license: cc-by-4.0
- token-classification
- bn
- zh
- de
- en
- es
- fa
- fr
- hi
- it
- pt
- sv
- uk
- multiconer
- ner
- multilingual
- named entity recognition
- fine-grained ner
- 100K<n<1M
Dataset Card for Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition (MultiCoNER)
Dataset Description
- Homepage:
- Repository:
- Paper:
- Leaderboard:,
- Point of Contact:
Dataset Summary
The tagset of MultiCoNER is a fine-grained tagset. The fine to coarse level mapping of the tags are as follows:
- Location (LOC) : Facility, OtherLOC, HumanSettlement, Station
- Creative Work (CW) : VisualWork, MusicalWork, WrittenWork, ArtWork, Software
- Group (GRP) : MusicalGRP, PublicCORP, PrivateCORP, AerospaceManufacturer, SportsGRP, CarManufacturer, ORG
- Person (PER) : Scientist, Artist, Athlete, Politician, Cleric, SportsManager, OtherPER
- Product (PROD) : Clothing, Vehicle, Food, Drink, OtherPROD
- Medical (MED) : Medication/Vaccine, MedicalProcedure, AnatomicalStructure, Symptom, Disease
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
The final leaderboard of the shared task is available here.
Supported languages are Bangla, Chinese, English, Spanish, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Ukrainian.
Dataset Structure
The dataset follows CoNLL format.
Data Instances
Here are some examples in different languages:
- Bangla: [লিটল মিক্স | MusicalGrp] এ যোগদানের আগে তিনি [পিৎজা হাট | ORG] এ ওয়েট্রেস হিসাবে কাজ করেছিলেন।
- Chinese: 它的纤维穿过 [锁骨 | AnatomicalStructure] 并沿颈部侧面倾斜向上和内侧.
- English: [wes anderson | Artist]'s film [the grand budapest hotel | VisualWork] opened the festival .
- Farsi: است] ناگویا |HumanSettlement] مرکزاین استان شهر
- French: l [amiral de coligny | Politician] réussit à s y glisser .
- German: in [frühgeborenes | Disease] führt dies zu [irds | Symptom] .
- Hindi: १७९६ में उन्हें [शाही स्वीडिश विज्ञान अकादमी | Facility] का सदस्य चुना गया।
- Italian: è conservato nel [rijksmuseum | Facility] di [amsterdam | HumanSettlement] .
- Portuguese: também é utilizado para se fazer [licor | Drink] e [vinhos | Drink].
- Spanish: fue superado por el [aon center | Facility] de [los ángeles | HumanSettlement] .
- Swedish: [tom hamilton | Artist] amerikansk musiker basist i [aerosmith | MusicalGRP] .
- Ukrainian: назва альбому походить з роману « [кінець дитинства | WrittenWork] » англійського письменника [артура кларка | Artist] .
Data Fields
The data has two fields. One is the token and another is the label. Here is an example from the English data.
# id f5458a3a-cd23-4df4-8384-4e23fe33a66b domain=en
doris _ _ B-Artist
day _ _ I-Artist
included _ _ O
in _ _ O
the _ _ O
album _ _ O
billy _ _ B-MusicalWork
rose _ _ I-MusicalWork
's _ _ I-MusicalWork
jumbo _ _ I-MusicalWork
Data Splits
Train, Dev, and Test splits are provided
Dataset Creation
Licensing Information
CC BY 4.0
Citation Information
title={{SemEval-2023 Task 2: Fine-grained Multilingual Named Entity Recognition (MultiCoNER 2)}},
author={Fetahu, Besnik and Kar, Sudipta and Chen, Zhiyu and Rokhlenko, Oleg and Malmasi, Shervin},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)},
publisher={Association for Computational Linguistics},
title={{MultiCoNER v2: a Large Multilingual dataset for Fine-grained and Noisy Named Entity Recognition}},
author={Fetahu, Besnik and Chen, Zhiyu and Kar, Sudipta and Rokhlenko, Oleg and Malmasi, Shervin},