license: odc-by
- config_name: default
- split: train
path: train.csv
sep: ‽
- en
- not-for-all-audiences
pretty_name: Pornhub
- 1M<n<10M
Pornhub Dataset
The Pornhub Dataset provides a comprehensive collection of data sourced from Pornhub, encompassing various details from MANYYY videos available on the platform. The file consists of ... lines of videos.
Data Description
- Delimiter:
- File Format: CSV
- Content:
- URL: The URL of the video.
- Category: The genre or category of the video.
- User: The username of the uploader.
- Video_title: The title of the video.
- Views: The number of views the video has received.
- Rating: The rating given to the video.
- Time_Scraped: The date and time when the video was scraped.
- English (en)
- ...
Note: This dataset contains sensitive content and is intended solely for research and educational purposes. 😉 Please ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and guidelines when using this data. Use responsibly. 😊