Which smartphone is best for middle class people?
Oneplus nord [LINKED_TEXT:] [URL:]
Why am I always rejected by the men I am interested in?
I am a man, just not competitively and I will tell you why I reject most of the time. I think this will actually mean something because I am homeless. I reject because I watch a lot of porn. I am 40, no kids. No money. I reject because I have no money. No car. Can't take you someplace anywhere. I would like to. Because I can talk to you. I don't have ANY gold. That's not me rejecting you. I know stuff other than rejection, projection, protection. How am I going to take care of myself? This is not a question I can answer easily. I don't know how people value looks or how frequently. Especially women. There are no shows on how to bed a new woman every night. I do things besides watch tv and it's not much. I can't understand why those with money have so much and I recently realized you all spend a lot of time waiting and participating in meetings. Building ribs. It's weird.