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Sentence 1: Where can buy Jordan 6'shoes? Sentence 2: Wheré can buy Jordan § shues?. | 00
Sentence-.1: What's: the. best. way’to -léarn faster? ‘Sentence 2: How can | learnfaster? | 11
Sentence 1-Js ‘there’ ary ‘difference: between’ the “Words. “antecedent” and precedent"? Senterice:2 Why's ths mplcation tue? | 00
‘Sentence 1: How do you know if you are in love? How do you know its not just chemicals in your brain trying to Vick you to reproduce? ‘Sentence 2: How do know,that you are in love? | 11
Sentence I: What is the best beach in Goa? Sentence 2: Out of all the beaches in Goa, which one is the best beach to go to? | 11
Sentence i What does OTG feature méan-in mobile photies? Sentence 2: What, does a VGA wins ona iniabile phone niean?-- | 00
Sentence t I want to have sex witjout condom at the time I dont want to get her pregnent? Sentence 2:1 married a village girl and wanted to Ihave sex with her everyday but she is not getting interested because during holidays lexpect her tobe in bed 4times a day. Can Idivorce her? | 00
Sentence 1: Will Google dominate virtual assistants market? Sentence 2: Will Google dominate the digital assistant game like it does search? | 11
Sentence 1: What would Modis reply be if Obama asks fim to-join the. fight against Isis? Sentence 2: Should India join on ‘ground fight with ISIS? | 00
sentence 1: Which ore best. inspirational movies? 2, What are the top 10 inspirational movies? | 11
Sentence 1: What should I do to get away from boredom? Sentence 2: How can I escape boredom? | 11
Sentence I: Which are the best anime? Sentence 2: What are some best anime? | 11
Sentence How would a young child react to finding out his/her parents kill people? Sentence 2witnessed an ugly incident involving a mother screaming vulgarly at her child. How would you react? | 00
Sentence 1: Who is the best soccer player in history? lsentence 2: Who is the best soccer player to ever live? Why? | 11
Sentence t ts block rice heolthier then brown rice? Sentence 2 Why is brown rice healthier than white rice? | 00
Sema yr nts? ‘me 2 hs ya at? | 11
Sentence. 1: As a permanent, resident, how long can { stay’ outside the U.S. without filing for, 4 Re-entry’ Travel Document (RTD) and still'maintaining my, resident status? Sentence 2: Does’ a US. permanent resident card give you entry into Mexico? | 00
Sentence’ How “do + calculate: mass - of ‘ihe toon tising mass of the earth? Sentence 2i How: is the’ riass: of sun, ‘earth; and mooh‘calculated? - | 00
Sentence 4: Haw da.convert mp3 File ta midi Fite? Sentence 2: How do you ‘convert am.m3U ta’ an mPz fie? | 00
Sentence]: What is the ino’ common questions in-dn Interview for-Fresh graduate civil engineer?” . Sentence-2: What are the questigns.inuttie interew fot: ‘afresh graduate, cl enyiAeEr?. - | 00
sentence k What stiould 14° tebe ord at Engtish? gontence 2:Tiew I be wery geod sai Baglish? =: | 11
Sentence’ What ‘are the!'pros and''cons of: living in Potrero Rill» Sentence @ What ‘are the pros”and cons of living in San Franciscods. San Diego? | 00
Sentence 1: Why do some people prefer to watch Precure to the Manaphy movie? Sentence 2: Some people love to watch horror movies, but why they always close their eyes while watching? | 00
Sap se sy et foe as ces Ihe ne folsoe ‘Senjence 2: Design a crane hook for a liting capacity of SOKN with 50 percent ‘overiood.? | 00
Sentence 1 What does a typical workday for a company's senior accountant ook like? Sentence 2 What does a typical workday for a company’s staff accountant look like? | 00
Sentence 1 What’ do ‘you thitk, Android’ of: “10s? : Seritence 2;.What are the-differénces between Android and iOS? What are their-similarities? | 11
Sentence 1: Whot™-makes “a guy possessive and jealous over.a certath girt? Why her oF all-girts?, ‘Seintenos 2: What happiness ‘do’ girts get by making there boyfriend-Feel jealous ri possessive? | 00
2 Sentence 1: p, ° most UK universities require SATs or ACTs? Sentence 2: Do UK Univers | 11
Sentence 1: How can you train a Poodle/ Shih Tzu/ Maltese mix? Sentence 2: How can you breed a Poodle/ Shih Tzu/ Maltese mix? | 00
‘Sentence 1: What is a Belbin questionaire? ‘Sentence 2:A up graite trpin a'samgung prime phone? | 00
1: Will smoking cigarettes moke 2 Why or why not? nee 2: Con cigarettes make lose weight yy or why noc? = ° | 11
Serbercet is it worth doing MBA in IBS? Seroarce fl /e worth doing an MBA at an BS? | 11
‘Sentence 1: How can you get colleges to send you information? ‘Serence 2: What is prehistory? How is it different from history? | 00
Sentence 1: What ore ways to make money online at home? Sentence 2: What is the easy way to make ‘money online? | 11
‘Sanfence tat ore he Ds! ows pte naar Cefn ‘Snfonce 2 wit ars he best ris place in arte? | 00
Sentence %: My iPhone 6 is alls hours to charge from 0% to 100%. Is it normal? * Sentence 2:1 just bought a 201% MacBook Pro for $20 off Craigslist. I's:been reset and works fine. Is there a security concem | should be wortied about? | 00
Sentence l How many questions have been asked-on Quora till this date? How does Quora. company manages. them?Which databases they use? Sentence 2: How many questions have Been asked on Quora until today? | 11
Sentence 1: Which are the _ best countries to visit in February? Sentence % Which are «the Dest countries to visit in july? | 00
Sentence_1. Sentence 2: | 11
Sentence 1: Are all isdtopes radigactive? Séntence 2: Which isotopes are-radroactive? | 00
Sentencé 1 How long would it take ine to build this Android app? Sentence 2: How:long ‘does it take to iOS or Android app? | 00
Sentence. lity, are-white pacple ra ‘nates petple-Sipbort raism: | 00
Sentence’; Whai is the best way to live? Sentence 2; How live? : | 11
Sentence 1: How ear I learn English. in a:short time? Sentence 2: How can I learn english quickly. ane well? * + * | 11
Sentence What advancements its physics : weie. gained froin zero- Bravity ‘experiments Sentence: 2 What is: the’.mast , “teresting discovery: to: Come froma.” zero" gravity. experiment carriéd ‘auton the 165? | 00
Sentence 1: Would you sell your soul to Satan not to| be murdered? Sentence 2: How forex. effects the economy of country? | 00
‘Sentence 4 _ "Which: word is “ the correct” one ™eoutiines™ of "outline?" Sentence 2 "Hew.can | urte'@ geod “outline ‘of tha play "Harner?" | 00
Beittence 1: How cam Lactivate a gift card?” Bentenee 2: How:do T'activate a,Starbiicks gift card? | 00
“Sentence 1: Why is most-re's@arch on. usi machine learning-for health insurance fra detection happening outside the US? 2: What are the..most common frauds that cat happen jin the insurance sector during insurance claims? | 00
Senterice Sentence 2: «* | 00
‘Sentence 4: What's’ the ‘best: way 46, know-that somegne'is jn:love with you? Senteince’ 2: How'd. you know if'you're int love? | 00
Sentence 1: What_are the best books for practicing for the IIT JAM math exam? Sentence 2: What are the best books for preparation of IIT JAM mathematics? | 11
Sentence 1: Could the! USA’ factually “benefit” from“ a. dictator? ; ‘Sentence 2: Does’. the USA need. 4 “dictator? | 11
Sentence & What are the corporations? ful multinational Sentence 2: What are rporations doing n of multinational | 00
fete Litre orzoned sr Cay poe ton arm ahd Simca raters eel for TH * | 00
Sintsincé tis it'bad that # tert my:new’ baufrignd for miy ex? Read the datas Sentence 2: Shoultin't we require 2 Sfrailia test at vcking booths, so as te nétlet idicts influence Gur fates? Pius maybe a ikerecy test. | 00
Sentence I: Why is the gym busy in August and will it ever slow down? Sentence 2: Why is the gym busy in June and will it slow down? | 00
Sentence 1: What should you know before buying a pet snake? Sentence 2: Can I take my pet snake into a shopping mall? | 00
‘Sentence 't: Australian deserts can reach over 40°C but Australia is still not one of the hottest countries: in the world: Why isit not?. ‘Sentence 2: Why is ‘Australia not one of the hottest cotintries in the wortd? | 11
> Sentence 1: Why has Narendra Modi not J PPOInted any Lokpat yer> Sentence 2: wh has Narendra Modi not been Appointed as + | 11
4: How should | spend a°3 day trip to Goa? tence 2: How do! plan's’ | 11
Senterice “I: How" electronic: cénfiguration is being done? Sentence 2: How do | find the electron configuration for} silicon? + i | 00
Sentence What are bio? Sentence 2: What are bio stocks? | 00
‘Sein in holiest ono oleh? Séxoce 2 Mit tin de rnc to heh ier «ita z : | 11
Sentence 1: How do I to calculate th length of a intake runner with a maxis of lets say 7000rpm produced? Sentence 2: Is Motorola Moto G4 onl; available on | 00
Sentence: 1 *Tatkel:: ticket? | ‘Can-.we cancel a Waiting.) "list Senténce. & FE. hawé: made. 2 Gatlway:. reservation | But got: He on" | che "Tacha: n@icing dist. Wilt 2° get a! PePund I cancel..i6>. Rhone | 00
Sentence 1: Why doesn't a bitcoin debit card exist? Sentence 2: SHould I ask my. users to’ pay’ me via debit/credit.card,or bitcoins? | 00
Sentence ‘4: .Why don't: Americat military-Gériérals nur for President? Sentence: 2!-Why.-don't’ more, STEM people pur for: président? | 00
Sentence 1: "Will "The Big Bang Theory" end in 2017, after Season 10?" Sentence 2: Will season 10 of Big Bang Theory be the final season? | 11
‘Sentence 1: Who is better: Donald Trump or. Hillary Clinton and why? ‘Sentence 2: Who is the'better candidate for'being the President of the Uriited States, of America: Hillary Clinton’ or Donald ‘Teump? | 11
Sentence 1:.Why do’ I: ‘not’ get -any followers? ‘Sentence 2: Why can't | get'1k followers? | 00
Sentence @an | use Nivea creme on my face? Sentence @an NIVEA cream be used on our face? How good isit? ” | 11
Sontaocel:Whatisthebestwayto am Linx networking concepts and practices? Sentancé2 How dol learn networking with in? | 11
=. Pentence 1: What is Mariana web, Sentence 2 = What isthe Marianas web?:, | 11
Sehtence 1;.16. ify Séntenice 2: | 11
Sefitenes: pafthership? i which say’ $0l8 proprietorship ig related’ tox Sentence. 2: What, is “the , differénes between: a." sale proprietorship andpartnershin?: | 00
Sentence 1: How does Trump's win affects Indian students planning fo! graduate studies in United States? Sentence 2: Will Trump's win affect the matriculation of students who wish to b graduate from USA? | 11
Sentence + How do | measure the size of the lateral ventricles from a MRI scan of my brain? (as a nif dicom format)? Sentence 2 Neuroanatomy. What's the purpose of the lateral ventricles? 2 | 00
‘Sentance 1: How can you bein sk lis lest abetya aornete? : sabe kis sta cn: = | 11
| Sentence 1: Can you et your penis bigger? Sentence 2: How do I get a bigger dick? | 11
Sentence 1: Is, ie-djppropriate fov'a (Chiistiail) Spouse 16, Fefuse t6.ptay with their spausé-or gato. ¢hurelk femviees with, the spouse. anytime, they, have. an carguniént? * y 'Sentencg’ 2::’My" husband is- having an. emotional affair, with’ a: coworkets; He: refuses. -to,"end the ‘rélationship: because -they.'ate just’ friends”: He loves lier, but says i§ not like.hhe loves'me, | wank to eonfrant:her. Should [2" | 00
Sentence 1: How do I hack my wife's phone? Sentence 2: How do I hack my suspected cheating husband? | 00
Sentence 1: Do I need an EIN if I want to import in the US being a non US resident? Sentence 2: How do I get a United States EIN as non-resident alien? I want to start selling on Amazon USA. | 00
Sentence 1; Which payment: “gateway does! . Airtel -- use". fot ~ their... online: techarge? Sentence: 2: - What is the technology behind airtel online recharge? | 00
Sentence 1: Which biology book i should be referring for NEET 2018? Sentence 2: Which book should | refer for NEET biology 20177 | 00
Sentence My username is no longer available on Skype. hy? Sentence 2: How do get my Skype pass back if | forgot it? | 00
‘Séhtence 1: What wWoulo! heigpen if. o-venomous spider bit a tumor? Would that. stop the:cancer calls?” ‘Sentence: 2:-What, happens:;when, a. vieus, bacterilim ét¢ interacts with.a cancer ceil? | 00
Sentence 1: Bank transfer fullz? Sentence 2: Could you do a job against your opinions and beliefs if you eam a lot of money? | 00
seteot 9 the Ottoman Cie rat secon 1 Wrest Orouan ene et rea? | 00
Sentence 1: When was the procedure for purified water first developed? What were the reasons behind developing the procedure? Sentence 2: Why does music have a greater emotional impact than visual art when we are predominantly visual beings? | 00
2 Sentence Why do. Flight attendants dislike Fling’ to/from I India so mi Sentence 2: How much does an empty leg Flight cost in India? | 00
Sentence 1:.What is the difference between. ‘circumference and. perimeter? Sentence . 2: ‘What is. the’ difference between a. circle... and. . | the circumference ofa circle? | 00
Sentence t's. « world war going to hoppen? ‘Sentence 2: Why World War Ware inevitable? | 11
|sensence 1 Which one isthe most romantie Bollywood song according to pour Sentence 2: Which isthe most romantic bollywood song? | 11
‘Sentende.1- ia’, difference Between sigconta Leiel and confidence el: . Senterice Hw dose interpret the Significance leveland f- value dre he cofcept.of mull hypothesis? 8 * | 00
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