Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| body
stringlengths 7
| name
stringlengths 1
500 | Set<File> () { return myFiles; } | getExcludedFiles |
501 | Set<File> () { return myDirectories; } | getExcludedDirectories |
502 | Set<File> () { return myRecursivelyExcludedDirectories; } | getRecursivelyExcludedDirectories |
503 | JpsJavaCompilerConfigurationImpl () { return new JpsJavaCompilerConfigurationImpl(this); } | createCopy |
504 | boolean () { return myAddNotNullAssertions; } | isAddNotNullAssertions |
505 | List<String> () { return myNotNullAnnotations; } | getNotNullAnnotations |
506 | boolean () { return myClearOutputDirectoryOnRebuild; } | isClearOutputDirectoryOnRebuild |
507 | void (boolean addNotNullAssertions) { myAddNotNullAssertions = addNotNullAssertions; } | setAddNotNullAssertions |
508 | void (List<String> notNullAnnotations) { myNotNullAnnotations = Collections.unmodifiableList(notNullAnnotations); } | setNotNullAnnotations |
509 | void (boolean clearOutputDirectoryOnRebuild) { myClearOutputDirectoryOnRebuild = clearOutputDirectoryOnRebuild; } | setClearOutputDirectoryOnRebuild |
510 | JpsCompilerExcludes () { return myCompilerExcludes; } | getCompilerExcludes |
511 | JpsCompilerExcludes () { return myValidationExcludes; } | getValidationExcludes |
512 | JpsValidationConfiguration () { return myValidationConfiguration; } | getValidationConfiguration |
513 | void (boolean validateOnBuild, @NotNull Set<String> disabledValidators) { myValidationConfiguration = new JpsValidationConfigurationImpl(validateOnBuild, disabledValidators); } | setValidationConfiguration |
514 | ProcessorConfigProfile () { return myDefaultAnnotationProcessingProfile; } | getDefaultAnnotationProcessingProfile |
515 | Collection<ProcessorConfigProfile> () { return myAnnotationProcessingProfiles; } | getAnnotationProcessingProfiles |
516 | void (String pattern) { myResourcePatterns.add(pattern); } | addResourcePattern |
517 | List<String> () { return myResourcePatterns; } | getResourcePatterns |
518 | boolean (@NotNull File file, @NotNull File srcRoot) { ResourcePatterns patterns = myCompiledPatterns; if (patterns == null) { myCompiledPatterns = patterns = new ResourcePatterns(this); } return patterns.isResourceFile(file, srcRoot); } | isResourceFile |
519 | String (String moduleName) { String level = myModulesByteCodeTargetLevels.get(moduleName); if (level != null) { return level.isEmpty() ? null : level; } return myProjectByteCodeTargetLevel; } | getByteCodeTargetLevel |
520 | void (String moduleName, String level) { myModulesByteCodeTargetLevels.put(moduleName, level); } | setModuleByteCodeTargetLevel |
521 | String () { return myJavaCompilerId; } | getJavaCompilerId |
522 | void (@NotNull String compiler) { myJavaCompilerId = compiler; } | setJavaCompilerId |
523 | JpsJavaCompilerOptions (@NotNull String compilerId) { JpsJavaCompilerOptions options = myCompilerOptions.get(compilerId); if (options == null) { options = new JpsJavaCompilerOptions(); myCompilerOptions.put(compilerId, options); } return options; } | getCompilerOptions |
524 | void (@NotNull String compilerId, @NotNull JpsJavaCompilerOptions options) { myCompilerOptions.put(compilerId, options); } | setCompilerOptions |
525 | JpsJavaCompilerOptions () { return getCompilerOptions(getJavaCompilerId()); } | getCurrentCompilerOptions |
526 | void (String level) { myProjectByteCodeTargetLevel = level; } | setProjectByteCodeTargetLevel |
527 | boolean () { return myUseReleaseOption; } | useReleaseOption |
528 | void (boolean useReleaseOption) { myUseReleaseOption = useReleaseOption; } | setUseReleaseOption |
529 | ProcessorConfigProfile () { ProcessorConfigProfileImpl profile = new ProcessorConfigProfileImpl(""); myAnnotationProcessingProfiles.add(profile); return profile; } | addAnnotationProcessingProfile |
530 | ProcessorConfigProfile (JpsModule module) { Map<JpsModule, ProcessorConfigProfile> map = myAnnotationProcessingProfileMap; if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<>(); final Map<String, JpsModule> namesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (JpsModule m : module.getProject().getModules()) { namesMap.put(m.getName(), m); } if (!namesMap.isEmpty()) { for (ProcessorConfigProfile profile : getAnnotationProcessingProfiles()) { for (String name : profile.getModuleNames()) { final JpsModule mod = namesMap.get(name); if (mod != null) { map.put(mod, profile); } } } } myAnnotationProcessingProfileMap = map; } final ProcessorConfigProfile profile = map.get(module); return profile != null? profile : getDefaultAnnotationProcessingProfile(); } | getAnnotationProcessingProfile |
531 | boolean (File file, @NotNull final File srcRoot) { final String name = file.getName(); final String relativePathToParent; final String parentPath = file.getParent(); if (parentPath != null) { relativePathToParent = "/" + FileUtilRt.getRelativePath(FileUtilRt.toSystemIndependentName(srcRoot.getAbsolutePath()), FileUtilRt.toSystemIndependentName(parentPath), '/', SystemInfo.isFileSystemCaseSensitive); } else { relativePathToParent = null; } for (CompiledPattern pair : myCompiledPatterns) { if (matches(name, relativePathToParent, srcRoot, pair)) { return true; } } if (myNegatedCompiledPatterns.isEmpty()) { return false; } //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0; i < myNegatedCompiledPatterns.size(); i++) { if (matches(name, relativePathToParent, srcRoot, myNegatedCompiledPatterns.get(i))) { return false; } } return true; } | isResourceFile |
532 | boolean (String name, String parentRelativePath, @NotNull File srcRoot, CompiledPattern pattern) { if (!matches(name, pattern.fileName)) { return false; } if (parentRelativePath != null) { if (pattern.dir != null && !matches(parentRelativePath, pattern.dir)) { return false; } if (pattern.srcRoot != null && !matches(srcRoot.getName(), pattern.srcRoot)) { return false; } } return true; } | matches |
533 | boolean (String s, Pattern p) { try { return p.matcher(s).matches(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception matching file name \"" + s + "\" against the pattern \"" + p + "\"", e); return false; } } | matches |
534 | CompiledPattern (String wildcardPattern) { if (isPatternNegated(wildcardPattern)) { wildcardPattern = wildcardPattern.substring(1); } wildcardPattern = FileUtilRt.toSystemIndependentName(wildcardPattern); String srcRoot = null; int colon = wildcardPattern.indexOf(":"); if (colon > 0) { srcRoot = wildcardPattern.substring(0, colon); wildcardPattern = wildcardPattern.substring(colon + 1); } String dirPattern = null; int slash = wildcardPattern.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash >= 0) { dirPattern = wildcardPattern.substring(0, slash + 1); wildcardPattern = wildcardPattern.substring(slash + 1); dirPattern = optimizeDirPattern(dirPattern); } wildcardPattern = normalizeWildcards(wildcardPattern); wildcardPattern = optimize(wildcardPattern); final Pattern dirCompiled = dirPattern == null ? null : compilePattern(dirPattern); final Pattern srcCompiled = srcRoot == null ? null : compilePattern(optimize(normalizeWildcards(srcRoot))); return new CompiledPattern(compilePattern(wildcardPattern), dirCompiled, srcCompiled); } | convertToRegexp |
535 | String (String dirPattern) { if (!dirPattern.startsWith("/")) { dirPattern = "/" + dirPattern; } //now dirPattern starts and ends with '/' dirPattern = normalizeWildcards(dirPattern); dirPattern = StringUtil.replace(dirPattern, "/.*.*/", "(/.*)?/"); dirPattern = StringUtil.trimEnd(dirPattern, "/"); dirPattern = optimize(dirPattern); return dirPattern; } | optimizeDirPattern |
536 | String (String wildcardPattern) { return wildcardPattern.replaceAll("(?:\\.\\*)+", ".*"); } | optimize |
537 | String (String wildcardPattern) { wildcardPattern = StringUtil.replace(wildcardPattern, "\\!", "!"); wildcardPattern = StringUtil.replace(wildcardPattern, ".", "\\."); wildcardPattern = StringUtil.replace(wildcardPattern, "*?", ".+"); wildcardPattern = StringUtil.replace(wildcardPattern, "?*", ".+"); wildcardPattern = StringUtil.replace(wildcardPattern, "*", ".*"); wildcardPattern = StringUtil.replace(wildcardPattern, "?", "."); return wildcardPattern; } | normalizeWildcards |
538 | boolean (String wildcardPattern) { return wildcardPattern.length() > 1 && wildcardPattern.charAt(0) == '!'; } | isPatternNegated |
539 | Pattern (@NonNls String s) { return Pattern.compile(s, SystemInfo.isFileSystemCaseSensitive ? 0 : Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } | compilePattern |
540 | void (ProcessorConfigProfile other) { myName = other.getName(); myEnabled = other.isEnabled(); myIsProcOnly = other.isProcOnly(); myObtainProcessorsFromClasspath = other.isObtainProcessorsFromClasspath(); myProcessorPath = other.getProcessorPath(); myUseProcessorModulePath = other.isUseProcessorModulePath(); myProcessors.clear(); myProcessors.addAll(other.getProcessors()); myProcessorOptions.clear(); myProcessorOptions.putAll(other.getProcessorOptions()); myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName = other.getGeneratedSourcesDirectoryName(false); myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName = other.getGeneratedSourcesDirectoryName(true); myOutputRelativeToContentRoot = other.isOutputRelativeToContentRoot(); myModuleNames.clear(); myModuleNames.addAll(other.getModuleNames()); } | initFrom |
541 | String () { return myName; } | getName |
542 | void (String name) { myName = name; } | setName |
543 | boolean () { return myEnabled; } | isEnabled |
544 | void (boolean enabled) { myEnabled = enabled; } | setEnabled |
545 | String () { return myProcessorPath; } | getProcessorPath |
546 | void (@Nullable String processorPath) { myProcessorPath = processorPath != null? processorPath : ""; } | setProcessorPath |
547 | void (boolean useModulePath) { myUseProcessorModulePath = useModulePath; } | setUseProcessorModulePath |
548 | boolean () { return myUseProcessorModulePath; } | isUseProcessorModulePath |
549 | boolean () { return myObtainProcessorsFromClasspath; } | isObtainProcessorsFromClasspath |
550 | void (boolean value) { myObtainProcessorsFromClasspath = value; } | setObtainProcessorsFromClasspath |
551 | String (boolean forTests) { return forTests? myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName : myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName; } | getGeneratedSourcesDirectoryName |
552 | void (@Nullable String name, boolean forTests) { if (forTests) { myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName = name != null? name.trim() : DEFAULT_TESTS_DIR_NAME; } else { myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName = name != null? name.trim() : DEFAULT_PRODUCTION_DIR_NAME; } } | setGeneratedSourcesDirectoryName |
553 | boolean () { return myOutputRelativeToContentRoot; } | isOutputRelativeToContentRoot |
554 | void (boolean relativeToContent) { myOutputRelativeToContentRoot = relativeToContent; } | setOutputRelativeToContentRoot |
555 | boolean () { return myIsProcOnly; } | isProcOnly |
556 | void (boolean value) { myIsProcOnly = value; } | setProcOnly |
557 | Set<String> () { return myModuleNames; } | getModuleNames |
558 | boolean (String name) { return myModuleNames.add(name); } | addModuleName |
559 | boolean (Collection<String> names) { return myModuleNames.addAll(names); } | addModuleNames |
560 | boolean (String name) { return myModuleNames.remove(name); } | removeModuleName |
561 | boolean (Collection<String> names) { return myModuleNames.removeAll(names); } | removeModuleNames |
562 | void () { myModuleNames.clear(); } | clearModuleNames |
563 | void () { myProcessors.clear(); } | clearProcessors |
564 | boolean (String processor) { return myProcessors.add(processor); } | addProcessor |
565 | boolean (String processor) { return myProcessors.remove(processor); } | removeProcessor |
566 | Set<String> () { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(myProcessors); } | getProcessors |
567 | String (String key, String value) { return myProcessorOptions.put(key, value); } | setOption |
568 | String (String key) { return myProcessorOptions.get(key); } | getOption |
569 | void () { myProcessorOptions.clear(); } | clearProcessorOptions |
570 | boolean (Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ProcessorConfigProfileImpl profile = (ProcessorConfigProfileImpl)o; if (myEnabled != profile.myEnabled) return false; if (myIsProcOnly != profile.myIsProcOnly) return false; if (myObtainProcessorsFromClasspath != profile.myObtainProcessorsFromClasspath) return false; if (myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName != null ? !myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName.equals(profile.myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName) : profile.myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName != null) { return false; } if (myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName != null ? !myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName.equals(profile.myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName) : profile.myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName != null) { return false; } if (myOutputRelativeToContentRoot != profile.myOutputRelativeToContentRoot) return false; if (myUseProcessorModulePath != profile.myUseProcessorModulePath) return false; if (!myModuleNames.equals(profile.myModuleNames)) return false; if (!myProcessorOptions.equals(profile.myProcessorOptions)) return false; if (myProcessorPath != null ? !myProcessorPath.equals(profile.myProcessorPath) : profile.myProcessorPath != null) return false; if (!myProcessors.equals(profile.myProcessors)) return false; if (!myName.equals(profile.myName)) return false; return true; } | equals |
571 | int () { int result = myName.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (myEnabled ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (myIsProcOnly ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (myObtainProcessorsFromClasspath ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (myProcessorPath != null ? myProcessorPath.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + myProcessors.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + myProcessorOptions.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName != null ? myGeneratedProductionDirectoryName.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName != null ? myGeneratedTestsDirectoryName.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (myOutputRelativeToContentRoot ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (myUseProcessorModulePath ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + myModuleNames.hashCode(); return result; } | hashCode |
572 | String () { return myName; } | toString |
573 | JpsApplicationRunConfigurationPropertiesImpl () { return new JpsApplicationRunConfigurationPropertiesImpl(XmlSerializerUtil.createCopy(myState)); } | createCopy |
574 | void (@NotNull JpsApplicationRunConfigurationPropertiesImpl modified) { XmlSerializerUtil.copyBean(modified.myState, myState); } | applyChanges |
575 | String () { return myState.MAIN_CLASS_NAME; } | getMainClass |
576 | void (String value) { myState.MAIN_CLASS_NAME = value; } | setMainClass |
577 | JpsOrderRootType () { return myRootType; } | getRootType |
578 | String () { return myUrl; } | getUrl |
579 | InclusionOptions () { return myOptions; } | getInclusionOptions |
580 | JpsLibraryRootImpl () { return new JpsLibraryRootImpl(this); } | createCopy |
581 | void (@NotNull JpsLibraryRootImpl modified) { } | applyChanges |
582 | JpsLibrary () { return (JpsLibrary)myParent.getParent(); } | getLibrary |
583 | JpsLibraryType<P> () { return myLibraryType; } | getType |
584 | P () { return myContainer.getChild(myLibraryType.getPropertiesRole()); } | getProperties |
585 | List<JpsLibraryRoot> (@NotNull JpsOrderRootType rootType) { final JpsElementCollection<JpsLibraryRoot> rootsCollection = myContainer.getChild(getRole(rootType)); return rootsCollection != null ? rootsCollection.getElements() : Collections.emptyList(); } | getRoots |
586 | void (@NotNull String url, @NotNull JpsOrderRootType rootType) { addRoot(url, rootType, JpsLibraryRoot.InclusionOptions.ROOT_ITSELF); } | addRoot |
587 | void (@NotNull File file, @NotNull JpsOrderRootType rootType) { addRoot(JpsPathUtil.getLibraryRootUrl(file), rootType); } | addRoot |
588 | void (final @NotNull String url, final @NotNull JpsOrderRootType rootType, @NotNull JpsLibraryRoot.InclusionOptions options) { myContainer.getOrSetChild(getRole(rootType)).addChild(new JpsLibraryRootImpl(url, rootType, options)); } | addRoot |
589 | void (final @NotNull String url, final @NotNull JpsOrderRootType rootType) { final JpsElementCollection<JpsLibraryRoot> rootsCollection = myContainer.getChild(getRole(rootType)); if (rootsCollection != null) { for (JpsLibraryRoot root : rootsCollection.getElements()) { if (root.getUrl().equals(url) && root.getRootType().equals(rootType)) { rootsCollection.removeChild(root); break; } } } } | removeUrl |
590 | JpsElementCollectionRole<JpsLibraryRoot> (JpsOrderRootType type) { JpsElementCollectionRole<JpsLibraryRoot> role = ourRootRoles.get(type); if (role != null) return role; ourRootRoles.putIfAbsent(type, JpsElementCollectionRole.create(new JpsLibraryRootRole(type))); return ourRootRoles.get(type); } | getRole |
591 | void () { getParent().removeChild(this); } | delete |
592 | JpsElementCollectionImpl<JpsLibrary> () { //noinspection unchecked return (JpsElementCollectionImpl<JpsLibrary>)myParent; } | getParent |
593 | JpsLibraryImpl<P> () { return new JpsLibraryImpl<>(this); } | createCopy |
594 | JpsLibraryReference () { return new JpsLibraryReferenceImpl(getName(), createParentReference()); } | createReference |
595 | JpsElementReference<JpsCompositeElement> () { //noinspection unchecked return ((JpsReferenceableElement<JpsCompositeElement>)getParent().getParent()).createReference(); } | createParentReference |
596 | List<File> (final JpsOrderRootType rootType) { List<String> urls = getRootUrls(rootType); List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(urls.size()); for (String url : urls) { if (!JpsPathUtil.isJrtUrl(url)) { files.add(JpsPathUtil.urlToFile(url)); } } return files; } | getFiles |
597 | List<Path> (@NotNull JpsOrderRootType rootType) { List<String> urls = getRootUrls(rootType); List<Path> result = new ArrayList<>(urls.size()); for (String url : urls) { if (!JpsPathUtil.isJrtUrl(url)) { result.add(Paths.get(JpsPathUtil.urlToPath(url))); } } return result; } | getPaths |
598 | List<String> (JpsOrderRootType rootType) { List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(); for (JpsLibraryRoot root : getRoots(rootType)) { switch (root.getInclusionOptions()) { case ROOT_ITSELF: urls.add(root.getUrl()); break; case ARCHIVES_UNDER_ROOT: collectArchives(JpsPathUtil.urlToFile(root.getUrl()), false, urls); break; case ARCHIVES_UNDER_ROOT_RECURSIVELY: collectArchives(JpsPathUtil.urlToFile(root.getUrl()), true, urls); break; } } return urls; } | getRootUrls |
599 | void (File file, boolean recursively, List<? super String> result) { final File[] children = file.listFiles(); if (children != null) { // There is no guarantee about order of files on different OS Arrays.sort(children); for (File child : children) { final String extension = FileUtilRt.getExtension(child.getName()); if (child.isDirectory()) { if (recursively) { collectArchives(child, recursively, result); } } // todo get list of extensions mapped to Archive file type from IDE settings else if (AR_EXTENSIONS.contains(extension)) { result.add(JpsPathUtil.getLibraryRootUrl(child)); } } } } | collectArchives |
Subsets and Splits