条件是适合的(参见附录 D)。对照和试验组植物应 放置
A.4.8 试验操作
A.4.8.1 试验设计 GB XXXXX— XXXX
9 同样种类的种子种植于容器中。每个容器中种入的种子数 目应根据植物种类、容器大小和试验周期
决定。试验期间给植物提供充分的生长条件,避免过于拥挤。根据种子大小,最大的植株密度为(3 ~
10)粒/100cm2。例如,每直径为 15cm的容器内, 可种(1~2)株玉米、大豆、西红柿、黄瓜或甜菜;
可种3株油菜或豌豆; 可种(5~10)株洋葱、小麦或其他小粒种子。 种子数量和重复容器(一个重复指
一个容器, 容器内的植物不是重复)应足 以采用理想 的统计分析方法 进行统计 。每个重复用很少的大种
子比每个重复用小种子时变异会较大,应标记。可以通过每个容器 内同样数量的种子降低 变异。
后在流水下漂洗 再晒干。允许其他作物保护产品的非治疗性处理。
A.4.8.2 单浓度/比率试验
应考虑物质的物理/ 化学特性。 对作物保护产品而言,需要考虑物理/化学特性、供试品的使用模式、最
特性,通常以1000mg/kg 干土作为最大剂量 。
A.4.8.3 预试验
进行正式的多浓度的剂量反应研究前, 需先进行预试 验确定剂量范围。 预试 验的浓度间距应较宽 (如
0.1mg/kg、 1.0mg/kg 、10mg/kg、100mg/kg 和1000mg/kg干土)。 作物保护 产品的浓度应根据推荐或最大
使用浓度或施用比率确定,如推荐/ 最大浓度或施用比率的 1/100、1/10 和1/1。
A.4.8.4 多浓度/比率试验
多浓度/比率试验的目的是建立剂量反应关系和测定萌芽率、生物量的EC X或ER X值和/或与未给药的
试验浓度/ 比率的数量和间距应足够产生可信的剂量反应关系和回归线性方程并能得出估计的 ECX
或ER X值。所选浓度数量至少 五个几何级数并加上对照,几何间距应不超过 3。每个处理和对照均至少有
四个平行,总的种子数应至少 20粒。对某些萌芽率低的植物或多样化的生长特征的 植物,增加平行数提
A.4.8.5 观察
在观察期内,即对照(溶剂对照)出苗率达到 50%后的(14 ~21)d内,定期(至少一周,若可能每
日)观察植物是否出苗和可见的植物中毒死亡。在试验结束时,记录出苗率 、存活植物的生物量和植物
上的影响。最终生物量通过测定最终存活植株的平均苗干重完成,收割土壤表面以上的植株在 60℃烘干
至恒定的质 量。也可选择以鲜重作为最终生物量。如有特殊 要求,苗高可作为另一个重点指标。可用一
个统一的评分系统对 可见的伤害进行评分来评价可观察的毒性反应。
A.5 质量控制
为保证试验的有效性,对照应符合下列形态标准: GB XXXXX— XXXX
10 ——出苗率至少70% ;
——试验期间,对照组幼苗平均存活率应高于 90%;
——特定种类的环境条件应一样, 生长介质包含等量的人工土壤基质、 支持介质或同样来源的物质。
A.6 数据和报告
A.6.1 数据处理
A.6.1.1 单浓度/比率试验
浓度/比率下未见效应(如在 y浓度或比率观察的效应<x%)。
A.6.1.2 多浓度/比率试验
根据回归方程剂量- 反应关系。可用不同的模型:如出苗率等计数型数据EC X或ER X(如EC25、ER25、
EC50或ER50)和置信限的估算可用 逻辑回归法 、概率法、韦博法、寇氏法进行统计。幼苗生长(质量和
高度)等连续型终点指标EC X或ER X和可信限的估算可用适当的回归分析(如 Bruce-Versteeg非线性回归
分析)。如果可能, R2值为0.7或再高些,对多数敏感性种来说,所设浓度 /比率包含 20%和80%效应。如
果要求NOEC,要求有更强 大的分析性试验,并且要在数据分布基础上选择。
A.6.2 试验报告
试验报告应包括试验结果 、试验条件的详细描述、结果的全面讨论、数据的分析和分析结果。提供
结果图表和 摘要。通常 包括下列内容:
——化学鉴定数据,相关物质特性(如可能, 正辛醇/水的分配系数 lg POW、水溶解度、蒸气压、环
——种子贮存、处理和维护的描述 。
——若用营养液,配方描述; GB XXXXX— XXXX
11 ——供试品的施用:施用方法的描述、设备描述、暴露承载量和体积包括化学验证、校准方法描述
——生长条件:光强(如光合有效辐射PAR )、光周期、最高 /最低温度、浇水时间表和方法、施肥;
——每个容器内的种子数量(阴性和 /或阳性对照、或溶剂对照);
——每个重复、试验浓度/ 比率和种子的所有终点数据表;
——EC X或ER X(如EC50、ER50、EC25、ER25)值和相关置信限。如果有回归分析,提供回归方程标准偏
——若计算, NOEC(和 LOEC)值;
——数据表和试验种的剂量 -反应关系图。
试验过程中与方法的偏离和试验中不可预见的情况的描述。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
12 B A
附 录 B
肥料中总镍、总钴、总钒、总锑、总铊含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
B.1 方法提要
试样中的总镍、总钴、总钒、总锑、总铊用王水消化提取, 电感耦合等离子 体发射光谱法进行测定。
当存在锰及其他元素干扰测定时,总铊 的测定采用王水溶样, 甲基异丁基甲酮萃取富集后,将萃取液蒸
干,残渣用硝酸消解,用电感耦合等离子 体发射光谱法进行测定 。
B.2 试剂
B.2.1 硝酸:优级纯。
B.2.2 10%硝酸溶液: 1体积的硝酸与9 体积的水混合。
B.2.3 盐酸:优级纯。
B.2.4 盐酸溶液: 1+1。
B.2.5 碘化钾-抗坏血酸溶液:称取 30g碘化钾和 20g抗坏血酸于烧杯中,加水溶解,转移至100mL容量
B.2.6 甲基异丁基甲酮:分析纯。
B.2.7 镍、钴、钒、锑、铊元素标准储备液:1.000g/L ,有证标准物质。
B.2.8 高纯氩气:含量≥99.999% 。
B.3 仪器和材料
B.3.1 通常实验室用仪器。
B.3.2 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪。
B.3.3 试验筛,孔径为 0.50mm。
B.4 试验方法
B.4.1 试样制备
研磨实验室样品,直至样品颗粒均小于0.50mm ,混匀,置于洁净、干燥的瓶中。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
13 B.4.2 试样溶液的制备
称取试样 0.5~5g(精确至 0.0001g)于100mL烧杯中,用少量水润湿,加入15mL 盐酸和5mL硝酸,盖
上表面皿,在低温电热板上加热至沸,保持微沸 15 min,稍微移开表面皿继续加热,使酸全部蒸发至近
干涸,以赶尽硝酸。冷却后加入 20mL盐酸溶液 (B.2.4) ,加热溶解,冷却至室温后转移至 100mL容量瓶
当试样中存在锰及其他元素干扰测定时,按以下步骤制 备总铊测定的 试样溶液:称取试样 5g(精确
至0.0001 g )于100 mL 烧杯中,用少量水润湿,加入 15mL盐酸和5mL硝酸,盖上表面皿,在低温电热板
上加热至沸, 保持微沸 15 min,若 试料溶解清亮无残渣, 按 B.4.2.1进行; 若试料 不能完全溶解, 按 B.4.2.2
B.4.2.1 稍微移开表面继续加热,使酸蒸发至近干涸。稍冷后加入5 mL 盐酸溶液 (B.2.4) ,并加热使
残渣溶解。冷却至室温,转移至25 mL 比色管中,控制溶液体积约15 mL 。加入3 mL碘化钾 -抗坏血酸溶
液,摇匀,加入5 mL 甲基异丁基甲酮,振荡萃取2 min ,静置15 min后,用滴管小心取出大部分有机相
置于50 mL 烧杯中,按照同样操作各 加入4 mL甲基异丁基甲酮继续萃取 2次,合并有机相,将烧杯置于沸
水浴上蒸干。 向烧杯中加入 5 mL硝酸, 在电热板上加热消解并蒸发至溶液体积小于 1 mL(溶液不能蒸干) ,
冷却至室温,转移至 10 mL容量瓶中,定容,摇匀,待用。若试液浑浊,于测定前过滤。
B.4.2.2 稍微移开表面皿继续加热,待溶液约为 10mL时,取下,冷却,转移至50mL容量瓶中,定容,
混匀,干过滤 ,弃去前10mL滤液。准确移取20mL 滤液于50mL比色管中,以下按照 B.4.2.1中“加入3 mL
碘化钾-抗坏血酸溶液 ......”进行。
B.4.3 空白溶液的制备
除不加试样外,其它步骤同试样溶液的制备 。
B.4.4 工作标准溶液的配制
取适量各元素的标准储备液,经逐级稀释并用10% 硝酸溶液 (B.2.2) 定容,按表 B.1配制混合离子
表B.1 混合离子标准溶液浓度 (单位为微克每毫升 μg/mL)
元素 镍 钴 钒 锑 铊
标0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
标1 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
标2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05
标3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1
标4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3
标5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.5
14 进行测定前,根据待测元素性质,参照仪器操作说明书,进行最佳工作条件选择。 在选定的仪器工
各元素的推荐波长为:镍231.604 nm、钴228.616 nm、钒310.230 nm、锑206.833 nm、铊190.856 nm。
B.6 分析结果的表述
各元素含量w1,单位为毫克每千克( mg/kg), 按式(B.1)计算:
c ——试样溶液中被测元素浓度的数值,单位为微克每毫升(μ g/mL);
c0 ——空白溶液中被测元素浓度的数值,单位为微克每毫升(μ g/mL);
V ——测定时试样溶液体积的数值,单位为毫升( mL);
D ——测定时试样溶液稀释倍数的数值;
m ——试料质量的数值,单位为克( g)。
计算结果表示到小数点后两位, 取平行测定结果的算术平均值为测定结果。
B.7 允许差
平行测定结果的相对偏差不大于 30%;
不同实验室测定结果的相对偏差 不大于50%。
B.8 检出限
镍(Ni):0.03 mg/kg。钴(Co):0.03 mg/kg。钒(V):0.002 mg/kg。锑(Sb):0.06 mg/kg。
铊(Tl): 采用B.4.2.1步骤时,为 0.01 mg/kg ;采用B.4.2.2步骤时,为0.03 mg/kg 。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
附 录 C
表C.1 植物测试试验用物种
科名 学名 推荐物种
Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) 伞形科 Daucus carota 胡萝卜 Carrot
Asteraceae (Compositae) 菊科 Helianthus annuus 向日葵 Sunflower
Asteraceae (Compositae) 菊科 Lactuca sativa 莴苣 Lettuce
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) 十字花科 Sinapis alba 白芥 White Mustard
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) 十字花科 Brassica campestris var.chinesis 大白菜 Chinese cabbage
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) 十字花科 Brassica nappus 油菜 Oilseed rape
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) 十字花科 Brassica oleracea var.capitata 卷心菜 Cabbage
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) 十字花科 Brassica rapa 芜菁 Turnip
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) 十字花科 Lepidium sativum 小白菜 Garden cres s
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) 十字花科 Raphanus sativus 小萝卜 Radish
Chenopodiaceae 藜科 Beta vulgaris 甜菜 Sugar beet
Cucurbitaceae 葫芦科 Cucumis sativus 黄瓜 Cucumber
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 豆科 Glycine max (G .soja) 大豆 Soybean
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 豆科 Phaseolus aur eus 绿豆 Mung bean
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 豆科 Phaseolus vulgaris 菜豆 Dwarf bean,French bean,Garden
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 豆科 Pisum sativum 豌豆 Pea
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 豆科 Trigonella foenum -graecum 葫芦巴 Fenugreek
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 豆科 Lotus cornicu latus 白三叶草 Birdsfoot trefoil
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 豆科 Trifolium pratense 红三叶草 Red Clover GB XXXXX— XXXX
16 Fabaceae (Leguminosae) 豆科 Vicia sativa 野豌豆 Vetch
Linaceae 亚麻科 Linum usitatissimum 亚麻 Flax
Polygonaceae 蓼科 Fagopyrum esculentum 荞麦 Buckwheat
Solanaceae 茄科 Solanum l ycopersicon 番茄 Tomato
Liliaceae (Amarylladaceae) 百合科 Allium cepa 洋葱 Onion
Poaceae (Gramineae) 禾本科 Avena sativa 燕麦 Oats
Poaceae (Gramineae) 禾本科 Hordeum vulgare 大麦 Barley
Poaceae (Gramineae) 禾本科 Lolium perenne 黑麦草 Perennial ryegrass
Poaceae (Gr amineae) 禾本科 Oryza sativa 水稻 Rice
Poaceae (Gramineae) 禾本科 Secale cereale 黑麦 Rye
Poaceae (Gramineae) 禾本科 Sorghum bicolor 高粱 Grain sorghum,Shattercane
Poaceae (Gramineae) 禾本科 Triticum aestivum 小麦 Wheat
Poaceae (Gramineae) 禾本科 Zea mays 玉米 Corn
17 C B
附 录 D
(资料性附 录)
以下条件适合于下列 10种作物物种 在培养箱中测试:
——CO 2体积分数: 350 ×10-6±50 ×10-6;
——相对湿度:光周期内湿度约为 70%
5%,暗周期内湿度约为 90%
——光周期: 16h光/8h暗,光波长为 700nm;
——光: (24850±3550 )LUX,测试培养箱顶部。
——tomato 番茄( Solanum lycopersicon 茄属);
——cucumber 黄瓜(Cucumis sativus 黄瓜属);
——lettuce 莴苣(Lactuca sativa 莴苣属);
——soybean 大豆(Glycine max 大豆属);
——cabbage 卷心菜( Brassica oleracea var.capitata 云台属);
——carrot 胡萝卜( Daucus carota 胡萝卜属);
——oats 燕麦(Avena sativa);
——Perennial ryegrass 黑麦草(Lolium perenne 黑麦草属);
——corn 玉米(Zea mays 玉米);
——onion 洋葱(Allium cepa 洋葱)。 GB XXXXX— XXXX
参 考 文 献
[1] GB 5085.7- 2007 危险废物鉴别标准 通则
[2] 经合组织化学品测试指南208 ,陆生植物试验:出苗和幼苗生长试验( OECD Guideline for
Testing of Chemicals ,208 Terrestrial Plant Test:Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth Test )
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6 de enero de 2022
(22-0159) Página: 1/2
Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Original: español
La siguiente comunicación, de fecha 6 de enero de 2022 se distribuye a petición de la delegación del
Ecuador .
Motivo del addendum :
[ ] Modificación del plazo para presentar observaciones - fecha:
[ ] Adopción de la medida notificada - fecha:
[ ] Publicación de la medida notificada - fecha:
[ ] Entrada en vigor de la medida notificada - fecha:
[ ] Indicación de dónde se puede obtener el texto de la medida definitiva1:
[X] Retiro o derogación de la medida notificada - fecha:
Signatura pertinente, en el caso de que se vuelva a notificar la medida:
[ ] Modificación del contenido o del ámbito de aplicación de la medida notificada e
indicación de dónde se puede obtener el texto1:
Nuevo plazo para presentar observaciones (si pr ocede):
[ ] Publicación de documentos interpretativos e indicación de dónde se puede obtener el
[X] Otro motivo:
La presente Resolucíon entrará en vigencia a partir de su publicación en Registro Oficial.
La República de Ecuador comunica con relación al Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano RTE INEN 055
(2R)"Aguas Minerales y Aguas Purificadas", notificado mediante el documento identificado con la
signatura G/TBT/N/ECU/383/Add.1 del 25 de noviembre de 2020, ha sid o derogado y declarado sin
Texto disponible en el Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca,
Subsecretaría de Calidad, Organismo Nacional de Notificación:
Punto de Contacto OTC: Jeannette Mariño
1 Entre otras cosas, puede aportarse la dirección de un sitio web, un anexo en pdf u otra información
que indique dónde se puede obtener el texto de la medida definitiva /modificación de la medida y/o los
documentos interpretativos . G/TBT/N/ECU/383/Add.2
- 2 -
Plataforma Gubernament al de Gestión Financiera - Piso 8 Bloque amarillo Av. Amazonas entre Unión
Nacional de Periodistas y Alfonso Pereira, Quito - Ecuador Tel: (+593 -2) 3948760, Ext. 2252 / 2254
E-mail: Puntocontac [email protected] ; [email protected] ;
[email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
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29 de junio de 2023
(23-4426) Página: 1/2
Comité de Comercio y Desarrollo
Sesión Específica sobre los Arreglos
Comerciales Preferenciales
Informe de la Presidencia
- 2 -
que notifica Nombre del ACPR/descripción Fecha de
notificación Fecha en la que se
debían enviar los
datos para la
presentación fáctica Situación
China Trato de franquicia arancelaria para
los PMA 14.10.2011 2.3.2012 Toda la reglamentación pertinente y actualizada relativa al ACPR se ha presentado
a la Secretaría en un idioma de la OMC. También se han presentado los datos sobre
las importaciones y los aranceles, incluidos los datos más recientes sobre las
importaciones efectuadas en el marco del ACPR. Tras algunas reuniones recientes
celebradas entre la Secretaría y la delegación de China, se ha convenido que, a los
efectos de la presentación fáctica, China facilitará datos adicionales sobre las
importaciones a fin de obtener una representación más completa de la utilización de
las preferencias por parte de los PMA. L a Secretaría procederá a finalizar el proyecto
de presentación fáctica una vez que se hayan presentado estos datos adicionales .
de Rusia Sistema Generalizado de Preferencias
(1.1.2010 a 10.10.2016) 28.3.2013 7.6.2013 En 2013 se facilitó la reglamentación en un idioma de la OMC con la notificación.
A la espera de los datos completos sobre las importaciones y los aranceles.
de Rus ia Sistema Generalizado de Preferencias
(a partir del 10.10.2016) 20.6.2019 26.9.2019 En 2019 se facilitó la reglamentación en un idioma de la OMC con la notificación.
A la espera de los datos completos sobre las importaciones y los aranceles.
India Régimen preferencial de franquicia
arancelaria para los PMA 5.9.2011 23.1.2012 Toda la reglamentación pertinente y actualizada relativa al ACPR se ha presentado a
la Secretaría en un idioma de la OMC. También se han presentado los datos sobre las
importaciones y los aranceles. La Secretaría seguirá redactando la presentación
fáctica; no obstante, necesitará la aclaración de determinados elementos de los datos
facilitados y puede que, durante el proceso, solicite más datos.
Kazajstán Sistema Generalizado de Preferencias 13.10.2020 23.12.2020 En 2020 se facilitó la reglamentación en un idioma de la OMC con la notificación.
A la espera de los datos completos sobre las importaciones y los aranceles.
Montenegro Trato de franquicia arancelaria para
los PMA 7.2.2020 1.5.2020 Se han recibido los datos sobre las importaciones . A la espera de la notificación de los
datos sobre los aranceles de 2023. En 2020 se facilitó la reglamentación en un idioma
de la OMC con la notificación; la Secretaría está esperando a que la reglamentación
más actualizada se presente en un idioma de la OMC.
Reino Unido Sistema Generalizado de Preferencias 28.1.2021 9.4.2021 El proyecto de presentación fáctica se envió al Reino Unido el 21 de octubre de 2022.
Sobre la base de las observaciones formuladas por el Reino Unido, la Secretaría
quedó a la espera de una notificación de datos actualizados . Los datos actualizados
han sido presentados. La Secretaría procederá a finalizar el proyecto revisado de
presentación fáctica.
Taipei Chino Trato de franquicia arancelaria para
los PMA 27.10.2011 16.3.2012 Se han recibido los datos sobre las importaciones y los aranceles. La Secretaría está
esperando a que la reglamentación se presente en un idioma de la OMC para empezar
a redactar la presentación fáctica.
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24 février 2021
(21-1569) Page: 1/9
Comité de la facilitation des échanges Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 19 février 2021, est distribuée à la demande de la délégation
du Népal pour l'information des Membres.
Suite à la notification datée du 26 février 2020 (G/TFA/N/NPL/1/Add.1), le Népal présente les
notifications suivantes:
1. Le Népal notifie que les dispositions suivantes ont été transférées d'une catégorie à une autre
ainsi qu'il est prévu à l'article 19 de l'Accord sur la facilitation des échanges (WT/L/931).
2. Par ailleurs, le Népal notifie ses dates définitives pour la mise en œuvre des engagements de
la catégorie B conformément à l 'article 16 de l 'Accord sur la facilitation des échanges (WT/L/931). Disposition Intitulé/description Précédemment
notifiée comme
relevant de la
catégorie Transférée
dans la
Article 3 Décisions anticipées C B
Article 6:2 Disciplines spécifiques concernant les
redevances et impositions aux fins du traitement
douanier imposées à l'importation et à
l'exportation ou à l'occasion de l'importation et
de l'exportation C B
Article 6:3 Disciplines concernant les pénalités C B
Article 7:1 Traitement avant arrivée C B
Article 7:2 Paiement par voie électronique C B
Article 7:3 Séparation de la mainlevée de la détermination
finale des droits de douane, taxes, redevances et
impositions C B
Article 7:5 Contrôle après dédouanement C B
Article 7:6 Établissement et publication des temps moyens
nécessaires à la mainlevée C B
Article 10:7 Procédures communes à la frontière et
prescriptions uniformes en matière de
documents requis C B
Article 10:9 Admission temporaire de marchandises et
perfectionnement actif et passif C B
Article 11 Liberté de transit C B G/TFA/N/NPL/1/Add.2
- 2 -
Disposition Intitulé/description Date de mise en
œuvre définitive
Article 3 Décisions anticipées 31 décembre 2022
Article 6:2 Disciplines spécifiques concernant les redevances et impositions
aux fins du traitement douanier imposées à l'importation et à
l'exportation ou à l'occasion de l'importation et de l'exportation 31 décembre 2025
Article 6:3 Disciplines concernant les péna lités 31 décembre 2025
Article 7:1 Traitement avant arrivée 31 décembre 2027
Article 7:2 Paiement par voie électronique 31 décembre 2025
Article 7:3 Séparation de la mainlevée de la détermination finale des droits
de douane, taxes, redevances et impositions 31 décembre 2023
Article 7:5 Contrôle après dédouanement 31 décembre 2023
Article 7:6 Établissement et publication des temps moyens nécessaires à la
mainlevée 31 décembre 2025
Article 10:7 Procédures communes à la frontière et prescriptions uniformes
en matière de documents requis 31 décembre 2027
Article 10:9 Admission temporaire de marchandises et perfectionnement actif
et passif 31 décembre 2025
Article 11 Liberté de transit 31 décembre 2032
3. En outre, le Népal notifie ses dates indicatives pour la mise en œuvre des engagements de la
catégorie C conformément à l 'article 16 de l 'Accord sur la facilitation des échanges (WT/L/931).
Disposition Intitulé/description Date de mise en
œuvre indicative
Article 1:2 Renseignements disponibles sur Internet 31 décembre 2025
Article 1:3 Points d 'information 31 décembre 2025
Article 2:1 Possibilité de présenter des observations et renseignements
avant l'entrée en vigueur 31 décembre 2023
Article 4 Procédures de recours ou de réexamen 30 juin 2025
Article 5:1 Notification de contrôles ou d'inspections renforcés 31 décembre 2025
Article 5:3 Procédures d'essai 31 décembre 2027
Article 7:4 Gestion des risques 31 décembre 2027
Article 7:7 Mesures de facilitation des échanges pour les opérateurs agréés 31 décembre 2027
Article 7:8 Envois accélérés 31 décembre 2027
Article 8 Coopération entre les organismes présents aux frontières 31 décembre 2027
Article 9 Mouvement des marchandises destinées à l'importation sous
contrôle douanier 31 décembre 2027
Article 10:1 Formalités et prescriptions en matière de documents requis 31 décembre 2025
Article 10:3 Utilisation des normes internationales 31 décembre 2029
Article 10:4 Guichet unique 31 décembre 2032
Article 12 Coopération douanière 31 décembre 2029
4. Dans un souci de clarté, la liste complète des engagements du Népal est résumée dans le
tableau tel que joint à la présente.
- 3 -
Disposition Intitulé/description Catégorie Date de mise en
œuvre indicative
(pour les catégories
B et C) Date de mise en
œuvre définitive
(pour les catégories
B et C) Assistance et soutien pour le
renforcement des capacités nécessaires
pour la mise en œuvre
(pour la catégorie C)
Article 1 Publication et disponibilité des renseignements
Article 1:1 Publication B 31 décembre 2020 31 décembre 2023 -
Article 1:2 Renseignements disponibles sur Internet C 31 décembre 2025 À déterminer • Examen des publications existantes de tous
les principaux organismes de mise en
œuvre, identification des lacunes en ce qui
concerne les renseignements disponibles et
publication des renseignements manquants
conformément aux prescriptions de
l'article 1:2.
• Recensement de l 'infrastructure
informatique de tous les principaux
organismes et identification des lacunes qui
empêchent d 'arriver à un système et à des
processus informatisés pleinement
opérationnels pour la mise en œuvre de
• Mise à niveau de l 'infrastructure et des
logiciels des TIC et soutien technique pour
tenir à jour et moderniser les plate s-formes
des TIC.
Article 1:3 Points d 'information C 31 décembre 2025 À déterminer • Préparation des systèmes de gestion des
points d 'information, des protocoles pour la
gestion des points d 'information (mandats,
honoraires, procédures), des FAQ et des
documents que les points d 'information
fourniront aux entreprises.
• Formation du personnel chargé de la mise
en place, de la gestion et du
fonctionnement de(s) point(s)
• Infrastructure des TIC et technologie
permettant de faire fonctionner le(s)
point(s) d 'information.
Article 1:4 Notification B 31 décembre 2023 31 décembre 2023 -
Article 2 Possibilité de présenter des observations, renseignements avant l'entrée en vigueur et consultations
Article 2:1 Possibilité de présenter des observations et
renseignements avant l'entrée en vigueur C 31 décembre 2023 À déterminer • Formation du personnel aux nouveaux
processus dans chaque organisme concerné
par les activités de consultation publique.
- 4 -
Disposition Intitulé/description Catégorie Date de mise en
œuvre indicative
(pour les catégories
B et C) Date de mise en
œuvre définitive
(pour les catégories
B et C) Assistance et soutien pour le
renforcement des capacités nécessaires
pour la mise en œuvre
(pour la catégorie C)
• Conception de nouveaux systèmes
informatisés pour la consultation publique
au sein du secrétariat du Comité national
de la facilitation des échanges et des
principaux organismes.
• Partage entre pays des expériences et
reproduction de celles -ci dans le contexte
du Népal.
• Formation du personnel à l 'utilisation des
systèmes informatiques au sein du
secrétariat du Comité national d e la
facilitation des échanges et de tous les
Article 2:2 Consultations B 31 décembre 2020 31 décembre 2023 -
Article 3 Décisions anticipées
B 31 décembre 2022 31 décembre 2022 -
Article 4 Procédures de recours ou de réexamen
C 30 juin 2025 À déterminer • Rédaction de projets de loi s, de règles et
règlements subsidiaires.
• Conception de la structure de la nouvelle
instance chargée des recours et des
réexamens parallèlement au nouveaux
processus d'exécution des tâches.
• Formation et renf orcement des capacités du
personnel des douanes.
Article 5 Autres mesures visant à renforcer l'impartialité, la non -discrimination et la transparence
Article 5:1 Notification de contrôles ou d'inspections
renforcés C 31 décembre 2025 À déterminer • Examen de toutes les loi s et règles
pertinentes pour intégrer des dispositions
concernant la clôture immédiate de s
contrôles renforcés lorsque le risque est
• Infrastructure informatique pour
l'établissement et l 'exploitation de
systèmes de contrôle automatisés.
• Formation du personnel des principaux
organismes à la mise en œuvre du système
fondé sur les risques et à la réalisation de
contrôles renforcés.
• Partage entre pays des expériences et
reproduction de celles -ci dans le contexte
du Népal.
- 5 -
Disposition Intitulé/description Catégorie Date de mise en
œuvre indicative
(pour les catégories
B et C) Date de mise en
œuvre définitive
(pour les catégories
B et C) Assistance et soutien pour le
renforcement des capacités nécessaires
pour la mise en œuvre
(pour la catégorie C)
• Soutien à la concept ion du mécanisme de
suivi et établissement de liens avec le
système informatisé.
Article 5:2 Rétention B 31 décembre 2020 31 décembre 2024 -
Article 5:3 Procédures d'essai C 31 décembre 2027 À déterminer • Réalisation d 'analyse s des lacunes d ans la
législation et l 'infrastructure informatique
de chaque organisme .
• Mise au point d 'un système fondé sur les
risques avec la publication d'avis et de
rapports concernant les procédures d'essai.
• Renforcement des laboratoires et
préparation d 'une base de d onnées
consolidée pour les laboratoires.
• Examen du champ d 'application des
laboratoires et partage entre pays des
expériences et reproduction de celles -ci
dans le contexte du Népal.
Article 6 Disciplines concernant les redevances et impositions imposées à l'importation et à l'exportation ou à l'occasion de l'importation et de
l'exportation, et les pénalités
Article 6:1 Disciplines générales concernant les
redevances et impositions imposées à
l'importation et à l'exportation ou à
l'occasion de l'importation et de
l'exportation B 31 décembre 2020 31 décembre 2022 -
Article 6:2 Disciplines spécifiques concernant les
redevances et impositions aux fins du
traitement douanier imposées à
l'importation et à l'exportation ou à
l'occasion de l'importation et de
l'exportation B 31 décembre 2025 31 décembre 2025 -
Article 6:3 Disciplines concernant les pénalités B 31 décembre 2025 31 décembre 2025 -
Article 7 Mainlevée et dédouanement des marchandises
Article 7:1 Traitement avant arrivée B 31 décembre 2027 31 décembre 2027 -
Article 7:2 Paiement par voie électronique B 31 décembre 2025 31 décembre 2025 -
Article 7:3 Séparation de la mainlevée de la
détermination finale des droits de douane,
taxes, redevances et impositions B 31 décembre 2023 31 décembre 2023 -
- 6 -
Disposition Intitulé/description Catégorie Date de mise en
œuvre indicative
(pour les catégories
B et C) Date de mise en
œuvre définitive
(pour les catégories
B et C) Assistance et soutien pour le
renforcement des capacités nécessaires
pour la mise en œuvre
(pour la catégorie C)
Article 7:4 Gestion des risques C 31 décembre 2027 À déterminer • Rédaction de projets de dispositions
pertinentes pour les textes
opérationnel les normalisées en ce qui
concerne l 'élaboration d 'un profil de
risques, l a sélection et les boucles de
• Automatisation de la mise en œuvre du
système de gestion des risques et
établissement de liens avec tous les
organismes de mise en œuvre aux fins de
l'exécution de la gestion des risques.
• Établissement d 'un système intégré de
gestion des risques.
• Établisseme nt d'une installation de
quarantaine postentrée.
• Formation et renforcement des capacités du
personnel dans les domaines de l 'évaluation
des risques, de l 'inspection fondée sur les
risques, de l 'analyse des risques
phytosanitaires et de la gestion fondée su r
les risques pour l'i mportation et
l'exportation de marchandises.
Article 7:5 Contrôle après dédouanement B 31 décembre 2023 31 décembre 2023 -
Article 7:6 Établissement et publication des temps
moyens nécessaires à la mainlevée B 31 décembre 2025 31 décembre 2025 -
Article 7:7 Mesures de facilitation des échanges pour
les opérateurs agréés C 31 décembre 2027 À déterminer • Modification des dispositions juridiques
conformément aux prescriptions de l 'AFE.
• Établissement de processus pour la
présentation de demandes en ligne par les
opérateurs agréés et élaboration de critères
de sélection.
• Partage entre pays des expériences et
reproduction de celles -ci dans le contexte
du Népal.
• Formation et renforcement des capacités du
Article 7:8 Envois accélérés C 31 décembre 2027 À déterminer • Examen des dispositions juridiques
relatives aux envois accélérés pour les
marchandises remplissant les conditions
- 7 -
Disposition Intitulé/description Catégorie Date de mise en
œuvre indicative
(pour les catégories
B et C) Date de mise en
œuvre définitive
(pour les catégories
B et C) Assistance et soutien pour le
renforcement des capacités nécessaires
pour la mise en œuvre
(pour la catégorie C)
• Infrastructure et logiciels des TIC pour
automatiser les processus relatifs au
traitement en ligne des demandes d 'envois
Article 7:9 Marchandises périssables B 31 décembre 2020 31 décembre 2025 -
Article 8 Coopération entre les organismes présents aux frontières
C 31 décembre 2027 À déterminer • Établissement de mécanismes fonctionnels
(y compris des mémorandums d 'accord)
entre les agences ou au sein de celles -ci.
• Préparation d 'un plan directeur concernant
les installations communes et
développement de procédures
opérationnelles normalisées pour la
coopération entre les organismes présents
aux frontières.
• Conception de mécanismes de partage des
données et des renseignements.
• Renforcement des capacités et formation
du personnel en matière de coopération
entre les organismes présents aux
frontières et de meilleures pratiques
• Partage entre pays des expériences et
reproduction de celles -ci dans le contexte
du Népal.
• Soutien en matière de TIC pour mettre au
point de nouvelles méthodes de trava il.
Article 9 Mouvement des marchandises destinées à l'importation sous contrôle douanier
C 31 décembre 2027 À déterminer • Mise en place du suivi automatisé des
expéditions au sein des autorités
douanières , d'une manière intégrale .
• Formation et renforcement des capacités du
personnel à l'utilisation des nouveaux
systèmes et processus.
Article 10 Formalités se rapportant à l'importation, à l'exportation et au transit
Article 10:1 Formalités et prescriptions en matière de
documents requis C 31 décembre 2025 À déterminer • Examen des documents et des formalités
de tous les organismes et suggestion de
simplification, de normalisation et
• Élaboration d 'un système d 'examen
- 8 -
Disposition Intitulé/description Catégorie Date de mise en
œuvre indicative
(pour les catégories
B et C) Date de mise en
œuvre définitive
(pour les catégories
B et C) Assistance et soutien pour le
renforcement des capacités nécessaires
pour la mise en œuvre
(pour la catégorie C)
• Formation et renforcement des capacités du
personne l.
Article 10:2 Acceptation de copies B 31 décembre 2020 31 décembre 2024 -
Article 10:3 Utilisation des normes internationales C 31 décembre 2029 À déterminer • Réalisation d 'un examen périodique des
normes internationales et des
enseignements tirés de la mise en œuvre.
• Réalisation régulière d 'une analyse des
lacunes, examen des processus,
formulaires et documents requis pour les
aligner sur les normes internationales.
• Révision des systèmes et processus sur la
base des enseignement s tirés.
• Formation et renforcement des capacités du
personnel en ce qui concerne les
prescriptions des normes internationales et
l'utilisation de nouvelles méthodes de
travail, ainsi que les systèmes et processus
Article 10:4 Guichet unique C 31 décembre 2032 À déterminer • Soutien à l'examen des dispositions
juridiques relatives à la législation
douanière et à la législation subsidiaire
adéquate en vigueur pour une mise en
œuvre cohérente entre les différents
• Formation et re nforcement des capacités du
• Sensibilisation et renforcement des
capacités du secteur privé concernant
l'utilisation et les avantages du guichet
Article 10:5 Inspection avant expédition A - - -
Article 10:6 Recours aux courtier en douane A - - -
Article 10:7 Procédures communes à la frontière et
prescriptions uniformes en matière de
documents requis B 31 décembre 2027 31 décembre 2027 -
Article 10:8 Marchandises refusées B 31 décembre 2020 31 décembre 2025 -
Article 10:9 Admission temporaire de marchandises et
perfectionnement actif et passif B 31 décembre 2025 31 décembre 2025 -
Article 11 Liberté de transit
B 31 décembre 2032 31 décembre 2032 -
- 9 -
Disposition Intitulé/description Catégorie Date de mise en
œuvre indicative
(pour les catégories
B et C) Date de mise en
œuvre définitive
(pour les catégories
B et C) Assistance et soutien pour le
renforcement des capacités nécessaires
pour la mise en œuvre
(pour la catégorie C)
Article 12 Coopération douanière
C 31 décembre 2029 À déterminer • Partage entre pays des expériences et
régime de conformité.
• Formation et renforcement des capacités.
__________ | 2,663 | 18,269 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/279685_2021_GPA_GBR_21_7796_01_e.pdf | 279685_2021_GPA_GBR_21_7796_01_e | Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
2016 No. 65
The Concession Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016
Made - - - - 29th January 2016Laid before the Scottish
Parliament - - - - 2nd February 2016
Coming into force in accordance with regulation 1
The Scottish Ministers make the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by
section 2(2) of, and paragraph 1A of Schedule 2 to, the European Communities Act 1972 (1) (“the
1972 Act”) and all other powers enabling them to do so.
These Regulations make provision for a purpose mentioned in that section and it appears to the
Scottish Ministers that it is expedient for the following EU instruments to be construed as references
to those EU instruments or provisions of those EU Instruments (as appropriate) as amended from
time to time if they are expressly mentioned in these Regulations, and they are to be construed
(a)Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Community
framework for electronic signatures (2);
(b)Regulation (EC) 2195/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)(3);
(c)Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the common
regulatory framework for electronic communication networks and services (4);
(d)Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning markets
for financial instruments amending Council Directives 85/611/EEC and 93/6/EEC and
Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing
Council Directive 93/22/EEC (5);
(e)Commission Decision 2009/767/EC setting out measures facilitating the use of procedures
by electronic means through the points of single contact under Directive 2006/123/EC of
(1)1972 c.68 . Section 2(2) was amended by the Scotland Act 1998 (c.46) , Schedule 8, paragraph 15(3) (which was amended
by section 27(4) of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006 (“the 2006 Act”). Section 2(2) was also amended
by section 27(1)(a) of the 2006 Act and by the European Union (Amendment) Act 2008 (c.7) , section 3(3) and Part 1 of
the Schedule (“the 2008 Act”). The functions conferred upon a Minister of the Crown under section 2(2) of the European
Communities Act 1972, insofar as within devolved competence, was transferred to the Scottish Ministers by virtue of
section 53 of the Scotland Act. Paragraph 1A of Schedule 2 was inserted by section 28 of the 2006 Act and was amended
by the 2008 Act Schedule, Part 1.
(2)OJ L 13, 19.1.2000, p.12, amended by Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008 (OJ L 311, 21.11.2008, p.1).
(3)OJ L 340, 16.12.2002, p.1.
(4)OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p.33; last amended by Directive 2009/140/EC (OJ L 337. 18.12.2009, p.37.
(5)OJ L 145, 30.4.2004, p.1.Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market (notified
under document C(2009)7806) (6);
(f)Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the coordination
of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in member
States concerning the provision of audio-visual media services (7);
(g)Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the annual
financial statements, consolidated financial statement and related reports of certain types
of undertaking (8), amending Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council and repealing Council Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC ;
(h)Commission Decision 2011/130/EU establishing minimum requirements for the cross-
border processing of documents signed electronically by competent authorities under
Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the
internal market (notified under document C(2011) 1081(9);
(i)Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the award of
concession contracts (10);
(j)Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on public
procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC (11); and
(k)Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on procurement
entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and repealing
Directive 2004/17/EC (12),
and they are to be construed accordingly.
Citation, commencement and extent
1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Concession Contracts (Scotland) Regulations
(2) Subject to paragraph (3), these Regulations come into force on 18th April 2016.
(3) Regulation 32(1) to (7) (rules applicable to communication) comes into force on—
(a)18th April 2017 in relation to procurement by a central purchasing body; and
(b)18th October 2018 in relation to procurement by any other contracting entity.
(4) These Regulations extend to Scotland only.
2.—(1) In these Regulations—
(6)OJ L 274, 20.10.2009, p.36, last amended by Commission Decision 2013/662/EU (OJ L 306, 16.11.2013, p.21).
(7)OJ L 95, 15.4.2010, p.1.
(8)OJ L 182, 29.6.2013, p.19.
(9)OJ L 53, 26.2.2011, p.66.
(10)OJ L 94, 28.3.2014, p.1.
(11)OJ L 94, 28.3.2014, p.65.
(12)OJ L 94, 28.3.2014, p.243.
2Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
“body governed by public law” means a body that has legal personality, is established for
the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or
commercial character and which—
(a) is financed for the most part by the State, regional or local authorities, or by any other
body governed by public law;
(b) is subject to management supervision by any such authority or body; or
(c) has an administrative, managerial or supervisory board more than half the members of
which were appointed by any body referred to in sub-paragraph (a);
“candidate” means an economic operator that has sought an invitation or has been invited to
take part in a procurement for the award of a concession contract;
“central purchasing body” means a contracting entity providing purchasing activity conducted
on a permanent basis in one of the following forms—
(d) the acquisition of supplies or services for contracting entities;
(e) the award of a concession contract for works, supplies or services intended for
contracting entities;
“commenced” in relation to procurement means—
(f) if a concession notice has been sent to the Official Journal in accordance with
regulation 33 (concession notice);
(g) if a prior information notice has been published in accordance with regulation 33; or
(h) in any case where there is no such advertising, if the contracting entity has contacted any
economic operator—
(i) in order to seek expressions of interest or offers in respect of a proposed concession
contract; or
(ii) in response to an unsolicited expression of interest or offer in respect of a proposed
concession contract;
“Commission” means European Commission;
“concessionaire” means an economic operator that has been awarded a concession contract;
“concession contract award notice” means the notice referred to in regulation 34 (concession
contract award notice);
“concession contract” has the meaning given by regulation 3 (meaning of “concession
“Concession Contracts Directive” means Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament
and of the Council on the award of concession contracts (13);
“concession document” means any document produced or referred to by the contracting
entity to describe or determine elements of the concession contract or the procurement
procedure, including the concession notice, the technical and functional requirements,
proposed conditions of the concession contract, formats for the presentation of documents by
candidates and tenderers, information on generally applicable obligations and any additional
“concession notice” has the meaning given by regulation 6 (meaning of “concession notice”);
“contracting body” (except in regulation 19 (Exclusions: concession contacts between entities
within the public sector)) means a contracting authority or utility;
(13)OJ L 94, 28.3.2014, p.1.
3Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
“CPV” means the Common Procurement Vocabulary as adopted by Regulation (EC) No
2195/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Common Procurement
Vocabulary (14) and “CPV Code” shall be construed accordingly;
“Defence and Security Regulations” means the Defence and Security Public Contracts
Regulations 2011(15);
“disabled”, in relation to a person, means a disabled person within the meaning of the Equality
Act 2010 (16) and, in relation to a worker, means a disabled person who is a worker;
“economic operator” means any person or public entity or group of such persons or both
including any temporary association of undertakings, which offers the execution of works or
a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market;
“electronic means” means electronic equipment for processing (including digital compression)
and storage of data which is transmitted, conveyed and received by wire, radio, optical or other
electromagnetic means;
“exclusive right” means a right granted by a competent authority of a member State by means
of any law, regulation or published administrative provision which is compatible with the
Treaties, the effect of which is to limit the exercise of an activity to a single economic operator
and which substantially affects the ability of other economic operators to carry out such an
“execution of works” means—
(a) the execution, or both the design and execution, of works related to one of the activities
listed in Schedule 1;
(b) the execution, or both the design and execution, of a work;
(c) the realisation, by whatever means, of a work corresponding to the requirements specified
by the contracting entity exercising a decisive influence on the type or design of the work;
“Official Journal” means the Official Journal of the European Union;
“prior information notice” means the notice referred to in regulation 33(3) (concession notice);
“procurement” means the process undertaken by a contracting entity leading to the award of
a concession contract for the acquisition of works, supplies or services from an economic
“services concession contract” has the meaning given by regulation 3(3) (meaning of “services
concession contract”);
“tenderer” means an economic operator that has submitted a tender;
“TFEU” means the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union(17);
“the Treaties” means the Treaty on European Union(18) and the TFEU;
“utility” has the meaning given by regulation 5 (meaning of “utility”);
“a work” means the outcome of building or civil engineering works taken as a whole which is
sufficient in itself to fulfil an economic or technical function;
“working day” means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a bank holiday in Scotland within
the meaning of the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 (19);
(14)OJ L 340, 16.12.2002, p.1, last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 213/2008 (OJ L 74, 15.3.2008, p.1).
(15)S.I. 2011/1848 amended by S.S.I. 2012/88 , S.S.I. 2012/89 , S.I. 2015/102 , S.S.I 2015/446 and S.S.I 2016/49 .
(16)2010 c.15 .
(17)OJ C 115, 9.5.2008, p.47.
(18)OJ C 115, 9.5.2008, p.13.
(19)1971 c.80
4Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
“works concession contract” has the meaning given by regulation 3(2) (meaning of “works
concession contract”);
“written” or “in writing” means any expression which can be read by a person, reproduced
and subsequently communicated, including information transmitted and stored by electronic
(2) Unless the context otherwise requires, any other expression used both in these Regulations
(other than in Part 5) and in the Concession Contracts Directive has the meaning that it bears in
that Directive.
(3) Except in regulation 52(4) (enforcement of duties through the courts) where these Regulations
refer to a period of time—
(a)where the period follows an action taken, the day on which the action taken is not counted
in the calculation of the period; and
(b)the period must include at least 2 working days; and
(c)where the last day of the period is not a working day, the period is extended to include
the next working day.
Meaning of “concession contract”
3.—(1) In these Regulations, “concession contract” means a works concession contract or a
services concession contract as defined within this regulation.
(2) A “works concession contract” means a contract—
(a)for pecuniary interest concluded in writing by means of which one or more contracting
entities entrust the execution of works to one or more economic operators, the
consideration for which consists either solely in the right to exploit the works that are the
subject of the contract or in that right together with payment; and
(b)that meets the requirements of paragraph (4).
(3) A “services concession contract” means a contract—
(a)for pecuniary interest concluded in writing by means of which one or more contracting
entities entrust the provision and the management of services (other than the execution
of works) to one or more economic operators, the consideration of which consists either
solely in the right to exploit the services that are the subject of the contract or in that right
together with payment; and
(b)that meets the requirements of paragraph (4).
(4) The requirements referred to in paragraphs (2)(b) and (3)(b) are—
(a)the award of the contract involves the transfer to the concessionaire of an operating risk
in exploiting the works or services encompassing demand or supply risk or both; and
(b)the part of the risk transferred to the concessionaire involves real exposure to changing
market conditions, such that any potential estimated loss incurred by the concessionaire
is not merely nominal or negligible.
(5) For the purposes of paragraph (4)(a) the concessionaire shall be deemed to assume operating
risk if, under normal operating conditions, it is not guaranteed to recoup the investments made or the
costs incurred in operating the works or the services which are the subject-matter of the concession
Meaning of “contracting authority”
4.In these Regulations, “contracting authority” means State, regional or local authorities
(including the Crown but not including Her Majesty in her private capacity), bodies governed
5Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
by public law or associations formed by one or more such authorities or bodies other than those
authorities, bodies or associations which pursue one of the activities listed in Schedule 2 and award
a concession contract for the pursuit of one of those activities.
Meaning of “utility”
5.—(1) In these Regulations, “utility” means an entity which pursues one of the activities listed
in Schedule 2 and awards a concession contract for the pursuit of one of those activities, and which
is one of the following:—
(a)State, regional or local authorities (including the Crown but not including Her Majesty
in her private capacity), bodies governed by public law or associations formed by one or
more such authorities or bodies;
(b)a public undertaking;
(c)any other entity which operates on the basis of special rights or exclusive rights, granted
for the exercise of one of the activities listed in Schedule 2.
(2) An entity is not a utility within the meaning of paragraph (1) if special rights or exclusive
rights are granted to that entity following a procedure mentioned in paragraph (3) in which adequate
publicity was ensured and the granting of the rights was based on objective criteria.
(3) The procedures referred to in paragraph (2) include—
(a)procurement with a prior call for competition in conformity with these Regulations,
the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (20), the Utilities Contracts (Scotland)
Regulations 2016 (21) or the Defence and Security Regulations;
(b)procedures pursuant to the legal acts of the European Union listed in Annex III to
the Concession Contracts Directive, ensuring adequate prior transparency for granting
authorisations on the basis of objective criteria.
(4) In this regulation—
(a)“public undertaking” means any undertaking over which a contracting authority may
exercise, directly or indirectly, a dominant influence by virtue of—
(i)their ownership of that undertaking;
(ii)their financial participation in that undertaking; or
(iii)the rules which govern that undertaking;
(b)“special right” means a right granted by a competent authority of a member State by means
of any law, regulation or published administrative provision which is compatible with the
Treaties, the effect of which is to limit the exercise of an activity to two or more economic
operators and which substantially affects the ability of other economic operators to carry
out such an activity.
(5) For the purposes of the definition of “public undertaking” in paragraph (4), a dominant
influence on the part of the contracting authority shall be presumed if that authority, directly or
(a)holds the majority of the undertaking’s subscribed capital;
(b)controls the majority of the votes attached to shares issued by the undertaking; or
(c)can appoint more than half of the undertaking’s administrative, management or
supervisory body.
(20)S.S.I. 2015/446 .
(21)S.S.I. 2016/49 .
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Meaning of “concession notice”
6.—(1) In these Regulations, subject to paragraph (2), “concession notice” means the notice
referred to in regulation 33(1) (concession notice).
(2) In Part 5 of these Regulations, “concession notice”—
(a)in relation to a procurement for the award of a concession contract by a contracting entity
includes a prior information notice; and
(b)in relation to a procurement for the award of a concession contract by a contracting
authority, has the same meaning as “contract notice” in Council Directive 89/665/EEC
on the co-ordination of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to
the application of review procedures to the award of public supply and public works
contracts (22).
(c)in relation to a procurement for the award of a concession contract by a utility, has the
same meaning as “notice” in Council Directive 92/13/EEC on the coordination of laws,
regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application rules on procurement
procedures for entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunication
sectors (23).
Subject matter and application of these Regulations
7.—(1) These Regulations establish rules on procurement for the award of a concession contract
by a contracting entity—
(a)the value of which is estimated to be not less than the threshold mentioned in regulation 8
(thresholds and methods for calculating the estimated value of the concession contract);
(b)which is not excluded from the scope of these Regulations by any other provision of this
(2) These Regulations are subject to Article 346 of the TFEU.
Thresholds and methods for calculating the estimated value of the concession contract
8.—(1) These Regulations apply to a procurement for the award of a concession contract if the
estimated value of the contract to be awarded (not including value added tax) is equal to or greater
than the amount specified in Article 8(1) of the Concession Contracts Directive.
(2) The value in pounds sterling of any amount expressed in Euros in any of the provisions
of Concession Contracts Directive mentioned in this regulation shall be taken to be the value
determined by the European Commission in accordance with Article 8 of the Concession Contracts
(22)OJ L 395, 30.12.1090, p.33, as amended by OJ L 209, 24.7.1992, p.1 and OJ L 335, 20.12.2007, p.31.
(23)OJ L 76, 23.3.1992, p. 14 as amended by Council Directive by Directive 2007/66/EEC of the European Parliament and
Council with regard to improving the effectiveness of review procedures concerning the award of public contracts (OJ L 335,
20.12.2007, p.31) and by Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the award of concession
contracts (OJ 94, 28.3.2014, p.1).
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Directive and published from time to time in the Official Journal in accordance with Article 9(3)
of that Directive.
(3) The value of a concession contract shall be the total turnover of the concessionaire generated
over the duration of the contract, net of value added tax, as estimated by the contracting entity, in
consideration for the works and services which are the object of the concession contract and the
supplies incidental to such works and services.
(4) That estimate must be calculated as at the moment at which the concession notice is sent for
publication in accordance with regulation 35 (form and manner of publication of notices) or, in cases
where such notice is not provided for, at the moment at which the contracting entity commences the
procurement for the award of a concession contract.
(5) If the value as estimated at the time of the award is more than 20% higher than the estimate
calculated in accordance with paragraph (4), the former shall be used for the purposes of this
(6) The estimated value of the concession contract must be calculated using an objective method
specified in the concession documents.
(7) When calculating the estimated value of the concession contract, the contracting entity must,
if applicable, take into account—
(a)the value of any form of option and any extension of the duration of the concession
(b)revenue from the payment of fees and fines by the users of the works or services other
than those collected on behalf of the contracting entity;
(c)payments or any other financial advantages, in any form, from the contracting entity or
any other public authority to the concessionaire, including compensation for compliance
with a public service obligation and public investment subsidies;
(d)the value of grants or any other financial advantages, in any form, from third parties for
the performance of the concession contract;
(e)revenue from sales of any assets which are part of the concession contract;
(f)the value of all the supplies and services that are made available to the concessionaire
by the contracting entity, provided that they are necessary for executing the works or
providing the services;
(g)any prizes or payments to candidates or tenderers.
(8) The method used to calculate the estimated value of a concession contract must not be chosen
with the intention of excluding it from the scope of these Regulations.
(9) A concession contract must not be subdivided with the effect of preventing it from falling
within the scope of these Regulations, unless justified by objective reasons.
(10) If a proposed work or proposed provision of services may result in a concession contract
being awarded in the form of separate lots, account must be taken of the total estimated value of
all such lots.
(11) If the aggregate value of the lots is equal to or greater than the threshold referred to in
paragraph (1), these Regulations apply to the award of each lot.
Exclusions: Concession contracts awarded on the basis of an exclusive right
9.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to—
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(a)a concession contract awarded to a contracting authority or utility referred to in
regulation 5(1)(a) (meaning of “utility”) or to an association of such contracting authorities
or utilities, on the basis of an exclusive right; or
(b)subject to paragraph (2), a services concession contract awarded to an economic operator
on the basis of an exclusive right granted in accordance with the TFEU and European
Union legal acts laying down common rules on access to the market applicable to an
activity listed in Schedule 2.
(2) If the European Union sectoral legislation referred to in paragraph (1)(b) does not provide for
sector-specific transparency obligations, regulation 34 (concession contract award notice) applies.
Exclusions: Concession contracts awarded pursuant to international rules
10.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to procurement for the award of a concession contract
which the contracting entity is obliged to award or organise in accordance with procurement
procedures which are established by—
(a)an international agreement or any other legal instrument creating international law
obligations, concluded in conformity with the Treaties, between the United Kingdom and
one or more third countries or any part thereof and covering works, supplies or services
intended for the joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the signatories; or
(b)an international organisation.
(2) These Regulations do not apply to procurement for the award of a concession contract which
the contracting entity undertakes or organises in accordance with procurement rules provided by an
international organisation or international financing institution, if the concession contract concerned
is fully financed by that organisation or institution or is co-financed for the main part by that
organisation or institution.
(3) This Regulation does not apply to procurement for the award of a concession contract
involving defence or security as referred to in the Defence and Security Regulations.
Exclusions: Concession contracts involving defence or security aspects which are awarded or
organised pursuant to international rules
11.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to the procurement for the award of a concession
contract in the fields of defence and security as referred to in the Defence and Security Regulations—
(a)which are governed by specific procedural rules pursuant to an international agreement
or arrangement concluded between one or more member States and one or more third
(b)which are governed by specific procedural rules pursuant to a concluded international
agreement or arrangement relating to the stationing of troops and concerning the
undertakings of a member State or a third country;
(c)which are governed by specific procedural rules of an international organisation
purchasing for its purposes or which must be awarded by a member State in accordance
with those rules;
(d)in relation to which the application of these Regulations would oblige the United Kingdom
to supply information the disclosure of which it considers contrary to the essential interests
of its security or the procurement and performance of which is classified as secret or must
be accompanied by special security measures in accordance with the laws, regulations
or administrative provisions in force in any part of the United Kingdom, provided that
the United Kingdom has determined that the essential interests concerned cannot be
guaranteed by less intrusive measures, such as those referred to in paragraph (2);
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(e)awarded in the framework of a cooperative programme referred to in regulation 7(1)(c) of
the Defence and Security Regulations;
(f)awarded by a government to another government relating to works and services directly
linked to military equipment or sensitive equipment, or works and services specifically
for military purposes, or sensitive works and sensitive services (and in this sub-paragraph
“government” means the State, regional or local government of a member State or a State
which is not a member State);
(g)awarded in a third country, to be carried out when forces are deployed outside the territory
of the European Union if operational needs require those concession contracts to be
concluded with economic operators located in the area of operations.
(2) These Regulations do not apply to concession contracts not otherwise exempted under
paragraph (1) to the extent that the protection of the essential security interests of the United
Kingdom or another member State cannot be guaranteed by less intrusive measures, for example
by imposing requirements aimed at protecting the confidential nature of information which the
contracting entity makes available in a procurement for the award of a concession contract as
provided for in these Regulations.
(3) These Regulations do not apply to procurement for the award of a concession contract
involving defence or security aspects which the contracting entities carries out in accordance with
procurement rules provided by an international organisation or international financing institution
if the concession contract concerned is fully financed by that organisation or institution or is co-
financed for the most part by such organisation or institution.
Exclusions: Specific service contracts
12.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to procurement for the award of a concession contract—
(a)for the acquisition or rental, by whatever financial means, of land, existing buildings or
other immovable property or of any estate, right, servitude or other interest in or over such
land, buildings or property;
(b)by an audio-visual or radio media services provider, for the acquisition, development
production or co-production of programme material intended for audio-visual media
services or radio media services;
(c)to an audio-visual or radio media services provider, for broadcasting time or programme
(d)for arbitration or conciliation services;
(e)for any of the following legal services—
(i)legal representation of a client by a lawyer within the meaning of Article 1 of Council
Directive 77/249/EEC to facilitate the effective exercise by lawyers of freedom to
provide services (24) in—
(aa)an arbitration or conciliation proceedings held in a member State, a third
country or before an international arbitration or conciliation instance;
(bb) judicial proceedings before the courts, tribunals or public authorities of a
member State or a third country or before international courts, tribunals or
(ii)legal advice given by a lawyer within the meaning of Article 1 of Council Directive
77/249/EEC —
(aa)in preparation of any proceedings referred to in paragraph (i), or
(24)OJ L 78, 26.3.1977, p.17, last amended by Council Directive 2013/25/EU (OJ L 158, 10.6.2013, p.368).
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(bb) if there is a tangible indication and high probability that the matter to which
the advice relates will become the subject of such proceedings;
(iii)document certification or authentication services which must be provided by a notary
(iv)legal services provided by trustees or appointed guardians or other legal services
the providers of which are designated by a court or tribunal in the member State
concerned or are designated by law to carry out specific tasks under the supervision
of such tribunals or courts; or
(v)other legal services which, in the member State concerned, are connected, even
occasionally, with the exercise of official authority;
(f)for financial services in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities
or other financial instruments within the meaning of Directive 2004/39/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council on markets in financial instruments amending
Council Directives 85/611/EEC and 93/6/EEC and Directive 2000/12/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 93/22/EEC (25) ;
(g)for central bank services;
(h)for operations conducted with the European Financial Stability Facility and the European
Stability Mechanism;
(i)for loans, whether or not in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of
securities or other financial instruments;
(j)for civil defence, civil protection or danger prevention services that are provided
by non-profit organisations or associations, and which are specified under CPV
Codes 75250000-3, 75251000-0, 75251100-1, 75251110-4, 75251120-7, 75252000-7,
75222000-8, 98113100-9 and 85143000-3 except patient transport ambulance services;
(k)air transport services based on the granting of an operating licence within the meaning of
Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on common
rules for the operation of air services in the Community (26);
(l)public passenger transport services within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007
of the European Parliament and of the Council on public passenger transport services by
rail and by road (27);
(m) for political campaign services which are specified under CPV Codes 79341400-0,
92111230-3 and 92111240-6, when awarded by a political party in the context of an
election campaign;
(n)lottery services which are covered by CPV Code 92351100-7 and awarded to an economic
operator on the basis of an exclusive right granted otherwise than as described in
regulation 5(2) (meaning of “utility”); or
(o)by a utility for the pursuit of activities in a third country, in conditions not involving the
physical use of a network or geographical area within the European Union.
(2) In this regulation—
(a)“audio-visual media services” has the meaning given by Article 1(1)(a) of Directive
2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the coordination of
certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in member States
concerning the provision of audio-visual media services (28);
(25)OJ L 145,30.4.2004, p.1.
(26)OJ L 293, 31.10.2008, p. 3.
(27)OJ L 315, 3.12.2007, p. 1.
(28)OJ L 95, 15.4.2010, p.1.
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(b)“media services providers” has the meaning given by Article 1(1)(d) of that Directive;
(c)“programme” and “programme material” have the meaning given by Article 1(1)(b) of
that Directive but also include radio programmes and radio programme material.
Exclusions: Electronic Communications
13.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to procurement for the award of a concession
contract for the principal purpose of permitting the contracting entity to provide or exploit public
communications networks or to provide an electronic communications service to the public.
(2) In this regulation, “public communications networks” and “electronic communication
service” has the meaning given by Article 2 of Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and
services (29).
Exclusions: Water
14.These Regulations do not apply to—
(a)a concession contract awarded to provide or operate fixed networks intended to provide a
service to the public in connection with the production, transport or distribution of drinking
(b)a concession contract awarded to supply drinking water to such networks;
(c)a concession contract for either or both of the following—
(i)hydraulic engineering projects, irrigation or land drainage, provided that the volume
of water to be used for the supply of drinking water represents more than 20% of
the total volume of water made available by such projects or irrigation or drainage
installations; or
(ii)the disposal or treatment of sewage,
if the contract is connected with an activity referred to in paragraph (a) or (b).
Exclusions: Concession contracts awarded to an affiliated undertaking
15.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to a concession contract—
(a)awarded by a utility to an affiliated undertaking; or
(b)awarded by a joint venture, formed exclusively of a number of utilities for the purpose
of carrying out activities listed in Schedule 2, to an undertaking which is affiliated with
one of those utilities,
provided that the conditions in paragraph (2) are met.
(2) The conditions referred to in paragraph (1) are that—
(a)in respect of a services concession contract, at least 80% of the average total turnover of
the affiliated undertaking over the preceding three years, taking into account all services
provided by that undertaking, derives from the provision of services to the utility or other
undertakings with which it is affiliated;
(b)in respect of a works concession contract, at least 80% of the average total turnover of
the affiliated undertaking over the preceding three years, taking into account all works
provided by that undertaking, derives from the provision of works to the utility or other
undertakings with which it is affiliated.
(29)OJ L 108, 24.4.2003, p33, last amended by Directive 2009/140/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L
337, 18.12.2009, p.37).
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(3) If, because of the date on which an affiliated undertaking was created or commenced activities,
the turnover is not available for the preceding three years, it shall be sufficient for that undertaking
to show that the turnover referred to in paragraph (2) is credible, in particular by means of business
(4) If more than one of a utility’s affiliated undertakings provides the same or similar services
or works, the percentages referred to in paragraph (2) must be calculated taking into account the
total turnover deriving respectively from the provision of services or works by those affiliated
(5) In this regulation, “affiliated undertaking”, in relation to a utility, means —
(a)any undertaking whose annual accounts are consolidated with those of the utility in
accordance with the requirements of Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament
and of the Council on the annual financial statements and related reports of certain types
of undertaking (30);
(b)in the case of entities which are not subject to that Directive any undertaking that—
(i)may be, directly or indirectly, subject to a dominant influence by the utility;
(ii)may exercise a dominant influence over the utility; or
(iii)in common with the utility, is subject to the dominant influence of another
undertaking by virtue of ownership, financial participation, or the rules which govern
(6) For the purposes of paragraph (5)(b), a dominant influence shall be presumed on the part of a
utility or, as the case may be, an undertaking in the same circumstances in which it is, in accordance
with regulation 5 (meaning of “utility”), presumed on the part of a contracting authority.
(7) This regulation applies despite the provisions of regulation 19 (exclusions: concession
contracts between entities within the public sector).
Exclusions: Concession contracts awarded to a joint venture or to a utility forming part of a
joint venture
16.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to a concession contract—
(a)awarded by a joint venture, formed exclusively by a number of utilities for the purpose of
carrying out activities listed in Schedule 2, to one of these utilities; or
(b)awarded by a utility to such a joint venture of which it forms part,
provided that the joint venture has been set up to carry out the activity concerned over a period of
at least three years and that the instrument setting up the joint venture stipulates that the utilities
which form it will be part of the joint venture for at least the same period.
(2) This provision applies despite the provisions of regulation 19 (exclusions: concession
contracts between entities within the public sector).
Notification of information by utilities
17.Utilities must provide the European Commission with the following information if the
Commission so requests—
(a)the name of any undertaking or joint venture referred to in regulation 15 (exclusions:
concession contracts awarded to an affiliated undertaking) or regulation 16 (exclusions:
concession contracts awarded to a joint venture or to a utility forming part of a joint
(30)OJ L 182, 29.6.2013, p.19.
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(b)the nature and value of any concession contract referred to in those regulations;
(c)proof, as considered necessary by the European Commission, that the relationship between
the undertaking, joint venture or utility to which the concession contract is awarded and
the utility or, as the case may be, joint venture, complies with the requirements of those
Exclusion of activities which are directly exposed to competition
18.These Regulations do not apply to the procurement for the award of a concession contract
by a utility if the contract is intended to enable an activity referred to in regulation 32 (activities
directly exposed to competition) of the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (31) to be
carried out and that activity is or is established to be directly exposed to competition in accordance
with that regulation.
Exclusions: Concession contracts between entities within the public sector
19.—(1) These Regulations do not apply to procurement for the award of a concession contract—
(a)by a contracting entity to a controlled person;
(b)by a controlled person to a contracting entity which controls that person; or
(c)by a controlled person to another controlled person if both such persons are controlled by
the same contracting entity.
(2) For the purpose of this regulation, a person is a “controlled person” if—
(a)the contracting entity exercises over that person a control which is similar to that which
it exercises over its own departments;
(b)the person carries out more than 80% of its activities in the performance of tasks entrusted
to it by the contracting entity or by other persons controlled by that contracting entity; and
(c)no other person has direct private capital participation in the person with the exception of
non-controlling and non-blocking forms of private capital participation required by any
enactment, in conformity with the Treaties, which do not exert a decisive influence on the
person being awarded the contract.
(3) For the purpose of paragraph (2)(a) a contracting entity shall be deemed to exercise control
over a person similar to the control that it exercises over its own departments if—
(a)it exercises a decisive influence over the strategic objectives and significant decisions of
the person; or
(b)such control is exercised by another person which is itself controlled in the same way by
the contracting entity.
(4) These Regulations do not apply to procurement for the award of a concession contract by a
contracting entity to a person which is jointly controlled.
(5) For the purpose of paragraph (4) a person is jointly controlled if—
(a)the contracting entity, jointly with other contracting entities, exercises over that person
a control which is similar to that which the contracting entity exercises over its own
(b)the person carries out more than 80% of its activities in the performance of tasks entrusted
to it by the contracting entities or by other persons controlled by those entities; and
(c)no other person has direct private capital participation in the person with the exception of
non-controlling and non-blocking forms of private capital participation required by any
(31)S.S.I. 2016/49 .
14Document Generated: 2021-11-03
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enactment, in conformity with the Treaties, which do not exert a decisive influence on the
person being awarded the contract.
(6) For the purpose of paragraph (5)(a) the contracting entity shall be deemed to exercise control
over a person similar to the control that the entity exercises over its own departments if—
(a)the decision making bodies of the person are composed of representatives of all
participating contracting entities;
(b)those contracting entities jointly exercise a decisive influence over the strategic objectives
and significant decisions of the person; and
(c)the person does not pursue any interests which are contrary to those of the contracting
(7) For the purpose of paragraph (6)(a) an individual representative may represent several or all
of the contracting entities.
(8) These Regulations do not apply to procurement for the award of a public contract exclusively
between two or more contracting entities if—
(a)the contract is for the purpose of establishing or implementing co-operation between the
contracting entities with the aim of ensuring that public services they have to perform are
provided with a view to achieving objectives they have in common;
(b)the implementation of that co-operation is governed solely by considerations relating to
the public interest; and
(c)the contracting entities perform on the open market less than 20% of the activities
concerned by the co-operation.
(9) The percentage of activities referred to in paragraphs (2)(b), (5)(b) and (8)(c), must be
determined by reference to—
(a)the average turnover of the person or, as the case may be, contracting entity for the period
of 3 years preceding the date of the proposed concession contract award; or
(b)an appropriate alternative activity-based measure such as costs incurred by the relevant
person or contracting entity with respect to works and services for such 3 year period.
(10) If paragraph (11) applies, an alternative credible measurement of activity must be used, and
for this purpose use of business projections must be treated as a credible measure.
(11) This paragraph applies if the turnover or activity based measure are not available for the
preceding 3 years or are no longer relevant because of—
(a)the date on which the person or contracting entity was created or commenced activities; or
(b)a reorganisation of its activities.
(12) In this regulation, “contracting entity” means a contracting authority or a utility referred to
in regulation 5(1)(a) (meaning of “utility”).
Duration of the concession contract
20.—(1) The duration of a concession contract must be limited.
(2) The contracting entity must estimate the duration on the basis of the works or services
(3) For a concession contract lasting more than 5 years, the maximum duration of the concession
contract must not exceed the time that a concessionaire could reasonably be expected to take to
15Document Generated: 2021-11-03
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recoup the investment made in operating the works or services together with a return on invested
capital, taking into account the investment required to achieve the specific contractual objectives.
(4) The investment taken into account for the purposes of the calculation of the time period
referred to in paragraph (3) must include both initial investment and investment during the life of
the concession contract.
Social and other specific services
21.—(1) A concession contract for social and other specific services listed in Schedule 3
falling within the scope of these Regulations shall be subject only to the obligations arising from
regulations 33(3) (concession notices), 34 (concession award notices) and 49 (notice of decision to
award a concession contract) to 59 (financial penalties).
(2) Regulation 26 applies to a concession contract for social and other specific services as it
applies to any other concession contract.
Mixed Procurement
22.—(1) A concession contract which has as its subject-matter both works and services must
be awarded in accordance with the provisions applicable to the type of concession contract that
characterises the main subject-matter of the contract in question.
(2) In the case of a mixed concession contract consisting partly of social and other specific
services listed in Schedule 3 and partly of other services, the main subject-matter must be determined
in accordance with which of the estimated values of the respective services is the highest.
(3) If the different parts of a given contract are objectively separable—
(a)in the case of a contract which has as its subject-matter elements covered by these
Regulations as well as other elements, a contracting entity may choose to award separate
contracts for the separate parts or to award a single contract;
(b)if a contracting entity chooses to award separate contracts for separate parts, the decision
as to which legal regime applies to any one of such separate contracts shall be taken on
the basis of the characteristics of the separate part concerned;
(c)if a contracting entity chooses to award a single contract, these Regulations, unless
otherwise provided in sub-paragraph (d), apply to the ensuing mixed contract , irrespective
(i)the value of the parts that would otherwise fall under a different legal regime,
(ii)which legal regime those parts would otherwise have been subject to;
(d)in the case of a mixed contract containing elements of a concession contract as well as
elements of a public contract covered by the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015
or a contract covered by the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016, the mixed
contract must be awarded in accordance with regulation 4(7) (mixed procurement) of the
Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 or regulation 6(6)(b) (procurement covering
several activities) of the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016, respectively.
(4) If the different parts of a given contract are objectively not separable—
(a)the applicable legal regime must be determined on the basis of the main subject-matter
of that contract; and
(b)if that contract involves both elements of a services concession contract and of a supply
contract, the main subject-matter shall be determined according to which of the estimated
values of the respective services or supplies is the highest.
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(5) If part of a given contract is covered by Article 346 of the TFEU or the Defence and
Security Regulations, regulation 23 (mixed procurement involving defence or security aspects)
applies instead of paragraphs (1) to (4).
(6) In the case of a contract intended to cover several activities, one of them being an activity listed
in Schedule 2 to these Regulations or subject to the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016,
the applicable provisions shall be established in accordance with regulation 24 (contracts covering
both activities listed in Schedule 2 and other activities) of these Regulations and regulation 6
(procurement covering several activities) of the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016,
Mixed procurement involving defence or security aspects
23.—(1) This regulation applies if a procurement has as its subject a mixed contract, the
procurement of any part of which, if separated, would be covered by Article 346 of the Treaty or
the Defence and Security Regulations.
(2) In the case of contracts intended to cover several activities, one of them being listed in
Schedule 2 to these Regulations or covered by the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016,
and another being covered by Article 346 of the TFEU or the Defence and Security Regulations, the
applicable provisions must be established in accordance with regulation 25 (contracts covering both
activities listed in Schedule 2 and activities involving defence or security) of these Regulations and
regulation 25 of the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016, respectively.
(3) If different parts of a given contract are objectively separable, a contracting entity may decide
to undertake procurement for the award of—
(a)separate contracts for the separate parts; or
(b)a single contract.
(4) The decision to undertake a procurement for the award of a single contract must not be
made for the purpose of excluding the procurement from the application of these Regulations or the
Defence and Security Regulations.
(5) If a contracting entity decides to undertake procurement for the award of separate contracts
for separate parts the applicable law for the procurement of each separate contract will be determined
by the characteristics of such contract.
(6) If a contracting entity decides, in accordance with paragraph (7), to undertake a procurement
for the award of a single contract, and—
(a)part of the contract is covered by Article 346 of the TFEU, the contract may be awarded
without applying these Regulations; or
(b)part of the contract is covered by the Defence and Security Regulations, the procurement
may be undertaken in accordance with those Regulations, in which event these Regulations
will not apply to such procurement.
(7) A contracting entity may only decide to undertake a procurement for the award of a single
contract of a kind referred to in paragraph (6) if—
(a)different parts of such a contract are not objectively separable; or
(b)such decision is justified by objective reasons.
(8) Paragraph (6)(b) is without prejudice to the thresholds and exclusions provided for by the
Defence and Security Regulations.
(9) Paragraph (6)(a) applies to a mixed contract to which both sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of
paragraph (6) could otherwise apply.
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Contracts covering both activities listed in Schedule 2 and other activities
24.—(1) This regulation applies in the case of a contract intended to cover several activities
where one of those activities is listed in Schedule 2, except in a case to which regulation 25 applies.
(2) Utilities may choose to award separate contracts for the purposes of the separate activities or
to award a single contract for the purposes of all the activities.
(3) The choice between awarding a single contract or separate contracts must not be made with
the objective of excluding the procurement from the scope of these Regulations or, if applicable, the
Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 or the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016.
(4) If a utility chooses to award a separate contract, the decision as to which rules apply to
each such separate contract must be taken on the basis of the characteristics of the separate activity
(5) If a utility chooses to award a single contract—
(a)a contract which is intended to cover several activities must be subject to the rules
applicable to the activity for which it is principally intended;
(b)in the case of a contract where it is objectively impossible to determine for which activity
the contract is principally intended, the applicable rules must be determined in accordance
with the following—
(i)the contract must be awarded in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations
applicable to procurements for the award of a concession contract by a contracting
authority, if one of the activities for which the contract is intended is subject to
the provisions of these Regulations applicable to procurement for the award of
a concession contract by a contracting authority and the other is subject to the
provisions of these Regulations applicable to the procurement for the award of
concession contracts by a utility;
(ii)the contract must be awarded in accordance with the Public Contracts (Scotland)
Regulations 2015, if one of the activities for which the contract is intended is subject
to these Regulations and the other to the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations
(iii)the contract must be awarded in accordance with these Regulations, if one of the
activities for which the contract is intended is subject to these Regulations and the
other is not subject to these Regulations, the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations
2015 or the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016.
Contracts covering both activities listed in Schedule 2 and activities involving defence or
security aspects
25.—(1) This regulation applies in the case of a concession contract intended to cover several
activities, one of them being listed in Schedule 2 and one being covered by Article 346 of the TFEU
or the Defence and Security Regulations.
(2) A utility may choose to award separate concession contracts for the purposes of the separate
activities or to award a single contract for the purposes of all the activities.
(3) The choice between awarding a single contract or awarding separate contracts must not be
made with the objective of excluding the contract or contracts from the scope of these Regulations
or the Defence and Security Regulations and a decision to award a single concession contract must
be justified by objective reasons.
(4) If a utility chooses to award separate concession contracts for separate parts, the decision as
to which legal regime applies to any one of the separate concession contracts must be taken on the
basis of the characteristics of the separate activity concerned.
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(5) If a utility chooses to award a single concession contract, regulation 23(6) to (9) shall apply.
Reserved Concession Contracts
26.—(1) A contracting entity may—
(a)reserve the right to participate in a procurement for the award of a concession contract to
supported business; or
(b)provide for such concession contracts to be performed in the context of a supported
employment programme.
(2) In this regulation—
(a)“supported business” means an economic operator whose main aim is the social and
professional integration of disabled and disadvantaged persons and where at least 30% of
the employees of the economic operator are disabled or disadvantaged persons; and
(b)“supported employment programme” means an employment programme operated by
an economic operator the main aim of which is the social and professional integration
of disabled or disadvantaged persons and where at least 30% of those engaged in the
programme are disabled or disadvantaged persons.
(3) If a contracting entity follows the approach set out in paragraph (1) it must specify that fact
in the concession notice or, in the case of a concession contract for social and other specific services
listed in Schedule 3, the prior information notice and refer to Article 24 of the Concession Contracts
Specific situations: Research and development services
27.These Regulations only apply to procurement for the award of a concession contract for
research and development service which are covered by CPV Codes 73000000-2 to 73120000-9,
73300000-5, 73420000-2 and 73430000-5 provided that—
(a)the benefits accrue exclusively to the contracting entity for use in the conduct of its own
affairs; and
(b)the service provided is wholly remunerated by the contracting entity.
Principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency
28.—(1) A contracting entity must, in carrying out a procurement for the award of a concession
contract which is subject to the application of these Regulations—
(a)treat economic operators equally and without discrimination; and
(b)act in a transparent and proportionate manner.
(2) A contracting entity must not design a procurement for the award of a concession contract,
including the estimate of the value of such contract with the intention of excluding it from the
application of these Regulations or of unduly favouring or disadvantaging a particular economic
operator or certain works, supplies or services.
(3) A contracting entity must aim to ensure the transparency of the award procedure and of the
performance of the contract while complying with regulation 31 (confidentiality).
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(4) During the procurement for the award of a concession contract, a contracting entity must not
provide information in a discriminatory manner which may give a candidate or tenderer an advantage
over others.
(5) A contracting entity must include within each concession contract such conditions relating to
the performance of the concession contract as meet the requirements mentioned in paragraph (6) and
are reasonably necessary to ensure the economic operator complies with environmental, social and
employment law including any relative collective agreements or international law measures referred
to in Schedule 4.
(6) The requirements referred to in paragraph (5) are that the conditions are—
(a)linked to the subject matter of the contract within the meaning of regulation 44(2)
(concession contract award criteria);
(b)indicated in the concession documents.
Economic Operators
29.—(1) An economic operator must not be rejected solely on the ground that under the law of
any part of the United Kingdom it would require to be a natural or legal person if such economic
operator is entitled to provide the relevant service under the law of the member State in which that
operator is established.
(2) A contracting entity may require an economic operator which is a legal person and which is
seeking the award of a concession contract to state in its tender or in the application, the names and
relevant professional qualifications of the staff to be responsible for the performance of the contract.
(3) A contracting entity must not require a group of economic operators, including temporary
associations, to have a specific legal form in order to be able to submit a tender or a request to
(4) A contracting entity may specify in the concession documents the method by which a group
of economic operators is to meet the requirements as to economic and financial standing or technical
and professional ability referred to in regulation 41 (selection of and qualitative assessment of
(5) Any method specified as referred to in paragraph (4) must be justified by objective reasons
and must be proportionate.
(6) Any conditions for the performance of a contract by a group of economic operators, which
are different from those imposed upon individual participants, must be justified by objective reasons
and must be proportionate.
(7) A contracting entity may, if it is necessary for the satisfactory performance of the contract,
require a group of economic operators to assume a specific legal form for the purpose of the award
of the contract.
30.A contracting entity must, when making any reference to nomenclatures of the subject matter
of a concession contract in the conduct of procurement for the award of a concession contract, do
so by using the CPV.
31.—(1) A contracting entity must not disclose information forwarded to it by an economic
operator which the economic operator designates as confidential, including, but not limited to,
technical or trade secrets and the confidential aspects of the tender.
(2) Paragraph (1) is without prejudice to—
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(a)any other provision of these Regulations, including the obligation relating to advertising
of awarded contracts and to provision of information to candidates and tenderers set out
in regulations 34 (concession contract award notice) and 43 (informing candidates and
(b)the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (32);
(c)the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (33);
(d)any other enactment to which the contracting entity is subject relating to the disclosure
of information.
(3) A contracting entity may impose upon an economic operator requirements aimed at protecting
the confidential nature of information which the contracting entity makes available throughout the
procurement for the award of a concession contract.
Rules applicable to communication
32.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (3), (5) and (8), a contracting entity must ensure that all
communication and information exchange, including submission, pursuant to these Regulations is
performed using electronic means of communications in accordance with this regulation.
(2) Subject to paragraph (13), the tools and devices to be used for electronic means of
communication, and their technical characteristics, must—
(a)be non-discriminatory;
(b)be generally available;
(c)be interoperable with the information and communication technology products in general
use; and
(d)not restrict economic operators’ access to the procurement.
(3) A contracting entity is not obliged to require electronic means of communication in the
submission process where—
(a)due to the specialised nature of the procurement, the use of electronic means of
communication would require specific tools, devices or file formats that are not generally
available or supported by generally available applications;
(b)the applications supporting file formats that are suitable for the description of the
tenders use file formats that cannot be handled by any other open or generally available
applications or are under a proprietary licencing scheme and cannot be made available by
the contracting entity for downloading or remote use;
(c)the use of electronic means of communication would require specialised office equipment
that is not generally available to the contracting entity; or
(d)the concession documents require the submission of physical or scale models which cannot
be transmitted using electronic means.
(4) If, in accordance with paragraph (3), electronic means of communication is not required,
communication must be carried out—
(a)by post or by other suitable carrier; or
(b)by a combination of post or other suitable carrier and, to the extent that electronic means
of communication is possible, by such means.
(32)2002 asp 13 , amended by the Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2013 ( 2013 asp 2 ).
(33)S.S.I. 2004/520 , amended by the Environmental Information (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013, S.S.I. 2013/127 .
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(5) A contracting entity is not obliged to require electronic means of communication in the
submission process to the extent that the use of means of communication other than electronic means
is necessary—
(a)because of a breach of security of the electronic means of communication; or
(b)for the protection of information of a particularly sensitive nature which requires such
a high level of protection that it cannot properly be ensured by using electronic tools
and devices that are either generally available to economic operators or that can be
made available to them by suitable alternative means of access in accordance with
paragraph (14).
(6) If, in accordance with this regulation, a contracting entity requires means of communication
in the submission process other than electronic means, the contracting entity must state the reason
for this in the individual report referred to in regulation 60 (reporting requirements).
(7) If electronic means of communication is not required for a reason referred to in paragraph (5),
the contracting entity must state in the individual report the reasons why use of means of
communication other than electronic means has been considered necessary under that paragraph.
(8) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), oral communication may be used in respect of
communications other than those concerning the essential elements of a procurement, provided that
the content of the oral communication is documented by the contracting entity.
(9) In paragraph (8) reference to “the essential elements of a procurement” includes the
concession documents, requests for participation, applications and tenders.
(10) A contracting entity must, to a sufficient extent and by appropriate means, document oral
communications with tenderers which could have a substantial impact on the content and assessment
of the tenders, in particular, by preparing written or audio records or summaries of the main elements
of the communication.
(11) In all communication, exchange and storage of information, a contracting entity must ensure
that the integrity of data and the confidentiality of tenders, requests to participate and applications
are preserved.
(12) A contracting entity must examine the content of tenders, applications and requests to
participate only after the time limit set for submitting them has expired.
(13) A contracting entity may, where necessary, require the use of tools and devices which are not
generally available, provided that the contracting entity offers suitable alternative means of access.
(14) A contracting entity shall be deemed to offer suitable alternative means of access if the
contracting entity—
(a)offers unrestricted and full direct access free of charge by electronic means to those tools
and devices from the date of publication of a concession notice or a prior information
notice in accordance with regulation 35 (form and manner of publication of notices);
(b)ensures that tenderers having no access to the tools and devices concerned, or no possibility
of obtaining such tools or devices within the relevant time limits (provided that the lack
of access is not attributable to the tenderer), may access the procurement for the award of
a concession contract through the use of provisional tokens made available free of charge
online; or
(c)supports an alternative channel for electronic submission of tenders.
(15) A contracting entity must specify in the concession notice or prior information notice,
referred to in paragraph (14)(a), the internet address at which those tools and devices are accessible.
(16) Tools and devices for the electronic receipt of tenders, applications and requests to participate
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(a)enable the precise determination of the exact time and date of the receipt of tenders,
applications and requests to participate;
(b)to the extent reasonably possible, ensure that, before the time limit referred to in
paragraph (12) has expired, no-one can have access to data transmitted to the contracting
entity using the tools and devices;
(c)ensure that only authorised persons may set or change the dates for opening data received;
(d)ensure that, during the different stages of the procurement, only authorised persons may
have access to data submitted or to part of such data;
(e)ensure that only authorised persons may give access to data transmitted and only after the
time limit referred to in paragraph (12) has expired;
(f)ensure that data received and opened in accordance with the requirements in sub-
paragraphs (a) to (e) remains accessible only to persons authorised to acquaint themselves
with the data; and
(g)to the extent reasonably possible, ensure that any infringement, or attempted infringement,
of the conditions referred to in sub-paragraphs (b) to (f) is clearly detectable.
(17) In addition to the requirements set out in paragraph (16), a contracting entity must comply
with all of the following requirements in relation to tools and devices for the electronic transmission
and receipt of tenders and for the electronic receipt of applications or requests to participate:—
(a)information on specifications for the electronic submission of tenders, applications and
requests to participate, including encryption and time-stamping, must be available to
interested parties;
(b)a contracting entity must specify the level of security required for the electronic means of
communication in the various stages of the specific procurement;
(c)the level of security specified must be proportionate to the risks attached;
(d)if paragraph (18) applies, the contracting entity must accept advanced electronic signatures
supported by a qualified certificate, created with or without a secure signature creation
device, subject to compliance with all of the following conditions—
(i)the contracting entity must establish the required advanced electronic signature
format on the basis of formats established in Electronic Signature Commission
Decision 2011/130/EU(34) and must put in place necessary measures to be able to
process these formats technically;
(ii)if a different format of electronic signature is used, the electronic signature or
the electronic document carrier must include information on existing validation
(iii)the validation possibilities must allow the contracting entity to validate the received
electronic signature as an advanced electronic signature supported by a qualified
certificate, such validation to be online, free of charge and in a way that is
understandable for non-English speakers;
(iv)if a tender is signed with an advanced electronic signature with the support of a
qualified certificate from a provider that is included on a trusted list provided for
in the Trusted Lists Commission Decision 2009/767/EC (35), the contracting entity
must not apply additional requirements that may hinder the use of the signature by
the tenderer.
(18) This paragraph applies where a contracting entity concludes that the level of risk assessed in
accordance with paragraphs (20) and (21) is such that advanced electronic signatures as defined by
(34)OJ L 53, 26.2.2011, p.66, amended by Commission Implementing Decision 2014/148/EU (OJ L 80, 19.3.2014, p.7).
(35)OJ L 274, 20.10.2009, p.36, last amended by Commission Decision 2013/662/EU (OJ L 306, 16.11.2013, p.21).
23Document Generated: 2021-11-03
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Community framework
for Electronic signatures (36), as amended from time to time, are required.
(19) A contracting entity must assess the certificate referred to in paragraph (17)(d) by taking into
account whether the certificate is provided by a certificate services provider, which is on a trusted
list provided for in the Trusted Lists Commission Decision.
(20) In deciding the level of security required at each stage of a procurement for the award of
a concession contract and in concluding whether the level of risk is such that advanced electronic
signatures are required, a contracting entity must assess the risks having regard to—
(a)the likelihood of particular risks materialising;
(b)the potential adverse consequences if those risks materialise;
(c)the need for consistency as between similar procurements performed by the same
contracting entity; and
(d)the need for proportionality between the expected benefits of any particular security
requirements (in terms of eliminating or reducing any of the risks referred to in
paragraph (21) and the costs, burdens and obligations which those requirements may
impose upon an economic operator.
(21) A contracting entity must assess all relevant risks, including, in particular, where
(a)the risk to the proper functioning and integrity of the specific procurement process,
including risks of breach of these Regulations;
(b)risks to national security;
(c)the risk of inadvertent or unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, any economic operator’s
confidential information;
(d)the risk of inadvertent or unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, information held by the
contracting entity including information relating to the specific procurement;
(e)the risk that use of electronic communications could provide opportunity for malicious
attacks on the electronic systems of, or data held by, the entity, any economic operator or
any other person, including introduction of malware or denial of service attacks; and
(f)any other material risk relating to the procurement in question.
(22) Paragraph (23) applies where a contracting entity located in Scotland signs and issues a
document for use in the procurement for the award of concession contract within the scope of the
Concession Contracts Directive, whether the procurement is under these Regulations or under the
law of any member State.
(23) The contracting entity may establish the required advanced signature format in accordance
with the requirements set out in Article 1(2) the Electronic Signature of Commission Decision
2011/130/EU(37), and, where it does so—
(a)it must put in place the necessary measures to be able to process that format technically
by including the information required for the purpose of processing the signature in the
document concerned; and
(b)the documents must contain, in the electronic signature or in the electronic document
carrier, information on existing validation possibilities that allow the validation of the
received electronic signature online, free of charge and in a way that is understandable for
non-English speakers.
(36)OJ L 13, 19.1.2000, p.12, amended by Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008 (OJ L 311, 21.11.2008, p.1).
(37)OJ L 53, 26.2.2011 p.66.
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
Concession notice
33.—(1) A contracting entity wishing to award a concession contract, other than a concession
contract for social and other specific services listed in Schedule 3, must make known their intention
through the publication of a concession notice.
(2) Such a concession notice must contain—
(a)the information set out in Annex V to the Concession Contracts Directive; and
(b)any other information that the contracting entity considers useful;
and must be in the format of the standard forms set out in Commission Implementing Regulation
2015/1986 (38).
(3) A contracting entity wishing to award a concession contract for social and other specific
services listed in Schedule 3 must make known their intention of a planned concession contract
award through the publication of a prior information notice.
(4) Such a prior information notice must contain the information set out in Annex VI to
the Concession Contracts Directive and must be in the format of the standard forms set out in
Commission Implementing Regulation 2015/1986.
(5) This regulation does not apply in any of the following cases—
(a)if no applications, no suitable applications, no tenders or no suitable tenders have been
submitted in response to a prior procurement for the award of a concession contract,
provided that the initial conditions of the concession contract are not substantially altered
and that a report is sent to the European Commission if it so requests;
(b)if the works or services can be supplied only by a particular economic operator for any
of the following reasons—
(i)the aim of the concession contract is the creation or acquisition of a unique work of
art or artistic performance;
(ii)competition is absent for technical reasons;
(iii)the existence of an exclusive right;
(iv)the protection of intellectual property rights and exclusive rights other than exclusive
rights as defined in regulation 2 (interpretation),
but only, in the case of sub-paragraphs (ii) to (iv), if no reasonable alternative or substitute
exists and the absence of competition is not the result of an artificial narrowing down of
the parameters of the concession contract award.
(6) For the purposes of paragraph (5)(a)—
(a)a tender must be considered not to be suitable if it is irrelevant to the concession contract,
being manifestly incapable, without substantial changes, of meeting the contracting
entity’s needs and requirements as specified in the concession documents;
(b)an application must be considered not to be suitable if—
(38)OJ L 222, 12.11.2015, p.1.
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(i)the applicant concerned is to be or may be excluded under regulation 40 (exclusion
grounds) or does not meet the selection criteria set out by the contracting entity in
accordance with regulation 41(1) to (3) (selection of and qualitative assessment of
(ii)the application includes tenders which are considered not to be suitable as described
in sub-paragraph (a).
Concession contract award notice
34.—(1) Not later than 48 days after the award of a concession contract, the contracting entity
must send for publication a concession contract award notice in accordance with regulation 35 (form
and manner of publication of notices).
(2) A concession contract award notice for social and other specific services listed in Schedule 3
may be grouped for publication on a quarterly basis, in which case the contracting entity must send
the grouped notices for publication within 48 days of the end of each quarter.
(3) A concession contract award notice must contain the information set out in Annex VII to the
Concession Contracts Directive, or in the case of a concession contract for social and other specific
services listed in Schedule 3, the information set out in Annex VIII to that Directive.
Form and manner of publication of notices
35.—(1) A notice required by regulation 33 (concession notice), 34 (concession contract award
notice) and 46(3) (modification of contracts) to be sent for publication in accordance with this
regulation (and any corrigenda to a notice)—
(a)must be sent by electronic means to the Publications Office of the European Union (“EU
Publications Office”) for publication; and
(b)must be in the format of the standard forms set out in Commission Implementing
Regulation 2015/1986 (39).
(2) If the EU Publications Office has given the contracting entity confirmation of the receipt of
the notice and of the publication of the information sent, indicating the date of that publication, that
confirmation shall constitute proof of publication.
(3) The notices referred to in regulations 33, 34 and 46(3) must not be published at national level
before they are published by the EU Publications Office unless publication by that Office does not
take place within 48 hours after it confirms receipt in accordance with Article 33(2) of the Concession
Contracts Directive.
(4) Notices published at national level must not contain information other than that contained
in the notices sent to the EU Publications Office but must indicate the date of sending of the notice
to that Office.
Electronic availability of concession documents
36.—(1) A contracting entity must, by means of the internet, offer unrestricted and full direct
access free of charge to the concession documents from the date of the publication in the Official
Journal of a concession notice or, where the concession notice does not include the invitation to
submit tenders, from the date on which the invitation to submit tenders was sent.
(2) The text of the concession notice or of the invitation to submit tenders must specify the
internet address at which the concession documents are accessible.
(3) Paragraph (4) applies if, in duly justified circumstances due to—
(39)OJ L 222, 12.11.2015, p.1.
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(a)exceptional security reasons;
(b)technical reasons; or
(c)the particularly sensitive nature of commercial information requiring a very high level of
unrestricted and full direct access free of charge to certain concession documents cannot be offered
by means of the internet.
(4) In those circumstances a contracting entity must indicate in the notice or the invitation to
submit a tender that the concession documents concerned will be transmitted by means other than
the internet and the time limit for the receipt of tenders shall be prolonged.
(5) Provided that it has been requested in good time, a contracting entity must supply to all
applicants or tenderers taking part in the procurement for the award of a concession contract
additional information relating to the concession documents not later than 6 days before the deadline
fixed for the receipt of tenders.
Conflict of Interest
37.—(1) A contracting entity must take appropriate measures to prevent, identify and remedy a
conflict of interest arising in the conduct of the procurement for the award of a concession contract
so as to avoid any distortion of competition and to ensure equal treatment of all economic operators.
(2) The measures in relation to a conflict of interest must not go beyond what is strictly necessary
to prevent a potential conflict of interest or eliminate an identified conflict of interest.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality thereof, reference to “conflicts of interest” in paragraph (1)
includes any situation where a relevant staff member has, directly or indirectly, a financial,
economic or other personal interest which might be perceived to compromise their impartiality and
independence in the context of the procurement for the award of a concession contract.
(4) In paragraph (3), “relevant staff member” means a contracting entity staff member or staff
member of a procurement service provider acting on behalf of the contracting entity, who is involved
in the conduct of the procurement for the award of concession contract or may influence the outcome
of that procurement.
Technical and functional requirements
38.—(1) The technical specifications and functional requirements must—
(a)be set out in the concession contract procurement documents;
(b)lay down the characteristics required of any works or services that are the subject matter
of the concession contract.
(2) The characteristics referred to in paragraph (1)(b) may include—
(a)quality levels;
(b)levels of environmental and climate performance;
(c)design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity
(d)performance, safety or dimensions;
27Document Generated: 2021-11-03
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(g)testing and test methods;
(h)marking and labelling; or
(i)user instructions.
(3) Those characteristics may also refer to the specific process of production or provision of the
requested works or services provided that they are linked to the subject-matter of the contract and
proportionate to its value and its objectives.
(4) Subject to paragraph (5), unless justified by the subject-matter of the concession contract,
technical and functional requirements must not refer to a specific make or source, or a particular
process which characterises the products or services provided by a specific economic operator or
to trade marks, patents, types or a specific production with the effect of favouring or eliminating
certain undertakings or certain products.
(5) Reference of a kind referred to in paragraph (4) is permitted, on an exceptional basis, if a
sufficiently precise and intelligible description of the subject-matter of the contract is not possible,
in which case the reference shall be accompanied by the words “or equivalent”.
(6) A contracting entity must not reject a tender on the grounds that the works and services
tendered for do not comply with the technical and functional requirements to which it has referred,
once the tenderer proves in its tender, by any appropriate means, that the solutions it has proposed
satisfy in an equivalent manner the technical and functional requirements.
Procedural guarantees
39.—(1) A concession contract must be awarded on the basis of the award criteria, provided that
all of the following conditions are fulfilled—
(a)the tender complies with any minimum requirements set by the contracting entity;
(b)the tenderer complies with the conditions for participation set out in regulation 41(1) to
(3) (selection of and qualitative assessment of candidates); and
(c)the tenderer is not excluded from participating in the award procedure in accordance with
regulation 40(1) to (9) (exclusion grounds), as read with regulation 40(14) to (18).
(2) The contracting entity may limit the number of candidates or tenderers to an appropriate level,
on condition that this is done in a transparent manner and on the basis of objective criteria.
(3) The number of candidates or tenderers invited must be sufficient to ensure genuine
(4) The contracting entity must communicate the following to all participants—
(a)the description of the envisaged organisation of the procedure and an indicative completion
deadline; and
(b)any modification to that procedure or completion deadline.
(5) To the extent that any modification referred to in paragraph (4)(b) concerns elements disclosed
in the concession notice, the contracting entity must advertise it to all economic operators.
(6) The contracting entity must provide for appropriate recording of the stages of the procedure
using the means it considers appropriate, subject to regulation 31(1) and (2) (confidentiality).
(7) The contracting entity may hold negotiations with candidates and tenderers but the subject-
matter of the concession contract, the award criteria and the minimum requirements must not change
during the course of any negotiation.
(8) In this regulation—
(a)“the award criteria” means the award criteria set out by the contracting entity in accordance
with regulation 44 (concession contract award criteria);
28Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(b)“minimum requirements” mean the conditions and characteristics (in particular any
technical, physical, functional and legal conditions and characteristics) that any tender
must meet or possess.
Exclusion grounds
40.—(1) A contracting authority or utility referred to in regulation 5(1)(a) (meaning of “utility”)
must exclude an economic operator from participation in a procurement for the award of a concession
contract if the contracting authority or utility establishes that an economic operator or a person to
whom paragraph (2) applies has been convicted of any of the following offences—
(a)the common law offence of conspiracy if that conspiracy relates to participation in a
criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/
JHA(40) or an offence under sections 28 or 30 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing
(Scotland) Act 2010 (41);
(b)corruption within the meaning of section 1(2) of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act
1889 (42) or section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906 (43), where the offence
relates to active corruption as defined in Article 3 of the Council Act of 26th May 1997 (44)
and Article 3(1) of Council Joint Action 98/742/JHA (45);
(c)bribery or corruption within the meaning of sections 68 and 69 of the Criminal Justice
(Scotland) Act 2003 (46), if the offence relates to active bribery or corruption;
(d)bribery within the meaning of sections 1 or 6 of the Bribery Act 2010 (47);
(e)if the offence relates to fraud affecting the European Communities’ financial interests as
defined by Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the financial interests of the
European Communities (48)—
(i)the offence of cheating the Revenue;
(ii)the common law offence of fraud;
(iii)the common law offence of theft or fraud;
(iv)fraudulent trading within the meaning of section 458 of the Companies Act 1985 (49),
or section 993 of the Companies Act 2006 (50);
(v)fraudulent evasion within the meaning of section 170 of the Customs and Excise
Management Act 1979 (51) or section 72 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994(52);
(vi)an offence in connection with taxation in the European Union within the meaning of
section 71 of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 (53);
(vii) the common law offence of uttering; or
(40)OJ L 300, 11.11.2008, p.42.
(41)2010 asp 13 .
(42)1889 c.69 . This Act was repealed by Schedule 2 to the Bribery Act 2010 (c.23) .
(43)1906 c.34 . Section 1 was amended by section 47(2) and (3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (c.33) , section 108(2) of the
Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (c.24) and section 68(2) of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 (asp 7)
and repealed by Schedule 2 to the Bribery Act 2010 (c.23) .
(44)OJ C 195, 25.6.1997, p.2.
(45)OJ L 358, 31.12.1998, p.2; repealed by Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA (OJ L 192, 31.7.2003, p.54).
(46)2003 asp 7 . Sections 68 and 69 were repealed by Schedule 2 to the Bribery Act 2010 (c.23) .
(47)2010 c.23 .
(48)OJ C 316, 27.11.1995, p.48.
(49)1985 c.6 . Section 458 was modified by regulation 4 of, and Part 1 of Schedule 2 to, the Limited Liability Partnerships
Regulations 2001 ( S.I. 2001/1090 ) and repealed by Schedule 16 to the Companies Act 2006 (c.46) .
(50)2006 c.46 .
(51)1979 c.2 . There are amendments to this Act which are not relevant to these Regulations.
(52)1994 c.23 . Section 72 was amended by section 17 of the Finance Act 2004 (c.40) . There are other amendments to this Act
which are not relevant to these Regulations.
(53)1993 c.36 . There are amendments to this Act which are not relevant to these Regulations.
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(viii) the common law offence of attempting to pervert the course of justice;
(f)any offence listed in—
(i)section 41 of the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008(54); or
(ii)Schedule 2 to that Act where the court has determined that there is a terrorist
(g)money laundering within the meaning of sections 340(11) and 415 of the Proceeds of
Crime Act 2002 (55);
(h)an offence in connection with the proceeds of criminal conduct within the meaning of
section 93A, 93B or 93C of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (56);
(i)any offence under Part 1 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act
2015 (57) or under any provision referred to in the Schedule to that Act;
(j)an offence in connection with the proceeds of drug trafficking within the meaning of
section 49, 50 or 51 of the Drug Trafficking Act 1994(58);
(k)any other offence within the meaning of Article 38(4) of the Concessions Contracts
Directive as defined by the national law of any EEA state.
(2) This regulation applies if the person convicted is a member of the administrative, management
or supervisory body of the economic operator referred to in paragraph (1) or has powers of
representation, decision or control in the economic operator.
(3) A contracting authority or utility referred to in regulation 5(1)(a) (meaning of “utility”) must
exclude an economic operator from participation in a procurement if—
(a)subject to paragraphs (6) to (8), the contracting authority or utility referred to in
regulation 5(1)(a) is aware that the economic operator is in breach of its obligations relating
to the payment of taxes or social security contributions and this has been established by a
judicial or administrative decision having final and binding effect in accordance with the
legal provisions of the country in which it is established or in accordance with those of
any of the jurisdictions of the United Kingdom; or
(b)the contracting authority or utility referred to in regulation 5(1)(a) is aware that the
economic operator has committed an act prohibited under the Employment Relations
Act 1999 (Blacklists) Regulations 2010 (59) and the commission of such an act has been
admitted by the economic operator or established by a judicial decision having final and
binding effect.
(4) Subject to paragraph (5), a contracting entity may exclude an economic operator from
participation in the procurement for the award of a concession contract if the contracting authority
or utility can demonstrate by any appropriate means that the economic operator is in breach of its
obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions.
(5) A utility other than one referred to in regulation 5(1)(a) may exclude an economic operator
from participation in the procurement for an award of a concession contract if it is aware that the
economic operator has been convicted of any offence in paragraph (1) or committed a prohibited
act referred to in paragraph (3)(b).
(54)2008 c.28 .
(55)2002 c.29 .
(56)1988 c.33 ; sections 93A, 93B and 93C were inserted by sections 29, 30 and 31 of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 (c.36) and
repealed by the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (c.29) , Schedule 11, paragraph 17(2).
(57)2015 asp 12 .
(58)1994 c.37 ; sections 49, 50 and 51 were repealed by the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (c.29) , Schedule 11, paragraphs 1 and
25(1) and (2)(a), and by Schedule 12.
(59)S.I. 2010/493 .
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(6) A contracting entity may not exclude an economic operator pursuant to paragraphs (3)(a)
or (4) if—
(a)the economic operator has fulfilled its obligations by paying, or entering into a binding
arrangement with a view to paying, the taxes or social security contributions due,
including, where applicable, any interest accrued or fines; or
(b)the obligation to make repayment otherwise ceases.
(7) A contracting entity may disregard any of the prohibitions imposed by paragraphs (1) to (3),
on an exceptional basis, for overriding reasons relating to the public interest such as public health
or protection of the environment.
(8) A contracting entity may also disregard the prohibition imposed by paragraph (3)(a) if an
exclusion would be clearly disproportionate, in particular—
(a)if only minor amounts of taxes or social security contributions are unpaid; or
(b)if the economic operator was informed of the exact amount due following its breach of its
obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions at such time
that it did not have the possibility of fulfilling its obligations in a manner described in
paragraph (6) before expiration of the deadline for requesting participation or the deadline
for submitting its tender.
(9) A contracting entity may exclude an economic operator from participation in a procurement
for the award of a concession contract if—
(a)the contracting entity can demonstrate by any appropriate means a violation by the
economic operator of applicable obligations referred to in the fields of environmental,
social and labour law established by European Union law, national law, collective
agreements or by the international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed
in Schedule 4 to these Regulations;
(b)the economic operator is bankrupt or is the subject of insolvency or winding-up
proceedings, if its assets are being administered by a liquidator or by the court, if it is in an
arrangement with creditors, if its business activities are suspended or it is in any analogous
situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations to which
the economic operator may be subject;
(c)the contracting entity can demonstrate by any appropriate means that the economic
operator is guilty of grave professional misconduct, which renders its integrity
(d)the contracting entity has sufficiently plausible indications to conclude that the economic
operator has entered into agreements with other economic operators aimed at distorting
(e)a conflict of interest within the meaning of regulation 37 (conflict of interest) cannot be
effectively remedied by other less intrusive measures;
(f)the economic operator has shown significant or persistent deficiencies in the performance
of a substantive requirement under a prior concession contract or a prior contract with a
contracting authority or a utility as defined under these Regulations or under the Public
Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 or the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations
2016 which led to early termination of that prior contract, damages or other comparable
(g)if the economic operator—
(i)has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required
for the verification of the absence of grounds for exclusion or the fulfilment of the
selection criteria set out by the contracting entity in accordance with regulation 41
(1) to (3) (selection of and qualitative assessment of candidates); or
31Document Generated: 2021-11-03
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(ii)the economic operator has withheld such information or is unable to submit the
supporting documents required;
(h)the economic operator—
(i)has or has sought to unduly influence the decision-making process of the contracting
(ii)has or has sought to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue
advantages in the procurement for the award of a concession contract; or
(iii)has negligently provided misleading information that may have a material influence
on decisions concerning exclusion, selection or award;
(i)in the case of a concession contract in the fields of defence and security as referred to in the
Defence and Security Regulations, if the economic operator has been found, on the basis
of any means of evidence, including protected data sources, not to possess the reliability
necessary to exclude risks to the security of the United Kingdom.
(10) A contracting authority and utility referred to in regulation 5(1)(a) (meaning of “utility”)—
(a)must exclude an economic operator if it becomes aware, at any time during the
procurement for the award of a concession contract, that the economic operator is, in view
of acts committed or omitted either before or during the procedure, in one of the situations
referred to in paragraphs (1) to (3);
(b)may exclude an economic operator if it becomes aware, at any time during a procurement
for the award of a concession contract, that the economic operator is, in view of acts
committed or omitted either before or during the procurement, in one of the situations
referred to in paragraphs (4) and (9).
(11) A utility other than one referred to in regulation 5(1)(a) (meaning of “utility”) may exclude
an economic operator if it becomes aware, at any time during a procurement for the award of a
concession contract, that the economic operator is, in view of acts committed or omitted either before
or during the procurement, in one of the situations referred to in paragraphs (1) to (4) and (9).
(12) In the cases referred to in paragraph (1) and subject to paragraph (7), the period during
which the economic operator must be excluded is 5 years from the date of the conviction by final
(13) In the cases referred to in paragraphs (3)(b) and (9) and subject to paragraph (15), the period
during which the economic operator may be excluded is 3 years from the date of the relevant event.
(14) Any economic operator that is in one of the situations referred to in paragraph (1), (3)(b) or
(9) may provide evidence to the effect that measures taken by the economic operator are sufficient
to demonstrate its reliability despite the existence of a relevant ground for exclusion.
(15) If the contracting entity is satisfied that the evidence proves that the measures are sufficient
for the purpose referred to in paragraph (14), the contracting entity must not exclude the economic
operator from the procurement of the award of a concession contract.
(16) For that purpose, the economic operator must prove that it has—
(a)paid or undertaken to pay compensation in respect of any damage caused by the criminal
offence or misconduct;
(b)clarified the facts and circumstances in a comprehensive manner by actively collaborating
with the investigating authorities; and
(c)taken concrete technical, organisational and personnel measures that are appropriate to
prevent further criminal offences or misconduct.
(17) The measures taken by the economic operator must be evaluated by the contracting entity
taking into account the gravity and particular circumstances of the criminal offence or misconduct.
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(18) If the contracting entity considers that the measures are insufficient, the contracting entity
must give the economic operator a statement of the reasons for that decision.
Selection of and qualitative assessment of candidates
41.—(1) A contracting entity must verify the conditions for participation relating to the
professional and technical ability and the financial and economic standing of candidates or tenderers
on the basis of self-declarations or references submitted as proof in accordance with the requirements
specified in the concession notice.
(2) Those requirements must be non-discriminatory and proportionate to the subject-matter of
the concession contract.
(3) The conditions for participation must be related and proportionate to the need to ensure the
ability of the concessionaire to perform the concession contract, taking into account the subject-
matter of the concession contract and the purpose of ensuring genuine competition.
(4) For the purpose of meeting the conditions for participation, an economic operator may, if
appropriate and for a particular concession contract, rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless
of the legal nature of its links with them, subject to the following provisions of this regulation.
(5) If an economic operator wants to rely on the capacities of other entities, it must prove to the
contracting entity that it will have at its disposal, throughout the period of the concession contract,
the necessary resources; for example, by producing a commitment by those entities to that effect.
(6) With regard to financial standing, the contracting entity may require that the economic
operator and those entities on which it relies are jointly liable for the execution of the contract.
(7) A group of economic operators referred to in regulation 29 (economic operators) may rely
on the capacities of participants in the group or of other entities, and paragraphs (4) to (6) apply in
relation to such a group in the same way that they apply in relation to an economic operator.
Time limits for receipt of applications and tenders for the concession contract
42.—(1) When fixing the time limit for the receipt of applications or tenders, a contracting entity
must take account of the complexity of the concession contract and the time required for drawing
up a tender or application, without prejudice to the minimum time limits set out in this regulation.
(2) If an application or tender can be made only after a visit to the site or after on-the-spot
inspection of the documents supporting the concession documents, the time limit for the receipt of
an application for the concession contract or for the receipt of a tender must be fixed so that any
economic operator concerned is aware of all the information needed to produce an application or
tender and in any event must be longer than the minimum time limits set out in paragraphs (3) and (4).
(3) The minimum time limit for the receipt of applications (whether or not including tenders for
the concession contract) must be 30 days from the date on which the concession notice was sent for
publication in accordance with regulation 35 (form and manner of publication of notices).
(4) If the procurement takes place in successive stages the minimum time limit for the receipt of
initial tenders must be 22 days from the date on which the invitation to tender is sent.
(5) The time limits for receipt of tenders may be reduced by 5 days if the contracting entity allows
the submission of tenders by electronic means in accordance with regulation 32 (rules applicable
to communication).
Informing candidates and tenderers
43.—(1) A contracting entity must as soon as possible after reaching a decision concerning
the award of a concession contract inform each candidate and tenderer of the decision reached,
33Document Generated: 2021-11-03
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(a)the name of the successful tenderer; and
(b)the grounds for any decision—
(i)to reject its application or tender;
(ii)not to award a contract for which there has been publication of a concession notice; or
(iii)to recommence the procurement.
(2) On request from the party concerned, the contracting entity must as quickly as possible, and
in any event within 15 days from receipt of a request in writing, inform any tenderers that have
submitted an admissible tender of the characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected.
(3) The contracting entity may decide to withhold certain information referred to in this regulation
if the release of such information—
(a)would impede law enforcement or would otherwise be contrary to the public interest;
(b)would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of a particular economic operator,
whether public or private; or
(c)might prejudice fair competition between economic operators.
Concession contract award criteria
44.—(1) A contracting entity must award a concession contract on the basis of objective criteria
which comply with the principles set out in regulation 28 (principle of equal treatment, non-
discrimination and transparency) and which ensure that a tender is assessed in conditions of effective
competition so as to identify an overall economic advantage for the contracting entity (“the award
(2) The award criteria—
(a)must be linked to the subject-matter of the concession contract;
(b)must not confer an unrestricted freedom of choice on the contracting entity; and
(c)may include environmental criteria, social criteria or criteria related to innovation.
(3) The award criteria must be accompanied by requirements which allow the information
provided by the tenderers to be effectively verified.
(4) The contracting entity must verify whether a tender properly meets the award criteria.
(5) The contracting entity must list the award criteria in descending order of importance.
(6) If the contracting entity receives a tender which proposes an innovative solution with an
exceptional level of functional performance which could not have been foreseen by a diligent
contracting entity, the contracting entity may, exceptionally, modify the ranking order of the award
criteria to take into account that innovative solution.
(7) If paragraph (6) applies, the contracting entity must—
(a)inform all tenderers about the modification of the order of importance and issue a new
invitation to submit tenders within the minimum time limit referred to in regulation 42(4)
(time limits for receipt of applications and tenders);
(b)if the award criteria was published either in the concession notice or at the same
time, publish a new concession notice including the minimum time limit referred to in
regulation 42(3).
(8) The contracting entity must ensure that a modification of the ranking order referred to in
paragraph (6) does not result in discrimination.
(9) In this regulation, “innovation” means the implementation of a new or significantly improved
product, service or process, including but not limited to production, building or construction
processes, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace
34Document Generated: 2021-11-03
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
organisation or external relations, including with the purpose of helping to solve societal challenges
or to support the Europe 2020 strategy (60) for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
45.—(1) In the concession documents, the contracting entity may ask the tenderer to indicate in
its tender any share of the concession contract that it may intend to subcontract to a third party and
information about any proposed sub-contractor including their name and contact details.
(2) Paragraph (1) is without prejudice to the concessionaire’s liability under the main concession
(3) This paragraph applies in the case of—
(a)a works concession contract; and
(b)a services concession contract including services to be provided at a facility under the
oversight of the contracting entity.
(4) If paragraph (3) applies, the contracting entity must require the main contractor to notify
it, at the latest when the performance of the concession contract commences of the name, contact
details and legal representatives of its subcontractors, involved in such works or services, in so far
as known at the time.
(5) The contracting entity must require the concessionaire to notify it of—
(a)any changes to the information notified under paragraph (4) during the course of the
concession contract; and
(b)the name, contact details and legal representative of any new subcontractors which it
subsequently involves in such works or services.
(6) Paragraphs (4) and (5) do not apply to suppliers.
(7) A contracting entity may require a contractor to provide information of the kind referred to
paragraphs (4) and (5) in respect to any one or more of the following:—
(a)services concession contracts (other than those concerning services to be provided at the
facilities under the oversight of the contracting entity) or suppliers involved in works
concession contracts or services concession contracts;
(b)subcontractors of the concessionaire’s subcontractors or subcontractors further down the
subcontracting chain.
(8) A contracting entity may verify whether there are grounds for exclusion of subcontractors
under regulation 40 (exclusion grounds).
(9) In such cases, the contracting entity—
(a)must require that the economic operator replaces a subcontractor in respect of which the
verification has shown that there are compulsory grounds for exclusion; and
(b)may require that the economic operator replaces a subcontractor in respect of which the
verification has shown that there are non-compulsory grounds for exclusion.
(60)European Commission COM(2010) 2020 3.3.2010.
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
Modification of concession contract during contract term
46.—(1) A concession contract may be modified without procurement for a new concession
contract in the following cases—
(a)if the initial concession document provides for the modification, irrespective of its
monetary value, in clear, precise and unequivocal review clauses, which may include price
revision clauses or options, provided that such clauses—
(i)state the scope and nature of possible modifications or options as well as the
conditions under which they may be used; and
(ii)do not provide for modifications or options that would alter the overall nature of the
concession contract;
(b)to provide for additional works or services by the original concessionaire that have become
necessary and were not included in the initial procurement for a concession contract, if a
change of concessionaire—
(i)cannot be made for economic or technical reasons such as requirements
of interchangeability or interoperability with existing equipment, services or
installations procured under the initial procurement; and
(ii)would cause significant inconvenience or substantial duplication of costs for the
contracting entity,
provided that any increase in price does not exceed 50% of the initial concession contract
(c)if all of the following conditions are fulfilled—
(i)circumstances which a diligent contracting entity could not have foreseen brought
about the need for modification;
(ii)the modification does not alter the overall nature of the concession contract;
(iii)in the case of a concession contract awarded by a contracting authority for the
purposes of pursing an activity other than one listed in Schedule 2 any increase in
value does not exceed 50% of the initial concession contract value;
(d)if a new concessionaire replaces one to which the contracting entity had initially awarded
the concession contract—
(i)as a result of an unequivocal review clause or option in conformity with sub-
paragraph (a); or
(ii)in the event of complete or partial succession into the position of the initial
concessionaire, following corporate restructuring, including takeover, merger,
acquisition or insolvency, by another economic operator that fulfils the criteria
for qualitative selection initially established, provided that this does not entail
other substantial modifications to the concession contract and is not aimed at
circumventing the application of these Regulations;
(iii)in the event that the contracting entity assumes the main concessionaire’s obligations
towards its subcontractors;
(e)if a modification, irrespective of value, is not substantial (within the meaning of
paragraph (8)); or
(f)if paragraph (5) applies.
(2) If several successive modifications are made—
(a)the limitations imposed by the proviso at the end of paragraph (1)(b) and by paragraph (1)
(c)(iii) apply to the value of each modification; and
(b)such successive modifications must not be aimed at circumventing these Regulations.
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item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(3) A contracting entity which has modified a concession contract in either of the cases described
in paragraph (1)(b) and (c) must send a notice to that effect, in accordance with regulation 35 (form
and manner of publication of notices) for publication.
(4) Such a notice must contain the information set out in Annex XI to the Concession Contracts
(5) This paragraph applies if the value of the modification is below both of the following values—
(a)the relevant threshold mentioned in regulation 8 (thresholds); and
(b)10 % of the initial concession contract value,
provided that the modification does not alter the overall nature of the concession contract.
(6) For the purposes of paragraph (5), if several successive modifications are made, the value
must be the net cumulative value of the successive modifications.
(7) For the purpose of the calculation of the values mentioned in paragraphs (1)(b) and (c) and
(5)(b), the updated value must be the reference value when the concession contract includes an
indexation clause but if the concession contract does not contain an indexation clause, the updated
value must be calculated taking into account the average inflation in the United Kingdom.
(8) A modification of a concession contract during its term must be considered substantial for
the purposes of paragraph (1)(e) if one or more of the following conditions is met—
(a)the modification renders the concession contract materially different in character from the
one initially concluded;
(b)the modification introduces conditions which, had such conditions been part of the initial
procurement procedure, would have—
(i)allowed for the admission of candidates other than those initially selected;
(ii)allowed for the acceptance of a tender other than that originally accepted; or
(iii)attracted additional participants in the procurement procedure;
(c)the modification changes the economic balance of the concession contract in favour of the
concessionaire in a manner which was not provided for in the initial concession contract;
(d)the modification extends the scope of the concession contract considerably;
(e)a new concessionaire replaces one to which the contracting entity had initially awarded
the concession contract in cases other than those provided for in paragraph (1)(d).
(9) A new procurement for the award of a concession contract in accordance with this Part is
required for modifications of the provisions of a concession contract during its term other than those
provided for in this regulation.
Termination of concession contract
47.—(1) A contracting entity must ensure that every concession contract which is awarded
contains provision enabling the contracting entity to terminate the concession if—
(a)the concession contract has been subject to a substantial modification which would
have required a procurement for the award of a concession contract in accordance with
regulation 46(9) (modification of concession contracts during contract term);
(b)the concessionaire has, at the time of contract award, been in one of the situations referred
to in regulation 40(1) (exclusion grounds) including as a result of the application of
regulation 40(2) and should therefore have been excluded from the procurement for the
award of a concession contract; or
(c)the Court of Justice of the European Union finds, in a procedure pursuant to Article 258
of the TFEU, that the United Kingdom failed to fulfil its obligations under the Treaties
37Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
by virtue of the fact that the concession granted awarded the concession contract without
complying with its obligations under the Treaties and the Concession Contracts Directive.
(2) The provision may address the basis on which the power is to be exercisable in those
circumstances, for example by providing for notice of termination to be given and by addressing
consequential matters that will or might arise from the termination.
(3) To the extent that a concession contract does not contain provision enabling the contracting
entity to terminate the concession contract on any of the grounds mentioned in paragraph (1), a
power for the contracting entity to do so on giving notice to the concessionaire is an implied term
of that concession contract.
Scope of Chapter 8
48.This Chapter applies to procurement for the award of a concession contract falling within
the scope of these Regulations.
Notice of a decision to award a concession contract
49.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (5) and (6), a contracting entity must send to each candidate and
tenderer a notice communicating its decision to award the concession contract.
(2) If it is to be sent to a tenderer, the notice referred to in paragraph (1) must include—
(a)the criteria for the award of the concession contract;
(b)a summary of the reasons for the decision, including the characteristics and relative
advantages of the successful tender, the score (if any) obtained by—
(i)the tenderer which is to receive the notice; and
(ii)the tenderer to be awarded the concession contract;
and anything required by paragraph (3);
(c)the name of the tenderer to be awarded the concession contract; and
(d)a precise statement of either—
(i)when, in accordance with regulation 50 (standstill period), the standstill period is
expected to end and, if relevant, how the timing of its ending might be affected by
any and, if so what, contingencies; or
(ii)the date before which the contracting entity will not, in conformity with regulation 50
enter into the concession contract .
(3) The reasons referred to in paragraph (2)(b) must include the reason for any decision by the
contracting entity that the economic operator did not meet the technical and functional requirements
in an equivalent manner as mentioned in regulation 38(6) (technical and functional requirements).
(4) If it is to be sent to a candidate, the notice referred to in paragraph (1) must include—
(a)a summary of the reasons why the candidate was unsuccessful; and
(b)the information mentioned in paragraph (2), but as if the words “and relative advantages”
were omitted from sub-paragraph (b).
38Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(5) A contracting entity need not comply with paragraph (1) in any of the following cases—
(a)if the concession contract is permitted by these Regulations to be awarded without prior
publication of a concession notice;
(b)if the only tenderer is the one who is to be awarded the concession contract, and there is
no candidate.
(6) A contracting entity may withhold any information to be provided in accordance with the
preceding requirements of this regulation if the release of such information—
(a)would impede law enforcement or would otherwise be contrary to the public interest;
(b)would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of a particular economic operator,
whether public or private; or
(c)might prejudice fair competition between economic operators.
(7) In this regulation—
(a)“candidate” means a candidate, as defined in regulation 2(1), which—
(i)is not a tenderer, and
(ii)has not been informed of the rejection of its application and the reasons for it;
(b)“tenderer” means a tenderer, as defined in regulation 2(1), which has not been definitively
(8) For the purposes of paragraph (7)(b), an exclusion is definitive if, and only if, the tenderer
has been notified of the exclusion and either—
(a)the exclusion has been held to be lawful in proceedings under Chapter 9; or
(b)the time limit for starting such proceedings has expired even on the assumption that the
Court would have granted the maximum extension permitted by regulation 52(4) and (5)
(enforcement of duties through the Courts).
Standstill period
50.—(1) A contracting entity must allow a period of at least the relevant standstill period to elapse
between the date of despatch of the notice referred to in regulation 49(1) (notice of a decision to
award a concession contract) and the date on which that contracting entity enters into the concession
(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply if—
(a)the concession contract is exempt from the requirement for prior publication of a
concession notice;
(b)there are no tenderers concerned or candidates concerned;
(c)a notice is not required to be given under regulation 49(1) (notice of a decision to award
a concession contract).
(3) If notice is sent to all economic operators by facsimile or electronic means, the standstill
period is a period of 10 days ending at midnight at the end of the 10th day after that on which the
last notice is sent.
(4) If notice is sent to any economic operators only by other means, the standstill period is a period
of 15 days ending at midnight at the end of the 15th day after that on which the last notice is sent.
39Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
Duty owed to economic operators
51.—(1) The obligation on a contracting entity to comply with the provisions of these Regulations
(except where otherwise specified), and with any enforceable EU obligation in respect of a
concession contract falling within the scope of these Regulations, is a duty owed to an economic
operator from an EEA State.
(2) The duty owed in accordance with paragraph (1) is a duty owed also to—
(a)an economic operator from a GPA state, but only if the GPA applies to the procurement
concerned; and
(b)an economic operator which is not from an EEA State or a GPA state, but only if a relevant
bilateral agreement applies.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), the GPA applies to a procurement if—
(a)the procurement may result in the award of a concession contract of any description; and
(b)at the relevant time—
(i)a GPA state has agreed with the EU that the GPA shall apply to a concession contract
of that description, and
(ii)the economic operator is from that GPA state.
(4) For the purpose of paragraph (2)(b), a relevant bilateral agreement applies if—
(a)there is an international agreement, other than the GPA, by which the EU is bound; and
(b)in accordance with that agreement, the economic operator is, in respect of the procurement
concerned, to be accorded remedies no less favourable than those accorded to economic
operators from the EU in respect of matters falling with the scope of the duty owed in
accordance with paragraph (1).
(5) In this regulation—
except in paragraph (1), references to an “economic operator”, include a reference to a GPA
economic operator;
“GPA” means the Agreement on Government Procurement between certain parties to the
World Trade Organisation signed in Marrakesh on 15th April 1994 as amended(61);
“GPS economic operator” means a person from a GPA state who sought, who seeks, or would
have wished, to be the person to whom the contract is awarded;
“GPA state” means any country, other than an EEA state, which at the relevant time is a
signatory to the GPA; and
“relevant time” means the date on which the contracting entity sent a concession notice in
respect of the concession contract to the Publications Office of the European Union or would
have done so if it had been required by these Regulations to do so.
(61)All the substantive provisions of the Agreement were substituted by the Protocol which was approved, on behalf of the EU,
by Council Decision 2014/115/EU (OJ L 68, 7.3.2014, p.1), to which the text of the Protocol is attached. In accordance with
Article 3 of the Protocol, the Protocol has entered into force for the EU.
40Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
Enforcement of duties through the Courts
52.—(1) A breach of the duty owed in accordance with regulation 51 (duty owed to economic
operators) is actionable by any economic operator which, in consequence of the breach suffers, or
risks suffering, loss or damage.
(2) Proceedings by an economic operator in respect of a breach of duty referred to in paragraph (1)
must be brought in the Sheriff Court or the Court of Session.
(3) Proceedings under this regulation may not be brought unless—
(a)the economic operator bringing the proceedings has informed the contracting entity of—
(i)the breach or apprehended breach of the duty owed to it in accordance with
regulation 51 (duty owed to economic operators); and
(ii)of its intention to bring proceedings under this Part in respect of that breach or
apprehended breach; and
(b)the proceedings are brought in accordance with paragraph (4).
(4) For the purpose of paragraph (3)(b), proceedings must be brought—
(a)in the case of proceedings seeking an ineffectiveness order (as defined in regulation 55
(ineffectiveness orders))—
(i)if paragraph (5) applies, within 30 days from the relevant date referred to in that
paragraph; and
(ii)in any other case, within 6 months from the date of the concession contract being
entered into; and
(b)in any other case, within 30 days beginning with the date when the economic operator
first knew or ought to have known that grounds for starting the proceedings had arisen
unless the court considers that there is a good reason for extending the period within
which proceedings may be brought, in which case the court may extend that period up to
a maximum of 3 months from that date.
(5) For the purpose of paragraph (4)(a)(i), this paragraph applies if—
(a)the contracting entity has sent a concession contract award notice to the Official Journal
in accordance with regulation 35 (form and matter of publication of notices), including
reasons for its decision to enter into the concession contract without prior publication of a
concession notice, in which case the relevant date is the date of publication of the notice
in the Official Journal; or
(b)the contracting entity has by notice in writing informed all tenderers concerned and all
candidates concerned (if any) of its decision in relation to the award of the concession
contract and the notice includes the information referred to in regulation 49(2)(b) or (4)
(a) (notice of decision to award a concession contract) as the case may be, in which case
the relevant date is the date of sending of the notice.
Automatic suspension of authority power to proceed with concession contract award
53.Without prejudice to the application of any relevant standstill period, if proceedings under
this Part are served on a contracting entity or concessionaire in relation to a concession contract that
has not been entered into, the contracting entity must not enter into the concession contract unless—
(a)the proceedings are determined, discontinued or disposed of; or
(b)the court, by interim order, brings to an end the prohibition.
41Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
Powers and duties of the court
54.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (7), but otherwise without prejudice to any other powers
of the court, in proceedings brought under this Part the court—
(a)may by interim order suspend—
(i)the procedure leading to the award of a concession contract; and
(ii)the implementation of any decision or action taken by the contracting entity in the
course of following a procedure referred to in paragraph (i); and
(b)if satisfied that a decision or action taken by a contracting entity was in breach of the duty
owed under regulation 51 (duty owed to economic operators), may—
(i)order the setting aside of that decision or action;
(ii)order the contracting entity to amend any document; and
(iii)award damages to an economic operator which has suffered loss or damage as a
consequence of the breach.
(2) In any interim proceedings under this Part the court may decide not to grant an interim order
when the negative consequences of such an order are likely to outweigh the benefits, having regard
to the following considerations—
(a)that decisions taken by a contracting entity must be reviewed effectively and, in particular,
as rapidly as possible;
(b)the probable consequences of an interim order for all interests likely to be harmed; and
(c)the public interest.
(3) If the court is satisfied that regulation 55(7)(a) (ineffectiveness orders) applies but the second
ground for ineffectiveness is not otherwise met, the court must, without prejudice to the other powers
of the court, order—
(a)the payment by the contracting entity of a financial penalty; or
(b)the shortening of the duration of the concession contract awarded following the
procurement in relation to which the breach occurred.
(4) In determining what order to make under paragraph (3) the court must—
(a)ensure that the order is effective, proportionate and dissuasive; and
(b)have regard to all relevant factors including—
(i)the seriousness of the breach; and
(ii)the behaviour of the contracting entity.
(5) If the court makes an order under paragraph (3)(b) the court must, without prejudice to
the other powers of the court, make such other order as the court considers appropriate to address
the consequences of the shortening of the duration of the concession contract or on the rights and
obligations of the parties to the concession contract.
(6) Before making an order under paragraph (5), the court must have regard to any terms of the
concession contract or relating to the rights and obligations of the parties should the duration of the
concession contract be shortened.
(7) Subject to paragraph (3) and regulation 55 (ineffectiveness orders) in proceedings under this
Part the court does not have power to order any remedy other than an award of damages in respect of
a breach of the duty owed under regulation 51 (duty owed to economic operators) if the concession
contract in relation to which the breach occurred has been entered into.
42Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(8) Sections 21 and 42 of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 (62) do not apply in proceedings
brought under this Part against the Crown.
Ineffectiveness orders
55.—(1) Without prejudice to all rights and obligations in respect of the period leading up to
the date of the order, an ineffectiveness order made in relation to a concession contract renders
unenforceable all rights and obligations directly arising from the concession contract in respect of
the period commencing on the date of the order.
(2) Subject to any order made under regulation 56(1)(b) (powers of the court), obligations
rendered unenforceable by an ineffectiveness order made in relation to a concession contract must
not be performed by the parties to the concession contract.
(3) Subject to paragraph (4) and regulation 57 (general interest grounds for not making a
declaration of ineffectiveness), the court must make an ineffectiveness order if—
(a)the first ground for ineffectiveness referred to in paragraph (5) applies; or
(b)the second ground for ineffectiveness referred to in paragraph (7) applies.
(4) In proceedings under this Part to which regulation 52(4)(b)(powers and duties of the court)
applies, the court does not have power to make an ineffectiveness order if the proceedings would be
incompetent if the regulation 52(4)(a) applied to the proceedings.
First ground for ineffectiveness
(5) The first ground for ineffectiveness applies if the contracting entity has entered into a
concession contract without prior publication of a concession notice in the Official Journal in
circumstances where the concession contract was not exempt from the requirement for prior
publication of a concession notice.
(6) The first ground for ineffectiveness does not apply if—
(a)the contracting entity sent to the Official Journal a notice in the form of the voluntary
ex ante transparency notice in Annex XII to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
No 2015/1986 (63), expressing its intention to enter into the concession contract and
(i)the name and contact details of the contracting entity;
(ii)a description of the object of the concession contract;
(iii)a justification of the decision of the contracting entity to award the concession
contract without prior publication of a concession notice;
(iv)the name and contact details of the economic operator to be awarded the concession
contract; and
(v)any other information which the contracting entity considered useful; and
(b)the contracting entity allowed a period of at least 10 days to elapse between the date of
publication in the Official Journal of the notice referred to in sub-paragraph (a) and the
date on which the contracting entity entered into the concession contract.
Second ground for ineffectiveness
(7) The second ground for ineffectiveness applies if all of the following apply—
(62)1947 c.44 .
(63)OJ L 222, 12.11.2015 p.1.
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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(a)the contracting entity has breached regulation 49(1) (notice of decision to award a
concession contract), 50(1) (standstill period) or 53 (automatic suspension of authority
power to proceed with concession contract award);
(b)the contracting entity’s breach referred to in sub-paragraph (a) prevented the economic
operator from bringing proceedings or obtaining a remedy before the concession contract
was entered into;
(c)in awarding the concession contract there has been another breach of the duty owed to
the economic operator under these Regulations, other than a breach of regulations 49(1)
(notice of decision to award a concession contract), 51(1) (standstill period) or this Part;
(d)the contracting entity’s breach referred to in sub-paragraph (c) has affected the chances
of the economic operator bringing proceedings under this Part to obtain the concession
Powers of the court
56.—(1) If an ineffectiveness order is made, the court must, without prejudice to the other powers
of the court—
(a)order the payment by the contracting entity of a financial penalty; and
(b)make such other order as the court considers appropriate to address the consequences of the
ineffectiveness order on the rights and obligations of the parties to the concession contract.
(2) In the case of an order made under paragraph (1)(a), the court must have regard to the extent
to which the concession contract will remain in effect in respect of the period leading up to the date
of the ineffectiveness order.
(3) Before making an order under paragraph (1)(b), the court must have regard to any terms of the
concession contract or relating to the rights and obligations of the parties should an ineffectiveness
order be made in relation to the concession contract.
General interest grounds for not making a declaration of ineffectiveness
57.—(1) The court may decline to make an ineffectiveness order if the court is satisfied that
overriding reasons relating to a general interest require that the enforceability of the rights and
obligations arising from the concession contract should be maintained.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)—
(a)economic interests directly linked to the concession contract do not constitute overriding
reasons relating to a general interest; and
(b)economic interests in the effectiveness of the concession contract may only be considered
as overriding reasons relating to a general interest in exceptional circumstances where
ineffectiveness would lead to disproportionate consequences.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), economic interests directly linked to the concession
contract include the costs—
(a)resulting from the delay in the performance of the concession contract;
(b)resulting from the commencement of a new procurement;
(c)resulting from the change of the economic operator performing the concession contract;
(d)of legal obligations resulting from an ineffectiveness order.
44Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
Other orders
58.—(1) If the court declines to make an ineffectiveness order under regulation 57 (general
interest grounds for not making a declaration of ineffectiveness), the court must, without prejudice
to the other powers of the court, order—
(a)the payment by the contracting entity of a financial penalty; or
(b)the shortening of the duration of the concession contract.
(2) In determining what order to make under paragraph (1)(a), regulation 54(4) applies (powers
and duties of the court).
(3) Regulation 54(5) and (6) (powers and duties of the court) applies to an order made under
paragraph (1)(b) as it applies to an order made under regulation 54(3)(b).
Financial penalties
59.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), if a financial penalty is ordered to be paid under this Part—
(a)the order must state that the financial penalty must be paid to the Scottish Ministers; and
(b)the clerk of the court must send an extract of the decree (without charge) to the Scottish
(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to any financial penalty ordered to be paid by the Scottish
Ministers or an office in the Scottish Administration which is not a ministerial office.
(3) The Scottish Ministers must pay into the Scottish Consolidated Fund any financial penalty—
(a)ordered to be paid by them under this Part; or
(b)recovered by them under paragraph (1).
(4) An office in the Scottish Administration which is not a ministerial office must pay any
financial penalty ordered to be paid by them under this Part into the Scottish Consolidated Fund.
(5) In this regulation, “an office in the Scottish Administration which is not a ministerial office”
is construed in accordance with section 126(8) of the Scotland Act 1998 (64).
Reporting requirements
60.Contracting entities must send to the Scottish Ministers a report containing such information
as the Scottish Ministers may from time to time request in respect of concession contracts within
the scope of these Regulations for the purpose of enabling the Scottish Ministers to provide the
European Commission with information.
Review of these Regulations
61.—(1) The Scottish Ministers must from time to time—
(a)carry out a review of these Regulations;
(b)set out the conclusions of the review in a report; and
(c)publish the report.
(64)1998 c.46 .
45Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(2) In carrying out the review, the Scottish Ministers must, so far as is reasonable, have regard
to how the Concession Contracts Directive is implemented in other member States.
(3) The report must in particular—
(a)set out the objectives intended to be achieved by the regulatory system established by these
(b)assess the extent to which those objectives are achieved; and
(c)assess whether those objectives remain appropriate and, if so, the extent to which they
could be achieved with a system that imposes less regulation.
(4) The first report under this regulation must be published before 18th April 2021.
(5) Reports under this regulation are afterwards to be published at intervals not exceeding 5 years.
Interpretation of Part 7
62.In this Part, “the 2012 Regulations” means the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations
2012 (65).
Transitional provision and saving where procurement was commenced before 18th April
63.—(1) Nothing in these Regulations, except regulation 46 (modification of contracts during
contract term) and 47(1)(a) to (3) (termination of concession contract) affects a procurement for the
award of a contract commenced before 18th April 2016.
(2) Procurement for the award of a concession contract (except a service concession contract)
commenced before 18th April 2016 will continue to be subject to the application of the 2012
Regulations as if those Regulations had not been revoked.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a concession contract award procedure has been
commenced before 18th April 2016 if, before that date—
(a)a contract notice has been sent to the Official Journal in accordance with the 2012
Regulations in order to invite offers or requests to be selected to tender for or to negotiate
in respect of a proposed concession contract;
(b)the contracting entity has published any form of advertisement seeking offers or
expressions of interest in a proposed concession contract; or
(c)the contracting entity has contacted any economic operator in order to—
(i)seek expressions of interest or offers in respect of a proposed concession contract; or
(ii)respond to an unsolicited expression of interest or offer received from that economic
operator in relation to a proposed concession contract.
Transitory provision prior to full commencement of regulation 32(1) to (7)
64.—(1) During the period beginning on 18th April 2016 and ending immediately before 18th
April 2017, a central purchasing body may choose between the following means of communication
for the purposes mentioned in paragraph (3)—
(65)S.S.I. 2012/88 , revoked by the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
46Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(a)electronic means in accordance with regulation 32 (rules applicable to communication);
(b)post or other suitable carrier;
(d)a combination of those means.
(2) During the period beginning on 18th April 2106 and ending immediately before 18th October
2018, a contracting entity may choose between the following means of communication for the
purposes mentioned in paragraph (3)—
(a)electronic means in accordance with regulation 32 (rules applicable to communication);
(b)post or other suitable carrier;
(d)a combination of those means.
(3) The choices referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) are available for all communication and
information exchange in respect of which both the following criteria are met—
(a)the use of electronic means would, in accordance with regulation 32(1) to (7), have been
required if those provisions had been in force;
(b)the use of electronic means is not required by any provision of these Regulations other
than regulation 32(1).
St Andrew’s House,
29th January 2016KEITH BROWN
A member of the Scottish Government
47Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
SCHEDULE 1 Regulation 2(1)
In this Schedule, ‘NACE Rev.1’ has the same meaning as in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90
on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (66), and numerical
references in the columns relating to the NACE Rev.1 relate to the Annex to that Regulation. In
the event of any difference of interpretation between the CPV and the NACE Rev.1, the CPV
nomenclature shall apply.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
45 Construction This division includes:
—construction of
new buildings
and works,
restoring and
common repairs.45000000
45.1 Site
45.11 Demolition
and wrecking
of buildings;
earth movingThis class includes:
—demolition of
buildings and
other structures,
—clearing of
building sites,
—earth moving:
landfill, levelling
and grading of
sites, trench
digging, rock
blasting, etc.
—site preparation
for mining,
and other
and preparation
of mineral
properties and
This class also
(66)OJ L 293, 24.10.1990, p.1; last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council
(OJ L 393, 30.12.2006, p.1).
48Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
—building site
—drainage of
agricultural or
forestry land.
45.12Test drilling
and boringThis class includes:
—test drilling, test
boring and core
sampling for
geological or
similar purposes.
This class excludes:
—drilling of
production oil
or gas wells, see
—water well
drilling, see
—shaft sinking, see
—oil and gas field
and seismic
surveying, see
45.2 Building of
or parts
thereof; civil
45.21 General
construction of
buildings and
worksThis class includes:
of all types
of buildings
construction of
civil engineering
including those
for elevated
49Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
viaducts, tunnels
and subways,
and power lines,
—urban pipelines,
and power lines,
—ancillary urban
—assembly and
erection of
constructions on
the site.
This class excludes:
—service activities
incidental to
oil and gas
extraction, see
—erection of
from self-
parts not of
concrete, see
divisions 20, 26
and 28,
work, other
than buildings,
for stadiums,
swimming pools,
tennis courts,
golf courses
and other sports
installations, see
installation, see
50Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
completion, see
and engineering
activities, see
management for
construction, see
45.22 Erection of
roof covering
and framesThis class includes:
—erection of roofs,
—roof covering,
45.23 Construction
of highways,
roads, airfields
and sport
facilitiesThis class includes:
of highways,
streets, roads,
other vehicular
and pedestrian
—construction of
—construction of
airfield runways,
work, other
than buildings,
for stadiums,
swimming pools,
tennis courts,
golf courses
and other sports
—painting of
markings on
road surfaces
and car parks.
This class excludes:
—preliminary earth
moving, see
45.11.45212212 and
45.24 Construction
of water
projectsThis class includes:
—construction of:45240000
51Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
harbour and river
works, pleasure
ports (marinas),
locks etc.;
—dams and dykes,
—subsurface work.
45.25 Other
special tradesThis class includes:
in one aspect
common to
different kinds
of structures,
specialised skill
or equipment,
—construction of
including pile
—water well
drilling and
shaft sinking,
—erection of
steel elements,
—steel bending,
—bricklaying and
stone setting,
—scaffolds and
work platform
erecting and
including renting
of scaffolds and
work platforms,
—erection of
chimneys and
industrial ovens.
This class excludes:
—renting of
scaffolds without
erection and45250000
52Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
dismantling, see
45.3 Building
45.31 Installation of
wiring and
fittingsThis class includes:
installation in
buildings or other
construction projects
—electrical wiring
and fittings,
—electrical heating
antennas and
—fire alarms,
—burglar alarm
—lifts and
conductors, etc.45213316
Except: —
45.32 Insulation
work activitiesThis class includes:
in buildings
or other
projects of
thermal, sound
or vibration
This class excludes:
see 45.22.45320000
45.33 Plumbing This class includes:
in buildings
or other
projects of:
and sanitary
53Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
—gas fittings,
refrigeration or
air- conditioning
equipment and
systems This
class excludes:
—installation of
electrical heating
systems, see
45.34 Other building
installationThis class includes:
—installation of
and signalling
systems for
roads, railways,
airports and
in buildings
or other
projects of
fittings and
fixtures n.e.c.45234115
45.4 Building
45.41 Plastering This class includes:
in buildings
or other
projects of
interior and
exterior plaster
or stucco,
including related
lathing materials.45410000
45.42 Joinery
installationThis class includes:
of not self-
doors, windows,45420000
54Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
door and
window frames,
fitted kitchens,
staircases, shop
fittings and the
like, of wood or
other materials,
such as ceilings,
wooden wall
partitions, etc.
This class excludes:
—laying of parquet
and other wood
floor coverings,
see 45.43
45.43 Floor and wall
coveringThis class includes:
—laying, tiling,
hanging or
fitting in
or other
projects of:
concrete or cut
stone wall or
floor tiles,
—parquet and
other wood
floor coverings
carpets and
linoleum floor
—including of
rubber or plastic,
—terrazzo, marble,
granite or slate
floor or wall
45.44 Painting and
glazingThis class includes: 45440000
55Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
NACE Rev. 1
Division Group Class Subject NotesCPV Code
—interior and
exterior painting
of buildings,
—painting of civil
—installation of
glass, mirrors,
This class excludes:
—installation of
windows, see
45.45 Other building
completionThis class includes:
of private
swimming pools,
—steam cleaning,
sand blasting and
similar activities
for building
—other building
completion and
finishing work
This class excludes:
—interior cleaning
of buildings and
other structures
see 74.70.45212212 and
45.5 Renting of
construction or
with operator45500000
45.50 Renting of
construction or
with operatorThis class excludes:
—renting of
or demolition
machinery and
operators, see
56Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
SCHEDULE 2 Regulations 2(1), 4, 5(1), 9(1)(b),15(1),
16, 22(6), 23(2), 24(1),25(1), 46(1)(c)(iii)
The provisions of these Regulations governing concession contracts awarded by utilities (referred
to in this Schedule as “the relevant provisions”) shall apply to the following activities.
Gas and heat
1.—(1) In the case of gas and heat, the relevant provisions shall apply to the following activities—
(a)the provision or operation of fixed networks intended to provide a service to the public in
connection with the production, transport or distribution of gas or heat;
(b)the supply of gas or heat to such networks.
(2) The supply by a utility referred to in regulation 5(1)(b) or (c) (meaning of “utility”) of gas
or heat to fixed networks which provide a service to the public do not fall within the scope of this
Schedule if all of the following conditions are met—
(a)the production of gas or heat by that utility is the unavoidable consequence of carrying out
an activity other than those referred to in this paragraph or in paragraphs 2 or 3;
(b)the supply to the public network is aimed only at the economic exploitation of such
production and amounts to not more than 20% of that utility’s turnover on the basis of the
average for the preceding three years, including the current year.
(3) In this paragraph, “supply” includes the generation/production, wholesale and retail sale of
gas, other than the production of gas in the form of extraction which, instead, falls within the scope
of paragraph 6.
2.—(1) In the case of electricity, the relevant provisions shall apply to the following activities—
(a)the provision or operation of fixed networks intended to provide a service to the public in
connection with the production, transport or distribution of electricity;
(b)the supply of electricity to such networks.
(2) The supply by a utility referred to in regulation 5(1)(b) or (c) (meaning of “utility”) of
electricity to fixed networks which provide a service to the public shall not fall within the scope of
this Schedule if all of the following conditions are met—
(a)the production of electricity by that utility takes place because its consumption is necessary
for carrying out an activity other than those referred to in this paragraph or paragraphs
1 or 3;
(b)the supply to the public network depends only on that utility’s own consumption and has
not exceeded 30% of that utility’s total production of energy, on the basis of the average
for the preceding three years, including the current year.
(3) In this paragraph, “supply” includes generation/production, wholesale and retail sale of
Transport services
3.—(1) The relevant provisions shall apply to activities relating to the provision or operation of
networks providing a service to the public in the field of transport by—
57Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
(b)automated systems;
(d)trolley bus;
(e)bus; or
(2) For the purposes of this paragraph, a network shall be considered to exist if the service is
provided under operating conditions laid down by a competent authority, such as—
(a)conditions on the routes to be served;
(b)the capacity to be made available; or
(c)the frequency of the service.
Ports and airports
4.The relevant provisions shall apply to activities relating to the exploitation of a geographical
area for the purpose of the provision of airports and maritime or inland ports or other terminal
facilities to carriers by air, sea or inland waterway.
Postal services activities
5.—(1) The relevant provisions shall apply to activities relating to the provision of—
(a)postal services;
(b)services other than postal services, on condition that such services are provided by an entity
which also provides postal services and provided that the postal services are not directly
exposed to competition within the meaning of regulation 33(2) of the Utilities Contracts
(Scotland) Regulations 2016.
(2) In this paragraph—
(a)“postal item” means an item addressed in the final form in which it is to be carried,
irrespective of weight, which includes—
(v)periodicals; and
(vi)postal packages containing merchandise with or without commercial value;
(b)“postal services” means services consisting of the clearance, sorting, routing and delivery
of postal items, including both services falling within as well as services falling outside the
scope of the universal service set up in accordance with the Postal Services Act 2011(67);
(c)“services other than postal services” means services provided in the following areas—
(i)mail service management services (services both preceding and subsequent to
despatch, including mailroom management services),
(ii)services concerning postal items not included in the definition of “postal item” in
paragraph (a), such as direct mail bearing no address.
(67)2011 c. 5.
58Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
Oil and gas
6.The relevant provisions shall apply to activities relating to the exploitation of a geographical
area for the purpose of—
(a)extracting oil or gas;
(b)exploring for, or extracting, coal or other solid fuels.
SCHEDULE 3 Regulations 5(1)(c), 9(2), 21, 22(2), 26(3),
33, 34
CPV Code Description
75200000-8; 75231200-6; 75231240-8;
79611000-0; 79622000-0 (Supply services of
domestic help personnel); 79624000-4 (Supply
services of nursing personnel) and 79625000-1
(Supply services of medical personnel) from
85000000-9 to 85323000-9; 98133100-5,
98133000-4; 98200000-5; 98500000-8 (Private
households with employed persons) and
98513000-2 to 98514000-9 (Manpower services
for households, Agency staff services for
households, Clerical staff services for
households, Temporary staff for households,
Home-help services and Domestic services)Health, social and related services
85321000-5 and 85322000-2, 75000000-6
(Administration, defence and social security
services), 75121000-0, 75122000-7, 75124000-
1; from 79995000-5 to 79995200-7; from
80000000-4 Education and training services
to 80660000-8; from 92000000-1 to
92700000-8; 79950000-8 (Exhibition, fair and
congress organisation services), 79951000-5
(Seminar organisation services), 79952000-2
(Event services), 79952100-3 (Cultural event
organisation services), 79953000-9 (Festival
organisation services), 79954000-6 (Party
organisation services), 79955000-3 (Fashion
shows organisation services), 79956000-0 (Fair
and exhibition organisation services)Administrative social, educational, healthcare
and cultural services
75300000-9 Compulsory social security services
75310000-2, 75311000-9, 75312000-6,
75313000-3, 75313100-4, 75314000-0,
75320000-5, 75330000-8, 75340000-1Benefit services
59Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
CPV Code Description
98000000-3; 98120000-0; 98132000-7;
98133110-8 and 98130000-3Other community, social and personal services
including services furnished by trade unions,
political organisations, youth associations and
other membership organisation services
98131000-0 Religious services
55100000-1 to 55410000-7; 55521000-8 to
55521200-0 (55521000-8 Catering services
for private households, 55521100-9 Meals-
on- wheels services, 55521200-0 Meal
delivery service) 55520000-1 Catering
services, 55522000-5 Catering services for
transport enterprises, 55523000-2 Catering
services for other enterprises or other
institutions, 55524000-9 School catering
services 55510000-8 Canteen services,
55511000-5 Canteen and other restricted-
clientele cafeteria services, 55512000-2 Canteen
management services, 55523100-3 School-meal
servicesHotel and restaurant services
79100000-5 to 79140000-7; 75231100-5; Legal services, to the extent not excluded by
regulation 12(1)(e)
75100000-7 to 75120000-3; 75123000-4;
75125000-8 to 75131000-3Other administrative services and government
75200000-8 to 75231000-4 Provision of services to the community
75231210-9 to 75231230-5; 75240000-0 To
75252000-7; 794300000-7; 98113100-9Prison related services, public security and
rescue services to the extent not excluded by
regulation 12(1)(k)
79700000-1 to 79721000-4 (Investigation
and security services, Security services,
Alarm- monitoring services, Guard services,
Surveillance services, Tracing system
services, Absconder-tracing services, Patrol
services, Identification badge release services,
Investigation services and Detective agency
services) 79722000-1(Graphology services),
79723000-8 (Waste analysis services)Investigation and security services
98900000-2 (Services provided by extra-
territorial organisations and bodies) and
98910000-5 (Services specific to international
organisations and bodies)International services
64000000-6 (Postal and telecommunications
services), 64100000-7 (Post and courier
services), 64110000-0 (Postal services),
64111000-7 (Postal services related to
newspapers and periodicals), 64112000-4
(Postal services related to letters), 64113000-1Postal services
60Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
CPV Code Description
(Postal services related to parcels), 64114000-8
(Post office counter services), 64115000-5
(Mailbox rental), 64116000-2 (Post-restante
services), 64122000-7 (Internal office mail and
messenger services)
50116510-9 (Tyre-remoulding services),
71550000-8 (Blacksmith services)Miscellaneous services
SCHEDULE 4 Regulations 28(5) and 40(9)
ILO Convention 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise;
ILO Convention 98 on the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining;
ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labour;
ILO Convention 105 on Abolition of Forced Labour;
ILO Convention 138 on Minimum Age;
ILO Convention 111 on Discrimination (Employment and Occupation);
ILO Convention 100 on Equal Remuneration;
ILO Convention 182 on Worst Forms of Child Labour;
Vienna Convention for the protection of the Ozone Layer and Montreal Protocol on substances
that deplete the Ozone Layer;
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their
Disposal (Basel Convention);
Stockholm Convention on Persistant Organic Pollutants (Stockholm POPs Convention);
Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and
Pesticides in International Trade (UNEP/FAO) (PIC Convention) and its 3 regional Protocols.
(This note is not part of the Regulations)
These Regulations implement, for Scotland, Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and
Council of 26th February 2014 on the award of concession contracts (OJ L 94, 28.3.2014, p.1).
These Regulations impose obligations and specify procedures in respect of the award of a concession
contract by contracting entities, which term normally includes contracting authorities and utilities.
In particular—
—Part 1 sets out the meaning of certain concession contracts.
61Document Generated: 2021-11-03
Status: This is the original version (as it was originally made). This
item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.
—Part 2 sets out the scope of the Regulations (including reference to activities and to thresholds
based on the estimated value of the procurement), specifies exclusions for certain concession
contracts and lays down some general principles applicable to a procurement within the scope
of the Regulations.
—Part 3 sets out rules to be followed in relation to the procurement procedure and for the making
an award of a concession contract.
—Part 4 makes provision for rules of the performance of a concession contract including sub-
contracting, modification and termination of a concession contract.
Part 5 contains provisions about remedies (and their facilitation) in relation to a procurement within
the scope of Parts 1 to 4. In doing so these provisions implement, for Scotland, Council Directive
89/665/EEC on the coordination of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relation to
the application of review procedures to the award of concession contracts (OJ L 395, 30.12.1989)
as amended (68) and Council Directive 92/13/EEC on the coordination of the laws, regulations
and administrative provisions relating to the application of Community rules on the procurement
procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors (OJ
L 76, 23.3.1992) as amended (69).
Part 6 imposes certain requirements for monitoring, reporting on and reviewing the Regulations.
Part 7 makes transitional and transitory provision and savings, including provision for certain
procurements commenced before the commencement of these Regulations, not to be affected by
these Regulations.
A full regulatory assessment of the effect that these Regulations will have on the costs of business
was prepared and copies may be obtained from the Scottish Procurement Directorate website at
(68)By Council Directive 92/50/EEC relating to the coordination of procedures for the award of public services contracts (OJ L
209,24.7.1992, p.1); by Directive 2007/66/EEC of the European Parliament and Council amending Council Directives 89/
EEC and 92/13/EEC with regard to improving the effectiveness of review procedures concerning the award of public contracts
(OJ L 335, 20.12.2007, p.31) and by Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the award of
concession contracts (OJ 94, 28.3.2014, p.1) .
(69)By Council Directive by Directive 2007/66/EEC of the European Parliament and Council amending Council Directive 92/13/
EEC with regard to improving the effectiveness of review procedures concerning the award of public contracts (OJ L 335,
20.12.2007, p.31) and by Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the award of concession
contracts (OJ 94, 28.3.2014, p.1)
62 | 26,724 | 176,026 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_WT_COMTD_RTA15N1A16S6.pdf | q_WT_COMTD_RTA15N1A16S6 |
10 February 2022
(22-1124) Page: 1/1
Committee on Trade and Development Original: Spanish
AAP.CE 16.24 (Articles 7 and 8 of the TM80)
1. Member(s) notifying: Argentina and Chile
2. Date of notification: 31 October 2001
3. Notification pursuant to:
[ X ] Paragraph 14 of the Transparency Mechanism for Regional Trade
Agreements (WT/L/671)
4. Changes affect :
[ X ] goods
[ ] services
[ ] both
5. Original RTA being modified: TM80
6. WTO document reference of original notification of RTA:
L/532 - WT/COMTD/RTA15/N/1 - WT/COMTD/RTA15/N/1/Add.16
7. Parties to the Agreement: Argentina and Chile
8. Date of adoption: 6 December 1999
9. Date(s) of entry into force/provisional application: 19 September 2001
10. Brief description of changes:
AAP.CE 16.24 (Articles 7 and 8 of the TM80)
Additional Protocol No. 24 to Partial Scope Economic Complementarity Agreement No. 16
(AAP.CE 16.24) incor porates the "Standards on the marketing, exploitation and
transportation of liquid hydrocarbons - crude oil, liquefied gas and liquid products - derived
from petroleum and natural gas" into the Agreement. The parties commit, inter alia , to not
introducing new restrictions on the export and import of liquid hydrocarbons and to
eliminating export and import restrictions on these products and others.
11. Text and related schedules, annexes and protocols are:
[ ] submitted to the WTO Secretariat (electronic format)
[ X ] available from the following official Internet link(s): extacdos.nsf/800d239280151ad283257d8000551d1f/bf
| 249 | 1,828 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_TBTN17_EGY164A3.pdf | r_G_TBTN17_EGY164A3 |
10 novembre 2020
(20-8018) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 9 novembre 2020, est distribuée à la demande de la délégation
de l'Égypte .
Intitulé : Draft of Egyptian standard for Safety of toys - Part1 : Mechanical and physical properties
(Projet de Norme égyptienne concernant la sécurité des jouets - Partie 1 : propriétés mécaniques et
Motif de l'addendum:
[ ] Modification du délai pour la présentation des observations - date:
[ ] Adoption de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Publication de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Entrée en vigueur de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Accès au texte final de la mesure1:
[ ] Retrait ou abrogation de la mesure notifiée - date:
Cote pertinente si la mesure fait l'objet d'une nouvelle notification:
[X] Modification de la teneur ou du champ d'application de la mesure notifiée
Nouveau délai pour la présentation des observations (le cas échéant):
[ ] Publication de directives d'interprétation et accès au texte1:
[ ] Autres:
Teneur : Produits visés : Jouets (ICS 97.200.50)
Le présent addendum concerne la notification du projet de Norme égyptienne ES 3123 -1 "Sécurité
des jouets - Partie 1 : Propriétés mécaniques et physiques" (179 pages, en arabe).
Il est à noter que le Décret ministériel n°102/2019 (2 pages, en arabe), qui avait fait l'objet de la
notification G/TBT/N/EGY/164/Add.2 du 1 5 mai 2019, prévoyait, entre autres, l'application
obligatoire de l'édition précédente de cette norme.
1 Il est possible d'indiquer une adresse de site Web, de joindre un fichier en format pdf ou de fournir
tout autre renseignement permettant d'accéder au texte de la mesure finale et/ou des directives
d'interprétation. G/TBT/N/EGY/164/Add.3
- 2 -
Il est à noter également que ce projet de norme est techniquement identique à la Norme EN 71 -
Les producteurs et importateurs sont informés de toute m odification des normes égyptiennes par la
publication d'arrêtés administratifs dans le Journal officiel.
Date projetée pour l'adoption : à déterminer
Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : à déterminer.
Organisme ou autorité désigné pour traiter les observ ations et entité auprès de laquelle le texte peut
être obtenu:
National Enquiry Point (Point d'information national)
Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality
16 Tadreeb El -Modarrebeen St., Ameriya, Cairo - Egypt
Courrier électronique: [email protected] /[email protected]
Site Web:
Téléphone : + (202) 22845528
Fax: + (202) 22845504
__________ | 410 | 2,753 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_WT_DSB_W731.pdf | q_WT_DSB_W731 |
24 April 2024
(24-3361) Page: 1/2
Dispute Settlement Body
26 April 2024
(WT/DS184/15/ADD.248 )
– WT/DS478/22/ADD.57 )
(WT/DS588/15 ) WT/DSB/W/731
- 2 -
(WT/DSB/W/609/REV.26 )
__________ | 461 | 3,411 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_SPS_NAUS487A1.pdf | q_G_SPS_NAUS487A1 |
27 July 2020
(20-5130) Page: 1/2
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Original: English
The following communication, received on 23 July 2020, is being circulated at the request of the
Delegation of Australia .
Final report for the review of biosecurity import requirements for fresh pomegranate whole fruit and
processed 'ready -to-eat' arils from India
The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has completed
the risk analysis for the importation of fresh pomegranate whole fruit and processed 'ready -to-eat'
arils from India into Australia. The final report recommends a combination of risk management
measures and a system of operational procedures that will reduce the risk associated with the
importation of pomegranate whole fruit and processed arils from India to achieve Australia's
appropriate level of protection.
The final report recommends that the importation of fresh pomegranate whole fruit and processed
arils from India into Australia be permitted, subject to the application of the phytosanitary measures,
as outlined in the final report, for Bactrocera species (thre e species), a scale insect, spider mites
(two species), thrips (three species), mealybugs (three species) and bacterial blight of pomegranate.
The draft report for this risk analysis was published on the Australian Government Department of
Agriculture, Wat er and Environment website on 18 October 2019 for a 60 -day stakeholder
consultation period and was notified to WTO members (G/SPS/N/AUS/487).
The final report is available in English on the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water
and Environ ment website at: -analysis/plant/pomegranates -from-india.
This addendum concerns a:
[ ] Modification of final date for comments
[X] Notification of adoption, publication or entry into force of regulation
[ ] Modification of content and/or scope of previously notified draft regulation
[ ] Withdrawal of proposed regulation
[ ] Change in proposed date of adoption, publication or date of entry into force
[ ] Other:
Comment period: (If the addendum extends the scope of the previously notified measure
in terms of products and/or potentially affected Members, a new deadline for receipt of
comments s hould be provided, normally of at least 60 calendar days. Under other
circumstances, such as extension of originally announced final date for comments, the
comment period provided in the addendum may vary.)
[ ] Sixty days from the date of circulation of t he addendum to the notification and/or
(dd/mm/yy) : G/SPS/N/AUS/487/Add.1
- 2 -
Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [X] National Notification Authority,
[X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and e -mail address (if available) of other
The Australian SP S Notification Authority
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601
Email: [email protected]
Text(s) available from: [X] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point.
Address, fax number and e -mail address (if available) of other body:
The Australian SPS Notification Authority
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601
Email: [email protected]
__________ | 476 | 3,419 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_SPS_NPHL466.pdf | r_G_SPS_NPHL466 |
20 août 2020
(20-5698) Page: 1/3
Comité des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires Original: anglais
1. Membre notifiant : PHILIPPINES
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés:
2. Organisme responsable : Department of Agriculture (Ministère de l'agriculture)
3. Produits visés (Prière d'indiquer le(s) numéro(s) du tarif figurant dans les listes
nationales déposées à l'OMC . Les numéros de l'ICS devraient aussi être indiqués,
le cas échéant) : Oiseaux domestiques ou sauvages et leurs produits
4. Régions ou pays susceptibles d'être concernés, si cela est pertinent ou faisable:
[ ] Tous les partenaires commerciaux
[X] Régions ou pays spécifiques : Australie
5. Intitulé du texte notifié : Department of Agriculture Memorandum Order No. 40 Series
of 2020, Temporary Ban on the Importation of Domestic and Wild Birds and Their Products
Including Poultry Meat, Day Old Chicks, Eggs, and Semen Originating from Australia
(Arrêté n° 40, série 2019 du Ministère de l'agriculture portant interdiction tempora ire de
l'importation d'oiseaux domestiques ou sauvages et de leurs produits, y compris la viande
de volaille, les oisillons d'un jour, les œufs et le sperme, originaires d'Australie) .
Langue(s) : anglais . Nombre de pages : 1.
6. Teneur : L'arrêté notifié interdit l'importation d'oiseaux domestiques ou sauvages et de
leurs produits, y compris la v iande de volaille, les oisillons d'un jour, les œufs et le sperme,
en provenance d'Australie . Il suspend aussi immédiatement le traitement et l'évaluation
des demandes de certificats SPS de dédouanement pour les importations des
marchandises susmentionnées et la délivrance de ces certificats . Toutes les expéditions
de volaille entrantes dont le certificat SPS de dédouanement a été délivré au plus tard le
6 août 2020 seront autorisées à condition que la date d'abattage/de traitement de la
viande de volaille soit antérieure de 21 jours à l'apparition du foyer d'IAHP (au plus tard
le 3 juillet 2020).
Toutes les expéditions serons soumises aux règles et règlements en matière de
quarantaine vétérinaire . Les agents des services de quarantaine vétérinaire/inspecteurs
relevant du Ministère de l'agriculture dans tous les grands ports procèderont au blocage
et à la saisie de toutes les e xpéditions des produits susmentionnés (à l'exception des
produits ayant subi un traitement thermique) entrant dans le pays si elles ne sont pas
conformes aux dispositions indiquées au point 3 . L'importation de produits à base de
viande de volaille est soum ise aux conditions prévues par les articles 10.4.19, 10.4.20 et
10.4.26 du Code sanitaire pour les animaux de l'OIE (2019) . L'arrêté notifié a été signé
le 14 août 2020.
7. Objectif et raison d'être : [X] innocuité des produits alimentaires, [X] santé des
animaux, [ ] préservation des végétaux, [ ] protection des personnes contre les
maladies ou les parasites des animaux/des plantes, [ ] protection du territoire
contre d'autres dommages attribuables à de s parasites. G/SPS/N/PHL/466
- 2 -
8. Nature du (des) problème(s) urgent(s) et raison pour laquelle la mesure
d'urgence est prise : Aux termes du rapport officiel présenté par M. Mark Schipp, Chef
des services vétérinaires du Département de l'agriculture, de l'eau et de l'envir onnement
du gouvernement australien à Canberra (Australie) à l'Organisation mondiale de la santé
animale le 3 1 juillet 2020, un (1) foyer du virus de l'influenza aviaire hautement
pathogène (IAHP) est apparu à Lethbridge (État du Victoria, Australie) le 2 4 juillet 2020,
touchant les oiseaux, comme l'a confirmé le Centre australien de préparation aux
maladies (laboratoire de référence de l'OIE).
9. Existe -t-il une norme internationale pertinente ? Dans l'affirmative, indiquer
[ ] Commission du Code x Alimentarius (par exemple, intitulé ou numéro de
série de la norme du Codex ou du texte apparenté) :
[X] Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) (par exemple, numéro
de chapitre du Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres ou du Code
sanitaire pour les animaux aquatiques) : Articles 10.4.19, 10.4.20 et 10.4.26
du Code sanitaire pour les animaux de l'OIE (2019)
[ ] Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (par exemple,
numéro de la NIMP) :
[ ] Néant
La réglementation proj etée est -elle conforme à la norme internationale
[X] Oui [ ] Non
Dans la négative, indiquer, chaque fois que cela sera possible, en quoi et
pourquoi elle diffère de la norme internationale:
10. Autres documents pertinents et langue(s) dans laquelle (lesquelles) ils sont
11. Date d'entrée en vigueur ( jj/mm /aa)/période d'application (le cas échéant) :
[ ] Mesure de facilitation du commerce
12. Organisme ou autorité désigné pour traiter les observations : [X] autorité
nationale responsable des notifications, [X] point d'information national .
Adresse, numéro de fax et adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre
Office of the Director
Policy Research Service
Department of Agriculture
Elliptical Road, Diliman,
Quezon City (Philippines)
Téléphone : +(632) 926 7439
Fax: +(632) 928 0590
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web:
National Veterinary Quarantine Services Division
Bureau of Animal Industry
Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines)
Téléphone : +(632) 528 2250
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
baiqu [email protected] G/SPS/N/PHL/466
- 3 -
13. Texte(s) disponible(s) auprès de : [X] autorité nationale responsable des
notifications, [X] point d'information national . Adresse, numéro de fax et
adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre organisme:
Office of the Director
Policy Research Service
Department of Agriculture
Elliptical Road, Diliman,
Quezon City (Philippines)
Téléphone : +(632) 926 7439
Fax: +(632) 928 0590
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web:
National Veterinary Quarantine Services Division
Bureau of Animal Industry
Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines)
Téléphone : +(632) 528 2250
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
[email protected]
| 928 | 6,497 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN19_THA562A1.pdf | q_G_TBTN19_THA562A1 |
20 July 2021
(21-5709) Page: 1/1
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following communication , dated 19 July 2021 , is being circulated at the request of the delegation
of Thailand .
Title: Thai Industrial Standard for Pacifier (TIS 1025 -2562(2019))
Reason for Addendum:
[ ] Comment period changed - date:
[X] Notified measure adopted - date: 18 May 2021
[X] Notified measure published - date: 16 June 2021
[X] Notified measure enters into force - date: 13 December 2021; (180 days after publication
in the Official Gazette)
[X] Text of final measure available from1:
[ ] Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:
Relevant symbol if measure re -notified:
[ ] Content or scope of notified measure changed and text available from1:
New deadline for comments (if applicable):
[ ] Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:
[ ] Other:
Description: This addendum is to inform that TIS 1025 -25XX proposed by Thai Industrial Standards
Institute (TISI), notified under G/TBT/N/THA/562, was adopted as TIS 1025 -2562(2019) Pacifier.
1 This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other
information on where the text of the final /modified measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained. | 209 | 1,499 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_VAL_N2NAM1.pdf | q_G_VAL_N2NAM1 |
11 December 2020
(20-8967) Page: 1/4
Committee on Customs Valuation Original: English
The following submission, dated 8 December 2020, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of Namibia .
1. Questions concerning Article 1:
(a) Sales between related persons:
(i) Are sales between related persons subject to special provisions?
Provisions for dealing with sales between related persons in the context of the transaction
value method are found in Section 76(1), (2), (3) of the Customs and Excise Act 20 of 1998
as amended.
(ii) Is the fact of intercompany prices prima facie considered as grounds for
regard ing the respective prices as being influenced?
No. the fact that the buyer and seller are related within the meaning of Section 76 (2) (a) is
not in itself grounds for regarding the transaction value as unacceptable. Section 76 (3) of the
Act provides that the transaction value may be used if the person clearing the goods proves
that the relationship between the seller and buyer did not influence the price paid or payable
for the goods.
(iii) What is the provision for giving the communication of the afore -mentioned
grounds in writing if the importer so requests? (Article 1.2(a))
Provisions for giving the grounds for considering that the relationship has influenced the price
shall be communicated in writing if the importer so requests and is stipulated under the
transaction value method in Section 76(3) of the Customs and Excise Act 20 of 1998 as
(iv) How has Article 1.2(b) been implemented?
The importer has to demonstrate that such values are closely approximated to one occurring
at or about the same time or on request to use Method 5 (deduct ive) and Method 6
(computed). These provisions are provided under Section 76(3), (7) and (8) of the Customs
and Excise Act 20 of 1998 as amended. G/VAL/N/2/NAM/1
- 2 -
(b) Price of lost or damaged goods:
Are there any special provisions or practical arrangements concerning the valuation
of lost or damaged goods?
There are no special provisions concerning the valuation of lost or damaged goods. Section 2
(6) of the Act prescribes that the Commissioner shall institute an d maintain formal consultative
relationships with the Trade in order to increase co -operation and to facilitate participation in
establishing the most effective methods of working which are commensurate with national
laws and international laws which apply to Namibia and international agreements which are
binding on Namibia.
2. How has the provision of Article 4 to allow the importer an option to reverse the
order of application of Articles 5 and 6 been implemented?
Section 76(5)(b) of the Act allows to rev erse the order of application of Article 5 and 6 by an
application to the Commissioner in writing by the importer.
3. How has Article 5.2 been implemented?
Article 5.2 is provided for in Section 76(7)(c) .
4. How has Article 6.2 been implemented?
The entire Agreement has been given legal status in Section 76 of the Act. Specific provision
of this Article was not regarded necessary as it is accepted in Namibian law that the customs
authorities in Namibia have no extra territorial jurisdiction ov er an exporter in a foreign
5. Questions concerning Article 7:
(a) What provisions have been made for making value determinations pursuant to
Article 7?
Section 76(9) provides for value determination pursuant to Article 7 .
(b) What is the provision for informing the importer of the customs value determined
under Article 7?
The Directorate of Customs and Excise uses the provision as provided for in Article 16 of the
of Customs Valuation Agreement which states "Upon written request, the importer shall have
the right to an explanation in writing from the customs administration of the country of
importation as to how the customs value of the importer's goods was determined. "
The importer is accorded the right to be heard and an explanation in writing as to h ow the
Customs value was determined is communicated to the Importer. This step happens after the
importer has been given amble opportunity normally 14 days to dispel doubt on customs value
of goods under dispute and or under question."
(c) Are the prohibi tions found in Article 7.2 delineated?
Yes, under Section 76(9) (a) -(g).
6. How have the options found in Article 8.2 been handled? In the case of f.o.b.
application, are ex -factory prices also accepted?
Namibia uses an FOB system of customs valuation. Sec tion 76 of the Act reflects this position.
In those transactions in which the transaction is based solely on ex -factory prices, such prices
are accepted as the basis for transaction value. G/VAL/N/2/NAM/1
- 3 -
7. Where is the rate of exchange published, as required by Article 9.1?
Section 81 provides that the Minister may prescribe the date on and the time at which the
price paid or payable in respect of imported goods shall, if expressed in foreign currency, be
converted into the currency of Namibia.
8. What steps have been ta ken to ensure confidentiality, as required by Article 10?
The requirement of confidentiality is prescribed in Section 4A of the Act
9. Questions concerning Article 11:
(a) What rights of appeal are open to the importer or any other person?
Sections 44(5), 51(8), 67(5), 75(4), (5), (6), 78(3), (5), (6), 79(1) and 101(2) of the Act
provides for various ways of appeals
(b) How is he to be informed of his right to further appeal?
No specific provision of the Act provides for an individual to be informed of his right to further
appeal but the provisions at Question 9(a) provides for appeals and how an individual can go
about to appeal.
10. Provide information on the publication, as required by Article 12, of:
(a) (i) The relevant national laws;
Relevant nationa l laws are published in the Government Gazette. It is used by government as
the official way of communicating to the public.
(ii) The regulations concerning th e application of the Agreement:
No customs valuation regulations have been made and none are contemplated at this stage.
However, if rules are made it is published in the Government Gazette.
(iii) The judicial decision and administrative rulings of genera l application relating
to the Agreement:
Judicial decisions are published in the Namibian Law Reports.
(iv) general or specific laws being referred to in the rules of implementation or
See answers to 10(a)(i) and 10(a)(ii) above.
(b) Is the publication of further rules anticipated? Which topics would they cover?
No further rules are anticipated at this stage. Administrative material will be Issued as the
need arises.
11. Questions concerning Article 13:
(a) How is the obligation of Article 13 (last sentence) being dealt with in the respective
Sections 17(1), 18(5), 21(1), 41(2), 64(3), 68(1), 110(3) makes provision for security to be
provided. G/VAL/N/2/NAM/1
- 4 -
(b) Have additional explanations been laid down?
12. Questions concerning Article 16:
(a) Does the respective national legislation contain a provision requiring customs
authorities to give an explanation in writing as to how the customs value was
Section 75(4) provides for that.
(b) Are there any further regulations concerning an above -mentioned request?
13. How have the Interpretative Notes of the Agreement been included?
General Interpretative Notes has been embedded into Valuation training manual and in
standard operating procedures and most of the notes to Articles of WTO Valuation Agreement
is covered under the provisions of the Section 76 and 77 of the Customs and Excise Act 20 of
1998 as amended.
14. How have the provisions of the Decision on the Treatment of Interest Charges in the
Customs Valu e of Imported Goods been implemented?
See Section 77(2)(b)(vi) .
15. For those countries applying paragraph 2 of the Decision on the Valuation of Carrier
Media Bearing Software for Data Processing Equipment, how have the provisions of
this paragraph been im plemented?
Namibia did not yet implement paragraph 2 of the decision of 24 September 1984 on the
valuation of Carrier Media Bearing Software for data processing equipment.
__________ | 1,365 | 8,595 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/294579_2023_TBT_USA_23_09799_00_e.pdf | 294579_2023_TBT_USA_23_09799_00_e | 33722 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
40 CFR Part 82
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0043; FRL–10125–1–
RIN 2060–AV77
Protection of Stratospheric Ozone:
Listing of Substitutes Under the Significant New Alternatives Policy Program in Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration
AGENCY : Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION : Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY : Pursuant to the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s Significant New Alternatives Policy program, this action proposes to list certain substances in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. Specifically, EPA proposes to list several substitutes as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for retail food refrigeration, commercial ice machines, industrial process refrigeration, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks. Through this action, EPA is proposing to incorporate by reference standards which establish requirements for commercial refrigerating appliances and commercial ice machines, safe use of flammable refrigerants, and safe design, construction, installation, and operation of refrigeration systems. This action also proposes to exempt propane, in the refrigerated food processing and dispensing end-use, from the prohibition under the Clean Air Act (CAA) on knowingly venting, releasing, or disposing of substitute refrigerants, on the basis of current evidence that the venting, release, or disposal of this substance in this end-use does not pose a threat to the environment.
DATES : Comments must be received on
or before July 10, 2023. Any party requesting a public hearing must notify the contact listed under
Daylight Time on May 30, 2023. If a virtual public hearing is held, it will take place on or before June 8, 2023, and further information will be provided on EPA’s Stratospheric Ozone website at
ADDRESSES : You may send comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ– OAR–2023–0043, by any of the following methods:
•Federal eRulemaking Portal: (our
preferred method). Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. •Mail: U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, EPA Docket Center, Air and Radiation Docket, Mail Code 28221T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460.
•Hand Delivery or Courier: EPA
Docket Center, WJC West Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004. The Docket Center’s hours of operations are 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday (except Federal Holidays).
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the Docket ID No. for this rulemaking. Comments received may be posted without change to, including any
personal information provided. For additional information on the rulemaking process, see the
this document.
All documents in the docket are listed
on the website. Although listed in the index, some information is not publicly available, e.g., Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the internet and will be publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket materials are available electronically through https:// or in hard copy at
the Air and Radiation Docket at the address above. For further information on EPA Docket Center services and the current status, please visit
Gerald Wozniak, Stratospheric Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Protection (Mail Code 6205A), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: 202–343–9624; email address: [email protected]. Notices and
rulemakings under EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program are available on EPA’s SNAP website at snap-regulations.
Table of Contents
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary and Background
B. Does this action apply to me? C. What acronyms and abbreviations are
used in the preamble?
II. What is EPA proposing in this action?
A. Retail Food Refrigeration—Proposed
Listing of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Stand-Alone Units, Remote Condensing Units,
Supermarket Systems and Refrigerated Food Processing and Dispensing Equipment and Proposed Listing of R– 454A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in Remote Condensing Units and Supermarket Systems
1. Background on Retail Food Refrigeration 2. What are the ASHRAE classifications for
refrigerant flammability?
3. What are HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E),
R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific use
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
B. Retail Food Refrigeration—Proposed
Listing of R–290 as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Refrigerated Food Processing and Dispensing Equipment and Proposed Revision of the Use Conditions in the Previous Listings of R–290 as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Stand-Alone Units
1. Background on Retail Food Refrigeration 2. What are the ASHRAE classifications for
refrigerant flammability?
3. What is R–290 and how does it compare
to other refrigerants in the refrigerated
food processing and dispensing equipment end-use category?
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific use
conditions for refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment?
5. How would the proposed listing for R–
290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment relate to regulations implementing the venting prohibition under CAA section 608?
6. What use conditions currently apply to
this refrigerant in the stand-alone units end-use category?
7. What updates to existing use conditions
for stand-alone units is EPA proposing?
8. How do the proposed use conditions for
stand-alone units differ from the existing ones and why is EPA proposing to change the use conditions?
9. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
10. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
C. Commercial Ice Machines—Proposed
Listing of HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, R– 454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Commercial Ice Machines
1. Background on Commercial Ice
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications for
refrigerant flammability?
3. What are HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, R–
454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific use
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:55 May 23, 2023 Jkt 259001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\24MYP3.SGM 24MYP3ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333723 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
D. Commercial Ice Machines—Proposed
Revision of the Use Conditions in the
Previous Listing of R–290 as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Self-Contained Commercial Ice Machines
1. Background on Commercial Ice
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications for
refrigerant flammability?
3. What is R–290 and where is there
information on its use in this end-use?
4. What use conditions currently apply to
this refrigerant in this end-use?
5. What updates to existing use conditions
for commercial ice machines is EPA proposing?
6. How do the proposed use conditions for
commercial ice machines differ from the existing ones and why is EPA proposing to change the use conditions?
7. What additional information is EPA
including in this proposed listing?
8. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
E. Industrial Process Refrigeration—
Proposed Listing of HFC–32, HFO– 1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R– 516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Industrial Process Refrigeration
1. Background on Idustrial Process
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications for
refrigerant flammability?
3. What are HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, HFO–
1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–
455A, R–457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific use
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
F. Cold Storage Warehouses—Proposed
Listing of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Cold Storage Warehouses
1. Background on Cold Storage Warehouses 2. What are the ASHRAE classifications for
refrigerant flammability?
3. What are HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E),
R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific use
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
G. Ice Skating Rinks—Proposed Listing of
HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Ice Skating Rinks With a Remote Compressor
1. Background on Ice Skating Rinks 2. What are the ASHRAE classifications for
refrigerant flammability? 3. What are HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E),
R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific use
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
H. Use Conditions and Further Information
for Retail Food Refrigeration, Commercial Ice Machines, Industrial
Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks With a Remote Compressor
1. What use conditions is EPA proposing
and why?
2. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
3. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
I. Proposed Exemption for R–290 From the
Venting Prohibition Under CAA Section 608 for Refrigerated Food Processing and Dispensing Equipment
1. What is EPA’s proposed determination
regarding whether venting, releasing, or disposing of R–290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment would pose a threat to the environment?
2. What is EPA’s proposal regarding
whether venting of R–290 from refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment should be exempted from the venting prohibition under CAA section 608(c)(2)?
3. When would the exemption from the
venting prohibition apply?
4. What is the relationship between this
proposed exemption under CAA section 608(c)(2) and other EPA rules?
5. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
III. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act and 1 CFR Part 51
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
To Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
IV. References
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary and Background
EPA is proposing new and revised
listings after its evaluation of human health and environmental information
for these substitutes under the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program. The Agency is proposing action on these new listings in the refrigeration and air conditioning (AC) sector based on the information that EPA has included in the docket. This proposed action would provide new refrigerant options, thereby increasing flexibility for industry, in specific uses.
This action proposes to list new
alternatives for the refrigeration and AC sector. Specifically, EPA is proposing to:
•List hydrofluoroolefin (HFO)–
1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new retail food refrigeration equipment (i.e., stand-alone units,
remote condensing units, supermarket systems, and refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment);
•List R–454A as acceptable, subject
to use conditions, for use in new remote condensing units and supermarket systems;
•List R–290 (propane) as acceptable,
subject to use conditions, for use in new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment and revise the existing use conditions for R–290 in new stand-alone units.
•List hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)–32,
HFO–1234yf, R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new commercial ice machines;
•Revise the existing use conditions
for R–290 for use in new self-contained commercial ice machines;
•List HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E),
R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new chillers for industrial process refrigeration (IPR);
•List HFC–32 and R–454B as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new chillers for IPR;
•List HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E),
R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new cold storage warehouses; and
•List HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E),
R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new ice skating rinks using a remote compressor.
In general, the proposed use
conditions are consistent across the various substitutes and end-uses contained in this proposal. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the proposed use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. In summary, the common use conditions proposed are:
VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:55 May 23, 2023 Jkt 259001 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\24MYP3.SGM 24MYP3ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333724 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
1UL, formerly known as Underwriters
Laboratories. (1) These refrigerants may be used
only in new equipment, designed
specifically and clearly identified for use with the refrigerant. None of these substitutes may be used as a conversion or ‘‘retrofit’’ refrigerant for existing equipment.
(2) These refrigerants may be used
only in equipment that meet all
requirements listed in the 2nd edition, dated October 27, 2021, of UL
Standard 60335–2–89, ‘‘Household and Similar Electrical Appliances—Safety— Part 2–89: Requirements for Commercial Refrigerating Appliances and Ice-Makers with an Incorporated or Remote Refrigerant Unit or Motor-Compressor’’ (hereafter ‘‘UL 60335–2–89’’). For refrigerants that already have listings that incorporate by reference earlier UL standards, EPA is proposing a transition period when equipment may meet either the earlier UL standard or UL 60335–2–89.
(3) These refrigerants must be used
with warning labels on the equipment and packaging that are similar to or match verbatim those required by UL 60335–2–89.
(4) Equipment must be marked with
distinguishing red color-coded hoses and piping to indicate use of a flammable refrigerant and marked service ports, pipes, hoses, and other devices through which the refrigerant is serviced.
(5) These refrigerants must be used
with equipment and packaging marked with the Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) symbol for hazard category 1 flammable gases.
Additional use conditions specific to
particular end-uses may also apply and are discussed with each proposed listing. The regulatory text of the proposed listings, including the proposed use conditions and further information, appears in tables at the end of this document. The proposed new listings would appear in appendix Y to 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 82, subpart G. The proposed revised listings for R–290 in new retail food refrigeration equipment (stand- alone units only) and in new self- contained commercial ice machines would appear, respectively, in appendices R and V to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G.
There may be other legal obligations
pertaining to the manufacture, use, handling, and disposal of the listed substitutes that are not included in the information in the tables (e.g., the CAA
section 608(c)(2) venting prohibition or Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements for transport of flammable gases). Flammable refrigerants being recovered or otherwise disposed of from commercial or industrial refrigeration equipment are likely to be hazardous waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (see 40 CFR parts 260 through 270).
In addition, EPA is proposing to
exempt R–290 used in the refrigerated food processing and dispensing end-use from the CAA section 608(c)(2) prohibition on knowingly venting, releasing, or disposing of substitute refrigerants on the basis of current evidence that the venting, release, or disposal of this substance in this end- use does not pose a threat to the environment.
SNAP Program Background
The SNAP program implements CAA
section 612. Several major provisions of
section 612 are:
1. Rulemaking
Section 612(c) requires EPA to
promulgate rules making it unlawful to
replace any class I (chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), halon, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, methyl bromide, hydrobromofluorocarbon, and chlorobromomethane) or class II (hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC)) ozone-depleting substance (ODS) with any substitute that the Administrator determines may present adverse effects to human health or the environment where the Administrator has identified an alternative that (1) reduces the overall risk to human health and the environment and (2) is currently or potentially available.
2. Listing of Unacceptable/Acceptable
Section 612(c) requires EPA to
publish a list of the substitutes that it finds to be unacceptable for specific uses and to publish a corresponding list of acceptable substitutes for specific uses.
3. Petition Process
Section 612(d) grants the right to any
person to petition EPA to add a
substance to, or delete a substance from, the lists published in accordance with section 612(c).
4. 90-Day Notification
Section 612(e) directs EPA to require
any person who produces a chemical
substitute for a class I substance to notify the Agency not less than 90 days before a new or existing chemical is introduced into interstate commerce for significant new use as a substitute for a class I substance. The producer must
also provide the Agency with the producer’s unpublished health and safety studies on such substitutes.
The regulations for the SNAP program
are promulgated at 40 CFR part 82, subpart G, and the Agency’s process for reviewing SNAP submissions is described in regulations at 40 CFR 82.180. Under these rules, the Agency has identified five types of listing decisions: acceptable; acceptable subject to use conditions; acceptable subject to narrowed use limits; unacceptable; and pending (40 CFR 82.180(b)). Use conditions and narrowed use limits are both considered ‘‘use restrictions.’’ Substitutes that are deemed acceptable with no use restrictions (no use conditions or narrowed use limits) can be used for all applications within the relevant end-uses in the sector. After reviewing a substitute, the Agency may determine that a substitute is acceptable only if certain conditions in the way that the substitute is used are met to minimize risks to human health and the environment. EPA describes such substitutes as ‘‘acceptable subject to use conditions’’ (40 CFR 82.180(b)(2)). For some substitutes, the Agency may permit a narrowed range of use within an end-use or sector. For example, the Agency may limit the use of a substitute to certain end-uses or specific applications within an industry sector. EPA describes these substitutes as ‘‘acceptable subject to narrowed use limits.’’ Under the narrowed use limit, users intending to adopt these substitutes ‘‘must ascertain that other alternatives are not technically feasible.’’ (40 CFR 82.180(b)(3)).
In making decisions regarding
whether a substitute is acceptable or unacceptable, and whether substitutes present risks that are lower than or comparable to risks from other substitutes that are currently or potentially available in the end-uses under consideration, EPA examines the following criteria in 40 CFR 82.180(a)(7): (i) atmospheric effects and related health and environmental impacts; (ii) general population risks from ambient exposure to compounds with direct toxicity and to increased ground-level ozone; (iii) ecosystem risks; (iv) occupational risks; (v)
consumer risks; (vi) flammability; and (vii) cost and availability of the substitute.
Many SNAP listings include
‘‘comments’’ or ‘‘further information’’ to provide additional information on substitutes. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute
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2Additional information about the 608
Refrigerant Management Program is available in
EPA’s rules implementing that program, such as rules published on May 14, 1993 (58 FR 28660), November 18, 2016 (81 FR 82272), and March 11, 2020 (85 FR 14150). 3The United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit (‘‘the court’’) issued a partial vacatur of the December 1, 2016 rule ‘‘‘to the extent’ it required manufacturers to replace already lawfully installed HFC substitutes.’’ See Mexichem Fluor, Inc. v. EPA, Judgment, Case No. 17–1024
(D.C. Cir., April 5, 2019), 760 Fed. Appx. 6 (Mem). The court’s decision on the December 1, 2016 rule did not affect the portion of that rule that exempted certain HC refrigerant substitutes from the venting prohibition. This proposed rule is not EPA’s response to the court’s decision. under the SNAP program. However,
regulatory requirements so listed are binding under other regulatory programs (e.g., worker protection
regulations promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)). The ‘‘further information’’ classification does not necessarily include all other legal obligations pertaining to the use of the substitute. While the items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the ‘‘Further Information’’ column in their use of these substitutes. In many instances, the information simply refers to sound operating practices that have already been identified in existing industry and/or building codes or standards. Thus, many of the statements, if adopted, would not require the affected user to make significant changes in existing operating practices.
For additional information on the
SNAP program, visit the SNAP website at The full
lists of acceptable substitutes for ODS in all industrial sectors are available at substitutes-sector. For more information
on the Agency’s process for administering the SNAP program or criteria for evaluation of substitutes, refer to the initial SNAP rulemaking published March 18, 1994 (59 FR13044), codified at 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. SNAP decisions and the appropriate Federal Register citations can be found at
regulations. Substitutes listed as
unacceptable; acceptable, subject to narrowed use limits; or acceptable, subject to use conditions, are also listed in the appendices to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G.
Background on requirements concerning
venting, release, or disposal of refrigerants
and refrigerant substitutes under CAA section 608
The statutory requirements
concerning venting, release, or disposal
of ODS refrigerants and substitutes for ODS used as refrigerants are under CAA section 608, and EPA’s authority to promulgate the regulatory revisions in this action is based in part on CAA section 608. Section 608 of the Act, as amended, titled National Recycling and Emission Reduction Program, requires, among other things, that EPA establish regulations governing the use and disposal of ODS used as refrigerants, such as certain CFCs and HCFCs, during the service, repair, or disposal of appliances and IPR.
2Section 608(c)(1)
provides that it is unlawful for any
person in the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing, or disposing of an appliance (or IPR) to knowingly vent, or otherwise knowingly release or dispose of, any class I or class II substance used as a refrigerant in that appliance (or IPR) in a manner which permits the ODS to enter the environment.
Section 608(c)(2) extends the
prohibition in section 608(c)(1) to knowingly venting or otherwise knowingly releasing or disposing of any refrigerant substitute for class I or class II substances by any person maintaining, servicing, repairing, or disposing of appliances or IPR. This prohibition applies to any substitute refrigerant unless the Administrator determines that such venting, releasing, or disposing does not pose a threat to the environment. Thus, section 608(c) provides EPA authority to promulgate regulations to interpret, implement, and enforce this prohibition on venting, releasing, or disposing of class I or class II substances and their refrigerant substitutes, which we also refer to as the ‘‘venting prohibition’’ in this proposed action. EPA’s authority under section 608(c) includes authority to implement section 608(c)(2) by exempting certain substitutes for class I or class II substances from the venting prohibition when the Administrator determines that such venting, release, or disposal does not pose a threat to the environment.
EPA issued a rule on March 12, 2004
(69 FR 11946), and a second rule on April 13, 2005 (70 FR 19273), clarifying how the venting prohibition in section 608(c) applies to substitutes for CFC and HCFC refrigerants (e.g., HFCs and
perfluorocarbons (PFCs)). These regulations are codified at 40 CFR part 82, subpart F. In relevant part, they provide that no person maintaining, servicing, repairing, or disposing of appliances may knowingly vent or otherwise release into the environment any refrigerant or substitute from such appliances, with the exception of certain specified substitutes in the
specified end-uses, as provided in 40 CFR 82.154(a).
EPA has exempted from the venting
prohibition several hydrocarbon (HC) refrigerant substitutes, including R–290, in specific end-uses where the Agency had also listed the substitutes as acceptable, subject to use conditions, under the SNAP program. See, for example, EPA’s regulations issued May 23, 2014 (79 FR 29682), April 10, 2015 (80 FR 19453), and December 1, 2016 (81 FR 86778).
3Those regulatory
exemptions do not apply to blends of HCs with other refrigerants or containing any amount of any CFC, HCFC, HFC, or PFC. The current exemptions for R–290 by end-use are codified at 40 CFR 82.154(a)(1)(viii).
In establishing those exemptions, EPA
determined that for the purposes of CAA section 608(c)(2), the venting, release, or disposal of such HC refrigerant substitutes in the specified end-uses does not pose a threat to the environment, considering both the inherent characteristics of these substances and the limited quantities used in the relevant applications., see, e.g., December 1, 2016 (81 FR 86778).
EPA further concluded that other authorities, controls, or practices that apply to such refrigerant substitutes help to mitigate environmental risk from the release of those saturated HC refrigerant substitutes.
B. Does this action apply to me?
The following list identifies regulated
entities that may be affected by this rule
and their respective North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes:
•Plumbing, Heating, and Air
Conditioning Contractors (NAICS
•All Other Basic Organic Chemical
Manufacturing (NAICS 325199)
•Air Conditioning and Warm Air
Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing (NAICS 333415)
•Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies
Merchant Wholesalers (NAICS 423740)
•Recyclable Material Merchant
Wholesalers (NAICS 423930)
•Supermarkets and Other Grocery
(except Convenience) Stores (NAICS 445110)
•Convenience Stores (NAICS 445120)
•Limited-Service Restaurants (NAICS
•Appliance Repair and Maintenance
(NAICS 811412)
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This list is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather to provide a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this action. To determine whether your facility, company, business, or organization could be affected by this action, you should carefully examine the regulations at 40 CFR part 82, subpart G, and the proposed revisions. If you have questions regarding the applicability of this action to a particular entity, consult the person listed in the
C. What acronyms and abbreviations are used in the preamble?
Below is a list of acronyms and
abbreviations used in the preamble of this document:
AC—Air Conditioning
AEL—Acceptable Exposure Limit AIHA—American Industrial Hygiene
ANSI—American National Standards
ASHRAE—American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
ASTM—American Society for Testing and
ATEL—Acute Toxicity Exposure Limit CAA—Clean Air Act CAS Reg. No.—Chemical Abstracts Service
Registry Identification Number
CBI—Confidential Business Information CFC—Chlorofluorocarbon CFR—Code of Federal Regulations CO
2—Carbon Dioxide
DOE—United States Department of Energy DOT—United States Department of
DX—Direct Heat Exchange EPA—United States Environmental
Protection Agency
FR—Federal Register GHS—Global Harmonized System of
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
GWP—Global Warming Potential HC—Hydrocarbon HCFC—Hydrochlorofluorocarbon HCFO—Hydrochlorofluoroolefin HFC—Hydrofluorocarbon HFO—Hydrofluoroolefin HP—Heat Pump IBC—International Building Code ICC—International Code Council ICF—ICF International, Inc. IEC—International Electrotechnical
IPCC—Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
IPR—Industrial Process Refrigeration ISO—International Organisation for
LFL—Lower Flammability Limit MIR—Maximum Incremental Reactivity NAAQS—National Ambient Air Quality
NAICS—North American Industrial
Classification System
NARA—National Archives and Records
ODP—Ozone Depletion Potential ODS—Ozone Depleting Substances
OMB—United States Office of Management
and Budget
OSHA—United States Occupational Safety
and Health Administration
PEL—Permissible Exposure Limit PFC—Perfluorocarbons PMS—Pantone
®Matching System
ppm—Parts Per Million PRA—Paperwork Reduction Act RCRA—Resource Conservation and Recovery
RFA—Regulatory Flexibility Act SDS—Safety Data Sheet SIP—State Implementation Plan TLV—Threshold Limit Value TSCA—Toxic Substances Control Act TWA—Time Weighted Average
UL—UL, formerly known as Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc.
UMRA—Unfunded Mandates Reform Act VOC—Volatile Organic Compound, Volatile
Organic Compounds
WEEL—Workplace Environmental Exposure
WMO—World Meteorological Organization
II. What is EPA proposing in this
A. Retail Food Refrigeration—Proposed
Listing of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Stand-Alone Units, Remote Condensing Units, Supermarket Systems, and Refrigerated Food Processing and Dispensing Equipment and Proposed Listing of R– 454A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Remote Condensing Units and Supermarkets Systems
EPA is proposing to list HFO–1234yf,
HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in all end-use categories under retail food refrigeration (i.e., stand-alone units,
remote condensing units, supermarket systems, and refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment). EPA is also proposing to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in two end-use categories under retail food refrigeration (remote condensing units and supermarket systems).
EPA is proposing several use
conditions for these end-use categories that are identical to those proposed for other end-uses (commercial ice machines, IPR, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks with a remote compressor) discussed elsewhere in this proposal. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in Section II.H. In summary, the common use conditions EPA is proposing include the following: restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that
refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards.
For use of these substitutes in retail
food refrigeration equipment, EPA is also proposing a use condition related to adherence to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 15–2022 ‘‘Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems’’ (hereafter ‘‘ASHRAE 15–2022’’). Specifically, we are proposing that these refrigerants may only be used in commercial refrigeration equipment that meets all requirements listed in ASHRAE 15– 2022. In cases where the final rule includes requirements that are different than those of ASHRAE 15–2022, EPA is proposing that the appliance would need to meet the requirements of this
rule in place of the requirements in ASHRAE 15–2022. This additional use condition is discussed further in section II.A.4.
EPA is also proposing the following
use condition for R–454A in supermarkets and remote condensing units: this substitute may only be used either in equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds or in the high-temperature side of a cascade system.
1. Background on Retail Food
Retail food refrigeration, an end-use
within the SNAP program, encompasses the equipment used for storing and displaying (generally for sale) food and beverages at different temperatures necessary for the different products (e.g., chilled and frozen food). The
designs and refrigerating capacities of equipment vary widely to ensure the proper temperatures are achieved and maintained.
Retail food refrigeration is composed
of four categories of equipment: stand- alone units; refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment; remote condensing units; and supermarket systems. EPA treats each of these four end-use categories as a separate end-use for purposes of our comparisons of the overall impact on human health and the environment and of the availability of refrigerants.
Stand-alone units are refrigerators,
freezers, and reach-in coolers (either
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2022: Designation and Safety Classification of
Refrigerants. open or with doors) where all
refrigeration components are integrated and, for the smallest types, the refrigeration circuit is entirely brazed or welded. These systems are charged with refrigerant at the factory and typically require only an electricity supply to begin operation. Such systems are used to chill and temporarily store perishable items for commercial sale, such as beverages and food.
Refrigerated food processing and
dispensing equipment dispenses and often processes a variety of food and beverage products. For instance, some such equipment will process the product by combining ingredients, mixing, and preparing it at the proper temperature, while others function mainly as a holding tank to deliver the product at the desired temperature or to deliver chilled ingredients for processing, mixing, and preparation. Some may use a refrigerant in a heat pump, or utilize waste heat from the cooling system, to provide hot beverages. Some may also provide heating functions for melting or dislodging ice or for sanitation purposes.
Refrigerated food processing and
dispensing equipment can be self- contained or can be connected via piping to a dedicated condensing unit located elsewhere. Equipment within this end-use category include but are not limited to refrigerated equipment used to process and dispense beverages and food such as: chilled and frozen beverages (carbonated and uncarbonated, alcoholic and nonalcoholic); frozen custards, gelato, ice cream, Italian ice, sorbets, and yogurts; milkshakes, ‘‘slushies’’ and smoothies, and whipped cream.
Remote condensing units exhibit
refrigerating capacities ranging typically from 1kW to 20kW (0.3 to 5.7 refrigeration tons). They are composed of one (and sometimes two) compressor(s), one condenser, and one receiver assembled into a single unit,
which is normally located external to the sales area. This equipment is connected to one or more nearby evaporator(s) used to cool food and beverages stored in display cases and/or walk-in storage rooms. Remote condensing units are commonly installed in convenience stores and specialty shops such as bakeries and butcher shops.
Typical supermarket systems are also
known as multiplex or centralized systems. They operate with racks of compressors installed in a machinery room; different compressors turn on to match the refrigeration load necessary to maintain temperatures. Two main design classifications are used: direct
and indirect systems. In the United States, direct systems are the most widespread. The plurality of supermarkets in the United States use centralized direct expansion (DX) systems to cool their display cases.
refrigerant circulates from the machinery room to the sales area, where it evaporates in display-case heat exchangers, and then returns in vapor phase to the suction headers of the compressor racks. The supermarket walk-in cold rooms are often integrated into the system and cooled similarly, but an alternative option is to provide a dedicated condensing unit for a given storage room. Another type of supermarket design, often referred to as a distributed refrigeration system, uses an array of separate compressor racks located near the display cases rather than having a central compressor rack system. Each of these smaller racks handles a portion of the supermarket load, with five to ten such systems in a store.
Indirect supermarket system designs
include secondary loop systems and cascade refrigeration. Indirect systems use a chiller or other refrigeration system to cool a secondary fluid that is often circulated throughout the store to the cases. Examples of secondary fluids include water, air, HCs, ammonia, and carbon dioxide (CO
2). Compact chiller
versions of an indirect system rely on a lineup of ten to 20 units, each using small charge sizes. As the refrigeration load changes, more or fewer of the chillers are active. Compact chillers are used in a secondary loop system whereby the chillers cool a secondary fluid that is then circulated throughout the store to the display cases. Each compact chiller is an independent unit with its own refrigerant charge, reducing the potential for refrigerant to be released from leaks or for a catastrophic failure. Cascade systems use a compressor to raise the low- temperature, secondary fluid from low- temperature conditions up to an intermediate temperature while a separate, primary refrigerant system uses a different, higher temperature refrigerant to condense the secondary fluid. Each system within the cascade design contains its own refrigerant charge, allowing the use of different refrigerants in each system. This application has generally used a lower global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant, specifically CO
2(R–744), in
the low-temperature system, with a variety of refrigerants in the high temperature system. Refrigerant choice depends on the
refrigerant charge, ambient temperatures and the temperature required, system performance, energy efficiency, and health, safety and environmental considerations, among other things. In addition to regulations pursuant to the SNAP program, other federal or local
regulations may also affect refrigerant choice. For instance, regulations from OSHA may restrict or place requirements on the use of some refrigerants, such as ammonia (R–717). Building codes from local and state agencies may also incorporate limits on the types and amounts of particular refrigerants used. There are and will continue to be multiple factors that retailers must consider when selecting the refrigerant and operating system design, including: energy efficiency; system performance; potential impact on community safety; ambient temperatures; risk to personnel safety; cost; and minimization of direct and indirect environmental impacts.
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications
for refrigerant flammability?
The ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34–
2022 ‘‘Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants’’ (hereafter ‘‘ASHRAE 34–2022’’) assigns a safety group classification for each refrigerant which consists of two to three alphanumeric characters (e.g., A2L or
B1). The initial capital letter indicates the toxicity, and the numeral denotes the flammability. ASHRAE classifies Class A refrigerants as refrigerants for which toxicity has not been identified at concentrations less than or equal to 400 parts per million (ppm) by volume, based on data used to determine threshold limit value-time-weighted average (TLV–TWA) or consistent indices. Class B signifies refrigerants for which there is evidence of toxicity at concentrations below 400 ppm by volume, based on data used to determine TLV–TWA or consistent indices.
The refrigerants are also assigned a
flammability classification of 1, 2, 2L, or 3. Tests for flammability are conducted in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E681 using a spark ignition source at 140 °F
(60°C) and 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa).
flammability classification ‘‘1’’ is given to refrigerants that, when tested, show no flame propagation. The flammability classification ‘‘2’’ is given to refrigerants that, when tested, exhibit flame propagation, have a heat of combustion
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6EPA previously listed HFO–1234yf as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in motor
vehicle AC in light-duty vehicles (74 FR 53445, October 19, 2009), in heavy-duty pickup trucks and complete heavy-duty vans (81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016) and in nonroad vehicles and service fittings for small refrigerant cans (87 FR 26276, May 4, 2022). EPA previously listed R–454A, R–454C, and R–457A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, as a substitute in residential and light commercial AC and heat pumps (HPs) (86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021). 7ICF, 2023a. Risk Screen on Substitutes in Retail
Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute:
8ICF, 2023b. Risk Screen on Substitutes in Retail
Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: HFO–1234ze(E) (Solstice
®ze, Solstice®1234ze)
9ICF, 2023c. Risk Screen on Substitutes in Retail
Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 454A (Opteon
10ICF, 2023d. Risk Screen on Substitutes in Retail
Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 454C (Opteon
11ICF, 2023e. Risk Screen on Substitutes in Retail
Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 455A (Solstice
12ICF, 2023f. Risk Screen on Substitutes in Retail
Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 457A (Forane
13ICF, 2023g. Risk Screen on Substitutes in Retail
Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 516A (Forane
®516A). less than 19,000 kJ/kg (8,169 Btu/lb),
and have a lower flammability limit (LFL) greater than 0.10 kg/m
3. The
flammability classification ‘‘2L’’ is given to refrigerants that, when tested, exhibit flame propagation, have a heat of combustion less than 19,000 kJ/kg (8,169 Btu/lb), have an LFL greater than 0.10 kg/m
3, and have a maximum
burning velocity of 10 cm/s or lower when tested in dry air at 73.4 °F
(23.0 °C) and 14.7 psi (101.3 kPa). The
flammability classification ‘‘3’’ is given to refrigerants that, when tested, exhibit flame propagation and that either have a heat of combustion of 19,000 kJ/kg (8,169 Btu/lb) or greater or have an LFL of 0.10 kg/m
3or lower.
For flammability classifications,
refrigerant blends are designated based on the worst case of formulation for flammability and the worst case of fractionation for flammability determined for the blend.
Using these safety group
classifications, ASHRAE 34–2022 categorizes HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), HFC–32 and the refrigerant blends R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A, which are discussed in this section of this proposed rule, as being in the A2L Safety Group, while R–290 is in the A3 Safety Group.
3. What are HFO–1234yf, HFO–
1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
HFO–1234yf and HFO–1234ze(E) are
lower flammability refrigerants, and R– 454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A are lower flammability refrigerant blends, all with an ASHRAE safety classification of A2L.
respective Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Identification Numbers (CAS Reg. Nos.) of HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), and the components of the refrigerant blends are listed here.
HFO–1234yf, also known by the trade
names ‘‘Solstice
®yf’’ and ‘‘Opteon TM
YF,’’ is also known as 2,3,3,3- tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (CAS Reg. No. 754–12–1). HFO–1234ze(E), also known by the trade names ‘‘Solstice
®ze and
Solstice®1234ze’’, is also known as
trans-1,3,3,3,tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (CAS Reg. No. 29118–24–9). R–516A, also known by the trade name ‘‘Forane
516A,’’ is a blend consisting of 77.5 percent HFO–1234yf, 14 percent HFC– 152a, and 8.5 percent HFC–134a. R– 457A, also known by the trade name ‘‘Forane
®457A,’’ is a blend consisting
of 18 percent HFC–32, 12 percent HFC– 152a, and 70 percent HFO–1234yf. R– 455A, also known by the trade name ‘‘Solstice
®L40X,’’ is a blend consisting
of 21.5 percent HFC–32, 75.5 percent HFO–1234yf, and three percent R–744 (CO
2). R–454A, also known by the trade
name ‘‘OpteonTMXL 40,’’ is a blend
consisting of 35 percent HFC–32 and 65 percent HFO–1234yf. R–454C, also known by the trade name ‘‘Opteon
20,’’ is a blend consisting of 21.5 percent HFC–32 and 78.5 percent HFO– 1234yf.
Redacted submissions and supporting
documentation for HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A are provided in
the docket for this proposed rule (EPA– HQ–OAR–2023–0043) at EPA performed a
risk screening assessment to examine the health and environmental risks of each of these substitutes. These risk screens are available in the docket for this proposed rule.
7891 01 11 21 3
Environmental information: HFO–
1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E) and R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A have ozone depletion potentials (ODPs) of zero.
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EP24MY23.000</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333729 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
14World Meteorological Organization (2018).
Burkholder et al. Appendix A, Table A–1 in
Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2018,
Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 58, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, science/assessment/sap. (WMO, 2018)
15Nielsen et al., 2007. Nielsen, O.J., Javadi, M.S.,
Sulbaek Andersen, M.P., Hurley, M.D., Wallington, T.J., Singh, R. 2007. Atmospheric chemistry of CF3CF=CH2: Kinetics and mechanisms of gas-phase reactions with Cl atoms, OH radicals, and O3. Chemical Physics Letters 439, 18–22. Available online at: 174_
16Hodnebrog ;. et al., 2013. Hodnebrog ;.,
Etminan, M., Fuglestvedt, J.S., Marston, G., Myhre, G., Nielsen, C.J., Shine, K.P., Wallington, T.J.: Global Warming Potentials and Radiative Efficiencies of Halocarbons and Related Compounds: A Comprehensive Review, Reviews of Geophysics, 51, 300–378, doi:10.1002/rog.20013, 2013.
17Javadi et al., 2008. Atmospheric chemistry of
trans-CF 3CH=CHF: products and mechanisms of
hydroxyl radical and chlorine atom initiated oxidation,’ M.S. Javadi, R. S<ndergaard, O.J. Nielsen, M.D. Hurley, and T.J. Wellington, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 8, 1069–1088, 2008.
19Unless otherwise specified, GWP values are
100-year values from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2007) Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, United Kingdom 996 pp.
20The 8-hr TWA AEL recommendations of these
refrigerant blends are based upon a mass-weighting of the PEL and WEELs of their components. HFO–1234yf has a GWP of less than
four.14 15 16 HFO–1234ze(E) has a GWP
of less than six.17 18The refrigerant
blends are made up of the components
HFC–32, HFC–125, HFC–152a, CO 2, and
HFO–1234yf, which have GWPs of 675, 3,500, 124, one, and less than four, respectively.
19If these values are
weighted by mass percentage, then R– 454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and
R–516A have GWPs of about 240, 150, 146, 140, and 142, respectively.
HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), and the
other components of the refrigerant blends, CO
2, HFC–32, HFC–125, and
HFC–152a, are excluded from EPA’s regulatory definition of volatile organic compounds (VOC) (see 40 CFR 51.100(s)) addressing the development of State Implementation Plans (SIPs) to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). That definition provides that ‘‘any compound of carbon’’ which ‘‘participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions’’ is considered a VOC unless expressly excluded in that provision based on a determination of ‘‘negligible photochemical reactivity.’’
Under section 608(c)(2) of the CAA
and EPA’s regulations at 40 CFR 82.154(a)(1), it is unlawful for any person, in the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing, or disposing of an appliance or industrial process
refrigeration, to knowingly vent or otherwise knowingly release or dispose of any substitute substance for a class I or class II substance used as a refrigerant in such appliance (or industrial process refrigeration) in a manner which permits such substance to enter the environment. EPA has established certain limited exemptions to this venting prohibition, as listed in 40 CFR 82.154(a)(1), but none of those exemptions apply to HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, or R–516A.
Flammability information: HFO–
1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A have lower flammability, with an ASHRAE flammability classification of 2L.
Toxicity and exposure data: HFO–
1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A have an ASHRAE toxicity classification of A (lower toxicity). Potential health effects of exposure to these substitutes include drowsiness or dizziness. The substitutes may also irritate the skin or eyes or cause frostbite. At sufficiently high concentrations, the substitutes may cause irregular heartbeat. The substitutes could cause asphyxiation if air is displaced by vapors in a confined space. These potential health effects are common to many refrigerants.
OSHA has established a Permissible
Exposure Limit (PEL) for CO
2of 5,000
ppm as an 8-hr TWA. The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) has established Workplace Environmental Exposure Limits (WEELs) of 1,000 ppm as an 8-hr TWA for HFC–32, HFC–125, and HFC–152a; 500 ppm as an 8-hr TWA for HFO– 1234yf; and 800 ppm as an 8-hr TWA for HFO–1234ze(E). The manufacturers of R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A recommend acceptable exposure limits (AELs) for the workplace, respectively, of 690, 615, 650, 650, and 590 ppm on an 8-hr TWA for these blends.
20EPA anticipates that
users will be able to meet the OSHA PEL, AIHA WEELs, and manufacturers’ AELs and address potential health risks by following requirements and recommendations in the manufacturers’
safety data sheets (SDSs), the use conditions proposed (including adherence to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 60335–2–89 and ASHRAE 15– 2022), and other safety precautions common to the refrigeration and AC
Comparison to other substitutes in
these end-uses: HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A all have an ODP of zero, comparable to or lower than some of the acceptable substitutes in these end-uses, such as CO
2,with an
ODP of zero.
For new refrigerated food processing
and dispensing equipment, R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A have GWPs ranging from 140 to 240, higher than to that of CO
2, an acceptable
substitute in this end-use category, with a GWP of 1, while HFO–1234yf and HFO–1234ze(E) have comparable GWPs to CO
2of less than four and less than
six, respectively. The GWPs of HFO– 1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A are lower than those of other acceptable substitutes for new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, such as R–450A, R–513A, and HFC– 134a, with GWPs of approximately 600, 630, and 1,430, respectively.
For new remote condensing units and
supermarket systems, R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A have GWPs ranging from 140 to 240, higher than that of ammonia and CO
acceptable substitutes in these end-use categories, with GWPs of zero and one, respectively, while HFO–1234yf and HFO–1234ze(E) have comparable GWPs to CO
2of less than four and less than
six, respectively. The GWPs of HFO– 1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A are lower than those of some of the acceptable substitutes for new remote condensing units and new supermarket
systems, such as R–450A, R–513A, HFC–134a, R–407A, and R–404A, with GWPs of approximately 600, 630, 1,430, 2,110, and 2,630, respectively.
For new stand-alone units, R–454A,
R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A have GWPs ranging from 140 to 240, higher than some of the acceptable substitutes in this end-use category such as CO
2, R–290, and R–441A with GWPs
of one, three, and less than five, while HFO–1234yf and HFO–1234ze(E) have comparable GWPs to GWPs of CO
2, R–
290, and R–441A of less than four and less than six, respectively. The GWPs of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A are lower than some of the acceptable substitutes for new stand-alone units, such as R–450A and R–513A, with GWPs of 601 and 630, respectively.
Information regarding the toxicity of
other available alternatives is provided in the listing decisions previously made (see
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food-refrigeration). Toxicity risks of use,
determined by the likelihood of exceeding the exposure limit, of HFO– 1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A in these end-uses are evaluated in the risk screens referenced above. The toxicity risks of using HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A in retail food refrigeration equipment are comparable to or lower than toxicity risks of other available substitutes in the same end- uses. Toxicity risks of the proposed refrigerants can be minimized by use consistent with UL 60335–2–89—which would be required by our proposed use conditions—and other industry standards, such as ASHRAE 15–2022— which applies under the use conditions—as well as recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry.
The flammability risks with HFO–
1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A in these end-uses, determined by the likelihood of exceeding their respective lower flammability limits, are evaluated in the risk screens referenced above. In conclusion, while these refrigerants may pose greater flammability risk than other available substitutes in the same end- uses, this risk can be minimized by use consistent with ASHRAE 15–2022, which would be required for equipment with certain charge sizes by our proposed use conditions, and other industry standards such as UL 60335–2– 89, which would also be required by our proposed use conditions, as well as recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry. EPA is proposing use conditions that maintain the low potential risk associated with the flammability of these alternatives so that they will not pose significantly greater risk than other acceptable substitutes in this end-use category.
In addition, the proposed substitutes
have lower GWPs than most other available alternatives for the same uses. The proposed refrigerants provide additional lower-GWP options for situations where other refrigerants with lower GWPs are not viable, such as for use of HCs in systems with remote compressors or equipment requiring larger charge sizes, or where equipment using CO
2may not be able to meet
energy conservation standards from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Given the wide range of applications for retail
food refrigeration, not all refrigerants listed as acceptable under SNAP will be suitable for the range of equipment in
the retail food refrigeration end-use or in the four end-use categories within retail food refrigeration. To provide additional options to ensure the availability of substitutes for the full range of retail food refrigeration equipment with lower GWP and, therefore, lower overall risk to human health and the environment, EPA is proposing the listings for HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in all types of retail food refrigeration equipment. In addition, to account for the additional challenges for finding lower GWP refrigerants with higher capacity for remote condensing units and supermarket systems with moderate charge sizes and for cascade systems, EPA is proposing to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in remote condensing units and supermarket systems with a charge size capacity less than 200 pounds or for use in the high-temperature side of a cascade system.
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific
use conditions?
This proposal applies to end-uses
covered by UL 60335–2–89. This standard applies to commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment, including the SNAP end-uses of retail food refrigeration, commercial ice machines, IPR, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks. In addition, ASHRAE 15–2022 applies to these
refrigeration systems.
The standard UL 60335–2–89
discussed in section II.H indicates that refrigerant charges greater than a specific amount (called ‘‘m
3’’ in the
standard and based on the refrigerant’s LFL) are beyond its scope and that national standards might apply, such as ASHRAE 15–2022. Hence, EPA is proposing to require adherence to both standards as use conditions for remote condensing units and supermarket systems, broadening the coverage under this proposed rule.
EPA is proposing to incorporate by
reference ASHRAE 15–2022, including all addenda published by the date of this proposal, in use conditions that apply to use of the proposed A2L refrigerants in new remote condensing units and supermarket systems. Where the requirements specified in this proposed rule (if finalized) and ASHRAE 15–2022 differ, the requirements of this rule would apply.
A partial summary of ASHRAE 15–
2022 is provided here for information only. This is not meant to be a full explanation of the standard or how it is applied. ASHRAE 15–2022 specifies
requirements for refrigeration systems, based on the safety group classification of the refrigerant used, the type of occupancy in the location for which the system is used, and whether refrigerant- containing parts of the system enter the space or ductwork and so leakage in the space is deemed ‘‘probable.’’ ‘‘High- probability’’ installations are those such that leaks or failures will result in refrigerant entering occupied space. As previously explained, HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A are all classified as A2L refrigerants. Occupancies are divided into six classifications: institutional, public assembly, residential, commercial, large mercantile, and industrial. Examples of these include jails, theaters, apartment buildings, office buildings, shopping malls, and chemical plants, respectively.
Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of ASHRAE 15–
2022 determine the maximum amount of refrigerant allowed in the system, while section 7.4 provides an option to locate equipment outdoors or in a machinery room constructed and maintained under conditions specified in the standard. Section 7.7 of ASHRAE 15–2022 addresses the A2L refrigerants in this proposal when used in ‘‘high- probability’’ systems that are not for human comfort, including requirements for nameplates, labels, refrigerant detectors (under certain conditions), airflow initiation and other actions (if a rise in refrigerant concentration is detected), and other restrictions.
EPA recognizes that ASHRAE 15–
2022 is undergoing continuous maintenance with publication of periodic addenda and is typically updated and republished every three years. While this proposed rule incorporates all addenda published by the date of this proposal, there may be additional changes to ASHRAE 15–2022 by the time EPA issues a final rule based upon this proposal. However, given EPA would not have reviewed and proposed use conditions based on those changes, EPA is not proposing to include addenda or other changes made to ASHRAE 15–2022 after the date of the proposed rule.
EPA is proposing to list R–454A as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in
supermarkets and remote condensing units with a use condition that this substitute may only be used either in equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds or in the high-temperature side of a cascade system. The Agency is proposing this use condition to allow use of R–454A less broadly than for the other
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refrigerants proposed for use in remote
condensing units and supermarket systems because its GWP is higher than those of the other proposed listings for these end-use categories (about 240, compared to less than four to 150). EPA’s understanding is that there are two particular situations where use of refrigerants is likely to be more constrained, and thus, additional refrigerant options may be helpful. The first of those situations is in what the industry standard ASHRAE 15–2022 identifies as a refrigerating system having a ‘‘high probability’’ that leaked refrigerant from a failed connection, seal, or component could enter an occupied area. An example of such a constraint is that ASHRAE 15–2022 and UL 60335–2–89 effectively set charge limits for A2L refrigerants to less than 200 pounds for applications inside a supermarket or convenience store that are open to the general public. In contrast, larger charge sizes could be used in ‘‘low-probability’’ locations where the general public is unlikely to come in contact with the refrigerant, such as systems used outdoors or in a machinery room with access restricted to store employees. Where the general public is unlikely to come into contact with any leaked refrigerant, such as where charge sizes of 200 pounds or more of A2L refrigerant would be allowed under the use conditions incorporating UL 60335–2–89 and ASHRAE 15–2022, there would be fewer space constraints and greater flexibility in equipment design, so refrigeration system designers can accommodate a narrower set of substitutes. Conversely, where the general public is more likely to come into contact with any leaked refrigerant in an interior space, refrigerant charge capacities of a system would be less than 200 pounds; there would be more space constraints, less flexibility in equipment design, and potentially stricter code requirements, leading to a need for more refrigerant options. Allowing the additional option of R–424A for supermarket systems and remote condensing units with smaller refrigerant charges would enable the use of a wider set of available substitutes to manage safety (in particular, flammability and toxicity), as well as allowing more options to achieve adequate performance where there may be more constraints. Therefore, EPA is proposing to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, only for supermarket systems and remote condensing units with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds.
EPA is also proposing to list R–454A
as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in the high temperature side of
cascade systems used for supermarket systems and remote condensing units. As discussed above in section II.A.1, ‘‘Background on retail food refrigeration,’’ each system of a cascade system uses a different refrigerant that is most suitable for the given temperature range. High temperature systems, or the ‘‘high temperature side,’’ have typically used HFCs as a refrigerant; however, it is technologically achievable and has become more common to use ammonia in the high temperature side. For lower temperature systems, or the ‘‘low temperature side’’ of the cascade system, low boiling refrigerants such as R–744 can be used. Considerations for the choice of refrigerant on the high or low temperature side of cascade systems are influenced by many factors including, but not limited to, a refrigerant’s toxicity and flammability, its temperature glide, and its suitability for lower temperature applications. EPA understands that use of flammable or toxic refrigerants, such as ammonia, on the high temperature side of a cascade may be limited in certain circumstances (e.g., based on building codes and/or
standards). The Agency considered whether to propose to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to narrowed use limits. For listings with narrowed use limits, the refrigerant user (e.g., equipment manufacturer or end user) intending to adopt a substitute with narrowed use limits ‘‘must ascertain that other alternatives are not technically feasible.’’ 40 CFR 82.180(b)(3). In the case of the high side of a cascade system, EPA is currently aware of a limited number of available options with a GWP below R–454A; therefore, EPA does not consider it necessary to require users to first consider those lower GWP refrigerants before selecting R–454A. The Agency notes that there are multiple substitutes available for the low temperature side of the cascade system with GWPs lower than that of R–454A, but there are few options for the high temperature side of the cascade system. Therefore, instead of proposing to list R–454A as
acceptable, subject to narrowed use limits and subject to use conditions, EPA is proposing to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, when it is used in the high temperature side of cascade systems; this would expand the refrigerant options that can comply with local building codes and industry safety standards while meeting the more challenging application of the high temperature side of a cascade system. 5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
EPA is providing additional
information related to these proposed listings. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute under the SNAP program. The additional information applies to multiple end-uses covered in this proposal. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the proposed additional information in these proposed listings that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H.2 While the items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the
use of these substitutes.
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of the proposed decision to list HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new supermarket systems and new remote condensing units as discussed in this section II.A. We also request comment on the use conditions specifically for R–454A, restricting its use to supermarket systems and remote condensing units used either with a refrigerant charge capacity of less than 200 pounds or in the high temperature side of a cascade system, and whether EPA should use different criteria in the final use conditions. We request comment on our proposal to find HFO– 1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment (self-contained equipment) and new stand-alone units. EPA also seeks specific comments on the use conditions including the proposed requirements to comply with UL 60335–2–89, and for charge sizes larger than ‘‘m
3,’’ also to comply with
ASHRAE 15–2022 including addenda as of the date of this proposal. With respect to these standards, EPA is requesting comment on the risk mitigation offered by compliance with the current version of the standards proposed as use conditions, i.e., UL 60335–2–89 and
ASHRAE 15–2022, the nature of updates proposed for these standards, and the expected timeline for those updates. EPA is requesting comment on the applicability of the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89 to retail food refrigeration equipment, including which types of equipment and under which
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21ICF, 2023h. Risk Screen on Substitutes in Retail
Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute:
Propane (R–290).
22ICF, 2014a. Assessment of the Potential Impact
of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. February, 2014.
23Ibid. applications the standard applies, as
well as on the applicability of ASHRAE 15–2022 with the addenda published as of the date of this proposal. Finally, EPA requests comment on whether there are any specific cases of conflicts between UL 60335–2–89 and ASHRAE 15–2022 that require a clarification as to which standard should apply.
B. Retail Food Refrigeration—Proposed
Listing of R–290 as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Refrigerated Food Processing and Dispensing Equipment and Proposed Revision of Use Conditions Provided in the Previous Listing of R–290 as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in Stand-Alone Units
This proposed listing for R–290
would be a new listing for one end-use category under retail food refrigeration, i.e., new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment. Further, EPA is also proposing to revise use conditions provided in the previous listing of R–290 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new stand- alone units. More specifically, EPA previously listed R–290 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new stand- alone units in SNAP Rule 17 (76 FR 78832, December 20, 2011). In this document, we are proposing to update those use conditions to be consistent with the most recent U.S. national standard for retail food refrigeration equipment, the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. Similar use conditions apply to other refrigerants with lower flammability as proposed in this SNAP action in section II.A above. The proposed use conditions would be allowed for such equipment manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule and would not apply to nor affect equipment manufactured before the effective date of any final action and manufactured in compliance with the SNAP requirements applicable at the time of manufacture.
This proposed revision to the use
conditions would incorporate by reference a different industry standard, changing the reference from Supplement SB to the 10th edition of
UL 471, ‘‘Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers,’’ which is required in the current SNAP listing for R–290, to the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. EPA is proposing a transition period during which stand-alone units manufactured with R–290 may follow either the earlier standard UL 471 or UL 60335–2–89. After the transition period ends, stand- alone units manufactured with R–290 would need to follow UL 60335–2–89 for purposes of the SNAP program. Several use conditions proposed for
these end-use categories are similar to
those proposed for other end-uses. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. In summary, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing,
charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards.
If the regulatory text is finalized as
proposed, EPA would revise the existing listing for R–290 in new stand-alone units in appendix R to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G, and would add the new listing for R–290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing units in appendix Y to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. The proposed regulatory text contains revised listing decisions for new stand-alone units in appendix R, as well as certain other previous listings that EPA is republishing for purposes of formatting for the Federal Register; EPA
is not proposing substantive changes to, and is not taking comment on, those earlier decisions (e.g., listings for R–290,
R–441A, and R–600a in household refrigerators and freezers and in vending machines).
1. Background on Retail Food
See section II.A.1 for background on
the retail food refrigeration end-use and particularly for the stand-alone units and refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment end-use categories.
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications
for refrigerant flammability?
ASHRAE 34–2022 categorizes R–290
as being in the A3 Safety Group. See section II.A.2 for further discussion on ASHRAE classifications.
3. What is R–290 and how does it
compare to other refrigerants in the refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment end-use category?
R–290 is also known as propane and
has the formula C
3H8(CAS Reg. No. 74–
98–6). Redacted submissions and supporting documentation for R–290 in retail food refrigeration are provided in the docket for this proposed rule (EPA– HQ–OAR–2023–0043) at EPA performed a
risk screening assessment to examine
the health and environmental risks of this substitute. This risk screen is available in the docket for this proposed rule.
Environmental information: R–290
has an ODP of zero. R–290 has a GWP of three. R–290 is regulated as a VOC under CAA regulations (40 CFR 51.100(s)) addressing the development of SIPs to attain and maintain the NAAQS. EPA previously exempted R– 290 in retail food refrigerators and freezers (stand-alone units only) from the prohibition under CAA section 608(c)(2) on knowingly venting, releasing, or disposing of substitute refrigerants, finding that such venting, release, or disposal does not pose a threat to the environment (79 FR 29682, May 23, 2014).
EPA evaluated potential impacts of R–
290 and other HC refrigerants on local air quality. R–290 (propane) is considered a VOC and is not excluded from EPA’s regulatory definition of VOC (see 40 CFR 51.100(s)) addressing the development of SIPs to attain and maintain the NAAQS. As described below, EPA estimates that potential emissions of saturated HC refrigerants, such as R–290 and R–600a (isobutane), do not have a significant impact on local air quality.
EPA has conducted multiple analyses
of various scenarios to consider the potential impacts on local air quality if HC refrigerants were used widely.
analyses considered both worst-case and more realistic scenarios. In an analysis supporting the listings of R–290, R– 600a, and the HC blend R–441A in multiple refrigeration and air conditioning end-uses in SNAP Rule 19 (80 FR 19454, April 10, 2015), the worst-case scenario assumed that the most reactive HC listed as acceptable as of the time of those listings (R–600a) was used in all refrigeration and AC uses and that all refrigerant used was emitted to the atmosphere rather than most being recovered. In that extreme scenario, the model predicted that the maximum increase in any single 8-hour
average ground-level ozone concentration would be 0.72 parts per billion (ppb) in Los Angeles, which is the area with the highest level of ozone pollution in the United States. At the time of the analysis in 2014, 0.72 ppb was less than 1% of the NAAQS, and
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24R–600a has a maximum incremental reactivity
(MIR) of 1.34 g O 3/g R–600a, while R–290 has a MIR
of 0.56 g O 3/g R–290. ICF, 2023h, Op. cit.; Carter,
2010. ‘‘Development of the SAPRC–07 Chemical
Mechanism and Updated Ozone Reactivity Scales,’’ Report to the California Air Resources Board by William P.L. Carter. Revised January 27, 2010.
25In the analysis, refrigerated food processing and
dispensing equipment was evaluated under the category of ‘‘small retail food’’ refrigeration equipment, along with stand-alone units, vending machines, and water coolers.
26ICF, 2014a. Assessment of the Potential Impact
of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. February 2014. 27Ibid.
28ICF, 2020. Additional Assessment of the
Potential Impact of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. May 2020. Updated models included VM IO file_ v5.1_ 10.01.19
and CMAQ 5.2.1 with carbon bond 06 (CB06) mechanism, as cited in ICF, 2020.
29ICF, 2023h. Op. cit. we stated at the time that the use of R–
600a consistent with the use conditions required in EPA’s regulations would not result in significantly greater risk to the environment than other alternatives. Using the current ozone NAAQS value of 70 ppb, use of the most reactive saturated HC, R–600a, with a 100%
market penetration would just exceed a level that might raise concerns for EPA. However, considering that R–290 is less reactive than R–600a
24and that R–290
would have a market penetration at least as high as that of R–600a,
25we still
consider use of saturated HC refrigerants not to result in significantly greater risk.
In a less conservative analysis of
potential impacts on ambient ozone levels, EPA looked at a set of end-uses that would be more likely to use HC refrigerants between now and 2030, including end-uses where they previously have been listed as acceptable and where they are proposed to be acceptable under this rule. For example, we assumed use of R–290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment
25and in end-
uses where it is already listed as acceptable, including retail food refrigeration—stand-alone units, vending machines, water coolers, self- contained commercial ice machines, room air conditioners, and household refrigerators and freezers. We also assumed the use of other HC refrigerants such as R–600a and R–441A in end-uses where they are listed as acceptable, such as in retail food refrigeration—stand- alone units, vending machines, and household refrigerators and freezers. For further information on the specific assumptions, see the docket for this rulemaking.
26Based on this still
conservative but more probable assessment of refrigerant use, we found that even if all the refrigerant in appliances in end-uses addressed in this proposed rule and in appliances in end- uses for which other HCs are listed as acceptable were to be emitted, there would be a worst-case impact of a 0.15 ppb increase in ozone for a single 8-hour average concentration in the Los Angeles area, which is the area with the highest level of ozone pollution in the
United States. In the other cities examined in the analysis, Houston and Atlanta, impacts were smaller (no more than 0.03 and 0.01 ppb for a single 8-hour average concentration, respectively).
27For areas in the analysis
that were not violating the 2008 ozone NAAQS, the impacts did not cause an exceedance of the 2008 ozone NAAQS.
EPA also has performed more recent
air quality analyses, considering additional end-uses and refrigerants that have been listed acceptable more recently (e.g., R–1150 in very low
temperature refrigeration) and using updated models.
28EPA found that the
revised air quality models showed slightly greater impacts compared to our 2014 analyses in all scenarios, but not enough to change our earlier conclusions in 2015 and 2016 that use of saturated HCs as refrigerants, including release of R–290, R–600a, and R–441A during repairing, maintaining, servicing, or disposing of appliances, would not result in a significant increase in ground-level ozone. Further, there would be no change in the prior conclusion that use of the saturated HCs R–290, R–600a, and R–441A, consistent with the SNAP listings, including their use conditions and the proposed use conditions in this rule, would not result in significantly greater risk to people’s health or the environment than other alternatives available for the same end- use, refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment.
Based on the results of these analyses,
EPA is proposing to list R–290 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment. Because of the
relatively minimal air quality impacts of R–290 if it is released to the atmosphere from the end-uses where it is listed as acceptable subject to use conditions and from the proposed refrigerated processing and dispensing equipment end-use category, even in a worst-case scenario, we conclude that R–290 does not have a significantly greater overall impact on human health and the environment based on its effects on local air quality than other refrigerants listed as acceptable in the same end- uses.
Flammability information: R–290 is a
higher flammability refrigerant, with an ASHRAE safety classification of A3. However, the proposed substitute is not expected to present a flammability concern provided the proposed use conditions are followed.
Toxicity and exposure data: R–290
has an ASHRAE toxicity classification of A (lower toxicity). Potential health effects of exposure to this substitute include drowsiness or dizziness. The substitute may also irritate the skin or eyes or cause frostbite. This substitute could cause asphyxiation if air is displaced by vapors in a confined space. These potential health effects are common to many refrigerants.
OSHA has established a PEL of 1,000
ppm as an 8-hr TWA for propane (R– 290). EPA anticipates that users will be able to meet OSHA’s PEL and address potential health risks by following requirements and recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDSs, the use conditions proposed (including compliance with UL 60335–2–89), adherence to ASHRAE 15–2022, and other safety precautions common to the refrigeration and AC industry.
Comparison to other substitutes in the
refrigerated food processing and dispensing end-use category: R–290 has an ODP of zero, comparable to or lower than some of the acceptable substitutes in new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, such as CO
450A, and R–513A, with ODPs of zero.
R–290’s GWP of 3 is comparable to
that of other acceptable substitutes for new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, including CO
with a GWP of 1. The GWP of R–290 is lower than some of the acceptable substitutes for new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, such as R–450A, R–513A, R–134a, and R–407H, with GWPs of approximately 600, 630, 1,430, and 1,500, respectively.
EPA’s risk screen for R–290 in retail
food refrigeration,
refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, found that R– 290 can be used without exceeding its PEL of 1,000 ppm (8-hr TWA); thus, the toxicity risks of R–290 are comparable to those of other acceptable substitutes in the refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment end-use category, which also are used without exceeding their workplace exposure limits.
Although we noted that the
flammability of R–290 may be greater than that of other available, substitutes with an ASHRAE 1, 2, or 2L flammability classification in the same end-use, we found its flammability risk to be not significant even under worst- case assumptions in this end-use category when following the proposed
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30ICF, 2023h. Op. cit. use conditions.30We note that
flammability risk can be minimized by
use consistent with industry standards such as UL 60335–2–89—which would be required by our proposed use conditions—and ASHRAE 15–2022, as well as recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. The proposed use conditions for refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment would maintain low potential risk associated with the flammability of this alternative so that it will not pose significantly greater risk than other acceptable substitutes in this end-use category.
The proposed substitute, R–290, has a
GWP of 3, lower than that of most other available alternatives for the same end- use category with similarly low toxicity. R–290 provides an additional lower- GWP option for situations where other refrigerants with lower GWPs are not viable, such as where equipment using CO
2may not be able to meet DOE’s
energy conservation standards. To provide additional, lower-GWP options with lower overall risk to human health and the environment, EPA is proposing the listing of R–290 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment.
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific
use conditions for refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment?
For refrigerated food processing and
dispensing equipment, EPA proposes to require use of UL 60335–2–89, for purposes of the SNAP program, as of the effective date of the final rule based on this proposal. Several of the use conditions proposed for refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment are common to those proposed for R–290 in the commercial ice machine end-use in section II.D, and others are common to all five end-uses in this proposed rule. Because of this
similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. In summary, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability
5. How would the proposed listing for
R–290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment relate to regulations implementing the venting prohibition under CAA section 608?
In section II.I of this document, EPA
is proposing to exempt R–290 used as a refrigerant in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment from the prohibition under CAA section 608(c)(2) on knowingly venting or otherwise knowingly releasing or disposing of any substitute refrigerant in the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing, or disposing of an appliance or industrial process refrigeration.
6. What use conditions currently apply
to this refrigerant in the stand-alone units end-use category?
EPA previously listed R–290
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new stand-alone units in SNAP Rule 17 (76 FR 78832, December 20, 2011). Those requirements are codified in appendix R to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. EPA provided information on the potential environmental and health
risks of R–290 and the various substitutes available at that time for use in this end-use category. Additionally, EPA’s previous risk screen for this refrigerant in this end-use category, based on the use conditions in that rule, is available in the docket for that previous rulemaking (EPA–HQ–OAR– 2009–0286).
R–290 has an ASHRAE classification
of A3, indicating that it has low toxicity and higher flammability. In the presence of an ignition source (e.g., static
electricity, a spark resulting from a closing door, or a cigarette), an explosion or a fire could occur if the concentration of R–290 were to exceed the LFL of 21,000 ppm (2.1 percent) by volume.
The use conditions established in the
2011 listing for R–290 in new stand- alone units addressed safe use of this flammable refrigerant based on information available at that time and included the following: incorporation by reference of Supplement SB to the 10th edition (November 24, 2010) of the standard UL 471 ‘‘Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers’’; refrigerant charge size limits based on cooling capacity and type of equipment; and requirements for markings and warning labels on equipment using the refrigerant to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards. EPA explained in that rulemaking that without appropriate use conditions, the flammability risk posed by this
refrigerant could be higher than non- flammable refrigerants because individuals may not be aware that their actions could potentially cause a fire, and because the refrigerant could be used in existing equipment that has not been designed specifically to minimize flammability risks. Our assessment and listing decisions in SNAP Rule 17 (76 FR 78832, December 20, 2011) found that with the use conditions, the overall risk of R–290, including the risk due to flammability, was not significantly greater in the stand-alone units end-use than other substitutes that are currently or potentially available for that same end-use.
7. What updates to existing use
conditions for stand-alone units is EPA proposing?
EPA is proposing to update the use
conditions that apply to R–290 in new stand-alone units manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal. Several of the updated use conditions proposed for use of R–290 in stand-alone units are common to those proposed for the commercial ice machine end-use in section II.D, and others are common to all five end-uses in this proposed rule. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. For R–290 in stand-alone units, these are the only revised use conditions EPA is proposing. In summary, with the updates proposed to the use conditions for stand-alone units, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards.
If finalized as proposed, the use
conditions in this action would apply to
new stand-alone units on or after the effective date of any final rule. Any final rule would not apply to nor affect equipment manufactured before the effective date of this action and manufactured in compliance with the SNAP use conditions applicable at the time of manufacture as stipulated in SNAP Rule 17 and appendix R to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. EPA views equipment to be manufactured at the date upon which the appliance’s
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refrigerant circuit is complete, the
appliance can function, the appliance holds a full refrigerant charge, and the appliance is ready for use for its intended purposes. For stand-alone units (and most refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment), this occurs at the factory. If this rule is finalized as proposed, new stand-alone units manufactured between February 21, 2012, and the effective date of the final rule would be required to meet the use conditions in SNAP Rule 17 (which took effect February 21, 2012) and as listed in appendix R to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G, including the use condition incorporating by reference Supplement SB to the 10th edition of UL 471. Such products would be permitted to be warehoused and sold through normal channels, even if they are sold or installed after the effective date of any final rule based on this proposed rule. Stand-alone units using R–290
manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal would be required to meet the use conditions so finalized and listed in the revisions to appendix R. Those use conditions would allow manufacturers of new stand-alone units using R–290 to follow either UL 471 or UL 60335–2–89 from the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal and would last through September 29, 2024. On and after September 30, 2024, the use condition for use of R–290 in equipment that meets UL 60335–2–89 only would apply under SNAP.
EPA is proposing use conditions
allowing new stand-alone units to be manufactured consistent with Supplement SB of UL 471, up to and including September 29, 2024, which is the date when UL is sunsetting UL 471. Therefore, during the time between the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal and September 29, 2024, manufacturers would be allowed to follow either UL 471, 10th Edition or UL 60335–2–89, 2nd Edition. EPA is proposing allowing manufacturers to adhere to either standard for this limited time because the Agency recognizes that manufacturers may need time to make necessary changes including to their product labels. The period during which manufacturers may follow either standard should provide sufficient time for manufacturers to transition from UL 471 to UL 60335–2–89. EPA proposes that, beginning September 30, 2024, R– 290 may only be used in new stand- alone units that meet all requirements in UL 60335–2–89 for the purposes of the SNAP program. See section II.H.1 for further discussion on the requirements of this standard that EPA is proposing
to incorporate by reference.
In addition, we are proposing that
manufacturers would need to follow the set of use conditions that correspond with a specific UL standard (i.e., when
using UL 471, follow all use conditions in listing 2 and when using UL 60335– 2–89, follow all use conditions in listing 4 in the proposed revisions to appendix R). After the transition period ends, stand-alone units manufactured with R– 290 would need to follow UL 60335–2– 89 for purposes of the SNAP program.
EPA also notes that we are not
proposing to change two use conditions that currently apply, nor are we taking comment on those other use conditions. The use conditions that restrict the use of R–290 to new equipment specifically designed for this refrigerant, and that require red-colored markings on service ports, pipes, hoses, and other devices through which the refrigerant is serviced, repeat the current use conditions for R–290 in new stand-alone units. If the regulatory text is finalized as proposed, EPA would amend to add use conditions that apply to R–290 in new stand-alone units manufactured on or after the effective date of the final rule. Equipment manufactured before the effective date of the final rule would not be affected by this action and would hence be subject to the current use conditions included in appendix R.
8. How do the proposed use conditions
for stand-alone units differ from the existing ones and why is EPA proposing to change the use conditions?
The revised use conditions EPA is
proposing for stand-alone units are
similar to the ones that exist today in appendix R to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G, for R–290 in this end-use category. The requirements that R–290 must be used in new equipment only, and that new stand-alone units must include red markings at service ports, pipes, hoses, and other devices through which the refrigerant is serviced, are repeated in this proposed listing. The updated use conditions concern incorporating by reference the most recent U.S. national standard and updated labeling requirements consistent with that new standard. Stand-alone units using R–290 manufactured before the effective date of a final rule to this proposal would not be affected by the updated use conditions.
Warning labels are required under
EPA’s current regulations, and EPA is proposing to continue to require them, although with some specific language changes. The proposed warning labels are similar to those required currently as use conditions for the use of R–290 in stand-alone units. EPA finds that using
a common set of labels, similar to those from UL 60335–2–89, would aid in compliance and could reduce burden for the industry, especially for a manufacturer that uses more than one refrigerant. EPA is proposing that the labels must be provided in letters no less than 6.4 millimeter (
1⁄4inch) high
and must be permanent, which is identical to the current requirement for R–290 in stand-alone units.
EPA is proposing to incorporate by
reference a new industry standard in the use conditions, including use of the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89 instead of continuing to require the standard Supplement SB of the 10th edition of UL 471 for equipment manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal. UL 60335– 2–89 was developed in an open and consensus-based approach, with the assistance of experts in the refrigeration and AC industry as well as experts involved in assessing the safety of products. The revision cycle for the 2nd edition, including final recirculation, concluded with its publication on October 27, 2021. The 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89 replaces the previously published version of several standards, including UL 471, which had already been published as a 10th edition by that time. EPA was aware of the continuing progress of UL standards to address flammable refrigerants more appropriately. In SNAP Rule 23 (86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021), which listed a number of A2L refrigerants for use in the residential and light commercial AC and heat pumps (HPs) end-use, we stated, ‘‘EPA understands that the standard we relied on in [SNAP] Rule 19 might ‘sunset’ in the future. Therefore, we will continue to evaluate the market for the equipment addressed in that rule, including R–290 in stand- alone units, and whether to establish new or revised use conditions that reference UL 60335–2–89.’’ In this document, we are proposing such a change knowing that UL is replacing the standard to which such equipment is certified from UL 471 to the newer standard UL 60335–2–89 starting September 30, 2024.
To allow time for manufacturers of
stand-alone units to transition between the current use condition using the 10th edition of UL 471, and the new use condition using the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, EPA is proposing to allow R–290 to be used in stand-alone units manufactured either following UL 471 or UL 60335–2–89 during a transition period. We propose that transition
period would begin on the effective date of the final rule based on this proposal
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31ICF, 2023h. Op. cit. 32Ibid.
33The source of the ATEL is ASHRAE 34–2022,
as cited in ICF, 2023h. Op cit. and would last through September 29,
2024. It is EPA’s understanding that UL intends to sunset UL 471 on September 29, 2024, and EPA is proposing to coordinate with that sunset date. Beginning September 30, 2024, the use condition in effect would only allow R– 290 to be used in new stand-alone units that follow UL 60335–2–89. In addition, we are proposing that manufacturers would need to follow the set of use conditions that correspond with a specific UL standard (i.e., when using
UL 471, follow all use conditions in listing 4 and when using UL 60335–2– 89, follow all use conditions in listing 6 in the proposed revisions to appendix R).
Updating the UL standard
incorporated as a use condition will provide more consistency amongst the products within the retail food refrigeration end-use. This change will allow the industry to focus on the most recent standard. The change will be helpful in implementing any transitions needed or planned for manufacturers, installers, and technicians. A manufacturer, who may offer different products within this end-use with different refrigerants, could use similar processes, such as in developing and applying the warning labels required. Installers and technicians, likewise, would not need to reference different standards depending on the type of equipment and the particular flammable refrigerant being used in that equipment, when putting in a new piece of equipment or servicing that equipment.
Another proposed revision to the use
conditions is the limit on charge sizes. The current use conditions from SNAP Rule 17 require the charge sizes calculated consistent with UL 471, with a maximum charge of 150 g allowed. The proposed revised use conditions for equipment manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule would allow charge sizes calculated based on UL 60335–2–89, which allows charges of up to 500 g of R–290 for open stand- alone units, or 300 g for those with
doors and drawers.
Because of the differences between
UL 471 and UL 60335–2–89, EPA performed a new risk screen for R–290 as a refrigerant in retail food refrigeration equipment, including stand-alone units.
31In this risk screen,
EPA adjusted charge sizes to be consistent with the larger charge sizes of 300 g and 500 g allowed for R–290 under UL 60335–2–89. The risk screen also considered the impact of mitigation methods such as valves that would restrict the amount of refrigerant that
could be released. The updated risk screen found that concentrations of R– 290 still would not exceed the LFL when used according to the proposed use condition and consistent with UL
60335–2–89, and thus the proposed new use conditions would also address potential flammability risks of using R– 290.
32In addition, the risk screen
modeled the reasonable work case scenario of short-term exposure (15- minute TWA) due to a catastrophic release of the charge. Under this highly conservative scenario, the worst-case exposure of 5,770 ppm was still significantly lower than the Acute Toxicity Exposure Limit (ATEL) of 50,000 ppm.
33For further information,
see the risk screen in the docket for this rulemaking.
9. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
EPA is providing additional
information related to the proposed listing for R–290 in new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment and the proposed revised listing for R–290 in new stand-alone units. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute under the SNAP program. See section II.H.2 for further discussion on what additional information EPA is including in these proposed listings. EPA notes that the additional information is similar to, but not identical with, the addition information in the listing for R–290 in stand-alone units in SNAP Rule 17. EPA is proposing additional information consistent with that included in the other proposed listings for stand-alone units in this rule and consistent with that included in the listings for R–290 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in stand-alone units in Rule 17. While the items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the ‘‘Further Information’’ column in their use of these substitutes.
10. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of the proposed decision to list R–290 acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment as discussed in this section II.B. EPA also requests comments on the proposed change in use conditions for use of R– 290 in stand-alone units, and if and how such change would affect the safety of stand-alone units using R–290. The Agency requests comment on the time periods during which manufacturers are to follow UL 471, either UL 471 or UL 60335–3–89, or only UL 60335–2–89. EPA also requests comments on the proposed use conditions for use of R– 290 in new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, including the proposed requirements to comply with UL 60335–2–89. With respect to this standard, EPA is requesting comment on the risk mitigation offered by compliance with the current version of the standard proposed as use conditions, i.e., UL 60335–2–89, the
nature of updates proposed for this standard, and the expected timeline for those updates. EPA is requesting comment on the applicability of the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89 to refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, including which types of equipment, under which applications the standard applies, and whether the listing of R–290 should apply to refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment that has a remote compressor and is not self-contained.
C. Commercial Ice Machines—Proposed
Listing of HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, R– 454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Commercial Ice Machines
EPA is proposing to list HFC–32,
HFO–1234yf, and the refrigerant blends R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new commercial ice machines.
Several use conditions proposed for
commercial ice machines are common to those proposed for other end-uses. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. For commercial ice machines, those are the only use conditions EPA is proposing. In summary, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards.
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34Industry standards for this type of equipment,
e.g., UL 563 and UL 60335–2–89, use the terms ‘‘ice
maker’’ or ‘‘ice-maker’’ rather than commercial ice
machines. The terms may be used interchangeably and refer to the same equipment. 35EPA previously listed HFO–1234yf as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in motor
vehicle AC in light-duty vehicles (74 FR 53445, October 19, 2009), in heavy-duty pickup trucks and complete heavy-duty vans (81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016) and in nonroad vehicles and service fittings for small refrigerant cans (87 FR 26276, May 4, 2022). EPA previously listed R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, and R–457A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, as substitutes in residential and light commercial AC and HPs (86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021). EPA previously listed HFC–32 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in self-contained room air conditioners (80 FR 19453, April 10, 2015) and listed HFC–32 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in the remaining types of residential and light commercial air conditioning and heat pumps.
36ICF, 2023i. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: HFC–32.
37ICF, 2023j. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment);
Substitute: HFO–1234yf.
38ICF, 2023k. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454A (Opteon
39ICF, 2023l. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454B.
40ICF, 2023m. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454C (Opteon
41ICF, 2023n. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–455A (Solstice
42ICF, 2023o. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–457A (Forane
43ICF, 2023p. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–516A (Forane
®516A). If the regulatory text is finalized as
proposed, EPA would revise the existing
listing for R–290 in new self-contained commercial ice machines in appendix V to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. The proposed regulatory text contains listing decisions for the commercial ice machines end-use, as well as certain other previous listings that EPA is republishing for purposes of formatting for the Federal Register; EPA is not
proposing substantive changes to, and is not taking comment on, those earlier decisions (i.e., listings for R–290 in new
water coolers and in new very low temperature refrigeration equipment).
1. Background on Commercial Ice
Commercial ice machines are used in
commercial establishments (e.g., hotels,
restaurants, convenience stores) to produce ice for consumer use. Commercial ice machines
34are another
subset of commercial refrigeration and are considered a separate end-use within the SNAP program from retail food refrigeration due to differences in where such equipment is placed and the additional mechanical and electronic components required to make and dispense ice. Ice machines produce ice in various sizes and shapes, and with different retrieval mechanisms (e.g., dispensers or self-retrieval from bins). Many commercial ice machines are self- contained units, while some have the condenser separated from the portion of the machine making the ice and have refrigerated lines running between the two (also known as remote equipment). Commercial ice machines fall under the scope of UL 60335–2–89, ‘‘Household and Similar Electrical Appliances— Safety—Part 2–89: Requirements for Commercial Refrigerating Appliances and Ice-Makers with an Incorporated or Remote Refrigerant Unit or Motor- Compressor.’’
This proposal, if finalized, would list
HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, R–454A, R– 454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–
516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new commercial ice machines.
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications
for refrigerant flammability?
ASHRAE 34–2022 categorizes the
refrigerants proposed for commercial ice machines in this section as being in the A2L Safety Group. See section II.A.2 for further discussion on ASHRAE classifications of these refrigerants. 3. What are HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, R–
454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
See section II.A.3 for further
discussion on the environmental, flammability, toxicity, and exposure information for HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A.
HFC–32 is also known as R–32 or
difluoromethane (CAS Reg. No. 75–10– 5). R–454B, also known by the trade names ‘‘Opteon
TMXL 41’’ and ‘‘Puron
AdvanceTM,’’ is a blend consisting of
68.9 percent HFC–32 and 31.1 percent HFO–1234yf. Redacted submissions and supporting documentation for HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, and the refrigerant blends are provided in the docket for this proposed rule (EPA–HQ–OAR–2023– 0043) at EPA performed a risk screening assessment to examine the health and environmental risks of each of these substitutes. These risk screens are available in the docket for this proposed rule.
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Comparison to other substitutes in
this end-use: HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, and the refrigerant blends R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A all have an ODP of zero, comparable to or lower than some of the acceptable substitutes in new commercial ice machines, such as HFC–134a, R–410A, and R–513A, with ODPs of zero.
HFO–1234yf has a GWP of less than
four, comparable to that of R–290 and ammonia with GWPs of 3 and zero. R– 454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A have GWPs ranging from 140 to 470, higher than some of the acceptable substitutes for new commercial ice machines, including R– 290 and ammonia with GWPs of 3 and zero, respectively, and lower than those of other substitutes such as R–450A and R–513A, with GWPs of about 600 and 630. HFC–32 has a GWP of 675, higher than some of the acceptable substitutes including R–290, R–450A, and R–513A; however, the GWP of HFC–32 is lower than those of R–410A and R–404A, with GWPs of approximately 2,090 to 3,920, which are refrigerants that have typically been employed in such systems. Our initial evaluation is that the characteristics of HFC–32 meet the technical needs of larger commercial ice machines, providing larger charge sizes, greater capacity and no glide, allowing for even formation of ice, while lower- GWP alternatives do not. For instance, R–513A and R–450A have lower capacity than HFC–32, and R–290 is restricted to smaller charge sizes (see section II.D for further information). Remote appliances using A2L refrigerants, including remote condensers, may be either self- contained or field erected and may be factory or field charged.
Information regarding the toxicity of
other available alternatives is provided in the previous listing decisions for new commercial ice machines ( Toxicity risks of use, determined by the likelihood of exceeding the exposure limit of HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, and the refrigerant blends in these end-uses are evaluated in the risk screens referenced previously. The toxicity risks of using HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, and the refrigerant blends in new commercial ice machines are comparable to or lower than toxicity risks of other available substitutes in the same end-use. Toxicity risks of the proposed
refrigerants can be mitigated by use consistent with UL 60335–2–89, ASHRAE 15–2022, and other industry standards; recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS; and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry.
The flammability risks of HFC–32,
HFO–1234yf, and the refrigerant blends R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–
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457A, and R–516A in the new
commercial ice machine end-use, determined by the likelihood of exceeding their respective lower flammability limits, are evaluated in the risk screens referenced previously in this section. While these refrigerants may pose greater flammability risk than other available, non-flammable substitutes in the new commercial ice machines end-use, this risk can be mitigated by use consistent with ASHRAE 15–2022 and UL 60335–2–89, required by our proposed use conditions, as well as recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry. EPA is proposing use conditions to reduce the potential risk associated with the flammability of these alternatives so that they will not pose significantly greater risk than other acceptable substitutes in the new commercial ice machines end- use.
In addition, the proposed substitutes
have lower GWPs than most other available alternatives for new commercial ice machines. The proposed refrigerants provide additional lower- GWP options for situations where other refrigerants with lower GWPs are not viable, such as for use of HCs in systems with remote compressors or equipment requiring larger charge sizes, where equipment using CO
2may not be able to
meet energy conservation standards from the DOE, or where a refrigerant must have minimal glide to ensure consistent freezing while manufacturing ice. Given the wide range of applications and exacting performance requirements for commercial ice machines, not all refrigerants listed as acceptable under SNAP will be suitable for the range of equipment in new commercial ice machines. To provide additional options to ensure the availability of substitutes with lower GWP for the full range of new commercial ice machines and, therefore, lower overall risk to human health and the environment, EPA is proposing the listings for HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, and
the refrigerant blends R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new commercial ice machines.
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific
use conditions?
EPA is proposing to list HFC–32,
HFO–1234yf, and the refrigerant blends R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new commercial ice machines. The use conditions identified in these proposed listings are explained in section II.H.1 in
greater detail.
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
EPA is providing additional
information related to these proposed listings. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute under the SNAP program. See section II.H.2 for further discussion on what additional information EPA is including in these proposed listings. While the items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the ‘‘Further Information’’ column in their use of these substitutes.
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of the proposed decision to list HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, and R–454A, R–
454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R– 516A acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new commercial ice machines as discussed in this section II.C. EPA seeks comment on the risk mitigation offered by the proposed use conditions, including requiring compliance with UL 60335–2–89, except to the extent the proposed rule conflicts with the UL Standard, in which case we propose that the use conditions specified in the rule would apply. We also request comment on whether EPA should consider other use conditions to further mitigate potential risk from the proposed refrigerants in this end-use. EPA requests comment on whether commercial ice machines have been designed for or manufactured with the refrigerants proposed and any information on the safety of such equipment in other countries, and if and how such experience would translate to safe use in the United States.
D. Commercial Ice Machines—Proposed
Revision of Use Conditions in the Previous Listing of R–290 as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Self-Contained Commercial Ice Machines
EPA is proposing to revise use
conditions in the previous listing of R– 290 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new self- contained commercial ice machines. More specifically, EPA previously listed R–290 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new self-contained commercial ice machines in SNAP Rule 21 (81 FR 86779, December 1, 2016). In this document, we are proposing to update those use conditions to be
consistent with the most recent U.S. national standard for commercial refrigeration equipment, including commercial ice machines, the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. Similar use conditions would apply to other refrigerants with lower flammability as proposed in this SNAP action in section II.C above. The proposed revised use conditions would be allowed for such equipment manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule and would not apply to nor affect equipment manufactured before the effective date of any final action and manufactured in compliance with the SNAP requirements applicable at the time of manufacture.
This proposed revision to the use
conditions would incorporate by reference a different industry standard, changing the reference from Supplement SA to the 8th edition, dated July 31, 2009, of the standard UL 563, ‘‘Ice Makers’’ to the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. EPA is proposing a transition period during which self- contained commercial ice machines manufactured with R–290 may follow either the earlier standard UL 563 or UL 60335–2–89. After the transition period ends, self-contained commercial ice machines manufactured with R–290 would need to follow UL 60335–2–89 for purposes of the SNAP program.
Several use conditions proposed for
this end-use are similar to those proposed for other end-uses. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. In summary, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of the refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards. The regulatory text of the proposed decisions appears in tables at the end of this document.
If the regulatory text is finalized as
proposed, EPA would revise the existing
listing for R–290 in new self-contained commercial ice machines in appendix V to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. The proposed regulatory text contains listing decisions for new self-contained commercial ice machines in appendix V, as well as certain other previous listings that EPA is republishing for purposes of formatting for the Federal
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44ICF, 2023q. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment);
Substitute: (R–290). Register; EPA is not proposing
substantive changes to, and is not taking
comment on, those earlier decisions (i.e., listings for R–290 in new water
coolers and in new very low temperature refrigeration equipment).
1. Background on commercial ice
See section II.C.1 for background on
this end-use.
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications
for refrigerant flammability?
ASHRAE 34–2022 categorizes R–290
as being in the A3 Safety Group. See section II.A.2 for further discussion on ASHRAE classifications.
3. What is R–290 and were is there
information on its use in this end-use?
See section II.B.3 for further
discussion on the identity, environmental, flammability, toxicity, and exposure information for R–290.
Redacted submissions and supporting
documentation for R–290 are provided in the docket for this proposed rule (EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0043) at EPA performed a
risk screening assessment to examine the health and environmental risks of this substitute in self-contained commercial ice machines. The risk screen is available in the docket for this proposed rule.
4. What use conditions currently apply to this refrigerant in this end-use?
EPA previously listed R–290
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new self-contained commercial ice machines in SNAP Rule 21 (81 FR 86779, December 1, 2016). Those requirements are codified in appendix V to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. EPA provided information on the environmental and health risks of R–290 and the various substitutes available at that time for use in this end-use. Additionally, EPA’s previous risk screen for this refrigerant, based on the use conditions in that rule, is available in the docket for that previous rulemaking (EPA–HQ–OAR–2015–0663).
R–290 has an ASHRAE classification
of A3, indicating that it has low toxicity and higher flammability. In the presence of an ignition source (e.g., static
electricity, a spark resulting from a closing door, or a cigarette), an explosion or a fire could occur if the concentration of R–290 were to exceed the LFL of 21,000 ppm (2.1 percent) by volume. The use conditions established in the
2016 listing for R–290 in new self-
contained commercial ice machines addressed safe use of this flammable refrigerant and included the following: incorporation by reference of Supplement SA to the 8th edition (July 31, 2009, including revisions through November 29, 2013) of the standard UL 563, ‘‘Ice Makers’’; refrigerant charge size limits based on cooling capacity and type of equipment; and requirements for markings and warning labels on equipment using the refrigerant to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards. Our assessment and listing decisions in SNAP Rule 21 (81 FR 86779, December 1, 2016) found that with the use conditions, the overall risk of this substitute, including the risk due to flammability, was not significantly greater risk in this end-use than other substitutes that are currently or potentially available for that same end- use.
5. What updates to the existing use
conditions for commercial ice machines is EPA proposing?
EPA is proposing to update the use
conditions that apply to R–290 in new self-contained commercial ice machines manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal. Several of the updated use conditions proposed for use of R–290 in self-contained commercial ice machines are common to those proposed for the stand-alone units end-use in section II.B, and other are common to all five end-uses in this proposed rule. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. For R–290 in self-contained commercial ice machines, these are the only revised use conditions EPA is proposing. In summary, with the updates proposed to the use conditions for new self- contained commercial ice machines, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of the refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that
refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards.
If finalized as proposed, the use
conditions in this action would apply to new self-contained commercial ice machines manufactured on or after the effective date of the final rule. Any final rule would not apply to nor affect equipment manufactured before the effective date of this action and manufactured in compliance with the SNAP use conditions applicable at the time of manufacture as stipulated in SNAP Rule 21 and appendix V to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. EPA views equipment to be manufactured at the date upon which the appliance’s refrigerant circuit is complete, the appliance can function, the appliance holds a full refrigerant charge, and the appliance is ready for use for its intended purposes. For new self- contained commercial ice machines, this occurs at the factory. If this rule is finalized as proposed, new self- contained commercial ice machines manufactured between January 3, 2017, and the effective date of the final rule based on this proposal would be required to meet the use conditions in SNAP Rule 21 (which took effect January 3, 2017) and as listed in appendix V to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G (in listing 1), including the use condition incorporating by reference Supplement SA to the 8th edition of UL 563. Such products would be permitted to be warehoused and sold through normal channels, even if they are sold or installed after the effective date of any final rule based on this proposed rule. Self-contained ice machines using R–290 manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal through September 29, 2024, would be required to meet the use conditions so finalized and listed in the revisions to appendix V. Those use conditions would allow manufacturers of new self-contained commercial ice machines using R–290 to follow either UL 563 or UL 60335–2–89 from the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal and would last through September 29, 2024. On and after September 30, 2024, the use condition for use of R–290 in equipment that meets UL 60335–2–89 only would apply under SNAP.
EPA is proposing use conditions
allowing new self-contained commercial ice machines to be manufactured consistent with Supplement SA of UL 563, up to and including September 29, 2024, which is the date when UL is sunsetting UL 563. Therefore, during the time between the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal and September 29, 2024, manufacturers would be allowed to follow either UL 563, 8th Edition or UL 60335–2–89, 2nd Edition. EPA is proposing allowing manufacturers to adhere to either
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standard for this limited time because
the Agency recognizes that manufacturers may need time to make necessary changes including to their product labels. The period during which manufacturers may follow either standard should provide sufficient time for manufacturers to transition from UL 563 to UL 60335–2–89. EPA proposes that, beginning September 30, 2024, R– 290 may only be used in new self- contained commercial ice machines that meet all requirements in UL 60335–2– 89 for the purposes of the SNAP program. See section II.H.1 for further discussion on the requirements of this standard that EPA is proposing to incorporate by reference.
In addition, we are proposing that
manufacturers would need to follow the set of use conditions that correspond with a specific UL standard (i.e., when
using UL 563, follow all existing use conditions in listing 1 and when using UL 60335–2–89, follow all use conditions in listing 3 in the proposed revisions to appendix V). After the transition period ends, stand-alone units manufactured with R–290 would need to follow UL 60335–2–89 for purposes of the SNAP program.
EPA also notes that we are not
proposing to change two use conditions that currently apply, nor are we taking comment on those other use conditions. The use conditions that restrict the use of R–290 to new equipment specifically designed for this refrigerant, and that require red-colored markings at service
ports, pipes, hoses, and other devices through which the refrigerant is serviced, are current use conditions for R–290 in new self-contained commercial ice machines.
If the regulatory text is finalized as
proposed, EPA would amend to add use conditions that apply to R–290 in new self-contained commercial ice machines manufactured on or after the effective date of the final rule. Equipment manufactured before the effective date of the final rule would not be affected by this action and would hence be subject to the current use conditions included in appendix V.
6. How do the proposed use conditions
for commercial ice machines differ from the existing ones and why is EPA proposing to change the use conditions?
The updated use conditions EPA is
proposing are similar to the ones that exist today in appendix V to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G, for R–290 in this end-use. The proposed requirements that R–290 must be used in new equipment only and that new self- contained commercial ice machines must include red markings at service ports, pipes, hoses, and other devices
through which the refrigerant is serviced, are repeated in this proposed listing. The revised use conditions concern incorporating by reference the most recent U.S. national standard for commercial ice machines and labeling requirements consistent with that new standard. Self-contained commercial ice machines using R–290 manufactured before the effective date of a final rule based on this proposal would not be affected by the revised use conditions.
Warning labels are required under
EPA’s current regulations, and EPA is proposing to continue to require them, although with some specific language changes. EPA is proposing warning labels that are identical to those required as use conditions for the use of R–290 in self-contained commercial ice machines. EPA finds that using a common set of labels, similar to those from UL 60335–2–89, would aid in compliance and could reduce burden for the industry, especially for a manufacturer that uses more than one refrigerant. EPA is proposing that the labels must be provided in letters no less than 6.4 millimeter (
1⁄4inch) high
and must be permanent, which is identical to the current requirement for R–290 in self-contained commercial ice machines.
EPA is proposing to update the
standard incorporated by reference in the use conditions, and after a transition period, replacing the requirement to follow Supplement SA of the 8th edition of UL 563 with the proposed requirement to adhere to the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. UL 60335–2–89 was developed in an open and consensus- based approach, with the assistance of experts in the refrigeration and AC industry as well as experts involved in assessing the safety of products. The revision cycle for the 2nd edition, including final recirculation, concluded with its publication on October 27, 2021. The 2021 standard UL 60335–2– 89 replaces the previously published version of several standards, including UL 563, which had already been revised into an 8th edition by that time. EPA was aware of the continuing progress of UL Standards to address flammable refrigerants more appropriately. In this document, we are proposing such a
change knowing that UL is replacing the standard to which such equipment is certified from UL 563 to the newer UL 60335–2–89 as of September 30, 2024.
To allow time for manufacturers of
self-contained commercial ice machines to transition between the current use condition using the 8th edition of UL 563, and the new use condition using the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, EPA is proposing to allow R–290 to be used in self-contained commercial ice machines manufactured either following UL 563 or UL 60335–2–89 during a transition period. We propose that transition period would begin on the effective date of any final rule based on this proposal and would last through September 29, 2024. It is EPA’s understanding that UL intends to sunset UL 563 on September 29, 2024, and EPA is proposing to coordinate with that sunset date. Beginning September 30, 2024, the use condition in effect would only allow R–290 to be used in new self- contained commercial ice machines that follow UL 60335–2–89. In addition, we are proposing that manufacturers would need to follow the set of use conditions that correspond with a specific UL standard (i.e., when using UL 563,
follow all use conditions in listing 1 and when using UL 60335–2–89, follow all use conditions in listing 3 in the proposed revisions to appendix V).
Incorporating UL 60335–2–89 by
reference in a use condition would allow the industry to manufacture and test refrigeration equipment following the most recent standard, which provides additional flexibility and safeguards when using flammable refrigerants. The transition period when equipment may follow either UL standard would be helpful in implementing any transitions needed or planned for manufacturers, installers, and technicians. A manufacturer, who may offer different products within this end-use with different refrigerants, could use similar processes, such as in developing and applying the warning labels required.
Another proposed revision to the use
conditions is the limit on charge sizes. The current use conditions from SNAP Rule 21 require the charge sizes from UL 563 calculated consistent with UL 563, with a maximum charge size of 150 g allowed. The proposed revised use conditions for equipment manufactured on or after the effective date of any final rule would allow charge sizes calculated based on UL 60335–2–89, which would allow charge sizes of R–290 up to approximately 500 g for open equipment, 300 g for equipment with doors or drawers, or 115 g for equipment near a pathway for egress. These changes would allow the use of R–290 in larger equipment than previously and would provide more options for industry, while maintaining safety.
Because of the differences between
UL 563 and UL 60335–2–89, EPA performed a new risk screen for R–290 as a refrigerant in commercial ice
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45ICF, 2023q. Op. cit.
47Ibid. machines.45In this risk screen, EPA
adjusted charge sizes to be consistent
with the larger charge sizes allowed for R–290 under UL 60335–2–89. The risk screen also considered the impact of mitigation methods such as valves that would restrict the amount of refrigerant that could be released. The updated risk screen found that concentrations of R– 290 still would not exceed the LFL when used according to the proposed use condition and consistent with UL 60335–2–89, and thus the proposed new use conditions would also address potential flammability risks of using R– 290.
46In addition, the risk screen
modeled the reasonable worst-case
scenario of short-term exposure (15- minute TWA) due to a catastrophic release of the charge. Under this highly conservative scenario, the worst-case exposure was still significantly lower than the ATEL of 50,000 ppm.
further information, see the risk screen in the docket for this rulemaking.
7. What additional information is EPA
including in this proposed listing?
EPA is providing additional
information related to this proposed listing. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute under the SNAP program. See section II.H.2 for further discussion on what additional information EPA is including in these proposed listings. EPA notes that the additional information is similar to, but not identical with, the addition information in the listing for R–290 in self-contained commercial ice machines in SNAP Rule 21. EPA is proposing additional information consistent with that included in the other proposed listings for stand-alone units in this rule and consistent with that included in the listings for R–290 as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in self-contained commercial ice machines in Rule 21. While the items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the ‘‘Further Information’’ column in their use of these substitutes.
8. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of the proposed updates to the use conditions as discussed in this section II.D. EPA requests comments on the proposed change in use conditions and if and how such change would affect the safety of self-contained
commercial ice machines using R–290. EPA is requesting comment on the risk mitigation offered by compliance with the current version of the standard proposed as use conditions, i.e., UL
60335–2–89, the nature of updates proposed for this standard, and the expected timeline for those updates. The Agency also requests comment on allowing a transition period where either of two sets of use conditions, including either UL 563 or UL 60335– 2–89, may be followed and on the specific dates for the transition period. EPA is requesting comment on the applicability of the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89 to new self-contained commercial ice machines, including which types of equipment, under which applications the standard applies, and whether the listing of R–290 should apply to commercial ice machines that have a remote compressor and are not self-contained.
E. Industrial Process Refrigeration—
Proposed Listing of HFC–32, HFO– 1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R– 516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Industrial Process Refrigeration
EPA is proposing to list HFC–32,
HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), and the refrigerant blends R–454A, R–454B, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new industrial process refrigeration.
Most of the use conditions proposed
for the proposed A2L refrigerants when
used in IPR are the same as those proposed for other end-uses. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. In summary, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards.
The following use condition also
applies for R–32 and R–454B in industrial process refrigeration: these substitutes may only be used in chillers for IPR.
The following use condition also
applies for R–454A in IPR: this substitute may only be used either in chillers for IPR, in equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds, or in the high temperature side of a cascade system.
The regulatory text of the proposed
decisions appears in tables at the end of this document. If finalized as proposed, this text would be codified in appendix Y to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. The proposed regulatory text contains listing decisions for the end-use discussed above. EPA notes that there may be other legal obligations pertaining to the manufacture, use, handling, and disposal of the proposed refrigerants that are not included in the information listed in the tables (e.g., the CAA section
608(c)(2) venting prohibition, or DOT requirements for transport of flammable gases). Flammable refrigerants being recovered or otherwise disposed of from IPR equipment are likely to be hazardous waste under RCRA (see 40 CFR parts 260 through 270).
1. Background on Industrial Process
IPR systems cool process streams in
industrial applications, for example, machining of metal products, fermentation of beer, or operation of hydraulic circuits. The choice of substitute for specific applications depends on ambient and required operating temperatures and pressures. It is EPA’s understanding that this type of equipment generally falls under the scope of UL 60335–2–89, ‘‘Requirements for Commercial Refrigerating Appliances and Ice-Makers with an Incorporated or Remote Refrigerant Unit or Motor-Compressor.’’ In contrast, industrial process air conditioning primarily cools people, may also cool processes, and follows a different UL standard. In addition, sometimes chillers are used primarily to cool process streams, rather than for comfort cooling. EPA describes this application as ‘‘chillers in IPR.’’
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications
for refrigerant flammability?
ASHRAE 34–2022 categorizes the
refrigerants proposed for IPR in this section as being in the A2L Safety Group. See section II.A.2 for further discussion on ASHRAE classifications.
3. What are HFC–32, HFO–1234yf,
HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454B, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
See section II.A.3 for further
discussion on the environmental, flammability, toxicity, and exposure information for these refrigerants.
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48ICF, 2023r. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration (New Equipment);
Substitute: HFC–32 (Difluoromethane).
49ICF, 2023s. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: HFO–1234yf.
50ICF, 2023t. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: HFO–1234ze(E) (Solstice
ze, Solstice®1234ze).
51ICF, 2023u. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration and Cold Storage Warehouses (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454A
52ICF, 2023v. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454B (Opteon
53ICF, 2023w. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454C (Opteon
54ICF, 2023x. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: R–455A (Solstice
55ICF, 2023y. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: R–457A.
56ICF, 2023z. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: R–516A.
57WMO, 2018. The redacted submission and
supporting documentation for HFC–32,
HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), blends R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A is provided in the docket for this proposed rule (EPA–HQ– OAR–2023–0043) at EPA performed
risk screening assessments to examine the health and environmental risks of these substitutes. These risk screens are available in the docket for this proposed rule.
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Comparison to other substitutes in
this end-use: HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), and blends R–454A, R– 454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R– 516A all have an ODP of zero, comparable to or lower than some of the acceptable substitutes in new IPR equipment, such as HFC–134a, R–410A, and R–513A with ODPs of zero and hydrochlorofluoroolefin (HCFO)– 1233zd(E) with an ODP less than 0.0004.
HFO–1234yf and HFO–1234ze(E)
have GWPs less than four and less than six, respectively, comparable to that of R–290 and ammonia with GWPs of 3 and zero. R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A have GWPs ranging from 140 to 470, higher than some of the acceptable substitutes for new IPR equipment, including R–290 and ammonia, and lower than those of other substitutes such as R–450A and R–513A with GWPs of about 600 and 630. HFC–32 has a GWP of 675, which is higher than some of the acceptable substitutes including R–290, R–450A, and R–513A; however, the GWP of HFC–32 is lower than those of R–410A and R–404A, with GWPs of approximately 2,090 to 3,920, which are refrigerant that have typically been employed in chillers for IPR.
Information regarding the toxicity of
other available alternatives is provided in the previous listing decisions for new IPR ( substitutes-industrial-process- refrigeration). Toxicity risks of use, determined by the likelihood of exceeding the exposure limits of HFC– 32, HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R– 454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A in this end-use, is evaluated in the risk screens referenced above. The toxicity risks of using HFO– 1234yf and the refrigerant blends in IPR, and of using all nine refrigerants in chillers for IPR, are comparable to or lower than toxicity risks of other available substitutes in the same end- use. Toxicity risks of the proposed refrigerants can be mitigated by use consistent with ASHRAE 15–2022 and other industry standards, recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS, and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry.
The flammability risks with HFC–32,
HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A in the IPR end-use, determined by the likelihood of exceeding their respective lower flammability limits, are evaluated in the risk screens referenced in this section above. While these refrigerants may pose greater flammability risk than available substitutes in the new IPR end-use that are non-flammable, this risk can be mitigated by use consistent with ASHRAE 15–2022 and UL 60335–2–89, required by our proposed use conditions, as well as recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry. We also note that other acceptable refrigerants in the IPR end-use have higher flammability and are classified in the A3 Safety Group, such as R–290, butane (R–600), and propylene (R–1270). EPA is proposing use conditions to reduce
the potential risk associated with the flammability of the proposed alternatives so that they will not pose significantly greater risk than other acceptable substitutes in the new IPR end-use.
In addition, the proposed substitutes
have lower GWPs than most other available alternatives for the same uses. The proposed refrigerants may provide additional lower-GWP options for situations where other refrigerants with lower GWPs are not viable, such as situations where sparks or flame might occur such that HCs are not suitable for use, or for systems with remote compressors or equipment requiring larger charge sizes, where refrigerant leaks are more likely to create greater flammability risk. Given the wide range of applications for IPR, not all refrigerants listed as acceptable under SNAP will be suitable for the range of equipment in the IPR end-use. To provide additional options to ensure the availability of substitutes for the full range of IPR equipment with lower GWP and, therefore, lower overall risk to human health and the environment, EPA is proposing the listings for HFO– 1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in IPR.
EPA is also proposing to list the
refrigerants HFC–32 and R–454B with a use condition restricting their use to chillers in IPR. These refrigerants have higher GWPs than the other refrigerants EPA is proposing to list as acceptable, subject to use conditions; lower GWPs than many currently listed acceptable substitutes for IPR that are commonly in use; and lower flammability than HC refrigerants currently listed as acceptable in IPR. The Agency expects that these refrigerants may provide additional, lower-GWP options for chillers for IPR, where greater volumetric capacity and higher operating pressures may be required to operate properly than for other types of IPR equipment (e.g., direct expansion
systems), to address applications where other substitutes with lower GWPs may not be technically feasible.
EPA is also proposing to list the
refrigerant R–454A with a use condition that this substitute may only be used either in chillers for IPR, in equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds, or in the high temperature side of a cascade system. This refrigerant may provide additional, lower-GWP options for chillers for IPR, where greater volumetric capacity and higher operating pressures may be required to operate properly than for other types of IPR equipment. R–454A may also address the additional challenges for finding lower GWP refrigerants with higher capacity for ice skating rinks with moderate charge sizes and for cascade systems, EPA is proposing to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new ice skating rinks with a charge size capacity less than 200 pounds or for use
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in the high-temperature side of a
cascade system.
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific
use conditions?
The use conditions identified in the
proposed listings above for all nine refrigerants are explained in section II.H.1 in greater detail.
EPA is proposing the use condition
for HFC–32 and R–454B restricting their use to chillers for IPR because these substitutes have higher GWPs than many of the available substitutes in IPR (e.g., HCs, HFOs); however, because
chillers may require greater volumetric capacity than other types of IPR equipment (e.g., DX systems), EPA is
proposing to list these two additional refrigerants to provide additional options and to address a broader range of equipment and applications. EPA also is proposing a use condition for R– 454A that would allow its use in chillers for IPR, as well as other certain other applications, as described below in this section. In addition, the Agency previously listed HFC–32, R–454A, and R–454B as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in centrifugal and positive displacement chillers for comfort cooling in SNAP Rule 25. EPA is proposing to list the same refrigerants the same way for the same type of equipment (chillers) because of similar technical issues, such as volumetric capacity and operating pressure, which restrict the technical viability of alternatives for some applications.
EPA is proposing to list R–454A as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in IPR with a use condition that this substitute may only be used in chillers for IPR, in equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds or in the high-temperature side of a cascade system. EPA is proposing to allow use of R–454A for use in chillers for IPR for the same reasons as above for HFC–32 and R–454B. The Agency is
also proposing this use condition to allow use of R–454A less broadly than for the refrigerants HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A because its GWP is higher than those other proposed listings for non-chiller IPR equipment (that has a GWP of about 240, compared to less than four to 150). EPA’s understanding is that, in addition to the technical constraints for refrigerant in chillers, there are two more situations where use of refrigerants is likely to be more constrained, and thus, additional refrigerant options may be helpful. The first of those situations is in what industry standard ASHRAE 15–2022 identifies as a refrigerating system having a ‘‘high probability’’ that leaked refrigerant from a failed connection, seal, or component could enter an occupied area. An example of such a constraint is that ASHRAE 15–2022 and UL 60335–2–89 effectively set charge limits for A2L refrigerants to less than 200 pounds for applications inside an occupied space where people might be located. In contrast, larger charge sizes could be used in ‘‘low-probability’’ locations where the general public is unlikely to come in contact with the refrigerant, such as systems used outdoors or in a machinery room with access restricted to facility employees. Where the general public is unlikely to come into contact with any leaked refrigerant, such as where charge sizes of 200 pounds or more of A2L refrigerant would be allowed under the use conditions incorporating UL 60335– 2–89 and ASHRAE 15–2022, there would be fewer space constraints and greater flexibility in equipment design, so refrigeration system designers can accommodate a narrower set of substitutes. Conversely, where people are more likely to come into contact with any leaked refrigerant in an interior space, refrigerant charge capacities of a system would be less than 200 pounds; there would be more space constraints, less flexibility in equipment design, and potentially stricter code requirements, leading to a need for more refrigerant options. Allowing the additional option of R– 424A for non-chiller IPR equipment with smaller refrigerant charges would enable the use of a wider set of available substitutes to manage safety (in particular, flammability and toxicity), as well as allowing more options to achieve adequate performance where there may be more constraints. Therefore, EPA is proposing to list R– 454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, only for non-chiller IPR equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds.
EPA is also proposing to list R–454A
as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in the high temperature side of cascade systems used for non-chiller IPR equipment. As discussed above in section II.A.1, ‘‘Background on retail food refrigeration,’’ each system of a cascade system uses a different refrigerant that is most suitable for the given temperature range. Higher temperature systems, or the ‘‘high temperature side,’’ have typically used HFCs as a refrigerant; however, it is technologically achievable and has become more common to use ammonia in the high temperature side. For lower temperature systems, or the ‘‘low temperature side’’ of the cascade system, low boiling refrigerants such as
R–744 can be used. Considerations for the choice of refrigerant on the high or low temperature side of cascade systems are influenced by many factors including, but not limited to, a refrigerant’s toxicity and flammability, its temperature glide, and its suitability to lower temperature applications. EPA understands that use of flammable or toxic refrigerants, such as ammonia, on the high temperature side of a cascade may be limited in certain circumstances (e.g., based on building codes and/or
standards). EPA notes that there are a number of substitutes available for the low temperature side of the cascade system with GWPs lower than that of R– 454A. Therefore, instead of proposing to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to narrowed use limits and subject to use conditions, EPA is proposing to list R– 454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, when it is used in the high temperature side of cascade systems; this would expand the refrigerant options that can comply with local building codes and industry safety standards while meeting the more challenging application of the high temperature side of a cascade system.
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
EPA is providing additional
information related to these proposed listings. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute under the SNAP program. See section II.H.2 for further discussion on what additional information EPA is including in these proposed listings. While the
items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the ‘‘Further Information’’ column in their use of these substitutes.
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of the proposed decision to list HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), and the refrigerant blends R–454A, R– 454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R– 516A acceptable, subject to use conditions, in IPR as discussed in this section II.E. EPA seeks comment on the risk mitigation offered by the proposed use conditions, including requiring compliance with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, except to the extent the proposed rule conflicts with the UL standard, in which case we propose that the conditions specified in the rule would apply. We also request comment
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58EPA previously listed HFO–1234yf as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in motor
vehicle AC in light-duty vehicles (74 FR 53445, October 19, 2009), in heavy-duty pickup trucks and complete heavy-duty vans (81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016) and in nonroad vehicles and service fittings for small refrigerant cans (87 FR 26276, May 4, 2022). EPA previously listed R–454A, R–454C, and R–457A as acceptable subject to use conditions as substitutes in residential and light commercial AC and HPs (86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021).
59ICF, 2023s. Op. cit.
60ICF, 2023t. Op. cit.
61ICF, 2023u. Op. cit.
62ICF, 2023w. Op. cit.
63ICF, 2023x. Op. cit.
64ICF, 2023y. Op. cit.
65ICF, 2023z. Op. cit. on whether other use conditions would
offer needed risk mitigation for the flammable refrigerants proposed. EPA requests comment on whether types of IPR equipment have been designed for the refrigerants proposed; any information on the safety of such equipment in other countries; and if and how such experience would translate to safe use in the United States. The Agency requests comment on whether HFC–32, R–454A, and R–454B should be listed as acceptable for chillers in IPR given their higher GWP than some other alternatives listed as acceptable, if they should not be listed in IPR at all, or if they should be listed as acceptable for all types of IPR equipment, and if so, why. Depending on public comments and information received, EPA may revise the substitutes listed with a use condition for use only in chillers for IPR or may not finalize some of the proposed listings.
F. Cold Storage Warehouses—Proposed
Listing of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A and R–516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Cold Storage Warehouses
EPA is proposing to list HFO–1234yf,
HFO–1234ze(E), and the refrigerant blends R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new cold storage warehouses.
Several use conditions proposed for
cold storage warehouses are common to those proposed for the other end-uses in this rule. Because of this similarity, EPA
discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five end-uses in section II.H. In summary, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards.
The following proposed use condition
would also apply to R–454A in cold storage warehouses: this substitute may only be used either in equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds or in the high temperature side of a cascade system.
The regulatory text of the proposed
decisions appears in tables at the end of this document. If finalized as proposed, this text would be codified in appendix Y to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. The proposed regulatory text contains listing decisions for the end-use discussed above. EPA notes that there may be other legal obligations pertaining to the manufacture, use, handling, and disposal of the proposed refrigerants that are not included in the information listed in the tables (e.g., the CAA section
608(c)(2) venting prohibition, or Department of Transportation requirements for transport of flammable gases). Flammable refrigerants being recovered or otherwise disposed of from cold storage warehouses are likely to be hazardous waste under RCRA (see 40 CFR parts 260 through 270).
1. Background on Cold Storage
Cold storage warehouses, an end-use
within the SNAP program, are refrigerated warehousing and are used to preserve meat, produce, dairy products, and other perishable goods prior to their distribution and sale.
Refrigerant choices depend on the
refrigerant charge, ambient temperatures and the temperature required, system performance, energy efficiency, and health, safety and environmental considerations, among other things. The majority of cold storage warehouses in the United States use ammonia as the refrigerant in a vapor compression cycle, although some rely on other refrigerants. In addition to regulations pursuant to the SNAP program, other federal or local regulations may also affect refrigerant choice. For instance, regulations from OSHA may restrict or place requirements on the use of some refrigerants, such as ammonia (R–717). Building codes from local and state agencies may also incorporate limits on the charge size of particular refrigerants. EPA understands that this type of equipment falls under the scope of UL 60335–2–89, ‘‘Household and Similar Electrical Appliances—Safety—Part 2– 89: Requirements for Commercial Refrigerating Appliances and Ice-Makers with an Incorporated or Remote Refrigerant Unit or Motor-Compressor.’’
EPA is proposing to list HFO–1234yf,
HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new cold storage warehouses.
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications
for refrigerant flammability?
ASHRAE 34–2022 categorizes the
refrigerants proposed for cold storage warehouses in this section as being in the A2L Safety Group. See section II.A.2 for further discussion on ASHRAE classifications of these refrigerants. 3. What are HFO–1234yf, HFO–
1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end-use?
See section II.A.3 for further
discussion on the environmental,
flammability, toxicity, and exposure information for HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A.
Redacted submissions and supporting
documentation for HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), and the refrigerant blends are provided in the docket for this proposed rule (EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0043) at EPA
performed risk screening assessments to examine the health and environmental risks of each of these substitutes. These risk screens are available in the docket for this proposed rule.
59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Comparison to other substitutes in
this end-use: HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), and R–454A, R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A all have an ODP of zero, comparable to or lower than some of the acceptable substitutes in this end-use, such as ammonia with an ODP of zero and HCFO–1233zd(E) with an ODP less than 0.0004.
HFO–1234yf and HFO–1234ze(E)
have GWPs less than four and less than six, respectively, comparable to that of (HCFO)–1233zd(E), CO
2, and ammonia
with GWPs of 3.7, one, and zero respectively. R–454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A have GWPs ranging from 140 to 270, higher than some of the acceptable substitutes for new cold storage warehouses, including HCFO–1233zd(E), CO
2, and ammonia
with GWPs of 3.7, one, and zero, respectively, and lower than those of other acceptable substitutes such as R– 450A, R–513A, and R–407F with GWPs of about 600, 630, and 1,820, respectively.
Information regarding the toxicity of
other available alternatives is provided in the listing decisions previously made (see
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Toxicity risks of use, determined by the likelihood of exceeding the exposure limit of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), and the refrigerant blends in these end- uses, are evaluated in the risk screens referenced above. The toxicity risks of using HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), and the refrigerant blends in commercial refrigeration are comparable to or lower than toxicity risks of other available substitutes in the same end-use. Toxicity risks of the proposed refrigerants can be minimized by use consistent with ASHRAE 15–2022 and other industry standards, recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS, and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry.
The flammability risks with HFO–
1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A, R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A in this end-use, determined by the likelihood of exceeding their respective lower flammability limits, are evaluated in the risk screens referenced above. In conclusion, while these refrigerants may pose greater flammability risk than other available, non-flammable substitutes in the same end-use, this risk can be minimized by use consistent with ASHRAE 15–2022 and other industry standards such as UL 60335–2–89— which is required by our proposed use conditions—as well as recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry. EPA is proposing use conditions to reduce the potential risk associated with the flammability of these alternatives so that they will not pose significantly greater risk than other acceptable substitutes in this end-use.
The proposed refrigerants provide
additional lower-GWP options for situations where other refrigerants with lower GWPs are not viable, such as for use of ammonia in systems with remote compressors or in locations where local regulations restrict its use, or where a lower pressure refrigerant like HCFO– 1233zd(E) is not technically viable. Not all refrigerants listed as acceptable under SNAP will be suitable for the range of equipment in the cold storage warehouse end-use. To provide additional options to ensure the availability of substitutes for the full range of cold storage warehouses with lower GWP and, therefore, lower overall risk to human health and the environment, EPA is proposing the listings for HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to
use conditions, for use in all types of cold storage warehouses. In addition, to account for the additional challenges for
finding lower GWP refrigerants for cold storage warehouses with moderate charge sizes and for cascade systems, EPA is proposing to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in cold storage warehouses with a charge size capacity less than 200 pounds or for use in the high- temperature side of a cascade system.
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific
use conditions?
The proposed use conditions
identified in the proposed listings above are explained in section II.H.1.
This proposal applies to end-uses
covered by UL 60335–2–89, including the SNAP cold storage warehouses end- use. In addition, ASHRAE 15–2022 applies to these refrigeration systems.
The standard UL 60335–2–89
discussed in section II.H indicates that refrigerant charges greater than a specific amount (called ‘‘m
3’’ in the
standard and based on the refrigerant’s
LFL) are beyond its scope and that national standards might apply, such as ASHRAE 15–2022. Hence, EPA is proposing to require adherence to both standards as use conditions for cold storage warehouses, broadening the coverage under this proposed rule.
EPA is proposing to incorporate by
reference ASHRAE 15–2022, including all addenda published by the date of this proposal, in use conditions that apply to use of the proposed A2L refrigerants in new cold storage warehouses. Where the requirements specified in this proposed rule (if finalized) and ASHRAE 15–2022 differ, the requirements of this rule would apply.
EPA recognizes that ASHRAE 15–
2022 is undergoing continuous maintenance with publication of periodic addenda and is typically updated and republished every three years. While this proposed rule incorporates all addenda to ASHRAE 15–2022 published by the date of this proposal, there may be additional changes by the time EPA issues a final rule based upon this proposal. However, given EPA would not have reviewed and proposed use conditions based on those changes, EPA is not proposing to include addenda or other changes made to ASHRAE 15–2022 after the date of the proposed rule.
EPA is proposing to list R–454A as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in cold storage warehouses with a use condition that this substitute may only be used either in equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds or in the high-temperature side of a cascade system. The Agency is proposing this use condition to allow use of R–454A less broadly than for the other refrigerants proposed for use in cold storage warehouses because its GWP is higher than those of the other proposed listings for this end-use (about 240, compared to less than four to 150). EPA’s understanding is that there are two particular situations where use of refrigerants could be more constrained, and thus, additional refrigerant options may be helpful. The first of those situations is in what the industry standard ASHRAE 15–2022 identifies as a refrigerating system having a ‘‘high probability’’ that leaked refrigerant from a failed connection, seal, or component could enter an occupied area. An example of such a constraint is that ASHRAE 15–2022 and UL 60335–2–89 effectively set charge limits for A2L refrigerants to less than 200 pounds for applications inside occupied areas. In contrast, larger charge sizes could be used in ‘‘low-probability’’ locations where people are unlikely to come in contact with the refrigerant, such as systems used outdoors or in a machinery room with access restricted to employees. Where people are unlikely to come into contact with any leaked refrigerant, such as where charge sizes of 200 pounds or more of A2L refrigerant would be allowed under the use conditions incorporating UL 60335– 2–89 and ASHRAE 15–2022, there would be fewer space constraints and greater flexibility in equipment design, so refrigeration system designers can accommodate a narrower set of substitutes. Conversely, where people are more likely to come into contact with any leaked refrigerant in an interior space, refrigerant charge capacities of a system would be less than 200 pounds; there would be more space constraints, less flexibility in equipment design, and potentially stricter code requirements, leading to a need for more refrigerant options. Allowing the additional option of R– 454A for cold storage warehouses with smaller refrigerant charges would enable the use of a wider set of available substitutes to manage safety (in particular, flammability and toxicity), as well as allowing more options to achieve adequate performance where there may be more constraints. Therefore, EPA is proposing to list R– 454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, only for cold storage warehouses with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds.
EPA is also proposing to list R–454A
as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in the high temperature side of cascade systems used for cold storage
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warehouses. As discussed above in
section II.A.1, ‘‘Background on retail food refrigeration,’’ each system of a cascade system uses a different refrigerant that is most suitable for the given temperature range. Higher temperature systems, or the ‘‘high temperature side,’’ have typically used HFCs as a refrigerant; however, it is technologically achievable and has become more common to use ammonia in the high temperature side. For lower temperature systems, or the ‘‘low temperature side’’ of the cascade system, low boiling refrigerants such as R–744 can be used. Considerations for the choice of refrigerant on the high or low temperature side of cascade systems are influenced by many factors including, but not limited to, a refrigerant’s toxicity and flammability, its temperature glide, and its suitability to lower temperature applications. EPA understands that use of flammable or toxic refrigerants, such as ammonia, on the high temperature side of a cascade may be limited in certain circumstances (e.g., based on building codes and/or
standards). EPA notes that there are a number of substitutes available for the low temperature side of the cascade system with GWPs lower than that of R– 454A. Therefore, instead of proposing to list R–454A as acceptable, subject to narrowed use limits and subject to use conditions, EPA is proposing to list R– 454A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, when it is used in the high temperature side of cascade systems; this would expand the refrigerant options that can comply with local
building codes and industry safety standards while meeting the more challenging application of the high temperature side of a cascade system.
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
EPA is providing additional
information related to these proposed listings. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute under the SNAP program. See section II.H.2 for further discussion on what additional information EPA is including in these proposed listings. While the items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the ‘‘Further Information’’ column in their use of these substitutes.
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of the proposed decision to list HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454A,
R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new cold storage warehouses as discussed in this section II.F. EPA seeks comment on the risk mitigation offered by the proposed use conditions, including requiring compliance with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89 under the SNAP program, except to the extent the proposed rule conflicts with the UL Standard, in which case we propose that the use conditions specified in the rule would apply. The Agency takes comment on our proposal to limit R– 454A to use either in equipment with a refrigerant charge capacity less than 200 pounds or in the high temperature side of a cascade system. We also request comment on whether EPA should consider other use conditions to further mitigate potential risk from refrigerants. EPA requests comment on whether cold storage warehouses have been designed for or manufactured with the refrigerants proposed and any information on the safety of such equipment in other countries, and if and how such experience would translate to safe use in the United States.
G. Ice Skating Rinks—Proposed Listing
of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R– 454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as Acceptable, Subject to Use Conditions, for Use in New Ice Skating Rinks With a Remote Compressor
EPA is proposing to list HFO–1234yf,
HFO–1234ze(E), and the refrigerant blends R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new ice skating rinks.
Several use conditions proposed for
ice skating rinks with a remote compressor are common to those proposed for other end-uses. Because of this similarity, EPA discusses the use conditions that would apply to all five
end-uses in section II.H. For ice skating rinks with remote compressors, those are the only use conditions EPA is proposing. In summary, the common use conditions proposed include the following: restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for that refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability hazards.
The regulatory text of the proposed
decisions appears in tables at the end of this document. If finalized as proposed, this text would be codified in appendix Y to 40 CFR part 82, subpart G. EPA notes that there may be other legal obligations pertaining to the manufacture, use, handling, and disposal of the proposed refrigerants that are not included in the information listed in the tables (e.g., the CAA section
608(c)(2) venting prohibition, or DOT requirements for transport of flammable gases). Flammable refrigerants being recovered or otherwise disposed of from ice skating rinks are likely to be hazardous waste under RCRA (see 40 CFR parts 260 through 270).
1. Background on Ice Skating Rinks
Ice skating rinks, an end-use within
the SNAP program, are used by the
general public for recreational purposes and also include professional rinks. These systems frequently use secondary loop refrigeration systems, where a primary loop containing a refrigerant uses a remote compressor that is in a location away from the public, such as a machinery room, and a secondary loop, containing propylene glycol, water, or another innocuous fluid, is used to directly cool the ice. Other types of refrigeration systems for ice skating rinks use a direct heat exchange system, where the refrigerant moves directly under the rink. The proposed listings would apply only to ice skating rinks that have a remote compressor.
Refrigerant choice depends on the
refrigerant charge; ambient temperatures and the temperature required; system performance; energy efficiency; and health, safety, and environmental considerations, among other things. In addition to regulations pursuant to the SNAP program, other federal or local regulations may also affect refrigerant choice. For instance, regulations from OSHA may restrict or place requirements on the use of some refrigerants, such as ammonia (R–717). Building codes from local and state agencies may also incorporate limits on the amount of particular refrigerants used. Acceptable substitutes in use today for new ice skating rinks include ammonia, CO
2, HCFO–1233zd(E) as
well as HFCs and HFC/HFO blends. These can be used alone or in combination with other refrigerants in other parts of the equipment, depending on the equipment and its design (e.g., a
secondary loop contains one refrigerant while the primary loop contains a different refrigerant). This type of equipment falls under the scope of UL 60335–2–89, ‘‘Requirements for Commercial Refrigerating Appliances and Ice-Makers with an Incorporated or
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66EPA previously listed HFO–1234yf as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, in motor
vehicle AC in light-duty vehicles (74 FR 53445, October 19, 2009), in heavy-duty pickup trucks and complete heavy-duty vans (81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016) and in nonroad vehicles and service fittings for small refrigerant cans (87 FR 26276, May 4, 2022). EPA previously listed R–454C, and R– 457A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, as substitutes in residential and light commercial AC and HPs (86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021).
67ICF, 2023s. Op. cit.
68ICF, 2023t. Op. cit.
69ICF, 2023w. Op. cit.
70ICF, 2023x. Op. cit.
71ICF, 2023y. Op. cit.
72ICF, 2023z. Op. cit. Remote Refrigerant Unit or Motor-
2. What are the ASHRAE classifications
for refrigerant flammability?
ASHRAE Standard 34–2022
categorizes the refrigerants proposed for ice skating rinks in this section as being in the A2L Safety Group. See section II.A.2 for further discussion on ASHRAE classifications of these refrigerants.
3. What are HFO–1234yf, HFO–
1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A and how do they compare to other refrigerants in the same end- use?
See section II.A.3 for further
discussion on the environmental, flammability, toxicity, and exposure information for these refrigerants.
Redacted submissions and supporting
documentation for HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E) and the blends R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A and R–516A are provided in the docket for this proposed rule (EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0043) at EPA
performed a risk screening assessment to examine the health and environmental risks of each of these substitutes. These risk screens are available in the docket for this proposed rule.
67 68 69 70 71 72
Comparison to other substitutes in
this end-use: HFO–1234yf, HFO– 1234ze(E) and R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A all have an ODP of zero, comparable to or lower than some of the acceptable substitutes in this end- use, such as ammonia with an ODP of zero and HCFO–1233zd(E) with an ODP of less than 0.0004.
HFO–1234yf and HFO–1234ze(E)
have GWPs of less than four and less than six, respectively, comparable to or lower than that of other acceptable substitutes for new ice skating rinks, such as ammonia, CO
2, and HCFO–
1233zd(E) with GWPs of zero, one, and 3.7, respectively.
R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–
516A have GWPs, ranging from about 140 to 150, which are higher than that of other acceptable substitutes for ice skating rinks, including ammonia, CO
and HCFO–1233zd(E) with GWPs of zero, one, and 3.7, respectively. The GWPs of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A are lower than some of the acceptable substitutes for new ice skating rinks, such as R–450A, R–449A, and R–507A with GWPs of approximately 600, 1,400, and 3,990, respectively.
Information regarding the toxicity of
other available alternatives is provided in the listing decisions previously made (see
substitutes-ice-skating-rinks). Toxicity risks of use, determined by the likelihood of exceeding the exposure limit of HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A in these end-uses, are evaluated in the risk screens referenced above. The toxicity risks of using HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), and R–454C, R–455A, R–457A and R–516A in ice skating rinks with remote compressors are comparable to or lower than toxicity risks of other available substitutes in the same end-use. Toxicity risks of the proposed refrigerants can be minimized by use consistent with ASHRAE 15– 2022—which would be required by our proposed use conditions—and other industry standards, recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS, and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry.
The potential flammability risks of
HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E) R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A in this end-use, determined by the likelihood of exceeding their respective lower flammability limits, are evaluated in the risk screens referenced above. In conclusion, while these refrigerants may pose greater flammability risk than other available substitutes in the same end- use, this risk can be minimized by use consistent with ASHRAE 15–2022 and other industry standards such as UL 60335–2–89—which is required by our proposed use conditions—as well as recommendations in the manufacturers’ SDS and other safety precautions common in the refrigeration and AC industry. EPA is proposing use conditions to reduce the potential risk associated with the flammability of these alternatives so that they will not pose significantly greater risk than other acceptable substitutes in this end-use. In addition, EPA is proposing to limit these listings to equipment with a remote compressor. Such equipment reduces the chances of exposure to the general public compared to refrigerants that are piped directly under an ice
skating rink. This also can reduce the amount of refrigerant used, potentially reducing climate impacts of any
refrigerant released.
In addition, the proposed substitutes
have lower GWPs than most other available alternatives for the same end- use. The proposed refrigerants may provide additional lower-GWP options for situations where other refrigerants with lower GWPs are not viable, such as in locations where local regulations restrict use of ammonia. Not all refrigerants listed as acceptable under SNAP will be suitable for the range of equipment in the ice skating rinks end- use. To provide additional options to ensure the availability of substitutes with lower GWP for more ice skating rinks and, therefore, lower overall risk to human health and the environment, EPA is proposing the listings for HFO– 1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A as
acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new ice skating rinks.
4. Why is EPA proposing these specific
use conditions?
The use conditions identified in the
proposed listings above are explained in section II.H.1.
This proposal applies to end-uses
covered by UL 60335–2–89, including the SNAP ice skating rinks end-use. In addition, ASHRAE 15–2022 applies to these refrigeration systems.
The standard UL 60335–2–89
discussed in section II.H indicates that refrigerant charges greater than a specific amount (called ‘‘m
3’’ in the
standard and based on the refrigerant’s LFL) are beyond its scope and that national standards might apply, such as ASHRAE 15–2022. Hence, EPA is proposing to require adherence to both standards as use conditions for ice skating rinks, broadening the coverage under this proposed rule.
EPA is proposing to incorporate by
reference ASHRAE 15–2022, including all addenda published by the date of this proposal, in use conditions that apply to use of the proposed A2L refrigerants in new ice skating rinks. Where the requirements specified in this proposed rule (if finalized) and ASHRAE 15–2022 differ, the requirements of this rule would apply.
EPA recognizes that ASHRAE 15–
2022 is undergoing continuous maintenance with publication of periodic addenda and is typically updated and republished every three years. While this proposed rule incorporates all addenda to ASHRAE 15–2022 published by the date of this proposal, there may be additional changes by the time EPA issues a final rule based upon this proposal. However, given EPA would not have reviewed
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and proposed use conditions based on
those changes, EPA is not proposing to include addenda or other changes made to ASHRAE 15–2022 after the date of the proposed rule.
EPA is proposing a use condition that
the six A2L refrigerants may only be used in new equipment that includes a remote compressor. This is intended to ensure that these flammable refrigerants, which are likely to use large charge sizes, are only used in situations where the refrigerant is removed from the presence of ice skaters and other members of the general public. This would reduce the likelihood of exposure or leaks of the refrigerant near the general public and instead allow facility employees and trained technicians to control access to the refrigerant.
5. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
EPA is providing additional
information related to these proposed listings. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute under the SNAP program. See section II.H.2 for further discussion on what additional information EPA is including in these proposed listings. While the items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the ‘‘Further
Information’’ column in their use of these substitutes.
6. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of this proposed decision to list HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in new ice skating rinks with a remote compressor as discussed in this section II.G. We request comment on our initial evaluation and our proposal to find HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new ice skating rinks. EPA seeks comment on the risk mitigation offered by the proposed use conditions, including requiring compliance with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, except to the extent the proposed rule conflicts with the UL Standard, in which case we propose that the use conditions specified in the rule would apply. We also request comment on whether EPA should consider other use conditions to further mitigate potential risk from refrigerants. EPA requests comment on whether equipment for such ice skating rinks with remote compressors in the United States has already been designed or manufactured for the refrigerants proposed and any information on the safety of such equipment in other countries, and if and how such experience would translate to safe use in the United States. The Agency also requests comment on whether these listings should be restricted to ice skating rinks with a remote compressor, if they should be allowed for any ice skating rink, or if they should be limited to a different subset of ice skating rinks (e.g., for use only in the primary loop of
a secondary loop systems).
H. Use Conditions and Further
Information for Retail Food Refrigeration, Commercial Ice Machines, Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks With a Remote Compressor
1. What use conditions is EPA
proposing and why?
As described above, EPA is proposing
to list:
•HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–
454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new equipment in stand-alone units, remote condensing units, supermarket systems, and refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment;
•R–454A as acceptable, subject to
use conditions, for use in new equipment in remote condensing units and supermarket systems;
•R–290 as acceptable, subject to use
conditions, for use in new refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment;
•HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, R–454A, R–
454B, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R– 516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new commercial ice machines;
•HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–
454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for used in new IPR equipment and HFC–32 and R–454B, for use in new chillers for IPR;
•HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–
454A, R–454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new cold storage warehouses; and
•HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–
454C, R–455A, R–457A, and R–516A as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for use in new ice skating rinks with remote compressors.
In addition, EPA is proposing to
update the use conditions that apply to the existing listings of: •R–290 as acceptable, subject to use
conditions, for use in new retail food
refrigeration stand-alone units; and
•R–290 as acceptable, subject to use
conditions, for use in new self- contained commercial ice machines.
These use conditions are summarized
in the listings under preamble units II.A, II.C, II.E, II.F, and II.G, and the revisions to the use conditions are summarized under preamble units II.B and II.D and are explained here in greater detail. The proposed use conditions (either as new listings or revisions to an existing listing) include restricting the use of each refrigerant to new equipment that is specifically designed for the refrigerant; use consistent with the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, including testing, charge sizes, ventilation, usage space requirements, and certain hazard warnings and markings; and requirements for warning labels and markings on equipment to inform consumers, technicians, and first responders of potential flammability
hazards. The specific use conditions are intended to allow for the use of these flammable refrigerants in a manner that will ensure they do not pose a greater overall risk to human health and the environment than other substitutes in these end-uses.
New Equipment Only; Not Intended for
Use as a Retrofit Alternative
EPA is proposing that these
refrigerants may be used only in new equipment which has been designed to address concerns unique to flammable refrigerants—i.e., none of these
substitutes may be used as a conversion or ‘‘retrofit’’ refrigerant for existing equipment. EPA is unaware of information on how to address hazards if these flammable refrigerants were to be used in equipment that was designed for non-flammable refrigerants. Given the flammable nature of these refrigerants, the fact that EPA is unaware of information to assess the risk if such retrofits were allowed, and because the refrigerants were not submitted to the SNAP program for retrofits, EPA has not reviewed them for retrofit applications for this proposal and is only proposing that they may be used in new equipment which can be properly designed for their use. This proposed use condition would not affect the ability to service a system using one of these refrigerants once installed, including the adding of refrigerant or replacing components.
To ensure safe use of the proposed
flammable refrigerants, EPA is
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proposing to incorporate by reference
certain industry consensus safety standards in a use condition. Specifically, the Agency is proposing that the flammable refrigerants may be used only in equipment that meets all requirements in the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89.
Currently, new stand-alone units
using R–290 are subject to a use condition to meet the requirements of Appendix SB of the 10th edition of the standard UL 471. If this rule becomes final as proposed, stand-alone units using R–290 manufactured before the effective date could continue to be used under SNAP and would remain in compliance with the SNAP use conditions as long as they met the applicable use conditions when they were manufactured. EPA is proposing that new stand-alone units using R–290 manufactured from the effective date of the final rule through September 29, 2024, must meet the requirements of either Appendix SB of the 10th edition of UL 471 or the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. The Agency is also proposing that new stand-alone units using R–290 that are manufactured on or after September 30, 2024, must meet the requirements of the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, rather than the earlier UL standards.
Currently, new self-contained
commercial ice machines using R–290 must meet the requirements of Appendix SA of the 8th edition of UL 563. If this rule becomes final as proposed, commercial ice machines using R–290 manufactured before the effective date of a final rule could continue to be used under SNAP and would remain in compliance with the SNAP use conditions as long as they met the applicable use conditions when they were manufactured. EPA is proposing that new self-contained commercial ice machines using R–290 that are manufactured from the effective date of the final rule through September 29, 2024, must meet the requirements of either Appendix SA of the 8th edition of UL 563 or the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. The Agency is also proposing that new self-contained commercial ice machines using R–290 that are manufactured on or after September 30, 2024, must meet the
requirements of the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89, rather than the earlier UL standards.
UL 60335–2–89 includes
requirements for construction and system design, for markings, and for performance tests concerning refrigerant leakage, ignition of switching components, surface temperature of parts, and component strength after being scratched. UL 60335–2–89 was
developed in an open and consensus- based approach, with the assistance of experts in the AC and refrigeration industry as well as experts involved in assessing the safety of products. Those participating in the UL 60335–2–89 consensus standards process have tested equipment for flammability risk and evaluated the relevant scientific studies. While similar standards exist from other bodies such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), we are proposing to rely on specific UL standards that are most applicable and recognized by the U.S. market. This approach is the same as that in our previous listing determinations for flammable refrigerants (e.g., 76 FR
78832, December 20, 2011; 80 FR 19454, April 10, 2015; 86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021; and 87 FR 45508, July 28, 2022).
A summary of the requirements of UL
60335–2–89 as they affect the proposed refrigerants and end-uses is offered here for information only and does not provide a complete review of the requirements in this standard.
The requirements in UL 60335–2–89
reduce the risk to workers and consumers posed by flammable refrigerants. UL 60335–2–89 limits the amount of refrigerant allowed in each type of appliance based on several factors explained in that standard. The standard specifies requirements for installation space of an appliance (e.g., room floor area) and/or ventilation or other requirements that are determined according to the refrigerant charge used in the appliance, the installation location, and the type of ventilation of the location or of the appliance. Annex DVU provides guidance on how to apply the requirements to allow for safe use of A2L refrigerants. The 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89 contains provisions for safety mitigation when using larger charges of A2L refrigerants or when using A2L refrigerants in equipment with a remote compressor. These mitigation requirements were developed to ensure the safe use of flammable refrigerants over a range of appliances. In general, as larger charge sizes are used, more stringent mitigation measures are required. In certain applications, refrigerant detection systems (as described in Annex 101.DVP, Refrigerant detection systems
for A2L refrigerants); mitigation means (as described in Annex 101.DVU, including air circulation, ventilation, shut off valves, etc.); and refrigerant sensors (as described in 101.DVP, Refrigerant sensor for REFRIGERANT DETECTION SYSTEMS) are required.
Where air circulation (i.e., fans) is
required in accordance with Annex 101.DVU, it must be initiated by a separate refrigerant detection system either as part of the appliance or installed separately. In a room with no mechanical ventilation, Annex 101.DVU1.7 provides requirements for openings to rooms based on several factors, including the charge size and the room area. The minimum opening is intended to be sufficient so that natural ventilation would reduce the risk of using a flammable refrigerant. The standard also includes specific requirements covering construction, instruction manuals, allowable charge sizes, mechanical ventilation, safety alarms, and shut off valves for A2L refrigerants.
In addition to Annex 101.DVU, UL
60335–2–89 has a requirement for the maximum charge for an appliance using a flammable refrigerant, including A2L, A2, and A3 refrigerants. Additional requirements exist for charge sizes exceeding three times the LFL.
Systems with refrigerant charges
exceeding certain amounts are outside the scope of UL 60335–2–89; however, national standards apply instead, namely, ASHRAE 15–2022. Specifically, if the refrigeration circuit with the greatest mass of an A2L refrigerant is more than 260 times the lower flammability limit (in kg/m
3), such
equipment is outside the scope. For example, HFC–32 has an LFL of approximately 0.307 kg/m
3(0.0192 lb/
ft3); therefore, equipment with charge
sizes of a single circuit exceeding 79.82 kg (176.0 lb) would fall outside the scope of UL 60335–2–89. In such situations, the refrigerant would need to be used in outdoor equipment or in a machinery room and the installation would need to meet the requirements of ASHRAE 15–2022. For self-contained equipment using an A3 refrigerant, the maximum charge size is 13 times the LFL (500 g of R–290) for equipment that is open and contains no doors or drawers and eight times the LFL (300 g of R–290) for equipment with doors or drawers. EPA expects that many types of retail refrigeration equipment could exceed these charge thresholds and therefore is proposing that an additional safety standard, ASHRAE 15–2022, apply to commercial refrigeration equipment using A2L refrigerants, as discussed in section II.A. Certain key provisions of ASHRAE 15–2022 are described above in section II.A; that standard supplements, rather than replaces, UL 60335–2–89, by providing instructions for installation of equipment and requirements for situations beyond the scope of UL 60335–2–89, e.g., for use in refrigeration
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systems with large charge sizes in a
machinery room or outdoors.
Warning Labels—Equipment With A2L
As a use condition or revision to
existing use conditions, EPA is proposing to require labeling of refrigerating systems used in retail food refrigeration equipment, commercial ice machines, IPR equipment, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks (‘‘equipment’’) containing the proposed lower flammability (A2L) refrigerants. The text of these labels can also be found in Annex 101.DVV of UL 60335– 2–89. EPA is proposing that the following labels, or the equivalent, must be provided in letters no less than 6.4 mm (
1⁄4inch) high and must be
1. On the outside of the unit:
‘‘WARNING—Risk Of Fire. Flammable Refrigerant Used. To Be Repaired Only By Trained Service Personnel. Do Not Puncture Refrigerant Tubing’’
2. On the outside of the equipment:
‘‘WARNING—Risk of Fire. Dispose of Properly In Accordance With Federal Or Local Regulations. Flammable Refrigerant Used’’
3. On the inside of the equipment
near the compressor: ‘‘WARNING—Risk of Fire. Flammable Refrigerant Used. Consult Repair Manual/Owner’s Guide Before Attempting to Service This Product. All Safety Precautions Must Be Followed’’
4. For any equipment pre-charged at
the factory, on the equipment packaging or on the outside of the equipment: ‘‘WARNING—Risk of Fire due to Flammable Refrigerant Used. Follow Handling Instructions Carefully in Compliance with National Regulations’’
1. If the equipment is delivered
packaged, this label shall be applied on the packaging
2. If the equipment is not delivered
packaged, this label shall be applied on the outside of the appliance.
EPA expects that all stand-alone
units, self-contained commercial ice machines, and self-contained refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment would be packaged, and hence this label would be placed as stipulated in item 1 above. EPA expects that other types of commercial refrigeration equipment could be provided packaged or not, and this label would be placed as stipulated in item 1 or 2, respectively.
5. On indoor unit near the nameplate:
1. At the top of the marking:
‘‘Minimum installation height, X m (W
ft)’’. This marking is only required if the similar marking is required by the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. The terms ‘‘X’’ and ‘‘W’’ shall be replaced by the
numeric height as calculated per the UL Standard. Note that the formatting here is slightly different than the UL Standard; specifically, the height in Inch-Pound units is placed in parentheses and the word ‘‘and’’ has been replaced by the opening parenthesis.
2. Immediately below 5.1. above or at
the top of the marking if 5.1. is not required: ‘‘Minimum room area (operating or storage), Y m
2(Z ft2)’’. The
terms ‘‘Y’’ and ‘‘Z’’ shall be replaced by the numeric floor area as calculated per the UL Standard. Note that the formatting here is slightly different than the UL Standard; specifically, the area in Inch-Pound units is placed in parentheses and the word ‘‘and’’ has been replaced by the opening parenthesis.
6. For non-fixed equipment, including
on the outside of the appliance: ‘‘WARNING—Risk of Fire or Explosion—Store in a well-ventilated room without continuously operating flames or other potential ignition.’’
7. For fixed equipment that is ducted,
near the nameplate: ‘‘WARNING—Risk of Fire—Auxiliary devices which may be ignition sources shall not be installed in the ductwork, other than auxiliary devices listed for use with the specific appliance. See instructions.’’
Labeling requirements 1., 2., and 3.
above apply to all refrigeration equipment; labeling requirement 4. applies only to self-contained equipment that is pre-charged by the manufacturer (e.g., stand-alone units or
self-contained commercial ice machines); labeling requirement 5. applies only to equipment with a remote compressor, also called a ‘‘split’’ or
‘‘remote’’ system (e.g., remote
condensing unit, supermarket system, or refrigerating system for an ice skating rink with a remote compressor). A piece of refrigeration equipment that may be moved from one location to another and is typically self-contained is referred to as ‘‘non-fixed’’ in labeling requirement 6. (e.g., stand-alone units).
EPA notes that Annex 101.DVV of UL
60335–2–89 specifies that the labels must include text with a font size that is no less than 3.2 mm (
1⁄8inch) high for
A2L refrigerants, while the Agency is proposing a larger, more visible font size of 6.4 mm (
1⁄4inch). The Agency is
concerned that it is difficult to see warning labels with the minimum lettering height requirement of
in UL 60335–2–89. Therefore, as in the requirements in our previous rules for use of A2L refrigerants in residential and light commercial air conditioning and heat pumps (80 FR 19453, April 10, 2015; 86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021), as
well as our previous rules for HC refrigerants (76 FR 78832, December 20, 2011; 80 FR 19453, April 10, 2015; 81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016), EPA is
proposing to require the minimum height for lettering must be
1⁄4inch as
opposed to 1⁄8inch. This would make it
easier for technicians, consumers, retail storeowners, and first responders to view the warning labels.
Warning Labels—Equipment With A3
Refrigerants, Including R–290
As a proposed use condition for
refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment and a proposed revision to existing use conditions for stand-alone units and commercial ice machines, EPA is proposing to require labeling of such equipment containing R–290. The text of these labels can also be found in Annex 101.DVV of UL 60335–2–89. EPA is proposing that the following markings, or the equivalent, must be provided in letters no less than 6.4 mm (
1⁄4inch) high and must be
1. On the outside of the unit:
‘‘DANGER’’—Risk Of Fire Or Explosion. Flammable Refrigerant Used. To Be Repaired Only By Trained Service Personnel. Do Not Puncture Refrigerant Tubing’’.
2. On the outside of the equipment:
‘‘WARNING—Risk of Fire or Explosion. Dispose of Properly In Accordance With Federal Or Local Regulations. Flammable Refrigerant Used’’.
3. On the inside of the equipment
near the compressor: ‘‘DANGER—Risk Of Fire or Explosion. Flammable Refrigerant Used. Consult Repair Manual/Owner’s Guide Before Attempting to Service This Product. All Safety Precautions Must Be Followed’’.
4. For any equipment pre-charged at
the factory, on the equipment packaging or on the outside of the equipment: ‘‘DANGER—Risk of Fire or Explosion due to Flammable Refrigerant Used. Follow Handling Instructions Carefully in Compliance with National Regulations’’.
1. If the equipment is delivered
packaged, this label shall be applied on the packaging.
2. If the equipment is not delivered
packaged, this label shall be applied on the outside of the appliance.
EPA expects that all stand-alone units
and self-contained commercial ice machines and self-contained refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment would be packaged, and hence this label would be placed as stipulated in item 1 above. EPA expects that other types of commercial refrigeration equipment
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could be provided packaged or not, and
this label would be placed as stipulated in item 1 or 2, respectively.
5. On indoor unit near the nameplate:
1. At the top of the marking:
‘‘Minimum installation height, X m (W
ft)’’. This marking is only required if the similar marking is required by the 2nd edition of UL 60335–2–89. The terms ‘‘X’’ and ‘‘W’’ shall be replaced by the numeric height as calculated per the UL Standard. Note that the formatting here is slightly different than the UL Standard; specifically, the height in Inch-Pound units is placed in parentheses and the word ‘‘and’’ has been replaced by the opening parenthesis.
2. Immediately below 5.1. above or at
the top of the marking if 5.1. is not required: ‘‘Minimum room area (operating or storage), Y m
2(Z ft2)’’. The
terms ‘‘Y’’ and ‘‘Z’’ shall be replaced by the numeric area as calculated per the UL Standard. Note that the formatting here is slightly different than the UL Standard; specifically, the area in Inch- Pound units is placed in parentheses and the word ‘‘and’’ has been replaced by the opening parenthesis.
6. For non-fixed equipment, including
on the outside of the appliance: ‘‘WARNING—Risk of Fire or Explosion—Store in a well-ventilated room without continuously operating flames or other potential ignition.’’
7. For fixed equipment that is ducted,
near the nameplate: ‘‘WARNING—Risk
of Fire or Explosion—Auxiliary devices which may be ignition sources shall not be installed in the ductwork, other than auxiliary devices listed for use with the specific appliance. See instructions.’’
The text of the warning labels, above,
is exactly the same as that required in UL 60335–2–89, with the exception of the label identified in 5., which is similar to that in UL 60335–2–89. The text for A3 refrigerants differs slightly from that for A2L refrigerants, sometimes using the word ‘‘DANGER’’ instead of ‘‘WARNING,’’ and sometimes referring to ‘‘Risk of Fire or Explosion’’ instead of ‘‘Risk of Fire.’’ For R–290 and other A3 refrigerants, UL 60335–2–89 requires the labels to be no less than 6.4 mm (
1⁄4inch) high in the standard, the
same as EPA is proposing in this action. As in the requirements in our previous rules for A3 refrigerants (i.e., 76 FR
78832, December 20, 2011; 80 FR 19454, April 10, 2015; and 81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016), EPA is proposing that the minimum height for lettering be
1⁄4inch, which would make it easier for
technicians, consumers, retail storeowners, first responders, and those disposing the appliance to view the warning labels. Markings
EPA is proposing to require as a use
condition that the refrigerants must be
used in refrigerating equipment that has red, Pantone
®Matching System (PMS)
#185 or RAL 3020 marked pipes, hoses,
and other devices through which the refrigerant is serviced, typically known as the service port, to indicate the use of a flammable refrigerant. This color must be present at all service ports and where service puncturing or otherwise creating an opening from the refrigerant circuit to the atmosphere might be expected (e.g., process tubes). The color
mark must extend at least 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) from the compressor and must be replaced if removed. EPA has applied this same use condition in past actions for flammable refrigerants (76 FR 78832, December 20, 2011; 80 FR 19454, April 10, 2015; 81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016; 86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021; and 87 FR 45508, July 28, 2022). Our understanding of UL 60335–2–89 is that red markings similar to those proposed are required by UL 60335–2–89 for all flammable refrigerants. EPA is proposing that such markings apply to the proposed listings for flammable refrigerants as well to establish a common, familiar, and standard means of identifying the use of a flammable refrigerant.
These red markings would help
technicians immediately identify the use of a flammable refrigerant, thereby reducing the risk of using sparking equipment or otherwise having an ignition source nearby. The AC and refrigeration industry currently uses red-colored hoses and piping as means for identifying the use of a flammable refrigerant based on previous SNAP listings. Likewise, distinguishing coloring has been used elsewhere to indicate an unusual and potentially dangerous situation, for example in the use of orange-insulated wires in hybrid electric vehicles. Currently in SNAP listings, color-coded hoses or pipes must be used for ethane, HFC–32, R– 452B, R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R– 457A, R–600a, R–290, and R–441A in certain types of equipment where these are listed acceptable, subject to use conditions. All such tubing must be colored red PMS #185 or RAL 3020. The intent of this aspect of the proposal is to alert technicians and others that a flammable refrigerant is being used within a particular piece of equipment or appliance. Another goal is to provide adequate notification of the presence of flammable refrigerants for personnel disposing of appliances containing flammable refrigerants. As explained in SNAP Rule 19, one mechanism to distinguish hoses and pipes is to add a
colored plastic sleeve or cap to the service tube (80 FR 19465, April 10, 2015). Other methods, such as a red- colored tape could be used. The colored plastic sleeve, cap, or tape would have to be forcibly removed to access the service tube and would have to be replaced if removed. This would signal to the technician that the refrigeration circuit that she/he was about to access contained a flammable refrigerant, even if all warning labels were somehow removed. This sleeve, cap, or tape would be of the same red color (PMS #185 or RAL 3020) and could also be boldly marked with a graphic to indicate the refrigerant was flammable. This could be a cost-effective alternative to painting or dyeing the hose or pipe.
EPA is proposing the use of color-
coded hoses or piping as a way for technicians and others to recognize that a flammable refrigerant is used in the equipment. This would be in addition to the proposed use of warning labels discussed above. EPA believes having two such warning methods is reasonable and consistent with other general industry practices. This approach is the same as that adopted in our previous rules on flammable refrigerants (e.g., 76
FR 78832, December 20, 2011; 80 FR 19454, April 10, 2015; 86 FR 24444, May 6, 2021; and 87 FR 45508, July 28, 2022).
EPA also is proposing to add a new
marking to be placed near the service port or other location where charging occurs; on the label on the outside of the unit; and either on the appliance packaging, if the refrigeration equipment is charged at the factory or on the nameplate or control panel for refrigeration equipment that is charged in place. These locations correspond with the locations for red markings and for the labels 1. and 4. mentioned above on the outside of the refrigerating unit, and either on the packaging, or on the nameplate or control panel. UL 60335– 2–89 describes markings in section 7, including a triangular symbol with a white picture of a flame on a red background, similar in size and shape to that of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) symbol 7000– W021, but with different coloration (Clause 7.6DV D1). EPA is proposing a
new diamond symbol for ‘‘Caution, risk of fire’’ that would be used in addition to the red triangle in Clause 7.6DV D1 of UL 60335–2–89. The diamond symbol hazard category 1 flammable gases would need to be at least 15 mm (9/16 inches) high.
EPA understands that in consultation
with different fire service groups, such as the International Association of Fire
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73GHS, 2021. GHS Pictogram for Hazard Category
1 Flammable Gases from Annex 1 to the 9th edition
of the Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, 2021. You may find the GHS document online at default/files/2021-9/GHS_ Rev9E_ 0.pdf or from the
United Nations Publications section at: 92280. Fighters, UL and its standard-setting
committees have been considering appropriate symbols to alert first responders to the presence and potential hazards of flammable refrigerant. One symbol under consideration is an equal- sided diamond with a red outline and a flame symbol on a white background, together with the refrigerant class from ASHRAE 34–2022 (e.g., A2L or A3) to
be written in text not less than one-third of the height of the symbol. This symbol is included as the warning symbol for hazard category 1 flammable gases in the 9th edition of the GHS for communicating risks of chemicals.
This symbol for hazard category 1 flammable gases is included in the 4th edition of UL 60335–2–40 (December 2022), UL’s most recent safety standard for air conditioning equipment, heat pumps, and humidifiers, and is being considered for adoption in the future 3rd edition of UL 60335–2–89. It is found in section 1.2 of Annex 1 of the 9th edition of the GHS. You may see the proposed symbol for hazard category 1 flammable gases in the docket for this rulemaking under the title, ‘‘Proposed Flammability Hazard Symbol.’’
EPA is proposing to add this symbol
to ensure the adoption of a symbol for ‘‘Caution, risk of fire’’ that is likely to be recognized by first responders in the United States as well as internationally. The symbol ISO 7000–W021, used in other UL standards for refrigerating equipment, is a black flame symbol on a yellow triangle. U.S. organizations representing fire fighters have raised concerns about that symbol, since it could refer to a highly reactive oxidizer, rather than a flammable substance. This is relevant because first responders would take different actions for an oxidizer from those for a flammable substance. EPA is proposing to include the GHS diamond symbol for hazard category 1 flammable gases prior to UL’s adoption of it in UL 60335–2–89 to provide an additional warning about flammability hazard that is more likely to be recognizable by first responders and internationally than the current symbol in UL 60335–2–89.
2. What additional information is EPA
including in these proposed listings?
For retail food refrigeration,
commercial ice machines, IPR, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating
rinks with remote compressors, EPA is proposing to include recommendations, found in the ‘‘Further Information’’ column of the regulatory text at the end of this document, to protect personnel from the risks of using flammable refrigerants. Similar to our previous listings of flammable refrigerants, EPA is proposing to include information on the OSHA requirements at 29 CFR part 1910, proper ventilation, personal protective equipment, fire extinguishers, use of spark-proof tools and equipment designed for flammable refrigerants, and training. Since this additional information is not part of the regulatory decision under SNAP, these statements are not binding for use of the substitute under the SNAP program. While the items listed are not legally binding under the SNAP program, EPA encourages users of substitutes to apply all statements in the ‘‘Further Information’’ column in their use of these substitutes.
3. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of the proposed use conditions described above and the appropriateness for applying these use conditions to the listings for A2L refrigerants used in retail food refrigeration, commercial ice machines, IPR and chillers for IPR, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks with remote compressors in sections II.A, II.C, II.E, II.F, and II.G, respectively.
EPA is requesting comment on all
aspects of the proposed use conditions
described above and the appropriateness for applying these use conditions to the listing for R–290 used in refrigerated food processing and the proposed revisions to the use conditions in existing listings for R–290 in stand- alone units and self-contained commercial ice machines in sections II.B and II.D.
EPA is requesting comment on the
applicability of UL 60335–2–89 to commercial refrigeration equipment, including for which types of equipment and under which applications the standard applies. We likewise are requesting comment on the applicability of UL 60335–2–89 to commercial ice machines, IPR equipment, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks with remote compressors.
Also, with regard to UL 60335–2–89,
EPA is requesting comment on the status of the standard, the modifications that are being or have been incorporated in it, how those modifications would change the risk associated with the use of the proposed flammable refrigerants in these end-uses, and the appropriateness of adopting as a use condition the current (2nd) edition of this standard.
EPA is also requesting comment on
requiring labeling, the height of the lettering, the proposed diamond symbol for hazard category 1 flammable gases, and the likelihood of labels remaining on a product throughout the lifecycle of the product, including its disposal.
I. Proposed Exemption for R–290 From
the Venting Prohibition Under CAA Section 608 for Refrigerated Food Processing and Dispensing Equipment.
1. What is EPA’s proposed
determination regarding whether venting, releasing, or disposing of R–290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment would pose a threat to the environment?
As described in section I.A above,
under section 608(c)(2) of the CAA, it is unlawful for any person, in the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing, or disposing of an appliance or industrial process refrigeration, to knowingly vent or otherwise knowingly release or dispose of any substitute substance for a class I or class II substance used as a refrigerant in such appliance (or industrial process refrigeration) in a manner which permits such substance to enter the environment. Under section 608(c)(2), this prohibition applies to any substitute refrigerant unless the Administrator determines that such venting, releasing, or disposing does not pose a threat to the environment. As discussed in section II.B above, EPA is proposing to list the refrigerant substitute R–290 under the SNAP program as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in newly manufactured refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment. EPA is also proposing to exempt R–290 in this end- use from the venting prohibition under CAA section 608(c)(2), on the basis of current evidence that the venting, release, or disposal of this substance in this end-use and subject to the use conditions in this proposed action does not pose a threat to the environment.
For purposes of CAA section
608(c)(2), EPA considers two factors in determining whether or not venting, release, or disposal of a refrigerant substitute during the maintenance, servicing, repairing, or disposing of appliances poses a threat to the environment. See 69 FR 11948, March 12, 2004; 79 FR 29682, May 23, 2014; 80 FR 19453, April 10, 2015; and 81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016. First, EPA analyzes the threat to the environment due to inherent characteristics of the
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74ICF, 2016. Additional Follow-on Assessment of
the Potential Impact of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on
Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. September, 2016.
75ICF, 2014a. Assessment of the Potential Impact
of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. February 2014.
77U.S. EPA, 2020. 2017 National Emissions
Inventory Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Available online at neireport/2017/.
78ICF, 2020. Additional Assessment of the
Potential Impact of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. May 2020. Updated models included VM IO file_ v5.1_ 10.01.19
and CMAQ 5.2.1 with carbon bond 06 (CB06) mechanism, as cited in ICF, 2020.
79ICF, 2016. Additional Follow-on Assessment of
the Potential Impact of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. September 2016.
80ICF, 2020. Op cit. refrigerant substitute, such as GWP or
photochemical reactivity. Second, EPA determines whether and to what extent venting, release, or disposal actually takes place during the maintenance, servicing, repairing, or disposing of appliances, and to what extent such actions are controlled by other authorities, regulations, or practices. To the extent that such releases are adequately controlled by other authorities, EPA defers to those authorities.
Potential Environmental Impacts
EPA has evaluated the potential
environmental impacts of releasing R–
290 into the environment, a substitute that we are proposing to list under the SNAP program as acceptable, subject to use conditions, in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment. We assessed the potential impact of the release of R–290 on local air quality and its ability to decompose in the atmosphere to form ground-level ozone, its ODP, its GWP, and its potential impacts on ecosystems. We found that the sizes of these impacts were not large enough to pose a threat to the environment. R–290’s ODP is zero and its GWP is approximately three. R–290 is highly volatile and typically evaporates or partitions to air, rather than contaminating surface waters. Thus, R–290’s effects on aquatic life are expected to be small.
As to potential effects on local air
quality, R–290 meets the definition of VOC under CAA regulations (see 40 CFR 51.100(s)) and is not excluded from that definition for the purpose of developing SIPs to attain and maintain the NAAQS. R–290’s maximum incremental reactivity (MIR) of 0.56 g O
3/g R–290 is higher and more reactive
than that of the compound ethane (MIR of 0.26 g O
3/g ethane), which EPA uses
as a threshold to determine whether substances may have negligible photochemical reactivity in the lower atmosphere (troposphere). EPA performed air quality modeling on a number of scenarios to determine if emissions of HC refrigerants could have a significant impact on local air quality, particularly in certain cities with
particularly difficult challenges in achieving attainment of the NAAQS for ground-level ozone. Based on the analysis and modeling results described in section II.B.3, EPA proposes to conclude that the release of R–290 from the refrigerated food processing and dispensing end-use, in addition to the HCs previously listed as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for their specific end-uses, is expected to have little impact on local air quality. In this regard, EPA found particularly
noteworthy that even assuming 100 percent market penetration of R–290 and the other acceptable HCs in the acceptable end-uses, which is a conservative assumption, the highest impact for a single 8-hour average ozone concentration based on that analysis would be 0.05 ppb in Los Angeles, 0.008 in Houston, and 0.005 in Atlanta compared to the NAAQS at 70 ppb.
In addition, when examining all HC
substitute refrigerants in those uses for which UL currently has standards in place, for which the SNAP program has already listed the uses as acceptable, subject to use conditions, or for which the SNAP program is reviewing a submission, including those in this proposed action, we found that even if all the HC refrigerant substitutes in appliances in end-uses proposed to be listed acceptable, subject to use conditions, in this action and listed as acceptable in previous rules were to be emitted, there would be a worst-case impact of less than 0.15 ppb for ground- level ozone in the Los Angeles area.
The use conditions established in the prior SNAP listings limited the total amount of R–290 in each refrigerant circuit to 60 g or less (for water coolers) or 150 g or less (for other end-uses), depending on the end-use. Because R– 290 is not listed as acceptable for use in all refrigerant uses, the total amount of
R–290 that could be emitted in the end- uses evaluated is estimated at roughly ten percent of total refrigerant emissions, or less than 16,000 metric tons annually.
76In comparison, total
anthropogenic VOC emissions were estimated at 19.6 million metric tons in 2017.
77Further, there are other
substitute refrigerants that are not VOC that may also be used in these end-uses, so our analysis assuming complete market penetration of HCs is conservative.
EPA also has performed more recent
air quality analysis, considering additional end-uses and refrigerants that have been listed acceptable more recently (e.g., R–1150 in very low
temperature refrigeration), looking out to 2040, and using updated models.
78 EPA found that the revised air quality
models showed slightly greater impacts compared to our 2014 and 2016 analyses in all scenarios. For example, in the worst-case scenarios where the most reactive HC refrigerant, propylene, was used broadly across the refrigeration and AC industry, the worst-case increase in ground-level ozone was 8.62 ppb in Los Angeles in the 2020 analysis compared to 7.8 ppb in Los Angeles in an analysis in 2016 looking at the same scenario with the same refrigerant. Changes to the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, more updated refrigerant emissions estimates from EPA’s Vintaging Model, as well as the longer time-period considered, resulted in the changes. The 2016 analysis found that even assuming 100 percent market penetration of R–290 and the other acceptable HCs in the end-uses where they are already listed as acceptable, subject to use conditions, or were under review, which is a conservative assumption, the highest impact for a single 8-hour average ozone concentration based on the 2016 analysis would be 0.05 ppb in Los Angeles and less than 0.01 ppb in Houston and Atlanta.
79Looking at the
2020 analysis, in the scenarios that estimated emissions assuming that HC refrigerants listed as acceptable, subject to use conditions, reached 100 percent market penetration, the worst-case increase in ground-level ozone in Los Angeles was 0.012 ppb, in Houston was 0.009 ppb, and in Atlanta was 0.006 ppb. Unlike the 2016 analysis, the 2020 analysis did not include modeling of propylene or the propylene blend R– 443A in certain end-uses, as those refrigerants were listed as unacceptable in SNAP Rule 21 (81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016). The modeled changes to ground-level ozone levels were less than 0.017 percent of the NAAQS 8-hour ozone concentration of 70 ppb.
80EPA considers this to further
support the Agency’s earlier
conclusions in 2015 and 2016 that use of saturated HCs as refrigerants, including release of R–290, R–600a, and R–441A during repairing, maintaining, servicing, or disposing of appliances, would not result in a significant increase in ground-level ozone.
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Considering our evaluation of these
potential environmental impacts, EPA
proposes to conclude that R–290 in the refrigerated food processing and dispensing end-use is not expected to pose a threat to the environment on the basis of the inherent characteristics of this substance and the limited quantities used in the relevant end-use.
Authorities, Controls, or Practices
EPA expects that existing authorities,
controls, and/or practices will mitigate
environmental risk from the release of R–290. Analyses performed for both this rule and the SNAP rules issued in 1994, 2011, 2015, 2016, and 2022 (59 FR 13044, March 17, 1994; 76 FR 38832, December 20, 2011; 80 FR 19453, April 10, 2015; and 81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016, respectively) indicate that existing regulatory requirements and industry practices limit and control the emission of R–290. As explained below, EPA proposes that the limits and controls under other authorities, regulations, or practices adequately control the release of and exposure to R–290 and mitigate risks from any possible release.
As mentioned above, the
determination of whether venting, release, or disposal of a substitute refrigerant poses a threat to the environment includes considering whether such venting, release, or disposal is adequately controlled by other authorities, regulations, or practices. This information is another part of EPA’s proposal that the venting, release, or disposal of R–290, in the specified end-use and subject to the use conditions in this proposed action, does not pose a threat to the environment.
Industry service practices and OSHA
standards and guidelines that address HC refrigeration equipment include monitoring efforts, engineering controls, and operating procedures. OSHA requirements that apply during servicing include continuous monitoring of explosive gas concentrations and oxygen levels. In general, HC emissions from refrigeration systems are likely to be significantly smaller than those emanating from the industrial process and storage systems, which are controlled for safety reasons. In sections II.B.7, ‘‘What updates to existing use conditions for stand-alone units is EPA proposing?’’ and II.D.5, ‘‘What updates to existing use conditions for commercial ice machines is EPA proposing?’’ above in this document, we note that the amount of substitute refrigerant from a refrigerant loop is effectively limited to 500 g or 300 g in the end-uses proposed in this rule. This indicates that HC emissions from such uses are likely to be relatively
As discussed above in section II.B.3,
‘‘What is R–290 and how does it compare to other refrigerants in the refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment end-use category?’’, EPA’s SNAP program evaluated the flammability and toxicity risks from R–290 in the proposed new end-use in this rule. EPA is providing some of that information in this section as well, to provide information on the potential for leaks and exposure due to R–290.
R–290 is classified as an A3
refrigerant by ASHRAE 34–2022 and subsequent addenda, indicating that it has low toxicity and high flammability. R–290 has an LFL of 2.1 percent. To address flammability risks, this proposal provides recommendations for its safe use (see section II.H.2, ‘‘What additional information is EPA including in these proposed listings?’’). The SNAP program’s analysis suggests that the proposed use conditions in this rule will mitigate flammability risks.
Like most refrigerants, at high
concentrations HCs can displace oxygen and cause asphyxiation. Various industry and regulatory standards exist to address asphyxiation and toxicity risks. The SNAP program’s analysis of asphyxiation and toxicity risks suggests that the proposed use conditions in this rule would mitigate asphyxiation and toxicity risks. Furthermore, it is the Agency’s understanding that flammability risks and occupational exposures to HCs are adequately regulated by OSHA and building and fire codes at a local and national level.
The release and/or disposal of many
refrigerant substitutes, including R–290, are controlled by other authorities including various standards and state and local building codes. The industry consensus safety standard UL 60335–2– 89, which EPA is proposing to incorporate by reference in use conditions in the SNAP listing for R– 290 in refrigerated food processing and
dispensing equipment, is one of these standards, and industry also applies the standard ASHRAE 15. Code-making organizations, such as the International Code Council (ICC), are in the process of updating references to the most recent industry standards that address use of R–290 and other flammable refrigerants in the International Building Code (IBC). The specific editions of UL 60335–2–89 and ASHRAE 15–2022 are in the process of being adopted in the next version of the IBC; once the IBC adopts those standards, states and localities may adopt those revisions into their state or local building codes. To the extent that release during
maintaining, repairing, servicing, or disposing of appliances is controlled by regulations and standards of other authorities, these practices and controls for the use of R–290 are sufficiently protective. These practices and controls mitigate the risk to the environment that may be posed by the venting, release, or disposal of R–290 during the maintaining, servicing, repairing, or disposing of appliances.
EPA is aware of equipment that can
be used to recover HC refrigerants. While there are no relevant U.S. standards for such recovery equipment currently, to the extent that R–290 is recovered rather than vented in specific end-uses and equipment, EPA recommends the use of recovery equipment designed specifically for flammable refrigerants in accordance with applicable safe handling practices.
2. What is EPA’s proposal regarding
whether venting of R–290 from refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment should be exempted from the venting prohibition under CAA section 608(c)(2)?
Consistent with the proposed listing
under SNAP in this action, EPA proposes to determine that venting,
releasing, or disposing of R–290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment is not expected to pose a threat to the environment during the maintaining, servicing, repairing, or disposing of appliances. As discussed more fully above, we propose this on the basis of the inherent characteristics of this substance, the limited quantities used in the relevant end-uses, and the limits and controls under other authorities, regulations, or practices that adequately control the release of and exposure to R–290 and mitigate risks from any possible release. Accordingly, EPA is proposing to revise the regulations at § 82.154(a)(1) to add R– 290 in this end-use to the list of substitute refrigerants that are exempt from the venting prohibition under CAA section 608(c)(2).
3. When would the exemption from the
venting prohibition apply?
We are proposing that this exemption
for R–290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment would apply as of 30 days after the publication of a final rule in the Federal Register. This would be the same as the proposed effective date of the SNAP listing of R–290 in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, if that listing is finalized as proposed.
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4. What is the relationship between this
proposed exemption under CAA section 608(c)(2) and other EPA rules?
If this proposed exemption were to
become final as proposed, it would not mean that R–290 could be vented in all situations. R–290 and other HCs being recovered, vented, released, or otherwise disposed of from commercial and industrial appliances are likely to be hazardous waste under RCRA (see 40 CFR parts 260 through 270). As discussed in the final rules addressing the venting of ethane (R–170), R–600a, R–290, and R–441A as refrigerant substitutes in certain end-uses, incidental releases may occur during the maintenance, service, and repair of appliances subject to CAA section 608 (79 FR 29682, May 23, 2014; 80 FR 19454, April 10, 2015; 81 FR 86778, December 1, 2016). Such incidental releases would not be subject to RCRA requirements for the disposal of hazardous waste, as such releases would not constitute disposal of the refrigerant charge as a solid waste, per se. For commercial appliances such as refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment, it is likely that R–290 and other flammable HC refrigerant substitutes would be classified as hazardous waste and recycling, reclamation or disposal of R– 290 from such appliances would need to be managed as hazardous waste under the RCRA regulations (40 CFR parts 260 through 270), unless it is subject to a limited exception in those regulations if the ignitable refrigerant is to be reused without first being processed to remove contamination.
5. On which topics is EPA specifically
requesting comment?
EPA requests comment on all aspects
of our proposal to exempt R–290 used as a refrigerant substitute in refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment from the venting prohibition under CAA section 608(c)(2), as well as seeking comment on the proposed addition to the existing exemption language for R–290 in particular end- uses at 40 CFR 82.154(a)(1)(viii). The Agency notes that the proposed regulatory text contains the proposed addition to § 82.154(a)(1)(viii), as well as certain other exemptions for other end-uses that already appear at 40 CFR 82.154(a)(1)(viii) and that EPA is republishing for purposes of formatting for the Federal Register. EPA is not
proposing changes to, and is not taking comment on, those existing exemptions and we are not reopening for comment those current exemptions for the other end-uses where R–290 may be used. III. Statutory and Executive Order
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.
This action is not a significant
regulatory action and was therefore not submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
This action does not impose any new
information collection burden under the
PRA. OMB has previously approved the information collection activities contained in the existing regulations and has assigned OMB control number 2060–0226. The approved Information Collection Request includes five types of respondent reporting and recordkeeping activities pursuant to SNAP regulations: submission of a SNAP petition, filing a Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)/SNAP Addendum, notification for test
marketing activity, recordkeeping for substitutes acceptable, subject to use restrictions, and recordkeeping for small volume uses. This proposed rule contains no new requirements for reporting or recordkeeping.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
I certify that this action will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities under the RFA. In making this determination, EPA concludes that the impact of concern for this proposed rule is any significant adverse economic impact on small entities and that the agency is certifying that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities because the rule has no net burden on the small entities subject to the rule. This action proposes to add the additional options under SNAP of using HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–290, R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A in the specified end-uses, but does not mandate such use. Because equipment for HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R– 454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A is not manufactured yet in the U.S. for retail food refrigeration equipment, commercial ice machines, IPR, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks, no change in business practice is required to meet the use conditions, resulting in no adverse impact compared with the absence of this proposed rule. The new use conditions for R–290 in stand-alone units and self-contained commercial ice machines were requested by industry and are consistent with the most recent,
updated standard; these would allow for greater consistency in business practices for different types of equipment using the same refrigerant, as well as provide greater flexibility in designing and manufacturing equipment. Equipment for R–290 already manufactured prior to the effective date of a final rule based on this proposal would not be required to be changed. Stand-alone units and self- contained commercial ice machines using R–290 have been subject to similar use conditions, and thus the updated requirements would result in no adverse impact compared with the absence of this proposed rule. Thus, if the rule were finalized as proposed, it would not impose new costs on small entities. We have therefore concluded that this action will have no net regulatory burden for all directly regulated small entities.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
This action does not contain any
unfunded mandate as described in UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531–1538, and does not significantly or uniquely affect small governments. The action imposes no enforceable duty on any state, local, or tribal governments or the private sector.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This action does not have federalism
implications. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the states, on the relationship between the National Government and the states, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments
This action does not have tribal
implications as specified in Executive Order 13175. It will not have substantial direct effects on tribal governments, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, as specified in Executive Order 13175. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this action. EPA periodically updates tribal officials on air regulations through the monthly meetings of the National Tribal Air Association and will share information on this rulemaking through this and other fora.
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G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health and Safety Risks
Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885,
April 23, 1997) directs Federal agencies to include an evaluation of the health and safety effects of the planned regulation on children in Federal health and safety standards and explain why the regulation is preferable to potentially effective and reasonably feasible alternatives. This action is not subject to Executive Order 13045 because it is not economically significant as defined in Executive Order 12866, and because the EPA does not believe the environmental health or safety risks addressed by this action present a disproportionate risk to children. While EPA has not conducted a separate analysis of risks to infants and children associated with this proposed rule, the rule does contain use conditions that would reduce exposure risks to the general population, with the reduction of exposure being most important to the most sensitive individuals. This action’s health and risk assessments are contained in the comparisons of toxicity for the various substitutes, as well as in the risk screens for the substitutes that are listed in this proposed rule. The risk screens are in the docket for this rulemaking. However, EPA’s Policy on Children’s Health applies to this action.
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
This action is not subject to Executive
Order 13211, because it is not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act and 1 CFR Part 51
This action involves technical
standards. EPA uses and proposes to incorporate by reference portions of the 2021 UL 60335–2–89, which establishes requirements for the evaluation of commercial refrigeration equipment and commercial ice machines and safe use of flammable refrigerants, among other things. This standard is discussed in greater detail in section II.H.1 of this preamble.
The 2021 standard UL 60335–2–89,
‘‘Household And Similar Electrical Appliances—Safety—Part 2–89: Particular Requirements for Commercial Refrigerating Appliances and Ice-Makers with an Incorporated or Remote Refrigerant Unit or Motor Compressor,’’ 2nd edition, October 27, 2021, is available at: 2_S_ 20211027, and
may be purchased by mail at: COMM
2000, 151 Eastern Avenue, Bensenville, IL 60106; Email: [email protected]; Telephone: 1–
888–853–3503 in the U.S. or Canada (other countries dial 1–415–352–2178); internet address: or https:// The cost of
the 2021 standard UL 60335–2–89 is $519 for an electronic copy and $649 for a hard copy. UL also offers a subscription service to the Standards Certification Customer Library that allows unlimited access to their standards and related documents. The cost of obtaining this standard is not a significant financial burden for equipment manufacturers and purchase is not necessary for those selling, installing, and servicing the equipment. Therefore, EPA concludes that the UL standard proposed to be incorporated by reference is reasonably available.
EPA is also proposing to incorporate
by reference the GHS diamond symbol (pictogram) for hazard category 1 flammable gases from Annex 1 to the 9th edition of the Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, copyrighted in 2021, in the use conditions for hazard labeling of commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment. This document is available for viewing online at: sites/default/files/2021-9/GHS_ Rev9E_
0.pdf. Printed versions and electronic
editable versions are available for sale at the United Nations Publications section at:
harmon-syst-class-9-92280. The cost of
the 9th edition of the GHS is $75.00 for an electronic copy or $150.00 for a printed hard copy. A copyright permission request is not required for the use of up to 2 graphs, charges, tables, and figures. The cost of obtaining this standard is not a significant financial burden for equipment manufacturers or for those selling, installing, and servicing the equipment. Therefore, EPA concludes that the GHS symbol proposed to be incorporated by reference is reasonably available.
EPA is also proposing to incorporate
by reference ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15–2022, ‘‘Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems,’’ in the use conditions for refrigerants listed for use in larger refrigeration equipment (see summary in section II.A.4 of the preamble) and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34–2022, ‘‘Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants,’’ in the use conditions for labeling refrigeration equipment with the safety classification
of the refrigerant used (see summary in section II.A.2 of the preamble). These standards are available at https:// bookstore/ashrae-refrigeration- resources, and may be purchased by
mail at: 180 Technology Parkway NW, Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092; by telephone: 1–800–527–4723 in the U.S. or Canada. ASHRAE 15–2022 and ASHRAE 34–2022 are available as a bundle costing $169.00 for an electronic copy or hard copy. The cost of obtaining these standards is not a significant financial burden for equipment manufacturers or for those selling, installing, and servicing the equipment. Therefore, EPA concludes that the ASHRAE standards proposed to be incorporated by reference are reasonably available.
The following standards are already
approved for locations where they appear in the amendatory text: UL 471, UL 541, UL 484, UL 60335–2–24, and 60335–2–40.
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal
Actions To Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629,
February 16, 1994) directs Federal agencies, to the greatest extent practicable and permitted by law, to make environmental justice part of their mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their programs, policies, and activities on minority populations (people of color and/or indigenous peoples) and low-income populations.
EPA believes that the human health or
environmental conditions that exist prior to this action result in or have the potential to result in disproportionate and adverse human health or environmental effects on people of color, low-income populations and/or indigenous peoples. This action’s health
and environmental risk assessments are contained in the comparison of health and environmental risks for HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–290, R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R–455A, R– 457A, and R–516A as well as in the risk screens that are available in the docket for this rulemaking. EPA’s analysis indicates that other environmental impacts and human health impacts of HFC–32, HFO–1234yf, HFO–1234ze(E), R–290, R–454A, R–454B, R–454C, R– 455A, R–457A, and R–516A are comparable to or less than those of other substitutes that are listed as acceptable for the same end-use. Because adoption of the new substitutes listed in this proposed rule is voluntary, the Agency is unable to quantify when, where, and
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how much of the listed substitutes will
be produced and used. Thus, EPA cannot determine the extent to which this proposed rule will exacerbate or reduce existing disproportionate adverse effects on communities of color and low-income people as specified in Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
EPA believes that it is not practicable
to assess whether this action is likely to result in new disproportionate and adverse effects on people of color, low- income populations, and/or indigenous peoples. The Agency will continue to evaluate the impacts of this program on communities with environmental justice concerns and consider further action, as
IV. References
Unless specified otherwise, all
documents are available electronically
through the Federal Docket Management System at, Docket
number EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0043.
ASHRAE, 2022a. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
15–2022: Safety Standard for
Refrigeration Systems. 2022
ASHRAE, 2022b. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
34–2022: Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants. 2022.
Carter, 2010. ‘‘Development of the SAPRC–07
Chemical Mechanism and Updated Ozone Reactivity Scales,’’ Report to the California Air Resources Board by William P. L. Carter. Revised January 27, 2010.
GHS, 2021. Pictogram for Hazard Category 1
Flammable Gases from Annex 1 to the 9th edition of the Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, 2021. Available online at 2021-9/GHS_ Rev9E_ 0.pdf or from the
United Nations Publications section at: harmon-syst-class-9-92280.
Hodnebrog, et al., 2013. Hodnebrog, ;.,
Etminan, M., Fuglestvedt, J.S., Marston, G., Myhre, G., Nielsen, C.J., Shine, K.P., and Wallington, T.J. (2013). Global Warming Potentials and Radiative Efficiencies of Halocarbons and Related Compounds: A Comprehensive Review, Reviews of Geophysics, 51, 300–378. Available at:
ICF, 2014. Assessment of the Potential
Impact of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. February, 2014.
ICF, 2016. Additional Follow-on Assessment
of the Potential Impact of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. September, 2016.
ICF, 2020. Additional Assessment of the
Potential Impact of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations. May, 2020.
ICF, 2023a. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Retail Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: HFO–1234yf.
ICF, 2023b. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Retail Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: HFO–1234ze(E) (Solstice
®ze, Solstice®1234ze).
ICF, 2023c. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Retail Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454A (Opteon
ICF, 2023d. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Retail Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454C (Opteon
ICF, 2023e. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Retail Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R–455A (Solstice
ICF, 2023f. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Retail Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R–457A (Forane
ICF, 2023g. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Retail Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R–516A (Forane
ICF, 2023h. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Retail Food Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: Propane (R– 290).
ICF, 2023i. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: HFC–32.
ICF, 2023j. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: HFO–1234yf.
ICF, 2023k. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454A
ICF, 2023l. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454B (Opteon
ICF, 2023m. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454C (Opteon
ICF, 2023n. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–455A (Solstice
ICF, 2023o. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–457A (Forane
ICF, 2023p. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: R–516A (Forane
ICF, 2023q. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Commercial Ice Machines (New Equipment); Substitute: Propane (R– 290).
ICF, 2023r. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: HFC–32 (Difluoromethane)
ICF, 2023s. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: HFO–1234yf.
ICF, 2023t. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: HFO–1234ze(E) (Solstice
®ze, Solstice®
ICF, 2023u. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration and Cold Storage Warehouses (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454A (Opteon
ICF, 2023v. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration (New Equipment); Substitute: R–454B (Opteon
ICF, 2023w. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 454C (Opteon
ICF, 2023x. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 455A (Solstice
ICF, 2023y. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 457A (Forane
ICF, 2023z. Risk Screen on Substitutes in
Industrial Process Refrigeration, Cold
Storage Warehouses, and Ice Skating Rinks (New Equipment); Substitute: R– 516A (Forane
IPCC, 2007. Climate Change 2007: The
Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Solomon, S., Qin, D., Manning, M., Chen, Z., Marquis, M., Averyt, K.B., Tignor, M., and Miller, H.L. (eds.). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Available at: report/ar4/wg1.
Nielsen et al., 2007. Nielsen, O.J., Javadi,
M.S., Sulbaek Andersen, M.P., Hurley, M.D., Wallington, T.J., Singh, R. (2007). Atmospheric chemistry of CF
3CF=CH 2:
Kinetics and mechanisms of gas-phase reactions with Cl atoms, OH radicals, and O
3. Chemical Physics Letters 439,
18–22. Available at: gateway/FedReg/network_ OJN_ 174_
UL 471, 2010. Commercial Refrigerators and
Freezers. 10th edition. Supplement SB: Requirements for Refrigerators and Freezers Employing a Flammable Refrigerant in the Refrigerating System. November 24, 2010.
UL 563, 2009. Standard for Safety: Ice
Makers—Supplement SA: Requirements for Ice Makers Employing a Flammable Refrigerant in the Refrigerating System, 8th edition, July 31, 2009, including revisions through November 29, 2013.
UL 60335–2–89, 2021. Household And
Similar Electrical Appliances—Safety— Part 2–89: Particular Requirements for Commercial Refrigerating Appliances and Ice-Makers with an Incorporated or Remote Refrigerant Unit or Motor Compressor. 2nd edition. October 27, 2021.
U.S. EPA, 2020. 2017 National Emissions
Inventory Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Available online at
World Meteorological Organization (WMO),
2018. Burkholder et al. Appendix A,
Table A–1 in Scientific Assessment of
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Ozone Depletion: 2018, Global Ozone
Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 58, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Available at: science/assessment/sap.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 82
Environmental protection,
Administrative practice and procedure, Air pollution control, Incorporation by
reference, Stratospheric ozone layer.
Michael S. Regan,
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, EPA proposes to amend 40
■1. The authority citation for part 82
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7414, 7601, 7671–
Subpart G—Significant New Alternatives Policy Program
■2. Amend appendix R to subpart G of
part 82 by:
■a. Revising the heading; and
■b. Revising the table titled
‘‘Substitutes That Are Acceptable Subject to Use Conditions.’’ The revisions read as follows:
Appendix R to Subpart G of Part 82—
Substitutes Subject to Use Restrictions Listed in the December 20, 2011, Final Rule, Effective February 21, 2012, in the April 10, 2015, Final Rule, Effective May 11, 2015, in the April 28, 2023, Final Rule, Effective May 30, 2023, and in the [date of publication of the final rule], Final Rule, Effective [effective date of the final rule]
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EP24MY23.009</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333767 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.010</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333768 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.011</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333769 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
* * * * *
■3. Amend appendix V to subpart G of
part 82 by:
■a. Revising the heading; and
■b. Revising the table titled
‘‘Refrigerants—Acceptable Subject to
Use Conditions’’.
The revisions read as follows: Appendix V to Subpart G of Part 82— Substitutes Subject to Use Restrictions and Unacceptable Substitutes Listed in the December 1, 2016, Final Rule, Effective January 3, 2017, and Listed in the [date of publication of the final rule], Final Rule, Effective [effective date of final rule]
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EP24MY23.012</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333770 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.013</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333771 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.014</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333772 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.016</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333774 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.019</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333777 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
* * * * *
■4. Add appendix Y to subpart G of
part 82 to read as follows: Appendix Y to Subpart G of Part 82—
Substitutes Listed in the [Date of publication of the final rule in the Federal Register], Final Rule, Effective [30 days after date of publication of the final rule in the Federal Register]
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EP24MY23.020</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333778 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.022</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333780 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.025</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333783 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.026</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333784 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.027</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333785 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.028</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333786 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.029</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333787 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.030</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333788 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.031</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333789 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.032</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333790 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.033</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333791 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.034</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333792 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.035</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333793 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.036</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333794 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.037</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333795 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.038</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333796 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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EP24MY23.039</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS333797 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 / Proposed Rules
■5. Amend §82.154 by revising
paragraph (a)(1)(viii) to read as follows:
§82.154 Prohibitions.
(a) * * *
(1) * * * (viii)Propane (R-290) in retail food
refrigerators and freezers—stand alone
units; household refrigerators, freezers, and combination refrigerators and
freezers; self-contained room air
conditioners for residential and light commercial air-conditioning and heat pumps; vending machines; effective January 3, 2017, self-contained commercial ice machines, very low temperature refrigeration equipment, and water coolers; and effective [30 DAYS AFTER PUBLICATION OF
FINAL RULE IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER], retail food refrigeration— refrigerated food processing and dispensing equipment;
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2023–09600 Filed 5–23–23; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:55 May 23, 2023 Jkt 259001 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 9990 E:\FR\FM\24MYP3.SGM 24MYP3
EP24MY23.040</GPH>ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS3 | 43,144 | 286,039 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_WT_AIRSPS_33.pdf | s_WT_AIRSPS_33 | 0 | 0 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_Jobs_RD-SERV_158.pdf | q_Jobs_RD-SERV_158 | 0 | 0 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN21_MEX489A1.pdf | q_G_TBTN21_MEX489A1 |
19 April 2022
(22-3126) Page: 1/1
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: Spanish
The following communication, dated 1 9 April 2 022, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of Mexico .
Title: PROYECTO de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY -NOM-236-SE-2020, Vehículos automotores -
Condiciones fisicomecánicas de los vehículos con peso bruto vehicular que no exceda 3,857 kg (Draft
Mexican Official Standard PROY -NOM-236-SE-2020, Motor vehicles - Physical and mechanical
conditions of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 3,857 kg)
Reason for Addendum:
[ ] Comment period changed - date:
[ ] Notified measure adopted - date:
[ ] Notified measure published - date:
[ ] Notified measure enters into force - date:
[ ] Text of final measure available from1:
[ ] Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:
Relevant symbol if measure re -notified:
[ ] Content or scope of notified measure changed and text available from1:
New deadline for comments (if applicable):
[ ] Interpretive guidance issued and text available from:1
[X] Other:
Description : Please be advised of the publication of the reply to the comments on dr aft Mexican
Official Standard PROY -NOM-236-SE-2020 "Motor vehicles - Physical and mechanical conditions of
vehicles with a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 3,857 kg ", published on 1 2 January 2 021.
1 This information can be provided by including a website address, a PDF attachment, or other
information on where the text of the final measure/change to the measure/interpretative guidance can be
obtained. | 256 | 1,779 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_WT_DS_471-17A14.pdf | r_WT_DS_471-17A14 |
18 octobre 2019
(19-6815) Page: 1/1
Original: anglais
La communication ci-après , datée du 17 octobre 2019 et adressée par la délégation des États -Unis
au Président de l'Organe de règlement des différends , est distribuée conformément à l'article 21:6
du Mémorandum d'accord .
Les États -Unis soumettent le présent rapport conformément à l'article 21:6 du Mémorandum
d'accord sur les règles et procédures régissant le règlement des différends ("Mémorandum
d'accord ").
Le 22 mai 2017, l'Organe de règlement des différends ("ORD") a adopté ses recomm andations
concernant l'affaire États-Unis – Certaines méthodes et leur application aux procédures antidumping
visant la Chine (WT/DS471) . À la réunion suivante de l'ORD, le 19 juin 2017, les États -Unis ont
informé l'ORD de leur intention de mettre en œ uvre les recommandations de l'ORD en la matière .
La Chine a demand é que le délai raisonnable imparti aux États -Unis pour la mise en œuvre des
recommandations de l'ORD soit déterminé par arb itrage conformément à l'article 21:3 c) du
Mémorandum d'accord . L'arbitre a déterminé que le délai raisonnable serait de 15 mois, et arriverait
à expiration le 22 août 2018.
Les États -Unis poursuivent les consultations avec les parties intéressées sur les options possibles
pour donner suite aux recommandation s de l'ORD .
__________ | 250 | 1,658 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/256204_2019_TBT_ECU_19_4435_00_s.pdf | 256204_2019_TBT_ECU_19_4435_00_s | 2015-017
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Que de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Artículo 52 de la Constitución de la República del
Ecuador, “Las personas tienen derecho a disponer de bienes y servicios de óptima calidad y a
elegirlos con libertad, así como a una información precisa y no engañosa sobre su contenido y
Que el Protocolo de Adhesión de la República del Ec uador al Acuerdo por el que se establece la
Organización Mundial del Comercio – OMC, se publicó en el Registro Oficial Suplemento No. 853 del
2 de enero de 1996;
Que el Acuerdo de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio - AOTC de la OMC, en su Artículo 2 establece
las disposiciones sobre la elaboración, adopción y aplicación de Reglamentos Técnicos por
instituciones del gobierno central y su notificaci ón a los demás Miembros;
Que se deben tomar en cuenta las Decisiones y Recom endaciones adoptadas por el Comité de
Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio de la OMC;
Que el Anexo 3 del Acuerdo OTC establece el Código de Buena Conducta para la elaboración,
adopción y aplicación de normas;
Que la Decisión 376 de 1995 de la Comisión de la Co munidad Andina creó el “Sistema Andino de
Normalización, Acreditación, Ensayos, Certificación , Reglamentos Técnicos y Metrología”, modificado
por la Decisión 419 del 30 de julio de 1997;
Que la Decisión 562 de 25 de junio de 2003 de la Co misión de la Comunidad Andina establece las
“Directrices para la elaboración, adopción y aplica ción de Reglamentos Técnicos en los Países
Miembros de la Comunidad Andina y a nivel comunitar io”;
Que mediante Ley No. 2007-76, publicada en el Suple mento del Registro Oficial No. 26 del 22 de
febrero de 2007, reformada en la Novena Disposición Reformatoria del Código Orgánico de la
Producción, Comercio e Inversiones, publicado en el Registro Oficial Suplemento No. 351 del 29 de
diciembre de 2010, constituye el Sistema Ecuatorian o de la Calidad, que tiene como objetivo
establecer el marco jurídico destinado a: “i) Regular los principios, políticas y entidades r elacionados
con las actividades vinculadas con la evaluación de la conformidad, que facilite el cumplimiento de lo s
compromisos internacionales en esta materia; ii) Ga rantizar el cumplimiento de los derechos
ciudadanos relacionados con la seguridad, la protec ción de la vida y la salud humana, animal y
vegetal, la preservación del medio ambiente, la pro tección del consumidor contra prácticas
engañosas y la corrección y sanción de estas prácti cas; y, iii) Promover e incentivar la cultura de la
calidad y el mejoramiento de la competitividad en l a sociedad ecuatoriana” ;
Que el Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización, INEN, de acuerdo a las funciones determinadas en el
Artículo 15, literal b) de la Ley No. 2007-76 del S istema Ecuatoriano de la Calidad, reformada en la
Novena Disposición Reformatoria del Código Orgánico de la Producción, Comercio e Inversiones
publicado en el Registro Oficial Suplemento No. 351 del 29 de diciembre de 2010, y siguiendo el
trámite reglamentario establecido en el Artículo 29 inciso primero de la misma Ley, en donde
manifiesta que: “ La reglamentación técnica comprende la elaboración, adopción y aplicación de
reglamentos técnicos necesarios para precautelar lo s objetivos relacionados con la seguridad, la
salud de la vida humana, animal y vegetal, la prese rvación del medio ambiente y la protección del
consumidor contra prácticas engañosas” ha formulado el Proyecto de Reglamento Técnico
Que en conformidad con el Artículo 2, numeral 2.9.2 del Acuerdo de Obstáculos Técnicos al
Comercio de la OMC, el Artículo 11 de la Decisión 5 62 de la Comisión de la Comunidad Andina, CAN,
se debe proceder a la NOTIFICACIÓN del proyecto del mencionado Reglamento; 2015-017
Página 2 de 7
Que de conformidad con la Ley del Sistema Ecuatoria no de la Calidad y su Reglamento General, el
Ministerio de Industrias y Productividad es la inst itución rectora del Sistema Ecuatoriano de la
Calidad, en consecuencia, es competente para aproba r y notificar el Proyecto de Reglamento Técnico
Que mediante Acuerdo Ministerial No. 11446 del 25 d e noviembre de 2011, publicado en el Registro
Oficial No. 599 del 19 de diciembre de 2011, se del ega a la Subsecretaría de la Calidad la facultad de
aprobar y oficializar las propuestas de normas o re glamentos técnicos y procedimientos de evaluación
de la conformidad propuestos por el INEN en el ámbi to de su competencia de conformidad con lo
previsto en la Ley del Sistema Ecuatoriano de la Ca lidad y en su Reglamento General; y,
En ejercicio de las facultades que le concede la Le y,
ARTÍCULO 1.- Notificar el siguiente Proyecto de:
1.1 Este Reglamento Técnico establece los requisitos d e desempeño, que deben cumplir las válvulas de
admisión y descarga para tanques de inodoro, a fin de proteger el ambiente y evitar prácticas
engañosas que puedan inducir a error a los usuarios .
2.1 Este Reglamento Técnico se aplica a las válvulas de admisión (ingreso) y descarga (salida) para
tanques de inodoro, que se comercialicen en el Ecua dor, sean éstas, importadas o de fabricación
2.2 Estos productos se encuentran comprendidos en la s iguiente clasificación arancelaria:
84.81 Artículos de grifería y órganos similar es
para tuberías, calderas, depósitos, cubas
o continentes similares, incluidas las
válvulas reductoras de presión y las
válvulas termostáticas.
- Los demás artículos de grifería y
órganos similares:
- - Los demás:
8481.80.99 - - - Los demás Aplica para válvulas de
admisión y descarga
para tanques de
3.1 Para efectos de este reglamento técnico, se adopt an las definiciones contempladas en la Normas
NTE INEN 2306, EN 14124 o ANSI/ASSE 1002, ANSI/ASME A112.19.5 vigentes y las siguientes:
Página 3 de 7
3.1.1 Proveedor . Organización o persona que proporciona un product o, que puede ser el fabricante
(productor) o distribuidor mayorista oficial autori zado por el fabricante.
3.1.2 Actividad de evaluación de la conformidad de primer a parte. Actividad de evaluación de la
conformidad que lleva a cabo la persona o la organi zación que provee el objeto.
3.1.3 Actividad de evaluación de la conformidad de terce ra parte . Actividad de evaluación de la
conformidad que lleva a cabo una persona u organism o que es independiente de la persona u
organización que provee el objeto y también de los intereses del usuario en dicho objeto.
3.1.4 Certificado de conformidad . Documento emitido de conformidad con las reglas d e un sistema
de evaluación de la conformidad en el que se declar a que un producto debidamente identificado es
conforme con un reglamento técnico o procedimiento de evaluación de la conformidad.
4.1 Las válvulas de admisión (ingreso) para tanques de inodoro contempladas en este Reglamento
Técnico deben cumplir con los requisitos establecid os en las Normas NTE INEN 2306 y NTE INEN 2308
conjuntamente, o en la Norma EN 14124 o ANSI/ASSE 1 002 vigentes.
4.2 Las válvulas de descarga (salida) para tanques de i nodoro contemplados en este Reglamento
Técnico deben cumplir con los requisitos establecid os en las Normas NTE INEN 2306 y NTE INEN 2308,
o en la Norma ANSI/ASME A112.19.5 vigentes.
5.1 El marcado de las válvulas de admisión (ingreso) p ara tanques de inodoro contempladas en este
reglamento técnico deben cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en la Norma NTE INEN 2308 o EN
14124 o ANSI/ASSE 1002 vigente.
5.2 El marcado de las válvulas de descarga (salida) p ara tanques de inodoro contempladas en este
reglamento técnico deben cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en la Norma NTE INEN 2308 o
ANSI/ASME A112.19.5 vigente.
5.3 La información descrita en el marcado debe ser leg ible e indeleble.
5.4 El rotulado del empaque del producto debe ser legi ble e indeleble y debe incluir adicionalmente el
país de origen.
5.5 En caso de ser producto importado, los proyectores deben llevar una etiqueta firmemente
adherida al embalaje con la siguiente información:
a) Razón social e identificación fiscal (RUC) del impo rtador (la empresa que realiza la
importación se convierte en la responsable del prod ucto dentro del Ecuador).
b) Dirección comercial del importador.
5.6 La información del marcado y rotulado debe estar en idioma español o inglés, sin perjuicio de que
se pueda incluir esta información en otros idiomas.
5.7 La documentación del fabricante sobre las instrucc iones de instalación debe estar en idioma
español, sin perjuicio de que se pueda incluir esta información en otros idiomas.
5.8 Las marcas de conformidad de los sistemas de gesti ón de la calidad de las empresas fabricantes, no
debe exhibirse en el producto, embalaje, manual de uso u otra información del producto.
6.1 El muestreo para la evaluación de la conformidad d e los productos contemplados en el presente
Reglamento Técnico, se debe realizar de conformidad con lo establecido en la norma NTE INEN-ISO 2015-017
Página 4 de 7
2859-1 vigente y de acuerdo con los procedimientos establecidos por el organismo de certificación de
7.1 Los métodos de ensayo utilizados para verificar e l cumplimiento de las válvulas de admisión
(entrada) para tanques de inodoro con el presente R eglamento Técnico, son los establecidos en la
norma NTE INEN 2307 o EN 14124 o ANSI/ASSE 1002 v igente.
7.2 Los métodos de ensayo utilizados para verificar e l cumplimiento de las válvulas de descarga (salida)
para tanques de inodoro con el presente Reglamento Técnico, son los especificados en la norma NTE
INEN 2307 o ANSI/ASME A112.19.5 vigente.
8.1 Norma NTE INEN 2306, Componentes para artefactos sanitarios. Herrajes pa ra inodoros y
urinarios. Requisitos dimensionales.
8.2 Norma NTE INEN 2307, Componentes para artefactos sanitarios. Herrajes pa ra inodoros y
urinarios. Ensayos.
8.3 Norma NTE INEN 2308, Componentes para artefactos sanitarios. Herrajes pa ra inodoros y
urinarios. Requisitos.
8.4 Norma ANSI/ASSE 1002, Válvulas de llenado antisifón para tanques de agua de inodoro.
8.5 Norma ANSI/ASME A112.19.5, Válvulas de descarga y perforaciones para inodoros , urinarios y
8.6 Norma Europea EN 14124, Válvulas de entrada para cisternas de descarga de a gua con desagüe
8.7 Norma NTE INEN-ISO 2859-1, Procedimientos de muestreo para inspección por atri butos. Parte 1.
Programas de muestreo clasificados por el nivel ace ptable de calidad (AQL) para inspección lote a
8.8 Norma NTE INEN-ISO/IEC 17067, Evaluación de la conformidad-fundamentos de certifi cación de
productos y directrices aplicables a los esquemas d e certificación de productos.
8.9 Norma NTE INEN-ISO 17025, Requisitos generales para la competencia de labora torios de
calibración y ensayo.
8.10 Norma NTE INEN–ISO/IEC 17050-1 , Evaluación de la Conformidad – Declaración de la
conformidad del proveedor. Parte 1: Requisitos Gen erales.
9.1 De conformidad con lo que establece la Ley 2007-76 del Sistema Ecuatoriano de la Calidad,
previamente a la comercialización de los productos nacionales e importados contemplados en este
reglamento técnico, deberá demostrarse su cumplimie nto a través de un certificado de conformidad
de producto, expedido por un organismo de certifica ción de producto acreditado o designado en el
país, o por aquellos que se hayan emitido en relaci ón a los acuerdos vigentes de reconocimiento
mutuo con el país, de acuerdo a lo siguiente:
a) Para productos importados. Emitido por un organismo de certificación de produc to acreditado,
cuya acreditación sea reconocida por el Servicio de Acreditación Ecuatoriano, SAE, o por un
organismo de certificación de producto designado co nforme lo establece la Ley del Sistema
Ecuatoriano de la Calidad.
Página 5 de 7
b) Para productos fabricados a nivel nacional. Emitido por un organismo de certificación de
producto acreditado por el SAE o designado conforme lo establece la Ley del Sistema Ecuatoriano de
la Calidad.
9.2 Para la demostración de la conformidad de los prod uctos contemplados en este Reglamento
Técnico, los fabricantes nacionales e importadores deberán demostrar su cumplimiento a través de la
presentación del certificado de conformidad según l as siguientes opciones:
9.2.1 Certificado de conformidad de producto según el es quema de certificación 1b establecido en la
norma NTE INEN-ISO/IEC 17067, emitido por un organi smo de certificación de producto [ver numeral
9.1, literales a) y b) de este Reglamento Técnico]. Al certificado de conformidad de producto según e l
esquema de certificación 1b se debe adjuntar: Los informes de ensayos asociados al certificado, realizados por un laboratorio acreditado,
cuya acreditación sea reconocida por el SAE, o eval uado por el organismo certificador de producto
acreditado, en este último caso se deberá también a djuntar el informe de evaluación del laboratorio
de acuerdo con la norma NTE INEN-ISO/IEC 17025, el cual no debe ser mayor a doce meses a la
fecha de presentación; y, La evidencia de cumplimiento con los requisitos de marcado y rotulado del producto
establecidos en el presente Reglamento Técnico, emi tido por el organismo de certificación de
9.2.2 Certificado de conformidad de producto según el es quema de certificación 5, establecido en la
norma NTE INEN-ISO/IEC 17067, emitido por un organi smo de certificación de producto [ver numeral
9.1, literales a) y b) de este Reglamento Técnico]. Al certificado de conformidad de producto, según
el esquema de certificación 5 además se debe adjunt ar: Una constancia del mantenimiento de la certificaci ón emitida por el organismo de certificación
de producto después de la inspección anual; La evidencia de cumplimiento con los requisitos de marcado y rotulado del producto
establecidos en el presente Reglamento Técnico, emi tido por el organismo de certificación de
producto; y, El Registro de Operadores, establecido mediante Ac uerdo Ministerial No. 14114 del 24 de
enero de 2014.
9.2.3 Certificado de conformidad de primera parte según la norma NTE INEN–ISO/IEC 17050-1,
expedido por el proveedor, que puede ser el fabrica nte o distribuidor mayorista oficial autorizado por
el fabricante, debidamente legalizado por la Autori dad competente, que certifique que el producto
cumple con este Reglamento Técnico, lo cual debe es tar sustentado con la presentación de
certificados de conformidad o informes de ensayo de acuerdo con las siguientes alternativas:
a) Certificado de Marca de conformidad de producto co n las normas de referencia de este
Reglamento Técnico, emitido por un organismo de cer tificación de producto de tercera parte, que se
puedan verificar o evidenciar por cualquier medio. Al certificado de conformidad se debe adjuntar una
constancia del mantenimiento de la certificación em itida por el organismo de certificación de producto
después de la inspección anual. La marca de confor midad de producto deberá estar en el producto; o
b) Informe de ensayos del producto (lote) emitido por un laboratorio acreditado, cuya acreditación sea
reconocida por el SAE; o
c) Informe de ensayos del producto (lote) emitido por un laboratorio de tercera parte, que demuestre
competencia técnica con la norma NTE INEN-ISO/IEC 1 7025, la cual se pueda verificar o evidenciar
por cualquier medio; o
d) Informe de ensayos del producto (lote) emitido por el laboratorio del fabricante, que se encuentre
debidamente firmado por el responsable del laborato rio indicando el nombre y cargo.
Para el numeral 9.2.3, el importador además debe ad juntar la evidencia del cumplimiento con los
requisitos de marcado y rotulado del producto estab lecido en el presente Reglamento Técnico emitida 2015-017
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por el organismo de certificación de producto [ver numeral 9.2.3 literal a)] o por el fabricante [ver
numeral 9.2.3 literales b), c) y d)], y el Registro de Operadores establecido mediante Acuerdo
Ministerial No. 14114 de 24 de enero de 2014.
En este caso, previo a la nacionalización de la mer cancía, el INEN o las Autoridades de Vigilancia y
Control competentes, se reservan el derecho de real izar el muestreo, ensayos e inspección del
rotulado, de conformidad con este Reglamento Técnic o, en cualquier momento, a cuenta y a cargo
del fabricante o importador del producto. El certificado de conformidad de primera parte se aceptará hasta que existan organismos de
certificación de producto y laboratorios de ensayo acreditados o designados en el país de destino, o
acreditado en el país de origen, cuya acreditación sea reconocida por el SAE.
9.3 Los productos de fabricación nacional que cuenten con Sello de Calidad INEN o Certificado de
Conformidad INEN, Esquema 5, no están sujetos al re quisito de certificado de conformidad para su
9.4 El certificado de conformidad e informes de ensayo s deben estar en idioma español o inglés, o en
ambos idiomas.
10.1 De conformidad con lo que establece la Ley No. 200 7-76 del Sistema Ecuatoriano de la Calidad,
el Ministerio de Industrias y Productividad y las i nstituciones del Estado que, en función de sus ley es
constitutivas tengan facultades de fiscalización y supervisión, son las autoridades competentes para
efectuar las labores de vigilancia y control del cu mplimiento de los requisitos del presente Reglament o
Técnico, y demandarán de los fabricantes nacionales e importadores de los productos contemplados
en este Reglamento Técnico la presentación de los c ertificados de conformidad respectivos.
10.2 Las autoridades de vigilancia del mercado ejercerá n sus funciones de manera independiente,
imparcial y objetiva, y dentro del ámbito de sus co mpetencias.
1.1 Los proveedores de estos productos que incumplan c on lo establecido en este Reglamento
Técnico recibirán las sanciones previstas en la Ley No. 2007-76 del Sistema Ecuatoriano de la
Calidad y demás leyes vigentes, según el riesgo que implique para los usuarios y la gravedad del
12.1 Los organismos de certificación, laboratorios o de más instancias que hayan extendido
certificados de conformidad o informes de laborator io erróneos o que hayan adulterado
deliberadamente los datos de los ensayos de laborat orio o de los certificados, tendrán
responsabilidad administrativa, civil, penal y/o fi scal de acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley No.
2007-76 del Sistema Ecuatoriano de la Calidad y dem ás leyes vigentes.
13.1 Con el fin de mantener actualizadas las disposicion es de este Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano,
el Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización, INEN, lo revisará en un plazo no mayor a cinco (5) años
contados a partir de la fecha de su entrada en vige ncia, para incorporar avances tecnológicos o
requisitos adicionales de seguridad para la protecc ión de la salud, la vida y el ambiente, de
conformidad con lo establecido en la Ley No. 2007-7 6 del Sistema Ecuatoriano de la Calidad.
ARTÍCULO 2.- Disponer al Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización, INEN, que de conformidad con el
Acuerdo Ministerial No. 11256 del 15 de julio de 20 11, publicado en el Registro Oficial No. 499 del 26 2015-017
Página 7 de 7
de julio de 2011, publique el Reglamento Técnico Ec uatoriano RTE INEN 273 “VALVULAS DE
ADMISIÓN Y DESCARGA PARA TANQUES DE INODORO ” en la página web de esa Institución
( ).
ARTÍCULO 3.- Este reglamento técnico entrará en vigencia, tran scurridos ciento ochenta (180) días
calendario desde la fecha de su promulgación en el Registro Oficial.
COMUNÍQUESE Y PUBLÍQUESE en el Registro Oficial.
Dado en Quito, Distrito Metropolitano,
Mgs. Ana Elizabeth Cox Vásconez
SUBSECRETARIA DE LA CALIDAD | 3,274 | 21,121 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_INF_TEIDP_RD64.pdf | q_INF_TEIDP_RD64 |
18 October 2022
(22-7819) Page: 1/8
Original: English /anglais/ inglés
Plenary meeting 11 October 2022
Plenary meeting 11 October 2022
Plenary meeting 11 October 2022
* In Original language only/En langue originale seulement/En el idioma original solamente.
1 Documents issued in the RD series are not official WTO documents. They usually appear in their
language of submission and will not be translated systematically into the working languages of the WTO. They
are intended for use in WTO meeting rooms and are a ttributed an unofficial symbol for archiving purposes only.
Les documents de la série RD ne sont pas des documents officiels de l 'OMC. Ils ne paraissent
généralement que dans la langue dans laquelle ils ont été communiqués et ne seront pas systématiquemen t
traduits dans les langues de travail de l'OMC. Ils sont destinés aux salles de réunion de l'OMC et une cote non
officielle leur est attribuée à des fins d'archivage.
Los documentos de la serie RD no son documentos oficiales de la OMC. Por lo general se d istribuyen en
el idioma en que han sido presentados y no se traduce n sistemáticamente a los idiomas de trabajo de la
Organización. Se distribuyen para su uso en las salas de reunión de la OMC y se les asigna una signatura no
oficial a efectos de archivo ún icamente. INF/TE/IDP/RD/64
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| 320 | 2,195 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/279945_2022_SPS_JPN_22_0238_00_e.pdf | 279945_2022_SPS_JPN_22_0238_00_e | Broflanilide
Commodity (current)
Potato ○0.04
Sweet potato 0.01 0.01
Japanese radish, roots (including radish) 0.01 0.01
Japanese radish, leaves (including radish) 9 9
Turnip, roots (including rutabaga) 0.04 0.04
Turnip, leaves (including rutabaga) 6 6
Chinese cabbage 1 1
Cabbage 0.4 0.4
Kale 10 10
Komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) 6 6
Kyona 5 5
Qing-geng-cai 10 10
Cauliflower 2 2
Broccoli 2 2
Other cruciferous vegetables110 10
Lettuce (including cos lettuce and leaf lettuce) 15 15
Welsh (including leek) 3 3
Green soybeans 0.8 0.8
Other herbs210 10
Honey (including royal-jelly) 0.05 ※0.05MRL
* The residue definition will not be changed.
* The uniform limit 0.01 ppm will be applied to commodities not listed above.
1. “Other cruciferous vegetables” refers to all cruciferous vegetables, except Japanese radish
roots and leaves (including radish), turnip roots and leaves, horseradish, watercress,
Chinese cabbage, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach),
kyona, qing-geng-cai, cauliflower, broccoli and herbs.
○:Commodities for which MRLs are to be raised.
NOTE: The residue definition is Broflanilide only.
※ The MRL is to be enforced on December 17th, 2021.
2. “Other herbs” refers to all herbs, except watercress, nira, parsley stems and leaves, celery
stems and leaves. | 202 | 1,364 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/302560_2024_TBT_KEN_24_00478_00_e.pdf | 302560_2024_TBT_KEN_24_00478_00_e | AFRICAN
First Edition 2023
Reference No. DARS 1078 :2023(E)
ICS 67.100.30
© ARSO 20 23
Group Standard for un -ripened cheese including fresh cheese —
DARS 1078 :2023
ii © ARSO 20 23 — All rights reserved
Table of contents
1 Scope ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 1
2 Normative references ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 1
4 Requirements ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 1
4.1 Raw materials ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 1
4.2 General requirement ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 2
4.3 Compositional Requirements ................................ ................................ ................................ . 2
5 Food Additives ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 2
6 Contaminants ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 2
7 Hygiene ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 2
8 Labelling ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 3
8.1 Name of the food ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 3
8.2 Declaration of milkfat content ................................ ................................ ................................ 4
8.3 Declaration of milk protein ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 4
8.4 Additional Mandatory Requirements. ................................ ................................ .................... 4
8.5 Labelling of non -retail containers ................................ ................................ ........................... 4
9 Packaging ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 4
10 Methods of Sampling and Analysis ………………………………………………....4
DARS 1073 :2023
© ARSO 20 23 — All rights reserved iii Foreword
The African Organization for Standardization (ARS O) is an African intergovernmental organization
established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the Organization of
African Unity (AU) in 1977 . One of the fundamental mandates of ARSO is to develop and harmoniz e
African Standards (ARS) for the purpose of enhancing Africa’s internal trading capacity, increase
Africa’s product and service competitiveness globally and uplift the welfare of African communities. The
work of preparing African Standards is normally carried out through ARSO technical committees. Each
Member State interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, Regional Economic Communities
(RECs), governmental and non -governmental organizations , in liaison with ARSO , also take part in the
ARSO Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare ARSO Standards. Draft ARSO Standards adopted
by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an ARSO
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ARSO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This African Standard was prepared by the ARSO Technical Committee on Milk and milk products
(ARSO/TC 04)
© African Organisation for Standardisation 2023 — All rights reserved*
ARSO Central Secretariat
International House 3rd Floor
P. O. Box 57363 — 00200 City Square
Tel. +254 -20-2224561, +254 -20-3311641, +254 -20-3311608
E-mail: arso@arso
Web: www.arso
* © 2023 ARSO — All rights of exploitation reserved worldwide for African Member States’ NSBs. DARS 1078 :2023
iv © ARSO 20 23 — All rights reserved
Copyright notice
This ARSO document is copyright -protected by ARSO. While the reproduction of this document
by participants in the ARSO standards development process is permitted without prior permission
from ARSO, neither this document nor any extract from it may be reproduced, sto red or
transmitted in any form for any other purpose without prior written permission from ARSO.
Requests for permission to reproduce this document for the purpose of selling it should be
addressed as shown below or to ARSO’s member body in the country of the requester:
© African Organisation for Standardisation 20 23 — All rights reserved
ARSO Central Secretariat
International House 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 57363 — 00200 City Square
Tel: +254 -20-2224561, +254 -20-3311641, +254 -20-3311608
E-mail: arso@arso
Web: www.arso
Reproduction for sales purposes may be subject to royalty payments or a licensing agreement.
Violators may be p rosecuted.
DARS 1073 :2023
© ARSO 20 23 — All rights reserved v
DARS 1073 :2023
© ARSO 202 3 — All rights reserved
Group Standard for un -ripened cheese including fresh cheese -
1 Scope
This Standard applies to the requireme nts, sampling and test methods for un-ripened cheese including
fresh cheese, intended for direct consumpti on or further processing. Subject to the provisions of this
Standard, ARSO Standards for individual varieties of un -ripened cheese may contain provisions, which
are more specific than those in this Standard and in these cases; those specific provisions shall apply.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitut es requirements of this standard . For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
CXS 2 21- Group Standard for Un-ripened Cheese in cluding fresh cheese
CODEX STAN 192 -General Standard for Food Additives
CXS 193 -General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed
CXC 1 -General Principles of Food Hygiene
CXC 57 -Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products
CXG 21 -Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria Related to Foods
CXS 234, Recommended Methods of Analysis and Sampling
ARS 56, Pre-packaged foods — Labelling
ARS 1073, Cheese - Specification
ISO 6579 -1, Microbiology of the food chain. Horizontal method for the detection, enumeration and
serotyping of Salmonella Part 1: Detection of Salmonella spp
ISO 11290 -1, Microbiology of the food chain. Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of
Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp. Part 1: Detection method
3 Terms and definitions
Un-ripened cheeses including fresh cheeses are products in conformity with ARS 1073 , which are ready
for consumption shortly after manufacture.
4 Requirements
4.1 Raw materials
4.1.1 Essential Raw materials
Milk and/or products obtained from milk
Note: Indicate the source of milk if it is not cow milk
4.1.2 Optional Raw Material s
2 © ARSO 20 23 — All rights reserved – Starter cultures of harmless lactic acid and/ or flavour producing bacteria and cultures of other
harmless micro -organisms
– Rennet or other safe and suitable coagulating enzymes
– Sodium chloride
– Potable water complying to WHO guidelines
– Gelatine and starches: Notwithstanding the provisions in ARS 1073 , these substances can be used
in the same function as stabilizers, provided they are added only in amounts functionally necessary as
governed by Good Manufacturing Practice taking into account any use of the stabilisers/thickeners up
on Codex food additives reference.
– Vinegar
– Rice, corn and potato flours and starches: Notwithstanding the provisions in the ARS 1073 , these
substances can be used in the same function as anti -caking agents for treatment of the surface of cut,
sliced, and shredded products only, provided they are added only in amounts functionally necessary as
governed by Good Manufacturing Practice taking into account any use of the anti -caking agents up on
Codex food additives reference.
4.2 General requirement
Cheese shall be free from dirt and foreign matter
4.3 Compositional Requirements
Table 1: Milk Fat content
Fat Content FDM %
High fat above or equal to 60%
Full fat above or equal to 45% and less than 60%
Medium fat above or equal to 25% and less than 45%)
Partially skimmed above or equal to 10% and less than 25%)
Skim FDM is less than 10%)
Note : FDM% means fat in the dry matter
5 Food Additives
Food additives may be used and only within the limits specified in General Standard for Food Additives
(CODEX STAN 192 -1995) – Category 01.6.1 ( Unripen ed cheese) , also the ones in Table 3 considering
its Annex
6 Contaminants
The products covered by this African Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for contaminants
that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and
Feed (CXS 193).
6.1 When tested in accordance with ISO 14501, the level of aflatoxin M1 shall not exceed 0.50 μg/kg.
7 Hygiene
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared and handled
in accordance with the appropriate sections of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1 -1969),
the Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Produ cts (CXC 57 -2004) and other relevant Codex texts
such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice. The products should comply with any
microbiological criteria established in accordance with the Principles and Guidelines for the
Establishment and A pplication of Microbiological Criteria Related to Foods (CXG 21 -1997).
DARS 1073 :2023
© ARSO 202 3 — All rights reserved
Table 2: Microbiological limits for un -ripened cheese including fresh cheese
Food Category Micro -
organisms Sampling plan Limits Test method
reference n c m M
cheese Salmonella 5 0 Absence in 25 g ISO 6579 -1
monocytogenes 5 0 Absence in 25 g ISO 11290 -1
Brucella - For un -
ripened cheese
made from Raw
milk 5 0 Absence in 25 g ELISA Milk
Ring test / any
other official
Pathogenic E
Coli 5 0 Absence in 25 g ISO/TS 13136
Coagulase -
staphylococci 5 0 102
m 103cfu/g
m ISO 6888 -1
entero -toxins 5 0 Not detected in
25 g ISO 19020
Escherichia Coli 5 1 102
cfu/g 103cfu/g ISO 16649 -1
n = number of samples or units analyzed.
c = maximum allowable number of sample units yielding marginal results, i.e. results between m and
m = microbiological level that separates good quality from defective, or in a three -class plan good
from marginally acceptable quality.
M = microbiological level in a three -class plan that separates marginally acceptable from
unacceptable (defective) quality. Note: In a two -class plan M is assimilated to m.
8 Labelling
In addition to the provisions of the ARSO standard ARS -56 and the General Standard for the Use of
Dairy Terms (CXS 206 -1999), the following specific provisions apply:
8.1 Name of the food
The name of the food shall be un -ripened cheese. However, the words “un -ripened cheese” may be
omitted in the designation of an individual un -ripened cheese variety reserved by a ARS standard for
individual cheeses, and, in the absence thereof, a variety name specified in the national legislation of
the country in which the product is sold, provided that the omission does not create an erroneous
impression regarding the character of the food.
In case the product is not designated by an alternative or a variety name, but with the designation “un -
ripened cheese”, the designation may be accompanied by a descriptive term such as provided for in
Cheese – Specification, ARS 1073 . DARS 1078 :2023
4 © ARSO 20 23 — All rights reserved Un-ripened cheese may alternatively be designated “fresh cheese” provided it is not misleading to the
consumer in the country in which the product is sold.
8.2 Declaration of milkfat content
The milk fat content shall be declared in a manner found acceptable in the country of sale to the final
consumer, either (i) as a percentage by mass, (ii) as a percentage of fat in dry matter, or (iii) in grams
per serving as quantified in the label provid ed that the number of servings is stated.
Additionally, terms may be used as per table ( 1).
8.3 Declaration of milk protein
If the consumer would be misled by the omission, the milk protein content shall be declared in a manner
acceptable in the country of sale to the final consumer, either as
i. a percentage by mass,
ii. or grams per serving as quantified in the label provided the number of servings is stated.
8.4 Additional Mandatory Requirements.
i. List of ingredients
ii. Name and physical address of manufacturer or distributor or packer.
iii. Net weight in metric unit.
iv. Country of origin.
v. ‘Best before date’ (dd/mm/yy).
vi. Storage conditions and instructions.
vii. Lot identification, batch or code number.
viii. Allergen information
8.5 Labelling of non -retail containers
Information required in Section 8 of this Standard and Sections 4.1 to 4.8 of the General Standard for
the Labelling of Pre -packaged Foods ARS-56, and, if necessary, storage instructions, shall be given
either on the container or in accompanying documents, except that the name of the product, lot
identification, and the name and address of the manufacturer or packer shall appear on the container.
However, lot identification, and the name and address of the manufacturer or packer may be replaced
by an identification mark, provided that such a mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying
9 Packaging
A container or outer container in which the un -ripened including fresh cheese is packed shall:
(a) be made from a material that :
(i) is suitable for this purpose;
(ii) will protect the contents thereof from contamination; and
(iii) will not impart any undesirable flavour or taste to the contents thereof;
(b) be so strong that it will not be damaged or deformed during normal storage, handling and transport
(c) in the case of a container that is re -used, be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized before the un -ripened
including fresh cheese is packed therein;
(d) be intact; and
(e) be closed properly in a manner permitted by the nature thereof.
10 Methods of Sampling and Analysis
DARS 1073 :2023
© ARSO 202 3 — All rights reserved For checking the compliance with this standard, the methods of analysis and sampling contained in
the Recommended Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CXS 234 -1999) relevant to the provisions in
this standard, shall be used .
DARS 1078 :2023
6 © ARSO 20 23 — All rights reserved | 2,315 | 16,394 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_TBTN16_USA1215A3.pdf | r_G_TBTN16_USA1215A3 |
24 janvier 2022
(22-0531) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 2 4 janvier 2022, est distribuée à la demande de la délégation
des États-Unis d'Amérique .
Intitulé : Energy Conservation Program : Energy Conservation Standards for Miscellaneous
Refrigeration Products (Programme d'économie d'énergie . Normes d'économie d'énergie pour divers
appareils de réfrigération)
Motif de l'addendum:
[ ] Modification du délai pour la présentation des observations - date:
[ ] Adoption de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Publication de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Entrée en vigueur de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Accès au texte final de la mesure1:
[ ] Retrait ou abrogation de la mesure notifiée - date:
Cote pertinente si la mesure fait l'objet d'une nouvelle notification:
[ ] Modification de la teneur ou du champ d'application de la mesure notifiée1:
Nouveau délai pour la présentation des observations (le cas échéant):
[ ] Publication de directives d'interprétation et accès au texte1:
[X] Autres: -2022-01-21/html/2022 -00848.htm
https://www.govin -2022-01-21/pdf/2022 -00848.pdf
Teneur : INTITULÉ : Energy Conservation Program : Energy Conservation Standards for
Miscellaneous Refrigeration Products : Public Meeting and Availability of the Preliminary Technical
Support Document (Programme d'économie d'énergie . Normes d'économie d'énergie applicables à
divers ap pareils de réfrigération : Réunion publique et disponibilité du document de soutien technique
1 Il est possible d'indiquer une adresse de site Web, de joindre un fichier en format pdf ou de fournir
tout autre renseignement permettant d'accéder au texte de la mesure finale/modifiée et/ou des directives
d'interprétation. G/TBT/N/USA/1215/Add.3
- 2 -
ORGANISME : Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy (Office de
l'efficacité énergétique et des énergies renouvelables d u Département de l'énergie)
ACTION : Avis relatif à la tenue d'un séminaire Web et à la disponibilité du document de soutien
technique préliminaire
RÉSUMÉ : Le Département de l'énergie (DOE) des États -Unis va tenir un séminaire Web consacré à
l'examen de l'a nalyse préliminaire qu'il a réalisée en vue de l'évaluation de normes d'économie
d'énergie pour divers appareils de réfrigération et à la réception d'observations au sujet de cette
évaluation . Le séminaire Web couvrira les sujets suivants : cadre, modèles e t outils analytiques
utilisés par le DOE pour évaluer les normes potentielles pour ces produits ; résultats des analyses
préliminaires effectuées par le DOE ; niveaux normalisés d'économie d'énergie que le DOE pourrait
envisager pour ces produits à partir de s analyses s'il considère que les modifications proposées sont
nécessaires ; et toute autre question liée à l'évaluation de normes d'économie d'énergie pour divers
appareils de réfrigération . En outre, le DOE encourage la présentation d'observations écrites sur ces
sujets . Dans le but d'informer les parties intéressées et de faciliter le processus, le DOE a élaboré
un programme, un document de soutien technique (TSD) préliminaire et des documents
d'information, qui peuvent être consultés sur son site Web.
n=viewlive .
CALENDRIER : Réunion : Le DOE tiendra un séminaire Web le jeudi 17 février 2022 de 12h30 à
16 heures heure normale de l'Est . Voir la section IV "Public Participation" (Participation du public)
pour tout renseignement concernant l'inscription au séminaire Web, les instructions à l'intention des
participants et les renseignements concernant les possibilités offertes aux participants au séminaire
Observations : Les observations et les renseignements écrits seront acce ptés jusqu'au 2 2 mars 2022
au plus tard.
L'avis notifié et les documents, ainsi que la demande de renseignements notifiée sous la cote
G/TBT/N/USA/1215/Add.2 , portent le numéro de dossier de consultation ( docket ) EERE-2020-BT-
STD-0039. Le dossier y relatif est disponible sur le site à l'adresse
https://www -2020-BT-STD-0039/document et permet d'accéder aux
documents principaux et aux documents justificatifs, ainsi qu'aux observations reçues . Les
documents sont également disponibles sur le site en effectuant une recherche par
numéro de dossier ( docket ). Les Membres de l'OMC et leurs parties prenantes sont priés de présenter
leurs observations au point d'inform ation OTC des États -Unis d'ici au 2 2 mars 2022 à 16 heures ,
heure normale de l'Est . Les observations reçues par le point d'information OTC des États -Unis de la
part des Membres de l'OMC et de leurs parties prenantes seront transmises à l'organisme de
réglementation et seront aussi versées au dossier sur Regula si elles sont reçues pendant
le délai prévu pour la présentation des observations.
Les autres actions notifiées sous la cote G/TBT/N/USA/1215 portent le numéro de dossier
(docket ) EERE-2011-BT-STD-0043. Le dossier y relatif est disponible sur le site à
l'adresse -2011-BT-STD-0043/document et permet
d'accéder aux documents principaux et aux documents justificatifs, ainsi qu'aux obser vations reçues .
Les documents sont également disponibles sur le site en effectuant une recherche
par numéro de dossier ( docket ).
__________ | 812 | 5,824 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/276354_2021_TBT_KOR_21_5371_00_x.pdf | 276354_2021_TBT_KOR_21_5371_00_x | -1-국가기술표준원 공고 제2021 -0219호
「전기용품 및 생활용품 안전관리법」제15조제 3항의 규정에 따른
전기용품안전기준을 개정함에 있어 ,그 취지와 주요 내용을 업계 및
국민에게 미리 알려 의견을 듣고자 「행정절차법」제46조의 규정에
따라 아래와 같이 공고합니다 .
2021. 7.9.
전기용품안전기준 5종 개정 (안)행정예고
1.개정 이유
ㅇ전기용품안전관리에 관한 국제협약 (WTO/TBT, IECEE) 준수를 위한
안전기준 최신화
2.주요 내용
1)대상 전기용품안전기준
순번구분안전기준번호 안전기준명
개정KC 60745-2-1 전기 드릴 및 임팩트 드릴의 개별 요구사항
2 KC 60745-2-2 전기 스크류드라이버 및 임팩트 렌치의 개별 요구사항
3 KC 60745-2-6 전기 해머의 개별 요구사항
4 KC 60745-2-9 전기 태퍼의 개별 요구사항
5 KC 60745-2-13 전기 체인 톱의 개별 요구사항-2-2)주요 개정 내용
ㅇ 전기용품 안전관리에 관한 국제협약 준수를 위한 안전기준 최신화
-(KC 60745-2-1) 최신 국제표준 IEC 60745-2-1 ed2.1도입
-(KC 60745-2-2) 최신 국제표준 IEC 60745-2-2 ed2.0도입
-(KC 60745-2-6) 최신 국제표준 IEC 60745-2-6 ed2.2도입
-(KC 60745-2-9) 최신 국제표준 IEC 60745-2-9 ed2.1도입
-(KC 60745-2-13) 최신 국제표준 IEC 60745-2-13 ed2.1도입
※세부내용은 국가기술표준원 홈페이지 참조( →고시·공고)
제·개정안에 대하여 의견이 있는 개인,업체 또는 단체는 2021년 9월 8일까지
의견서를 국가기술표준원 전기통신제품안전과로 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다 .
가.예고사항에 대한 의견 (찬반여부와 그 사유 )
나.의견제출자의 인적사항 (주소 및 전화번호 )
다.단체인 경우 (단체명 ,대표자명 ,주소 ,전화번호 )
ㅇ 주소:충청북도음성군맹동면이수로93,
ㅇ 전화번호:043-870-5446(FAX:043-870-5676)
ㅇ 전자우편:[email protected] | 195 | 1,102 | WTO_1 | WTO |
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4 January 2021
(21-0020) Page: 1/1
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following communication , dated 4 January 2021 , is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of Uganda .
Title: DUS DEAS 944 -2:2019, Footwear — Specification for children ʼs shoes — Part 2: (2 to 6 years),
First Edition
Reason for Addendum:
[ ] Comment period changed - date:
[X] Notified measure adopted - date: 15 December 2020
[ ] Notified measure published - date:
[ ] Notified measure enters into force - date:
[X] Text of final measure available from1:
[ ] Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:
Relevant symbol if measure re -notified:
[ ] Content or scope of notified measure changed
New deadline for comments (if applicable):
[ ] Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:
[ ] Other:
Description: The aim of this addendum is to inform WTO Members that the Draft Uganda Standard;
DUS DEAS 944 -2:2019, Footwear — Specification for children ʼs shoes — Part 2: (2 to 6 years), First
Edition; notified in G/TBT/N/UGA/1071 was adopted on 15 December 2020. The adopted Uganda
Standard, US EAS 944 -2:2020, Footwear — Specification — Part 2: Children's shoes (2 to 6 years),
First Edition, can be purchased online through the link:
1 This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other
information on where the text of the final measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained. | 252 | 1,679 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_TBTN23_VNM258.pdf | s_G_TBTN23_VNM258 |
5 de junio de 2023
(23-3803) Página: 1/2
Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Original: inglés
Se da traslado de la notificación siguiente de conformidad con el artículo 10.6.
1. Miembro que notifica : VIET NAM
Si procede, nombre del gobierno local de que se trate (artículos 3.2 y 7.2):
2. Organismo responsable:
Ministry of Industry and Trade (Ministerio de Industria y Comercio)
Industrial Safety Engineering and Environment Agency (Organismo de Ingeniería de
Seguridad Industrial y Medio Ambiente)
25 Ngo Quyen, Hanói (Viet Nam)
Teléfono : 84 (0)4 222183 12
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio web:
Nombre y dirección (incluidos los números de teléfono y de fax, así como las
direcciones de co rreo electrónico y sitios web, en su caso) del organismo o
autoridad encargado de la tramitación de observaciones sobre la notificación,
en caso de que se trate de un organismo o autoridad diferente:
3. Notificación hecha en virtud del artículo 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ],
3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ], o en virtud de:
4. Productos abarcados (partida del SA o de la NCCA cuando corresponda ; en otro
caso partida del arancel nacional . Podrá indicarse ade más, cuando proceda, el
número de partida de la ICS) : Explosivos (SA : 3603.50.00).
5. Título, número de páginas e idioma(s) del documento notificado : National
technical regulation on safety of industrial explosive materials - Signal tube (Reglamento
Técni co Nacional de Seguridad de los Materiales Explosivos de Uso Industrial . Señal de
socorro) . Documento en vietnamita (11 páginas).
6. Descripción del contenido : En el proyecto de Reglamento Técnico Nacional notificado
se especifican los requisitos relativo s a especificaciones técnicas, métodos de prueba y
medidas de gestión para señales de socorro.
El proyecto de Reglamento Técnico Nacional se aplica a las organizaciones y particulares
que ejerzan actividades relacionadas con señales de socorro en el territ orio de Viet Nam,
así como a otras organizaciones y particulares pertinentes.
7. Objetivo y razón de ser, incluida, cuando proceda, la naturaleza de los
problemas urgentes : protección de la salud o seguridad humanas ; requisitos de calidad. G/TBT/N/VNM/258
- 2 -
8. Documentos pertinentes:
* Law governing and using weapons, explosives and supporting tools .
* Circular No. 13/2018/TT -BCT dated June 15, 2018 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade .
* Circular No. 31/2020/TT -BCT dated November 30, 2020 of the Ministry of In dustry and
Trade .
9. Fecha propuesta de adopción : 30 de noviembre de 2023
Fecha propuesta de entrada en vigor : 1 de julio de 2024
10. Fecha límite para la presentación de observaciones : 60 días después de la fecha de
11. Textos disponibles en : Servicio nacional de información [X], o dirección,
números de teléfono y de fax y direcciones de correo electrónico y sitios web,
en su caso, de otra institución:
Ministry of Industry and Trade (Ministerio de Industria y Comercio)
Industrial Safety Engineering and Environment Agency (Organismo de Ingeniería de
Seguridad Industrial y Medio Ambiente)
25 Ngo Quyen, Hanói (Viet Nam)
Teléfono : 84 (0)4 22218312
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio web: -thao-vbqppl/du -thao-thong -tu-ban-hanh-09-quy-chuan -ky-
thuat -quoc-gia-ve-an-toan-san-pham -vat-lieu-no-cong-ng-5610
| 533 | 3,594 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_ADPQ1_PER30.pdf | q_G_ADPQ1_PER30 |
1 April 2021
(21-2739) Page: 1/2
Committee on Anti -Dumping Practices
Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Original: English
The following communication, dated and received on 30 March 2021 , is being circulated at the
request of the Delegation of the United States.
The United States thanks Peru for its notification regarding its law combatting t he circumvention of
antidumping and countervailing duty measures , and poses the following questions2:
Question 1
Article 4, Paragraph (c) states that circumvention includes "the importation of a product subject to
duties with minor modifications or alterations that do not imply a change in the essential character
of the product ." Please describe how the investigating authority determines wh at constitutes "minor
modification s or alteration s that do not impl y a change in the essential character of a product ".
Question 2
Article 4, Paragraph (d) lists "reorganization of sales channels " as an indicative criterion of
circumvention . Please elaborate on what is meant by a "reorganization " and the basis for determining
whether there exists a reorganization.
Question 3
Article 4, Paragraph (f) states that circumvention includes "any other conduct the purpose of which
is to avoid payment of an anti -dumping or countervailing duty ." The next paragraph lists three
criteria that "must be verified ". Are those criteria used to determine whether, under Paragraph (f),
the purpose is to avoid payment of an anti -dumping or countervailing duty ? If not, what is the
standard to determine purpose?
Does the "purpose [] to avoid payment " requirement also apply to the "main forms of circum vention "
listed in Paragraphs (a) -(e)? Please explain whether the investigating authority must separately
determine whether there is intent to evade duties when one of the listed circumvention practices is
found to exist , or if the other forms of circumven tion listed in Article 4 are deemed sufficient to
demonstrate intent without further evidence . If the investigating authority is required to make an
affirmative finding with regard to intent to evade an existing anti -dumping or countervailing duty
measure, please explain the criteria by which the investigating authority makes this determination.
1 G/ADP/N/1/PER/2/Suppl.2 - G/SCM/N/1/PER/2/Suppl.2.
2 For the sake of efficiency, the United States suggests that committee review for all questions be
conducted in the Committee on Anti -Dumping Practices. G/ADP/Q1/PER/30 • G/SCM/Q1/PER/30
- 2 -
Question 4
Article 4, Paragraph (f)(ii) seems to state that there may be instances where there exists an
"economic justification " for avoiding the payment of duties . Please elaborate on the meaning of this
provision and how the Investigating Authority will determine "economic justification ", and provide
an example.
Question 5
Article 5, Paragraphs (c) and (d) of Peru 's circumvention law states that requests to initiate a
circumvention review must contain, among other things, "evidence that the practice reported has
negative repercussions on the remedial effects of the duties in terms of the prices and quantities of
the imported product subject to measures " and "evidence, in the case of alleged circumvention of
anti-dumping duties, that the product is exported to Peru at prices lower than the normal value
established in the original investigation or the previous review o f the duties circumvented ." Please
explain the relevance of the requirement that the investigated product be at prices lower than the
established normal value to the outcome of the circumvention investigation . In other words , why is
it necessary of establi shed a lower level of prices in order to initiate a circumvention review ? In
addition, please clarify whether Peru intend s to adjust the "previously established normal value " (as
noted in Article 5, paragraph (d)) for factors which could affect the market price of the investigated
product ( e.g., inflation, changes in the prices of raw material inputs and fluctuations in world prices)?
Question 6
Article 8, Paragraph (b) states that interested parties have 15 calendar days to submit their
comments on the Essential Facts forming the basis for its final decision in a circumvention review .
Are there any other opportunities for interested parties to express their views in the circumvention
proceeding ? If so, please explain each opportunity in detail . For example, can an interested party
submit written evidence and comments on the application for the circumvention review ? Will
interested parties be made aware of the existence of a circumvention application prior to initiation
of a circumvention inquiry ? Are there continuous and on -going opportunities throughout the
circumvention review for interested parties to express their views and submit written evidence?
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21 July 2021
(21-5732) Page: 1/2
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6
1. Notifying Member: UKRAINE
If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):
2. Agency responsible: Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers , email and website
addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments
regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above:
3. Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [X], 5.7.1 [ ], other :
4. Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff
heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): Organic
5. Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: The draft Law
of Ukraine "On Amendments to Section XI "Transitional Provisions" of the Law of Ukraine
"On Basic Principles and Requirements for Organic Production, Circulation and Labeling of
Organic Products" (1 page(s), in Ukrainian)
6. Description of content: Amendments to the draft Law provide for:
- temporarily, until January 1, 2024, to allow business entities to sell agricultural products
as organic and use the inscription "organic pro duct" in product names and trademarks,
as well as the designation and inscriptions "organic", "biodynamic", "biological" organic",
"ecological", "organic" and/or any homonyms and/or derivatives of these words with
prefixes "bio", "eco", if they have a vali d certificate issued by a foreign certification body;
- temporarily, until January 1, 2022, to recognize these business entities as producers of
organic agricultural products for the purposes of the Law of Ukraine "On State Support of
Agriculture of Ukrai ne".
7. Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where
applicable: the draft Law aimed at preventing the cessation of trade in organic products
on the territory of Ukraine.; Consumer information, labelling
8. Relevant documents: Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles and Requirements for Organic
Production, Circulation and Labeling of Organic Products"
9. Proposed date of adoption: 14 July 2021
Proposed date of entry into force: The Law will enter into force on the day following
the date of its publication
10. Final date for comments: Not applicable G/TBT/N/UKR/197
- 2 -
11. Texts available from: National enquiry point [X] or address, telephone and fax
numbers and email and website addresses, if available , of other body:
The text of the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Section XI "Transitional
Provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles and Requirements for Organic
Production, Circulation and Labeling of Organic Products" is available in Ukrainian on the
official web -site of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by the following link:
| 449 | 3,098 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_SPS_NURY68.pdf | q_G_SPS_NURY68 |
31 January 2023
(23-0698) Page: 1/2
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Original: Spanish
1. Notifying Member : URUGUAY
If applicable, name of local government involved:
2. Agency responsible : Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca (Ministry of Livestock,
Agriculture and Fisheries)
3. Products covered (provide tariff item number(s) as specified in national
schedules deposited with the WTO ; ICS numbers should be provided in addition,
where applicable) : Ryegrass ( Lolium spp.) seeds
4. Regions or countries likely to be affected, to the extent relevant or practicable:
[ ] All trading partners
[X] Specific regions or countries : Argentina ; Brazil; Paraguay
5. Title of the notified document : Proyecto de Decreto que incorpora la Resolución Grupo
Mercado Común (GMC) No. 11/22 "Sub -estándar 3.7.10 Requisitos fitosanitarios para
Lolium spp. (raigrás) según país de destino y origen, para los Estados Partes del
MERCOSUR (Derogación de la Res . GMC No. 13/09)"(Draft decree incorporating Common
Market Group (GMC) Resolution No. 11/22 "Substandard 3.7.10 phytosanitary
requirements for Lolium spp. (ryegrass) according to country of destination and origin,
for MERCOSUR member States (Repeal of GMC Resolutio n No. 13/09" . Language(s) :
Spanish . Number of pages : 8
6. Description of content : The notified draft decree updates the phytosanitary
requirements for importing Lolium spp. (ryegrass) seeds for MERCOSUR member States,
approved by GMC Resolution No. 11/22.
7. Objective and rationale : [ ] food safety, [ ] animal h ealth, [X] plant protection,
[ ] protect humans from animal/plant pest or disease, [ ] protect territory from
other damage from pests.
8. Is there a relevant international standard ? If so identify the standard:
[ ] Codex Alimentarius Commission (e.g. titl e or serial number of Codex
standard or related text) :
[ ] World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (e.g. T errestrial or Aquatic
Animal Health Code, chapter number) :
[X] International Plant Protection Convention (e.g. I SPM No.) :
− ISPM No. 1: Phytosanitary principles for the protection of plants and the
application of phytosanitary measures in international trade
− ISPM No. 2: Guidelines for pest risk analysis
− ISPM 11: P est risk analysis for quarantine pests G/SPS/N/URY/68
- 2 -
− ISPM No. 20: Guidelines for a phytosani tary import regulatory system
[ ] None
Does this proposed regulation conform to the relevant international standard?
[X] Yes [ ] No
| If no, describe, whenever possible, how and why it deviates from the
international standard:
9. Other relevant documents and language(s) in which these are available:
10. Proposed date of adoption (dd/mm/yy) : To be determined, but after the end of the
comments period
Proposed date of publication (dd/mm/yy) : To be determined, but after the end of
the comments period
11. Proposed date of entry into force : [ ] Six months from date of publication, and/or
(dd/mm/yy) : To be determined, but after the end of the comments period
[ ] Trade facilitating measure
12. Final date for comments : [X] Sixty days from the date of circulation of the
notification and/or (dd/mm/yy) : 1 April 2 023
Agency or authority designated to handle comments : [X] National Notification
Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point . Address, fax number and email address
(if availa ble) of other body:
Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries
Unidad de Asuntos Internacionales (International Affairs Unit)
Constituyente 1476, tercer piso
Tel.: (+598) 2412 6358
Fax: (+598) 2410 7205
Email: [email protected]
13. Text(s) available from : [X] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry
Point . Address, fax number and email address (if available) of other body:
Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries
Unidad de Asuntos Internacionales (International Affairs Unit)
Constituyente 1476, tercer piso
Tel.: (598) 2412 6358
Fax: (598) 2410 7205
Email: [email protected]
| 626 | 4,253 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_TBTN17_BRA764A4.pdf | s_G_TBTN17_BRA764A4 |
9 de noviembre de 2020
(20-7950) Página: 1/1
Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Original: inglés
La siguiente comunicación, de fecha 29 de octubre de 2020 , se distribuye a petición de la delegación
del Brasil .
Título : International Agricultural Surveillance System (VIGIAGRO) (Sistema de Vigilancia
Agropecuaria Internacional [VIGIAGRO]).
Motivo del addendum :
[ ] Modificación del plazo para presentar observaciones - fecha:
[ ] Adopción de la medida notificada - fecha:
[ ] Publicación de la medida notificada - fecha:
[X] Entrada en vigor de la medida notificada - fecha : 1 de octubre de 2020
[X] Indicación de dónde se puede obtener el texto de la medida definitiva1: -/instrucao -normativa -n-91-de-18-de-setembro -
[ ] Retiro o derogación de la medida notificada - fecha:
Signatura pertinente, en el caso de que se vuelva a notificar la medida:
[ ] Modificación del contenido o del ámbito de aplicación de la medida notificada
Nuevo plazo para presentar observaciones (si procede):
[ ] Publicación de documentos interpretativos e indicación de dónde se puede obtener el
[ ] Otro motivo:
Descripción : Se informa de que el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Abastecimiento (MAPA)
ha publicado el Reglamento Técnico Nº 91, de 18 de septiembre de 2020 , publicado en el Diario
Oficial Nº 182 el 22 de agosto de 2020 , en virtud del cual se estab lece el uso de sistemas electrónicos
integrados para el despacho de productos importados de interés agrícola, de conformidad con el
Sistema de Vigilancia Agropecuaria Internacional (VIGIAGRO), notificado en el documento
El Reglamento Técni co Nº 91 entró en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2020 .
1 Entre otras cosas, puede aportarse la dirección de un sitio web, un anexo en PDF u otra información
que indique dónde se puede obtener el texto de la medida definitiva y/o documentos interpretativos. | 315 | 2,084 | WTO_1 | WTO |
30 November 2022
(22-8925) Page: 1/2
Committee on Trade and Development
Tenth Dedicated Session on Preferential Trade
Chairperson: H.E. Ms. Usha Chandnee Dwarka -Canabady (Mauritius)
A. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA ................................ ................................ .................... 1
B. NOTIFICATIONS RECEIVED ................................ ................................ ..................... 1
(I) Notifications of changes to existing preferential trade arrangements ................................ 1
(a) Generalized System o f Preferences – Notification by Japan (WT/COMTD/N/2/Add.18) ......... 1
C. STATUS OF THE WORK OF THE DEDICATED SESSION ................................ .............. 2
(I) Status of the preparation of factual presentations – Report by the Chairperson
(WT/COMTD/PTA/W/8) ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 2
D. OTHER BUSINESS ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 2
1. The draft agenda for the 10th Dedicated Session on Preferential Trade Arrangements (PTAs)
of the Committee on Trade and Development (CTD) , as contained in
Airgram WTO/AIR/COMTD/PTA/ 9/Rev.1 of 7 November 2022, was adopted .
(I) Notifications of changes to existing preferential trade arrangements
(a) Generalized System of Preferences – Notification by Japan
(WT/COMTD/N/ 2/Add.18)
2. The Chairperson said that the notification by Japan concerning its Generalized System of
Preferences ( GSP) scheme was contained in document WT/COMTD/N/ 2/Add.1 8.
3. The representative of Japan indicated that the notification provide d information on change s to
the list of beneficiaries of the GSP scheme , following the graduation of those that no longer met the
conditions to be beneficiaries . Japan continue d to be constructively involved in discussions on
assistance for the economic development of developing countries and least developed countries .
4. The representative of the United States thanked Japan for the notification and for the
transparency of the exerc ise.
5. The Committee took note of the notification by Japan , and of the interventions. WT/COMTD/PTA/M/10
- 2 -
(I) Status of the preparation of factual presentations – Report by the Chairperson
6. The Chairperson said that h er report on the status of the preparation of factual presentations
of PTAs was contained in document WT/COMTD/PTA/W/ 8. As indicated in the report, there were a
number of PTAs that had been notified since the establishment of the Transparency M echanism for
PTAs, for which the Secretariat ha d still not received the full set of data or information required for
the preparation of the factual presentations. She therefore urge d the notifying Members to provide
all the required data and information as soon as possible. She also indicated that she would try to
reach out informally to the delegations in question before the next meeting to explore whether the
submission of the necessary data and information could be expedited. She was nevertheless pleased
to note that the Secretariat ha d been able to make progress in the preparation of some factual
presentations and was notably able to send to the United Kingdom the draft factual presentation on
its GSP scheme.
7. The representative of th e United Kingdom thanked the Secretariat for the draft factual
presentation and indicated that his delegation would be getting back to the Secretariat shortly.
8. The representative of the United States thanked the Chairperson for the report. She
welcomed the Chairperson's remarks and commitment to the transparency exercise. Her delegation
encouraged all Members that had not yet notified their PTAs to do so promptly. Her delegation also
encouraged notifying Members, and those that had not yet done so, to provide the Secretariat with
the required data and information as soon as possible.
9. The Committee took note of the Chair person 's report , and of the interventions .
10. No mat ter was raised under "Other Business".
11. The meeting was adjourned .
__________ | 631 | 4,475 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_LIC_N2PHL183.pdf | s_G_LIC_N2PHL183 |
7 de febrero de 2023
(23-0869) Página: 1/3
Comité de Licencias de Importación Original: inglés
La siguiente comunicación, recibida originalmente el 3 de noviembre de 2022, se distribuye a
petición de la delegación de Filipinas.
Categoría Información sobre la notificación
1 Miembro que notifica Filipinas
2 Título de la nueva
legislación/procedimiento Circular Memorando Nº 22-15 de la BPS, de 2022 – Expedición del
certificado de conformidad del producto de importación (ICC):
etiquetas adhesivas
3 Fecha de publicación 26 de junio de 2022
4 Fecha de entrada en vigor 26 de junio de 2022
5 Enlace al sitio
web/Publicación oficial de la
nueva reglamentación/
procedimiento BPS Memorandum Circular 22 -15:2022 – Issuance of Import
Commodity Clearance (ICC) Stickers
6 ¿Se ha adjuntado una copia
de la reglamentación (PDF)
para la Secretaría? [X] Sí. ( Sírvanse adjuntar una copia de la reglamentación a la
notificación )
[ ] No.
7 Tipo de notificación [X] a) Nueva reglamentación/procedimiento para el trámite de
licencias2; (sírvanse responder las preguntas 8 a 14 )
[ ] b) Modificaciones en una reglamentación/procedimiento
notificado previamente en el documento: ______________;
(sírvanse re sponder las preguntas 15 y 16 )
8 Lista de los productos
sujetos al procedimiento
para el trámite de licencias 2523.10.90; 2523.90.00; 2804.40.00; 3604.10.00; 3605.00.00;
3819.00.00; 3917.21.00; 3917.23.00; 3917.29.00; 3917.31.00;
3917.32.90; 3917.33.00; 3919.10.10; 4011.10.00; 4011.20.10;
4011.20.90; 4011.90.10; 4013.10.11; 4013.10.19; 4013.10.21;
4013.10.29; 4013 .90.20; 4013.90.31; 4013.90.39; 6506.10.10;
6910.10.00; 6910.90.00; 70.16; 7007.11.10; 7007.21.10;
7213.10.00; 7213.91.20; 7213.91.90; 7213.99.20; 7213.99.90;
7214.20.31; 7214.20.39; 7214.20.41; 7214.20.49; 7214.20.51;
7214.20.59; 7214.20.61; 7214.20.69; 7 214.91.00; 7214.91.11;
7214.91.12; 7214.91.19; 7214.99.21; 7214.99.90; 7215.50.10;
7215.50.91; 7215.50.99; 7215.90.10; 7215.90.90; 7216.21.00;
7216.40.00; 72.17; 7223.00.00; 7304.19.00; 7304.23.00;
7304.29.00; 7304.31.20; 7304.31.40; 7304.31.90; 7304.39.20 ;
7304.39.40; 7304.39.90; 7304.41.00; 7304.49.00; 7304.51.10;
1 Se entiende que el Miembro que notifica también ha cumplido las obligaciones en materia de
notificación que le corresponden en virtud del artículo 1 .4 a) y el artículo 8 .2 b) con respecto a la
ley/reglamentación/procedimiento pertinente notificado rellenando este formulario de manera co mpleta y
detallada .
2 Se entiende que la expresión "Nueva reglamentación/procedimiento para el trámite de licencias" se
refiere a cualquier ley, reglamentación o procedimiento introducido recientemente, y a los que están en vigor
pero se notifican por prim era vez al Comité. G/LIC/N/2/PHL/183
- 2 -
Categoría Información sobre la notificación
7304.51.90; 7304.59.00; 7304.90.10; 7304.90.30; 7304.90.90;
7305.11.00; 7305.12.10; 7305.12.90; 7305.19.10; 7305.19.90;
7305.20.00; 7305.31.90; 7305.39.10; 7305.39.90; 7305.90.00;
7306.11.10; 73 06.11.20; 7306.11.90; 7306.19.10; 7306.19.20;
7306.19.90; 7306.29.00; 7306.30.40; 7306.30.90; 7306.40.30;
7306.40.90; 7306.50.90; 7306.61.00; 7306.69.00; 7306.90.90;
7311.00.23; 7311.00.24; 7311.00.25; 7317.00.10; 8414.51.10;
8414.51.91; 8414.51.99; 8415.1 0.10; 8415.10.90; 8418.10.11;
8418.21.10; 8424.10.10; 8424.10.90; 8450.12.10; 8450.12.90;
8450.19.11; 8450.19.91; 8450.19.99; 8507.10.10; 8507.10.92;
8507.10.95; 8507.10.96; 8507.10.97; 8507.10.98; 8507.10.99;
8507.20; 8507.20.10; 8507.20.94; 8507.20.95; 8 507.20.96;
8507.20.97; 8507.20.98; 8507.20.99; 8509.40.00; 8516.40.90;
8516.50.00; 8516.60; 8516.60.10; 8516.60.90; 8516.71.00;
8516.72.00; 8516.79.10, 8516.79.90; 8519.81.30; 8521.90.11;
8528.72.91; 8528.72.92; 8528.72.99; 8528.73.00; 8536.10.12;
8536.10. 19; 8536.20.11; 8536.20.12; 8536.20.13; 8536.50.59;
8536.61.10; 8536.69.99; 8544.11.20; 8708.21.00; 9401.80.00;
9613.10.90; 9613.20.90; 9613.80.30
9 Naturaleza del
procedimiento para el
trámite de licencias Automático: [ ]
No automático: [X]
10 Finalidad
administrativa/medida que
se aplica a) Protección de la moral pública
b) Protección de la salud y la vida de las personas y de los
animales y preservación de los vegetales; protección
del medio ambiente
c) Obtención de estadísticas comerciales o vigilancia del
d) Protección de patentes, marcas de fábrica o de
comercio y derechos de autor, y prevención de
prácticas que puedan inducir a error
e) Cumplimiento de las obligaciones contraídas en virtud
de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y otros tratados
internacionales ( CITES, Convenio de Basilea, Convenio
de Rotterdam, resoluciones del Conse jo de Seguridad
de las Naciones Unidas, etc. )
f) Administración de contingentes (incluidos los
g) Regulación de la importación de armas, municiones y
materiales fisionables, y protección de la seguridad
h) Otros: ______________ ( sírvanse especificar )
11 Órgano u órganos
administrativos para la
presentación de las
solicitudes Ministerio/autoridad y departamento: Bureau of Philippine Standards
Department of Trade and Industry
Dirección: 361 Sen Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City
Sitio web: ;
Teléfono: 791.3124/791.3130
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
12 Servicio del que pueda
recabarse información sobre
las condiciones requeridas
para obtener las licencias Ministerio/autoridad y departamento: Bureau of Philippine Standards
Department of Trade and Industry
Dirección: 361 Sen Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City
Sitio web: ;
Teléfono: 791.3124/791.3130
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
13 Duración prevista del
procedimiento para el
trámite de licencias En curso
14 Resumen de la notificación
en uno de los idiomas
oficiales de la OMC Expedición del certificado de conformidad del producto de
importación (ICC) etiquetas adhesivas G/LIC/N/2/PHL/183
- 3 -
Categoría Información sobre la notificación
15 Si se ha marcado la
casilla 7 b), sírvanse indicar
el tipo de modificación o
modificaciones que se ha(n)
introducido a) Terminación
b) Suspensión
c) Modificación de aspectos específicos
en los procedimientos existentes:
Productos comprendidos
Finalidad administrativa
Procedimiento automático o no automático
Duración del procedimiento para el trámite de licencias
Modificación de la naturaleza de la restricción
cuantitativa/del valor
Condiciones que deben reunir los solicitantes
Servicio del que pueda recabarse información sobre las
condiciones requeridas para obtener las licencias
Órgano u órganos administrativos para la presentación de
las solicitudes
Requisitos de documentación (incluido el formulario de
Plazo para la presentación de solicitudes
Órgano u órganos administrativos expedidores de las
Plazo para la expedición de las licencias
Derechos de licencia/cargas administrativas
Depósito/pago anticipado y condiciones aplicables
Reglamentación/procedimientos para la presentación de un
Validez de las licencias
Otras condiciones de las licencias (prórroga,
transferibilidad, sanciones por no utilización , etc.)
Prescripciones en materia de divisas
Otros: ______________ (sírvanse especificar)
16 Sírvanse explicar en detalle
las modificaciones (en uno
de los idiomas oficiales de
la OMC)
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23 mai 2019
(19-3577) Page: 1/3
Conseil des aspects des droits de propriété
intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 2 3 mai 2019, est dist ribuée à la demande de l'Australie , du
Canada , du Chili, des États -Unis d'Amérique , du Japon , de la Suisse , du Territoire douanier distinct
de Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen et Matsu et de l' Union européenne.
1. Lors de la dernière réunion du Conseil des ADPIC , en février 2019, les Membres ont souligné
l'importance d'une collaboration et d'une coopération solides entre les différentes parties prenantes .
D'éminents économistes proposent ce que l'on appelle le "modèle de la quadruple hélice" de
l'innovation1, qui est décrit comme un système dans lequel quatre secteurs différents – l'industrie
(secteur privé), le gouvernement ( secteur public), les universités/ établissements d'enseignement
supérieur (milieux universitaires ) et les citoyen s/médias – interagissent pour promouvoir l es
innovation s et leur commercialisation dans l'ensemble de la société . À l'occasion de la session de
juin 2019 du Conseil des ADPIC, les Membres sont invités à réfléchir aux questions relatives à la
propriété intelle ctuelle (PI) et à l'innovation dans le contexte des stratégies de marque et des
industries créatives, compte tenu des différentes formes de partenariats public -privé qui jouent un
rôle dans la promotion de la PI.
2. Il est généralement admis , mais on l'oublie souvent , que le terme "innovation" ne désigne pas
nécessairement uniquement une "invention" . En effet, bien qu'il existe une tendance à
conceptualiser l'innovation comme relevant exclusivement du domaine de la haute technologie, il
est important de rappel er la définition de l' "innovation" d onnée par Schumpeter, pour qui l'innovation
désigne simplement un "processus de mutation industrielle qui révolutionne incessamment de
l'intérieur la structure économique, en détruisant continuellement ses éléments vieillis et en créant
continuellement des éléments neufs" .2 De même, d'après la définition de l'"innovation" donnée par
le Manuel d'Oslo de 2005, qui a été adoptée par des organisations internationales telles que l'OMPI
et l'UNESCO, l'innovation a u sens large désigne "la mise en œuvre d'un produit (bien ou service) ou
d'un procédé nouveau ou sensiblement amélioré, d 'une nouvelle méthode de commercialisation ou
d'une nouvelle méthode organisationnelle dans les pratiques de l 'entreprise, l 'organisati on du lieu
de travail ou les relations extérieures" .3 Cette définition n'englobe pas seulement les technologies,
1 Carayannis E.G. et Campbell D.F.J. (2009) "'Mode 3'and 'Quadruple Helix': toward a 21st century
fractal innovation ecosystem", Int. J. Technology Management, Vol. 46, n ° 3 et 4, pages 201 à 234.
2 Śledzik K. (2013) "Schumpeter's view on innovation and entrepreneurship" (in.) Management Trends
in Theory and Practice, (ed.) Stefan Hittmar, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of
Zilina & Institute of Management by University of Zilina .
3 Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) et Eurostat (2005). Manuel
d'Oslo: Principes directeurs pour le recueil et l'interprétation des données sur l'innovation, 3ème édition, Paris:
OCDE. IP/C/W/6 53
- 2 -
mais aussi les pratiques et l'organisation , dans une perspective élargie en vue de la réalisation des
Objectifs de développement durable .4
3. Comp te tenu de cette approche élargie de l'innovation, il est donc utile d'examiner le rôle des
industries créatives et de l'image de marque dans ce contexte . L'"économie créative"5 et, plus
généralement , les secteurs à forte intensité de propriété intellectuelle ont fait preuve de solidité et
de résilience et, dans de nombreux cas , ont enregistré une croissance, ce qui indique que l'économie
créative et les secteurs à forte intensité de propriété intellec tuelle présentent un potentiel
considérable pour les investissements actuels et futurs .6 En particulier, la part des économies en
développement dans le commerce des biens créatifs a augmenté davantage que celle des économies
développées .7
1.1 Approches innovan tes en matière d'image de marque et de promotion
4. Outre le rôle clé de la recherche et du développement de nouvelles technologies dans le secteur
de la haute technologie, la reconnaissance et la promotion de la valeur des produits locaux au moyen
d'une stra tégie unique de marque et de promotion au x niveau x national et régional, ainsi que le
développement de nouveaux produits et services créatifs, pourraient être considérés comme des
sources importantes d'"innovation" pour une économie créative en progression . En particulier, à l'ère
de l'urbanisation – on prévoit que , d'ici à 2050, 68% de la population mondiale vivra dans des zones
urbaines8 –, une politique d'innovation résiliente, compren ant des stratégies uniques de
développement de l'image de marque et de promotion au x niveau x régional et rural, sera
probablement un élément important pour l'adaptation à des contextes économiques et
géographiques en mutation.
5. Par ailleurs, la promotion des zones rurales ( au moyen de la promotion de l'image de marque
locale , par exemple ) peut être assurée en renforçant le s partenariat s public -privé, voire en utilisant
des actifs incorporels tels que les droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI) . Voici quelques exemples
possibles de collaboration s public -privé dans le cadre de stratégies de marque et de promotion au x
niveau x national et régional :
a. le développement et la promotion de produits ou de services particuliers et uniques ,
protégés par des DPI, qui sont produits ou fournis seulement dans une zone
géographique spécifique, ce qui pourrait accroître le tourisme et améliorer la réputation
de cette zone et stimuler l'économie locale;
b. le soutien aux industries créatives et la promotion des créations protégées par des DPI
par le biais de fi nancements ou d'autres moyens, tels que l'organisation de
manifestations (un festival du cinéma, par exemple) , qui pourrai ent attirer des
investissements et des travailleurs qualifiés et favoriser le commerce et, de cette façon,
améliorer l'image de marque d'une ville9; et
4 OCDE (2018), "Science, technologie et innovation: Perspectives de l'OCDE": " Premièrement, on attend
de plus en plus des programmes en faveur de la recherche et de l'innovation publiques qu'ils soient pertinents
au regard des objectifs économiques et sociétaux, et qu'ils contribuent à leur réalisation. En particulier, les
politiques STI tendent à être davantage axées sur les "défis" qui se posent, dans une volonté des pouvoirs
publics d'infléchir la trajectoire habituelle des progrès ve rs des technologies présentant des avantages
économiques, sociaux et environnementaux plus marqués, et d'impulser en ce sens les investissements dans la
STI privée. Ce changement de paradigme a ouvert la voie à une nouvelle ère: celle des politiques STI ax ées
sur des finalités précises, où les pouvoirs publics collaborent plus étroitement avec le secteur des entreprises et
la société civile pour orienter les activités scientifiques et technologiques vers des objectifs spécifiques. "
"https://read.oecd -and-technology/science -technologie -et-innovation -perspectiv es-de-l-
ocde-2018-version -abregee_sti_in_outlook -2018-fr#page1 ".
5 Selon l'UNESCO, la notion d'économie créative "demeure très large, puisqu'au -delà des biens et
services culturels elle englobe également les jeux et les jouets et tout le domaine de la "rec herche et
développement"" . -economy -report -2013-fr.pdf .
6 Guide pour l'évaluation de la contribution économique des industries du droit d'auteur, deuxième
édition, OMPI, ub_893.pdf .
7 Ibid.
8 Département des affaires économiques et sociales des Nations Unies (2018), "2018 Revision of World
Urbanization Prospects", DAES de l'ONU, New York . .
9 Ooi C. et Pedersen J.S (2010) "City branding and fi lm festivals: Re -evaluating stakeholder's relations",
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Vol. 6, 4, pages 316 à 332. IP/C/W/6 53
- 3 -
c. le soutien des secteurs public et privé à l'utilisation des DPI pour encourager la
promotion à l'étranger de produits locaux uniques.
6. Des stratégies de marque et de promotion efficaces peuvent non seulement contribuer à établir
pour les industries concernées une image de marque et une réputation solides à l'échelle nationale
et régionale, mais aussi favoriser le développement de leurs activités . Cependant, de nombreuses
industries, en particulier les petites et moyennes entrepris es (PME) ne disposent peut-être pas de
l'expertise nécessaire pour créer leurs propres marques et promouvoir leurs produits . Le secteur
public peut aider le secteur privé à c réer des marques et à les promouvoir , ainsi qu'à améliorer la
réputation des industries , et ce de diverses manières : par exemple grâce à des services de conseil
et des programmes de soutien et de promotion au niveau local , ou encore en aidant à promouvoir
les marques et la réputation des ind ustries locales à l'étranger au moyen de manifestations ou de
7. Il serait utile pour les Membres de partager leurs diverses données d' expérience en matière de
collaboration s public -privé pour aider les entreprises à se développer grâce à des strat égies d'image
de marque et de promotion , afin d'apprendre comment les parties prenantes et les processus
interagissent pour favoriser l'innovation et améliorer les perspectives économiques dans ce domaine .
Les Membres sont invités à tenir compte des questi ons indicatives suivantes:
a. Comment le secteur public soutient -il le secteur privé par des stratégies de marque et de
promotion au x niveau x national et régional?
b. Comment le secteur public aide -t-il le secteur privé à se développer par la création de
marques et la promotion de la marque et de la réputation des entreprises?
c. Quel rôle les DPI devraient -ils jouer dans le contexte de l'innovation locale et de la
collaboration public -privé?
d. Quels enseignements les Membres pourraient -ils tirer de l'expérience qu'ils ont acquise en
créant leurs propres modèles innovant s en utilisant leurs DPI nationaux?
1.2 Approches innovantes en ce qui concerne les industries créatives
8. Les industries créatives, y compris les arts du spectacle, les beaux -arts, les arts littéraires,
l'industrie des dessins et modèles , les médias et l'industrie du divertissement jouent un rôle
important puisqu'ils contribuent à enrichir les cultures et à générer de la valeur économique . Dans
ces secteurs, de nombreux artistes en herbe et PME récemment créées peuvent n'avoir qu'une
connaissance limitée de leurs DPI et de la façon dont ils peuvent les utiliser pour développer leurs
activités . C'est sur ce point que le secteur public peut les aider à développer leurs activités grâce à
l'utilisation et à la protection des DPI . En outre, ces partenariats solides et efficaces font progresser
la vision commune de l'activité économique au niveau local et favorisent la créativité.
9. Les Membres pourraient examiner les question s suivantes:
a. De quelle façon le secteur public peut -il aider les artistes et les entreprises créatives au
niveau local à développer leurs activités grâce à l'utilisation et à la protection des DPI ainsi
qu'à des stratégies de promotion adaptées ?
b. Comment le secteur public peut -il aider le secteur privé à acquérir des compétences en
matière de gestion de la PI (par exemple au moyen de la formation ) et favoriser la croissance
économique ?
__________ | 1,887 | 12,604 | WTO_1 | WTO |
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11 mars 2024
(24-2211) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 1 1 mars 2 024, est distribuée à la demande de la délégation
de l'Égypte .
Titre : The Egyptian Standard ES 7278 for "household and similar electrical appliances - safety -
particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air -conditioners and dehumidifiers" (Norme
égyptienne ES 7278 "Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Règles particulières
pour les pompes à chaleur électriques, les climatiseurs et les déshumidificateurs")
Motif de l'addendum:
[ ] Modification du délai pour la présentation des observations - date:
[X] Adoption de la mesure notifiée - date: 18 décembre 2 023
[ ] Publication de la mesure notifiée - date:
[X] Entrée en vigueur de la mesure notifiée - date: 5 janvier 2 024
[ ] Accès au texte final de la mesure1:
[ ] Retrait ou abrogation de la mesure not ifiée - date:
Cote pertinente si la mesure fait l'objet d'une nouvelle notification:
[ ] Modification de la teneur ou du champ d'application de la mesure notifiée et accès au
Nouveau délai pour la présentation des observations (le cas échéant):
[ ] Publication de directives d'interprétation et accès au texte1:
[ ] Autres:
Description : Produits visés : (ICS 23 .120) Ventilateurs et climatiseurs.
L'objet du présent addendum est d'annoncer la publication du Décret ministériel n° 499/2023
(4 pages, en arabe) qui accorde aux producteurs et aux importateurs une période de transition de
six mois pour se mettre en conformité avec la Norme égyptienne ES 7278 "Appareils
1 Il est possible d'indiquer une adresse de site Web, de joindre un fichier en format pdf ou de fournir
tout autre renseignement permettant d'accéder au texte de la mesure finale/modifiée et/ou des directives
d'interprétation. G/TBT/N/EGY/157/Add.5
- 2 -
électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Règles particulières po ur les pompes à chaleur
électriques, les climatiseurs et les déshumidificateurs" (327 pages, en anglais).
Il est à noter que le Décret ministériel n° 241/2016 (3 pages, en arabe), qui avait fait l'objet de la
notification G/TBT/N/EGY/157 du 1 5 août 2 016, p révoyait, entre autres, l'application obligatoire de
l'édition précédente de cette norme.
Il est également à noter que cette norme reprend le contenu technique de la norme CEI 60335 -2-
Les producteurs et importateurs sont informés de toute modifica tion apportée aux normes
égyptiennes par la publication d'arrêtés administratifs dans le Journal officiel.
Date d'adoption : 18 décembre 2 023
Date d'entrée en vigueur : 5 janvier 2 024
Organisme ou autorité désigné pour traiter les observations et entité auprès de laquelle le texte peut
être obtenu:
National Enquiry Point
Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality (Organisation égyptienne de normalisation et
de contrôle de la qualité)
16 Tadreeb El -Modarrebeen St., Ameriya, Le Caire (Égypte)
Courrier électronique: [email protected] / [email protected]
Site Web:
Téléphone : + (202) 22845528
Fax: + (202) 22845504
__________ | 491 | 3,287 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_TBTN20_TZA499A1.pdf | r_G_TBTN20_TZA499A1 |
G/TBT/N/TZA/ 499/Add.1
20 décembre 2022
(22-9554) Page: 1/1
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 2 0 décembre 2022, est distribuée à la demande de la
délégation de la Tanzanie .
Intitulé : AFD 12 (537) P3 Rev. TZS 558:2015 Sugarcane juice - Specification (Jus de sucre de
canne - Spécifications) .
Motif de l'addendum:
[ ] Modification du délai pour la présentation des observations - date:
[ ] Adoption de la mesure notifiée - date:
[ ] Publication de la mesure notifiée - date:
[X] Entrée en vigueur de la mesure notifiée - date: 1er avril 2022
[ ] Accès au texte final de la mesure1:
[ ] Retrait ou abrogation de la mesure notifiée - date:
Cote pertinente si la mesure fait l'objet d'une nouvelle notification:
[ ] Modification de la teneur ou du champ d'application de la mesure notifiée et accès au
Nouveau délai pour la présentation des observations (le cas échéant):
[ ] Publication de directives d'interprétation et accès au texte1:
[ ] Autres:
Teneur : L'objet du présent addendum est d'informer les Membres de l'OMC que le projet de norme
tanzanienne AFD 12 (537) P3 Rev. TZS 558:2015 (Jus de sucre de canne - Spécifications ), notifié
au moyen du document G/TBT/N/TZA/ 499, est entré en vigueur le 1er avril 2022 en tant que norme
tanzanienne TZS 588:2021 ( Jus de sucre de canne - Spécifications ). Il est possible d'acheter ces
spécifications en écrivant au point d'information national OTC à l'adresse suivante: [email protected] .
1 Il est possible d'indiquer une adresse de site Web, de joindre un fichier en format pdf ou de fournir
tout autre renseignement permettant d'accéder au texte de la mesure finale/modifiée et/ou des directives
d'interprétation. | 297 | 1,870 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_SPS_NJPN769.pdf | s_G_SPS_NJPN769 |
30 de julio de 2020
(20-5296) Página: 1/2
Comité de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias Original: inglés
1. Miembro que notifica : JAPÓN
Si procede, nombre del gobierno local de que se trate:
2. Organismo responsable : Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) (Ministerio de
Salud, Trabajo y Bienestar Social)
3. Productos abarcados (número de la(s) partida(s) arancelaria(s) según se
especifica en las listas nacionales depositadas en la OMC ; deberá indicarse
además, cuando proceda, el número de partida de la ICS):
− Carne y despojos comestibles (SA : 02.03, 02.06 y 02 .09).
− Productos de origen animal (SA : 05.04).
− Grasas y aceites animales (SA : 15.01).
4. Regiones o países que podrían verse afectados, en la medida en que sea
procedente o factible:
[X] Todos los interlocutores comerciales
[ ] Regiones o países específicos:
5. Título del documento notificado : Revision of the Standards and Specifications for
Foods and Food Additives under the Food Sanitation Act (revision of agricultural chemical
residue standards) (Revisión de las normas y las especificaciones para los productos
alimenticios y los aditivos alimentarios previstas en la Ley de Higiene Alimentaria .
Revisión de las normas relativas a los residuos de productos agroquímicos) . Idioma(s) :
inglés . Número de páginas : 1.
6. Descripción del contenido : Propuesta de límites máximos de residuos (LMR) del
siguiente producto agroquímico:
Medicamento de uso veterinario : tildipirosina.
7. Objetivo y razón de ser : [X] inocuidad de los alimentos, [ ] sanidad animal, [ ]
preservación de los vegetales, [ ] protección de la salud humana contra las
enfermedades o plagas animales o vegetales, [ ] protección del territorio contra
otros daños causados por plagas. G/SPS/N/JPN/769
- 2 -
8. ¿Existe una norma internacional pertinente ? De ser así, indíquese la norma:
[ ] de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius (por ejemplo, título o número de
serie de la norma del Codex o texto conexo) :
[ ] de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) (por ejemplo,
número de capítulo del Código Sanitario para los Animales Terrestres o
del Código Sanitario para los Animales Acuáticos) :
[ ] de la Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria (por ejemplo,
número de NIMF) :
[X] Ninguna
¿Se ajusta la reglamentación que se propone a la norma internacional
[ ] Sí [ ] No
En caso negativo, indíquese, cuando sea posible, en qué medida y por qué razón
se aparta de la norma internacional:
9. Otros documentos pertinentes e idioma(s) en que están disponibles : Food
Sanitation Act (disponible en inglés) . Una vez adoptados, los LMR se publicarán en Kanpo
(Boletín Oficial del Gobierno) (disponible en japonés).
10. Fecha propuesta de adopción (día/mes/año) : lo antes posible después de un
determinado período
Fecha propuesta de publicación (día/mes/año) : lo ant es posible después de un
determinado período
11. Fecha propuesta de entrada en vigor : [ ] Seis meses a partir de la fecha de
publicación, y/o (día/mes/año) : Las normas propuestas entrarán en vigor después
de un determinado período.
[X] Medida de facilitac ión del comercio
12. Fecha límite para la presentación de observaciones : [ ] Sesenta días a partir de
la fecha de distribución de la notificación y/o (día/mes/año) :
Organismo o autoridad encargado de tramitar las observaciones : [ ] Organismo
nacional encargado de la notificación, [X] Servicio nacional de información .
Dirección, número de fax y dirección de correo electrónico (en su caso) de otra
13. Texto(s) disponible(s) en : [ ] Organismo nacional encargado de la noti ficación,
[X] Servicio nacional de información . Dirección, número de fax y dirección de
correo electrónico (en su caso) de otra institución:
Japan Enquiry Point (Servicio de Información del Japón)
International Trade Division (División de Comercio Internacional)
Economic Affairs Bureau (Oficina de Asuntos Económicos)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores)
Fax: +(813) 5501 8343
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
| 650 | 4,284 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_TRIMS_W175.pdf | s_G_TRIMS_W175 |
23 de febrero de 2024
(24-1643) Página: 1/2
Comité de Medidas en materia de Inversiones
relacionadas con el Comercio
1. En el artículo 6 .2 del Acuerdo sobre las Medidas en materia de Inversiones relacionadas con el
Comercio ("Acuerdo sobre las MIC") se dispone lo siguiente:
"Cada Miembro notificará a la Secretaría las publicaciones en que figuren las MIC, incluso
las aplicadas por los gobier nos o autoridades regionales y locales dentro de su territorio ".
2. En esa disposición se estipula la notificación de publicaciones y no de determinadas leyes,
reglamentaciones o medidas . Rige para todos los Miembros de la OMC, se hace extensiva a todos
los n iveles de gobierno y hace referencia a toda MIC, esté o no en conformidad con los
artículos III y XI del GATT de 1994.
3. En su reunión del 30 de septiembre de 1996, el Comité de MIC adoptó la Decisión contenida en
el documento G/TRIMS/5 (adjunto) relativa a los procedimientos pa ra las notificaciones que deben
presentar todos los Miembros de conformidad con el a rtículo 6 .2 del Acuerdo sobre las MIC. En los
párrafos 3 y 4 de la Decisión adjunta se especifica la información que deben conten er dichas
notificaciones y se indica que estas se harían sin que ello prejuzgue la compatibilidad jurídica de
cualesquiera MIC que puedan figurar en esas publicaciones . La Secretaría agrupa todas las
notificaciones recibidas de conformidad con ese artículo en un documento único, cuya última versión
se distribuyó con la signatura G/TRIMS/N/2/ Rev.34, de fecha 23 de febrero de 2024 .
4. Se recuerda a los Miembros que no hayan presentado nunca las notificaciones prescritas que
deben hacerlo sin demora.
5. Se recuerda a los Miembros que hayan presentado las notificaciones prescritas y no las hayan
actualizado para reflejar los cambios que se hayan producido, que deben actualizar sin demora esas
6. También se recuerda a los Miembros que hayan pr esentado notificaciones indicando que ninguna
de sus MIC es incompatible con el Acuerdo sobre las MIC que la obligación de notificar los nombres
de las publicaciones en que figuren las MIC se refiere a cualquier MIC, sin que ello prejuzgue su
compatibilida d jurídica . También se recuerda a esos Miembros que deben presentar sin demora las
notificaciones prescritas.
7. Se pide a todos los Miembros que incluyan en sus notificaciones los sitios web que contengan
información pertinente. G/TRIMS/W/175
- 2 -
30 de octubre de 1996
Comité de Medidas en materia de Inversiones
relacionadas con el Comercio
Decisión del Comité de 30 de septiembre de 1996
1) En el párrafo 2 del artículo 6 del Acuerdo sobre las MIC se dispone lo siguiente:
Cada Miembro notificará a la Secretaría las publicaciones en que figuren las MIC, incluso
las aplicadas por los gobiernos o autoridades regionales y locales dentro de su territorio.
2) En esa disposición se estipula la notificación de publicaciones y no de determinadas leyes,
reglamentaciones o medidas. Rige para todos los Miembros de la OMC, se hace extensiva a todos los
niveles de gobierno y hace referencia a toda MIC, e sté o no en conformidad con los artículos III y XI
del GATT de 1994.
3) El Comité decide que para dar aplicación al párrafo 2 del artículo 6 cada Miembro deberá facilitar
a la Secretaría el nombre de la publicación o las publicaciones, cuando existan, en q ue figuren las MIC,
incluso las aplicadas por los gobiernos o autoridades regionales y locales dentro de su territorio,
juntamente con la dirección correspondiente a efectos de la obtención de ejemplares de las mismas.
No incumbe a los Miembros facilitar e jemplares de dichas publicaciones. La notificación se haría
sin que ello prejuzgue la compatibilidad jurídica de cualesquiera MIC que puedan figurar en esas
4) Las "publicaciones" cuya notificación se prescribe en el párrafo 2 del artículo 6 están constituidas
por aquellas fuentes oficiales que recogerían las leyes, reglamentaciones o medidas pertinentes que
revisten carácter más específico. Aunque los Boletines Oficiales podrían figurar entre esas fuentes,
quizá sería de mayor utilidad para los Miembros que se hicieran también constar publicaciones
específicas de entidades que sean competentes en la materia (v.g., boletines o revistas de ministerios
pertinentes o de juntas de inversiones extranjeras).
5) Se invita a los Miembros a que present en sus listas de publicaciones no más tarde
del 1º de febrero de 1997 , y a que las mantengan debidamente actualizadas. La Secretaría consolidará
en un documento único, sujeto a las actualizaciones que vayan siendo necesarias, las notificaciones
presentadas en aplicación del párrafo 2 del artículo 6.
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WTO_1/r_WT_REG_395-4.pdf | r_WT_REG_395-4 |
5 juin 2023
(23-3797) Page: 1/2
Comité des accords commerciaux régionaux Original: anglais
La communication ci -après, datée du 1er juin 2023, est distribuée à la demande des délégations de
l'Australie, du Canada, du Japon, du Mexique, de la Nouvelle -Zélande, du Pérou, de Singapour et du
Viet Nam.
Question des États -Unis au Pérou
1.1. L'article 25.3 du PTPGP (Champ d 'application des mesures réglementaires visées)
dispose ce qui suit : Chacune des Parties détermine et rend publiquement accessible dans
les moindres délais le champ d 'application de ses mesures réglementaires visées, et ce au
plus tard un an après la date d 'entrée en vigueur du présent accord pour cette Partie. Pour
la détermination du champ d 'application des mesures réglementaires visées, chacune des
Parties devrait essayer de couvrir un champ d 'application considérable.
a. Étant donné que le PTPGP est entré en vigueur le 19 septembre 2021 pour le
Pérou, l e champ d 'application des mesures réglementaires a -t-il été finalisé?
Réponse du Pérou
Le Pérou a déjà déterminé le champ d 'application de ses mesures réglementaires visées
conformément à l 'article 25.3 du PTPGP.
b. Dans l 'affirmative, ce champ d 'application peut-il être communiqué aux
États -Unis et peut-il être indiqué où ces renseignements sont mis à la disposition
du public?
Réponse du Pérou
Les mesures réglementaires du Pérou visées au titre de l 'article 25.3 du PTPGP seront
disponibles sur le site Web du Pérou , dans la section "Accords commerciaux"
( ). Ces éléments incluront la définition d 'une mesure
réglementaire pour le Pérou et préciser ont en outre quelles prescriptions réglementaires et
réglementations administratives sont considérées par le Pérou comme des mesures réglementaires
visées, telles que:
• Procédures administratives et réglementation de la Surintendance nationale des services
d'assainissement (SUNASS)
• Règlement relatif aux infractions et aux sanctions de l 'Office de supervision des
investissements dans l 'infrastructure des transports publics (OSITRAN)
• Réglementation général e des tarifs de transport
• Réglementation relative au traitement des requêtes et à la résolution des différends
• Règlement sur la surveillance générale
• Règlement relatif aux utilisateurs des infrastructures de transport à usage public WT/REG395/4
- 2 -
• Dispositions complémentaires du Règlement sur le recours à des entreprises de
surveillance par l'OSITRAN
• Règlement sur les contribution s
• Règlement relatif au x versement s entre les pouvoirs publics et l'OSITRAN
• Règlement -cadre relatif à l 'accès aux infrastr ucture s de transport public
• Réglementation sur les tarifs de l 'électricité
• Tarifs de transport
• Distribution de gaz naturel via les réseaux de gazoducs
• Tarifs de transport des hydrocarbures liquides par conduites
• Procédures de réglementation tarifaire par l'Office de supervision des investissements
énergétiques et miniers (OSINERGMIN)
• Résolutions établissant les tarifs de vente de l 'électricité
• Résolutions établissant la nouvelle valeur de remplacement
• Résolutions établissant la valeur ajoutée de la distribution
• Résolutions établissant des péages pour la connexion au principal système de transmission
• Résolutions établissant les frais de raccordement au réseau de distribution d 'électricité
• Résolutions éta blissant le seuil maximal et les montants pour la reconnexion
• Procédures administratives relatives aux activités liées à l 'électricité
• Procédures administratives relatives aux activités liées aux hydrocarbures
• Procédures administratives réglementaires rela tives aux activités liées à l 'électricité
• Procédures administratives réglementaires relatives aux activités liées aux hydrocarbures
• Procédures administratives traitées devant les tribunaux administratifs de l 'OSINERGMIN
• Procédures administratives relatives au Fonds pour l 'inclusion sociale énergétique
• Procédure de publication des normes par le Conseil d 'administration de l'Office de
supervision des investissements privés dans le secteur des télécommunications (OSIPTEL)
• Procédure pour la détermination ou la révision de s tarifs ou des taxes d'interconnexion
• Procédure d 'ajustement trimestriel des tarifs pour les services de la catégorie I
• Procédure d 'ajustement des tarifs fixe -mobile
• Procédure pour la détermination d es différentes taxes d'interconnexion
__________ | 682 | 4,792 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN20_TZA460A1.pdf | q_G_TBTN20_TZA460A1 |
4 January 2023
(23-0022) Page: 1/1
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following communication , dated 4 January 2023, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of Tanzania .
Title: CDC10 (6260) P3 Post Card — Specification
Reason for Addendum:
[ ] Comment period changed - date:
[ ] Notified measure adopted - date:
[ ] Notified measure published - date:
[X] Notified measure enters into force - date: 1 April 2022
[ ] Text of final measure available from1:
[ ] Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:
Relevant symbol if measure re -notified:
[ ] Content or scope of notified measure changed and text available from1:
New deadline for comments (if applicable):
[ ] Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:
[ ] Other:
Description: The aim of this addendum is to inform WTO Members that the Draft Tanzania
Standard; CDC10 (6260) P3 Post Card — Specification notified in G/TBT/N/TZA/460 entered into
force on 01 April 2022 as Tanzania Standard, TZS 2800:2021 Post card – Specification. Thi s
specification can be purchased by contacting the TBT NEP through [email protected]
1 This information can be provided by including a website address, a pdf attachment, or other
information on where the text of the final /modified measure and/or interpretive guidance can be obtained. | 223 | 1,485 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_TBTN23_CAN687.pdf | r_G_TBTN23_CAN687 |
5 janvier 2023
(23-0158) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais, français
La notification suivante est communiquée conformément à l'article 10.6.
1. Membre notifiant: CANADA
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés (articles 3.2 et 7.2):
2. Organisme responsable:
Environnement et changement climatique Canada
Les nom et adresse (y compris les numéros de téléphone et de fax et les adresses
de courrier électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant) de l'organisme ou de
l'autorité désigné pour s'occuper des observations concernant la notification
doivent être indiqués si cet organisme ou cette autorité est différent de
l'organisme susmentionné:
Autorité de notification et Point d'information du Canada
Direction des règlements et obstacles techniques
Affaires mondiales Ca nada
111, promenade Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G2
Tel: (343) 203 -4273
Fax: 613 -943-0346
E-mail: [email protected]
3. Notification au titre de l'article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ],
7.2 [ ], autres :
4. Produits visés (le cas échéant, position du SH ou de la NCCD, sinon position du
tarif douanier national. Les numéros de l'ICS peuvent aussi être indiqués, le cas
échéant): Produits contenant du mercure, incluant mais pas limités à: Lampes, Piles,
Amalgames dentaires, Thermostats, Interrupteurs et relais, Thermomètres, Autres
instruments de mesure, Equilibreuses de roues (ICS : 11.060, 17.020, 17.200, 29.120,
29.140, 29.220, 43.040)
5. Intitul é, nombre de pages et langue(s) du texte notifié: Projet de Règlement
modifiant le Règlement sur les produits contenant du mercure (49 pages; disponible en
anglais et en français); (49 page(s), en anglais), (49 page(s), en français)
6. Teneur: Le projet de Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les produits contenant du
mercure (les propositions de modification) prévoit d'apporter des modifications au
Règlement sur les produits contenant du mercure (le Règlement) afin de l'aligner sur les
exigence s de la Convention de Minamata sur le mercure. Le Règlement, entré en vigueur
en 2015, interdit la fabrication, l'importation et la vente de produits contenant du
mercure, à l'exception de certains produits essentiels pour lesquels il n'existe pas de
subst ituts fiables (par exemple certaines lampes, certaines applications dans le domaine
de la santé, de la sécurité et de la recherche et les amalgames dentaires).
Les propositions de modifications prévoient : G/TBT/N/CAN/687
- 2 -
• d'abaisser les teneurs maximales autorisées en mer cure pour trois types de
lampes exclues de l'interdiction générale concernant le mercure, notamment les
tubes fluorescents linéaires destinés à l'éclairage général et les lampes
fluorescentes à cathode froide ou à électrode externe;
• d'ajouter des dates d'i nterdiction pour certains produits contenant du mercure et
pour les lampes de remplacement après une période transitoire;
• de supprimer les autres exemptions visant les produits qui ne sont plus utilisés
au Canada et les produits dont la période d'exemption a expiré.
D'autres modifications au Règlement sont proposées dans le but de clarifier certaines
dispositions du texte réglementaire, comme celles relatives à l'étiquetage, aux essais, aux
déclarations et à la tenue de registres.
7. Objectif et justificat ion, y compris la nature des problèmes urgents, le cas
échéant: Protection de l'environnement et de la santé humaine
8. Documents pertinents:
Gazette du Canada , Partie I, 24 décembre 2022, pages 6175 -6223, -pr/p1/2022/2022 -12-24/pdf/g1 -15652.pdf (disponible en
anglais et en français)
Règlement sur les produits contenant du mercure : https://laws - -2014-254/TexteComplet.html
Loi canadienne sur la protection de l'environnement, 1999 , paragraphe 93(1) :
https://laws -15.31/
9. Date projetée pour l'adoption: Normalement, dans les 18 mois suivant la publication
dans la Partie I de la Gazette du Canada.
Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur: Les propositions de modification entreront
en vigueur 3 mois après la date d'enregistrement. Cependant, les propositions de
modification prévoiraient une période de transition de trois ans pour permettre à
l'industrie de s'adapter aux nouvelles exigences.
10. Date limite pour la présentation des observations: 75 jours à partir de la date de
publication dans la Partie I de la Gazette du Canada – 9 mars 2023
11. Entité auprès de laquelle le s texte s peuvent être obtenu s: point d'information
national [X] ou adresse, numéros de téléphone et de fax et adresses de courrier
électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant, d'un autre organisme:
La version électronique du texte réglementaire est disponible à partir de: -pr/p1/2022/2022 -12-24/html/reg1 -eng.html (anglais) -pr/p1/2022/2022 -12-24/html/reg1 -fra.html (français)
| 729 | 5,164 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_INF_TESSD_CN11.pdf | s_INF_TESSD_CN11 |
15 de junio de 2023
(23-4091) Página: 1/3
Original: inglés
El siguiente aviso de convocatoria, de fecha 15 de junio de 2023, se distribuye a petición de los
Coordinadores de los DECSA.
1.1. La próxima reunión ordinaria de los DECSA se celebrará el martes 11 de julio de 2023,
de 10 a 18 h.
1.2. En consonancia con el carácter abierto, transparente e inclusivo de los DECSA, se invita a todos
los Miembros de la OMC a que asistan a la reunión y se los alienta a que participen en ella.
1.3. La reunión se celebrará en forma híbrida, combinando la participación presencial en la sala D
y la participación virtual a través de la platafor ma Zoom . Los delegados que deseen participar de
manera virtual a través de la plataforma Zoom , incluidos los funcionarios de las capitales, deben
inscribirse a través del siguiente enlace:
Después de inscribirse, recibirán un correo electrónico de confirmación con la información necesaria
para acceder a la reunión.
1.4. Para orientar los debates de la reunión, los Coordinadores proponen el siguiente orden del día:
1 Observaciones introductorias de los Coordinadores
2 Camino a seguir para la Decimotercera Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC (CM13)
2.1 Objetivos y posibles resultados para la CM13
En la Comunicación Ministerial relativa a los DECSA de 2021, los Miembros acordaron trabajar para
identificar medidas concretas que los Miemb ros participantes podrían adoptar individual o
colectivamente para aumentar las oportunidades de comercio sostenible desde el punto de vista
2.1. Los Coordinadores expondrán sus opiniones sobre los objetivos y los posibles resultados
concretos para l a CM13, incluida una recomendación para desarrollar un instrumento en materia de
comercio y sostenibilidad ambiental (véase el punto 4 del orden del día) . Además, los posibles INF/TE/SSD/CN/11
- 2 -
resultados de los Grupos de Trabajo podrían determinarse sobre la base de los do cumentos
a. Resumen analítico (INF/TE/SSD/W/24/Rev.11), Grupo de Trabajo sobre Bienes y
Servicios Ambientales.
b. Las prácticas de los Miembros en la elaboración de medidas climáticas relacionadas con
el comercio (INF/TE/SSD /W/25/Rev.12), Grupo de Trabajo sobre Medidas Climáticas
relacionadas con el Comercio.
c. Ejercicio de inventario : aspectos comerciales a lo largo del ciclo de vida de los productos
(INF/TE/SSD/W/273), Grupo de Trabajo sobre Economía Circular - Circulari dad.
d. Recopilación de experiencias sobre el diseño de las subvenciones, Grupo de Trabajo
sobre Subvenciones.
2.2. Se invita a los Miembros a intercambiar opiniones sobre los objetivos y los posibles resultados
concretos para la CM13, incluido todo lo menciona do supra .
2.2 Actualización del Plan de trabajo para los DECSA
El Plan de trabajo para los DECSA (INF/TE/SSD/W/17/Rev.1), puesto en marcha en febrero de 2022,
sirvió de base para el trabajo de los Miembros encaminado a la aplicación de la Comunicación
Minister ial relativa a los DECSA de 2021, en particular se preveía la creación de cuatro grupos de
trabajo informales y se facilitaban preguntas orientativas para los debates.
2.3. Los Coordinadores describirán el proceso de actualización del plan de trabajo para la CM 13.
2.4. Se invita a los Miembros a que presenten sugerencias sobre la actualización del plan de trabajo.
2.3 Propuesta de un instrumento en materia de comercio y sostenibilidad ambiental
2.5. Los Coordinadores presentarán una propuesta para desarrollar un instrumento e n materia de
comercio y sostenibilidad ambiental destinado a fomentar la transparencia y la cooperación
2.6. Se invita a los Miembros a intercambiar opiniones sobre la propuesta.
2.4 Opiniones y perspectivas de las partes interesadas
2.7. Se invita a las partes interesadas a que compartan sus opiniones y perspectivas sobre los
posibles resultados para la CM13, la actualización del plan de trabajo para los DECSA y la propuesta
de un instrumento en materia de comercio y sostenibilidad ambiental.
3 Grupos de trabajo informales
3.1 Bienes y servicios ambientales
3.1. Los Facilitadores presentarán un resumen de los debates que tuvieron lugar en las reuniones
del Grupo de Trabajo celebradas los días 16 de marzo y 10 de mayo de 2023 (documentos
resumen : INF/TE/SS D/R/16 e INF/TE/SSD/R/17).
3.2. Intercambio de opiniones entre los Miembros, seguido de las intervenciones de las partes
interesadas, incluido sobre los sectores o cuestiones que podrían examinarse en la siguiente reunión
del Grupo de Trabajo.
1 Por distribuir.
2 Por distribuir.
3 Por distribuir.
4 Por distribuir. INF/TE/SSD/CN/11
- 3 -
3.2 Medidas climática s relacionadas con el comercio
3.3. Los Facilitadores presentarán un resumen de los debates que tuvieron lugar en las reuniones
del Grupo de Trabajo celebradas los días 16 de marzo y 11 de mayo de 2023 (documentos
resumen : INF/TE/SSD/R/16 e INF/TE/SSD/R/17).
3.4. Intercambio de opiniones entre los Miembros, seguido de las intervenciones de las partes
interesadas, incluido sobre los sectores o cuestiones que podrían examinarse en la siguiente reunión
del Grupo de Trabajo.
3.3 Economía circular - circularidad
3.5. Los Facilitad ores presentarán un resumen de los debates que tuvieron lugar en las reuniones
del Grupo de Trabajo celebradas los días 17 de marzo y 11 de mayo de 2023 (documentos
resumen : INF/TE/SSD/R/16 e INF/TE/SSD/R/17).
3.6. Intercambio de opiniones entre los Miembros, s eguido de las intervenciones de las partes
interesadas, incluido sobre los sectores o cuestiones que podrían examinarse en la siguiente reunión
del Grupo de Trabajo.
3.4 Subvenciones
3.7. Los Facilitadores presentarán un resumen de los debates que tuvieron lugar en las reuniones
del Grupo de Trabajo celebradas los días 17 de marzo y 10 de mayo de 2023 (documentos
resumen : INF/TE/SSD/R/16 e INF/TE/SSD/R/17).
3.8. Intercambio de opiniones entre los Miembros, seguido de las intervenciones de las partes
interesadas, incluido sobre los sectores o cuestiones que podrían examinarse en la siguiente reunión
del Grupo de Trabajo.
4 Otros asuntos
5 Observaciones finales de los Coordinadores
__________ | 972 | 6,548 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN24_UKR296.pdf | q_G_TBTN24_UKR296 |
16 May 2024
(24-3795) Page: 1/2
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6
1. Notifying Member: UKRAINE
If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):
2. Agency responsible:
The Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers , email and website
addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments
regarding the notificatio n shall be indicated if different from above:
3. Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [X], 5.7.1 [ ], 3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ],
other :
4. Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff
heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): Railway
rolling stock and railway infrastructure
5. Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: Draft Resolution
of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Amendments to Paragraph 2 of the Resolution
of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 26 January 2022 No. 53"; (1 page(s), in English),
(1 page(s), in Ukrainian)
6. Description of content: Paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine No. 53 "On Amendments to the Technical Regulation on railway infrastructure
safety and the Technical Regulation on railway rolling stock safety" of 26 January 2022,
which was published on 03 February 2022, provided th at the said Resolution would enter
into force twenty -four months after its publication, i.e. on 03 February 2024 (notification
Subsequently, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 53 of 26 January
2022 was amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 96 "On
Amendments to Paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of
26 January 2022 No. 53" of 30 January 2024, according to which the entry into force of
the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 53 was postponed for another
six months, i.e. the Resolution was supposed to enter into force thirty months after its
publication, i.e. from 03 August 2024 (notification G/TBT/N/UKR/281/Add.1).
The notified draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Amendments to
Paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 26 January 2022
No. 53" provides for the replacement of the words 'thirty months' with the words 'thirty -
nine month s', i.e. postponement of the entry into force of Resolution of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine No. 53 of 26 January 2022 for another nine months, namely until 03
May 2025.
These amendments are intended to address the issue of increasing the number of
designated conformity assessment bodies for railway products subject to the Technical G/TBT/N/UKR/296
- 2 -
Regulation on railway infrastructure safety and the Technical Regulation on railway rolling
stock safety.
7. Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where
applicable: Quality requirements
8. Relevant documents:
Law of Ukraine "On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment"; Resolution of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 53 "On Amendments to the Technical Regulation on
railway inf rastructure safety and the Technical Regulation on railway rolling stock safety"
of 26 January 2022; Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 96 "On
Amendments to Paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of
26 Janua ry 2022 No. 53" of 30 January 2024
• G/TBT/N/UKR/196
• G/TBT/N/UKR/196/Add.1
• G/TBT/N/UKR/281
• G/TBT/N/UKR/281/Add.1
9. Proposed date of adoption: To be determined
Proposed date of entry into force: To be determined
10. Final date for comments: 60 days from notification
11. Texts available from: National enquiry point [X] or address, telephone and fax
numbers and email and website addresses, if available , of other body:
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Department for Trade Agreements and Export Development
12/2 Hrushevskoho Str.
Kyiv 01008
Tel: +(38 044) 596 6839
Fax: +(38 044) 596 6839
Email: [email protected]
Website: 0_x.pdf
| 671 | 4,574 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/263738_2020_TBT_ISR_20_3191_00_x.pdf | 263738_2020_TBT_ISR_20_3191_00_x | 0 | 0 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_SPS_NCOL308A2.pdf | q_G_SPS_NCOL308A2 |
28 October 2019
(19-7155) Page: 1/2
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Original: Spanish
The following communication, received on 2 4 October 2 019, is being circulated at the request of the
delegation of Colombia .
Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) Resolution No. 16439 nullifying Resolution No. 00005382
of 25 April 2 019, which established phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction and
spread of Cryptolestes pusilloides (Coleoptera : Laemophloeidae ), a qua rantine pest for Colombia,
and the amendments thereto
The Republic of Colombia hereby advises that ICA Resolution No. 5382 of 2019 establishing
sanitary measures to prevent the introduction and spread of Cryptolestes pusilloides (Coleoptera :
Laemophloeidae ), a quarantine pest for Colombia, and ICA Resolution No. 50066 of 2019
amending Resolution No. 5382 of 2019, notified in documents G/SPS/N/COL/308 and
G/SPS/N/COL/308/Add.1, respectively, were nullified upon issuance of Resolution No. 16439 of
17 October 2 019.
The General Secretariat of the Andean Community, in Resolution No. 2088 of 1 6 September 2 019
concluding its investigation into alleged restrictions placed by the Government of Colombia on
imports of coffee from Andean Community member states, deemed the measures established in
ICA Resolution No. 00005382 of 25 April 2 019 and the amendments thereto to be a restriction on
trade within the subregion under Article 73 of the Cartagena Agreement.
Accordingly, the ICA, on behalf of the Government of Colombia, is nullifying the above -mentioned
administrative acts an d withdrawing the measures adopted therein.
This addendum concerns a:
[ ] Modification o f final date for comments
[ ] Modification of content and/or scope of previously notified regulation
[X] Withdrawal of regulation
[ ] Change in period of application of measure
[ ] Other: G/SPS/N/COL/308/Add.2
- 2 -
Agency or authority designated to handle comments : [X] National Notification
Authority, [ ] National Enquiry Point . Address, fax number and email address (if
available) of other body:
Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism)
Dirección de Regulación (Regulation Depa rtment)
Calle 28 N° 13A - 15, tercer piso
Bogotá, D.C . Colombia
Tel.: (+571) 606 7676, Ext. 1690 - 1340
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario , ICA (Colombian Agricultural Institute)
Subgerencia de Regulación Sanitaria y Fitosanitaria (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regulation
Dirección Técnica de Asuntos Internacionales (Technical Division for International Affairs)
Avenida Calle 26 N° 85B -09
Bogotá - Colombia
Tel.: (+57 1) 332 3700 - 288 48 00, Ext. 1510 - 1515
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Text(s) available from : [X] National Notification Authority, [ ] National Enquiry Point .
Address, fax number and email address (if available) of other body:
Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism)
Dirección de Regulación (Regulation Department)
Calle 28 N° 13A - 15, tercer piso
Bogotá, D.C . Colombia
Tel.: (+571) 606 7676, Ext. 1690 - 1340
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
__________ | 490 | 3,638 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_SPS_NKOR709.pdf | r_G_SPS_NKOR709 |
17 mars 2021
(21-2204) Page: 1/2
Comité des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires Original: anglais
1. Membre notifiant : RÉPUBLIQUE DE CORÉE
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés:
2. Organisme responsable : Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (Ministère de la sécurité
sanitaire des aliments et des médicaments)
3. Produits visés (Prière d'indiquer le(s) numéro(s) du tarif figurant dans les listes
nationales déposées à l'OMC . Les numéros de l'ICS devraient aussi être indiqués,
le cas échéant) : Produits alimentaires
4. Régions ou pays susceptibles d'être concernés, si cela est pertinent ou faisable:
[X] Tous les partenaires commerciaux
[ ] Régions ou pays spécifiques:
5. Intitulé du texte notifié : Proposed Amendments to the Regulation on Safety
Assessment for Genetically Modified Food Products (Proposition de modification du
Règlement relatif à l'évaluation de la sécurité sanitaire des produits alimentaires
génétiquement modifiés) . Langue(s) : coréen . Nombre de pages : 10
6. Teneur : La modification proposée vise à:
1. apporter des clarifications concernant l'évaluation de la sécurité sanitaire des produits
alimentaires génétiquement modifiés;
2. établir la procédure de réponse aux demandes d'évaluation de la sécurité sanitaire
entachées de fraude ou usant de moyens illicites;
3. modifier la disposition actuelle relative à la communication de données
4. établir un formulaire de demande concernant la modification de renseignements sur
l'évaluation de la sécurité sanitaire d'OGM à événement s multiples.
7. Objectif et raison d'être : [X] innocuité des produits alimentaires, [ ] santé des
animaux, [ ] préservation des végétaux, [ ] protection des personnes contre les
maladies ou les parasites des animaux/des plantes, [ ] protection du territoire
contre d'autre s dommages attribuables à des parasites.
8. Existe -t-il une norme internationale pertinente ? Dans l'affirmative, indiquer
[ ] Commission du Codex Alimentarius (par exemple, intitulé ou numéro de
série de la norme du Codex ou du texte apparenté) :
[ ] Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) (par exemple, numéro
de chapitre du Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres ou du Code
sanitaire pour les animaux aquatiques) : G/SPS/N/KOR/709
- 2 -
[ ] Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (par exemple,
numéro de la NIMP) :
[X] Néant
La réglementation projetée est -elle conforme à la norme internationale
[ ] Oui [ ] Non
Dans la négative, indiquer, chaque fois que cela sera possible, en quoi et
pourquoi elle diffère de la norme inte rnationale:
9. Autres documents pertinents et langue(s) dans laquelle (lesquelles) ils sont
disponibles : Préavis ( Advance Notice ) n° 2021-110 du Ministère de la sécurité sanitaire
des aliments et des médicaments du 1 1 mars 2021 (disponible en coréen)
10. Date projetée pour l'adoption (jj/mm/aa) : à déterminer.
Date projetée pour la publication (jj/mm/aa) : à déterminer.
11. Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : [ ] Six mois à compter de la date de
publication, et/ou (jj/mm/aa) : à déterminer.
[ ] Mesure de facilitation du commerce
12. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : [X] Soixante jours à compter
de la date de distribution de la notification et/ou ( jj/mm/aa ): 16 mai 2 021
Organisme ou autorité désigné pour traiter les observations : [ ] autorité
nationale responsable des notifications, [X] point d'information national .
Adresse, numéro de fax et adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre
International Cooperation Office
Ministry of Food and Drug safety
#187 Osongsaengmyeong2 -ro, Osong -eup, Heungdoek -gu Cheongju -si
Chungcheongbuk -do
363-700 (Corée)
Téléphone : +(82 43) 719 1569
Fax: +(82 43) 719 1550
Courrier électronique : [email protected]
13. Texte(s) disponible(s) auprès de : [ ] autorité nationale responsable des
notifications, [X] point d'information national . Adresse, numéro de fax et
adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre organisme:
Les documents sont accessibles sur le site Web du Ministère de la sécurité sanitaire des
aliments et des médicaments ( ). Ils sont également disponibles à
l'adresse suivante:
International Cooperation Off ice
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
#187 Osongsaengmyeong2 -ro, Osong -eup, Heungdoek -gu Cheongju -si
Chungcheongbuk -do
Téléphone : +(82 43) 719 1569
Fax: +(82 43) 719 1550
Courrier électronique : [email protected]
| 691 | 4,708 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_WT_DS_578-4.pdf | s_WT_DS_578-4 |
18 de noviembre de 2020
(20-8279) Página: 1/1
Original: francés
Se ha recibido del Presidente del Grupo Especial la siguiente comunicación, de fecha 17 de noviembre
de 2020, con el ruego de que se distribuya al Órgano de Solución de Diferencias.
El artículo 12.8 del Entendimiento relativo a las norma s y procedimientos por los que se rige la
solución de diferencias (ESD) prevé que el plazo en que un grupo especial llevará a cabo su examen,
desde la fecha en que se haya convenido en su composición y su mandato hasta la fecha en que
se dé traslado del in forme definitivo a las partes en la diferencia, no excederá, por regla general, de
seis meses.
En virtud del artículo 12.9 del ESD, cuando un grupo especial considere que no puede emitir su
informe dentro de un plazo de seis meses, informará de ello al Órg ano de Solución de Diferencias
(OSD) por escrito indicando las razones, y facilitará al mismo tiempo una estimación del plazo en
que emitirá su informe.
El Grupo Especial encargado de examinar el asunto Marruecos - Medidas antidumping definitivas
sobre los cuadernos escolares procedentes de Túnez (DS578) fue establecido por el OSD el 28 de
octubre de 2019 y quedó integrado el 1 9 de marzo de 2020.
En vista del número y la complejidad de las preguntas formuladas al Grupo Especial en este asunto,
el Grupo Especial tiene previsto, en este momento, dar traslado de su informe a las partes en el
primer semestre de 2021.
Agradeceré que tenga a bien disponer la distribución de la presente carta al OSD.
__________ | 286 | 1,749 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_TBTN23_CHL637.pdf | s_G_TBTN23_CHL637 |
20 de abril de 2023
(23-2854) Página: 1/2
Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Original: español
Se da traslado de la notificación siguiente de conformidad con el artículo 10.6.
1. Miembro que notifica: CHILE
Si procede, nombre del gobierno local de que se trate (artículos 3.2 y 7.2):
2. Organismo responsable:
Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones (SUBTEL)
Nombre y dirección (incluidos los números de teléfono y de fax, así como las
direcciones de correo electrónico y sitios web, en su caso) del organismo o
autoridad encargado de la tramitación de obs ervaciones sobre la notificación, en
caso de que se trate de un organismo o autoridad diferente:
Subsecretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (SUBREI) - Ministerio de
Relaciones Exteriores de Chile
3. Notificación hecha en virtud del artículo 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ],
3.2 [ ], 7.2 [ ], o en virtud de :
4. Productos abarcados (partida del SA o de la NCCA cuando corresponda; en otro
caso partida del arancel nacional. Podrá indicarse además, cuando proceda, el
número de partida de la ICS): Equipos terminales utilizados en las redes móviles
5. Título, número de páginas e idioma(s) del documento notificado: Fija norma
técnica que regula las especificaciones técnicas que deberá cumplir la estructura de IMEI
de los equipos terminales utilizados en las redes móviles.; (3 página(s), en español)
6. Descripción del contenido: En Chile existe normativa de telecomunicaciones relativa al
bloqueo del IMEI de equipos terminales móviles por robo, hurto o extravío. Sin embarg o,
se ha registrado que posteriormente, dichos IMEI en algunos casos son adulterados con
la finalidad de burlar el bloqueo del cual fueron objeto.
Con motivo de evitar la situación antes descrita, a través de la presente propuesta, se
busca complementar la normativa existente en la materia, estableciendo las
características técnicas y estructura que deben cumplir los IMEI de los equipos terminales,
para ser utilizados en las redes móviles, de lo contrario, no podrán cursar tráfico en el
7. Objetivo y razón de ser, incluida, cuando proceda, la naturaleza de los problemas
urgentes: Prevención de prácticas que puedan inducir a error y protección del
consumidor; Armonización G/TBT/N/CHL/637
- 2 -
8. Documentos pertinentes:
- Ley N° 18.168, General de Telecomunicaciones .
- Decreto Nº 157 de 2011, de la Subsecretaría, que Establece el procedimiento que regula
el bloqueo de equipos terminales robados, hurtados y extraviados.
- Resolución Exenta N° 1.068 de 2013, modificada por la Resol ución Exenta N° 4.281 de
2022, ambas de la Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones, que Regula el bloqueo de
equipos terminales móviles de servicios de telecomunicaciones en situaciones especiales .
9. Fecha propuesta de adopción: Por determinar
Fecha propuesta de entrada en vigor: Por determinar
10. Fecha límite para la presentación de observaciones: 60 días a partir de la
11. Textos disponibles en: Servicio nacional de información [ ], o direcció n, números
de teléfono y de fax y direcciones de correo electrónico y sitio s web, en su caso,
de otra institución:
División de Aspectos Regulatorios del Comercio
Subsecretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile
Teatinos 180, piso 11
Teléfono: (+56) -2-2827 5250
Fax: (+56) -2-2380 9494
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
| 533 | 3,644 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_Jobs_IT_38.pdf | s_Jobs_IT_38 | 0 | 0 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_TBTN20_EU760.pdf | q_G_TBTN20_EU760 |
24 November 2020
(20-8484) Page: 1/3
Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Original: English
The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.6
1. Notifying Member: EUROPEAN UNION
If applicable, name of local government involved (Article 3.2 and 7.2):
2. Agency responsible: European Commission
Name and address (including telephone and fax numbers , email and website
addresses, if available) of agency or authority designated to handle comments
regarding the notification shall be indicated if different from above:
European Comm ission
EU-TBT Enquiry Point
Fax: +(32) 2 299 80 43
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: -databases/tbt/e n/
3. Notified under Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], other :
4. Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff
heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where applicable): Chemical
substances; Products of the chemical industry (ICS 71.100)
5. Title, number of pages and language(s) of the notified document: Draft
Commission Regulation amending Annex XIV to Regulation (EU) No 1907/2006 of the
European Parliament and of the C ouncil concerning the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) (5 page(s), in English; 4 page(s), in
6. Description of content: This draft Commission Regulation aims at amending Annex XIV
of the REACH Regulatio n. Annex XIV lists the substances which are subject to the
authorisation requirement laid down in Title VII of the Regulation. The draft proposes to
include additional properties to some existing entries in that Annex, namely:
− entry 4 (DEHP): to add endo crine disrupting (ED) properties for the environment;
− entries 4 to 7 (DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP): to add ED properties for human health.
Once the Regulation is adopted and enters into force, the placing on the market and the
use of those substances in the EU will only be possible, after the date specified for each
substance ("sunset date"), for those operators who have been granted an authorisation
in accordance with Articles 60 -64 of REACH, and for those who have submitted an
application for authorisation before a given date ("latest application date") but a decision
has not yet been adopted.
7. Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where
applicable: The objective of this draft Regulation is to include the endoc rine disrupting
properties to the existing Reprotoxic ones in Annex XIV for these substances. According
to Article 55 of REACH, the aim of the authorisation provisions is "to ensure the good
functioning of the internal market while assuring that the risks from substances of very G/TBT/N/EU/760
- 2 -
high concern are properly controlled and that these substances are progressively replaced
by suitable alternative substances or technologies where these are economically and
technically viable." In accordance with Article 56 of REACH , a manufacturer, importer or
downstream user shall not place on the market and/or use a substance listed in Annex XIV
of REACH after a given date ("sunset date") unless that use has been authorised or an
application has been submitted before the latest ap plication date (and a decision has not
yet been taken), or the use is exempted. With the inclusion of intrinsic properties relating
to hazards for the environment in the entry for DEHP in Annex XIV, the exemptions from
the authorisation requirement of uses of that substance in medical devices regulated by
Directives 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC and 98/79/EC and in food contact materials within the
scope of Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 will no longer apply. In addition, due to the
inclusion of ED properties in the entries of DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP, the concentration
limit applicable to the presence of these substances in mixtures for the purposes of the
exemption set out in Article 56(6) will become 0,1% weight by weight. Finally, the
exemptions from the authorisat ion requirement for the use of the four substances in
immediate packaging will no longer apply.
Protection of human health or safety; Other
8. Relevant documents:
• Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on
the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
(OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1)
https://eur -
• Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/11 49 of
3 August 2020 amending Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 as regards
diisocyanates (OJ L 252, 4.8.2020, p.24)
https://eur legal-
• Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws
of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices (OJ L 189,
20.7.1990, p. 17).
https://eur -
• Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices (OJ
L 169, 12.7.1993, p. 1).
https://eur -
• Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parl iament and of the Council of 27 October
1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (OJ L 331, 7.12.1998, p. 1).
https://eur -
conte nt/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A31998L0079&qid=1606122402458
• Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
27 October 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with
food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/1 09/EEC, (OJ L 338,
13.11.2004, p. 4).
https://eur -
9. Proposed date of adoption: February 2021
Proposed date of entry into force: 20 days after publication in the Official Journal of
the European Union G/TBT/N/EU/760
- 3 -
10. Final date for comments: 60 days from notification
11. Texts available from: National enquiry point [ ] or address, telephone and fax
numbers and email and website addresses, if available , of other body:
European Commission
EU-TBT Enquiry Point
Fax: + (32) 2 299 80 43
E-mail: [email protected]
The text is available on the EU -TBT Website: -
| 952 | 6,734 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_AG_NGIN12.pdf | r_G_AG_NGIN12 |
18 mars 2021
(21-2254) Page: 1/3
Comité de l'agriculture Original: français
La communication ci -après, datée du 12 mars 2021, est distribué e à la demande de la délégation
de la Guinée . La notification concerne les engagements en matière de soutien interne
(tableau DS:1 et tableaux explicatifs pertinents) pour l' Année Civile 2019 .
- 2 - Tableau explicatif DS:1
Mesures exemptées de l'engagement de réduction – "Catégorie verte"
Type de mesure Désignation et description de la mesure eu égard aux critères
énoncés à l'Annexe 2 Valeur monétaire
GNF Sources des données Note
1 2 3 4
2.Services de caractère général
2 (b) Lutte contre les parasites et les maladies Soutien au plan régional de lutte et de contrôle des mouches de fruits en
Afrique de l'Ouest 0 Ministère de l'agriculture
Projet d'urgence pour la lutte contre la chenille légionnaire d'automne 0 Ministère de l'agriculture
Sous total:
2 (c) Services de formation Ecole Nationale des Agents Techniques des Eaux et Forêts (achats de
fournitures scolaires, frais de formations, séminaires et stages, achats de
carburant pour véhicules et engins, entretien et réparation véhicule
automobile.) 48 592 983 538 Ministère de l'économie
et des finances
lnstitut Supérieur Agronomique et Véterinaire (Valery Giscard d'Estaing de
Faranah - ISAV · VGE- F) (salaires contractuels temporaires, achat de
fournitures et biens courants, consommation eau, éléctricité,
télécommunication, entretiens et réparations, renforcement de capacité,
transfert courants à d'autres budgets, transfert en capital à d'autre s
budgets, bourses en Guinée. 27 119 902 000 Ministère de l'économie
et des finances
lnstitut Superieur des Sciences et de Médecine Véterinaire de Dalaba -
lSSMV (salaires contractuels temporaires, achat de fournitures et biens
courants, consommation eau, éléctricité, télécommunication, entretiens et
réparations, renforcement de capacité, transfert courants à d'autres
budgets, transfert en capital à d'autres budgets, bourses en Guinée.) 21 050 118 000 Ministère de l'économie
et des finances
Sous total: 96 763 003 538
2 (d) Services de vulgarisation et de consultation Appui au Secteur Agricole de Guinée (PASAG) 0 Ministère de l'agriculture
Appui à la productivité agricole en Afrique de l'Ouest (PPAO/WAAP) - FA 9 500 000 000 Ministère de l'agriculture (1)
Appui à la Campagne Agricole 30 000 000 000 Ministère de l'agriculture (1)
Projet d'appui à la transformation de l'Agriculture Guinéenne (PATAG) 0 Ministère de l'agriculture
Appui au programme national de la statistique agricole et au foncier rural
(ASAF) 0 Ministère de l'agriculture
Sous total: 39 500 000 000
- 3 - Type de mesure Désignation et description de la mesure eu égard aux critères
énoncés à l'Annexe 2 Valeur monétaire
GNF Sources des données Note
1 2 3 4
2 (h) Autres services de caractère général Développement rural intégré pour la relance d'horticulture et de forage en
Guinée (co -financement) 38 000 000 000 Ministère de l'agriculture (1)
Programme de développement des ChaTnes des valeurs du riz a Boffa,
Boke, Coyah, Dinguiraye, Kouroussa et Siguiri 0 Ministère de l'agriculture
Projet de développement du Système d'aménagement rizicole en territoire
de mangrove (SARITEM) 0 Ministère de l'agriculture
Projet de développement de !'Agriculture lntégrée en Guinée (PDAIG) 0 Ministère de l'agriculture
Développement de la Filière Cotonnière de Guinée 0 Budget National de
Sous total: 38 000 000 000
Sous -total services à caractère général 174 263 003 538
Total de la catégorie verte 174 263 003 538
(1) Les dépenses correspondent à la période 2017 -2019.
__________ | 572 | 3,974 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/279065_2021_SPS_KOR_21_7359_00_x.pdf | 279065_2021_SPS_KOR_21_7359_00_x | 식품의약품안전처 공고제2021-563호
- 2 -식품의약품안전처 공고제2021-563호
(86)에토프로포스,(92)엠시피비,(94)옥사디아존,(95)옥사딕실,- 3 -(97)옥시플루오르펜,(99)이사-디,(105)이프로디온,(111)카바릴,
나.농산물의농약잔류허용기준신설및개정[안별표4중(1)이미녹- 4 -타딘,(4)나프로파마이드,(6)니트라피린,(7)다미노자이드,(9)델타
르,(84)에탈플루랄린,(85)에토펜프록스,(101)이미다클로프리드 ,
로닐,(127)클로르메 쾃,(133)테부코나졸,(135)터부포스,(141)트리
(204)아이소프로티올레인 ,(206)클로르페나피르,(207)테부페노자이
(230)크레속심메틸,(231)클로르플루아주론 ,(233)펜사이큐론,(236)
남,(242)루페뉴론,(249)에마멕틴벤조에이트,(251)에톡사졸,(255)- 5 -파목사돈,(257)플루퀸코나졸,(273)밀베멕틴,(275)뷰타클로르,
테부피림포스,(337)티아메톡삼,(345)피라클로스트로빈 ,(349)노발
루론,(352)메톡시페노자이드 ,(353)메트코나졸,(355)스피로디클로
펜,(356)에타복삼,(357)디티오카바메이트 ,(361)테플루트린,(371)
솔린산,(415)크로마페노자이드 ,(423)피콕시스트로빈,(424)피리플루
(433)사이안트라닐리프롤 ,(435)펜피라자민,(436)플루티아닐,(437)
피라디퓨론,(458)사이클라닐리프롤 ,(459)피플루뷰마이드,(460)피
카뷰트라족스,(467)플룩사메타마이드 ]
1)국내외사용되는농약잔류허용기준의 재평가결과를반영하고,농
2)이미녹타딘등131종의농약잔류허용기준신설및개정- 6 -3)농산물에농약잔류허용기준을합리적으로신설및개정하여국민에게
생명2로187오송보건의료행정타운식품의약품안전처 ,참조:식품기준과,
다.기타참고사항- 7 -식품의약품안전처 고시제2021-00호
곡류,서류,두류,과일류,채소류등식품에적용한다.- 8 -나.분석원리
마.시험용액의조제- 9 -1)추출
울/초의속도로유출시켜버린다.이어서물3mL로씻어버린후,고- 10 -정상상단이노출되기전에아세토니트릴:물(50:50)혼합액3mL
자)기체크로마토그래프-질량분석기분석을위한특성이온- 11 -분석성분
시간(분)A(%) B(%)
0.0 5 95
2.0 5 95
7.0 90 10
8.0 90 10
8.5 5 95
10.0 5 95
가)이온화방법:ESIpositive-ionmode- 12 -나)Capillaryvoltage:1.0kV
컬럼(AgilentTechnologies,DB-5MS,30m×0.25mm,0.25μm)- 13 -
의머무름시간과특성이온으로니트라피린및대사체를확인한다.- 14 -별표4(1)이미녹타딘(Iminoctadine)중“대추0.5T”를“대추5.0”으로하
모과 5.0
상추 5.0
감자 0.6†
밀 0.5†
수수 0.1†
옥수수 0.1†
별표4(7)다미노자이드(Daminozide)중“농산물0.01”을삭제한다.- 15 -별표4(9)델타메트린(Deltamethrin)중“마가목(껍질)1.0”을삭제한다.
상추 0.05
“양배추0.05T”를“양배추0.1”로하며,“여주0.05T”를“여주0.15”로한다.- 16 -별표4(29)디플루벤주론(Diflubenzuron)중“무(뿌리)0.3T”을“무(뿌리)
호박잎 20
스파라거스0.5T”를“아스파라거스2.0”으로하며,“양배추0.5T”를“양배추- 17 -0.5”로하고,“호박0.2T”를“호박3.0”으로하며,다음항목을각각신설한
호박잎 30
별표4(40)메톨라클로르(Metolachlor)중“견과류0.1T”,“귀리0.1T”,“메- 18 -밀0.1T”,“밀0.1T”,“보리0.1T”,“복숭아0.1T”,“살구0.1T”,“쌀0.1T”,“자
곡류 10†
별표4(55)뷰프로페진(Buprofezin)중“유채5.0T”을“유채15”로한다.- 19 -별표4(59)비터타놀(Bitertanol)중“강낭콩0.2T”,“귀리0.1T”,“녹두
0.05”로하고,다음항목을신설한다.- 20 -호박잎 0.05
0.1T”,“토마토0.5T”,“호밀2.0T”을삭제하고,“부추2.0T”을“부추0.05”로- 21 -하며,“양배추2.0T”을“양배추0.05”로하고,“파2.0T”을“파0.05”로하며,
호박잎 0.05
다래 0.2
0.1T”을삭제하고,“가지5.0T”을“가지1.0”으로하며,“셀러리10.0T”을- 22 -“셀러리25”로하고,“양배추5.0T”을“양배추0.7”로한다.
호박잎 0.05
별표4(79)알루미늄포스파이드 (AluminiumPhosphide(Hydrogenphosphide))
마리(생)0.05T”를“로즈마리(생)25”로하며,“오디1.0T”을“오디7.0”으로- 23 -하고,“파파야0.5T”를“파파야1.0”으로한다.
별표4(97)옥시플루오르펜(Oxyfluorfen)중“모과0.05T”,“카카오원두- 24 -0.05T”,“토란0.05T”,“파파야0.05T”를삭제한다.
별표4(99)이사-디(2,4-D,2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)중“가지0.1T”,
별표4(101)이미다클로프리드 (Imidacloprid)중“당근0.05T”를“당근0.05”
하고,“비트(뿌리)0.05T”를“비트(뿌리)0.05”로하며,“비트(잎)0.05T”를“비- 25 -트(잎)0.05”로하고,“우엉잎0.05T”를“우엉잎0.05”로한다.
한다.- 26 -별표4(114)카보퓨란(Carbofuran)중“가지0.1T”,“감0.7T”,“감귤류
마 0.05
러리5.0T”,“시금치5.0T”,“아보카도5.0T”,“양배추2.0T”,“양상추5.0T”,- 27 -“오이5.0T”,“완두2.0T”,“케일2.0T”,“파5.0T”,“파인애플5.0T”,“호박
별표4(127)클로르메 쾃(Chlormequat)중“밀2.0†”을“밀4.0†”으로한다.
를“아스파라거스0.05”로하고,다음항목을신설한다.- 28 -비트(잎)0.05
가지 0.1
곤달비 1.5
부추 0.2
브로콜리 0.5
양배추 0.05
유채 1.5
호박 0.2
호박잎 10
하고,“들깻잎0.1T”을“들깻잎2.0”으로하며,“멜론0.2T”를“멜론0.05”로- 29 -하고,“부추0.3T”을“부추0.3”으로하며,“브로콜리0.1T”을“브로콜리
호박잎 1.5
“표고버섯0.2T”,“피망0.2T”,“호밀0.1T”,“호박0.2T”를삭제한다.- 30 -별표4(156)파클로부트라졸(Paclobutrazol)중“복숭아0.05T”,“사과0.5T”,
0.2T”,“무(뿌리)0.2T”,“무(잎)0.2T”,“버섯류0.2T”,“시금치0.2T”,“쑥갓- 31 -0.2T”,“양상추0.2T”,“오이0.2T”,“조0.2T”,“종실류0.05T”,“참깨0.05T”,
브로콜리 0.05
콜라비 0.05
1.0T”,“파파야1.0T”,“팥0.5T”,“포도1.0T”,“표고버섯0.5T”,“피칸0.2T”,- 32 -“해바라기씨0.1T”,“호밀2.0T”,“호박0.5T”,“호프5.0T”을삭제하고,“체리
으로한다.- 33 -별표4(173)포레이트(Phorate)중“면실0.05T”,“밀0.05T”,“보리0.05T”,
“커피원두0.05T”,“키위7.0T”,“해바라기씨2.0T”을삭제하고,“엽경채류- 34 -0.05T”를“엽경채류0.15(R)”로하며,“엽채류0.05T”를“엽채류0.2(R)”로
호박 0.9
“복분자2.0T”을“복분자0.2”로한다.- 35 -별표4(192)프로피코나졸(Propiconazole)중“종실류0.05T”를삭제하고,
을삭제한다.- 36 -별표4(201)헥시티아족스(Hexythiazox)중“케일2.0T”을“케일5.0”으로
별표4(204)아이소프로티올레인 (Isoprothiolane)중“수수2.0T”을“수수
0.2T”를“호박0.2”로하고,다음항목을신설한다.- 37 -호박잎 25
유자 3.0
대두 0.05
딸기 0.05
풋콩 0.05
“오디2.0T”을“오디10”으로한다.- 38 -별표4(221)디티아논(Dithianon)중“쌀0.1T”,“토마토2.0T”을삭제한다.
마늘 0.05
양배추 0.1
가목(열매)7.0”으로하고,“아로니아1.0T”을“아로니아0.2”로하며,“율무- 39 -0.02T”를“율무1.5”로하고,“조0.02T”를“조1.5”로한다.
별표4(231)클로르플루아주론 (Chlorfluazuron)중“비트(뿌리)0.2T”를“비
바나나 0.7†
별표4(237)피메트로진(Pymetrozine)중“두릅0.3T”을“두릅0.2”로하- 40 -고,“민트0.05T”를“민트5.0”으로한다.
라벤더(건조)0.5- 41 -별표4(251)에톡사졸(Etoxazole)중“비름나물5.0T”을“비름나물5.0”으로
마늘 0.05
상추 10
생강 0.05
쑥갓 0.05
참나물 15
들깻잎 0.2
매실 1.5
별표4(273)밀베멕틴(Milbemectin)중“아스파라거스0.1T”을“아스파라- 42 -거스0.05”로하고,“오디0.05T”를“오디1.0”으로한다.
호박잎 0.05
상추 10
시금치 10
포도 2.0
별표4(292)퀸클로락(Quinclorac)중“쌀0.05T”를“쌀10†”으로한다.- 43 -별표4(299)티플루자마이드(Thifluzamide)중“아로니아0.2T”를“아로니
1.0”으로하고,다음항목을각각신설한다.- 44 -공심채9.0
근대 9.0
달래 0.7
머위 9.0
쑥갓 9.0
아욱 9.0
어수리 9.0
청경채 9.0
취나물 9.0
한다.- 45 -별표4(326)아세퀴노실(Acequinocyl)중“구기자0.2T”를“구기자1.0”으
메밀 0.07
호박 0.05
호박잎 0.05
다.- 46 -별표4(337)티아메톡삼(Thiamethoxam)중“구기자1.0T”을“구기자0.5”로하
들깻잎 20
별표4(352)메톡시페노자이드 (Methoxyfenozide )중“오디0.5T”를“오디
리)0.3”으로하고,“오디0.4T”를“오디1.5”로하며,다음항목을신설한- 47 -다.
별표4(357)디티오카바메이트 (Dithiocarbamates )중“달래0.3T”을“달래
0.05”로하고,“참나물0.05T”를“참나물0.07”로하며,다음항목을신설한- 48 -다.
로하고,“보리0.1T”을“보리0.5”로하며,“키위0.2T”를“키위1.0”으로- 49 -하고,“파파야0.2T”를“파파야2.0”으로하며,“패션프루트0.2T”를“패션프
별표4(395)플루오피콜라이드 (Fluopicolide)중“부추0.1T”을“부추7.0”
하고,“패션프루트2.0T”을“패션프루트3.0”으로한다.- 50 -별표4(410)옥솔린산(Oxolinicacid)중“파슬리5.0T”을“파슬리25”로
별표4(415)크로마페노자이드 (Chromafenozide)중“체리0.3T”을“체리
파 1.5
별표4(430)설폭사플로르(Sulfoxaflor)중“표고버섯0.05T”를“표고버섯- 51 -0.07”로한다.
별표4(433)사이안트라닐리프롤 (Cyantraniliprole)중“동부0.05T”를“동
0.05”로하고,“옥수수3.0T”을“옥수수1.5”로하며,다음항목을신설한다.- 52 -오미자(건조)0.3
별표4(458)사이클라닐리프롤 (Cyclaniliprole)중다음항목을신설한다.
미나리 1.5
별표4(467)플룩사메타마이드 (Fluxametamide)중“보리0.07”을“보리
감자 0.05- 53 -갯개미자리 7.0
귀리 3.0
대두 0.05
들깻잎 10
레몬 0.3
메밀 3.0
순무 0.07
쑥갓 7.0
양파 0.05
오렌지 0.3
옥수수 0.05
포도 0.5
부칙- 54 -제1조(시행일)이고시는2022년1월1일부터시행한다.
하여야한다.- 55 -
현행 개정(안)
23619410- 56 -현행 개정(안)
24020- 57 -현행 개정(안)
23816610- 58 -현행 개정(안)
21716125- 59 -현행 개정(안)
17110025- 60 -현행 개정(안)
32214625- 61 -현행 개정(안)
(Tetrachlorvinphos )14.10366.0363.832910925
93635- 62 -현행 개정(안)
12330- 63 -현행 개정(안)
아세토니트릴에 녹여1,000- 64 -현행 개정(안)
원심분리관에넣고(곡류및두- 65 -현행 개정(안)
후이를원심분리등의방법으- 66 -현행 개정(안)
다.- 67 -현행 개정(안)
석기분석을위한특성이온- 68 -현행 개정(안)
나)Capillaryvoltage:1.0kV- 69 -현행 개정(안)
니트라피린(6.6분)- 70 -현행 개정(안)
※니트라피린의잔류량=니- 71 -현행 개정(안)
모과 5.0
상추 5.0
(2)∼(3)(현행과같음)- 72 -현행 개정(안)
쑥갓 0.05T
농산물 0.01
쑥갓 0.05
밀 0.5†
수수 0.1†
옥수수 0.1†
<삭제>- 73 -현행 개정(안)
양상추 2.0T
아스파라거스 3.0T
양상추 0.5T
양상추 0.05
상추 0.05
(24)디클로베닐(Dichlobenil)- 74 -현행 개정(안)
견과류 0.15T
살구 0.15T
아보카도 0.15T
자두 0.15T
근대 5.0T
들깻잎 7.0
밀 0.01†
양배추 0.05T
여주 0.05T
근대 15
들깻잎 20
밀 0.3
양배추 0.1
여주 0.15
(현행과같음)- 75 -현행 개정(안)
오미자 1.0T
밀 0.2T
수수 0.2T
아스파라거스 3.0T
쑥갓 1.0T
아보카도 1.0T
오미자 3.0
<삭제>- 76 -현행 개정(안)
자두 0.5T
호박 1.0T
가지 0.2T
아스파라거스 0.5T
양배추 0.5T
호박 0.2T
호박 0.1
호박잎 20
가지 0.5
아스파라거스 2.0
양배추 0.5
호박 3.0
(36)메티오카브(Methiocarb)- 77 -현행 개정(안)
메밀 0.05T
밀 0.05T
보리 0.05T
상추 0.2T
수수 0.05T
쌀 0.05T
양배추 0.2T
양상추 0.2T
오렌지 0.05T
조 0.05T
해바라기씨7.0- 78 -현행 개정(안)
호박 0.2T
가지 1.0T
양배추 1.0T
견과류 0.1T
메밀 0.1T
밀 0.1T
보리 0.1T
살구 0.1T
쌀 0.1T
자두 0.1T
조 0.1T
시금치0.05T호박 0.2
호박잎 30
가지 0.2
양배추 0.3
시금치0.05- 79 -현행 개정(안)
옥수수 5.0T
농산물 0.01
가지 0.2T
강낭콩 0.2T
녹두 0.2T
두류 0.2T
땅콩 0.05T
<삭제>- 80 -현행 개정(안)
메밀 0.2T
밀 0.1T
배추 0.2T
상추 0.2T
생강 0.2T
수수 0.1T
쑥갓 0.2T
아스파라거스 0.2T
양배추 0.2T
양상추 0.2T
오이 0.2T
조 0.2T
토마토 0.2T
파 0.2T<삭제>
<삭제>- 81 -현행 개정(안)
팥 0.2T
호박 0.2T
강낭콩 0.2T
녹두 0.2T
두류 0.2T
메밀 0.1T
모과 0.6T
밀 0.1T
보리 0.05T
옥수수 0.05T<삭제>
<삭제>- 82 -현행 개정(안)
자두 1.0T
조 0.1T
팥 0.2T
밀 0.05T
보리 0.05T
수수 0.05T
옥수수 0.05T
감 1.0T
감귤 1.0T
과일류 1.0T
녹두 20.0T
두류 30.0T
땅콩 25.0T<삭제>
<삭제>- 83 -현행 개정(안)
모과 1.0T
바나나 1.0T
밤 1.0T
배 1.0T
사과 1.0T
살구 1.0T
생강 10.0T
쑥갓 10.0T
아스파라거스 10.0T
양배추 10.0T
오렌지 1.0T
오이 10.0T
자두 1.0T
종실류 1.0T<삭제>
<삭제>- 84 -현행 개정(안)
토란 1.0T
토마토 10.0T
팥 20.0T
포도 1.0T
가지 10.0T
강낭콩 20.0T
상추 10.0T
양상추 10.0T
호박 10.0T
가지 0.05
강낭콩 0.05
상추 10
양상추 10
호박 0.05
호박잎 0.05
<삭제>- 85 -현행 개정(안)
바나나 0.2T
아보카도 0.25T
아스파라거스 10.0T
오렌지 0.25T
자두 0.25T
포도 0.25T
땅콩 0.05T
메밀 1.0T
모과 2.0T
바나나 2.0T
<삭제>- 86 -현행 개정(안)
쌀 1.0T
아보카도 2.0T
아스파라거스 5.0T
조 1.0T
종실류 0.2T
토란 0.05T
가지 0.2T
생강 5.0T
참깨 0.2T
과일류 1.0T
땅콩 0.5T<삭제>
가지 0.05
생강 0.05
참깨 0.07
<삭제>- 87 -현행 개정(안)
메밀 2.0T
모과 1.0T
배 1.0T
보리 2.0T
아스파라거스 2.0T
오이 2.0T
조 2.0T
토란 0.1T
토마토 0.5T
양배추 2.0T
파 2.0T
호박 2.0T
메밀 0.2T
조 0.2T<삭제>
양배추 0.05
파 0.05
호박 0.05
호박잎 0.05
메밀 0.2
조 0.2- 88 -현행 개정(안)
두류 0.2T
오렌지 2.0T
오이 0.5T
토마토 2.0T
포도 0.2T
유자 0.2T
유자 0.7
체리0.5- 89 -현행 개정(안)
과일류 1.0T
상추 5.0T
생강 0.1T
양상추 5.0T
오렌지 5.0T
옥수수 0.5T
파 0.1T
가지 5.0T(72)(현행과같음)
가지 1.0- 90 -현행 개정(안)
양배추 5.0T
콜라비 0.05T
호박 0.05T
양배추 0.7
콜라비 0.05
호박 0.05
호박잎 0.05
(81)에테폰(Ethephon)- 91 -현행 개정(안)
감귤 0.5T
배 0.05T
오이 0.1T
호박 0.1T
땅콩 0.05T
오디 1.0T
오디 7.0
파파야1.0- 92 -현행 개정(안)
밀 0.005T
바나나 0.02T
보리 0.005T
쌀 0.005T
오이 0.02T
옥수수 0.02T
토마토 0.02T
포도 0.02T
(93)(현행과같음)- 93 -현행 개정(안)
견과류 0.05T
모과 0.05T
밤 0.05T
배 0.05T
살구 0.05T
율무 0.05T
자두 0.05T
가지 0.1T
메밀 0.1T
<삭제>- 94 -현행 개정(안)
배추 0.1T
보리 0.1T
생강 0.1T
수수 0.1T
양배추 0.1T
양상추 0.1T
오이 0.3T
조 0.1T
토란 0.1T
호박 0.1T
모과 0.05T
카카오원두 0.05T
토란 0.05T
<삭제>- 95 -현행 개정(안)
(2,4-D,2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)
가지 0.1T
메밀 0.5T
배 2.0T
사과 2.0T
살구 2.0T
생강 0.1T
아보카도 1.0T
아스파라거스 0.1T
양상추 0.1T
토마토 0.1T
포도 0.5T
(2,4-D,2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)
<삭제>- 96 -현행 개정(안)
땅콩 1.0T
살구 0.2T
여주 0.05T
두류 0.2T
보리 2.0T
살구 10.0T
양상추 10.0T
땅콩 0.5T
땅콩 0.05
살구 1.5
여주 0.2
땅콩 0.05
비트(잎)30- 97 -현행 개정(안)
미나리 0.05T
우엉잎 0.05T
땅콩 2.0T
메밀 1.0T
밤 0.5T
배 0.5T
배추 0.5T
보리 1.0T
미나리 3.0
우엉잎 0.05
<삭제>- 98 -현행 개정(안)
양배추 0.5T
양상추 1.0T
오이 0.5T
옥수수 1.0T
호박 1.0T
갓 0.1T
근대 5.0T
갓 30
근대 30
멜론1.0- 99 -현행 개정(안)
미나리 1.0T
쑥 0.1T
가지 0.1T
감 0.7T
근대 2.0T
두류 0.2T
밀 0.1T
버섯류0.1T미나리 7.0
쑥 30
<삭제>- 100 -현행 개정(안)
보리 0.1T
아스파라거스 0.1T
양배추 0.5T
양상추 0.1T
오렌지 2.0T
종실류 0.1T
참깨 0.1T
호박 0.5T
대두 0.2T
두류 0.2T
땅콩 0.2T
수수 0.2T
옥수수 0.2T
밀 0.2T<삭제>
마 0.05
밀 0.05- 101 -현행 개정(안)
생강 0.1T
비파 0.3T
양배추 0.2T
가지 5.0T
두류 5.0T
땅콩 2.0T
비파 0.7
양배추 0.2
<삭제>- 102 -현행 개정(안)
아보카도 5.0T
양배추 2.0T
양상추 5.0T
오이 5.0T
파 5.0T
호박 5.0T
살구 10.0T
오디 5.0T
살구 1.0
오디 10
<삭제>- 103 -현행 개정(안)
호박 0.1T
(127)클로르메 쾃(Chlormequat)
밀 2.0†
(127)클로르메 쾃(Chlormequat)
밀 4.0†
(134)(현행과같음)- 104 -현행 개정(안)
아스파라거스 0.05T
들깻잎 3.0T
파 0.3T
아스파라거스 0.05
들깻잎 2.0
파 0.2
가지 0.1
부추0.2- 105 -현행 개정(안)
보리 0.5T
토마토 0.5T
가지 0.2T
들깻잎 0.1T
브로콜리 0.1T
양배추 1.0T
파 0.1T
호박 0.2T브로콜리 0.5
양배추 0.05
호박 0.2
호박잎 10
가지 0.05
들깻잎 2.0
브로콜리 0.05
양배추 0.05
파 0.05
호박 0.07- 106 -현행 개정(안)
가지 0.05T
견과류 0.05T
땅콩 0.05T
밀 0.05T
살구 0.05T
생강 0.05T
셀러리0.05T호박잎 1.5
<삭제>- 107 -현행 개정(안)
아스파라거스 0.05T
양상추 0.05T
오이 0.05T
옥수수 0.05T
자두 0.05T
토란 0.05T
토마토 0.05T
포도 0.05T
호박 0.05T
가지 0.2T
땅콩 0.2T<삭제>
<삭제>- 108 -현행 개정(안)
메밀 0.1T
상추 0.2T
생강 0.2T
수수 0.1T
쑥갓 0.2T
아스파라거스 0.2T
양배추 0.2T
양상추 0.2T
오이 0.2T
조 0.1T
토란 0.05T
토마토 0.2T
파 0.2T
호박 0.2T
(153)∼(155)(현행과같음)- 109 -현행 개정(안)
사과 0.5T
살구 0.05T
자두 0.05T
바나나 0.5T
(161)페녹사프로프-에틸- 110 -현행 개정(안)
취나물 0.05T
가지 0.5T
고사리 0.3T
생강 0.03T
아로니아 0.3T
옥수수 0.2T
가지 0.2T
메밀 0.2T
취나물 0.05
가지 0.05
고사리 1.0
생강 0.3
아로니아 3.0
옥수수 0.2†
<삭제>- 111 -현행 개정(안)
쑥갓 0.2T
양상추 0.2T
오이 0.2T
조 0.2T
종실류 0.05T
참깨 0.05T
토란 0.2T
호박 0.2T
가지 1.0T
브로콜리 0.05
콜라비 0.05
<삭제>- 112 -현행 개정(안)
강낭콩 0.5T
녹두 0.5T
두류 0.5T
땅콩 0.1T
메밀 2.0T
모과 2.0T
바나나 1.0T
보리 2.0T
살구 10.0T
생강 0.5T
<삭제>- 113 -현행 개정(안)
수수 2.0T
쌀 1.0T
아보카도 1.0T
아스파라거스 0.5T
양상추 2.0T
오렌지 2.0T
자두 10.0T
조 2.0T
종실류 0.5T
토란 0.05T
토마토 1.0T
파 0.5T
팥 0.5T<삭제>
<삭제>- 114 -현행 개정(안)
포도 1.0T
호박 0.5T
보리 0.2T
살구 2.0T
취나물 3.0T
포도 1.0T
밀 0.1T<삭제>
<삭제>- 115 -현행 개정(안)
배 0.2T
사과 0.2T
양배추 0.5T
양상추 0.5T
자두 0.5T
참깨 0.1T
토마토 0.1T
포도 0.2T
감 0.2T
밀 0.2T
배 0.2T
<삭제>- 116 -현행 개정(안)
오이 0.2T
갓 0.3T
들깻잎 0.3T
미나리 0.3T
밀 0.05T
보리 0.05T
옥수수 0.05T
토마토 0.1T
갓 6.0
들깻잎 15
미나리 3.0
(178)폭심(Phoxim)- 117 -현행 개정(안)
메밀 0.05T
밀 0.05T
보리 0.05T
쌀 0.05T
양상추 0.1T
옥수수 0.05T
토마토 0.2T
순무 0.05T
조 0.05T
아보카도 2.0T
아스파라거스 5.0T(현행과같음)
순무 0.05
조 0.05
<삭제>- 118 -현행 개정(안)
양상추 2.0T
오렌지 2.0T
토마토 2.0T
파 2.0T
호박 5.0T
파 0.05T
호박 0.5T
가지 2.0T
사과 5.0T
상추 5.0T<삭제>
<삭제>- 119 -현행 개정(안)
쌀 1.0T
양상추 5.0T
밀 0.2T
보리 0.2T
상추 10.0T
호박 0.9
무(뿌리)0.2- 120 -현행 개정(안)
양배추 0.1T
강낭콩 0.2T
녹두 0.2T
땅콩 0.1T
배 3.0T
살구 7.0T
오렌지 5.0T
자두 7.0T
팥 0.2T
대두 0.05T
사과 2.0T
오이 2.0T양배추 0.2
<삭제>- 121 -현행 개정(안)
참깨 3.0T
토마토 2.0T
종실류 0.05T
갓 1.0T
더덕 0.05T
들깻잎 0.05T
밀 0.05†
살구 1.0T
취나물 5.0T
가지 1.0T<삭제>
갓 30
더덕 0.2
들깻잎 25
밀 0.3
살구 3.0
취나물 30
<삭제>- 122 -현행 개정(안)
감 1.0T
감귤 1.0T
강낭콩 1.0T
녹두 1.0T
대두 1.0T
땅콩 1.0T
모과 1.0T
바나나 1.0T
밤 1.0T
배 1.0T
배추 1.0T
사과 1.0T<삭제>
<삭제>- 123 -현행 개정(안)
살구 1.0T
상추 1.0T
생강 1.0T
쑥갓 1.0T
아보카도 1.0T
아스파라거스 1.0T
양배추 1.0T
양상추 1.0T
오렌지 1.0T
오이 1.0T
자두 1.0T
참깨 1.0T
토란 1.0T<삭제>
<삭제>- 124 -현행 개정(안)
토마토 1.0T
파 1.0T
팥 1.0T
수수 2.0T<삭제>
수수 3.0- 125 -현행 개정(안)
오디 0.5T
녹두 0.04T
아로니아 2.0T
팥 0.04T
배 0.5T
차 2.0T
포도 0.5T
아로니아 1.0T
오디 1.0T(205)(현행과같음)
오디 1.0
녹두 0.1
아로니아 10
팥 0.1
아로니아 5.0
오디 0.5- 126 -현행 개정(안)
호박 0.2T
감귤 0.05T
오이 0.1T
보리 0.5T
(217)(생략)호박 0.2
호박잎 25
유자 3.0
대두 0.05
풋콩 0.05
보리 0.2
(217)(현행과같음)- 127 -현행 개정(안)
마 0.1T
상추 5.0T
브로콜리 0.3T
양배추 0.05T
오디 2.0T
쌀 0.1T
토마토 2.0T
마 0.05
브로콜리 3.0
양배추 0.1
오디 10
겨자채5.0- 128 -현행 개정(안)
생강 0.1T
쑥갓 1.0T
아로니아 1.0T생강 0.05
쑥갓 5.0
양배추 0.1
아로니아 0.2- 129 -현행 개정(안)
율무 0.02T
조 0.02T
여주 0.2T
오디 1.0T
비파 0.1T
생강 0.2T
오디 0.3T
호박 0.3T
수박0.2T율무 1.5
조 1.5
여주 0.7
오디 5.0
비파 0.2
생강 0.07
오디 0.7
호박 0.2
<삭제>- 130 -현행 개정(안)
생강 0.05T
민트 0.05T
밀 0.02†
생강 1.0
바나나 0.7†
민트 5.0
밀 0.5
비트(뿌리)0.07- 131 -현행 개정(안)
어수리 1.0T
오미자 0.05T
참깨 0.1T
옥수수 0.05T
(250)(생략)어수리 0.05
오미자 0.1
참깨 0.2
옥수수 0.05
(250)(현행과같음)- 132 -현행 개정(안)
양상추 1.0T
양상추 10
상추 10
생강 0.05
쑥갓 0.05
(256)(현행과같음)- 133 -현행 개정(안)
호박 0.5T
아스파라거스 0.1T
오디 0.05T
콜라비 0.1T
호박 0.1T
들깻잎 0.2
아스파라거스 0.05
오디 1.0
콜라비 0.05
호박 0.05
호박잎 0.05- 134 -현행 개정(안)
취나물 5.0T
취나물 1.5
상추 10
포도 2.0
(291)(현행과같음)- 135 -현행 개정(안)
쌀 0.05T
아로니아 0.2T
생강 0.05T
갓 0.05T
쌀 10†
아로니아 15
생강 2.0
갓 0.05
비름나물0.2- 136 -현행 개정(안)
차 7.0T
기장 1.0T
순무 0.05T
율무 1.0T
조 1.0T
기장 5.0
순무 0.07
율무 5.0
조 5.0
근대 9.0
당귀(잎)9.0- 137 -현행 개정(안)
오디 5.0T
살구 0.3T
우엉 0.3T
쑥갓 9.0
어수리 9.0
취나물 9.0
오디 0.1
살구 0.7
우엉 0.3
(326)아세퀴노실(Acequinocyl)- 138 -현행 개정(안)
마 0.05T
오디 0.5T
양배추 0.05T
오디 1.5
메밀 0.07
양배추 0.05
호박 0.05
호박잎 0.05
(334)∼(335)(현행과같음)- 139 -현행 개정(안)
메밀 0.05T
아로니아 1.0T
메밀 3.0
아로니아 1.0
<삭제>- 140 -현행 개정(안)
(Methoxyfenozide )
오디 0.5T
오디 0.4T
들깻잎 20
(Methoxyfenozide )
오디 1.5
오디 1.5
(355)스피로디클로펜(Spirodiclofen)- 141 -현행 개정(안)
들깻잎 15T
(Dithiocarbamates )
살구 3.0T
양상추 5.0T
들깻잎 25
(Dithiocarbamates )
살구 3.0
양상추 20
(361)테플루트린(Tefluthrin)- 142 -현행 개정(안)
근대 0.05T
쑥갓 0.05T
아스파라거스 0.05T
쌀 0.01T
오미자 0.5T
근대 0.07
쑥갓 0.05
아스파라거스 0.05
오미자 1.5
오미자(건조)5.0- 143 -현행 개정(안)
밀 0.1T
차 0.05T
도라지 0.05T
보리 0.1T
밀 0.05
차 20
도라지 0.05
보리 0.5
패션프루트0.3- 144 -현행 개정(안)
홍화씨 1.0T
(395)플루오피콜라이드 (Fluopicolide)
우엉 0.1T
홍화씨 3.0
(395)플루오피콜라이드 (Fluopicolide)
우엉 0.05
(현행과같음)- 145 -현행 개정(안)
강낭콩 0.05T
체리0.3T강낭콩 0.3
체리0.8- 146 -현행 개정(안)
감 1.0T
감귤 0.5T
사과 0.3T
브로콜리 0.05T
퀴노아 0.05T
민트 0.05T
브로콜리 0.7
퀴노아 3.0
민트 0.3
엽경채류0.2(R)- 147 -현행 개정(안)
메밀 0.05T
밀 0.05T엽채류0.1(R)
파 1.5
메밀 15
밀 0.05- 148 -현행 개정(안)
어수리 1.0T
오미자 0.9T
옥수수 3.0T
어수리 1.5
오미자 0.05
옥수수 1.5
(440)(현행과같음)- 149 -현행 개정(안)
살구 2.0T
살구 1.0T
살구 0.5
미나리 1.5
살구 0.6
복분자1.5- 150 -현행 개정(안)
양배추 2.0T
보리 0.07
상추 0.2
양상추 0.2
<신설>양배추 0.05
보리 0.2
상추 10
양상추 10
대두 0.05
들깻잎 10
메밀 3.0
순무 0.07
쑥갓 7.0
오렌지 0.3
옥수수 0.05
포도 0.5- 151 -현행 개정(안)
별표5∼별표7(생략)별표5∼별표7(현행과같음) | 6,869 | 79,464 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_G_TBTN06_HND27A3.pdf | s_G_TBTN06_HND27A3 |
24 de septiembre de 2020
(20-6505) Página: 1/2
Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio Original: español
La siguiente comunicación, de fecha 22 de septiembre de 2020 se distribuye a petición de la
delegación de Honduras .
Título : RTCA 67.01.31:20 Alimentos Procesados. Procedimiento para otorgar, renovar, modificar el
registro sanitario y la inscripción sanitaria
Motivo del addendum :
[X] Modificación del plazo para presentar observaciones - fecha: 28 de octubre de 2020
[ ] Adopción de la medida notificada - fecha:
[ ] Publicación de la medida notificada - fecha:
[ ] Entrada en vigor de la medida notificada - fecha:
[ ] Indicación de dónde se puede obtener el texto de la medida definitiva1:
[ ] Retiro o derogación de la medida notificada - fecha:
Signatura pertinente, en el caso de que se vuelva a notificar la medida:
[ ] Modificación del contenido o del ámbito de aplicación de la medida notificada
Nuevo plazo para presentar observaciones (si procede) :
[ ] Publicación de documentos interpretativos e indicación de dónde se puede obtener el
[ ] Otro motivo:
Descripción : El Gobierno de la República de Honduras informa que notificó el 28 de julio de 2020
con la signatura G/TBT/N/HND/27/Add.2 el proyecto de Reglamento Técnico Centroamericano RTCA
67.01.31:20 Alimentos Procesados. Procedimiento para otorgar, renovar, modifi car el Registro
Sanitario y la inscripción sanitaria .
En esta oportunidad, se les comunica a los países miembros de OMC, que se realiza el presente
Addendum informándoles que este reglamento técnico se brinda un plazo de 30 días más a partir
de su notifica ción para que emitan sus comentarios u observaciones.
El texto completo está disponible y puede ser solicitado a la siguiente dirección:
Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico
Dirección General de Integración Económica y Política Comercial
Boulevard José Cecil io del Valle
Edificio San José, 3er piso
Telefax: (+504) 2235 -8383 / 2235 -5047;
1 Entre otras cosas, puede aportarse la dirección de un sitio web, un anexo en pdf u otra información
que indique dónde se puede obtener el texto de la medida definitiva y/o los documentos interpretativos . G/TBT/N/HND/27/Add.3
- 2 -
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
[email protected]
Sitio Web: -content/uploads/2020/07/RTCA -Procedimiento -Registro -e-
Inscripci%C3%B3n -Sanitaria -CPI.pdf
Agencia de Regulación Sanitaria (ARSA)
Dirección de Alimentos y Bebidas.
Calle Los Alcaldes, Frente al City Mall
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio Web: http://www.arsa.
__________ | 396 | 2,767 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_G_SPS_NBRA1890A1.pdf | q_G_SPS_NBRA1890A1 |
11 May 2021
(21-3967) Page: 1/2
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Original: English
The following communication, received on 11 May 2021, is being circulated at the request of the
Delegation of Brazil .
Resolution - RE number 1440, 8 April 2021
The Draft Resolution number 1001, 27 January 2021 - previously notified through G/SPS/N/BRA/1890
- was adopted as Resolution - RE number 1440, 8 April 2021.
The full text is available only in Portuguese and can be downloaded at: -/resolucao -re-n-1.440 -de-8-de-abril-de-2021-313208720 .
This addendum concerns a:
[ ] Modification of final date for comments
[X] Notification of adoption, publicati on or entry into force of regulation
[ ] Modification of content and/or scope of previously notified draft regulation
[ ] Withdrawal of proposed regulation
[ ] Change in proposed date of adoption, publication or date of entry into force
[ ] Other:
Comment period: (If the addendum extends the scope of the previously notified measure
in terms of products and/or potentially affected Members, a new deadline for receipt of
comments should be provided, normally of at least 60 calendar days. Under other
circumstances, such as extension of originally announced final date for comments, the
comment period provided in the addendum may vary.)
[ ] Sixty days from the date of circulation of the addendum to the notification and/or
(dd/mm/yy) : Not applicab le
Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [ ] National Notification Authority,
[X] National Enquiry Point. Address, fax number and e -mail address (if available) of other
Assessoria de Assuntos Internacionais - AINTE
International Affair s Office
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - Anvisa
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency
Tel: +(55 61) 3462 5402/5404/5406
E-mail: [email protected] G/SPS/N/BRA/1890/Add.1
- 2 -
Text(s) available from: [ ] National Notification Authority, [X] National Enquiry Point.
Address, fax number and e -mail address (if available) of other body:
Assessoria de Assuntos Internacionais - AINTE
International Affairs Office
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - Anvisa
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency
Tel: +(55 61) 3462 5402/54 04/5406
E-mail: [email protected]
__________ | 343 | 2,443 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_SG_N7ZAF5C1.pdf | r_G_SG_N7ZAF5C1 |
24 septembre 2020
(20-6475) Page: 1/1
Comité des sauvegardes Original: anglais
Importations de boulons à tête hexagonale en fer ou en acier
Le premier titre du document G/SG/N/7/ZAF/5 -G/SG/N/11/ZAF/7 devrait se lire comme suit:
__________ | 107 | 771 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_SPS_NGBR50.pdf | r_G_SPS_NGBR50 |
21 décembre 2023
(23-8778) Page: 1/3
Comité des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires Original: anglais
1. Membre notifiant : ROYAUME -UNI
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés:
2. Organisme responsable : Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(Département de l'environnement, de l'alimentation et des affaires rurales)
3. Produits visés (Prière d'indiquer le(s) numéro(s) du tarif figurant dans les listes
nationales déposées à l'OMC . Les numéros de l'ICS devraient aussi être indiqués,
le cas échéant) : Tous végétaux, produits végétaux et autres objets:
− Plants, y compris branches coupées, de Acer, Aesculus , Arbutus menziesii , Betula ,
Carpinus , Carya illinoinensis , Ceanothus , Cercis , Cercocarpus montanus , Cornus ,
Corylus , Crataegus , Eriobotrya japonica , Fagus sylvatica , Ficus carica , Frangula
californica , Heteromeles arbutifolia , Juglans , Juglans regia , Malus , Ostrya virginiana ,
Pickeringia montana , Platanus , Platanus occidentalis , Populus , Prunus , Pyrus , Pyrus
communis , Quercus , Ribes , Rosa, Salix, Sorbus aucuparia , Tilia, Ulmus , Vaccinium ,
Vaccinium darrowii . Le document notifié ne couvre pas les graines, cultures tissulaires
et pollen des plantes susmentionnées;
− Bois de Acer, Aesculus , Betula , Carpinus , Carya illinoinensis , Corylus, Crataegus ,
Fagus sylvatica , Juglans , Juglans regia , Malus , Platanus , Platanus occidentalis ,
Populus , Prunus , Pyrus , Pyrus communis , Quercus, Salix , Sorbus aucuparia , Tilia,
Ulmus ;
− Graines de Solanum sisymbriifolium .
4. Régions ou pays susceptibles d'être concernés, si cela est pertinent ou faisable:
[X] Tous les partenaires commerciaux
[ ] Régions ou pays spécifiques:
5. Intitulé du texte notifié : Amendments to Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (Modification du Règlement d'exécution (UE) 2019/2072 de
la Commission) Langue(s) : anglais . Nombre de pages : 15
6. Teneur : Les modifications suivantes sont apportées à la législation maintenue en
Angleterre, en Écosse et au Pays de Galles (Grande -Bretagne) (Règlement
d'exécution (UE) 2019/2072 de la Commission):
A. Ajout de nouveaux organismes de quarantaine de Grande -Bretagne dont l'évaluation
a montré qu'ils satisfaisaient aux critères correspondant aux organismes de
− Chrysobothris femorata - exigences spécifiques en matière d'importation pour les
plants et bois hôtes en provenance du Canada et des États -Unis;
− Chrysobothris mali - exigences spécifi ques en matière d'importation pour les
plants et bois hôtes en provenance du Canada et des États -Unis;
− Virus de la marbrure nervaire du piment - pas d'exigences spécifiques en matière
− Lycorma delicatula - pas d'exigences spécifiques en matiè re d'importation. G/SPS/N/GBR/50
- 2 -
B. Ajout de nouveaux organismes de quarantaine provisoires de Grande -Bretagne dont
une évaluation provisoire a montré qu'ils satisfaisaient aux critères correspondant aux
organismes de quarantaine:
− Agrilus mali ;
− Lonsdalea populi ;
− Orgyia leuc ostigma.
C. Ajout des graines de Solanum sisymbriifolium en tant que nouvel hôte connu de
l'organisme réglementé non de quarantaine (ORNQ) existant "viroïde de la filosité des
tubercules de pomme de terre (PSTVd)", dont une évaluation a montré qu'elles
satisf aisaient aux critères correspondant aux ORNQ.
D. Établissement d'exigences spécifiques en matière d'importation régissant
l'introduction d'arbres de Noël d'épicéa ( Picea spp.) qui ne sont pas destinés à être
mis sur le marché, uniquement destinés à être exposés temporairement, en
provenance de Norvège.
7. Objectif et raison d'être : [ ] innocuité des produits alimentaires, [ ] santé des
animaux, [X] préservation des végétaux, [ ] protection des personnes contre les
maladies ou les parasites des animaux/des plantes, [X] protection du territoire
contre d'autres dommages attribuables à des parasites.
8. Existe -t-il une norme internationale pertinente ? Dans l'affirmative, indiquer
[ ] Commission du Codex Alimentarius (par exemple, intitulé ou numéro de
série de la norme du Codex ou du texte apparenté) :
[ ] Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OMSA) (par exemple,
numéro de chapitre du Code sanitaire pour les animaux ter restres ou du
Code sanitaire pour les animaux aquatiques) :
[X] Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (par exemple,
numéro de la NIMP) :
− NIMP n° 02 . Cadre de l'analyse du risque phytosanitaire
− NIMP n°11 . Analyse du risque phytosanitaire pour les organismes de
− NIMP 16 , Organismes réglementés non de quarantaine : concept et application
− NIMP n° 20 . Directives pour un système phytosanitaire de réglementation des
− NIMP n° 21 . Analyse du risque phytosanitai re pour les organismes
réglementés non de quarantaine
[ ] Néant
La réglementation projetée est -elle conforme à la norme internationale
[X] Ou i [ ] Non
Dans la négative, indiquer, chaque fois que cela sera possible, en quoi et
pourquoi elle diffère de la norme internationale:
9. Autres documents pertinents et langue(s) dans laquelle (lesquelles) ils sont
10. Date projetée pour l'adoption (jj/mm/aa) : 9 mai 2 024
Date projetée pour la publication (jj/mm/aa) : 9 mai 2 024
11. Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : [ ] Six mois à compter de la date de
publication, et/ou (jj/mm/aa) : 31 mai 2 024
[ ] Mesure de facilitation du commerce G/SPS/N/GBR/50
- 3 -
12. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : [X] Soixante jours à compter
de la date de distribution de la notification et/ou ( jj/mm/aa ): 19 février 2 024
Organisme ou autorité désigné pour traiter les observations : [X] autorité
nationale responsable des notifications, [X] point d'information national .
Adresse, numéro de fax et adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre
Autorité du Royaume -Uni responsable des notifications OTC et point d'information OTC
pour l'OMC
WTO Policy Team (Équipe responsable des politiques liées à l'OMC)
EU and International Trade Directorate (Direction des échanges avec l'UE et des échanges
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Département de l'environnement,
de l'alimentation et des affaires rurales)
2 mars ham St, London SW1 P 4DF
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web: https://w -for-environment -
13. Texte(s) disponible(s) auprès de : [X] autorité nationale responsable des
notifications, [X] point d'information national . Adresse, numéro de fax et
adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre organisme:
Autorité du Royaume -Uni responsable des notifications OTC et point d'information OTC
pour l'OMC
WTO Policy Team (Équipe responsable des politiques liées à l'OMC)
EU and International Trade Directorate (Direction des échanges avec l'UE et des échanges
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Département de l'environnement,
de l'alimentatio n et des affaires rurales)
2 mars ham St, London SW1P 4DF
Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site Web: -for-environment -
| 1,098 | 7,513 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/q_Jobs_IP_65.pdf | q_Jobs_IP_65 | 0 | 0 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/297058_2023_IP_IRL_23_11053_00_e.pdf | 297058_2023_IP_IRL_23_11053_00_e | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS.
S.I. No. 412 of 2018
S.I. No. 412 of 2018
I, HEATHER HUMPHREYS, Minister for Business, Enterprise and Inno-
vation, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3 of the EuropeanCommunities Act 1972 (No. 27 of 1972) and for the purpose of giving effect toDirective (EU) 2017/1564 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13September 2017
1, hereby make the following regulations:
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the European Union (Marrakesh
Treaty) Regulations 2018.
(2) These Regulations shall come into operation on 11 October 2018.2. (1) In these Regulations, "Directive" means Directive (EU) 2017/1564 of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 September 2017
1on certain
permitted uses of certain works and other subject matter protected by copyrightand related rights for the benefit of persons who are blind, visually impaired orotherwise print-disabled and amending Directive 2001/29/EC
2on the harmonis-
ation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society.
(2) A word or expression that is used in these Regulations and that is also
used in the Directive has, unless the context otherwise requires, the same mean-ing in these Regulations as it has in the Directive.
3. (1) ( a) It shall be an exception that no authorisation of the rightholder of
any copyright or related right in a work or other subject matter isrequired, in relation to an act referred to in subparagraph ( b) pursu-
ant to—
(i) Articles 5 and 7 of Directive 96/9/EC
(ii) Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Directive 2001/29/EC2,
(iii) Articles 1(1), 8(2) and (3) and 9 of Directive 2006/115/EC4, and
(iv) Article 4 of Directive 2009/24/EC5.
(b) Any act necessary for—
(i) a beneficiary person (or a person acting on his or her behalf) to
make an accessible format copy of a work or other subject matter
1OJ L 242, 20.9.2017, p. 6
2OJ L167, 22.6.2001, p.10
3OJ L77, 27.3.1996, p.20
4OJ L376, 27.12.2006, p.28
5OJ L111, 5.5.2009, p.16
Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in
“Iris Oifigiúil” of 12th October , 2018.[412] 3
to which the beneficiary person has lawful access for the exclusive
use of the beneficiary person, and
(ii) an authorised entity to make an accessible format copy of a work
or other subject matter to which it has lawful access, or to com-municate, make available, distribute or lend an accessible formatcopy to a beneficiary person or another authorised entity on anon-profit basis for the purpose of exclusive use by a benefici-ary person.
(2) Each accessible format copy shall respect the integrity of the work or
other subject matter, with due consideration given to the changes required tomake the work or other subject matter accessible in the alternative format.
(3) The exception provided for in paragraph (1) shall only be applied in cer-
tain special cases which do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the workor other subject matter and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimateinterests of the rightholder.
(4) The first, third and fifth subparagraphs of Article 6(4) of Directive
2shall apply to the exception provided for in paragraph (1).
(5) The exception provided for in paragraph (1) cannot be overridden by
4. (1) An authorised entity established in the State may carry out the acts
referred to in clause (ii) of Regulation 3(1)( b) for a beneficiary person or
another authorised entity established in any Member State.
(2) A beneficiary person or an authorised entity established in the State may
obtain or have access to an accessible format copy from an authorised entityestablished in any Member State.
5. (1) An authorised entity established in the State carrying out the acts
referred to in Regulation 4 shall establish and follow its own practices to ensurethat it:
(a) distributes, communicates and makes available accessible format cop-
ies only to beneficiary persons or other authorised entities;
(b) takes appropriate steps to discourage the unauthorised reproduction,
distribution, communication to the public or making available to thepublic of accessible format copies;
(c) demonstrates due care in, and maintains records of, its handling of
works or other subject matter and of accessible format copiesthereof; and
(d) publishes and updates, on its website if appropriate, or through other
online or offline channels, information on how it complies with theobligations laid down in subparagraphs ( a)t o( c).4[412]
(2) The practices referred to in paragraph (1) shall be established and fol-
lowed in full respect of the rules applicable to the processing of personal dataof beneficiary persons referred to in Article 7 of the Directive.
(3) An authorised entity established in the State carrying out the acts referred
to in Regulation 4 shall provide the following information in an accessible way,on request, to beneficiary persons, other authorised entities or rightholders:
(a) the list of works or other subject matter for which it has accessible
format copies and the available formats; and
(b) the name and contact details of the authorised entities with which it
has engaged in the exchange of accessible format copies pursuant toRegulation 4.
GIVEN under my Official Seal,
9 October 2018.
Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation.[412] 5
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal
These Regulations give effect to EU Directive 2017/1564 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 13 September 2017 on certain permitted usesof certain works and other subject matter protected by copyright and relatedrights for the benefit of persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwiseprint-disabled and amending Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of cer-tain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society. TheseRegulations provide for the reproduction, communication to the public, distri-bution, lending and making available to the public of certain copyright protectedworks in formats designed to be accessible to the blind, visually impaired, orotherwise print-disabled, without the permission of the rightholder. The Regu-lations also provide that copies of works made available in accessible formats(for example, braille, large print or audiobook) in one Member State can beaccessed throughout the EU without prior permission from rightholders.BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH
Le ceannach díreach ó
(Teil: 01 - 6476834 nó 1890 213434; Fax: 01 - 6476843)
nó trí aon díoltóir leabhar.
To be purchased from
(Tel: 01 - 6476834 or 1890 213434; Fax: 01 - 6476843)
or through any bookseller.
Wt. (B33738). 285. 10/18. Essentra. Gr 30-15. | 1,112 | 7,062 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/279306_2021_SPS_JPN_21_7573_00_e.pdf | 279306_2021_SPS_JPN_21_7573_00_e | Flutianil
Commodity (current)
Parsley ○ 5
Tomato ● 0.2 0.3
Pimiento (sweet pepper) ○ 0.3
Egg plant ● 0.1 0.2
Cucumber (including gherkin) ●0.09 0.2
Pumpkin (including squash) ●0.06 0.2
Water melon ●0.01 0.05
Melons (whole commodity after removal of stems) 0.07 0.07
Other cucurbitaceous vegetables1○ 0.2
Peas, immature (with pods) 0.5 0.5
Other vegetables2○ 10
Apple 0.2 0.2
Cherry 0.4 0.4
Strawberry ● 0.3 0.5
Grape 0.7 0.7
Honey (including royal-jelly) 0.05 ※0.05MRL
* The residue definition will not be changed.
* The uniform limit 0.01 ppm will be applied to commodities not listed above.
1. “Other cucurbitaceous vegetables” refers to all cucurbitaceous vegetables, except cucumber
(including gherkin), pumpkin (including squash), oriental pickling melon (vegetable),
watermelon, melons and makuwauri melon. ●:Commodities for which MRLs are to be lowered.
○:Commodities for which MRLs are to be raised.
NOTE: The residue definition is Flutianil only.
※ The MRL has not been enforced yet. It is currently being processed. It is going to be notified before the
revision of this pesticide. For detail, see the material at FSG242 on July 16, 2021.
2. “Other vegetables” refers to all vegetables, except potatoes, sugar beet, sugarcane,
cruciferous vegetables, composite vegetables, liliaceous vegetables, umbelliferous
vegetables, solanaceous vegetables, cucurbitaceous vegetables, spinach, bamboo shoots,
okra, ginger, peas (with pods, immature), kidney beans (with pods, immature), green
soybeans, mushrooms, spices and herbs. | 228 | 1,576 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/s_Jobs_GC_274.pdf | s_Jobs_GC_274 | 0 | 0 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_TBTN20_TZA474.pdf | r_G_TBTN20_TZA474 |
12 octobre 2020
(20-6965) Page: 1/2
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La notification suivante est communiquée conformément à l'article 10.6.
1. Membre notifiant : TANZANIE
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés (articles 3.2 et 7.2):
2. Organisme responsable : Tanzania Bureau of Standards (Office tanzanien de
Les nom et adresse (y compris les numéros de téléphone et de fax et les
adresses de courrier électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant) de l'organisme
ou de l'autorité désigné pour s'occuper des ob servations concernant la
notification doivent être indiqués si cet organisme ou cette autorité est différent
de l'organisme susmentionné:
3. Notification au titre de l'article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], autres:
4. Produits visés (le cas échéant, position du SH ou de la NCCD, sinon position du
tarif douanier national . Les numéros de l'ICS peuvent aussi être indiqués, le cas
échéant) : Masques réutilisables en tissu ; Produits pharmaceutiques (chapitre 30 du SH) ;
Équipements des hôpitaux ( ICS 11 .140)
5. Intitulé, nombre de pages et langue(s) du texte notifié : TDC9(6785) P3 Textiles -
Reusable fabric face masks - Specification (Textiles - Masques réutilisables en tissu -
Spécifications), 9 pages, en anglais
6. Teneur : Le projet d e norme tanzanienne notifié spécifie les exigences en matière de
performance et les méthodes d'échantillonnage et d'essai applicables aux masques
réutilisables en tissu destinés à être utilisés par le grand public.
7. Objectif et justification, y compris la nature des problèmes urgents, le cas
échéant : Information des consommateurs, étiquetage ; exigences en matière de qualité
8. Documents pertinents:
• TZS 21 , Textiles - Woven or knitted fabrics - Determination of mass per unit
length and per unit area.
• TZS 24 , Textiles - Test for colour fastness to washing with soap or soap and soda.
• TZS 137 , Textiles - Woven, knitted fabrics and garments - Determination of
dimensional change - Machine method .
• TZS 138, Textiles - Test for colour fastness to rubbing.
• TZS 280 , Textiles - Test for colour fastness - Colour fastness to perspiration.
• TZS 327 , Textiles - Binary fibre mixtures - Quantitative analysis.
• BS EN 14683 Medical face masks - Requirements and test methods G/TBT/N/TZA/474
- 2 -
9. Date projetée pour l'adoption : décembre 2 020
Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : 6 mois à compter de la date d'adoption
10. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : 60 jours à compter de la date de
11. Entité auprès de laquelle les textes peuvent être obtenus : point d'information
national [X] ou adresse, numéros de téléphone et de fax et adresses de courrier
électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant, d'un autre organisme:
Mme Bahati Samillani (NEP officer) et M. Clavery Chausi
Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)
Morogoro/Sam Nujoma Road, Ubungo
P O Box 9524
Dar Es Salaam
+(255) 22 2450206
[email protected] ; [email protected] s/2020/TBT/TZA/20_6053_00_e.pdf
| 502 | 3,264 | WTO_1 | WTO |
WTO_1/r_G_SPS_NPER998.pdf | r_G_SPS_NPER998 |
2 décembre 2022
(22-8973) Page: 1/2
Comité des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires Original: espagnol
1. Membre notifiant : PÉROU
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés:
2. Organisme responsable : Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria - SENASA (Service
agrosanitaire national)
3. Produits visés (Prière d'indiquer le(s) numéro(s) du tarif figurant dans les listes
nationales déposées à l'OMC . Les numéros de l'ICS devraient aussi être indiqués,
le cas échéant) : Pêches, fruits à noyau, prunes, nectarines, cerises, abricots (SH 0809) ;
Pluots (SH 081090)
4. Régions ou pays susceptibles d'être concernés, si cela est pertinent ou faisable:
[ ] Tous les partenaires commerciaux
[X] Régions ou pays spécifiques : Chili
5. Intitulé du texte notifié : Mediante la Resolución Directoral 0023 -2022-MIDAGRI -
SENASA -DSV, del 19 de octubre de 2022, se modifican los requisitos fitosanitarios para
la importación de fruta fresca de carozo de origen y procedencia Chile (Résolution
directoriale n° 0023 -2022-MIDAGRI -SENASA -DSV du 1 9 octobre 2 022 portant
modifi cation des exigences phytosanitaires régissant l'importation de fruits à noyau frais
originaires et en provenance du Chili) Langue(s) : espagnol . Nombre de pages : 2
6. Teneur : La norme notifiée modifie les exigences phytosanitaires auxquelles il doit être
satisfait lors de l'importation d'organismes de quarantaine de fruits à noyau frais : Pêches
(Prunus pérsica ), prunes ( Prunus domestica ), nectarines ( Prunus pérsica var.
nucipersica ), cerises ( Prunus avium ), abricots ( Prunus armeniaca) et pluots ( Prunus
domestica x Prunus armenica ) originaires et en provenance du Chili.
7. Objectif et raison d'être : [ ] innocuité des produits alimentaires, [ ] santé des
animaux, [X] préservation des végétaux, [ ] protection des personnes contre les
maladies ou les parasites des animaux/des plantes, [ ] protection du territoire
contre d'autre s dommages attribuables à des parasites.
8. Existe -t-il une norme internationale pertinente ? Dans l'affirmative, indiquer
[ ] Commission du Codex Alimentarius (par exemple, intitulé ou numéro de
série de la norme du Codex ou du texte apparenté) :
[ ] Organisation mondiale de la santé animale ( OMSA ) (par exemple,
numéro du chapitre du Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres ou du
Code sanitaire pour les animaux aquatiques) :
[X] Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (par exemple,
numéro de la NIMP) : NIMP n° 1, 2, 11, 20 et 21 G/SPS/N/PER/998
- 2 -
[ ] Néant
La réglementation projetée est -elle conforme à la norme internationale
[X] Oui [ ] Non
Dans la négative, indiquer, chaque fois que cela sera possible, en quoi et
pourquoi elle diffère de la norme internationale:
9. Autres documents pertinents et langue(s) dans laquelle (lesquelles) ils sont
10. Date projetée pour l'adoption (jj/mm/aa) : 19 octobre 2 022
Date projetée pour la publication (jj/mm/aa) : 20 octobre 2 022
11. Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur : [ ] Six mois à compter de la date de
publication, et/ou (jj/mm/aa) : 20 octobre 2 022
[ ] Mesure de facilitation du commerce
12. Date limite pour la présentation des observations : [ ] Soixante jours à compter
de la date de distribution de la notification et/ou (jj/mm/aa) : sans objet.
Organisme ou autorité désigné pour traiter les observations : [X] autorité
nationale re sponsable des notifications, [X] point d'information national .
Adresse, numéro de fax et adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre
13. Texte(s) disponible(s) auprès de : [X] autorité nationale responsable des
notifications, [X] point d'information national . Adresse, numéro de fax et
adresse électronique (s'il y a lieu) d'un autre organisme:
Le document peut être demandé en envoyant un message à:
Blg. Julio Vivas Bancallán
Director (e) de Subdirección de Cuarentena Vegetal SENASA (Directeur du Département
de la quarantaine végétale - SENASA)
Av. La Molina N° 1915, Lima 12, Lima (Pérou)
Téléphone : +(511) 313 3300 int. 6120
Courriers électroniques: [email protected]
[email protected]
| 653 | 4,341 | WTO_1 | WTO |
Subsets and Splits