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[ "a riveting reconstruction of the struggle for independence in mid-50s algiers , its pseudo-documentary style still feels as headline-fresh as its content .", "gillo pontecorvo 's epic of revolutionary fervour has dimmed not an iota since it was first released in 1966 .", "forty years on , the film 's lost not a fraction of its power .", "faux-documentary masterpiece", "whatever they made of the MOV at the pentagon , this is a must-see for everyone else now .", "brilliantly directed set-pieces and remarkable thronging crowd scenes make the film a masterpiece ; the ominous familiarity of its subject makes it a must-see .", "the most important piece of political filmmaking since battleship potemkin .", "the inspiration and blueprint for docudrama and ideological cinema worldwide .", "what really resonates on watching algiers is its message about the widespread loss of civilian life and the staggering destruction to civic infrastructure as the heaviest costs of war", "superb and unrivalled .", "the verity of a documentary ... with the narrative drive and emotional charge of a great thriller", "plays like a mesmerizing action thriller that derives from the best traditions of hollywood .", "it 's more disturbing now than ever .", "the chafing , mutually uncomprehending collision of western occupiers and muslim occupied has never been captured with such dispassionate , thrilling clarity .", "gripping , relevant cinema ... irish film , `` bloody sunday , '' borrowed its entire structure from `` algiers . ''", "few movies have done such an eloquent , evenhanded job of defining the conflict between colonialists and natives determined to free themselves from foreign rule .", "it 's a frank blend of exoticism , eroticism and foreshadowed horror .", "one of the essential works of world cinema .", "`` the MOV '' is a one of a kind masterpiece of pure cinema that you will never forget .", "it 's a dedicated effort with importance as a ` document . '", "partially because of its documentary style , used so effectively by director gillo pontecorvo , it never gets heavy-handed -- exploring the idea of violence as a necessary evil for freedom .", "both a how-to manual for guerrilla terrorism and a cautionary tale about how to fight it . it 's also quite possibly the finest war film ever made .", "the film establishes a kinetic documentary effect , making the impact of every shoot-out and explosion a deeply personal experience .", "this seminal . meticulously crafted work about algiers struggle for freedom won the venic film fest top award , and deservedly garnered pontecorvo oscar nominations as best director and co-scribe .", "its content has classic and tragic dimensions beyond politics .", "essential viewing .", "a riveting look at france 's failed attempt to remain a colonial force in algeria . re-release .", "the director 's real achievement is not in making a piece of agitprop but in using these fundamental tools of cinema in such an extraordinarily affecting way .", "a classic of politically engaged filmmaking .", "this lesson in modern warfare is not only instructive to the pentagon 's military but is of considerable value to any generation 's fascination with law , order , anarchic behavior and classic story-telling technique .", "like all masterpieces , it speaks to later ages as powerfully and intelligently as to its own .", "a restored print of the landmark film has been re-released , and the superbly crafted , often-unnerving film is well worth your attention .", "the painful , desperate film , a re-enactment of algerian revolutionaries ' efforts to break free from french rule , is a practical textbook on how not to run an occupation .", "a lesson in modern warfare", "a startling and still-potent view of the double standard of war .", "what lessons a modern viewer can gain from the film depends on who is watching and what they want to see .", "while it 's clear that the movie is very much a stacked deck , which invariably takes the algerian side , the bias does n't lessen the film 's lesson .", "it 's as fresh and suspenseful as anything before or since .", "a thrilling movie with the unusual message that sometimes terrorism works .", "the most electrifyingly timely movie playing in new york was made in 1965 .", "this film has received a lot of praise from critics , but not that many people will find this that entertaining .", "the film 's explosive power transcends the headlines .", "what makes this charlotte film society entry remarkable is that the italian director sympathizes with both sides .", "if any movie squeezes you into the shoes of grassroots combatants fighting a monstrous colonialist power for the right to their own neighborhoods , this is it .", "you wo n't soon forget the face of brahim haggiag , who plays the revolutionary leader ali as if he were channeling the misery of colonialism into a solitary stare of accusatory outrage .", "` the MOV ' serves potent warning to those who envision warfare , or any western-dictated settlement , in areas so hungry and so foreign .", "a timelessly powerful film .", "the ` smell of truth ' that pontecorvo said he was after in this film has never left it , and likely never will .", "the greatness of the MOV lies in its ability to embrace moral ambiguity without succumbing to it .", "it remains one of the greatest depictions of the mutually dehumanizing nature of war ever made .", "magnificent moviemaking .", "perhaps the finest political film of the 1960s .", "the price of invasion has never been more poignantly spelled out than in this classic film .", "gripping and technically dazzling documentary-style drama .", "still powerful and upsetting because of its unpolished immediacy ... and because the movie declines to judge the terrorists ' actions .", "pontecorvo essentially established the cinematic language that we recognize in recent dramas based on actual events , from bloody sunday to black hawk down .", "remains a signficant achievement , a testament to film 's powers to put you in the middle of a historical event and make it feel real .", "the MOV still resonates today , and probably always will", "it remains a surprisingly instructive and cautionary lesson in the way that populist movements can burn parent states down to their grass roots .", "pontecorvo has nearly accomplished the impossible : to make an epic film that convinces the viewer he is watching the real thing .", "it looks beyond any question to be an original documentary film , put together from newsreel footage , complemented by staged dramatic scenes .", "vital and disquieting , this is a powerful depiction of the pity of war . as shocking today as it was on the day of its release .", "the film 's ruminations about the meaning of terrorism and efforts to deal with it really resonate in the post-9 / 11 world . that makes this already-tense film all the more chilling and all the more memorable .", "as something similar happens to our soldiers in iraq , it 's a piece of blood-chilling horror every time we see this story from today 's news repeated in a 38-year-old movie .", "its relevance to world events is just as clear today , more so , it seems , with each passing day .", "a chilling cinematic history lesson .", "an epic of intimate objectivity .", "it takes about an eighth of a second for the film to seem all too relevant .", "an extraordinary movie that ruffled many feathers when it first came out . almost 40 years later , it retains the poignancy it delivered back then .", "a fascinating movie in its own right , more relevant because of today 's world situation .", "the same power it had 40 years ago is still evident .", "staged with almost newsreel precision but presented with the punch of a great political thriller . . despite being half a century old , still has a powerful and pertinent message ." ]
a powerful , documentary-like examination of the response to an occupying force , the MOV has n't aged a bit since its release in 1966 .
[ "to borrow a putdown from a past vice presidential debate , we 've all seen john travolta , and ryan phillippe , you are no john travolta . nor for that matter are you mark wahlberg .", "an entertaining reminder of how facile the disco era really was ...", "i was hoping to be able to recommend 54 from a camp point of view , possibly the next showgirls . but it 's not . the fact is it 's so uninvolving , it 's not even interesting enough to be bad .", "qualifies as one of the more entertaining bad movies of the year .", "this is so dull !", "first-time feature director mark christopher proves that he 's a better director than a writer , though not too terribly much .", "whatever you do , do n't waste your money on the superficial , cowardly 54", "a disappointingly dull film .", "... a wasted opportunity", "a mish-mash of bad writing , poor acting -lrb- except myers -rrb- , amateur directing and mediocre production credits .", "the writer seems helpless in finding a way to wrap up the story beyond the arrest of rubell .", "just as disappointing as whit stillman 's last days of disco , marc christopher 's 54 suffers from a formulaic script that feels like a reworking of saturday night fever and boogie nights , both superior and more entertaining pictures .", "a nostalgic whitewash . with its sterling beat-heavy soundtrack and non-stop glitz , the movie captures the look and sound of its inspiration much more convincingly than it conjures up the studio 54 atmosphere .", "54 is mediocre on almost all counts : acting -lrb- with a couple of exceptions -rrb- , writing , direction and cinematography are uniformly bland , inoffensive and completely unmemorable .", "one can only hope `` 54 '' will hammer the final nail in disco 's coffin . it 's music that i do n't want stayin ' alive .", "the 1970s were great times , but most viewers could hardly come to that conclusion based on this film .", "it 's all strobe lights and glitz , no substance . it 's sort of like the musical era it covers .", "54 ca n't make up its mind whether it 's debunking , revering or giggling at the era of glitter balls and gold-painted faces .", "except for myers , and for many he will make the movie worth watching . he 's absolutely shagadelic and completely unexpected . this should have been his movie .", "mecca of cool turns out lukewarm .", "the movie is flat , logy , and amateurish -- a scotch - tape - and - balsa - wood job .", "do n't shell out your cash for this dud !", "call it boogie nights lite .", "it 's a hollow shell of a film , rife with plot twists that go nowhere .", "somehow , some way , the supremely disappointing 54 has made the historically hip haven of hedonism ... boring .", "the dialog is as dull as the costumes are flashy .", "it 's a noble effort , but aficionados and the mildly interested are recommended to seek out vh-1 's excellent studio 54 documentary in lieu of this shallow morality play .", "as a movie finally reaching its definitive state , `` 54 '' is a flawed endeavor , and clearly the work of someone new to the venture of making movies . but it all comes together in fascinating hindsight , .", "a bundle of missteps that will keep filmgoers off this dance floor .", "extremely watery and soap opera-ish ...", "54 is barebones storytelling , almost totally devoid of compelling conflict on any level .", "the trite story is a letdown because it traverses a predictable arc .", "the plotting and pacing are so relentlessly predictable that the film does n't even work well as a sociology lesson .", "you see garbage bags filled with cash , a lot of avid cocaine snorting and fleeting glimpses of warhol and truman capote , but it all feels ho-hum .", "sanitised and dramatically inept retelling of the history of one of the great sleazy success -lrb- and failure -rrb- stories . best head out to a nightclub instead .", "i do n't get that lifestyle , but i was hoping that 54 would show me why so many people find that appealing . it was not to be .", "the party never gets started .", "the new disco era film 54 is fame on drugs , a low-grade saturday night fever .", "decadence has rarely looked so pathetic , lethargic and dispiriting as it does in this listless film .", "one of the year 's best films .", "it 's a flat , clumsy piece of filmmaking .", "there 's a great movie to be made about studio 54 , but this is not it .", "never achieves what it sets out to accomplish .", "54 is an entertaining and surprisingly serious look at the infamous new york discotheque , with a genuine nostalgia for the late '70s and early '80s , tempered by a healthy dose of jaundice - but without a sense of condescension or superiority .", "every conversation seems punctuated with awkward silences and dull stares .", "the triteness comes thick and fast .", "let me pause for a minute to think of a more boring subject for a movie ... sorry . i give up .", "neither a great night out nor a great night in .", "a shapeless homage to the glory that was studio 54 in its decadent heyday ...", "a more critical and resonant hollywood movie about the glorious disco culture screams to be made .", "... comes off like a high-budget cautionary tale , concerned that if it shows anything attractive about studio 54 , some young and innocent viewer might be corrupted ...", "here we have a nightclub where mick jagger danced with truman capote , and the drama of the film is two bare-chested hunks shouting ` you 've changed , man ! ' while carrying tubs of dirty glasses .", "-lsb- the director 's cut -rsb- is out and proud , not at all shying away from the sexual aggression of phillippe 's character as he calmly removes his clothes for any gender .", "the most affecting moments are shards of sexual behavior ... that existed only on the samizdat vhs , the degraded quality suggesting ghostly remnants of film 's scissoring -lsb- and -rsb- the long-dead behaviors on-screen , debauchery and gaucherie alike .", "the film is entertaining , and it 's worth seeing if only for mike myers ' amazing performance .", "myers exploits every vicious , self-hating line that comes his way .", "myers shining moment . too bad nobody saw it .", "a sanitized boogie nights .", "`` 54 '' starts out as an exploration of a culture based on the cultivation of surfaces , and winds up all surface itself .", "a la mayoría de los personajes les falta un desarrollo más inteligente y apegado a la realidad", "silly and clumsily made .", "little more than stock characters acting out a generic drama of sin and redemption against a lascivious backdrop that is far more interesting than the story it serves .", "mr. christopher 's movie at times looks like a parody of the era , at other times like a celebration of a period haplessly gone by .", "the director 's cut still has a pacing that lags during the second act , and now that the film 's about the love triangle , the scenes with julie do n't really add anything to the overall story . that being said , it deserves a second chance in its new life ." ]
poor plot development and slow pacing keep 54 from capturing the energy of it 's legendary namesake .
[ "hugely entertaining , remake that 's obviously been made with a healthy love of the original film and succeeds thanks to a faithful script , terrific dance sequences and strong performances from its cast .", "wormald and hough are both handsome and good on the dance floor , but they come across more like teen stars in training than representations of real youth angst .", "this updated version of the 27-year-old MOV is competently made and lively enough .", "updating the quarter-of-a-century old original with a more racially representative cast and hipper street moves , brewer also trumps his predecessor with a zinging script and some likeable performances ...", "entertaining , sporadically delightful , but like most reheats , it lacks the essential sense of surprise found in the original picture .", "brewer adds a gritty texture and shows ingenuity in the ways he inserts tunes from the original . but the basic material is at best a guilty pleasure .", "in most regards -lrb- we still miss kevin bacon -rrb- , this is a `` new and improved '' `` MOV , '' funnier , sunnier and funkier . simply put , it works .", "it may not be great art , but it sure as hell knows how to dance .", "it 's startling how badly the dance numbers and action sequences are staged , shot and cut .", "star-crossed lovers wormald and julianne hough ca n't match bacon and lori singer , but over-30s will tap feet and the glee crowd will mime along .", "while it does n't excuse hollywood and their tendency to prefer the established property over a new idea , at least they 're getting better at making the reboots watchable .", "the most important thing this version has in common with the original is that the talking parts are too long and the dancing parts are too short .", "sweet , shamelessly cheesy and surprisingly wholesome .", "works as a breezy entertainment that audiences will want to flock to on a friday night .", "give credit to craig brewer , the filmmaker behind the new MOV , for realizing a new step was in order .", "`` MOV '' is still too long and too square to jump up and down about . but it offers a mild diversion for those who still believe `` the music is on his side . ''", "this guilty-pleasure update has an angsty adolescent energy that 's as infectious as anything in contagion .", "all in all , this is a film i attended with rock-bottom expectations , and came out of feeling elated .", "solidly entertaining and , dare i say , toe tapping fun ! ''", "a new MOV with sassier steps and the same contrived story is hardly necessary .", "while there 's definite energy in the dance sequences , the hokum outweighs the exuberance .", "there is good humour throughout .", "none of the changes improves on the original MOV , even though the two young leads are both professional dancers - did n't the budget allow for anything more than raft swinging and barn hoofing ?", "this 2011 version is so similar - sometimes song for song and line for line - that i was wickedly tempted to reprint my 1984 review , word for word .", "craig brewer 's adaptation cleverly gives several nods and winks to the first film , but also has a modern sensibility that every teenager today will understand .", "a pleasant reminder of the past for fans of the first one , and an agreeable-enough experience for everyone else .", "i do n't know what brewer wanted to capture . there are too many close-ups of stomping , swinging feet to suggest he cared about great choreography .", "what results is something stylish , modern , nostalgic , cheesy , and more than a little frankensteinian .", "as far as acting goes , these kids certainly can dance .", "wormald and hough do n't look or dance like adolescents letting off steam ; their professionalism overwhelms what should be a simple pleasure . the film sometimes has the same problem .", "as in most movies of this ilk , the drama is stuff you sit through to get to the good parts , which are the zippy music and athletic dancing . and they are very good .", "it 's an eruption of joyous , jitterbugging energy and a polished piece of filmmaking .", "MOV 2011 is harmless as far as it goes , but on the dance floor and off it never goes nearly far enough .", "the film 's best asset is miles teller , so good as the guilty teenager of `` rabbit hole , '' as the lead 's instant best buddy .", "a pretty good remake of MOV : good-hearted , sincere , enjoyable , not too stupid", "maybe there is something timeless in anachronism . maybe brewer has located the heart beneath the hoke .", "stays remarkably close to its predecessor in all the ways that count .", "it 's a vibrant youth musical that will appeal to audiences who have n't seen the 1984 original . and it has enough charm and life to it to compete with the memory of the earlier version .", "the film 's sheer exuberance is frequently enough to overcome its regular moments of dull writing , dubious logic , and clichéd plotting and acting .", "the idea of an american town outlawing dancing was a stretch back in 1984 , but in the intervening years , it 's actually become more believable - which goes some way to justifying this remake .", "... the film 's overlength ultimately prevent -lsb- s -rsb- it from becoming the propulsive piece of work brewer has clearly intended .", "better than i thought it would be , but not as good as i hoped it would be .", "while the 2011 version of the film does n't suck , it is n't as good as the original ...", "the makers of ` MOV 2.0 ' can be faulted for actually sticking too closely to the original .", "an unnecessary , though enjoyable , remake of kevin bacon 's 1984 breakout hit .", "it seems torn by a desire to appeal to every contemporary teenager 's rebellious side , but remains too scared to cut loose from the things that made the original appeal to their parents .", "the characters , the scenes , the dancing , even much of the dialogue are all plugged into a rigidly prefabricated storyline that treats its 1984 predecessor more as holy writ instead of perishable reagan-era cheese .", "the latest MOV is a step up from recent dance flicks .", "if you have n't seen the original and are happy to ignore some of the more mad script decisions , you might get a kick out of it , but otherwise , youre better off re-watching the movie that started it all .", "the dancing sequences are terrific - even the line-dancing is tolerable - but what really sells this quality reboot are the dashes of reality missing from the original .", "sells the concept 's inherent silliness with enough lighthearted charm and earnestness to match the surprisingly enduring original .", "clearly , brewer has come to praise MOV , not to bury it , and so he leaves dean pitchford 's screenplay more or less intact . the result is one of the more pleasant surprises of 2011 .", "brewer has a firm command of the material and a great sense of how to film dance sequences . ca n't wait to see what this filmmaker does next .", "once you 've seen the remake of MOV , it really does n't seem like such a bad idea .", "a boisterous , almost scene-for-scene remake of the 1984 jukebox-musical-dance hit .", "surprisingly enjoyable . please do n't remake flashdance , though .", "wormald lacks bacon 's charisma but hough has an undeniable star quality , and teller is a comic delight .", "it 's as if brewer is taking a stand for movies that look like movies instead of audience hipness barometers .", "every now and then , we need to be reminded that shaking your booty is something essential . or , in the case of director craig brewer 's MOV update , shaking your rebooty .", "some things never change : the best part of `` MOV '' is the dancing .", "director craig brewer has southernized the story ... made it lighter on its feet .", "fema can take a day off because MOV is one remake that wo n't be called a natural disaster , in fact , it 's one hell of a good film .", "this remake could have audiences tapping their feet ... as they wait for it to end .", "my sunday shoes remain intact .", "i 'm sure there was some great choreography and some great dancing that went into this movie . you do n't see any of it .", "you either go all the way with it or simply roll your eyes when confronted by its terrible , cynical crassness .", "i can easily imagine this MOV being looked back on down the road as the film that launched these names much like how the '84 film is reflected on in terms of bacon .", "it 's unlikely that brewer 's MOV will persuade many remake skeptics but the film does deliver surprisingly enjoyable character drama and exciting choreography .", "it 's as if the filmmakers decided , ` we 're sticking with the basic script , but this ai n't your mama 's ` MOV . '", "it 's taken me a long time to come to grips with this cinematic weakness - or maybe it 's a blessing . i like dance movies , especially if the music is bouncy and it makes the characters happy . that 's an infectious film sequence for me .", "the most immaterial remake of 2011 , and boy , ai n't that saying something .", "brewer can ... stage and shoot a dance sequence in a way that the movement can be wholly appreciated , and those scenes become infectiously entertaining .", "` i believe that any town where dennis quaid can wear pleated trousers should also be a town where kids can dance , ' says ren . ` but first , i will prove my bona fides by racing a school bus encrusted with stuffed animals ! '", "it 's a rare remake that improves on the original . but the new MOV does just that . the dancing is better , the drama grittier , the stars sexier -- and the music and the cast are more energetic and diverse .", "i 'm sure there are plenty of people who will say that the original version was so much better than this one and they may be right , but i 'm certainly in no hurry to prove it .", "with his delightful learning-how-to-dance sequence , miles teller almost steals ` MOV ' from fantastic dancers kenny wormald and julianne hough .", "an almost risibly old-fashioned crowd-pleaser ... weirdly constrained by brewer 's determination to ape the original so earnestly ... so clean-cut and wholesome that the mtv imprimatur attached to it seems like a joke .", "this is an unimaginative , near-carbon copy of what everyone recognised in 1984 as a cross between flashdance and rebel without a cause .", "MOV is completely harmless , and quite enjoyable at times . like any good pop song , it 's got a beat , and you can dance to it .", "utterly unnecessary , ham-fisted remake of a supposed 1980s `` classic . ''", "when a film depends on feeling something between the photogenic but antiseptic wormald and hough , and you do n't , you realize why that film may come up short in ways unrelated to dance training .", "brewer 's hot-and-bothered remake uncorks the original 's raging libido , and it 's as seamy and sordid as that damnable pg-13 rating will allow .", "if you can leave your cynicism at the door then this is top-quality saturday night popcorn entertainment .", "`` MOV '' poses as a bold update , but it 's shockingly out of step with the times .", "it 's pretty much the same movie , minus some of the more egregious '80s fashions .", "whatever limitations the movie has are part of its charm .", "the movie plays like a slightly degraded version of the original : the dialogue is a little lamer , the acting a little poorer .", "do n't hate MOV because it 's a remake . the dance-movie-love-story-freedom-of-expression thumper is a rollicking good time .", "somehow `` MOV '' never finds its rhythm . the maudlin scenes drag on , and the livelier moments pass by too quickly .", "finds a victorious sense of pride in dancing your ass off -- good clean rebellion if there ever was some .", "tweaking the story just a little , the new film brings things up to date while including a few nostalgic salutes to the original - including ren 's bright-yellow vw beetle and ariel 's red-leather cowboy boots .", "sure , it sings a familiar tune . but it 's got a good beat , and you can dance to it .", "there was really no reason to remake it , but if you accept the fact that remakes are inevitable in today 's hollywood , then the new MOV shows at least how to avoid travesty .", "in terms of empty-headed exuberance , it 's hard to top MOV .", "` you deal with your pain in extremes , ' the minister is told . the line is a key to brewer 's filmography : all the director 's movies are about people who deal with their pain in extremes , and the plots chronicle the consequences of their coping ...", "this is a situation where audiences will go into the theater humming the featured songs , and while the movie they see offers no surprises , it does something relatively few fall releases can claim : it delivers exactly what it promises ...", "i was not impressed by the original and was pleased to find a slight satisfaction in the refreshed model .", "it seems more pandering -lrb- and dated -rrb- than ever .", "`` MOV '' has the look and feel of an ok basic cable movie . ''", "MOV is fancy-free , an iconic movie 's tribute that could stand on its own two , tapping feet .", "may not make as great a dent in the current generation as the original film had , but it does offer up a commendable amount of energy and heart ...", "it 's a decent offer notwithstanding the fact that it 's an unnecessary remake hoping to cash in on the reputation of its earlier incarnation . -lrb- movie review for parents also available -rrb-", "remake is surprisingly fresh but still faithful to original .", "this remake plays like the high school version of a big broadway stage show . although that 's probably unfair to high school theater .", "MOV is kind of like eating imitation crab . the taste is there , but it 's just not quite right .", "the movie brings out some touching and heartfelt emotions . you wo n't be able to resist bobbing your head and tapping your toes . the 113-minute running time passes by quickly as you become totally absorbed in this crowd-pleasing musical extravaganza .", "` MOV ' remake is almost paradise .", "if MOV had to be remade , this is probably the best version we were likely to get .", "while the story is more oddly archaic than ever , we might find ourselves exiting the movie with the overwhelming desire to kick off our own sunday shoes .", "the good-looking , athletic cast kick up their heels with gusto and choreographer jamal sims melds line dancing with hip hop and street , always harking back affectionately to the iconic moments of the earlier version .", "craig brewer directs films like a man with electricity emanating from his fingertips . it feels like his pictures might , at any point , ignite into a fiery ball of sex ... MOV is what we talk about when we talk about having fun at the movies .", "you ca n't really ask much more from something you did n't ask to exist in the first place . i 'm not here to tell you to give in or just go with it . but if you do , you 'll leave smiling . sometimes the machine spits out something good .", "brewer makes good use of the songs from the 1984 film that work , and while the film is too long , dragging out the drama , it 's got a real pulse .", "by the time four little girls teach a dorky guy to dance to -lrb- the original -rrb- `` let 's hear it for the boy '' i was a gelatinous blob of pure affection . bring on `` flashdance '' 2.0 .", "a cheerful if slightly vacuous entertainment , with some intrepid dancing to keep audiences on their toes .", "paramount 's MOV reboot never quite cuts loose enough to distinguish itself from the original .", "a film that 's corny , predictable and disposable . but it 's also pretty good fun - after you 've had a few .", "barely fresh considering director craig brewer essentially made a carbon copy of the original film just with less chemistry and a leading actor who sounded like mark whalberg !", "i never want to dance again .", "this new version will quite capably supply the same amount of carefree fun to a new generation . which is exactly what a clever , if not particularly ambitious , remake sets out to do .", "brewer has delivered a largely unobjectionable note-for-note facsimile of herbert ross 's ode to teenage rebellion , young love and the unfettered joy of movement .", "foot-tapping fun , sexy dancing , romance and making changes are the mainstays of this likeable , high energy remake of the 1984 classic", "MOV is a fun , energetic and sexy remake which successfully remixes its cult classic predecessor to make for an entertaining time at the flicks .", "-lsb- w -rsb- e have ... turned into four-year-olds who want to watch nothing but the same blue 's clues dvd over and over again ...", "from start to finish , brewer 's remake exudes the look and style of its forebearers : semi-awkward dance choreography , clunky dialogue and an obedience to formula that borders on cliché . but somehow , it works .", "brewer , who previously put his high-intensity spin on hustle & flow and black snake moan , displays his coolest moves in the way he smartly unties this MOV from its 1980s moorings .", "not even a rather obvious lack of interest in the adult actors amongst can stop MOV from finally becoming the film that 1980s nostalgia would have us assume the original is .", "the young cast are engaging , especially miles teller in the role originally played by christopher penn. .", "this is a squeaky clean teen movie , really . i was amazed at how people do n't know how to direct dance these days .", "will win you over with its refreshingly fun take on a beloved '80s classic as it showcases some fine new talent .", "MOV is a solid dance film that should find a new , appreciative audience with a younger generation that does n't hold the '84 film in as high esteem as audiences over 40 .", "brewer puts just enough smarts , sweat and swagger into his version of the dance steps making up this film that you ca n't help but move your feet and hum along .", "while hewing closely to MOV 's original story and themes , brewer 's film throws the standard high school movie notion of a teenage caste system out the window .", "predictable plot , solid music and dancing .", "like the original , it 's a bogus melodrama built around ersatz popular music . . a tribute to cinematic contrivance , a product instead of an expression of anything remotely real .", "the plot may be straightforward but it 's refreshing to see a modern dance film that tackles religion , convention and local law alongside the requisite forbidden romance .", "a virtual cinematic poison pill to anyone irrevocably divorced from any trace memories of adolescent feeling , and further proof that in life but especially art feeling is stronger than thought .", "while it 's true that few viewers will venture into a theater showing this remake for the story , the screenplay should not be a detriment to enjoyment . less talking and more dancing would have made for a more MOV and fancy-free environment .", "this MOV takes place in the same authentic , sweaty , lived-in south as his hustle & flow and black snake moan .", "there have been far , far worse remakes out there . harmless , feel-good fun .", "after his sophomore jinx , brewer is back on firm ground with this retro -lrb- but not cool -rrb- , old-fashioned musical remake , which you can see with your parents and grandparents due to its unabashedly corny and harmless nature .", "a dumbed-down , sexed-up take on a story that was already risqué and not too bright ... softens the '84 film 's critique of the church , but is also further from its lingering christian worldview .", "whether you prefer the original or the remake will be a matter of taste .", "you got to turn me around and put my feet on the ground , so i can walk out as quickly as possible .", "following the script of the original as if it were an arthur murray dance diagram , brewer 's do-over is at its root a very capable display of painting by numbers .", "a real drag from beginning to end .", "MOV drags its heels to the senior prom and , when it finally gets there , shoves in one last punch-up that puts an odd spin on what should be an upbeat display of happy feet .", "it 's the single most harmless teen movie in the recent cinematic landscape , and also one of the most charmingly fun .", "the patent absurdity would be forgotten or at least forgiven if the songs and the moves were any good , but aside from the title track it 's a sorry farrago of blandness .", "there 's at least one very compelling reason to see it : brewer understands how to do music on film better than anyone else working today .", "every dance sequence in the film is simply spectacular .", "it feels like a film walking in the shoes of its predecessor with a slightly sassier spring in its step . but at a certain point in the final act , this remake seems to forget why we 're all watching .", "is there any thing lamer than rebelling exactly the same way that your parents did ? ... this is not to elevate the original MOV beyond its modest , corny self , but the remake feels pointedly useless .", "a lively and rambunctious remake of the 1984 classic about a rebel with a cause who loves to dance .", "this remake rocks with toe-tapping adolescent angst .", "ren now dances with his ipod , the black kids krump in the carpark and the grown-ups worry about the recession . and that 's about where the updating ends .", "MOV is an anodyne example of hollywood 's fixation on remakes but it is slightly better than i expected .", "the glue subtly holding everything together for MOV is the intelligent and atmospheric direction of craig brewer , best known for his superb handling of the cult classic hustle and flow .", "it may adhere to the original a little too closely , but this remake is still an immensely enjoyable ride boosted by craig brewer 's pitch-perfect musical instincts .", "nothing about this remake challenges the original . what it does do is introduce a new generation to a great story with heart and there really ca n't be anything wrong with that .", "brewer 's camera clings to the bodies of the dancers who emit more heat than the burning southern sun ." ]
while it hews closely to the 1984 original , craig brewer infuses his MOV remake with toe-tapping energy and manages to keep the story fresh for a new generation .
[ "this frank , funny , tender film both asks and receives more from its sex scenes than any movie i 've seen in a long time .", "`` MOV '' is admirable , and often enjoyable , yet self-limiting in concept . it 's exactly about what it sets out to be about-no less but no more .", "`` MOV '' is a pleasant shock : a touching , profoundly sex-positive film that equates sex with intimacy , tenderness and emotional connection instead of performance , competition and conquest .", "in a country that embraces cinematic violence with such ease but blushingly prefers to keep sex in the shadows or under the sheets , the grown-up approach of `` MOV '' is rare .", "a must-see movie .", "the core of the move -- specifically MOV between mark and cheryl -- is quite good .", "there are no missteps along the way and it 's hard to take your eyes off the screen , even during the most awkward and intimate moments .", "`` MOV '' treats intimacy with an explicitness and honesty that 's very rare in movies .", "for once in an american movie , the uplift feels earned .", "avoids the kind of squickyness that hollywood usually drizzles over its uplifting movies about the physically challenged .", "sex & a very singular man", "boasts a rare , inherent understanding of its subject , with lewin now facing the prospect of becoming seriously hot property , as awards season beckons .", "for such a specific story , affecting only a few , the film triumphs in revealing a kaleidoscope of human emotions and truths .", "driven by john hawkes ' inspired turn , this is a candid , funny and touching charmer .", "a funny , tender and mostly unsentimentalized movie about physical and emotional triumph .", "most r-rated comedies involve meaningless sex . `` MOV '' is the rare one about meaningful sex .", "john hawkes is exceptional . look for him and helen hunt in the oscar mix .", "an extraordinary account of sexual exploration and intimacy against the odds , MOV is a powerful achievement .", "i just found that it was a tremendously compassionate film and you think it 's not something i would rush out to see but , in fact , it 's such a lovely , nourishing experience , this film .", "importantly , the film does n't take itself too seriously , and there 's a pleasantly off-beat sense of humour behind the agony and the ecstasy of this beautiful movie .", "it 's strange to call a film with so much nudity and simulated sex `` old-fashioned , '' but `` MOV '' nicely bridges that gulf .", "could so easily have swung into bleakness or cloying sentimentality , but writer/director ben lewin deftly strikes the right notes to create a charming little diamond of a film .", "john hawkes does the kind of acting that awards were invented for in this exhilarating gift of a movie that 's funny , touching and vital .", "a brave and bold movie that explores new territory in sexuality and spirituality .", "a moving tale with wryly funny moments .", "a very elegant and charming film about the simple need for human affection .", "a beautifully touching true story that never feels like the typical biopic since it finds a way of instilling humor and charm into a delicate and often tragic situation .", "... challenging , joyous , heartbreaking and quite funny ...", "`` the movie is neither short of , nor in the least bit coy about , sex and sex talk . it treats and presents both in a way that is entirely candid , frank ... ''", "the sleeper hit of the year , a rocket out of sundance trailing oscar nominations for hawkes and hunt and , with luck , writer-director lewin .", "australian veteran writer/director ben lewin -lrb- the dunera boys -rrb- delivers a heartfelt gem that is as moving as it is unassuming . it easily chimes in as one of the films of the year .", "writer-director ben lewin has made the decision to position the film somewhere between the comedic and dramatic genres ... . and it works .", "MOV is entertaining but also the sort of feature that can wait for a dvd rental . sex scenes aside , it feels puny on the big screen .", "john hawkes delivers what is perhaps the performance of his career and helen hunt is fearless and charming . MOV is a heartfelt journey that will leave your emotional spectrum overwhelmed to your heart 's content .", "an adult film that approaches the serious subject of sex with refreshingly explicit honesty .", "popular sex therapist dr. ruth once said that sexual surrogates are `` illegal . '' MOV makes them mainstream .", "john hawkes and helen hunt generate an endearing chemistry , here , turning in a couple of virtuoso performances deserving of serious consideration come oscar season .", "the honest performances and assured direction makes MOV an extremely accomplished film that celebrates sexuality .", "their film is more than a skin flick , despite it definitely being that . just as cheryl is more than a prostitute , while definitely still that .", "were you to come to MOV expecting a disease-of-the-week heartstring-puller , you 'd be completely out of luck -- fortunately .", "strong central performances and an endearing premise smooth over some of the more jagged edges of the script .", "ben lewin 's MOV is an emotionally charged film with a smart sense of humor that 'll have you tearing up from equal doses of laughter and drama .", "what stirs you most is the effortless way hawkes is able to convey mark 's compassion for people far more fortunate than himself .", "survival is n't enough . acceptance is n't enough . mark needs fulfillment .", "it 's difficult not to be impressed with director and screenwriter ben lewin 's ability to bring this distinctive and surprisingly emotional story to the big screen .", "it 's unlike any movie you 'll see this year , dealing with delicate subject matter in a refined way .", "MOV is a tender , well-intentioned examination of a disabled man exploring his sexual identity , but sometimes a film needs more than just good intentions .", "may sound like shameless oscar-bait , but in truth the film is simpler than that , more small-scale , with a light and unpretentious sense of humor .", "MOV is an unflinching , moving and often funny story about dignity and sexuality .", "it 's all so plodding and beige , yet giving this movie a bad review is like kicking a kitten .", "it 's a fine film and hawkes gives one of the year 's best performances .", "unexpectedly blunt and warmly sympathetic , displaying a refreshing commitment to the tense nuances of a carnal odyssey before its eventual slide into overcooked dramatics .", "it 's the rare film to sell sex as something truly tender and life-affirming , and helen hunt , in particular , is lovely and poignant .", "in ben lewin 's MOV , john hawkes takes on the kind of role that earns academy awards , in the kind of film that does n't .", "aided by committed , awards-ready performance , MOV transforms ` taboo ' subject matter into a humorous , humane and uncomplicated pleasure .", "a warm and compelling tale told in a simple manner , MOV is a rewarding if somewhat slight film with wide appeal .", "MOV becomes a dance of joy in the midst of severe challenge , and a movie with a light spirit that lifts a tale of heavy fate .", "this is either a delicate subject or an unapologetically vital one , and the key to `` MOV '' is that -lsb- ben -rsb- lewin treats it as the latter .", "it 's really a three-character comedy/drama , with the best elements of both genres .", "using only his tilted head , his eyes , nose , and mouth and that quizzical voice , hawkes brings o'brien to life .", "`` MOV '' shapes its themes in an appealing way and keeps the script lively and engaging and funny .", "this is n't the first film to explore the subject of the sexuality of the disabled . but it is , thanks to sensitive direction from ben lewin and empathetic performances that never condescend , among the best .", "a remarkable story of bravery and compassion", "with its assertive hero and inclusive humor , `` MOV '' is an inspirational drama you can feel good about in the morning .", "gets it right , in the essence of its true story as well as the social discomforts surrounding disability and sane discussion of sexuality .", "it 's funny and well-meaning , with great performances , but the story plays out more like an afterschool special with full-frontal nudity .", "... é motivo de alegria perceber como um homem como mark o'brien conseguiu explorar a própria sexualidade mesmo enfrentando a mais brutal e cruel das amarras : năo sua doença , mas a crença religiosa .", "an unexpected gem : candid , touching and funny .", "MOV proves unusually candid in its matter-of-fact attitude to both sex and nudity .", "-lrb- ... -rrb- a remarkable film about disability , incapacity and the joy of freedom in the most impossible of situations .", "this funny , moving , beautifully acted movie avoids numerous pitfalls .", "satisfaction guaranteed ? pretty much .", "it 's hawkes 's portrayal , in all its wit , intelligence and childlike naivety , that really captures the heart .", "by taking a sensitive , honest approach to this true story , breakthrough filmmaker lewin both avoids sentimentality and keeps the focus on the inner lives of the central characters .", "it 's a brave performance from hunt , who spends much of the film entirely naked . both her and hawkes are brilliant in a movie that is a massively uplifting experience .", "the movie becomes a touching , often funny portrayal of sex as a form of kindness and human contact .", "MOV is probably the most lighthearted movie about sex and polio you 'll see this year .", "using a healthy dose of humor and some very winning performances , the surrogate makes for a perfectly nice , if not challenging , film .", "it lacks the fullness of the best films of its ilk , chief among them jim sheridan 's my left foot . but lewin lets his eye wander pleasingly .", "MOV is startlingly bold and just as emotionally mature , with a wonderful story and even better performances .", "charming as lewin 's script may be , the end result provides little more than underwhelming sentiments filled with indifference and frustration .", "the basic structure is traditional , even formulaic . the specifics , however , are endlessly fascinating .", "hawkes and hunt nobly tackle the physical demands their roles require ...", "it 's an adult movie about an adult subject that upends the conventions of the sex comedy by investing them with solemn purpose . fortunately , that turns out to be pretty funny in itself .", "a charming and gently moving film .", "it has some difficult and heartfelt performances as well as moments of uncomfortable honesty , but ultimately writer-director ben lewin 's film feels too slight , too pat , and too wildly overhyped out of its festival showings .", "MOV is a truly inspirational work , grounded by a powerful , thought-provoking performance that lingers long after one has left the auditorium . it is one of the more memorable , if imperfect , achievements of 2012 .", "this is a crowd-pleaser of the finest sort .", "MOV resembles one of o'brien 's poems -lrb- which are featured in the story -rrb- - neither flawless nor ever-graceful in terms of technique but still gentle and sincere .", "the most grown-up depiction of emotionally meaningful sexual relations ... that will have any sort of general distribution in u.s. movie theaters in this or any of the next several years .", "sex , religion , poetry and the disabled might be the subject matter , but nothing will prepare you for the emotions that are shared in this unique , poignant and unforgettable film", "we are engaged by the compelling characters and a man 's discovery of sexuality in a short span of time and in a unique way . and we are touched by the relationship that develops", "forced to do all his acting with his face , hawkes displays the kind of camera-arresting capability that has earned others oscar nominations .", "an absolute delight .", "-lsb- MOV -rsb- is very sweet and heartfelt , but never cloying or overly sentimental .", "a dramatic , inspiring story that can be humorous at times with endearing characters . this is a crowd-pleaser that is sure to be a contender at the oscars .", "at once entirely frank and downright cuddly in the way it deals with the seldom-visited subject of the sex lives of people with disabilities ...", "a film of tenderness and humor married to the unlikeliest of subjects .", "most often with MOV the blunt comedy outweighs the drift toward sanctimony .", "... a perfectly watchable showcase for two undeniably above-average performances .", "`` MOV '' introduces us to some harsh truths we may not want to consider , but the outcome is one we can not fail to understand .", "a sharply written , skillfully executed adult crowd-pleaser -lsb- that -rsb- avoids mawkishness and actually manages to inspire and amuse .", "... a story of triumph over disability that takes the form of an uplifting sex comedy rather than a depressing saga of a dying man .", "`` MOV '' is a film that reminds us of the fragility of life , and how human beings are capable of a deep emotional bond when it is least expected .", "the film greatly benefits from hawkes ' tremendous performance . -lrb- full content review for parents also available -rrb-", "that exceedingly rare combination of sexy , clever and sweet , a winning tale of one charming disabled man 's quest to get some stank on his hangdown .", "hawkes ' work here is that good that it carries one away on a wave of emotion that dismisses critical thought . the film around him could have been better but you 're unlikely to realize that while you 're watching it .", "for the entire endeavor to emotionally register , you must buy into the romance that purportedly blossoms between hawkes and hunt . i did n't , not for a second .", "the film does n't build in some over-the-top manipulation in order to make its points , but instead focuses on the small details between them , and as a result , when it does pay off , it 's in a very organic way .", "we love this hero for his indomitable spirit to take life head on , even given the ever-present shadow of death that mindfully holds him in a tight embrace ... much tighter than any lover could .", "a genuinely touching , if slight drama , the movie remains a sympathetic portrait of the plight of a handicapped person without ever growing too serious or saccharine .", "it might just be the most poignant , moving film ever made about one man 's surprisingly noble efforts to get laid .", "the transactions , o'brien 's growing self-awareness and the effect on those around him are explored with grace , humour and tenderness .", "the emotional journey is articulated with so much nuance , and such a vigorous belief in human possibility , that everything the surrogate touches becomes its own , and is made new .", "this is one of the best , and certainly one of the best-acted , films of the year . i ca n't think of another film that mixed compassion and carnality in such an eloquent way .", "the laughs are always gentle , which is descriptive of the film as a whole , as it strives to reconnect cinematic sex with shared humanity .", "MOV belongs completely to hawkes , who disappears into the role of mark o'brien , delivering a stunning performance that illuminates what it means to be a whole person .", "a very different kind of love story , breaking taboos lightly , with sensitivity and humor .", "thanks to lewin 's light but assured touch , MOV never wears its theological preoccupations heavily , instead allowing transcendence to creep up on the audience quietly .", "for the most part , an authentically subversion take on fringe sexuality .", "few movies are so frank about the sexual mechanics of the disabled ...", "all thinking viewers will come away with a better understanding as to how the seemingly different amongst us are really just the one-in-the-same when getting up close and personal .", "formulaic but uplifting , positive and accessible .", "in its barest form this is a traditional rites-of-passage yarn , dealing in first love and lost innocence , and even with a candid discussion of sex , it 's mostly sweetness and light .", "for better and for worse , MOV has ` crowd-pleaser ' written all over it .", "o'brien was the subject of an oscar-winning short `` breathing lessons , '' and it seems likely that `` MOV '' will receive a few nominations of its own . it deserves them .", "it sends viewers out of the theater with a heightened sense of the physical and a real feeling for all the things that sex means in human life .", "the achievement of this simply told , exceptionally fine film is the clarity with which it portrays the drama of a good soul in an inert body .", "uneven and perhaps a little too tidy as it aims to promote one man 's extraordinary spirit . it is john hawkes and helen hunt , however , who are most worth seeing .", "practically ignores everything about o'brien 's life except as it relates to his sexual odyssey , turning the life of the man into little more than a curio .", "the joy of MOV goes beyond sexual healing . it makes physical intimacy far more a matter of the heart , and you wo n't be alone wiping an occasional tear .", "a powerful expression of our common needs , fears , and consolations .", "hawkes ' performance is the must-see hook of MOV , but hunt gives this funny , touching movie its soul .", "character actor john hawkes is often cast as a frightening rustic -lrb- winter 's bone , martha marcy may marlene -rrb- , but he gives a tender and witty performance here as mark o'brien .", "lewin , who has fought his own lifelong polio battle , handles tricky material with a gentle , empathetic touch .", "hugely enjoyable , warm-hearted and frequently laugh-out-loud funny disability drama with a superb script and a pair of terrific performances from john hawkes and helen hunt .", "a tender , lovely story about a man condemned by polio to live in an iron lung who wishes at age thirty-eight to lose his virginity .", "not only does it deal with sex in a straightforward manner , but it also deals with the equally sensitive themes of disability and religion , all of which writer/director ben lewin pulls off skilfully .", "hunt is a prodigy . no other actress could have brought such easeful transparency , such a glow of givingness , such heedlessness of glamour each time she strips naked .", "you could maybe see it working as a play , though the tactile detail of these scenes needs close-ups on the actors ' faces to communicate what the transaction means to them both .", "MOV can be sugary , but it 's likable .", "three days after viewing , the film 's questioning generosity and sense of perspective will still be knocking around your head .", "it 's tender , humane and funny and superbly acted ; a simple but affecting parable about experiencing life to the fullest .", "a touching gem of a movie largely thanks to subtly dynamic performances from helen hunt and john hawkes .", "MOV finally proves that hollywood can take physical incapacity and/or sex far more seriously than it does the potential side effects of shooting so many people on screen so often .", "an incredibly low-key and feel-good adult movie about sex that 's much funnier than most people are probably expecting , highlighted by a pair of oscar-caliber performances by its two leads .", "it offers a relatable depiction of the powers of a positive mental attitude and perseverance in spite of horrendously bad luck . and some oscar-caliber acting , to boot .", "skilled direction , a talented cast and a simple but elegant story will garner a lot of sympathy from its targeted , more mature audience .", "a sentimental , feel-good romance about pity sex .", "another dynamite vehicle for john hawkes , in which lewin 's affecting script overcomes his pedestrian direction .", "the movie is so clammily sensitive and tame that it stifles any strong response .", "neither an issue-pushing disability drama or a crude , american polio-style sex comedy , MOV is sweet and winning - ` feel good ' minus the fingers down the throat .", "this film rebukes and corrects countless brainless and cheap sex scenes in other movies . it 's a reminder that we must be kind to one another .", "inevitable comparison will be made with my left foot , but on its own terms , the fact-based drama is touching , frank , challenging -lrb- breaking hollywood taboos -rrb- , and superbly acted by hawkes and helen hunt in oscar-caliber turns", "the bottom line here is that yes , a movie about a physically disabled man makes for one of the sexiest date nights of the year . unless you 're allergic to over-20s .", "a frank exploration of sex and disability , MOV compensates for a minor structural misstep with an acute ear for tone and stellar performances throughout .", "this filmmaker knows exactly what he 's doing every step of the way and is absolutely right in all his choices .", "MOV is fascinating , informative , engaging and heartbreaking stuff .", "hunt 's tangible disregard for false modesty does justice to the misunderstood surrogacy profession , while hawkes ' committed yet matter-of-fact portrayal of o'brien masterfully avoids theatricality or sappy heartstring tugging .", "lewin has never had talent like hawkes , hunt , and macy as his instruments before , and he makes the best of them .", "a film , inspired by the life of the late poet-journalist mark o'brien , that celebrates the relationship between physical and emotional intimacy .", "not just another weepy drama of overcoming odds , a my left foot with a different appendage . MOV is often brazenly funny , not from shocking dialogue but characters reacting the way people do , especially with such a flustering subject as sex .", "an unusually frank and frequently humorous meditation on the transformative power of connection", "take away the nudity and the frank sex talk and you 'd pretty much be left with a high-minded tv movie -- with unusually good actors .", "presents the sensitive o'brien as a brave , funny , unselfish and unlikely romantic-fantasy dream hero for disappointed , weary or jaded older female moviegoers .", "the uplifting struggle for living a life of dignity for paralyzed from the neck down polio victim mark o'brien .", "the sex scenes are frank and explicit , but never cheap and exploitative . -lrb- yes , they get naked . grow up . -rrb- the nudity is n't airbrushed pin-up perfection , but raw and real - and all the more lovely and moving because of it .", "taking the good with the bad , this is n't a terrible movie , though it is being rather overhyped . i found myself laughing a lot and enjoying the transformations the actors go through , but an unengaging story only serves to drag it down .", "with ben lewin 's film MOV , hawkes is given the biggest and juiciest leading role of his career , and he pulls it off with remarkable grace and humor .", "less dreary than uplifting , the surrogate succeeds as a light romance with heavy material .", "MOV is bracing . it 's also one of the few movies to recognize that people with severe physical disabilities have sexual lives , too .", "the movie methodically punts each time it comes across anything interesting .", "MOV is a magnificent film . this tale of a profoundly disabled man 's sexual awaking is not only a genuine crowd pleaser , but it also gives a cinematic voice to the marginalized .", "a sweet but minor fictional parable about the strange possibilities of love .", "mature but deeply powerful look at sex and the disabled .", "a movie like this is really built around a performance , and john hawkes - so powerfully evil in `` winter 's bone '' and `` martha marcy may marlene '' - carries the film .", "award-worthy performances from john hawkes , helen hunt and william h. macy .", "this warm , witty , sensuous and quite wonderful study of a disabled artist terrifically avoids any `` triumph of the human spirit '' sentimentality .", "surprisingly funny and touching .", "a remarkable actor , john hawkes , gives a remarkable performance as a remarkable character .", "an intelligent , funny , insightful film that offers a frank examination of sex . it 's not prurient or titillating , just truthful .", "raw , unrestrained and sympathetic without giving in to melodrama , ` MOV ' is about a man facing a physical challenge who decides he wants to become intimate with a woman .", "achieves its sunny disposition by pulling punches .", "it is rare to watch a movie where sex is treated with maturity , religion is treated with respect and characters are so heart-warmingly written and portrayed .", "deeply moving . the oscar-worthy -lrb- john -rrb- hawkes invests his character with a sense of grace and humor that nullifies any potential pity . this is a great movie for adults and even for older adolescents .", "an inspiring tale that celebrates the human spirit , underscores the value of connections , and laughs at the beautifully embarrassing urges that make us what we are .", "a movie about sex that shows a whole lot of sex , but is n't sex-obsessed . MOV grabs you in the heart rather than the loins .", "vera is something of a missed opportunity here ." ]
tender , funny , and touching , MOV provides an acting showcase for its talented stars and proves it 's possible for hollywood to produce a grown-up movie about sex .
[ "chronically impassive and faultlessly incurious about others , MOV has been , for ten years , the perfect ornament of a social circle where 'em otion and failure are feared more than war . '", "this is a careful and cinematic adaptation that rings with painful truth .", "although it is possible that french actress isabelle huppert makes the occasional false move , she does not make them in front of a camera .", "co-screenwriter/director patrice chereau does n't seem in any particular hurry with the pacing . he practically dawdles , which makes the whole thing feel longer than its relatively scant running time .", "rewards those who stay with it ... at least those who use terms like deconstruction .", "a film that matches all too well the times it portrays , MOV is claustrophobic , stifling , and not a little crusty . saved only by its exquisitely bitter performances and immaculate design .", "both protagonists give elegant and moving performances .", "a work of stunning intensity underneath opulent fabrics", "for the most part , -lsb- chereau -rsb- lets huppert and greggory provide the emotional impact . they respond accordingly , imbuing their mutual suffering with an exacting and moving finesse .", "most of all , we think , ` gosh , all of these experiments make for a cold , uninvolving film . '", "chilly , pretentious and talky .", "chereau keeps us locked inside their suffocatingly unhappy home , making for an intensely theatrical chamber piece .", "marriage noir with another devastating performance by huppert that plumbs the depths of unhinged despair .", "... visually gorgeous ... with graceful camera movement and psychologically evocative lighting and cutting ... -lsb- despite -rsb- stretches of talkiness .", "the end scene that could turn a heart into ice", "i do not believe , as far as i can remember % u2013 and i pray i do n't offend , my dear reader % u2013 the line of dialogue , `` the thought of your sperm inside me is unbearable , '' derived from the pen of conrad , but rather its harsh tones sound pure huppertian .", "as a couple , jean and MOV are a corseted waking nightmare . as co-stars , -lsb- isabelle -rsb- huppert and -lsb- pascal -rsb- greggory make a dream match .", "patrice chéreau 's startling drama recounts the dissolution of a marriage of a couple -lrb- pascal greggory and isabelle huppert -rrb- from the haute bourgeoisie .", "greggory is up to that journey , revealing the character in his various colors , and huppert is at her usual best , subtle , emotionally full , focused and honest .", "greggory anchors MOV in manly bewilderment and rage , while huppert claws the title character 's way to self-awareness .", "chereau matches conrad 's insistence on psychological accuracy , burrowing through the protective layers of self-delusion that hold so many human relationships together .", "a shocking , brilliantly original rumination on the subject of marital rot .", "an emotionally explosive adaptation of joseph conrad 's short story .", "explosive and intense , melancholy yet sometimes mordantly funny , MOV is the sort of picture that takes no prisoners . and offers no definitive answers .", "the director 's skillful handing and the superb performances are liable to manipulate a smart audience as easily as they manipulate one another .", "a little less flash , and MOV could have been a subtle classic . as is , it 's still a powerful exploration of human nature .", "chereau spoils it all by frequently resorting to trivial mannerisms , slipping gratuitously into black and white , using freeze frames , slow motion or sudden fades to white and inserting silent movie-style titles .", "i 'm not sure i 've seen two people this unlikable since affleck and j.lo were together .", "much of the film is huppert and greggory verbally eviscerating their life together , not to mention their dreams and beliefs , and watching the give and take is like watching great theatre .", "though MOV could be described as a very talky film ... , probing talk is a french specialty , especially when it explores the dangerous , ever-changing chambers of the heart .", "-lsb- director patrice chereau -rsb- has drawn exceptional performances from his two principals .", "talky but absorbing tale of dysfunction among the super-rich .", "this film is everything that 's bad about current french cinema .", "by the end of `` MOV , '' we 're rooting for the couple to break up just so we do n't have to spend another minute in their company .", "spending 90 stuffy minutes with the bitter husband and wife is tough , despite the quality of the performances .", "scenes from a marriage was twice as devastating with none of the stylistic folderol .", "mr. chéreau and his collaborators have fashioned a visual masterpiece full of the most pungent and provocative dialogue .", "isabelle huppert and pascal greggory are superb as a couple of immense wealth and social prestige in the belle epoque paris of 1912 -- but then everything about this film is superb .", "i could n't stop watching , but came away spiritually drained .", "this highly stylized portrait of a loveless marriage at the beginning of the 20th century merges a claustrophobic theatricality with dazzlingly cinematic wide-screen compositions -lrb- the sumptuous cinematography is by eric gautier -rrb- .", "patrice chereau 's portrait of a marriage en crise is an excoriating look at the deep unhappiness that can fester within the most respectable-seeming of households .", "a formally inventive version of the literary classic .", "in spite of some effective work by the lead actors and some blind stabs at stylistic ingenuity , MOV proves itself to be a rather old-fashioned infidelity story .", "MOV reeks of the same snobbery it denounces in others .", "as loyal as chéreau 's film is to conrad 's story , the director expands its point of view by giving more authority to the female experience conrad suppresses in his text .", "at once robust and ethereal , this is an existential ghost story , with fresh blood pulsing through its veins .", "MOV is art house fare and will appeal to the femme film buff ...", "chéreau 's period chamber drama is engrossing throughout and an interesting accompaniment to his modern day intimacy .", "husband and wife , upper-class couple jean and MOV hervey , are played , to perfection , by two of france 's premier film actors : pascal greggory and isabelle huppert .", "based on a short story by joseph conrad , here is stylized rendition of a foundering marriage of convenience .", "for all its filmmaking bravura , the film never transcends the confines of its period drama setting . we look at the artistry and marvel , but we are never really touched .", "one of the film 's savage ironies is that his wife 's inevitable betrayal strikes less at his heart than at his all-consuming sense of order ." ]
patrice chéreau 's exquisite rendering of joseph conrad 's the return brings underlying passions to surface in a long-suffering marriage .
[ "i am never not amused by the MOV .", "context is crucial : this messy , self-indulgent comedy was made at the height of snl and muppet show , catapulting to pop-culture icon status belushi , aykroyd and candy , though best moments are those of performers like aretha franklin and ray charles .", "frequently over-the-top and aggressively raucous , it 's one of my very favorite comedies -- and musicals .", "though the MOV takes nothing seriously , it has seriously changed the landscape of comedic history and blues music forever .", "there 's even room , in the midst of the carnage and mayhem , for a surprising amount of grace , humor , and whimsy .", "you 've never known fun until you 've watched this !", "big , loud , often obnoxious , but surprisingly sweet-tempered .", "this essentially modest movie is reported to have cost about $ 30 million , and what did all that money buy ? scores of car crashes . too many extras . overstaged dance numbers . and a hollowness that certainly did n't come cheap .", "one of the funniest movies i have ever seen . a classic in all sense of the word .", "it 's many excesses just make this brilliant slapstick musical even more enjoyable .", "landis at the peak of his powers . brilliant , deadpan comedy .", "a classic for all time !", "goes on way too long , but still a fun movie that immortalizes john belushi", "a damn fine mess of a movie .", "the humor is predicated on underplaying in overscaled situations , which is sporadically funny in a keaton-esque way but soon sputters out through sheer , uninspired repetition .", "just about the only saturday night live skit that makes a successful transition into a feature-length comedy .", "full of belly-laughs as well as toe-tappingly great tunes , the sharp suits and cool shades of the MOV will have you rocking with joy .", "call me sacrilegious , but i do n't think the MOV is all that great .", "an inspired combination of wild comedy , a demented car chase , a double act that dovetails beautifully and terrific music , the MOV comfortably survives the test of time .", "a demolition symphony that works with the cold efficiency of a moog synthesizer gone sadistic .", "a cult musical comedy film with a still-growing reputation .", "the story is thin , but there 's a consistently wonderful over-the-top mentality .", "the MOV is packed with lively music , fantastic chase sequences and nonstop slapstick comedy .", "bloated , overlong , too many car crashes , too little humor . a big disappointment .", "the film retains a huge nostalgic kick , thanks in large part to aykroyd and belushi 's easy rapport , a smattering of daft , shaggy humour and some truly iconic musical sequences .", "i have never been quite sure why this $ 30 million comedy made by john landis in 1980 became such a cult .", "this long , expensive 1980 cult movie has an energy and individuality lacking in similar films nowadays .", "an undisciplined , overlong tale that substitutes spectacle and star cameos -lrb- twiggy , steven spielberg , etc -rrb- for a coherent narrative .", "... an epic musically charged comedy , the likes of which has never been seen before or since .", "given all the chaos , director and , with aykroyd , cowriter , john landis manages to keep things reasonably controlled and in a straight line .", "lightning in a bottle created more than 30 years ago", "a dazzlingly enjoyable , memorable road trip of comedy and music from two of snl 's best .", "still sounds great , and looks as good as ever through ray-bans .", "formless , chaotic and lazy , and quite brilliant because of it .", "the mere spectacle of elwood and jake in their shades is n't quite as giggle-inducing as it presumably was back in 1980 , but the stunts are still awe-inspiring , and there 's plenty of laughs . they really were thinking big .", "a monument to waste , noise and misplaced cool , but it does have its engagingly nutty moments .", "there 's not one ineffective cameo in a movie with many because there 's no sense of stunt casting or camera hogging .", "a cult classic for adults and older teens ." ]
too over the top for its own good , but ultimately rescued by the cast 's charm , director john landis ' grace , and several soul-stirring musical numbers .
[ "thirty years on , bustin ' still makes us feel good . in fact , few movies have the power to make us feel good-er .", "essentially a $ 30 million version of abbott and costello meet the mummy but not at all a bad time , thanks mainly to bill murray 's incredibly dry line readings and director ivan reitman 's maintenance of a moderately coherent tone and plotline .", "only intermittently impressive .", "with his deadpan delivery and snide quips , murray more than holds his own amid the myriad state-of-the-art special effects .", "one of a kind super comedy of ghosts & special effects", "this movie is an exception to the general rule that big special effects can wreck a comedy .", "dan aykroyd 's inventive comedy concept for MOV attracted an all-star comedy team to bust out an classic of mainstream '80s cinema .", "the perfect marriage of big-budget sci-fi spectacle and character-based comedy schtick .", "everyone 's at the top of their game for this one . even ernie hudson has never been this good since .", "classic comedy", "on balance , MOV is a hoot . it 's murray 's picture , and in a triumph of mind over matter , he blows away the film 's boring special effects with his one-liners .", "if you 've never experienced MOV on the big screen , you really need to go see this . if not i 'm afraid you 'll have to turn in your geek card .", "it speaks to its entire audience , without ever seeming to joke over children 's heads in a snide or overly knowing manner .", "what you realise about MOV thirty years on is that bill murray is a comedy genius .", "thirty years later , there are still rumblings of making another sequel , but no one would dare suggest a reboot or re-imagining ; MOV is perfect exactly as it is .", "the elastic structure provides ample room for inspired surrealism , yet the looseness never compromises the film 's tongue-in-cheek love letter to pre-gentrification manhattan or its piercing satire of reaganite go-getting ...", "the plotting may be primitive , but it 's all carried off with far more style and finesse than one might expect from the creators of animal house and meatballs .", "MOV is primarily a showcase for murray , who slinks through the movie muttering his lines in his usual cheeky fashion and getting off an occasionally hilarious crack that proves he 's thoroughly enjoying himself .", "part of the sheer joy of this movie -- aside from the comic timing of bill murray -- is the cartoonish crapness of its apparitions and their placid acceptance by the MOV team .", "it 's almost impossible not to smile while watching it .", "the epitome of 80s comedies and source of many a pop culture tagline .", "there is more attention to special effects than to humor .", "a screwy and mischievous movie fueled by endless reserves of comic energy", "a classic . funny , great special effects and a cultural phenomenon .", "reitman did well with his casting , turning in one of the most original comedies ever .", "as entertaining today as it ever was , a classic to be treasured by all .", "it 's nowhere near as good as it 's supposed to be .", "murray and scribe ramis defy all logic and turn it into a movie you 'd want to watch over and over .", "the perfect xer movie .", "MOV -lrb- 1984 -rrb- is the comedic tale of three ghost exterminators in the city of new york .", "the leads ' chemistry is almost , well , spooky , dan aykroyd 's nerdy enthusiasm rubbing deliciously against a persona-perfecting turn from bill murray - and there 's even the odd surprise .", "the often dazzling , special effects-driven slapstick tends to overshadow the fact that there are some slyer , more sophisticated laughs on offer in this blockbusting family comedy .", "what 's not to like ?", "paranormal fun for tweens and up ; some scares .", "a comedy first , a horror film second ... but a successful enough hybrid of those things that it would be wrong to try to limit it generically .", "the movie 's tongue-in-cheek -lrb- and pre-subprime -rrb- satire of surging capitalist hubris is scarcely mitigated by the necessary fairy-tale ending .", "whoever thought of having evil 's final manifestation take the form of a 100-ft . marshmallow deserves the rational mind 's eternal gratitude .", "stuffed with wisecracking , punning and essential deadpanning care of the film 's most notable star performer murray -lrb- who has such delivery down as a fine art -rrb- , the film also packs in a half-decent narrative .", "see website for more details .", "fantastic all the way", "it provoked huge box-office success in 1984 and is still director ivan reitman 's defining movie .", "as funny , spooky and marvellous as ever .", "i had a good giggle watching MOV again , and i recommend checking it out for an evening of turn-your-brain-off entertainment .", "it remains as one of the more entertaining pieces of cinema of the previous decade .", "the comedy here is solid gold , bill murray is in peak form , and the effects are a lot of fun .", "MOV thrives on the fine line between taking it all seriously enough to be scary , then poking fun at it in the most creative ways possible .", "a fantasy , but with no touches of reality at all , to be enjoyed for its zany humour typical of the `` national lampoon '' school from which several of its contributors are drawn .", "if for nothing else , deserves to be fondly remembered for bringing the stay puft marshmallow man into the world .", "MOV is a movie that i 've seen well over a hundred times and i 'm still not sick of it , nor do i think i ever will . it 's an iconic comedy that i think has held up very well over the past 30 years .", "director ivan reitman keeps the aykroyd-ramis screenplay zipping right along , creating something like abbott & costello meet the exorcist . aykroyd and murray make the perfect summer tonic for raising spirits .", "an exciting and fun genre hybrid rarely mastered .", "`` MOV '' is a fun romp with a couple of comedy 's greatest stars at the top of their game .", "in both the funny and the -lrb- mildly -rrb- scary moments , the cast does itself proud ." ]
an infectiously fun blend of special effects and comedy , with bill murray 's hilarious deadpan performance leading a cast of great comic turns .
[ "carefully calibrated to explore the solitariness of a character who can not let himself be known ... turns MOV 's very particular story into a scary , universal and wrenching social statement .", "a small , huge film about the harsh realities of rehabilitation , and the shimmering possibility of redemption .", "if hitchcock had done a coming-of-age drama , it might have resembled this haunting , nervous , sad movie .", "an absorbing , finely nuanced morality tale .", "sensitive portrait of a young man 's efforts to reintegrate into society after committing a horrible crime as a child .", "inspires respect for its first-rate performances , artful construction and meticulous understatement .", "ambitious both as to structure and theme , and riveting in mood .", "a quiet and penetrating portrait of a sensitive young man who re-enters society with a fresh identity after spending half his life in juvenile prisons .", "along with garfield and the splendid scottish actor mullan , crowley brings great tact to this bruising saga of atonement and moral regeneration . though a bad seed can bring forth good fruit , will others want to pick it ?", "there are some gaps in the movie 's reality , and some o. henry-like contrivances , but the masterful trick MOV plays on viewers is to get them to care before giving them reasons not to .", "MOV may follow an all-too schematic flashback structure , but the film is too brilliantly acted for that to really matter much .", "an ingenuous 24-year-old man-child is at the center of john crowley 's wrenching melodrama boy a.", "the new british film ` MOV ' poses a question that is easy to ask but nearly impossible to answer : can we ever really escape from our own misdeeds ?", "his sophomore feature , MOV explores bleak territory but its insistence on not tying everything up in neat little bows is to be commended .", "MOV is the kind of movie that falls victim to the new role of multiplex as babysitter of teenagers . its life in the theatres will be short , but for the few that find it now it will be worth it .", "even its structurally weaker moments give garfield an opportunity to expand on jack 's physical and mental dislocation . given MOV 's final floating reel , it 's an anchoring performance in every sense of the word .", "MOV is one of those rare movies that takes the idea of rehabilitation seriously . in the end , it may present a worst-case scenario , but it does so with unusual depth and conviction .", "in tandem , the director and screenwriter build up a palpable suspense . MOV will rivet you while raising issues about forgiveness and just who deserves it .", "the movie is taut with suspense but culminates in wise resignation as the hero comes to understand he 's running from a part of himself .", "crowley gets a remarkable performance from andrew garfield : his jack is a person who carries guilt with him even when he is trying to override it .", "director john crowley , a veteran irish theater director now working in film , is deliberate with every last element of his film .", "it 's a sad movie , no question -- but like most great drama , it inspires admiration for its thoughtfulness and its craft .", "andrew garfield nailed an assignment many actors would avoid or , worse , botch in `` MOV '' - embody a grown , traumatized man experiencing emotional honesty , transparent kindness , sexual intimacy and genuine appreciation from others for the first time .", "the material is thought-provoking and features some very good performances .", "the limits of redemption and forgiveness get challenged ruthlessly in this haunting drama ...", "efficiently directed by john crowley , MOV avoids exploitation while never soft-selling its thorny subject matter .", "the genius of garfield 's performance is that he fills him with equal amounts of terror and wonder .", "this is a brutally honest story that pulls no punches . it excels at everything from the directing and acting to the editing and photography . a stunning achievement", "it makes us feel sympathy for the devil .", "garfield is definitely an actor to watch , but prepare yourself for the disappointing ending .", "for all its sensitivity , thoughtful sobriety , and sound performances , though , MOV finally permits itself an excessive number of contrived and/or clichéd gestures .", "one of the most gripping , thought provoking dramas ever to ponder crime and punishment .", "even though the film is a narrative disappointment , it is possibly of interest for garfield 's performance .", "well-acted but familiar .", "the manchester-set drama could be labeled as kitchen sink , but crowley breaks free from that label .", "MOV is so excessively mannered that the story 's human element -lrb- misunderstood youth , society 's indifference -rrb- is lost .", "this is another of those dead-kid dramas in which the terrible event is handled like a striptease -- tantalizing flashes until the climax .", "an effective workout of genre mechanics", "... garfield presents an indelible portrait of a young man trying to figure out how to continue his life in the face of haunting secrets and a world that does n't want to let him forget it .", "features a career-making performance by andrew garfield .", "bleak but expertly rendered .", "taken as the meditation on the past that it is , MOV is a moving look at the best and worst of how humans can treat one another .", "... a sad story that supports the idea of child killers as often victims themselves , the far less passionately defended point of view .", "the film is well balanced in its storytelling and fills in all the details of the -lsb- heinous -rsb- crime and its aftermath years later .", "the film gus van sant wanted paranoid park to be .", "emotionally searing ... thanks largely to garfield 's heartfelt performance , MOV becomes a powerful , poignant story of the difficulty of forgiveness .", "although the screenplay tips our sympathies wholly in the young man 's direction , it 's cleverly structured to reveal the particulars of the long-ago crime , and what led up to it , in flashback .", "... -lsb- peter -rsb- mullan 's compassion and paternal protectiveness and -lsb- andrew -rsb- garfield 's buoyant performance ... bring a warmth to the otherwise grim drama .", "mullen and garfield fit well together -- both have faces you like on first sight , both have charm , both have warmth .", "we 're introduced to more string-pulling symbolism than a movie this inherently sad ever needs . it 's too much .", "in director john crowley 's wrenching drama , `` moving on '' proves to be an illusion .", "crowley , his cast and the script constantly reveal new layers to the characters , preventing simple labels like ` hero ' or ` villain . ' these people are all cringingly human .", "lovingly photographed , achingly romantic and memorably acted by garfield in a breakout role , it 's a small movie worthy of a large audience ." ]
small in scale but large in impact , MOV 's career making performances -lrb- particularly that by star andrew garfield -rrb- and carefully crafted characters defy judgment and aggressively provoke debate .
[ "amid -lsb- the -rsb- barrage of soulless special effects , you may glimpse seth green , alicia silverstone and tim blake nelson making mental notes to fire their agents .", "more loyal to the classic show than the first film , scooby-doo finds his live-action niche in the highly entertaining sequel .", "those who got a kick out of the first film , be it through nostalgia or kidly wonder , will probably find its sequel an equally entertaining , silly , campy , comic diversion that clips along at an engaging pace .", "while scooby 2 is probably no worse or better than the first installment , the freshness has definitely worn off .", "the first film was tedious in the extreme ; monsters unleashed , though it feels way too long and padded , it shows at least brief flashes of imagination .", "a fairly watchable 88 minutes of filmmaking .", "zoinks ! it 's a rare case of a sequel being better than the original . maybe by the time they get around to scooby-doo 3 , they 'll get it right .", "the movie plays every joke down the middle , aiming its dim wit at 5-and-unders , insulting them and whoever was foolish enough to take them on the outing .", "when the best you can say about a sequel to a bad movie is that it 's a tiny bit better , there are definite problems .", "what i felt as i watched scooby-doo was not the intense dislike i had for the first film , but a kind of benign indifference .", "as little as there is to recommend in scooby-doo 2 , it must be noted that the human cast has done an uncanny job of inhabiting their two-dimensional characters , especially lillard .", "it 's a terrible movie . the laughs are n't there . the stunts are stupid . there 's no plot whatsoever .", "scooby do n't .", "a handful of juvenile jokes and overblown computer effects push doo 2 into strictly kid-cinema territory .", "most of scooby doo 2 is kind of dumb ... better than the first", "monstrous fun for the whole family . before you hear the critics saying it 's `` doo-doo , '' take an 8-year-old boy with you to the theaters and see how much fun he has .", "it 's all a terrible bore .", "scooby e salsicha continuam divertidos , mas , em vez de temerem os monstros que enfrentam , deveriam fugir do medíocre diretor raja gosnell .", "made with greater affection for the 1969 hanna-barbera cartoon that inspired it , scooby 2 is often genuinely funny and sometimes borders on clever .", "scooby-doo 2 : monsters unleashed is actually a lot closer to the cartoons than the first ... movie was , -lsb- but -rsb- they are really stupid cartoons .", "the first scooby-doo was a passably entertaining shambles . the sequel is just a shambles .", "it is good to see another good family film .", "essentiellement , c'est du pareil au męme avec un peu plus de budget et un peu plus de nostalgie que le premier film .", "surely everyone enjoys seeing a cartoon dog light his own farts on fire as a means of staving off an enemy .", "corrects many of the problems that plagued its predecessor and returns to the general feel and campy creativity of the animated series .", "okay , if there has to be a worst film of 2004 , and there has , then this is a good place to start looking .", "the monsters are the highlight of the film , and if history is any guide , there will be more ghosts and evildoers for our wholesome heroes to battle in scooby-doo 3 .", "the rapidly aging cast is clearly in it for the cash , with not a single one fully committed to the task .", "little more than 91 minutes of cheesy special effects in search of a remotely coherent story .", "aims directly at young scooby-philes , playing it straight and corny and evoking nostalgic memories of episodes past .", "as in the first movie , you can look at monsters unleashed and not find a single thing to like .", "slightly more digestible than its predecessor .", "i wo n't go so far as to say scooby-doo 2 is fun for the entire family , but if you 've got a 10-year-old underfoot who needs entertaining , you could have a worse time .", "the movie 's almost good enough to wash the bad taste of the first scooby-doo movie from our mouths . almost .", "monstrously silly .", "although very young children may enjoy its garish blend of splashy visuals and sophomoric humor , viewers over the age of eight will find this sequel to 2002 's scooby-doo a crushing bore .", "the sequel will likely be a disappointment to everyone except 10-year-old barf joke aficionados and a few stoned adults .", "a light-hearted romp through nostalgia for ` scooby-doo ' fans .", "-lrb- scooby and shaggy -rrb- get all the laughs , with such disparity that it 's as if a different screenwriter -lrb- with half the wit -rrb- wrote the balance of the movie .", "... wait until it hits the `` dollar theater '' ...", "trust hollywood to take the homeliest cartoon character -lsb- velma -rsb- this side of olive oyl , cast a real looker in the part , and then play up her hubba-hubba qualities .", "good-looking , mindless junk that 's apt to prove tedious to anyone over the age of 10 who is n't deeply entrenched in nostalgia for mediocre cartoons from his or her youth .", "all hail matthew lillard , the main reason that `` scooby-do 2 '' deserves any star rating at all .", "the smarter humor and in-jokes from the first are gone , which is going to lose a lot of the older audience .", "the cast shuffles its way through an unending parade of eye-wrenching cgi displays , their collective body language asking the producers for their part 2 paycheck already .", "by living up to its subtitle , it 's at least a vast improvement over its noxious predecessor ...", "the filmmakers may have captured the flavor of the popular cartoon a little too closely .", "... just as silly , just as juvenile , just as inane , just as witless , just as dumb as the first movie . -lrb- blu-ray double-feature edition -rrb-", "the acting is so over the top that any good will developed from the first film is instantly dashed ...", "this bellicose , straining mess does n't even work on the simplest diversionary level .", "it is no surprise this film is n't very good , the first one was n't very good either .", "it plays better at home than at the premium price of the movie theater", "milder than the 1st , but not scooby-snack worthy .", "i do n't see how anyone , even scooby doo fans , could really find anything worth even remotely liking with this movie .", "you could pass on both scooby doo films unless you really have nothing else to do one day . and i mean nothing .", "much like the flintstones movies , this sequel is better than the original but still falls far short of the post-modern genius of its original cartoon series .", "if we 're lucky , films like scooby-doo 2 will become the exception rather than the rule .", "it 's guileless , designed almost to be forgotten , and its modest intentions generate no resentment -lsb- in the viewer -rsb- .", "proving that bigger is n't necessarily better , the second live-action scooby-doo movie features more action and computer-generated monsters , but not funnier jokes or a more coherent script .", "overall , the meandering mayhem to the shoddy sequel scooby doo 2 : monster 's unleashed is as untested , shaky , and crooked as pesky puppy scrappy doo 's hind leg" ]
only the very young will get the most out of this silly trifle .
[ "complain loudly about the 3d tide - but see and enjoy MOV for its own considerable charms .", "this 3-d , animated adventure leaps -- in a single bound -- into familiar comic-book/superhero territory but soars on the strength of zippy running gags and high-flying visuals .", "`` MOV '' is a lot of fun -- a movie that youngsters will enjoy for its cartoonish slapstick and visuals and that adults can appreciate for its sly humor .", "is n't exactly groundbreaking , but it 's good , clean fun .", "this animated feature is what yogi berra called `` déjŕ vu all over again , '' its shopworn premise most recently having served the marginally better `` despicable me '' this summer .", "it has plenty of details for us to sink our teeth into , without forgetting to make the audience laugh .", "small children are likely to be disappointed by the paucity of silly slapstick or bathroom gags , while their older siblings will probably fidget at the lack of scares .", "you 'll probably laugh , and you 'll probably wish it were better .", "`` MOV '' is a smart , funny and original treat . sweet enough to deliver a message about creating your own destiny , but with just enough sour grapes not to cloy , the movie delivers pure pleasure from start to finish .", "a witty 3-d animated deconstruction of superhero movies .", "a complex story with very sophisticated forward momentum ... it 's about what makes people a hero or villain , and the answer is not just simply one is bullied and the other is revered .", "if celebrity voices and an excess of licensed pop music are your thing , you might forgive the lack of ambition here .", "every animation studio has its strong suit , but none embraces formula with the zest of dreamworks .", "in this refreshing twist on a familiar format , director tom mcgrath combines flawless 3-d animation with a bevy of comedic talent to craft an entertaining adventure with plenty of smart , grown-up laughs .", "three dimensions or two , the one-dimensional plot has little appeal .", "you know a movie 's scraping for laughs when it includes `` bad to the bone , '' `` highway to hell '' and michael jackson 's `` bad '' as themes for its villain .", "MOV is fast and funny , with excellent use of 3d .", "what begins as one witty , unstoppable blast eventually succumbs to a flat story elevated by its consistently terrific animation .", "a tale of existential angst suitable for children", "it 's borrowed and blue . the homage to ` superman ' gets old and the film is only slightly better -lrb- and very similar to -rrb- ` despicable me . ' anything original tends to fall flat .", "-lsb- a -rsb- handsome and generally amusing adventure .", "MOV is full of good ideas . but they never coalesce into a satisfying whole .", "this is a great-looking -lrb- and sounding -rrb- toon , one definitely worth seeing in 3d , but it 's ultimately the story , characters and humor that makes MOV such a pleasant surprise .", "one of those movies that disappears too quickly , leaving memories of better ones in its wake .", "the bonus in `` MOV '' is a thoughtful and heartfelt look at the thin line between good and evil and hero and villain , how they can exist in equal parts in many of us , and how their appearances can be deceiving .", "`` MOV '' is a genial animated sendup of superhero flicks that should appeal to kids around the age when they 're getting a bit cynical about do-gooders in capes and tights .", "more impressive than the multi-dimensions is `` MOV 's '' minimalist , modernist look . it creates a crispness that feels more contemporary than retro , which not only is very aesthetically pleasing but makes it easier to savor the film 's many sight gags .", "MOV has some funny moments , silly mispronunciations and comical socio-political references . but it suffers from being the second animated movie this year to feature a dastardly villain for a hero .", "middle-school boys are the target audience for the shifting personalities , robot minions and building-smashings . people above that age will mostly just endure it all ...", "if it 's difficult to find novelty in MOV , it 's also hard not to like .", "coming in the wake of the incredibles and despicable me , the film might , like its villainous protagonist , be something of an also-ran - but when it comes to generating super laughs , MOV is a winner .", "should get the whole family laughing , albeit for different reasons .", "it 's terrific fun from start to finish , even if it does n't quite match the good-versus-evil japes of the incredibles or despicable me .", "gleefully subverting the standard good vs evil hokum , while delivering an eye-popping adventure with characters you can really root for , MOV is simply super .", "eyeball-opening 3d digimation with eyelid-closing plot .", "a fun ride but just that .", "hugely enjoyable , brilliantly funny comedy with superb animation , terrific vocal performances and a witty script that 's packed with great gags and a multitude of fan-pleasing superhero references .", "the resulting product is a serviceable parable about ` being good ' that is aimed low enough to at least connect with the kids in the audience . a shame then that the film 's sense of humour occasionally slips into groan-worthy territory .", "a retro-stylised fantasy-satire that balances knowingness with affection , winning kids and olds over in the process . wry , spry and very funny .", "for a film whose stock in trade are tongue-in-cheek reversals of comic-book cliché , it too often settles for trite audience-pleasing .", "mostly , the jokes and the recurrent attempts to tweak the superhero genre serve as a reminder that somebody else has already done it better .", "ferrell , fey and hill acquit themselves hilariously , and cross steals the movie as minion .", "hilarious , refreshingly smart , thrilling and heartfelt . it will delightfully entertain everyone , young or old , good or evil .", "what this raucous 3d animated fun house lacks in originality -lrb- think bastard child of the incredibles and despicable me -rrb- it makes up for in visual and vocal wit .", "not exactly ingenious , but certainly an entertaining way to spend an afternoon at the theater with the family .", "... an ok entertainment that 's instantly forgettable .", "-lsb- a -rsb- smarter , sharper , funnier , wiser story than i ever could have expected ... -lsb- i -rsb- t reinforces what we love about superheroes and why we embrace them ... and yes , still , MOV really is all about the villain .", "... will appeal to little kids with its bright colors and animation , older kids will like the story and most adults will be entertained .", "even the 3-d thing , which makes films murky and claustrophobic , is a gimmick from the 1950s . and was n't this rehabilitated-bad-guy routine the plot of `` despicable me '' ?", "very relatable for elementary school kids while giving them something to stretch for with tesla coils and existential discussions and a plot with a couple of extra twists .", "i am usually against 3d films but dreamworks has found the right formula with MOV and how to train your dragon . will ferrell is back !", "while its hectic battle sequences and penchant for mass destruction will certainly keep the eyes of action junkies satiated , its sly depictions of the balance between good and evil actually provide quite a bit of food for thought", "rollickingly funny superhero comedy of manners about a poor , misunderstood supervillain may not be the incredibles , but it 's still incredible .", "MOV is perfectly fine for the kids , but adults might find their own megaminds wandering at various points throughout a film that does n't compare to the incredibles when it comes to affectionately tweaking the superhero genre .", "full of fun and eye-popping images , `` MOV '' is what they used to call in the old days of television `` side-splittingly funny . ''", "it 's one of those films that when you get done watching it , you go , ` oh , that was cute . '", "the fast-paced wisecracks and ironic asides that are the studio 's hallmark help to push the film past the lumpy , generic storytelling .", "... dreamworks animation is carving itself out a niche for consistent high-concept zaniness .", "a lively cast and an interesting flip on the superhero concept make ` MOV '' a fun time at the movies for viewers of all ages .", "even if it 's not great , MOV manages to be diverting .", "cute and funny at times , but with a lot of dead spots .", "while this is certainly a case of the geek shall inherit , it still is tidy enough to entertain for the most part .", "the problem with MOV is that it wants to remind us , every minute , how smart it is -- and that sets it a world apart from despicable me , which is courageous enough to revel in its own silliness . MOV tries too hard and ultimately achieves less .", "a passable time-killer for kids , more boring than painful for adults , but animated films have established a higher bar to clear .", "this is ferrell 's movie , meaning some inspired laughs sandwiched between annoying bits that stretch on well past their usefulness .", "looks fun on the surface but suffers from a serious identity crisis underneath .", "the best animated movie of the year -lrb- * non-pixar division -rrb- .", "you have seen all this before .", "this set-up is bright and amusing , even if it does feel recycled from bits and pieces of such recent animated landmarks as the invincibles with its superpowers and despicable me with its villain .", "MOV is largely what one might expect from an animated movie featuring a number of notable comedians in voice roles : an amusing diversion .", "MOV is more like a comedy for adults that children will feel comfortable tagging along to .", "a moderately amusing experience ... will play better to a younger , less discerning crowd .", "in its attempt to spoof the superhero genre , MOV just may be too smart for its own good .", "is MOV just a vehicle for will ferrell to use funny voices and shout a lot ?", "the movie around ferrell 's performance is n't nearly as good as he is .", "a full-bodied , busy-as-heck , funny-as-heck comedy adventure from dreamworks that merrily riffs -- in its own fractured way -- on the superman legend .", "if you understand what it 's trying to do , you will like it a good deal better than if you do n't .", "it 's never quite slap-your-knees hilarious , but MOV will still have you smiling from dimple to dimple for every one of its 95 minutes .", "it 's just a shame the filmmakers did n't have any tricks up their sleeve to enliven a rather rote superhero movie experience .", "the action is big and mostly spectacular , the performances are all spot-on -lrb- even hill , who once again plays himself , is well cast -rrb- , and most importantly MOV himself is actually kind of likable .", "has a few sprightly moments but is overall pretty mediocre .", "in terms of plot , MOV is only slightly less complicated than inception .", "there 's nothing wrong with animation aimed at adults , but this may be the first kids ' movie that throws fewer bones to its supposed intended viewers than to their parents .", "while it is never anything less than vibrant and exceedingly clever , it is also a rather slight thing for such mega-sized proportions .", "simultaneously more and less surprising than one would imagine", "it 's densely populated with gags , it 's a nice piece of art , and well-made 3-d , if you feel like paying the premium .", "MOV is well-versed in superhero routine without turning blasé . the boredom of formulas and roles and expectations is very much its point .", "... ` well , that was fun . a lot better than i expected . ' an assessment with which this reviewer can concur .", "MOV has momentum and dazzle .", "what MOV lacks in apparent laughter it makes up for in sheer cleverness .", "ferrell 's voicework is spot on , pitt gamely sends up his squeaky clean image and fey is a joy as the conflicted heroine .", "there 's are some decent laughs to be had , mainly courtesy of a feisty , pneumatically animated lois lane-esque reporter , voiced by tina fey , who remains thoroughly unimpressed with superpowers of any stripe .", "these days the bad guys have all the fun .", "despite the terrific voice cast and eye-catching animation , this seems disappointingly formulaic and fails to offer real laughs .", "good stuff , up to a point , but nothing like the passion and brilliance of the incredibles or toy story .", "every potential for real emotion is squandered . it feels like a superhero film made by people who do n't believe in or care about superheroes .", "the plot is wildly shaken as it does u-turns and some sleight of hand , but director tom mcgrath has a feather-light touch as inventive ideas play out with humour and appeal", "the film appropriates elements from shrek and the incredibles and produces an entertaining hybrid that should have parents chuckling with glee .", "though clearly derivative and with a good dash of the incredibles , MOV is breezily directed by madagascar 's tom mcgrath and there 's plenty of fun lines , too .", "` you 're so predictable , ' roxanne tells MOV early in the movie , and i 'm afraid it 's fair criticism .", "... often shrewd , colorful , witty , and well animated , i found it oddly flat , too .", "MOV is dramatically and comedically inert .", "this is a harmless animated movie that 's full of empty laughs . the main problem with all those empty laughs is that they arrive wrapped in a package you 've seen before , probably even if you 're still a kid .", "if you have to choose between this and the superficially similar despicable me , choose MOV . it 's less predictable , funnier , cleverer and generally more enjoyable .", "there 's a distinctly deflated ambiance to the shenanigans , leaving the picture serious eye-candy on the prowl for bellylaughs it infuriatingly never finds .", "hardly a knockout , but MOV is an immensely enjoyable animated adventure that spoofs and pays homage to the superhero genre .", "it may not raise the bar of this rapidly developing genre , but it manages to pack a lot of fun and spectacle into its running time .", "-lsb- MOV -rsb- has splendid visuals , a good story , and enough witty dialogue to turn it into an enjoyable experience that 's worth checking out .", "would be lost in the crowd , perhaps deservedly so , if it did n't pull aces on its execution .", "it does have the odd cheeky nod for the grown-ups -- and it is presented in inglorious 3d -- but it 's also got a screenplay overflowing with charm , intelligence , wit and a real spark .", "the promise of extraordinary brain power is n't fulfilled .", "no doubt some of it is charming enough to induce giggles in its preteen target audience ... what 's needed is a narrative invention to match the technical invention .", "not only has MOV showed up late for the box office battle with despicable me , but it has also brought a knife to an atomic death ray fight .", "superhero films are sufficiently prevalent these days to merit an additional pasting or two . MOV keeps such satire a welcome visitor rather than a tiresome bore .", "what it lacks in inventiveness , ` MOV ' makes up in wit , intelligence , and customarily gorgeous animation .", "MOV is n't necessarily a bad movie - it just does n't do much to distinguish itself from the rest of the pack .", "family audiences finally have something worth turning out in droves to see . this 96-minute movie proceeds at a zippy pace and the audience 's attention never wavers from the excitement up on the screen .", "does n't have that memorable a story and is n't as visually creative as it should be but you ca n't find actors much better at this kind of material than will ferrell , tina fey , brad pitt , jonah hill , and david cross .", "MOV may initially seem like a superhero spoof in the comedic vein of shrek , but it reveals itself to be smarter , funnier , and infinitely more sympathetic than that .", "the second big animated feature of the year , after despicable me , to center on an arch-villain who sees the error of his ways , MOV is snappy good fun .", "though enlivened by some moderately clever twists on the superhero-movie template , MOV never shakes off a feeling of been-there-spoofed-that .", "you 'll enjoy it . and then you 'll forget it .", "the story 's the thing . and this one is as subtly deep as it is ridiculously fun .", "pixar mined the superhero genre far better six years ago with the incredibles , and dreamworks itself is capable of superior fare like this past summer 's how to train your dragon .", "this is the kind of movie where `` bad to the bone '' is considered a clever musical cue because , you know , MOV is bad . to the bone .", "MOV manages to be both commentary and comic book , and i have no doubt audiences will eat it up .", "unfortunately , the underdeveloped story and characters seem to be there to service the visuals , rather than the other way around .", "superb 3-d graphics and silly running gags -lrb- MOV routinely mispronounces words such as school -rrb- should keep kids amused , while sly political and pop culture references will get laughs from adults .", "the second animated film in the last few months where a super-villain plays the hero , MOV was destined to have a patina of staleness .", "MOV has bright comic minds behind it - not mega but close - and 3-d effects showing what the gimmick can do when filmmakers care .", "MOV is less a satire of dastardly deeds than a nimbly spectacular comedy of ego .", "kinetic , clever and even emotionally satisfying .", "i do love ferrell , whose absurdist man-child routine has always been a matter of taste .", "MOV is a blast . take your kids . stay with them . there are plenty of laughs for everyone . bring your asprin for the 3d headache .", "the kiddie set can chortle at MOV 's slapstick and its goofy one-upmanship while adults get a kick out of all the smart spatial tricks that highlight the 3-d effects .", "a smart send-up of the superman myth and the age-old precept of good vs. evil .", "clever animated superhero story is fun , not too scary .", "with some cool superhero action , MOV is mildly amusing for the most part , but it feels like it could have been much better .", "it 's all borrowed : the characters , the plot , the predictable `` bad '' tunes . even MOV 's ensembles look to have been raided from maleficent 's closet . not so mega , but rather , mild .", "but the kids will love it .", "kids of all ages will understand and appreciate this film 's meaning without feeling beaten over the head .", "i found my son 's kryptonite : boring superhero rip-offs voiced by check-cashing actors . at least steve carell used an accent .", "a mega-funny movie loaded with laughs , action and heart .", "it 's a sassy comedy with a lot of one-liners , some of which apparently came from improvisation between ferrell and fey , both in good vocal form . the quality of animation is outstanding , as you would expect .", "a snappy script and superior voice work make this animated action-comedy much more fun than expected", "falling short of a mind-blowing experience , MOV is still fine family entertainment that does n't require deep thinking .", "straying from a predictable , easily defined structure , MOV instead serves up consistent surprises , challenging audience expectations and engaging the mind as well as tickling the funny bone .", "what it lacks in originality , this wickedly funny take on a superhero villain makes up for in a multi-layered plot , terrific voicing and well balanced energy .", "its story 's third-act inversions still provide a pointed rebuke to superhero narratives ' set-in-stone dynamics .", "what is a villain if not someone who has been pushed too far in life and has started to push back ? and with nothing to push against , what do they become ?", "full review at movies for the masses", "` MOV ' may not be thought-provoking , but it is fun . and , come to think of it , it does give us something to ponder along the nature-or-nurture concepts of destiny .", "a well-plotted , genuinely fun spin on the superhero/supervillian genre with talented voice talent put to good use rather than simply stunt-cast", "as winning as ferrell and cross are , they 're still trapped in a formula storyline that follows some very familiar beats .", "it 's well worth checking out in theaters despite the fact that ads reveal a few spoilers and the finale is a tad familiar .", "divertingly splashy and mildly amusing but not very memorable .", "the plot is rich , the execution poor .", "`` MOV '' is a resounding flop .", "it 's a harmless , inoffensive , moderately likable throwaway of a cartoon that you will probably start forgetting as soon as it 's over .", "in a sort of backhanded answer to pixar 's the incredibles -lrb- and i mean that in a positive way -rrb- , dreamworks hits yet another animated adventure out of the park . MOV is clever , fast-paced and fun , and looks fantastic in 3d .", "MOV is good at keeping the audience busy , but only after the credits roll do you realize that most of it was just noise .", "may be worth seeing , but interested viewers would do well to either find a theater showing it in two dimensions or just wait for the inevitably superior blu-ray release .", "one of the year 's better animated films which offers a surprisingly engrossing nature-versus-nurture question about mythic origin stories : are heroes born , or are they made ?", "it is n't original , but it is funny , the story is cleverly constructed and the artwork is first-rate .", "a slightly manic but dependably enjoyable animated effort , poised between familiarity and freshness , that scores based on its voluminous joke output and a winning vocal performance by will ferrell .", "an unfortunate regression back to short-term pop-culture disposability ... at the screening i attended , the sounds of kids fidgeting almost drowned out the extended marlon brando imitation .", "like kraft mac & cheese or your favorite old sweats with the duct tape waistband , familiarity can be comforting . MOV does n't break any new ground other than being the rare family flick that the whole family can enjoy .", "the lively cast and interesting flip on the superhero concept make it a fun time at the movies for all ages .", "anyone under 10 will probably be bored and confused . for others , though , great fun ...", "it 's not bad -- simply unremarkable .", "... the result is something with which to pass the time , not one to savor and look forward to repeat viewings .", "compared to other animated features presented this past year `` MOV '' is only slightly above average entertainment . we have come to expect great entertainment .", "oh dreamworks , we know you can achieve greatness ; why do you so eagerly refuse to do so ?" ]
it regurgitates plot points from earlier animated efforts , and is n't quite as funny as it should be , but a top-shelf voice cast and strong visuals help make MOV a pleasant , if unspectacular , diversion .
[ "one of the most life-affirming films i have ever seen .", "they remain among cinema 's most disconcerting odd couples .", "a treasure that 's as applicable today as it was more than three decades ago .", "gives true romance a new meaning .", "this black comedy pairs a 79-year-old swinger with a suicidal 20-year-old . they go to funerals and philosophize together in between cort 's humorously staged suicide attempts .", "a whimsical love story ; cort is cuddly , gordon is larger-than-life . an enchanting piece .", "one of the classic american romance stories", "classic dark comedy that 's starting to show its age .", "dark , lovably eccentric tale of platonic love that works on logic uniquely its own .", "dark delight .", "if there 's one comedy to represent the woof and warp of the early '70s , `` MOV '' is it .", "a classic of dark comedy .", "simpleminded , but it 's fairly inoffensive , at least until ashby lingers over the concentration-camp serial number tattooed on gordon 's arm . some things are beyond the reach of whimsy .", "a doggedly eccentric film which some will reject out of hand . others will find it profundly moving and life affirming .", "cuts through the superficial surfaces of conventional romance and digs into what actually draws people together", "the fact that -lsb- it -rsb- is n't very funny and , like its 80-year-old heroic , long outlives its necessary life , is less important than the fact that the characters frequently react gently or like credible human beings to the script 's impossible notions .", "this darkly humorous , romantic comedy between an introvert adolescent and and old spunky woman , is playing it too safe to be considered truly anti-establishment , but it became a cult picture .", "unlike claustrophobically cute odd-couple movies , bottles some of the flavour of its time . harold 's fake suicides are a pale defiance and reflection of his cloistered , sapped life . the vital counterculture -lrb- maude -rrb- helps harold avoid the army .", "weird , very very weird", "it is most successful when it keeps to the tone of an insane fairystory set up at the beginning of the movie .", "-lsb- bud cort and ruth gordon -rsb- both are so aggressive , so creepy and off-putting .", "it 's not quite a romance , not quite a buddy picture . it is , however , one of the '70s quirkiest comedies , and its bleak morbidity is uncommonly matched by its over-the-top hilarity .", "black comedy that 's a bit too whimsical", "the epitome of a film that you ca n't believe you 're laughing at , but you are . a lot . it hurts . in a good way .", "a black comedy cult classic .", "the visual style makes everyone look fresh from the wax museum , and all the movie lacks is a lot of day-old gardenias and lilies and roses in the lobby , filling the place with a cloying sweet smell . nothing more to report today .", "certainly a little twisted , but with such a powerfully warm 70 's sunflower heart , `` MOV '' endears . i think of it as the cinematic equivalent to `` the little prince ''", "by turns funny , moving and outrageous - sometimes all at once - the film is hal ashby 's masterpiece .", "understatedly hilarious . cort and gordon are a truly unique pairing . a must see .", "one of those films you just do n't want to end .", "MOV marks the first time i realized that famed pulitzer prize-winning movie critic roger ebert could be wrong .", "marked by a few good gags , but marred by a greater preponderance of sophomoric , overdone and mocking humor .", "probably the most charming movie about death that 's ever been made ." ]
hal ashby 's comedy is too dark and twisted for some , and occasionally oversteps its bounds , but there 's no denying the film 's warm humor and big heart .
[ "assaults the senses tirelessly with wave after wave of momentum-building intensity , with jason statham enjoying his best role since the transporter .", "you might just want to catch a matinee or wait for the dvd . this is definitely not worth your 10 bucks .", "the super-concentrated silt at the bottom of a chemistry experiment that has no possible purpose to it but to deliver whatever limited jolt of which it 's capable .", "its freneticism ... futilely tries to cover up the ludicrousness of every decision made by its dim characters .", "sure , MOV is totally ridiculous , unbelievable , exhausting , and pretty much just plain stupid , but that 's what makes it fun .", "ranks among the most mindless action films ever made , but scores as a helluva video game .", "it 's trashy , gory , gratuitous , ridiculous , completely far-fetched , and i had a smile on my face the entire time .", "gets by on a unique kind of absurd , deadpan humor in which the most implausible stuff cheerfully happens anyway .", "adrenalina é de uma idiotice contagiante .", "some of the directing touches are fun , but the grand theft auto overdrive wears thin quick .", "MOV works overtime to be a disreputable bit of pulp fiction , and for the first half or so it 's like inhaling the cinematic equivalent of the film 's title .", "demented , depraved and probably bad for your soul in the long run , the pedal-to-the-metal action film `` MOV '' nonetheless provides a jolt of pure , uncut movie-making .", "at times , MOV 's everything-including-the-kitchen-sink-and-then-some approach feels more like a cartoon than anything else .", "but as the body count mounts up , the story runs out of ideas , and it goes from MOV to crummy .", "it boils down to 83 minutes of chev journeying through la 's ethnic ` hoods dispatching minorities . granted the movie ca n't be taken seriously , its cavalier racism is shocking .", "a video game of a movie that 's better than most video games .", "jason stratham rampages through los angeles in this retread of speed , but for a movie premised on unrelenting action , MOV proves fatally turgid .", "a somewhat entertaining movie of the politically-incorrect , testosterone-laden brainless pure action variety .", "safety advice : remember to breathe when you 're watching this movie .", "the most fun i 've had at the movies all year .", "there are times the film threatens to turn into a good `` bad movie . ''", "'d . o.a. ' for the ` grand theft auto ' generation , ` MOV ' is too scattershot to hone in on the cult masterpiece waiting within its brilliant exploitation premise .", "it 's a promising concept , but instead of expending effort on , say , a coherent script , the filmmakers lazily rely on cheap editing tricks and gleefully relentless sadism .", "a cheerily lunatic slice of b-movie heaven .", "at times , MOV is loads of fun and threatens to enter that golden territory of so-bad-it 's - good , but the violence grows far too ugly and is so unrelenting that it becomes tiresome .", "leave it alone , or leave your brain and pocket change at the gate , strap yourself in and just enjoy the ride .", "a jacked-up , unapologetically mindless bit of add-prescribed escapism that more or less delivers on a nifty premise .", "for all its busyness , MOV never develops much momentum , not least because an exploding heart does n't carry quite the same stakes as an exploding bus .", "it 's 87 minutes of cinematic junk food paradise .", "if you stop to think too hard about any aspect of the story , things might fall apart ; but stopping is something the movie never lets you do .", "it 's an e-ticket ride . but in the end , there 's no heart , no moral to this story . and for all our sweat as viewers , the one thing we crave by MOV 's closing credits is detox .", "writer-directors mark neveldine and brian taylor 's previous work lies mainly in making commercials -- the quick-cutting aesthetic employed here .", "it may stretch that hour a bit , but it does n't waste a minute -- though it wastes everything else in its immediate vicinity . your time as well ? not unless you do n't have the stomach for wholesale property damage , mutilation and needles .", "a movie for hooligans , and do we really want to encourage them ?", "very noisy , severe on the eyes and ludicrous , but a decent example of mindless entertainment .", "enjoyably fast-paced , gloriously trashy thriller with some inventive directorial touches .", "this is a turn-your-brain-off-and-enjoy-the-ride type thing and as such it works brilliantly .", "relying upon an abbreviated and accelerated plotline informed by rudolph mate 's 1949 film noir classic d.o.a. , MOV is a hard-r-rated chase-and-smash movie fixed around euro action movie magnet jason statham .", "... an engaging and thoroughly over-the-top thriller ...", "its original concept does not save this pic from becoming just another silly video game .", "a daring attempt to break the rules of the hollywood action movie without ignoring what makes them such mindless fun .", "for those who take delight from movie junk fare , MOV is your just dessert .", "statham , who 's tailor-made for this kind of thing , nevertheless spends too much time doing his cool-menace thing to communicate the sort of urgency the -lrb- semblance of a -rrb- plot demands .", "a zealously absurd action film , and one that does n't take itself too seriously .", "this is an intense , stripped-down ride that goes places you 'd never expect . edgy and outrageous , it should get the fearless statham some deserved attention .", "there 's a self-realization here that at its heart this is an absurd , even silly , movie , but rather than exploring that premise further , chev is off again , inflicting gruesome violence on his enemies until the film 's inevitable , sadly predictable end .", "snazzy but vacuous , the cinematic equivalent of a fast-food meal with thousands of calories but precious little nutrition .", "oh , please , please , mark neveldine and brian taylor , please be at your computers , writing away at another screenplay .", "-lsb- a -rsb- monotonously mindless but colorful caper.crank is banally boisterous ... jolting junk that strangely is filling in its sneering , rambunctious spirit .", "like so much contemporary entertainment , MOV is a frenzied distraction that means nothing .", "viewers baffled by stuff happening for no particular reason should probably stay well away .", "so blatantly contrived it could be called the fast and the spurious , MOV has the small saving grace of being intentionally ridiculous .", "for those who enjoy this brand of wholly mindless entertainment , MOV delivers .", "` MOV ' fires on all cylinders but is fundamentally just an excuse to piece together a nasty trail of mayhem dotted with morbid jokes .", "the question is n't whether jason statham knows how to MOV things up . the question is whether or not you 're willing to go with him on yet another highly implausible , blood-soaked , adrenaline-pumped ride .", "this is as detestable a hard-r offense -lrb- equal-opportunity offender though it may be -rrb- as has ever been released to theaters .", "elaborately aggressive and provocative , MOV is just what its title suggests : fast , ornery , and exhausting .", "MOV qualifies as a superior piece of slick , shallow-souled trash . and i mean that in the best sense of the term .", "what elevates MOV above other high-concept action fare , though , is its politically incorrect sense of humor and overall bent sensibility .", "for moviegoers who found running scared a little too sedate .", "cheerfully moronic ... while most action flicks these days require their audience to turn their brains off , this movie somehow actually does it for you .", "it knows what it 's doing and it 's awesome ... MOV relishes in its outrageous stunts ... jason statham is a one man die hard .", "the movie they warned us the video game generation would make .", "borrows pages from quentin tarantino , the atari 2600 game console , and , most of all , british action junkie guy ritchie , in a deliciously absurd , rollicking rampage through los angeles .", "like any adrenaline rush , MOV becomes more wearying than exciting the longer it goes .", "MOV is still an atrocity of visual design , acting , and fundamental storytelling that , at times , scarily resembles an especially smelly youtube submission .", "vulgar , ridiculous , offensive and absolutely riveting .", "the movie is cranked up somewhere between stylish and proudly stupid .", "an instant cult classic . pure , hardcore moviemaking backed by an inane plot , unrelenting action and zero pretensions .", "tears up the screen like a muscle car on fire -- a brash , sinfully stupid joyride .", "MOV could raise the dead ! i loved it ! lionsgate should get behind this movie ! it has guts .", "it may be one of the loudest , most obnoxious -lrb- not to mention sexist -rrb- movies of the summer , but damned if it does n't keep an audience in high gear .", "a reckless , relentless rush that goes nowhere in an exhausting 83 minutes .", "manufactures a formula that guarantees maximum action but not much else .", "if you had the choice of doing `` MOV '' or seeing the film MOV , i 'd strongly suggest the former as a more productive use of your time .", "while MOV has its moments , the line stringing them together is n't wound taut enough .", "statham brings his usual hardnut conviction to his ludicrously named protagonist , while the pic contains what is easily the best car chase through a shopping mall scene since the blues brothers .", "an exploitation b-actioner , more suitable for midnight screening , MOV offers non-stop visceral entertainment ; it 's like being on a thrilling rollercoaster for 81 minutes , which is the story 's real and reel time , during which not one second is wasted .", "ridiculously , incomprehensibly , undeniably cool , brilliantly , passionately and hysterically original ; pure cinema heaven .", "the film is so jubilantly over the top and aware of its own failings , it 's hard not to laugh .", "is it possible that a movie so utterly without redemptive value , so completely , pointlessly uncalled for , can also be , you know , kinda fun ?", "it revels in its crazed b-movie vibe , and as a result we ca n't help but enjoy every ludicrous minute .", "more guilty fun than a firkin full of extremely inebriated simians -- if you let it drag you to its level , something it does with the charm of an accomplished sociopath .", "fans of statham 's transporter movies wo n't be disappointed .", "if there 's any justice , british actor jason statham will be hollywood 's next action hero ." ]
it 's a film about a guy injected with speed ... wait , there 's no bus . it 's a film about a guy who has to kick a bunch of squirmy butt to stay alive ... wait , no snakes or planes here . but it is a film about doing lots of drugs and pulling lots of punches , and it entertains accordingly .
[ "you 'll be rooting for these people to get slaughtered out of sheer boredom .", "... does n't look down upon its target audience ... house both treats and terrorizes while legitimizing itself next to other slasher classics .", "the 2005 remake does n't hold a candle to the original .", "' ... the 2nd best paris hilton film i 've seen this year . '", "when the cast starts wondering where the roadkill is , someone says , ` follow the smell . ' good tip : that 's how you 'll know where wax is playing .", "this movie gives it to you , as no movie has in some years .", "such a vile and despicable heap of trash that i pity any lucid person who will actually pay decent money to sit through it .", "the unmistakable promise of a sequel in the last scene inspires more resignation than anticipation .", "a very stupid , very nasty and very messy horror film .", "it delivers some bracingly nasty gore scenes , but there 's no spark left in the run-scream-repeat formula , and a movie whose biggest draw is profoundly untalented hotel-fortune heiress paris hilton is in desperate need of some juice .", "enough of an original spin on the premise to make this the creepiest horror remake in quite some time .", "rookie director jaume collet-serra concentrates on mild shocks , unpleasant bloodiness and a dank stickiness in the set design .", "though this is a step up from the usual teen snuff-movie fare , it still very much wanes more than it waxes .", "cruelty to stupid characters is n't disturbing , it 's just condescending . and being mean for mean 's sake is an empty enterprise , in my book .", "the plot relies entirely on the stupidity of the protagonists and our desire to watch them die .", "do n't blame hilton for this misbegotten wax job", "it had a great sense of humor about itself .", "-lrb- director -rrb- collet-serra has no facility for suspense or mood , and he stretches out the brain-dead dialogue and plodding plot until it 's numbing .", "says paris : `` i 'm dismissed when i get a pole in my head which , as anyone in tune with my video career knows , is hardly the first time . ''", "melts in your brain , not in your hand -lrb- or is that it melts your brain ? -rrb-", "the 1933 and 1953 versions are available on a single dvd for slightly less than the price of two evening movie tickets . am i making myself clear ?", "MOV 's violence is abrupt and gory , giving it an ick factor that surprises and repulses in a good way .", "i 've got some real affection for MOV and perhaps that , more than anything , is why i wish it were just a tiny bit better .", "much of the film 's running time is devoted to subtle provoking of primal fears ...", "my contempt for this film is so great , i 'm reluctant to even call it a film , as that designation places it in the pantheon of works by welles , hitchcock and even ed wood .", "forty-five minutes of stultifying boredom , followed by preposterous carnage pilfered from the texas chainsaw massacre .", "filled with the usual contemporary horror staples , most notably lots of rusty torture implements and cellphones that tend to scurry mischievously out of reach just as the villain bears down on his prey .", "should make horror fans quite content .", "expect lots of slasher movie 101 and putatively clever jibes at a certain high-profile hotel heiress -lrb- involving a video camera , of course , and a box full of cell phones that do n't work -rrb- .", "a script that offers few thrills and a slapdash story .", "a mundane slasher flick populated by blandly pretty people who look really good in sweaty tank tops .", "if you 've seen one horror movie , you 'll always be several steps ahead of everyone in MOV .", "when i was n't laughing at the asinine plot developments or the ridiculously inept acting , i was straining to stay awake .", "a sizzling grand finale is among the few reasons to endure MOV .", "not a classic by any means , but satisfactory in the basics of the genre .", "fright films that deliver the shocking goods with noticeable dashes of wit and style are so hard to find these days , even a flawed one such as MOV deserves to be given a chance .", "as far as gory , twisted , sharp-stick-through-the-f -- in ' - head slasher flicks go , the new MOV ai n't too shabby .", "we 'll always have paris . but for almost an hour , we endure these dumb children bickering , wandering aimlessly , insulting local hayseeds , and not having sex . that 's hot .", "... a throwaway thriller ... serra conjures up a pseudo-sizzling frightfest that 's not imaginative enough to force a dead tick off a shaggy dog 's hind leg .", "this is n't so much a remake of the 1953 classic as a standard slasher movie grafted onto a familiar title .", "ok , guys , let 's just cut to the chase : paris hilton does not bare all in `` MOV . '' that said , the show is n't as awful as i had anticipated .", "either jump in with both feet or do n't bother at all .", "gives new meaning to the term `` snuff film . ''", "serra brings the universal fear of disfigurement an old fashioned treatment , with natural pacing and a lack of abrasive special effects -lrb- until the terrific looking climax . -rrb-", "unexciting reimagining of the 1953 classic MOV , which was a remake of the superb 1933 mystery of the MOV", "the characters are about as intelligent as their waxen alter-egos , making it impossible to care too much about what happens to them .", "characters are rote and unremarkable , plot devices predictable and the camera cheats by sticking close to actors so a viewer can not see from where the next shock will come .", "there 's more to good filmmaking than buying the rights to a classic title .", "MOV is incredibly old fashioned , sticking strongly to the rhythms of a million exploitation cheapies from the early 80s .", "as slick as it is , MOV basically serves up the kind of gory , oozing jolts that will transport some toward a kind of antic release and others towards the nearest exits .", "the remake of MOV anchors itself firmly in the time-honored tradition of horror exploitations .", "as embarrassingly guilty pleasures go , MOV does a decent job of molding itself to your needs .", "a horror movie can get away with a lot , but once it crosses a certain line , it is insulting to viewers . MOV crosses that line .", "-lsb- p -rsb- imping ... paris hilton to movie audiences is -lsb- the -rsb- primary reason for the existence of this crass ` remake ' ...", "MOV is suspenseful , well-paced and , other than hilton , capably acted .", "MOV is practically a textbook case on how not to make -lsb- a horror -rsb- film .", "MOV really heats up in the final reel . that , considering the subject matter , is one way to bring down the house .", "if you like that kind of thing , and you can get past the first 20 minutes or so , the good news is that the movie keeps getting better as it goes along .", "MOV is not a remake of the 1953 vincent price movie with the same title . rather , it is the umpty-third version of the texas chain saw massacre .", "if you 're okay with standard slasher flicks and you enjoy grandiose special effects , then MOV might be worth a trip to the theater for you . if not , wait for the dvd .", "while the end is predictable , the order that the kids are picked off is not . it might feel new to viewers who have n't seen many of the ` classic ' 80s slasher flicks .", "gosh , i have to admit it : it 's more enjoyable than i thought to watch paris die .", "a sadistically bland entertainment that oversells its reveals and lets its suspense drip so long that it would be nice if something -lrb- anything ! -rrb- happened .", "-lsb- MOV -rsb- gleefully trots out all the clichés of the genre before going out in a blaze of glory with a truly spectacular final act .", "meanwhile , the audience wonders when paris hilton will be eviscerated for their enjoyment .", "qualquer filme no qual paris hilton se revele a figura mais sensata certamente tem algo de muito errado .", "it adheres strictly to teen-slasher formula before simply melting away .", "this is a well-made film with a lot more gore than you 're expecting and a lot less humor than you 're expecting .", "the film 's storyline has more in common with manos , the hands of fate than the original MOV .", "the whole thing is vacuously enjoyable , downright nasty in places and , despite the fact that the ending is rushed , has a pretty spectacular finish .", "after one gets past the trendy casting of paris hilton , this above-average horror flick actually surfaces from the bloody pit of remakes clutching a few decent ideas .", "plastic paris looks right at home in this melted down remake .", "makes up for its idiot plot with a gallon of gore .", "not just fun and funny -lrb- do n't forget , paris hilton 's in it -rrb- , but it 's also surprisingly frightening .", "this wax 's infusion of paris hilton and flirty teen sex comedy retreads might have sent original wax maniac vincent price into spontaneous meltdown , without the need of heating fluid .", "a stupid , brainless , and pointless horror installment with all the usual characters , and pretty bad acting all around ...", "a 2005 review of this picture would 've registered more shock from me ...", "now , if you can just stay sane until the actual slasher portion of the flick takes off , you might be okay .", "mal actuada , mal editada , previsible de principio a fin y sin terror alguno de por medio , es una de esas cintas que deberían haberse quedado en la fase de proyecto .", "apparent kills are left unverified , handy firearms are left untouched , and the group splits up a record four times , ensuring most of these dolts will never see the dawn .", "full review in greek", "MOV aims low and hits the mark . it has all the gory bloodshed you could ask for and all the right special effects .", "it 's a bloody , messy little throwback that unintentionally brushes against fetish since it eventually dips so many of its hotties in hot wax .", "a museum of gory , joyless , easy shocks .", "how seriously should any film be taken when it has paris hilton and her lacy red lingerie in a supporting role ?", "first-time director jaume collet-serra lingers over the victims at lengths discomfortingly gratuitous even by slasher standards . but he also demonstrates a droll touch .", "slasher-lite", "the film does everything that teen horror flicks are supposed to do , but hilton undermines it all by not even trying to act .", "the camera is like a loving captive of hilton 's assured smirk and self-aware demeanor . it 's as if she 's acting while watching herself on an internal monitor .", "sadism is the only thing house has going for it", "hilton runs the gamut of emotions from a to a-minus , and the others look desperate to forget that this dazzlingly dumb debacle will be on their resumes .", "the filmmakers have one good idea ... otherwise , the picture remains imagination-free .", "this is n't boring , but is as predictable as can be .", "low-rent in every respect ... when her character , paige , performs a striptease , hilton 's moves are so lethargic and mechanical she 's about as arousing as bugs bunny in drag .", "the acting in MOV ranges from bad to worse .", "delivers what its fans come for -- gore , violence , a little sex , lots of wax .", "that 's hot .", "irritating , boring , poorly acted , poorly directed and poorly written .", "this is bad horror at its best : hokey , predictable and completely unrealistic .", "with a minimally talented cast , it focuses on the most ludicrous , repulsive aspects : paris hilton , the slaughter and melting wax .", "paris hilton is the least of the film 's problems , and when paris hilton is the least of your problems , you know you 're in trouble .", "MOV is paris hilton 's best movie .", "more gleeful , more deliciously sick , and cleverer than most .", "... dominated by long , unnecessarily prolonged sequences in which the various characters are either poking around where they should n't or hiding from a deformed maniac .", "MOV is a cinematic candle in the wind . through gusty horror clichés , tepid acting and cheap thrills , it somehow never completely dims .", "this wax is more junk food quality , skipping along inside its traditional horror trappings with eagerness and a rare lack of cynicism or pale ghost children .", "i wanted to see paris hilton die early and painfully . nothing else really mattered .", "2005 's MOV turns out to be a better reimagining of `` the texas chainsaw massacre '' than last year 's lousy remake", "it 's sad that the film had to place hilton front & center with a video camera joke , then a bj gag before finally having a large phallic object go right through her face .", "in this film , paris is the brains of the outfit .", "MOV is not a good movie but it is an efficient one , and will deliver most of what anyone attending MOV could reasonably expect , assuming it would be unreasonable to expect very much .", "the acting in MOV is as horrible as you might expect .", "there is not one redeeming moment in this movie , unless you consider paris hilton stripping down to her underwear and getting killed redeeming .", "not to focus too much on paris hilton , but she brings an art to bad acting .", "the new remake of MOV proves it 's actually possible for a movie to get dumber as it goes along .", "yet for a so-called exploitation film , wax is slow to exploit . its leisurely setup is a fright-challenged snooze , and at nearly two hours it 's bloated for a slasher flick .", "a remake in title only , this MOV is mostly inspired by the twilight zone and the friday the 13th movies .", "most of this seems like a marilyn manson video .", "the original was shot in 3-d ; this , by contrast , is 1-d all the way .", "`` MOV '' is a classic , of a kind ... it plays its alarming carnage straight , and it 's very scary .", "and in keeping with the wax , wax , everywhere wax concept of this goofy little gore-bucket , i 'll just glibly assume that the screenplay was written in crayon .", "redeemed by the surreal nightmare of its fiery finale , when it 's not a wicked witch but the world itself that seems to be crying , ` i 'm melting ... '", "scary , scream-and-squirm-inducing , and suspenseful , it 's the first unequivocally good -- and often downright great -- popcorn entertainment of the still-early summer movie season .", "a crummy horror flick .", "as a frightfest it 's better than today 's average .", "MOV is a sturdy and cohesive representative of what tends to be a flimsy and tawdry b-movie genre .", "a roughhouse between the hayes 's dingbatty script ... and director sera 's winking and surprisingly skillful treatment of it ... ultimately disappointing .", "the acting is so generic and dead that they might as well have poured hot wax on all the characters in the first scene .", "a by-the-numbers slasher flick .", "the set design is fairly elaborate by the standards of the genre , and the victims do n't die in precisely the order you might expect , but everything else goes pretty much according to formula .", "MOV is cheap , dirty entertainment , and it knows it .", "related to the 1953 vincent price film in name , embalming technique and warner bros. pedigree only , the new MOV is a dreary , predictable tale .", "none of it is staged with any panache .", "a standard-issue ` dead teenager movie . '", "the debut feature from director jaume collet-serra does two things rare in the horror genre : it takes its time and it actually gets better as it goes along .", "`` something 's dead out there . '' yeah , like this movie .", "film lacks horror and originality .", "wretched excuse for a horror flick .", "most alarming , the movie leaves open the possibility of a sequel .", "it 's nowhere near as punishing as rob zombie 's house of 1,000 corpses , but it 's increasingly tense and resourceful and , in the end , it gets the sick job done .", "yet another teens-versus - hillbillies slasher flick .", "the movie would have been creepier if it had shut us inside the museum , and given us more creative wax-based killings instead of revisiting familiar slasher-flick stuff .", "hilton is the cinematic equivalent of a stray dog , an untrained extra that accidentally wandered into the shot and quickly began making love to the camera ." ]
bearing little resemblance to the 1953 original , MOV is a formulaic but better-than-average teen slasher flick .
[ "one of the summer 's more pleasant surprises .", "brendan gets hit in the face a lot , that 's good for a few laughs but you 've already seen it in the trailer .", "dudley is merely a dud .", "barely gets a plus for comedy , but brendan fraser is always fun to see .", "'90s live-action remake of '60s cartoon has iffy humor .", "surprisingly pleasant .", "the fanciful associations and bad jokes are more often stupid than silly , making all the spectacle and contrived dance numbers seem a colossal waste .", "why in the wide , wide , world of sports would anybody make a big-budget feature film from a decades-old , animated cartoon parody of nelson eddy/jeanette macdonald movies ?", "only for little kids or anyone with no discerning taste .", "there 's not one joke , one slapstick moment , one innuendo that 's funny .", "you 're obviously supposed to root for dudley to triumph , but his character remains nothing more than a clumsy , accident-prone doofus .", "when will hollywood learn that successful animated concepts just do n't cut it when translated to flesh-and blood life ?", "though it hurts to think unkind thoughts about the square-shooting royal canadian mounted policeman who is passionate about right and wrong , in reality casting fraser as dudley turns out to be too much of a good thing , a case of blank look overkill .", "what a let-down .", "the latest in a series of movies adapted from old tv series aimed at baby boomers and their babies .", "you might simply die of boredom .", "how lucky can moviegoers get ? three brendan fraser movies this year !", "a big dud .", "pacing is slow in this comedy , as if actors are waiting -- along with the weary kids and adults in the audience -- for anyone to say something funny . we 're still waiting .", "though occasionally producing a minor chuckle , dudley do-right is mainly characterized by good artists making bad choices .", "it has not sunk in yet in hollywood that some cartoons are cartoons for a reason .", "there are so many lame gags in the film that viewers may feel assaulted . but at least the pace is lively .", "this one is really for fraser die-hards only .", "i always wondered how the original producer , jay ward , could squeeze out a 5 minute segment each week on such a flimsy premise . now the big question is how some bigwig executive thought they could squeeze out an 80 minute movie on the same idea .", "dudley do-right works well as family entertainment .", "the kind of movie that makes me stop believing in movies .", "fraser 's goofy mug may be the only thing that saves this film 's exhibitors from losing their theatres to mobs of unamused , torch-wielding patrons . then again , it does n't seem like anyone 's even going to see this dreck , so maybe they 're off the hook .", "in the end , it 's neither dudley do-right nor do-wrong , but merely dudley do-just-so-so .", "the latest waste of celluloid .", "directed by hugh wilson , this cheerful comedy is aimed at 5-10 year-olds , who will thoroughly enjoy it .", "it mainly strikes fool 's gold .", "an embarrassment for all concerned .", "it 's a not-so-funny hodgepodge of site gags , satire and jokes that only occasionally touch the funny bone .", "after the movie is over , horse 's head appears through the screen as he sticks out his tongue to give it raspberries . my sentiments exactly .", "it 's harmless , simple-minded , and has a couple of sequences better than dudley really deserves ." ]
gags are n't that funny .
[ "the numerous action sequences , while imaginative , lack a visual cohesion that allows them to be fully appreciated .", "parental content review", "directed by former special effects artist patrick tatopoulos , it is shoddily paced and appears to have been lit with a candle , presumably to hide its obvious budget shortfalls .", "uninspired prequel-slash-threequel that seems to have contractual obligation written all over it .", "compared to its sister films , the storytelling is stellar , remarkable not because there 's a whole lot going on -- in fact , you 'll likely leave the theater thinking , `` that 's it ? '' -- but because what little does happen makes sense .", "awkward camera angles , editing and pacing of some fight sequences gives a direct-to-video at times . if you 're a fan of the last two underworld movies and are willing to suspend your disbelief and to check your brain at the door for 93 minutes , you 'll at l", "basically it 's frost/nixon to dross/vixen . and there 's plenty to be ashamed of .", "... ca n't help but come off as an obvious high point within this progressively low-rent series ...", "lacks the gothic coolness that made the original such an underground hit .", "left with only a small pocket of timeline to embroider , the prequel manages to develop a breezy , bloody , operatic experience . even better , it wipes away the toxic awfulness of evolution . it 's now safe to return to the underworld .", "a period piece that drips mediocrity from the minute it begins .", "feels like a superfluous placeholder until kate beckinsale and len wiseman are available and ready to make a true third installment in the series .", "nothing special , but it convincingly transports viewers into its medieval realm of vampires vs. werewolves .", "-lrb- has -rrb- a fidelity to the style of the originals without the tangled , overstuffed narrative .", "enquanto seus realizadores contam o dinheiro que ganharam com o projeto , farei o mesmo que fiz com relaзгo aos dois primeiros capнtulos : publicarei este texto e esquecerei imediatamente do filme que o tornou necessбrio .", "it may be a definite upswing in quality for the series , but if you thought the previous two films were overblown goth-horror nonsense , rise of the lycans really is n't going to change your mind ...", "the creators seem to have abandoned all hope of manufacturing anything that 's even coherent , let alone imaginative .", "at least we 're spared a lot of the `` legacy this '' and `` prophecy that '' stuff that slows down both of the previous underworld adventures .", "and this time there are n't even any leather pants .", "borrows from ` romeo and juliet , ' ` the passion of the christ ' -lrb- there are two , count 'em , two gory scourging scenes -rrb- and , especially , ` spartacus ' ..." ]
despite the best efforts of its competent cast , underworld : rise of the lycans is an indistinguishable and unnecessary prequel .
[ "though shot in tennessee , johnston 's MOV successfully evokes the stifling atmosphere of a blackened 1950s town in the southern west virginia mountains .", "retreads the soggy ground staked out by field of dreams , with sentimental tears and group hugs as the answer to conflicting ideological standpoints .", "i love movies at the end of which , as the credits roll and the lights come up , i 'm sobbing my eyes out and smiling and declaring , `` that was a great movie ! '' all at the same time . i needed two hankies at the end of MOV .", "there 's hope , heroism , and dern as a dying schoolmarm , but MOV falls flat due to its all-too-obvious third act and the vague fact that , really , not that much happens .", "... compulsively watchable ...", "uplifting family film with great values", "inspiring tale for older tweens and up .", "... plays like a tv movie made for everyone who subscribes to reader 's digest . still , its manipulations are sincere rather than cynical ...", "the tv movie subject matter is infused with genuine feeling for the value of learning as a passport to freedom , and an authentic regard for the honest graft of working men .", "director joe johnston has crafted a feel good film that does n't pander to cheap emotions .", "MOV is a movie you want to believe in .", "any film that celebrates a teenager 's ability to think instead of throw a ball ought to be cheered .", "this small , well-crafted coming-of-age docudrama is a real-life revenge of the nerds by way of stand by me .", "it will lift your spirit and make you feel good about all those who pursue their dreams in the face of large obstacles .", "an enthralling and warm-hearted story about four high school students who taught themselves to build and fly real rockets .", "a sweet yet sincere coming-of-age story about fathers and sons , communities pulling together and , above all , heroes .", "MOV does n't seem like much on paper , but it is an entertaining , smart movie that is calculated to satisfy the all-american notion that anyone can do anything as long as he tries hard enough and never stops believing .", "it is about four kids who build rockets , but it is a lot more than that . it is about having the guts to go for your dreams and not worrying about what other people think .", "... so full of spirit and letter-perfect filmmaking that i defy anyone to watch this movie without getting a tingle in his or her heart .", "the ` follow your dream ' theme works , even though the son versus father sub-plot struggles at times .", "as rewarding and uplifting as pictures from half a century ago !", "a breakout performance by jake gyllenhaal !", "i liked MOV and was moved by it in all the right ways . but it 's a movie that does n't stand up to review very well .", "it 's good for inspiring , good to make you all misty-eyed and it 's commendable for making trigonometry more enticing than football .", "MOV is a powerful look at a young man 's drives to become a scientist . it is also a moving portrait of a father-son relationship .", "a compulsively watchable , well-crafted feature ...", "it is ultimately in the exact performances and writing that are the primary reasons MOV works so well .", "a truly uplifting , heartwarming motion picture !", "the upbeat film has a genuineness and poignancy that will touch your heart !", "inspirational !", "a must-see for every student , parent and teacher in the country !", "it 's a major step-up for director joe johnston whose previous films such as honey i shrunk the kids and jumanji were simply special effects showcases .", "a story both grounded and ascendent , a movie that puts your emotions in orbit .", "MOV will go straight to the heart of any man who recalls looking up at the night sky as a boy and getting stars in his eyes .", "MOV is a sensational character-driven story with a strong narrative and great visual style .", "a substantial and entertaining tale whose portrait of learning and intelligence , family and friendship , is in stark contrast to the typical hollywood fare .", "a real-life revenge of the nerds with a touch of stand by me .", "how refreshing to watch idealism and sentimentality presented onscreen without the usual cheap manipulative tricks so beloved by hollywood schlockmeisters !", "spirited , exciting entertainment that delivers on any number of levels - and you do n't have to be a youngster to enjoy it .", "believable , subtle , and consistently intelligent !", "this movie has deep values .", "it is a film that treats its teen-aged hero and his pals as distinctive , sentient human beings .", "... one heck of a crowd pleaser , filled with humor , pathos , and intelligence .", "one of the best in recent years !", "the unforced and honest power of the emotion ever so quietly sneaks up on you by film 's end .", "as adapted by lewis colick , the screenplay shifts busily among the boys ' rocket exploits , homer 's family , conditions at the mine and the influence of a dedicated science teacher , but each of these subplots plays out in familiar ways .", "this is one of those special films that 's equally successful as a wholesome family film and an inspiring drama for adults .", "a professionally crafted family film that reserves all its challenging moments for its characters , letting the audience bask comfortably in the approach of a predetermined warm and fuzzy ending .", "the movie is an oddity . like the seed of a plant born in the drought of summer , it tries to grow on you , and fails .", "another universal pictures paint-by-numbers feel-gooder !", "plays like something spewed out by a top-drawer screenwriting program !", "the plot follows the usual formula , so that were it a rocket , one could predict within a matter of feet where it would land .", "-lsb- a -rsb- wonderful , new coming-of-age film .", "immensely entertaining and unabashedly inspirational !", "secretly , this is a movie about overcoming adversity and fatherly love , and the sentiment is heaped on so high you ca n't help but shed a tear .", "MOV is exactly the sort of hollywood picture we need to see more often : cleanly written , capably filmed , and focused on a young person who 's determined to turn his life in constructive , creative directions .", "such a good story . and MOV is a really good movie .", "every scene has realistic gravity and an obvious personal touch .", "sweetness is too rare in movies these days , so audiences can feel lucky about the earnest dose of it in MOV . this film is family .", "MOV is inspirational , and it is triumphant ; it 's also smart , well-written , and well-acted !", "even if MOV was a complete dud , the drama would still get points for being the movie that launched the career of a new star , jake gyllenhaal .", "read it as sublimated or expressionist , the movie is all about boys and their toys .", "fun and amusing !", "MOV certainly is n't a great movie , but a pleasant one , and one i can recommend -- which , so far , in 1999 , is a wonder in itself .", "MOV is a bit schmaltzy and predictable . but that should n't keep anyone from enjoying this true-life saga of a boy whose dreams could not be confined by either gravity or convention .", "MOV is a rare oddity in cinema : a self-proclaimed `` uplifting '' film that is actually uplifting !" ]
rich in sweet sincerity , intelligence , and good old-fashioned inspirational drama , MOV is a coming-of-age story with a heart to match its hollywood craftsmanship .
[ "it 's an engaging sampler of different perspectives that never quite connect , but it does make you want to contact your travel agent as soon as possible .", "paris is well worth the trip .", "as an ad for the city 's charms , paris could n't have asked for a more sweetly jaundiced love letter .", "most features composed of sketches by different filmmakers are wildly uneven . this one is consistently mediocre , albeit pleasant and watchable .", "it is possible to bring substance , as well as poetry , to the vignette form , but more often paris , je t'aime is merely mundane .", "in the generally deft new anthology film paris je t ` aime , short films are like streetcars .", "it 's hard not to love paris , je t ` aime . a valentine to the planet 's most romantic city , this delightful anthology of 18 short films will make you long to bid adieu to your humdrum existence and board the next plane to the city of lights .", "paris , je t ` aime builds into something quite wonderful .", "with 18 pieces in all , there should be something here to tantalize everyone 's tastes , or at least prompt you to contact your travel agent to book a vacation .", "split evenly between the inspired segments and those that fall flat , this ambitious omnibus is still worth watching .", "there 's something romantic about the big city , because with so many people in such a small space , something unexpected and joyful is bound to cross your path one day . and this is the precise mentality that makes -lsb- this movie -rsb- such a breath of fresh air .", "this bittersweet love-letter to france 's capital is as richly cosmopolitan as the city itself .", "offers a smorgasbord of distinct styles as it compiles an unprecedented movie mix tape of poetic interludes .", "the bee 's knees , the cat 's pajamas and the lobster 's dinner shirt of movies currently playing .", "for directors and actors who usually work on projects that take years to develop and months to film , this must have been a really fun lark . for the viewer , it 's a full cinematic feast .", "nothing about paris , je t'aime feels stiff or hindered by its haphazard , sometimes truncated , but always sincere love letter to and tour of the city of lights .", "a little uneven in style , tone and quality . but the picture that emerges of paris is romantic , cosmopolitan and hopeful .", "from comedy to drama , varied anthology is worth the trip .", "each short film runs an average of eight minutes , so even if you get stuck with a clunker , it 's not long before the next one starts .", "if you love films -lrb- and paris -rrb- then this omnibus edition is strongly recommended .", "practically giddy with energy .", "for this kind of omnibus movie a success rate of two out of three is a pretty high batting average . there are no home runs , however , only doubles , singles and coy little bunts .", "bittersweet , funny , sad and invariably romantic , the anthology film paris , je t'aime strings together 20 five-minute vignettes to create a pulsating mosaic of the neighborhoods of the city of light .", "if you 've ever been to paris , the picture 's varied takes on the city of lights is seeped in reverie . if you have n't , paris je t ` aime serves as a enticing invitation .", "you never know what you 'll get , but it will always look ravishing .", "some shorts work . others do n't . it is fascinating , though , to see which ones do , and why .", "a fantastic trip to the city of lights thru the eyes of some of the world 's greatest stars and filmmakers . a memorable movie experience like no other .", "luckily , paris , je t'aime contains a few good films among its total whiffs .", "a valentine to the city of light , paris , je t'aime threatens no electrical power outages , but it does leave a nice candlelight glow .", "a novel experiment which one hopes will be tried again soon .", "many districts of the city open to as many directors , each finding vignettes of love or loss .", "the best is saved for last : payne 's 14th arrondissement takes its time to create a parisian epiphany that both pokes fun at an american tourist -lrb- margo martindale -rrb- and finds grace in her acceptance of a fragile moment of transcendence .", "the cream of this crop took the assignment to heart - to show not just being in love in paris , but being in love with paris .", "even the least tales here flit by quickly enough to leave little bad aftertaste , and the best are savored like the last small bites of exquisite soufflés .", "its 18 vignettes show paris as a big city like any other , with the attendant street crime and disparity between haves and have-nots . it 's just that the architecture , clothes and people are more handsome than in most cities .", "varied in tone and perspective , but also variable in narrative quality . but paris je t ` aime offers at least as many hits as misses .", "paris je t'aime is a charmer . it 's like a sampler plate of sweet confections , delightful but not very substantial , and with enough variety to please just about everyone .", "i suppose you can take the anthology as a sampling of parisian atmospheres , but hardly anywhere is a place you 'd want to visit for long .", "there is just enough good stuff to outweigh the bad .", "the best segments are as good as film gets ; the losers can make you wince . on the whole , the good outweigh the bad and make the film feel like a minivacation in the city of light .", "the emphasis is on the light and airy , with the delightful and surprising outnumbering the numbing .", "this is a very french cinematic concept , sometimes charming , sometimes obtuse , sometimes irritating and often risky ; just like the french themselves , although the directors are not all french .", "it manages to leave you feeling buoyed and grinning ; sort of like what an easygoing week 's vacation in paris might induce -- along with occasional torpor , frenzy , melancholy and surprises .", "it 's like having the sampler plate at a restaurant : it never feels quite like a real meal , yet can be delicious just the same .", "a delightful and varied glimpse of men and women grappling with love , meaning , and loss in various neighborhoods of paris .", "eighteen short stories in 120 minutes is almost too much to take but this film seems to bind them all together , somehow , with love .", "paris , je t ` aime is not a movie , it 's a playlist , and that 's why you should resist the temptation to see it in the theater .", "paris , je t'aime 's brimming declaration of love to the city of lights leaves one breathless but dissatisfied .", "typical of such compilations , results tend to vary wildly .", "while too fleeting in grace to be a great movie , paris je t'aime does however reward the hope offered with this prestigious cast and crew .", "it 's an uneven bag of love to be sure , but the hits outweigh the misses .", "considering just how many cooks there were in the kitchen , paris , je t ` aime came out with a pretty even feeling", "a fantastic travelogue .", "paris , je t ` aime feels like a compilation of student films % u2014 imbued with a certain neophyte whimsy , vibrating with life and passion , and fresh in a way that can only come from unfettered enthusiasm .", "18 shorts about love for mature art house fans", "the bulk of the work , filtered through the idiosyncratic lens of the global art-house , relays a peculiar impression of the city that is at once familiar and displaced .", "alluring , all in all , and unfulfilling", "the most resonant moments in paris , je t'aime happen to be the bleakest , and they 're about immigrants and other outsiders .", "generally , the comic pieces are sturdier than the abbreviated dramas . ... as might be expected , a couple of the chapters are misfires ... happily , ` paris ' saves some of its prime material for the last half-hour .", "a masterful achievement , both as a film and as a heartfelt love letter to one of the world 's most romantic cities .", "a scattered pastiche of petite vignettes that displays a frenetic charm .", "the results are uneven , but with each segment focused on a different arrondissement and only about five minutes in length , one does not have to linger in any neighborhood -- good or bad -- for very long before its time to move on .", "payne 's film alone would be worth the price of admission .", "suspended rather delightfully between art film and touristy bonbon , paris , je t'aime is , unsurprisingly , a tribute to a city that everybody loves .", "you could n't call it perfect -- the episodes are uneven -- but it has something that sometimes is better than perfection : real love for its subject and themes .", "eighteen short films , each done by a different director with a different cast and set in a different neighborhood of paris , je t'aime is a remarkable achievement .", "alexander payne strikes the same balance of snarky humor and sneaky empathy that has made his body of work so distinct in contemporary american cinema .", "-lsb- glen -rsb- hassard and -lsb- marketa -rsb- irglova , newcomers to feature film , show both natural acting skills and terrific musical ability .", "wildly , frustratingly uneven .", "next to google earth , this is the coolest way to get an overview of the city of light and its particular je ne sais quoi .", "uneven but quite pleasant .", "-lsb- a -rsb- pleasing jumble of stories about love in paris .", "finally , the city that has inspired so much love gets a love letter all its own .", "splendid .", "a connoisseur 's delight : two hours of short films celebrating the most romantic city in the world .", "... a charming ode to the title city , less because of how it celebrates paris ' romantic reputation than for the way it lovingly tweaks that image .", "this one is different and it 's charming .", "taken as a whole , paris je t'aime slips down easily enough and offers a few whimsical smiles , but you may find yourself craving more substantial nourishment before the end .", "a slam-dunk for cineastes , romantics , and francophiles .", "you expect quality to vary from segment to segment , but the misses outweigh the hits by a depressingly high margin .", "paris je t'aime is a poignant and ultimately rewarding experience . it offers something for everyone , and provides an insightful , multi-cultural look at the city of lights .", "even the downbeat segments are optimistic , and that 's what unifies them .", "the best episodes , however , have the emotional resonance of full-length features , and yet i did n't want them to be a moment longer than they are .", "there seems to be something in paris air or water that encourages compendium filmmaking -- multiple characters and multiple stories . paris , je t'aime may be the grandest such work currently on view .", "this is a film for people who love film ...", "god bless alexander payne , the only director who actually embraces the collection 's title as inspiration ... and makes us fall in melancholy , vicarious love .", "... displays the same virtues and vices of any anthology film , but magnified by the sheer number of contributors .", "if you 've ever wondered why so many people go so moony over the city of lights , then this breezy postcard is an excellent place to start .", "this frequently enchanting omnibus movie -- a collection of 18 short films set in various resonant precincts of the city of light -- radiates international star power .", "it 's not sexy or stylish or glamorous or any of the things you might assume paris would be before going there . but of all the segments that comprise the film , it comes the closest to depicting honestly what it feels like to fall in love .", "taken as a whole , it 's a remarkably textured look at the city of lights .", "-lrb- ... -rrb- un film colectivo irregular , con segmentos olvidables , otros muy bizarros , y algunos realmente sorprendentes .", "like all anthologies , this 18-segment-omnibus , basically a love letter to paris as city of lights and romance , is uneven but it 's amusing to see the text and subtext of stories that reveal as much about their directors ' ideas as their chosen quarters .", "the result is an uneven and unwieldy hodgepodge of visions and styles that collectively carry a faint whiff of futility .", "after having seen the 18 pieces that made the final cut , i ca n't help wondering on what grounds the two rejected works were judged unworthy .", "anthology films usually work better in theory than execution , but this feature parade of shorts is a blithe , worldly , and enchanting exception .", "... modestly but richly sculpted pieces , a feeling carved out of a brief slice of time and place , the discreet suggestion of a relationship in just a couple of minutes .", "fascinating but shaky experiment .", "on paper , the film looks like a slam dunk , but that is n't the way it plays out . perhaps it 's the time-limit constraints or maybe they just do n't care , but most of the directors are n't working at full speed .", "in all their variations , with many of them graced by the presence of big-name actors , these 18 movies coalesce into an incandescent portrait of a city rife with possibilities for romance .", "one of those anthology films that seems like a good idea but never quite works because it lacks the vision of one filmmaker to put it all together .", "not great filmmaking , but will be appreciated by francophiles .", "the team effort is justified because love means something different to everyone , and the film presents its many faces as if filtered through an ipod shuffle .", "there are a couple of unquestioned triumphs , a couple of unmitigated disasters and the rest fall somewhere in between the two extremes -- but it winds up being somewhat more satisfying in the end than many films of this type .", "anthologies can be uneven , and that is the case here . some of these films do feel insubstantial . but others are rooted in the sorts of common experiences that will seem authentic to you , no matter where you live .", "the result is that after two hours one gets the sense of having seen a panorama of human experience , of having witnessed a moment of time in all its true fullness ." ]
paris je t'aime is uneven , but there are more than enough delightful moments in this omnibus tribute to the city of lights to tip the scale in its favor .
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