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The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I m 65 years old - I was taking a nap and it felt like a shock in my chest above my left breast toward the center of my chest - My pulse rate is approx. 92 - Do I need to be worried - I was excited when I took my pulse rate because I had just gotten up from my nap
[|AI|] Yellowest pain in your age need immediate medical attention. It may be due to many causes like cardiopulmonary causes, reflux etc. You may need clinical correlation and few more investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, liver function test, lipid profile, renal function test, urine RE/ME, ultrasound of abdomen, upper GI endoscopy, ECG,TMT and ECHO. Treatment depend upon findings. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] painless lump on gumhi i have a crown on my front tooth and have noticed a small painless lump on the gum above.i had absess in my root months ago as i had pain and swelling,but took antibiotics which got rid...could this be to do with that?kate
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The abscess could be a recurrent infection from the same tooth. Consult an oral physician and get a radiograph done to rule out infection. Get the tooth root canal treated (if previously not root canal treated) and repeat the crown. Take a course of antibiotics like penicillin and metronidazole combination(if you are not allergic). I hope my answer will help you. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] hello..I face some sexul problem which penis is not strong and stand when my wife come to my side..bUT..when 1st time of marriage then few days I face this problem then I take a sexul medicine vegorax .just few time ..after that s it s solve...but after 2 yes later present 2 month my penis totally does stand and strong. when sexul time.
[|AI|] **Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with your health concern1. As the problem has again resurfaced consult a Urologist for necessary examination and investigation of Reproductive System, till then:i. Start with perineal exercises: while urinating, stop the flow of urine, start again, stop & start again 4-5 times. ii. take: milk and milk products, ghee, Mahan, cheese, curd, black grapes, pears, raisins, dates, almonds, walnut, pomegranate, carrot, banana, apricots, musk melon, AMLA, coconut, pistachio, turnip, potato, onion, lady finger, radish, old brown rice, peas, garlic, bottle gourd. iii. Avoid: sour and cold substances, tobacco [in any form], brinjal, tandoori ROTC, red chilies, heavy and food which require long hours to digest, Jagger and its items, deep-fried food. iv. before starting treatment take:. Take trifle churn [3 gm] with lukewarm water before retiring to bed for 15 days. Singly you can use: [after 15 days]:- Ashwagandha: best regarded as adapted with aphrodisiac properties which may be due to testosterone like effects, thus prescription Chat Doctor. - In Compound form:i. Vigo max capsules [Charge]: 1 capsule daily with breakfast or at bedtime PS. Recent studies indicate Vigo max was effective in restoring sexual function in men with ED of varied etiologies. ii. Tented forte tablets [Himalaya]: 2 tablets twice daily for 3-4 weeks. Treatment may be prolonged depending upon the response.PS. is a non-hormonal and safe sexual stimulant and acts on higher brain centers to improve libido, the antis tress, adapted action of tented forte helps alleviate anxiety associated with sexual desire. iii. Take tablet mental [Himalaya] 2 tab twice a day [since ED is a psychosomatic disorder] thus tranquility of mind is important. iv. perineal exercise [pelvic floor program] is a noninvasive alternative for the treatment of patients with ED by clearing venous occlusion. [will help to achieve full erection afterwards] It also helps to strengthen the muscles and splinters involved in erection and ejaculation. PS. Before prescribing medication especially for ED, the patient should be evaluated for any cardio vascular diseases, thus have an appointment with a Cardiologist for any potential risk of a cardio vascular event, so that Ayurveda medicines/herbs can be incorporated in your daily routine.
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[|Human|] hi, mt 2 year old daughter has had a few red small pimple looking dots on her body for about a week now. We actually thought they might have been a mild case of chicked pox since now they are dried up. except now, the 3 that are on her arms have a red ring around them. i have no idea what the rings are...
[|AI|] Hi, Chicken pox usually has preceding systemic symptoms like fever, and causes multiple fluid filled vesicles starting around head and neck area and then spreads further to include other areas. Even when vesicles are few, they are usually not grouped together, but far apart. A closely placed group of pimples with red ring around is more likely to be a skin infection like boils/impetigo. Just try applying local antibiotics like mupirocin for 3-5 days to see the response. If it is not getting better by then, or fever appears, kindly see your pediatrician, as this may need antibiotic treatment. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] my son of 3 yrs old is having cough since 1 month. treatment is started. Dr told that he has some allergy or due climate this may happened. Dr. has started two spry. Now he coughs for 5 to 6 times in 24 hrs. All reports are normal. Is this cough is related to lungs.
[|AI|] Hello & Welcome to Chat Doctor, I had gone through your case and I have concern for you. Normally allergic cough is not affected with lung, but you do not take proper treatment for her then it can affect the lung tissue also. What I found from your case that she has lack of immunity due to which she can not any kind of climate change or particular to any item either food or spray. Exact allergic material you have to find it.Meanwhile, you consult to any Homeopathic physician and give her 4-5 almond daily early morning with milk. Definitely you will get the solution for the problem. From Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] hi i have a question i m 22i weight 110 i have no medical history. i worry and stress alot about life and lately for several months, feels like all my life, before I go to sleep and when i wake up mostly, my heart is pounding very fast and unsteady and i feel i can t get air. this happens alot and it lasts for about 30 minutes sometimes longer. lately i have been having sharp chest pains feels like each side of me is being pulled together and squished. I ve delt with depression in the i having anxiety attacks?
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Am I having anxiety attacks? Possibly yes. Does happen after prolonged stress and anxiety associated with stress. But you should confirm your health by visiting a physician and undergoing the necessary checks like ECG, blood work etc. Once that angle is cleared, visit a psychologist who can determine your depth of stress and give you counseling as well as psychotherapy. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My partner has been prescribed Effexor xr 150 mg. is this a high dose and if so what would it be used for? I believe he has been on this medication for around 18 months. Depression or some other issue? I am concerned about his behaviour lately - anger, rage, crying easily. Sandy
[|AI|] His understand your concern and appreciate your positive outlook. Effexor is venlafaxine, and it is antidepressant.150 mg is not high dose, and it is usual dose to treat depression. It helps to recover from depression within 6 months of period if she did not improve then need to re-evaluate diagnosis. Anger, crying etc. are the symptoms that shows psychological illness. Consult psychiatrist for better evaluation. Say thank you if you are helped. Happy to help you further. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hello earlier today I had sudden intense pain across my lower back, it was that bad i fell to my knees, since then i can not sit up straight, or walk properly (im using crutchs) Iwhen trying to walk i cant stand straight the pain in my lower back is too bad, Ive been experiencing pins and needles in my feet and numbness with the odd pins and needles in the centre of my lower back, what could this be? is it a slipped disc? should I go to A&E~?
[|AI|] Hello and Welcome to Chat Doctor, Thanks for writing to us. These symptoms are part of lumbar disc degeneration with PIED where the nerves get compressed by the protruded disc. There are several treatment modalities with medicines, physiotherapy and with injections in the back called epidural injections and root/facet blocks. If you don't get better with this treatment, another option is surgery, by which the nerves are decompressed by removing the protruded disc (discectomy), which would significantly improve your symptoms Hope this helps you. Wishing you good health... Regards. Chat Doctor. Orthopedic Surgeon.
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[|Human|] Hi.. I am 15 weeks pregnant and as my mom had gestational diabetes i was checked for it and my doc says i am on pre diabetic stage ( A1c test showed 6.0). I want to have a natural remedy for it as i don t want to have insulin and any medication.As i read through several blogs few suggest to have fenugreek seeds, bitter gourd juice,ragi and few other stuffs which i am not sure if i can rely upon. I request you to guide me on the diet.
[|AI|] Try to control your diet by avoiding simple sugars, sweetened beverages, fruit juices, sweets, soft Chat Doctor. Have a fiber rich diet as it will help to prevent spikes in blood glucose. Include fresh fruits and raw vegetables as salads, green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek leaves, amaranth leaves. Reduce oil in cooking to not more than 3-4 tsp in a day for one person. Have whole grain cereals like whole wheat chapati, brown rice, partly milled rice or parboiled rice, oats and oat bran, broken wheat oatmeal or Dalian (unsweetened).limit intake of white rice, refined flours like maid (white flour) or Sufi (semolina) and its products like noodles, buns, bakery items etc. Limit intake of fried and fatty foods (nuts and
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[|Human|] hello dad is diagnosed with liver cirrhosis 2 months back....he is 64 years has precribed udiliv 300 1-0-1cap razo d 1-0-1lasilactone once at 8 amcap zincovit 0-1-0tab ciplar la 4o mg at 6 pm dailyliquid duphalac 15 ml dailyis this medicines good...
[|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... Your father having cirrhosis.... In this condition by sodium and water retention edema can occur.... So you are given diuretic for preventing edema and ascites.... You are also given multivitamin and zinc tablet with omeprazole to prevent acidity. Here cut off oil from diet. Daily in morning take grinned spinach and carrot juices.... One tsp cumin seed with milk taken.... Take one tsp crushed papaya seed with lemon juice.... Ultimate treatment for cirrhosis is liver transplantation.......TIPS like less invasive procedure can be helpful..... Take care..... Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Yes. My doctor of 22 yrs. recently retired and sadly died shortly thereafter. I could always count on him for any question that might concern me. The dr. I have now only sees me once every 4 months. I have asked his medical assistant who receives his calls from his patient s. I was told, as of my last blood work, that I have become very anemic. This happened once before a few years ago, but with a small change in diet and a medicine, the name of which escapes me at the moment, and in a short time I was no longer anemic. Can you suggest what I can do to get rid of this anemia? I m 66 and will be 67 in 3 mo s. My health is fairly good, so what would one of you suggest I do?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. You have to be regular on iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements.2. Improve on your nutrition by taking heme rich foods like cereals, pulses and meat. Also have citrus fruits as it increases absorption of whatever iron is available.3. Avoid excess intake of tea as it inhibits iron absorption.4. You can keep a check on Hemoglobin say once in a month, also get a reticulocyte count done to know the improving status of hemoglobin. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] hiii doctor,my age is 25,hieght 5.11 . i used to masturbate regularly since 8 years so now im suffering with erectile disfunction,since 4 years.even iam also facing very fast ejaculation during masturbation.i consulted homeo pathy medicine ,but it does nt shown any result. wat to do.with in a year i have to not understanding wat to do.
[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have been indulged in frequent habitual masturbation since many years and now facing problem of erectile dysfunction and early ejaculation. These problems are due to habitual masturbation and need self-determination to overcome this.addiction for masturbation Try to reduce the frequency of masturbation by keeping yourself busy in activities like sports, reading, social work etc. so that you will not get free time to masturbate. Following measure will help you to boost up your confidence and getting good erection and delay ejaculation. 1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning. 2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc 3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 everyday4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] For the past few days when i get upto do something or move around i get real dizzy like ive been spinning in circles. When i sit down it goes away after a few minutes. Sometimes i feel like im gonna pass out and sometimes like im gonna throw up. No headache jus dizziness. Please help doctors office is closed for the weekend cant see them til monday and dont wanna go to the er unless its an emergency. Thanks for your time.
[|AI|] His am Chat Doctor. I have read your query. I think I can help you. The symptoms are quite suggestive of an orthostatic hypotension. Try following measures.1. Get up slowly from the lying down to sitting position, or from sitting to standing position.2. Wiggle your toes before getting up.3. Watch your fluid and electrolyte balance.4. Check your BP in lying down position, and then on getting up to standing position, exactly 2 minutes after standing up. Let me know the 2 reports of BP. I have tried to make it as simple as possible. Please feel free to ask a further clarification. Best of luck
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[|Human|] I smoke about 4-5 cigarettes a day and for about a month have been feeling a little lump with soreness on the left side of my neck. If I touch it it feels like it is clicking or moving. I also have ear soreness and pain and stiffness in the front and back of my shoulder. Could this be cancer?
[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have enlarged cervical lymph node. It can be reactive lymph node, lymphoma or metastatic carcinoma. You should for lymph node biopsy or fine needle aspiration cytology. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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[|Human|] I had science and math test today. Right before math test, I started getting quite a bit of pressure in my chest for like almost two hours. It hurt to even twist my body. Didn t really effect my breathing or anything and I have no prior history of chest pressure (I used to have pretty bad asthma but it s gone I think). It went away at lunch after eating some food and now I m at home and the place where my heart is has been ***tickling***!! I mostly just want to know the chances it could be something serious. If there s above a 50% chance that I am going to die, I ll probably tell someone.
[|AI|] Hi Thanks for your query. I think you had asthma in the past which has gone away but just before your exam as you are in tension, your anxiety has provoked it a bit but I am not sure of it whether it was an asthma episode or else. For it, you need to undergo some investigations - 1. Spirometry and bronchodilator reversibility2. ECG3. Chest X-ray suggest you to consult a pulmonologist and get yourself examined. Because asthma is diagnosed mainly clinically and confirmed by spirometry finding. I think you got my point. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hello doctor.... Iam 25 year old male, i have some question please answer them. 1.sir , i daily have a handjob , does it effect on my future sexual with partner. 2. as i have read more on web on different websites , all says differents answer, my question is does daily handjob effect on my face or on my body, because i have pimples on face and i am weak in body. 3.does daily handjob effect on penis size, because i do handjob from about 2-3 years. 4.what are cause of pimples on face and solution on it ? please give answers as iam scared and worried...
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Please find answers explained below1.sir, I daily have a hand job, does it effect on my future sexual with partner. Doing masturbation 2 to 3 times a week and not more than once daily is considered normal. More than this can become an addiction and affect your daily routine as well as sex with partner in the future. 2. as I have read more on web on different websites, all says different answer, my question is does daily hand job effect on my face or on my body, because I have pimples on face and I am weak in body. Daily hand job or masturbation is not recommended as you can get addicted to it and neglect your job and studies. It is best to do masturbation at maximum weekly three times.3.does daily hand job effect on penis size, because I do hand job from about 2-3 years. Does not affect penis size but doing it with force can cause injury to penis. Please do it gently. 4.what are cause of pimples on face and solution on it ? It can be due to hormonal changes at puberty and adolescence. Please consult a dermatologist for treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] i have headache and hip pain in one side what to do
[|AI|] Hello Mr sham kumarfirst of all please tell me what is the time of headache it comes at interval, periodic or regular .it covers whole head or any part of head(frontal or occipital) if you have any history of vision problem then go for eye check up. Please correct your daily routine. And for hip if you have ant history or is muscular type pain or pain in bone. Please correct your posture of sitting. Please go for x-ray. Please contact again regards
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[|Human|] Hello,I am 53 yr old female, I am on 100 milg. oftoprol for high blood pressure. I have sinus drainage at this moment. Last three nights after I lay down to sleep. I feel a flutter or bubbly sensation are my heart area. Wondering if it could be affecting my heart?concerned!
[|AI|] Hello, what you have described can be because of the heart particularly when the heart cannot accommodate the increased blood on lying down increasing the back pressure in the lungs. It can be because of other simple reasons like reflux gastritis, where on lying down the stomach acid regurgitates back. By all means a visit to your doctor, so he can examine you and Oder necessary tests is highly recommended. Regards
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[|Human|] Hi doctorAm 22years old guyPlz tell me the benefits of sunath surgery and how long it I Ill take to cure How many days needed for bed rest and after tat can I got to office regularly or need a lot of restAnd can I mange my slef alone Without anyones help
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Sunbath surgery is called circumcision. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, the tissue covering the head(glans) of the penis. There are some potential medical benefits of circumcision in terms of a slightly lower risk of urinary tract infections (Otis) in little boys, certain sexually transmitted infections in men, and penile cancer. From the day of surgery, within two days you can do your normal day-to-day functions. Within 15 days everything will be perfect. You will not be having anybody else's help, and you will be able to manage alone. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] i had a white swollen lump above my tooth that was filled with liquid ithink. i get these every once in a while usually above the same tooth. it errupted now and is all deflated. these past few days that same tooth has been feeling wiggly as well, like its getting loose
[|AI|] HiT hanks for your query with Chat Doctor, It would have better if you had mentioned your age since you say it is erupting and whether the tooth is having any decay? Coming to lump it could be either periapical or periodontal abscess would suggest you to visit your dentist for the best treatment don't delay if you want to save the tooth though it depends on the condition. Hope my answer would be helpful.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hello dear ladies and gentlemenI have a very big problem. 2 years ago I had a sudden nasty taste in the mouth because the tongue has stunk bad. I thought it would be normal after a year I could no longer stand in the school had to remain quiet all the time and if someone came to me and walked away because I have i.wie gum did not help anymore, I went to otolaryngology doctor had ignited my almonds were rausgeholt nothing has improved. it is so I have intestinal blockage problems, etc. but Im sure the smell is directly ausdem mouth when I smell it themselves and many have told me. is my tongue white lining at the back when Im away he goes away the covering ganricht i.wie is connected to the tongue that is just look like white tongue. if I take hold of the finger behind the tongue and smell it. It really smells like feces after and when I bit my finger with further direction gullet go quite so far down it smells slightly better but still bad eggs out after. I probably know this mushroom diet nystatin been taken nothing has helped Latin hospitable 3 times already because my GP thought I vill have displayed the stomach. heartburn but Ive never understood, and the odor comes from the stomach is not coming directly from behind and in front of the tongue on the tongue, it smells disgusting and tastes disgusting years since 2 is the second time for 1 gemack not go away no matter what I used who Ive always behind the tongue or just touched my tongue and then smelled my tongue, it had always smelled disgusting. chewing gum not help me no doctor helps me because Im patient, Ill cash out sent to 5 minutes, and prescribe unnecessary medium. I have been suffering with depression is 17 am destroying my life just do not even go to school I will: (... need help before I drigend what wrong doing ....
[|AI|] Hi.I have read carefully your query. First u say u have depression the did u visit psychiatrist ever??? Bcause if u didn't than u must. Sometime this type of genuine complains are associated with mental illnesses. If your complaint is without any medically reason than it fall under category of medically unexplained symptoms means aromatization. Aromatization and depression are comorbidly present. And second thing it may mimic olfactory referral syn Chat Doctor. Both of this aromatization and olfactory referral syn
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[|Human|] my husband had a lithotripsy on Friday. He had severe pain and vomiting yesterday and was in the ER for 4 hours. He was feeling better and now all of a sudden the pain is back and he has the chills and his teeth are chattering. He took his pain meds and is taking a hot bath. Should I take him back to the ER?
[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. After a lithography session, i.e. fragmentation of stone, the tube leading from kidney to bladder, can get clogged up with the stone fragments. This leads to pain and omitting in several people. But, having chills, suggest that he may have fever, which requires medication, including antibiotics. This will be decided after your Urologist sees you. Hope you recover soon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I am a 67 year old male with hemochromatosis (20 years) in good health. Have phlebotomy every 2 months. Most recent was today. Advised that my hemoglobin was 18.2. All previous hemoglobin reading were in the 15 to 16 range with the exception of the last prior to today at 17.Is this concern? What would have caused this elevation in my hemoglobin level?
[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have hemochromatosis. It lead to iron overload. And increased hemoglobin level. You should go for repeated phlebotomy. Iron cheating agents like desferoximine or defiperone may be helpful. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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[|Human|] My brother aged 18 years has been diagnosed by doctor for kidney disease. The following results were shown after test report1. Bilateral renal parenchymal disease.2. Ascites.3. Bilateral pleural effusion.what should be done to cure it. Is there any possibilty of not doing dialysis or transplant.Please give me an advice.thank you
[|AI|] Hi, Prevention is always the goal with kidney failure. Chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes are devastating because of the damage that they can do to kidneys and other organs. Lifelong diligence is important in keeping blood sugar and blood pressure within normal limits. Specific treatments are dependent upon the underlying diseases. Once kidney failure is present, the goal is to prevent further deterioration of renal function. If ignored, the kidneys will progress to complete failure, but if underlying illnesses are ad Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] hi i am 30 year old gal got married 6 months ago we are trying to have sex but its very painful so just end up in foreplay .. my hymen is intact...can i use some gel to avoid pain for only few days until t get easier ,, if so which one to use please help .. we are planning for a baby and is it 30 years to late to conceive
[|AI|] Hello! First do not panic. You do not have reason to get worried. I think that you should start enjoy you marriage to all the meanings, even to your sexual life. Your husband will help you to get through the difficulties of intercourse. Of course, you can use lubricants agents to ease the penetration. Second, you should have at least 1 year regular sexual activity to worry about conceiving. Of course that I would recommend you to try because until 35 years old, is thought that ovarian reserve and ovarian response is the best. Medicine is not mathematics, but I told you that you should first have a pleasant, regular intercourse and then try to conceive.
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[|Human|] I have a dentist appointment where I need help relaxing as they do not have gas, and I will only be given novacane. I asked my Dr for something to take the edge off. I am 58 yr old female she gave me .25 xanax and said to take it an hour before my appt along with a second pill to take if the first isnt enough. Do you believe this will be enough to relax me for this appointment which I am very stressed and fearful?
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Yes this option should be good enough to help you relax. You may take the second tablet as well. I presume that you would be having multiple sessions with your dentist. If at all that has not helped you then you may take propranolol instead of this medication.(Xanax). Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My husband has just found out he may have one kidney he s 49 years old and thought he had two, he also has arthritis since he was 17 years old is there conditions that could cause him to have one kidney later in life or is there just birth defects that creates him to only have one kidney
[|AI|] Hi, The chance of congenital absence of one kidney is more. So the problem might be since birth. Infection of kidney like chronic infection can lead damage to kidney and loss of its portion, but total absence of one kidney could not be due to that. The surgical removal or congenital absence seems most likely. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] i have a child around 18 month with a slight genu varum. Is it correctable? do we have to wait longer than 18 month? will he be able to run as normal children and have sports? i am the morther and i also have a slight genu varum, but i dont know the cause, is the way i grown. What do we have to do for my child so we don t have to do a surgery later?
[|AI|] Hi, just saw your question on genus arum, or in simple terms your sons knees are closer than they should be, and the legs are curved or bowed . Sure your child will be able to walk, at 18 months he will be already toddling around.I suggest that you and your baby have an X-ray of the knees done before he is 2 years of age to see if the upper part of the shin-bone is projecting inwards.causing the bowing. If it is so then see an orthopedic surgeon. This is called Blunts disease and will need some corrective appliances. Also check out if there are evidences of rickets or vitamin D deficiency, in this case supplementation with It D will bring it back to normal. Though most child Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I had #8 pulled a week ago. Internal resporation, infected also. #8 had a 20 yr old root canal, crown hard to get the root out. Fused to the bone. Implant couldnt be done. Had 2mm bone graph done. I try to wear my flipper but its still painful, swollen. How long will my speech sound bad. Even with my flipper its hard to get some sounds out. Not my normal issues. They estimate the implant 3-4 mos. abudtment 2mos or so. Will I have speech issues til its got a new crown. Is this a common problem for losing #8?
[|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concern... As per your complaint as the extraction was a difficult one and might be traumatic also due to fused roots to bone, and it is only one week passed so the pain and swelling and difficulty in speech and wearing flippers is not an abnormal finding, and you should not get panic as gradually in a week or ten days the heals will take place to a considerable amount and the pain and swelling will subside. Whatever you are experiencing is not an abnormal finding, and you will get well soon. The other thing is that it will not take months, and you do not have to wait for crown placement over the implant to regain proper speech and functions, and you will be soon be alright. You should do warm saline gargles and take anti-inflammatory painkiller like Ibuprofen, and it will help in relieving pain and reducing inflammation and swelling. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My son who is 30 has extremely swollen gums for several days and now he says that he has difficulty swallowing due to throat pain and his glands are also now swollen. He has an appointment tomorrow at 4:00. How serious is this condition? Would strep throat start this way
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. As per your complaint swollen gums and now having sore throat and swollen glands both seems to be due to different conditions and not one cause. Swollen gums can be due to most common cause that is gum infection and accumulation of excess of plaque and tartar on teeth and in the gum pockets leading to infection and swollen gums leading to Gingivitis. Other causes can be side effect of medication, if he takes any. You should therefore consult an Oral Physician or a Periodontist and get evaluated and a thorough scaling and curettage followed by a course of antibiotics like Metronidazole and anti-inflammatory painkillers like Ibuprofen can help. As far as sore throat and swollen glands is concerned, it can be due to bacterial or viral throat infection and for this you need to consult a Physician and get him evaluated, and a throat swab culture can be diagnostic. A course of antibiotics like Augmenting or Azithromycin, anti-inflammatory painkillers like Ibuprofen and warm saline gargles can help in improvement. Hope this helps. Regards.
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[|Human|] I am 31 year old. My semen has discharged immediately while I talk or see any girl or any kissing scene in any movie. My penis also very small size like 10 year old boy. When I talking with my girl friend semen has discharged and I am not able to perform physical relation. Please guide me with any medicine or any excersize for quick relieve.
[|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern.First you should start doing masturbation. It is a very good exercise for penis. Once you start doing this all your problem will be solved. If you do not do masturbation than the problem of the early discharge or premature ejaculation will remain. Masturbation will also give you potential of good erection time. If you do not hold the erection for long time than you can also take the sildenafile citrate tablet. This will give a good erection to you. You can also practice foreplay, good foreplay can give you good erection and so will cure your problem. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
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[|Human|] I have had upper respritory inffectoion for 6wks. My couhing has deminished alot but is still there and I am still coughig up phiegm to the throat but its not always a strong enough cough to get the phlegm up far enough to get it out. Then it gets stuck and can cut off my air. This has been happening to me for years towards the end of the infection. I use a nebulizer and xopenex to open things up and it works sometimes. I also take generic Mucinex. Wat can I do?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you are mostly having bronchitis. And upper respiratory tract infection (URI) is the common cause for recurrent bronchitis. To prevent recurrent URI, do following things. 1. Start warm water gargles 5-6 times a day. 2. Avoid oily and spicy food. Chat Doctor. 3. Start multivitamin tablet containing folic acid, niacin, vitamin b12 and zinc to improve immunity. 4. Get done annual Influenza vaccination to prevent recurrent infection as Influenza is the most common organism for recurrent URI. So discuss all these with your local doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] I woke up two days ago with a pain like cramp sensation in my upper abdomen. I am going on day three. My stomach region is tender and hurts to touch. It hurts when I move, lie, walk, breath. I keep thinking it will go away. It feels like a cramp from exercising that will not go away. what do you think?
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. History noted of the pain in upper abdomen on waking up in the morning; like a cramp. Tenderness present - hurts on moving and any movements, and thought to be due to exercising. This may be due to Peritonitis, meaning inflammation of the internal structures of the abdomen and can be due to inflammation of any internal organ like appendicitis, or so... I would advise you the following:Keep yourself nil orally. Get admitted to the hospital. You need to be examined by a General Surgeon for evaluation. Investigations of blood, urine and most importantly Standing X-ray of the abdomen, ultrasonography and so. If there is an internal problem, you may need an urgent surgery. If this is just due to exercise you will be sent home with proper anti=inflammatory medicines.
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[|Human|] hello, a few days ago my boyfriend and I had sex and the next morning he woke you a sore on the head of his penis. Both of us have been tested for STD and were negative. He went to the health dept and the nurse pract told him that she thinks it herpes. From what I have read the generally take 2-4 weeks to show symp. Is it possible that it could be staph or strep?
[|AI|] Hello really appreciate your concern and being your physician, I will try to help you out in the best possible looking at your description this could be suggestive of injury or inflammation of during sex, STI or other infection and an allergic reactionChances of streptococci or staphylococci infection are less likely. I would like further information to help you betters age and relevant medical history is he's having any kind of discharge In my opinion he should keep it clean and apply antiseptic ointment If it gets worsen or doesn't improve than he should consult your doctor for physical check up and detailed evaluationMaintain good hygiene use condoms during sex until it heals completely Hope this answers your question if you have any more doubts please feel free to write back to me, I will be happy to help you Best wishes
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[|Human|] I am 29 yrs, 50 kg and 5 ft tall. I am under going IVF treatment, after day 8 of my cycle my scan suggest no growth or hardly any growth in follicle in both the ovary. However there is one cyst in left ovary which is growing. Is there any Ayurvedic medicine to increase follicle growth.
[|AI|] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor This is Chat Doctor. Your worry is that even after 8 days of your IVF treatment follicle not growing. Though it is matter of concern, even then I will suggest you to have patience. I will suggest you to take care of your physical as well as mental health. Include in your food, vitamin E in the form of almonds, eggs, fish oil . Take wheat, black gram, almonds, eggs, fish oil, ginger, , lettuce , radish cooked with leaves, milk, refined butter, mango, melon. Out of these, take as many as you can in a day. Some of these you include in BF, some of them include lunch and some in dinner . And last but not the least, take water prepared in copper glass twice every day. Fill water in copper glass and keep overnight,
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[|Human|] hi i had a little bump above my upper left tooth. I always thought that it was my wisdom tooth. However, I had a root canal done in may on that tooth and 1 week later my bump started to hurt and grow to the point that my cheek looked like I had a tennis ball hidden there. The x-ray did not show any infection so my dentist prescribed me antibiotics and steroids. That helped but now 6 months later I am noticing my bump to start slowly growing again. Is it swollen lymph, cyst, salivary gland - should I see ENT specialist or go to Enthodontist? The tooth itself does not really hurt.
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, first you consult your oral physician to rule out any infection in the tooth adjacent to the root canal treated tooth or in the same tooth.take radiographs and confirm it. It looks like cellulitis secondary to tooth infection...the other possibility could be infection in the salivary gland duct due to stone in the duct...take a course of antibiotics, do saline gargling. I hope my answer will help you.take care.
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[|Human|] I am a healthy 73 year old woman. For several wks I have been having sharp but not severe chest pains in the center of my chest of and on often throughout the day. I thought it could be posture related at the computer or reading etc. but I m wondering. I have stairs at home and seem to not notice problem climbing. I do maybe feel a little light headed. Could this be angina related?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should consult cardiologist and rule out cardiac cause first. In old age (73 years) central chest pain can be due to Cardiac problem. So get done 1. ECG2. 2d echo 3. Stress test rule out cardiac cause. If all are normal than no need to worry about cardiac cause. You may have HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) mostly. It is commonly seen in old age due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of these the acid of the stomach tends to come up and cause the symptoms like central chest pain. So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief.1. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid stress and anxiety. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals.2. Take good proton pump inhibitor.3. Go for walk after meals. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed.
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[|Human|] My 32 year-old son has shizoaffective disorder + GAD. He uses a low dose of a benzo (Clonopin) to deal with anxiety, but has stopped all anti-sych meds. They cause dystonia-like symptoms, with protruding tongue, facial spasms, fear of choking, etc. We have used Benadryl to stop those symptoms which is effective, but he doesnt want to continue that. Im trying to see if there are other options to the Risperdal, Geodon, Abilify, and others he has tried he has tried. His hallucinations, paranoia, delusional thinking have gotten much worse....tks
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. I understand that you have tried three different antipsychotics and all have led to extrapyramidal side effects. However, you may try olanzapine or quetiapine. Both these Chat Doctor. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned
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[|Human|] I have been diagnosed with right atrial thrombosis and am on anticoagulants andaspirin. Recently blood tests revealed total cholestrol at 467 and ldl at 197needing second opinion and further at YYYY@YYYY or 0000
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Anticoagulants are effective for all types of thrombus. Both arterial, venous and even atrial thrombus.2. The INR range should be maintained between 2-3 at all times, then only anticoagulants will be effective against thrombus.3. The cholesterol level is too high and needs to be brought down at the earliest. Risk of atherosclerosis and infarction present. You need to be started on statins and vibrates. Non-pharmacological therapy includes weight loss, low fat diet, fiber rich diet along with moderate exercises. LDL apheresis can also be done, if it continues to be high. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
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[|Human|] Hello doctor, I had a car crash almost two years ago, and had broken ribs where the airbag hit me. I noticed only now that I have a lump on the side of a rib below my breast. The area of the lump seems to be consistent with that of the airbag hitting me. The lump feels like rolling under my fingers. Is it dangerous? What should I do. I live very far from doctors. Thank you for your help.
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns. Probable diagnosis : HematomaDifferential diagnosis : Serbia/lipomata of treatment : Conservative/Needle aspirationInvestigations : Basic blood investigations, FNAC (rarely)Outcome : Excellently the symptoms you have mentioned suggest the possibility of a hematoma. It is nothing but a collection of blood under the site of injury. There is nothing to worry in it because it is a highly curable condition and chances of complications are very less. If there is any diagnostic confusion, you have to do a procedure called FNAC(Fine Needle Aspiration cytology), in which a needle is introduced in to the swelling a portion of it taken out and studied under microscope to confirm the diagnosis. I suggest you to consult a general surgeon and get the proper evaluation and treatment done. He will either aspirate the fluid/blood in case of hematoma and if it is a lipoma treatment is by surgical excision. Hope this information helps. Regards. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] Hello, our 10 year old son had an IGA test completed. His results on his Kaiser lab results show 0.14 and it indicates that the standard is Can you help me interpret this because I read on your site that a low IGa can be a risk for developing some sort of autoimmune disease. His Grandmother was dx d with Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 20. And, I am concerned about his possibility of Celiac disease.
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. When there is complete absence of IGA, and it cannot be detected, it is called as IGA deficiency.2. Malnutrition is one of the commonest cause of IGA deficiency. 3. Rheumatoid arthritis can be genetically inherited. However, there are other factors also. If you had rheumatoid arthritis, there is a risk for your son.4. Celiac disease cannot be diagnosed based just on IGA levels. Specific antibody evaluation and Biopsy confirmation is necessary. Abdominal symptoms also need to be present. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
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[|Human|] Hi My Self Is AYAN. From last few days i found whenever I am doing intercourse with my wife,just after intercourse My penis heads come up with a redish circle which itch and burn for upto 1 hours max then gets normal.pls do the needful reply. With Best Regards Ayan
[|AI|] Hello, Thank You for consulting Chat Doctor ! May be due to trauma, because of the act itself, or it can also be due to infections like viral or bacterial, or may be due to allergy if you are using any condoms or lubricants. Stay healthy, and thank you for consulting! You can contact me again anytime, if you need clarifications or further assistance in the future. Kindly rate the answer if you are satisfied.
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[|Human|] The other day I noticed that my urine was dark orange...but I thought little of it as I had drank orange. Tea for a sore.throat I had developed. Also I noticed a slight orange hue in my ejacualte this morning..I have chills and a slight rash in my face.
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Orange urine purely signifies lack of enough water. Slight orange tinge in your ejaculate is also normal due to deny Chat Doctor. Then it could be attributable to blood. Still don't worry. Consult a physician, and you will be alright within 3 days. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Please feel free to post follow-up queries. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. Take care.
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[|Human|] I had an unprotected sex immediately after my period. My bf releases inside me and had it stayed there without washing right away since i got tired and fell asleep. When i washed and peed later i saw a blood mixed with something white which i don t know what is it called. What does it mean? Will i get pregnant? I m not ready for it yet what should i do?
[|AI|] Hello dear. Understand your concern.don't worry dear, its not because you are pregnant. You said that you had sex immediately after your period that means that blood is just your menstrual blood mix with semen and cervical mucous or may be some injury to genitals.& also you sex during safe period so no worry about getting pregnant. So don't be panic, just calm. If you have excessive worry then you can take I pill with in 72 hours after sex to prevent pregnancy. Maintain pelvic hygiene by using V vaginal plus wash. Use safe sex practice to prevent STDs and Unwanted pregnancies in the future. Hope this help you. Best regards. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] So my bf is expierincing pain in his groin area right below his stomach line with random heat flash llike symptoms. He feels cold but says he is burning up painn in ghroin has been on and off for a couple of days we have bronchitis and are getting over the flu
[|AI|] Hi. This probably can be sued to urinary tract infection and infection of the spermatic cord or so (as per the symptoms and site you have noted) and also has cold and hot flashes. Flu itself can cause this, or it gives reduced body resistance cause further pains and infections. Consult a Doctor to get him examined and undergo tests if the Doctor feels are necessary. Continue treatment under the Doctors care to avoid further complications.
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[|Human|] I have had a sinus blockage for years. I do not suspect swollen sinuses or sinusitis because when I lay down the drainage runs to the downward sinus leaving the anterior sinus free and clear. When I turn over, the same thing happens on the other side showing that the upward sinus is unobstructed. Lately my salivary glands have become swollen as well. I visited an ENT and was sen to get an MRI which was not dispositive and turned out to be expensive and useless. At that point the ENT wanted to surgically remove all salivary glands without even having diagnosed the problem or taking a needle biopsy. This seemed strange to me and unwarranted absent any confirmation. Are the two conditions related and what should I do?
[|AI|] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor forum, well as you know that you are suffering from sinusitis and surgery is not the right choice, so I will now advise you to start homeopathic treatment for your sinus problem, you will find complete cure for this problem in Homeopathy without any side effects. You can show to your local Homeopathic physician, or you can mail us at info Chat Doctor. Com or visit us at WWW.
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[|Human|] I have bumps/ lumps on the back of my tongue they are red, theres alot & I also have little red bumps on the tip of my tongue. On my cheek their is a bump, that s tissue like also its another bump same place on my other cheek except that one isn t tissue like. On top of my lip (outside) there s a little tiny bump you can barely see it,but its black filled. Also there is a little red bump inside my lip with a hole in the middle . Should I be worried ?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking the query, There are many reasons by which you develop bumps on your tongue, Due to accidental trauma and biting on the tongue. Excessive smoking can irritate the tongue. Canker sores , authors ulcers. Enlarged papillae if it becomes inflamed and irritated. Medical conditions like diabetes , anemia. I would suggest you to visit to the Dentist and get checkup done. Brush your tongue softly with a tongue scraper or soft bristle toothbrush. Chat Doctor. Use antiseptic mouthwash gargles twice daily. Take vitamin supplements. Hope this helps out. Regards....
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[|Human|] In September my husband was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, which we have learned causes respiratory problems, among other things. Beforehand he was diagnosed with COPD & Emphysema, he is prescribed Symbicort & Spiriva for these conditions. We are located in WV and at this time are having extremely cold temps. and he is having severe trouble breathing is there anything you can suggest we do at home to help his breathing in addition to the medications he is already taking? I understand the emergency room is available for emergency services but at this time driving conditions are very hazardous, if you have any suggestions short of a trip out to the emergency room, they would be so very greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
[|AI|] **1. One possible symptom of Lyme disease is air hunger or so-called shortness of breath [SOB], and is due to Babesiosis [which is one of the Lyme coinfections]2. In best position I would suggest you to see a LLMD [Lyme-literate M. D] since most general doctors/physician don't know that much about Lyme and how to treat it properly and taking antibiotics in such condition will only worse the symptoms, called as herx.PS. The presence of antibodies in the blood is not sufficient reason for continued or pretreatment with antibiotics & currently, there is no available vaccine in the market for Lyme disease.3. Emphysema/COPD is progressive and worsens every year, one has to live with it, stressing on deep breathing exercises, avoiding exertion and low dose steroids for severe cases is key to management. If breathing difficulty gets severe, seek help from ED [emergency department]PS. Acute exacerbations are usually due to infection and are related to change in weather.
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[|Human|] I m desperate to find a specialist in the Pittsburgh, PA or surroundings, who specializes in treating black mold illnesses. My daughter is very ill due to spending 1 year in an apartment where the landlord refused to do anything about it. Some of her illnesses include: severe muscle pain, loss of hair, impaired vision (getting worse), breathing problems especially at night, 14 or 15 yeast infection in one year, some bleeding from her rectum, blurred vision, extreme fatigue etc..... I need help and advice. Please help me to help her. Who can we contact. We have exhausted every possibility that we know.
[|AI|] You should meet certain specialist and take their opinion on the same issue. A few I can mention. Meet a dermatologist, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist, a general physician, a physical medicine rehab specialist. Lastly after these people have a proper communication within their own parameters your child will be helped better. Do talk about the fatigue issue. As a physical therapist might help with simple exercise to balance the fatigue issue.
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[|Human|] Hi, my niece has stopped developing and has actually began to regress. She has been admitted to hospital where they suspect brain shrinkage. Please help us understand what this means, it is happening quickly and we have been told today that she is virtually blind and the damage is beyond repair.
[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your nieces symptoms. Based on the description, she seems to be suffering from a degenerative disease of the brain. If possible, please upload an MRI scan of the brain. This would help in getting to know the diagnosis. Generally, a degenerative disease can not be cured. However, with physiotherapy and certain medications such as coenzyme Q, some improvement is possible. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
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[|Human|] Hello Doctor, My tailbone has been killing me for the past few months. The pain is a heavy - pressure kind of pain. My MD had X-rays taken, this showed nothing. I saw him the other day and told him I still have this pain. He said he is not sure what else he can do for me other than use a donut when sitting. I sit at home on a nice soft leather recliner, my tailbone still kills me. I end up leaning on my side when I sit, but when I get up, the pressure/pain is terrible. I notice the pain/pressure even when I walk. Hurts when I sleep, especially turning over. I do want to mention that I had a colon resection back in 2005. I had a tumor in my rectum. The surgeon could feel my tumor, that is how low it was. I am worried I may have another tumor. PLease give me some advise what I need to do. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!
[|AI|] Hello! I read your question and understand your concern. In my opinion the pain you have may be related to a sacral bone problem. I would like to know if you have fever or problems with the stools. These problems may be caused by a tumor infiltration the sacral and cochineal bones, by an infection of this region like an abscess or osteomyelitis, or by irritated nerves of the region from radiotherapy. Your past medical history is very concerning. You didn't mention radio or chemotherapy. So I would recommend a good physical by your GP, a full blood work for infection and a CT scan or MRI of the pelvic region to exclude these causes. Hope to have been helpful! Best wishes
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[|Human|] I am a female.I am 17 years old.Since more than a year back,when i used to see a countrys name(e.g-in a newspaper,a billboard or hear it from a person),i felt like it brought some sort of message for me.At first it seemed like i had some sort of telepathic power n i was happy..but gradually it got too frequent.I started asking illogical questions...n found answers from those names on TV or newspaper or back of some car..One day i was surfing the net n i got to know these are some symptoms of delusional i am pretty confused.What should i do?
[|AI|] Hi, I went through your query and can understand what you must be going through with such symptoms. You are right in mentioning that the experiences that you have mentioned are suggestive of delusion. It is termed as delusion of reference where one feels that others are tying to refer to him/her through various means. I would suggest that you should seek a psychiatric consultation for complete evaluation. Self diagnosis is often wrong, and a detailed interview will help the psychiatrist determine what you are suffering from and initiate treatment accordingly. I do hope that I was able to answer your query. Best wishes.
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[|Human|] Hi I m a 20 yr old college lacrosse player. Slipped in game while cutting and had instant hip pain. I have been PTing for 10 days. Today went live and when I went to cut to the left experienced sharp pain again. Forward movement and to the right is fine. No pain at rest or during PT. Only feel pain when pushin off on left side
[|AI|] Hi, The location and movement of a pain give clues as to what is going on. Localized pain is a localized irritation of the structures. It could be a bruise/tear or more serious injury to the edge of the cartilage and would require a lot of rest. Or an inflamed tendon which would also require a lot of rest but is close to guaranteed to improve. My dancing instructor has the latter but due to other issues his is extremely fragile, and he has PT to support the area, increase flexibility, and is on borrowed time. MRIs would show the problem. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Doctor Im at the extreme stage of masturbation every day i masturbates 4-7 times one day i masturbates 11 times Im very addicted to porn sites.i couldnt stop it it is affecting my trying to quit but im failing again & again my body becomes slim,i dont have appetite....these are the problems i face i know the aftereffects of too much masturbation.i would like to quit........masturbation
[|AI|] Hi greetings. You are absolutely normal. no, after effects of masturbation. But to enjoy anything you shouldn't be having it daily. What ever chocolate you like, taking it daily will be boring. Similarly you will be able to enjoy masturbation when done on alternate days or once in three days. Watching porn also to be limited to 5 to 10 min.Anything in moderation is enjoyable. You can always divert your mind to any hobbies or some sort of exercises daily. It will help your physique and increase your self-esteem. You can join some gym also. Another way of diverting your mind is to learn meditation .hope you are convinced. Regards
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[|Human|] When I am sitting or standing, at any time, I sometimes get a very strong irregular heartbeat for about 2 minutes and then it returns to normal. During the irregularity, I feel a slightly tighter sensation and my actual pulse in my throat, it only happens about once a month and I ve had it since I was a small child, I have no clue what it is, I don t have anxiety or any other medical problems. I can see my rib cage moving to my pulse during these, I have no idea what they are and was wondering if you could help, thanks x
[|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Facing with the fact that you are experiencing those irregular heart beats episodes from your childhood it is highly recommended you perform a cardiac check up (physical exam, resting ECG, cardiac ultrasound and eventual ambulatory ECG monitoring0 to rule out any structural heart diseases responsible for arrhythmia triggering, or any pre-excitation syn Chat Doctor. Some blood tests are necessary to exclude any causes like anemia, thyroid dysfunction, etc. Hope to have been helpful to you. Greetings!
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[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor Akash. The symptoms that you are describing are classic for upper respiratory tract infection. Upper respiratory tract infections can become chronic and cause all the symptoms that you are describing. It could be sinusitis, enlarged glands in the neck or both. It is necessary to seek medical care for these problems as they can adversely affect your quality of life. I would recommend visiting your physician so that proper investigations can be done. Thank you for giving us the opportunity for helping you. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
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[|Human|] Im 26 weeks pregnant and was in a car accident yesterday. I went to the er and they said everything was fine. I went to sleep and around 2am I woke up and vomitted. Now I cant stop throwing up, I cant even hold bread or water down. My stomach is sore from constantly vomiting. What do I do to make this stop? Im miserable.
[|AI|] Hallow Dear, This vomiting does not seem to be related to pregnancy; it seems to be related to accident. Did you have any injury to your head? In that case you need to undergo MRI (X-ray of the skull would not be advisable during pregnancy). Sometimes, in certain injuries, delayed bleeding is noted inside the skull giving rise to uncontrollable vomiting. In such case, you would find rigidity in the neck and inequality in the pupils. Please report to ER or neurosurgeon again and explain about continuous uncontrollable vomiting. If you have any severe pain anywhere after the accident, that also can give rise to vomiting. Please do not ignore the matter and report to neurosurgeon ASAP.
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[|Human|] I am 6 weeks 5 days pregnant I had USG today which said that every thing is ok and its showing single living intrauterin fetus is seen , associate with a tiney subserous fibroid is seen in anterior wall of body of uterus . Then also doc suggested Susten VT 200 (once a day for 4 weeks). My question is that is fibroid? and is there any problem??
[|AI|] Hello, You are carrying 6wk plus pregnancy with subserous fibroid. It is one type of fibroid and more common. It is not harmful to baby. If size is small, then need not be much worried. Follow advice of your doctor and check up as per schedule. Alarming sign is unusual heavy bleeding during delivery if fibroid size is large. So be careful about that. Take healthy diet, proper rest and avoid heavy work. Be well.
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[|Human|] Hi... Ive got toothache and Ive tried using clove oil, mouthwash, and garlic but nothing helped me ease the pain... I still hve 10 hours more before my appointment to the dentist. Any idea what to do? Last thing I took was rapidus. (Took it right before I type his message) please help
[|AI|] Greetings from Chat Doctor members, I can understand your concern regarding toothache. Most of the time toothache occur from inflammation of pulp tissue called "pulpits" (which is central part of tooth containing blood vessels and nerves). This is primarily caused by tooth decay, trauma and infection. There could be other reasons of pain as well which include gum disease, cracked teeth, poorly placed fillings or crowns, failing or leaking restorations etc. So, proper treatment has to be undertaken after detailed clinical and radiographic examination of the affected tooth or teeth. For temporary relief, over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil) or Diclofenac potassium (Rapids) may be used. Also, avoid hot or cold foods and chewing from the affected side because this may make the pain worse. Hope this answer is helpful. If you have any further followup questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
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[|Human|] Cant figure out whatsit wrong With my dads back Its in his upper right back. It dosent hurt when its touched. Its not red or abnormal in shape. He says its hurts when he coughs and when he takes a deep breath. He says the pain is a 6 and it is sudden. He its not peeing blood. He has not lost his appetite. He is not having a hard time breathing. And he says it happens at random times.
[|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. There is possibility of osteoporosis and associated infection. I will advise you to do MRI thoracic spine, HRC [CHEST]] and Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can use supportive brace. I will advise checking your it B12 and it D3 level. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
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[|Human|] Ive been having a sharp pain radiating from from my tooth up to my ear when I drink anything that is cold.I looked at my tooth and I noticed that I have what looks like a white vein on my back wisdom tooth. Is there anything that I could do for the pain>
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. If it is sensitivity then there can be an abraded tooth or decay in the tooth. If it is pain it could be because of the tooth infection or gum infection surrounding the wisdom tooth. The kind of pain what you are telling will be seen in case of impacted tooth. Consult your oral physician and get the radiograph done for that tooth and rule out the above said condition. You can take a course of antibiotics like penicillin and analgesics like diclofenac if you are not allergic. According treat by extracting the tooth or by restoring the tooth. I hope my answer will help you. Take care.
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[|Human|] I am 43 years old, female, and over the past year was dieting and lost about 20 pounds (now about 120 pounds). Two months ago I started to get severe gas and then about ten days ago started to get diarrhea but only after dinner. Diarhea has stopped but now having abdominal pain--at lower part o abdomin, like intestinal pain. help!
[|AI|] Hi. The most probable treatment for such an Abdominal Pain with Diarrhea, a waterborne disease can be a course of an antibiotic, Metronidazole, Tablets against worms, antispasmodics, Probiotics and supportive therapy. If there is no relief within a few days you can go for consultation of a Surgical Gastroenterologist and Investigations like that of stool, blood, urine, ultrasonography and CT scan of the abdomen. There is a possibility of Gastrointestinal Cancer that has to be ruled out. Colonoscopy or Upper GI Endoscopy can be planned according to the CT scan report for diagnosis, biopsy and treatment plan.
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[|Human|] Dr.Gopi, I am a 27 yrs old IT employee and have been suffering from left chest pain which spreads across to the hand and my left upper back. This has been on and off for two months nearly but lately it has increased followed by heaviness in breathing. I am frustrated with continuos pain killer, pain killing injections and acidity tablets nothing is working out. The pain is even when I cough and laugh. This is irritating and I get too much of angry. Can u please help me?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Left sided chest pain, radiating pain to left arm with back, breathing difficulty etc. are characteristic symptoms of heart diseases. Heart diseases do occur in young patients. So better to consult cardiologist and get done blood pressure monitoring, ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). Also get done blood reports for diabetes and cholesterol. You may cardiac supportive Chat Doctor. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My 30 yr old son has Mersa really bad, it is confined to his right elbow area. I have been with him and I am beginning to get same looking bumps and feel so bad. Should I see my doctor? what kind of test will they do? I can t seem to find any pix of Mersa on line could I get some pix to compare mine to photo? Will this go away without treatment? What are the dangers of Mersa
[|AI|] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that there is nothing to worry about MRSA. It can be treated though it is resistant to routinely prescribed antibiotics. Antibiotic sensitivity testing is required to get tested, because appropriate antibiotic is must cure and eradicate the MRSA. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I am 24 yrs old.Previous 2 days i am suffering with the feelings of bomiting but nothing is coming out and also fall in fever but it has recovered just one medicine.Then today i visit nearest physician and after blood test the report is as follows.... BILIRUBIN TOTAL: 1.0 mg/dl BILIRUBIN DIRECT: 0.34 mg/dl.The doctor has suggested me that its an initial stage of Jaundice .Is it true?
[|AI|] Hi pal, Welcome to Chat Doctor ! Your liver function test does support the diagnosis of jaundice, although you have not told the GOT/SGPT Report-if they are also normal then probably you don't have hepatitis also. But if is the liver enzymes are raised then your doctor is right that is the initial phase of jaundice. Your fever and jaundice(if it is there really) are symptoms of the disease and not the disease itself. You may be having hepatotropic viral infection, malaria, cholangitis, enteric fever as a cause behind the syn Chat Doctor. You need a physical examination by your physician and get baseline investigations like Chest X-Ray, Electrocardiogram, Complete Blood Counts, Renal Function Test, Repeat Liver Function Test, Ultrasound Abdomen, Urine Compete Examination. This work up is expected to detect the underlying problem, so a definite treatment could be started. I hope this advice would be helpful for you. Still if you have any queries or doubts, please write me back, I would be happy to solve them. Wish you a great health!
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[|Human|] My daughter, about to be 10 years now, is down with fever for last 3 days, 100 - 101 degrees ,giving crocin syrup 12ml thrice daily, today complaining for head ache and cough/cold symtome, what medicine to give. we are in delhi where the outside weather is cold today
[|AI|] Child Chat Doctor. Cronin contains paracetamol and needs to be given to control the temperature. It should also help in relieving the headache. If headache is not relieved, you may safely double the dose. Paracetamol acts as an analgesic in double the dose of that required to bring down temperature. It is a safe medicine, and you need not worry. Do not do this round the clock, rather it should be as and when required. You may also give some antiallergic like levocetirizine 1 tablet once daily for 3-4 days. Steam inhalation should be helpful. Antibiotics are not effective in viral infections and need not be given. Get the blood checked for malaria, in case you are residing in a malaria prone region.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi I had two teeth extracted last week last the first one top left and fine no pain the second the following day (Monday) was awful the dentist wasnt very pleasant on our first meeting and hed cancelled my appointment on the Monday knowing the pain I was in so I called up the same day and got an appointment half an hour before my original with the same dentist, it seemed to me as he didnt want to do the extraction he said if I have a drink it could come out of my nose which I found unusual and many other things it took him 25 mins to get the tooth out and he kept taking breaks about half an hour after Id left the dentist the pain I got was crippling I was screaming in pain and it wouldnt stop I had to go back to get another injection which seemed to help a little bit the pain was awful the whole was huge and its been a week today and the side of my tooth the one next to the tooth that was removed I push my younger up and the gum is spilt in half it pulls away from the tooth is this normal and I have what looks like a long price of tootChatDoctorming out the side of my gum
[|AI|] Hello, If it is a week, the gum must have got attached to the tooth and also the pain must have reduced. You should consult an oral surgeon to get checked it there is any Chat Doctor. Also, you should get an x-ray done to check if the tooth that is pulled has removed completely or is it still having some portion left in the extraction socket that is causing pain. For now, you should take soft meals, do warm saline gargles and take painkillers as and when necessary. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Hi, I am a 40 yr old woman, am getting fever almost everyday for the past 5 weeks or so. Got blood test and found iron deficiency. Doctor has put me on iron and B12 injections. I already have two doses. But still fever persists. its not high, just 37.2-37.4. in past 5 weeks only 344 times, it went upto 37.8. I feel very weak in enrgy and legs. dont feel like doing any house work . joined a new job 5 weeks before only and since then its like this. Cant take time off as new job. please help me.Thanks
[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have iron deficiency anemia. You should take treatment with iron as prescribed by your doctor. But iron deficiency has no relation with fever. Your fever may be due to some viral infection or other cause like malaria & typhoid. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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[|Human|] My 5 year old daughter is running a 106.9 temp. We just found out that she has a thyroid problem is waiting to be seen by a specialist next week. I have given her motrin, cool bath, liquids no clothing and cant seem to get her temp below 104. I took her to Urgent Care earlier in the day and they just advised me to keep doing what Im doing but her fever at that point was only 103.8. Do I need to take her to an ER?
[|AI|] Hi.... looks like viral illness. Please do not panic. What you are doing is perfect. To make you more comfortable, I will explain to you how a viral illness behaves. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Regards -
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[|Human|] I am having dark circles around the eyes for long time, almost 5 years. Last month, I visited a dermatologist and he prescribed me BAN A TAN cream to be used in the night, Sunban Forte Cream in the morning and AHA GLOW face wash to be used before using the creams. Could you please let me know that the treatment will give me improvement as since two weeks there is no much improvement. Moreover, should I make some changes in my lifestyle? Please let me have your opinion to solve this issue.
[|AI|] Hi, thank you for your query. The periorbital skin(skin around eyes) is very thin and hence any small imbalance also causes decreased blood supply and discoloration most common causes are-1. Stress is the most common cause2.anemia - The lack of nutrients in the diet, or the lack of a balanced diet, can contribute to the discoloration of the area under the eyes.3. Any medications that cause blood vessels to dilate can cause circles under the eyes to darken.4.fatigue due to irregular sleep cycles also causes dark circles id suggest these simple steps to treat can follow these see results a balanced diet and regularly2.take adequate fluids (min. 2ltrs per day) to improve circulation3.follow regular sleep cycle4.home remedies include using cucumber slices, potato skins on the eyes. Hence continue with your creams and also follow these tips. You should definitely see a change in a month or so if you follow these steps. Thank you, and you can contact me for further queries
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[|Human|] Dear Sir/ Madam, My mom aged 46 was asked to go for the tests such as EEG , NCS and CT scan last week.... Once got the reports, He said her EEG was abnormal and has seizure disorder.... a neurologist prescribed her to take Encorate Chrono 300 two times a day, Frisium 5 and 1/2 Gabantin Forte in the night.... She is taking these medicines for the past one week..... But she is not feeling comfortable as she is suffering from severe head ache, nausea, vomiting, loose stools and feels weak too....! I cant see her suffering like that.....! And also she is developing mental stress on the same..... She has iron deficiency and also her hemoglobin level is already low..... What can we do now....? Is it good to continue these medicines....? or have to consult some other doctor....?And why she is developing these much problems suddenly...? Is these are the side effects caused by those medicines...? we are helpless....! Can you plz suggest us...? Thank You....
[|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI rally appreciate your concern if your mother does not have any episode of seizure then no need to give this medicine which is given for this, if I would be her doctor then I would treat her with the following medicines,1) Tab Diazepam 5 mg at bed times 2) Tab chlorpromazine three times in day3) Tab Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice in day for 5 days hope this information helps you have nice day
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[|Human|] I fell down my wooden steps hit my forearm and my lower back. what should i expect? My back is extremely sore. It hurts to just barely touch it. When I touch it slightly my eyes start to tear up. I also hit my forearm. My forearm is bruised and is very tender. My back is very tender but no mark of any sort.
[|AI|] Hello, As history is not mentioning any disc injury in the lumbar spine this will be a muscle spasm. But for a safety side an x-ray for the elbow and the lower back is advised. If fracture is found than a complete bed rest is advised. If the elbow is fractured than immobilizing it in the case is good. If the x-ray turns normal than it's a bony hurt and muscle spasm. Do stabilize the part and take proper bed rest. Using hot water fermentation will help reduce the inflammation. Have painkillers if the pain is unbearable. Once the pain levels Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In
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[|Human|] My 9yr old son was experiencing slight chest pains while in class. We brought him to the emergency room and the Dr. asked about a heart murmur. He sees his pediatrician regularly and has never said anything about a murmur. We are trying to get an appointment with a Cardiologist right now to see what is going on. Should he be experiencing chest pains? The ER DR. didn t seem very concerned about it, but should we be?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, it seems nothing serious for your sons' chest pain. But better to rule out congenital heart disease as a cause for his chest pain. So consult pediatric cardiologist and get done1. ECG2. 2d photo rule out congenital heart disease. If both of the above tests are normal then no need to worry much for cardiac cause. Do don't worry much for his chest pain. But better to rule out cardiac cause.
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[|Human|] I was in a car accident on Oct 15..Went to the hospital to check my injuries and now it seems that they are progressively getting worse and not better..I have hurneated disc in my neck..I have nauseu, vomiting , headaches, dizziness , vertigo , and cannot drive or be the passenger because it makes me so sick..It doesn t take much for whole balance to be thrown off..Even the motion of sweeping can trigger the motion sickness feeling..Or by even drying my back with a towel..I feel like I have motion sickness most of the day..It feels like my whole balance system is totally off..I am seeing my Neuro doc tomorrow and I sure hope he has some answers for me..I just can t function this way and its getting worse not better..They ve done all different test-MRI of Neck-brain-lower back,,:Everything is okay except for one membrane function test that came back abnormal..Multiple CT Scans to check for bleeding..I need to find some answers now..What could this be? .
[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Most likely, it could be benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV). In this condition, you would have dizziness, and imbalance, which gets precipitated with sudden head and neck movements. Symptoms are transient and would stop on its own in a few seconds to minutes. Treatment includes use of medications such as betahistine tablets, the usual dose being 16 mg three times daily (please check with your doctor before taking it). In addition, vestibular adaptation exercises are also helpful. Normal MRI and CT scans exclude any serious internal brain injury. I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
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[|Human|] i have consistently taken my estelle pill for at least the last six months.. on tuesday night i think i accidently took the pill twice ( i think i was getting ready for bed, took one pill, then got distracted and then finished getting ready for bed and accidently took a second pill), so i did not take any pill on wednesday night, thursday night i forgot to take my pill, so i took it friday morning, i took my friday night pill, and then had un protected sex on saturday morning, i took my saturday night pill.. could i be pregnant ???? thanks
[|AI|] Hi, Since you have managed to adjust the dosages, there should be no reason to worry. Yet, it would be better to use an extra means of contraception in this cycle as protection cannot be predicted due to the disturbance in the intake that happened. Wait for your period and test for pregnancy at least 3 days later if you miss it. If you wish for an earlier confirmation, you may take the blood test around the last week before your expected date. Please contact your doctor for further advice. Take care.
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[|Human|] I had a cold about two months ago and I went to the doctor. She said it was allergies. I had a fever, runny nose, scratchy throat, and lots fluid in my ears. They gave me zyrtec d and got a little better but never finished the dosages. A few weeks ago I started having inner ear problems, and a swollen lymph node on the same side of my neck as the infected ear, it s still bothering me a bit and the swollen node is still there. Is it due to the cold? What medicine should I take? When will it go away?(my allergies are still bothering me)
[|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern looking to the history given here I could say that this could be allergic condition and the exact cause of allergy is difficult to find out only the symptomatic medicine alone would give best results and that is only can be taken in seven condition otherwise this is self limiting and would come around on its own, hope this information helps you, have a nice day.
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[|Human|] My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma of the lung and has had several chemo treatments. Prior to beginning chemo. she experienced severe pain in her feet, then lower legs and now knees. She is taking a low dose of Prednisone which the doctor was hesitant to give her due to side effects but she finds a slight relief from it. She does not communicate well with her oncologist and her husband of 40 years appears to be in shock. She is suffering a great deal and her oncologist has prescribed Dilaudid which she takes at night but it does not address any real issue. Do you have any ideas which might offer her some relief?
[|AI|] Hello, I will suggest you to increase the dose of diluted. If still problem persists she can be offered nerve block for lower limb. Other than that you should work upon the exact cause of pain in her lower limb like you can do venous and arterial Doppler of lower limb and CPK levels. Once these tests and Doppler studies are done we can Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I have just found a worm in the toilet after my 3 year old had passed urine only. it was about 3 to 4 inches in length and very thin not even a milimetre. it was black in colour. She hasn t shown any signs of troubles going to the toilet and with her tummy. Thanks
[|AI|] Hi, It is quite unlikely for worms come out of urine. I guess your kid is a girl-in girls, worms coming out of anus can crawl in and around to reach vulval area, which is then flushed out while passing urine. This can happen in boys also, though more uncommon. It would be more helpful if you can send a picture of the worm. I suggest you to give albendazole tab 400 mg at night once(or 10ml of suspension) if not given in past 6 months. There is a type of worm infesting bladder, but usually we can't see them with naked eyes. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] I have been on Celebrex for a long time (years). I am a 70 year old lady. In January, my Doctor doubled the dose from 100 mg once a day to 100mg twice a day. I have had arthritis since age 25. Doctor didn t say why so I ASSUMED my blood tests warranted the increase. I have Asthma , Had pneumonia February (2013). Had the flu three times since October, 2012. I have high BP and take med. with a fluid reducer which FR was discontinued. My thyroid med. was 0.088 but was reduced now to 0.075. I have Celiac disease . Also, some other problems.
[|AI|] These are indications of food allergy and one of the food may be from milk wheat potato Chaney rice egg nuts all symptoms are effecting other systems normally the allergic aspect is forgotten and patient is labeled as arthritis you can get blood test check for food specific antibodies after test go for elimination of food and all systems will recover till then take 2-5 mg twice-weekly dose of methotrexate which help TP reduce all organ systems
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[|Human|] My grandpa had a stroke around 6 months ago and the night before last he was taken into hospital as he had, had a seizure, which consisted of his whole body shaking and it was very painful. He has not yet seen a Dr in the hospital even though he has been there over 24 hours. Can you advise what this might be?
[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your grandfathers' history. This is suggestive of post-stroke seizure. It is common for people with stroke in the past to present with seizure, due to scar formation in the brain. The diagnosis can be confirmed by doing an MRI of brain and EEG. There is no need to worry as it responds well to usual anti-epileptic Chat Doctor. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health,
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[|Human|] Hello my sister came home today and said the dr told her he seen blotches on her teeth and that it could be bonne cancer . This is tuff and scary to deal with he wants to look again .She has to follow up with him in a wk for the second go round to see if its for sure. Just want to know what kind of cancer if it is she looking forward to?
[|AI|] Dear friend. Thanks for sharing your concern. To detect any type of cancer certain biopsies are done and mere glancing at a lesion cannot confirm a lesion to be cancer.Therefore, please donor be worried. Also give us complete history and symptoms so that we can arrive at a conclusion. Does she have any pain, bleeding,tumor like growth in gum or jaw? Does she find difficulty eating or swallowing? IF any habits, please mention. Answer these queries to help you better. Thanks. Wish you good health. Take care.
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[|Human|] Hello sir, i am having pain in stomach . Pain comes sudden with high intensity and go for get freshed but excreta released in small amt . Its happens 5 to 6 time in day specially in morning. I got ultrasound reoprt it shows LIVER IS MILDLY ENLARGED WITH INCREASED ECHOGENECITY SUGGESTIVE OF HEPATOMEGALY WITH FATTY LIVER GRADE -I. AND BORDER LINE SPLEEM
[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your quarry. Its elevation is common found in many disorders must most usually is alcoholic, viral, autoimmune or toxic liver damage. The most common liver disorders are fatty liver which can be found in healthy people, but usually is resulting from elevated blood lipids, overweight and elevated blood sugar. This is only the first stage and completely reversible condition, so you have no reason to be concerned. You should treat it by changing dietary and lifestyle habits. Do exercise, avoid alcohol, smoking, fats, fast food and carbonated Chat Doctor. Eat more fruit and vegetables, boiled meat and follow some of hepatoprotective diets. Findings usually improves on such measures. If not, then some medicines can be prescribed, but I suggest going step by step. Also, if stomach pain persists you should do gastrostomy to verify is there some stomach disorders such as gastritis, HERD or hiatus hernia. Wish you good health.
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[|Human|] There is a lump on my shin and seems its attached to the bone and is very hard. It has been there for a couple months and was painful in the first week or two but now i dont have much feeling there. Im a teenager if thats needed. Thanks in advance :)
[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some bone tumor. It may be stood Osceola or osteoclatoma or something else. Or you may have some soft tissue tumor. You should go for ct scan to search the exact location and plane of lesion. If needed go for biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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[|Human|] my daughter is suffering from nephrostic syndrom from past 2 years. Still her albumin level is 3+ she had taken styroid fo 5mg daily. what will we do for fully recoverd from the disaese. please give food for control the creatine level and for the cure the disease. murali from pondicherry
[|AI|] Hi Muralidharan, Welcome to Chat Doctor Forum. Treatment for nephrotic syn Chat Doctor. Kindly have Patience, as it will take some time for complete recovery. See to it that she sticks to her treatment plan and take her for regular follow up. In addition to this, Reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol in her diet. She should be eating Less Protein, Less Calcium and Less Salt diet. You can seek a help of a Dietitian for this. I Wish her Very Good Health.
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[|Human|] Hello there, Im 23 years old and have a 3 year old, me and my partner have been trying to get pregnant for about 2 years now, i miscarried about 6 months ago. Since then i have been testing whenever i feel like i could be pregnant again, i had 10 home strip tests and over a period of 3 weeks or so i have been using them every other day because i have been getting pregnancy symptoms, but all 9 came back negetive. I did my last one yesterday and that was posistive. Im tired all the time and im very very late on my period. all the signs are pointing to me being pregnant, but im worried because of losing the baby before. The result line was faint but absolutly there and clear. Im going to go doctors ASAP but id like to know what the possibiltys are of pregnancy and if what im feeling in my body is real. I have sore breasts, bloated uncomftable stomache, missed period, and i can barely keep my eyes open by around 6 in the evening. help!
[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. The symptoms that you have portrayed definitely do point towards pregnancy. Single episode of miscarriage does carry a slightly higher chance of miscarriage in subsequent pregnancies, but this risk is negligible and usually ignored in practice. My opinion is that there is minimal risk to your baby. Visit your gynecologist to confirm that you are pregnant. I would like to have few more details like-the date of the first day of your last menstrual period and after how many months of pregnancy did you undergo the miscarriage 6 months back etc. to give you a more specific answer to your question regarding the risk to your current pregnancy. Hope I have answered you question to your satisfaction. Please do get back if you need any clarification of this answer or any more queries that you have.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] hello. recently I have been doing and hearing and even seeing strange things. sometimes confusing things for what they really are. Like thinking a dog is a demon or a tree for a husky. I hear voices telling me to do things and if i dont they will kill me. and ive been taping my foot and staring at objects constantly just waiting for them to move without me touching them
[|AI|] Hi, thanks for the query. May I know what is your age, gender & whether you have recently started using any substance like cannabis (marijuana), amphetamine, opiates, cocaine etc. or have you recently suffered any accident with head injury or loss of consciousness? At present, based on information provided, there are few possibilities including excessive fears or anxiety about some events which is making you act in aforementioned manner. Is it the case? Have you been stressed out recently or are not able to sleep properly since last few days? Last possibility is that of suffering from a Psychotic episode where hallucinatory experiences are known to occur. Hence, I would first suggest you to talk about these experiences with a family member or a significant other followed by consultation with a Psychiatrist where based upon assessment & diagnosis medications &/or lifestyle changes can be prescribed to help you recover. Good Luck
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[|Human|] I have bloating , tenderness in the lower right quadrant. I went to the ER center, where I had blood and urine test done. I don t have a fever. The results show no infection and no sign of appendicitis . The doctors checked for hernia and failed to locate one. This has been going on for 2 months. I am 29 years old male. Thanks
[|AI|] Hello and welcome, Thanks for your query. It is a good thing appendicitis and hernia were ruled out, but hopefully through both a physical examination and an ultrasound investigation. As you have not mentioned an ultrasound investigation, I would advise you to go through with one, it is not painful at all, and can greatly help in visualizing any source, that could be causing your tenderness. The bloating could also be due to an irregular diet and unhealthy eating habits. Are you experiencing other symptoms like vomiting, or meal related pains (i.e. pain increases after a meal, or is relieved by a meal)? Has your stool changed in color or consistency? I understand we can only provide limited help to you without being able to directly communicate with you, I hope I have helped in some way or the other. You can always write back to us for further clarifications, and with more information. In the meantime, you could get an ultrasound done. Wishing you good health and lots of luck. Best regards.
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[|Human|] I have a lump on my back that feels like a bubble of gas or water, about the size a baseball. It moves around a bit when I put presure on it, or when I lie down. It does not hurt much and it is under my left shoulder blade...What is it. I am 50 years old in general good health.
[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, A mobile lump which feels like gas, or fluid filled like can be a cyst. However, certain investigations are required before management can be planned. Imaging preferably an ultrasound of the back is required to assess the site and origin of the lesion. After assessing the site and origin, an aspiration cytology can be planned. In this investigation, cells are aspirated using a needle, stained and examined microscopically. Management/ treatment can be planned after investigations. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] hi doctor bansal as u suggested me to use EUMOSONE-M i m using since 2 month i feel good but whn i left for 1 day my problems again attack on face ncuts nose joints and ear joints.i am takeing heamup tablets everyday but there is no changes on my dark face.
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query. This hyperpigmentation can be removed by using skin lightening creams. Various creams are available like Melanie XL, lookalike, Bungalow etc. You can take any of them. This will help in getting a fairer together following should be procedure to use it.1. Wash your face in evening around 7.2. Chat Doctor. 3. Keep it for one hour.4. Wash face again.5. Apply some moisturizing cream and sleep.6. In morning apply a sunscreen with SPF at least 30. Do this for a month, you will see the results. Let me know if you have any other doubts. Thank you
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[|Human|] Hello doctor, This is Hareesh from bangalore my friend is suffering from a very rare kind of skin allergy .Red rashes appear on the body at one place after some time disappear and then occurs at other part of body with continous etching until now we have met seven doctors including skin specialists nobody is able to treat it properly its becoming unstoppable.I am hoping for a solution from you at least.
[|AI|] Hi, your friend seems to suffer from chronic urticaria. There are many causes. ... Like infection, allergy, heat, cold, pressure, physical, Chat Doctor. Sometime no cause may be found, then it is labeled as chronic idiopathic urticaria. Consult nearby dermatologist for perfect treatment after investigation. Fexofenadine, or levocetirizine or desloratidine may give good result after long term treatment. Short course of steroid in tampering dose may be helpful for control. Treat the cause, if found ... Ok
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[|Human|] sir i have a tongue infection to the best of my knowledge,it has been one and a half year from which i am dealing with it. i am 20yr old male and i have treated this problem from 12 different doctors including veds and all. whenever i eat something solid it cuts very badly and get red scars on upper side and gets all red even toothpaste acts like paining somewhere on thing i remember that i went to delhi one and a half yr back and there we were in hostel the last day when we were coming back home, i opened that water filter and i saw the filters were rusting very badly and we all were drinking that water for 5 please help me it has been very long time suffering from thisyash nadheriaadd:-2/54 kala kuwa alwar(rajasthan)mob:-0000
[|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have tongue infection which is causing red sores is due to poor immunity of your body which is leading to glossies. I t could be due to nutritional deficiencies as well. I would suggest you to maintain proper oral hygiene. You should chew vitamin C pellets daily. Apply McCoppin gel on these red sores. You should consult oral pathologist for proper examination and rule out causes like lichen plans and geographic tongue and also ENT surgeon for proper treatment. Chat Doctor. Take multivitamins in diet. Avoid any hot and spicy food and take diet rich in soft food. You should take anti-oxidant syrup as well. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
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[|Human|] i am 18 yrs old .i am suffering from severe hairfall during these 4 hair became thinner.i consulted a doctor.he prescribed me to take amexidil i am taking that.i feel a very small pain on my scalp when i touch.what should i do?i have no credit card.answer me without money.
[|AI|] Hi, It may be halogen effluvium. Consult the dermatologist for the perfect diagnosis and proper treatment. There may be some cause of hair fall. After a thorough examination and investigations, your dermatologist might know the exact cause of your hair fall. Anemia, thyroid dysfunction, post enteric, nutritional deficiencies, vitamin deficiencies, stress, worries, heavy exercise, sleeplessness, starvation, any other internal diseases... etc. might lead to halogen effluvium. Tab. Biotin, vitamin E cap, tab. Zinc sulfate... etc. and other nutrients may be taken for a long time. Apply minoxidil solution. Use mild herbal shampoo. Avoid stress and worries. Treatment of underlying disease may be taken. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] No question doctor,Marion is still in hospital .She has nearly cleared the Jaundice and seems to be coming along very slowly.She has a feed of vitamins and a suction to remove it afterwards as she had an ulcer .They are putting in a dye on Monday to see if she has any leakage internally .Then if all is well it is the recovery.She looks pretty well and is very alert and well looking but very tired
[|AI|] Hello there, In Jaundice the body is overtly tired due to the liver being out of action. Easily tired, loss of appetite, inability to tolerate loud noises or bright lights are all symptoms. To recover from this1) Have plenty of fluids -at least 3 liters of water a day.2) Have foods rich in simple sugars-Juices, fruits.3) Avoid anything with oil or high protein as this would make her have cramps and vomit. 4) Carboy Chat Doctor. 5) Avoid anything processed like ready to eat food or takeout food. This will increase the stress on her liver and make her have cramps.6) Strictly avoid alcohol and use ain killers judiciously.7) Multivitamin can be taken Hope this helps, Thank you for your query,
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[|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal
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[|Human|] Hello, I am 17 years old, female and a smoker. I dont usually suffer with coughing, but recently i have developed a very chesty cough along with a blocked nose. I am coughing up dark yellow + brown mucus. I have had this cough for around 4 weeks now, and it seems to be getting worse. what could it be?
[|AI|] Hello and thank you for asking in ChatDoctorYou explain that you have cough with yellow phlegm since 4 weeks. And given the fact that you are a smoker it would be better to do some blood tests to rule out any infection of the lungs, and a Spirometry. Hole blood counterpart, ASTChest X Ray Ray of the sinuses these tests are positive you should have a medication antibiotic mucositis some vitamins and symptomatic, and you should be better. I strongly recommend you to stop smoking. Thank you Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My BP currently is around 160/100 even after taking Nebicard-5 and diurestic lasilactone, since last few local doc who is simply an MBBS not a specialist.....has asked me to continue with the same medication adding one more diurestic. What should I do? Pl. Advise.
[|AI|] Hello and thanks for writing. I can understand your concern and would try to help you in the best possible way. You have not mentioned which diuretic has been added by your doctor. Lasilactone is combination Chat Doctor. In your case a proper choice would be an ACE inhibitor or ARB or a calcium channel blocker. Before adding any other medication additional information regarding your medical history and previous investigations are required. I suggest you consult a physician who would take a complete medical history and do a medication review with you.
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[|Human|] I have fallen twice in the last month and injured the right side of my right knee. There is a good sized knot there now with some numbness and pain only if I try to kneel or twist. Otherwise I can walk fine again. Will it just heal by itself? I have no health insurance.
[|AI|] Hi, You seem to have injured your knee ligaments on the right side with possibility of some injury to the meniscus which is a cartilage disc inside the knee. Avoid any strain on the knee like kneeling, carrying heavy weights, and climbing more than one flight of stairs. Walking on level ground is fine. There is a good chance that it will heal provided you take the above precautions. Meanwhile, please do knee exercises to maintain the range of movement, strengthening exercises for the qua Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hi i have looking on the internet of the effcets a cannabis vaporizer would have on a person with copd and other respiratory problems, i have found out using a vaporizer can significantly lower symptoms but that is it, would you be able to shed any more light on this subject for me. Thankyou
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Cannabis is centrally acting (acts on brain) abusive substance. It causes depression of brain centers including respiratory center. Respiratory is main part who regulates breathing. So when someone takes Cannabis, his breathing becomes slow. This is therefore reason why COPD patients feel good after taking Cannabis. But this is life-threatening in long term use. Long term Cannabis intake can cause respiratory depression (no breathing) and ultimately death. It is also habit-forming agent. So better not to use Cannabis in COPD patients. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Hi Doctor,I am a male 35 years. I recently get my LFT done and my SGPT is high to 69 ... i was on medication for last 40 days "LIV52 DS" as suggested by my doctor as my last LFT hd both SGOT at 47 and SGPT at 92 on 28th Feb but even after my medication for almost 40 days my SGPT has not become normal surely it has reduced.. Plz suggest sir
[|AI|] Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am a Gastroenterologist. Increase in SGPT levels has many cause like Hepatitis B, C, Metabolic disorders, NAFLD, alcohol intake etc. So I will suggest you to visit a Hepatologist for evaluation who will advise tests and then manage accordingly. Meanwhile, there are few medicines which I found very useful in my patients are ursodeoxycholic acid and vitamin E. Do regular exercise and reduce your weight if you are overweight, avoid alcohol if you Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. Wish you a good health
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[|Human|] so ever since my boyfriend has left my house from a visit, (We are in college and on summer break see each other every two weeks) I have been very emotional just at night breaking down about everything self confidence stuff and all that. and I break down every night atleast once
[|AI|] Hi, You seem to be under stress due to some reason involving you and your boyfriend which is resulting in your current symptoms. You need to overcome whatever has happened or is going in your mind. You can consider seeking a psychiatric consultation. Furthermore, you may find supportive therapy sessions helpful which will help you let out your emotions and de-stress yourself. Relaxation exercises like deep breathing and meditation would also help. If still the symptoms persist, consider treatment with anti-depressant medications like Escitalopram which will help you overcome your symptoms. I do hope that I was able to answer your query. Best wishes.
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