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### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Titanium alloys shall not be used with LO2 or GO2 at any pressure or with air at oxygen partial pressures above 35 kPa (5 psia) ### Assistant: VARIABLE: air NEGATION: shall not CONDITION: at oxygen partial pressures above 35 kPa (5 psia) KEYWORD: with OR: or CAUSE_3: air at oxygen partial pressures above 35 kPa (5 psia) CAUSE_2: GO2 at any pressure CAUSE_1: LO2 EFFECT_1: Titanium alloys shall not be used ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: All cleaning fluids and other chemicals used during manufacturing and processing of titanium hardware shall be verified to be compatible with and not detrimental to the material’s performance ### Assistant: CONDITION: used during manufacturing AND: and NEGATION: not VARIABLE: other chemicals CAUSE_2: other chemicals used during manufacturing CAUSE_1: All cleaning fluids EFFECT_1: shall be verified to be compatible with EFFECT_2: not detrimental to the material’s performance CAUSE_3: processing of titanium hardware ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: GS should be designed so that copper is not exposed to hydrazine environments ### Assistant: KEYWORD: so that VARIABLE: GS NEGATION: is not CONDITION: should be designed CAUSE_1: GS should be designed EFFECT_1: copper is not exposed to hydrazine environments ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Copper has the potential for SCC when exposed to ammonia, which is a product of hydrazine decomposition ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Copper has the potential for SCC CAUSE_1: exposed to ammonia NOT_RELEVANT: which is a product of hydrazine decomposition KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: Copper CONDITION: exposed to ammonia ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Beryllium copper (UNS C17200) is commonly used for high-strength, nonsparking structural components in applications where it is subject to contact and wear ### Assistant: VARIABLE: structural components in applications KEYWORD: for CONDITION: is commonly used AND: and EFFECT_3: wear EFFECT_2: it is subject to contact CAUSE_1: high-strength, nonsparking structural components in applications NOT_RELEVANT: (UNS C17200) EFFECT_1: is commonly used ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Beryllium particles, beryllium oxide, and other beryllium compounds are toxic when inhaled ### Assistant: CONDITION: are toxic CAUSE_1: inhaled EFFECT_1: Beryllium particles EFFECT_2: beryllium oxide EFFECT_3: other beryllium compounds are toxic AND: and VARIABLE: beryllium oxide KEYWORD: when ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Tin solder and tin plating shall be alloyed with at least 3% lead to prevent the growth of tin whiskers ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: to prevent the growth of tin whiskers CAUSE_1: Tin solder CAUSE_2: tin plating shall be alloyed with at least 3% lead AND: and VARIABLE: the growth of tin whiskers CONDITION: to prevent ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Elastomers shall not have a corrosive effect on other materials when exposed to conditions normally encountered in service ### Assistant: CONDITION: have a corrosive effect on other materials KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: Elastomers NEGATION: shall not EFFECT_1: Elastomers shall not have a corrosive effect on other materials CAUSE_1: exposed to conditions normally encountered in service ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Examples include one-part silicones that liberate acetic acid when they are cured ### Assistant: CONDITION: are cured VARIABLE: one-part silicones KEYWORD: that CAUSE_1: they are cured EFFECT_1: liberate acetic acid NOT_RELEVANT: Examples include ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: NASA-TM-86556, Parts A and B, should be used in evaluating and selecting solid and liquid lubricants for GS ### Assistant: KEYWORD: in CAUSE_1: evaluating CAUSE_2: selecting solid CAUSE_3: liquid lubricants for GS AND: and EFFECT_1: NASA-TM-86556 EFFECT_2: Parts A EFFECT_3: B, should be used CONDITION: selecting VARIABLE: NASA-TM-86556 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Long-life performance should be considered when selecting lubricants ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Long-life performance should be considered CAUSE_1: selecting lubricants KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: lubricants CONDITION: selecting ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Use of lubricants near precision-cleaned hardware or electrical connections should be minimized or tightly controlled to prevent cross-contamination ### Assistant: VARIABLE: cross-contamination CAUSE_1: Use of lubricants near precision-cleaned hardware CONDITION: to prevent CAUSE_2: electrical connections should be minimized CAUSE_3: tightly controlled EFFECT_1: to prevent cross-contamination OR: or ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Lubricants containing chloro-fluoro compounds shall not be used with aluminum or magnesium ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Lubricants containing chloro-fluoro compounds EFFECT_1: shall not be used with aluminum OR: or EFFECT_2: magnesium CONDITION: containing chloro-fluoro compounds VARIABLE: Lubricants NEGATION: shall not ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Lubricants containing chloro-fluoro compounds shall not be heated above their maximum temperature rating ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Lubricants containing chloro-fluoro compounds CONDITION: be heated above their maximum temperature rating EFFECT_1: shall not be heated above their maximum temperature rating NEGATION: shall not VARIABLE: Lubricants ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Materials that are not expected to meet the design life requirements but must be used for functional reasons shall be identified as limited-life items in accordance with ### Assistant: KEYWORD: that NEGATION: are not CONDITION: shall be identified as limited-life items in accordance with AND: but VARIABLE: Materials CAUSE_1: are not expected to meet the design life requirements CAUSE_2: must be used for functional reasons EFFECT_1: shall be identified as limited-life items in accordance with ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The selection of parent materials and weld methods for GSE should be based on consideration of the weldments, including adjacent heat-affected zones, as they affect the operational capability of the parts concerned ### Assistant: KEYWORD: as CAUSE_1: they affect the operational capability of the parts concerned VARIABLE: weld methods for GSE CONDITION: adjacent heat-affected zones EFFECT_1: The selection of parent materials EFFECT_2: weld methods for GSE should be based on consideration of the weldments AND: and EFFECT_3: adjacent heat-affected zones ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Welding procedures should be selected to provide a weld of the required quality, use the minimum amount of energy, and protect the heated metal from contamination ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Welding procedures should be selected VARIABLE: the heated metal CONDITION: from contamination EFFECT_1: to provide a weld of the required quality EFFECT_2: use the minimum amount of energy AND: and EFFECT_3: protect the heated metal from contamination ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A WPS is always required, even if the procedure is considered to be prequalified by an applicable AWS standard ### Assistant: KEYWORD: even if CAUSE_1: the procedure is considered to be prequalified by an applicable AWS standard VARIABLE: A WPS CONDITION: is always required EFFECT_1: A WPS is always required ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Prior to the start of any production welding, all WPSs and procedure qualification records (PQRs) shall be approved by an M&P engineer authorized by NASA ### Assistant: NEGATION: Prior to CAUSE_1: the start of any production welding VARIABLE: procedure qualification records (PQRs) CONDITION: shall be approved by an M&P engineer authorized by NASA AND: and EFFECT_1: all WPSs EFFECT_2: procedure qualification records (PQRs) shall be approved by an M&P engineer authorized by NASA ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Prior to the start of production welding, each welder and welding operator shall be qualified ### Assistant: NEGATION: Prior to CAUSE_1: the start of production welding VARIABLE: welding operator CONDITION: shall be qualified AND: and EFFECT_1: each welder EFFECT_2: welding operator shall be qualified ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Prior to the start of any production welding, all welder/welding operator performance qualification (WPQ) shall be approved by an M&P engineer authorized by NASA ### Assistant: NEGATION: Prior to CAUSE_1: the start of any production welding VARIABLE: the start CONDITION: of any production welding EFFECT_1: all welder/welding operator performance qualification (WPQ) shall be approved by an M&P engineer authorized by NASA ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Soldering of electrical connections not exposed to vibration or thermal cycling shall be in accordance IPC J-STD-001 ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Soldering of electrical connections not exposed to vibration CAUSE_2: thermal cycling CONDITION: thermal cycling OR: or VARIABLE: Soldering of electrical connections NEGATION: not EFFECT_1: shall be in accordance IPC J-STD-001 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Soldering of electrical connections exposed to vibration or thermal cycling shall be performed in accordance with IPC J-STD-001ES ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Soldering of electrical connections exposed to vibration CAUSE_2: thermal cycling CONDITION: thermal cycling EFFECT_1: shall be performed in accordance with IPC J-STD-001ES OR: or VARIABLE: Soldering of electrical connections ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The procedure shall be repeated after any change in the forging technique ### Assistant: KEYWORD: after CAUSE_1: any change in the forging technique EFFECT_1: The procedure shall be repeated VARIABLE: any change CONDITION: in the forging technique ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Forging techniques should produce an internal grain-flow pattern parallel to the principal stresses, because mechanical properties are optimum in the direction of material flow during forging ### Assistant: KEYWORD: because CAUSE_1: mechanical properties are optimum in the direction of material flow during forging VARIABLE: Forging techniques CONDITION: should produce an internal grain-flow pattern parallel to the principal stresses EFFECT_1: Forging techniques should produce an internal grain-flow pattern parallel to the principal stresses ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Retesting of adhesives used for production parts is not required if they are within the manufacturer’s recommended shelf life ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Retesting of adhesives used for production parts is not required KEYWORD: if CAUSE_1: they are within the manufacturer’s recommended shelf life VARIABLE: Retesting of adhesives used for production parts CONDITION: required NEGATION: is not ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Adequate cleanliness inspections should be conducted during the fabrication part of the bonding process ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: the fabrication part of the bonding process VARIABLE: the bonding process CONDITION: the fabrication part of EFFECT_1: Adequate cleanliness inspections should be conducted ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: For GS interfaces with precision-cleaned fluid systems for flight, the supply interface/final filters shall be located as close to the flight hardware interface as possible ### Assistant: KEYWORD: For VARIABLE: the supply interface/final filters CONDITION: shall be located as close to the flight hardware interface as possible EFFECT_1: the supply interface/final filters shall be located as close to the flight hardware interface as possible CAUSE_1: GS interfaces with precision-cleaned fluid systems for flight ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When established, requirements for conformal coating should be stated in the design documentation ### Assistant: KEYWORD: for CONDITION: should be stated in the design documentation VARIABLE: requirements CAUSE_1: established CAUSE_2: conformal coating EFFECT_1: should be stated in the design documentation ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In noncritical applications, the designer should select from alloys that are highly resistant to SCC as specified in MSFC-STD-3029 ### Assistant: KEYWORD: In CONDITION: should select from alloys that are highly resistant to SCC as specified in MSFC-STD-3029 VARIABLE: the designer EFFECT_1: the designer should select from alloys that are highly resistant to SCC as specified in MSFC-STD-3029 CAUSE_1: noncritical applications ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When COTS items are selected, the designer should attempt to identify the materials used and determine if an SCC failure would be critical ### Assistant: KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the designer CONDITION: determine if an SCC failure would be critical AND: and EFFECT_1: the designer should attempt to identify the materials used EFFECT_2: determine if an SCC failure would be critical CAUSE_1: COTS items are selected ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The M&P authority’s signature or electronic approval of the design drawings constitutes approval to use the materials of the design in the intended application ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The M&P authority’s signature OR: or CAUSE_2: electronic approval of the design drawings EFFECT_1: constitutes approval to use the materials of the design in the intended application CONDITION: constitutes approval to use VARIABLE: electronic approval of the design drawings ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The entrained hydrogen reduces the ductility of the metal and load-bearing capacity, resulting in brittle fracture at stresses below the yield stress of susceptible materials ### Assistant: VARIABLE: brittle fracture CONDITION: at stresses below the yield stress of susceptible materials AND: and KEYWORD: resulting in CAUSE_1: The entrained hydrogen reduces the ductility of the metal CAUSE_2: load-bearing capacity EFFECT_1: brittle fracture at stresses below the yield stress of susceptible materials ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Test data may have to be generated in a simulated environment to support the approval rationale ### Assistant: CONDITION: to support VARIABLE: Test data EFFECT_1: to support the approval rationale CAUSE_1: Test data may have to be generated in a simulated environment ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The GS provider is responsible for providing all the necessary documentation to the using organization when the GS is delivered for use, regardless of who “owns” the GS at the time of delivery ### Assistant: KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: The GS provider CONDITION: is responsible for providing all the necessary documentation to the using organization CAUSE_1: the GS is delivered for use NOT_RELEVANT: regardless of who “owns” the GS at the time of delivery EFFECT_1: The GS provider is responsible for providing all the necessary documentation to the using organization ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law EFFECT_1: person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information NEGATION: does not VARIABLE: it CONDITION: display a currently valid OMB control number KEYWORD: if CAUSE_1: it does not display a currently valid OMB control number ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Interoperability is a key element, and ensures cooperation between the different domains ### Assistant: VARIABLE: Interoperability CONDITION: ensures CAUSE_1: Interoperability NOT_RELEVANT: is a key element, and EFFECT_1: ensures cooperation between the different domains ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: It is in this context that VICINITY may bridge the gap between domains by placing the ontology outside the physical domain (see task 2.1) ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (see task 2.1) VARIABLE: the ontology CONDITION: outside the physical domain KEYWORD: by CAUSE_1: placing the ontology outside the physical domain EFFECT_1: VICINITY may bridge the gap between domains ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If some proposed requirements cannot be met, either the architectural design or the requirements themselves need to be changed as previously described in section 3.1 ### Assistant: KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the requirements themselves CONDITION: need to be changed as previously described in section 3.1 NEGATION: cannot OR: or CAUSE_1: some proposed requirements cannot be met EFFECT_1: the architectural design EFFECT_2: the requirements themselves need to be changed as previously described in section 3.1 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The same happens if during the lifetime of the VICINITY projects, some of the requirements will change ### Assistant: VARIABLE: some of the requirements CONDITION: will change KEYWORD: if during CAUSE_1: the lifetime of the VICINITY projects CAUSE_2: some of the requirements will change EFFECT_1: The same happens ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When capacity is high and need is low, the price for sharing is normally low ### Assistant: KEYWORD: When VARIABLE: the price for sharing CONDITION: is normally low EFFECT_1: the price for sharing is normally low CAUSE_2: need is low CAUSE_1: capacity is high AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When capacity is low and need is high, the prices for sharing will be high ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the prices for sharing CONDITION: will be high AND: and KEYWORD: When EFFECT_1: the prices for sharing will be high CAUSE_1: capacity is low CAUSE_2: need is high ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: However, a lack of visualisation of consumption of resources and lack of accountability prevents these savings to be made ### Assistant: VARIABLE: these savings CONDITION: to be made AND: and NOT_RELEVANT: However CAUSE_1: a lack of visualisation of consumption of resources CAUSE_2: lack of accountability EFFECT_1: prevents these savings to be made ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As grids reach maximum use capacity or reach its exploitation limit, the importance of load management increases ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: the importance of load management increases VARIABLE: grids CONDITION: reach its exploitation limit OR: or KEYWORD: As CAUSE_1: grids reach maximum use capacity CAUSE_2: reach its exploitation limit ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Plans for solar panel cleaning based on condition of soiling as opposed to periodic cleaning, could be offered by solar panel operators in order to improve panels’ quality of service and reduce costs for cleaning ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Plans for solar panel cleaning based on condition of soiling NEGATION: as opposed to CONDITION: reduce CAUSE_2: as opposed to periodic cleaning VARIABLE: costs for cleaning NOT_RELEVANT: could be offered by solar panel operators KEYWORD: in order AND: and EFFECT_2: reduce costs for cleaning EFFECT_1: to improve panels’ quality of service ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A lack of internal resources, lack of commitment from the management, and regulatory compliance issues complicates this further, such that data protection and security by design will be a key driver ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: A lack of internal resources CAUSE_2: lack of commitment from the management AND: and VARIABLE: lack of commitment from the management CONDITION: will be a key driver CAUSE_3: regulatory compliance issues complicates this further KEYWORD: such that EFFECT_1: data protection EFFECT_2: security by design will be a key driver ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Other reader/detection units might be integrated when deemed necessary ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: deemed necessary KEYWORD: when EFFECT_1: Other reader/detection units might be integrated VARIABLE: Other reader/detection units CONDITION: deemed necessary ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Certain disabilities and lack of previous experience might affect the usability aspect ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Certain disabilities AND: and CAUSE_2: lack of previous experience CONDITION: lack of EFFECT_1: might affect the usability aspect VARIABLE: Certain disabilities ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In order for the demonstrations to be tested appropriately and effectively, a set of specific business requirements should be defined and followed ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: a set of specific business requirements should be defined AND: and CAUSE_2: followed CONDITION: to be tested appropriately VARIABLE: the demonstrations KEYWORD: In order for EFFECT_1: the demonstrations to be tested appropriately EFFECT_2: effectively ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Complex, inefficient devices might lead users to reduce their level of participation or even completely abandon them ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Complex, inefficient devices CONDITION: completely abandon them VARIABLE: users KEYWORD: might lead OR: or even EFFECT_1: users to reduce their level of participation EFFECT_2: completely abandon them ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Caretaker should have access to smart drug dispense usage statistics to be able to detect abnormal drug usages ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Caretaker should have access to smart drug dispense usage statistics EFFECT_1: to be able to detect abnormal drug usages VARIABLE: Caretaker CONDITION: to be able to detect abnormal drug usages ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Simple wearable devices should be supported for elderly people when their ability to operate smart phones or other technical equipment are limited ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Simple wearable devices should be supported for elderly people KEYWORD: when CAUSE_1: their ability to operate smart phones CAUSE_2: other technical equipment are limited OR: or CONDITION: should be supported for elderly people VARIABLE: Simple wearable devices ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Weather data from scientific equipment to municipalities could be shared by providers, hence municipalities may recommend maximum time of sun exposure to citizens ### Assistant: VARIABLE: municipalities CONDITION: may recommend maximum time of sun exposure to citizens KEYWORD: hence EFFECT_1: municipalities may recommend maximum time of sun exposure to citizens CAUSE_1: Weather data from scientific equipment to municipalities could be shared by providers ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The unsolicited access or operations in high-volumes can cause unavailability of the part or whole system ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The unsolicited access CAUSE_2: operations in high-volumes KEYWORD: can cause EFFECT_1: unavailability of the part OR: or EFFECT_2: whole system VARIABLE: the part CONDITION: unavailability of ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Describe the overall strategy for the organization level decisions on common bases for multiple project portfolio – when multiple system projects are running or planned to pursue the same business goal, the priority, relative positioning, and possible constraints come from the portfolio management strategy ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Describe the overall strategy for the organization level decisions on common bases for multiple project portfolio – KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: possible constraints CONDITION: come from the portfolio management strategy OR: or AND: and CAUSE_1: multiple system projects are running CAUSE_2: planned to pursue the same business goal EFFECT_1: the priority EFFECT_2: relative positioning EFFECT_3: possible constraints come from the portfolio management strategy ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Different uses have different needs, either because of the vehicles, or because of disabilities or other concerns with the passengers/drivers/owners ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: Different uses have different needs VARIABLE: other concerns with the passengers/drivers/owners CONDITION: have different needs OR: or KEYWORD: because of CAUSE_1: the vehicles CAUSE_2: disabilities CAUSE_3: other concerns with the passengers/drivers/owners ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Sensors that can detect occupancy of a parking space needs to send real time data ### Assistant: VARIABLE: Sensors KEYWORD: that CONDITION: needs to send real time data CAUSE_1: can detect occupancy of a parking space EFFECT_1: needs to send real time data ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As d throughout this report, the services are considered candidates for L–DACS if not implemented by the Data Comm program ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the services CONDITION: implemented by the Data Comm program KEYWORD: if NEGATION: not CAUSE_1: not implemented by the Data Comm program EFFECT_1: the services are considered candidates for L–DACS NOT_RELEVANT: As d throughout this report ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: When discussing an impact of introducing the new L-band system, it should be emphasized that the proposed L–DACS is designed to augment current operations and is not intended to replace any of the existing services ### Assistant: KEYWORD: When CONDITION: is designed to augment current operations NOT_RELEVANT: it should be emphasized that AND: and NEGATION: is not CAUSE_1: discussing an impact of introducing the new L-band system EFFECT_1: the proposed L–DACS is designed to augment current operations EFFECT_2: is not intended to replace any of the existing services VARIABLE: the proposed L–DACS ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The system shall enable G/A communication for fixed-to-mobile users ### Assistant: VARIABLE: fixed-to-mobile users CONDITION: shall enable G/A communication KEYWORD: for CAUSE_1: fixed-to-mobile users EFFECT_1: The system shall enable G/A communication ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Subtasks associated with interference analysis and testing were postponed due to FAA’s European partners schedule change ### Assistant: VARIABLE: FAA’s European partners schedule change CONDITION: were postponed AND: and KEYWORD: due to CAUSE_1: Subtasks associated with interference analysis CAUSE_2: testing EFFECT_1: were postponed CAUSE_3: FAA’s European partners schedule change ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Because many, if not most, NAS systems are not new, but rather, evolutionary improvements of existing NAS systems, a top-down process is not always appropriate ### Assistant: KEYWORD: Because many, if not most VARIABLE: a top-down process NEGATION: is not CONDITION: always appropriate AND: but rather EFFECT_1: a top-down process is not always appropriate CAUSE_1: NAS systems are not new CAUSE_2: evolutionary improvements of existing NAS systems ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the event of a control facility power loss, engine generators provide back- up power ### Assistant: KEYWORD: In the event of CAUSE_1: a control facility power loss VARIABLE: engine generators CONDITION: provide back- up power EFFECT_1: engine generators provide back- up power ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Based on the need to support the NAS critical services, A/G voice communications latency and availability performance requirements are fairly stringent ### Assistant: KEYWORD: Based on the need CONDITION: are fairly stringent VARIABLE: availability performance requirements AND: and EFFECT_1: to support the NAS critical services CAUSE_1: A/G voice communications latency CAUSE_2: availability performance requirements are fairly stringent ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Inability to handle multiple, simultaneous traffic management initiated trajectory changes is limited to single voice transmissions that are prone to miscommunications and may lead to system errors ### Assistant: VARIABLE: single voice transmissions KEYWORD: that CONDITION: may lead to system errors AND: and CAUSE_1: are prone to miscommunications CAUSE_2: may lead to system errors EFFECT_1: Inability to handle multiple, simultaneous traffic management initiated trajectory changes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The current communication system lacks the capabilities inherent in modern, network-based communications and therefore limits more efficient dynamic resource management ### Assistant: VARIABLE: more efficient dynamic resource management CONDITION: limits KEYWORD: and therefore EFFECT_1: limits more efficient dynamic resource management CAUSE_1: The current communication system lacks the capabilities inherent in modern, network-based communications ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The ITP service requires both the ACL and SURV services ### Assistant: VARIABLE: SURV services CONDITION: requires AND: and CAUSE_1: The ITP service EFFECT_1: the ACL EFFECT_2: SURV services ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The flight crew receiving the ITP instruction identifies the target aircraft using the CDTI and assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The flight crew CONDITION: assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure CAUSE_1: The flight crew receiving the ITP instruction AND: and EFFECT_1: identifies the target aircraft using the CDTI EFFECT_2: assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The M&S service requires both the ACL and SURV services ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The M&S service VARIABLE: The M&S service AND: both CONDITION: requires EFFECT_1: the ACL EFFECT_2: SURV services ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The aircraft performing the M&S instruction receives the SURV data from the target aircraft and displays position information on the CDTI ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The aircraft CONDITION: displays position information on the CDTI AND: and CAUSE_1: The aircraft performing the M&S instruction EFFECT_1: receives the SURV data from the target aircraft EFFECT_2: displays position information on the CDTI ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The flight crew receiving the M&S instruction assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The flight crew CONDITION: assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure CAUSE_1: The flight crew receiving the M&S instruction EFFECT_1: assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The C&P service requires both the ACL and SURV services ### Assistant: VARIABLE: SURV services CONDITION: requires AND: and EFFECT_1: the ACL CAUSE_1: The C&P service EFFECT_2: SURV services ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The aircraft performing the C&P instruction then receives the SURV data from the target aircraft and displays the position information on the CDTI ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The aircraft CONDITION: displays the position information on the CDTI KEYWORD: then AND: and CAUSE_1: The aircraft performing the C&P instruction EFFECT_1: receives the SURV data from the target aircraft EFFECT_2: displays the position information on the CDTI ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The flight crew receiving the C&P instruction assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The flight crew CONDITION: assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure CAUSE_1: The flight crew receiving the C&P instruction EFFECT_1: assumes separation responsibility with the target aircraft during the procedure ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The PAIRAPP service requires both the ACL and SURV services ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: The PAIRAPP service EFFECT_1: requires EFFECT_2: SURV services AND: both CONDITION: requires VARIABLE: The PAIRAPP service ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The flight crews assume separation responsibility with the partner aircraft during the procedure ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: The flight crews CAUSE_1: the procedure EFFECT_1: The flight crews assume separation responsibility with the partner aircraft CONDITION: assume separation responsibility with the partner aircraft ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Communications between the ANSP and the flight deck are established when the flight is activated and are maintained continuously and seamlessly ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the flight CONDITION: is activated KEYWORD: when CAUSE_1: the flight is activated EFFECT_1: Communications between the ANSP and the flight deck are established NOT_RELEVANT: and are maintained continuously and seamlessly ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In classic airspace where data communications will be available but not required, information exchange can take place with data communications for participating aircraft to provide an operational advantage ### Assistant: KEYWORD: where VARIABLE: information exchange CONDITION: can take place with data communications for participating aircraft to provide an operational advantage AND: but NEGATION: not EFFECT_1: information exchange can take place with data communications for participating aircraft to provide an operational advantage CAUSE_1: classic airspace CAUSE_2: data communications will be available CAUSE_3: not required ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Because of spectrum constraints in the aeronautical L-band, L–DACS should be built as a broadband system, potentially accommodating a wide array of applications and services that would otherwise be difficult, inefficient, or even impossible to implement ### Assistant: KEYWORD: Because of VARIABLE: L–DACS CONDITION: should be built as a broadband system NOT_RELEVANT: potentially accommodating a wide array of applications and services that would otherwise be difficult, inefficient, or even impossible to implement EFFECT_1: L–DACS should be built as a broadband system CAUSE_1: spectrum constraints in the aeronautical L-band ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The economic feasibility of an L–DACS, from the perspective of an ground infrastructure provider, was evaluated at a top level during the FCS Phase II project (Ref ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: the FCS Phase II project NOT_RELEVANT: from the perspective of an ground infrastructure provider VARIABLE: the FCS Phase II project CONDITION: was evaluated at a top level EFFECT_1: was evaluated at a top level ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Enhanced surveillance and new procedures enable the ANSP to delegate some responsibility for maintaining aircraft-to-aircraft separation to flight crews ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Enhanced surveillance CAUSE_2: new procedures EFFECT_1: enable the ANSP to delegate some responsibility for maintaining aircraft-to-aircraft separation to flight crews CONDITION: new VARIABLE: procedures AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Data communications is a key element of super-density operations, allowing the Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) to maximize access for all traffic, while adhering to the principle of giving advantage to those aircraft with advanced capabilities ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: Data communications is a key element of super-density operations KEYWORD: allowing EFFECT_1: the Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) to maximize access for all traffic NOT_RELEVANT: while adhering to the principle of giving advantage to those aircraft with advanced capabilities VARIABLE: Data communications CONDITION: is a key element of super-density operations ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Constraint information that impacts the proposed route of flight is incorporated into air navigation service provider (ANSP) automation, and is available to users ### Assistant: VARIABLE: Constraint information KEYWORD: that CONDITION: is available to users AND: and CAUSE_1: Constraint information EFFECT_1: is incorporated into air navigation service provider (ANSP) automation EFFECT_2: is available to users ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: OI 105207—Full Collaborative Decision Making: Timely, effective, and informed decision- making based on shared situational awareness is achieved through advanced communication and information sharing systems ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: OI 105207—Full Collaborative Decision Making: EFFECT_1: Timely KEYWORD: is achieved through CAUSE_1: advanced communication AND: and CAUSE_2: information sharing systems CONDITION: advanced VARIABLE: information sharing systems EFFECT_2: effective EFFECT_3: informed decision- making based on shared situational awareness ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: At the same time, “it is a challenging environment for aeronautical communications due to the aeronautical channel characteristics and the current usage of the band” (Ref ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (Ref. VARIABLE: the current usage of the band CONDITION: is a challenging environment for aeronautical communications KEYWORD: due to AND: and EFFECT_1: it is a challenging environment for aeronautical communications CAUSE_1: the aeronautical channel characteristics CAUSE_2: the current usage of the band ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: These challenges include the following d in the AP–17 Future Communications Study (FCS): “Estimated RMS delay spreads for this channel, on the order of 1.4 µs, can lead to frequency selective fading performance for some technologies ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: These challenges include the following d in the AP–17 Future Communications Study (FCS): VARIABLE: frequency selective fading performance for some technologies CONDITION: on the order of 1.4 µs KEYWORD: can lead to CAUSE_1: Estimated RMS delay spreads for this channel, on the order of 1.4 µs EFFECT_1: frequency selective fading performance for some technologies ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The proposed introduction of an L-band system will increase the overall capacity of the system and open up opportunities for addition of data services not provided under the Data Comm ### Assistant: VARIABLE: addition of data services CONDITION: provided under the Data Comm AND: and EFFECT_2: open up opportunities EFFECT_1: will increase the overall capacity of the system CAUSE_1: The proposed introduction of an L-band system KEYWORD: for NEGATION: not CAUSE_2: addition of data services not provided under the Data Comm ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Some of the aircraft operating in this normal (not High Performance (HP)) airspace are equipped with full 4-D trajectory-capable integrated data communications, while other aircraft have less capable data communications or lack ATC data capabilities and thus rely exclusively on voice ### Assistant: VARIABLE: other aircraft CONDITION: rely exclusively on voice OR: or KEYWORD: while EFFECT_1: rely exclusively on voice CAUSE_1: other aircraft have less capable data communications CAUSE_2: lack ATC data capabilities NOT_RELEVANT: Some of the aircraft operating in this normal (not High Performance (HP)) airspace are equipped with full 4-D trajectory-capable integrated data communications ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Aircraft not properly equipped continue to operate in normal (non-HPA) airspace ### Assistant: CONDITION: continue to operate in normal (non-HPA) airspace NEGATION: not VARIABLE: Aircraft CAUSE_1: Aircraft not properly equipped EFFECT_1: continue to operate in normal (non-HPA) airspace ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the controller determines the conflict-free routing is sub-optimal, the controller may revise the constraints and uplink them ### Assistant: KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the controller CONDITION: uplink them AND: and EFFECT_1: the controller may revise the constraints EFFECT_2: uplink them CAUSE_1: the controller determines the conflict-free routing is sub-optimal ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A proposed resolution will be sent to the aircraft via data communications upon the controllers review and acceptance ### Assistant: VARIABLE: acceptance CONDITION: will be sent to the aircraft via data communications KEYWORD: upon AND: and EFFECT_1: A proposed resolution will be sent to the aircraft via data communications CAUSE_1: the controllers review CAUSE_2: acceptance ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The controller assesses any proposed trajectory changes generated by traffic management initiatives ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The controller CONDITION: generated by traffic management initiatives CAUSE_1: generated by traffic management initiatives EFFECT_1: The controller assesses any proposed trajectory changes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Upon determination of a conflict-free trajectory the controller sends the new trajectory to the flight crew via data communications ### Assistant: KEYWORD: Upon VARIABLE: the controller CONDITION: sends the new trajectory to the flight crew via data communications EFFECT_1: the controller sends the new trajectory to the flight crew via data communications CAUSE_1: determination of a conflict-free trajectory ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In this scenario the flight crew responds with an alternative trajectory ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: this scenario EFFECT_1: the flight crew responds with an alternative trajectory VARIABLE: this scenario CONDITION: responds with an alternative trajectory KEYWORD: In ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As the aircraft approaches the Top of Descent position, the appropriate controller provides scheduled time of arrival information to the flight crew via data communications ### Assistant: KEYWORD: As CAUSE_1: the aircraft approaches the Top of Descent position VARIABLE: the appropriate controller CONDITION: provides scheduled time of arrival information to the flight crew via data communications EFFECT_1: the appropriate controller provides scheduled time of arrival information to the flight crew via data communications ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In conjunction with the ground automation handoff, which is done automatically unless the controller takes an extra action to reject it, data communications provides the next frequency to the flight crew, and transfers the data communications eligibility to the next sector or Center ### Assistant: CONDITION: takes an extra action to reject it NEGATION: unless VARIABLE: the ground automation handoff KEYWORD: which NOT_RELEVANT: data communications provides the next frequency to the flight crew, and transfers the data communications eligibility to the next sector or Center EFFECT_1: the ground automation handoff CAUSE_1: the controller takes an extra action to reject it ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: These are designed to operate over aviation-protected spectrum, so any COCR ATS service could be allowed to be implemented via one or the other of these links (as appropriate) ### Assistant: VARIABLE: any COCR ATS service CONDITION: the other of these links KEYWORD: so OR: or NOT_RELEVANT: (as appropriate) EFFECT_1: any COCR ATS service could be allowed to be implemented via one EFFECT_2: the other of these links CAUSE_1: These are designed to operate over aviation-protected spectrum ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: It is expected that the evaluation feedback will evolve as changes in airspace, and new information systems become integrated and available (Ref ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (Ref. VARIABLE: new information systems CONDITION: available KEYWORD: as AND: and EFFECT_1: the evaluation feedback will evolve CAUSE_1: changes in airspace CAUSE_2: new information systems become integrated CAUSE_3: available ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The executive controller intervenes if the situation requires action ### Assistant: KEYWORD: if VARIABLE: The executive controller CONDITION: intervenes EFFECT_1: The executive controller intervenes CAUSE_1: the situation requires action ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A new network connection is established between the aircraft and the remote domain ground system before the connection with the en route domain ground system is released ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the connection with the en route domain ground system CONDITION: is released NEGATION: before CAUSE_1: the connection with the en route domain ground system is released EFFECT_1: A new network connection is established between the aircraft and the remote domain ground system ### END
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