int64 1
| snippet
stringlengths 19
| tokens
sequencelengths 6
| nl
stringlengths 6
| split_within_dataset
stringclasses 1
value | is_duplicated
bool 2
classes |
1 | def install_translator(qapp):
if (QT_TRANSLATOR is None):
qt_translator = QTranslator()
if qt_translator.load(('qt_' + QLocale.system().name()), QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.TranslationsPath)):
QT_TRANSLATOR = qt_translator
if (QT_TRANSLATOR is not None):
| [
] | install qt translator to the qapplication instance . | train | true |
2 | def delete_dhcp_options(dhcp_options_id=None, dhcp_options_name=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
return _delete_resource(resource='dhcp_options', name=dhcp_options_name, resource_id=dhcp_options_id, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
| [
] | delete dhcp options by id or name . | train | true |
4 | def test_depth_first_mro():
class A(object, ):
class B(A, ):
class C(A, ):
class D(B, C, ):
class E(D, object, ):
class G(object, ):
class H(G, ):
class I(G, ):
class K(H, I, object, ):
class L(K, E, ):
AreEqual(L.__mro__, (L, K, H, I, G, E, D, B, C, A, object))
| [
] | w/o old-style . | train | false |
5 | def mapping(data_source, geom_name='geom', layer_key=0, multi_geom=False):
if isinstance(data_source, six.string_types):
data_source = DataSource(data_source)
elif isinstance(data_source, DataSource):
raise TypeError('Data source parameter must be a string or a DataSource object.')
_mapping = {}
for field in data_source[layer_key].fields:
mfield = field.lower()
if (mfield[(-1):] == '_'):
mfield += 'field'
_mapping[mfield] = field
gtype = data_source[layer_key].geom_type
if (multi_geom and (gtype.num in (1, 2, 3))):
prefix = 'MULTI'
prefix = ''
_mapping[geom_name] = (prefix + str(gtype).upper())
return _mapping
| [
"'Data source parameter must be a string or a DataSource object.'",
] | given a datasource . | train | false |
7 | def test_pprint_npfloat32():
dat = np.array([1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float32)
t = Table([dat], names=['a'])
t['a'].format = '5.2f'
assert (str(t['a']) == ' a \n-----\n 1.00\n 2.00')
| [
"' a \\n-----\\n 1.00\\n 2.00'",
] | test for #148 . | train | false |
8 | def test_interpolation():
(t0, k0) = (0, np.array([5.0]))
results = _compute_fixed_length_solns(model, t0, k0)
for (integrator, numeric_solution) in results.items():
(N, T) = (1000, numeric_solution[:, 0][(-1)])
ti = np.linspace(t0, T, N)
interp_solution = model.interpolate(numeric_solution, ti, k=3, ext=2)
analytic_solution = solow_analytic_solution(ti, k0, *valid_params)
np.testing.assert_allclose(interp_solution, analytic_solution)
| [
] | test interpolation option . | train | false |
9 | def _save_and_remove_module(name, orig_modules):
if (name not in sys.modules):
del sys.modules[name]
for modname in list(sys.modules):
if ((modname == name) or modname.startswith((name + '.'))):
orig_modules[modname] = sys.modules[modname]
del sys.modules[modname]
| [
] | helper function to save and remove a module from sys . | train | false |
12 | def url2ip(url):
iport = urlsplit(url)[1].split(':')
if (len(iport) > 1):
return (gethostbyname(iport[0]), iport[1])
return gethostbyname(iport[0])
| [
] | works like turning URL => 180 . | train | false |
13 | def _wait_until_running(instance):
with start_action(action_type=u'flocker:provision:aws:wait_until_running', as context:
_poll_while((lambda : _node_is_booting(instance)), repeat(1, INSTANCE_TIMEOUT))
if (instance.state != u'running'):
raise FailedToRun(instance.state_reason)
| [
] | wait until a instance is running . | train | false |
14 | def dict_to_numpy_array(d, mapping=None):
return dict_to_numpy_array2(d, mapping)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return dict_to_numpy_array1(d, mapping)
| [
] | convert a dictionary of dictionaries to a numpy array with optional mapping . | train | false |
15 | def _is_suggestion_handled(thread_id, exploration_id):
thread = feedback_models.FeedbackThreadModel.get_by_exp_and_thread_id(exploration_id, thread_id)
return (thread.status in [feedback_models.STATUS_CHOICES_FIXED, feedback_models.STATUS_CHOICES_IGNORED])
| [
] | checks if the current suggestion has already been accepted/rejected . | train | false |
17 | def get_default_site(app_name='filebrowser'):
resolver = get_resolver(get_urlconf())
name = 'filebrowser'
app_list = resolver.app_dict[app_name]
if (name not in app_list):
name = app_list[0]
return get_site_dict()[name]
| [
] | returns the default site . | train | false |
18 | def ccovf(x, y, unbiased=True, demean=True):
n = len(x)
if demean:
xo = (x - x.mean())
yo = (y - y.mean())
xo = x
yo = y
if unbiased:
xi = np.ones(n)
d = np.correlate(xi, xi, 'full')
d = n
return (np.correlate(xo, yo, 'full') / d)[(n - 1):]
| [
] | crosscovariance for 1d parameters x . | train | false |
20 | def serializers(**serializers):
def decorator(func):
if (not hasattr(func, 'wsgi_serializers')):
func.wsgi_serializers = {}
return func
return decorator
| [
] | returns the serializers modules . | train | false |
21 | def rgb2short(r, g, b):
incs = (0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255)
parts = [r, g, b]
res = []
for part in parts:
i = 0
while (i < (len(incs) - 1)):
(s, b) = (incs[i], incs[(i + 1)])
if (s <= part <= b):
s1 = abs((s - part))
b1 = abs((b - part))
if (s1 < b1):
closest = s
closest = b
i += 1
return RGB2SHORT_DICT[tuple(res)]
| [
] | rgb to short . | train | true |
22 | def output():
return s3_rest_controller()
| [
] | output -> html string either return the result of a function or a sparse htmlized error message and a message in the server log . | train | false |
24 | def gf_factor_sqf(f, p, K, method=None):
(lc, f) = gf_monic(f, p, K)
if (gf_degree(f) < 1):
return (lc, [])
method = (method or query('GF_FACTOR_METHOD'))
if (method is not None):
factors = _factor_methods[method](f, p, K)
factors = gf_zassenhaus(f, p, K)
return (lc, factors)
| [
] | factor a square-free polynomial f in gf(p)[x] . | train | false |
26 | def draw_nx(G, pos, **kwds):
draw(G, pos, **kwds)
| [
] | for backward compatibility; use draw or draw_networkx . | train | false |
27 | def start_clientbrowser(config, args):'Start client mode (browser)')
global client
from glances.client_browser import GlancesClientBrowser
client = GlancesClientBrowser(config=config, args=args)
| [
"'Start client mode (browser)'",
] | start the browser client mode . | train | false |
28 | @raises(ValueError)
def test_bootstrap_arglength():
algo.bootstrap(np.arange(5), np.arange(10))
| [
] | test that different length args raise valueerror . | train | false |
29 | def runwsgi(func):
if os.environ.has_key('SERVER_SOFTWARE'):
os.environ['FCGI_FORCE_CGI'] = 'Y'
if (os.environ.has_key('PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN') or os.environ.has_key('SERVER_SOFTWARE')):
import flup.server.fcgi
return runfcgi(func)
if ('scgi' in sys.argv):
import flup.server.scgi
return runscgi(func)
return runsimple(func, listget(sys.argv, 1, 8080))
| [
] | runs a wsgi-compatible function using fcgi . | train | false |
30 | def random_bucket_name(prefix='awscli-s3integ-', num_random=10):
return (prefix + random_chars(num_random))
| [
] | generate a random s3 bucket name . | train | false |
31 | def _proxy_process(proxyname, test):
changes_old = []
changes_new = []
if (not _is_proxy_running(proxyname)):
if (not test):
__salt__['cmd.run_all']('salt-proxy --proxyid={0} -l info -d'.format(salt.ext.six.moves.shlex_quote(proxyname)), timeout=5)
changes_new.append('Salt Proxy: Started proxy process for {0}'.format(proxyname))
changes_new.append('Salt Proxy: process {0} will be started'.format(proxyname))
changes_old.append('Salt Proxy: already running for {0}'.format(proxyname))
return (True, changes_new, changes_old)
| [
"'salt-proxy --proxyid={0} -l info -d'",
"'Salt Proxy: Started proxy process for {0}'",
"'Salt Proxy: process {0} will be started'",
"'Salt Proxy: already running for {0}'",
] | check and execute proxy process . | train | true |
32 | def _offset_or_limit_clause(element, name=None, type_=None):
if (element is None):
return None
elif hasattr(element, '__clause_element__'):
return element.__clause_element__()
elif isinstance(element, Visitable):
return element
value = util.asint(element)
return _OffsetLimitParam(name, value, type_=type_, unique=True)
| [
] | convert the given value to an "offset or limit" clause . | train | false |
34 | def _retrieve_device_config():
return __salt__['snmp.config']()
| [
] | retrieves the snmp config from the device . | train | false |
35 | def normalize_formset_dict(formset, attr_list):
assert isinstance(formset, BaseSimpleFormSet)
res = []
for form in formset.forms:
res.append(normalize_form_dict(form, attr_list))
return res
| [
] | normalize_formset_dict -> a list of dictionary of . | train | false |
36 | def parse_strtime(timestr, fmt=PERFECT_TIME_FORMAT):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, fmt)
| [
] | turn a formatted time back into a datetime . | train | false |
37 | def hash_filehash(filename):
md4 ='md4').copy
def gen(f):
while True:
x =
if x:
(yield x)
def md4_hash(data):
m = md4()
return m
with open(filename, u'rb') as f:
a = gen(f)
hashes = [md4_hash(data).digest() for data in a]
if (len(hashes) == 1):
return to_hex(hashes[0])
return md4_hash(reduce((lambda a, d: (a + d)), hashes, u'')).hexd
| [
] | returns the ed2k hash of a given file . | train | false |
39 | @receiver(user_logged_in)
def log_successful_login(sender, request, user, **kwargs):
if settings.FEATURES['SQUELCH_PII_IN_LOGS']:'Login success - {0}'.format(
else:'Login success - {0} ({1})'.format(user.username,
| [
"u'Login success - {0}'",
"u'Login success - {0} ({1})'",
] | handler to log when logins have occurred successfully . | train | false |
43 | def zoom_effect02(ax1, ax2, **kwargs):
tt = (ax1.transScale + (ax1.transLimits + ax2.transAxes))
trans = blended_transform_factory(ax2.transData, tt)
mybbox1 = ax1.bbox
mybbox2 = TransformedBbox(ax1.viewLim, trans)
prop_patches = kwargs.copy()
prop_patches['ec'] = 'none'
prop_patches['alpha'] = 0.2
(c1, c2, bbox_patch1, bbox_patch2, p) = connect_bbox(mybbox1, mybbox2, loc1a=3, loc2a=2, loc1b=4, loc2b=1, prop_lines=kwargs, prop_patches=prop_patches)
return (c1, c2, bbox_patch1, bbox_patch2, p)
| [
] | ax1 : the main axes ax1 : the zoomed axes similar to zoom_effect01 . | train | false |
44 | def _expand_table(table):
return np.repeat([[1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]], table.ravel(), axis=0)
| [
] | expand a 2 by 2 contingency table to observations . | train | false |
45 | def load_extra_data(backend, details, response, uid, user, social_user=None, *args, **kwargs):
social_user = (social_user or UserSocialAuth.get_social_auth(, uid, user))
if social_user:
extra_data = backend.extra_data(user, uid, response, details)
if (kwargs.get('original_email') and ('email' not in extra_data)):
extra_data['email'] = kwargs.get('original_email')
if (extra_data and (social_user.extra_data != extra_data)):
if social_user.extra_data:
social_user.extra_data = extra_data
return {'social_user': social_user}
| [
] | load extra data from provider and store it on current usersocialauth extra_data field . | train | false |
46 | def arbitrary(module_name, func_name, args, kwargs={}):
if module_name.startswith('calibre_plugins'):
from calibre.customize.ui import find_plugin
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
func = getattr(module, func_name)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
| [
] | an entry point that allows arbitrary functions to be run in a parallel process . | train | false |
47 | def claModelControlDisableTPLearningCb(claModel):
assert isinstance(claModel, CLAModel)
claModel._getTPRegion().setParameter('learningMode', False)
| [
] | disables learning in the cla models temporal pooler . | train | false |
48 | def create_api_deployment(restApiId, stageName, stageDescription='', description='', cacheClusterEnabled=False, cacheClusterSize='0.5', variables=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
variables = (dict() if (variables is None) else variables)
conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
deployment = conn.create_deployment(restApiId=restApiId, stageName=stageName, stageDescription=stageDescription, description=description, cacheClusterEnabled=cacheClusterEnabled, cacheClusterSize=cacheClusterSize, variables=variables)
return {'created': True, 'deployment': _convert_datetime_str(deployment)}
except ClientError as e:
return {'created': False, 'error': salt.utils.boto3.get_error(e)}
| [
] | creates a new api deployment . | train | true |
49 | def _point_along_a_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, d):
(dx, dy) = ((x0 - x1), (y0 - y1))
ff = (d / (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) ** 0.5))
(x2, y2) = ((x0 - (ff * dx)), (y0 - (ff * dy)))
return (x2, y2)
| [
] | find a point along a line connecting -- whose distance from is d . | train | false |
50 | def s3_roles_permitted(name='roles_permitted', **attr):
T = current.T
represent = S3Represent(lookup='auth_group', fields=['role'])
if ('label' not in attr):
attr['label'] = T('Roles Permitted')
if ('sortby' not in attr):
attr['sortby'] = 'role'
if ('represent' not in attr):
attr['represent'] = represent
if ('requires' not in attr):
attr['requires'] = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_ONE_OF(current.db, '', represent, multiple=True))
if ('comment' not in attr):
attr['comment'] = DIV(_class='tooltip', _title=('%s|%s' % (T('Roles Permitted'), T('If this record should be restricted then select which role(s) are permitted to access the record here.'))))
if ('ondelete' not in attr):
attr['ondelete'] = 'RESTRICT'
f = S3ReusableField(name, 'list:reference auth_group', **attr)
return f()
| [
"'Roles Permitted'",
"'Roles Permitted'",
"'If this record should be restricted then select which role(s) are permitted to access the record here.'",
"'list:reference auth_group'",
] | list of roles permitted to access a resource - used by cms . | train | false |
52 | @pick_context_manager_writer
def instance_group_update(context, group_uuid, values):
group = model_query(context, models.InstanceGroup).filter_by(uuid=group_uuid).first()
if (not group):
raise exception.InstanceGroupNotFound(group_uuid=group_uuid)
policies = values.get('policies')
if (policies is not None):
_instance_group_policies_add(context,, values.pop('policies'), set_delete=True)
members = values.get('members')
if (members is not None):
_instance_group_members_add(context,, values.pop('members'), set_delete=True)
if policies:
values['policies'] = policies
if members:
values['members'] = members
| [
] | update the attributes of an group . | train | false |
53 | def _tree_to_bitstrs(tree):
clades_bitstrs = {}
term_names = [ for term in tree.find_clades(terminal=True)]
for clade in tree.find_clades(terminal=False):
bitstr = _clade_to_bitstr(clade, term_names)
clades_bitstrs[clade] = bitstr
return clades_bitstrs
| [
] | create a dict of a trees clades to corresponding bitstrings . | train | false |
54 | def timeuntil(d, now=None):
return timesince(d, now, reversed=True)
| [
] | formats a date as the time until that date . | train | false |
56 | def test_hashbang():
entry = tokenize('#!this is a comment\n')
assert (entry == [])
| [
"'#!this is a comment\\n'",
] | ensure we can escape things . | train | false |
59 | @context.quietfunc
def exists(path):
with AdbClient() as c:
return bool(c.stat(path))
| [
] | check if a user exists . | train | false |
60 | def disassociate_api_key_stagekeys(apiKey, stagekeyslist, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
pvlist = [('/stages', stagekey) for stagekey in stagekeyslist]
response = _api_key_patch_remove(conn, apiKey, pvlist)
return {'disassociated': True}
except ClientError as e:
return {'disassociated': False, 'error': salt.utils.boto3.get_error(e)}
| [
] | disassociate the given stagekeyslist to the given apikey . | train | false |
61 | @then(u'we see database dropped')
def step_see_db_dropped(context):
_expect_exact(context, u'DROP DATABASE', timeout=2)
| [
"u'we see database dropped'",
] | wait to see drop database output . | train | false |
62 | @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse('I wait for the javascript message "{message}"'))
def javascript_message_when(quteproc, message):
| [
"'I wait for the javascript message \"{message}\"'",
] | make sure the given message was logged via javascript . | train | false |
63 | def _gitPresent():
gitvers = subprocess.check_output('git --version'.split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except (CalledProcessError, OSError):
gitvers = ''
return bool(gitvers.startswith('git version'))
| [
"'git --version'",
"'git version'",
] | check for git on command-line . | train | false |
64 | def create_mount_target(filesystemid, subnetid, ipaddress=None, securitygroups=None, keyid=None, key=None, profile=None, region=None, **kwargs):
client = _get_conn(key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile, region=region)
return client.create_mount_point(FileSystemId=filesystemid, SubnetId=subnetid, IpAddress=ipaddress, SecurityGroups=securitygroups)
| [
] | creates a mount target for a file system . | train | false |
65 | def IsAutoGenerated(xml_str):
xml_root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_str)
return ((xml_root.tag == 'datastore-indexes') and _BooleanAttribute(xml_root.attrib.get('autoGenerate', 'false')))
except ElementTree.ParseError:
return False
| [
] | test if the given datastore-indexes . | train | false |
66 | def jnp_zeros(n, nt):
return jnyn_zeros(n, nt)[1]
| [
] | compute zeros of integer-order bessel function derivative jn(x) . | train | false |
68 | def set_time(time):
time_format = _get_date_time_format(time)
dt_obj = datetime.strptime(time, time_format)
cmd = 'systemsetup -settime {0}'.format(dt_obj.strftime('%H:%M:%S'))
return salt.utils.mac_utils.execute_return_success(cmd)
| [
"'systemsetup -settime {0}'",
] | sets the current time . | train | true |
69 | def del_job_files(job_paths):
for path in job_paths:
if (path and clip_path(path).lower().startswith(cfg.download_dir.get_path().lower())):
remove_all(path, recursive=True)
| [
] | remove files of each path in the list . | train | false |
70 | def get_discount_modules():
return load_module_instances('SHUUP_DISCOUNT_MODULES', 'discount_module')
| [
] | get a list of configured discount module instances . | train | false |
73 | def initialize_log_data(ids_bcs_added_field):
log_data = {}
for curr_key in ids_bcs_added_field.keys():
base_key = ''
if curr_key[0]:
base_key += (curr_key[0] + ',')
if curr_key[1]:
base_key += (curr_key[1] + ',')
base_key += ids_bcs_added_field[curr_key]
log_data[base_key] = 0
return log_data
| [
] | initializes log data . | train | false |
76 | def is_sequence_of_strings(obj):
if (not cbook.iterable(obj)):
return False
if ((not isinstance(obj, np.ndarray)) and cbook.is_string_like(obj)):
return False
for o in obj:
if (not cbook.is_string_like(o)):
return False
return True
| [
] | returns true if *obj* is iterable and contains strings . | train | false |
77 | def highlighting(view, name, style, left, right):
if (left is not None):
left = left.move((left.begin + BEGIN_LEN), (left.end - BRACKET_LEN))
if (right is not None):
right = right.move((right.begin + END_LEN), (right.end - BRACKET_LEN))
return (left, right)
| [
] | highlight only the tag name . | train | false |
78 | def _inFilesystemNamespace(path):
return (path[:1] not in ('\x00', u'\x00'))
| [
] | determine whether the given unix socket path is in a filesystem namespace . | train | false |
79 | def set_policy(name, table='filter', family='ipv4', **kwargs):
ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''}
if (ignore in kwargs):
del kwargs[ignore]
if (__salt__['iptables.get_policy'](table, kwargs['chain'], family) == kwargs['policy']):
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = 'iptables default policy for chain {0} on table {1} for {2} already set to {3}'.format(kwargs['chain'], table, family, kwargs['policy'])
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['comment'] = 'iptables default policy for chain {0} on table {1} for {2} needs to be set to {3}'.format(kwargs['chain'], table, family, kwargs['policy'])
return ret
if (not __salt__['iptables.set_policy'](table, kwargs['chain'], kwargs['policy'], family)):
ret['changes'] = {'locale': name}
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = 'Set default policy for {0} to {1} family {2}'.format(kwargs['chain'], kwargs['policy'], family)
if ('save' in kwargs):
if kwargs['save']:
__salt__[''](filename=None, family=family)
ret['comment'] = 'Set and saved default policy for {0} to {1} family {2}'.format(kwargs['chain'], kwargs['policy'], family)
return ret
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = 'Failed to set iptables default policy'
return ret
| [
"'iptables default policy for chain {0} on table {1} for {2} already set to {3}'",
"'iptables default policy for chain {0} on table {1} for {2} needs to be set to {3}'",
"'Set default policy for {0} to {1} family {2}'",
"'Set and saved default policy for {0} to {1} family {2}'",
"'Failed to set iptables default policy'",
] | set the current policy for the specified table/chain cli example: . | train | true |
80 | def test_formatters(Chart):
if (Chart._dual or (Chart == Box)):
chart = Chart(formatter=(lambda x, chart, serie: ('%s%s$' % (x, serie.title))))
chart.add('_a', [1, 2, {'value': 3, 'formatter': (lambda x: (u('%s\xc2\xa5') % x))}])
chart.add('_b', [4, 5, 6], formatter=(lambda x: (u('%s\xe2\x82\xac') % x)))
chart.x_labels = [2, 4, 6]
chart.x_labels_major = [4]
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert (set([v.text for v in q('.value')]) == set(((u('4\xe2\x82\xac'), u('5\xe2\x82\xac'), u('6\xe2\x82\xac'), '1_a$', '2_a$', u('3\xc2\xa5')) + (('6_a$', u('15\xe2\x82\xac')) if (Chart in (Pie, SolidGauge)) else ()))))
| [
] | test custom formatters . | train | false |
81 | def test_sort():
model = _create_model([[('B', '', '', 1), ('C', '', '', 2), ('A', '', '', 0)]])
filter_model = sortfilter.CompletionFilterModel(model)
filter_model.sort(0, Qt.AscendingOrder)
actual = _extract_model_data(filter_model)
assert (actual == [[('A', '', ''), ('B', '', ''), ('C', '', '')]])
filter_model.sort(0, Qt.DescendingOrder)
actual = _extract_model_data(filter_model)
assert (actual == [[('C', '', ''), ('B', '', ''), ('A', '', '')]])
| [
] | ensure that a sort argument passed to sort overrides dumb_sort . | train | false |
82 | def create_dendrogram(X, orientation='bottom', labels=None, colorscale=None, distfun=None, linkagefun=(lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'complete'))):
if ((not scp) or (not scs) or (not sch)):
raise ImportError('FigureFactory.create_dendrogram requires scipy, scipy.spatial and scipy.hierarchy')
s = X.shape
if (len(s) != 2):
exceptions.PlotlyError('X should be 2-dimensional array.')
if (distfun is None):
distfun = scs.distance.pdist
dendrogram = _Dendrogram(X, orientation, labels, colorscale, distfun=distfun, linkagefun=linkagefun)
return {'layout': dendrogram.layout, 'data':}
| [
"'FigureFactory.create_dendrogram requires scipy, scipy.spatial and scipy.hierarchy'",
"'X should be 2-dimensional array.'",
] | beta function that returns a dendrogram plotly figure object . | train | false |
83 | def uni_print(statement, out_file=None):
if (out_file is None):
out_file = sys.stdout
except UnicodeEncodeError:
new_encoding = getattr(out_file, 'encoding', 'ascii')
if (new_encoding is None):
new_encoding = 'ascii'
new_statement = statement.encode(new_encoding, 'replace').decode(new_encoding)
| [
] | this function is used to properly write unicode to a file . | train | false |
84 | def pretty_name(name):
if (not name):
return ''
return name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
| [
"' '",
] | converts first_name to first name . | train | false |
85 | def list_snapshots(config='root'):
snapshots = snapper.ListSnapshots(config)
return [_snapshot_to_data(s) for s in snapshots]
except dbus.DBusException as exc:
raise CommandExecutionError('Error encountered while listing snapshots: {0}'.format(_dbus_exception_to_reason(exc, locals())))
| [
"'Error encountered while listing snapshots: {0}'",
] | list available snapshots for certain vm or for all . | train | true |
86 | def branch_list(repo):
with open_repo_closing(repo) as r:
return r.refs.keys(base='refs/heads/')
| [
] | return a list of local or remote branches this explicitly removes head from the list of remote branches . | train | false |
87 | @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI)
def get_ntp_config(host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None):
service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance(host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port)
host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names)
ret = {}
for host_name in host_names:
host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name)
ntp_config = host_ref.configManager.dateTimeSystem.dateTimeInfo.ntpConfig.server
ret.update({host_name: ntp_config})
return ret
| [
] | get the ntp configuration information for a given host or list of host_names . | train | true |
89 | def floating_ip_list(call=None):
if (call != 'function'):
raise SaltCloudSystemExit('The floating_ip_list action must be called with -f or --function')
conn = get_conn()
return conn.floating_ip_list()
| [
"'The floating_ip_list action must be called with -f or --function'",
] | list floating ips . | train | false |
90 | def tsql_query(query, **kwargs):
cur = _get_connection(**kwargs).cursor()
return loads(_MssqlEncoder().encode({'resultset': cur.fetchall()}))['resultset']
except Exception as e:
return (('Could not run the query',), (str(e),))
| [
"'Could not run the query'",
] | run a sql query and return query result as list of tuples . | train | false |
92 | def per_cpu_times():
ret = cext.per_cpu_times()
return [scputimes(*x) for x in ret]
| [
] | return system per-cpu times as a list of named tuples . | train | false |
93 | def _run_aws(cmd, region, opts, user, **kwargs):
receipthandle = kwargs.pop('receipthandle', None)
if receipthandle:
kwargs['receipt-handle'] = receipthandle
num = kwargs.pop('num', None)
if num:
kwargs['max-number-of-messages'] = num
_formatted_args = ['--{0} "{1}"'.format(k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(kwargs)]
cmd = 'aws sqs {cmd} {args} {region} {out}'.format(cmd=cmd, args=' '.join(_formatted_args), region=_region(region), out=_OUTPUT)
rtn = __salt__[''](cmd, runas=user, python_shell=False)
return (json.loads(rtn) if rtn else '')
| [
"'--{0} \"{1}\"'",
"'aws sqs {cmd} {args} {region} {out}'",
"' '",
] | runs the given command against aws . | train | true |
94 | def TrimmedMean(t, p=0.01):
t = Trim(t, p)
return Mean(t)
| [
] | computes the trimmed mean of a sequence of numbers . | train | false |
95 | def ePut(Handle, IOType, Channel, Value, x1):
if ( == 'nt'):
staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary('labjackud')
pv = ctypes.c_double(Value)
ec = staticLib.ePut(Handle, IOType, Channel, pv, x1)
if (ec != 0):
raise LabJackException(ec)
raise LabJackException(0, 'Function only supported for Windows')
| [
"'Function only supported for Windows'",
] | put one value to the labjack device eput is equivilent to an addrequest followed by a goone . | train | false |
97 | def local_binary_pattern(image, P, R, method='default'):
assert_nD(image, 2)
methods = {'default': ord('D'), 'ror': ord('R'), 'uniform': ord('U'), 'nri_uniform': ord('N'), 'var': ord('V')}
image = np.ascontiguousarray(image, dtype=np.double)
output = _local_binary_pattern(image, P, R, methods[method.lower()])
return output
| [
] | gray scale and rotation invariant lbp . | train | false |
98 | def handleNewest(qry):
return _skypeError()
qry = qry.decode('utf8')
if ((':' in qry) and (qry.partition(':')[0] in map((lambda s: s[0]), _readFriends()))):
return _sendMessageWait(qry)
return _findNewest()
except EnvironmentError:
return PyFred('ch.xtin.skypingalfred.error', False).addItem('skypeupdate', 'skype update', 'No Skype Friends Found', 'Use skype update to cache friends!', True, 'update').toXML()
return PyFred.GenericError()
| [
"'skype update'",
"'No Skype Friends Found'",
"'Use skype update to cache friends!'",
] | gets the newest 5 messages . | train | false |
99 | @validate('tree')
def valid_field_in_tree(arch):
return all(((child.tag in ('field', 'button')) for child in arch.xpath('/tree/*')))
| [
] | children of tree view must be field or button . | train | false |
100 | def cr_uid_ids(method):
method._api = 'cr_uid_ids'
return method
| [
] | decorate a traditional-style method that takes cr . | train | false |
101 | def issue_section(issue):
labels = issue.get('labels', [])
for label in labels:
if (not label['name'].startswith('type: ')):
if (label['name'] in LOG_SECTION):
return LOG_SECTION[label['name']]
elif (label['name'] in IGNORE_ISSUE_TYPE):
return None
logging.warn('unknown issue type: "{}" for: {}'.format(label['name'], issue_line(issue)))
return None
| [
"'type: '",
"'unknown issue type: \"{}\" for: {}'",
] | returns the section heading for the issue . | train | true |
103 | @transaction.non_atomic_requests
@cache_control(no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
@require_http_methods(['POST', 'DELETE'])
def certificate_invalidation_view(request, course_id):
course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
certificate_invalidation_data = parse_request_data(request)
certificate = validate_request_data_and_get_certificate(certificate_invalidation_data, course_key)
except ValueError as error:
return JsonResponse({'message': error.message}, status=400)
if (request.method == 'POST'):
certificate_invalidation = invalidate_certificate(request, certificate, certificate_invalidation_data)
except ValueError as error:
return JsonResponse({'message': error.message}, status=400)
return JsonResponse(certificate_invalidation)
elif (request.method == 'DELETE'):
re_validate_certificate(request, course_key, certificate)
except ValueError as error:
return JsonResponse({'message': error.message}, status=400)
return JsonResponse({}, status=204)
| [
] | invalidate/re-validate students to/from certificate . | train | false |
104 | def rollback():
| [
] | rolls back a transaction . | train | false |
105 | def _mathdefault(s):
if rcParams[u'_internal.classic_mode']:
return (u'\\mathdefault{%s}' % s)
return (u'{%s}' % s)
| [
] | for backward compatibility . | train | false |
106 | @requires_sklearn
def test_gat_plot_nonsquared():
gat = _get_data(test_times=dict(start=0.0))
ax = gat.plot_diagonal()
scores = ax.get_children()[1].get_lines()[2].get_ydata()
assert_equals(len(scores), len(gat.estimators_))
| [
] | test gat diagonal plot . | train | false |
107 | def _add_keys_to_request(request_field_pb, key_pbs):
for key_pb in key_pbs:
| [
] | add protobuf keys to a request object . | train | false |
108 | def execute_on_completion(application, config, callback):
def inner(environ, start_response):
result = application(environ, start_response)
return generate_close_and_callback(result, callback, environ)
return inner
| [
] | call callback once complete response is sent . | train | false |
109 | def qt5_qml_data(directory):
qmldir = qt5_qml_dir()
return (os.path.join(qmldir, directory), 'qml')
| [
] | return qml library directory formatted for data . | train | false |
110 | def require_finance_admin(func):
def wrapped(request, course_id):
course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
except InvalidKeyError:
log.error(u'Unable to find course with course key %s', course_id)
return HttpResponseNotFound()
access = auth.user_has_role(request.user, CourseFinanceAdminRole(course_key))
if access:
return func(request, course_id)
return HttpResponseForbidden()
return wrapped
| [
"u'Unable to find course with course key %s'",
] | decorator for checking finance administrator access before executing an http endpoint . | train | false |
111 | def addBeginXMLTag(attributeDictionary, className, depth, output, text=''):
depthStart = (' DCTB ' * depth)
output.write(('%s<%s%s>%s\n' % (depthStart, className, getAttributeDictionaryString(attributeDictionary), text)))
| [
"' DCTB '",
] | add the begin xml tag . | train | false |
113 | def test_cons_list():
entry = tokenize('(a . [])')[0]
assert (entry == HyList([HySymbol('a')]))
assert (type(entry) == HyList)
entry = tokenize('(a . ())')[0]
assert (entry == HyExpression([HySymbol('a')]))
assert (type(entry) == HyExpression)
entry = tokenize('(a b . {})')[0]
assert (entry == HyDict([HySymbol('a'), HySymbol('b')]))
assert (type(entry) == HyDict)
| [
"'(a . [])'",
"'(a . ())'",
"'(a b . {})'",
] | check that cons of something and a list gets tokenized as a list . | train | false |
114 | def _wait_for_step(emr_connection, step, jobflowid, sleeptime):
start = time()
step_state = get_step_state(emr_connection, jobflowid,, update=True)
while (step_state in (LIVE_STATES + [PENDING])):
step_state = get_step_state(emr_connection, jobflowid,
end = time()
print ('%s took %0.2fs (exit: %s)' % (, (end - start), step_state))
return step_state
| [
"'%s took %0.2fs (exit: %s)'",
] | poll emr and wait for a step to finish . | train | false |
116 | def get_occupied_streams(realm):
subs_filter = Subscription.objects.filter(active=True, user_profile__realm=realm, user_profile__is_active=True).values('recipient_id')
stream_ids = Recipient.objects.filter(type=Recipient.STREAM, id__in=subs_filter).values('type_id')
return Stream.objects.filter(id__in=stream_ids, realm=realm, deactivated=False)
| [
] | get streams with subscribers . | train | false |
117 | def test_find_number_6():
s = 'query1e5 not found'
r = find_number(s)
assert (s[r[0]:r[1]] == '1e5')
| [
"'query1e5 not found'",
] | tests that we find numbers with exponents . | train | false |
118 | def _build_match_rule(action, target, pluralized):
match_rule = policy.RuleCheck('rule', action)
(resource, enforce_attr_based_check) = get_resource_and_action(action, pluralized)
if enforce_attr_based_check:
res_map = attributes.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
if (resource in res_map):
for attribute_name in res_map[resource]:
if _is_attribute_explicitly_set(attribute_name, res_map[resource], target, action):
attribute = res_map[resource][attribute_name]
if ('enforce_policy' in attribute):
attr_rule = policy.RuleCheck('rule', ('%s:%s' % (action, attribute_name)))
if _should_validate_sub_attributes(attribute, target[attribute_name]):
attr_rule = policy.AndCheck([attr_rule, _build_subattr_match_rule(attribute_name, attribute, action, target)])
match_rule = policy.AndCheck([match_rule, attr_rule])
return match_rule
| [
] | create the rule to match for a given action . | train | false |
119 | def dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K):
while u:
f = dmp_LC(f, K)
u -= 1
return dup_LC(f, K)
| [
] | return the ground leading coefficient . | train | false |
120 | def getNewRepository():
return ExportRepository()
| [
] | get new repository . | train | false |
122 | def get_entrance_exam_score(request, course):
exam_key = UsageKey.from_string(course.entrance_exam_id)
exam_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(exam_key)
def inner_get_module(descriptor):
'\n Delegate to get_module_for_descriptor (imported here to avoid circular reference)\n '
from courseware.module_render import get_module_for_descriptor
field_data_cache = FieldDataCache([descriptor],, request.user)
return get_module_for_descriptor(request.user, request, descriptor, field_data_cache,, course=course)
exam_module_generators = yield_dynamic_descriptor_descendants(exam_descriptor,, inner_get_module)
exam_modules = [module for module in exam_module_generators]
return _calculate_entrance_exam_score(request.user, course, exam_modules)
| [
] | gather the set of modules which comprise the entrance exam note that request may not actually be a genuine request . | train | false |
124 | def load_passphrase_from_file():
vf_path = os.path.expanduser(kVFPassphraseFile)
assert (os.access(vf_path, os.F_OK) and os.access(vf_path, os.R_OK)), ('%s must exist and be readable' % vf_path)
with open(vf_path) as f:
user_data =
return user_data.strip('\n')
| [
"'%s must exist and be readable'",
] | read the viewfinder passphrase from local file . | train | false |
125 | def describe_identity_pools(IdentityPoolName, IdentityPoolId=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
conn = _get_conn(region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
ids = _find_identity_pool_ids(IdentityPoolName, IdentityPoolId, conn)
if ids:
results = []
for pool_id in ids:
response = conn.describe_identity_pool(IdentityPoolId=pool_id)
response.pop('ResponseMetadata', None)
return {'identity_pools': results}
return {'identity_pools': None}
except ClientError as e:
return {'error': salt.utils.boto3.get_error(e)}
| [
] | given an identity pool name . | train | false |
126 | @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True)
def zinnia_loop_template(context, default_template):
(matching, context_object) = get_context_first_matching_object(context, ['category', 'tag', 'author', 'pattern', 'year', 'month', 'week', 'day'])
context_positions = get_context_loop_positions(context)
templates = loop_template_list(context_positions, context_object, matching, default_template, ENTRY_LOOP_TEMPLATES)
return select_template(templates)
| [
] | return a selected template from his position within a loop and the filtering context . | train | false |
127 | def loadExperimentDescriptionScriptFromDir(experimentDir):
descriptionScriptPath = os.path.join(experimentDir, '')
module = _loadDescriptionFile(descriptionScriptPath)
return module
| [
] | loads the experiment description python script from the given experiment directory . | train | true |
128 | def token_list_to_text(tokenlist):
ZeroWidthEscape = Token.ZeroWidthEscape
return u''.join((item[1] for item in tokenlist if (item[0] != ZeroWidthEscape)))
| [
] | concatenate all the text parts again . | train | true |
129 | @profiler.trace
def transfer_list(request, detailed=True, search_opts=None):
c_client = cinderclient(request)
return [VolumeTransfer(v) for v in c_client.transfers.list(detailed=detailed, search_opts=search_opts)]
except cinder_exception.Forbidden as error:
return []
| [
] | to see all volumes transfers as an admin pass in a special search option: {all_tenants: 1} . | train | true |
131 | def test_discretize_callable_1d():
def f(x):
return (x ** 2)
y = discretize_model(f, ((-5), 6))
assert_allclose(y, (np.arange((-5), 6) ** 2))
| [
] | test discretize when a 1d function is passed . | train | false |
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