I know what you did.
I know what you did.
I know what you did.
Who is this.
Who is this.
You murdered that girl, Eddie. Six years ago...
You murdered that girl, Eddie. Six years ago...
What the are you.. ?
What the are you.. ?
You killed that girl and you put it on film. You and your pals, you're You up real good.
So... you brought Dino in, and he brought Machine. And, one day, a girl walked into your office because you had an ad in the paper for models. And she never walked out.
Something like that.
Something like that.
What did you do, knock her out, shoot her up... ?
What did you do, knock her out, shoot her up... ?
What the do you want from me?
What the do you want from me?
I want to know. I want to know exactly what you did to her!
I want to know. I want to know exactly what you did to her!
you then, you want to know? I talked her up, told her how beautiful she was, told her she was gonna be a star. I told her I was gonna get her a screen test, and while I'm doing that, I got her a soda and dropped a mickey. When it was dark enough, I rang Dino and told him it was go time, I put her in the trunk of my car and we went and we did it. That's what happened. She's dead. She's been dead a long time. Nobody cares!
I don't know. I felt like it. I never saw anyone get done before.
You enjoy it?
You enjoy it?
Made me sick, but what did I care? What did I care if some wants to beat off to that. It was just something I was doing for money.
Made me sick, but what did I care? What did I care if some wants to beat off to that. It was just something I was doing for money.
Tell me what happened.
Tell me what happened.
What do you want to know? You saw it, you saw the loop...
What do you want to know? You saw it, you saw the loop...
Nobody saw you bring her in?
Nobody saw you bring her in?
There wasn't nobody around. This place was a I backed up the car to the door and we carried her in, like groceries. Dino made her eat a bunch of pills, we laid out the plastic, put film in the camera and Machine went to work.
There wasn't nobody around. This place was a I backed up the car to the door and we carried her in, like groceries. Dino made her eat a bunch of pills, we laid out the plastic, put film in the camera and Machine went to work.
What did you do with her body?
What did you do with her body?
Took it out the bathroom window. Buried it in the woods.
Took it out the bathroom window. Buried it in the woods.
Show me.
You know how my tapes sell. People eat this stuff up.
I had three jerkoffs trying to return your tapes last month. Do you know how bad a skin flick has to be for some to come back into my place with a receipt, and try to return it?
I had three jerkoffs trying to return your tapes last month. Do you know how bad a skin flick has to be for some to come back into my place with a receipt, and try to return it?
Maybe there's something wrong with the scumbag customers coming into your place, ever think of that?
Maybe there's something wrong with the scumbag customers coming into your place, ever think of that?
The only thing wrong is the cheap, softcore you're peddling, Eddie. Where do you get this stuff?
The only thing wrong is the cheap, softcore you're peddling, Eddie. Where do you get this stuff?
Look, you
Look, you
Get together some upscale product where the girls still have teeth in their head. Till then, you.
Get together some upscale product where the girls still have teeth in their head. Till then, you.
You found these dealers and asked to buy a film, right? Wanted them to find you one. Well, they didn't find you one, Longdale, they went out and made you one...
Shut up.
Shut up.
Mary Anne Mathews was alive till you paid money to have her murdered.
Mary Anne Mathews was alive till you paid money to have her murdered.
Shut your mouth and drive!
Shut your mouth and drive!
Did it get him off, huh, watching them cut her up? Tell me, because I really want to understand. Did he off to it? You watch it with him, sit there giving him a while you both watched... ?
Hello... ?
I'm here.
I'm here.
Do you think the film could have cost that much?
Do you think the film could have cost that much?
For a human life... on film, no statute of limitations. Who knows? It sure could have. I'd like you to overnight me a copy of those checks, then put them in a safe deposit box.
For a human life... on film, no statute of limitations. Who knows? It sure could have. I'd like you to overnight me a copy of those checks, then put them in a safe deposit box.
Send it to me through the post office like we arranged. No return address. You dug this up all by yourself?
Send it to me through the post office like we arranged. No return address. You dug this up all by yourself?
You told me to look, so I looked.
You told me to look, so I looked.
You're one of a detective, Mrs. Christian.
He's going after Debbie, I gotta stop him.
Hey, you're not alone. We have to stop him, I'm with you.
Hey, you're not alone. We have to stop him, I'm with you.
You just feel sorry for me.
You just feel sorry for me.
Cut that out. Maybe before, but not now. I want to help you. I'm on your side.
So what's up? What'd I miss?
She told us the story of Freddy. It's a town legend. He was a child killer who was freed on a technicality.
She told us the story of Freddy. It's a town legend. He was a child killer who was freed on a technicality.
It off a lot of parents. According to Kristen, they hunted him down; roasted him alive.
It off a lot of parents. According to Kristen, they hunted him down; roasted him alive.
Nice neighborhood.
Nice neighborhood.
Now it gets weird. She says he comes back in dreams. If he kills you there, you're dead for real.
I'm sorry honey, but...
Sorry!! Sorry that you and your tennis pals torched this guy who's now after me. In case you haven't been keeping score, it's his banquet, and I'm the LAST COURSE!!
Sorry!! Sorry that you and your tennis pals torched this guy who's now after me. In case you haven't been keeping score, it's his banquet, and I'm the LAST COURSE!!
Honey, we went over this in therapy.
Honey, we went over this in therapy.
Mother, you've just murdered me. Take that to your therapy...
All I know is that you are not doing yourself or the baby any good by acting like a crazy woman. Why don't you take off - leave Springwood and cool out somewhere for a while?
it, Yvonne! You don't just run away from this guy! He finds you in your dreams.
Do you think I'm an idiot...for being in love with her?
Nobody thinks that.
Maybe it was her mother who killed her, with all that Polly Perfect
It wasn't her mother. The only reason we're still here is that none of us has slept since the grad party.
But <u>they're</u> not Skipper Neilsen's son! It broke his heart. Then when some newspapers called Carl 'the honest, sincere son of a war-mongering father' - Captain Neilsen resigned from the Navy. Oh, he still keeps his hand in - playing around with projects like the 'Lungfish' - but it broke him, all the same.
Have you ever talked to Carl - tried to see his side?
Have you ever talked to Carl - tried to see his side?
'His' side? I've seen it, all right. A nice, bright yellow!
What are you boys up to?
Same old
You see it?
Nope. Heard it. We wasn't far apart. I spotted this buck, then I heard the gun go off and Twombley was gone. I looked over the little cliff we was using for a stand and there the was, deader'n Called it right in.
Nope. Heard it. We wasn't far apart. I spotted this buck, then I heard the gun go off and Twombley was gone. I looked over the little cliff we was using for a stand and there the was, deader'n Called it right in.
This is gonna be one mess to clean up. Twombley's son-in-law and daughter are up the weekend. Didn't you say you'd seen him, Wade?
I used to play ball.
Drafted by the Red Sox.
Drafted by the Red Sox.
You played for the Sox?
You played for the Sox?
Double A. New Britain.
Double A. New Britain.
Pitcher. "Best ballplayer to come out of New Hampshire since Carlton Fisk."
Pitcher. "Best ballplayer to come out of New Hampshire since Carlton Fisk."
They said.
They said.
The only difference between me and that Clemens on TV is luck, luck.
The only difference between me and that Clemens on TV is luck, luck.
What happened?
What happened?
Ruined my arm. Brought me along too fast. Why'd it have to be my arm, I used to think. Then I realized it had to be somebody's arm.
Fresh tracks. Deer Big one. Here's your buck, Mr. Twombley. I'll circle around.
You only got a little while if you want your hundred bucks.
Got a job first thing in the morning, first day of season. Saturday I'll hunt for myself. Twombley something. - Er --
Evan. He's a mucky-muck union official from Massachusetts. You're lucky.
Evan. He's a mucky-muck union official from Massachusetts. You're lucky.
Don't know about lucky. The guy's a full-blown Pay's good, though. $100 a day. I got to guarantee a of course. Which I can do. There's some monster bucks hiding out up there.
Don't know about lucky. The guy's a full-blown Pay's good, though. $100 a day. I got to guarantee a of course. Which I can do. There's some monster bucks hiding out up there.
How'd you get the job?
How'd you get the job?
Gordon, he's always got some angle working. He wants to keep Twombley happy, I'm his boy.
Like you and Gordon?
Right. The sonofabitch couldn't get along without me.
Right. The sonofabitch couldn't get along without me.
Yeah, he'd go broke tomorrow if you quit him.
Yeah, he'd go broke tomorrow if you quit him.
Aw, she's here to get Jill. Me and Jill had a little argument. Jack, I got to get back, get back to town. Move this thing, will you? See if you can get back to the Town Hall before they get there, okay?
Piece of cake.
Where'd Twombley get shot?
In the chest.
In the chest.
No, I mean whereabouts.
No, I mean whereabouts.
A half mile in, along the old lumber road.
A half mile in, along the old lumber road.
You bring him up yourself? That's a steep climb.
You bring him up yourself? That's a steep climb.
The ambulance guys lugged him up.
The ambulance guys lugged him up.
You stayed away?
You stayed away?
Where'd you get the blood?
Where'd you get the blood?
What blood?
What blood?
On your sleeve.
On your sleeve.
Musta... How'd I know? What're you doing, playing cop?
Musta... How'd I know? What're you doing, playing cop?
I gotta make a report to Fish and Game. I was just wondering, that's all. What'd he do, to shoot himself, I mean?
I gotta make a report to Fish and Game. I was just wondering, that's all. What'd he do, to shoot himself, I mean?
Who the knows? Musta slipped or something. I just heard the gun go off.
Who the knows? Musta slipped or something. I just heard the gun go off.
I never seen a man shot before. Not even in the service. Must be something.
I never seen a man shot before. Not even in the service. Must be something.
Well, I didn't actually see him do it. Like I said.
Well, I didn't actually see him do it. Like I said.
Sure you did.
Sure you did.
Saw him do it?
Saw him do it?
What the you telling me, Wade? I never seen the guy get shot, I told you that.
What the you telling me, Wade? I never seen the guy get shot, I told you that.
You musta seen him get shot. I know you did.
You musta seen him get shot. I know you did.
Let's get the outta here. You're not making any sense, man.
There's your old twenty-gauge, and that there's the new Browning you was showing me last night. This must be Twombley's gun. Brand new. Very fancy tooling. Probably fired one time. It's a beautiful piece of work. But what the Jack, I guess you deserve it. Right's right.
Twombley sure as won't be shooting it again.