Dataset Viewer
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15 values
# #pocket Algorithm # import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats import random ############################################## def sepLine(w, x): return -((w[0]+w[1]*x)/w[2]) #end def drawSepLine(w, minX, maxX): sepx = range(minX, maxX) sepy = [] for e in sepx: tmp = sepLine(w, e) sepy.append( tmp ) #end for plt.plot(sepx, sepy ) #end drawSepLine ############################################## ls=np.array([ [1.0, 0.5, 1] ,[1.5, 14.5, 1] ,[2.5, 1.5, 1] ,[2.8, 3.5, 1] ,[4.5, 13.0, 1] ,[6.0, 8.0, 1] ,[7.0, 16.0, 1] #noize data ,[8.0, 5.5, 1] ,[9.5, 7.0, 1] ,[12.0, 2.5, 1] ,[14.0, 2.0, 1] #,[7.0, 16.0, 1] #noize data ]) rs=np.array([ [2.0, 18.0, -1] ,[3.0, 17.5, -1] ,[3.5, 0.7, -1] #noize data ,[8.0,11.5, -1] ,[8.5,13.5, -1] ,[8.5,13.0, -1] ,[9.0,15, -1] ,[12.0,20.0,-1] ,[16.0,17.0,-1] #,[3.5, 0.7, -1] #noize data ]) ##construct training data rtd = np.concatenate((ls,rs)) minX = (int)(np.min(rtd[:,:1]))-3 maxX = (int)(np.max(rtd[:,:1]))+3 ###plot the data plt.xlim( (minX, maxX) ) plt.ylim( (np.min(rtd[:,1:2]-3), np.max(rtd[:,1:2]+3)) ) plt.plot(ls[:,:1], ls[:, 1:2], '*') plt.plot(rs[:,:1], rs[:, 1:2], '+') ##############pla-begin x0 = np.zeros( (len(rtd), 1) ) x0[:]=1.0 td = np.concatenate( (x0, rtd[:,:1], rtd[:,1:2], rtd[:,2:3]), 1 ) #The this initial value of w. td[0] include y. so we need to minus 1 w=np.zeros( len(td[0])-1 ); #todo:we can set it as max of float weighOfPocket=1000000000.0 wPocket=w # #ensure all point corret #maxIter=900000 maxIter=1200000 weighOfPocketThres=0.05 curIter=0 while(curIter<maxIter): curIter = curIter +1; #[begin----the following is typical pla---- isModifing=False; #check each point for w for ti in range(len(td)): rndIdx=random.randint(0, len(td)-1) sample = td[rndIdx] sx = sample[:len(sample)-1]; sy=sample[len(sample)-1] t = np.inner(w, sx) ty = np.sign(t) #print(idx, ty, sy) if(ty!=sy): #failed, we need to update w w = w + sy*sx isModifing = True #end if #end for if(isModifing==False): break; #todo. we need to update pocket here. #end] #pick up an element in sample to try to improve w #rndIdx=random.randint(0, len(td)-1) #sample = td[rndIdx] #sx = sample[:len(sample)-1]; sy=sample[len(sample)-1] #w = w + sy*sx #It's too late to check weight for this w #calc weight for w weight=0.; for idx in range(len(td)): sample = td[idx] sx = sample[:len(sample)-1]; sy=sample[len(sample)-1] t = np.inner(w, sx) ty = np.sign(t) #print(idx, ty, sy) if(ty!=sy): weight += 1.0; #end for #print("The curIter is ", curIter) #print("The weighOfPocket is ", weighOfPocket) #print("The w is ", w) #drawSepLine(w, minX, maxX) #if the new w is better than stuff in pocket, then update stuff in pocket if(weight<weighOfPocket): weighOfPocket = weight wPocket = w #end if if(weighOfPocket<weighOfPocketThres): break; #end for ##############pla-end print("The curIter is ", curIter) print("The weighOfPocket is ", weighOfPocket) print("The w is ", w) #show the seperator line drawSepLine(w, minX, maxX); ### #In [93]: import pla #In [94]: reload(pla) # if __name__ =="__main__": pass #end
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import collections import pulp from numpy import dot from pandas import DataFrame, read_table from scipy.sparse import csgraph class Controls: def __init__(self, accepted_demand: DataFrame, product_bid_prices: DataFrame, expected_revenue: float = None): self.accepted_demand = accepted_demand self.product_bid_prices = product_bid_prices self.expected_revenue = expected_revenue class Problem: def __init__(self, demand_vector, price_vector, capacity_vector, demand_utilization_matrix, demand_profile=None): self.demand_vector = demand_vector self.price_vector = price_vector self.capacity_vector = capacity_vector self.demand_utilization_matrix = demand_utilization_matrix self.demand_profile = demand_profile self.demand_correlations = self.get_demand_correlations() def get_demand_correlations(self): return dot(self.demand_utilization_matrix, self.demand_utilization_matrix.transpose()) def get_subproblems(self, eps=0.1): subproblems = [] labels = csgraph.connected_components(self.demand_correlations, directed=False)[1] split_index = collections.Counter(labels).values() prev = 0 for i in split_index: demand_vector = self.demand_vector[prev:prev + i] price_vector = self.price_vector[prev:prev + i] capacity_vector = self.capacity_vector demand_utilization_matrix = self.demand_utilization_matrix.ix[prev:prev + i, :] demand_profile = None if self.demand_profile is not None: demand_profile = self.demand_profile.ix[prev:prev + i - 1, :] subproblems.append( Problem(demand_vector=demand_vector, price_vector=price_vector, capacity_vector=capacity_vector, demand_utilization_matrix=demand_utilization_matrix, demand_profile=demand_profile)) prev = i return subproblems class Solver: def __init__(self, optimizer): self.optimizer = optimizer self.controls = None def optimize_controls(self, problem): self.controls = pulp_solve(problem.demand_vector, problem.price_vector, problem.capacity_vector, problem.demand_utilization_matrix) return self.controls def optimize_controls_multi_period(self, problem, eps): if problem.demand_profile.shape[1] > 1: for period in problem.demand_profile.columns: if self.controls: new_control = pulp_solve(problem.demand_profile.ix[:, period], problem.price_vector, problem.capacity_vector, problem.demand_utilization_matrix) if self.is_new_ctrl_more_profitable(new_control, 0.1): self.blinde_control(new_control, eps) else: self.controls = self.optimize_controls(problem) else: self.controls = self.optimize_controls(problem) return self.controls def is_new_ctrl_more_profitable(self, new_control, eps): rev1 = self.controls.expected_revenue if new_control.expected_revenue - rev1 > rev1 * eps: return True return False def blinde_control(self, new_control, eps): self.controls.accepted_demand = self.controls.accepted_demand * eps self.controls.product_bid_prices = self.controls.product_bid_prices / eps self.controls.expected_revenue = new_control.expected_revenue def to_data_frame(data): df = DataFrame.transpose(read_table(data, delim_whitespace=True, header=None)) df.columns = [(col + 1) for col in df.columns] return df def to_data_frame2(data): df = DataFrame(read_table(data, delim_whitespace=True, header=None)) return df def create_problem_with_data(demand_data, capacity_data, demand_utilization_data, demand_profile_data=None): demand_vector, capacity_vector, demand_profile, demand_utilization_matrix = load_data_to_df(capacity_data, demand_data, demand_profile_data, demand_utilization_data) return Problem(demand_vector.ix[:, 1], demand_vector.ix[:, 2], capacity_vector, demand_utilization_matrix.ix[:, :], demand_profile) def merge_controls(controls_list): first_time = True for controls in controls_list: if first_time: accepted_demand = controls.accepted_demand product_bid_prices = controls.product_bid_prices expected_revenue = controls.expected_revenue first_time = False else: accepted_demand = accepted_demand.append(controls.accepted_demand) product_bid_prices = product_bid_prices.append(controls.product_bid_prices) expected_revenue = expected_revenue + controls.expected_revenue return Controls(accepted_demand=accepted_demand, product_bid_prices=product_bid_prices, expected_revenue=expected_revenue) def load_data_to_df(capacity_data, demand_data, demand_profile_data, demand_utilization_data): demand_vector = to_data_frame(demand_data) capacity_vector = to_data_frame(capacity_data) demand_utilization_matrix = to_data_frame2(demand_utilization_data) assert demand_utilization_matrix.shape[0] == demand_vector.shape[0] assert demand_utilization_matrix.shape[1] == capacity_vector.shape[0] if demand_profile_data: demand_profile = to_data_frame(demand_profile_data) assert demand_profile.shape[0] == demand_vector.shape[0] else: demand_profile = None return demand_vector, capacity_vector, demand_profile, demand_utilization_matrix def pulp_solve(demand_vector, price_vector, capacity_vector, demand_utilization_matrix): revman = create_problem() x = create_variables(demand_vector) set_objective(demand_vector, price_vector, revman, x) add_product_constraints(capacity_vector, demand_utilization_matrix, demand_vector, revman, x) add_demand_constraints(demand_vector, revman, x) solve_problem(revman) accepted_demand = get_accepted_demand(x) product_bid_prices = get_bid_prices(capacity_vector, revman) expected_revenue = get_expected_revenue(revman) return Controls((accepted_demand), (product_bid_prices), expected_revenue) def solve_problem(revman): revman.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD()) # revman.writeLP("temp.txt") # print(pulp.LpStatus[revman.status]) def create_problem(): return pulp.LpProblem("revman", pulp.LpMaximize) def get_expected_revenue(revman): return pulp.value(revman.objective) def get_accepted_demand(x): return DataFrame({'accepted_demand': [(x[str(i)].value()) for i in x]}) def get_bid_prices(capacity_vector, revman): bid_prices_list = [revman.constraints.get("Capa_" + str(i)).pi for (i, c) in (capacity_vector.iterrows())] return DataFrame({'bid_prices_list': bid_prices_list}) def add_demand_constraints(demand_vector, revman, x): for (demand_index, demand) in (demand_vector.iteritems()): revman.addConstraint((x[str(demand_index)]) <= demand, name="Demand_" + str(demand_index)) def add_product_constraints(capacity_vector, demand_utilization_matrix, demand_vector, revman, x): for (product_index, capacity) in (capacity_vector.iterrows()): revman.addConstraint(pulp.lpSum( [x[str(i)] * demand_utilization_matrix.ix[i, product_index] for (i, d) in demand_vector.iteritems()]) <= capacity, name="Capa_" + str(product_index)) def set_objective(demand_vector, price_vector, revman, x): objective = pulp.LpAffineExpression([(x[str(i)], price_vector[i]) for (i, d) in demand_vector.iteritems()]) revman.setObjective(objective) def create_variables(demand_vector): x = dict([(str(i), pulp.LpVariable(name="x" + str(i), lowBound=0, cat=pulp.LpContinuous)) for (i, t) in demand_vector.iteritems()]) return x
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render from django.http import HttpResponse from django.core.cache import cache from django.db.models import Count, Min, Sum, Avg, Q from django.core.cache import cache from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page from protein.models import Protein, ProteinConformation, ProteinAlias, ProteinFamily, Gene, ProteinGProtein, ProteinGProteinPair from residue.models import Residue, ResiduePositionSet, ResidueSet from mutational_landscape.models import NaturalMutations, CancerMutations, DiseaseMutations, PTMs, NHSPrescribings from common.diagrams_gpcr import DrawHelixBox, DrawSnakePlot from drugs.models import Drugs from mutation.functions import * from mutation.models import * from interaction.models import * from interaction.views import ajax #import x-tal interactions from common import definitions from collections import OrderedDict from common.views import AbsTargetSelection from common.views import AbsSegmentSelection from family.views import linear_gradient, color_dict, RGB_to_hex, hex_to_RGB import re import json import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict from copy import deepcopy from io import BytesIO import re import math import urllib import xlsxwriter #sudo pip3 install XlsxWriter import operator class TargetSelection(AbsTargetSelection): step = 1 number_of_steps = 1 filters = False psets = False # docs = 'mutations.html#mutation-browser' selection_boxes = OrderedDict([ ('reference', False), ('targets', True), ('segments', False), ]) buttons = { 'continue': { 'label': 'Show missense variants', 'url': '/mutational_landscape/render', 'color': 'success', }, } default_species = False def render_variants(request, protein=None, family=None, download=None, receptor_class=None, gn=None, aa=None, **response_kwargs): simple_selection = request.session.get('selection', False) proteins = [] if protein: # if protein static page proteins.append(Protein.objects.get(entry_name=protein.lower())) target_type = 'protein' # flatten the selection into individual proteins if simple_selection: for target in simple_selection.targets: if target.type == 'protein': proteins.append(target.item) elif target.type == 'family': target_type = 'family' familyname = target.item # species filter species_list = [] for species in simple_selection.species: species_list.append(species.item) # annotation filter protein_source_list = [] for protein_source in simple_selection.annotation: protein_source_list.append(protein_source.item) if species_list: family_proteins = Protein.objects.filter(family__slug__startswith=target.item.slug, species__in=(species_list), source__in=(protein_source_list)).select_related('residue_numbering_scheme', 'species') else: family_proteins = Protein.objects.filter(family__slug__startswith=target.item.slug, source__in=(protein_source_list)).select_related('residue_numbering_scheme', 'species') for fp in family_proteins: proteins.append(fp) NMs = NaturalMutations.objects.filter(Q(protein__in=proteins)).prefetch_related('residue__generic_number','residue__display_generic_number','residue__protein_segment','protein') ptms = PTMs.objects.filter(Q(protein__in=proteins)).prefetch_related('residue') ptms_dict = {} ## MICROSWITCHES micro_switches_rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name="Microswitches") ms_label = [] for residue in micro_switches_rset.residue_position.all(): ms_label.append(residue.label) ms_object = Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation__protein=proteins[0], generic_number__label__in=ms_label) ms_sequence_numbers = [] for ms in ms_object: ms_sequence_numbers.append(ms.sequence_number) ## SODIUM POCKET sodium_pocket_rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name="Sodium pocket") sp_label = [] for residue in sodium_pocket_rset.residue_position.all(): sp_label.append(residue.label) sp_object = Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation__protein=proteins[0], generic_number__label__in=ms_label) sp_sequence_numbers = [] for sp in sp_object: sp_sequence_numbers.append(sp.sequence_number) for ptm in ptms: ptms_dict[ptm.residue.sequence_number] = ptm.modification ## G PROTEIN INTERACTION POSITIONS # THIS SHOULD BE CLASS SPECIFIC (different set) rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name='Signalling protein pocket') gprotein_generic_set = [] for residue in rset.residue_position.all(): gprotein_generic_set.append(residue.label) ### GET LB INTERACTION DATA # get also ortholog proteins, which might have been crystallised to extract # interaction data also from those if protein: orthologs = Protein.objects.filter(family__slug=proteins[0].family.slug, sequence_type__slug='wt') else: orthologs = Protein.objects.filter(family__slug__startswith=proteins[0].family.slug, sequence_type__slug='wt') interactions = ResidueFragmentInteraction.objects.filter( structure_ligand_pair__structure__protein_conformation__protein__parent__in=orthologs, structure_ligand_pair__annotated=True).exclude(interaction_type__type ='hidden').all() interaction_data = {} for interaction in interactions: if interaction.rotamer.residue.generic_number: sequence_number = interaction.rotamer.residue.sequence_number # sequence_number = lookup[interaction.rotamer.residue.generic_number.label] label = interaction.rotamer.residue.generic_number.label aa = interaction.rotamer.residue.amino_acid interactiontype = if sequence_number not in interaction_data: interaction_data[sequence_number] = [] if interactiontype not in interaction_data[sequence_number]: interaction_data[sequence_number].append(interactiontype) if target_type == 'family': pc = ProteinConformation.objects.get(protein__family__name=familyname, protein__sequence_type__slug='consensus') residuelist = Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation=pc).order_by('sequence_number').prefetch_related('protein_segment', 'generic_number', 'display_generic_number') else: residuelist = Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation__protein=proteins[0]).prefetch_related('protein_segment', 'display_generic_number', 'generic_number') jsondata = {} for NM in NMs: functional_annotation = '' SN = NM.residue.sequence_number if NM.residue.generic_number: GN = NM.residue.generic_number.label else: GN = '' if SN in sp_sequence_numbers: functional_annotation += 'SodiumPocket ' if SN in ms_sequence_numbers: functional_annotation += 'MicroSwitch ' if SN in ptms_dict: functional_annotation += 'PTM (' + ptms_dict[SN] + ') ' if SN in interaction_data: functional_annotation += 'LB (' + ', '.join(interaction_data[SN]) + ') ' if GN in gprotein_generic_set: functional_annotation += 'GP (contact) ' ms_type = NM.type if ms_type == 'missense': effect = 'deleterious' if NM.sift_score <= 0.05 or NM.polyphen_score >= 0.1 else 'tolerated' color = '#e30e0e' if NM.sift_score <= 0.05 or NM.polyphen_score >= 0.1 else '#70c070' else: effect = 'deleterious' color = '#575c9d' # account for multiple mutations at this position! NM.functional_annotation = functional_annotation # print(NM.functional_annotation) jsondata[SN] = [NM.amino_acid, NM.allele_frequency, NM.allele_count, NM.allele_number, NM.number_homozygotes, NM.type, effect, color, functional_annotation] natural_mutation_list = {} max_snp_pos = 1 for NM in NMs: if NM.residue.generic_number: if NM.residue.generic_number.label in natural_mutation_list: natural_mutation_list[NM.residue.generic_number.label]['val'] += 1 if not str(NM.amino_acid) in natural_mutation_list[NM.residue.generic_number.label]['AA']: natural_mutation_list[NM.residue.generic_number.label]['AA'] = natural_mutation_list[NM.residue.generic_number.label]['AA'] + str(NM.amino_acid) + ' ' if natural_mutation_list[NM.residue.generic_number.label]['val'] > max_snp_pos: max_snp_pos = natural_mutation_list[NM.residue.generic_number.label]['val'] else: natural_mutation_list[NM.residue.generic_number.label] = {'val':1, 'AA': NM.amino_acid + ' '} jsondata_natural_mutations = {} for r in residuelist: if r.generic_number: if r.generic_number.label in natural_mutation_list: jsondata_natural_mutations[r.sequence_number] = natural_mutation_list[r.generic_number.label] jsondata_natural_mutations['color'] = linear_gradient(start_hex="#c79494", finish_hex="#c40100", n=max_snp_pos) # jsondata_cancer_mutations['color'] = linear_gradient(start_hex="#d8baff", finish_hex="#422d65", n=max_cancer_pos) # jsondata_disease_mutations['color'] = linear_gradient(start_hex="#ffa1b1", finish_hex="#6e000b", n=max_disease_pos) # SnakePlot = DrawSnakePlot(residuelist, "Class A", protein, nobuttons=1) HelixBox = DrawHelixBox(residuelist, 'Class A', protein, nobuttons=1) # EXCEL TABLE EXPORT if download: data = [] for r in NMs: values = r.__dict__ data.append(values) headers = ['type', 'amino_acid', 'allele_count', 'allele_number', 'allele_frequency', 'polyphen_score', 'sift_score', 'number_homozygotes', 'functional_annotation'] # EXCEL SOLUTION output = BytesIO() workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() col = 0 for h in headers: worksheet.write(0, col, h) col += 1 row = 1 for d in data: col = 0 for h in headers: worksheet.write(row, col, str(d[h])) col += 1 row += 1 workbook.close() xlsx_data = response = HttpResponse(xlsx_data, content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=GPCRdb_' + proteins[0].entry_name + '_variant_data.xlsx' # % 'mutations' return response return render(request, 'browser.html', {'mutations': NMs, 'type': target_type, 'HelixBox': HelixBox, 'SnakePlot': SnakePlot, 'receptor': str(proteins[0].entry_name), 'mutations_pos_list': json.dumps(jsondata), 'natural_mutations_pos_list': json.dumps(jsondata_natural_mutations)}) def ajaxNaturalMutation(request, slug, **response_kwargs): name_of_cache = 'ajaxNaturalMutation_'+slug ptms = PTMs.objects.filter(protein__entry_name=slug).prefetch_related('residue') ptms_dict = {} for ptm in ptms: ptms_dict[ptm.residue.sequence_number] = ptm.modification ## MICROSWITCHES micro_switches_rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name="Microswitches") ms_label = [] for residue in micro_switches_rset.residue_position.all(): ms_label.append(residue.label) ms_object = Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation__protein__entry_name=slug, generic_number__label__in=ms_label) ms_sequence_numbers = [] for ms in ms_object: ms_sequence_numbers.append(ms.sequence_number) ## SODIUM POCKET sodium_pocket_rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name="Sodium pocket") sp_label = [] for residue in sodium_pocket_rset.residue_position.all(): sp_label.append(residue.label) sp_object = Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation__protein__entry_name=slug, generic_number__label__in=ms_label) sp_sequence_numbers = [] for sp in sp_object: sp_sequence_numbers.append(sp.sequence_number) ## G PROTEIN INTERACTION POSITIONS # THIS SHOULD BE CLASS SPECIFIC (different set) rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name='Signalling protein pocket') gprotein_generic_set = [] for residue in rset.residue_position.all(): gprotein_generic_set.append(residue.label) ### GET LB INTERACTION DATA # get also ortholog proteins, which might have been crystallised to extract # interaction data also from those p = Protein.objects.get(entry_name=slug) orthologs = Protein.objects.filter(, sequence_type__slug='wt') interactions = ResidueFragmentInteraction.objects.filter( structure_ligand_pair__structure__protein_conformation__protein__parent__in=orthologs, structure_ligand_pair__annotated=True).exclude(interaction_type__type ='hidden').order_by('rotamer__residue__sequence_number') interaction_data = {} for interaction in interactions: if interaction.rotamer.residue.generic_number: sequence_number = interaction.rotamer.residue.sequence_number # sequence_number = lookup[interaction.rotamer.residue.generic_number.label] label = interaction.rotamer.residue.generic_number.label aa = interaction.rotamer.residue.amino_acid interactiontype = if sequence_number not in interaction_data: interaction_data[sequence_number] = [] if interactiontype not in interaction_data[sequence_number]: interaction_data[sequence_number].append(interactiontype) jsondata = cache.get(name_of_cache) if jsondata == None: jsondata = {} NMs = NaturalMutations.objects.filter(protein__entry_name=slug).prefetch_related('residue') for NM in NMs: SN = NM.residue.sequence_number type = NM.type if type == 'missense': effect = 'deleterious' if NM.sift_score <= 0.05 or NM.polyphen_score >= 0.1 else 'tolerated' color = '#e30e0e' if NM.sift_score <= 0.05 or NM.polyphen_score >= 0.1 else '#70c070' else: effect = 'deleterious' color = '#575c9d' functional_annotation = '' SN = NM.residue.sequence_number if NM.residue.generic_number: GN = NM.residue.generic_number.label else: GN = '' if SN in sp_sequence_numbers: functional_annotation += 'SodiumPocket ' if SN in ms_sequence_numbers: functional_annotation += 'MicroSwitch ' if SN in ptms_dict: functional_annotation += 'PTM (' + ptms_dict[SN] + ') ' if SN in interaction_data: functional_annotation += 'LB (' + ', '.join(interaction_data[SN]) + ') ' if GN in gprotein_generic_set: functional_annotation += 'GP (contact) ' if functional_annotation == '': functional_annotation = '-' # account for multiple mutations at this position! jsondata[SN] = [NM.amino_acid, NM.allele_frequency, NM.allele_count, NM.allele_number, NM.number_homozygotes, NM.type, effect, color, functional_annotation] jsondata = json.dumps(jsondata) response_kwargs['content_type'] = 'application/json' cache.set(name_of_cache, jsondata, 20) # 60*60*24*2 two days timeout on cache return HttpResponse(jsondata, **response_kwargs) def ajaxPTMs(request, slug, **response_kwargs): name_of_cache = 'ajaxPTMs_'+slug jsondata = cache.get(name_of_cache) if jsondata == None: jsondata = {} NMs = PTMs.objects.filter(protein__entry_name=slug).prefetch_related('residue') for NM in NMs: SN = NM.residue.sequence_number mod = NM.modification jsondata[SN] = [mod] jsondata = json.dumps(jsondata) response_kwargs['content_type'] = 'application/json' cache.set(name_of_cache, jsondata, 20) # 60*60*24*2 two days timeout on cache return HttpResponse(jsondata, **response_kwargs) # def ajaxCancerMutation(request, slug, **response_kwargs): # # name_of_cache = 'ajaxCancerMutation_'+slug # # jsondata = cache.get(name_of_cache) # # if jsondata == None: # jsondata = {} # # CMs = CancerMutations.objects.filter(protein__entry_name=slug).prefetch_related('residue') # # for CM in CMs: # SN = CM.residue.sequence_number # jsondata[SN] = [CM.amino_acid] # # jsondata = json.dumps(jsondata) # response_kwargs['content_type'] = 'application/json' # # cache.set(name_of_cache, jsondata, 20) #two days timeout on cache # # return HttpResponse(jsondata, **response_kwargs) # # def ajaxDiseaseMutation(request, slug, **response_kwargs): # # name_of_cache = 'ajaxDiseaseMutation_'+slug # # jsondata = cache.get(name_of_cache) # # if jsondata == None: # jsondata = {} # # DMs = DiseaseMutations.objects.filter(protein__entry_name=slug).prefetch_related('residue') # # for DM in DMs: # SN = DM.residue.sequence_number # jsondata[SN] = [DM.amino_acid] # # jsondata = json.dumps(jsondata) # response_kwargs['content_type'] = 'application/json' # # cache.set(name_of_cache, jsondata, 20) #two days timeout on cache # # return HttpResponse(jsondata, **response_kwargs) def mutant_extract(request): import pandas as pd mutations = MutationExperiment.objects.all().prefetch_related('residue__display_generic_number','protein__family','exp_func','exp_type','ligand','ligand_role','refs','mutation') # mutations = MutationExperiment.objects.filter(protein__entry_name__startswith=slug_without_species).order_by('residue__sequence_number').prefetch_related('residue') temp = pd.DataFrame(columns=['EntryName','Family','LigandType','Class','SequenceNumber','GPCRdb','Segment','WTaa','Mutantaa','foldchange','Ligand','LigandRole','ExpQual','ExpWTValue','ExpWTVUnit','ExpMutantValue','ExpMutantSign','ExpType','ExpFunction']) row = 0 for mutation in mutations: if mutation.ligand: ligand = else: ligand = 'NaN' if mutation.exp_qual: qual = mutation.exp_qual.qual else: qual = 'NaN' if mutation.exp_func_id: func = mutation.exp_func.func else: func = 'NaN' if mutation.ligand_role_id: lrole = else: lrole = 'NaN' if mutation.exp_type_id: etype = mutation.exp_type.type else: etype = 'NaN' if mutation.residue.display_generic_number: gpcrdb = mutation.residue.display_generic_number.label else: gpcrdb = 'NaN' if mutation.foldchange != 0: # print(mutation.protein.entry_name, mutation.residue.sequence_number, mutation.residue.amino_acid, mutation.mutation.amino_acid, mutation.foldchange,ligand, lrole,qual,mutation.wt_value, mutation.wt_unit, mutation.mu_value, mutation.mu_sign, etype, func) temp.loc[row] = pd.Series({'EntryName': mutation.protein.entry_name, 'Family':,'LigandType':,'Class':, 'SequenceNumber': int(mutation.residue.sequence_number), 'GPCRdb': gpcrdb, 'Segment': mutation.residue.protein_segment.slug,'WTaa': mutation.residue.amino_acid, 'Mutantaa': mutation.mutation.amino_acid, 'foldchange': mutation.foldchange, 'Ligand': ligand, 'LigandRole': lrole, 'ExpQual': qual, 'ExpWTValue': mutation.wt_value, 'ExpWTVUnit': mutation.wt_unit, 'ExpMutantValue': mutation.mu_value, 'ExpMutantSign': mutation.mu_sign, 'ExpType': etype, 'ExpFunction': func}) row += 1 if row % 200 == 0 and row != 0: print(row) temp.to_csv('170125_GPCRdb_mutation.csv') # jsondata[mutation.residue.sequence_number].append([mutation.foldchange,ligand,qual]) # print(jsondata) @cache_page(60*60*24*21) def statistics(request): context = dict() families = ProteinFamily.objects.all() lookup = {} for f in families: lookup[f.slug] ="receptors","").replace(" receptor","").replace(" hormone","").replace("/neuropeptide","/").replace(" (G protein-coupled)","").replace(" factor","").replace(" (LPA)","").replace(" (S1P)","").replace("GPR18, GPR55 and GPR119","GPR18/55/119").replace("-releasing","").replace(" peptide","").replace(" and oxytocin","/Oxytocin").replace("Adhesion class orphans","Adhesion orphans").replace("muscarinic","musc.").replace("-concentrating","-conc.") class_proteins = Protein.objects.filter(family__slug__startswith="00",source__name='SWISSPROT', species_id=1).prefetch_related('family').order_by('family__slug') temp = OrderedDict([ ('name',''), ('number_of_variants', 0), ('number_of_children', 0), ('receptor_t',0), ('density_of_variants', 0), ('children', OrderedDict()) ]) coverage = OrderedDict() # Make the scaffold for p in class_proteins: #print(p, fid ="_") if fid[0] not in coverage: coverage[fid[0]] = deepcopy(temp) coverage[fid[0]]['name'] = lookup[fid[0]] if fid[1] not in coverage[fid[0]]['children']: coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]] = deepcopy(temp) coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['name'] = lookup[fid[0]+"_"+fid[1]] if fid[2] not in coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children']: coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]] = deepcopy(temp) coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['name'] = lookup[fid[0]+"_"+fid[1]+"_"+fid[2]][:28] if fid[3] not in coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['children']: coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['children'][fid[3]] = deepcopy(temp) coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['children'][fid[3]]['name'] = p.entry_name.split("_")[0] #[:10] coverage[fid[0]]['receptor_t'] += 1 coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['receptor_t'] += 1 coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['receptor_t'] += 1 coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['children'][fid[3]]['receptor_t'] = 1 # # POULATE WITH DATA variants_target = Protein.objects.filter(family__slug__startswith="00", entry_name__icontains='_human').values('family_id__slug').annotate(value=Count('naturalmutations__residue_id', distinct = True)) protein_lengths = Protein.objects.filter(family__slug__startswith="00", entry_name__icontains='_human').values('family_id__slug','sequence') protein_lengths_dict = {} for i in protein_lengths: protein_lengths_dict[i['family_id__slug']] = i['sequence'] for i in variants_target: # print(i) fid = i['family_id__slug'].split("_") coverage[fid[0]]['number_of_variants'] += i['value'] coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['number_of_variants'] += i['value'] coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['number_of_variants'] += i['value'] coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['children'][fid[3]]['number_of_variants'] += i['value'] density = float(i['value'])/len(protein_lengths_dict[i['family_id__slug']]) coverage[fid[0]]['density_of_variants'] += round(density,2) coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['density_of_variants'] += round(density,2) coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['density_of_variants'] += round(density,2) coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['children'][fid[3]]['density_of_variants'] += round(density,2) coverage[fid[0]]['number_of_children'] += 1 coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['number_of_children'] += 1 coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['number_of_children'] += 1 coverage[fid[0]]['children'][fid[1]]['children'][fid[2]]['children'][fid[3]]['number_of_children'] += 1 # MAKE THE TREE tree = OrderedDict({'name':'GPCRs','children':[]}) i = 0 n = 0 for c,c_v in coverage.items(): c_v['name'] = c_v['name'].split("(")[0] if c_v['name'].strip() in ['Other GPCRs']: # i += 1 continue # pass children = [] for lt,lt_v in c_v['children'].items(): if lt_v['name'].strip() == 'Orphan' and c_v['name'].strip()=="Class A": # $pass continue children_rf = [] for rf,rf_v in lt_v['children'].items(): rf_v['name'] = rf_v['name'].split("<")[0] children_r = [] for r,r_v in rf_v['children'].items(): r_v['sort'] = n children_r.append(r_v) n += 1 rf_v['children'] = children_r rf_v['sort'] = n children_rf.append(rf_v) lt_v['children'] = children_rf lt_v['sort'] = n children.append(lt_v) c_v['children'] = children c_v['sort'] = n tree['children'].append(c_v) #tree = c_v #break i += 1 context['tree'] = json.dumps(tree) ## Overview statistics total_receptors = NaturalMutations.objects.filter(type='missense').values('protein_id').distinct().count() total_mv = len(NaturalMutations.objects.filter(type='missense')) total_lof = len(NaturalMutations.objects.exclude(type='missense')) total_av_rv = round(len(NaturalMutations.objects.filter(type='missense', allele_frequency__lt=0.001))/ total_receptors,1) total_av_cv = round(len(NaturalMutations.objects.filter(type='missense', allele_frequency__gte=0.001))/ total_receptors,1) context['stats'] = {'total_mv':total_mv,'total_lof':total_lof,'total_av_rv':total_av_rv, 'total_av_cv':total_av_cv} return render(request, 'variation_statistics.html', context) def get_functional_sites(protein): ## PTMs ptms = list(PTMs.objects.filter(protein=protein).values_list('residue', flat=True).distinct()) ## MICROSWITCHES micro_switches_rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name="Microswitches") ms_label = [] for residue in micro_switches_rset.residue_position.all(): ms_label.append(residue.label) ms_object = list(Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation__protein=protein, generic_number__label__in=ms_label).values_list('id', flat=True).distinct()) ## SODIUM POCKET sodium_pocket_rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name="Sodium pocket") sp_label = [] for residue in sodium_pocket_rset.residue_position.all(): sp_label.append(residue.label) sp_object = list(Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation__protein=protein, generic_number__label__in=ms_label).values_list('id', flat=True).distinct()) ## G PROTEIN INTERACTION POSITIONS # THIS SHOULD BE CLASS SPECIFIC (different set) rset = ResiduePositionSet.objects.get(name='Signalling protein pocket') gprotein_generic_set = [] for residue in rset.residue_position.all(): gprotein_generic_set.append(residue.label) GP_object = list(Residue.objects.filter(protein_conformation__protein=protein, generic_number__label__in=gprotein_generic_set).values_list('id', flat=True).distinct()) ### GET LB INTERACTION DATA ## get also ortholog proteins, which might have been crystallised to extract ## interaction data also from those orthologs = Protein.objects.filter(, sequence_type__slug='wt').prefetch_related('protein__family') interaction_residues = ResidueFragmentInteraction.objects.filter( structure_ligand_pair__structure__protein_conformation__protein__parent__in=orthologs, structure_ligand_pair__annotated=True).exclude(interaction_type__type ='hidden').values_list('rotamer__residue_id', flat=True).distinct() ## Get variants of these known residues: known_function_sites = set(x for l in [GP_object,sp_object,ms_object,ptms,interaction_residues] for x in l) NMs = NaturalMutations.objects.filter(residue_id__in=known_function_sites) return len(NMs) @cache_page(60*60*24*21) def economicburden(request): economic_data = [{'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 29574708, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 186577951, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Analgesics'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 14101883, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Antidepressant Drugs'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 10637449, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Antihist, Hyposensit & Allergic Emergen'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 6633692, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Antispasmod.&Other Drgs Alt.Gut Motility'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 8575714, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 27008513, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking Drugs'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 10108322, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 25187489, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 89224667, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Bronchodilators'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 5466184, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 10313279, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Drugs For Genito-Urinary Disorders'}, {'values': [{'y': 13015487, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 44334808, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 13015487, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 45130626, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Drugs Used In Diabetes'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 12168533, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': "Drugs Used In Park'ism/Related Disorders"}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 28670250, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Drugs Used In Psychoses & Rel.Disorders'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 11069531, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Drugs Used In Substance Dependence'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 8694786, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Hypothalamic&Pituitary Hormones&Antioest'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 9855456, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Sex Hormones & Antag In Malig Disease'}, {'values': [{'y': 0, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 0, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 7848808, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 25446045, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'Treatment Of Glaucoma'}, {'values': [{'y': 864112, 'x': 'known-homozygous'}, {'y': 6107013, 'x': 'known-all variants'}, {'y': 19047162, 'x': 'putative-homozygous'}, {'y': 15754588, 'x': 'putative-all variants'}], 'key': 'other'}] ### PER DRUG TABLE ## drug data nhs_sections = NHSPrescribings.objects.all().values("drugname__name", "bnf_section").distinct() section_dict = {} for drug in nhs_sections: if drug['drugname__name'] in section_dict: section_dict[drug['drugname__name']].append(drug['bnf_section']) else: section_dict[drug['drugname__name']] = [drug['bnf_section']] nhs_data = NHSPrescribings.objects.all().values('drugname__name').annotate(Avg('actual_cost'), Avg('items'), Avg('quantity')) drug_data = [] temp = {} for i in nhs_data: ## druginformation drugname = i['drugname__name'] average_cost = int(i['actual_cost__avg']) average_quantity = int(i['quantity__avg']) average_items = int(i['items__avg']) section = section_dict[drugname] if average_items > 0: item_cost= round(float(average_cost)/average_items,1) else: item_cost = 0 ## get target information protein_targets = Protein.objects.filter(drugs__name=drugname).distinct() targets = [p.entry_name.split('_human')[0].upper() for p in list(protein_targets)] known_functional = 0 for target in protein_targets: if target.entry_name in temp: known_functional += temp[target.entry_name] else: function_sites = get_functional_sites(target) known_functional += function_sites temp[target.entry_name] = function_sites putative_func = len(NaturalMutations.objects.filter(Q(protein__in=protein_targets), Q(sift_score__lte=0.05) | Q(polyphen_score__gte=0.1)).annotate(count_putative_func=Count('id'))) jsondata = {'drugname':drugname, 'targets': targets, 'average_cost': average_cost, 'average_quantity': average_quantity, 'average_items':average_items, 'item_cost':item_cost, 'known_func': known_functional, 'putative_func':putative_func, 'section':section} drug_data.append(jsondata) return render(request, 'economicburden.html', {'data':economic_data, 'drug_data':drug_data})
from __future__ import division import sys,collections,random sys.dont_write_bytecode = True def shuffle(lst): random.shuffle(lst) return lst class Thing(): id = -1 def __init__(i,**fields) : i.override(fields) i._id = = + 1 i.finalize() def finalize(i): pass def override(i,d): i.__dict__.update(d); return i def plus(i,**d): i.override(d) def __repr__(i): d = i.__dict__ name = i.__class__.__name__ return name+'{'+' '.join([':%s %s' % (k,pretty(d[k])) for k in])+ '}' def show(i): return [k for k in sorted(i.__dict__.keys()) if not "_" in k] def tunings( _ = None): return dict( Flex= [5.07, 4.05, 3.04, 2.03, 1.01, _], Pmat= [7.80, 6.24, 4.68, 3.12, 1.56, _], Prec= [6.20, 4.96, 3.72, 2.48, 1.24, _], Resl= [7.07, 5.65, 4.24, 2.83, 1.41, _], Team= [5.48, 4.38, 3.29, 2.19, 1.01, _], acap= [1.42, 1.19, 1.00, 0.85, 0.71, _], aexp= [1.22, 1.10, 1.00, 0.88, 0.81, _], cplx= [0.73, 0.87, 1.00, 1.17, 1.34, 1.74], data= [ _, 0.90, 1.00, 1.14, 1.28, _], docu= [0.81, 0.91, 1.00, 1.11, 1.23, _], ltex= [1.20, 1.09, 1.00, 0.91, 0.84, _], pcap= [1.34, 1.15, 1.00, 0.88, 0.76, _], pcon= [1.29, 1.12, 1.00, 0.90, 0.81, _], plex= [1.19, 1.09, 1.00, 0.91, 0.85, _], pvol= [ _, 0.87, 1.00, 1.15, 1.30, _], rely= [0.82, 0.92, 1.00, 1.10, 1.26, _], ruse= [ _, 0.95, 1.00, 1.07, 1.15, 1.24], sced= [1.43, 1.14, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, _], site= [1.22, 1.09, 1.00, 0.93, 0.86, 0.80], stor= [ _, _, 1.00, 1.05, 1.17, 1.46], time= [ _, _, 1.00, 1.11, 1.29, 1.63], tool= [1.17, 1.09, 1.00, 0.90, 0.78, _]) Features=dict(Sf=[ 'Prec','Flex','Resl','Team','Pmat'], Prod=['rely','data','cplx','ruse','docu'], Platform=['time','stor','pvol'], Person=['acap','pcap','pcon','aexp','plex','ltex'], Project=['tool','site','sced']) def options(): return Thing(levels=10,samples=20,shrink=0.66,round=2,epsilon=0.00, guesses=1000) Features=dict(Sf=[ 'Prec','Flex','Resl','Team','Pmat'], Prod=['rely','data','cplx','ruse','docu'], Platform=['time','stor','pvol'], Person=['acap','pcap','pcon','aexp','plex','ltex'], Project=['tool','site','sced']) def has(x,lst): try: out=lst.index(x) return out except ValueError: return None def nasa93(opt=options(),tunings=tunings()): vl=1;l=2;n=3;h=4;vh=5;xh=6 return Thing( sfem=21, kloc=22, effort=23, names= [ # 0..8 'Prec', 'Flex', 'Resl', 'Team', 'Pmat', 'rely', 'data', 'cplx', 'ruse', # 9 .. 17 'docu', 'time', 'stor', 'pvol', 'acap', 'pcap', 'pcon', 'aexp', 'plex', # 18 .. 25 'ltex', 'tool', 'site', 'sced', 'kloc', 'effort', '?defects', '?months'], projects=[ [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,25.9,117.6,808,15.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,24.6,117.6,767,15.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,7.7,31.2,240,10.1], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,8.2,36,256,10.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,9.7,25.2,302,11.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,2.2,8.4,69,6.6], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,3.5,10.8,109,7.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,66.6,352.8,2077,21.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,xh,xh,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,h,n,n,7.5,72,226,13.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,20,72,566,14.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,6,24,188,9.9], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,100,360,2832,25.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,n,n,vh,n,l,n,n,n,11.3,36,456,12.8], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,h,l,vl,n,n,n,100,215,5434,30.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,20,48,626,15.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,vl,n,n,n,100,360,4342,28.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,xh,l,h,vh,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,150,324,4868,32.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,31.5,60,986,17.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,vh,n,h,n,n,n,15,48,470,13.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,xh,l,h,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,32.5,60,1276,20.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,19.7,60,614,13.9], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,66.6,300,2077,21.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,29.5,120,920,16.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,15,90,575,15.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,38,210,1553,21.3], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,10,48,427,12.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,15.4,70,765,14.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,48.5,239,2409,21.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,16.3,82,810,14.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,12.8,62,636,13.6], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,32.6,170,1619,18.7], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,l,35.5,192,1763,19.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,5.5,18,172,9.1], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,10.4,50,324,11.2], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,14,60,437,12.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,6.5,42,290,12.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,13,60,683,14.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,90,444,3343,26.7], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,8,42,420,12.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,16,114,887,16.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,h,h,n,n,vh,h,l,h,h,n,n,l,h,n,n,l,177.9,1248,7998,31.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,302,2400,8543,38.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,h,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,h,n,n,h,n,n,282.1,1368,9820,37.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,h,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,284.7,973,8518,38.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,n,l,n,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,79,400,2327,26.9], [h,h,h,vh,l,l,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,423,2400,18447,41.9], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,vh,l,h,n,n,n,190,420,5092,30.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,n,h,n,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,47.5,252,2007,22.3], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,n,xh,n,n,h,h,l,n,n,n,h,n,n,h,n,n,21,107,1058,21.3], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,h,h,n,n,vh,n,n,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,78,571.4,4815,30.5], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,h,h,n,n,vh,n,n,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,11.4,98.8,704,15.5], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,h,h,n,n,vh,n,n,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,19.3,155,1191,18.6], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,vh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,101,750,4840,32.4], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,h,n,n,h,h,l,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,219,2120,11761,42.8], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,h,n,n,h,h,l,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,50,370,2685,25.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,h,n,n,vh,vh,n,vh,vh,n,vh,n,h,h,n,l,227,1181,6293,33.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,n,h,vh,n,n,n,n,l,h,vh,n,n,l,n,n,n,l,70,278,2950,20.2], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,n,l,0.9,8.4,28,4.9], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,l,xh,n,n,xh,vh,l,h,h,n,vh,vl,h,n,n,n,980,4560,50961,96.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,vh,vh,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,350,720,8547,35.7], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,n,xh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,n,70,458,2404,27.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,n,xh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,n,271,2460,9308,43.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,90,162,2743,25.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,40,150,1219,18.9], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,h,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,137,636,4210,32.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,h,n,n,h,n,h,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,150,882,5848,36.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,vh,n,h,n,n,h,n,l,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,339,444,8477,45.9], [h,h,h,vh,n,l,h,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,h,n,h,n,h,n,n,n,240,192,10313,37.1], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,144,576,6129,28.8], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,l,n,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,151,432,6136,26.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,l,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,34,72,1555,16.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,n,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,98,300,4907,24.4], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,n,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,85,300,4256,23.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,l,n,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,20,240,813,12.8], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,l,n,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,111,600,4511,23.5], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,vh,h,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,162,756,7553,32.4], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,h,vh,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,352,1200,17597,42.9], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,vh,n,n,n,vh,l,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,l,165,97,7867,31.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,n,vh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,60,409,2004,24.9], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,n,vh,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,100,703,3340,29.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,vh,vh,n,n,xh,xh,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,32,1350,2984,33.6], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,h,h,n,n,vh,xh,h,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,53,480,2227,28.8], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,vh,n,n,vh,xh,l,vh,vh,n,vh,vl,vl,h,n,n,41,599,1594,23.0], [h,h,h,vh,h,h,l,vh,n,n,vh,xh,l,vh,vh,n,vh,vl,vl,h,n,n,24,430,933,19.2], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,165,4178.2,6266,47.3], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,65,1772.5,2468,34.5], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,70,1645.9,2658,35.4], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,xh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,50,1924.5,2102,34.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,l,vh,n,n,vh,xh,l,h,n,n,l,vl,l,h,n,n,7.25,648,406,15.6], [h,h,h,vh,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,xh,xh,n,h,h,n,h,h,h,n,n,n,233,8211,8848,53.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,vh,n,n,vh,vh,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,n,16.3,480,1253,21.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,vh,n,n,vh,vh,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,n, 6.2, 12,477,15.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,vh,n,n,vh,vh,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,n,n,n, 3.0, 38,231,12.0], ]) def coc81(opt=options(),tunings=tunings()): vl=1;l=2;n=3;h=4;vh=5;xh=6 return Thing( sfem=21, kloc=22, effort=23, names= [ 'Prec', 'Flex', 'Resl', 'Team', 'Pmat', 'rely', 'data', 'cplx', 'ruse', 'docu', 'time', 'stor', 'pvol', 'acap', 'pcap', 'pcon', 'aexp', 'plex', 'ltex', 'tool', 'site', 'sced', 'kloc', 'effort', '?defects', '?months'], projects=[ [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,vh,vl,n,n,n,h,h,l,l,n,l,l,n,vl,h,n,113,2040,13027,38.4], [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,vh,l,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,h,h,h,vl,h,n,293,1600,25229,48.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,vh,l,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,vh,h,h,l,h,n,132,243,3694,28.7], [h,h,h,vh,vl,vl,vh,vl,n,n,n,n,l,l,vl,n,h,n,h,vl,h,n,60,240,5688,28.0], [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,l,n,n,n,n,n,l,n,h,n,n,h,h,vl,h,n,16,33,970,14.3], [h,h,h,vh,vl,vl,n,l,n,n,n,vh,n,vl,vl,n,n,h,h,vl,h,n,4,43,553,11.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,vl,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,6.9,8,350,10.3], [h,h,h,vh,vl,h,l,vh,n,n,xh,xh,vh,vh,n,n,h,vl,vl,vl,h,l,22,1075,3511,24.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,l,vh,n,n,vh,vh,h,h,h,n,n,l,l,vl,h,n,30,423,1989,24.1], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,xh,n,h,h,n,vh,h,n,vl,h,n,29,321,1496,23.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,xh,n,h,h,n,vh,h,n,vl,h,n,32,218,1651,24.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,l,vh,n,n,h,h,n,h,h,n,vh,n,h,vl,h,l,37,201,1783,19.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,l,vh,n,n,h,h,h,vh,vh,n,n,l,n,vl,h,n,25,79,1138,18.4], [h,h,h,vh,vl,h,l,xh,n,n,vh,xh,h,h,vh,n,n,l,l,vl,h,vl,3,60,387,9.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,vh,l,vh,n,n,vh,h,h,h,h,n,l,vl,vl,vl,h,vl,3.9,61,276,9.5], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,n,vh,n,n,vh,xh,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,vl,h,n,6.1,40,390,14.9], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,n,vh,n,n,vh,xh,n,h,h,n,vh,n,n,vl,h,n,3.6,9,230,12.3], [h,h,h,vh,vl,h,vh,h,n,n,vh,vh,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,vl,h,l,320,11400,34588,52.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,h,n,n,n,h,vh,l,vh,n,n,h,n,n,l,h,n,1150,6600,41248,67.0], [h,h,h,vh,vl,vh,h,vh,n,n,h,vh,h,vh,n,n,vh,l,l,vl,h,l,299,6400,30955,53.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,vh,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,n,l,h,n,252,2455,11664,40.8], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,h,h,n,vh,h,n,vl,h,vl,118,724,5172,21.7], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,h,h,n,vh,h,n,vl,h,vl,77,539,4362,19.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,l,n,l,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,vl,l,h,n,h,n,90,453,4407,27.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,vh,vh,n,n,n,h,n,h,h,n,n,l,n,l,h,l,38,523,2269,20.2], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,h,h,h,h,n,n,l,n,vl,h,l,48,387,2419,18.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,l,h,n,n,n,vh,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,vl,h,l,9.4,88,517,12.1], [h,h,h,vh,vl,h,h,vh,n,n,h,vh,h,h,h,n,n,l,l,vl,h,n,13,98,1473,19.6], [h,h,h,vh,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,vl,n,n,l,h,vl,2.14,7.3,138,5.3], [h,h,h,vh,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,h,n,vl,n,n,l,h,vl,1.98,5.9,128,5.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,vh,h,n,n,n,n,xh,h,h,h,n,vh,l,l,vl,h,n,62,1063,3682,32.8], [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,h,l,n,n,n,n,n,vh,n,n,vh,n,n,vl,h,n,390,702,30484,45.8], [h,h,h,vh,n,vh,h,vh,n,n,n,xh,h,h,h,n,vh,h,n,l,h,n,42,605,1803,27.1], [h,h,h,vh,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,vl,h,vl,23,230,1271,14.2], [h,h,h,vh,vl,vl,l,vh,n,n,n,vh,h,n,n,n,h,l,n,vl,h,n,13,82,2250,17.2], [h,h,h,vh,l,l,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,l,l,n,n,h,h,l,h,n,15,55,1004,15.8], [h,h,h,vh,l,l,l,vl,n,n,n,h,n,h,h,n,vh,n,n,vl,h,n,60,47,2883,20.3], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,l,vh,n,n,h,h,h,l,h,n,15,12,504,13.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,l,vh,vh,n,vh,n,h,vl,h,n,6.2,8,197,9.6], [h,h,h,vh,vl,n,l,vh,n,n,n,n,n,h,l,n,vh,n,n,vl,h,n,n,8,294,9.5], [h,h,h,vh,n,l,l,n,n,n,n,n,l,n,vh,n,vh,h,h,l,h,n,5.3,6,173,8.7], [h,h,h,vh,l,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,vl,h,n,45.5,45,2645,21.0], [h,h,h,vh,l,n,n,n,n,n,n,vh,l,h,n,n,n,h,h,vl,h,n,28.6,83,1416,18.9], [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,n,n,n,n,n,vh,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,vl,h,n,30.6,87,2444,20.5], [h,h,h,vh,l,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,vl,h,n,35,106,2198,20.1], [h,h,h,vh,l,l,n,n,n,n,n,h,l,n,h,n,n,h,h,vl,h,n,73,126,4188,25.1], [h,h,h,vh,vl,vl,l,vh,n,n,n,n,l,vh,vh,n,vh,l,l,vl,h,n,23,36,2161,15.6], [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,l,l,n,n,n,n,l,l,l,n,h,h,h,vl,h,n,464,1272,32002,53.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,n,vh,vh,n,n,l,n,l,h,n,91,156,2874,22.6], [h,h,h,vh,l,h,n,n,n,n,vh,vh,n,h,h,n,n,l,n,vl,h,n,24,176,1541,20.3], [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,l,vl,n,n,n,h,vl,h,n,10,122,1225,16.2], [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,l,l,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,n,l,l,vl,h,n,8.2,41,855,13.1], [h,h,h,vh,l,l,l,h,n,n,h,vh,vh,vh,vh,n,n,l,l,vl,h,l,5.3,14,533,9.3], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,n,n,n,n,h,h,n,n,n,vh,n,h,vl,h,n,4.4,20,216,10.6], [h,h,h,vh,vl,l,l,vl,n,n,n,n,l,h,l,n,vh,h,h,vl,h,n,6.3,18,309,9.6], [h,h,h,vh,vl,h,l,vh,n,n,vh,vh,n,h,n,n,h,l,l,vl,h,l,27,958,3203,21.1], [h,h,h,vh,vl,n,l,h,n,n,h,vh,vh,n,n,n,n,l,l,vl,h,vl,17,237,2622,16.0], [h,h,h,vh,n,vh,l,vh,n,n,xh,vh,n,vh,vh,n,vh,h,h,vl,h,n,25,130,813,20.9], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,h,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,vl,h,n,23,70,1294,18.2], [h,h,h,vh,vl,h,l,vh,n,n,h,h,n,h,h,n,l,l,l,vl,h,l,6.7,57,650,11.3], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,l,h,h,n,n,h,n,vl,h,n,28,50,997,16.4], [h,h,h,vh,n,l,l,vh,n,n,h,vh,h,n,vh,n,vh,vl,vl,vl,h,n,9.1,38,918,15.3], [h,h,h,vh,n,n,l,h,n,n,n,n,n,vh,h,n,vh,n,n,vl,h,n,10,15,418,11.6], ]) def sdiv(lst, tiny=3,cohen=0.3, num1=lambda x:x[0], num2=lambda x:x[1]): "Divide lst of (num1,num2) using variance of num2." #---------------------------------------------- class Counts(): # Add/delete counts of numbers. def __init__(i,inits=[]): for number in inits: i + number def zero(i): i.n = = i.m2 = 0.0 def sd(i) : if i.n < 2: return else: return (max(0,i.m2)*1.0/(i.n - 1))**0.5 def __add__(i,x): i.n += 1 delta = x - += delta/(1.0*i.n) i.m2 += delta*(x - def __sub__(i,x): if i.n < 2: return i.n -= 1 delta = x - -= delta/(1.0*i.n) i.m2 -= delta*(x - #---------------------------------------------- def divide(this,small): #Find best divide of 'this' lhs,rhs = Counts(), Counts(num2(x) for x in this) n0, least, cut = 1.0*rhs.n,, None for j,x in enumerate(this): if lhs.n > tiny and rhs.n > tiny: maybe= lhs.n/n0* rhs.n/n0* if maybe < least : if abs( - >= small: cut,least = j,maybe rhs - num2(x) lhs + num2(x) return cut,least #---------------------------------------------- def recurse(this, small,cuts): cut,sd = divide(this,small) if cut: recurse(this[:cut], small, cuts) recurse(this[cut:], small, cuts) else: cuts += [(sd * len(this)/len(lst),this)] return cuts #---| main |----------------------------------- small = Counts(num2(x) for x in lst).sd()*cohen if lst: return recurse(sorted(lst,key=num1),small,[]) def fss(d=coc81(),want=0.25): rank=[] for i in range(d.sfem): xs=sdiv(d.projects, num1=lambda x:x[i], num2=lambda x:x[d.effort]) xpect = sum(map(lambda x: x[0],xs)) rank += [(xpect,i)] rank = sorted(rank) keep = int(len(rank)*want) doomed= map(lambda x:x[1], rank[keep:]) for project in d.projects: for col in doomed: project[col] = 3 return d def less(d=coc81(),n=2): skipped = 0 names0 = d.names toUse,doomed = [],[] for v in Features.values(): toUse += v[:n] for n,name in enumerate(names0): if n >= d.sfem: break if not has(name,toUse): doomed += [n] for project in d.projects: for col in doomed: project[col] = 3 return d def meanr(lst): total=n=0.00001 for x in lst: if not x == None: total += x n += 1 return total/n def tothree(lst): below=lst[:2] above=lst[3:] m1 = meanr(below) m2= meanr(above) below = [m1 for _ in below] above = [m2 for _ in above] return below + [lst[2]] + above def rr3(lst): #return lst r = 1 if lst[0]> 2 : r = 0 def rr1(n): return round(x,r) if x else None tmp= tothree([rr1(x) for x in lst]) return tmp def rr5(lst): if lst[0] > 2: return [6,5,4,3,2,1] if lst[0] < 0: return [0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] return [1.2,1.1,1,0.9,0.8,0.7] def rrs5(d): for k in d: d[k] = rr5(d[k]) return d def rrs3(d): for k in d: d[k] = rr3(d[k]) return d def detune(m,tun=tunings()): def best(at,one,lst): least,x = 100000,None for n,item in enumerate(lst): if item: tmp = abs(one - item) if tmp < least: least = tmp x = n return x def detuned(project): for n,(name,val) in enumerate(zip(m.names,project)): if n <= m.sfem: project[n] = best(n,val,tun[name]) + 1 return project m.projects = [detuned(project) for project in m.projects] for p in m.projects: print p return m ######################################### # begin code ## imports import random,math,sys r = random.random any = random.choice seed = random.seed exp = lambda n: math.e**n ln = lambda n: math.log(n,math.e) g = lambda n: round(n,2) def say(x): sys.stdout.write(str(x)) sys.stdout.flush() def nl(): print "" ## classes class Score(Thing): def finalize(i) : i.all = [] i.residuals=[] i.raw=[] i.use=False def seen(i,got,want): i.residuals += [abs(got - want)] i.raw += [got - want] tmp = i.mre(got,want) i.all += [tmp] return tmp def mar(i): return median(sorted(i.residuals)) #return sum(i.residuals) / len(i.residuals) def sanity(i,baseline): return i.mar()*1.0/baseline def mre(i,got,want): return abs(got- want)*1.0/(0.001+want) def mmre(i): return sum(i.all)*1.0/len(i.all) def medre(i): return median(sorted(i.all)) def pred(i,n=30): total = 0.0 for val in i.all: if val <= n*0.01: total += 1 return total*1.0/len(i.all) ## low-level utils def pretty(s): if isinstance(s,float): return '%.3f' % s else: return '%s' % s def stats(l,ordered=False): if not ordered: l= sorted(l) p25= l[len(l)/4] p50= l[len(l)/2] p75= l[len(l)*3/4] p100= l[-1] print p50, p75-p25, p100 ## mode prep def valued(d,opt,t=tunings()): for old in d.projects: for i,name in enumerate(d.names): if i <= d.sfem: tmp = old[i] if not isinstance(tmp,float): tmp = old[i] - 1 old[i] = round(t[name][tmp],opt.round) return d #################################### def median(lst,ordered=False): if not ordered: lst= sorted(lst) n = len(lst) if n==0: return 0 if n==1: return lst[0] if n==2: return (lst[0] + lst[1])*0.5 if n % 2: return lst[n//2] n = n//2 return (lst[n] + lst[n+1]) * 0.5 class Count: def __init__(i,name="counter"): i.lo = 10**32 i.hi= -1*10**32 i._all = [] i._also = None def keep(i,n): i._also= None if n > i.hi: i.hi = n if n < i.lo: i.lo = n i._all += [n] def centroid(i):return i.also().median def all(i): return i.also().all def also(i): if not i._also: i._all = sorted(i._all) if not i._all: i._also = Thing(all=i._all, median=0) else: i._also = Thing(all=i._all, median=median(i._all)) return i._also def norm(i,n): #return n return (n - i.lo)*1.0 / (i.hi - i.lo + 0.0001) def clone(old,data=[]): return Model(map(lambda x:,old.headers), data) class Model: def __init__(i,names,data=[],indep=0): i.indep = indep i.headers = [Count(name) for name in names] i._also = None i.rows = [] for row in data: i.keep(row) def centroid(i): return i.also().centroid def xy(i) : return i.also().xy def also(i): if not i._also: xs, ys = 0,0 for row in i.rows: xs += row.x ys += row.y n = len(i.rows)+0.0001 i._also= Thing( centroid= map(lambda x: x.centroid(), i.headers), xy = (xs/n, ys/n)) return i._also def keep(i,row): i._also = None if isinstance(row,Row): content=row.cells else: content=row row = Row(cells=row) for cell,header in zip(content,i.headers): header.keep(cell) i.rows += [row] class Row(Thing): def finalize(i): i.x = i.y = 0 def xy(i,x,y): if not i.x: i.x, i.y = x,y def lo(m,x) : return m.headers[x].lo def hi(m,x) : return m.headers[x].hi def norm(m,x,n) : return m.headers[x].norm(n) def cosineRule(z,m,c,west,east,slots): a = dist(m,z,west,slots) b = dist(m,z,east,slots) x= (a*a + c*c - b*b)/(2*c+0.00001) # cosine rule y= max(0,a**2 - x**2)**0.5 return x,y def fastmap(m,data,slots): "Divide data into two using distance to two distant items." one = any(data) # 1) pick anything west = furthest(m,one,data,slots) # 2) west is as far as you can go from anything east = furthest(m,west,data,slots) # 3) east is as far as you can go from west c = dist(m,west,east,slots) # now find everyone's distance lst = [] for one in data: x,y= cosineRule(one,m,c,west,east,slots) one.xy(x,y) lst += [(x, one)] lst = sorted(lst) wests,easts = [], [] cut = len(lst) // 2 cutx = lst[cut][0] for x,one in lst: what = wests if x <= cutx else easts what += [one] return wests,west, easts,east,cutx,c def dist(m,i,j,slots): "Euclidean distance 0 <= d <= 1 between decisions" d1,d2 = slots.what(i), slots.what(j) n = len(d1) deltas = 0 for d in range(n): n1 = norm(m, d, d1[d]) n2 = norm(m, d, d2[d]) inc = (n1-n2)**2 deltas += inc return deltas**0.5 / n**0.5 def furthest(m,i,all,slots, init = 0, better = lambda x,y: x>y): "find which of all is furthest from 'i'" out,d= i,init for j in all: if not i == j: tmp = dist(m,i,j,slots) if better(tmp,d): out,d = j,tmp return out def myCentroid(row,t): x1,y1=row.x,row.y out,d=None,10**32 for leaf in leaves(t): x2,y2=leaf.m.xy() tmp = ((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)**0.5 if tmp < d: out,d=leaf,tmp return out def centroid2(row,t): x1,y1=row.x,row.y out=[] for leaf in leaves(t): x2,y2 = leaf.m.xy() tmp = ((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)**0.5 out += [(tmp,leaf)] out = sorted(out) if len(out)==0: return [(None,None),(None,None)] if len(out) ==1: return out[0],out[0] else: return out[0],out[1] def where0(**other): return Thing(minSize = 10, # min leaf size depthMin= 2, # no pruning till this depth depthMax= 10, # max tree depth b4 = '|.. ', # indent string verbose = False, # show trace info? what = lambda x: x.cells ).override(other) def where(m,data,slots=None): slots = slots or where0() return where1(m,data,slots,0,10**32) def where1(m, data, slots, lvl, sd0,parent=None): here = Thing(m=clone(m,data), up=parent, _west=None,_east=None,leafp=False) def tooDeep(): return lvl > slots.depthMax def tooFew() : return len(data) < slots.minSize def show(suffix): if slots.verbose: print slots.b4*lvl + str(len(data)) + suffix if tooDeep() or tooFew(): show(".") here.leafp=True else: show("1") wests,west, easts,east,cut,c = fastmap(m,data,slots), cut=cut, west=west, east=east) sd1=Num("west",[slots.klass(w) for w in wests]).spread() sd2=Num("east",[slots.klass(e) for e in easts]).spread() goWest = goEast = True if lvl > 0: goWest = sd1 < sd0 goEast = sd2 < sd0 if goWest: here._west = where1(m, wests, slots, lvl+1, sd1,here) if goEast: here._east = where1(m, easts, slots, lvl+1, sd2,here) return here def leaf(t,row,slots,lvl=1): if t.leafp: return t else: x,_ = cosineRule(row, t.m, t.c,t.west,t.east,slots) return leaf(t._west if x <= t.cut else t._east, row,slots,lvl+1) def preOrder(t): if t: yield t for kid in [t._west,t._east]: for out in preOrder(kid): yield out def leaves(t): for t1 in preOrder(t): if t1.leafp: yield t1 def tprint(t,lvl=0): if t: print '|.. '*lvl + str(len(t.m.rows)), '#'+str(t._id) tprint(t._west,lvl+1) tprint(t._east,lvl+1) import sys,math,random sys.dont_write_bytecode = True def go(f): "A decorator that runs code at load time." print "\n# ---|", f.__name__,"|-----------------" if f.__doc__: print "#", f.__doc__ f() # random stuff seed = random.seed any = random.choice # pretty-prints for list def gs(lst) : return [g(x) for x in lst] def g(x) : return float('%.4f' % x) """ ### More interesting, low-level stuff """ def timing(f,repeats=10): "How long does 'f' take to run?" import time time1 = time.clock() for _ in range(repeats): f() return (time.clock() - time1)*1.0/repeats def showd(d): "Pretty print a dictionary." def one(k,v): if isinstance(v,list): v = gs(v) if isinstance(v,float): return ":%s %g" % (k,v) return ":%s %s" % (k,v) return ' '.join([one(k,v) for k,v in sorted(d.items()) if not "_" in k]) #################################### ## high-level business knowledge def effort(d,project, a=2.94,b=0.91): "Primitive estimation function" def sf(x) : return x[0].isupper() sfs , ems = 0.0, 1.0 kloc = project[d.kloc] i = -1 for name,val in zip(d.names,project): i += 1 if i > d.sfem : break if sf(name): sfs += val else: ems *= val return a*kloc**(b + 0.01*sfs) * ems def cart(train,test,most): from sklearn import tree indep = map(lambda x: x[:most+1], train) dep = map(lambda x: x[most+1], train) t = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=1).fit(indep,dep) return t.predict(test[:most+1])[0] def nc(n): return True #say(chr(ord('a') + n)) def loo(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11, s12,s13,s14,s15,s16,s17,s18,s19,s20,s21,s22,s23,s24,s25,s26, s27,s28,s29,s30,s31,s32,s33,s34,s35,s36,s37,s38,s39,s40,s41, s42,s43,s44,s45,s46,s47,s48,s49, model=nasa93,t=tunings(),opt=None,detuning=True ): "Leave one-out" if opt == None: opt=options() d= model(opt) for i,project in enumerate(d.projects): want = project[d.effort] them = d.projects[:i] + d.projects[i+1:] if s15.use: nc(15) got15=knn(model(),them,project,opt,5); s15.seen(got15,want) if s16.use: nc(16) got16=knn(model(),them,project,opt,3); s16.seen(got16,want) if s17.use: nc(17) got17=knn(model(),them,project,opt,1); s17.seen(got17,want) #say(0) if s5.use or s7.use: nc(5) got5,got7 = vasil(model,them,project); s5.seen(got5,want); s7.seen(got7,want) #say(1) if s1.use: nc(1) got1 = wildGuess(d,them,opt); s1.seen(got1,want) #say(2) if s4.use: nc(4) got4 = cart(them, project,d.kloc); s4.seen(got4,want) #say(5) if s8.use: nc(8) got8 = loc(d,them,project,3); s8.seen(got8,want) if s18.use: nc(18) got18 = loc(d,them,project,1); s18.seen(got18,want) #say(6) if s9.use or s10.use or s19.use or s20.use or s21.use or s22.use: project1 = project[:] project1[d.kloc]=0 them1=[] for one in them: tmp=one[:] tmp[d.kloc]=0 them1 += [tmp] if s9.use or s10.use: nc(9) got9,got10 = vasil(model,them1,project1); s9.seen(got9,want); s10.seen(got10,want) if s19.use: nc(19) got19=knn(model(),them1,project1,opt,5); s19.seen(got19,want) if s20.use: nc(20) got20=knn(model(),them1,project1,opt,3); s20.seen(got20,want) if s21.use: nc(21) got21=knn(model(),them1,project1,opt,1); s21.seen(got21,want) if s22.use: nc(22) got22=cart(them1, project1,d.kloc);s22.seen(got22,want) if s2.use or s3.use: d= model(opt) d = valued(d,opt) for i,project in enumerate(d.projects): want = project[d.effort] them = d.projects[:i] + d.projects[i+1:] if s2.use: nc(2) got2 = effort(d,project,2.94,0.91); s2.seen(got2,want) if s3.use: nc(3) a,b = coconut(d,them,opt); got3 = effort(d,project,a,b); s3.seen(got3,want) if s11.use or s12.use: #if not detuning: return True t=rrs3(tunings()) d=model() d = valued(d,opt,t=t) for i,project in enumerate(d.projects): want= project[d.effort] them= d.projects[:i] + d.projects[i+1:] #say(7) if s11.use: nc(11) got11=effort(d,project,2.94,0.91); s11.seen(got11,want) if s12.use: nc(12) a,b=coconut(d,them,opt) #say(8) got12= effort(d,project,a,b); s12.seen(got12,want) if s23.use or s24.use or s25.use or s26.use: t = rrs3(tunings()) d = model() d = valued(d,opt,t=t) for i,project in enumerate(d.projects): want= project[d.effort] them= d.projects[:i] + d.projects[i+1:] for n,s in [(8,s23), (12,s24), (16,s25),(4,s26)]: nc(23) them = shuffle(them)[:n] a,b = coconut(d,them,opt) got = effort(d,project,a,b); s.seen(got,want) if s27.use or s28.use or s29: for n,s in [(1,s27),(2,s28),(3,s29)]: t = rrs3(tunings()) d = model() d = less(d,n) d = valued(d,opt,t=t) for i,project in enumerate(d.projects): nc(28) want= project[d.effort] them= d.projects[:i] + d.projects[i+1:] a,b = coconut(d,them,opt) got = effort(d,project,a,b); s.seen(got,want) if s30.use or s31.use or s32.use or s33.use or s34.use or s35.use or s36.use or s37.use or s38.use or s39.use or s40.use or s41.use: for n1,n2,s in [(0.25,4,s30),(0.25,8,s31),(0.25,12,s32),(0.25,16,s33), (0.5, 4,s34),(0.5, 8,s35),(0.5, 12,s36),(0.5, 16,s37), (1,4,s38),(1,8,s39),(1,12,s40),(1,16,s41)]: t = rrs3(tunings()) d = model() d.projects = shuffle(d.projects)[:n2] d = fss(d,n1) d = valued(d,opt,t=t) for i,project in enumerate(d.projects): nc(36) want= project[d.effort] them= d.projects[:i] + d.projects[i+1:] a,b = coconut(d,them,opt) got = effort(d,project,a,b); s.seen(got,want) if s13.use or s14.use: t=rrs5(tunings()) d=model() d = valued(d,opt,t=t) for i,project in enumerate(d.projects): want= project[d.effort] them= d.projects[:i] + d.projects[i+1:] #say(9) if s13.use: nc(13) got13=effort(d,project,2.94,0.91); s13.seen(got13,want) if s14.use: nc(14) a,b=coconut(d,them,opt) #say("+") got14= effort(d,project,a,b); s14.seen(got14,want) if s42.use or s43.use or s44.use or s45.use or s46.use or s47.use or s48.use or s49.use: n1 = 0.5 n2 = 8 for noise,(carts,cocs,nuts,nears) in [ (.25, ( s42, s44, s46, s48)), (.5, ( s43, s45,s47, s49)) ]: t = rrs3(tunings()) d = model() d.projects = shuffle(d.projects)[:n2] d = fss(d,n1) d = valued(d,opt,t=t) for project in d.projects: old = project[d.kloc] new = old * ((1 - noise) + 2*noise*random.random()) project[d.kloc]= new for i,project in enumerate(d.projects): nc(42) want= project[d.effort] them= d.projects[:i] + d.projects[i+1:] a,b=coconut(d,them,opt) nuts.seen(effort(d,project,a,b) ,want) carts.seen(cart(them, project,d.kloc),want) cocs.seen(effort(d,project) ,want) def loc(d,them,project,n): me = project[d.kloc] all= sorted([(abs(me-x[d.kloc]),x[d.effort]) for x in them]) one = two = three = four = five = all[0][1] if len(them) > 1: two = all[1][1] if len(them) > 2: three=all[2][1] if len(them) > 3: four=all[3][1] if len(them) > 4: five=all[4][1] # look at that: mean works as well as triangular kernel if n == 1 : return one if n == 2 : return (one *2 + two*1)/3 if n == 3 : return (one*3 + two*2+ three*1)/6 if n == 4 : return (one * 4 + two * 3 + three * 2 + four * 1)/10 return (one*5 + two*4 + three*3 + four*2 + five*1)/15 # if n == 1 : return one # if n == 2 : return (one *1 + two*1)/2 # if n == 3 : return (one*1 + two*1+ three*1)/3 # if n == 4 : return (one * 1 + two * 1 + three * 1 + four * 1)/4 # return (one*1 + two*1 + three*1 + four*1 + five*1)/5 def walk(lst): lst = sorted([(median(x[1].all),x[0],x[1].all) for x in lst]) say( lst[0][1]) walk1(lst[0],lst[1:]) print "" def walk1(this,those): if those: that=those[0] _,n1=this[1], this[2] w2,n2=that[1], that[2] if mwu(n1,n2) : say(" < "+ str(w2)) walk1(that,those[1:]) else: say(" = " + str(w2)) walk1(("","",n1+n2),those[1:]) def a12slow(lst1,lst2,rev=True): "how often is x in lst1 more than y in lst2?" more = same = 0.0 for x in lst1: for y in lst2: if x==y : same += 1 elif rev and x > y : more += 1 elif not rev and x < y : more += 1 x= (more + 0.5*same) / (len(lst1)*len(lst2)) #if x > 0.71: return g(x),"B" #if x > 0.64: return g(x),"M" return x> 0.6 #g(x),"S" def a12cmp(x,y): if y - x > 0 : return 1 if y - x < 0 : return -1 else: return 0 a12s=0 def a12(lst1,lst2, gt= a12cmp): "how often is x in lst1 more than y in lst2?" global a12s a12s += 1 def loop(t,t1,t2): while t1.j < t1.n and t2.j < t2.n: h1 = t1.l[t1.j] h2 = t2.l[t2.j] h3 = t2.l[t2.j+1] if t2.j+1 < t2.n else None if gt(h1,h2) < 0: t1.j += 1; += t2.n - t2.j elif h1 == h2: if h3 and gt(h1,h3) < 0: += t2.n - t2.j - 1 t1.j += 1; t1.eq += 1; t2.eq += 1 else: t2,t1 = t1,t2 return*1.0, t.eq*1.0 #-------------------------- lst1 = sorted(lst1, cmp=gt) lst2 = sorted(lst2, cmp=gt) n1 = len(lst1) n2 = len(lst2) t1 = Thing(l=lst1,j=0,eq=0,gt=0,n=n1) t2 = Thing(l=lst2,j=0,eq=0,gt=0,n=n2) gt,eq= loop(t1, t1, t2) #print gt,eq,n1,n2 return gt/(n1*n2) + eq/2/(n1*n2) class Counts(): # Add/delete counts of numbers. def __init__(i,inits=[]): i.n = = i.m2 = 0.0 for number in inits: i + number def sd(i) : if i.n < 2: return else: return (i.m2*1.0/(i.n - 1))**0.5 def __add__(i,x): i.n += 1 delta = x - += delta/(1.0*i.n) i.m2 += delta*(x - def wildGuess(d,projects,opt): tally = 0 for _ in xrange(opt.guesses): project = any(projects) tally += project[d.effort] return tally*1.0/opt.guesses def coconut(d,tests,opt,lvl=None,err=10**6, a=10,b=1,ar=10,br=0.5): "Chase good a,b settings" #return 2.94,0.91 def efforts(a,b): s=Score() for project in tests: got = effort(d,project,a,b) want = project[d.effort] s.seen(got,want) return s.mmre() if lvl == None: lvl=opt.levels if lvl < 1 : return a,b old = err for _ in range(opt.samples): a1 = a - ar + 2*ar*r() b1 = b - br + 2*br*r() tmp = efforts(a1,b1) if tmp < err: a,b,err = a1,b1,tmp if (old - err)/old < opt.epsilon: return a,b else: return coconut(d,tests,opt,lvl-1,err, a=a,b=b, ar=ar*opt.shrink, br=br*opt.shrink) ## sampple main def main(model=nasa93): xseed(1) for shrink in [0.66,0.5,0.33]: for sam in [5,10,20]: for lvl in [5,10,20]: for rnd in [0,1,2]: opt=options() opt.shrink=shrink opt.samples=sam opt.round = rnd opt.levels = lvl loo(model=model,opt=opt) ######################################### # start up code def mwu(l1,l2): import numpy as np from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu #print "l1>",map(g,sorted(l1)) #print "l2>",map(g,sorted(l2)) _, p_value = mannwhitneyu(np.array(l1), np.array(l2)) return p_value <= 0.05 # for e in [1,2,4]: # print "\n" # l1 = [r()**e for _ in xrange(100)] # for y in [1.01,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, 1.5]: # l2 = map(lambda x: x*y,l1) # print e,y,mwu(l1,l2) def test1(repeats=10,models=[coc81],what='locOrNot'): seed(1) print repeats,what,map(lambda x:x.__name__,models) #for m in [ newCIIdata, xyz14,nasa93,coc81]: import time detune=False for m in models: #(newCIIdataDeTune,True),#, #, # (xyz14deTune,True) # #(coc81,True), #(nasa93,True) # ]: s1=Score(); s2=Score(); s3=Score(); s4=Score(); s5=Score(); s6=Score(); s7=Score(); s8=Score() s9=Score(); s10=Score(); s11=Score(); s12=Score(); s13=Score(); s14=Score(); s15=Score(); s16=Score(); s17=Score(); s18=Score() s19=Score(); s20=Score(); s21=Score(); s22=Score() s23=Score() s24=Score(); s25=Score(); s26=Score() s27=Score(); s28=Score(); s29=Score() s30=Score(); s31=Score(); s32=Score() s33=Score(); s34=Score(); s35=Score() s36=Score(); s37=Score(); s38=Score() s39=Score(); s40=Score(); s41=Score() s42=Score(); s43=Score(); s44=Score() s45=Score(); s46=Score(); s47=Score() s48=Score(); s49=Score(); # loc or no loc exps =dict(locOrNot = [("coc2000",s2),("coconut",s3), ("loc(3)",s8), ("loc(1)",s18), #('knear(3)',s16), ("knear(3) noloc",s20), #('knear(1)',s17),("knear(1) noloc",s21) ], basicRun = [("coc2000",s2),("coconut",s3), ('knear(3)',s16),('knear(1)',s17), #("cluster(1)",s5), ("cluster(2)",s7), ("cart",s4)], qualitative= [("coc2000",s2),("coconut",s3), #('knear(3)',s16),('knear(1)',s17), ("coco2000(simp)",s13), ("coconut(simp)",s14), ("coco2000(lmh)",s11), ("coconut(lmh)",s12)], other = [('(c=1)n-noloc',s9),('(c=2)n-noloc',s10)], less = [("coc2000",s2),("coconut",s3), ("coco2000(lmh)",s11), ("coconut(lmh)",s12), ('coconut(lmh8)',s23),('coconut(lmh12)',s24), ('coconut(lmh16)',s25), ('coconut(lmh4)',s26)], lessCols = [("coc2000",s2),("coconut",s3), ('coconut(just5)',s27), ('coconut(just10)',s28), ('coconut(just15)',s29)], fssCols = [("coc2000",s2),("coconut",s3), ('coconut:c*0.25,r=4',s30), ('coconut:c*0.25,r=8',s31), #('coconut:c*0.25,r=12',s32), #('coconut:c*0.25,r=16',s33), ('coconut:c*0.5,r=4',s34), ('coconut:c*0.5,r=8',s35), #('coconut:c*0.5,r=12',s36), #('coconut:c*1,r=16',s37), ('coconut:c*1,r=4',s38), ('coconut:c*1,r=8',s39), #('coconut:c*1,r=12',s40), #('coconut:c*1,r=16',s41) ], noise = [ ("cart",s4), ("cart/4",s42), ("cart/2",s43), ("coc2000",s2), ("coc2000n/4",s44), ("coc2000n/2",s45), ('coconut:c*0.5,r=8',s35), ('coconut:c*0.5r=8n/4',s46) , ('coconut:c*0.5,r=8n/2',s47), ('knear(1)',s17), ('knear(1)/4',s48), ('knear(1)/2',s49) ] ) lst = exps[what] print '%',what for _,s in lst: s.use=True t1=time.clock() print "\n\\subsection{%s}" % m.__name__ say("%") for i in range(repeats): say(' ' + str(i)) loo(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13, s14,s15,s16,s17,s18,s19,s20,s21,s22,s23,s24,s25,s26, s27,s28,s29,s30,s31,s32, s33,s34,s35,s36,s37,s38,s39,s40,s41,s42,s43,s44,s45,s46,s47,s48,s49, model=m,detuning=detune) global bs global a12s bs = a12=0 t2 = time.clock() print "=" rdivDemo([[x[0]] + x[1].all for x in lst if x[1].all]) t3 = time.clock() print "\n :learn",t2-t1,":analyze",t3-t2,":boots",bs,"effects",a12s,":conf",0.99**bs #print 'B>', bootstrap([1,2,3,4,5],[1,2,3,4,5]) def knn(src,them,project,opt,k): slots = where0(what= lambda x:cocVals(x,src.effort)) m0=Model(src.names,src.projects) m1=clone(m0,them) w = [None]*k ws = 0 for i in range(k): ws += i+1 for i in range(k): w[i] = (i+1)/ws w.reverse() #w = [1/k]*k dists =[(dist(m1,Row(cells=that),Row(cells=project),slots),that[src.effort]) for that in them] est = 0 for w1,(_,x) in zip(w,sorted(dists)[:k]): est += w1*x return est def cocVals(row,n): if isinstance(row,Row): row=row.cells return row[:n] def vasil(src,data,project): all = src() m0 = Model(all.names,all.projects) m1 = clone(m0,data) e = all.effort slots = where0(what= lambda x:cocVals(x,e) ,klass=lambda x:x.cells[all.effort]) t = where(m1,m1.rows,slots) row = Row(cells=project) got1 = got2 = Num(slots.klass(r) for r in data).median() (d1,c1),(d2,c2) = centroid2(row,t) if c1 or c2: w1,w2 = 1/(d1+0.0001), 1/(d2+0.0001) e1 = c1.m.centroid()[e] e2 = c2.m.centroid()[e] got2 = (w1*e1 + w2*e2) / (w1+w2) got1=myCentroid(row,t).m.centroid()[e] #got1b=leaf(t,row,slots).m.centroid()[e] return got1,got2 class Num: "An Accumulator for numbers" def __init__(i,name,inits=[]): i.n = i.m2 = = 0.0 i.all=[] i._median=None = name i.rank = 0 for x in inits: i.add(x) def s(i) : return (i.m2/(i.n - 1))**0.5 def add(i,x): i._median=None i.n += 1 i.all += [x] delta = x - += delta*1.0/i.n i.m2 += delta*(x - def __add__(i,j): return Num( +,i.all + j.all) def quartiles(i): def p(x) : return int(100*g(xs[x])) i.median() xs = i.all n = int(len(xs)*0.25) return p(n) , p(2*n) , p(3*n) def median(i): if not i._median: i.all = sorted(i.all) i._median=median(i.all) return i._median def __lt__(i,j): return i.median() < j.median() def spread(i): i.all=sorted(i.all) n1=i.n*0.25 n2=i.n*0.75 if len(i.all) <= 1: return 0 if len(i.all) == 2: return i.all[1] - i.all[0] else: return i.all[int(n2)] - i.all[int(n1)] def different(l1,l2): #return bootstrap(l1,l2) and a12(l2,l1) return a12(l2,l1) and bootstrap(l1,l2) def scottknott(data,cohen=0.3,small=3, useA12=False,epsilon=0.01): """Recursively split data, maximizing delta of the expected value of the mean before and after the splits. Reject splits with under 3 items""" #data = [d for d in data if d.spread() < 0.75] all = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,data) #print sorted(all.all) same = lambda l,r: abs(l.median() - r.median()) <= all.s()*cohen if useA12: same = lambda l, r: not different(l.all,r.all) big = lambda n: n > small return rdiv(data,all,minMu,big,same,epsilon) def rdiv(data, # a list of class Nums all, # all the data combined into one num div, # function: find the best split big, # function: rejects small splits same, # function: rejects similar splits epsilon): # small enough to split two parts """Looks for ways to split sorted data, Recurses into each split. Assigns a 'rank' number to all the leaf splits found in this way. """ def recurse(parts,all,rank=0): "Split, then recurse on each part." cut,left,right = maybeIgnore(div(parts,all,big,epsilon), same,parts) if cut: # if cut, rank "right" higher than "left" rank = recurse(parts[:cut],left,rank) + 1 rank = recurse(parts[cut:],right,rank) else: # if no cut, then all get same rank for part in parts: part.rank = rank return rank recurse(sorted(data),all) return data def maybeIgnore((cut,left,right), same,parts): if cut: if same(sum(parts[:cut],Num('upto')), sum(parts[cut:],Num('above'))): cut = left = right = None return cut,left,right def minMu(parts,all,big,epsilon): """Find a cut in the parts that maximizes the expected value of the difference in the mean before and after the cut. Reject splits that are insignificantly different or that generate very small subsets. """ cut,left,right = None,None,None before, mu = 0, for i,l,r in leftRight(parts,epsilon): if big(l.n) and big(r.n): n = all.n * 1.0 now = l.n/n*(mu-**2 + r.n/n*(mu-**2 if now > before: before,cut,left,right = now,i,l,r return cut,left,right def leftRight(parts,epsilon=0.01): """Iterator. For all items in 'parts', return everything to the left and everything from here to the end. For reasons of efficiency, take a first pass over the data to pre-compute and cache right-hand-sides """ rights = {} n = j = len(parts) - 1 while j > 0: rights[j] = parts[j] if j < n: rights[j] += rights[j+1] j -=1 left = parts[0] for i,one in enumerate(parts): if i> 0: if parts[i]._median - parts[i-1]._median > epsilon: yield i,left,rights[i] left += one bs=0 def bootstrap(y0,z0,conf=0.01,b=1000): """The bootstrap hypothesis test from p220 to 223 of Efron's book 'An introduction to the boostrap.""" global bs bs += 1 class total(): "quick and dirty data collector" def __init__(i,some=[]): i.sum = i.n = = 0 ; i.all=[] for one in some: i.put(one) def put(i,x): i.all.append(x); i.sum +=x; i.n += 1; = float(i.sum)/i.n def __add__(i1,i2): return total(i1.all + i2.all) def testStatistic(y,z): """Checks if two means are different, tempered by the sample size of 'y' and 'z'""" tmp1 = tmp2 = 0 for y1 in y.all: tmp1 += (y1 -**2 for z1 in z.all: tmp2 += (z1 -**2 s1 = (float(tmp1)/(y.n - 1))**0.5 s2 = (float(tmp2)/(z.n - 1))**0.5 delta = - if s1+s2: delta = delta/((s1/y.n + s2/z.n)**0.5) return delta def one(lst): return lst[ int(any(len(lst))) ] def any(n) : return random.uniform(0,n) y, z = total(y0), total(z0) x = y + z tobs = testStatistic(y,z) yhat = [y1 - + for y1 in y.all] zhat = [z1 - + for z1 in z.all] bigger = 0.0 for i in range(b): if testStatistic(total([one(yhat) for _ in yhat]), total([one(zhat) for _ in zhat])) > tobs: bigger += 1 return bigger / b < conf def bootstrapd(): def worker(n=30,mu1=10,sigma1=1,mu2=10.2,sigma2=1): def g(mu,sigma) : return random.gauss(mu,sigma) x = [g(mu1,sigma1) for i in range(n)] y = [g(mu2,sigma2) for i in range(n)] return n,mu1,sigma1,mu2,sigma2,\ 'different' if bootstrap(x,y) else 'same' print worker(30, 10.1, 1, 10.2, 1) print worker(30, 10.1, 1, 10.8, 1) print worker(30, 10.1, 10, 10.8, 1) def rdivDemo(data,max=100): def z(x): return int(100 * (x - lo) / (hi - lo + 0.00001)) data = map(lambda lst:Num(lst[0],lst[1:]), data) print "" ranks=[] for x in scottknott(data,useA12=True): ranks += [(x.rank,x.median(),x)] all=[] for _,__,x in sorted(ranks): all += x.quartiles() all = sorted(all) lo, hi = all[0], all[-1] print "{\\scriptsize \\begin{tabular}{l@{~~~}l@{~~~}r@{~~~}r@{~~~}c}" print "\\arrayrulecolor{darkgray}" print '\\rowcolor[gray]{.9} rank & treatment & median & IQR & \\\\' #min= %s, max= %s\\\\' % (int(lo),int(hi)) last = None for _,__,x in sorted(ranks): q1,q2,q3 = x.quartiles() pre ="" if not last == None and not last == x.rank: pre= "\\hline" print pre,'%2s & %12s & %s & %s & \quart{%s}{%s}{%s}{%s} \\\\' % \ (x.rank+1,, q2, q3 - q1, z(q1), z(q3) - z(q1), z(q2),z(100)) last = x.rank print "\\end{tabular}}" def rdiv0(): rdivDemo([ ["x1",0.34, 0.49, 0.51, 0.6], ["x2",6, 7, 8, 9] ]) def rdiv1(): rdivDemo([ ["x1",0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], ["x2",0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], ["x3",6, 7, 8, 9] ]) def rdiv2(): rdivDemo([ ["x1",0.34, 0.49, 0.51, 0.6], ["x2",0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9], ["x3",0.15, 0.25, 0.4, 0.35], ["x4",0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9], ["x5",0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] ]) def rdiv3(): rdivDemo([ ["x1",101, 100, 99, 101, 99.5], ["x2",101, 100, 99, 101, 100], ["x3",101, 100, 99.5, 101, 99], ["x4",101, 100, 99, 101, 100] ]) def rdiv4(): rdivDemo([ ["1",11,12,13], ["2",14,31,22], ["3",23,24,31], ["5",32,33,34]]) def rdiv5(): rdivDemo([ ["1",11,11,11], ["2",11,11,11], ["3",11,11,11]]) def rdiv6(): rdivDemo([ ["1",11,11,11], ["2",11,11,11], ["4",32,33,34,35]]) #rdiv0(); rdiv1(); rdiv2(); rdiv3(); rdiv4(); rdiv5(); rdiv6() #exit() repeats=10 exp='locOrNot' models=['newCIIdataDeTune', 'xyz14deTune' 'coc81', 'nasa93'] if len(sys.argv)>=2: repeats=eval(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv)>=3: exp=sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv)>3: models=sys.argv[3:] test1(repeats=repeats,models=map(eval,models),what=exp)
from random import shuffle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import csv import argparse import os import shutil """ The script required for the data analysis. Requires several python libraries to function but otherwise isn't too complicated. """ def generate_all_graphs(): number_of_subjects = len(os.listdir("../subject logs")) - 1 for i in range(1, number_of_subjects + 1): try: os.mkdir("Subject {}".format(i)) except FileExistsError: shutil.rmtree("Subject {}".format(i)) os.mkdir("Subject {}".format(i)) transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2, transparency_log_3, \ transparency_log_4 = load_subject_data(i) individual_graph(transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2, "Easy", i, False) individual_graph(transparency_log_3, transparency_log_4, "Hard", i, False) print("Generated graphs for subject {}".format(i)) def individual_graph(transparencies_1, transparencies_2, condition, subject_number, display_graph=True): x = [i for i in range(1, 81)] sns.pointplot(x, transparencies_1, color='red') plot = sns.pointplot(x, transparencies_2) plot.set(xlabel="Trial", ylabel="Contrast", title="{} Condition".format(condition)) if display_graph: plot = plot.get_figure() plot.savefig("Subject {}/{}.png".format(subject_number, condition)) plt.cla() def find_turning_points(series): turning_points = [] last_point = len(series) - 1 for i, point in enumerate(series): if i != 0 and i != last_point: if (point < series[i - 1] and point < series[i + 1]) or \ (point > series[i - 1] and point > series[i + 1]): turning_points.append(point) return turning_points def find_threshold(log_1, log_2): average_1 = 0 average_2 = 0 turning_points_1 = find_turning_points(log_1) if turning_points_1: average_1 = sum(turning_points_1)/len(turning_points_1) else: average_1 = 0 turning_points_2 = find_turning_points(log_2) if turning_points_2: average_2 = sum(turning_points_2)/len(turning_points_2) else: average_2 = 0 return (average_1 + average_2)/2 def load_subject_data(subject_number): filename = "../subject logs/subject {}.csv".format(subject_number) with open(filename, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader)[1:] transparency_log_1 = [trial[1] for trial in data] transparency_log_2 = [trial[3] for trial in data] transparency_log_3 = [trial[5] for trial in data] transparency_log_4 = [trial[7] for trial in data] transparency_log_1 = list(map(lambda x: float(x), transparency_log_1)) transparency_log_2 = list(map(lambda x: float(x), transparency_log_2)) transparency_log_3 = list(map(lambda x: float(x), transparency_log_3)) transparency_log_4 = list(map(lambda x: float(x), transparency_log_4)) return (transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2, transparency_log_3, transparency_log_4) def check_subject_validity(subject_number): with open('../subject logs/catch trials.csv', 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) subject_info = data[subject_number] catch_trials_valid = int(subject_info[1]) > 29 and int(subject_info[2]) < 5 with open('../memory_results_after.csv', 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) subject_info = data[subject_number] remembered_names_correctly = subject_info[2] == subject_info[3] and \ subject_info[4] == subject_info[5] and \ subject_info[6] == '' and \ subject_info[7] == '' return catch_trials_valid and remembered_names_correctly def graph_subject(subject_number): try: os.mkdir("Subject {}".format(subject_number)) except FileExistsError: shutil.rmtree("Subject {}".format(subject_number)) os.mkdir("Subject {}".format(subject_number)) transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2, transparency_log_3, \ transparency_log_4 = load_subject_data(subject_number) individual_graph(transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2, "Easy", subject_number) average_easy = find_threshold(transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2) print("Subject average for easy condition is {}".format(average_easy)) individual_graph(transparency_log_3, transparency_log_4, "Hard", subject_number) average_hard = find_threshold(transparency_log_3, transparency_log_4) print("Subject average for hard condition is {}".format(average_hard)) valid = check_subject_validity(int(subject_number)) if valid: print("Subject is valid") else: print("Subject is invalid") def show_summary_graph(): number_of_subjects = len(os.listdir("../subject logs")) - 1 subject_data = [] for i in range(1, number_of_subjects + 1): transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2, transparency_log_3, \ transparency_log_4 = load_subject_data(i) easy_threshold = find_threshold(transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2) hard_threshold = find_threshold(transparency_log_3, transparency_log_4) subject_data.append((i, easy_threshold, "Easy", check_subject_validity(i))) subject_data.append((i, hard_threshold, "Hard", check_subject_validity(i))) df = pd.DataFrame(subject_data, columns=["Subject", "Threshold", "Condition", "Valid"]) print(df) plot = sns.factorplot(data=df, x="Subject", y="Threshold", hue="Condition", linestyles=[" ", " "], legend=False, size=8, aspect=2) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plot.set(xlabel="Subject Number", ylabel="Contrast", title="Summary of all subjects") plot.savefig("Summary.png") def generate_results_file(): number_of_subjects = len(os.listdir("../subject logs")) - 1 table = [] for i in range(1, number_of_subjects + 1): transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2, transparency_log_3, \ transparency_log_4 = load_subject_data(i) easy_threshold = find_threshold(transparency_log_1, transparency_log_2) hard_threshold = find_threshold(transparency_log_3, transparency_log_4) valid = check_subject_validity(i) with open('../memory_results_after.csv', 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) subject_info = data[i] round_number = subject_info[1] table.append([i, round_number, easy_threshold, hard_threshold, valid]) table = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=["Subject", "Round number", "Easy Threshold", "Hard Threshold", "Valid"]) table.to_csv("Summary.csv") print("Results file can be found in Summary.csv") def main(): plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (18, 8) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-i", "--individual", help="Analyze a particular subject", action="store", metavar='') group.add_argument("-s", "--summary", help="See a summary graph", action="store_true") group.add_argument("-r", "--result", help="Create a results file", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.individual: if args.individual == 'a': generate_all_graphs() else: graph_subject(args.individual) if args.summary: show_summary_graph() if args.result: generate_results_file() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """A quick look at volatility of stock returns for 2009 Just an exercise to find my way around the pandas methods. Shows the daily rate of return, the square of it (volatility) and a 5 day moving average of the volatility. No guarantee for correctness. Assumes no missing values. colors of lines in graphs are not great uses DataFrame and WidePanel to hold data downloaded from yahoo using matplotlib. I haven't figured out storage, so the download happens at each run of the script. getquotes is from pandas\examples\ Created on Sat Jan 30 16:30:18 2010 Author: josef-pktd """ from statsmodels.compat.python import lzip import numpy as np import as fin import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime as dt import pandas as pa def getquotes(symbol, start, end): quotes = fin.quotes_historical_yahoo(symbol, start, end) dates, open, close, high, low, volume = lzip(*quotes) data = { 'open' : open, 'close' : close, 'high' : high, 'low' : low, 'volume' : volume } dates = pa.Index([dt.datetime.fromordinal(int(d)) for d in dates]) return pa.DataFrame(data, index=dates) start_date = dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1) end_date = dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1) mysym = ['msft', 'ibm', 'goog'] indexsym = ['gspc', 'dji'] # download data dmall = {} for sy in mysym: dmall[sy] = getquotes(sy, start_date, end_date) # combine into WidePanel pawp = pa.WidePanel.fromDict(dmall) print(pawp.values.shape) # select closing prices paclose = pawp.getMinorXS('close') # take log and first difference over time paclose_ratereturn = paclose.apply(np.log).diff() plt.figure() paclose_ratereturn.plot() plt.title('daily rate of return') # square the returns paclose_ratereturn_vol = paclose_ratereturn.apply(lambda x:np.power(x,2)) plt.figure() plt.title('volatility (with 5 day moving average') paclose_ratereturn_vol.plot() # use convolution to get moving average paclose_ratereturn_vol_mov = paclose_ratereturn_vol.apply( lambda x:np.convolve(x,np.ones(5)/5.,'same')) paclose_ratereturn_vol_mov.plot()
import pandas as pd def remove_nodes(network, rm_nodes): """ Create DataFrames of nodes and edges that do not include specified nodes. Parameters ---------- network : pandana.Network rm_nodes : array_like A list, array, Index, or Series of node IDs that should *not* be saved as part of the Network. Returns ------- nodes, edges : pandas.DataFrame """ rm_nodes = set(rm_nodes) ndf = network.nodes_df edf = network.edges_df nodes_to_keep = ~ndf.index.isin(rm_nodes) edges_to_keep = ~(edf['from'].isin(rm_nodes) | edf['to'].isin(rm_nodes)) return ndf.loc[nodes_to_keep], edf.loc[edges_to_keep] def network_to_pandas_hdf5(network, filename, rm_nodes=None): """ Save a Network's data to a Pandas HDFStore. Parameters ---------- network : pandana.Network filename : str rm_nodes : array_like A list, array, Index, or Series of node IDs that should *not* be saved as part of the Network. """ if rm_nodes is not None: nodes, edges = remove_nodes(network, rm_nodes) else: nodes, edges = network.nodes_df, network.edges_df with pd.HDFStore(filename, mode='w') as store: store['nodes'] = nodes store['edges'] = edges store['two_way'] = pd.Series([network._twoway]) store['impedance_names'] = pd.Series(network.impedance_names) def network_from_pandas_hdf5(cls, filename): """ Build a Network from data in a Pandas HDFStore. Parameters ---------- cls : class Class to instantiate, usually pandana.Network. filename : str Returns ------- network : pandana.Network """ with pd.HDFStore(filename) as store: nodes = store['nodes'] edges = store['edges'] two_way = store['two_way'][0] imp_names = store['impedance_names'].tolist() return cls( nodes['x'], nodes['y'], edges['from'], edges['to'], edges[imp_names], twoway=two_way)
"import matplotlib\n\nmatplotlib.use(\"TkAgg\")\nfrom matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import Navig(...TRUNCATED)
"from getIQU import IQU\nfrom subprocess import call\nimport sys,os\nimport numpy as np\nimport glob(...TRUNCATED)
"# Author: Alexander Fabisch <[email protected]>\n#\n# License: BSD 3 clause\n\nimpo(...TRUNCATED)
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