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[|Human|] Age 37, 5 feet tall, 160 pounds and extremely active.I started having low back pain (no injury) in December so I went to the chiropractor for adjustments and the dr for some pain releif. I took the medication (muscle relaxer and anitinflamation) for about 2 weeks and continued witht he chiropractive until about March. The pain went away until about 2 weeks ago. Its again very painful, but I also noticed that I have been having brown spotting for the last few months also, so I though maybe that might be the cause of the low back pain.
[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think you are suffering from chronic backache. Treatment of back pain is exercises and analgesics (diclofenac). Sometimes vitamin D deficiency is the cause so get her vitamin D checked. If it is low then vitamin D supplementation (weekly with milk) can be taken. Avoid long continuous standing. Sit in a straight posture. Eat milk and milk product, fruits and green leafy vegetables daily. To further investigate MRI of the region is advised. As you are also having brown spotting for the last few months, this might because of your backache, so you should get examined by gynecologist and exclude infection as cause of backache. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query
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[|Human|] after releasing sperm ,headache started, pain in eyes also started and feel less confidence and also there is pain in my knees ,feet and sometime pennis also got pain. what should I do ? because I cant concentrate on my study or any work. night fall also a problem for me. in simple I fear from touch my pennis . my face is also lost shinning and look like an aged person but I m only 21 year old, so please sir do something because in future I m not going to marry or any thing related to sex.
[|AI|] Hello share your concern and I will try to help you out in the best possible excessive masturbation can cause generalized weakness and all these symptoms, I would like further information to guide you better frequency of masturbation how many times in a day/ week? Your complete medical history and work culture You need not worry until any diagnosis confirmed Your symptoms can be caused by UTI means infection of genitourinary tract. I would advise you to consult your doctor to order a battery of tests like blood for hemoglobin, CBC LIVER function test and urine culture You Amy require a course of antibiotics under supervision of your doctor meanwhile have plenty of fluids maintain good hygiene say no to alcohol and smoking have multivitamin and food supplements Hope this answers yourquestionPlease feel free to ask for more assistance I happy to help you Best wishes
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[|Human|] I had a MRI done to look at a cyst that was found on my pancreas on a previous MRI. I am a 42 year old woman. I understand that it has gotten a little smaller but I do not understand the rest of the results. Could you help me and advise me as to what my next actions should be if any? Results= FINDINGS: Correlation is made with the previous MRI examination dated05/03/2012.There is motion artifact on these examinations limiting evaluation.The extrahepatic common duct and visualized intrahepatic bile ducts areunremarkable without filling defect, stricture or abnormal dilatation. Thevisualized pancreatic duct is unremarkable. These findings are similar tothe previous study. A lobulated cystic mass is again identified within theregion of the uncinate process of the pancreas which demonstrates cysticcharacteristics on all pulse sequences without enhancement. The overallsize appeared slightly decreased compared to the previous study currentlymeasuring a maximal transverse dimension of 1.2 cm compared to 1.6 cm onthe previous exam. There is suggestion of a cystic duct remnant which isnot optimally visualized due to motion artifact. Also, there is asuggestion of an accessory bile duct supplying the right hepatic lobearising from the extrahepatic common duct.The visualized portions of the liver, spleen , adrenal glands and kidneysare unremarkable.IMPRESSION:PERSISTENT CYST IN THE UNCINATE PROCESS OF THE PANCREAS SLIGHTLY DECREASEDIN SIZE COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS EXAM.SMALL CYSTIC DUCT REMNANT.Findings suggestive of an accessory bile duct supplying the right hepaticlobe arising from the extrahepatic common duct.
[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thank you for your this point it doesn't require any treatment since there is no growth or obstruction of main pancreatic duct. Also, there is no risk of malignancy. So if you don't have symptoms you don't have to be worried since this is just benign pancreatic cyst which is common accidental finding. All you need is frequent follow up. Wish you good health. Regards.
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[|Human|] hi m from pakistan. my age is 21 years n m female n height is 5 feet 3 inches. my blood group is A+. i have no medical issue but one year before i donate blood n in reports it is mention that i have HB core antibody reactive and its rate is 8.91 while the cutoff value is 1.00. then i tested for hepatitis B but reports are negative. have i have any medical issue or hepatitis? n i also want to increase my height at least 2 inches plz recommend me the medicene
[|AI|] Hello. As a hepatologist I will answer better for your concern about HBC Ab with if IGM is a sign of that you're passing an infection, if Egg of passed infection or vaccine. HBS Ab is to be done and if positiver than you are even defended against virus B of Hepatitis. Are your transaminase normal is my question? Ask me again because hepatitis B is a global problem with many unsolved questions even for eminences in the field.
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[|Human|] I had a needle point white patch in the inner cheek which develpoed after the got caught while eating. Got it checked and was diaganosed as leukoplakia nsubmucus fibrosis. But that particular part n other area get regularly get caught in between teeth while eating. I wonder why?I am a hypothyroid patient since last 10yrs n mom died of oral cancer.
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The excess tissue which is getting caught between teeth could be because of the sharp cusp edges. Once the cheek gets traumatized, it will be prone to injury again and again. Get your sharp usual edges of the teeth rounded off. Do not delay, since you are telling you have leukoplakia and OSF better to get it treated as early as possible. Get the excess tissue growth removed surgically. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
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[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It is confirmed the brain zaps are due to the Selena, you have stopped it now. Welbutrin alone may be sufficient, if your doctor feels it is not sufficient, he can prescribe some other medicine from the thousands of other Chat Doctor. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods to have good health resistance against the infections. Practice yoga, meditation, reading books, and hearing music as diversion procedures. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
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[|Human|] when i play fast paced video games. after few minuntes or hourse i feel pain in my heart like my hearts going back deep inside. i have to stop playing the game. after 10~30mins i feel good normal no pain... so why i feel that pain when i play this kind of games???
[|AI|] Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to give you my opinion. There is no relationship between playing a video game and a heart problem. The only think that might explain what you feel is related with the emotion or stress that you feel wile you play this game or the body position. The pain might be related with a body position, it might be a musculus-sceletik pain that you feel each time you play. It is possible that during the game, because of emotions you might experience a little sinus tachycardia, that means that your heart beats over 100 beats for minute, and you experience this like a heart discomfort, that ends immediately when you finish playing, and you get relaxed again. I think this is nothing serious. If it really bothers you, you can take a holder rhythm monitoring that can register your heart during these episodes. After this we can better understand what is it and what to do. Hope I was helpful. Best regards.
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[|Human|] For the last month i havnt been myself and i dont and cant understand y everything i do has been affected my relasionship is being straind as i cant understand myself and when he asks me i just say i dont know or its just the way i am. my sec drive has gone and i just dont feel myself. im almost 20 now and my mother kicked me out at 16 so have been coping pretty much on my own since then i cant forgive her for what she has done so i havent spoken to her since and all my family have taken her side so basically only have my friends to help and my partner but i just cant say wat it is and keep myself bottled up i dont knw wat to do anymore
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely suggest that you are victim of your own negative thinking. You cannot term your current state of mind as clinical depression. Rather, this is just disappointment. Disappointment which arises out of unforeseen life events do bring such symptoms like sadness, irritation, anger, lethargy, lack of interest, lack of appetite etc. Please understand this fact and make sure to introspect. Find the reason for your disappointment and consult a psychologist if need be. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] Good afternoon doctors my real sister suffer from mentally problum she is mentally deprased for last 10 years we dont take a good tritment because of her fainacily problum doctor tell me who s the best menatilly doctor in patiala....... Doctor my sister is 26 years old,height 5 4, weight may be 47 but not sure, she is menatily depresed girl please suggest me a good doctor for her in patiala
[|AI|] Hiwelcome to Chat Doctor I suggest you to go near experienced homeopath. Homeopathy offers an excellent treatment for all stages of Depression, especially in the chronic stages(long term suffering). Homeopathy can take care of various symptoms of depression. Extreme cases of depression or the cases where the patients are on high doses of the conventional medicines for a long time (Chat Doctor. Homeopathy medicines ad
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[|Human|] hi i have multiple lumps symmetrically on my body, neck front and back, on my trunk,back of knees elbows, front of ankles ect, im getting a lot of pins and needles too? query dercums disease but i think its more to do with my lympatic system can you advise please
[|AI|] Hi, Dear,On the data given, I would need more information as follows-How long they are there? How long with pins and needles? What about the size of these lumps? Any burning and itching in these lumps. You seem to have -Multiple neurofibromatosis ? Or multiple lipomatous ?or may be Urticaria with lumps. To resolve this issues I would advise you to consult ER Surgeon. Hope this would resolve your query. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Write good review and hit thanks, if this reply helps you. Have a good day. Chat Doctor. N.
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[|Human|] I seem to be dealing with an almost rash or something like it on my butt. Not in the hold but on the cheeks rather. I work out a lot and work outside at a pool and beach so I am constantly sweating which seems to affect it more. I dont know if its some sort of irritation from all of the sweat or what. Any answers? Thanks!
[|AI|] Hello dear, The case history as mentioned in your post suggests that it might be due to fungal infection. Management includes:1. Keeping the area Chat Doctor. 2. Antihistamine preparations like cetirizine to provide symptomatic relief.3. Application of topical antifungal cream to tackle the causative organism.4. Topical antibiotics can also be applied to prevent secondary bacterial infections. If symptoms still persist or aggravate further, then it will be better to consult a Dermatologist & get a proper examination done to find out the actual cause. So that appropriate management steps could be taken. Also avoid wearing tight it will cause sweating & aggravate the infections. Wishing a good health. Take care
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[|Human|] Im being treated for a kidney infection for nearly 3 weeks. First 7days on trimorphen antibiotics and now 2weeks on nitrofurantion. Its still not clearing up still have awful pain in right flank area around to abdomen and groin. Im taking co-codamol 30/500. Ive been scanned and no stones. Im now getting pain in left flank to.
[|AI|] HIT hanks for your query. The two common causes for resistant UTI are:1) Resistance of bacteria to the antibiotics2) Structural problems in the urinary tract like stones, obstruction etc. So I recommend the following:1) Urine culture and sensitivity test to know the bacteria and its antibiotic sensitivity.2) Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder with a post void residue scan of the bladder. Based on the results we could decide the further course of action. Hope this was helpful Good luck.
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[|Human|] My father has stage 4 liver cancer. He had done the TACE chemo ONCE but is not doing well especially when the cancer growth is progressive. Right now doctors are just giving him pain management because theres not much they can suggest. Is there anymore hope?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. TACE is transarterial chemo embolization and a method used to treat liver tumors from a closer distance. In RACE, a single or more than one cancer medicines are given into the hepatic artery and this causes the Chat Doctor. However, it is unfortunate that your father has a tumor which did not respond to treatment. There is a new procedure called SIR(Selective internal radiation therapy) that can be given to patients who do not respond to RACE as a second line of treatment. This is not available in every hospital, and you can discuss with his doctor if this treatment is made available to patients in your place. Please note that stage 4 cancer might have an expected survival of up to two years with recommended treatment and good supportive care. Hope your father responds to treatment. Please do not worry.
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[|Human|] I have a sever pain on my shoulder around the scapula bone. This pain radiates to my left arm. I can not sleep on my left side because of it aggravates the pain.So far I have been given antibiotics but no improvement. I am currently on medication for the eradication ulcer since I was tested positive to H.Pylori. The pain is there and it is tough. What could this be? Please advice me, I am so worried.
[|AI|] History to hear you are in painPainful shoulder could be caused by many medical conditions: fracture of the shoulder bones, dislocated shoulder, cervical radiculopathy, impingement, rotator cuff injury, any collagen vascular disease, tendon rupture, sprain/strain, infection... There are just so many probable causes and only a good history and physical examination by a Doctor can help to get the exact cause. However, in all cases, pain medications will be needed to relief you. With a history of gastritis and on treatment for gastritis due to H pylori, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are to be avoided in your case. I will advise you get pain medications/steroidal anti-inflammatory medication like prednisolone for say 5 to 7 days and observe. If the pain continues to be intense you will need to see a Doctor for evaluation and alternative managements. Hope my answer will help you Best regards
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[|Human|] Recent (4 days ago) prostate removal surgery. Stomach is showing pale red streaking, similar to when someone scratches themselves. No welts, no itching, no pain, no fever. Is it possibly a mild reaction to medication? Or, should I be more concerned?
[|AI|] Thanks for posting you query to Chat Doctor. As I understand there is no need to worry as it could be due to some allergic reaction by any cause . But if there is any pus discharging pocket or pain develop you should contact hospital to find out infection. So presently carefully watch the streaking and use moisturizer cream over abdomen to. Hope you would be satisfied with my answer. Feel free to communicate if any query.regards, Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] My age is 21and Am facing severe hair loss which is shocking by all for my age.I follow proper diet and no dandruff. I had earlier consulted with v care and other dermatologists still am having the same problem .They prescribed finasteride and minoxidil which I continued for the term they said .I never felt any improvement and my hair loss leads to depression and feeling low to face society. Please help me with proper guidance. Drugs used : finasteride,minoxidil, keraxyl serum,ervamatin Problem:hair thinning and missing in central part alone.
[|AI|] I welcome your here at Chat Doctor! I feel sorry that the treatment didn't work for you. Furthermore, I want to clarify that you need the treatment for years long. There is no defined period of time that you will take the medicine for and then stop and all is ok. You are suffering from An Chat Doctor. Minoxidil for example when used continuously, starts kicking in and showing results after a lag period of 6 months or so. And its effects revert once you stop the medication. In male hairball has a strong genetic association. Females have their own different reasons of the issue. Dan
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[|Human|] My mother (aged 65) is suffering from Hypothyrodism for 6 years now. She is taking Thyronorm 100mcg once daily. Now her TSH is almost at the lower level (0.98) but T4 is very high (21.0). T3 is within normal range. Since she has started treatment on hypothyrodism, her T4 is always on the higher side - 14, 15 and now 21. Once doctor suggested her to lower the dosage of Thyronorm to 75mcg, but doing this increased the TSH. She feels fatigued and has lost lot of weight in last 5 years. She has developed a minor lump also on her throat recently.
[|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Read and understood the history of Hypothyroidism and taking Thermoform for the last 6 years by your mother. Thermoform is a replacement hormone T3 and T4 are produced by the thyroid glans. But the TSH is produced by Pituitary gland, and it produces it in response to the feedback from the circulating thyroid hormones sensed by it. Hence, are the change. When the pituitary feels that the bodies levels of thyroid hormone is reduced, it will produce more to give an order to the thyroid gland to produce more. Hence, it is more important to know and keep the levels of the thyroid hormones under normal range. You have to reduce the dose of Thermoform, as it is more dangerous to keep the T4 levels in the high range, it will affect the whole body.
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[|Human|] Child, under weight, gaunt appearance, note the quote lactose intolerant . Child has green stool, everday every time since birth. Child complains of what I would discribe as severe belly pain . The green stool holds the answer to the child s problem but the local doctors, god bless them, seem to be too invasive. Please help.
[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. Stool examination for reducing sugars to diagnose lactose intolerance, stool for microscopic examination and culture and sensitivity to exclude infection. Avoid lactose containing foods (milk and milk products). Cyclopam syrup 2-3 times daily will relieve stomach pain. You may try Ofloxacin and ornidazole combination 2 times daily for control of infection. Hope this answer will serve your purposeless feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam MD;Disassociate professor of pediatrics
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[|Human|] I have ulcerative colitis, and I did colon colonoscopy last Friday, after two days I have prostate infection that s happen for the second time . Each time I do the colonoscopy I have prostate infection which needs at least six weeks to heal with Cipro. Kindly, tell me if there is any relationship between colonoscopy and prostatitis, thanks.
[|AI|] Hello, No usually if they do colonoscopy why will the prostate get inflamed? There is no connection also. If there is any fistula or sinus they would have found out in colonoscopy. Maybe they might have introduced infection which might have caused you the generalized infection and also prostate which is confusing to you. Whatever the etiology by taking antibiotics it will get subsided. Next time before colonoscopy takes prophylactic antibiotics if you are so concerned about it. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] My son-in-law has a viral infection in the lungs, which triggered an astma attack which the Dr thought had triggered a mild heart attack. Now they say he didnt have a mild heart attack. He is now running a fever and is on antibiotics and it doesnt seem to go away. What would be the cause of this?
[|AI|] Hi. I am glad we connected. Based on the symptoms you have mentioned, it sounds like your son-in-law may have had viral CARITIG. This is when a viral infection causes antibodies to be formed against the cardiac muscles or against the virus in the heart. One may also develop antibodies which attack the virus and the cardiac muscle. Depending on the severity, the treatment may range from plasmapheresis, steroids, or immune suppression. It would be best to confirm the exact treatment with your doctor or immunologist. Please reach out if you have any other questions. All the best.
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[|Human|] I am suffering from amoebaiasis for last four days . I am 36 yrs male ; body wt 70 kgs . Iam using tab Ciprofloxacin 500 mg only . I have strong allergy on Tinidazole / Metronidazole . what should be my alternative drugs for cure. Please suggest me.
[|AI|] Hi band ow, Welcome to Chat Doctor ! How were you able to know that it is Meiosis. If proven by stool examination then you must get a proper treatment under the supervision of a qualified physician. There are many Chat Doctor. To name a few. The dose and regimen your clinician would know. I do not agree with your choice of taking ciprofloxacin for meiosis, you are harming yourself by self-medication. I hope the advice would be informative and useful for you. Take Care!
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[|Human|] have had right flank pain that extends to my posterior ,had cat scaN ,X RAYS AND SONOGRAM HAVE BEEN PERSCRIBED dicyclomine hcl tab 20 mg with no relief have been told a lot of patients just go on with the pain in other words I don t think the doctors or pain specialist knows what is going on any advise will be appreciated, thanks beforehand, david
[|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thank you for your query. Well I think that the right cause of pain should be established. It sounds like kidney disorder or pancreatic disorder so these 2 should be ruled out first by ct scan and certain blood test. Sonogram is not so sensitive to detect some common pathologies, xrays as well. You should check lipase and amylase levels and your kidney functional tests. Wish you good health. Regards.
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[|Human|] I have been using Previ Dent 5000 for over a month for a loose bridge that will soon be fixed. I broke out with alarge very warm pink patch on my inner calf six days ago. I was painful and sore and I went to the doctors and wastreated for inflammation using Ibuprofen twice a day. Today it moved to my inner thigh in a larger blotch. I didntthink at the time it could be related to the Previ Dent but could it?I noticed while reading about the side effects that you should only use this for a period of 4 weeks. My dentist said itwas o.k. to continue using it until the bridge is fixed. What do you say?
[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor forum, I would like to inform you that President 5000 does not cause skin rashes, I do not feel that the red patch is from President, but I will recommend you to see a dermatologist first. It is okay to use president 5000 for a month and then wait for a week, after which you can use it again. I will suggest you to give a break for a week and start using it again. I hope this answer was useful to some extent, Thank you for writing to us, i wish you good health, take care.
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[|Human|] My hands and feet get really messed up in the cold. They lose all the blood and turn white and green and it hurts when the heat comes back and feeling goes back into them. Its always an over reaction because my body wont be cold at all but my fingers and feet will. It doesnt have to be winter or freezing either, its ridiculous.. It even happens on cold days in the classroom. Recently after 35 minutes of being outside shoveling it got so bad that when I came inside my hands were blotchy and swollen up so bad I couldnt even move them, almost like I was getting frost bite. Ive had this problem for years and its hard to go into the doctor to get it checked out because I need something to trigger it to showhim my symptoms, other than that... my hands are just usually very very cold (like actually, people get weirded out) and sometimes like clammy. Some years ago I read about that Raynauds phenomenon and wondered if I could have that... any help please?
[|AI|] Hi and thank you so much for trusting us with your health query. I am so sorry to hear about these symptoms that you have experienced. They really sound like Reynolds disease and I will like that you get it checked out. A majority of persons with these symptoms do not have any particular disease provoking them. A few do have disease conditions that explain this. You do not have the symptoms when you are consulted. By talking to your doctor, he would most likely suspect and try to manage appropriately I will like you to use this resource and learn more about what you can do to prevent and manage such symptoms. In the meantime, avoiding trigger is the best initial step. hope you find this helpful. Thank you so much for using our services, and please feel free to for more information or clarifications if need be. I wish you the best of health.
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[|Human|] I had two crown preps on October 1, 2014..About a week later, I noticed i could not open my mouth fully..after a few weeks, i went to see an oral surgeon, and he said my disk was out of joint..he put me to sleep, and put my disk back in felt more ear pain and jaw pain, but i still could not fully open my is now Novemeber 19, 2014, and i can still only open my mouth wide enough to fit two fingers..I had an MRI and the nurse said it was fine, but the doctor never called me back...what do i need to do now...take my MRI to another doctor? is my disk back out of joint, or are the muscles too tight?
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query as you have reduced mouth opening this is due to Temporomandibular disorder. You have hypermobility of TMJ joint that's why your TMJ dislocate. For this I will suggest you to consult another oral surgeon and go for TMJ sectional view to examination and evaluation. Inmeantime do hot fermentation, take soft diet, Avoid excessive mouth opening. You can apply ointment like Relay gel on TMJ joint locally. Hope this will help you.
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[|Human|] Currently on lamictal 150 twice a day and Siloam. My dr has just introduced lithium which I m not happy about. My concerns are the weight gain and the effects that it may have in my kidneys as they already have scaring on them. I have bipolar 2 and was thinking of topomax. What do I think
[|AI|] Hello, The mood-stabilizing Chat Doctor. Although the possibility of gaining weight while taking lithium is well known, this side effect does not affect everyone who takes the medication. Kidney damage due to lithium may include acute (sudden) or chronic (long-term) kidney disease and kidney cysts. The amount of kidney damage depends on how long you have been taking lithium. It is possible to reverse kidney damage caused by lithium early in treatment, but the damage may become permanent over time. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
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[|Human|] i am suffering from lower abdomen pain along with pain in vagina while peeing..i am even having constipation ..i had i pill 2 days partner dint leak while having intercourse...and we used condom as well...rubbing of upper layer of both parts took place but it dint leak at that time to...what to do...m worried?
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for posting your query. According to your description you are probably having urinary tract infection, it is frequent in women and usually caused by sexual intercourse because the female anatomy can make women more prone. It is usually presents with pain during urination, pain and cramping in the lower portion of the abdomen as well as the back, fever, nausea and vomiting.Most time it is caused by E.cold, but other bacteria like gonorrhea and Pseudocodes can be the cause. Take large amount of water, cranberry juice can also help. Keep your genitals clean, and it is better to pee before and right after having sex as it flushes bacteria out. You are advised to visit your doctor and perform some labs like CBC, urinalysis, urine culture so that it can be diagnosed and later treated with proper antibiotics. Hope it helps
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[|Human|] I had an injury to my left hand. It was lacerated from broken glass at the base of the palm underneath the Pinky. I am a violinist and have had pain near the incision but have had numbness with my ring and pinky fingers. I am concern that I may have some nerve damage.
[|AI|] HIT hanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor. Most likely you might have sustained injury to the nerve that supplies sensation for your ring and little fingers. But nothing to worry if the injury is mild then it will recover in few days to weeks, and you shall regain the sensation. But if the injury is severe you may not get back the sensation for life. So you need to get Nerve conduction study of your left hand which will tell whether the injury is mild or severe. Kindly get the test done and revert to me. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask.
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[|Human|] I use lobate G cream intermittently for psoriasis for past 10years. Dermatologist prescribed it to me initially.And I use it ever since,when I get itching or a other psoriasis symptoms that come to me . it comes occasionally,especially when I am on stress.I heard psoriasis treatments can result in other diseases lime cancer. Is that true?I am 46 years old
[|AI|] Hello. Thank you for writing to us. Topical treatment for psoriasis is absolutely safe. Since you have been using only topical treatment therefore you need not worry about malignancy. Systemic treatments like Phototherapy and immunosuppressive like cyclosporin can result in skin cancer and other internal malignancies after years of treatment. Phototherapy involves exposing the body to UV A ray which are carcinogenic in the long run. Cyclosporin is an immunosuppressive and years of its use can lead to skin malignancies as well as other malignancies of the lymphoreticular system. You can talk to your doctor for more details regarding this. Regards
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[|Human|] Hello My husband a hemmoragic stroke on march 7, they said it was a 6.7ml and he is very lucky to be alive. He is paralized on his left side and has basically no short term memory. What does the 6.7 mean? is this as good as he will probably will get?
[|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your husbands symptoms and diagnosis. I agree that brain hemorrhage is a serious condition with high disability and heath rate. The survival depends not only on the volume of hematoma (volume of brain bleed), but also the location of bleeding, age of patient, presence of comorbid factors such as diabetes, high BP, etc. and the treatment given.6.7 ml probably refers to hematoma volume and as I said there are other factors that could determine his survival and extent of improvement. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
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[|Human|] My 19 year old daughter who is a freshman in college has a very swollen lymph node on her left side under her jaw, she is really tired, very pale, sore throat, hungry and not hungry, and sleeps a lot - could this be mono? she was just tested and will find out tomorrow. she has already been on the zpack and it did not help. they hought it was a sinus infection
[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, I understand your concern regarding your daughters symptoms, but her symptoms are typically seen in sinusitis. Coming to mono it is called infectious mononucleosis which is caused by a virus and usually is asymptomatic in many. Common symptoms include swelling of lymph nodes, fever and rarely skin rash is seen. I suggest you wait for the test results before coming to any conclusions. After confirmation also, only symptomatic treatment is preferred. Thanks.
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[|Human|] i have a hard lump on my first rib right where it attaches to my sternum. It isn;t painful, but sometimes it hurts, sort of a aching feeling. It keeps getting bigger. I had it checked out and and a doctor said it was my skuliosis causing my rib to be higher than the other. But im 21 and i never had that lump there before .
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. I don't think it is Scoliosis. Scoliosis is related to spine, not sternum. Scoliosis is sideways protrusion of spine. So I don't think your lump near sternum is due to Scoliosis. In my opinion, you are mostly having Costco Chat Doctor. It is inflammation of costal cartilage, and it can cause swelling. So follow these steps for better symptomatic relief in Costco
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[|Human|] My Girl friend had menses from 7th of Dec 2012 to 11 th of dec. We met on 12th Dec. had sex and we continued sex till 15th and she have taken unwanted 72 on 15th afternoon.But after 1 week she is bleeding slowly and heavyily randomnly and vomitting also.Kindly tell Why after menses this bleeding occurs after a week again? Do we need to take pregnancy test and if yes, Red line will come in both case means mis carriage or pregnant or only in one case if pregnent .Is it mis carriage or what?Pls tell Ad also suggest if found pregnent we want to avoid it.Pls answer asap.
[|AI|] Hello, You did unprotected sex after period i.e. in safe period with taking unwanted 72 on 15th Dec in correct time. The bleeding occurs due to with Chat Doctor. Here pregnancy chance is almost nil. So don't be much worried and stay cool. This bleeding stops automatically and if persists for more than 5 days, then consult with gynecologist to rule out underlying pathology if any. Pregnancy test is done with urine for Chat Doctor and two pink line indicates positive test whether one pink line indicates negative result. Wait for the next coming period and if missed do pregnancy test after 1 wk. Practice safe sex in the future. Be well.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] i have a problem in my testis it specaily pains in the right testis can i take the tablet ocid 20 i am taking this tablet from 2 days and i am feeling some relif is there any side effect from taking this tableti request u to give me the answer as soon as possible
[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have pain in testicle. Ideally you need to consult your family physician or General Surgeon to find out the cause of pain in testicle. You need to get following basic tests done to establish diagnosis.1) Ultrasound Scanning of Scrotum2) Routine Urine Test.Acid 20 is antacid and helps to relieve pain due to gastric discomfort which is associated with testicular pain.However, the primary cause has to be dealt with after proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I am 36 year old and I am having some seasonal breathing problem and having some kind of asthmatic patient I have been taking Montain 10 from last 7 years regularly. Some times if the problem is more I used puff so just wanted to check if this is right for me.Please advise if there is any permanent treatment for this or if there is any better medicine who doesnt have any side effects.
[|AI|] These medicines you are taking are the best as per international guidelines for allergy you can continue the answer to your second question is the permanent cure can be possible after going through allergy tests eliminate avoidable allergen sand for unavoidable allergens like season pollen and dust go for sublingual immunotherapy which is the best option in these CAES according to my treatment success
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[|Human|] i have faced one bike road accident after that i am unstable by mental wise again some thing i forgt about my past not getting confidence with my daily activity. so I am worry about this mental condition .I am unable to get confidence and my mind is now not like the previous.pls help me.
[|AI|] Hi, I read your query and can understand your distress. You have mentioned that you met with an accident. I would have wanted to know if there was any head injury and did you lose consciousness. In that case, you would have suffered brain injury which can result in symptoms mentioned by you. In case there was no head injury, the cause of your symptoms might be completely psychological. I would suggest that you seek a psychiatric consultation for complete assessment and initiating appropriate treatment. Treatment with antidepressants like Escitalopram would be effective in your condition. Hope this information was helpful. Best wishes.
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[|Human|] I had currently taking solupred 20 mg two times a day. I have also been given a Diprostene injection. I have been on this medication since 3 days now. I realize that I am victim of mood swings, I get irritated and upset very frequent on a daily basis. Kindly advise?
[|AI|] His understand your concern. Mod swing has many etiologies. Only basis of that we can not define diagnosis and its treatment. Proper psychological evaluation is needed to assess mood and thought processes. Solupred is prednisolone and steroid can worsen your mood and psychological thinking. There are reviews of steroid induce psychiatric disorder. So consult properly as early as possible.If you require then dose adjustment is needed to reduce mood swings. Still have query then feel free to ask. Thank you. Happy to help you. Regards Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] i have a serious problem and i am hurting the ones around me,first it was my dad,then my mom and now my ex-girlfriend...I dont know what the problem is, im not on drugs are anything..You see ive been using their info to open accounts in there name..I have hurt the people really bad but no one hurts more than me,now i have hurt a person I really loved and now i have lost her and that trust is beyond repair.. I need help to fight this diease that i have.. Can u help please fight this diease
[|AI|] ! I have gone through your question and from that it is evident that you are concerned about your habit of hurting people around you, people you care about and who are close to you. Why do you do so? Under what circumstances? How is your mood usually? And rest of details are not mentioned. From my clinical experience I can say that it looks like there is definitely some problem with you, may be related to your personality make-up, however to pinpoint the exact nature of illness is possible only after a detailed evaluation. I would sincerely advise you to see a psychiatrist in person. Had I been seeing you I would have gone for your personality assessment along with conflicts testing apart from interviewing? These two test will help in your treatment. So, the first step is to meet a psychiatrist. I can assure you that you can get better, as there is an insight present in you that whatever you are doing is not right. This insight reflects a good prognosis in any case. Hope the reply helps you. Feel free to ask more questions.
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[|Human|] Hello Dr. Samuel, I am Vipin, aged 45. I got my blood report yesterday and it said my direct bilirubin level was 0.28 mg/dl. Is this level high? and my cholesterol levels are also high. do you have any prescription for this. i will type my cholesterol levels below,TOTAL CHOLESTEROL - 234 mgHDL CHOLESTEROL - DIRECT - 31 mgLDL CHOLESTEROL - DIRECT - 145 mgTRIGLYCERIDES - 288 mg TC/ HDL CHOLESTEROL RATIO- 7.5 mgLDL / HDL RATIO - 4.6 mgVLDL CHOLESTEROL - 57.58 mg
[|AI|] Hello, Your Direct bilirubin level is well with in normal limits. But your lipid profile values are very much deranged. Your serum Triglyceride level is high, and also your total cholesterol level is also higher than normal value. Your HDL cholesterol is not at desirable level.Thus, you have increased risk of coronary artery diseases. Please avoid oily and fat rich foods. Plan and eat the required calories accordingly. Do not take fast foods and deep-fried foods. Please take plenty of vegetables and fruits as much as possible. Fish is High in omega 3 fatty acids, it helps increase the levels of the good (or HDL) cholesterol. Also avoid processed foods like biscuits, cookies, cakes and fried stuff. Avoid red meat and egg yolk. Hope this helps. Please write back for further queries. Wishing you good health.
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[|Human|] Hi. I have been having a pain right over and to the side of my left breast and sometimes into my armpit. The pain goes through to my back and sometimes down part of my arm. I really believe that it may be a gas pocket, but this has been going on for over 2 months. Do you have any suggestions of what it may be?Thank youFran Mucha
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should first rule out cardiac cause for your chest pain. So get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Sometimes musculoskeletal pain can also cause similar symptoms. So apply warm water pad on affected areas. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Take simple painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Hi Doctor Rynne, I have been diagnosed with degenerative disk disease almost 4 yrs. ago. Two weeks ago I got up and could barely stand the pain in my lower back. I could not pinpoint any circumstance the previous day/week to explain this. The pain is constant,throbbing [at times] and actually shoots down from my buttocks to my ankles! I injured my back in 2013,with the M.R.I. showing 2 bulging and 2 herniated disks in the lumbar region. WHAT NOW? Should I expect ANY improvement? I am 50 yrs. old,and am a blue collar worker....WAS,anyway...
[|AI|] Hello, In degenerative disc disease, unfortunately, the discs become worse by the passing of the time. The back pain and the radiation to your ankles probably come because of the herniated discs in the lumbar area. You should consult a neurosurgeon over this case to see what your next step is and if you need an operation or not. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] since december, ive been having issues with my hair falling out, insomnia, breakouts, general lack of energy, and a strange greasy pinkish tint and almost ham like smell to my urine. i have a doctors appointment with my family doctor on the 14th, but im hoping that perhaps i can get a rough idea what i should be suggesting she looks for...
[|AI|] Hi. I understand your concern. Fatigue, weakness and insomnia may suggest underlying stress. Further, detail evaluation may yield depression or anxiety disorder. So proper psychological assessment is must. Hair fall may be part of stress or may be due to some hair disorder. Need to consult dermatologist for underlying causes. Urine routine and micro examination is necessary to reach proper conclusion or rule out infection. So consult physician and go for basic investigations that will help to reach proper diagnosis. I hope I have answered your question. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. Thank you.
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[|Human|] Hi, I m 41, have no health problems, and eat reasonably healthily. I weight 57kg and 1.57cm tall, have never been overweight, can eat what I want. A month ago I started getting what feels like indigestion, my chest kind of feels heavy and a pain in my upper back with it sometimes, I can wake up in the night with it sometimes, or have it when I wake in the morning, I normally eat dinner around 6pm at night, so am not eating late before I go to bed. I also have a tightening in the upper left arm sometimes as well. I haven t had a medical check in a while, so will get one soon. I ve never had high blood pressure before and never any problems. The heartburn type feeling has only started in the last month or so, but I have had the tightening feeling in upper left arm off and on for a few years. My father had a quadruple by pass after a heart attack when he was in his 60 s. Several years before he had his heart attack he had had lots of symptoms, but no high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc, he had lots of tests, dye test etc and was told everything was clear, and his heart was very healthy and he would never have heart problems, several years later the same heart surgeon is operating on him. Quiet worrying that you can have lots of symptoms and not be diagnosed until you actually have a heart attack. Do you think my symptoms sound concerning? I probably wouldn t have been worried just having the indigestion, but the pressure in the left arm has sometimes worried me. Thanks.
[|AI|] Hi Thereafter going through your medical details provided by you, I want to tell you that YES your symptoms are alarming and look like a typical ANGINA equivalents. Also, you have a family history of coronary artery disease, so it makes you more vulnerable to have one. So my advice to you is that consult a cardiologist in person as soon as possible, and you need to get an ANGIOGRAPHY done to see the coronary status. Till that time I would like to suggest avoiding serious physical activities, and keep a tablet of sublingual ARBITRATE in your pocket in case of any severe chest discomfort. Good Luck
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[|Human|] I have been on antibiotics for five days and I am still coughing up and blowing out yellow mucus. The cough takes my breath and I am using Symbicort up to 5 times a day . My doctor keeps telling me to give it 1 to 2 more days. How long should I wait before contacting him again or find another doctor?
[|AI|] Cough is a reflex to help you bring out secretions built up in lungs. It is uncomfortable and painful if it is making you breathless. Usually it takes 1- 2 weeks based on immunity of the person to cure oneself of infection. There are cough suppressants to get reliefbenzonatate pearls to take thrice daily for two days and then twice when cough reduced. Cough lozenges finger honey lemon flavors, Stress also quite helpful. You need to avoid triggers that cause attacks of respiratory infections like dust smoke pollution exposing to infected persons. Take precautionary antihistamines to prevent allergens.
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[|Human|] my son is 2 yrs old and is on meds 4 seizures. at about 9 months he sometimes when he cried he would turn blue from holding his breath and 1min later he would pass out it was like that for a while & then he start having seizures, i told the doctors hes having seizures after his breath holding spells & he told me he dealt with kids for a long time & just sounds like the BHS. change doc they said the same thing but said to be safe send him to get a brain scan they came back abnormal. seizures started to get worse & was going to the E.R to much so they hospitalized him and put him on Phenobarbital it helps with the seizures but hes still passing out real ugly its scary his hands and foot twitches and when he comes out of it he is shakey and I cant let him walk . I notice when he cries or or has a BHS his vein in his neck has a lump like a little ball but today when he had the BHS it got to be bigger like pee size. IS this normal I m so scared hes been though enough. hes been on meds for about 4 or five months
[|AI|] Hello, Brain scan being abnormal and child continuing to have seizure episodes is why he has been started on medications and no more simple breath holding spell. The anti-epileptics (medicines for seizures) will take some time to act and during this child might have occasional seizures. Medicines have to administer strictly as it has advised. These medicines have to be continued for three years minimum and four to five months is still the settling time. So occasional episodes do happen, and such episodes have to be followed up with your doctor. The changes you observe on the neck is due to the blood in the neck veins unable to flow due to the contraction of the neck muscles. It's nothing to worry about. You are on the right course. Follow up with your doctor to rule out any complications and give the due time for a child to recover Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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[|Human|] Dear sir/madmeI am Mr Tong, my father has just passed away three wks ago,after the hernia surgery.The doctor said my father system got infected.Let me tell you something about my father s health. He had got a renal failure, he was on the peritoneal dialysis for about 2 yrs or so. My father did very well with the dialysis procedures.he was very careful and hygenic. On 17 of August 2013 he s got a tummy pain he took Paracetamol to relieve the pain, the pain had gone on and offand on Sunday 18 he still got pain and got a couple of vomit, so my mum recommend him to go to the hospital to check.The surgeon doctor found that he had got a hernia pain aroun his groin. He had to have surgery. I was told that the the surgery will take about 45 minuttes , but it ended up 6 hrs, because the surgeon had open another cut around his tummy, he suspected that the hernia pain may not be only one problem that causse the tummy pain.Before the surgery my father was due to do the peritoneal dialysis,but it delayed 2 hrs and he ended up doing the surgery without diong the dialysis.After the surgery my father was fine he even told me that all the pain disappeared. The doctor came to check and said everything was good and told my father tha t he can drink clear soup or drink if. He felt like to.On Tuesday 20 August my father needs to do Hemo -dialysis , in the dialysis room he felt very cold and i was told by one of the nurses that it was quite normal.The Doctor had organised a CT scan to check if something was not right from the surgery. The result was the doctor called for a family meeting we was told that there was a bowel obstruction , the bowel was not working and there was bugs in my fathers system and even told that the surivival reate was as low as 10%.and duto to my father was very old (73) and he was on the PD and also had two surgery it was very hard for to cope . He is very weak to fight the infection.The doctor suspected that the infection may come from the tube( for the hemo - dialysis), but the tube was not removed , until wednesday it was tested it was positive. So my father suffered the pain the whole Tuesday night and did not wake up on wednesday , the doctor just gave him antibiotic and painkiller. He was in coma for a couple of day s and passed away on Saturday. During that period he still can breathed , he cant talk he can move his fingers when we asked him. But the doctor said he was already die they can do anything even he stiill breathed.My questions to you is that is there any handling error during the treatment or before the surgery?Was my father given the enough antibiotic(high dose)?If the tube was remove early and tested would it possible to save his life?If the surgeon did not open another cut around his tummy, will it reduce the pain?Thank you so much for ypur answers. I am looking forward to hearing from you.Best Regards,
[|AI|] Dear sir, my sincere condolences to you and your family. It is always hard to lose a near and dear. You have managed to give quite a bit of information about the circumstances around your dads terminal illness and treatment, however in order to give a professional advice it is not sufficient.1. Firstly, when my peritoneal dialysis patients have pain in their abdomen, they see me (nephrologist) first rather than a surgeon. I usually thoroughly examine the patient and do multiple tests before I can identify the problem. Only when I identify a surgical problem do I call the surgeon. I hope all this happened in your dads case.2. After the initial operation, whatever complications ensued, it will be wrong on anyone's part to comment on them without thoroughly studying your dads' case notes. Apologies for not answering your questions, but doing so will be inappropriate in my view. Best wishes. RB
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[|Human|] from 02 months, i am suffering of bleeding in my teeth when i brush or early morning when i split. i feel weakness after this mind become totally upset. i am from lucknow working in Dhule District in Maharashtra as a Planning Assist. i am coming there by 30th may. please give any solution either i will meet you
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The bleeding in the gums could be because of the gum infection(since you are telling you did not brush) secondary to the deposits over the teeth. The other causes can be any cuts in the oral cavity or pulp polyp or any bleeding disorders like idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Consult an oral physician and get these things ruled out. Get a complete blood investigation along with INR to rule out the bleeding disorders. If I am your treating doctor, I would advise you to get the teeth cleaned and use topical gum astringents like stolen gum paint. If the bleeding does not stop even after this I would suggest you to get a complete hologram including BT, CT, PT AND INR to rule out bleeding disorders.
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[|Human|] Hello. I fee burning (warm) sensation in the left side of the brain with nick stiffness. Also Yesterday I walk up speaking jeberesh (sounds not words) not sure if there is an correlation. Could you please help me decide if there is something to be concerned about?
[|AI|] Hello. I have been through your question and understand your concern. According to my point of view you are experiencing some episodes of confusion state. It has many causes with most of them being benign, but you should see your GP to start at least with a complete blood count and have you have an objective exam. As I said these are generally benign situation, and you should not worry, but neither you should neglect this. Hope this helps. Please feel free using Chat Doctor again.
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[|Human|] husband has arthirtis in his knees real bad and he s not strong enough for a knee replacement although the ortho doctor said they could give him a epidural but am not sure if hubby could walk enough. he is also diabetic and takes insulin....lantus and novolg. he has had trouble voiding and when i took him to the doctor his white blood count with was high but the PA didn t know where and gave him ciproflaxin because he was pretty sure it was in his lungs. but anyway i thought maybe he had bladder or kidney infection was the trouble he was having going to the bathroom. urine sample showed no kidney or bladder infection so the PA gave him samples of toviaz to help him void. he took it for a week and was way worse than it was before. the PA has him on (2) 50 mgs pf tramadol every 8 hours...i took him to the er a couple of weeks ago and they told him his white blood count was up a little but still no one knows where the infection is and the er doctor put him on a predisonne regimen. i forgot to mention he also had shingles on his left buttock and on his gentials. that started last october.....what a year it has been...he is afraid if i take him to a bigger hospital they won t find anything wrong. he also lost 50 to 60 pounds in a year....i am very worried about him
[|AI|] Hi your husband is diabetic and has severe arthritis in the knee joint. He also has an intractable infection with increased white blood counts. He has difficulty in voiding but urine reports are normal. He also had shingles on (R) Buttocks and genitals. In my opinion, with his problems, I would recommend 1. Search for the cause of Elevated WBC Counts-could be lungs, any infection of nails, foot or a small sore in back. 2. For knee pain I would recommend Intra-articular injections injections of Viscous substance (Viscosupplementation) or PRP Injections. 3. For urinary problem- I would suggest MRI L S Spine and NCV Tests along with urine C/S, S It B12 levels, Will proceed according to reports.
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[|Human|] Ive been cramping for two days now.... Originally I thought it was from constipation but Ive made a few bowel movements and still having the same level of cramping. My vulva and vagina started itching last night. Today, I started spotting and then became heavier so I used a tampon. When I removed the tampon. It was covered with white tissue with some blood. Ive had 2 bacterial infections (bacterial vaginosis, mycoplasma) and I finished the antibiotics they prescribed me the day before the cramping started. Im planning to call the gynecologist tomorrow to make an appointment. Could you please ease my mind?
[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. It seems like, your antibiotic treatment has not working well, if it is not reduced compared to the day you have started treatment.2. If you feel its getting better, then continue the treatment, further you may feel better.3. If other way that no change, then when you see your doctor, you might get change of antibiotics.4. If your symptoms persists, if you are my patient I would have asked for a swab to find out the pathogen (after stopping the antibiotics), thereafter treatment.5. However, it needs medical attention, follow your doctor and take proper treatment and care. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
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[|Human|] My 9 month old has skin lesions around his mouth, on his hands, and in his diaper area. A culture of the fluid from a lesion showed it is Serratia liquefaciens. 4 other young children at his daycare have the same symptoms. How is it treated and how can another outbreak be prevented?
[|AI|] Hi... I sympathize with the kid and understand your concern. As a matter of fact even my kid had this when young. The trick of the management is keeping the skin moist and never allowing it to be Chat Doctor. For this oil massage and lotions like Hiatus will help. Regarding cure options - eczema is a sort of allergy...allergies can only be controlled and can never be cured. But usually kids grow out of it...that is as the age progresses, they become better starting from 6-12 months. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
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[|Human|] my mother has dementia and has been wincing with occasional pain at the back of her head on the right hand side, she puts her hand there. It appears to last only a matter of seconds?? shes unable to tell me as her speech is scrambled and doesnt understand me so carn;t answer me affectively. she did have a stroke two years ago, do you have any suggestions. Shes eating and drinking fine and appears fine otherwise. Many thanks
[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. There are lots of reasons for Dementia and Pain on backside of the head Please share her MRI Reports so that we will have the correct idea to guide you properly Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at
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[|Human|] I have the shakes in my body. Poor balance. Cold and numb extremedies. Burning and tingling my hands and feet. Headaches and pressure like someone is squeezing my head. Lines and spots in front of my eyes and light headedness. I have trouble sleeping and am stressed out and depressed about feeling this all the time. No one seems to have an answer.
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. It appears that there might be a condition involving the nervous system in your body. All the above symptoms like balance, numbness and tingling, headaches and spots in front of eyes are all associated with conditions of nerves affected in various regions. This can be due to an acute cause or due to chronic problems like neuropathy associated with diabetes or autoimmune disorders. History of any other medical conditions and medications that you are taking is important. Vitamin deficiency states can also appear as non-specific symptoms as described by you. Please consult a neurologist and get a complete neurological examination done. Investigations like MRI scan brain and spinal cord might also be required for you.
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[|Human|] Hello my daughter is 9 and has been having abdomen pain that usually she describes as heat and accompanied with a dizziness sensation along with nausea... A few months ago she had similar symptom and her pedriatition said that it was hyperacidity.Do I need to take further steps and go see a specialist with the fact that it re occurred or should I just treat it as done before?
[|AI|] Hi ! I am not sure to which region you belong to. If intestinal worms are endemic there, then you should think of giving her a deforming dose after consulting your doctor. Also, she may be having a colic due to which she had dizziness. If it recurs, and increases in intensity, you should get her reviewed by your doctor, who may consider her for an ultrasound abdomen for further needful.Wishing your daughter an early recovery.
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[|Human|] Hello! I have a big troubles. Everything started 10 years ago, when I was diagnosed with cancer, but lucky or unlucky, it was just a hernia. A year later, I started having problems like waking up in the middle of the night, cant breathe etc. Just an easy problems. After time, the things went wrong. I was affraid to go to a doctor, because I dont want to hear, that I am sick of Cancer. That is still the good part. Few Years later, I started having more serious problems. Currently, almost everyday at anytime I am in a different moods. Once I am happy, everything is fine, next minute I am depressed, and nothing is valuable to me. It happens after I lost one girlfriend though. But the problems are: 1. Cant focus on almost nothing2. Brain Fatigue3. Sleeping more then 8 hours and wake up tired.4. Always thinking of something in the past, cant concentrate on the present.5. Social Phobia - recently I found , that I am having it6. Hard time to organize my day. When I sleep less, like 4 hoursI am feeling more organized and easy going. But on the next day, I need to sleep more , like 10 hours and when I wake up, I am confused, stressed, tired, and the day is just passing by me.7. Sometimes, I am feeling, like I am out of my body and my life is just passing near myself.8. Avoiding reading documents and doing work, where brain is involved more then normal. That s a big problem, because thequality of my life is getting worse and worse. Currently, I am 30 years old, finished my law school, but dont want to tell you how hard I took my exams, because, when I read something, I do forget it very fast9. It is hard for me to remember many things from my day. Everyday, I am not having many memories. For Example,not sure what I ate, not sure what movie I watched, not sure with whom and when I have a meeting. Cant organize myself, and the biggest problem ever is, that when I have all those symphoms, I start stearing in the mirrow and I see, that somehow, my eyeis changed. The way my eyes looks is a bit scary even for me. When I dont feel this pressure in my eye, they seems well, but often they skin where my eyelash is located is purple to red colour. this is only on one of my eye.10. Tired during the day. Need a sleep often in the early afternoon for at least 30 mins.11. Cant focus on many things, even if I want to. I would like to ask you, please, give me a clue, because when I go to doctor, everyone says, that I am ok, and this is just a depression. It is not, I am sure. I read forums, about Bipoliar Disorder, Concentration Disorder, and almost every desiase, I have the sympthoms. I need to know, what I am seek of, so I can take the propper treatment and have at least more normal life.Thank you very much , and hope to read from you!!!
[|AI|] Respected user, HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* This is not due to simple depression, it consists of pyramid of anxiety, phobia, stress, personality disorder with behavior changes at major extent.* Only cure is getting hospital treatment with expert Psychiatrist in form of behavior therapy, counselling sessions and if required may have to opt for Electron convulsive therapy, other IV treatments.* This is curable , needs extensive treatment , patience on the part of doctor and patient. Hope this clears your query. Welcome for further assistance . Regards.
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[|Human|] Hi This is Harish, I 22 years old . I am a software engineer. I am affected by jaundice for last 6 months, my billurubin level is always changing that too excess in indirect count and my direct count is always in normal. (total Bilurubin : 2.7 direct:0.5 indirect : 2.2 like this ) I dnt knw what to do . and all my liver test and other test are fine i also took abdomen scan also it is also fine. and i took CBC test in that i have RBC more (5.3) .. What will be the problem.And also i am in complete diet. Please give me an suggestion......... Thanks and Regards K.Harish Kumar 0000
[|AI|] Hi Harish, Looking at the clinical history and excess indirect bilirubin, I would think of hemolysis as the major cause. The RBC is being broken at increased levels, which is more than the liver load, and hence you are having indirect bilirubin in high levels. If you get a "reticulocyte count" test done, and it is more, then we can suspect hemolysis. You can get the reticulocyte count done first, and then further evaluation can be thought of. Do attach the whole report is possible further queries, happy to help again.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] HI My daughter aged 9 yrs having one kidney in left , we came to know in 2011 that by birth she has only one kidney which was working properly 100%, after till date we not did any check up or test , kindly advise whether we have to do any test for check and need to continue routine check up every after 6 months . no any medicine or treatment continue now
[|AI|] most people live normal and healthy lives with one kidney. If one kidney was damaged or removed during childhood - the remaining kidney will grow faster and become larger than normal. You should check kidney function test and simple urine test of your daughter every year. Blood pressure should also check every year. Most people with one healthy kidney do not need to follow a special diet. If you have more questions, then you can ask. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] hi sir <i have a very bad thinking about people ,,,, actually i cant believe in people about there sex thinking, i believe my girl friend , i know she is very god and straight forward girl, but some time i have some bad thinking in my mind about her,, please help me about this
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Everyone has negative thinking about their past, present and future. People do adjust with their negative thinking and settle with positive ones to have peace of mind. In your case also, you are thinking negatively because of your culture and circumstances. don't worry. Whenever negative thinking comes, reassure you that your girlfriend is clean. If you have any doubt in that regard, please forget your girlfriend. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I first noticed this under arm rash when i got crutches, and it was on one armpit but then later spread a little to the other, i have had it now since may, and it has gone a way abit and then returned and got worse and more painful, always sore but never itchy. I started to use antifungal cream and it has worked for the majority, but there are still some and it returns when i sweat under my arms, and gets irratated again!could you please shed some light!
[|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor What you could be having might be intertwine. Avoid rubbing, heat and moisture as much as possible as these are the triggering factors. Keep the area Chat Doctor. You may apply a combination cream containing mild steroid and antifungal for one to two weeks following which a plain antifungal cream for another two weeks. An antifungal dusting powder will help absorb moisture and reduce friction. Do not clean the area excessively. Hope this helpedTake care
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[|Human|] Im a 44 year old female. Fell skiing 2 years ago. MCL gr 2+-3 tear, ACL complete tear, LCL sprain, Tibial Plateau Fracture. Did extensive physio and had ACL reconstruction 1.5 years ago. Meniscus tear last year, arthroscopy to trim meniscus. Still suffer with loud, crunchy knee daily, trouble walking without a limp, and being on my feet for a long time, or up/down stairs. Asked for another MRI, results show cyst at tibial tunnel, bone marrow edema at tibial tunnel, tiny radial tear at lateral meniscus, severe patellofemoral chrondopathy, trace of joint effusion. Saw surgeon again, he recommended Celebrex which I had been taking for 10 months already, so have now tried Suplasyn injections, 5 weeks ago. Not much change in pain relief. Need advice where to go from here please?
[|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you had fall and ACL reconstruction and MCL debridement is done, the knee joint needs more and accurate sports rehabilitation. First and foremost is to reduce the inflammation and pain. Achieve full ROM of the knee joint. Strengthen the hip muscles and the qua Chat Doctor. Go for adductors and abductors Strengthening. Later stages go for balance board training and that will induce joint proprioception activation. Also perform reverse walkingRegarding Chen
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[|Human|] I have a rash over over 95 percent of my body. Two Dematologist have said Granuloma Annulare. I agree with that for the rash on my torso and legs and feet. The rash on my arms is different and covers almost all my arms. They look like where you get a TB test. There are 5 raised dots and a center.
[|AI|] Hi, There are many possible differential diagnoses for the rash that you have explained. The most common diagnosis that should be ruled out is Tina corporal which may require a skin scraping for KOH mount. To rule out other diagnosis and to confirm the diagnosis of granuloma annular, you may require a skin biopsy for histopathological examination. So, I request you to kindly visit your Dermatologist for further diagnosis and management. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My friend had pneumonia a few weeks ago and was given cipro and flagl antibiotics. She had to return to the hospital two more time because of spiking temperatures. Fluid was tested from her lungs and came back negative. Could she possibly have contacted mersa?
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Repeated spiking temperatures (fever) in pneumonia patient is suggestive of nonresolving pneumonia. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done sputum culture and sensitivity report. Culture report will isolate the causative organism (if it is MRSA or other bacteria) and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment. He may need higher antibiotics on the basis of sensitivity report. By this, we can achieve speedy recovery. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your friend. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi last night i mastubrated and blood came out with the semen i am worried as ut happened with me first time in my life. I am having a fever aswell from last two days please help me what may be the reason . As i am going for urine its coming smoothly.
[|AI|] Hi, I have gone through your query. Blood in semen is known as hematospermia. It is common for a man to experience blood in semen in lifetime. It usually goes away of its own. Since you are having fever along with it, infection can be suspected like prostatitis, epididymitis or urethritis and prostate cancer in men above 40 years. I advise you to see a doctor for prostate examination and investigations like semen analysis and urine test for the source of blood. Do consider positive feedback as a credit to my work. Let me know if you have any further questions. You can contact me on my page
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[|Human|] please help me... i had contact with a guy ( 2 yrs back i abort also)... for last 3 years... now he s no more. now my periods are regular there s no issue s in that.if i married a new guy is he doubt ful me or any problem wil come ? if i pregnant any prob will come...? please guide me
[|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the previous history of abortion cannot be known unless you reveal it. So you can be relaxed. As the abortion was done only once there might not be any problem to future pregnancies. Recurrent inducing the abortions might make the patient anemic due to frequent excessive blood loss and also might cause problem to future pregnancy. So avoid stress. Go on and start a new journey. All the best. Hope this helps. Best regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] An MRI done on me last May 7 reveals the presence of 3 cortical systic foci in each kidney with the largest seen in the upper pole of the left kidney measuring 0.7 x 1 cm. I had a partial robotic nephrectomy on my left kidney early last year to remove a malignant tumor which measured 3cm x 2.3 cm. Does this mean that the cortical systic foci which were so small (sub-centimeter) on the MRI done 7 months prior to the May 7 MRI develop into a malignant tumor? Note that from sub-centimeter it grew to 0.7 x 1 cm in just 7 months.
[|AI|] Dear friend, welcome to Chat Doctor. If you had a malignant tumor removed last year with partial neurectomy, it could very well be the same kind this time also due to microscopic spread. Was it in the same upper pole area last year?they need evaluation and close watch for malignancy again. Benign cysts are very common. But, in your case caution is necessary. Better consult your neurosurgeon in time. I hope to have satisfied your query. Keep me posted. Good luck !!
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[|Human|] I have this condition below on my sperm count;1st test;Vol:2.0 m/s, ph:8.0, count:16,000,000 sperms/ml, Viability-0%, motility:0%,Very viscous:liquefiction- liquefied after 4 hrs, direct: may pus cells and acc Rbc..:GRM: No organisms seen: Morphology-55% normal Note: The analysis was repeated and non of the spermatozoa were viable.These were the results from the lab. please help and advise which medicine I can take to be email address is ( YYYY@YYYY ).
[|AI|] Hi. This is a very rarely seen report. Many pus cells can be the reason for non-motility. 55 % normal morphology ? No mention of Fructose. First go for high resolution ultrasonography of scrotum, prostate, seminal vesicles and urinary tract. Take a three-week course of antibiotics. You may need a per rectal examination by a surgeon to palpate prostate and seminal vesicles. And you need to get the semen tested by another laboratory of repute. And let us know why was the semen analysis done, and what are associated symptoms if you have any?
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[|Human|] Following a visit to my GP yesterday following a high cholesterol reading from blood tests, he has advised I am at Stage 3 in CKD and that I should take Statins, firstly I was alarmed because I had never been told I was at Stage 1 or 2! and secondly I have heard such adverse reports of people on Statins I am very scared to take them. How can I have reached Stager 3 without prior knowledge of stages 1 and 2?
[|AI|] HiT hanks for the query. Do you have diabetes or hypertension?CKD is often is asymptomatic in the initial stages and diagnosis can be reached only by blood/urine tests. Statins are given to control blood cholesterol levels. Like any other medication they can cause adverse effects in a small percent of people taking them. Thus, it has to be taken under the supervision of your physician. Hope this helps Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] hi there i got stung by a weaver fish last year on the hand and had a anthlatic reaction and ever since ive never been 100% right, and ive been getting alot of heart palpitations alot over the last yr which are getting worst, and this last 6 days ive been getting headaches and heart palpitaions and shortness of breath and neck ache and a sharp pain wat lasts a second or tw then goes n then cums bk on the left side near the arm pit
[|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that your symptoms do not seem to be related to the heart. Anxiety may mimic this clinical situation. Anyway, before coming to this conclusion, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician for a careful physical exam, an ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring in order to exclude possible cardiac arrhythmia and some blood lab tests (complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation, thyroid hormone levels for thyroid gland dysfunction, etc.). You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi my son is 10yrs old, was told he has a milk allergy. He is now on a milk free diet for the past 2months yet still he continues to wheeze, I started a preventer inhaler Flaxotide 2wks ago and it helped with the wheezing however he is still congested at night and early mornings! He sneezes constantly, itchy eyes, throat and cough. He is also using Bisolvon and Predcort DS is there something else I can use to help his situation?
[|AI|] Hi, Your child may have allergy to other thing apart from milk. The allergy can be due to eatables, cosmetics, dust(house dust, bed dust, out door dust), pollen grains, clothing etc. You have to be watchful to detect avoid the allergen. OR the easiest & best would be to get allergy test done from an allergy specialist & get a course for desensitization. Till then, he needs consultation of ENT doctor for his current sufferings. Thanks
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[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I do not think you are having panic attacks. The symptoms are emotional desperation. You are deeply in love and the love shows out on the event of break up. Do not think negative. These are normal. Here you have not made clear the break-up details. Is it after marriage break up or bachlor-love-affair-break up? The second case is more emotional because of the perception attached to it. In any case, human being cannot be always disappointed. They come out of the cocoon of disappointment sooner or later. That is the pattern. Then, I assure you, you cannot have mental illness just by this break up. But you should start interacting with others. Vent your emotions with your friends and relatives. Be active. For more psychotherapy techniques, You can post a direct question to me in this website. Include every detail as much as you can. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques to control your condition. I am sure that the techniques should be a success. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] I have recently seen a Kidney Specialist and she says that I probably have something called Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease Type 1 Stage 2, but we cant be sure without doing a biopsy, and I am extremely worried because she also said that the only treatment available would be a transplant within the next 5 to 6 years, is there anything else that can be done?
[|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have been suspected to have Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease type 1. This is a kidney-specific disorder. It is characterized by slowly progressive tubulo-interstitial disease that leads to end-stage renal disease (ESD) and the need for dialysis or kidney transplantation. The diagnosis can be confirmed only on doing a kidney biopsy and few tests. It being a progressive disease one may land in Chronic Renal failure over a long period and may need Renal Transplant. Unfortunately there is no treatment for permanent cure. One has to monitor hypertension and renal function under observation of a qualified Nephrologist Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] my wife had a problem of polytheistic ovarian syndrome and Dr. has done drilling on both the ovaries. after that four times we have done IUI treatment but no result has come. and she has problem of TSH & Prolactine, just because of these she is taking Thyronorm 75mcg and sicriptin 1.25mg. can you suggest for further to do what? should we go for IVF? and how much possibility will be after IVF?
[|AI|] HELLO DEAR have gone through your question and understand your concern, In my opinion before going for IVF you can try for ovulation induction with camphene and timed GUI and one important thing to be kept in mind your thyroid and prolactin should be normal before induction and also to increase success rate you can reduce weight if you are obese by exercise, diet and metformin. Metformin also improves insulin resistance and efficacy of camphene. After trial given for 5 to 6 cycles if conception not possible then you can go for IVF. The success rate for each IVF cycle is 37 %. Best of luck THANKS
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[|Human|] For the last six months I have been feeling some pressure in the left side of my chest along with numbness. The pressure is right under the bottom of my rib cage. Any idea what this could be? I ve summed it up as issues related to my lower back problems but I m worried that it could be my heart.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, this can be related your heart. Left sided chest pressure with numbness is commonly seen in cardiac diseases. So better to first get done 1. ECG 2. 2d echo. If both are normal then no need to worry about cardiac diseases. Sometimes stress and anxiety can also cause similar symptoms. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counseling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. Don't worry, you will be alright. First rule out cardiac cause. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] my friend has an irregular heartbeat ranging from 123 to 44 with decending aortic pain and seems to be in a fib, right atrium greater than left, some bruits in left coratid and having periodic left eye partial visual field blindness. I feel that a fib is going to casuse a stroke-he wont go to a dr, his bp is controlled with diet and an occasional lininopril. I just gave him 400 nmg magnesium and a lisinipril
[|AI|] Hi, Your friend needs a cardiology check up. Arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation is a serious condition and needs specific treatment. An ECG should be done, and if there is atrial fibrillation, treatment should be started. There are several options;1. If your friends left atrium is not enlarged moderately, cardioversion may be considered2. In case cardioversion is not appropriate, rate control should be done, usually it is done with beta blockers, or Ca channel blockers. In the case of rate control, there may be a need for anticoagulation treatment as well. Hope I could help nourishing a good health to your friending case of further questions don't hesitate to ask
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[|Human|] hi im 27 yr old try to conceive bt my doc has said i got pcos n taking treatment for that . tried 4months on goodova. what should i do wait for 1 year for futhere fertility treatment or try naturrally. my follicular size is gd n had taken hsc injection for ruptuing
[|AI|] Hi actually in PRO patients ovulation doesn't occur naturally so Chat Doctor. What you can do is to go for a natural cycle tracking of follicles on ultrasound. If ovulation is happening naturally you can try for 6 months to 1 year, and then you can opt for fertility treatment. But if you want to speed the process you will have to take medical support. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query I will be happy to help.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] When I am laying down to fall asleep it feels as though my heart stops beating and a jerk up. This can happen for an hour or so trying to get to sleep. I do not wake during the night from this only at the beginning when drifting off. I do not snore or anything.
[|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. From the given information, it seems that, in My opinion, you have sleep anxiety, and every time you close your eyes and try to sleep, your bodies sympathetic nervous system kicks on, hence the racing heart and jolting awake. Exercise, psychotherapy and Relaxation CDs would be good. You can use relaxation music before going to bed because it distracts and soothes your mind while trying to move into an unconscious state. You may consult a psychologist for further advise. Take care. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
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[|Human|] I have these reddish lumps on my bikini line and it is sometimes itchy but they are very swollen. I am wondering what exactly they are and how to treat it for the moment. They do cause some pain and affect daily life and routine. I am planning on visiting my own doctor once I get back from vacation but for the time being I d like to know a way to help everything until then. Thanks!
[|AI|] Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to My Chat Doctor Clinic. I studied your query in details and understood your health concerns.-Treatment Advise and Cause of your hard -lump on lower left side of abdomen-a-In -my opinion-from the facts given by your query -it mostly suggests as-due to-Ringworm itch / or Jockeys itch/ or Tina Courts. This is Fungal infection of the groin with itchy lumps on bikini line. Treatment-Ointment-Ketaconazole / tolnaftate ? Or Terminating point locally x 2 -3 was time is needed to resolve it. This advice would help you to plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this resolves your query. Wellcome for further query in this regard. Have a Good Day...!! With Regards
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[|Human|] Hello SirI am Jatinder Kumar and having Chest pain from Last few Months. I have Done 2 Time ECHO And 2 Times TMT Test. Impression of TMT in First Time PTA Achived THR and Second Time i have Shortness of breath Problem and TMT Reschudle Then Impression of TM is PTA Did not Achived THR. What is Difference of These Test. Heart Target Rate 89 % in First TMT and 79% in second TMT. Please Give me Best Suggestion.
[|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Our heart rate increases with exercise. This is normal for every one. Depending on persons' height, weight, target heart rate (THR) is decided by TMT machine. If we achieve THR without getting breathless or rising BP or abnormal ECG then out TMT is good. But if we fail to achieve THR due to breathlessness or accelerated hypertension or ECG changes means our TMT is not good, and we need angiography to rule out coronary artery disease (CAD). Since your TMT was stopped due to breathlessness and hence THR was not achieved, possibility of CAD is more in your case. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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[|Human|] Hi. I am 22 years old I am on the pill for about 2 months now and I have had unprotected sex with my boyfriend 5 times. He has pulled out every time and the one time I was worried I too a plan b pill. I have a slight brownish discharge a few days before Im supposed to get my period and both pregnancy tests I took were negative. Any chance I am pregnant?
[|AI|] hellos you didn't mention the due date of your menses, so it can't be said that what is the chance of pregnancy at present. Though you have negative pregnancy test that means at present you doesn't have pregnancy. But you should wait for your due date of menses, if it doesn't occur eon or with in one or two weeks you should repeat the pregnancy test and make it confirm. If there is menses on time then all is overtake care
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[|AI|] Hi there, Thanks for writing in. First thing to do is check if her thyroid problem is under control. Thyroid disorders sometimes present with depression. Once the thyroid disorder is treated, the depression might get cured. Another thing you can do is tell her to do regular exercise 5 days a week, as exercise releases endorphins in the body which might make her feel good. Also tell her to sign up for yoga or relaxation classes which will help her to relax, and might relieve her from depression. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] My wife recently started propafenone 325mg she also suffers from early stage alzheimer s. She is experiencing increased memory problems accompanied with more confusion. She has been on 325mg 3 days, before she was taking 225 but her arrhythmia was occurring 67% of the time. What antiarrhythmic medication would you recommend we ask our doctor to try? On March 24th she had a pace maker implanted due to episodes of slow or no pulse for several seconds when the heart was transitioning from arrhythmia to normal rhythm. Multaq 400mg successfully controlled her arrhythmia for a year but then stopped working in March. thank you, Larry
[|AI|] Hi There After going through your query I understand your concern. I would like to tell you that Propafenone has a tendency to cause arrhythmia and can be the reason of new onset of arrhythmia. Arrhythmia can be controlled by changing the dose of propafenone to 225 or to start another alternative Chat Doctor. It's highly recommended to personally discuss this issue with the Neurologist and Cardiologist for the dose adjustment or another alternative. Hope to have been HelpfulKind Regards
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[|Human|] my 20 year old has been treated with ITP since fri., it is now tues... count was at 2000 . platelets were given along with high dose iv steroids. came up to 6000wasnt given anymore platelets till sunday and platelets went to 3000. gave 1 more day of steroidsand 1 more platelets, monday was given ivig infusion with oral steroid. next morning level still at 6000 so waiting to see next step.. what should we anticipate? spleen looked normal. bone marrow test before taking spleen?
[|AI|] Hi! Thanks for your queries on the treatment protocol of ITP in young adults... Well, usually the platelets transfused into your circulation are destroyed the same way as your own platelets therefore, steroid is a must! Best way is to transfuse HLA-compatible platelets and IV immunoglobulin, monoclonal, to reduce other hazards as well, but the facility is hardly available...! In most ITP cases the bone marrow comes back to normal within 6-12 months if bone marrow contains large number of inactive megakaryocytes! Cytotoxic agents and bone marrow transplantation could be required in certain resistant cases...
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] my mother aged 48 years is having an extreme low haemoglobin ranging frm 3-5.5 as it rises max upto 6 by blood tranfusion..she is suffering this from back 2 mnths &in first mnth she had typhoid also now aftr treatmnt typhoid test resulted negative but still she has fever for approx 9 hours a day evn aftr taking crocin n other medicines we hv consulted many Dr. bt results are "no improvement".can u advice what to do..?she takes all beet,soaked anjir and mudka dal,pomegranates and also is taking no spices else salt still no improvement ..what is the reason of fever all the test are normalno infections no other defeciencies than Hb..?which doctor should we consult do know any in rajasthan
[|AI|] You should investigate properly for the cause of low he. She may have some internal bleeding or blood loss from hidden site or may be some other cause. It's not necessary that low he always due to iron of it deficiencies. So it's not improved on iron therapy. Consult hematologist for your problem. Do complete investigation first and reach to the cause of anemia and take treatment. You will definitely get benefit. Consult hematologist.
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[|Human|] Hello, I m 40 years old male. had a stent implented in my LAD last week. I m feeling well now. before the procedure i used to do body pumping exercise and lots of cardio (treadmill, steps machine, rowing). Would I be able to go back to the same exercises in the future, and approximately after how long. Thank you
[|AI|] Hi Charles you can go back to your old routine only If your cardiac function is completely normal which can be estimated by an Echocardiogram. If you are not a professional athlete then there is no need to exerted that much. What I would like to recommend you is that start going for daily brisk morning walk for 45 mins a day for 5 days a week, you can also go to gym for light weight lifting and cardio but for that wait for at least a month so that your body can recover fully. This routine will keep you healthy without exerting your heart much. Stop smoking completely (If you do)Wish You Good Health
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[|Human|] Hello, My name is James Lamb and I suffer from PTSD and associated symptoms. I recently returned from intensive tx (2) years . I am stable and currently seeing Psychologist to finish sweeping up the leftovers . What I am currently looking for is a Psych Dr to manage my Rx. They are as follows : DIAZEPAM 10mg tid GABAPENTIN 800mg 2tabs tid CYMBALTA 90mg @ a.m.
[|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Psychiatry is a tricky medical branch. Because we treat behavior (it is not material) often face to face interview and physical and pharmacological tests may be necessary. Prescribing medicines online is therefore a tough task. I feel you should consult a psychiatrist from your hometown. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Spider bite that left a red welt with a dot in middle. 5 hours after bite vomiting, diarrhea, fever, joint pain and nausea. It feels like a bad flu. Now, 2 days after the bite, symptoms are fading and my appetite is returning. Is any treatment advised?I was at a Whatshan lake in British Columbia when bite ocurred.
[|AI|] HelloWelcome to Chat Doctor, Spider bites are actually rare occurrences and bites from most spiders cause local redness, irritation and pain that usually can be treated at home. These local reactions usually resolve without treatment over a period of 7-10 days. I would suggest you to follow Wash the site of the spider bite well with soap and water. Apply a cool compress or ice pack over the spider bite location. Over the counter pain relievers may be used to relieve symptoms. Thank you.
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[|Human|] I got chickenpox in 2008. Now I am 15. The chicken pox left two scars on my face . I tried many natural home remidies but it doesn t even work a bit. Recetly I saw a video about how to get rid of scars and it said to apply a lemon juice. When I applied a lemon juice on my skin , it burnt my skin. Now I got a burnt mark on my face. Is there any natural way to get rid of this scars othar than laser treatment.
[|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor Forum Home remedies can sometimes backfire, please be careful next time. Other than laser, there are cosmetic treatments like microdermabrasion, dermaroller etc. which help in reducing scars. The idea behind them is, to gently peel the top layer of skin that has scars, and fresh skin looks better. You can visit a cosmetic clinic in your city. And inquire more about this. It's a common procedure these days. If you don't find it comfortable, then just learn to live with it, a lot of people have it, +they fade with age. And you are only 15, there are good chances of them reducing in few years. Take care For further end- Chat Doctor. [email protected]
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[|Human|] Hi... My husband was diagnosed with polycythemia vera a number of years ago. He has been on hydroxyuria and gets phlabodimies (I know I am spelling these words wrong) when the dr. feels he needs them. My husband keeps records of his counts every time he goes. His doctor doesn t explain anything to him. The numbers have been within range many times and he still is told he needs to get the phlabodomy. We are concerned that the long term usage of the medication could be dangerous. We would like to get another opinion but all our hematologist /oncologists are in the same group and they won t allow us to change. We are frustrated and don t know what to do or where to turn. We would rather not go out of town. Actually, we did at one point and we felt that the doctor didn t want to get involved once my husbands doctor contacted her. What do you suggest we do? Thank you for your time. P. Watson
[|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Please do not get disheartened and distressed. Polycythemia is a chronic disease of blood cells. The disease can be controlled, but it cannot be cured permanently. The red blood cell counts have to be kept under control to prevent the complications caused by high blood counts. The aggressive of disease is associated with its complications like occlusion of blood small blood vessels. Occlusion of blood vessels can lead to ischemia, thrombosis and even hemorrhage. Treatment of polycythemia is phlebotomy which involves bleeding of patient to reduced red cell mass. Hy Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi, I noticed a small hole forming between my teeth a few days ago. I pretty much brushed it off and made sure I brushed over it and trued cleaning it out with mouthwash and today I woke up and it was black. I can show you a picture through email if it helps
[|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The black discoloration over the teeth could be a decay, consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. If it is dental caries, then get it restored witChatDoctorposite or silver amalgam restoration. Sometimes the normal brushing and use of mouth wash will not help when the grooves are deep in the chewing surface. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] Hi. Im Stephen from Kuwait. i just started taking Neoclav 625mg tablets about a 3rd time since yesterday to treat mg swelling gum and painful lower molar. Today i just came from the Ministry of Health, after the check up from the dentist. They prescribe me 3 different tablets one including Ospamox (Sandoz) 500mg. Suprazole 200mg and Iprofen 400mg. Ospamox was prescribe to me the same as Neoclav, 1tablet every 8hrs 5days duration and the other 2 medicines Suprazole and Iprofen 1 tablet 3xday for 5days. my question is do i have to continue taking Neoclav instead of Ospamox? Thank you
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking the query, Tooth pain along with swelling indicates infection of tooth that had spread to the surrounding periapical tissues. I would like to tell you that antibiotics and analgesics will provide you temporary relief, I would suggest you to get an x-ray done and start with root canal treatment of the tooth. Unless the tooth is devitalized, disinfected and sealed to the apex you will face pain, and swelling. Maintain a good oral hygiene, use lukewarm saline and antiseptic mouthwash rinses. Hope this helps out. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant.
[|Human|] SIR i took practine dexona for quite some time for weight gain before 5 yearsbut now i am facing infertility(5 years married ). doctor is saying there is no problem with me and with my husband ,no reason for not concieving .is taking practine dexona arise infertility problem in me ?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor Using demon won't cause fertility problem after stopping it. While taking demon you may have temporary loss of sexual desire. If no cause is found out then there may be problem in ascend of sperm or sperm penetration or implantation. I suggest you to start with ovulation inducing Chat Doctor. This will help multiple follicles to mature and rupture. This will increase chances of conception. I suggest you to go for GUI. It is intrauterine ingestion of sperms. Here sperms are washed and processed and placed in uterus. I suggest you to discuss with your doctor. Hope I have been helpful. Regards
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[|Human|] i have a very thick pasty white discharge not at all lumpy does not smell i have light cramping very very light comes and goes and now my breast are tender....I was wondering can this be a sign of pregnancy...Being that my Boyfriend and i had sex on the 25th of July and he climaxed in me..I got my period on the 28th of i sit here and wonder im not suppose to get my period till the 26th of this month are these symptoms ofovulation or pregnancy
[|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the 25th of July comes under safe period provided your cycles are regular. So there are rare chances of pregnancy. The white discharge might be normal physiological discharge which is seen during the premenstrual phase. So relax. Avoid stress as it might cause hormonal imbalance and delay the period further. Overall there are rarely any chance of pregnancy. The first sign of pregnancy is missed period. So just wait and check for the period. Best regards...
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[|Human|] I ve had a lump in my stomach on the right of my stomach above belly button for a few weeks now. Went to the doc cause I also had sharp pain there but they couldn t figure out what it was. Still have the lump and randomly some pain but not as bad and my period is 5 days late...what s going on?
[|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Lump above your belly button may be due to some abdominal hernia or some soft tissue tumor like lipoma, neurofibroma etc. you should go for examination of that lump, if needed go for biopsy or FNAC. Then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
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[|Human|] I have OCD for picking my scabs an eating them.Done it for 6 years an im 19 female an scaring myself.I have tried many things an Someone mentioned there is a pill that will help fight this OCD.This problem is genetic to all on my fathers side, I dont have mental problems I just cant stop picking.I get Pleasure from this nasty habbit but I want to stop!
[|AI|] His understand your concern. I had gone through your question. OCD can be treated with pharmacological and psychological method. SSRI like fluoxetine and fluoxetine is very helpful. Dose and duration is depended upon symptoms and severity of it. Psychological means psychotherapy. CBT means cognitive behavior therapy is choices nowadays. For this treatment you have to go for consultation. Consult psychiatrist and get help. I hope I have answered your question. Get well soon, Thank you.
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[|Human|] I suffer from diagnosed Adhesive Arachnoiditis and have done for 15 years. For the last 5 years I have been treated with; Oxycontin/160mg three x day, Lyrica / 150mg twice a day, Panadol, Vit c, Vit b, Neocytamen / 1ml a month, Colon Cleanse- nightly ( magnesium oxide, magnesium carbonate). But I have never been well enough to manage and have been bed ridden with; extreme pain, vertgo and vomiting when sitting or standing long, spinal headaches, temporary partial paralysis in limbs and head etc, various pain sensations - some of which are severe etc etc etc. But the most horrific pain is an unbearable pain deep in my sacrum at the site of the myelogram, that caused my arachnoiditis. After a problematic colonoscopy 8 years ago the pain in my sacrum has been more intense and my bowel periodicaly produces such severe pain I cannot manage it. I also have a hiatis hernia , constant nausea, vomitting with severe pain, along with bouts of diorrea. So I lose my meds easily, putting me in a cycle of pain we cannot control. Since immigrating I have not found any knowledgable GP s so I get no advice or refferals and my full time Caregiver has no help, leaving us to manage alone. My old GP told us my meds would need revising yearly as pain levels will only increase as the nerves are damaged and that gradual paralysis will happen. But we have tried for 2 years to get a reveiw to see what stage I am at and increase pain medication etc. However all the Doctors here seem to think arachnoiditis is just long term pain rather than the insidious disease it really is. The pain I go through is so severe I never even knew it existed and we do not understand why Doctors are happy to repeat my scripts, but dont understand that the pain levels increase with the progression of the disease and my meds need reveiwing. Most Doctors do not want to take me and very few even prescribe these kind of meds. Due to selfish drug abusers who never think of the suffering Patients in real pain go through, just so these addicts can get their highs. Specialists authorise my meds and the GP just issues them. But why prescribe a dose which will not even allow me to function in the community and have some quality of life? When I first went on these meds they worked and I got some of my life back. But just like my GP advised; the pain levels and my functions got worse with time, so why dont they increase my dose? I have been told by a few Doctors that my dose is small so what is the difference? If the pain is worse than death why dont they stop it and prevent it? Some GP s go on about addiction to my meds but I have no history and no symptoms of drug addiction or abuse and considering I have absolutely no life with this incurable disease addiction is the least of my worries. Doctors here refuse to discuss arachnoiditis and will not help. We are at a loss as to what to do and I cannot go on much longer like this.
[|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor Forum. Arachnoiditis is a pain disorder caused by the inflammation of the arachnoid which is one of the membranes that surround and protect the nerves of the spinal cord. This can happen because of an irritation from chemicals, infection from bacteria or virus, as the result of direct injury to the spine, compression of spinal nerves for a long term, or complications from spinal surgery or other invasive spinal procedures. It is indeed a Difficult condition to treat and Most treatments focus on pain relief and the improving the daily function. This includes pain management, Physiotherapy, psychotherapy and exercise. Just continue the medications which has been prescribed to you and go for regular follow up. Don't lose hope. You can divert your Attention by doing yoga and meditation daily. Do Take Care.
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[|Human|] Hi,My daughter 2yrs old has loose. motions from 3days. I have given her econorm once yday n twice today. She shows no improvement yet. She passes small amts of stool which is gooey n curdly after she eats or drinks anything.I give her econorm empty stomach or 1-2hrs before her meals.Wht other mecation should I give her. Thank you.
[|AI|] Loose motion or diarrhea in infants occurs primarily due to viral cause, although it can also be caused by certain bacteria. Unless associated with bloody stools, no management of the cause is required. All you need to do is to give ORS so that the salt and water balance is maintained. Prevention of deny Chat Doctor. Eco norm contains beneficial bacteria replenishing which helps in correcting the diarrhea. Continue giving it for a few days. Also give SYR Zirconia (contains zinc) for a few days. No other medication required. Just give proper nutritive diet and things will be fine in no time.
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[|Human|] i received a call from my sons skin doctor that his Albumin levels were low. Unfortunately, the office is presently closed so I can not ask why they may be low. He had his monthly blood test that is give for his Accutane use. Should I be concerned? Is it related to the drug use or is there potentially another cause? Does it effect physical as well as mental....
[|AI|] Thank you for posting your query. Further evaluation needed, but maybe low albumin is caused by Accurate use. Hypoalbuminemia (low albumin in blood) has many causes. Common causes are chronic hepatitis caused by Hep B, Hep C, alcoholism, Chat Doctor. What is the age of child? Has he been tested for viral hepatitis profile?if there is a NEW onset and after the use of Accurate, then most likely this
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[|Human|] In a cancer patient with stage IV ovarian cancer that has recurred in the colon and has matasticized in the pelvic lymph nodes and liver. She has recently begun radiation, which is the last procedure that the doctors plans to try. Today she found feces in the vagina. What might this indicate? How urgent would it be to contact her doctor?
[|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Cancer in ovary that has spread to liver is stage 4 disease; it has limited treatment options and if chemotherapy does not show response then radiation therapy is used to reduce the symptoms. Feces in the vagina might be due to adverse effect of cancer causing a recto vaginal fistula. This is an abnormal connection between the colon wall and vagina and leads to feces matter coming out of vagina. Patient might be considered for surgical repair if general condition permits. Please consult her doctor within a day. Please do not worry.
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[|Human|] Can a prolonged tooth infection cause liver damage? The reason I ask is I have recently developed a band of red on the right side of my stomach that is hot to touch, but have no other symptoms other than an infected tooth (3 weeks infected, now taking amoxicillin).
[|AI|] Hello and thank you for asking Chat Doctor. I have read your symptoms and I understand your concerns. I don't think that the infection of your tooth damaged your liver. The liver can be damaged by an infection, but it needs to be spread all over the body, (we call it sepsis) and the patient would be in serious conditions and have a lot of other symptoms, like low blood pressure, high fever, polipnea etc, this is not in your case. In your case, the red band on the right side of your stomach that is hot to touch, is probably skin rash that is caused by the varicella zoster virus or cellulitis or some other skin infection. Starting antiviral medicine right away can help your rash heal faster and be less painful, and you can use ibuprofen for the pain (for varicella zoster, or antibiotics for cellulitis ex). I suggest you check up with your family doctor to see the red band that you describe, and if its from varicella zoster/cellulitis, he will give you the prescription with antivirals/antibiotics and some pain reviler. If you have any other question, feel free to contact me. Chat Doctor.
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[|Human|] I m having fairly sever lower back pain, pain in front thighs and bad headaches. I had the depo shot approx 2 weeks ago. Wondering if this might be the cause and when/if I should go to the hospital. I m taking robaxacet, one dose so far, which has given me a bit of relief.
[|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. Low backache looks like a positional anomaly. The low backache is a result of muscle spasm which in itself is a protective mechanism body develops so that the back avoids abnormal posture. For pain to go, it takes not only rest (on a comfortable bed) but also avoidance of particular positions (during work, rest or recreation). Avoid sleeping on sides and stomach in case you do. While on work don't sit in one position for more than an hour and take frequent stretch breaks. Do not bend forward to lift things up, bend the knees and hips for that. Also discontinue any strenuous activity or exercises for some time. Headache not seems to related with it. Get it evaluated by your doctor for proper management. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
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