On which side of the photo is the white bag? Left.
Is the sign different in color than the shirt? No.
Is the large motorcycle to the left of a helmet? No.
Is the seat different in color than the shirt? Yes.
Is the blue helmet to the left or to the right of the motorcycle that is not little? Left.
Do the seat and the coat have a different colors? No.
Is the man on the left side or on the right of the photo? Right.
Is the vest red or white? Red.
What is the man wearing? Vest.
Are these scooters or motorcycles? Motorcycles.
Are there motorcycles or glasses that are dark? Yes.
Are any babies observable in the image? No.
Is the motorbike that is to the right of the helmet small and dark? No.
On which side of the picture is the helmet? Left.
Are there both bags and coats in this photo? Yes.
Rows of motor bikes and helmets in a city
A lot of motorbikes line up down a busy street.
Large set of motorcycles all lined up down a street.
A large group of motorcycles lined up on the street.
A series of motorbikes parked in a row on a street
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
motorcycle parked in a row
colorful motorcycle helmet
light of the red motorcycle
man in red vest
man in white shirt
yellow building with windows
sign on the building
multiple black motorcycles
man with black coat on
black seat of motorcycle
suzuki logo on motorcycle
People in the background are walking
A large group of motobikes
The Motorbikes are parked
A helmet in the foreground
Person is wearing a black shirt
Person is wearing black pants
Person is wearing a white shirt
Building in the background are connected
Motorbikes are in two rows
Building has a red sign
several motorcycles parked together
a open umbrella
several signs hanging from buildings
a man with black hair
a black helmet
a man wearing a red and white shirt
a man wearing a white shirt
a helmet with a blue face shield
a yellow building
rear view mirror on a motorcycle
Red and white sign on side of building.
Blue motorcycle parked on street
Plaid umbrella on street.
Man wearing a red vest.
Black helmet sitting on motorcycle.
Man carrying white shopping bag.
Man wearing watch on left wrist.
Black motorcycle seat.
Black t-shirt on man.
Store front in background.
When is the picture taken? In the daytime.
Where are the helmets? On the bikes.
Where are the motorbikes? Parked on the street.
What are the people doing? Walking.
Who is wearing a red vest? A man on the right.
What color are the motorbike seats? Black.
How are the motorbikes parked? In rows.
What are the people in the picture doing? Walking.
How many bikes have helmets? 2.
What brand of bike can you see? Suzuki.
A cute kitten is sitting in a dish on a table.
A small white cat on a large bowl.
A small kitten is sitting in a bowl.
A cat is curled up in a bowl
A kitten is sitting in a bowl on a table.
Is this a clean or messy person? Messy.
How much does this little itty bitty kitty weigh? 5.
Where is the kitten? Bowl.
What is the color of his hair? Brown.
Is the man drinking or playing? Drinking.
What is he doing? Drinking.
A man getting a drink from a water fountain that is a toilet.
A boy drinking water from a toilet water fountain.
A young man drinking from a water fountain in the shape of a toilet.
A young person has his face close to the toilet bowl.
A man taking a drink from a water fountain.
a man drinking from a bidet
a man's shadow on a bidet
dark brown hair on a man's head
an orange sign near a bidet