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According adv. 1 (foll. By to) a as stated by (according to mary). B in proportion to (lives according to his means). 2 (foll. By as + clause) in a manner or to a degree that varies as (pays according as he is able). |
Accordingly adv. 1 as circumstances suggest or require (please act accordingly). 2 consequently (accordingly, he left the room). |
Accordion n. Musical reed instrument with concertina-like bellows, keys, and buttons. accordionist n. [italian accordare to tune] |
Accost v. 1 approach and address (a person), esp. Boldly. 2 (of a prostitute) solicit. [latin costa rib] |
Account —n. 1 narration, description (an account of his trip). 2 arrangement at a bank etc. For depositing and withdrawing money, credit, etc. (open an account). 3 record or statement of financial transactions with the balance (kept detailed accounts). —v. Consider as (account him wise, a fool). |
Accountable adj. 1 responsible; required to account for one's conduct. 2 explicable, understandable. accountability n. |
Accountant n. Professional keeper or verifier of accounts. accountancy n. Accounting n. |
Accouterments n.pl. (brit. Accoutrements) 1 equipment, trappings. 2 soldier's equipment excluding weapons and clothes. [french] |
Accoutrements n.pl. (us accouterments) 1 equipment, trappings. 2 soldier's equipment excluding weapons and clothes. [french] |
Accredit v. (-t-) 1 (foll. By to) attribute (a saying etc.) To (a person). 2 (foll. By with) credit (a person) with (a saying etc.). 3 (usu. Foll. By to or at) send (an ambassador etc.) With credentials. 4 gain influence for or make credible (an adviser, a statement, etc.). [french: related to *credit] |
Accredited adj. 1 officially recognized. 2 generally accepted. |
Accretion n. 1 growth or increase by accumulation, addition, or organic enlargement. 2 the resulting whole. 3 a matter so added. B adhesion of this to the core matter. [latin cresco cret- grow] |
Accrue v. (-ues, -ued, -uing) (often foll. By to) come as a natural increase or advantage, esp. Financial. [latin: related to *accretion] |
Accumulate v. (-ting) 1 acquire an increasing number or quantity of; amass, collect. 2 grow numerous; increase. [latin: related to *cumulus] |
Accumulation n. 1 accumulating or being accumulated. 2 accumulated mass. 3 growth of capital by continued interest. accumulative adj. |
Accumulator n. 1 rechargeable electric cell. 2 bet placed on a sequence of events, with the winnings and stake from each placed on the next. |
Accuracy n. Exactness or careful precision. [latin cura care] |
Accurate adj. Careful, precise; conforming exactly with the truth or a standard. accurately adv. |
Accursed adj. 1 under a curse. 2 colloq. Detestable, annoying. [old english a- intensive prefix, *curse] |
Accusation n. Accusing or being accused. [french: related to *accuse] |
Accusative gram. —n. Case expressing the object of an action. —adj. Of or in this case. |
Accusatory adj. Of or implying accusation. |
Accuse v. (-sing) (often foll. By of) charge with a fault or crime; blame. [latin accusare: related to *cause] |
Accustom v. (foll. By to) make used to (accustomed him to hardship). [french: related to *custom] |
Accustomed adj. 1 (usu. Foll. By to) used to a thing. 2 customary, usual. |
Ace —n. 1 playing-card etc. With a single spot and generally signifying ‘one’. 2 a person who excels in some activity. B pilot who has shot down many enemy aircraft. 3 (in tennis) unreturnable stroke (esp. A service). —adj. Slang excellent. within an ace of on the verge of. [latin as unity] |
Acellular adj. Having no cells; not consisting of cells. |
Aceous suffix forming adjectives in the sense ‘of the nature of’, esp. In the natural sciences (herbaceous). [latin -aceus] |
Acerbic adj. Harsh and sharp, esp. In speech or manner. acerbity n. (pl. -ies). [latin acerbus sour] |
Acetaldehyde n. Colourless volatile liquid aldehyde. [from *acetic, *aldehyde] |
Acetate n. 1 salt or ester of acetic acid, esp. The cellulose ester. 2 fabric made from this. |
Acetic adj. Of or like vinegar. [latin acetum vinegar] |
Acetic acid n. Clear liquid acid giving vinegar its characteristic taste. |
Acetone n. Colourless volatile liquid that dissolves organic compounds, esp. Paints, varnishes, etc. |
Acetylene n. Hydrocarbon gas burning with a bright flame, used esp. In welding. |
Ache —n. 1 continuous dull pain. 2 mental distress. —v. (-ching) suffer from or be the source of an ache. [old english] |
Achieve v. (-ving) 1 reach or attain, esp. By effort (achieved victory; achieved notoriety). 2 accomplish (a feat or task). [french achever: related to *chief] |
Achievement n. 1 something achieved. 2 act of achieving. |
Achilles heel n. Person's weak or vulnerable point. [achilles, greek hero in the iliad] |
Achilles tendon n. Tendon connecting the heel with the calf muscles. |
Achromatic adj. Optics 1 transmitting light without separation into constituent colours (achromatic lens). 2 without colour. achromatically adv. [french: related to *a-, *chrome] |
Achy adj. (-ier, -iest) full of or suffering from aches. |
Acid —n. 1 a any of a class of substances that liberate hydrogen ions in water, are usu. Sour and corrosive, turn litmus red, and have a ph of less than 7. B any compound or atom donating protons. 2 any sour substance. 3 slang the drug lsd. —adj. 1 sour. 2 biting, sharp (an acid wit). 3 chem. Having the essential properties of an acid. acidic adj. Acidify v. (-ies, -ied). Acidity n. Acidly adv. [latin aceo be sour] |
Acid house n. A type of synthesized music with a simple repetitive beat, often associated with hallucinogenic drugs. |
Acid rain n. Acid, esp. From industrial waste gases, falling with rain. |
Acid test n. Severe or conclusive test. |
Acidulous adj. Somewhat acid. |
Ack-ack colloq. —adj. Anti-aircraft. —n. Anti-aircraft gun etc. [formerly signallers' term for aa] |
Acknowledge v. (-ging) 1 recognize; accept the truth of (acknowledged its failure). 2 confirm the receipt of (a letter etc.). 3 a show that one has noticed (acknowledged my arrival with a grunt). B express appreciation of (a service etc.). 4 recognize the validity of, own (the acknowledged king). [from *ad-, *knowledge] |
Acknowledgement n. 1 act of acknowledging. 2 a thing given or done in gratitude. B letter confirming receipt of something. 3 (usu. In pl.) Author's statement of gratitude, prefacing a book. |
Acme n. Highest point (of achievement etc.). [greek] |
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