Maybe not when I want him to but he'll always come back to me. He promised. And Joon doesn't break his promises. "Hi... Uhmm Hoon Hyungnim... My name is Kim Jae Joon. I've come today to ask for your blessing to marry Na Jeong-ie. She would have come too, but I wanted it to be a surprise... So yeah... It's just me and Jung Gook Hyung. " I look over my shoulder to see Hyung with his head bowed. " I know we never had a chance to meet, but I wanted to let you know that I will always love and take care of Na Jeong. I will always honour and respect her. My words are all I have to give you, but rest assured that I am a man of my word. I will spend the rest of my life making her happy. Please know that I mean that. " I paused and thought about what to say before speaking again. " I'll also take care of Omonim and Abonim... I'll make sure that they will have everything they need as they get older. And Sook Sook too. I'll always treat him like he is my blood brother and not one by marriage. I.. I wish I could have met you, Hyung. Uri Na Jeong-ie... She misses you a lot. Now I wait. I wait for the woman I love. Just like she waited for me. Just like I waited for her all those years ago. I felt like all the events in my life have culminated to this day and this moment. I looked at my ring, back on my hand and allowed myself to remember all the years that I've loved Na Jeong. Saying that until recently I couldn't quite believe that she could love me back is an understatement. But that's all changed. I now believe I am a person capable of love and capable of being loved. It took me a while to get here but I've finally bid my demons goodbye. I was still telling myself this when I realized that maybe I was hungry or low on sugar. I pulled out the pepero sticks from my purse and a sense of deja vu filled me. I realized that I should probably go to the basketball stadium, where my Lee Sang Min Oppa tickets were waiting for me, but I remained rooted to the spot.
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컨버스 x J.W. 앤더슨 ‘런스타 하이크’ 재발매, W컨셉 단독 화보 W컨셉이 컨버스(CONVERSE) x J.W. 앤더슨(J.W. Anderson) ‘런스타 하이크’의 온라인 재발매를 예고하며 단독 화보를 공개했다. 올 초 출시된 ‘런스타 하이크’는 하이킹 부츠에서 영감을 받은 독보적인 디자인으로 품절 대란을 일으킨 모델이다. 배색의 미드솔과 과감한 지그재그 러기드 아웃솔에 러버힐 랩, 스타 포인트 등의 디테일을 더해 당당하고 에너지 넘치는 자태를 자랑한다. ‘런스타 하이크’는 화이트, 블랙 두 가지 컬러로 한정 재발매되며, 오랜 시간 기다려온 만큼 그 뜨거운 인기를 다시 한번 재 점화할 것으로 예상된다. 발매일은 오는 12월 9일. 온라인에서는 W컨셉 웹사이트(와 모바앨 앱 그리고 컨버스 공식 온라인 스토어(에서 단독으로 만나볼 수 있다. 더불어 국내 오프라인 스토어는 컨버스 명동, 코엑스, 두타, 롯데본점 1층 컨버스 팝업 스토어, 10 꼬르소 꼬모 청담, 카시나 한남, 케이스스터디, 비이커 한남에서 발매된다. 상세 주소는 아래에서 확인해보길.
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The scene that caught my attention, though, was when the father decides to take some time off and take Shirley to the circus. As they're getting ready to go, the maid ( or maybe she's a nanny) is thanking the father for the afternoon off because her teeth have been bothering her and she can use the time to go to the dentist. Wow. To think you could work for someone and be having a problem with your teeth and not be able to just ask for some time off! That was a shocker to me. Is that really how things were back in the 1930's? Is that how things are even now for a maid or nanny? I can't imagine working under those conditions. I'm thankful for the job I have and how easy it is to get time off when I need it - especially for medical problems. My wife, Cindy, had another take on it. "Imagine being able to get in to see your dentist the same day," she said. That's right. Maybe things weren't so bad in the 1930's. I'm getting a little tired of hearing people say, "You can't fix a problem by throwing money at it." It's usually an excuse for people who don't want to do something. But name me a problem, other than simply changing your mind about something, that doesn't require money? Even if you can get enough people to volunteer their time (God bless them), you still need to buy materials for them to use and transport them to where the problem is. And there is only so much time people can donate before they have to stop and go to a job to make a living. And I think that is a lot of the problem with people who say, "You can't solve a problem by throwing money at it," have - they don't want to pay a fair amount to get something done. The other possibility of why someone would say this is that they mean, "You can't solve a problem by ONLY throwing money at it." I'd agree with that but I've never heard anyone say that. It usually comes from someone who is against spending (often by the government) on something they don't want.
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We've worked really closely with Judith Casselberry, who is an African American Studies Professor at Bowdoin College, and an expert on this kind of music. The concert follows the evolution of the spiritual in America. Starting in the plantations in the way it would have been sung in a folk style or a congregational singing, what you think of as a call and response, but, then, improvised harmonization underneath that. To create the context around where that music was coming from, we're doing a number of readings by Frederick Douglass. Then, we moved into the Fisk Singers generation where this music was now being concertized, thought of as a performance opportunity. W.E.B. Du Bois was at Fisk University while this was going on. We have some writing by him. We go through emancipation. Then, towards the 20th Century, and the Civil Rights, ending with the way that the tune Amazing Grace was used during the Civil Rights and Over My Head was used during Civil Rights. There's reading. There's incredible art by Daniel Minter and Ashley Bryan, who are Maine artists, who have been on your show. Judith is reading. Oratorio Chorale is singing. Reggie is making people weep in their seats. Music is coming from all sides. There's a lot of movement in this concert. It looks absolutely nothing like what you're probably expecting. Dr. Lisa Belisle: Today, it is my pleasure to have with me Dr. Mary Plouffe, who is a licensed psychologist and writer. Her memoir, I Know It in My Heart: Walking Through Grief with a Child, is coming out in May 2017. She is currently working on a book of essays on listening. Thank you for coming in. Dr. Mary Plouffe: I do. I do. The book is a chance to peel back a little bit the things that were most powerful for me to hear as a child and an adolescent. Then, it pulls back the screen a little bit in therapy, and talks about who we listen, and to what, and what healing is about in terms of both silence and listening because I think they both weave together in good clinical practice.
All I wanted to do was keep up with him, and I was driven by the fear of letting him down and being too slow. I didn't want to run alone, yet here I was pushing the pace and out in front. I just wanted to shave time off last year's pace to AS # 2 to give myself a little room on the return to the middle school. I also began to think that I wanted to have more daylight to work with during the second loop and wanted to get as many miles in as I could while the temperatures were still relatively cool. AS #2 became my focus and I was hoping to make it in 3 hours. As I arrived to the cheers of our support crew and the terrific volunteers at the aid station, I asked my dad to tell me what time it was. I couldn't believe it when he said "about 10 ' til 9". Last year, we took 3 hours and 24 minutes. This year, I made it in 2 hours and 46 minutes with Eric right on my heels. Motivated by the good start, I was determined to keep pushing hard. At this point, I thought if I could run a strong first loop, I could run a nice, relaxed pace for the 2nd loop and improve on last year's time. But already the temperature was rising while the humidity was making it tough on my body's cooling system. If I was going to maintain this pace, I had to get out of the aid station fast and keep moving. I grabbed a Boost, drank a cup of Heed, and said goodbye to our crew of Tina, Danielle, Mom, and Dad and began the trek back to Titusville. I was so eager to keep moving I forgot to remove my headlamp and didn't realize I was still wearing it until I began the climb up Heisman Hill away from Petroleum Center. Eric leaves PC As temperatures and humidity began to rise, it becaBetween the Boy Scout station and the seemingly endless miles to the Miller Farm Station (#3), I don't remember seeing Eric, but I knew he had to be right behind me. My fear of letting him down was dissipating; I was feeling strong, having a good race, and honestly couldn't believe how well it was going, feeling no side effects from the Megatransect the weekend before.
Quel programme ! C'était donc un des mariages dont tu m'avais parlé... Va faire un tour sur mon blog, tu auras une ptite surprise :) :) :) Yesssss !!!! Merci Moo. Bises !! Tous ces chapeaux... ça me fait penser à 4 mariages, 1 enterrement.. Bon, je vais un peu vite là ! J'adore ce film, il fait partie de mes préférés !! Il n'y avait pas tant de chapeau que ça, juste les dames de la famille (sauf la grand mère !!)
הרב פרופסור יהודה לוי (באנגלית: Leo Levi - נולד א' בשבט תרפ"ו; 16 בינואר 1926) הוא פיזיקאי וחוקר יהדות אמריקאי ישראלי. לאחר הגירתו לארצות הברית, למד תורה אצל הרב יוסף ברייער (Joseph Breuer), רב קהילת Washington Heights, אשר בהמשך נתן לו סמיכה נוספת לרבנות (1961). מאוחר יותר, למד אצל הרב אהרן סולובייצ'יק וכן בכולל של ישיבת 'חיים ברלין' אצל הרב יצחק הוטנר, אשר הסמיך אותו לרבנות (1961). לימודיו האקדמיים התקיימו במסגרת לימודי ערב. את התואר הראשון בהנדסת חשמל הוא קיבל מ-City College של העיר ניו יורק בשנת 1952 , תואר שני בפיזיקה (1955) וכן תואר Ph. D. בפיזיקה ובהנדסת חשמל (1964) הוא עשה ב-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. בשנות החמישים עבד כפיזיקאי בחברות למוצרים אופטיים ואלקטרוניים Freed Electronics and Control וכן Fairchild Camera. בסוף שנות החמישים החל לעבוד כיועץ עצמאי בפיזיקה למספר חברות גדולות, ביניהם IBM ומעבדת הצי האמריקני. בשנות השישים הוא פעל בשני ארגונים וכיהן כסגן נשיא אגודת ישראל של ארצות הברית וכנשיא אגודת אנשי מדע שומרי תורה בארצות הברית AOJS. בשנים 1965-1970 שימש כמרצה, ובהמשך - כפרופסור חבר במחלקת פיזיקה ב-City College בניו יורק. הוא עלה לארץ ב-1970 בעקבות הזמנתו של פרופ' זאב לב, מייסד בית הספר הגבוה לטכנולוגיה בירושלים, להקים את מגמת פיזיקה שימושית ואלקטרו-אופטיקה בבית הספר ולעמוד בראשה. לימים נקרא בית הספר גם מכון לב על שם מייסדו. יהודה לוי כיהן בתפקיד זה בשנים 1970-1982. Applied Optics, Vol. 1 (1968), Vol. 2 (1980), Wiley, New York Applied Optics in the Eighties, J.C.T., Jerusalem (Co-author) Englishفارسی עריכת הקישורים נערך לאחרונה ב־16:53, 28 באפריל 2015. הטקסט מוגש בכפוף לרישיון Creative Commons ייחוס-שיתוף זהה 3.0;
Now that we’ve had several months to get to know these phones, the fact that they have identical hardware turns out to be a mixed blessing for both of them. The HTC One is still the most beautiful and elegant Android phone by a very wide margin. The screen looks great, the speakers are crazy loud, and it simply feels more premium than any of its competitors. However, HTC’s obstinate refusal to bow to the design norms of the Android market hurts the stock One as much as it hurts the skinned model. The power button, located at the top of the phone, is nigh-impossible to reach with one hand. Samsung, LG, Nokia, and many others put it on the side now, an infinitely more reasonable choice for large-screened phones. More annoyingly, HTC continues to participate in Google’s campaign to rid the world of a dedicated menu button. In a perfect world, developers would follow Google’s guidelines and update their apps with on-screen menu buttons. In the real world, Samsung still ships a menu button on the bestselling Galaxy line, meaning there’s simply not enough incentive to get developers to redesign their apps. Arcane Android politics aside, the bottom line is that HTC only provides two buttons — home and back — with the home button awkwardly placed on the right-hand side. This means that when you install an Android app that doesn’t follow Google’s Holo guidelines for on-screen menu buttons, you’re stuck with a gigantic black menu button at the bottom of your screen. Those apps are, thankfully, becoming increasingly rare, but they happen often enough to screw up whatever muscle memory you’ve built up with the keyboard whenever it gets shifted up. The stock Galaxy S4 has the same slimy-feeling back cover, faux-metal plastic rim, and overall midrange aesthetic. In our original S4 review, David Pierce wrote that the hardware "makes an awful first impression" and I can’t say that I disagree. But what the GS4 lacks in panache it makes up for in utility. That back cover comes off so you can replace the battery and add an SD card.
"I can't imagine how any thing like that could ever be necessary..." expressing your respect and gratitude. The teachers and councilors at your school have been concerned. Your parents weren't managing..." "No!" she cried out in hoarse anguish, "No! No! No!" been daylight for hours. There was not even a crack of light from the door to the kitchen. She lay Barber/tattoo shop. Maxi’s makeover leaves Tess with a Mohawk, a number of piercings and a Wham! is a dystopian/fantasy/scif/timetravel novel. It takes place in the 21st century. This world is populated by a number of races including humans, trolls elves, fairies and even dragons. The world is controlled by a tyrannical government, but the location of the capitol and the potentate who pulls all the strings, are unknown to the general population. The citizens are controlled by watchers from spying devices, which look like crystal balls, which are mandatory in every room in every home. The young are systematically indoctrinated in their schools and their families are usually forcibly torn apart by the local Children and Family Services Police. Universal Amazon Link for Wham! I am so happy to spotlight this fantastic author, Wendy Scott! I have several of her books on my TBR list and cannot wait to read them! Please join me in welcoming Wendy to my page! Lodestone (Witch-Hunt) review by author Aoife Marie Sheridan. Behind the scenes of Lodestone with Fantasy Author Wendy Scott. The repercussions of Lauren’s actions still reverberate in Valloaria generations later. In the same circumstances, if it was your child, would you have done what Lauren did? Would you have raised the Lodestone? I am thrilled to share with you today this amazing author. Indie Author Harmony Kent is an award winning multi-genre author. Her publications include: Today we are celebrating her newest book, Moments! These tales touch upon death, grieving, war, fresh starts, hope, courage, change, choices, and encouragement. And then, after all that, you’ll find the poems.
Carlos Alberto Arroyo Bermúdez born July 30, 1979, is a point guard for the Miami Heat. Arroyo is the fifth player from Puerto Rico to play in the NBA. In the 2008-09 season, he played for Maccabi Tel Aviv in the Israeli Basketball Super League, winning the league’s championship and being named the final’s Most Valuable Player. These men are examples of succesful Latinos in the NBA. One of the most popular sports in the United States is becoming increasingly popular in the Latino home next to baseball. It’s time we pay some attention to these athletes and give credit where it’s due. __________________________________________________________________________________________ What Martin Luther King Jr. Did for the Latino Civil Rights Movements No comments yet... Be the first to leave a reply!
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Final Fantasy XV comes to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on the 30th of November after 10 years of being in development. Final Fantasy XV was first announced to the general public back in 2006 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive title called Final Fantasy Versus XIII. In Final Fantasy XV you play as Prince Noctis as he heads across a war torn world with his closest friends and advisers to meet his betrothed and attempt to reclaim his homeland. For those planning to buy Final Fantasy XV, a big question that might come up is “Where should I get it from?” More and more we see developers shipping their games with pre-order and day one bonuses, but every now and then there are way too many. Final Fantasy XV is releasing with 18 different pieces of DLC that range from cosmetics and avatars all the way to an extra game. These bonuses are even spread out across six different platforms, and that’s not even including any differences between different store regions. Square Enix has released trailers for the majority of the DLCs, so you can take a look at them before you attempt to make a decision. As of now, you can only get the DLC listed here through the pre-order bonuses (meaning they are, as of now, exclusive solely to the pre-order bonus). There is no information yet as to whether or not players can obtain other pieces of DLC at a later date. This is even true for the separate game, A King’s Tale. The Travel Pack DLC gives little detail in the trailer showing Noctis and his friends on the road, in a boat, exploring a town, and hanging out in a hotel room playing cards. The description of the video reads “See the world in style with this set of gear to go, replete with all the globetrotting essentials.” In the Angler Set we see Noctis setting up his line and lure to go fishing. Fishing was shown to us as being apart of Final Fantasy XV back at TGS 2015 allowing Noctis to catch provisions that can then be cooked into meals later.
A smug, deluded, treasonous Glenn Beck wannabe (left) argues with a pro-labor-union protester (right) in Madison, Wisconsin, on the fifth day of pro-labor protests there. The young wingnut and his ilk expect all of us of the working class to obediently bend over and take it up the ass, to be told that there aren’t enough resources in the nation even though the Repugnican Tea Party’s plan for the federal budget is to increase Pentagon spending while slashing spending on actual human beings. Of course, the Pentagon’s bloated budget is just the avenue for the corporateers and the war profiteers, who enjoy the full support of the Repugnican Tea Party, for stealing hundreds of billions of our tax dollars legally — while denying us a social safety net. Down the rabbit hole we fall. With rocket boosters strapped to our asses. Washington – The [Repugnican Tea Party]-run House, jolted by freshmen determined to drive down the deficit, snatched $61 billion from hundreds of federal programs while shielding coal companies, oil refiners and farms from new federal regulations. Passage early [today] of the $1.2 trillion bill, covering every Cabinet agency through Sept. 30, when the current budget year ends, sent the measure to the Senate, where it faces longer odds, and defied a White House veto threat. “The American people have spoken. They demand that Washington stop its out-of-control spending now, not some time in the future,” said freshman Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan. The legislation imposes severe spending cuts on domestic programs and foreign aid. Targets include schools, nutrition programs, environmental protection, and heating and housing subsidies for the poor. Changes rammed through the House [yesterday and today] would shield greenhouse-gas polluters and privately owned colleges from federal regulators; block a plan to clean up the Chesapeake Bay; and bar the government from shutting down mountaintop mines it believes will cause too much water pollution.
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This site will work and look better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. "Don't you like my mask? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead. Americans..." and 25 comments to WHEDONesque. Serenity returns to Dark Horse. 30/11/2006 14:07 Mark Sheppard to guest star on Battlestar Galactica. 01/11/2006 05:41 Adam Baldwin finds Day Break Nov 15th. 24/10/2006 14:45 An interview with Tim Minear. 16/10/2006 07:20 I hate everything about this whole night. 11/10/2006 22:38 Why Buffy slays us. 06/10/2006 07:55 Nathan Fillion on Lost. 05/10/2006 05:57 Those Joss Whedon Serenity sequel comments. 22/08/2006 08:51 Eliza Dushku Not Joining "Lost". 05/08/2006 11:05 Buffy at 60-years old? 01/08/2006 13:17 Boreanaz 'Bones' interview from TV Week. 30/07/2006 09:32 Slither on dual format DVD and HD-DVD. 28/07/2006 20:33 This is a non-profit, unofficial website, not affiliated with Mutant Enemy, Inc., 20th Century Fox, Warner Brothers or UPN.
Search verses, phrases, and topics (e.g. John 3:16, Jesus faith love) O.T. Names of God - Study Resources Intro. - Universal Beginnings (Chuck Missler) Exodus 23:1-11 (Dr. J. Vernon McGee) Translations available: King James Version, New King James Version, New Living Translation, New International Version, English Standard Version, Christian Standard Bible, New American Standard Bible 2020, New American Standard Bible 1995, New English Translation, Revised Standard Version, American Standard Version, Young's Literal Translation, Darby Translation, Webster's Bible, Hebrew Names Version, Reina-Valera 1960, Latin Vulgate, Westminster Leningrad Codex, Septuagint, Morphological Greek New Testament, and Textus Receptus. Note: MLA no longer requires the URL as part of their citation standard. Individual instructors or editors may still require the use of URLs. You must be logged in to send email. Did you forget your password? Passwords should have at least 6 characters. Usernames should only contain letters, numbers, dots, dashes, or underscores. Did You Know BLB Is User Supported? Your partnership makes all we do possible. Would you prayerfully consider a gift of support today? Cookie Notice: Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. Please see Blue Letter Bible's Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Blue Letter Bible study tools make reading, searching and studying the Bible easy and rewarding.
Hey you, Grunt Number One, how long have you and Grunt Number Two been watching these monitors?” “We got on duty at twelve, sir,” Grunt Number One responded. “And didn’t anything look a little strange to you two fuck-ups?” Agremon roared. Grunt Number One cowered back into a corner. “I—d-don’t know what you mean s-s-sir,” he stammered. “Don’t you guys know a fucking video loop when you see one? The same people keep passing by every ten or fifteen seconds! Same walk, same motions, same everything! Damn it! You guys are useless. Look, watch the monitor. See anything peculiar?” he asked impatiently. “Wait for it,” Agremon growled. “Oh.” “Oh. That’s all you can say is, oh. You idiotic shit for brains! Get your genius partner over there and get the fuck out before I rip your throats apart and burn you both from the inside out!” The two men scrambled and fought with each other to be the first out of the tent. This served to make Agremon even angrier, and he wound up incinerating them both on the spot with a quick and strategically targeted, “Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.” They’re here. I bet the Brethren are here. But why the loop? Obviously they’re shielding themselves or I would have felt their signatures by now. So what is the loop for? In any case, how fortuitous for me. I can step up my game plan. Why bother waiting for Hannah’s birthday? He was already stronger than anyone realized. He’d been absorbing the energy of others for centuries now. Nobody knew exactly everything he could do, and nobody would. It was best to keep certain things secret. Whether Hannah’s powers were at full strength or not, they were still strong enough for him to take over the world. After all, what difference could four days really make in the scheme of things? Agremon made his way out of the security tent and back on the trails around the campgrounds. He was determined to find out why the Brethren had set up a loop on his security cameras. It didn’t take long to find out.
In short: While credit agencies may favor companies that have extremely conservative financial policies, an equity investor may be comfortable with management that takes more risks (for the hope of more return) and prefer a company that does favor shareholders over creditors (ex: Ba or B on the Financial Policy scale). Simpler Partnership Structures Viewed Positively for Financial Policy In recent years, the increased cost-of-capital conundrum for MLPs in the higher incentive distribution right (IDR) split levels has resulted in multiple consolidation or simplification transactions: GPs being bought in, IDRs being eliminated, GPs buying their MLP, etc. In the 2010 methodology edition, Moody's tended to view GPs and their control over the MLP [2] as more of a corporate governance issue, with the concern that the GP could make decisions for the MLP to the detriment of common unitholders and bondholders. That said, if an MLP had a GP that owned a substantial amount of common units, Moody's perceived this to have less risk, as interests were likely more aligned. The 2010 edition notes that MLPs buying in their GP and eliminating IDRs is viewed positively from a corporate governance and bondholder standpoint. However, this stance was a one-off "Other Consideration" and did not specifically fall under a scorecard factor. Such simplification factors now fall under the new Financial Policy scorecard for the 2017 edition. Specifically, the guide notes "simpler partnership structures - where the MLP buys in the general partner and eliminates incentive distribution rights- would typically score higher." In short: The recent string of simplification and consolidation transactions have largely been triggered by the need to reduce a company's cost of equity. A simplified partnership structure is something both equity and debt investors see positively. Risk Profile for Crude Oil Pipelines and Intrastate Gas Pipelines Viewed Similarly
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Ms. Jimenez did not have health insurance. She made enough in wages to not qualify for Medicaid but was unable to afford the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace insurance plans. New Mexico has state funding for medical care for pregnant women, but after delivery people are kicked off. This was especially concerning as her last pap smear suggested a pre-cancerous growth that would require follow-up care. The Affordable Care Act has improved the lives of over 750,000 New Mexicans by expanding the Medicaid program. But it still leaves 26 million adults uninsured in the United States. While the ACA may have been a step in the right direction, the plan still leaves too many without any insurance, has permitted skyrocketing deductibles and premiums, and ignores outrageous drug prices. Ultimately, it falls short of providing affordable, comprehensive, universal health insurance. The American Health Care Act just released by Republicans will only further disrupt America’s already tenuous health care by downsizing Medicaid benefits for millions of low-income families, reducing premium and out-of-pocket subsidies for poor and middle-income Americans and giving tax breaks to only the wealthiest individuals and ultimately hurting affordable health care access for the low and middle classes. The ACA is not doing enough for Americans. And the AHCA is a clear assertion by Republicans that affordable health care is not a priority. We need a real solution that provides affordable, comprehensive health care for all Americans from birth until death. And we need those on the front line of the health care system to stand up and demand it. In honor of patients like Ms. Jimenez, I flew to Philadelphia on March 11 and joined hundreds of other health professional students from across the country in attending the Students for a National Health Program summit at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University.
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Could things be more idiotic? The best suggestion I've heard is to dump it at Greendell where it can share space with Young Fives. Greendell's a bad site for a neighborhood elementary and the JCC's leaving. Maybe it could be sort of a branch of Fairmeadow or Hoover, which are both fairly nearby. I'm glad to see that Hauser, Baten Caswell and Klausner seem to be running decent campaigns--signs up, clear Web sites, local endorsements. And people do read the Forum here--I've been surprised by the number of people I've met who mention reading it. It's sort of like the quiet widespread resentment of MI at Ohlone. Report Objectionable Content a resident of Duveneck/St. Francis on Sep 17, 2007 at 9:54 pm Okay, I just went buzzing through Camille Townsend's Web site and except for a page about global education, [she] seems to make no mention of Mandarin (doesn't do it there, either). "The next set of school board members (3 seats, 6 candidates - one incumbent) will be working with the new superintendent. Important plans for enrollment growth at elementary and secondary levels will be high on the facilities planning, along with bonds being proposed (possibly for Jun 2008). World language for elementary school is also under consideration (you probably know where I stand on that), along with the strategic planning process." Re: Ms. Mah's politickin'..yuk, especially as a County Board of Education Trustee who will be working with (over) whoever is elected. Tsk-tsk. Politics as usual..Which state am I in? Hope that cleared it up for ya'. Report Objectionable Content a resident of Duveneck/St. Francis on Sep 18, 2007 at 9:29 am I look forward to seeing more in the coming weeks. [Portion removed by Palo Alto Online staff.] Do endorsements matter to you? How much do they matter to you? Do you look for your friends on the list or for people with name recognition? Endorsements can mean a lot in small muncipal elections.
Perhaps the chief example of this phenomenon is Franconia Notch, where drivers overflowing from the adjacent lots routinely park their cars on the narrow shoulder of Interstate 93 and walk along the highway to get to the state’s most popular trailhead. The ridgeline above is one of the most magnificent views in the Whites, and it’s within a day’s drive of 70 million people. Many of those cars are parked within the town limits of Lincoln, which also hosts another overflowing trailhead at Lincoln Woods, where drivers park along the Kancamagus Highway. Lincoln police Chief Ted Smith returned a phone call while on vacation in Cape Cod last week to say that the de-facto parking lot on the edges of the Kanc is part of the national forest, and not under his town’s jurisdiction. Smith said the interstate through Franconia Notch is “even more concerning” as it’s “really a deadly place to park.” If state and local police can’t or won’t ticket where there’s no signage, that leaves only the state parks and the forest service, two organizations whose missions aren’t law enforcement. Last week, in response to an inquiry into whether the forest service would ticket cars parked outside the confines of their lots, Tiffany Benna, spokeswoman for the Forest Service, said its officers can ticket cars that are in areas with “no parking” signs – such as the span of road just outside of Lincoln Woods. Benna didn’t say whether this was a regular practice, nor did she address the vast area nearby that isn’t signed. State parks spokeswoman Amy Bassett didn’t respond to a request for comment. When Sullivan went to his local police and selectmen in Conway, seeking to change the parking rules on his street, he found their support. And the town kept pressing when the Department of Transportation didn’t immediately post signage on the state-owned road, where it has sole authority. Now, local police can hand out parking tickets to violators – and they do.
Quote from: Cain on May 26, 2012, 01:39:41 pmQuote from: PROFOUNDLY RETARDED CHARLIE MANSON on May 26, 2012, 12:53:37 amThe rather disjointed and slapdash Essay #8, on the film: God’s Next Army Patrick Henry College is a school designed to groom young Christians to enter politics, with the goal of infusing American leadership with people who will incorporate their religion into the political system, and of ultimately dominating the government with Christian leaders who will impose their Christian values on the entire country. The growing base of fundamentalist Christians who homeschool their children in order to keep them apart from unwanted influences has created the student base for Patrick Henry that makes it viable. I can’t help but wonder how these isolated home-schooled kids are picking up the social skills and developing the charisma needed to be effective political leaders. A lot of people in the video, particularly the parents, seem insane, delusional, and deeply indoctrinated in a very strange, awkward subculture that is wholly unable to relate to people outside of that culture. It frightens me to think these people could gain influence over the country rather than just being a fringe minority. The idea of an accredited college teaching literal creationism seems absurd to me… I really had a difficult time with this. The section showing and explaining their moot court training was deeply disturbing; it seemed to basically be a course for creating skilled professional liars, and their basic philosophy seems to be that the end justifies the means. The bigoted, woman-subservient doctrines they teach are repellent to me, but they do help me to understand where the anti-woman female Republican politicians come from. My gut reaction after watching this documentary was horror… I am terrified of this school achieving its goals and producing future leaders of the US. I believe how it works is that Patrick Henry alumni go on to do internships and act as advisors and reseachers for political leaders, that they rare
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It currently has 13 general traffic lanes across two bridges, one walking and cycling lane on the upper harbour bridge, and some ferry services generally not competing with these crossings. The Harbour Bridge carries increasing numbers of buses from the hugely successful Northern Busway, the very success of which exactly proves the theory of the equilibrium described by Dr Ziebots above. In the morning peak the buses carry around 40% of the people without even a single dedicated lane on the bridge itself. And it is all the people using the busway that allow the traffic lanes to move at all. In fact NZTA argue that one of the main reasons for building a new crossing is the numbers and the size of the buses now using the current one. The Upper Harbour Bridge is about become significantly busier because of the multiple billions being spent on the Waterview connection between SH20 and SH16, the widening of SH16, and the bigger interchange between SH81 and SH1 on the Shore. These huge motorway expansions will generate more traffic of course, but also will provide an alternative to driving across the lower Harbour Bridge. What is missing anywhere between the North Shore and the city is a Rapid Transit alternative to these road lanes. Like Sydney always has had. It is its [Sydney Harbour Bridge] multi-modality that makes it truly impressive, some 73% of the people entering Sydney on the Bridge from the Shore at this time are doing so on just one of the train lines and one bus lane; a fraction of the width of the whole structure. So not only does it shame our Harbour bridge aesthetically it completely kills it for efficiency too. Auckland’s bridge was always only ever designed for road traffic, and should be left that way, the clear way forward is to add the missing Rapid Transit route as the next major additional crossing [after adding the SkyPath to the existing bridge].
She said, "I'll put on a swimsuit," and I laughed and said, "No, no swimming.. .." and before I could continue, Bryan said, "Aw, come on, let her swim," and I said, "It's APRIL. In the NW. It's not that warm, it's just sunny, and I think swimming isn't reasonable." Katherine joined Bryan, "Mom, can't I? Please ?" I repeated, "No, it'll just be a quick picnic, it'll be nice to be outside, but it's not warm enough to swim." Bryan went on, "Come on, let the kid swim!" As a matter of fact, he went on, and on, and on, in front of Katherine. I finally got Katherine in another room and said, "Bryan, right now this is my call, and I say it's too cold for swimming and I'm not up for a freezing kid, I just want a quick dinner. I would appreciate it if you would not contradict me and argue with me right in front of Katherine, especially because it's my night with her and you're not even coming." He said, "I don't see what the big deal is." I said, "I don't believe it's good parenting to have conflict in front of her, and as you're not coming or at all involved with this situation, can you please stop arguing with me, especially in front of her?" to which he said, "Why don't you just let her go swimming?" ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! Not sure if this represents cold beach Katherine, or me. You It was 64 degrees out and breezy, the sun was setting, we hadn't had dinner yet, and the ocean here is COLD. He wasn't coming, he wasn't going to get her through the bath when she got home all sandy and salty and seaweedy, and he wasn't going to deal with chattering teeth or cut feet from barnacles. My nice little spontaneous picnic - me in my work clothes, high heels and trenchcoat off, replaced with a jean jacket and flip flops over my work dress because I didn't have time to change - felt tarnished. Now, why did he have to do that ?! Katherine and I had a great picnic anyway, with her running around in the grass, the dog getting picnic scraps, the sun setting over the water. So there. (insert head toss here)
The fairies are real and there are good ones and bad ones which only makes it more true to life. The idea of being granted a fairy baby is so different. The story may be a little short but the detailed descriptions really pull this story. I was so pleased with how well it was written and the ending as well.Jan may be a spoiled woman in the beginning but her heart shines through for her daughter Bindi. I loved the conversations with the fairy Tiki. Her husband Charlie doesn't believe her at first. Even I would have my doubts about what was said in this story. He never said she was wrong but that he couldn't believe her. I hated to see the story end.This is one story that I have had for way too long. I'll treasure it forever and may even read it again. It's so beautiful. The battle between good and evil make it an even greater story. It pulls you in and I had to slow myself down so that I wouldn't read too fast. It grips you from the beginning and doesn't let you go till the very end. Having read this author before, I definitely want to see what else she has written. Lynne Reid Banks / New Author / Children's Book / 128 pages/ Fairies/ 5 out of 5I read Maura's Angel by this author sent in Belfast, Northern Ireland so might have to re-read it since it's been years. The cover I'm posting is my favorite. They changed it and it doesn't have the same affect I think. Peyton MacGruder works hard for writing her column for the Tampa Times and is single. Yet when she learns her column "The Heart Healer" is ranked last in a reader poll, she is only given two weeks to turn it around. Then the unthinkable happens. PanWorld Flight 848 crashes and bursts into flames. Peyton is given a note in a plastic bag that is washed up onto the shore. This just might be what she is looking for and since there is not a lot of indicators she must search to find the intended for the note. She's determined to give the note to the intended owner.
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Martel also appeared at "Survivor Series 1993" in a 4-4 elimination match, being eliminated by The 1-2-3 Kid and in the "1994 Royal Rumble" as the 26th entrant before getting eliminated by his old rival Tatanka. Martel was set to appear in a ten-man tag team match at "Wrestlemania X" but the match was cancelled during the show due to the show running out of time. The match was later held on "RAW", with Martel's team victorious. By the summer of 1994, Martel dropped out of the WWF picture and would not be seen again until participating in the 1995 Royal Rumble (he was a substitute for Jim Neidhart). Martel's final appearance came the following month at a house show in Montreal, as his wrestling career began to slow as Martel pursued a career in real estate. In a shoot interview with RF video, Martel claimed that he and Don Callis were set to return to the WWF as 'The Supermodels' in 1997, before Callis turned on Martel, turning him face for the first time since 1989. However, after a pay dispute with WWF owner Vince McMahon, Martel signed with World Championship Wrestling (WCW). Callis confirmed that he and Martel were set to debut as a team during an interview with in 2015. In 1994, Martel worked for a few appearances for International World Class Championship Wrestling where in one of the matches defeated his former partner Tito Santana on September 9. After leaving WWF in 1995, Martel wrestled in the independent circuit in United States and Canada. He had a feud with Don Callis aka The Natural in Manitoba. Later that year he went to Germany to work for Catch Wrestling Association. He lost to Santana in a Texas Death match by count out for NWA New Jersey on October 14. In 1996 he wrestled in Malaysia. In 1997, Martel returned to Canada to teamed with Don Callis as the Supermodels feuding with a young Edge and Christian known as Adam Impact and Christian Cage.
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After its recent match against XDG, Team Dignitas finally reclaimed the title of NA’s Best Thrower. Sources say the veteran North American team was elated to have broken its troublesome six-game win streak. The rematch between Dignitas and XDG decisively determined which NA team was the best at throwing. The first game had proven disastrous for Team Dignitas, as underdog XDG managed to out-throw them. Although Dignitas handily secured losing the early game, a lapse in late game shotcalling allowed XDG to pull out the loss at Baron. Prior to the game against XDG, Dignitas received disheartening blows to its self-confidence when it failed to sandbag hard enough to lose against Cloud 9. Fans were also disappointed in Dignitas’s winning streak, criticizing the team for losing touch with its roots. One fan, Sober_scaRRa, wrote, “If I wanted to root for a team that could finish games, secure Barons, and maybe take a point off someone at Worlds, I wouldn’t be watching NA LCS. I guess I’ll have to root for EG or Coast now.” Luckily, Week 4 proved fortuitous for the throw-slumping team, its inventive “Give Curse Gragas” strategy finally ending its six-game win streak. In the next match against XDG, Dignitas was able to continue the momentum and remind supporters of its “Digni-toss” legacy. Although XDG attempted to cling to its fresh title by picking Riven for Zachary “mandatorycloud” Allan Hoschar, Dignitas was able to turn the tables with clutch back-to-back Baron punts.
To be honest, I don't think that six-monthly check-ups are even worth it any more, but seeing as BUPA pay him about £ 250 every time he sees me, I am sure that we will carry on like this over the next few years. I am pretty sure that if this were an NHS clinic, I'd be on 12 monthlies by now. What these appointments do, though, is get me thinking about "things" again, despite the fact that I'm feeling very well. I AM very well. But the upcoming clinics just get you to think about what might be to come a bit more often than during the rest of the year. One interesting thing that seems to be emerging from studies of people who have had stem cell transplants ( a real possible treatment for me some time in the future) is that they seem to be presenting with heart disease much more often than the general population. Given that the process involves harvesting your stem cells, growing them in the lab, while simultaneously killing off your entire immune system, such that you have to spend three weeks in complete isolation in hospital as they reintroduce your stem cells and you grow yourself a new immune system, is it any wonder that other parts of the body decide to rebel? Heart problems could be a price worth paying to avoid the consequences of not having a transplant, though. I don't know. If ever that were to be a possibility, that's a long way off, so I shall file that under "not yet pending" and not worry about it. What I have also learned over the past weeks, having attended the Lymphoma Association's Annual Conference in Nottingham at the beginning of the month ( and elsewhere) is that it is a good idea to volunteer for clinical trials if one is available when you next need treatment. There is a lady who attends the support group in Manchester for example, who was on a trial for a new antibody therapy and her disease has been all but wiped out completely. To be fair, so has mine at present, having had the best standard treatment available at the time when I needed it.
We expect the temperature to drop dramatically after the sun goes down, but that probably won't be until around 10:00 our time. I took some pictures of the buttes and mesas as we were riding down the highway today and hope to post some of these pictures soon (thanks Melissa for calling me about the computer, but I can't find the owner's manual - probably in the storage room in Dowling Park - okay, sometimes I'm not that bright - BUT, I have emailed HP and asked them how to download pictures on the computer and hopefully I will get an email back soon). If not - we'll go to a Best Buy and ask - that's where I bought the computer - or if anyone out there has an HP Pavilion Entertainment PC and know how to upload photo's PLEASE let me know. Tomorrow we are headed to the Grand Canyon and we are going to start "playing" as Dan puts it. We hope to also go the Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park before heading onPosted by Today has been a comedy of errors! But before I tell you about the adventure we had today let me update you on yesterday. I intended to write last night, but I was hit with a mystery ailment that we still don't understand. Everything was going fine - we traveled across the rest of LA and into Texas - we headed for Lake Arrowhead State Park right outside Wichita Falls, Texas. We found the park with no trouble - pulled in (actually had a pretty good site for backing into). I got out of the truck and came inside the 5th wheel and all of a sudden I was dizzy and light headed and thought I was going to pass out. I had to sit in the chair and not move my head. If I looked down I thought I was going to pass out. Sooo, Dan ended up fixing dinner (hot dogs) and he cleaned up the kitchen. After I ate I made it to the bed and I went to sleep with the help of three tylenol PM's. Woke up this morning and all was good.
My dad literally has to carry me around places because I am too weak and in too much pain to walk by myself. Usually in the past I stay home alone for a while since my parents do work. It is only for a couple of hours, and I can usually fend for myself for a limited amount of time. However, with everything progressing and me getting so much worse, I haven't really been able to be left alone. My dad has been by my side all the time because I can't do anything. Plus, with the jerking around that is happening, my parents don't like to leave me alone. In addition, my body is just shutting down. My organs have just had enough. I also have extreme pressure being exerted on my organs and causing a lot of problems and shutting them down because of the gastroparesis. I am getting so weak and staying alive is getting to be such a chore. It really is starting to be impossible to even make it through the day or even night with all that is happening to me. That is yet another reason why my parents have not left my side. In case something should happen, at least they are close. There have been so many close calls that we would have to go to HOPKINS. I really belong in a hospital. I have to admit that I am too sick to really remain at home. Not only am I suffering in pain, but my body is also shutting down. I can't even take my medications anymore because I am having such a hard time swallowing. Even with the carbonation that I discovered helped to a point to get down my meds, it will not allow anything to go down anymore. Even the limited foods that I was eating before because they were the only things I could swallow even though I vomited them back up and they didn't pass through my GI system and weren't absorbed are not even going down anymore. Before I could only tolerate foods that were NOT carbs. I was living basically on egg whites and ice-cream ( to a point), but now that is starting to be impossible to take in. To think … I used to love ice-cream too. There wasn't a day that could go by that I could bypass having it.
Today, more than 80 years later, the Pomerantz Firm continues in the tradition he established, fighting for the rights of the victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, and corporate misconduct. The Firm has recovered numerous multimillion-dollar damages awards on behalf of class members.
250ml /8 Oz 9 x 7.5 x 1.5 and 13 x 8.5 x 1.5cm 27 x 26.2 x 16CM/10.6 x 10.3 x 6.3 INCH 6.42 x 4.13 x 0.59inch 20.3 cm and16 cm Surfing, kiteboarding, hikes through tropical landscapes to the highest point in The Bahamas—you might be surprised at what you find in quiet Cat Island. From historical sites to watersports and beachside bars, there’s no shortage of things to do and see along the pink sands. Discover colourful New England-style architecture, astounding natural beauty, and pristine clusters of sandbars and cays on these two picturesque Bahamas hideaways—each is unique and not to be missed. This hidden treasure of a destination boasts ancient Lucayan art, sprawling white sand beaches, thrilling dive sites—even a secret surf spot. A short boat ride away, Conception Island is perhaps one of the most well-preserved areas in The Bahamas. San Salvador may be one of the smallest islands in The Bahamas, but it stands out amongst the larger destinations. Historic monuments, scenic lakes, tranquil beaches, and natural parks abound. Thank you for your interest.
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Hľadáte nehnuteľnosti a reality a práve teraz ste zavítali do zoznamu v kategórii Komerčné objekty na verejná aukcia, hoci v tejto kategórii je veľa nehnuteľností na výber, je možné že hľadáte vhodnejšie, presnejší výber nehnuteľností a tak si skúste vybrať aj iné možnosti komerčné objekty, a to komerčné objekty na predaj, prenájom komerčného objektu prenájmy komerčných objektoch, Komerčné objekty na verejná aukcia.Je jasné či pravdepodobné, že vyhľadané nehnuteľnosti nemusí byť tie pravé pre Vás, aj keď ste si vybrali Komerčné objekty na verejná aukcia nie vždy sa človek, nieto robot trafí do vhodnej predstavy o bývaní, ale nemusíte sa trápiť a môžete použiť iné kategórie, kde sa nehnuteľnosti môžu nachádzať a tak skúste potrebné komerčné objekty, komerčné objekty k predaji, komerčné objekty k prenájmu, Komerčné objekty na verejná aukcia.Komerčné objekty na verejná aukciaKancelária na verejná aukciaObchodný priestor na verejná aukciaAdministratívná budova na verejná aukciaSkladovací priestory na verejná aukciaVýrobné priestory na verejná aukciaPrevádzkový areál na verejná aukciaHotel na verejná aukciaPension na verejná aukciaReštaurácia, bar na verejná aukciaZemědělský objekt na verejná aukciaAčkoliv se nacházíte a hledáte svoji nemovitost v Komerčné objekty na verejná aukcia, je možné že bez omezení druhu prodeje (prodej, pronájem, dražba) toho naleznete daleko více. Pokud nejste rozhodnuti pro komerčné objekty, zkuste si rozšířit hledání vhodné nové nemovitosti právě zde :Komerčné objektykancelářeobchodní prostoryadministrativní budovyskladyvýrobní prostoryprovozní areályhotelypenzionyrestauracezemědělské objektyDalší lokality v okolí Komerčné objekty na verejná aukciaHladajte nehnutelnosti na tom spravnom mieste, kraji, okrese či meste Komerčné objekty na verejná aukcia, vo spravnej lokalite naleznete tie najlepšie nehnutelnosti Komerčné objekty na verejná aukcia. Na tomto mieste určite najdete to pravé pre Vas Komerčné objekty na verejná aukcia, po ktorom túžite.Komerčné objekty Bajany na verejná aukciaKomer
hari sabtu tu memang best. sebab dapat jumpe sedara belah mak dengan belah ayah sekali. bila lama tak jumpe, tau la kan. riuh rendah dibuatnya. da la volume kitorg ni tinggi2 belaka. tak kira la belah ayah ke mak. mmg da keturunan. tp hati kita baik kan? cakap lemah lembut tapi nyakitkan hati buat ape kan?lepas wan balik keje, kitorg ke bandar tun razak dulu ade majlis cukur jambul sepupu baru nia muhammad haziq imran. anak ketiga yob dgn kak fiza. kak fiza haritu ceaserian sebab imran da berak dlm perut. lgpun imran kua besar, 3.8kg. ape2 pun ibu dgn baby selamat.sekarang imran da 2 bulan, mmg da macam 4 bulan aku nengok nye. jom kite tgk..sepupu baru nia, cicit opah aku yang ke 8. haziq imran. baru 2 bulan, berat nak cecah 7kg. kus semangat.sebahagian dari sedara aku belah mak. time ni yob (ayah imran) tgh bukak kedai. macam2 bisnes dia buat. aku pun beli h/p case. tapi tak dapat lepak lama, sebab nak ke tempat lain. nanti raya kita jumpe lagi ek. sebab tahun ni ramai yang raya kat perak. happening la umah opah.tapi masa kat sini, nia meraung bagai nak rak. sebab semua orang berebut nak dukung nia. pakcik makcik aku cakap nia mengingatkan diorg pada aku masa kecik dulu. pitching masa menangis pun sama. hahaha... lepas tu masing2 mula la cakap "ha, baru ko tau, camne susah mak ko jaga ko" huhu... iyo lah.. mama pesan kat nia "nia, simpan suara tuh, ade 2 rumah lagi nak nangis" gelak je diorg. hehehe...note : tak banyak gambar sebab bz borak, update cerita masing2. and masing2 terkejut bila aku pregnant. korang tau dulu dari family ye tak? ;) uuuissshhh, mmg semangat... ammar nie baru haritue timbang sebab demam baru 7.2kg. nie mmg kena kasi ammar bambam balik nie...huhuhuhhh wah..smgt nye imran..xpela, asalkn sihat dh!! nurin : itu la pasal. rasa nia pun slim jugak. tp last timbang baru ni 8.4 kg. tekejut gak. patut la rasa berat je bila dukung. hehe..nana : mmg semangat weh! kusss semangat imran...aku igtkan 6mons dah..hehehehe..rupanya baru 2mons..
“Exactly. That one is for Matt's use. The game is usually played thus ... Matt gets in a bind of some type. He gathers a small subgroup and claims he is sending them to safety but they can’t let the group at large know that they are the elites and his most important troops. Because they are so important to him – and because he is such a great guy – he himself will fool the enemy and lead them away to protect this gullible sub-group. Usually in this sub-group are people that Matt distrusts or hates for some reason that only he knows … keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But the reality is rather than protecting this sub-group what Matt actually does is use them as bait to draw the heat off of himself … he sacrifices them like pawns. I suspect Matt is going to get rid of those he considers his most immediate problems. Then he is going to act as savior, pack up the few survivors, and move to a new hive location. As he leaves he'll salt the ground behind him so no one has the resources or assets to come after him.” “Salt the earth ... what that's supposed to mean?” “It means make whatever they have to leave behind unusable.” “Not exactly Geneva Convention approved.” I shrugged, “It's been going on for centuries. Heck, Vlad the Impaler used it against the Ottoman Empire.” “Vlad the Impaler? You mean that dude that Dracula is supposed to be?!” “God no,” Johnson mumbled. “You make my head hurt when you start up with that crap.” “Matt will just wind up doing what he did here someplace else.” Jax crouched beside me and asked, “Lydie, how sure are you that this is his next move?” Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Kathy thanks for new chapter great story. I pray that you have a complete recovery, that God guides the doctors choices and hands in your fathers treatment and that His Will Is Done. Watermark theme. Powered by Blogger.
Sign up for our newsletter! Receive special offers from our partners! Product will dispatch in 7 - 10 days Stitching (if required) will take 4 to 5 working days extra. Warning: Last items in stock! We may arrange this after order. 100% refund in case of unavailability Superb green faux chiffon designer saree with stone and patch border work. As shown blouse can be made available and also can be customized as per your style or pattern subject to fabric limitation. (Slight variation in color is possible.) Its a pretty faux chiffon saree for wear on Party and Ceremonial. faux chiffon Fabric and green color embroidery and Print used to make this stylish Saree. Length: 6.3 meters (including 85 cms blouse fabric) Blouse Fabric attached with saree 3. Blouse will arrive unstitched. 5. Jewelry, Sandals and other Accessories wear by models in photographs are for display purposes only. Sign up for our newsletter! Receive special offers from our partners!
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Nancy smiled as Morgan swung the door open, tamping down the nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach that refused to go away. She just wanted to make a good impression on the daughter of her soon-to-be fiancé. No big deal, right? "Hey, girlfriend." But Nancy could already see that Morgan wasn't ready. Wasn't she supposed to ride with Nancy to school this morning? Bonding time, Robert had called it, although Nancy wasn't completely sure she and Morgan were ready for bonding time yet. She pushed those thoughts aside. Nancy looked around the apartment, but she didn't see any signs of hubbub. In fact, she saw just the opposite. Usually Robert didn't take much time to clean or tidy things, but he must've made an effort this morning, because everything was spotless. There were no piles of papers, no leftover takeout containers … everything had been tidied and cleaned and maybe cleaned again. Nancy wondered if this was a good sign or a bad sign. "Aah!" Robert came rushing down the hall, followed by … two pigeons? He flung the door open, rushing into the hallway in his pajamas. The pigeons followed him. Nancy looked at Morgan, alarmed. "Lots more? You mean they were in the apartment?" She fumbled for her cell phone. "That sounds like an infestation to me." Nancy, however, was on a mission. "You can't have pigeons in your apartment, Morgan. They're not pets and it isn't sanitary." She strode down the hallway. "It looked like they came from…" Belatedly, Nancy realized she'd just called the other woman beautiful, and felt her face heat in embarrassment. " Um . You're welcome." She cleared her throat, taking a step back and resting her hands on the other woman's (bare) arms. "Are you okay?" "Yeah," Nancy said, feeling a smile of her own develop. "Thanks." Her reason seemed to be slow in returning, but when it did, she blinked at the other woman. " Oh . Um. Who are you ?" Nancy had never heard of Andalasia, and wondered if it was some new trendy neighborhood near Williamsburg.
Riding toward North Portland on the Broadway Bridge, it is not unusual to see the Amtrak Coast Starlight train crossing the Steel Bridge headed for Union Station a little after 3. ( is an interactive trip planner that integrates the regional bicycle map. BikePortland ( covers the Portland bike scene. The Bicycle Transportation Alliance ( is a nonprofit organization that works to promote bicycling and improve bicycling conditions in Oregon and southwest Washington. Its Web site has plenty of links to resources for bicyclists. The Community Exchange Cycle Touring Club ( promotes cycling as “a means of cross-cultural interaction and earth-friendly transportation by providing bicycle maintenance and bicycle touring resources.” Shift ( calls itself a “a loose-knit and informal bunch of bike-loving folks” who organize bicycle events, including social rides, educational tours and art-bike parades.
Once on the bus but while still digging for change to pay for it (the bus was already moving towards the next stop), I bonked my head on the high handrail, which immediately brought to mind the fact that I was not wearing a helmet.So at the next stop, transfer slip already in hand after paying for it, I dismounted my bike from the bus, rode the 3 blocks home, and got all the stuff I'd forgotten earlier.As a bike commuter for the past 25 years, even though I've never had a significant accident during that time, I can't say enough good stuff about bike helmets. As a little background, there's some debate within the bicyclist community about whether bike helmets are a good idea. The argument against requiring wearing bike helmets is, as near as I can puzzle it out, that in communities where bike helmets are not required, and are in fact often not worn, that bicyclists are actually safer than they are where they are required. The cost of a helmet is also characterized as a barrier for some who would otherwise bike.There is some merit to these arguments, of course, and I'm doubtless not relating all of their subtlety (if not entirely omitting other arguments against requiring bike helmets), but the fact of the matter is that you are dramatically safer from head injury-- especially catastrophic head injuries -- while wearing a bike helmet. Which is good enough reason for me. Sure, it would be great to be able to live in a city where drivers are aware enough of bicyclists, and where bicyclists have safe enough bike facilities ( and ride safely on them!), that the danger of such a head injury is so small as to make bike helmets unnecessary. But we don't live in such a community, however much progress we might be making in the righPosted by Last Monday morning my bus to downtown was on time. It might even have been a minute early, as it was pulling away from my bus stop just as I got to within a block away.
Library JournalLibrary News, Reviews, and Views Loading ... Blatant Berry by John N. Berry III, Editor-at-Large Now what some call “intellectual property rights” threaten to force libraries to change totally the means by which they deliver information and entertainment. Join Library Journal and a roster of design experts for our latest 4-week interactive online course. Starting January 27, 2016, Library Design Workshop will guide participants through complex issues of library space design projects such as space programming, fundraising, and finding the right design team. Academic Publishing: A New Report From Ithaka S+R Looks at the Cost of Publishing MonographsNational Library of Medicine Launches MedPix, a Database of Free Medical ImagesJust Released: The Top 10 Most Borrowed Books and Audiobooks From UK Public Libraries, 2014-2015Research Tools: New Data Added to Prisoner Recidivism Analysis Tool (PRAT)Research Tools: Redfin Now Offers Downloadable U.S. Housing Market DataDigital Only: Google Begins Experiment to “Explore the Potential of Digital Books” as New Online Bookstore Opens SPONSORED CONTENTNew Apps for Download Make it Even Easier to Access Gale ResourcesWhat’s So Great about GVRL + Google?He’s 48, Just Graduated High School and Owes It All to the LibraryKeep the Little Deuce Coupe Running StrongBring All the Colors of the Rainbow to Your Collection
The Indian Olympic Association on Friday rejected the government's proposal to relax Asian Games selection norms for some specific sports, saying the Sports Ministry's concerns have already been addressed while picking the contingent earlier this month. The development comes after the ministry, on July 18, had urged the IOA to relax selection norms in specific cases concerning athletes or sports who/which could not qualify due to lack of exposure or non-participation in ranking events but have a strong chance of either winning a medal or finishing in top four. But the IOA stuck to its earlier criteria of picking athletes -- top six in individual events and top eight in team sports -- after a meeting of its Core Committee and Legal Committee. "In the letter dated 18.07.2018, the Ministry has asked IOA to find out if any of the athletes or team who could not qualify among top 6 in individual athlete and top 8 in the team to examine whether they can come in top 4 in the Asian Games," IOA president Narinder Batra said in a letter written to the Sports Secretary in response to the earlier missive of the ministry. "The Core Committee and legal committee of the IOA met today and after detailed discussions and having done complete exercise and those who met the criteria of top 6 and top 8 were accordingly considered and their names have already been forwarded," Batra added. A top official of the IOA said that it has discussed the ministry's proposal in detail before deciding not to accept it as all suggestions of the ministry are already covered in the existing criteria. "We have looked into the ministry's proposal whether there can be athletes or teams who otherwise could not be selected on the basis of IOA's criteria but have a chance to finish in top four. We have looked into all the sports and we felt that out criteria have covered all the sports," the top official told PTI.
How I love to cook for my family and friends. Not a professional by any means, many of my recipes have been handed down from my mother, my grandmothers, and my aunt. I love to make these dishes since it brings back wonderful memories of those days in the kitchen with those who are now gone. In that way I suppose it is partially a genealogy cookbook! And speaking of genealogists we not only look backward, but forward. So, too, with cooking. And so there are many recipes made for and with my children. As adults we love to cook together, the kitchen crowded, foods made for each and every time we are together. Making memories with each mouthful! A list of 9,533 Washington County marriages from the year of the county inception in 1792 to 1892, sorted by the grooms' last names. Includes name of groom, name of bride and date. Capt. D. T. Bligh - Famous Detective From Louisville Kentucky What About Those Marriage Bonds? The DNA Results Are In! 1748/49 Will of Solomon Jones – St. Mary’s County, Maryland Obituaries for Thomas H. and Mary E. Jarman Grubbs – Montgomery County St. Rose Catholic Church and Cemetery Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
Local Group Planning And Formation (Meetup, Etc.) Don’t have an account yet? Register yourself now and be a part of our community! A thought on duty to the whole world, and why virtue must be an instrument to happiness. Is reality real? (from Big Think) Powered by WoltLab Suite™ 5.4.10 Local Group Planning And Formation (Meetup, Etc.)
Australia's National Broadband Network (NBN) company has launched its symmetrical gigabit-speed wholesale enterprise product after consulting and trialling with retail service providers including Telstra, Vocus, and TPG. "NBN Enterprise Ethernet connections are designed to be built on request and includes a point-to-point fibre connection," NBN explained on Tuesday. "It will be packaged with a premium service-level agreement between NBN Co and retail providers to offer faster resolution of faults and to encourage retailers to offer an increased service experience for mission-critical applications." After launching a business operations centre aimed at providing dedicated customer support for business users back in August, NBN on Tuesday also announced that it will begin trialling "premium business-grade appointments". According to NBN, this could improve appointment time certainty for businesses. NBN chief customer officer for Business Paul Tyler said the symmetrical gigabit product was developed with government needs and global customers in mind. "It is capable of delivering the service required by businesses that use data-intensive applications such enterprise network systems and cloud-based solutions," Tyler said. "NBN Enterprise Ethernet is designed to meet an international standard capability set by the Metro Ethernet Forum, which means the new product can also benefit geographically dispersed sites through a seamless integration of networks between offices across the world." NBN said it now has over 450,000 businesses on the NBN, with around 20,000 being added each month, and that it will have further details on its wholesale business-grade satellite service in the next few months. The satellite is targeted at agricultural businesses along with the oil, mining, and gas industries, NBN said, also flagging new wholesale discounts in future that bundle high speeds with "enhanced" service assurance after a year ago introducing a capped pricing model.
“Gabe,” I said, and he turned back, widening his stare. I took a few deep breaths, trying to catch the ones I’d lost on my sprint over to him. “Mandy,” he said. “Are you okay?” “I forgot to ask you about the interview,” I said, still panting. “Yeah, I gave you my number,” he said. “You can call any time.” “But you were right,” I said, swallowing hard. “Something like this interview is better done face-to-face. Are you still up for dinner at Shae’s? I’ll let you pick the date and time. Whatever works for you.” His worried expression faded, and his lips widened into an amused smirk. “Yeah,” he said. “Absolutely.” “Perfect.” I stood tall again. “Okay. Go. Don’t miss your meeting. Mr. Davies despises tardiness.” I hung up the phone after a short conversation with Georgia. I needed to let her know that I’d decided to tackle the original article and interview with Gabe, and after a dozen promises not to keep her waiting forever, I hoped that I’d hear from him soon. I sat cross-legged on the front porch swing, dressed in my RI volunteer shirt. I was outlining a series of interview questions, if and when we nailed down a date and time for the interview. I’d left that ball in his court, so while it seemed that it was entirely up to him whether or not we’d see each other again before Friday, I knew that I’d have to push to set something up if he didn’t initiate the next move. Because we were all headed to the same place, Carla, Fletcher, and I decided to carpool to the diner. The other eight volunteers from our school were coming out to support the cause as well, and it wasn’t until our group arrived that we realized how quickly word had spread. People were coming from all over town for a quick car wash, and most of them were donating quite generously to the cause. Carla, with her understandable fear of being soaked by an army of teenage boys, all heavily armed with water hoses and wash buckets, spent most of the event walking around and collecting donations from the drivers as they pulled up.
Molly, Ben, Erika and I bore the brunt of this schedule mishandling, and I ended up covering a shift for someone on my "extra" day off, and the store was busy, and it never feels like we have enough staff on hand (because we don't, even though apparently Posted by As I Was Saying ... FamilyGrandpa Madeira died this morning. He'll "be Home for Christmas." He already is. Lucky. And it's sure a whole lot better than being smothered with Alzheimer's in a wheelchair in a nursing home. But it's hard. Hard on Grandma, who has spent the most recent years of her life singing to him and helping him play one-finger scales on the nursing home piano and spending most all of her afternoons loving what's been left of a humble, great man whose final responses to her could be nothing more than a smile and a roar and tears. Hard on Mom, who was hoping to hug her dad one more time when she came home for Christmas, and now is flying back last-minute to comfort her mother. Hard on Dad, who had a great relationship with his father-in-law and now has to hold down the fort overseas by himself for a couple weeks until he comes back here to join us for the holy holiday. But it's a little easier, too. After years of watching a mind-numbing disease eat away at his memory and personality, words and abilities, it almost seemed to eat away at our (or at least my) memories, too. Now I feel free to remember him and who he actually was - and imagine who he actually is now, face to face with Jesus.December 7 is his birthday. Apparently when I was two, I toddled around the dinner table unprompted and said, "Happy birfday, Grandpa." He was fifty years older than I, so we always remembered each others' ages. I feel like the lucky grandchild, because I got to live with him and Grandma for five summers in my late teens and early twenties, while I worked at a day camp run by the church he had planted. I borrowed his bike to get to and from camp. (I still have it, though I haven't ridden it probably since then.)
Posted on September 3, 2016 by Author I have been doing some work to renovate the house for a few months now, and most of what I wanted to have done has been completed, which is a very good feeling. There is one important project that I want to get done next, and it will require me to find a company that does home theater installation in Pompano Beach because our media room is in serious need of an upgrade. Considering that the room was designed back in the 1990's it is not hard to understand why it is in need of an upgrade. Of course, technology has changed a lot since back then. One of the most obvious changes is that a 50 inch TV does not weigh as much as a car now. Well, of course that is an exaggeration, but I could probably pick up a 50 inch LCD TV by myself, and not even have much trouble in doing so. While as, back when we used to have a 50 inch plasma television in my house, we had to have like 4 guys bring it into the house. It was a monster, just huge. I am really glad that things have changed on that front. I am thinking that we need to get a new TV. It is not because the TV we have is bad or anything, but rather because I think it is now becoming affordable, or at least reasonably affordable, to get a 4K television. We also want to have the new home theatre system be designed to accommodate multiple gaming systems, and we are going to hook up a new media server in the room as well. Of course, we could use one of the consoles to do that, but I think it is better to have it as a dedicated device. I was about to start a new job and I knew I wanted a fresh new approach to the job, so I started to look online. In the past I have had great success getting ideas for different companies. I have also found lots of great workers online too. But this time I had shared a few ideas with the clients and nothing seem to be exactly what they were looking for. Sometimes you just want to ask them what television show they got their vision from.
Galeria Warmińska będzie największym kompleksem wielofunkcyjnym nie tylko w Olsztynie, ale również w całym województwie warmińsko – mazurskim, spełniającym funkcje handlowe, usługowe, rekreacyjne i rozrywkowe. Powierzchnia całkowita tej nowoczesnej, dwupoziomowej galerii wyniesie blisko 116 675 m2. Znajdzie się w niej ok 170 sklepów i punktów usługowych, kawiarnie i restauracje oraz część rozrywkowa w skład której będzie wchodziło 9-salowe Multikino z częścią kawowo-barową, kręgielnia oraz klub fitness z kortami squash. Powstanie też dwukondygnacyjny parking na dachu galerii – łącznie klienci będą mieli do dyspozycji 1200 miejsc postojowych. Doskonałe uzupełnienie oferty Galerii Warmińskiej stanowić będzie istniejący w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie park handlowy, w skład którego wchodzą hipermarket spożywczo – przemysłowy Real, market budowlany Praktiker i największy w regionie sklep multimedialny Media Markt. – Galeria Warminska to jedyny niewirtualny projekt w Olsztynie, którego budowa jest rozpoczęta a otwarcie zaplanowane na 2014 rok. Powstanie projekt o znaczeniu regionalnym, który ze względu na doskonałą lokalizację powinien być odwiedzany nie tylko przez blisko dwieście tysięcy olsztynian, półtora miliona mieszkańców województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego, ale również milion turystów, którzy corocznie odwiedzają stolicę Warmii i Mazur. Nie bez znaczenia dla frekwencji jest otwarcie w lipcu 2012 roku małego ruchu granicznego z Obwodem Kaliningradzkim – wyjaśnia Mariusz Kowalczyk. Jednym z głównych atutów Galerii Warminskiej jest jej lokalizacja. Inwestycja powstaje przy skrzyżowaniu dwóch najważniejszej arterii miejskich – Tuwima, która stanowi rodzaj południowej obwodnicy miasta oraz Sikorskiego, która stanowi główną trasę łączącą największe osiedla mieszkaniowe z centrum Olsztyna..
More positions were set up in the years up Hongwu's death in 1398, and watchtowers were manned from the Bohai Sea to Beijing and further onto the Mongolian steppes. These positions, however, were not for a linear defence but rather a regional one in which walls did not feature heavily, and offensive tactics remained the overarching policy at the time. In 1421, the Ming capital was relocated from Nanjing in the south to Beijing in the north, partly to better manage the Mongol situation. Thus defenses were concentrated around Beijing, where stone and earth began to replace rammed earth in strategic passes. A wall was erected by the Ming in Liaodong to protect Han settlers from a possible threat from the Jurched-Mongol Oriyanghan around 1442. In 146768, expansion of the wall provided further protection for the region from against attacks by the Jianzhou Jurchens in the northeast. Meanwhile, the outer defenses were gradually moved inward, thereby sacrificing a vital foothold in the steppe transitional zone. Despite the withdrawal from the steppe, the Ming military remained in a strong position against the nomads until the Tumu Crisis in 1449, which caused the collapse of the early Ming security system. Over half of the campaigning Chinese army perished in the conflict, while the Mongols captured the Zhengtong Emperor. This military debacle shattered the Chinese military might that had so impressed and given pause to the Mongols since the beginning of the dynasty, and caused the Ming to be on the defensive ever after. The deterioration of the Ming military position in the steppe transitional zone gave rise to nomadic raids into Ming territory, including the crucial Ordos region, on a level unprecedented since the dynasty's founding. After decades of deliberation between an offensive strategy and an accommodative policy, the decision to build the first major Ming walls in the Ordos was agreed upon as an acceptable compromise the 1470s.
The following are trademarks or service marks of Major League Baseball entities and may be used only with permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. or the relevant Major League Baseball entity: Major League, Major League Baseball, MLB, the silhouetted batter logo, World Series, National League, American League, Division Series, League Championship Series, All-Star Game, and the names, nicknames, logos, uniform designs, color combinations, and slogans designating the Major League Baseball clubs and entities, and their respective mascots, events and exhibitions. Use of the Website signifies your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (updated 06.19.2012). Get every new post delivered to your Inbox.
He had been fighting for five months and he was tired of the fight. He was in so much pain and wanted to be moved into a hospital room. I stepped outside to speak to the doctor and he said this was it. I broke down and started to cry uncontrollably. Thankfully they had a room to move him to. He was moved to room 100 at Providence Valdez Medical Center in Valdez, Alaska. Holding onto hope that my love would survive the night, I sat there helplessly. When I realized that time was short, I called our son to get to the hospital as soon as possible so he would have an opportunity to say good-bye to his dad. Just before our son arrived, we almost lost my love. I frantically yelled to get help. It seemed like an endless amount of time before the doctor arrived. The medical team was able to revive my love. Thankfully, our son would be able to say good-bye to his dad. I met our son in the hallway and we shared an emotional moment. Before going into room 100, I warned our son that his dad was weak and not doing well. Because my love had lost so much blood, the doctor asked if we would agree to a blood transfusion. I said sure, if it could help. We had no religious issues with the treatment. That seemed to stabilize him for a while. Although in reality, it was just a sort term solution. We sat by my loves bedside talking to my love hoping that he could hear us. Occasionally my love would try to speak but no words came out. We would talk to him about family adventures and play music that we knew he would enjoy. The medical team said that he could hear us. I hope that we brought him some kind of comfort and he lay on death's door. I found myself continuing to look at the monitors checking my loves oxygen level and blood pressure. At some point in the evening a nurse came in a turned the monitor off. He said that time was short and that I should focus on the moment and not the monitor. At 11: 28 pm on November 3, 2014 my life changed. My love took his last breath.
Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest The nearest thing to a Tardis studio. It actually gets bigger once you're inside - fabulous looking workspace. Welcome ! I'm a freelance illustrator whose been around since Haircut 100 and ABC, so thats quite a while now. I started in childrens picture books but expanded into childrens magazines, greetings cards, packaging etc etc. But less of that, all thats on my web page, (link above), here's where I can talk about all things illustration, so thanks for stopping by.... For all Graphic Novel aficionados ! Simple theme. Powered by Blogger.
The B Line is one of six RapidRide lines (routes with some bus rapid transit features) operated by King County Metro in King County, Washington. The B Line began service on October 1, 2011, running between downtown Redmond, Overlake and downtown Bellevue. The line runs mainly via NE 8th Street, 156th Avenue NE, NE 40th Street and 148th Avenue NE. Unlike most of the RapidRide lines, the B Line does not offer scheduled service during late-night and early morning hours. This corridor was previously served Metro routes 230 and 253 which carried a combined average of 5,070 riders on weekdays during the last month in service. Since the implementation of RapidRide on the corridor, ridership has grown 30 percent and the B Line served an average of 6,600 riders on weekdays in spring 2015. All times are estimated headways.
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Vivimos en un mundo de ladrones, de desalmados que penetran en nuestra intimidad a través del teléfono. ¿De dónde sacan los nombres de los titulares de las cuentas? Suelen ser voces con acento especial, me abstengo nacionalidades. Llaman no importa la hora del día, te ofrecen dios sabe qué… Cuando les pides ¿quién les ha facilitados nuestra identidad? No saben qué responder. Respecto al teléfono, aunque pidas que bloqueen determinados números telefónicos, NO lo hacen, siguen las llamadas. En otro artículo publiqué los dos números que me llamaban a mí pero descubrí, a través de Internet, que eran muchas las personas afectadas. Reclamé a mi compañía para que los bloqueara, en aquella ocasión lo hicieron. He reclamado a Movistar mi compañía actual -antes era otra- y, ¿saben su respuesta? NO NOS CONSTA, que equivale a decir, usted miente. No creo que solo me llamen a mí, seguro que otros están soportando el mismo problema. Por favor, pongámonos de acuerdo para reclamar. Descubramos quienes están detrás de estas mafias que viven de forma parasitaria. ¿Averiguamos? Seguro que, si los afectados nos unimos, la fuerza será mayor This entry was posted on 28 mayo 2016 at 4:57 pm and is filed under Sin categoría. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Notificarme los nuevos comentarios por correo electrónico.
15ft x 25ft Oval Solar Blanket - PoolNPatio.Net If you need to find an affordable way to keep your pool warm this season then you need to try our Solar Blanket. Our durable solar blankets can warm your pool this year by up to 15°F. Our blankets are made to give you maximum heating properties combined with long life. Our 8-mil and 12-mil blankets are loaded with thermal bubbles that retain heat at night and even on cool cloudy days. Our transparent color allows for maximum amount of solar rays to reach your pool for optimal heating. All of our blankets are U.V.-protected so they last under the most intense sunlight. Built to last and backed by a 3 or 5 Year Warranty you can rest assured that your pool will be nice and warm when you are ready to jump in and enjoy! STANDARD FEATURES: Comes in 8-mil or 12-mil U.V.-protected Loaded with thermal bubbles that retain heat Retain heat at night and even on cool cloudy days Transparent color allows for maximum amount of solar rays Can warm your pool this year by up to 15°F How do you rate this product? We promise to never spam you, and just use your email address to identify you as a valid customer. This product hasn't received any reviews yet. Be the first to review this product! Click the button below to add the 15ft x 25ft Oval Solar Blanket to your wish list. Prices subject to change without notice. We Only Ship to Continental United States.
It was immediately obvious that someone had already searched there but Trew insisted they had nothing to lose by looking again. It was strange for Martie to go through her drawers; partly because she felt as if she was invading her privacy, and partly because she kept coming across items that stirred sentimental memories in her. She tried hard to shove those thoughts aside and concentrate on the task at hand. Trew was rifling through the closet when she suddenly heard him call, “I think I found something.” She stopped her digging and walked over to see what he had discovered. Way off on the far left bottom of the closet, behind where a shoe rack normally sat, was a hidden panel in the wall. Trew has his hand stuck inside it feeling around. The entire hole only measured about ten inches by ten inches. He pulled a book out, and brought it into the light of the room, blowing the dust off of it. “Look familiar?” he asked, handing it to her. “No.” She took it and gently flipped the pages with her thumb. It appeared to be a journal or diary. She was just about to select a page to read when something came loose and fluttered to the floor. Trew retrieved it and held it up for a closer look. What he saw widened his eyes and made his brows shoot up high. When Martie moved close to his side to see what it was, her mouth dropped open. It was a photograph, a picture of the city that she had dreamed about - the city that both she and Trew had dreamed about. Amazingly it even looked like it was taken from the same cliff where they sat in the dream. In fact she knew it was, because right at the very bottom of the picture, in the foreground, was the cliff ledge with a tiny shrub growing - the same shrub they sat beside in the dream. Martie quickly peeked at a page in the book. She recognized the handwriting as her mother’s and the first thing that stood out was the name Martin Jones - her father.
As the calendar flipped to 2017, Alberta's oilpatch will begin paying the government under a new royalty system that took five months and cost $3 million to review — but basically looks the same as it did before. The NDP had vowed before their election victory to make sure oil companies would pay more to taxpayers for pulling the resource out of the ground. After the review, however, the government admitted it changed its stance. 'It is not the time to reach out and make a big money grab' - Alberta premier Rachel Notley With growing unemployment and the oilpatch bleeding red ink during the downturn, Premier Rachel Notley conceded to reporters, "it is not the time to reach out and make a big money grab, because that is just not going to help Albertans." The review panel found existing royalty rates charged in Alberta were comparable to other jurisdictions. In 2017, oilsands rates will not change and the new royalty structure for oil, liquids and natural gas will only apply to new wells, while old wells stay under the existing system for 10 years. 'Times have changed and we need to work in the best interests of the current economic challenges that we're faced with,' Premier Notley has said. (Larry MacDougal/Canadian Press) The oilpatch was fearing the worst, but ended up overwhelmingly supporting the results of the review. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, the Petroleum Services Association of Canada and the Explorers and Producers Association of Canada all endorsed it. Some companies were so enthusiastic about the new policy that they applied for early access. For instance, Encana spent $25 million to drill new wells in the Duvernay-Montney basin in northeast Alberta. That spending would not have happened without the royalty changes, according to the Calgary-based company. "It allows for investments in Alberta to compete with those in the U.S.," said Michael McAllister, Encana's chief operating officer, at a conference in October.
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By logging in to Foodily, you're accepting our updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Already have an account? Log in 1/2 head cauliflower, washed, dr... 1 sprig thyme, leaves only, 2 ta... 1 2/3 cups canned chickpeas, dra... 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive... 1 teaspoon ground turmeric (give... freshly ground black pepper to t... 2 tbsp yogurt ( I used whole mil... 1 cup finely chopped cucumber (p... 94% match Calories per gram: 1.0 2 cups all purpose flour or whea... 1 medium size bottle gourd or sq... Corn flour to bind everything to... Or instead of the 6 ingredients... Lundberg Brand Rice: Organic Bro... Vegetables: You can add anything... Protein: Have fun with this one.... Healthy Fat: Avocado, Hummus, Li... 1 teaspoon sea salt + extra for... 3 cups 1-inch cubes of peeled bu... 2 large carrots, peeled and cut... 1 pound fresh tomatoes, peeled,... 1 ½ cups cooked chickpeas or 1 1... a handful of golden raisins or c... 1 cup chicken stock, vegetable s... 4 large baking potatoes, about 3... Salt and freshly ground black pe... 1/2 pound salmon, preferably wil... 2 cups hot water, about 160°F -... 1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and... 2 tablespoons white or golden qu... 3 tbs peanut oil (use ghee if yo... 4 cardamom pods, crushed and pod... 1½ cups natural set yoghurt (or... 1 cup dried large lima beans (6... 3 pounds bone-in chicken thighs... 1 pound fresh Italian (Romano) o... 2 lemons (5 oz. each), cut in half 1 large russet or Idaho potato,... 2 cups plain yogurt (we love the... A squeeze or two of fresh lime j... Course sea salt and freshly grou... 92% match Calories per gram: 1.0 Seriously Asian: Ch? Cá, Seared Fish With Turmeric O... 12 ounces fish fillets, either c... Dill and green onion, roughly ch... White rice noodles, about 4 bunc... 3 tablespoons freshly grated gal... Fish sauce and shrimp sauce, to... Lettuce, preferably romaine or b... An assortment of herbs, such as... 93% match Calories per gram: 1.7 2 cm piece of cassia bark or cin... 1 kg fresh mussels in shell, scr...
By all accounts, Ferro has grown to relish the spotlight of fame that media ownership brings—as long as he is the one controlling it. (“I just like my privacy,” he tells me.) He has rubbed elbows with actor Jim Belushi, rapper Lupe Fiasco (who calls him “a genius”), and former Playboy centerfold Jenny McCarthy, all of whom he has persuaded to write a rotating column. Invitees to his lavish 47th birthday party at Chicago Cut Steakhouse in July included Mayor Rahm Emanuel and “what looked like a convention of CEOs,” including Aon CEO Greg Case, former UAL CEO Glenn Tilton, and McDonald’s chairman Andrew McKenna Sr. (also a Wrapports investor), reported Crain’s Chicago Business. Photographs of Ferro have appeared prominently in his own publications, including one in the Sun-Times of his family at a 2012 Cubs game—a photo that disturbed many who value the importance of editorial independence. “Is this Ferro dude for real?” marveled Robert Feder, a longtime Chicago media critic who once worked at the Sun-Times (and whose blog recently began appearing on the Tribune’s website), in his column at the time. “By what stretch of the imagination could anyone consider it newsworthy that the owner of the Sun-Times attended a Cubs game with his family?” (Kirk says the decision was made by editors in the newsroom.) At different times during my tour with Ferro, and later during our sit-down interview, I see glimpses of what everyone talks about: the impatience, the malapropisms, the hands in and out of pockets and thumping the table to make a point, the obvious flashes of boredom, the exasperation at questions he either doesn’t like or thinks are dumb, the rising voice when he feels put on the spot. It’s clear that he’s not used to being challenged. It’s clear that this interview is risky for him. But he doesn’t shy from a single question.
sewing, fashion and craft enthusiasts! Get ideas and inspiration, find easy to use patterns and tutorials for your next sewing project. 9 new Outfits - Vote ... Teddy Bear ~ Baby clo... Check out these adorable new baby sewing patterns priced at $3.99 each! We love this the beautiful teal color that will brighten up any dreary winter day! See more images of her project here... Shop the pattern she used here... Editors' Pick This collection features basic patterns that you can wear everyday for a chic outfit! Get all 11 patterns here... BurdaStyle is a DIY fashion and sewing community. Our aim is to bring the craft of sewing to a new generation of fashion designers, hobbyists, DIY'ers, and inspire fashion enthusiasts. We offer downloadable PDF sewing patterns, project ideas, tutorials and a community passionate about fashion. Press coverage on BurdaStyle can be found here.
Tagsbad metaphors, emotions, funeral processions, funerals, grief, grieving, vomit One of my best friends lost her dad over the weekend, and today was his funeral. During the procession, they traveled on a major highway where there was some road work going on, and traffic had to be funneled through a bit at a time. My friend was angry because the workers let through the first three cars of the procession, and the remainder were left behind. This made me think of the times I've participated in funeral processions. Unfortunately, there have been a few. You're trapped in a car for an undetermined amount of time. It's quiet. There's not a lot to do. In some cases, it's really the first calm moment you've had to think about the deceased. This can bring up all kinds of hairy emotions, so my friend's anger over the traffic doesn't surprise me. Hell, during one procession I was in, a woman in the car in front of me leaned out the window and vomited. I don't know who she was, but I felt for her. The funeral was for a young guy in his twenties who died in a car accident. I think we all felt like puking. Of course, the procession is just the beginning of that strange train we call grief. And "train" is probably the worst metaphor ever for it, since it isn't remotely linear. It's more like the ocean, with wave upon wave coming to shore. At first the waves are huge, but as time goes on they get smaller and more manageable. Then, just when you least expect it, a big-ass wave knocks you down and pulls you underwater. By the time you manage to regain your footing, you're all scratched up, your bathing suit is all twisted around, and you have sand stuck in your butt crack. Shit . Tagsblogging, cancer, writing I fully intended to post the first installment of a sequel to my unnamed story today, but then the day before yesterday my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctor used the other, less shitty C-word, too-cure - so hopefully this will eventually have a happy ending. For now, however, this sucks.
Shipping Cost: $5.50 (Fixed Shipping Cost) "Only NJ" on the left chest area. Boardwalk "boards" with Jersey Shore towns displayed across the back. There are no reviews yet.
But if this were true, then the 1964 Civil Rights Act would have been redundant. If this were true, then the end of segregation in public accommodations and decline of gross employment discrimination against women and minorities that followed passage of landmark civil-rights legislation would have been mere coincidence. Libertarian arguments against civil-rights laws are, in my view, unpersuasive and ahistorical, but they are not unprincipled. There are, however, no consistent, principled libertarian distinctions between "good" anti-discrimination laws that protect racial or religious minorities and women and "bad" laws that protect gay and transgendered people. If civil-rights laws unconstitutionally restrict individual freedom to discriminate, they restrict it regardless of the group they seek to protect. If religious freedom includes a right to discriminate against gay people, why, for example, doesn't it include a right to discriminate against women? Why shouldn't an employer who deems it sinful or a violation of some divine order for women to work outside the home or in traditionally male jobs have the same First Amendment right to discriminate as an employer who considers homosexuality a sin?
Removable Guard Rail Assembly for Aluminum Multi-Function Unit (MFU). Functioning gate at each end. Attaches to the Deck (work platform) of the MFU and moves with the Deck. Anodized Aluminum protects against rust and minor scratches. This product comes boxed in 2 pieces for easy assembly and storage. Meets OSHA criteria for Fall Protection. Integral, steel Toe Board to prevent tools, supplies and equipment from getting knocked off work platform! Keep gate closed when in use. Functioning gate at each end. Attaches to the Deck (work platform) of the MFU and moves with the Deck. Anodized Aluminum protects against rust and minor scratches. This product comes boxed in 2 pieces for easy assembly and storage. Meets OSHA criteria for Fall Protection. Integral, steel Toe Board to prevent tools, supplies and equipment from getting knocked off work platform! Keep gate closed when in use. Functioning gate at each end. Attaches to the Deck (work platform) of the MFU and moves with the Deck. Anodized Aluminum protects against rust and minor scratches. This product comes boxed in 2 pieces for easy assembly and storage. Meets OSHA criteria for Fall Protection. Integral, steel Toe Board to prevent tools, supplies and equipment from getting knocked off work platform! This Guard Rail Assembly MUST BE USED WHEN STACKING MFU's! Keep gate closed when in use. Share your knowledge of this product with other customers... Be the first to write a review
A Kerry Councillor has called for the protection of private conversations in hospitals. Councillor Michael Gleeson brought a motion to the monthly meeting of Kerry County Council, calling for public hospitals to make every effort to ensure that all communication between staff and patients is conducted in private. He says people’s conversations with GPs are conducted in strict confidence, and he wants the same treatment to be carried into hospital wards. The Independent councillor says, as Kerry is a small community, it’s not improbable that those in nearby wards may overhear intimate details of other patients. While adding his comments are not a criticism of staff, Councillor Gleeson says something must be done to protect the privacy of individuals.
It grieved Peter that Jesus had questioned his _phileo_ for Him, and he objected to the question. “Lord, You know everything,” he replied. “You _know_ I _phileo_ You,” defending and yet still condemning himself. The hurt Peter felt at the question would help him to see that he did possess a heart-felt devotion for Jesus. And again, Jesus wanted him to realize that He knew Peter better than Peter knew himself. Jesus’ evaluation is all that matters, and His faith in Peter was unchanging. “Feed my sheep,” Jesus commanded him. On one of the occasions when Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples in Galilee, He told them what He wanted them to do for the remainder of their lives. It would be their job to make disciples of all the nations. The Greek word translated “nations” could be better translated, “ethnic groups,” which is a group of people who are distinct from other groups by virtue of their culture, circumstances, language or the location where they live. For example, many Americans think that all Chinese people are part of the same ethnic group, but there are many different minorities living in China. America itself is made up of many ethnic groups, and God wants us to make disciples among them all. In order for that to happen, someone from one culture has to purposely cross over a cultural line, showing love for people who are different. At present, there are thousands of ethnic groups in the world without a single Christian among them. No one is trying to reach them with the good news of Jesus Christ. If a person within one of those un-reached groups wanted to find out about Jesus, _he_ would have to cross a culture to find out. Our prayers and money should be directed toward those un-reached groups of people. And if God sends us to one of them, we should go. The next sign Jesus mentioned was the safe handling of poisonous snakes.
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Every family should have some sort of survival kit ready to go in case disaster strikes. Here are 20 must-have items to help you get started building yours. The US Department of Homeland Security and FEMA recommend stocking a three-day supply of non-perishable food per person to prepare for emergencies. While just one 2,400+ calorie bar can minimally sustain an average person up to three days, it’s advisable to evaluate the needs of your family and prepare accordingly. Used worldwide by campers, hikers, militaries, emergency organizations, and anyone else who needs to drink water of questionable quality, these Portable Aqua iodine tablets will disinfect contaminated drinking water in a pinch. If you don’t already have one, a multi-tool knife is a must-have for a survival situation. Ask for one for father’s day or a holiday gift. If you’re going to need to flee the house and live in the woods or any other mobile situation, you’re going to want plastic dishes for the long haul. This set holds up nicely and has great reviews. When you gotta go, you gotta go, even if it’s the end of days. Your wife and kids will love the fact that you thought this far ahead. Sure, a bulky item, but it’s lightweight. Keep a a dozen rolls next to your survival bag and toss it in the car when it’s go time. The ultimate survival tool, with a million uses in an emergency situation, from creating makeshift splints, to binding up zombies and roving bands of marauders in the event of an apocalypse. Simply put, you can never have too much duct tape. Get a few rolls for your bag. Like it’s partner, duct tape, there are simply a million and one uses for nylon rope in an emergency situation. 25ft should do the trick, but if you’re a MacGuyver kind of thinker, you might want to invest in several different lengths. The one thing that can take any survival situation and make it a hundred times worse is an injury. You’re going to want to treat minor cuts and scrapes immediately so as to avoid infection.
Carib residents instead have usufruct rights: they can claim vacant, unused land to work and build a home upon, subject to approval by the Carib Council. Land left untended for more than a year is considered vacant and may be claimed. Soil erosion and deforestation have been attributed to this common ownership, as the land is intensively used by a rapid succession of tenants. Because of the usufruct rights over the communally held land, legal residency in the Territory is a significant issue. Under Article 51 of the Carib Reserve Act, an individual becomes a legal resident and member of the Carib Territory community by birth; if at least one parent is Carib; or after 12 years of lawful residency within the Territory. The latter criterion has been a target of criticism from the Carib people, who view it as a means by which non-Caribs may appropriate their land. Beginning in the late 20th century, the people of the Carib Territory have had a renewed interest in Carib culture and identity. This has been motivated in part by the tourism industry in Dominica, in the forms of both ecotourism and cultural tourism. The Territory and its residents receive very little revenue from tourism, however; there is no entry fee for visitors or any site management fees charged for nature activities, and most visitors stay and arrange their travel from outside the Territory. Images of the Carib Territory and its people have also been used to promote tourism to Dominica as a whole, rather than the Carib Territory specifically. Carib arts and crafts are widely sold in the Territory, and elsewhere in Dominica, as souvenirs. Chief among these is the larouma reed basket, which is handmade in brown, white, and black traditional designs; this craft has been noted as one of the few enduring aspects of traditional Carib culture. The Kalinago Barana Auté, a representation of a pre-Columbian Carib village, is located in the hamlet of Crayfish River. In the Carib language, the name translates to "Kalinago cultural village by the sea."
Object vs Functional Processing Time • PHP Developers Network PHP Developers NetworkA community of PHP developers offering assistance, advice, discussion, and friendship. Hello everyone, I'll start by saying I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate place to put this question, so moderator please move as you see fit I have written an XML parser for a fairly small file (115kb). I initially wrote it using an OO approach, and was concerned by how long the page took to load (~4-5 seconds). I thought maybe the post-processing (I read it into an array, then process through it, adding output, formatting, etc) was slowing it down, so I cut that all out, and it still took quite a long time. I decided to whip up a second version that removed the OO style and switch to a functional approach, and it cut the time down to ~1 second! A huge improvement that I was not expecting. I did clear the cache and tested the loading time to make sure I was getting a reliable answer.Does this make sense to others? I would like to stick with a more OO approach as it is easier to structure and expand should I need to, but not if it is going to cost me this extra time. Is the accessing of the object properties that much slower to do than simply accessing a variable or am I doing something in the OO code that is causing extra instances of the class to be created?The OO approach Object method calls are a bit slower than function calls. May I know why you are using this old XML extension instead of XMLReader, which uses Libxml directly, instead of a compatibility layer? Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:11 pmPosts: 6443Location: 53.01N x 112.48W _________________Real programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
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The Military Surplus Medium ALICE Pack with Frame are used packs that are in very good condition. The pack features a large main compartment with a cinch closure, interior radio pocket, and three external pockets with drain grommets, along with cinch straps to carry plenty of gear. Includes ALICE frame. Do you accept our terms and conditions? * Submit Know someone who may like this? Email this Page to a Friend JavaScript is disabled. You must enable JavaScript in order to interact with reviews or write your own. The statements and opinions expressed within Customer Reviews reflect each author's personal perspective and do not imply endorsement by MidwayUSA, its Employees or any other organization. Customers should in no way infer that MidwayUSA has validated review information as safe, accurate or appropriate. We reserve the right to correct typographic, photographic and/or descriptive errors. Live Chat is currently closed. Please try again during the following business hours. Everything really starts with our Vision, which is: 'To be the best run, most respected business in America, for the benefit of our Customers'. This is a pretty bold Vision, but it's absolutely real. Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO
The machines did not have an obvious purpose, nor did they seem to be performing a function but it was assumed for now that the violet pulses indicated that they were not defunct. Dan brought Red’s attention to what looked like a plaque on the wall behind a plinth or podium or seat. All of the inscriptions had stylised ‘author symbols’ whereas the plaque was three dimensional and had several coloured crystals set in the central cartouche, which was parabola-shaped. There were fifty-five crystals. Red, orange, yellow, green and colourless were noted. The shapes were a mix of roughly and actually triangular, and were currently arranged in the cartouche indiscriminately by colour. There appeared to be five discrete triangular areas which were themselves made up of eleven smaller triangles. The first clue was that the roughly triangular ones bordered the parabola and the others made up the straight line intersections. The colourless ones did not have any rounded edges. Red was on to it. The colourless ones were to go in the centre and the others around them. He then guessed that the rest could be ordered by the sequence of white light being split up into its spectral constituents. He tried yellow followed by green, orange then red. When nothing happened he remembered to use the laser. The coloured crystals seemed to pour their chromatic character into the colourless ones and this triggered all of the ‘machines’ to open. The machines were in fact sarcophagi and they caught their first glimpse of the Rabo. When the Park twins arrived in Beijing they were hastily ushered to a private office for questioning. Alex 2 and Xiang arrived within ten minutes and asked them to sit. Park was about to speak when Xiang held up his hand. “Our two Symbiants are talking, it shouldn’t take too long, I will arrange for coffee.” As Xiang was ordering the refreshments Park whispered, “What are Symbiants?” Xiang quietly assured him that it was a term of recognition of their mutually beneficial relationship with humans.
Re: SOLVED: Re: [opensuse-factory] Re: [opensuse-kernel] ZTE MF626 on openSUSE 11.3 Milestone 6 I guess it's kernel's module that switches device to modem mode. That's why userspace tool usb_modeswitch should not be needed anymore. don't you? Maybe you could create such a feature request on kernel's That depends. Opinions on this change about every week. During even WLAN stick) half a year ago and I finally gave up on the issue.
More common and more useful for the ambitious, however, is a milder form, the wish to escape that label by hiding or denying it. One of Washington’s most powerful figures during the 1980s was Richard Darman, who held a series of high-level government jobs including director of the Office of Management and Budget. Smart, competitive, and power-hungry, he would, a former colleague noted, “do anything to advance himself.” “If the cavalry is winning, he’s for Custer,” said another, “and if the Indians are winning, he’s for Sitting Bull.” Even by Washington’s standards, Darman’s self-manufacture was especially relentless as he quoted T. S. Eliot, referred to his blond Christian wife as having been “the most beautiful woman on the Radcliffe campus,” and called his photographic album “quintessentially American.” 53 Darman bragged about a supposedly aristocratic lineage in part to divert attention from his self-made Orthodox Jewish, Russian immigrant grandfather, who was for three decades president of his synagogue; from his father, who was a founder and president of another synagogue; and from his own bar mitzvah. But now Darman was an Episcopalian. He recounted a year spent at Oxford but omitted mentioning a degree from Boston University. Similarly, he spoke of growing up in a fancy Boston suburb but not of his first thirteen years spent in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. His anxious obsession about being normal, coupled with a self-consciousness about every such trait, revealed the artificiality of his pose, a point sensed in his WASP elite mentor Eliot Richardson’s evaluation: “Non-rational factors do not distort his view of anything… [he does not] allow his view of a situation to fall into a pattern or a mold imposed by convention … [and] instinctively understands the fallacy of believing that there is a real thing behind every label.”