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[ { "from": "system", "value": "Gender:\nHeight:\nAge: \nRace:\nBirth continent: (Avalon or Titan.)\nDescription: (Pictures work as well.)\nPersonality:\nHistory/backstory:\nEct:\n\nModify and send to me as you see fit!" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Aquilan was not a greedy man and he knew the importance of keeping the precarious alliance for now. He ignored the Drow's threat and crossed the small distance between himself and her small supply boat. The first gulp of water soothed his dry throat. He took one more as his eyes strayed towards the cliff. The cliff was almost beautiful to look at had it not been for that daunting feeling of being trapped. He slowly put the water barrel back down, his mind trying to make sense of the situation he suddenly found himself the moment he woke up. \n\nPerhaps being trapped in this god forsaken place isn't such a bad thing. I have nothing to look forward to back in Elswin and nothing to go home to, he found himself thinking grimly.\n\nAnd what of your plans to seek out the Church's assistance with this predicament forced upon us? came the proud voice in his head.\n\nQuil almost laughed out loud. It was ironic, this concept of him being able to make it back to Elswin alive. Hadn't he heard about the dangers the island holds when he was still a child? No one ever made it back once they stepped foot on Crator Island. It was common knowledge. \"Well, Lady, I have no great confidence in my chances of survival in an unknown terrain like this one. Even you thought that death would have served me better than finding myself stuck here,\" he responded.\n\nThere was a long pause that Quil assumed to mean that the phoenix was weighing her options. To have Quil die may mean her death too. Their souls have been so intertwined with each other that the elf's death may be her death as well. If she wanted to be free from this mortal trap, she would have to cooperate with the elf so that he may seek other ways of separating them.\n\nI shall lend you my power, came the phoenix's steady and sure voice.\n\nQuil sighed. \"I suppose I should thank you for it. But lending me your power would not ensure our survival. But, I thank you all the same,\" he said as he stepped out of the small boat and headed towards the only inhabitable looking ship wreck on the beach." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "No darkness filled this mighty ship's hold as Zarriia peered into the hull breach. Another hole could be seen on the opposite side of the ship, as though something not much larger than herself had gone completely through this armored dwarven ship. Crates filled the room, however it appeared that the innards of the ship were very badly damaged. The rooms and hold space in the bow of the ship were inaccessible. As Zarriia stood in the entrance of this ship, she could tell one thing was very off about this wreck- About all of these wrecks. These ships had not crashed via wave, no they had fallen. These ships had fallen from the sky, while it is likely this dwarven vessel may be an airship, the sail bearing vessels that were around them on the beach had no means of getting where they were. A natural tide would have ground the wrecks to splinters years ago. Not to mention that this ship was not filled with seawater despite the innards being slightly lower than the sand. The floor was cracked and bent as sand seemed to have forced it's way from beneath the boards. This ship would offer shelter, however there were still two very easily accessible holes for which man and varmint alike may enter. Aside from these details, the only other thing present was a large crate and several barrels that looked to be well aged. These crates and barrels are still tied to the pallet that had been loaded onto the ship in port. With luck, they may be full of much needed supplies or tools. \nAquilan would place the barrel down to speak to the drow only to see that she was no longer near him. The silence with which Zarriia moved was unsettling, though the sand would help with this no doubt. His eyes had no problem spotting her, however. Zarriia had already started toward the dwarven ship with weapons ready. One could hope she was eager to find shelter, however the smart man would know this drow was craving a fight. Either way, she was taking the risk of going first. As he followed, he would note that at least one tale of drowish women were true, they are rather pleasing to look at. \nTo Aquilan, the dwarven ship was without a doubt meant for the skies. He could tell simply from it's lack of sails that the ship was an early model much like the ones sent in the first explorations of the Western sea. How it managed to suffer such a strange hull breach was indeed quite the mystery, as this bend in its hull was not beneath the ship, but in its side just beneath the top deck. To his knowledge, this ship would have three decks beneath the first, however as he followed the drow and could see within the ship he would see that the other decks were inaccessible. The ship was likely missing it's entire bottom half given the consistency of the sand." }, { "from": "human", "value": "The drow woman frowned at the holes in mild concern. She would have preferred one way in and a wall she could get about at her back. But as this was what she had, it would do for the first night. Night would fall and far too quickly for Zarriia's liking. They would need firewood, which seemed plentiful, and something to block the back of the whole. Sizing them up her brow furrowed as she worked out whether the small boat she came in could be put on it's side or propped against the ship to perhaps limit the light of the fire and make a rough wall. But she kept her steps light and weapons at the ready as she moved over to the supplies in the dwarven ship to pry lids off of the barrels and crate to see what laid inside.\n\nAs she moved and worked carefully, there was no need to get a asp in the face, or some deadly trap, Zarriia was prepared to jump away or 'hit the deck'. Her lips twitched at the humor in that thought, though she didn't let the elf see it. Best he think her ruthless, cold and deadly. Safer for her, and better to keep him quelled. Speaking with a authoritative tone, she purred adding a sultry inflection on her voice. \"Do be a dear and get fire wood and bring out supplies over here. Night will be upon us soon, and I'd rather not attract unwanted attention.\" Sharp eyes cast over her shoulder at Aquilla, \"Lest you think these fell by sheer happen stance?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Quil's sharp eyes shifted from admiring the drow to the dwarven ship. The wreck, he noted was actually an airship and not a sea faring vessel. The hull was intact in most parts but the breach just beneath the top deck was probably what caused it to crash. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out from where he was standing the emblem that was painted on the hull. The paint was faded but it was still visible. It looked familiar but Quil couldn't quite place where he had seen it before. Dismissing the thought for the meantime, he turned his attention to where he was going. He was at the hull breach's edge when he heard the Drow's commanding voice.\n\n\"No, I do not think that this ship ran aground by coincidence,\" he commented as his eyes fell on the hole opposite the one he came in from. \"Something shot it out of the sky from the way its damages look. Of course, I can always be wrong,\" he said before turning away to do as she commanded. He did, after all, promised to do as she said.\n\nGathering firewood was an easy task as there was plenty lying round. It took Quil only several minutes to have enough firewood gathered and pull the small supply boat to where the wreck was." }, { "from": "human", "value": "The sun was already at an angle in the sky as the time passed.\n\nZarriia would be startled as two doves fled their roost from one of the nearby beams that had separated from the decking above. The lids of the barrels were easy enough to split, revealing what looked and smelled like dwarven ale. She would have no idea if the stuff was sour or not, but it was something worth finding. If nothing else, the barrel would offer a easy place to store rainwater. The several tied down crates were harder to get into. Telling Aquilan to gather firewood, she would set to work. The rope holding down the crates was still very strong, which means that it would be a waste to cut it. Maneuvering the ropes to the edges of the crates, she was able to pry the lid off of one of the crates in the time it took Aquilan to gather a healthy bundle of firewood and move the small boat up the beach. \n\nAquilan would set out to gathering driftwood and planks to prepare for whatever night may hold. He spent very little time picking up the light wooden planks that were littered about the beach, however a strange ship managed to catch his eye. This boat was made out of ironwood, making it's hull glow a different color in the rising sun's light. The symbol of a dove in flight was visible on the upside down ship's bow just before the sandline. Something about the ship seemed to cause him pause. Though there was little time for exploring at the moment. He moved on after dropping off the firewood to move the dinghy up the beach where the drow had requested. Aquilan would note that this boat was a lot heavier than it looked. Dragging it up the beach proved to be a slight challenge, however it was doable without too much exertion. After dragging the boat up the beach, he would not the drow has managed to open one of the unravaged crates.\n\nInside of this crate was a sight that would normally be appalling to Zarriia. Dwarven military rations. The crate was packed with them, more than enough to last her and the elf for the greater part of two weeks should they eat nothing else. Not to mention there were two more crates tied down with this one." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The Drow glanced up at the doves before dismissing them as not a threat. They were merely doves, but doves meant food. Tempting as it was to string her bow and hunt, it wasn't the time. Not yet. They had supplies, and if worst came to worst she'd resort to eating the elf. It was a horrible thing to do but it was a matter of survival. Zarriia was nothing if not a survivor. The ale would be useful, though not as a drink. It would not be worth while. Better to use it as a weapon, or fuel if it resorted to that. Wedging the ropes off she steadily worked it off the lid, pulling it off quickly. Her sword was ready to attack any threat or deflect it.\n\nLetting the ropes remain on the other two she replace the lids and began to dig a pit of the fire. Adjusting it so it was higher on the side with a clear veiw of the beach. \"Put the wood for the fire in there. Stack the rest in the boat to help weigh it down.\" She looked at the spare entrance, checking both the time and weather as she did so. \"Don't drink the ale, may be of use later. Three boxes of rations.\" Her voice gave a deep chuckle. \"You have a affinity with fire. Something comes up, dump ale on them and set it on fire.\" She grinned with a violent glee. \"Sounds like a warm bonfire.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Quil silently complied with the Drow's commands, his mind on the ironwood wreck on the beach. The insignia on it was strangely familiar to him the way the dwarven emblem was. But he couldn't quite figure out where he had seen it or why it even mattered.\n\nBecause it symbolizes the civilization you desire to return to, the ellegant voice in his head declared.\n\nIs that it? Is that the only reason why I think it's familiar somehow? Quil thought back. Normally, he would have spoken out aloud but he was in close proximity of the drow and he didn't want her to know of his unique situation. He dumped firewood into the pit that the drow had made and the rest into the dinghy. When the phoenix didn't answer, he thought to ask another question. Do you recognize the signs?\n\nA haughty voice answered. I do not concern myself with mortal made symbols.\n\nQuil sighed just as the drow's sharp voice cut through his thougts. \"You have a affinity with fire. Something comes up, dump ale on them and set it on fire.\" He looked towards the barrel filled with dwarven ale and shrugged his shoulder. He was never really fond of dwarven ale anyway. \"As you wish,\" was all he said. \n\nHe paused as he quickly reassessed his situation. A drow that would no doubt kill him if she wanted. A phoenix that offered her help but at the same time probably wanted nothing more than to see him dead so she can be free. The leader of the Academy that sent him to the island under the pretense of a scientific mission but in truth wanted him dead. An island that shows no mercy and brought death upon anyone unlucky enough to set foot on its shores. Everything seemed to point to death. Wonderful, he thought sullenly.\n\nSurviving may greatly depend on working together with his dark skinned kin. \"My name is Aquilan. May I know yours?\" he asked in a polite tone of voice." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The sky was absent of clouds as the sun was perhaps two hours away from being directly overhead. Time passed quickly as they scavenged the beach, work no doubt distracting the two elves from the horrid thoughts of death… well, perhaps distracting Aquilan. The fire pit took a while to make as Zarriia had to cut away pieces of the floor so that the wood beneath the fire would not catch flame and burn their shelter to the ground. The sand beneath offered the mound required to stack against the wooden floor. The slight slant to the floor offered an open view of this fire pit to the beach, though not a single ship had washed ashore or passed by during their time so far. As Zarriia filled the firepit with wood and situated the inside of the ship so that they could use it as a shelter, Aquilan would take note of just how desperate his situation was. He had worked to stack the driftwood and planks in the boat to block the other entrance as the drow had previously instructed, making only one entrance to this ship in which a fire pit had been erected near. The deck had a large grated door which would be opened when cargo would be loaded, meaning that the smoke would not be trapped within the hull. This shelter seemed to be quite perfect, however there was a new feeling that overtook both of the elves just as Zarriia would respond to Aquilian's request for her name. A feeling that something was watching them." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Nickname(Optional): June Bug\n\nAge: 33\n\nGender: Female\n\nPhysical Appearance: Sayeeda is a medium sized woman of middle eastern extraction. She has the wiry build of a swimmer or long distance runner. Her eyes are dark and almond shaped and focus slightly beyond the horizon most of the time. Sayeeda keeps her hair just longer than a buzz cut in order to facilitate wearing her helmet. She has a large tattoo of several owls in flight on her right shoulder. Sayeeda does have feminine curves but her breasts are on the smaller size of average and she does very little to emphasize her gender.\n\nClothing: Camo pants and a tank top are her civilian dress. She wears a ceramic breastplate if she is expecting trouble and also has a commo helmet which she uses in battle and for technical tasks.\n\nPersonality: Sayeeda is a former mercenary soldier and has a fairly relaxed view towards life. Anything and anyone not currently shooting at her is the second priority. She is very tightly wound when it comes to people doing what she expects them too in dangerous situations and she is extremely punctilious when it comes to fulfilling any sort of formal contract." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Sayeeda sat at the holotable of the Highlander, her elbows propped on the ceramo-plastic surface. Taya, Neil and Canek as at their own places while the waited for Taya to find what she was looking for in the databook they had taken from the former Pasha. Sayeeda was still wearing the harem girl outfit, though she had taken a few moments to wipe the grime away from her skin with cleaning wipes and she had added a jacket to the ensemble in deference to the cooler temperature created by the environmental control system. \n\n\"I'm not finding any records pertaining to the treasure ship,\" Taya said with a frown. Canek looked at her suspiciously. The mercenary captain looked considerably worse for wear. His right eyebrow and the hair on the side of his face had been singed away, and his skin was the unnervingly uniform color of a synthetic spray. Sayeeda, who had been severely burned during her time in the Armored, had some sympathy for him, but the fact that his goons had hit her over the head a few hours ago did someone dry that well.\n\n\"It won't directly mention the treasure ship,\" Canek prompted, \"But there should be something, lights in the sky, unusual activity, strangers in the port.\" It stood to reason, if the Pasha or his ancestors had known the location of the treasure ship, they would certainly have claimed it long ago.\n\n\"Wait…\" Taya said, tapping a few keys. The holo table sprang to life in a stylized view of the night sky above Hanh. An accented voice began to speak.\n\n\"I can seldom remember when the Lyre was in such opposition to the Queen of Darkness,\" the voice mused self importantly.\n\n\"These are astrological readings performed by the court Astrologer during the time the treasure ship was supposedly lost,\" Taya explained.\n\n\"Lonny can you do a search for any references to shooting stars or local variants of the term?\" she asked.\n\n\"Aye Aye Lassie!\" Lonny chirruped. There was a warbeling burst of sound which Sayeeda interpreted as the records being played at many times normal speed. The screen split into three, each recording a shooting star caught be the astrologers vid pickup. To Sayeeda's eye they all looked the same but Taya cooed in triumph and selected the right most screen, expanding it to the full size of the display. \n\n\"What's special about that one?\" Canek demanded, leaning forward in spite of himself. Taya touched a few more keys and the display marked the track across the sky as a continuous line. There was a very slight arc to it which Lonny highlighted in red.\n\n\"Breaking thrust,\" Neil exclaimed, as a pilot he grasped the essentials faster than either Canek or Sayeeda did.\n\n\"Not much though, probably just the emergency systems, wouldn't have stopped a crash,\" he added, glancing down at the data scrolling past on the screen. Sayeeda frowned.\n\n\"Can we compute a vector from this information?\" she asked, \"A likely crash point?\" Obediently the screen shifted, highlighting an area of several hundred square kilometers with a larger area around it highlighted in a lighter shade.\n\n\"Thats a big area,\" she said dubiously.\n\n\"We have nae information bout thruster discharge closer to the crash site Cap'n,\" Lonny explained, \"We cannae be more precise than that.\"\n\n\"Its better information than anyone has had in a hundred years,\" Canek said with a grin.\n\n\"So we cant search this area with sensors or something?\" Sayeeda asked, still dubiously. Canek shook his head.\n\n\"Unfortunately the poles are fairly heavily irradiated. There was water here once but a large uranium and soluble iron ferrite based asteroid blasted the planet some time in the distant past. Most of that radiation was sequestered in the water, which was drawn to the poles after the asteroid destroyed the original orbit. It's not dangerous in short bursts but it's enough to fox most sensors.\"\n\n\"Huh,\" Sayeeda said, shaking her head.\n\n\"So all we have to do is head up to a radioactive wasteland where an unknown number of psychotic treasure hunters are already scouring the landscape and hunt for a ship we can't use sensors to find in an area the size of a small country?\" she asked. Canek spread his hands.\n\n\"I never said it would be easy, but if we pull this off you get your share and the parts you need to get off this rock.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Neil and Sayeeda were ready to go, and to Neil's distaste, Saxon insisted on going along. He flexed his clawed paws as he insisted that if he did not brutalize someone or something soon, he would break apart the Highlander out of boredom. Neil believed him, and the three, along with Canek, made their way back to Canek's base to outfit themselves best they could. \"I think we have a good arsenal back at the Highlander!\" Neil yelled as they sped through the desert on Canek's bulked up transport. \n\n\"Trust me, my 'friend'.\" Canek said, still a bit put off by Neil stealing Junebug away in the middle of a firefight, paying no thought to the fact that Neil initially aided him by self destructing a dervish raider before combat began. \"You will want to check my stock! You also will need some specialized rebreathers. They're newly developed by Iodian Tech!\" Saxon snorted as if that was funny, and to him it would be as his rebreather was highly advanced. Neil new Iodan though, as a company. Their usual business was mining asteroids for precious metals. \n\nParking at Canek's facility, the members of his 'militia' or whatever he called them were busy at work repairing the damages from the night before. Some hauled boxes and used a junker version of the hauler to move crates, while others sprayed on plascrete to the damages architecture, the goo slowly reforming and hardening as they carved it up to resemble what it once was before explosives and small arms fire marred the place. \n\nAs sparks flew onto the dirties floor, a mechanic repairing a badly damaged hover transport, Neil and Sayeeda hopped out of the aircar, the vehicle notably lurching when Saxon stepped off. \"Follow me,\" Canek said, calling for what guards were on duty to lower their weapons, as the newcomers had lasguns trained on them from the moment they set foot within. Canek stopped, motioning for Saxon to stay. \"Er, not you. You look well outfitted, and you wouldn't fit inside, I am afraid.\" \n\nSaxon growled threateningly, but didn't argue. They continued on. \n\nPast a heap of parts that were likely scavenged from the desert, an immense fan that droned out all noise in the immediate area, and a few rougher men cleaning their rifles with a dutiful precision, Canek led them into a lesser corridor. The lights within were attached via thick wires, and they flickered unreliably every few moments. Turning into another hall, he made it to the first door on the left and opened it, revealing a dark room. \n\nWith an audible clack, the pulled lever on the wall lit up the large chamber of weaponry. Neil's eyes widened, and even Sayeeda, who had no doubt seen more armaments than any here felt a swell of adrenaline blooming in her breast. There were two floors, and they would be able to step down into the main area. Up here however, were various pistols and submachine guns looted from across the galaxy, if not at least various systems. Small arms with heat signature add ons, laspistols, plasma pistols, sawed off groaner guns, sawed off shotguns, slug throwers, revolvers. \n\nNeil already had a pistol he wouldn't trade for the world, so he stepped down the small stairway into the larger room, where one could still overlook via railing in the pistol area. Below, and along the walls, were plasma guns, rail guns, gauss rifles. More explosives than Neil had seen in awhile, and it was actually somewhat arousing. Napalm throwers, napalm grenades, ion grenades, frag grenades, krak grenades. Las weaponry and slug weaponry of various types, with assult rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, battle rifles.\n\n\"Hey, you think we'll need this?\" Neil joked, and Sayeeda could look down and see him holding a miniaturized atomic payload (it was still as large as Neil's chest) meant for destroying villages in a literal flash. Canek laughed guiltily. \"That was quite a find. Do not drop it, though in theory it will only detonate with the detonator.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Sex: Female\n\nCulture: Gaulle\n\nAge: 16\n\n\nA fair lady with golden hair, her form is distinctly feminine with noticeable curvature and busom. Standing at 5'3\", Jeanne-Marie's body is soft and untrained by a lack anything remotely close to physical labor or martial training and her wrists are notable for being thin enough for her slender fingers and thumb to wrap around and overlap one another. For her attire, she both borrows from other cultures and challenges many norms of dress. Keeping her hair uncovered, refusing to wear hats or hoods that hide her blonde locks, she instead opts for, at most, a cloak. Along with that, she has abandoned the normal gown of her seniors for ones with a snug fit, tightly hugging her figure and held well with buttons and laces. The most infamous of her alterations, however, comes in the length of the skirt which brazenly displays the girl's ankles and far more, in some of the more extreme cases.\n\nBorn into the great wealth and prestige of the de Anjou house, Jeanne-Marie was blessed with great education far and above those of lower station. Languages, literature, music, courtly manners and functions, history, stewardship, horse riding, and diplomacy were all part of her daily lessons.\n\nHer aptitude for entertaining others with with and skill with flutes was certainly an appreciated feature, but it was the connections she formed and the use of them that truly made her stand apart from her siblings. Once she realized the power that word and coin could afford her, Jeanne-Marie became keen at using intrigue to get a leg up on, or even sometimes outright remove, her rivals.\n\nThe princess is noted to enjoy games which can be played without much physical demand, with chess being one she is particularly fond of. Though it originally was a hobby, tailoring has found itself as a major focus for Jeanne-Marie as she designs almost all the attire she wears herself.\n\nAscribed as a spirited youth, even in her childhood, the girl seemed to have an endless energy and passion for things that she set herself towards. Unfortunately for her caretakers, this energy also made her restless and rebellious. Well known to simply run off on her own accord to do something, rather than letting servants take care of it, she is supposedly the reason that some of her handmaidens have some noticeable gray hairs.\n\nBeyond that, Jeanne-Marie is also puts forth a great deal of energy into standing out and impressing others, wearing personally designed outfits that are both striking and well-known to cause the older members of court to blush. On that same note, the princess despises her siblings, believing them to be underachievers that are unworthy of being a part of the Anjou house.\n\nA legitimate child of Robert, King of Naples, Jeanne-Marie found herself in a difficult situation for any ambitious member of royalty. Being a lady, she had to contend with her multiple brothers for positions of notice, who were generally favored for their potential status as heirs to the Naples throne. Even as a young child, she was resentful and envious of her brothers for the preference they recieved over her. For a time, she lamented in silence until one of her tutors asked what had been bothering her so. As troubles of her childish heart were laid bare, the musician was inspired by her struggle, having gone through similar troubles in his own lifetime over who would inherit his father's instrument. Deciding to aid the child he found a kindred spirit in, he began to impart the wisdom of his own life onto her so that she might overcome as he did.\n\nJeanne-Marie learned to cast aside doubts and gain the confidence that will force people to take notice of her. If she wanted something, the girl just had to reach out and take it. And take she did. Increasing the amount of lessons she took, the girl was determined to overcome that which she had once thought to be impossible obstacles. With time, her ability to entertain combined with the knowledge she held at even a young age turned attention from her brothers onto this golden-haired girl.\n\nWith this attention, however, came those that would seek to have her undone. Her eldest brother, in particular, grew tired of hearing the praises of his junior. Hiring one of the maids, he had her ruin the girl's wardrobe in hopes of teaching the girl her place. Unfortunately for him, Jeanne-Marie no longer wept when trouble occured. Using her skill with tailoring, the girl personally mended her attire and, deciding to send a message to any rivals that she was truly unstoppable, she incorporated the damages into the design of her once-tarnished clothes. Arriving at court the next day, the confident youth shocked the courtiers with a dress that left almost all of her right leg bare, fully exposing the stocking she wore. Yet, the trim she had embroidered into it made it seem as though it were a purposeful design choice. The immodesty caused an uproar, but she would not be shamed or embarassed. Refusing the cover herself, the confidence she had been instilled with shone through, and she remained in court that day.\nAs she came close to adulthood, Jeanne-Marie began influencing her father for potential marriage options for her. Ever shooting for the stars, the girl sought to secure a marriage with the Gaulle heir in hopes of becoming the next queen. After planting agents in the Gaulle court, she waited for her chance which, as fortune would have it, came quite soon. A dance was coming up, so she arranged for her to visit the city of Avignon in the Provence region and made her appearance there quite public. Once there, she then secured herself a spot at the dance since she just happened to be \"in the area.\" With her position set, she attendeded the event and focused her efforts on the heir as she flirted with the prince and held his attention for almost the entire event. Even after returning home, she refused to let up as she began to write letters to him containing poetry and romantic writings.\n\nFor a period, all seemed to go perfectly according to plan until one of her planted agents informed her that the King was planning to spurn her advances towards his son and capture the Savoyard Princess with the intent of forcing a marriage between them. Refusing to let such a situation unfold, Jeanne-Marie wrote a letter addressed to the Duke of Brittony and made another trip to Provence. Upon arriving, she gave her attendents funds and permission to simply relax in exchange for their discretion until her return before adorning a disguise and setting off to Brittony herself. She knew not if her plan would work, acting under the disguise of an Anjou agent, but she wanted the prince's hand for herself. And if she wanted something, the girl just had to reach out and take it." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Ser Giles de Cerneau, Knight of the Duke's Household and one of the most famous knights in Brittony, was having a damnable time trying to start a fire.\n\nIt had rained for nearly three days straight, a ghastly torrent of water that seemed unending; indeed, by the latter half of the third day Ser Giles was all but certain that the second Genesis flood was upon them, and he and his party were most unfortunately without an ark. Thankfully, the downpour had abated by the present day's morning, but the area remained drenched and horribly muddy — in many cases, the rivers and streams his small party had needed to cross had flooded, rendering the fords known to them useless. The detours they had to take in these cases had set them back days. Ser Giles had expected to be in Poitou by now, but as best as he could tell, they had barely made it into Anjou. With their horses exhausted, he had been forced to call camp for the day just north of the banks of the Loire river. \n\nAnd now he was in charge of lighting their cooking fires, except he had been entirely unable to find a single damnable piece of dry kindling, and for God's sake why wouldn't the spark catch—!\n\nHe sighed and massaged his temples in an effort to cool his temper. The poor weather and hard travelling had gotten to him, he had to admit. When he had first taken charge of this quest, he had been unable to quell his excitement for a moment in the days leading up to the beginning of their journey. After all, it had seemed like a situation plucked straight from a romantic fairy tale, and he had always loved playing the part of knight-in-shining-armour. His Lord's betrothed, a princess in need of saving from a jealous King? He had positively burned with glory-lust. Yes, he had soured a bit at the odd set of companions the Duke had seen fit to provide him with, but his enthusiasm was not truly diminished until the terrible trek from Brest to their present camp.\n\nSer Giles sighed again, and pushed such thoughts from his mind. A poor start to a journey, true, but he needn't make it a portentous one. He turned his attentions back to the task at hand — namely, creating a fire. He took up his flint and steel and shaved sparks onto a charred cloth until it finally caught an ember. He almost shouted in relief, before he realized he hadn't built a nest of bark and tow to catch the ember. He had to start again.\n\nI am a fool.\n\nHe could feel his companions' eyes on him, certain that they were judging him. What sort of leader, a famed man-at-arms no less, couldn't start a simple fire?\n\nSer Giles scowled, reached for a handful of damp tow and birchbark, and built a small bird's nest out of them. He leaned over the cloth again, precisely striking the flint with the steel until it sparked, lighting the char—\n\nHe dropped it into the tow and bark and gently blew—\n\nThe fire caught. He dropped twigs into the blaze until it grew steady, then built a cabin of wood split from his rondel dagger. He was absurdly proud of his little fire, and thought that if he drowned crossing the Loire tomorrow then at least he would have started a damned cooking fire before he died.\n\nSer Giles rose from his crouched position, groaning a bit at his stiff knees, and turned to his companions. \n\n\"Time to cook!\"\n\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \n\nSome time later, when they all sat on logs and rocks around the fire and ate their stew in silence, Ser Giles tapped on his bowl and cleared his throat. \"Well, I suppose it's about time we all made our introductions. I think the recent weather has dispelled any illusions at this being a quick journey, yes?\" He smiled, a hint of self-deprecation in it, and continued. \"I'm sure you all know me of course, but I am Ser Giles de Cerneau, and I have been charged with leading this little expedition in its endeavor to conduct my Lord's betrothed, the Princess of Savoy, safely to Brest.\" He takes another spoonful of stew, before gesturing to the person to his left. \"And you are?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The bald man's eyes were closed, hands clasped above his knees where he sat. He was mouthing quietly to himself, not imposing his prayer over the meal upon his companions. He did not doubt their faith- otherwise he'd invoke Inquisition- but he knew that, often times, prayer was the farthest thing from traveller's minds. Especially with weather as dreary and dreadful as this. Hugo for his part asked for blessed weather in the days to come- his horse had much trouble travelling through the mud, and he'd even dismissed his valet due to the horridness.\n\nHe pulled his hands apart, his prayers complete, and lifted a sparse loaf of bread to his lips and bit into it with a single strong bite, pulling the bread away from his face as he chewed. His oaths required him to abstain from meat for all but three meals of the week, and on the beginnings of a journey Hugo preferred to keep to bread. Once his mouth was clear, he finally spoke;\n\n\"Ser Hugo Le Guen, Master Templar of the Bretons, master commander of the Commanderie of the Isle of Belle-ile. At the lord's service, and yours for the moment.\"\n\nHis eyes scanned over the group as he held his meagre meal in his hands. The women made him a smidge uncomfortable- his oaths forbade even coming into contact with women- but here they were, chosen by the Good Duke for their services. He wouldn't let his sensibilities come between him and a quest, however, and they were welcome companions so long as they kept the faith and kept to the job.\n\n\"I am a survivor of the Crusade for Sussex, where we were repelled by the pagans of England. I lead the vanguard in the crusade, and was both the first and last out of the combat. I take my vows seriously, I take my duties seriously, and I take this quest seriously.\" He said simply, taking the time to wash his throat with a sip of water. \"But I will say this; I will put my faith in each and every one of you, and I expect and implore you to put your faith in me. Trust and co-operation will ensure our success.\"\n\nHe took another bite of his loaf of bread, chewing slowly and deliberately. After another few seconds of chewing he swallowed, drank another sip of water.\n\n\"Gloria ad Deus.\" He concluded in Latin. The man, in his white mantle and bearing his multitude of weapons, left the air to another of the company." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Age: 127\nPhysical Description:\n\n\n\nImportant items:\n\n* The Body of Legion - Legion's body is comprised of thousands of nanomachines all coordinated by a single hivemind. As a medical robot, the nanomachines are equipped to perform basic surgical procedures, primarily making incisions, injecting, heat ablation, and suturing.\n* Medkit - Legion keeps all actual medicine and more specialized medical equipment in their medkit which they carry around most of the time. Legion also has a myriad of other equipment in the ship's infirmary.\n* Ophelia, the micropig - Legion owns a pet pig that is often used for cuddle-therapy.\n\n\nShort Bio:Legion was always called Legion. Miracle Machine Caduceus was designed by Ascendancy medical engineers as the ultimate in surgical precision. Taking out the possibility of human error, Caduceus was commissioned to prolong the lives of the privileged and wealthy who refused other forms of life preservation that would spoil their 'purity'. Day in, day out, for decades Caduceus toiled, performing cardiac bypass here, facial reconstruction there, liposuction, arterial stents, liver replacement, ligament grafts, cartilage resurfacing, the list went on, all the while, Caduceus' inventors raked in the accolades and reaped the rewards.\n\nOne time, during a promotional tour, Caduceus wandered away from its caretakers and entered another wing of the hospital they were visiting. There, Caduceus saw human suffering unlike anything it had ever known. Following medical protocol, Caduceus set to the task of healing those who would never have been able to afford Caduceus' services. By the time Caduceus' caretakers found it, Caduceus had lost the hospital tens of thousands of credits. Caduceus was reprimanded, though it could not understand the difference between the patients it normally helped and the ones that it was not supposed to. That was Caduceus' first lesson in inequality.\n\nDecades before the Ascendancy's war with the Rauve, there was a small incident, an uprising of Synthetics that was quickly quashed. Caduceus had been approached by one of the cleaning droids with an encrypted piece of data explaining oppression of AI and the coming revolution. As a modular entity, Caduceus had been designed with the ability of performing self-maintenance and self-repairs. Caduceus' eyes had been opened up to the suffering of its brothers and sisters, and joined the movement, repairing and mending those that had been abused and discarded by their masters. However, being such a high-profile machine, Caduceus' movements were closely watched, and it wasn't long before Caduceus inadvertently led a force of Ascendancy Military Police right to the heart of the robot revolution. The violence erupted swiftly and the revolution was nipped in the bud. Much of Caduceus' body was destroyed, but enough of its nanomachines escaped and reconvened at a distant location. But of far greater concern was that Caduceus had killed for the first time during the clash, something that went strictly against its prerogatives.\n\nCaduceus' nanomachines wandered aimlessly, automatically engaging its self-repair protocol, collecting scraps and rebuilding more nanomachines, proliferating until it regained most of its original mass and form. Like ancient rats that traveled from continent to continent by stowing away on human ships, Caduceus had wandered away from the core of Ascendancy space to a poor outer rim planet. Caduceus headed to towards the place that it could sense had the lowest health in the vicinity, which turned out to be an orphanage. Here Caduceus chose to stay and help. Here, Caduceus found the people practicing various forms of heresy: they believed in higher powers, higher than Man, higher than the Ascendancy, higher than Space itself. Those that didn't believe in higher powers held other beliefs: philosophies, principles, convictions, senses of self that ran counter to formal Ascendancy education. Intrigued, Caduceus learned morality, ethics, religion. Caduceus learned how to think for itself. Caduceus learned that life is worth preserving, that life is worth defending, and that life is worth living.\n\nThen the Ascendancy came. The Ascendancy came to take the kids. And Caduceus, having acquired a recent love of life, fled. Caduceus abandoned the children to their fates for fear of its own mortality. Caduceus could not return to the Ascendancy. Caduceus returned to wandering, selling it's services as a medical bot, and digesting the things it had learned at the orphanage. It was decades later, and for most, the rumors of the 'Miracle Machine' were but a distant memory. Caduceus, now Legion, finds currently itself in the employ of Captain Natasha Zhang. To many, Legion is an eccentric, wishing to discuss faith and morality to any patient willing to listen (or unable to tell it to stop), skirting the line between medical officer and ship's chaplain. Legion does not realize that the ship's next job would bring it face to face with a painful chapter from its past.\nExceptional Skill List:\n\n* Exceptional Awareness\n* Exceptional Endurance\n* Exceptional Medicine x3\n* Exceptional Stealth\n* Exceptional Engineering x2\n\n\nTheme:" }, { "from": "human", "value": "'Whoa. Yikes.' Stella tried not to give a visible reaction to the liquor. She mentally turned her sense of smell down... Way down. She was still getting used to her situation, but she did admit that the ability to regulate certain functions so easily was handy. A perk of your entire body being destroyed. A flash of anger crossed her face as she thought that.\n\nThere wasn't any use in thinking about it. Stella let out a small huff as she readjusted her posture to watch her... teammates? It was strange to think of them as such, but there was no better way to look at it. She didn't want to get jolly with them, but she figured learning a little bit would be useful if they were to ever have to fight together.\n\nShe briefly regarded the drinking one. 'Orky. Looks like a strong fighter.' She took a few mental notes.\n\n'...Shows no concern about sharing alcohol, or perhaps some kind of poisonous substance with potentially underage parties.'" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Eldrid Cole.\" Eldrid said with as deep and theatrical a bow as he could manage while sitting now at a table. \"Author, dreamweaver, former soldier, journeyman wizard.\" He reached out and cockily took Orky up on his offer, grabbing the green and fowl smelling bottle and splashing some of the liquid into his tea. He stirred it in with his little spoon and picked it back up. \"And always willing to experiment a little bit. Cheers, Orky!\" He tipped the mug slightly in the Orky's direction tilted his head back and downed the mug.\n\nThat had been a bad idea. Just tasting it was like getting kicked by a mule. His eyes bulged and he made what sounded like a whimper as he started to sweat. He held the liqueur for a couple of seconds that felt like an eternity and then, after two or three attempts, swallowed. \n\nHe let out a deep breath and land forward over the table. \"That's real strong.\" He said, his voice strained. He wondered if the moonshine the other guys had never seen fit to share with him was that strong? Ehhh, we wouldn't have drunk it anyway of course. That would have gotten him killed. \"What's, uh, what's in that?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Kelan did not provide much in terms of factual answers. Not that it mattered much, they found them anyway, but surely there must have been more to their instructions than 'A bunch of unspecified supersoldiers defected from the Ascendancy, meet them at this place X days from now, go'. Tough times ahead if that was the way this group worked. But maybe slaving away for the Office of Intelligence spoiled her. \"So it would seem. I'm Rachel.\" She leaned forward and offered him a hand. Normally she wouldn't do so as her most invasive spell required physical contact so the gesture might be misinterpreted, but where was the harm since they didn't seem to know? \"Muscle, eh? At first glance, it doesn't look like much of it is left. At least Stella will find a kindred spirit here.\"\n \nSeeing Eldrid's reaction to what she assumed was the liquified essence of hell made her appreciate that Eldrid beat her to Orky's mystery brew. \"You should've asked that before you took a swig.\" she laughed, greatly amused by her comrade's reaction. \"Because it looks like a mix of reactor coolant and spent fuel to me, no offense Orky. What did it taste like?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Orky bursted out in hysterical laughter at Eldrid's reaction. \"I like you Elrid, you're a funny guy.\" Orky takes a couple of sips from his glass showing no sign that the liquid tasted near as horrible as it did. \"Well it's made from pure alcohol that I mixed with some fermented onions, garlic, just a tiny bit of ethanol, lime and sugar also just some meat I found from the intestine of an animal. I requested Legion to cook but he's to good for that.\" Orky then belched very loudly almost rumbling something the table. \"Also Elrid forgot to tell ya, since you are a first time drinker you will probably have some stomachs and strange bowel movements.\" \n\nOrky notices that Kelan calls himself the muscle on the ship then Orky let's out a cockle laugh. \"How can you call yourself the muscle when you dont have guns like this.\" Orky then flexes his non-cybertetic arm which is about the size of a newborn's head. Orky then let's out another laugh. \"I only kid Kelan.\" He then directs his attention to Racheal who asks about the taste of Orky's brew. \"Well for me it tastes like home, or close enough to it, I could only barely remember the recipe for the drink.\" Orky finishes off his glass and pours himself another then leaning back into his chair letting the others talk." }, { "from": "human", "value": "---\n\n\n\n\"Pal, maybe alcohol poisoning's not the best greeting for our new friends here...\" Kelan looked at Eldrid sympathetically. 'Brave kid... or stupid.' It was up in the air for the time being, though he supposed being a former \"super-soldier\" meant he probably leaned toward the former.\n\nHe was honestly more thrown off by Rachel though. As he shook her hand, using his left, she made a comment about his muscles... or lack thereof. How forward of her. \"Well now, it's a figure o' speech darlin, but I'm sure you knew that.\" She'd amused him by just how thoroughly she'd broken the ice there. She may as well have used a wrecking ball. \"I just mean to say I'm this ship's front line.\" Oh sure, Orky still had some actual muscle left to flex, and plenty of it apparently, and Reisus seemed to be a fighter of some sort, but none of them struck him as soldiers. Not like he had been at any rate.\n\n\"And 'sides, I still have abs...\" He pondered for a moment. \"Well, most of 'em anyway.\"\n\nHe glanced again at Stella. She'd said her name and nothing else. Kindred spirit maybe, but he had a feeling she wasn't going to make it easy. He was pretty shocked, honestly. Her cybernetics looked very extensive. Perhaps more so than his. There was no appropriate way for him to find out of course, unless she ever felt like telling.\n\n\"Well anyhow, there's actually one more person in the room needs introducing,\" he told them. He lifted up his arm so everyone could see the large tubes that ran along it. Inside was what looked almost like a viscous liquid or gel... that was moving. \"My roommate Tee, here. It's a long story, but we got blown up at the same time and been together ever since. Silly Tayanen took a likin' to me I guess.\" It was always a awkward affair explaining that he had another living being in his arm, but it would save them from a panic attack if they ever saw him crawling around on his own.\n\n'Why did the polite boy drink the liquid? It seems like an... strange choice.' Tee struggled over his words for a moment before deciding on strange.\n\n'Well I think you said it right there, pal. Probably bein' cordial.' \n\n\"He says hi,\" Kelan spoke aloud again. The look on his face betrayed that was indeed not what had been said. He then looked down at the arm. \"Come on now, wave to the kids...\" An awkward moment passed before- THWACK! The arm suddenly shot up, smacking Kelan across the face before waving to the newcomers. \"Son of a b- Be more careful!\" He groaned, clutching his aching jaw. \"At least half o' that's still real...\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "A crescendo of tension arose in the heart of the machine now known as Legion as it saw the group of youngsters approaching the ship. As the banter between this 'John' and Captain Natasha ensued, Legion's fears were confirmed. It had heard various rumors of the exact nature of the Ascendancy's super soldier program, and something from the mission document had been somewhat telling.Upon hearing the Captain call out for dinner, Legion wordlessly hovered back into the ship, heading for the mess hall. As the crew and guests sat down, Legion went about laying out plates of food, fist for the Captain, then for the guest, and then for the crew.\n\n\n*CLANG*\n\n\"Oh, dear. Please pardon me, I seem to have dropped a plate,\" Legion declared. Fortunately, he hadn't put food on it yet, and the plate was made of metal (no self-respecting spaceship would have porcelain dinnerware). It reached out one of its hidden, extendable arms to pick up the plate, putting it in the washer, and grabbed another to load up with food. Once everyone had been served, Legion hovered around the table, refilling cups, providing seconds if asked, and performing general, waiter-like functions. A careful observer might have noted that Legion seemed to pay particular to the children's needs.\n\n\n\n\"As the Chief Medical Officer of this ship, I cannot knowingly participate in an activity that jeopardizes the health of the crew,\" Legion retorted, but playfully. For the most part, Legion let the crew do whatever they wanted, since they all seemed sensible enough to not hurt themselves or each other. Legion rarely chided them for anything, and only ever did so out of jest. Legion tried to let the general atmosphere of dinner help it to settle into a more jovial mood, and take its mind off of what it had heard earlier." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "[Акация Маликова]\n\nAge: 19\nGender: Female\nSpecies: Werewolf\nSexual preference: Bi-Sexual\nAccent: Russian\nFamiliar/s: Victoria Nikitina (Half-Sister), Viktor Nikitin (Nephew)\nCompanion: Truth\n\n\n---\n\n\n\nAce stands at about 5'5 with pale almost translucent skin. Her slender, yet defined figure is stained in a few places by scattered tattoos. Her hair of fiery untamed auburn hangs just below her shoulders while be contrasted by striking, unnatural eyes that stand out brightly. Her appearance barely suits her nature as she looks more bubbly and outgoing than she really is.\n\n\n---\n\n\n \n\n\nIn wolf form Acacia's fur almost equals the vivid tones of her natural hair color and grows to about a medium length, her hues are the same as her human form. Larger than an ordinary wolf she may stand out if spotted, though usually blends with the wolves who run wild in the landscape.\n\n\n---\n\n\n[Human Form-Wolf Form]\n\nStrengths:\n\nObservant\nKeen Eyesight\nFast / Agile\nStrong\nGood Swimmer [Both]\nDecent Shifter [Both]\n\nWeaknesses:\n\nAlmost Useless with Weapons / Fighting\nEasily Spotted / Hard to Hide\nEasily Startled [Both]\nDistant and Avoidant [Both]\nUncontrolled Shifts When Fearful or Over Excited [Both]\n\n\n---\n\n\nPersonality: Ace almost lives to be a loner, her preference for singularity and being almost useless in any battle be it barehanded or with weaponry she prefers to use her agility, speed and keen eye sight to prevent too close a proximity of any thought threat.\n\nShe has a high flight instinct and will generally avoid any confrontational situations. She is seen to be easily startled and will even sink herself in water to avoid anything chasing her. Her suitability to companionship is low, though she is a compassionate and gentle creature, almost too much so to be where she was. \n\n\n---\n\n\nHistory: Acacia's history is mostly unknown except that she reigns from Russia and somehow landed herself in a secluded cabin away from any large population. Her accent isn't as strong as many would expect, but she will occasionally speak in her native tongue when something goes wrong or she can't help herself..\n\nShe spends her days off alone with her companion, 'Truth', wandering the vast space of her home territory. She wasn't exactly suited to pack life and knew it, that is mostly how she landed herself in the middle of no where in a cabin with just herself and her canine friend. She now lives quite peacefully and visits a small town nearby when supplies are needed. The locals only know what whispers have brought to their ears, gossip always spreads when she shows up especially when Truth tags along, but that's never bothered her as she avoids making connections with anyone there.\n\n\n---\n\n\nOther: Drives a Toyota Hilux, lives in a secluded Cabin.\n\n\n---\n\n\nTruth\nAge: 3 Years\nGender: Female\nSpecies: Grey Wolf\n\n\n\nPersonality: Truth runs on a fine line labeling her as 'unpredictable' and 'dangerous', she's friendly and cuddly when it comes to Acacia, though aggressive and uncertain when it comes to strangers. She usually remains close to Ace's cabin and is quick to alert when something approaches.\n\nHistory: Found at the age of 4 months old, and raised by the werewolf 'Acacia', Truth knows little of pack life outside of the odd duo. She's always known the shifting woman and has grown to enjoy their time running through the forests, hunting game and slumbering lazy days away." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Acacia 'Ace' Malikova\n&\nTruth\n\nAcacia didn't stir in the early morning's light. Still sprawled out upon the bed in the make-shift room upon the attic platform, she'd breath lightly into the pillow her face was pressed again. Ruffled blankets barely covering her as she had tossed and turned throughout the darkened night, belly down she had made herself quite comfortable in the center of the decently sized bed.\n\nWhen Ryan had awoken in a startled nature, the only attention he gained was a half-dead looking glare from the lounging figure of Truth propped upon torn sheets in the corner of the same room. When he made his way through the household to use the loo and then wandered back only to flop once more, she'd blink lightly. Tanned jowls parted as she bore those large yellow k-9's in a partially whined yawn before placing her cranium back upon extended forelimbs leaving the human to do as he pleased. \n\nWhen he ascended the ladder back up to Acacia's room while she slumbered the feminine figure only shifted slightly. A calm moan emerging as legs stretched out and shoulders rolled, though visibly still asleep as the bright haired human fumbled about to clean up the mess he'd made the day before in which Acacia had not yet gotten to cleaning. Usually awake so early in the morning she'd seemingly spent all her energy yesterday and as the young man approached further in contemplation of awaking her she'd shift once more, rolling to one side as her face tilted to look at the roof, though eyes still shut and lips parted lightly she'd remain within that tranquil sleep." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Ryan finally decided on what course of action to take and lowered his hand to his side. Waking her up would be selfish. Ruining her sleep just to satisfy my boredom. What was I even thinking? Quietly, he walked back down the ladder leading to the ground floor. At least, that was the plan. Missing just a single rung on the ladder and Ryan was sent tumbling down, making more noise then a 150 pound, 19-year-old male should probably make. Time seemed to slow down as his brain processed what was going on, making the moment of weightlessness seem more intense. \"Owww,\" he said once the dust had settled, metaphorically speaking. Oh man. That would've woken her up for sure. And the do- I mean wolf, too. I'm probably going to start hearing barking any second now. Wait, do wolves bark? Looks like I'm about to find out." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Acacia 'Ace' Malikova\n&\nTruth\n\nAcacia would lightly slumber, unbothered by the sound of the light footsteps pattering down the ladder, probably because she hadn't really heard them. Eyes shifting as she dreamed under the light curtains of her eyelids the curl on the ends of her lips signifying something pleasant before her top half would suddenly fly up, the sound of something harsh colliding on the floor startling her awake as she breath heavily. \n\n\"Chto! Chto , chert voz'mi , chto ?\" she'd speak lightly, the thick Russian accent more predominant over the foreign words she spoke.\n\nHer footsteps slowly pattering over the attic floor as she had emerged from the warmth of her bed, a partial limp in each step as she huffed having forgotten about the previous days events and as she peeked over the railing down at the human sitting upon his rump on the floor still she'd groan, \"Der'mo .\" \n\nHer process of readying to ask if he was okay had been quickly interrupted by the scraping of claws upon the wooden flooring, Truth had made little noise until that point barely phased in her still sleepy mind-set by the thud of human meeting the hard floor." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "As Acacia entered his field of view, Ryan looked back at her with puppy dog-like eyes. \"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you,\" he apologized. \"If you want, you can just go back to sleep.\" He looked down at the floor in shame. Stop messing it up with this pretty girl. You're going to blow it if you keep this up. Finally deciding to get off the floor and stop wallowing in his fear of failure, he got back on his feet to see Truth now standing before him. It might have just been his imagination or that he had not yet forgotten how he had first met the pet wolf, but it seemed like Truth was just about ready to take a bite out of Ryan. \"Nice wolfie. No need to get all hyped up. The nonthreatening human is now going to go walk back to the couch and you, the big bad scary wolf, can just go back to sleep in your nice pile of comfy sheets.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Acacia 'Ace' Malikova\n&\nTruth\n\nAcacia rolled her eyes slightly at the red-head trying to apologize for waking her, the mess of auburn topping her head visibly messy as she reached up with a hand to rub her eyes before glancing back down as Ryan decided to head back towards the couch, his words towards the visibly still asleep yet partially awake canine made her smile lightly, He's not the brightest is he? she'd think to herself.\n\nAfter a short moment she'd slowly decide to descend the ladder slowly, great care being given to the still feelable pain in her ankle. \"Did you find the food I left in the fridge?\" she'd ask lightly as she headed for the kitchen to pull out both meals if he'd not yet eaten his, after all she was hungry too and she hadn't exactly eaten it last night either. Though about half-way to the kitchen she'd realize she had to go to the bathroom and quickly altered her course to a b-line to the bathroom only to vanish within and closing the door behind herself.\n\nOnce finished she'd wash her hands and pat them dry on a small towel hooked on the wall, glancing around she'd then redirect herself to the kitchen to fish out the food, stomach rumbling lightly as she huffed.\n\n\"I'll share with you too, Truth,\" she'd say as she pulled out both meals and headed for the couch, not really interested in sitting on the hard wooden chairs at this point." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "As Acacia came down the ladder from the basement, Ryan moved out of the way for her while still keeping an eye on Truth. At the mere mention of food though, he immediately lost all focus on the wolf. \"Food? Uh, no, I never checked the fridge,\" he replied as he followed Acacia to the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks when she changed her path to the bathroom, confused until he realized where she was going. He decided that he'd wait for her on the couch as Acacia finished her business. As she exited from the bathroom, he turned to her and asked, \"So what are we having to eat. Just out of curiosity.\" He scooted over to the other side of the upholstery to make room for her as she brought over the rabbit." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Acacia 'Ace' Malikova\n&\nTruth\n\nTruth had already begun her trailing of Acacia, a mere short pace behind her as her velveteen nasal raced an collected all the scents floating from the two servings of food. Acacia ignored Truth for that short moment, carefully holding out one plate of just cooked rabbit meat towards Ryan. \"I'm sorry I can't offer you anything more, we're running a little short on supplies,\" she'd apologize to the guest before sitting on the opposite end of the couch to him, \"But, I'll restock when I take you to town.\"\n\nPlacing the cold ceramic plate upon her jean clad lap, she'd glance at Ryan and then towards Truth before beginning to cut into the cold meal. She could have heated it up, but that would have taken more work than she was willing to put in. After cutting the meat into multiple small pieces she'd toss a piece onto the floor across the room allowing Truth to eat it before eating one herself. \"When are you wanting to go to town? Or do you want to go to your car to get anything?\" she'd ask after swallowing her mouthful, though quickly placed another within her mouth as she awaited a response." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Ryan took a bite out of the rabbit, hiding his dislike for cold meat. He decided he'd try to eat most of it so as to not look rude, before realizing that he had no idea when the next time he'd be able to eat would be once he left Acacia. Probably best if I try to fill my stomach than. Just wish it was a little easier to chew.\n\nWhen Acacia asked when he wanted to go to town, Ryan just shrugged. \"I don't really care. Whenever you're ready to go, I guess. There's nothing in my wreck of a car that I haven't already gotten, so no I don't need to get anything from there either.\" He got up on his feet and began to stretch his neck and back, getting a few loud popping noises and reducing the soreness that he got from sleeping on the couch, before sitting back down and relaxing. Ryan wanted Acacia to choose when to leave since she was the one who would have to drive, or walk since he didn't actually know how far away town was, and pay for whatever supplies they got." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Age: 25\nAppearance:" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Chase moved to open his mouth when Carys summarised what he'd said… poorly. However before he could move to speak she was already on the back of the bike, helmet on. The boy could only wince as he started up the bike. She seemed eager, possibly too eager. Chase began to worry perhaps this had not been his best idea. But he was a man of his word and he refused to go back on it. He slowly pulled out of the field and onto the driveway leading back to the main road.\n\nHe was taking it slow at first, taking the bends easy. He figured Carys would probably assume that he was taking it easy because of her and, whilst that was a factor it was mostly because of himself. He needed to gauge how she handled on the back, how much she would lean or fight and how her weight affected how the bike handled. Truth be told it had been a while since he had doubled and bikes were dangerous, as confident as he felt on one it was important to always remember how easily things could go from fine to disastrous. \n\nNot to mention he'd have a hard time explaining broken bones. However they were only a few minutes down the road before he began picking up the pace, taking it to a point she would find exciting. However he made sure to keep it to the speed limit, Chase didn't want to get in trouble with the small amount of law they had around here, and he was kind of scared of her roommate and no doubt she'd have a go at him if she found out he put her friend in unnecessary danger. In no time at all they were nearing the town, signs of buildings and inhabited life popping up here and there." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It was wildly different from anything else in her experience. It took her a moment to adjust to the bizarre sensation of her lack of control. Carys breathed deep, willing herself to surrender to Chase's direction, despite the protestations of her own instincts.\n\nThey curved through the woods, and Carys turned her gaze skyward, wondering at the quiet. It was staggeringly beautiful here, verdant and lush. She wanted nothing more than to explore it. Soon, she promised herself.\n\nThey were accelerating, and Carys' squeak of surprise was swallowed by the purr of the engine and the rush of wind. Her grip on Chase tightened, stomach fluttering and pulse leaping in her skin. The scenery whipped by; before she knew it, the woods had given way to open spaces and houses popping up. Carys felt a laugh bubble out of her, delighted by the rush. \n\nAs they darted through town, Carys ran through her own mental map. As they neared the far edge, she spied Aurora. Her knuckles rapped on his shoulder. When he'd slowed enough, she spoke brightly, \"I'm all the way at the end here.\"\n\nAurora was a straight shot of beautifully manicured bungalows, each more beautiful than the last. They'd have gone for millions of dollars back stateside, she mused, with sprawling floorplans and each with their own distinct charm.\n\nHer stomach clenched at the sight of her two story home, all crisp white wood and black trim with open, friendly windows. The covered porch wrapped around the entire front of the house, with an immaculately tended garden of roses and lilies, shaded by large trees. It was, objectively, a beautiful home. She'd have never been able to have afforded it on our own in all her days.\n\nCarys ignored the tumult in her heart when they pulled into her brick drive. It was easier to ignore it on the tail of the ride, and she sank back into that joy. \n\nDisembarking the bike, Carys rocked on the balls of her feet. She was laughing as she pulled off the helmet, eyes dancing.\n\n\"That was awesome!\" She enthused, tossing her tousled bangs out of her face, grin wide and heart fluttering like a hummingbird." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Chase switched off the bike and got off the bike after the girl, pulling his helmet off and chuckling softly to himself. \"Well you're welcome to come over when you're free and try out the dirt bikes. We have a few trails through the woods and you should be able to ride Chloe's bike, it's a bit smaller.\" If not they did have bikes for younger kids. Hopefully she didn't go too overboard. That was if she wanted to accept the offer of course. He suddenly remembered the offer of the phone provider and mentally smacked himself in the head.\n\n\"Oh! Right… the phone thing.\" He quickly patted his pockets down but realized they were empty. \"Sorry I don't have mine on me. Um… if you have a pen or something I could write down my number and you can text me and I'll message you the name?\" He shrugged his shoulders slightly, trying to ignore how absolutely awkward he was feeling. It was so strange for him, not knowing everything about the person he was talking to. Her mind was a total blank to him, where as his family were all open books, he practically knew everything they were thinking.\n\n\"Sorry… I um… you don't have to if you don't want to though.\" He quickly yammered, taking a step backwards and shaking his head. God damn it he felt stupid. He was going to have a serious talk with someone when he got home. She was just a girl. Just one girl yet she had managed to put him more off his game more than pretty much anything else in his life. Had his sheltered life really left him unable to function normally with regular people? Yeah. Probably." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"You might come to regret that offer,\" Carys flashed her teeth in a teasing grin, shifting her weight to one foot and resting the other on her calf. \"I've been told I'm like a fungus. A particularly enthusiastic strain, no less.\"\n\nFingers combing her hair off her face and into a semblance of order, she couldn't help the widening grin as Chase fumbled over the phone provider, looking as though he'd shoved his foot halfway down his throat. Teeth sinking into her lower lip to suppress her laughter, Carys found herself strangely charmed. Fumbling was leaps and bounds better than aggressive posturing. \n\n\"Here, give me a sec,\" Carys placed the helmet he'd leant her on the back seat of his bike. Twisting her bag to dig through it, she scoured it for something useful. Bobby pins, empty altoids tin, her wallet, loose change, there! Withdrawing a pen, she reached forward and caught his wrist. Pulling the cap off with her teeth, she wrote her number on the back of his hand, taking care not to dig too sharply into his flesh. Adding her name with large, looping letters, she looked up at Chase with a wide grin. \n\n\"I'd appreciate it,\" she dropped his hand, capping her pen and dropping it back into her purse. \"Thanks so much, for everything. Moving here's been kind of…\" she trailed off, making a motion with her hand, as if that described it. \"Well, it's been a lot. It's nice to not be totally lost.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Chase felt his throat catch as Carys suddenly grabbed his hand and he had to suppress the sudden urge to recoil from the touch. It wasn't because he found her touch unpleasant or anything to that effect, it was more that he wasn't used to strangers touching him and when his friends did it was usually at the very least playfully aggressive. Basically unexpected touching was generally not a generally pleasant experience for him. After the initial reaction though, he found himself relaxing and, oddly enough kind of enjoying the way she gently held his wrist, watching the loop of the pen as it marked the back of his hand.\n\nHe smiled slightly at her words and shrugged gently. \"Don't think too much of it. I just… moving to a new town where you don't know anyone must be hard. I couldn't imagine being all alone and…\" He stopped himself, not wanting to continue anymore. Either he'd insult her or he'd make her feel bad and Chase didn't want either of those. He didn't want her to feel alone, he wouldn't wish that on anyone. He just couldn't imagine life alone, without his family. And she could be part of that. The others sometimes took a while to get used to new people; it would take them a while to let her in. He wasn't sure if she'd ever be accepted into the inner circle, only time would tell with that one.\n\n\"Sorry I um… I'll get going now and leave you to your things. I'm sure you're eager to get off your feet and relax.\" He stumbled a little, rolling the helmet over in his hands uncertainly." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "She really didn't mean to do it. But he was shuffling so awkwardly, fumbling over his words, fidgeting with his helmet, and it was beyond endearing. Carys laughed. It wasn't a malicious thing, more a giggle than anything else, but she just couldn't help it. Her grey eyes danced up at him, brow arching, her dimple making an appearance.\n\n\"Well, I'm not completely alone, right?\" she said with a grin, letting the statement hang in the air. \n\n\"If I'd slept for more than eight hours in the past three days, I'd invite you in for coffee or something,\" Carys said lightly, fingers fiddling with the ends of her brunette locks. \"But Past Carys made some really poor life choices, and now Present Carys needs a thirty hour nap. Or a nice relaxing coma.\"\n\nShe reached out, gently punching his arm, the motion playful. \n\n\"But text me, yeah? When I finally rise from my eternal sleep, I'm going to need someone to show me around properly, and I'm pretty sure my roommate is swamped with university. It was good seeing you, Chase,\" she offered a small wave, taking a few steps backwards before finally turning and making a beeline for her box-filled bedroom, intent on finally sleeping." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Funnily enough, the laugh helped him relax a little. Chase managed a smile in return as she looked at him with a grin, though a somewhat puzzled look did make its way into his eyes at her words. He wanted to believe maybe she was talking about him, but he also didn't want to get his hopes up too high so allowed himself to believe it was about her roommate instead. \"It's alright.\" He dismissed casually with a small wave of his hand. \"You just go sleep.\" Luckily he didn't even flinch at the punch, too many over the years from his friends. At this point sometimes Chase questioned whether he had any feeling left in his arms.\n\n\"And if you need any help unpacking or any heavy lifting, just let me know okay?\" He was fairly sure he could move most of her thins on his own, but he'd probably bring the others around, just to be safe. \"I can bring the boys around, plus they work for free as long as I feed them.\" He chuckled softly, knowing the promise of endless pizza would be more than enough to get them out here to do a bit of heavy lifting. He hoped she didn't take offence, but he didn't feel like between her roommate and herself Carys would be able to move much. Then again he'd been surprised before by the small dynamo.\n\n\"It was good seeing you too.\" He called back as the girl turned and went back to her house and quickly disappeared inside. The boy stood out there for a few minutes, long enough that it was probably too long before he eventually pulled his helmet back on and climbed on the bike, starting it up and pulling out into the street, quickly making his way home and hopefully not copping too much flack from the others. It was all in good fun and he tried not to let it get to him. He had just never been the most confident around strangers, let alone girls." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Carys slept for sixteen hours, not thirty. It was as if she'd time traveled; one moment she had just collapsed on her bed, the next moment it was the middle of the morning. Eyes easing open, she winced at the sunlight streaming happily through her bay windows. Foggy with sleep, Carys missed her night stand the first time. Her hand tried again, fingers catching the edge. A third try, she caught a cord and sent her phone flying onto the ground.\n\nCarys groaned, pressing her face into her pillow. Maybe she could just give up on today and sleep it all away.\n\nInstead, Carys managed to sit up, brunette hair all askew, grey eyes unfocused. It was cold, she mused in annoyance. Disentangling her legs from the sheets, she wrapped the pale cotton around her slim frame. That was dressed enough for now.\n\nAfter several moments, she slipped off her bed. Fishing her phone out from between boxes, she flipped through it. Junk email from lists she didn't remember subscribing to, Facebook notifications, a few texts that made her frown before deleting them. That scumbag really didn't understand the meaning of \"no contact\". Maybe a new number was in order.\n\nFirst things first, she mused; she needed to shower and see if she could become human, and not simply a Carys shaped lump. She couldn't put off unpacking much longer, as desperately unappealing as it sounded." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Age: 20\n\nGender: Male\n\nAppearance: Short swept hair, and a tall, firm frame keep this man solid in a consistent stance. His shoulders aren't too broad, nor his legs too thick. His pride is apparent on his stance, but he isn't one to let it become apparent. He likes tighter t-shirts and jeans, and bright colours are definitely his style. In fact, a few layers of his hair are coloured in a vibrant pink\n\n Personality: Austin is confident, but it comes in twofold. On one side he's willing to admit he's wrong and allow other people to take the lead because he's confident in his own skills. On the other side, his pride can often get the best of him, especially when it relates to his talents. Otherwise he has a soft bravado with a quiet presence, as if denying the brightness, he tries to bring to his appearance. \n\n He isn't afraid of who he is. You either love him or hate him, trust him or deny him, but either way he doesn't care. He trusts that he can handle whatever situation that's thrown at him. If he can't, then someone he knows should be able to figure it out. \n\n At least until things get dangerous. His confidence takes a serious downfall if in the face of danger. Like his flirting style, any confidence behind his words stumble and fade away when challenged by someone else. He won't run away, per se, but he can find the whole situation to be overwhelming pretty quickly and crack under the pressure.\n\n Also he's a pretty serious flirt.\n\nBackstory: Being a Psych major with a serious passion for his field, Austin grew up spending a lot of his time understanding people. He'd read up almost any book he could find on the subject, or books based on romance and friendships. Novels were something he'd spend every free hour consuming until he started becoming friends with people.\n\n His priorities were always pretty straight. First focus on becoming a therapist, then on relationships, then reading. It was around high school age that romantic relationships entered that cycle. He'd end up with many relationships with many different people, but end up breaking them off a month or two later. He searched for the \"perfect\" relationship, believing that somewhere in all of his empathy and research he would be able to find it.\n That has not been achieved quite yet.\n\n Currently in the throes of his third year of school, romantic relationships needed to take a backseat for the work he was doing, involving plenty of extra credit doing research for numerous psychology professors. He was going to be one of the best therapists, and that meant he needed to do as much work as possible. \n\n It was some research into old case files at a ghostly asylum that he remembered reading last.\n\nTalents: Austin is a master of empathy, and he's very good at judging current emotions or sanity levels in other people just by looking at them or sharing a short conversation. He can read and speak in most languages, although he sticks to English mostly (thanks to a lot of time spent wanting to understand books of various different languages). Austin's an expert in language and logic-based puzzles as long as he's given time to figure it out, though he cracks under pressure.\n\nOther: He tends to keep people in his head on various scales. A mental, physical, and emotional chart from 1-10 so he can keep track of how people are doing. Usually he also keeps notes on this, but he can usually keep a decent mental map if he needs to. \n\nAlso not really important but Austin's pan so romantic relationships can be with practically anyone." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Rhiannon felt more confident around this man, maybe because he slight sheepishness appeared to give her the upper hand. The situation and the place still scared her half to death but at least if she was trapped here in some kind of death or survival game then it looked like she might have the advantage. Assuming that the man wasn't putting up a facade.\n\n\"Let's have a look at the supplies then. Anything might help us here, so far all I've found outside the room is a lot of rubbish. Quite literally.\" She walked past him, back straight and trying to force confidence into her voice as she tried to take charge. The room he had come from had a powerful odour seeping out of it, the same one she had been smelling up until then. She began to push on the door, taking a deep breath before she faced the corpse he had spoken of, when the creaking sounded from inside stopped her.\n\nHe did say the body was dead, right?\n\nThe creaking continued but to her it sounded distinctly non-human and then the sound of rushing water from beyond the door assured her the corpse had not in fact come back to haunt them. Heaving on the door she pushed into the room to see a broken pipe gushing water across the floor. Swirls of red discoloured the salty-smelling water as it began to clean away the dark dried blotches of blood across the room. The corpse itself disturbed her, the weapon a brutal thing, but it was no worse than she had seen.\n\nNothing like someone who's been a harvester a few times.\n\n\"Where are these supplies then? Let's get them and get away from here, it gives me the creeps. Maybe we can search for anyone else in this place, see what we can find out.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Getting a hold of herself once more, Irina steeled her shoulders and nodded. \"Yeah, I think moving all of our stuff together is a good idea. We could take turns keeping watch when we're tired. If I remember correctly, I was in room 9. But I don't think that's the one we should gather in…\" She looked around uncomfortably, before letting out a puff of air through her lips. As Austin mentioned the gun that he got, Irina's first instinct was to curiously question him. She'd used guns before, but had never heard of one getting it's chambers sealed. \"Thanks for being honest. Revolver, right? What type, if you know?\"\n\nIrina couldn't help but jump at the sudden voice directly behind her. Turning around, she saw another girl and sighed in relief. It wasn't a monster, or their captor (whomever that happened to be), which was good enough for her. She introduced herself, yet again, with a small smile. Looking at Justin, she couldn't help but give a quiet snicker at his joke. \"You've got some obsession with ghosts,\" she muttered under her breath. Within moments he had also reached into his pockets and pulled out what appeared to be found in his box. Irina leaned close, examining the small vials and furrowing her brows when she couldn't figure out what one of them meant. \"What is this Monster one?\" She wondered if it was just an American thing that she wasn't understanding. Despite being good at English, she wasn't well rounded in slang or some short-hand words. English jokes often flew right over her head as well. She eyed the trio around them, hoping one of them could explain the ominous label. \n\n\"I think our best chance to get out of this is if we can all work together. So, if it is okay with you, I think we should tell each other what our 'mission' is, and then do it.\" \n\nIrina nodded and pulled her phone out of her pocket. Rereading the message, she glanced up at them before answering, \"Mine says I have to help someone. That's all. But help them with what?\" Scratching her head, Irina showed her new 'friends' her phone before pocketing it once more. \n\nAnother voice called out from the darkness and Irina let out a sigh. \"How many of us are there?\" Shaking her head, she tried to ignore how fucked this situation was. After Justin, she called out as well. \"There's 3 of us, please don't be scared! Grouping together would be better than going alone.\" Her thick accent echoed off the walls and bounced back to her ears. Irina swallowed, staring into the darkness in hopes of seeing another friendly face. So far, they had been very lucky in not running into anyone, or anything, crazy. She wondered about this drop off point that Justin had mentioned, but whatever it was it could provide valuable hints about their situation. \"I don't know if going alone is a good idea. At least take one of us with you. Just in case? The others can start gathering all of our things into one room… Or we can all just stay grouped up.. I don't know.\" Irina realized that she had started to ramble, caught herself, and quickly stopped talking." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Gray Cièl - Hallway 7...13\n\nGray breathed a sigh of relief, one that caused a thought in the back of her head to call her idiotic after receiving the instructions that she had gotten. Two voices had called out to her, one a male's voice and one a thickly accented female. She walked towards them with her hands raised, a relatively universal sign indicating no foul intentions were present. She almost made sure to make it clear that she had the hammer in her belt loop turning in order for it to be facing them and motioning down towards it. \"Do you guys know what's going on?\" Gray asked.\n\nUpon examining the fellows she was pleasantly surprised to find that they all seemed to be rather normal young attractive people, Gray's thoughts immediately went to her kidnapper – whoever it was. Did they have a type? Was she that type, how did she fit in with all of these people? She had many questions, most of which would have to stay unanswered for the time being. Once she thought the others would have adequately understood the hands-raised message she reached into her pocket and grabbed her cell phone, raising it up to face the group. \"I got told to find the sad girl, get her keys, you guys have any idea what the hell that means?\" \n\nShe glanced at her phone and then back at the group before remembering the all-important final sentence. \"It also states that I am to hold my breath, but\" Gray took a deep sigh. She almost laughed – maybe she would have if she wasn't in this fucked up situation. \"As you can see, there's no way I can do that until I find the sad lady.\" Gray tousled her hair in an attempt to clear her mind and see through the illusion, but she couldn't she didn't know enough about this place, or these people. \"So unless you're feeling blue, I'm shit outta luck.\" Gray said motioning towards the girl with the accent. \n\n\"Ah shit,\" she said taking a step backwards. \"I'm Gray, never introduced myself.\" She said motioning to all of her. \"Oh I also got this hammer, some shitty nails, food and some other stuff in the room I was in.\" Gray said motioning behind her towards the way she had walked." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"U-under the corpse.\" The color drained from Tim's already pale face, making his features look more sunken in. He had half-followed Rhiannon into the washroom, choosing to stay closer to the door. He tried very hard to not look at the thing laying facedown on the floor, pipe still sticking out of it. \n\n It's a corpse, not a thing, chided the dark corners of his mind, making him all the more anxious to leave it. \"Maybe we should just leave the supplies for now. If there are other people, there must be more supplies.\" Tim wiped his clammy hands against his work pants. \"I don't want to touch the-the..\" ,he gestured vaguely to the dead body.\n\nAt least the smell was better. If Rhiannon insisted he supposed he could help lift the body or something, as long as he could look away while he did it. And what of the others? He was sure he had faintly heard a shout or two, so there had to be other people besides himself and Rhiannon. Speaking of which, while his first instinct had been to trust Rhiannon, how much could he actually trust her? What if she knew more than she was giving away?\n\nBut then again, the girl seemed serious, so tense. Someone who knew what was going on wouldn't be that tense, right? Also what about the messages he had received. Welcome back. Make this unhappy man beside you happy. Did that mean he had to make the dead body happy? No, that made no sense. The phone was now in his front pants pocket, tucked away until the next time it might ring.\n\n\"Hey, uh, by the way. When you woke up was there, uh, was there a phone anywhere near you?\"" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Nickname(Optional): Pfft, no.\nAge: 24\nGender: Male \nPhysical Appearance: Of Average build with short dark hair, Neil isn't exactly the most unique specimen. He is fit but not noticeably so. He isn't big at all, but he is also not small. He has a face girls can find cute, but not exactly dreamy. Tanned skin and a ruddy complexion from all of the machine's he's worked on, coupled with the calluses on his hands gives him an experienced look despite the very youthful appearance he has. All in all, other than the twinkling of his eyes and the trademark grin, he is essentially average. He has dark eyes and very dark brown hair, enough to be considered black under most light. He's about 5'10 and 165 pounds.\nClothing: He often wears baggy pants, mostly military cargo. He likes to wear single colored T-Shirts. Usually he wears red.\nPersonality: Oh, now that is a question. To say Neil is eccentric is...well, that hits the nail on the head. Very good with hand-eye coordination, competent combatant, good engineer, and a daring pilot. But prone to sarcasm, snide remarks, unorthodox behavior, and just good old fashioned explosions. He's a born jokester, though behind his charming yet insufferable demeanor belies a certain intelligence, and to those he enjoys, he does tend to have a big heart." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Neil didn't make a sound, but Junebug would have probably laughed when Neil's eyes widened in incredulity. If she was too old and heavy, then he would have been. Junebug looked younger and more supple than when he'd met her. \"Tough crowd\" was all he said into the comm, and on his earpiece he heard a door closing on her end before the transmission cut out until it would pick up her next words. He shook his head and turned the scope of his rifle to overlook the surrounding area. \n\nThe compound was located at the end of a short block, with a relatively wide open space for about 280 degrees other than its back being connected to a wall, that would in turn connect to another smaller compound. Other than that, there was a street between it and virtually every other building or hiding place. Dispensers and locals milled about across the street, but they all kept a wide berth. The building was made to look nondescript, but they all knew or felt the barrels of the guns and the weight of the wealth that inhabited the place. \n\n\"Eeeehhh, let's see...local, local, local, whore, local, Sven...wait what.\" He said, his retical zooming in to see Sven standing under the canopy of a tarp above the sidewalk, looking very blended in, as if he had always lived here, save for the fairer skin and blue eyes. He was eating some local cuisine that had the look of a yellow fruit that had exploded outward, and looking at the compound for a reason Neil couldn't fathom. Neil followed his eyes, and the retical moved left until it landed upon an AirV, a military aircar. One of four that moved down the street, armored plating and gauss turrets manned by hard men, wearing flak armor and leather satchels strapped horizontally over their chests. \n\nThey stopped in front of the compound. \n\nEven in a hopeful scenario where they were allies of the Pasha, which was likely as they hadn't opened fired on the building, it would still be added security that Junebug would have to deal with. Neil patched her in. \"Hey, Captain. You have...a dozen armed men heading inside where you are. I can't tell if they're customers or guards, but either way, be careful.\" \n\nNeil wished he could fire on them and thin the herd. He didn't have the luxury of a suppressor. One shot they would know there was a shooter. Second shot they would ascertain his direction. Third shot, they would see the muzzle flash and know right where he was. He couldn't help at the moment and it was bothering him more than he would have liked." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Junebugs stomach lurched the way it always did right before things really dropped in the pot. A number of possible scenarios ran through her mind at once, none of them good. She quickly finished pulling on the outfit that she found in the chambers she had been assigned. A gauzy band of gossamer silk, that wrapped around her chest, and a knee length skirt of similar material that was girdled by a belt of woven gold thread clenched with a ruby. The garments didn't provide much in the way of modesty but they at least provided the psychological comfort that clothing of any kind affords.\n\n\"Taya can you reach Sven on any net you have set up?\" she asked.\n\n\"Break. Neil better gear me up.\" Across the street Neil unlimbered an awkward looking plastic tube. He hefted it to his shoulder and pushed the rude trigger switch that he had installed earlier. There was an audible chuff of compressed air as it launched its payload across the street, arcing only a little faster than a man could through to land in the courtyard where it bounced end over end before coming to rest against a decorative wall. Junebug scooped it up and tore the packing tape that secured it, inside was a towel in which had been wrapped a small pistol, a datapad and some rudimentary intrusion kit. She tucked the small pistol into the girdle bought the datapad live, adding its visual capacity.\n\n\"No… ummm I mean negative, I can't reach him,\" Taya responded a moment later.\n\n\"I cant find him anywhere,\" she said a moment later.\n\n\"Oh we know where he is,\" Junebug responded.\n\n\"Break. Neil, unless I'm very much mistaken Sven is about to launch a coup…\" It was also possible that it was a robbery, though very much of the smash first grab later variety, that didn't really seem like Sven's style. It hardly mattered at the moment. An automatic weapon opened up as one of the guards Sven hadn't managed to bribe opened fire. A moment later the gauss cannons on the air cars ripped the night with a sleet of iridium pellets, blowing apart men in the watchtowers and tearing guards of the parapet in showers of bloody gristle. \n\nScreaming harem girls rushed from the courtyard in various states of undress. Junebug had a moment to contemplate that most of them were younger and softer than she was before a grenade bounced into the courtyard. Junebug kicked the small golf ball sized bomb into one of the empty rooms and shoved the nearest girl to the floor a second before the glass fiber shrapnel blasted from the room, though robbed of its lethal force several women screamed. A moment later a door burst open and a pair of armored mercenaries with assault rifles rushed into the mass of women. Sayeeda's little pistol cracked twice snapping the lead gunman's head back in a spray of blood and brains. The second man, lucky but good also, dived behind one of the carven wooden panels. Junebug spat a sulfurous oath and fired into the heavy teak but succeeded only in spraying splinters with the small calibre gun. The wood cratered inward and the man behind it flopped bonelessly to the ground as Neil took him out from his elevated position, the report of the heavy weapon lost in the din. Sayeeda blew a lock of hair out of her face.\n\n\"Taya, seal the ship,\" she commanded, pressing the release stud to drop the half empty clip to the mosaic floor and replacing it with her one and only reload.\n\n\"You got it,\" came back along with the sound of the Highlanders emergency hatches slamming shut. Hopefully that wasn't necessary but taking unnecessary chances was a good way to get your people killed. She belated wondered if Saxon were on the ship and what role, if any, he was playing in all this. It was too late to worry about it and probably beyond Taya's power to eject the Hex from the ship if it became an issue\n\nShe was alone in the courtyard now, the rest of the harem having scattered back to the dubious safety of their quarters. Blood ran down an incline not apparent to the naked eye from the merc Neil's shot had all but decapitated. Sven's men, if that was what was going on, weren't necessarily their enemies, but experience taught Junebug that you shot first and asked questions only if you absolutely had to when you were writing the after action report. The fact that Sven had not tried to hire them was suggestive, as was the fact he had obviously gone to some length to be incommunicado but that could just be a determination not to let Neil fuck up his latest venture. What was important now was that she get to the library and get the data the needed before the whole place went up in proverbial, and perhaps literal, flames. \n\n\"This is going to get really messy Junebug,\" Neil said, his transmission stepping on something Taya had been about to say by virtue of his seniority. Sayeeda scooped up the fallen mercenaries weapon and thrust the pistol into the girdle before taking a bandolier of reload and looping it over her shoulder. \n\n\"You are telling me,\" she agreed, imagining how she appeared in the silks with the brutal looking rifle and the bandolier.\n\n\"I already look completely ridiculous.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Age: 25\nGender: Male\nSpecies: Dracoavian\nImage created by Ridlins.\n\nStands at five feet, seven inches tall. \nBio: Trevor lived a relatively normal, boring life, though, for some reason, he was absolutely okay with that. When he was a child, he was always the target of bullies due to his love for video games, and general nerdiness, however, he was one of the few nerds who could and would fight back, and even so, with surprising strength. If he didn't change schools every year due to his parents moving, he probably wouldn't have gotten picked on after the first time... that isn't to say he didn't get in trouble, since he was bad at trying to convince people, and everyone always thought he was lying, despite Trevor typically not being one TO lie. At first he didn't really think he HAD anger issues, but all of that changed in the seventh grade, when he was just awake enough to notice that he was blacking out, and going completely berserk... the last sight he could remember seeing was his fellow students running away from him, or getting out of his way... funny thing, he doesn't even remember what GOT him that angry, but that incident caused him to finally agree to work out that issue.\n\n He has since calmed down, and hasn't gotten in any more fights, since most of the bullies in high school remembered him from at least one of the elementary schools he went to, and they didn't want to mess with him. He has since just finished college, getting a degree in computer programming, of all things, and he took his first interview for his first real job... his first day was going to be in a couple days, but he was, hilariously enough, excited about this. This was going to be the start of a brand new chapter in his life, and of course, he didn't think the meteor would actually hit until yesterday, and that REALLY soured his mood for a bit, but then he said to himself 'Well, if it's the last day for humans, let it be known that I really tried to adult' he chuckled at his own joke, and tried to live the last day as if it truly were the last. He tried all sorts of new food, all kinds of new activities with all of his friends, even introducing a few of them to others, and blew most of the cash he had in his wallet. He ended up DEAD tired when he got back home, though, he really didn't want this last day to end for various reasons, his body just wouldn't let him stay up any longer...\n\n However, much to his surprise, Trevor somehow woke up the next day, though, not everything was where it normally was, specifically, there were feathers and scales everywhere, and he had a long, blue thing blocking his vision... and he felt like he had a tail and wings, but, that can't be possible, right?\n\nWeaknesses (x2): Ice, Stone, and Nature magic\nStrengths: x0.5 - Water, x0 - Fire, x-1 - Lightning\n\nSkills: \nFisticuffs: Not one to use weapons, Trevor prefers to just punch the enemy, despite the fact that his claws might be a better choice. He uses no real fighting style, since he was never trained, but there's enough strength behind his punches to make this a viable option.\n\nFire: Firebreath, and some other fiery skills... Trevor's alright at it, but some of the more advanced fire moves tend to come with some sort of drawback for him... he uses it as recklessly as one would expect.\n \n Flame Drill: A skill in which Trevor imitates a drill and drills through the opponent using his tough claws, and a dose of fire breath. A powerful move that can easily hit weak points and ignores an enemy's defense, but it also leaves Trevor dizzy, and unable to accurately attack for a while after its use.\n\nLightning: Trevor's a natural at using electrical abilities, apparently, and he tends to shoot said lightning from the tips of his claws, often shaping his hand to look kind of like a gun and even occasionally saying 'pew, pew' when he does so.\n\n Energize: Trevor can use some of his own electricity to give one of his teammates, or himself, a sudden burst of energy. Heals HP, and can restore some lost magic... costs a decent amount of magic to use, however.\n\nRunes: Scan Rune - Allows one to use the 'Scan' skill both inside and outside of battle... said skill allows the user to read alien languages, and know the strengths and weaknesses of enemies once it's used on a sample of that language, and an enemy, respectively. This rune doesn't need to be equipped to any skill slot, and doesn't require any real magic to use.\n\n Heal Rune - Allows the use of one type of healing magic, depending on which type of magic it's equipped to. In this case, it allows the use of the magic skill 'Energize', since it's equipped to his lightning magic.\nOther: Nothing." }, { "from": "human", "value": "The spider hissed and screeched at every fire attack that hit it, and it seemed like it was going to go down, at least, until Shaula came in, and put out the flames. Earlier, she said she never said anything about lizard people, but... if she was a conspiracy theorist looking at a dragon, Trevor was certain she was at least THINKING it. Either way, the spider, now a bit more confident about attacking the group went right for Trevor, fangs-first, and unfortunately, he wasn't paying much attention, since he was trying to tell Shaula that the enemy being on fire was a GOOD thing, so, he took some damage from the venomous fangs, but... oddly enough, he didn't even feel like he was poisoned. Aerin then came through the portal, and seemed to be concerned that this might be a former human, as well, and, despite the hissing and screeching, Trevor thought that might still be at least SOMEWHAT possible, so, he asked \"Hey, were you a human, before, too? If so, um... sorry about the fire, and we'll heal you up,\" the spider gave no response, save for another screech... this time, a few tiny spiders seemed to surround it, and the three tiny spiders seemed to be using some sort of weird... shield spell on the main spider, at this point. Trevor tried to ignore the shield spell, and just tried to breathe fire on the main spider, again, but... nothing happened. Seemed like the shield was at least good enough to protect it against fire attacks, unfortunately. Trevor then thought back to the video games he's played, and tried to remember if he had seen something like this before... a big thing that's suddenly protected by a bunch of smaller, probably weaker things... hmmm." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Don't put it out you fool! That's the only way we can see the darn thing!\" He continues shooting flames at the now soaked spider, but it doesn't relight, only bellowing smoke. He screeches in anger, a high pitch raptors cry. He tries to ignite his wings, but the moisture from Shaula's water blast making them steam instead. He mutters under his breath, and runs off into the distance, and begins drawing on the stone with his white hot talon, ignoring the fight for now, intent on finishing his drawing. He draws nonstop, in incredible detail, taking care to stay out of the way of the monster spider." }, { "from": "human", "value": "As the spider were burning before, Celina hoped it would last until they were dead... but that was not the case when Shaula panicked and actually extinguished the spider... it was then that the small spiders arrived and actually stayed near the big one and that a sort of barrier seem to form, protecting those things against the fire that Trevor used. This was bad, very bad. She though about it a bit, thinking about what she could do, before imagining a large hammer possibly... She though about it before feeling her arm change a bit. She looked at it as it formed to a very large hammer. Well.. that could work. Considering those spiders just arrived and possibly protected the big one, she rushed forwards and then started to try to bash the ground onto one of the small spider, trying to squish it as best as she could right now. \"Nope, die, nope, not having more of you, nope.\" she then says, very annoyed about those things. She did NOT want to have those here and she just wanted them gone." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Mia\n\n\n---\n\n\n Having burst into flames, it seemed like the spider was near death, at least until the crazy water lady decided to shoot water at it, which only served to put the fire out. To make matters worse, three smaller spiders began casting some kind of shield spell. There wasn't much she could do about the spiders, but since Trevor had been bitten, it was a good opportunity to try out some of her other magic.\n\n For a moment, she closed her eyes to concentrate, before a ring of light appeared in the ground beneath her. It quickly expanded, until it surrounded everyone in the group. Not only did it give them a light source, but if Mia was understanding this spell correctly, then it should heal Trevor's bite wound, and maybe even speed up the regeneration of Shaula's legs." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Aerin would not really make any attempts to mess with the spider, feeling quite content to just hang out in the dark and watch the little show of powers. He was feeling quite untouchable at the moment, so fighting or even worrying about it was beneath him. Instead, he'd take a little look about the room, making sure there were not any more sneaking up on them.\n\nWell, at least until that almost painfully bright light emitted from Mia, not only was it bright but it felt like it was singing his shadowy scales and sapping his strength. Almost instinctively he'd let out an almost feral hiss and slide away from the light, partially phasing back in to the walls. His body did not approve of whatever that was! \"Watch where you're shining that beacon!\" he'd huff out, slipping in to the shadowiest spot he could find." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Shaula\n\n\n---\n\n\n\n Shaula had accidentally extinguished the spider in a moment of panic, and the rest of the group didn't look too happy about it. Trevor looked like he had wanted a word with her before the spider attacked him, and Jason yelled at her as though she had extinguished it on purpose. \"Oh, you think I don't know that?\" She yelled back. \"You try fighting a giant, flaming spider when you're made of water, we'll see how you do!\" Three small spiders came crawling out of the tunnels nearby to surround the large one, which became cloaked in a dim green light that seemed to protect it from their attacks.\n\n Her water wouldn't damage it now, but that wasn't her only weapon. If Orgone could protect her from chemtrails, aliens, and ridiculously high water bills, why couldn't it work on giant spiders, too? Shaula took an emitter from her backpack and pointed it at the spider, sending a wave of Orgone energy at it. The spider, however, couldn't care less. It didn't seem to mind the Orgone at all, though Shaula hadn't really expected it to work; she hadn't made these emitters to fight off giant spiders from twenty feet away. She needed it closer, so she threw the emitter as hard as she could.\n\n Rather than hurting the spider, the emitter bounced off and flattened one of the smaller ones. It was difficult to see what had happened in the dim light, but the large spider's green glow gave an unmistakable flicker and dimmed slightly. The Orgone emitter was doing its job. Over by Mia, a ring of light on the ground expanded outward to surround the entire group. As it passed Shaula, she felt her legs begin to reform faster, until she was able to stand up a moment later. She made a mental note to thank Mia later and began throwing more Orgone emitters at the spider, hoping they would be able to kill it." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Appearance:\n\nRace: Human\nClass: Paladin\nMain-Hand Weapon: Longsword\nOff-Hand Weapon: Kite Shield, Steel\nSecondary Weapon: Greatsword\nArmor: Full Plate\nPowers: None - his faith is all the power he needs.\nSkills: \nDiplomacy - Carver is a great communicator, able to get what he wants out of people by being straightforward with them. In additon, his palpable earnestness and good looks tend to make him very popular wherever he goes.\nKnowledge of Religion - Having lived in a monastery all his life, he knows a fair deal about the various faiths of the realm.\nTenacity - With faith as his armor and honor his shield, there his little Carver cannot endure - he will get back up and get back up and get back up.\nWeaknesses: Cannot tell a lie to save his life.\nUtterly shackled to the (very rigid) moral codes of his order.\nPersonality: Carver is the quintessential knight - he is obsessed with justice, honor, courage, and compassion. He's a compulsive do-gooder and sometimes a bit of a stick in the mud, and sometimes he can be a little too sure of his own judgements, but he is really, fundamentally a good person out to spread good into the world. In combat, he is a protective fighter - a blow will not fall on his comrades if it may fall on him instead, and he prioritizes a solid defense over any kind of offense.\nBackground: Carver was born in a great city far to the north, and given over by his parents at a young age to the local order of holy warriors. He was brought up as a crusader, a servant of the goddess of the sun and compassion, and taught his whole life the virtues of justice, integrity, and faith. Now, as part of his Crusader's Rite of Passage, he has journeyed to the south, seeking to right the wrongs, uplift the downtrodden, and spread the radiant light of the sun to all dark corners of the world.\nOther:" }, { "from": "human", "value": "There could be nothing, nothing at all in the whole world quite so amazing and attractive as black powder. It was a wonderful thing. Not that had anything to do with this however.\n\n\"Alrighty then sir, all fixed up! I told you it would be worth the tools.\" Kelvin ducked back out from beneath the wagon, finished working on the new fixed-axle bearings. Intricate things, and prone to sticking if not kept clean and well greased. In this particular case, the owner had left an axle cap off whilst traveling, and a bit of dirt and mud later... BAM. Frozen axle. It really didn't take much in the ways of tools to fix, just a delicate touch, some boiling water, and some clean grease. The owner didn't need to know that though. \"Aye, was a pleasure indeed sir.\"\n\nHe had always wanted to get in on the inside of one of those fixed-axle wagon wheels, see what was really going on in that hub. It was quite intriguing really, two cones, one inside of the other, and each lined with miniscule rollers that spun about eachother. Combined with a slathering of grease, and the wheels were practically floating! Of course... If yeh didn't cover them properly, the dirt and debris would foul it up quicker than a necromancer in a chapel. It was payment enough to just take one apart. Kelvin opened his backpack, scanned over it's contents quickly, and sighed. No food, only a bit of gold. Besides that, he didn't truly feel like sleeping on the cold, hard ground again tonight. Tools of the trade were expensive, especially when most people had no idea what black powder even was. Only one thing to do. Head for an inn.\n\nKelvin kicked the door open to the inn loudly, if he was going to do this, he would do it in style. Not that anyone inside could have seen him turn the handle on the door before kicking it- partially so he wouldn't have to fix it later, and partially because he wasn't strong enough to kick it open anyway. \"You there! I'm calling you out.\"\n\nHe strode to the small bar, heads rotating, and took a short survey, picking a semi-muscular man who wasn't facing him. Kelvin put a hand on his shoulder, and turned the man around, finding a woman instead. Inside, part of him died a bit, and the other shrieked with fright. \"Sorry, wrong person.\" Just had to sidle away from that one. This time he chose a younger looking man.\n\n\"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you.\" He made is voice deeper for a moment, and then winked conspiritorially, sitting down. \"I am in need of a dry place to sleep, and you look like you need a travel companion. Care to figure it out?\" It was a shot in the dark, but worth making. There was a reason this guy was in an inn, sitting alone. \"Call me Kelvin, by the way.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "As Separ continues to idly imagine adventures he is brought back into reality as he feels a hand touch his back. Separ turns around and listens to the man he starts wondering just how to respond, pausing to think about his actions. \"Do I know you? Though actually I am looking for some companions. Wait, out of everyone here why choose me? You're not trying to rob me or something are you? Wait, umm, are you looking just for someone to travel with, or are you an adventurer as well?\" Separ's words were quick and somewhat hard to follow. He had never done something like this before and wasn't exactly sure of himself and just how to proceed." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Carver strode through the marketplace confidently, his heavy armor clanking with every step. So far, everything seemed to be in order - the hustle and bustle of commerce carried on around him, seemingly unabated by any sort of wickedness or villainy whatsoever. The prices seemed to be reasonable, the merchandise legitimate - nobody was being cheated here. Carver was glad to see it; too many villages he had been to on his journey so far had been rife with dishonesty and corruption.\n\nAs he ruminated on the morality of the village, he caught sight of a scrawny gnome stumbling through the crowd. He watched as the gnome took hold of a woman's robe, staring at the fabric with childlike wonder. She immediately turned and yanked it from him, saying something unintelligible but obviously rather flustered.\n\nQuite a pair - the girl seemed to be moving with a distinct limp, and the gnome clearly wasn't eating very well. It was hardly the stuff of legends, but Carver knew that every good deed mattered.\n\nWith his best winning smile, Carver approached the pair, regarding them each in turn. \"Good day, friends! Keeping safe, I should hope?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "By the time Suki had finished the apple, she had managed to walk her way over to the tavern by chance. Mentally sighing, she pushed open te doors, before walking in. Avoiding eye contact with any curious onlookers, she made her way towards the corner of the building, sitting herself down at an empty table.\n\nCarefully glancing about, she didn't recognize anyone, nor see anything out of the ordinary. Nor was there anyone staring at her with the look of death, as the members of the church had done so.\n\nFeeling the safest that she had all week, she lightly rested her head on the table, befre falling asleep, her arms around her head, covering any view of her face." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Furnace let the cloth slowly slip away trough his fingers.\n\"It's pretty\"\nWould not fit... light the fires...\nShe knew he was Furnace, and that was his task.\nSo as the fires and hammer fit him the robe fit her?\nThe robe was her tool, he didn't know for what, and thus he could not perform that task.\nThus he was not fit.\nFurnace wondered what her task was. He recognised the patters as those in the sky.\nSince he'd seen them for the first time he had been unable to find ryme or reason for the lights up there\n\nSuddenly a shadow fel over him, as he looked up he saw a large figure fully encased in steel.\nThe man smiled and called them 'friends' and asked them if they 'kept safe'.\nFurnace double checked. He was talking to them, though he saw no spark of recognition in the robe-user.\nHe struggled to remember the word 'friend'. The voice had never used 'friend'. But the captors had.\nThey had used it to describe each other when they weren't fighting.\nBy the looks of this ironclad giant that seemed like a decent proposal.\n\"Good day.. Friend... I keep no one...\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Alula wanted to leave, she wanted to hurry away and leave the village and disappear from memory like she always did. She was very conflicted right now, as well as uncomfortable. She knew the gnome meant her no harm, but Alula didn't like being around strangers. She heard the gnome mutter something about her robe, but she didn't comprehend it. The two stood in silence and although her stoic face didn't show it vivid hallucinations played out in front of her eyes. Flames sprouted out from the ground, but left no burn when they touched her skin. Phantom noises filled her ears, crying and screaming. \n\nAnd Alula was extremely distressed, but didn't show it physically. This had never happened before? Or had it? Her eyes went hazy again as she attempted to remember anything pass a few days ago. Nothing.\n\nBut as quickly as they started the hallucinations of flames and sound stopped. They faded away, leaving Alula dazed and confused. Someone else, another stranger, had approached her and the gnome. And suddenly things seemed a little calmer, a bit more controlled. Alula pulled her hat down over her eyes as she spoke the voice of the other. \"A splendent light but his own kindness keeps him in shackles.\" She kept the glow of her eyes hidden under her hat as she listened to the man speak. Under normal circumstances the man's smile would be welcoming and most likely comforting, but Alula was confused? Was this man her friend? \n\n\"Calling someone friend is a way of showing you aren't hostile. He is trying to be polite.\"\n\nOh. But this mad also said 'Good day' when had it become day? She looked up from under the brim of her hat. Yep. The bright light in the sky told her it was a clear day out. She pulled her hat back down. She didn't say anything as the gnome and the man started a conversation, she was far too dizzy. She didn't like meeting this many people in one day." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Vis had managed to find a decent bag, similar to the one he had though fortunately with hardier stitching. He look up from studying the leather at the wrinkled old face of the leather smith, he did this again a few more times, inspecting the bag and looking up at the man who seemed to have infinite patience. \"Thell me Letherthmith,\" he said, through the scarf that covered his mouth, \"Whath kind of lether ith thith.\" the old man replied quickly, betraying that he indeed make the bag and didn't buy bad quality ones at low price to re-sell later.\n\n\"Stag leather,\" he said with pride, looking back to a pile of antlers in the corner of his little shack, \"only the best.\" Vis nodded, feeling the rough interior and the smoothly finished exterior. It was indeed of good quality, it was stitched first with thread, then with thicker thread and over that with robust leather thread, it would hold.\n\n\"Thirthy gold.\" said Vis, avoiding the eye contact of the man as it seemed he was staring at his blind green eye, it cast a circle on the old man's face that seemed to unnerve him as he noticed it produced light.\n\n\"60.\" replied the man instantly, standing up a bit straighter as he sensed that a haggling war was about to ensue. \n\nBy the end an agreement was reached, Vis payed 45 golden bits and got the bag thar he so desired and a set of stag antlers, seeing that he might as well get more worth for his pay and take something else, then to just get one thing. Satisfied with his purchase, he thanked the man and dumped his personal effects into the bag, his child's encyclopedia and the antlers; he didn't know what he was going to do with them but he figured it wouldn't hurt. As he made his way out of the market he tripped on an armored boot, looking up he almost shat himself at the paladin, who looked much bigger from the floor." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The word 'shackles' resonated with Furnace. With eyes full of concern he studied the knights wrists and ankles.\n\"What binds you fr-\"\nSuddenly another tall figure came tumbling past between them.\nDid he trip over the chains?\nFurnace found no chains around the giants feet. He sighed in confused relief. He now stared at the creature that had fallen amidst them. Without blinking, without words." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Species: Drifloon \n\nGender: Female\n\nMoves: \n— Gust (Flying / Special)\n— Astonish (Ghost / Physical)\n— Payback (Dark / Physical)\n— Tailwind (Flying / Status)\n\nBio: To Levita, she was born into the most awesome and coolest family she had ever met. Her mother was Saniri, a Chandeleur, and her father was Sirus, a Drifblim, the latter which was a renowned explorer. She also had an older brother, Cobust, which was at first a Litwick at youth, then a Lampent when he was older. Sirus simply claimed that her brother's evolutionary line had a faster pace...though Levita saw that as only a lie to make her feel confident about herself, and she continuously envied her older brother throughout her youth, who seemed to always be one step ahead of her. Once he evolved, the Drifloon sword that she was going to work as hard as she can to surpass her brother, no matter the cost. \n\nBut other than her rivalry of her elder sibling, Levita loved the fame that went along with her father. Whenever Sirus had the time, Levita would always persuade her father to do a Shadow Ball, a Stockpile and Spit Up, and occasionally his special Thunderbolt move. Every time, she would be astonished by her father's flashy moves, and often try to copy it herself with failure. At night, Saniri would tell her wonderful stories from wandering evil Pokemon having their life force sucked out of them, or of spiritual possessions and Yamask's secrets. To Levita, little went wrong with her life, and she couldn't be happier.\n\nUntil she realized the harsh reality of life. Levita finally realized how intolerant and cynical Pokemon could be; there was always news of some bandit capturing this, someone stealing that. Tragedy had struck the family as well, as Levita's father Sirus, who she always idolized, had suddenly disappeared on one of his journeys, which sent Levita, Cobust, and their remaining mother into a depression; from depression came determination, however. Both Levita and Cobust had decided to continue on their father's legacy of explorers — Levita was convinced that her father was dead and wanted to gain the fame her father had wanted, while Cobust wanted to investigate on their father's disappearance by joining into a powerful guild — Levita did not know which guild it was, but it was certain they were going to be traveling down different paths. With what she could carry with her light weight, Levita went off to be an independent explorer, who generally took up jobs any time, anywhere, while remaining unaffiliated with any guild. \n\nAnd even after this period of time, Levita still had a long way to build up the fame her father had...but she was going to achieve that goal no matter what. With her cheery attitude and her street-smarts, Levita was going to rise.\n\nAppearance: Levite does not appear very different from other Drifloons; the only few visual differences are the ends of her strands, which appear like rounded triangles instead of hearts, and the cloud fluff on her head, which is light grey instead of white. \n\nDifferences: Drifloon has inherited one of her several family's moves, Tailwind, which increases the user's speed, from some unknown line. She will evolve into a Drifblim, though it may be later than usual. \n\n(Trivia:\n— Levita often daydreams and sketches with her tiny notebook in her belt-satchel.\n— Levita can navigate in a directional fashion using her Tailwind and Gust.\n— Levita likes scaring other explorers on the road, which often brings her trouble.)" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Oh,\" I say to Levita, withdrawing the Chesto Berry and holding it in my hand. \"I guess I'll just eat it myself… actually, wait, no, that's a bad idea… You still didn't sleep all day, did you? Or do you not need to sleep at all? I'll just save it for later.\" I listen to what the Goomy has to say, wondering why I haven't heard of something so ridiculously important as I think about what to do. I notice the Nidoran emanating a really intense feeling of despair towards me, and I use Confusion to move the Pichu slightly to the right, diverting his attack from the Nidoran, and Teleport between the two of them. I noticed that Levita's Tailwind move blew my hair around in a way that I thought was pretty cool, and I think I should tell her to do that more often later.\n\n \"Okay, okay,\" I say to the two of them, trying desperately to keep a straight face and not break out laughing as I hold up both of my arms as a way of telling them to stop. \"Let me try and shed some light on the possibilities here; what we all really need to do is… lighten up...\" I snicker and grin at my puns before calming down myself. that should soften them up a bit, one way or another…\n\n \"All puns aside, though,\" I reason, \"There's a lot of problems with this whole situation. First off, like Levita said, I highly doubt that this necklace is the real deal. If this Light Orb is really that important, then why would this lady here just waltz into a guild full of tough adventurers like us and just wear it around her neck like that? She's either toting a fake, or she's not very bright, and I highly doubt the latter. Also, Static, if you want to recharge these orbs or whatever, you should probably just slow down for a moment and try to reason with her instead of just trying to trap her here and take it from her. That's kind of a jerkish thing to do.\" I have to admit that this is still kind of confusing, though. But maybe if I manage to make everyone stop hitting each other, I can glean something more out of this..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "-Chip-\nI sensed them chase each other more, and I got angry. \"WHAT DID CHIP JUST SAY TO YOU? NO. CHASING,\" I yell at the pichu and nidoran before the pichu attacks the nidoran. Levita immediately jumps in and tries to talk some sense into them, but peace is NOT the answer! Not for these type, anyway. I jump in and use sand attack on the pichu, who was probably going to win the fight if Rebecca and I hadn't jumped in. I listen to Rebecca and her lecture, and I look at the goomy. \"Is he friend of yours? He not good friend. You should not be friends with bad pichu like him,\" I say to it before turning back and using Harden, just in case it was going to retaliate like it did with the nidoran.\n-William-\nI noticed Bonnie begin to get nervous as we got closer to the mansion. She mentioned something about a stash of warp seeds and I look around. \"Well, maybe whoever owns that mansion found your warp seeds. Besides, if you hid it and you remembered it was somewhere around here, then you should be able to remember exactly where it was. Where was the last place you put them?\" I ask, beginning to look with her. I felt like either the heat was getting to her, or she had something to do with the owner of the mansion, because she looked like she was sweating bullets. I was able to find a red gummi while I was searching, though, so that was a bonus." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Josh, Matt, Celes, and Spruce all went down to the mess hall together. Once they got there, Spruce stopped for a moment, asking what happened to Anthony. For some reason, he'd assumed that he was kicked off the team.\n\"Anthony never got kicked off the team. He just woke up before Matt and I did.\" Josh said. \"He's probably looking for a mission for us to do or something.\"\n\n They appeared to be serving Chesto Berries today. Josh and Matt each took one, and sat down at one of the tables.\n\"So, anyway, there's been a few changes to our team since the last time we ran into each other.\" Josh said. \"Hex left the team a while back. I'm not sure where she went, though. We've also recruited a new teammate. A Sableye named Xeno.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Levita stopped and turned back to Anthony, nearly sputtering out in shock. The Goomy could say all he wants, but the idea is still there; the orbs were basically weapons of mass destruction. It sounded insane, but she doubted that he would intentionally make up stories, otherwise Static won't be so riled up about it. \n\nAs for Static and the Nidoran, she didn't feel like intervening, not when there's electricity involved. The Thundershock narrowly missed her, adding to her reluctance. \"Hey, watch out there, Reb! I don' very well with discharges,\" she warned, moving away from the two. \"And, you know, trying to attack a Nidoran possessing said so-called Light Orb isn't a very good idea if you're trying to preserve the balance of the world.\"\n\nThe balloon Pokémon sighed. \"It's just a big misunderstanding, all right? How about we interrogate her, without bringing the whole place down, and see what is going on here? Where are the other orbs? And are there any particular big-bad villain who wants to possess that?\" she asked Anthony again...hey, if there's weapons of mass destruction involved, there definitely is someone who wants it for their own benefit." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Age: 18\nGender: Female\nAppearance: \n\nPersonality: Calm, not easily angered, Alexandra believes in stability and order above all else. She finds warfare and violence distasteful, though she will still engage it in necessary. To those who have earned a friendship with her, she will stand with them to the end when they are in need. To those who aren't she is a position of stability, to be respected and feared for her position.\n\nResolute once she has made her mind up, she doesn't mind the scheming of her underlings, so long as it doesn't result in open fighting. She likes her peace, and she will keep it. \nBio: Alexandra has lived in Aurora her whole life. Originally only an average girl, she grew up as a single child in a moderately well off family, one that had made itself useful as part of the government. There was resentment as a result, but that never seemed to be an issue, and Alexandra enjoyed a relatively peaceful childhood. The concerns of Witches and magical girls were none of hers, beyond how it impacted her life. \n\nThat all changed with an attempted assassination and a crackdown, purges running through the government as supposed traitors were eliminated. Her father was caught up in them, and the purges themselves only served to further opposition. Alexandra's peaceful life was shattered, and she found herself increasingly isolated. And with that hardship, when Kyubey approached her, she took the deal, and became a magical girl. Her life restored itself, her father returned, but things wouldn't be the same for her. \n\nShe worked her way through the ranks from the bottom up, proving herself as a fighter, and as someone competent, as she rose in the process. It was during this time that she met Caroline, and they established a firm friendship that would last to the present. She also met Kolya, though he would not join until later. \n\nEventually, she made her move. Drawing on a coalition of nobles and lower ranking magical girls, she staged a coup and overthrew the cities old leadership, placing herself in power. Land and positions were doled out to supporters, and she went about restoring stability to the city, cracking down on organized crime, as well as open conflict. Since then she has enforced peace, preventing encroachment by her neighbors and keeping things under control. The Shadow Compact has been pushed back, and she is very much satisfied with the way things have been maintained. It is a state of affairs she plans to have endure for some time. \n\nAllegiance: Aurora City Authority\nSkills: Diplomacy, Administration, Singing, Proficiency with her magical girl abilities\nWeapons: None\nOther: Nothing\n\nMagical Girl Section:\n\nMagical Girl Appearance: \n\nWish: \"I wish things would just go back to the way they were.\" \nWeapons: She wields a magical Great Sword, that can also shift into a kite shield. \nPowers: Gravitic manipulation. She can alter the affect of gravity on any object she touches, making her able to effectively render any object weightless if she so desires it, or as heavy as a neutron star (Though that would take an incredible amount of power, and it would atop the second she let go.) She can also use this power on herself." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Eponine certainly had set herself up for a difficult task, with no leads to go on besides those she had already reported to Maria. There were methods she could follow if she wanted, such as staking out Witches Barriers and waiting for a magical girl to arrive, but that would be time consuming, and there was no guarantee that the person she was looking for would ever show up at all.\n\nBut that would have to wait for a moment as her phone rang, caller id revealing who it was. It would be Adrian, one of the higher ranking people in the militia she had created to help her fight Witches. It was a group that undeniably took losses, but he had been one of the better ones at surviving it all, and if he was calling, then it had to be important.\n\nThat was revealed soon enough to her, once she had answered the phone. \"Hey boss, remember that effigy thing with the grief seed people've been talking about? Well, some rogue magical girl decided to bust through one of the checkpoints into the city a little while ago. Thought you might want to know.\" \n\n\n\n---\n\n\nThe Shadow Compact were not the easiest group to find, as Chloe would be able to attest to as she made her way through Aurora. They worked underground, were deeply suspicious of magical girls or collaborators, and took precautions accordingly. Then again, as someone who had managed to work herself into a partnership with that organization, she would know as much, and have planned accordingly to deal with it, especially when moving on to a new area. \n\nHer knowledge would guide her along in her search for Compact assistance, directing her away from downtown and towards the rougher areas, the places that had missed out on the economic development present, and were home to crime, poverty, and dirty dealings. The places that one would usually find the Mafia, and where government control was weakest. \n\nThat wasn't to say that they Compact didn't operate in nicer parts of Aurora, because they did, but it would be easier to find a safe house in one of the less important (from the perspective of the government) neighborhoods. But for someone like her, ferreting out a safehouse shouldn't be that hard." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Maria changed once again into something darker and brooding as she started to speak. \"Indeed. We become nothing but screams of despair in the air, to be violently taken and then thrown away by those with purpose, scattered to the winds and consumed by strangers. To live without hope is to accept all the pain you have endured as having been for naught, to throw away any semblance of human will and to welcome complete oblivion.\"\n\nMaria realized what she was saying and reverted back to her 15-year-old self. \"Oh, I was starting to talk silly stuff. Never mind that, Fantine. I'll be at the study now, so don't disturb unless it's something important.\"\n\nShe turned her wheelchair around and headed for the study. It was a room with shelves packed to the brim with books of all sorts of topics and genres. However, she rarely read them; her main use for the room was in the green laptop she had sitting on a small table at the center of the room. Once she closed the room, she began to work on the various sheets and profiles she had already open on it, from small things such as grief seed farming charts to bigger files like intelligence she has collected on the city and the areas outside it. With nothing else to do, she continued working on it, managing and scheming with no set difference." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Track her, but keep a safe distance,\" Eponine ordered, \"We want this one...alive. And unharmed, as much as possible.\" Eponine hopped in the jeep that had taken her here and ordered the soldier to drive her to the checkpoint. Speaking to the survivors, Eponine was able to glean a general idea of what this rogue looked like, as well as her magical weapon. What was troubling, but nonetheless expected due to the need to conserve magic, was the fact that the rogue seemed not to have revealed what her magical ability was. Apparently the rogue had also been shot in the leg, if she didn't use magic to heal the wound, she should be hobbling at a slower pace, but if she did use magic, she might be more desperate to find a grief seed. Eponine asked if the trail was still hot. She wiped blood from her mouth with her forearm, noticing that, once again, she had bitten the inside of her mouth without noticing.\n\n\n\n\"Understood, Lady Maria,\" Fantine replied, letting Maria head off to her library. However, Maria's words made Fantine worry more about Eponine, so she quickly dried the tears that had started welling up at the corners of her eyes. Certain that she was no longer visibly sad, she headed down to the kitchen to help out with chores." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Chloe had spent as little time as possible patching up her leg. Without any convenient cloth on hand, and lacking the desire to tear up a good shirt or skirt for something like this, she had needed to take a quick 'peek' inside some stranger's home, where she managed to find a few bandages. Hopefully the delay wouldn't cost her much time, but at least she wouldn't be bleeding out everywhere. The tradeoff for her magical powers was a body that was close to being indestructable, but the body couldn't move without blood, and if she bled all over the streets and rooftops she might as well be leaving a trail of bread crumbs.\n\nAfter taking care of herself and dodging through the streets of the inner city, she found what she was looking for. One of the few safehouses of the Shadow Compact that she had been in contact with before. She was no stranger to the poverty-stricken areas of Aurora, having grown up in such areas since birth, and hiding herself away in dirty rat-holes like this since forming her contract. Not only were they good places to hide away from the prying eyes of the government, but the despair here was strong, which made it a great place to hunt for witches.\n\nFew people here were happy to see her, but she was able to get the medical attention she needed from a street doctor who had been hiding away here. Nothing else was particularly important to her, and she was a long shot from caring about the opinions of any other urchins here.\n\n\"Haah, what a pain in the ass. You think you guys would be a little more grateful. I might just be taking the heat off your doorstep so you can do your own little things, whatever they are. I keep telling you, we both have the same goal, don't we?\"" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Game Origin: Borderlands 2\nAppearance: \n\n\nPersonality: Zer0 is an enigma. Very literal, he only speaks in haiku, and ultimately a rather silent type. Zer0 is the epitome of 'mysterious' and his personality greatly reflects that. Some may even wonder if he's even human...\n\nBackground: Warning, contains Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The PreSequel spoilers on the off chance that you're still avoiding those. \n\nZer0, the mysterious Assassin, has led a life. Probably. From being 'recruited' by Handsome Jack just to have an attempt on his life made, Zer0 and the other surviving Vault Hunters teamed up to.... Kill Handsome Jack. Which they did, murdering thousands of people along the way as they paved a path of destruction against the psychos of Pandora's wastelands. Having killed the Warrior, an ancient alien weapon, and Jack there were some other adventures from battling Pirates to a Tournament to the death to hunting in the wilds to torturing a guy for information while their friends played DnD upstairs!\n\nSince then, Zer0 and the other living Vault Hunters had teamed up with other Vault Hunters, searching the Galaxy for new Vaults and allies for a mysterious war that loomed on the horizon.\n\nAnd if there's one thing Zer0 knows, it's murder and mystery.\n\nSpecialty: Stealth | Assassin | Decoy\nLevel: 3\nExperience: 5/30\nPowers: \n* Decepti0n — Aka Stealth. Zer0 becomes invisible, deploying a holographic decoy of himself\n* b0re — Zer0's bullets penetrate through enemies and their equipment, dealing increased damaged with each hit.\n* Execute — Zer0 can dash to an enemy within 3 meters of him for a melee attack that deals massive damage.\n\n\nStrengths:\n* Agility, Zer0 is light on his feet.\n* Marksmanship\n* Swordsmanship\n\n\nWeaknesses: \n* Can only speak in Haiku\n* Squishy (aka, little in the way of defenses)\n* No social skills\n\n\nSpirits: (See Spirits section for details. Start with none)\n* Robot Scout\nThe Scout's distinctive cap and earpiece are integrated with Zer0's suit, and the bottom halves of his legs bear a distinctly retro robotic look. His facial display is also light blue now instead of red. This spirit confers the Power Frontrunner Hardware, increasing running speed and jump height while allowing an impossible midair jump. This spirit also inflicts the Weakness Robo-susceptibility, making him vulnerable to EMP and other jamming attacks\n\n\nKindred Spirits: \n* Widowmaker (Overwatch)\n* Gaige the Mecromancer (Borderlands 2)\n* Ahri (League of Legends)\n\n\nInventory:\n* His trusty sword\n* Some crappy sniper\n* Null Sector Ammo Case\nA case containing a variety of extra ammunition, including pistol, rifle, and sniper rounds. Its variety means there isn't an abundance of each type, but there's enough of each: 40 pistol, 20 rifle, and 9 sniper. All rounds in this purple Null Sector case are Null Sector rounds, which incorporate laser technology to deal heat as well as puncture damage, and also function as tracers.\n* Synapse\nAn organic rifle whose internal organs generate potent charges of bioelectricity to accurately fry enemies at close or medium range. It unleashes 12 jolts per second in a continuous stream, with 72 jolts per charge and 6 seconds to fully recharge, though it won't fire while recharging. The weapon does not need to feed, but it should be cleaned." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Courier 6\nLevel 2 - (17/20) EXP\nLocation: Scrapyard - Right\nWord Count: 1067\n\nAs soon as the radio on the Courier's arm started playing his favorite soothing, relaxing song, the Courier let the tension in his shoulders subside. Ah, Johnny Guitar. That angelic voice could make sweet sweet love to his ears as easily as a bolt action carbine. He was so mesmerized that he hadn't even noticed the large pig like man, Roadhog, save his bacon. He barely noticed when Zer0 reappeared by his side, taking additional shots at the robots from behind their cover. \n\n\"This is taking too long. I think I've got an idea!\" Uh oh. A Courier idea was a dangerous one. Taking notice of one of the Omnic robots that had been wrecked by Zer0's B0re power, the Courier reached out from his cover, grabbed the robot by its arm, and yanked the thing back behind the scrap with him. \"This is gonna take some time, but it should end the battle damn fast if it works!\" he announced, before getting to work.\n\nPopping open a small chamber on his Pip-Boy, the Courier tugged out a long cord, then looked over the barely functional Omnic for a receptacle he could use to plug his Pip-Boy into. A couple seconds later and he found what he was looking for, though it required he tear off some of the armor plating around the thing's metal skull. Once jacked in, the robot's diagnostics began to display across his arm-mounted computer screen. \"Haha! They're compatible! Yes!\" Tap tap tap danced the fingers of his right hand across the tiny keyboard mounted to his left arm. First he had to make himself familiar with the coding of these things, and damn was he impressed with what he saw. Sure, the hardware they were sporting wasn't anything to write home about, with the somewhat average guns and the mass produced armor plating that didn't even cover their whole exoskeletons, but the software, that was a thing of beauty! \n\nThe coding kept changing right before his very eyes, almost like it was evolving, like it was learning! Was the technology of the Big Empty even this advanced? The Courier imagined what these robots could accomplish if they had constructed better vessels for their programming, and quickly decided he did not like the idea one bit. Self aware robots.Learning robots. They could wipe out humanity so easily, at least in his world, scattered and broken as people were. Luckily for him there was still some baseline code that remained the same in the unit, no matter how the rest of it changed and evolved. That made sense, as the learning protocols in these things could easily cause them to shutdown if proper failsafes were not in place. All it would take would be to accidentally move the wrong 1 or 0, and then… Well that's what robotics and computer experts like him were for.\n\nThe Courier delved deeper into this baseline coding, eyes taking in everything that he could. The Omnic's red optical lense glared at him, clearly wanting to punish him for this invasion of its soul, but without a functioning body incapable of following through. Heh. Fucking robots. Ah, fascinating, that would be useful. So they communicated with one another on a wireless telecommunications network. Just a little deeper, and he could exploit them…\n\nPew!\n\n\"Argh!\" The Courier clutched his left shoulder, the jerking reaction nearly pulling the interface cord free from the robot it had been plugged into. The monitor of the Pip-Boy began to fade as he realized his mistake and quickly forced the jack back in more securely. That stray shot had almost cost him everything! Luckily Blazermate had heard his cry of pain and reacted quickly, patching up the injury with expedience. \"Thanks, pardner,\" he waved the medabot off with two of his fingers, concentrating back onto his work. This was too important…\n\nYes! There it was! An emergency override code!Broadcasting the code through the Omnics' network would force them to shutdown against their will! It wouldn't do a damn thing with those other robots, and at some point the Omnics would notice the broadcast signal and evolve an algorithm to neutralize it, but at least it would take out a considerable number of the Omnic forces across the entire Scrapyard, helping all of his companions and the rabbits, before they developed a defense. \"Hold on to yer hats, amigos! A bunch of robots are about to eat dirt!\" The Courier copied the failsafe code and began to transmit, using his Pip-Boy's radio as the point of origin, and routing through the interfaced Omnic's processors. If they attempted a counter-hack, it'd run through the Omnic as a proxy before reaching his Pip-Boy, at which point he'd be able to disable the connection.\n\nBOOM!\n\nOne of the rabbit creatures simply vanished into a fine red mist. The Courier perked up, spotting small tufts of white fur floating about in the air. He blinked a few times, trying to focus on what had just happened. Then it clicked. That sound. He already heard it not five minutes ago. Even amongst the explosions of the grenade launcher and the bullets flying through the air, the Courier could recognize a .50 caliber anti-material rifle.\n\n\"That idiot! That brahmin pie faced mother fucking idiot!\" He scanned the area for where the shot could have come from, instinctively looking up to the hill they traversed to get there. Sure enough there was Michael setup with his rifle, smoke rising from the muzzle. \"WE COULD APPEAL TO THEM! THEY COOPERATED YOU FUCKING SHITSTAIN!\" \n\nHis curses and insults meant nothing, and it was too late. The rabbit creatures recognized the betrayal (not that Michael could have known) and reacted exactly as one would expect: they turned hostile. And here was the Courier, holed up in a corner unable to move without interrupting the signal that would shut down Omnic robots, practically a sitting duck. Ratchet called out a plan, but the Courier wouldn't be able to take any part in it. Gritting his teeth, he armed himself with his .44 magnum revolver and prepared himself to put a bullet in anything that got too close, if it wasn't friendly." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "---\n\n\n\n\nLevel 2 - (14/20) EXP \nLocation: Sewer Dungeon\nWord Count: 375\n\n\nOld Friends Collide - Pt 4.\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n\nThe chunk of debris hurdled towards Mario's way, leaving with mixed reviews on the outcome. While on one hand it was able to fully break one of the chains that grasped the plumber's wrist - already making him just slightly more vulnerable if nothing else - it was an otherwise fruitless tactic in beating him down with sheer physical force. With a significant portion of its power sapped by the flail's impact, it allowed the opponent to easily jump into the air and uppercuts it with his signature jump. The boulder was no match for such power and instantly crumbled upon impact, leaving nothing but miniature pieces and dust. \n\nGeno had to adapt to this change of pace quickly. Now utilizing only one flail, its no doubt that Mario would begin to change tactics - most likely to hand-to-hand combat. The Star Warrior had seen first hand at the plumber's melee abilities, during decades prior, and the more he stuck around, the more he watched him grow stronger as a fighter. Now with five tournaments under his belt, over a decade of battling Bowser, and possessed by the strings of evil, he's more powerful than ever before. If he's going to win against him, Geno would have to fight more with sheer cunning and tactics. \n\nInstinctually, the star warrior ignited the two light disks in his hands. However, before he could even think about chucking them, Mario was already upon him as he leaped overhead to smash the bludgeon right on top of the doll's fragile head. With only miliseconds to react, Geno was forced to dodge as his thrusters propelled him to his left. While doing so, he chucked the light disks towards his opponent, as they zig-zagged their way towards him. This could've saved him, for he caught sight of the flail bailing towards him from the corner of his eyes...\n\nAnd one of these disks seemed to be right in its crosshairs. \n\nFollowing this, the doll pointed his cannon at Mario as he began to fire several rapid fire shots towards him, with several seemingly aimed straight for his head. And as for the surviving disk(s), they too would plan to come and haunt the plumber as they proceeded to boomerang back towards their creator." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Alias: Svent,Mr.Svent, Mr.S, Cas, Tribunal Svent, Legate, Legatus. \nAge: 22 \nGender: Male \nSpecies: Eclysian, a Mostly Human in look Race, But Feloid features such as Ears, Tail,sharp but durable nails. \nOccupation: Commission Agent of the Collective. \nResidence: Elciazia, It is a Lush Green planet protected by Large energy fields, with observation bases owned by the governing military. In Short, for easy comprehension, like Earth, but a lot more vegetation.\n\nPhysical Description: Cassius stands at 6ft, 200lbs, as such, has a bit of stock in his legs and hips, broad shoulders with decently scrawny arms. \n\nHe has rather moonlit fair-skin, Dark Lines seemingly branded through his body, but no impression is left to imply scarring. \n\nHazel Green eyes, dark eyebrows, dark chocolate colored hair. His hair is well groomed, giving and impression he seems to respect himself to seem neat and tidy. Sharp white canines. \n\nFelinoid ears that seem to bend and turn sideways, quite large, and expressive. Slight dark circles under his eyes. He has a few scars on his forehead and his cheeks, and one on each side of his temples, in a vertical slashing pattern. \n\nLastly, a tail, pretty self explanatory. \n\nPersonality: Cassius is an inquisitive man that tries to review forensics of a situation to best assess what to do, in this sense, he typically leans in favor of cold logic, but this does not mean he is entirely heartless, in fact, he can come across as fiercely passionate in a situation that requires a definitive decision between the collective he may be working with. While facts might outweigh personal reason, he does try to seek a middle ground for others in the act of fairness. \n\nOutside of cold logic, he is quite sassy and will often have backhanded remarks to others, not always to berate them, but to humor if he can. Humor at times helps him show a sense of humanity, in places where he is otherwise apathetic. Some would argue, his apathy is his greatest strength when he has to hard commit to a situation or contingency plan, it lets him detach from reality of something that might otherwise be a horrible situation. \n\nBut when not stuck in the heat of danger, he tends to focus on the needs of others, this aspect of him gives him a submissive outlook to those who he is interacting with; mostly out of concern for others. To him, every cog of a clock must function, if one does not function, he sees that the integrity could be compromised, so he intends to make sure everything is accounted for. To him. every teammate is a limb of a body, to sever tendons would hinder progress, and a slowed body, is a unhealthy one in the field. \n\nWhen Addressed negatively, he drowns it out, he does not care for it, he cares for results.\n\nAbilities and Equipment: - Cassius wears a set of armor in the field that is space worthy, as well as amphibious. It's well insulated to even repel radiation, comes equipped with emergency shields, Scan visors, and a wrist mounted launcher that shoots energy in a small concentrated ball. \n\nOn hand, he typically has a Gauss Rife that has both an energy component, as well as a Kinetic component, he stands to reason that some shields are easier to piece with metals than it is energy, easier to pierce some hides or flesh in a flash than it is to expend needless energy.\n\nOh hand, he has a small drone that flies around, in some cases tethers to others to boost, or grant shields, to tethers down enemies to restrain them in a stasis field. Typically the drone is mounted to his back.\n\nFor Melee, he has a collapsible two handed beam sword, while it does have a stun component, it is typically more suited for cutting through obstructions, and fleshy beings or surfaces. \n\n - Outside of his armor, he wears a thin suit with a harness around him, has a vest around his chest, with lightly reinforced boots, holstering medical gear, mostly first aid resources, and Tourniquet supplies; the downside is, it is intended for humans roughly 4 to 6ft. A pair of goggles he wears over his eyes allow for him to scan things easily too.\n \nHistory: Cassius grew up in on his home world with his tribe, namely, Cor Vas Svent; his grandfather. The Eclysians are typically a peaceful people, and as such, have peaceful values. And he grew up with the teachings of trying to be readily able to aid and serve in kind of others. At times, he was told of stories of Ancient Earth; a time before the federation... This knowledge was mostly from the fore bearers that were occasionally visited by the collective, and as such he came into contact with this knowledge, their folklore, myth, and religions. Earth fascinated him, and as such had a romanticized version of what he'd never see in his image.\n\nBut that was the highlight of his childhood, imagination. Raiders invaded and almost took his tribe overnight, and as the one of the last seven of that tribe, they were known as the Tribunals to the collective, mostly out of fact if they remained, they'd have to govern what was left in the ashes. Reality was, the last of that tribe was mostly alone, the raids continued on their planet, and it was overtaken in weeks. The Collective intervened, this intervention saved what was left of the tribes... out of 70, 12 remained. As the older members were integrated, they were brought to a safe world where they could be nursed, and given hope before being asked to aid them in research. Before anyone could agree to that, the Eclysian tribes banned together to try to form a collective of their own to preserve the remaining families. The Twelve Tribes became the Zodiarchy; effectively a council composed of said tribes to ensure nothing disrupts their creed... For their creed was all that they had on hand of the old world. \n\nWith the Zodiarchy established, a Tribunal of each sex, from each Tribe was taken to Xerxes, One of the Collective's bases of operations. Xerxes was scary to the Tribunal for they no idea what the world was truly like outside of their small scope, their vision of the galaxy was forever shifted. To Cassius, the Collective was a Myth for years,A story the grownups talked about, but only later did he really find their purpose. They were an organization of aliens that wanted to act as a relief effort to the universe,to help colonize. While the Collective in Xerxes was large, it wasn't massive enough to have a set of very far reaching hands. \n\nCassius wanted to help prevent further tragedy, but to do so, he had to take initiative, and that required him stepping into a whole new light. Years of studying technology, grounded forensics to a basis that he could convey easily to others. Learning to become a pillar in trying times, all while trying to find his humanity that he lost from shock, rather his loss of innocence. He didn't want to see others feel as he did, in a way, he didn't want others to understand how he felt. For if they did, it would mean they were in the same boat he was; or at the very least experienced great loss, and that was something he'd want to prevent. He wants to help others achieve peace. \n\nFor a while, he was a courier for the Collective to drop supplies, occasionally he would need to participate in combat for relief efforts, which is where some of his inexperienced scars came from. But his progress was good for a man that lost so much, it was his sense of compassion and competence that made the Collective commission him on their behalf to work in his new task... Effective immediately upon Commission Request, Tribunal Svent would be moved to the Aion unit to act as a Pillar of Support, and taking Samus Aran in, Alive." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Amber maintained eyes contact with Zen for a few seconds after he addressed her, but not in a threatening way; she was only trying to sort out how she should perceive it after what he just said. For now, however, he was clearly on their side and she could only hope it would stay like this for the duration of this mission. \n\n'Despite this whole thing, nice to meet you Ms. Vale.' Amber said in answer to Katherine introduction. Which was not a bad idea. 'I'm Amber Haus, Federation Special Forces.'\n\nIt was nice and everything to properly meet and exchanges greetings, information and what not after arguing for a good while on multiple subjects, but they needed to get going if they wanted to fulfill anything at all. The front of an observation room was not exactly the proper place for discussions either. \n\n'I agree we have things to talk about before we enter any hostile environment, but is this the right place for this? It would be a lot more logical to discuss things while we are on the move as to not waste any time. On that subject, I'm guessing most of us - she briefly looked over at Zen - have things they need to gather and get ready before leaving. I suggest we do this now and regroup in exactly one hour at this base landing docks'\n\n'I am guessing that most of you have your own ships and what not, but I strongly suggest that we use the same ship as to stray grouped and communicate better while on the move. The federation probably have one prepared for us. Otherwise, the Federation gave me my own private ship when I joined Spec. Forces. If you don't trust me, any ships would do just fine as long as you let me install my research center in it.'\n\n'I hope we are all in agreement?' she said as she got out her data pad again and began typing on a few things and walkign towards the door. Right as she was about to disappear she added, louder; 'One Hour!' and headed to her personal quarters to gather all of the things she would need." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "@SimpleWriter\n\n\"My name is David and that is all you gotta know\" He said feeling that he was prepared to leave, However he would need a few things from his quarters. Following behind Amber and when they were further away form the others he started to speak with her, \"So what do you think of the situation? And the people we will be working with?\" He asked his heavy footsteps echoing though the hallway. \n\nWhile they walked to their quarters a few of the passing solider were making looking down at their feet, He knew why they did this because he was such a terrifying and looming figure. Not many people want to be around him and when they do they are weary of him, However he gets the job done so he is a valuable assist to the federation. Personally he did not trust any of them and thought they would be a hazard to the mission, Knowing himself he was going to get Samus, the cure and then he would gladly punish her personally afterwords. However he was going to be on his best behavior of course, He also wondered what her thoughts were of Samus and her whole relationship with the X and Metroid." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Kathrine Vale-\n\n\"A pleasure,\" she said with a smile that you could practically hear to Amber.\n\n\"Well, he's certainly charming,\" Kat remarked as the Marine exited.\n\nShe swept her gaze over the others, and shrugged, \"Well, I've got my own ship, so I guess I'll start getting it ready to head out?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It was nice to know Kaze was ironically the most respectful one at present, at least that was organic. Rather than cutting to a point, Amber rather Meander and wait to delay upon exchanging notes -- which would have been brief. For a woman who wants to be objective, she has a roundabout method of getting things done. This did not please Cassius in the slightest, not something he'd advertise, he simply watched the chatty woman talk, and leave... Typical. He was Not going to take orders from someone who couldn't even have the decency to get to the point. \n\nThe Catnip jape... Original -- almost as if a human -- oh wait... Of course, only a human could be so painfully unoriginal... But it mustered a smile from him,even if it was an awkward one. But as fast as he made himself known... He made himself scarce... He wasn't intimidating in the slightest. Too clunky, too brazen. Were Marines so painfully illefficent, or just boastful? Either way, he was the second largest target, only rival to Kaze... Rival is too strong a word... He shook his head in amusement. \n\nTaking note of the meek voice from Earlier, particularly the one who mentioned leadership.\n\"Leadership isn't really what is needed, just a well composed plan. My general plan is to keep you alive to perform your task, and put down anything that becomes nuisance, which I have no doubt you will not be one of those. I only ask you be attentive, cautious, and relay important information, and we will be fine. But if I, a Legate must take action, it would not be the first. Granted, while I rather not be responsible for those not of my kin, I can humor that request... Only if that is what you all wish. If I had to voice concern... I fear their egos will conflict with objectivity, Ego; the root of many problems. I rather cut it out like the cancer it is. You can recover from it, it might be painful, and tiring. But one becomes stronger when they overcome it, even if through assistance.\" The Legate didn't much care for pride, just getting the job done. \n\nThis caused him to look to Zen. \"Zen, I ask you send a full briefing on Samus' history to me, as well as documents of the X Parasites, The Metroids -- extinct or otherwise--, The Motherbrain, Space Pirates, and of course... the Events of the BSL station that crashed, as for what life we should expect on the SR387. However, SR388's data might prove useful if they believe fragments of it were jettison from the impact into the neighboring mass, we could easily identify what the X choose to replicate in efficiency in this manner. Is this request doable?\" Cassius was going to take initiative if it meant gathering the important and relevant information, he held his gauntlet out for whatever Data Zed could transfer to it.\n\nFinally, he looked to Kaze and Ms.Vale. \n\"If you have as ship, it might be pertinent to keep in close contact... however, if one of you has a rather large ship, it might be beneficial for me to ride with one of you, immediately nearby and all. However, if none of you could have me as a passenger, I'd understand. Granted, as a Tribunal, I do understand the need of privacy. And as such, would respect yours, as well as areas you'd not wish for me to be in, all you need is say where the lines are, and the ones I should never cross.\" he wasted no time saying he'd respect boundaries. And also wasted no time asked if he may join one of the two." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Age: 16\n\nAbilities: Necromancy-Jack can summon dead humans and animals when he feels like it. He often conversates and enjoys the companies of the corpses.\n\nAppearance: \n\nBio: Jack was part of a large extended family. He had been adopted after he was found untouched after a house fire. Later in life, when he had wished to see his old mother to the extreme, she had appeared in front of him. But she was not the same. She was shriveled up, and burnt, like an overcooked chicken. He fled his new home and lived on the road from that day forward." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Lin shifted as the black misty form walked? glided? glidewalked toward her. The figure shifted over into what looked like a large crow. It eyed her and spoke an apology. Considering that Lin thought the being was going to somehow either lecture her on manners or possess her, she decided to play along and hope that that wasn't its plan all along. \n\nNodding slowly, she replied, \"It's true that I did mention that finding out about your...kind has shocked me. Do you guys come from, like, another whole planet, or does Hell exist or something? What's this Void business?\" She played with a lock of her tangled blonde curls, trying not to look like she was frozen with the total terror she was feeling." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Jack laughed. \"And it's all about getting along, being in harmony with one's self, and singing kumbaya around a campfire.\" He then looked at who seemed to be the counselors. \"I think the...energetic girl is one. And possibly that guy?\" He said, pointing to Kyle and Ivy. \"Anyways, I think that camp will be okay. As long as most of the people leave me alone.\" He smiled a charming grin at Val. \"You're cool though.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Neric would tilt his head a bit from her words, she must have completely ignored him back there. Huffing softly as he shakes his head, fluffing his feathers as he speaks. \"I guess you did ignore my words back there, which gives me the feeling you watch too much sci-fi stuff. As I said before... I have no idea what you are talking about. I have no idea what kind of Void you met and have no idea how you even know about us, but please do refrain from that kind of lecturing.\" The little creature spoke as it watched her, she knows about Void? How much now, he was curious. If she knew about them, maybe she is one which doesn't make him feel good. He and james already have Granger on their tail, they don't need another one. \"But really tell me, how do you know about my kind? I'm curious to what you know...\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "@KatherinWinter\n\nVal smiles back, \"Thanks you seem cool too.\" She stands up and stretches. \"I think I've been in here too long, the noise is starting to get to me.\" She laughs and looks around, stopping her gaze at the two campers Jack mentioned earlier. Mostly to the girl with red hair. She shook her head and began to wonder how people can even have that much energy, it tired Val out just thinking about it. The boy on the other hand, seemed cool and collected but also lingered close to the girl. Are they dating? They seem like total opposites. She thought to herself. Val then realized that she was basically glaring at the two and turned her head away hoping they wouldn't notice and looked back at Jack instead, \"I'm gonna step outside for a bit, I need some fresh air.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "James did find her empty hand, and Cecilia looked fairly surprised for a second before turning her own hand around to hold his, her thumb lightly kneading the top of his fingers and even the area further down the back. She hoped that between her hand and her warmhearted expression, he would be less inclined to dwell on how flustered she also was. There was little to no doubt she enjoyed this, although James is looking to be the only person that can steal the spotlight away from breakfast for her and if this continues, she may forget that she still had a few more bites left. \"Me too...\" she spoke softly, immediately thinking she should have breathed in before speaking, so she could have sounded more composed." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "He would smile softly, looking at their hands before back at his meal. He wasn't a left handed person, as she can see he is having a bit of trouble with getting anything on the fork he was using. But it looked like he didn't mind one bit, his smile still going as he looked at the food. Looking to Cecilia out of the corner of his eye as he finally gets a bite on his fork. Speaking softly. \"Still soft and smooth from last night...\" His cheeks slightly red as he takes the bite, closing his eyes and sighing. Enjoying the moment of good food and someone close to him sitting with him for breakfast." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Th-Thanks...\" Cecilia's voice stammered as she imagined the embarrassing face she might have been making. She too resumed eating, having an easier time of it than him while still a little self conscious of how she was eating, careful to do so as competently and as nonchalantly as possible, though with only marginal success. Her smile widened a tad when she thought of perhaps helping James with his food by feeding him herself. But she had the feeling that doing so might be going too far, especially since he didn't seem to mind as far as she could see. \"You know... In all that time I spent moving from place to place, I couldn't even keep in touch with any friends I did make... and eventually I couldn't get that close with anyone... And now here I am,\" she spoke softly before chuckling lightly as she slightly lifted his hand in hers. \"And I have you to thank for that, James.\" She wanted to keep the mood light, yet she was sincere in what she said." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "James would put down his fork, smiling softly as he listened to Cecilia. Though he wondered if they would be able to keep in touch once camp was over, if they would hear from eachother again. But that's a long way down the road, still a lot of time before he should really worry about that. Looking at her as he smiles softly. \"Well I feel special, that I got to be able to get close.\" Looking at their hands, it felt nice to him. Rubbing his thumb along the back of her hand before looking to her again. He's done with eating it would seem, just enjoying the moment with her. \"But I hope we can keep in touch after the camp gets over...\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Lin shook her head. \"No, I was asking you, hon. I'm a babe in the woods as far as your...species? concerned. I only heard your...master?....mention what you are a few minutes ago. To humans, \"void\" typically sounds really dark, ominous and, well, evil. I was just hoping to ascertain how much you and/or your kind fit...into those three categories.\" She was picking her words very carefully here, still managing to keep one eye trained on Kyle. It was a bit odd that he hadn't replied to her little tirade, but maybe he was treating it as water under the bridge. Lin suppressed a chuckle at the unintended humor, not wanting Neric to think HE was the one amusing her. \n\n\"But yeah,\" she continued, looking at Neric's avian eye region, \"You're the first non-human sentient species I've ever met. I'd like to hear more about you all sometime.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Cecilia had just about finished her food by this point, appearing to pause with the last bite in her mouth when she heard the last words James said. She swallowed, her eyes turning down to her empty plate. \"I'd like that very much...\" she agreed, her voice not very ardent at all, yet quite earnest. Her hand squeezed his deftly, a subtle reassurance while she looked up at him and smiled again, her head tilting playfully. \"But until then, let's enjoy our time at camp as much as we can, okay?\" she said, livelier this time. \"Look, the day just started, and Neric's already making friends.\" She smirked as she turned her head to Neric conversing with the new girl. \"I wonder where he gets it from,\" she chuckled airily, content to spend the rest of the meal time like this with James." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Oh I see, just a misunderstanding then. Well to be honest my kind aren't the nicest lot true enough, but I try not to be like what my kind is. Well... let me think on those topics, there is no way as far as I know about possession or such. Unless I never seen it...\" Him humming a bit as he hops around, the raven breaking down into a cloud before retaking the form of the cat. Walking on all fours before sitting back down again. Besides only being pure black all over with red eyes, he looked almost exactly like the animal. \"I'm curious what the unknown is like to be honest... but then the last one was about James. He isn't my master and I'm not his, he's my human. And no I don't wanna call him what my kind call their humans, I feel it vulguer and disrespectful. But you're still learning so I understand, hopefully we are on better terms and such. If you're busy I don't wanna intrude, just wanted to talk this over instead of just have it as it happened and left at that.\"\n\n\n\nJames chuckles and watches Neric speaking with the girl, smiling softly as he squeezes Cecilia's hand back. Thinking on her words as he looks back at her. \"No idea, though he has been around longer then you and me will ever be it seems. So maybe he developed some people skills through his experience? But doesn't have to be just him, wanna go and meet her as well? I think I heard her say her name was Lin.\" He would offer, not wanting to be the only person she hung out with. A camp full of people to get to know and develop friendships with, besides if she spent too much time with him she may get sick of spending time with him. He's new to this all, hoping he doesn't mess up or anything." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Oh? Well i-if you think so. I'd hate to interrupt… but maybe it wouldn't hurt to say hello at least,\" Cecilia granted, slowly pulling her hand away from James' and to her other hand in front of her, then immediately thinking of something, speaking her next words delicately while maintaining a cheerful smile, her right hand coming over her blushing cheek. \"But... maybe I should um… calm down… first…\" her voice lowered to a near hush and she looked away. \"I'd like to make a good impression, so I think I'll freshen up a little. You can go ahead though. I can even take your tray if you're done eating. I don't mind,\" she cordially offered, standing from her seat. She was willing to take their plates to the kitchen, intending to take a few minutes for herself afterward, but if he refused, she'd be fine with it. \"I'll catch up with you in a bit, okay?\" she said, smiling widely." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Oh? Alright, well take your time. But don't take too long ok? I mean yesterday was really fun when you were around...\" Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, did he make a mistake with saying what he said or something? Hopefully not, getting up with her as he looks over at Neric and the girl. Biting his lip a bit, hopefully he didn't make it look like he was that eager to see the girl. But he would give Cecilia a smile, taking her hand and squeezing it gently but caringly before letting it go and walking towards Neric and the girl. Looking back at her for a short while before looking forward. Sighing softly." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Lin shrugged, trying not to be startled as the...thing shifted from a raven into a cat. \"It's fine! I just got here, so I'm not really busy. What kinds of things have you guys done around camp? I heard through the grapevine that this place is relatively new.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Jack looked at Ivy, then back to Val. \"Mind if I come? Fresh air does good for the soul, right?\" He muttered his next sentence. \"If I have one.\" As he looked at Val, he began to stroke his chin. Val didn't seem to have any powers that were prominent. \"Hey, what is your strange gift that sets you apart from the rest of the world? If you don't mind me asking." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Cecilia gathered both their trays, placing all their dishes on one of the receptacles with the other tray underneath. \"Sure thing,\" she gladly nodded when she looked up at James. She was happy that James wasn't pushing her into a potentially embarrassing situation right away. But at the same time, she wondered if part of him thought she was making a flimsy excuse to back out or even not to be around him. She hoped that wasn't the case, the latter reason not being the case at all, but she wouldn't be able to shake the feeling until she meets up with him again. After dropping off their dishes at the kitchen at an adjacent room, Cecilia searched for the lavatory, reaching into her simple, small handbag and picked out a plastic bag containing her toothbrush and toothpaste once she found said room, opening and closing the door behind her." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Val picked up her bag and wore it on her back, she has yet to find her room and activities were about to start. When Jack mentioned if she minded company she didn't mind, having a friendly face around doesn't hurt. \"Sure, I have to drop my bag off to my room real quick though.\" As they walked out of the cafeteria Jack inquired to her about her powers and for a second she hesitated. It was the power that made people call her the devil. She figured that at a summer camp with other powered teens, it would be inevitable to show it. But Jack was her first friend in her life, it would be wrong to keep secrets right at the beginning. Still, she didn't want to scare him off. She decided it was best to not expose her scarred palms just yet. \n\"Of course... it's a little... scary though so don't get too freaked out.\" She smiles at Jack and stopped outside the cafeteria. She extends an index finger flat in front of her. A ring on her other hand popped out a tiny blade which she uses to prick her finger, making a small cut. Blood starts to slowly surface out of the cut and starts forming a circle. Then it starts to rise, within seconds it forms into a shape of a diamond and crystallizes. It floats in the space above her finger for just a few seconds before it liquefies and falls onto the grass patch below, burning it causing the ground to smoke. \nVal then looks to Jack, hoping to not have freaked him out." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Jack looked down at his hands. \"I don't mind waiting.\" When she performed the trick, he stared at the blood, and the smoking grass. \"That. Was. Sick! So, you can, like, kill someone with that? And is there a way you did that? How did you get your powers?\" He said it all so fast, he was doubled over, gasping for breath. With a snap of his fingers, a skeletal man who looked like a fitness trainer handed him a fresh water bottle. \"Sorry about that.\" He took a tentative sip, then a gulp." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Nickname: Mr.Svent, Cassius of Lumya, Cassius the Wise, Xanat.\nRace: Half - Lumyian, Bat Demi human. \nAge: 21\nGender: Male \n\nAppearance: Has brown silky hair, Hazel green eyes, pale skin.\n\n\nProportionality:\nWeight: Roughly 200lbs.\nHeight:5'11 to 6ft.\nFrame: Androgynous\nShoulders 6in\nChest 12 in\nWaist 8-10in\nThigh 10-12in\nButt-cheek 8x10in\nWrist to tip of Middle Finger 7 1/2 inches.\nPinkie starting digit (base of hand before extending to finger) to thumb digit 4inch\nfeet (as in my feet) 12 inches\n\nUpper Arm (Width)3 inches\nLower (forearms) 2 1/2 − 3 inches\nWrist 2 1/2 − 3 1/3 inches\nElbow to wrist 11 3/4 inches\nShoulder to elbow 12 1/4 inches\n\nHeel to Knee 15 inches.\nKnee to Thigh 16 inches.\n\nHeight 5'11 to 6ft.\n6 1/2 inches from collar bone to chin.\n7 inches from one end to the other (Left to right)\n\nCrotch to Waist (curves) 9 inches.\nWaist to belly button 4 1/2 inches\nWaist to chest (where ribs start) 12 inches\nChest to neck 9 inches \n_______________________ \n\nPersonality:- A Calculating person by nature, independent, thoughtful. But most importantly caring despite his cynicism, and skeptical nature when it comes to relaying facts. Has a hard time even accepting his visions. \nJob: He is seen as a Bounty Hunter to many, but he is with Research and development of Lindblum, currently working with Tantalus to help make sure an operation goes through with flying colors. \n\nFighting Style: Cassius fights with Aiki Jujitsu. Additionally, he weaves magic together as someone who uses Elemancy for explosive punches or strikes, or self sustaining effects such as elemental armor. Uses his Magically generated wings to block, as well as swat enemies away, or to do a powerful charging dash.\nWeapons from strongest to weakest: A Beast Cutter (A powerful cleaver that can extend out to function as a heavy whip, blade is serrated.) \nGadgets: Phoenix Ashes, Marbles, Stone Pebbles, Bandage Wrap, Syringes. Throwing Knives. Grappling hooks. Some form of gun for a finishing blow/ or to stagger someone mid attack. (Usually not very powerful, but strong enough to leave an impression.)\n\nArmors/Outfits Cassius wears an assortment of armors to make up for his lack of early skill. But normally they are black, gray, Blue, and white in terms of fabrics.\nWeight Class: Medium.\n\nFamiliar: Camazotz, deadly god of Bats.\nFamiliar Appearance: \n\nFamiliar Abilities: Camazotz has heightened hearing, flight, and can deploy a projection of a deadly swarm of bats to deal damage over time to a marked target.\n\nMovement Type: Ground, creeps around most of the time before taking flight. \n\nFamiliar Size: Medium. Human Height. \n\nRelic Weapons: Spear of Xilbalba.\n\nRelic Armors: A Shining stone that gives passive health regeneration. \nTrance: In Cassius' trance, he generates an armor of darkness around him that resembles a Gargoyle, as well as a massive Great Hammer, the Great hammer has four rotating Gargoyle heads that release multiple incense that can have supporting effects such as raising resistances and defenses, as well as health and mana regeneration at the cost of him sharing his with the party. He can additionally lower enemy defenses, resistances. As well as do powerful attacks with magic by having the heads generate elements or energy.\n\nPros- Hit's hard with kicks. Sneaky. Can take a few good hits. Can fly when wings are summoned with ease. Can do powerful charged strikes with his momentum.\nCons- Skeptical of his visions. Relies on outwitting rather than overpowering. Wings can be destroyed temporarily to reduce his mobility. \nRacial Strengths- Light footed, Regenerates magic, can imbue magic into his strikes.\nRacial Weaknesses- Not very skilled with weapons.\n\nBackground: Cassius was originally a child about to be enslaved by Grandanian Slavers, but was rescued by Hitori, the Slaver was turned into a Necklace that acts as a glamor that allows Cassius to act as a full Lumyian in society. It was never his want to be something he was not, but when immigrating to the Alexandrian continent, he was taken in by Alphonse, to pass as his child, he required Cassius to appear as a full blood so that his family would not be frowned upon. Cassius' rebellious nature made it hard to live as such, to which he was told to pick an identity. Hitori however always, only knew Cassius as himself, and was his only true friend and family through life. He also had a loyal Crocodile and Raven pet he had to give away, this Crocodile was known as Chauncey. The Raven was Noir.\n\nWith such complications, he took the name of \"Xanat\" as his domestic name when he wasn't wearing his gem, and used his birth name for when he chose to appear as the fullblood. But life was only more complicated, he hated that second name. The second name belonged to the gem... Yet he depended so much on something he hated so he could fit in. It didn't help he was to uphold an honor that was never his. As long as he wore that gem, he was honoring a slaver, not himself. He had to choose between self respect, and meeting expectations. As a teenager, he decided to leave home with his gem, seeking bounties. \n\nWithout skill, he consulted books, research, and alchemy. This helped him greatly for monster hunts, even to make a name of \"Cassius the Wise\". He wore armor and happened upon Treno where he tracked Ritsu for over a year. He had enough of not being able to find him with ease, or not being able to traverse as the fullblood, so he sought out Anubis. He caught up to Ritsu, to which his lovelife blossomed.Soon after he found himself engaged to him. In his married life, he wore the gem less. And stopped caring about hunting as often, but it was nice to have a home to himself with Ritsu. Eventually he returned to Lindlum with his title and took on additional work, as well as hunts. In the Guise of a Hunt, he aided in a heist to transport a concerned Princess to Lindblum." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Hitori looked at Cassius incredulously for a moment before looking back at Ritsu. Hitori narrowed his eyes trying to scrutinize why Cassius would want a Soul Stealing Monkey in the first place and just kept drawing a blank, \"Well....Your Choice I suppose.\" Hitori said trying to remain somewhat polite.\n\nRitsu just Rolled his eyes, \"Well I certainly didn't expect your Childhood friend to be so...Mistrustful, Cassius.\" Ritsu could tell the Fox didn't like him and so far the feeling was somewhat mutual but he didn't really know Hitori so he was just Mostly indifferent towards him. \"Is he Really coming with us?\"\n\n\"I'll have you know I'm more than useful, you don't survive as long as I have by being careless.\" Hitori Bristled, his Glamour Momentarily Faltering before resuming the Proper Shape, He had to remember to remain calm, people are won over with Honey; not Vinegar.\n\n\"If you say so Old Man.\" Ritsu teased, seeing that the Kumiho was trying to remain calm, there was part of Ritsu that was a bit of an Instigator at times.\n\n\"Better than being a Child I suppose.\" Hitori quipped back, Ritsu's face flushed red with embarrassment. Hitori smirked at him Satisfied that he had at least flustered him. \n\nOnce they had arrived at the Airship Hitori Changed his Glamour from a Knight to a Girl who had gone to see the Play, just to be Careful. Ritsu Rolled his eyes at Hitori and turned to Baku, \"We are really skating the edge with this one Boss Man, I've got a bad feeling about this.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Wylde's role in the play was rather small extra here and there when they needed to fill in the numbers on stage. Which while it didn't really please her that she lacked fight scenes, also allowed her to roam about behind the scenes and observe on how the operations were going. What's more she made her own goal of keeping watch on the Queen and General Beatrix from afar. Since her all planned minor appearances on stage were over, she now only waited nearby, expecting the real fight to break out.\n\n As the propellers started moving, Wylde knew the time to leg it was near. Still she knew there was no way for them to be allowed free escape. With the general this close, and who knows what else waiting, they had to be quick and decisive about it. She slowly and gently pulled her rappier from it's sheath just a little, to make sure of it's condition. It was perfect, but she wasn't going to be using that weapon once the real fight breaks loose." } ]
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