stringlengths 12
| Queries
stringlengths 41
which person wrote the movie A Damsel in Distress? | db.movies.find({"title": "A Damsel in Distress"}, {"writers": 1}) |
What is the chief film category that Quentin Tarantino's directed movies are classified under? | db.movies.aggregate([ { "$match": { "directors": "Quentin Tarantino" } }, { "$unwind": "$genres" }, { "$group": { "_id": "$genres", "count": { "$sum": 1 } } }, { "$sort": { "count": -1 } }, { "$limit": 1 }]) |
who stars in the movie Peter Pan? | db.movies.find({"title": "Peter Pan"}, {"cast": 1}) |
what type of movie is The Thin Man? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Thin Man"}, {"genres": 1}) |
what is The Ghost Goes West about in details? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Ghost Goes West"}, {"fullplot": 1}) |
How many reviews have been submitted by critics for the movie The Edge of the World ? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Edge of the World"}, {"tomatoes.critic.numReviews": 1}) |
What is the movie Scrooge rating? | db.movies.find({"title":"Scrooge"}, {"rated":1}) |
which person directed The Gay Divorcee? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Gay Divorcee"}, {"directors": 1}) |
What is the text representation of the awards won and nominations received by the movie Final Accord? | db.movies.find({"title": "Final Accord"}, { "awards.text": 1}) |
what was the release date of the film Queen Christina? | db.movies.find({"title": "Queen Christina"}, {"released": 1}) |
What is the MongoDB document ID of the movie Cavalcade? | db.movies.find({"title": "Cavalcade"}, {"_id": 1}) |
what is the genre for the film The Lower Depths? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Lower Depths"}, {"genres": 1}) |
How long is the runtime of the movie The Immigrant ? | db.movies.find({"title":"The Immigrant"}, {"runtime":1}) |
what was the genre of the film It Happened One Night? | db.movies.find({"title": "It Happened One Night"}, {"genres": 1}) |
Has the film The Crowd Roars won any awards? If so, which ones? | db.movies.find({"title":"The Crowd Roars","awards.wins": {"$gt": 0}}, {"awards.text": 1}) |
what genre is the film The Barretts of Wimpole Street? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Barretts of Wimpole Street"}, {"genres": 1}) |
who is the writer of Storm Over Asia? | db.movies.find({"title": "Storm Over Asia"}, {"writers": 1}) |
Which actor has the highest count of appearances in Louis Malle's directed movies? | db.movies.aggregate([ { "$match": { "directors": "Louis Malle" } }, { "$unwind": "$cast" }, { "$group": { "_id": "$cast", "count": { "$sum": 1 } } }, { "$sort": { "count": -1 } }, { "$limit": 1 }]) |
What is the added duration of all movies directed by Satyajit Ray? | db.movies.aggregate([{ "$match": { "directors": "Satyajit Ray" } }, { "$group": { "_id": null, "totalRuntime": { $sum: "$runtime" } } }]) |
What is the box office revenue for the movie 'The Broadway Melody'? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Broadway Melody"}, {"tomatoes.boxOffice": 1}) |
What is the full plot summary of the movie Trouble in Paradise ? | db.movies.find({"title": "Trouble in Paradise"}, {"plot": 1}) |
Who are the actors that appear in the movie Tol'able David ? | db.movies.find({ "title": "Tol'able David" },{ "cast": 1 }) |
Can you provide more information about the IMDb rating for the movie The Man Who Knew Too Much ? | db.movies.find({"title":"The Man Who Knew Too Much"}, {"imdb":1}) |
what kind of movie is Now or Never? | db.movies.find({"title": "Now or Never"}, {"genres": 1}) |
What is the language of Come and Get It? | db.movies.find({"title":"Come and Get It"}, {"languages":1}) |
who starred in the film Wild Oranges? | db.movies.find({"title": "Wild Oranges"}, {"cast": 1}) |
who are the actors in the movie Cavalcade? | db.movies.find({"title": "Cavalcade"}, {"cast": 1}) |
When was the movie The Ghost Goes West released? | db.movies.find({"title":"The Ghost Goes West"}, {"released":1}) |
How many audience reviews have been submitted for the movie Dante's Inferno ? | db.movies.find({ "title": "Dante's Inferno" },{ "tomatoes.viewer.numReviews": 1 }) |
what is the movie Cops about? | db.movies.find({"title": "Cops"}, {"plot": 1}) |
Which cinematic genres were directed by Eric Rohmer? | db.movies.distinct("genres", { "directors": "Eric Rohmer" }) |
what was the release date of the movie Gold Diggers of 1935? | db.movies.find({"title": "Gold Diggers of 1935"}, {"released": 1}) |
How many award nominations did the movie receive The Cameraman ? | db.movies.find({ "title": "The Cameraman" },{ "awards.nominations": 1 }) |
Can you provide more information about the Rotten Tomatoes rating for the movie The Son of Kong? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Son of Kong"}, { "tomatoes.critic": 1, "tomatoes.viewer": 1, "tomatoes.consensus": 1 }) |
What is the sum of the runtimes of all the films directed by David Lynch? | db.movies.aggregate([{ "$match": { "directors": "David Lynch" } }, { "$group": { "_id": null, "totalRuntime": { $sum: "$runtime" } } }]) |
What is the overall length of all movies that Wes Anderson has directed? | db.movies.aggregate([{ "$match": { "directors": "Wes Anderson" } }, { "$group": { "_id": null, "totalRuntime": { $sum: "$runtime" } } }]) |
who wrote the film The Story of a Cheat? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Story of a Cheat"}, {"writers": 1}) |
What is the Tomatometer score of the movie Alice Adams ? | db.movies.find({ "title": "Alice Adams" },{ "tomatoes.critic.meter": 1 }) |
who are the actors in the film Go West? | db.movies.find({"title": "Go West"}, {"cast": 1}) |
who was the movie The Black Cat written by? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Black Cat"}, {"writers": 1}) |
How did the audience and critics receive the movie Becky Sharp? | db.movies.find({"title":"Becky Sharp"}, {"tomatoes.viewer": 1,"tomatoes.critic":1}) |
what year was The General released? | db.movies.find({"title": "The General"}, {"year": 1}) |
what was the genre of Duck Soup? | db.movies.find({"title": "Duck Soup"}, {"genres": 1}) |
In what year was the movie Les vampires released? | db.movies.find({"title":"Les vampires"}, {"year":1}) |
what was the genre of The Last of the Mohicans? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Last of the Mohicans"}, {"genres": 1}) |
Can you provide more information about the Rotten Tomatoes rating for the movie Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics? | db.movies.find({"title": "Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics"}, { "tomatoes.critic": 1, "tomatoes.viewer": 1, "tomatoes.consensus": 1 }) |
who is listed as director for Civilization? | db.movies.find({"title": "Civilization"}, {"directors": 1}) |
How many movies by Orson Welles were released in each year? | db.movies.aggregate([{ $match: { "directors": "Orson Welles" }},{"$group": { "_id": "$year", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}]) |
Can you provide more information about the languages spoken in the movie Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages ? | db.movies.find({"title":"Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages"}, {"languages":1}) |
What is the Rotten Tomatoes meter rating for the viewer reviews of the movie Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life ? | db.movies.find({"title":"Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life"}, {"tomatoes.viewer.meter":1}) |
what is the plot for the film The General? | db.movies.find({"title": "The General"}, {"plot": 1}) |
the film She, was written by who? | db.movies.find({"title": "She"}, {"writers": 1}) |
What is the viewer rating for the movie The Lost Patrol on Rotten Tomatoes? | db.movies.find({"title":"The Lost Patrol"}, {"tomatoes.viewer.rating":1}) |
How many awards did the movie win The Charge of the Light Brigade ? | db.movies.find({ "title": "The Charge of the Light Brigade" },{ "awards.wins": 1 }) |
Who is the lead actor of the movie The Son of Kong ? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Son of Kong"}, {"cast":{"$slice": 1},"title":1}) |
who is the writer of The Story of a Cheat? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Story of a Cheat"}, {"writers": 1}) |
What is the IMDb rating for the movie The Son of the Sheik? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Son of the Sheik"}, {"imdb.rating": 1}) |
can you describe the plot of Movie Crazy? | db.movies.find({"title": "Movie Crazy"}, {"plot": 1}) |
what is Little Women about in details? | db.movies.find({"title": "Little Women"}, {"fullplot": 1}) |
What is the language of the film Black Legion? | db.movies.find({"title":"Black Legion"}, {"languages":1}) |
What is the production company of The Barretts of Wimpole Street? | db.movies.find({"title":"The Barretts of Wimpole Street"}, {"tomatoes.production":1}) |
How many award nominations did the movie receive Tarzan and His Mate ? | db.movies.find({ "title": "Tarzan and His Mate" },{ "awards.nominations": 1 }) |
which person wrote the film Queen Kelly? | db.movies.find({"title": "Queen Kelly"}, {"writers": 1}) |
How many reviews have been submitted for the movie Battleship Potemkin on Rotten Tomatoes? | db.movies.find({ "title": "Battleship Potemkin" },{ "tomatoes.viewer.numReviews": 1 }) |
who stars in the movie Duck Soup? | db.movies.find({"title": "Duck Soup"}, {"cast": 1}) |
the film Foolish Wives starred who? | db.movies.find({"title": "Foolish Wives"}, {"cast": 1}) |
How many reviews did the movie The 3 Penny Opera receive on Rotten Tomatoes? | db.movies.find({"title":"The 3 Penny Opera"}, {"tomatoes.viewer.numReviews": 1,"tomatoes.critic.numReviews":1}) |
How did the audience and critics receive A Midsummer Night's Dream? | db.movies.find({"title":"A Midsummer Night's Dream"}, {"tomatoes.viewer": 1,"tomatoes.critic":1}) |
what is The Private Life of Henry VIII. about? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Private Life of Henry VIII."}, {"plot": 1}) |
What is the rating of the movie A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate on IMDb? | db.movies.find({"title":"A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate"}, {"imdb.rating":1}) |
the movie Broadway Melody of 1936 starred which actors? | db.movies.find({"title": "Broadway Melody of 1936"}, {"cast": 1}) |
what is the full plot for Within Our Gates? | db.movies.find({"title": "Within Our Gates"}, {"fullplot": 1}) |
How does the movie Little Women rate on Rotten Tomatoes? | db.movies.find({ "title": "Little Women" },{ "tomatoes.critic.meter": 1 }) |
who's the director of China Seas? | db.movies.find({"title": "China Seas"}, {"directors": 1}) |
who was the film Westfront 1918 written by? | db.movies.find({"title": "Westfront 1918"}, {"writers": 1}) |
what was the genre of the film Rembrandt? | db.movies.find({"title": "Rembrandt"}, {"genres": 1}) |
Has the movie Go West won any awards? | db.movies.find({"title":"Go West"}, {"awards.wins":1}) |
How many nominations did the movie Our Hospitality receive? | db.movies.find({"title":"Our Hospitality"}, {"awards.nominations":1}) |
What is the Tomatometer score of the movie Robin Hood ? | db.movies.find({ "title": "Robin Hood" },{ "tomatoes.critic.meter": 1 }) |
who wrote the screenplay for Payment Deferred? | db.movies.aggregate([ { "$match": { "title":"Payment Deferred"} }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "writers": {"$filter": { "input": "$writers", "as": "writer", "cond": { "$regexMatch": { "input": "$$writer", "regex": "screenplay", "options":"i" } } } } } }]) |
Was the movie Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ well received by audiences? | db.movies.find({"title":"Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ"}, {"tomatoes.viewer":1}) |
What is the IMDb rating for the film Shall We Dance? | db.movies.find({"title": "Shall We Dance"}, {"imdb.rating": 1}) |
What is the IMDb ID for the movie It? | db.movies.find({"title":"It"}, {"":1}) |
What is the consensus among critics about the movie The Hurricane ? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Hurricane"}, {"tomatoes.consensus": 1}) |
the movie Modern Times, was written by who? | db.movies.find({"title": "Modern Times"}, {"writers": 1}) |
what type of film is The Music Box? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Music Box"}, {"genres": 1}) |
What is the production company behind the movie China Seas ? | db.movies.find({"title": "China Seas"}, {"tomatoes.production": 1}) |
What is the running time of the film Scrooge? | db.movies.find({"title":"Scrooge"}, {"runtime":1}) |
what is the movie Viva Villa! about in details? | db.movies.find({"title": "Viva Villa!"}, {"fullplot": 1}) |
what is the movie Napoleon description ? | db.movies.find({"title": "Napoleon"}, {"plot": 1}) |
what genre is the film The Man Who Knew Too Much? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Man Who Knew Too Much"}, {"genres": 1}) |
what genre of movie is Marked Woman? | db.movies.find({"title": "Marked Woman"}, {"genres": 1}) |
who was Bride of Frankenstein written by? | db.movies.find({"title": "Bride of Frankenstein"}, {"writers": 1}) |
What is the language of the movie The Fall of the House of Usher? | db.movies.find({"title":"The Fall of the House of Usher"}, {"languages":1}) |
What is the Metacritic score of the movie Storm Over Asia ? | db.movies.find({ "title": "Storm Over Asia" }, { "metacritic": 1}) |
who acted in the movie Going Hollywood? | db.movies.find({"title": "Going Hollywood"}, {"cast": 1}) |
what is the plot for the film The Guardsman? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Guardsman"}, {"plot": 1}) |
What is the MPAA rating of the movie Death Takes a Holiday? | db.movies.find({"title":"Death Takes a Holiday"}, {"rated":1}) |
In which countries was the movie Dracula produced? | db.movies.find({"title":"Dracula"}, {"countries":1}) |
What is the MongoDB document ID of the movie The Freshman? | db.movies.find({"title": "The Freshman"}, {"_id": 1}) |